#headcanon until proven wrong or correct
marshiemonarch · 7 months
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I like to believe they're just a silly little guy
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bowtiepastabitch · 8 months
Warlock Dowling: Disabled Icon?
Okay so this is all based on like five seconds of the show and has no real bearing on the plot, but I'm intrigued and wanted to look into it so here we go:)
When asked how old he is, Warlock signs when he speaks:
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I don't know how this carries over to BSL, simply because this is not technically the correct way to indicate age in either ASL or BSL according to my brief research, but this is a sign for "I am" in ASL (Source) which is simpler and age appropriate.*
So did Warlock pick this up from someone? The most straight-forward explanation would be that he's been exposed to someone hard of hearing or deaf that uses ASL and picked it up, which isn't entirely uncommon for children and it's a pretty easy sign. This is nice to imagine, simply because it fleshes out the world beyond what's shown onscreen.
There's another explanation, one I quite favor, though there's not a ton of textual evidence for it. Total, pure speculation based on what cannot technically be proven wrong. This would be that Warlock himself is hard of hearing.
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At his birthday, he totally talks right over this girl in pigtails and doesn't really seem to have processed or responded to anything she says.
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But he turns around to look at this kid when he's talking, and then responds. One explanation for his behavior is of course that he's a little shit. And he is, yeah. But also, it could be used, if one was as insane as me, as evidence that he relies at least partially on lip-reading to fully process things being said to him. We also literally never see this kid's ears, so we can't prove he's not wearing hearing aids.
On a more down to earth note, his signing is not mentioned in the script book, and there's very little information about the child actor on the internet to determine if he himself might be deaf or hard of hearing. There's almost certainly a boring explanation of course, but it's kind of fun to imagine. Either way, it's neat that sign language is used onscreen, and it definitely implies that canonically Warlock himself or someone in his caretaking sphere is deaf/hoh. Hopefully in the future we'll see more openly disabled characters on screen, but until then, we have headcanon. <3
*I am not an expert in this and base this off my minimal research. It is always best to learn sign from actual deaf/hoh educators when at all possible!
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hi. This is the anon who was talking about proship last night. I will try to be concise as possible, without skipping important things this time. You are coming from a place of moral panic and probably your own defense, given what started the conversation, and how could I blame you?
I should’ve been a bit more clear with my explanation, but it was meant to be about shipping. I had assumed that was a given since we were talking about proshipping. I want to remind you that there are a lot of problematic things in various ships across many fandoms, including cannibalism (admittedly that one seems to be pretty fandom-specific), stalking, murder, manipulation, and so on.
I will not argue with you anymore. Clearly you are convinced you’re right (and again…I can’t blame you.).
I will however point out the one flaw in your argument: all of the things I mentioned are illegal. As well as physical and verbal abuse, which are also in a lot of ships, and some people just enjoy that in their fiction. Henry/Will isn’t exactly a pure and healthy ship. You may not know them, but there are people who would tear you to shreds, thinking you support that kind of toxicity in real life.
My point has changed several times over the course of this conversation, and as I’ve had some more time to think on it. I have realized that my initial point was mostly pedantic; meaning, I thought you were wrong about the word ‘proship’ and for some reason felt the need to correct you. Which is pretty shitty of me, I’ll admit.
And once again, I absolutely understand why you’re reacting this way. If an anonymous stranger showed up in my inbox and essentially said “uhhm [word you know to mean pedophilia and incest supporter] is fine, actually.” I’d be incredulous, quite upset, and probably afraid. Of all the ways to try to start a conversation about something like this, I could’ve chosen a much better one if I wanted you to hear me out before deciding that I must be an idiot at best, and a creep at worst, and refusing to even consider anything I say.
But now it’s a point of worry.
I want you to take a moment and ask yourself why you now have two very different definitions of “proshipping”, and why the first definition you were given does not include other things that are illegal, like murder. Who gave you this explanation? Also, if you had read my definition in a vacuum, outside of the context of proshipping, would you agree with it?
If the answer is ‘yes’, ask yourself again why your source told you it was only about liking and supporting pedophilia and incest.
And before you say anything, no, I’m not saying those things aren’t bad. It’s disgusting. I maintain that I wouldn’t touch even the made-up shit with a 20 foot pole.
But do you know what kind of things (aside from actual pedophilia) are often called that?
Adults writing about kids (the same age) being in love, no more explicit than holding hands and kissing each other’s cheeks.
Adults writing to entertain children, even if there’s not even a shred of romance.
Gay people. For existing.
Trans people, like you and me, for existing.
Nevermind the accusations of sexualizing children if you say you headcanon a fictional kid as trans or gay or bi or anything under that rainbow, regardless of whether or not you yourself are gay or trans.
You have experienced this already. You’ve been sent anons accusing you of pedophilia even though you’re a teenager yourself. You and I both know it’s bullshit, but the people who say that don’t care. They don’t care what they have to say to get people like us to, at best, hide in shame and hate ourselves for wanting to be something other than the gender we were assigned at birth. Or, at worst, kill ourselves.
How many people have been accused of pedophilia in the past couple of years? People you may not have even heard of until the accusations reached your ears? I know of a few who have proven their innocence, and it was revealed that the accuser was only trying to make the accused’s life hell.
Screenshots can be faked. Conversations are taken out of context.
Prior to this conversation I had distanced myself from discussions of proship and antiship. I didn’t want to get in the middle of it. But now I have decided that I am proship.
Not because I think it’s okay to coerce children into sexual acts, or that incest is fine, but because I would rather not see the people I care about ganged up on, harassed, and threatened for alleged ‘pedophilia’. For accusations that came from one bigoted prick who decided to use the worst accusation they could think of to get these queer ‘degenerates’ off of the internet.
Because someone writing a story about pedophilia to process and cope with their traumatic childhood experiences with it shouldn’t be dragged to the gallows and hanged for it.
Because someone writing a story about incest may not know enough about it to understand why it’s bad, and they shouldn’t be screamed at and harassed and threatened.
Because my transgender friends shouldn’t be called disgusting sibling-fuckers for discussing how a child in a fantasy AU might try to help their trans sibling find a way to medically transition.
Because I shouldn’t be called a child molester for writing about two gay adult women adopting children.
Because sometimes people don’t know what love could be if it’s not being forced into something.
Because a teenager just starting to explore some of the thoughts and feelings that are coming with puberty might not understand why their 13 year old character shouldn’t romantically or sexually be with the 28 year old pop star they have a crush on, shouldn’t be verbally abused and told to kill themselves until they do too afraid to ask why it’s wrong, because no one will even tell them what their offense was, because they think it’s them.
Because between letting a creep be weird about fictional children on the internet—who gets caught and arrested by their local law enforcement for doing something just the real world (which no one else in the internet would be able to help with, unless you managed to dox them. and is also illegal)—and letting people accuse anyone they don’t like of pedophilia and incest turning all fandom spaces into sterilized hellscapes where one disagreement gets your account publicly executed, I’d much rather go with the former.
Because sometimes the accusations of pedophilia and incest are nothing more than a Trojan horse.
I will not come off anon. I will not tell you who I am. I can hear the war drums in the distance and I don’t care who’s right or wrong, I refuse to end up on a callout post. Because even if your intentions are just “hey watch out, I’m pretty sure this person’s a gross pedo, don’t interact with them”, and nothing more, there will be people who come harass me. People who may not even know either of us beyond the callout post. I have seen the aftermath of it, showing up well after the storm has passed without knowing anything about what they might’ve done, and they’re incredibly paranoid. One of them gets an incredibly high amount of hateful anons and reblogs for no apparent reason. Even on posts talking about something trivial like “if you put this spice in your ramen it’s actually really tasty”. Another sounds like they’re fighting tooth and nail with themself, just to respond to one anon calling them anything derogatory, without apologizing for daring to exist. Neither of them are pedophiles or support incest. How many times worse would it be if that was the reason someone was being harassed, even if it wasn’t true? I don’t want to find out.
I really don’t think you would intentionally start something like that. But you are not who I’m concerned about.
This is my last word on this. Do with it what you will. But stay safe. And ask questions when you’re told that something is an absolute certainty. There is very little in the human experience that is universal and solid, and things can be even more muddled on the internet.
I doubt you’ll take anything I have to say seriously now, but there is a lot of harm someone can do when they’re being guided by dishonest people under the pretense of moral purity.
anon what
what does any of this mean
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
no bottom surgery pls! and maybe reader eating him out? i think that man deserves his pussy ate lmao
(i am also a trans man if that matters! thanks again)
You got it >:3 
Like I said in a previous response to you, I’ve never written an explicitly trans character before, so if I fuck it up by any chance then please don’t hesitate to correct me on anything!! I’m more than happy to make any necessary revisions! 
(I’ve also never written a M!Reader before but I’m gonna for this, since you’ve specified your gender. I’m very nervous to post, but it was a fun challenge, so I really hope it doesn’t disappoint 💕 ^^)
The Sweetest Treat | TransMasc!Arven x TransMasc!Reader
Note: In case anyone is new here, please note that I headcanon Arven as an adult! Please consider this aged up if I’m proven wrong in the future.
Rating: Mature/Explicit | WC: 1,388
“You sure this is okay?” 
Your head is rested on Arven’s bare thigh while his dripping core pulses below you. His breaths shake as you trace featherlight shapes with your fingers around his pubic area; you don’t want to touch him until he’s ready, but Arceus it’s tempting. 
Peppering soft kisses of reassurance to his skin, you hum a quiet “Mhm.” One he can feel more than he can hear. “Just let me take care of you,” you murmur. 
Looking up at him with hungry eyes, you revel in how vulnerable your partner looks. How prepared he looks. 
“Alright,” Arven sighs.
“You comfy?”
“Yeah.” He nods after readjusting his weight onto his elbows a bit. “A-are you?”
Laughing, you nod back at him. Although your comfort is the last thing on your mind right now, it’s not a lie. Arven’s soft yet firm thigh is the perfect pillow, and his extremely yellow bed isn’t the worst mattress you’ve laid on. 
A shaky sigh leaves Arven as he nods again. “Do your worst.” 
Your eyes flicker down to Arven’s pussy, and it takes all the restraint in your body not to touch your own.’You can do this to yourself later,’ you repeat in your head. Don’t wanna give your boyfriend a shitty experience just because you got distracted by your own carnal desires. 
You drag your pointer down to Arven’s lips, dipping just slightly into his folds. Before you can even really do anything, he’s squirming beneath your touch. His satisfaction brings a genuine smile to your face. 
“Mmmn,” he hums, eyelids flickering shut. 
So reactive… 
‘I can have fun with this,’ you think to yourself.
You press a light bite to Arven’s inner thigh, and his visible iris flickers back open with a gasp. “Eyes on me, ‘kay?” 
Blushing madly and swallowing a whine in his throat, Arven nods his response. You press on him a little harder before using your pointer and middle finger to spread him open. Finally, you plant a chaste kiss against him, before gently licking up his slit.
Arven’s teal orb doesn’t stray from yours as you draw lazy letters and numbers onto him with your tongue. It stays trained on you as he moans, squirming against your mouth. 
You stop for just a moment and sweetly smile up at him. “That’s my good boy.”
The praise raises Arven’s brow and he groans, bucking his hips into your touch. He’s stronger than you, so you struggle to hold his lower half in place as he writhes against you. Taking the hint, though, he does his best to keep still.
Arven drinks in the way you look — foggy eyed and with a deep blush coating your own cheeks, while he makes a mess of your profile with his arousal. You catch him staring, and you know that it’s not because he’s been told to, but because he wants to. The sight of you laying naked with your face between his legs, making him feel the best he ever has, is something he’s only ever dreamed of.
Another giggle escapes you as you hover over his bud. Your lips brush against it as you use your honeyed words to continue breaking him down. 
“You really like being my good boy, don’t you?”
“Fuck,” Arven whines. His visible eye rolls back for a moment before his gaze reaches yours again. Makes you smile wider, more catlike. He’s so obedient. “Yeah,” he sighs. 
You give him a particularly harsh suck, just to see what sort of reaction your boyfriend will gift you in return. He doesn’t disappoint; a wanton groan escapes him, and he throws his head back. His beautiful throat’s exposed and you can almost see some of his other eye from this angle. One of his hands tangles in your hair, tugging just hard enough to get your rocks off a little, as the other grips the sheets.
“S-such a good… ah!” Arven stops himself with an embarrassed yelp.
“You were about to call me a good boy too, weren’t you, baby?”
Biting his lip, the man doesn’t answer you. Can’t have that, now, can you? Still working your tongue along his folds, you slide a finger into Arven’s entrance.
“Oh, fuck!”
“So?” You ask between laps. “You were saying…?“
“I-I, shit, yes, you’re such a good boy...”
So cute!
“Thank you,” you lilt as you add a second finger. “S’this alright? I can pull out if you’re uncomforta—“
Arven cuts you off, desperately advising against your suggestion. “Please don’t, feels so good.”
A second hand wraps into your hair as you smile against Arven’s cunt. “Glad I can make you feel like this,” you murmur. “My sweet boy.”
A heady cry emits from Arven’s throat. God, you love his sounds. “My sweet…” you pause to flatten your tongue against him, licking a slow, hard strip. “…perfect boy.”
Pulling away so as to give your mouth a break, you use your thumb against Arven’s clit. You can’t help but shiver a little at the sight of his wetness and your spit mixing, creating a thick connection between your chin and his core.
“Tell me what you need me to do.” 
“Oh— mmm.” Seeming to have been caught off-guard by your order, Arven clears his throat. “C-can you go faster? Please?”
“Of course,” you whisper. 
Just as he requested, you twitch your thumb around him while your fingers dance inside him. You pepper love bites on his skin, kissing each bruise better as they appear. All the while, Arven’s mewls are getting louder. Throatier. Needier.
You return your tastebuds back to him, doing your best to lick and suck according to his responses. He really loved that little flicky-thing you just did with the tip of your tongue, so you surprise him with it every once in a while. Every time, he sounds absolutely euphoric. 
Noticing how your partner twitches into your lips, you wonder how close to completion he is. You don’t want this to end… then again you’ll make him cum as many times as he wants you to if it means you’ll get to keep at this.
“How are you doing, love?” You hope he was able to understand you, talking with your mouth full.
His response is… incoherent, to say the least. He’s been fucked stupid. Perfect. Must be getting there! 
“You gonna cum for me, or what?” Biting his lip and looking down at you through tears, Arven nods. Smiling and pumping your fingers into his sweet spot even harder, you add, “Bet you’re gonna taste so fucking good, baby.” 
Before you can even get your lips back on him, Arven’s beginning to snap. You do your best to work your tongue in all the ways you know he loves, as the flavor of his release coats your mouth. You can’t deny the excitement and pride that bubbles within your tummy as he rides your fingers and ruts into your licks. Not wanting to overstimulate him, in case he isn’t into that, you stop moving, simply letting him get off on you. 
As he comes down from his high, Arven leans back onto the bed. His chest heaves, and his skin glistens with sweat, but he’s laughing. 
“That was so cool…” he mutters. You can’t tell if he’s talking to himself, or to you, or to Arceus.
After licking your fingers clean, you inch up on top of Arven, cuddling into his chest. “You did so good,” you softly reassure him, running your fingers through his bangs before cupping his face. 
“You did all the work…” he bashfully mumbles. 
Arven leans his face against your forehead, pressing a brief kiss to it. Working his way down your temples and cheeks from there, he meets your lips – you feel his features heat up under your touch as he tastes himself on you, but he slips his tongue into your kiss anyway. A quiet squeak escapes you, and your seemingly innocent boyfriend’s lips curl into a grin. 
Within seconds, your back is against the mattress, Arven’s body hovering above yours as he kisses down your neck. You squirm beneath his touch, feeling your cheeks grow rosier as Arven determinedly nibbles and licks lower, and lower, and lower, until he’s near your own core.
“Your turn, sweet boy.”
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thehollowwriter · 9 months
I think we've lost all semblance of the meaning of the word headcanon. I corrected someone about their headcanon because the media they like confirmed it otherwise, and I was told "It's called a headcanon for a reason my dude"
Yo that's not a headcanon anymore that's just wrong??? Or an au? Aren't headcanons just that until proven otherwise? Because it's information highly unlikely to be confirmed or denied? Am I just stupid? What???
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ailoveuu · 28 days
tiktok is always wild, and I feel like this has been brought up a million times but anti culture genuinely feels like...borderline puritanical I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN OVERUSED BUT HEAR ME OUT
on a video that I was watching, it was shipping two adult characters who were the siblings of two of the main characters. super cute ship, i loved it! one of the comments expressed relief that it was the adults instead of the two high schoolers and someone was like "why?" and that person said that the song was "inappropriate for high schoolers because it mentions breasts". now, that wasn't an exact quote, but it was literally the same thing...
now, i have two issues with this. first of all, it treats women's secondary sex characteristics as if it's sexual - it's not. I'd understand if we were talking about down there and shit, but we're not. not only that, but all four of the characters i mentioned are female, with only one of them being canonically transfem (i say canonically because I personally headcanon one of them to be transfem). when it comes to m/m ships with this trend, nobody has an issue, so seeing them talk about my own anatomy as a woman being inherently sexual just feels off, but that could just be the angry feminist in me speaking.
second off...has this person EVER talked to a real teenager? like, my irl and even online friends say more inappropriate stuff than this song, which only mentions breasts once and then quickly corrects itself. there is a HUGE difference between minors being in nsfw spaces (something that is wrong and can harm both parties significantly) and minors making nsfw jokes (something that is very much normal), and it feels like this person just thinks all teenagers just...shouldn't have ANY sexual thoughts until they reach eighteen, and even then they'll have a problem with it!
like, I thought proshippers were being dramatic when they said anti's thought sex was some terrible thing. this is the second time I've been proven wrong, and it's a little scary. for how "progressive" they are, antis sure do have the mindset of extreme right conservatives.
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yeleltaan · 2 years
//Hello! I just got done with an exam that was bugging me, and I’ve been a bit quiet lately, so here’s another update on how things are going.
As I mentioned in my previous ooc post, study stress and overall difficulty concentrating has been a persistent annoyance and obstacle from writing, so I’ve been taking steps to improve my habits.
Probably my best decision, I’ve recently started going to BJJ and MMA classes! My physical activity has been sorely lacking since the covid pandemic began, so I knew that was one of the main issues to tackle. I’ve been enjoying them a lot and I think this is going to prove a very good change for my mental and physical health, the effects of which should become more noticeable in the mid-term. I kinda went from 0 to 100 with them, so last week was exhausting and rather painful, but I don’t regret it. This week was a lot more pleasant and I can already tell I’ve regained much of my discipline and reflexes.
Besides that, I’ve been trying to be more mindful of my sleeping habits and go to bed at the right hour. This is still very much a work in progress, it’s tough to beat that self-feeding cycle of “I can’t focus so studies take longer, I have less time to myself and I can’t make full use of it either so I’m reluctant to end the day, I didn’t sleep enough so I can’t focus”. I think this will be a gradual process, though I can already tell that the greater physical activity helps make me feel more tired and willing to rest.
I’m diversifying my workspace as well, since that can help your brain distinguish when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest. But I’ve been inconsistent on which spots I use for work, which I use for (thinking-heavy) hobbies and which I use to rest, so I’ll need to correct that in order to really make this effective.
Anyways, I was hesitant to make this post until I could really show this progress as opposed to talking about it, but I figure it’s better than staying quiet for very long. I also don’t quite now how early I’ll really start to improve my pace in writing, setting goals is tempting but too many times my predictions on this blog (or Ornstein’s blog, my God) have been proven wrong so... we’ll see how that goes.
Besides working on replies, I might also do a few of those headcanon prompts I’ve been tagged in (thanks all who did! Even though I haven’t really been doing them lately, I appreciate that you still thought to mention me). Also wondering if some tweaks to the blog might also help with motivation (reviewing the rules, the about page, using more “distinct” and consistent tags... might even try making tags for each dynamic, maybe even for alternate versions of the same muse as well, but I’m still undecided and can’t promise anything yet).
Oh, and I fixed the issue that was making submissions impossible to send, so that’s a start. With that said, hope you’re all doing well, and if not, may that change soon!
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corvhus · 5 months
whomp whomp
ㅤ       ₀₀₁ .   carrd.     ₀₀₂ .   vere.     ₀₀₃ .   metas.
independent 𝐌𝐇𝐈𝐍 of red spring studio's TOUCHSTARVED. written & adored by Lu ( 26 / any pronouns )
because the entire visual novel has not yet been released, this account will be HEAVILY headcanon reliant with some reference to canon. the lore i build here may inevitably be different and / or proven wrong, so corrections will be worked in when the time comes <3 until then, i will be referencing an amalgamation of different mythos in regards to what and who mhin is in the realm of ts canon.
icon border / divider credits : paletterph
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schrodingers-romy · 6 months
romy my love i dont know about the tokyo revengers pls tell me your favourite things about the guys u like!!! 🎤🎤🎤 (can literally be anything canon or selfship i just wanna kno!!)
ahhh ty for the ask melk!! I hope you are ready for a bit of a ramble lol
(uhhhhh under cut bc it got long 😭)
This is the Takashi Mitsuya, who is probably up in loml status with choso...
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(Another purple eyed older brother lmaooo)
Anyway I didn't think much of him at first, but once i got more into the manga I started falling for him bc of how caring and protective he was over his loved ones <3 He's def one of the most mature and thoughtful characters in the series, but he isn't stiff or strict... he does have a teasing edge to him too, which I like a lot. Also he is hot when he really gets into fights lololol
He canonically cooks and sews and basically raised his younger sisters which basically means he is ideal wife material <3
He also has like five billion different hairstyles throughout the course of the series and they all look hot on him idk what it is he is like catnip to me....
Tiny lil selfship hcs: takashi is generally level headed but he does have a little possessive streak. anytime he sees someone acting slightly flirty to me he is draping his arm around my waist and asking 'who's this?' while staring the poor guy down while trying to be subtle about it. (he doesn't think for a second I would cheat but he just doesn't like other people thinking they might have what's his lol)
He is also a fashion designer (in canon) so he loves to dress me up in clothes he's made (esp if it's lingerie...adds another level to it....)
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^ now we get to this little bastard....Shion Madarame
He is literally a background character who's only canonical purpose is to get his ass beat by the protags....I genuinely don't know how i got obsessed with him. I thought about him once and he kept coming back to my thoughts like a stray dog after you've fed it once 😔
*squeezes him until he squeaks like one of those rubber chickens* he is a pest...
But look at him....he is so wet and soggy and pathetic...my dumpster fire princess
The lack of canon info means I have a lot of headcanons abt him. Like he would have a kink for being called puppy and good boy and being put on a leash. Look at him. I'm correct.
Shion brags about 'bagging me' to his friends and they don't believe him. They're proven wrong when the meet me but then they see that shion did lie a little bit bc he is NOT cool he has NO rizz he's really just pathetic and whipped and makes a fool of himself constantly
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rhela-xiv · 1 year
8. Is your character suspicious of new people? 
14. Is your character secretive?
16. Tell me one (or more) things your character resents. - Miqojak!
8. Is your character suspicious of new people?
Rhela is suspicious of everyone, not only new people. It takes a long time for her to be comfortable around someone, and even longer for her to trust them (not that she’s found anyone to trust in a long, long time). It wouldn’t be fair to say that she assumes the worst of people, but she does generally operate under the expectation that everyone is out to serve their own intentions first. She is not easily proven wrong.
Her suspicion of people usually manifests in her being guarded, even among those she would consider close(er) acquaintances. She is also a constant “watcher”: always waiting for people to show their true colors or prove her suspicions correct.
14. Is your character secretive?
Does it count as secretive if it’s just self-preservation?
In all seriousness, yes. Though she would tell you otherwise. It is like pulling teeth trying to get her to talk about herself or her past, or anything beyond what is easily visible. Rhela doesn’t often outright lie, but she will evade questions or deflect entirely if they start to approach topics she isn’t comfortable with. She’s survived this long keeping her head down and her thoughts to herself, and she doesn’t intend to change that any time soon.
16. Tell me one (or more) thing your character resents.
So much. So. Much. Let’s talk about one that is near and dear to my heart and may come as a surprise to anyone familiar with WoL Rhela or my favorite NPC:
Rhela resents the hell out of her former legatus. If he comes up at all, a not uncommon thing to hear from her would be “fuck van Baelsar.” She liked him better when he was dead.
I like to think that she didn’t find out he was alive until after the events of Werlyt, and that she sincerely believed the accusations that he killed the Emperor were just wild rumors. (You know, like the rumor that the so-called “Warrior of Light” had killed Zenos yae Galvus. It’s so absurd, how could anyone actually believe that?) When she did finally realize he was still alive, oh man was she pissed. He betrayed every ideal she holds dear, and abandoned his legion. She believed so completely in him and his vision, and to know that he left his legion to die while he went off and did fuck-knows-what absolutely shattered her.
It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that she also let her men die and deserted.
((One of my headcanons is that the XIVth was decimated after the events of ARR. I don’t ever reference this directly because headcanon, but it is certainly a background influence on her character and behavior.)) ((Thanks for the ask 🖤 Wren))
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
With A Pawns Game being dfo that means even in the worst scenario, Izuku dying before he can tell anyone Nezu’s plans, the plans are still likely foiled. Just by a incredibly angry supervillain. But Izuku would still die thinking he failed and that no one beyond his mom would even notice his death :(
You see - the Dad for One theory I perscribe to goes as follows:
Massive amounts of head trauma caused by All Might literally punching the man's face in mean AfO's memories are muddled, and his perception of time in the years imedately following All Might's attack are muddled and compressed. And, without eyes, he has no way to recognise his son.
By the time he finds out it's been over a decade since he's been home, not 4 years, his son is already long dead and the trail of who did it is long since cold, since Japan has just been recently plunged into anarchy. All for One assumes his wife and son were just another set of the numerous victims to the sensless violence.
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M’gann’s Family
I watched the first two episodes of Young Justice Season 4 and now you get to suffer with my thoughts and headcanons.
Personally, I think M’gann’s parents thought that their relationship would be enough of an example to their children to not be racists, but obviously that failed. They probably didn’t take into account the outside influence and attitudes of other Martians and how it would play a role in their children’s lives and upbringing.
M’gann and M’comm were often left out of any bonding activities and games their siblings did. Their parents tried to correct this but it usually ended with the children hating M’gann and M’comm even more.
Em’ree is probably the only child who actually tried to build and/or fix her relationship with M’gann & M’comm. Her other siblings didn’t even bother, probably going as far as cheering when M’gann left Mars.
At this point I’m gonna say M’comm most likely ran away from home (idk if anything contradicts that but imma stick with it until proven wrong), sometime after M’gann left for Earth.
When M’gann arrived on Earth, she cut communication off from her parents for a while in the beginning. After joining the Team she decided to reconnect with them and patch things up.
That’s all I got for now. If you read till this point then congrats on that.
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inkskxtch · 3 years
Okay okay okay!! So I have a LOONG batim theory/idea I just wanna talk about for a bit since I’ve finally managed to organise my thoughts - I’ve seen it being discussed briefly by a few other people, but there’s one BIG detail people have been missing out that almost definitely connects and confirms the entire thing.
Spoilers for The Illusion Of Living!
So I’ll start from the start, where I first began thinking something was a little odd. In TIOL, Joey talks a bit about where he first met Sammy and Jack, when they were performing at an opening night party for a musical called Girl Crazy. Joey says he met them the night before his 30th birthday, which would mean the opening night was held in 1931 (since Joey was born in 1901).
WRONG! When I first read this part of the book I was curious to see if the musical was a real one, and it is! The thing that I didn’t understand though was that the musical was actually released in 1930, not 1931 like Joey says it was. I thought surely that was an error, right? NO IT WASNT!!! LET ME EXPLAIN!!!!!!!!!
(It also means that supposedly, Joey’s canon birthday is October 15th, because opening night for Girl Crazy was October 14th! But that’s not too important, and not a big part of the theory.)
The same night Joey meets Sammy & Jack, Sammy insists Joey takes them to see the studio and show them one of JDS’s short films. When he does, Sammy tells Joey he needs more female characters since at this point it’s only really Bendy, Boris, perhaps the Butcher Gang (though it might’ve been a bit early for them still), and random male one-time side characters.
Later in the autobiography, Joey talks more about how what Sammy said inspired him to create Alice Angel, after Henry had left so he had no input on the character and we can only really credit him for the creation of Bendy & Boris, despite what Joey says.
Now here’s where it gets fun!!! Sammy and Jack being hired in 1931 means they likely never met Henry, so Sammy’s whole “you look familiar to me!” line from Chapter 2’s ritual can only really be chalked up to Sammy being the one moving the cutouts and disappearing through the walls as usual throughout Chapter 1.
BUT!!!!!! BUT BUT BUT!!!!!!!!
A common theme throughout TIOL is that Joey is both an unreliable narrator AND a huge liar, so there’s a lot of information throughout the story that can be proven false pretty easily, like Henry not being the one behind Bendy etc. Since we know for sure that Sammy and Jack were hired in 1930 and not a year later, there’s a much higher chance they did have an opportunity to meet with Henry, and while I doubt Henry attended the opening night party, being the co-founder of the studio he definitely would’ve met them if they were employed while he was still working.
No doubt that upon meeting Henry, Sammy would’ve relayed his whole “not enough women” piece to him as the lead cartoonist. Henry definitely would’ve taken that criticism, and the two probably shared ideas around since she was going to be a very musical character, singing and whatnot.
BUT...there’s still more! What about Susie, you ask? I WILL EXPLAIN!!
When I tell y’all this franchise is ALL I think about im not kidding 😭
If we listen to Susie’s BATDR reveal tape, she says her and Sammy had been talking about a new character they were working on upstairs that she was most likely going to be given the role of. It’s pretty clear she’s talking about Alice Angel, since we know Susie was working as a voice actress for all kinds of random background characters before she got lucky with the role of Alice.
But wasn’t that audio log from Susie dated 1932, though? Wasn’t the original concept for Alice created around 1930? Yes and yes, sort of. Now this part is partially just a headcanon, but I do have something pretty definite to back me up here that I’ll get to soon. I reckon Henry designed Alice pretty early on in 1930 and Joey didn’t actually put the character to use until Henry was long gone, and Joey could take the character and make her more into what he would’ve wanted (and when he would’ve had a voice actress readily available).
Now here’s what I’m using to back myself up on that! In Dreams Come To Life, Norman says this and I’ll quote from the book:
Buddy: “He [Henry] created the big three, didn’t he?”
Norman: “Bendy and Boris. Even Alice, though they didn’t start featuring her until after Henry left.”
So my idea is pretty much correct, that while Alice was designed and given a basic character concept pretty early on while Henry still worked at the studio, she wasn’t shown in comics or cartoons until after Henry had left. I also hold the firm belief that in Henry’s hidden tape in Chapter 3, where he talks about how he’s working on a new character he thinks people are going to love, I definitely think he’s talking about Alice. Otherwise, why would it be found in the chapter focused around introducing her as a villain?
There’s not really a big end to this theory, but I just thought it’d be worth bringing it up to tie up any loose ends and conclude that Henry is almost definitely responsible for all 3 of the original characters, including Alice.
Joey is a big liar and so so dumb but by god did I enjoy how he was written, and TIOL as a whole
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
I saw your post about the FA's translations, and I totally agree. Sometimes, when they do not translate accurately, is to make it sound better or cooler in English, but it just ends up taking away a lot from the context and characters. We know how one of the most affected character interpretations is Katsuki's, a main character, no less. And Izuku and Katsuki's relationship too, which is something super super wrong, considering is deeply intertwined with the main plot of the series, thus if someone misinterpreted their dynamic, this person would miss a bigass chunk of the message the story has.
Here is the panel you mentioned before btw
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I remember when I read this, only 10 or 11 chapters into the manga (?), and I was like "...I'm...pretty sure this guy didn't say that" khshsjdhs
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(this is your warning for a long post ahead!)
In any case, I still think you're very correct on this! Not to ramble a bit, but Horikoshi's particular talent in developing the plot of MHA is actually very very brilliant and there are a lot of blink-and-you'll-miss-it details that together, assemble the big picture of what MHA is.
Translations are such an integral part of being able to understand foreign media. MHA or otherwise. The simplest of details say a lot about a character and often times make or break a series because everyone knows that strong character dynamics are what carry even the shittiest of plots.
First and foremost, I want to clarify that because of the nature of fan translations and the fact that most of it is volunteer work/ written out of pure enjoyment of the manga--we shouldn't judge these fan translators too harshly (if at all) for interpreting it the way they want to. FA, as far as I can tell, is a fan-based group that works out of donations.
The first thing I wanna bring up is that when it comes to fandom and its works, there are two types: Curatorial and Transformative. Now, the transformative part is something that must be very familiar to a lot of you. Fanfiction, fanart, and most headcanons fall under Transformative Works (i.e. AO3) because they are all about transforming the canon world to fit each individual's personal preferences. Meta-analysis posts and Character Breakdowns are also classified under this.
Curatorial on the other hand are fandom interactions made with the explicit purpose of being as close to canon material as possible. This is working out the logic of quirks, for example, or memorizing as much canon content about your favorite villain as possible. These are more cold, hard undeniable facts that lend themselves to the DIRECT VISION the creator/author had while making this media. If you were to ask me my opinion on this, this would be the moment where I tell you that the Curatorial side of fandom is where fan translations should (for the most part) fall under.
What people need to know though is that oftentimes, fan translations do not.
Translating isn't and has never been a one-is-to-one process. There are hundreds of thousands of aspects in a language that make it so that it isn't perfectly translatable. Colloquialisms to sayings to dialects, to just plain-out words that don't have a proper English translation to them! Manga is made by and for a Japanese audience, so obviously in a lot of instances, there will be cultural nuances that will not be understood by anyone who hasn't immersed themselves in Japanese culture/language.
So what does this mean then for fan scanlations?
It means that a vast majority of translators teach themselves to only get the essence of the message. They take the dialogue as they understand it and translate it to something of their interpretation. When language and cultural barriers exist, translators do what they can in order to make it understandable to the general populace. This means making their own executive decisions on how they see a character speaking. In example, if they see Todoroki using very direct and impersonal Japanese--one translator might interpret it to mean that Shouto is stiff and overly formal, while another may see it as him being rude and aloof.
The problem is, translators are fans just like us.
Like with the image Mang posted above, the translator based the usage of curse words off of their understanding of Bakugou's character. The lack of foul language in the original Japanese might have made the translator think "Oh. There just aren't enough Japanese cusses for his character." And took that as an initiative to make Bakugou's lines more colorful and violent because this was working off of the image Bakugou had had at this point in canon.
But Codi! You may cry. Wasn't it proven multiple times that Bakugou prefers concise and short lines? They should've known better!
Yes. Maybe they should've known better. But tell me honestly in your first watch-through of MHA, did you perfectly understand Bakugou's character either? Did you catch the whole 'direct and no flowery language' aspect of his language when you first saw Season 2?
Most people don't. I only really understood this fact after I'd read multiple discussions of it and even double-checked the manga myself. These are the kinds of things that only become noticeable with a sharp eye and some time to scrutiny. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes to fan translations, the clout and recognition are always going to go to who can post the quickest.
Am I excusing erroneous translations? A bit, I guess. It's hard for us to go in and expect translators to catch all these errors before release when we ourselves only catch these errors like 4 months in with a hundred times more canon context than these scanlation groups did at the time of its release.
Still, there are plenty of harms that come with faulty translations.
When a translation is more divorced from the original's meaning than usual, it creates a dissonance between what is actually happening versus what the audience sees is happening. This looks like decently-written character arcs being overruled and rejected by most of the readers because of how 'jarring' and 'clumsy' it seems. By the time translators had caught on to the fact that Bakugou was more than just a ticking time bomb, we were already several steps into showing how significantly he cares for Deku.
The characters affected most by these translation errors are often those with the most subtle and well-written character arcs. A single mistake in how the source material is translated can make or break the international reception of a certain character to everyone who isn't invested enough in them to look deeper into the canon source.
It creates hiccups in plots. Things that seem out of character but really aren't. Going back to MHA in specific, the way that inaccurate translations hurt both the 'curatorial' and 'transformative' parts of the fandom is that people have begun to cite them as proof of the main cast's characterization.
Bakugou and Todoroki are undeniably some of the biggest examples of mistranslation injustices.
Katsuki, in a lot of people's minds, has yet to break out of the 'overly-aggressive rival' archetype box that people had been placing him in since Season 1. One of the most amazing aspects and biggest downfalls of Hori's writing was that at first, nearly every character fit into a very neat stereotype for Shonen Animes (Deku being the talking-no-jutsu sunshine MC, Uraraka being the overly bubbly main girl, Todoroki being the aloof and formal rival). He made the audience make assumptions about everyone's characters and then pulled the rug beneath our feet when he revealed deeper sides of them to play around within canon.
What made this part about Horikoshi's set-up so good though were the many clues we were given from the very beginning that these characters were more than what they acted like. Even from the very first chapters, for example, we learn that Katsuki (as much as he acts like a delinquent) dislikes smoking because it could get him in trouble.
That is just a single instance of MHA's use of dialogue to subtly divert our expectations of a character.
Another example is when they replaced 318's dialogue of the Second User saying that Katsuki "completes" Deku with him saying that Katsuki merely "bolsters" him. This presents a different situation, as that line was meant to reinforce the importance of those two's relationship as well as complete the character foils that MHA is partially centered around. By downplaying their developed connection, it becomes harder for the MHA manga scanlations to justify any future significance these two's words have on each other without mottling the pacing of the story.
AKA, it butchers the plot.
With every new volume, there are dozens and dozens more of these hints and bits scattered around! So many cues and subtle foreshadowing at the trajectory of everyone's character arcs--yet mistranslations or inaccurate scans make it so that we don't notice them. This is what I mean when I said that some character arcs are being done great injustices.
Until now, many people can't accept that Katsuki Bakugou cares for anyone other than himself (much less his rival and MC, Izuku Midoriya), nor can they accept that Todoroki would ever willingly work by Endeavor's side. The bottom-line then becomes that because of people missing heavy bits of characterization that become very plot-significant in the future.
When it comes to the point where people can no longer accept or fit their interpretation of the earlier manga events to what is happening in canon, the point of a translation fails completely because it has lead people to follow an entirely different story.
TL;DR - Fan scans are hard. Translating is hard. Don't get too mad at fan translations, but also maybe don't treat them as the catch-all for how characters truly operate. Thanks.
Side note: DO NOT harass FA for any of these things. FA is actually a pretty legit and okay source for scans (they've been operating since like 2014 ffs), but regardless of that they still don't deserve to get flack for their work. You can have any opinion or perspective of canon that you want, I don't care. These are just my two (more like two million tbh) cents on translations. I suggest reading takes from actual Japanese audiences tbh if you wanna know more about the source material of MHA. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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A huge disclaimer: I have read up here and there on ABO verse but forgive me in advance if some are completely wrong including mpreg with Servants. Because well... Given what the Holy Grail is capable of and our favorite hentai doujin artist who did the work.... Just take all of this with a damn pinch of salt OTL
Edit (24/10/21): decided to publish this headcanon out after watching Solomon Singularity movie from the feels
Gudao is the older brother and an Omega while his younger stepsister Gudako is an Alpha in the Fujimaru family.
From childhood, Gudako has been violently protective but also can be supportive if she sensed the Alpha either Gudao or said Alpha is someone worthy to protect and love her brother
With suppressants and behavior compared to a beta or an Alpha-like personality earning him a position as Student Council President in high school, not a soul once bat an eye on the thought he would be an Omega.
Gudako's partner is Mash, but there's a building harem from Kiyohime, Serenity and many other female Servants that showed interest in her as their mate.
As of now, Gudako has yet to mark Mash out of respect and desire wanting to take things slow due to Mash’s sheltered life in Chaldea. They have helped each other heat and rut, but were careful in not getting pregnant due to current circumstances.
For Gudao, however, when he first joined Chaldea showed interest and from growing friendship to love to the Beta doctor Romani Archaman. Both were drawn to each other due to sharing similar traits in their love for Magi*Mari and found at ease to be themselves.
But, their relaionship make Gudako worries for her brother future and at times violently threaten Romani to behave himself once the latter discovered by accident of Gudao’s scent when he visited his room to pick up the report when he was showering.
Her protectiveness also stemmed from the society where because a Beta and an Omega will never be happy together once the Omega found their Alpha partner.
But yet through all singularities and events, even meeting tons of other Alpha and Beta Male Servants, especially Alpha Caster Gilgamesh and Alpha Merlin, Gudao only have his eyes and still chose Romani to be his mate instead.
In truth before the start of Babylon a Singularity after Gudao remained to believe Romani is on their side despite Holmes and Old Man Hassan’s claims... Romani finally revealed his true identity to him and the reason why Gudao is drawn to him despite him being a Beta.
Romani Archaman is actually King Solomon, an Alpha Servant who wished for the Holy Grail to become a normal human. But because the essence of his true nature remain and unable to erase when he becomes human, it drawn him to Gudao and vice versa.
This also caused him problems especially when he was in rut, having to give himself excuse to hide from his fellow colleagues. Those who knew about his real Alpha status was only Da Vinci, and the previous Director Marisbury.
Because of his circumstances, Romani/Solomon proposed Gudao to wait for him until the Grand Order mission is over and when he graduated from High School
Gudao’s and Romani’s love unfortunately ended shortly when Romani/Solomon sacrificed his existence to give Gudao and his sister the opening to defeat Goetia once and for all
Despite the victory earn to save humanity from extinction, the price would have nearly broken Gudao mentally at the loss of his Alpha partner without his sister and everyone in Chaldea to help coping through the grief
While coping his grief, Gudako sensed two life essence within him. And her intuition proven correct when there were unusual symptoms of mood swings and vomiting of how a pregnant person was.
Her older brother Gudao was pregnant with Romani's children: a pair of twin boys for a month. The evidence was found in the last checkup note with Romani who done  it before they went off to defeat Goetia.
It had happened when Romani’s rut started before a meeting to conclude Babylonia Singularity started. And to avoid anyone to realize Romani’s alpha scent and even potentially on his true identity to be revealed, Gudao assisted his lover to bring back to his room to hide and to deal with his rut.
At the same time due to the stress that causes unstable cycle of his own heat, Gudao’s own omega heat started which in a passion any protection and contraceptive medications need to take were forgotten for that heated moment.
The doctor was conflicted whether to reveal this crucial information to his beloved which would forced Gudao to withdraw his position as the main commanding Master for the mission. Or, to keep it a secret until the mission was over to reveal, propose and finally mark his beloved Gudao as his mate once and for all.
Eventually he chose the former out of reluctance and his faith Gudao would come back safely and well with their children, knowing he and his sister went and gain through enough experiences and friends to survive against Goetia.
Gudao finally gives birth to his twin son Rehoboam and Menelik. Rehoboam his black hair and green eyes, while Menelik has white hair and blue eyes
Rehoboam has both Ritsuka and Solomon's former mature and confident personality, while Menelik is more closer to Romani's personality of being timid coward.
Ritsuka now being a single dad subsequently to raise his children just own seem to just raise people's desire to want him as their mate. But both his sons got their Aunt protective nature to protect their father from those men, including Merlin
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Can I ask for a mha headcanon with bakugou, tenya & izuku with a crush/so who's short, chubby and is very quiet & cold when they first meet, but when they start getting to know them they're actually goofy, sarcastic and very caring/cuddly (they were just super anxious when they first met the boys) I hope this isn't too confusing or too much ^^" 👉👈
thanks for requesting sweet anon! your request is perfectly fine! i hope you like it <3 on another note, if you’ve sent me a request and I haven’t responded, please send it again or DM me! i think Tumblr has been eating asks lately.. ;vv. 
these are my first headcannons, I hope they’re not too bad :(  what do you think? are they too informal/formal? too short/long? feel free to let me know! i made bakuhoe’s kinda long, i hope you don’t mind! MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN, THEY WILL CLOSE ON THE 16TH! as always, please leave a like, reblog, comment and/or follow if you enjoyed! <33 
PAIRING: Bakugou K. x gn!reader, Tenya I. x gn!reader, Izuku M. x gn! reader
Themes: pining, humor. [HEADCANNONS]
TW: cursing? i don’t think anything else. 
When you enrolled in U.A High, you were extremely nervous. What if you weren't fit to be a Pro Hero? At the entrance exam, there were so many other students, you felt queasy at the sight of so much potential.
You went through so many insecure thoughts and fleeting moments of panic before school started. What if they didn't like you? How would you even make friends? Would they be easy going or cold and distant? When school finally started, you were in for a surprise.
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As we all know, Katsuki was a prideful asshole at the beginning of the school year. He barely paid attention to anyone and you weren't an exception- Kirishima and the Bakusquad were the only ones who'd managed to befriend him. And even then, they would always get on his nerves.
Don't get me wrong, he knew you existed. But he didn't really pay much attention to you until the mids of the first year. The first time he interacted with you was during a fighting assignment- the two of you had been paired together, you were to engage in combat and see how your quirks worked against each other and together.
Bakugou noticed that you had a strong quirk- you weren't any extra. With your quirk Liquify, you actually managed to make him sweat and feel tired- you had a good grasp on your quirk.  He didn't mind working with you, he had noticed that you tended to be quiet and distant and barely talked to him if it wasn't school-related- so he thought you were alright. Katsuki preferred a silent partner than a loud and noisy one like dunceface.
However, he was slightly thrown off guard when he spotted you with Todoroki, Tsuyu, and a few others of the class, laughing together and blabbering about nonsense. He had never seen you laugh or smile around him. Your face was shining with joy-  he could see so many emotions in your expression- a startling contrast to your usual stoic or grimacing face.
Bakugou didn't care, right? The two of you were just study partners, nothing more. He didn't care about how you acted around him.
He couldn't convince himself with his own words.
The more time the two of you worked together, the more you opened up. It was a pleasant change. Katsuki noticed how you would smile when you thought he wasn't looking or that you'd occasionally chatter with him during the fighting and reply sarcastically to his remarks.  
Seeing you smile and laugh around him felt nice- his heart always skipped a beat when your lips tugged upwards.
He told himself it was nothing. He didn't like you or anything...he just liked seeing you smile. That's what he kept telling himself day after day, refusing to acknowledge his feelings for you.
''Bakugou, do you choose truth or dare?''
It wasn't until Class 1A decided to have a sleepover with all the boys and girls (minus Mineta, they kicked him out of the building for the night) and played a popular game called Truth or Dare that he finally acknowledged his feelings for you.
It was Mina's turn, and Katsuki didn't like the evil glint in her eyes. He felt his heart crawl up to his throat when Mina smiled at him.
He swallowed, clenching his fists at his side. Ever since he was paired with you, Katsuki had noticed how Mina's gaze lingered on the two of you. What was she planning? Was Mina going to force him to do something- kiss you? He felt his ears burn at the thought. After an awkward moment of silence, Bakugou spoke up.
''Truth,'' he said gruffly. Hopefully, she wouldn't ask what he was thinking.
Mina squealed in delight. She clasped her hands together. ''Bakugou,'' she spoke slowly but firmly, her face contorting into a serious expression. ''Do you like Y/N?''
''Hah?!'' he immediately snapped. His ears and cheeks burned red and small sparks snapped from his palms. Bakugou could hear snickers and squeals from the rest of his classmates but refused to look at them. 
''What kind of question is that?!"
After a few moments, Bakugou grumbled a 'yes', but no one heard him, so Mina taunted him into speaking louder.
Mina giggled, shooting you a knowing glance. Bakugou wanted to look at you- what were you thinking?- but his fear of rejection willed him to keep his burning gaze on Mina.
''You heard me,'' the pink girl replied with a grin. ''Is Y/N your crush? Don't lie to me. You have to say the truth!''
Everyone was silent at his outburst. With a growl, he glanced at you. His face felt like it was on fire- and much to his surprise, you were as flustered as him- but you offered him a timid smile. He relaxed at your smile and felt his heart flutter. You liked him back.
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As class president, Iida felt the responsibility of reaching out with all of his classmates. He wasn't particularly close with everyone, but he made sure to be friendly and supportive.
You were a different case. Despite his attempts to converse with you, Iida had noticed that you were quite distant and cold. At first, he was startled but eventually brushed it off. Maybe it was just your behavior, similar to Todoroki's.
Even though you were quite closed off, Iida refused to surrender.
He had seen you briefly interact with other classmates such as Tokoyami and Ochaco, and you were far more comfortable with them, smiling and even laughing with them. This could've discouraged him but instead, it made him feel motivated to get you to be comfortable with him. 
After Iida had a sparring match with Todoroki, you approached him. 
‘‘Not bad,’‘ you said. Your face was stoic- but the fact that you were complimenting him made him smile. ‘‘Your sparring skills are improving.’‘ 
Iida bowed down so low he nearly touched the ground. ‘’Thank you, Y/N-chan!” he exclaimed.
 Eventually, the two of you became comfortable friends, but Iida was still the goody two shoes he's always been. Whenever you were acting improper or out of line, he was always there to keep you in check, scolding you with his loud and long speeches.
At first, his scoldings irked you but you eventually warmed up to them. One time, your uniform was too tight/short (it was the last pair you had clean!) and when you greeted Iida, his face reddened.
''Y/N-chan!'' he exclaimed, waving his hands in the air. ''Your uniform doesn't abide by the school uniform's guidelines! You are a very beautiful person but-,'' his face turned even redder and he swallowed nervously. ''Your presentation is improper!''
After his rant, he breathed heavily and was surprised when he heard you laughing softly. You rarely showed emotions around him- only a few small smiles and chuckles, but never a laugh.
''Oh, Iida-kun!'' you said with a teasing grin. ''It's my only clean uniform pair!'' you pouted and Iida swallowed nervously. ''I'll make sure to dress properly next time! Thanks for letting me know.'' you pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek and walked away with a mischievous grin, leaving him a blushing mess.
Iida grew fond of your jokes- they were silly, but always made him smile. Around you, Iida grew at ease. He had acknowledged that he had romantic feelings for you, but wasn’t quite sure how to tell you. It wasn’t a concerning matter for him, he was sure that one day, he would be able to confess to you... it was merely a matter of time. Meanwhile, he would simply have to push his romantic feelings aside, until he was ready to confess.
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Where do I begin?
Izuku is quite friendly and tries to befriend everyone- even if they're challenging or distant. He's proven to be successful- after all, he befriended the aloof Shoto Todoroki.
He began to interact with you through Todoroki- you had quickly befriended the bi-colored boy after joining U.A and when Izuku befriended Todoroki and began to sit together- you would tag along and sit with them. 
When he met you, he was in awe for several reasons. One, you had perfect control over your quirk Liquify- which amazed him to no end- he would constantly ask you questions and mutter under his breath, writing down notes in his notebook.
Your cold behavior didn't bother him- he believed that you simply weren't comfortable with him yet, and he was okay with that fact. You could open up whenever you were ready.
His theory turned out to be correct- after months of socializing, you began to warm up with him- and he began to see a different side of you.
You would occasionally make sarcastic remarks that made him laugh loudly. Izuku didn’t miss how your eyes would slightly crinkle and how beautiful you look when you smiled- but remained silent and kept his comments to himself. 
During the weekend, you had spent time with him and admitted that you felt anxious around him- he was Deku, a Pro Hero in training, he saved everyone and always smiled brightly. To a certain point, you felt intimidated by him.
After hearing your confession, Izuku assured you that you were great as well- he was a firm believer that your quirk and your traits were perfect to be a Pro Hero- there was no reason to feel intimidated.
The two of you grew even closer after that day. 
Sometimes, you would become cuddly or yearn for physical contact and you would grumble or ask Izuku if you could hug him or hold his arm. He would blush brightly and stammer for several minutes but eventually agree.
If being close to him made you happy, he was happy to oblige.
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