#they both only retweeted and liked some tweets
akkivee · 2 months
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fight-o ichiro!!!!!!!!!!
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lune-redd · 5 months
Hello, it's Lelly.
As you may know, I have recently deactivated my Twitter account. A lot of people are speculating I left because I was being harassed for drawing my older depiction of Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls as chubby. However... that's not the direct reason I left. In fact, I didn't really see much of the comments of folks on there getting riled up about it as I muted the tweet the morning I saw that it blew up. I was only merely aware of it all by being told about it from friends, with there being some other users on the site making other really fuckin' stupid comments about my art.
This does however lead into why I actually left Twitter, and it's because of Twitter's overall toxic nature. Overtime, I've really gotten sick of how absolutely revolting Twitter has become to experience. The site is basically built around dunk culture and doom scrolling. You know that one tweet of someone making an example of Twitter's utter stupidity by using pancakes and waffles as an example?
I bring this up because I think this fits my point about how Twitter has this thing of assuming the absolute worst about the most insignificant things, even the most innocuous. The "Bubbles obesity" comments weren't the only stupid comments that came out of that post. I also got a quote retweet that I was "forcefully feminizing Buttercup", even though the whole fucking point of that drawing was to depict a usually tough character in an unusual situation for her. I have also gotten stupid comments on other drawings though, like the one where Mitch pushes Buttercup down for trying to look taller than she is and I got called a misogynist for it, though I'm pretty sure that one was bait (Twitter users have a tough time figuring out what is and isn't bait, it's dunk culture that I'm about to talk about really doesn't help this).
The site's dunk culture is also really fuckin' bad. Quote retweets are a disease, as unlike Tumblr's reblog comments, quote retweets count as a different post. Someone disagrees with you? Show your audience how stupid they are on your page! Hey, are you trying not to see the most abhorrent racist statement imaginable? Well TOO BAD FUCK YOU here's a le epic own giving them all the attention in the world even though one of the most common internet rules are DON'T FEED THE FUCKIN' TROLLS YOU IDIOT. Oh hey, are you trying to explain how you prefer a certain artistic choice over another in something you like? Well you're a deranged ungrateful whiny nitpicker, get owned!
I've seen so many of my friends be belittled for simply discussing their artistic preferences of things they're passionate about. I had a friend who said he prefers the original Crash Bandicoot design over his redesigned look in Crash 4, and had legitimate reasons for why he felt that way (even if he didn't really explain them clearly), and he got dunked for it which made me mad. I'm sick and tired of it all. The reaction to my art is only a mere example of the shit I despise about that site.
I had been planning on leaving Twitter for quite some time, as my follower count was growing nearer and nearer to 10K. I had planned on leaving after 10K followers because that amount was wayyyy too fuckin big for me to handle. I'm a young and growing lad, and I felt it wouldn't be good for my mental sanity to handle all that, so I dipped. The amount of attention I've been getting is simultaneously both wonderful and extremely overwhelming. Even the explosion of new followers and asks on here is quite the load! (Seriously, calm the fuck down y'all) I am very grateful for all the supportive asks I've gotten even though I won't be able to answer them all, thank you all so very much.
tl;dr I didn't leave Twitter because I was being harassed or anything, but rather because of the site's overall toxic and belittling environment.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Charles Leclerc x Monegasque singer!Reader
Summary: the “Charles Leclerc competes in Eurovision” fic no one asked for but I wrote anyway
Warnings: none that I can think of
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“Why is Charles Leclerc trending in the music section?” You wonder aloud, eyes narrowing as you see the pop-up notification on your Twitter.
Opening the app, you’re met with a tweet from an official Eurovision updates account: “🇲🇨 #Monaco: Eligible to Compete in the #Eurovision Song Contest 2024.” Below it, Charles Leclerc, Monaco’s pride and F1 sensation extraordinaire, has replied to the tweet with a sly “I’m ready 🎤.”
You can’t help but laugh. The thought of Charles taking the Eurovision stage is hilarious. You respond to the tweet, “Ever considered a duet? Though I would advise keeping your day job for now 🏎️😉.” Notifications instantly start pouring in, a flurry of likes and retweets.
Your phone buzzes, a call from your manager, Rosa. “Did you see the Leclerc tweet?” She starts without preamble.
“Of course. The entire principality probably has by now,” you chuckle, imagining the reactions of Monegasque citizens.
Silence. A beat too long.
“What?” You probe, sensing her hesitance.
Rosa exhales deeply, “The Monegasque Eurovision committee called me.”
You sit up, “About the tweet?”
“More than that. They’re seriously considering him.”
“For Eurovision?” You're incredulous, “He’s a racer, not a singer.”
She hesitates, “That’s where you come in.”
A long pause ensues. The weight of her words settles around you. Rosa is never one for jokes, especially when it comes to your career.
“They want you to team up with him,” she continues, breaking the silence, “He can compose and play but they need a voice. Your voice.”
The gravity of the situation dawns on you. Representing Monaco in Eurovision is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but with Charles? Someone you’ve only admired from afar on the circuit?
“What if it doesn’t work out?” You voice your concerns. “Our styles, our personalities ... they could clash.”
“It’s a risk, yes. But it’s also an opportunity. Both for your career and for Monaco,” Rosa reasons.
You look out of the window, the streets of Monaco stretching below. The pride of representing your nation battles with the uncertainty of this potentially bizarre partnership.
“I need some time, Rosa,” you whisper.
She understands. “Take all the time you need. But remember, some of the best things in life come from taking the most unexpected turns.”
As you hang up, Charles’ tweet flashes on your screen again, the confident smile in his profile picture making you wonder if this journey is one you should embark on.
“Are you sitting down?” Rosa’s voice is tense, filled with an urgency you rarely hear from her.
You shuffle around in your apartment, finding a chair by the window. “I am now. What’s up?”
She takes a deep breath, her exhale echoing over the line. “The committee’s made their decision. They want Charles Leclerc for Eurovision.”
You almost drop your phone. “You’re joking.”
“I wish I was,” she replies, her tone betraying her surprise as much as yours. “And they want you to partner with him.”
The world seems to blur around you. Images of the grand Eurovision stage, the cheering crowds, and a sea of flags swirl through your mind, and the idea of standing there, alongside someone like Charles, is surreal.
“This is ...” you trail off, searching for words.
“Insane? Unprecedented? A media goldmine?” Rosa supplies, ever the pragmatist.
“All of the above.” The weight of the offer hangs between you, punctuated by the distant sounds of Monaco outside your window.
“What did you tell them?” You ask, after a moment of heavy silence.
“I told them we’d think about it,” Rosa says. “But darling, this is huge. For your career, for Charles, for Monaco!”
You sigh, pressing a hand to your forehead. “I’ve never even met him. What if we don’t click? What if we can’t perform together? What if—”
“What if you soar?” Rosa interrupts gently. “What if this is the push both of you need?”
You consider her words, the promise they hold. But the fear remains. “What if I fall?”
Rosa’s voice softens. “Then you get back up, just as you always have. But you won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have all of Monaco behind you.”
The conversation weighs on you long after you’ve hung up. Charles Leclerc, Monaco’s golden boy, and you? It feels like a dream, one you’re not sure you want to wake up from.
That night, as Monaco’s lights twinkle beneath your apartment, a notification lights up your phone. An email with an official Monegasque Eurovision committee letterhead:
We are pleased to extend to you an official invitation to represent Monaco at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in an act alongside Charles Leclerc. Details to follow.
The reality sets in. And it terrifies and thrills you in equal measure.
“Are you the singer?” The voice unmistakably belongs to Charles, though softer than the confident tone you’ve heard in his interviews.
You turn, your heart doing a tiny flip. He’s leaning against a grand piano in the center of the room, looking more perfect in casual jeans and a t-shirt than he has any right to. You have to remind yourself to breathe for a moment.
“Are you the racer?” You shoot back, attempting to mask your nervousness with humor.
He laughs, “Touche.”
Both of you approach the piano, the room filled with an almost tangible tension. He extends a hand. “Charles.”
You shake it, feeling the calloused fingertips, likely from handling the wheel so often. “I know. And you probably don’t know me, but ... it’s Y/N.”
“I’ve heard your songs on YouTube,” he admits, releasing your hand. “You have an incredible voice.”
“Thanks,” you murmur, surprised and flattered. “You … drive really fast?”
He laughs again, easing some of the tension. “I try.”
The two of you start the rehearsal, with Charles taking the lead on the piano. The notes are hauntingly beautiful, full of emotion. You find yourself getting lost in the music, your voice blending seamlessly with the tune.
But suddenly, Charles stops playing. “Sorry,” he says, a hint of frustration in his voice. “I’m not used to this. Playing in front of someone.”
You blink, taken aback. “You’re not used to performing?”
“Not like this. Racing, I get. This is … different,” he confesses, running a hand through his hair.
You nod, understanding his fear. “Let’s take it slow. We have time.”
He looks up, his eyes searching yours. “Do we? Eurovision is just around the corner and I will be away a lot of the time for races.”
You take a deep breath. “Every journey starts with a single step. Let’s just focus on today.”
You play and sing for hours, taking breaks when needed. The connection, while still tentative, starts to form. By the end of the session, a shaky version of your Eurovision song emerges.
“I think … I think we could actually pull this off,” Charles admits as you pack up.
“With a lot more practice,” you reply, smiling.
He grins, the confidence you expected from him back in full form. “Challenge accepted.”
Walking out of the studio, you can’t help but feel a tiny flutter of excitement. This partnership, as unlikely as it seemed, might just work.
“I’ve never been to this bistro,” Charles admits, looking around the quaint little place you’ve chosen.
“It’s a hidden gem. My little escape in Monaco,” you reply, sipping your tea. “Sometimes the noise of the city gets too much.”
He nods, fidgeting slightly. “I get that. For me, it’s the track. I love racing but our world can become ... suffocating sometimes.”
The vulnerability in his words surprises you. You’d always seen Charles as a fearless driver, not a man who needed an escape.
“You know,” you start, “I always thought you loved the thrill, the fame.”
He chuckles, but there’s a shadow in his eyes. “I love racing. The fame, not so much. I love the fans. I love Ferrari. But it’s overwhelming at times. Especially when the car is underperforming.”
You feel a connection in that moment, the shared weight of expectations. “Music is my escape. But sometimes, the pressure to always be on, to always perform ... it’s draining.”
He looks at you, a new understanding dawning in his eyes. “I never thought about it that way. We’re really quite similar, aren’t we?”
The conversation flows naturally after that, moving from work to personal interests. You discover shared hobbies, like a love for old movies, and differing opinions, like his disdain for pineapple on pizza which you adore.
“Pineapple on pizza is a crime,” he declares, feigning outrage.
“You have no taste!” You retort, laughing.
The afternoon slips away, the two of you lost in conversation. It feels like two old friends catching up, not two professionals thrown together by fate.
As you leave the bistro, Charles hesitates. “Would you like to come to a race sometime? See the action up close?”
You smile, touched by the offer. “Only if you come to one of my performances.”
He grins, “Deal.”
In the days that follow, your rehearsals gain a new depth. The newfound friendship seeps into your music, turning the notes and lyrics into pure emotion. The song evolves, reflecting the story of two individuals finding harmony in the most unexpected place.
Rosa notices the change too. “There’s a spark,” she comments one day, after a particularly moving session. “Both in the music and between you two.”
You blush, dismissing her with a wave. “It’s just the music.”
But as the days blur into nights and rehearsals become more intense, you can’t help but wonder if there’s truth in Rosa’s words.
“Is it always this chaotic?” Charles whispers, leaning close so only you can hear as you both step backstage of a popular talk show. Bright lights, cameras, and a bustling crew create a vibrant atmosphere of controlled chaos.
“Welcome to my world,” you reply with a smirk, feeling the familiar adrenaline of a live performance. “A bit different from the paddock, isn’t it?”
His eyes sparkle with mischief. “Just a tad.”
A producer approaches, positioning you and Charles for the interview. As you settle onto the couch, Charles’ arm grazes yours, sending an unexpected jolt of warmth up your arm.
The host, a vivacious woman named Martina, begins, “We have Monaco’s sensational Eurovision duo with us today! Charles Leclerc and Y/N Y/L/N. Tell us, how has this partnership been?”
Charles shoots you a glance. “Unexpected at first, certainly. But every moment has been an adventure. We’ve learned from each other and it is reflected in our music.”
You nod, adding, “It’s been a blend of two worlds. And the result is something neither of us anticipated but we have come to love.”
Martina’s gaze flits between both of you, sensing the underlying tension. “There’s undeniable chemistry between you two. It’s clear to me even now. Is there something you’re not telling us?”
Your heart races and you see Charles shift uncomfortably. The question, though posed in jest, holds an element of truth that neither of you has addressed.
“We’re focused on our music and representing Monaco to the best of our abilities,” Charles replies smoothly but the tips of his ears redden.
Martina, sensing a scoop, presses on, “But off the stage? Any sparks?”
You force a laugh, trying to diffuse the situation. “We’re just getting to know each other. Our priority is Eurovision.”
Once off the set, Charles runs a hand through his hair, a gesture you’ve come to recognize as his way of dealing with stress. “That was intense.”
“It’s just the beginning. The closer we get to Eurovision, the more questions like that we’ll get.”
He stops, turning to face you, his eyes intense. “What if there is some truth to their questions?”
The air grows thick, the world narrowing to just the two of you. “Charles ...”
He takes a step closer, his voice dropping. “I can’t ignore it anymore. Every time we’re together, there is this pull.”
Your breath catches, the confession echoing your own feelings. “I feel it too. But right now, everything is so complicated.”
He nods, looking defeated. “I know. Let’s just ... focus on the music for now.”
“Are these feathers?” Charles asks, a touch of panic evident as he examines the ornate costume handed to him.
“Welcome to Eurovision,” you say with a wry smile, adjusting the shimmering fabric of your own dress which seems to be a riot of sequins and colors, reflecting the vibrant spirit of the competition.
He chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “This is a bit different from my usual race suit.”
You laugh, playfully nudging him. “Just wait till you see the pyrotechnics.”
The two of you stand backstage as acts from different countries, each more extravagant than the last, parade before you. The dazzling array of costumes, the eccentric set designs, and the sheer scale of the event are overwhelming.
Charles, sensing your nervousness, takes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “We’ve got this.”
You nod, leaning into his touch. The tension between the two of you has only grown, making moments like these all the more intense.
Suddenly, a voice announces, “Next up, representing Monaco, please welcome Charles Leclerc and Y/N Y/L/N!”
Your heart rate spikes. Charles leads you to the stage, the grand piano at its center surrounded by a sea of lights creating an ethereal atmosphere.
He starts playing, the haunting melody echoing in the cavernous venue. As you join in with your vocals, the world seems to fade away. It’s just the two of you, lost in the music.
The song builds to its climax. You move closer to Charles, the emotional depth of the lyrics pulling you in. The final note lingers and you find yourself drawn to him, your faces mere inches apart.
The audience, sensing the electricity between the two of you, erupts in a frenzy of cheers, pulling you back to reality. You share a charged glance with Charles, the applause deafening.
The performance, though only a few minutes, feels like a lifetime. As you walk off stage, Charles wraps an arm around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. “We did it.”
You bury your face in his chest, the heady mix of adrenaline and emotions making everything feel surreal. “We really did.”
“And the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 is ...” The host’s voice draws out, adding to the tension in the room, “Monaco!”
The words hit you like a tidal wave. The arena explodes in applause and cheers, bright lights flashing everywhere. Confetti starts to fall and the air is pure magic.
Charles, equally stunned, turns to you, his eyes wide with disbelief. “Is this real?” He breathes, pulling you into a tight embrace.
Overwhelmed, you cling to him, the weight of your accomplishment settling in. You won Eurovision.
Breaking the hug, Charles lifts you in sheer joy, spinning you around, the world blurring past. Both of you are laughing, tears of joy mingling with the glitter on your face.
As the celebrations continue, you spot the Italian competitors cheering raucously. Somehow, they’ve managed to pull out a Ferrari flag, waving it as proudly as if they had won.
Charles notices too, laughing. “They really do love their racing.”
You smirk, nudging him playfully. “Or maybe they just love their racer.”
The moment is interrupted as you’re whisked away for the winner’s interview and your encore. But the mania doesn’t stop the two of you from sharing stolen glances and smiles.
Later that night, as the euphoria begins to die down, Charles finds you on a balcony overlooking the city. “It’s a lot, isn’t it?” He murmurs, joining you by the railing.
You nod, taking a deep breath. “Winning was the dream. I didn’t think about what would come after.”
He chuckles, “You and me both.”
The night stretches before you, the city lights twinkling like stars. You lean into Charles, drawing comfort from his presence. “What now?”
He takes a moment to think. “Now, we take on the world together.”
“I wrote something last night,” Charles says hesitantly. The two of you sit in his apartment, the aftermath of your Eurovision win still a fresh memory.
You tilt your head, intrigued. “For the piano?”
He nods. “But it’s more personal than anything else I’ve composed. I was thinking ... maybe you could add lyrics to it?”
Curious, you watch as he moves to the piano he has against the wall, his fingers delicately dancing on the keys. The melody is raw, filled with emotion. It speaks of longing, of new beginnings, of unspoken feelings.
It’s beautiful.
“That’s incredible,” you breathe once he finishes.
He looks up, vulnerability evident in his eyes. “It's how I feel. About all of this. About you.”
The confession hangs in the air, a delicate thread connecting the two of you.
“I’ve been feeling the same,” you admit, your heart racing. “I wrote some lyrics too. But I didn’t have the melody for them. Maybe ...”
You share the words you penned down, the emotions you felt towards Charles clear as day. Together, the two of you create a song, a musical odyssey of the path you’ve walked together and the deepening connection between you.
Hours pass, the world outside forgotten. The song takes shape, evolving with every note and word.
Charles breaks the silence, his voice soft, “This is special.”
You nod, feeling the weight of the moment. “It is.”
He moves closer, the space between you disappearing. “Every moment with you is.”
Your heart flutters, the intensity of his gaze making you breathless. “Charles ...”
But he silences you with a gentle touch, his fingers brushing your cheek. The world seems to stand still as he leans in, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss.
It’s a new beginning, a promise of what’s to come.
“I’m so nervous,” you confess, wringing your hands. The roar of the crowd outside, waiting for the Monaco Grand Prix to begin, is deafening.
Charles pulls you into a comforting hug. “It’s just singing the national anthem. You’ve performed on much bigger stages.”
“But not in front of the entire racing community and Monegasque royalty,” you counter. The idea of serenading the beginning of Monaco’s most prestigious race, especially with Charles being one of the contenders, fills you with anxiety.
He smirks. “You’re worrying about a three-minute song when I have to race for nearly two hours?”
You punch his arm playfully, “Oh, hush. You love it too much to complain.”
His expression turns serious and he takes your hands in his. “It’s just like any other performance but this time, for our people. Focus on that.”
His words sink in. You’re not just singing for the crowd. You’re singing for Monaco. For Charles.
As you step out, the sun glints off the polished cars lined up for the race. The noise is deafening but one look at Charles, his eyes filled with pride, grounds you.
Drawing a deep breath, you begin. Your voice, clear and strong, rises above the commotion, capturing the spirit of Monaco. The crowd falls silent, lost in the beauty of the moment.
When you finish, the applause is thunderous. Charles rushes over, lifting you off the ground in a bear hug. “That was incredible,” he whispers in your ear.
You laugh, the tension from before dissipating. “Now go win the race.”
He winks. “Only if you promise to sing for me every time.”
“Do you ever think about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t tweeted that day?” Charles muses, lying next to you on a grassy hill overlooking the city. The stars twinkle above, the night air filled with the scent of blooming flowers.
You chuckle softly, turning to face him. “I would probably be preparing for another solo concert but not much would change for you. You’d still be busy reveling in your racing glory.”
He grins, playfully nudging you. “So you admit I brought excitement to your life?”
You roll your eyes. “Excitement, chaos, media frenzy ... take your pick.”
Silence settles between you two, comfortable yet filled with words unspoken. The city lights below seem distant, the world reduced to just this moment.
Charles breaks the silence. “I can’t imagine my life without you now.”
The vulnerability in his voice tugs at your heart. “Neither can I. It’s been a wild ride.”
He chuckles, pulling you closer. “A ride I would relive in a heartbeat.”
“Charles,” you begin, gathering your thoughts, “we’ve been through so much together and I cherish every moment. But we also need to think about our future. The media attention, the expectations ... it’s a lot.”
He nods, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I know. But we'll face it together. Like we have from the start.”
The promise in his voice fills you with warmth. “Together,” you echo, sealing the commitment.
“You’re not serious,” Silvia’s voice cuts through the room. “It’s the biggest sponsorship event of the season. For Ferrari! You can’t miss it.”
Charles looks torn, running a hand through his hair. “It’s Y/N’s first major solo concert. She’s been there for me, every step of the way. I need to be there for her.”
You feel a pang of guilt. “Charles, I understand the importance. If you can’t make it—”
He interrupts, looking you straight in the eyes. “This isn’t just about the concert. It’s about us. About our priorities.”
The room is thick with tension. On your side, Rosa, always the mediator, attempts to defuse the situation. “There must be a way to do both.”
Charles shakes his head resolutely. “I’ve made up my mind.”
Silvia looks at him, her eyes pleading. “You know the implications of this, right?”
He nods, swallowing hard. “I do. However mad the sponsor may be will be worth it.”
Later, the two of you find a quiet corner.
“You didn’t have to,” you whisper.
He pulls you close, his touch reassuring. “But I wanted to. More than anything.”
You look up, eyes glassy. “Why?”
“Because,” he starts, searching for the right words, “these races, these events ... they will always be there. But moments like your concert, they are once in a lifetime. And I don’t want to miss a single second of our journey together.”
The emotion of his words takes your breath away. “Charles ...”
He places a finger on your lips, silencing you. “I love you.”
The words hang in the air. Voice choked with emotion, you reply. “I love you too.”
“Do you ever think how surreal all of this is?” Charles murmurs, both of you backstage at the 2025 Eurovision finals, invited back as guest performers. The arena pulsates with excitement, the memories of your victorious performance still fresh in many minds.
You laugh, adjusting your dress. “Every single day. Especially today, coming full circle.”
He takes your hand, the spark between you as electric as ever. “It feels like just yesterday we were thrown into this wild ride.”
A stagehand signals that it’s almost time. The two of you take your positions, the familiar chords of your winning song filling the air. The audience roars in approval, their cheers echoing the joy of that fateful night.
As the final note lingers, you turn to Charles, preparing for the bows. But he isn’t sitting behind the piano. Instead, he’s down on one knee, a small velvet box in hand.
The realization hits you like a tidal wave, your hand flying to your mouth in shock.
Charles speaks loud enough for the world to hear, “From the moment we met, I knew my life had changed forever. I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
Tears stream down your face, every emotion amplified. “Yes. I want that more than anything,” you manage to whisper.
He slips the ring onto your finger and the world fades away as his lips find yours. You see the Italian delegation cheering wildly out of the corner of your eye and can’t help but laugh. The hosts may have changed. The competitors may have changed. But the love of Italians for il Predestinato will always live on. They’ll have to get in line, though. You just officially claimed the title of his biggest fan.
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spideysbruh · 9 months
Can be a pt 2 to my engagement one, but it can be read on its own
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liked by tchalamet, dylanminnette, rachelzegler and 3,827,727 others
y/n hold my heart, it's beating for you anyway
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view all 121 comments
y/n liked
tchalamet i can't wait for you to be my WIFE
y/n liked
y/n I can't wait for you to be my HUSBAND
rachelzegler so excited for you!! your dress is beautiful 🫶
y/n so is yours 🤭🫶🫶
@y/n just tweeted- only a few more days til my wedding w this guy omg😳😳😳
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@realchalamet liked and retweeted
@y/n replied- maybe just a little bit, it's pretty intimate so 🤭
@realchalamet replied- I hate you.
@y/n liked and replied to @tchalamet- ok. we'll see if you still agree w that in a few days... at the ALTAR.... where I'll become your WIFE.
@tchalamet replied to @y/n- ... I love you baby im jk always joking never serious I could never hate you I love you forever
@ynssocks replied- PLEASEEEE
@cinemayn replied- I love how she still teases him 💀😭
@realchalamet just tweeted- GETTING MARRIED SO SOON
@y/n liked and retweeted
@realchalamet just tweeted- HERE COMES THE BRIDE 🗣🗣
@y/n liked and retweeted
@realchalamet just tweeted- WE'RE GETTING MARRIEDDDDD @y/n
@y/n liked and retweeted
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- bro is hella excited !!! 🤭🤭😋😍😍😍 TOMORROWWWWW
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liked by tchalamet, harrystyles, florencepugh and 5,817,616 others
y/n wow oh wow. I didn't think I could love you any more, and then you became my husband. my absolute favorite person in this entire universe. I love you forever and ever
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view all 133 comments
tchalamet I'm gonna cry again stop omg
y/n you're literally right next to me
tchalamet forever and everrrr 🫶
florencepugh my favourite couple ever. I love you both. what a beautiful ceremony.
y/n and tchalamet liked
rachelzegler beautiful as always y/n!!!
y/n ily thank you my wonderful bridesmaid
tchalamet just posted two stories!
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caption- my WIFE 💍
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- we got rings on now 😳😳 im a wife???
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liked by y/n, taylorswift, ayoedebiri and 10,655,766 others
tchalamet marrying you has been the greatest joy of my life. I love you endlessly and for eternity Y/N L/N.
view all 231,187 comments
timmysgf oh god now we gotta hear more about her from him 🙄🙄 just waiting for that divorce now
rachelzegler get a life!
y/n and tchalamet liked
tchalamet i second that ☝️☝️ get a fucking life 🖕
y/n and rachelzegler liked
shawnmendes congratulations 🎉🙏🏼
atreidesyn girl give it up it's been years !!
sabsyn wym??
spectacularyn they used to date 💀
spideyyn YUPPP he was lowkey terrible, he shit on her sooo much when they broke up and compared her to his ex in a few interviews 💀 he was a weirdly jealous man
sabsyn wowww wtf... looking this up omg fuck him
duneschalamet THE most beautful couple inside and out I swear
tchalamet and y/n liked
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eddiernunson · 1 year
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The Taste of You | Modern Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Fem Reader | 18 +
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: after attending a successful and rather sweaty concert from Corroded Coffin, you send the front man a rather thirsty DM on his instagram. You wake up to his response...and an offer to go backstage to follow through.
Warnings: lowkey unrealistic, alcohol, oral (f + m receiving), marking, begging (both), no protection, cream pie, use of aftercare
Based on my friend @bebe07011 going to a concert and DM'ing one of the band members (who looks a lot like Eddie) about how much she was enthralled by his performance and him responding back. This one's for you <3
Thank you so much to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you again for editing, you're my lifesaver.
You lean on the counter at work, distracted by your Instagram feed. Well, not distracted, per se. There are several more productive things you could be doing, but with your manager out on an errand and no customers to serve, there isn’t really anything stopping you. A post from Corroded Coffin comes up, a few images from their latest stop on tour. You can hardly prevent an excited squeal from escaping your lips, scrolling through their images, and rereading the end of the post over and over. ‘See you next, Indiana!’
You’ve been looking forward to this since buying tickets at the announcement of their tour nearly four months ago. It’s been a summer of anticipation; each post a countdown to your own concert date.
You discovered Corroded Coffin through suggestions from Spotify, the algorithm having picked up on your tastes in rock music and suggested a more modern band. Their music is good, you discovered. Their first album Freaks in the Streets came out about two years ago, and it’s raw in its talent but their latest album, Hell’s on Fire (And So Are You) shot them into stardom. You had it on repeat for months, and their lead guitarist being hot as he was had nothing to do with your fixation.
Okay, discovering Eddie Munson, (said lead guitarist) the main lyricist on the album, had everything to do with your fixation. Every late-night TV host offered a slot for them to play their music and Eddie’s charisma as he cheekily answers questions about his off-putting lyrics drove you into over-excitement mode. You can still hardly believe you're going to be able to watch his sweaty chest perform live.
Your concert date is tomorrow, and you have everything set up. You booked it off from work, got the perfect outfit, and the tickets are waiting on your apple wallet. You set your phone down, locking it. As always, the phone lights up when it faces up and you catch the image of the glistening sweat on Eddie’s chest during a performance from a tweet that went viral a few weeks ago, a photo you immediately saved for your phone. God, he’s mouthwatering. There were several hundred women in the retweets praising him as well, so, of course, there’s no chance in hell.
But it’s nice to fantasize.
You sit comfortably in the level 100 seats, dressed in a somewhat alternative outfit, high waisted black shorts with a fringe hanging off them, a chain on your belt loops, and a ripped crop top with the bands logo you found in an urban clothing store. You hold a beer in one hand and your phone in the other, recording the opening act as they sing to an audience that is only half paying attention.
Luckily, you know some of their songs on their short 8-song setlist, half-heartedly singing along but saving your voice for the main act. Though, you know your heart isn’t in it when you notice the placement of the jewels you glued to your temple is awkward. When you squint your eyes in a certain way they seem to threaten to fall off. Whatever, they were dollar store jewels, anyway.
The band finishes their less than overwhelming act, thanking the audience, and teasing them with the fact that the main act is backstage and apparently excited to put a show on for their home state. Somehow, it keeps escaping you that you happen to live about 60 miles away from where Eddie Munson grew up, Hawkins, Indiana. That place certainly had a reputation for itself.
You make small talk with your best friend, who is as excited as ever, if anything, to see your face when you melt to the floor. Natalie isn’t into their music like you are, but she can admit that their music is objectively good. Free concert and the power to tease you? Natalie is SO in. “What outfit you think he’s gonna wear tonight?” You shrug, sipping some wheat water. You don’t like beer, but the venue’s options when it comes to alcohol are…limited to say the least. Natalie leans in to you. “You think he’s gonna wear a shirt this time?”
You elbow her, your cheeks heating up. Some places he wears a shirt, and it’s a day of tragedy. Some places he comes out with his chest already bare, and it’s pure heaven. Although, he is known to rip a shirt off occasionally, and you have far too many videos of that saved on your phone. “I don’t know. We’ll find out when he comes out.”
You’re in the middle of a conversation about the politics of the latest show you’re watching together and the lights go down. An electric guitar is heard but out of sight. Subconsciously, you grab your friend’s forearm as your eyes widen in anticipation, your ass literally hovering on your chair as you’re at the edge of your seat. You hear her laugh, but you can’t focus as the lights on stage dramatically light up two at a time, and out of nowhere you can see the four band members, Eddie second to the left. Oh god, he’s wearing an open jacket with a metal chain. Holy shit.
You’re on your feet and screaming lyrics before you even know it.
The night goes by in a blur, and none of the videos you’ve seen online do Corroded Coffin any justice. Their online stage presence is unstoppable. And while Eddie was a large part of the crowd draw in, you watch as he interacts with each band member, using their energy to amplify his own. He really couldn’t do this without them, which is why he’s so insistent in every interview he’s given. Halfway through the show, Eddie does a quick run backstage, claiming his jacket was ‘too fucking hot’ and when he comes out in a fishnet shirt, the crowd goes absolutely nuts.
You sit in the back of a cab, buzzed and rewatching the multiple videos you’ve taken repeatedly, smiling giddily to yourself. “That was such a good show.” You mumble to yourself, sipping from the drink you promised to the cab driver you wouldn’t spill from. You’re so drunk you barely even notice the taste of the beer anymore.
The cab driver pulls up to the hotel and you drunkenly climb out, handing him four 20-dollar bills on the way, making sure he’s tipped well for having to put up with your drunk ass. He doesn’t seem to mind too much, but then again, you’re too busy rewatching your thirst caught in 4K to even notice. God damn, the video really doesn’t put his glistening chest any justice. It was even better in person. If you could just lick up his chest, you knew every problem in your life would be solved.
Your best friend laughs behind you, escorting you to the hotel room. As the hotel room door opens you just want to climb into bed and scroll through your phone, but Natalie makes you wipe off your make up and get dressed into some pajamas. You check your Instagram, Corroded Coffin’s post from tonight at the top of the feed. There were some high-quality shots of him in his fishnet shirt that you immediately save, going over to Eddie Munson’s personal Instagram from where he’s tagged in the post.
God, he must get hundreds of DMs in a day. One raindrop doesn’t affect the ocean. I wanna lick the sweat off your chest so fucking bad just gimme a chance. Your thumb hovers over the send button, but you’ve sent several messages to celebrities before, and they never respond. So, you hit send, and you’re asleep within minutes, your lamp still lit next to you as the water from the shower in the bathroom less than ten feet away from you lulls you into a deep sleep.
Your 10AM alarm rings, yanking you out of a deep sleep.  If you could, you’d spend the next ten hours sleeping to shake off the hangover, but you've gotta get up to have time to pack up and get changed before check out. You can shower tonight at home. As you sit up on your bed, dismissing the alarm, the headache kicks in, making you groan. Oh, fuck, are you hungover.
You check your phone quickly, and as you scroll down your notifications, you triple check a notification just to make sure you’re reading it right. At first, you’re confused. Why would he be messaging you? Your eyes widen as you promptly yeet your phone to your friend's bed when you remember what the fuck you sent to him last night. You curl in on yourself with your knees up against your chest and your hands over your mouth in disbelief.
Natalie comes out of the bathroom after hearing your phone bounce off the bed and land on the floor. “Whoa,” Natalie breathes, seeing your stunned stature. “Are you okay?”
You shake your head, shellshocked.
“Okay, can you at least tell me what happened? You’re kind of freaking me out here.”
“I sent a really, really thirsty message to Eddie Munson last night and I saw a notification saying he responded.” You admit, no higher than a whisper.
“What?!” Natalie nearly shouts, a bit loud in the quiet morning of the small hotel. “Well then open it and read it! What did he say?”
“I’m scared too look!” You admit, grabbing a pillow and holding it close to your chest.
Natalie grabs your pillow and tosses it to the side, her wet blonde hair shining prettily in the morning sun. “Get up, you big baby! Open the goddamn message!”
Fuck, Natalie’s right. Doesn’t mean you liked it. You bend to pick your phone up, sitting next to her on the bed as you open your Instagram notification. Fuck, he responded only fifteen minutes after your message. “Oh you sent him a very thirsty message.”
“Look what the fuck he wrote back.” You whisper, eyes wide as your heart pounds out of your chest.
apricothamster147: I wanna lick the sweat off your chest so fucking bad just gimme a chance.
eddiemunson: Well, damn baby, are you still in town for tonight’s show? Come backstage and we’ll see about making that happen. (Send me ur email for tix)
“Holy shit.” Natalie mutters out loud, her eyes bugging to his response as well. “Well? Are you gonna accept?”
You chortle, holding your hand out to her comically. “Do you have enough money for another night?”
Natalie shrugs. “I have my dad’s credit card.”
“Are you allowed to use it?”
“Only when I need it.”
“Honestly, girl, you need it. Go ahead, send him your email, I’ll get us another night.”
Your thumbs move fast, hoping his offer wasn’t due to a lack of sobriety or a glitch in the Matrix. If you’re still accepting my offer, my email is [email protected]. You add a heart emoji just to be safe and send off a message to him.
Your best friend is in the middle of a phone call with her father to get him to call the front desk. They would only accept the credit card if they could speak to him. “Thank you!” Natalie hangs the phone up, looking at you. “Hotel is taken care of!”
You’re lying on your bed at this point, still in your pajamas with your palms stacked on your forehead. “What the fuck am I even gonna wear?”
“You brought multiple outfits, right?” Natalie asks you, sitting on her bed and laying down now that she no longer has to get ready to leave.
“Yeah, I brought some back-ups.” You sit up quickly, eyes wide. “I need your expertise in styling it, though. I have to look hot.”  
Natalie sits up as well, serious as she can be. “Oh sweetheart, he won’t know what hit him.”
An hour into her crusade, styling your hair, your phone lights up in a notification. Your phone is closer to her, so you ask her to check it, Natalie knows your passcode, anyway. You know what it is immediately based on the expression you see on her face in the mirror. “Did he respond?”
“Yes!” Natalie answers, placing the hot tool down and putting the freed hand over her mouth.
“Oh my god, gimme that!” You respond, too impatient to wait for her to calm down.
eddiemunson: See you tonight (with a winky emoji)
“Oh my fucking god.” You let out, and suddenly it occurs to you that you’re seeing him in concert again. There’s even a slight possibility of you meeting him, however slim that he may remember to even do it.
A notification from your gmail rings, and you see ticketmaster. You hit it hard, seeing First Name, ‘Unknown’ Last Name, ‘Stranger’ has gifted you two VIP Floor Tickets with Back Stage passes, apparently just scanning the barcode will get you backstage. No. It wasn’t…no. This isn’t real. You stared off into the distance, eyes up from your phone. This doesn’t happen…
You’re snapped out of it, realizing you zoned out in disbelief. “I’m just…a little in shock.”
Natalie smirks at you, tilting your chin on her fingertips gracefully. “Well now we know it’s fucking real, so let’s party hard, babe!”
Your eyes roll at her antics, but you love them. “Thanks for asking your dad.”
“Bitch, what’s a rich daddy good for if not for my friends?” Natalie laughs, starting to use the iron on your hair again.
Your makeup is done, rhinestones on the inner corners of your eyes, and you're wearing fishnet tights under a jean skirt and an oversized Corroded Coffin band tee. You usually used it as a sleep shirt, but Natalie insists it would work its magic.
Butterflies invade your stomach as soon as your black boots hit the pavement outside the hotel, the sunset cascading across the sky in a beautiful haze of orange and pink. As your thighs feel uncomfortable against the fabric of the cab, you hope your insides will feel as nice as the outside looks right now.
You pay your cab, all on the card, and get out, your stomach in knots. Well, it's now or never. Hesitantly, you hold your phone out for your ticket scanner on the main floor and she approves, giving you the thumbs up. “Wait.” the ticket scanner holds her hands out when she notices the big red letters, BACKSTAGE PASSES. You think you’re in trouble when you’re both handed the Backstage Pass Lanyards, decorated with the Corroded Coffin logo.
This is where you start to believe that you might’ve died last night with alcohol poisoning because there’s no way in Gods’ Green Earth is this real.
You both thank the attendant and walk to your seats, front and center, third row back. You could see the scratches on the sticker on the speakers from the inspector in the factory. Damn, were you close. “We’re going to go deaf.” Natalie comments, a half smile on your face. “Need a drink?”
“Please.” You answer, eyes wide. Natalie laughs and gets up to walk towards the bar, which is much less crowded around in the VIP section of the floor. Fucking wild.
You hold your phone and sing along to some more of the opening act's songs tonight, now gaining some familiarity with it. They’re great musicians, but they’re just not on Corroded Coffin’s level yet. They definitely have the potential to get there.
Their set list ends, and you notice that the lead singer is close enough for you to see the beads of sweat on his forehead.
Oh god, you’re going to die.
Natalie tries to keep you entertained by chatting about anything she can, but it does so little to prevent time from crawling by at a snail's pace.
Your phone buzzes in your hand, and it’s a message from him. Wish Me Luck! You swear up and down it’s immediately after when the lights go down and the guitar starts playing off stage. Did he really just text you right before he started his show? Did that really just happen?
If there’s one thing about being in the third row with little to no one to block your view, it’s that no amount of high quality photos on twitter will ever amount to the real thing less than ten feet away. The sweat that drips down his leather vest for the night is mouth watering, the dark eyes in his expression as he performs hypnotizes you. You sing the lyrics, and jump and dance and occasionally drink, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t tear your gaze away from him.
And for a few moments, it’s like he holds your eye contact. No, that’s crazy. Nothing is happening. He has a million other girls to choose from, why would he choose you?
The concert happens in a blur, Eddie flings off the vest about halfway through the show, splashing some of his hair with his sweat. Your friend laughs at the sharp inhale that leaves your chest as you watch it. Man, he really had you in his clutches.
Eddie holds his arms out for his band as they close off the last song, all bowing together. “Thank you, Indiana! You’ve been a fucking fantastic crowd, thank you!”
“You ready?” Natalie asks you, holding out her lanyard cheekily.
“Nope.” You admit, taking a large gulp of the beer you barely touched. “After another beer I might be.”
“You really wanna meet him tipsy?” Natalie asks, raising her eyebrows at you.
“I don’t wanna be afraid to say anything!” You shoot back, leading her to the bar. You buy another one, and it’s down your throat within five minutes. You inhale deeply, wiping your face off from the excess beer around your mouth. “Does my mouth smell like beer?” You ask, suddenly worried.
“If you have to ask, I think you already know.” Natalie tells you, patting your back and leading you to the sign that says BACKSTAGE in all caps with an arrow pointing left.
A big security personnel blocks the big black curtain to the backstage area. You hold out your lanyard to him, and he gruffs as he holds his hand out for it. He takes a scanner to check out its legitimacy, and once both lanyards are in the clear, his face breaks into a smile, stepping aside to allow you through. It's almost comical.
The backstage area is busier than you had expected, arrows pointing you to where the visitors go, narrowly avoiding the crew as they bustle around. You both walk into a large area where several band members talk to friends or family, all sporting towels to dab their sweat away.
“Oh my god thank you for sending that DM.” Natalie whispers to you, looking around while starstruck. “I’m sure half these people aren’t even celebrities, but this is so cool! I’m going to go and mingle, you stick around for—”
You grab her by the collar, “Don’t you dare leave me alone here.”
“Ok, how bout we both grab some food? Maybe sober up?”
“Only because I’m hungry and free food tastes the best.”
You’re slowly picking at the fruit tray when you hear someone near you call out, “Eddie! My man!” You turn around to face him, the half-eaten strawberry you drop landing on the plastic tray loudly. You quickly finish the fruit and watch as he hugs his bandmate. “What, no shower, bro? You stink!”
The room echoes in laughter, and you join them. He does stink, and he stinks marvelously. The very scent makes you salivate. His laughter, it’s even better in person. He’s never laughed like this in any interview, all calm and toned down for the camera. This is genuine, heartfelt laughter.
You turn around to lean on the table, Jesus you need to calm yourself. Seeing him up close is sending a heat to your center that you're going to need to resolve quickly.
“Fancy seeing you, here.” His voice sends a shiver down your spine, barely five feet away. You turn and face him, your breath knocking out of your chest. Words cannot describe how little all of the photos in the world do him any justice. He is the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen.
“Thanks for i-inviting me.” You answer, gulping at the slight shine his sweat still gives him. “You’re a really great performer…” You find yourself distracted by his chest. He’s probably going to get all sticky soon… he smelled even better up close…
“I’m gonna go mingle.” Natalie says, pointing towards a crowd of people talking to the band members. “Text me to let me know if you’re meeting me at the hotel.” Natalie gives a shy smile to Eddie and walks away before you could answer.
“Thank you.” He nods his head, giving you a smirk. Then, the unthinkable happens as he uses his thumb and pointer finger to lift your chin to capture your eyes with his own. How are they so pretty? “Are you going to make do on your promise?”
You gulp, your eyes flickering down to his pink lips. You’ve stared at his lips, how many times now? You nod slowly, peering up at him through your lashes.
“Let’s go somewhere a bit more quiet, then.” He offers, extending his hand for you.
You take it silently, his rough hands feeling warm and rough, but perfect. He leads you about ten steps down the hall, a doorway marked with his name over the words Dressing Room. As the door shuts behind him, he locks it, flinging his towel across the room. “C’mere.” He offers, extending his hand to you. You follow his instructions, sitting next to him on the couch. “You haven’t said a goddamn word, yet your message said fucking everything. Is the pretty girl shy?” He asks, thumb caressing your cheek.
You nod your head, gulping as his touch lights your skin on fire. “I—I was six drinks in when I sent you that message. …I wouldn’t have even remembered unless you replied.” You admit, leaning into his touch.
“C’mon baby, let’s see it.” You raise your eyebrows, inquisitively, wondering what he meant. “Your message! Couldn’t stop thinking about my after-show treat all day, a pretty girl begging to lick up my sweat. Show me.”
You nod to him, your near trembling hands reaching out for his chest. Eddie nods, a wild look in his eyes that nearly has you passing out. A loud exhale leaves your body as your hands reach out and reach contact with his chiseled, tattooed, chest, some sweat beads still lingering. How, you weren’t sure. Your eyes rake across his chest, taking in every tattoo you can, your heartbeat racing faster as you lean in, to finally, finally, rake your tongue up from his stomach to his chest, breathing heavily when the taste of the salt and his pure essence is even better than you imagined.
“Holy shit, she’s a fucking freak.” Eddie mutters, you feel his breath getting shallower under your mouth working on him.
You lean in again, nails digging into his skin as you give another long stripe across his skin, the taste of salt and delicious B.O. on your tongue and you let out a sigh of contentment. You crawl up to his collarbones, having noticed a pool of his sweat there gathered while he was performing.
Your tongue slides into the dip, moaning at the salty taste. Your teeth graze the bone, nibbling a little to leave little tiny bruises. You can’t wait to save the HQ pictures with these marks.
You leave one last long stripe on his treasure trail, having stared at many photos where his pants sit low. You’re nuzzling at it, breathing it in when you can feel him. Holy shit, Eddie Munson’s cock is only inches from your face.
You look up at him, and the back of his palms are connected to his forehead, his cheeks flushed, and his chest heavily breathing. He looks down to meet your gaze, and suddenly he sits up, grabs your face and plants a wet kiss to your lips. Your entire body tenses up, barely able to believe that it's real. Your brain eventually catches up, responding in kind, crawling so your bodies fit closer. Eddie pushes you back lightly before you get too close, having you lie down on his couch.
“Can I, sweetheart?” He asks, moving down to where your cunt has been begging for attention.
“A-are you sure? I don’t mind just sucking you off.”
He chuckles, leaning in for another kiss. “Oh baby, you just earned so much more than that.”
Eddie trails down your body, placing kisses on your exposed neck, lifting your shirt lightly as his hands move to cup your tits. You whimper in kind. “Baby, do you know what it’s like having the most gorgeous woman in the world offer to lick sweat off you? If you just give her a chance? I saw your picture you posted from the concert and fuck, you’re a goddamn smoke show. Those eyes, your gorgeous tits, your thighs, oh my god, baby, your thighs.” He talks through wet kisses trailing down your body until he’s face to face with your jean skirt.
He pulls twice, asking permission. You place your hands on your button to undo it and Eddie playfully swats your hands away. Your skirt is pulled off your body, leaving the fishnet tights and your thoroughly soaked panties. He leans in between your thighs, and your thigh muscles slightly convulse as you feel his hot breath against it. “Shh, haven’t even touched you yet, baby.” He hushes you, his big hands gracing your thighs gently. He leans in and you can’t tell what he’s doing until he starts pulling down, and you notice one of the strings from the tights in his mouth. He can’t seem to pull them off like he wants to, and after a last try he gets frustrated, ripping them off, instead. “There, that’s fucking better.”
You let out a tiny giggle, and then you feel so exposed to him, your lacy panties drenched as he stares between your legs.
If you told yourself this would be happening 24 hours ago you’d call yourself insane…or a silly goose. You were incredibly inebriated.
He flings the fishnets across the room and reaches out to touch your soaked panties, the touch inducing a whimper from you. “You’re soaked, huh, baby?” He murmurs, petting along your panties gingerly. You whimper in response, your hips lifting to meet his delicate touch more firmly. He chuckles, watching your face all scrunched up. “If you want me to touch you, beg for it.”
“Eddie, fucking touch me please, want it so bad.”
“Yeah, you want me to fuck you with my fingers, baby?”
You nod, starting to hopelessly grind your hips up. “So fucking bad, please.”
He smiles, watching the outline of your pussy as you get wetter. Without warning, he hooks his fingers around your waist band and tugs it down, and suddenly you find yourself exposing your pussy to the man who took most of your gallery's storage space on your phone. The way he looks at your pussy is damn divine. His eyes darken with lust, pink lips shine with spit, and his cheeks flush; it makes you want to close your legs in embarrassment.
They stay open, because you’re afraid to move, this must be a dream. This is too fucking good to be real.
“Fuck, I knew your pussy would be pretty, but I didn’t know a pussy could be this fucking gorgeous, look at you.” He rambles, you’re not sure if he’s talking to you or your pussy. He places a thumb gently on your slick, stroking lightly up and down, the sensation sending fire rippling across your skin. He sees your thigh shake the littlest bit. “Feel good?”
It does, but you want so much more from him. “Mmm hmm.” You answer, toes flexing with anticipation.
“Do you need something?” He asks, stroking your lips too lightly, not necessarily getting closer to anything. He just narrowly avoids your clit, watching you squirm as your eyebrows furrow lightly.
“I need more-I need more.” You choke out, your hips desperately rutting against his fingers. “I want you to touch me harder, or move faster, I need more.”
Eddie chuckles, hardly believing how much better you had turned out to be. “You need more? Okay, sure. I can give more.” He leans in to lick a stripe right on your neglected clit, and your hips rut up in surprise, a yelp of pleasure jumping out of your throat. It doesn’t even phase Eddie, now that he's tasted you, he doesn’t want to let go. “How do you taste so fucking good?” He asks, his voice low and husky. “Doesn’t make any fucking sense, this should be a fucking crime.”
You moan, hips grinding up against him, head back in pure ecstasy. “Your sweat shouldn't taste so good. I could bottle it like ketchup and eat it on everything.” You admit, your fingers flexing as a wave of heat runs right through you.
Eddie barely lets up, even as the sentence makes his eyes roll into the back of his head. He pumps one of his digits into you, a ringed finger, no less. Your jaw drops as he fucks into you, the hot pool of pleasure in your stomach starting to form. It's the best this has ever felt by a long shot.
Eddie continues to attack you, adding a second finger as his tongue swirls over your clit repeatedly. “Eddie…fuck…so good.” You can barely talk, your bliss radiating in every extremity. “K…Keep doi’ tha’…”
He stares up at pride at your cocked out expression, panting heavily as you feel yourself on the brink. Out of nowhere Eddie picks up his speed into hyperdrive, and you fucking keel over him, high whines escaping your throat as one hand flies into his hair and the other on the couch’s arm rest to keep you grounded.
The orgasm hits you slowly but leaves your thighs shaking underneath him in its wake. It's the best goddamn orgasm you’ve ever had. Eddie continues to place kisses on your pussy, licking up your cum from your entrance, seemingly quite satisfied with his hard work.
You're breathing heavily, looking up at him desperately through half open eyes. “You have to let me suck your cock, please Ed.”
He gives you a half smirk, you’re barely recovered and you’re begging to suck his dick? Did he win the lottery? “No, I need to feel that perfect pussy wrapped around my cock before I cum from the sounds you’re making, alone.”
You lift your heavy head up in confusion. “Sounds?”
“Have you heard what you sound like when you cum? If I had the patience, I’d be making you cum here, all night, but I fucking don’t. I need to know what the fuck your pussy feels like.” Eddie admits, and his voice sounds desperate.
You let your head fall back down, your legs falling down in unison, spread eagle. You shoot a smirk at him. “What if I told you to beg for it?”
“Hmm?” Eddie asks, and you see a light flicker on in his eyes.
“Beg for my pussy, Eddie. Wanna hear that pretty voice.”
Eddie grins widely, fuck, you just keep getting better. “Please, baby. Please. Let me fuck that tight, perfect pussy of yours. Please let me feel those hot, warm walls fucking pulse around me while I give it to you hard and well, just like she deserves.”
It's more than you could ever hope for, but you find yourself feeling greedy. “Hmm…not desperate enough. You don’t really sound like you want to fuck me all that badly.”
To this Eddie actually whines and groans in frustration. “C’mon, baby, please. Let me fuck you, I will do anything to feel that perfect cunt around my cock.”
Your legs hitch around his hips, pulling him in so his hard on in his jeans meets your bare pussy. You lean into his ear, inhaling his shampoo. “If you let me mark up your neck so I can have all those petty bitches be jealous of me at your next show, then go right ahead.”
“Oh, fuck, deal.” Eddie yanks his belt and his jeans and underwear off in one fell swoop, and the sight of his cock is better than anything you could’ve imagined. He kicks them off smoothly, lining himself up with you again in a matter of minutes. “Shit, you want a condom?” He asks, used to fucking bare back.
“I’m on birth control.” You tell him as he hovers over you.
“Oh that’s a good girl.” He mutters, leaning in to kiss at your neck. “You ready?”
“Fuck me, already, Ed, I’ve been ready since this morning.” Eddie chuckles and he slides himself in, the head of his cock burning only slightly, but feeling fantastic. “Oh, oh my god.”
“Fuck…” He grunts, waiting for your go ahead. “Better than I thought you’d feel. God, is this heaven?”
You giggle in response, your pussy pulsating around him in beat. “Your cock…so fucking full.” Eddie lifts his hips experimentally, and you let out a gasp at the burn and the pure pleasure it sends through you. “More.” You choke out when he doesn’t continue right away.  
Eddie doesn’t hesitate to listen to your request, your arms wrapped around his back as you clutch onto him for dear life. He ruts into you harshly, his hips snapping as it hits your g spot intentionally at every rut.
Your mouth seems like it’s trying to form words, but your head is so foggy by the time you open your mouth, the sentence is nowhere to be found. “Look at this cock drunk little slut.” Eddie laughs, watching your fucked out face.
Your hands tug on him, forcing his chest closer to your mouth. He lets his arms buckle down, slowing his pace down as his face finds refuge in the smell of your hair, while you start sucking lightly on his chest, leaving little bite marks. As you suck on his chest, your pussy sucks him in simultaneously, causing Eddie to moan from both sensations you were giving him.
Eventually, you have purpled your way across his chest, admiring your hard work as he continues moving slowly over you. “Eddie, can you go faster again?”
“Sure, baby. Be a good girl and turn onto your hands and knees.” You listen and turn around, tilting your ass up so it’s easy for him to slide in. “Oh, thank you, baby. Now lift your head up.” You do and he yanks on your hair, pulling a good chunk at the root. “That’s good.” He puts himself back in you, causing a guttural moan to leave your lips.
“Eddie…” You gasp out, the first hit surprisingly harsh against your hips. Not a part of you remotely minds, eyes rolling back in ecstasy as Eddie seemingly fucks you as hard as he can.
“You wanna still blow me, baby? Because I’m about to blow…” Eddie doesn’t have to say another word, you getting up and onto your knees on his animal carpet to wrap your lips around his cock and bob your head. “Use that pretty mouth…”
The feeling of you choking on it, your mouth desperately trying to take his whole length sends him over the edge. Eddie moans loudly, and you do everything you can to memorize this moment for the rest of your life, because nothing will top this.
Your mouth is overloaded with his thick cum, and one last load shoots out of him onto your face as your mouth pops off him, and ok, now nothing will top this.
He’s breathing heavily, staring down at the white shiny substance that made it’s way all over your nose and lips, some dripping down your chin to land on your tits. You start to gather it on your fingers, dipping it onto your tongue like it’s donut frosting. You hum to yourself at the salty taste, looking up at him through your eyelashes for approval.
“Shit, ain’t that a sight.” Eddie mutters, watching as you hopelessly attempt to clean yourself up before his cum goes everywhere. “Here, hold on.” Eddie yanks on a pair of low sweats and grabs something, walking towards the sink in the dressing room. He walks up to you and cleans his mess off your face and your tits, his hands behind the warm cloth gentle. He tosses it to god knows where and grabs one of the waters from his mini fridge.
He hands you the water and watches you as you slowly come back to yourself, the haze in your eyes raising. Your phone buzzes on the table next to the couch, and Eddie picks up the phone to give it to you and you call out to stop him a moment too late.
Eddie raises his eyebrows at your choice of wallpaper, it couldn’t be interpreted as anything other than thirst. The sweat glistening, his hand holding the microphone delicately, his face looking rather passionate about what he was singing about. Damn, that's a good photo, Eddie thinks. “So, did I just check something off your bucket list?” He asks, holding your phone out before tossing it to you.
You get up from your knees on wobbly legs, still needing some water, apparently. “Uh,” you take a sip, wondering how to answer as a wide smile settles on your face. On the one hand, you’re embarrassed. On the other, he had to know how viscerally thirsty you were after him. “No. I just did my bucket list.” You answer, taking another sip of your water as you stand in front of him, still head to toe naked. “Didn’t think I’d get this far.”
Eddie laughs at this, the same genuine laughter you heard from earlier.
You walk around the couch, bending over to locate your skirt.
“Lookin' for something?” Eddie asks, playfully pushing your buttons.
“My skirt…” you answer, peering across the room at this point.
“Can I be honest?” He asks, peering over your shoulder comically as you look around.
Eddie’s hands land your bare hips, tugging them backward so his boner hits your ass. “I could go for round 2.”
“Oh, thank fuck.” You whisper, turning around to face him. Eddie guides you, your steps messy as you back up to his vanity, a few brushes and the eyeliner he sports scattered. He lifts you easily onto it, your legs wrapping around his torso, pulling him in. You can’t tell when he removed his sweats, but the head of his cock unexpectedly against your heat already pulls a high whine out of you, sighing in relief. “Put it back in.”
“Fuck, don’t need to ask me twice.” He mumbles, lining himself up.
Your jaw drops as he pushes himself in, watching with a heavy chest as Eddie stares down at the sight of his cock entering your slick, a gulp leaving his mouth. “Holy shit, baby.” He mutters, exhaling as he bottoms out, his eyes closing. “How have I already forgotten how good your pussy is around me?”
Your breathing is shallow, watching with heavy eyelids as Eddie closes his eyes to seemingly gain his composure. “Eddie.” You whimper, your legs around his torso tightening. “You’re the…the hottest person I’ve literally ever seen in my life. Nothing will compare to this.”
You can feel his cock twitch in response, and you flutter around him as if to second it.
“Good.” Eddie grunts out, moving ever so slowly, eliciting a whimper from you. “Nothing better fucking compare, your pussy is too good for that shit.” His tongue sweeps a long lick in the crook of your neck, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as it feels dirty, in the best way. “May I return the favour?”
You’re about to ask when you realize his question is rhetorical, and you feel his teeth start to nibble, bite, and suck hard at your throat. He feels you suck him in as you breathe out little whimpers, the relief of his tongue against your skin followed by more stinging of his teeth working on you was everything, your nails scratching down his back in an involuntary response.
“Eddie…” you moan, head tilted back in ecstasy, nearly colliding with his mirror. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“Baby, fuck.” He mutters, his breath hot against your neck. “I wanna mark you up everywhere.” You fucking tighten up in response, drawing a nearly cruel laugh from him. “Yeah? You like that?”
“Uh huh…” You admit, the feeling of his hips slowly drawing in and out of you and his hot breath on your chest becoming too much, but perfect at the same time.
His tongue makes its way further down to your tit, one hand rubbing your sternum desperately as his teeth work expertly on your bud. He’s not too harsh with it, knows the exact amount of pressure to make it hurt in the best fucking way. “So fucking pretty, baby.” He mutters, his hips starting at a faster rate. He lets off your tit with a pop after sucking on it gently, admiring the bruising that’s starting to take shape across your sweaty form.
You can do nothing but cling to him, all coherent thoughts gone the moment he started sucking on your collarbone sharply.
“Got any…any summer plans?” Eddie asks, out of breath. He moves a leg over his shoulder to get a better angle, deeper than before.
You let out a gasp of pleasure, the sound nearly feral. “Y-you.”
Eddie laughs, his ringed hand rough as he grabs at your thigh on his chest. “Oh fuck baby, I’m close again, your pussy is so fucking good.”
“Cum in me.” It almost sounds like you're begging. 
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up to his forehead, his jaw dropping comically as he takes in your request. “Fuck, you sure?”
“Want you to fill me up, Eddie. Please.” You plead, and who is he to deny such a pretty girl?
“Gonna cum with me, pretty girl?” He asks, watching in marvel as you look more and more cocked out. You pull on him, yanking his lips to yours. You kiss him wantonly, deeply, all teeth and tongue as you do your best to express what you cannot with words. You don’t have a big enough vocabulary for the moment, anyhow. Eddie takes the lead and tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth, drawing a high whine out of you. “Gonna answer me?”
The edge is so close, an all encompassing heat invading your lower stomach as a palm of his hand toys with one of your nipples. Suddenly you’re aware this could be the last time you ever get the chance, so you sweep one last lick on his chest, lapping at the fresh coat of sweat like it was your first drink of water after a long week in the desert.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna—” He doesn’t even finish his sentence, his hips stuttering as you feel his sticky ropes of cum fill you up so deliciously.
In his haze, his fingers latch to your clit, expertly working on it in small circles to send you over your edge as well, your pussy fluttering perfectly around him.
The smell of sex in his dressing room is evident, the air thick as you both catch your breath. Your leg falls down off his shoulder like a weight is stored in it, your foot landing harshly on the linoleum tiles of the stadium. Your head rests against his chest, eyes closed as you breathe in the stench of his sweat. You need to memorize everything you can, sure you’re about to be escorted back to the main party.
Eddie surprises you, his hands soft as they cup your face, pulling you in for a sweet kiss. His mouth is gentle as he works it against yours, the light taste of pre-show alcohol on his breath. He methodically uses the kiss to distract you as he pulls out, but you still whine desperately into his mouth from the loss. A laugh escapes his lips, and you swallow it, still needing his gentle kiss. He finally separates from you, kissing your forehead as his thumb caresses your cheek.
“So…are you?” He asks, taking in your fucked-out face. Maybe you’ll let him take a post sex selfie if you reject him to remember you by.
If. There’s no way on this earth you would ever reject him, but of course, Eddie doesn’t know you’ve been stalking his Instagram.
“Hmm?” You ask, not a thought in your head for the moment.
“Doing anything this summer?”
You shake your head no, gulping. Eddie saunters around his dressing room, grabbing his sweats and another white cloth. He returns to situate himself between your legs, sporting his sweats, the hot cloth causing you to yelp in surprise.
He laughs quietly, a fond smile on his face as he continues to clean up the mess he left in you. At least, you think it’s fond. “You feel like following a ragtag band of misfits around for the summer?” He asks you, voice soft as he holds your eye contact while his hand moves idly.
“Ragtag?” You ask, remembering their electric energy. They’re rockstars, no doubt about it. There’s not one person who can deny that they earned their spot on the stage.
Eddie breathes another laugh, tossing his cloth to the side. “We are as ragtag as it gets, doll.”
You sigh, searching those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes for any signs he was joking. “I-I will quit my job…are you serious?”
He laughs, caressing your forearm. It occurs to him you’re still naked, so he walks to the couch to gather your shirt and skirt. “Dead serious. I can’t let a face like yours and a pussy like that go very easily.”
“Okay…” you answer, your heartbeat loud in your chest. You were so sure this was just a one-time (two rounds) thing that the idea of him wanting more of you never even occurred to you. It’s just too good to be true, no one is this lucky. “If I quit my job, I can’t afford to pay my own way…”
Eddie smiles, handing you your clothes. “If you don’t want to wear that skirt, I can get you some sweats from the merch table.” He offers, before sitting on the chair a few feet down from you. “Baby, I’m on the cover of Rolling Stone. You’ll be fine.”
Your jaw drops open, staring openly at the man as he watches your facial expression. “I’ll need to go and pack up…”
“Babe.” He stops you, getting up to hold your shoulders with his hands. “I don’t even know your name, yet.”
He lets out an exhale, fuck, that makes sense. “I didn’t even know your name, and all I know is if I let you go then I will never be able to get you out of my mind. Whatever is stopping you, I can throw some money at it or call someone to get it done. Do you want to stay with me?”
“Yes.” It leaves your body in a sigh of relief, like coming home. Eddie presses a kiss to your forehead; you can feel his lips moving upward into a smile. “Also, sweatpants sound really nice.”
Eddie saunters over to a walkie you hadn’t noticed. In fact, you start to look around his dressing room, noticing a duffle bag by a rack with empty hangers, half opened bottles of water, and his phone sitting faced down at a table nearby. When he asks for your size, you provide it, putting the graphic tee over your head. He plops down on the couch, waving you over to sit right next to him. “Need to text your friend?” He asks, teasing you.
“Actually, can I invite her in? Natalie’s my best friend and she won’t let me live this down if I send her back without bringing her in to introduce you.”
Eddie shrugs, starting to pat his pockets for his phone. You grab it on your way to sit next to him, falling easily into his arm. “Yeah, sure, if you’re ready for her to tease the shit out of you.”
“Are you kidding?” You ask, somewhat giddy. “I’m about to go on twitter after your next show and see dozens of people asking where the hell you got your hickeys. Nothing can bring me down from that right now.”
Eddie chuckles, crossing one leg over the other in an L shape. He plants a kiss on your lips, his tongue sweeping against yours delicately. “Fuck, I’m so glad you fucking DM’ed me.” There’s a knock on the door, your sweatpants from the merch stand are delivered.
“You have no idea how much I keep thinking I’m about to wake up.” You confess, your fingers playing with the light stubble on his chin. “Thank god for cheap stadium beer.” The laugh that escapes him is melodic and gorgeous. “Thank god for cheap stadium beer.”
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read comments and replies and tags and as always reblogging is the best way to support fic writers on tumblr
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you @names-were-taken
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kiophen · 11 months
Re: tags on that ask about callout posts (not the same anon), can I ask about the 4lung situation? I haven't looked into what happened too deeply but from what I have seen nothing is super well documented or explained
If its too much and you don't feel like getting into it don't worry about it, feel free to disregard. I'm mostly just curious since I've heard things and it was mentioned
I was prompted to do my own digging into the whole situation surrounding her a few years ago. She was excluded from an online music event due to someone bringing up concerns with the organizers privately. I found that basically every public accusation about her is not true, and/or redacted by the accusers. The only true accusations are the ones that really don't matter; she retweeted porn on main and was a babyfur. These things were used to bludgeon her with pedo accusations and back up all the fake shit thrown on top to make it more convincing.
"Did you know she attempted to KIDNAP a KID?? Oh, the kid said it wasn't a kidnapping and the accuser said they jumped to conclusions and apologized? Well did you know she TWEETED a SLUR? Oh that was actually photoshopped by kiwifarmers? Well did you know she SEXUALLY HARASSED a MINOR? Oh, that was actually her shitty ex-gf trying to make her look bad in retaliation to a bad breakup? Well did you know x and y and z misinterpreted or fabricated things? Well at least you can agree that being a BABYFUR is something worth ritualistically harassing a trans woman, over right?"
One reason why stuff isn't well documented is because the main person who was pushing the accusations so hard ended up apologizing and retracting and deleting a lot of posts (and also I think they're suspended, which deletes all their tweets, and most of this shit happened in twitter threads). They did get bullied into removing their apology too.
Another reason is that a lot of the situation was people seeing the original callout posts years ago, internalizing the message "This Person Bad Pedo Bad Bad Person Bad" from it, and then later being like "Ummmmm isn't that person a pedophile? Yikes?" to their friend who brought her up who then says "Oh My Fuck I am Sorry I Did not Know that!" and then it just gets spread around like that through uncurious people who don't care enough to check
I have my own collection of archived tweets from when I was trying to find the root of these claims and might make a full writeup about the situation someday, but also I have complicated feelings about whether I would be just be immortalizing this shitty behavior, if it would just lead to more people trying to harm her, or if anyone would even learn anything from it. Also I don't want the person who started the accusations to get dragged back into this since I can tell they were being manipulated and gaslit as fuck by other bullies into making this such a big part of their life for so long.
Specifically about the kidnapping thing: After one of her shows, she and a friend drove a teenager to an Arbys to get picked up by their parent as a nice gesture due to some trouble the teen was having. The situation was catastrophized by either this teen or the accuser into a "kidnapping" (there is conflicting information, they both blame each other) and then the accuser tweeted it out. The teen has since said they didn't really think they were being kidnapped, and the accuser said the kidnapping aspect was made up.
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
baby (you complete us)
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P R E V I E W 
summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
status: coming soon
genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters.
masterlist // taglist 
@imnotlauriane​​ @mageprincess7​​ @m1sss1mp​​ @0funsite0​​  @strawberry-moonpies​​ @this-isthe-way​​ @singukieee​​ @btsw1fe​​ @gooooomz​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @carolinexkpop​​ @agusfree​​ @sakurarukas​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @skyys-universe​​ @toughbook​​ @plutoneu​​ @whisperssuga​​ ​ @yourleftsock​​ @cryingpages​​ @strxwbloody​​  @drissteele​​  @dustyinkpages​​​ @crushedblackroses​​ @blaaiissee​​ 
It had been almost a week since you had taken off your bracelet, consequently giving up the hope you had of ever finding your soulmates.
It was a weird feeling, almost as if you noticed even more the number of soulmates around you, like your heart was still hoping your soulmates would just show up, in front of you, or give you a sign at least that they were looking for you as well.
But you knew that wasn’t going to happen. If it did, it would have happened years ago. Soulmate bracelets had become common a couple years back, and almost everyone you knew wore one.
It was around 9 o’clock am and you were at your favorite café, your work laptop in front of you as shifted through emails, sending ones to trash as you deemed fit. You had a large coffee in front of you, refilled probably twice by now along with an empty plate that once held a lemon loaf slice.
The tv played in the background as you listened to the sounds of the café, taking a small break so you don’t end up hurting your eyes even more. You had been there since they opened at five thirty, unable to sleep.
You had been having trouble sleeping since taking off the bracelet, attributing the issue to the different feeling of a weightless wrist. Change was always a motive for your body to have sleeping difficulties, unfortunately.
Rubbing your eyes, not caring about the left over makeup residue, you open them again only to catch sight of the television, one of your favorite kpop groups, BTS, was on it, well a picture of them was. It was followed by a twitter post, the word “soulmate” catching your eye.
You quickly close out your email and head to google, going straight to twitter and signing in. The first thing that came up was the post from the official Bighit account.
The collaboration BTS is doing with Soul Connection has brought to our attention the presence of another soulmate within the already bonded group. All seven members have responded to the bracelet notification and are waiting for their soulmate to respond.
However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, they have been unable to get any information about their soulmate, as their profile is private due to either personal settings or from not wearing the bracelet.
We are asking that if their soulmate is reading this, that they please answer the messages that have been sent and get into contact with us.
This is of the utmost importance, as now that both parties are aware, soul symptoms are soon to begin and we wish to place importance upon the health of both parties.
Thank you.
The tweet was retweeted by BTS themselves, with the caption, “please help us, army.”
It had your mind racing, wondering if they were your mates, seeing as you had seven of them according to the app. You looked down at your mark, before looking away, a sigh leaving your lips.
There was no way BTS were your mates. Absolutely ridiculous.
Your brain was just trying to save you the heartache of being completely abandoned by your own soulmates, so it was coming up with ridiculous ideas to ease the pain. But it wasn’t going to work, as you were already familiar and comfortable with the idea of pain.
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sigmatiqvevo · 2 years
The entire Bayonetta charade is fucking hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time, speaking as someone who never played the games and is looking at this thru the lense of "i worked in the gaming industry".
Here's a recap:
OG VA Helena Taylor posted on TWT that she was offered 4k for her to reprise her role as Bayonetta in B3. x
Taylor asked for us to boycott the game (first link) and send money we would've otherwise spent on B3 to charities instead. x
Support from the VA community and scrutiny both ensued
Local xenophobe and deplorable but yet ingenious and beloved Hideki Kamiya posts for the first time (in a long time) in English to call Taylor out for lying. x
His blocking tendencies and general cryptic messaging + the fact he isn't really viewed as the most friendly person on TWT have people siding with Taylor more than before. x/x/x
Hideki's account is suspended/gone from TWT for some time. x/x/x
Taylor is outed as a Blue Lives Matter supporter and TERF x/x
Replacement VA Jennifer Hale makes a statement regarding the situation but it is brief due to NDA x
Suspicions grow due to both Hale and Taylor being union VAs, and the game being union; something doesn't add up
Days after the videos and ridicule Bloomberg releases an article adding more details to the controversy
"Platinum Games sought to hire Taylor for at least five sessions, each paying $3,000 to $4,000 for four hours" contradicts Taylors own telling of voicing the entire of Bayonetta 3 for 4K.
Jennifer Hale is seen liking and retweeting some of the posts regarding the Bloomberg article
Jennifer Hale was allegedly outed as ableist and antivaxx via 5 years old tweets. x
Note about the last one; some people are claiming her apologies are enough, some are saying she's never directly apologized and only claimed she was misunderstood. Come to your own conclusion.
Will be updated when more stuff is known.
Updates 24Oct:
Platinum Games Official Statement.
H Taylor makes an announcement Twitter thread admitting that her initial offer was not 4k but instead 10k, mentioning it was then bumped to 15k.
In the announcement she also mentions that after declining and waiting 11 months in silence, they offered "a flat fee to voice some lines for 4,000 dollars."
"There were not “extensive negotiations.”" is in direct contradiction with P.Games's statement.
People keep asking where she's pulling the 450mil figure regarding the Bayonetta games. x/x/x
Personal Note, take with a grain of Basalt:
She claims "Any other lies, such as 4,000 for 5 sessions are total fabrications."; The 4k for 5 sessions, P.Games claims, was for her initial offer she refused. Seemingly, Taylor conflates and confused details from her own side.
Update 28thOct: It got worse.
Jessrine pointed out a very important note regarding the payment discourse/Bloomberg Article
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The Bloomberg article stating "Taylor asked for a six-figure sum as well as residuals on the game" while she specified she never asked for $250.000.
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New Twitt Thread from H Taylor claiming her post "hit a nerve with a lot of people." x
Down in the thread she lists charities to which you can donate
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These tweets sum up the majority public reaction pretty damn well. x/x/x
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Note: It's really funny how a UK Based VA is attempting to call to arm for donations to an anti-abortion/pro-life "Charity" across the pond all the way in the US of A. Because BB4Life is Kentucky Based.
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
Random but do u have hcs for Kevin’s sexuality + relationship status in ur socmed au (highkey excited for Trojan + Kevin interactions for the Olympics) I mean Trojans + foxes but Kevin especially bc he’s babygirl
KEVIN SEXUALITY HEADCANONS— ANON I LOVE YOU FOR LETTING ME TALK MY SHIT HEHE i do have to put a disclaimer and say these headcanons are specifically for the socmed au i guess because i think his sexuality is more trauma-induced, but i keep the socmed au lighthearted because it’s just silly tweets and texts :)) but ANYWAYS LET ME GET STARTED
BISEXUAL KEVIN DAY NATION RISE ‼️ ((this is just my headcanon in general, kevin day is fr bisexual like he told me himself in a dream))
for the socmed au kevin has accepted his sexuality. it’s simply something he knows about himself, but also he doesn’t really care.
he doesn’t have as much of an existential crisis about this (which is only a headcanon for the socmed au, i think in general i headcanon for him to have a bit of an existential crisis about this due to trauma in the nest and him going around saying it’s easier to be straight)
for the socmed au the others know about his sexuality as well. so the foxes obviously and then jean + jeremy too.
when i’m gonna have everyone meet each other during the summer olympics i’m going to have more of the trojans know about it too.
but he is NOT out to the public eye. there are speculations due to a few retweets from kevin himself and jeremy and some (minor but) inappropriate tweets from both nicky & shawn because they’re just out there to create some chaos and leave LMAOOO
if asked by the media he will just straight up deny it like he is a firm believer that it’s none of their business anyway so!
when shawn finds out he will obviously make so many comments @ kevin like he will shamelessly try to flirt with him like he does with everyone else (even though he’s a bit intimidated by kevin) LMAO but a bit extra with kevin, because it’s kevin fucking day and that mean bitch is attractive enough to go to war for (shawn’s words)
shawn being so shamelessly shawn also makes kevin comfortable enough to not put up a persona and be a bitch :))) (he gets why jean puts up so much w shawn)
honestly i haven’t really given much thought about his relationship status though— he’s single in the au (so not dating thea).
i am a firm believer of his celebrity crush being jeremy LMAOOO which i think is funny for when jean x jeremy relationship gets established
kevin day keeps fumbling men from left to right
so yeah i guess that’s about it :) if anyone else has any takes or perceive things differently i would love to hear y’alls opinions fr <333
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abyssleaves · 1 year
Why I'll Be Remaining in the Lurking For Love Community
Honestly, I really don't want to make this.
I'm way too old for fandom drama, and I don't need to be making myself a target. My gut is telling me that it's a bad idea to get involved, and I'm inviting trouble for myself by posting this.
But the most recent post against Tom is just ridiculous and I can't not speak my piece.
I'm not linking to it or reblogging it because I don't want to send hate anyone's way, and honestly because I'm going to block them as soon as this is posted. You can read mine and theirs for yourself and decide what you think.
As far as the “anti-Latino” posts that Tom liked, I can't speak to whether they do damage, or what Tom’s views actually are. I am not Latino, and I'm not Tom. It's not my place. But I will say I was aware of those posts long before I saw that “callout” post, and it's because multiple Latino artists I follow liked and retweeted them. At the time, I was given to understand that they were satirizing the fact that both were styles of stereotypes, but one was acceptable while the other was not, despite both being bad. I can't say, based on just those tweets, that I see any anti-Latino sentiment in Tom. I'm willing to admit that my knowledge on that front isn't bomb-proof.
The second point, well... I'm sorry to the friend that feels used. They're entitled to be hurt. And I will readily admit that I'm only able to respond to the info within that post. Maybe there IS more to it.
But I don't think that Tom ceasing contact over the hormones is surprising at all, from a mental health standpoint. Put yourself in his shoes: you're a trans person in US, which is its own struggle, and you've reached your mid/early 20s without being able to attain gender-affirming care. Now someone years younger than you just got the thing you want more than anything else. Sure, you might be happy for them. But that is also going to hurt, horribly. You really have three options:
1) stay friends and smother the bitterness/possible resentment. That will either end up ruining your mental health, or coming out and ruining the friendship anyway.
2) Ask your friend not to tell you/post about their transition. That makes it about you and also ruins something that should make them happy.
3) Distance yourself.
Maybe he should have spoken more directly with you about his feelings, granted. But, Tom has not been shy about the fact that he struggles with his mental health. None of us handle every situation well. As far as his occasional venting, I would think, if you WERE his friend, you might have some compassion, and either cease contact if the friendship is not fulfilling, or accept his sincere, well-written apology (Which are the ONLY words straight from Tom’s mouth on the entire fucking post).
Instead, you got the apology from him, and then shared a bunch of gossip between you and another friend, and outed your interpretations of his vent sessions to the world. That's not exactly classy, posting about how he sought people he felt safe with during a time when a big chunk of the community he built is telling him to do horrible things to himself.
I want to make it clear that I don't agree with all of Tom’s views as expressed on his initial explanation post. Again, many of them are issues that I don't feel are my place to get involved in, and therefore I stayed quiet at the time.
I'm aware that the justified and intense hurt felt by people in those communities can mean that even differing opinions feel like a slap in the face. You have every right to see Tom’s views as hurtful and choose to leave, and/or make a separate community for support. I don't blame people who are in those communities for doing so. This post is aimed at the obsessed minority that won't leave the tag/remaining fans/Tom alone.
All of the above being said, the reaction to Tom’s post is the most “touch grass” thing I have ever seen.
Tom liking one or two comics from a dark-humor comic artist so widespread on the internet that I didn't even know he had an actual page, or anything about him as a person (something Tom also stated) = Tom is a Nazi sympathizer.
Tom saying “I don't care for neopronouns, but I won't attack you for using them and will respect what everyone wants to be called” = Tom is a monstrous bigot.
The racism accusation has me especially 💀. All because he liked a post about help from an unexpected source and that we should be kinder to each other.
How on earth are you going to tell a POC that he doesn't know what racism is because he’s NOT THE RIGHT KIND OF POC? Do you hear yourself?
(FWIW, I also don't agree with kink at pride. Sorry. LGBTQ+ people are not "narsty little freaks"--yeah I SAW that post--they're people. They can be kinky, they can be vanilla, whatever. Kink has nothing to do with your orientation, and therefore it isn't part of Pride. Also, my guys, if you're having public sex/being nude at pride for kink reasons, then you're not part of the healthy kink community: safe, sane, and CONSENSUAL. Nobody around you consented to that. Similarly, while I feel that sex education for minors should be normalized in order to give them better tools to tell when they're being groomed, seeing strangers with no pants on is NOT education, that's involving minors in your fetish. And that's fucking gross. )
The LGBTQ+ community in the US is in a lot of trouble right now, and we have a very bad habit of eating our own. We divide and subdivide and allow ourselves to be carved up by a united conservative front.
We do not allow for differing levels of leftist beliefs, and we constantly accuse each other of being not POC/leftists/queer enough, or being the wrong kind, or using a term for ourselves that some other individuals don't like. A great deal of the bullying leveled against him is justified by others saying that he's choosing to support a party that will turn on him and cause him and others like him harm.
Well, to be honest, the only community I see doing that right now is this one.
The amount of disingenuous “OMG, just FYI everyone to everyone hurt by [situation], I’M not transphobic/a bigot, you're all welcome here 😌” posts from people, who did not read his post, did not link to or quote his post. Disgusting. You know very well that nothing in his explanation or in his actions throughout his time in the community pointed to any abuse ON HIS PART towards trans people, non-binary people, people of the Jewish faith, or POC. You're virtue signaling, you're putting lambs blood above your door to keep the baying mob away.
This is insane. When did differing opinions turn into this? You don't have to agree with Tom’s views on anything. You're welcome to not follow his accounts, not like his art, not buy his game. If you feel that his opinions are too severely different from yours, you should be allowed to leave the fandom without people telling you that you should do bad things to yourself because your opinions don't match theirs (sound familiar?).
But…please. Can we stop with this awful parasocial obsession with his personal page? You can't lie to yourself and call it anything other than literal stalking. It's creepy as hell, and it reflects more on you than on him, in the long run. People might agree with your outrage, but deep down, they're afraid of being the next target, and they stay quiet out of fear that you'll stalk them next and send a mob hurling abuse their way.
To Tom, I'm sorry that this happened to you. You didn't deserve anything even close to this level of vitriol and abuse. You started from scratch and created a character and story that I feel was something truly unique. You reached an incredible number of people's hearts with Lurking for Love and Jacob, and no matter what happens from here with both of them, you deserve to feel proud of that. I hope that you are ok. Being a public figure on the internet doesn't mean you don't have a right to private opinions or even just general privacy.
I'm not tagging any characters in this. I'm only tagging the game because I hope other fans get to see that they're not alone. I don't believe the tags should be polluted this way. If you have to discuss a creator, it should be in his tag and not in a fandom space.
I'm aware that there will be deliberate bad-faith readings of this, or nitpicking of things I didn't cover. Whoever wants to, go ahead and respond, but I've said what I came to say, and I have nothing more to add. My inbox is closed and I love the block button.
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fourmula1 · 1 year
Post a snippet of the onlyfans fic!!!!!!
ok but this is about adult content creators so there is virtually nothing i can share that isn't porn.... so. proceed ~with caution lol.
Daniel has been watching the guy’s clips for awhile now.
It surprised him at first when he scrolled through @orgasmax’s twitter and saw the clips he posted.
@Orgasmax getting fucked against a window, getting fucked on his back while his tits bounced, getting fucked on his knees while he unabashedly moaned for it. He was loud, so vocal, clearly absolutely loving it. He never showed his face; so many of the clips were headless, or with his back to the camera. Glimpses of his plush lips sometimes but nothing more. Anonymous. Hot.
And he had an accent. Something not-American, something Daniel couldn’t pinpoint, but he had a raspy voice and he wasn’t afraid to show whoever was fucking him that he was having a good time. Loud, vocal, always saying how good it was, how much he loved it. And Daniel could tell that he wasn’t putting it on for the camera. Daniel had fucked plenty of guys on camera and he always cringed a little at how fake some of them were with their over-the-top moans or calling him ‘daddy’. It wasn’t natural. Not like this guy was. He clearly was really enjoying himself, and that made it all the hotter for Daniel to watch.
There was no link in his twitter bio to an Only Fans page, like Daniel and a lot of the men he filmed with had.
No links in any of his tweets.
His bio was simple: max. all pics & vids are me. 18+. dm for collabs.
It seemed that @orgasmax filmed and posted clips of his hook-ups for the joy of it and nothing more. He had over a hundred thousand followers and the engagement on his clips was insane.
Hundreds or even thousands of likes, retweets, endless comments about how sexy he was, how wet he got, how much he loved taking dick. He could be making bank selling his content but instead, here it was, free on twitter. Damn.
Daniel kept returning to one particular clip Max had posted. 45 seconds long. Shot in full body profile, Max stood with hands braced against a floor-to-ceiling window, just a little bit bent over at the waist, the sun beaming in as he got fucked from behind. The heads of both men cut off from view but that wasn’t the point. The point was Max was getting railed against the glass, moaning and whimpering for it, fucking whining for it, and shooting so much fucking cum untouched, glistening in the sunlight, that Daniel had to squeeze himself a little to take the edge off.
That seemed to be a particular talent of his, and Daniel scrolled through watching him, time after time, coming hands-free and shooting massive, thick loads all over himself. Or the window. Or the floor. The best part was that he stayed hard and could come again, Daniel discovered.
He’d never seen anything like it, never filmed with anyone who could come multiple times in the same session, never been with anyone who got so hard and so wet his cock shot – not dribbled – pre-cum out. All over his belly, smearing and shining in the light of each clip. Dripping down when he was stood getting nailed from behind, camera positioned between his feet, pre-cum even dribbling onto the fucking camera lens a time or two. Dribbling out of him when his tops nailed his prostate just right, spurts shooting out like it was nothing. It was so hot.
Daniel scrolled back up to ‘like’ the clip of Max getting railed against the window. He was going to revisit that one later. On a whim he hit ‘follow’, too, and then went back to his DMs to scroll through all the hot dick pics waiting for him.
172 notes · View notes
triviallytrue · 1 year
forget if you've made a post about this but. you've talked before about the impossibility of moderation at scale & needing better tools to control a user's personal experience instead. In that area, what are the features that you'd think a site like tumblr needs/should build?
the big one is a better private blog system, more like twitter's private account system
password protected blogs have a lot of issues: they're inefficient (you have to enter the password every time you view them), they're isolated from the tumblr ecosystem (people can't follow them, their posts don't show up on the dash), they're easy to leak (just post the password!), there's no automatic system for requesting and granting access (you have to message people to ask for and distribute passwords), and there's no good way to revoke the access of a single user (you have to change your password and then redistribute it to everyone else)
twitter works on a simpler and much more elegant system:
anyone can see the header for a private account and can request to follow it, but posts (and likes and follows) are hidden
follow requests are approved or rejected by the account owner
tweets from a protected account can't be retweeted but can be liked and replied to, and are visible on the timelines of approved followers
any account can be taken private or public at any time, without compromising the access of preexisting followers
access can be revoked via a softblock (blocking and unblocking someone), at which point they can request access again but won't have it
there's a culture on twitter of both people having private accounts where they can be more personal and taking their large public accounts private when they attract a storm of harassment, and i would love to import both of those to tumblr
other nice features:
posts that can only be reblogged by people you follow. allows for discussion but prevents breaking containment.
a mute function that works as a companion to the block function in preventing you from seeing any version of a post where the muted person has a reblog with a comment, currently the only way to do this is content-filtering their username
a change to the like notifications that lets the op tell which version of a post was liked
there's some more outlandish stuff i've thought about too (mass block everyone who liked x version of y post) but these are the ones that i think would have the most immediate impact and the fewest downsides
91 notes · View notes
Percy Hynes White Allegations Debunked
Important note: A majoity of the information is coming from a twitter account FreddysRevenges. I will also be showing you a statement from Percy, as well as a statement from one of his supposed victims, Jane (Her twitter is Relation4y).
I was originally going to link the twitter thread so you could see all the screenshots (there are 41 tweets in total), but then with the changes made to twitter, I was going to screenshot most of it and put it in reblogs. However, the whole thread was uploaded on thread reader so now I will link it and you can view everything. And I encourage to look there as well because I'll be summarizing but not including everything because or else it would be really, really long.
So to start, if you haven't heard of him, Percy Hynes White is a 22 year old Canadian actor. He's been in some movies/shows before but got really popular after being in season 1 of the show Wednesday that premiered last November. In January of this year, he was accused of sexual assault (which has gone back and forth from being assault or rape), being a racist as well as a nazi.
On that note:
This all started back on the 18th of January of this year. A girl named Aries retweeted "proof" of Percy sleeping with an underage girl. Aries added that the girl had lied about her age to the public, saying she was sixteen, but that he'd known how old she truly was. Additionally, Aries said that the underage girl and Percy had been talking since the girl was 13 and she could have sworn that the girl had told her (Aries) that they'd been messing around when she was 13 but couldn't exactly recall.
The underage girl she was referring to is named Jane. Jane is a former friend of Aries, with Jane having ended the friendship in 2020. Prior to that, Jane had been shown on Aries' Instagram page. There are pictures and videos of her doing drugs with her and Aries' other friends. Jane was the only minor of the group. The other girls, all 10 of them, were 18+ with three of them being over 21 years of age.
That same day, on the 18th, Aries lied about the age difference between Jane and Percy. She said that he was four years older than her and would have supposedly been 18 when he and Jane slept together. However, that is not true. Percy's birthday is in October of 2001. Jane was born in March of 2004. That can be proven based on a screenshot of her Instagram bio which previously had her age in it (19), as well as a birthday selfie in which she says I'm 19 now. Hence, the age difference is 2.4 years and not four as previously claimed.
The post that Aries retweeted, the one showing the "proof" was from her friend Kayla who posted the misleading private instagram messages between her and Jane. Those messages made it seem like he'd had sex with her even though he knew she was underage, even though it left out the fact that he was also underage at the time. With both of them being Canadian, the age is consent is 16 and having sex with a 14 or 15 year old is not a criminal offense if the partner is less than 5 years and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person according to The Official Website of the Government of Canada. 
Aries then doubles down on it. She said that the reason no one had any other proof was because they thought it was normal. She said that Jane, though she did not identify her by name in that particular tweet, "was severely groomed and severely thinks he loved her or something."
But people were able to gather who she was talking about because in another tweet she only censored one letter of Jane's name (J*ne) and based on Instagram story highlights where Jane was tagged. Aries nor Kayla follow Jane and Jane does not follow either of them. Aries had since referred to her as one of her ex friends and says that they do not talk anymore.
Meanwhile, it was shown that Percy and Jane are still on good terms. They follow each other and one of Percy's ex, Katie Douglas, still follows him and follows Jane as well. They've both shown support for Jane's art
All of the information provided by Kayla and Aries was not only a lie, but her (Jane's) history with Percy was used without her consent. She (Jane) tweeted on April 18th that she was not a victim and telling people to stop messaging her on inatsgram. On the 19th, she retweeted the post from the FreddysRevenges account about how Aries lied about the age difference.
On twitter, there were some people were wanting Jane to confirm Aries' story. Aries said she couldn't force people to talk about it and had to respect their privacy. In another tweet, she said they don't talk anymore and she has no way of getting into contact with her. She also claimed that Jane has seen her tweets and made her own choice, implying that Jane had no problem with what was being said.
The user she was responding to then questioned why she would use her without her consent and without verifying anything. Aries said she was responding to a friend, when she retweeted the initial post, and didn't think it would get that much attention.
In multiple tweets, Aries referred to Percy as a pedophile. There are at least seven screenshots that show her saying it. She goes on to say that he likes girls 14-17 years old, again without mentioning how old he was at the time. She also said that he is a "known assaulter and groomer and pedophile in Toronto n me and my bud were victims."
Then we have the nude pictures. Aries was sent two nude pictures of Percy (he was not showing his genitals) by an anonymous account. Those pictures were supposedly sent by him to a group chat he was in with minors. The anonymous account was not in the group chat, but a friend of theirs was and they saved the photos on an old phone. However, there is no proof that the chat was real or that Percy sent those himself. since Aries' tweet, these pictures have gone viral. The anonymous account said that he'd sent those around 2 years ago, which would be around January of 2021. But there are pictures of his hair to debunk this. In early to mid 2020, he dyed his hair blonde. In mid to late 2020, he dyed it back to the original color with it just touching his shoulders from late 2020 to early 2021. His hair in the nude pictures showed his hair shorter, looking like it is slightly past his ears.
There was an article posted when Percy's nudes were leaked. It dates back to June 26 of 2019. That was 3 and a half years before they were posted by Aries. The timing of the article would mean he was 17 at the time and therefore, a minor.
Aries then denied ever posting his nudes. She insinuated that because he was not showing his genitals, then that meant it didn't count as a nude picture. But the word nude is defined as wearing no clothes which he most definitely isn't in the picture. What Aries did, because the pictures were originally from when he was a minor, counts as distribution of child pornography. She denied what she did was child pornography, but in doing so, she admitted in a tweet that those were nude pictures.
What Aries did, sharing the pictures for all to see, with him being naked and without his consent, counts as revenge porn. One of her tweets reads: "my god I am so happy these pics r on the internet. look at him. this who the haters defending. I'm crying laughing thru the pain rn" counts as cause them distress or embarrassment in the definition of revenge porn. It is a criminal offense in the eye of the Canadian law.
There were four girls who came forward--Aries, Desiree, Karis and Kayla via sexual assault, enabling rape and verbal abuse. All but Kayla claim to be a victim of his. No one else came forward. In a tweet, Aries said no one had any proof that he did anything. There are multiples times she's said this. In another one, she said she didn't have any proof, just what she's posting on twitter. Then 10 minutes later, she contradicted herself, saying "cus we got proof" and will let the court legally prove her story. But then 13 minutes after that tweet, she contradicted herself again and said she had no proof.
Someone asked Aries if anyone tried going to the police. Aries said in a tweet on the 18th of January that one person tried back in high school but the police did nothing about it. But Aries is the only one having accused Percy of sexually assaulting her so if she didn't go to the police then no one did. 23 days later, Aries contradicted herself by saying "we did try going to authorities." Once the accusations went viral, Aries said she was going to proceed with legal action. But then she says she hasn't gone to the authorities because she is waiting for Percy to make the first move and it's unclear what move she expects him to make. So if Percy doesn't make the first move and makes a case in a legal setting himself then she won't do it. If she has been talking to lawyers but never presses charges, Percy can't be arrested or be dealt any legal repercussions because the accusations never came into a courtroom.
On at least 9 different tweets, Aries alluded to Percy raping her. But once articles started coming out, she changed her words. She said that he never raped her, that he "assaulted me and touched me, grabbed me, spoke to me and made inappropriate innuendos." She also said that she'd made the twitter thread to shed a light on what he did to others. In another tweet on the 22nd of January, four days after she accused him, Aries said that people may have been misreading her tweets, saying that she did it for her own assault (assault, not rape) and for other people.
But even after that, in February she again referred to him as a rapist (remember, she is the only one who accused him of assault/rape. The other accusers did not).
Aries claimed that she was sexually assaulted by Percy at a party at his house in Toronto at the end of summer/fall, possibly early winter of 2017. But that can't be true because from June 17th of 2017 to December 4th of 2017, Percy was in the U.S to film for the series The Gifted. There is an article that mentioned the location where it was being filmed (Atlanta Georgia). There are also pictures and videos of him attending promo events like the San Diego Comic Con in June of 2017, as well as pictures posted by his co-stars (like Jamie J. Chung) showing him hanging out with them.
What's interesting is that initially, Aries watched Wednesday without a problem. The first episode came out on November 23rd of 2022. Her initial tweets made no mention of Percy or the alleged assault. It wasn't until sixteen days later on December 9th, where she said that seeing Percy (in a show about her favorite character) made her want to die. The next day on December 10th, she re-tweeted a post from Pop Cave and said that she needed him gone from this world.
Her initial tweets contradict what she said on January 18th, in a tweet where she said she'd been trying to tell fans about Percy ever since Wednesday came out. There are (at least) five screenshots of her posts/retweets regarding the show with a couple of them now deleted at the time the threadreader post was made.
On February 10th, she said she only watched the season one time and that's it. That same day, she said she didn't know Percy was in the show until she saw him in the first episode. She added that she called her friend Kayla and they reacted together to him being in the show to which Aries said they were "both sick to our stomachs, shocked and queasy."
In spite of that, they both watched the show. Kayla said that Aries "went into a full blown breakdown." Aries said she wasn't okay with seeing his face. But even with that reaction, she watched the whole season. Percy appeared in all 8 episodes and according to Screen Time Data, had a total of 1 hour and 1 minute of screentime.
Now back to Jane. Remember that Aries had said, though at the time she didn't mention Jane by name, that the person (Jane) was 13-17 and severely groomed by him. That was on January 18th. As I mentioned, Jane's birthday is in March of 2004, so the alleged timeline is from 2017-2021. Kristina, one of Aries' friends, confirmed seeing Jane and Percy together in 2020-2021 when Jane was sixteen. At some point, all three girls were friends. There are dates form late 2020, 2021 and early 2022 of them being on good terms.
And if you remember that in 2017, Aries said she was assaulted by Percy and yet, for 2 years she didn't say or do anything when Jane was hanging out with Percy. she didn't try to stop it or get parents/police involved. It was after the were no longer friends that she actually said something.
The big thing to note is that Aries doesn't even know Percy personally. In a series of tweets from January 19th to February 15th, she said that she doesn't keep up with him, never dated him, didn't go to school with him and never even texted him. The only time they've interacted was at that party in 2017 (which we know is false since he wasn't in Toronto at the time). Even so, she has tweeted about how he supposedly hates acting. The tweet made it seem like she knew that for certain, but in another tweet on the 15th of February, she said that people were talking about it in Toronto and that is how she heard about it.
It goes to show that Aries is relying on second hand information and can't 100% verify what she's saying. Those accusations of him being a racist and a white supremist/nazi supporting are also proven false. The video of him saying a slur was from a movie he was in where he played a racist character in the TV show Them. The white supremist/nazi ideology account that he was supposedly following was an art page ran by an all black artist movement that was made to critique American media.
Aries had said she made the thread to talk mostly about other people's experiences, not just her own. But she's deliberately lied about important details, has not done her own research and accepted unconfirmed evidence. That led to her distributing child pornography of Percy. She's even shown interest in using rumors of Percy's relationship with his ex girlfriend Molly so she can make more posts against him.
Back in may of 2021, a twitter user (braidsbyemily) who is also a local of Toronto, made a post calling out Brycen Davidson. She called him out for physically abusing multiple women. On January 20th, 2 days after she came out with the allegations against Percy, Aries addressed the tweet and that is the only time she does. She said that Brycen was someone who Percy was very close with (I'm not certain how close they actually were/are). She also retweeted from another user, agreeing with the user saying that they must have been trying to talk about it since than (2021) and people weren't ready to listen. But what she doesn't mention is that Bryce was also good friends with 3 of the girls who came forward about Percy (Kayla, Desiree, Karis). Desiree and Kayla have been admitted to defending and protecting Brycen at one point. Aries claimed that she had nothing to do with it when another twitter user pointed it out. But that contradicts when she said/implied when she agreed that they have been trying to talk about it and people weren't listening.
In tweets from January, Aries made fun of a woman (Angie) who said it (the claims) was obviously all a lie and said she stood with Percy. Aries responded to that by saying look at this dick riding for a man that didn't even hit on her when meeting her she also added 3 laughing emojis. When she says that didn't even hit on her when meeting her, she is referring to her own alleged meeting with Percy (when he'd supposedly made inappropriate innuendos). For her to supposedly be a victim, her response doesn't make sense. Remember that he'd not only done that, but Aries also claimed that he groped her, crept up behind her and touched her back/hips, etc. You have to ask why she would make fun of Angie for not being hit on by Aries' assaulter? Aries then apologized for how it sounded, saying that she was just trying to point out that Angie just never saw that side of him.
But it didn't end there. Aries went on to attack Angie in her DM's. She threatened Angie's safety multiple times, says that Angie doesn't know what she (Aries) is capable of and told Angie not to comment on her posts anymore or she will find her address. She also explicitly told Angie: I will actually end u. Angie posted the screenshots of the messages that Aries sent her, adding that those are going to be sent to the cops and encouraging people to send her other tweets made by Aries if they have death threats in them. That same day (the 19th of January), Aries (perhaps inadvertently), confirmed that the screenshots are real. She claimed that Angie harassed her private socials and tried tagging Aries' family/friends in the comments, however she couldn't have spammed her because she hadn't even accepted Aries' message request.
Aries used the popularity of Wednesday to push her cancelation of Percy. Again, she tried to insist that she's been trying to tell people about him since the show aired but no one listened to her until now--which we know isn't true. Aries then targeted fan accounts of Wednesday and even harassed one account for "stanning" Percy (stanning means to be an avid fan). When Aries replied to a post of the account to tell them why they shouldn't be stanning him, the reply was hidden because the account owner thought it was spam. Aries then called them out on this, questioning why they were still using a picture of Percy for the profile picture. Eventually, the account rebranded and there was no mention of Percy on it at all.
People started to call out Jenna Ortega (lead actress of Wednesday who is also friends with Percy) for not saying anything about the accusations and still showing to be friends with him. At first, Aries said Jenna didn't need to say anything because it wasn't her responsibility. However, it is shown that a month and half later Aries liked tweets that condemned Jenna for still being friends with Percy.
Back in January, just a day after the accusations, someone named Jo made a video on tiktok, claiming that they'd (that's their pronouns) gone to school with him and he'd "used every girl he could to his advantage." The day after that, Aries claimed that she knows Jo. When people questioned Jo, asking for proof, they said that they didn't like Percy and didn't hang around him so that's why there are no pictures of them together. However, Jo is shown to have liked 5 of Percy's instagram posts from January 29th of 2019 to September 6th of 2021. He has not liked their posts nor does he follow them.
A girl named Daisey made a tweet in support of Aries on the 19th of January where she says that "all of toronto has known about percy and his friends for years." She was then questioned about her own experiences with Percy, to which Daisey said that there was a list of sexual predators in Toronto being spread around in 2020 and it had his name in it. That list has not been proven. Additionally, despite supposedly knowing that he was a sexual predator, Daisey liked an instagram post by Percy on April 3rd, 2021. She also has a spam account where she made 2 posts referencing Percy. One of those posts was on January 16th (2023) where she expressed her negative opinion of him. The second post came a day after the accusations where she is celebrating him being "canceled" and showed a DM of someone praising her for "influence" of getting Percy canceled. There was also a link to a fake article that body-shamed Percy and called him "an alleged rapist" even though no one had said he'd raped them. (Remember, Aries said he'd sexually assaulted her).
And so with that, Aries used these stories from other people to add more credibility to her claims. But 6/7 of them never even interacted with him. Not to mention, a lot of these people are those that she knows or claims to know.
If you'll recall, one of the people who spoke out against him was Desiree. She said that Percy let her get raped in his basement by a man, Raphael Irwin. She shared a screenshot of a text with Percy where she explained Raphael's behavior on that night. In the text, Desiree mentioned that there were "more than 10 people there" which implies that he wasn't there physically to know how Raphael was acting which is why she later messaged him about it. This can be also proven (him not being physically present) because in the tweet, she said that he called her afterwards (and supposedly was more worried about the police than her).
Besides Raphael, Desiree says that Percy said nothing while she was being abused by Brycen Davidson, who was also a close friend of his at the time. What she didn't mention was that she was a closer friend of Brycen's and left out that Brycen was friends with 3 out of the 4 girls that came out with accusations against Percy (Desiree, Karis, Kayla, who later clarified that she wasn't a victim and a girl named Emily who is a close friend of Aries and one of the last girls to come out and say something against Percy). So to clarify, Brycen was a friend to all of them and not just Percy.
Keeping that in mind, and the fact that her tweets show her being angry that people aren't believing her/questioning the legitimacy of it, Desiree was called out by 2 of her former close friends for enabling and defending Brycen and accused victims of lying even after seeing him abuse them. One of the girls even said that she's walked past Desiree "100 times" since than and Desiree had said nothing to her about it.
Now let's talk about Kayla. She is a longtime friend of Aries, and initially (on the 18th of January), Aries called her a victim. But when a post from Pop Culture News referenced her being a victim, Kayla corrected that and said she wasn't, that he only verbally attacked her when she called him out. She, like Aries, referenced Percy being a rapist, even though no one came forward with a rape accusation. The freddyrevenges account actually asked kayla who he raped if none of the victims who came forward were raped, Kayla responded and said she wasn't going to "out other people and their names." This is contradicted by her earlier actions when she shared that misleading DM to "prove" that he'd been sleeping with an underage girl (Jane). Both Kayla and Aries used Jane without her consent in order to push this lie.
One of the other girls who came forward, Karis, was not a victim of Percy. She referred to him as her abuser but hasn't elaborated on that. What we do know is that he dated her best friend, Lena, and apologized to Karis for for making her think they were together/playing with her feelings. Speaking of the apology, Aries and Kayla had used that apology as a means of evidence to show everyone that he was admitting for "the things he has done." In reality, Karis had messaged him to explain how he'd hurt her by leading her on, which he then apologized for doing.
Additionally, Kayla had posted (and what was retweeted by Aries) screenshots of texts between Karis and Percy that were meant to show him insulting her (Karis) and sending his fans after her. It's unclear why, but for whatever reason, Percy was cutting Karis off as a friend. She wanted an explanation, he didn't give her one so she called him a skeletor (referencing his skinny body) and told him to eat a burger. What neither Aries or Kayla showed was the story Karis posted. Karis had posted another screenshot of texts. At the time, Percy had been in Atlanta and asked her to visit him. Karis asked him "What would Lena think?" Lena was either his gf or ex gf at that time. He clarified that he meant as just friends. Karis then shared the screenshot, saying, @ me pussy boi as a way to expose him.
In response to that, Percy sarcastically posted to his own instagram story said: omg guys I've been #exposed!! Nearly a MONTH ago I invited [karis*} to Atlanta!! What a horrible thing to offer to a friend guess that means I'm officially #canceled R.I.P "skeletor" AKA pussy boi
** I didn't wanna put her username there but that's what was there
She'd said to @ her and that's what he did. He also only mockingly repeated the bodyshaming insults she'd said to him. You could argue that he probably shouldn't have made the story and just ignored her story, but even so, he didn't just do it out of the blue unprompted.
Lena, one of Percy's ex girlfriend's, was a mutual friend to both him and Karis and even Kayla. They all followed each other on instagram until the accusations came out. Lena then unfollowed Kayla and Karis (who was her best friend at one time) but still follows Percy.
Now a lot of people took Percy's initial silence as him being guilty. But that's the advice lawyers will give you. Karapance Law of Toronto said that by speaking out to defend yourself, your word risks being taken as victim blaming and suggests to take a social media hiatus (which Percy did). He came out with a statement and so did Jane.
Here is Percy's:
Tumblr media
And here is Jane's
Tumblr media
Now I want to talk about some of my own thoughts that I had while looking at that thread.
Right off the bat, the behavior of the girls, especially Aries, is very telling. They're being combative with practically anyone who doesn't just immediately accept their word. If you're telling the truth, we should be able to ask questions. Even if you boiled it down to "well, they're frustrated because people aren't listening!" Their words just don't sound right--like the dick riding comment.
A lot of people seem to think that by Percy being silent about the matter and disabling comments on his instagram, that's an automatic sign to tell that he'd guilty. It's interesting because on the gossip reddit page, Fauxmoi, someone else pointed out that's the kind of legal advice they'd be given in a situation like this but the reddit user said he should have just ignored it. One of those well, if it was me kind of comments.
What's unfortunate is that some of these people who believed the girls will not change their minds even if they see the evidence. There are people who commented under Jane's statement who didn't believe her. They think that she was paid by Percy to say that.
This should be a warning about the dangers of blindly believing any accusation you hear. It's about saying that they're all lies because they're not, but this shouldn't have happened. Percy, Jane, and their families have been through a lot and probably are still going through a lot because of this ordeal. A lot of people haven't seen this thread and the news outlets haven't talked about him much (beyond the initial accusations and his statement). I can't imagine how this must have been on him mentally
I hope those girls receive some kind of consequence for what they've done
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twstjam · 1 year
[Book 7 Spoilers]
Do you guys think there's discourse going on rn in twst's in-universe version of twitter? And just social media in general
I mean come on there's no WAY the crisis going on at Sage's Island right now isn't on the news
How much do you guys think the public knows about what's going on? Do they know that Malleus is the one behind this? Do they know the state of the island's residents? Do they know the barrier is GROWING and that the apocalypse will be upon them if Malleus isn't stopped?
You're a normal, everyday citizen of twisted wonderland. One day you go on the in-universe equivalent of tumblr and see one of THESE posts on your dashboard:
> hey guys did you hear about the thorn barrier surrounding sage island rn >> the WHAT >>> On 9:18 pm last night (xx/xx/xxxx) Sage's Island was encased in thorn vines, an impenetrable magical barrier, and a thick fog. The current state of the residents are unknown but are reported by S.T.Y.X. to be safe. >>>>
Tumblr media
(idk much how to imitate posts and stuff also I forgor some twst lore about styx (like if they're public knowledge or not) but I did my best)
Can you imagine some Vil antis stirring up shit by tweeting something like "vil shitheit goes to school at nrc. a magical disaster is going on at sage island and everyone might die CRAB RAVE"
quote retweet: "y'all remember that neige is on that island too right"
Also the fans of both Neige and Vil and freaking out about this and tweeting about sending prayers for them to be saved and this moment of crisis unites both fandoms as they all wait with bated breath for news about their faves.
Meanwhile there's also people complaining about people only giving a shit about Neige and Vil and not the hundreds of other people on that island and their families. It's just a big shitshow on twst!twitter afshsgshs
also you cannot tell me there AREN'T Leona stans jokingly being like
> everyone shut up about vil and neige are we all forgetting that Prince Leona is on that island too >> o7 his royal hotness has served us well >>> oh my god if he dies it's going to be the end of the world like actually >>>> oh well i never liked sports anyways o7
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procrazedfan · 4 months
Social Media Trends
Casper pouted his lower lip as he stared at the lens of the camera of his EyePhone until he heard that familiar shutter sound. Facefriends, Twitler, and Dethstagram had been the best thing in his life. Especially during the boring days when he had nothing to do but listen to his brothers and sisters play the same Disney movie over and over again in the house. There were only so many times he could watch the same crap about a princess singing about how much she wanted something “more” or whatever the fuck that meant.
Seeing either his mother or stepmother was a rarity on a good day, and when they were both home, they were far too occupied with one another to even pay attention half the time. Which meant all the squabbles, all the repetition, all the stupid questions from the other kids had to go to him.
He hated being the oldest.
At least the nannies were there to deal with worst of it most of the time.
He posted his latest pic to his account and smiled idly as he watched the hearts, thumbs up, and ghost emojis fly across his small screen.
It was nice to be acknowledged for once.
Sure having some famous parents had gotten him a bit of cred in the past, but he was getting older now, and the way he saw it, it was his turn to be in the spotlight. After all, if both his parents were gods in the music world, it was only fitting that he would eventually take center stage, right? Practically written in the sta-
00jellysea00 - u aint shit bitch ass yt boi
Who... the actual... fuck...posted that on his profile page?
He quickly clicked on the Twitler profile on her phone and scanned her profile pics. Once he had the information he needed, he rolled his eyes. Great, another annoying American thinking they owned the music world because their stepdaddy ran a label.
Not willing to engage with the irony of his own analysis, he simply typed his reply in the comments and sent it.
N0tAGh0st – aww... some1 jealous, kælling?
He smiled to himself at his clever insult before he got an instant reply.
00jellysea00 – Mad your daddie didnt buy u better musical talent?
His smile turned back into a frown.
This fucking...
He typed his reply in a fury.
N0tAGh0st – Y? Daddy buy urs?
He must have struck a nerve because her reply was instant...and possibly flew in the face of every term and condition for that brand of social media.
00jellysea00 – u muthafuckin pastyass privlegedass crustyass stupidass
The diatribe was at least several tweets long.
Theoretically, he could block 00jellysea00. It wasn’t like talking to her did him any favors.
Then he spotted the hundreds of retweets, and the thousands of emojis attached to the comments. In the space of just minutes there was already two fanbases at eachother’s throats.
His grin returned.
If it kept going like this, they could be trending at number one within the hour over this little “Twitler beef.”
He sent a private message to this...Jalacy? Huh, interesting choice of stage name.
N0tAGh0st – Just avoid commenting on my weight and I can see to us both trending on this little war. - For @sichore and @chordsykat
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faemytho · 6 months
some social media interaction culture breakdowns, as far as i can tell this is how these things work :3 i did this for fun and for my own amusement, so i probably got some of these wrong. please do not bite my head off. im willing to make corrections!
the differences between tumblr, twitter, cohost, and pillowfort! as far as i can tell, bsky is a twitter copy/paste, just with better site usage quality.
tumblr: do nothing. most people use this as either a bookmarking system or a "hey i saw your post and i like it". you can hide them; most do.
twitter: influence followers homefeed and algorithm. you can't hide them.
cohost: do nothing. this is for specifically "hey i saw your post and i like it". they can only be accessed by you; there's no way to make them public.
pillowfort: do nothing. this is for specifically "hey i saw your post and i like it". there is no way to access your own likes at all.
re- blog/tweet/share
tumblr: called a reblog. you can reblog with tags AND commentary, though most only reblog with tags instead of reblogging with commentary (ive seen this described as the difference between whispering to someone in an auditorium vs shouting something in an auditorium for everyone to hear)
twitter: separated into retweets and QRTs. a retweet is a direct share to your followers on their timeline with no way to add commentary, and a QRT is an embed of someone else's post with your commentary at the top, which makes it an original post.
cohost: called a share or a rechost, similar to how tumblr's system works, but the commentary culture is different. it's more common to add commentary in the post body, and discouraged to talk in the tags (based on how tagging works sitewide)
pillowfort: called a reblog, similar to how tumblr's system works, but the commentary culture is different. it's more common to share with no commentary before adding commentary, and not really common to talk in the tags. pillowfort replies are mostly where commentary happens.
tumblr: unlike twitter, tumblr replies ARE NOT their own posts. they're like DMs between you and the OP, except everyone can see these messages and join in on the conversation.
twitter: replies are their own post! they function similarly to how tumblr reblog threads work, but with more limited visibility
cohost: called comments and work like tumblr replies, BUT, are able to be threaded like AO3 comments. these are actually the ONLY interactions visible for anyone to see on a post!
pillowfort: called comments, and work like tumblr replies, BUT, are able to be threaded like AO3 comments.
tumblr: TAGS ARE VERY FREE. tags are both a sorting system BUT also a way to whisper your thoughts on someone's post that you've reblogged. you can make up your own tags for your own personal blog sorting system, or keysmash your reaction to cute art. tumblr culture involves a LOT of "tag talking", in which people don't actually put their overall commentary in the body of a post, but the tags of it when they're reblogging it. when making an original post, only the first five tags are counted. tags on reblogged posts do NOT show up in tumblr search.
twitter: tags are more formal from what i can tell. they go directly in the body of a post and are an explicit way to sort posts into topics and categories. tags on replies and QRTs DO show up in twitter search.
cohost: tags are more formal like twitter, but function visibly similar to tumblr tags. they go beneath a post and are the only way to search cohost (so its not common to talk in the tags). however, unlike tumblr, all tags from every user in a rechost chain are visible and searchable in shared posts. tags on rechosted posts DO show up in cohost search (from what i can tell, it's discouraged to re-tag a share of a post to prevent accidentally spamming a tag, since the tags of the OP will transparently carry over into the rechost).
pillowfort: exactly like tumblr, without the five tag limit and without the tag talking culture. tags on reblogged posts do NOT show up in pillowfort search.
tumblr: mean nothing. if you have a lot of followers that's probably bad actually because it means you're infamous. you're the tumblr clown and everyone's watching you flail around. clout doesnt exist. you can also hide who you're following on tumblr like with likes, again, most do hide this.
twitter: clout. clout clout clout. followers is good. followers means you're famous. you can't hide this information, nor can you hide who you yourself are following.
cohost: mean nothing, but doubly so. there is absolutely no way to see how many followers you have, nor how many followers anybody has, nor who is following who. you can view your own followers, but there's no number count and nobody else can view this.
pillowfort: an odd mix of all three of the above. hidden entirely like cohost, viewable numbers like tumblr, and some sense of clout-dignity like twitter. in actuality, most users follow Pillowfort's user-created communities rather than other users specifically.
tumblr: if you're an old user, your default is called your dashboard, in which you only get posts from the people and tags you follow. if you're a new user, (allegedly) your default is the "For You" feed. there are separate feeds separated into tabs at the top; other than the "For You" feed, you're able to customize what tabs you want to see and switch between. a half and half compromise between algorithm/no algorithm. it's there if you want it, avoidable if you don't.
twitter: you've got your "For You" and your "Following" feed (also called TL or timeline). im unsure which is set as the default, but "For You" is listed first so it's probably that. while the following feed is self-explanatory, the "For You" feed shows you posts that users you follow have liked as well as posts based on an algorithm around that. the algorithm knows all.
cohost: you also have two feeds here - "Latest Posts" and "Bookmarked Tags". Latest Posts are from those you've followed, while Bookmarked Tags is a feed you can build based on which tags you've bookmarked. there's no algorithm at all!
pillowfort: only one feed, composed entirely of posts from users you follow and communities you're in/following. no algorithm!
tumblr: only the tumblr wizards know how this fucking thing works (affectionate). sitewide search brings up both text in the body of the post as well as tags. clicking on a specific tag will give you posts that have been specifically tagged with the tag. blog search is similar but it breaks often.
twitter: hell. sitewide search brings up both text in the body of the post as well as tags AS WELL AS every post made by a user who has the searched term in their goddamn handle. clicking on a specific tag will give you posts that have been specifically tagged with the tag. profile search does not exist unless you know the secret codes to put in the url.
cohost: the site can ONLY be searched via tags that exist already. blogs here can only be searched via clicking on a specific tag. however, cohost provides toggles within every blog so users can toggle on or off a user's shares, replies, and asks to their hearts delight, which makes blog scrolling customizable to the users preference
pillowfort: sitewide search is how tumblr's search is supposed to work, AND way more stable. blog search can be searched only through clickable tags, but you're also able to view only original posts or only reblogs on someone's blog.
blacklisting, blocking, muting, muffling, making posts with sensitive content
tumblr: you're able to build a blacklist based on tags, and you're able to block users. "community labels" are a predetermined set of labels users can apply to both their posts and reblogs of other people's posts, and can be toggled to the user's preference
twitter: there is no blacklist, but a "muted word" list that you can customize. there is sensitive content filtering, but it's only under a generalized "sensitive content" warning. you can mute a user if you'd rather not block, which means you won't see their posts or when they interacting with you. you are also able to block users outright.
cohost: you can set a customized "content warning" on a post for others to click through, similar to twitter's sensitive content warning, but able to be customized as needed. you can blacklist OR whitelist content warnings. for tag filtering, you can muffle (requiring a click-through) or silence (hide completely). you can mark a post as 18+ very easily. you can toggle and customize the way posts on your feed display.
pillowfort: filters and blacklist are easily accessible on the sidebar rather than hidden in the settings. however, 18+ posts can only be toggled on or off (shown or entirely hidden), there is no click-through option. you can blacklist "words and tags" all at once, or just blacklist tags, to your discretion.
tumblr: as long or short as you want. tons of different ways to post, images, videos, audio, links, ect. some VERY basic code is allowed. it USED to be go nuts show nuts, but...
twitter: theres a 300(?) character limit and a four images per post limit. you can pay money for more post characters. 18+ is more limited than other sites, but allowed.
cohost: very basic posting editor. you can code html, css, and basic markdown straight into the post if you want to. there's even a preview toggle in the posting editor to see what it looks like before you post it. literally the sky is the limit. YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW CODE TO POST ON COHOST, but if you do you can make your posts look cool. there is a "readmore" like on tumblr, but it's a soft readmore based on the post length instead of tumblr's hard readmore. 18+ is allowed.
pillowfort: a rich text editor that's built to support images, videos, links, ect. as long or short as you want. 18+ is allowed.
tumblr: the ability to send asks and submit posts, polls, limited profile badges (most need to be bought), blog coding customization, post blazing, sideblogs
twitter: lists, spaces, circles, and polls
cohost: the ability to send asks, user funded, no ads, anti-AI stance, range of options for profile customization, private notes (able to be left on a user's profile for only you to see), sidepages (built-in sideblogs that function as their own main blogs)
pillowfort: communities (these are in tumblr beta testing currently), user funded, no ads, anti-AI stance, a WIDE range of profile badges (99% are free, 1% are rewarded for donating to the site during specific fundraising periods)
site sign-up and apps
tumblr: free and easy, app in the appstore.
twitter: free and easy, app in the appstore
cohost: free and easy, but posting is limited for a small period of time at first sign-up. you can browse, follow users, and like posts during this period of time, but cannot make your own original posts until cohost greenlights you (they'll send an email when you're able to post; mine was just under 24 hours). they have a progressive web app hosted by chrome that functions and appears as a regular app that bypasses appstore restrictions.
pillowfort: free, but unlike the other sites and more like AO3, sign-up puts you on a waitlist for an invite code, or you can sign-up with an invite code from a user already on the site. no mobile app, but a progressive web app like how cohost has is in the works.
bsky: the twitter copy. sign-up is free, but there's a wait period before you're fully invited to set up your account unless you have a bsky invite from a user already on the site. there's an app in the appstore.
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