#they both have great outfits but jacob steals the show for me
sophsun1 · 2 years
Seriously Jacob gets THE best outfits on the show the wardrobe and costume design is stellar in general but every episode my eyes are drawn to what he's wearing. It always looks 10/10, compliments him beautifully and makes his features pop, no wonder the cast/crew were always telling him how great he looked like how could you not notice.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 7 - Embry Call x Reader
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Graduation Party
I roll over in bed, waking up once again to an empty pillow to the side of me. 
I was getting used to Embry falling asleep with me, though I don’t think I would ever get used to him not being there when I woke up, the lonely feeling it left behind was quite intense. 
 I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I walk over to my desk to find the usual good morning note from Embry. 
I take the note and put it in a little box, with the others I’ve saved from him. 
I look over at the time, seeing it to be only a little before 8:00. I decided that I should probably join my dad downstairs for some cereal and chatting before he heads off to work on this fine Friday morning. 
“Hey dad.” I walk down the stairs and greet him in the kitchen. 
“Hey kid. Leah was here last night?” He asks, taking a bite of his frosted flakes. 
“Yeah, we watched some movies and talked, caught up a bit.” I grab a bowl to pour my own. 
I sit down at the table across from him, taking a bite of my cereal. 
“So what’s going on tonight, any big plans for the weekend?” He asks me. 
“Yeah, I’m actually going to Bella’s graduation party tonight.” I smile at him. 
“That sounds like fun, Billy mentioned that to me. The guys are going, too, right?” He asks me with a slight face of concern.
“Yes, dad. They’ll be there. What’re you worried about?” I laugh. 
“I worry about everything, I’m a dad.” He chuckles. 
“Alright there, dad. There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob, Quil, and Embry are going. I’m the tag along. Nothing usually gets past them.” I laugh. 
“No, not usually. They all really shot up since we left.” His eyes widen, soft laughter escaping his lips. 
“I know, it’s crazy. I can’t believe it.” 
“How tall is Jacob now? Him and Embry are really up there.” 
“Jake is 6’7 and Embry is 6’4.” I take another bite. 
“Wow. When’re you gonna grow?” He laughs. 
“Hey, relax there. Not all of us hit insane growth spurts.” I defend. 
“I know. Just messing with you.” 
“Yeah, I get it. Bully your daughter. Ha ha.” I smirk.
“Oh stop. You know I love you more than anything.” He gets up to put his bowl in the sink, nudging my shoulder on his way over. 
“I know, I love you, too.” 
“So how’s the Embry thing going on?” He asks. 
“Pretty good.” I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks. 
“I’m really glad it was Embry, honestly. He’s a good kid.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“He is.” My cheeks still held that red tint. 
“Well, I should get going now. I’ll see you later, if not-- enjoy the party and keep in touch.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving. 
I finish my cereal and clean it up. 
Heading up the stairs I feel a little tired still from the night before. I lay back in bed to relax, maybe play on my phone for a bit. 
I unlock my phone and see some messages from the guys. 
“We’re gonna pick you up at 7. Be ready.” - Jake
“Good morning, bean. I love you and I can’t wait to see you today. Can I come over before the party?” - Embry
“(Y/N) important question. Do you think that snails are animals? Are slugs just homeless snails? I saw one on my porch last night and it’s keeping me up. Lmk what you think.” - Quil 
I shake my head, wondering why I even have a phone in the first place. I decide to text them all back. 
“You got it, chief.” 
“Good morning, Em. I love you, too. Come over whenever you can :)” 
“According to google, snails are basically octopuses. I don’t know about the slugs, though, bud. Do some research and keep me posted.” 
I laugh as I put my phone on my nightstand, walking over to my mirror. 
I look myself up and down, in my pajama shorts and a band t-shirt from a concert Embry and I went to three years ago in Port Angeles. I remember it like it was just yesterday. 
Embry and I walked around the venue after the show, passing by the merch table to take a peak. 
“Oh wow, that shirt’s pretty cool, look.” I point to him. 
“It is, why don’t you get it?” He asks. 
“I don’t know, I really shouldn’t buy it. My dad would get annoyed at me for buying another band tee.” I shrug my shoulders in disappointment, as I usually get a shirt at every show we went to. 
“Ah, that’s fair. Sorry, bean.” He pats me on the back. 
“It’s alright, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” I let him know and he walks me over to the bathroom before entering the men’s room himself. 
I walk out a few moments later to see a smiling Embry, holding onto his backpack straps. 
“You ready to catch the train back?” I ask.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He smiles.
We make our way back to the train station and sit down, beginning our hour and a half journey. 
“Hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” I look up into his sweet brown eyes, filled with excitement. 
“So I got that shirt. I really liked it and I kinda wanted to add it to my collection. I just don’t want you to be upset with me.” He looks at me, pursing his lips. 
“No I’m not mad, Em. Why would I be mad at you? You’ll look great in it. You always get a shirt, we have our concert shirt collection going on.” I smile up at him, kinda kicking myself for not buying one to keep the tradition-- though not wanting to be lectured by my dad for it being a “waste of money.” 
“Great, I didn’t think you’d be mad. Especially because I got you one, too.” He smiles, reaching into his bag. 
“Embry! Why would you do that? Don’t spend your money on me.” I scold, trying to hide the blushing and insane smiling from appearing on my face. 
“Oh, shut up. You wanted the shirt, I wanted to get you the shirt. We both got what we wanted.” He smiles. 
“But, Emb-” 
“No, shh. Just say thank you and wear it.” He smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 
“Thank you, Em.” I look up into his eyes, not even attempting to hide my severe blushing. 
“Anything for you, bean.” He smiles. 
I hold the shirt in my hands, clutching it excitedly. A yawn escapes my lips but I try to fight it back.
“You can lay on my shoulder, take a nap. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He smiles. 
I nod, placing my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.
I observe how long it is for me, as he bought it in his size because “it’s just cuter that way” as he would say. 
Sitting down on my bed, I unlock my phone to see the responses from Embry and Quil, Jake only gave my message a thumbs up. 
“I’m on my way, should be there in a few minutes :)” - Embry 
“I’m on it.” - Quil 
I smirk before I make my bed and try to tidy up my room, just what I teased Embry about yesterday. 
A few minutes into me cleaning, I hear my phone going off. It was Embry texting me that he was here and to let him in. 
I jog down the stairs and open the door to see an excited Embry. 
“Good morning.” He picks me up in his arms and spins me around. 
“Hey there, Embry.” I giggle into his neck.
He places me back on the floor and I lead him upstairs. 
We get into my room and I notice his staring. 
“Is something wrong?” I ask him, eyes widening in nervousness. 
“No, no. God no. I just-- you look cute like that. I just, I like your outfit.” He stumbles upon his words. 
“Thank you, Em.” I blush. 
“I’m glad I got you it in my size. Maybe you should just switch over to my clothes completely. I think that would work.” He flirts, smiling like the goof that he is. 
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll steal some more of your hoodies soon.” I smirk.
“I can’t even complain.” He leans down kissing me softly. 
The kiss once again, as all the rest, felt like electricity shot through my entire body. I felt my knees going weak.
Emby’s hand on my hips felt like absolute heaven, making out with him was a rush, it felt like heaven on earth. 
He pulls away, placing his forehead on my own.
“Hi.” He breathes. 
“Hey.” I smile. 
“Wanna watch some Rick & Morty?” He asks.
“Sure.” I laugh. 
We always talked about Rick & Morty while I was gone, trying to watch it together. 
We situated ourselves in my bed, my head on his chest and my legs sprawled amongst his. 
The next few hours consisted of laughter as both he and I took turns falling in and out of sleep. 
At 5:30 I decided it was time I got up to begin getting ready to go. I put some mascara on, a little lip tint, style my hair and head over to my closet. 
“Whatcha doing, bean?” Embry asks, a yawn escaping his soft lips. 
“I’m trying to figure out what to wear to this party. Are you guys dressing up?” I turn around, and eye him up.
“T-shirt and jeans, all of us. Except maybe you. I’m sure the others will be dressed up but don’t feel pressured.” He smirks. 
“I see. I should have known.” I smirk. 
I search through my closet, feeling Embry’s hands find my waist behind me, pressing a kiss to the back of my head.
“You’ll look great in anything you wear.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” Thankfully he couldn’t see my blushing from behind my head. 
“Ya know, I’d say wear that. But I’d have a hard time controlling myself… And keeping you to myself.” He chuckles.
“Embry!” I laugh.
“I’m just saying, you look really cute.” He says, walking back over to my bed. 
It took me a while, but I decided on a black dressy-ish sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black chelsea boots. 
I turn around to begin changing and I notice Embry covering his eyes, 
I giggle to myself as I change, thankful of his eye shielding-- I wasn’t ready for that just yet. 
“Thank you, Em.” I say as I finish pulling the jeans up my leg. 
“Of course.” He says, blush appearing across his cheeks. 
“You can open your eyes now.” I say when I finish, walking over to sit on his lap. 
“Hey, welcome.” He kisses my cheek.
“Look at you, the king of respecting women.” I laugh. 
“You know it, baby. Forever and always.” He laughs. 
It was true, though. Embry has always been one of the most respectful people I had ever met, especially with women-- including myself. 
“How long until Jake and Quil get here?” I ask, leaning my head into his chest. 
“Any minute now, time moves fast when I’m with you.” He presses a kiss onto my shoulder. 
“That it does, you’re my favorite way to spend my time.” I giggle. 
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He smiles into my neck, leaving a soft kiss at the nape. 
“How do you do that?” I ask. 
“Do what?” 
“Always have that effect on me? Everything you do… it just feels intense.” I admit. 
“I think that’s just because we’ve waited so long for this. You’re also my imprint, now.” He laughs softly. 
His phone begins vibrating, causing him to pull away and answer. 
“It’s Jake, they’re here.” He says hanging up the phone.
I nod and we get up, going downstairs. 
“Have fun! Be safe.” My dad smiles from the couch. 
“Thank you!” We call out in unison. 
“I’ll text you, dad. I love you.” I smile before we walk out the door and get into Jacob’s rabbit. 
“Let’s have some fun tonight.” I smile. 
“Too many leeches, but there might be pretty girls. So this could be good.” Quil chuckles from the front seat. 
“Ooh, Jacob. Pretty girls.” I say in a sing-song manner. 
“(Y/N), you know it doesn’t matter to me.” He laughs. 
“I know, but just try to have a good time. It’s my first party with you guys in like forever!” I grab the back of Quil and Jacob’s seats, bringing myself forward. 
“You’re right.” Quil agrees.
“Oh Quil, what’s the news?” I ask, referring to our conversation from this morning. 
“Oh. They’re cousins, not brothers.” He turns around to me, nodding.
“Oh damn, no way.” I smirk.
“Who?” Embry asks. 
“Snails and slugs. Ya know, the octopus things.” He shrugs. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Embry asks. 
“We’re here, please stop… whatever this is.” Jacob smirks getting out of the car. 
“I can explain later.” I grab onto Embry’s hand, following Jacob into the giant house that belonged to the Cullens. 
“Holy shit.” I mutter, walking through the enormous front door. 
“Right?” Quil agrees.
We walk up the stairs, finding the main area of the party. 
Embry stayed behind me, his hand on my lower back, guiding me up the stairs. 
“I’m not made out of glass, you know. I’ve done stairs before.” I turn around giggling. 
“Can’t risk an accident with you, bean. Especially in a house of leeches.” He reminds me. 
“Embry, stop it. I’m not that accident prone.” I defend. 
“Says the girl with five bruises just on her left leg.” He chuckles.
“Hey, don’t do this.” I laugh. 
Jacob soon finds Bella, greeting her.
“Hey, why are you here?” She asks. 
I felt strange, were we not invited?
“You invited me, remember?” Jacob responds. 
“I thought our argument and me calling you a dick was me uninviting you.” “Bella, I’m sorry. Look, I brought you a gift. I made you it.” He holds up the wolf charm bracelet that he spent hours carving. 
“You made this? It’s beautiful.” Her demeanor softened. 
“Of course.” He smiles, pulling her into a small hug. 
“Hey Bella. Congratulations.” I smile at her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/N). Thank you. I’m glad you came. Hopefully you can keep them under control.” She jokes. 
“Eh, maybe. Usually only Embry will listen to me, though. Fair warning.” I laugh. 
We sit around, listening to music for a little bit. Eating some snacks before we found our way to Bella again. As I was chatting with her and Jacob, Bella’s eyes frantically peered over to a very tiny woman on the stairs. 
“Alice. What did you see?” She asks, walking over.
“The decision has been made.” She answers, wide eyed. 
“What decision?” Jacob asks. 
We are all led into Carlisle’s office, me basically velcroed to Embry’s side, especially in such close proximity to the Cullens. 
“So they’re coming here?” Bella asks. 
“Yeah, in four days.” Alice responds. 
“We don’t have much time.” Carlisle says in a worried tone. 
“Who’s coming?” Jacob asks. 
“Newborn army. They’re coming for Bella.” Jasper says. 
We then got the whole rundown of what that actually entails, how scary of a situation this truly was.
“Wait, they’re after Bella?” Jacob asks. 
I look over at Embry, worried eyes. 
“Well, then the pack will fight.” Jacob agrees. 
Embry and Quil nod, my eyes wide with fear. 
“You think Sam would be willing to come to an understanding?” 
“We’re going to have to train, this is a very dangerous fight. Lives could be lost. Jasper has the experience and knowledge we will need.” Carlisle explains. 
“We get to kick some ass.” The large one, Emmett, grins. 
“When do we start training?” Jacob asks. 
“Tomorrow.” Carlisle answers. 
“Okay, I’ll tell Sam tonight.” 
“Jacob, please.” Bella begs. 
“This is what you wanted, remember? We’re working together.” He really rubbed her face in it. 
“Newborns won’t even know they exist, they’ll be a great help to us. Plus we need the numbers, Bella.” Jasper reasons. 
I looked up at Embry with a worried face, feeling my heart begin to beat faster. I needed him to be okay, I needed all my friends to be okay. 
“Don’t worry, bean. Nothing is gonna happen, okay?” He whispers in my ear, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. 
Quil looks at me, nodding in confirmation. 
“This is what we were made to do. At least we get to kill some vampires.” Jacob grins. 
Going back to the party wasn’t the same after that. I felt like I was in a constant state of nausea, like my heart was about to fly out of my chest. 
When it was time to leave, we went out and drove back to my house in complete silence. I bid Jacob and Quil a goodnight and Embry walked me to my door. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. 
“Well I was, earlier in the night.” I admit. 
“I know, bean. But please don’t worry. Everything will be okay, this is our job. It’s in our blood, this is what we do.” He smiles, trying to comfort me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. 
“I know, I’m just scared.” I admit. 
“Don’t be, bean. I would never let anything happen to you.” His eyes stare deep into mine, seriousness completely taking over his face.
“No, I’m scared for you.” 
“Oh, don’t be. I never got hurt before, and now I have just another thing to fight for.” He softly smiles. 
“I want to come to practice.” I tell him. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” His voice trails off. 
“Embry, please. I need to know.” I plead.
“Okay, but you have to stay where it’s safe. Stay by me.” 
I nod and he pulls me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” I whisper. 
“I’d do anything for you.” He smiles. 
His arms find my waist before he gives me a sweet kiss goodnight. 
I manage to find the strength to go inside my house and separate from the warmth that Embry was.
Sleeping was something that seemed to be out of the question as I stared at my ceiling in complete silence for hours, mind racing with anxious thoughts. I don’t even know when I even fell asleep. 
Word Count: 3087
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tbzhours · 5 years
don’t walk away (part 2)
jacob x you, badboy au, fluff, angst 
[summary] the semester is ending but not the feeling you had for jacob  [words] 4.3k  [a/n] i swear this has all of the soft things you needed from part one… enjoy :’) 
⇐ part 1 
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“Do you want to sleep over?” Jacob asked in a soft whisper, his hand cradling at the side of your ear. You were resting over his bare chest, hearing how slow his heart beats. As you sigh, brushing your breath at his skin, you nodded slowly, once. 
The silence filled the room once again while your mind couldn’t stop overthinking about your feelings for Jacob, had he did the same, wondering about the silent words you kept exposing. He knew there were full of lies but he let you be because forcing it out would make you leave. 
His hand moved to your shoulder, pulling you back so he could see your eyes. He was so in love with them that he wondered who made you look so beautifully sad with those tears that looped over your eyes. You lips had parted, words wanting to come out when he smiled, though his lips barely curved. You looked at them, wondering how easy it was to make you stay. 
“Do you do this often?” You asked, eyes meeting his. They seemed to be flustered, his eyebrows moving away from flash in his eyes as if he was shocked at the question. You could feel the heat rising from his body but you slightly smiled, faking it like you didn’t meant what you said. “Looking into eyes like they are the world to you?” 
Jacob chuckled, pulling you back into his arms as he stared into the ceiling, picturing you with him of your future together, running around campus together. You were happy in it and so was he. “You are, in this moment.” 
Your cheeks burned and you were glad you weren’t looking at him anymore because he would have probably teased you, but somehow, there was a space in your heart that was aching. Your lips almost touched his skin when you asked, “What do you see in them?” 
His hum vibrated through your ear from his chest before he shut his eyes with a loving smile on his lips. “You.” 
If it was in this moment, would it ever be in another? That lingered in your mind as you pretended to sleep so he would fall into a daydream first. 
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You always recalled the little conversation you had with Jacob right before you wake up in the morning or a nap during the day. It’s been months since then but you knew it was because you couldn’t forget about him, even if you tried because Younghoon had always mentioned him, how great of a person he was or how he invited him out for dinner because you know, you gotta feed yourself to get through college. You would let him go as you smiled and closed the door for him when he left. 
The end of the semester was here and so was the cold weather. Younghoon thought it would be nice to go see the fireworks after getting his group project presentation done the day of it. He mentioned Jacob again, though you had told him once to stop mentioning him because he had nothing to do with you but Younghoon still did because you helped him meet up with him, and you liked it because at least you get to hear about him than see him. Younghoon had invited him out for the fireworks tonight, about needing to celebrate for their hard work but Jacob didn’t want to come because he had other plans. Younghoon was understanding and suggested that he’d treat him out after finals week ends. 
“So, you going or not?” Younghoon asked, impatient because you were still in your lazy clothes after finishing your online exam. You were munching on a loaf of bread since you were hungry and didn’t eat anything since breakfast. He looked at his watch, calculating the time then he looked back at you. His invitation switched to you after asking you more than five times in the last hour since you couldn’t make up your mind. He huffed and asked again in an annoyed tone. “Come on, I wanna get a good view. Go change or I’m just gonna ditch you.” 
“Fine.” No matter how much you wanted to stay back, you might as well celebrate too, for finishing that exam before the night ended. 
It took you less than ten minutes to come out of your room, in a better outing outfit that Younghoon was already at the door, calling you over so you both could leave. His whine made you laugh under your breath before he reminded you about getting more of his bread since you’ve been stealing them all week. You glared at him then he smiled widely and patted your head before walking out. 
You didn’t remember him explaining how cold it could get at night that you began to freeze in your thin sweater, walking behind him once you both left your place. 
Suddenly, Younghoon placed his scarf around your neck that he took off while you were lost in your steps. He sighed, his breath appearing in the cold air with the annoying look on his face. “You might die without this.” 
“Thanks, dude.” You quickly hugged him so tightly that he wailed as you laughed. 
There were already a lot of people crowded at the bridge where Younghoon had wanted to be at for the best view of the fireworks. He was surprised, mostly feeling disappointed as if he couldn’t find a good spot, peeking over heads as you tried to follow him from behind. Only using the streetlights of the bridge, Younghoon seemed to be moving too fast for you to catch up, losing your hand from his back. That was the last thing you want to happen: losing him in the crowd. As much as you excused others, you were already starting to feel awkward, wondering where you should stand or be at. 
You tried to holler Younghoon’s name, waving an arm in the air but it was no use. You took out your phone, sending a quick text to him about where he was with a sad emoji that you’re lost. You put it away, realizing that you were in the way from the moving crowd until you tripped and fell to the ground on your knees and palms. Luckily, it wasn’t a hard push that you quickly cleaned them and got up. Maybe it was time you went back to your place since finding Younghoon would be pointless right now. 
You took a sigh with the scarf covering your lips, wiping your cold knees before you looked up, hearing a familiar voice calling your name in an unreal sound. 
It a moment where you never thought would come. As if there were only you two there, you couldn’t stop looking at how his eyes shined under the night sky, way more than the moon that would be blessed with the fireworks. How his hair, face, and fashion style all looked different since the last time you saw him, you wondered about how much he had changed without a thought of you in his mind. He still looked like a bad boy though, you looked at his feet, biting the edge of your lower lip, hidden in your mouth as your eyes were on the verge of tears because he was smiling softly like a feather touching your heart. 
You were about to run away, turning already when Jacob shouted your name again. You halted until he reached you through the crowd, holding onto your wrist like he should have each time you tried to walk away. 
Your name slipped from his lips for the third time and it was so clear that your heart wretched at how you easy it was for you to go when the way he said it was worth staying for. You took the courage to look at him, peeking a small smile as he tried to catch his breath with this widening lips. 
“Are you here to watch the fireworks too?” Jacob asked then right after, the fireworks started, the first shot making you jump. He pulled you closer to him until your arms touched, though you wished you could feel his heart beating against your ear. You both turned to where it was coming from before the show started. He quickly glanced at you with so much happiness filled on his face, “It’s starting already.” 
You both turned to the direction as he let go of your wrist and set his hand onto your shoulder so he wouldn’t lose you in the crowd. You let him stay there because it was warming you up a bit. Maybe you missed him. Maybe you were just cold. Or maybe you hadn’t felt this way since you left him, that your eyes began to fill with tears. He didn’t notice at all when he had been admiring the lights in the sky with the sweet grin on his face. 
“How have you been?” His whisper tickled your ear. His eyes didn’t look away from the sky, waiting for your answer through the booms and crackles. 
“Good.” You kinda lied. You guessed this was just you going through life. Everyone does, but it’s different for each person. You snuggled your hands at your sweater pocket, holding them close to your stomach to keep warm. “I heard from Younghoon about how great your presentation went today.” 
“Yeah, it went great.” Jacob giggled, making you feel like you were still with him in that moment. You gave him a proud smile, turning back to the lights when he turned to you, glancing down at your lips, wanting to meet your eyes. “Are you here alone?” 
“I lost Younghoon in the crowd, I guess you can say that.” You shrugged, lips still curving but not at him. He followed you, letting the fireworks boom colors against your matching eyes as he slowly smiled. In the second of your silent laughs, there was a loud launch from afar, making you jump at the sound when you moved closer to Jacob. You quickly glanced at him, your head turning as your cheeks burned up. 
“I’m here alone too.” His voice sounded glad, but it was quiet. You turned back to the sky and gripped at the cloth inside your pockets. Your voice sounded mean with a little smile but you meant to feel the same as him, being alone by yourself. 
“Younghoon told me you didn’t want to come.” 
“I had my reasons to.” He was trying to steal your eyes from the fireworks painting the skies above you with the cheeky tone of his voice. 
“And what could that be?” You turned to him as he did too and you never thought the lights would be flashing softness in his eyes when they faced you. As if you almost fell off your feet, you shook your head, noticing his lingering smile melting your heart. “Nevermind, I’m just gonna go back.” 
“Can I walk you home?” He asked in such a caring sweet voice with his hand reaching out to you, hoping you’d stop in your tracks when you had already turned away with his hand slipping from your shoulder. 
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” You assured him, turning around and giving him a breathless smile. He did the same back when he let his hand down. There was a look in your eyes that he knew you both would meet again when you continued with such courage, “And you know, maybe we should see each other again because I need to give you something.” 
“Cool.” He winked with both eyes, seeming to blink when he put his hands in his pockets. He slightly tilted his head and smiled with such sincerity that the way his voice played out to your mind had you falling on your feet. “See you later then?” 
You nodded with a hum then you turned away. Five steps later, you gave him one last glance before walking away through the crowd with a smile still on your lips. Your every step made his heart beat faster than the fireworks brightening the sky when he stayed looking your way until you were out of sight. 
Entering your place, you flew into your room and fell onto your bed, face first into your pillow. Everything suddenly felt so warm when you peeked up, hiding your deserted lips as your eyes started to swell up. 
Jacob didn’t seem off, like how Hyunjae had told you a few weeks back. It was just a coincidence how he found you there in the library study room, all alone and focused as if Jacob had never appeared in your mind since you left him. You remembered how Hyunjae accused you of changing his friend, but all you could do was let it be because going to him would probably not make a difference. At least you realized, his friends weren’t probably not that bad at all. 
Even though you hated how every little thing reminded you of Jacob, you still held your head up high through your courses but meeting him again so suddenly hit you like a rocket. 
You didn’t wipe your tears and you let them stream down your face, dripping a few onto your pillow when you looked at the jelly bean bag on your desk that was meant for Jacob after you had left his place a while back. 
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Jacob walked into his apartment room, turning on the kitchen light only after he slipped his jacket away on the couch. He walked over to the window, passing by his working table with some of his papers scattered on it as his eyes stared at one place; the fireworks still booming in the night sky then his smiled at the thought of you. 
He recalled seeing you a few times in the library after his study session with Younghoon, even though you didn’t see him. He had been resting with his head on the table or typing on his laptop when he heard Younghoon’s voice in the distance. His eyes gazed at you, lips blistering into a straight smile when you didn’t look back. Instead, you held onto Younghoon’s arm, smiling at your awaited friend as if you had really forgotten about him. 
Thinking back to the scene of your red nose less than ten minutes ago, Jacob’s hand reached to his chest as the fireworks finished its last round. Your request replayed in his mind and all he could think of was how you made his heart race again like how you always did before. 
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You were done with finals ahead of Younghoon, who complained about how lucky you were a few days later. He glared at you with his backpack and thick jacket on since the weather suddenly changed with that first snowfall yesterday. You gave him your fist and wished him luck before he left for his last final exam. 
Once you walked into the kitchen, you played some music from your phone. You set it on a counter, grabbing a new loaf of bread that you bought yesterday since Younghoon’s complaint. You took a bite of it, chewing until you slowed down when you remembered seeing Jacob and his friends at the grocery store. You smiled at the thought of his beautiful grin, a scene you had never seen before. Now, you’re wondering if it was because you hadn’t seen him around campus. 
The doorbell made you lose that thought, confused at the sound since you weren’t expecting anyone to come over, unless Younghoon finished his exam already, which shouldn’t be the case. You set the bread down and walked over to the door. 
You went to open it and didn’t expect Jacob to be standing there, sleek in his own style. He still had that trademark leather jacket and his hair had been swooned to both sides from the middle. As his eyes popped up at you with his lips forming a round shape, he managed to whisper a little “hey”. 
“H-hey,” You stuttered as his lips curved with his teeth slightly visible. 
He shivered, shoulders heightening. “It’s cold. Can I come in?” 
Even though your legs felt wobbly, you moved to the side at his appeal so he could come in. When you closed the door from behind, you questioned yourself why you’d let him in so quickly without asking why he was here. 
You walked past him, who was admiring your living room then he followed you into the kitchen where you turned off the music. Silence filled the room like it once did when you both were alone. Jacob saw you peeking at him as if you made it awkward. You postured yourself up, putting a hand on your hip. 
“So why are you here?” You asked in such a defensive tone that Jacob almost laugh. 
“Younghoon. He invited me over since we’re all done with finals.” 
“What an idiot.” You whispered underneath your breath when you turned around and walked over to the fridge, opening it as you looked inside. “Younghoon didn’t buy anything to make for that. I think he’s going to order some pizza or something.” 
“Oh, where is he?” Jacob asked, taking a seat in the stool behind the island counter behind you. He leaned over the counter and rested his elbow there while his head rested on his palm. 
“He’s doing his last exam right now.” 
“And what are you doing?” He asked and you could hear something giggling from it. You turned around and found him smiling at you. He shrugged at your reaction then you closed the fridge door and you placed both of your hands at your waist. 
“Making a snack.” You slightly stuttered, eyes blinking along each mistake. You didn’t know why your cheeks were burning up. It might have been his smirking-looking smile. To avoid that, you looked away. “Do you want something to eat? Before Younghoon gets here?” 
“I can wait.” He smiled before he got up his seat and walked to the living room, glancing around more with that soft look on his face. You walked to the stool he sat in since it was your favorite seat in the whole room. 
Jacob sat on the couch and looked behind him and saw you sitting there with your hands holding onto the seat between your thighs. You smiled at him, knowing you couldn’t kick him out since he was Younghoon’s invitee. 
You both didn’t talk for a moment. Your eyes were staring but memories remained in your minds, replaying each time you lose your train of thought. You wondered what he was thinking of when he stared so softly like that at you, then you wondered if he ever thought of you since you left him. Whatever that may be, you were ready to hold the tears back. 
“How long do you think Younghoon will get back?” Jacob asked, killing the silence. His voice was soft though, just as he was. 
“Can we not talk about him?” You looked down at your hands in disappointment. 
He heard your sigh and tilted his head. “Why?” 
“Because… I want to talk about something else.” You looked at him again, eyes seeming lost in his with your concerning plead. 
“Like what?” Jacob smirked into a small laugh, wondering what you meant. His arm swung over the couch as his fingers rubbed at the cushion. His heart raced at your every silence until he felt like it stopped when you replied back. 
“You.” Jacob’s been on your mind all day since you met him again. Hyunjae’s words still stuck with you that you’ve been wanting to slip this out of your lips. “Are you really out of it?” 
“What do you mean?” Jacob asked in confusion. It’s almost like deja vu when his friends kept checking up on him. He couldn’t recall why they asked since your strucked face was making his heart rip into pieces. 
“I heard you’re not yourself lately…” Your voice stuttered again but it was quiet enough that it wasn’t noticed. You asked again with firm this time. “Are you really out of it?” 
His eyes were filled with “I miss you’s” as he always knew why you keep avoiding him, but he saw something in you that he wanted to stay from that night. He didn’t want to say anything, not knowing how you would really feel about him. 
You sighed in frustration when he didn’t respond. “Maybe I’m just overthinking this feeling but when we did it, I guess it was just in the moment-” 
“It wasn’t.” Jacob interrupted you, face seeming so determined that you almost fell off your stool. Your eyes lingered through the sincere stare he made. His lips closed as you tried to read his mind but you couldn’t. 
“What’s the deal anyway?” Your voice was harsh, moving away from the topic yet it was still circling it. It’s as if you wanted to question his whole existence, how he could make you his world for a moment then never the next, but you let it go, letting him talk in hopes that it would take you back to where you wanted to be. 
“Isn’t that how it started?” 
That was when you wanted to bring him to your room. Your eyes widened then you got off your seat, standing with your fisted hands at your side. “The jelly beans.” 
Jacob was confused at first but he followed you into your room, curious about what the words that came out of your sweet mouth. He stood next to you when you stopped at your desk, grabbing the candy bag and handing it to him. 
“Here, the thing I wanted to give you.” The bag was still in your hand when he hadn’t took them yet. You tried to look up at him but your eyes stayed at the bag. “So we can call off our deal.” 
Jacob pushed the bag away with your hand still holding onto it, but it was light. He was smiling when you peeked up at him, your heart racing at the sight. He whispered so clearly that you thought he was an angel, totally different from his previous image you once hated. “We don’t need to.” 
“Why not?” 
He shrugged, a hand holding onto the edge of your desk. “Just because.” 
“But I promised?” Your jelly bean hand shook up a little but still below your stomach before his lips relaxed. 
“Then can you make another promise?” 
You didn’t know if you could when he took a step closer to you with his eyes never leaving you. You froze when his arm slid behind you and the other curled between you as his finger was placed at your jaw, tickling them when you looked at them. You looked back at Jacob, who was slowly filling the spaces when his lips parted and crashed onto yours. 
That soft suck against your lips made you tiptoed, dropping the candy bag onto the desk. Your hands were up but they slowly lapsed over his arms as they connected behind his neck. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist when you breathed for air, gasping when he tilted his head to the other side. 
In that chance, he pushed his body against yours so you could hold him tighter when you both fell onto your bed with him over you. Your eyebrows narrowed at that force but adjusting quickly, you felt that same sensation when your bodies collided from before. For once, you knew this feeling was more than just lust. After a few more kisses at your lips like puzzle pieces connecting together perfectly, Jacob stopped and slowly pulled back just to catch your breathless look. 
Your eyes lingered like stars twinkling in the sky as Jacob wondered if you could feel his heart beating for you. Maybe you did when you had wanted him just now. 
As all of your memories came to him, he knew that he wanted you too. In a soft whisper, he asked with all of his heart. “Do you want to stay with me?” 
It took a few seconds, stealing the stars in his eyes that your lips beamed. Your fingers scribbled at his hair as if you wanted to pull him back to you. “Yes.” 
He gave you another kiss into your smiling lips before looking at the jelly bean bag. You followed his eyes before meeting his again when he turned back to you. 
“I only wanted to give you that but I guess a kiss would probably keep this deal going.” You teased, your smile turning into a smirk. 
He shook his head, his laugh tickling your cheeks. “No more deals. Just real feelings.” 
You pecked his lips quickly, understanding his whole heart. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” Jacob connected your lips again, curling his arm below you as you could feel his lips curving against yours. This sweet taste, you never wanted to forget. 
Except about Younghoon. He was going to be so freaked out when he finds out about you and Jacob. You didn’t care, as long as Jacob was going to stay with you this time, no matter how bad you thought he had been. You guessed you could name yourself bad too, for always trying to ignore him when you could have looked inside his heart that was beating for you since the jelly bean incident. You’re glad to be in his arms again because you knew that this time, you won’t ever walk away from him again. 
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Ezekiel Jones, Morgan le Fey, and Parker for the ask?
Why I like them
Ezekiel - what’s not to love? Intelligent, competent, so full of caring it genuinely hurts, and bright enough to burn those around him if they’re not careful.
Morgan - great example of a more morally-grey-than-straight-evil character.
Parker - holy shit, she’s funny, awkward, sweet, caring, and so, so weirded out by ‘normal’ things without it being the butt of the joke that for the first time ever I felt like a piece of me was on that damn tv.
Why I don’t
Ezekiel has never done a damn thing wrong in his life, invalid question.
Morgan...she just, didn’t go far enough. Being a chaos agent with a nasty side is great! ...and then she disappears for good, meaning everything falls a little flat unfortunately.
Parker has also never done a damn thing wrong in her life so therefore this question is invalid.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Ezekiel - Point of Salvation OR the Happily Ever Afters
Morgan - she only showed up in the Rule of Three I think, but the mention of her in the Loom of Fate was cool
Parker - the Rundown Job OR the Grave Danger Job OR the Stork Job
Favorite season/movie
Ezekiel - Seasons 1 & 3
Morgan - Season 1
Parker - eeeeeeeeh Seasons 4 & 5
Favorite line
Ezekiel - “Please, just this once, let me be the big brother.”
Morgan - “Guardian, on your best day, you might be able to muss up my hair, and you already had your best day.”
Parker - “For luck.”
Favorite outfit
Ezekiel’s land pirate get up was fantastic - but then, that yellow cardigan in the Reunion of Evil beats it out by the tiniest bit.
Morgan rocks that green dress and honestly, I’m glad that if we’re only gonna see her once, it was in that.
Parker...too many to choose from I’m afraid.
Parker/Hardison / Parker/Hardison/Eliot
Ezekiel + Cassie
Morgan + Cassie
Parker + Amy / Parker + Peggy
Head Canon
Ahaha way too many...current favorite one for Ezekiel is that he is the resident stray magnet of the Library. Picking up everything from more gargoyles to baby manticores and getting very upset when they’re not allowed to stay.
I don’t really have one for Morgan I’m afraid.
For Parker...also way too many, but, I really enjoy the idea of her stealing stuff and like. Quietly trying to move Eliot and Hardison into the same living space as her without actually telling them. Stealing is how she shows affection after all.
Unpopular opinion
As far as I’m aware, I don’t...have any for any of these characters? Or at least, no one’s ever told me so.
A wish
That Ezekiel gets to both keep his family, and properly introduce them to the one he’s found in the Library, and after a bit of a personality reassessment from mum, everyone’s happy.
Morgan - that we got to see her more! Like, given the nature of the show, I get that she wasn’t gonna come back, but hey. I can wish.
That Parker gets to have all the excitable, death-defying dates she wants with her two boyfriends.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Ezekiel having to permanently separate his two families.
That Morgan le Fay stayed a flat as hell character.
Parker having to go up against a fake psychic, again. Or dealing with an injury that actually puts her permanently out.
5 words to best describe them
Ezekiel - empathetic, clever, stubborn, charming, expressive
Morgan - conniving, intelligent, dangerous, self-serving, prescient
Parker - awkward, empathetic, genius, caring, stubborn
My nickname for them
Ezekiel - sneaky little shit
Morgan - she-devil but with class
Parker - precious thief
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deputy-sarah-sux · 5 years
can i be a psycho and your worst nightmare by asking ALL the writers asks?
You are a demon omg. I love it though this was so much fun to do.Since you didn’t specify fic specifically for some of these questions I’m just gonna write about The Devil Has Come for all of the “in xxx fic” asks.
Answers are below since this is such a long ask :):):)
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? 12/13 it was between 7th and 8th grade and it was all anime fanfiction
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?Far Cry 5, RDR2, Assassin’s Creed, DC, Marvel, Fallout, Skyrim, Preacher. Far Cry 5 is definitely my favorite to write for though
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.Personally, I prefer OC’s, with OC’s I can build their character, give them a personality and growth. I like shaping the character as the world changes based on their actions
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?Action or romance unless I totally misread that question
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why?The Devil Has Come!!! It was my first in the Far Cry fandom and it’s my baby. I love all the characters and the world that I’m building. It’s got action, romance, some twists, it’s exciting
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?If we’re talking things that I’m currently writing and enjoy writing then I guess Bridges only because it’s the same characters as TDHC just in an AU form so I’d survive without it.
7) When is your preferred time to write?Night, 10pm on basically.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?Everywhere really? TV shows, movies, video games, other fics
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?So far my favorite scene that I wrote in TDHC that has been published was either the confrontation with Rook in Chapter 11 or Jacob finding Sarah in the hotel in Chapter 8. They were both really fun to write.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternate ending in mind?Well it hasn’t been ended yet, but there were two possible endings that I was originally considering. I’m not saying much more other than the ending that I went with is gonna hurt me when I eventually get to it.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?Not after posting but I have amended stories due to criticisms. If I’m a bit worried about a particular scene I’ll share the doc with my best lady @farcryfuckmeup and get her opinion. She usually points out things that aren’t great and I go from there. She’s the closet thing to a beta reader that I have.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?Sarah!!! She’s my best girl and I love her personality and attitude. In terms of canon characters though I’ve been writing some stuff from Arthur Morgan’s pov and that’s been really fun too. I really love playing around with his sense of self and morality.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?I don’t have one yet? We’ll see how the future plays out there. It might be Ethan Seed but I’ve never written stuff for him so I’m not 100% sure.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.Almost every fic name is from a song. The Devil Has Come is from Blues Saraceno’s “The River”, Icarus is from Bastille’s “Icarus”, and I’m not sure where Bridges is from but I’m 90% sure it was a song. The series that TDHC and it’s connected stories are a part of is called Bottom of the River from Delta Rae’s “Bottom of the River”.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?I use name generators for modern characters or look up names with a specific meaning. If the character is from the past (ie cowboy times or pirate times) I look up names popular in that century. Sarah’s name I got by looking up popular names with religious meanings and Sarah was on the list.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?I came up with the idea for TDHC by playing co-op with @farcryfuckmeup. It was originally supposed to be a crackfic based on the dumbshit we did in-game. Then in my desperation to pretend that the game didn’t end the way it ends I started coming up with ways it could have gone differently and thus my fic was born.
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.I have so many wips! I’ll do a few because I’m in a sharing mood.Fallout 4 WIP: “‘You don’t even use power armor, why did you steal so many?’”RDR2 WIP: “Valentine was a crap town with crap people and even crappier whiskey. It was tiny and smelled like mud and horse shit and something else that she was pretty sure was vomit.”Another RDR2 WIP: “Trouble was the bastard was clingy apparently as he was hot on Arthur’s heel.”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?Yes, a few. I got bored or I decided to focus on other things. I do intend to one day finish them but who knows
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?The Devil Has Come!!! I can’t wait to write a sequel and I haven’t even finished the current fic.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?Sometimes I wish I’d written a follow up to my judge fic Joseph and his Judge. I’m not totally sure if I like how it ended.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?@farcryfuckmeup first and foremost, she’s amazing. I also love gwennolmarie and OutlandishWhalesharks on Archive of Our Own.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?My anime fics from middle school. It’s still posted and I won’t tell you what it’s called but every time I remember it a little part of me dies.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?Music mostly but it sometimes depends on the scene. For certain scenes I need silence but for the most part it’s music music music. I have playlists for all sorts of scene types.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?I love it, idk if I’m any good at it but I do like writing them.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?Yes, I’ve been writing some future parts of TDHC and I have cried a bit writing some of it.
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?The smut scene in Chapter 10 of TDHC, it was the first smut scene I’d ever published so I was really worried about that and kept rewriting it.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?Bit of both I guess. There is a vague outline in my head but only for like the big events, everything in between is go with the flow shit.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?It’s not going to be an instant hit. When I first started posting works back in the day I was always so upset when I’d check the next day and see only like 12 people had read it.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?Icarus :(   It’s only a baby fic and it’s in a mostly dead fandom but I love it.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?No, I love all the attention my fics get.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)I’m gonna recommend one myself. Since this is a Far Cry blog I’ll recommend a Far Cry fic: come a little closer by lowtides on AO3Also here’s a Fallout 4 fic that isn’t finished but I absolutely love: RAIDERHEAD by TaraTargaryen
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?No real people no. Thomas is a combination of a few fictional characters though.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?I’ve gotten a few comments of analysis on chapters I’ve posted and honestly I love that so much. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing that someone not only read my fic but sat there and actually thought a lot about it.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?Like I said before I haven’t gotten a lot of criticism, but I guess the harshest for me was when I was discussing a character that I had really started to like and my friend (who I was ranting at about him) asked me to honestly think about what he brings to the table. Like is he actually necessary or just a throwaway character that won’t bring much to the story? I ended up scrapping him and putting a nameless character in his place to fill a few of his scenes.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?I share them with one (1) person and that person is my irl best friend @farcryfuckmeup. Everyone else has to wait until I post stuff I don’t want to spoil any big surprises.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?It’s a chapter very far in the future for a fic I’m sure you can guess but I won’t outright say.“Against his better judgment, he reached out and grabbed the hysteric woman, tightening his grip against her struggling and pulling her into his lap. He wrapped her in a tight hug until she finally began to calm down, humming softly and running his fingers through blood-soaked hair.“
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?I haven’t written a lot of funny stuff. I mostly do angsty. But when I was in middle school a wrote a novel where I spent two paragraphs talking about my MC’s hair color and current outfit and I cackle every time I read it. 70 pages or pure cringe, it’s hilarious.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.@farcryfuckmeup hmu bitch!also you @onl-you
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?Third, every now and then I write in first but idk I just don’t like it much.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?My close friends do
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?Thomas Moore, he’s a lot of fun to write for.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.I don’t actually have any song fics in the traditional sense. I do however have some fics inspired by songs. I listen to music almost constantly, sometimes a song comes on that gives my fic vibes and I add it to my prompt playlist.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?@/farcryfuckmeup has but I don’t try too hard to keep secrets when she’s around
44) What is the last line you wrote?“John rolled his eyes and finished unbuttoning his shirt.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?This is cliche probably but the readers. I don’t want to leave someone waiting around for the next update forever. I also want to see how things play out myself so my own desire to see the finished product also helps.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?Again, going with TDHC for this. I am writing a sequel currently (I know it’s not done). It’s going to focus on a different character but Sarah will make appearances. I’m also working on a standalone sequel for her but that won’t be posted until the first sequel fic is complete.
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made-up title. What would this story be about?I used a title generator: Hidden Midnight. It’s about a pair of idiots in love, one is a vampire so they can only meet at night and it’s very secretive. The human dies at the end.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?Forced partnerships. I love it when two characters are forced into a partnership. One of them can’t fucking stand the other but slowly grows to like/love them in secret. If the chill one is in danger the annoyed one freaks the fuck out and does everything they can to get to their partner and afterwards claims they couldn’t care less what happened.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?I don’t remember the name of it but I’m pretty sure it was a Supernatural fic. I think it was Destiel (don’t just middle school me) and a high school AU. I’m not 100% sure. It was either that or a Fairy Tail fic and I like to forget my anime days.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?Angst. I love fluff and smut but in the end, I always go back to angst. It’s so much fun and there are so many ways to do it.
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samwrights · 6 years
The Game // [1]
Summary: Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya
Words: 2643
Inspo: Kick It // Neck Deep
Disclaimer: Lyric graphics were created by me, y’all. I’m not saying don’t steal it cause they’re not that impressive tbh but like don’t steal them.
Life was a pretty simple concept. Some people really wanted to complicate things and find deeper meanings within it, but at the end of the day, all there really was to it was to ensure you were living your best life. Dream big, work hard, and don’t allow anybody to take that from you. At least, this was the mentality that Cameron Lucia had adopted at a young age. She never let things like friends and family keep her planted in one spot. If they were truly family, they would never hold Cam back from chasing her dreams.
Or best case scenario, they came with her wherever she went; entirely inspired from her nomadic, carefree spirit. That was the situation she was currently in, anyway. At the ripe age of twenty four, Cameron and three of her closest friends she had met at her day job ended up packing up with her and moving out of state. It wasn’t that far fetched, or so she believed. The four of them had formed a band on top of their friendship and collectively decided they were going to move closer towards the music scene in Nashville, Tennessee in hopes of getting their big break. But after long debates about cost of living and not wanting to lose their city charm, the four of them settled on living in a northern suburb just outside of Atlanta.
The four of them had been living in their spacious, two bedroom apartment for the last six months and were still loving every second of it. Cameron always thought it was funny that people assumed they would be tearing out each others hair being in a band, living, and working together. With all of their different personality harmonizing, she knew they would prove everybody wrong.
The youngest of the group was Malachi, or Mac as he preferred, was freshly twenty one. Though lazy, he was the star socialite of the bunch. His charisma made their lives easier when it came to booking shows and just being the go-to person to have a one on one talk with. Ruby was the second youngest, but also held a very mature composure due to growing up way too soon—taking on the role of ‘Momma Bear’. Her incredible work ethic helped put all of Cameron’s dreams into motion. Danielle, or Dani, was a mere week younger than Cam and always focused on getting shit done, but they never held her back from being the life of the party. Cam was clearly the dreamer—always comping up or collaborating with her group of friends on proposing new insane schemes.
Together they supported each other in any which way they could, whether it be financially or trying to rationalize whatever impossible dream came to Cameron’s mind. They always started off crazy, like when she started booking their band at every single bar that she could possibly find in downtown Atlanta. They always ended up working out in mysterious ways, like when booking agents and producers wanted to feature Navy Skies in an upcoming unknown film right here in Atlanta. They couldn’t pass the opportunity up.
That chance brought them to where they were today, sitting in make up getting their hair done for their brief cameo on this unknown film project. Cam, Ruby, and Dani did their own make up at their own request. Since Mac had a buzz cut and the girls were only getting their hair done, he took the liberty to get his make up done, enjoying getting pampered with the miniscule amount of make up they gave him. “It feels like a facial that I so desperately need.” He laughed, causing his friends to laugh with him.
The band was called to set, and they followed a stagehand down the hallway of the school they were filming in, and entered the gymnasium. Heads turned upon the group entering—everybody was dressed in semi-formal attire while a banner that read ‘Homecoming’ hung behind the stage. That explained why the outfit selection they were all given were all dresses and dress pants.
“So for you guys, we don’t need anything super directive.” The stagehand said. “Think of this as a recording session, we’ll ring an alarm when we need you to kill the sound completely.” He explained that the amplifiers were going to be kept to a minimum; just loud enough to be ambient noise but not enough to overpower any dialogue. They were only required to do a half hour set, and none of the band mates didn’t have to talk throughout the set as they normally would have for a show.
“Okay, cool. Let’s get set up.” Said Ruby as they got on stage and unloaded their instruments. Cam set up all the microphones while Dani assembled her drum kit, and Mac and Ruby tuned their bass and guitars respectively. The gymnasium was packed with unknown people pretending to be students. If anyone would have known any of them, it would have been Malachi. But the only one he had recognized in the crowd was Zendaya, which was enough to leave Mac the slightest bit starstruck.
The experience was actually pretty cool and almost felt like a real show to the band. The fake students bopped along and some even danced with each other. When cameras weren’t zoomed in on actors, whom Navy Skies assumed to be major characters of the film, said actors were dancing amongst themselves and just being goofy. Zendaya was swinging along with the people she had grown close to over the duration of them film—Harrison, Jacob, and Laura. “Hey, these guys are pretty good.” Z said as she danced with Harrison. The students in the crowd were yelling along and cheering on the band, nearly forgetting they were extras in a film. Jacob and Harrison were no exceptions to Navy Skies’ hypnotism as they paused their movements for a brief moment. Jacob nudged Harrison, a knowing look in his eyes with a devilish smirk on his lips.
“Who you calling dibs on, mate?” Haz asked, reciprocating his friends now wicked features.
“I like the little blonde one on drums.”
“Perfect, I’m digging the guitarist.” He said, staring at the girl with a curly pixie cut. Harrison’s eyes were immediately drawn to the tattoos that covered both arms from shoulder to wrist. Zendaya and Laura rolled both of their eyes.
“Are you guys playing your stupid game again?” Laura asked. The boys just grinned in affirmation. See, since the beginning of the filming Spider-Man: Homecoming, Jacob, Harrison, and Tom started an unnamed game to see which of them could sleep with the most extras from the set. Right now, Harrison was the front runner, despite being an extra himself.
“I’m going to laugh so hard when this stupid game blows up in your face.” Zendaya sneered, a sly grin on her face at the mere thought.
“How do you figure?” Jacob asked. “They’re extras, they’re here for like a day and then it’s like it never even happened.”
“One of you guys are going to fall for your flings, and then she’s going to find out she was just a part of some stupid game and hopefully she puts your asses in place.” Laura added, taking a firm stance with Zendaya that what they were doing was wrong on so many levels. “You guys need a reality check.”
“Nah, that won’t happen.” Both Harrison and Jacob said in unison, their eyes focused on their targets. No, it wouldn’t happen.
Navy skies finished their half hour set with the alarm buzzing within in the gymnasium, signaling that sounded needed to cease. After setting down their instruments, the band mates took a seat off the edge of their stage, taking a drink from the water bottles provided from the film crew. Each of them were panting slightly, covered in a thin film of sweat from having to continuously perform. “I think we sounded pretty great.” Cam said as she tried to catch her breath. The band talked amongst themselves, only pausing when they noticed the same stagehand from before walking up to them. Behind him stood Zendaya and the people she was dancing with earlier in the scene, plus one more that none of them recognized.
“Hey guys, everything sounded amazing! But the cast was wondering if you could play an encore show? We’ll make it worth your while.”
“Keep talkin’.” Dani said, immediately switching to hardball mode despite being the smallest member of the band.
“We were thinking of tossing you guys an extra grand?”
“What?! Hell yes!” Mac screeched before the band could discuss it. Which, in any other circumstance would have angered the girls, it weren’t for the fact that they just earned five grand off of a show that didn’t require them to put a down payment for the venue. There was no argument to even be had.
“I guess that’s a yes.” Cam laughed. “But can we get a couple minutes to cool off?”
“Oh yes, of course. Take a breather, you guys can go change back into your street clothes if you want. I’ll let you guys know when you go on and you can treat it like a real show this time—no cameras.” The stagehand walked away, leaving the band to head off in the direction of the dressing room they had used earlier to change back into more comfortable clothes.
While the cast waited by the stage, Harrison and Jacob got Tom up to speed, letting him know who claimed who so far. “I guess that leaves me with the singer, is it?” He asked, staring at the girl with incredibly long brunette hair as the band returned to the gymnasium. Even in a simple baseball tee and ripped jean shorts, the front woman’s tattoos were the most noticeable features about her. They covered every visible inch of her arms and hands, even up her neck. He wondered what other parts of her body were tattooed. Tom, unfortunately, had been filming a different scene and didn’t get to see the band play. But judging from Harrison and Jacob’s infatuation with them, they must have left some kind of impression. With a couple of strings being pulled, Tom was able to get them to put on an encore show.
The band returned to the stage, trading in their dresses for ripped jeans and solid tees and looking much more relaxed. The cast walked up towards the stage, Zendaya being the first to break the ice and introduced herself to the band. “Hey, guys. We just wanted to say how much we all loved hearing you guys play and hope you don’t mind that we asked the film crew to have you guys play an encore.” She said, gesturing to herself and Laura and the boys. “I’m Zendaya, and this is Laura.”
“Oh, party. Mac, I’m the bassist.” The only male member shook both of the ladies’ hands firmly.
“Ruby, guitar.” She gave a slight wave to everyone. Harrison’s mouth twitched with the slightest smile as his target introduced herself.
“Dani, drums.” The petite blonde gave an awkward wave.
“And I’m Cameron.” One by one, the boys learned their prey’s names. It was officially game on now.
“I’m Tom, lovely to meet you, darling. I play Spider-Man.” He held his hand out to Cam, awaiting for her to shake it. Instead, the band all looked at each other before letting out a collective laugh. Tom looked at them confusedly, retracting his still empty hand. “What’s so funny?”
“We’ve been trying to figure out what movie we were going to be in for the last month.” Ruby said, still chuckling. The collective group shared a laugh briefly. As they waited around for the encore show to start, the group chatted amongst themselves, the boys buttering up their marks while Mac, Z, and Laura hung out.
“So, Spider-Man, is it?” Cam asked, her natural teasing tone coming through as she spoke to Tom.  “How did you land that role?” He laughed, answering with charm that he usually reserved for interviews. Cam was nodding along, showing she was listening.
“How long have you lot been in a band?” Tom fired back, his British accent resurfacing as he pulled himself out of character for the day. He knew he needed to keep his questions as innocent as possible to earn the trust of his prey before he could corner her and go in for the kill. Though she had answered, he hadn’t quite heard it due to focusing on his own thoughts more than their conversation.
The stagehand came back, clipboard in hand along with four sealed envelopes that he distributed to each of them. “You all ready to go?” He asked, looking at Navy Skies. They all nodded before hopping back up from their seats on the stage, getting ready for round two. By now, all of the actors, main crew and extras, gathered around.
“Ready guys?” Cam asked into the microphone while looking at her band mates.
“Let’s kick it!” Malachi enthused, signaling their start to a newer alternative set list that they had been working on in recent months. Cheers amongst the crowd erupted as heavy, fast paced chords blared along the amplifiers—this time at full volume. The cast took immediate notice to their stage presence, seeing how Mac and Ruby were in six with little head bangs as Cameron walked the length of the stage. She crouching real low to be face to face with the front row that was made up of Laura, Harrison, Jacob, Zendaya, and Tom before walking up beside Ruby. As she wrapped an arm around her guitarist, harmonizing their siren song as they sang out their next verse.
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Cameron took back center stage, opening her arms wide while her bassist and guitarist joined in for the last line. The final words lingered before rapidly moving onto their next song. It was no help that Zendaya and Laura were looking at the boys, each of them unknowingly jumping along to foreshadowing words.
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“Do you think they’ve realized?” Laura asked, yelling into her friends ear to be heard over the music. Zendaya shook her head.
“Definitely not. These girls don’t even know them and they’re calling their shit out.”
“Wanna make a little wager?” Zendaya raised her eyebrows, giving Laura an intrigued smile. “I’m betting all of them are going to fall for their targets. Whoever loses has to be the one to tell the girls they’re just another name to add to their list.”
“I’m betting Harrison falls for his.” She replied with a deep set smirk on her lips. Honestly, it didn’t really matter who won this bet—Z was just excited to see someone break it to them that they couldn’t just run around doing this to poor, unsuspecting girls. They had learned to tune out Laura and herself after the game had been established.
“Harrison? He’s the one winning their stupid thing!” Laura said in disbelief.
“Well, let’s get real, Jacob’s girl seems like she would only go for a one night stand.” At Zendaya’s statement, their eyes turned to the drummer. “And I could see Harrison falling for a girl like her. He’s the only one who’s got a real chance of being heartbroken.” She said, discreetly pointing to Ruby.
“What about Tom?” Laura asked.
“Please, Tom may be a participant in this silly game, but he’s in dead last and he would never fall for a girl like that.” There was the slightest sneer in Z’s tone as they glanced at the lead singer. “Besides, we all know I’m the one he falls asleep with at night.”
@xxoerinnoxx @araeni
Ready for more?
Part 2 >>
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cheekpockets-q · 6 years
Jealousy // The Boyz
genre: fluff/jealousy
word count: about 450 per member
pairing: Sangyeon x reader, Jacob x reader, Hwall x reader, Sunwoo x reader
summary: the members start to get jealous when you’re around another member
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You’ve never seen Sangyeon extremely upset over anything. At most, you’ve seen him get frustrated with the younger boys, but never anything less than jokes. He took especially good care of the younger boys, making sure their voices were heard amongst the older members. Thus, you found it somewhat weird when he would continuously push Eric out of the discussion. It started about a week ago when you were first introduced to the rest of the boys, and Eric was the first one to introduce himself. From then on, your bond with Eric continued, but so did Sangyeon’s jealousy. Sangyeon would always see you either running around the park or playing baseball together. You and Eric started to have multiple inside jokes. You would both often tease Sangyeon about how old he was, or that he wouldn’t understand because he’s old. Although Sangyeon’s humor could most often match Eric’s, he knew that Eric’s overwhelmingly positive attitude was surpassable. Also, Eric had one quality that Sangyeon didn’t, which was his age. Eric’s excitement always spread to everyone, especially you. Sangyeon, although being the older one, didn’t want to admit his silly feelings of jealousy to you. Thus, he would sometimes choose to ignore Eric or not give him attention. From that day, Eric would often come to you saying that Sangyeon doesn’t like him anymore and that he wonders what he did wrong. Concerned for both of the boys, you would confront Sangyeon. When he’d open his door, he would know exactly what you wanted to talk about, and he would let you in wordlessly. You’d both sit down on his bed, and he’d put his hands on his knees, pursing his lips together to ready himself to admit his jealousy.
Sangyeon: “You don’t need to tell me, Y/N… I know what this is about. Eric will always be like my little brother to me, but I just knew that he would take you away from me… It’s not even that big of a deal, but… you’re a big deal to me.”
He’d let out a long sigh as he let the truth out, but you got closer and rubbed his knee.
Y/N: “Eric is like my little brother too, Sangyeon. We’re close, but that doesn’t mean in the slightest that I’m going to leave you.”
Sangyeon would let out a chuckle, and reach up to rub the top of your head.
Sangyeon: “Oh, Y/N… you’re truly such an angel.”
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Jacob was always the one who would think of others before him, thus he always treated you with the utmost respect and love. He was always careful of how you were. Even when you were pushed the slightest bit, he’d ask if you were okay or if you were hurt. Thus, when he saw you and Juyeon getting close over time, he would continuously be protective of you and slightly jealous. Juyeon would always tease you and mess with you. During dance practices, Juyeon would always push you or try to trip you when learning the dance, and you would both laugh about it and try to get each other back. Juyeon would also sometimes lift you or toss you around, saying you were like a little puppy. Jacob always thought it was too much, but his feelings only increased when Juyeon invited you to play basketball with him. Jacob knew that Juyeon would push you around even more, but it would be more dangerous because you could get seriously hurt with the basketball. Thus, Jacob would always try to come along to play basketball as well. Whenever Juyeon would try to pass you the ball, Jacob would steal it away and score the point himself. It began to annoy you more and more because it felt like you were no longer playing and Jacob just wanted to show off. Eventually, you felt very defeated and exhausted trying to get around Jacob, so you simply left without saying a word. When Jacob came back from a water break, he would ask Juyeon where you went. Juyeon would tell Jacob directly that you were annoyed with him, and that you didn’t want to play with him anymore. Realizing his mistake, Jacob would run home and catch your wrist right as you were getting into the dorm.
Jacob: “Y/N, I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t want to make you feel annoyed or left out or anything like that. I-I just… I felt like Juyeon was being too aggressive with you! I didn’t want him to hurt you or hold you or anything! I always get so worried about you…”
Y/N: “I’m not going to get hurt, Jacob! Juyeon wouldn’t hurt me intentionally, and we only do that playfully. Please, don’t get worried, Jacob. I can take care of myself; you know that.” You replied, trying to pull back your hand, but Jacob wouldn’t let go. He would hold on and hug you, rubbing your shoulders until you eventually held on to him as well.
Jacob: “You’re right, you’re right… I’m really sorry, Y/N. I promise that I’ll trust you more. Just smile for me again.”
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Hwall would be really proud of himself to even know someone as amazing as you. Thus, he would try his hardest to continue to impress you at every chance he had. He’d try to show you his modern dancing, his rapping skills, his singing abilities, and would even help you choose outfits to wear. However, no matter how hard he tried, he felt that he was always in competition with the person he looked up to the most: Hyunjae. Hyunjae would always come in during your conversations with Hwall, or he would knock on Hwall’s door to ask him where you were to see if you could hang out. Hwall would get pretty jealous and competitive over you. Although he respected Hyunjae a lot, Hwall couldn’t not get upset whenever Hyunjae would ask what he could cook for you for dinner or if he could hold the groceries for you. Thus, Hwall would always try to butt into your conversations with Hyunjae, asking if you needed help with singing or if you could be in his selca. Hyunjae wouldn’t understand Hwall’s unnecessary need to outdo him, even pointing it out in front of him teasingly. However, Hwall didn’t want to confront his own feelings, and would try to play it off as his normal behavior. His front for his “normal” behavior quickly vanished when Hyunjae invited you to be in his V Live interview. When Hyunjae would first start up the live, he would put up bunny ears behind you and talk about how the fans thought you were really cute. Unable to sit on the sides, Hwall would suddenly interrupt the live and sit right next to you, putting a protective arm around you to pull you away from Hyunjae. Hyunjae could obviously tell that Hwall was trying to get in his interview, thus he would tease him and tell him that he is taking you away from the fans like a clingy baby. With Hwall’s feelings suddenly announced to both you and the fans, Hwall created a fake excuse for needing to leave and would run out the door. Hyunjae, realizing that his words hurt Hwall’s feelings would try to finish the interview quickly so you could both talk to him. You and Hyunjae would knock on Hwall’s door to apologize and understand what was wrong. Hwall would say he forgave Hyunjae, but that he’d want to talk privately with you. As Hyunjae walked away, Hwall would open the door for you, his eyes behind his glasses slightly red.
Hwall: “I’m not a child, Y/N. But… Even though I feel like I can never compete with Hyunjae, I still want to be the person who can always amaze you.” Hwall would sit with his arms over his knees but would reach out to have your fingers interlocked with one another.
Y/N: “You don’t need to continue to impress me, Hwall. You always do! Every day, I learn something more about you.” Hwall would blush and push his glasses up, pulling you close to him to sit side by side.
Hwall: “Well… If that’s what you think, Y/N. Then that makes me happy.”
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Sunwoo was definitely the jealous type. However, he was also the type who tried to keep his cool whenever possible. Thus, he made an obvious point to always sit next to you, to let you have first pick of where to get food, and to tell everyone else to shut up to hear what you had to say. It was easy for him to yell at the other members when they were spending too much time with you, but he could never sincerely get mad at Q. Q was near total opposite of Sunwoo. He was always known for his cute charms and his adorable awkwardness. Thus, when he saw Q playing with your hair and teaching you silly aegyo moves, Sunwoo knew that he couldn’t do any of those things. So, he did the one thing that he could do, which was to simply take you for himself. He would always move in between you and Q whenever possible and even distract Q so he could have you. For a while, you thought Sunwoo was doing it just to be funny, so you didn’t see it as a big deal. Thus, when Q suggested you both watch a horror movie together, you thought it would be great to see Sunwoo’s expression when he got scared. You and Q would be in your onesies sitting on the couch watching The Conjuring at night. You would get easily spooked, so Q would lend you his arm to hold on to. Sunwoo, instantly jealous, would plop himself right in between both of you; only to realize what movie you were watching. During the movie, he would try to stay composed and keep an arm around you, but he always ended up screaming really loudly or trying to convince you to not watch anymore. Once the movie was over, Sunwoo would leap up immediately and drag you to your feet to bring you to his room without saying goodnight to Q. You would immediately shoot him a look when he closed his door, and he would sigh and lean against the wall, crossing his arms.
Sunwoo: “You can’t hang out with Q anymore, okay? I don’t think he’s treating you well and I don’t want you to be friends with him.”
Y/N: “What? That’s so hypocritical of you! You were being rude and unfair to Q whenever we would hang out. What’s wrong with you? I can’t have my own friends?” You would huff, pushing him out of the way to go back to your room. However, the door would shut as soon as you opened it, your back suddenly pressed against the wall as Sunwoo held onto your shoulders.
Sunwoo: “I’m just… jealous, Y/N. Please don’t be mad at me… I’m sorry.”
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zimmerdouche · 7 years
This is something I’ve had saved on my computer since like June but I still have a lot of thoughts about the Poindexter family.
I forget where it was I read this, and whether it was actually canon or not, but effectively it said that the entire Samwell Hockey Team came from a place of privilege because hockey is an expensive sport.
Consider: Dex is a multiple. More specifically, a triplet. Three kids going to college at once? And that money related stress, piled on since birth? Save your money, Poindexter, because even though you aren’t that bad off you aren’t the only one that needs tuition and equipment.
I know Ngozi tweeted about Dex only having an older brother but let me have this.
Let’s talk more about the Poindexter triplets.
Wyatt Joseph Poindexter
The youngest triplet. Laid back, big thinker, just wants everyone to get along.
He grew a beard after high school because he was so. Fucking. Tired. Of being mistaken for his older brother. He’s only an inch shorter and everyone called them the Weasley twins, there needed to be a change.
Poster Boy for the rustic hipster aesthetic. Plaid shirts with the sleeves rolled up, ripped jeans, knit beanie, Timbs, occasionally suspenders? Plus a beard? Actual Lumberjack Wyatt Poindexter.
At the University of Maine majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with a minor in music. He’d like to focus on music education for the hard of hearing.
Fluent in American Sign Language. (He is the Number One Fan of Holly Maniatty, interpreter at hip hop concerts.) Can also stumble his way through casual conversation in French.
L o v e s music and will listen to any genre. Literally any, but he especially loves stuff that he can play on his guitar, and artists like John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Brett Dennen, Counting Crows, so on and so forth. He loves listening to lyrics and dissecting meaning and context, and will write his own lyrics on occasion.
He was a sprinter in high school and was pretty good but chose not to continue in college even though a few schools showed interest.
Gay and demisexual. He came out after his freshman year, after a lot of soul searching, meditation, and GSA meetings, to his siblings, whose collective response was “oh shit me too, thank God.”
Drives a truck older than he is with a bench seat and a paint job that’s mostly rust. He hot boxes it regularly and honestly? A big Triplet Bonding Event, especially after the Poindexters start college, is driving out to the middle of nowhere at midnight with snacks and drinks and weed and smoking in the bed of the truck, looking at the stars, and talking about life.
Group chat: has it on Do Not Disturb because his siblings never shut up. Will occasionally interject with one liners. Sends Snapchat screenshots of himself looking Bored as Fuck in any lecture that isn’t directly related to his career path and also plaid related memes.
Winona Jane “Ryder” Poindexter
The second oldest/middle triplet and the only girl. Fiercely protective and stubborn. Will kick your ass. Will kick everyone’s ass. Will kick her own ass.
Everyone calls her Ryder (like, Winona Ryder, the actress) because she absolutely despises the name Winona. The number one way to piss her off is to call her Winona, or God forbid, Winnie (Will does it when he wants her attention. She threatens murder).
Also at UMaine, studying bioengineering. Her ultimate goal is to lead a research team focused on artificial organs, but she has also considered becoming a professor. She’d be a great lecturer because she tends to ramble.
A thrift store fiend with a need to look like she came straight from the nineties. She likes mom jeans, denim in general, crop tops, Chuck Taylors, and UMaine athletic wear. She also steals her brothers’ flannel shirts.
She was on the color guard in high school and continues to be on the color guard in college. She’s damn good at it too. Can do some basic gymnastics/tumbling, but the back handspring is about as fancy as she can go. Damn good at dancing in general. She also loves to swing dance, and while she couldn’t get Wyatt into it she managed to get Will to dance with her and he enjoys it much more than he’ll ever let on.
Her freshman spring semester she took a video editing class and part of the class was start a YouTube channel so that she could upload assignments to it. She chose to do a vlog channel and she titled it “Ryder Die,” and she just kinda stuck with it after the class ended. Will and Wyatt make regular guest appearances.
Lives for Spongebob related memes. It’s a problem. Wyatt had to ban her from showing Spongebob memes in the car because she would try to show him like one every three minutes while he was driving.
Bisexual as fuck and... uncomfortably open about her sex life. Ryder, your brothers do not want to know about that. Stahp.
Group chat: Ryder’s contact names from both of her brothers are just various Winona Ryder characters. She’ll purposely call Wyatt Will and Will Wyatt. “Guys how does this outfit look?” (30 seconds later) “Why am I asking you two I look fantastic”
William Jacob “Will” “Dex” Poindexter
The oldest triplet. High strung, reserved, very loyal and very protective, even more so than his sister.
His siblings call him Will, Samwell Men’s Hockey calls him Dex. His siblings will probably never call him Dex, it’s just weird. Do you call your brother by his last name? Why would you? You have the same last name!
Studying computer science/engineering at Samwell University.
Does the guy own anything that ISN’T plaid? Yes, he does, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at him. God, does he look like his brother.
Can stumble his way through a few songs on the guitar and can carry a tune better than his brother, (“Fuck you, Will! You’re not even going into music!”) but refuses to sing in public. He may hum, if you’re lucky.
Defensemen on the Samwell Men’s Hockey team.
Left handed so, basically, if Wyatt didn’t have a beard, they’d be completely mirrored. They are identical, after all.
Bisexual with a pretty strong male preference.
Group chat: Bickers with Ryder a lot, usually if he instigates conversation it’s to complain about his defense partner Derek Nurse. He does this often enough that Ryder suspects they’re dating. Once, when they were actually getting along, he sent a selfie and Ryder’s response was, of course, a Spongebob meme – “OH NO HE’S HOT!”
These three together? Oh boy
This bit is more about their parents but is required for context: Papa Marcus Poindexter is a Baptist worship pastor. Mama Cara Poindexter was Irish Catholic but converted after she started dating Marcus. They are… extremely conservative, more so than the rest of their extended family, and it’s not exactly a healthy environment for the triplets. They’ve all set off firecrackers in the baptismal pool though.
All three of them have like, three different personalities, depending on who is around them. There’s the “I’m with my parents” personality, which will always prevail in any situation and is very submissive and agreeable, the “I’m with my siblings but not my parents” personality, which will prevail provided their parents are not around and is very loud and laughter filled, and then “I’m with anyone else but not my siblings” personality, which is at any other time and shifts based on who they’re talking to.
Their group chat is. A mess. The name changes constantly and most of the time it’s just them bitching about everyone they know.
Favorite GC Names include:
Those Damn Poindexter Kids
Poindexter Meme Team
Will/Ryder/Wyatt is the Hot One
Which one are you again?
Fluent in American Sex Language
God Nerfed Us
Our Hair is Red because the Devil is Our Father
Mad 4 Plaid
Summer after their freshman year of college, some guy named Jake Nichols made a bet with his buddy that he could hook up with all three of them at least once. He did it, the madman, and they don’t figure it out until MONTHS later and it’s the best story to tell at parties, but only when all three of them are there together.
Wyatt and Will run in the mornings when they’re together, Will and Ryder will do dexterity training together, and Ryder and Wyatt will do your Everyday Gym Trip together (where Ryder does strength training and Wyatt general Fitness Upkeep).
Ryder and Wyatt visit The Haus when the Frogs are juniors:
So damn polite, oh my god, Bitty LOVES them because they all want to help in the kitchen like Dex does, and they brought even MORE food, bless their hearts. 
Wyatt gets along with Nursey like a house on fire. Ryder won’t stop doing eyebrow waggles at Dex every time he and Nursey say anything to each other.
Graduates are visiting bc plot and Ryder is well on her way to hook up with Ransom when he realizes that he doesn’t live there anymore and there’s no room to go to, whoops. He tried to ask Dex if he could flirt with his sister and Dex r e f u s e d to broach the topic with him. “If she wants to it’s fine.” “But-” “IF SHE WANTS TO IT IS F I N E.”
Wyatt brings his guitar and there’s a jam session in the front yard, somehow he convinces Will to sing. It’s an exciting time, Nursey brings out a ukulele and everyone’s humming along and somehow there’s a firepit is this even legal? The music is great though, even though it’s 3 AM and the Lax bros are pissed.
IDK how but they’d get Nursey and Dex together. They conspire with Chowder and maybe Bitty and just. Make it happen. Witchcraft.
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in-flagrante · 7 years
'The Downton Abbey movie will happen': Michelle Dockery on playing Lady Mary, a toilet-cleaning con artist and a feminist cowgirl
For now, she's sweeping away her genteel reputation in Good Behavior and Godless – as well as starring alongside Bryan Cranston in Ivo van Hove's stage adaptation of the 1976 film ‘Network’
Gerard Gilbert Wednesday 27 September 2017
It must have come as a shock to fans of Michelle Dockery's Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey – or perhaps as a sneaking satisfaction to those who thought the haughty aristocrat verging on the insufferable – to have witnessed the actress's follow-up television role in the American drama Good Behavior.
The establishing shots of Dockery's character, a paroled junkie grifter called Letty Raines, see her flipping burgers and cleaning a lavatory pan in a scuzzy diner and kneeing a would-be rapist in the groin. It almost feels like some form of self-abasing penance – the type that medieval nobility might practise – for all those years playing the imperious Lady M.
"I wasn't actively out to do something so vastly different," says Dockery, back in the UK after a long summer shooting the second season of Good Behavior in North Carolina. "I loved Mary, I loved that character so much, so I would be doing a disservice to go 'eugh...I want to do something completely different'. But then most of the British people watching the show, the last thing they would have seen me in was Downton, so there's no denying that will draw people to seeing Lady Mary cleaning the toilet..." 
Actually Good Behavior, which sees con-woman Letty, who is desperate to be reunited with her young son after a spell in prison, teaming up with a hitman called Javier (played by Argentinian actor Juan Diego Botto), was a role that came her way not entirely on the merits of Downton Abbey.
"I did an episode of Waking the Dead a long time ago – I must have been 24 or something – and I played this character Gemma who was a rape victim who then goes out to avenge her attackers," says Dockery, who is now 35. "She is the closest to Letty actually of all the characters I've played and it was on my show-reel, and the producers had seen it. You never know what job is going to lead to the next part in the next ten years."
It also helped that Good Behavior's writer, former Wayward Pines showrunner Chad Hodge, was "a Downton Abbey devotee" – but Dockery still couldn't believe her luck in being offered the part. "I loved the pilot when I read it: this deeply flawed complex woman. You're being constantly surprised by her life – by the fact that she has a son, that she's a con artist and a very good one. After I read it I rang my agent and said 'I have to play this woman.'"
The new season has a feel to it of The Americans, the drama in which Soviet sleeper agents pretend to be an ordinary suburban US family, as Letty and Javier try to live a normal life with Letty's son Jacob while both being hunted by the FBI. "The first three episodes of the second season are very funny because you're seeing this hitman and this thief trying to be normal and Letty cannot help herself," says Dockery. "She'll go this store and she can steal her son's school clothes rather than pay for them."
Filming took place in Wilmington, North Carolina, with 16-hour shooting days as opposed to the 12 hours on Downton Abbey. "Plus you got weeks off on Downton when they filmed the servants quarters", says Dockery. "But this show, Letty's in just about every scene, and you're like this hamster on a wheel.
"Wilmington is a wonderful place to work though because you have downtown, which is really cool and hip, and then the beach. But even then my weekends really were filled out with just resting or learning my lines. I'm constantly learning lines."
Dockery had a dialect coach to help with Letty's "general American" accent. "It takes a while to get into the movement of it," she says. "With American, you're using different muscles, with my accent as well... my Essex twang is still there and it's a little lazy at times, so the American accent is rhotic, you're pronouncing all your rs."
In person, the Romford-raised Dockery sounds nothing like Lady Mary, although she says the estuarine accent has softened over the years – except when she's had a few drinks. She won't be needing English English for quite a while however as she firmly establishes herself across the Atlantic, most recently in New Mexico shooting Godless for Netflix, a limited-series cowgirl drama being dubbed "a feminist western".
"That's what people are calling it," says Dockery. "I've certainly never seen a western before with that many female characters. The premise is Frank Griffins, played by Jeff Daniels, and his gang of outlaws are on this mission of revenge against Roy Good, played by Jack O'Connell, who's a son-like protege who betrays him. So while Roy's on the run he seeks refuge on my character's ranch, and this relationship develops between them, if you want to call it a relationship."
Her character, Alice, whom Dockery describes as a "hardened widow and outcast", lives in a town governed mainly by women as a result of a mining accident; all the men were killed. And in what sounds like a feminist High Noon, the women must come together to protect themselves against the outlaws – Dockery learning how to handle a gun in preparation for her role.
"The first thing we all did when we arrived on set was to go to cowboy camp," she recently told Vogue. "I remember when I shot a gun – the adrenaline was crazy. On Downton Abbey we had the shooting parties, but the women just stood back and wore a nice outfit and assisted the men."
"Alice was another character I was mad about and I put myself on tape for it when I was in North Carolina," she says. "I just loved her. Then I was offered and nearly fell off my chair."
Dockery won't be able to park her American accent quite yet – she makes her homecoming stage appearance at London's National Theatre later this autumn, in Lee Hall's adaptation of Paddy Chayefsky's Oscar-winning screenplay for the 1976 movie Network. Directed by Ivo van Hove, Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston takes the Peter Finch role of the messianic news anchor Howard Beale, while Dockery takes the part played by Faye Dunaway, that of Beale's ruthless producer Diana Christensen.
"We start rehearsals in a couple of weeks and I'm so excited by the opportunity to be back at the National and working with Bryan Cranston," she says. "The timing is great because I've felt a real urge to be home again, and in the strongest sense it's kind of happened because I feel like I'm going back to my roots. The National was my first job out of drama school [in His Dark Materials in 2004], so it's a wonderful feeling to be back home."
Indeed it's easy to forget that Dockery was foremost a stage actress before Downton Abbey whisked her career off in a different direction. She was twice nominated for an Ian Charlson Award, in 2006 and 2008, and once for an Olivier Award, for her part in the Russian drama Burnt by the Sun. She was also Ophelia to John Simm's Hamlet at the Sheffield Crucible in 2010, "descending movingly into madness", according to The Independent's theatre critic.
However, Downton fans need not despair of ever seeing her again as Lady Mary. According to the president of NBC Universal, Michael Edelstein, a script is being written for the long-mooted Downton Abbey movie and a budget has been set. "Yeah, the phantom script... nobody knows. We'll see," says Dockery. "Ending Downton was very bittersweet for everyone, it did feel like something that would go on forever and felt like the audience didn't want it to end. I think that's why talk of the movie is just endless.
"I'm positive something will happen at some stage. But it is proving difficult to get together a big ensemble cast like ours, so we'll just have to see. But I'm not bored of Mary."
Season 2 of 'Good Behavior' is on Virgin TV from16 October; 'Godless' is on Netflix from 22 November; 'Network' is at the National Theatre from 4 November
From The Independent
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therummesoccupied · 7 years
A Swing and a Hit - A Review of Spider-Man: Homecoming
           Many say that the superhero movie genre is getting tired, that the market’s oversaturated and that we’ve been flooded with too many context-dependant “cinematic universes.” To a degree, this is true. It’s astounding how much you needed to know about the universes and lore behind DC Comics before seeing Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice in order to even begin to understand the movie, let alone the information provided by the context set up in Man of Steel. Legendary Pictures is now gearing up for the third installment of their “MonsterVerse,” all leading up to a climactic standoff between monster film icons Godzilla and King Kong, and Universal Studios has been trying for years to re-establish its own movie monster universe, most recently with the apparent blunder that was The Mummy. However, one cannot have the conversation about the cinematic universe craze without discussing Marvel’s own “Marvel Cinematic Universe,” or as we have all come to know it, the MCU. The MCU is set apart from its competitors however, by a number of factors. One of which is history – the fact that the MCU was built from a single superhero movie, and has been introducing new characters and elements piece-by-piece organically since 2008. Another factor is the varying “flavors” of the movies. While each story certainly feels like it shares a world with the rest, the vast majority of the films are noticeably different from the others, making each stand out well enough to make watching any one of them on its own an enjoyable experience without feeling the need to marathon them all. The last characteristic factor of the MCU is organization, with Marvel splitting its stories up into “Phases,” or groups that all build up to climactic crossovers like The Avengers, sort of like seasons of a television show; this, I have found, is the most enjoyable way to look at these films. No one gets upset about needing the context from past episodes to fully understand the season finale of their favorite prime-time sitcom, and I honestly think to continue to apply that formula in the world of film is a daring and profitable move on Marvel’s part.
           Now, the latest installment in Marvel’s “cinematic television series” is Spider-Man: Homecoming, a solo flick centering around Marvel’s main posterboy, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Many fans feel this piece has been a long time coming, with Spidey’s movie rights being held on lockdown for several years by Fox. After working out a deal on the rights, however, the web-slinger was able to join the party, first appearing in Captain America: Civil War. While Civil War’s context plays directly into Homecoming, the movie is not strictly required reading in order to get the general jist of the film’s plot. Peter Parker is given a new and improved spider-suit by Tony Stark and shipped back to New York City to continue his street-level super-heroics, but feels the need to prove himself capable of being a fully fledged Avenger. Tom Holland returns as Parker, bringing with him an energy that is a breath of truly fresh air to the MCU. Up until now, every hero we’ve seen has been unswervingly mature or noble or cocky or smart or something. Whatever a hero in the MCU is, they’re supremely confident and grounded in their character, making them seem always sure of whatever they’re saying or doing. Holland’s Spider-Man is able to bring a believable uncertainty to his character, always questioning his next move or the words that leave his mouth. Peter Parker is a teenager, and he’s going through a turbulent time in his life. On top of his typical puberty-ridden crises, he’s also got superheroing to worry about. Honestly, neither Toby MacGuire nor Andrew Garfield were able to bring this youthful conflict to the character, and when they did, it came off as the moans of a worker who simply didn’t like their job, because, simply put, Toby was too old and Andrew was too cool. Tom Holland has an astoundingly pretty face for 21, and has no trouble passing for a 15 year old, and he’s simply too adorable to be the cool guy. Sorry, Tom. Whatever the case, “conflicted geek kid” seemed to fit Holland like a glove. Holland’s performance was supplemented by the rest of Parker’s high-school crew, namely Jacob Batalon and Zendaya, who portray characters Ned and Michelle respectively. Neither of them are quite present enough to overtake the film, but both are able to contribute to Parker’s youthful energy enough to remind us that Peter is, in fact, a real high schooler. Part of the problem with past Spider-Man films is the lack of many school elements in Parker’s life. His relationship with others is usually limited to Aunt May and an obligatory love interest. We were never shown that Peter had a real boy’s life away from the red tights, and the simple act of giving him some friends was more than enough to ground this film in the hormone ridden halls of late childhood.
           Peter is also helped along by his mentor figure, Tony Stark, continuing to be played by acclaimed actor and MCU icon, Robert Downey Jr. Before the film was released, I heard a lot of talk about from folks worrying that RDJ might steal the show. Rest assured, fellow viewers, the Armored Avenger hardly occupies the screen for ten minutes of this entire movie. I’d thank the people upstairs, too, as there is something… off… about RDJ’s performance. He comes off as a bit more calm and mature than usual, almost dad-like, which I suppose might be the angle they were going for, but it doesn’t seem to suit Stark well. In the past, Stark takes every opportunity he can to be snide and mean-spirited unless an issue is serious enough to truly upset him. Giving Peter his “son, I’m disappointed in you” talk while neither making an inappropriate joke nor raising his voice just seems very out of character for him. It seemed like Downey was given a choice to be either too hard or too soft on Peter, but chose to fall somewhere in the middle, which, while a suitable choice, didn’t seem to be quite the right one.
           Speaking of old superheroes, Michael Keaton, popular within the genre for Tim Burton’s Batman and the odd commentary, Birdman, takes another center-stage role as the film’s main antagonist, Adrian Toomes, who fans will recognize as classic Spider-Man villain: The Vulture. Keaton manages to bring one of the first genuinely intimidating auras to the MCU I’ve seen. The character’s motivations are ones I’m sure we’ve all seen before, aging labor worker gets ripped off by rich folks and takes matters into his own hands by undergoing criminal activity to support his family, truly and dangerously believing he’s in the right the whole time. The difference comes once the plot twist concerning the character is shown, which I won’t spoil, but I’ll say it makes him seem all the more real as a person, somehow making him much, much scarier.
           Visually, the film is largely standard MCU fare. Vibrant, bright colors, over-the-top action scenes, and interesting spins on the more mundane scenes so they never get to be boring. I suppose that there’s no need to fix what isn’t broken. One of the things that sets this movie apart from other MCU flicks is the way it does motion. Being a Spider-Man film, a great emphasis is placed on the way Spider-Man moves – fluid, not-quite erratic flips, and clever use of momentum give this film’s action scenes a very unique visual flavor. Unfortunately, not much of this is ground that hasn’t been covered in Spider-Man films made in the past. What this one does that the others did not, however, is give us a view of New York City we don’t see in a whole lot of movies. The joke is often made among comic enthusiasts, “how would Spider-Man get around if there weren’t tall buildings for him to swing around on?” Honestly, neither TV Show, comic book, nor movie have really addressed this query up till now. This film seems to make a point of showing Spider-Man in places that are not Times Square. We see Spider Man in the back alleys, and in the suburbs where we are welcomed by the familiar sights of grass, trees, and even the occasional wooden fence. Getting to see Spidey operate somewhere other than the crowded city streets was a welcome surprise.
           In addition to settings, I adored the look of the outfits, especially the spider-suit. When it was first announced that Spider-Man would be joining the MCU, I was skeptical – I had been disillusioned with Spider-Man for years (which just goes to show how well Tom Holland did to bring me back). As soon as I saw the spider-suit, though, my doubts almost completely washed away. The classic look, the bright colors, the expressive eyes, everything about it was quintessentially the great Spider-Man I remembered from my childhood – with a few touches of modern flair that only helped to make the suit look even better. We also got a much better look at Peter’s old spider-suit from when he was introduced in Civil War, and I’m just as in love with it - a clever visual reference to the Scarlet Spider design from the comics that manages to be both fun to look at and functional. A third spider-suit shortly appears in the film - an ugly, armored contraption reminiscent of DC’s mislead New 52 designs that I’m so, so glad doesn’t get used. As I said before, don’t fix what isn’t broken.
           The movie’s story and themes, while easy to follow, lead to a couple confusing conclusions. There is not a single reference to Uncle Ben or the line “With great power comes great responsibility” in the entire film, and while I’m glad I didn’t have to sit through Spider-Man’s origin story again, I’m a little disappointed that the very core of Spider-Man’s character was never brought up in Spidey’s first solo step into the MCU. Still, the concept of responsibility is one of the central themes of the movie… I think. The movie spends a lot of time emphasizing that Peter isn’t ready to become an Avenger because he steps outside of his boundaries and tries to solve problems that aren’t his to handle, and at the end of the film, he redeems himself by… beating the bad guy he’s been told several times not to take on? I suppose one could interpret the movie’s core message as “to achieve greatness, one must be great.” Spidey must grow as a hero to accomplish the task before him and save the day, and by acting recklessly before he was ready, he screws up pretty bad. It’s only once he’s accepted the risk and responsibility that comes with being a hero that he can show how great he truly is. It’s a simple enough conclusion to understand, I guess, but it takes some effort to get there that the movie could have easily lessened with a bit of dialogue change or shift in focus.
           Still, the movie manages to tell a strong and effective story with the most relatable Spider-Man to date. I couldn’t tell you whether Spider-Man: Homecoming is the best Spider-Man film out there, but its performers certainly bring a unique and youthful presence to it and its visuals manage to meld old and new together to create an impressively fitting and engaging look at the world of everyone’s favorite webhead. With effective characters and a compelling setting, the challenge and fun of the story fall right into place – giving the movie a fantastic tone that falls somewhere between the excitement and adventure of The Avengers and the endearingly comedic romp that is Guardians of the Galaxy. Spider-Man has found himself fitting right in with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and I’m glad to see my friendly neighborhood hero come home.
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adapted-batteries · 8 years
You Sultry Land Pirates Ruined My Dig! Chapter 1
Fandom: The Librarians
Rating: General Audiences/sfw
Ships: a little bit Jazekiel, little bit Jassandra, and some Cassekiel in a bit
In a world where Cassandra and Ezekiel are top tier land pirates, and Stone is an expert in archeology and history but new to being out in the field, there is a weird, impenetrable tomb in some Sumerian ruins, with things that don’t quite make sense.
Inspired by the lovely story line (and outfits) in episode 3x09 “And the Fatal Separation” where Cassandra and Ezekiel smuggle Stone, Baird, and Flynn in while they pose as land pirates.
Posted on my Ao3 here.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 , Chapter 4
Cassandra hadn’t imagined her life ever ending up like this, running around with Ezekiel acquiring items of interest for buyers. Risky, dangerous, but well-paying work, that was for sure. The job grew on her though; now she was so good at it she couldn’t think of doing anything else. Ezekiel had been a thief for years before they met, though. In fact, that’s how they met.
Desperate for cash and a better paying job, Cassandra found a listing on a forum for “analytical analysis of action plans” with a salary listed as “varying, but well worth it.” No requirements for a degree or diploma, and she was great at analyzing stuff. Anything to have more cash, maybe pay for surgery one day, though she wasn’t quite ready to get rid of her brain tumor since it was the reason she could do that job.
In hindsight, shady job off a forum couldn’t have ever been good, but sometimes people don’t think things through. She showed up to what looked like an abandoned warehouse and quickly got roped into assessing a tactical plan to infiltrate a museum archive for some artifact of interest. It got even worse when her new boss decided she would be the least suspicious of the man’s thugs to go retrieve this artifact, and she better do it or there would be a bullet where her tumor was.
Weirdly enough, it wasn’t very hard to get into the museum. All she needed was the right questions and interests to get the archivist to take her into the vault for the sake of research. She already looked the part of an academic with her somewhat eclectic style of dress and innocent complexion.
However, when they both got down there, they weren’t the only ones interested in the artifact. An Asian boy with messy dark hair was currently hacking into the keypad on the wall. The archivist was livid, the old lady suddenly yelling at the top of her lungs. She startled the thief, who messed up his task and set off an alarm throughout the whole floor. According to the angry archivist, it was a security alert that would notify the police station down the block.
In a panic, the boy stood and strode towards Cassandra. Not prepared for this, she froze, willing him not to hurt her, but instead he hugged her. “Cousin! I did not know you in town! It is good to see you!” he exclaimed in a very thick, stereotypical Asian accent. Cassandra had no clue what was going on. “I got lost, you know, like I do, but it is a good thing you showed up. We should go visit Mum, she love to talk with you.” He turned her by the shoulders and gave a rather forceful shove forward, whispering into her ear, now in an Australian accent, “Play up ‘coz I know you’re here for the ring. If we get out of here alive I won’t kill you.”
“Oh yes, Mum will be overjoyed to see me, wouldn’t she? Let’s go back home,” Cassandra said, attempting to keep the quiver out of her voice. She let him lead her through a backdoor into an alley behind the museum, from there they broke into a run.
He took her to a park and found a grove of trees and bushes they could hide in. “Alright I just saved you jail time, so spill it,” he barked. “Who are you working for? Did they send you for the ring?”
“What? Uh yeah, I guess? They didn’t tell me what I was getting. I didn’t even want to go either, I’m not a thief like you!” She spat, adrenaline fueling her words.
“I’ll have you know I’m the best thief out there and if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have gotten caught!” he retorted.
“I don’t care if you’re the best, I’m not supposed to be doing this! I should be in school somewhere, not stealing a mysterious artifact for a mob boss because I can’t get a job,” she responded, mostly to herself.
“Well you must be good enough if they trusted to you get it,” the boy said, trying to calm down. “Who are you?”
“I’m Cassandra, I’m no one.” A weird response, but the boy didn’t seem to mind. Actually, he seemed to be planning something.
“Look, a person in my...business...could use someone like you, a pretty face who can get in and get out. It pays well, just not legally, and you don’t seem too keen to return to your current job,” he suggested.
“I am not going to steal for a living!” she said hysterically, turning around and walking a few paces before turning back around.
“Well it seems like you already were,” he started, looking at her with almost pity. “Ezekiel Jones, world-class thief,” he greeted, offering her his hand. Realizing she was currently on the run from the police, she shook it.
“Cassandra Cillian, uh, genius I guess?” she stammered.
“Genius, eh? How come you’re in my line of work?” he asked her, a smug grin on his face.
Cassandra tapped her temple. “Tumor. Made me drop out of school, ruined my life. But I can do quantum physics in my head, see the patterns where there is none, figure out stuff.”
“So you’re like Sherlock Holmes?” he laughed.
“Uh, if Sherlock had visual hallucinations due to a tumor and not drugs, then yes, I’m like Sherlock Holmes,” she concluded, confused by the analogy.
“Well Sherlock, we can’t say in the bushes forever. This job is bust, thanks to you,” she narrowed her eyes at him, “but there’s plenty more. Let’s get going.”
Just like that she followed him, and for the next five years they worked their way up in the crime ranks, becoming one of the best duos for acquiring rare artifacts and art. The job certainly wasn’t boring; in fact after the first few steals, they had enough to start working on their “image” which could be best described as “edgy, sexy, and intimidating.” It became their trademark almost, besides their reputation for getting just about anything that paid well.
Ezekiel really was a world-class thief. It was almost scary how well he could steal and break into places, but also an odd relief to have him working with her and not against her. He could care less that she tripped out sometimes when the brain grape (a name he coined for her tumor which stuck) as long as she got him the intel and planned out how to get whatever they were stealing that day.
They actually worked really well together, something Ezekiel didn’t think he’d ever do. He had been on his own for years before they met, and it took a bit to get him to trust Cassandra and not treat her like a walking computer. He started training her sort of, and then they both did jobs together, and it just clicked.
It helped Cassandra ended up being a really good actress, especially in her “sexy land pirate who could also kill you in an instant” Amy Adamantite act which they used almost every job. He had fun playing Mr. Zet too; it was quite fun to look great, and that perk more than once had gotten both of them info they couldn’t have gotten elsewhere (some security guards and secretaries and curators were way too thirsty). Their most recent outfits were particularly fun to wear; dark purples and blacks and leather and fringe that looked great on her, and black waistcoat vest and maroon skinny jeans and leather armband for himself. He did get a little distracted with the feathers that dangled down the left side of his face from a thin leather head band, but it definitely completed the outfit.
Today that perk was going to be put to use. They were after an artifact which a Dr. Jacob Stone was leading a dig on in southwestern Iraq; a Sumerian tablet of some sort. The interested parties normally didn’t tell much about what they wanted, just enough to be able to identify it. Conveniently the archaeological community decided to excavate the ruins where the buyer suspected this tablet was, and the dig actually made Cassandra and Ezekiel’s job easier. Stone and his team would do all the work finding it, then they would steal it. Simple.
Deciding to play up to curious researchers, they went to the dig site looking for the professor. The academic was new to it all from what Cassandra had found. The cowboy had been publishing with a pen name but had recently revealed himself and started working for an English university in their archaeology department which had gotten him out here. The dig was a few miles outside the nearest town, a convenient location. The sun had just about set, but lights were on throughout the camp that had set up next to a load of stone ruins.
Upon inquiry, it was discovered that the professor had gone into town in search for drink. Cassandra saw it a golden opportunity to get Dr. Stone to give them all the information they needed. After a quick stop at their hotel to switch from academics to sexy land pirates, they easily found the one tavern in the town. A steady stream of customers came and left from the doors, giving glimpses into the sounds and smells from inside.  
It took a bit to find Dr. Stone in the midst of everyone wearing white and tan clothes/robes and various colored turbans, until he spoke. Though it was some form of Arabic, he somehow put an Oklahoman twang to it, along with a booming laugh to whatever he said. The bartender chuckled and nodded, more amused by the buzzed Oklahoman than whatever he had said. He was sitting alone unlike everyone else in the bar.
“Alright, I’m going to talk to him first. If and when I need you, I’ll do the signal, so watch me,” Cassandra said under her breath as she leaned over to Ezekiel. “Don’t do anything to get us kicked out please.”
“I’ll try my best, though I should say the same to you since I don’t see any ladies nearby,” Ezekiel responded, scanning the smokey room. His observation was correct that he could tell, but the patrons didn’t seem startled by their entrance, instead absorbed in drink, smoke, or conversation.
“Noted. Good thing I’m capable of taking care of myself,” she said, straightening her back as she got into character. With a somewhat deep breath, she strutted over to the bar next to the archaeologist as the bartender moved off to some other customers. It took a second for him to realize she was there; he jumped slightly in his seat before giving her a look over.
“Well you’re not from around here,” he greeted. His voice was rich, low, and thick with the country accent. He also had a smirk on his face as he looked her over, a sign that this persona would probably get her somewhere.
“Nope, I’m not, and neither are you. Dr. Stone I presume?” she purred, looking intently at him.
“Yup. But I don’t know you. Gotta name, sweetheart?” he asked, taking another drink of some dark, slightly frothy liquid, then setting it down somewhat clumsily.
Internally she rolled her eyes, but kept her front with a smirk of her own. “Amy Adamantine, a...connoisseur of antiquities, you could say.”
“Lucky for you I’m a famous historian and archaeologist,” he chuckled, puffing up his chest slightly like a bird trying to impress a potential mate.
Deciding to toy with him, Cassandra decided to be a little sassy. “Hmm, if you’re so famous, why haven’t I heard much about you?” Dr. Stone looked a little taken aback, his pompous attitude faltering a bit.
“Well, I’ve used a pen name for a while, that may be why,” he started, watching her expression for the recognition he wanted. “Have you heard of a Dr. Thompson?”
“Maybe, could you describe some of your work?” she asked, hoping to let him self-repair his ego. He perked up at her question.
Cassandra did not realize that Stone would go on for five minutes about things she never heard nor cared about. She attempted to get him back on track with the dig, but he kept getting reminded of various papers he’d written over the years, the alcohol making him a little scatterbrained.
By now Ezekiel had slowly moved to one end of the bartop, keeping his distance but watching with a drink in hand. Deciding now was the right time, Cassandra, who had been leaning on her left hand, elbow against the countertop, covertly tapped her left temple twice with her index and middle finger together. At the signal, Ezekiel nodded once, barely observable, before standing up and sitting next to Dr. Stone.
Cassandra cleared her throat to get his attention and interrupt his analysis on some Renaissance era painting. “Dr. Stone, this is my colleague, Mr. Ket.”
At Ezekiel’s arrival, Dr. Stone’s jaw literally dropped. It only lasted a second before he recovered himself, but Cassandra could tell that Ezekiel was going to get more information tonight. The archaeologist shook his head a bit, trying to clear his thoughts. He offered his hand to him as he spoke, “Evenin’, Mr. Ket. Nice to meet ya.”
“You as well, Dr. Stone.” Ezekiel returned the shake, being as smooth as he could. “So you have an excavation outside of town, correct?”
“Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah, I do. We’re goin’ through some ancient Sumerian ruins. It’s taken a bit, but we’ve found some interestin’ things down there,” Dr. Stone answered, fumbling over his words.
“Interesting things, like what?” Ezekiel pressed, genuinely intrigued. He leaned forward ever so slightly, which Dr. Stone mimicked, completely forgetting Cassandra was next to him.
“Well, we’ve found some nice pottery, a few tablets,” he paused, dramatically putting up a hand like he was trying to tell a secret, but not actually lowering his voice, “and we found what I think is a burial chamber of some sort. But we can’t get in it just yet.”
“That is fascinating,” Ezekiel purred. He glanced over to Cassandra to see where she suggested he’d go with this. Judging off Dr. Stone’s initial reaction, she gave a quick glance to the back of his head then winked and nodded, their sign for “chat them up because they will spill it.” Ezekiel looked back to Dr. Stone, putting on his most seductive expression. “Do you think,” he started, letting his fingers walk slowly up the drunk man’s chest as he talked, “there could be a chance my colleague and I could see this dig of yours?” Ezekiel gently put his index finger under Dr. Stone’s chin.
Dr. Stone swallowed hard before speaking. “Sh….sure, definitely. You can, uh, stop by tomorrow mornin’.” Satisfied with that answer, Ezekiel rewarded him with a kiss, pulling him in with the finger still under his chin. It wasn’t long, but enough to keep Dr. Stone moldable in their hands. “Or, um, you can visit tonight,” he rumbled.
“Hmmm, that’s a tempting offer I admit, however I don’t want to leave my colleague alone in an unfamiliar city,” Ezekiel fibbed, knowing full well Cassandra could take care of herself.
Ezekiel's answer reminded Dr. Stone that she still existed; he followed Ezekiel’s eyes behind him to look at her. “ O...oh, yes, of course,” he stammered, sitting up in his chair from where he had really leaned into Ezekiel’s space. “I should be gettin’ back to camp before it’s too late in the night anyway. It was nice meeting ya’ll.”
“I look forward to seeing your dig,” Cassandra responded. Dr. Stone nodded to her and Ezekiel before slapping some money on the counter to catch the bartender’s attention. He then stood up from the stool, nodded again to both of them like he forgot he just did it, and left the bar. “I’d say that went rather well,” Cassandra giggled.
“Hey, anytime I get to kiss hot targets and get information from them, I call that a win,” Ezekiel clarified, clearly content with his performance.
“I can’t argue with that,” she said, standing up from the bar. “I say it’s time to call it a night, then we’ll give your plaything a visit tomorrow.”
“Seconded,” Ezekiel yawned, not handling the jet lag as well as Cassandra was. “If he initiates, can I-”
“It probably wouldn’t be a good idea if you banged the person we’re gonna steal from,” she said, cutting off his question. He huffed, but nodded in understanding, finishing the last of his drink.
“Yeah, you’re right. But he was just so yummy,” Ezekiel confided in an exaggerated tone, knowing it’d make Cassandra squirm. She scrunched up her nose at his statement, but decided not to give in to his bait like he wanted, instead digging out some currency to pay for his drink (she always handled the finances).
“Come on, let’s go.” She grabbed his wrist gently and lead him out of the bar.
Ch 1 post notes
So I decided to put this pre-operation for Cassandra because I feel we don’t know a whole lot about her new ability yet, or at least I don’t know enough to write it confidently.
Also I love the idea of Stone being bi and really confused on who to focus on with these two sexy people on either side of him. Sadly this story won’t have much more Jazekiel or Jassandra, but I’m most likely gonna write some one-shots for both in this universe though cuz it’d be fun.
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