delighted to report that one of my all-time favorite pastimes CONTINUES to be nerfing the absolute shit out of lucius and watching him figure out how to win Anyway :)
in related news: four (4) hours of writing time on this random-ass wednesday fixed me, more news at 11
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bitternace · 6 months
If you want a few heres some ideas! 8 for axel? I'm so clever and funny. Or how about 9 for demyx! Luxord for 22! :D
fair warning; i accidentally went off the rails..
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8.- i shine only with the light you gave me
9.- i'm scared i'm gonna die as lonely as i feel
22.- you remind me of the things that i miss
[ID: a digital drawing divided in three rectangular sections that overlap.
on the left, shown from the thigh up, is axel, with his back to a sunset sky. he's shown with tan skin, and slightly overgrown and disheveled hair. he smirks, with a wide eyed daring expression. There's a highlight around him, where the light would hit his back. before him, are three hands that have a blue-tinted overlay. from left to right they represent: xion, with a relaxed pose, saix, reaching out, and roxas, whose hand is in the process of closing. A flare on the left upper corner of his rectangular section goes beyond the bound.
in the middle, demyx stares down at his lap, with an slightly upset expression. he is leaning on the arm rest, sitting on one of his legs over a vaguely lined white couch. the background is segmented blues, and his hanging foot goes beyond his rectangular section.
On the right with a green background, is luxord. only half of his face and some of his shoulder is shown, he frowns at the audience. over his shoulder are two stylized faceless cards that go slightly over bounds. the one closest to him is sora, as the king of hearts. he rests a hand over his stomach and the other barely holds the keyblade of heart, that stabs him in the chest. Slightly above and behind that, is roxas as the king of diamonds, he holds his blue marble in one hand, and half of oblivion's handle is by his side. /end ID.]
close-ups (no id) under the cut :]
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shays-shack · 1 year
Was binging nichijou yesterday (for like the 2nd time 💀) and one scene reminded me of a post I saw that was like "Nano's character arc could be interpreted as a trans allegory" and....
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yeah I see it
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vaguely-annoyed · 1 month
well well well, if it isn't the feelings i said weren't that deep
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I posted The Thing
For the eventual lesterpollo memoryfuck fic, consider:
I can have Apollo forget he's a god and slowly remember and the constant question in the back of his mind of does he even WANT to be Apollo the more he remembers?
We can have, from Percy's perspective, a mortal with no memories who just remembers hearing about a Jackson and an Artemis and a demigod gremlin (because Meg was clearly positioned by Nero to become Apollo's master) who desperately needs to get to camp. And just.... Percy remembers that. He remembers knowing nothing and clearly this kid has it terrible.
Percy being absolutely *torn* about Lester being left at camp, but it's for the best right?
Lester subconsciously bonding with the Apollo kids. Just gravitating to them and he's such a natural at music and archery everyone assumes Apollo will claim him. Say what you will about Apollo, he was always consistent about claiming his kids.
Then Nero comes and there's Meg's BETRAYAL and that's a horrifying way to find out you are really a god trapped in mortal flesh.
And Percy being so ANGRY when he finds out Lester is Apollo. AND SO CONFLICTED. Because he wants to help Lester but Lester is a god and this was manipulation and soooo much bigger wasn't it?
Lester has a sister out there, somewhere. He only knows her in stories now and prays to her regularly. Artemis is weeping at this boy so much like Apollo when they were children on Delos, long limbed and lanky and barely touching their newborn divinity. And he prays to her about his travels even though he doesn't remember a dam thing about her.
(He still absolutely insists she's the LITTLE sibling, though)
(Him remembering more as the trials go on is all the more painful as he grows to hate himself)
But consider, too, the other option for memoryfuckery.
Apollo at the end of his trials was fixed, just barely. Consider it a band aid, not a cure all. He is stable, but slowly crumbling.
It starts as not being able to divide himself as much as he used to. It starts as forgetting Adamentus's face and Commodus's laugh before the Throne. It starts with a bone deep exhaustion when he shouldn't have any bones.
It starts with actually NEEDING to sleep. It starts with ambrosia tasting a bit too spicy instead of like his mother's cooking.
Then it's mixing up time. He's the God of Prophecy and time tended to get away from him so easily (and heart breakingly) before.
Artemis is the first to realize something is wrong when Apollo can't quite remember the name of the flowers on his balcony.
(He used to go on and on about how Hyacinthus would have LOVED them, and movies, and raves, and space flight, and how despite everything the mortals had somehow made the world kinder and better than the gods ever did, and how he wished Hyacinthus could have met Naomi and Darrin and Lucrezia and--)
The tipping point is Mother's Day.
Apollo may have been a terrible father, but he is a good son. When Leto doesn't hear a thing from him she frantically calls for Artemis to look for him.
She finds him, as Lester. Confused and trying so hard to get to his mother in Florida but not even in the right country. Artemis takes him to their mother and they realize --
Apollo is going to die.
Not quickly, no. He'll grow and grow old, but the bits that made him divine just couldn't hold and soon the divinity fades enough the Mist takes a hold of him.
As far as Lester Papadopalous is concerned, he's seventeen years old and lives at home with his elderly mother in her condo. He has a(n older? younger? twin?) sister who visits regularly and a baby sister(?) in California who calls him her dummy and 'cousins' who go to a camp up north he cares for very much and wishes he could so more for. He likes music and poetry and is thinking about going to medical school. Maybe.
He doesn't understand why his family is always so sad.
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shadow-pixelle · 7 months
Congrats to everyone that survived NaNo. I managed to pull off like, 5k in total I think? Which is really bad for me but when I consider I spent this month chronically sick and exhausted (and exhausted from being sick), I think I'll let myself off and say that 5k is really good, actually.
I mean I also had some writer's block issues but I think some of those came from the being Persistently Unwell situation. I'm still gonna sit here and be proud of my 5k of writing on whatever I could make my brain work on for this month.
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dahldahlbills · 1 month
in case anyone was wondering. podcast writing is Hard
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radley-writes · 2 years
Things I gotta do today:
shop commissions revision NaNo
Things I wanna do today:
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curiousdibandbeyond · 8 months
Me: hey, can you read this scene with 0 context and tell me what you think?
My single beta reader who actually reads horror: Yeah of course :)
My single beta reader who actually reads horror: WHAT KIND OF ELDRITCH HORROR DID YOU JUST INVITE INTO THIS
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audliminal · 8 months
trick or treat?
Happy Halloween!
The clock in the kitchen has birds on it. A different one for every hour. In your younger years you remember it going off on the hour, playing the recorded bird songs it was programmed with and announcing the exact time for anyone who was paying attention. It's been a while since it's actually gone off, though. Maybe your parents got sick of the noise, or maybe the sound pack just stopped working. You've never bothered to ask, really. It was a passive part of life that you rarely paid attention to. But even now, years later, you remember it. The clock hits midnight and you can almost hear the stately cry of a great horned owl, bouncing off the walls of your quiet home.
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goldenkid · 9 months
'oooh i should do nano' <- girl who absolutely cannot manage nano this year
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planet4546b · 9 months
thinking about doing like. a reverse oc-tober where im just gonna spend october collecting various prompts so when i get to nano ill be ready to go
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bitternace · 6 months
Any number? 23 and saïx :)
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couldn't count all the ways that i've died for you
[ID: a digital drawing of saix from kingdom hearts. He is shown from the hip up, his body in 3/4's and his face in profile. He is shadowed in warm tones. He has a neutral expression, and he's standing straight.
The background is transparent except for a circle that lays from the middle of his shoulders and upwards, with three sections that have a slightly bigger circumference where one to three, seven to eight, and eight to nine would be on a clock. All scenes are blue tones with a noise overlay. these three are all from saix's perspective.
In the first, there is a cloaked figure shown from the waist down, the tip end of young xehanort's keyblade leans forward and some of it goes out of bound, tiled floor as a background. The second one is saix's hand reaching for kingdom hearts. The third is his hand reaching towards Lea, who lies on the floor of radiant garden's lab.
The rest of the circumference is a labyrinth wall in keyblade's graveyard, with a harsh diagonal line of light on the upper half. Most of the circumference is lined black, except from nine to one o'clock, lined white. /End ID.]
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dallonwrites · 10 months
been writing RR adjacent things but just realised it’s been nearly six months since i actually consistently worked on the draft. i could cry right now i miss my weird twins
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albatris · 2 years
just had...... a sobbing wailing nervous breakdown..... but I have...... an hour and thirty-nine minutes left..... to make my wordcount...... for day 1 of camp nano
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
Also, I should add that I intended to use this time to catch up on my messages and mentions and whatever but I think I might not be getting good oxygen to my brain or something because I discovered this morning that at some point in the night I’d searched, “Can you text a landline?” (The answer: no. As in, your phone screen is not going to suddenly start showing texts on it. Because it’s a LANDLINE. Which I could have told myself if I’d been conscious and, you know, asked my brain first. 🤷‍♀️ Note: there are text-to-speech type services, though. But unconscious!me thought somebody had managed to just straight-up text my dang landline and I was super upset about it. 😣)
I also searched to see if someone could install malware on a landline. Apparently, somebody was hacking THE HECK out of my landline in a dream last night and I was trying to mount a defense, lol. 🤷‍♀️🤧
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