#they asked if I speak english
vasattope · 1 year
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marsmarbles · 4 months
i shall ask for desert duo or ranchers pleaseeeeeeee
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Also here’s what I’ve came up with for my Tango design. I wanted to give him something close to a buzz cut because Tango is bald irl and I like taking inspiration from the content creators’s irl appearances.
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royalarchivist · 2 days
Pac: I can't keep doing this, I can't do this– [Laughs] I can't do this anymore— What is this, man?!
If you didn't see Pac suffering in Sims earlier today, here's a (translated & subtitled) compilation of some silly Sims Hideduo moments that made poor Pac look like he was questioning all his life choices.
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temeyes · 1 month
Random but I just dreamt of Soap being a taho vendor
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huy mare, let's be real. Soap would be a conyo-ass taho vendor.
(non-filos, here's a [vid] so you'd get what i mean by "conyo" HSAHSHASH)
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natcat5 · 10 months
*stares up at ceiling* choosing eradication of language as the cornerstone of the song for the 'Violence' circle of hell....
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outer-edges · 5 months
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mariamlovesyou · 6 months
it really speaks to how disregarded bisan must feel when as she's expressing in arabic in her live vid how frustrated she is that she has to speak english all the time in her videos, half of the comments were all "can you speak english so i can understand"
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Just had a hilarious thought.
Yes, Alastor is attracted to power. But his coming to that realization was not prompted by Lucifer or even Vox.
It was seeing Zestial!
Imagine: He first arrives in Hell, and he's still building up for his big reveal, and then sees Zestial putting on some impressive power display and was like: Oh.
Z was his first aesthetic crush. Thankfully a passing one, but it explains why he respects him so much.
It puts a whole new spin on his reaction to Zestial appearing in front of him on the street in Episode 3. Then his immediate order for the EggBois to shush, despite barely tolerating them before. "Shut up, he needs to think I'm cool."
Okay, okay, okay, I got, like, 3 messages side by side the other day (including this one), that involves Vox as well, and I've been super sick the last few days, so I read this in my migraine, dehydrated addled state and cooked up an entire backstory with Alastor and Vox, which includes Alastor's attraction to power (and his previous attraction to Zestial), and his falling out with Vox, and why they are what they are, and Velvette was in there somewhere, but now that I'm not longer sick I only have fragments of that glorious, complex, multi-faceted, super emotionally charged relationship, and I'm pretty sure most of it spawned from this.
That's all to day, I am so so SO fucking on board with Alastor's first crush being Zestial because when I watched episode three when it aired, and saw them interact and my first thought was "I ship it."
Literally, I shipped Alastor/Zestial before StaticRadio or AppleRadio. Alestial was my first Hazbin ship 😂 So this is just dasdfjlnsaklfjna YESSSSSSSSSS
"Shut up, he needs to think I'm cool." It's okay, Alastor. Zestial thinks your the coolest. Your the most entertaining Overlord on the block. He told me himself.
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yunyin · 2 years
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A commission for Musica's fic A Ring for a Lady, where Adrien finds out his father's identity... and runs.
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
There is something deeply funny to me about the fact that, of people who pray the rosary (at least in the United States); the Catholics tend to be super conservative, and the Episcopalians/Anglicans tend to be gay.
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atthebell · 7 months
i think people really do not understand what's going on with carre guys he speaks english he just doesn't want to talk to them most of the time and like roier he does prefer to speak spanish
like i think you might be getting confused because cellbit kept speaking spanish to him but cellbit likes to speak spanish with all the spanish speakers (not just roier-- he does it with max and pol as well) because he doesn't like english being the default
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apopcornkernel · 1 month
since you're so interested in filipino language, does it follow the structure of [subject + verb + object + extension] like english or does it break that structure? in bangla, we have the [subject+ verb + object + extension] but we also break that structure so basically we can have [subject + object + verb]. for example, we can use both "ami take dekhte chaina" which roughly translated is "i her don't want to see" based on how the sentence is structured. this is why i have such a hard time trying to follow the english structure of subject-verb-object and sometimes end up mixing both structures
to use your same example, the tagalog equivalent would be "ayaw ko siyang makita" or "ayaw kong makita siya" = i don't want to see them.
ayaw ko siyang makita: don't want (modifier) - my (subject) - them (object) - see (verb)
ayaw kong makita siya: don't want (modifier) - my (subject) - see (verb) - them (object)
the -ng suffix, which basically means that it's modifying, is shifted around according to the sequence of words ^^ it's kinda hard to explain in text sorry and im already super offtrack 😭
honestly, I'm not very equipped to discuss tagalog conjugation, because 1) my first and best language is english, and 2) it's so complex 😭 once saw a white guy discussing it here actually, its all in english!! ↓
so back to your original question: does tagalog follow the structure of [subject + verb + object + extension] like in english?
my answer would be a yes, with caveat, because it's possible for a tagalog sentence to fall into this structure BUT there are many ways to structure a sentence in the first place
for your sample sentence of "i don't want to see her", i can't think of an un-nonsense way to fit it into that structure 😭 ayaw ko siyang makita/ayaw kong makita siya is the most natural way to say it imo. "ako ay (I am) ayaw (dont want) makita (see) siya (them)" sounds so weird
but hey, i could be wrong—disclaimer again, this is my 2nd language and not my 1st sgjdmfjf
i also struggle answering your question because it's kinda broad hsjdhdnd if you want a follow up maybe a more specific one would be easier 😓 unfortunately i wasnt able to pursue linguistics so i lack a lot of technical knowledge and terms which might have made this easier for us both huhu </3
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lord-pain · 5 months
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I think a lot of how Paul was more phisically willing to touch John in their early days (or that's just what it seems to me). I can't stop thinking of how he was extra flirty and didn't seem to care about coming across as gay, until he started to look completely afraid of touching men. I like to think young Paul knew that John found him atractive and he loved it
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
one thing that i think we should talk more about is marc & vale's different manipulation techniques. idk if manipulation is the right term, at least for marc it's mostly about how he approaches the media
I think when marc was really young in the beginning of his career he was very honest with the journalist as he was excited to be a rookie for example and didn't have any bad feelings to hide. but i think he learned a lot from 2015, he progressively started to alternate moments of real and brutal honesty and even vulnerability to moments of (fake)politeness so that he can act as angel to the media while still being a menace on track and still be seen as someone who's brutally honest. (I'm not criticizing him, this is a smart move and nobody is honest all the time) obviously this happens a lot more with non-spanish media where he tries to appear less threatening
and then there's vale...vale who established himself when he was REALLY young has a funny guy, a lovable leader who's not afraid of saying what he thinks because he's aware of his charisma. he always knew how to work the media for some reason and in 2015 but also with every other rivarly he had he knew he could be as mean or cunty or corny as he wanted cause he had all the italian journalists wrapped around his finger. true marvel supervillain shit, iconic
yeah i see what you mean it IS manipulation but they also live and work in such a ruthlessly public arena that i can’t ever blame them for it like it’s not necessarily a bad thing that they know how to play the game and protect themselves a lil…
it’s also interesting in relation to each other i think. like marc IS very careful never to say bad things that can be used as sound bites about valentino and vale (WITH NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS IN THE PAST LOL) makes an effort to do the same… they’re both always reframing and changing the subject and dodging the question… vale gets asked about marc on the ducati and says yeah he’s fast lets talk about BEZZ. marc gets asked to name valentino’s strengths and weaknesses and says well he’s charismatic and has no weaknesses. marc gets asked about vale’s retirement gives a loooong spiel about vale being a huge part of motogp then essentially says yeah he hates me but i don’t have any problems and wish him the best :) like he orients himself in such a way as to make the feud seemed one sided which hmmm i don’t know about that anymore lol… truly marc only furthers their beef under specific and controlled circumstances ie his documentary (almost NEVER to the press writ large that’s why that misano press scrum had me like 👀) and vale is the same (podcasts are the optimal time for a deranged monologue). BUT he also sometimes furthers it when he’s just the angriest little motorcycle racer the world has ever seen and his temper gets the best of him. they’re too media trained for anything else
anyways all this to say is that they would both make such excellent hunger games victors…
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xinyuehui · 5 months
Hello there! do you still have an older version of evolwallpaper? I was late to the party and I can't install it properly anymore T_T
Hi anon, unfortunately I no longer have the old .exe 😩 I checked weibo, other users in China are having problems with it as well, my conclusion to this is that it's a broken app full of bugs, probably got nothing to do with regions (ノへ ̄、)
Babe because of your ask, I spent good 5 hours tonight trying to debug it, because I insist we all get the dynamic wallpapers!!!
Original guide // Deepspace PC guide
By the end of this tutorial, we should have a video like this applied to our computer wallpaper:
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There's Nikki, MLQC, Deepspace and The Perceiver wallpapers.
New guide:
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Same step as before, download this but don't install yet!
The following was actually hidden in their Q&A, you'll also need this for it to run, download the runtime version.
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After you install the .NET Framework 4.8 go ahead and try to install the PAPERWALL .exe
→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you get this error message, ugh congratulations, this is where I tried about 67 solutions for hours just so you don't have to
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It's weird, because at this point, the thing have successfully installed on your local drive but it won't run.
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Let's go back a step, if you open the .exe again, take note of where it's at on your computer. For me you can see that it's in the C drive, I presume it'll be the same for you.
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Find the folder, open it
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Open the app
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→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you get the same error message, read on:
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If the images haven't loaded in the 1.0.1 version it will most likely going to crash when you try to do anything on it, so read on:
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Let go back to the C drive
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We are gonna move this somewhere else, if you have a hard drive, paste it to your hard drive, if you have another drive on your pc, you can move it to the other drive. BUT DO NOT MOVE IT TO YOUR DESKTOP!!!! Because we practice good computer hygiene 🙏
Once you've moved everything away, open it back up and try to install it again in your new file location
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→ If it works, great! We solved the problem!! 🎉 (You can skip to the section on the bottom on how to use the app)
→ If you still get the same error message, I will send my portfolio to Paper Games to be a software developer in their office and write a new app
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Once you get it running *fingers crossed* move the entire folder back to your C drive if you moved it to your hard drive, unless your hard drive is plugged in all the time.
If for whatever reason you get the "access to the path is denied" error message, try the right click and select the "Run as administrator" option.
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For easy access:
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Go onto your desktop, or wherever you want to access it from quickly and paste shortcut!! Remember it's the shortcut!!
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How to use the app
The UI has changed a little since the original one, but it's easy to navigate.
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Change the language to English, it should reboot the app
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From here it's self explanatory
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For good computer hygiene you might want to double check where the wallpapers are stored and change directory if needed.
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If you're like me and have 2 monitors, this is what it'll look like with the wallpapers applied and the game opened, looks like I need a 3rd monitor for Shen Xinghui ⭐
(Desktop icons should show up, I just don't have icons on the desktop)
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If you still have problems, check your PC specifications against the following that were recommended on the official site:
System: Windows10 or above
RAM: 1024MB or above
Processor: 1.66Hz Intel i5 or above
Graphics: HD Graphics 4000 or above
DirectX: 10
Secret third thing: you might be able to run it and have the lovely wallpapers but it suddenly goes glitchy or black screen... that's because of the faulty app, I've seen people mention it on weibo, it's not just you 😔
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Feel free to drop me an ask with images if you still run into problems, hope this helps, until next time~ (✿◠‿◠)
Check out this tag for already answered questions #/wallpaper woes
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This is very silly but I love when people are speaking/typing in another language and throw a little English in fun. Like (German German German) OKAY BUT (back to German)
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