#they moved in together now aaaahhh
bellepark · 1 year
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WATASHI NO OYOME-KUN (2023) — episode 2
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t4rt4gl14 · 1 year
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✿ [ WARNING(S) :: dom!read. sub!kaveh. overstimulation duhh. bondage. blindfold. blowjob. handjob. dacryphilia. throatpie. gender not specified. ]
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kaveh moving into your house was one of the best things that happened to the both of you. waking up next to each other, cooking together and whatnot, but what was even better was the audible moans from your shared bedroom…NSFW UNDER THE CUT
kaveh found himself tied by the wrists to your bed, crawling over him with a silky blindfold in one hand and the other crawling under his shirt, “i’m gonna blindfold you now kaveh, alright?”, he shyly nods, closing his eyes for you in which you swiftly wrap the blindfold over his lashes. soft palms find their way to his pants, unzipping them— surprisingly he’s already hard; now another thing about kaveh is that he is surprisingly sensitive, just a lil grinding on his pants and the precum starts leaking.
you adjust yourself between his knees, kissing his abs and v-line, working your way down just until your lips peck the base of his cock, wrapping your hand around the length and slowly picking up a pace— kavehs reactions are so cute~, “f-faster..please~ ngh”, so shy! but alas, you oblige and keep stroking faster and faster, his hips bucking up to match your rhythm. “g-gonna cum- c-cum..ming!~”, he whines, hips lifting as his cum shoots out, cocktip turning a pretty pink colour. he was catching his breathe until…you started moving again, but this time with your tongue swirling on his slit.
“h-hey! why are you— i-i just- aaah~ mmnggh!~”, his words falter, his back arches and he attempts to close his legs out of instinct however you force them open, fuck; he’s so sensitive, it hurts but it feels so good. his second orgasm catches him by surprise, when you suddenly squeeze your hand tightly at his base; the cum spurting into your mouth; painting a milky white inside, “anghh! oohh-mm! cumming!~”, kaveh squeals; thinking this was his last orgasm…hehe he was wrong <3
now the third really took a toll on him, tears staining through the silk and his wrists tugging at the rope; body shivering and squirming; he throws his head back and completely shuts his legs, you engulf his whole cock, the tip hitting the back of your throat, and when your throat contracts; “hnn-aaaahhh!!! o-ohh archons— i-i can’t! m’too sensitive!~”, he mewls each time you bob your head up n down with loud, “ah! ah! ah!”. to think the best architect of Sumeru would be in such a state, chest heaving up and down. “h-hey! i-i feel like i’m gonna c-cum- cu- ahh!~ cumming!~ cummingcummingcumming~”, you’re pretty sure the neighbours could hear the moan that emerged from him next…your lips meet his pelvis and he cums right in your throat, lucky enough your reflexes haven’t caused you to gag.
you swallow all of his cum, and smile once you look back up at him, his whole body’s gone limp, his whole cock a furious red, nipples perking up, dick softening but twitching all the while…cutie kaveh <33
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happilyfeatherafter · 2 months
Happilyfeatherafter’s ficrec Fridays
Good friday y'all. Welcome back to a new fortnight of fics that I’ve read and loved recently. I took my first holiday of the year and IMMEDIATELY caught a cold that knocked me out for the week but at least it meant I got reading done. Save me, destiel, save me.
If you want to find more you can see my previous rec lists here!
29 March 2024
virga(e) by @shineforthee (art by @neversleepuntilfive) has gone straight to the top of the favourite fics ever pile, oh my god you guys, please read it immediately and admire the art that inspired it as part of @deancasreversebang. This fic is a thing of beauty from start to finish. In one version of the story of Dean and Cas, we find Castiel perpetually waiting in the desert, when a 26 year old Dean stumbles upon him drawn to the location mid-hunt. They must learn to trust each other, to figure out what's causing the push and pull that bonds them. The poetry of this fic, run through with this yearning devastating emotion on their journey together, coupled with the incredibly evocatively descriptions and research into the setting, come together to make the most gorgeous picture, the desert a place that seems desolate but is teeming with life. Much like the slowburn romance that flourishes between them. It also links back to post-canon in a way that is seeded so carefully and cleverly, and made my heart explode. It's funny, romantic, devastating, emotional, moving....I can't do justice to this fic with such a short snapshot, please read it for yourselves and come yell at me about it. It's so beautiful. shineforthee also has a great 9x06 fanfic gap one shot and an ongoing wip now too and I can't wait to read that! (Somehow need any more convincing? Check out @bloodydeanwinchester's Virga(e) liveblog).
It's all very complex by artichokeflower okay that was all very serious, so let's turn to a short and sweet smut fic that had me giggling gleefully throughout. 'After walking in on Dean's private time, Cas decides to do a little research and experimentation of his own and gets magically trapped in a book about sexual fantasies. And if that means Dean has to go in after him, well what are buddies for, right?' The thing that is just GOLDEN about this fic aside from the hot smut is the dry sense of humour, borderline French Mistake parody level porn and dialogue between Dean and especially Cas which just gets them so well...the cowboy scenes in particular. Glorious: “I’m sorry, Dean. That’s the end of the erotic violence. Are you hurt?” “Is there going to be any sex in your sexy fantasies?” Dean wheezed. “Not that the whole shoot out wasn’t fun. I just wasn’t expecting as much plot is all.” He coughed. That had probably sounded too eager.
Just Being and Just Having by Englandwouldfall I have recced before but is now complete!! This the post-canon fic series delves so incredibly beautifully into Dean and Cas’ history of miscommunication and gives them the chance to truly talk things out, finding themselves falling more deeply in love as they do so and understand their own mistakes but also what makes them work so well together when they’re no longer under Chuck’s thumb. Each chapter feels like therapy and a brain and heart massage! It sticks the landing so well and I just love these boys so much.
Something Happening Somewhen by allthismusic (@folkbloodbaths, art by @eggchef) aaaahhh time travel young Dean brought to the future to meet older Dean and Cas fic trope my beloved. A @deancaspinefest fic, Allthismusic is a fan of the trope too and this fic is a gorgeous tribute to it and the fics that came before. Cas saves 24yo Dean from an accident and brings him to the future when he witnesses what his life will be. Will Cas have to remove his memories to stop a paradox? Sweet and heartfelt, a joy to read.
Books, Pies, and Roommates by @seidenapfel (art by @kitshay) is a @deancaspinefest two-person love hexagon, with some excellently farcical misdirection. Cas moves in to the spare room of Dean's house, but he doesn't meet him, he meets Sam, as Dean is busy working. Cas is professor but helps his cousin out as a barista and his favourite customer is Deano. Dean's intrigued by the barista but he's not his online penpal and best friend Angel. Lines blur, connections are made, and hearts are gonna get broken...or are they?
Tag list under the cut, let me know if you'd like to be added! Please reblog <3
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magicamicitia · 2 months
Volume One, Chapter 3
“I know what I have to do.”
The Labyrinth seemed to have extended itself throughout the entire maze, twisting its formerly logical and patterned architecture into an incomprehensible display of chaos. The six girls and Kyubey stuck together as they dived deeper into the madness surrounding them. A sudden noise from the bushes startled Twilight.
The others followed her gaze. Applejack reloaded her musket, ready to attack.
“Stay back, y’all. I got this.”
“No way!” Rainbow Dash quickly shoved the other girl aside, almost causing her to misfire. “You had the last one, this one’s all mine!”
“Rainbow, don’t you dare-!”
Before she could finish giving her words of advice, Rainbow Dash was already advancing towards the unknown creature. With a pirouette in the air and a landing kick, she tore down the leaves to find a small winged monster biting her leg, as if it had been waiting for her to attack.
“Ack! What the what? Get off me!” She violently shook it around, but the creature only tightened its grip.
Applejack regained her composure.
“Don’t move, I’ll handle it!”
“DON’T MOVE?! Easy for you to say! Do you want this thing to gobble me up?!” Rainbow whined as she kept stumbling around, fighting off the familiar.
“If you keep hoppin’ like that, I’ll end up shooting your leg off!”
“I didn’t ask for your help!”
Retaining balance for a split second, Rainbow Dash slit through the monster with her blade. It let out a tiny shriek as it dissolved onto the ground.
“There, see? Easy as pie!” She dusted off her hands in a confident manner, But Fluttershy couldn’t help but point out;
“Rainbow… the bite mark…”
She looked down at her legs, but it was too late. Small vines had sprouted from the injury, lifting her upside down.
“Rainbow!” Yelled Twilight.
“I’m fine, I’ll handle it!” She looked at the nervous newbie. “Go on without me!”
“Are you sure…?”
“I’ll stay here and help you…” Fluttershy offered. “It’s probably safer if I don’t go close to the witch anyway.”
Applejack nodded and turned to the rest of the group.
“Let’s get goin’!”
The remaining four girls wandered deeper into the Labyrinth, Kyubey strutting close after them. The presence of magic became stronger and stronger…
A loud cackle echoed through the surroundings.
“The witch!” shouted Rarity.
“It knows we’re here!” Kyubey warned.
Descending from the skies, a snake-like monster plunged directly towards them.
“Look out!”
Applejack shot the witch’s head, diverging it’s route and causing it to crash. The monster groaned horrifically as it tried to get back up.
“Oh no, you don’t!”
With the snap of a finger, Rarity chained the monster down with silk threads.
“You got it!” She giggled, raising her weapon towards the witch.
A loud cannon shot followed by a loud explosion fired onto the head of the monster. But when the smoke cleared…
“That thing…” Rarity murmured.
Twilight readjusted her glasses to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.
“It’s still… alive?”
Almost as if it were mocking them, the witch let out an even louder laughter, and proceeded to dive towards the girls.
“Stay back!”
Twilight brought out her shield, and with her magic, summoned a barrier to block the enemy’s path. Moving too fast to stop now, it crashed like a bird against a glass window, disorientedly shaking on the ground.
At that moment, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walked in.
“Are you guys okaaay?!” shouted the magical girl.
Her voice brought the witch back to its senses, and as it laid eyes on easy human prey, the creature advanced towards the poor girl, trapping her with its tail before she could react.
“Aaaahhh!!!!” she wailed.
The witch shook her around with a mocking chortle. Rainbow Dash, furious, leaped into the air.
“Give me back my friend!”
She slashed the witch’s tail, causing Fluttershy to fall. Rainbow quickly caught her and safely landed back on ground. The witch, however, howled in pain, now directing its attention to the offender. Once again, Applejack threw it off it’s balance with a gunshot to the head.
“That thing’s skull’s as tough as a darn boulder! We oughta get it from somewhere else!”
“Maybe you’re just not very good at aiming!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she ran back and forth dodging the witch’s attacks.
“What’d you say?!” She shot again as if trying to prove a point.
“Stop it, you two.” Rarity intervened. “Can’t you see you’re falling under its influence? Keep it together!”
As each one of them launched attacks from their side of the battlefield, Fluttershy desperately attempted to crawl away from the fight, sobbing.
“Fluttershy! Are you okay?” Kyubey ran to her aid.
“Please… Make it stop… I’m so… scared…”
“It’s no use.” The small fairy shook its head. “With the way they are now, these five can never hope to defeat Unausgeglichenheit.”
“Unaus… What?”
“The witch of Discord thrives on the disharmony of others. If they keep fighting each other, they’ll just die. You’d better leave if you don’t want to end up like that too.”
“What? No! I can’t just let them die!” She quickly sat up. “Kyubey… How do I help them?”
The Incubator stared deeply into her eyes.
“If you’re ready… I know there’s something you truly wish for, isn’t there? You haven’t had the courage to say it yet, but deep within your heart… You know what you have to do.”
A cold drop of sweat slid down her cheek.
Fluttershy remembered all of those days when Rianbow Dash angrily came to her about another fight with Applejack. All the conflicts she had to fix for her. All the arguments, all the yelling… It made her friend miserable, and it made her miserable. She always wanted to help, but never knew how.
But now, not only could she relieve that pain, but she could also save her best friend’s life.
As a child, Rainbow Dash was the one who stood up and saved her.
Now, it was her turn.
The spark of determination ignited within her very soul.
“Kyubey… I wish… I wish my friends would stop fighting all the time.”
In the battlefield, Unausgeglichenheit spun and dived in for another attack. The magical girls were already exhausted, having used up a considerable amount of their power. Twilight struggled to lift her shield again, but a flying spark emerged within the darkness and knocked the witch back against a wall, wailing in agony.
The girls looked for the source of their saving grace, and were shocked to lay eyes on none other than…
“Fluttershy!” They all exclaimed.
But Fluttershy wasn’t looking at them. Her eyes dead set on the witch, who, despite struggling, picked herself up again.
She moved her sights to Rainbow Dash.
“Rainbow! Please, stop being so stubborn! I know you want to prove yourself, but this a deadly battle, not a sports competition! Please, let us protect you!”
A pink thread appeared connecting their hearts.
“And, Applejack… You don’t have to fight for all of us! We’re your friends, you can rely on us as much as we can rely on you!”
Another thread sprung to life.
“Twilight,” This time, she reached out her hand. “I know you’re scared. Believe me, I am too. But when you have friends fighting by your side, I promise you’ll feel invincible!”
Fluttershy’s words consumed her entire body. As she took her hand, Twilight felt like they were one. Her other hand was grabbed by Rarity, and Pinkie joined in on the other side.
All together, the six magical girls united to deal a final blow.
Fluttershy held onto Twilight’s hand, as the two of them floated forward. With a magical synergy flowing through them, they knew exactly what they had to do.
Their intertwined hands shaped a fusion of their weapons - A giant slingshot. The remaining girls channeled their own magic to help them increase their power.
“March Equinox!” The two of them said in sync, as if an instinct long dormant had finally awoken inside them.
A beam of light traveled directly towards the witch, who shrieked and crawled desperately, but to no avail.
In a blinding ignition, the witch eroded into nothingness. The labyrinth around them began to crumble, and soon, nothing was left but a small, black egg.
A magical girl’s most prized possession.
A Grief Seed.
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story-telling · 5 months
~~~~Maze to the death~~~~
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TW: blood loss, self harm implied, razors, gore, domestic abuse/violence
This is my POV AU of a saw trap that is Alice in wonderland themed
(Currently hyperfixating on saw if you couldn’t tell 🩷)
Your eyes flutter open as you smell stale iron mixed with the filthy dust on the floor, you raise your head weakly and let out a dry hefty cough as if you hadn’t drank water in years. You manage to scramble to your feet, the entire room pitch black. Your leg seems to be in a chain as the rattling of it enthrals panic to course through your body.
“HELLO?” You cry out in frustration and confusion, your voice echoing throughout the empty room.
You pull your leg as a hard as you can but something clicks. The lights turn on and you are faced with a maze, the maze was as tall as the roof, 12 feet you judged. Suddenly there’s static, an old tv flickers on as your met with static and a loud screaming sound. You cover your ears and hunch over in pain, as you look up to the tv again it’s silent, your hands drop from your ears and you stare at the television waiting.
The tv flickers once more and a puppet appears on screen, white skinny face with red swirls on the cheeks, black hair and wearing a suit. He turns to you and just laughs. Laughs. Laughs.
*“Hello y/n. You’re probably wondering where you are, so pay close attention, it may cost you your life. around you is a maze, you must find the exit in the time allotted, simple. As the timer progresses the spikes lining the walls will close in, slowly impaling you until you are unable to move or succumb to your wounds. Which ever comes first. So I suggest you move quickly. You’ve delt your share of pain in your failed relationships, mental and physical, now it is your choice, face the pain you’ve caused the ones you love, or be lost to the maze forever”
The raspy voice spoke and all the images comes flashing back, your ex partner, their bruises, their cuts, their tears. All of it. Caused by you, you begin to feel weak, helpless, sacrificed like a lamb. You pull yourself together and look up as you heard a beeping, there was a timer for 1 minute above your head and your ankle is released from the chain. You realise quickly that you have to move.
You start running towards the maze and are feeling a little more hopeful. You feel you may win, you feel there may be victory. Until.
“AAAAHHH. Shit.” You run into a dead end. Razors blades and spikes cut through your skin like paper. Your blue top being dyed a dark crimson red, you move back slowly and nearly trip over your own feet. Looking back up at the timer. You’re at 45 seconds.
Steadying back on your feet you start moving swiftly and watching out for dead ends, you decide to check the timer again and see that you have 30 seconds. Whilst doing so your abdomen gets impaled by three spikes attached to roses as you scream out in agony. Your bleeding increases as you start to feel weak and breathless. Looking back up. You have 20 seconds.
Continuing on, you see a walkway through the edge of the hedge, your eyes light up as you move quicker and quicker, once more. You are met with another dead end, your ankles and wrists cuttings, displaying your veins, swallowing your scream through gritted teeth you look back at the clock.
Ten seconds.
You see the walkway as you walk quickly towards.
Nine seconds.
The spikes start closing in
Eight seconds.
You’re forced to walk sideways towards the walkway
Seven seconds.
You’re so close.
Six seconds.
The spikes making contact with your shirt
Five seconds.
As you are close to the walkway. Your leg gets caught between the spikes
Four seconds.
You fall and your face makes contact with the concrete floor, skidding your skin against rock.
Three seconds.
The spikes still enclosing in around your ankle you scramble to get both your legs out.
Two seconds.
You only manage. One.
One second.
Your foot is trapped. You lay there in a panicked state.
“I DID IT. I DID IT YOU BASTARD” you scream out in anger.
“LET ME GO” you wiggle your ankle. The spikes penetrating your wound, you feel your foot twitch and cry out in pain. You decide to pull as hard as you can, you put your, now stained crimson red, top in your mouth to bite down on and grab your shin.
You start to pull your leg out of the spikes, the foot being shredded in the meantime. You look away and don’t stop no matter what. Your foot is out. It’s mangled. But it’s out. You hang your head and sigh in relief as you let out a small cry.
“I win…” you breathed out heavily as you crawl over out the walkway and prop yourself up against the wall
*the speech was written by the lovely @lace-coffin !! Yall should check out their stuff!!
Thank you so much for reading and as always! Feel free to request stuff!!! 🩷
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
I am hardcore traveling at the moment, and my watch schedule has gotten all kinds of messed up (I still haven’t watched the latest episode of Be My Favorite, EGADS), but anyway, I have thoughts about another show on my mind at the moment: I didn’t have Wi-Fi on this ultra-long flight I took last night, so I could NOT live-blog the FIVE EPISODES I was able to slam out of Manner of Death for the OGMMTVC. And I was DYING because all y’all and I know that this is SUCH A LIVE-BLOGGABLE SHOW, AAAAHHH!!!, so let me just see if I can remember everything I wanted to write about in my travel haze that I usually live-blog during my very late hours (I’m caught up to episode 10):
- I KNEW Inspector M would come around
- Um, REALLY LOVED the elder uncle looks that Inspector M was giving Bun and Tan in the safe house after the fake shooting, lol
- So are That and Sorawit a side couple?! SMART MOVE for a not-BL
- KIND OF OBSESSED with the lovey music during Bun and Tan’s romantic scenes, like — this show hasn’t forgotten its roots, whatever those roots are (BLs? CSI?)
- I kinda think Rungtiva is somehow involved in the whole crime ring. She can take in a whole bunch of trafficked women? AND ask why they need to leave her place afterwards? A little sus. I hope I’m wrong, because I love her outfits
- Speaking of outfits, I like how MoD is quietly repping rural Thailand. I LOVE shows set in the country or outside of Bangkok — ATOTS, MLC, The Promise (not the show, just the setting, ha), ITSAY, the parts of BBS in the eco-village. Even Dew the Movie was revealing by way of setting. I really appreciate seeing clothing more akin to ethnic Thai clothing choices — reminds me of watching Indian movies and shows
- There is a SURPRISING amount of food in this show, for which I am very grateful, and
- Just, MaxTul. Love them. So my read right now (without having finished the show yet) is that I think Max is the better actor. When I was looking up Viangpha Mork, I came across a Reddit post on MoD that commented on Tul having this tic where he kinda takes a half a breath and looks up before saying his lines, which made me lol a bit, and doesn’t really bother me, but it’s like, he *does* need a second before he says anything, and I’m not sure it’s intentional for Bun. But I’m not complaining, I just think it’s funny that I saw that about him. Max, on the other hand — he’s GREAT, and I think they’re both so much improved from Together With Me.
- Oh, one more point. Bun and Tan: CLEARLY INVINCIBLE. Too many injuries to count!
I am TOTALLY into this show. Going from ITSAY to YYY to MoD has been a damn SWING, but a fun one, and it’s just extremely cool to watch a show where a romance aspect is not necessarily the center of the show. More on this analysis in my write-up, but like 3 Will Be Free, queerness here is inclusionary, and not the central point of the plot. I just love the structure, and ABSOLUTELY see how it precedes KinnPorsche. More soon as I finish it out over the next few nights.
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deejadabbles · 8 months
I would LOVE to hear some headcanons about Mana x Rex. It seems they would have a lot of opportunity to meet.
Aaaahhh I'm so happy you asked about them! Rex's calm is definitely an amazing contrast to Mana's chaos!
They would meet when Mana is assigned to the 501st for a covert mission. I can already imagine that when they're first introduced and he sees the disheveled state of her ship and how scatterbrained she is when "reporting for duty", Rex is a little under impressed. He's doubtful of her ability to sneak them behind enemy lines, and her republic profile doesn't ease him mind much. It's only when Anakin tells him about her work helping slaves that he starts to give her a chance.
On Mana's side she's pretty neutral on Rex at first, but becomes fast friends with Fives and when Fives talks about how much he respects Rex she starts to pay more close attention to him (and likes what she sees 👀) and though she thinks he's a bit stuffy, she very much admires the way he interacts with and obviously cares for others.
They get closer during the harrowing mission and find that they balance and challenge each other a lot. He would bring a feeling of stability to her and she would love how secure and safe he makes her feel in such a chaotic life.
She's used to constantly being on the move but let's face it, if anyone can convince a firecracker to settle down it's Rex 😏 she'd probably request to be stationed with the 501st as often as possible.
Anakin 1000% ships them, is the over enthusiastic wingman Rex absolutely did not ask for. Rex is pretty sure he's going to die of embarrassment between Anakin and torrent company's schemes to get them together.
Over all it would totally be a slow burn romance, but they'd probably finally admit their feelings during a "we may die and I can't keep this in any longer" moment on a mission
Okay okay I'm gonna make myself stop because now I'm thinking about them a lot and getting feeeeeelings! 😩
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dinosaurqueen27 · 2 years
Nightshade Berries
Seamus Finnigan x fem!reader
Word count: 837
Warnings: None
notes: just a short one shot I had this written ages ago but it was terrible so I fixed it! (Hopefully) Also I imagine the character as being chubby or plus sized but that’s just me it’s not explicitly stated so read it however you like 👍
Gif not mine credits to owner
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It was in her first year of Hogwarts that she met Seamus Finnigan. It was only due to unforeseen  circumstances that they even became friends.
Potions class had dragged on for a full 30 minuets before anyone even got to look at a cauldron. Everyone was itching to start, all excited to mix the unusual ingredients together to create something magical.
The task was to make a successful forgetfulness potion by the end of the lesson. (Y/N) stood by a long brown bench that spread the width of the room, it was lined with cauldrons, phials, jars and Littered with stains from strange liquids, spilled ink pots and scorch marks from spitting cauldrons.
All students were separated into groups of two, chosen by professor Snape, leaving most students upset with not being able to work with their new friends. (Y/N) had been partnered with a small boy with rather large pixie ears and a thick Irish accent.
"Okay add in two drops of Lethe River water and stir it clockwise." She instructed him. The boy followed the directions and set the spoon on the side. "What do we do now?" He asked. She looked through the book on the desk, it's leather binding falling apart and brown pages withering away. It had been purchased from the second hand shelf in Flourish and Blotts. Though it was dusty and covered in stains (Y/N) loved it all the same her first real spell book.
"Add in 4 crushed mistletoe berries and then we should be done." Seamus nodded and left to the Ingredients cupboard to retrieve the jar of white berries.
"Hey (Y/N) We’re having a nightmare here could you help us out." She looked over to Dean, his spoon had fallen into the cauldron and the sleeves of his robes were soaked in the potion. His partner Neville seemed to be having his own issues. He had dropped his wand and bent down to retrieve it but in standing back up bumped his head on the bottom of the desk knocking a bundle of valerian sprigs onto the floor scattering them all over the place. Dean had a look of distress across his face and (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle at the poor boy. She walked over to help him out and retrieve his spoon from the red bubbling liquid.
(Y/N) had completely forgotten about Seamus in those three minutes concerned more with gathering all the sprigs together and get the boys a new spoon. That was until she was being tugged across the desk by the back of her robes. "Is it supposed to do that!" Seamus asked in a panicked state. The once ruby red liquid had turned a vile sickly green and was bubbling ferociously.
"No! What did you do?" She asked him. "I put in 4 nightshade berries just like you told me too." He lifted the jar filled with little black berries. There appearance non threatening compared to the damage they could do.
"Mistletoe berries I said Mistletoe Berries Seamus." She covered her face with her hands. "Look it's moving..."  He announced. They both turned to look over the edge of the cauldron and watched the constant harsh bubbling rattled the table and everything on its surface until it suddenly stopped and remained still. They both peered into the cauldron and watched as a large bubble formed on the surface of the liquid.
Black soot and smoke was sent up towards their faces and the smell of putrid sick and singed hair hung in the air. "AAAAHHH!"
"Your eyebrows!" She exclaimed they were burnt clean off of his face and replaced with patches of black soot. "Your hair!" He shouted as he pointed at her. 'Oh no oh god please no don't be true' She walked towards the window and stared at her reflection the left side of her hair had been singed short and was covered in black ash along with her face and robes.
"(Y/L/N), Finnigan." Snape walked to wards the two crispy looking children. "Get out of my classroom that's 25 points each from your houses, go and clean yourselves up." The rest of the class sat giggling quietly at the misfortune of the two as they left the class, finding it rather hilarious. That is until Snape picked up the closest book and slammed it onto the desk instantly silencing them.
While walking along the corridor on the way to the hospital wing (Y/N) decided to end the silence between them. "This was your fault you know, if you had just listened to me we wouldn't be in this situation.” "Yeah well at least we're okay, it could have been worse." She stared at him with a blank expression until her lip quirked slightly up . "Yeah actually your right, I could have ended up with no eyebrows." she teased and walked away. "Well that's not very nice!" He called after her rushing to catch up.
“Let’s hope Madam Pomfry has something for hair regrowth.”
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Top three fav moments from WOTC?? (I may have read all the chapters in one go while I took a break from studying and honestly…it’s like playing the crown in my head) 😂 I also took the time to read your writing as well. Again…historical modern fiction seems to fit both 🇪🇸 and your writing styles well! ❤️
Omg i have so many!!!! Aaaahhh same anon binge reading is like my whole personality!!! Also thank you for the compliments!! 🥹🤍
3. “You will not disrespect Leonor at all in front of me. Because if you do Peter…” the words were on the top of her tongue. Memories of being children and spending endless days with her brother. Laughing, giggling, always by each other side came in mind. And she hated the way she couldn’t seem to let him go. The loyalty. Perhaps it had to do with them being born together. That close knit tight bond they shared. But images of Leonor’s cotton blue eyes and soft oh so gentle smile filled her mind and the words were out before she could stop them. “If I find that you disrespected Leonor or her family in any way..I will not hesitate to have you removed and put on a flight back home. With word sent to papa”
3. I love this one because it really show how Alix picked Leonor over Peter and how complex their relationship is. The first few lines about how she played those moments of happiness over and over is so real.
2. At Leonor’s words Alix smiled, not a big smile, but enough that it twirled and ripped Leonor’s insides. Made her really think how beautiful Alix would look with a bigger one. “I especially enjoyed how you hid me from them as we passed that….was very chivalrous of you your royal highness”. Leonor was moving now, close enough that she could feel Alix’s pinky brush her own. “I just couldn’t hear them talk about you in such ways..I would have done the same for anyone else”. Lies. Alix would never. “I’m sure you would”. 
2. I love this one because it is like the first REAL intimate moment between the two and I definitely imagined a bit more um touching than there actually was lol 😩
1. The way Leonor had nearly ran from the table, speed walking more like, dodging all of the other pupils, blue cotton eyes focused on one thing, one person. From the way Leonor eyed Alix as she came in view, the way the girl practically threw herself at Alix, crashing into her with the force of a freight train, wrapping her arms around the girl and pulling her to her chest in a protective manner that had Alix weak in her knees. Alix without thought reciprocated, loving how Leonor stood a few feet taller than her. Enough that she could rest her head against Leonor’s cheek. Leonor’s grip was soft and gentle, and after weeks of not hearing from her, of not knowing if she had overstepped it was like all the confusion vanished. Just the feel of Leonor in her arms, of her soft lingering scent, the way Leonor without thought, in front of the whole pupils reached out and pressed a soft kiss on the girls forehead before pulling apart fully. Leonor spoke softly, soft lithe fingers grabbing Alix’s hand, “we need to talk”.
This is my favorite moment from WOTC because the SHITLOAD of adrenaline build up to THIS VERY MOMENT was like so good and then when this moment was there the feeling of love was SO POWERFUL!!! In the moment it just felt so good reading this and it’s still my top favorite moment!!! 🥰
Thank you for asking this question and sorry it took me so long! Check out WOTC here! 💙✨
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Chifuyu is pressed against the wall a figure shadows over him.
Baji puts a hand around his waist an leans down to lick his neck. "Please... please Love...." He groans.
Chifuyu chuckles and  moves his neck to the side to give Baji easier access. "Okay okay fine... We can't go all the way today... I'm still sore from this morning."
Baji bites into his neck. "Mm fine"
Baji picks up Chifuyu and he wraps his legs around his waist. He makes his way from his neck kissing all the way till there lips meet. Baji keeps a hold on Chifuyu as he wraps his arms around his neck as their tongues dance together. Chifuyu mewls as Baji continues to explore his lovers mouth. After some time Chifuyu pulls away.
Baji wasn't too pleased with that and let's out a sound similar to a whine. "Baby please-"
Chifuyu moves and gets done. "No wait-"
Baji thinks he's coming off to forward and backs away. "Okay sorry."
"No not like that idiot" Chifuyu moves Baji against the wall. "I think you'll like a little relief after working so hard trying to be a vet." Chifuyu goes down on his knees and starts to unbuckle Baji's pants. "And I highly believe you deserve this~ So work with me here and let me hear those moans of yours okay honey?"
"Wait, Chifu you don't-" As Chifuyu takes out Baji cock he lets out a sigh of pleasure. Chifuyu starts to slowly rub Baji, up and down, in the beginning nice and slow. Baji let's out low hums each time. He lets out a gasp when Chifuyu hot mouth wraps around his tip. Baji just want to shove Chifuyu's head down and fuck the hell out of his throat but he thinks other wise giving Chifuyu time to work his down shaft.
"fuckfuckfuck- fuck! Keep going Love oh please please please please please." Baji moans out.
Chifuyu giggles around Baji's cock then removes his mouth for a moment. "Glad to know you're enjoying yourself Baby. Now let's get to the good part~"
Baji doesn't get a chance to respond before Chifuyu wraps his mouth around Baji's tip again and this time take all 8 inches down his throat.
Baji moans out loud. "Aaaahhh- fuck..."
Chifuyu bobs his head up and down Baji then shoves Chifuyu's head and begins to fuck his face. At that point Chifuyu is just holding onto Baji's legs to keep balance as Baji continues to pull in and out of his mouth.
"Shit- I'm-"
A bitter, salty-sweet liquid shoots down the back of Chifuyu's throat. Baji has already moved his hands away but Chifuyu stays there for a moment before slowly pulling away and swallows. He takes out some wipes from his pocket to wipe off her face then wipe off Baji who's leaning against the wall coming down from his pleasure high.
"Now how was that? Hm?" Chifuyu ask curiously.
Baji swipes some hair out of his face. While smiling at Chifuyu. "I loved every second of it."
Chifuyu giggles happily. "That's what I hoped."
Baji kisses the top of Chifuyu's forehead. "Thank you Honey."
Chifuyu smirks. "Oh not a problem. I've been wanting to choke on it for a while now."
Baji is left speechless as Chifuyu goes to brush his teeth.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"I wanted every piece of me to crash into every piece of you, I swear to God that's how they make stars" Mary Lambert
This isn’t the first time someone had mistaken David for his father. They better be careful 🔪
What if Max didn’t want to move in because he didn’t want to live with David?
What if he didn’t think it would be fun to live with David?
They are both idiots huh???
“But I can handle it-”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea-”
“I said I can handle it!” David yelled.
Ok, give this boy a break or his going to have a breakdown soon
“Ask for help,” she said again. “And if you are feeling overwhelmed, take a break.”
“But the institute-”
“-is not going to go anywhere,” she said.
I am loyal to one (1) goodness 😌
“Why do people call me baby boy or baby girl?” David wondered out loud.
“Because you are baby,” his father popped him on the nose.
Yeah, he's got a point. I looove Jace and David's interactions🥺🥺 they make me so emo!!!
“I can’t see anything,” she frowned. “It’s dark.”
“I see…I see a prince,”
Should I be worried or should I be fucking terrified???
He wanted to say something. But what was at the tip of his tongue was neither kind nor necessary. More people should follow this...
In your face, Mal!!! He prefers David 😎
Not another attack!
Looveee how the starts of the POV's complement with exactly how I feel about the end of the other one jsgskdk
Rafael and Camilla's friendship is just so goddamn amazing!!!
“What? Who in my family snitched?” Rafael gasped. “Wait. Was it Lily?”
“It was actually Gigi,” Camila giggled.
“Wait. Does everyone know?” Rafael asked in horror.
Yeah, not a smart decision to leave your family with that biig knowledge...
Wife is his favorite word now and no one can change my mind
“I’m not asking for your permission,” Rafael said quickly. “It’s sexist and archaic and frankly, Anjali would kill me if she found out.”
Diego chuckled at that.
“But you two are the most important people in the world to her,” Rafael said gently. “And it would mean a lot to me if I could have your blessing.”
Before he knew it, Diego was pulling him into a hug and muttering softly in Spanish, and kissing Rafael on the head.
The woman covered her mouth with a hand and sighed. “It’s as beautiful as my Anjali.”
Rafael smiled. “Not really. But it’s pretty close.”
Rafael laughed at that. "I will take good care of her. I promise."
This man is so in love it's getting annoying...jk, jk I absolutely love him❤️
I support Rosewood above everything else bc just look at them!!! Power couple, but also soft with each other, but also badass and smart af, and-
Marry me. Marry me. Marry me.
He knew the small ones worked.
He heard the whispers in the shadow world.
He knew it worked.
He just needed to make sure the big ones would work too.
I don't know what he's talking about and at this point I am afraid to ask...
He wanted magic to be like water.
A resource.
Something everyone could have. Something everyone can benefit from.
Ok, that is a really noble cause and shit, but who exactly is going to suffer the consequences of this???
“Yes,” he replied. “It’s my destiny, Mal. This is what I was born to do. It will work.”
"I know," she smiled at him. "My destiny is Max."
Have y'all consider.. therapy???
“Tell me everything you know about Anjali.” If you so much as THINK of hurting her, I will fucking end you🔪 and I know Rafael will too!!!
Alexandra, get your gay together!! Just do it!!!
“No one has seen shadow demons,” Lexi sighed with disappointment. “They’re extinct.” I feel like they are not extinct enough... (I laughed at my own joke omg jshsksn)
“No fire message?” Lexi frowned.
“Why would we send those when we can text?” Gabriel asked her incredulously and walked away.
Selena sighed dramatically. “I love them.”
Both of them are so sexy for it tbh...
“She was talking about some issue with the warlocks in LA not being able to use magic. I think it’s resolved now." Getting increasingly more concerned about this...
“I think so,” Liv whispered. “Are you trying to come out to me? Because it won’t make a difference to me. I love you. Regardless of how you identify.” omfg😂😂 like, this was so sweet but you got the completely wrong idea!! I mean no one can blame her, Lexi was definitely not clear AT ALL!!
“A boat needs two people to move, or it will be lost,” Lexi explained.
“You want to have a threesome?” Liv asked.
“By the angel!” Lexi yelled. “Liv! Stop reading into this too much!”
“Then what am I supposed to do?” Liv looked very confused. “I don’t get it.”
Jshskdjdkdk please, they are both so chaotic and I love them so much😂💙
“And then the kite is flying and-holy fucking shit.”
“What happened to the kite?” Liv asked.
Obsessed at how she is worried for the kite lmao
“It’s a warlock,” Gabriel said. “A warlock is portaling into the institute, summoning demons and commanding them to attack.” FUCK!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? WHAT'S HAPPENING??
Ok, gotta go to think about all the possible things this can go wrong... See you next week!!!
The quote is so *chef’s kiss* omg how you find this shit 😍😍😍
Here is a David tiktok for you 😎
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pixxie999 · 1 year
Lewd Scene #5: A Lovely Panty Shot
Walking down the street, I scanned my surroundings. People walked past me from all sorts of directions. Vehicles drove past me as well. My ears caught people's chatter and laughter. 
     Children played with one another on the sidewalks. The buildings gazed at the busy sector. Today was such an amazing time to go out on a date. 
     I grinned and blushed my cheeks whenever I thought of Mei, looking up at the sky turning orange from blue. The stars and the crescent moon slowly appeared in the sky while the sun was slowly reclining from the world. 
     Ooo, man. This is so exciting. I'm finally getting a chance to have a nice, special dinner with my girlfriend. Oh, man. She's an amazing woman, that's for sure.
     I stopped by the restaurant right after I purchased flowers from the flower stall. I sniffed those crimson flowers with my eyes closed. My nostrils accepted the beautiful aroma from the flowers. Sighing, Blushing, I opened my relaxed eyes. 
     Ohhh, these flowers smell so nice. I can't wait to deliver them to Mei. She'll definitely be in love with this one. 
     I stood there for a while, waiting patiently for my date to arrive until my eyes widened and spotted her afar off. I opened my mouth with my eyes blushed. There she is!
     There I saw Mei walking down the street. She was as beautiful as ever. Her blue eyes gazed at me. Her red lips and orange hair glitters under the remaining sunlight. She wore her red dress with some rose designs at the bottom of it and a low cut, along with her red high heeled sandals. 
      Her tits bounced a bit with her nips poked through her dress. She grinned at me when our eyes finally made eye contact. We waved at one another while my eyes sighed and my cheeks reddened whenever I saw her chest. 
     Aaaahhh, now that was stimulating to watch…She's definitely smoking hot for a fourteen year old as usual. Then the blushness and reddened on my cheeks disappeared from my face as I held up the flowers right in front of me, looking at the flowers and Mei back and forth. Right, time to deliver these once and for all.
     "Hi there, Nick!" Mei shouted halfway towards me. 
     "Hi there, Mei!" I shouted back, watching her keep going until she felt something touching her leg behind her. 
     "Huh?!" Mei asked when she stopped moving, turning around while she stepped on a steel grid. "What the hell was that?"
     Then the air blew Mei's dress up from the above. Ah! I broadened my eyes when I saw Mei's pink panties being displayed for the public to see. 
     Mei's scarlet looked down below her, noticing her dress being lifted up in the air from the air vent. She put her dress down and screamed, squeezing her breasts together for her nipples to erect harder than ever before. 
      While most people just mind their own business and walked past her, some guys' faces blushed, ogling, cat calling and whistling at Mei. With my face not blushing, I ran to her and covered her behind. Once I pulled her away from the air vent, Mei turned around and smiled at me out of joy.
      "Oh, thank you for your help, Nick!" She exclaimed. 
     "You're very welcome," I said, closing my eyes with a smile. Reopening them, I gave her the flowers. "Oh, and here you are, beautiful. I almost forgot to hand you these."
     Mei gasped when she accepted them. "Ah, thank you so much."
     "You're welcome," I said.
This scene was also just came out of my head instead. So what do you guys think? Do ya love it? Do ya hate it? Let me know in the comments either in Tumblr or Twitter. Otherwise, take care!
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Life’s Insanity - Christy 1.2
Christy took a logic class and Sarah Jessica Parker and her crew were there
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When she was leaving, Malcolm Landgraab nearly died
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"Are you alright?"
"I suddenly felt nauseous.."
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"Let me take a look"
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Lisa Bunch was really concerned
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Christy then punched him in the stomach
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"Feeling better?"
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Christy went to the library to work on her writing skill.
She was very broke and thought taking a side gig as a writer might be a good idea
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Meanwhile, Simis Bachelor was dying
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During all of this, Bella became terrifying
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She got better
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"Are you perhaps a werewolf?"
( It was a full moon)
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Christy punched a few of his pressure points, like she does this every day
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It was a success
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Christy wanted to skinny dip so why not
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The couple met up for dinner at the bistro
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"I didn't know you had a car..."
"I don't actually. I borrowed it from Stiles and promised not to write a bad article about his band"
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They headed to the karaoke bar to play dominos
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Things were going so well between them and Christy wanted their relationship to move to the next level
"I was wondering, Cy. Would you like to move in together?"
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"Of course! With Blair married with kids, my place is getting a little crowded."
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Cyclone stayed the night and would go get his things after work the next day
Let the fun begin!
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Christy found herself dealing with a feud at work and decided a party would fix the issue
It was Spooky Day after all
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Before her guest arrived, the trick or treaters did
"Trick or Treat!"
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Morgana, who is still married to Thornton, tried to flirt with Cyclone
Christy couldn't believe she tried it while she was in the room
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After that awkward moment, Christy got to the mission at hand: Make sure Reina had a good time
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Cyclone just wants to be left alone...
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Cyclone's obligatory makeover
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Christy was on vaccination duty
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"See? That didn't hurt at all Stiles"
"I suppose you're right"
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Cyclone got a promotion!
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The costume party did more than stop a feud at work.
Christy and Reina were now best friends
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Good Job, ya couch potato
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At least he puts away the laundry
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So much for dinner..
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So I have a mod that triggers household events that you can get when you start a new game
Well...I did want chaos
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The game gifted them a maid for a while
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Me too Cyclone, me too
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Well that maid sucked.
Couples that clean together, stay together
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"Are you going back to cooking?"
"We're hungry Ms. Firefighter"
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Christy then rolled the want to woohoo
I guess the fire got her all bothered
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Total Points: + 5
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aquagustd · 2 years
Like jk not giving a flying f*ck about his breakup (at least that’s what he wants us to think) is reaaaaally sus but anyway im glad sora is out of the picture now
And i really don’t know if i should be happy about that but things are lining up perfectly for oc and jk to get back together like now he’s single and her relationship with tae is rocky so yeah everything in favour of team jk
Ngl the end of the chapter was EXTRA sweet like so cute waouw but we still can’t forget the shit he’s done in the past and there’s still so much we don’t know about so we can’t be sure if we can trust him or not
And tae ignoring oc for days and then calling her like nothing happened was kinda a dick move im glad she reacted the way she did like go girl show him who’s in charge so yeah proud of her for that
YEAH that was a really good chapter i woke up and saw it was published needless to say my day starts really good take care of yourself we love you <3
sora is out of the picture…in jks life yep. it’s all not in favor of team jk still 🫠 they have a lot of shit to work out before they get there. like oc still has 0.5% trust for jk and she and tae are set to make up again by the looks of it 👁
YESSS there’s still so much jk did that we need to recover from 🥲 & tae acting like a real idiot and ignoring oc’s calls was really immature of him tbh. but yeah oc handled that well, since it seems like he can act however he wants and she’ll accept it. (we know miss oc gives in easily but baby steps right 🫠)
tysm for reading & dropping your thoughts ♡
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
A child to protect (pt.1)
Tommy innit x child!reader
in which tommy raises a child in the not greatest of times
this takes place during Tommys exile
part 2 part 3 part 4
 this is my first fanfic in a while, so its not the best lmao
“Run run go go go!” tommy says to ranboo laughing, but in a slight panic. “I didn't agree to this!!” 
“Well it's not my fault the house caught fire!” ranboo shook his head. “It literally is!” Tommy just laughed at the tall Enderman hybrid.
Not like anything bad will happen.
“Tommy, I'm sorry, but you have been exiled from lmanburg.” shit. 
“Tubbo you can't do that!” fundy protested. Quackity agreed “come on, you can't do that!” tubbo stared at them, asserting his power (even tho hes shorter than both of them), “i can and have,” he switched his gaze, “tommy, please get off lmanburg property.”
Tommy looked down,l shocked. He was exiled, again. This cannot be happening.
“Come on tommy, we’re leaving.” dream says, grabbing tommy. “What do you mean? I'm not in lmanburg, i was exiled from lmanbug!” dream shook his head. “Your exiled from the dream smp as well. Now come on.'' Tommy nodded, slightly giving up. 
Ghostbur saw this from afar, not completely understanding what was happening. “Hey tommy!”  ghostbur says, approaching the slightly u[set child. “Here have some blue.” ghostbur says, handing the tall boy some blue. “Uh thanks.”  
Time went on, Tommy now had a good tent, and the nice little area ghostbur made. He went out to get some food, sense dream kept blowing up his stuff. 
"How come there's no animals around??? This place is fucking cursed." Tommy says to himself. He walked towards the trees, sitting down against one of the trunks. He sighs, relaxed a bit. He's been going through so much, he really just needed a break. 
He stared up at the sky, barely any clouds in sight. A typically perfect day. "Aaaahhh" he heard. Tommy jumped slightly. "The fuck was that??" Tommy gets up from his tree, and walks over towards the crying sounds. 
Upon further investigation, he sees a small basket, which seems to be the source of the crys. "The fuck?" Tommy crouched down, moving the blanket that was covering the child. "Who would leave a child all alone like that?" Frowning, he grabbed the small child. "Hey little one? You all alone too?" The child seemed to calm down slightly, baballing at the tall child.
“Yeah, i get that. Being alone isn't fun huh..” the child made more sounds at the human, as if they were communicating. “Hey, wanna come back with me? We can be alone together! I can build you a tent, we can listen to music, hang out with….fuck!” Tommy completely forgot about dream. He'd kill the child in the hole the moment he saw them. 
Tommy had to either leave the kid, or come up with something so dream wouldn't kill the baby. “Okay big man, you can do this.” Tommy thought about what he could do. He could build underground, and say he was mining, but dream could sneak up on him and would probably be looking around logstedshire for anything.
“I could make a house somewhere, and I could come by to take care of you and stuff..yeah that could work!” the child babbled happily at his excitement, no longer crying. “I'll build you a little hut, and I'll visit when dream leaves, okay little one?” the child babbled some more, tommy took that as a yes.
After several hours, the sun had already set, the hut was finally done. The newly named (y/n) slept away in their crib, exhausted probably. Tommy sighed, sitting next to the crib. He knew he couldn't sleep, even if he could. If he didn't get to tnret before dream showed up, he'd be in severe trouble. He watched as the baby slept soundly.
“You're kinda cute for a baby. I hope you can stay with me..” Tommy says, getting up from his spot on the floor. “I'll see you tomorrow little (f/i).” Tommy says, leaving the small child for the night.
The baby cried for hours before Tommy could return. This wasn't the..best living conditions for a child. They had to make do with what they had.
In the morning, Tommy got up early. He left a note for dream saying he’d either be mining or getting food and such. He left a spare set of stuff for dream to blow up, making sure he had his own tools and such. 
Tommy left for (y/n)s hut, which resided in the middle of the woods. He was looking forward to having someone, anyone around. 
When he arrived, he was met with nothing but crying. He forgot kids were needy.
“Shit shit shit shit shit, little (f/i) i am so sorry, shit shit shit shit! What do you need??” Tommy ran around the hut, trying to think of what they could possibly need..
It took him an hour to realize he needed to change their diaper. He then took 15 minutes to find something that would work, for the meantime at least. After taking care of the child, he sat there, exhausted. Yeah this wasn't the best idea, but Tommy's ego was too big to let him quit now. 
“This is gonna be harder than i thought kiddo… no matter, big man Tommy will raise you.” the child reached up for the boy. He smiled slightly, touching the kids hands. Seeing as the child giggled at this. “Things will get better (y/n), I promise.
The day was spent with Tommy figuring out how to raise a child, coming up with ideas on how to raise a child and handling dream all at the same time. He wanted to raise the child, he wanted someone to be around him, someone who he could talk to with no worries if they'll tell someone they shouldn't. He didn't have that in exile, so this child was the closest thing he had.
He spent months raising a child and shielding them from dream. Exile was taxing as ever, he didn't know if he could raise a child and deal with everything he was. Dream nearly found out so many times, and after seeing what he did to Mexican dream, he couldn't let that happen to his kid. He just couldn't.
A few more days pass, ghostbur hasn't shown face in ages, dream was close to finding (y/n) and his secret room several times, so many times. 
Tommy sat on his bed, waiting for dream to show face. He needed to get this over with so he could see (y/n). The child needed him after all. Tommy heard the portal make noise as it would when someone crossed threw it. Tommy left tnret to see who was now entering logstedshire. 
As always, it was dream. “Hey tommy.” tommy smiled. “Hey dream!! How you been man!!” dream stared at the boy, tommy not knowing what expression he held. That mask covers his face, so he’ll never know.
“Has anything new happened around here?” dream asks, walking over towards the blue house and tent ghostbur has made. “No, not really.” dream nods.
They joke around a bit with each other, dream and tommy having a great time with each other for once. Soon it came time for dream to burn Tommy's stuff. 
Dream just chose the worst spot for the hole however.
“Wait wait dream-”
“Tommy what is this?”
Shit, he found it. This isnt good.
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
haunted - natasha romanoff x reader
word count; 2,095
warnings; death, angst
a/n; i love songfics (clearly) and this idea just popped into my head during work when haunted came on so.. aaaahhh was super excited to write this and i hope y’all enjoy it! sorry for the angst i’ll make up with some fluff soon:”) the lyrics kinda jump here and there,, feedback is always appreciated <3
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you and i walk a fragile line // i’m holding my breath
you were 13 when your soulmate line appeared for the first time. a red string, that should lead you to your soulmate, the person you were meant to love forever.
you were 22 when you finally met her. 9 years of waiting, the line seemed to stretch on forever and you had given up hope. though at that time you had wished the string continued to stretch forever, because now you had a gun in hand with agent clint barton next to you with his bow and arrow drawn. you had known it the moment you started following her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. but standing in front of her, into her green eyes..
“i can’t do it.” you whispered softly, before sheathing your gun, earning an “are you fucking insane?” look from clint and a raised eyebrow from the russian assassin opposite you.
“love is for children.” the redhead spoke - natalia, that was the name on her file - eyes narrowing at the offending piece of red string linking the two of you, the connection only the two of you could see. clint’s eyes widened in realisation, you expected him to take the shot, natalia was hurt and weaponless, it was the perfect opportunity.
he didn’t though. instead, clint lowered his weapon and turned to you.
“so who’s going to tell fury we’re taking her in?”
it’s getting dark and it’s all too quiet // and i can’t trust anything now // and it’s coming over you like it all a big mistake
your relationship with natalia natasha was always rocky since the beginning. you had yearned for your soulmate but she was taught to never believe in that “childish nonsense”.
you spent the first few months of knowing the redhead avoiding her like the plague, only approaching her after clint sought you out after their mission in budapest.
“she needs someone and i don’t think i’m that someone.” clint advised you seriously. with slight hesitation, you made you way to her apartment, eyes trained on the string that was attached to your right pinky, that you knew would lead to natasha’s left pinky. soul strings could appear anywhere, and you found it ironic then both of yours represented a pinky promise.
knocking on the door of her apartment, you half expected to be ignored, but you guessed the light glow of the string between you two gave away who you were. the door swung open and the harsh light from the hallway illuminated natasha’s face. the two of you locked eyes, engaging in a silent battle before she finally relented, stepping aside to let you in. as the door clicked shut behind you, the darkness made you tense, the only light in the room was the glow of your soul string, the shine becoming brighter as your hand tentatively brushed hers. natasha took a shuddering breath before turning to look at you, repeating the same phrase she told you when you had met the first time in the alleyway, the night you were meant to kill her.
“love is for children.” you noted how her russian accent seemed fainter compared to the last time you heard those words. you noted how it seemed to pain her more now to say it than last time, as if she was starting to doubt her own words.
“then let’s be children together.” you replied softly, linking your pinky with hers, the glow from the soul string now diminished.
“loving me will be a mistake.” natasha warned, but she made no move to pull away.
“it’ll be the best mistake i’d ever make then.”
but i’d never thought i’d live to see it break // something’s made your eyes gone cold
somehow the two of you made it work, through all the ups and downs of the avengers from the battle of new york to battling ultron on a floating island to eventually going on the run.
then thanos appeared, and with a snap suddenly half the world turned to dust. when you saw wanda fade away in front of you, yours eyes darted to the string on your pinky before quickly following it. you couldn’t lose natasha, you know that the two of you had escaped death one too many times and you fervently hoped this time would be no different.
natasha’s voice rang out, calling your name desperately and you quickened your pace, eyes darting around before finally landing on her. you called back and she turns to you, but her look of relief that morphes into horror is enough to make you aware of the fact that you’re starting to disappear.
“no no no…” natasha mutters out as she runs to you, catching you right as you fell.
natasha despised her soulmate string for years. she hated the fact that she was bound to someone, hated the fact that she would never be able to face the person properly, not after the horrors of her own past.
meeting you felt surreal and when you had the gun pointed at her, natasha felt a twinge of relief, that she wouldn’t have to explain the twisted nature of her soul to the one whose soul was tied with hers.
but then you put your gun down, giving natasha a second chance she never once imagined of getting. the two of you avoided each other until you took the first step and after that day you never left her side again.
natasha never believed in soulmates, not until she met you. the fragile line she once despised became her strongest anchor and now with you in her arms, she realised in that moment that she had never considered the thought of you leaving her.
“please don’t leave me..” natasha sobbed as she grabbed your hand, tears springing fourth in her eyes.
“i love you, don’t ever forget that.” you murmured, leaning up to give natasha one last kiss before you were nothing but dust. as if on instinct, natasha’s eyes flickered down to her left pinky and she let out a choked sob when she saw the once vibrant red slowly disappearing. the line that once connected both your souls was now just a dull string on her finger, broken just like natasha’s heart.
he will try to take away my pain and he just might make me smile // but the whole time i’m wishing it was you instead
the next few years were slow but after a while it felt like all the days and weeks blurred together.
clint, bruce and thor had disappeared while tony went off to build a life with pepper. this left steve and natasha in the compound.
steve tried his best to be there for natasha but he knew he could never be what she needed- you.
natasha missed you, nights were spent crying, burrowed in one of your hoodies. everything reminded her of you.
steve trying to make lunch? all she could remember is how you absolutely sucked in the kitchen, usually having to get wanda to help whenever you wanted to make natasha food. but she would always eat your food, because you made it for her, topped off with a little note to remind her how much she was loved by you.
when training in the shooting range, she would always instinctively look to her right where you usually stood, your own gun raised at the targets. sometimes, natasha swears she catches a glimpse of you before it fades away and she remembers that she’s alone.
nights were the worst, waking up to the ghostly feeling of you wrapped in her arms, or your arms wrapped around her. she relished those moments before her consciousness kicked in to remind her that you were gone.
you haunted natasha everyday, up until that day in vormir.
clint’s hand was grasping onto natasha’s pleading for the redhead to not do it. natasha could hear the echo of your voice and for a fleeting moment she begins to regret her decision. but then, she remembers that if she didn’t do this, you wouldn’t come back. it was her or you.
“it’s okay, let me go.” natasha whispered out, giving clint a soft smile as her legs pushed her out of his grasp, allowing her to fall.
you had given her a second chance all those years ago, now she would get to give you yours.
never ever thought i’d see it break // don't leave me like this, i thought i had you figured out
it was a strange sensation, one moment you were there in natasha’s arms, the next youre simply gone. then as if it was simple as taking in a breath, you were back again. just that you were alone.
a quick glance down to your pinky confirmed the heavy feeling in your chest, your heart already knowing the loss before your mind did. a glowing portal appeared in front of you and a man you recognise as dr stephen strange stepped through. the grief written on your face was enough proof to him that things would play out as he saw.
the second fight against thanos was brutal, ending with the loss of another hero and as you fell to your knee along with the rest, you interlocked your pinkies, a reminder of your personal loss.
you were always worried when natasha was sent on missions, whenever you mind wasn’t occupied with something else, your eyes would instinctively travel to the red string. to you it was a blessing and a curse, seeing the vibrant red meant that natasha was safe and alive. but now? to see the dull string that led to no one made your heart ache even more. eventually you started to wear gloves, just to try and erase the painful reminder.
when you finally gathered the courage to confront clint, to hear about what happened on vormir, you couldn’t help but feel hurt by the redhead’s choice.
you thought you knew natasha, you were so sure that she knew how much you loved her. so why would she leave you? you dwelled on that thought for weeks, laying next to natasha’s grave every night, you spoke out loud as if she could hear you.
you’re not gone // you can’t be gone no
some nights you just cried, other nights you spoke fondly of the memories you two shared. then there were the nights where you cursed and shouted into the dead of the night, wondering why she would leave you behind. you wished desperately that it was just a cruel joke, a horrible nightmare that you would ultimately wake up from.
you grew cold and distant, you refused to speak to anyone. you had done everything you thought of, from begging strange to do something, anything to reverse it. to fighting with steve for the stones, only to have bruce sedate you so that he could finally leave and put the stones back in place. you were so angry after that, packing your bags and leaving the compound behind.
yet, no matter how much you ran, you realised that you would never escape. wherever you went, there were always harsh reminders that now half of the world was back. from your credit card no longer working because you were classified as dead for five years, to having to get pepper to buy your apartment for you because, again, you were still considered dead. anything and everything around you would just remind you that she did it for you, for the billions of people who fell victim to thanos’ snap. you hated it, because you would see one of the reasons for natasha’s sacrifice in the mirror everyday.
and after a while, you finally understood why natasha did it.
can’t breathe whenever you’re gone // can’t go back, i’m haunted
but that didn’t change the fact that now you were alive and she wasn’t.
it didn’t change the fact that you would wake up from nightmares of natasha falling. the sickening thud of her body hitting the ground jolting you awake. the room eerily quiet, save for the sounds of your heavy breathing and sobs. the silence that was once filled with natasha’s calm voice, soothing you as she held you close.
you would forever be haunted by the memory of natasha romanoff, the future the two of you were meant to have together nothing more but a distant dream that you would never be able to achieve.
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