#they both deserve BETTER
messrsbyler · 1 year
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robespapier · 1 month
Things Jacques Ravenne, author of La Chute, a French Revolution novel set on the 8, 9 and 10 Thermidor published in 2020, should be guillotined for:
1. Robespierre saying his sister Charlotte was "never beautiful nor intelligent" in a conversation with Bonbon about Charlotte and Fouché
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2. Eleonore Duplay being in love with Robespierre and going to the Convention to see him give speeches but being described as "not caring about politics" (she just likes seeing Robespierre be applauded):
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"Is he a friend of Maximilien ?" asked Eleonore, who had no interest in politics"
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mvmnbnv · 7 days
these two are the only ones that mean anything to me atp
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st4r-t3ars · 8 months
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Sleepy cuddles time
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victoriademedici · 6 months
My mother had abdominal surgery the same week as Catherine and for an enlarged organ, like Charles. She took 6 weeks off work and even now still isn’t 100%. I can’t imagine her being abused by people on the internet, the media, anyone close to her trying to violate her private medical information and invalidate her as a respectable human being.
When I got the notification on my phone that said Catherine had cancer, I already felt bad because of what she’s had to endure while recovering from a surgery—and with so much stress that surely hasn’t made recovering any easier—but also now more than ever because she also has to deal with this. And with 3 young children. My mother has 3 children: a 24-year-old and 2 teenagers, and it’s bad enough to lose your mother at those young ages but at 5, 8, and 10 is just the one of the worst positions you can be put in. I can’t even fathom how hard it must have been to find the right time and words to break it down for them gently with such limited time and ways to share this news to children this young.
And for William, my heart is really breaking for him too. He lost his mother at such a young age and has seen so many people around him suffer and cause him to suffer by burdening him with so much, he must be feeling so much pain and guilt right now. And with an older father, your only living parent, that also has cancer is just hell. I know they’re rich and live in a palace and all that but he is in a very unfortunate position right now and I applaud how good of an attitude and great sense of dignity he has had since the day he was born despite all he’s endured. I know I crap on him a lot for things like his work ethic but I do admire how strong he is and always has been, his family has all my support.
And to the people backtracking all the conspiracy theories and hate now that we all know she has cancer, y’all are some two-faced motherfuckers and even if she didn’t have cancer it was never ok to act how you all did before. Someone else’s pain should not be entertained, you should all be ashamed of yourselves, able to have your own privacy and peace when it comes to your health while being vultures to a recovering mother going through chemotherapy.
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space--butterflies · 1 year
not to be a bitch, but it's feeling more and more like the fandom is reducing/has reduced Hunter to just being Willow's boyfriend Caleb, and nothing else lately.
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dracocheesecake · 5 months
Kai and the Chameleon:
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She would love to bite those floppy ears
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wusialaforeva · 1 month
Really nice article (in German) about the importance of players like Chris Kramer and Leon Goretzka, who don‘t only play soccer, but also voice opinions and take their status as role models seriously.
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strangeasf · 9 months
Booth get a nerve to proposed to Hannah (who too good for him let be honest) when she said multiple times that she doesnt wanna get married, and then get pissed when she says no. He goes and cry that oh maybe something wrong with me I'm so nice and women don't want me. And we as an audience supposed to feel sorry for him? Like.. no. He IS the fucking problem! He dont listening! Like grow up, you have a gorgeous woman with you and you throw away great relationship you have just because you expected she's what? suddenly change her mind? god it pissed me off
Honestly Hannah and Brennan should've ditched his ass and be together.
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darkcrowprincess · 8 months
Why the gods fucking suck, especially Hermes:
You leave your child with a mentally unstable woman, that you had a hand in causing because you fucking had to fuck a mortal woman! You just leave them like that! At the very least, the least you can fucking do is let Luke grow up in camp, or get adopted by another family. And put May in a mental institution so she can get proper care. But no, you leave them! WITH NO FUCKING HELP AT ALL! No wonder Luke hated you. Your kid ends up on the streets, finally goes to safe place and finds out you do the same thing to your other kids. After watching his friends die in front of him. No wonder he wants to destroy the gods. If you don't brainwash them into the cult mentality that all the gods are right and just and know what they're doing their would be millions of demigod kids going after all your asses. They are so lucky something like this didn't happen sooner. You basically gifted wrapped Luke to Kronos. Just I'm so fucking pissed off just thinking about it. 😤 😡🤬.
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(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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suckmyballshoney · 2 months
Great job McLaren, great job
Lando is gonna resent all of you for the rest of the season and Oscar’s first win is gonna be tainted forever
Perfect race really
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annachum · 10 months
During the June Rebellion,
Both Eponine and Cosette are sometimes ' at war with themselves '
While Eponine's ' war ' is external - scraping for her siblings, literally often physically fighting against her abusers, often resorting to violence as a form of self defense ( and that includes biting and stabbing ), carrying defense weapons wherever she went, even dressing up as a man to sneak into the June Rebellion barricades to help protect Marius
Cosette's ' war ' is internal - battling the trauma demons inside her head at times, fighting to keep peace with herself, literally passionately choosing a more peaceful lifestyle, and sometimes internally battling her inner demons
Both Eponine and Cosette also have a teetering danger to repeat a similar cycle as their biological mothers
Madame Thenardier is one of cruelty and hate
Fantine is one of suffrage, love and martyrdom
Luckily for many, Eponine and Cosette don't have to repeat a similar cycle as their bio mothers
Eponine's story became one of redemption
Cosette's story became one of hope
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liliesandparchment · 4 months
Aight gotta be honest, never related to Penelope as a character much besides being a writer and being short. Even when it comes to friendships, im more of an Eloise. But what made me cry in S03E01 Bridgerton was the first event of the season. Pen sees Eloise and she puts her arm into Cressida’s and they start walking and the jealousy and the hurt the betrayal on her face fucking sucks but its the walk for me, it got me in the feels cuz the delayed response stumbling walk behind Eloise with that face because she doesn’t know what to do with herself at an event other than follow Eloise its too natural at this point and i have been that person and itHURTS like a bitch and El sees her following out of her eye and keeps turning to keep her in sight despite not wanting anything to do w her she’s unable to stop too until Pen stops herself honestly most painful 10 smthn seconds of TV I’ve ever watched IT KILLED ME
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
The older members of the Party and the younger members of the Party are siblings, so it's incest if you ship them. Can we just give Max the older siblings she deserves without shipping them? I mean, really. Also, if you ship Max with Billy, her abuser, then you're fucked in the head. Max really deserves better from this fandom as well as Lucas, especially by those who want them both to suffer. You can say you're not racist all you want, but the fact that Billy gets praised for "protecting his sister", which is total bullshit by the way, and Lucas is the one that's in the wrong for trying to deal with his first girl crush. . .you're fucking racist. Billy grabbed Max's arm. That's canon, so that's physical abuse. He pushed Lucas against a wall. . .abuse. He ignored what was going on around him and was pissed off that Max disobeyed him. He didn't even make sure she was okay, just focused on Lucas and that she disobeyed him by spending time with a "person like him." By the way, that's a racist thing to say. And Dacre Montgomery never said that Billy wasn't racist. He just said that he didn't want to say slurs to Caleb which is fucking fair. You claim you give a shit that Billy was abused, but I don't think you really care. Neil Hargrove was probably abused as well, but I don't see any of you lusting after him. The fact is that you don't care that Billy was abused, but you use that to pretend like you're not shallow and that the only thing you care about is how pretty he is. The proof is that you constantly ignore how abusive he is towards Max, a child, and some of you get mad at Max for wanting the abuse to stop. The truth is that Dacre Montgomery is probably more scared of the Billy fans than the ones who hate Billy. At least, some of the people who hate Billy recognize Dacre's acting abilities rather than focus on how pretty he is. Dacre wanted you to hate his character but still sympathize with him and lot of you have fucking missed that. He didn't go so fucking hard in acting like a psychopath for you guys to just drool over him like a dog in heat.
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chissjedi · 1 year
Ahsoka taking in Sabine as an apprentice is not an inherently bad decision. Ahsoka taking the role as a mentor is fine. They both could learn a lot from each other.
It is the use of the term Padawan that is wrong.
Ordinary people use apprenticeships to train and teach before becoming a master of an art. Even the Sith use that method and terminology.
However, Padawan is a very specific term used exclusively within the Jedi Order. Using this term liberally, incorrectly, could be considered cultural appropriation.
And Sabine's relationship to her Mandalorian heritage was a key part of her story in Rebels. She was strongly invested in preserving their art and history.
Pushing Sabine into a Jedi lifestyle is not only unnecessary, but disrespectful to both cultures and her character development.
I am not saying a Mandalorian cannot also be a Jedi; that is exactly what Grogu's story is about! But, for these characters with this background, it is inappropriate and pointless.
Maybe if we get more insight into Sabine and Ahsoka's history together and her rumored sensitivity it will be okay, but right now it makes me very uncomfortable.
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sonspurs · 7 months
okay now that the controversy is mostly over and both parties have given public statements on what happened. @ the kfa you are not fucking slick. sonny & kangin are the top two star players and it is so obvious you let the media drag their names through the mud and blame the team's loss on internal discord just to save your own asses. it is VERY telling that instead of protecting their players the kfa let the media do whatever they want, which conveniently drowned all the buzz about fans wanting the president and klinsmann to both resign. like. we are not stupid.
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