#they have the same face as the Cheshire cat idk what else to tell you
marshiemonarch · 7 months
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I like to believe they're just a silly little guy
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Oh god please, more cheating and angst (hoodie? Tim? 👀👀👀) Idk u just write it so good and my aching heart feels better oddly because of it. I fuckn love angst djsjsjjdjdjd
Full Moon and Being A Horrible Person
[Masky X F!Reader]
[Warnings: language, physical cheating]
[AN: i love angst too]
The full moon makes us do weird things, it’s been well documented. From the people bouncing off the walls to inducing labor, all the way to making us make questionable decisions, the full moon is to blame, not him.
It was a full moon when he caught the eyes of a woman with dark, sweet chocolate colored eyes. She looked so beautiful under the lights of the bar, yellow illuminating her skin like it was gold.
She’d been flirting with him across the bar the entire night. Wry smiles, tapping her fingernails against the glass, twirling her dark hair and giggling when he caught her eyes and by extension, her attention.
“You know Reader isn’t gonna be happy with your behavior,” Hoodie had lightly chided him before downing more of his beer. “Why don’t you let me take over? I haven’t-”
“No,” Tim laughed, pushing at his best friend’s shoulder. “It’s harmless flirting,” he finished, watching Hoodie’s expression from the corner of his eye.
“If Reader was doing this, would you consider it harmless flirting?”
Kate excused herself from her conversation with one of the ladies from the booth behind the table she and her group shared, then turned her attention to her group leader. “He has a point,” she said, grinning when Hoodie leaned over the table to high-five her.
Tim rolled his eyes and began to lazily swish his drink. “It’s nothing, I promise.”
“You mean to say you haven’t emptied your balls in a few weeks and you’re desperate,” Hoodie deadpans, breaking his blank expression when Kate loudly laughs.
“Again, he has a point,” Kate smirked. “C’mon, let Hoodie or Toby take this one. Neither of them are in relationships and are less likely to get attached.”
Tim raises a brow at Kate. “Attached? What does that mean?”
Hoodie shares a look with the woman across from him who nods at him to explain what exactly she means. “She uh,” Hoodie awkwardly sips at his beer before biting the bullet completely. “C’mon man, you have an addictive personality. Pills, cigarettes, Reader…” He trails off before Tim hisses and punches Hoodie’s shoulder, roughly. Hoodie only barks a laugh and raises his hand up in submission. “I’m right, I’m always right!” He manages to choke out through remaining giggles.
“Can we just drop it for now?” Tim growls.
Kate rolls her eyes and then pulls a face to Hoodie, who stifles his laughter just barely before she turns back to her conversation with the ladies from the booth behind her. She’s up and out of her seat following a group of them to the other side of the bar, giggling and laughing as a woman with short pink hair holds her hand and weaves her through the crowds.
Hoodie feigns innocence before standing up. “I’m gonna find Tobes, who knows what he’s doing. Tearing up the dance floor, maybe?”
Tim watches as his best friend shuffles out from his seat, beer still in hand as he disappears into the sea of people. He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. His dark eyes scan the bustling room full of bright, rainbow colored strobe lights and too loud music only to catch a glimpse of the full moon outside. It’s tinged pink, and seems to blossom the longer he looks at it. Due to where they’re currently at in the city, he can’t see the stars - much too much light pollution. A sigh is about to escape his lips when he feels a hand brushing over his, pulling him from the light of the full moon and onto the woman he’d been flirting quietly with all night.
“Never thought I’d get you alone,” she says, voice sweet like honey and smoother than silk.
Tim thinks about his words, his group’s chiding before mentally shrugging off all responsibilities. “I know, right?” He replies, voice low and deep, something charming and sweet.
She grins like the Cheshire Cat before playfully biting her lip. “I’m just passing through here,” she begins, “maybe we could… Have a few more drinks then head back to my hotel room?”
Tim feels a slight blush come to his cheeks before swallowing it back down. He smirks, leaning into her presence. “I’d love nothing more.”
The two of them knock back a few more drinks, the woman mostly choosing fruity things and Tim sticking to whiskey. Their touches become more and more bold, and their words more lusty and obscene by the moment. He has her sit on his lap and he whispers all the nasty things he wants to do to her and she gobbles it up, giggles and soft licks to the shell of his ear driving him up a wall.
And then, he follows her to her hotel. It’s a tangle of lips smashing against lips, hearts beating in sync and hands grabbing in the most inappropriate of places. Her clothes lie on the floor before getting covered up by his, her body following in suit.
Tim takes her. He drinks her in full and has her seeing the stars that were once only gazed upon by you. He touches her in ways you’ve never been touched and allows her to touch him in ways he’d always claimed were ‘too much’ for him.
When the deed is done, he’s cuddling her much like he would cuddle you, cigarette in his mouth and bliss on his face.
Tim stayed the night.
The next morning, he’s so groggy that he doesn’t even realize he’s still got her lipstick stains on his skin. He gets back in his car (failing to realize his group had to either walk back to the temp or hitch with someone else), and heads back to the only true home he’d ever considered.
It’s a few hours to your place, but he makes it, and that’s all that matters. Your car isn’t in the driveway, so he lets himself in. A quiet stumble to the bathroom and he sees he looks like a mess. The weight of what he did to you begins to sink in.
Tim turns the shower on and strips off his clothing - the clothes still linger with her perfume before he hops in and begins to furiously scrub at his skin. Tears well in his eyes. How could he do that to you? What kind of common sense was he lacking in that moment?
He continues to scrub, slowly coming to the realization that he’s going to do whatever it takes to hide this from you - you can never know. It was the light of the full moon, people always act crazy when the moon is in that phase, and he was drunk, like really drunk.
Excuses, excuses.
The water stops right when he hears the front door open. He hears your voice. You’re greeting him sweetly, like you always do.
He takes in a deep breath. You can never know.
It was only inevitable that you’d find out, though he’s surprised you went as long as you did without knowing. Tim hid it from you for months, and he probably could’ve kept it longer if he didn’t come with you to Target when you asked. You’d always been a fan of late night store runs, and he hadn’t gone on one with you in a while… What harm could it possibly do?
A lot. A lot of harm that surfaced the truth.
“I should’ve cuffed you when I had a chance!” The woman giggled as she came up beside you as you looked at the early Halloween decorations.
You raised a brow. “Excuse me?” You looked over to your boyfriend, whose face had gone pale. “I think you have the wrong…”
“You’re a lucky girl, y’know that?” She continued, brushing off your words. “He took me to the moon.” Her voice was so sultry and decadent. “Hope he takes you to the moon as well,” she says, her fingers trailing Tim’s arm.
He pulls away from her. “W...Who are you?” He says, attempting to sound confused.
The woman pulls a face before looking in between the two of you, her dark eyes glancing and putting together the pieces. Instead of being embarrassed or ashamed, she chuckles and begins to take off again. “I did you a favor, honey,” she calls over her shoulder, hips swaying as she turns down another aisle.
You don’t want to admit it, but now you know why Tim’s been so weird lately and nicer than usual. Sure, Tim is a sweet guy, but his behavior the past few months has been OVERLY nice, and now you know why. “What was that?” You ask, eyes narrowing and tears welling.
“Nothing, let’s just pay and get out-”
“I wanna go home.”
Tim moves to rest his hand on your shoulder, but you recoil as if you’d been burned.
A huge argument ensued when the two of you got back into the car, lots of harsh words were traded. He tried reasoning with you, he tried telling you how much he loved you, he tried everything in his power but he’d ruined a good thing.
You ended up pulling over on the side of the road, slamming the breaks, tears in your eyes and turned to him. “Give me the key to my house.”
“What? No-”
“Give. Me. The. Key. Tim,” you hiss, punctuating every word with stronger venom. You held your hand out.
Tim sighs deeply and reaches into his pocket, pinching the bridge of his nose as you harshly snatch the key from his awaiting hand. “It’s not like that, you know I love you-”
“Is that what you’re calling it? Cheating on me and then lying about it for months?” You rhetorically ask, growling and seething further and further. You feel rage wracking your system as it exhausts you further and further. You can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, because if you do, you’ll melt.
“I’m telling you, it was to protect you,” he attempts again. “Let’s just, let’s just go home and-”
“Get the fuck out of my car,” you say, drawing in every remaining and residual strength you have as hot tears scald your cheeks.
“You don’t mean that-”
“I do.”
“Reader, baby please-”
“Get the fuck out of my car,” you repeat. You squeeze your eyes shut, shake your head and then turn back to the road. “Do it before I do something stupid.”
Tim feels his heart shatter, cracking on impact as it falls deeper and deeper. He shakily runs his fingers through his hair before sliding out of your car, slamming the door shut and watches as you drive off and out of his life. He wants to scream, or cry, maybe both at the same time? He’s not entirely sure yet. He just knows his world is crashing down and there’s nothing he can do about it.
He betrayed your trust and broke your heart all for one singular night of passion.
The emotionally distraught man looks up at the moon, finding no solace that it’s full again.
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moonfox281 · 4 years
idk what u think about prompts but imagine having dick beat up jason in front of all his men lmaooo, just like they're sparring and the newbies think that jasons obvi gonna win but jeff and trevor are like, 'just wait' idk
It was Friday night, not to mention the last Friday of the month, meaning paperwork. Jason had been scrunching up in his office for the past eight hours checking over files to files, rubbing face, cracking neck. 
He was tired. He was homesick. He had definitely missed dinner tonight, and also patrol. It was three o’clock when Jason checked his watch again. Three, Dick was probably sleeping at home by now. And if Jason managed to magically finish everything tonight, he’d probably be sleeping in the guest room with Beast taking over his side of the bed. 
Or so he thought. He was just about to pick the pen back up when the door slammed open so hard it shook the room. Nightwing stormed in and strode toward in front of his desk, full-on mask, uniform.
“Honey, you scared me.”
“Spar. Now.”
“Come again?”
Dick groaned and pulled Jason off his seat by the front of his shirt, dragging him all the way to the common room. Yeah, the gang common room, where most of his men found their fight club spirit. Along their ways, his workers dropped their jaws staring at them. In Jason’s defense, that little grip of Dick was very powerful.
Dick threw him down the only leather couch in the room that everybody knew  was only for Jason to sit. His men gagged on air. Okay, to Jason’s defense, again, he who was passively dragged all the way here, was no less surprised than any of them. 
If his reputation wasn’t already spontaneously damned under Dick’s hands, he would probably be really embarrassed. 
“Your men think I can’t beat you.“
Ah, his men were idiots. 
“They also think you always pretend I’m better to save my ego.“
Ah, his men weren’t idiots. They wanted Jason dead. 
“Do you believe them?“
Dick snorted and swiped his hair back with his chin tilted up. Ah, the killer move. He knew Jason would be down on four limbs for that sexy trick. “No. I want to show them.“
Just like that. Just like that, Jason lost his jacket, popped the top buttons of his dress shirt and rolled his sleeves up, gearing his ass for the beating. Dick stood a few steps away, grinning like Cheshire cat. Oh yeah, Dick just loved him playing around with three-piece suits.
His men cheered, stood tight against each other around the ring. Great, if his floor wiping ass was going to be a public one, better give them a show.
They walked in circle first, grinning at each other. Sparring wasn’t something new, it was just as much of a routine to them as eating breakfast or taking the dog out. 
In the end, Dick launched first, which okay, Jason hated that. Dick was fast, absurdly fast, his body was built to be fast. He dashed from left to right, front to back like a hummingbird in the air just to fuck with Jason’s eyes.
“You’ve got this Boss!” 
His men applauded. Jason felt a little jolt of energy because as stupid as it was, it was a little encouraging. 
He saw a trace ahead and threw his fist. Dick dodged, as expected, bent his back backward in a 90 degree and slid down the floor on his knees. Jason, with luck, thank God, managed to grab on Dick’s collar just when his back twisted a little painful and threw him over his shoulder. The crowd went wild. 
Usually, that would be it, but oh, Dick wouldn’t have been Nightwing and Nightwing wouldn’t have been Dick if that was it. He spread his legs wide midair and curled them around Jason’s neck before his body got down the ground, pulling Jason off his feet. The crowd went silent.
Jason choked up when he slammed down the floor. Dick grunt over his head. When he mentioned he wanted Dick’s legs over his shoulders for the rest of his life, this wasn’t what he was implying. 
Dick tightened his lock around his neck. Blood rushed to his head, Jason’s ears were ringing. Okay, enough game. 
He growled, pushed all his force and stamped hands down both sides of Dick’s hips, teeth grinding. 
“Come on!“ Dick shouted.
Jason carried both of their deadweights from a really fucked up angle and slowly lifted them up from the ground. Everyone was so quiet, a whispery gasp “holyshit” from someone came out as loud as a bang. 
“Stupid-Pit-juice-urgh!“ Dick hissed and tired out. His legs slid down, releasing air back into Jason’s system. Dick fell and landed on his hands in a three-point landing. 
Jason wrung a few buttons off and cracked his neck. His men were roaring, stomping their feet down the floor. For fuck sake, they were sparring, not opening a metal concert.
“Get him Boss!“
“You’re double his size. He’ll snap in a sec.”
“Show him what real man is, Boss!“
Dick clearly wasn’t happy with the chanting, and neither was Jason. That was the thing about the common room, it wasn’t just for people served exclusively to them, it was for the whole gang. Men didn’t know what Nightwing was, what he was capable of, what Jason was capable of for him.
All they saw, for now, was what met their eyes, a pair of long legs for a big man on a big chair. Gotham Kingpin and his shiny toy. 
In a short second of catching his breath, Jason saw the guys in the team circled around a table, shielding themselves away from the crowd, drinking, half watching, half talking. 
Those were the men that knew the true Red Hood and Nightwing, those were the key chains in the system. And those were the ones who knew exactly how this night was gonna end up like.
Jason cracked his knuckles and huffed. “You know I still have paperwork, right?“
Dick tilted his head. “You know I’m still your husband, right?”
Okay, point taken.  
“I’ll tell you this. If I lose, I’ll help you with paperwork.”
Jason’s shoulder dropped. “Really?” Because Dick had never wanted Jason’s work to meddle with him around a 10 feet range. 
“Really really.” Dick laughed.
Jason struke forward with a false kick.  Dick bit the bait and duck down on instinct, oh but he was damn quick. He caught the knee Jason threw over just in time not to eat the full force of it. But that made him double down, and double down meant showing his neck even for just a slight second. Jason only needed a slight second. 
Jason grabbed on his nape, which he knew was one of Dick’s sensitive spots, and hit his chin with his palm. No, there was no way in hell he would punch Dick in the face. That wasn’t what they did in sparring. And John would definitely chase him with a baseball bat if Dick ever got back with a black eye. 
But who said that hit didn’t count. Dick stumbled back on his steps, managed to wring himself out of Jason’s grip like a fish. He came by the edge of the ring, touched his chin with the tips of his fingers, grinned.
Okay, now Jason was royally dead. 
“You know, tonight was a bit boring.”
“So you needed a punching bag? Really?”
Because Jason totally did not enjoy playing punching dummy just so Dick could do moral lessons to toxic masculinity. Use Jefferson next time.”
Dick jumped forward and Jason was steady for the worse, until Dick vanished in thin air. Jason was an idiot, he should have known, he was fucking used to this. Dick did a full flip and spin in the air and landed right behind Jason’s back. He barely turned back in time to block the foot that flew right at his face. But that was a total mistake.
Dick used Jason’s grip on his ankle and sprung himself in a full-body spin and caught Jason in a double leg grapple. Nightwing’s signature double leg grapple was what put even Deathstroke down on the ground. So there was nothing to be ashamed of when Jason ended up the same and slammed down the floor.
Dick grabbed one of his arms before Jason could try lifting them up by sheer strength again, straining it up in a painful angle. This time, it was a full-body lock. And that was it. Jason might be strong, but he wasn’t Superman.
He tapped the floor with his only free hand before he went out of air. Dick released him with a sigh and did a kip-up to get back on his feet.
“That was fun.“
Jason laid spread on the floor, breathed. Thank god that flashy 360 spin of a double leg grapple shut even a fly up in the room. And thank god he was Dick’s husband and they were only sparring, or else Jason would have lost his neck.
But hey, guess none of the shit head in this room dared to light take him now.  
“Trevor,“ He called. “What’s the time?”
Trevor came by his side and squatted down, check his clock. “16 minutes.”
“Your water.“
“Thank you, Jefferson.“ Dick took the cool towel and water bottle from Jeff and grinned down at Jason. “Don’t you have paperwork?“
Jason rolled his eyes. And because he had already got enough of a night, he purposefully missed the way both Jefferson and Trevor turned away to hide their suppressed laugh. People still circled around the ring, right where he laid, starting, gagging on air. 
“Take a good look.” Jason heaved, slowly got up, dusted his shirt, checked over the ripped off buttons. There went his Bottega Veneta shirt. “Don’t ever provoke him again, clear?”
The gang shouted back “Roger.” and quickly spread out. 
Dick came by his side, gave him a hand. “Come on, I’ll help you with the files.”
Ah, Jason just loved him so damn much.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
My life, The Doctor; 10th Doctor x Nurse!reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys I know it’s been awhile but I finally decided to work on another story outside the Queen/BoRhap fandom. Now this request came from @originalposter96 idk if this is your user name anymore but I hope you’ll be able to see it.
NOW WARNING HERE I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR A NURSE!!! So I know absolutely NOTHING about surgeries or anything like that, so this may seem as lazy writing (sorry) but I hope you all still enjoy this fic. So since this does involve the reader being a Nurse there is a hospital involved, surgeries, blood, removing bullets, gunshots, and a slight trigger warning for Domestic violence (not between the Doctor and reader just some side characters).
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There have been many wonderous places I’ve been to, many wonderful people and creatures I’ve met.  They all come and go in my life, whether through my adventures or by time itself all beings enter my life one way or another.  But throughout all my previous lives, every single being in the Universe that I had ever known, one person was above and beyond special.
Her name was (Y/n) (L/n).  And she—is and will always be the love of my life.
For a human she was extremely clever, sharp as a whip, but she was also kind, loyal, and the one thing about her is that she never gives up on anyone.  As a Head nurse—oh did I forget to mention that? Yes my (y/n) is one of the best Nurses in all of England.  
Anyone in her time or even in the future when she finally becomes an M.D. will tell you that she is one of the best.  In fact she finds out future cures for worldwide pandemics (of course sometimes her board would deny her research and billions of people perish. Rotten bastards).  Anyways, my (y/n) truly is one of a kind amongst the humans and I am glad to have met her.
And won’t she be surprised when she sees me.  It had been awhile since I had last seen her (maybe since the day she graduated medical school just a year ago her time) and now with the Cybermen and Daleks taken care of, now’s a good a time to go see her.
I set the coordinates for her time period and flipped the switch allowing the TARDIS to activate and soon going through time and space.
*My POV*
April 14th, 2015, 10:05pm.  It had been a long day.  5 surgeries, 3 MRI scans, a cancer treatment report, and 2 women in labor later, I was just about to drop right there on the floor.  I was thankful that in like 20min. my shift was gonna be over.
“You look like you’re about to drop dead right on the spot.” I snapped out of my sleepy stage to see my good friend Chrissie Lang.  She and I had graduated from the same Med school together, and had most of the same classes together.  She and I are each other’s support system cause in this line or work—it can take a toll on you.
I remember this one time this woman came in at 6 months pregnant bleeding profusely from her legs.  We both knew that she was suffering a miscarriage so we told to do what her Doctor told us to do, but by the end of it Chrissie was completely destroyed. She always wanted to be a mum and seeing something like that happen made her fearful for even trying to go for a baby with her and her boyfriend.
So for the next ten minutes after helping the woman out, Chrissie and I just held onto each other and shed our tears before we had to brush it off and move onto the next case we had.  For those that say being a Doctor or a Nurse is the easiest job to do, they’re liars. The job can hit you not just physically, but mentally as well.
“After 2 days of not sleeping, I just might. Put on my tombstone (Y/n) (l/n). Died with a heart of gold and a stomach of caffeine.”
“That’s true cause I swear girl, you’re probably the most caffeine addicted person I’ve ever met.”
“I can stop whenever I want, these are just choices.” We both chuckled softly.
“Excuse me ladies, but would you mind helping me with something?” a familiar voice said to me.  We both turned to our right and standing there with a bouquet of my favorite color of carnations was the Doctor.
“Of course, what can we do for you sir?” asked Chrissie.
“Hey Chris, why don’t you let me handle this?” I suggested.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, besides you’re about to clock out sooner than me, you go on and head home. I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay, see you later (n/n).” she bid the Doctor good evening and he did the same. Once Chrissie left the lobby, I turned towards the Doctor smiling widely as he did the same.
I immediately embraced him and he picked me up and twirled me around, the two of us laughing together.
“Oh I swear every time I come back, you get more beautiful.” He said as he set me down.
“I’m just happy you got to come back at all.” I said as I cupped his face in my hands. His eyes grew soft as he placed his hands over mine.
“I know what I do is dangerous, but you know why I do what I do.” I nodded in understandment.
“I mean hell it wouldn’t be any different if you were human and worked as a police officer or a fireman. Hell we humans live in a dangerous world, anything could kill us.”
“Which is what makes me the Doctor.”
“It does indeed.” I stroked his cheek with my thumb and that’s when he reached for the bouquet he had set down on the front desk and he presented it to me. “You always know just how to cheer me up.”
“Figured you might’ve had a long, rough day. Thought a little color could be used to brighten up your day.”
“It sure did, thank you my love.”
“Anything for you my life.”
That was a thing between us.  When we first started dating each other, we had a little code/nickname for each other. I call the Doctor ‘my love’ because ever since he literally dropped from the sky onto my doorstep, he’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met.
He’s quirky, bit of a goofball, can sometimes blow his top but that’s only when something really dangerous happens and he’s under stress (yeah I’ve traveled with him a couple of times during my time at Med school), but he’s also loyal, brave, beyond clever, and he always puts everyone else, especially the human race above himself.  For the last of his species, he’s an incredibly selfless person.
He calls me ‘his life’ because whenever things get too hard for him, since he and I have been through some rough stuff due to our day to day life, I always try my best to comfort him.  I know that he’s lost people, just like I have on a job, and it’s not an easy thing to get pass.
So we both try to be each other’s support system.  We know there is always loss in the world, but the thing is to not let that be the driving point that always controls your life.  You can use it to make you stronger, not let it drag you down any further.
“So how has my brave Dr. (L/n) been since I last saw her?”
“You know I’m not a Doctor yet, I still gotta go through the nursing program and then rise up in the ranks before I finally get it.”
“Oh rubbish, you should’ve been a Doctor right as you graduated.”
“Yeah well not according to the chief here.” I muttered annoyedly.
“Honestly though, that old fool wouldn’t know a good doctor if it turned around and bit him in the arse.” I shushed him but couldn’t help myself from giggling softly.
“You can be so cruel sometimes you know that?” he playfully shrugged.
“Only when it comes to people who hurt you.” he wrapped his arms around me and pecked my cheek. “How much longer till your shift ends?” I turned to the clock and responded.
“10 minutes. But…..I could clock out a little early since there hasn’t been a call.”
“Playing hooky ehh? You cheeky little minx.” He grinned like the Cheshire cat. As we leaned closer to each other about to kiss, the doors suddenly burst open and a frantic voice called out.
“HELP! HELP! MY BROTHER NEEDS HELP! HELP!” a blonde woman around her mid 30’s came in holding her brother who looked to be around the same age as her.  Quite possible they might’ve been twins cause I could see some similarities on the both of them.  Her brother was completely covered in blood and his lips were blue from blood loss.
“Okay Miss calm down. I NEED A STRECHER STAT!!” soon enough the nurses who were still here for the nightshift ran off as I walked towards the two siblings. “What happened?”
“My ex-boyfriend jumped us. He thought—he thought my brother was a new boyfriend of mine and he—he—oh god this is my f-fault!”
“No, no, no Miss this is not your fault.” As I tried to calm her down, the stretcher bed soon came in and a group of nurses helped the man on his back and began cutting away his shirt.
“I’m seeing 3 bullet wounds to the chest and one on his abdomen. Let’s move him!” I get onto the top right of him as we wheel him into the OR to save his life while another nurse stayed behind with the sister to calm her down.
I washed my hands and arms frantically and thoroughly before getting my shrubs and mask on.  Already the destine nurses, assistants and now our head Doctor, Dr. Murphy came in and he said.
“What have we got?”
“Four shots in the upper body, two in the lower. He might’ve lost a pint of blood at least.” Answered Nurse Yasmin.
“Maybe 2-3. His BP is dropping fast.” Added one of the male Nurses, Derek.
“Okay, any of those bullets rupture an organ?” asked Dr. Murphy.
“The one in his lower abdomen is just a centimeter before hitting his small intestine. If we don’t get that bullet out first he could bleed out internally.”
“Okay keep an eye on his BP. I need fluids, scalpels, suction tubs, retractors……”
“Lucy….”the man groaned out.
“(L/n), do your thing.” Said Dr. Murphy.  I nodded and came up to the man and said.
“Sir? Sir can you hear me?”
“Yes. Where—where am I?”
“You’re at the hospital. Your sister brought you in. Don’t worry she’s okay and told us what happened.”
“Good….good……She’s safe. I—I’d never forgive myself if—” he started fading out.
“Hey, hey, hey sir, sir stay with me now. What’s your name? Can you tell me your name?”
“Okay Barry, I’m (Y/n) (l/n). My team and I are gonna help you but you need to stay with me for just a bit. Don’t give up on me.”
“It hurts….it hurts so badly.”
“I know, I know.”
“Give him a shot of morphine to numb the pain.” Dr. Murphy ordered.  Suzie got the morphine bag and needle ready and slowly stuck the needle into his left arm.  Barry hissed and I said to him.
“This’ll help lessen the pain. You won’t feel the pain as we try to get the bullets out of you Barry. But you gotta stay with me, okay?”
“I’ll—try……” he mumbled tiredly.  I placed my hand on his cheek and looked up at his vitals and saw his BP was continuing to drop and his heartbeat was going down.
As I looked around me, frantically Dr. Murphy and all the nurses were working together trying to get all the bullets out of him one by one, less we risk him bleeding out as two teams tried to work out a single bullet.  With the main one near his intestines cleared, Dr. Murphy and Nurse Helen worked on getting the few out of his upper chest.
All the while Barry kept groaning every now and then and his eyes were fading fast.
“Barry. Barry hey look at me boy. If you can’t do this for yourself, do it for your sister. From what she said about who had done this to you, you need to stay alive for her. What you did was heroic, but don’t let her see that that selfish son of a bitch won. She needs you, your family needs you.”
“I got the blood transfusion he now needs. Thankfully, we had our last bag of B+ in the storage bin.” A young male nurse who had only worked here for a year, Cody exclaimed as he came through the doors.
“Alright, start the transfusion now! We just got the last bullet out and his BP is dropping faster and faster!”
“You hear me Barry? We’re getting you your life back. But it’s gonna be up to you now. Don’t let him be the victor, not tonight! You hear me?” he groaned and looked right up at me and he whispered groggily to me.
“Why do you care so much?” I took a deep breath in and said as I stroked the hair from his face.
“Because so many people everywhere are already dying every day. Some because time has run out on them, others for serving their country, but there are the odds of people dying for now reason whatsoever. Or for stupid reasons that shouldn’t be a reason why someone should have to die, especially if it’s protecting their family member from some arsehole who can’t tell the meaning of the word No. Now your sister is out there waiting for you, if she loses you, she’ll have lost her Ace. Her only friend that has stuck by her through whatever it was that her ex-boyfriend did to her.”
“He…..always was a……selfish prick!” he coughed out.
“I’ll bet he was. But she survived him, and now you’ve got to survive too. Don’t give him that satisfaction that he took a life tonight. Can you do that for me?” he nodded softly and whispered out again.
“You’d make a great motivational speaker.”
“I was on the debate team back in secondary school. If you wanna hear more, you’ll just have to stick around Earth for a little while longer.” After his final stitches were in place, the blood transfusion began and it was then Dr. Murphy had Cody, Darren, and Helen wheel him into ICU.  From there, Barry would be monitored 24/7 till he woke up from his post-surgery coma.
Dr. Murphy took off his mask and gloves before turning to me and he said to me.
“Nice job keeping him talking.”
“Just doing my job sir.”
*Doctor’s POV*
Unaware to anyone else, I had snuck into the upper levels to witness the surgery in progress.  I watched as (y/n) stayed right by the young man’s side and kept giving him encouragement to stay alive.  But not for himself, for his sister.
This. Is why she would one day go down in the medical books as the world’s greatest Female doctor’s.  She always put the lives of the people her patient’s love over their own, then psychologically, the patient’s bodies would continue to fight on until finally they would find the strength to recover.
Of course she will have her failures cause that’s life.  You can’t save everyone but you can work harder at saving the ones you can save in the future.  She doesn’t let one failure get her down, that’s sometimes the curse of being a Doctor. When you lose people, it can really affect you. Even when those closest to you are the ones you lose.  Believe me I’ve been there millions of times throughout my 10 life cycles (she’s lucky she’ll only deal with one).
By morning, the lad Barry managed to make a full recovery.  His sister, Lucy repeatedly thanked all the doctors and nurses who helped out with saving her brother before giving her statement to the police.
I waited outside by the TARDIS for my beloved Doctor to clock out, and when she finally came out the poor dear looked exhausted.  I extended my arms out for her and she gave me a tired smile before collapsing into my arms.
“Just when I thought I could get at least one early night in.” her voice muffled against my trench coat but I still managed to hear her.  I softly laughed and rocked her gently as I assured her.
“I know, but hey if you hadn’t been here, that young man would’ve died.”
“Oh you know it was Dr. Murphy as well as a few other nurses that actually did the real operation to save him.”
“True, but you were just as important if not more. You kept him awake and talking.” I shrugged tiredly agree-to-disagreeing. “Now then, I think after a night like that, and from lack of sleep these past couple of days you deserve to be pampered and see the wonders of the galaxy.”
“How did you—”
“Besides the bags under your eyes, I’ve seen the amount of Starbucks cups at your apartment.” She groaned embarrassingly.  God this girl and her coffee addiction, truthfully I never understood why humans choose that as their beverage of choice.  I myself prefer a good Earl grey or even sometimes Jasmine tea but ugh that horrible bland stuff they call coffee?! Never. Again. Will that drink touch my taste buds.
“Care to show me the wonders of time and space?”
“Need a pick me up boost?” she nodded.  I kicked open the doors of the TARDIS and hopped inside before extending my hand out to her saying, “First question is though; do you trust me?”
“Always my love.” She replied with that loving soft smile of hers as she took my hand.
“Then brace yourself my life, because I’m going to show you the sound of the Universe.”
“You mean…..”
“Indeed I do my love, the Music of the Spheres.” Her smile grew wider and I pulled her into the TARDIS before shutting the doors behind her and together the two of us ran towards the consoles of the TARDIS and I punched in the coordinates and soon we took off for the Music of the Spheres.
And who knows where our next adventure would lead after that? So long as I got my love, my life, my Doctor with me by my side.
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mewmewnyaart · 4 years
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I'm not very good at drawing horror and blood but I recently have been getting into OFF lately so I figured I'd try to draw batter to pratice lighting and shadows
I also made my own au where batter and hugo switch places but I doubt anyone would like it or even read it heck I couldn't even get a single like on any of my posts
But here I go anyway :
So common belief that the world of OFF isnt real and that its all happening inside Hugo's head because hugo is in a comma and that the batter resembles the father and the queen resembles the mother
And that the guardians are the boy's immune system and organs that are intolerant to the drug liquid plastic that is being experimented on hugo
The mother was always a working woman and never gave hugo attention while the dad was a straight forward and loving man (I also have a personal theory that he's religious)
The mother wants hugo to live but the father wants to let the boy die because he's tired of seeing his own child in pain everyday
Ok now that I have that out of the way here's my au:
In this au its the father that ends up in a comma and hugo is the one who tries to save him from dying
Backstory to how the dad ended up in a comma:
Hugo in this au is healthy and lives a normal life the father was once a baseball player (as a hobby) so hugo got inspired by his dad and started to take baseball classes at his school
One day the dad was dropping hugo off for baseball practice and while waving goodbye while slowly moving out of the parking lot a reckless older student who wasn't looking quickly backs up his truck hitting the father and sending him into a comma
Ok now for the characters:
We enter the game as hugo and we are greeted by the judge and we start our journey of "purifying" the world just like batter
The enemies represent different family members who dislike or or even hate the father and the father's phobias or fears as well as microbes or poisons in the father's system
Then we have other characters like pets,neighbors,friends who are good guys or people who side with hugo in the this au
Also the puzzles would changed in this au
Hugo is a child and the father would probably play alot with hugo and his games since the mother was always busy ,so instead of floating boxes we'd get more complicated versions of kids puzzles like connect the dots or fill in the shapes etc.
Now for who each character represents and then I'll move on to what the goal of the game is or what Hugo's mission is:
Hugo= he represents the son in real life but he also resembles a new antibiotic that's being experimented on the father
The judge = in real he's the family house cat named milk ingame he's a guide but I have my own head canon
so alot of people tend to draw batter with his eyes closed some draw 4 eyes some draw no eyes at all
I like to think that the father irl has bad eye sight or sensitive eyes so he wears special glasses but will not wear any glasses when at home because he doesn't like to so he will walk around with his eyes closed
So milk will guide him throughout the house by purring or meowing at him
As for the smile the judge has on his face hugo likes the movie Alice in wonderland over and over so the image of the Cheshire cat would be embedded in the dad's memory which is why the judge appears that way
He views the judge as someone who is helpful
The queen = the queen is his wife however they start to have alot of problems and arguments before the father fell in a comma
And the relatives try to convince her to turn off the life support and move on with life
Dedan= irl he's the father's brother in law with a snappy attitude and he hates the father alot and even objected in thier wedding day he will do anything to hurt the father or cause trouble
The father sees his brother in law nothing more than a all bark no bite a big mouth
Japhet= in real life is the lady that lives next door (yes I KNOW japhet is male but he's based off if her in the father's head)
She's is very controlling person who enjoys gossip and can't mind her own business always sticking her nose where she can as well as pushing everyone around she does everything she can to get attention and impress people and she's flirted with the father mutiple times but she's ignored her every time
She has very loud and noisy birds and has killed thier other family cat Venice saying that she did it as self defense (Venice is Valerie basically)
The father views her as a parasite
Enoch= he resembles another dad that takes his kid to baseball practice but is in bad terms with the mother and will constantly pick on hugo for fun
He assumes if the father approaches him its because his wife told him to do so
and will constantly say that his child and wife are happy ,living a life with no problems thinking that he's got life figured out
Even though its clear that his son isn't enjoying baseball at all, is quite over wieght as well as his wife ignores him all the time not to mention he's constantly eating meaning that he has some sort of food addiction it seems he sees no irony in his life at all
The father sees him as an irresponsible over wieght person who's always lying to himself and to blind to see the truth thinking that his life is ok when it's clearly not
Zacharie = irl he's the father's best friend since middle school and they've known each other for years he was the best man at the wedding he's bisexual and in a relationship with a girl named sweetie (please don't hate me batterie shippers QWQ!) He used to crush on the father and even confessed to him on the wedding day he was heartbroken but accepted that the relationship was never gonna happen and was even mad at his best friend but realized it was wrong of him to feel that way
He eventually moves on
He likes to bring and buy alot stuff and show them to his best pal later somegimes illegal stuff (he even brought weed over one time oh boy) he's like an uncle to hugo and is always happy to help and defend his best friend no matter what
He views him as a brother and family member aswell as a very optimistic chill dude and will jokingly refer to him as "the merchant"
Sugar: irl she's zacharie's gf (before her he had 2 toxic exes and she helped him out of those toxic relationships) she and the father don't really talk all that much so he knows little to absolutely nothing about her aside from the fact that she likes to talk funny sometimes and is really into dolls and aliens and a slight addiction to eating pixie straws (straws filled with powered candy or sugar)
He views her as a silent person nothing much
The elsens= they are the people that the father meets/sees/interacts with everyday/every once in a while but don't have much of a connection with (you know like a co worker you have small talk with or barely ever see)
Now for the plot :
After the father enters a comma the son starts to go from school to the hospital (they're very close to each other and you can say hugo is 5-7 years old and ) and visits his dad everyday and calls out to him hoping it'd wake him up
The mother scolds him for running off without super vision and that his dad won't wake up if he keeps calling him that whatever he does is useless that his father will remain to be a lifeless bag of meat on a bed
Hugo doesn't give up ignoring his mother's words
She realizes that hugo has an obsession with his unconscious father that is affecting his studies along with his social life
Zacharie doesn't make this any better because he offers to pick up hugo after school to prevent him from getting abducted or lost along with his jokes all the time
She slowly starts to Contemplate turning off the life support machine wondering if it would fix everything
Hugo hasn't been paying attention in class and thier marriage has been having a issues lately her family never liked or accepted him she sees zacharie and others as annoying and problems bringers and maybe they'd have less expenses if hugo didn't have to go to baseball pratice every day not to mention he'd less likely get hurt if he stopped playing
Everyone else started to convince her to turn off life support they discuss this next to the unconscious father
She prevents zacharie from seeing hugo and locks out any other connections the fatehr has
finally she becomes convinced however there's 1 barrier preventing her from doing that.....Hugo
The only person who truly gives hugo attention and love is his father without his father he'd feel lost and scared his mother is always working and doesn't give him much attention
Everyone tells him to give up on his dad and move on but hugo stands his ground
Alot of the arguments and conversations happen in the hospital room next to the father so he hears everything in his comma which leads to the creation of the world of OFF in his head
Therefore we play as hugo through out the game (dressed in a baseball outfit) solving puzzles and fighting enemies "purifying" the world
Not much changes the boss battles the add ons etc. Will remain the same in this au
Maybe there will be more rubber duck /duck/ bird themed stuff in this au aside from the pedalos (ex:move the boxes to make them look like a duck idk lol)
However the final boss will change
Canonly batter is stopped by the judge but in this au the judge sides with hugo because its the queen (the mother) who is trying to turn the switch off and hugo is trying to prevent that
So instead of the judge stopping hugo
Hugo will meet the queen, she will tell him to halt and not bother going any further that her intentions will not change hugo will begin to tell her off everything she's done wrong she will respond saying that she's doing it for thier sake (Hugo's and her's) but hugo calls her out and tells her its not true and she loses her patience with him leading to a boss fight if hugo wins then she will refer to him as "my little sweetheart" and fade into dust
"The room" will also change instead of hugo it'll be his dad (the batter)chained to a wall (basically a prisoner in his own mind) hugo will take 1 step forward activating a trap causing him to plummet down a tube and fall unconscious for a few minutes
When he wakes up he sees the queen and all the guardians standing before him the queen states that he can give up or die trying then she speaks to the puppeteer (the player) the you are given 2 options
1.aide with the queen
2.side with hugo
If you side with the queen you will have the guardians ok your side then Hugo's appearance will change as well he will appear to have a large head with a huge gaping mouth a baby rattle and apron and speech bubbles that say "wah wah" "whine whine" (stating that his mother sees him as a cry baby)
If you defeat hugo then the switch is immediately turned off and it gives 1 out of the 2 bad endings this ending is called "check mate" as a reference to a queen from chess
If you side with hugo then you will be defeated but you won't get a game over yet instead the queen will give you 1 last chance
Then you are given 3 options
1."surrender" 2."gasp for help" 3."cry"
If you choose surrender then you will get the 2nd bad ending in which in life support is turned off the father dies hugo becomes lonely with his mother busy all the time (and not allowing him out side the house and not trusting people) which leads to hugo growing up cold,plain and unloving
At some point there's a scene where adult hugo stares at his old mother laying on the kitchen floor in pain for a few minutes instead of helping her immediately indicating that he doesn't care
If you choose "gasp for help" then you will get the good ending "aye batta batta,strike!" In which hugo will call for help (while in deep pain from the fight) after a few calls judge,zacharie,sugar and a few elsens will come to the rescue and revive you fighting by your side allowing you to defeat the queen and guardians
Everything slowly starts to go back and the father wakes up from his comma everyone in the room stares in shock but hugo had the biggest smile on his face while standing next to his dad's bed "did...I miss something?"
"...daddy *breaks into tears*"
The 3rd ending called "better late than never" is triggered when you choose "cry"
Hugo will cry very loudly
The mother changes her mind and doesn't turn off life support but hugo stops visiting his dad and similar to the 2nd bad ending hugo grows up to be cold and unloving 13-16 years later hugo visits his father again and he finally wakes up from his comma and is discharged from the hospital after 1 year of rehabilitation therapy
By now the mother had remarried and the father missed his son's childhood so now he has to relive his life
However hugo meets a girl who is a complete opposite to him at work and church (rainbow hair,optimistic,enjoys music of various kinds,loves cute things,baking,jokes,and artist etc.) And is forced to work with her as well as she tries to get Hugo's attention so he asks his father for advice on how to get rid of this woman which leads to alot stuff going on and hugo allowing how to love and live life leading him to falling in love with the girl and becoming a new man
(This is personally my favorite ending lol and I MIGHT write fanfic of it on wattpad or here idk tbh )
Anyway this my OFF au I GUESS the name can change to the ON au or OFF/ON au lmao idk
Reblogs and feed back is appreciated
PLEASE DONT STEAL MY AU i worked hard on this thing spent 5 hours to write it all
Heh I sat this as of anyone is even gonna read whatever I dount it'll get noticed at all
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dawnoftime21 · 6 years
Come What May (Part Two)
Warning(s): angst (Italics and Bold - Flashbacks)
Author's Note: I'm very surprised how well part one did in so little time, so here's part two!
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He sees a smile spread across your face, the smile he knows so well. He can't seem to take his eyes off of you. He feels like time has stopped and his heart went with it, no longer beating. "Nice to meet you Billy" You get up and walk toward the frightened boy, hand extended. He looks at it and then back at you. "I-I gotta go" and with that he immediately walks off, almost at a running speed.
"Don't worry about it babe, he's not one for handshakes" Charles attempts at a joke but, something felt off. He seemed very odd and that worried you.
"I'll be back guys, Billy!" You called after the boy, running. He was surprisingly fast considering those tight jeans he had on. "Billy wait!" You continued to call but he wouldn't give you so much as a glance. You could yourself begin to slow.
It pained him to hear you call after him, you didn't even know him. But you were just that kind hearted, it was good to see that that hadn't changed at least, but he couldn't face you.
"Billy, please" your voice was soft but it was loud enough for him to hear and with that, he stopped dead in his tracks. You took advantage and walked towards him. He had no choice to stop when he heard you say please like that, that was another thing that hadn't changed. You always said "Billy, please" when he did something you didn't approve of...like drinking for example.
Slowly he turned to face you, and the first thing you do is look at him and into his eyes. He wished you would just stop, you were his deceased girlfriend, only from the past. You had to be about 17 now, same age as himself. You were still in high school for God's sake! It hurt him to know 7 years later you'd be gone. Heading to your last year of college after putting so much work in. He could feel tears threatening to leave his eyes as he looked into yours. The eyes he fell in love with. You could feel a pain in your chest at the tears forming in his eyes. Instinctively you wrap your arms around him, he very noticably tenses. You run your hand up and down his back, softly rubbing your thumb back and forth against it. He slowly starts to relax, hugging back slightly.
You part from the long haired teen and look up at him. "Are you okay?" You ask softly.
How was he to answer that? The woman he loves, who is dead, is standing right in front of him, not as her 25 year old self but as her 17 year old self, who on top of that, has a boyfriend!
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, I just can't hang out with you guys, I'm sorry (Y/N)" you knew he wasn't okay but you didn't want to pry, so you simply nod softly. "It's okay Billy, I understand"
He nods in acknowledgment and a heavy and comfortable silence falls between the two. But soon he turns to walk away, and you couldn't help but have a pit fall in your heart at the sight of him walking away.
"Billy!" You call out, and he stops, not turning. "Can you meet me at the park later tonight?" You see his head go up and down and he proceeds to carry on.
You turn and head back to the boys but the only one still there is Simon.
"Where did the rest of the boys go Si?" He simply shrugs. "They mentioned having business to take care of, what it is, I have no clue" Charles never really left without you so, what he's doing must be really important. "oh alright, wanna take a walk?" He simply nodded, a smile rose onto your face. Simon was a boy of few words, you always admired that about him, but you always loved that he opened up to you more than the rest of the boys... You were pretty sure it was a racial thing to the boys. They'd be best friends with him and hang out with him more if he wasn't black, you and Simon both felt it but you accepted Simon for who he was, he was so smart and would help you study and you'd teach each other things you learned in classes one had but the other didn't. Simon was your confidant.
Billy walked around Hawkins for a bit until making his way back to his car, getting in the back and laying down. He was a wreck on the inside and now that we was in the car, he could finally be one on the outside. Tears immediately fell from his eyes, crying. Not a normal cry though...a certainly ugly one, that definitely isn't silent. He was torn inside, he just wanted to wake up from this fucked up dream and cry over you in his bed. Without seeing you again and without seeing you with someone else. He couldn't take it. What the hell was he supposed to do here?! Stand around and watch you suck face with Charles the rich kid? He was upset to the point of feeling physical pain. His chest, his head, his whole body was in pain.
"Idk Simon, he just seems odd? Not odd, that sounds mean of me, he seems out of place?" You tried to elaborate, Billy just seemed like an odd ball, he wore a denim jacket with denim jeans that looked way tight than any jean you've seen. And to add on to that, you've never seen him before, he just popped up out of nowhere and is acting all strange.
"I mean we do live in a small town (Y/N) not everyone here is the latest and greatest with fashion-" Simon stops to chuckle.
"- who knows, where he's from that could be what's currently in. I just wonder where he's from though." You silently nod in agreement. "He seems really nice though, pained...but nice, I asked him to meet me at the park later" you smile softly at the thought of seeing him again.
"(Y/N)... I really don't think that's a good idea, what if Charles finds out, you know how he gets" he clears his throat to attempt to do his finest Charles impression "No hanging around guys unless I'm not there, I don't trust them" he put on the most rich boy voice he could and you couldn't help the giggle that escaped from you at that point. "I don't think it's the guys he doesn't trust, I feel like he just doesn't trust me" Simon stops at hearing this and turns to you, "What makes you say that?" Your gaze meets the cement ground and you start to fiddle with your hands, "He's always criticizing what I wear saying it's too 'provocative' and then asks me if I'm trying to 'seduce every guy I meet' but the reality of it is is that I'm only wearing a skirt that goes below my knees and a turtle neck... I'm not trying to seduce anyone Simon"
Simon sighs deeply at this, "I'm not quite sure how to help you with that" a sigh couldn't help but leave you too, "It's fine, I'm used to it by now let's just keep going." You say, continuing to walk, and hesitantly Simon follows.
After about an hour or so of walking, Simon had to head home and you realize it's about time to start heading to the park to meet Billy.
Billy spent a good 2 hours in the car, completely destroyed but when he finally looks out the window, he sees that it's night time, he has to meet you at the park! He wipes his eyes and looks into his review mirror, blood shot eyes looking back at him... it's a good thing it's dark outside.
He gets out of the car and quickly heads off for the park, hoping and praying he isn't too late.
When he gets there, you're no where insight. He really ruined his chance didn't he? To meet you and be with you one more time. He's fucked up more than once! He just can't seem to stop messing up. He's dragged out of his thoughts with a figure hopping onto his back, "Billyyy! You made it!" You were pretty sure you looked like a Cheshire cat with the huge smile that was on your face. A laugh escapes him and he puts you down. "H-Hey, I thought I missed you" he could feel his heart racing, no only from the huge scare you gave him but because of the possibility of losing you forever...again. "No silly, I would have waited for you all night if I needed to" you giggled. He took this time to take in your features, the way you smiled when you softly laughed and the crinkle of your nose. And the way you got those little wrinkles by your eyes when your face would softly scrunch, you really haven't changed much in 7 years.
"Billllyyyyyy" he's snapped out of his daydream, when you snap your fingers in front of his face and lean in slightly, on your tip toes, he had major height on you but you never had a problem with it. He wasn't sure if you did at this point in time or not. "Welcome back" another laugh leaves you and you start to walk, he just simply looks at your walking form. But not feeling his presence beside you, you turn and see him...unmoving "Well? Let's go silly! I wanna take you somewhere"
With a deep breath he closes his eyes momentarily and follows you.
"Onward Billy boy!" Your voice trying to imitate that of a ship captain, pointing in front of you as you clung to your boyfriend's back. He ran around with your laughing form on his back, he couldn't help but laugh along with you, ignoring all of the strange glares from bystanders, passing by the park. He catches you off guard by suddenly dropping to the ground, in a push up position, forcing you off of his back. "Hey!" You laugh, laying onto your back, next to Billy as he looks down at you.
"You're beautiful, you know that?" He smiles softly, laying beside you and grabbing your hand, squeezing tightly. "Only because you tell me every single day" You take his hand and play with his fingers, fingers softly going over the cold metal rings that cover them, kissing his knuckles. "Watch yourself captain" he laughs. Turning your head to face him. "I love you, Hargrove" your eyes meet and you can practically feel yourself smiling like an idiot. "I love you, bean" you couldn't help but laugh at the nickname he gave you... You always said that no matter what you put on, you looked like a bean to piss him off but he caught on and starting calling you bean. There was no where else you wanted to be in that moment...and he felt the exact same way. You were the lucky one who managed to make some change to Billy's hard exterior attitude. But even if he didn't change...you wouldn't even care.
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wateryourplance · 7 years
Perfect (Part 2/2) (Lance/Pidge)
(Pidgance Moth, Day 18: hopeless romantic | Yep, I headcanon Lance’s mum to be named Elena. Idk the name just sounds so motherly, even though my grandmother under the same name wasn’t haha MERRY CHRISTMASSS)
Lance laughed heartily as he watched Shiro and Matt exchange lighthearted insults at each other. Everyone was having a splendid time, laughing and joking about.
Lance couldn’t help but notice that Pidge was the only one who seemed to be silent.
Initially, he chose to ignore it. Maybe she didn’t find the jokes funny or just wasn’t interested in the topic.
That is, until he noticed her frown deepen.
He felt a twinge in his heart, compelling him to finally speak up. He cleared his throat. “Pidge?”
Pidge jumped slightly as she turned to Lance, waiting for him to speak.
“You okay?” He asked in a quiet tone in hopes not to draw attention to their seemingly private chat. He was genuinely worried about her and her well-being, and he simply hated seeing her in such an unhappy mood.
Pidge hesitated for a moment before answering. “Yeah.”
Lance did not like the tone of her voice. Flat and obviously lying.
Why has she been acting so cold and distant?
And only to him?
“Pidge, I want the truth.” His tone was firm, but not unkind. His voice was filled with. “You’ve been acting really weird, and I have the feeling it concerns me.”
Pidge was silent.
And that was Lance’s unspoken answer.
It did in fact involve him.
But he didn’t really know how.
Sighing, Lane combed through his hair. He was so confused and was just so desperate to know what the hell was up with his friend. “You know what?” He began. “It’s bothering me. A lot. So can we just sort this out or something? Maybe we can talk about it sometime?”
Lance didn’t know what she said, but she just curtly got out of her seat, stopping whatever topic everyone else was talking about. All eyes were on her.
“I’m...gonna go. I’m sleepy.” Pidge declared, looking at everyone but Lance.
Shiro merely nodded and smiled gently at her. “Sure, Pidge. Good night.”
Pidge headed out, muttering a silent ‘night’.
“She doesn’t usually sleep this early.” Allura noted. “Strange.”
“She is pretty strange.” Lance agreed, saying that more to himself.
Lance woke up in panic, his heart beating erratically as he felt his face.
Oh no.
He didn’t put on a face mask.
He frantically rummaged through his things, searching for his face masks. To his relief, he found the packaging.
To his horror, he was all out.
Lance felt like the world was about to end. He felt like his whole life was crashing into flames. He couldn’t believe it. Tears pricked his eyes as he sat down on his bed, crestfallen.
Lance forced a smile, trying to stay positive. “Maybe I can just sleep without ‘em.” He encouraged himself. “It’s just one night.” He placed Pidge’s earphones over his head as he collapsed onto his bed once again, wrapping himself in his sheets. He wriggled around a little bit until he found the perfect position.
For a moment, it was bliss. All was calm. He was almost entering the gates of Dream Land.
Then all these crazy thoughts filled his head.
What if pimples and blackheads grew overnight?
Or, or what if when he wakes up, his face would be old and wrinkly?!
Lance’s eyes snapped open as he fell off the bed with a squeal. He couldn’t just sleep and let those horrible things happen to his skin! 
That’s it; no sleep tonight for Lance McClain. He had to keep an eye out for his skin.
But he knew very well that staying in his room would lull him to sleep, and that was the last thing he wanted.
His eyes widened as he got an idea.
He could spend the night in the Bridge!
Lance sat on the cold floor wrapped in his blanket, gazing in awe at the beautiful expanse in front of him as the Castleship travelled at a steady pace. He let out a satisfied sigh as he pulled the blanket tighter around him. The music from Pidge’s headphones were at a moderate volume, giving him just the perfect amount of noise to drown in his own thoughts.
Lance thought about his mother and all the stories she told him when she was a kid. 
"Mijo, what’s going on? What happened?” Elena asked as she rubbed her eight-year-old son’s back comfortingly. She noticed her son’s left hand in a tight fist. She pulled away and gently took her son’s hand. “What’s this?”
Lance sniffed and choked up a sob as he opened his fist.
A blue crushed flower lay in his palm.
Elena frowned as she took the delicate plant. “What happened?”
“The...the girl I liked...” Lance whimpered, “she said she didn’t like me.”
Elena gasped softly as she sat on the sofa, lifting her little boy up so he could sit on her lap. She ran her hand through his his hair in a soothing motion while her other one wiped away his tears. “I’m sorry to hear that...” she said gently.
“Why did she do that? She was the second one this week! I’m so nice...and...and you say I’m cute!” Lance wailed as he wrapped his short arms around his mother. “Do you just say those things to make me feel good?”
“Oh, Lance...” Elena whispered, kissing the crown of her son’s head. “I’d never lie to you, mi querido.”
“Then why don’t they like me? They keep saying no to me. All my crushes hate me! I’m so weird...I keep liking people.” He rambled miserably, gazing up at his mother with big, round teary blue eyes.
Elena kissed Lance again on his forehead, wiping the tears that were already lessening. “They don’t hate you, mijo. And you’re not weird at all.” She muttered into his forehead before pulling back, smiling fondly. “You wanna hear something?”
He nodded.
“I was like you too.” She released gently, cradling her little boy. “I had a lot of crushes.”
“Really?” Lance gasped.
“Yes.” She laughed. “You got that from me.”
Lance straightened himself up in interest, listening closely. “I did?”
“But dad...”
Elena chuckled. “Do you wanna hear a story?”
“When I was seventeen, I met your father.”
“That’s so old!” Lance interjected, his jaw dropped. “I want to find my true love now!”
Elena grinned at him, ruffling his hair. “You’re very young, Lance. And seventeen’s young too.”
Lance rolled his eyes. “It’s only young because you’re old. But I love you anyways. A-and you’re still beautiful even though you’re old!”
“I love you more, Lancey. Thank you, but that doesn’t make it any better.” Elena returned jokingly.
“Anyway, please continue the story!” Lance begged, snuggling closer to his mother. “You fell in love with dad when you first saw him right?”
Elena smiled sheepishly. “No, actually.”
Lance’s eyes were wide with horror. "You didn’t?”
“I was too focused on another boy, but your dad and I were best friends right away.” She told him, caressing his cheek. “I never saw him as a crush. He was just my best friend.”
Lance was too shocked to speak, only nodding for her to continue.
“We went to college and I had a lot of boyfriends.”
“Did dad have lots of girlfriends too?” He asked.
Elena shook her head. “No. He liked this one girl a lot, but she didn’t have a crush on him.” She explained.
“And then what?”
“When your father and I graduated college and started working--”
“So old!”
“--he was still always there for me.” Elena said tenderly. “When boys would leave me, he’d always be by my side and take care of me. And whenever he’d talk about the girl he liked, I’d listen and comfort him.”
Lance smiled upon hearing that his father and mother had always been taking care of each other. However, his little mind was still confused. If his parents liked different people, why were they together?
Elena must’ve noticed the confused expression on his face when she giggled. “One day I realised...that I was dumb.”
“No you’re not!” Lance defended. “You’re super smart!”
“Yes, but I was dumb for not realising sooner that your father was the one I needed.” Elena finished, her eyes bright. “I realised that I loved him.”
Lance gasped in awe. “But he liked a girl...”
“He did, didn’t he?” Elena hummed. “One day he decided to tell her he fell in love with her.”
Lance scrunched his nose. “This doesn’t sound very nice. What...what did she say?”
Elena beamed proudly at him. “I said ‘I love you, too’.”
Lance gaped at her. “You were the girl?!” He yelled, surprised.
“I was always looking forward for the things I wanted, when what I needed was right in front of me.” Elena looked into her son’s eyes lovingly. “I thought the things I wanted would make me happy, but now...I’m satisfied.”
“That was really...” Lance struggled in finding words. “I feel better!”
Elena laughed. “I hope you get what I was trying to say, mijo. Now go do your homework!�� She said firmly as he slipped off of her lap.
“Wait! One question!” Lance added. “Did you find daddy handsome?”
Elena grinned widely. “Mhm.”
Elena’s grin only grew wider when her husband entered the living room, probably checking on them. “I still think he’s very handsome.”
That was Lance’s motivation.
Their story was his motivation.
He learned that finding ‘the one’ would take time, and rejection’s just part of it all.
Little did he know, that wasn’t the only thing she was trying to teach him.
Lance chuckled warmly at the memory. He missed them so much.
He never stopped trying to find ‘the one’ with their love story stuck on his mind. If only someone knew how much he thought he related to his father.
Maybe...maybe his mum would be like Allura.
Maybe his love story would be just like his parents’.
In deep thought, he didn’t notice the presence of someone...
“You come up here to rock out?”
Lance yelped, jumping in shock as he turned to the voice’s owner.
Pidge was smiling playfully, an eyebrow raised at him expectantly.
Lance needed a moment to fully process what she was trying to imply before smirking. “Oh, Pidge,” his smirk turned into a Cheshire Cat-like grin. “No, um, just...looking at the stars.” 
They laughed, recounting that memory. “Can’t believe you still remember that.” Pidge remarked as she calmed her laughter down, sitting next to him.
“I could say the same thing about you.” Lance teased. He extended his arm. “It’s kinda cold. Wanna snuggle or something?”
Pidge visibly blushed, but Lance guessed it was because it’d be awkward for two good friends to do such a couple thing. “I’ll pass.”
“Suit yourself.” Lance shrugged, letting her headphones rest around his neck. “Why’re you suddenly in a good mood?”
Pidge looked up at him, ready to speak.
“Ah, don’t tell me.” He interrupted. “Pidge the nightowl, of course, of course.”
“Actually, no.” She immediately said. “Well, yeah, that too.”
Lance shrugged. “Close enough.”
Silence entered the room, making the huge space seem so small.
Lance desperately wanted to ask about her attitude towards him, but he knew he’d kill her positive mood. He opted for silence instead.
“So,” she began, “why’re you up?”
“Ran out of face masks.” He answered, relieved to finally speak. “Am I crazy for trying to watch out for any things to pop out on my face?”
“No, it happens.” Pidge shrugged, hugging her knees to her chest.
“Why’re you up?”
“Thoughts keeping me awake.”
Lance tilted his head. “About what?”
“Very specific, Pidge.”
Pidge chuckled. “You seemed to be in deep thought too.”
“Thinking about my family.” Lance answered. “My parents to be exact. Their love story, to be more exact.”
Pidge nodded in understanding. “What was it?”
“My mom had a lot of boyfriends before settling with my dad.” He explained, his heart warming. “And my dad pined for my mum for a pretty long time before...”
He paused to look at his friend, who gazed back at him patiently.
Suddenly his heart fluttered.
And he didn’t know why. 
“Before...?” Pidge pressed, causing him to realise that he stared at her longer than he intended.
“Before realising she loved him.” Lance finished, his voice small. 
Pidge smiled. “That’s really sweet. It sounds...familiar, and yet so unfamiliar.” She pondered. “When I was younger my dad got me a--” she stopped abruptly, and Lance was quick to notice her shiver slightly.
He quickly wrapped his arms around her, the blanket fortunately big enough for both of them. “Don’t even try fighting it, you’re obviously cold.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Pidge joked, actually snuggling closer to him. “I guess they turn off the heating when Coran and Allura aren’t here.”
“To conserve her magic?”
Pidge snorted. “Anyways, my dad got me this really old computer.” She resumed slowly, trying to remember everything. “It was cool but...I really wanted the newest model that had better, well, everything. So I saved up for the new one and when I got it, it didn’t even last for three months. Apparently it couldn’t carry my documents.” She rolled her eyes.
Lance laughed lightly as he shook his head. “So you tried the old one.”
“And it was perfect.” Pidge swooned. “It worked perfectly and actually worked really well. Best part was it was easier to add upgrades. If I’m not mistaken, it still works well.”
“That kinda is like my parents’ love story. Kinda. Pidge version.” Lance humoured. 
“Guess the moral is...we keep looking forward when what we actually need is right in front of us.” Pidge trailed off awkwardly, her voice almost like a whisper.
“That’s kinda what my mum said once...”
And then it hit Lance.
What he needed was literally right in front of him.
And she was just perfect.
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midnightghostwriter · 7 years
cold december night
↬ summary: "So please just fall in love with me this Christmas / There's nothing else that I would need this Christmas"
↬ genre: too much fluff
↬ pairing: jung hoseok x reader
↬ word count: 2.2k
a/n: wtf am i doing it's not even remotely cold here, but i haven't finished my next thing and i'll be too busy to do it tonight so have this repost instead omg. this was a request for the holidays once and idk I think it's still good~
Every Christmas was the same. Always chilly, always cheery…
Always lonely.
Well, perhaps that was an overstatement. You certainly weren’t completely alone, not when you had your best friend Hoseok to keep you company. But with your parents living too far for you travel back and see them every single year, and you a fair bit too shy to made many other friends besides Jung Hoseok and his own, you couldn’t fight down the loneliness that rose in you, threatened to choke you out every single December when lights went up across the city and shops broke out the holiday music.
It was these things that clouded your thoughts when your best friend called, rousing you from your moping and mindless internet browsing. With a heavy sigh you snatched /up your phone and shoved it against your ear.
“What is it, Hoseok?” He chuckled and you instantly felt a twinge of guilt for snapping, mixed with a swirl of butterflies through your stomach and up your throat.
“Jeez y/n, everything okay?” You leaned farther back into your couch and sighed again, flinging an arm gracelessly across your face.
“It’s nothing, just the usual holiday blues.” A noise of understanding echoed across the line.
“Well lucky for you I’ve got just the thing to fix that!”
“What?” You snorted.
“Are you free on Friday?”
“Awesome! Be ready to go out by 7, okay?”
“What? Hoseok- Hey, wait, wait!” But your pleas were lost in the silence of him having hung up on you.
When Friday at 7 precisely arrived, you had just managed to put the finishing touches on your outfit. Gravity fought against you valiantly as you tried to pull your shoes on and hurry to the answer the door at the same time. You turned out to be the victor, pulling the door open and standing straight just as Hoseok shoved something in your face.
“Hobi what the-”
“For you!” When you did move to take the bouquet of delicate red and white blooms right away, you could see the hesitation begin to set in like clouds blocking the sun. “I-I remember you saying these were your favorite so I-”
“Thank you Hobi,” you said quietly, taking the flowers from him and cradling them gently, a warm smile offered as you did so. “I love them.” His own grin returned, setting your heart at ease instantly.
“I’m glad. Now come on, this is only the beginning.” You hardly had a moment to set the bouquet down with a mental note to put them in a vase as soon as you returned before he had clasped your hand in his and dragged you out the door.
Hoseok led you stumbling and giggling through what felt like the entire city, your hand warm in his, your earlier worry about bringing gloves forgotten. He had always been able to bring out the warmth in you, even when December threatened to freeze you to the bone. Trying to be subtle as possible, you tightened your grip as his brisk pace slowed down outside a restaurant.
A wide smile spread across your face at the sight. You and what felt like a large majority of the city considered it your favorite place, which meant large crowds that made it almost impossible to get a table most days. But Hobi led you inside with no problem to the host, who smiled and guided you to a somewhat secluded table.
“How did you get this reservation?” You asked after the host vanished, awe clear in your voice. The cheshire cat’s grin ghosted across his face.
“I have my ways,” he said teasingly, fingers wiggling as if casting some magic spell. Your giggles were cut short by the appearance of your waiter, service smile in place and notepad poised to take your orders. Your smile stayed as Hoseok ordered two of you favorite dish, pleased he’d remembered that too.
Dinner was full of laughter and more smiles as he regaled you with tales from his work as an idol and the six other boys in his group. Back-and-forth questions about your time apart peppered the air around mouthfuls of food, and for a time you were able to forget the crushing sorrow that had gripped you a few days earlier.
When the check was paid, Hobi wasted no time in once again scooping up your hand and pulling you eagerly along behind him. More prepared this time you kept up well, following his brisk pace with ease. He led you down a few blocks to a cheerily decorated cafe, colorful lights strung across every available surface and other holiday themed items squeezed in anywhere people weren’t sitting.
“It’s so cute!” You exclaimed happily and he smiled before pulling you inside. The barista greeted you both cheerily, elf hat jingling. Before you could open your mouth Hoseok had ordered your favorite peppermint hot chocolate and one for himself, making a point to ask for extra cream on top. You stood comfortably side by side as you waited for your drinks for a few minutes before he turned to you.
“Why don’t you go wait outside? I’ll meet you out there.” You raised your eyebrows at him. It was Seoul in winter, why in the world would you want to be outside when you could be cozy and warm in this adorable cafe? “Please?” You could never resist the cute face he was flashing you now so with a sigh you went to wait by the cafe window outside.
Luckily Jack Frost’s winds didn’t have a chance to so much as nip your nose before Hoseok joined you, pressing a warm cup into your hands. You glanced down at the steaming beverage to find a cute message scrawled in the whipped cream No Christmas light shines as beautiful as you. An unfamiliar thumping rattled your rib cage as your heart skipped a beat. Your eyes flew up to find his staring back at you, warm but lit with an unusually serious edge.
“Hobi…” No further words were able to get past your lips as this time he looped your elbows together, leading you towards the nearby park, his earlier rush gone. “Where are we going?”
“The garden in the park has a bunch of lights and stuff up for people to look at. I thought it’d be nice to see,” he murmured quietly and you nodded along, heart still racing so much you didn’t trust yourself to speak. Instead you took a careful sip from the very edge of your cup, trying to avoid ruining his sweet words. Ever since they had been pressed into your hands, something in the air between you had felt different. Every glance, word, sight was more meaningful, more intense now than anything with Hobi had ever been.
There were surprisingly few people in the park, and you couldn’t decide if this reassured you or made you more nervous. Your best friend was quiet for once as the two of you tread the path towards the illustrious flower garden at the park’s center. Tucked away inside a large greenhouse, a multitude of beautiful blooms made themselves available for viewing year round. This time of year, it was lit by a vast array of colorful lights, some made to look like various fauna, others simply illuminating the beauty already present. It was lovely, it was enchanting…
And it was known to be one of the most romantic dates during the holiday season.
Your heart approached your throat as you reached the garden’s entry, and you took another careful sip of your hot chocolate, letting the warmth in your throat distract from the increasing warmth of your reddening cheeks. You stayed as close to Hoseok as you dared, trying to calm your heart as it eagerly absorbed the warmth that radiated from him.
As expected, the garden was beautifully lit, and after a few minutes you had calmed down enough to fall back into your familiar patterns with him, laughing and pointing out the things you saw as you followed the garden path. On a number of occasions you took out your phones to snap silly pictures of each other, giggling like school children.
“Aaahhh, y/n-ah, you look so cute in this one!” Hoseok exclaimed excitedly, gesturing to the most recent picture he’d taken of you with some squirrels made from lights. You blushed a bit and swatted his arm.
“Hush,” you scolded with embarrassment. He giggled and pulled you further down the path before stopping. You looked around, surprised to see you’d reached the end of the walk, now standing beneath the tunnel of climbing roses that led to the garden exit. Before you could continue out the door, Hoseok grasped your wrist, turning you back around to face him.
“y/n… I need to tell you something.” The serious look in his eyes had returned and something about it made the gallop of your heart return. Long fingers gentle, he took the now lukewarm cup from your hands, setting it on the path nearby before he slid them into his. You stared up at him, surprised and nervous at just what had gotten into him.
“Every year around this time, I watch the light leave your eyes, I see how sad you get, and it hurts. A lot. It took me a while to realize why I was so worried about your heart, more than a best friend should be, and longer to accept it. But I have now, and I think I’m ready to tell you.”
If you were going to speak up and stop him now would be the time, but your throat feels as if it has closed up, speech having become impossible. And you’re not so sure you want to anyway, if you have any clue where this is going.
“When Christmas comes around, I always wish for a lot of things; for my family’s health and happiness, for my friends to have fun, for BTS to do well, for all kinds of presents. But there’s something that, for the last few years, I’ve wanted that no one else can give me.” His hands squeeze yours tighter, prompting you to once again meet his eyes, and the warmth and care in them melts your heart. “I want you. I want you to love me the way I love you, to let me be the one to make you feel safe…” He hesitates for a second before reaching up to caress your cheek. “The one who holds you close on cold nights like these and reminds you that the holidays aren’t so sad because you aren’t as alone as you think.”
“Hoseok, I-” But he shakes his head to stop you.
“I know you probably don’t feel the same way, and that’s okay. But I couldn’t go another Christmas without telling you how I felt, and without trying to make you see that you don’t have to be sad.” Your heart is overflowing with warmth and happiness at his words, and you want to say the words that will tell him you feel the same, that you never really feel sad or alone when he’s with you and you want that to always be the case. But they’re just out of your reach, still so scared to open that part of yourself up to someone. Especially your friend. What if something happens and you ruin your friendship forever?
He takes your nervous silence for a rejection and offers you a brave smile that fails to mask the hurt in his eyes. There’s an unhappy squeezing in your chest now as he slides his hands from yours and turns towards the door.
“Don’t worry about it. Forget I said anything. I just wanted to cheer you up for one night.” He glances up then and chuckles. “Though I suppose we should avoid this mistletoe then.” You follow his gaze to a green sprig of the kissing plant, strung above your heads at the rose tunnel’s end. Feeling a sudden surge of bravery at the excuse the silly holiday tradition gives, you take the steps necessary to reach out and grab his shoulder, turning him before he can ask any questions, and press your lips to his.
The kiss tastes like too much peppermint hot chocolate, but also like the warmth of the sun and the safety of home that has always been Hobi to you. It’s sweet, caring, and just a little awkward, but it’s nothing short of perfect. It gets infinitely better when he finally turns all the way around to face you, hands pulling you even closer so you can wrap your arms around his neck. The intensity is also so like him that you find yourself smiling against his lips, and feel him do the same.
When you finally part, he’s grinning like a kid, well, on Christmas morning, and he can’t seem to resist pressing a kiss to your forehead and then crushing you to him in a tight hug. You laugh, elated during the holidays for the first time in ages, and hold him as close as you can.
“I love you, too,” you finally remember to say and feel the rumble of his laughter in his chest again, a sweet, warm sound against the chill of December.
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toddcowrd · 7 years
do,,, aLL of the aesthetic asks
how,, how could you do this 2 me
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
like two minutes ago :))
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
if the career i want to pursue is going to work out for me
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
i’ve done nothing noteworthy ever
but i was #1 rally champ in my region for soap box derby and i also won my local race and went to the world championships in ohio :))
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
uuhhh i got a disney pass recently and have just been going to disney a lot which makes me v happy
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
yeah man i would tell my crush that i have a crush on them, i would go get all the tattoos, all the piercings, i would prob go to a bunch of protests, and really just speak my mind all the time
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
perform in an original broadway musical as a lead role
meet daveed diggs
write and record a song 
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
uhhhhhhhhhh shit man idk my friend carlos is super funny, has really bad eyesight, has just like the worst fashion sense, is sarcastic and mean af but watches all the same youtubers i do and we have so many inside jokes it’s crazy
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
yeah, i think so. it wasn’t like super great but my parents supported the things i wanted to do and pushed me to succeed 
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
like a few months ago probably
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
my crush cause they’re super nice and i’m sure they would love to stargaze 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
yeah man i overshare all the time :))
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
one of my best friends jaque and i have 3 am conversations literally all the time 
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
i would tell my brother that i love him cause i can’t remember when the last time i said it was and i want him to know
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
i lov ‘em, i lov any color eye
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“where you ought to go depends on where you want to get to” is a paraphrased quote that the cheshire cat says to alice and i’ve always interpreted it meaning if you want to get somewhere, you have to make it happen, and where you go and what you do should be what you want
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
‘almost 16 years of bullshit’
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
probably buy a bunch of makeup and theatre tickets, and i would buy my friends anything they wanted :)
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
yeah i’m a really forgiving person and i like it but i also kind of hate it bc i fall for the same thing over and over bc i give so many chances to people that don’t deserve it
(see when: i dated a guy like 5 times bc he kept leaving me but then apologizing and promising to change)
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
i’m not going to do that, i’m sorry :((
my memory is really bad so idk what i was like or what i was doing and honestly this ask is long enough lmaoo
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
i love them with all my heart i’m gonna be covered in them one day but for now i just have my septum pierced
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
it depends, sometimes i’ll wake up and not want to do makeup, sometimes i’ll wake up and spend half an hour doing it
i also have to do heavy makeup for shows sometimes
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
the entire american idiot album by greenday really affected me a few years ago and really pushed me to like,, be who i wanted to be? idk why but it made me care less what other people thought 
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
you have the right to your opinion unless it is condemning some one for something that is out of their control 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
0 concerts :(
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
uhh probably lin-manuel miranda and i’d probably just want some generic speech about never giving up and working hard so i could hang it somewhere and it would inspire me 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
i do not have one but if i did it would wildly fluctuate between tidy and unruly 
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
i remove any makeup i wore that day, wash my face, slap some products on it, change for bed, get a glass of water, play some music, then get in bed
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
uhh i really don’t keep secrets from my mom? she doesn’t know i’m bi but that’s just more of me not being ready to tell her rather than not wanting her to know
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
it would be like deep blue with bangs bc that’s cute af
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
my three best friends (jocsan, carlos, and jaque), em, and my friend kiara 
we would go to a theme park cause they’re fun and i love them 
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
to have clear skin cause my skin is horrid atm
to have the courage to tell someone that i think they’re attractive or that i have a crush on them cause i’m shy and nervous all the time
to be able to travel somewhere i’ve never been for fun cause i’ve only ever traveled for other reasons
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
i wanted to be luna lovegood one year and i was going to get some ravenclaw robes, make Dirigible plum-shaped earrings (to keep away the nargles), get/make a copy of the quibbler, and make her glasses but no one sells ravenclaw robes :(
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
i mean i’m under age so
psst i may have had ‘a few’ coolers once and then proceeded to kick ass in beer pong with my friend christian (though the cups were filled with water lmao we didn’t drink any beer) it wasn’t regrettable but it was frustrating for everyone else lmaoo
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
idk probably like eat someone
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
i’d listen to fireflies by owl city cause i’ll never get tired of it
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realize you’re in love.
i mean, for me it’s like an oh shit feeling followed by happiness and nervousness
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
i probably wouldn’t cut my own hair short bc i love my long hair but anyone who wants to do either of those things is rad af 
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
i would trust anyone it’s simple af i either get a vanilla bean with no coffee or a passion fruit iced tea lemonade sweetened
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
uhh probably my friends and my choir class
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pingo1387 · 8 years
all. all the questions all of them
Already answered the multiples of 10 so I’m skipping those ones 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? 
I am not sure but if anyone it was probably @c0ralines-dreams 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? 
S h y 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? 
All my mutuals irl if possible and @c0ralines-dreams 
4. Are you easy to get along with? 
I hope so 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? 
I hope so 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? 
Let’s not get into that 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? 
Lmao no 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? 
A good friend I haven’t seen in months and need to contact soon 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? 
“ I saw that and idk them either” 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 
Bad Boy Good Man, Chasing Cars, I’m Yours, Pictures at an Exhibition, Cheshire Kitten (We’re All Mad Here) 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? 
When Special People do it, yes 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? 
I dunno 
15. What good thing happened this summer? 
I had a job for a month 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? 
19. Do you like bubble baths? 
Not really 
21. What are your bad habits? 
Not having a good sleeping schedule 
22. Where would you like to travel? 
For the love of fuck I answered like three versions of this question yesterday 
23. Do you have trust issues? 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? 
26. What do you do when you wake up? 
Go back to sleep 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? 
Usually @c0ralines-dreams if we’re talking irl 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? 
I don’t have any of those 
31. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail? 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? 
33. Spell your name with your chin. 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? 
I love skiing but I haven’t done it in years 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? 
Haha yes 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? 
Not necessarily 
42. If you’re being extremely quiet, what does it mean? 
Depends on the situation 
43. Do you smile at strangers? 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? 
Depends on what I’m wearing, a spacesuit or a diving suit 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? 
46. What are you paranoid about? 
47. Have you ever been high? 
48. Have you ever been drunk? 
I wish 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? 
I dunno 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? 
53. Favorite makeup brand? 
I don’t wear makeup 
54. Favorite store? 
Again with the fucking repeating questions 
55. Favorite blog? 
56. Favorite color? 
Blue or green idk 
57. Favorite food? 
58. Last thing you ate? 
Milky Way bar 
59. First thing you ate this morning? 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? 
62. Been arrested? For what? 
63. Ever been in love? 
Next time someone sends me every single question from an ask meme i’m not answering it because apparently many of the questions will essentially be the same fucking one. My point is i’ve already answered this. 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? 
I’d rather not right now 
65. Are you hungry right now? 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? 
I rarely interact with others irl outside of basic social expectations so I guess? 
67. Facebook or Twitter? 
I don’t have Twitter and I don’t like FB 
68. Twitter or tumblr? 
tumblr by default 
69. Are you watching TV right now? 
71. Craving something? What? 
72. What color are your towels? 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 
Like three 
75. Favorite animal? 
76. What color is your underwear? 
77. Chocolate or vanilla? 
78. Favorite ice cream flavor? 
79. What color shirt are you wearing? 
81. Favorite TV show? 
Steven U 
82. Favorite movie? 
Fuck off I answered this yesterday 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? 
I’ve never seen either 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 
I’ve never seen either 
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls? 
I’ve never fucking seen Mean Girls 
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo? 
87. First person you talked to today? 
The bus driver 
88. Last person you talked to today? 
My roommate 
89. Name a person you hate? 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? 
Yeah but he’s not here right now 
92. In a fight with someone? 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 
At least 10 
95. Last movie you watched? 
Moonrise Kingdom 
96. Favorite actress? 
I dunno 
97. Favorite actor? 
I dunno 
98. Do you tan a lot? 
Kinda not really 
99. Have any pets? 
Two dogs and three cats 
101. Do you type fast? 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? 
103. Can you spell well? 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? 
I hope not 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? 
108. What should you be doing? 
109. Is something irritating you right now? 
Yes. Answering all these questions. 
111. Do you have trust issues? 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? 
I dunno 
113. What was your childhood nickname? 
That’s not important 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? 
115. Do you play the Wii? 
116. Are you listening to music right now? 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? 
Not really 
118. Do you like Chinese food? 
119. Favorite book? 
121. Are you mean? 
122. Is cheating ever okay? 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? 
I dunno 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
In a way 
125. Do you believe in true love? 
126. Are you currently bored? 
127. What makes you happy? 
I dunno 
128. Would you change your name? 
129. What’s your zodiac sign? 
Aquarius; Ox 
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 
Tell him he’s too late and he should’ve liked me back when I thought I had a crush on him and not when I’ve already realized I’m a gay ace 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 
I dunno 
133. Favorite lyrics right now? 
I dunno 
134. Can you count to one million? 
Technically yes? 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? 
I dunno 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? 
137. How tall are you? 
Fuck you I answered this yesterday 
138. Curly or straight hair? 
I have straight hair 
139. Brunette or blonde? 
I’m a brunette 
141. Night or day? 
142. Favorite month? 
143. Are you a vegetarian? 
144. Dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
145. Tea or coffee? 
146. Was today a good day? 
I dunno 
147. Mars or Snickers? 
148. What’s your favorite quote? 
I’m not doing this again 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? 
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Survey #46
honestly too lazy to muse over song lyrics so hey let’s get into it.
has anyone ever called you sexy? jason did the first time he saw me in a bikini and i blushed like a bitch. do you like raisins? NO what is your favorite bug? butterflies what is your opinion on abortion? lmao do you REALLY want me to get into that one? what is your opinion on gay marriage? it's fine. what is your opinion on gay adoption? also fine, so long as you don't raise said child to think being gay is "normal," like A LOT of people seem to think. now before i get blown up with notes about how "i'm calling being gay bad," NO. normal and bad are two very different things. being gay is a mutation, thus is not normal. but is it bad? no. it irks me when people think that being gay is normal, bc it's not, and a gullible child should not be told differently. do you take pictures of yourself on a daily basis? absolutely not. would you rather freeze or burn to death?  burn, only because freezing would be agonizingly slow you've just died, and you're given the choice of reincarnation, being a spirit, or going to heaven/hell, wherever you belong.  i wanna go to heaven. have peace. you're in prison. would you think about trying to escape and running away?  no. i'd get caught.  they always do in the end. you're getting married! where’s your honeymoon? idk tbh. aside from any current relationships, what was your closest relationship ever? me and jason do you give good massages?  well. jason has a terrible back so i used to give him massages a lot and they always ended with us making out so lol. when’s the last time you went against your eating habits or religion (ex. eating beef when you’re muslim)?  never even if you are not christian or never celebrated christmas, do you think you will raise your (possible future) children to believe in santa clause? why or why not? absolutely!! it's all in good fun and it stimulates the imagination. jason never believed in santa and when i found out, i remember i felt really sad for him. when you have nightmares, do they normally have the same theme (ex. always being killed) or do they just relate to something going on in your life at the moment/random? sigh. they're always about jason rejecting me in one way or another. what type of clothing do you hate to see on (other) women? what type of clothing do you hate to see on (other) men?  i do NOT like skanky clothes, ex. shorts that literally show off your ass or shirts with an immense amount of cleavage. i can't stand baggy pants on men. do you believe america should legalize drugs? if you think they should legalize only some drugs, which drugs do you think they should legalize?  ... no??? what the fuck's next, legalizing murder bc it would deter murderers??? would you vote a homosexual president into office? why or why not? yes, because why not? what's your most embarrassing sex (or sexual) story? if you haven't had sex, talk about an embarrassing sex story you heard. i've told this before in an old survey: that time i'm pretty damn sure i was about to orgasm but instead i had a panic attack because i didn't understand what i was feeling lmao besides pornography, what is a website you frequent and don't want anyone to know? first let it be known that i don't watch porn. it's disgusting. two, the meerkat role-play site i take part in because i find rp embarrassing to the public eye. would you support marijuana legalization if it were taxed and distributed in a way similar to alcohol? nope what do you most want to improve upon in yourself? not allow my happiness to be dependent on others if you were throwing your significant other / best friend a themed party, what would the theme be? elephants! she loves them! how often do you get fountain drinks from a gas station? like, once a month? who is your favorite character in your favorite movie? hmmm... i'm honestly tied between the mad hatter and the cheshire cat! what'​​s your curre​nt boy situa​tion?​​ i'm single, but i just joined a dating site like... yesterday so i guess you could say i'm looking. it's honestly embarrassing to me personally to be on a dating site, but after a month's worth of thought, i decided i think that's what's best for me. gave you ever donat​ed blood​?​​ yes. have you ever been to seawo​rld? yep. what video game should everybody play at least once?  "silent hill 2." NO, not because it's my favorite game, but that damn message. it shows that you cannot run from your past and regrets; you instead have to face up to them. what is impossible to understand until it happens to you? mental illnesses what’s a weird thing you are scared of? WHALE SHARKS what is the most enjoyable exercise? biking how much time do you spend putting on makeup daily? i usually don't wear makeup. but if i do, gimme like five minutes have you ever worn faux eyelashes? nope what color is your flash-drive? pink when’s the next time you’ll change your hairstyle and will you color it? hairstyle will remain the same, gotta get the layers trimmed tho. i'm getting galaxy hair after my red fades!! has anyone ever called you fake and do you agree with them? no. do you make an effort to talk to all of your facebook friends, or are there certain people that you talk to the most? nope. i mean i'll "like" some of their statuses and whatnot, but i don't talk to most of them anymore. do you hate your weight? very much so. what kind of mood are you in atm? is someone else responsible for that mood? i'm anxious to do something, and no. who was the last person that asked to hang out with you? tell me the story of how you met that person, everything you remember. colleen asked to hang out a couple days back, spent the night two days. :D i met her in girl scouts, but i barely remember back then. we really bonded in middle school. if you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them? it really depends on their situation.0 have you ever worn colored mascara? if not, would you ever think about trying it? and if you have, what is / was your favorite color to wear? ohhh, i haven't, but that'd be cool! who was the last person to pay you a compliment? my dentist. she liked my hair. what color is your purse/wallet? my purse is maroon and black. my wallet is red, black, and white. it's got a harley quinn design on it. before facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like bebo or myspace? i had myspace. which disney princess do you think is the most beautiful? why? uhhh... aesthetically... i guess belle, maybe? or jasmine? if i’m going to buy you a box of chocolates, which kind should I definitely NOT get? DO NOT GET ME THE KINDS WITH FILLING OTHER THAN CHOCOLATE ITSELF OMG if you met the celebrity that you most admire, what would be the first thing you’d say to him/her? "thank you for saving my life" when you’re going to be at home all day, do you bother to get out of your pajamas? nope. given the choice, would you rather drink juice or soda? soda. i'm aware that's terrible, lol. how many piercings do you have? are there any more that you want? i have two in each earlobe, my tragus, my cartilage, and my nose done. i want a labret lip piercing and the snake eyes tongue piercing, as well as more on my ears. do you play angry birds? no. i recently watched the movie with friends tho, and it's so cute! do you tend to get hungry late at night? YEAH has anyone ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend with you? yeah. we didn't actually date, but it was serious flirting, and i consider that cheating. do you blow dry your hair? NO NO NO YOU NEVER WANT TO BLOW DRY MY HAIR. it's thick af and will literally take you 10+ minutes to get completely dry. if you’ve ever had and quit a job, did you actually call in and quit or put in your two weeks notice or did you just stop showing up? at my first job, i talked face-to-face with the manager and didn't show up after i quit. at my second job, i texted my boss and didn't show up after that. do you tend to baby or take care of the people you date, or do you tend to date alpha types that take care of you? ehhh, both? like i think it's in MOST females' nature to be motherly, and i was like that with my ex, but my ex definitely cared for me, too. how would you feel if the person you were interested in refused to perform oral sex on you? i wouldn't mind. i find oral gross, anyway. when you get upset do you have any physical reactions, like prickles in your spine or your knees going weak? my head gets this weird tingling sensation. do you ever “facebook stalk” or go through facebook albums of attractive boys/girls that you have mutual friends with (but haven’t met in person)? do you ever add them? nope. hypothetically speaking, if you ever give birth to a son, would you have him circumcised? yes, in interest of his health. which of your facebook friends posts the most annoying/irritating/enraging facebook posts? what do they post? oh my GOSH, a friend i met at the hospital, whom i won't name for her privacy. she's BEYOND pro-choice, bashes EVERYONE who disagrees with her, posts a billion rants a day, and is just... very shallow in what she shares. is there something that a person can do and watching them do it makes you quite a bit attracted to them for it (e.g., watching someone play guitar, watching a someone work on a car, etc.)? many things, yeah, like the two you listed, but more. what accent do you find most difficult to understand? southern, but only when it's VERY heavy. what movie never fails to make you cry? "the notebook" do you like 3d movies? sure have you ever practiced kissing on a stuffed animal? nope do you let music move your body, or do you hold back? i always hold back why is your favorite store your favorite? i find their clothes aesthetically pleasing can you handle the stress of working in food/customer service? NONONONONO what kind of place would you want to raise your children? idk, the same state i was raised in, i guess. would you let your child have a pet? depends on their age, really. if i think they're mature enough to care for it themselves, yes. do you enjoy talking to people over webcam? NO CAN YOU SAY AWKWARD would you rather die or eat another human being? die. how would you react if a doctor told you that you were infertile? i'd be... pretty devastated. i want kids, but at the same time, i'm so scared to have another life under my supervision. idk. do you like meatball subs? sure. have you been baptized in any religious tradition? yep. what is your favorite meal of the day? breakfast what season were you born in? winter what’s your favorite breed of dog? idk, i like akita inus, chow-chows, beagles... do you use twitter? nope are you a good babysitter?   not particularly.  i'm awkward with kids. how old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?   sigh.  he'll be 23 in two days. what’s the relationship with you and the last person you kissed?   we're nothing but strangers now. has anyone ever told you they were in love with you?   he was apparently full of shit.
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