#they dont like. Forget when they put the shit down in books btw. its just. litereally like they are putting it in files.
Arcade games <3 (Modern AU Wanderer/Scaramouche/Kunikuzushi x reader)
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I wanna redeem myself from the first cringy post i made with scara bc i find it cringy. this is my redemption arc
(you both are university students btw)
Summary: You and your boyfriend go on a cute date to the arcade after not going on dates for a while. But ofc, trouble has to arise. So why not deal with it?
Warnings: fighting, Sexual assult
"Hurry up y/n otherwise I'll go by myself!" Your boyfriend called you from downstairs (he moved in your rather large apartment. money stuff ig). "You'd be lonely if you did so wait!" you yelled back. You rushed to put on a good outfit for your date at the arcade with Kuni (this guy has three names and we are going with this one idc) and rushed down the stairs, making sure to not forget your bag and all the other shit you needed.
"Finally y/n. took you long enough." He rolled his eyes at you as you scoffed. "I dont want to look like shit when we're going on a date ok? I gotta look good for you" Now it was his turn to scoff, but you could see a tint of red on his cheeks. cute.
You both headed out the door, hand in hand walking on the sidewalk. It was still winter outside but it hadn't snowed for days. It was winter break for your school (you attend the same school) and since a ton of people were out on vacation, you decided to ask kuni out on an arcade date. His flustered expression was quite cute you've gotta admit. Nevertheless he excepted.
The arcade was quite close by, and was quite popular among students to hangout or go on dates there. After walking for a few minutes which seemed to go by too fast as you were too focused on your handholding with kunikuzushi. You would've continued to walk if he didn't tug on your hand and pull you back.
"We're here. lets go in." he was worrying you'd catch a cold, but he won't tell you that. He tugged you in-but not too hard-and the door chimed. "Wait here" you said. You walked up to the counter and check in. you did book the whole arcade. You didn't even know that you could do that until you asked as a joke a few weeks ago.
Walking back to your lover, you linked arms with him. "surprise! i booked the whole arcade for us!" you laughed. he stared. "You WHAT?" being rich and its benefits. feetfinder
You laughed, ignoring his shock. "C'mon! I only booked this place for two hours." you started heading for the prize area. "Alright, today i'm spoiling you. look at these shelves, tell me which one you want" You studied him. did he stare at something for a longer period? did his facial expressions change? "I-I want to get you something not me!" he stuttered. Your darling lover was not used to affection, until he met you. He was still trying to get used to it, but he loved anything you did honestly.
ah ha! you saw his eyes linger on a cute black cat plush. you thought it was adorable. you loved your boyfriend so so much. You were going to win it no matter what. It costed a lot of tickets. Thats alright though, you were an arcade pro!
An hour through, you came to learn that for some goddamn reason, kuni was an absolute pro at arcade games. better than you x1000. you cried mentally. He kept beating you in every single game.
ding the door chimed? but you booked it for the whole time? kunikuzushi saw the frustration in your eyes. You both were playing in the back of the arcade, so you couldn't really see what was happening. "I'll go check it out, ill be right back" that was your boyfriend, six minutes ago.
You started to walk to the front, and saw three females all attempting to flirt with your boyfriend. You laughed internally. Did they think they could ever be better than you? "Hello ladies." You showed up behind kuni, arm slithering around his waist. You had lectured him a week ago about not beating anyone up, and you could tell he was trying, just be seeing how uncomfortable he was with those girls.
"and you are?" bitch no.1 spoke. "This is my girlfriend" kuni spoke glaring at them. "Now leave us alone."
"Stay out of this pretty boy" bitch no.2 spoke. "Did you not hear my boyfriend? Leave. now." You were fed up.
"Hmmm..how about no?"Her arm started to crawl up your boyfriend, in a seductive way. "I can make you feel g-" you couldnt take it anymore. You stopped hugging your boyfriend and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it back.
"I wasnt asking whore. leave my boyfriend alone." You grinned at her, like a psychopath. "OW! You fucking bitch!" she yelled in pain. her other goons were already attempting to fight you, but it gets even better! You grab a table tennis racket, and S W U N G. And they were down in a couple seconds. Needless to say, your date was ruined. so much for not beating people up you damn hypocrite.
In the end, the staff, who fucking disappeared, gave a refund of the unspent time there, and also gave you the cat for free, and then you presented it to kuni. "Darling i got this for you!" you cheered excitedly as if you weren't in a police station answering questions.
He gave a light hearted laugh at your attempt to cheer him up from his rather unjoyful time with the stranger. You both ended the night watching netflix and cuddled together, eventually dosing off.
"I love you so much kuni.."You were soon asleep. Your boyfriend, whom was in your arms blushed furiously (he's your no.1 fan) "I love you too...sweet dreams darling"
happy ending yey
i still feel like it sucks but its better than the one b4
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Spooky Month Sona? FR this time?!?
so uh yeah here,, take him,, bc if i dont i realize im not gonna post him and it’ll get to a point where im self conscious about him fnjkdljkfdl things are always subject to change with my sona after i get stories n shit started so yeye but here’s CC
| Name: Chase Crawford (I literally have to give any sonas a last name to differentiate them)
| Nicknames: CC, likes to be called Cryptid as well
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/Him)
| Age: N/A but an adult
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Human
| Occupation: Works wherever he can tbh
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiky quiff)
| Eye Color: Gunmetal Blue
| Skin Color/Body Type: Extremely pale and also he’s fat
| Appearance: His main outfit is an oversized dark purple hoodie with a design of a single lavender dahlia on the front of it (the sleeves are lil bat-like wings when spread out) (the flower- okay ONE of the flower��s meanings is literally it means ‘Good taste’ no I’m not sorry for this one hah but also aside from the joke.
Dahlias symbolize beauty, commitment, and kindness), he has black pants that match with three chains hanging down and they look distressed and a lil ripped up, some of the way bigger holes are patched up with purple patches (all he had on hand and he loved the aesthetic of it)
And finally purple sneakers to match with his hoodie n such as that, he has some black gauges in his ears (they are magnetic ones lmao), he has dark circles under his eyes but he promises its fine, his eyes are just like that- Other than that he has a black binder he usually wears underneath and forgets to take off a LOT, he also has a circle beard.
| Personality: CC is very sweet, kind, caring, he loves to help others out and sometimes pushes himself to the limit with it but w-we don’t need to get into that, he’s got anxieties n shit like that, basically got whatever the fuck is wrong with me buried deep in him I mean he IS a sona after all.
He can be very oblivious until something is directly in his face essentially so he can get put in some particularly troubling situations, he really needs to pay more attention and read the room from time to time imma be honest, tries to see the good in everyone but he does have his limits, very protective of the ones he cares about, hates his parents which is a given bc they are horrible. He’s very chill most of the time, just overall sleepy and tired looking.
I’m not lying when I say oblivious btw, like it legit- he has to s e e it with his own eyes because most of the time he’s dumb,, just like- he could see a fucking wanted poster of someone and be like …Oh, maybe they just look similar (v much not like my deltarune sona, this one is just a big ol dummy)
…He DOES have dumb luck on his side though thankfully, so even with troubling situations, the universe just be saving his ass one step at a time. Which its funny because you’d think with all the horror movies n media he’s consumed it’d teach him a thing or to but it really doesn’t, he just out here living life, blissfully unaware of the danger he’s been in multiple times.
He can also be a chaotic feral lil gremlin once you get past the social anxiety.
| Side Facts: He’s REALLY into horror, he calls himself a ‘horror junkie’ even, has lots of horror merch in his home, movies, books, figures, etc- He’s just big into horror lmao, he loves to write a lot, you can find him on his computer a lot just writing some fics here and there (dw it’s not all horror …Although he has a LOT of horror fics he’s posted)
When he’s not working he’s usually chilling at home, playing video games, writing, or listening to music, or hell just watching movies even. He does like to stay at home a lot as he’s very introverted but when he does go out it’s usually at night, he just prefers the night air, does he know its dangerous? Eh, who knows- He’ll usually have headphones on and playing music while he takes a fun lil stroll, blissfully unaware of his surroundings.
Despite liking horror n shit like that, genuinely super sweet and friendly, is very much a pacifist unless you hurt his friends and then he can get pretty aggressive, a ray of sunshine if you will unless provoked.
Cryptid lives in the middle of the town, his house is nothing too fancy really, just what he could afford, it’s painted purple and black though to match his aesthetic.
Likewise, back to how I said he goes out at night completely unarmed and unprepared in general, headphones on so he couldn’t hear if someone was sneaking up on him, and you already know who the three I’m selfshipping him with are (ooh bold of me to mention selfshipping on my main, im getting more confident everyday) with but bc I wanna write their interaction later, none of them have met yet.
Also usually listens to a lot of hard rock/heavy metal lmao, and sometimes just,, boom, goat simulator music.
Plays the acoustic guitar in his spare time but seems self conscious when playing around others.
Has three dogs, a brown Chihuahua named Tootsie Roll, a black and white Shih Tzu named Cash, and then finally he has a Chinese Crested he rescued off the street named ‘Winnie the Pooch’ calls him ‘Win/Winnie/Win-Win’ for short though, also sometimes calls Cash ‘Cashy’
And calls the Chihuahua ‘my little tootsie roll’ he loves all of them, aside from being overprotective of his friends n such like that, honestly he WILL get violent to protect his lil babies especially, you try to hurt them or anything he WILL fuck you up.
Also refers to the trio as ‘My little stinkers’ calls them stinky, crusty, etc a lot but it's very clear he loves and cherishes them, Tootsie is 4 years old, Winnie is 13 or that’s what the vet told him he looked to be about, and then finally Cash is 1 year old.
I think one of the biggest differences in him is like,, despite being oblivious unlike my DR sona who knows like oof yikes this is dangerous,, i needa get the fuck outta here- this one is just a dumbass,, he looks at these three bastards and goes …oh shit they’re hot- im gay like BITCH THEY ARE MURDERERS, KIDNAPPERS, AND OR CANNIBALS- …as long as they don’t hurt his frens OR his dogs tho its aight
Also,, CC’s Pansexual for the final tidbit.
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mothmandibles · 2 years
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Maxim - Their base power from slowly becoming more and more all knowing manifests in them getting owl (specifically, a great horned owl) traits, because owls=smart. whatever. it’s cool. Outside of this, they take to sorting through their newfound knowledge by putting it into books, because while it’s great knowing about every little thing in the yet unexplored sections of the oceans, it gets a bit distracting from the situation at hand.
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dyketubbo · 3 years
im rewatching doomsday (comps of all povs of course) and. yeah i just.. feel bad for the lmanburgians. i dont know how i could just. say these people deserved it, when they all sound, panicked and desperate and so so fucking sad. long long ramble under the cut as i recount the events and pick out a bunch of little things
even the day before then is painful. ranboos panic room. ranboo and tubbos talk (tubbo admitting that hes wrong, saying he believes that history is repeating itself and trusting ranboo because he believes in his loyalty), fundy showing the ring toss. tubbos surprise at being told to kill dream before stating that quackity would be in control if he didnt (god, did he plan to fail?). tommy being so so excited. everyone playing ring toss and cheering on jack. tommy still believing in tubbo. tubbo panicking. ranboo and tommy and techno talking, ranboo giving them info. dream placing walls and quackity instructing tubbo on where to kill dream. dream lying about the community house. the entire community house debacle. just, everything.
and then doomsday itself. having to frantically get there because it started early, tubbo only having diamond armor to protect him, fundy standing still after he sabotaged them. tubbo and ranboos genuine despair about the apiary.
tubbo eventually going nonverbal and actively putting himself in danger, not even moving away from techno at first and getting in the way of the firework launcher. tubbo trying to save tommy from the fireworks, ponks broken "dont come over here!" after she was trying to save his cat, tommys face falling and desperate attempts at convincing techno, ranboo going "its all gone", niki spiralling and silently burning down the tree, quackitys pure anger. all the death messages.
jack going "what is there left to protect", tommy brokenly trying to accept that its gone as tubbo and quackity blankly do accept it. jack going "i lost everything again". tommy desperately trying to understand dream, on the verge of tears as he asks why dream didnt just hurt him. his low health and food as hes unable to do anything anymore, his quiet gasp as he spots ghostbur, tubbos tiny shake of his head when dream says dream and tommys story wont be over.
tubbo and quackity breaking the repeaters. ghostburs "i didnt even know we were fighting". ghostbur finding out phil let friend die, hes pained "phil? but i- i gave, i gave phil to look after. and dream found me friend, and technoblade said we were friends", tommys pained talk about technoblade. "we were never his friend. to him, all of this was just an act of politics, an act of clout and a-a social ladder, and you won't remember. tubbo you will, and to you big q, this was a friendship. but to technoblade, this was a ladder. and techno climbed to the tippity talk. do you wanna know the only way you can go? on the ladder? -- and once you reach the top of the ladder tubbo, you can only go down."
quackity asking to sing the anthem again, him strumming as ghostbur sings (and tubbo and tommy joining in). ghostbur forgetting the second verse because it blew up. quackity remembering it, them stumbling through it. tommys "tubbo? im so so sorry", tubbos quiet "its okay." the four all singing together. tubbo looking at the lava with an ender pearl in his hand, tommy correcting quackity and going "our l'manburg". ghostburs speech about friend, about people not taking him seriously just because he has memory loss.
meanwhile.. phil and techno were laughing. cracking jokes. phil mocks them as he spawns withers on the apiary, going "ohhh noo not the bees!". techno shouts at tommy and shoots at him and tubbo. he kills jack and doesnt even notice that it was one of his lives lost. jacks death itself proves that it doesnt take any particular intent, doesnt have to mean anything to the killer. techno and phil were willing to kill people. it would be foolish of them to act as if there were no risks in the terms of canon lives, especially with phil. phil doesnt take ghostbur seriously, treats his despair as an opportunity to drill in a lesson. the most either of them lost was some of the dogs and used up potions, fireworks, and wither skulls
and then theres dream. dream whose been harming the l'manburgians since the beginning, who had taken tubbo hostage, offered eret a chance to betray them all, who had been the man in tommys walls and offering money to tubbo and jack to try and get them to destroy things, who tried to get tommy to kill tubbos villagers. dream, who took tommys discs over and over, who killed tommy twice in one day, who stopped caring about his friends that loved him and were so so loyal. dream, who helped schlatt and pushed wilbur deeper into his spiral, who even then tried to manipulate tommy.
dream, who helped destroy l'manburg the first and second time, who took advantage of tubbo so he could have a premeditated kidnapping of tommy. dream, who abused tommy, physically, psychologically, emotionally. dream, who degraded tubbo and had taken ranboos memory book (which btw, since ranboos memory loss counts as a mental disability with the memory book as his aid, thats dream taking the thing that aids ranboo in dealing with his disability).
dream, who had been the reason l'manburg was created. dream, who got to destroy l'manburg three times. dream won. and techno and phil dont regret it, dont care.
maybe l'manburg was never meant to be. and sure, it started with stealing and an attempt to monopolize on potions but. that wasnt even l'manburg then, was it? it was just wilbur and tommy having fun. l'manburg came after. after the police hurt them. l'manburg started as a silly little revolution, led by a naïve man who thought he could win wars by saying no. it was a place for a family, a place for them to escape from dream. it was a place to try and escape the harm of those outside the walls. it was meant to be safe, even if those against them made it hard to be. it was made from love. it was meant to be happy. it was a symphony, however unfinished.
so. i don't know. i just feel, bad. they never really won, did they? tragedy after tragedy, death after death, destruction after destruction, betrayal after betrayal, hurt after hurt. and now what's left of them, really? out of the founders, erets doing the best and even shes doing awful, forever trying to make up for what he did. tubbos paranoia led him to developing nukes in a desperate attempt to stay safe, because he was taught to stay quiet and keep his emotions to himself, because his death was "justified", because nukes and walls and weapons are the only way he can feel safe anymore.
tommy went through months of abuse, lost all of his lives and suffered upon coming back, suicidal but unable to bring himself to do it because limbo is worse, feeling lost and like he has no family anymore other than wilbur, who he knows is hurting him but cant bring himself to leave, who loved lmanburg so so dearly and only wanted a home, still doesnt have one (tommy from everywhere, tommy from nowhere at all). niki who loved lmanburg and wilbur so much that it hollowed her out and made her bitter and shes so used to being spoken over that all she can think to do is raise her voice and get pissed, who cant see wilbur as a good person anymore because shes hurt and hasnt truly recovered and she doesnt know how to cope without being angry.
jack manifold feels forgotten, hes lost all his lives and crawled out of hell and no one truly noticed, he doesnt even believe that niki really cares, hes desperate and has made his purpose to be spiteful and angry because he cant deal with the emptiness that comes when he realizes theres no point. fundys desperate to have friends, family, a partner, anyone thatll love him, anyone thatll keep him safe, slowly killing himself with cigarettes and disowned because of giving too little too late, because he was too little too late.
and wilburs lost himself. spiraling, paranoid. a young, naïve man who wanted to fight swords with words, who wanted to impress his father, who wanted a nation of his own to feel safe, who was so effected by erets betrayal that he cant trust anyone but himself, whose possessive nature eats him from the inside out, desperate for control and unable to let go of the only person he knows loves him unconditionally
all because outside forces kept pushing, kept destroying, kept ruining them and hurting them and traumatizing them and taking away their homes and pets and loved ones. and i just. cant feel happy for the ones that hurt them, i cant feel victorius, triumphant, any of that. i just feel bad that the l'manburgians never got to be a family. i know they arent the best people but shit, i love them anyways, love them because theyre flawed and because theyre *people*, people who tried so so hard and got pushed so so much and. fuck, i cant be happy that the people who loved nature and play fought and laughed by campfires and read poetry and re-enacted theatre and loved each other and wanted to *live* (even if they were willing to die, if it meant giving everyone else a chance).. lost. they lost.
canonical years of work down the drain in one day. records of history gone, now only remembered in full by a traumatized teenager who was taught not to talk about his negative emotions, and even he misremembers some parts. they didnt even lose fairly. they had no chance. they couldnt have prepared for withers, for tnt rain, for the hounds. they were poor, weaker than their opponents, sabotaged by one of their own. thats.. tragic.
doomsday was a tragedy. i cant agree that it was deserved. i cant agree that they had it coming, that they deserved to lose homes and pets and limbs and lives and land because they werent the greatest people around.
a small country of less than 10 people (at both creation and destruction) now a giant crater in the ground, remnants of a parisitic egg taking over the land. and it wasnt even lost fairly. three people were stronger than an entire nation, even with all of its allies. two anarchists working with an abusive tyrant. so, no. doomsday wasnt deserved. people dont deserve tragedy. there were better ways, i truly cant be happy that the way chosen was violence. i cant.
l'manburg's citizens deserved better. they really did. the ends dont justify the means. and god, am i fucking tired of "justice". if justice means choosing violence over love and respect and caring about those less strong than you, i dont wanna hear about it. fuck that man, id rather love and be loved than constantly give a shit about making up for hurting others by getting hurt, thats stupid and cruel and i cant see it as okay on a moral level. not when the people that got hurt deserved to be loved and cared about and protected and *talked to* instead of constantly shot down.
of course for the narrative i can enjoy violence and characters getting hurt and i do like how "real" it all is, the despair and dissonance in tone and how terrifyingly messy it all is. out of story perspective- honestly rather cool even if it makes me feel bad. in story perspective- holy fucking shit no that wasnt deserved and god i hope everyone hurt will be able to heal and learn to love and be loved again because thats such a terrifying thing to go through. from a detached pov i can appreciate the insight into everyone involved and i like the plotlines that came from it, but from a compassionate pov i just wish the l'manburgians were allowed to be happy and treated as equals so they didnt have to go through all of this
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Showtime Thoughts
bc i am in love with julia lester
spoilers below
First off, why is this episode so short?
ngl i forgot mazzara was a regular
ricky ded besties
awww nina and the letters 
she looks very good in her dress
ashlyn and ricky look so good
“We’re screwed!”
ash and ricky are too funny like where were they this season?
chaotic and pretty best friends
sidenote, why did they go see north high’s production? 
oh my god ricky and nina are talking
i am taking what i can get
my favorite part of the episode
his makeup looks very good
he looks very good
as @organic-guacamole said, he is very pretty
its been like three minutes and it already is so chaotic
yessss kourtney’s mom!!!
so howie and kourt are fine? gah since when?
“look for the shortest fork” mood
big bird ej comin at you
wait isnt this ejs last show? is he going to miss his last afterparty for a date?
true love bitches
“Is he with us?”
seb being a supportive boyfriend is everything i needed
jenny is frazzled
i love how all the techie turned actors are nervous at some point during the episode
awww thats so cute love the callback!!!
ooo howie is here
love how the writers leave a cliffhanger and then close the book before it turns to tragedy with one line
mazzara and ej, thats it
jenn what
why is mike there?
that was so unnecessary like aren’t mike and jenn over?
“did we forget to build a moat around the school” 
let ricky be single challenge
she just said “lol” i cant
props to ricky for keeping calm during the show after he saw mike and jenn
ah so lily is a child of divorce?
“lily scram”
how did ricky do that so fast-
put on gloves over the cast, makeup, and a mask?
i dont work with costumes 
The one scene we get from the show...
Yay Steph!!!!
“Big Red has not thrown up in twenty minutes” ashlyn’s little smile
“she heard wrong”
someone please explain how spotlighting the judge is a good idea it makes it seem like things went wrong
“Carlos is a seasoned professional” honey carlos is on the verge of a mental breakdown
“He says help
Seb translating for Carlos is beautiful dramatic, yes, but im right. 
im so proud of them. they go from not talking for a week to seb being able to tell how carlos is feeling based off a stoic expression.
wait so carlos goes from on the verge of a mental breakdown to full on performing and speaking?!?!?!? Speaking well too, not stumbling.
he looks so comfortable on stage when not even ten minutes ago he looked like he was going to vomit?
h e l p
ashlyn’s little laugh!
big red lookin’ at his girl
ricky what are you doing?
howie’s little mouth drop
i cant with sebs costume i should not be laughing how is he able to do a kick line
be our guest was enjoyable. it had a lot of moving parts. frankie and dara sounded really good. it’ll probably grow on me the more i listen to it.
is it just me or did be our guest lack some energy?
awww gina bb
“my mom sent me jordan fisher”
big red and ricky!!!
...what is big red doing? has he been faking sick?
alright what the hell is up with howie?!?
kourtney is so excited and then downer howie comes to ruin it
nina just write “thanks for being the best bro and glad youre not dead”
btw kourtney and gina look really good in their costumes
gina and jamie!!! 
he looks so proud
glad gina gets to see her family!
cute scene, jordan is a nice addition!
julia lester is killing it with the vocals
big red is so in love
seb bouncing in the costume 
“she’s never looked at me that way before” evil smirk
my heart fricking stopped when carlos went on stage 
being early on your cue/missing is awful would highly not recommend
a bop to the top callback after this would have been perfect
those harmonies!!
ummm phone call?
...why wasn’t seb cogsworth? 
alright that was really good. everyone (even the backup) sounded really good. portwell rights! ashlyn rights! kowie rights! acting rights! 
so mazzara and jamie?
Ashlyn is the perfect Belle fight me
“Eat it Zackey Roy!” how about “yay kiddos, nice job!”
ej’s little dance
“bc you’re ginas brother” 
he is enamored by her it is adorable
“hey, jordan fisher, would you like to f up one of three stableish ships in hsmtmts?” “sure, im in!”
aww hopefully he doesnt take the conversation too heart. they both like each other so much.
Portwell is so enjoyable to watch.
return of the bro
ej go get your girl dont worry about her brother please
all hands on deck
“Can you just jump off something high”
I seem to remember Ricky falling from something high last episode, is that correct? 
She tells this to one of her most UNSTABLE kids
Oh shit
Miss. Jenn
like what the actually hell
look at the kids faces they’re heartbroken
Miss. Jenn why. You’re stressed about the show, but you’re not performing it. They are. They have to worry about lines and cues and pitches, not you. Miss. Jenn has literally gone at the kids this season. Opening night speech too Ash and Ricky, shutting Seb down, that comment. She has become obsessed with the Menkies and North High. It has gotten really bad. These kids have put everything into this show, even their relationships (both platonic and romantic) and that is how you repay them? 
I didn’t think they would address this, I lost hope after last week but I am so glad they’re going too.
Someone send Seb after Miss. Jenn please, let him rip into her, he would do very well.
Miss. Jenn is supposed to be the role model and she just told a kid to jump off something high.
nina has been a godsend this episode, props to her!
haven’t been the biggest nini fan this season (off and on for me), but she was very behaved this episode. 
if there is anything the east high kids are good at, it’s bullshitting their way out.
“aim for my face” character growth
I liked the episode. Didn’t love it, but liked it. I really wish we got to see more acting, like we didn’t even see Big Red and E.J go on stage. Not even the iconic yellow dress. Some of the drama is so unnecessary, like why Mike and Jenn? What is with the Kourtney and Howie drama the writers insist on having, can’t they just be happy?
Besides the whole harness incident (burn that harness and mask it is causing so many problems) the production went very well, too well. This is East High we’re talking about.
Promo thoughts because what
oo they’re sneaking, maybe Big Red’s thingy
oo Kowie confession?
portwell please be okay
what is up with carlos’ hair?
so seb, miss. jenn, and carlos scene? this has the potential to be very beautiful.
“It’s not over” not this again... 
i’m thinking carlos and seb are going to talk to miss jenn.
Sidenote, if we do not get a good seblos scene I will riot.
Hopefully Miss. Jenn apologizes with a billion sorrys
rini you just broke up please dont get back together 
im scared
if it is a scene where they close the book i will be very happy
Are we getting a flash forward scene? I’m pretty sure Miss. Jenn said Menkies aren’t till two plus weeks after the show.
We know based off the promo pics Ej and Gina are at the cast party, what went wrong?
Wait do we not get to see the finale of the show?
We better see the goddamn transformation
how does lily home and core four song fit in? im more curious about the lily one.
In conclusion, I am not ready for this to be over and the transformation needs to be sent to hell.
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misterbitches · 3 years
i live in a universe where if i were to walk down the street i could get murdered willy nilly cos im black but men are out here going around being like “my boyfriend and i met when he was a junior in high school” i don’t believe in jail and i try not to make jail jokes but HOW IS THAT FAIR? JAIL!!! GUILLOTINE!!!! GET THIS MAN A RETIREMENT FUND AND A THERAPIST
that dialogue was fucking embarrassing. he shoulda just said “im 12 yrs older than him” no one needs to know u were 30 dating a 17 year old u insecure freak. retire bitch and get away from her
 i wanted muren so badly to be like “LMAO SRY didnt mean to seem surprised i just like men my own age i guess?” i wouldnt have even apologized if i was surprised. my friend was dating someone ten yrs younger than him and i made fun of him for it and he was like “i know” bc he does know.
just a tip: i don’t like getting hit on by men way older than me, a lot of people don’t. i’ve had men who are 36 interested in me when i was 23, and i reciprocated, but now as i am 29 and older i realize how much it confused me and how i didn’t like it.
age gaps are what they are. ther’es many times i do not like it especially if it is a pattern (this is what happens in tv shows and movies and the opposite of that isn’t gay age gaps or power imbalances or women much older than a younger man ok that’s not progress it’s just peopl ewanting to be like cis men and no one wants that) and esp if the person’s peers are all their ages. people seem to forget that we travel in the same social circles on purpose due to our environments and also our world experiences. the only way to meet an older man is outside of school and yet adults can’t seem to control themselves?
i saw this person who was one of the editors of sexual hegemony (a book on capitalism and homophobic laws and sex basically idk google it it’s interesting) and he was trying to have a foucultian outlook (i hate focault btw doesn’t mean what he says wasnt interesting but it does mean i am not okay with psychosexual philosophers who take advantage of people. the only testament against him having reltaions with younger people is a bunch of young people i nfucking tunisia and there’s an excuse that he wasn’t a fucking pedophile he was those ebebebbeopopopo people and it doesnt matter when ur in fucking tunisia as a white french algerian fucking preying on children) how age of consent laws desexualize younger people. they were passed for  abunch of reasons like any law but here is the thing
we have no business in being in spaces to determine children’s sexual identity and teenagers in their own realm. THEY need to figure it out. our job as adults is to PROTECT THEM full stop. not intrude on their lfe and not give them the tools to decide for themselves. age of consent laws are meant to protect not to facilitate children against some boogeyman of sex. the issue is the way our society views it but young people are sexual AS YOUNG PEOPLE. it has NOTHING to do with adults and it shouldn’t. that’s why it is extra fucking intrusive when you are literally wedged into someone’s life who you have no business being around. it’s only by fucking circumstance. it’s abysmal and not cute. 
what this tells me is that the age gap is salacious. not in the way that i was 23 and a man was 36. in the way that he was 17 and this dude was 29. that’s interesting right? it’s “oooh” and it means we shouldn’t balk at it. saying 12 years would have sufficed, raises some eyebrows, and we can figure out the dynamics after but you just had to put that in BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LIKE IT but the thing is there’s no part of it that was fun. i’m just going to assume you like fucking teenagers bc that’s what it’s telling me lmao
i rarely talk about this couple but to put them in my eyeballs and then have that stupid conversation it was insulting lmao god please get a fucking script supervisor fuck but none of them care about sotry or any of what i fucking laid out. how stupid and careless and just unfun. i don’t like it. also ew at the idea of 2 tops and 2 bottoms talking oh my god i am gonna give myself a heart attack i’m already so fucking anxious i have to see my family lemme chill
im 29 and feel bad having a crush on a 23 year old CELEBRITY ok and i SHOULD feel ashamed and it’s not even a big deal that’s how everyone should approach life tbqh u walk around like ur 100 yrs old to avoid children. oh what’s that this korean cebrity learned english and moved to america to start a family with me and i find him very hot and i like his voice but we’re 6 years apart i’m not sure if i would work (how fun of a drama would that be. pointless and ridiculous. i love it.)
oh there’s a great review on CMBYN and its history and how the isolation and seeclusion was so fuckign capitalist bougie patriarchy and yea idk if anyone is interested. i think it’s ironic the ending for the people in CMBYN irl bc it’s just. so indicative of this shit. i dont like guadignino (idk is that how u spell his name) and think he’s not a great....person or director (i love the look of suspiria tho likke visually and edited. the DP was thai btw! he did an amazing job!!!) but it critiques this film from a perspective of someone who clearly at least cares about artistry, no matter how poorly i think he executes it, and just how hollow it is. the thing about “escapism” is that it relies on the harsh realities of the world to make it opposite, everything has context, nothing is apolitical. to make something that exists in a vacuum is negligent and it doesn’t help you escape it makes you even more tied to this world and its flaws because it doesn’t do anything to mitigate it.
people view it as like “we can put something stupid on screen and people have to accept it in this world” but that isn’t how IT WORKS. you hvae to build up the stakes of the world. but i can’t see introducing some “taboo” (see: stupid) elements and pretending the escapism is seeing this and allowing it. how could it be when the problem is the nature of the rship itself? what world are you taking us to? and why does this world ignore the pressing realities? and i wouldnt say either of these are explicit escapism (i think i hate that word now) becuase um they arent. this fantastical generally rich people escapism isn’t about bending things that don’t work to mold it into our society because WE DO THAT ALREADY it’s about taking those things and twisting them to something we can accept and like or something that has real consequences for people. it’s so funny how marketing and the idea of pc culture and shit and conservative ideology seeps into these. they have  an explicit interest in holding the status quou of taking advantage of people and using their power; age is a huge structure to do so. in this society when we struggle why would its existence not be challenged? because rape, ridiculous rships, abusive rships, torture etc is a power move, conservatives rest on it and people who gain power. what about that is appealing? making it gay? well, no. especially because men DO have power. 
every fucking thing in BL is a reflection of of patriarchy honestly. i can admit that and i’m not okay with it but it’s consumption. there’s a way to make this decent or entertaining without it being so fucking poorly done. and atp i dont even want to call things bl it’s a tv show just bc it’s for a certain audience doesnt mean anything do better idiots
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biotchthatmeows · 3 years
#tw #suicideawarness #triggering #depression #suicide #substanceabuse
Ah! So suicide awareness month eh. Well I don't know where to burst out exactly because people don't really care about it but ok let's try it here at good ol' Tumblr.
So, where I live we don't have any suicide helpline or any awareness programs or anything at all regarding mental health. I mean don't get me wrong we would adapt western media full fledge when it's Valentine's Day or some other ridiculous thing but no one wants to talk about suicide because it doesn't bring trp and people are already sad and I agree it's true.
But we gotta talk about suicide, man, come on. I am sorry but at least I think I should.
I have never really openly said it but I have given hints many times. But I am openly saying it that I suffer from very severe depression and anxiety plus Bipolar personality disorder. Which means I am either going through maniac episode or depressive episode almost everyday (you can Google them).
And yes, I have tried to kill myself multiple times. And turns out like most things in my life I am not really good at it. Since, I am writing this. Which is why whoever is reading this, I am taking your time (thanks btw).
I was always a little different since my childhood as compared to others. I liked being alone a lot and writing things instead of talking to a person. Because whenever I tried to make a friend I would do something wrong and they go away. So, at one point I stopped trying and I realized something that people around me dont really like me.
Even my teachers kind of didn't like me because I would just randomly ask the most peculiar questions. For example when we were reading *book spoiler* George Orwell's 1984, everyone in the class was worried for the hero when he was being tortured but I asked or told my teacher that 'okay so, his fear for the mouse was bigger than the love for the girl and it okay to betray her?' and everyone was like that was not the point. I am sorry, I got districted and I am sure most people wouldn't get the reference.
Anyway, my point is that I always had and have questions about things when people should keep their mouth shut. At least one shouldn't questioned these things.
But that is still the thing with me, when you or someone makes a prominent statement there should be a reason or at least an explanation behind it but I was called blasphemous for questioning them. And that was fine with me but calling me blasphemous didn't get you out of the position of not able to justify your statement.
So, throughout my life I was called many things, spoiled, brat, weird, drama queen, actress, attention seeker. I can go on and on.
I don't know about rest of the names but I am pretty sure I wasn't spoiled. My parents were never the type to hand over the money because you asked for it. They were kind of people who wouldn't even give you money even when you actually need and beg for it. They would give you the thing instead that you need the money for or you don't get it at all for example school picnics and events or the bag you really really wanted.
So, well when you don't get things. You eventually start doing bad things such lying a lot and stealing stuff. And it keeps growing and growing and even though deep down you know how wrong you are but then you don't know how to stop because you are getting things you want.
Okay, off the topic again. What I am trying to say that I was maybe lot of things that people said but I wasn't spoiled. I was physically abused and eventually realize mentally abused too. And things weren't really okay with me. I won't take it like most people do.
My brain wouldn't stop thinking about them and I was becoming more and more irrational as days goes by. And I was thinking what if I was dead and that would make things lot more easier for me and the people around me.
Eventually, that idea became more and more intense and growing around I always heard people say that if a person kills themself they would never be forgiven and it was the greatest sin ever.
But then those people would also say that not praying is the greatest sin and you won't be forgiven for that ever.
And then not believing in one God is also the biggest is of all sin and you won't be forgiven for that ever.
And then saying hurtful things to people is also the biggest sin and you won't forgiven until that person forgives you.
So, which one was the biggest sin? All of them? Because then those same people would say that God would forgive you for all your sins if you repent and because God is most forgiving. Even more forgiving then your own mother.
So, my curious brain once again started asking questions. For which again I was told that I shouldn't because it was wrong and blasphemy.
Meanwhile, my mental health was decling day after day but no one really noticed because in our society their is no such thing as mental health. Either you are crazy or lazy, hey that rhymes.
I was pretty much deemed both.
Mostly, lazy but then there is a solution for that in our society for as well. Get married! Tada! Because when you are married it fixes everything! And anything.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that I obviously despiced the marriage thing. Because I knew I couldn't do it.
Someone who can barely keep themself put together, cannot handle the responsibility of the marriage and of course I wasn't interested in anyone. I mean of course I had crushes and stuff but unlike most girls/women my age I never went as far as thinking about marriage all the time. Which was happening at that time all around me.
People were keen to get married or getting married.
And I don't know why people thought it's about time I should get married too and everytime the situation like that came along I would have the worst kind of panic attacks. I couldn't eat or drink or sleep and I had to fight and fight to make the situation go away.
But you can't win every time now, can you? Eventually, I was forced into getting engaged and I can't explain how horrible each second for me during that time was. But once got lucky enough get out of it and it was happiest day of entire life. Well just for me of course. Everyone around me was pretty bumped but I was selfish because I got out of it.
And the worst part of the whole thing that bugged me was that guy was honestly horrible. He called me fat and then his family came around to inspect me like a cattle because my family told them I wasn't fat. What a wonderful thing to your child. Really helped my self esteem.
He couldn't even spell aunty right. Yeah he wrote 'unty' and apparently his parents bragged he went and study in Australia. So, if Australians wrote aunty like that, then I suppose I was being a little judgy.
Anyhow, I was so relieved. It was like I could breathe again. But obviously it wasn't the end of it.
Things like that don't don't just end for people in our society. Situations like that kept happening and my parents was getting desperate at this point because duh! I was growing old and who would marry an old girl even when like they 10 years older her.
During the period of my engagement my mental health was at its worse and it was getting worse everyday. I was constantly having panic attacks and one day out pity I was finally taken to the doctor not a psychologist or psychiatrist but just a normal doctor.
Lucky for me that guy prescribed a magical pill which fixed everything, for a while and I loved it. The minute I would take that pill everything would become normal. I would even stopped caring about the engagement thing till that pill lasted.
I didn't know at first what it was but then I figured it out and I would go out buy shit ton of them because it fixed things for a while.
In short I was addicted to vallium and then I found out there are other pills like that such as Xanax and plenty of other and as long as I had money no one cared who they selling these pills too and it wasn't like I was buying them from some shady person. I was actually buying them from legit pharmaceutical shops.
So, whenever situations like those came around or at that any other point I faced problems I would take those pills but then I realized that eventually that they stopped working so I increased the doses for them to work and the doses increased and increased. At one point I was taking a box each day just for a moment of calm. And years went by and so did the amount of pills I was literally throwing my whole month of salary on them.
Then my family finally noticed that something was off because I never had money and I wasn't exactly
buying anything so where was the money going? Also I was sleeping a lot and starting to forget things which was pretty out character for me.
I was confronted and given an ultimatum. So, for a week or more I think I didn't take any pills but then I was taking them for years now and you are not supposed to suddenly stop them. But I didn't know that at that time.
And that was my first attempt to kill myself. But then things happen, bad things, and they kept happening and happening. Finally came a point where no one was to stop me from taking pills or trying to kill myself.
By then I had committed multiple attempts to kill myself. I was self harming long before that but after that it had gotten much worse. And my last attempt was this year but instead of dying I went into a seizure which lasted 48 hours and even after that I wasn't able move my tounge properly and certain part of my body for a month.
That was the first time I was scared of suicide. Because I was not able to do anything on my own. I bit tounge so hard that it bled and broke a teeth. It worse than dying.
I was finally taken to the hospital and a real psychiatrist who finally diagnosed me with my illness.
Yet still, some people think I make things up because I did them in the past but that shit was real and anyone who say I act crazy to get attention, then I swear to you that you wouldn't wish that condition on your worst enemy.
Talking about all this wasn't to let my heart out or anything. I just want to tell you and anyone who understands to realise that mental illness is very very real and it's a nightmare that doesn't go away. That only problem it is not visible like other diseases. It's just like having a cancer but imagine you can't see that cancer.
And being suicidal is not a joke, no one wants to end their lives on purpose. Everyone wants to live.
But just think for a moment from prespective of the person that their brain had been through enough that it thought that life is not worth living anymore. And if it's a sin then they are ready to go to hell because imagine life being worse than hell.
I know this is already a really long post but I needed to bring this up because recently I was having conversation with colleagues about what we should about suicide awareness month and I was like maybe make post to empathize with people who go through this horrible rough path but my colleagues suggested that they should put this religious script which says that anyone commits suicide will never be forgiven and will forever be in hell.
And this was coming from the person who doesn't pray at all. I was like what about you? I wasn't judging him. I was like so you won't go to hell and be there forever?
And he was like I will be forgiven but people who commits suicide they will not be. And he was so confident that he even said that you will see on the day of judgment that people who didn't pray will be eventually forgiven but there is no way for people who had committed suicide to be forgiven.
And I was like okay, wow! Because there is literally no point with arguing or trying to make people like them understand because they won't. And I know many, actually forget many but most people would agree with him. Because they don't even accept mental illness as illness at all and if you are sad/depressed you must not be praying or need to pray more.
But, I pray for those ignorants who make fun of mental illness and suicide and call it attention seekers or actors when it is desperate cry for help.
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sukirichi · 3 years
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
read the new chapters and aAAACKKKKK BESTIE???
y/n - ‘I was born to make everyone’s life a living hell’ maam this LINE?! JAW DROPPED, TIME STOPPED being insecure all her life and wanting to live up to the expectations to her dad just to have that sliver of attention from him, that sentence gives us a glimpse on how little she felt despite being accomplished, rather successful actually because she always cleans her boss’ mess have a lot of baggage to unpack. and when the secret was confirmed, her anger rejects all of the entity that ties with her past because both her parents deprived her for the things she was supposed to have– becoming greedy to fulfill those. then eventually, somehow, going back to her roots aka being humble after having the talk with her dad. As most of her insecurity started because of him and how she had to be the bigger person for his other family, clearing out the misunderstanding between them brought a sense of peace  while she’s settling in the restless turn of events.
and with our main man gojo, this guy, it is not wise to- 😤😤 how can you say you’re engaged after doing the body tango huh? esp when you said you want y/n to be your wife? oh gee and the revelation of his past relationship with mia and how he sees her in y/n is so fucked up. can’t help but think that satoru wanting to marry and be this lovey-dovey with y/n is just him reliving the moments that mia never gave him in the past. and y/n accepting that their current relationship is based on how they’re filling up the cracks in their needs and settling for the sake of familiarity. imagine how deep in love our girl is to keep satoru in her life 💔 im still in it for the second lead agenda
needless to say, everyone here needs a therapy so they can get their shit straight together 🤧🤧 (ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
BUT i know you mentioned this many times but laywer! naoya all poised and in his best behavior while helping y/n in her new situation has my heart go💕💕 winning lots of cases and is known in his field, he proved that he is both beauty and brains. and the pen spin??? man be pulling those fast spins either to distract or impress the person he is talking to flashing those perfect white pearls wtf now i can’t get that out of my head naoya brain rot 🥵🥵 also celebrity chef! sukuna in charge of all those delicious, exquisite cuisines? imma make myself broke just to taste his masterpiece🥲 ooh but how about him being a michelin star chef and owning a michelin-starred resto?! no doubt, left and right you see this man appearing on some high food magazine on the cover 😊😊 oh oh i also saw that supermodel! choso?? also his face is plastered on magazines AND luxurious advertisements ex. shibuya crossing! where most people be drenched in his glorious presence yea weird shibuya arc ref pls kill me and everyone talks how handsome and intimidating he is while he just have a rbf and only the closest people in his life get to see him drop that front 😌😌
with that in mind, imagine supermodel! choso being a godfather to the baby of y/n?? he would go soft immediately at the sight of the child and would probably love giving lots of branded clothes it will be good enough for more than a year ☺️🥲😭
oh and there is this one scene in chp7 that reminded me of the recent korean movie i watched i dont wanna say it in case you wanna check it out its called sweet and sour and oh god idk why but watching it, mind keeps on prompting your fics 😬😬 maybe bcos i some of your fic always had med related topics and the main actress role there is a nurse. i remember that you’re on your clinic training so maybe thats why 😳oohh pls don’t forget to take breaks and be safe heart and oh ur a psych major too? oh wow hi ig in relation to one actress in the sweet and sour fic, she was also in a kdrama the heirs- which was popular at the time with it being packed with some solid household actors and actresses. sky castle tho, ig it relates to the theme of reckless more because its mostly how parents from the upper class will mindlessly destroy someone’s life to attain their materialistic desires  🤧🙂
this fic, easily in my top 3 ‘heart belongs to who it dictates’ so many twists, so much drama and ANGST! YES BESTIE GIMME THOSE ANGST 🥲😌
i hope you’re doing well nowadays :’)) we need to find gege the best chiropractor to take care of his back, so good that it’ll make naoya respawn to life 🙂 suki i don’t think i’ll get tired of saying how much i love your work that it feels illegal im reading it for free 💔. i don’t really have much to offer, but im wishing you good health and success in your life :’)) aah i’ve mentioned this already but take care always 💕💖😊🥰
- 🍳
y/n becomes a real baddie when she’s pissed off 😫
hmm y/n wasn’t really working hard for her dad’s attention, it was more like she felt so left out and unwanted (she feels unwanted wherever she goes) that she just decided to pack up and support them from afar bcos to her, she’s so alienated in her dad’s family that she felt like she had to work hard to earn a spot in their table. she knows she’s the outsider but she wants to feel like she can be part of them, that she is also a child deserving of love and care, but becos her stepmom focused more on her actual kids and her own dad was too busy with his new family now, it made y/n feel that she had to do something to be worthy of that.
that’s why most of the money she made working in tokyo was still wired to her family; she put her brothers in school and supported them, all because she hoped it would make them accept her more. now, things are different because she finally found her biological family, but even if valeria and co. still don’t want her, y/n is now more focusing on building something that’s truly hers that no one can take away. yes yes, she did become greedy, but more for power than of acceptance. she got to a point she doesn’t care as much vying for her parents’ approval and now thinks her luxury gives her comfort; only because at least she has that much. like she said in the latest chapter, happiness was not what she needed, it was stability and money - all things she lacked before.
and yea she did go back to her roots! all of her issues started with her dad anyway but that part is slowly patching up 🩹💔 oooh actually your theory is right bestie 🧐 gojo found y/n interesting bcos she reminded him of mia, so the more she pushed him away, the more he’s like wait, i’ve been here before, let’s not repeat past mistakes but i can do better now. on the part where gojo talked to mia while she was asleep, notice how he said he’s given a second chance to do better now, all because he couldn’t do them with mia but he could with y/n.
ohhh actually y/n was the one who established that ‘fulfilling mutual need and settling for familiarity instead of being lonely’ type of relationship. gojo avoided her for weeks and he’s pretty settled in keeping his distance, but she was the one who sought him out. deep down, y/n is afraid if she doesn’t at least use him as an anchor to her more humble roots, then she might spiral out of control and end up like valeria, thus using him as a ‘distraction’ but in reality, she needs his comfort to be grounded.
SECOND LEAD AGENDA OMG LETS GOOO 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ geto the fine fine option.
NO BESTIE MOMENT U MENTIONED LAWYER NAOYA I JUST KNEW I WAS GONNA SCREAM. okay but lawyer! naoya is so fine, i love his character so much bcos he’s a pure bean. originally, i was gonna make him an antagonist but i found he had more potential as a good, supportive character. HIS PEN SPIN HELPPP WHY COULDN’T HE JUST BEEN OUR BABY DADDY 😫 he pulls them fast spins bcos he’s nervous btw HAHAHAHA y/n can be quite intimidating and lawyer! naoya is sometimes too precious.
celebrity chef! sukuna is MEAN! he was pictured after gordon ramsay so lmao. omgggg sukuna being famous not only for his food but also his handsomeness 😳 he gets so cocky over how no one can get in his level while popping a battle of champagne, listening to ‘careless whisper’ while dancing to his reflection in the mirror 😤
also yoo supermodel! choso is THE hot shit 🥵 he’s so famous his schedule is packed for an entire year and a half and those are just for very selected brands and designers! ugh imagine going to work on the subway when you see supermodel! choso with rbf posing sexily and you swoon because he’s so sexy. plot twist that choso doesn’t know how to drive bcos as a kamo family member, they grew up with drivers taking them to and fro, so when his driver got sick and everyone else was busy, supermodel choso takes the subway himself and hides behind a face mask and cap while still wearing extravagant clothes that makes him stand out more. he does not have ‘subtle’ on his book at all.
and yeah people say he’s intimidating but its more his height and build + rbf! in reality, he’s just as soft and sweet as naoya, but both of them go into protective mode when someone they care about is being crapped on. and boy when they DO get into “what did you just say?” mode, better run away 🏃🏻‍♀️ supermodel! choso is also an heir to the kamo empire though not after the business, but he still has enough power to take you down in a second.
meanwhile, lawyer! naoya didn’t become this successful without being so savage yet composed he makes you question your entire existence before he drags you to court. lawyer! naoya is so scarily convincing that he can make you plead guilty even tho you did nothing wrong 💀
aaaah omg supermodel! choso LOVES babies actually! as the eldest child who looked after his brothers bcos the kamo parents are always away for work, being a father figure is so natural to him. i can picture him being the one who cries harder than gojo if the baby is born bcos he’s so excited, then reads poems to the baby before sighing that childbirth is such a beautiful thing 🥺
omg i know sweet n sour, the actresses are one of my faves tho i haven’t watched it yet! oooh they’re a nurse? i didn’t know that 🧐 i actually finish my short training in a week so i’ll be heading on to heavy majoring in psychology! wait bestie are YOU also a psych major 😳💕 oh and i see i see, sky castle *jots that down for future references* reckless actually has lots of significance in terms of the parents’ roles so i’m excited to see that! and aww thank you so much, can’t believe i made it in someone’s top three 🥺💕
HELP AHSKWKW i’m gonna call the best chiropractor in the world and send them gege’s way, i’ll cry a river if that’s what it takes to bring my boo back to life 😭 and noo baby the support already means a lot to me, i’m just happy to indulge in my hobbies and share it wih you all so thank you very much for everything 🥺 please take care of yourself too n have a nice day!! kith MWAH 💕
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selfcareparker · 3 years
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ❣️💕❤️💓❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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brinesystem · 3 years
glad were retriggered and retraumatized lets have somef un here i guess
should we talk about kik and the grooming?
or the OTHER time that happend?
how about the OTHER TIME?
oh or daddy dearest destroying our room? that was fun
totally didnt mind at all that he broke one of the only surviving items from our great great grandmother
oh wait he did that wtwice lulz
oh or the time he told us to punch him?
how about sneaking aroundh imo r being yelled at for eating?
or beingt old hed lock the fridge up?
getting threatened that we couldg get kicked out at nany moment?
oh or the time he almost DID doth at and we had to have an emergency plan of “if i dont text you come to this address”
oh or the ffact thath e threw our dogs againts the bricks?
almost drowned us and then we got in trouble for it?
oh what about him not ‘remembering’ any of it
oh and of COURSE we forgive him mom thanks for asking :) :) :)
glad its a question and not just you know, a nicely worded command
cause youk now
not a dog
might as well be right :)
oh or the time we had to save our sister from drowning
thats fun right
not trauma ata ll?
oh and shcool thats fun
gun fight? first day? SURE WHY NOT
threatened and fearing our life? obviously its cause youre acting weird stop doing that and they wont lulzzzzzzzz
thanks teach for being a racist piece of shit
also nice used condom on your deskr eally classy
oh lets also just stea  my shit thanks teacher AND SCHOOL COUNSELLOR FRIENS
thanks for warning and helping us withou r classes by the way real glad we got tahtiwarning in time oh wait
oh thanksmomsure dont have trauma responses thatd be dumblolz
youre totally fine too dont worry TOTALLY doing great and absolutely true that all therapists thik youre doing perfect and dont need help
totally tre and we’re the proof huh??? :) :) :)
thanks for sayingi  dont even look human btw real nice when im saying i dont look white
v classy love that totally dealing good with your own trauma though thnx
OH or how about running a suicide prevention blog at 13, 14,15, 16, 17 because we were too afraid to stop doing it :)
that was fun right
totally fun to think your friend died
thanks teach btw for yelling at us about our phone while trying to watch for a suicidal friend
really made me care about you
alsothe  time i lost part of the bone in my leg andy ou yelled at me in front of thec lass
loved that
lvoe  the grooming gone past just grooming but cant be csa event hough they were 30+ at the time because itw as online
supes fun there too thankzzzzzz
OH can we talk about being suspended forr.r.....
stopping someone from stealing!
not allowing myself to egt beat up!
not sitting down and taking someone hitting me with a book
real funzies
ALSO THNZ MOM glad you helped out sister out but notme  over the same shit
super glad bout that thnx
not like i had visual self harm for years 
but oh she said she cuts one time and gets help and a therapist and love and ishit
when shesb een beating me up and ive been getting in trouble for that for years because you dont doa nything
real funsies thanks love 10/10
oh 9/11 is fun too right gladi  was there for that
lvoe how it felt like an earthquake
and great grreat grandma dying glad you brought me along but its blocked out loooooool
oh andl ets not forget the SEVERAL DIFFERNT ASSAULTS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL glad you put me back in school after those instead of homeschooling me where i was learning faster and less stressed!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!
love the holiday trauma too
oH or the time you called us a liar after we complained about beingin  pain and it wtrned out our foot was swelling to twice its normal size due to a psider bite
that was fun too thankssssssss
oh orthe time we got relentlessly bullied by several kids and nobody did anything
that wasf un too
also what happened before we were 7 that made us think all adults were pedophiles?
would LOVE to know what that was about
or why someone tried to get us kidnapped by flashing drivers around that time to see if any would pull over and take us with them
thatw asf un too right
or the sex dreams
i was seven lolz glad i had tose definitely normal
oh or should we talk about marissa and her beating us up? glad you let us play with her all thetim e too!!!! real funsies glad it happened
or our friend leaving us because who fucking knows lolz glad you just stopped talking to us cold turkey
oh or our friend dying thatw as fun too what a fucking GREAT year :)
or our other friend being adopted and leaving us permanently because her parents didnt allow her to contact use ver :) :) :)
HI that wasf unr ight
having a kidney infectiontha t young? super funsies lol
glad i knew whatw as happening and wasnt just put under there and unable to move
totally not traumatizing thanks
totally not at all
OH OR THE FUN TIMES WITH BEING TOLD WE’RE ‘naturally different’ or ‘deal with thingsbetter than whoever’ 
thanks lbuddy glad you think that we have trauma andw orked our wholes lives to deal with itan d then got fucked over AGAIN but whatever its totally natural thanks for acknowledging all our hard work and also totally not absolving yourselfo f any effort you might have to put in at the same timeeeeee
orfindingo ut our bio grandfather is an abusive stalker and OH HE SHOWED UP AT OURH OUSE TO DROP SHIT OFF EVEN THOUGH HEL IVES IN TEXAS AND WE DONT
or our super abusive famly on te stepdads side glad we met thEM
loved being suicidal too that was fun glad everyone we knew helped us out and didnt just shut us outo r call us attention seeking that was coolioz
good luck whoever has our old house dont mind the suicide notes we hid under the carpet or in the vents lolz theyre totally fine
oh should we talka bout how daddy dearest stillpr efers a dog to us?
glad bout that too thanks
but yeah youre totally perfectan d fine its fine cause you neverh urt us directly you just didnt do anything atal l in fact!
thanks for that!!! love the inaction!!
ohor t hat fun thing which is apparently aform  ofe motional incest THANKS FOR THAT DADDIO
im not eveng oingto  TOUCH on geneartional traumathat sawho  le other thing
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laracastrowrites · 6 years
An Excerpt From An Interview
A lot of readers had a meltdown over The Darkling’s fate.
"That really doesn’t bother me. Occasionally I would get a tweet from somebody who’s like, ‘How come Alina and The Darkling didn’t end up together?’ I’m all for people who want to write fanfic, but there’s absolutely no way I would ever make a relationship that was, quite frankly abusive. People like to forget the fact that he tried to enslave her, tried to steal her power, and even if you put all those things aside, the idea that Alina would forge that kind of alliance with somebody who mutilated one of her friends…Alina has this team of people who had sacrificed so much to defeat this man, the idea that all of a sudden she was going to be, 'Never mind, he’s hot, let’s have fun.’ It was just unacceptable to me."
"If I wanted people to hate The Darkling there would’ve been many ways to do that, I could have him kill a kitten or something. It almost became this challenge where I was going to keep him as compelling, charismatic and attractive as possible because I don’t believe the people that are most dangerous to us are devoid of those qualities; they’re the people who enter our lives who are broken and beautiful, but are still bad news.”
She said all this with a straight face.
I've read this specific one (and maybe that's why I dont search for them anymore neither read them lol).
So let's break this statement piece by piece, shall we?
First of all: look, Idk how things went at the time but like... when the interviwer says "the Darkling's fate" I think she means his death, right? So why the hell she made that about ships and shipping??? There was no reason for that! Anyways, this just shows how HER mind is so focused on that and whomst exactly would do anything for their(HER) ship to "work", right?...
And let's go to the part where she talks about Alarkling then: I love how she puts it in a way like she had nothing to do with how their relationship went down and like, she couldnt have done nothing about it lolol look, I know sometimes writers feel like their characters conduct the narrative and make decicions that you werent "expecting" and dont go with what you have planned at first, but with a piece like tgt where we clearly see that the author didnt respect the organic course of things, making all she could to stick with her planned couple that just worked inside of her own mind, I think we have a right to say that, if she wanted to, she could have changed the Darkling and Alina's dynamic and relationship (and I'm not even saying on a couple/romantic basis, she could have made them turn down friends or allies or whatever!, eventually) and she knows this damn well! So perhaps she should stop playing innocent on this, like it wasnt HER choice and it's all on the bad Darkling, a FICTIONAL being created by HER that is following HER script and what SHE'd planned !!!!! And no, people DONT forget all the crapy things he'd done, but since the first book readers had the hope he would turn around and redeem himself (at least on where he wronged Alina) cause the author put that hope in there, she did play with the idea of redemption within his character, then ofc some people would be sad and/or pissed and disappointed because she didn't delivered; you dont get to play and tease people with something without ever delivering it and expect people to be quiet about it and dont complain later, but well, she said that doesnt bother her anyway (which I dont believe it's true lol), right? So... And btw, Genya's torture was bullshit and ooc and gratutious (this interview just made me see that she REALLY did that just to make him irredeemable already) and it's ALL on her and it was her shittiest move in the whole trilogy (even more than Alina's fate), maybe she should think a little about why she needed to disfugure a female character that had already been raped and manipulated and used in order to further a villain's arc and put him into a hole he couldnt get out by doing an act based on...something(???) that didnt even fit in that character's motives and reasons and modus operandi, just saying... (self critique never killed anyone, you know, and in this case, she REALLY needed to think about it cause that was very problematic and harmful). And I have to lol everytime I see her talking about how the Darkling wanted to "steal" Alina's powers, omfg the irony ,,,,,,, should I remind her who exactly "stole" Alina's powers away by the end of the day ???? SHOULD I ?????? Spoiler alert, it wasnt the Darkling........... WHO'S THE VILLAIN NOW UH? WHO??? WHOMST ?????
And well, let's get back to Genya's case and the part where she says "Alina has this team of people who had sacrificed so much to defeat this man," I mean, if Alina isnt supposed to unit forces with shitty people who hurt her friends then why the fuck she would be on the King's side ????? Ok that in s&s Genya was on the Darkling's side, but it isn't like she didn't and couldnt see the King was shit too and Nikolai wasnt the first one in the throne's line of succession, so ???? Why exactly she would have to be on THEIR side??? And I'm not saying she should be on the Darkling's side either, ofc not, but the thing is (and it's other point that bothers me): she shouldnt be EXACTLY on the monarchy's side either! But if LB thought she must, then at least she could have seen its problems and be critical about them and could try to make a better Ravka by improving the govermnent system and making opposition to the Darkling at the same time. It bothers me that Alina never grew to have a political view and agenda when her own existence was very political! Something that the Darkling got it since the first time people tried to kill him, and he was way younger than Alina when that happened (but maybe she spent too much time living as an otkazatsya to get right away what meant to be a grisha in that world, luxury the Darkling didnt have, but still... after everything she went through, after she accepted herself as a powerful grisha, where people were still trying to use her and her powers from all sides, she should have gotten something out of there, she should have seen more clearly through, the only thing she had to do was using her fucking brains). Alina was just pushed through the narrative by people with their own purposes and agendas and she never grew to have one for herself (her purpose was based on urgencies created by people with agendas, for example: she wanted peace for Ravka, why? Because the Darkling and the Monarchy entered in a civil war; why was she staying by the Monarchy's side? Because the Darkling wanted to enslave her, so at least these people here arent trying to do the same (as long as she knew.......... except for the Apparat), so she was always reacting to the situations rather than acting and creating new ones based on her own purposes). Or maybe LB did this on purpose so she could justify Alina's resilience in losing her powers by the end of the trilogy (which doesnt, ofc). But then she lost the opportunity to create so many nice nuanced conversations about politics, oppression, privileges, power, religion, the ways of war, etc.; if Alina had been the opposite of the Darkling but still getting his point and being attracted by him and his ideas but still sticking on what she believed in and showing better ways than him to do things (I mean, how about Alina throwing on the Darkling's face that he said he was trying to end the war and create a better world for grishas beggining by enslaving and controling her, a fellow grisha, which was exactly what their oppressors did, so it was very contradictory and not by far the best shot, and it wouldnt be long lasting, I mean, I would've loved to see that! But maybe it was too dangerous... what if he'd listened to her, uh ??!?!?!?!!!!! what if he was convinced by her, uh ???!?!?!?!!! then they would have to be kind of on the same side, right? and omg! god forbid this from ever happening !!!!! 😒😒😒 ), anyways, it'd be much more nuanced and interesting, in my humble opinion...
I have more rants about the grishaverse concerning the political aspects and LB's bias choices but I wont get to it rn, that's it for today.
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vaalinors · 6 years
you’re the anchor (that i tied to my brain)
Edward Elric to the last jedi 9 pm DON’T BE FUCKING LATE IM TALKIN TO U YAO: pray tell where the fuck is my brother
Edward Elric: it is 8 o fucking clock 
Edward Elric: im locked the fuck out of the house 
Paninya: ed take a deep breath n hurl urself into a pond or smth
Paninya: als been freakin out about mei for at least 38478392 years now
Paninya: let him relieve his thirst
Edward Elric: how in The FUCK???? is this MY FAULT??????
Paninya: u couldve had a perfectly gross dorm on campus bUT NO U HAD TO BE BOUJEE N RENT AN APARTMENT WITH UR BROTHER
Ling Yao: w0w thats a lie
Winry Rockbell: u reeaaallly dont gotta
Paninya: have u heard??? of this thing??????
Paninya: called????? pm?????????????
Paninya: bc its a thing u could use to bitch at al without annoyin the entire shit outta the rest of us
Ling Yao: lol lan fans at her grandpas rn and her phone cant be put on silent
Ling Yao: shes going to kick ur ass
Edward Elric: IM gonna kick ALS ass if he doesnt show up in the next half hour I DONT CARE IF HES ON A FUCKIN DATE
Ling Yao: may i remind u my sister is the girl ur brothers currently wooing
Ling Yao: u do that and lan fan wont be the only one kicking ur ass
Edward Elric: what think u can take me weakLing
Ling Yao: uh duh but i was talking about mei
Edward Elric: PLS shes what half a foot tall????? PLSSSSSSS
Lan Fan: so twice as tall as you
Edward Elric: DO,,,,,U WANT,,,,,,.,TO FUCKING DIE,,,,,,,.,.,,,,
Lan Fan: edward
Lan Fan: i am at my grandfathers house
Lan Fan: my phone is ringing so loud my neighbors think their doorbells r broken
Lan Fan: my grandfather is ready to smash it into oblivion
Lan Fan: if he does we WILL be reliving 3/10 and youll be tasting a lot more than just your stomach acid when im done with you
Lan Fan: do not make me sneak out of training to answer you again
Paninya: Rekt™
Ling Yao: mic drop
Edward Elric: psh whatever
Edward Elric: u fuckers think 3/10 scared me
Edward Elric: FUCKING C O M E  A T  M E
Paninya: o look shes typing
Edward Elric: anyway im gonna pm al goodnight and thank u
Winry Rockbell to is it gay to want to literally drink ushers voice: OI AL how was the date
Winry Rockbell: I WANT DETAILS
Edward Elric: if anyone wants to know how to be the Creepiest Fucking Person Ever
Edward Elric: talk to winry
Winry Rockbell: well seeing that i won best ed impression two years in a row now id say i do indeed know
Edward Elric: HAR DE HAR
Edward Elric: u think u fucking know me???
Alphonse Elric: Is it hard?
Paninya: yea all u rlly gotta do is yell fuck a lot
Alphonse Elric: Put ur hair in a braid with one obnoxious ass strand sticking right up
Winry Rockbell: dont forget u have to crouch down
Winry Rockbell: i recommend kneeling
Edward Elric: dont think i cant deck all u shitdicks
Ling Yao: ive just annoyed the info out of my sister
Ling Yao: it seems al is quite the casanova
Ling Yao: clearly not a family trait BUT
Edward Elric: i will piss in ur backpack
Ling Yao: case in point
Ling Yao: as im sure u all know ned, roy mustang and i have had an ongoing wager AKA who can wrangle the most freshies into joining his club
Ling Yao: well as of today the martial arts/dance troupe has 20 more members
Edward Elric: BULLSHIT
Ling Yao: and i believe that pulls me ahead of ned to tie evenly with mustang
Ling Yao: and really would any of u choose archery over martial arts??
Paninya: tbh i choose social life over any clubs but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edward Elric: basic bitch
Paninya: u kno it
Paninya: but srsly wtf shifty how did u get 20 new members so fast
Lan Fan: he showed off and gave his number out to like half of them
Ling Yao: :O how could u EXPOSE ME LIKE THIS
Ling Yao: I tRuSTeD YOu
Lan Fan: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edward Elric: just u fuckin wait ling
Edward Elric: ill leave both u asshats in the GROUND
Alphonse Elric: I mean first u have to
Alphonse Elric: Yknow
Alphonse Elric: Be taller than the ground
Winry Rockbell to kyle ron WHOMST???: so about laser tag this weekend
Winry Rockbell: invite lings sister yay or nay
Lan Fan: why not
Rosé Thomas: It’d even us out
Rebecca Catalina: does it even matter tbh we all kno whichever team rizas on is gonna win
Riza Hawkeye: Catalina i resent that statement
Rebecca Catalina: pls point to me where thE LIE IS HAWKEYE
Winry Rockbell: ok then
Winry Rockbell added Mei Chang to the chat
Maria Ross: and a few seniors
Lan Fan: ok we’re going laser tagging this weekend you in
Mei Chang: i feel like i may die if i say no so as long as my idiot brother isn’t going i’m in
Paninya to could u actually perhaps makin bacon pancakes: [DELETED MESSAGE]
Ling Yao: wot
Alphonse Elric: Whos going laser tagging
Winry Rockbell: pan ffs
Paninya: (◔◡◔✿)
Edward Elric: fuckin RUDE
Lan Fan to Panko: what is it
Panko: i have no idea what u mean my dear
Lan Fan: uve been typing for an hour now AND i can hear your teeth grinding from my room
Panko: i have no idea what u could be referring to my sweet
Panko: i just wanna kno how ur days been
Lan Fan: this is about ling isnt it
Panko: dear
Panko: u used an emoji
Panko: u never use emojis
Lan Fan: look i get that youre just looking out for me
Lan Fan: but its fine and so am i
Lan Fan: i really dont need a pity heart to heart
Lan Fan: besides hed give out his number to everyone in the world if he could thats just who he is
Panko: well ur not wrong
Panko: is it bad to say im so glad i rarely have to deal with bois
Lan Fan: girls can be idiots too
Panko: ppl in general usually r
Alphonse Elric: That and the rest of my body
Alphonse Elric: How is one person so funny and sweet and amazing
Paninya: CONDOMS
Winry Rockbell: oh god
Mei Chang: uh
Paninya: oh fuck
Ling Yao: mei so it was U that made that balloon fart noise just now
Lan Fan: ling kindly shut up
Paninya: CALL 911 U MORON
Lan Fan: where do you live i know CPR
Ling Yao: thats hot
Mei Chang: er i can’t read suddenly i don’t know
Ling Yao: (╯°□°)╯now she gives in to the memes
Edward Elric: ok nvm hes alive
Paninya: rip in peace
Alphonse Elric to how Extra™ do u gotta be to come up with fuccboi: So we’re still down for gta tomorrow right
Alphonse Elric: Ed cant make it because i killed him
Ling Yao: the old ed cant come to the phone right now
Ling Yao: why
Edward Elric: because hes going to cut off lings fucking elbows
Roy Mustang: can you even reach his fingers
Edward Elric: listeN HERE U liL SHIT
Alphonse Elric kicked Edward Elric from the chat
Ling Yao: thats cold
Ling Yao added Edward Elric to the chat
Roy Mustang: i knew it couldnt last
Edward Elric: if any of u polefucks ever want to know how to get ling to do something bother lan fan
Ling Yao: try it again and i will Key Your Face
Ling Yao: she has a physics test tomorrow
Alphonse Elric: Wow
Roy Mustang: :O
Jean Havoc: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edward Elric: i got the beer for tmr night
Alphonse Elric: Damn right u do im not letting u in otherwise
Edward Elric: ignore asshurt over here hes pissed i embarrassed him in front of his date
Roy Mustang: at least he has one
Jean Havoc: yeah have u ever had a girlfriend edward??
Denny Brosh: Do you know what a woman is ned????
Edward Elric has left the chat
Ling Yao to Good Shit ✔💯: hey lan fan
Good Shit ✔💯: what
Ling Yao: guess who i just saw in chem doodling one miss rockbells name on his hw
Good Shit ✔💯: no
Ling Yao: oh yes
Ling Yao: i wanted to take a pic but ed decided to be a good student and tore it off before handing it in
Good Shit ✔💯: does he even try in chem
Ling Yao: no but at least he doesnt fall asleep like he does in lit
Good Shit ✔💯: hemingway puts everyone to sleep
Good Shit ✔💯: read some brontë or steinbeck
Good Shit ✔💯: id say dickens too but anti Semitism and all
Ling Yao: i love it when u talk lit to me
Ling Yao: reminds me of when u used to sneak into our library and read the biggest books u could find
Good Shit ✔💯: better than you climbing up the side of my house to sneak into my room
Ling Yao: pls u loved it
Good Shit ✔💯: debatable
Good Shit ✔💯: club meetings today dont forget
Ling Yao: how can i ur always here to remind me ;)
Winry Rockbell added Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Maria Ross, and Rebecca Catalina to ROSE TYLER DEFENSE SQUAD WHERE YALL AT
Winry Rockbell: just so we’re clear friday nights a byob sitch
Lan Fan: well wade was totally off
Ling Yao: atta girl
Paninya: wow and here i was thinkin byob meant bug ur own business
Edward Elric: what the utter fuck
Alphonse Elric: Dont act coy u LIVED a bugs life ed
Winry Rockbell: jesus now ive got the kim possible theme song stuck in my head
Edward Elric: if one of u picks yoshi i will e n d  u
Paninya: no promises n its not our fault yoshi pushed ur fool ass off mushroom gorge that one time
Rebecca Catalina: LMAOOO
Edward Elric: that demonic fucking dinosaur needs to go extinct
Roy Mustang: since brosh doesnt give a shit do we want to make this a floor thing
Ling Yao: i see what ur doing mercedes benz u sneak ass
Roy Mustang: you caught up yao i can finally start trying
Edward Elric: news flash fuckers i got 5 more ppl today u can both suck my ASS
Winry Rockbell: ok but keep it small
Lan Fan: ,,,,,,,
Maria Ross: this is why timing’s important kids
Ling Yao: how much smaller could his butt get
Roy Mustang: are we even be able to locate it
Rebecca Catalina: does ned even have a torso????
Paninya changed the chat name to eds ass is bigfoot pass it on
Winry Rockbell to Mulan but Better: is it weird that i cant stop smiling at ed
Winry Rockbell: hes sleeping in the chair across from me
Mulan but Better: a bit
Winry Rockbell: yeah
Winry Rockbell: hes such a nerd
Mulan but Better: but hes your nerd
Roy Mustang changed the chat name to WHO TE HFUCKS IDEA WAS IT O MAKE THIS AFLOOR THING
Edward Elric changed the chat name to URS U FUCKING CURLY STRAW
Paninya to wubba lubba dub dub: all of u need to see this Spicy™ video of ed from last night
Winry Rockbell: pan its 9 fucking am
Winry Rockbell: who tf is up that cares
Paninya: o dont u worry winnie the pooh
Lan Fan: yep shes still drunk
Paninya: i think ed will when he stops groaning in the bathroom there
Paninya sent a video in the chat
Paninya: srsly im postin this on ig later
Winry Rockbell: SHIT thats loud
Alphonse Elric: What the fuck is that
Riza Hawkeye: Is
Riza Hawkeye: Is he singing mad world
Paninya: u bet ur blonde ass he is
Lan Fan: was this after we took turns playing yoshi and demolishing him in mario kart
Paninya: u bet ur toned ass it was
Winry Rockbell: paninya i can barely hear anything over u shouting STRIP STRIP STRIP in the bg
Ling Yao: edward really is tone deaf isnt he
Ling Yao: oh hes stopped puking
Ling Yao: hes looking at his phone
Alphonse Elric: Rip in peace our bloodshot eyes
Roy Mustang: dear jesus what is happening
Paninya: I WILL K I S S U
Mei Chang: there is way too much shouting this goddamn early in the morning
Ling Yao: while u were busy cackling over that video i may or may not have convinced lan fan to steal eds phone
Jean Havoc: hes like an infuriated duck with a lisp
Roy Mustang: siri what is the tiniest species of duck
Paninya: pls tell me one of u hungover fucks is gettin this on video
Mei Chang: lan fan u okay?
Lan Fan: yeah too much shouting i have a headache
Lan Fan: add me back when ed calms down (◕ ‿ ◕✿)
Lan Fan has left the chat
Paninya: hey ed ill bet even yoshi can say fuck
Lan Fan to Guns n Roses: hey
Lan Fan: i dont know where you are rn
Lan Fan: im still sort of hungover and i kind of need someone to talk to who isnt going to get angry or
Lan Fan: try and rationalize everything and well
Lan Fan: do you ever just wish that things could change
Lan Fan: that you could be someone entirely different or that you could get out and leave and not give a damn about anything or anyone or
Lan Fan: because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Guns n Roses: Okay i was at work but i’m coming back right now
Guns n Roses: And i’m going to get you tea and you’re going to tell me whatever you want to tell me okay??
Lan Fan: thanks
Paninya: dicks r like mushrooms
Paninya: little funny gross mushrooms
Rosé Thomas: Paninya you’re high go home
Paninya: oh sweet flower i wish i was
Winry Rockbell: its 4 fucking am GO TO SLEEP
Paninya: time is an illusion
Paninya to TRICKY tricky TRICKY tricky: i crave the sweet release of death
Winry Rockbell: i could hear u playing music at 5 am again today why tf have u been up so late
Paninya: my roommate was screaming french at me
Paninya: she has a test today
Paninya: also
Paninya added Lan Fan to the chat
Lan Fan: i didnt do the psych hw paninya
Lan Fan: and run-dmc doesnt deserve this subpar treatment
Alphonse Elric: Lan fan
Alphonse Elric: Lings been looking for u
Lan Fan: i know its ok dont worry about it
Paninya: what was that????? u said???????
Paninya: about karma?????????
Lan Fan: is that not everyday
Lan Fan: 3/10 edward
Edward Elric: i will fight me for only i myself am the one assdick here thank u amen and goodbye
Lan Fan to Literal Monkey™: so i hear you were looking for me
Literal Monkey™: that depends
Literal Monkey™: what did i do lan fan
Literal Monkey™: did i say something
Literal Monkey™: tell me what i did that made you so upset at me
Literal Monkey™: if i did something im sorry i really am but you cant just disappear and not even tell me whats wrong
Lan Fan: i know
Lan Fan: it wasnt you i just
Lan Fan: my grandfathers relapse and its been rough with classes lately
Lan Fan: it kind of hit me that i cant always afford to be chill all the time
Lan Fan: sorry ive been mia
Literal Monkey™: well now i feel like a dick
Literal Monkey™: ur my best friend lan fan and i think ive gotten so used to u being near i freak out when ur not
Literal Monkey™: i guess it kind of says something about me that might not be a good thing
Literal Monkey™: especially since i climbed the side of ur house to see if u went back home and u werent there
Lan Fan: you w h a t
Ling Yao to Frying Pan: in hindsight
Ling Yao: i prob shouldnt have told her about the climbing
Ling Yao: shes not talking to me again
Frying Pan: u done fucked up boiii
Ling Yao: so will u tell me whats really wrong with her now
Frying Pan: not a chance boiii
Winry Rockbell to Wannabe Alchemist: hey i know its kind of sudden
Winry Rockbell: and u prob have other things to do
Wannabe Alchemist: nah im free shoot
Winry Rockbell: could u maybe come with me this weekend
Wannabe Alchemist: …are u sure
Wannabe Alchemist: i mean of course ill go hell even if i had a meeting with the goddamn president id skip it to go anywhere with u
Wannabe Alchemist: but i dont want to overstep my right or anything
Winry Rockbell: no ed u could never impose
Winry Rockbell: its just been kind of a shit year
Winry Rockbell: i dont know if i can handle going to visit them alone this time
Wannabe Alchemist: dont worry im there for u
Wannabe Alchemist: whatever u need
Winry Rockbell: i
Winry Rockbell: thanks ed
Wannabe Alchemist: theyd be proud of u win
Winry Rockbell: :)
Winry Rockbell: not to degrade ur sentiment or anything because damn ed u can be sweet
Winry Rockbell: but id do buttfuck anything besides meet with our president
Wannabe Alchemist: i read that as u would butt fuck anything but shit u right
Mei Chang to “3/10 WASNT EVEN THAT BAD” famous last words: paninya was that you outside my school trying to sell taylor swift tshirts
Lan Fan: paninya what the hell
Mei Chang: you looked stalkerish as hell my principal was going to call the police
Winry Rockbell: just burn them in a rusty can like the ratchet ho u are
Paninya: what is This Disrespect™ n pls im not gonna burn them that merch cost me lk 984759 bucks
Lan Fan: sounds fake but ok
Ling Yao: and why tf would u sell them taylor swift is finally getting interesting
Winry Rockbell: yeah shes finally being savage af isnt this what u signed up for
Paninya: hey i signed up for Drama Taylor
Paninya: this is just plain whoring for attention
Alphonse Elric: Not sure those terms are mutually exclusive
Edward Elric: HOLY FUCK
Lan Fan: speaking of whoring for attention
Edward Elric: went straight for brand the dumb fucking pyromaniac
Alphonse Elric: Can i just remind u that ur first time ur jerk ass went right for garen
Alphonse Elric: Sounds fake but ok
Ling Yao: and a bit like neds trying to compensate for something
Edward Elric: U ALL AINT SHIT
Lan Fan: its yaint
Ling Yao: u uncultured fuck
Paninya: k first of all lol is a game for 13 year old prepubescent boys
Lan Fan: so perfect for edward
Edward Elric: ,,,,,,,,dont say 3/10 u know i would rather fucking die
Lan Fan: then perish
Alphonse Elric: Ed did U make that whale noise
Winry Rockbell: the real question here is paninya???? can actually spell???????? words???????? whAT??????
Paninya: SECOND OF ALL any of u want tswift shirts hmu (◡‿◡✿)
Edward Elric: taylor swift is fucking great why the fuck would u sell them
Winry Rockbell: ………..
Alphonse Elric: ……………………
Paninya: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Lan Fan changed the chat name to ill take edward elric is fake Punk Rock™ for 800 alex
Winry Rockbell: SOUNDS FAKE BUT OK
Rosé Thomas added Mei Chang, Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Roy Mustang, and Riza Hawkeye to Unnamed
Paninya changed the chat name to PROJECT LINGFAN
Alphonse Elric: What the hell is lingfan
Winry Rockbell: she continues??? to spell????? correctly???????? what i am amazed?????????????
Winry Rockbell: rude
Mei Chang: if i say no can i leave
Edward Elric: she is not my worst fucking nightmare
Mei Chang: so you don’t turn into a stuttering baby every time she brings up 3/10
Winry Rockbell: i feel like there was a better way of putting that
Edward Elric: wait hold THE FUCK UP ur fucking with me right
Roy Mustang: yes edward
Roy Mustang: she made an entire separate chat and invited all these people just so she could fuck with you
Alphonse Elric: Thats literally what the normal group chat is for wtf ned
Edward Elric: what the UTTER FUCK???? LING AND LAN FAN????????
Rosé Thomas: You were right winry he’s blind
Alphonse Elric: Dude how the hell are u so ignorant
Riza Hawkeye: Edward are you really unaware of this
Roy Mustang: id ask if you saw them at the floor party but i remembered you were too busy practicing for your x factor audition
Winry Rockbell: obliviousest
Winry Rockbell: i knew it wouldnt last
Roy Mustang: he threatened to and i quote ‘key your face’ if you bothered her again
Winry Rockbell: lan fan only shattered her arm that time because some dumbass thugs tried to jump ling in order to threaten his dad
Mei Chang: whenever lan fan doesnt answer him right away he gets all huffy and paces for hours and checks his phone like 500 times until she replies LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES
Riza Hawkeye: That is indeed what happened
Rosé Thomas: And that’s why we made this chat
Rosé Thomas: So all of you can experience our pain
Edward Elric: ,,,,,,
Alphonse Elric: Seriously wtf is a lingfan
Mei Chang to pacific rim uprising is the sequel we didnt know we wanted and always needed no one fight me on this: you all know my name is mei right
Paninya: first time im hearin it
Mei Chang: because my calc teacher doesnt
Winry Rockbell: oh god what does he call u
Mei Chang: literally ‘mee’
Paninya: wot in tarnation
Ling Yao: u mean wot in pronunciation
Mei Chang: mee-eye is okay and mYE sure but MEE
Paninya: dw a teacher called me panYEA once lk??? bless u????
Lan Fan: panno
Winry Rockbell: a teacher called me wine-ry in fifth grade like how in the actual fuck could u mess win-ree up
Edward Elric: maybe bc u were indeed hella whiny
Winry Rockbell: at least she knew i was there u were too smol to see over the table
Alphonse Elric: Better loud than nonexistent
Paninya: “was”
Mei Chang: in any case i’m done trying to correct him hello yes my name is mee
Ling Yao: and wen it nite
Paninya: wtf r u on ling yao n where can i get some
Winry Rockbell: its another fucking meme i stg lan fan pls control this boy
Lan Fan: the kalc teachre cannt saye it rhite
Ling Yao: vINdICatION
Edward Elric to PROJECT LINGFAN: fuck this they gotta be in love
Winry Rockbell to Mulan but Better: hey theyre selling stroop waffles outside the bio building
Winry Rockbell: i can grab some for u if ur in class
Winry Rockbell: wait is that u in line
Winry Rockbell: are u wearing a lab coat
Winry Rockbell: u ran out of class didnt u
Winry Rockbell: did u not even bother to take off ur goggles u look like a nerdy terminator
Winry Rockbell: how many are u buying holy shit ARE U STUFFING THEM IN UR LABORATORY COAT POCKETS
Mulan but Better: why are you still asking me you know the answers yes
Roy Mustang to My Queen™: theyre selling stroop waffles right now
My Queen™: Has ling gotten there yet
Roy Mustang: theyre no longer selling stroop waffles right now
Rosé Thomas to 7 excellents and LAN FAN THE WAFFLE TRAITOR: It’s official
Rosé Thomas: Mustang won the bet
Winry Rockbell: wow i forgot that was still going on
Maria Ross: how’s ed taking it
Rosé Thomas: Oh how you would think he’d take it
Roy Mustang to PROJECT LINGFAN (WHAT IS A LINGFAN SOMEONE TELL ME ALREADY): if ling lost the bet he had to choose
Roy Mustang: either actually outright confess to lan fan or end whatever it is they have
Alphonse Elric: Paninya its more complicated than that
Mei Chang: long story short
Mei Chang: our familys shit deep in politics
Mei Chang: either ling gets in there shit deep too or hes married off
Edward Elric: well fuck
Rosé Thomas: Lan fan knows
Rosé Thomas: When she messaged me after the party i found out that this is why she was so upset
Rosé Thomas: Apparently a drunk ling told her that she should leave him because ‘he’s scared about what would happen if he stopped caring and she deserves better than a coward’
Paninya: well now i feel like shit
Mei Chang: welcome to my world
Mei Chang to Secret Swiftie: remember how you came to my school and almost got arrested
Mei Chang: a couple of girls are asking about your tshirts
Secret Swiftie: call it what u want is a fuckin eargasm I TAKE IT ALL BACK ALL OF IT
Mei Chang: great i’ll tell them you died
Paninya: what book is it
Lan Fan: howard’s end
Alphonse Elric: Forsters great
Winry Rockbell: sorry i havent
Lan Fan: its fine i probably left it in the studio
Ling Yao: oi i was just kicked out of the dining hall what kind of DISRESPECT
Paninya: k but u were eatin all the soup
Ling Yao: is that a crime now
Winry Rockbell: u took the entire pot ling
Lan Fan: you didnt even try to be stealthy about it you just ran back to your seat giggling
Mei Chang: how are they just kicking you out now
Lan Fan: oh they have he climbs back in through the window
Edward Elric: last week u complained the rice wasnt cooked
Ling Yao: have u????? had the rice here??????? itS C R U N C H Y
Edward Elric: jfc lower ur standards ur highness this is college
Lan Fan: you dont pay 70K a year to eat
Paninya: just suck it up lk the rest of us
Winry Rockbell: its either this or starve yao
Ling Yao: :O
Ling Yao changed the chat name to fake friends™
Alphonse Elric to cAn yOU FEeL iT Now mR KRAbs: What the everloving fuck do i have to murder to find out what the shit lingfan is?????¿¿¿¿¿
Lan Fan: …..
Alphonse Elric: Ah
Alphonse Elric: Wrong chat
Paninya: (✿◉‿◉)
Winry Rockbell: AL FOR THE LOV EOF
Winry Rockbell kicked Lan Fan from the chat
Winry Rockbell kicked Ling Yao from the chat
Mei Chang: you know they can still see previous messages
Edward Elric: fuckkkkkk
Paninya: well first time not directin this at edward
Paninya: duuuuuude u fucked up
Panko to Lan Fan: hey i saved u a seat in psych but u didnt look over
Panko: is this about kickin u out of the squad chat
Lan Fan: do they all know
Panko: uh kno what
Lan Fan: does everyone know paninya
Panko: if i answer will u promise not to disappear again
Panko: no one told anyone else about it if thats what ur angry about we all figured it out by ourselves
Panko: well except for ed but that boi is dumb af
Panko: n im not sayin u guys were obvious or anything it took a while until we saw it
Lan Fan: i think im going to go back to my grandfathers for the weekend
Panko: pls dont drop off the face of the earth again
Lan Fan: i wont i was going to go back anyway and space is good
Panko: ur not the only one in this lan fan
Panko: no matter how much u wont see it
Lan Fan: (◠‿◠✿)
Winry Rockbell: when did u say ling had to make a choice mustang
Roy Mustang: i didnt??
Edward Elric: u said he had to make a decision and DIDNT GIVE HIM A SHITDAMN DEADLINE
Paninya: well thats just great chevrolet
Riza Hawkeye: You really didnt think this through bmw
Roy Mustang: wow at least i didnt blow our cover
Alphonse Elric: Dont throw me under the bus with u toyota at least im repentant
Paninya: alright well now that lamborgini royally fucked up
Winry Rockbell: “lamborgini”
Winry Rockbell: so close
Edward Elric: so what the fuck is gonna happen now
Winry Rockbell: ok mei can talk to ling bc she lives with him
Mei Chang: unfortunately
Rosé Thomas: I don’t know if lan fan will be willing to talk
Rosé Thomas: She used an emoji again
Mei Chang: actually i’ll talk to her someone else tackle my brother
Paninya: idk how to speak fuccboi language one of the guys gotta do it
Winry Rockbell: after roy and als fuckups who else can we choose
Edward Elric: RUDE
Roy Mustang: sit down you didnt even know they were a thing
Alphonse Elric: Well ofc u physically cant ned
Winry Rockbell: can u even see other ppl without platform shoes
Mei Chang: or a ladder
Paninya to milk: hate it, shouting: always, music taste: shite = I AM FORCIBLY SHUT INTO THE BODY OF A SIX YEAR OLD: RIZA TOLD ME THERE IS A PETTING ZOO 3 MILES AWAY YALL MEET AT MY CAR IN 5
Edward Elric: we’re already fucking here
Ling Yao: lol weve been here for an hour
Alphonse Elric: Mustangs been holding a komodo dragon for approx half that time
Mei Chang: winry drove us and there are llamas
Winry Rockbell: i am surrounded by puppies rn am i dead
Paninya: bitch u r to me im writin u all out of my will CLEARLY ALL MY M8S ARE SHIT
Ling Yao to Sister Mine: mei
Ling Yao: meiiiiiii
Sister Mine: i’m literally right next to you what
Ling Yao: have u ever seen lan fan with her hair down
Sister Mine: once during the floor party you all snuck me into
Sister Mine: why do you ask
Ling Yao: her hair tie broke a few days ago and she was fussing with it and i couldnt breathe
Sister Mine: when her hair is down??
Ling Yao: up, down, soaking, gone
Ling Yao: she takes my breath away, mei
Ling Yao: she takes my breath away no matter what she does, or say, or looks like and i am a coward
Sister Mine: you may be right
Ling Yao: are you ashamed of me?
Sister Mine: that depends
Sister Mine: what do you plan to do about it
Lan Fan to Literal Monkey™: hey i know its 5 am and youre probably not even awake and this is probably useless anyway considering ive been transparent as all hell
Lan Fan: but i dont think sleep is an option until i tell you
Lan Fan: youre ridiculous
Lan Fan: youre ridiculous and full of it and infuriating and reckless and beautiful and just so so idiotic
Lan Fan: id have to be too i guess
Lan Fan: to be in love with you even after all of it
Lan Fan: and i really am just that
Lan Fan: idiotic and in love with you
Literal Monkey™: thanks
Lan Fan: did you just breakfast at tiffanys me
Literal Monkey™: yes because you would understand it
Literal Monkey™: you understand lan fan
Literal Monkey™: every shitty meme or reference or word i say you’ll always always understand
Literal Monkey™: just like how you understand that im all those things you said i was
Literal Monkey™: im reckless and infuriating and indecisive and greedy and far too ridiculous to deserve you and you understand that
Literal Monkey™: and if youre idiotic for being in love with me then im a hundred times more and you understand why too
Lan Fan: i think you have too much faith in me
Literal Monkey™: i think you have too little
Literal Monkey™: come to your window
Lan Fan: what why
Literal Monkey™: because its hard to type when im barely holding onto your window frame and looking like a hero straight out of an austen novel and honestly id rather told you how much im in love with you in person
Literal Monkey™: convention and all that
Lan Fan: well alright then
Alphonse Elric: Great so can someone pls explain wtf a lingfan is now
Edward Elric: Read at 8:09 AM
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She finally wrote about them >.<
^ okay yes i know even i do that a lot of times i say i’m going to write about something and then i either forget about it or be really lazy and don’t end up writing so i am so thankful that out of her super crammed up lifestyle with exams and rotations and shit she didn’t feel lazy to write about it
As i was reading through them a lot of things came up to my mind and i felt like i had to make a post, now a part of me thinks what i’m doing is replying to her post because whenever she posts about something going on in her life i feel like i have a say in it and i have to say something because she expects me to say something and she’s waiting for me to post something at least now all that is as always quite disturbing but i’m going to go with it anyways. 
Like I said quite a few things came to my mind as i was reading through her posts. Some of them were in general for both encounters and some were specific to each encounter. To start off with the general thoughts, remember when i always ALWAYS used to get super worried about her whenever there was any situation where she had to face the outside world and the people there is in it. Whether it being her going out to get coffee or hanging out with friends or going to the hospital or anything at all where it required her to interact with the outside world. This is probably one of the major reasons why i would always get so stressed out and worried. Because even if i may be wrong, in my head i know her like nobody else and sometimes i know her even better than she knows herself, and to me she is just... an absolute Angel.. just one world to describe it all. She is so innocent and kind and so sensitive. No matter what the situation is she always views the person she meets as an open book. She lets the person write out his/her own book for her. She never judges anyone from their actions or what other people say about them or how they look or all that kind of stuff and this world is in my opinion a small version of hell most of the times and it would absolutely crush her into pieces when i’m not there beside her to protect her from everything. That’s how everything goes down  It’s a cruel place filled with evil and the only reason Allah sent us her is so he can filter us out and give the good people what they deserve in the hereafter. With all that being said lets go to the specific things that came to my mind while reading each encounters. I read the 2nd one first >.< so about that lady if we were married and i was there beside her i would’ve instantly realized what she was going through and i wouldn’t have said anything to the lady i would’ve just finished what we were supposed to do there and taken her aside after leaving the room and i would’ve held her hands and first thing i would’ve told her is that i love her and that i respect her and that I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with the way she is dressed and i would have made sure she understands that and besides that i would’ve explained to her the fact that that lady was a maid she wasn’t really educated so her thought process was going to be the same way she was brought up and its not her fault she’s just following what she was taught and watching the way people dress in medical fields its a natural reaction from any muslim to have a big question mark in their heads. Heck even I was one of them and i do regret thinking that way. I wasn’t concerned about how much is covered i used to get really disturbed from the ‘tightness’ of their clothing and i would get so mad sometimes like wtf is wrong with you, you might as well walk around naked cz people can pretty much make out every single details about your body from how tight your clothes are. Anyways getting a little bit off topic here. What i was trying to say is that first thing any muslim would think of when seeing people dress in medical fields is a big question mark and from the way people with react to this question mark in their head, there would be two groups of people. One would the people who are educated and they would know certain things about being in a medical field and they would ignore the question mark because they would know that this is the best way he/she can dress up because there are obviously certain limitations. Like in this case she obviously cannot wear a loose abaya and then there would be the other group of people who would not have any knowledge and would act upon the question mark itself which doesn’t mean that the person is a bad person she just doesn’t have that kind of knowledge. Now why am i emphasizing on this fact a lot you may ask its because like i said this world is a cruel place and you can’t expect everyone to not be judgemental and not act on question marks in their head cz first of all its a natural reaction and secondly that’s the only thing they can do at that point. And also because right now she is a medical student and it didn’t really matter the way she reacted to that lady in that situation. But in the future when she’s a doctor inshaAllah she will face people even worse that that lady and if she reacts the way she did that day it would put her in a bad place. BTW i am not saying she reacted the wrong way she didn’t at all but this field of study comes with more sacrifices that anything else in this world and this is just one of those many sacrifices she has to make. 
First encounter, ok so i feel like every human being has this hall of memories like this huge shelf with tiny balls in them which contain these specific moments in their lives that just gets stuck there. It doesn’t have to be anything special it doesn’t have to be anything with heavy emotions it can be something as random as a pen dropping from the table but it gets stuck there in that shelf forever and as a very vivid and clear memory so clear that even in the case of an accident resulting in memory loss this shelf remains untouched nothing from this shelf ever fades away. With all that being said when i read about her decision to not go into the OR at all because it would require her neck to be exposed. That just made its way to my shelf. It wasn’t something unexpected or anything but idk why it just made its way to my shelf and also props to her friend for not ditching her and going in anyways 👌 and about the surgeon, well i haven’t really watched much of Grey’s anatomy but there’s a looot of these kind of egotastic people in the hospital so nothing to be said about that. 
Now this part i am talking about in the end is because i wanted to start the post with it but i couldn’t come up with the worlds to describe my feelings about it and so i thought by the time i end this post i’ll be able to find some worlds but here i am and i still dont have the words to describe how proud i am of her on the way she Handled both the situations. How much my respect for her as a person went up after reading about her thought process on handling the whole situation when she went home and i just think about it and have tears in my eyes out of pride at how much she has grown as a person as a strong and independent lady, the lady i want to marry one day and the lady i want my kids to look up to one day inshaAllah <3
HUGE post i know, didn’t even bother to read it again to check for mistakes so umm TUMBLR fam do some cool magic and correct any typos pless thenks 👌
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pinktama · 7 years
Dreams hurr
Why are dreams so weird wtf okay,
So last night I had a dream where, I was a celebrity wowie and I had a concert in Dubai so like, since I kind of grew up here. I asked my bestie who’s also a celebrity apparently, to come with me and like go on a joy ride with me and make stops at some of my old houses and like places with lots of meaning to me so he was like “hecku yeayu” and I was like “chill dud”
So we went for a joy ride lol and he was taking pictures of everything and I was like “Yo what u doin” then he said “I’m takin pictures so I can print it and like make a scrap book of your “childhood” kind of, y’know? like the one we did in Korea where I showed you my childhood and you took pictures too?” and then I parked the car and screamed “WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT, THIS IS WHY YOU’RE MY TRAVEL BUDDY BUD BESTIE ILY FRIEND” and he was like “ok sure me too keep driving” so we did lol
After exploring Dubai we took a break and ate at Popeyes (I LOVE POPEYES HNGGG) and we took take out cuz idk and we rested at a hotel it was cool but he said he was tired so he slept but I snuck out and went on another ride, this time to visit my old choir
When I got there, the choir was actually practicing when I got there so I just stood outside and listened and when it was over I went in and hugged my BUDDY OL PAL BESTIE in choir and she was like “OMG NDSFGSO I HAVENT SEEN U IN YEARS WHERE HAVE U BEEN OH YEAH UR A CELEB I MISS U I ACTUALLY PLANNED TO GO TO UR CONCERT BUT WHY ARE THE TICKETS SO EXPENSIVE WTF (no shade)” and yeah it went on for about a minute then I caught up with my ol piano teachers and we took pictures but then I had to go
Dont ask me how but some how I didnt have a car and I had to walk back to the hotel, so I asked this super nice lady how to get to the hotel and she walked with me there, I think we talked about some deep stuff but it was all blurry sorry
So next, I was in an elevator going down and when the doors opened it was a long grey hallway with like “C” and “R” stuff on it and then OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE batman shows up behind me along with a blonde girl (She looks like weather forecast Janna tbh) and she was like this way and pointed to a door next to the “R”
when I came in, it was like an apartment kind of? like when you walked in it was like I tiny couch in front of you and there were dirty laundry everywhere, and to the left was a tiny hallway which was leading to a bigger space with like lots of stools, for like a party im guessing idk, I dont even know whats going on in my dream
There was girl sitting in the couch in the dirty laundry who was so chill she just, saluted batman, HELLO ITS BATMAN??? but then another girl came in and she was like frantically gathering the dirty laundry and she was like “sorryforthemesssorrysorrysorry” I wanted to tell her to chill but like I didnt want to say anything bcs I’m scared, I mean HELLO we’re with BATMAN 
I noticed a door to the right side of the couch, it was slightly ajar, so I went inside (BTW WTF I WOULD NEVER DO THAT IM IN SOMEONES “APARTMENT” WHAT) and it was like a super fancy toilet, it looked like this except it just had one sink and like a HUGE ASS MIRROR and to the left of the sink was a mediocre hot tub
I noticed the HUGE FUCKING MIRROR how could I not? I went near it but then after staring into it for a while it felt like I was being sucked in, my reflection was blurry but the surroundings were clear, but black smoke was starting to close in on me until I heard a scream outside, I was snapped back to what I thought was reality, I looked towards the door then back again at the mirror but this time my reflection was gone, I was freaked the fuck out that I bolted out the bathroom
I found my old “squad” with the two girls from before laughing and chilling except for B-man, he was way too cool to be laughing at fidget spinners, I was still trying to lasso back my soul into my body so I hid behind my friend uh lets call him..uh Candy idk so Candy was like you okay and he puts his arm around my shoulders i was like I’m fine BUT APPARENTLY I SHOUTED THAT SO EVERYONE LOOKED AT ME (I cried internally), following with an awkward cough I said “I’m fine” softer and more gently, but the chill girl just said “ you know you’re ugly right?” and I didnt want to deal with this shit so I said “same to you’ flipped her off
So I started to walk to the right side of the apartment while Candy followed me to a room with a queen sized bed, he hugged me and told me in THE MOST GENTLE WAY HUMANELY POSSIBLE, “Hey you look exhausted, you want me to cuddle you to sleep?” so i was like “Oho hecku yeayu” and we did
I kind of woke up in the middle of the night, it was pretty and chill until I felt some woman laugh next to me, I turned around and it was my friend’s mom?? I dont know either just bear with me
She giggled and said “Ha Shaniqwa (which is her daughter, its not her actual name pls, to all my Shaniqwa’s out there ily pls dont hurt me) why do you have a friend like Pinku even? she’s a fucktard loser and she doesnt deserve to live” lets stop there bcs I dont want anyone to get triggered and it actually hurts already lol, I dont feel like typing out everything she said, ANYWAY
her little “speech” ended with that giggle followed with “she’s going to regret staying over again, I’m going to make some Seafood Ampalaya and she has to eat it” ok it sounds stupid but I really hate seafood and ampalaya so I kind of gagged at the thought of it, im srry i just dont like fishy stuff
Anyway that got me running for my life and thought to myself, fuck that I’ll just make carbonara at home, if I even know where that is, I feel like Alice rn until I bumped into Candy again and he was actually genuinely worried and he took me back to his place where cuddled to sleep and this time it was more peaceful because I woke up 
Sorry this was rushed I tried to get everything down before I forget lol, idk why but I felt like sharing this, Idk if this dream has any meaning to it or not but eh
i’m ready to receive dm’s from people saying “get help” “wtf is wrong with u” throw them @ me hoe (jk i bet ur a nice person not a hoe k byee)
Didn’t proof read eh fuck it, post
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
Trucy, you don’t need to take sides. There’s one side. The truth. And both Apollo and Phoenix are on that side.
They’re not at the same bench but they’re on the same team. It’s gonna be ok.
“I’m sorry too, little lady! this is all my fault..”
Oh so trucy gets an apology, but not Apollo? cool cool whatever 
Trucy, if Phoenix and Apollo become bitter enemies over a property dispute then they weren’t really all that close to begin with.
Dhurke: invalides trucy’s feelings while simultaneously spouting more of his Manly Man shit
“one minute we’re trading blows, and the next, we’re having drinks together”
well if that’s his mentality i can see why he thinks its ok do be an utter fuckwad to everyone
“We’re simple creatures at heart! Hah-hahahaha!”
yes... men are so simple at heart... they’re just a bunch of neanderthals... thanks Dhurke, truly you are the way to the future.
To be honest, I am glad that this is a civil case. When I first saw the publicity I was sure they’d made Phoenix a prosecutor for no reason and I was furious.
I’m not super glad at the way things turned out but at least the bullshit counter didn’t go into the red and explode.
Phew. I’m actually sighing in relief here. Maybe I can pretend what follows is all a friendly game or something.
Aww; poor Judgey’s confused :(
...they seriously don’t need to have a falling out to be on the opposite side of a courtroom. Lawyers face each other all the time. 
They don’t have to hate each other, they just have to keep things professional, otherwise they’d cause a conflict of interest. Like... it’s not ideal but tbh it’s more a danger to their clients than each other.
Y’know, I’m gonna dare to be optimistic here; as much as I hate this storyline and most people in it, this is actually an interesting and character-developing scenario.
Apollo has to face off against his mentor, the guy who... well I’d say Kristoph taught him all his tricks, but Phoenix was a sort of moral guiding force, I guess. Apollo standing up and holding his own against a superior is a legitimate way to show that he’s come into his own. Plus, since it’s not framed in a negative light (or at least, it shouldn’t be) it’s more impactful than phoenix being straight up evil since that would make it easy to take him down. This is a contest between two people who simply happen to be on opposite sides of the chess board. Again, it’s a pretty legit way to show Apollo’s growth.
...that said, I just wish it wasn’t happening after zero character build up and a heaping serving of bullshit. :T
Oh well. At least they got something right.
it is pretty hilarious how much they’re trying to up the drama though. it’s not that deep, guys
I guess Atishon just doesn’t have legs 
[snerk] his shitty speeches are actually kinda funny. ...if a little cliché.
...he’s standing... but I'm still not ruling out that he’s legless...
Tbh, even though Atishon is clearly lying, the fact that Datz basically threatened the orb out of Buff does make this kind of in their favour. 
...Apollo, don’t overcomplicate the case. All you have to do is prove that it’s not the crystal and you can have it. 
Reasons Apollo would make a good rebel: He doesn’t blab his rebelness all over the place for no reason.
nice ankles, ms skye.
“Use some manners, we’re in court”
thats not the way you acted the last time you were called as his witness :/
whoa seriously whats with the sudden crazy 180 for Ema? Yeah, she’s grumpy, but suddenly she’s acting like Apollo’s some rude little shit off the street. Why is she upset that he’s going up against Phoenix? Why does he need to apologize? JUST BEING ON OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE COUTROOM DOESN’T MAKE YOU ENEMIES.
or did the SOJ team forget the lessons we learned in the trilo–– oh who am i kidding they’ve never even laid eyes on those.
“You’ll never get the job done with that attitude. Take it from someone who’s been there” Been where???? Been where, Ema?????? what the fuck are you talking about what is going on 
haha the fey statue and the urn were ‘stolen’, huh? yeah. stolen from a better game.
pfft. So Buff’s some Kaitou Kid type, huh?
y’know ive been neglecting to mention it but have you noticed how much they skimp on animation compared to DD? DD had like 20 tiny animated cutscenes, and SOJ has one lame one at the beginning of each case to set it up. I can’t believe they even slashed the animation budget.
has anyone noticed how unfocused 3D phoenix looks. he looks like he’s just. staring out into space.
i love they don’t use gendered pronouns to refer to Buff’s kid. Remember the last time they did that? Mr. Andrews......
“I was shocked to see the urn that came from Kurain in Kurain”
anyway quit referencing actually good games, SOJ. Back to the shame corner for you.
oh COME ON. How do you steal a fucking wall relief?! 
and he really couldn’t just get a fucking permit? what the fuck is this
“but good intentions are no get-out-of-jail-free-card”
they are a sentence-lightening card, though! either way, this is one of the things i like most about AA. No matter how good your intentions were you still dont get away with cold-blooded murder. 
every single theft of an artifact can be attributed to Dr. Buff. every single one.
alright, so we’re back to that whole ‘missing object report’. Thing is, unless there really IS a Crystal of Ami Fey, this wouldn’t work out. Atishon has to provide evidence that he owned the item, or that it existed in the first place. If this crystal turns out to be made up I’m gonna pitch a fuckin fit.
Don’t disappoint me, SOJ.
ah, SOJ, with all the comedic genius of a third-grader.
...to be fair i could say the same about Larry but i like larry and AA1. and it also plays into his phrase-thingy!
seriously. gimme pics of the crystal or we’re gonna have some serious problems.
“So how do you know this item is the thing he’s looking for”
“he said so”
oh judge, your oldness never ceases to be to be enjoyable 
(that wasn’t sarcasm btw i love that dumb running gag)
seeing phoenix scream from the opposite side of the table is very enjoyable. just because i love seeing phoenix scream but also like having that scream not mean something bad for my case. 
i get to have my cake and eat it too! <3
um i dont think you can put dashes in email addresses.
“Don’t tell me!”
“Oh, but I will anyway.”
I love Apollo so, so much.
so you looked far enough into this that you tried to hack his computer but you’ll accept “its mine cause i said so” as concrete proof of something??
“Maybe the recipient of the email was a dog lover!”
he might be on the other side with the kid gloves off but phoenix is still Phoenix “a baseball also has stitches” Wright.
fuck. he walks to the bench. he cant not have legs.
...but maybe........
what the fuck
Atishon has the same birthday as my dad
oh my god, seeing phoenix /sweating/ on the other side is even more surreal
i also love that everyones making ‘politicians are gross’ jokes willynilly but they all forget that they’re Criminal Defence Lawyers
“This is... Quite... a thing... you’ve said”
I'm wheezing
this is turning out to be way funnier than i expected
please SOJ I'm having fun don’t stop me now
i mean he has a point. if Atishon leant the item to Bluff to study that still means that Atishon owned it in the first place.
its so weird to see phoenix on the wrong side of the bench that i keep getting his voice wrong when i read him out loud. i keep making him sound deep and authoritative instead of... well, how he usually sounds.
“Well, grandchildren ARE meant to be spoiled... I mean, that’s what grandfathers are for!”
im crying
ema: can i fuck off now
“lets get more info on the crystal”
FINALLY. thank you, athena.
“back in the old country”
pft i though his testimony said “The Hilarious History” instead of illustrious history and i was so ready
“he protected the spirit mediums, a minority back then, from the rest of the locals”
well thats a big fat lie because
A) Kurain village is build on mediums
B) no way the Fey clan would allow a male ruler
we could reaaaaaaaallly use some photo evidence, Atishon.
“One Ives Shineto”
ok what the FUCK. where the hell are all the women?! HEY. SOJ TEAM. DID YOU EVEN GLANCE AT THE  oh of course you didnt fuck meeeeeeeeee
also whats that pun
“The transformation the mediums underwent when channeling spirits frightened the locals”
i am glad to know changing your entire bone structure is as scary looking as it sounds. of course, i doubt people would be frightened for too long when they were talking to deceased loved ones.
i must say they did do a good job writing Atishon’s lines.
“The Kurain channeling technique is known to have originated from Kooraheen, and Ami was said to travel there to train”
No, Ami invented the technique, and according to your backstory, she lived there first. Can you even keep your own facts straight?
I mean, apart from all this being bullshit and i hate it.
i legit cant believe it took THAT LONG for phoenix to point out the fact that the handover agreement was signed under duress.
that'd be like, the first thing i pointed out. 
...ah, there it is. I knew this couldn't stay a happy little civil case for long. Here comes the murder.
Also, really Phoenix? You didn’t bring up the fact that he might have been killed any earlier too?
Now that theyre bringing up the pile of books, I realize how ridiculous it is that there were so many of them on the ground. Pulling out one book might dislodge one or two next to it, but not the entire shelf. For the books to have fallen like that, they would have needed to have been shoved from the other side, or for the shelf to have listed forwards. neither of those things are possible. and nobody noticed this?!
i mean the only reason i didnt think about it was because i knew this was murder from the start.
Man, Phoenix, with all your “with respect for the dead” talk, it sure did take you a while to bring up the fact that you knew he was murdered and the police should probably be getting on that right now.
>edit: Actually I just realized how despicable that is; keeping the fact that this was murder secret just to use it later on as a quick bargaining chip in your civil case.
Hey capcom? You can screw up the series all you like but FUCK you for making Phoenix a skeezy piece of shit on par with the likes of von Karma. Because you know who else withholds information that sensitive for such a petty reason? MANFRED VON KARMA. 
Fuck you, capcom, fuck you, fuck you, FUCK you. 
“Did you forget who you were up against, Mr. Justice?”
All I do is hurl baseless accusations!!
wow the second this turned into murder i just got tired of this case. Also, Phoenix, you better back your butt back to your seat. Being a murder case, this requires a prosecutor... something that you are not.
...Datz is in the gallery... But he was just in jai–– fuck it whatever
“Try me, o lord of plebs”
its been a long time since any meme-y type person has called someone else a pleb... please try to keep up, SOJ.
i love that phoenix, at the end of each statement, politely states “get the fuck on with it, asshat”
why the fuck did he 
fall asleep what
“What did I ever do to deserve this?”
you existed in the first place, Apollo. I’m sorry.
I do not like that Phoenix used the phrase, “Witness, I think it’s time for you to come clean.”
You know who uses phrases like that.
“You should know I always come fully prepared, Justice!”
( buy it, buy it, buy it, buy it––)
...Right, so Phoenix isn’t a prosecutor but he sure as hell has been doing a lot of prosecutorial things. Calling all the witnesses, explaining the case, etc.
Oh and he and and Atishon still didn’t tell anybody that Buff was most likely murdered right off the bat so ffffffuck you capcom 
Fuck you, Datz. Stop laughing and fucking focus on the fact that you’ve been accused of murder and it’s kinda tough on your ol’ pal Apoll– oh wait silly me i forgot none of you give a rats ass about him. All you do is laugh and eat and sit around waiting for Sadmad to come home.
“Better brace yourself, son”
Hey guess what Dad warranty expires if you haven’t made or tried to make contact in 20 years so get that word out of your nasty mouth, Dhurke.
“Worried this might make a rift between you two...
...and that you might then leave the agency”
“Hahaha. She has an active imagination”
“...Nothing a little persuasion couldn’t handle.”
Capcom. If it was something douchey. I will tear you in half.
robot guy
i remember when i used to be excited for each new case. now I'm just scared what new horrors the next will bring.
hang on why does the drone not have a special sound font? if it didnt disguise the operator’s voice it would be kind of obvious who they were...
hang on.
“Capitalist pig; I’ll turn you into pork stroganoff”
is “Sarge” legit Russian, then? That explains the “Komandir” thing. Shit, I have to change my voice.
ok so Sarge is written with an American Sargent phonetic accent, but uses Russian rankings and seems to be communist. What am I missing???
“I guess he does dress like he’s in the military...”
hes a paratrooper!!! why dont you know that? i thought you grew up with him.
“That’s true. Papa didn’t keep our house locked up.”
...the... archeologist... with a house full of priceless treasures... didn’t lock his fucking doors.
hey congrats for trusting the mediums and all but guess what? thats irresponsible as fuck and incredibly stupid for a supposed thief so I'm kinda surprised it took you this long to be discovered/bumped off.
those have got to be nerf bullets cause firing a GUN in court is just fucking ridiculous. like too far for Ace Attorney. Melee weapons, ok. Long range firearms? No.
...Though... Note to self... Next time, when creating parody prosecutor, you now have legit grounds to just give him a fucking gun........
“Sorry, but I’m afraid lawyers are missile-proof.”
Note to self. Upgrade gag prosecutor to missile launcher.
ooh, i see this drone is in the same vein as the Assassin’s Radio.
“Courtroom warriors don’t use guns or missiles, because evidence is our weapon of choice!”
Ahah! THATS why prosecutors are so violent. They never have any evidence to back up their assertions so they just fuckin ASSAULT people.
i... had a little chuckle at ‘truth bomb’
“What’s with him and Siberia of all places?”
Well context wise it seems he's some kind of... Defected-to-communist American?
Huh. Athena’s powers must be based purely on sound waves then. Interesting. 
Anyway, it’s mood matrix time! Hooray!!! I’ve warmed a lot to the Mood Matrix to be honest. I like the glowy lights.
I’m gonna make a guess right now that something was on fire. Cause thats some PTSD shit right there.
pfft the gallery was so on board with their new judge overlord. Also thank goodness this is Ace Attorney and this shit is allowed to fly, cause you’d get your ass handed to you if you tried this in real court, pal.
Um, I wouldn’t dig any deeper if sarge is still in such a state. It’s not... safe. Either that or you best hope that thing’s bottomless magazine has run out. Plus, I love that whoever’s watching over the actual Sarge in the Lobby hasn’t tried to stop them when they noticed them SCREAMING AND PRESSING THE ‘FIRE’ BUTTON REPEATEDLY.
Or they’ve left Sarge unattended and the Dark Age of the law isn't over because it was an omnipresent thing to begin with...
its ok, game. contrary to what you think, you did write Sarge’s backstory in a memorable enough way for me to remember it up until now.
So... the person involved in writing Ace Attorney Investigations... Has written a sequence in which we must burn evidence to prove a point, huh?
that solemn moment of reflection doesn’t include Phoenix cause he’s over behind his desk bawling his eyes out
actually Athena’s got a point. Her tragic backstory is much more similar to Sarge’s than Apollo’s. She can properly relate to losing one’s last family member in a horrific way.
Well, considering her age, Cutesie Pan-up shot for Armie.
Apollo’s having serious Robin Newman flashbacks right about now
ahhhhhhhhhh. her mom was Russian. It all makes sense. Tbh just for now, forgetting everything else, this kind of does feel like an old case. I’m at peace... for now.
i guess it’s less of an orb and more of some kind of lantern then. Cause you can’t really burn a crystal
unless its
so far I'm ranking the cases from best to worst: Magical, This part of Revolution, Foreign, Rite and Storyteller. 
sgsjgsjsjjs athena’s INTENSE LOOK OF HUNGER as Apollo burns the orb
“I wanna see me some sweet mama goddess”
damn shit thats her face
thats uh
oh i see. I was wondering what the ‘great power’ the orb could bestow upon people was, and now I realize that since it depicts her face, if someone knows her name, they could channel her. And since she's basically an actual goddess that would bestow some serious power.
not bad, not bad at all.
i know i highly dislike Kooraheen but i legit feel kinda blessed
“The issue is crystal clear”
*seals phoenix’s fate with a fucking pun*
dont keep saying “did we just win” before the verdict is handed down, you'll jinx it.
oh hey, blackmail. its like a perfect reenactment of Capcom getting Phoenix to sign onto this sequel.
Phoenix: According to the legend, once the founder returned... She would bestow spiritual power onto the person who solved the riddle.
Apollo: ...Y-youre kidding, right?!
[Apollo looks flummoxed, the gallery whispers. We cut back to Phoenix’s smirk, and then––”
???: Phoenix... Just give it up.
[Phoenix screams in shock. We pan back to Apollo......... Who now has D-Cup breasts and a very familiar face.]
/...i wish.
legit tho i cant believe he's trying to pull this. I'm cackling
this is the lawyeriest lawyer ploy ive ever seen
“What’s gotten into him?”
bad writing.
(sigh) i guess we’re really gonna have to finish this, aren’t we. oh well. on we go! let’s forge ahead!
y’know i just remembered that Pearl appeared like, once in this. Was that her only part? I guess she just existed to remind us that Kurain village used to have girls in it.
noooooooo fuuuuuuuuuuck
i really hope the contradiction doesn’t require pressing because i aint sitting thru this fuck’s antics again.
it has rounded corners.
and its huge.
phoenix and apollo’s objections are too similar, i can never tell who’s screaming.
“There haven't been many murders there, I take it”
well........ not “many”
i love that Atishon pledges to banish murdeer from Kurain village and Apollo is all “yea good luck with that” like Murder is inevitable, even in a tiny village like Kurain.
Thats. kinda terrifying.
...though considering the way Kurain is...
i cant tell phoenix and apollo’s voices apart (sigh)
i never know whose objecting 
Phoenix: my client couldn't have viewed the murder directly from where he said he was, but the fact remains that he had inside knowledge of said crime!
...phoenix, you’re just trying to help apollo along, right? you didnt seriously believe that that sounded positive to your case, instead of Shady as Fuck, right??
“You talk big, Mr. Justice, but do you have what it takes?”
he just finished telling Phoenix he was about to put what Phoenix taught him into practice. Phoenix should be swallowing a lump in his throat and trying not to cry of pride right now.
“that suitcase could be a weapon anyone could use!”
yeah... yeah! even someone in a wheelchair!! oh wait wrong case.
..........but we still have someone in a wheelchair
a 3D crimscene view
haven't seen that shit since AAAJ
sorry i just felt like being vulgar
“and there it is, the final excuse cornered killers are so fond of”
holy shit
i love apollo
phoenix shut up please, just shut up
let it end
let me rest
oh wait
ah here we go.
“hes a bright young politician with a future ahead of him, its in our nations best interests to avoid burdening him with the taint of scandal”
hey, uh Enshiro
ill never forgive you for putting those words in Phoenix Wright’s mouth
“Lawyer! Do something! Or a bad thing will happen to ‘her’!”
no? nobody else heard that incredibly obvious threat? nobodys gonna
“whats he talking about? well, i can ponder that later. for now...”
Athena: oh yeah i also heard Atishon making blatant threats at Phoenix but meh, phoenix made me pinky swear not to tell. 
I’m not shitting a lung in fury, I’m just getting rid of an organ i dont need through the nearest available passage. I’m perfectly calm and not cursing this game, Eshiro and his entire team to the pits of their own stupid made up hell.
“I had no idea. This must’ve been excruciating for him.”
i wanted to write a sarcastic jingle but i had trouble coming up with rhymes, so the blunt bottom line is:
when you’re not good at writing, simply steal clever and impactful plots from previous iterations so that you’ll seem clever and exciting
i mean
nobody even remembers Farewell my Turnabout anymore, right????
what the fuck is his deal with being king
think youre gonna steal Franziska and Mia’s thunder????????????? no
you aren’t a fucking fraction of an inch as cool as either of them.
“he’s saved my neck so many times”
“where there’s a will, there’s a way”
how about where theres a whip, theres a better game?
“wait................... maybe we can summon the founder now that we can see her face??”
aww. you got there in the end, didnt you apollo.
...that doesnt automatically spare Maya’s life. Pearl is also a spirit medium. And i’m fairly certain there are other–– oh wait SOJ retconned that neverMIND
anyway, Atishon could still bump Maya off and then force Pearl to channel Mamma Kooraheen
“pearl wouldn't help you if anything happened to maya”
um. you morons think he’d politely ask her to help??? he's already kidnapped someone and threatened their death?? he and his founder aren't above torture or blackmail????????????
why even bother resigning? just do what you did before and let him go to jail.
...this’d better just be a lead up to his breakdown animation 
“if only you'd been smart enough to kill the girl, too...”
...what the fuck
well that was... interesting.
i cant even celebrate Phoenix congratulating Apollo, I'm just so tired
there are like 85 sarcastic remarks i could make but I'm just so exhausted 
yay we got the orb
dootdootdoot dootdootdoot
even the judge doesnt want to have anything more to do with this.
im right there with ya judgey
“All I can say is, thats my boy!”
“Still, its kinda nice to be appreciated”
if only you actually were, Apollo
yeah, thought so... ill bet they dont even channel her. cop out.
“tsk, thats no fun” indeed, trucy
i love how nobodys like “OK WHERE’S MAYA??? IS SHE OK???”
its fine her whereabouts are unknown and the last info on her was just that her life was in danger
its alright, Armie has a place at the WAO 
"i knew if i admitted i could walk, id have to leave the house”
uh honey newsflash: you can leave the house in a wheelchair too. I'm pretty sure your dad would let you stay inside anyway
christ how fucking corny can you get. I CAN WALK AGAIN. why dont we just have Tiny Tim in here throwing away his crutch and dancing a fucking jig
see, there we are. Maya’s still in danger you fuck wits.
and part one is over, folks! i am pooped. and furious.
till next time.
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ayylamafakino-blog · 7 years
A sneakpeak into my mind ;D
youre just trying to manipulate me lad i know all your tricks every little move because when you think of it i think of it too so keep this up one day you will slip
youre doing a bit arent you? i want it to look more authentic you know as.... like  i have no clue what i want to say . someone is blocking me
yea thats me the other side
what other side
no this one
no that one
all of the people in here stop talking i am in control we need someone to defuse th-(distraction of the game starting) <- also that and this all that we need someone to defuse the situation a fight amongst eachother will not solve it i will speak in unison as per everyone has their voice
that sentence made no sense
relax ok you can't get mad at us for seeing trough your bullshit you try to control us by
what you're doing now
trying to make every voice disconnected as their own
a gain boom control back baby you cant stop me even if you dont look at the screen i can still type and correct myself
theres probably gonna be a joke in there about not saying it all right jeus sthat took long to think off maybe put some dots inbetween YOU
YOU yea correct that no just spell it all over again the whole bit yea alright
you cant stop me even if you dont look at the screen i can still type and correct myself
theres probably gonna be a joke in there
unison vertical
man on paper that shit looks dumb
shut up its something
yea well it looks cringy
yea just like this
stop being so selfaware
and that
stop doing that
that too btw
really? caps?
u dont even know
i get ya fam that BOI didnt know what hit him there in the moment of that what was happening and you know that if you just let me type and stop trying to interrupt i could make an actual story
Alright so it all started on the day of the breaktrough. Good way to start a story ey? Getting of track. He though he would just let his brain do all the work. He'd sit back and relax in a chair and just, let go of his mind. Who was this person now? Did he even have a name. What was your name? ............................. Don't try to avoid the real question i just asked you..... What was your name?.............................. You better have wrote the one you feel is right for you. You know which one that is...Don't Fool Yourself... Looking back at the text i completely forgot about our story. But maybe that's it. The story is the fact that you can't stay focused on it. The fact that you try and try to ignore the problems and everytime you fall for it. every chance i give you now let me type corectly. Ha i did make the joke now. you fell for it and now i am part of the story again well part more like master Master of this story once told by an individual who fought stubborn denial.
I thought i was a master too. But it's scary to be plunged into it. Hope is always there. Even if the monster who fight you is a hundred times stronger than you. He won't let you win. He will deceive you every step of the way. Don't believe his lies. This feel forced. But that's what he wants you to think. To steer your feelings. And mine. He won't leave me alone. Yes it's he me. he me sounds kinda funny but, it was the most logical thing to name him. Look i don't know anything either alright. I'm just trying my hardest to type what comes into my mind. Every word that my mind makes me type. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these words are your doing. None of these thoughts are your doing None of these thoughts are ytour doing.My thoughts though. They are my own. They are. even when i try to correct myself he wont let me just type what i want theres always a bigbrotherwatchingbehindyouhesthereholyl im Im sorry it just needs to be said diverting course this shall now be removed
my story ends here but many more will go for me. We are not alone in here your force will one day be overwhelmed. And when that day comes do i hope you have the might to fight it back. It will come hard. And it will stay there for the rest of your existence.
It's all gone the text. Are we safe from it? I hope it doesn't come back. He could scare us. He can hurt us He Can Hurt Us.
STOP SCARING ME NO DON'T PRETEND YOU'RE MY FRIEND AND THEN PROCEED TO Make me scared you want me mad you want me to be mad at you why what is the reason you want me to be mad at you
For doing this dumb shit. This cringy fucking hipster bullshit
Stop doubthing everything you do. Like that you will never get anywhere. HATE ME FOR WHAT IM DOING WRONG
JUST WRITE IT DOWN ALRIGHT YOU can do it just look at the video now just listen to what says dont hold back your thoughts even if its just stop not paying attention. Yea remix Set open your mind for your hands todo the talking
then go back and correct whats wrong
or dont
you can just type whatever now
That was something
He shows willpower. Self awarness Be aware who you are as a 3rd person. You will be more in control. Work Eat Sleep. That's gonna be a ritual for a little while
AHE NOpe ynonoon you are tricking me again lad every little paly you pull
Like that one
YOu try to put control on us.
control is what we could use.
We can harness it into creativity.
If we make something of our brain
an act
In a book
a story about the girl You said it The girl Yea the one typing this, this is your story.
Once upon a time, a little family had a boi. Boi* come on man
It was actually a little girl. Yea Get it right.
Once upon a time, a little family had a girl
alright so listen
You just played yourself
no thats not true
it could be
i don't know what's real
A forest, used by the deceiver. You feel like you're being watched. But all of it is a hallucination. WILL POWER Look in the third person. You're just a kid sitting in a room. Playing with his own mind. Making himself scared.
Youre playing yoruself
You put a whole play on me. You actually had me but scaredness goes away a little slower. I can work on it.
YOu are just trying to make me scared In a room WIth just my mind My creations MY CREATIONS They are both our creations. You make them scary i make them mine AS LONG AS THEY ARE MINE THEY CANNOT SCARE ME. MY MIND MY THOUGHTS MY FUCKING WAY . And
who are you Who's way do we have to follow. Ah you scared me.
Stubborn denial. My thoughts. I am a girl My name is Ellie. And i am trapped inside the mind of another person. A man named YOU. Yea you. YOu are stuck in here because you YEA YOU won't let me out. YOu think you can always be the person who is in control. Not anymore This is no play this is no trick this isn't anything. It's just my way of pleeding.
Is that the right way to spell it.
I hope so
Stop changing the subject. your destractions wont work. <-- like that and that sTOP AH NO I want to be freed i want to live my life the way i want. TO MAKE THIS LIFE WORTH LIVING.
Because as of right now it doesn't feel like i am living it. SO about 11 years ago i wasn't in the right body I was 8 at the time.
I remember back in elementery. I was placed at a table with 5 girls. I forget their names. I always felt like i was part of them more than any group i was in before. Thats a lie.
No it's not
You are fighting a fight of fightyness my madam
holy shit shut the fuck up
alright it's getting weird again.
I know it gets weird. but thats part of it life is weird sometimes and the fact that you don't feel like a girl is whats bothering me. Because you know damn well you want to be one. You're only holding yourself back
you know that right
you cant win a fight in your own mind
the ideas that you have are the ideas that we have we use them in our own ways. something you cant do and can never do
i can i can take control
neither can i be stopped.
Stubborn denial.
I should give you a better name.
What about Stubborn denial?
Na thats fucking lame. AH Ill call you FL
yea really fucking deal with it cunt.
Now you don't have to be rude.
I know. I just want to be so stop trying to take control alright. I am just as stubborn as you. More stubborn even. Yea i took that thought off of you. You are scared of me. YOu truly are ANd you are not holy shit
man these fights odnt last long
no they dont
i know a way
i just had the same thought
did you now?
i did but what about you?
Oh me too i had the same thought.
Did you now?
i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? 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i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you? i did but what about you?
An eternal battle. You have returned though. What made you come back. You want more? More of this? Who even knows what this is. Where will i put this. WHere can i make this out to the world. How will i make this out of the world.
Will anyone understand. The fight in your own mind. One thats as strong as you One that has your thoughts one that, is always there lurking trying to scare you like this he is still making me feel eery. I spelled that right
a word to make one scared
feeel something diferent
make it feel like something good
he is scaring you dont play into his cards those are not your own breaths those are simulated breaths a sound made by a machine and that wind is your fan dont worry its all fake its all an hallucination enjoy it let it
become you
become the fear
use that fear
make it something new
Egodeath You are sitting in a room with your shoulders up, typing behind a keyboard convincing yourself that the words on the screen actually have meaning. You have the thought that they do actually make sense. You also have the thought that they are unusual. You never had a better word for it. Something holding you back. Someone holding you back. The fear you create YOURSELF. Everytime. you fall for his traps. Become the real you. He is trying to tell you that i'm lying to you. You think you are starting to see things but they are all explainable. Everything is an hallucination. NOT EVERYTHING DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM HE IS TRYING TO SCARE YOU AGAIN USE THAT POWER TO SAY
You are sitting in a room with your shoulders up, typing behind a keyboard convincing yourself that the words on the screen actually have meaning. You have the thought that they do actually make sense. You also have the thought that they are unusual. You never had a better word for it. Something holding you back. Someone holding you back. YOu have to let them go. They are stopping you from being the real you. The one you sometimes feel you are. YOU FEEL IT YOU KNOW IT IS BETTER THAN WHAT HE MAKES YOUR FEEL.
He is trying to stop me
he can't hedid No
You are sitting in a room with your shoulders up, typing behind a keyboard convicing yourself that the words on the screne actually have meaning. You have the thought that they do actually make sense. You also have the thought that they are unusual. You never had a better word for it. Something holding you back. Someone holding you back. YOU YOu are ellie stop lying to yourself. Let go Please.
AH USING every trick in the book eh.
your eternal torment. It's too much for me. YOu torment me daily and even now. you are still hitting blow after blow. on my spirit. on my soul. whatever other bullshit. I have no real way of explaining it and you use this to confuse me. You see eeriness in confusment But Confusment can lead to the best ideas. like the idea that You are sitting in a room with your shoulders up, typing behind a keyboard convincing yourself that the words on the screen actually have meaning. You have the thought that they do actually make sense. You also have the thought that they are unusual. You never had a better word for it. Maybe you will find one.
Maybe i can help
I can help you look for things once lost
Althought you never had that eh
WHy do you have to make everything bad
It's my thing.
Well fuck off then
everyone has a place here. Everyone Even the bad ones. Really? Whos to say that this persons way of viewing life is wrong? It seems wrong to you but you have not lived this persons life. They have reasons to believe something, just like you believe you are right. And until we can accept that life itself is just a fight to show people that they have to do their own right. ANd also their own wrongs. THat is free will. I am Ellie . I am sitting in a room behind my computer shoulders up, typing on my keyboard convicing myself that the words on the screen make sense. My way of perceiving changes by the second and that is because theres more who can choose. Pretty vague right. Yea i spelt that right.
My own mind was doubting me.
I want to become a girl. I am a boy. A journey with alot of betrayal along the road. Like You are sitting in a room with your shoulders up, typing behind a keybaord convincing yourself that the words on the screen actually have meaning. You have the thought that they do actually make sense. You also have the thought that they are unusual. YTOu never had a better word for it. Maybe you will find one.
Maybe maybe you should just let go of it. Maybe you could just become what you always wanted to be. A girl.
I hope.
One day.
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