#they didnt really explore the body horror
suck-mein-pokeballs · 2 years
Watched "The Outside" from Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities with my roommates
We all agree it was wack and the weakest episode so far
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muchmossymess · 13 days
you guys have no idea how much i think about the malice champions (the game calls them "hollows" and thats quite frankly terrifying)
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wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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um. uh. hi every body. something evil and malevolent happened in my brain this month.
this is. um. a Jet Set Radio/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Death joke AU, spawned out of a in-joke that started in a pokepasta discord. my apologies to both the pokepasta and jsr fandoms
the entire basis is the idea that Corn in Future retconned og JSR Beat as leader/founder of the GGs (is beat being leader in the og even CANON?) so Corn and Beat are the Myras. no it's not a joke funny enough to justify how many hours i sunk into drawing these. no attempt was made to change the setting, assign most of the other cast, or otherwise make this au hold up to ANY amount of scrutiny. if i tried to make this actually work somehow then i'd REALLY end up too far gone. also i keep calling myrtle!beat "Meat".
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#jet set radio#pokepasta#creepypasta#jsr#explorers of death#pokemon#crossover#gore#body horror#blood#ask to tag#long post#jsr eod#also i said ''i didnt assign almost anyone else'' but thats not entirely true.#i did assign dj professor k as wigglytuff. but i decided i needed to draw a line in the sand somewhere#and drawing dj k as eod!wigglytuff is simply too much. some mental images really DONT need to be inflicted on others#i also thought about who would be grovyle and ended up leaning towards combo#i sort of think of him as having protagonist swag about him bc of chapter 2 in teh first game.#also i have a running joke w my sibling about combo being meta-aware bc of a jp-only line he has in future#where he tells roboy he wants to save.#i swear to god i had more reasoning than this but my mind is drawing a blank rn. sad#also i guess this would imply that cube and coin would be celebi and dusknoir but theyre not even in explorers of death so RIP#i did also briefly consider clutch as grovyle bc 1. stealing things lol and 2. joke about him being future-exclusive#and grovyle is FROM DA FUTURE... but frankly clutch does not feel like he could pull off being grovyle. in my opinion.#also i guess sitting here now i suppose it wouldnt even make sense in the context of the eod au cuz everyone but the main trio is og jsr#on that note. i had no idea what to do for gum's design so i chose the most awkward route possible i guess. im sorry gum.#in general gum kinda got the short end of the stick here due to being consistently the Second-in-Command meaning she's shadow#I'M SORRY WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#well at least she's better off than yoyo. me n my sibling just automatically were like ''he's bidoof'' ''yeah he's bidoof''#also like last note. but. the jet set radio fandom is SEVERELY lacking cliche edgy over the top evil creepypasta versions of the cast
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mass-effect-anonymous · 4 months
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I've always disliked the idea of Shepard being dead - and then a hate group bringing them back. Whats worse, Liara, who Shep can be romatically involved with, cooperated with the group to get their remains to the Lazarus Research Station. It just seems such a strange solution for 'we need time to pass between the titles and need a good reason for Shep to be away from all their friends and not know what happened to any of them or what is going on'
And its not like the project is really explored either. Like there are so few implications drawn from it. Shep is asked about some things from the last game (To confirm some game choices) and then thats that. Sure I know the whole thing comes back in the DLC - but then its treated as a one off as well. I mean imagine if Shep was plagued by the doubts of them being a clone as well - or not knowing if they came back right.
You are told Shep is full of implants now - but you literally have the choice to erase the scars forever and never worry about it again! I just wish this was explored more. Like, it kind of reminds me of the body horror of Aliens: Resurrection where Ripley (the galaxy's savior) comes back wrong. How about reaper tec being used in bringing Shep back? Or discovering a cloning facility at the Colleactors ship? There's just so much that could have been done aside of just 'They died and came back like jesus'...
It's such a shame BioWare didnt really choose to explore this further.
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raynavan · 6 months
heavy spoilers for chapter 23 of Always by your side by @ingo-ingoing-ingone!! this chapter was so fantastic i. didnt have words for it. ended up doing 6 (nearly 7) drawings for it instead. i think this is my record- it took me roughly 7 hours. a fair warning! this is both art and a comment to the fic in one. so its rather long!
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ok i had an Unreasonable amount of fun doing the background on this one. ended up looking up a lot of the celestial bodies mentioned in the fic, man are they cool! it was implied that Emmet didn't really have a body so! stars instead. the colors were fun- i dont often let myself just. color like this haha! this one was... reall amazing. a fantastic opener! i immediately latched onto the visuals and painted a picture in my mind. it was just so... astronomical?
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i actually struggled with how i was going to position these two for a while. at first it was just them coloring in a clearing- then i made them watching pokemon, and then. this! idk- there just something sweet in how Ingo turns around to look at Emmet and... lighting was funky for this one- how a forest shades the things beneath it will always hold a special place in my heart. these two interacting is always so wonderful to read. the gentle ribbing and teasing and... just them chilling and talking was so nice. the fact that it was dragons was even better! dragons are the best. i felt a very sweet and gentle moment needed an equally sweet and gentle drawing. if i could, i might have gone for line less on Ingo and Emmet here as well.
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right- this was the last one i did. i think its the only one that i didn't get specifically from what was written. i just... wanted to give Emmet cuddles alright? /lh i had another sketch exploring exactly what Emmet might look, but i think ill revisit that when i... haven't been drawing for 7 hours straight hgfireohgope. the one in this is more simplified. the horror of having your face show one emotion- not even the one your most known for... your voice is toneless and the only was you can show even a fraction of what you feel is by copying what you (supposedly) dead brother used to do. there is a quiet horror in that- and yet Emmet still goes on. he cant feel texture and yet... he deserves many nice things.
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this one!!! was originally going to be an Entire piece with a more "realistic" drawing of Ingo sitting behind a fire just like this. when i sketched this out (in the middle of reading it) that was the plan. Jedi saved me by making Emmet draw it like this. you saved me probably an hour ghirepoghpeirh. i... still might draw it how i wanted at some point. also the lighting was added last minute! i thought it would look... more messy with the light of the fire shining on it. i think it looks nice. the scene was sweet and, like Emmet mentioned he did, i put emphasis (or uh... thicker more defined lines) around peoples faces to better define their happiness. it made me happy to read them being happy and then draw them being happy <3
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them!!!!!! i do not think it is a secret at All how much i love this au. i was More than happy to draw them again. and!!! being happy!!! perfect. i remembered this was a dream, and decided to blur the background quite a bit of this one- lopsided like its not really being thought about. adored this one. them!! teasing each other!! just!! going through a day!! perfect. amazing. it was really fun the way the small details of their routine was captured. from Ingo just. turning to goop so he doesn't have to pick up his clothes to Emmet just. accepting everything that happened from the mental connection to the shared feelings.
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DRAMATIC FORESHORTENING!!!! i almost wanted to play it up More but then i might lose Ingo's expression. the background for this was fun to do- emphasis! strong colors!! looks like something broke. like something was torn away. this whole bit is just. exactly what Emmet fears and its just. ough. Ingo would never do this- we know this, Emmet knows this two- he knows how ridiculous Ingo was being here. and then the climax with Emmet just... falling off... amazing. Ingo's horrified expression is what caught my attention here, though i had a few more ideas depicting Ingo leaning over Emmet. i figured a dramatic drawing here would fit.
so! there ya go. i had. so much fun doing this and! thank you so much for writing this and sharing with us Jedi. if you keep this up, ill just have to keep making more drawings!! i don't think words are enough- not even sure if these can properly express how i felt reading it all (i actual had to get up and pace around bc i got so excited) but! i think that your art inspired my own art is a very beautiful thing.
lets all keep making art with one another forever.
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in the Commonwealth, but no references to season-specific events
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Material Girl
The front door to the apartment slammed against the wall as you stormed in and immediately threw your back against the door to close it again.
“Daryl, we’ve got to go. Now.”
Daryl stood from where he had been lying on the makeshift bed you shared, a mattress on the floor with a couple of pillows and blankets that you had decided to regard as a sleepover kit to make it seem a lot more fun than it really was. He had previously been throwing a tennis ball against the ceiling and catching it as he laid with his back against the mattress in an effort to piss off the neighbours in the flat above who continually played music at a deafening level, which was a problem he never imagined he would experience again. Alas, the Commonwealth had been the rebirth of first world problems in Daryl Dixon’s life.
Tennis ball in-hand, Daryl approached you with a concerned frown, trying to determine what exactly had you staring at him like a deer in headlights before he eventually nodded.
“Alright, gotta grab the kids.”
He didnt question your motives, he trusted your judgement completely, and if you said it was time to go, he was ready.
To Daryl’s surprise, you shook your head as you bustled past him and began absentmindedly tidying away the few toys you’d managed to buy RJ and Judith with the little money you’d earnt from your job so far. “No, we cant take them out of school.”
Daryl looked at you like you were insane. “Ya aint suggestin’ we actually LEAVE ‘em here?!”
You stared back at him blankly, blinking. “When I said we’ve got to go…”
Daryl nodded. “Go, as in leave this place.”
At that, you scoffed and shook your head. “Absolutely not.”
Daryl watched, utterly baffled, as you returned to his side at the front door. “Then where ‘re we goin?”
And in horror, Daryl watched as a wide grin spread across your face and you spoke a word he had hoped he would never hear leave your lips.
It came to pass that you and Rosita had discovered a clothes store down the street that you had not yet explored in your first week of being in this alternative dimension to the world beyond the walls. The two of you had decided you would drag Daryl and Eugene - kicking and screaming in mind, sulking and hanging their heads low in body - shopping, solely to be the audience to your fashion show. It was unlikely you would be able to afford anything, but neither of you cared, it was the principle.
Daryl Dixon never thought he would see the day when he was led by the hand of the love of his life into a clothing store, while the dead were walking the earth everywhere else. It was one of the most fucked up moments of his life, in all honesty, and he could not stop imagining Merle getting kicked out of a store like this for fondling a mannequin’s plastic breasts and then continuing to howl with laughter from beyond the display windows as Daryl actually stood in a clothes store. He and Eugene were pushed into a pair of chairs opposite a row of changing room doors, and then you and Rosita disappeared into the store, giggling like a pair of teenage girls. Still, at least Daryl wasnt alone in his suffering.
“Scenes of this nature are usually inserted prior to events such as a fictional prom or date amongst women in their most highly rated flicks for chicks. Perhaps this insinuates we are the lucky ones, comrade-in-mannequin-arms.”
On second thought, maybe Daryl would rather be sitting alone.
Twenty agonising minutes later, you and Rosita returned to Daryl’s line of sight, and then you both disappeared behind the changing room doors. Daryl shuffled in his seat and straightened his shirt, knowing that if nothing else, this was the part he needed to take seriously. Not that he would ever admit it, but he knew Eugene was right. As stereotypical as it was, getting proper feedback to new outfits and the like was an important thing for partners to give each other. He would also never admit to anyone except you that he had often had dreams of being with you in the old world and doing mundane shit exactly like this, going to the movies, going out for dinner, being dragged on a shopping trip that you both know he’d just be pretending he hated. As much as he isnt entirely comfortable with the social aspect of it all, Daryl cant deny that the sheer joy on your face at being able to experience something you clearly never thought you would again, really was a sight for sore eyes.
And so, Daryl mentally prepared himself to deliver compliments that usually would not be heard by an audience, because this was his chance to publicly declare his affections, in the least obnoxious way possible. The two of you had been together long enough, he was past the point of worrying about you rejecting any kind of compliment from him.
The first outfit was a sunshine yellow dress that took Daryl’s breath away, and he made certain to let you know when he rose from his seat the second you stepped out of the changing room, like a gentleman rising from the table when the lady entered a room.
“Go on, gi’ me a spin.” He gestured to you, and you giggled as spun around, lifting the skirt of the dress as you twirled, and Daryl couldnt wipe the dopey smile off of his face as he wolf whistled at you.
“Aint you jus’ a dime, sweet girl.” He walked up to you and held your hands in his, leaning forward just enough to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.
Meanwhile, Rosita’s first outfit was a pair of baggy green camo pants and a long sleeved black t-shirt, to which Eugene made the very astute observation of her resembling Kim Possible, causing Rosita to scoff and return to the changing room.
Your second outfit was a more multi-purpose one, a nice pair of jeans and a flower blouse that both complimented your figure but enabled you to kick some serious ass if shit hit the fan. A pretty, but still adaptable ensemble. Daryl once again rose from his seat and requested a spin, his eyes very nearly rolling out of his skull at the sight of your ass in those jeans, causing him to clear his throat and straighten his shirt as he blushed, which you definitely noticed.
“Looks real good on you.” He said, and he cannot believe it, but he actually gave two very brief thumbs up as he sat back down. Merle would have literally passed out in the street if he’d seen Daryl do that.
Rosita’s second outfit was a gorgeous summer dress that was flattering, comfortable, and made you call her the hottest milf you’ve ever seen. Eugene blinked at this, nodded, and elected not to say anything for fear of Rosita knocking his teeth out.
Your third and final outside was the money maker, the one that you knew Daryl would like the most, and you were absolutely right. When you had stepped out of the changing room, Daryl had been slouching in the chair with his right elbow against the armrest and his right index finger across his top lip, trying to get the image of your ass in those jeans out of his mind. But when he saw the image of you, decked out in a pair of black skinny jeans, a strappy blood red tank with killer cleavage and a black leather jacket with an amalgamation of classic rock band logos and badges stitched to the back of it, Daryl Dixon very nearly lost consciousness.
At your side, Rosita stepped out in her final outfit: a floor length, slinky and strapless red dress, with equally killer cleavage. Eugene’s spirit had ascended beyond the realm of comprehension for a short time, and he genuinely looked like he had been shot.
Feeling your confidence skyrocket from the way you had stunned your boyfriend, you put on a fake sultry southern accent and said “Tell me about it, stud” before you and Rosita bursted into fits of laughter.
It was then, Eugene’s spirit returned to him, and he cleared his throat. “This is what I believe to be the showstopper to stop all of the shows. Speaking entirely from a statistical standpoint, given the state of the world and its lack of societies as we know it, Rosita, I wish to offer my humble being if we should be the last humans on earth at any point and you wish to repopulate. If you do not wish to continue the species, however, I will respect this with the utmost chivalry, and will remain at your side until the very last sunset. It is not likely we will live to see the very last sunset of our earth’s sun, but I will be at your side until we see our last sunset with what I hope to be much older eyes. Furthermore-“
At that point, Rosita cut him off. “Okay, Eugene, we get it! Go get some air, you’re like a dog on heat.”
Not having the grounds to disagree with that statement, Eugene stood from his chair and left the store, waiting outside like a child who’s been told by his mother he cant enter the store because he cant be trusted not to touch anything. In the meantime, Rosita returned to the changing room to return to the clothes she had arrived in, and you shook your head.
“Those two are one hell of a duo.” You chuckled, then realised Daryl was still staring at you and had not moved. “Hey, everything alright? Earth to Daryl?” You waved a hand in front of his face and when you got no response, crouched down in front of him. This altered Daryl’s view of your cleavage considerably, and he swallowed.
“Ya gonna buy that?” He asked, his voice husky.
You laughed. “I wish! There’s no way I can afford it, unfortunately.”
Still not moving, Daryl responded. “We’ll save up.”
You raised an eyebrow, smiling at him as you recognised the scale of the impact you’d had on him. “Yeah?”
Daryl nodded, then asked another question. “How long ‘til the kids get home?”
Checking your watch, you glanced back at him. “About an hour, why?”
For a brief moment, there was silence, before Daryl nodded, stood up, nodded at the changing room, and finally glanced at you.
“How quick can ya get changed and get home?”
Your eyes widened. “Uhh, 10 minutes, probably, why?”
With one last full look up and down your body, Daryl nodded. “See ya in 10.”
And then, he was out of that front door and on his way home faster than you can say Eugene had passed out in the middle of the street.
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branmuffins22 · 2 years
of all the things to just not bring up again about the events of kings tide, im surprised to see that luz being very nearly petrified didnt make that cut. like, she was seconds or less from being irreversibly turned into a statue, while nobody was around to help, completely at the mercy of belos.
sure, we saw this once before with eda, at the end of season 1, but shes a full grown adult, with a lot more experience being transformed against her will (what with the curse and all), and she had at least a whole day to come to terms with her impending demise, not to mention the years shes known she had it coming.
not luz. shes a child, the closest experience she had to this body horror was when she bodyswapped with eda for an afternoon, and she had maybe a minute, tops, between when her petrification was started on a whim and when it wouldve been complete. she was just a kid trying to convince an old bastard to stop his religiously-motivated genocide.
and somehow, she kept a cool head, cool enough to find a way out, cool enough to talk her executioner into stopping, and cool enough to turn the situation around on him right afterwards, flawed though that plan ended up being.
luz seems to have become the kind of person to be remarkably calm and competent under life-threatening pressure, only to pass that dread into the future. we saw this near the end of season 1 when she managed to walk all the way from the emperors castle to the owl house before finally breaking down, again when she was run ragged at the blight expo before coming home and crashing, and another time when she broke down as soon as the action stopped after the trip into the emperors mind.
ever since the end of season 1, she hasnt done a lot of panicking under duress like she used to do (like running away during the duel at the covention, and running from grom, to name a few), but she almost always brings it up again eventually, from her pride over the piece of the emperors mask she chipped off in their first fight, to the constant angst about the revelations in hollow mind, she clearly processes the emotions from those scenarios eventually.
not so with her petrification.
i suppose i can chalk it up to another casualty of the cut, but its really a huge shame that all we get to worry about from the events of kings tide is "the child god is running loose on the boiling isles while were stuck on earth, unable to ensure the safety of our loved ones", and then theres the whole new/old thing of belos somehow still being around, and it just feels so disconnected from that plot.
their time on earth couldve been a deeply emotional unpacking of all the stuff theyve been going through while they try to make it back, mixed with whatever adventures can be had, repeated failures and lingering repression leading up to luz's attempted narrative suicide, but instead we got "look how sad this all is, but look at all the fun times weve had, but now look how much sadder luz still is than everyone else, despite all those fun times we just showed you, and wOAH WATCH OUT! BELOS!"
idunno, one of the biggest reasons ive gotten into fanfic in the last month has been to explore the emotional consequences of all that stuff. one of my favorite oft-overlooked traumas is that luz had to endure the encroaching effects of a rather horrific death while simultaneously lying her way out of it, succeeding by such a small margin that it may as well have been a fluke that she survived at all. lots of potential for angsty nightmares and such, but none of it explored.
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caffstrink · 1 year
your points about omori are so real but i also think the story isnt even that good like the "twist"... like not only does it not really make sense logistically (puts on my cinemasins goggles for a minute) how did two small kids drag an older girl into the woods to hang her without getting noticed and also why even come to that conclusion instead of making it look like more of an accident in the original scene (takes off my cinemasins goggles sorry about that) but i felt like it was kind of cheapened when it wasnt her killing herself. like he still couldve blamed himself for that because he wasnt there for her and didnt notice the signs but its like no he accidentally pushed her down the stairs. (and then framed it as a suicide which Was indeed actually a bad thing to do so yeah man you should feel a little guilty) but that could just be me being an enjoyer of explorations of suicide and its aftermath in stories
Honestly the twist was the only praiseworthy thing i found in the game and even so it wasn't enough to redeem the whole journey to get there imo. I think my opinion happens to be the opposite of yours bc mari comitting suicide would've been too simple, too expected, whileas sunny accidentally causing her death is what explains the guilt that makes him repress his emotions/identity and choose to live in his imagination. Theres 2 main big issues i have with it though, and since you've given me the opportunity I'll rant about it.
If i remember right at the time of her death mari was 15 while sunny/basil were 11 or 12, so i don't think it would be far-fetched for the two to carry her body together, although hanging her from the tree would be difficult. As for no one noticing i think that's actually pretty normal as far as these cases go, you'd be surprised at how many murders happen in broad daylight in suburban areas where there's neighbors walking outside yet no one notices bc they're not looking at someone's backyard to see some guy burying a dead body (if you watch those murder documentaries you'd be surprised at how common these cases tend to be). Basil trying to frame it as suicide is honestly a very very stupid idea, but considering their age and the situation it does make sense since they were panicking and people have 0 braincells when they're panicking.
The main reason i liked this twist though, may be because of how i perceived the scene where we see mari's hanging body and how it had an eye open, i thought it implied mari could be still alive when they hung her, and the uncertainty of it is what wouldve plagued sunnys psyche for the following years. Idk that was what i thought at least, but i don't recall seeing anyone else point out mari possibly still being alive when she was hung, so it may be just me.
Now here's the rant part. The game subtly implies that sunny's parents knew it wasn't a suicide. And by subtly i mean in a HIDDEN ROOM YOU HAVE TO ACCESS THROUGH ALTERING VALUES IN THE GAME FILES instead of, i don't know, in the annoying dragged out black space horror segment? Anyway in that room you see a shadow of what looks to be Sunnys father chopping down the tree and he says "you're no son of mine" or something along those lines (its been a while so i forgot the exact quote). PLUS its kind of obvious maris body wouldve been taken to be analyzed and theyd for sure see the head trauma that caused her death, but since it was accidental and both sunny and basil were minors, it's likely they went unpunished and Sunny's parents covered up with the suicide story so the others wouldn't think of them as murderers.
Why the hell does the game never mention his parents except on the real world? Its shown they divorced after mari died, did sunny not really care about that? Why does his ugly pastel escapism fantasy not have any mention to them? Did he not feel guilty about the grief he caused his parents? WHY IS IT NOT MENTIONED IN THE GAME AND ONLY IN A HIDDEN ROOM
And the second thing is the reasons that caused the incident in first place, it felt like it couldve been explored much more than it was. Like ok i get it, sunny didnt actually want to play violin, his friends thought he did and he was too afraid to disappoint them when they bought him one. But the main thing he mentions he hates about it in his diary is that he needs to practice on saturdays and misses 1 hour of cartoon watching with his friends. Like man. Come on. Priorities i guess? There wasn't any pressure of someone moving away, or someone leaving for college, or anything like it that would explain why sunny needed that 1 hour of cartoon watching with everyone so badly that it emotionally distressed him to that level.
My second complaint is how Mari is treated like a pure saint through all of the game, which was kind of a missed opportunity to have shown that she also was flawed and not always the kind big sister he idealized her to be in his mind (it could've also been shown that the Saint Mari in his brain is due to his guilt, but no, apparently she was just was like that irl too), the only flaw mari had was that she was perfectionist about the piano recital and pressured sunny about it? Like come on man there could've been more here. We could've had accepting mari was a flawed human as a part of sunnys recovery so he can move on from itn but instead mari is just a perfect angel through all of the game who unfortunately was accidentally killed by her younger brother bc she got upset he broke his violin on purpose like any 15 year old would. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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timogsilangan · 2 years
what are your scp recs? =o i've read some but not all that many overall
SORRY LATE REPLY COZ i had 2 get 2my pc HELP BUT !! Youhave unlocked the floodgates.
087 - the stairwell
an oldie but a goodie! absolute fucking classic, as evidenced by the whopping 3000 updoots. its really like. one of the Hallmarks of the strengths of early scp, aka a simple concept executed VERY EFFECTIVELY. its a staircase! its infinite! you can hear the sound of a crying child in it that always seems to be out of reach! its dark as shit! there is a disembodied floating humanoid face in it. the fourth expedition is fucking Gone despite being the one that ceased all entrance to the stairwell! i love the shit out of this stupid fucking staircase theres a reason it spawned so many games in Ye Olden Babys First Unity Project Days
3333 - tower
*thafnine voice* were time skipping now oh my! i feel this is like, an Inverse 087. instead of going down an infinite staircase u go up an infinite tower! fun! and remember that redacted expedition IV from 087? its not redacted here :) warning for body horror for this one
4975 - times up
despite being from series V this one has a very very old school vibe to it. simple concept executed effectively as opposed to the fucking novel length skips that litter the later series. fair warning for this one if u have issues with unreality MUTE THE TAB. TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME. no jumpscares but its still a pretty mean trick 😭
lilys 001 proposal - the worlds gone beautiful
short, poignant, beautiful. ykno all those tumblr poetry posts talking abt how no matter how temporary our time is on this earth its still special? it means something? Yea . reading this as a 15 yr old made me understand that somehow
4182 - there is no site 5
whew. unlike a lot of earlier scps the blacked out data in this one Isnt overused in an annoying way. its a Puzzle. what happened to site 5? why are there so many revisions to the article? what is the foundation hiding under all those redactions? hehe.
5140 - EVEREST
another short n effective one ! im not phased by much unless it literally triggers my menthol ewwness but this ones . super fucking creepy to me honestly idk why LOL. hinges on making U ! da reader. quetion whether whats happening in those logs is real or if the explorers are just Losing Their Fucking Minds from oxygen deprivation. i do wonder !
2718 - what happens after
I. HATE. THIS . SCP. that means i love it LOL. i rank horror Goodness by how badly it makes me want to crawl out of my skin like a molting insect! forreal do not read this if u have unreality issues its so bad 😭😭😭😭😭 but i love it! its such a good concept. i hate it. its awful. its stuck in my mind forever. its so effective. If i liked this scp i dont because i did. No i didnt
5999 - this is where i died
YAAAY THIS ONES THE URL OF MY SCP SIDEBLOG!! i like it less now than i did when it first dropped (i was so up to date on this shit LOL i was there when nobody knew what it was abt and the forums was people trying to decode it) and the ending. is fuckin doodoo caca bullshit LOL its such a copout. dont even bother with the last chapter its literally nothing and it only serves to connect it to another scp when the preceeding stuff was already flavorful n interesting on its own 😭😭 warning for gore and body horror
4400 - this is not a place of honor
better enjoyed with the context of longterm nuclear waste warning messages! i actually have a unique experience with this post detailed Here due to my Shitfuck No Good Eyesight where i misread the title as "this is not a place of horror” which fundamentally changed my mindset going into it! i dont wanna spoil much but the last line of the last addendum is so fucking metal it rules LOL
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Hi! Could I get a creepypasta match up please!
I am 5 foot...not very blessed in the height department unfortunately, I'm slim but well endowed in both upper and lower departments. I'm fairly light for being Hispanic (i don't go outside in the sun often) I have shoulder length hair, its currently red and has been red for a hot minute, but in the past it used to be shorter and a different color every other week. Like for two weeks I could have purple hair then BOOM it's yellow now. I have 21 piercings. I have two in the center of my eyebrows, two nostril piercings. One on each side, a septum. And snake bites. I used to have My bridge pierced but I took it out bc it was in the process of migrating:/m I have 26 tattoos. IT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT. But it's not..THAT many when you actually get a good look at my full body. Most of them are on my thighs, I have some on my back, I have chest tattoos and a wrist tattoo. All my tattoos are either witchy, satanic, or of pretty pin up women and fruit.
Personality wise. I'm not sure, I have adhd, autism and bpd. I can be loud and excitable but also REALLY quite, aloof and awkward. I am a very passionate person and I'm always doing something (or at least trying to) I love to learn new things, I love to talk, I love to listen but I also love to just sit in absolute silence sometimes. I hate the sound of people sneezing, idk why it just REALLY upsets me. I can be really nice and helpful but I don't like being taken advantage of. I don't like confrontation but I will stand up for myself and or my friends if it's truly necessary. I am very giving, if someone I care about was in need I wouldn't mind giving them the shirt off my back or the shoes I'm wearing...it's happened before too. I also love shopping. I may have a slight....shopping addiction. I also have a very strong sense of justice and respect, so you won't catch me doing anyone dirty, but I won't let anyone do me dirty and ill cut them off if they keep crossing the line. I'm very good at sniffing out snakes. And I try to warn people around me about fake people and they never believe me until shit hits the fan, and then they sit there like ":0 I didn't know" TF YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT KNOW I TOLD YOU!?
I have daddy issues and don't have a stable father figure in my life 🧍🏻‍♂️ I love my mom though, shes cool
Style wise. I'm a bit all over the place, I've been in the alternate community since I was born. My dad was a metal head soo it kind of passed. But not really. Mental only stuck for so long. I tried scene, not my personal style but I loved the music. I was in the emo scene for a good couple of years until i started to hang out with the punk kids in my highscool, they were a little to much for me, activity wise though so it didn't last to long. But I found my home in the goth subculture and then from that point on, I explored the subcultures within that subculture. I tried nu goth, pastel goth, gothic lolita, trad goth. And none of them felt right, until I found gothabilly. And I find myself most comfortable in thag vintage style and the pin up style. My favorite brand (just so you can get an idea) is vixen by micheline pitt. My closet is just PURE black. With hints of black and white stripes and red.
I have many hobbies. I used to do tattoos on myself and my friends. I tried to get into piercing....it was a little too scary for me. I know how to make jewelry, I know how to paint, and draw. I know how to write, I love reading. I get too far down weird and obscure rabbit holes. I'm learning how to sew and I love it. I have a huge passion for fashion. And I want to start My brand one day. Even if it's small and for a niche group. I love to game, I love horror games especially, Outast is one of my favorite game series. I love horror period. Horror stories, movies, books. I love collecting specimens, like pinned bugs or mice in Jars. I have a small jar of bones. I love the dead. My favorite horror movie is either Saw or Scream. I also love watching indie disturbing horror movies as well. I'm a practicing witch, and I often use pendulums to communicate with. There was an old ghost of a woman who used to live in my apartment. She was cool sometimes but she messed with the doors and lights to much. I also used to collect dolls, specifically monster high dolls, but I wanted to branch out to haunted dolls...but then I thought mayybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I also love to cook and bake, and i love trying new food. I am also learning how to roller skate.
I don't like spiders though, which is ironic because I love spider web design and embroidery on my clothing. They just...look...ugly in. And their faces freak me out. I can't stand bad smells. I have a very very strong sense of taste and smell so I can be pretty sensitive around food and with bad odors. I don't like being woken up when I'm sleeping and I don't like being around loud obnoxious people.
Just for reference, I am afab nonbinary but present feminine to androgynous. I like both dudes and women and other NB people. My favorite creepypastas used to be Eyeless Jack, Bloody Painter, Jason the Toy Maker, the doll maker and the Puppeteer. I mean I liked ALL the pastas but they were my particular favorites
this feels so short in comparison to all that you sent me and i'm deeply sorry for that.
your matchup is... clockwork!
natalie is a very simple person, believe it or not. she's fairly blunt and isn't the type to bullshit a person so you don't have to worry about her taking advantage of you and your kindness. she's also really good at spotting snakes, so honestly you two could be a snake-sniffing duo and point out all the people you should avoid and whatnot.
she's an incredibly honest person as well and the type to never beat around the bush so if she wants to say something, she will say it.
she's a fairly emotionally reserved person so she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve but when it's just the two of you, she lets her walls down a bit and she allows herself to relax a little.
she's more of a listener than a talker so she'll sit there and listen to you talk for hours. she doesn't mind sitting in silence either, because with you it's rather comfortable. but on the very rare occasion that she's the one doing all the talking, she'll definitely appreciate the fact that you're listening. it makes her feel seen in ways she could never describe.
natalie thinks you look good with any hair color, to be honest. i think in the beginning she was definitely a bit caught off guard by your spontaneous hair color changes but she gets used to it rather easily because it's just another part of you that she's fond of. she is just a bit concerned about your hair potentially getting damaged if you dye it too often but... she's not a hair expert, so. and honestly, she's thought about dying her hair as well, so. maybe you can recommend a color for her!
she also thinks you look wicked cool with your piercings and tattoos by the way. and she would absolutely love to hear about the meanings of your tattoos if any of them have one that you're willing to share with her.
she may not look like it, but natalie is pretty interested in fashion! she doesn't dabble in many styles herself because of various reasons but she is very interested in all of your own styles ranging from any goth and punk clothing you may own to the vintage and pin-up style you currently have going on.
if you asked natalie what her hobbies were she would probably just shrug and say, 'don't have any.' but trust me when i tell you that she does. she is so very much interested in deep diving into obscure topics and going down rabbit holes that she probably shouldn't go down because she loves learning about all the weird things buried underneath, hidden away from the average person.
honestly, you guys could probably make a date night out of deep diving into two separate topics and telling each other about it as you go. seems like it would be a pretty fun thing to do.
natalie doesn't particularly pay much attention to video games but she isn't against playing one or two if you recommend it to her! she's pretty invested in the things that you like, so she'll definitely play anything you recommend.
as for horror movies, natalie also probably doesn't give them much thought but trust me when i say she is a big fan of the saw franchise. i can see it now, you sitting her down to watch the saw movies and her just getting absolutely hooked and totally developing a crush on amanda young because honestly who doesn't. after the saw franchise, she's definitely more interested in horror than she was before and she'll probably sit down in her own time to watch some other movies just to talk about them to you.
always down to have her hair and nails done by you if you want to do them. she'll pay you as well, don't worry, just like... don't ask where she got the money because that would lead to a really awkward conversation probably. and she's also rooting for you to get into college to study fashion design!
so yeah anyways you guys would be a cute couple together and you'd have two cats and a rabbit named pumpkin or something and yeah.
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vampyre-rat · 6 months
i just accidentally read two different books about lesbian body horror involving mutations of cephalopodic (is that a word?) origin back to back over the span of two days and. protip: dont do that. take a break between such books.
anyway. i read ‘sister, maiden, monster’ by lucy a. snyder and it was… idk i wasnt really feelings it tbh. it was definitely fun and i liked a lot of aspects and the premise etc but eh didnt really live up to its potential imo. there were also just a lot of moments that had me like “oookkaaayyy…. that is a thing i just read and im not sure if its like… satire or a weird comentary on shit or just odd” like one of the characters being implied to be closeted trans woman who is an asymptotic carrier of two different diseases (spread through bodily fluids) that they spread to others. that was a bit icky. tho!!! there was a brief appearance of an australian scientist guy and his dialogue was very authentically australian which i really appreciated (saying stuff like ‘chocka block’ and ‘defo’) plus i was listening to the audiobook and the narrator did a really solid aussie accent too which was a relief. fun read overall but yeah still fell flat for me.
THEN HOWEVER i read ‘our wives under the sea’ by julia armfield and BOY did i love every word !! absolutely delicious! if i had known how similar in premise it was, i definitely would not have read it IMMEDIATELY after finishing ‘sister, maiden, monster’. it felt very similar to ‘annihilation’ by jeff vandermeer in both tone and premise which i loooooved but definitely holds its own. weirdly enough it felt as if the stakes were a lot higher that in smm even though that was a full on apocalypse, extermination of the human race kinda deal and owuts was the degradation of the humanity of a single person. thing is i was just waaaayyy more invested in the experiences and emotions of the two main characters of owuts because their relationship and lives had been elaborated on and explored so beautifully <3
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viola-canadensis · 1 year
Just finished base game of outer wilds. I enjoyed a lot i can see why so many people love it. I especially liked the music its very nice also the graphics are cute. Also the story is great but thats like the whole thing so idk if its important to mention
Spoilers below and also i havent played the dlc yet so nobody spoil
Cw death and thalassophobia
The fucking angler fish oh my god and i fucking love horror movies and sometimes i like horror games but im so afraid of the ocean and the things in it you cant do this to me and giants deep too i understand that the only things there are the jellyfish and theyre fucking precious and i love them but its still so scary fuck me
Anyway i also really like that you have to explore and find out the story yourself but also that the game is usually somewhat clear about where to go next and i never really felt too stuck cause i get way too overwhelmed when theres not enough structure
I also like how when you translate the nomai stuff you obviously learn major story stuff but you also learn about the relationships between all of them and it makes it much more impactful when you find their dead bodies everywhere
Theres a lot of very cool reveals in the story with and theres really intense moments and stuff but i think my favourite parts of the game were just messing around and flying directly into the sun and the time i flew really far out and realized that the music everyone plays lines up to make one song. I usually prefer to think about the things in my life that are important to me and i dont really care about crazy huge cosmic stuff that i cant comprehend and i really like that after going through a whole bunch of crazy shit the end of the game is spent listening to music with your friends. Also the music they play together makes me cry
Yee anyway good game hope i didnt say anything stupid
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trashworldblog · 1 year
so beth good omens huh
[s1 spoilers ahead]
its really good and i have alot of emotions that i havent quite worked out yet. but heres some thoughts:
- Very Good
- this healed a part of my former catholic currently religiously traumatized soul. obviously a show like good omens would hurt some sore spots, even unintionally just due to the aesthetics, right? WRONG. i never thought id be able to watch something that has to do with religion and not feel uncomfortable. but somehow, i got through the entire first season without feeling that discomfort. maybe ive grown, maybe its the show. but the way they... did... well, everything felt so disconnected from the catholicism i grew up with.
and the show is obviously catholic (at least to my experience) everything is story book catholicism, and yet... it feels different. maybe its god being a woman of color (i believe?) adam and eve being people of color, the gay angel and demon eye fucking every so often, and the honest depiction of first testimant things being Fucked Up, even for a demon, feels so disconnected from the white washed, hateful, church i grew up with. so it didnt hurt watching it. not for a second. and that made me incredibly happy.
- the use of queen music is killing me and so fucking perfect. first of all, all bangers. obviously. its queen. second, theres something about queen, and its place in the queer community, mirroring nicely with crowley and aziraphale. i cant quite put it to words yet.
- the camera angles in heaven being incredibly uncomfortable and awkward, literally warping the angles to be gigantic monsters. if they used normal camera angles and focus lenses, heaven wouldnt look too off. empty and barren, yes, but otherwise fine. using these low or up close shots makes my neck sweat and physically want to lean away from my tv. so good!!!! immediately shows they are very much not the heros in this story. also heavan and hell wanting war so bad showed that heavan was NOT on humanity's side. they were on heavans side. it made a beautiful common enemy for aziraphale and crowley and the humans to be up against. i hope they explore aziraphale and crowley and humanity vs the afterlives in the future.
- GAY PEOPLE!!!! THEY ARE SO IN LOVE!!!! AND AFRAID!!!! i hope they use this break after saving the world and showing their people theyre invincible to holy water/ demonic fire to get together!!!! they wont but i can dream!!!
- the idea of people always watching and keeping score is so terrifying when you think about it. no wonder theyre terrified. theyre existence is to just do what angels and demons do. and they have to do that forever without break. can you imagine how exhausting that must be?
maybe for a regular demon and angel thats fine, but aziraphale and crowley are a bit more then that. theyre in a slight gray area, and it cant be easy to do ONLY holy or ONLY evil things. add on to that the horrors of being on earth for a long time. you cant get attached to much. people die, things go out of style, animals and plants go extinct, libraries and art burn, things get lost and lost media is heartbreaking.
-the actors are really good. like these mfs are in LOVE LOOK AT THEIR EYES. wow. best "im in love with you but im hiding it" eyes ive ever seen. also i need to watch the finale again to appreciate the body language used to show that theyre in swapped bodies.
- the plot is really good and interesting!! i was afraid of missing crowley and aziraphale when we switched to adam or the witch hunter or the witch but i didnt miss them most of the time! i was super intrested in how adam would turn out without crowley or aziraphale's influence. and the witch stuff was pretty interesting too! some times i got a little lost in it all and got distracted, but tbh thats the adhd experience so.
-theyre so stupid and yearning and blind to eachothers emotions i love it
conclusion: good show! i am reading alot of fanfic about it and i started a side blog to store some good omens stuff on. i enjoy this blog being my personal and watcher blog, and i kinda wanted to have a good omens layout so, sideblog! ill still reblog some good omens things here, but most of it will be over there.
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happyendingsong · 8 months
the more i think about poor things the more i dislike it lol. i think i kept waiting for the horror shoe to drop and it just never came.
when candles says 'it's your body to do with as you wish bella' or whatever i thought it was this really ironic, haunting line to show how trapped she truly is (it's god's body! it's victoria's body! it's candles' body!) and that bella would subvert it by the end. but looking back i think it was intended as a sincere moment to show how decent a guy he is along with his 'your body your choice' slogan shirt and some clap emojis.
it's soooo twisted especially since right before this bella has just met felicity, the Other woman candles and godwin have Also dug up and mangled. i really wanted to learn more about her but she's played for jokes the whole time and belle never gets a second conversation with her. i thought that would've been really fascinating for bella to get an outside perspective on what that early dynamic between her and god|candles looked like but if the last scene is anything to go by it doesn't look like bella has any interest in building a relationship with her. such a wasted opportunity to not explore that.
and candles' response to creating her is just 'we missed you' AUGH ? horrifying! bella calls him and god monsters for it and there's literally no followup. the 'it's your body to do with as you please' bit feels so obviously hollow when like, what happens when bella dies? are they just gonna pluck her brain out again and try again because it bums them out too much? find Another Another girl to do this with? it's soooo fucked and there's such a cool horror thread to follow there but i think they just didnt realise they were writing a horror film? in their frankenstein retelling? god it's so WEIRD
i love the conversation with god where bella talks about being mother and child at once. i wish that's what the movie was about! her relationship with victoria and trying to build an identity from inside her mother's corpse like HELLO . the runtime is so long and it feels like all the interesting stuff is just on the peripherary the whole time, just out of frame. but like we're looking at victoria's face this whole time, hearing her voice! obvs it's not the story they were interested in telling but for Me. the specialest girl alive. i wish they didn't shove that whole plot into the last 20mins, there wasn't any time to really sink their teeth into it then.
i dunno like. even trying to read the film as this bildungsroman exploration of identity and living and life, the final scene just being bella back in her walled garden but now she has her childbride husband and her socialist girlfriend and theyre all drinking martinis. it feels like such a restrictive incurious ending that really soured me on the rest of th movie. All That Shit That Happened Was Fine Actually.
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mass-effect-anonymous · 6 months
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I've always disliked the idea of Shepard being dead - and then a hate group bringing them back. Whats worse, Liara, who Shep can be romatically involved with, cooperated with the group to get their remains to the Lazarus Research Station. It just seems such a strange solution for 'we need time to pass between the titles and need a good reason for Shep to be away from all their friends and not know what happened to any of them or what is going on'
And its not like the project is really explored either. Like there are so few implications drawn from it. Shep is asked about some things from the last game (To confirm some game choices) and then thats that. Sure I know the whole thing comes back in the DLC - but then its treated as a one off as well. I mean imagine if Shep was plagued by the doubts of them being a clone as well - or not knowing if they came back right.
You are told Shep is full of implants now - but you literally have the choice to erase the scars forever and never worry about it again! I just wish this was explored more. Like, it kind of reminds me of the body horror of Aliens: Resurrection where Ripley (the galaxy's savior) comes back wrong. How about reaper tec being used in bringing Shep back? Or discovering a cloning facility at the Colleactors ship? There's just so much that could have been done aside of just 'They died and came back like jesus'...
It's such a shame BioWare didnt really choose to explore this further.
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starzgaze · 2 years
so I caved in LMAOO (14DWY OC)
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• They go by any pronouns!!
• majored astrophysics(doctorate) and Biomedicine !! and is planning to take architecture in the future
• a huge overachiever in acads even back then!! not Alot of people went and talk to them to be friends and mostly used them for academics because they can't say no Alot of the time (sadly)
• Genuine loves learning things and you could see them spending their break reading stuff in the aisle where stem bullshit or mythos are in
• despite being very good in science or math it's not exactly natural talent? well some part of it is but compare it to medical field... they're far more better in that field surprisingly but they didnt take medical in college so.. that's that
• really good with taking care of people and wounds!! surprisingly empathetic?? like when it comes to taking care of people they're very empathetic idk how to explain it's just if they're not taking care of people they're not as empathetic they might be insensitive but it's just they don't really understand social cues or some emotions 😞
• other than that they like alot of niche things and that Include games!! THEY LOVEEE STORY BASED GAMES!! (what remains of Edith Finch is the perfect example) but they also like other type of games!! they're willing to play fps or first person shooting games it's just... they suck at aiming and will probably stay with being a healer or something because they deadass cannot aim AT ALL
• Cosplay is their side gig I don't have anything to add on to this but they craft everything and stitch it by theirselves
• they know how to bake!! they love making pastries and sharing it to their friends but like it's more of a daydream because they're too scared to share anything or gift something they MADE soo... :(
• They're short. like 5'2 short LMAOOO they have to wear heels or heeled shoes to reach Ren's chin
- impressive voice range like their voice stays in high but when they just woke up it's SURPRISINGLY DEEP?? like not deep deep just like mid deep
- has a weird talent?? they can dislocate their shoulders at will 😭
-also weird body temperature?? it changes randomly like they're cold and then suddenly they're warm?? they complain about it constantly
-their cat is named yolk and they squeak like a seagull and they're very talkative and affectionate
• They can sing!! only when drunk tho
• when being flirt with they will not understand it. like you have to be very bold with it like?? I'm just saying if you flirt with them theyre gonna take it literally and look at you with genuine confusion (they'll understand it 4 hours later)/ Internet explorer ass)
•their clothes has some designs of wings, their usual jacket they wear usually is has a pair of wings at their back as the design !!! or have one of their hair clips as wings <3 (haha angel thingy haha)
• too many books and is literally broke from buying too many shit
• DESPITE probably having a very hectic schedule having no sleep at all in a week uhm THEY HAVE ALOT OF ENERGY, for someone who based their whole look off their cat and looking like a person who's personality is probably cat like uh they're actually more of a golden retriever!! <3
• their real name is actually valentine but like.... they didn't like it at all because their real birthday is in April and they were genuinely confused about it so they changed it to Cali !
• Shakes their hands or do small jumps if they're excited or very happy and when they're very overwhelmed by any emotion they cover their ears and closes their eyes (ex is when an intense scene in a horror movie they cover their ears when jumpscare happens) also does random noises when spacing out LMAO
• KNOIWS how to crochet!! they love doing amigurumi versions of people :]
• also their bed is really comfy.. well uh two beds?? they have a loft bed and like a bed on the .... floor... yea.... haha but BOTH BEDS ARE REALLY COMFY and cozyy <33
• THEY LIKE ALOT OF FASHION STYLESS!! their closet is really diverse :3 but currently they're into acubi/gorpcore/ whatever the fuck they want to put on style !
• will probably cry if you seem genuinely interested in their ramblings of stars or numbers (they will)
• they're also ALWAYS seen holding something?? anything but they're mostly seen holding a bag and fiddling with it, if you let them hold ur hand they will be over the MOOONN
• they may be academically smart but they're common sense and general knowledge STUPID (srs)
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