#they will also realize when you're trying to appeal to them by always responding in the best way to them
isekyaaa · 1 year
I really want to one day make a typical otome game and spend a good amount of time advertising it. All the romance interests are clearly laid out. I'll release demos and character sheets. I'll make sure everyone knows the characters very well and which one they want to go for, so when the game comes out, everyone will know what to expect. And for the most part, everything does follow their expectations. Once you know what to do, getting the love interests to fall is easy. That is, all until they get to a certain route.
It first starts off weird when they don't appear where the guide says they're supposed to. After a few reloads, you finally find them on the complete opposite side of the map. But... there seems to be something off about them. They're not smiling like how they did in all the advertisements. And when you try to appeal to them, they react in disgust.
You try to follow up with them, but they're never in their favorite places. You find out in a rude awakening that they hate the gifts the game guide promotes. The more you try to capture their heart in the way you should, the more they come to hate you.
Eventually you get the bad ending, so you try your hand at him again. You begin utilizing the quick save/quick load option more and more. You make sure he responds well to every interaction you have with him. And at first, it works great. But slowly, things begin to change. He begins to avoid you. He regards you with suspicious eyes. In the end, you get a bad ending once more.
You try again and again with different combinations, but no matter how much you try, you can't get the good ending. Eventually you get fed up and decide to throw caution to the wind. You decide not to follow any otome logic anymore and decide to respond to his interactions how you would in normal life. And without even realizing it,
You get the good end.
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opossumprints · 24 days
You're Weird--I'm Weirder pt. 3
part 1, part 2, part 3
Robin looks around disturbed, she hates places like this and is very ready to voice her displeasure.
“Steve, what are we doing here?” Robin groans. Steve hums in confusion, looking around before looking back to Robin and arching his brow as if to say 'you know, why are you asking me?'. It should be obvious Steve drove her here, he told her where they were going and it should be pretty obvious from just that alone. 
“I need new sleep pants? You agreed to be my cover for things like this, remember?” he responds. It's true, they have an arrangement. It comes down to the simple fact that–as robin is quick to point out–what Steve politely calls “sleep pants” are definitely not that. 
In reality Steve sleeps in lingerie. 
The soft silks, satins, and laces of babydoll shorts are very appealing to him. It started innocently, really it did. Steve runs hot when he sleeps and he found that silk pj bottoms were the most comfortable. It also just so happens that lingerie was easier to come by…  and he liked it. 
Robin became his go to cover when they got close, claiming he was buying a gift for her so he could shop in peace. They had no secrets between them and it was less of a hassle than carefully timing a catalog order so his parents wouldn’t find out. She didn't always come with but for some reason the clerks and shop attendants were less likely to try to get him to buy bras if she was around (not that Steve didn’t own some). 
Unfortunately Robin wasn’t pleased with his answer.
“Steve, you just bought some!” she snarked “ what happened to those valentines ones you were so happy about?” Robin’s eyes are practically looking at the inside of her brain, she was rolling them so hard. Rude. 
She waltzes around a particular raunchy display to snoop at what Steve was looking at. Steve was vaguely aware that his best friend was still talking but he really started paying attention when she froze mid sentence. 
“Oh” she said awkwardly “that kind”  Steve realizes she thought they were there for the more subtle boxers that he also bought and suddenly he’s blushing head to toe. After a pause Robin pokes him in the shoulder to get his attention and speaks up again. 
“That still doesn't answer my questions Stevo” she prods “last time I slept over you said you were good?” 
Steve takes a deep sigh, the shoulders drooping kinda deep sigh, before turning to meet her eyes. 
“I need to replace my favorite pair.” he answers (only somewhat glumly). He looks down at the pair of shorts he has in his hands. They’re the wrong shade of purple, a bit too short, and don't have any lace, but it's the closest he can find. The shop doesn't have the same pair that he wants to replace apparently. 
He knows the disappointment is radiating off him as he stares down at the best replacement he can find. That's got a word for it in economics he thinks, Robin mentioned something about how she learned about it in her class on the way here. 
“Hey, it’s like that thing you were talking about!” he chirps while bumping Robin with his hip,”the next best alternative thing?” He knows the joking is to deflect from his dismay but he’s hoping Robin hasn't picked up on that yet. 
“Opportunity cost? Why are you–wait hold on” Robin disappears from his side for a second and returns holding the shorts he’s looking for. He’s so happy he could cry and tells her as much. Even though Robin always brushes him off when he thanks her, he's really lucky to have a platonic soulmate like her who understands he likes things a particular way and that if things aren't that way he’ll get hives. 
“Why do you need to replace these anyways?” she hands them over “you love these..also you bitched for an hour when you pulled a thread from your favorite sweater so I feel like I should have heard about this already.” Steve wanders over to the counter while Robin continues musing. He only gets her to shut up when he grumbles that he’ll tell her in the car als long as she shuts her mouth while he tries to pay. 
Steve was hoping that Robin would continue her trend of having a brain like a goldfish and he was done with it but he was poked, prodded, and nagged all the way to his house. When they finally got inside and were safely squirreled away in Steve’s room, he asked if Robin remembered when his washing machine bit the dust. 
“In February?” She tilted her head like a dog “but i thought that was fixed?” 
Steve scrunched his face and made a noise between a hum and a ‘yeah” 
“It was fixed…But it was still down for a week so I went to Sudsy’s.”
 Steve pauses to take a breath while Robin questions if he really does mean he went to a crappy laundromat on the other side of town instead of going to her house (which yes, he did, her parents already think they are dating having his dirty gym shorts mixed with her bras would not help). 
Steve turned to look her directly in the face (as close that the two of them could get to eye contact) 
“Robs I met someone” 
It's quiet. 
It's quiet for a long time. 
“You met someone?” she whispers reverently before her face twists into doubt “ at the laundromat?” 
He nods, heart eyed, and oh boy is he gone on whoever he met. 
“We bumped into each other” he sighs dreamily” was my fault really–clothes went everywhere” 
“Oh man really?” she responds “and they're interested? You’re sure?”  Robin knows where this goes–seen it happen way too many times before–she wont get her hopes up for her platonic soulmate until she knows it’s a sure thing. 
“Yeah, I know it,” Steve says with a dopey grin “I know ‘cus he stole my underwear.” 
Steve huffs. “And before you say anything!” he points an accusatory finger “ I know it was on purpose because he never gave any back! And it’s not like we could have openly flirted ‘n a laundromat in Hawkins, Indiana, that's how people get killed, Robbs!” 
Yeah okay, he knows he sounds pretty petulant right now but it's the truth! It’s not like robin can judge , she once tried to flirt with a girl by cracking a joke about a tuba. A tuba! 
“Yeah.. I guess you have a point”. Wait “any? Any as in plural, as in, More Than One!” 
Steve–the poor boy–Isn't sure why she is shouting.
“I also might have snuck him some in his laundry”
Yay! its done! (andalsonotedited) but it's DONE!
Part 3 wont be a while but I think having a preview worked out well so I'll be doing that again =)
Some people asked to be tagged and I'm willing to do that! I just want to politely ask for a couple rules/boundaries. I will tag you if you ask in the reply's (because that's easiest for me to see) and I'll do this for this fic only (for now), but I won't tag more than a handful of people for now because I'm new to this and I really don't want to mess anything up ʕ•́ ᴥ •̀ʔ
@slv-333 @jaytriesstrangerthings
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howtofightwrite · 11 months
How can I write a fight scene with opponents who are not just extremely capable fighters but extremely cunning and resourceful. Who adapt and the fight is never just about physical skill.
There isn't a single correct answer to this question. One common, and effective, solution is by breaking or countering a fighter's tricks.
One way to establish a character's skill in combat is to give them some specific tricks that they'll employ in a fight. Of course, having typed that, now the only specific example that comes to mind is The Operative's nerve strike from Serenity (which is, unfortunately, a terrible example for this conversation.)This is usually something like a character having a hidden weapon, or a specific method of disarming their foe. When you're using this method, letting another character hard counter their trick can instantly inform the audience that this character is far more dangerous than they initially appear.
In a very abstract sense, you can think of combat as characters having an array of actions available to them. Skilled combatants are likely to have a much wider range of options, options that are better tailored to the situation they're in, and in some cases, options that are specifically designed to counter things an opponent would attempt to use on them. Unskilled characters are likely to have a bunch of options mixed in that are either completely useless, actively detrimental, or both, with no idea which ones those are. For example: Every backyard wrestling video ever.
When you're looking at inexperienced characters, in that context, they'll attack their opponent, and then either act again if their opponent is unable to retaliate, or their foe will act against them. I will criticize writing combat as turn based, but with characters like this, it can be helpful to understand how they're operating. When you have experienced fighters, they have the ability to immediately respond to what their foe is doing. This doesn't always mean, directly countering their opponent's attack, sometimes it can mean they'll use their foe's action as an opportunity to get in.
Now, that's the abstraction, a lot of this does have some relation to the real world. Experienced fighters will have trained, and honed their responses into their muscle memory. They won't need to think about what they're going to do, they'll simply, “go.” Inexperienced, and untrained fighters will have their minds cluttered up with things they've seen in action movies, and they'll need a moment to filter through what's on their mind, and they won't have the background of knowing (either through instruction or experience) what will or won't work. So they need a moment, and then they'll try to do something.
This leads into the biggest problem for you, which is, combat between experienced fighters is fast; but, if you're writing prose, your ability to control the speed of a scene is limited. You can speed the reader up by keeping the text as spartan as possible, but it can also result in a very perfunctory, and unsatisfying, fight scene. This is part of why there's an appeal to the simplistic, “character has some combat tricks, antagonist can counter them,” structure. It can quickly convey that idea without getting too far into the weeds.
Now, one piece of bad news is the bit about how inexperienced and untrained fighters will have a lot of, “junk,” options floating around. This is also a problem for writers staging fight scenes. If you have absolutely no experience with combat, it can be pretty difficult to realize when some of those options that seem viable to you, simply wouldn't work. There is some range of forgiveness, after all if you think it should work, and can stage it out, maybe you can convince your readers that it would work, but it is something to be cautious of. A lot of the simpler, “can you do X?” questions we field tend to be cases where either that is something that works, it's similar to something that works, or it really doesn't work. Knife throwing comes to mind as one we've discussed repeatedly over the years. (It's a cool party trick, but not a great idea in a fight.) But, if you can write a scene where stabbing someone through the eye with an arrow is believable, it doesn't really matter that doing so is nearly impossible. So, even if you do run with some options that wouldn't really work, it doesn't mean that your fight scene won't.
One other piece of advice, that might first sound like a non-sequitur, it's okay for you to take breaks. Yes, your characters are fighting each other, and they're a fraction of a second away from being murdered in the most horrific ways possible, but you have the luxury of sitting back and really thinking about what their options are. Just because they could make those choices in the moment doesn't mean that you need to be just as fast.
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cios-correct-opinions · 3 months
@evilkaeya @aaabatteryy @starrynightarchive
see my other post about this here
to tl;dr this: when it comes to fandom and content creators, ppl tend to make content of the characters they already love and thus think about most often, which leads to, at times, male characters getting genderbent into women either thru cis or trans hcs, bc they are both genderbending, thats the definition of the term bc youre changing their gender, and getting mad at people for not, in your opinion, "appreciating" the female characters enough, is not doing anything except making people feel bad for not having the "correct" feelings about a character at best, or making them actively angry and thus fueling them to create more of that thing you hate out of spite at worst (for you anyway, not for the people who like it).
this doesnt mean they dont give a shit abt the other characters who arent their faves, but to create a work of art, you need to be able to like. care enough to do it. and that requires more care than just a general enjoyment or appreciation of a character, especially if the work in question is time intensive/would be time intensive, like writing a chapter fic/thousands of words long oneshot, or making a fully rendered piece of art, etc. obvi this will depend on the skill and energy levels of the artist we're talking about but yknow, on a general scale
op of this post blocked me so i cant respond directly on it but, for context
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first of all: i'm not illiterate but i'm beginning to think some people on this post might be, given this response, because it is so clearly Not what i was talking about it's a little wild, actually!
also i hate to tell yall this, but the reason you don't often see people genderbending female characters to male anymore is bc of the spread of radfem ideology thru fandom spaces like wildfire. ppl genuinely lose their shit when ppl even have transmasc or trans man headcanons for characters assumedly cis female in the source material (which is genderbending btw. them being trans doesnt mean it isnt genderbending anymore you are still changing their gender thus it is genderbending thats the definition fellas) bc they fucking hate men and the idea of men existing
sorry not sorry but if you get mad at ppl who genderbend female characters into transmascs/trans men (transmascs aren't always genderbends, bc you can be transmasc and also a woman, but i digress/for the sake of brevity...) and go "you're TAKING AWAY a GOOD FEMALE CHARACTER!" i need you to stop for a second and consider why these people - most of whom are trans men/transmascs themselves - might be doing that to a character they like.
9/10 times when i see a cis genderbend of a male character to be female, the person doing it is a cis woman. when i see genderbends, of any kind, of a female character to be male or masc? it's almost always done by a trans man and/or a transmasc. and inevitably, they are almost always dogpiled for it with disgusting levels of hate. i've seen it happen so many times i stopped attempting to count a long time ago
don't come up here saying "you NEVER see-" because actually i see all of those things happen all the time. ppl love genderbending men characters into women, or emasculating/demasculinizing/feminizing them in order to make them personally more appealing, or saying "[mlm ship] would be better if it was two girls/wlw/two fem-aligned/etc" all the fucking time. and while i realize this is often a way for the people who say this to like, try to lash out at common misogynistic/lesbiphobic/transmisogynistic/etc sentiment irl, in doing so, they are not doing it in a way that allows for a nuanced understanding of their fellow fandom-goers. they make blanket sweeping statements and then dogpile people who disagree
the moment you start treating entire demographics of people as if they are a hivemind or a single identity, the moment you decide that something "never" happens bc you personally have not seen it? youve already lost any possible chance you mightve had at making a good point
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dilflover-4ever · 2 months
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Someone older 2
Josh Kiska x f!reader
wc: 2.2k
Summary: Having a crush on your best friend's older brother is normal. It is just something about an older, “cool” teenager that appealed to you in your preteen years. Almost everyone experiences this, but is it still normal when he is 8 years older? Yes, your best friend, Sam, was older than you but he was like a brother and something about Josh was so intoxicating. The crush didn’t leave when he left for college, he stayed in the back of your mind throughout all of those years. Hell he plagued your mind through your last years of highschool and first of college. So what are you supposed to do when he moves in with Sam near the college you and he attended.
Minors DNI!!!
Warnings: female masturbation, that’s about it I think
For more info go to master post!
a/n: guyssssss I was hoping to get some good old sexual tension and spice into this chapter but it just got too long I had to cut it off. Sorry!!!!!
A couple days had passed since you found out Josh was moving in with Sam. You completed your regular schedule while also aiding Sam in prepping the apartment for Josh’s arrival. Two days. You had two days until Josh arrived, you could barely contain your excitement. Sam picked up on this and was feeling quite the opposite. “I don’t understand why you're so excited for this.” Sam said grumpily. Trying to play it off you just responded with a quick statement. “I just miss them so much and now I don't have to wait until Thanksgiving.” You gave a quick shrug and made work with the freshly washed sheets. “Well you're not the one that has to live with him.” He remarked. You rolled your eyes and finished up the guest bed. You could only imagine him resting here after a long day, his scent filling the room. You almost let a small whine slip from your lips at the thought of his welcoming cologne. After checking with Sam that he didn’t need your additional help, you promised to go grocery shopping with him tomorrow.
Heading back to your apartment you figured dinner could just be the leftover meal from yesterday. Watching it spin around in the microwave, you texted Josh.
Heard you're moving in with Sam, can’t wait to see you!
You’d hoped that wasn’t weird and he would just see it as a welcoming sentence. He soon replied and all thoughts of doubt washed away from you.
Can't wait to see you either sweetheart! Counting down the days.
Sweetheart. Josh had always called you that and it managed to weaken your knees just a little every time. The microwave beeping caught your attention and you pulled the food out with flushed cheeks. You have to get a hold of yourself before he gets here.
After dinner you took a quick shower and laid down in bed for the night. You were on your phone for a little before noticing the time and deciding you didn’t wanna feel like shit in the morning. Plugging your phone in and readjusting your shirt to sit more comfortably. Laying in the dark you shut your eyes and tried to allow sleep to take you. Your thoughts shifted around, from upcoming classes, dinner recipes, these past couple days with Sam and they halted when you got to Josh. It was inevitable, you thought about him most nights and they started innocent but you couldn't stop them from venturing. Soon you were thinking about his face buried between your legs, lapping at your clit with his tongue while his fingers worked inside of your pussy. You thought about the names he would call you and the noises he would make.
You then realized how worked up you were and you didn't notice your hand that had subconsciously drifted past the waistband of your sleep shorts. You opened your eyes and swiftly leaned over to your nightstand, finding the small object in the dark. You brought the vibrator over to yourself and yanked your shorts to your ankles. Pressing the button, it buzzed to life and as it teased between your lips you let out a deep exhale. A whine left your lips when you brought it higher, adding pressure where you needed it. Your thoughts swarming with Josh. Your hips ground up into the toy, adding to the sensation. You felt your eyes squeeze shut and brought your open hand up to play with your hardened nipples, giving both equal attention. Quiet moans left your lips and short sighs of his name followed. The burning sensation building up in your lower abdomen. Chasing the feeling you start to drag it up and down your clit with quick motions. You felt it nearing and with a ‘oh fuck Josh’ you came around the toy, legs slightly shaking and hips pressing down into the bed.
You slept peacefully that night, only slight regret with the noise you were making.
The next morning you got up out of bed and completed your normal routine, trying not to think about the extensive classes you had for the day. On the way to class you and Sam communicated what time would be best for groceries. “Well my last class ends around four. Oh and I'm staying after for a while to study in the library, so you don’t have to bring me home today.” He told you, looking out the front windshield. “Ok so when will you be done with that? I just don’t want to go too late.” You responded, looking over to glance at him. “Well me and her-” You cut him off before he could finish. “Her?! Sammy, do you have a girlfriend I don’t know about?” You questioned, not even caring for coming off as nosy. “No y/n! What the hell? We are just study buddies for a project.” He answered, but you didn’t miss his rosy cheeks as he looked down at his hands in his lap. “I’m just messing with you Sammy, I'm sure she's nice. So should we go around 5:15?” You asked, turning into the parking lot. “Sure that sounds good.” He gave you a quick hug goodbye as you parted ways.
After a few long hours you could go home and rest before grocery shopping. On your way out someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to be met with a boy from your class, Brady. “Hey Brady, what do you need?” You said, concerned about what he could want. “Well I was just gonna ask for your number? If that’s okay, I think you're really pretty and would like to get to know you more.” His question caught you off guard, sure he is really charming but you had barely interacted with him before this. “Um sure here hand me your phone I can put it in.” You offered with a small smile. After typing in the digits you looked back up at him with a smile. He smiled back and waved goodbye with a ‘thanks’ and ‘see you later’.
In the car ride home you couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened. You couldn’t stop yourself as you compared him to Josh. It was something that occurred often when you had previous boyfriends in highschool, even with your ex that you had dated for two and half years. You were in love with him and everything he did but always found yourself thinking things like, ‘Josh wouldn't say that’ or ‘I wonder what Josh would do right now’. That boy was your first love (besides Josh….) and he was the boy you lost your virginity to. You were heartbroken when you both decided being apart for college was the best thing to do. And it didn’t help how josh was there to pick up the pieces of your heart and work to put them back together. Of course the others helped you through it too but Josh put in extra effort, like texting you everyday after and allowing you to rant to him about your feelings. You don’t think Josh liked the guy very much, almost being passive aggressive when they would be in the same room together. In fact he was like that with every guy you had dated, you always put it off as he was just protecting you like an older brother would.
Once you got home you jumped on your bed and opened your phone to instagram, deciding that was the best use of your time, which it probably isn’t but what else could you do. It wasn’t like you had homework for both of tomorrow's classes sitting on your desk, which you did. After going through some stories you came across Sam’s, it was a picture of the table he and his ‘study buddy’ were sitting at. The papers and laptops scattered in almost an unnatural way, perfect for a photo. You tapped through and came across Josh’s. It had the text reading ‘Moving day!’ with a photo of the moving truck packed up. You almost tapped past it until you noticed two people on either side of the truck, recognizing Jake immediately your eyes moved to the other person. It was a short cute brunette girl with a chunky sweater and jean skirt on. She was beautiful, you could see the rosiness of her cheeks and the cute bow tied in the back of her half-up, half-down hairstyle. A pit of jealousy opened in your body, you instantly started questioning, ‘is she with josh?’, ‘could she just be a friend?’ and ‘maybe with jake.’ You decided instagram could be closed for now, not wanting to give yourself even more anxiety about your feelings towards him.
You heard a knock and sat up to go answer. Opening the door you saw Sam, guess he forgot about his key. But how could you forget you had to go get groceries? “Oh sorry I totally forgot, let me go get my shoes!” You said frantically moving back into the house to get your sneakers. “Oh I actually came to tell you something else, but yeah we got to go do that.” He said nonchalantly. You looked up at him in curiosity as you tied the laces. “Well what is the other thing you were gonna tell me?” He met your eyes with a defeated look, “Well seems like Josh is getting in a little early, he should be here at about 8 tonight.” He said. You were sure there was a physical sparkle in your eyes once you processed this information. “Oh that’s great Sammy! We better go get food now then.” You finished, standing up to get your purse from the back of the dining room chair.
In the car Sam continued, “I don’t know why he couldn’t just stay one more night! He wasn’t supposed to be fully packed until tomorrow.” He rubbed between his eyes as he said this. “Hey you know you can stay at mine if at any point you get overwhelmed or annoyed.” You reassured him. He looked up with a smile and nodded in thanks.
Once done with groceries, you checked out and loaded them into the car. Noticing you still had about two hours until Josh arrived you made the offer of going out to eat tonight. Sam agreed and that’s how you ended up in Flower Child, a place you both liked. Cutting into your grilled salmon you continued the Josh conversation, big surprise. “Not to be rude but why does him moving in with you bother you so much? I Mean you basically did it your whole life.” You added. “That’s exactly my point y/n, I did it my whole life and I love him but I appreciate living on my own.” He responded, allowing you to realize where he is coming from, you didn’t know when you would be ready to live with another person. “I'm here with you Sam, all of the way, mi casa su casa.” You try to throw in a joke to try and cheer him up and are glad when it does. He let out a small giggle and moved to throw away your trash.
Back at the apartment you hugged Sam goodbye and gave him some more words of support. You decided it would be best to leave Josh to move in and you would talk to him in the morning since you had no classes. You knew you needed to head to bed early since you had a semi-late night yesterday…..
After getting ready for bed you laid and went to turn on your show to help you to bed. You watched for a little and a text came through your phone. It was sam.
He’s here y/n, if you want to come say hi
You barely had control of your body as you sprung out of bed and grabbed your keys. Opening the door you saw him and Sam talking in the hallway with a box at their feet. You couldn't stop yourself as you ran towards him. “Josh!” you yelled not caring for the neighbors at this moment. You ran and jumped into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his shoulders as his strong arms held around your back. “Hey peach! How are you? I’ve missed you like crazy.” His admission made your heart thump widely in your chest. You pulled your face from his neck to look at his eyes, “I’ve been good. I missed you too!” You said with a grin. One of his hands drifted to your ass to push you back up as you started slipping. You dropped your legs from around him and the areas he touched you burned as you turned to look at Sam. His expression is much less excited than yours.
You had spent the night catching up with Josh and just asking for stories about his life. The conversation continued until Sam’s phone made the bedtime noise and you three realized it was now 11. Cleaning up whatever mess you guys had made, you made your way out the door and gave both boys a tight hug, but not forgetting a kiss on Josh’s cheek as it was something you guys shared at and departure. In your own bed you couldn’t contain your excitement for what the next few months would hold.
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lovelanguage01 · 4 months
- Female Psychology Thread -
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1. Be physically attractive. If you're trying to make a girl jealous, you should always put emphasis on being attractive. Women are acutely aware of how physically attractive men are.
2. When you are around your girlfriend, try to strike up conversations with your female friends. Compliment them for their career, social life, and looks.
3. Projecting high social status and being well-off financially are two irresistible characteristics to make women attracted to you , and subsequently jealous of anyone who also wants you.
4. If you have a skill or talent that makes you stand out from the masses, use this near other women or in social settings. Even if you're not conventionally attractive or you're socially awkward , having a unique skill can instantly make you more appealing to women.
5. Give short ambiguous answers to her probing questions. Avoid responding during “party hours”. Leave her messages unread for longer than you would.
6. Make her jealous on social media. Post fun travel destinations and activities, especially ones that she may have mentioned wanting to go to.
7. Keep her guessing. Be inconsistent in displaying your affection.
8. If you feel she has started taking you for granted, ghost her for a while. Your absence might make her realize your importance and be more appreciative of you.
Thanks for reading. Follow for more on Female Psychology, Seduction, Charm and Attraction.
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away-ward · 10 months
hello! I wasn’t the anon who sent the last question however I do want to respond to some of the things you pointed. I think your characterization of emmy is way better than mine bc I always want the best for her but that doesn’t mean that the emmy in nf would make the choices I would make if I were in her shoes. I feel like my anger towards will definitely clouds my judgement of what is best for emmy if that makes sense. However, I wanted to point out a quote you said.
“If you love someone, you don't just throw that in their face.”
I agree with this statement, however, will has gone so low to the point where he throws his escapades with alex back at her face. I applaud em for being a better person but in my opinion if will goes low em should go LOWER. I know that that is a petty way of thinking but in em’s case she has to be around alex (around the woman that will has slept with multiple times). I just think it would be unfair for em to have to live with constant reminder’s of will’s past but will never has to live with any reminders of em’s life in san francisco. I just feel like em gets the shorter end of the stick… so if em wants to be petty one day she should have the right to do so.
Also I never know if I come across as harsh or argumentative over anon but I promise you that i’m not trying to be 😭
No worries. I never take it as harsh, unless there's clear hostility. I honestly thought they were new and didn't know what had gone on with No Apologies, which is fine. I just figured I take the opportunity to explain.
I get the desire for Emory to be petty. I've had my daydreams and fantasies too. But the "if they go low, you go lower" is such a horsemen way of looking at things. Who knows, maybe they'll influence her and drag her to that level. As always, Will is the source of his own undoing😂
And about Will throwing Alex in Emory's face being proof of his lack of love doesn't hit the same with me. He was actively denying his feelings and trying to hurt her. I meant if you're in a relationship with someone and you are claiming to love them, you don't say things designed to hurt them, which would be the situation if I were to write a fic where they're married.
People also keep saying that Emory has to keep company with Alex, as if she hasn't also slept with Alex. As if sleeping with Alex is something that's hard to do. As if Alex doesn't roll on her back, legs wide open for just about any character in this series. Pithom crew, Lev, Banks, Rika, Michael, Damon...
Will's not unique.
Emory got the short end of the stick? Everyone in this crew knows exactly how good Alex is, good enough to pay for her college education and a luxury apartment, and they still picked someone else to commit to and love.
Emory knew that Alex wasn't going anywhere when she asked Will to marry her. She's clearly not threatened in the least. Can you imagine? Will sleeps with this girl for the nearly five years and yet the second you appear in the scene and give him a second chance, he never thinks about going back to her? The power trip Emory should feel in Alex's presence?
But I know that most of the readers doubt Will's loyalty and commitment (I don't). And I know PD didn't write the Emory and Alex to have a competition, but if they did, Emory won that round and every round after.
Emory showing up everyday with a satisfied smile on her face, still warm from Will's bed, is petty enough for me.
Thanks for responding! I probably won't ever jump on this train, but I understand it's appeal.
Edit: coming back to say that I don't think my characterization of Em is better than any one's. I see her in a certain light, but it's not the correct one. It's just the one I enjoy. PD's proven that I can be so very wrong about these characters. If you see Em being petty and using her past to make Will realize he has a lot to make up for whatever her motive is, that's just as likely as her not doing it.
Sorry, i thought that when I read the ask, but then I never said it and I thought I really needed to😅
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His children
(How did Davarax end up with his troubled children?)
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“Davarax. A word.”
Slightly surprised, Davarax glances over as Mardsk walks towards him. The guy is one of the Teachers, one who rarely spoke to the Fighting Corps. Sure, Davarax had been a Teacher once too but that was years ago and most just consider him a Fighter now.
“What can I help you with, ner vod?” Davarax asks, curious.
Mardsk comes to a halt in front of him, seems to struggle for words and gives a big sigh before he just jumps into it. “Paz Vizla.”
Davarax frowns. The heir to the Vizla clan, he's seen the young boy around and knows he will one day be a valuable member of the Fighting Corps, judging by his size and love for battle. “What about him?”
“He's a problem.” Mardsk blurts out. “The boy is a bully. He keeps picking on my Spring Class, beats them up and terrifies them.”
Davarax' frown deepens and he crosses his arms thoughtfully. “Wait. Your Spring Class? Aren't they, what, three or four years older than him?”
“Yeah, so?” Mardsk replies with a slight edge to his voice. “The boy is a bully nonetheless. He's disruptive and constantly challenging my authority, thinking he's above the rules because he's a Vizla.”
“And what do you want me to do about it?” Davarax does not like where this is going.
“You train him.” Mardsk plows on. “You have experience with difficult kids and you know she would approve of us keeping the Vizla clan quiet.”
Not liking Mardsk using his connection to her one bit, Davarax still doesn't reject the request right away. He's always had a weakness for the outcasts. “Let me talk to him...”
And true to his word, later that day, Davarax hunts down the kid. He finds him sitting in one of the study rooms, reading on one of the datapads there.
Paz Vizla is big, Davarax has no trouble seeing how he can take on and defeat children years older than himself, but there is nothing menacing about the young boy right now. He is devouring the information on the datapad, which a quick peek reveals to be Mandalorian history. Interesting.
“Hey.” Davarax gets his attention. “You know who I am?”
Paz looks up at him, slightly curious but completely self-assured. “Yeah. You're Davarax. You're-”
Davarax nods. “That's me. Pleased to meet you, Paz Vizla.”
Now Paz frowns and he sits up a little straighter. “What do you want?” There is a challenge in his words as well as in the insolent stare. He is his father's son, alright.
“I wanted to meet you.” Davarax sits on the desk next to him. “Because they want me to train you.”
“Figures.” Paz scoffs with obvious contempt. “Mardsk is a coward.”
Amused, Davarax tilts his head and scans the kid's body language. It's a wonderful mess of arrogance and insecurity. He's angry, but also clearly hurt by Mardsk's action. Not completely corrupted by his father, then. Good. “He just knows when he's out of his league. That's not a bad thing, ad'ika. It can save your life outside the Covert.” Davarax sees the youngster wobbling between the lingering hurt and the inferred compliment. “So, would you be okay with that? Me training you?”
Paz looks at him, scans him in return and leans back in his chair. “Why would you want to do that? You're on the Fighting Corps. You don't do teacher stuff anymore.”
Davarax shrugs. “I might make an exception for you.”
“For me? Why? Because I'm a Vizla?” Paz drawls, suspicious.
“No.” Davarax says. “Because I think you have a lot of potential and you will do great things for the Covert. I also think that maybe you need someone who understands you a little better to help that happen.”
Paz shifts uneasily on his chair, his gaze flickers and ruins his pretend arrogance. He swallows and makes himself meet Davarax' gaze. “And that's you?”
“That's me.”
“And who is to say you won't just hand me off to some other teacher?”
Davarax shakes his head. “I won't do that.” His words are calm and secure, no doubt whatsoever.
Paz considers it, then turns back to the datapad and shrugs. “Fine. Sure. Whatever.”
And just like that, Davarax had the first of what would be known as the Fearsome Four.
It takes a long time for him to gain Paz' trust and respect, but with a calm and steady approach, not responding to Paz' tantrums but rather making him use his words; the boy's energy is eventually channeled where it is meant to go.
It doesn't mean Paz stops getting into fights, not by a long shot, but now he at least goes after the ones capable of defending themselves and guilty of some kind of offense, and not just some random victim that crosses Paz' path.
Then comes the morning when Davarax hears a knock on the door to his quarters, opens it and finds another teacher standing there with a tight grip on a tiny, skinny boy's neck.
The boy stares sullenly at the floor, curly hair poking up at all angles, the neckline of his shirt pulled a little to the side and showing a prominent collarbone due to his skinniness. His tiny hands are clenched into tight fists. That is how Davarax meets Barthor.
Unlike Paz, Barthor doesn't show much emotion at being 'handed off' to a new teacher, but those eyes speak volumes. He is furious and filled with spite. Being small and skinny in a society that values strength and fighting abilities can't be easy, but he's been getting back at them in inventive and sometimes fire hazardous ways. Davarax could smell the stench of singed hair through his air filter when the teacher had appeared on his doorstep with the little culprit.
Barthor had pulled one stunt after another,a proper troublemaker, but what Davarax admires is the fact that they were never able to prove it was him. Not once. That speaks of intelligence. So he agrees to train him as well.
Where Paz uses anger and brute strength to intimidate, Barthor immediately tries to sneak his way into Davarax' brain and heart, mapping Davarax' mind to manipulate him while trying to act small and helpless to appeal to his protective instinct. Sneaky little thing. He's going to go far in life.
It turns out that once Barthor realizes that Davarax doesn't fall for his tricks, but treats him with respect and actually talks to him and not over him, the little one thaws and becomes his shadow.
It's kind of cute, really.
Paz isn't pleased at first, but decides the runt isn't a threat or a challenge so he ends up mostly ignoring Barthor, who keeps a wary distance in return. They focus on Davarax, not each other.
“Please...” A third teacher pleads some time later. He holds out his arm and pulls up the fabric and shows the painful mark there. “She bit me! I pulled her off a kid she was pummeling and she bit me. She held on for so long I considered prying her jaws open with a stick!” The man lowers his arm and shakes his head. “You gotta help me, Dav. Please!”
Now this one Davarax asks for some time to consider. He has heard a lot about Raga Saxon, have seen her in action, and she might be the one child he's not entirely sure he can help. He has no idea how to deal with that kind of volatile temper. There is fearless and then there is reckless.
Somehow Paz finds out that Raga's teacher has asked to move her to Davarax and the boy instantly starts to hassle him to say yes.
“She's awesome. She really is! You gotta see her fight.” Paz pleads, walking next to Davarax.
“I have seen that very thing. That is what worries me.” Davarax mutters. “There is no discipline to her. She's basically feral, Paz.”
“I know!” Paz' grin is the brightest Davarax has even seen on the boy. “As I said, she's awesome. You got to let her join us. I'll look after her, I promise. You won't even notice she's there. Please?”
Paz rarely asks for anything so Davarax promises him he'll think about it. And the next day, he stays hidden and watches Raga. He sees the energy crackling under her skin, the wild hair and her complete lack of fear. It's the kind of personality that can ruin a mission and get other Mandalorians killed, but then he sees her with Paz and observes, to his surprise, the other side to her. She 'is' capable of team work, she can be still and patient, and for some weird reason it seems like Paz is the one who brings that out in her.
Fine. She deserves a chance as well. She's a tough little fighter, like a Mandalorian should be. They just need to work on her mean streak.
Bringing Raga in changes the dynamics as she instantly goes after Barthor, like a predator sensing prey. Davarax hopes that Paz will put an end to it, but no such luck. The bigger boy just chews on his snacks and watches with lazy amusement. Davarax is on the verge of interfering when Barthor strikes back.
Raga's shrieks of fury echoes through the hallways, Barthor runs for his life, while Paz chews his snacks with lazy amusement, and Davarax struggles not to laugh. Yeah, Barthor is going to be fine. He doesn't need help.
It is almost a year later when he opens a hatch and finds a frightened boy staring up at him. His name is Din.
Davarax reaches out a hand, Din takes it.
When the request comes if Davarax can train Din too, there is a lack of teachers and Din is severely affected by the trauma he's been through, Davarax doesn't hesitate. He found the boy, he feels responsible for him.
And against all odds, Din is the glue that makes them all stick together.
Paz' protective instinct is triggered hard, Raga senses Paz' approval and actually behaves for long enough to realize she likes Din, and Barthor is so happy to no longer be the lone one against the other two that he reaches out a hand in friendship as well. And Din finds safety from his nightmares in their presence.
It shouldn't work. Not at all. But it does.
He even finds them, more than once, sleeping in a pile together.
And as they learn, as they grow, they keep amazing him and there's not a single day that goes by where he doesn't feel proud of them. They are difficult, yes, complicated, definitely, but they are good students and will do good things for the Covert, he knows this.
The others start referring to them as the Fearsome Four, but Davarax calls them his children and he knows in his heart that he will love them until the day he dies.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑃𝑡.2 (𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎×𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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Part One/ Part Three / Part Four
Pairing: Badboy! Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Reader (Female)
Genre: Angst, Fluff, College Au.
Summary: Y/N has no idea what to make of the mysterious Park Seonghwa. Does he really like her or is he simply playing with her?
Flipping the light switches off, Y/N typed in the security code into the pin pad before closing the door behind her, the faint beeping from inside letting her know that the alarm was functioning properly. She honestly wondered at times about if anyone would ever think about robbing a coffee shop. Granted it made a lot of money during certain seasons, but unless you actually work in one, you probably wouldn't think so. Yet it was surprising to know it could make as much money as any famous fast food restaurant. Well.....with those sky high prices, it made sense.
She stopped and checked to make sure she had everything in her bag, not wanting to risk having left her keys inside and find out until she reached her apartment. Satisfied by the confirmation, she began her walk home. If it had been fall or winter, she would have seriously considered taking a bus, even though it wasn't that far away. But it was summer and thankfully there was still an hour left before the sun finally set. She truly believed she was lucky to have found a place to live that was close not only to her workplace, but also her school, even if it was a tiny studio apartment. She felt proud to say it was hers.
Feeling something tug on her sneaker, she looked down and realized one of her shoes was untied. She bent down and began tying it up again, carelessly placing her bag right next to her on the street. She was so focused on her task in front of her, she failed to notice the looming figure in front of her.
"You know anybody could just whisk away your bag and run at this moment?"
She snapped her head back up and saw Seonghwa standing in front of her, an amused smile on his face. He bent down and picked up her bag, dusting off the dirt that had gotten on the bottom part of it in the process.
"Tsk. Tsk. And here I thought you were a more.... what's the word? Meticulous person."
Y/N gave him a questioning gaze before standing up, quickly grabbing her bag from him.
"Not even a thank you?" Seonghwa shook his head.
"What are you still doing here? I thought you went home." Y/N said, clearly confused as to why he'd be there still.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow at her.
"I thought I told you back in the shop that I'd see you later?"
Y/N recalled the moment, it did seem weird to her that he'd say that.
"Well doll, it's later......and I wanted to see you." He explained, a slight smirk tugging on the corners of his lips.
Y/N let out a tiny scoff.
Seonghwa blinked at her response.
"I thought I made myself clear the other day Y/N. I like you."
Y/N blushed slightly at the memory of him confronting her back in school. She was hoping the shadow from the building in front of her casted enough to hide it from him.
"And I said there would be plenty of time to get to know each other.....well I'm free right now and obviously so are you. So why don't we get something to eat? My treat."
He grinned at her, obviously not expecting her to turn down his offer. Any other girl wouldn't say no to Seonghwa. But Y/N wasn't any girl, and she wasn't about to say yes to someone she hardly knew. Especially not when he acted so strange for her liking.
"No thank you."
She quickly responded and took a step to walk away from him, but his hand reached out and stopped her from moving any further.
"Why not?" He asked.
Y/N tried to think of an excuse, any quick excuse to get out of this.
"I'm not hungry." Was the best thing she could think of.
The loud grumbling of her stomach was a dead giveaway of her fat lie. After working 8 hours straight with only a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a muffin on her only break, of course she was borderline starving and needed something in her stomach before it began eating itself. Her hands clutched her stomach, hoping to silence the obnoxious noise, but ultimately just making it more obvious.
Seonghwa looked down at her figure and snorted softly.
"Seriously, I know a really good place here that sells burgers and shakes. Are you really going to say no to free food?"
At this point she could either tell him to fuck off and stomp away home, but ultimately she'd leave even more hungry and would still have to whip up something on the stove that would take approximately half an hour or more. Or she could accept his offer, but it'd mean interacting with him, not that it was necessarily a bad thing, but she honestly didn't know what to make of him. He's been straightforward with her all this time, but how was she to know he was being serious? For all she knew, he could just be playing with her. After all, isn't that what all bad boys are known for?
Guess there was only one way to find out.
Y/N looked around at the 50's themed diner she was in:
Black and white tiled floor that was so clean it almost looked slippery. Cherry red leather seats, either in the form of booths, tables or chairs on the front white counter that stretched at least 40 feet. An array of old records hanged on the wall, whether or not you could actually play them on a record player or if they were just flimsy decorations would forever be a secret. An old juke box was stationed in one of the corners of the counter currently playing The Beatles, its color combination of yellow and blue not quite appealing to the eyes. And of course, a pinball machine was placed near the entrance for kids to waste their quarters on. They even had a light blue 1955 convertible Chevrolet Bel Air for people to go take pictures of or with. At this point it wouldn't have surprised Y/N if waitresses came out of the kitchen in roller skates and started singing songs from Grease or Hairspray.
It became an even more ironic thought when she saw Seonghwa walk back to her with their food. Dressed in a white shirt, distressed jeans, black combat boots and black leather jacket with his hair slicked back, he could almost be a modern day Danny Zuko and for some reason, that thought made her bust a tiny giggle.
"What's so funny?" Seonghwa asked as he sat the tray down in front of her.
"Oh....nothing." She was not about to get caught.
Seonghwa looked at her funny, but ultimately decided not to pry.
"Here you go."
He slipped her food in front of her: a burger the size of her two hands and a 32 ounce chocolate shake with whipped chocolate and a cherry on the top. A well sized platter with regular fries and curly fries made it obvious that they were going to share them. She didn't mind though, the portions were so big she doubted she'd even finish half of it.
She dug into the food, her stomach thanking her for finally putting something in her body. She was so hungry that she didn't care if she was eating like how she usually ate when she was at home, messy and slobbish. She was halfway through her burger, when she caught Seonghwa just staring at her. That's when she started to feel self conscious. She quickly swallowed what was currently in her mouth and grabbed a napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth.
Seonghwa giggled at her.
"Don't worry about it. It's pretty refreshing to see a girl not care about how she looks like when she eats, and to actually eat. You have no idea how many girls I've brought here who only get salads and nothing else."
He cringed slightly at past memories of awful dates that make him wanna kick himself for even thinking they were attractive. He blamed himself though. He tended to only look at pretty faces and end up regretting it when he found out they were all self-centered, shallow, and prissy girls that just made his blood boil.
"Maybe that's why I like you. You're different."
He didn't even realize he said that out loud until she whipped her head up at him. He was stunned that he accidentally let that slip, but he was able to play it off coolly.
"How......how can you..... we've never even..?" Y/N couldn't even completely form her question but Seonghwa knew what she was referring to.
Sighing softly, he began:
"Well I'm going to sound like a total creep now but that's inevitable. It was a few months back, when you had changed majors and had to be transferred to our class..."
Seonghwa ignored the usual reprimand of the professor, telling him he was late again. As if he didn't do it on purpose. He just hated this class. It was undoubtedly one of the most boring subjects one could possibly take. He began to stare off into space, not even bothering to listen to what was being said.
He looked around at the familiar faces he saw in class, the same people from last year. Until a head of (insert hair color) hair caught his eye. She was definitely not there before. Seonghwa tried to think if he had ever seen her around before, but couldn't quite remember.
Unknowingly, he found himself staring at her more and more each time they had class together. He found out she had a habit of tapping her pen against her cheek when she was trying to concentrate, she kept everything in her bag organized and hardly socialized with anybody.
One time he followed her to her locker, just to briefly see what was inside of it. You can always tell a lot about a person based on how they decorate their locker. But Seonghwa only saw a few pictures of what he assumed was her family, few friends and a lot of sticky notes with motivational quotes written on them in various sharpie colors, with either stars or diamonds as decorations.
That just peeked his curiosity even more in trying to decipher who the mysterious girl was, and his curiosity turned to fondness for the girl, so he had no choice but to admit that he was attracted to her and wanted to get close to her.
"Wait. Is that why you were staring at me in class the other day?" Y/N asked after he told her all that.
"Took you long enough to notice too. You were so oblivious to it that it was kinda funny." He chuckled.
Y/N looked back at that moment and realized she still had so many questions left.
"But then why did you look angry after I looked away?"
Seonghwa shifted his position, sitting up straighter so he could look at her.
"Why? Cause you looked at me with such a bitch face and even rolled your eyes at me. I was kinda angry and hurt that you did that given how I feel about you." He explained.
Y/N looked at him confused.
"I did not roll my eyes at you."
"Uh....yeah. You did. You looked at me as if I was a bug or something." He corrected her.
"Well..... I was tired and hungry! I'm not in control of my actions or emotions when I'm in that state." She tried defending herself, feeling somewhat embarrassed that she had no control over her facial expressions.
"Yeah, I've noticed. You weren't all that happy 25 minutes ago when I asked you out on this date." Now it was Seonghwa's turn to roll his eyes at her previous behavior.
"This....this isn't a date!" Y/N exclaimed.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"Oh no? Do enlighten me then. What is this?"
Y/N thought about it for a moment.
"We are just 2 individuals, having a meal together and conversing." She stated.
"Why are we conversing though?" Seonghwa continued to pry.
Y/N hummed.
"Because you said you wanted to get to know me better?"
Seonghwa smiled at that.
"Sounds to me like a date then."
Y/N mentally face palmed. She practically walked into that one herself. She sighed as she picked up one of the fries and dipped it into her milkshake before eating it.
"And now I've learnt one more thing about you: we have similar tastes in eating."
Y/N watched as he mirrored her actions and dipped his fries in his strawberry milkshake. Y/N decided to just finish eating as soon as possible so she could go home early. The sun was starting to set and she didn't like walking home in the dark, even if rarely any crime happened in this neighborhood. She was planning on not saying anything else, but then something popped in her mind that made her ask:
"Wait a minute! The day after the.....incident." She began.
"You mean when you were a total bitch?" Seonghwa teased.
"Haha, funny." She threw a fry at him, causing Seonghwa to laugh even harder.
She had to admit though, he had a cute laugh.
"Anyways, the day afterwards, I heard 2 girls talking in the bathroom about you. They said that you were pissed off at me-"
"I kinda was." He interrupted her again.
"Let me finish!" She cried out rather annoyed.
Seonghwa bit his lip as he stifled another laugh. He found it adorable when Y/N got agitated.
"They made it sound like you were going to beat me up. Something about 'giving it to me'" She held up her fingers in quoting signals.
Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, trying to decipher what she meant. Then it hit him.
"Oh! No. Trust me, I wasn't going to beat you up. As for 'giving it to you' "
He mimicked her quotation signs, causing Y/N to glare at him for teasing her again.
"I was referring to the notepad you dropped. Remember? I gave it back to you?"
Now she face palmed literally as she realized she hadn't thought about that. And here she thought she was dead meat for sure.
"Was that why you were avoiding me the rest of the week? You actually believed I was going to fight you?"
Y/N swirled her milkshake with her straw, unable to look at Seonghwa in the eyes anymore.
"Y/N? I'm talking to you. You really believed that?"
The authority in his voice made her look up at him, his expression showing offense and indignation at the thought that she actually believed him capable of such a thing.
"Why would you think that?" He continued his interrogation.
"Well..... I don't know! Ok? Maybe cause I've heard so many rumors about you. You don't exactly have the best of reputations at school. Everyone says how you're...."
Her voice trailed off, afraid to finish her sentence, afraid to offend or hurt him in anyway .
"That I'm a delinquent? A criminal?"
Y/N blinked when he said that, as if he could read her mind.
"I know what people say about me, I'm not blind nor deaf to their gossip." He stated, not at all unfazed by what he often heard.
"So does that mean none of it is true?" She couldn't help but want the answer to her question.
"Well depends. Have I gotten into a lot of fights with other guys? Yes. Do I have a temper at times that gets me in trouble? Yes. Have I fucked a bunch of girls just for fun? Definitely. Do I smoke or drink often? I'm not denying it."
Seonghwa reached into his pocket and took out his lighter, twirling it around in his hand a few times so Y/N could get a glance at it before putting it back in his pants.
"But have I ever vandalized, stolen or done anything remotely illegal? No. Have I beaten someone up for no good reason? No."
Y/N listened to his words very carefully. She was amazed how he was calmly telling her all of this.
"And I most certainly have never even thought about lifting a finger against a woman. Especially not one I'm interested in." He confessed abruptly, causing Y/N to gulp her drink a little fast, nearly making her choke.
"I'm sorry." She apologized.
Seonghwa chuckled softly.
"Don't be. I get why you'd be scared. I just wish you'd get to know the real me......"
He reached his hand out and lightly brushed his finger on the top of her knuckles.
"Kinda like how I want to know you..."
The physical contact sent a weird feeling down her body. It was chilly, yet warm at the same time. She wanted to reach out and lace her fingers in his, and she would have, until a high pitched voice interrupted them.
"Seonghwa! Is that you?!"
They looked over to see a purple haired boy waving his hand in the air, as if his loud voice didn't make his presence already known. A pink haired boy was standing next to him, looking embarrassed as his friend jumped up and down. Having had enough of that, he pulled the boy by his arm and ran over to Seonghwa and Y/N's table.
"Hi! What a coincidence to see you here! Why didn't you tell us you would be here? You could have joined Yeosang and I. He promised to take me out to eat." He pulled whom Y/N assumed to be Yeosang closer to him.
The purple haired boy spoke so loud and fast Y/N had a hard time understand what he was saying.
"Promised? I was threatened." Yeosang replied, causing the other boy to let out a loud laugh, making Y/N think of a hyena.
"Hyung, where are your manners? Aren't you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?"
Seonghwa blushed and cleared his throat. It was the first time Y/N saw him get flustered and it was definitely funny.
"Y/N isn't my girlfriend-"
"Oh really? Great! Cause she's cute."
The boy wasted no time and held his hand out to her.
"My name is Wooyoung, I'm single, Bi, and I have a driver's license." He winked at her.
"For a moped." Yeosang corrected him.
Wooyoung sent a glare towards his friend.
"Y/N, these are my friends: Wooyoung and Yeosang. They go to our school, but you've probably never seen them cause they're a grade below us."
Y/N nodded and waved awkwardly at them.
"Yeosang, Wooyoung, this is Y/N. She's not my girlfriend, but she's off limits. Ok?" Seonghwa made sure to lock eyes with Wooyoung, silently warning him not to step any further into his territory.
"So if she's not your girlfriend, does that mean she's a fuck bud-"
Yeosang stepped on Wooyoung's foot, causing him to bend over in pain. Yeosang however smiled sweetly as if nothing happened.
"Anyways, it was nice seeing you Hyung. We wouldn't want to take up more of your time. Besides, we'll be seeing you tomorrow at Hongjoong's party. Right?"
Seonghwa nodded.
"You know I never pass up an opportunity to party."
"Will you bring Y/N with you?" Wooyoung asked, hoping she'd come.
Seonghwa looked over to Y/N, who tried to think of an answer.
"Uh... no thanks. I wasn't invited so-"
"Who cares? No one needs an invitation these days. It's a frat party anyways, a bunch of strangers end up coming in the end." Wooyoung insisted.
"I'll....think about it." Y/N knew she wouldn't.
"Ok! I'll take it as a yes. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Taking a hold of Yeosang's hand, Wooyoung made his way over to another table, the pink haired boy already looking exhausted at the thought of spending at least 2 more hours with his highly energetic friend.
Y/N smiled softly at them. They were definitely an odd pairing, but they seemed to compliment each other.
"It's getting late. Want me to take you home?" Seonghwa asked her.
"It's fine. I can walk. It's not that far." She refused.
"I insist. I want to make sure you get there safely." He insisted.
Y/N smirked at him.
"Are you really concerned for my safety or do you just wanna find out where I live?"
Seonghwa's mouth dropped at her insinuation.
"I don't..... ok you got me there."
She chuckled at his reaction, but ultimately got up.
"Ok. Fine. Take me home. The worst you can possibly do is murder me and throw my body in a lake."
Seonghwa shook his head and picked up his jacket. He made sure to hold the door open for her when they went out. Y/N didn't even notice he had stopped walking until she heard him whistle behind her. Turning around, she saw him standing next to a black Harley-Davidson motorcycle. She raised her hands and gestured him to explain.
"I told you I was taking you home."
He tapped the seat.
"So come on. Hop on doll."
He began taking out the spare helmet for her to put on. She walked back to him and placed her hands on her hips.
"You kept it parked here the entire time?" She asked him.
"Uh huh." He responded.
Her face was full of shock.
"Did you know that I would say yes to coming here with you?"
"Well not exactly 'knew'.......more like....hoped."
He winked at her before placing the helmet above her head, making sure to strap it tightly.
"Safety first."
After putting on his own helmet, he got on the motorcycle and waited for her to get on. She awkwardly threw her leg over the seat and hesitated to wrap her arms around him. Seonghwa huffed and simply grabbed her wrists to put them on his stomach.
As soon as he started revving up the motorcycle, Y/N tightened her grip around him. Even through his shirt, she could feel rock solid abs underneath it. It made her wonder what he looked like without a shirt. The thought temporarily distracted her from the worry of actually riding in a motorcycle for the first time.
Sensing her fear, Seonghwa grabbed one of her hands and gave it a light squeeze.
"Don't worry doll. I'll keep you safe."
*part 3 coming soon*
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Hey hey!! How are you? I hope you're doing well 💛 sooo I was scrolling down on tags and than I saw one of your matchups and I'd like to have a romantic matchup if it's ok ^^
Here I go heheh
About my appearance: Height is 5'3, I've got long and wavy auburn hair, brown eyes, small waist + lil bit thick thighs aand small hands
About my personality: I've got a really mixed personality kdwjbednjds (Sun: Aquarius, Rising: Leo, Moon: Scorpio, Intj) I can be either calm or chaotic. Actually it depends on people I'm hanging out with. I can be blunt from time to time, most of the time, I don't describe myself a very talkative one but I really am a good listener and I like talkative people. But when I start talking? I literally won't shut my mouth ☠️ I am a generous, supportive and caring person. Also a lazy one enbdndndnd and a sarcastic one 👀 what can I say? I love teasing people I love heheh
Hobbies ect: I was a vb player in highschool 2 years ago and a kickboxer. I can't do something without listening music, I can't live without music!! Also, I can play guitar and ukulele and I can sing, I love drawing :> I used to skate and I like swimming (But at the same time I'm afraid of ocean -only deep parts- and fishes.) I'm afraid of butterflies KSBEBNSBS I DON'T LIKE THEM but I love bees they're so cute heheh anyways. Oh btw my love language is absulately physical touch, and surprise!! I am a touch starved person 👌🏻 I sometimes buy food for street animals, I can't stay put not petting them if I see one ksjenejsnsnbs my friends are tired of this and once I saw a cat or dog:
Friend: Ah shit here we go again.
That's all, I hope it's not too long. Have a good day love youu 💛
Well shit. Sorry, I forgot adding: I can't stand selfishness and injustice. And I like helping people. And as you can see, I am a smart-dumb one... Also I can be very insecure about myself, my mood swings sometimes and I love sleeping heheh that's all (really) sorry for spamming your asks 🤦🏻‍♀️ oh God I'm such a dumbass
Bokuto Koutarou
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
So he met you at the park
He was there just feeding the duckies
(I strongly believe this man has a routine of going to the park just to feed the ducks)
And omg
What a coincidence
There you were
Also feeding those majestic birds
You guys started talking about feeding wildlife and whatnot
And I feel like mid-conversation he hit you with the "so... you come here often" line
Cuz oh boy did this man think you were gorgeous
And he really liked talking to you!
After that day it sorta became a habit for you two to meet up at the park just to hang
Most of the time you both would bring food to feel all the little park critters
But you guys would really just chat
And on occasion play on the actual playground 444
It didn't take long for Bokuto to realize his feelings for you
I mean come on
He literally went to the park almost EVERY DAY to see you
If that's not love I don't know what is
And since he's just a bold person in general
He just straight up asked you to go out with him
And you being the sarcastic little shit you are responded with "jeez at least take me on a date first"
Jokingly of course
But Bokuto took you so seriously 444
So then he proceeded to ask you out on a date
I mean you still said yes sooooo
Things worked out in the end
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
He loves how your energy is very flexible
Like one minute you can be all crazy with him
And the next minute you could both just be cuddling on the couch in silence
Either option sounds like a good time to him tho 👀
He loves that your love language is physical touch
I think everyone agrees on the fact that Bokuto is a VERY touchy person
So the fact that your cool with that AND he gets physical affection in return is great 👌
Ok I’m sorry but it needs to be said...
He loves your thighs 😀
Idk man I just see him as a thigh guy
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok so y’all still go to the park and feed the duckies
And that is one of the MANY MANY things he loves to do with you
But he also likes to go skating with you
Roller skating
Ice Skating
Ok maybe a little less with the ice skating....
He just can’t keeps on slipping ok >:(
But honestly y’all could be doing anything together
He just likes spending time with you ☺️
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Bokuto and you have opposite fears
Your afraid of butterflies
Bokuto loves butterflies!
Bu he’s afraid of bees 😀
I think if he sees a be he either books it in the opposite direction
Or just freezes
He always asks you to draw him something
And he keeps every drawing you give him!
After bragging about it to everyone on the team of course 😌
This man will NOT allow you to be insecure about yourself
He just won’t
He’s always hyping you up and complementing you
He thinks your beautiful and he’s gonna make sure you think that too
When Virgo and Aquarius join together in a love match, they bring out either the best or worst in one another.
Virgo has a more rigid, theory-oriented approach to life. The poetic Aquarian approach, on the other hand, knows nothing of the scientific world. But these two lovers may actually thrive on their differences; they grow together as they learn about one another.
Aquarius tends to passionate and temperamental while Virgo operates more methodically, and with little fuss. Virgo is very organized and levelheaded. Aquarius is modern and finds routine unthinkable. Virgo will find Aquarius exciting but may become annoyed trying to probe this artist’s mind. Aquarius will be upset by Virgo’s criticism, but will find the solid base Virgo provides very appealing.
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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thatpinkbetch · 4 years
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I'm going to answer it this way, because I'm actually not a fan of some of those, and I've heard this is the way to do it if you don't want it ending up in the tag or the search I think? If i censor any of the ship names it's not out of malice! I simply don't want any of this to end up in front of eyes that just want to enjoy their ships 💖💖💖 if there is anyone who doesn't want to see opinions against t*d*d*ku, k*r*b*ku, or even iz**ch*ka, please don't read any further! Oh my goodness i hope this is all legible...
Anyways, hello!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about my opinion avkvmsocnaocjsoxks it also makes me really happy you like my blog 🥺🥺🥺 (I hope this answer doesn't ruin that avskvneognsocjs)
I'll start out by confirming that I'm not a multishipper. It makes me excited to see how the act of shipping itself can make others happy, but it's just not that way for me. I actually never read fanfic until I got into bnha (bkdk is just that powerful 😁😁) I'm actually...a little serious when i ship, or when i enjoy media, i analyze pretty heavily, so also, if that doesn't sound like anyone's cup of tea, i would once again recommend to stop reading and enjoy your day please!
I love analyzing characters and storylines and dynamics, but i will admit, I'm not a fan of most of the ships - not romantically. I think all the characters have interesting relationships to each other, all of the kids are great friends, and I love bonds and friendships so much 🥺🥺🥺
Those first two are perhaps the biggest, at least they definitely were the biggest when I first entered. Once i caught up, I didn't really understand the enthusiasm, but people have fun shipping, so that's nice! I think of those two as easy ships, if that makes sense? They're pretty simple, and easy to digest.
I personally am not a fan of romantic t*d*d*ku for a very specific reason; it feels weird to me for Todo to immediately fall in love with the first person who's ever shown him kindness (since his mother of course). Todo had never had any friends, nor any want for friends, obviously because of the abuse he faced as a child. Mido was his first exploration at a life outside of his father, a life he got to make for himself, it just doesn't feel right to me that he should immediately think "oh, is this romantic love? Is this the one and only for me?" Well, perhaps a teenager might think that way, but i don't think that's actually how he feels deep down, and I'm sure that's something a lot of us have to learn as we grow (I've definitely struggled with my own understanding of romance for the past 8 years). I think he still is trying to learn how to socialize and to make friends and to be a friend (and he's doing SUCH a good job!) But to immediately plunge into romance, which can be complicated, i don't think that would be right for him. I hope that makes sense! I know they're a very cute ship, which makes for fun! But again, I can be a little serious when i ship...
K*r*b*ku kind of falls into similar territory for me? Baku definitely had friends growing up, but he's seemed to always have trouble understanding his feelings and where he stands with others, causing trust issues. Kiri is really the first person he knew where he stood with, a person for him to be comfortable with and feel on equal ground, which i think is such a huge and positive role in his life, and i don't necessarily think that it needs to be romantic - for both of these, i think these relationships are incredibly important, to everyone involved, and making them romantic doesn't make them any more important!! In fact, i feel like them as friends actually can offer a more complex, interesting, and human dynamic between these characters, as sometimes people simply default to romance and then end up pushing for the same old tropes and ignore all the intricacies Horikoshi includes in his writing.
Again, I love Mido's friendship with Todo, and I love Baku's friendship with Kiri. I think these relationships are incredibly important, and friends are incredibly important. People who ship them are having fun, which is so lovely, and i hope they continue to have fun! I hope you personally find more fics about them that make you smile and brighten your day 💖💖💖
Iz**ch*ka is a little difficult, because they certainly are cute, separately and together. I thought they were cutest before Ura was told about her potential crush on Mido, when she was simply a source of bubbly energy and positivity that helped Mido open up and feel comfortable around other people. I feel though that, romantically, it's extraordinarily one-sided, and at this point, i have to wonder if they really are "end goal." End goal for shounen, of course, is hardly ever explicit ahzovndlfjsoxo but i feel like a better storyline for Horikoshi to take would be for Ura to realize that she's been confused, and these feelings haven't really been a positive experience for her. I've definitely gone through things like that as a teenager. Now, the ship can be very cute! They're basically the same person, and they're cute and bubbly! But again, it simply isn't for me.
I think Momjirou is very cute!! Of course, as a lesbian, i sense strong lesbian vibes from Momo, and strong bi vibes from Jirou, and I also saw the ship potential ever since the USJ attack - which i think, so did everyone else ahaovndofjsojfsk they're best friends without a doubt, though i have to say, i really like Kamijirou. She just makes him so soft, and he's so in awe of her, and she thinks he's so funny, I love how supportive he is of her, especially since she can be really insecure 🥺🥺🥺
I also think Ura and Tsu are very cute but another easy ship, and i kind of really like Ochamina 🥺 they're both pink and space themed, they're bubbly and energetic and kick ass, and i think they'd be super cute...
I saved todobaku for last, because, you know what they say, best for last! 😇😇😇
I've said it before, but if there was no Mido (impossible obviously, and i would never want that) then todobaku is where my heart would lie. Baku has never really been shown chasing after anyone except for Mido...and Todo, which really gets at my heart. There's a grudging respect there - very, very grudging ahakckdkfjskdk which i find very appealing! Todo is very important to Baku and he has also been able to show Baku some things about himself that he needed to question and reevaluate. Meanwhile, Todo puts up with exactly 0% of Baku's shit, which i find absolutely hilarious. It's funny to me how Baku wishes to intimidate Todo as he does everyone else, and Todo simply does not care. And Baku wants to be mad, and ends up mad that he can't be mad since Todo is a strong and worthy opponent. They just have such an interesting chemistry, there's so much friction, so much tension, and I enjoy it, particularly since they clearly should be friends, would be great friends, want to be friends, but Baku simply won't get over it 😂😂 I do prefer them as friends, but friends that are incredibly close, two people that understand each other on almost a telepathic level, two people that give each other shit while also refusing to take the other's shit.
I do agree that many people in this fandom seem to think their ship stands on some moral high ground? It could be a disconnect from the previous generations of fandom, or it could also be the growing mentality on this site that everything needs to be a battle of moral superiority, and also that what you like is part of your personality, and if someone doesn't like what you like, then they don't like you or that they think you're factually incorrect. I personally have stopped going into the bn/ha tag simply because I don't enjoy, well, many things i find there, and I'm happy with those that i follow. I've definitely seen hatred and invalidation for both LGBT ships and m|w ships, neither of which I'm comfortable with. I definitely don't go off tumblr for fandom stuff because there's practically no acceptance for any same gender ships, or any queer headcanoning, which, I'll be honest, makes me scared, as i am a very anxious person avdkvndkfje i do think it should be noted that we should be as accepting of cishet ships as we are of queer ships - no debate on this one - but again, you are right when you say that many cishet headcanons have been used to invalidate LGBT voices, and any and all allies must always be aware of this! It is much more often that queer voices are silenced, that queer ships are ridiculed, that queer shippers aren't allowed to enjoy or see themselves. And to anybody that doesn't want to be an ally... Whelp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what are you doing here ajxkvmdogjdicjsicjsodj I'm gay
I haven't really read much of anything recently, let alone other ships, platonic or otherwise, because energy has been low for me for a long time. I wish i could participate more and support all my friends and other fans, but it's been a bit of a struggle 😣😣😣 I'm so sorry! Something that I can do is make posts and analyses and metas, as those are quick and make me excited, so I'm always happy to respond to asks like these! (I say as i take two hours to write this response...)
I hope people have been taking care of themselves and remember that tumblr is really good at letting you cater to your own interests! I hope if you've made it to the end of this response that you enjoyed it, and you're not mad at me ahsovjekgjsocjwodkso if you are, that's fine, I'm sorry, I probably am really bad at social/internet etiquette and such that help you filter 😣😣
To any who are curious, you cannot change my mind ahdogmdocjdidk thank you to whoever sent this ask!!! A lot of this is a bunch of rambling I've always wanted to talk about but was frankly too scared to post! I hope I made sense and answered everything you were asking!! Please have a good day/night/life!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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jemmydoolz · 5 years
Edgar Has Always Been Kind of a Bitch
hi okay so it's a little after midnight but I'm posting a fic rn bc it's the first fic I've written in like,, a yr and a half and also I'm rlly excited abt it??
anyway battle buddies/fahc jeremwood angst based on ramblings in a gc
(warning for minor assault implications at the beginning, and brief mentions of a suicide attempt at the end)!!!
Fiona and Gavin decide that what Jeremy needs is a night of bevs, and, to put it simply, get wasted, so the crew settles on going to a club that Friday. Jeremy only has one or two drinks, but boy does he get fucked up.
Ryan’s sitting and talking with Geoff and Jack in a booth, sipping a diet coke. He looks over Jack’s shoulder to see Jeremy standing at the bar with a much taller, more intimidating man looming over him. The guy reaches out toward Jeremy, who leans away from the touch. Jeremy nervously laughs and his eyes frantically dart around for someone, anyone who might be able to help him.
“Hello? Earth to Ryan?” Jack waves her hand in front of Ryan’s face.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah. sorry. Hey, um, I’m gonna go home, I’m just not really feeling great,” Ryan murmurs as he slides out of the booth, already heading toward Jeremy.
“Um, alright, I guess? Drive safe,” Jack calls after him.
Ryan speeds up when he sees the man grab Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy’s face flipped through a thousand emotions at once when he saw Ryan approaching, but eventually landed on confused but grateful. He gave Jeremy a look that said just go with what I’m about to say.
“Hey, babe,” Ryan says. The man immediately drops his grip on Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy does his best not to choke on his own spit when he hears the word babe come out of Ryan’s mouth. He hadn’t heard it in so long, and he didn’t think it would still hurt so much.
“Oh, hey!” Jeremy turns to Ryan and reaches up to peck him on the lips. “Where’d Edgar go? It’s his birthday, I figured he would wanna hang out with his friends!”
Fuck. Mentioning something about their friend ‘Edgar’ was always code for I don’t feel good about this, let’s leave. Edgar’s birthday meant I’m having a panic attack, I need your help. Ryan wanted to punch the guy that was practically feeling Jeremy up. No—he wanted to fucking kill that bastard. He and Jeremy may have had a severe falling out, they may have suffered years of heartache and longing, but he still felt responsible to make sure Jeremy was safe.
“He said he kinda wanted to go home. He went to the bathroom while I found you. You, uh, just about ready?” Ryan’s eyes flitted between Jeremy and the other man, who cleared his throat and mumbled something about needing to go find his friends before walking off.
Jeremy and Ryan both sigh in relief once he’s gone.
“Wanna head outside for some fresh air for a minute?” Ryan asks, getting a meek, obviously shaken-up nod in return.
Jeremy says something that Ryan can’t quite hear over the music as they walk outside.
“Oh, nothing. It was dumb.” Jeremy shakes his head. Ryan has had enough experience to know that it was better to just leave it alone. They both wordlessly come to a stop and lean against the wall of the building a few yards from the door. Almost as if they had been working as partners for years. They spend a few minutes saying nothing, watching people on the street, looking at the stars in the sky. Ryan can’t help but study the intricacies of Jeremy, realizing that so many things have changed, but somehow almost nothing about him is different. Jeremy’s hair is just a tad bit more grown out than it ever was at the agency (also, it’s bright purple and orange, which is not exactly the most appealing color combination, but that’s a topic for another day), but he still runs his hands through it when he’s lost in thought. It’s curlier than it used to be, but maybe that’s just because it’s longer. He still clenches his jaw so hard it seems like he’s going to break his teeth when he’s scared. He still wears a tank top under his shirt, no matter how hot it is outside. His eyes still crinkle at the corners when he lets out a bark of laughter that Ryan still swears up and down sounds exactly like a squeaky toy. He’s changed, though. Ryan can see in his eyes that he’s become aware of reality. He knows the responsibility he carries, the heavy consequences that come with his actions, that death is around the corner at every moment.
“D’you- d’you want me to take you home?” Ryan says barely above a whisper, but loud enough for Jeremy to hear. “You can go back inside if you want, but I know you always used to want to go home and be alone after Edgar shows up.” Jeremy lets out the tiniest breathy chuckle.
“Edgar has always been kind of a bitch, hasn’t he?” Jeremy says as he looks away from the sky to meet Ryan’s gaze, and his heart falls apart all over again for the thousandth time. That fond look of reminiscence and joy was one Ryan donned frequently at the agency. “I- Yeah. yeah. I’d really appreciate a ride home. I’m just a little too drunk to drive, I think.”
“Alright. I parked just down the street. Penthouse or your apartment?” Ryan hadn’t even noticed that Jeremy did seem somewhat tipsy; his Boston accent slipping in occasionally and his words slurring the tiniest bit.
“Um, apartment,” Jeremy says. “D’you rem-”
“Yes, I remember where your apartment is, Jeremy.”
It’s only a few minutes into the drive to the other side of town when Jeremy pipes up. “I honestly didn’t really expect you to help me. I didn’t expect you to remember Edgar, either. I dunno why I said it, I guess just vaguely hoping you would even though it’s been, what, three years?” he pauses for a moment and just takes in Ryan's profile. “I always hope you remember things from then. I know it went to shit, but we still had so much fun. We made so many memories and did so much dumb shit there. But I’m glad that stupid fuckin’ place collapsed. All of it was complete bullshit. I just wish it all fell apart before we did.”
Ryan doesn’t know how to respond. So he doesn’t.
“All those meetings I had to stay late for? Fuckin’ useless. They served no purpose, and I don't know why I was forced to go to them. I feel like the only reason I had to go to those meetings was because someone was hiding something from me. It was obvious that so many things were kept from us.” Jeremy stops for a second to try to will away the lump rising in his throat. “I thought you were cheating on me. For the longest time. I still don’t know whether you actually were. You were always out on ‘special missions’ and shit.”
The moment Ryan hears Jeremy let out a shaky breath his heart breaks.
“Was it me? Was I not good enough? I promise I tried my hardest to be what you needed. I’m sorry if I wasn’t. All I wanted was the best for you, Ryan. Even now, I just want you to be happy. If you're happier with someone else, then that’s what I want. I don’t blame you, though. I don’t deserve someone like you. You deserve so much better than me. I would do anything for you, Rye. We were together for so long. We did everything together! I thought I was gonna marry you. I was saving up money to get a ring. I guess I was too stupid to see that you didn’t want me anymore.”
Ryan looks over to see the tears staining Jeremy’s cheeks reflecting the soft orange glow of the streetlamps. Is this really what Jeremy thinks?
“I was so in love with you, Ryan Haywood. I’m- I’m still in love with you. I love you so goddamn much it hurts sometimes. Every time I see you hurt, upset, angry, anything other than healthy and happy my heart aches. I’m sorry I wasn't enough. I promise I tried. Fuck, I tried so hard.”
With every sob Jeremy lets out, Ryan's heart breaks just a little bit more. The short distance left until Ryan pulls up to Jeremy’s apartment building is spent wordlessly. Jeremy’s clambering out of the car and reaching to grab the door when Ryan speaks.
“Hey, Jer, do you want me to walk you up? I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“No. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. I’ve already been a pain in your ass tonight, I don't need to waste even more of your time. I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything.” Jeremy sniffles and wipes his cheeks, giving a half-hearted smile before shutting the door and walking away.
Ryan sits there for a second, unable to process fully what he just heard. He starts driving without even knowing where he was going, and he’s so lost in his thoughts that suddenly he’s sitting in his car in front of the boardwalk along the beach and crying. He can’t believe anything he was just told—there is no way in hell that the brilliant, witty, talented Jeremy Dooley ever doubts his worth. It’s jarring to think that part of it was because of Ryan. He was going on extra missions because the agency was growing more and more demanding. For months they tormented Ryan with the threat of kicking out Jeremy. They said they’d do other things to him that Ryan doesn’t want to remember. Why did Jeremy never bring it up? Why did he just accept that Ryan had ‘moved on?’ Their lives were so intertwined with one another that Ryan never felt truly whole again. The only reason Ryan went with the break up was that he saw how distant and cold Jeremy had gotten. Ryan had assumed that, for whatever reason, Jeremy had changed his mind. He hated it, he was devastated, but he didn't know how to fix it.
Ryan decides he doesn’t want to go back to the penthouse tonight. He pulls up to the nearest crew safehouse, and suddenly things click.
Jeremy had always struggled with bad self-image and depression. He had gone to Ryan for comfort, which he was always more than willing to give. Jeremy was doing better. At least he told Ryan he was.
Jack had mentioned a while ago that when Jeremy first joined the crew, she had found him after a suicide attempt and barely left his side until he recovered. The only reason for it Jack had told Ryan about was ‘emotional trauma from a past relationship, that he didn’t really want to talk about.’
Ryan did that to him.
Ryan did that to him.
Ryan made the love of his life want to die.
The pieces left of his heart fall into more shards than there are grains of sand in this world.
He collapses onto the couch inside, too exhausted to even get to the bed. He knows he’s not going to be able to sleep, though.
To: Geoff
Dropped Jeremy off at his place, he was pretty drunk though so check on him please
To: Geoff
I’m staying at kung fu safehouse for the night
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bakugous-abs · 6 years
Scenario where Izuku and fem!reader started to date in middle school, but once they got into U.A. together they grew apart, and she forms the theory that he's going to break up with her (when he's really not), and one day he goes to visit her unexpectedly and finds her crying while wearing his All Might hoodie, and he just feels a bunch of guilt, and he promises to do better, and they just have a really fluffy moment? Thank you to whoever writes this, you're all awesome! 💕
~Admin Eun
Izuku was a gentle andkind boy, a wee bit anxious, but perhaps that was what made him so appealing tothe eyes of (Name). Nose always in a journal that he seemed to entranced with,(Name) would watch him afar and then blush quickly after. Although her peersseemed to find joy at his degrading expense, (Name) always felt that if anyone,Izuku was a person who needed to be treated with warmth. So, understandingthat, she would have to be the one to treat him with such manner as it appearedthat no one else wanted to (which the entirety of that made her shocked beyondbelief as the boy was a bundle of nerves and timid smiles). Truthfully (Name)had been enchanted with Izuku ever since he flashed her a shaky smile andscurried away with a red face, but every time she tried to talk to him he wouldseem to get too nervous and shy away from her. But (Name) was determined tobecome acquainted with him—he could use a friend, anyways.
Before she even knewit, (Name) had not only succeeded in befriending him, but had also managed toworm her way into his heart and become his girlfriend. Yes, on occasion (Name)would get a few sideways glances full of mockery or scoffed at, but she didn’tcare. She had her loving, sweet, and tender Izuku, and for the time being thatwas all she needed.
Not only was he theperfect partner, Izuku was also the perfect student. He was naturallyintelligent, but what made him so perfect was his sheer determination. Bornquirkless, but still driven to get into the prestigious school of U.A. whichcoincidentally was the high school (Name) wished to attend as well. Izukupassed the exam with flying colors, and (Name) was too happy for him to evenbother asking how he passed in the first place. She had congratulated him witha hug as he cried into her shoulder.
After that, it seemedlike it was going to be smooth sailing for both Izuku and (Name). They wereboth placed in the same hero course, and although they had both gone through afew dangerous situations, in the end they both always turned out safe.Naturally, though, high school in itself was stressful. Because of such, Izukufound himself taking rainchecks on (Name’s) date propositions, or respondingwith her actions of affections half-heartedly or with a small smile and thenreturning to doing whatever he was preoccupied with. It hurt her, of course,but she understood that he was busy as a hero on the rise, and all. Still,regardless of how understanding she was, it made her disheartened every time hebrushed off her small kisses or her compliments that used to make him smile sobrightly.
(Name) began stressing.Her and Izuku had been together for a little over a year now—was he gettingsick of her? Was he getting bored of being with her for so long? Or perhaps hewas getting annoyed with her constant company? Doubts and insecurities swarmedher mind as she paced around her dorm. For example, just the other week she hadapproached Izuku with a bright smile. The two hadn’t gone on a date in a while,so it couldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“Ah, Izuku, I wasthinking that maybe we could grab a bite to eat after school? And then maybe wecould go see the gardens! I hear that they’re blooming quite nicely thisseason,” she chirped, excitement evident on her face. She presented this ideacasually, but truthfully she had spent a lot of time and research to plan theperfect date with him.
“Oh…Sorry, (Name),not this week. I’m really busy,” he said, smiling sympathetically at her. (Name’s)face fell, her shoulders slumping as her excitement dissolved intodisappointment. As of lately, it seemed like ‘not this week’ was Izuku’smost favorite phrase.
“It’s…It’s okay, Izu,” shereplied. That was a big fat lie, and they could both tell that it was so.Still, Izuku watched as (Name) trudged back to her room without looking back athim.
(Name) sighed, buryingher head into her hands as she sat on her bed. Izuku wasn’t intentionallyhurting her…Right? Never before had she considered this, but the more thethought presented itself the more she started panicking. Perhaps it waschildish of her, but in a burst of emotion she glanced at her closet beforesnagging Izuku’s ‘All Might’ hoodie from one of the hangers and pressing itclosely to her chest. It smelled like sweet laundry soap and his shampoo, andthis in itself made tears gather at the corners of her eyes. Slipping it overher head, she laughed blandly and laid on her bed.
(Name) felt silly and abit immature, but at the same time she felt that it was justified. Her kneeswere up to her chest as she laid in a fetus position, hands covering herblotchy face as she sobbed into them. She didn’t hear the door creak open.
When Izuku walked inthe room, he expected to see (Name)—his happy and cheerful (Name)—sitting ather desk or maybe just relaxing on her phone. What he did not expect wasto walk in and be dreadfully greeted with the sight of his girlfriend curledinto a small ball, body shaking ever so slightly with the dreary rhythm of hersobs.
“(N-Name)!” heexclaimed, shutting the door behind him and walking cautiously to her side. Shelooked up, sitting up quickly and attempting to dry her eyes. Despite the uttermortification she felt from being caught, she gave Izuku a smile.
“Did you needsomething?” she croaked. If she was trying to sound like nothing was wrong, itdidn’t work. The fact that she was still trying to smile for him made Izukufrown.
“What’s going on?”
“Huh? Nothing’s wrong,Izu. I’m just relaxing.”
Izuku took a seatbeside her, hand resting on her thigh lightly. The small bit of contact made(Name) jump ever so slightly, and it was only then that he realized how long ithad been since they had been affectionate with one another…And he also realizedthat it was his fault.
“(Name), please…” Hewatched as she avoided his gaze in shame. No matter how much she tried to denyit, she knew that Izuku knew her too well to let it up. So, embarrassed andfrankly a complete mess, she bit her lip before opening her mouth to speak. “I…Gosh,I don’t know, Izuku…Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it? We just…This is soselfish of me to say because like I know how busy you are, but…” Her voicecracked, (Name) instinctively bringing a hand up to cover her mouth as sheattempted to choke out the rest of her explanation. “I just feel like…You don’twant to be around me anymore…Do you want to…Fuck, I don’t know, are you goingto break up with me, Izuku?” The way she looked at him with glossy and red eyesmade his heart crack from the top to the bottom before it split in two.
“What? No! No—(Name), Iwouldn’t even think of that…!”
“Then why…Why haven’tyou been…” She trailed off, as if she felt guilty that she felt the way shedid. At this point, Izuku began crying as well as he held (Name) by theshoulders. “I’m so sorry, (Name). I didn’t even realize—I-I’ve been soinconsiderate…”
“Please don’t say that,Izuku!” (Name) wailed, face contorting as more sobs shook her body. “You’rebusy, and I have to understand that!”
“No, (Name), I’m yourboyfriend and I’m supposed to be drying your tears, not causing them!” Theywere both sobbing, (Name) leaning her head into Izuku’s shoulders as shewrapped her arms tightly around his form. He did the same, pulling her bodyclose to his own.
“I’m so sorry, (Name).I promise to…to be a better boyfriend. Because you deserve the best.”
(Name) laughed softly. “Ilove you, Izu.”
Izuku smiled, pullingaway before placing a gentle kiss on (Name’s) lips that she had so longed for. “Ilove you too, (Name).” 
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kaptain-kookie · 6 years
Undeniable [1]
“The moon was my first love, you were my second.”
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Pairing: Alpha Lycan! Jungkook x (f) Lycan! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Tragedy
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: SLOW BURN, Minor character death, Blood, Tragedy, fluffiness
Part 1
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The sight hits you like a splash of cold water, or rather a punch to the gut. The blood in your veins runs cold, your joints lock up as you stare in horror.
‘No, this can’t be happening.’
The town you called home is erupting in flames around you, you want it to be fake. You want to blink your eyes and then open them to find everything okay, the sun shining, the blood of your pack members still safely in their body. When you do blink and nothing changes, you’re forced to grasp the reality of the situation. Your childhood home is falling to the ground as you stand in the middle of the street.
‘Think. You have to think’
You’re frozen in fear. Not many things in life have genuinely scared you, but the sinister orange glow around you, the way it reflects off the blood that paints the streets. It forces your heart to beat erratically, the wolf in you whimpering in pain as her pack is burning, dead or dying around her. Her home is no more.
‘Move, you have to move. Chanhyeok. Find Chanhyeok.’
He is your first priority, you need to find him if he isn’t already dead. Your eyes scan around, ears straining to hear anything besides the roaring of the flames, any sounds that would indicate life to you. That’s when you hear it, a whimper behind you. You immediately spin around to the source of it, walking and then breaking into a run as you follow the now clearly constant flow of whimpers and whines.
“Chanhyeok! Chan-“ Your shout is cut short when you see him, curled into a ball and whimpering next to a trash can. A sob of relief escapes you as you kneel down next to him, bringing the whimpering pup into your arms. His small arms wrap around your neck as he cries, you fail to stop the tears trailing down your cheeks as you nuzzle the side of his head.
 “You’re okay Channie, I got you” you whisper to the shivering boy, his cries slowly melting into whimpers as he calms at the scent of you. “N-Noona, what’s happening?” The young pup asks, and you suck in a breath. Holding him securely in your arms you stand up, moving to walk away from your burning town, setting out to find the one pack you know for sure would take you in. “I don’t know Channie, but we’ll be okay. Let’s go find your Mommy and Daddy.”
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 Chanhyeok has always been a well-behaved pup, especially for a six-year-old. Your sister and her mate had raised him well, and as soon as you had calmed him down from hysterics he was ready to listen. With the promise of finding his parents, you shifted into your wolf and had him sit on your back. The boy immediately knew to hold onto the thick fur of your neck tight as you ran through the woods. This would be the fastest way to get to Chamdoen’s territory. If you were under any other circumstances you would take the time to enjoy the run through the woods, but now with the smell of your burning town fading slowly, you only had one thing on your mind, and that was to get you and your nephew to safety.
You yourself have only visited the Chamdoen pack a few times, but enough to remember how to get to their territory. They’re famed, the strongest pack on the continent, and yet they weren’t even that large. They had less than 50 members the last time you’d checked, and that’s even including the pups. That’s what makes the pack so appealing to you in a way. They’re so small and so closely knit, and yet they can beat packs twice their size. There have always been rumors of them housing wolves with special abilities, but from as far as you knew there were no such wolves.
Aside from what the rumors like to sell, from your experiences with them, the pack is as normal as any other. They have the same hierarchy as any other pack, most of the same traditions. If you had gotten to choose which pack you were born into, you would have chosen them. You're certain they’ll take in your sister and mate and son after they hear what’s happening to her pack, you can only hope they’ll extend that kindness to you.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts when the scent of the pack’s borders gets noticeably stronger. You slow your run to a walk before completely stopping at the border. You lift your head to the sky and let out a howl to notify the Nu of the pack that you’re here and that you mean no harm. After running for hours straight your legs are thankful for the rest as you wait for at least one of the Nu to appear.
When you notice the amber glow approaching you, you slowly lower yourself to the ground, laying down on your stomach as you let out a low whine. The Nu acknowledges your submission, looking you over as a look of realization passes over the Grey wolf's eyes, but the sound of something running towards the both of you throws him off. You quickly recognize the scent of the newcomer, your tail wagging behind you as a dark brown wolf approaches you two. His blue eyes show concern but that doesn't stop him from walking over to nuzzle the top of your head with a growl in greeting, one that you happily reciprocate.
‘What happened’ his voice rings clearly in your head, but you just shake it before replying ‘I would love to tell you but can it please wait,’ He looks as if he’s about to retort but you let out a soft growl urging him to listen as you continue. “I’ve been running for hours and Chanhyeok deserves to sleep somewhere that isn't my back Baekhyun.’ His eyes widen in realization, and he turns to nod at the Nu. The gray wolf turns around, retreating back into the forest, and with a flick of his tail, you stand up and follow him. Baekhyun settles into a steady pace next to you, his tail wagging lightly as he speaks, ‘Okay then little Wolf, let's go see your sister, she’s been worried sick ever since she heard your howl.’
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 “Y/N! Chanhyeok!” The voice of your sister is immediately apparent as you step into the main street of the territory. She’s running towards you, her brown eyes filled with worry but she visibly relaxes at the sight of you and her pup. Her mate whines as she ignores him return in favor of kneeling down in front of you on the pavement. She wraps her arms around your neck, placing her forehead on your own and you growl softly in greeting. “I was so worried when I heard you.” She whispers, her hands tightening her grip on your fur. You push her away lightly, eyes shining with love as you wag your tail, trying to convey to your older sister that you’re alright. She lets out a breathy laugh before standing up, brushing off her knees and then leaning down to grab the piles of clothes she had dropped in her efforts to hold you. Her attention turns to the pup somehow still sound asleep on your back as she smiles brightly, speaking again, “I knew you’d keep him safe.” She takes a step towards you and uses her free hand to soothingly pet the top of your head. “I had no need to worry.” Your tail wags again at the praise as you softly growl again in happiness, it was almost a purr as you nudge your head into her hand, wanting more affection from your older sister.
Baekhyun whines again loudly, walking over to Wes and nosing at her side. She giggles when he does it again, turning to him and petting his head. He immediately starts purring at the attention from her, and your heart warms at the adorable sight of the mates. She places the clothes on the floor again as she kneels down to wrap her arms around Baekhyun’s neck much as she had done to you. “Can’t even handle being away from me for ten minutes.” She teases the wolf, in which he responds by nipping at her ear playfully and then moving down to nuzzle her stomach with a whine. The action stands out to you, especially with the way her heart skips a beat as she quickly brings his head up to kiss his nose. The way they look at each other tells you they’re hiding something, and you want to press but don’t, the ache in your joints quickly becoming too much to handle. Being a wolf doesn't mean you’re automatically used to extreme physical activities. Well, at least not when you were a Phi in your former pack.
 Phi are what you could call pup-sitters. They’re in charge of watching the pups and making sure that they stay safe and are taken care of. As aforementioned, you were one in your last pack, as was your sister. Well, she wasn’t originally. She became one after the birth of Chanhyeok. Your sister was originally an Epsilion, a guardian. She was one of the packs strongest, and she had been for years. When Chanhyeok was born though, she had decided to take a break. At first, she had said it would only last a year at most, but Chanhyeok was six years old now, and she still hasn't returned to her guardian duties. Not that she could now anyways. Baekhyun had been an Eta, a warrior. You’ve always said that Chanhyeok fiery personality came from his parents, and most would agree.
“James!” The shout from an unfamiliar voice of unfamiliar name catches your attention, and you turn to the source of it. You’re met with the sight of a she-wolf running your way, chasing after a pup. He looks to be no more than a few years older than Chanhyeok and has the same dark brown eyes as the adult chasing him. That leads you to believe she’s his mother, but she could also be his older sister. Your gut leads you to believe the latter conclusion though.
You hesitantly take a step back as the boy approaches you with wide eyes, wide eyes that seemed to be trained on your nephew who was somehow still fast asleep on your back. When he’s a few feet in front of you the pup slows down to a stop, his mouth open wide in amazement at the new wolf.
“You’re a really big she-wolf.” The unfiltered words leave his mouth quickly and you’re certain that if you were in your human form right now you would be beet red. You settle for flattening your ears against your head in embarrassment from the pups blunt words. “James Park!” Weslynn speaks up, her mother mode activating as she steps away from  Baekhyun to pick up the eight-year-old. The male decides to move to stand next to you instead, carefully nuzzling his pup’s side with all purr, and your eyes shine with amusement at the sight of the tough older brother-in-law you’d come to love turning to mush for his family. It was quite adorable, and you could only wish that your own mate would treat you and your pups the same. Baekhyun had set some pretty high standards. When your attention is drawn back to your sister you can see she is easily able to hold him on her hip as he whines in shame, nuzzling into her neck. “That’s not just something you say to anyone, that was incredibly rude.”
“Sorry Noona, I didn't mean to be rude.” The boy speaks up, leaning back to give Weslynn a pout. You know your sister and how weak she is when it comes to pups, so you’re not surprised when she coos at the sight, almost immediately forgetting how rude he had been to you. The She-wolf approaching clearly didn't as she walked over to your older sister. She crosses her arms and glares at the little boy and is clearly satisfied when he lets out a whimper, turning to smile apologetically at you.
“I’m so sorry about him, I don’t know where he gets that bluntness from. It’s certainly not from me or his father.””It’s probably from Yoongi.” Weslynn mumbles, causing the she-wolf to snort before composing herself. You nod in acknowledgment of her apology, the swish of your tail indicating to her you had accepted it. Your suspicion of her being his mother is almost confirmed with the way she talks about the pup, but you’re still not quick to assume. “I’m Allysson Park, but I’d rather you call me Ally.” She continues to speak, her brown eyes shining almost as bright as her smile. She’s an animated wolf, very energetic. Her hands gesture with almost every word she speaks. “I’m the first Beta along with my Mate Jimin, and from what I’ve heard you’re Weslynn’s baby sister.” You let out a snort when she calls you the baby sister but nonetheless nods in agreement, which causes her to laugh. It’s a nice laugh, as impressive as her hand gestures as she throws her head back to the sky and laughs loudly. It’s shouldn’t have been that funny, but the confident way she carries herself, the warm and welcoming energy she was emitting, it made you want to laugh with her. Her likableness made sense, you had a feeling her being so approachable made her a great Beta.
To only add to her appeal, she was a very pretty she-wolf. In fact, she looked more like your older sister than you did. Seeing them standing next to each other made it extremely obvious. They’re relatively the same height, and their hair is similar shades of dark brown, Their eyes were almost identical. If Weslynn wasn’t your sister, you would’ve mistaken her for Allysson’s.
“I’m assuming there is a reason you came here quickly without any warning, but I think it can wait. You look terribly tired, so follow me to the pack house. You can rest in one of our spare rooms.” Her kindness warms your insides and you can do nothing to stop the wagging of your tail weakly at the mention of rest. She grins brightly again at your clear agreement and moves to start walking in the direction she comes from. Weslynn is quick to follow her, James still on her hip. Baekhyun stops for a moment to pick up the long-forgotten pile of clothes his mate had brought for the two of you. He secures them in his jaw before moving to pad alongside you. You’re sure you’ll change into those when you arrive at the house. “I doubt my mate won’t want to meet you, so in reality, you can’t rest until you're at least met him.” She falters in her step for a second, clearly feeling guilty for a reason you can’t decipher. She’s offering you a place to rest with only the condition of meeting her mate first. You growl softly in agreement, hoping to convey to the Beta that you have no problems with meeting her mate, and she seems to visibly relax at the sound, her steps becoming confident and quick again.
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You take the time to admire the little town that the pack had established. The main road was littered with small shops as you entered the town, but the more you walked along the more important the buildings became. You found yourself walking by a school, a daycare, and clearly what were the homes of those of the highest statuses in the pack. You assumed that when the main round had a four-way intersection that it led to the houses of the lower pack members. The farther you walked down the street the more visibly impressive the houses became and when the road you were traveling turns into a cul-de-sac you know you’re close. The large house slowly comes into view, and you’re intimidated by the size. Your old pack was huge compared to the size of Chamdoen and yet their pack house alone made it seem like they housed hundreds. Allysson lets out a giggle at your awe, and turns to say something to you but your attention i was drawn the the large front door opening. The male that steps outside of the house you immediately recognize at Ally’s mate, not only by his smell but the way her heart skipped a beat when she smelled him. It was quite cute the way his eyes lit up at the sight of her, the way he immediately started walking towards her. When she meets him halfway he pulls her into his chest with a loud purr, one which she returns while nuzzling into him. Nothing beats the way mates look at each other, the pure love and adoration in the silver-haired male’s eyes as he looks down at his mate.
“Hey Baby.” He whispers to her, and the shy giggle that leaves her lips surprises you. The shyness she had developed was a stark contrast to the bubbly wolf you had met mere minutes ago. “Daddy!” James shouts, wiggling out of Weslynn’s arms to run over to his parents, hugging one leg of each as he giggles. He clearly gets his laughter from his mother. “There’s my boy!” Jimin says as he leans down to pick his son up and hold him to his chest with a laugh. The boy squeals in excitement as he is lifted up and continues to giggle as he settles in his father’s hold.  “You didn’t give mommy any trouble on  your walk did you?” He continues, the hand that wasn’t securing James against him coming to rest on the small of Allysson’s back to keep her close to him. The boy’s giggling abruptly stops, which causes the Beta to raise an eyebrow and look to his mate. She lets out a huff, finally speaking up and glaring slightly at her now pouting son. “Your little angel decided to not only run away from me but to then be rude to our guest.” Jimin seems to be hesitant to scold his pouting son and dramatically sighs when his mate gives him the same pout. Your repress the urge to snort at the interaction in amusement. “James, you know not to run away from mommy like that. You should especially never be rude to a guest, that’s not a quality of a good Beta…” Jimin says, obviously striking a chord in his son when he mentions being a beta.   The boy's eyes widen in realization and he nods furiously, a spark lighting in his eyes as he speaks.”I’m sorry Daddy! It won’t happen again.” Jimin nods, but one look at Allysson’s still pouting face has him turning back to his son, “And.” The boy sighs dramatically, clearly mimicking what his father had done, and Jimin visibly has to hold back a laugh at the sight. He quickly composes himself, clearing his throat which finally causes James to speak again. “I’m sorry Mommy.” The boy finishes his apology by kissing the side of Ally’s head, which causes her to beam at her boys, wrapping her arms around Jimin’s waist with a soft purr. Her happiness clearly effects her mate’s as he grins brightly, nodding at his son who sports an identical smile. They truly are an adorable family.
His attention turns to you with both his maate and Pup happy in his arms, and he smiles warmly at you. His smile is adorable, his cheeks bright pink and his eyes forming crescents. “I’m Jimin Park, First Beta. You’re Weslynn’s little sister, correct?” You nod at his statement, bowing your head lightly in greeting. He chuckles at your formality, waving it off as you raise your head to meet his eyes again. “No need to be so formal. You're already an honorary pack member. You’re welcome to stay in a guest room of ours to rest as long as you like.” He says, slowly moving back towards the door he had come out of. “My only request is that when you are well rested, you give everyone the answers to the questions we have yet to ask you.” Despite the serious tone of his voice, his face still held the warm smile it had when he first introduced himself. It put you at ease as you followed him and everyone else into the house.
You don’t really pay much attention to where you’re going, trusting that your nose will be able to guide you to someone when you finally have rested enough. Your sister leaves you in the room with the pile of the extra clothes she had originally bought for you on the bed. Baekhyun coming in shortly after in human form again(and clothed) to take their pup off of your hands, well, back really. They both trusted you to tell them what had happened tomorrow, so they left you with kisses on the forehead and whispered ‘goodnight’s after you had used the bathroom to turn back, and changed into the clothes. The exhaustion had truly finally caught up to you, and you quickly fell into the bed, the warm sheets helping to welcome slumber. The only thing you you can remember before you fall asleep is the scent of the forest and baby powder drifting into your nose and causing your wolf to purr in content in your mind, right before you drifted off.
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A/N: Yes it is extremely slow burn but i promiseee its worth it. I have a whole universe imagined for this series and there is a reason you haven’t seen Jungkook yet. Feel free to ask about it through my ask box heheh
If you guys like this enough maybe I’ll do little spin offs with different boys.
Yes also there are Oc’s in this. You can only have so many kpop idols in a story before its too much. I already had BTS and EXO I didn’t want to add any more. SO yes there are a bunch of OCs but it’s a wolf pack it needed to be large. SUE ME. Also expect some lowekey Taehyung x Iz next chapter(THIS IS FOR IZZY IF YOU”RE READING)
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avelera · 6 years
I loved that piece you wrote on weird, slightly-shallow awkward Newton Geizler because you're right, fandom can sometimes ignore their favourite characters' flaws but it's SO MUCH more interesting to see them warts and all. Do you have any thoughts on how the K-Science boys deal with each others flaws and negative character traits? Because there's mutual respect but christ, neither of them are perfect and they both KNOW the worst of the other and yet they're still together. It's fascinating.
Oh gosh, I’m so pleased you liked my little bit of meta! (I just went back and re-read it to refresh myself on what I said, lol). And this is a really fascinating question!
I think to start you’d have to list their flaws. 
Newt: selfish (I’m a doctor!), self-centered (making Hermann’s lab life miserable with the entrails, the Drift experiment being partially out of desire for attention and to be right), messy (Kaiju entrails), maybe a bit shallow (with his fashion sense and body art), un-empathetic (talks about how cool Kaiju are around people who have lost family to the Kaiju), often deliberately obnoxious (literally everything with Hermann), hyperactive and screechy (Charlie Day), immature (in many senses, but also in his fanboy qualities), Down to Fight at all times (“Is it impossible?!”), can’t keep a secret ( “… I’m gonna tell you.”), reckless and impulsive (the Kaiju Drift), arrogant and wants to be the center of attention (I mean…  basically everything about him). Obviously he has many virtues which I’ve described elsewhere, but that’s not the point of this post.
Hermann: cantankerous (he’s 36 going on 80),  a busy body with his nose in other people’s business (“Please excuse him, he’s a Kaiju grrrrroupie.”), spiteful (it may not be on purpose but he kicks water at Newt in their very first scene, and just in general this is true of him), smug (about how Newt is wrong), arrogant (literally everything about how he puts down Newt and his theories), dismissive (“Politics, poetry, these are lies.”), impatient with others (though that could just be Newt, who could drive anyone to madness), cold (at least outwardly towards Newt, many of his insults cut close to the bone), authoritarian (Hermann appeals to military authority and clearly admires it) and just all around difficult to deal with. Interestingly, many of these traits are gone by Uprising, while “Newt” gets a whole new batch of very different flaws. And again it should be stressed, Hermann has many virtues including but not limited to his intellect, his determination, his drive, his raw courage, and his persistence in the face of dismissal, discomfort, and disability. 
And by the way, both of them think they’re the “normal” one who needs to look out for their obnoxious colleague and I just cannot with them they are both heinously difficult human beings in the best way lol. 
And now onto how the Newmann ship would deal with these flaws:
I think a lot of how Newt and Hermann would deal with one another’s flaws is that they have been dealing with them for years now already. These flaws are not new or shocking to them, nor have they driven the other away. Clearly, they tolerate one another when anyone else would have withdrawn to a safe distance or just abandoned them entirely. They clearly care for each other in spite of if not because of these flaws. Even pre-Drift they try to protect one another from their most dangerous fascinations (Newt his obsession with the Kaiju, Hermann his attraction to the military). 
Clearly they have flaws that do genuinely drive the other to distraction. Newt seems genuinely upset when Hermann dismisses his theory and his findings regarding the Kaiju Drift. But on Hermann’s side, the proposal of that Drift seems to have genuinely touched a nerve of fear on Newt’s behalf that he covers up with snideness and dismissal.
I’ve always gone with the theory that it’s more their method of communication with one another that was clashing. Hermann didn’t understand Newt’s obnoxiousness towards him was the equivalent of pulling pigtails, that Newt wanted Hermann’s attention and regard. Newt couldn’t understand that Hermann’s dismissal of Newt’s obsessions was his way of trying to protect Newt. It’s one reason I think the Drift fused them into a functional whole after so many years of clashing, it finally showed them through a direct mind connection what they had failed to communicate. All the times they had been sincere when the other thought they were joking, and vice versa. Their method of communication. Their respect for one another hidden beneath a prickly surface. The way they’d both tried to hide their vulnerabilities from one another and thus both come off as distant, cold, and uncaring to one another. I have no doubt that the “instant hatred” at that first meeting after the letters was because both of them had such high expectations but didn’t know how to communicate with one another outside of written format where everything could be cleanly expressed.
That said, I think that before and after the Drift they actually do love one another for their “flaws”. I think Newt and Hermann are both heinously arrogant when it comes to their intelligence and their field, and I think they love that about one another, albeit secretly at first, or perhaps rather what that arrogance is a result of and how it translates. They’re both tops of their field, poised on the eccentric edge of it, they’re both the very best at what they do, and I don’t think either of their personalities could stand to be around someone who wasn’t on their level intellectually, or someone who tried to be modest about those accomplishments.
I think Hermann’s busy-bodyness is one way that Newt knows he cares. Newt would be at a genuine loss if Hermann stopped poking his nose in, as a sign that he’d stopped caring. Likewise, if Newt stopped being deliberately obnoxious to Hermann it would mean the same thing: apathy would be far worse than needling. Hermann probably wouldn’t know what to do with himself. There’s a compelling case to be made that the sniping serves a dual purpose in these final days of war which is to keep both of them from having a screaming breakdown over the stress and the sheer unholy knowledge of how fucked the world is, so when they’re bitching about little arguments and annoyances they’re not thinking about the void that’s about to open up beneath their feet.
I think Newt’s hyperactivity and fanboy qualities and general devil-may-care attitude is refreshing for Hermann and his authoritarian upbringing. I think on his own Hermann would retreat into an isolation he’d verbally claim he prefers but which would eat away at him. He may gripe about it, but he thrives and seeks Newt pulling him out of himself. Likewise I think Newt is always seeking validation. By being such a difficult person who doesn’t flatter others easily, Hermann’s regard is worth that much more and it could serve as a grounding influence on Newt to know there’s someone out there who sticks by him and engages him intellectually, even if they don’t always agree (they don’t need to agree if it’s a matter of intellectual debate). Even when arguing, Hermann validates Newt by never dismissing him from his presence or truly giving up on him, another reason the dismissal of the Kaiju Drift clearly is hurtful and unexpected to Newt (who can’t read it as a protective action). 
They call one another on their bullshit. They’re not personalities who need to be coddled or told they’re right all the time or flattered. They might respond initially to flattery, and even get puffed up about it and smugly rub it in the other’s face, but it would wear thin. They’d realize the thrill and rush of flattery is dissatisfying. That they’d rather earn the other’s aggressive debate than the fawning of lesser minds. Even when Newt is showing off to Hannibal Chau it’s because he clearly identifies an equal in his field, albeit a black hat to his white hat, a criminal to his academic. They want to impress equals and they serve as equals to one another. 
I think anything beyond this would go well into fanon speculation. The last note I’d say on Uprising, because they become such different characters there, is that clearly Hermann is stunned when Newt won’t help him. Clearly in PR1 Newt is stunned when Hermann won’t back him up that the Drift worked when it clearly did. That tells me that even at their lowest, they supported one another, even if they might grumble about it. The grumbling is half the fun.
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pipcupid · 3 years
Pip cupid Forex Trading - Everything You Need To Know About The Market
Pip cupid Expert tips provider. As easy as it can be to earn lots of money by trading currencies using the foreign exchange market, you could also lose everything if you're not careful. Fear not, however; this article contains tips designed to educate you on how to make the most of your forex experience.
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Make a plan and stick to it. Forex trading has many ups and downs that can send your emotions on a tailspin. Creating a plan and sticking to it religiously is crucial to avoid making decisions based on greed or fear. Following a plan may be painful at times but in the long run it will make you stronger.
It might seem like a simple principle, but a lot of Forex traders attempt to trade in areas of which they have no understanding. You should avoid this by only sticking with what you know. Trade what you understand and pretend the rest of the market doesn't even exist. Once you begin to profit, then you can think about expansion, but not before.
Your choice of broker can make or break your success. Brokers are service providers like anyone else and qualifying them before jumping on board is just as important as say, picking a babysitter. If your money is valuable to you, that value should be important to your broker. A good broker knows that through quality assistance, both parties will profit.
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Pip cupid Most excellent service providerHaving a reliable and capable broker is crucial to your success in forex trading. Make sure that your broker is not fake or unreliable, to avoid losing investment. Ensure that your needs fit the profile of your broker as well, in order for you to have a good working relationship.
Do not be put off by the plethora of information out there on the Forex market. It is different than the stock market and you should learn about those differences, yet if you over-think what you are doing to try to understand complicated writing on Forex you may not even try playing the Forex market at all.
Pay attention to the news of the countries you are trading but do not use the news as your sole reason to make a trade. Just because good or bad news comes out of a marke,t does not mean that it will make a noticeable change, one way or the other, in the currency.
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At first, try to become an expert on only one currency pair. Read the newspapers, follow the reserve banks' press releases and keep track of the economic indicators relevant to those two countries. Doing this for only one currency pair, will help you to more deeply understand how the forex market responds to news and world events.
When you first begin trading in the forex market, it's important to start slowly to fully acclimate yourself to how it works. Spreading yourself too thin like this can just make you confused and frustrated. If you just use major currency pairs, you're more likely to be successful and it will make you more confident.
Pip cupid Skilled tips provider.When you are new to forex do not jump in trading live until you have practiced. There are forex demo accounts for practicing. Your goal is success and the most successful have discipline, knowledge, and most importantly practice. To do otherwise is absolute folly. Allow at least two months for the demo to run its course.
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As a beginner using Forex, you need to understand that the bright lights of the big city can pull you in and envelop you. With over 2 trillion dollars traded daily in the Foreign Exchange Market, its appeal can definitely give you money fever. Stick to a methodical plan and only put in what you can risk losing.
Trading in Forex is all about survival. If you can make it through the tough times with your account intact, you are bound to run head first into a great opportunity to profit. These opportunities are sporadic, and it takes longevity to see them, so your goal should always be to play it safe and to extend your account's life.
If you are just starting out in forex and you are still hesitant about investing your own money, sign up for a demo account with a broker that will enable you to try out your forex investment skills. Demo accounts allow you to trade with virtual money. It is a great way for you to practice without risking any real money.
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Pip cupid Qualified tips provider.A good idea every Forex trader should implement is to keep track of your successes. If you implement a strategy that works, take special note of where, when and how you achieved your latest goals. Keeping a journal of notes and ideas you have realized will help you in the long run.
In order to be successful in trading in the foreign exchange market, it is very important to take into account the risk and reward ratio associated with a certain trade. Do the trades that are more likely to give a positive outcome, and stay away from trades that do not look rewarding.
Choosing your broker is important, so don't select anyone until you do your research. You should be worried about more than just signing up with a scam artist! Even if he is a legitimate broker, you need to be sure that he also works effectively with people at your level of experience.
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Timing is everything. In Forex trading, it cannot be stressed enough -- proper timing is critical to your success. The hard part is understanding what the proper timing timing is. This comes from watching the market, analyzing trends, reviewing your past failures and mistakes (because we learn a lot more from these than from our successes) and continuing our trading education.
Pip cupid Expert tips provider.Now you know a number of tips to aid you in investing in the most prudent manner possible. If you follow this advice, you can become a successful trader on forex by minimizing your losses and maximizing profits. Although forex trading is a very competitive, fast-paced financial venture, you will be able to make wise decisions and avoid typical rookie mistakes.
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