#they gave a speech about their classmates that were killed
wormsdyke · 7 months
Damn u rlly got detention for not wanting ur school to get shot up
we really did it was bonkers. the protest was planned in advance and the school knew about it so teachers would gently remind us we would get in trouble if we walked out but very few actually discouraged it because, you know, they also didn’t like the idea of getting shot up. the whole thing went pretty well, the local news came to cover it, several students gave speeches, the names of some students and teachers who had recently died in school shootings were read off before a moment of silence, plans were made for further protests and walk outs on a larger scale that went successfully over the next few months. eventually our school principal came out and announced his support and also assured that no students would face disciplinary action for protesting. and then a bunch of us received disciplinary action for protesting. importantly though, not all of us did, seemingly an indiscriminately chosen group of attendees were apathetically punished and no further action, positive or negative, was ever taken. despite being a relatively small scale movement it was probably the biggest movement against gun violence (or for that matter anything remotely leftist) the whole region had seen, being in the red south. which isn’t directly related but does make it sting a little more that the only response was a few lunch detentions that didn’t stick on my permanent record.
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zhaliacain · 25 days
I have acquired this!
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Well this is now my new favourite book. It essentially tells the story of season one with some outtakes and adaptions. Unfortunately some of my favourite episodes and scenes have been redacted but to be fair they had a lot to cover
So far I’ve only read it through google translate (using the camera to read the pages which my brother thinks is witchcraft) so I don’t have an accurate read yet but at some point I’ll sit down and translate it properly so I can read the whole thing at once rather than in batches (curse the shaky hands)
Here’s some of may favourite features I’ve found in my rough reading, I’ll put it under read more because there’s some stuff that either doesn’t line up with the canon or I suppose is a spoiler for some headcanons
A) Otto (Addo) is alive! During the final party after defeating the Professor it’s revealed that Guggenheim managed to get him back from the organisation and he is also there at the party. Zhalia is very relieved to see him and they catch up
B) Zhalia got a leg injury in the final battle, hence leaning on Dante
C) Defoe. During Dante and Griers fight on Sutos, Dante brings up Defoe and is told “the organisation got rid of him” take that as you will
D) you know that conversation Dante and Zhalia are having in the background of Lok and Sophie’s chat after defeating Madea? They’re arguing because Zhalia wants to bond with Madea and Dante won’t let her. I just found that interesting because I thought Zhalia wouldn’t want the Titan that brought up all her past trauma
D.1) little side note, to speed things up, Zhalia defeats Madea all by herself
E) after finding out Dante was NOT mind controlled and her thoughtspectre had worked, Zhalia wanted to hug Dante but didn’t
F) Sophie has keys to Dante’s house (kind of obvious considering they’re there alone all the time but it’s a nice feature)
G) tersely and Montehue give Lok a rare book of Norse mythology as a gift after defeating the professor
H) Montehue hugs everyone during the party and hugs Lok so hard, Dante has to step in
I) Dante describes Zhalia as beautiful
J) I need to check my translation but I think Zhalia’s parents were killed
K) Zhalia: tell me you aren’t lying to save yourself
Dante: I have never lied to you and I never will
Zhalia: klaus is like a father to me, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it
Dante: I’ll take care of it
L) “a meal worthy of metagolem” is how I’ll be complimenting food from now on
M) rather than all of them touching the crystals to see if they’re pure of heart, just Lok does it and he gets an electric sensation go through his chest
N) to celebrate the whole Thor and mjolnjr thing, Guggenheim takes everyone out to dinner
O) lok was sleeping on Dante’s sofa without permission, he just kind of moved in and Dante gave up
P) Defoe was meant to take the sword of St George to Klaus, who would study it and take it to the professor
Q) oh that whole speech about going to Vienna where Dante changes his mind and takes the team? Nope he just says no and walks out and Leblanche spends the next few days baking treats to cheer them up
R) Loks cover story for his mum and sister was going to be: Sophie is a classmate on the same intensive archeology summer course as him and Dante and Zhalia are assistants to their elderly professor who is sick which is why they’re getting a holiday (the book then skips that episode and it’s unclear whether they didn’t go or whether it’s just not mentioned)
S) Lok asks why Sutos is not under the Greek government and the holotome tells them that it’s a regent based government which is inherited to the first born son
T: Zhalia: klaus taught me everything
Dante: except honesty
(Slightly paraphrased but it just cracks me up)
U) much like most fanfiction, Cherit is forgotten throughout most of it and occasionally gets mentioned
V) Lok: how did you do it?
Sophie: magic.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
That blurb about Eddie hating his scars just gave me the biggest feels…. Could you maybe write about taking care of Eddie after he’s back from the upside down? Fluff-ganza and a little bit of angst helping with his wounds and nightmares … ah 🥹 love your blooooog ❤️
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Warnings: language, blood, mentions of surgical procedures
WC: 2.6k
A/N: This was more fluff than angst, but I hope you like it! Please leave feedback <3
@princesseddie86 here is the fluff piece I promised you!
“Stay with me, Eddie, please,” you beg as you follow the gurney down the hospital corridor. You watch him take shallow breaths, hair matted to his face with blood.
He groans softly, unintelligible sounds leaving his lips. He’s shivering from the blood loss. You’re not even sure if he’s aware that you’re here, but you keep talking to him.
“You’re gonna be okay. You’re at the hospital; the doctors will take good care of you,” you promise, though you’re unsure what can be done.
The nurses surrounding him are listing different codes. It’s like a foreign language to you, but it might be better if you can’t understand it. They might be saying things you don’t want to hear.
The whole situation was so bizarre. You’d been friends with Robin Buckley since grade school; you were one of the few people she’d come out to. You thought it was crazy enough when she told you she was now friends with Steve Harrington, but what really sealed the deal was when she’d told you about an otherworldly realm dubbed the Upside Down. Oh, and now a demon-type entity named Vecna was brutally mutilating and killing random Hawkins teenagers, and maybe, pretty please, could you help them fight him?
Before joining their brigade of monster hunters, you hadn’t had much contact with Eddie Munson. For starters, you took honors classes, while he struggled to pass his introductory courses. You’d been privy to his many cafeteria table speeches, but never paid too much attention to them. You didn’t think he was a freak or running some satanic cult like many of your classmates assumed, but you didn’t really have anything to do with a slacker metalhead like Eddie.
Of course, that was before you actually got to know him. Before you saw the way he took care of the freshmen who idolized him, his passion for anything related to music, how he read dog-eared fantasy paperbacks until he had them memorized. Before you realized how much you cared for him.
You watch the doctors whisk him to the ICU, and it dawns on you that you might not ever get the chance to tell him.
Eddie’s uncle Wayne meets you at the hospital after Steve and Robin find him at the trailer park and fill him in on what happened. Well, sort of--it was too much to get into the whole “Upside Down” business, especially when his nephew’s life hung in limbo--so that would have to be a conversation for another day. 
You’re waiting in the waiting room, chewing on your fingernails, when he walks in solemnly. His hands are shoved in his pockets, and though he’s stoic now, his tear-stained cheeks reveal that he’s been crying. Your gaze meets his, and he comes over to sit with you.
“You Y/N?” he asks, and you nod numbly. “I’m, uh, Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.”
You try to offer a smile, though the effort makes it feel more like a grimace. “Eddie’s told me a lot about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
“Of course. He told me all about how you raised him after his dad went to prison and his mom...” you trail off. Even the thought of death--anyone’s death--is too hard to think about right now.
Wayne nods. “Was the least I could do. My brother--Eddie’s old man--he and I were raised by our drunk of a dad. And that really messed with my brother. Messed with me, too, but maybe I missed some of it because I was younger.
“He started drinking, too; starting drinking too much, too fast, too young. Makin’ bad decisions, just like our dad. And after he got taken away, I couldn’t let Eddie fall into that same trap.” He pulls out a cigarette and looks at you. “Mind if I smoke?”
“No, that’s fine,” you reply softly, and he lights it. “Actually, could I bum one?”
Wayne gives you a knowing look. “’S not a good habit, y’know?”
“I don’t normally...only when I’m stressed.” You take a cigarette from him and lean in so he can light it.
“Don’t tell Eddie,” he whispers. “He won’t like me poisoning his girlfriend’s lungs.”
You choke, and it’s not from smoke inhalation. “We’re, um...I’m not his girlfriend,” you mumble. But I wish I was, you want to say.
Wayne lets out a small chuckle, then takes another drag from his cigarette. “Well, if you say so.”
You want to ask him to elaborate when a nurse enters the waiting room. “Wayne Munson?” Wayne stands up quickly, motioning for you to join him. “Your nephew is out of surgery. You can see him now.”
“Okay,” he replies, “his girlfriend’s gonna come with me, if that’s all right?”
The nurse nods. “Of course.”
You don’t even bother to correct him this time.
The hospital doesn’t have any of Eddie’s favorite books; no copies of Lord of the Rings anywhere in the place. You settle for an old tattered copy of The Catcher in the Rye and read aloud to the sleeping boy next to you.
He still hasn’t woken up from the anesthesia, but you’re still relieved to see how calm he looks, his breaths even instead of ragged. They cleaned him up a bit so there’s no traces of dried blood on his face. He looks more like himself.
You’re still reading when you notice him stir ever so slightly, making your heart leap.
“E-Eddie?” you whisper, placing a hand over his, careful of his IV. “Eddie, can you hear me?”
He groans softly and promptly falls back to sleep. The nurses warned you that he might go in and out, that it was normal, but you just wanted him awake.
Wayne comes back in the room, holding a paper cup of water. He hands it to you and you accept it gratefully.
“Any news?” he asks.
“He just kinda...moved a little bit? And made a tiny noise. But that was it,” you report, disappointment written all over your face.
Wayne puts a hand on your shoulder. “I know it’s useless tellin’ y’this, but you don’t have to stay. I can call you from the payphone when he’s up.”
“I want to be here when he wakes up. Unless I’m in your way, and I can leave.” It hadn’t dawned on you that Wayne might want to be alone with Eddie, but the man just shakes his head.
“No, no. The company helps,” he reassures you. “Jus’ figured you need some rest.”
“I’m okay for now.” Okay is too strong a word; really, you’re barely surviving, but you can’t manage to go home. You turn your attention back to the book, clear your throat, and continue reading.
The voice is quiet and gravelly, barely audible over the sounds of machines beeping and Wayne’s light snoring, but you hear it. You hear Eddie.
“Hi, sleepyhead.” You get up from the chair where you were half-sleeping and crouch by his bedside. “How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” he mutters. “What happened?”
You knit your brows, unable to hide your concern. “Do you...do you remember what happened? With the bats?”
He tries a laugh but ends up coughing, holding his torso in pain. “Fuck. Yeah, I remember those motherfuckers. Just not...after.”
“Well,” you start, “after you decided to be a hero, Dustin and I grabbed you and brought you back to Hawkins. You were so pale and shaky and...” Tears threaten to spill from your eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be brave for you.”
But Eddie’s not even listening to that part. “You and Henderson came back for me?” he asks incredulously.
You nod. “Of course. You know he worships the ground you walk on.”
“And you?”
Because I care about you. Because even though we’ve only been friends for a few days, I feel complete with you. Because now that I know you, really know you, I can’t live in a world without Eddie Munson.
“Because you’re my friend, Eddie,” you manage, swallowing down all of the other things you actually wanted to say. You look over at Wayne, who is still sleeping. “C’mon, let’s tell your uncle that you’re awake.”
Eddie is discharged from the hospital after three days. He has to use a cane to get around until he’s fully healed, which he complains makes him look elderly, but you reassure him that it looks totally metal.
You help Wayne get him into the trailer and onto the sofa, where he sits back with a grunt.
“Okay, I think my work here is done!” you announce and turn to Wayne. “Could I use your phone? Steve can pick me up.” You’d driven to and from the hospital in Wayne’s car, which meant either calling Steve for a ride or walking home.
“You’re leaving?” Eddie asks from his spot on the couch. Maybe you’re imagining it, but does he look...disappointed at the prospect of you going?
You laugh. “Taking care of you for three days straight wasn’t enough for you?” 
“No, I think I need you here full-time,” he says, pushing out his lower lip into a pout. “Y’know, bring me my meds, change my dressings, give me a sponge bath...”
That last comment earns him a thwap on the back of the head from his uncle. “Behave,” Wayne warns.
You roll your eyes, heading for the phone. “I have to go home and rest. Maybe see my parents, let them know I’m alive.” There’s more truth than sarcasm in that statement now with Hawkins seemingly crumbling around you. And you are exhausted.
“Okay,” he concedes, looking at you with his brown doe eyes, “can you come back tomorrow? Wayne can’t take any more days off from work.”
“I think I can manage that.” You call Steve, who was on his way back from volunteering at the school-turned-crisis-shelter, so it only took him five minutes to get to the trailer park. As you walk to his car, closing the door behind you, you hear Wayne’s gruff voice.
“Boy, if you don’t take that girl on a date once you’re healed up...”
Two weeks later, your phone rings just before 8 AM on a Sunday.
“Hello?” you croak groggily, stifling a yawn.
“Y/N!” Eddie’s voice booms through the receiver, jolting you awake.
“Eddie? Is everything okay?” You sit up so fast that dots form in front of your eyes, and you put a hand on the bed to steady yourself. You’ve been going to his trailer nearly every day, bringing him his homework and often staying to help him with it. The boy was determined to graduate this year, come hell or high water. 
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he says, like he’s just realized how early it is, “but can you come over now? I wanna show you something.”
You stretch and feel your back crack. “Sure. Let me just get dressed and I can be there in, like, half an hour?”
“Perfect.” You can sense his delight over the phone. “I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come in when you get here.”
“Sounds good.” You run a comb through your hair and throw it up in a loose bun. Pulling on some light wash jeans, you rummage through your dresser to find a shirt. You weigh your options carefully and laugh at yourself. This isn’t a fashion show, you’re just going to see Eddie. Why do you care about what you look like? 
You know why, you think, but push it away as you throw on an oversized navy blue shirt and finish the rest of your morning routine.
You gently push open the trailer door and see Eddie laying on the couch, reading The Catcher in the Rye.
“Hi,” he breathes, then holds up the book. “Someone never got to finish reading this to me, so I had Henderson check it out from the library.”
“You never read it in your ten years of high school?” you tease gently, placing your jacket on the chair near the door.
“Hey, it’s only six!” he protests. “And no. Probably was s’posed to, though.”
“Is that what you wanted to show me?”
“Nah,” he grins. “Watch this.”
Your eyes stay locked on him as he pushes himself up slowly, grimacing as he uses the arm of the sofa for balance. His cane is leaned up against it, but he doesn’t reach for it; instead, he takes careful, methodical steps without any mobility aid.
You feel a smile spreading across your face, though it’s a bit dampened with concern. Should he be walking by himself? you wonder, but allow him his moment. He’s so proud, so determined.
He gets to you and takes your hand gingerly. “Ta-da!”
You want to fling your arms around his neck and pull him in for the tightest hug of his life, but you’re not about to re-injure him, so you squeeze his hand instead.
“Look at you! You’ll be back to torturing the rest of Hellfire in no time!” You go to drop his hand, but he doesn’t let go. You think maybe he just needs to hold on for stability, but then he takes his other hand and wraps you in a hug.
“It’s all thanks to you,” he murmurs. 
“I think the doctors and nurses who stitched you back together deserve some credit,” you remind him, but you feel your cheeks burning.
You feel him shake his head. “I’m not talking about the medical stuff. I’m talking about the...trying again stuff.”
“Trying again?” you look up at him quizzically. 
Eddie sighs and leads you back to the couch. “Yeah,” he says softly. “I kept trying to walk a little more each day so I could meet you at the door to hug you.”
Your heart surges. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
It’s his turn to blush. “That’s me, y’know, the murderous satanic cult leader with a heart of gold.”
“What a coincidence,” you laugh, “that’s just my type.”
He lets out a small chuckle and takes your hand again. “Wanna know what my next goal is?” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “I’m gonna work up the strength to take you out on a date. If, uh, if that’s okay with you.” 
“If that’s okay with...Eddie, of course that’s okay with me. It’s more than okay!” You rest your free hand on his knee. “But there’s no rush. We can hang out here and watch movies until you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere.”
And then something comes over him, a feeling that he ordinarily would’ve dismissed, but now he leans into it. He cups your chin and brings your lips to his, kissing you softly. Your body is tingling as you move your hand from his knee to his bicep, mindful of his healing wounds. 
A fleeting thought crosses your mind, leading you to break the kiss earlier than you wanted. He misinterprets this and apologizes quickly.
“Sorry, should’ve waited until we actually went on a date...” he sputters, playing with his rings.
“No, Eddie. I just...” you sigh deeply. “I’m worried that you only think you like me because I’ve been taking care of you. And then once you’re better, you’ll realize that...”
His jaw drops slightly in disbelief. “Y/N, I’ve been thinkin’ about you since Robin introduced us. And then when I realized that you’re cute and caring...” he trails off. “kinda fell for ya.”
“Oh,” you’re taken aback by his honest confession and allow yourself to fall back into his warm embrace. “Well, in that case...” you smile as you kiss him.
His shoulders relax and he holds you as close as he can.
“I’m never letting you go,” he promises, and you vow that you’ll never let him go, either.
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venus-is-thinking · 1 year
Deciphering the DRDT Character Playlist
Hello DRDT community! @accirax and I took a look at the official character song playlist [remade version bc it got deleted or privated] and decided to take our own shot at figuring out whose is whose and what it means. It's pretty late, but we have at least some sort of a guess with reasoning for every song!
We used a combination of Genius lyrics, the vocaloid lyrics wiki, and google translation of Japanese lyrics in the YouTube description to get a decently functional interpretation of every song. Our theory goes through the songs in the order they show up on the playlist (we're pretty positive it isn't kill order), which means our confidence varies heavily from song to song. With that being said, let's go!
Diamond is Unbreakable by Yunno Kago: Ace Markey
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This song does not have many lyrics, so a lot of our guess is based on vibes (though it gives much more than some other songs). The rock instrumental with more yell-based vocals feels like it suits Ace though, and I feel safe to say that Ace has had a breakdown (and may have many more in the future).
Sing Along by Sturgill Simpson: Teruko Tawaki
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This song fits Teruko quite well. It has an edgier sound to it, but it isn't completely uncaring if you look at the lyrics.
I can't go on living alone now that you're gone You done me wrong, so here's your song
It reminds me of the scene where she plays with the cacti. She clearly misses Xander (and possibly others in her past), but that obviously doesn't stop her from feeling betrayed by them either.
There are a lot of lyrics about bitterness too (ex. "words can stab as deep as night," "bitter air and the winds of spite"), which reflect how Teruko has been treating the rest of the cast in Chapter 2. It's a duality of caring too much and acknowledging the harshness of the world, which encapsulates Teruko's character quite well.
RUNAWAY by half alive: Hu Jing
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Not gonna lie, we were struggling on this one. This song is pretty much entirely predictive of a character arc that Hu might have later on. We're predicting this based on Hu's secret quote, which is basically the only reason we gave this song to her: "I want to pay for what I've done. But even then, I still want to live."
This implies that she has not paid for "what [she's] done," which probably relates to her secret. I know a lot of people think she might be the hopeless child, but I'm far more partial to the theory that Hu is the one who poisoned her competition. If she hasn't paid for it, it's possible she feels like she ran away, from the situation which could open the door for her handling those feelings later on.
cartoons by Louie Zong: Rose Lacroix
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This entire song is about drawing and thought processes, which both relate to Rose's character pretty strongly. The recurring lyric of "it's all just cartoons in [her] head" makes me think of her photographic memory, which takes real life and permanently stores it in her mind.
There are also lyrics like "feeling every day the same" and "trying to make that old deadline" that strongly relate to her background with the Spurling Foundation. She feels like she's just watching the rest of her life go by as a corporate slave, and those feelings are wrapped up in a light and airy song, matching Rose's demeanor.
asymptotic by Louie Zong: Charles Cuevas
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This is a silly little nerd love song. As a CharWhit shipper, I definitely think that there's a strong chance that this relates to Charles' feelings about Whit, calling him a "cutie face in x-y space" and other such things. It's pretty simple, but it's true that, romantic or not, a lot of Charles' character arc thus far has revolved around his relationship with Whit and realizing that he does enjoy spending time with his classmates.
However, notably, there's also the lyric "I'll forget," which made me start thinking about Charles' past he forgot about.
Asymptotic, obliquely Here's the point of this speech As close as we could ever get, you'll be just out of reach
This reads to me as being about Charles' memories or the older brother he doesn't remember losing. As close as he can get to remembering or understanding what happened through things like the secrets motive, it won't be the same as actually returning to that past or remembering it in full. Maybe that's reading into things a little too hard, but I think the interpretation is there to be read.
A Mistaken Belief of Love by Niru Kajitsu: Eden Tobisa
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I'll be direct: this relates to our theories about how Eden is the Chapter 2 killer. I'm a particular proponent of the interpretation that Eden didn't believe Arei when she said she wanted to be friends and decided she wanted to escape back to her old life, to the girl she kissed. I'm not going to go into that Eden theory now, but @/1moreff-creator and @/thebadjoe have a great thread going back and forth which goes over a lot of what I personally believe to be true.
If you assume that Eden is the killer and wanted to be Arei's friend but gave up on the possibility when Arei snapped at her, the lyrics start to make sense. "Then I'll kill you at our rendezvous" would clearly relate to Eden summoning Arei to the playground just to kill her. "I just wanted to mistakenly believe that you loved me" relates to Eden's feelings towards Arei and the rest of the class, but that "mistaken belief" was shattered, causing her to kill.
Shunran by John/TOOBOE: Arei Nageishi
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This song chronicles Arei's entire character arc, from prologue to death. It starts out much more aggressive and unfriendly, saying things like "I won't pay attention to small fry" and "I become angry easily." However, there's a recurring lyric that shows how she actually feels.
They say that praying to be loved is a sin. It has such a sweet scent.
Arei desperately wants to be loved, for people to be nice to her, but she's learned over the course of her life that she couldn't have that. Still, she can't help but want to be loved, so even when she knows that David is a manipulator, she still listens to his words. Even when she knows she's been awful to Eden, she swears she'll do anything to prove to Eden that she's serious, that she really does want to be her friend.
I pledged a ceasefire. My personality peeled off and fell because I have the courage to accept disappointment
As the song progresses, that desperate desire to be loved creeps its way into the actions the singer takes as well. Arei was willing to put aside her meanness she learned as a defense and try to stop the fighting, try to become friends, because she's strong enough to try even if she might fail. Through it all, all she wants is to be loved.
Yesman by Niru Kajitsu and Hachiya Nanashi: Nico Hakobyan
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This song has a lot of lyrics relating to how the singer expresses scorn or insults. We know that this is a focal point of Nico's struggles with communication: they don't know what comes across as hostile or helpful.
However, as the song progresses, it gets more purposefully aggressive. There's a particular set of lines that seem to relate to how Nico interacts with Ace. They can tell Ace that they hate him, directly, and no one even blames them.
You could say that and you're still just a kid. How amazing!
This, in my mind, relates to Nico saying that they'll kill Ace (and clearly meaning it), but Hu still babies them. They can get away with all kinds of things.
There's no reason for me to turn back now, huh? I was caught in my own trap
Nico then, realizing that they can get away with a lot, goes after Ace, trying to literally kill him. They were caught, though, explaining the second lyric here.
The song also has a prominent lyric: "I'm an introvert, just waiting." There are variations on this, but I think it gets across the core idea: Nico is quiet, but they're still a part of the story the whole time, waiting for an opportunity to get their way.
Undead Enemy by Suzumu and Giga P: David Chiem
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This song hinges around David's false persona of smiles and motivation and his true self who hates everything and everyone.
For whatever reason, he put on a mask symbolizing The leading role he had yearned for in the past.
Here, David is choosing to put on that motivational speaker persona.
And, from the next day onward, The unhappy boy's smile did not falter, He was even loved by someone
David then keeps up that happy and inspirational self, without fail, so that the world will love and accept him as the Ultimate they expect him to be.
However, the lyrics are filled with more hateful lines that sound more like him in Episode 11.
Slander and criticize, and then, I won't need anyone else. Just leave me alone
I act spitefully in disgust and force a smile
While he pretends to be happy and good, he knows himself to be much worse. This song focuses on those true colors.
Drawing Pins by Nothing but Thieves: Levi Fontana
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Levi is a very pensive character. The main line of the song is "tell me what you did it for, 'cause I can't figure it out." That could relate to Levi's apparent struggles to understand others and what the "correct" thing to do in social situations is, like when he asks others how to handle the situation with Ace. I also like the interpretation that he could be talking to himself, wondering why he did what he did in the past. (Whatever mysterious past Levi has, it's clear that he did some things he's not thrilled about, and he seems to have a lot of feelings surrounding it.)
What do I have to do To be loved, loved by you
I'm personally not an AceVi shipper, but this line would definitely relate to Ace. Levi messed up in the first trial, threatening Ace, but in Chapter 2, he's trying to make up for it. Nothing he seems to do works, though, so he's at a loss as to what he could possibly do to make it up to him.
Hi-Fi Evolution Theory by Keu Studio: Veronika Grebenshchikova
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Disclaimer, we had to put this song through google translate, so our lyrics might not be entirely correct.
Given that, though, I'm pretty confident this song must be Veronika's. There are a lot of lyrics that indicate her, but the most important ones surround what we've most recently learned about her: she can't stand boredom and will do just about anything for fun.
But is it selfish to have fun?
The one who laughs last is the winner
Even though Veronika knows that enjoying the killing game or possibly even working against the group's best interests in it is stupid at best and evil at worst, she'll still do it as long as it keeps her entertained. If she's selfish, she's selfish; she'll do it either way.
tip toes by half alive: Min Jeung
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This song heavily ties into Min's outlook which she explains in her bonus episode. The lyrics mention a "need to be known," or a "pride" that's "screaming." She internalized a core need to become an Ultimate to keep her going forward and to preserve her hope.
She does want to change her behavior, though.
My future will listen to me, Listen to me, listen to me
Min is trying desperately to find a life for herself now that she's become an Ultimate. She wants to learn how to live after she's achieved the goal that her entire life has centered around. This song is her searching for the life that she wants to live in spite of her previous experience.
The song also sounds sort of desperate with its repetition of "listen to me" and the overall vibe of the instrumental. This fits in with Min's increasing desperation as she realizes, at the end of the first trial, that she won't have a future to figure out anymore.
Polygonal by fallstay (ふぁるすてぃ): Xander Matthews
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This one was also put through google translate, so apologies for any mistranslations!
This song makes sense for Xander if you consider his clear survivor's guilt, visible through both his bonus episode and his secret quote, which is, in the most literal way possible, the dictionary definition of survivor's guilt. It mentions a "life full of mistakes" and describes other similar thoughts.
I'm dizzy and it hurts so much that I feel like throwing up
The urge to scream and someone's loud sobbing
That's my pain
These all feel like ways Xander interprets his past, which is his pain. We already know that Teruko accidentally running into him and hitting his eye hurt so badly he passed out, which is a step beyond "dizzy." Someone could be sobbing about his past; maybe it's even him. The things in his past that haunt him are what shape who he is and his actions, and that's what this song is about.
Spitfire (05 Version) by The Prodigy: J Rosales
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This one has like one lyric. The vibes fit J though, and I don't really know who else's it would be or what other song would be hers, so it stays.
desk rotation by RQ laji-2: Arturo Giles
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I'm not gonna lie. This is an instrumental. We have no idea what it means. This was process of elimination. I don't know what other song Arturo's would be so he gets this one.
(In all seriousness, you COULD give this one to Hu because it's music and she's a musician, give Arei the more hopeful RUNAWAY and give Arturo Shunran. The beginning of Shunran fits him decently, but I think the interpretation sort of falls apart in the middle of the song, at least given what I know about his character, and I think it fits Arei much better.
After we read some other theories, too, we think there's a viable shuffle that goes like this:
desk rotation: Hu (musical connection) tip toes: Arturo (generally prideful, future emphasis contrasting with his secret forcing him to think about the past) asymptotic: Min (abstracted to apply to the life she wants to seek out, math works as Ultimate Student) RUNAWAY: Charles (relating to him "running" from his past memories, positive growth arc)
While I still like our initial interpretations for Charles asymptotic and Min tip toes, I like the handling of RUNAWAY and desk rotation better with this one.)
For whatever it's worth, I also think there's a slight possibility that desk rotation is a placeholder song. It's a complete instrumental (all other songs have at least SOME lyrics), so it wouldn't be too insane to me if they had a song that they decided was just too spoiler-y to be released to the public. In that case, I think it's possible desk rotation will one day be replaced with a different song. Realistically, though, it's probably just here and we have to figure out what the hell it means.
Good Grief by Bastille: Whit Young
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Whit obviously lost his mother at some point, who he clearly idolizes. You can see the glowing way he talks about her in the laundry room with Teruko and Charles, and his secret quote is literally "We tend to idolize the dead." He loves his mother, but given his secret, it's clear that she is dead.
This song is about grief. Whit represses a lot of his emotions, so I expect he hasn't yet felt his grief in full and hasn't processed it. He has, however, made it very clear that he struggles with loneliness, and that has a lot to do with his loss. I think that, over the course of the story, he's going to have to actually process grief and experience sadness. While it's possible that'll just be due to the feelings he has surrounding his mother, given that he's in a killing game, I think that he'll have to confront personal loss again to have this arc.
Regrettably, I think that that'll probably come in the form of Charles dying, likely as a Chapter 3 victim. Others have theorized on that, but suffice it to say that, narratively and based on hints they've dropped, I think it's probably true ( :( ). Whit, as he clearly cares about Charles, would then be confronted with grief again. He'd have to endure it and learn to deal with the loss.
On the plus side, I'd expect he'd be likely to survive afterwards.
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revols-headcanons · 2 years
random karasuno headcanons
daichi has never once had a break because of his four siblings, which is why he is so uptight and stressed. volleyball is the only place he can really relax (specifically w the other third years) and even then kageyama, hinata, noya, and tanaka are constantly testing him. he brought this up to ukai and takeda once and they both were like “have you ever went to therapy kid?" before they gave him info for a local therapist.
sugawara knows every kpop dance imaginable and forces his teammates to do them during their breaks. the only people who humor him and dance with him are hinata, noya, and tanaka sometimes. during a team sleepover, he convinced kageyama to do a dance with him, but kageyama is badly coordinated when dancing so it was horrible.
asahi knits when he’s anxious— which is all the time. he’s made a blanket for each teammate with their names on it and his bedroom is just piles of blankets at varying levels of complete. his dog appreciates the nest he can sleep in. he jokes that this is where his parents college fund has gone to. also knitting is what gets him into fashion because he jokingly knitted a bucket hat for noya and immediately wanted to make more— his room ended up having 30 bucket hats all over it and he had to give them away to his classmates and teammates.
kiyoko likes reading intense smutty romance books with a blank face. her expectations for romance are through the roof and she’s unashamed. suga has tried reading it over her shoulder and he’s walked away flustered. she reads a wide variety of books but specifically chooses the horniest and/or creepiest to read in front of the team. yachi’s shocked when she learns that kiyoko’s favorite genre isn’t dark romance and that it’s actually fluffy romance.
nishinoya made a fake tinder account of tsukishima with the worst photos imaginable (like tsukki mid-trip or him giving a disgusted face to kageyama). the bio says something like ‘i’m 6’1 if that matters and i think red heads should be killed.’ noya matches with the most amount of people and also updates with the worst opinions ever. people still get interested in ‘tsukki’ even when the bio has ridiculous takes and standards. noya is pissed that it is doing so well.
tanaka’s strangely good at dancing but horrific at singing. he tried to serenade kiyoko one day but his voice cracked so badly that he stopped mid-song and left the room. kiyoko laughed but patted his back in reassurance afterwards. the team never lets him live it down ever— the wedding speeches he received all mentioned the event somewhere. he has an excellent moonwalk and can occasionally successfully breakdance.
ennoshita writes fanfic (“story scripts”) about the team and changes the names. he gets the team to act as the characters in his films, which raises some questions when he writes a tragic story about ‘kai’ (a sarcastic asshole) being killed by his rivals ‘tora’ (a dumb asshole) and ‘shouto’ (a dumbass). he once posted a fanfic shipping two teammates (with name changes) and it got really popular.
kageyama uses 3-in-1 body wash/shampoo/conditioner. he says it’s because it’s efficient, and he gets no acne or sweat stench— this makes everyone hate him. he only changes when miwa comes back into his life after college and is horrified. he tells this story as a little joke whenever he wants people to be shocked and/or disgusted at him, even when he’s a pro.
hinata can cook but only because he has a sister and an overworked single mother. he cooks for himself and natsu often, but it’s really simple and uncreative meals because he would rather practice volleyball than work on making interesting dishes. after the time skip, his cooking skills have vastly improved and every meal he makes is some form of brazillian-japanese blend.
tsukishima had a major my little pony phase and is deeply secretive of it. he listens to the soundtrack often and has a drawer full of little collectibles. yamaguchi is the only one who knows about it, and tsukki compares himself to twilight and yamaguchi to fluttershy. he once almost said ‘everypony’ but yamaguchi screamed to cut him off. it went like: ‘stfu everyp-‘ ‘PISS’ ‘…what?’ ‘WE GOTTA PISS. both of us. right now.’
yamaguchi had a musical theater phase and forced tsukishima to sing along with him. he forced tsukki to dress up as michael to his jeremy one halloween. yamaguchi can only workout or study to musicals, which is deeply unfortunate. his favorite songs were helpless from hamilton and michael in the bathroom from be more chill. he tried to audition for school musicals multiple times but would end up having panic attacks and leaving before his audition.
yachi’s notes are the aesthetically color coordinated ones, even though her teachers talk rapidly fast. she’s always humble about it but she spends hours on them. she never has to study because she spends so much time rewriting them that the notes just stick in her brain. she’s had to recently laminate her completed notes because hinata once’s spilled broth onto her notes, which made her cry.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 25 and 26: Confrontation and Re-creation
Since both episodes are out, I will review them both. Time to find out if the finale can bring it home
Spoilers below
-Gabriel and Tomoe think they are doing this for their own good. Should have called this episode Delusion.
-So they giving everyone nightmares, at least Adrien isn’t alone in suffering
-Ladrien dream was actually Marinette in ladybug armor. It looked cool but I wanted Ladrien
-Gabriel died in the dream, still don’t get how that’s a nightmare. (Marinette really forgot chat blanc existed
- okay Marinette’s parents dreams are adorable. Tom you sweet man, and Sabine care about their children and eachother.
-oh snap, Alya’s nightmare. Actually realistic and terrifying. For her at least.
-Tikki saw the food. Get it girl.
-Adrien technically been dealing with it the longest… but now it’s not special. Everyone be suffering
-they have a tech antidote for nightmares
-Damn, that is disturbing. And Adrien will probably use it… baby no.
-Okay he resisted. Good for him. Well it wasn’t an order, but still. Adrien is trying.
-Plagg mocking Gabriel.
-Plagg gonna be a menace today
-how many rings does that robot have
-Adrien giving up his miraculous out of despair. What a surprise, he’s gonna be out of the final fight. At least for now. Plagg gotta go get ladybug.
-Tikki ate all them bread. Respect
-“it’s not personal, it’s for Adrien.” That’s PRETTY FUCKING PERSONAL
-Nathalie’s nightmare is basically Gabriel winning. Glad she realized the truth on that… even if it was too little too late.
-Nathalie got a crossbow. KILL GABRIEL WITH IT
-oh damn, I knew all meditation apps were evil!
-Plagg flying across the ocean to get to Ladybug. Plagg will always be the light of my life
-Ladybug finding out Nathalie was A Lara croft
-Plagg gonna be smart about this
-Alliance showing why tech companies are all evil
-MYLENE THE GOAT! Mylene has shot up so much in my favorite classmate rankings
-Ivan's nightmare sounds adorable
-Mylene start slapping them please. NINO MUST BE DEEP HYPNOTIZED
-NO MYLENE DONT DO IT! And she dropped down in my rankings again
-Damn it, she was tricked by her friends
-Gabriel's cliche speech to Emilie. Blah blah blah. WHAT MORALITY?! YOU WERE ONCE A BRITISH CHIP MAKER?!
-Gabriel really did the 'Appeal to her humanity' then betray her. Dude said he threw away his morality.
-Imagine the last thing you see is that ugly ass costume
-Ladybug learns Nathalie had all of the stuff
-Ladybug just saw that Monarch was Gabriel. Damn. I think thats a first
-Gabriel really just out here slandering and then leaving her with the poison app.
-Okay this is silly how they are turning everyone against Ladybug and Chat noir
-Im convinced every adult in this show is an idiot.
-Oh good, alya is being logical.
-Oh wow, okay so the charm and Cataclysm that gabriel got actually are useful to his plan. Well played. Now die
-OH That is evil. Miraculize me.
-Damn it, i wanted cat alya.
-They tracking her.
-Well I gotta admit, the Alliance minion making is probably Gabriel's most effective plan. But like all plans, the women involved did the heavy lifting
-Ladybug hid by detransforming
-Gabriel is a little TOO enthusiastic about going to find a vulnerable teenage girl in his house
-Plagg finding out that Monarch was in his house the whole time.
-BUG NOIR!. Okay so I am very mixed on the outfit, but the entrance and that confidence is stunning.
(This is my reaction before watching part 2, so here is my quick thoughts)
For all the stakes and reveals. If I were to rate this by itself I would say... 7/10. I dont like how Adrien is absent for this whole thing. I really hope that this changes and Adrien somehow gets pulled in. Because quite frankly... THIS IS A BIG THING
Okay now for part 2, recreation
-Oh its Lila or Cerise or... WHOMEVER THE F*** SHE IS.
-Seems Alec also had a s*** father.
-What is Lila even doing?
-She's beating his ass!
-Meanwhile back on the boat.
-Rose showing why she has CRAZY ASS STRENGTH
-hold on, so NO FERNANDO!? 0/10. Needs more fernando.
-BUNNYX! Taking Luka to Paris.
-"I cant interfere, but YOU can."
-Please tell me Fang also knows mirakungfu
-Oh right, Majestia too. To a lesser extent.
-Majestia makes a point.
-Yo, they gave Knight owl an upgrade.
-So basically Majestia and Knight owl are if Super man and Batman were lesbians.
-Monarch does have a point. He has 15 miraculous.
-I do enjoy Monarch getting flipped and kicked
-Did he just cough up Dust? Oh he is dying in real time
-Doesnt he look so redeemable (Sarcasm)
-Darkowl was saved
-YO! I just realized that Eagle is the perfect counter for this power.
-Alya's sister split a building in half
-Power of the buffalo. I think the sub meant bull
-Bug noir brings the house down
-FANG!!!!!!!!!!! MVP MVP
-Luka has a cute name for his sister, thats adorable. Okay only 2/10 now
-Also this proves Mirakung fu is easy as hell to learn. so WHY DIDNT SU HAN TEACH LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR!
-Su han, "How can you resist the nightmare."
-Knight owl: "I am the nightmare." That is so batman its hilarious
-Why even use any other transformation, the Dragon is so OP.
-Okay so The typical back and forth between hero and villain. Yea this was expected.
-Adrien wouldnt want this. Adrien wants that. You know who should have a say here? ADRIEN! That would be nice.
-Marinette is clearly more right, obviously. but I still wish Adrien could speak for himself.
-Okay so the heroes are getting widdled down, lila is hacking into the mansion
-Yo! she got a ton of rings with glue and a boomerang. Nice
-She knocked the butterfly off. (which is my bet on how Lila got it)
-So bugnoir won. Nice!
"Check mate." DAMN That was a hard line drop
-And then its ruined because Ladybug sees this guy only has a few hours left to live.
-What is she doing?
-Marinette what the hell are you doing?
-You mean to tell me that Nathalie could have just tied his ass up earlier and made him watch it and that probably could have prevented the whole events.
-But lets be honest, the only reason Gabriel feels the way he does right now is because his plan failed and he is dying
-Yes, you did ruin everything. Now die sad.
-Gabriel is like "You make the wish"
-AND Marinette gets betrayed. She tried to Steven Universe this bit but ended up Venomed.
-Well at least Gabriel is still a dick.
-Reveal yourselves?
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-I can see a certain group of fans being happy with these designs.
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-Oh damn so thats their fused form.
-Wait, why didnt Ladybug and Chat noir just summon their kwami's god forms to fight?
-Gimmi is a whole ass mood
-Gabriel, you dont deserve to be remembered as a good father. You were s***
-So Gabriel wins. yea this f***ing sucks
-Universe gets wiped
-WTF. Its a utopia?!
-Adrien gets two moms
-Glad everyone is having a grand old time but... wtf
-Oh look a NORMAL BABY!
-There are so many jokes I can make here but I will abstain.
-A world without Gabriel agreste meme here
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-I really want to see this utopia completely uprooted and turned into chaos more than anything
-It sucks because there is some PRIME adrinette moment right in front of me, but it just feels like Adrien is left in the dark and gaslit.
-A cute kiss. But something seems wrong
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-So they fixed the miraculous but the butterfly is missing (called it)
-Wait, Everyone gets a miraculous now?!
-Even Sabrina?!
-Wait, so Argos is allowed?! but how though?!
-Wait, how many endings does this episode have?
-Lila back at it again
-Wait... What the f*** happened?!
Okay so this was a b**** and a half to finally watch
But yea. I do NOT like how this basically gave Gabriel his win.
Yea he's dead but he won.
Adrien has no idea that his father basically did that, and it makes the whole fight seem pointless.
Then there is all that utopia crap. (DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS. )
The adrinette is sweet and all that.
But ADRIEN IS BEING GASLIT. Its some bulls***
Also how does Marinette remember the wish? Wasnt it supposed to be some cosmic rewrite?
All I know is... I need some time to think. Do I even want to continue watching ML. Knowing that Gabriel wins and gets treated like a martyr.
Season 6 needs to start with some sort of Upheaval. Consequences need to be had.
As for my rating.
I cant give it an honest rating right now. I need to cool off.
Is it the worst written? No. But the ending has pissed me off
it feels tainted.
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amarantine-amirite · 16 days
Time and Place
Sophie died. She got hit by a car.
I found out after seeing a story in my newsfeed about two burglars who were struck by cars and killed. The first got struck on her way to the scene of the crime, and the second got hit on his way home from the scene of the crime. The prevailing theory is that they were struck because the drivers couldn’t see them. While wearing visible clothing could’ve prevented their deaths, it also would have resulted in them getting caught.
I am almost positive one of those burglars was Sophie. She was a terrible kleptomaniac, I wouldn’t put breaking into homes to steal past her.
Her funeral was today. The list of speakers they had included her parents, psychiatrist, the principal, the kids in her homeroom, and two moderators from the r/fuckcars subreddit
Luckily, I didn’t have to speak. I’m not afraid of public speaking, what I have to say was probably stupid and inappropriate. Nobody wants to hear about how her recently deceased classmate died because she was a rabid kleptomaniac. And that’s before I burst out laughing at anything the Reddit moderators say.
One of the kids made a presentation about white privilege. One of the examples of white privilege they cited was the ability to remain visible at night while walking naked. I legitimately burst out laughing. I know that this is not the right time, but seriously, was there ever a right time? Besides, the guy’s presentation was about streaking, that’s funny.
Advising people to wear lighter-coloured clothing while walking at night so that motorists and other road users can see them seems like common sense, but according to this person, it’s blaming victims. 
One of the r/fuckcars mods spoke after this kid. Her name was Mandy, and she had blue hair, John Lennon glasses, and no fashion sense. I had no trouble believing she was a Reddit moderator.
I was able to keep a lid on it while Mandy gave her speech. That is, of course, until she said, “Speaking from my experience as a bike courier, we wouldn’t need to worry about nighttime visibility if it weren’t for cars.”
Now, what she said had to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I had to say something. “Um, yes,” I said, “you do.”
Mandy shook her head and aggressively pointed at me. “No, you don’t understand,” she shouted, “if somebody gets hit by a car, the car is going to win because, in the battle of flesh versus metal, metal always wins.”
“That’s true,” I nodded, “but I believe you’re missing the point.”
“No, you’re missing the point.” 
I hadn’t missed the point. She had. I quickly pointed out, “You can still get plowed by somebody on a bicycle because they didn’t see you.”
To my surprise, Mandy backed down. “And how do you know that?” she asked. 
“Once, when I went skiing at night,” I began, “I saw someone get run over by somebody who didn’t see them because they wore an all-white ski suit,” I said, “That had nothing to do with cars and everything to do with the person blending in with their background.” I’m not exaggerating. I had a bright pink ski helmet for the very reason that if you wear all white on the slopes, nobody can see you. That’s especially true at night.
Mandy wasn’t too thrilled to hear a skiing story. “You ski? Wow, spoiled brat who doesn’t understand how the average American lives.”
“My point is that if you wear something that looks like your background, you are going to be hard to spot. That is the essence of camouflage!” I couldn’t believe I had to explain this to someone more than once.  
Mandy shook her head. “that doesn’t change the fact that Sophie got run over!” she sneered, “if you’d listened to your classmate, you’d know that expecting people to dress to be seen is racist!”
I shrugged, grimaced, and pointed at the screen. “The guy’s presentation was about streaking!”
Mandy’s lip stiffened and she narrowed her eyes. “Do you have something against the naked body?”
“Not all naked bodies, but yes, definitely the naked bodies of those who streak. Believe me, none of those guys look good naked.” 
Mandy put two fingers on her temple and glared at me. I grimaced and shrugged, “You can’t blow up my head with your mind!”
Mandy made herself bigger, ready to fight. “I’ll settle for an aneurysm,” she retorted, “I shouldn’t have to stand here and listen to this trust fund bitch car-splain why the 1% is so much better than everyone else!”
“No, I’m not,” I winced, “You are a nutcase!”
Mandy lunged at me. The gym teacher had to break us apart. 
I got sent home for misbehaving halfway through the funeral. I now know why more people don’t have Reddit moderators speak at funerals. 
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for letting my boss believe his wife/my bestie was dead for sixteen years?
Okay, so I KNOW how this sounds but:
So my (32F; now 48F) boss (34M at the time; now 50M) was having his best buddy (33M; now 49M) over for like nine months and everything was chill until my boss accused his wife/my bestie (31F; now 47F) of cheating on him with said best buddy, even though he had absolutely no evidence whatsoever and also my bestie would never. My bestie was also several months pregnant at the time.
My boss tried to get one of his advisors (37M; now 53M) to kill his best friend but the advisor told the best friend about it instead and they went back to best buddy’s hometown together, and then my boss used that to accuse his wife of also trying to plot with them to kill him and helping them to escape, even though there was no evidence for that either.
My boss then threw her in prison, where she gave birth early from the trauma. I had been away but I came back to discover this whole shitstorm and I was like “oh HELL no, someone needs to call him out on this bullshit.” So I took the newborn baby and marched into my boss’ office and was like “look, this baby is obviously yours and also stop being a dick to your wife,” but he threatened to burn me at the stake and shit and we got into a big fight and I ended up storming off without the baby (which was probably a big mistake on my part, oops). My boss told my husband (36M at the time; now dead for reasons to be explained later), who was still there, to go leave the baby to die in best buddy’s hometown or else he’d kill him, me, and the baby, so my hubby didn’t really have much of a choice (although I kinda wish he would’ve fought a little harder).
So anyway, my boss put his wife/my bestie on a mockery of a trial for adultery and conspiracy of assassination and stuff with no evidence whatsoever, and my bestie fought her hardest and gave some really kickass speeches even though she wasn’t fully recovered from giving birth in JAIL. And my boss got like an oracle from the gods or something that said everyone was innocent except my boss and that if the baby wasn’t found then they (my boss and his wife) wouldn’t have an heir. So then my boss’ older kid (7M) died and my bestie fainted from shock and then also died, and I told my boss and smacked him around a bit and he finally seemed to realize that he fucked up big time and vowed to spend the rest of his life repenting for everything he’d done.
Except uh, it turned out that my bestie was only actually Mostly Dead or like it was one of those things where someone briefly dies but comes back [author’s note unrelated to the story: that happened to a former classmate of mine when I was 5, so I think I have something to stand on here].
So I took my bestie to a secluded house and I’ve visited her every day for the past sixteen years and taken care of her and helped her heal and get to a place where she can forgive her husband. And my husband never came back from abandoning the baby, so I (correctly, as it turns out) assumed that he had died in the process, which left me with more resentment towards my boss. At the same time, I also helped my boss work through all his shit and actually become a good human being again, but I never actually told him that his wife was in fact alive because I didn’t want anything to happen to her.
But basically for reasons that are unimportant, their daughter (16F) suddenly came home and they reunited and it was really fucking beautiful actually and my boss showed his level of change. So with their daughter found, I felt like it was time for everyone to reunite, and I pulled off this absolutely amazing reveal and it was even more beautiful and they were all so happy and it looks like everything’s gonna work out for them. (Also my boss wants me to marry his former advisor and he’s a good guy so I think we’ll be happy too.)
But now, a little part of me has to wonder: am I the asshole for having them be apart for sixteen years and not telling my boss that his wife was alive and inflicting potentially unnecessary pain on him?
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babyxbunnyx · 2 years
Have you ever thought about being gay? Pt. 2
Summary: The day after working on the project.
Relationship: Ben Gross x Male Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1969 words
Explanations: (h/c) = hair color, (e/c) = eye color, (y/l/n) = your last name, (y/m/n) = your moms name
A/N: Alrighty so here is part 2 to my story "Have you ever thought about being gay?". Its quite longer than part 1 and I'm surprised its almost at the 2000 words mark. Part 3 will follow soon, featuring the actual date between reader and Ben. Hope you'll like it!
When they woke up the next day, (Y/N) was still laying on top of Ben. The (younger/older) blushed and sat up. "S-Sorry if I invalidated your personal space." Ben chuckled, before sitting up. "Don't worry (Y/N). If I wanted you to move I would have said something. Now you better call your mom and tell her to come over. I still have to explain why you stayed the night." The (h/c) boy smiled and nodded. "She is so gonna kill me."
He grabbed his phone, taking a deep breath before calling his mother. After a few seconds, she picked up. "You are in a lot of trouble young man! Have you any idea how worried I was?! Where have you been?!" The (h/c) boy moved the phone away from his ear, even Ben could hear her screams coming from the phone. "Mom I am really sorry, I was working on a group project with my classmate Ben at his place and we didn't notice how late it was. We finished at 11pm and he offered to let me sleep over since he didn't think it was safe walking home for me yesterday. I am really really sorry Mom, I promise it won't happen again." After his little speech was over, he took a momant to catch some air. "Okay.. if you are telling the truth you won't mind handing the phone over to your classmate." (Y/N) sighed, before handing the phone to the brown haired male. Ben looked at him confused, before taking the phone. 'She wants to talk to you' the other whispered.
Ben nodded, before he started to speak. "Hello Miss (y/l/n). This is Ben Gross, (Y/N)'s classmate. I am truly sorry for yesterday. We were so focused on the project we forgot about what time it was." Ben fidgeted with his shirt. "Well I suppose I can excuse this one time. I would like to see the project though." Ben smiled, relaxing a bit. "Of course Miss (y/l/n)! I'd be happy to show it to you. (Y/N) will send you my address shortly. We'll see you soon." The woman on the other end of the phone nodded to herself. "Thank you. See you soon."
With that, they both hung up and Ben gave the other his phone back. "And? How did it go? Was she furious?" Ben put on a neutral facade. "She's coming over. You should send her my adress." (Y/N)'s face began to flush. He started to panic until he heard some laughter. He gasped, realizing what Ben had done. "You ass!! I was scared man!" Ben couldn't stop laughing. "I'm sorry but I had to! She will be coming over and you should send her the address. You aren't in trouble, she just wants to see the project and pick you up." The brown haired boys laughter toned down, turning into a sly grin seeing the other boy beginning to pout.
"Meanie.." The (h/c) quickly sent his mom the address before getting up. He took off the shirt Ben gave him and started to get dressed back in his own clothes. "My mom is most likley gonna be here in a few minutes. You should probably get dressed if you wanna make a good impression." The (shorter/taller) giggled as Ben rushed to get dressed and fix his hair.
Not long after, they heard the doorbell and rushed downstairs to greet (Y/N)'s mom. "Hey Mom! Again I am so so sorry!" Miss (y/l/n) embraced her son, smiling seeing her son was okay. "Hey its okay dear. I am glad you are safe and spent time on your project. I can let that one slide. Just text me next time something like this happens, okay? I was worried about you." She looked over towards Ben with a straight face, making him stiffen up a bit. "Thanks for talking my son out of walking home." She put out her hand towards Ben. "I'm (y/m/n)." She smiled warmly allowing Ben to relax again and shaking her hand. "Of course Miss. It felt like my duty to talk him out of it. Now you wanted to see our project right? Its not finished yet but (Y/N) made some smazing scetches for the poster. I have never seen someone better than him." While (Y/N) blushed at the praise, his mom smiled warmly. "He is truly amazing at art. He got it from his father. And please, just call me by my first name Ben." The brown haired nodded, before taking his two guests up to his bedroom. While (Y/N)'s mom looked over the project, the (taller/shorter) smiled at Ben. "She likes you. She usually doesn't offer first name base so fast." (Y/N) whispered. This made the other look at the (younger/older) surprised. "Really? I'm glad she likes me then. She's really nice." (Y/N) nodded, before looking at his mom. "Those sketches are really good honey. Have you decided if you wanna get into the art school yet? I'm sure you'd like it there.. your dad went there too." She smiled. "I.. I haven't decidet yet. I don't wanna leave my friends mom.. I.. I know it would make dad proud if I left for art school but.. I don't know.. do you think he would be dissapointed if I didn't go there?" The (h/c) looked down to his feet. "Oh Honey no! Your dad would be proud regardless if you go or not! If you don't want to leave than it's okay! Its your life baby, so you get to decide where you want to go or what you want to do! He would be so proud seeing how far you have gone." With that, she pulled her son into a hug. "We should head out now. Again, thank you for letting my son stay the night. I hope I will meet you again soon, Ben." She smiled and Ben returned that. "Of course (y/m/n). It was really nice meeting you. Get home safley." And with that, (Y/N) and his mom left.
Once they were on their way, (Y/N)'s mom smirked. "So.. you and Ben huh?" The (h/c) face went pale. "W-What no!" She giggled. "Oh come on dear. I saw how your eyes sparked. There is something going on between the two of you. I'm your mother, I know you better than you think" She smiled warmly. "O-Okay fine.. we may have a date tomorrow.." His mom gasped. "I knew it! When is it? What are you gonna do? Have you decidet what to wear yet?" She gently ruffled her sons hair. "Okay stop! One thing at a time mom! He's picking me up at 2, I actually don't know what we'll do and no I haven't decided what to wear and I could really need some help deciding.." He smiled at his mom, knowing helping him would make her happy. "You can count on me dear. I hope Ben will make you happy in the future. He's a nice young man." She smiled warmly at her son. "He is already making me happy mom.. I'm just a little scared.. what if he wants to keep me a secret in school? I think I'm his first boy experience..." She gently put her hand on his thigh. "Oh honey if he won't show you off at school he isn't worth your time okay? Just have fun tomorrow and don't let those thoughts get you down." (Y/N) smiled at those words. "Thanks mom. I love you." "I love you too dear."
Short after, they arrived home and the (e/c) boy went upstairs to his room. He laid down on his bed, giggling to himself. 'I have a date with Ben tomorrow!!' He couldn't help but feel happy about that. He dreamt about dating his crush for so long now and tomorrow his dream will come true. How could he not be overly exited? After a bit, he managed to calm down enough to start with his homework. Yet the upcoming date with Ben never left his mind.
After a few hours, his mom called him down for dinner and the topic 'Date with Ben' got brought back up. "So.. have you thought about what kind of style you want to go with for the date?" (Y/N) looked up. "Hm.. I think I wanna bring out my love for art a bit?" He looked at his mom, making sure he understood what he meant. "And I want it to be something cute!" His mom nodded. "How about those old overall pants you never wear? We could customize it with some of your fabric paint? You know, paint some stuff on it, putting splashes of paint? And pair it with your black converse and a simple black T-Shirt? So you'd look cute and artsy?" "That sounds amazing! Lets get straight to work after dinner so the paint can dry for tomorrow! Thank you so much mom!" The middle-aged woman smiled. "Of course dear. Anything for you."
After dinner, they went back to (Y/N)'s room to start on the pants. While the (h/c) boy got the paint ready, his mom spread out the pants on a few sheets of parchment paper. "Any idea what you want to do?" The boy nodded. "I wanna start with some blue, green and purple splashed all over those pants and then draw some daisys on the pockets." He said exited. "That sounds amazing! Lets get started then shall we?" (Y/N) nodded and they started to splash the color on the pants. After the front was all covered in paint, (Y/N) started to draw daisies on the front pocket. After that was done, they decidet to take a small break so the paint could dry enough to flip the pants over. "This already looks amazing. Ben is gonna fall straight in love with you honey." (Y/M/N) smilled proudly. She felt happy for her son. "Thank you mom. I better hope he will, I like him a lot." "Alright lover boy, lets get some snacks and hot chocolate. I have to take a break, my back is killing me." They laughed, walking in the kitchen to grab  snacks and hot chocolate.
They laughed a lot, talking about some rude classmates, (Y/N)'s friends and (Y/M/N)'s coworkers. The (h/c) could feel his tension fading away. "I think the paint should be dry enough by now. Lets finish it, hang it up and go to bed. You'll have an exciting day tomorrow." (Y/N) nodded, making his way back to his room to finish the pants. Together with his mom, it was done in no time. They giggled with each other and hung the pants up to dry. "Good night dear, sleep well." "Good night mom, you too!" With that, his mom left and (Y/N) was left alone in his room. He picked up his phone, seeing a new text from Ben. He smiled, before opening it.
Benji<3: Hey, got home safe?
(Y/N): Heyy, yeah got home safe! Sorry for the late awnser, I was working on something with my mom hehe
Benji<3: Oh? What were you working on? Show me!
(Y/N): You'll see tomorrow Benji! It's a surprise!
Benji<3: Oh come ooon (Y/N). I don't wanna wait!
(Y/N): Nope. Not a chance. I'm heading to bed now, sleep well Benji! See you tomorrow!
With that, he put away his phone and tried to sleep.
Benji<3: Sleep well (Y/N) see you tomorrow <3
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
Meet Whiskey
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Born Jaden Lexington Rogers, Whiskey is the younger daughter of a construction worker and a maid.
The youngest of two, Jade knew she was different from her classmates and friends. Her head was always in the sky. What would flying feel like? Did you need a lot of schooling to become a pilot?
Around the age of eight her life started to change. She became more outgoing, looking for friends in anyone she could find.
Home was never perfect but it did have its happy moments. She made it through middle and high school because of the loving push her older sister gave her.
Prior to entering high school, Jade knew she was going to become a Naval aviator. She focused on her schooling and athletics while in high school.
It was during her sophomore year that her life changed forever. A drunk driver was speeding against traffic on the highway and hit the car Jade’s family was traveling in. Her mother and sister were killed on impact.
The majority of her free time, Jade used to volunteer at the community center helping older ones learn to use tablets or touch screen phones. She also attended as many summer STEM courses as she could.
Each day that passed brought her closer to making her dream of flying a reality. Then came her high school graduation.
As her graduating class salutatorian, Jade prepared her speech for weeks. Looking out to the large crowd, she could find the faces of her friends’ parents and siblings. However, there was nobody in the crowd there to clap or cheer for her when she got her diploma.
After the ceremony and attending her best friend’s graduation party, Jade made it home to finish packing up for Anapolis. She did it. She had gotten into the Naval Academy. Her hard work paid off.
Just with high school, Jade focused on her studies and being one of the best naval aviators. She would be lying if she said she never partied. She did and even dated.
When she got her call sign, the students had all been sitting around the table and talking about their favorite things. One of the guys mentioned that his favorite whiskey was the color of Jade’s amber eyes. From that moment, the students called her Whiskey.
Time passed and Whiskey proved to be one of the best naval aviators that she got called to Top Gun. There she met her Chaos family and favorite people ever.
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Discord 🏷️ List: @askmarinaandothers @bayisdying @callsign-dragonbaron @callsignscupcake @cycbaby @mtnofgrace @mischief-siriusly-managed @cosmicshrine @likelyrowdy @callsignthirsty
Forever 🏷️ List: @callmemana
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findusinaweek · 2 years
Tag Game! Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
I was tagged by @aeide​! Thanks! I was thrilled for this tag and then I realized I suddenly couldn’t remember anything so it took a moment.
Under cut because I added gifs/don’t want to cause extra eyestrain for the strolling folks
1) La Casa de las Flores
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OH the DRAMA! All of my classmates in LACS were talking about it when it came out and I thought they were over-hyping it but I was so wrong. I love Paulina de la Mora and would die for her. 2) Attack on Titan
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Whatever you say, Erwin. Before I was losing my mind over Brasidas this was my pixelated commander. Probably the reason I was on ao3. I hate 80% of the characters though, never finished it...My irl friends were genuinely concerned for my mental well being when chap 84 released. 
3) Killing Eve
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Yeah, that sums it up. If I never finish the series I can never be heartbroken, right?
4) The Magicians
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I love the friendships in this show, especially Margo and Eliot’s.  Eliot’s speech about “Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life” lives rent free in my head. I think seeing Quentin realize that magic doesn’t cure depression was really mindblowing to me.  It’s a cheesy mess but it’s probably my favorite show.
5) Our Flag Means Death
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I went WILD for them. Talking about your feelings? Showing me a queer love story that’s not baiting me? Also I think it helped me visualize being older and queer. I don’t think I’ve seen any other show that gave me what this gave me. Especially Jim.
6) Snowpiercer
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It’s a trash show. BUT! There is a very cool train and a lesbian wields an ax so there wasn’t any way I was going to be able to say no to loving it. 7) What We Do In The Shadows
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This show makes me laugh more than most.
8) Derry Girls
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Really, anything anyone says in this show will make me laugh. Orla reminds me of myself sometimes and that worries me. Ok so now for taggin people. Okie dokie @luvjiro​ @cataliinaa​ @whereforartthoumisthios​ @stressfulsloth​ uhhhh hello I have never tagged you folks but we are mutuals now so yeah.  Also anyone else who would like to do this!
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cookingforsatoru · 2 years
argue session 101
me, mikey & kazutora...
would probably argue nonstop about abortion rights. i would fight for abortion is not the answer while they're saying what if the girl got raped... well I would just say then after you gave birth give the child to a adoption center if you don't really want the child. not as easy as it looks but it's much better to give the child to an adoption center, and not kill it even if the child is not already a fetus in your tummy, it's still killing it. God knows everything so he wouldn't get you into a situation of something you can't do.
(My classmates always ask me if abortion is okay, I said for my opinion it's a no! then explained why. and made a pretty speech, and now they would always ask me debate questions, and I always win. that's when i realized I am a really good speaker, now sony hire me 🤗 )
based on my research "A multivariate analysis showed young teenagers to be 32 percent more likely than women 18 or over to say they were not mature enough to raise a child and 19 percent more likely to say their parents wanted them to have an abortion. Unmarried women were 17 percent more likely than currently married women to choose abortion to prevent others from knowing they had had sex or became pregnant. Of women who had an abortion at 16 or more weeks' gestation, 71 percent attributed their delay to not having realized they were pregnant or not having known soon enough the actual gestation of their pregnancy."
↪ young teenagers to be 32 percent more likely than women 18 or over to say they were not mature enough to raise a child and
as i suggested, the adoption center is always going to welcome you.
↪ 19 percent more likely to say their parents wanted them to have an abortion.
well everybody says that "your body your choice" right? then if you don't want to abort it, then dont.
if your parents don't agree with you, then they are'nt open minded let them read this message of mine. "parents, if your child wants to keep the child, let them. you are just there to support your daughter's life, not to make it harder. be with them, comfort them, love them. be more open minded."
or if you, yourself wants to abort the child, your choice fine. but you'll forever be guilty. swear, this isn't based on experience but I'm an open minded kid. also i love fighting for my opinion.
↪ Unmarried women were 17 percent more likely than currently married women to choose abortion to prevent others from knowing they had had sex or became pregnant.
the reason that they have is shit.
why would you have sex, unprotected sex in the first place?
the ones who are thinking like this, tell me. are you guys sure that God himself would forgive you?
↪ I'm a religious woman, who came from a religious family.
Speaking, Said in The Bible God will forgive you if he sees that you are truly guilty of what sin you have made. God can see our hearts and our minds.
As I said earlier, God wouldn't give us something if he knows that we can't do it.
he just needs us to trust him fully.
forgot the verse but the Bible really said it though... huhuhuhu
so sony, hope this speech has convinced you that i can be your new portable e speaker :((
P.S Don't argue with me, again this is all just my opinion
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Cultic Class-ic
Damien Wayne didn’t set out to be a troll. In fact, if any of his fellow batclan members were to be asked, Damien Wayne wasn’t capable of being a troll. He was too much of a troll already—albite, one of a different sort. The sort that slinks through the shadows and slithers just out of sight. The sort that stabs you in the gut and twists the knife in with a jerk—not enough to kill, just… maim, and cause pain. That type of sort.
But, well, it just sort of happened.
And Damien would have it known that it was NOT his fault.
It started, as most things do with Damien Wayne, as an argument. A simple one really. A minor disagreement. But no argument can ever really stay simple. Not when it’s with Damien Wayne.
It started a bit like this:
“Hey, Wayne! Have you seen the news about the speech your brother gave?” The Grand Annoyance Number One asked as he plopped into a seat next to Damien. He’d earned the title honestly.
Damien clenched his jaw and continued to stare down at his book. He had, in fact, seen the news. Not that he needed to of course. He’d been there, after all. “I’m an only child,” he intoned dryly. He turned the page.
“Uhuh, sure bud,” The Grand Annoyance ™ said amusedly. It was always like this, and Damien hated it. He’d done everything he could to make it CLEAR he was NOT interested in acquaintances or, god forbid, friends, but this classmate—and he said the term with as much loathing as he could muster—of his was persistent. “So you know that part where he was somethin like ‘we’re all heroes in our own way’ and ‘we gotta help out the little guy’ and all?” the other boy paraphrased as he blathered on nonchalantly.
Damien growled under his breath. Annoying. He was so annoying. And the speech??! It was irresponsible.
Why Drake thought it acceptable to give the plebeians a sense of grandeur, Damien would never understand. His classmates were not heroes. They would never be heroes. And it took more then an insipid smile and a jovial pat on the back to go out every night and save world.
It was work.
It was hard work.
And this peasant probably thought he could do it too without any sweat, or tears, or blood.
“So anyway,” the classmate plowed on, unconcerned by Damian’s blatant disinterest as he chattered, “I was like, that’s awesome! And Tim Drake’s so iconic!! He’d def get my vote for president if he ran. And have you seen him in all black?? That suit he wore at the last gala?? He could totally rock the bat suit. He’s way cooler then some of the current vigilantes—not that the vigilantes aren’t cool and all! Don’t get me wrong. They’re totally cool. But The Tim Drake?? As a superhero?! We should absolutely make a petition to get Tim Drake to be a legit hero!”
Damien fiddled with the edge of his book’s page and internally rolled his eyes as he listened with half an ear—which was like, what, a quarter of his attention? The Annoyance ™ was still jabbering at him. He was just another arrogant and presumptuous and a pompous and—wait. Damien jerked up and stared at the bumbling idiot as his babbling caught up with Damien.
“You want to what?” he blurted, aghast, and then added, “Why?”
The Annoyance ™ blinked at him, clearly startled to have received a reply at all. “Uhh.” He squinted at Damien. “Are you feeling alright, bud?” He reached forward to feel Damien’s forehead. Damien swatted the appendage away and glowered.
“Why?” he snarled.
“‘Cause he’s awesome??” the other boy replied astonished. He was giving Damien a look that obviously said he thought Damien had lost it.
“No he’s not. He’s a slob and an addict and a creepy obsessed stalker.”
The Annoyance ™ chewed his lip and tilted his head to stare for a long minute at Damien. “Ya,” he nodded decisively, “You’ve gone completely round the twist.” He patted Damien on the shoulder consolingly. Damien voice gnarled as he whacked the other boy away. His teeth clacked together as he gnashed them. This boy was going to die.
“It’s okay,” Annoyance ™ continued to reassure, unperturbed by his impending eradication. “Too much awesomeness can do that to the best of us,” he nodded, “It’s like that movie Dogma, from like, wayy back in the olden days. De-angled Ben Affleck couldn’t withstand the amazingness of God’s true voice. She was just too awesome. Like Tim!” His eyes lit up. “O M G TIM’S A GOD!!”
Damien’s fist collided with the Annoyance’s chin bringing a quick close to the discussion, and a quicker visit to the principles office.
But it was over. For now.
But the seeds of Damien’s trolling ways had been planted and there was no stopping the invasive growth that would follow.
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matchluv · 2 months
Being unhappy is the new normal. 
As a society, we’ve generalized the term “depression.” We joke about death lightheartedly: “I’m so depressed,” “I want to kill myself,” “I would rather die.” How has our society come to be one where we want to be, and even argue over, who is the busiest, the most stressed out, the one that has the most problems? 
But, after all, we have burdens pushed upon ourselves from such a young age - schoolwork, expectations, social life. Yet we worry more about making unhappiness go away, rather than truly finding happiness. Are we really living life or just trying to slowly delay the inevitable, impending doom that is death? 
Our house ran every day like clockwork, always busy and always moving. 
When I was little and we first moved to **, my parents were determined to fill every block of time I had and I did it all. My days became monotonous, each nothing more than a faint memory. My life was consumed by: Mondays, piano; Tuesday, violin; Wednesdays, writing class; Thursdays, ballet; repeat, none of which I particularly enjoyed. I spent the rest of my time reading or doing my homework. Nothing had meaning. I looked at this time as a filler, but a filler for what, exactly? 
I treated life as if it was a sprint rather than a marathon.
Yet, most of my hobbies stuck with me. People told me I was talented, and it became my self-worth. I was nothing without my music. 
During dinner, after the usual “how was your day” s, my mom would tell stories about her childhood. This was one of the few times our busy life paused; my mom would wear a relaxed smile on her face as opposed to yelling at us. My mom had always felt distant. We were locked in a constant stalemate; she never understood me and I never understood her. But during these times, I felt at home. 
“I don’t know how to study for math though!”, “But so many people are smarter than me,” “I’m not good at sports like you”; I knew what my mom would say every time but I didn’t want these moments to end. She told us of her life growing up: going to boarding school, being valedictorian, top of her class, athletic and overachieving. So, being the eldest child, I was expected to perform well academically and live up to my mom’s reputation.
I was always called the “teacher's pet” in elementary school. My parents constantly compared me to others: my friends, classmates, peers. Without any self-confidence, my happiness stemmed from praise and compliments. I got perfect grades on all of my assignments, I gave the graduation speech, and I was far ahead of the school curriculum. My peers gave me nicknames as well: “the calculator,” “computer,” and “the smart one”. I managed to keep my perfect record up to sixth grade, but after that, everything fell apart. My grades were slipping far beyond my control. 
If my work wasn’t perfect, I didn’t want to do it. I would barely put effort into the things I didn’t think I was good at. Everything used to come naturally to me, and now that they didn’t, I gave up. I would dread reading any form of feedback; making one mistake and doubting my capabilities sent me spiraling into a rabbit hole of self-depreciation. I procrastinated nearly all of my assignments until everything started piling up. 
Yet, on top of it all, I told myself to not care. I repressed my feelings the way you would boil water in a kettle until I simply could not bear it anymore. 
I wasn’t normal anymore, I didn’t feel like myself. I felt broken. My life was shattering in front of me into pieces, faster than I could pick them up and glue them back together. 
I don’t remember how I changed. There wasn’t one singular, storybook pivotal moment. It was my friends, the feeling of a fresh start, and a newfound motivation to live life, and ironically, also my parents. They were and will always be my greatest supporters. 
I’ve realized that being normal is as impossible as striving for perfection. We, innately, associate difference with “bad” and are scared to change. Instead, I’ve started searching for the small things that make me happy: going for a walk in the park, studying at a cafe, having a picnic.
I never quit piano or violin, they still gave me comfort within my chaotic schedule, but I’ve realized true happiness shouldn’t come from being normal. It's feeling satisfied with life and enjoying every single moment.
thanks for reading!
about me :3
grade: 8th
name: kiki
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drippingheart · 8 months
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It was decided — he did not like Tokyo. Weekend trips to the overwhelming metropolis of fashion and culture were one thing, but actually living in a place of noise and air pollution, akin to the vile nature of swallowing curses, made Getō Suguru crave a shower simply thinking about it. He, as it was laid out to him in practiced polite tone, had little option. Use your abilities for good. Surrounded by people like you. What are your other options?
Who said the teenager didn't have dreams. He had plans of attending college, going through the whole experience, and working his ass off because he was no rich brat. It was an abysmal speech found in the corners of action based mangas and dialogue within hero-in-training movies. Suguru's very own coming to age story packed with training, killing monsters, and being repulsed by his sorcerer technique. Yeah, charming. As frightened as his parents had been and the neighborhood kids, the seasoning on the onigri was his dislike of his own technique.
He enjoyed having a third eye, a sixth sense, but he felt akin to the superhero with the lamest ability. Curses were meant to be exorcised, meanwhile Suguru was capable of swallowing them like they were friends to cherish. What did it mean for a sorcerer to keep his curses instead of killing them? The Principal of one school and a representative of another did not think it an ill omen. Apparently, if making out with a curse meant saving the world, they were all game for it.
Sure, those weren't precisely their words, but Suguru understood the meaning. People like him, like them were a rare breed, and Japan was in dire need of morally right users. Suguru accepted on the grounds it was on a trial basis even though he had a feeling the Jujutsu institute was not one to accept on the fence students. They were desperate, weren't they? Suguru was young in age, but if he was to be killing curses and putting his life on the line, he was prepared with the maturity of a man twice his age.
In truth, Suguru had been frightened over the prospect of working a bone breaking job of menial labour to pay for college, and there was the matter of staying at home ... his childhood already felt like an overbearing weight; had felt as such for a long while. No child should wish to disappear from home. Once again, Suguru was fulfilling the manga trope although the protagonist usually had an obnoxiously wonderful childhood ... or it was marred with tragedy. Either way, Suguru did not quite fit the bill — just a short lifetime of resentment and cold shoulders. It was strange how all of his possessions could fit in a few boxes and cases of luggage, not as strange as his parents' eagerness to get rid of their son.
Between Tokyo and Kyoto, ultimately it boiled down to Yaga Masamichi; although speaking and walking like a man with a stick in his arse, he, at least, appeared more genuine. The Principal versus a representative. The choice was obvious. And hey, maybe Tokyo wouldn't be too horrid. He was told the campus was secluded and away from the main chaos. Furthermore, Tokyo really did have all the hot spots: vending machines filled with all his favourite things, cat cafes, omelet places worthy of social media, and the best shoe and gym clothes department stores. Maybe he could come to like Tokyo.
That still left the matter of Jujutsu Metropolitan Technical School and his classmates. Suguru tended to fair well with new people his age, but there was a vulnerability talking about his technique and showing it to people first hand. What was supposed to help humanity felt an awful lot like a dirty secret. By the time he arrived at the school, his boxes were already delivered and waiting outside his assigned dorm room. The Principal himself gave him the grand ( truly grand ) tour, a lengthy lecture, a history lesson ... Suguru was exhausted by the end of the day to the say the least.
Because he was not from Tokyo, he had been scheduled to arrive earlier than his classmates; a curtesy provided by Masamichi. Sounded an awful lot like a country bumpkin like you needs time to adjust, but the onyx haired teen accepted it nonetheless. The three days prior to his classmate's @pyrrhaic arrival was used to explore the beautiful campus, decorate his room, and stock the fridge and pantry with all the things he liked. It worked out perfectly. He carved out his space in the fridge, the optimal pantry space, and picked the best shower and toilet in the men's shared bathroom.
The rest of the time the teenager relaxed and meditated. Slept in, too. His time was his until the three days ran out in a blink. Lessons wouldn't start until two days later, thus Suguru lounged about in clean and ironed black joggers and an acid wash t-shirt. He didn't outright stand at the entrance like an eager errand boy, instead he loitered around the shared living area; ready to greet and be polite once the Principal was done with his speech.
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lizlovesmovies · 2 years
moments in media that stay with me
stuck in love (2012) 
“I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone’s heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.” / “I remember that it hurt. looking at her hurt” / “I don’t want to get hurt” “I’m not going to hurt you”
unwind dystology 
“I’m a better person because you’re in my head” / “you think maybe I can believe in that God, too?”
new girl (2011-2018) 
1.02 the boys sticking up for jess / 5.02 cece and schmidt get married / 6.22 “we’re having a baby, cece”
brooklyn 99 (2013-2021)
5.04 “no one gave me the idea. I decided to ask Amy to marry me all on my own on April 28th” / 2.17 “marriage is a contract. but it’s so much more than that. marriage is love. it’s commitment, it’s joy, it’s understanding, it’s patience, it’s anger, it’s reconciliation. it’s everything. it’s like oatmeal, it sustains you”
schitt’s creek (2015-2020)
2.13 the family dancing in the barn together to precious love x james morrison / 6.08 ted and alexis break up
10 things I hate about you (1999)
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you’re always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call. but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all”
hunger games: mockingjay
“you love me, real or not real?” “real”
parks and recreation (2009-2015)
7.08 april hugs leslie and thanks her for everything, before moving on to a new job that she’s passionate about, for the first time in her life, something that she learned from leslie
palm springs (2020) 
“what if we get sick of each other?” “we’re already sick of each other; it’s the best”
booksmart (2019)
molly’s graduation speech
rivers and roads (the head and the heart) been talkin bout the way things change/and my family lives in a different state
stick season (noah kahan) and I’ll dream each night of some version of you/that I might not have, but I did not lose
this is me trying (taylor swift) they told me all of my cages were mental/so I got wasted like all my potential/and my words shoot to kill when I’m mad/I have a lot of regrets about that/I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere/fell behind all my classmates, and I ended up here 
cleopatra (the lumineers) but I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant/damn your wife, I’d be your mistress just to have you around 
peace (taylor swift) but I’m a fire and I’ll keep your brittle heart warm/if your cascade ocean wave blues come/all these people think love’s for show/but I would die for you in secret/the devil’s in the details, but you’ve got a friend in me/would it be enough if I could never give you peace
motion sickness *phoebe bridgers) there are no words in the english language/I could scream to drown you out 
us (james bay) tell me when the light goes down/that even in the dark we can find a way out/tell me now cause I believe in something/I believe in us
happy & sad (kacey musgraves) and I’m the kind of person/who starts getting kinda nervous/when I’m having the time of my life
nothing new (taylor swift and phoebe bridgers) how can a person know everything at 18/but nothing at 22
supernatural (2005-2020)
2.20 “why is it my job to save these people?” / dean’s older sibling guilt
the half of it (2020)
when ellie’s dad talks to paul in mandarin, and paul listens, despite not understanding the words, he understands the emotion / paul running beside ellie’s train / ellie and paul’s platonic friendship / “is this really the boldest stroke you can make?”
promising young woman (2020)
her manicured fingernails in the stream, as her body burns and her ashes float along
that 70s show (1998-2006)
1.24 the formans adopting steven, letting him live in the basement, and his becoming a part of their family
maid (2021)
1.10 alex’s “my happiest day” speech, how much she fought and scrapped and saved and sacrificed to give her daughter a safe life / 1.08 “we’re going on a...” “bear hunt” “we’re gonna catch a...” “big one”
the big sick (2017)
love prevails / something as small as noticing her sprained ankle saved her life
ted lasso (2020-)
2.08 jaime stands up to his dad, then stands, frozen in fear, as roy walks up to him. he flinches, but roy is not going to hurt him; he hugs jaime tightly / 2.08 “my dad killed himself when I was 16. that happened to me and my mom″
harry potter and the deathly hallows: part 2 (2011)
neville beheads nagini with the sword of gryffindor, rendering voldemort mortal again
psych (2006-2014)
3.08 gus tells shawn how much he loves him / 3.16 maybe the best things, the richest things aren’t meant to come easily / 8.10 lassiter breaking the dvd before shawn confesses
gone girl (2014)
the cool girl speech 
veep (2012-2019)
7.07 selina sits alone in the oval office
flashpoint (2008-2012)
2.14 lewis calls his parents, tells them that he loves them, then steps off the land mine, “spike, it’s gonna be okay” / 1.07 sam attends the procession for a veteran who committed suicide, sobbing on the bridge / 1.12 ed taking off his vest and telling the danny that he’s tired
the finder (2012)
1.13 walter can’t find something / leo raising willa
the glades (2010-2013) 
jim buys callie her dream house as a wedding present
superstore (2015-2021) 
1.01 “moment of beauty” vs 6.15 in the boys’ room
modern family (2009-2020)
4.12 phil’s little girl speech
shameless (2011-2021)
1.09 “I did a fucking great job” / 10.12 mickey saying “I love you, I love you” to ian / 7.01 lip realizing that he’s an alcoholic just like frank
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