#they closed at 5 but they let me vibe on their porch so i wrote for FOUR HOURS!!!!
delighted to report that one of my all-time favorite pastimes CONTINUES to be nerfing the absolute shit out of lucius and watching him figure out how to win Anyway :)
in related news: four (4) hours of writing time on this random-ass wednesday fixed me, more news at 11
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zmediaoutlet · 3 years
Okay but I’m a bit obsessed with “i heard love was blind”—something about the outsider POV tragedy of it, where we know what’s going on but poor Cordell has no clue. (I’ve never seen Walker but goddamn do I feel for him.) So I’m gonna be greedy and ask for 2, 5, 18, 23, and 25. ❤️
omg! delight! okay okay let me get out the list here, this is a great excuse not to do work emails:
i heard love is blind
2. Favorite line of dialogue?
Dean says, "Shut up, b-bitch," and then, thinner, "C'mere," and Cordell leans over him and kisses him, tucked close, shielding him from the cold air, wondering, ready.
I dithered about this one, and tried another option for a minute, but settled back on keeping it. I like that Cordell has no idea what 'bitch' means to Dean (who could!) and that it's a less-obvious echo of the moment earlier when Dean unthinkingly calls him Sasquatch. Dean does both by accident but this one he doesn't second-guess -- taking what he can get, in this moment, since he can't have what he really wants.
5. If you wrote a sequel for the fic, what would it be?
Probably something post-s5. Dean would probably still go to Lisa but I'd like it if he drove straight south, first, straight to Texas, on some weird blind half-drunk miserable hope. Maybe wondering if Cordell were a doppleganger or something (wanting it to be more than, in this blended universe, that someone out there just looks a whole lot like Sam). In 2010 Cordell would be 27ish and both of his kids would've been born and he'd be a Ranger, and Dean would show up---say at their house---staring through the window at a lamplit evening of wife-and-kids much like s!Sam stared in at Dean with Lisa---and say Emily noticed a weird guy out on the porch and Cordell went out to check and found---that weird guy, that hookup from ages ago, a complete wreck sitting among the flower planting that Em was in the middle of that afternoon. An opportunity for tenderness there, but Dean couldn't stay. It'd hurt too much.
18. Was there anything that surprised you while writing the fic?
Being for a charity fill, I was trying to do what I could to honor the (long-ago) request while still trying to find something interesting to write in there for me. I was initially going to keep it at slightly grim "no I'm straight, I just hook up with guys sometimes" hand/blowjobs -- Dean with a strong sense of being a sex worker and making himself used so that this didn't hurt as much as it could -- and there's an echo of that still in the fic, with some interactions over the pool table. But it turned sweeter, I think because as I was writing I was getting a sense of Cordell-the-POV-character, and he wouldn't go for something that transactional. He's a nice boy. He'd do nice things. From there, Dean was catching the vibe of that when they were out in the field, and the 'simple' hookup ended up being quite... fraught, lol. But that made it more fun I think.
23. What would be the highest form of praise you could receive for the fic?
Hm. I guess just that people found the character work and dialogue and language believable and interesting, beyond the sex stuff. I know people click on rated E things for a reason but it's nice when people really pay attention to all the non-rated E stuff before the jillin'. And I think some people have, which is kind of them. :)
25. Favorite thing about the fic - this is your permission to brag!
lol, I don't know about bragging. I guess as I'm skimming down the fic, squinting over my teacup, I like this paragraph:
The guy in Germany hadn't been like this. Hoyt hadn't been like this. Not—needing, this way. With Hoyt it was fun—easy fucking, laughing and sharing drinks and learning how to make each other feel good, daring each other. Dean shakes, puts his head down against Cordell's hip, fingers curling into his barely-shoved down jeans. Cordell drags his wet thumb back to the bare soft spot behind Dean's ear, rubs there, feeling—out of his depth is the least of it. Not old enough, somehow, for the first time in a long time—for the first time since boots-down in the desert of an unfamiliar country—and with that weird connection pulling at the back of his mind he grips Dean's shoulder and tugs at him, pulls him up, and Dean takes a deep breath and crawls forward and lets Cordell get arms around him, roll over him, shielding his body from the cold at least partly, trying to be some kind of ground to shake against. He goes in for a kiss and Dean lets him for a second but turns his face away, ducks down so his face is hiding in Cordell's throat, so Cordell hugs him instead, arm under his head and hand sliding soothing up and down his spine. Like gentling a colt, he thinks, and hopes Dean doesn't make the connection. For a moment he wishes, absurdly, that Em were here.
A little long, but -- I like reminding myself sometimes that these guys are very young. Cordell's like 22 here. boots down in the desert of an unfamiliar country... Some things you can be too young for.
(maybe you want to ask me about a fic, idk)
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tangledstarlight · 4 years
so um. didn’t do much at work today. wrote a thing. my entire thought process for this was ‘luke just. throws himself into any and every fight he sees that involves his friends huh?' and then i thought 'but what would happen if he couldn't fight for them??' and here we are. 
it also stemmed from the fact that luke has big pre-serum steve rogers vibes?? if ya get me. 
it’s a 5 +1 also. if that matters to anyone??
BUT ANYWAY!!!! this has a somewhat happy ending? if you squint? it was gonna be sadder, so idk. hmu if you want the sad ending i guess.
also on ao3
trigger warnings! blood mentions, implied/referenced child abuse, implied homophobia, character deaths (cos they’re yknow. ghosts)
one. Luke had spent so much of his time worrying about Reggie and Alex that he’d never stopped to consider the trouble that Bobby might get himself into.
And then he’s kneeling next to where Bobby is lying on the ground, his leg bent at an odd angle and there was a cut running down his cheek with blood dripping on tarmac. But he’s breathing. And that’s all Luke can find himself focusing on even as he hears the car that had hit him speeding away.
“Hey, hey Bobby. You’re okay man, you’re alright,” his voice is shaking but he doesn’t think Bobby notices, too busy trying realising the amount of pain he’s in. Luke can hear someone shouting behind them, thinks that someone called out about ringing 911, but he doesn’t take his attention away from his friend.
“My leg, Luke my– Fuck my leg hurts!” Bobby tries to sit up, his voice whining and letting out a his of pain as Luke gently keeps him lying in place. A vague memory from some long ago first aid class echoing in his mind about neck injuries and keeping the patient still.
“Yeah man, it’s uh,” his eyes dart down to Bobby’s leg, gulps and looks back up. He’s pretty sure his face must give him away. “It’s probably best you don’t look at it right now. Just, just look at me alright. Helps on the way.”
He can hear people talking around them, someone mentioning how far out the hospital is, another saying how disgusting it is for the driver to just run off without even stopping. Luke tries to tune them out. He can’t chase down a car, can’t find one driver in thousands and hurt them for hurting his friend. All he can do right now is try and distract Bobby from his broken leg and his pain.
“Don’t think I’ll be making it to rehearsals tonight.”
“Suppose we can let you off. This is a better excuse than Reggie’s one about the ducks that chased him,” Luke grins, he can hear sirens in the distance and lets out a shallow breath.
“My dad, I need to–” Bobby trails off and Luke isn’t sure if he’s lost in thought or just not sure what he needs to do. It’s not like either of them have been hit by a car before. They don’t know what they’re meant to do in a situation like this. Luke squeezes his hand, shrugs one of his shoulders.
“It’s alright. We’ll just take it one step at a time, don’t worry.”
There’s a beat of silence between them as they both seem to register what he said before Bobby is laughing and Luke is gaping in silent horror before feeling his own lips shaking with laughter too.
“Can’t believe you just made a comment about walking to a guy that’s just broken his leg. That’s low Patterson, even for you.”
two. Luke knew he had a reputation amongst his friends of being a little oblivious to certain things going on around him. He knew that he could sometimes get too caught up in his song writing, could miss obvious hints that people threw at him, could sometimes completely miss read a room. But he wasn’t stupid.
And he certainly wasn’t blind.
He had known Reggie since pre k. Had seen him at his best and his worst, had been there the day he showed up at school with the worlds worst hair cut, had helped him pick out his first bass from a cheap second hand music shop, had patted his back when Linsday Walters had dumped him during lunch when they were twelve.
Luke knew Reggie better then he knew just about anyone. So he knew when there was something wrong.
Not that it would have taken a genius to know there was something wrong when Luke was woken up at three am on a Thursday to someone knocking at his window. Reggie’s face peered in through the window, back lit by the streetlight across the road and making it incredibly evident that he had been crying, had Luke throwing his blankets off and out of bed quicker then he knew he could move. It took some awkward manoeuvring but eventually Reggie crawled in through the window and stood uncomfortably in the middle of Luke's room.
“Hey Reg…” Luke started, his eyes trailing up and down his friend quickly, trying to pinpoint what had brought him here so late. His eyes caught on the way the bassist held his left arm close to his chest, fingers shaking as he tried to ball his hand into a fist only to wince every time they moved. There were spots of blood on his shirt. Luke heard a roaring in his ears as he put together puzzle pieces of information he had always glanced over.
The Sullivan’s were well known in their friend group as the parents who fought the most. Reggie often made off hand comments and jokes about not getting much sleep, about stepping over broken glass, about falling down the stairs.
It had never once occurred to him that Reggie’s parents might ever hurt him.
“I– I didn’t know where else to go,” Reggie’s voice is quiet, small in a way Luke has never known him to be small. Reggie was always light and loud, the first to fill an awkward silence and to reach out in comfort. In all the years he has known the other boy, Luke doesn’t think he’s ever seen him so subdued.
“You know you can always come here man, windows always open.” It’s an attempt at a joke and all it gets is a half hearted tug of his lips. “Are you bleeding, Reg?” Luke hates having to ask it, hates having to broach a subject that he’s fairly confident Reggie doesn’t want broached, but he needs to know how hurt his friend is.
Reggie blinks down at his arm, still held close to his chest, as if he’d forgotten he was holding it there like that. That it was hurt at all. But now as he looks at his fingers twitching and fresh tears filling his eyes, Luke can see him, physically, mentally, spiritually, falling apart in front of his eyes.
“Woah, hey, hey, it’s okay man. Let’s, let's just get you out of your jacket, yeah? We can do this, one step at a time.”
Luke walks towards him slowly, worried that any sudden moves might set off some kind of flight or fight response in his best friend and the last thing he wants right now is to cause him more pain. Reggie watches him with watery eyes, dipping his head once when Luke reaches out to gently move his arm and slip the leather jacket off him.
There’s a red stained cloth wrapped around his forearm, another around his palm and it takes all Lukes resolve to stay exactly where he is and not jump out his window and run all the way to the Sullivans house and scream at them for being able to hurt someone they’re meant to love. It takes a few more minutes of careful moving and unwrapping, pausing every time Reggie so much as hissed in a breath, before the damage is laid bare for Luke to see.
“Can I ask what happened?” It's a quiet question, and if he doesn’t want to talk about it Luke will drop the subject, wait until he’s ready to talk. But the cuts don’t seem deep, don’t seem like they were purposefully inflicted in the way he had first worried.
“They were– they were shouting at each other. I,” Reggie pauses to breath in, breath out, shakes his head. “I tried to get them to stop. Dad he– he threw a glass at me, mom pushed him then they both pushed me on the ground when I tried to stop them. Guess I kind of deserved it, got in their way.” He says it without making eye contact and Luke can feel himself staring at him with his mouth partly open.
Because Reggie is one of the best people he knows. He’s kind and funny and talented and just has so much love to share with the world that it sometimes comes out too forcefully for people to understand. If Lukes ever had a bad day, he knows without a single doubt in his mind that Reggie will always find a way to cheer him up. He knows that if there’s anyone in the world who doesn’t deserve this, it’s Reggie.  
“No, that’s...no. Just no. You don’t deserve any of this Reg,” Luke isn’t sure what to say, how to make him see that nothing about this is okay. Luke is good with words, he’s good at writing down his thoughts and feelings and putting them to a melody and a beat, it’s what he hopes will one day help him achieve his dreams. But right now, right now all he can see is his best friend from childhood crying on his bed and all his words have fled.
He doesn’t know how to fix this. It’s not a fight he can jump into, take a hit while the other runs to find help. Luke has spent half their friendship standing in front of bullies for Reggie but he feels helpless in front of this one. So he gives his friend a smile, squeezes his shoulder and stands up.
“I’m going to find the first aid kit, alright? And mom made some cookies yesterday, there should still be some left. I’ll be right back, okay?” He waits until Reggie gives him a nod, a small smile on his lips before he goes.
Luke can’t fight this fight for him, all he can do is find the first aid kit, clean his cuts, steal him some cookies, and let him know he’ll always be there no matter what.
three. Some fights Luke knew, had to be fought with words. Some couldn’t be won with a quick shove or a haphazard punch to the nose. Some fights, he knew, weren’t his to get involved in. No matter how much he might have wanted to punch Alex’s parents as he stood under the porch light at the front of their house, peering in through the side window at the fight raging inside.
When Alex had first asked him if he’d come with him tonight, if he’d wait outside ‘just in case it goes badly, or y’know even if it goes well’, Luke had said yes without even a hint of hesitation. There was nowhere else he’d be then right here, right now.
Alex coming out to his parents, it was a big deal. It was more than a big deal. It was a life changing moment, a life destroying moment, and Luke wished he could shield him from this hurt. But all he could do was stand outside and watch it all unfold. He’d promised not to get involved. To just be a silent bystander. He really wished he hadn’t made that promise.
The look of disgust and hatred on their faces is something he thinks he’ll remember forever. Even from this distance, a window and a room away, their faces are clear to see.
It’s the exact reaction he had feared would happen, what he knew Alex had always known deep down would happen despite a small part of him hoping for the complete opposite. Holding on to a fruitless hope that his parents would look past all their bigotry and still remember that they loved their son. That he was still the same person he had always been.
It's one the many things that make Alex so wonderful, Luke thinks, the way he holds onto even the smallest bit of light in the dark even when everything shows signs of a total black out approaching.
And his parents are snuffing that light out.
With each shouted word, each hurled insult and slur.
Luke can hear Alex crying, begging for them to listen to him through the ajar door. Can’t they hear his desperation? How can they stand there, hurting him more, while he’s crying right in front of them?
His hands curl into fists at his sides, this isn’t a fight he can take on for Alex, he knows this. But god, he wishes he could just push that door open, deck Mr Bennet in the face, take Alex out of the house and never look back. Luke stays where he’s stood. He’s here as support, as someone to pick up the pieces when they were done, not to start a fist fight. He’d promised.
“Get the hell out of my house! Get out! And don’t ever fucking come back here, you understand? Get out!”
There’s the sound of a scuffle, of Alex saying something that gets lost in the sounds of more insults and words that Luke wishes he didn’t know the meaning of. Then the door is being pushed open and Alex is standing in front of him, face red from crying and hands shaking as he struggles to breathe. Luke doesn’t even think Mrs Bennet notices him as she throws a coat and bag out the door before slamming it shut.
“They– I– oh god,” he can’t seem to get a sentence out, his breathing ragged and Luke knows the signs of an impending panic attack well enough now to know what’s happening. So he puts aside his own anger, pushes down his instincts to fight back, and puts his hands on Alex’s shoulders, bending his head to get the blonde to look at him.
“Hey, hey, look at me man. Just breath. In and out, in and out, like me.”
They stand like that for a few minutes, breathing in and out until Alex has some semblance of control over his own lungs again and gives Luke the smallest of nods of reassurance that he doesn’t believe for a second. But he lets go of his shoulders, bends down to pick up the coat and bag, slinging a strap over his shoulder and offering the coat out to Alex. It’s still early spring and it’s bound to get cold.
“They–,” Alex has to take another moment, eyes darting between the closed door and the items in Luke's hands, “Th– they kicked me out.” His voice breaks on the word.
“I know.” Because there’s nothing else he can offer Alex right now other than his understanding.
He can’t take on this fight for him, can’t absorb the blows or the hurtful words, can’t go inside the house and force his parents to take back all the hurt they have caused in such a short amount of time. All Luke can do is reach out to take Alex’s hand and gently pull him down the road, away from the only place he had ever called home and give him somewhere to feel safe. Somewhere he can fall apart and put himself back together again.
“Come on, let's go back to mine,” he gives Alex’s hand a gentle squeeze and walks at the pace he’s set. It’s slow, hesitante, almost like he’s walking in a daze and is just letting himself be pulled along, muttered things under his breath.
“What am I going to do? God they’re right.”
Luke tilts his head to look into the drummer's face, frowns at the distant look he finds in the other boy's eyes even as his lips move, words he probably doesn’t even realise he’s saying out loud spilling from his lips. So he pulls them to a stop and stands in front of the blonde, grabbing hold of his other hand until he’s gripping them both.
“Hey Alex, Alex look at me man. Look at him,” Luke waits until he’s got Alex’s eyes on him, until he can see the drying tear tracks on his cheeks and can watch as he tries to keep a fresh wave from falling. “We take this one step at a time, okay? We get through tonight, and then we take on tomorrow.”
Something in his words seems to catch his attention and Alex takes in a ragged breath, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yeah man. You’re stuck with me forever. You, me and Reggie did that whole blood oath with tomato juice thing like five years ago, remember? I’m not ever going anywhere,” Luke frees one of his hands and pushes Alex’s shoulder, grateful when he gets a huffed laugh and roll of his eyes in return.
They walk the rest of the way back to his house in silence, but Alex seems just a little more settled in himself then he had half an hour before and Luke takes that for a win.
four. Whenever Luke had thought about dying – and he hadn’t really given it much thought, he was seventeen, he was supposed to have more time – he’d always assumed it would be when he was old and in his bed.
Or maybe in some tragic accident like other rock stars before him.
He had never stopped to consider it would be a fucking hotdog.
The pain had started suddenly and forcefully, making sure it was the only thing he could think about. Like it had wanted to be the star of the show and would do so in any way possible. Luke can’t remember what it felt like to not be in pain.
Alex lets out a guttural moan of pain next to him that draws Lukes attention, stretching out his arm until his hand brushes the fabric of Alex’s pink hoodie, twisting his fingers into it so he knows that he’s there. That he’s not alone.
Reggie is quieter, even as he vomits – and Luke is trying to ignore the blood he can see, trying to not think about what that means – his chest heaving even as a paramedic rushes towards them. Luke catches Reggie’s eyes, tries to make his mouth move, to form words, to let him know something, anything.
But Luke doesn’t know what he would say even if he could. He doesn’t know how to save them from this. Doesn’t know if he can.
Luke had never thought about what happens after you die, but ending up in a dark room with Alex crying and Reggie sitting scarily still, it wouldn’t have been high on his list of possibilities. As he walked around the room, left hand on the wall so he could follow it around and around, Luke wondered if he could have fought harder to live. And then he sees Alex’s eyes going dim, sees Reggie’s chest stop moving, and remembers feeling his heart break. He doesn’t think this is a fight he ever had a chance at winning.
Whenever he’d thought about life and death and what came next, he always put it off. He just always figured he’d get the time, later in life, to think about it all. He’d been trying to take his life one step at a time and he’d accidentally leapt to the end goal by mistake without getting any of the fun in between.
They were seventeen and death wasn’t supposed to be something they gave much thought too and now they had all eternity to think about it. At least they’d have each other he guesses.
five. Twenty six years after dying Luke finds himself once again thinking about it.
He doesn’t really think it’s something you can fight, if the Grim Reaper comes calling he’s going to leave with a soul. But Luke would personally fight the Death themselves if it meant he’d never have to see Julie cry the way she is right now. Soft and heartbroken and never ending.
But he can’t fight death. All he can do is sit next to her on the couch in the garage, one arm wrapped around her shoulders and the other holding her hand – because they’re tangible more and more often now, and on any other day he would be smiling like an idiot at getting to hold her like this. But it’s not any other day. It’s today and he’s just grateful he can touch here at all. – as she cries silently on his shoulder.
Alex has settled himself on the other side of Julie, tucking her legs under his longer ones almost like a blanket to keep her safe. Reggie has pulled a bean bag over in front of the couch and has his head resting between Julie's knees and Lukes. Each a solid presence around her.
Some days he can almost forget that the reason they are here at all is because Julie lost one of the most important people in her life. And that it was in grief and avoidance of memories and the need for a fresh start that she put on a cd and they had poofed back into the world.
He finds himself wishing he knew more about her. 
The woman who had kept their EP, their shirt that couldn’t hold up in water, who had remembered them even when the world had forgotten.
“Tell us about your mom, Jules,” Luke whispers, not wanting to disturb the quiet bubble they have created but being unable to stop himself either. Julie’s crying stilts, her breathing stuttering as if she’s trying to comprehend what he’s asked. She knows she can always say no, that she can just not respond if she doesn’t want to. But Luke knows that this is the sort of pain you can’t fight, but you can ease it. He’s pretty sure Julie knows that too.
After a few minutes when Julie doesn’t say anything Luke accepts that she’s maybe not ready to talk yet and that would be okay too, they can just sit in silence.
But then slowly, hesitantly, Julie starts talking. 
Starts telling them about her mom who had taught her to play the piano by sitting her on her knee. Who had chased her around the beach and made her laugh until her side hurt when they’d buried ray in the sand while he napped. Who had stayed up all night sewing tassels and strands of fabric together because Carlos just had to be Cousin Itt for Halloween.
She tells them about the times they had curled up watching her favourite films, the way they had shouted the lyrics to their favourite songs loudly in the car, their disastrous first attempt at making a rainbow cake.
She’s still crying, still keeps her fingers linked between Lukes, still lets her other hand alternate between Reggie's hair and tapping on Alex’s knee. But there’s a light in her eyes that hadn’t been there that morning, she’s laughing through her tears a little bit more with each story.
“I miss her,” she says eventually, letting out a shaking breath.
“I know,” Luke says, because it’s not really the same but he knows what it’s like to miss someone.
“But it’ll hurt just a little bit less each day,” Reggie chimes in, because it’s not really the same but he knows what it’s like to miss someone even when it hurts to think of them.
“And y’know, she’s always with you because you’ve got all these stories to share,” Alex tilts his head at her with a smile, because it’s not really the same but he knows that holding on to the good memories is sometimes all you have.
“Thanks guys,” she gives them a watery smile. “I don’t know what I’d do with you all.”
Luke doesn’t like to dwell too long on that thought, on a world where they pass over and leave her alone. Because it’s an all too real possibility so he pushes the thought back and nudges her shoulder and smiles.
“Nah, you’d be fine. You’d just take it one step at a time, you don’t have to go fast, you just gotta get through it.”
He doesn’t think he’s said anything too weird but Julie is looking at him with wide eyes and a silent ‘o’ on her lips. Luke frowns at her wondering what he’s done wrong now.
“Don’t look at him like that, it’s his go to advice for any problem. Just take it one day at a time,” Reggie laughs, imitating Luke’s voice as he says it and nudging his leg as he wiggles his eyebrows which causes Alex to laugh and draws Julie in too. 
And Luke doesn’t mind that they’re kind of laughing at him, he’s just glad Julie is smiling. He’s not sure he’d win a fight with Death, but he’d give it a go if she asked.
+one. When Caleb pops back into their lives it happens so suddenly that Luke doesn’t even have a chance to second guess what he’s doing. All he knows is that Caleb is threatening the people he cares most about in the world, that there’s one option in front of him which only gets him hurt and Luke really hates bullies.
He doesn’t think about the pain that the jolts cause or that there’s a very good chance he’ll never see his family again or that playing music without Alex and Reggie and Julie just isn’t worth it.
He doesn’t think about that.
He thinks being seven and meeting Reggie, about meeting Alex, about meeting Bobby.
He thinks about all the bullies he was never big enough to protect them from, quick enough to run away from.
He thinks about when they were fifteen and Bobby got his by a car, broke his leg and got a concussion and how Luke just wasn’t quick enough to push him out of the way.
He thinks about being sixteen and Reggie knocking on his window covered in cuts and bruises and how Luke wasn’t able to protect him from the people who were meant to protect him.
He thinks about being seventeen and calming Alex’s breathing as his parents' shouts still echo around their heads and how Luke couldn’t make it any better because he didn’t have the power to change minds.
He thinks about being seventeen and suggesting they get street dogs and dying, about not being able to save them.
He thinks about being seventeen and stuck in a dark room for twenty five years and how Alex cried and Reggie looked lost and how Julie had to lose her mom to find them.
He thinks about Julie, crying between them all as she misses her mom and how much it would hurt her to lose them all.
“Luke, please. Don’t.” 
Julie holding his hand, trying to pull him away. He can feel Reggie gripping tight to his other hand, standing half behind him with Alex who’s twisted his fingers into the material of his shirt. Standing behind him, just where they had always joked they’d be in a fight.
But Luke was never joking about it. Taking the hits so they don’t have to? It’s the easiest choice he’s ever made. It’s the one he’ll always make.
“I don’t want any of you to get hurt.”
Luke doesn’t realise he’s crying until his vision starts to blur a little, the image of Caleb in front of them going fuzzy.
“We take it one step at a time, Luke,” Reggie squeezes his hand tighter, tugging him back half a step.
“And we do it together, remember? A blood oath with tomato juice, Luke. We’re stuck together,” the hand Alex had had gripping his shirt loosens just enough to to circle around his bicep and he manages to tug him back another step.
“We can’t get through this if we don’t have you Luke. You don’t need to make the sacrifice play. There’s always another way,” Julie’s crying too, he notices belatedly as her tears drip on to the hand she is holding, his knuckles pressing against her lips.
“Come on man. Let’s go home.”
Luke holds steady for a second longer, eyes focused on Caleb's face before he gives in, letting the three of them pull him back from a line he can’t uncross. 
But he’d do it. 
He’d do it in one of his non-existent heart beats if it meant they’d be safe. He’s always jumped into a fight without a second thought. And for Reggie and Alex and Julie? He’d do it in even less. If they’d let him.
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janiedean · 5 years
also: top 5/10 springsteen songs that work for j/b
LET’S KICKSTART THIS WHOLE THING WITH A BANG SHALL WE so top five with links/videos if tumblr lets me, the other five without or it’s never gonna load.
NUMBER ONE: this is your sword
(listen guys this fucking song Is About Them idc it’s perfect it’s flawless)
In the days of despair you can grow hard'Til you close your mind and empty your heartIf you find yourself staring in the abyssHold tight to your loved ones and remember thisThis shield will protect your secret heartThe sword will defend from what comes in the darkShould you grow weary on the battle fieldWell do not despair, our love is realThis is your sword, this is your shieldThis is the power of love revealedCarry it with you wherever you goAnd give all the love that you have in your soul
come on guys, that one’s just obvious.
NUMBER TWO: thunder road
if the above didn’t exist this would be The JB Bruce Song. for reasons. as in:
excerpt (but all of it is Them I didn’t write an entire fic following it in disguise and another just to quote it at the end for nothing):
The screen door slams, Mary's dress wavesLike a vision she dances across the porch as the radio playsRoy Orbison singing for the lonelyHey, that's me and I want you onlyDon't turn me home again, I just can't face myself alone againDon't run back inside, darling, you know just what I'm here forSo you're scared and you're thinking that maybe we ain't that young anymoreShow a little faith, there's magic in the nightYou ain't a beauty but, hey, you're alrightOh, and that's alright with me
I mean. come on. ;)
NUMBER THREE: tougher than the rest
nvm my love/love rship with the record this song is on, I’ll rest my case:
Well it's Saturday nightYou're all dressed up in blueI been watching you awhileMaybe you been watching me tooSo somebody ran outLeft somebody's heart in a messWell if you're looking for loveHoney I'm tougher than the rest (...)The road is darkAnd it's a thin thin lineBut I want you to know I'll walk it for you any timeMaybe your other boyfriendsCouldn't pass the testWell if you're rough and ready for loveHoney I'm tougher than the rest
NUMBER FOUR: leap of faith
or: no one remembers this damned song bc it was on lucky town and no one gaf about that record but I love it and it’s perf for them I rest my case again
All over the world the rain was pourin'I was scratchin' where it itchedOh heartbreak and despair got nothing but boringSo I grabbed you baby like a wild pitch
It takes a leap of faith to get things goingIt takes a leap of faith you gotta show some gutsIt takes a leap of faith to get things goingIn your heart you must trust (..)
Tonight the moon's looking young but I'm feelin' younger'Neath a veil of dreams sweet blessings rainHoney I can feel the first breeze of summerAnd in your love I'm born again
NUMBER FIVE: secret garden
do I love this damned song? yes. is it perf for them? yes.
She'll let you into the parts of herselfThat'll bring you downShe'll let you in her heartIf you got a hammer and a viseBut into her secret garden, don't think twiceYou've gone a million milesHow far'd you getTo that place where you can't rememberAnd you can't forgetShe'll lead you down a pathThere'll be tenderness in the airShe'll let you come just far enoughSo you know she's really thereThen she'll look at you and smileAnd her eyes will sayShe's got a secret gardenWhere everything you wantWhere everything you needWill always stayA million miles away
number 6-10 are imvho and in the order you want, back in your arms, pink cadillac, lift me up, candy’s room and prove it all night, I’m not linking the entire shebang because the above but to rest my case, excerpts:
pink cadillac for early frenemies vibes:
Well now you may think I'm foolishFor the foolish things I doYou may wonder how come I love youWhen you get on my nerves like you doWell baby you know you bug meThere ain't no secret 'bout thatWell come on over here and hug meBaby I'll spill the facts
back in your arms for suffering:
You came to me with love and kindnessBut all my life I've been a prisoner of my own blindnessI met you with indifference and I don't know whyNow I wake from my dream, I wake from my dream to this worldWhere all is shadow and darkness and above me a dark sky unfurlsAnd all the love I've thrown away and lost I'm longin' for againNow darlin' I just wanna be back in your armsBack in your arms againBack in your arms
lift me up for more suffering:
I don't need your answered prayersOr the chains your lover wearsI don't need your rings of goldOr the secrets that you holdLift me up, darlingLift me up and I'll fall with you lift me upLet your love lift me upI don't need your sacred vowOr the promise tomorrow bringsVeiled behind the morning cloudsI'll take the fate the daylight brings
candy’s room because... I wrote 100k of fic starting from this come on:
There's a sadness hidden in that pretty faceA sadness all her own from which no man can keep Candy safeWe kiss, my heart's rushes to my brainThe blood rushes in my veins fire rushes towards the skyWe go driving driving deep into the nightI go driving deep into the light in Candy's eyesShe says baby if you wanna be wildYou got a lot to learn, close your eyesLet them melt, let them fire, let them burnCause in the darkness there'll be hidden worlds that shineWhen I hold Candy close she makes those hidden worlds mine
and finally prove it all night:
Everybody's got a hunger, a hunger they can't resist,There's so much that you want, you deserve much more than this,Well if dreams came true, oh, wouldn't that be nice,But this ain't no dream we're living off through tonight,Ah girl, you want it, you take it, you pay the price,And prove it all night.Prove it all night,Prove it all... I've even called the bluff,We'll prove it all night, prove it all night,Girl I prove it all night for your love
I rest my case.
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sinceileftyoublog · 5 years
Newport Folk Festival: 7/26-7/28
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Brandi Carlile and Dolly Parton sing “I Will Always Love You”
Another Newport Folk Festival has come and gone, and yes, it still is the greatest music festival in the world, and it is still my favorite weekend of the year. This year, for the first time in its 60-year history, the festival had an all female-led Saturday night headliner, arguably had its two biggest appearances to date, covered an entire masterpiece album, premiered the biggest female country supergroup ever, and finally found the heir apparent to Pete Seeger on what would be his 100th birth year.
After Pete Seeger passed away in 2014, a gaping hole was left at the Newport Folk Festival. Seeger had been around the festival since its inception, and while festival producer Jay Sweet has captained the ship incredibly since taking over in 2008, the question has remained: Who would hold the seat that Seeger did for years? The musical ambassador of the people and of the music of the Newport Folk Festival? That question was answered loud and clear this year, as Brandi Carlile cemented her rightful seat. Last year was a precursor, when she performed from her Grammy Award-winning album By the Way, I Forgive You and guest performed with Mumford and Sons and during the Change is Gonna Come set. This year, she got handed the keys to the car and packed a Saturday night headlining slot full of talent from the past and present, culminating in a 5-song set from none other than Dolly Parton. Now, Jay Sweet has pulled some pretty big acts during his 12 years on the festival, but he didn’t pull Dolly--Brandi did! She also premiered her new country super group The Highwomen, an all-female answer to The Highwaymen. The former’s reworking of the latter’s namesake song absolutely took my breath away (and was just released), and then Carlile closed out her weekend singing Pete Seeger's classic song "If I Had a Hammer" with Alynda Segarra from Hurray For The Riff Raff.
Overall, this year’s festival was fiercely female, showcasing talents from multiple generations from Parton and Judy Collins, Sheryl Crow, and Linda Perry to Carlile, Rhiannon Giddens, Maggie Rogers, and Yola. The collaboration sets, which really gained steam with the Dylan 65' Revisited set 3 years ago, continued this year and actually tripled, with the Saturday night All-Female Collaboration, along with a last minute addition of a complete cover of Graham Nash's "Song for Beginners" led by Kyle Craft with an all-star cast of Newport favorites. Finally, on Sunday, Pete Seeger was celebrated with set entitled "If I Had a Song" where audiences were given song books with which to sing along. It opened with Jim James singing “The Rainbow Connection” with perhaps the second biggest star to ever appear at the Newport Folk Festival in Kermit the Frog. I was also pleased to see that Our Native Daughters were asked to participate in the Seeger Celebration, singing the Seeger tune "If You Miss Me at The Back of The Bus" and joining Mavis Staples and Hozier for "Keep Your Eyes on The Prize". Two years ago, for the SPEAK OUT set at Newport (intended to be a platform for artists to speak out about issues of our times), I was critical of the set’s lack of diversity. I noted that both Rhiannon Giddens and Alynda Segarra gave the most topical and stirring performances of that festival but were absent at that finale. Well, this year, they both hit the stage and had their voices heard with songs of protest to make up for lost time.
It's good to know this incredible festival is in good hands and has its ears open. I'm already looking forward to next July. Until then, here's a few photos to pass the time.
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Newport is always a place to make discoveries. Saturday morning, the audience was woken up to the raucous duo of Illiterate Light.
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Liz Cooper & The Stampede bent over backwards (literally) to electrify the audience at the Quad on Friday with their psychedelic soundscape.
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Recent Tony Award winner Anais Mitchell and The Milk Carton Kids at The Harbor Stage, singing Graham Nash's "Simple Man" as part of the Songs for Beginners set.
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After a last minute dropout from Noname due to illness, Festival producer Jay Sweet was left with a hole at the Harbor Stage on Saturday. After tweeting about the brilliance of Graham Nash's album Songs for Beginners and the responses it garnered, an idea sparked. A supergroup of Newport faithful led by Kyle Craft, including Hiss Golden Messenger, Lake Street Dive, Amy Ray, The Tallest Man on Earth, and more played the album from start to end. I think we may have just started a new Newport tradition--might I suggest Neil Young's Harvest next year?
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Lukas Nelson and The Promise of The Real rocked the Quad Stage on Friday, closing the set with a rendition of Neil Young's "Rockin’ in the Free World" but slowed things down with reminders to Turn Off the News (Build a Garden), and song about an ex named Georgia that made performing with his father singing "Georgia On My Mind" every night a little tricky.
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British singer-songwriter Yola was everywhere at the Newport Folk Festival, performing her own set at the Harbor stage as well as at the Quad with both The Highwomen and Dawes. Here, she takes the stage at the Fort during The Collaboration with the First Ladies of Bluegrass covering The Eurythmics’ "Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves".
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After appearing last year as a guest to Mumford & Sons and others, this year, Maggie Rogers got the Fort stage all to herself to dance in and out of her sound equipment and share her debut album Heard It in a Past Life with Newport.
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Every year, there's an act that brings Quad to its feet and doesn't let them sit back down. This year, Jupiter & Okwess invited everyone to fill in the fire lanes, and a 45-minute dance party ensued, capping off with a collaboration with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.
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Phosporescent returned to the Quad stage with hypnotic grooves and chill vibes, keeping all the heads bobbing inside the old fort.
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I'm With Her returned, bringing their sweet blend of harmonies bridging old-time music to the present, including covers of The Vampire Weekend and Joni Mitchell.
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This year was all about the women, and the fellas came to support. Jason Isbell, who generally headlines festivals like these, wasn't even given a microphone. Here, Amanda Shires (who happens to be his wife) allows him to share a few thoughts as they introduced a song they co-wrote, "If She Ever Leaves Me", dubbed the first gay country song, which was sung moments later by Brandi Carlile.
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Each year, the festival producer comes out to the early birds waiting for the gates to open to welcome them back and remind them to BE PRESENT, BE KIND, BE OPEN, and BE TOGETHER. There isn't a place in the world that's easier to do those four things.
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It's always fun to see what surprise guests will show up to the festival that aren't officially listed. This year’s guests included Jim James, Kermit The Frog, Dolly Parton, James Taylor...you know that this list might end up being bigger than the actual lineup. Here's surprise guest Tallest Man on Earth, who joined both the Songs for Beginners set as well as The Cooks in the Kitchen.
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Hozier returned for his 3rd appearance, singing a duet with Mavis Staples for their song "Nina Cried Power". He also gave over the stage to Brandi Carlile during his set for her to sing her hit “The Joke”. Here, he joins with Lake Street Dive for a cover of Sly & The Family Stone’s "Everyday People".
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Jade Bird had her own solo set at The Fort stage but joined in on The Collaboration, seen here singing "What's Up" with Linda Perry and Brandi Carlile.
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Phil Cook has become a regular staple at the festival. His love and respect for the musicians and the music played at the festival has endeared himself to both fans and musicians alike. For his set, Cooks in the Kitchen, Phil, who always seems up for a collaboration, was joined by his brother Brad as well as Tallest Man on The Earth’s Kristian Matsson, Amy Ray of The Indigo Girls, and Anais Mitchell.
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Molly Tuttle, who had her own set with guitarist Billy Strings, joined The First Ladies of Bluegrass, Courtney Marie Andrews, and others for a cover of “Big Yellow Taxi” at the Collaboration Set Saturday.
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Just a man, his guitar, and a huge open stage. Jeff Tweedy charmed the audience at the Fort on Saturday claiming he wanted to "hug you with his sad shit."
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Rhiannon Giddens returned to the Newport Folk Festival with the most powerful and gut-wrenching set of the festival, joined by Amythyst Kiah, Leyla McCalla, and Allison Russell to form the group Our Native Daughters, singing songs addressing American historical issues that have influenced the identity of black women. This marked only their 6th live performance, performing in Connecticut a week earlier for the first time. Emotions were overflowing both on stage and in the audience, as each artist (each of whom played multiple instruments) took turns singing songs of sorrow, hope, anger, and joy. It was an experience like no other at the festival.
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Linda Perry leading a sing along of "What's Up" at The Collaboration, asking the audience to sing so high, "I wanna touch the fucking stars!" Later, she was on Facebook Live for the introduction of Dolly Parton.
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There was a bit of a 90's renaissance at this year’s festival with appearances from Amy Ray, Linda Perry, and former Sleater-Kinney drummer Janet Weiss. Sheryl Crow, who had her own set at the Fort on Friday and later joined The Highwomen that day at the Quad, got in on the fun at The Collaboration on Saturday, performing "If It Makes You Happy" with Maren Morris and "Strong Enough" with Maggie Rogers and Yola.
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Newport always does a great job of honoring those who led the way. This year, we saw Judy Collins hit many stages and share stories about a young Bob Dylan writing “Mr. Tambourine Man” on her porch, as well as recalling Stephen Stills singing her "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes", to which she replied "It's a good song, but it won't get me back." Here, she shares the story of a friend discovering Joni Mitchell and bringing her "Both Sides Now", which was sung moments later with Brandi Carlile.
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Couples take in the If I Had A Song set at sunset on Sunday, which included a duet from Kermit the Frog and Jim James as well as a serenade to Judy Collins from Robin Pecknold (Fleet Foxes), Eric D. Johnson (Fruit Bats), and James Mercer (The Shins), singing “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes”.
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Newport Folk Festival marked the inaugural performance of The Highwomen. Brandi Carlile, Maren Morris, Amanda Shires, and Natalie Hemby, here joined by Yola, opened their set to a powerful reworking of “The Highwaymen”, made famous by Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, and Johnny Cash. The Highwomen’s version, written by Carlile, Shires, and Jimmy Webb (the original songwriter) honors the stories of courageous female revolutionaries and includes an additional 5th verse:
  "We are The Highwomen / Singing stories still untold / We carry the sons, you can only hold / We are the daughters of the silent generations / You sent our hearts to die alone in foreign nations / It may return to us as tiny drops of rain / But we will still remain.”
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A stage full of Newport Folk ladies, including Brandi Carlile, Rachael Price, Maggie Rogers, and Sheryl Crow, bow down to the one and only Dolly Parton. I've seen Roger Waters, Jack White, My Morning Jacket, Jackson Browne, Beck, Levon Helm, and Mumford & Sons headline the Festival. This was the biggest of all the Saturday night headliners.
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naromoreau · 6 years
Only If For a Moment
This is my present for @mademoisellegush for the Far Cry 5 Birthday Bash! I comissioned the amazing @colonelrogers for a portrait of your OC, Dahlia Hargen and I wrote you a little something I hope you enjoy. 
Thank you so much to @edensgay for organizing this amazing event!
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Pairing: Female Deputy (Dahlia Hargen) x Joseph Seed
Rating: SFW
Other tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Not a Happy Ending
Dahlia can barely comprehend the relentless assaults of pain as she grows. Sometimes they flank her, coming from all sides, and she feels the strap of a rough belt colliding against her back, followed by another slap against her thigh. 
She runs, tossing her toys aside and hides under her bed. To escape. But it's pointless. A hand smacks her round, tender cheek, hard enough to bruise. But she knows the scars won’t be there tomorrow. 
She’s young, just four, but despite that, she somewhat understands, it's not her the one at risk. She crawls out of her hiding hole, tears seeping down her eyes, clutching her ragged doll close to her heart. 
Two more outbursts of hot-red ache strike her before she reaches the kitchen and she sobs at the threshold, running into the safety of her yaya’s arms. “What happened, mi niña?” her yaya says, wiping off her tears, and tucking away fly away strands of raven hair. 
“It hurts,” she mumbles through ragged breaths and whimpers, snuggling closer into that blessed scent that is her grandma. 
Her blurry vision fixes on the small altar with the Sacred Heart her yaya keeps adorned with candles at every time, and the flicker of a thought she’d tried to stomp down, flares alive. 
“Does God hate me?”
Her yaya brushes her head, mumbling a soothing shush. “No, no, mi reina, Dios loves you, it’s just-” her grandma pulls back to meet her with those eyes full of tenderness, that make Dahlia feel safe and grounded whenever the ghostly lashes smash her body, “when we’re born, Dios splits our souls in two, and puts one in here,” she says patting at Dahlia’s chest, “and places the other one in another person.”
“A child like me?”
Her yaya chuckles. “Yes, mi reina, a child like you probably.”
Slowly, her sobs dwindle, until she’s shivering, rubbing her red eyes with the heel of her hand. “Did it hurt you too then, when you were a child?”
She’s too young to understand the facets of sorrow painted on the face in front of her, before her yaya heaves a sigh. “No, mi niña.”
“Then why-”
“Sh, now. You’ll understand it later. Now, come with me, it’s time for dinner.”
Dahlia sees springs and winters come by sitting at the porch on her yaya’s house. She’s older now and she understands. She has a soulmate out there that has been beaten to a pulp almost every day from the day she was born.
She tries to reach to them, curling inside her own thoughts to place a soothing hand on their marred body, but her comfort feels weak, clumsy even. Dahlia knows that despite how painful and terrifying it is, she has lived through faint echoes of the real deal.
It makes her blood boil.
Eventually the random blasts of pain stop. Years pass without the suffocating building up of tears that are not her own, choking her throat. And when she goes to college she has almost forgotten the long nights spent under a lamp, trying to quell the anguish that spread like wildfire inside her, while her back throbs muffled against her warm mattress.
Soulmates are not always meant to be together. At least that’s what she tells herself.
She’d sensed them happy, joyous, ecstatic when she was fifteen and a sincere ripple of joy bubbled up on her chest, even when there’s a strand of melancholy balancing on the edge of their glee. They’re in love.
Dahlia knows people think soulmates are meant to be together, but that’s not always the case. It doesn’t matter. She has hope. Hope things will be better for them, to get rid of the plague of their past fears and suffering, and she smiles. The glow extends through the vast space between them, “You’ll be fine, you’ll be happy.”
“I know, but--”
“You’ll be fine.”
Dahlia closes her eyes. Soulmates are not always meant to be together.
The scream that shatters her brain in the middle of the night is so feral, her throat is torn with the effort. Her heart thunders in her ribcage and she has to clutch at her chest, wincing at the horrific pain she’s in.
They’re in.
Dahlia forces a vice grip around her Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe medal, breathing in, breathing out, and warbles a tune from her childhood, trying to wash the cloying sensation of dread, of loss,  that spreads like oil through limpid water. Tainting. Smothering.
“I’m here, I’m here,” she chants into an ear that’s eager to listen to her, rocking back and forth in her old pajamas. What follows is a loop of prayers, spilled from both sides of the wormhole that connects them, trying to stitch gushes cut too deep. Their world is crumbling, Dahlia can feel it in the little quakes in her stomach, spasms of pain, anger, fear all blending into agonizing desperation.
“I wish you were here.” The thought clashes down on her so strong, their voice gains a sense of reality, just a slight hint of something mellow and soft that makes her feel at home.
“Me too,” she whispers, through barely open lips.
This is a bad idea.
Of all the jobs in all the places, she had to say yes to this one. The eerie vibe of the cultist camp creeps up her spine, damping her reactions. She blinks furiously, gripping the shotgun closer to her chest. The scenery shakes pillars in her mind. It defiles the memories she has from her yaya, her devotion and faith. Her boots splash against the wet soil, and she gives a startled jump when a rabious dog barks at a fence at her side.
he Sheriff could have a job to do but if it was her choice, she’d burn this whole complex to the ground. The gore contained in the frames she’d seen before coming here, were enough to send that psycho of Joseph Seed direct to death row. And she was going to document it.
The group steps into the sinister church, steps clanking through a distorted chorus of one of the most heartfelt renditions of “Amazing Grace” she has ever listened to.  
Dahlia is hit with stale air and a rush of wrath swirling up from her boots up to her forehead. It’s alien and she forgets for a moment, it does not come from her. They get closer to the maniacal preacher, the crowd closing in on them, and her breath hitches. It feels weird, yet oddly familiar. His words roll sweetly in her ears albeit she knows they are filled with anger, hot and read like the one that rises inside her.
She blinks furiously. No. No, no, no. No. It can’t be.
“Rookie, cuff this sonofabitch.”
Joseph’s eyes pierce through her, inching forward scattered images of a life spent at the verge of feel completed, grasping at straws of sensations that are about to become real.
The moment she touches him.
“God will not let you take me.”
Dahlia bites back a scream and stomps on her dashed hopes. At her side Marshall Burke, barks his orders. “Rook, put the cuffs on him.”
And so she does.
After all, soulmates are not always meant to be together.
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mingyaus · 6 years
agust (lyft )d(river)
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summary  yoongi happens to be ur driver on ur worst day in a while
pairing yoongi x fem!reader (probs eventually one day there will be romance)
genre light angst, friendly stranger vibes
warnings mentions of sex and alcohol
word count 1837
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The random handsome stranger Yoongi M. is your Lyft driver for the night. Maybe it’s his looks or maybe it’s your overwhelming fear about your destination or maybe you’re just dumb, but something makes you trust him enough with this request.
“Hey, would you mind waiting for me until I enter the house?”
“Um, sure.” He’s not entirely surprised. This is a first for a request like this, but he assumes you’re worried about your own safety, which is why you’re asking for this. He’s absolutely wrong though, and made the wrong decision, but it’s too late now because you’re stepping out of his car in these ridiculous stilettos paired with a daring flowy maxi-skirt. You time it perfectly so that the car door doesn't slam onto your embarrassingly expensive skirt and make your way up the porch steps until you reach the front door.
Ring ding dong, ring ding dong Ring diggy ding diggy ding ding din
You think you’re imagining it, but you’re definitely not because when you ring the doorbell again it makes the same noise.
Ring ding dong, ring ding dong Ring diggy ding diggy ding ding din
Yes, that definitely is the sound of the classic Shinee hit “Ring Ding Dong.” After your third ring, a young man opens the door. His eyes are squinting at his brightly lit porch, much brighter than the pitch black darkness of the inside of his home.
“Hi, I’m here for Seulgi and Namjoon’s wedding party. I believe it starts at 7 pm? In a few minutes.” Even though it’s obvious this is not the venue, you still shoot your shot hoping for some sort of explanation for the mix up.
“Uh, Seulgi? I don’t know anyone of that name. Namjoon? Joon? Jun? I know a Wen Junhui, but he’s in China right now, so I don’t know how you’d get to him especially at this hour in China time.” The man rubs at his eyes, obviously he’s just woken up from a nap or a really early bedtime.
“No, he’s not who I’m looking for. Sorry, I think I just got the wrong address. Sorry, for disturbing you. Have a nice night.”
“Aw, no, I’m sorry. Have a nice night too.” He smiles, his hamster-like features giving you hope to make you feel a little better about this mix-up. You two wave and you’re off, back to Yoongi M. who’s patiently been waiting for you during these awkward few minutes.
“Hey,” You say avoiding his gaze. Hopefully he didn’t hear any of that awful interaction. “Can you just give me a ride home? I can pay.”
“Sure,” He nods lowering the volume of his music. Yoongi must have turned it on while you were outside. You can still hear the tail end of a rap as Yoongi restarts his car, but then he switches it to Top 40 radio.
“You can keep it on your music.” You mutter.
“Uh, it’s not exactly my music, but sure I’ll keep it on.” Yoongi switches the station again and then turns the music up louder as he gets back on the dark road barely lit by the occasional streetlight.
This song starts somewhere near the middle, on some verse. You try to pay attention to the lyrics trying to keep your mind off the thoughts that threaten to invade your mind.
Cotton, wind, blow, blouse (Stop baby don’t stop) Hair, flower, aroma, scent (Stop baby don’t stop) Cold, eyes, ice, dive (Stop baby don’t stop) Touch, warm, melt, lips (Stop baby don’t stop)
You think to yourself, what a strange rap? So random. So artistic?
Yoongi’s smiling, happy to be listening to his greatest semi-guilty pleasure NCT U. Man I love Taeyong’s genius rap.
Just get yourself around it’ now yeah (baby don’t stop and no) I'm crazy, my sweet coconut (baby don’t stop today)
You’re a bit shaken. What was that? Was that supposed to be some hidden innuendo? Oh, man. Namjoon used to make the best innuendos in middle school. He was probably making some dirty jokes when you bumped into him and Seulgi at the convenience store. Back in the day, she would laugh the most at Namjoon’s gross jokes out of everyone in your group. You should’ve known she liked him even before they started dating. She was laughing so hard even today. That’s how you noticed them there in the store. And then when you noticed them, they were telling you about their wedding, and then invited you…
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta get that I will never stop, gotta get that
Yoongi’s smiling even harder, hoping you can’t see his gummy smile from the back seat.
Man, I love NCT. I hope she doesn’t think I’m weird for listening to them. But hopefully she doesn’t actually believe this is my music. Yoongi’s thinking, when he hears you sniffling and interrupting Ten’s lucious vocals.
“Um, are you alright there?” Yoongi asks, and unfortunately has to turn down the music again. Fortunately the song is almost ending.
“Y-yeah.” You sniffle more, choosing to wipe your nose on your skirt.
“You sure?” Yoongi asks. He’s internally cringing. Usually he wouldn’t say anything to a crying girl, just carry onto his normal business, but you’re different. You’re a customer. Wait, no. Jokes. I’m more mature than that. I would ask “Are you ok?” once. And yes, that’s a leading question and that’s the point because I don’t want to talk more than I have to especially if they’re a crying stranger. “There are some tissues in the driver’s seat pocket.”
“Aw, t-thanks.” You lean over grabbing a handful of tissues from the box and blowing.
“Sorry, I don’t have a trash bag.” He says, hoping you won’t just leave them in the back seats. He sighs in relief when you just crumple them up and keep them in your hands.
“It’s okay.” You nod trying to compose yourself better. “B-but actually, no. It’s not okay. I’m not okay.”
“Okay,” Yoongi tries to sound empathetic, but he’s really struggling. He just wanted to work a bunch tonight to make some money, but he had to get a strange rider today. He’s gotten a few strange riders in the past, but you’re costing him the most time out of all of them.
“I-I just wanted to go to my friend’s wedding party. You see, them plus a few other people and I were super close in middle school. We obviously drifted apart, b-but today I saw them in the convenience store. Me, buying peanuts because I just came from a flight and I love love love those airplane peanut snacks and was craving some more. Anyways, they were there buying condoms, like they were trying so hard to hide them, but it was so obvious, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. Like go them. Go have safe sex, good kids. We were catching up for a bit like polite adults and they mentioned today was their wedding day. They had just finished the ceremony and were taking a little break before the party, and they invited me to it, and they scribbled the address on my hand and ugh I don’t know what happened, but either I can’t read or they wrote the wrong address—” You’re about to go on, but Yoongi doesn’t want you to get on any more tangents, so he interrupts with a nice-sounding comment.
“I’m sure they didn’t mean to mess up the address.”
“But they totally could have!” Dear God. You’re shouting now. Yoongi was trying to listen to NCT’s “Heartbreaker” playing in the background to soothe him as he listens to your complaints, but you’re just getting a bit rowdy right now, so Yoongi gives up and totally turns off the music.
“Well, it’s their wedding day. They’re probably overwhelmed.” Yoongi says defending himself and the stranger couple. At the same time he’s trying to lighten your load of self-blame.
“Sure...I just hope they don’t hate me.” You whimper. Your tears have finished flowing, and now you’re just hiccuping occasionally filling the silence that has built up. “I’m sorry for being dramatic.”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with letting out your emotions sometimes.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You nod. Yoongi thinks you’re over the whole address debacle, but you bring it up again. “But really why do you think they gave me the wrong directions?”
“I really don’t know. I don’t think we’ll ever know.” Yoongi’s not set on finding the truth of the matter. He just wants to calm you down, so he offers up another explanation. “Maybe they were drunk?”
“Already? It was 2 pm.”
“It’s 5 pm somewhere.” A silence settles over the car again and Yoongi hopes he’s in the clear, able to just drop you off and then turn his NCT playlist back on again.
“Yeah.” You sigh. You’re back to your home. Your lonely home. You don’t even have a pet. Again, something about something makes you take a chance on Yoongi M., who still just wants to listen to NCT and pick up some more rides. “Hey, do you want to like come in for ice cream or a drink or something?”
“U-uh,” Yoongi’s stuttering. Is she trying to hook up with me??!! No customer has ever asked him anything like this. Maybe some flirters here and there, but they were obviously on something. The only thing you appear to be on is hurt emotions. He’s stunned. “Um.”
“I don’t have any malintentions! I swear. I just don’t have anyone to hang out with.” You’re being honest. You think this Yoongi M. is quite handsome, but you wouldn’t sleep with him, at least for now.
“A-a drink?” Yoongi’s still processing your request. “You’re not in the h-health department, right? I’m a responsible driver. I never drink and drive.”
“No! No way.” You shake your head, now regretting your second strange request. Maybe you’re asking too much of him. You lean over to look in the car’s side mirror and he looks shell shocked. Yes, you definitely are asking too much of him. You try to calm him down by revealing something about yourself. “I-I used to have an internship with the health department though. I wanted to be a doctor, but look at me now. I’m just some young lonely person in the city. I literally have no friends or family here. Like I’m not asking you to be my friend, but I just want friends.”
And he thinks about what just tumbled out of your mouth. Maybe you are the drunk one right now. Whatever. You honestly just seem like such a sad case, and something about something makes him trust you right now when he says, “Okay fine. I’ll hang out with you for a bit.”
“Yay!” You’re squealing, overjoyed to finally have someone to hang out with.
“But just because you’re such a sad case.” He mutters hoping you don’t really hear him, but you hear him anyways and don’t mind.
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