#they went “another??” when mccoy showed up and I had to tell them that yeah that is one of the popular ships as well
randomaj · 4 months
Got two of my friends to watch Amok Time during class today. And they spent a good half of the episode saying "MAN there is so much romantic tension, when are they going to kiss??".
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hummingbird-of-light · 7 months
In Our Favor
Part 99
“Where’s your other half?” Jim asked.
McCoy shrugged. “Not sure,” he answered as he stabbed another bite of salad. “His class before lunch is something engineering. He probably got caught up on something.”
Lunch continued around them. McCoy kept a stealthy eye on Aporal, who had joined them again, but the Andorian hadn’t done or said anything so far that could be a show of interest in Jaylah. McCoy felt slightly disappointed at that.
When Sulu and Chekov stood up together McCoy was surprised to discover lunch was nearly over and Scotty still hadn’t appeared. Worry went through him and quietly he tapped his ring.
“Wow,” Chekov said and McCoy looked up. “He’s not going to have much time to eat.” McCoy followed Chekov’s gaze and saw Scotty hurrying through the food line.
“I know! I know!” Scotty waved a hand at Jim opening his mouth to comment as Scotty quickly sat down.
“Guess we’ll see you at dinner then,” Jim said to Scotty as most of the friends got up.
“Where have you been Montgomery Scotty?” Jaylah asked.
Scotty shook his head at her. He had stuffed a large bite of sandwich into his mouth. McCoy wanted to know where his husband had been too. Something was worried on Scotty’s face and that made McCoy’s anxiety rise.
“Don’t be late because of me love,” Scotty said after swallowing. McCoy and Cora were the only ones still sitting. “I’ll tell ye later.” He took another bite and finished off the sandwich half he had been holding.
McCoy bit his lip as he looked at Scotty. Something had happened and he wanted to know what. But he knew Scotty was right; he needed to get to class.
“Ok,” he said slowly. He stood and squeezed Scotty’s shoulder with the hand not carrying his empty tray.
“You sure you don’t want company?” Cora asked Scotty.
“I’m fine,” Scotty said, through another bite. “I’ll be done in a minute and on my way to class too.”
“Heading to class?” a voice asked next to McCoy. He startled slightly and looked over to see Eugene.
“Yeah,” he answered. “Just gotta take care of this.”
“Hey Scotty,” Eugene greeted him. Scotty nodded back, his mouth full again.
“Bye guys,” Cora said as she came back to pick up her bag.
“Seeya,” McCoy said. Cora headed the opposite way out of the dining hall.
“So, uhh, who was that?” Eugene asked as he and McCoy walked to class.
“Who was…? Huh?” McCoy asked. His mind was still stuck on Scotty and why he’d been late. Keenser and Jaylah and Aporal had all been on time, what had delayed Scotty? Had another teacher gotten him in trouble?
“The girl sitting with you guys.”
McCoy gave his head a shake to clear his thoughts and looked over at Eugene. A hint of color was climbing his face.
“There’s a bunch of girls that sit with us, which one?”
“The last one,” Eugene said. “The one who was taking care of her tray when I came over.”
“Cora? What about her?”
“Oh. Umm, nothing,” Eugene said. “Nevermind.”
Eugene had definitely colored. McCoy grinned.
“First it was Chris and now it’s Cora?” he teased.
“What? No!” Eugene protested. “Ok,” he said after a moment. “I’ve noticed her around.”
“She is cute,” McCoy said, watching his words make Eugene blush again.
“How are you friends with all these beautiful girls?” Eugene demanded playfully.
McCoy shrugged. “I’m a prince?” He laughed as Eugene rolled his eyes. “Want me to introduce you?”
“Yeah,” Eugene said. “If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Come join us at dinner. I’ll save you a seat,” McCoy smiled.
Part 100
"Lt. Hamilton! Sir! I need to talk to ye! It's important!"
Scotty was glad to find one of the security people investigating in Aporal's case. The man turned around when he heard the familiar voice. He was instantly alerted by the sound of worry in it.
"What's wrong, cadet?"
Scotty looked around. There weren't any other students around but he still didn't want to have this talk in a corridor.
"Can we go somewhere private? I don't want anyone to hear what I have to tell ye."
Hamilton gave him a nod and they quickly walked into a close by room.
"Your name was... Scott-McCoy, right?"
Scotty gave him a nod, his body still trembling from what he had heard.
"A-aye, sir."
"Is this about Mr. Tallister's case?" Hamilton asked, his face showing just how serious the situation was treated.
"Aye. But... it's turning into something bigger!"
Scotty pulled out his comm and with shaking hands opened the record.
"I... I accidentally overheard a talk Francis Kinnear and his friends had and-"
Scotty stopped when he saw a strange look in Hamilton's eyes. The man sighed.
"Francis Kinnear has an alibi for the night when it happened. His uncle told us that he was helping the boy study for a test."
"That's nonsense! The admiral is lying!"
Scotty knew that he shouldn't talk like that about a superior officer *in front of* a superior officer, but he wouldn't let Francis get through with everything.
"Watch your mouth, cadet!"
"But he is!"
Without another word, Scotty played the record he had made.
Hamilton looked at the device in the Scotsman's hand and with every word he heard, his eyes widened.
"Ye see?"
He thought about what Hamilton had said once more.
"Maybe... maybe Admiral Kinnear didn't lie, okay? Maybe Francis was with him. But he's definitely guilty. He is the mastermind. And now he's planning on burning down the labs!"
Hamilton pinched the bridge of his nose. This was all quite a lot to take in.
"Thank you for showing me this. We will look further into it."
Scotty nodded. He really hoped that they would get Francis and the rest of those bastards!
They were sitting in their last class, discussing Aporal's ideas for improvements, when suddenly the door opened and four people came in.
Three of them were security, Scotty recognized Hamilton and Jameson, and one of them was a very angry looking Admiral Kinnear.
"Francis! A word! Right now!"
The called out boy startled in surprise when he heard the upset sounding voice of his uncle and he turned his head to look at the people standing in the door.
His face paled slightly as he got to his feet.
"Of course, sir."
Everyone watched with wide eyes as the small group escorted Francis out of the room and Scotty couldn't keep a smile off his face.
"What is going on, Montgomery Scotty?" Jaylah hissed at her Scottish friend, obviously seeing that he knew more about it.
"Don't worry. Everyone will find out soon enough," Scotty said mysteriously, exchanging a glance with Aporal who looked just as surprised as the other students. Scotty gave him a small nod and a smile spread across the Andorian's face. He knew what this was about... and he couldn't be more grateful.
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thesconesyard · 1 year
When the Cactus Blooms
7. Tall Handsome Stranger
McCoy was working in the main yard with Jim when the man appeared. He was tall and slim, with piercing eyes. When he removed his hat, his hair was nearly black and brushed back from the temples. His pants were black and his shirt dark, though a bit dusty, probably from his walking.
“Howdy!” Jim called out.
“Hello,” the man answered.
McCoy nodded a greeting and kept working.
“What can we do for you?” Jim asked.
“I was told in town that you have work for people down on their luck.” The man smiled self-deprecatingly.
“Sure,” Jim smiled broadly. “Name’s Jim Kirk. I own the Enterprise Ranch.” Jim stuck his hand out and the other man shook it. “This here is Leonard McCoy.”
“I am John Harrison. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Kirk, Mr. McCoy.”
“It’s doctor actually,” Jim said, nodding at McCoy.
“Oh. My apologies Dr. McCoy,” Harrison said with a slightly remorseful look.
“Don’t worry about it,” McCoy waved a hand. “I don’t practice anymore.” Something about the man’s piercing gaze unsettled him.
Silence passed between the men for a beat.
“Well Mr. Harrison, are you hungry? It’s quite a walk from town and still some time before lunch, but I’m sure the ladies could rustle something up—” Jim said.
“Oh no, please don’t bother. I can wait. I’d prefer to work.”
“Ok,” Jim smiled. “Well, what kind of work do you like? Got something in mind?”
“I did a bit of work engineering and improving mechanical things at my last place,” Harrison answered. His face grew sad.
McCoy hid a frown, but couldn’t help but wonder what had happened where Harrison had last been that gave him that look to mention it.
“Perfect!” Jim exclaimed. “Scotty’ll be glad to have someone help him. He’s our engineering genius.”
“Wonderful,” Harrison smiled.
A chill went down McCoy’s back at that smile, but he didn’t know why.
“You good Bones? I’ll be right back,” Jim asked.
“Yeah kid, I’m fine,” McCoy replied. He turned back to their work. Jim led Harrison along to find Scotty. Keenser and a couple of his birds came up next to McCoy.
“Who?” the short man asked, pointing after Jim.
“Man looking for work. Name’s John Harrison,” McCoy told him.
“Did ya tell the gals there’d be an extra?” McCoy asked when Jim returned.
“Slipped my mind,” Jim admitted, a flash of embarrassment crossing his face.
“Knew you would forget,” McCoy grumbled. “Good thing Keenser said he’d let them know.”
“Hey Leonard,” Uhura greeted him as he stepped into the dining room.
“Hi. Can I help?”
“Get the plates out? What’s the new man like?”
McCoy turned to the pile of dishes and began to place them around the table.
“Not sure,” he shrugged. “Only met him really. John Harrison is his name. Someone in town sent him our way.”
“We do take people in,” Uhura gave a light chuckle. They had all found themselves at the ranch one way or another. “Think he’ll stay?”
McCoy couldn’t help his frown, but he turned so Uhura couldn’t see it.
“I don’t know.”
It wasn’t long before the sound of laughing voices reached them in the dining room, as everyone came inside for lunch. Scotty and Harrison were the last to join them. They appeared to be getting along quite well. Scotty introduced him to everyone around the table and pointed him to the empty seat by McCoy.
“Hello again Doctor,” Harrison said as he sat.
McCoy gave him a tight smile.
“Not necessary to call me that,” he said politely.
“Right,” Harrison said carefully, “You said you don’t practice anymore. Why is that?”
McCoy’s shoulders tensed and he saw Christine look over at him. Her hand was sliding towards his.
“I’m sorry John,” Scotty said from up the table. “I should have explained to ye. We don’t much talk about the past.”
“As long as you’re willing to work hard, we take you for who you show us,” Sulu added.
“My apologies,” Harrison said with a chagrined look. “That was much too familiar a question for having just met.”
“No harm done,” McCoy said. His heart was pounding in his chest. Scotty was already on a first name basis with this new man?
“He's sure handsome,” Uhura said.
“Yes,” Christine agreed.
McCoy had stayed inside to help the ladies clean up. He dried a plate as Uhura handed it over to him.
“Polite and smart as well, it seems,” Christine added.
“We’ll feed him well. Poor man; so thin,” Uhura said.
McCoy just listened. Scotty had led Harrison off again after lunch, laughing at something as they went. He’d sort of thought he and Scotty had come to some kind of understanding out at the creek. Maybe he had been wrong. They hadn’t said anything to each other beyond McCoy’s round about way of showing his interest in the man. Maybe he had just imagined the agreeable look in Scotty’s eyes.
He sighed.
“Alright Leo?” Christine asked, coming up behind him and placing a hand around his shoulder.
Giving himself a mental shake, he put on a smile and looked at Christine.
“Right as rain sweetheart.”
She gave him a hard stare for a moment but dropped it.
Harrison became a fixture at the ranch over the following week. He charmed the ladies, helped everywhere he could and seemed to put everyone at ease. Except McCoy. And maybe Spock, but McCoy couldn’t be completely sure about that.
Jim gave Harrison one of the small cabins to sleep in and McCoy could hear him and Scotty, chatting and talking over complex things, sitting out front in the cool evenings.
McCoy was polite, his upbringing wouldn’t let him be anything but, and yet he still felt something. Something bothered him about the man named John Harrison.
“Thought I’d find you here.”
McCoy startled. He’d been down deep in his thoughts, staring into the creek, sitting by one of the big trees. The moon was high, and the stars were out.
“What’s bothering you Leo?” Christine asked as she sat down on the ground next to him and smoothed her skirt.
“Nothing,” he said quickly.
“You’re a terrible liar, honey,” Christine laughed at him. “You’ve been moping all week. What is it?”
“Nothing,” he said again, and turned back to watching the water in the creek as it flowed around some rocks.
“Did he turn you down?” she asked quietly. “You said you were gonna say something last week when you were both gone…”
“No,” McCoy said again. “No. We- I- I indicated how I- how I… well, you know,” he stammered out. “I thought I got myself across clearly. I… I guess I read him wrong.” He let out a soft sigh.
Christine put her arm around him and pulled him over until their heads bumped together.
“All week he’s looked lit up about Harrison. I don’t know why I bother…”
“Oh Leo,” Christine soothed. “It’ll all turn out right, don’t you fret.”
In the morning John Harrison didn’t turn up for breakfast. A bad feeling settled in McCoy’s stomach, but he couldn’t explain why.
As the day went by, it was obvious the man had left as quietly as he had arrived.
“Things are missing Jim,” Uhura stated with a worried frown as the men came in for lunch.
“What things?”
“My mother’s bracelet and that pair of cufflinks that belonged to my father.”
“And a pair of my necklaces,” Christine added.
Jim frowned and looked around at the others.
“Are you sure you gals didn’t just misplace them?”
“I wore one of those necklaces to town last week Jim. It was sitting in my top drawer with my handkerchiefs,” Christine said.
“He took’em,” McCoy muttered.
“We don’t know that!” Scotty said.
“The timing is suspicious,” Spock said. “Is anyone else missing anything?”
It turned out everyone was missing something of value.
“I’ll be damned,” Jim said. “Guess we’ll have to be more careful from now on.”
“Should we go after him?” Chekov asked.
Jim was quiet and looked at Spock before answering.
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rachelbethhines · 11 months
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - McCoy 9th Review
Question Mark Pyjamas - Short Story
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The Virgin Decalogs were kind of a precursor to the Short Trips of today. An anthology series that at first focused on Doctor Who, that then went on to feature the Expand Who Universe, and finally focusing on original works with no connection to the series.
This is because Vrigin lost the publishing license for Who after the TV movie. More on that later.
Question Mark Pyjamas is the final story in the second Decalog "Lost Property". The recurring theme of this anthology is all the random properties the Doctor acquires through out his travels... houses, land, condos, boats, hotels... ect.
It's an odd theme, but I haven't read the entire book yet so I can't tell you how well it works as a whole, but I can tell you that said theme is front and center within the short story I'm reviewing today.
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A house the Doctor owns is stolen by a alien conman looking to set up a theme park on an asteroid. The Doctor and his companions are held hostage and forced to become a side show attraction for the park. They must quite literally 'play house' and pretend to be a 'normal' earth family for the constantly viewing audience.
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I probably make the story sound way cooler than it actually is with that summary.
In reality the narrative has a very slow first half, an awkward middle, and doesn't really come together until the very end.
Part of the problem is that the Tardis crew just kind of stumbles onto the theme park and discovers the stolen house by shear coincidence. They then get captured by the villain when they try to confront him.
Rather than making the very comedic villain an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, it instead just makes our heroes look weak... especially Ace who is supposed to be combat hardened by this point.
Also they aren't forced to preform for a live audience, but are made to 'rehearse' for the villain who never shuts up.
The tension of the story is basically downgraded.
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But that's alright, this is intended to be a lighthearted comedy piece.
Except it's not particularly funny.
A lot of the jokes fall flat for me. Mainly cause it only seems to have one joke.
Two foul mouthed, 'modern' women are forced to perform sanitized outdated stereotypes that they hate, and they won't shut up about how much they hate it, but quite literally won't do anything about it with out the Doctor's permission. Hardy, har, har...
Oh and the Doctor makes a weird, out of character, sex joke at some point.
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Finally, I just hate how everyone is written through out most of it.
It's like I'm walking into middle of on going argument between a poly group that I have no context for.
Why is everyone in the tardis crew so rude and bitchy to each other at the beginning? What's up with all the awkward innuendoes between them? Why has Ace regressed as a character despite supposedly being older now?
Yeah that's the real disappointment here. I know the NAs had nothing to do with the Professor and Ace audios, but it's still disappointing to go from one story where she shows actual character development to another story where she's even more immature than she was on tv.
Like the character's main conflict in the story is that despite being in her 20s now, Ace is forced to play 'the child' for the attraction. Except she is childish.
She's rude, bratty, calls her own supposed friends names behind their backs, paranoid, self-centered and more concerned with 'having fun' then actually rescuing her friends.
The narrative makes a point to say that she's 'a woman now' and 'old before her time' but then has her behaving like a spoiled 13 year old.
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But it's not all bad.
As I said, things pick up as we head towards then end. After Ace decides to remove the stick up her butt and help out, we get several cute scenes.
Ace escaping the house on a motorbike, driving through the amusement park with killer robots chasing after her, laughing all the way, is just unfiltered concentrated Who.
The Doctor and Benny cooking lunch together is adorable, and I love the pay off at the end regarding the roast.
And Benny's pure joy at getting to raid the Doctor's wine cellar full of antique alcohols from around the universe is perhaps the most realized the character has ever been to me.
Like counting this one, I've only read/heard three stories with Benny in total and the character never really clicked for me until this moment. Where she's cradling a wine bottle like a baby and cooing at it, going on and on about how much she's going to enjoy drinking it.
That's hilarious.
Hopefully that humor follows her into the Benny spin-off series which we'll be covering next.
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Nightcrawler and the Princess
Kurt Wagner x Reader
Fandom: Marvel/X-Men
Summary: Being the princess of a small kingdom has its perks. However, you’re not sure this is a secret you can share with the rest of your friends…
Note: Did I make this a subtle crossover with the Princess Diaries? Yes. Yes I did. Don’t worry about it.
Reader is: Female
Warnings: Swears
Word Count: 1.8k
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You carried the large box to the lunch table and set it there, in the middle of your friend group. Jean eyed it curiously.
“What’s that?”
“Care package from my mom.” You replied, using the pair of scissors you kept in your school bag to cut open the packing tape. “She said there’s stuff for the rest of you in here too. Probably candy or something.”
“That’s nice of her.” Scott smiled, watching as you opened the cardboard box.
“Ah, yep.” You reached into the bag and pulled out several packages of Genovian chocolates. “Here you go, guys.” You told them.
Kurt’s eyes narrowed at the bags, his tail hovering behind him curiously. He recognized that packaging. “These…I know these chocolates. Does your mother live in Genovia?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I’m from there, actually.”
Peter thought for a second, already munching on chocolate. “Wait, I thought you were American.”
“Nope.” You laughed, reaching further into the box and pulling out a handful of little Genovian flags she’d sent. “Ah, right. Independence day is coming up.”
“Where even is Genovia anyway?” Warren asked, admiring the little flag once you handed it to him.
“It’s a tiny little country between France and Italy.” You explained. “It’s really beautiful there, though.”
“It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.” Kurt reminisced, sighing fondly.
“When did you visit?” You asked him.
“Several years ago.” He said. “The circus had a few shows there when I was young. The people were so kind, and the coast sparkled like diamonds.”
“You were with the Munich circus, right?” You asked him, trying to remember. He nodded proudly, a smile settling onto his face. “I was at one of your shows! I knew you looked familiar! Oh my god…” You laughed and shook your head. “I should have put those pieces together sooner.”
“You were there?”
“Yeah! My mom took me for my birthday.” You smiled, remembering the show fondly.
And Kurt knew then the information that you were withholding from the rest of the group. His eyes widened slightly and he studied your features. He remembered you. He remembered that day and he remembered the feeling of his heart hammering when after the show, the Queen of Genovia herself introduced him to her daughter, who was about his age. She’d taken her there because it was the princess’ birthday. Though your meeting was brief, he’d remembered it all this time, thinking of it every once in a while…the time he’d met a princess.
You didn’t look all that different now than you had then. Why you hadn’t told the rest of your friend group, he wasn’t sure, but he would keep the secret for you. Of course he would. He smiled softly, admiring you with his new revelation in mind. Even before he’d figured it out, you’d already been a princess to him anyway.
Peter studied the look on Kurt’s face and squinted. Something was going on. Something was going on and he would get to the bottom of it…
Over the weekend, your friend group had decided to go to the mall, but before you left, Kurt knocked on the door to your room.
“It’s open, come on in.” You told him.
He pushed open the door and stepped into the room timidly. You were at your desk, reading what appeared to be a letter written on a piece of paper.
“What’s up?” You asked, not looking up from the letter when you asked it.
“You’re coming to the mall, right?”
“Yeah, what time is it?” You glanced down at your watch. “Oh shit. Sorry I’m late.” You chuckled, folding the note and tucking it into your dress drawer. “My mom wrote me a letter with her package.” You explained.
“How nice!” Kurt smiled and you couldn’t stop your heart from fluttering at the way it lit up his face. “Do you write each other letters back and forth?”
“When I have time to, yeah.” You nodded, shoving your hands into your pockets. “Well, shall we?”
Kurt nodded and offered you his arm. You took it and in a poof of smoke, suddenly, you were standing in the living room, where the others were all standing.
Peter had a weird look on his face and you weren’t sure why, but you knew he was up to no good. He always seemed to be…
The squad piled into the car, as usual, and arrived at the mall in under thirty minutes. Jubilee picked the tunes, which was always a good choice, so the ride there was pleasant and relatively uneventful.
You all walked inside and started the routine of shopping around in all of your usual stores. The prom was coming up, so you all spent some time in the dress place on the upper level of the store.
“What color dress do you think you’re going to get, (Y/N)?”
“Mmm, I’m not sure.” You thought for a moment. “Maybe something pink. Or…blue?”
“I think blue would look great on you.” Jubilee grinned, flipping through the rack of blue dresses.
“I agree.” Jean smiled, her eyes flicking over towards Kurt, who was on the other side of the store with the boys.
“Hey now.” You warned, your cheeks warming at the thought. “What did I say about reading my mind?”
“I didn’t need to read your mind. You’re more obvious than you think you are.” She chuckled.
“What she said,” Ororo agreed, causing your cheeks to flush even hotter. “Why don’t we ask the boys which one you should wear?”
“That’s a great idea.” Jubilee agreed, despite your shaking head. “Hey boys!”
“Yes? What’s going on?” Kurt bamfed over beside you, looking at Jubilee curiously.
“Which dress should (Y/N) wear to prom?” Ororo held up one pink dress and one blue dress.
“The blue one.” Scott said knowingly, crossing his arms and smirking. Okay. So he and Jean had talked, then. “Definitely the blue one.”
“I agree.” Warren nodded.
“What do you think, Kurt?” Scott nudged the teleporter.
“I think you’d look beautiful in anything. But I do like the blue one. It brings out your eyes.”
“T-thanks.” You blushed, giggling. None of you committed to dresses, so after looking around for a while the squad decided to hit the food court while looking over movie times.
“So…” Peter looked up at you and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the rest of the group. “When were you planning to spill the beans…your highness?”
You swore your blood ran cold. You looked up at him, your heart racing in your chest and the color drained from your face. “Excuse you?”
“You heard me.” Peter raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair confidently. “When were you going to tell the rest of us your little royal secret?”
You froze, staring at him for a long time. “Maximoff,” you said through gritted teeth, your eyes glowing faintly. “Choose your next few words very carefully.”
“Oh I have. (Y/N)’s the princess of Genovia.”
“Pfft. As if.” Scott scoffed, chuckling, but he stopped when he looked at the look on your face. “Oh shit, is he serious?”
“Who the fuck told you?!” You asked him, your voice raising the teeniest bit. “The only people who know are Professor Xavier and Dr. McCoy, so which one do I have to kill when we get home?”
“Neither. I snooped in Xavier’s office. Found your file.” Peter shrugged. “And of course, that begs the question: Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Listen…” You exhaled a long breath, looking to each of your friends faces for a moment before fixing your eyes on the table. “When people know, they treat me differently. I don’t think they mean to, but they do and it sucks. I like having friends and I love hanging out with you guys and I didn’t want to ruin that because of something as stupid as status.”
“You’ve got us.” Jean promised. “We’re not going anywhere. This doesn’t change anything. And…I already kind of knew. Not that you think about it often, but every once in a while…”
“I figured that might happen, yeah.” You chuckled. “Thanks for keeping it on the DL.”
“Of course.” She nodded.
“I knew too…” Kurt confessed, looking you in the eye.
You crinkled your eyebrows and then nodded, understanding. Of course he knew. You two had met before, after the show. You’d asked your mother if you could meet some of the performers, and she’d pulled some strings to make it happen. You distinctly remembered meeting Kurt. You remembered his smile and his adorable pointy ears.
“That’s right.” You smiled. “We met.”
“We did.” He agreed, nodding, a smile tugging at his lips and a faintly purple color creeping across his cheeks. “Although, I’ll admit, I didn’t realize it was you until…very recently. We aren’t kids anymore.”
“We sure aren’t.” You agreed, a chuckle escaping your lips.
And it was fine after that. It was normal. Much more normal than you’d expected it to be. Another week came and went. You finished your letter to your mom, Queen Clarisse, and when its response came back in the mail, you found it accompanied by a small picture she had saved all these years. As soon as you looked at it, a smile on your face, you knew you had to show Kurt.
So, you ran out to the courtyard, where you knew he was, and found him reading under the shade of a large tree in the front yard.
“What’s up?”
“My mom sent a few copies of this photo. Do you want one?” You asked, sitting next to him in the grass and handing him the photo. He looked it over, holding it very carefully in a large, three-fingered hand.
“This is us, ja?”
“Mmhmm.” You hummed, nodding. “A very long time ago.”
“We were so young…” He murmured, admiring the smile on his face as well as yours. He remembered you’d been nervous to meet him and at first, he thought it was because of the way he looked, but quickly learned it was because you’d been enamored by his performance. Absolutely blown away. You’d been so kind to him then, just as you were so kind to him now.
“We really were.”
“Do you mind if I keep this?”
“It’s all yours.” You told him. “So, what’cha reading?”
“Beauty and the Beast.” He told you. Ever since remembering that one of his best friends was a princess, he’d been on a bit of a fairytale kick.
“Mmm, that’s a good one.” You smiled and tilted your head, your eyes sparkling. “Read to me?”
“Of course.” He laid back against the tree again, holding the book open with his tail.
You got closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and resting your head against his lean chest. His arm wrapped around you and tugged you closer, and without even thinking about it twice, he pressed a soft kiss to your hairline before starting to read again.
Kurt decided then that there was no place in the world he’d rather be than under his favorite tree, a princess resting contently against his chest.
Part 2?
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
age gap
tony stark oneshot
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tony x you
swearing, large age gap
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in this day and age it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal.
but it was.
y/n l/n and tony stark became trending worldwide, every gossip magazine and newspaper out for whatever information they could get about your relationship.
the relationship by the way, that had a 28 year age gap.
you were 20 and tony was turning 48, though it seemed neither of you cared as much as the world did.
you thought it was perfectly normal, seeing as your parents were years apart and tony simply didn’t give a damn.
‘screw the tabloids’ he always said, but sometimes it wasn’t that easy.
at home, you were able to relax with the idea of your age gap as it was just the two of you being y/n and tony.
but out in public, it was an entirely different deal.
whispers, stares, pictures. you name it and people did it, not even caring or respecting your private time with tony when you went out.
you didn’t expect for it to bother you as much as it did. you thought that maybe with tony by your side you could block out the whispers and the hateful stares but it was nearly impossible as it happened almost everywhere you went.
even if you went grocery shopping for god’s sake, someone still had something negative to say.
of course, tony defended you as much as he could. he tried to shield you from the hateful words and articles but sometimes he wasn’t enough.
sometimes, it did get to you and soon you realized you didn’t know how much more you could take.
you loved tony, but after being constantly called a gold digger and his sugar baby, you began to doubt yourself, and your relationship.
were you really as manipulative as the papers said? were you really just with tony for his money?
of course not. deep down you knew that with or without money you loved tony stark. and he loved you, but it didn’t help that he also loved to spoil you and he was paying almost all of your college tuition.
even though you insisted he didn’t, he did anyways. he reassured you after countless protest that that was just something he did; he took care of everyone he loved.
eventually you were forced to settle with the idea. but it never stopped the running thoughts in your head.
am i really that bad as everyone says?
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it was during a christmas party that tony was holding that you finally snapped.
tony had gone all out; getting the most expensive decorations and inviting all of the richest people he knew.
and of course, since it was tony, he also got the best alcohol money could buy, and unfortunately you weren’t allowed to drink a single drop.
all night, you had stood awkwardly by tony’s side in your pretty red dress, holding a cup full of water and laughing uncomfortably as you were forced to listen to drunk rich people tell unamusing stories.
by now, the music was blasting, night had fallen, and you were pretty sure you were only one not drunk at the party, minus tony and steve.
the elegant cup that you pretended to drink from held nothing expect for water and it was only another painful reminder that you were probably the youngest one at the party.
out of respect, tony decided he wasn’t going to drink either but that did nothing to ease you. If anything, you wished that he had been drinking so that he wouldn’t remember the embarrassing conversation you were having with some of the housewives he invited.
“so, y/n, tell me,” a woman name martha kalnins gushed as she sat on one of tony’s luxurious couches, obviously drunk from one of the many glasses of wine she had had. “Is Tony really as amazing in bed as everyone says he is?”
a round of laugher from the other housewives around you made you shift uncomfortably, thankful the dark room didn’t show the frown radiating off of you.
“uh… i uh,” you sounded like a child, struggling to answer her question and you laughed uncomfortably as to not show how disturbed you really were. you shared a look with tony.
“i mean … h-he’s great at everything, honestly. it’s tony stark we’re talking about,” you answered unsurely, and tony squeezed your thigh as the women laughed again.
“oh, i guess you’re right,” martha slurred and took another drink. “that tony is a catch. hell, if i had been twenty years younger like you i would’ve snatched him up, too. with that tight little body of yours it’s no wonder he’s so eager to pay your bills.”
another round of laughter and you could feel tony beginning to tense up beside you. now, it was your turn to squeeze his leg and you turned back to the women with a tight smile.
“oh, tony doesn’t pay my bills,” you tried to assure them but they waved it off.
“oh nonsense. why else would you be with a man that’s almost 50?” another woman asked you and you threw her a sharp glare.
you were starting to heat up, not appreciating their little jabs at your relationship.
“why am i with him?” you pulled out your cold tone and scoffed at her. “i don’t know— maybe because i love him?” you said a little angrily.
how dare they insinuate anything else than the truth: you loved tony and you didn’t give a damn about his age.
the woman snorted. “yeah. that’s what i told myself when i first met howie,” she threw a glance to an older man in the corner. “sure does make the sex a lot easier when you think you love them.”
you couldn’t stop your blood from boiling.
“how dare you!”
in an instant, you were up and out of your seat, the woman’s smile long gone as you angrily got in her face.
“y/n!” tony tried to stop you but you were sick of it. you were sick of it all; the jokes, the jabs, the little comments that nobody had any business making on your relationship.
you were done.
“how dare you talk about my relationship like that when you know nothing about us!” you fumed and suddenly you had everyone’s attention.
“who are you come into our house and as our guest disrespect us? you don’t know a thing about tony and i. not a single damn thing. you don’t know about all of the late nights we have, all of the laughs we share and all of the movies we watch. you don’t know about all the things we have in common besides sex and you damn well don’t know anything about me! you don’t, because if you did then you’d know i’m not with him for the money, or the fame, or whatever else you think is associated with tony stark. i’m not here for any of that. i’m here for him, so why don’t you get your head out of your ass and realize that just because you spread your legs for money, that doesn’t mean the rest of us do!”
by the time you finished you were panting and everyone was in complete shock. it was silent, and the woman in front of you looked as if she didn’t know what the hell to do.
no one did as you stood with your chest moving heavily, your well deserved rant coming off of your consciousness.
you huffed.
“well then. seeing as i’m only 20, i guess it’s past my bedtime,” you rolled your eyes and looked at the clock, noticing it was 1AM.
“i’ll see you all … whenever. goodnight.”
you did a dramatic turn and then proceeded to exit tony stark style. leaving a big commotion behind you and no doubt people that would spread your words everywhere the next morning.
that would be another problem you would have to worry about, but right now you focused on just sleeping the entire night away.
sighing, you changed out of your dress into some shorts and swiftly got under the covers.
you closed your eyes, and you tried to let sleep come to you but it was almost impossible as you were painfully aware the spot next to you was empty.
tony hadn’t come to bed yet and it was like your body refused to let you rest until he did.
sighing again, you peeled your eyes open again and decided to stare up at the blank ceiling, waiting for tony to come to bed.
when he finally did, it was around 3AM in the morning but even the dark you could see his shit-eating grin.
“well, that was quite the performance tonight, miss l/n,” tony teased almost immediately and you groaned.
“sorry if i ruined your party,” you apologized to tony and buried your face in a pillow. “i just got so mad that people kept insinuating i was only with you for that that i just … i just snapped.” you explained.
tony was still grinning and you felt the bed dip as he gently slid in beside you.
“don’t worry about it. i’d say that was more entertaining than mrs. mccoy getting so drunk she admitted she was cheating with garden boy,” tony laughed and you snorted.
“great. i was the biggest scandal of the night,” you sighed.
“biggest one of the century, actually. how long do you think it’s gonna take for people to start talking about it?”
“i’d say it’ll make an appearance in the morning. some magazine talking about how tony stark’s sugar baby finally blew her fuse,” you yawned and tony chuckled.
“yeah well, at lease i don’t have to worry about if it’s true now.”
“worry if what’s true?”
“that you love me,” he said quietly.
you peered up at him in the dark.
“tony? what? of course i love you,” you frowned. you felt the pillow shift as tony shook his head.
“no, yeah, i know,” he said. “but now i don’t have to worry about if it’s tony stark you’re attracted to, or iron man.”
“clearly i wouldn’t be attracted to a piece of metal, tony,” you both rolled your eyes simultaneously.
“yeah, no shit,” tony sighed. “but i mean like— i don’t have to worry about which personality you’re attracted to. now i know for sure that it’s me that you want, and not just my name. or my fortune.”
“well, technically both are still up from grabs,” you smirked in the dark. “haven’t signed a pre-nup yet.”
“oh but you definitely will now,” tony scoffed, but there was humor behind both of your words.
you both found comfort in knowing that you only wanted each other, and not for the reasons everyone else thought.
you weren’t with tony for the money. and he wasn’t with you for the sex.
you both genuinely and honestly loved each other, and now you knew that no ridiculous tabloid or paper was ever gonna make you doubt that again.
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
Not a Summer Crush Part Seven
a/n: It's heeeeere! The night before my classes start for the fall. There's a timeskip from the previous part-- Caroline, Alex, and Casey have all been together for about a month and it's the transition between fall and summer. This one features fighting and humor and lots of Jack McCoy. Any and all feedback makes my world!
Part Seven
The weeks passed in late nights spent in the same office, in morning lattes and afternoon runs (that often ended in the kinds of showers that don’t save water, with the almost frantic pulling off of clingy clothing, with breathy “god yes”-es and rushing to the door when either of you heard Alex’s key in the lock). Jack McCoy noted with pride how efficient it appeared your bureau had become since the summer started.
It was important to maintain a good amount of discretion. As progressive as the world may be becoming, you knew that the DA’s office had to keep up appearances; that it wouldn’t be good for you, and Jack (and, by extension, you again) for the media to get wind of your relationship. Besides, you wanted to keep it personal, special.
But oh. The thrill of the honeymoon phase is so irresistible.
A Friday night, one where the air began to have the kind of bite that previewed the coming fall, found you and Alex together in a candlelit restaurant waiting for Casey to join you. You had some sense, choosing a place not normally frequented by the Hogan Place set, in the opposite direction from your apartment. You set your glass of wine beside Alex’s and took her hand in yours, above the table this time. You couldn't resist leaning in, kissing her softly.
“Caroline,” she said as you pulled away, smiling at you with the same look you’d first seen months ago, that you hadn’t known was what it was until you’d seen it over and over as she pulled you tighter into her arms.
“Alex,” you said, enticingly, all but batting your eyelashes. She ran her fingers along yours in apology. “I know,” you said, placing your hands back on the table, leaning back against the booth seat. “We could always meet Casey when she gets to your place,” you said, looking at your phone. “Except she’s almost here.”
Alex laughed lightly. “You’re insatiable,” she scolded you, teasingly. You shrugged, knowing it was accurate. “And I’m hungry.” She picked up her menu.
Across the room, around the corner, sitting at a single table, Jack McCoy returned his focus to his book, trying to convince himself he hadn’t seen what he thought he did.
Jack was on high alert at the office. He had been too far away, he couldn’t be sure. And it was such an out of the way place-- he went there when he didn’t want every law student and defense attorney on the island to vie for a piece of his ear. So it couldn’t’ve been them, Jack thought. Who am I kidding? That’s exactly the kind of place they’d go. After all-- Jack knew from affairs.
He wouldn’t have expected this of Alex Cabot, knowing how in love she and Casey were. Though, now he considered the possibility, the two of you seemed to gravitate towards one another in a characteristic way. He remembered seeing her hand linger on your shoulder a beat too long in the courthouse hallway.
Who knows, he’d always expected Mike and Connie would go for it one day, and they still hadn’t. When Erika Keller and Anna Mikhailova had filed their disclosure he could’ve sworn he’d needed to get his eyes checked, having heard the way the two of them could argue. Maybe he wasn’t the best judge of things. Because I’m looking for myself in other people. He leaned in his chair. He’d do the introspection later. For now, he’d do what he could to keep one of his bureau chiefs out of a public scandal. Besides, they were too far away. It could’ve been anybody’s curls bouncing in laughter, could’ve been anyone’s impeccable posture. He hoped.
He made a point that Monday around noon to personally stop by the junior office on your floor, but found only Nick Anderson (who, he remembered, he needed to talk to about a possible change of bureaus) with his head buried in a journal.
“Mr. McCoy,” he said as soon as he realized he wasn’t alone, snapping the book shut harder than he needed to. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi, Nick,” Jack said, a little disappointed that he’d roused the guy from what was clearly riveting reading. “I was just looking for Caroline.”
Anderson’s face fell. Evidently, he was used to that line of inquiry. Poor guy. McCoy remembered the days when he’d given the least helpful junior ADAs piles of nothing to keep them out of his hair. No obvious changes, Jack noticed as he looked around your side of the office. No notes or photos or out-of-the-ordinary gifts. Though, someone needs to show this woman the value of an organized space, he thought. It’d be hard to notice anything among the pile of papers.
“Mr. McCoy?” he heard Anderson say.
“Yeah?” he replied, somewhat irritated.
“Oh um,” he said, what little confidence he had faltering. “I just said she was in Ms. Cabot’s office, sir.”
Jack’s stomach dropped. That may as well be “step one” in the old Jack McCoy playbook, get her in your space as often as possible. Oh come on, Jack. She’s her boss. They’re probably going over witness statements. Right. And how many witness statements did Sally and I review together while I was still going home to Ellen? He swallowed. “Thank you. And you don’t need to ‘sir’ me anymore. You’ve earned your desk.”
“Yes s-- got it, Mr. McCoy.” Anderson returned to his book. Jack continued down the hall.
“You really think she’s being honest?” Alex’s question was audible through her slightly-open door.
“She’s our witness!” you said, matching her tone. Somehow, the mood in the office was light even in your disagreement.
“Witnesses lie,” Jack said, surprising the both of you as he nudged his way in the room.
“When it’s in their best interest,” you said, acknowledging him with a nod in his direction. Jack liked how you didn’t let etiquette get in the way of your arguments. “Alex,” you said, pointing your gaze at her. I know that look. “What good does it do her to lie about who she was with?”
Alex fired right back at you, not bringing McCoy into the conversation. “She avoids embarrassment? Guilt? Fear? I’m not putting her on the stand unless we can verify her testimony.”
“Then we’re looking at an acquittal,” you said dryly.
“Because I won’t suborn perjury? O ye of little faith,” Alex responded. Jack caught a playful lilt in her voice. He was liking this less and less with each piece of evidence he uncovered.
“Do you know for certain she’s lying?” Jack said, breaking the intensity in the room.
“No, but--” Alex said.
“Exactly--” you said at the same time.
“Are you certain she’s telling the truth?” He asked. “This is People v Buckman?” he clarified. Alex nodded. You pushed an offending curl out of your eyes. “I would probably put her on the stand,” you smirked, “and when defense -it’s Elsie Campbell, right?- I’d have no recourse when defense tears her story to pieces.” You shrugged, never minding being the first to concede defeat.
“I’ll see if Detective Rollins is up for a coffee break,” you said, grabbing your phone and attache, but, Jack noticed, leaving your cardigan hanging on the extra hook. “Sometimes I wish I’d stayed in California,” you said, “reciprocal discovery would be pretty sweet.”
“Ouch,” Alex said as you walked out of the office. You waved a hand over your shoulder.
“Did you need something, Jack?” Alex asked, glad she’d known him long enough to be casual.
“Nothing,” he lied, and when she looked puzzled, said, “I was actually checking on the Buckman case.”
“I’m in no need of supervision,” Alex said under her breath. “Anything else I can clarify for you?”
Tell me I’m wrong about this, he thought. “No,” he said. “I’m sure you’ve got it under control.”
Of course, if Jack McCoy had been a more athletically inclined man, he may have run into you and Casey in the park two days before the restaurant, cooling down from the 5 and a half miles you’d done. He may have seen you tug on the hem of Casey’s tank top, seen her whisper something in your ear that made you blush and laugh, he may have caught the split second her lips met your jawline, seen the two of you heading off for the subway together.
And if he’d seen that first he may have tried to convince himself that it was another red ponytail and another person’s graceful lines. That there were so many people who jogged in that park, that it couldn't have been you.
He would’ve made a point to stop by the juniors’ office, maybe earlier in the day. Nick Anderson would’ve told him you were in Casey’s office and his stomach would’ve dropped. That may as well be “step one” in the old Jack McCoy playbook, get her in your space as often as possible. Oh come on, Jack. She’s her boss. They’re probably preparing for an admissibility hearing. He’d remind himself to schedule a meeting with Anderson for the end of the week.
He’d continue down the hall to find you and Casey sitting together, wordlessly handing one another documents highlighted in different colors. He’d remember the last time he was that in sync with an assistant and an undeniable flutter of recognition would’ve hit him.
But he hadn’t been in the park.
Your phone buzzed on the counter. You dried your hands quickly on the dishtowel, you turned off the tap. In the living room, Ashley was gathering the toys and books scattered about. Ramin was late at the office.
1 new message from: Alex to: you, Casey:
Alex: I just had quite the meeting with Jack.
“You wanted to see me, Jack?” Alex said, entering his office after most of the lawyers had gone home or
retreated to their own offices for the night.
“Actually, I’d really rather I didn’t need to,” he said. Alex’s concern showed on her face.
“Is this about the Buckman case? I know it’s going to be extra time to look into her statement,
but I really think this could be a break in the case, if she’s telling the truth or lying, so I thought it was justified. I could probably still make the argument without her, but it feels worth it--”
“No, the case is fine. Besides, it’s your case. I-- Alex we need to talk about… it’s maybe a more personal issue,” Jack said, shifting his hands’ position on the desk in front of him.
Alex’s eyes widened. “Are you speaking as my boss or as my friend?” Jack melted, remembering that they were friends, and that he could approach the topic as a friend. Though, usually, he wouldn’t have to confront a friend about their romantic life. Or if he did, it wouldn’t have professional repercussions. Electoral repercussions, he heard a younger, more emotional version of himself say to Adam Schiff 20 years ago. Sorry, Adam.
“Both, I hope, now that you mention it.”
Alex paused a moment, considering what to say. She had an idea what Jack was getting at, but no idea how he had come to that conclusion. He probably has some kind of sixth sense, she thought. “Start as my boss.”
Jack took a deep breath. “OK. I’ll tell you something Adam Schiff told me when I was in your position,”
Alex felt the need to stop him, to find out exactly what he thought he knew. “Wait. Before you reprimand me. What position am I in? What do you think I’m doing?”
“Jesus, Alex. What do you think you’re doing?” he asked. She didn’t answer him. “You’re having an affair with Caroline Haley.” He wasn’t asking her a question, and the disappointment in his voice was wounding. Alex took a deep breath. “You’re not going to deny it?”
“What makes you think we’re having an affair?” She was determined to out-wit him, get him to show her all his evidence before letting go of anything he was unaware of. Under New York law it is the prosecution’s responsibility to disclose any exculpatory evidence, she thought. And a lawyer who represents herself still has a fool for a client.
Jack looked at her blankly. Was she really going to make him spell it out? Well, he’d missed presenting cases. “I’ve noticed that she spends a lot more time in your office than her own,” he started. Alex’s poker face remained unchanged. “Your conversational style is, quite, amiable, ah,”
She couldn’t suppress a smile, then, biting back a laugh. “My apologies,” she said. “All you have as proof of this alleged affair is friendly conversation and spending time together?”
Jack tried to play into her humor. “I’ll remind you Ms. Novak Cabot,” he said, using her married name to see if it got a reaction (no luck), “that adultery is still a class B misdemeanor in the state of New York.”
Alex snatched that opportunity. He opened the door, your honor. “And how many three-month stays do you owe the good people of New York, Mr. McCoy?” He looked caught-out. The upper hand was hers. “Are you sure you’re not just seeing your old habits?”
“You know, it’s funny you should say that. Because after this coming election, I was going to ask you to be my EADA. But you know I can’t do that if there is even the slightest appearance of impropriety.”
“So this is about election results? You and I both know my patience for politics is--”
“Limited, yes. But don’t tell me you’re not the slightest bit interested.”
“I’d have to think about it, Jack,” she said honestly. It seemed to surprise him, which didn’t surprise her. He seemed to forget, often, that she’d arguably done much more important work (and he seemed to forget that Tracey Kibre had turned down the same position more than once, that some people enjoyed seeing their partners and the insides of their apartments every once in a while). “But that’s not why you wanted to talk to me, and you’ve yet to convince me that you have any idea about any affair.”
“Where were you last Friday evening?” Jack asked her, in full cross-examination confidence.
Alex flinched, her first misstep since she’d come in. She wasn’t going to out-right lie to him if disguising the truth would do. However he knew this (if he knew anything), she had no way of knowing how much he knew. “I had dinner with Caroline at a restaurant near her apartment in Brooklyn.”
“A working dinner?”
“I can’t be friends with my colleague?”
“Trilogy isn’t a particularly platonic place as far as I know,”
“You spied on me outside of work?”
“I happened to be there,” Jack said. Alex rolled her shoulders back, trying to let go of some of the anger she had at what felt like an invasion of her privacy, even if it had been public. “I saw her kiss you, Alex. I know.” Alex didn’t answer him. Jack, uncomfortable with the silence, said “I really do understand. I sympathize with what you’re going through, I know it isn’t easy.”
Her frustration gathered itself in her cold fingertips that she realized were gripping the arms of her chair, hard. “Actually, you don’t understand,” she said, quietly, as politely as she could. “You have an incomplete picture of the nature of our relationship.” Jack opened his mouth to argue. “I won’t say any more,” Alex said, certain, “except that Caroline has done absolutely nothing wrong, and if you go after her about any of this, you will have my resignation.” Jack nodded.
“You understand how something like this could look to the public? You understand that your position is at stake?”
“I understand.”
“I mean, just the power dynamic alone, disregarding the infidelity, and I hate to say it, but you know how rampant homophobia still is.” She clenched her jaw, but she didn’t look guilty.
“I know. Now, I’d like you to be my friend for a moment,” she said. “Please.”
He smiled weakly.
“As your friend, I’d tell you not to cheat on your wife,” Jack said. Alex looked serene.
“I won’t,” she said, rising from her seat. “Goodnight, Jack.” She left faster than he could return the sentiment. He’d hoped he had more comforting things to say. And he wanted to know what on earth she’d meant by “the nature” of their relationship. He trusted she’d take extra care now that she knew he knew. It was not going to be a fun secret to keep.
She didn’t tell you what the meeting was about, so you knew it couldn’t have gone well. Quite the meeting. You hoped it wasn’t what you thought it was. You said you’d be there soon. You moved through the apartment quickly, leaving the last of the dishes in the sink, snagging your keys off the hook, tossing them along with your phone into your backpack.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” Ashley asked. You knew he’d been looking forward to catching up on episodes of The Bachelor, and you did hate to disappoint him. You looked up from tying your shoes.
“Alex and Casey’s,” you said. His shoulders dropped. “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” He rolled his eyes. “What?” you asked. “You can watch without me, you know, I don’t mind.”
“I don’t care about the show,” he said, returning to his tidying.
You stood up, crossing your arms. “Something you want to say?” He shrugged.
“No, no. Go have fun,” he said.
“I don’t think it’s going to be a whole lot of fun,” you said, trying to keep the worry buried. “Alex texted, she said that Jack had called her into his office this evening over something.”
“That surprises you?” Ashley said, his voice high-pitched.
You looked at him with your eyes wide. “I’m sorry?” you said, resisting the urge to raise your voice.
“What did you think was going to happen, Caroline?” he said, with a patronizing look that made your stomach turn.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” you said. Two could play at passive aggression.
Ashley laughed bitterly. “I mean, did you not think twice before risking your job, everything you’ve worked towards to be what, the third wheel in a relationship that existed far before you came across it?”
“Ashley,” you warned him.
“I thought you were trying to work on the self-sabotage, I mean, you’ve never even been in a relationship before,”
“That’s not exactly true,” you said. You were starting to feel nauseous. He knew you well enough to know that he was pushing right on all your insecurities.
“That lasted more than a couple months, then, which is hardly anything.”
“I think we’ve gone over that a couple times-- Just because you’re so morally invested in monogamy doesn’t mean it’s for everyone--”
“You really want to be the girl who sleeps with the boss? No, sorry, the girl who sleeps with both of the bosses?”
“It’s-- wow. Tell me how you really feel.”
It was quiet for a moment as the two of you dared the other person to talk first.
“I just don’t think you’re making the best decision,” he said.
“I thought you were happy for me,” you replied, and walked out the door.
You didn’t usually ride your bike after dark. It felt right, though, as you went, releasing your nervous (and sad, and angry) energy out through the pedals. Your arms came up in goosebumps, from the chill in the air or the trepidation in your spine. It started to rain.
You and Alex arrived almost simultaneously. She was accepting a cup of tea that Casey was offering her when you came in. You were a walking cliché with your hair stuck to the side of your face, shivering. “Hi,” you said, shakily. You hadn’t quite been crying. The insecure part of you felt small, out of place, intrusive: they had this cozy, tidy, warm apartment, mugs of hot tea in their hands; and you were shattering it with the chaos that followed in the wake of your personal life. You were being so selfish, so inconsiderate, bringing your own emotional baggage with you despite Alex being the one having a hard time. For a split second you thought about leaving with no explanation, dashing out almost as soon as you shut the door. Casey held up a mug for you. It was one of a matching set of three.
“Jack thinks we’re having an affair,” Alex said, matter-of-fact, as you slipped out of your shoes and made your way to the counter Casey was leaning against. Alex was pacing, slowly, how she often did when she was figuring something out. You took a sip of your tea, grateful for the warmth, then set it on the counter and rested your head on Casey’s shoulder. She jumped and you laughed, the relief spreading through you. She squirmed as you pressed closer, letting out a squeak at the feeling. You let her go, listening to the quiet creaking of the floor.
“Which us?” you asked, matching the seriousness of the subject again. “All of us?”
“Just you and I,” Alex said.
“How did he come to that conclusion?” Casey asked, knowing there were equal cases to be made for any combination.
Alex stopped moving, pushing herself up to sit on the counter opposite to you. “To begin, he was apparently at Trilogy last Friday night.” The goosebumps threatened to make a repeat appearance. This was your fault.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, your eyes lost in your teacup. “I was reckless.” Out of the corner of your eye, you felt Apollo the duck stare at you accusingly with the stone cold eyes he didn’t have.
“Don’t be sorry. I was there too,” Alex said, meeting your gaze as you looked up. “He didn’t stick around long enough to see Casey.”
“What did you end up telling him?” Casey asked, letting herself be the problem-solver for the night.
“Very little,” she said. “He doesn’t have the complete story. That he should hold off on any judgements unless and until he did.”
“Did it work?” you asked.
“Well enough, I think. You don’t need to worry about your job. I threatened him with my resignation if he said a word to you about it.” Your heart beat faster. Sacrifices for your sake, or the offer of them, made you uneasy.
“You don’t have to put your career on the line for me,” you said, the same shaky tone edging into your voice again. Alex blinked at you, like it was no big deal, like it was the obvious choice. Casey traced circles on your shoulder blade.
“Nobody’s career is at risk, Caroline,” Casey said. “Honestly, imagine the kind of headlines that would break if Jack McCoy fired someone for adultery.”
“I don’t know what’s worse,” Alex said, “Jack’s disapproval right now, or how he might react if we just told him what’s going on. He made it clear his objection had more to do with poll numbers than morality.” Ashley’s words echoed in your head. You really want to be the girl who sleeps with the boss-- both of the bosses? Your fear must have been more obvious than you intended. “What’s wrong?” Alex asked you.
You swallowed. “It’s nothing,” you said, stopping yourself from spilling every anxious thought that came to you. “I’m fine. It’ll be fine,” you said, a real smile making its way out of you. You held your hand out for Alex’s and squeezed. She slid off the counter, letting herself be pulled in, letting whatever you weren’t saying stay unsaid for that moment. She also jumped when she first felt your wet clothes against her skin.
“Now, let’s get you out of those wet clothes,” she said. Your mouth was open in amusement as she started off down the hall. You began to follow but Casey stopped you briefly, hooking her ring finger into your belt loop.
“Whatever he said, it isn’t true,” she said, starting to run her warm hands underneath your shirt.
“How did you,” you said, feeling seen. “I didn’t say anything about it.”
“Give me some credit,” she said then kissed you gently, her body warming yours. “I’m very perceptive.” She gripped the bunched-up body of your t-shirt and you slipped your head through the top. Casey placed her palms against your ribs, holding you steady.
“Thank you,” you said, deep and low, as you kissed her again. The two of you, now almost equally damp, joined Alex. Six hands moved slowly, purposefully. Nothing felt desperate, fleeting. Only warmth filled you.
taglist: (I'm tagging a couple of my moots who aren’t on the taglist, let me know if you’d prefer I didn’t!)
@addictedtodinosaurs @nocreditinthestraightworld @cmmndrwidw @hi-i-1 @lesbianologist @readerhermit @@alexlivdoncas @laezzzi @imaginaryoperagloves (thank you for your help!!) @swimmingstudentchaos891
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illogicalpunkwrites · 4 years
Hello! Hope everyone is doing well! This is another McCoy fic and I’ve got one for Scotty in the works. Enjoy and thank you so much for reading!
Pairings: Leonard McCoy x Reader
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: Smut, cursing, jealousy, angst, fluff, the whole works
Words: 4.3k
Tags: @bloodangelballerina​ @theweepingvulcan91​
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You groaned as you read the message from Jim, already trying to find a way out of it. 
All commanding officers were to go to a Gala on the metropolitan planet of TIbbea. Meaning, you’d have to dress up and attempt to kiss ass to uphold the reputation of Star Fleet. 
You sat next to Leonard as you sipped the brandy he’d pulled out from his cabinet, some oldies playing in the background. You and Leonard had grown close, surprising everyone by becoming good friends despite the rocky beginnings. Bickering had given way to teasing, but that wasn’t to say that the bickering ended. 
“So I take it you’re not looking forward to tomorrow?” He asked and you snorted.
“Absolutely not. They also still haven’t given me a new dress uniform so I’ve got to wear the most uncomfortable thing on the planet. Thankfully, it’s just black but I prefer slacks over that thing any day.”
“Hey, I hate that monkey suit. I think I’d rather wear a dress.” You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder.
“We can always switch.”
“Nah, I don’t think I could pull it off.” He replied and you two simply listened to the music. While ancient country wasn’t your taste, you had made Leonard watch enough of your movies that you owed him some of your time. “At least you can dance, right?”
“Can you?” He made a more or less sign. “I don’t really like to. I’ll stay near the bar and appetizers. Maybe you’ll meet some nice Orion girl to dance with.”
“I’ll just stay at the bar with you, darlin;. Maybe a Ferengi will woo you off your feet.” You snickered into your drink. 
“If they buy me a drink, sure.” There was a comfortable silence between the two of you, but you didn’t notice Leonard’s heart nearly beating out of his chest. You only noticed something was off when he dragged his hand over his face. “You alright?”
“Uh, yeah. I was actually wondering if any of the other officers asked you to be their...accompany them to the gala?”
“No, why?”
“How about you go with me? Seems like we both want the same thing of staying out of the way and drinking them out of the house.” He joked. You hoped he didn’t notice your cheeks heating up as you looked back down into your glass.
“Sounds great, Len.” 
Stars, he loved it when he called you that.
The hall was ornately decorated with white walls and gold accents, a grand staircase, and breathtaking portraits of previous rulers of the planet. It seemed like it was something out of a fairy tale or a palace from Europe. Star Fleet took you to so many places but you never thought you would be in as nice a place as this. 
You squirmed a little outside of the grand hall, the straps of your heels digging into your ankles, the garter belt that held your phaser chafing against your other thigh. Nyota and Janice had a lot of fun helping you get ready, an unspoken giddiness between the two. When you probed them as to why they were so adamant about getting you ready, they simply smiled and said “no reason”. Luckily for them, Spock had chosen to take Nyota as his date and Hikaru had kindly asked Janice to be his. 
You had to admit they had done a great job but you weren’t surprised. Their makeup and hair were always impeccable.
You didn’t notice Leonard standing behind you and staring at you. He was in awe of how you looked. He always thought you looked beautiful but seeing you in your onyx gown was something else. It hugged you in the right places, showed off your shoulders with the loose sleeves, and the slit up your leg made you look like a goddess. 
Dear God you were going to be the death of him. 
You fixed your hair a little before you felt a tap on your shoulder. You spun to see Leonard in his dress uniform. While you knew he hated the monkey suit, he looked so handsome. His eyes were even brighter than usual and he had run just a little bit more gel through his hair. 
“Hello there.” You greeted. He looked you up and down and you ran your hands over the silky material of the skirt. “Told you it was awful.”
“What’re you talking about? You look...you look gorgeous, darlin’.” Your eyes widened and you knew he saw the blush on your chest and cheeks. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” He offered you his arm and you took it, walking into the grand hall and looking out for your crewmates. You took note of the many different races that were there and the line to great the king and queen. 
“Jim needs a chair like that.” You commented, looking at the throne that was decorated with the overarching symbol of the national Tibbean religion. It was imposing to say the least and you wondered if it would even fit in the transporter room. 
“What? So his ego can get bigger?” You both chuckled and made your way down the stairs and towards the bar. 
“I see we’re sticking to the plan?” You asked.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. Old fashioned, right?” You smiled, loving how he remembered your favorite cocktail. 
“Yes please.” He ordered that for you and boulevardier for him. One of the bartenders quickly made them and slid them over to the two of you, the glasses heavy and almost a little gaudy. 
“To drinking them out of the house!” He toasted and you chuckled.
“To drinking them out of their palace.” You corrected. You sipped your cocktail and, though you had many before, it was the best old fashioned you’d ever had. “Damn that’s good. I gotta figure out what bourbon they used.”
“I doubt you’d be able to afford it, darlin’.” 
“Hey, if I take more credits from Scotty in poker I just might.” He scooted closer to you so you were practically resting against him. 
“You gotta teach me your tricks.” “What? And let you take away my credits? I don’t think so.” You responded cheekily. You watched as Jim approached the king and queen, supposedly thanking them for their invite and talking up Star Fleet. 
“It isn’t even a game for you anymore! You win every time.” He complained and you laughed.
“Doctor McCoy, I don’t play games. Poker is just a means to an end to be able to get everyone’s credits.” 
“Never took you for a scrooge. You can tell me something”
“I never realized you were so whiny.” You replied and his jaw dropped in feigned shock. “Oh shut it, you know it’s true. ‘Jim, I’m a doctor not a brick layer. Spock you realize this is impossible. (Y/N) you need to be more careful’. Dammit Jim can’t you-” He elbowed you a little and you laughed, his arm going around your shoulders. 
“You two certainly look like you’re having fun.” Jim said as he approached with the other members of the crew that had beamed down. You both sipped on your drinks as the others talked about how beautiful the planet was. Scotty was impressed with their liquor selection just like you were, Janice couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the paintings, Nyota was in awe of the poetic music that played, and Hikaru was obsessed with the native plants that nearly glowed with color. 
“Please Spock, dance with me.” Nyota begged, already a little tipsy. She was always a lightweight, ever since meeting her your first day on the Enterprise.
“Of course, ashayam.” He replied and held out his arm for her to take and lead her to the floor. You and Leonard looked at each other, hardly believing the Vulcan could be so smooth. 
“Miss Rand, if I may.” Sulu offered his hand, Janice laughing as she took it. Scotty lead Lieutenant Mira, Jim grabbed Carol, which eaft you and Leonard against the bar still. You were feeling the effects of your second old fashioned and decided “to hell with it”.
“Len, come dance with me.” He sputtered into his drink and quickly wiped his chin. 
“Uh, I thought you didn’t dance.”
“I never said that, I just never answered your question. So will you dance with me?” You replied, placing your glass down and reaching to grab his hands.  “Well...Look darlin’-”
“I’ll dance with you.” A deep voice called. You turned to see a  Daliwakan leaning against the bar near you. “I’m Ivvoid, junior ambassador to the Daliwakans.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you.” You introduced yourself and your rank aboard the Enterprise. 
“Dr. McCoy, CMO of the Enterprise.” He introduced and you didn’t fail to miss how his chest seemed to literally puff up. 
“Come, Commander. Indulge in me a little and dance.” Before you could object, he grabbed your elbow and led you to the floor. His other hand quickly went to your waist as you stepped in time to the music.
“You have to forgive me, I’m not a talented dancer.” You told him sheepishly, keeping in mind you had to keep up a diplomatic presence. You wished Leonard was with you instead. 
“To be honest, neither am I. But who ever heard of an ambassador who couldn’t dance?” You laughed softly at him as he lead the little waltz you were having. You could practically feel Leonard’s eyes on you. “Who is the CMO to you?”
“Who is he to you? Just a crewmate?” He replied and you furrowed your brows at him.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, if I wish to get to know you better I would want to know whether you are spoken for or not.” He replied bluntly. You were a little stunned, something unusual for you. You didn’t realize that was a trait amongst the Daliwakans.
“Well, he is my date for the night.” You explained and you saw the ridges on his forehead raise.
“Just for the night then? You two aren’t together?” 
“Well no, I don’t suppose we are.” You replied honestly.
“Fantastic! You know, back on my planet women-”
Nyota looked over at Spock’s shoulder to see Leonard still leaning against the bar while you danced with someone else. She knew that there was something going on between the two of you, but you were both too stubborn and blind to do anything. If he wasn’t going to do anything, she would just have to push him.
“Spock, let’s move near Doctor McCoy.”
“Are you planning something?” Nyota smiled up at him and he did as she asked. “Doctor.” 
“Spock, Uhura.” Leonard replied as he sipped on his third drink of the night. He saw how flustered you were getting and couldn’t help the pang of jealousy in his chest. 
“Leonard, why don’t you go over there? She obviously doesn’t want to be there.”
“What’re you talking about? She’s laughing at everything he says and hasn’t stopped dancing with him.” He grumbled. 
“Perhaps she is merely trying to be diplomatic. It’s hard to reject an offer from an ambassador.” Spock replied and Nyota grabbed his hand in a Vulcan kiss, showing that he had done a good job. 
“Nah, she likes him.” She looked over again and saw how stiff you were. Sometimes she really wanted to slap Leonard for not catching on to the obvious things. 
“Really? You think so? Maybe she just needs someone else to go save her, be assertive! Go over there!” Leonard polished off his glass and moved away from the bar.
“Nah, leave her be.” She looked up at Spock and he led her back to the dance floor, hoping to lift her spirits again. Nyota looked across to Janice who sported a disappointed look on her face.  XXXXXX
You looked away from the ambassador to see Leonard going back up the stairs of the grand hall. Your eyes widened and you mouth went slightly agape. You let go of the ambassador’s hand and, against his protests, quickly made your way through the crowd.
“Wait, Commander!”
“I’m sorry, I have to go!” You caught Leonard going around a corner and followed him, wondering where he could possibly be going. He went up another set of stairs and you followed, but he had gone into one of the many rooms before you could see which one. You opened each one, looking around, before you found a study. You saw his back turned towards you as he leaned with his palms against a desk. The window in front of him showing the dark purple sky with triple moons illuminating his figure. 
“Dammit.” He sighed to himself and you quietly closed the door behind you.
“Hey, I thought we were going to drink the entire bar?” You joked but he didn’t laugh. You approached him and rubbed his shoulder. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” He bit back. You stepped back a little but your hands didn’t leave him. “I’m sorry. Go back downstairs, have fun.”
“I was having fun with you.”
“You were having fun with the ambassador.” He replied and you rolled your eyes.
“He was cocky and dull.”
“You laughed an awful lot.” He scoffed. You pulled away from him and crossed your arms across your chest.
“Doctor McCoy, are you jealous?” You teased, but your teasing nature went away when he didn’t say anything. “Len-”
“Darlin’, I’m fine. I just need a minute.” 
“No you don’t.” He turned to see you. Again, he couldn’t help thinking how beautiful you looked against the purple light. “What’s going on? We were having fun, I asked you to dance with me and you didn’t want to, the ambassador didn’t even really ask just took me over, now you’re upset.”
“I never said I didn’t want to dance with you.” He said. “I just didn’t have the...”
“Balls?” He finally laughed a little at that.
“Yeah. He kinda stepped in before I could finally get some.” You heard the music lightly coming through the door and walked over to him, grabbing his arms to wrap them around your waist and you locked yours around his neck. 
“There we go. That’s better.” You said. He rested his forehead against yours and you closed your eyes. You swayed together to the faint music, breathing in his musky cologne and your warm and spicy perfume. His arms tightened around you so the tips of your noses touched. You opened your eyes to meet his gaze. While he was someone who didn’t particularly like dancing, he didn’t mind it with you. “You don’t have to be jealous, y’know.”
“Why’s that?” 
“Because I don’t want anyone else.” His breath hitched as one of your hands slid down to cup his jaw. 
“Darlin’, don’t play games.”
“You heard me earlier. I don’t play games.” You closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him softly. One of the hands wrapped around your waist went up to the back of your neck to pull you impossibly closer. It didn’t take him long to start kissing you back, taking your bottom lip between his. His lips were a little chapped but damn did he know how to kiss. You felt your entire body melting into him as every nerve ending fired. You had to keep yourself from whining when he pulled away. 
“I’ve been wanting that to happen a long time.”
“Me too.” He leaned down to kiss you again, fiercer this time as he lead you against the desk. His hands went up to cup your jaw as you grabbed at his back, the dress uniform’s scratchy fabric unpleasant against your fingernails. His tongue darted into your mouth and you welcomed him as he teased you. His hands started moving all over you, wanting to feel as much of you as possible. His mouth moved against your jaw, down to you neck and stopped there. Your breathing had picked up as he kissed against the juncture of your neck and collarbone. “Len-” You gasped out when he kissed, sucked the skin into his mouth. You didn’t care about the mark that would be left there as his lips pressed a soft kiss to the red spot he had created. He pulled away to look at you, his lips slightly swollen.
“Darlin’ I need you to tell me to stop if you don’t want this. I’ve wanted this for so long, wanted to kiss you, to taste you, to feel you.” Your breathing picked up even more as you were rendered speechless. “I just need you to tell me to stop and I will.”
“I don’t want you to. Please Len, don’t stop.” you whispered, pulling at the short hair at the back of his head. You leaned forward and pulled the collar of his shirt down and leaned to give him the same mark he had given you. His hand went to your exposed thigh, feeling the garter that held your phaser. “Always have to be prepared.” You joked, breaking some of the tension. He smiled and pulled the phaser to set it on the chair behind the desk. His hand slid up your thigh again and you jumped a little as he finally reached your panties. His fingers creeped in to find that bundle of nerves that was screaming for attention. 
“Shit.” He cursed when he felt how wet you were. He started slowly circling it and your hands went to his biceps, squeezing tightly. His finger moved away from your clit and into your core, quickly joined by a second finger. You were tight around his fingers and you wondered how tight you would feel around his cock. He moved his fingers around a little until he found the spot that made you clench around him and moan into his mouth. 
“Yes!” You sighed, his thumb going to rub your clit has his fingers curled inside of you. You messed with his shirt with shaky hands, trying to open it to feel at least some of his skin. When you succeeded, you ran your hands down his chest to reach for his slacks. You pressed your lips together when you felt the bit of wetness at the bulge. You unzipped his pants and pushed them and his underwear down his hips enough to free his cock that slapped against his belly. You both moaned to each other as you ran the palm of your hand over his tip. You encircled him and started jerking him off slowly. The coil in your belly was growing tighter as he continually tapped against you while rubbing the most sensitive part of you. While you always secretly admired his hands, you had underestimated how good his fingers would be. “Shit wait, I don’t want to come yet.”
“What do you need? Whatever you want.” He replied desperately. 
“I need you inside me now. I can’t wait anymore.” He cured under his breath and you bunched up your skirt so it wouldn’t get ruined. He pulled his fingers and you swore you could’ve come just from watching him smear your wetness over his cock. He wrapped one of his arms back around your waist with the other holding it, your arms going to grip at his shoulders. His cock caught at your entrance and he grasped the base of himself before slowly starting to push in. Both of your mouths dropped open as he sank into you with small rolls of his hips. 
“Fuck you feel too damn good.” You mewled as his accent came out even more. He finally bottomed out inside of you and he felt your grip tighten on his shoulders. “You alright?”
“Perfect, you feel perfect.” You two stayed like that for a moment or two, basking in each other before your hips started to roll as best as they could against him. One of his hands left you to grip the edge of the desk as he pulled out to the tip to push back into you roughly. You could tell he wouldn’t be able to hold back as much as he wanted to as your body bounced against him and the desk creaked underneath you and the fact that you knew the grip he had on your hip would leave bruises. You hooked one of your legs higher around his waist and he gasped out when he sunk even deeper into you. The angle allowed for him to hit the spot that he had found earlier and if it wasn’t for him you would’ve collapsed against the desk. You muffled your cries against his shoulder, still cognisant that you were at a gala. 
“Shit, darlin’ I’m not gonna last much longer.” You shook your head against him.
“Me neither.”
“Rub your clit, c’mon.” He groaned into your ear and one of you shaky hands reached down to sloppily circle your clit. He cursed and bit his lip when he felt you clench around him tighter. “C’mon honey, come for me.” Your legs started shaking around him and you felt that coil turning even tighter. “Please come for me.” He whined and you felt that resolve snap inside of you, tingling through every part of your body as your back bowed to press your breasts against him. He kissed you to swallow your cries as your body convulsed. He was soon grunting and groaning loader before you felt hotness cover your walls and his thrusts becoming shorter and deeper. His knuckles were blanched as they went to move your hair out of your face, feeling the imprints the lines of the desk made on his fingers and his breath puffing out against you. Your hands went to feel his pecs, to feel his heart beating wildly. 
“See? Told ya you didn’t need to be jealous.” You panted and he chuckled against you, the sound reverberating through you. He leaned down to give you a sweet kiss against your forehead and nuzzled against you. 
“We should probably get cleaned up.” He pulled up your panties and you stood up from the desk, squirming when you felt come slide out of you. “Maybe that’ll keep you from dancing with someone else.” You rolled your eyes lovingly and grabbed your phaser to put it back in your garter. You helped him look presentable again and kissed his cheek before going to the door. He grabbed your hand and pulled your back to his chest. “This wasn’t the way I thought that this would happen, but I’m glad it did.”
“How did you want it to happen?” He looked down at you and rubbed his thumb over the mark he had made on your shoulder. 
“I would’ve taken you out first once I’d finally gotten the courage to ask you out. Maybe I’d take you to a nice restaurant on a planet like this to get some real food, not replicated. I might take you to a place where you could see the stars because you love ‘em so damn much even though you’re constantly surrounded by them. I was actually trying to track down an old movie you loved so that we could watch it together. I was thinking I would make my move then.” You smiled up at him and played with the medals on his shirt.
“Those things can still happen, y’know. We can still do all of that.” You said. “I would really like to.”
“Me too.” He gave you another kiss before you both left the room, hoping you didn’t leave behind too big of a mess. 
“Janice, I thought it would happen too.” Nyota consoled the yeoman as they wondered where the two of you had went. They had assumed you had both beamed back to the ship after realizing the other was busy either dancing or wallowing. 
“But it was perfect! It was just like those sappy vids! Pretty dresses, dancing, two people who won’t admit they’re in love! I just want them to be happy.” “Plus it doesn’t help that we have a bet going.” Hikaru interjected. “If they didn’t get together tonight then she owes me fifty credits.” Nyota shook her head incredulously. 
“You two are-” She stopped when she saw the two of you walk back down the stairs together again. “Oh stars-”
“Yes!” Janice celebrated. “Pay up, Hikaru!”
“Wait, that’s not proof of anything!” He whined. 
“Think again, hickey at three o’clock.” Hikaru leaned against the table near him and groaned. 
“What’s going on?” You asked and they didn’t miss how Leonard had his arm around your waist. 
“Oh nothing, we’re just about to toast.” They grabbed some bubbly by a waiter walking by. “To new beginnings and old bets!” Your brows furrowed but you drank from the flute anyway. 
You’d figure out what they meant later. For now, you relished being with your doctor and friends. 
“C’mon, I owe you a dance.” He said in your ear, leading you away from your friends. Unlike before, you assumed a more formal position with your hand in his, the other on his shoulder, and his other on your hip. 
“Glad to see you finally made it out!” Jim chuffed. “Must’ve had enough bourbon.” 
“Yeah, that’s it.” Leonard replied and you chuckled. Leonard’s eyes suddenly narrowed over your shoulder before you heard a familiar voice.
“Commander, glad to see you made it back! May I steal you for a moment?” The ambassador asked and you sighed. 
“No, you may not.”
“She said no. Go chase an asteroid.” Leonard replied and you were surprised at the way he talked. 
“Excuse me?”
“Excuse us.” You replied and pushed Leonard away from the ambassador before a diplomatic incident occurred. “Y’know, we’re trying to suck up here.”
“Never was one for kissing ass.” He mused.
“Ah, always with that southern charm.”
“It got you, darlin’.”
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Sweet Pea//the other one
Request: Where the reader is Josies sister, but best friends with Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs and is secretly in love with Sweet Pea and well Josie does not know this and you can take it from here :)
hey! so this is angstyyyy, but it was fun to write! and just a warning, there is no happy ending, sorry! have a wonderful day/night! 
part 2!
Being a McCoy, you get used to knowing everybody’s business, whether by accident or on purpose (eavesdropping on your mom’s meetings), but something’s happened recently that neither you nor the rest of the serpents can figure out. 
Sweet Pea has changed, everyone has noticed it. Over the summer it was a relatively good change. Yeah, you didn’t really see him much because he was busy doing odd jobs at all times of the day, but when you did see him, he was the happiest he’d ever been. He actually smiled, and not just at you, Toni or Fangs, but to everyone...even Reggie. He was also chatty, and he’d never been chatty in the entire time you’d known him. 
It was like a whole new side to him and another side for you to fall for. 
His smile was as bright as the sun and made you feel just as warm, and you were so glad that other people were seeing it too. Because yes, the brooding bad boy act is very attractive on him...but a smile is just wonderful.  
But then as quickly as Summer was over, it just disappeared. School started again and he went back to being the same old Sweet Pea. He didn’t talk to anyone, didn’t smile. He just sat in the background, not really engaging in anyone’s conversations. 
If anything he seemed sad. He no longer smiled when Fangs told him a stupid joke, or laughed at Toni’s sometime’s questionable outfits she was only wearing to make Cheryl happy. He stopped hanging out at the the Wyrm on Friday nights and avoided going to the weekly bonfire’s at the Quarry. 
He was just existing. And to say you were worried was an understatement. For weeks you, Toni and Fangs had tried multiple times to try and get him to talk about what was happening. There was clearly something off and given Riverdale’s history, you were all worried he’d gotten himself into something he couldn’t get out of.
But whenever you asked he just seemed to shut down. He’d become cagey and short, dismissing whatever you’d said with a shrug and an annoyed ‘i’m fine’.
You asked around the other serpents, wondering if they’d seen anything odd happening but they were all as clueless as you were. And this time your problem couldn’t be solved by hanging outside of your mom’s meetings. 
Josie had told you multiple to just stay out of whatever was going on as he clearly didn’t want you to know. But she had never liked Sweet Pea anyway so she probably just didn’t care, and just wanted you to shut up about him. 
You’d been friends with the serpents for years. Even when everyone hated them you proudly called, Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs your best friends. You sat with them at lunch, hung out with them after school, despite what your mom, sister and friends had to say. 
“Sweet Pea never showed up today. Did you see him?” Toni asks and you shake your head, despite her not being able to see. A cold breeze blows through your hair and you look around. 
Tent city looks far creepier at night that it does at day and you’re glad you can see Sweet Pea’s not so far away. 
“Nope.” You reply and rearrange the bags in your hand. “What about Fangs? He might have seen him.” 
“I already text him. He said he hasn’t seen him either.” She replies and you let out a disappointed huff. “Do you think he’s okay?” She asks after a few seconds of silence. 
“I dunno.” You say honestly. “There’s clearly something not right. But I’ve bought all of his favourite snacks, and I’ve brought my laptop so we can watch whatever he wants and hopefully that’ll cheer him up. Or maybe just get him to talk.” You smile down at the bags you’re holding, hope blooming in your chest. 
“Hopefully.” She mumbles and you hear her move around. “Did you get Fangs’ a snack too while you were shopping?” 
“What do you think?” 
“Hopefully yes? You know what he’s like.” She replies and the two of you laugh. 
“Yes, I got his favourite. And I got your favourite too.” 
“Aww. You really are the best friend a girl could have.” She teases. 
“I know.” You shrug. “It really is an honor to be my friend, I hope you know this.” 
“Of course I do.” She replies. “We all do. Wait, don’t you have an English project due tomorrow?” 
“Yeah? And?” 
“And have you started it yet?” She asks and you roll your eyes. 
“...no.” You mumble and she tuts down the phone. “Shut up...mom.” 
“Oh, if I was your mother you’d know about it. You wouldn’t be abandoning school projects for some boy.” She scolds, making you roll your eyes again. 
“Do you really think my mom knows where I am? She may have become indifferent towards the Southside but do you really think she’d approve of her daughter hanging out with a serpent instead of doing school work.” You ask and she hums in reply. 
“Fair enough.” She laughs. “Where does she think you are?” 
“She thinks I’m with Betty, having a study date.” 
“Clever.” She nods. “Y/n?” She asks, her voice becoming suddenly serious and anxiety rises in your chest. You hate that tone, no matter who’s using it. But Toni only ever uses it whenever she wants to talk about two things, your feelings or Sweet Pea. “Do you still like Sweet Pea?” She sounds almost like she’s forcing the words out and your mouth goes dry. 
Toni and Fangs weren’t ever meant to know just how hard you’d fallen for Sweet Pea. But apparently when you’re drunk you get sad and spill your guts about every feeling you’ve ever had for anyone. 
You told Fangs how you thought he was cute when you first met and how you thought Toni was very pretty when you first met her. By the next morning the could recite the names of all your crushes dating back to kindergarten and not even you knew their names, but apparently when you’re drunk you do. 
It ended in Toni and Fangs taking you back to hers and you telling them that you were in love with Sweet Pea before passing out on her bathroom floor. The next morning while you were hungover and dying, they made you have the most painful interaction you’d ever had with anybody ever. 
But through your liquified brain you told them the truth. 
Yes you did like Sweet Pea, you probably even loved him. 
Now there’s no probably about it. You know you love him. 
A part of you thinks you always have but you were just too afraid of what people would say. You’d never be allowed to date a serpent, especially because of who you were and what your family name meant to this town. You’d be the outcast, you already were because of the people you were friends with. 
Now though, the residents of Riverdale have been dragged to the 21st century and very slowly, they’re realizing that it doesn’t really matter what side of the town you’re from. 
Although you’re still not sure your mom would be very pleased if you came home and introduced Sweet Pea as your boyfriend...not that that would happen anytime soon anyway. 
“I er. Yeah.” You stutter.
“Okay.” She says awkwardly and both of you go quiet, not really sure what to say next. “I-” 
“Shhh.” You cut her off, the sound of twigs crunching makes you pause and look up. Your eyebrows furrow as you watch your sister walk towards Sweet Pea’s trailer. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Toni asks, panic rising in her voice with each word. 
“Yeah. I’ll er. I’ll call you back later.” You say, not taking your eyes away from Josie. You can hear Toni asking what’s wrong but you don’t answer, instead you hang up and can already hear the lecture you’re going to get from her the next time you see her. 
“Hey, Sweet Pea.” She smiles and disappears into the tent. You pick up your pace until you’re stood outside. You’re about to go in but something in you tells you to wait and see what happens. “Hope you don’t mind me dropping by like this?” 
“Always happy to see you, Josie.” Sweet Pea replies and you scrunch your face up in confusion. Since when has Sweet Pea and Josie ever hung out? They usually leave the room as soon as the other one turns up, even after the feud between the North and the Southside. 
You always assumed its just because they simply didn’t get along, that was fine. Not everyone is going to like each other, but something about this feels odd, you just can’t quite put your finger on it. “Especially if this is a...” He trails off, but there’s a playfulness in his tone that you thought was only reserved for you. You heart sinks and you look at the the brown leaves wet and rotting on the floor. 
“A booty call?” Josie replies and your eyes widen.
“Wouldn’t be the first one we’ve had since our Summer fling ended.” He laughs and the realisation sinks in. You’ve been so stupid. For years you’ve fawned over and followed Sweet Pea, constantly trying to cheer him up or make him laugh and get him to see the real you. 
And he has, he’s been looking at it all those years, he just didn’t like it. He preferred Josie instead. Smarter, prettier Josie who’s way more popular and talented and just better than you at everything, including liking Sweet Pea it seems. Tears prick at your eyes and you sniffle, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide, but you can’t. Your feet are stuck, despite the rest of your body screaming at you to run.
Run as far away from them as possible. Run until no one can find you. Just run.  
“Well, it’s not.” She says awkwardly. “Um...I don’t know if you’ve heard, but my mom is getting married, to Kevin’s dad. And I wanted to know if you would be my date to the wedding.”
“As your boyfriend?” He asks hopefully. 
“Does it have to be so official?” 
“Look, Josie...I like you. And I’d be all in with you in a second, but...but you sliding into my life whenever you don’t wanna be alone. I’m not built that way. Maybe that makes me needy, but I just, I gotta get off this merry-go-round with you.” He sighs and tears run down your cheeks. 
“Okay.” She agrees. “You are still invited to the wedding though...if you’d like to come.” 
“Yeah, I er. Y/n already invited me anyway.” He shrugs and anger fills your chest. You know you probably shouldn’t, but you just see red and the next thing you know you’re storming through the door, much to the surprise of them both. 
“Yeah I did.” You seethe.
“Y/n?” Josie asks, her eyes wide as she scrambles to think of an excuse. “I was jus-” 
“What are you doing here?” Sweet Pea jumps up from his bed and stands in front of you. 
“I came here to cheer you up, you ass.” You sob and throw the bags to the floor. “I brought all you’re favourite things and I thought we could hang out because you’ve been so sad recently and nobody knows why and we were all so worried about you. But now I do. It’s because of her. And you guys didn’t even tell me. Do you know how worried I’ve been about you?” 
“Sorry?” He asks and you shake your head at him, sending him a glare he’s only ever seen a handful of times and never directed at him.  
“All those jobs you said you were doing over the summer. It was just a cover wasn’t it?” You cry and he looks over at Josie before nodding slowly. 
“Unbelievable.” You laugh bitterly before turning your attention to Josie. She stands a little straighter when you look at her, trying her best to have the upper hand here, but she’s more worried that you’re going to go and tell your mom. 
“And you? Really Josie. You go for years hating his guts. You give me so much shit for even talking to him, and you’re screwing him?” 
“I er-I.” She stutters.
“I’m such an idiot.” You sigh. “You know a part of me thought you were happier because of me.” 
“Y/n.” Sweet Pea tries to reach you but you quickly move away from him. 
“Don’t.” You warn. 
“Wait, why are you so upset with us? We’ve been getting along, you’ve been wanting that to happen for ages.” Josie asks. 
“Because I am!” You shout. “Because you’re the worst sister in the world. You know when we were younger I could never have my own toys. If I had a doll, you had to have it. Even if mom got you one that was exactly the same. On my birthday you had to get your own present otherwise you would steal mine, and even then you’d still steal mine. And I thought, yeah that’s fine. That’s what sisters do and we were just kids then. But then we got older and we had to share friends and finally when I thought I would be able to be liked for being me. Everyone seemed to realize that you were the most interesting out of us. You had a band, and you’re so talented and pretty and just like-able and I’m none of those things.” 
“Y/n, that’s not true.” Josie starts, her voice remaining calm despite your loud cries. “It’s not true is it Sweet Pea?” She hisses and Sweet Pea jumps at the tone. 
“What, no of course not.” He says, also moving to stand in front of you. Each of them rest a hand on your shoulder but it does nothing to calm you down, if anything it makes you angrier. Years of resentment that’s been simmering under the surface has come to a boiling point. 
“Get off!” You shout and they quickly move away.
“And then I got my own friends, a group of people who liked me for who I was and who I could be myself with. I wasn’t just the other McCoy. You know, the mayor, the one in the band and the other one. But then nobody liked them and everyone told me I was horrible for wanting to be friends with them.” 
“Y/n. Please just breathe.” Sweet Pea tries again, resting a gentle hand on your upper arm and you suck in a breath. 
You’ve never seen him look so worried and you hate yourself for doing that to him, despite what’s just happened. Another set of tears roll down your cheeks and your shoulders slump. Sweet Pea wraps his arms around you, pulling you in for a proper hug and him and Josie share a confused expression. 
“Woah.” Fangs’ confused tone cuts through the awkward atmosphere and him and Toni glance at each other before looking and Sweet Pea and then Josie. “We thought you could do with some company. Plus Toni told me that Y/n bought me some Twizzlers and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow. ”
“Forget about the Twizzlers Fangs.” Toni rolls her eyes and he lets out a disappointed whine. “What’s she doing here?” Toni asks and Josie looks at the floor. 
“Leaving.” Josie nods at them. “I’ll see you around Sweet Pea.” 
“No you’re not.” You reply and move away from Sweet Pea to grab her wrist. “I know why Sweet Pea went from being so happy to being so depressed.” You fake a cheery tone. Sweet Pea and Josie sigh and look at the floor, while Toni and Fangs just look at you confused. 
“It’s because him and Josie were hooking up. But she’s dumped him and that’s what’s made him so sad.” 
“Wait really?” Fangs eyes widen. Toni grabs your hand and you send her a watery smile. 
“Okay.” You take a shaky breath. “I’ve had enough of chasing after things that clearly aren’t real. So, I’m the one leaving. I’ll see you at home Josie, and don’t worry, I won’t tell mom.” You watch as she lets out a relived sigh and gives you a thankful smile before quickly leaving. 
You turn to face Sweet Pea who’s already staring at you. His deep brown eyes scan over your body and it makes your face hot. He’s desperately trying to figure out what’s wrong and you have a feeling the tight feeling that’s settled in your chest, has a matching one sitting in his.  
“Goodbye Sweet Pea.” You say the three most painful words you can possibly think of. They taste like ash on your tongue but as soon as they’re out you feel the weight lift a little. 
Being in love is nothing like it is in movies. It’s not a secret language that only the two of you know, or spending the entire day with somebody and never wanting it to end. 
You thought it was, but it’s not. It’s far more painful than that, especially if the person you’re in love with looks at someone else the way you look at them. 
“Where are you going?” He laughs confused. 
“I really, really hope she changes her mind.” You smile through your tears and despite everything it’s a genuine wish. He’s still your best friend after all, and you want him to be happy even if it’s not with you. 
“What?” His voice breaks as he watches you leave. Toni follows after you and you force yourself to keep staring ahead. Focus on the run down sign up ahead that creaks in the wind and is one storm away from falling down.  
“Can someone tell me what I’ve done wrong.” Sweet Pea asks. 
“You went after the wrong sister, you idiot.” 
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is-it-madness · 4 years
Metal Fingers
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A/N 1: This fic is for my lovely beta/bestie @wowjeena Heyyo, would you be up to writing a soulmate au with Bucky? You can choose which type of soulmate au but can you make the reader a normal person (so not an Avenger or anything related)?? Thanks girl and if you don’t wanna that’s chill 👉🏼👉🏼 So... it’s not exactly a soulmate au, but I hope this is okay instead ☺️💜💜 I’m also so sorry it took so long. I hope you like it, my dear.
A/N 2: The Bucky Barnes Exhibit states he was born in 1916, but at the bottom where it gives his life span, it says he was born in 1917. I googled it to find the correct year, and it said 1917… I don’t know what to do with that information, other than to tell you guys there’s a mistake in the movie. 
A/N 3: I apparently couldn’t make this a one shot, so it’ll be a multi part story. I’m aiming between 3-5 parts
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x single mom!reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.5k+
Part 1
A Fallen Comrade.
James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Born in 1916, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four. An excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom. Barnes enlisted in the Army shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After winter training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, Barnes and the rest of the 107th shipped out to the Italian front. Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, deprivation and torture. But his will was strong. In an ironic twist of fate, his prison camp was liberated by none other than his childhood friend, Steve Rogers, now Captain America.
Reunited, Barnes and Rogers led Captain America’s newly formed unit, The Howling Commandos. Barnes’ marksmanship was invaluable as Rogers and his team destroyed Hydra bases and disrupted Nazi troop movements throughout the European Theater.
He knew these words. He read and reread them dozens— if not hundreds— of times. He wrote them down in every one of his notebooks as he was scrapping, searching for his memories that were just out of his reach. He could nearly taste them. They fluttered teasingly in front of him: close, but not close enough for him to snatch out of the air of uncertainty. 
He pulled a fresh notebook from his bag and a pencil, worried away from teeth and words. 
Start with what you know…
My name is James Buchanan Barnes. I was taken captive by Hydra and was used by them. I know a man named Steve. He was my friend.  
He trailed off. This is where he always was left floating in a sea of not knowing. He was left grasping for more. He was a starved man, empty without his memories. The few he managed to uncover did little to tide him over from insanity. He bit at that familiar indentation on his pencil, trying to think of something, anything at this point that was more than those four simple sentences he’s written everyday for the past several weeks. Sighing and pulling his baseball cap lower in frustration, Bucky returned his supplies to his bag, stood, and swung it over his right shoulder. Eyes low, and clutching his bag, Bucky made his way towards the exit of the crowded museum. Ever since the Potomac, this section of the Smithsonian was more packed than usual.
Nearly there. Nearly there. 
It was an understatement to say that Bucky Barnes didn’t like crowded areas. Too many bodies, pressing, and pushing against each other, loud noises, pointless conversations discussing mundane things. 
Nearly there. Nearly ther—
He wouldn’t have noticed the boy that ran into him if his bag hadn’t slipped from his hand, spilling out the contents onto the floor. Bucky hurriedly crouched to retrieve his precious memories. He barely registers the boy picking up the items that had strayed a bit further. 
“Here you go Mister! I’m sorry for bumping into you like that.”
Bucky silently takes his belongings back from the little boy standing in front of him. 
Bucky unintentionally begins to analyze him.
Probably seven or eight. Bright eyes. Tousled hair. Skinny. Doesn’t clear 100 pounds soaking.
He shakes his head. Stop. No more. 
“Whoa, cool! Metal fingers!!”
Bucky quickly retracts his fingerless-gloved hand.
The boy pulls his hand from his sweatshirt pocket. “Yours are cooler, but I have metal fingers too! Well, actually it’s a metal arm because the doctors had to get rid of my real one because I got hurt super bad, but I think it’s really cool.”
The boy said this all extremely fast, Bucky had to blink a few times to register what he had said. A compliment? For his hand? A hand that’s maimed, killed, and caused so many people to suffer?
“Uh… I… I have a metal arm too.”
The little boy’s eyes widened even more. He wasn’t sure what made him do it, but Bucky took off his glove and showed it to the boy.
He took Bucky’s hand in his and stared at it, looking back and forth at Bucky’s hand and his. Bucky stood there stiffly, unsure how to respond. The boy looked up at Bucky solemnly.
“Do you have super powers?” he whispered. 
Bucky couldn’t help but crack a smile at his seriousness, but before he could answer, a woman came running through the crowd.
The boy turned to give her a lopsided grin. “Hi Mom!”
“How many times have I told you to stay by my side, young man?”
The boy, Noah, dropped Bucky’s hand and took a step closer to the woman. “Sorry. But Mom!”
A raised brow silenced Noah. The woman looked up at Bucky.
“I’m so sorry if he was bothering you. He’s very social.”
Bucky forgot how to speak for a minute. The woman standing in front of him was… well, he’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her. Bright, sparkling eyes confirming where Noah got his from, a soft voice, and a sweet smile.
“Oh, uh, no. I mean, he is. I mean‒” When was the last time he had gotten tongue-tied?
Bucky cleared his throat, forced himself to try to ignore the sweet smile that was widening, and tried again. “He wasn’t bothering me. We were just talking about‒”
“His metal arm! Look at it, Mom!” Noah hurries back to Bucky’s side and holds his mechanical hand. “Look how awesome it is! And it’s huge!” He started poking Bucky’s upper arm and gasps. “And so are his muscles!! I bet he could crush anything!”
Noah began miming picking up heavy objects or crushing imaginary things, complete with sound effects. Bucky doesn’t miss Noah’s mother’s eyes widen slightly when Noah pointed out how massive his biceps are.
“Noah, honey, why don’t we go check out the exhibit?”
“Oh yeah! Let’s go, Mom!” He nearly takes off again before giving his mother a sheepish smile.
“What did you do?”
“I… I turned our map into a paper airplane.”
“And... it… flew out of my hands?”
“Mm hmm. I see. Well, I guess we’ll just have to come back another time.”
Noah gasps and clutches his mom’s hand. “No! Please Mom! Don’t do this to me!!”
Her laugh causes Bucky’s heart to skip a few beats, and it frustrates him that he doesn’t know why.
“Which exhibit are you looking for?”
Noah looks at Bucky and salutes. “We’re here to see the Mister Captain America exhibit.”
“I could take you guys there.”
What. On earth. Gave him that idea?!
“Woo! Let’s‒”
Noah’s cheer was cut off by his mother. “Oh, no that’s okay. I’m sure you’re busy and you probably have something to get to you.”
She’s right… Why did I even offer in the first place? I can’t‒
“It’s not a problem. I was heading over there right now actually.” 
Jesus! What’s wrong with me?
Noah grabbed his mother’s hand and followed Bucky to the famed exhibit.
“So, I take it Noah’s a fan of the Captain?”
The beautiful lady standing next to him nodded. “Yeah, Noah loves him; really looks up to him.”
“Makes sense, he’s a good guy.”
“Sounds like you’ve met him before.”
“You could say that.”
They were pulled away from their conversation when Noah ran up to them, grinning.
“Mom! Look how skinny Steve was! And, and his friend? Um… Bucky? Yeah! Bucky! He would always help Steve out because Steve would always get in fights! So Bucky would come and have to save him!” 
Noah then proceeded to animatedly tell his audience how Steve became the Captain and fought in the War. When he went to go read the display in front of Steve’s motorcycle, Bucky turned back to the woman.
“Is this his first time here?”
She nodded and smiled. “I promised I would take him when I had a day off. He’s been waiting for weeks.”
A pause.
“How ‘bout you?”
“What?” Damn that smile! He got distracted.
“I take it this isn’t your first time here?”
“No, ma’am.”
Her giggle caused his firm expression to slip into a small smile.
Bucky spent the rest of the afternoon showing Noah around. He learned that Noah and his mother had been in a terrible car accident two years before. The injuries Noah sustained to his right arm were irreversible, thus leading to an amputation, a prosthetic arm, and even though she didn’t say, expensive medical bills burdened on his mother.
When the museum closed, Noah was asking his mother when they’d be able to return.
“I’m not sure baby. How about next weekend?”
Noah did a little dance showing his affirmation. Then he looked at Bucky.
“Will you be here too, Mr. James?”
“Uh, yeah sure kid. I’ll be here.”
Noah fist pumped as his mother said goodbye to Bucky.
Holy shit. Holy shit! 
You had been trying to keep your cool ever since you found Noah with James. You were eating dinner and you still hadn’t gotten over him. That man was fucking stunning. Blue, blue eyes that were filled with such sorrow, a smile that made your insides flutter, and a deep voice you were willing to listen to for hours on end. Soft and sonorous. And he was so sweet and kind with Noah. That alone had you taking a liking to him.
“Mom?! Mom!”
“Oh— sorry, baby. What’s wrong?”
“Thanks for taking me to the museum.”
You ruffle his hair. “Thanks for being so patient for me.”
He smiles as he shovels pasta into his mouth. 
My Ride or Die:
@lehuka123 @thejournalman @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @rebloggingeverything @just-the-hiddles @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog @thehumanistsdiary @fanfictionaries @astheworlddturns @bbarnestan @buckyfan12
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 5
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1421
Warnings: Canon death, all fluff
Requested by: @mournthewicked
Summary: Jim asks you to be his fake s/o, then you both end up falling in love.
A/n: 😍😍😍😍 went a little different then I intended but here we go.
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"Captain," You greeted after ringing the bell. "Care to share some whiskey?"
You held up a bottle and 2 glasses.
"Sure, come in come in."
Shore leave was announced a month ago, and the ship buzzed to life. Crewmembers swapped plans, friends made stops together, vacations were researched and booked. Everyone focused hard on their reports, sending them up to their immediate commanding officers when finished and relayed to Command.
"Made any plans yet, Y/N?" Jim popped the cork off, pouring a generous glug into each glass and handing one to you. 
You shrugged, swirling the alcohol around the glass. "Not sure. Definitely visit my dad and then maybe go on a plane to Europe probably. Have you?"
"Of course I have! See my mom, see how it's going with Bones and Joanna," He answered, taking a sip. "Get called Uncle Jim and how I owe a blanket fort. Can't wait. What kind of plans do you call yours?!"
"Impulsive plans."
He snorted, but before he could reply a call came in from his PADD.
"Shoo. Go take the call," You took a sip, taking out yours so you didn't eavesdrop.
"Oh it's mom. I'll be right back," He looked apologetic before answering the call and taking the PADD into his bedroom.
You made yourself at home as you waited. Jim was one of your close friends ever since you stumbled across him during one of his nightly ship rounds. It was one of the rare nights you took on Gamma shift when you found him strolling through the corridors near your lab. 
"Uh Jim?" You called, drinking the last of your glass. "I think I'll leave first, and stop by another time."
"James?" Winona spoke, loud enough you could hear. "Who is that in your room?"
"Mom, it's Y/N. I've talked about them before. They're one of my-."
"Oh my lord, are you seeing them?" His mom squealed in delight, covering her mouth with both hands. "Why didn't you tell me you were dating, Jim? Your father would've been delighted to meet them."
As Jim rounded the corner, you could see the confusion, desperation, and the anxiety flipped through his face before turning his attention to you. "Go with it for me, please?" He mouthed over the PADD as his mom continued gushing over him. 
You furrowed your brows at him before realization dawned. He didn't want to disappoint his mother. After so long on being on his own, no wonder Winona was excited. 
"Hi Mrs Kirk," You answered loudly. 
"James Tiberious Kirk, you turn the screen over to them right this minute," He did so, cringing at being called his full name. "Oh my god, I'm so happy that you make my son so happy. It's so wonderful to finally meet you. Here I was thinking that my James would be in love with anyone. How long has it been?"
"Around three months," You made up an amount of time, scooching over the sofa so that the blonde could sit next to you. Your knees touched briefly, and nearly everything within shriveled up.
"Only three months! All my son talks is about you and only you. You make him so happy. Oh, I'm so happy he found you. Stop by soon and see me, will you? I can't wait to see you in person, Y/N."
You and Jim shared a look.
And that was exactly how you found yourself getting out of the airport taxi and thanking the driver. 
"So here we are," Jim spoke, taking out the duffel bags. "Iowa, home."
"Home," You echoed, listening to how odd the sound tasted. The ship was your home now, since your immediate family stopped communications when you enrolled into Starfleet years ago. 
He attempted a smile. "Thank you for this, Y/N. I just don't want to see my momma sad. I'll make this up to you."
"James, Y/N! You're both here!" Winona danced out the front door, hugged her son, and then you. "Oh it is so wonderful to see you in person, Y/N. I couldn't believe my ears when James said he was dating."
"Mom," Jim mumbled, looking embarrassed. "Could we head in first? It's been a long ride."
"Of course, come in, come in. Let this be your home too, Y/N," She led you in, peppering your supposed to be boyfriend with questions. You didn't have the heart to correct her. Even after 3 years of graduating from the Academy, not even a message was sent your way. "I have the guest room all ready for you."
"Here, let me show you around the house," Jim offered, and gratefully you accepted. Two story houses was definitely going to be confusing.
"So uh this is my room," He spoke, opening the door and letting you go in first. There were photos of his family hung on the walls along with some band posters, medals, certificates, his Starfleet Academy diploma, and various other items. The wooden desk was on the far right corner, complete with a desk light and some extra stylus. To the immediate right was the closet, a bookshelf on the left, and a freshly made bed tucked into the far left corner. 
"You have a brother?" You asked, beelining for the photo frame first.
"Sam, but he's named after dad," The blonde spoke, placing both duffel bags on the bed. "He's on Deneva, working as a research biologist for Starfleet too."
"You've never mentioned him before," You pulled your attention away from the frame and other parts of his room. 
"Never came up."
That was true. He'd talk about his mom more often than not, but no one else. You weren't nosy either. But that was how you started your first few days at Jim's and getting to know him and his mom a little better. After a week, things were more comfortable and routine. 
Some days he would take you on a trip with his dad's motorcycle and show you around Riverside. Some days he would take you out on dates, catch up with old friends, and enjoy being back home. 
For the first time, you even wondered if this was even be called fake dating anymore. The man himself could easily drop the act when his mom wasn't around, 
"Hey, Y/N. Mom wants to head to Dad's cemetery, said we should go say hi and clean his place. Do you want to come?" Jim spoke from the other sofa, feet still on the arms and watching you. 
Meet the famous First Officer George Kirk of the USS Kelvin?
"Yeah, I'll come," You spoke, getting to your feet. 
The memorial was open when the car pulled through. Rows of names could be found etched on stones in front of a small lot of flowers or a tree, while some only had just the headstones. The trees gently rocked alongside the cool breeze, as birds chirped under the sunlight. Snow flurries drifted down, floating along the wind that carried it far and wide. 
"Here we are," Winona spoke, finally stopping at a name. "Not a day goes by that I don't have him in my mind. I'm sure he would have loved to have met you, Y/N. It takes someone special James after all he's gone through."
You eyed Jim as he knelt down, dusted the dirt and the fresh snow off the memorial, and placed fresh flowers to the side. 
"Come, Y/N. Let me introduce you to my dad." He spoke, patting the patch of green grass beside him. 
"If you say so, Cap," You shuffled closer, despite feeling that you shouldn't intrude on the family's privacy. 
And so Jim introduced you to his father, how he knew you, became friends, and then started dating not very long ago. That he was happy and excited that someone made him happy. While he spoke, your thoughts wandered off to your previous ones. 
Was this all a ruse or was he really actually wanting this? Of course, like many others, he was once the source of your romantic interests, but never got the courage to speak to him till that night.
On the ride back home with his mom driving and singing along to a song on the radio, you confronted him. 
"I don't think we're playing pretend anymore, are we?"
He took your hand in his, gently squeezed it, and smiled his usual beautiful blinding smile. "Welcome to the Kirk family, Y/N."
"Love you too."
Eats Everything: @mournthewicked @asraime @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @aspiring-ginger @groovyfluxie @also-fangirlinsweden @keijibum @bluesclues-1234 @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @charlielotte @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @april-showers-and-flowers @mrs-l-mccoy @piccolaromana @strange-old-worlds @scraftskhu35 @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @dartheldur @goddess-of-many-fandoms @crackheadcastdirector @writerdee1701​
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Against All Odds
Part 347
McCoy let out another sigh as he sat at a table in the lounge. Christine looked over at him. They were doing their work together and she was helping with some of his biochem work.
“Alright?” she asked him gently.
“Wanna talk?” Christine asked, and pushed their books away.
“Just getting back into routines after so much time together…”
Christine smiled softly at him and patted his arm.
“I know,” she agreed. “At least you’re both at the same school?”
“Oh! Chris!” McCoy said, looking up startled, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“I know you didn’t, it’s alright.”
“I don’t know how you do it,” McCoy said. “You or Leah. How do you handle being apart?”
Christine shrugged. “Just do. I have all of you to help and we get our moments and then when we do see each other it’s even more special.”
McCoy nodded as Christine spoke. She looked thoughtful after a moment.
“Did your sister meet someone?”
“What?” McCoy asked, jerked from his thoughts again.
“You said you don’t know how me and Leah handle it. Did she meet someone?”
McCoy looked at Christine wide eyed. Had he let that slip?
“Uhh, yeah, she did. But don’t let that out.”
“You know I won’t,” Christine promised. “What’s the person like? Do you like them?”
McCoy ran a hand over his face, and peeked through his fingers at her. “Yeah, I like them.”
“Oh that’s good. How long have they been together?”
He wasn’t sure if he was going to start groaning or laughing. “A while,” he answered cryptically.
“They have a name?”
McCoy struggled with his thoughts for a moment, then grabbed Christine’s shoulder and pulled her close to whisper in her ear.
“It’s Robbie.”
Christine pulled back to look at him. “What?!” she exclaimed.
“Shhh!” McCoy frowned at her.
“Our Robbie? Scotty’s brother Robbie? Are you trying to play a joke on me?”
“Shh Chris!”
“You’re serious!” Christine said in amazement, before she began laughing. “What are you guys, like catnip to them or something?”
“Shut up,” McCoy demanded, pulling his book close again.
“How did it happen?” Christine asked curiously.
“They met in a call I had with Leah one time, when I introduced her around, and then they kept messaging and calling each other and well, here we are.”
“Your parents are on board?”
“They just know they’re friends.”
“Oh. Are they serious?”
“Sounds like it,” McCoy said.
“Good for them,” Christine said firmly.
“May I join you?”
McCoy and Christine both looked up at the unfamiliar voice. Sural was standing on the other side of the table.
“Of course,” McCoy said and waved a hand at a chair.
“Leonard, right?”
“Yes and this is Christine.”
“Nice to meet you, I am Sural.”
“A pleasure,” Christine said.
“I hate to bother you, but I am told you are quite helpful with Federation history Leonard.”
McCoy smiled. “At least I’m good at something,” he joked and pushed the biochem book away again.
“I’m sure it helps when most of your life was prepping to lead a planet,” Christine joked.
“Oh,” Sural said, eyes widening. “You are the prince. I apologize your highness.” Sural’s hand went to cover his mouth. “I called you by name!”
McCoy chuckled. “I don’t know what else you would call me besides my name. And don’t start with that ‘highness’ business, I’m just Leonard. Now what can I help you with?”
Sural was pleasant as McCoy helped him. He had pulled his biochem book back again and Christine was helping him between Sural’s questions. He was actually glad to help Sural as it distracted his mind from wondering how Scotty was doing in Khan’s therapy session.
It was a joy finally when a hand touched his shoulder and he knew who it belonged to without looking. He turned to look up at Scotty.
“Hey darlin’!” McCoy exclaimed, before he got a good look at Scotty’s face. He looked tired, and had he cried? His eyes showed faint traces of red.
“Hello mo ghràdh,” Scotty said quietly. “Hi Chris.” He looked across in surprise. “Hi Sural.”
“You alright?” McCoy asked with concern.
Scotty nodded.
“Go on,” Christine said. “We can tell you both want to be alone, right Sural?”
Sural nodded.
“Thanks Chris,” Scotty said as McCoy gathered his things. He stood and let Scotty lead him from the lounge.
“I told Spock I wanted the room today,” McCoy said quietly. “Wanna go there and tell me about it?”
“Ok,” Scotty said, leaning into McCoy.
Part 348
Scotty was glad when they entered the room and he could finally wrap his arms around Leonard's neck. He just wanted his boyfriend close to him at that moment and Leonard immediately realized what Scotty needed. He hugged him back and gently stroked one hand through the Scotsman’s hair.
"Hey now, what's wrong?"
Scotty felt the tears start to flow again and he buried his face in Leonard's neck, just breathing in his soothing scent. He couldn't answer. At least not right away.
"Come on. Let's sit down."
Carefully, Leonard broke the embrace and led Scotty over to his bed. They took a seat and Leonard wiped away Scotty's tears with his thumb.
"I... we were... talking..."
It wasn’t much more than horrible sobbing which left the Scotsman's mouth, but Leonard understood him anyway.
"About what?"
Scotty recognized the concern in his beloved's gaze, and he knew that this situation would surely only increase Leonard's resentment toward Khan.
"About how Khan... threatened to kill Robbie."
Inevitably, Leonard's hand clenched into a fist and Scotty quickly grabbed it and stroked it.
"He's... incredibly sorry. He... apologized to me again. Apparently his... his progress has stagnated because he just couldn't talk to Dr. Hudson about it."
Leonard's look was deprecating, even if he tried to hide it. Scotty knew him well enough.
"I... I believe him, mo ghràdh, if ye had seen him..."
Scotty thought of Khan's tear-streaked face.
"And I also believe that he will change."
Leonard sighed.
"I know. And... I want to believe it too, but seeing you like this-"
Quickly, Scotty shook his head.
"It was just all a bit too much. The memories... and everything I associate with them."
Scotty placed a hand on the prince's cheek and kissed him lovingly.
"Help me forget these things."
He didn't want to go back to those terrible times. He wanted to live in the here and now. He wanted to look forward.
And Scotty knew he could do that with Leonard.
Their lips met once more, pressed against each other over and over again while their tongues gently entwined.
Scotty pushed Leonard down onto the bed before climbing on top of him and pulling off his shirt.
They didn't have much time before dinner began, but it would be enough to make him forget.
After dinner, the world looked different again. Scotty felt much better than before and he knew that the evening with Leonard would make him even happier.
They returned to the prince's room and snuggled close together in bed.
Leonard had suggested during dinner that they could read a new book together and Scotty had been thrilled with the idea.
So now they lay close together and Leonard read to Scotty from the novel he had just borrowed from the library.
When they came to a passage in which a secret relationship was revealed, Leonard suddenly stopped and Scotty looked up at him.
"Mo ghràdh?"
Leonard blushed.
"I... I have a confession to make."
Scotty tilted his head. What could it be? They weren't keeping secrets from each other, after all.
"I blabbed in front of Chris. She knows about Leah and Robbie."
Scotty couldn't help but smile at the idea of how Christine must have reacted.
"What did she say?"
Leonard had to chuckle as well.
"She... was quite surprised."
"Who wouldn't be? First the prince falls for my irresistible charms, and then the princess falls for my brother, too?"
A grin crossed Leonard's face.
"Well...the Scotts are just incredibly attractive."
With those words, Leonard put the book aside and they picked up where they had left off not too long before.
They had to take the chance to have the room to themselves, after all.
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thesconesyard · 3 years
Boaty McBoatystory
Part 6
Hand in hand they walked into the dining room and over to their assigned table. Jim was sitting with Spock and Uhura.
“Haven’t seen the wee man?” Scotty asked as they sat down and said hello.
“Not yet,” Uhura answered.
“Did you have an enjoyable day?” Spock asked.
“Very relaxing,” Scotty smiled. McCoy nodded with him “What did you all do?” Scotty continued.
“There were some very interesting displays about the islands we will be visiting,” Spock replied. “We spent some time reviewing those.”
“We saw one of the shows Mr. Chekov had on the list,” said Uhura.
“What about you Jimbo?” Scotty asked.
McCoy watched as Uhura rolled her eyes. He saw Jim’s face color slightly.
“Oh, just hung out with these two.” Jim gestured to Spock and Uhura.
“I believe we’ll be reaching our first port of call tomorrow morning. Do you plan on heading ashore?” Spock asked Scotty.
“Oh yes,” Scotty said. “See the sights and all. Maybe you could tell us what would be interesting to see, since you did the research.”
“That would be amenable,” Spock said. But before he could continue, Keenser arrived at the table.
“Well, I suppose you met someone, eh?” Scotty asked him.
Keenser grinned and nodded as he sat.
“Yeah, well me too for once,” Scotty grinned back.
Keenser lifted an eyebrow in surprise. McCoy fought not to blush.
“Did you Scotty?” Uhura asked. “That must be nice,” she said with a faint smile.
“A pretty lass like you? I’m sure ye could have anyone you wanted,” Scotty exclaimed.
Uhura smiled brightly at him. “Thank you. I think I’m just going to enjoy the trip and not worry about meeting anyone. We came for the vacation anyway.”
“That is an excellent way to think of it, Uhura,” said Spock.
“You’re not interested in meeting anyone Spock?” McCoy couldn’t resist asking. He flinched as Jim kicked him under the table.
“As Uhura said, we did not come on vacation with the intention of romantic involvement with anyone…”
McCoy watched Jim’s smile fade.
“…though who can know what tomorrow may bring?” Spock finished.
Jim’s face lit back up. McCoy resisted rolling his eyes, but noticed Uhura had no qualms as she glanced at Jim.
“Who’d you meet this time?” Scotty asked Keenser. “Let me guess, blonde?”
Keenser nodded.
“You're predictable,” Scotty laughed.
“What about the person you met? What are they like?” Uhura asked.
“Yeah Scotty, what are they like?” Jim seconded with a grin at McCoy.
McCoy hid a smile as Jim flinched when he kicked him under the table.
“Well, they’re tall, dark and handsome and have a wonderful smile.”
“That sounds lovely,” said Uhura.
McCoy fought off another blush as Scotty glanced over and smiled at him.
“Where did you meet them?” Spock asked.
“Oh, you know,” Scotty said, “right here.” He reached over and grabbed McCoy’s hand.
McCoy couldn’t help it this time and his face warmed.
“Oh how lucky!” Uhura exclaimed. “And a doctor Scotty, good choice!”
“Good evening everyone,” Mr. Chekov said from the stage after most everyone had been served. “Thanks to so many of you who participated in today’s activities. We will be in port by 9 AM tomorrow and we will depart promptly at 3 PM. Please return to the ship before then, please. Tonight, for entertainment we have Chapel & Sulu.”
Chekov spread his arm towards the side of the stage. A man and woman came out to join him. Applause went through the room. The man sat at a piano and the woman stepped up to the microphone.
“Well they’re much better than that cupcake yesterday,” Jim said as the duo began.
“That’s a beautiful dress,” Uhura said dreamily, looking at the woman singing. “Which one is she, I wonder? Chapel or Sulu?”
“It would have been logical for Mr. Chekov to tell us, but perhaps they will call each other by name so we may know for certain,” said Spock.
“That would be helpful,” Jim said, looking at Spock and smiling.
McCoy saw Scotty give him a look, and shake his head slightly.
McCoy walked with Scotty after dinner. They had decided after lying around all day a walk would be good. The evening air was brisk and salty.
“How long before Spock realizes?” Scotty asked McCoy.
“Jim is so obnoxious,” McCoy rolled his eyes. “Either Spock is the densest man alive or he’s great at ignoring the obvious.”
“It should be fun to watch tomorrow,” Scotty chuckled.
They had all decided at dinner to meet and head ashore together.
“It won’t,” McCoy laughed. “I’ve seen that show.”
He stopped, leaning on the railing and looked out at the ocean and faint lights that could be seen in the distance. Scotty stopped next to him with his hands on the rail. McCoy looked down and tentatively put his hand on top of one of Scotty’s.
He glanced up and saw Scotty beam at him.
“I… I don't normally move this fast,” McCoy mumbled out.
“Me either.”
“Is… does this… I mean…” McCoy couldn’t get his thoughts straight.
“It just feels right?” Scotty said.
“Yes. That’s what I was trying to say.”
“It does, I agree. I… I just want to be here right next to you,” Scotty said shyly.
“I've never, it's just, we barely know each other…”
“I know.”
“And, well… what happens when the cruise is over?” McCoy asked.
“What do you want to happen?” Scotty replied.
What did he want when the cruise was over? He wasn’t sure. But somehow he wanted this man still in his life. He wanted that very strongly but would it, could it be possible? Did Scotty want that? Or was McCoy just a vacation fling? If that was all, he needed to stop this now, no matter if it hurt.
“I… I’m not sure. I guess we see how this goes?”
“Well I know what I want to happen.”
McCoy looked at Scotty and raised an eyebrow in question.
“I want to see more of you,” Scotty answered simply.
McCoy blinked in surprise.
“You do?”
Scotty nodded. “Aye,” he confirmed.
“I’d like that too, but can we make that work?”
“Why not? We aren’t so far apart at home.”
They weren’t. They had all discovered at dinner the previous night that everyone at the table lived within fifty miles of each other. Spock had wondered if the crew seated all the tables with people who lived near each other.
“We aren’t…” McCoy agreed. His heart began to pound faster in his chest. “I’d… I’d like to see more of you after this is over too.”
“Sounds like a plan Len,” Scotty said and leaned in for a kiss.
“Alright Scotty,” McCoy said when they pulled apart.
“It’s Montgomery actually,” Scotty grinned.
“My name. Montgomery Scott. Everyone’s just always called me Scotty except my family,” Scotty explained.
“Ok…, do you want—”
“Oh Scotty’s fine,” Scotty waved a hand at him. “Or Monty. Whichever you prefer.” Scotty shrugged.
“How ’bout a night cap?” McCoy asked. “This bit of breeze is starting to go through me.” He held off a shiver.
“Sure. Same place?”
McCoy nodded. “Sounds good. It was quiet.”
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beronicahugs · 4 years
Not my Jacket (s.p) - Part I (rescripted)
Hello! Since it’s been 3 years since I began to write this series, and I completed it on sort of a bad note I figured I would rewrite it and make it a little more detailed..
If you want to see the ‘old’ series, you can find it on my masterlist.
Let me know if you guys want me to continue rewriting this series :-)
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word count; 1.6k
It was a Friday, as many students around southside high jumbled through the hallways. Although cloudy many people were excited to get their weekends started. Whether it involved drug running from one gang to the northside (which was a typical ghoulie Saturday night) or the serpents gathering in their favourite bar, everyone in southside high could agree they were in much need of a weekend. Student were just pooling out their classes, most shoving anything into their locker.
An unfamiliar figure, red hair sticking out from the sea of dark colours in the hallway, ran into the front door of the building. Both ghoulies and Serpents alike looked at the strange boy, some members already sizing up for a fight.
“Archie? What the hell are you doing here?” A dark-haired boy spoke. This was Jughead, a recent serpent by blood, being a new student at southside high not wanting to drag much attention to himself. But here he was talking with a candle in a dark room.
“It’s Mayor McCoy. She’s rounding up all the serpents! You have to come back with m-“ Before Archie could speak, a new member to their conversion came over, pushing him back slightly. He was at least half a foot taller than Archie, and about four times as intimidating. This was Sweet Pea, and while many people liked to joke that he wouldn’t hurt a fly, no one would say that to his face.
“What are you doing here? This isn’t the northside, did you get lost on your way to the football game?”
Archie glared at him, before turning his attention back to Jughead, “Look”, he spoke, “Mayor McCoy is on her way over here right now and she’s sen-“
However before he could finish she walked in herself. Along with at least a dozen police officers.
They were handcuffing students left and right, and they were all serpents. No ghoulies touched at all. Sweet pea watched in horror as they first got Fangs, then Toni and many more serpents he was friendly with. Sweet Pea started to panic, he was not wearing his jacket.
“Fuck.. Fuck where’s Y/n?”
You were laughing at something Sweet pea had said. Your fingers were laced with his as soon as you had gotten off his bike. Every morning, rain or shine he would show up at your house and give you a ride. Much to the dismay of your parents. Despite all these circumstances though, you were not together. There was flirting, hand holding, and movie dates, but it was never ‘official’. Sweet pea had wanted to ask you out for the longest time, however since you weren’t a serpent not many people would agree with the relationship. He did have thoughts at night if it would be better if he didn’t acknowledge you. It had already caused problems with the ghoulies in 9th grade, and If he could help it he wished that no one could harm you.
It was a cold October morning while you walked through the parking lot. You had forgotten to bring a sweater that day, your hand removing from Sweet Peas as you rubbed your hands up and down your arms.
“Cold?” Sweet Pea asked. He was already in the process of taking his jacket off as you shook you head.
“No, Pea I’m fine I- “
“Just borrow it until lunch. I think you have English first and that class always has the windows open.”
“Who’s Y/N?” Archie spoke, a bit dumbfounded that Sweet Pea could remember any girl’s name.
It was like slow motion for all three boys stood by the lockers. Being dragged out of her favourite class, Chemistry. The look on her face was etched with confusion, worry, and slight anger. She was struggling against the too very tall officers (albeit not taller than Sweet Pea). Both officers sported similar looks of pride, as if to say, look at us we caught the bad guy. But that was exactly the problem as they pulled you down the hallway, you weren’t.
Her eyes met with Sweet Peas first, slight tears forming. And then her eyes snapped over to the red-headed northsider with a glare. There were silver handcuffs digging into her wrists as they pushed opened the front doors roughly before taking off in a police car.
Sweet Pea hit his fist into the lock, leaving a large dent in it. His hand then went directly to his hair, tugging and trying to figure out what the hell to do now. Before Archie had a moment to say anything, Sweet Pea whipped around grabbing his collar.
“You did this! You asshole!” Sweet Pea heaved, “She’s now in prison because you called mayor psycho”
Archie shook his head, and pushed Sweet Pea back, “I didn’t do that. I came to warn you. And why are you so worried about her? I’m sure you’ll find another southside girl”
Sweet Pea’s fist collided with Archies jaw, before he fumed off, trying to figure out how the hell he was going to get you out. And how he was going to explain to FP he gave a non-serpent his jacket.
After cooling off, Sweet Pea decided he would join Jughead to go see Tall Boy. They needed a plan to get the other serpents out of the Riverdale sheriffs jail. Jughead had agreed for Sweet Pea to come even though he wasn’t a fan of him, he was a fan of Y/n. She had the northsider smile and grades but occasionally the force and anger of a Southsider. He often wondered why she even went to southside high.
The two boys stepped into the Wyrm, before narrowing down on the man with the beard in the corner. “So Tall Boy, Jughead spoke, “what are we going to do?”
The older man grumbled, taking a sip of his beer. “We wait, they won’t stay in there longer for a week”
“A week? A week?!” Sweet Peas voice raising.
“What’s your problem boy?” Tall Boy narrowed his eyes. “you aren’t in there”
Jughead cleared his throat, putting his hand on Sweet Peas shoulder to pull him back. “His girl- uh friend is in there, he’s just a bit concerned”
“So..” Tall Boy raised his eyebrows, “she’s a serpent, she’ll be able to fight if needed”
“No, Jughead shook his head, “She was just wearing Swe-“
Sweet Pea elbowed him in the ribs before he was able to finish his sentence. If Tall Boy, or any other serpent for that matter knew that he had lent his jacket he would be in shit.
“It’s Fine”, Jughead shrugged, “She’ll get out”
One week for Sweet Pea without you has hell. The ghoulies were consistently stepping on serpent territory now, so he couldn’t even go to the Wrym to cool off. Plus he didn’t even like school, it’s not like there was anyone he really talked to besides Fangs, Toni and you. He was only starting to talk with Jughead, but since you had been taken off he gave Jughead the cold shoulder every time he tried to talk to him.
During this week, the ghoulies had decided to make a bet with the serpents. A car race for southside territory. Luckily Toni had gotten back a few days okay, shrugging at Sweet Pea when he asked if she know if you were out yet.
After the cars took off, Sweet Pea looked at his nails and began picking at them. It was a nervous habit his mother had always told him to get a new habit. That only led to him having a bit of a breakdown in freshman year with smoking, and he had only quit because every time he would smoke you would ignore him for the day.
A small tap on his shoulder made him turn his head fast, annoyed at whoever was interrupting his mundane activities.
His eyes light up. Y/n stood in front of him, his jacket held in her arms as she handed it out to him. Her eyes were happy like Sweet Pea’s, except with large eye bags that had just started to form.
‘Y/n?” he whispered.
“Yeah Sweet Pea…It’s me”
“Didn’t get any stick and poke tattoos in jail did you?”, He raised an eyebrow jokingly.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, She grinned “But I can barely get my flu shot each year”.
Sweet Pea laughed, going back to face the gravel path Jughead, Archie and the Ghoulies had just raced down a few minutes ago. The girl stood next to him, eyes solidified to the ground as she asked her question: “What does it take to be a Serpent?”
Sweet Pea looked back at the girl and frowned, “Why? You don’t want to be one do you?”
She laughed nervously but smiled large enough that Sweet Pea couldn’t tell. “No..No! Just well I was ‘in the slammer’ she said with quotes, “I just noticed there was a lot of serpents. And they seem to stick up for each other”
Sweet Pea gave a small smile back, mumbling a “Good” before going through all the processes of what going through initiation was, including multiple hazing ‘obstacles’. As the boy explained this to her, she kept repeating in her head you’re going to be fine, you’re going to be fine.
What Sweet Pea didn’t know, and what she hoped he’d never find out is how she got out. Thanks to a certain serpent named Penny Peabody with quick wit and horrifying deals: She had to become a Serpent within a month, or her and her family would be forced to move out of Riverdale.
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Abuelitas, Tantrums, and Ropa Vieja
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Summary: With Lucia back from Florida and the squad aware of Rebecca and Catalina, Rafael decides it’s time to introduce them over his abuelita’s ropa vieja. Since he’s been able to maneuver his schedule to spend most days working from home, he assumes a trip to Whole Foods will be no problem, but Catalina isn’t used to hearing no from papi.
Pairings: Rafael Barba x OC
First Part-Second Part -Third Part - Fourth Part - Fifth Part
“Mami, I need to tell you something. Do you remember Rebecca?”
Rafael’s hand was squeezing hers. Now that Liv and her squad knew, Rafael was acutely aware word would travel. There was no logical way for news to reach Lucia, but he wanted to introduce Catalina to her, see the three most important women in his life in one room. He was, however, afraid of what she would say and how she would respond. Once she realized she loved Rebecca, pressure to get married would mount, and he was determined for them to take their time. There was also the possibility his mother would react poorly, questioning paternity or Rebecca’s motives. He couldn’t decide which option made him more nervous. 
“I did go see her while you were in Florida. And we’re together again. She forgave me. But mami, there’s something else.” His eyes flickered to the ceiling, the corner that would be under his sleeping daughter’s bed. “Mami, when I ignored her? She was pregnant.”
She could hear Lucia holding her breath, and Rebecca leaned to press a gentle kiss to Rafael’s shoulder, hovering there. His voice was less like the confident or penitent Rafael she’d seen; instead, he sounded a lot like Catalina did when she was afraid she’d be in trouble. He’d asked her to sit with him as he called his mom, and he held her hand like an anchor, green eyes fixed ahead. 
“Yeah, really. And she’ll be three in August. I moved in with them, not back to my place. Rebecca named her Catalina….Yeah, for abuelita. We want you to come over for dinner. Meet her….Rebecca tried to tell me. It’s not her fault you didn’t know….Mami, she didn’t know how to contact you. Trust me, she’s ecstatic for us to be here. And Cat looks like a Barba. EVerybody says she looks just like me….Yeah. Five is perfect. Becs will be home from school and I’m home with Cat all day….Eres una abuela ahora, mami….Si, yo soy un papa….Te amo. Nos vemos mañana por la tarde.”
He hung up, tongue between his teeth as he texted his mom a selection of pictures and videos. The ones from Christmas eve, New Years Eve, and nights in. Rafael was proudest of one Rebecca had sent him. She’d gotten home, neither Rafael or Catalina noticing her, and when she came to the living room, he was at his writing desk, face serious and Catalina making the same face at her easel beside him. Rebecca’s favorite picture of the father and daughter was from when he’d fallen asleep reading Catalina a bedtime story, curling up in his sleep on the child sized bed with their daughter against his chest. He sent mami that one too.
“Sounds like it went well.”
“I think she’s processing. She hasn’t thought I’ll ever have a partner or a child. But, she’s been playing step grandma to Enrique’s grandkids. I think she’s over the moon to have her own now. He’s in Florida another week or she’d be bringing him.”
“Catalina will be excited.”
“She’s been asking about meeting grandma. I’m making abuelita’s ropa vieja.”
“So I’m not even cooking?” she grinned. “It’ll be a good night.”
“We split it!” he defended, wrapping around her and propping his chin on her shoulder. “Mostly. But not when people come.”
“Exactly. Also, I want to try your abuelita’s ropa vieja.”
“I wish she could have met her namesake.”
“Me too.”
“She’d have liked you. Not how I ended up. But she’d have liked you.”
“She’d be proud of you, Rafa.”
“I was supposed to be a judge,” he shrugged. “Mami is disappointed too.”
“She’d happy that you’re happy, baby.”
“I know. But she can still wish I were an ADA or DA. She used to tell me to stick close to Alex too. And call me el juez.”
“She’d have changed her mind if she knew what he’d done. Rafael, she’s watching over you. I know she is.”
“Gracias, mi amor. Vamos a dormir. It’s late.”
The next day, Rafael saw Rebecca off to work, and it occurred to him this would be his first day running errands with Catalina while she was gone. He’d taken her the park and to the sitter or her uncles’ house. Now, as he bundled her up to go buy everything he’d need to cook dinner, he wondered if grocery shopping with a toddler would be as bad as the parents he’d seen in the past with children screaming for whatever had caught their eye. Then again, he hadn’t seen Catalina throw any fits. He had the collapsable bag and Catalina’s hand in his as they started towards the Whole Foods that he was thankful was within walking distance. Each time they left, he watched her like a hawk, but like clockwork, she’d asked him to carry her after a block.
“C’mon, mija,” he smiled softly, settling her into the cart carefully before he made his way to the meat counter. He hated grocery shopping normally. Rebecca had always teased him for how often they ordered food in. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy cooking, he just didn’t have time. Since finding out about Catalina and having the time to cook, he’d gone back to making the recipes he’d learned growing up and figuring out new things Catalina could help make. Grocery shopping remained unbearable, though, and he always ordered them delivered. Today, there wasn’t time, but he found that it was much more bearable as Catalina told him her favorite snacks and chattered away. He gave her Oh yeah?s and Very good, mijas st the right times, even adding the box of frosted cereal to the cart. He did not expect to lock eyes with Jack McCoy across the wine aisle, freezing with his hand on the bottle of red in the cart. 
“Rafael,” he greeted, shaking his hand. “I didn’t know you were back.”
“Jack. Yes you did,” he chuckled. “I went up against your ADA.”
“I suppose you did. But not my ADA. I retired.” The older man’s eyes went to Catalina, watching her father and the stranger. “She’s got to be yours.”
“She is,” he said, and Jack could see Rafael’s chest puff out with a pride he’d only ever seen in court. “Mija, this is papi’s friend, Mr. McCoy. Can you introduce yourself?”
“Hi, Mr. McCoy! I’m Cat!”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cat.” The smile he gave Rafael was knowing. “It looks like leaving the DA’s office was the right move for you. In Whole Foods on a Friday? Defense work? Or stay at home dad?”
“Both. Innocence Project. I meet with clients on Mondays. Other than that I work from home and Cat goes to the sitter or her uncles for court days. I might give it all up to teach, though. I’m doing a class right now.”
“I didn’t know you had somebody, Rafael. She’d have been born after your trial.”
“I didn’t know until December. Her mom tried but I cut everyone off. Showed up to try and win her back. Got a two for one.”
“Fatherhood looks good on you.” 
“Thanks, Jack. I’m happy.” Jack clapped a hand on his shoulder as he passed, and Catalina looked up at her father. He smiled, kissing the top of her head. “You know papi loves you?”
“I love you too, papi.” 
He gathered the groceries, nerves high as he realized Catalina was getting tired. It struck him that it meant he’d be toting her on his hip and the groceries in the bag on wheels. They stood in the line, and she was reaching for every snack nearby. Each time, he took her hand and kissed her fingers, whispering a no softly. Each time, Catalina got increasingly annoyed, and one of his own expressions, mouth in a straight line and brow furrowed, looked back at him. She grabbed a packaged cookie when his wallet was out, and he sighed, taking it from her hand and anticipating the whimper that escaped her. 
Rebecca said he had to work on standing firm and telling Catalina no. It was fine when he had her, but the sitter, Al, and Rebecca were getting to deal with come aparts when she didn’t get her way. He was able to get his card put away before the wail escaped her. Free hand on the handle of the cart, he took her hand and was able to at least get her away from the register before she fell to the floor. Now he saw what Rebecca had warned him about. 
“Cat,” he said softly as he squatted beside her. “Come on, mija. Get up. We’ll go home and have lunch.”
“No, mija, you can’t have that. You have to eat lunch first.”
“We can have cookies at home.”
Rafael didn’t like the way his face was heating up as he knelt, able to see the people around him looking. Were they judging him? Did he look like he was as bad at this as he felt right now? His first time not taking her to the park, and she’s screaming? He was also suddenly struck by memories of his own childhood the few times he’d cried. It infuriated him to think his father did anything but accept the red hot embarrassment that was a part of this. Rafael could handle the stares; he could never raise his voice, much less his hand, to her. But, he felt frustration build as he went to lead her out, and Catalina dropped as though her body were lead. A woman stepped past and he sent a tight lipped smile and received an understanding one in return. Dios mio, this must be part of the deal. 
“Mija,” he begged, desperation evident in his voice. “Please. We have to go home.” Does fatherhood still look good on me, Jack? God, McCoy could walk by at any moment. He wanted to just pick up Catalina and carry her screaming home, but when he went to, he received a sharp, definitive no. If there were two goals he had for Catalina, they were to know she was in charge of her person and that no one should ever hurt her. Keeping his temper in check was easier than he expected, but now, he recognized the former goal meant dropping to sit on the cold concrete floor of Whole Foods, back against the wall and Catalina laying beside him as he hammered out a text to Rebecca.
What stops a tantrum?
You have to wait it out or put her in the stroller.
I didn’t bring the stroller.
I told you. Always bring the stroller. You okay?
Fuck, she had. Just not this morning.  
Can’t triple chocolate chip cookies be lunch?
Did you tell her no?
Yeah. I want to take it back.
She’ll be fine. Tell me what’s happened.
She’s sleepy I think. Wanted snacks in line. I said no every time. Then she picked up the cookies while I was paying. I took them out of her hand and she lost it. I’m sitting on the floor by the wall while she screams. I’m a terrible father.  
Within moments, his phone rang, and just the sight of Rebecca’s contact photo calmed him slightly. 
“Please tell me I can just say yes.”
“She’s nearing the end of wailing,” she said, and he could hear the chatter of her students in the background. “Hear how the wail dies out instead of ending strong?”
“I don’t want to say no.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, hating the way his voice sounded: whiny and desperate.
“C’mon, papi, you gotta hold out. When it ends? She’ll take a nap and move on.”
“Or I could just buy the cookies. She’s crying. It hurts when she cries. I don’t like it.”
“Trust me, you’ll realize which cries are ‘I didn’t get my way’ and which cries are ‘I’m in emotional danger.’ I know it’s hard, baby.”
“I’m so bad at this. Everyone keeps staring.”
“If they have kids, it’s sympathetic. If they have kids and it’s not sympathetic, they’re dicks. Did you try picking her up?”
“She said no. So we’re sitting here.”
“This too shall pass. Welcome to the reality part of fatherhood.”
“I like being new and always the good guy.”
“When you give her lunch, she’ll forget she didn’t get the cookies. Probably before then.”
“What if we make cookies?”
“Whatever makes you both feel better.”
“Te amo, hermosa. Thank you.”
“Glad to coach you through. I love you. You’re an amazing father, okay? No one is good at tantrums.” He hung up, and when he looked ahead he saw McCoy give him a sympathetic smile. Of course he really would see Rafael on the floor now. He gave a salute and tired grimace. It took another few minutes for Catalina’s crying to stop. She looked at him with tear stained cheeks, and Rafael felt like an asshole. 
“Ready to go home, mija?” She nodded, sniffling as she held her arms up. He grunted as he stood from the floor, displeased with the way his knees cracked. Once she was settled on his hip, he pulled the basket behind them as they walked. Catalina looped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder, and he smiled to himself. So it really was temporary. She was definitely tired now if she wasn’t before. He laid her on the couch when they were home, letting her sleep as he created the sauce for the ropa vieja and put the meat in to cook. It smelled like abuelita’s apartment on the cold nights he’d hidden from his father there, and she’d helped him study and fed him the comforting dish. He could still remember sitting at her table, feet dangling the day she saw the deep purple bruising along his side when he reached to get a dish for her. He hadn’t had to go home for a month.
He was always afraid some part of his father would burst forth. It had been two glorious months of being able to be a father, but he still found himself considering the possibility he’d change into some caricature of the elder Barba. The idea of raising his voice to Catalina was enough to make his stomach churn, and he knew he’d never do anything to hurt her or make her feel like he had. 
But surely his father never thought he’d beat his own son? Surely he’d looked at newborn Rafael, small and delicate, and had the same urge he did to protect his child? Whenever the thoughts got bad, every couple of weeks, he’d curl up beside Rebecca and tell her. That was certainly a difference. His father was always rage and disappointment; Rafael couldn’t imagine he’d expressed how he felt to his mother often, especially fear or happiness or sadness. Rebecca thought his desperation to be different was enough proof he wouldn’t end up like him.
When Catalina was awake, the rest of the day went by in a blur. He settled at his desk to grade papers, and halfway through, Catalina climbed in his lap with a notepad, doodling as he marked. That was how Rebecca found them when she got home, pressing a kiss to the top of their heads. It looked like they’d weathered the tantrum just fine. She’d worried about Rafael all day. In the time since they were last together, she’d gotten tougher. He’d gotten more emotional, and she knew this probably brought up a lot he didn’t want to think about, but she was confident now he’d talk to her about it before bed.
“Looks like everyone survived,” she teased gently. 
“Yeah. I just sat there until she was ready.”
“It sucks, I know. That’s why you always take the stroller. Maneuver her in.”
“Does this happen a lot?”
“She’s two, Rafael. Testing boundaries. And then papi never says no.”
“Papi said no cookies,” Catalina said seriously.
“Did you get cookies later?”
“Yes,” she admitted with a sheepish smile.
“So when mama or papi says no, it isn’t always so bad?”
“No.” Her admission was reluctant, arms crossed in front of her and face serious. He laughed, closing up the folder. 
“Well, papi’s mami will be here soon. She’s your grandma. Abuelita.”
“Abuelita,” Catalina repeated, nodding. Rebecca took advantage of being home to sit with Catalina, who was determined they needed to draw together, as Rafael finished cooking. When his mother arrived, he nearly ran to the door, wrapped in an apron. Lucia had only seen her son on video calls while she’d been in Florida, and she realized when he opened the door that cameras couldn’t relay the way her his shoulders and jaw held less tension and his mouth sat in the slightest smile instead of a straight line. The sight of him in a polo shirt and jeans, with bare feet and an apron messy with the ropa vieja she could smell, was jarring in the best way.
“Mami,” he grinned, wrapping her in a hug. He’d always been her son when they were together, soft and sweet and doting, but he’d never seemed so calm. 
“Mijo,” she smiled, leaning back and gripping his forearms. “You look good. And it smells like abuelita’s recipe?”
“Sí. I think I haven’t made it for Rebecca before. And definitely not for Cat.”
“Let me see her.” Lucia was ecstatic, and she could just see the little brunette peaking around the wall. It warmed her heart to see Rafael go and kneel, hushed whispers between them before he picked her up with ease. He’d never been the best with children, but it seemed age, circumstance, and Olivia’s son had done enough to unlock the paternal part of him his mother had always known was hidden. Catalina’s arms were wrapped around her father’s neck, watching Lucia with curiosity. 
“Catalina, this is your abuelita.” His voice was gentle as he spoke, and Lucia leaned to look at her. It was like looking at Rafael when he was the same age. Her mouth was different, more like her mother’s, but the curls and eyes were him. The look as she inspected this new guest in their home was all Rafael as well. 
“Hi Catalina. It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, abuelita.” Lucia could see the way the little girl focused on the word.
“I made you your papi’s favorite treat. They’re called pastelitos de guayaba.”
“What are those?”
“It just means guava pastries. Your papi used to eat them all when his abuelita and I made them.”
“I’ll share with him,” Catalina said seriously, wiggling in her father’s arms. He knew well enough to know that meant she was comfortable and let her down. “Gracias, abuelita.”
“Is papi teaching you Spanish?”
“Yeah! I ask him words and stuff. And I can count to ten!”
“Wow! You’re smart like him. Can you introduce me to your mami?”
Rafael put the box of pastelitos in the kitchen, turning the heat just high enough to keep everything warm before going to the living room. He watched Catalina, her abuelita’s hand in hers, march up to Rebecca. His abuelita was here; he could feel her presence. It was there in the patience with which his mother was already doting on Catalina, in the smell of the ropas viejas wafting through the house, in the way Catalina was proudly introducing her mother and grandmother. His abuelita had always been home and safety, even when his mother couldn’t provide the latter, and he had both now. He only wished she could see her namesake in the living room, now walking to introduce Lucia to each stuffed animal. He was incandescently happy for the first time, and Rebecca had finally gotten him to believe that would be enough for abuelita. 
When everyone came and sat around the kitchen table, plates piled with beans and rice and beef, the last part of him that felt like it was racing, desperate to prove he could be a good father, stilled. Today had included a tantrum in the market, but he’d weathered it without even raising his voice to Catalina. He was doing work that wouldn’t catapult him to judge, but it made him feel good. He was settled down with Rebecca and a daughter and could finally acknowledge he wasn’t his father. A combination of cherry picked defense work, the Innocence Project, and teaching were allowing him a serenity he hadn’t thought he’d get in his forty-nine years. In August, he’d reach fifty, and he was grateful to realize he’d reach it genuinely happy instead of mistaking success for happiness.
“¿Estás bien mijo?” Lucia had asked while Rebecca was feeding Catalina.
“Sí mamá. Estoy feliz.”
“Puedo ver que lo eres. Cuando te vas a casar con ella?”
“Tan pronto como puedo. Dale tiempo.”
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Greetings, immortal imagines queen! May I request a Halloween imagine for what spooky celebrations would be like on Kelvin-verse The U.S.S. Enterprise with reader's boo being Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy? I'll leave the details in your capable, creepy hands! You would absolutely make my spooky season! Stay horrifying!
(A/N:) Thank you my dear reader for your requested nightmare, I mean your imagine request! ;P I hope you find it to your liking and it was everything you hoped for! It was so fun to write so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Until next time stay spooky and happy reading!
Imagine Throwing A Halloween Party To Cheer A Grumpy Bones Up.
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Leonard 'Bones' McCoy X FemReader
Warnings: Suggestive themes and cranky Bones
Space the final frontier and the very thing driving the whole crew of the starship Enterprise crazy. With no signs of their journey ending and no signs of anything worthwhile happening all members aboard the ship was going stir crazy. You found yourself pacing the halls doing anything to occupy your time. You stared at the calendar each day marked out with a red X and still no end in sight. October 30th had came and you found yourself homesick. You knew that children all around the world were going to be celebrating the Halloween season and here you were stuck in space. Bones had been even moodier here lately, he was sick of space, he hated it in the first place which you thought funny because he joined Star Fleet. But you loved him and all his quirkiness. You wanted to do something special to get your grumpy doctor out of the dumps and you knew just the trick. A Halloween party! Of course he’d act like he hated it but you knew deep down inside that he would enjoy himself and it would break up the monotony that was space travel. Grabbing the reports Kirk wanted you skipped to the bridge gaining odd looks from your fellow co-workers at your sudden show of giddiness. Finally at the bridge you saluted before entering stepping up to Kirk’s captain chair and handing him the papers.
“Thank you,” he said in a wearisome voice, the bags prominent under his normally bright blue eyes.
“Are you okay Captain?”
Sighing, he gave you the best smile he could muster, “Of course!”
“Yeah very convincing,” you rolled your eyes. “If I may sir, I have a request.”
“Sure let’s hear it.”
“Um sir could I speak to you privately?”
Looking at all the workers surrounding you two he waved off their looks before nodding. Rising up from his chair he led you off the bridge into a corridor that the crew hardly used.
“Now that we are away from the gossip crew please speak freely,” Kirk relaxed, finally able to drop the ‘I’m the Captain’ act.
“Y’know tomorrow is Halloween and we’re stuck in space. I was wanting to throw a Halloween party to lift the crew’s mood. And hopefully get Bones out of his funk.”
“Yeah good luck with that one. He’s always in a funk, his personality just remains funky,” Kirk snorted.
“You know what I mean James! The crew has been complaining about his rougher shots here lately and he’s kinda been crankier than normal.”
“Tell me about it! I went in for a shot the other day and he kept sticking me like a pin cushion! I’m still sore.”
“Like that’s any different, he sticks you rougher as payment for all the schemes you drag him into.”
“We survive them!”
“Yeah barely!”
Kirk opened his mouth to retort before closing it unable to come up with a good enough comeback.
“You’re right,” he finally said. “Permission to throw your party is granted. But if this doesn’t work and make our resident doctor less violent with his patients you’ll have to take care of him personally. We both know that he’s more fond of you than any other being alive.”
“Well yeah,” you snorted, “why do you think we’re dating?” Kirk left you in the corridor to scheme, patting your shoulder he emerged back into the bridge only to cause a few crew members to scatter who were listening in.
You knew the perfect room to throw your party. The crew’s lounge area was hardly used at the moment as people wanted time away from one another. You were hoping that maybe this would ease some of the tension but mostly you hoped it would help Bones. You loved him dearly and you didn’t want him to remain grumpy all the time. If you could make him smile just once, even if it was just a tiny smile you would feel accomplished. Spending the rest of your evening you started decorating and making plans to have everything ready in time for Halloween evening. With blood, sweat, tears, and countless hours you stepped back from your work, wiping sweat from your brow. You were happy with what you had came up with since your supplies were limited and though you wanted to surprise everyone you did have to recruit the cooking staff to make sure there was enough food for everyone. Shutting off the lights and locking the room you went to your quarters to sleep for a few hours.
Following your orders Kirk made an announcement for all crew members (especially Bones)to gather around the lounge area entrance where a special surprise waited for everyone. Squeezing your way through as you kept a firm grip on Bones’ hand you slipped through the throng of people squished together.
“Good evening,” Kirk shouted, “and Happy Halloween! I know this trip has taken its toll and everyone is tired and misses their family. So thank this special person right here,” he gestured to you standing at his side. “(Y/N) has decided to throw everyone a Halloween party. So relax, enjoy yourself, and drink to your heart's content. Just don’t come in to work tomorrow hung over.”
Everyone laughed and bustled forward excitedly as you unlocked the lounge room door. Paper made decorations hung everywhere, smells of various foods wafted through the door, and music played in the background. Dragging Bones forward you made sure to take him to a corner so he could get used to the atmosphere. Crew mates thanked you genuinely and you nodded towards them. Bones sighed clearly not in the mood for anything, you hoped that would change soon.
“You stay here,” you ordered unwilling to put up with his moodiness. “I’m going to get you something to drink.”
“I don’t want anything to drink. I wanted to stay in my quarters and read the new article out about a black hole that is supposedly going to pop up close to where we are,” Bones griped.
“Well you can read that most intriguing article later. Right now you are going to drink punch with me and enjoy my company.”
“I could enjoy your company in my quarters.”
“You didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”
Bones blushed slightly, “That came out wrong.”
“Just shut up Bones,” you kissed his cheek laughing. “I did this for you. You’ve been getting a little violent with your needles here lately.”
“If Kirk complained he was asking for it,” he huffed.
“Of course,” you spun around heading to the refreshment table. A little time passed and Bones started loosening up, you were able to talk him into dancing and before you knew it he was smiling and laughing with his friends. Sure the party had been a lot of work and you had to make due with anything on the ship but you couldn’t remember a more fun Halloween. Bones was able to tear himself away from a drunk Kirk when he grabbed your arm and took you out of the lounge. He didn’t stop out in the corridor taking you into his lab where he shut the door quickly. Before you could question him his mouth was on yours stealing your words and breath. You closed your eyes allowing him to deepen the kiss. He always said he would rather explore your mouth than the very dark despairs of space, now he was doing just that. You felt warm and tingly wherever his hands touched and you held him tightly against you by his dark hair. He was everything rough and you were everything soft. You were polar opposites but you both loved each other greatly.
“Thank you,” he sighed, pulling away, his lips reddened from the ferocity of his kiss.
“Anything for you Doctor Bones,” you cooed.
“Don’t say that,” he shivered, “I’ve had too much to drink.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” you purred and he obliged. ‘Best Halloween ever,’ you thought as you were being held by the man you had come to love more than anything.
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