#they wanted deep sea!Kanon
happynowyo · 1 year
Reflection, part 2
A/n: feel free to send request if you want to see some particular scenes in this fic between different characters or if you want me to write some other stuff based on some prompts with Kaz💜
And one more thing. The timeline in this fic takes place after season 1 of SaB but Pekka didn't frame Kaz, Inej and Jesper for murder. Matthias is too good to stay in Hellgate so let's imagine that Kaz was in a good mood one day and helped Nina (from the book kanon) to get him out just as she asked him over and over again. Wylan is a part of the Crows as well but no one except for Kaz knows that he's Van Eck.
Fandom: Six of crows
Warnings: Kaz Brekker and everything that goes with him
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x ShadowSummoner!OC
Summary: wandering about Ketterdam leads Jess to an unexpected encounter.
Word count: 1,7k
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Tag list: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @valkyrie05x
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The small hotel, located in the business part of the town, looked quite decent. But not enough to convince Jess that Ketterdam could claim to be the fair capital of Kerch.
The journey by sea took several weeks and by the end of it Jess was literally sick of the sight of the water and the noise of waves. She was endlessly bored, but deep down she consoled herself that the calm routine on a ship was far better than being anywhere near the Fold. The farther away she stayed from it, the safer it was.
A few weeks spent in near silence, with the exception of a brief dialogue with the captain, allowed her to put her thoughts in order and fully comprehend what had happened. At night Jess saw her father in her dreams over and over again, and he was so much like his old self, the one who had affectionately stroked her hair and spoiled her with fascinating stories from the past, that it seemed wild to her that the same man could try to subdue Alina to take her power of Sun summoner and use it to destroy everything and everyone around.
The contrast was so great that it was still hard to believe. Jess remembered perfectly well that her father was capable of cruelty, and the scars left on her back as the terrifying reminder were itchy but he was her father, and she was trying to hold on to the good things that had once bound them together. Baghra would surely scold her for that and call her a weak foolish girl whose naivety would lead to a bad outcome, but hadn't Baghra herself stayed by Aleksander's side for centuries and supported him by going along with her motherly feelings?
Jess was well aware of her grandmother's combative nature. Baghra would have found a way to kill the Darkling long time ago if she really wanted to stop him. Perhaps she clung to the idea that time would change Aleksander and allow him to pacify his lust for power and his hatred of the royal dynasty, that used the powerful Grishas as toys for entertainment at fancy parties, and Jess could not blame Baghra for that blind hope for the best.
When she arrived in Ketterdam, the first few days fell entirely out of her mind as she rested and slept pretty much all the time. Dreams saved her from the severe anxiety that came in choking waves and filled every cell of her body. Along with it there were some destructive thoughts full of obsessive paranoia. The Darkling was the strongest Grisha she had ever known, and she could easily imagine the rage her father would feel when he learned of her runaway. She would never be safe as long as he lived, but now Jess had no one who could truly confirm the Darkling's death in the Fold. She wished she had a mass of useful spies in different parts of the world, like Baghra, but she clung to the tip about Nina.
Jess was a couple of years older than Nina, but their rooms were next to each other in the East part of the Little Palace. That was one of the first reasons for their friendship. The other was that their impulsive nature and desire to act out of spite caused them to be punished by their teachers more often than anyone else. They practiced together, spending time chatting and also helping each other during their studies, trying to get their powers under control. Jess joked that she volunteered to be a guinea pig for Nina when she slowed her heart or made it gallop when Nina tried to squeeze her lungs, depriving her of oxygen and instantly plunging Jess into a state of animal panic for her life.
They got along well, so well that they once trusted each other with their most intimate secrets. Technically, Jess was known as one of the servants in the Little Palace. Baghra insisted that the fact of her kinship with Aleksander should have remained in shadows because of the fear of possible future consequences. But the burden of that truth grew heavier and heavier as the years went on. Nina was her only friend and Jess found it increasingly difficult to lie to her about why she always disappeared in the evenings. So on her fifteenth birthday she told Nina about her ability to summon shadows. Putting two plus two together was easy as everyone knew that such a gift was only inherited through the Morozov's bloodline.
Nina appreciated the trust that had developed between them, so in return she opened up about the planned escape. Jess was well aware that her friend was opposed to the idea that Grishas should serve the Crown without complaint and unconditionally participate in someone else's war as part of the First Army. Nina was a hopeless romantic and a relentless adventurer. She wanted something more out of her life besides orders, fear, and endless fighting with creatures in the Fold.
Perhaps it would have been easier for the two of them to run away together, but Baghra kept saying that Jess lacked self-control and the Darkling would instantly send an entire group to find her. The moment was not suitable and with tears in her eyes she had to let Nina go alone, enduring her father's interrogations later, when the alien darkness surrounded her with a thick veil and hurt by touching bare skin. Even if her father guessed the truth, he could not learn it from Jess.
Now she wanted to think that the memory of their former friendship would help her connect with Nina, though she was worried that Nina's opinion of her might have changed over the years. She could believe that Jess had helped her father of her own will and not by the order with the threat of cruel punishment, because who really cared about such details? During the war your motives and sincere desires don't mean anything — it's your actions that matter. And that's how Jess soothed her conscience after another nightmare that threw up pictures of the horrible things Aleksander forced her to do.
Finding someone in an unfamiliar city was a new task for Jess, but she was always the one to learn quickly, so the good two hundred kruge left in the hotel receptionist's pocket helped to get the names of a couple of places where Heartrenders usually worked. After visiting these places, however, Jess was left with nothing. If Nina had ever worked there, it wasn't under her own name. So her next attempt was the town square. You can understand a lot about the people of any place if you listen to what they say.
So Jess lurched in the shadows, clinging to scraps of other people's conversations about debts, gangs, Dime Lions, brothels and tourists. The flow of information poured over her in an avalanche, made her get lost in the names and places. Everything began to blend into indecipherable white noise, and Jess stopped focusing so much on her self-control. The shadows instantly came alive, licking her fingers with a unbodied chill and becoming thicker under the visor of some fancy bakery. The anxiety began to override clear thoughts, and Jess shook herself off just in time to see two guys walking past her, making lively conversation.
The vaguely familiar "Nina insisted that this is where they sell the best pistachio ice cream" caught her attention, and she let her curiosity take over, following the pair in a decent distance. She hadn't been able to follow them all the way, however, as someone's hand suddenly tugged at her shoulder, pulling her sharply into an empty alleyway. Her shoulder joined painfully with cold bricks, and Jess felt both indignation and fright as she looked up to see some Suli girl, whose face was half concealed by a grey cloak. She looked so thin and frail at the first side that Jess was surprised that the girl held the blade so confidently at her throat. Not the first time, apparently.
— The city is drowning in corrupt politicians and dishonest merchants, but you guys still rob an ordinary tourist? — the silly joke flew off her tongue before her brain had time to assess the dangerous situation.
Suli's brown eyes narrowed but her grip on Jess' shoulder was still firm.
— You were too focused on my friends for a tourist. Jesper spotted you three blocks back.
— I honestly don't understand…
— Did Pekka send you? Is he so desperate that now he's recruiting some pretty faces from Ravka? Your accent is minimal but my hearing is too trained.
The stranger's face remained impenetrable, so blank that Jess immediately noticed the contrast with the anxiety that flashed in the girl's eyes. God, if Nina wasn't in Ketterdam and Jess had come all that exhausting way for nothing, just to die in an empty alley because of someone else's suspicions, then Aleksander had better be dead indeed so he would never learn of such an embarrassment.
— Look, I arrived in Ketterdam three days ago and I have no idea who Jesper, Pekka and who else are! I'm looking for an old friend, Nina Zenik, I heard a familiar name in the crowd and just followed, so you don't have to worry about your safety. Whatever problems you have with Pekka, I won't give you any trouble, — Jess felt much more confident, though Suli's skeptical look full of mockery made it clear that she doubted Jess' ability to hurt anyone. That's better.
— How do you know Nina?
The jubilation that gripped Jess could be compared to the first alcohol in life that hits instantly and intoxicates too fast. Or to the time when she'd managed to confront her father and her shadows had swallowed his whole. She didn't hide the relieved exhale and visibly relaxed, pulling the stranger's dagger away from her with a slight smile.
— We'd been neighbors once. I hadn't seen her in a few years but I hoped to get some help. It's a matter of life and death, literally, and if you agreed to take me to her, I'd owe you forever.
— You know, Jesper says the same thing when he tries to convince me to leave him with cards alone for another game, it's a surprise you haven't met each other yet.
Part 3
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le-agent-egg · 3 months
finally did a bit of doodling for a danganronpa splatoon au that i’ll post in a bit but. i wanted to yap since i have some epic ideas and shit
so. this is mostly for octo expansion and side order, so maybe spoilers? idk. btw i’ll be using octavio as the villain but that is subject to change once i figure out who agent 3 would be
first off chihiro takes the role of marina (chihiro goes by she/her in this pwease no discourse)
chihiro was an elite octarian soldier/head engineer back in octo valley, mainly working on big scary machines and shit. in her free time she made smaller, more personal projects, as well as did the occasional thing with vocaloid. that spiralled into making music as a side hobby, with another certain octarian in their base (sayaka, will elaborate on this further)
additionally, chihiro and mondo were colleagues, though they didn’t have much time to interact daily. more like people you would say hi to on shift, maybe grab some coffee together.
now, during the final showdown with octavio, chihiro ended up running away after hearing the calamari inkantation, yada yada you know the splatoon lore. she moved to inkopolis square, starting up some previous projects, as well as trying to get on the music scene.
mondo takes the role of agent 8. before you get all excited, nope daiya is still dead. lmao. the diamonds were an undercover rebellion group against the octarian government thingy, lead by daiya and mondo. both of them were frontline soldiers, though daiya was an elite soldier. daiya, while preparing to fight back against octavio during the fight with agent three, was caught by a lower class soldier, and splatted on sight. everyone else was found out pretty quickly after that, some got splatted, some escaped.
mondo was one of the ones who managed to escape, hiding in the deep sea metro until things blew over. he ended up running into the telephone/tartar, who promised that he would be able to escape to the surface and reunite with the diamonds.
anyway he ended up getting sanitized-
the sanitization process actually ended up failing because of a power shortage (the zapfish getting stolen, power cut out, sanitization machine thingy stopped working) so mondo got out harmed but not fully sanitized. most of his memories got fucked up, plus patches of his skin were that icky green colour. then yada yada octo expansion
ANYWAY MOVING ONTO LEON leon my friend leon. obviously he takes the role of pearl i would be executed on sight if he didn’t.
mkay so. leon comes from a very rich, very skilled family of professional ranked players; obviously he got roped into it as well. he’s the captain of two different teams, playing a professional match every day, sometimes multiple in one. and he fucking hated that shit. there’s only so much rainmaker a person can take, and since he’s the best and literally never loses, it got boring really, really quick. plus, everyone on his teams kinda hated him, thinking he only got to be a captain since his family is filthy stinking rich. idk how kanon plays into this, but. unfortunately she has to. sorry guys
once on a late night fucking off in inkopolis square, he ran into a short octoling with her face buried in a computer. obviously scared shitless of an octarian, he immediately ran away, but said octarian ended up chasing after him to explain herself. that octarian was chihiro!! she was like “augh i’m sorry for scaring you, please don’t tell anyone :((((((“ and. well, he caved and listened. chihiro’s really cute yanno?
they ended up kinda trauma dumping on the curb together, chihiro about her time in the army and leon about how much he despises being a professional player. this lead to chihiro mentioning she was making music, leon being intrigued, and boom that very same night their band was born. (i’ll call it off the hook for now, but again, subject to change)
leon ended up running away from his previous life, cutting off contact with his family and teams. he and chihiro bought a shitty little studio apartment and started making music together; they were basically an overnight success, almost immediately being asked to sign onto different contracts and managers and stuff.
they started subbing in for news reports in the square, but after the previous hosts quit, they got promoted to full time hosts. chihiro was nervous about being recognized as an octoling, but nope everything worked out a-ok.
then octo expansion happens - leon and chihiro on their commute to the office hear a familiar song playing from a blocked off underground station, call in sick (leon’s idea) and go to explore (also leon’s idea)
they see mondo, half passed out on the floor. chihiro is all “you look really familiar, but i don’t know from where…” and leon is like “??? you’re just trusting this guy??????”
yada yada octo expansion stuff i haven’t figured out yet i don’t even know who captain cuttlefish would be but anywayyy world is saved octolings and inklings live in harmony yada yada
idk how splatfests will work but. leon and chihiro go on tour after. something. chihiro continues to develop a program she was working on to help with restoring the memories of sanitized octolings (cough alter ego cough project memverse cough) and boom splatshit 3 side order happens. haven’t figured out the plot but sayaka (acht/dedf1sh’s role) returns and fucking hates it here. side order is just “leon and chihiro making out in an elevator for an undefined amount of time feat. two lobotomized octolings”
trigger splatty havoc ammirite fellas (gets booed off stage)
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heartinhands · 1 year
@spirestar said: ❛ are you wearing my shirt? ❜ ( will for lion )
Is it wrong to feel content in a world that never wanted you in the first place?
Even after coming to possess the knowledge of the truth--after surviving beyond Beatrice's funeral, after feeling Will's blood spurt between their palms, losing their entire world ( a world, that to some, was just a fragment / a tiny island where the bird managed to leave its golden cage ) ... even after all this, Lion manages to wake up with a deep sense of peace each morning.
This isn't always a happy peace though. Sometimes it comes tainted with melancholia. That is only to be expected, Lion reasons, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. They are the only one remaining from their world. They've crossed paths with those who remain in Rokkenjima's catbox a handful of times, but their old family members always blinked back at them with vague understanding and a faint sense of confusion. Never again would Jessica tease them and call them Successor-sama; never would Natsuhi love another child.
Lion doesn't really believe in miracles anymore.
But this new jaded part to their personality doesn't stop them from waking up grateful. Or to challenge the day, if only for Clair and Beatrice's sake. For that unhappy girl, who cast prayer after prayer into the sea...for her, who wrote this whole world, and would never see it.
Will's gone already, being early to work and even earlier to rise. Lion always takes a little time to fully wake, blinking against the warm yellow of the sun. The light of it turns their hair a soft gold. Some days it's beautiful; some days it makes them think of the curse the Ushiromiyas carried with them. Some days they think they can never see their family again, trust scarred just as deep as Kyrie's bullet had been in their chest.
This morning, they find they're a little lonely, thinking of how their Jessica's eyes would crinkle at the edges when she laughed at one of their jokes--a soft, safe smile reserved only for her older sibling. The Jessica in the Golden Land never laughed like that at anyone, not even the servant Kanon whom she had eyes for.
Lion kicks the covers off of the bed and pads into the closet to get dressed, idly scratching at their left arm while they do so--only to stumble on a rather large crumpled piece of fabric. Closer inspection reveals it's Will's discarded shirt from the previous day. "That man..." Lion mutters, voice teetering towards the more fond, raising the shirt to their nose as if to drink in his scent. Will always smells like old stacks of paper and some sort of spice mixture. It's better and more of a home for Lion than anything their expensive taste claims to stand for these days. And so, giving into that loneliness, they decide to indulge in their human heart and slip his shirt on.
To be expected, the shirt swallows them. Will's significantly taller than them with a much broader figure--and that's without mentioning that he preferred to dress in baggy blouses that hung loose on him. On Lion Will's shirt can be nothing more than a boyfriend's shirt stolen by a partner, and that makes them feel less lonely too. Partners. Even if Bernkastel's miracle could make it so that Lion no longer existed, the certainty of their and Will's belief in one another would always guarantee their existence. Lion mouths the word again / partners / like a meal, like it's their first and last.
The whole day goes by like this, spent flitting in and out of bouts of nostalgia, making drinks and sitting in the bay window, contemplating making a trip to visit Rokkenjiima ( deciding that BATTLER'S cold vision and serene smile would only make them lament their brash-mannered cousin ), wondering if the girls at Eiserne Jungfrau could use a hand with all their paperwork, petting Diana, giving her treats, petting her some more. Here, in a world beyond the catbox but also beyond the land of forgery, the ocean is both expansive and non-existent, and Lion misses the feeling of salt spray on their cheeks. There's a bit of guilt too -- ( Hey, what color is the sea? / It's blue. )
Lion is glad to have this small cup of espresso in their lap. Loves the curtains Will picked out.
They meant to change properly before Will came home, but all at once it's too late, that telltale sweeping coat of blue half-drooping in the foyer while Will fights to take off his boots, and Lion, as always, goes to greet him. So when Will looks up to say hi, the first thing he says is not "Hey," but, "Is that my shirt?" with an especially funny crumpled brow, his gold eyes shining in the dimming afternoon light.
Lion feels their cheeks color and their eyes widen, mouth falling into a small 'o' for just a moment before their training kicks in and they wash it all away, a finger going to rub at their cheek. "Well, hello to you, too, Mr. Wright...and yes--it is." They confess: "It was a hard day." Partners have to trust one another. It is no longer a possibility, but a certainty.
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"...Oh, and Will? This is the part where you compliment me, you know. It's bad manners if you don't."
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blank-ace · 2 years
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Obligatory Kanon drawing!
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arcgeminga · 3 years
Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
tagged by @starlightofdream​ (Thanks darling!) 
Gemini Aspros & Defteros
Necromancer Byaku ( @albisnecromantia
Aries Avenir ( @crysomallos
Sea Dragon / Gemini Kanon ( @kryomonaxia
Gemini Aspros
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The socially awkward brains of the team Socialization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
(brb mun is LAUGHINNNGG!! I mean, yes. He’s a weird thing because he is simultaneously a socially awkward fuckboy while also being able to navigate through social interactions quite flawlessly like a gentleman. He really has conflicting aspects that co-exists perfectly together. )
Gemini Defteros
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The sarcastic fuckboy who secretly has a heart of gold Upon first meeting you might seem insufferable, but it's only because you don't have time for what others might think of you. You're independent, confident, and you know what you want. That intimidates people, and you know it. But deep down you know it's all a show. You desire to be loved as much as any other person, but you don't want to get hurt and thus it's difficult for you to appear vulnerable to others. You'll try to mask your feelings with humor and aggressiveness when you feel someone might be getting too close to home. But those who have the patience to endure your cold exterior will be rewarded with the most caring and loyal person in their lives. You're the ride or die kind of type, and once you fall in love, you do it deeply and unconditionally.
(I mean -- Tell me it ain’t true)
Necromancer Byaku
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The childhood best friend who's been in love with the main character their whole life You're a loyal person to the core, and probably a hopeless romantic as well. You're full of love for those you care about, and that's both your biggest strength and weakness. You would do anything for them, even if it means hurting your own feelings. You will hide all your pain and your needs as longs as that means the rest gets to be happy. You biggest struggle is to clearly communicate your feelings, and you'll always try to avoid those conversations or pretend everything is fine (when it isn't). Remember you deserve to receive the same love you give.
Aries Avenir
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The sweetheart with an enigmatic dark past You're always polite and kind with others. That makes people feel comfortable around you and many would consider you a close friend. However, you seldom feel connected with those around you. You feel like they don't know you, the real you, and they never will because you'll never allow them. It takes a great amount of time and trust for you to show yourself as you truly are, because you repress most of your feelings and desires, and mask them with a calm and collected personality. It just seems easier that way, safer. But remember that if you bottle everything up, it will explode one day, maybe in ways you aren't proud of.
Sea Dragon / Gemini Kanon
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The stoic team leader who doesn't trust the main character at first You often feel like you need to take responsibility for those around you and to protect them. You struggle to show your love through other means, so you take that task seriously. Your friends know they can always count on you no matter what. However that leads you to be mistrustful of others' actions before getting to know them, usually assuming the worst of them. On the exterior you might seem cold, calculating and distant. But those close to you know that's far from the truth, you just have a particular way of demonstrating it. When it comes to love, you'll probably try to deny it at first, bury it before it grows more than it should. Mostly because you're so accustomed to being the strong one, that allowing yourself to be vulnerable for once scares you. But it's exhausting to constantly keep that guard up, sometimes you need to take a rest and allow yourself to be the one being taken care of. Don't forget that.
(Honestly, seems like him. Although, ofc, it would never develop fully into ‘love’. Perhaps ‘deep respect’.) 
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elencelebrindal · 4 years
Links and content
You know what, since some stuff on my blog is difficult to find on mobile (especially if you’re using the app), I decided to make a master post with all the links to the posts I’ve put together. Also, the links to my fanfictions, because some of you that follow this blog actually read them. For the fanfics I’ll put just Saint Seiya for now, but if you want I can put all the rest I did, which is in English and not in Italian. I’ll put everything under the cut, so the post will not be obnoxiously long. 
Update: the links should all work now. If I missed something and you notice before me, please let me know. I spent way too much time arguing with my computer for this to happen. 
Love you guys!
Fanfiction links - EFP Fanfiction (Italian)
Dietro il Mito (a lot of pairings, story rating red, general rating yellow/orange)
Gli Spiriti della Festa (a lot of background pairings, story rating green)
Del Sagittario e dei Gemelli (Saga x Aiolos, story rating red)
Il Giorno delle Stelle (Saga x Aiolos, story rating yellow)
Oltre i Cavalieri (new collection, a lot of pairings, story rating red, general rating yellow/orange)
Questa Notte È Per Noi (Shion x Dohko, story rating orange)
Fanfiction links - Archive of Our Own (Italian)
Dietro il Mito (a lot of pairings, story rating E, general rating T/M)
Gli Spiriti della Festa (a lot of background pairings, story rating G)
Del Sagittario e dei Gemelli (Saga x Aiolos, story rating E)
Il Giorno delle Stelle (Saga x Aiolos, story rating T)
Oltre i Cavalieri (new collection, a lot of pairings, story rating E, general rating T/M)
Questa Notte È Per Noi (Shion x Dohko, story rating M)
Some detailed stuff about Saint Seiya in no particular order
Partial Surplice Design analysis
Female Cloths that should not exist (and here’s why)
The problem of female Saints in SSAwakening
Legend of Sanctuary character design
Is Shoko a Mary Sue?
A sudden realization about Shun and Ikki vs Mitsumana Kido
Universe classification
What if Shun didn’t hold back?
SSAwakening Skins
Headcanons (mostly ask answers)
Some for Libra Dohko (there’s some romantic material here)
Bronze Saints favorite foods
Origins of the Bronze Saints (because Kido is not their father ok?)
Shun x Hyoga (beware, NSFW)
Siren Sorrento musical hedcanon
Honest Opinion links (if you’re using the app, click the individual names and the links should be fine; the collective links don’t work for some reason)
Gold Saints (classic) 
Aries Mu
Taurus Aldebaran
Gemini Saga
Cancer Deathmask
Leo Aiolia
Virgo Shaka
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Milo
Sagittarius Aiolos
Capricorn Shura
Aquarius Camus
Pisces Aphrodite
Silver Saints (classic)
Eagle Marin
Ophiuchus Shaina
Lizard Misty
Perseus Algol
Hound Asterion
Cepheus Albior
Centaurus Babel
Sagitta Ptolemy
Cerberus Dante
Whale Moses
Crow Jamian
Crystal Saint
Bronze Saints (classic)
Pegasus Seiya
Dragon Shiryu
Cygnus Hyoga
Andromeda Shun
Phoenix Ikki
Marina Generals
Sea Horse Baian
Scylla Io
Chrysaor Krishna
Lyumnades Caça
Kraken Isaac
Siren Sorrento
Sea Dragon Kanon
Deities (classic)
Athena (Saori Kido)
Poseidon (Julian Solo)
Gold Saints (The Lost Canvas)
Aries Shion
Taurus Rasgado
Cancer Manigoldo
Virgo Asmita
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Cardia
Sagittarius Sisyphus
Capricorn El Cid
Aquarius Degèl
Pisces Albafica
Everyone Else (The Lost Canvas) 
Pegasus Tenma
Unicorn Yato
Crane Yuzuriha
Athena (Sasha)
Specters + Deities (The Lost Canvas)
Hades (Alone)
Griffon Minos
Bennu Kagaho
Behemoth Violate
Nasu Veronica
Cait Sith Ceshire
Mandrake Fyodor
Deep Niobe
Dullahan Cube
Bat Wimber
Bronze + Silver Saints + Minor Characters (Hades Chapter)
Pegasus Seiya
Dragon Shiryu
Cygnus Hyoga
Andromeda Shun
Hades Shun
Phoenix Ikki
Secondary Bronze + Marin and Shaina
Lyra Orphée
Poseidon and Sorrento
Minor Characters
Gold Saints (Hades Chapter)
Aries Shion
Aries Mu
Taurus Aldebaran
Gemini Saga
Gemini Kanon
Cancer Deathmask
Leo Aiolia
Virgo Shaka
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Milo
Sagittarius Aiolos
Capricorn Shura
Aquarius Camus
Pisces Aphrodite
Specters (Hades Chapter)
Pandora (didn’t know where else to put her)
Wyvern Rhadamanthys
Griffon Minos
Garuda Aiacos
Balron Lune
Papillon Myu
Sphinx Pharaoh
Acheron Charon
Frog Zelos
Harpy Valentine
Worm Raimi
Deep Niobe
Minor Specters
Deities (Hades Chapter)
Gold Saints (Soul of Gold)
Aries Mu
Taurus Aldebaran
Gemini Saga
Cancer Deathmask
Leo Aiolia
Virgo Shaka
Libra Dohko
Scorpio Milo
Sagittarius Aiolos
Capricorn Shura
Aquarius Camus
Pisces Aphrodite
God Warriors (Soul of Gold)
Tanngrisnir Heracles
Nidhoggr Fafner
Gullinbursti Frodi
Hræsvelgr Baldr
Other links (to be completed)
Character Voices (Italian) - Bronze Saints
Pegasus Seiya - Ivo de Palma
Dragon Shiryu - Marco Balzarotti
Cygnus Hyoga - Luigi Rosa
Andromeda Shun - Andrea de Nisco
Phoenix Ikki - Tony Fuochi
Eagle Marin - Adriana Libretti
Ophiuchus Shaina - Jasmine Laurenti
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rla1994 · 5 years
Surprise story!
Sanctuary was surprisingly calm. Mu was calmly walking to Athena's temple, Kiki running ahead of him.
"Master Mu! Hurry up or we're going to be late!"
Mu hummed, not pointing out that they already were. They passed through Pisces and finally they were at the doors of the last temple.
Double layers of walls and they could still hear all the noise from inside.
When Mu opened the doors the party was in full swing. Saints, Marinas and Specters alike were relaxing with a drink in their hands.
A bar and buffet tables occupied the right side of the room. Aldebaran was behind the bar along with Io, serving the drinks. He had also, with the help of Shura, Angelo, Kanon and a few others, prepared the food for the evening.
The left side had been made into a relaxing area. Sofas and couches were pushed against the wall, away from the music form the dancefloor that stood in the middle of the room.
Mu walked to the bar. He smiled at his old friend and neighbour while he ordered drinks for himself and Kiki. He gave his student his drink and watched as the young boy ran towards the opposite side of the room where Seiya and the other bronzes sat.
"Penny for your thoughts?" A deep rumbling voice said.
Aldebaran was smiling at him, drying a glass.
"I can't believe it's already been three years since we came back. It all seems so recent."
He could still vividly remember their resurrection, how Aiolia jumped into his brother's arms the moment he woke, how Kiki had done the same to him and he to his own master, Shion, how how Milo and Camus had embraced each other uncaring of their audience.
"I know. It feels like yesterday when we were fighting against the Specters and the Marinas. And look today, here we are celebrating together!" He laughed, openly expressing his happiness for the situation.
Although, tha Atlantian believed the bull's own partner was the main reason of that happiness.
Indeed not even four months after coming back, Aldebaran and Shaina started dating. Mu smiled as he thought of his fellow gold saints reactions upon hearing the news.
Aphrodite had nearly fainted. Shura, Camus and Angelo had frozen, not moving for 10 minutes. Milo and Aiolia had looked shocked and puzzled, repeatedly blinking and opening and closing their mouths. Aiolos, Saga and Shaka had simply congratulated the couple and wished them best.
In the end, they worked well together. Shaina's brash and unforgiving attitude helped the kind and gentle bull to gain self confidence while Aldebaran helped the Amazon relax and take a more gentle approach to life.
They weren't the only couple in the Sanctuary. Mu could spy a few of them as he looked around the room.
Saga and Aiolos were talking with Baian and Sorrento. They had restarted their relationship after the whole Aiolos dying and all that. They were happy together and if Shion was to be believed had been before.
Camus was enjoying a drink with Isaak and Hyoga, sitting on one of the many couches while Milo was going wild on the dancefloor.
Shion and Dokho were sharing old memories together with Saori who had regained some of her memories of her previous incarnations as Athena.
The Leo saint was fussing over a heavily pregnant Marin. They had finally gotten together and were expecting their first child. A little daughter, she was going to be very spoiled with eleven uncles.
There were others who were on their way to becoming a couple. Like Aphrodite who had not even 2 months ago confessed to Sorrento. From what Kanon had said, Sorrento had blushed a dark crimson before stuttering his, thankfully positive, answer.
Speaking of the Sea dragon, he was currently 'hiding' behind a column with a certain blond wyvern. It wasn't hard to guess what they were doing but alas, Mu couldn't blame them for their happiness.
An alarm suddenly rang notifying everyone that the time was nearly there and that it was time to step outside.
Everyone went out and waited for Athena, Hades and Poseidon to give a little speech before finally waiting for the last few seconds.
He felt two arms embrace him from behind.
He turned around.
He leaned up and brushed his lips against the other's.
As multiple shouts of 'Happy New Year' rang around him, Mu enjoy his first kiss of the year as many other couples did.
He pulled back and whispered.
"Happy new year, Angelo."
Happy New Year!!! Everyone!!!
I wanted to give you a soft little piece to begin this new year and decade! Omg!
I can't believe it. Time just flew by.
I'll see you again soon!
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naruwitch · 4 years
Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron Chapter 31: Battle of Kyushu
"Prince Schneizel, we appreciate you stepping in for Viceroy Cornelia during this time."
"When I heard about what happened I contacted the Emperor immediately," Schneizel said calmly from behind the Viceroy's desk, "I practically insisted that he leave Area 11 in my care until my sister could be recovered."
"Yes, and we're deeply grateful for your assistance. With you here, we can hopefully put a lid on this crisis!" the officer said with a bow.
"Hmmm, well I'm not sure if Area 11's forces will be enough against this Voltron threat, I do hope to at least quell the unrest as soon as possible," Schneizel said honestly.
Suddenly the doors to the office were thrown open and Lord Guilford rushed in, slightly out of breath, "Your Highness!"
Schneizel blinked, slightly startled, "Lord Guilford, what the matter?"
"Prince Schneizel, the enemy has destroyed the great Great Kamon Bridge in Kyushu block!" the knight reported gravely.
"What?!" Kanon exclaimed behind the Prime Minister, who's own eyes widened partially at this news.
"They also cut off vehicle access at four other points, and large numbers of assault landing craft are moving into the Genkai Sea!" Guilford continued.
Schneizel gasped in realization, "The Chinese Federation? Have they made a declaration of war?"
"No, Highness! The crafts are bearing the flag of Japan!"
At this piece of information, Schneizel frowned deep in thought. He had heard rumors that some of the old leaders of the Kururugi Regine had fled to the Federation. He always had a lingering suspicion that one of them could attempt an attack like this with the Chinese backing them up. It seemed they were finally playing this card.
"Send all available military personnel to Kyushu block, push them back!"
"Yes, Your Highness," Guilford said, but the knight didn't depart, meaning that there was something else to be said as well.
"Is there something else?" Schneizel bluntly, but not unkindly.
"There is sir… the military managed to locate Suzaku Kururugi…"
(Two days ago)
"I've dishonored you," Suzaku said, holding the Purple Bayard out to a shocked Allura, "I'm not worthy to be called a Paladin."
"Suzaku, this is crazy!" Milly protested, "You can't just leave! Even if what Mao said was true-"
"It is true," Suzaku interrupted, looking down remorsefully, "I can't forgive myself…"
"...Has being a Paladin become a burden for you?" Allura asked softly, still not taking the Bayard, "Something that troubles you?"
"No, I'm grateful for it," Suzaku answered honestly.
"Then why?" Allura inquired.
"What Mao said was true, I did kill my own father," Suzaku admitted sadly. Behind Princess Allura, the other Paladins plus Coran stood as well. Most of them gasped save for Lelouch who only grimaced. Coran and Allura looked the most horrified, "I was never punished for it. I just lived on like nothing happened. And right now…" the Purple Paladin looked up, emotion filling his eyes, "...I'm being protected again! Someone like me isn't worthy of being a Paladin of Voltron."
"But Suzaku," Rivalz exclaimed, "We won't be able to form Voltron without you! We need you!"
Suzaku just shook his head, pressing the Purple Bayard into Allura's hands, "There are far more worthy candidates to be Yoru's Paladin here. Like Tohdoh-sensei, or Ohgi… or even you Princess Allura. And if that's not the case, there must be someone else out there."
"Then… what are you going to do?" Shirley asked worriedly.
"I'm going back to Britannia."
This answer resulted in a ripple of protest, demanding to know if Suzaku had lost his mind, and what would he possibly gain from joining the enemy!
"What the hell Kururugi?! You know that Britannia is almost as bad as the Galra!" Kallen practically roared, "And if you want to keep up the pity party you don't have to go crawling back to them! You can work here among the ranks with us!"
"I know. And I'm not interested in changing Britannia inwardly, at least not in the way I originally wished. But at least this way, me returning can at least throw the Empire off our trail."
This reasoning had many of the group looking at Suzaku in bewilderment for a moment before he continued.
"Think about it. Seven missing students, seven Lions. Even without solid evidence, someone is bound to make a hypothesis like that sooner or later. Lelouch, you yourself said your brother is just as intelligent as you, maybe even more so. I wouldn't be surprised if Schneizel already suspects that that's the case here. And C.C. has already theorized that the Emperor is aware that you're Zero. If he can figure that out, he'll figure out who the Paladins are at some point as well. With me returning supposedly out of the blue, it will at least divert their suspicion for a little while, and it will keep our families safer."
"Suzaku…" Shirley said softly, "We don't care what happened back then! You're still a member of the team! Please-"
Lelouch's hand suddenly raised, silencing Shirley. The Black Paladin's expression was pained, but a layer of understanding swam in his eyes as well.
"Suzaku… if you really want to leave, we have no right to stop you…" he said firmly, his dark hair hiding most of his face, "But please, think about what you're doing…"
"...There's no need for that," Suzaku said softly, "My mind's been made." He then looked up and smiled as he turned away, "Thank you for everything."
With that said, Suzaku left the lounge quickly before any lingering thoughts could change his mind. He trudged to the transport hanger, where he had prepared a pod the night before.
The Purple Paladin froze and feared to turn around. Painfully though, he did so.
At the entrance of the hanger, Nunnally had come in her hoverchair. Then incredibly, she forced herself to her feet and tried to run after him, but she only got five steps before she tripped and fell hard on the floor.
With a gasp, Suzaku put his remaining things down and ran to help Nunnally up.
"Nunnally! Are you okay?" he asked.
"Please Suzaku… please don't go!" Nunnally begged, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. Looking deep into them, Suzaku's resolve dangerously wavered.
His own eyes grew moist as he gently picked Nunnally up and set her slowly back on her chair.
"Suzaku…?" Nunnally asked, looking up at him in confusion. He then enveloped her in a hug.
"I'm so sorry, Nunnally," he whispered, a small tear trickling down his face
"Huh?" the girl gasped as he pulled away. He all but sprinted to the pod, eyes refusing to look back.
"Suzaku, wait! Come back!" Nunnally shouted, trying to propel the chair forward, but it wouldn't budge. When he had gone to hug her, Suzaku had switched the movement function on the chair off.
"No!" she could only wail as she watched the pod's front close before rocketing out of the launch bay and disappearing from sight.
Suzaku gasped awake with a jerk. Nunnally's cries of despair and desperation still rang in his head. It took a few seconds to remember where he was as his eyes adjusted to the interrogation chamber he was being held in for the time being.
The second that he contacted the military, Suzaku was immediately taken in for questioning and all of them were ones that he was expecting. Where had he been for the last few months? Where were the other Ashford students? Were they kidnapped, and if so did he have any information on the captors?
Fortunately, Suzaku had been prepared for this. From the moment he decided to leave he thought of a story that he hoped would sound believable. It was true, he was with the six other still-missing Ashford students at Lake Kawaguchi where they were declared missing shortly thereafter.
He said he didn't remember much, but when the seven of them had decided to hike one of the trails, they were jumped by a group of masked assailants. The attack had been so sudden that he hadn't had time to defend himself. Later he would learn that he was actually the first of the group to be taken out. They were taken to a facility and were carefully monitored, given strict diets and 'training' schedules. They were given slots of 'social time' to interact with one another, and he reported that all of them appeared as healthy as he had been. He also suspected that they had been moved around a lot because he remembers times when he would suddenly blackout in his 'room' where a 'caregiver' would watch him eat his meals. They wouldn't leave the room until every speck of food had been eaten.
When asked how he got away, all he could say was that he must have gotten lucky. During one of the moves, the medicine they used to knock them out must not have worked for some reason. He woke up when they were being put into transports. He waited for the right opportunity to jump the captors and get away. He added that he had tried to take Lelouch with him, since he believed the captors didn't know his identity as a prince, and feared for his safety if they ever found out, but Lelouch had instead told Suzaku to find help. Dragging him along would just slow him down. So long as one of them got away the better.
Suzaku had no clue if the soldiers questioning him bought his story or not, but they weren't treating him like a criminal at the moment, so he could only hope it would remain that way. He just prayed that he threw any suspicions of the Paladins identities off for the time being. If anything, he at least bought them a little time.
His reminiscing was interrupted when he heard the doorknob to the room jiggle. He looked up just in time to see a pink blur practically tackle him out of his chair.
"Wha-?" Suzaku gasped before his brain registered who it was.
Euphemia broke off and dusted herself, blushing slightly from the display.
"It's good to see you again, Suzaku," she smiled.
"Euphie..it's good to see you too," he smiled back.
"Well, well, it seems you're quite the lucky man, Suzaku," a cheery voice sounded from the doorway. Looking up, Lloyd, Cecile, and, to Suzaku's honest surprise, Nonette were all standing in the doorway, each smiling, looking glad to see him.
"Suzaku, we're glad to see that you're alright," Cecile said, "the military and police have been looking for you and the others night and day."
For some reason, Suzaku didn't quite believe that. Sure, he was sure that Cecile was being honest from what she knew, but… it was more likely that the military was searching non-stop for Prince Lelouch day and night. While he wasn't sure about the other students, he doubted the military or other authorities would have given a damn if he showed up dead on the street.
To his surprise though, Nonette actually politely bowed to him in the traditional Japanese greeting, "It's an honor to officially meet you, Warrant Officer Kururugi. Earl Asplund and Miss Croomy have spoken very highly of you and your skills as a pilot."
Still partially stunned by such a formal greeting, Suzaku eventually nodded, "Thank you. I've been told you're quite the skilled pilot yourself, Lady Enneagram."
"Please, Nonette is fine," the knight shook her head, "we might as well treat each other as equals if we're going to be working together."
"Working… together?" Suzaku questioned cautiously, not quite understanding what the Knight of Nine was saying.
"Indeed," another voice said from behind the others. Looking up, Suzaku was completely shocked to see Lelouch's half-brother, Schneizel el Britannia walk in with a polite smile. In his hand he was carrying…
"...But… I thought Nonette had started piloting it?" Suzaku protested as he stared at the Lancelot key in the prince's hand.
"That is true, however, Lloyd's data doesn't lie either," the prince argued pleasantly, "You're the only other person with the skills needed to pilot the Lancelot. Besides, there's another project that I've requested Lady Enneagram's assistance with. It may be difficult to believe thanks to… some officers' views, but you are a skilled and valued soldier… Major Kururugi."
Suzaku gasped as his eyes shifted between Euphie, Nonette, Lloyd, and the key in the Prime Minister's hand.
"We hereby declare the resurrection of Japan as a lawful, independent, and sovereign nation!" the voice of Sawazaki rang over the Castle's monitors as the many of the residents listened to the latest news report of the attack in the Kyushu area.
"Atsushi Sawazaki, leader of the forces that have occupied the Fukuoka military base, was Chief Cabinet Minister of the Kururugi Administration in the former nation of Japan," a man's voice immediately followed.
"After the war, he fled to the Chinese Federation, but is apparently making his move now in response to the recent civil unrest caused by Voltron and Zero." Pictures of both Lelouch's mask identity and Voltron itself flashed on the screen.
"Whether the Black Knights or Voltron have played a role in these unfolding events is still under investigation."
"What the hell?! We're not part of this!" Tamaki shouted in anger. Ohgi, Kaguya, Coran, Kallen, Allura, and Lelouch watched the broadcast carefully.
"Kaguya, was Kyoto aware that this was going to transpire?" Allura asked the girl sternly.
"No," Kaguya answered immediately, "They were completely thrown off guard as well. They were just notified about his unilateral claims over the Sakuradite mining rights."
"I see…" Allura nodded in acknowledgment before turning to Lelouch, who was looking critically up at the screen, "Lelouch, what is our next move? Should we attempt contact or make a statement perhaps?"
"I wouldn't go jumping on that bandwagon just yet," Lelouch decided, "The fact that Sawazaki is being assisted by the Chinese Federation is troubling on its own. It's more likely that he's being used as a puppet for that faction to take Japan for themselves."
"Lelouch, if I may," Coran spoke up, "when you first informed us of your planet's conflict, you seemed to make it clear that Britania and this Chinese Federation certainly aren't allies. If this attack makes them Britannian's enemy, wouldn't that make them an ally for us? What's the saying the humans use? 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend?'"
"I don't know," Kallen admitted, "From what I've heard the Chinese Federation isn't that much different from Britannia. Isn't that right, Ohgi?"
"As far as I know that is the case," he nodded.
"While it's true that the Federation and Britannia are at odds right now, politically wise, their government isn't too different from Britannia," Kaguya explained, "The Chinese Federation is still an Imperial Monarchy. Officially the Emperor or Empress is the leader, but… the most recent Empress, Tianzi, has little to no power at all. The High Eunuchs are the ones with the power. She acts more as a figurehead. If you look at it a certain way, the Chinese Federation is seen as more of an oligarchic system than anything else. This doesn't make them too different from Britannia's Royal Family… no offense to you Lelouch."
"None taken."
Meanwhile in the coast of the Kyushu bay, a fierce storm was blowing through the area. The winds were so strong that it was preventing the Britannian forces from calling in any air support. They had no choice but hold out until the storm passed or calmed enough for Knightmares equipped with float systems to sweep in.
"It's a stroke of good fortune that this storm hit," General Tsao, a high ranking general from the Chinese Federation commented victoriously, "We must use it to tighten our grip on Kyushu."
"You see, General Tsao?" Sawazaki boasted proudly next to him, "Heaven is on our side. We're going to prevail in this battle with ease."
"Martial law is not necessary — such measures would only upset and frighten people," Prince Schneizel calmly reasoned with the two officers in his office, Darlton being one of them, "Contact E.U. Foreign Minister Gandolphi. Oh, and put a call in to the Toromo Agency in Cambodia."
"Prince Schneizel, using the Toromo Agency could be of–"
Darlton wasn't able to finish when the doors to the office opened and Princess Euphemia entered.
"Prime Minister," she stated.
"Yes, Euphie?" Schneizel asked gently as the generals parted to let her through, "Something wrong?"
"Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked, "I'm still the Sub-Viceroy of Area 11. There must be a way I can assist you."
"Thank you. Just your offer to help me is more than enough," Schneizel answered with a smile.
"But I…" Euphemia protested.
"Before her capture, Viceroy Cornelia ordered you to be kept out of as much military conflict as possible, Sub-Viceroy," Darlton informed her.
"She did…?" Euphie asked sadly, looking down at her feet.
"Uh, no, Sub-Viceroy, let me correct myself," Darlton amended when he saw the princess's expression, "it's just that-"
"Please, understand, Euphie," Schneizel spoke up, "We've already lost Cornelia. If something were to happen to you as well…"
"Wait, you don't really think-" Euphie gasped.
"There hasn't been confirmation of that yet," Schneizel explained carefully, "but the situation is simply too treacherous to take any chances right now."
Euphemia struggled to hold back tears as the feeling of hopelessness rolled over her. Once again she was being forced to the sidelines again. She had never felt so useless before.
"Darlton, concerning the matter we were discussing, I know someone who has a way in with them, so I will ask for help," the prince explained.
"Yes, Your Highness," the general nodded.
"Man… how long is she going to stay in there?" Rivalz groaned as he leaned against the wall across from Shirley's room.
Not long after Suzaku left the ship, Shirley had abruptly run to her room and locked herself inside. No matter who knocked on the door, or for how long, she refused to open up to them. She didn't even come to dinner that evening or breakfast that morning. Even the plate of food goo that they had left outside her door remained untouched. Everyone was worried about the Orange Paladin, but it was understandable. After all… she had killed someone.
At the moment, Rivalz and Milly were camping outside her room. They had been for the past hour, but no matter how many times they knocked, and even demanded to be let in in Milly's case, Shirley remained silent, stubbornly refusing to answer.
Before Milly could respond, Rai and C.C. came around the corner, with Arthur trotting along beside them as well.
Rai's looked between the door and two teens outside it. Then he sighed, "That bad, huh?"
"Well, what exactly did you expect?" C.C. asked bluntly, "It was bound to happen sooner or later. Shirley may have good intentions, but her mentality is certainly not that of a soldier."
"It's not like we're not willing to help her," Milly argued, "but if she doesn't talk to someone…"
Rai frowned sadly and looked at the door again.
"...I can handle this. Could you give us some space?" he finally asked before standing in front of the door.
Reluctantly, Rivalz, and Milly slowly picked themselves up and left. C.C. did as well shortly after. Once they were out of sight, Rai felt something nuzzle his legs. Looking down, he saw Arthur rubbing up against his ankle, before looking up at the Green Paladin with a soft 'mrow.'
With a small smile, he knocked lightly on the door.
"Shirley, it's Rai. Can I come in?" he asked cautiously.
It took several seconds, and for a moment Rai thought that Shirley wouldn't answer, until finally, he heard the small buzz of the door unlocking. Breathing a small sigh of relief, he entered with Arthur trailing close behind.
Rai easily spotted the Orange Paladin, sitting on her bed hugging her knees to her chest. Her eyes looked hollow and there were dry tear marks on her cheeks. Looking up, he noticed that two of the trash nebula creatures were floating close by, but from the sounds of their squeaks, they hadn't been successful in lighting Shirley's mood at all and seemed relieved that someone else had finally come.
Arthur actually made the first move, immediately leaping onto the bed and settling snuggly at Shirley's side, purring softly.
Following the cat's lead, Rai slowly approached her other side, cautiously sitting down, and - after silently debating with himself - draped an arm around her shoulders. Shirley didn't react and Rai took that as a good thing. At least she didn't start screaming or demanding for him to get out and leave her alone.
There was a heavy silence in the room for a while as Rai tried to figure out how to start talking. The only noise was Arthur's soft purring and the occasional squeak from one of the fuzzy aliens.
"...You made the right call in there," he finally said, "if you hadn't done it, Mao would've killed Lelouch and blown up the Castle. And who knows what would have happened to the Lions… You saved everyone."
"...I know that," Shirley mumbled softly, seeming to tighten her grip around her legs, "I know that he was evil, and if I hadn't, I… but… I-I can't handle it!"
She finally moved, letting go of her legs, and burying her face in her hands.
"C.C… she warned me that this could happen!" she sobbed, "She warned me that I'd have to do it eventually! But… I-I don't…"
"You just don't know if you can handle it, right?" Rai finished for her softly.
Shirley whined, practically collapsing against Rai's shoulder. He gently ran a hand down her back, waiting for her sobs to calm before speaking again.
"I understand. I've killed a lot as well," he said honestly, but not proudly. Shirley looked up at him, surprise shining in her eyes. He smiled bitterly, "Don't look so surprised, I'm a gladiator, remember?" Shirley's shoulders slumped as she remembered that detail about her crush.
"Anyway, I don't… I don't remember much about what happened while I was there," Rai continued, "but, I do know that every time I was put out there in the ring, each fight was either live or die. Only one of us would walk out of there still breathing. Some were bad, other gladiators like me, who actually enjoyed killing. Others… others were simply other prisoners, trying to survive just like me. All for Zarkon's entertainment…"
Shirley peaked up at his face. It was holding a pained frown and his eyes were haunted.
"Whenever I sleep... I always see myself in that same pit again. There's so much noise; all the spectators yelling and cheering... The monsters I fight roaring at me... And all I have is a sword, sometimes half a sword. I'm only given armor or even a shield for 'special' fights. I look up, and I see that monster sitting on his throne, his eyes baring down on me like the devil. The only thing I know for certain is that I'm facing an enemy that wants me dead. But... I do it. I endure it. Because my life doesn't end here. I have people that I love waiting for me, people I want to protect. I have my mother and my sister, but now it's more than just that."
He leaned back and smiled, though it looked fairly forced from what Shirley could see, "Now I have Allura, Lelouch, Kallen, Suzaku, Rivalz, Milly, Coran, and so many others... I got you to Shirley. And I know you have the same thing. You have people who love you, people who care about you, people that are worth protecting. Mao is not going to be the only one. We're probably going to fight people that we might have to kill, if not to save our own lives, but maybe even so many others. If we can avoid it, great; but if not, we have to do it. Taking someone's life is never easy, and it's something you never get used to. Something you shouldn't get used to. But as long as you have faith in the people who are willing to help you share that burden, and the cause that you fight for, then you'll never stray from your path. I already know what I'm fighting for, what you are fighting for?"
Shirley felt tears gather in her eyes again, but they weren't of sorrow. Rai's speech had really touched her and helped her see a different perspective of everything. Yes, the guilt of what she did didn't leave, it likely never would, but a mix of the Green Paladin's words and Arthur's constant purring dampened it.
Speaking of Arthur, the cat took the opportunity to climb onto Shirley's lap, curling up tightly.
Shirley remained silent for a moment, before she clenched her fists, eyes lighting up in determination.
"I want to fight to protect the weak. I'm a Paladin of Voltron!" she exclaimed.
Rai smiled proudly as he wrapped her in a warm embrace.
"Thank you, Rai," she whispered.
"Anytime," he replied.
"Oh, hi!" the newly named Chigusa smiled as she greeted Ohgi who rounded a corner of the hallway into the kitchen. The amnesiac had been sorting through various seed packs that the Paladins had brought back from Earth when they had dropped the Black Knights off. In hopes of providing a more diverse, but still slightly familiar diet to the crew, the Paladins discussed with Coran and the Princess of starting a greenhouse in one of the more temperature-controlled rooms and possibly bringing up some chickens and cows in a different room for some eggs, milk, and protein as well. The idea certainly seemed to intrigue the Alteans and they agreed to give it a shot at the very least.
Most of the crew had returned after learning what happened, and it became clear that just because they were in space didn't mean that they were untouchable. Yes, the Galra could come at any time, and Rakshata and her team, along with Coran, were working rigorously to get a space Knightmare ready for testing. However, the fact that Mao managed to sneak onto the ship was still baffling. Although the Castle's security was high for most unknown lifeforms entering and exiting the ship, the crew started a rotation where at least one Black Knight was on camera duty at all times.
The Paladins eventually came to the conclusion that Mao must have snuck onto one of the Lions while they were on Earth. Why none of the Lions had reacted to an intruder entering them was another mystery, but then again it was exactly how C.C. managed to sneak on board Polaris in the first place as well.
If any good things came out of the situation, it was that Ohgi noticed that Villetta-no Chigusa he had to remind himself- seemed to be more at ease around the others on the ship, which honestly surprised him. Perhaps it was because they showed that they did care for her safety, despite her status in her lost memories. He was personally happy with the new name too, and thought it was adorable that Nunnally had been the one to pick it. She had good taste.
"Look," he said, hesitating for a second, "I realized I never personally apologized for what happened the other day. I was put in charge of keeping an eye on you, and you almost got killed. So… I'm sorry."
Chigusa shook her head, "You don't need to apologize Kaname," she said reassuringly, "sometimes things happen that are out of our control. Unless you personally asked Mao to kidnap me, none of this is your fault."
"Well… still, I wish there was more I could do," he admitted, "I'll admit, I feel pretty useless right now. I mean, the only ones that can actually go out and fight are the Paladins right now until we can get some Knightmares up and running."
Chigusa chuckled, "Well if you're looking for something to do, you can help look through these seed packs. I'll admit my Japanese is a bit rusty, and some of these are in your language."
"Oh, sure," he smiled, walking over to the counter.
Suzaku scratched his arm as the tight fabric of the Lancelot suit irritated his skin. A folder lay in front of him at the table inside of the Camelot division's quarters. A mission briefing to be exact. The second that the current storm showed signs of letting up, Suzaku was to take the Lancelot into battle against Sawazaki and push him and the Chinese Federation troops back. A mission perfect for the Lancelot. He would be able to clear a path for the rest of Britannia's forces to swoop in and finish the job that way.
The door opened next to him and Cecile walked in with a pleasant smile.
"I thought you might be hungry," she said, holding out some tea and rice balls to him.
"Oh, thank you, Miss Cecile," he said graciously, taking one of the rice balls. If Suzaku was honest, he really missed the taste of his native country's cuisine. He hoped the greenhouse project worked out back at the Castle so that the other Paladins could have a piece of Earth back with them as well.
Cecile smiled warmly as Suzaku ate. He had to restrain himself from devouring the food. Miss Cecile was a great cook.
"Suzaku, just so you know, I really am glad that you're alright," Cecile said honestly, "We spent every spare minute we could looking for you and those friends of yours."
Suzaku smiled. He could tell that Cecile really meant what she said. "I appreciate it, Miss Cecile. And I want to thank you as well. Ever since I got here, you've always been kind to me, even though I'm an Eleven. I'm really thankful for everything you've done."
"Oh, I really didn't do that much," she denied, "Honestly, most of the time I'm sad that I can't do more, but I can tell that you're a good person, Suzaku. Despite what most of the rest say, I don't really care about Britannia's views on race. I personally think the whole number system is stupid. In my eyes, you're a person who wants to change the world for the better, and I assure you, you'll have my support no matter what happens."
With a final smile, Cecile turned and left to let Suzaku finish his food.
"No matter what, huh?" he muttered, glancing down at the key to the Lancelot. For a moment, the small drive disappeared, being replaced by the cool handle of the Purple Bayard.
He'd admit the time he spent with the other Paladins had been a pleasant reprise. He'd honestly felt happier than he had in a long time simply being there with everyone. Just… being be.
Which was why a sin like the one he carried shouldn't drag them down. Though he was no longer a Paladin, he would work on his end to help achieve peace for Earth and the universe. That was the best he could do now… right?
"Princess, you wished to see us?" Tohdoh asked as he and the Four Holy Swords entered the lounge she had specified over the intercom. Waiting with her were Kallen and Lelouch, who gestured to the couches behind them.
"Please have a seat," Lelouch invited and waited patiently for them to settle.
"We'll get straight to the point," Allura said promptly, "Regarding this Sawazaki character's actions in Kyushu, we wish to get your personal opinions on the situation. Would it wiser to view him as a potential ally or an enemy as of now?"
"Sawazaki was always a coward," Chiba responded immediately with a scowl, "He may have supported the movement for Japan to fight after surrendering, but the second he got he fled to the Chinese Federation with barely any warning at all."
"True," Urabe nodded, "And neither Kyoto nor the JLF had heard a peep out of him up until now."
"How do the kids put it nowadays? 'All bark, no bite?'" Senba quipped bitterly.
"Most likely, the Chinese are using Sawazaki for their own agenda," Asahina agreed, "He's just a front. I have no doubt that he cooked up some sort of agreement with them in order to get them to cooperate. Who knows what'll happen should this siege succeed."
The three nodded, taking in the information. A couple more questions followed, regarding Sawazaki's loyalty to Prime Minister Kururugui and other actions during the Pacific War. As more information was gathered, the more Lelouch saw that Sawazaki was more like a rat who preferred to work in the shadows, and only strike when the enemy's guard seemed down. While a decent strategy, it was a cowardly one as well, just like Chiba first said.
After feeling like they gathered all they could, Lelouch nodded, "All right, thank you. Now if you everyone doesn't mind, there's something I want to discuss with Tohdoh in private."
"You sure?" Kallen asked.
"Yes, please," Lelouch nodded firmly.
Reluctantly, everyone slowly trickled out of the room, with Kallen lingering a moment longer at the door before finally stepping out, the door sliding shut behind her.
"Can I assume that what you want to talk to me about is what happened to Suzaku's father?" Tohdoh asked calmly, looking at Lelouch expectantly.
"Yes," Lelouch nodded, "We got the gist of it thanks to Mao, but I want to know what really happened if you're willing to explain."
Tohdoh sighed wearily before speaking, "Well, as I'm sure you're already aware, Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi did call for a do-or-die resistance when Britannia invaded. Suzaku feared that this would lead to the deaths of millions, which of course it would, and he attempted to oppose his father and convince him to change his mind. However, the Prime Minister was one of the most stubborn people I ever met, and he refused. When it became clear that reason was no longer an option, Suzaku raised a knife against him, but even then, Genbu called his bluff. I don't think I need to elaborate further about what happened afterward."
"Suzaku used that knife and killed his own father with it," Lelouch confirmed with a grim frown.
Tohdoh nodded once, "When that happened, Kyoto made up the yarn of the Prime Minister's suicide, in order to protect Suzaku. If the truth ever came out, the Japanese citizens would no doubt attempt to take revenge, even though he was still a child. Not long after, Suzaku went on to join the Britannian military, making claims of creating a change from the inside."
"In reality, he sees it as his penance, correct?" Lelouch guessed, "A way to atone for an unforgivable crime he committed."
Tohdoh remained silent, but Lelouch didn't need an answer to know that he was correct.
With a sigh of his own, Lelouch got to his feet, "Thank you."
Just as he reached the door, Tohdoh spoke, "You've changed Lelouch. When I first met you, you were a small, spiteful boy that was always angry at the world. Now, I don't see that child. You've grown into a leader that people can trust. And includes myself."
Lelouch smiled and glanced back at the Colonel as the doors slid open.
'A figurehead,' Euphemia li Britannia pondered as she gazed up at a portrait of her late brother Clovis, 'that's all I was from the start. I knew that, but I thought if I gave my best effort, maybe I could make some difference. Forgive me, Clovis. I met Zero face-to-face but I didn't avenge your death… I have to think of some way to save Lelouch and Nunnally, but how? I don't have the kind of power that my sister had. I'm not like her or Schneizel. No matter where I go, I'm just a burden, and I act selfishly, though I don't mean to… maybe if I had tried harder, Cornelia wouldn't…'
Euphemia choked back a sob as thoughts of her sister, and her unknown status lurked in her mind. It was agonizing to not know if Cornelia was alright, or even alive right now. She was sure that Lelouch wouldn't kill her, but as for the other Black Knights, she wasn't so sure. They technically had the right to do it, considering the damage Cornelia had brought to their home.
"Sister, please hold on for me…"
"Oh yeah, they told me about you," the museum's security guard said, looking at the form that had been handed to him, "You need to get the document signed today, right? But a member of the Royal Family is viewing the art right now."
"Huh? Which member is it?" Nina Einstein asked.
"Wait, so you're saying…" Tamaki began as he and the rest of the Black Knights looked up at Zero from the ballroom floor. Lelouch with his Zero guise on was standing at the top of the chamber's steps, the remaining Paladins, Allura, Coran, Kaguya, Tohdoh, and Ohgi by his side. Nunnally was also there, with Sayoko and C.C. by her side.
"We aren't going to collaborate with Sawazaki. He's not independent, he's a puppet of the Chinese Federation." Lelouch stated.
"But he says he's fighting for Japan," one of the Black Knights protested below.
"Japan would get a new name and a new master but nothing would change," Lelouch leveled his head, "His Japan is a sham."
"Yeah…" Asahina said, "so what you're really saying is…"
"That when Britannia strikes back we play dead?" Urabe finished.
"Zero," Tohdoh said, "Perhaps you should clarify our goal."
"Yeah," Ohgi agreed, "I mean, preparing for the Galra's arrival is clear, but how exactly are we going to do that?"
The Black Paladin's answer shocked everyone.
"Our first step is making Japan an independent nation."
"Independent?!" Kallen's eyes went wide as she stared at Lelouch, along with most of the rest of the Paladins.
"Is he serious?!" Rivalz gasped.
"A nation?!" Asahina exclaimed.
"You mean us?!"
"An independent country?!"
"Wait a minute!" Ohgi stepped forward. "No matter how much the Black Knights have expanded-"
"Our enemy is an empire that controls one-third of the world. And the Galra are an alien race that has conquered almost the entire universe!" Chiba finished.
"We can't pull that off alone!" Tamaki stepped forward.
"We must!" Zero countered, "We must send a message to not just Britannia, but the Galra as well! And that is this: You don't need to be a super-power to be strong and stand on your own two feet. However, creating an independent country is only the first step! The second is to build a coalition of nations to unite Earth together! That includes both the smaller countries and other superpowers, as well as those from Britannia. Only then will the final stage be accessible. A truly united Earth, where there are no more divisions. Simply one planet with one people standing together. Though separate nations will continue to exist, we'll stand united. Only then can Earth take the next step of becoming part of the Universe!"
The sun began to set behind the horizon as Princess Euphemia's transport began to depart the museum.
"Princess Euphemia!" Nina screamed desperately as she attempted to run past a security guard, only to be grabbed roughly from behind.
Euphemia gasped from inside the limousine as Nina was wrestled to the ground.
"Secure the perimeter!" the head guard ordered, ignoring Nina's protests, "Code Delta! We have a Code Delta!"
"Please!" Nina begged, "I just want to- Princess Euphemia! To get-a look at her!"
"Secure all exits!" Another guard shouted as several more began to surround the distraught student.
Looking bewildered at the sight, Euphemia gasped as recognition spread across her face. That was the same girl from Kawaguchi. The one she saved from those JLF terrorists.
"We got a suspicious girl at the building's perimeter!" more shouts followed as Nina's tears fell freely down her face.
"Stop it!" Euphemia ordered, stepping out of the limo, "That girl is a personal friend of mine!"
"Wow, Lelouch, I honestly wasn't expecting that bombshell to be dropped in there!" Rai commented as the Paladins, accompanied by Allura, Coran, C.C., Nunnally, Sayoko, and Kaguya, returned to the bridge.
"It makes sense though when you think about it," Milly continued, "You gotta lay the foundation somewhere as they always say."
"While this development has truly uplifted the spirits of the Black Knights, there is still another problem," Allura said, sad to have to return to this topic. "Without Suzaku to pilot his Lion, it is impossible to form Voltron. And we can not win this war without him."
"Meaning, we either need to choose a new Paladin or somehow convince Suzaku to rejoin us," C.C. concluded.
"Well, we obviously aren't going to replace him, right?!" Rivalz exclaimed, "I can't think of anyone else that could pilot Yoru as well he can!"
"Even so, Rivalz," Kallen murmured, "It's like Lelouch said the other day. We can't force him to stay. Plus, doesn't our bond as Paladins rely on willingness and trust too? It's something like that, right Coran?"
"Indeed," the older Altean nodded, "the only way Voltron can form properly and function at all is because you all trust one another. You have no doubt of your loyalty. However, with this secret now out in the open, I wouldn't be surprised that if we forced Suzaku to stay, that would have greatly affected or damaged the Paladin bond, making it that much harder to fight. Why even the bond he developed with his own Lion could have been damaged."
Lelouch grimaced at that. He knew exactly what that felt like. After all, he went through the exact same thing after they invaded Zarkon's main base. If he was being honest, a small part of him was still wary of Zenobia's loyalty to him. Whether his bond with her was really strong enough to overcome Zarkon's.
"So… what do we do then?" Milly asked, scowling a little, "It seems… it seems wrong to replace him just like that. I mean, wouldn't us doing that only solidify his decision to stay away? It would just prove to him that he's replaceable when he's not!"
"When you think about it though, a lot of what we learned from Mao's actions makes sense regarding Suzaku," Lelouch murmured.
"What do you mean?" Rai asked.
"He's at odds with himself... because he used to be different," Lelouch continued, remembering the younger Suzaku at the Kururugi Shrine, "He never placed any importance on another person. Why, it was tough enough for me to kill my half-brother. But Suzaku killed his father when he was only ten years old, and he's been carrying that burden around all these years…"
"I can't imagine the pain he's been in all this time," Allura said softly.
"Just killing someone in general…" Shirley whispered, looking sadly at her feet, her eyes haunted, "I mean… I'm the one that did it. I killed Mao. Someone I knew was a homicidal maniac. But even still knowing that…"
Silence followed, a heavy weight seemed to hang in the air as they thought of their missing friend. Their missing brother. They wanted to help him, but how could they…
"Hold on," Rai suddenly said, "There's something I still don't get. Even if Suzaku didn't want to be a Paladin anymore, worthy or not, why did he choose to go back to Britannia of all places? He could easily have been absorbed into the Black Knights as a ground soldier or pilot. Heck, he could have simply stayed on the Castle as a tenant if he really wanted to. Plus, I doubt his main reasoning was simply to help cover up our identities…"
Lelouch grimaced. He had a theory, and it wasn't a pretty one.
"Do you all remember when I told you how C.C. and I met, way back in Shinjuku? When I got my Geass?" Lelouch questioned.
Everyone's eyes were suddenly on him, dubious expressions on their faces.
"Yeah… you said Suzaku was there too," Rivalz remembered, "he helped you and C.C. get away."
"Well, that is true," Lelouch nodded, "but… there's a little more to it than that. And now that I know Suzaku's secret, it makes so much more sense now."
"What happened?" Kallen asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"Well, shortly after C.C.'s canister opened, and after Suzaku revealed who he was to me, there was a group of soldiers directly under Prince Clovis's command that found us and cornered us. They knew what the real mission was, which was to recapture C.C., but Suzaku had been briefed that it was poison gas that had been stolen. So he was just as surprised as me when C.C. came tumbling out instead."
Kallen couldn't quite hide the grimace on her face as he memory of that day flashed in her mind again, but she held her tongue as Lelouch continued.
"Anyway, despite the fact that it was clear that I was a Britannian student, the captain ordered Suzaku to kill me. To not leave any witnesses. But Suzaku refused to follow that order and defended that I had nothing to do with this. He was practically begging for them to let me go… He knew… As a Britannian soldier, especially an Honorary Britannian, an Eleven, that defying an order like that would have consequences. Deadly consequences."
"...It's a death sentence," Milly was the one to say it aloud.
"Exactly," Lelouch nodded, "Suzaku knew that all too well. He made no attempt to stop them either. Didn't even resist. Why he was even smiling when the captain shot him."
The sense of foreboding seemed to triple in the room, as all the occupants came to a terrifying realization, but none of them dared to speak aloud.
Nunnally, who had stayed quiet for most of the conversation along with Sayoko, swallowed back bile from the sick feeling she had in her stomach.
"Lelouch... what... what are you saying...?"
The Black Paladin's answer felt like a guillotine's blade falling.
"He wants to die."
There was a collective gasp from everyone in the room - even C.C. looked stunned. It was only then that the horror of the situation was truly realized.
"He thinks if he dies for a cause he believes to be right, it might redeem him," Lelouch continued, "You all heard what he said when he left, he wants to be punished for what he did."
"We can't let that happen!" Nunnally blurted out, leaping to her feet. Sayoko tensed, ready to catch the girl if she started falling, "We have to help him!"
"Yeah, this… isn't there some sort of medical term for this?" Shirley asked.
"Medical term?" Coran asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah, it's called 'Survivor's Guilt' on Earth," Rai elaborated, "It's when a person has feelings of guilt because they survived a life-threatening situation when others didn't. It goes hand-and-hand with PTSD too. Usually, this should be a fairly natural reaction if something bad happens, but this is being taken to the extreme."
"I do know that a lot of war veterans go through something like that at some point," Milly added.
"Still, Suzaku was ten!" Rivalz protested, "He probably didn't even know what he was even doing!"
"I'm sure once we convince him to come back, we can assist him in understanding that," Allura reasoned.
"Everyone, calm down," Lelouch said, "I want to help Suzaku too, but we need to be careful about this. One wrong move and we risk our identities getting exposed and that will bring its own plethora of problems."
"Well, we aren't just going to leave him be, right?" Shirley exclaimed.
"Of course not," Lelouch scowled, looking almost offended, "We just need the right opportunity…" he glanced up at the monitor displaying the battle happening at Kyushu back on Earth, "...In fact, I might have an idea."
"Incoming missiles. Appears to be coming from Fukuoka base! One minute, five seconds to impact!"
"An air raid?" Suzaku asked from inside the cockpit of the Lancelot. Due to the Avalon being destroyed thanks to Voltron, the Camelot unit was currently on a smaller airship dubbed the Le Fay. The overall structure was the same as the Avalon (at least according to what Suzaku had been told), including the ports where the Knightmares were located.
"We'll be fine in this position," Cecile answered over the intercom.
Suzaku found himself nodding as he felt the impact from the missiles beneath the Lancelot, the Le Fay's lower shields absorbing the attack. Any moment now he would be ordered to deploy from the transport and into the battle below
He hunched over in his chair, ready to act the second he was told.
Strangely though, he felt… out of place. Suddenly, the superior armor of the Lancelot felt like only thin layers of tin foil, and he found himself shifting his hands repeatedly over the controls. He feels exposed like he could be shot at any moment, and the Knightmare's cockpit won't be able to stop anything.
Not like in Yoru. Who wasn't another machine, but… a part of him...
Suzaku shook his head. He couldn't think about that now. He made his choice. Made his bed, now had to lay in it.
So why did he still feel like there was a gaping hole in his chest now?
"Major Kururugi, I'm laying out the mission plan for final verification," Cecile's voice rang again through the cockpit as a screen lit up in front of him with a map of the area, "This ship will breach the enemy's front line from high altitude and move directly to the launch point. The advanced weapon systems Z01-Lancelot using the Float Unit will attack the enemy headquarters at Fukuoka base. The Float Unit consumes energy fast so pay attention to your operation time."
"Yes, My Lord," Suzaku acknowledged, his hands running over the throttles once more, before pressing down on the button. The Lancelot leaned forward, in position ready to launch into battle, "M.E. boost."
"Lancelot Unit, now launching!" Cecile exclaimed.
"Launch!" Suzaku parroted before the familiar pressure of the air in his face from shooting forward hit him.
The Knightmares charged down the launching system and shot off the ramp of the Le Fay. The Float Unit unfolded on Lancelot's back, propelling him towards the enemy base.
'Here we go,' Suzaku thought as his eyes zeroed in on the mission.
"The enemy ship seems to have launched a bomber but it's moving faster than a fighter plane!" a soldier alerted Sawazaki and General Tsao as they gazed at a map of their own.
"I have picture," another soldier informed as a pop-up screen appeared, showing the form of the Lancelot speeding towards them. Gasps were heard all around the command center.
"A Knightmare?!" Sawazaki gasped.
"It's not being transported; it's just flying on its own!" Tsao realized.
"That weapons report we got, could this be it?!" Sawazaki realized.
"You mean that novelty weapon?" General Tsao asked.
"So then, the pilot must be-" Sawazaki's eyes widened. If it was true that he had been found, then there was only one explanation.
"The military force that's trying to occupy the Kyushu block is fighting under ex-Minister Atsushi Sawazaki. If they lose him, the new Japanese government will collapse very quickly. In that case, the Chinese Federation will lose their excuse for being here and have to withdraw."
Suzaku remembered Lloyd's explanation from before the mission as the Lancelot twirled gracefully around dozens of missiles fired towards him from several helicopters. With a grunt, he fired a single slash harken from the Lancelot, catching one of the helicopters and twirling it around, making it crash into the others.
Despite this though, Suzaku couldn't help but feel like the Lancelot felt jerky compared to that of Yoru's fluid movements when she weaved around asteroids and Galran fighters.
"There it is…" Suzaku muttered as he spotted the enemy base, blocking an attack from another aircraft with his Blaze Luminous. "The enemy headquarters."
Then a beeping sound caught his attention.
"An open channel?" Suzaku gasped as a grainy image of Sawazaki glitched onto the screen.
"This is Minister Sawazaki," the politician addressed, "is that Prime Minister Kururugi's son in the pilot seat?" Suzaku gave no answer. "I see. I didn't know he had a son like you."
"Are you sure about this Prime Minister?" Nonette asked as she settled into the seat of the large black Knightmare waiting to be launched from another port on the Le Fay, Prince Schneizel's face displayed in front of her, "I'd much rather prefer to fight with Kururugi than use him like this. It feels like we're playing dirty."
"I understand your concern Lady Enneagram," Schneizel reasoned, "but this is the best course of action to stop this attack and avoid as much collateral damage as possible. Besides, Major Kururugi is an excellent pilot. He won't go down without a fight.
"...I understand Prime Minister," Nonette could only mutter as the Gawain's cockpit slowly closed and the power-up systems began.
"-and then, when you saved me," Nina explained fervently, kneeling by a small fire pit in front of Princess Euphemia, "Princess Euphemia — I'll never forget it — you looked like some kind of goddess… like you were bathed in radiant light."
Nina suddenly gasped in realization, as she fidgeted in the dress she was now wearing, "Oh, forgive me! I should have thanked you for these change of clothes you gave me."
"Oh, don't worry about that, Nina," Euphie smiled softly, "Besides, I'm not at all the wonderful person you think I am. I'm no good compared to my brother and sister…"
"No, that's not true!" Nina nearly shouted in horror, as Euphemia looked up with a gasp, "How can you say that about yourself…? There's not one good thing about me… really, nothing at all. My parents are ordinary, I'm not the least bit pretty, and there's just nothing special about me!" the spectacled girl lamented, looking at her clasped hands in shame.
"That's wrong, Nina. I think you're a very cute girl," Euphie argued, hoping to cheer her up.
Nina looked up with a gasp, her cheeks dusting with red before looking down in embarrassment, "Oh, no… I'm not really good for anything… not at all. And now…" Nina had tears in her eyes now, "Now all of my friends have gone missing, and I'm the only one left! And now there's that Voltron-monster that could attack at any time. I just feel… Why am I so useless?!"
Euphemia gazed at the girl in front of her with sympathy. She understood what this girl was feeling all too well.
'She hates herself. But so do I… both my sister Cornelia and Nunnally and even Lelouch are missing, and I can't do a thing about it to help...'
"I guess I understand, but Suzaku makes me uneasy," Nina murmured off-handedly.
Euphemia's eyes suddenly widened as the fire crackled next to them.
'That's it! Suzaku feels badly too!' She had seen it. Sure he hadn't really explained why, but it was clear that Suzaku was in pain somehow. It had always been present, from the moment she first met him, to reuniting with him just the other day, but now it was much more pronounced.
"So please, oh please, don't say that you're no good, Princess Euphemia! I beg of you!" Nina pleaded, desperately, "Because… because… I need you… I need your goodness."
Euphemia smiled, "Thank you so much, Nina. I'm glad I got to know you. You've really helped me understand!"
With a hiss, the doors to the vacant Purple Lion's chamber opened. The Lion, dubbed Yoru by her good, honored-bound Paladin, usually would look proud and strong as she sat on her hind legs, her shield up to prevent intruders from getting in.
Now, a sense of melancholy seemed to darken her features, her head even looked slightly tilted down. If she had the ability to, there would no doubt by streaks of tears running down her snout. She had felt her sisters leave the ship just moments ago, but with no Paladin to fly her, she would be nothing but a nuisance, a wild beast on the battlefield.
"She looks so sad," Nunnally's small voice murmured as she gazed up at the Lion from the hoverchair, Sayoko and C.C. flanking her.
"Lady Nunnally, your intentions are noble," the kunoichi maid said, "but you don't even know how to pilot a Knightmare."
"Not to mention that it's ultimately up the Lion if you can even step foot on board," C.C. added, "According to Allura, the Lion chooses the pilot. I hope you realize there's still the chance you could be rejected."
"I know that!" Nunnally exclaimed firmly, "But… my brother and his friends are down there. I can't just sit back and not do anything. Not while Suzaku is…"
She grit her teeth as she pushed herself off her chair. She almost immediately fell, only for the two women to catch her and steady her. Once regaining her footing, she straightened, and with small, careful steps approached Yoru's barrier. Once within arm's reach, she placed a hand gently atop of the forcefield.
"I know I'm not Suzaku, but... but he needs help. I want to help him, and you're the only one who can let me help him!" Nunnally exclaimed, practically begging with the Lion, "Please... he's... he's like a second brother to me... and I know he means a lot to you too!" Nunnally gasped as tears welled in her eyes, "Suzaku... he... he wants to sacrifice himself! I know this is selfish but... please! I'm begging you! Help me save him!"
There were several seconds of dead silence. Then with a flash, Yoru's eyes blazed golden. With a gasp, hearing a distant roar in her head, Nunnally stumbled falling back, the particle barrier vanishing.
Behind her, Sayoko and C.C. gazed in awe as the Lion roared to life.
As Yoru lowered her head to let her pilot in, Nunnally shakily got back to her feet, a relieved, emotional smile on her face.
"This has nothing to do with my father. I came here to put an end to this fighting. I will accept your surrender," Suzaku said stoically as he landed the Lancelot on the ground below the wheels squealing against the metal surface.
"You want to rob Japan of its dream of freedom?" Sawazaki asked.
"Freedom has to come the right way, not like this," Suzaku replied. However, as the words left his tongue, they felt hollow to him. His time as a Paladin really helped open his eyes. If Voltron took this approach with Zarkon, they would get nowhere. But what else did he have now? Saying that phrase now simply felt like he was falling into an annoying habit again.
"You act out of selfishness? It's justice without ideology," Sawazaki retorted.
"No, you're wrong! That's not what I-" Suzaku was cut off as something exploded behind him. The VARIS rifle flew out of the Lancelot's hand and was destroyed a second later as Knightmares moved out and attacked.
"My VARIS…" Suzaku grunted as he looked at the Knightmares. "These are Chinese Federation Gun-Rus!"
Sawazaki smirked cockily as he watched Suzaku getting ambushed, "He allowed me to distract him. He still has much to learn!"
Back at the Viceroy's Palace, Euphemia walked confidently up to her brother's desk. The Prime Minister seemed to be in the middle of a conversation with Darlton, both their faces were grim.
"Euphie?" Schneizel questioned, honestly surprised to see her.
"Schneizel, may I have access to a private communication line?"
Suzaku grunted the Blaze Luminous on the Lancelot's left arm exploded along with his Float Unit as he tried to take cover behind some crates. However, dodging attacks was the least of his problems as warning lights began to beep repeatedly throughout the cockpit. "My energy filler!"
Back on the Le Fay, the Camelot Unit was in a near panic.
"Are you kidding?!" Lloyd exclaimed, turning to Cecile. "They blasted off the float!"
"The Le Fay has to strike at the base!" Cecile said urgently.
"No, the shield doesn't completely surround us! One direct hit and we'll go down in flames!" Lloyd panicked, gripping his head almost ripping his hair out.
"Suzaku, reroute all power to combat and comm systems!" Cecile ordered promptly, looking down at her console.
"Got it!" Suzaku replied before rushing to do so, trying to stay calm. The factspheres on the Lancelot shut down.
"You had better surrender, Suzaku," Sawazaki sneered, "Since you're Prime Minister Kururugi's son I guarantee you will be very well treated, my boy."
"I decline. If I used my father's name for this I'd never forgive myself," Suzaku retorted, as Knightmares surrounded him, "This is between you and me."
"I see…You are very much your father's son, as foolish and stubborn as he was."
Suzaku growled, wracking his brain to figure a way out of the situation he was in.
"Suzaku Kururugi!" the voice made Suzaku's eyes widen as he looked up and saw…
"Princess Euphemia!" Suzaku gasped.
"Suzaku, the truth is you and I…That is…" Euphemia trailed off.
"Sorry." Suzaku wheeled the Lancelot out and attacked the enemy Knightmares. "But right now…"
"You see…I hereby command you to love me!" Euphemia shouted.
"Right… Wait, what?!" Suzaku stopped upon realizing what Euphemia had said, his eyes bugged out.
"Huh?" Cecile gasped too at what she just heard.
"What? What is it?!" Lloyd asked anxiously, his eyes wild.
"Uh…Sorry but this is private." Cecile said, her face flushing as she removed her headpiece.
"And in return, I will love you! Forever!" Euphemia continued steadfastly.
"Princess Euphemia!" Suzaku gasped as he weaved around the enemy bullets.
"Suzaku, I love your stubbornness and your kindness and your strength! Your sad eyes, your clumsiness, and the way you have trouble with cats! I love everything about you! When you disappeared, I thought about you every day! I hoped that you'd one day be found and come back to me!" Suzaku fired his flash harken once more as the Princess went on, "So please, don't hate yourself!"
For a moment, Suzaku found himself at a loss of words, before he smiled softly, "I see that I've made you even more worried than I did before. You really are…" like a whip, the Lancelot threw one Knightmare against several more, making them fall like dominos, "Everything you do is impulsive. When we first met, when you told me you were a princess, when you selected my school — always!"
"Yes, they were all sudden," Euphemia confirmed with a smile, "but that's because…I suddenly realized..."
"But then it's that spur of the moment feeling that's opened so many doors for me." Suzaku wheeled the Lancelot towards the enemy command center. "Thank you."
"What are you doing?!" Sawazaki exclaimed, feeling panic rising in him for the first time that evening, "Stop him now!"
Suzaku opened his eyes. "Princess, can I make one final request?"
"Final?" Euphemia gasped on the other side.
"Please, transfer this to a separate line," Suzaku requested, "one that no else is using."
Euphemia was confused but did as he said. Suzaku followed suit in the Lancelot.
Suzaku knew what he said next had to stay between himself and the Princess. No one, especially from Britannia could overhear this.
"Euphie, I just want you to know… your sister, Cornelia, and Lelouch and Nunnally, they're all right. They're safe and being well-taken care of," he explained the best he could.
"Wha-they are?" Euphemia gasped, hope and joy bubbling inside her.
"Yes," Suzaku nodded as the Lancelot's energy filler blinked on its final bar, the enemy sweeping in for a final blow, "You may see them again really soon, and when you do there'll be a surprise for you. A good one."
Euphemia gasped happily in relief upon hearing this. But something told her that Suzaku wasn't finished.
"And also, when you see them again, please deliver a message for me. Tell them, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for them. I'm sure they'll be fine without me."
"Suzaku, don't tell me you're-"
The Lancelot wheeled down a pair of walls with one leg on both walls and leaped out into a circle of enemies. "Tell them thank you for everything, and Euphie, I mean that for you too. Thanks for everything," he sighed in acceptance as the enemy raised their guns, "I was stubborn all the way to the end."
"Why don't you tell us yourself?!"
Suzaku gasped as suddenly, lasers of ice and fire rained down from the sky, freezing and burning the Knightmares, their pilots along with them.
From the Chinese transport, Sawazaki gasped, "What was that?"
"Something just appeared on the radar. And they're huge!"
"We've got picture!"
"Sir! You need to see this!"
Sawazaki gasped as the seven Voltron Lions descended onto the battlefield. The Black and Purple ones landed directly in front of Suzaku, growling aggressively like a real lion would protect its cub. The Green, Yellow, Orange, Blue, and Red ones circled them protectively as well, firing and destroying any Knightmares that got too close.
Suddenly the line went black, only to be replaced moments later by the laughing face of Voltron himself.
Euphemia gasped in surprise as the same laughing image flashed on her private line as well.
Rai's fingers danced rapidly across Zerith's keyboard as he quickly and effectively hacked into both the lines that the Lancelot was connected to and effectively cutting both Sawazaki and Euphemia (as well as any other Britannians listening in) out, while also establishing a private line of his own, connecting all the Lions to the Lancelot's communications.
"Wha-Yoru?" Suzaku gasped at the sight of the Purple Lion, "But how are you-?"
"Suzaku!" Nunnally's voice rang through the channel, making him gasp, "Are you okay?"
"Wha-Nunnally?" he gasped, a mixture of awe and horror in his tone. His brow furrowed, "Lelouch, what the hell-"
"For the record, I never agreed to this arrangement," Lelouch answered. One could clearly tell he was frowning as he said this. Lelouch hadn't exactly been pleased when he discovered that Nunnally had gone behind his back and did this, only for Nunnally to argue back that Suzaku needed as much help as possible, and Yoru didn't want to sit back and do nothing while her Paladin's life was in danger.
So, with the promise that they would discuss this when they returned to the Castle, Lelouch relented, knowing Nunnally would at least be physically fine inside the Lion.
"Wait so… Nunnally are you…?"
"No," Nunnally answered, "Yoru's letting me fly her because she wants to help you Suzaku, but… she couldn't do that on her own."
Suzaku was at a loss for words. The Purple Lion still wanted to help him, even after learning what he did? Why? He was sure that anyone on the Castle would have been a better fit than him.
"Suzaku, we all want to help you!" Shirley suddenly exclaimed as the other Lions surrounded the Lancelot, "You did a bad thing, but that doesn't make you a bad person. What about all the times you saved our lives? Like when you helped fight off Sendak when he took over the Castle?"
"Or what about the time you, me, and Milly saved all those Merpeople from that Baku monster?" Rivalz added.
"Or when we fought all those Ro-beasts Zarkon sent against us?" Milly continued.
Rai spoke next, "You've done something that you think you can't forgive yourself for, we get that. I especially know what that's like... But just because you did something bad, doesn't mean you can't redeem yourself."
Kallen huffed out a laugh before speaking next, "You're a stubborn idiot who doesn't know when to quit. But, at the same time, you're someone we can depend on. You didn't even hesitate to help me fight Zarkon back at Galra HQ. And... I never did get a chance to thank you for that."
"Suzaku, please," Nunally begged, "We might have different parents, but you're family to me! I don't want to lose you! I know I'm being selfish right now, but I don't care! Please come back to us! I love you!"
Suzaku was stunned. He was sure that once it had sunk in for the Paladins of his sin, they would leave him. They had the right to after all.
But no, that's not what happened. They didn't see a murderer. They saw a friend, a teammate, a brother, and a member of their family. One that they wanted to come home.
"Suzaku…" Lelouch intoned, shaking him out of his thoughts, "When I first arrived at your family's home, I didn't trust anyone. I completely shut myself out from everyone except Nunnally. But, you were able to help break through my shell, you became the first real friend I ever had outside my biological family. You're always putting everyone else first ahead of yourself, but every now and again, you're entitled to be a little selfish, you're human too. I don't want to lose the first friend I ever had. I don't want to beg, but I will if I have to. You, and everyone else, you've all been there for me. Now it's our turn to return the favor."
Tears had begun to build in his eyes as he listened to Lelouch's speech, but the final statement made them spill over. He gasped and tried to muffle sniffles with his hand. From inside, he heard an almost impatient whine and the sound of metal approaching the Knightmare. He half expected Yoru to start pawing at the Lancelot.
With a hiss, the cockpit of the Lancelot slid open, and just as he suspected, was met with Yoru's long snout.
Patting the top of the Lancelot's head in a clear goodbye, Suzaku jumped to the ground as Yoru lowered her head in front of him with an eager purr.
Making his way up into the familiar cockpit, he was immediately greeted by Nunnally, who instantly leaped up and hugged him tightly. A hug that he gladly returned.
"Thanks for keeping Yoru company," as he pulled back, Yoru's familiar soft growls echoed in his mind, "Yeah, it's good to see you too, girl."
Throwing her head back, Yoru roared loudly, followed by the other six Lions before shooting up into the sky.
"I recognized that strategy the second you appeared in the battle," Lelouch addressed, "They send a single fighter in to try to disrupt the main force so that even if you failed, Britannia's militia would have swooped right in. This has Schneizel written all over it!"
"You think he's here? Maybe on one of those boats?" Kallen asked.
"No," Lelouch shook her head, "Schneizel prefers to stay back and command from a distance, unlike Cornelia who participates actively in the battle."
Before further discussion could ensue, the group suddenly found themselves surrounded by several Chinese helicopters.
"Hey!" Rivalz exclaimed, activating Polaris's sonic ray, "Out the way!"
With a roar, Polaris fired the sonic ray, effectively disabling all of the helicopters, causing them to fall back to Earth.
"So, now what? Who do we attack? One or both sides?" Shirley asked.
Before Lelouch could reply, a screen appeared in front of him, receiving a signal. It seemed to be coming from the Chinese Federation.
"Well, well, Minister Sawazaki," Lelouch addressed as he quickly slid on his mask before answering.
"Zero! Why are you attacking us, we're both on the same side! Shouldn't we be fighting together as comrades?! Don't you care about Japan?!" the Minister exclaimed, but Lelouch could see the fear in his eyes as well.
"Voltron stands against anyone who uses violence unjustly for their own selfish end," Lelouch informed indifferently.
"Selfish?!" Sawazaki shouted in offense, "I'm doing this for Japan!"
"Sawasaki! If this is for Japan, why did you run away to the Chinese Federation?!" Suzaku asked, activating a voice-only connection, "You should have stayed, for everyone's sake!"
"You're still a child!" Sawazaki shouted.
Lelouch sighed dramatically, "It seems words have no effect on you. Very well. Paladins, we're attacking the enemy command center!"
"Wha-what-!" was the final thing Sawazaki said as Zero cut off the connection.
"Form Voltron!"
"Lady Enneagram," a radio crackled, "Voltron's here! The Lions just converged."
"What?! Why aren't we attacking then?" she exclaimed.
"That's the thing, they appear to be fighting the Chinese Federation!"
"What…? That doesn't make any sense?" she muttered, "Why are they fighting on our side now?"
"Suzaku… you and Lelouch are…" Euphemia murmured in relief when she heard about Voltron appearing at the base.
"So that was the plan," Tohdoh said, as he and the rest of the Black Knights watched the footage from the Castle, "It was clear that the Lions were more than enough to take the base…"
"Still, we at least could have helped with Earth-bound Knightmares. Give them some sort of back-up!" Tamaki protested.
"Yeah, even I'll admit it feels weird to be fighting on Britannia's side…" Ohgi trailed off before Allura interrupted.
"You're misunderstanding," the Altean corrected, "Victory is not necessary in this case. But Voltron's participation in this battle is an undeniable truth. It's showing your planet and people exactly where Voltron stands in this war, and that is protecting your nation."
"And even if this battle isn't officially reported," Coran added, "Rumors will spread. By the time this is over, I'm sure the entire country will know about it."
"What's wrong with going to another country, then waiting for the right moment to strike?!" Sawazaki demanded as he rode in a military vehicle to escape the base that Voltron was currently tearing to pieces. A helicopter was waiting for him and General Tsao., "That's an effective strategy, isn't it?"
"We can set up a new line of defense at Kagoshima," Tsao suggested.
"Right. I appreciate your help," Sawazaki nodded as they finally approached the helicopter pad.
Before either of them could enter the helicopter though, Aka's head suddenly slammed down on it, destroying it completely. Sawazaki stumbled backward in shock as Voltron levitated directly in front of him and Tsao.
"Sawazaki, that's far enough!" Rai ordered from the Green Lion.
"You won't get away that easy!" Kallen shouted.
"Im-impossible!" Sawazaki stuttered in fear before falling to his knees, "They took the largest fortress in all of Kyushu, with hardly any effort?"
The sound of Knightmares and vehicles approaching was heard from below as Voltron turned to leave.
"I think Britannia can handle things from here," Milly stated.
"Right… let's go home," Lelouch ordered before the Paladins rocketed back into the sky, reunited once again.
Taking one more moment to adjust his armor for the hundredth time, Suzaku took a deep breath before walking steadily onto the bridge, where Allura, Coran, Nunnally, and the other Paladins waited for him.
Allura smiled softly as Suzaku approached from the opened door.
"Suzaku Kururugi, Paladin of the Purple Lion, Yoru, reporting for duty," he said with a bow.
"Welcome back, Suzaku," Allura smiled and handed his Bayard back to him, "I believe this belongs to you."
Suzaku took it, but the feeling of unease still remained. Yesterday, the team had made it clear that they wanted him here. But was he truly worthy as a Paladin?
"I'm grateful, Princess Allura," he said honestly, "but… despite all this, I still feel undeserving of this."
To his surprise, Allura approached and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up in surprise, "I'm not so sure. I don't know if you're already aware of this, Suzaku. But the Purple Lion's previous Paladin was my mother, Queen Melenor of Altea," Suzaku's eyes widened at this information, along with the rest of the team besides Lelouch, "In a way, she was much like yourself, every bit as stubborn as you are, while also putting the lives of others above her own. But, what made her truly stand out was how she always told me, that when you make a mistake, you can always find a way to redeem yourself no matter how grave your mistake was. You took the life of your own father, and I can't imagine what that must be like for you, but despite all your flaws and shortcomings, the Purple Lion chose you to be her Paladin for a reason; because it recognized the best in you, just as we all do."
Suzaku didn't know what to say, still trying to process this new revelation, so Allura continued.
"When I was a child, my father told me something. I didn't quite understand it back then, but now I do. The real test of honor is not how you die. It's how you live."
Suzaku gasped at this, before smiling, gratitude, and determination on his face, "I won't let you down."
Allura nodded, "I know you won't."
"Yay!" Nunnally cheered, before rushing to hug him again. Suzaku laughed as he gently hugged her back once more.
"All right! Welcome back!" Milly cheered.
"This ship has been way too boring without you Suzaku," Rai smiled.
"Eh… Yeah, I guess it was," Kallen shrugged, but a smirk was still present on her face.
"We've all missed you Number Two," Coran said, patting Suzaku on the back.
"Anyway, now that that's out of our system," Rivalz said, suddenly looking at Suzaku almost accusingly, "bro, why didn't you tell us you had a thing for Princess Euphemia?"
"Wh-" Suzaku sputtered and his face turned tomato red, "Wha-What are you talking about?!"
"You can't fool us, Suzaku," Rai grinned, "Plus, I may or may not have hacked into the Lancelot's communication system halfway through your little love confession. A pretty decent one too if you ask me."
Milly chortled, "So was that your plan to change the system? Marry into the royal family?"
Kallen continued smirking, shrugging again, "Well that does sound like a good idea on paper, but you know all those royal assholes would have a field day with that."
Rai chuckled, "Still, I'd love to see the looks on all their faces if Suzaku and Euphemia did marry."
"Guys!" Suzaku whined, covering his face to hide his blush. He felt absolutely mortified.
"Leave him alone, everyone!" Shirley scolded them, "He literally just got back and we're teasing him already?"
"Yeah!" Nunnally joined in before turning to Suzaku again, "You don't have to listen to them Suzaku, I think you and Euphie would be a great couple!"
"I have been curious to research a couple of Earth's marriage customs for a while," Coran added in, stroking his chin in thought, "If you're planning to propose soon, please inform me."
Though Coran hadn't meant to, this did elicit another round of chuckles from the group. Even Lelouch.
Suzaku sighed, but a smile was spread across his face as he looked up at them.
"It's good to be back."
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beyondtheglasswall · 4 years
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       I’m not sure when I started walking. I just know I am. 
       Where am I going? Somewhere. I know where I’m going, but I don’t. 
       What am I doing? I know what I’m doing, but I don’t.
       I just keep walking. I keep walking. 
       Around me, I can see machinery. All kinds of machinery. I’m not sure what it all is for a moment.
       The Soreil. I recognize these hallways. This is the Soreil. 
       ... What am I doing on the Soreil? My mind doesn’t sit on that thought for long. I’m still walking. 
       Before I realize it, I’m somewhere else. A city of technology--Felion. Then I’m somewhere else again. A city of ancient principles and culture--Tenryosara. I walk through the Sharl villages. I walk through the living areas for the people. I just keep walking, walking, walking--my conscious mind stops taking in my surroundings as I go.
       I’m not sure when it happened, but I stop walking. I start processing where I’m standing again. Maybe it’d have been better if I didn’t, because as soon as I do, I know I don’t want to be here.
       I’m standing on a metal walkway. Below me is a sea--the Flask Sea. It looks like water, but it isn’t. I know it isn’t. I can fully recall what it is.
       I know I shouldn’t. I know how horrifying the sight is, but I end up looking into the water anyways. There are things in the water. Sacks, floating in the water. Suspended by a cable so they won’t float to the surface. The sacks look about the size of a person, and that’s because they are. My gaze goes beyond the sack, and I can see what’s inside one. A person--I don’t know them. I never did.
       I knew they won’t drown in this sea; rather, they can’t. It wasn’t designed for that. This ‘water’ is a solvent. A solvent for the human soul. The longer a person’s in it, the more their soul slowly deteriorates. And from it...
       Something breaks past the water’s surface. I see it clearly--a Sharl. A newborn Sharl. Born from a human submerged in this solvent. I see it flutter off, like an infant wandering around for the first time. How many had this produced by now? How many more would they produce until they died? 
       All of that, underneath the water. If any of them awoke during it, for even a minute, what would they feel? Like they were drowning? Like someone was holding them under, until they couldn’t breathe? They’d feel like they were dying, but wouldn’t be allowed to.
       ... I feel sick. I don’t want to be here. I turn, and begin walking again. 
“Where are you going?”
       I stop. That voice... A part of me tells myself to not turn around. I turn around.
       I see a head of brown hair, with piercing eyes of the same color. In his usual attire, he stands tall, looking like a hero confronting a great evil. His deep, searing glare burns at me.
“Can’t stand looking at your own work?” I remember hearing that hatred from him. I almost can’t look at him. “Do you think you can walk away just because you have a guilty conscience?” 
       ‘It’s not like that.’ I say, but my tone doesn’t match my words.
“It is.” He starts walking towards me, fists clenched. “They didn’t get a choice--you think you should?”
       I involuntarily take a step back. ‘Delta, please.’ Listen to me. What happened at Felion, I didn’t know. It was out of my control. And when I realized, I did what I could to save them. We saved so many people--
“And what about the people you didn’t?”
       My blood freezes. Out of the corner of my eye, I feel like there are more sacks in the water than before.
       ‘I can’t save everyone. It’s not fair for me to expect myself to--’ 
       He comes to a stop, his foot stomping against the metal walkway. I hear the sound echo across the space around us. A few of the sacks bob idly, like balloons that had just been hit by a breeze.
“Don’t make excuses!” He’s shouting now. It feels louder than it is. My chest starts hurting. “You had me open the gate! I don’t care why or how, you did it! And as for that ‘we’ stuff...”
       I’m not sure when I realized I had it. I don’t think it was there to begin with. Something’s in my pocket now. I reach into it, pulling out something.
“That ‘terminal’ there. You used that to control me. There was no ‘we’ in any of this.”
       ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was doing then, but none of that matters now.’
“Like hell it doesn’t! You had to have known before we did! And you still kept going! Why?!”
       ‘It’s not that simple! We needed to do that! We needed to use Interdimend, or else--’
“Stop with the ‘we’! YOU didn’t need to do anything!!”
       ‘I DID!! If I hadn’t, everyone on the Soreil would have died! Cass, Nay, Kanon--they’d all have died! Everyone!’
“Stop pretending you did any of it for them!! You know exactly who you did it for!”
       ‘That isn’t--’
“You sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people! Innocent people! Men, women, children--and for what? For some girl who didn’t even know you?!”
       ‘We’d known each other for two years, you can’t just--’
“YOU knew HER! And you got it in your head you could help her, so you jumped in! It didn’t matter what risk there was--you just did it! And people paid the price, so that you could be the big hero--!!”
       Delta stumbles backwards, looking like he’d just been shocked. I didn’t realize I’d actually shouted. I realize the sea below is rippling, just from my voice alone. But Delta stands his ground. His teeth are gritted.
“You know it, don’t you. You can’t stand being called that. Because you know you aren’t one.” He starts walking towards me again. I didn’t see when he pulled them out, but now he’s holding the energy tonfas Sarly made. “You know exactly what you are.”
       ‘Delta. Please, stop. I don’t want to do this.’ 
       Earthes isn’t here. I can’t beat Delta in a fight. That should be the reason I’m backing away, but--
“You’re the same as them!”
       He’s running at me now. The tonfas converge together, forming a blade. He’s going to kill me. He’s going to kill me for everything. 
       Before I realize it, my hand’s instinctively raised. The terminal in my hands is on. And Delta freezes. 
       A puppet’s marionette strings are being pulled. It tugs against them, struggling to get loose and turn against the master holding them.
“I’ll never... give... up...!!”
       You said that last time. I remember. 
       The puppet keeps pulling. The strings can only give so much. The master can only let so much go before the puppet reaches him. 
“Agh... gah...!!” 
       Just give up already.
“Ggh... AAAAGH!!!!”
       I hear the strings snap.
       Something hits the floor. It’s Delta, but it isn’t. It looks like him, but it isn’t anymore. 
       It’s just a body. A puppet that cut its own strings.
       I stand there, looking down at it. I only just realize I’m shaking. I feel sick. I shouldn’t be able to stand, but my body isn’t letting me fall to my knees.
       It’s wrong. I’m nothing like them. Nothing like her.
“But you are. Aren’t you?”
       I don’t need to turn to recognize that voice coming from behind me. My body turns anyways. My eyes perceive her anyways.”
“Taking over someone’s body for your own reasons?” My eyes can’t reconcile the image. Her appearance seems to shift, going between someone who looks like Nelo and someone who looks like Prim. But I know it’s Arytha. “That sounds pretty much like what I did.”
       ‘It wasn’t! You came to this world to hurt people! I came to help them!’
“No, you came to help ‘Ion’, just like how I came to save my sister. And we both ended up hurting people, didn’t we?”
       I say something, but words don’t come out.
“Oh ,just give it a rest already. It isn’t just me who deserves punishment after all.”
       I keep trying to talk, but there’s no sound. Suddenly, I realize there are ‘things’ flying all around me--
“A few years in the Flask Sea sounds fair, huh?”
       I’m being grabbed from all sides. I struggle, trying to break free. I can feel myself being lifted off the ground. I’m panicking. I call out for help, but no one comes to help me. Arytha says something else, but I can’t hear it. I can’t even make out what’s around me at this point. I’m just being carried away.
       And then, I’m dropped. My body lands in ‘water’, and I go under.
       Panic fills every part of my body. This is it. This is how I’m going to die.
       I struggle, my instincts taking over. I flail my arms, trying to get above water, but I can’t. I feel like I’m being pulled under. Something starts wrapping around my legs. My lungs are burning. My arms keep flailing until something grabs them too. Something starts wrapping around me. I can’t keep holding my breath.
       I’m not sure why, but I my eyes start processing what’s around me.
       These other people in the sacks. I see Cass. Sarly. Shirotaka. Nay. Kanon. 
       I see everyone I knew on the Soreil. 
       ... I see Rin. I see everyone else I failed to save.
       Something covers my face. And as it does...
       I lose my breath.
       ... ... ...
       But I don’t drown. I just sit in the dark.
       I feel like I’m dying. But I can’t die.
       I just sit in this hell.
       ... Help.
       Someone, please help me.
       Someone, please!! 
       Please, help m--
       It was probably the longest gasp of breath he’d ever taken. He sat there, coughing for a few minutes in the silence around him. His mind wasn’t processing what was going on around him. He just needed air. There wasn’t anything in him except some spit, but he hacked liked he’d just been pulled out from the water.
“Dream... dream, dream... dream...”
       He said it, as though he were trying to convince himself. His breathing began to settle, but not by much. 
       He sat there for a few seconds, only listening to the ambient noise around him. He was by himself. 
       Maybe it was because he was by himself that he felt something begin to run down his face. Something wet. Coming from his eyes.
       Once he’d realized it, he couldn’t stop it.
       Takuya could only try and fail to hold it back as he began to cry to himself.
       He wasn’t going to be falling back asleep anytime soon.
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knybits · 5 years
A Murder of One
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Akiko learns to fight and not flee. 
Previous Chapter | Origin | Next Chapter
Akiko should have known shopping with Kanon would take forever. 
“Kanon, you’re too nice for your own good…” Akiko complains, dragging her bag through the town as the greet the villagers. 
Kanon is far too busy helping everyone with whatever small problems they may have, and it’s taking more than an hour for the two to just buy what they need and go. 
Luckily, the villagers are kind enough to give Kanon free produce whenever she’s done lending a hand. She’s even given some new chopsticks, rope, a basket for their things, and some bamboo.
Akiko just wants to go home. 
“You don’t have to stick with me, Akiko. If you need to go home that’s okay too,” Kanon smiles, and Akiko stubbornly takes her hand. 
Reverse psychology at its finest. 
Akiko’s eyes trail down to the hand that she holds, noticing how different it is from when she first met Kanon so long ago. 
A new memory makes its way into her head, one where Kanon is no longer overworked to the bone. Her hands are softer and they hold so much less than before. The pressure to take in the inn is long gone, but there's a sadness in her hands that Akiko has become accustomed to seeing. 
Psychologically, they hold more weight than before, and Akiko knows that she has to do something about it. She has to do something about Haruki’s condition. 
“Oh, there’s the medicinal shop,” Kanon points with her other hand. Akiko perks up and out of her stupor, eyes brightening at the idea of new bandages before she lets go of Kanon. 
The shop owner gives Akiko one glance before smiling, knowing the girl already and obeying her list of orders. Soon, Akiko’s filled her bag up with new supplies, and she’s excited to go home. 
Kanon is waiting outside for her, and when Akiko returns, the two set off to buy some more food for the estate. 
“Did you get carrots?” 
“Yes I got carrots for you.” 
Akiko can’t help but cheer in her head at the thought of carrots, but she suddenly has to shield her eyes when she’s blinded by the sunlight. 
Oh wait. 
“Kanon, the sun is setting,” Akiko points out, a bit worried albeit she doesn’t show her concern in case Kanon starts to panic too. 
Miruna caws overhead and the hair at the base of Akiko’s neck stands up, her body suddenly feeling cold. She swears that she can see a puff of cold air escape from her mouth, but she assumes this to be a figment of her imagination. 
Kanon frowns, shielding her face from the blinding sunlight. She can see how the setting sun reflects so vividly in Akiko’s eyes, and she has to blink out of her daze before nodding her head. 
“We have enough for the next few days,” she says, and Akiko nods her head too. 
The two girls start walking out of the massive village, waving good bye to the villagers and thanking them for their time. Akiko starts to sweat whenever a villager stops the two to talk to them, and she has to rush the conversation along to try and book it. 
Kanon has a disapproving look whenever Akiko cuts a conversation off so swiftly, and Akiko knows she’s being rude, but she isn’t about to be caught up in a demon attack with her small scalpels and a few good carrots to defend herself with. 
It doesn’t help that Miruna keeps circling the two girls. 
Every once in a while, Miruna caws and Akiko jumps ten feet into the air. Kanon sighs in exasperation when she feels Akiko clutch at the hems of her kimono. 
“I thought you weren’t scared of crows anymore,” Kanon says. Akiko is sitting under a tree now, her arms sore after carrying her bag. The moonlight barely graces her features, starlight kissing her eyes. 
Akiko groans to herself, rubbing at her flimsy arms to try and ease her pain before rolling her eyes at an observing Miruna. Miruna is just a shadow in the trees, but Akiko can see her crow clear as day. 
“I thought so too, but I saw Miruna the day before Kyoujurou died. Kanon, my eyes are cursed,” Akiko looks so guilty and Kanon can feel her heart break. 
She looks so small sitting under such a large tree. Like the bark could peel away and consume Akiko, and she wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight. 
She’s spiralling again, and Kanon is afraid the world will be sealed from her sunlit eyes forever. 
“We should go,” Akiko says curtly, pulling herself away from the tree and picking her bag up once again. Kanon snaps out her worried thoughts to solemnly nod at Akiko, and she can see her bursting at the seams. 
The walk back is quiet and Kanon doesn’t like leaving Akiko with her thoughts. 
Our citrine eyed heroine whips an arm out to stop Kanon from moving any further, her eyes narrowing in on a hunched figure a good distance from the two. 
“What’s wrong? Do you think that person is hurt?” Kanon asks, but what Akiko chokes out next makes her blood freeze. 
“That’s a demon.” 
The air is knocked out of Kanon’s lungs and Akiko screams. 
Now that it’s leering over Kanon’s face, Kanon can see the demon clearly. 
One big eye covers its face, and it begins to unhinge its jaw. Kanon can hear the tearing of flesh as it rips its jaw apart to start eating Kanon, but it suddenly snaps its jaw back into place to jump off of her. 
Akiko heaves heavily, and Kanon hears a loud thud by the side of her head. When she looks over, she sees a rather big rock, and it dawns on her that Akiko was the one to try and fight the demon. 
“Back…” Akiko pants, shoulders rising and falling likes waves, “the fuck off.” 
Kanon scrambles to her feet, tripping to Akiko’s side before glaring at the demon. 
Now that Akiko can see it under the dim light, she can see all its eyes blinking at her. 
Eyes, as in way more than three or four. 
Different colored eyes are littered around the demon’s body, and Akiko now knows why the demon evaded her rock with ease. 
She can see shades of fallen leaves and muddy swamp water, and there are speckles of weeds and sea water so deep it chokes you with fear. They blink sparingly and Akiko doesn’t know where to focus, her own sense of sight overwhelmed. 
“Your eyes…” A new voice enters Akiko’s mind. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard and a sharp pain punctures Akiko’s heart, the urge to just run away burning strongly. 
“Wh- What about them? What about my eyes?” Akiko back tracks to her bag, her eyes trained on the squinting demon as she slowly unclasps her bag. 
“So pretty… I want them.” 
The next thing Akiko sees are claws and teeth, and then she sees blood. 
It splatters across Akiko’s face and her topaz eyes dilate in shock. 
She has blood on her hands and stains on her blouse, but the blood isn’t even her own. 
The pinkette’s body is flung to a tree, her back hitting bark with a sickening crack that leaves Akiko speechless. The demon clicks its tongue in annoyance, licking the blood around its mouth with distaste. 
Akiko’s own blood boils and she sees red. Her fingers wrap around a random syringe within the bag, and she finds herself throwing it straight at one of the demon’s multiple eyes, and it finds its mark. 
It howls in pain, bleeding out of the injured eye and yanking the sharp utensil out to allow for itself to quickly heal. But Akiko’s already picked her weapon of choice, and she brings out her roll of scalpels and her bone saw. She also throws herself to the basket of items Kanon has, and she coils the long length of rope around her shoulder. 
Akiko can see the demon now. 
And not just in the dark. 
No, she can see the oxygen enter its lungs and its muscles flex. She can see its heart beat as if its some human being. 
But it’s a demon, less than the dirt under her nails and the scum under her feet. 
Akiko knows that Tanjirou would look at her with disdain for her dehumanizing idea, but she couldn’t care less right now. 
Its body is still so similar to a human’s, but it’s not. It’s so far gone, and Akiko can see the remains of humans in between its teeth. The eyes of its victim are a part of it now, and Akiko counts 16 pairs of eyes. 
16 human lives lost. 
Kanon and she would make 18. 
Akiko grips her shaking arm, trying so desperately to control her fear. She’s gulping it down and there’s so much to push away, and her scalpels don’t offer the same amount of confidence like they normally do. 
Because she’s not dealing with a human. She’s dealing with a demon. 
But the same idea stands. 
She’s saving a life. 
Akiko casts a wary gaze at the fallen Kanon, who continues to bleed out on the dirty forest floor. Kanon’s lungs fill with air too, and the blood is circulating to her brain, so Akiko can rest at ease, but she’s already lost a good half a pint of blood. 
“You’ve killed 16,” Akiko states, stopping her voice from shaking. She stabs the scalpel through one end of the rope, her eyes remaining on the demon. 
The demon blinks the blood away, and its finally healed back up. It growls dangerously at Akiko, but her will doesn’t falter. Because she’s not scared anymore. 
She’s mad. 
“So what?! I’m supposed to starve?! The prettier the eyes, the better they taste! But once they see too much, they lose all innocence, and the taste goes to shit! But you… Your eyes still glow so nicely, and your age is perfect…” A disgusting smile curls up. 
All 16 pairs of eyes can see the way Akiko changes her breathing, and Akiko can feel her muscles jump with heat. She feels stronger now, but she doesn’t have much time. 
Akiko hurls her scalpel, and it misses the demon, who dodges. What the demon doesn’t expect is for Akiko to leap straight at it, a menacing yell breaking free that almost scares the demon, but it blinks and jumps out of the way. 
Akiko wastes no time, hiding behind a tree then jumping out from the other side with another scalpel to swing at the demon. The demon has no time to react, side stepping easily and twisting its body every which way to evade her attacks. 
Akiko’s eyes blaze and burn through the night air, lighting a way through the dark that only she can see. Because while the demon has eyes everywhere, it doesn’t mean anything if there’s nothing to help it see a certain distance away. So its only choice for now is to evade attacks and manage a scratch or two at Akiko. 
Akiko feels sudden bursts of pain every once in a while, and she’s slowly becoming too tired to move quickly. She’s starting to lose blood too, but just another twist more… 
The demon leaps up when Akiko goes to kick it from below, and her eyes flick to the air in victory. 
It’s too late to realize Akiko plan, and the rope that Akiko has been weaving through trees tighten when she pulls, and its arms and legs are pulled away from its body. They hang in the air with no way to break free, the eyes on its wrist burning as it rubs against the ropes. 
Akiko listens to it grunt and roar to be let free, struggling against the prison it wove for itself. Akiko makes sure her hold on the rope is tight around her hand, and she walks over to the tree with the scalpel deeply embedding the other end of the rope. 
With a quick stab and another yank, the rope rubs against itself and works as its own pulley, bringing the demon down so that its feet barely touch the floor. It continues to struggle, but Akiko can see that it won’t be moving any time soon. 
Her hair sticks to her face thanks to the blood and sweat, and her hands are even more scratched up now thanks to the rope burns. There are tears at her hakama and blouse due to the demon’s claws, but Akiko is alive. 
She’s alive. 
She looks back down at her weapons, the three extra scalpels and bone saw in her hand. 
With unblinking eyes, Akiko can see her own reflection and takes it upon herself to go right ahead and behead the demon. She’ll cut its limbs off too, that way it’ll take longer to regenerate, but if she beheads it now then at least she can buy herself some more time in case the ropes snap. 
So she approaches the demon. Her stomach doesn’t turn looking at it anymore. There’s no more fear in her, just exhaustion. 
Akiko just wants to go back to saving lives her way. 
“Just give me your eyes! It’s your eyes that I want! Stop being so selfish and give them to me!!” The demon cries out much to Akiko’s annoyance. 
And then she begins to saw. 
It’s harder because the demon is high up in the air, but its body is tightly in place enough for her to cut away without as much trouble as she would have on the table. 
She has to use full concentration breathing again, and it’s much more difficult now since she’s already used it for a good amount of time. More time than her body has ever used it for, but she’s fighting for her life and there are no limits anymore. 
Akiko hits the trachea, the esophagus, a fountain of blood shoots out when she hits the carotid arteries, then she hits bone and she continues to work at it. The demon is screaming and begging for mercy now, eyes spiraling and the ropes starting to barely begin to break. 
She quickens her sawing pace, her mind only looking forward to dragging Kanon out of this god forsaken forest and onto the estate table so that she can begin her real work. 
One last sickening crack, and the demon’s head rolls off. 
Akiko blinks in shock when it crumbles to ash, and the body disappears too. 
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her character sheet will be out after next chapter! youll find out why then :,,) 
but anyway, YES to character development!! akiko is in no way well versed in fighting demons, and shes not an idiot to actively try to start a fight with one when shes face to face with one, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and akiko learns everything the hard way and adapts to her situations. 
please note that akiko didnt expect anyone to save her but herself :,,) she only thinks of tanjirou and not in a way where she wants him to be there for her, because she knows the reality of the situation is that shes the one that has to pull herself out of this bullshit. idk, i just thought id point that out :,,) 
please stay excited for the next chapter!! love you guys! 
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If Umineko characters were disney charas
Battler: Aladdin
"I can show you the world"
Loves to say things that will make him look cool but can't really promise anything without the help of others
Beatrice: Aurora & Maleficent
"I wonder" / "Stand back you fools!" (The uninvited guest)
The sweet and kind girl who hopes for a happy ending with her true love and fell asleep due to a "curse" (Aurora) and the wicked and powerful witch who, years later, took the kingdom's "interest" because of their "debt" by not inviting her at the party (Maleficent)
Sayo/Shannon: Snow White/ Cinderella
"Someday, my prince will come" / "No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true."
The "noble" who became a servant at young age and have the hostile presence of her co-workers and masters/"family" and instead of having human friends, she has "other types" of friends who helped her
Sayo/Kanon: Mulan
"Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?" / "Why is my reflection someone I don't know?"
When all your life you actually thought you're a girl but you think you might actually be a boy so you pretended to be one but deep inside you know that you really just want to be your real self—but you can't.
Jessica: Merida
Just want to be free from her mom and her freaking responsibility as the next heir of Ushiromiya lineage
Eva: Belle/ Mother Gothel
"I wanted more than I can tell" / "Mother knows best"
Only because she is also bookish, and people in her era makes fun of her for going to college for being a woman, despite of being smart (Belle), and always gives shitty ideas to his son as she was raising him (Gothel)
Bernkastel: Ursula
"Poor unfortunate souls"
Tricks people, as she enjoys when she crushed them when she gives false hope
George: Milo Thatch
"Oh, my decision? Well, I-I think we've seen how effective my decisions have been."
Smart glasses dude, funny and awkward, trying hard (at some point)
Kuwadorian Beatrice: Rapunzel/Moana
"When will my life begin" / "See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me"
Lambdadelta: Fairy God mother
Natsuhi: Lady Tremaine
Rufolph: Gaston, I guess
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bands-of-three · 6 years
If you want, can you do Kanon x Misaki x Kokoro? If you do then thank you!
• Kanon and Misaki are always worried about Kokoro because she ends up in dangerous situations most of the time and honestly how is their girlfriend so oblivious about it
• They help Kanon step out of her comfort zone without putting too much pressure on her part. Kanon appreciates the effort.
• Misaki felt so much emotions inside her when Kokoro declared that she loves her more than Michelle. 
• Kokoro can always make her gfs blush easily. Misaki gets suspicious sometimes because any time, Kokoro can blackmail them.
• They like dressing up Kanon. But at the same time, they always compliment on how she looks gorgeous in any particular outfit. 
• They like hanging out on the bridge in the park. To them, it’s their world. They could talk about anything and everything whilst watching the sunset.
• But their favorite dates always take place in the aquarium. They would watch the fish together (while Kokoro’s face is glued to the glass), admire the penguins, and then try to touch a starfish. They never eat at the seafood restaurant, though because to them, eating there would be betraying those sea creatures they’ve met.
• Misaki made Kokoro a jellyfish plushie and Kanon a penguin plushie one time. She didn’t even need to give it because they already saw it in her locker. They took it and left notes of thanks.
• Kokoro got them matching rings, not thinking about the outcome to this. Kanon fainted and Misaki blushed furiously and was so speechless. But they wear it, anyways. It isn’t just because Kokoro gave them such. It’s because $10000 per ring is already big news to them.
• It’s hard to get Kokoro to smile again when she’s feeling down. Kanon and Misaki did EVERYTHING just to make her happy again. It wasn’t until a week later that them fake acting as broken husband and wives sent Kokoro into tears and laughter.
• At night, they talk about things that involve human existence, the world, and topics that are too deep to even be discussed. Misaki and Kanon appreciate Kokoro’s insights because they aren’t just full of optimism. They’re full of the reality they’re living in which makes them want to see more of Kokoro’s human side.
•  They ended up joining Kokoro’s astronomy club. Stargazing dates, anyone?
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eachainn · 8 years
I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but life got in the way and so I’m carving out the time now. Follow up to the Dawn of Wyverns AU and for the lovely @touchreceptors. General warnings are for A/B/O dynamics.
Schneizel was woken up by three things in quick succession.
The first was a knock on his door, followed closely by the heavy wooden door creaking open.
The third was Kanon throwing himself bodily on top of him.
Schneizel grunted as Kanon landed on him, just barely pressing his head back into the pillow in time to avoid the knife that Kanon drew. He stared at the dark shape above him, feeling more than hearing the low, rumbling growl that came from the alpha.
He allowed himself a moment to glory in it before he turned his head to look back at the person standing in the half shadows by his door. “This is a surprise, Lelouch.”
His younger brother slipped further into the room, Schneizel sure that Lelouch was glaring at Kanon, not that Schneizel could blame him. Then again, he wasn’t about to blame Kanon from his reaction. There had been too many assassination attempts for him to order Kanon to stop. Besides, there was something more animal in him that enjoyed behind pressed down against the bed. There was no one that dared challenge him outside of his bedroom, and Schneizel didn’t dare allow it. If people believed that the Hand of the King could be swayed then Schneizel was sure that everything would start to fall apart. 
After all, Charles had made it perfectly clear that he didn’t care about in intricate workings of the empire, just as long as it didn’t interfere with his religions and his war.
He sighed and reached up to push on Kanon’s shoulder. Kanon’s growl deepened for a moment before he gave in and rolled away. Schneizel could hear him rustling on the other side of the bed, but he ignored the sound in favor of grabbing a robe from the floor and wrapping it around himself.
He slid out of bed, looking over at where Lelouch was circling his desk. Schneizel narrowed his eyes but didn’t rush to cover anything. That would make Lelouch more suspicious. Besides, he was sure that the light was too dim for Lelouch to see anything.
Schneizel walked over to lean against the desk, watching as Lelouch immediately turned to face him. One of his arms was slung over his stomach, Lelouch drumming his fingers against it for a moment before he let go of that arm and pulled something from the pouch he wore on his belt. There was a rustle, Schneizel narrowing his eyes. He gave up trying to see in the dark and leaned over to light a candle. 
It took a moment of him fumbling around in the dark to light the candle, Schneizel blinking rapidly in the light. He pushed away from the desk, watching as Lelouch leaned over to set the paper down. Schneizel took the chance to look over Lelouch, frowning when he saw that his half brother wasn’t in his usual finery. If that wasn’t enough of a hint, then the fact that he was at Pendragon out of season was enough.
He cocked his hip against the desk, not really reading the paper. Instead, he looked Lelouch up and down before clearing his throat. “Traveling.”
“I had to get here.” The words were strangely defensive, Schneizel raising an eyebrow. Lelouch held himself tense for a moment before leaning forward to brace himself on the desk.
He stayed there for a moment before shaking his head. “I’m not going to beg, but I do need your help. It’s about Nunnally.” Lelouch paused to take a deep breath. “You’ve heard about the marriage arrangements.”
It wasn’t a question, and Schneizel would have been insulted if it was. But that didn’t stop him from frowning and drumming his fingers against the table.
The talks about Nunnally’s marriage had been quiet, suspiciously so. Schneizel was sure that Charles was arranging it just to get rid of an extra child and to get her out of the line of succession. That it would annoy Lelouch was a bonus.
Schneizel hummed to himself, leaning over to look at the document that Lelouch had brought with him. He raised an eyebrow, leaning closer as he started to read over it. It was a simple enough request, something that he was often brought to him as Hand of the King, but it was usually during the day time.
He reached out to drag his fingers over a certain line, looking back up at Lelouch. “You want to split your hereditary lands.”
His brother shrugged. “I have more than enough. After all, Mother managed to get so much from Father and from the marriages into her family. It will take some of the pressure off of my back.”
“And it gives Nunnally Tintagel.” Schneizel laughed and rocked back onto his heels, watching the smile cross Lelouch’s face. “Father has read his history.”
“But does he remember it?”
Schneizel huffed, but didn’t bother to answer. If their father didn’t know, then he would find it out when he tried to move forward. 
Splitting his lands between himself and Nunnally was a smart move, especially since all of Marianne’s lands had gone to her firstborn upon her death. He had never expected Lelouch to leave Nunnally with nothing, but he had never expected a division. There were disadvantages, like the influence that Lelouch would have in court, but that wouldn’t matter for Lelouch.
The more interesting thing was the way that Lelouch had divided the land, although he could see why. It was a brilliant move, one that would frustrate their father to no end. But it would leave him exposed.
Schneizel drummed his fingers against the table before shaking his head. “I would have opposed the marriage. It serves no purpose.”
“But would that be enough?” Lelouch shook his head. “I never intended to leave my sister at the mercy of Fortune’s whims just because she had the bad luck to be born second. Besides, having Tintagel makes her safe. Father can’t take back William’s decree, not unless he wants the center of his kingdom rising up against him.”
Schenizel could only nod. Focused on the wars of expansion or not, Charles would notice if an entire section of his kingdom rose up because their ancient right to self rule was repealed. Schneizel wasn’t even sure if Parliament would allow Charles to do that, not when they would risk civil war.
The lands around Tintagel had risen up many times before, and always when a king had tried to force their hands. They hadn’t had to carry out the threat after the first time, when Britannia had nearly become a fractured kingdom, the threat was enough now.
Schneizel hummed to himself, turning away from his desk as he turned the idea over in his mind. 
People had been furious when Marianne had gotten the rights to the land, but the anger had disappeared when Lelouch had inherited the lands. No one had been annoyed by him simply because they weren’t afraid that he would throw his influence around, especially because Lelouch preferred to remain at his main household in the Aries Villa.
As far as he could see, people would have even less of a problem with Nunnally as the Lady of Tintagel. She was already well respected in her lands, and she seemed to get far better results from them than any of the other lords of Britannia. It would be a good choice, and it would save her from a horrible marriage. Better still, it would mean that the Lady of Tintagel will owe him, which was a good position to be in considering Charles’ current focus.
He glanced over at Kanon, getting a sleepy blink in response. Schneizel smiled at him and motioned for his aide to go back to bed. Kanon shook his head, obviously trying to draw himself up into the proper form. 
Schneizel sighed and turned back to look at Lelouch, trying to figure out where Lelouch was going with his offer. 
It was very likely that Lelouch was just doing this for Nunnally, but Schneizel was sure that Lelouch would have approached him differently. The division of his lands wasn’t urgent, not when they both knew that Charles had other things occupying his attention. Schenizel would have pushed the request through no matter what time he got it, and Lelouch would have known that. It was all a matter of what Lelouch wanted from this obvious disadvantage.
He narrowed his eyes, studying Lelouch for a moment before sitting down in his chair. He reached forward to grab his quill, stopping himself before he could pull it free from where it rested. “And what do you get out of this Lelouch?”
“What?” Lelouch jumped, Schneizel raising an eyebrow at the nervous action. 
His little brother was usually better at hiding his tells. In the court it was often a matter of life and death. Even if they were on good terms, it was just bad bargaining. 
Schneizel tapped the edge of his quill against the inkwell, not letting the tip drop in. “You have better things to do than wake me up in the middle of the night. So, what do you want?”
Lelouch stared at him, Schneizel watching him way in place. Lelouch looped an arm over his stomach again, straightening his back and giving Schenizel a glare. That looked more like the Lelouch that he knew, but it wasn’t enough to mollify him. 
Schneizel tapped the quill against the side of the ink pot again, smiling when Lelouch finally gave in.
“It’s less of what I want and what I can do for you.”
“Go on.”
“It’s no secret that the talks with Ashigaru went badly.” Schneizel gave Lelouch a long look at that, but he didn’t interrupt. Lelouch nodded at him before taking a deep breath. “Father might not have noticed, but we need them, if not against the Chinese Federation than against the lords who hold land across the sea. They’ve started to refuse to return when the emperor calls and I heard enough rumors to believe that they’re plotting to throw us into a war with  Avrupa, and I’m sure that most of the lords here will not support Father.”
Schneizel remained silent, because there was a no point in correcting information that they both knew to be true. 
Lelouch swayed in place before pacing over to the window to look out of it. He must not have seen whatever he was looking for because he turned away to start pacing by the windows. 
“I’m aware that father will be less than pleased with me for what I’ve done, which is why it might be best for me to be out of the country. Besides, what other ambassadors do you have? No one currently is even competent in the language except for me. And no one really bothered to interact with them because they saw the way that Father was going. If you sent anyone there, you would lose a year or two on them just getting acclimated to the country.”
“What do I get if I send you?”
“Someone competent for one, and not tied to Father’s agenda.” Lelouch paused to look back at him, Schneizel waving a hand to award Lelouch his point. 
Lelouch grinned at him before turning to keep pacing. “You’ll be sending a prince, which is a show of great respect and trust, especially after what happened before they left. I can get you a firm alliance with them.” When Schneizel didn’t immediately respond, Lelouch strode across the room to lean on the desk. “If you do this for me, I’ll make sure that you have a firm and lasting alliance with Ashigaru within six months.”
Schneizel stared at Lelouch before ducking his head and scrawling his signature across the bottom of the decree. He blew on the wet ink before lifting the paper up to show Lelouch. When Lelouch nodded, he set the paper back on his desk, reaching over for his seal and wax. 
He kept his gaze on what he was doing until he was warming the wax over the candle he had lit. The time held waiting allowed him to watch Lelouch as his younger brother squirmed. 
Schneizel pressed his lips together, but he didn’t bother to chastise Lelouch. Worried and rushed or not, he should have expected Lelouch to be ready to go whether or not Schneizel agreed to his plan. Schneizel would have been surprised if Lelouch hadn’t had a second plan to give Nunnally half of his lands in case Schneizel didn’t agree to help him. 
If that was the case then his appeal in the middle of the night was part of the plan.
He gave Lelouch an annoyed look before he poured his wax onto the paper. He pressed the seal of the Hand of the King into the wax, probably leaning a bit too heavily on it, but the seal was a sturdy thing. It was more important to give Lelouch an intimidating look, not that he thought that it would actually work. Still, it was the effort that counted and the fact that he could make Lelouch squirm a little longer.
Schneizel lifted his seal up from the wax, barely glancing down at it before transferring the paper to the pile on the side of his desk for collection in the morning. He raised his eyebrows, nodding at Lelouch. “I’ll hold you that that six months.”
“I’ll do it.”
Schneizel sighed and sat back in his chair, staving off a yawn as he waved Lelouch onward. “Go on. The tides should be going out in an hour. It would be a shame if you missed your chance.”
Lelouch nodded and turned on his heel, walking out of the room. Schneizel held himself in his carefully put together position until he heard the door slide back into place, then he slumped back in his chair with a groan.
He glanced at the candle, debating if he should take it as a sign and try to finish off some of the work he had hanging. He had barely started considering it when he felt Kanon rest a hand on his shoulder. 
Kanon’s hand didn’t linger too long in place before it slid to the back of his neck, Schneizel practically purring as Kanon rubbed circles into the tight muscles there. “Back to bed.”
It should have been a question, but Kanon didn’t bother to make it one. Schneizel was too used to Kanon’s manner to be offended. Besides, he would have been a hypocrite to lecture Kanon on it when he had been the one to encourage it in the first place. It was better to accept it with a nod and lean back into Kanon’s fingers.
He heard Kanon laugh, the pressure increasing slightly. Schneizel was sure that he made a noise of approval at that, but he was too busy enjoying the touch to care. In the confines of his room he could allow himself to let himself relax a little. The only one that could possibly judge him was Lelouch, but his brother had no room to talk.
Schneizel took a deep breath, wrinkling his nose at the faint scent that Lelouch had left behind. It was familiar in a way, but there was something wrong enough to make him notice. Then again, it could have been the stress of setting all of his plans in motion, or Lelouch’s upcoming heat. 
He didn’t have the schedules of all his siblings memorized, there were far too many for that. But he did have a good idea of about when they would happen, which made Lelouch’s move very desperate indeed if he was thinking about traveling during his heat.
Schneizel breathed out, trying to get the scent out of his nose. He was still turning the strangeness of it over in his mind when Kanon moved away.
He opened on eye, hoping to let Kanon know that he did not approve, but the man was already looking over at the document that Lelouch had brought with him.
Kanon played with the edge of the page before shaking his head. “Lelouch must be confident in himself if he’s promised six months. It will take at least three months for him to get to Ashigaru. Unless he can work a miracle, he’ll use up his six months trying to get into the shogun’s good graces.”
“He knows the shogun’s son...intimately.”
Kanon chuckled, shaking his head. “Still, that’s almost too much, even for Lelouch.” Kanon gave the paper one last look before turning and walking back to the bed. “What will you do if he fails?”
“Nothing.” Schneizel waved a hand lazily. “I might make him write a few more reports than necessary, but he’s doing me a favor. There’s no need to punish him for that. Besides, I can expect a firm and lasting alliance from him anyway, even if it does take a few years. I believe Kururugi Suzaku is quite smitten with Lelouch and vice versa. If Lelouch moves as fast as he can, we might get a little dynasty set up over there in two years. Considering how they were before, maybe less.”
Schneizel got up from his chair, stretching his arms over his head. He felt Kanon’s gaze sweep approvingly over him, Schneizel smiling at the attention. Both of them were too tired for anything else, but the appreciation was always welcome. 
He leaned over to blow out the candle before walking over to the bed, leaning his shoulder against one of the posts. He glanced back at the door to see if it was shut before stripping out of his robe and letting it fall to the ground.
Kanon made a sleepy noise of approval, Schneizel shaking his head and coming around the other side of the bed. Kanon was already partially sprawled over the covers and looking half asleep. Schneizel reached out to comb his fingers through Kanon’s hair before he fell sideways into bed.
He nuzzled into his pillow, a stray thought making him smile. Schneizel lifted his head just enough that he wouldn’t be muffled by his pillow. “It’s almost a shame. Lelouch had everything worked out nearly perfectly, but he’ll get there after his heat. He could have used that to his advantage.”
Schneizel chuckled to himself, stopped when he saw Kanon sit bolt upright. He watched Kanon take a few deep breaths before the man shook his head. “It’s not heat.”
“Lelouch doesn’t smell like heat.” Kanon seemed to struggle for words for a moment before he rubbed at his nose. “Heat is thicker. This is lighter? It reminds me of my sister.”
Schneizel pushed himself up, trying to run through what he knew about Lelouch even as he continued the conversation. “Your sister?”
“Yes, back when she was...”
Kanon trailed off and gave him a stricken look, Schneizel sure that his own expression matched it as he came to the same conclusion.
Lelouch had given up too much of his advantage, casually throwing things away that Schneizel would have given him anyway. Schneizel thought that he was just getting the better end of the deal, even with the outrageous time that Lelouch had proposed. The outrageously suspicious time.
After all, a marriage would just formalize an alliance, but a child would secure it.
Schneizel groaned and flopped back onto the pillows, slinging an arm over his face. 
Lelouch had managed to beat him again.
Ashigaru - The fictional equivalent to Japan Avrupa - The fictional equivalent to the EU in the Code Geass universe.
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blank-ace · 3 years
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@cojick made me watch Luca and now I’m stuck re-designing Kanon for the 5th time sldkfajlsjk
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regina-del-cielo · 8 years
Kanon and Saga :U plz
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
Gemini Saga
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his devotion, his life revolves around Athena and Athena alone even when he’s bad, it’s… amazing.worst quality: HE’S SO SAD THAT IT TEARS MY HEART OUT TO THINK ABOUT HIM OK? How do you deal with so much angst and dramah?!ship them with: Aiolos, sometimes Katya in the case of Saintia Shobrotp them with: Aiolos (again), Kanon (duh), to some extent the Trash Trio tooneeds to stay away from: his own thoughts, I think? Like, he probably gets too much involved in his own ideas and plans and idiosyncrasies… this man needs a vacation, seriously.misc. thoughts: Saga is so complex, I want to hug him tight and yet I want to smack him behind the head… he did many bad things and had too many twisted ideas - and selfish also - but then he starts crying and I go ‘NO BABU DON’T IT’S ALRIGHT’
Sea Dragon/Gemini Kanon
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his strategic genius and his ability to change and redeem while remaining consistent with himself… I’m not sure many people in his situation would be capable to make a 180° turn in their loyalties like he did with Athena, while remaining the same person with the same ‘lone wolf’ character.worst quality: bitter as fuck, literally doesn’t give a shit about other people, probably needs an injection of empathy.ship them with: Rhadamanthys, Milo (:3)brotp them with: Saga (haha), Milo, Aiolia, Rhadamanthys (again, I know)needs to stay away from: world domination conspirancies, and the deep web probably - somebody could take ideas from him! XDmisc. thoughts: Kanon is an idiot and I love him too much for my own good - he’s a little shit, but then you think that he did suffer and the angst spikes up… and I just want him to reconcile with Saga and be happy and loved and cuddled!
Thanks for the ask, Xoco! :**
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rla1994 · 6 years
Chapter 8, and Happy Valentine’s Day!
I don’t know what to say except that i hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
I just wanted to say: In my last chapter, I made a Disney reference. Let’s see if you can find it. (;
I don’t own anything.
Rhadamanthys flew over the icy plains that covered most of the North of the Heavens. He searched around for the familiar blue of his lover.  He’d been searching for a few agonizing hours now. He could feel the cold inside him getting worse and worse. If he didn’t find him soon, Kanon would die. He would not be able to handle that. Losing not only his lover, but also his potential bond-mate. His mind would shut down to spare him from the pain. Especially so early in the developing of their bond. Kanon had probably not even noticed it. He had to find him fast. Not just to save him, but if he didn’t find the fallen fast, the demon would not have enough energy to and protect them from the cold, and fly them away. He accelerated his search. In his frantic search, he almost missed the streak of blue among the ice and snow that covered the plains. He descended and landed right next to the angel. “Kanon!” The demon yelled. He quickly ran and knelled next to his lover. He carefully touched him before taking his hand back. He was freezing. He sneaked his arms around the other’s fragile body before standing up and cradling him against his chest. Rhadamanthys extended his wings and took off into the sky, enveloping them in his energy to protected from the cold and the wind. He slowly warmed the ice-cold body in his arms careful not to do it to fast. 
The judge’s energy depleted fast and soon he was forced to land in a nearby human city. He used a bit of his power to force Kanon into his girl form and wrapped the sleeping girl’s arms around his neck. They looked like a couple, a boyfriend carrying his exhausted girlfriend back home. Rhadamanthys made his way to a nearby hotel and asked them for a room. Grateful that the receptionist did not ask any questions, he followed the human to a two-persons room. It had an attached bathroom as well as small balcony that offered a beautiful view. Nodding to the employee, the demonic general laid his lover on the queen-sized bed in the centre of the room. He continued to warm her body with his energy. He used that opportunity to observe her. She had shoulder-length wavy blue hair. She had a slim and perfect figure. Her tone was pale, but it could be, and most likely was, due to her still freezing body. 
Slowly, her body warmed up. He had left the underworld in the late afternoon, it was now morning again. When she finally woke up, the sun was already high in the sky. She blinked her dark blue eyes open. Her vision was filled with golden worried eyes. The girl sighed and sat up, waving her lover’s hands away. She leaned back against the headboard and waited for the interrogation to begin. “What were you thinking?” And there it was. “You could have died! Had I not found you, who knows what could have happened!” Now that she thought about it. “How did you find me?” She interrupted him. The demon stilled and turned away from her. “Rhadamanthys?” Now it was her turn to be worried. It was not like him to hide things, especially not from her.
He stood up and walked to the windows. His suspicions had been correct: she could not feel the bond yet. Demons had always been more sensible to them. He took a deep breath. “I felt it through our bond.” He explained. By the look on her face, he could tell that she understood exactly what he meant by that. “But I don’t feel anything!” For some reason, she was distressed. She crawled back and nearly fell off the bed. “It’s not complete yet.” She stood up and started panicking. Oh my god. This could not be happening. They could not be forming a bond. It would compromise her plans.  “No,no,no,no. We have to stop this.” She shook her head and backed away to the opposite wall when the demon walked towards her. Rhadamanthys frowned. “Why are you so against it? You know we can’t break it nor can we stop it.” 
He was standing in front of her now. He grabbed her chin and lifted her head. “What are you so afraid of?” He asked gently. Her eyes were troubled. As they were extremely close, the demon pushed through their bond to read her thoughts. It was risky to do it no matter how strong the bond was. The bond could easily break under the pressure, especially with uncompleted ones. He didn’t push to much, only catching snippets of her thoughts. What he heard was enough though. 
He stepped away in shock. “You’re the one who took Aiacos’s memories.” It was his turn to be shocked. How could she do it? They were allies! How could she betray them like this? 
Kanon reassumed his male form. He looked his lover in the eyes and could see the immense betrayal the other felt. “Please let me explain. I had no other choice.” The fallen pleaded. He raised his hand and touched the demon. The next moment Kanon was laying on the ground, Rhadamanthys holding him down.
“You betrayed us! You betrayed me!” The demon yelled. “I trusted you! How could you do this? I thought you loved me.” His voice was but a silent breath at the end of his rant. It was like his love for the angel was leaving him. Kanon pushed and rolled them around to be on top. “I had no other choice! He knew too much already! I couldn’t let him leave while he knew that Saga was my twin.” The sea dragon paused to breathe. He spoke calmly. “Saga may have casted me out but his still my brother, my twin. I can let him die. Not if I can do something to stop him.” His voice was shaking. It was the first time he had told someone of his plan. He hadn’t even realized he needed it. Tears began to fall as he went on. “I know that Saga isn’t in his right mind. I believe someone is controlling him. Putting him on trail in front of Zeus just because he wronged me is not the solution. I know it. So please don’t tell anyone and trust me. Just one more time.” Kanon rested his head against his lover's chest. Silence filled the room. Slowly, Rhadamanthys sat them both up, Kanon sitting on his laps. He cradled the younger one against him and ran a hand through his hair. He whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me? You can trust me, you know that. If you want me to trust you, you have to trust me.” 
They looked at each other’s eyes. Ocean blue met melted gold. They didn’t know who leaned in first, but the next thing they knew, their lips met. It started in a slow languid kiss before escalating in a passionate and feverish kiss. The demon was pushed back on the ground as their cloths came off one by one, and the high noon sun fell into the night.
Kanon woke up in the middle of the night. His head laid on the demon’s chest, their arms wrapped around them both. They were naked spare for a fin blanket. The fallen stood up and dressed himself. He took a deep breath and summoned the small glass bottle that contained the asphodel petals. He concentrated his energy. He wavered. He couldn’t do it. Of course not, they were bonded. The bond would-. He shook his head. What was he thinking? The bond had nothing to do with it. He just couldn’t bring himself to hurt Rhadamanthys, no matter the way. And taking away their first night, even if it meant taking away what the other knew, he just couldn’t. He turned away. “Guess I know why you couldn’t kill me, Saga. Or did you stop whoever controls your body? I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. After all, you always were the more level-headed one of us two, the smarter one, the better one. Always the one who would think before doing anything. Compared to me, they thought of you like a god, a messenger from Athena even. And yet, you are the one who currently holds their lives in your hands, ready to take them away at the smallest sign of disobedience. And I’m at the head of a world, I who abhorred responsibilities and rules above all else. Here I am, enforcing them. And now, I’m about to commit the cruellest crime in all the worlds, I’m about to kill my twin.” He looked at Rhadamanthys again. “I guess this is the closest to happiness that I get.”
He breathed in deep and closed off his emotions again. He focused back onto his mission. He needed to find a way to prevent Rhadamanthys from telling the others without hurting him. He made the bottle disappear when he got an idea. That was it! He would just prevent him from leaving the room. He gathered his energy and spread it across the room, enveloping it entirely. With Rhadamanthys out of the way, -god, why did it hurt to say that? - he moved on with his plan. He had everything he needed. 
The passage way into the Heavens. He looked at his right arm.
The way to end this. He raised the knife he had scaled the highest peak in the Heavens for.
And the most important object, the urn he needed to separated Saga and the one controlling him. He had risked his life for it two days before. He would have died had Rhadamanthys not found him.
He closed his eyes. Yep, he still had enough energy. 
He teleported to the entrance of the Heavens. There were not guards. He walked up the hill. Nobody stopped him, nobody saw him. the atmosphere was heavy. It was as if everybody knew something grave was about to happen. Kanon walked through the twelve guardian houses. He stopped in front of the throne room. He could feel Saga inside, waiting for him. He pushed the doors open. 
And done! Okay so I know I’m two days late for Valentine’s Day but shhh! And besides, I gave you a nice present, huh? A full Kanon x Rhadamanthys chapter! Oh, and just so you know I will NOT be writing lemon. If someone wants to okay, I can even link it but I, myself will not write it.
Ao3 link below:
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