#very fun way to spend an otherwise boring class
randomaj · 4 months
Got two of my friends to watch Amok Time during class today. And they spent a good half of the episode saying "MAN there is so much romantic tension, when are they going to kiss??".
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happilychaengs · 2 years
Beautiful You
a/n: i had so so so much fun writing this though i'm not sure if it makes much sense. it all felt so new and fresh for me. i think i wrote a lot differently than i did with other fics and i'd love to know how you felt about this. either the bad or the good. just tell me in a nicer way if you think it's bad and have some constructive criticism 😭
word count: 3,395
goddess huh yunjin x college reader
fluff, angst
tw: you die
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The year was 2014 when Yunjin ran away. It's when she decided to run from all her obligations and duties, which was more than she could count anyways. She had always felt the need to be free and so she started her endeavors into the world below, one that she hadn't explored in a long time.
She had so secretly disguised herself as a college student, with a pair of round glasses atop the bridge of her nose, a pair of tacky clothing hugging her body, and her hair tied up in two very distinct ponytails. To be the god of beauty and yet to stoop so low felt like such a dishonor to herself. She looked ridiculous, she thought, but nonetheless, it was what was required to hide from her fellow gods.
Although the experience of the people she watched over was not an easy one like her previous disposition. To study incessantly, spending all of your hours cramming such knowledge into your head felt like torture no one should experience. After a while of trying the lifestyle, her face started donning these dark circles under her eyes, that she couldn't for the life of her get rid of no matter what she did.
And then there are these dreaded... trials they call 'midterms' that challenge your very being. They put your entire life at risk with their untimely questions and riddles. She herself could have never imagined humans to be such an intellectually challenging species, going against the grain of their world, constantly exploring and theorizing. It was a magnificent yet threatening sight.
And yet it didn't compare in the slightest to when she saw you. It was her first time trying out the food in this room they call the cafeteria, similar to a dining hall, and she couldn't help but turn her head when you passed her by.
Even she herself would call you a sight to behold. You were a diamond in the rough, only needing a tad bit of polishing to truly shine brighter than the rest.
She got up from her previous position and followed you around, not really sure why she did. As a goddess, she was never the one to follow as she had followers herself, she never finding the need to do so otherwise.
But nonetheless, she watches you closely as you take a direct path to that disgusting room filled with all those daunting books, quickly setting down your backpack and food to go grab a pile of books down one of the aisles.
When you came back, she notices that you wore a similar pair of glasses to her but you make it work so well that it worries her if she was worthy of her position anymore. She takes a seat directly opposite of you on the other side of the library (gross) as she closely watches you.
This routine goes on for quite some time and some might call her a stalker but she was a goddess. What were they going to do?
As she rests her hand on her palm, she starts to recall your routine as she watches you study. You are actually a very routinely person, never truly doing anything different each day. You go to your classes, get food, and come here to study for hours, only leaving when you feel the need to go rest. It's rather boring and if you didn't catch her eye initially, she wouldn't dare even bat an eye at you and she definitely wouldn't be here watching your every move.
But eventually, she starts noticing the little things that you do that sometimes break your boring routine. You sometimes groan quite loudly when you finally battle a problem that you can't quite understand but you just as easily go back to fighting until you defeat it. And sometimes you actually take a break and you go outside to just sit there, admiring the greenery and it's something she thinks is quite literally the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.
It's a moment in time that Yunjin wishes she can capture in its whole entirety while she watches you. And she does try to capture it but she feels a little behind on the times as all she does is fiddle with her 'phone', they call it, and she somehow only managed to take pictures of herself? It's quite strange to her and it's something she can't really figure out.
Yunjin definitely didn't expect her ventures to the world down below to take place for so long, and it probably shouldn't have, but you're there to entice her back in. Although she seems to know everything you do, there is that guise of mystery that covers you that keeps her intrigued. Why do you do these things? Why do you work so hard?
And then these thoughts start to beg the question, why hasn't she talked to you yet? She has spent the better part of a month watching you and she knows your routine like the back of her hand but the thought hasn't once crossed her mind. The only information she knows of you is your name.
You're beautiful, you're smart, and you're hardworking. Comparing you to some of her fellow gods and goddesses, especially that annoying trickster goddess, Eunchae, she can surely say you fair better. So why hasn't she? Was it because she was nervous? It can't be. That'd be preposterous. Right? Surely not. It wasn't.
Okay. She was lying to herself. She knew it was. She felt like one of those stupid girls she sees in those high school 'movies' that she tried watching one late night. This stupid stupid feeling she feels in her stomach at the thought of confronting you haunts her. It's actually quite surprising and worrying to her. Never in her time in this life has she ever struggled to attain something she wanted and in this case, it'd be attaining a conversation with you.
She sways left and right in her seat as she watches you studying again, weighing her options. To justify her just sitting there, she came up with logical fallacies to convince herself. Like she'd be bothering you, right? Though it was almost as if you heard her inner worries and had to prove her wrong as you just set down your pencil, a sign that you're taking a little break. Crap.
Her heart starts to get caught in her throat as she sees you look over at her. This the first time you've ever done so in her entire time watching you and you throw her the softest and yet the most beautiful smile she's ever seen. The creases around your mouth form so seamlessly and your lips seem... so perfect.
You shyly wave at her and her heart pounds even faster. If she wasn't a goddess, she'd think she'd be having a heart attack. And then you start to do the most unimaginable thing. You pack your things into your backpack and start making your way to her table. Yes. Hers. It took quite a while for that to register in her head, and then she remembered her disguise looked hysterical. She quickly unties her pigtails and it all gets tangled together but anything's better than she had.
She runs her hands through her hair in hopes it can return to its former glory, and she adjusts her glasses hoping they fit her look. God, please let it work.
You finally make it to the corner of her table and you start off the conversation with a simple "Hi." And it's the first time she's heard you speak. "May I sit here?"
"Please." Yunjin chokes out as she signals to the chair in front of her.
You give her another one of your devastating smiles as you set your stuff down and sit. The two of you sit in uncomfortable silence as she eyes you from top to bottom. You're evidently as nervous as her, if not more. You fiddled with your fingers under the table and your knee was bouncing up and down. Why was that?
You play with your glasses as you scoot them up your nose, her getting a clearer view of your eyes. They're a beautiful and rich color, one she really can't describe. It was as if she saw the most stupendous night sky in them, the words eventually evading her.
"I'm sorry." You blurt out. She furrows her eyebrows, as her heart begins to sink at the thought you'll leave, "Why?"
"I mean... I thought I'd have the confidence to talk to you... and here I am just sitting here and staring at you." You sigh, "It's embarrassing."
The thought of you gets even more appealing to her as she replies despite the feeling in her stomach running rampant, putting up quite a confident façade, "Don't be embarrassed. I think it's rather cute."
And then your face flushes with the brightest shade of pink she's ever seen, your lips stammering over any words you had planned on saying. The confidence inside her begins to flourish, resulting in that poise and certainty she had always felt previously.
She smiles slyly, "Is something the matter?"
Your eyes widen as you shyly look down, "No, not at all."
Yunjin puts her head on her hand like she always does when observing you, and this time it's just not quite the same. She can now relish in all of your beautiful features as they're all upfront before her eyes.
"You're quite beautiful."
And then your eyes widen again, you a giant stuttering mess, a puddle if you will. Your words become a heap of an incoherent and incomprehensible group of words as she gives you quite a cheeky smile.
"I'm Yunjin."
Even with your own name, you start to stutter. Oh dear, the effect she has on you.
Now your once lonely sessions of studying were now filled with time spent with Yunjin as she seems to aimlessly follow you around. Though you weren't quite sure why she had such a lack of knowledge of the general world and objects. She hadn't even known how to use her phone correctly until you finally noticed that she only knew how to take selfies. The awe on her face when you showed her how to flip the camera definitely surprised you.
"Okay, but this weird piece of technology doesn't make sense!"
Then there's her strange way with words. It's almost like she came from a time unbeknownst to you. Once, she started muttering under her breath how'd she smite the waiter down for not getting her order right, and another time she'd say she would send someone to the depths of the underworld for accidentally spilling something on her. She had never given the vibe of being a mythology buff but maybe she actually was.
The way she rattles on about "the other gods" and how they'll never find her while you're studying makes you worry about what she truly means. Was that some secret code word for something terrifying? And yet she seems so carefree as she sits on the table, kicking her feet in the air next to you. Curiosity gets the best of you and you actually did ask her and she just looks at you quizzically, "What do you mean? I do mean gods." And the answer you hoped would give you some clarity, confuses you even more.
It's only a few months later when Yunjin starts to realize these 'butterflies' in her stomach, as she learned about a month ago, actually meant something quite bizarre to her. She liked you. And not in the way friends liked each other, no. She knew how that felt. She liked you in a different way. Whenever you faced her direction recently, she can't help but feel a little nervous along with trying to avoid your gaze, and then she has to take a big gulp down her throat to quell that strange thirst she gets. Who were you to do this to her?
She's great at hiding it, yes, but you were the person, regardless of being a god or a human, that she's been closest to. She wouldn't find it surprising if you could tell that she was hiding how she felt. She could feel herself slipping away from her previous high esteemed role as a goddess as she now was truly playing the part of a lowly lovesick teenage girl.
"Yunjin." You blurt out as you lay down on her bed, eyes facing the roof, quickly ignoring the way you just barged into her apartment. "Do you like someone?"
Seriously. You seemed so different from the person that she had met mere months ago. You were now so confident and careless of the way you acted around her. Is this what it meant to be friends in this day and age? Because it sure didn't feel right from the way her heart gets caught in her throat at the thought of you figuring her out. It scares her like no other. She eyes you from the other side of the room, "No. Why do you ask?"
Your head turns to her, her quickly avoiding your gaze as you spoke, only catching a glimpse of your starry eyes, "Because I like you."
Her eyes quickly widen and she dons a new appearance you haven't quite seen before. Her face is flush with red, her eyes darting around to anywhere but you. There is no façade she can conjure up that would hide her feelings now. She can't believe you'd be the person to make her feel this way. You made her nervous. You made her vulnerable. You made her wanting.
It's 2015 when she finally realizes it. Love. It's not quite an emotion Yunjin thought she would feel ever in her immortal being but again, you surprise her. She loves the way you chortle as a stupid joke you see on your phone screen. She loves the way you trace the rim of your coffee cup mindlessly while you stare at her whenever she talks about something. She loves the way her lips melds with yours.
It's been quite a eventful couple months between you two. Yunjin wasn't quite expecting herself to be in such a rush to put a label on whatever you two had, but she couldn't stop herself as she quickly called herself your girlfriend as the two of you held hands, taking a small stroll through the park.
The way you smiled after and glanced at her warmed her heart like no other.
"My girlfriend?" You chuckle.
"Is that not to your liking?" Her brows furrow as she takes a complete halt, "It'd be an honor to anyone to talk to me, let alone date me."
You stare between her eyes as you laugh at the way she phrases it before you plant a quick kiss on her cheek, which eventually turn a rosy pink color. She glances at you slightly before looking away in spite, letting out a small 'hmph.'
"The 'goddess' embarrassed?" You tease as you poke at her slightly inflated cheeks. If only you knew who you were really talking to. If you were anyone else, she would never hold herself back like this.
You continued to poke at her cheeks until you let out quite a violent cough, her annoyed state quickly replaced with one of worry.
"Are you alright?"
"I-" Another cough escapes your lips as you put your face into your elbow, "I'm fine. Promise."
If you only knew you weren't.
It's 2017 when she experiences the most grief she's ever had. Her fingers were laced with yours as she stared at all the little wires stuck into your arm, the small needles pinned inside. How weak you looked. You held such a tight grimace at your lips when you stared at her for the small moments you get with her in between your stupid treatments and when you need your much deserved rest. It hurt to see you like this.
Why did it have to be you? Why were you the one to suffer? Why couldn't it be anyone else? Why couldn't she take that pain off your shoulders? Why did you have to bear it alone? Just why?
Her empty questions don't offer a semblance of help as her hand grazes the edge of the skin on your ever thinning face while you sleep. Her gaze softens at the sight of how peaceful you looked before she decided to leave you alone for a bit.
Despite her previous reprise of avoiding anything and everything related to the business of the higher ups, she begs any of the gods and goddesses she knows to heal you. It's unsightly. It's horrid. It's unbecoming of the very being she is. But she'd do it all for you.
First it's only but a few that give her such a distainful stare. What kind of goddess are you? They're probably relishing at the thought of a goddess of her stature becoming so lowly but it doesn't matter.
Then there's more stares. And more. And more. And more. Then it's from the person she trusted the most, only second to you.
"We can't meddle in life and death, Yunjin. You know that." Her fellow goddess, Chaewon, reminds her as she gives her an sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry. For whatever that's worth." And yet Yunjin knows that behind all that, Chaewon sees her as distasteful. A disgrace. Annoying.
The turmoil she feels inside her is unlike anything she's ever felt. She wants to lash out at her but she knows she'll lose. Contempt and anger course through her veins and yet it's quickly overcome by the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. In all of her years, she hasn't felt like this. Useless. Alone.
And when you awaken again from your slumber, it feels like the last. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your pupils so dilated from all the medication they forced you to take. Your eyelids droop so low as you finally begin to stare at her.
Your vision looks hazy. Almost like you can't see her and yet you don the greatest and biggest smile you can. It's beautiful. You're beautiful.
"Hi..." The words come out of her mouth in a quiet whisper as she takes ahold of your hands, quickly feeling how cold you've become, "How are you feeling?"
Your smile begins to fall as you stare out the window to your left. The sky was dim as the clouds above overlooked the land. They were of a dark shade, the rain seeming to want to burst out just like her tears brimming at the surface.
"I'm okay, if you'll believe me. Re-" Even your coughs are getting weaker. You cough twice, the air quickly escaping your lungs as you begin to wheeze slightly. "Really. I'm... just sorry you have to see me like this."
"Nonsense." Her throat begins to get clogged up, her words starting to sound like one jumbled mess. "No... no matter how you are, I'll always... believe you're beautiful."
"I'm honored to have caught the eye of a goddess like yourself." You joke.
She smiles, her tears starting to seep out "I love you."
She feels your cold touch as she closes her eyes and she feels the tip of your thumb press gently under her eye, quickly wiping the tears away. "I love you too." Though her smile turns awry as she feels you pull away, your arm swinging off the bed.
"Do you remember our first conversation?" She asks, her eyes still shut.
"Before that... I kind of stalked you." A small chuckle arises from her chest as she continues on, "I thought you were a spectacle to behold. You were... just so beautiful, and you still are, of course but... when I thought you were the most beautiful was when you said you liked me."
She takes in a deep breath, "The way you laid on my bed, not a single care in the world. The clothes you wore that day were so mismatched and yet you made it work so well. You had a blue t-shirt on, I remember, and you wore the most ridiculous pants. Those pink polka dots and weird stripes. I think you had the necklace on. The one I gave you for your birthday and then you just stared at me with those spectacular eyes. I swore I saw a whole different world in them and then... you confessed. I know I was really nervous back then but I seriously thought it was magnificent. What do you think, Y/N?"
Radio silence. "Y/N?"
It can't be.
You weren't gone.
She calls out your name again, her eyes still shut, "Y/N?"
You weren't.
You couldn't.
"Y/N, please respond."
Then there's that deafening silence again. Until she hears that flat tone coming from her left. Her ears finally pick up on it. When did that happen?
Her eyelids felt so heavy in that moment, feeling like she was lifting ten tons with sheer willpower just to see again. She can feel her heartbeat getting faster. It pounds and pounds, the rhythm sounding like a offbeat drum. Her chest heaves as she breathes heavily.
Why was she having this reaction?
She practically had to pry her eyes open again as her eyes take a rigid path to the screen. A flat red line. That's all she sees. Her eyes lock onto the screen on your bedside and she just can't help but wonder what it meant. Were you okay?
Then when her eyes seemed to be able to move again, it felt like the whole world stopped.
You were laying right in front of her. You looked so peaceful. So beautiful. Your face had tear stains that had long since dried, a brisk smile on your lips as you faced her. Your eyes were closed almost like you were just sleeping.
How long have you been like this? Sleeping. Did she bore you too much?
She stays there in the moment, wanting to just capture your serenity. Her hands tremble as she takes out her phone, putting it up to her face.
"Did you seriously not know how to flip the camera?" Your splendid laugh rings in her ears as she glares at you.
"It's not my fault you humans are so advanced nowadays!"
She thinks about how you taught her how to use her phone. How to take a picture correctly. How dumb you made her feel at the time. Her fingers hover the button, not sure whether to take a picture or not but ultimately, she doesn't. She shoved her phone deep down into her pockets. "I'm... sorry. I'll let you sleep."
Yunjin stands up and quickly grabs the nearest surface, her knuckles turning a pale white. She walks out the room, seemingly like it was just another one of her visits but each step she takes away from your room, the louder the flat tone of the screen runs through her head. She racks her head for the countless sad movies she's watched with you. What did it mean?
Her mind races a mile a minute as she takes a complete halt. A flat line. A flat tone.
Inexplicably, tears roll down her face.
Her body jerks around as she runs back into your room, pushing her whole body against the door, the entire thing swinging wide open. She almost crashes onto the floor beside your bed as she holds your cold cold hand again, begging you not to leave her. She finally grasps the entirety of it.
It's the rest of eternity.
Her chest hurts.
It's the rest of eternity without you.
The world around her loses its color.
And she's not sure if she can handle it.
Where did her beauty go?
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possiblyunhinged · 4 months
Being autistic, mentally ill and poor is very not ideal right now when lefties on the internet turn into raging dickheads during an election campaign... And I am a lefty.
I don't think I've ever felt this negative about everything... and I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was 6.
I've been in a four-day funk where I literally can't cope with external stimuli. I'm a boring person. I spend far too much of my life reading up on stuff, and usually, I'd be all over the election coverage, but I'm just done with everything...
Not in a 2008 emo way, in an I'm autistic, and my brain feels like it's on fire right now kind of way.
There are many threads of injustice weaving through everything right now, that my silly little ND can't cope anymore. Which I know sounds deeply petulant. I am a BABY... but I think for me, if a problem isn't solvable in my brain, then it just kind of sets fire to it on the way out.
It's been in England right now when you're working class, especially over the past three or four years. I'm not talking about losing your annual holiday, the last time I went abroad was when I was 10 years old. I have never been able to justify a holiday nor save because just keeping my head above water financially has been a fucking ballache.
Knowing that over 4 million families are living in poverty right now and having the lived experience of how that experience obliterated my childhood and indoctrinated my brain with a shame that has never left me absolutely breaks my heart.
I don't even have a quip to follow that.
I can't cope with those in power's complete lack of regard for what they have done. And when these children need help, whether that's psychological or otherwise, the likelihood is they'll just be stuck on a fucking waiting list.
I don't have space for rhetoric that generally only exists in University lectures for a reason... because it doesn't translate into real life with all of its complexities.
Unless it's a tactical vote, you can shove your Green Party where the sun doesn't shine. A blessing is that Labour will push for proportional voting and before the LaBoUr HaVe BaCkPeDaLlEd On EvErYtHiNg... wait and see, hey?
Let people feel a modicum of fucking hope for one second, because guess what... being someone who deals with suicidal ideation in a world so desperate to destroy people's hope is sehr stressig.
Beyond being a wretched bitch, I've pretty much been sick most of my life. And I have never found it more difficult to live with my brain.
I've existed in poverty since the age of 8. I'm 28 now. I don't have savings. I haven't worked for years because I had a nervous breakdown when I was 24 after being sexually assaulted. I tried CBT, beta-blockers, and a myriad of anti-depressants, guzzling on mushroom powders, but ultimately, I very much became a homebound agoraphobic once more.
I was diagnosed first with agoraphobia when I was 14.
I swear, I'm not an absolutely miserable cunt...
Well, not fully anyway.
Being reliant on the NHS for help my whole life has been nothing but a fucking nightmare. CAHMS was a joke, and it's only in recent years I started looking into the amount of people who were abused in that system. People didn't know what to do with a hyper anxious girl who could not simply slot in to a system of which worked for the majority. I next exceeded 20% attendance in a school year, despite the very helpful threats from social services.
I struggle to see how things have changed, frankly.
And I mention all of that to say that I've never felt more shame about my situation. I've never felt more scared about my future, especially when I am so reliant on my Mum, who is ageing like milk that's been left out on a patio in Portugal, and I don't know how I'm going to be able to help her as she gets older. My friend's lives are all falling into place, and mine has never felt so glum.
I was just curious to see if anything had indeed changed from when I was a child, and I saw a statistic of how more children are being submitted to A&E with self-harm injuries. And I can't help but ponder how shoving them on a waiting list for years and offering 6 sessions of CBT is going to help. I mean, two people I love attempted to take their own life and were just told to go back to their GP.
I don't feel all that positive right now.
I don't know why the fuck I think writing this on the internet is a good idea. However, people who play politics for a personality don't get that they make people who are struggling feel like debate fodder.
People are really fucking struggling, and if they get fucking 2% better, I'm sure most would take it. This incessant need to shit on anything that resembles some kind of hope is actually gross. And in fact, I think it's cruel.
Is 2% better the dream? No, obviously fucking not.
But am I going to fucking bite at the next middle-class person who goes on the internet or pops up on a TV panel and tells people who are struggling what to think? Yes.
I'm sharpening my teeth with an emery board as we speak.
Now, while we all sit on NHS waiting lists trying to convince ourselves that life just might one day get better, it'd be nice if more lefties on the internet would stop being such insufferable cunts.
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Summary: A fun chapter. Reader and Fred finally got to talk.
Notes: So this chapter its short but I hope you liked it, I was missing Fred a lot so I hope Neville lovers can't forgive his absence. He's coming back on the next one I promise.
Chapter one
Chapter two
You can also find this work on AO3 ⭐🩷
Chapter Three: Lumos 🪄✨
Lee was sitting on the benches opening a chocolate frog, while chewing the frog's head he pulled out the card to see which wizard he got, it was Gilderoy Lockhart who instantly showed a flirtatious smile, Lee gave him the finger. The twins continued arguing on the field for a while, they were really dumb, Lee already knew what they were discussing because the sound of the field traveled the same way it did in churches so you could hear everything from the other side. After a while it ended the same way it always did between the two redheads, rolling on the floor like kids, they were like a childhood cartoon, predictable but funny. A classic.
Y/n wasn't at dinner and Hermione was concerned about her absence, asking annoying questions to Fred and George, increasing Fred's guilty feelings, deep down worrying about y/n being hurt or I'll. His brother had made clear that being embarrassed for something you said during sex wasn't enough reason to disappear from a girl especially under THIS specific circumstances with THIS specific girl. He was looking for her the whole time but she just wasn't there.
He looked for her in the library, the hospital wing, her dorm, the common room, the astronomy tower, the girls bathroom and even the kitchens. Nothing. He was desperate, what if she went home? He couldn't bear the thought. He went to bed, miserable and concerned.
Y/n woke in Neville's arms, feeling the warmth of his chest and his chin on her head, she was embracing him too. It was so weird but familiar at the same time, as If it was meant to be this way. She separated from his body very carefully but he woke up to the cold of her absence. They looked at each other for a moment and smiled in silence, she told him in signals that she was leaving and he nodded.
She was grateful for Ron's snoring covering her steps, the morning sun illuminating her way out and with great care she opened the door just to encounter Fred Weasley coming downstairs.
She gasped and after a second she ran out.
She couldn't believe her luck. She felt guilty but at the same time she didn't knew why, after all, Neville was just her friend and nothing happened and even if it did, Fred and her weren't a couple. But the weight in her stomach told her otherwise.
Some weeks passed and the things between them got cold, they avoided the other, Fred seemed hurt somehow, sometimes she felt like he was about to talk to her but in the end he backed up. She was still hurt but started to miss him and George so much. Without them around classes were so boring.
Neville and y/n had growth closer, spending all of their meals and free hours together, endlessly talking and laughing, exchanging secret notes on the hallways while they ran from classroom to dungeon and they knew what the other had to say just by looking into each other's eyes. Neville felt like this period at Hogwarts was definitely everything he had hoped Hogwarts to be.
Rumors started to spread but they didn't care, except for Fred who seemed grumpier.
The morning of Christmas break before they got on the train back to London, Fred finally reached out.
Y/n was getting back from the library after returning the last books when she felt a cold hand on her wrist, pulling her towards the nearest closet. It was dark but she knew instantly it was Fred.
His eyes were scrutinizing her in silence, she was nervous, butterflies fluttering on her stomach, hands sweating. She was about to open her mouth but he stopped her by putting his forefinger on her lips and before he coul say anything she sucked it.
He didn't expect THAT. But he recovered fast and with a grunt, he put her against the wall while his left hand reached in between her legs, fingering her with no mercy without breaking eye contact. She was already soaked when he spoke breathlessly.
Oh you've been a bad girl, pretending you didn't care about me but here you are, do you get wet just by the sight of me sweetheart?
Y/n's whimpers were getting loud, Fred was already so turned on he pulled his fingers out of her panties and licked them out
See love? You are mine, I'm gonna give you something to think about on the holidays
He went down on her, got his head under her skirt and tore her underwear, his warm watery tongue ranged all over her pussy, sucking and licking, eating her ferociously while she tried not to moan so loudly.
His dick was so hard it was painful to keep inside his pants so he took it out and before he could start to pleasure himself she begged
Fred please fuck me
He got up and looked at her in the eyes
Say that again darling
Fred please fuck me hard
Will you be a nice girl?
Yes Fred
Would you spread those beautiful legs for me? Would you let me fill you?
Yes Fred I promise, that's all I want
I'm gonna fuck you until you are pregnant sweetheart
She gasped and he lifted her against the wall, he got inside her easily, instant pleasure consuming both of them, she put her arms around his neck and he finally kissed her.
Y/n felt dizzy of ecstasy, Fred's dick hitting the right soft spot inside of her, filling her so well, his lips kissing her eagerly. She was getting close to the edge and so was he. She pulled his hair and he started to suck her neck violently while she came on his dick, pushing him to the edge as well, Fred's cum overflowing her legs. Y/n thought nothing had felt so good as his warm cum drenching her skin.
They held each other for a while, trying to breathe property again. He looked at her
Are we good now then?
She laughed
You bet Weasley
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dogmaadnauseam · 15 days
Violence in RPGs
Me having beef with 5e is definitely gonna be a running theme here, so I guess it's good to start with the basics; violence.
It's all violence, all the way down, and it bothers me immensely. Obviously this goes well beyond just Dungeons and Dragons, but that's where I want to start things because it's so clear when you look at it. Violence is just about the only thing the system does; the rest of the rules are pretty simple, disorganized, and shallow by comparison. It's the main pillar of stability a player will turn too, the primary method of concrete interaction with the world. Where a skill check is a vague attempt to overcome an often undefined challenge, a combat encounter is a structured, multifaceted affair in which player decision (hypothetically) could make a difference. Undeniably, the act of fighting someone is more fleshed out in the rules than pretty much any other act.
My first issue with this is really mundane; 5e combat is so goddamn boring on its own. Of course, it can be interesting with some effort, but intrinsically the system is not satisfying or tactically complex. In the vast majority of situations, the optimal path for any given character is clear; do as much damage to the enemy as possible and just try to outlast them. As an example of this, let's look at some classes. For a barbarian, activating rage is basically always a good first move, followed invariably by entering melee distance and beginning to attack. Opportunity attacks make movement once in melee distance a generally poor idea, but then again, what would you move to do? Grapples and shoves are often disadvantageous, sacrificing immediate damage in the hopes of making up the cost later. Sure, the barbarian is essentially the most basic class, but for this reason it provides a good example of how simple combat as a system is. Even moving on to other classes, clear orders of operation emerge, with class abilities and spellcasting serving to punctuate an otherwise bland process.
This isn't to say combat is always a meaningless slog. There's fun to be had, but I would argue that this fun comes from outside of combat itself. It's stressful to see the character you created in peril, it's engaging to flip through spell lists, and it's satisfying to overcome obstacles. But the anxiety of losing your character generally comes from liking that character, an affinity that in my experience tends to come from roleplaying. Some people enjoy their characters through the rules, though, spending hours to forge unstoppable killing machines. Those are the cases in which it's fun to frantically search spell lists, though ultimately that fun tends to dry up on its own. A well crafted combat machine will inherently fall into an optimized pattern of battle; a path of least resistance paved with the best spells and complimentary abilities. Ultimately, the obstacle becomes somewhat meaningless on its own. The best combat machine is still subject to the whims of luck and the meticulously written character is created with the knowledge such obstacles will be common. In the end, it's everything around the combat that makes encounters engaging; why does fighting this horde of orcs matter? Is it a chance to use a plan I set up before combat? A testing ground for my newly added subclass abilities? A way to secure the safety of a nearby village? An act of war? These are the things that make the fight engaging once the novelty of ttrpg combat wears off. Unfortunately, these same things are undermined by the way 5e treats violence. First and foremost, violence is cooked into the very foundation of the game. Play whoever you want, but remember that no matter what they have to be unusually skilled in violence. Each class is primarily defined through their ability to engage in combat; what armor and weapons they can use, what abilities they have access to, how many hitpoints they have, etc. Even the least combat centric classes like the bard are still innately possessed of great skill in battle; proficiency with weapons and the ability to cast damaging spells. For roleplaying, this can have some discordant effects. My gnomic professor is, no matter what I do, able and expected to kill someone in the course of the game.
This expectation of violence has a number of effects on how the game is played and percieved. First of all, by making violence a central mode of interaction which all player characters are somewhat innately good at, pretty much all other modes of interaction are devalued. Violence is in many ways the ultimate rejection of all other kinds of interaction; the brutal truth that if I happen to be better at fighting than someone, I can hypothetically just force them to do or not do whatever I want. The character opposing me is reduced to an object which I act upon, at whom I direct force until they no longer stand as an obstacle. It is the universal solution to interpersonal conflict in the same way that money is the universal good everyone barters for, its presence and prevalence annihilate the potential complexity of the interaction. When player characters are innately good at violence, that becomes the only meaningful metric through which the world can be understood. Everything else is secondary. The charisma skills are the ones most obviously undermined by this: persuasion, performance, and deception are good first attempts, but if they fail, violence is the obvious follow up unless the obstacle is better than me at violence. Other avenues of problem solving are devalued as well, however; rather than needing to solve the problem, I merely need to move the problem into a situation in which I can inflict violence upon it. I'll attack while the character is sleeping, or poison them, or lure them into a place where their allies can't help them.
Well how should these sorts of problems be solved then? Logically speaking, it makes sense to use violence as a solution. Why am I so against it? Because violence devalues the stories we tell and the characters we play. As I already mentioned, my gnomic professor is going to be innately good at combat no matter what I do. But if I'm intent on roleplaying him seriously, what does that prowess imply? Why does my character know how to fight? Where did they learn this? When did they practice this skill? As for the story he's in, the rules expect his problems to be solved through violence. Hypothetically initiative never has to be rolled, but clearly the system isn't designed for that. The way the game is structured ensures that my character has to be someone who is not only skilled in violence, but liberal in its application as a universal problem-solver. Sure, I can be good at arcana or history or whatever. Maybe I play an instrument or know how to use carpenter's tools. But when will that ever come up? Those are footnotes, little traits that might help the plot move along, but they're just not structured enough to be major solutions. If I solve a problem using my arcana skill, then that means I rolled a dice, exceeded a number, and was given information by the DM. That lacks the impact of a combat encounter, it lacks the satisfaction and complexity that make the encounter feel meaningful.
Perhaps most personal to me, the centrality of violence devalues the setting and the npcs. Why respect the world when you can just fight it? Why understand a character who stands in your way if you can just beat them into submission? This only gets worse as characters level up, becoming ludicrously powerful in comparison to the world around them. In a violence-centric world, you follow the laws because the guards will kill you if you don't, you know the lore because you will be the victim of the world's violence if you ignore it, etc.
Obviously, this is all an abstraction. 5e works, and it honestly works quite well. Plenty of people play it without any of these issues arrising, or at least without their experience being meaningfully undermined. Players roleplay for fun and learn setting lore because they're engaged. DMs make interesting battlemaps and homebrew monsters so fights are rarely as boring as the rules alone would suggest. Meaningful stories are told through the medium of 5e, I would never deny that. But I have to ask myself what effects the rules have on those stories. The rules inform how the players act, how their characters are written, how they will come to understand the world and story constructed around them. The reason for violence as a central interaction in not just Dungeons and Dragons, but RPGs and video games in general is its own can of worms, but I think it's worth remembering that viewing it as the primary component of gameplay has deep implications.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Do you tend to speed when you drive? Never. The pandemic and it forcing me to stop driving for a while apparently took the aggression out of my driving habits and I rarely overtake or go anywhere above 40-50 now.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Theoretically I could still accept a stick or two socially, but I just never smoke now. I don’t see the point or enjoyment in doing so and just entirely prefer vaping.
Does your temper flare a lot? It only kind of does at work situations, like when I’m under a million deadlines or if the people around me aren’t doing as well or as fast as I’d want them to.
Do you get emotional easily? I find that I’m as emotional as a rock these days. But occasionally I’ll still get my bouts.
Do you get obnoxious when you’re drunk? Back in college this was the case, but not anymore. I’m more of Drunk Fun Aunt Robyn these days, just regularly making sure everyone is still having fun and included in the conversations lol.
Which shoe goes on first? Whichever’s closer to me.
Are you lazy? Sometimes.
Name one thing you do that people always tell you about. That I am a raging workaholic.
Are you superstitious? Not at all, which I find so incompatible with Filipino culture lol.
Do you get bored with relationships quickly? Well with the last one I didn’t. I’m not sure what I’d be like in any theoretical future relationship I’d get myself into 
Can you sleep without blankets covering you? Yes, especially in the hotter months.
What position do you sleep in? Side.
What do you do when you’re angry? I rarely feel anger these days tbh, but when I do, I am pretty non-confrontational. I just rant to whoever, like my sister or Angela.
What do you do when you’re sad? Most of the time I just stop what I’m doing, look out the window and process my emotions while tuning everybody out for a few minutes. I used to listen to RM’s mono to calm down, but since Indigo came out I’ve been turning to that instead.
Who do you call when you have a bad day? Nobody; I just deal with it in my own way until it passes.
Your ABCs
A - is for the last person that made you ANGRY. I honestly can’t remember. I’m very hard to piss off these days.
B - is for BEER you prefer. Not a fan of beer. I don’t even have a preference because they all taste the same to me.
C - is for do you have a CAT? I do not.
D - is for can you DANCE? Nope.
E - is for do you have your EARS pierced? I do and impressively enough they haven’t closed despite the fact that I haven’t put on a pair of earrings since I was 10. I still put on accessories on my ears from time to time but they’re clip-on now; I accidentally ripped my left earlobe piercing open years ago so wearing a pair of earrings is impossible now.
F - is for your best FRIEND. Angela, Reena, and Andi.
G - is for did you ever watch GUTS on Nickelodeon? It doesn’t ring a bell, so probably not.
H - is for the last person who HUGGED you? My mom. I - is for close your eyes.. what IMAGE do you see? I can ‘see’ the brightness of my laptop screen but otherwise it’s just dark.
J - is for have you ever been to JAIL? No. I’ve visited police stations before but I haven’t had to spend time in jail.
K - is for when is the last time you flew a KITE? Grade 5. 2009. We made kites for science class.
L - is for the LOVE of your life. First thing I thought of was Kimi.
M - is for the last piece of MAIL you got. Not mail, but packages - last items I received were the Christmas presents I got for my cousin and his fiancée (a film camera) and my dad (a Fitbit watch).
N - is for do you remember NERF guns? Yeah. We never had our own as toy guns weren’t our thing, but we had cousins who had them when they were younger and we played Nerf guns with them too.
O - is for do you OWN a car? It’s technically not mine (my parents bought it) but it’s designated for me. Case in point, if my mom and I ever have to use that car on the same day I’m usually given priority for it.
P - is for your favorite PASTTIME. Going to museums or doing anything BTS-related.
Q - is for do you like peace & QUIET? It can definitely be calming when I need it, but generally I prefer some hustle and bustle in the background.
R - is for do you like the color RED? Sure! I prefer darker shades of it though.
S - is for how many hours of SLEEP you need to function? 6-7 if I have to work the next day. Anything fewer than that and I’d feel like shit.
T - is for what TIME is it? 6:46 PM.
U - is for what is UNDER your bed? I’ve got a loft bed now, so technically what’s ‘under’ my bed is my workspace and my reception area for when I have friends over.
V - is for what you did last VALENTINE’S day. Ooh, I can’t remember. It was a weekday if I’m not mistaken? so I just reported to work that day and didn’t do anything special.
W - is for do you drink a lot of WATER? I barely get to eat and drink throughout the day, but I do catch up come dinner. I drink so much water throughout the evening lol.
X - is for have you ever had an X-RAY? Yes.
Y - is for the last person you YELLED at. I was telling Dev to get her shit together because I was assigned to drive her home, but having had one too many drinks she was being too rowdy and clumsy and I didn’t want that kind of behavior in my car, much less in the shotgun seat.
Z - is for have you ever watched ZORRO? Nope.
Who do you wish you could hang out with right now? Eh, nobody. I was with my family the entire weekend and also spent most of today in a car, so I want to spend the rest of the evening on my own. I even gave my family a heads-up that I no longer plan on leaving my room once we get home and to please not disturb me lol.
Name one thing you absolutely can not stand. Clients with unrealistic or extreme requests.
Where do you spend most of your time? If not at home, you can typically find me at a Starbucks.
If you could fly, where would you go first? I’d go to Seoul.
What was the best vacation you’ve ever been on? My East Asian cruise was awesome and I want to do it again just so that I get to go back now that I have a deeper appreciation for both Japan and Korea.
Have you ever hit a squirrel when you were driving? Well we don’t have squirrels here, but I’ve also never run over an animal.
Did your car ever break down? Not break down, but it did run of battery one morning while on the way to work. I was very fortunate to have been at a gas station when it happened because then I had people to help me out and let me know the next things I had to do.
What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend? Rest and catch up on content to watch. Occasionally I’d head out on my own to go somewhere random.
What radio station do you listen to most often? I usually go for either 93.1 or 99.5, but I haven’t listened to the radio in a while as I connect my phone’s Bluetooth to the car stereo instead.
Pick one: Papa John’s, Dominoes, or Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut. I had one very salty experience with Papa John’s and haven’t felt like trying it again; and Domino’s doesn’t really scream anything special to me so I haven’t felt the need to try it out.
What is the longest amount of time you’ve been awake? A little over 24 hours. What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week? Spend the remaining time with family.
Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone? It depends on the plot. Like I’d get paranoid if horror movies would make the littlest of things a plot point, if that makes sense? Right after I watched The Ring (as in, credits just started to roll), the phone rang and it damn near sent me into a frenzy lmao - this sort of thing is what I mean. But stuff like The Shining, Midsommar, The Exorcist, etc I’m fine with.
Name one thing you’ve lied about recently. Saying I’ll check out this Disney+ recommendation given to me by a relative when I knew I wasn’t gonna be able to fit it into my schedule. What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? I’d say The Notebook was pretty cringey from the get go.
Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? I had a ‘7 Roses’ segment on my 7th birthday party (similar to 18 Roses) where my male relatives and family friends handed me flower plushies...so them, I guess.
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havana-great-time · 2 years
October 1st, 2022. La Habana.
Amigos mios —
It has been a while since you have heard from me, so I shall endeavor to relay all of my recent adventures with accuracy, although the past week entire has become somewhat of a homogenous blend in my own memory.
On Monday, as you may recall, classes were cancelled in preparation for the upcoming hurricane; it was hardly necessary, for the day was calm and even the ocean, which we visited often, remained quite still. An occasional gust of wind toyed with the palm leaves, but it was hardly more than usual. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my free time, spending much of it reading or knitting.
On Tuesday, Hurricane Ian passed over the western provinces of Cuba, hitting Pinar del Río, the Isla de la Juventud, and Artemisa especially hard. We, safely sheltered in Habana, experienced but little of its fury. Even so! The storm was a thing of wonder. You, knowing so well my fondness and affinity for storms, will not be surprised to learn that I spent much of the day sitting on my windowsill, watching the powerful wind crosshatch the driving rain, rattle the roof, throw shingles against walls, and cut palm leaves into ribboned shreds. Around noon, the electricity disappeared; a reasonable precaution entirely given the sheer number of trees freshly fallen across power lines and posts yanked out of their firmament. Though my program director called to forbid my leaving the house, I accompanied my host mother to the corner store to buy bread from far shorter lines than could be found anywhere outside of a hurricane. Certainly well worth it for the stunning view of the sunset and the wonderfully refreshing chilliness of the cool night air.
Wednesday marked the beginning of the week's bucket baths; with the loss of electricity came, too, the loss of running water in the household. My host grandmother took me on a walk around the neighborhood, primarily to watch the magnificently tall waves crash well over the Malecón and batter the nearest streets, storm drains running over in their desperate attempts to contain the incomparable ofean. Otherwise it was hardly remarkable, save for our first coconut adventure: we had gotten sufficiently bored, and further inspired by Russian tourists attempting to open a coconut against a lamppost, to go searching for green coconuts and the water inside. Our search on the ground for fallen coconuts proved fruitless, as did my friends' attempts at knocking down coconuts by tossing rocks in their general direction; but finally, just as we were about to give up, we found coconut palms low enough for me to climb and pull down two. We were quite thoroughly mocked by the Cubans who saw us, although that is perfectly understandable; nearly a dozen foreigners banging a rock against a coconut in the style of the early hominids is certainly entertaining. The drinking of the coconut water occurred very rapidly, since it was running out of the coconuts from several ends, but I would argue that it was well worth it. That night, with the hope of electricity flickering on a short stretch of the Malecón, we started our habit of extended nighttime walks. J and C delighted in explaining to me the sheer percentage of students who skimmed or never properly read their assigned readings; apparently neither of them had ever finished a reading all the way. It seems I could have achieved extraordinarily similar results for far less effort all along. I expect they shall attempt to further bother me with such stories.
Thursday marked our collective descent into extended card games. We met at the park and accomplished little else all day. We were taught Secret Hitler, which was an instant hit despite the high levels of betrayal; we played round after round of BS; and we learned Presidents. That afternoon, however, we also met at the office for a short salsa lesson that taught us all the basic steps. It was enormously fun; my only minor complaint is that it was also awfully gendered, aided little by the fact that the split in our program is equal. I remain a rather poor follow.
An interesting note is that the protests against the lack of electricity began occurring here; we heard about them vaguely from our host parents, but clearly saw the effects in the markedly high presence of police cars and the lack of data at night, shut off by the government in an attempt to prevent organization.
Besides even more card games, Friday involved my host family taking me out to a lovely and delicious restaurants and an extended group Malecón sit involving — and here you may be much shocked, my loves — even more cards. We also had our second coconut adventure! We happened upon a coconut in the road; it was kicked and snapped open neatly, so we all descended upon the road coconut and consumed it quite handily. Alas that we did not have better tools to break it open further; I cut the corners of my mouth open on the outer shell.
Saturday was dedicated to quests, since several of our party wished to acquire a certain kind of beer they had seen somewhere. We ventured into the city, stopping at various cafes and garage sales along the way, and, though we missed the sale initially, eventually found ourselves at yet another café, where we sat down and played yet more cards. (The original beer quest proved rather unsuccessful. Fourty dollars a case, it seems, is not worth it.) Ultimately, we did end up back at the Malecón; truly the appeal of the ocean calling to us is irresistible. I learned much of the tolerance of others that night.
And today we set forth to quest once more, this time to Habana Vieja to find some jewelry. Once again, I did not quest anything myself, but I did spend a wonderful afternoon in this fair city.
Finally, dear friends: I remain, as ever, so proud of my sisters, from those learning to walk (and climb! lest we forget) to those accepted to prestigious zine fairs. May they enjoy all their endeavors!
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0209bun · 2 years
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— gn!reader x enhypen headcanons!
— Very fluff / I giggled a bit while writing this
NOTE : bored and sleepy while typing this whole thing out.. this is not proofread so i will make corrections if i find any mistakes or if i miss anything!
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He's the type to go bold about it but then after, would excuse all of it by saying "oh my tounge slipped", or "i was joking"
Though at times he would admit to his feelings and make moves that actually shows how much he likes you, but you'd be confused and conflicted as hell.
asking yourself if he actually means them or not, seeing how he jokes a lot of that kind of stuff.
"hey y/n! you look beautiful today."
"aww thanks Hee."
"have i ever mentioned how cute we would be if we dated?"
"huh? "
"Just a thought... But i'm obviously kidding."
(he's not)
Ahh Jay.. What would the Park Jongseong do to be noticed by someone he likes..? He treats them food.
No not the leaving a food on your desk/locker with a love letter Not exactly like that. I'm saying is that he would ask you to have lunch with him and treat you.
He's not shy when it comes to you for some reason, and he would do anything to just hang out with you only and get your attention.
"Pst, y/n! Let's eat lunch together."
"Ah, sorry Jay i'm gonna eat with my friends for now."
"My treat."
"Well uhm, okay! "
He also wants to treat you to other things but he will do that once the day comes when you finally reciprocate his feelings.
He doesn't really know how to make the first move, but when he has the opportunity to, he steps in really quick.
Jake is one of the smart students in your class, so some people wants help from him.
He tries to go to anyone who needed help from the lesson, but when it's you who's asking he'll voluntarily help you out.
he ALWAYS does that to the point the whole class got so suspicious about him actually having interest in you.
(Which he does)
"Hey can someone help me i kinda don't understand the contents in page—"
"Hey y/n, I'll help you out!"
"Really?! thanks so much i hope this isn't a bother to you jake, you've already done a lot in this class."
"Hah! Do you think i get tired from that?"
"Do you? "
"Well... I kinda do but of course helping you makes my brain recharge back to it's full power."
He teases you, like a lot..
He always finds the opportunity everyday just to annoy you, not to an extent of course.
Just playful words that gets you fuming every single time.
He sometimes teases about you and him in a relationship and those jokes piss you off even more.
And he finds it cute.
Especially when he sees you slightly blushing after.
"Why do you keep looking at me? Do you like me? Do you have a crush on me...?"
"What? Hoon, no."
"Are you sure? Your eyes says otherwise."
"Oh really? What does it say? "
"Sunghoon I want you so bad."
"Oh just fuck off."
He would always find the chance to hang out with you.
He'd make plans for the both of you and of course you didn't mind them since you get bored by just hanging out in your house.
So Sunoo is a lifesaver from making you do all the boring crappy stuff at home.
You guys would go to the mall mostly and just walk around there.. He doesn't really mind if he spends or not at all, as long as he makes sure that you're having fun is already enough for him.
"Sunoo... do you wanna go home? "
"Do you?"
"I still wanna go to places "
"The consider me in Y/n."
"Are you not tired? "
"When i'm with you? I'd never!"
He tries to be subtle with his feelings... ALWAYS.
Like he would just say it right THERE and no one would bat an eye.
Every recess or after school he would show you the new lyrics he wrote
And yes, the lyrics he makes you read are about you.
You love his way of writing and how much feelings he put into them, he's such a genius.
You'd drown him with compliments and of course his works too.. and that motivates jungwon to write more for you to read.
He doesn't know when he'll confess, but when he finally finds the right song to sing for you, he might make a move.
"Jungwon, this is amazing as always!! For some reason i kind of connected myself in this.. It feels like a storybook that i could read and giggle to every night."
"Aww thanks Y/n... I'll make sure to write the one that'll make you feel more than giggles and smiles."
"Really? What do you want to make me feel about your song lyrics then...? "
"Hmm... probably butterflies."
"But I feel them always? Do you think i fake my reactions to your work Yang Jungwon?! "
"Of course not like that! Just..."
"Just...? "
"I can't explain... You'll find that feeling out someday Y/n.. I promise you."
Ni-ki would not show it when people are around... no one notices because of how friendly he acts towards you and everyone thinks it's just his friendly demeanor
He'd be a little protective of you at times
He secretly sketches you behind his notebook and sometimes would give it to you after class cause why not
He likes to invite you to go to different places where he could paint
And you obviously like it when you're with him, enjoying the scenery while chatting the painter.
"Hm? "
"Are you tired of me inviting you to places all the time just to do nothing? "
"That's so sudden... Well, not really.. All the places you take me to are wonderful... And i wouldn't say i'm not doing nothing, i love to see you paint nature like this. "
"wow.. thanks."
"Haha.. I'll always be here as your company you know. "
"You know... I want to paint something with you in it next time."
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© 0209bun 2022. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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ace-nlis · 3 years
How they met you & fell in love
a/n: This is the first time I decided to actually write something with the intention of posting it. I hope that whoever reads this enjoys it. I'm sorry if I've misspelled anything, English isn't my first language. I hope I did well for my first writing post >.<
WARNINGS: none apart from slight violence. Female reader. Cussing.
Otherwise; fluffy content.
(Y/n) - Your name
(L/n) - Last name
Like or repost if you enjoy <3
When you first met him, you thought he was a pretty boy with a resting bitch face. He is an extremely straight forward 'say it how it is' type of person and you respected him for that because it isn’t always easy to just speak your mind upfront in this day and age. He didn’t really look all that friendly or approachable, but since you were friends with Bokuto you just had to suck it up and stick around. It was pretty awkward talking to him or even just being around him at first, until you realized that his exterior was an act and he’s a total softy when he isn’t trying to call Bo out on his bullshit. You found him to be an intriguing person, but also rather intimidating. He was peaceful, he didn’t talk all that much and kept to himself like a true introvert. You were the opposite, more of an ambivert type. You tried your best to befriend him, but little did you know that friendship would spiral into something else along the line.
After a while of being friends, Akaashi got red in the ears in your presence. He was easily flustered around you, and the both of you often tended to flirt and bicker as if it was second nature. The two of you in a room together never got boring. Everyone around you could tell the two of you were head over heels for each other. You thought the opposite though, you felt that the friendship was never going to progress into anything more and that your crush was meaningless because nothing would come of it. After being friends for several months, nearly reaching the 1 year milestone, you eventually started to distance yourself.
You always thought the way Akaashi acted around you was purely just because the two of you had a close bond as friends, nothing more, nothing less. Akaashi on the other hand was devastated when he noticed the drastic changes in the close bond you both shared. He noticed that whenever he walked into a room, you’d disappear. Whenever he tried to call you, you wouldn’t answer the phone and make up some excuse that you were busy. The poor guy felt like his sanity was hanging on a thread and all he wanted was to speak to you, figure out what he did wrong and at least go back to how things once were. One day, he cornered you in an empty classroom. His eyes seemed frantic and he made sure to trap you between his arms and leave no room for you to escape so he could get answers. “(Y/n), are you okay? Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?”
It seemed like the questions that were wracking his brain kept tumbling out, and in an overwhelmed panic she stopped him. The next thing the both of them knew was that her lips were pressed to his. At first his eyes were wide and body was stiff with shock. He didn’t know how to respond, and he firmly believed that this was a dream. In her mind, she thought she had just made the biggest mistake of her life because he wasn’t responding to it, he was just standing there and embarrassment slowly started to flood her. Before she could pull away from him, his arms slackened and his hands slid down the wall beside her, eventually placing them on her hips and pulling her body flush against his while kissing her back feverishly. When the two pulled away, they were out of breath and their eyes had a dazed look in them as they locked eyes. He leaned his head against hers and sighed in relief, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he kept his eyes locked on hers. I think that’s when you both knew that there was no way in hell you’d let go of each other at any point in time because it really felt like you were meant to be together.
You knew of Oikawa Tooru but you never actually wanted to be acquainted with him. To you he sounded like a total sleazebag, a player that loved breaking female students’ hearts left and right. Unfortunately for you, you just so happened to bump into him on Valentines day after having to reject a poor freshman. When you bumped into Oikawa, he thought that you were another girl ready to confess to him due to the box of chocolates in your hands and a smirk instantly made its way onto his face as he reached over to take the box. Your immediate response was to slap his hand away. If looks could kill, he sure as hell would be more than 6 feet under because you were not up for anyone's bullshit. Oikawa gasped in shock and retracted his hand immediately with a pout. “Hey! I know you. You’re (L/n), hmm. Aren’t you a friend of Iwa? You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed about trying to confess to me. I always appreciate a new follower.”
A mix between a scoff and a laugh of disbelief made its way out of you as you immediately shoved the box of chocolates into your bag. “Wow, I knew you were vain but I guess I underestimated just how much. If you think I have any interest in an asshole like you then you must be smoking something. I have no interest in being one of your petty little toys that you hold on a string. I refuse to be one of your little puppets that follow you around to show my undying admiration for someone as shitty as you. No wonder he calls you Shittykawa. You truly are a self centered douche.”
Oikawa’s face was burning red with embarrassment as she pushed past him and continued going to her class. He was astonished, shocked beyond any words imaginary as he stood there and tried to process what had just happened. Eventually he was brought back to his senses when Iwaizumi smacked him over the head and told him to stop staring like a dumbass and get to practice. “Iwa, How do you know (L/n)?” He asked suddenly after they walked in silence for several minutes, which was very unlike Oikawa. “I’m in the majority of her classes and she lives a block away from me. Why?”
“She’s weird. I thought she was gonna confess and then she slapped my hand and called me a douche.” Oikawa said, his tone was completely flat for once and Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Yeah, well what do you expect? She has better things to do than fawn over you, Shittykawa.”
*Insert offended Oikawa noises here*
Needless to say, his first encounter with you was not exactly what he would’ve liked it to be. Slowly though he tried to fish more information out on you, he wanted to understand why you weren’t like the other girls who practically fell in love with him at first sight and why you were the way that you were in general. That meant that any time Iwaizumi would meet up with you at a park to study together or whenever you guys would spend any type of time together that Tooru would tag along. Teachers thought that you were having a blooming friendship with him though and much to your dismay you ended up getting partnered with him on a school project. You felt sick to the pit of your stomach because you truly didn’t want him to come to your home, but he kept insisting and you knew that there would be no point in trying to convince him otherwise so you gave in to his stubbornness.
You felt ashamed the moment he stepped through the front door, your parents were never home and you had to take care of your younger twin siblings. The house was a mess, and that was when he understood why you had such a cold persona around others. You wanted to distance yourself from people and push them away as much as possible in order for you to not have to go through the embarrassment of looking like a train wreck to everyone else in the circumstances that you were in as opposed to your usual well put together attitude. To your surprise though, he was patient. He jumped in on helping you clean, he even helped the twins with any homework questions they had in between working on your project together and showed no judgement. In fact, he gave you a look of understanding.
After that, you were able to tolerate him more and you allowed him to visit the twins more often while even bringing along his nephew for all of them to play together. He taught them how to play volleyball while also helping you in the kitchen when you needed it. He didn’t want to admit it, but he honestly fell in love with you because of how genuine you were. You guys flirted, but it was suffocating to him like all the other girls who flirted with him on a daily basis. He only had interest in you, and you bet your ass Iwa teased the shit out of him for it. Your project got an incredible score of 100% and the two of you celebrated together by playing some volleyball even though you were complete shit at it. He didn’t care though and had fun. You found yourselves hanging a lot more often, being around each other almost 24/7 and you even met his family at some point. They absolutely loved you, and so did he.
He tried to figure out how he’d confess to you, he wanted it to be special. He wanted it to be a moment the both of you would remember because he quite honestly couldn’t see him spending any of his time with any other girl apart from you. Of course he was extremely nervous and skeptical on how to approach it, it was a 50/50 chance of you liking him back. The thoughts left his mind when he heard your voice outside a local supermarket, asking someone to leave you alone and that immediately flipped a switch in his brain. He quickly tried to look for you and found you trying to tell some tipsy guy that you didn’t want anything to do with him to which he immediately went over with his hands tucked in his pocket.
“Hey (Y/n), everything okay?” he asked as he coldly stared at the man that had been harassing you. A quiet “Oh thank god” was whispered underneath your breath as you managed to force your way closer to Tooru. He immediately wrapped one arm around your waist and kept his eyes locked on the other older gentleman that had been bothering you. The guy smirked, “Oh nothing man, I was trying to have a chat with her and she got all bitchy. That’s all.” (Y/n) could feel his body language immediately became a lot more tense, but you quickly pulled at him and tried to evade the situation. “It’s not worth it, Tooru. Let’s just go, okay? We can get some milk bread and watch movies or something.”
“I don’t appreciate the way you talk about my (Y/n)-chan. In fact, I’d advise you to leave her alone before I make you regret even breathing the same air as her. Got that?” He spoke calmly as he gently nudged you out of the alleyway next to the store. “Hey, who the hell do you think you are? Huh? Can’t just take my woman like that, dude.” This is when you truly saw how angry Oikawa could get as all he did was throw a punch and the guy was down. You could only stare in shock at what had just unfolded in front of you. “If you ever talk about her like that again I swear I’ll make you regret you ever existed.” At that he tugged you along and when the two of you were a few blocks away you grabbed hold of his hand and inspected it. “You seriously didn’t have to go that far. I don’t care what a low life has to say about me, at least I don’t live in the streets and I’ve got a roof over my head.” He remained silent for a moment before latching his hand onto your wrist and pulling you into his chest. “I’d never let anyone do or say anything to hurt you. Remember that. I’m just sorry you had to witness me get like that. I’ll make it up to you though.”
“Oh? I think a date would be a pretty nice way to make it up to me since you insisted on calling me your (Y/n)-chan” you said, giving him a cheeky smile to which he could only reply with a teasing smirk. “Hm, seems only fair after I saved you as heroically as I did.”
“Whatever you say, douche”
*insert baffled Oikawa noises here*
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sugarakis-p2 · 3 years
This is a prologue in a choose your own adventure; smut style. The other series or collection will have the same name with the charters you will have an adult relationship with. Example, Security: Dabi, Security: Mr.Compres, etc, etc, etc. All of those will be tagged with warnings and whatnot.
I like to write smut with plot. I see a lot of potential with this character. This chapter is very pg and could be a one off for that crowd. I thought it would fun and nice this way, while sparing me having to rewrite with a bunch of tags. I know I'm lazy!
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You are a security guard at a museum with a personal secret when you have the misfortune of crossing paths with the league of villains. They are desperate villains and you know were all the cash is, how will you survive this bad luck?
Warning: Kidnapping and death threats
You never thought you would end up working security at a boring museum. After you and your twin trained to be heroes. Both got your license. Both of you were going to be big. Then Stain showed up and destroyed both of you. Your quirk needs a partner, one you trust. Your sister was the one who carried you both. When she was murdered, it ended your career.
Not that you were ever going to be the star. Technically you were in the hero’s program. But always considered a sidekick at best or a support item at worst. The hoops and torture you had to just through to get where you have still left its scars, both physical and mental.
Mr.Aizawa dropped you from class twice. Turns out he was right. As a standalone hero, you are worthless. So now you spend your nights walking around a museum. You look down at your fake legs and wonder was any of it worth it? They are covered in the pants of your uniform. You can feel them there and not there, a miserable sensation many don’t have to deal with. Of course not, you think. It was important to your sister.
You loved her too much to say no. Plus, she had an annoying way of cheerleading those around her to the finish line. She made you believe it would be worth it. Now that’s she’s gone, you wonder why you ever bothered even trying to be a good guy. You almost killed yourself to follow your sister, but your Mom was put into debt over your medical bills. You could not leave her like that. Two daughters and a dead husband with a mountain of debt, you are an asshole, but not that big of an asshole.
Your self-pity is interrupted by a sound around the corner. You figure it’s Tony, the janitor, but your job is to observe and report. As you peek around the corner, you see two men, one horribly burnt and the other with a top hat and cheerful mask. Oh shit. You turn to get to safety and call it in. When you are grabbed from behind by the throat, your gun disappears into dust.
“Where are you going, little hero?” Someone behind you hisses in your ear. “Why don’t you be a good little hero and help us out?” The voice gripping you tightly by the throat guided you around the corner to the two men arguing.
“Look what I found,” the voice behind you says to the two.
“Great, now maybe we can get this over with. How much is this painting worth,” the burnt man is pointing behind him at the LaVan piece, the other pipes up with the top hat; he looks like a magician to you.
“It’s not about the money. It’s a work of art, I want to add it to my collection. The other pieces can be sold.”
“If you want it, then take it,” the voice behind you rasps.
“I would if this were the real thing. It’s a fake for the public,” The magician turns to you. “You better know where they keep the real one at. otherwise, we can’t guarantee your safety.”
“One more finger is all it would take,” the voice behind you threatens. You had already seen what it could do and shudder at the thought. Cute, it was a promise of hope and a threat all at once. It has given you enough time to think, bad guys, probably killers. You want to lie to them, but one seems to know his stuff. If you are valuable, they may not kill you; they could help you. It could be a win for everyone.
You want to cry at what you’ve been debased to, working with villains and murders. Your sister would be ashamed of what you are about to do, but she’s dead and you’re not.
“I know where they are,” you say meekly.
“Oh gooood,” the magician purrs. “But I want guarantees before I tell you, no killing or hurting me. It has to be that way.”
“Sure, we promise, princess,” The burnt one strokes your cheek with a finger and grins.
“I have it, along with over fifty-million-yen worth of other things. They keep the real stuff packed underneath in a vault. The combination is 89776xb. You won’t find anything but fakes in there too, I took it all a while ago. The alarm system is hidden on the left wall twenty tiles up. Its code is 1986rox. You don’t want to know what I had to do to get it.”
“Then hand them over,” the one behind you is tightening his grip as a threat.
“That’s not how it works. The more you threaten me, the farther you are away from that money. My quirk is called the void. I can put an infinite number of inanimate items in myself but not pull them out. Only someone I feel safe with and can trust can pull them out.” You say quickly. The one behind growls, the burnt one laughs, and the magician mutters interestingly.
“Could be lying. Let’s just dust her and find something else.”
“Now wait a minute,” The burnt guy says leaning forward and tapping your leg. Upon hearing the metal, he looks genuinely pleased. “She’s not lying. Your sister was “The Bringer,” right?” You nod mournfully. “She’s a former pro-hero. She could increase our reputation, not to mention that’s fifty mil in a pretty package.” He leers at you. You can hear the one behind you scratching themselves, groaning in annoyance.
“She could be lying about the money,” it rasps.
“Ahhhh, but even if she is, she still could be useful in assisting the league,” The magician speaks up. “Her quirk is similar to mine; infinite has a lot of potentials.” More scratching, your sweating, the one behind you clearly is the leader and isn’t convinced. You swallow hard and force yourself to speak.
“I’m not a hero anymore. I’m a thief. I’m desperate. I want to help my mother. If you help me, I can help you. I promise to be loyal. I’ll have no choice. What recourse do I have as a fellow criminal?” The one behind you stopped scratching.
“She could be lying about being a thief. Mr.Compress, take this one. We’ll go check the vault. Turns out to be true, we keep her, a lie and no one will ever find you ‘hero’,” the one behind hisses. The magician touches you, and it feels like you are suspended in a cloud. You can’t tell time and have no idea how long you were in there.
You wake up in an abandoned warehouse a little disoriented. Surrounded by a bunch of weird-looking strangers. One even has a severed hand on his face, like a creep. Burnt man and the magician are there. The magician is handing you a phone.
“Your story checked out. Call your boss and quite.” You do as he says. Your boss is confused and angry, to say the least. Half an hour later, of guilt-tripping and getting chewed out. You hand the phone back to the magician.
“Congratulations, welcome to The League of Villains,” the Handyman rasps.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
—pocket heroes headcanons
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mtha thots: it’s that time of year again where i start projecting my daily academic existential crises on the mha characters. i’ve had this idea in my head for months and got pages of brain rot fading away in my documents, so i’ve decided to stop being selfish and start sharing w some simple hcs. i hope you enjoy it <3
warnings: none
reference for the banner
© 2021 all writing content belongs to mythiccheroacademia. do not repost or modify
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context: pocket heroes are a new phenomenon to the world. the whispers that spread by ear say they are tiny humans dressed in hero-like costumes that support you when you need it most. many don’t believe in them and blame it on overactive imagination. but the very few who know the truth, say otherwise. they say you can’t find a pocket hero, but your pocket hero finds you when they’re ready. luckily for you, your tiny friend made an appearance and is stuck to you like glue! 
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Midoriya Izuku:
this little guy is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
izu is on the shorter side standing only about 3 ¾ inches tall
but don’t let that height fool you bc he’s a ball of energy!
he’s a chatterbox so if that’s not your game, good luck sis
but he’s so cute and his voice is so tiny how could you not love him
your pocket hero is so encouraging of you
for every assignment, he’ll sit by your hand and cheer you on
it’s impossible to give in to temptation and skip an assignment/call off work bc he’ll puff his chubby cheeks out and pout
he knows it’s tough, but you can do it! there’s nothing you can’t do!
although, if you need to take a break for your mental health, he’ll immediately stop and climb up into your neck to comfort you
makes posters with sticky notes he finds around bc he’s your biggest fan
sits by you during class and takes his own notes so that you two can compare
he doesn’t want you to miss anything important
 you get such good grades bc of deku ong
izuku’s fav place to be is in your shirt pocket or in your cleavage, behind the collar of your shirt with his little head sticking out
it’s bc he likes to be near to your heart
it makes him feel safe and close to you
if you get really stressed out, izu will cry for you
he hates it when you’re distressed and won’t be able to think clearly until you’re okay
his whimpers are so sad it literally pains my heart
your pocket hero loves when you bring him up to your cheek so he can latch on and nuzzle you
he’s highkey attached to your hip
he’s not afraid to use puppy dog eyes if you tell him he needs to stay home when you go out
7 times out of 10, you give in
but when it’s necessary for him to stay, he’ll sadly mope around until he hears the door open and runs to you
deku’s got this huge smile on his face that could make the coldest man crack
his tiny footsteps are so cute ughhhh
uses ofa to jump to your face so you can catch him and give him cuddles until he’s satisfied
i adore him
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Bakugo Katsuki:
katuski stands at a whopping 4 ½ inches which is about average
but this particular pocket hero has a bad case of small dog syndrome
make fun of how small he is at your own risk
bc this little dude bites
bakugo’s a hardass about your responsibilities
like the man will not let you procrastinate!
over his dead body
if he catches you slipping, he’ll pull on your ear lobes
screams at you and threatens to blow you up with his tiny explosions too for good measure
you don’t have the heart to tell him his quirk feels like a flick from a two year old
his yelling is kinda scary tho despite sounding like a preschool kid on helium
nevertheless, pls trust that this little guy loves you and only wants the best for you
you don’t catch how he gets up extra early every morning and organizes your desk to the best of his abilities (some of your stuff is heavy)
or how he’ll spend hours going through your music and making playlists to help you study
bakugo complains about doing it, but he’s always down to go through flashcards with you
he’s a smart cookie and has got a keen memory so trust he won’t let you half-ass/forget any important assignments and exams
a mother hen
if you have at least three inches of hair, bakugo likes to stand on the top of your head and tug on your strands to “make you move” like you're under his control
yes, he has an evil laugh
you humor him every time
although, there was one time you threw your head to the side and he almost fell off bc he called you a bad word and you weren’t having it
it hasn’t happened again since
doesn’t go there often bc he wants to be all tough, but his fav place to be is in the crook of your neck where it’s warm and he can feel close to you
pls reward him for good behavior w a lil kiss
he’ll tell you you're being gross and make a big show of wiping your “germs” away
but he secretly loves it
there was one time you didn’t peck him for a week and he actually got nervous in an angry kind of way
asked if you were mad at him in the smallest voice you’ve ever heard him use  
also stomps when he’s angry
pls he’s like the cutest most annoying alarm clock
i love him
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Todoroki Shouto:
if izu and katsuki are the angel on your right, shouto’s the devil on your left
don’t get me wrong, the little guy will suggest you do your work
but…if you can still get the grade you want and skip out on a few things, who is he to say otherwise
a strong advocate of work smarter, not harder LMAOOO
you secretly think it’s bc he likes to take as many naps as he can with you
anyways, shouto is about 4 ¾ inches in height give or a take a couple centimeters
he’s got an unnaturally deep voice for a pocket hero
he’s very quiet, reserved most times, and will be your silent support as you go about your day
but pls don’t think he doesn’t have the slickest mouth known to man just bc he’s quiet
there was one time you asked your teacher a question and they were being difficult
you went back and forth for a few min, failing to notice the irritation growing on todoroki’s face
then he just blurted out, “and you’re supposed to have a degree in education?”
thankfully, your teacher didn’t hear him but when I tell you your heart dropped
you can’t take this man nowhere
he’s just a very sassy pocket hero
you get some lip from him too sometimes but threaten to take away his soba and he’ll shut up real quick
shouto likes to hang out on top of your head and lay there
also likes to sit on your shoulder and idly swing his legs
when you’re both bored in class, he’ll make little ice sculptures to get you more alert
you let him read articles out to you bc his voice is really soothing
todo lives for head pats or when you gently scratch his head with your finger
he’ll chase your finger if you pull away too soon
you think he purrs but shouto won’t admit to anything
when he’s feeling clingy, he’ll raise his arms up signaling for you to hold him in your hand
it’s annoying sometimes bc you need to take notes or something but does it look like this boy cares?
pick him up now!
if you get stressed, he makes you put down whatever you're doing and drink some water
forces you to take a nap if it’s really bad
all pocket heroes have a reserved “bed” so their caretaker doesn’t harm them when they sleep, but todoroki is wiling to risk death if it means curling up on your chest
your heartbeat helps him sleep easier
i wanna protect him at all costs
im no longer accepting requests!
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
And Many Happy Returns
a sequel (or companion piece) to Inseparable, my childhood friends AU. chapter 1 of 2.
“Next week?” Jon shrieks, slamming a hand down on his desk and startling the nearby students. “That’s not nearly enough time to prepare!”
Martin does that blinky-eye thing that means Jon’s being too loud, but he can’t help it! Martin’s turning eight in six days (less than a week!) and didn’t think to tell him. They’re best friends, he should know these things. He curses himself for not asking about this at the beginning of their relationship, when he was collecting Martin facts. Favorite color and book seemed more important at the time. 
And while Jon doesn’t think birthdays are that important, it’s still a fact he ought to have known. Well, his Nan doesn’t consider birthdays important. These past two birthdays he’s gotten one new (!) book and a dessert after dinner, but that’s about it. Nan doesn’t have money to spend on frivolous things, and Jon’s never needed much, but he wouldn’t mind a bit of fanfare. His mum always made sure he felt very loved- he got plenty of hugs, a fun cake, an outing where they would do his favorite things. But maybe that’s something only mums do. Nan, with her rare, stiff hugs and general stand-offishness was never one to put up much of a fuss.
“It’s not that big a deal,” Martin mutters, his pencil twitching in his hand as he refuses to meet Jon’s eyes. He doesn’t like it when Jon starts fretting about him. “We never do anything for it, anyway.”
Martin’s mum isn’t anything like Jon’s, that’s for sure. It’s not every day you turn eight. It’s a nice number, very even and divisible. Much better than boring old seven. When Jon turns eight, he’s going to get fifteen extra minutes added to his curfew, and he’ll be able to walk to the corner store all by himself. He’s already walked there several times, but it’ll be nice to have permission. That’s the real treat.
“So you’re not going to bring in cupcakes for the class?” he asks, remembering the last birthday they celebrated- it was Lydia’s, a quiet, unassuming girl that Jon doesn’t mind but also doesn’t think much about. As soon as Jon asks it, Martin gets that sad look in his eyes again, the kind that’s always followed by an “I’m sorry” or something equally nonsensical. Jon hates that he’s the cause of it, him and his stupid mouth. Think before you speak, that’s what Nan always says. She says that for most anything he talks about, though, so he takes her advice with a grain of salt.
He reaches out to pat Martin’s arm consolingly, giving him his best sympathetic head tilt. “It’s alright. I’ve never brought any in either. Just thought I’d check in case you needed help bringing them to school.” Jon’s not very good at carrying things, but for Martin he would make an attempt.
“That’s nice of you,” Martin replies, though it’s not really nice, it’s just a normal thing a friend would do. Jon’s read books about it, he ought to know. “But yeah. I don’t think Mum’s planning anything, much less making cupcakes. She’s really busy.” Martin’s always saying how busy his Mum is, but Jon’s pretty sure she doesn’t do half the things around the house that she’s supposed to. Martin already knows how to cook and make tea and do the laundry without hurting himself. It’s very admirable. The last time Jon attempted to do laundry, he flooded the cellar.
“Do you like cupcakes, though?” Jon asks, scooching closer to Martin’s desk. “Lydia’s mum brought some for her birthday, but they were all carrot cake. Blegh.” He makes an exaggerated face to get Martin to laugh. It works.
“Carrot cake’s not so bad,” Martin says, poking lightly at Jon’s hand with the eraser of his pencil. Jon flinches back dramatically, putting on his most wounded look. “You just don’t like it cause it has the word carrot in it.”
“I don’t like it cause it has actual carrots in it,” Jon sniffs, turning away from Martin to show his displeasure. He decides not to talk to him for the rest of the day, or at least until he has something else to say to him. He’s got a lot on his mind now, and he needs to be left alone with his thoughts. Besides, Martin will poke him again once he gets bored enough. 
Jon flips open the school planner that he’s never used for actual school work and starts to write. He’s got a birthday to plan, and he’s going to give Martin a Mrs. Sims birthday special.
It’s a Thursday, which means Martin can’t play on account of his many, many chores. Jon hates Thursdays.
But this time it works in his favor, as he’ll actually have time to plan without Martin thinking something’s up. Jon very rarely cancels on Martin; he’s his most important (and only) friend. But he does on occasion get a little mixed up. One time, he thought it was a Wednesday instead of Thursday, and wound up at Martin’s flat when he didn’t show up at the park. Martin was very nice about it, though, and gave him a cup of tea to ‘calm down’ to drink in the hallway, before he went home. Martin thinks a cup of tea is calming. It doesn’t really do much for Jon, but it is tasty, and Martin gives him extra sugar just the way he likes.
But today is most definitely a Thursday so he scurries on home, slamming the door open and screaming a greeting to Nan that goes unanswered.  She must be off at the shops, otherwise she’d be giving Jon an earful for being too loud. He kicks off his shoes and gazes at the picture of him and his mum on the wall. If his mum were here, she would know exactly what to do to make Martin’s birthday extra-special. But she’s not, and Martin’s mum seems like kind of a jerk, so it’s Jon’s responsibility. “I won’t let you down,” he solemnly tells her smiling face, and turns to take the steps two at a time.
After grabbing his planner and throwing his backpack into the corner,  he pulls out the chair to his messy homework desk, which is usually only used for doodling or writing stories or reading when he wants the activity to feel more official. He flips open his planner to next Wednesday, Martin’s birthday (!!!) and taps his pen impatiently against the page. 
What do birthdays need? Food. Presents. Happiness. The first two might be a bit difficult to pull off, considering his lack of money and cooking skills. Martin deserves a lot more than stale discount biscuits from the grocery. He can get those any day.
But a whole cake is going to be hard. If Nan won’t make one for Jon on his birthday, she most certainly won’t do it for ‘his little friend,’ even if she thinks he’s a good influence. Martin is always very quiet and polite when he sees her, and Nan always gives him a smile in return for his good manners. She doesn’t smile at Jon like that. He tamps down his jealousy and gets back to birthday thoughts.
He thinks he had a purple- or was it pink? - cake on his fifth. It saddens him that he can’t remember. He thinks he’d forget his own mother’s face if he didn’t look at it every morning and night. Memory’s fickle like that, as his Nan likes to say.
Maybe, if he’s very nice and good tonight, Nan will take him with her on the weekly shop and he can convince her to get Martin a cupcake, a good one. One that doesn’t have any carrots in it, even if Martin says they’re alright. He must like them so much because they’re orange, like his hair. Unsurprising. 
He stops wiggling in his chair and straightens his back, as if Nan can see him in his room right now. It’s good to practice, he thinks. If he can sit still all through dinner and not make a mess, she’ll come round. 
Next, an essential part of any birthday: a good present.
His mum never really showered him with gifts, but she always gave him something good, something from the heart. The last present he received - Augustus, an orange cat plushie- still sits on his bed. It’s kind of babyish to sleep with a stuffed animal at his age (or so Marcus declared during recess one day) but Jon doesn’t really care. It helps him sleep.
Unfortunately, Jon can’t buy Martin a stuffed cat. He doesn’t have much money except for what he’s found on the ground and in sofa cushions. And he’s supposed to give that to Nan if he finds it (which he does, mostly).
He could be creative. Make him something. Jon’s not very good at crafts, though. And he doesn’t have a lot of supplies. But he has almost a week to figure something out, minus the times he’s playing with Martin. Well, even then he can stare at him and hope it jogs a good idea.
Lastly, he’s got to make it the happiest, most special day he can. Martin should feel special all the time, but Jon knows how hard that is, especially when you go home and you’re lonely and it seems like you’re the least special person there is. But if Jon is very nice to him and makes the day as fun as possible, maybe he’ll be able to keep that happiness all night, even when Jon leaves. 
That’ll be the hardest part, Jon thinks. He’s not the type of person to make someone happy. Sigh in aggravation, maybe. Roll their eyes. But Martin does neither of those things, so Jon might have a chance. He’ll try and ‘tone it down,’ though. His Jon-ness can be too much at times, and he doesn’t want that to get in the way of what should be Martin’s day.
Everything’s going to be perfect. 
And then it’s Saturday, and Jon still doesn’t have a present for Martin. 
He somehow managed to get Nan to agree to the cupcake bit- he’d asked very politely, ate all of his dinner and didn’t spill a thing. Though he thinks it has more to do with her liking Martin. She always acts surprised when she sees him over, like she’s shocked Jon kept a friend for longer than a week. He’s not that bad. But Tuesday she promised to take him to the grocery with her, so it’s fine. One part of his plan is done.
But the present. 
Actually buying something is clearly out of the question- he already exhausted his Nan’s good will in that department. And Jon, for all his usual creativity, is plum out of ideas. He could give him one of his books, but he does that already without prompting. He doesn’t have any good toys, and Martin certainly isn’t getting his best pen, the one that glides real smoothly on the page.
“Are you alright?”
He’s been staring at Martin too long. “Of course,” Jon snaps. “I just like your shirt today, that’s all.”
Martin looks down at his worn t-shirt. It’s not Jon’s favorite, but it’s Martin’s, so he likes it. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome.”
They’re out in the woods behind Mr. Fletchley’s house to investigate what Jon thought was an ancient ruin but just turned out to be a couple of crumbling cinder blocks. It was an incredibly disappointing find, but Martin wasn’t discouraged.
“We don’t know where they came from, or why someone dumped them here,” he reasoned, a hand on Jon’s shoulder. “What if they were stolen? What if they’re part of a...a crime, or something?”
Jon doesn’t know what crime would need a cinder block, but he intends to find out. They’ve been walking down the relatively short path (it’s not so much woods as it is a cluster of trees) and haven’t seen anything suspicious, besides a few empty wrappers and a particularly sharp stick that Jon’s been whacking against the ground. He thinks it could’ve been used as a weapon.
“What are you going to do when you’re eight?” he asks, nudging Martin in the side. He hasn’t mentioned his birthday since the first time, so he’ll be in for a real treat come Wednesday. Jon just hopes he can think of something good in time.
“Mm, I don’t know.” Martin slows down to a mosey, and Jon tries to match his strides no matter how much he wants to jump ahead. Martin’s a real ‘slow down and sniff the flowers’ type of guy. Jon’s more of a ‘run ahead and accidentally trample them’ type. “Probably the same as I’m doing now. It’s not like it’s an important age. I can’t drive or anything like that.”
“It’s a very important age!” Jon insists, though he doesn’t have much to back that up. He’s mostly just excited because it’s Martin’s very first birthday with him. “You should look forward to something.”
“I dunno, I don’t want anything to change,” Martin says, his face going a little red as he stares at the ground. “I’d just like to spend more time with you. Have fun. That kind of stuff.”
Jon blinks. “We do that now, though.”
“Yeah. It’s the best.” Martin gives him a toothy grin, the kind that Jon puts away and thinks about later when he’s at dinner with Nan or getting ready in the morning. People don’t smile at him like that, only Martin. He does it all the time when Jon tells him a good joke, or shares his food, or passes him a particularly funny doodle.
And now Jon’s got the perfect idea for a present.
part 2
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I really wanna talk about homestuck in relation to this post but like, idk if I wanna add to it because it might be a total derailment of the topic but homestuck is such a weird apocalypse narrative.
like... the way it handles it is so odd because earth itself is not very well characterized before the characters leave it. the characters themselves are massively well characterized, and that takes up the bulk of the narrative, but like... we never even hear them talk about school? or much of anything more than their shared interests and what's immediately happening to them. and in a way, that is kind of authentic. because when kids get together to hang out, the last thing they ever wanna talk about is dry, boring stuff about their mundane lives. they'll mostly just yell memes at each other, talk about anime, play video games... it's possible to simultaneously know nothing about your friends, but feel closer to them than ever, because you're mostly around for the parts of their life that they want to experience when they're having the most fun. you see them as they are when they have the most agency to choose that. and that might be totally divorced from the reality of how their day-to-day life unfolds.
in this way, homestuck presents these characters as people who have shed that mundane portion of their lives. they are now left with only the part that they typically share with their friends. and in reality, if a SBURB type apocalypse were to literally happen to you, it'd be traumatic as hell. but this is the place where homestuck chooses to ask you to suspend your disbelief. let's just believe that John didn't have any other friends or family to think about when the world ended. let's pretend they left zero people of any interest whatsoever behind. all they are shaking off is the society that they were obligated to participate in so mundanely. they no longer have to make any compromises with anyone... they get to fully center themselves.
okay, so that's obviously not entirely true... playing SBURB is a cooperative experience, and being friends with someone doesn't always mean that your relationship is easy. but homestuck allows the narrative to become self centered. it's about one individual and the tiny sphere of influence they have, among solely the people they've developed meaningful bonds with. it allows them to become a case study.
so when the world ends, the world is not necessarily what matters. what matters is the identities of a few specific individuals who we spend a lot of time cultivating our own connections with as a reader.
and that all becomes incredibly interesting when you consider classes and aspects.
basically, in terms of the post linked above, classes and aspects are the harry potter houses, the factions, the "what bender are you" or MBTI type... they're not the only way you could categorize the characters, but they're the most universally applicable to all of the characters that are important in the narrative. and what's interesting is just like... what classes are for, and how complicated it actually is to know what aspects are, or what they mean.
starting with classes, these are basically a series of archetypes that are specialized so that everyone has a role to play that makes them uniquely valuable to a collective. if we're considering this in terms of DnD, you can think of what classes might make for a balanced party, and how having a balanced party makes it satisfying to play the game. no one player could handle everything on their own, and at the same time, everyone feels needed. nobody is useless.
this already seems fundamentally different from some of the means of categorization that I listed above. a lot of these systems are meant to divvy up the characters into societally recognized in-groups and out-groups... people who can be identified as allies or enemies. even if the groups are ascribed certain archetypal skills, the goal is rarely so explicitly for the archetypes to work together, or cover each other's weaknesses. Avatar is probably what comes the closest to this idea, with its underlying endeavor to find harmony between the elements, but homestuck uses classes both as a way to communicate unique specialization, and as a way to unify the characters by their need for support.
and that's a little weird isn't it? these characters just shed all of their obligations to a broader society, and we're taking that as a freeing event... right? but there is a difference between society and community, and while homestuck might use the destruction of society as a catalyst for adventure, it uses the formation of community as the driving force behind the story's progression. the characters are all motivated to work together and help each other... and that doesn't always mean that it works. even within a community, one person's drive to center themselves and their own personal growth can trample others who were trying to do the same thing. perhaps not everyone in the community consents to being cooperative. perhaps the difference in archetype could drive someone to become competitive instead. and these are all value-neutral observations... no archetype is specifically acknowledged as being evil, even when they have friction with one another.
basically... this is character writing. and I find it funny that these broad categories that kids like to identify themselves with are seen as ways of flattening characterization into broad strokes like "the brave one" or "the sneaky one" or what have you, because in the case of classes, the characterization becomes deeper. and I think that's because the categories are used well... the characters all have specific relationships with the stereotypes they're ascribed by others, and the archetypes they're told they must fulfill. the classes don't define them, but they do give them something to contend with. can they fulfill their role? can they live up to their purpose? is there a place in the story for someone with an archetype like theirs? do they want to be this?
aspects get even trickier, and for this I might just link to a video I really love that covers a lot of the thoughts I've been having. it's kind of front loaded with a lot of technical talk about computer science and philosophy, and tbh I love that homestuck does actually link up those concepts with so much of it's presentation, but the main bit that intrigues me is the way the video talks about aspects as irreducible components of thought. like the periodic table of elements, but for ideas.
this drastically elevates the importance of each character's assigned category, and makes it function so much better as a tool for characterization. because, like, the aspects are actually really abstract. when someone says their aspect is "wind" or "light" you could take that 100% literally if you wanted to... but by the time you've read enough of homestuck to connect those to John and Rose, you probably understand that it's not that simple. and other concepts, such as astrology, have taught you that this is the sort of system that you're supposed to interpret, right? what is a capricorn if not a loose collection of traits that give you a certain vibe? that's what we're working with when it comes to aspects. otherwise, how would you know what void, or doom, or mind are? tbh it's actually pretty genius that astrology was worked into the comic as an aesthetic element, just so we'd all be mentally primed to do this kind of categorical interpretation... hell, even the actual signs themselves constitute a framework with which you could analyze the characters, like, how does Nepeta display typical leo traits, or how is Vriska a stereotypical scorpio... it all still works, even as you understand that each individual is more complex than the traits which support that interpretation.
in this way, the aspects are never really explained exhaustively verbatim, and are almost solely defined by the traits you've observed from individual characters, who act as representatives for what these categories actually are. or at least how they function in this instance, which is what's relevant. it's not just superpowers, and it's not just archetypes... it's both at the same time, and you come at them from a character-first perspective when you're trying to figure out what they mean. the characters inform your knowledge of the categories, and the categories act as a framework for analyzing the characters. and I love how homestuck tricks you into assuming that it has a lot of little rigid categories for the characters to slot into, and how quickly it becomes apparent that everything is way more abstract than it first appears. and yet, it all still means something. and it's really interesting to, say, compare two different time players to try to piece together what is typical for that archetype, while also accounting for their class, and trying to understand how that changes the roles they play and the ways they behave. and then you have the trolls' caste system on top of that, and the astrology angle I mentioned earlier, and there are honestly so many overlapping ways to think about it all, and I think that's the point.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 3 years
hello! may i ask somethibg with taehyun? maybe like, he's praising the reader so much and they get flustered or something hahjahsha feel free to add anything!
❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮.❞
As much as you love it when Taehyun suddenly shows an act of affection, you can’t help but wonder if he knows how much it’s affecting you. 
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Genre: 4 cups of fluff !
Warnings: None~
(hey 🧍 i’m so so so sorry for the one month late answer 😭😭 your idea is so cute and i adore it sm !! i just wish i could’ve gotten to it sooner but thanks to classes... it’s a big fat no for my energy 🧎🧎 n e way, i hope this makes up for it though and that you enjoy it 🥺 thank you so much for requesting, adorable anonie !)
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It was such a pathetic sight to see that whenever you were next to Taehyun, you became as soft as putty- someone so easy to change moods just because he was close enough to embrace you. Almost everyone knew that and you were certain that Taehyun knew, but gosh, did he have to rub it in your face that you really did fall for him?! The first time he did this was back when your friend accidentally spoke a little too loud- maybe she did it on purpose because he was right there smack dab in front of her face- emphatically shouting: ‘YOU LIKE TAEHYUN?!’ And so you had to carry on through the rest of your day with a burning face as said boy boldly poked fun at you but not enough for it to really sting.
He teased you in little ways you couldn’t even start to imagine to count of course, the smug guy obviously loving your flustered embarrassed face every time he got the chance. Sometimes you wondered why you felt drawn to him the moment you first saw him considering he clearly wasn’t interested in personal matters called love, but with the way he was acting towards you- look on the bright side, he could perhaps like you! Minus all the teasing here and there. 
Well, that time... was now, and you were unfortunately dawdling on your assignment thanks to him burning his eyes onto you as if you were more interesting than the books in front of him. From time to time you dared to look at him sitting at your right side, but nothing really helped. All you could see was him staring back at you with curious eyes, watching your every movement to the way you scanned through several books to how you sighed when you became stumped.
It was a bit unlucky that the rest of the library was quiet where you two studied, otherwise you’d yell at him and create a commotion to stop looking at you for this long. 10 minutes, huh? And thinking in your head over and over again what he was thinking about! Because really, whatever work you did- it obviously wasn’t going to make any sense to the teachers since you were reeling with thoughts of why he was doing what he was actually intending! You just bit your bottom lip annoyed, burying yourself into the boring textbook for the nth time.
Suddenly his voice brought you back into the reality that he was still gazing intently at you sadly, “You’ve been working so hard for a long time! Can’t we take a break? That smart brain of yours is quite useful when it comes to things like this, but it’s going to get tired fast if you don’t rest with me.” Taehyun enunciated the last word and you shivered slightly, feeling your spine tense up.
“Please? You’re passing up the opportunity to get your ultimate favorite drink on me, plus this break will help you to focus better.”
You shook your head, causing Taehyun to become persistent, moving even closer by scooting his chair next to yours. 
“I really adore you, you know? The way your contagious laugh lights up the room when I say something stupid in class, the way you bite your bottom lip whenever you’re reading a book, the way you smile at me like I’m the only person in the whole entire world.”
You had to admit that it was true but he wasn’t any good- just go back to your book again and focus on concentrating!
“To me, you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met. It’s not just about how you look, no not just that, but seriously, everything you do. You might not know this but I trust you so much because you care a great deal about me and know when to talk about my problems. You care and love about the people who are close to you that it inspires me when I need it the most. I sound so silly here but it’s the truth,” he chuckles to himself, shaking his head when he did so.
“I want to spend time with you every single day because you make me feel less alone. You listen to me and comfort me through your kind ways, and I can’t understand why you can’t see how much I need you. You’re the most important person to me and my heart-” he cut himself off, aware of what he was rambling on, “how can I not tell the person who only deserves someone much better than me that I’m truly encapsulated by them?”
Again you ignored him and pretended to jot something down, all the while shaking as the pencil in your hand moved across the half filled paper.
Taehyun seemed to be proud at the result, silently resting his cheek on his palm when you gulped nervously.
“You’re so cute, I just love it whenever I do the littlest of things and you still manage to be embarrassed like the adorable bean you are.”
No, no-
“Y/N, can’t you see? I’m falling for you because you stole my heart the very moment I saw you and never gave it back. But I think it’s good if it stays that way since gosh- I’m so in love with you that I can’t do anything without you.”
The pencil dropped from your fingers, and boy you knew how much you messed up now. If you could’ve kept your calm, then you wouldn’t have to show how whipped you were for him! Now he could really grasp the idea and saying such compliments with you hearing everything? Your heart instead was pounding in your chest, fluttering intensely even when you tried to use your breath to calm it down. 
No doubt Taehyun had to know how much it was affecting you! He knew; it wasn’t possible that he didn’t... In turn, he pleasantly smirked at your startled face, sending you a smile with his sharp teeth. Quickly he went to boop your nose, grinning when you pursed your lips into a trembling line. 
“There’s my adorable but burning Y/N whom I love. Now tell me that we’ll take a break together and-”
you couldn’t take any of this anymore any longer when you were becoming so flustered that it was childish. 
“Taehyun! I’m not trying to-”
When he had a chance, the boy pecked his soft lips against your cheeks in an instant, grinning mischievously when you could no longer respond.
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Posted: 4/14/21- 10:35pm
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 years
Spring 2021 anime overview: Quick Takes
Now for my Spring 2021 anime thoughts! I’ve decided from now on if a season’s like, 20- to-24 episodes I’m just going to wait ‘til it’s done to review it unless I feels super passionately, so though I watched To Your Eternity (it’s good!) and MHA (eh), I’ll comment on them next time. Also, for the record, I watched the first eight eps of Joran: Princess and Snow of Blood but I dropped it because it had clearly crossed the line from entertainingly dumb to boring dumb. 
I will probably give Supercub and some other stuff a shot later, this was a stacked season! May give updates on all that later, but this is what I have for now.
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Quick Summary: A mild mannered middle-aged walrus taxi driver is drawn into a case involving a missing girl, yakuza, Youtube clout-chasers, manzai comedians and idols with big secrets.
It’s rare to walk away from media and be like “that is a singular experience I will definitely never see repeated again” but ODDTAXI is definitely one of those. A tense noir thriller murder mystery starring cartoon animals that spends an entire episode detailing the one (cat)man’s very fall into darkness triggered by addiction to gacha games and an online auction for a novelty eraser? Also there’s a porcupine Yakuza who speaks entirely in rap? Also there’s tons of meandering conversations about stuff like manzai comedy and the struggle to go viral on Twitter?
Admittedly, I had a hard time getting into the first episode, the dry meandering humor not being enough to hold my attention while I was sitting still, but once I watched this while I was working out at the end of the season, I found it an easy binge. A ton of characters with dark secrets or dangerous ambitions, each with their own part to play in a tableau of intersecting events- and it all actually comes together really well.(As for the female characters, it’s a pretty dude driven story, but they do get nuanced characterization and even some good heroic moments from one of them.)
 It’s a great example of a carefully planned narrative paying off, with all the twists appropriately seeded and foreshadowed to reward viewers who paid attention. Even when it ended on a perfect “OH SHIT” moment and denied me closure, I couldn’t help but respect it. If you that all sounds interesting to you, definitely check out the first couple episodes and see if you like it- you’re likely to have a memorable, satisfying experience!
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Shadows House
Quick Summary: Emilyko is a ‘living doll’ who’s told she was created to act as the ‘face’ of her shadow master, Kate. The shadows and their ‘dolls’ all reside on the mansion and are required to pass a ‘debut’ to prove they’re a good pairing. If they don’t pass, they might be disposed of. And so the mystery of the Shadow mansion grows...
This slice of gothic intrigue was my favorite of the season, tied with ODDTAXI. With an interesting premise, slightly tense undertones and a strong focus on character building and relationships, it kept me hooked the whole way through. And for any squeamish fans put off by the hype about it, don’t worry, while there are some suspenseful elements, I wouldn’t qualify it as horror. I thought the relationship between Kate and Emilyko might end up being a completely sinister one, but it’s thankfully a lot more complex than that and it’s really interesting to follow how both their characters and relationship grow. The focus of the show is, unsurprisingly, on the “dolls” slowly discovering their autonomy and personhood as they struggle under the rigid system imposed on them by the mysterious elders of this weird Victorian mansion. Can they develop a more equitable relationship with their shadow “masters” (who are also shown to suffer under this system)? There’s a lot to dig into there, and the show has the characters develop through learning to understand and appreciate each other, which is pretty heartwarming. Our hero, Emilyko, is the typical plucky ball of sunshine (they even nickname her sunshine), but she’s also shown to be clever in her own off-the-wall way and she bounces off the far more subdued and cynical Kate well, not to mention the other ‘dolls’ she ends up befriending. 
What’s more, the show spends plenty of time to developing several other character pairings and combinations, and they all have their own interesting dynamic that makes you want to see more of them. Same-gender bonds are at the forefront of this show, and many of them are ripe for queer readings (I definitely appreciated the healthy helping of ladies carrying ladies), but even outside that it’s nice to see a show where a strong, complex bond between girls is at the forefront. My only real complaints about the show are the anime original ending is noticeably a bit rushed (though it’s not too bad, and leaves room for a season 2) and I wish the animation used the whole “shadow” theme more strikingly (like the opening and endings do)- instead the colors are a bit washed out which makes the shadows blend into the background sometimes. The “debut” arc also drags a bit in places, but it makes up for it by having a lot of good character integration.
I hope to check out the (full color)! manga soon and see more of this quirky, shadowy story. There’s some physical abuse depicted, sad things happening to characters and naturally the whole “oppressive familial system” thing, but otherwise not much I can think of to warn about. I give this one a big rec, especially If you’re a fan of gothic fairytales and stories of self discovery.  
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Zombie Land Saga Revenge
Quickest summary: In this sequel season, everyone’s favorite zombie idol group must claw their way back into prominence after a disastrous show- the fate of the Saga prefecture LITERALLY depends on it!
This was a fun follow-up to the first season- if you liked the first zombie-girl romp, you’ll probably enjoy this one. In fact, there were a couple areas it improved on- namely, Kotaro failed, ate crow and embarrassed himself a lot more this season, which made him more likeable (as did the fact the girls gained a lot of independence from him). This season also shed more light on what the ‘goal’ of this zombie raising project is and what kind of shit Kotaro got involved with to make this happen, and it’s appropriately off-the-wall and ridiculous. We finally got some backstory for Yugiri too! I wish it had focused on more of her interiority, but she got to be a badass in it, and it was a treat to see this zombie idol show turn into a period piece for a couple episodes (also her song ruled).
 Tae also got a cute focus episode and there was a particular SMASHING performance early on! Also That revelation last season that had the potential to turn creepy hasn’t yet, and hopefully never will. The finale was heartwarming with big hints of more drama to come- I’m definitely down for more zombie hijinks!
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Vivy: Flourite Eye’s Song
Quickest Summary: A songstress AI named DIVA (nicknamed Vivy) is approached by another AI named Matsumoto, who says he’s from the future and they must work together to prevent AI exterminating all of humankind 100 years from now.
This show is absolutely gorgeous visually with some really nice action scenes, but when it comes to the story my feelings basically amount to a shrug. It’s fine! I guess! Vivy starts out as an interesting layered character- and I guess still is by the end- with her stoic but stubborn determination bouncing off her fast-talking bossy partner Matsumoto well. She never listens to him, which is delightful. The way the show took place over the course of 100 years was an interesting conceit as well. However, it bought up a lot of themes and then sort of... dropped them. For instance, Vivy interprets her mission (PRIME DIRECTIVE if you will) as protecting humans at all costs, no matter how destructive said humans are or what their fate is supposed to be, and is perfectly willing to murder her fellow androids to do this, showing she inherently thinks of androids (herself and her own people!) as less worthy. Which is a little alarming! There’s a very dramatic point in the show where they bring this up as a potential conflict for her character but then it’s sort of...dropped. Pretty much.
Actually, despite the premise, the show doesn’t dip into the “AI rights” as much as you think it would with the main theme being more about Vivy’s search to find her own creativity and discover what it means to ‘pour your heart into something’. Vivy herself doesn’t actually care if she has rights or anything. Which is in some ways fine, because ‘AI as an oppressed class’ has been done to death, but IT’S ALSO KIND OF IN THE PREMISE, so that means that the show just shrugs really hard at a lot of the questions it brings up  basically just going “humans and AI should work together probably” and that’s it. There’s a lot that feels underexplored. The antagonists in the show also either have motivations that don’t really make sense or have boring hackneyed motivations. In the finale in particular, it feels like a lot of things happen “just because” and it falls a little flat.
I also have to warn that one of the arcs focus on a robot ‘pairing’ where the dude-coded robots actions toward his partner are straight up awful and rob her of her autonomy, but it’s played like a tragic love story. I suppose you could read it differently too, but it definitely made me go ‘ew’ the story seemed to want me to sympathize with this robo dude,
Overall, I wouldn’t anti-recommend this show, it’s an all right little sci-fic romp (and definitely SUPER pretty). My favorite element was definitely the episodes where Vivy develops an entirely new (an loveable) personality, because it played with the idea of of an AI getting “rebooted” really well and interplay between her two “selves” was done really well. But there are a lot of other parts of the show that just feel...a little underexplored and empty, making me have an ‘eh’ feeling on the show overall. It’s definitely an ambitious project, and while it didn’t quite stick the landing, there’s something to be said for a show that shoots for the stars and falls short over a show that just languishes in mediocrity.
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Fruits Basket The Final
Quick summary: The final season of that dramatic drama about that weird family with a zodiac curse and the girl who loves them.
It’s very weird that after not cutting a lot out, they kinda sped through some material for, you know, the finale. I guess they thought they couldn’t stretch this final arc to 26 episodes? Or weren’t cleared for another double cour? However, though there were a couple places that felt awkward, despite being a bit condensed it mostly held together pretty well for a D R A M A T I C and ultimately heartwarming conclusion. I was really disappointed they kept the part where Ritsu cut their hair for the ‘happy ending’, I thought  their intro episode not showing them in men’s clothes meant the anime had decided their presentation didn’t need to be “fixed” but WELL I GUESS NOT. That was the only big upset for me though, otherwise the adaptation went about how I expected, sticking to the source material. Furuba has a lot of bumps, from weird age gap stuff to ...gender, but it also has a lot of important feels and great character arcs. It was a gateway shoujo for many and has its important place in animanga history, so I’m glad it finally got a shiny, full adaptation.
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charlotteswriting · 3 years
I GOT YOUR APPROVAL SO I WILL REQUEST AGAIN: kaede, hajime/izuru and nagitoenail with an s/o who plays ace attorney, yelling "Objection!" whenever they find a contradiction, "Hold it!" whenever they question someone, "Take that!" whenever they prove a point and "Gotcha!" when they spot someone lying/tensing up and fidgeting? ok ty
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I am super excited to write your request! But I am having writer's block to let me know if you want anything changed. Also I think my blog is a bit too plain so I am gonna change few things when publishing requests, just like the stuff below down.. Those are my favorite sprites. Thank you!! -Mod Kaede
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Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede didn't know anything about the games so you introduced her to them.
She doesn't play many games but surprisingly good at spotting contradictions
What she didn't expect was you to yell while playing
She might have or not fell off her chair the first time she heard you yelling. Kaede didn't expect this
She gets scared quickly.. so it's not really hard to catch her off guard, Kaede asks you to be less loud </3
Kaede gets used to it... eventually
However... Kaede is impressed by your talent, like how you're able to detect a lie right away and question them like how you do in games
She asks you to teach her how you do it... It's easy
Thinks you're super helpful and reliable whenever a class trial starts
Bonus points if you two play among us together, Kaede just loves how hyped up you get whenever a discussion starts
(Whenever you're the impostor, she'll say stuff like "no, they were with me the whole time!" or "come on guys, they're just cleaning the vents-"
Kaede gets voted out. SIGH
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Hajime Hinata
This one is a power couple
Hajime knew about the games and spoils you without realising- But you finished the game, thankfully
He finds your spirit funny, like, calm down a bit, it's just a game-
"Do you even listen to me...?"
He won't say it but he loves watching you play. Yes.
It's all fun and games until you two end up in an uninhabited island. (🙂)
Hajime trusts you whenever a murder takes place and you two probably investigate together, too
In trials, you're the most dependable one, but....
You two fight over who's gonna spot the contradictions first
"S/O! That's my line...."
People are impressed by how you're able to keep your cool when their lives on the line, but it's actually a good thing
Please don't yell so loud when you prove a point, Hajime gets embarrassed and always has to say stuff like "Y-yeah, S/O, now that you've proved a point, let's move on."
What's wrong, Hajime??
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Nagito Komaeda
Nagito probably didn't know about the games, so when you asked him to play with you, he was excited to spend time with you
Is actually good at the game, he's a quick learner
Good for him, he won't say stuff like "Cleaning isn't the only thing I'm good at"
Cheers for you the whole time, doesn't mind how loud you get or how many times he has to stop you from destroying your switch
Let's say you somehow ended up in a killing game, sounds impossible, riiiight?
In trials, it's a whole different story
Lovers to enemies
For some reason, your boyfriend won't stop messing with your trials
He causes problems on purpose and lies, so you can spot them and prove the otherwise!
Always claps hands whenever you do that, "Great, S/O! Just as expected from you!"
"Wait, weren't you the one lied?"
Also speaking of debating... You two argue over hope or despair. Even though you're on the side of hope, he'll gladly fight against you if you try to prove despair is the absolute good
That's only when Nagito doesn't want to debate, just say the despair word and he's down to fight you until one of you gives up
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Izuru Kamukura
Izuru knew about the games
Because he knows about the meme culture
So it didn't really surprise you
The first time he heard you yell, he was kinda surprised because he didn't expect this.
Games bore him, but you don't, so he finds you really interesting
He'll stay quiet the whole time whenever an argument is going on, and waits for you to spot the contradiction
Even though he's spotted it already
He can't tell if he's enjoying this, but it isn't boring to him, so he must be, right?
You spot lies right away as well, just like him.
Soul mates??
Whenever you prove a point, if the other person keeps arguing back, he'll back you up with solid proof (I'm jealous) which is very rare, because you're already on your way to attack them with proof
You probably debate with him so you can get better at it-
It's really hard to get him debate, but whenever he does, you two won't shut up for a while
Because he's smart, and always has a point to prove
So do you.
Psiiii, my beloved 🤧 I really hope you enjoyed this because I DID. i still need to finish the games so thank you for bearing with me ekfnrjfnfg have a lovely day!! 💕
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