#they were thought to give the warriors the power of the animal
darabeatha · 9 months
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/ For some reason, I feel completely blank and I can't write anything at all! so I'll prob be lurking around, on the meanwhile, have this relatively old mocte I never finished
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dosshie · 2 months
my mom, that studied african religion for more than a decade and is part of umbanda, live reaction to ororon and iansan:
"I don't care if you make them white with blue eyes, at least study the gods you're basing them from!!!!"
im too afraid of twitter so imma post this here, but for short: the skin color is not the only problem! lol
i asked my mom who is very knowledgeable of the religion for her opinions and this is what we talked!! please don't take this post as an flawless analysis, you should also hear the opinions of people from umbanda, candomblé, and specially from nigeria. i'm mainly doing this because this religion barely gets any representation at all, so this will be the first time many people will be introduced to this culture and while i'm happy that it's included in a game that i play, it's important to recognize its shortcomings, anyway enough rambling!
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for iansan, her character is based on iansã, the orixá (deity/god) of the winds and storms, she is seen as a warrior and is associated with the color red
she said that they easily could've given her buffalo horns on her mask, since iansã's animal is the buffalo (tho i know some people may think this is insensitive since yknow, giving one of the few dark-skinned charactes an animal skull doesn't look very good), the other thing she said is that they could've given her some braids in her hair, because in history thats what iansã and her army used to wear when they were going in combat (which was like, VERY on point??? i didnt tell her natlan was the nation of war beforehand)
other than that she didn't gave much imput, probably because her design does look like someone who fights
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now, as for ororon... he is based on olorum, the orixá closest to a god/creator, and is commonly associated with...... the color white..... and one of his visual features is his staff
she said that they could've easily given him light hair/eyes, for her ororon doesn't seem to resemble olorum in the slightest, i also asked jokingly what she thought about him being a wolfboy and she said that it was fine lol
she asked me what power (vision/weapon) they gave to him and i said that i didn't know, but from the leaks they said that he's a bow character, and she immediately said that they made logunedé, in her words: "HE'S A HUNTER AND HE LOOKS A BIT SISSY, IT'S LOGUMEDÉ!"
logumedé is the son of the orixás oxóssi and oxum, he is a hunter like his father and takes care of his looks like his mother* (that's why she called him sissy LOL), his weapon is the bow, his colors are blue and yellow and he's associated with the animal peacock, which was what made my mom make that connection, ororon's scarf reminded her a lot of a peacock feather
*the word used here is vaidoso but... that doesn't exist in english lmao?? the closest we have is "vain" but vain is much more akin to superficial, which is not a synonymous of vaidoso, so yeah, weird translation quirk here, vaidoso means that you care of yourself/your looks because they are important to you
erhmmm anyway 1 like and i'll redesign them based on the actual orixás (/hj i still have artfight attacks to finish lmao)
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moosesarecute · 1 month
Part 14: The Shadows Sing
Part 13 Part 15
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“I thought we had an agreement,” Master Raven told you. You could almost feel his patience slipping away.
“We did,” you said confidently. “We did, before you decided to make a deal with the people I despise the most in this world. Before you betrayed my trust.”
Master Raven let out a sigh.
“You’ll never pay your debt if this is all you hunt for. You’ve only gotten me three animals these two weeks!”
You were almost shaking with disbelief.
“You only have three things a week that I can hunt for. The rest is for the Illyrians! The Illyrians need this, the Illyrian needs that! What do you expect me to do?”
“I expect you to grow up, stop your childish tantrums and help the rest of your community!”
“Just give me my money.”
He handed you the small bag of money and you made your way out of his cabin. You tried to walk away fast, even though your prosthetic still was dragging against the ground.
“What happened to your prosthetic?”
You stopped.
“Your new friends jumped me.” You answered facing the door and not him.
“What did you do?”
Of course he immediately thought you did something.
You left, shaking your head as you walked out the door without closing it.
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“Letter from master!” You had to hold in front of your ears as your shadows screamed at you.
“You delivered my letter to him right?” You immediately asked them.
“Yes! But Master’s shadows also had a letter!”
You let out a relieved sigh. You sat down at the table with the letter in your hand.
Your heart felt heavy. What if he told you he never wanted to see you again? He had been nothing but nice to you and to sent him away. Perhaps you ruined it.
“Open it! His shadows seemed happy!”
Probably happy to get rid of you.
You felt a hit to the back of your head.
“They love you!”
Still hesitant about believing them, you opened the letter and started reading your illyrian’s beautiful handwriting.
My Huntress,
I’m sorry for reaching out. I know you wanted me to leave, but I just can’t stay away. If you tell me to leave again, I will listen. I crossed a line and I know that, but it won’t happen again. I promise.
My shadows would come give me updates on you and I can’t live with myself without helping you.
They told me you still have problems with your prosthetic, so I reached out to a master tinker from the Day Court. Turns out she gifted you the leg in the first place.
The screw that my shadows gave to yours will help with the mobility.
Please don’t hesitate writing back to me, I’m here if you need me.
x A
“You have the screw?” You asked your shadows.
When they didn’t answer you turned to look at them. All of them were frozen behind your shoulders, obviously having a peak at the content of the letter.
“Read it again, Mistress,” they answered.
You did as they said, but you still didn’t get it.
“Again, Mistress.”
They told me you still have problems with your prosthetic, so I reached out to a master tinker from the Day Court. Turns out she gifted you the leg in the first place.
Turns out she gifted you the leg in the first place.
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Azriel stood leaning against the wall, listening to Devlon’s third excuse for why 15 of his illyrian warriors had disappeared.
Every time the male explained himself, the explanation was a little different then the last one.
“So you’re saying you know nothing about the rogue warriors that ambushed my brothers,” Rhys asked him. He looked extremely calm, but Azriel knew he wasn’t. “You don’t know how many they are?”
Devlon shook his head.
Feyre let out a sigh.
The meeting had been going on for almost two hours, without getting anywhere.
In two weeks they almost didn’t have any more information about the illyrians. Azriel had told his High Lady and Lord what you had told him, but it wasn’t much.
They wanted power, but how would they get it? Azriel hoped that you would know something and that his apology would help him get closer to you again.
Everyone turned their heads towards the door as Azriel’s shadows abruptly stormed into the room.
Rhys stood up, having come to the same conclusion as Azriel: something had to be seriously wrong.
His shadows were well behaved and knew when to not interrupt.
They rushed towards him and basically threw a paper bag at him.
He froze as he saw your rushed handwriting.
The illyrians are going to kidnap the High Lord and Lady’s son. They just left from here. They winnowed.
Please let me know he’s okay.
Azriel met Rhys’ concerned eyes as he bolted out the door. He immediately flew towards the cabin where he had lived with Rhys’ mother, Rhys and Cassian growing up.
The cabin where Nyx and Sonja currently were playing.
“Gone, dead.” His shadows told him, but he refused to believe them.
The door was open.
He landed on the ground and sprinted into the cabin.
“Blood, terror.”
“Pain, dead.”
He stopped as he entered the living room.
There Sonja laid on the floor. She was covered in blood and wasn’t breathing.
The rest of his family came storming into the living room where Azriel stood frozen.
“Where is he?” Feyre asked. “Where? Azriel, where is he?”
“The illyrians have him,” Azriel responded.
Feyre’s scream, Azriel was sure, could be heard throughout all seven courts.
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For the first time in weeks you dared to shadow walk outside of your cabin.
You were simply too distressed to care.
He had lied to you, for over 50 years! You had paid back your debt for your training ages ago! He only told you half a year ago, but you had paid it was over five years ago!
You could have been free five years ago!
You had to force your shadows to stay behind as you stormed into Master Raven’s house. You had left everything behind and were still dragging your prosthetic against the ground.
“What the hell do you mean you lost him? How?” You heard Adrian’s muffled voice.
“He just disappeared in front of our eyes!”
You opened the doors.
“Get out,” you yelled at the illyrians.
“The bastard has come to play,” Adrian taunted you, but you didn’t care anymore. Your entire life was a lie.
You turned to Adrian.
“Get the fuck out!” You yelled and then turned your gaze to Master Raven. “Except for you.”
“You can’t just burst in here-“
“I know you’ve lied about my debt, so I think that means I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
You had silenced him. He rushed the illyrians out the cabin.
“So what is it you think you know?” Master Raven asked. His eyes were almost black with anger.
“My prosthetic was a gift. The money you have made me pay back hasn’t been used. You owe me money.”
“And tell me girl, how do you know this?” He asked tilting his head.
You’re not letting him intimidate you, not today.
“So you’re admitting that you lied.”
He let out a forced laugh.
“What would you have done? Where would you have gone? There’s no one here that wants to be with you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So you have been talking to outsiders?” It was more like a statement rather than a question.
“Yes, I have.”
“That’s against the rules and you know it. I’m sure you know what happens to traitors.”
“I met him half a year ago, my debt was paid five years ago. You can’t hold me back for disobeying rules for the last five years.”
“You think I care?” Master Raven asked as The Raven lifted off the ground. “You, Y/N, are a traitor. And you know what we do with traitors.”
As The Raven got closer and closer to you, you realized you no longer had a choice. You had to get away and that fast.
You used all the power in your body and called your shadows. Luckily for you, they had been lingering in the shadows of the room the entire conversation.
It only took a couple of seconds and you were back in your cabin.
“Thank you,” you said holding back tears. “Thank you for everything. You’re the best thing that have ever happened to me.”
Your shadows embraced your entire body, but after a while they let go.
“We might have done something as you were gone.”
You felt dread fill your body. This can’t be good. It reminded you of the time you let them try out a new hunting technique and the almost burned down the entire forest.
You were ready to question them, but you soon realized you didn’t need to.
On your bed sat a small winged child and played with two of your shadows, the two you often called ‘the parents’. He couldn’t be older than two or three. He looked up at you with big blue eyes.
“Uncle Azzy!”
You felt your heart freeze as you realized that before you sat the heir of the Night Court.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath.
“Fuck!” Nyx repeated.
“No, shit, don’t say that!” You said rushing towards him.
You felt a shadow hitting the back of your head.
“Are you hurt?” You carefully asked him.
He shook his head and continued to play with your shadows.
“Go get Azriel! Right now. As fast as you can. You have an hour at most. I’m going to pack.”
You sent away almost all your shadows, leaving only the two that played with Nyx behind. You knew that they travel the fastest in bigger groups.
Nyx jumped up from your bed and begun chasing your shadows around the cabin.
A different day and with different circumstances you could have enjoyed the sight, today however, it only made you annoyed.
Imagine having so little understanding about the dangers he was currently facing.
He ran around and you noticed his wings drooping and sometimes hitting the floor.
“You have to pick up your wings, you’ll hurt them if you drag them against the ground,” you said.
“Daddy always says the same thing!” He exclaimed. “Are you like Daddy? He can hide his wings.”
You only shook your head at his curiosity.
“No, I lost my wings many years ago.”
“But your illyrian?” He asked, pronouncing illyrian in the most adorable way.
“I was, but not anymore.”
“Do you miss it?”
That made you think. You missed flying. In the rare nights you had dreams instead of nightmares, you would be flying. Lately you were flying together with a certain illyrian, in your favorite dreams.
You also missed belonging to a place. In the Middle you felt quite lonely. You’d meet up with your group, but other than that, you were alone.
On the other side, you hated the way you were treated and would rather spend your life running than having to stay at one of the camps again.
“Mommy always says I can be whatever I want, so if you want to be an illyrian again, I think you could.”
His childish behavior made you smile.
Nyx continued playing with your shadows as you packed. It wasn’t a lot you needed, but you packed your letters from Azriel, the little food you had left and strapped all your weapons onto your body.
You were about to get Nyx and start leaving the forest when you heard a knock on your door.
You immediately turned to Nyx, you saw him open his mouth, but before he could speak, your shadows covered his mouth.
“Hide him in the closet! Don’t let anyone that isn’t me or Azriel come get him. You two stay here.”
You walked with heavy steps towards the door, so that they would hear you, but also to give yourself a little more time.
You opened the door to your cabin.
“Hello, traitor,” Adrian said. “Bastard, traitor, you really like the nicknames, don’t you?”
“What do you want?” You answered, sounding annoyed. You wouldn’t let him scare you. You had to stay strong, for Nyx.
Adrian shrugged and faster than you could react, smashed his fist into your jaw.
You immediately felt dizzy, but you knew you had to get you two away from your cabin. Away from Nyx.
“Too weak to fight back are we?”
You straightened your back and without actually seeing what you were doing jumped directly onto Adrian. The earth was spinning as you hit the ground.
“You bitch!”
The next thing you knew, was a fist crashing directly into your left eye and you fell into darkness.
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“Who’s going in?” Cassian asked. “We know there’s at least 50 of them! We need many people.”
“We can’t send illyrians, that too risky. Some of them could turn against us mid fight.” Rhys argued.
“Why don’t we just show up and kill everyone in our way to get to him. I’m not sitting here waiting! It’s my son!” Feyre yelled.
“He’s my son too! They’ll kill him if we do that!”
Azriel just stood in the corner, brooding. How did he know the Illyrians were coming? It’s his fault, the entire thing!
“Mistress’ shadows are coming,” his shadows informed him.
Not even seconds later, he was tackled to the ground by your shadows. In a distance, Azriel could hear his family’s confused banter. Your shadows were swirling around him, he was certain he could see their mouths opening and closing. They were screaming at him.
“Calm down! It’s okay! Calm down,” he said and tried to pry them of him.
“What are they saying?” He asked his own shadows.
He patiently waited for them to communicate. They danced around each other as they spoke. Azriel could almost see the fondness between them.
“The leader betrayed Mistress, shadows rescued Nyx.”
“Where is Nyx now?”
“In Mistress’ cabin.”
“Thank the gods,” Azriel said in a sigh.
“What’s going on?” Feyre asked him.
“I know where Nyx is,” Azriel said.
“Take me to him,” Feyre said.
Azriel gave his High Lady a nod and shadow walked them, together with your shadows, into The Middle.
Unfortunately, it was also directly into the Illyrian’s trap.
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@i-have-a-thing-for-the-dark @saltedcoffeescotch @rcarbo1 @mrsjna @kitsunetori @thecraziestcrayon @blessthepizzaman @mybestfriendmademe @scatteredstardustt @lilah-asteria @aaahhh0127 @topaz125 @miadialila
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karinzany · 1 year
SPOILERS: Chapter 1094 of ONE PIECE
We've finally seen St. Jaygarcia Saturn's real form on chapter 1094, and it is absolutely diabolical. It seems to be inspired by a yōkai called Ushi-oni. So I went back to chapter 1085 and tried to connect the rest of the Gorosei with other yōkai. Here are my predictions:
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Ushi-oni: In Wakayama Prefecture, ushi-oni are mountain-dwelling beasts. Legend says when a hiker or traveler makes eye contact with the ushi-oni, the person cannot avert his or her gaze. The person's soul or energy is drained and he or she dies. This is called “Kage wo kuu (影を食う)” or sometimes "Kage wo nomu (影を飲む)", which translates to “eating the shadow” or "drinking the soul".
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Aosaginohi: Aosaginohi, or Aosagibi (青(あお)鷺(さぎ)火(び), "blue heron fire") is a phenomenon illustrated by Toriyama Sekien in his Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki. It depicts a night heron with a mysteriously illuminated body. Folklore built around the phenomenon tells a story of an old black-crowned night heron transforming into a yokai. The herons' feathers fuse into shining scales that give off an iridescent blue light in the dark of night. The yokai's breath is also said to release golden powder into the air that collects to form a heat-less fiery light, though this light eventually dissipates in the wind. The harmless creature is said to flee from human contact, retaining a normal heron's shyness. Legend also warns to not confuse the glimmering blue-white light with onibi lights.
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Baku: Baku (獏 or 貘) are Japanese supernatural beings that are said to devour nightmares. According to legend, they were created by the spare pieces that were left over when the gods finished creating all other animals. They have a long history in Japanese folklore and art, and more recently have appeared in manga and anime. The Japanese term baku has two current meanings, referring to both the traditional dream-devouring creature and to the Malayan tapir. In recent years, there have been changes in how the baku is depicted.
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Benzaiten: Benzaiten (shinjitai: 弁才天 or 弁財天; kyūjitai: 辯才天, 辨才天, or 辨財天, lit. "goddess of eloquence"), also simply known as Benten (shinjitai: 弁天; kyūjitai: 辯天 / 辨天), is a Japanese Buddhist goddess who originated mainly from Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of speech, the arts, and learning, with certain traits deriving from the warrior goddess Durga. Due to her status as a water deity, she was also linked with nāgas, dragons, and snakes. Apart from being a patron of music and the arts, she was eventually also worshiped as a bestower of monetary fortune and was reckoned as one of the Seven Lucky Gods (Shichifukujin).
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Ōkubi: In Japanese folklore, Ōkubi (大首) are giant heads of either men or women. An Ōkubi appearing in the sky is a sign of impending disaster, which may be a typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, or fire. These disasters are often attributed to the Ōkubi. Ōkubi are otherwise harmless and will disappear soon after the first sighting. They are thought to be sky spirits who protect the sky's or people who died during a natural disaster. They are said to protect people from the natural disasters and protect the sky from demonic sky spirits. It is said if one does not pay respect for the Ōkubi, they will be turned into sky spirits and their face will appear in the sky immediately. Those who do pay respect are said to get good fortune and gifts.
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PS.: This silhouette probably belongs to Imu themselves, but I can't figure out what yōkai or supernatural being it represents. What are your theories?
EDIT: Thank you @ozo-blog and @marimo-kyun for your suggestion!
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On chapter 1069, Vegapunk said that Devil Fruits earned the ire of Mother Nature, which is the Sea itself. The name Imu can be read as Umi backwards, meaning "Sea" in Japanese. So, maybe Imu has a power that controls the sea? Umibozu would be on theme for them.
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Umibōzu: Umibōzu (海坊主, "sea priest") is a paranormal phenomenon or yōkai from Japanese folklore. Other names include Umihōshi (海法師, "sea priest") or Uminyūdō (海入道, "sea priest"). Little is known of the origin of umibōzu but it is a sea-spirit and as such has multiple sightings throughout Japan. Normally, umibōzu appears to sailors on calm seas which quickly turn tumultuous. It either breaks the ship on emergence or demands a bucket or barrel from the sailors and proceeds to drown them. The only safe way to escape an umibōzu is to give it a bottomless barrel and sail away while it is confused.
Alternative: I've also seen another theory that says Imu could be Satan (from the Bible, yes) because he has a Red Dragon form that could relate to the Celestial Dragon's symbol, a red dragon hoof.
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Red Dragon (Biblical Satan): The Red Dragon is a form of the Biblical Satan, otherwise known as Lucifer, the former Seraphim that rebelled against the Creator and became evil in Christianity and Hebrew religions. His alias, the Red Dragon, was described in the Bible to have seven heads, ten horns, seven crowns, and a massive tail that knocks one-third of the stars out of the sky. The Red Dragon is mentioned to have other names like the Serpent of Old and the Devil. It is said in the Bible that Satan will take the form of the Red Dragon and will along with the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Beast, deceive most of Humanity. After that the Red Dragon will be set free upon the world in which he will rule alongside demons for three long years. After that God will cast the Red Dragon, demons, and other dammed evil souls into Lake of Fire, thus finally destroying the evil of Satan forever.
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During the time-skip, we've seen Brook being accidentally summoned by a Satanic cult, which implies the existence of Satan in the One Piece world. Now, on chapter 1094, we've seen again a summoning circle, this time for St. Jaygarcia Saturn. I think it's pretty obvious the connection between real world devils and the Gorosei and Imu.
It's all going to come to the ironic conclusion that the D. clan, the enemies of the Gods, are Gods themselves (like Nika) and the Celestial Dragons, the Gods of the world, are actual Devils.
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Linked Universe Character Guide
I made this LU character guide for my friends and I thought it might be useful for any new LU fans out there! And also for anyone else who wants to info dump to friends about LU. So here you go :D
These characters are of course based on @linkeduniverse by Jojo! But, disclaimer, this does include some non-canon stuff (primarily the fandom nicknames and some War of Ages things) that’s common in fanfiction :). I made this for fun and for my friends so it includes my favorite tropes, canon and fanon.
Edit 4/4/23: Alt text and image descriptions added. Alt text only describes the official character art image (descriptions of all the images were too long for alt text and they were being cut off by my screen). Image text and other image descriptions are at the bottom of the post.
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Image text:
Hero of Time – Time – Old Man, Ancestor (by Twilight), Sprite (by Warriors)     |     Zelda: Lullaby
Games: Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask
Character Traits:
Oldest of the Links
Mental age unknown, physical age is probably 30s
Leader of the group, also group Dad
Very decisive and stoic when he’s being leader
Youthful sense of humor
Views the Master Sword as a curse/burden
Twilight’s mentor – Animated skeleton in the Twilight Princess game called Hero’s Shade
Loves his wife Malon so so so much
Important Game Facts and Items:
Majora’s Mask was a 3-day time loop basically, Time was the one to control the movement of time though
He has masks that give the wearer powers
His facial markings come from the Fierce Diety Mask, which gives him god-like fighting power, but he can’t always tell friend from foe
Had a fairy companion named Navi in Ocarina of Time
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Time is holding up Wild's version of Majora's Mask even with his face. His injured eye is open slightly and is completely white, and his facial markings are in focus. His text box says "Besides, with a legend like that, I'd be more afraid of what destroyed the demon."
Image 2: Time has his arm around Malon and is smiling happily. Malon is a middle aged white woman with long red hair. She is wearing a farming dress. She is smiling back at Time.
Image 3: Text above the image says "Post-Games, Pre-LU Time." It is a black and white sketch of Time when he was a young man. His hair is long and braided over his shoulder with fringe coming down around his face. He is wearing a simple undershirt.
Image 4: Time is smirking mischievously. He is seen shoulder-up.
Image 5: Time is smiling talking to Wind. Wind is putting his sword back in his sheath. Time's text box says "In every battle, you have a little more of the look of a hero." Wind is smiling sheepishly and his text box says "…"
Image 6: Time is scowling. He is holding his sword with both hands out to the side as if he was just attacking. There is smoke and debris in the background. End descriptions.
Hero of Twilight – Twilight – Twi, Pup (by Time), Rancher, Ordonian, Wolfie     |     Zelda: Dusk
Game: Twilight Princess                                                          
Character Traits:
Started his journey as an older teen/adult, now early 20s
Good sword skill & marksmanship, best on horseback, animal whisperer
Physically strongest Link
Grew up in a small town, Ordon Village, on a ranch
Brother bickering relationship with Warriors
Big Brother of the group
One of the most emotionally mature Links
He often comforts the others as Wolfie
Wild’s mentor (because Wolf Link can show up in Breath of the Wild)
Mentored by Time (Hero’s Shade) and Time’s blood descendant
Important Game Facts and Items:
One of the only ones to start his journey as an older teen/adult
Was cursed with Shadow Magic and can now turn into a wolf at will using the artifact he wears as a necklace (Shadow Crystal)
His horse Epona sometimes accompanies the group
Had a companion named Midna that he loved but can never see again
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Twilight is scowling and has his arms crossed.
Image 2: Twilight is in his wolf form. The wolf is large and primarily black, with grey fur on his chest, paws, and face. He has the same forehead markings as Hylian Twilight, but they are grey instead of black. Wolfie has his eyes closed but his head up and is laying on the ground. Wild is asleep on his back with one arm draped across him.
Image 3: Twilight as Wolfie at the end of his transformation. There are black cubes surrounding him, signaling the transformation. Wolfie has a metal shackle on his left front leg. His hackles raised and he is growling.
Image 4: Twilight has his shield at the ready. His brows are furrowed in concentration. Light is shining from the upper left corner and it makes his hair look more blonde than usual.
Image 5: Image from Wild's Sheikah Slate. Twilight is wearing his undertunic and none of his other usual clothes. He is smiling at the camera. In the background there is a lake with light shimmering on the water.
Image 6: Twilight is grinning widely. He is holding a staff diagonally in front of him. End descriptions.
Hero of Warriors – Warriors – Wars, Captain, Pretty Boy (by Legend)     |     Zelda: Artemis/Athena
Game: Hyrule Warriors
Character Traits:
War of Ages started when he was an older teen/adult, now mid 20s
Military man, but the good kind, Captain in the Hyrulean Army
Weird relationship with Time- Time is team dad, but during the War of Ages Warriors was his big brother figure
Wind’s mentor
Looks are important to him
Prefers to be in groups, good at communication
Best at strategizing and battle plans and such
Doesn’t trust easily because a lot of his soldiers betrayed him
Emotionally mature
Loves to bicker with Legend
Most likely to have actual field medic training
Important Game Facts and Items
War of Ages
Time and Wind were technically present
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Warriors is showing off the burn scar on his left arm. It covers his hand and forearm. He is sitting next to Wind and Warriors' scarf is over both their shoulders. Wind is holding a mug. He is leaning forward and looking at Warriors' scar in shock.
Image 2: Warriors during battle. The art shows lines from the swing of his sword, but the sword is not in the frame. He is mid-swing. His scarf is billowed out behind him.
Image 3: Warriors is smirking and shrugging. There is a text box, but it is cut off and unreadable.
Image 4: Warriors is speaking, but the text box is cut off and unreadable. The image is zoomed in on his upper body.
Image 5: Warriors during battle. He is crouched down and his shoulders are pointing towards the viewer but he is looking to the side. His sword and shield are both up. His sword is pointing in the same direction as he is looking.
Image 6: Warriors is holding out a cloth covered in black blood. He has a cut above his left eyebrow that is bleeding. There is a text box but it is cut off and the only visible word is "creature." End descriptions.
\Hero of the Four Sword – Four – Smithy, Little One (by Time)     |     Zelda: Dot
Games: Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap
Character Traits:
Smallest but not the youngest, probably mid teen age now
Only one in the group with a functioning braincell
Very skilled blacksmith
Confident, quiet, calm
Often strategizes with Time and Warriors
Important Game Facts and Items
Friends with Minish, which are a race of small mouse-y creatures that can only be seen by children
Wields the Four Sword, which can split him into four versions of himself: Red, Green, Blue, Vio
Each color displays an aspect of Four’s personality
Keeps this a secret and in LU canon just recently revealed it to Wild. Time also knows
Never wielded the Master Sword, doesn’t have the Triforce of Courage
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Four is split into his four colors: Vio, Red, Green, and Blue. They are standing in a semi-circle and looking at something outside the image. Vio looks contemplative, Red looks upset, Green looks surprised, and Blue looks angry.
Image 2: Four is blacksmithing. He is sitting in front of the forge. He is holding a hammer in his left hand and tongs in his right hand. Both hands have thick leather gloves. In the tongs, he is holding up a horseshoe to inspect.
Image 3: Four is standing next to time with his arms crossed and brows furrowed. Wild's legs are in the frame, and he is on the ground in front of them recovering from an injury. Four's text box says "You think this is gonna (read: going to) be a pattern?"
Image 4: Four during battle. He is leaping backwards out of the way of an axe. He is holding his sword in his left hand and his shield in his right hand. His eyebrows are furrowed. His hair is flying forward as he jumps backward.
Image 5: Four is laughing as he stands next to the Master Sword. Sky is holding the Master Sword with the tip on the ground. The Master Sword is only a few inches shorter than Four. Wind's hand is above Four's head measuring the height difference. End descriptions.
Hero of the Winds – Wind – Sailor     |     Zelda: Tetra
Game: Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks (?)
Character Traits:
Youngest Link, started his journey at 12, now almost 14
Very fun personality and very expressive
Good at stealth and navigation
Is a pirate
Has a little sister named Aryll
The others look out for him since he’s the youngest, but he wants to be able to prove himself as a capable hero
Likes joking and pulling pranks
Important Game Facts and Items
He can control the wind with his Wind Waker, though this has never been used in LU canon
Started his journey because his sister was kidnapped
Was not originally gifted with the Hero’s Spirit of Courage, he assembled the Triforce during his journey
Killed Ganon at age 12 by stabbing him in the face
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Wind during battle. He is holding a huge two-handed sword and it mid-swing. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is open like he's yelling.
Image 2: Wind is grinning widely and watching a fairy fly. He is holding a bottle in one hand and pulling the cork out of the bottle with his other hand.
Image 3: A full body image of Wind. He is standing like the standing man emoji meme. He is scowling and his frown is squiggly.
Image 4: Wind is gasping in surprise. His eyes are very wide.
Image 5: Ain image of Wind from the side. He is leaning back sightly. He is holding a shield. He looks very much like a child in the image.
Image 6: Wind is grinning widely. He is leaning toward the viewer and his eyes are focused on something off screen. He has one hand curled against his chest. End descriptions.
Hero of the Wild – Wild – Cub (by Twilight and Time), Cook, Champion     |     Zelda: Flora
Games: Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom
Character Traits:
117 (17 physically)
Survivalist, best archer, crazy good stamina
Only Link that is actually good at cooking
Very prone to injury, a bit reckless, breaks his weapons a lot
Has insecurities about being the only Link that ‘failed’ their mission (this is obviously not true)
Lost his memories when he died, still getting them back
Used to be a knight pre-Calamity Ganon
Mentored by Twilight
He and Hyrule often run off and get lost together
Important Game Facts and Items
Has the Shiekah Slate, the inventory works, bombs and stasis are the only runes still functional. Technically in LU canon he has an enchanted bag, but in fanfics his storage is usually the slate
Scars are from when he died during the Calamity. Shrine of Resurrection fully healed his body internally
Wolf Link (older version of Twilight) helped him on parts of his journey
Image desriptions:
Image 1: Wild is holding his bag tightly with one hand and a soup ladle in the other hand. There are lines on the art implying he was just swinging the ladle. He is scowling. The phrase "grrr" is above his head.
Image 2: Wild is frowning and is very anger. The lines on the image imply he just stood up very quickly. The scars on his face, ear, and neck are purposefully in focus.
Image 3: Wild during battle. He is leaping through the air and his hair is flying behind him. He is holding a sword in one hand and the Sheikah Slate out in front of him with his other hand.
Image 4: Wild is shrugging, grinning, and his eyes are very wide. His expression is very comical. His text box says "SO?"
Image 5: Wild is sitting in a chair in front of a Time and Malon's dining table. He has one hand gently braced on the table. He is smiling sheepishly at something off-screen.
Image 6: Wild is holding his bow with one hand. With the other hand he has three arrows at once nocked on the bow's string.
Image 7: Wild is shrugging and grinning widely at something off screen. There is a text box but it is cut off and unreadable. End descriptions.
The Hero of Legend – Legend – Veteran, Vet     |     Zelda: Fable
Games: A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes
Character Traits:
Older teen age
Most experienced Link, but chooses not to be a leader
Closest to Hyrule and Warriors, bickering relationship with Warriors
Very magically inclined
Mature for his age, very reliable
Very snarky, tries to act emotionally unaffected by his adventures
Truly loves adventuring and travelling
But likes to do things the right way and know where he’s going
Important Game Facts and Items:
One of his adventures may not have been real (Koholint), and he has a lot of issues surrounding that and the woman he fell in love with during it
Has so many items, has a tool for everything (bit of a hoarder)
Can turn into a pink rabbit sometimes
Ravio is his counterpart from Lorule, they live together
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Legend in his bunny form. It is a very cute pink rabbit and he is still wearing his red sleeveless tunic in bunny form.
Image 2: Legend is smirking and in the middle of telling a story. He has his hands out in front of them as if he is using them to portray his story. There is a text box and it has a lot of words but they are cut off and unreadable. His hair is primarily pink.
Image 3: Legend is smirking and elbowing Wind. Wind is mostly cut off of the frame.
Image 4: Legend is pointing at the viewer and yelling in surprise. His hair is mostly pink, but his roots are growing out blonde. His text box has extra pointed edges to show he is yelling but the words are cut off and unreadable.
Image 5: Legend has a confused look on his face. He is holding his shield but it is resting by his side. His text box is cut out of frame.
Image 6: Legend mid battle. The lines in the art imply he is running toward the viewer. His shield is hooked to his back and he is holding his sword with both hands. His sword has a blue hilt and a red blade.
Image 7: Legend has his chin pointed up and out and looks contemplative. The image has a regal vibe. His text box is cut out of frame. End descriptions.
Hero of Hyrule – Hyrule – Traveler, Rule, Roolie     |     Zelda: Aurora & Dawn
Game: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: Adventures of Link
Character Traits:
Mid-teen age
Soft-spoken, kind, just a humble traveler
Doesn’t think he’s as much of a hero or warrior as the others
Handles himself well in battle despite having no formal training
Never gives up
Very magically inclined, and has healing magic
Looks up to Legend since he is Legend’s successor
Loves exploring with Wild
Grew up in a cave
Important Game Facts and Items
Original two Zelda games
His world is kind of a wasteland
Monsters in his world want to use his blood to resurrect Ganon
Never used the Master Sword
Has the entire Triforce
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Hyrule is looking down on the viewer and his hands are glowing with his healing magic. His eyes are closed in concentration. In the bottom of the frame, there are bandages on Twilight's chest.
Image 2: Hyrule is grinning widely and has one arm locked with Wild's. Wild is cut out of the frame. Hyrule is pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. The text is cut off, but the readable part says "curiosity sure doesn't!"
Image 3: Hyrule is standing in the center of the frame. The lighting and his stance make him look very young. Both his arms are extended out of the frame, and on one side there is a sliver of his shield visible.
Image 4: Hyrule during battle. He is running at something out of frame and yelling. There are scratches and dirt smudges on his face. He is holding his sword with both hands and it is on fire.
Image 5: Hyrule shoulders and head are centered. The lines in the art imply he quickly turned his head. His text box says "?" and he looks confused.
Image 6: Hyrule is grinning mischievously. His shoulders are facing away but his head is turned towards the viewer. He is snapping his fingers, there is a "SNAP" written next to his fingers, and there is lightning coming from his fingers. He is holding his sword with his other hand and his shield is strapped to his back. End descriptions.
The Chosen Hero – Sky     |     Zelda: Sun
Game: Skyward Sword
Character Traits:
Started his journey in mid-teens, now early 20s
Best swordsman- don’t get on his bad side
Skyloftian Knight
Kind, joyful, bashful, emotionally mature
Loves cuddles, loves comforting the others and making them smile
Very low stamina, needs more resting time, loves sleep
Very very in love with his Zelda
Friends with the soul of the Master Sword (Fi) and view the Master Sword as a blessing
Important Game Facts and Items:
Chronologically the first hero
Grew up on a floating island called Skyloft
He and his Zelda are rebuilding the Surface, and their kingdom will one day become Hyrule
Never actually fought Ganon- fought Demise, who cursed the hero’s spirit to be tied to his own
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Sky during battle. Sky's back is to the viewer and he is looking over his shoulder. His text box says "?!" He is holding his sword with one hand and his shield with the other. His shield has a very ornate metal design. His sailcloth is flowing behind him like a cape. There is black debris in the background.
Image 2: Sky is smiling kindly. His textbox says "Well I think it's neat."
Image 3: Sky during battle. He is holding the Master Sword above his head in the position for the Skyward Strike from his game and the sword is glowing brightly. His brows are furrowed in anger. He is holding his shield in his other hand.
Image 4: Sky is smiling bashfully and blushing. He has his head resting on a hand and is looking towards the Sky. There are hearts surrounding his head.
Image 5: Image from Wild's Sheikah Slate. Sky is asleep against a tree and there are hands in the image stacking sticks on his head.
Image 6: Sky is smiling up at the sun. Sun says are shining down on him. His hair looks especially fluffy. End descriptions.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Can you elaborate on the broly cheelai leemo dynamic? I could see what they were going for but thought it seemed a little underdeveloped
It's definitely underdeveloped but for what we get in the film, it works for me.
On their own, what makes Cheelai and Lemo interesting is that we rarely get to see rank-and-file Planet Trade forces. We've gotten to know Saiyans and their mutant elites, but ordinary Frieza Force troops are rarely in focus.
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So far as the writing goes, Lemo is basically a purse for Cheelai; He goes where she goes. She's the one that drives the plot of DBS: Broly. An irreverent car thief who stole a cop car and then got ID'd by the police. She didn't really join the Frieza Force; She's using Frieza as a shield.
This woman gives zero fucks.
She's right, too. As Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman clearly established, there's a limit to how much Galactic Patrol can interfere with Frieza's operations. Capitalism is far more powerful than law enforcement.
In any case, this makes Cheelai an interesting figure in the whole conflict. She's not so much with Frieza as she is a wild card in the mix. She's scrappy; She goes where she will, does what she wants, and problem-solves her way out of the trouble she lands herself in through whatever means are available, even if they're unconventional. That's a good setup for a protagonist.
And make no mistake: Cheelai, Lemo, and Broly are the protagonists of this film. In much the same way that Infinity War is more Thanos's film than anyone else's, this is their movie, without a doubt.
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For his part, Lemo's an old-timer with the organization. One thing I really like that this movie does is acknowledge that an organization like the Planet Trade requires the existence of staff beyond the direct military. We even see it with the Saiyans, as this same film introduces us to the Saiyan mechanic Beets.
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Like Goku's chef of a mom Gine, Beets exists to demonstrate the existence of Saiyan infrastructure. Saiyans may be the most powerful race in the universe but even a warrior race needs bread-making Saiyans and mechanic Saiyans and stuff.
The same is true of Lemo. By his own admission, he's been with the Frieza Force for a long time but he is not a soldier. And, y'know, neither is Cheelai; She's a car thief in hiding.
Leemo's main job is to be Cheelai's sounding board, and to Me Too Me Too every choice she makes with Broly. This serves the purpose of keeping Broly and Cheelai's dynamic from seeming romantic. They're certainly shippable, of course, but the film never crosses that line of making them a canon ship.
This is good because actively trying to thrust Broly into a romantic relationship with the first non-parent person he ever met would seem unbelievably predatory and kill the sweet vibe of their dynamic. Cheelai is not here to be a Love Interest, so the film uses Leemo as a chaperone to keep their scenes from coming across like she is.
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They're out here scouting the universe for recruits to join the Frieza Force but having difficulty finding people who can meet the standard requirements for enlisting in the main army. Until they go to pick up Paragus's distress signal and stumble upon the jackpot of their lives.
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Once we get the Dragon Ball Minus portion of the film out of the way, so much of the first act is just setting up and developing the chemistry between Broly and Cheelai.
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This is the first conversation Broly has ever had with someone who wasn't his abusive father in his entire life.
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When they introduce Broly to Frieza and we get an explanation of his tendencies, the animation on Broly is so good.
Paragus explains that he cut off Broly's tail because Broly would lose his mind whenever he became the Oozaru, and lets slip that Broly still sometimes loses his mind and becomes wild and unstable. When Frieza naturally takes issue with such a person being on his ship, Paragus quickly clarifies that he has Broly under control.
As he removes the controller to Broly's shock collar from his pouch, we get to see Broly's eyes go wide with fear, and then he starts grasping at the collar and pulling at it in panic. Pure Pavlovian terror just at the sight of the remote.
With the scene calling attention then to Cheelai and Lemo, horrified by what they're both seeing and hearing.
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"It is not a strong current," Paragus assures Frieza while Broly is having a full-blown panic attack behind him.
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Lemo and Cheelai collect a very generous payment for finding Broly. We have no idea how galactic currency works but they both react like "OH MY GOD SO MUCH CASH" so we can assume this is a lot of, uh, cosmic cigar cases or whatever.
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Admittedly, the "Lady asked you to leave her alone" cliche where the likable male protagonist beats up an asshole harassing the likable female protagonist at the bar is pretty old and tired at this point. But I will note two things I like about this scene:
1 - That Broly isn't the one who escalates. He's not the one who started this fight. Lemo tries to intervene first, attempting de-escalation by offering to buy the thug a drink. It's only after the thug gets violent and decks Lemo that Broly then steps in.
2 - And also, the main point of development that Cheelai, Lemo, and Broly have isn't "Broly stepped up to defend Cheelai". This is just a mechanism for bridging the gap between the important stuff. That is, Cheelai seeing how controlling Paragus is....
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And Cheelai getting to see for herself what the "mild current" of Broly's collar looks like in action.
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God, if the visuals of Broly writhing around in pure agony don't make you feel for the guy, the sound of him screaming bloody murder for like fifteen seconds straight sure will.
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Paragus declares that he had to do it because Broly would have killed that guy if he hadn't. Cheelai retorts by calling Paragus's parenting into question which. Like. Yeah.
We tend to just kinda take Paragus's word for it that Broly's a raging uncontrollable beast purely by nature and it has nothing to do with his failings as a dad. "That's just how the boy is, nothing to be done about it, gotta torture my kid," says the father who tortures his kid while also weaponizing him for personal gain. Why are we trusting him?
The thing this movie did for Broly that makes it so fascinating is that it asks those kinds of questions. It dares to ask, "What if the abusive father's interpretation of his child is actually full of shit?" It reinvents Broly as a character by condemning Paragus, but doesn't have to condemn Paragus any more than the original Z film already did. All it really does is take away the meta-narrative's vindication of his abuse.
The domineering Paragus barks at Cheelai to stay the hell away from his boy. He doesn't even notice Cop Carjacker Cheelai solving this problem herself.
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Fun fact: In this moment, Cheelai kills Paragus.
It's a bit of a walk from here to Paragus's death, when Frieza hysterically murders him in order to motivate Broly to become a Super Saiyan.
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But this only occurs because the fight between Broly, Goku, and Vegeta has continued to escalate beyond the point when Paragus would have stopped it. His fate is sealed when he reaches for the remote to stop Broly's fight and finds it missing.
The highlight of their relationship-building is, of course, Broly telling the story of Ba's ear after Leemo introduces him to water for the first time. The heartbreaking tale of the first and only friend he had before these two.
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Broly wears Ba's severed ear so that he'll always remember what it felt like when he had a friend. Oh my god. Are you shitting me with this. That is the most heartbreaking thing. How dare you make me want to wrap Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan up in blankets and give him hugs and chocolates.
Broly doesn't even like fighting; His dad forces him to train. Which sure makes it really fucking interesting when Paragus turns around and goes, "I have to use a shock collar because my violent and uncontrollable child is violent and uncontrollable!"
Then, as the fight goes on, we keep checking back in with Cheelai and Leemo to get Cheelai's assessment of what's happening. Cheelai sets the tone for how we should be feeling about Broly's fight with Goku and Vegeta.
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I love how, when she says Paragus raised Broly to be "the kind of warrior that he wants him to be," the shot isn't of Broly looking fierce or menacing, or beating down Goku or Vegeta. It's the shock collar. This is the visual expression of what Paragus wanted Broly to be.
And that, in turn, is the tone of Broly's fight with Goku and Vegeta. This isn't awesome, it's tragic. They don't even know. They legit have no idea who this guy is. Frieza showed up with a super cool warrior and went "FIGHT THIS STRONG GUY" and so they're doing that.
They have no idea who he is.
And they're probably going to kill him in this fight.
All of this context is what makes the finale of this movie work so hard. Because this is Cheelai, Leemo, and Broly's movie. Cheelai by this point has been firmly established as an irreverent thief who does whatever she feels like. She has no loyalties to anyone but herself and whoever she cares about, she makes dangerous choices, she's young and impulsive, and she's emotionally invested in the wellbeing of this abused boy who deserves better.
Consequently, the triumphant climax of this film isn't when Gogeta defeats Broly, but when Cheelai fucking robs Frieza to save Broly.
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This is the emotional climax of the film, offset against the tragic action climax where Gogeta is utterly destroying our boy in a predictable but heartbreaking fashion. The magic of this movie is that by the end of it, it has you rooting against Goku and Vegeta, and utterly distraught when they pull ahead and find the answer in the third act.
This character relationship is underdeveloped. It could have used a lot more fleshing out, and honestly I would never say no to more of these characters.
But for what we got, I love it. Cheelai and Broly are the best characters that DBS ever came up with, and Leemo's cool too.
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tonowaritrash · 1 year
LMAO okay i’d like to apologise in advance for this fic. i have no idea what happened but it went in a completely different direction than when i first planned it. it’s different from what i usually write but i was thoroughly entertained.
pairing: tonowari x reader
tags: mean ao’nung, divorced wari (it’s vague but it was on amicable terms i promise!), p in v sex, gentle wari, oral (fem receiving), reader is 23/24, inexperienced reader…
summary: tonowari approaches reader at a celebration
minors dni
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you were not a warrior.
born as the middle child, your head just wasn’t made for stalking and killing large animals. a spear felt heavy in your hands, and it felt uncomfortable to wield over time. it made it difficult to make friends and growing up you were teased by ao’nung and his ilk even though he was three orbits your junior. you took his insults in stride and valued yourself for being the mature one and walking away. but he challenged you at every opportunity because you were an easy target.
names were thrown your way. when you were eight he called you dumb. when you were thirteen he called you weak. when you were eighteen he called you a bitch. but now that you were twenty-three he called you unmateable. that no man in the clan would ever consider bedding you unless they were insane, because you were incompetent. it made your blood boil.
you’d wanted to go to others to complain about his behaviour. but you’d thought that approaching them would only solidify ao’nung’s words and the teasing would only increase.
anyway, you were useful in other ways; you could identify kelp quickly, you knew exactly which coral in the reef was dangerous to touch and on more than one occasion you’d been able to successfully figure out where to find fish based on their migration patterns. the clan praised you each time. but ao’nung? he called you a new word.
it was aggravating to be treated like this for years by a man younger than you, to be undermined because you found it difficult to swim as fast as the others. most days you took it in stride. but some days, oh, some days you wanted to do everything in your power to wipe that smug smirk off his dumb face.
you really hated him. you needed to teach him a lesson.
you wanted revenge.
you didn’t have a plan though. not really, anyway. there wasn’t much that could be done. he was bigger than you and had tons of influence as the son of the olo’eyktan. girls flocked to him just to have a piece of him, guys were jealous of his natural talent. no one would believe you if you told them how he was like behind closed doors.
you sighed, looking at your empty cup as the fire roared in the middle of the village. people were singing and dancing and some were more than a little drunk. you were alone, your friends having left already. you enjoyed the warmth of the fire, the steady thrumming of the drum and the rhythmic pitter patters of dance steps. they offered a welcome distraction to your thoughts.
although, you noted looking up at ao’nung who was laughing with his friends, drunk already, the company could certainly be better.
“all alone?”
you turned, snapping out of your reverie to see who’d interrupted your musings. a small gasp escaped your mouth and you stood up immediately at the inquisitive blue eyes that looked at you.
“tonowari, i didn’t see you there, i apologise.” quickly you introduced yourself, giving a gesture of respect.
he shook his head and motioned you to sit. “please, no need to stand on my account.”
you blushed as you sat, trying to suppress a smile. you’d liked olo’eyktan for months now. after he and ronal had separated a few years back you’d slowly become more and more fascinated with him. what first started as a girlish crush had blossomed into admiration and now a deep longing.
he sat down next to you. “no one should celebrate alone.”
“my friends just left,” you explained. “i wanted more time to take everything in before i turned in for the evening too.”
tonowari nodded. “nothing wrong with breathing in the atmosphere. a good atmosphere is good for the spirit.”
“and your company makes for good atmosphere?” you ask and he smiled.
“i should hope so. it wouldn’t be good for the leader of the clan to sour the mood, would it?”
“no, i suppose it wouldn’t.”
you looked at him, now. his eyes were full of mirth and he had smile that looked so much like his son’s. but his was a lot warmer. friendlier. inviting, even. it was such a soft expression you wanted to caress his face.
it took everything in your power to stop yourself.
“i’ve seen you somewhere before but i just can’t seem to place it,” he muttered. “that’s the reason i came here, actually.”
your heart skipped a beat. you didn’t know tonowari. not really, anyway. and he’d never seen you together with ao’nung, that much was certain. but, could it be a possibilty? perhaps he did know you? maybe he actually knew the tension between you and his son and he wanted to smooth things over?
“i don’t see you on hunts, do i? or fishing?”
that…was surprising. you shook your head. “i don’t…i’m not good, actually… spear never felt quite right in my hands.”
it was embarrassing to admit. mortifying, even. but you couldn’t lie to him. not about this, anyway. it was something that could easily be disproven.
there was silence afterwards and you wanted to crawl into yourself. he probably thought of you the way his son did. that you were an insult to his people.
“you don’t hunt? i could have sworn i recognised you.”
you shook your head again. “i’m afraid not. i just take care of things here; help with foraging, direct the fishermen to the right spots…”
his eyes flashed in understanding. “you told us where to look for ttryll last year, when we’d thought they hadn’t come to the reef for the summer.”
your blush deepened and you hoped he didn’t notice. “yep, that’s me. you remembered that?”
he laughed. it rolled through him, starting deep in his stomach and it was a beautiful sound. you’d found that you wanted to hear it forever. “ao’nung had said we should give up. when it turned out you were right he was miserable the whole day.”
you frowned at his name leaving his lips, but you couldn’t help but feel happy that you’d proven him wrong.
“i should have thanked you then,” he said now. “we thought we’d have to rely on other fish then. you really helped the clan.”
a shy smile graced your lips at the praise, the words making you feel warm. you never knew hearing him say things like that made you feel so good and you wanted nothing more than to hear more.
“i have many talents. if you need me to identify kelp or tell you the difference between teal moss or turquoise moss, i’m your gal.”
you laughed together softly and you noticed that you were a lot closer than when you’d started chatting, at how easily conversation flowed. talking to other guys always seemed so difficult for you but despite your nerves you found yourself enjoying chatting with tonowari. maybe it was the cup of alcohol you’d emptied before he’d arrived, maybe it was the casual setting of the celebration, maybe your attraction to him far outweighed your nerves. you didn’t know. and frankly you didn’t care.
this next question would either make or break whatever vibes were being made here. your heart was thrumming in time to the drum but you figured that you’d never get a chance like this again.
to hell with it. you lose all the chances you don’t take, right?
“do you want to get out of here?” you asked.
his eyes widened and you held your breath as he regarded you for a moment. maybe you were wrong. you could never look at him again if that were the case. you hadn’t thought this through. stupid alcohol.
“yeah. my marui’s close.”
your heart skipped a beat and it was a wonder how you managed to take the hand he offered you to help you up without falling on your face.
what the fuck?
what the fuck?
the two of you slipped away without being noticed by the boisterous party behind you. the waves washed over the noises pretty quickly as tonowari led you to his home.
bioluminescent seaweed lit your path and you noticed a few creatures scuttle across the sand in surprise as you tried to suppress your giddiness. or was it nerves? it was impossible to tell and by the time you did get there you still felt like your brain was scrambled.
“water?” he offered after welcoming you in. you sat down as you took in his home as he walked around.
you shook your head, too nervous to drink anything. you were scared you would spill it on yourself or, with your luck, on him.
he sat down next to you after having fussed around his home a bit. it was oddly adorable.
“about earlier…were you being serious about what you’d said? i don’t want there to have been any misunderstandings.”
“no!” you said abruptly. “i mean, yes! to your first question. no misunderstandings here.”
he looked down and you followed his gaze, slowly getting more mortified as you realised you’d grabbed his hand. he hadn’t pulled away though. instead he started rubbing your hand with his thumb in soothing circles.
“good to hear,” he said softly before leaning in to kiss you.
the initial surprise of it melted along with you into the kiss. this wasn’t the first time you’d kissed someone. despite what ao’nung thought there were many heated moments you’d had with some boys you knew in your teenage years. but as you got older and more mature you’d wanted something more than frantic groping and coral reef quickies.
you crawled into his lap, breathing heavily as you straddled him and hands shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. you felt him smile against you and ask “is this okay?”
you nodded enthusiastically, stroking his biceps, feeling him chuckle as you gave them a firm squeeze.
he kissed down your neck, surprising you and—oh.
he chuckled against you and you only realised then that you had moaned aloud. it was embarrassing and you were going to apologise until he sucked the sensitive spot on your neck softly.
you hissed, squeezing him, gasping, the feeling shooting straight to your core. you bit your lip, feeling your skin light aflame with a pleasure you didn’t know was possible.
this was nothing like the coral reef quickies.
“you sound so pretty, sweet girl,” he said softly, making you shiver. your breath hitched at the praise and he seemed to notice if the sly smirk you started to grow to love was of any indication.
he moved his mouth away from you and tilted his head. “do you like that? when i say things like that?”
you nodded dumbly, not trusting your voice to stay steady. he kissed you again in earnest, helping you undo your top.
“you’re beautiful,” he breathed, kissing your shoulder. “and so smart. so, so smart sweet girl. helping out the clan when you did.”
you moaned as he kissed lower, until he was at your inner thigh. you bit your lip as he removed your loin cloth with his teeth and gasped as softly bit your thigh.
“tonowari…” you moaned.
“wari,” he muttered.
he looked up at you. “i prefer wari with my friends. and since we’re…” he thought for a moment, “more than acquainted at this point, you might as well call me that too.”
“okay, wari,” you said.
he grinned. “good girl.”
the praise shot right through. you had no idea two words could make you feel so good. you blushed and looked away only to gasp when you felt his tongue lap at your clit.
“w-wait! what’re you doing?”
he paused again and looked up inquisitively, another thing about him you’d found adorable. “what do you mean?”
“you can’t…do that.”
he rubbed your thighs with his palms thoughtfully. “you’ve never had sex before?”
the question was so out of left field you would have fallen if you hadn’t been lying down already. “what? no, i’ve had sex.”
he frowned, as though what you’d told him confused him. “but you’ve never had someone do this for you?”
“no! i mean, no that…no one ever…we just…you know…and sometimes i’d…with my mouth….when they’d asked but….”
“and you enjoyed it?”
you avoided his piercing gaze. “it’s…sex is sex. right?”
he sighed and kissed your thigh. “the boys in this clan have a lot to learn it seems,” he muttered. “let me take care of you, okay?”
you bit your lip, and nodded, trusting him. then once again you felt his tongue graze your clit and you gasped. an indescribable pleasure burst through you, way better than any tryst you’d had before.
his tongue skittered around your bud, making your thighs tremble on their own volition. you moaned as he licked your cunt, letting out a soft sob when his breath blew softly against you. you’d never been so wet in your entire life.
he guided your hands to his head and you bit your lip again as you grabbed his hair threading between your fingers. your hips quivered and you panted, swearing when you felt what could only be his fingers enter you.
he sucked your clit softly and you swore, fucking yourself against his fingers and grinding into his mouth.
you came quickly like this, shaking and moaning against his face. he moaned too ad you realised he’d been touching himself the whole time, his fingers now squeezing the base of his cock as though trying to stop himself from coming.
when you relaxed, panting, he came up to kiss you, making you taste yourself. you pulled him as close into you as you could, desperately wanting to feel more of him, drunk off the feeling of pleasure he’d given you.
“you did well,” he said softly. “my sweet girl.”
you looked at him, still horny as hell even though he’d given you the best orgasm of your life. you squirmed under his hands and he chuckled. “yes?”
“need you inside me,” you said shyly.
he looked at you for a moment and sat up, kneeling in front of you. “since you asked do nicely.”
he lined himself up and you clenched your fists in anticipation. tonowari first slid his cock between your lower lips, not entering you but teasing.
you took a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding and tried to relax as he slowly sheathed himself inside you. your walls eagerly took him in and they fluttered at the gentle friction, sending bolts of pleasure through you. your eyes shut tight as you took him in and you felt him flush against you, panting. holding still.
“wari…” you whined.
“sorry,” he said softly. “give me a moment, sweet girl. i almost came right then.”
fuck. fuck, that was hot.
he leaned down to kiss you, thumbing your clit as he did so and making you squirm. you panted, back arching when he nipped your nipple.
slowly he began to thrust deeply. his muscles rippled as he connected his hips with yours rhythmically, and you sighed under him. it felt nothing like what you’d had before. he made your toes curl, paid special attention to the kind of movement you seemed to like and genuinely seemed to enjoy it himself.
“fuck,” he muttered, “you feel so good, sweet girl. i’m barely holding together as it is.”
“harder,” you said. “need it harder. please.”
he swore again, your begging clearly his weakness before he picked up the pace. you held on to him, nails scratching his back as he fucked you into the bed, moaning for all the clan to hear.
soon it all erupted and the pleasure rocked through you, making you milk his cock with your walls. he bit his lip, clearly at his limit before he gave two particularly hard thrusts and came inside you.
he kissed you everywhere as his orgasm rolled through him, and after it ended until he collapsed next to you, panting with you.
he rolled over, threw his arm over you and nuzzled into your neck with a happy sigh. you stroked his arm, sleep dangerously close to taking over.
“i honestly just wanted to have a conversation with you when i first approached you.” he said softly.
you snorted. “what changed?”
“we continued talking.”
your heart flip flopped. “really?”
he chuckled. “you are a compelling person. i hope…” he paused, choosing his next words carefully, “i hope this isn’t the end of it.”
now it was your turn to chuckle. “are you kidding me? you’ve ruined me for all men.”
he sighed happily and closed his eyes. “good.”
the next morning you’d woken up before tonowari and walked around his marui to find food for the both of you. you couldn’t help but feel giddy as you placed some dried fish and grains into a bowl along with a fruit you’d found just outside.
noticing the water jug was empty, you exited the marui quickly to go to the communal water hole to grab some more for breakfast.
you hummed as you opened the door to exit but as you left, you bumped into a very hungover looking ao’nung who looked like he was coming back from a long night of partying.
“watch it, nerdy bitch,” he muttered, not in the right state of mind to insult you properly.
you frowned, but chose not to retaliate until he called for you to stop.
“what’re you doing here anyway?” he asked
you gritted your teeth and counted to ten, forcing yourself to relax. one day he was gonna learn. one day he was gonna get his comeuppance. one day—
you grinned as it hit you. this was it.
“i said what’re you doing here with our water jug?” he asked again, more firmly.
“what am i doing here?” you asked innocently. then you took a step closer to him, and whispered into his ear.
“i fucked your father last night.”
you felt him freeze and you cackled, turning and leaving without another word. you didn’t even look at his face. you didn’t need to.
“eywa thank you for rewarding me for my patience,” you sang as you skipped to get water.
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e-dragonic · 1 year
Based loosely on Being Human
What do you get when you get an anxious Werewolf, a repenting Vampire, and a naive Ghost in a house together?
A semidisfunctional family!
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Barrett was the first. Around 100-ish years ago, he was a great Echidna Warrior of his Tribe, who protected a powerful mystical artifact. During the tail end of a War against another Tribe, he ran into Clutch and his flock of Werebeast hunters. They were passing by, picking off stragglers from the War when they met. Despite being outnumbered, Barrett fought back as he saw one of them drain one of his fellow Tribesmen dry. Clutch took him up on his declaration and though the fight was a bit sided, Clutch liked his ferocity. So when Barrett lay on the ground defeated he gave him a proposal, join him and his flock or they would kill him and destroy his Tribe. Under the threat, Barrett had no choice but to accept and let Clutch turn him, eventually giving him the nickname of 'Knuckles' for the Sliver Knucks he would soon wield.
He tried to hold onto his Warrior spirit, but it wasn't long before he became like them, bloodthirsty and ruthless till he met a witch, another Echidna named Tikal, who brought back some of his morality and honor, as feelings came back to a heart he thought long since dead.
But it wasn't long before they were found out and Clutch killed Tikal for her blood. When he found out, Barrett started on his path of redemption. He ran far from his Sire and his group, feasting on the blood of animals instead of Mobians to sate his Thirst.
Eventually, he got a job and began to set his roots down in the small town of Emerald Valley, once he found out that a close friend of his, Rouge was the 'Head' of the Town. He found a house in the suburbs, hoping to try and regain normalcy...until he found out he wasn't alone...
A ghost, a two-tailed fox by the name of Miles, or Tails, haunted the house. He didn't know how long he had been dead or how he died. In fact, he didn't even know he was dead until Barrett explained what Miles was now and what he was.
It wasn't long before a friendship formed between Barrett and Miles.
One day, when a curious Tails tagged along with Barrett to see how he hunted, they stumbled across Nicholas, a newly bitten Werebeast, just waking up after a rough Moon. It wasn't long before he noticed them and quickly ran before anyone could say a word. Barrett was prepared to go in the other direction but Miles decided to follow after the strange Werebeast despite Barrett calling after him.
Miles soon finds Nicholas' campsite where he quickly packs up his stuff because if there's one Vampire, there's more nearby and he had already had a very bad experience with them. Miles was quick to explain how Barrett is different but Nicholas is skeptical.
It takes a lot of convincing from Miles to get Barrett on board with inviting Nicholas to live with them and it takes a lot of convincing from both of them to get Nicholas to accept their invitation, stating that he deserves to live and feel normal just as much as the two of them. Nicholas soon gets a job where Barrett works and the three of them just try to Be Mobian.
Yeah, this is my new fixation now. I'm so sorry to those who were looking at Growing Pain. It'll still come... in time but for now, you guys get this!
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Sorry for the Watermarks, you can never be too safe nowadays.
Trust me when I say it's worth it. Those in the THOAM server have seen the drawings and even short stories I've written for this and you guys will too!
Will there be an Ao3 fic of this? Yes, there will be! It'll take a while for me to start it due to IRL stuff but it'll be done. I'll even start by putting up the two short stories I have now. Mostly of Nic but I do want to do shorts of Barrett and Miles eventually.
This even comes with a relationship chart for your viewing pleasure!
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It'll be filled out with pictures in time and will be updated along with the Fic!
Know that this is still kinda? in the works? so don't be surprised by any changes.
My ask box is always open for asks about my characters or AUs!
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
omgomg you write for lotr i thought this Fandom was dead on this website and everyone else :') anyway, might i ask you to write aragorn and legolas (separate) getting injured and reader takes care of the wounds? They aren't together yet but the air is filled with ~tension~ I hope it's not too much to ask for xx
Hi anon! The Rings of Power has ignited my love for LOTR once more. I hope this is what you were looking for :)
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legolas x gn!reader & aragorn x gn!reader (separate)
pretty much the ask :)
word count: 900 words reading time: about 5 minutes warnings: injury, blood
He felt so stupid for getting hurt in the first place, if only he had thought quicker, and moved faster, the blade would've been nowhere near him. But instead, he was too slow and the blade's edge was able to slice his arm. It was not a deep cut, though it did hurt and produce blood. Despite himself not being worried about such a wound, you seemed to be immensely worried. Hovered over him like a bee would to a flower. It was strange as he had never seen you so worried over anyone else's injuries before.
"I'm fine, the cut is not deep." Legolas attempted to shrug off your worry, by him treating it as nothing but a scratch he hopes to calm you. "It does not matter! It is a cut nonetheless, one that has drawn blood!" Came your worried and frantic reply as you take his arm in your hands. A warm sensation floods through Legolas's body as you take his pale arm into your hands, holding him with the softness and care one would with a small animal. His pale cheeks flushed a light pink as he was unable to say anything, his mind honing in on your hand on him.
Under his intense gaze, you flatter slightly, yet are filled with enough determination to clean and tend to his wound. Clearly, without some sort of help, he would simply allow it to fester, such a thought brought a frown to your face. Quietly you worked on his wound, cleaning and wrapping it to ensure it would not grow infected while on the journey.
You worked in silence as you both sat there faces flushed red, it was not long until you were done. Having wrapped his wound tightly, the bandage was already slowly beginning to darken due to the blood. You would have to change it again in a few hours. "There, it should be good until I am able to get more supplies to help it." Letting go of his arm you shuffled back slightly, wanting to give him a bit of space.
"Thank you," he mutters softly as the two of you simply look at each other for a few moments, taking the other in. You were the one to break the silence and eye contact, casting your eyes to the side. "You've got to be more careful. I don't think I have enough supplies if you get hurt again." Your voice was soft and pleading, as though he had any control about whether or not he was injured during a battle. But Legolas did not scold you for your words, instead smiling softly. "I'll try, just for you."
It was not often Aragorn got injured in battle, though even the best of warriors can get hurt. The blade that pierced his side managed to make a deep cut but avoided hitting anything vital. In a way, it was a blessing and a curse. He was used to treating his own wounds having travelled alone for years, it was surprising to see you fret over him. Your eyes fixated on the dark spot on his shirt that was steadily growing. Your hands hover over the spot on his shirt, unsure where to start to help him effectively.
"By the Gods, are you alright? Here let me help, quickly off with your shirt." Your words came off rushed and panicked as you began shuffling through the contents of your bag looking for certain items to help. But Aragorn did not move to do as you asked, simply watching you for a moment. "I am able to tend to myself, do not worry yourself." Came his calm reply, as though his side was not injured and blood not soaking his shirt. It amazed you how calm he could be despite the state he was in.
"I know you can look after yourself, but you don't have to." Your kind voice begins, grasping the edge of his shirt and preparing to lift it up to get a better look at the wound. Though you were not given the chance as Aragorn's hands came a rested on top of yours, gently stopping you. Your head snaps up to look at him in surprise, wondering why he was trying to stop you when it was clear he needed help. Yet he just looked down at you with a small smile, at the moment completely forgetting his wound. "I am fine, do not waste your time on me when the others need your help more."
A scoff left your lips, eyes hardening a little as you looked up at him, you knew you had to be a bit harsher to him for him to get it through his head that he needed help. But as you gaze up at his soft eyes all you found was sincerity and kindness, making it so hard trying to be mad at him. The pair of you simply stared at each other for a few moments, you trying to continue to be upset and stern while he was simply calm and content.
"Fine, you can look at the wound." comes Aragorn's reply after a few moments of staring. A smile graced your face as you lifted his shirt and began treating his wound.
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that-one-ao3-writer · 15 days
Guys I am actually going insane. Like. I was immersed into this update that I finished the entire quest in like 5 hours. I need to get this shit out of my system.
Spoilers under the cut.
haha gay people
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Okay, on a serious note, I love how we were introduced to Moze as this cold hearted, doesn’t care for anyone kind of guy but he actually cares for Feixiao and Jiaoqiu and DOES think of them as friends. I also find the gentleness explored in his mannerisms, like his sweeping in owlbert’s show or the ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE way he accidentally falls asleep standing up in his idle. I think it gives him a different kind of subtle depth and I love it so much. I adore Moze and Jiaoqiu as a duo no matter if it is a platonic or romantic duo.
2. Traumatic BSD flashbacks
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I already said this once when the animation was released but this kind of thinking and this story remind me so much of Yosano in the great war from bungo stray dogs. And it always hits the right spots. He witnessed all the people he nursed back to health go out there to get killed again. How many times would this happen? How many more would he heal just for them to go back out again? Jiaoqiu and Yosano are both unique perspectives to how war impacts the frontline warriors. We all always think about the soldiers and their pain and anguish but never of those who have to heal and nurse them only for them to enter battle once more. They are just prolonging the soldiers’ deaths. This is what I like about the Honkai universe, they are never afraid to go into harsh and rough topics like power dynamics, politics and slavery (discussed later).
3. “How do you make a fussy child eat green chillies?
How do you make a Warhead drink poison?
I have already given you the answer.”
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This scene is the climax of Jiaoqiu’s character. His loyalty to Feixiao and the Yaoqing. His poison was the key to defeating Hoolay. And he was ready to sacrifice his life for it. Jiaoqiu has seen enough death and according to him, has sent many people to their deaths. He does not see value in his life, yet, he continued to work for Feixiao, to find a cure for an incurable condition. Moon rage is in her genes but still, he does not give up. He rescued Feixiao when she was just a child and his immense loyalty to her is so heartbreaking. I honestly thought he died, but the actual outcome? Bawled. If you look closer, you can see the trail of blood running down his eyes. Eating poison is no small feat. Jiaoqiu is brave and he is determined that if he were to end his life, it would be while conquering the enemy.
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I also absolutely LOVE Jiaoqiu’s voice actor and how versatile his voice is. The tremor in his voice in the 2.4 quest? His voice in the final confrontation against Hollay? There is so much emotion packed into every word he says, I am now a big fan of him.
4. "I fight, so that i never have to see another shooting star again."
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We know what Lan’s Lux arrow does. It is just destruction. It does not differentiate between friend or foe, just leaves a trail of blood in its wake. Ironically, it resembles a shooting star, something which fulfils wishes. But how Yukong lost Caiyi in Yukong’s story quest, and how Feixiao lost all her friends, there is no salvation. It is as Hoolay says here:
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The Gods, that is, the aeons, neither bleed nor feel. THEY only have one attribute, the Path the preside over.  THEY hold no meaning of life. I think it is brilliantly contradicted when Feixiao shoots her arrow to kill the borisin near Aurum Alley. It looks like a Lux arrow; it feels like one. But only the borisin lay dead afterwards, Moze and the Trailblazer are fully unharmed. Her arrow can make out the difference between the enemy and the ally. This is where we see that her sentence had actually changed; she did not want to see another shooting star kill her loved ones again.
(Also the quick flash of Lan when THEY gazed upon her??? It was so exhilarating to see jebdjsbsja I love these cinematics)
5. The power dynamics between the foxians and borisin and slavery
We know star rail never shied away from topics like slavery, Aventurine’s backstory is proof of that. But that is just one aspect of a bigger issue. What the foxians went through could be said to be the generational and racial aspect of it, because the foxians and borisin are descended from the same ancestors. The so-called racial superiority comes from the alterations made to the physique after the whole abundance thing. The wolves gained the blessing of abundance to be able to control the moon rage (which is like mara to the xianzhou natives, iirc) but the regular foxians could not. Yet with power, comes corruption. This led to them thinking that they are now the superior race. The wolves became the denziens of abundance, the borisin. They enslaved the “inferior” foxians and cause havoc, until the xianzhou intervened. But we see that this problem has not been solved yet since feixiao became a general during the war with the borisin. The xianzhou helped many foxians escape to the yaoqing and other ships, but some could not escape. Like Feixiao, or more accurately, Saran. These foxians are still at risk of moon rage since the blood of Duran’s lineage runs thick through their veins. But they do not have the abundance’s blessing and are hence considered “lowly beasts”. This is generational slavery.
Such a racial aspect is also seen in the real world against south Asians, east Asians, black people and indigenous tribes from different countries. We sometimes do it unknowingly, too. But when we are faced with this as an outsider, like in a game, we come to see the true impact of it and how deep it goes.
I am not going to talk about Xianzhou politics in this post because I’ve already written this post twice because tumblr decided to fuck up today, but if you want a post of about it, comment or rb to let me know.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hey hey hey! Im so glad that you're back I was wondering if you happen to know the anime welcome to demon school iruma kun! Very sweet and fluffy and some angst highly recommend ( and I really hope you know it because the fandom is small and I want to make request from you at another time)
And I have a request! Can we get cupcake valkerye reader? She is consider to be the youngest of the sisters ( but and adult) and is the most kindest but she's a bit of an air head and cant really tell the difference between the gods and humans.
The only thing she knows is to slap as hard as she possiblely can and run away screaming pervert at anyone who asks her to marry her.
She quickly runs to papa adam and tells him shile hiding behind mama eve scared of marrying some one she doesnt know.
Zeus and odin try to convince her to give one of their sons a chance but she can only cry saying that they were scary and running away again to her mama and papa
Hello, my darling, I unfortunately don’t know Welcome to Demon School, other than what the main character looks like so I won’t be able to write that one, but the cupcake one is no problem!
-You were the youngest of the Valkyries, not necessarily by age, as you were an adult, but you were the newest warrior to become a Valkyrie, so by default, you were the youngest Valkyrie.
-You were a complete and utter cupcake mixed with rainbows and sunshine- it was impossible for anyone to hate you or even be mean to you and if they did that was an invitation for an immediate ass beating by those who loved and cared about you.
-Many knew of you and knew of your beauty- you were one of the most highly sought after females in Valhalla and so many wanted to marry you and have you for your own.
-However, they also knew what an airhead you were- you had no idea who was a god and who was a human, being nice to anyone you came across, which many enjoyed, and they couldn’t help but laugh, seeing that you were such a ditz.
-However, despite your ditzy nature, you were still a Valkyrie, a battle maiden, so you knew how to fight, but you only ever fought if someone around you was being accosted or if you were hit on, as you hated hurting others.
-Adam- your adoptive father and Brunnhilde taught you- since you were an airhead, that if anyone ever asked you to marry them, to bitch slap them and run to one of them or Eve and they would handle it from there.
-Many complained to Adam and Brunnhilde about wanting to marry you, but due to their training and their threats, protecting you, they couldn’t get close to you without potentially upsetting you or getting slapped…. Or getting threatened by your big sisters and father figure.
-You greeted Zeus and Odin warmly when they approached you, you had learned that these two were both gods, and some of the most powerful ones and they both greeted you in return before Zeus spoke, “We have a question for you Y/N- have you ever thought about dating?”
-Before you could wind up for a slap, Odin spoke, getting your attention, “Not us! We just wanted to know what your thoughts were about dating.”
-You smiled warmly, filling them with a warm fluffy feeling, “I never really thought about it- Papa and my big sisters told me that all men are animals and they don’t deserve to marry me!”
-The two thanked you for your answer before seeking out Brunnhilde and Adam to demand they fix the problem they had created because Odin wanted you to marry Thor and Zeus wanted you to marry Hercules, Hermes, Ares, or Apollo.
-They were met with laughter, amused by their plight while Odin and Zeus didn’t find it very funny because their sons all really liked you.
-Before Adam could say anything there was a resounding SLAP sound coming from outside before you ran in and right into Brunnhilde’s arms before they saw Apollo twitching on the ground nearby, a red handprint on his face.
-You sniffled softly, looking up at Brunnhilde with teary eyes, “He asked me to marry him then wanted to see my panties!” Zeus, who was originally mad to see that you attacked his son, immediately forgave you as he nodded softly, something Adam saw as Adam stormed out to have a word with Apollo.
-Odin sighed softly, as this conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere, “She may want to marry one day, Brunnhilde, someone that she won’t slap when he asks her.” Brunnhilde just bowed her head, “And I understand this, Lord Odin, and I will support Y/N when that time comes, but for now, I will protect her from those who make demands of her.”
-Odin relented easier than Zeus did, who tried to whine and complain to Brunnhilde who immediately threw him out.
-She sighed softly, hugging you close as you sat together on the couch, “You haven’t found anyone that you don’t want to slap, have you?” you cupped your cheeks gently, turning from her with a shy blush which made her freeze in shock before she patted her head, “You’re strong- you’ll be able to handle whoever it is.”
-You beamed up at her, thanking her before thinking about the man who had caught your eye, wanting to keep it a secret a bit longer.
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IG this might be the wrong blog to ask (do you have a main?) but what are some things you hate about the show/fandom that don’t relate to Zutara? Is “The Great Divide” really that bad? The comics? The Legend of Korra?
Okay, let's split these in categories
What I dislike about the original show
How we never really see much about the cultures of the Air Nomads and Water Tribes, and that the planned episode about Aang's parents was scrapped.
How Ty Lee basically has no arc and just went from "Hates being part of a matched set" to "Happily part of a matched set."
How Toph didn't really get any resolution with her parents, be it a reconciliation or a decision to cut contact like Zuko did with Ozai.
How the Lion Turtle wasnot introduced much earlier and instead used a Deux Ex Machina. We all know Aang won't kill Ozai, guys, you don't have to pretent, just let us know there's something Aang can to do avoid it and go revealing stuff about energybending little by little, then give us the final piece of the puzzle in the finale.
How the White Lotus was clearly a retcon that stopped making any sense after season two and that they're actually pretty fucking useless when you think about it.
How the show basically forgot that Iroh was very much a villain in season one, and for most of his life, therefore he has no right to call Azula crazy and dismiss her as a lost cause.
How Iroh says it wouldn't be right for him to kill Ozai, even if he could, because history would just see it as just a brother killing another brother for power, then IMMEDIATELY sending his 16-year-old nephew to a battle to the death with his 14-year-old niece - all while the White Lotus FINALLY decides to do SOMETHING and frees Ba Sing Se...
...Which looks horrible for Iroh when we think "Oh shit, last time he tried to capture it because he thought it was his destiny, his son died, and now he sent his nephew to a battle in which nearly dies and gets another scar while he's off trying to free that same city because of destiny again." (Seriously, when it comes to Ba Sing Se, don't let Iroh do ANYTHING other run a tea-shop in it. Somehow it always shows the ugly side of his personality).
How "Sokka's Master" is really an episode that did not need to exist at all because while Sokka had always wanted to be a warrior, he never really expressed any insecurity about being a non-bender and was only ever teased about it once. It just felt like an obligatory "The dude with no powers is important too!" episode and not a natural stepping stone of the narrative.
As for "The Great Divide" it is a pretty boring episode... but it's not as bad as people say. I don't think the original Avatar had any episodes in which nothing is important or at least creative and/or cool. I like the music in it, the world-building is kind of neat, the theme of helping refugees is pretty coherent with a show about war, and the animation changes when we are told the versions of the story on what these people hate each other was pretty cool.
What I dislike about the novelizations of the show
While some of the attempts of exploring how characters felt in some scenes really works and provides some interesting interpretations, others just fall completely flat and feel a bit OOC.
What I dislike about The Lost Adventures comics
That ridiculous story with Katara being way too pushy with Aang's training for no reason and refusing to communicate with him when he wants to talk about the kiss on the day of the invasion. She would never treat him like this.
What I dislike about the Azula In The Spirit Temple comic
The bits that remind me "Oh yeah, that's supposed to be set in the same universe of the Yang comics." Other than that, it is a pretty good stand-alone story and it allowed Azula to be turned into a deeply offensive stereotype about the mentally ill.
What I dislike about (most of) the comics and Korra
Nearly everything. Seriously, I don't know how the reception to these were mostly mixed instead of on the same level of hatred the fandom has to the Shyaman movie. The character assassination and lack of understanding of what made the original story good is EXACTLY the same, yet because it had Bryke's approval/involvement people expect me to take it as canon and it's NOT gonna happen.
What I dislike about the Netflix version
It exists. I'm sick of all the bullshit, souless remakes/reboots that are clearly just crash-grabs for companies that completely forgot they can make money AND art at the same time. I especially hate the trend of beautiful 2D animation being replaced with cheap cosplays, ugly CGI and poor lighting to pretend it is the "dark, mature version of the story"
What I dislike about the fandom itself
To make a really, really, REALLY long list very short and not really rank them 'cause it'd take forever:
1 - The blatant ableism towards Toph and Azula.
2 - The constant delusion about Avatar being "just like Game Of Thrones" and "not a kid's show."
3 - The people still insisting that the Netflix version, Korra, and the comics are good or "not that bad."
4 - The weird way some people act like Zuko was the first character to ever get a redemption arc and that everyone who does it now is taking inspiration from it.
5 - The refusal to accept that uncle Iroh was never perfect, both due to oversight of the writers AND deliberate narrative choices.
6 - The people that act like the show was trash just because of a few bad choices.
7 - The people that act like the show is perfect.
8 - The people that act like Bryke's interpretations are the only ones that matter.
9 - The inability to not harrass others for not agreeing with them.
10 - The weird, stupid people that act like Sozin and Azulon were not that bad and not just as power-hungry, racist and cruel as Ozai.
11 - The people that don't understand how Aang killing Ozai would be character assassination AND a deep betrayal of the themes and morals of the story.
12 - The people that keep losing their shit if you want a character like Azula to have a redemption arc because it'd "make Zuko's less especial" (it wouldn't, and I know that because HE WASN'T THE ONLY CHARACTER TO GET REDEEMED IN THE STORY, hell, he wasn't even the first).
13 - The downright offensive and disgusting need the fandom feels of sweeping Zuko's mistakes under the rug, no matter how bad they are, because they think he needs to be perfect otherwise he was not truly a victim of abuse.
14 - The way people just full on make shit up to support their headcanons, ships and theories.
15 - The blatant racism.
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wrens-versus-the-world · 10 months
Intertwined with the inhuman (harbingers x reader)
Okay, hear me out
(Cross posted under Dontjudgemepels on wattpad)
Y/n L/n
the human, who has captured the hearts of some of the most powerful beings in this world
further details:
            -a college student on summer break
           -"All I wanted was a summer vacation"
A man who was once a human, cursed with immortality for a sin, he serves as number one of the Fatui harbingers.
the Fatui is a secret organization that serves to help the inhuman, but for a price that many deem to be far too great.
No further details available:
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Il Dottore:
A vampire who has lived for several centuries, who also serves as number two of the fatui harbingers.
Dottore also happens to be called The Doctor.
Further details:
           - "You are quite the specimen, would you allow me to take a closer look at you?"
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 A siren who join the fatui along the same time as Dottore, she was notorious for luring sailors to their eventual demise. even outside of her watery home she is still one of the strongest Harbingers. 
Further details:
           -It is said that her voice has the power to hypnotize hundreds of people, even with a simple tune. 
           - "Say, would you like to hear a tune my dear?"
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Capitano is said to have the face of a monster, although no one has seen it so no one really knows, what is known of him though is that he has been alive for several centuries, and has served as a warrior a different time periods. He currently serves as number four of the fatui harbingers. 
further details:
          - although he is said to be a war torn battle hungry warrior he seems to have a soft spot for animals and certain humans.
          -"No one has seen what is under my mask, nor will they, even you. "
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Scaramouche a man who has a perfect face he has lived for a few centuries, as is significantly younger than many of the high ranking harbingers (see numbers 1-4). although he is said to have a perfect face if you look to closely you may see the cracks of his past beneath such a beautiful face.
Further details:
                   -he has quite the tongue on him, but he can be quite soft when he wants to be
                   - "You are quite the anomaly human, I can see why the doctor has such an interest in you."
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Pantalone has lived for several centuries, although he has only lived in the human realm for a few centuries, he is a demon who wears the face of a banker. He often enjoys manipulating humans into giving up their soul for unimaginable wealth, along with watching many people going into bankruptcy 'mysteriously.' It is also said that he has worked closely with the Doctor number two of the harbingers. For his ability to get money he has been brought to the fatui and given the number of nine. Don't let such a low number make you think he's weak. 
further details: 
              -He almost never opens his eyes, many people place bets on what color they are
              -"you may as well be the most valuable thing that one can get."
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Arlecchino, number ten of the fatui harbingers is one who was once a mother, as a human she had found true happiness, or so she thought, her child was taken away from her at such a young age and she was labeled as a witch, the two were burned together at the stake. Arlecchino woke up decades later filled with resentment towards the people who killed her and her child. It's said that the night she rose is the night that many villages who discriminated against women and hurt children fell, burned to the ground. For her history she aligned herself with the Fatui, reaching the number of ten, as a pontianak (these are actually really cool ->> from google:  It is often depicted as a pregnant woman who is unable to give birth to a child or as a vampiric, vengeful female spirit. The Pontianak lures in unsuspecting men to incite fear and enact revenge. Signs that a Pontianak is nearby include the sound of an infant crying, the smell of a decaying corpse, or the plumeria flower
but for the purposes of this story she will be a bit different...).
Further details: 
               - It is said that arlecchino will lure away children from abusive households and raise them as their own, they consider it to be a blessing but many debate about whether these children have stumbled into a blessing or a curse in disguise
              -"You are quite a beautiful human, your soul is pure, perhaps if I were a human we could've been together."
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Tartaglia better known as childe is a werewolf, the youngest of the harbingers only being a little over a century old. As a child it is said that he fell into a realm of the inhuman which lead him down a path where he eventually met a werewolf who turned him after they trained together. Since he is so young he can have quite the temper, especially when it is close to the full moon. 
Further details:
                -It is said that childe was very close with his family, but when he turned he had to leave them behind. he knew it was for the best, since it would just be torture to see them grow up while he just stayed the same. He still has nightmares about it and visits their graves from time to time, and carries a photo of them with him.
            -"Say it again, say my name. It sounds divine when you say it."
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And so the show begins, let us see how it will end.
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laismoura-art · 2 months
Hello!! I want to ask you something, do you have thoughts about how Kuairumi wedding would animate? Because I'm so rooting for them and I can't even wait to see them together 😩♥️💛✨
Hi Meme!!
Thanks for the ask! I'm honoured that you, @orbitinytheworld and @thedragonholder want to hear my thoughts on this wedding!
Dragon already blessed us with her thoughts and it made my day that she used my take on Harumi's clan as inspo!
You guys are all amazing and I feel so flattered right now!!🥹💕
Now for starters, I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that I am sooooo glad their wedding won't be looking like this:
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Cause look, it might be just my hating on S1 Invasions, but I truly think this wedding looks like shit.💀
From the (non-existent) decoration to the wedding gowns, everything looks so plain and boring, there's no colour, texture, volume or personality, there's NOTHING here that screams Kuai and Harumi! I hope I'm not offending anyone with this, but from the bottom of my heart, I HATE how this wedding looks🤦🏾‍♀️
With that out of the way:
Let's talk about the new wedding!
For once, we got our first official look on the brand new Fire Gardens and NOW WE'RE TALKING!
Seriously, just look at it!
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I don't know if that's it's normal look of if it has been specially decorated for the wedding, but either way, it's great!
Look at the scorpion tails on the roof! The fabrics hanging, the rug, the lanterns and textured floor!
Look at all the golden pieces and candles surrounded by flowers! THE FREAKING FLOWEEEEERS!!!
Oh! And these statues! Can we talk about them? These are just like the statues found on the Wu Shi Academy, and I SO hope they are of the Elder Gods! Cause then it means we are one step closer to the Order of Cetrion! :O
We also got to see Kuai's gown too!
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SO MUCH BETTER! It has texture, depth, details, and it actually feels like Kuai Liang (I mean, the Invasions gown even got people mistaking him for Bi-Han :P)
I still feel it's a bit too simple for his grand day, but it has potential (plus, I strongly believe he had some extra layers on that he discarded once he had to engage in combat)
We are yet to see Harumi (;-;) but Kuai's new vest does make me hopeful!
And look, you may argue that the Invasions gowns were traditional japanese/chinese gowns, but this kinda leads me to my next issue:
Kuai and Harumi are fictional characters from fictional clans and are more than allowed to have fictional lore!
Heck! I'll give you some of my own lore right now, so bare with me!
Kuai descends from dragons and Cryomancy and Pyromancy are different outcomes from a same source of power! Meanwhile Harumi is a warrior of Cetrion and her clan protects nature!
Imagine what you can draw from it!
Kuai gets to wear a gown with texture that resembles scales and an overcoat that resembles wings! Harumi wears a dress with a white to light pink gradient, on the overcoat a beautiful hand-painted landscape of a cherry blossom forest and her hair adorned with golden pins and flowers!
Her bouquet made by Kuai to show he's finally learning flower language after years struggling with it!
Kuai: *hands Harumi a bouquet of tansy*
Harumi, teasing: Are you declaring war against me?
Kuai: wHAT???
I want more lore! And more unique traditions! Clothing, dances, rituals, food!
Be creative, NRS!
Back to Canon again.
First of all, I got to see Shirai Ryu warriors (Raiden included) and Wu Shi warriors fighting the Cyber Girls. Very cool, very nice!
Now where are Harumi's warriors??
I find it hard to believe they weren't invited! So where are they? What do they look alike?
Please tell me they are all women and they don't all dress black with a singular piece of coloured fabric to tell them apart.
NRS, you were more creative than that... right? (ಠ_ಠ)
Also, you did invite the Umgadi, right NRS? Cause Harumi was one of them and now Kuai is their ally.
Kuai invited his allies, the Wu Shi. So Harumi invited her allies, the Umgadi. Correct?
Tanya is Harumi's old friend and now is her maid of honour, yes?
Yeah, thought so! Don't you guys love when NRS is creative? I sure do!😊
Now, to wrap this all up!
@thedragonholder suggested in her post that Bi-Han secretly attended the wedding and that ended up with him being caught by Titan Havik!
I absolutely LOVED that idea! But allow me to add:
What if Bi-Han told Cyrax and Sektor he was going to the wedding but he never got there cause Havik intercepted him first?
He never got too warn the girls and they think the Shirai Ryu had him captured the moment they spot him!
And that's why they decided to invade the wedding!
One big misunderstanding, it's on brand for MK, really :P
Kuai and Harumi manage to prove they got nothing to do with Bi-Han’s disappearance and begrudgingly they decide to help look for him because "he's a jerk and I'm still mad at him, but if he's really in danger than I won't just stand here and let him get hurt😑"
And that's how the whole adventure starts for them!
Sooooo, yeah! Those are my thoughts so far! I really enjoyed brainstorm it all and I hope you enjoy reading it all just as much!
Gang, any thoughts, additions and theories? Please I'd love to talk more about it!!👀💙🩷
@mikka-minns @madamealtruist @moody-bloos
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
“Come a little closer, and I’ll show you just what five centuries can do.” “Your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold.” “Let’s not lie to ourselves. You only bothered to contain two, by the time your brute bloodlust ebbed away.” “Watch yourself, girl. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a week, but someday you will trip up. And I’ll be waiting." “We’re not going to bite.” “You’re a pretty little treat. I’d be happy to play any manner of game with you, Nesta Archeron.” “No words, Prince?” “If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?” “When you get tired of the animal, come find me. I’ll show you how a future High Lord plays.” “Assassins, whores, traitors—what fine company you keep these days, Rowan.” “So there’s singing and dancing and excessive drinking... And dallying." “And as riveting as it was to see you send Tamlin scrambling off with his tail between his legs, I didn’t see this side of you. The time since the war has changed you.” “Is that what you thought of us? All those years that we worked together, killed men and bedded females together? I never heard you complain.” “This isn’t the Night Court. And you have no power here—so clear out. Amarantha’s bed is growing cold.” “Indeed it is. Especially one who can both dance and tear the King of Hybern’s head from his shoulders.” "Gavriel is still my brother. I would have faced him with dishonor if I had let his son die.” “Fixed—as pert and pretty as before.” “You’re wasted at the Night Court. Absolutely wasted.”
“I have my skills, just as you have yours.” “You offered up your name for me—after all that I said to you, all I did, you still offered up your name. Didn’t you realize I would help you after that? Oath or no oath?” “Always mix truth and lies, General. Didn’t those warrior-brutes teach you about how to withstand an enemy’s torture?” “Bigger tits won’t prove or hide anything.” “I’m glad to see you didn’t sell your lively human spirit or stubbornness to Rhys.” “I didn’t realize Illyrians were in the habit of fucking their sisters.” "Would you like me to kill him for you?"
Ladies and gentlemen... The Lord of Perranth, the Heir of Day, and the Heir of Autumn.
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A Present For You | Overlord
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“Well there’s some holidays the Supreme Beings celebrate where we give each other presents. So, I got you a present!”
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“(Y/n)-sama!! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to put it to use!”
You gave her an egg that would one day birth into an insanely overpowered version of your favorite mythical creature
She’s so excited to have received a gift from you
A Supreme one!
She’s going to excitedly command them around whenever she gets the chance
She’s so touched you thought of what creature would be the perfect addition to her collection
It's so powerful just like you
She’s so honored!!
Whenever she can’t find you she’ll cuddle up next to it and think of you
“Oh (Y/n)-sama really is the best. I’m never letting them down.”
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“W-what i-is it? Th-this is-!Th-thank you so much (Y/n)-sama I’ll treasure it always.”
You gave him a magical item that would change the clothes of the opposite gender
Specifically embarrassing changes
Granted there were some advantages that would heighten their hysteria and screw-up their movements but that wasn’t the main point
Whether you watched the anime or you and Ainz were telepathically giggling about it you figured you might as well
He loveloveloves it so much 
He can’t wait to use it right away and if he’s feeling pumped up enough they’ll ask to spar with one of the floor guardians just so he can try it out
He enjoys this with Aura, as he does with her gift 
But he’s still so grateful
“T-thank y-you, (Y/n)-sama! I’ll tell you all about my results!” 
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“(Y/n)-sama! I’m beyond honored!”
You got him a double sword that spins at the click of a button 
You figured any other magical item would be a stab at his pride as a warrior so you cot this for him
He is practicing with it all the time
Almost always switching it out with his staff
And he happily puffs when anyone ever asks about his latest weapon
“It was a gift of the great (Y/n)-sama! It will be an honor to die by this blade!”
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“(Y/n)-sama you continue to amaze me with your power and wisdom! Thank you!”
You gifted him an item you dubbed the War Eye
A magical Eyeglass that allows you to measure the importance and power on a battlefront 
You implemented a time limit as Ainz suggested so it wasn’t something he could use all the time 
But nonetheless he was grateful that you too recognized him as the ultimate strategist 
He happily brags about your gift to the other floor guardians
Actively he uses it to succeed if the time limit allows
He’ll try not to show how much his tail is wagging when he recalls how you gave it to him
“Yes! Even (Y/n)-sama has prepared for our goals and has given me the tools to maintain victory!”
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Shaltear Bloodfallen
“Ah~! A gift? For me, (Y/n)-sama!?”
You got her a magical item that can store blood and either be fed on or used as a weapon
It resembles a heart on a chain 
she’s incredibly flattered
She’s definitely teasing Albedo about it
Happily showing off your gift to her as a sign that you care for her most
“It’s like they gave me their heart already! No need to be so jealous, Albedo!”
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“For me but (Y/n)-sama I’m nothing but your servant? If it would please you most…then I will accept it.”
You really have to fight him on this one he’s just so subservient he outright doesn’t believe he deserves such a thing
But when he does finally take it you gave him a magically imbued wrist watch
With the power to replay the next five hours
He’s so honored that you even thought of him 
He’s so happy he can casually wear it with his typical attire
And if you watch hard enough he’s rubbing it with a ghost of a smile on his face
“I will forever be grateful for this gift, (Y/n)-sama.”
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“Ahh~(Y/N)-sama! You thought of me! I can hardly contain myself!” 
You probably got her a locket that can manifest a spear
Even without the spear part she’s reeling with ecstasy at the gift
You probably had a harder time finding a gift for her
Considering she already makes body pillows, stuffies,
as well as sniffing obsessively at both you and Ainz’ sheets 
So your happy she’s so excited for it
Nonetheless she’s wearing it all the time
Palming it with a blush on her face while she carries out her missions
“Oh Darling (Y/n)-sama is so kind! I devote my all to (Y/n) and Ainz-sama!”
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