#they would've done something with it unlike anon
wosoluver · 6 months
To undo a mistake
part 1/17 - next
- requested! - Lena x Bayern player!Reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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"We can still be friends! We can still share the room at camp!" - She said trying to cheer me up.
Of course she would.
it's Lena we're talking about. But it didn't do much for the heartache I felt.
Despite only being together for a couple months, I was so sure of this. So sure we were in for the long run.
We both liked each other very much, but soon realized that living in different cities caused more trouble than you two anticipated.
She played for Wolfsburg and you played for Bayern.
But unlike your girlfriend, now ex, you didn't think that the distance was the biggest problem.
Her not wanting to try harder was.
So here you were in tears in your apartment, talking to her in bed... over the phone.
Yes. Breaking up in the worst way possible. You'd think that out of consideration she would've done it in person.
"Lena, I'm going to hang up now."
"Yeah. Okay. I'm really sorry Y/N."
It had been tough the next couple months, specially when Wolfsburg vs Bayern came up.
It was the end of the first half. You tried your best to keep it to yourself. It was 1 x 0 to your team. Avoided her well enough. Being a forward helped. She spent most part of the game busy with trying to assist or making sure to get the ball through the middle field. When you hear the sound of the referee blowing the whistle, you bolted towards the locker room. Unbeknownst to you Lena tried to catch up, so you two could chat. But seeing this, Pernille was quick to stop her in her tracks. The girls had taken a notice of your change of mood. Even though you hadn't opened up to anyone about it, they knew it most likely had to do with your now ex- girlfriend. They had grown protective of you. You were young, just turned 20. And you were about to complete your first season for Bayern.
Back to the second half, you couldn't keep your head in the pitch. You weren't doing a good game. So you weren't surprised when you were subbed off at the 65' minute. Even when they usually only started subbing later on. Guess it was that bad.
You'd won 3x0. But honestly everything lately felt like a loss somehow.
By the final whistle, you just wanted the day to get over with. The game was away, so you made an effort along with other players, to thank the fans that came to support the team.
But you froze in your steps when you saw something that if your heart wasn't already broken in a hundred pieces, it would definitely be now...
Hope you guys are excited for this one!
Thank you for the anon who sent in the lovely request! I didn't answer the ask with the story, bc I didn't want to give away the next steps. Still need your help though!
Please leave your comments 🙏🩷
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Your response to that anon makes it pretty clear they're right lol. Katara did support Aang unconditionally, especially with his trauma as she could empathise as someone who is ALSO a survivor of genocide and the last of their people (water bender and air nomad). But Aang also was supportive of her- when she wanted to free the earthbenders, him and sokka helped, he wanted to refuse to continue teaching from Pakku because he wouldn't teach Katara, he helped her with the Painted Lady, and the Southern Raiders comment is not as condescending as you think. Yes, it was shitty, but you really think they would've turned their back on Katara? They shouldn't have said that to her but him and Sokka know if she kills Yon Rha, it will not bring her closure. And as for her doing all the labour, that's blatantly untrue. In Bitter Work the whole argument between Toph and Katara is that Katara is (rightfully) mad that Toph only wants to do her share, arguing that everyone around camp does their part.There’s multiple episodes in which the gaang help pitch the tent and perform campsite duties. There’s a whole episode dedicated to how katara and sokka are both sick, resulting in aang having to run across the world to retrieve them medicine, and he continued trying to get the frogs for his friends even when captured. There’s an entire episode dedicated to how the gaang cannot get anything done without sokka, who usually manages their schedules and itineraries and helps ensure that they’re on track. There’s plenty of moments in which aang and katara are goofing off, and sokka gets mad at them for not sticking to his carefully curated and meticulous schedule and for putting a wedge in their plans to save communities (see: imprisoned and the painted lady). There’s moments when toph assumes responsibility; there’s moments when aang assumes responsibility. and then there’s moments when none of them have any clue on what to do, when they literally act like children navigating a world that’s constantly trying to kill them. Because they are children, which in episode 1 we see Aang telling Katara she is still a kid. Whether you ship it or not, a big part of their relationship is that they are children. They're a team, they all support each other. Saying she shoulders everything and that Aang is just selfish and callous is a blatant lie. They have helped each other throughout the series a lot. There are moments when they both say and do things that aren't good to eachother, but that doesn't make their relationship instantly toxic. Aang kissing Katara w/o consent was wrong, it's why I don't ship it, but saying Katara was reduced Aangs mother figure, especially when he played a large role in her acting like a kid again, and also grew up communally so the concept of a mother isn't something he would even think about. The constant adultification you insist on of Katara is just weird, there's a reason black and brown women hate it so much, especially when katara has stated she dislikes being seen as motherly
wow that is a whole lot of words you're trying to shove into my mouth, huh? don't worry though; unlike you, i know how to make a good argument, so let's go through this flaming pile of garbage you've dumped in my asks to see exactly what that looks like!
i don't know where you got this idea that i think katara does everything for team avatar while the rest of them sit by and twiddle their thumbs; i have never said that, and i never will. my argument isn't about katara's relationship with the gaang (though for all that she says they divide the chores equally in the chase episode, you will notice that much of the time it is always katara you see in the background cooking, training aang, or doing work around camp - make of that what you will), it is about katara's relationship with aang, and the severe imbalance of emotional labour in that relationship.
let's look at how many times katara supports aang in the show when he's in need of it:
S1:E3, The Southern Air Temple: katara pulls aang out of the avatar state when he's grieving over the loss of his people, then holds and comforts him afterwards.
S1:E12, The Storm: katara listens to aang's regrets over running away, assauges his guilt, encourages him, and ultimately inspires him to move on from his past and start anew.
S2:E3, Return to Omashu: katara listens to aang's worries about bumi and tries to reassure him.
S2:E9, Bitter Work: katara coddles aang when he's sad about not being able to master earthbending, motivating him to keep going and trying to convince toph to give him an easier time.
S2:E10, The Library: katara pulls aang out of the avatar state again, this time actually putting herself in danger (the only one to do so, you might notice) by walking into the middle of a sandstorm while aang is in an highly volatile state of extreme power. keep in mind that katara knows exactly what can happen when aang isn't able to control himself, because of that lovely incident back in book 1 where she was burned thanks to his recklessness, and yet the duty of calming aang down falls to her yet again.
S2:E11, The Desert: aang snaps at katara and then leaves her to take care of herself and the rest of the gaang all on her own in a highly dangerous environment. don't worry though, she'll still find the time to sympathize with him and comfort him, though he certainly isn't going to apologize and will, in fact, have this lovely exchange with her instead:
"What's anyone else doing?! [Pointing his staff at Katara.] What are you doing‌?!"
oh nothing aang, just keeping everyone alive and together, and being the entire reason they survive the desert at all. thanks for the support, though!
S2:E12, Journey to Ba Sing Se Part 1: katara reaches out to aang multiple times in this episode, offering her love and support, and ultimately helping him to snap out of his depression over appa's loss (he still hasn't apologized for his behaviour in the previous episode, in case you were wondering).
S3:E1, The Awakening: katara tries to help aang deal with his feelings of guilt over Ba Sing Se, heals him, brings him food, and even stays behind to look after him (funny you don't see either sokka or toph doing that)... all while dealing with her own sadness and anger over her father. aang does notice this, by the way! though naturally, he does nothing about it.
S3:E9, Nightmares and Daydreams: i'll cut this one a little slack, because sokka and toph do try to help out with aang's anxieties too. note, however, that katara checks on aang five separate times in this episode alone - far more than either of the other two by a clear margin.
S3:E17, The Ember Island Players: katara is the only one to notice aang is upset after the play, goes to see if he's okay and... well, you know how this one ends.
let's do a little tally and... that clocks in at a whopping 10 times that katara offers aang her love, support and comfort, including almost all of his lowest moments.
now let's look at the number of times aang supports katara when she is in need of it:
S1:E9, The Waterbending Scroll: aang encourages katara to waterbend, pushing her to have faith and be confident in herself, allowing her to waterbend successfully and defeat the pirates.
S1:E18, The Waterbending Master: aang defends katara against pakku and cheers for her during her fight; he does also, however, undercut her very real anger at pakku and tries to dissuade her from fighting at all under the impression that it's for him instead of the injustice that's been done to her so... we'll consider this a wash.
S2:E17, Lake Laogai: aang rests a hand on katara's shoulder in wordless support after jet dies.
S3:E8, The Puppetmaster: aang pulls the hand-on-shoulder move again while katara cries after defeating hama... except this time, sokka's on her other side doing the exact same thing so it can't even be counted as an emotional support moment exclusive to aang, the way all of aang's are to katara.
final calculation: 2, 4 if i'm being generous. four against ten, and even if you combined all of them together, aang still doesn't provide even half the depth of support and care that katara does for him in just a single incident.
see how that might be what we call an imbalanced relationship?
They shouldn't have said that to her but him and Sokka know if she kills Yon Rha, it will not bring her closure
except who brought up killing yon rha? aang. who immediately conflated justice with revenge? aang. who pushed his own culture's values of pacifism onto katara? aang. and who was ultimately wrong about blanket forgiveness and inaction being the path to closure for katara? aang.
you don't need to take my word on it. katara corrects aang herself when he inaccurately assumes she did what he wanted her to: "But i didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him."
if aang had his way, if katara had never confronted yon rha, her rage and grief and resentment would've simply continued to fester inside her. katara made peace with her trauma on her own terms, by finally getting to see yon rha for what he really was: not a nightmarish bogeyman who left her powerless and afraid, but a weak, pathetic, human man who didn't even deserve the mercy of death, and whom she was able to reclaim her power over.
aang doesn't extend to katara even a fraction of the empathy, understanding and faith she always offers him; rather, he instantly jumps to the worst judgements about her intentions, preaches to her about how she should heal from her trauma, and only deepens her stress and anger while she's reliving the worst moment of her life.
that is not support. that is not friendship. that is aang making katara's struggle about himself, just as everything else in their relationship already is.
saying Katara was reduced Aangs mother figure, especially when he played a large role in her acting like a kid again, and also grew up communally so the concept of a mother isn't something he would even think about
buddy, i assure you i'm not the one making katara aang's mother. you can take that up with the writers who made a self-referential joke about katara acting motherly to aang (unless you think "stop rubbing your eye and sit up straight when you talk!" is somehow a romantic thing to say to your future husband), who have katara coddle aang multiple times, who framed katara holding aang's dead body like the virgin mary holding jesus, and who literally had her dress up and pretend to be his mother.
and for your information, katara is a motherly figure - not just to aang, but to every member of team avatar besides zuko (and suki, if you count her). that's not my opinion btw, as you seem to believe. that's canon, confirmed by both sokka and toph in S3:E7, The Runaway:
Sokka: When our mom died, that was the hardest time in my life. Our family was a mess, but Katara? She had so much strength. She stepped up and took on so much responsibility. She helped fill the void that was left by our mom. It really seems like my whole life, Katara's been the one looking out for me. She's always been the one that's there. And now, when I try to remember my mom, Katara's is the only face I can picture. Toph: The truth is sometimes Katara does act motherly, but that's not always a bad thing. She's compassionate and kind, and she actually cares about me. [Wipes away tears from her left eye.] You know, the real me. That's more than my own mom.
so no, anon, i'm not the one "insisting" on katara's adultification. she was adultified the moment her mother died, because she was forced to step into her mother's shoes - and she did it so well that she became a surrogate parent to her own older brother. she is a child who was forced to sacrifice her childhood, and who will never be able to find it again. that is the fundamental tragedy at the heart of katara's character, and an integral part of what makes her who she is.
there's a reason black and brown women hate it so much, especially when katara has stated she dislikes being seen as motherly
really? women of colour hate being pushed into motherly roles, and seeing female characters like themselves being forced to do so? damn, i wonder if there's any way that i, a south asian woman living in southeast asia, would know that?
i don't need you to tell me what brown women think and feel. i understand first-fucking-hand what we go through, because i've seen it in my own female relatives, in my friends, in their families, in every aspect of my society. i've felt the expectations of my culture on my gender since i was a child, and that is just one of the many reasons why i ship zutara: so that at least in a fictional world, some fictional brown girl is able to have an equal relationship with a partner who respects her, admires her, supports her, cares for her, and loves her just as much as she does him.
i'm glad we can both agree that katara hates being seen as motherly. i hate it too, which is why i despise kat.aang, because the last thing that katara needed after losing her childhood being a mother was to lose the rest of her life to it too, stripped of her agency and legacy, forever stuck looking after a man who will always make her do too much labour without once recognizing it, let alone returning it.
now kindly get out of my inbox with your faux progressive concern, and take your subpar media literacy skills with you while you're at it.
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stinkysam · 10 months
Monkey D. Luffy - Look.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “luffy crushing on a boy (reader) for the first time?” - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
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Luffy, unlike certain members of his crew, won't spend time denying his feelings. He's not going to avoid you or give you the cold shoulder. Because loving is a good thing.
He's learned that since his early years, people like Dadan, Makino, Shanks, or even his brothers Ace and Sabo taught him that through their patience and affection for him.
But he won't really differentiate feelings of love and feelings of friendship. He knows with a lover you can do everything you do with a friend. And you can even do more, like have sex, or not. But sometimes even friends have sex, or not. Which is a bit confusing in the end.
He likes holding hands, kisses on the cheeks, cuddling and hugging anyone who's his friend. He's not afraid to say I love you, I like you, I want you, I need you. But again, he says that regularly to people he considers his friends.
It's a bit tough for him to realize that what he's feeling is not just friendship, but something more. And once he realizes it, he won't try to ignore it.
He doesn't care that you're a man, it never crossed his mind that it could be a problem. Why ? Because it's not a problem at all. Why would it be ? He doesn't know.
He doesn't change from his usual self, if not more touchy and clingier. But he'll definitely try flirting with you, though his ways are… quite different.
“[Name], [Name], [Name], look ! I caught a big fish !” He yells out to grab your attention, taking said fish in his hands to show it to you.
The creature was almost his size, struggling to break free even though he was rolled up in lengths and lengths of Luffy's arms.
“[Name], looook !”
“Yes, yes, I'm looking !” You say, quickly walking out of the shared bedroom to see what Luffy wanted so desperately to show you.
But the fish was slippery and jumped out of his hands and back into the water despite his biggest attempts at catching him once more.
You approached the side of the ship, where Luffy was and looked down. The fish was gone.
He pouts, chin resting on the handrails as he looks away in disappointment. He really wanted to show you this big fish. Maybe Sanji could've even cooked it. It would've been delicious. And then, everyone would've thanked him for fishing such a delicious fish and you would've done the same, even mentioning your ardent feelings for him. And he would've been “Whoa ! Me too ! I love you !” with a huge smile and you would have a huge smile as well and you'd take his hand and you'd-
What do you do after that ?
Sadly, he will never know as all this was just a broken dream, hoping for the fish to come back.
“Come baaack…” He sobbed.
You gently placed your hand on his back, caressing him in a comforting manner.
“It's okay, Luffy, I saw it. It was really big.” You said quietly and he sniffed, looking at you with sad eyes. “And really pretty. I'm glad we didn't eat it.”
And just like that he was better. Oh you didn't want to eat it ? What coincidence, he didn't want to eat it either, in fact he even released the fish back into the water on purpose.
“Food's ready.” Sanji says from the kitchen's door, and slowly everyone moves from their place to walk toward him.
“You coming ?” You said to Luffy, pulling your hand out for him to grab. He took it quickly, grinning as he walked with you, even pulling you a bit as you were going too slowly for something like lunchtime.
“Come on, hurry up.”
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I don’t have much of an idea for any Kalim sibling Yuu, but I can only imagine what it would have done to the Asims. They seem so focused on their kids, so any being taken, especially one close enough to Kalim, the first, in age, would break them.
It would probably be the reason Kalim was raised in bubble wrap. Like there are other heirs, but they were at least allowed to learn to be self sufficient. While they are the target of a lot of assassins, especially family, it could be just that they saw something happen to one Asim kid, so they could probably get to another.
Yeah, the second oldest Al-asim sibling gets teleported out of there and no one knows how. Everyone is now on higher alert than usual, doubling Jamil's work load and keeping Kalim's so sheltered.
Kalim sib!Yuu appears in the ceremony and there's such an air of authority backing them. They get sorted into Scarabia, Jamil's expecting triple the work keeping Yuu entertained only to realize that Yuu keep Kalim from acting out as much as he does.
They're still fun loving, but unlike Kalim, they know where the limit is. If they had stayed in TWST, Najma no doubt would've gone to them as their retainer.
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askhakukusanagi · 26 days
I think I'm in love with you :(
Any suggestions?
"You should've said sooner, I would've planned a date."
"We could go explore the cathedral some more, or, I could help fix it up a little. I'm sure you have plenty of ghosts there to keep you company that could use a visit or two. Or, we could maybe take a walk through the gardens? Whatever you'd like, your highness. I'll make it happen."
As Haku goes on and on listing ideas, reaching for Anon's hand with a charming smile, a force that cannot be named paused him, like a movie. A voice echoes in the back of your head, as if it were your own thoughts, but the voice is distinctly not your own.
《Haku is...complicated. He will latch on to any connection you give him, see if it works out, and flee when he realizes he feels something more. His confidence on the outside seems unshakable, but deep down, Haku doesn't know if he's worthy of a partner at all. He thinks he's just going to hurt you in the end, betray you, run away in a moment of fear (in which he has done many times before), and disappoint you like he has both to his parents and to those in Frostheim. You would be something absolutely precious to him, untouchable fine china that his clumsy hands should never hold. But he will try, regardless, to cling to you for the normalcy he craves, even if only briefly.》
《But, putting aside his biggest faults, if you can understand his fear and insecurities and work him through it, Haku is resoundingly loyal. He will happily crumble at your feet without a second thought and show you the devotion of a priest to his diety. You will be teased, but you will be comfortable. He'll see to it himself that you never have to do a thing you're not comfortable with, whether for him or someone else.》
《He'll even face Jin and Tohma for you, should you ask. When it's for you, he doesn't even question it.》
The voice settles a moment, before continuing.
《If you want the best advice for loving Haku, I'd start by talking to Rui. He's seen him at both his best and his worst, and has stuck around regardless of how bad Haku's worst can be. I don't recommend asking Haku directly. He'll either jump straight to thinking you're joking and then flirt back or outright tell you to find someone who would treat you better.》
《My advice, though, is to be gentle with him, and show him that there's someone here to listen to him too. You'll need to be patient with him for being flighty, and reassure him due to his reputation as a lady killer, because he will fully believe he's hurting you even if you don't tell him anything like that. And be sincere. Rui was right when he said that words spoken from the heart will open Haku's heart to you.》
《He just really needs someone there to say, "It's okay. I've got you. I won't leave you behind. You aren't manupulating me, I choose to stay."》
《I'm not sure he'd be capable of articulating just how much that means to him.》
And like that, the voice is gone, the scene unpausing before you. Haku holds your hands in his, with a smile that now seems slightly more unsure of himself. "Let me treat you. You deserve it."
And something tells you, he may not have grown out of his servitude to Frostheim after all.
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《Hi anon! Sorry for hijacking your time with Haku! Unfortunately, you're pretty unlikely to get a straight answer from him besides "don't" if you ask that to him, but I'd hate to leave you out in the cold like that.》
《Please be gentle with Haku. For as much as he flirts, I think he's afraid to actually love someone again. Between being cast away by his family, and then leaving Frostheim, I think he's scared to be something to anyone. Or at least something meaningful.》
《Be gentle with him. He loves you too. But he's afraid. He'd never forgive himself for hurting you. Ever. It would simmer on until the salt of the water coats the pan.》
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I'd love to hear your thoughts on the upper classmen being a mirror to each monster? That's not an idea I've seen before and I am Intrigued.
oooh anon this is such a scrumptious delicious concept thanks for asking. but also I definitely wasn't the first one to come up with this..there was a post I saw last year? the year before? that broke the parallels down really well. I'll try to find it
anyway so I think the basis of it is that each of the upperclassmen mirror one of the monsters in regards to the main issues they struggle with. more than that though they represent what it's like to find a way to live through those problems, that overcoming them can be done, because they're more developed, more matured than the monsters. and, because by the end of the series all the monsters have grown a lot from where they were at the beginning, you can see them at a point (or getting to a point) in life not unlike where their respective upperclassman is.
there's Matt and Aaron: both of them struggled hugely with drug addiction (influenced by their parents), both of them were at a point where shit could've gone downhill fast and both of them were forced out of it by the same person. although Matt technically got clean after Aaron, he seemed to get mentally healthier much faster (which makes sense given the difference in relationships, support, goals, etc of their situations). Matt immediately sees it as a chance given to him to start over; Aaron, perhaps because he still had something as equally consuming as drugs- Andrew and his deals- doesn't seem to evolve in that way until close to the end of the series. you can also see how they resemble each other in how they don't respond to provoking shit as much as the rest of the team (they're like the chill ones of their respective groups, with different vibes) but they will rise to violence if someone they care about is threatened.
Allison and Nicky are an easy one to see, I think. both of them had families who wanted them to be a certain way, who would rather kick them out than accept them as they were. the difference between them is that Allison has accepted it with a "fuck them" attitude while Nicky (as far as mid-trk) still reaches out, still wants to have a relationship with them. he still desperately craves that love and acceptance so much that he almost voluntarily keeps getting hurt, in a way that Allison has already decided isn't worth it.
there's Renee and Andrew: both deadly protective, these are the goalies, the protectors, the ones watching everyone's backs; both had unfathomably awful childhoods and both cover up/protect themselves from said childhoods in particular ways. Renee is on relatively good terms with the universe while Andrew, as in control as he makes himself out to be, is searching for something he thinks he could never have..for purpose, and for the nothing that he finds in Neil. with these two, it's never that Andrew's boundaries and distrust of others are things he needs to grow out of but that Renee represents a different response- she becomes the kindness she was never shown, he holds a knife to anything that could hurt him again.
Dan and Kevin: they're the ones that could've done everything right but still would've had circumstances work against them. they might be good but, according to others, they're not good enough, always dismissed, always overshadowed. the stark difference between them is that Kevin believes in the 2 on his face (until he doesn't) and Dan never does. the doubt bounces off Dan while Kevin absorbs it like sponge until someone like Andrew wrings it out of him. Kevin puts his full weight on his support (until he doesn't); Dan's never had that support to begin with so she only knows how to live without it. Dan knows her worth and will project it in bright orange writing, Kevin was taught his worth in finite numbers, so long as his feet stay on the court, and he's never certain of it (until he is). the glorious thing about this, though, is that you can literally see on page when Kevin overcomes this. it takes every fucking ounce of his strength but he gets the tattoo. he walks out with his stick in his left hand. he beats Riko, in ever way. it's magnificent. (I digress)
and then there's Seth and Neil. I think they could be interchangeable with Dan and Kevin actually but I like this one better. I don't think they necessarily mirror each other as cleanly as the others and I don't want to force it for sake of having everyone neatly paired off. but shit... they're the end and the beginning, respectively. Neil is the first success story, the embodiment of what Wymack's team stands for, Seth is an example of why that's what it stands for. Neil has no life, Seth has no use for his. Seth falls victim to the fate Neil spent years of his life running away from.
all that being said. it's not to say that the upperclassmen have completely healed from their pasts and don't have plenty issues of their own. I think anyone can see that *all* of the foxes have room to grow. it's just that they're a lot more developed in where they're at in life. and I think the monsters are not all at the same place in their healing because that's not something that's linear and it's not always as easily seen as a tattoo on the face. I think Kevin and Neil, for example, are at a more adjusted place by the end of tkm (Neil more so) but you can see all of them heading in better directions.
it's also not to say that to Heal™ the monsters have to be exactly where the upperclassmen are. that's also not how it works. but it is working. and (hot take? maybe?) I think that's something Nora does well. she lets them grow. their growth isn't always on page or in the definitive shape of a queen tattoo or finished by the end of the series but it is certainly there.
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female-eren · 10 months
What is your opinion on jeankasa? I know its the butt of a lot of fandom jokes but personally I really like it and I think they make a lot of sense together - they both have dream of domestic life, raising a family, that kind of thing. I think they have a really interesting dynamic with a lot to explore. Again Jean is the butt of a tonne of fandom jokes lmao but he’s always been super respectful to Mikasa (Unlike Eren I love him sm but lets be fr) and I also love how he doesn’t hesitate to call her out on a couple different instances on s4 despite his crush, he’s really in tune with reality, like he’s so head over heels but also a potentially very grounding force for her
2/3 (same anon) Also your thoughts on AruAni? I loved it even in S1. I hate when people say it’s random because the seed was planted back then !!! Like it’s very subtle but like…. ofcourse it’s going to be like that given the kind of character Annie, especially, is. They definitely could’ve been handled better in S4, but I think that goes for pretty much everything in the latter half of S4, everything was a bit rushed and packed in all at once
3/3 Also I love all your takes on Aot and Fem!Eren!!! Which brings me to I genuinely hate when people joke about Eren being an incel and I hate how dudebros who be like “mee!!” to American Psycho and Joker and shit have adopted Eren. Like no… he’s for the girls. Eren is #1 woman respecter unironically…He was on the frontlines fighting for womens rights I was there I saw it
Hiii so sorry I've taken so long to answer this ask. Thank you!
I love making fun of Eren but the sigmachadbatemanjoker males don't understand and never will
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Regarding jeankasa... I honestly don't like it. I agree with you that Jean is a good character and a good person, but I think that ship and especially it being more or less endgame (at least in the manga) comes from the classic case in a lot of male-authored stories, ie that because a male character is in love with a female character, obviously they end up together. His desire is the only necessary building block of the relationship, her purpose is to be desired and since he desires her, it's basically her duty to be with him.
Also this meme lol
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I also think my unenthusiasm for any Mikasa ship (Eren x Mikasa, Jean x Mikasa etc) come from how poorly I think Mikasa herself was handled. Even if she was given somewhat more personality in the manga, she still had basically zero development. The half-assed last chapter and the shoehorned theme of "love" and Mikasa being the one to free Ymir the Founder didn't help. Mikasa as a person is in essence passive and stagnant. She hasn't ever had any goal besides "be close to Eren". I think that if she was given an arc of, for example, travelling to Hizuru and earning an education or accompanying Historia on negotiations with other world leaders would have expanded her character and given her something else to do. Exploring Mikasa's relationship with anyone other than Eren and Armin would've been interesting, even if I love the original trio. I would've really enjoyed seeing Mikasa use her strength and intelligence for something else, and develop interests and motivations separate from Eren. Had she done these things, I think both her relationship to Eren and Jean could've felt more... I don't know, like they had substance?
AruAni I do find cute in some ways, although I'm not really a shipper when it comes to AoT (goes for all ships in this series tbh). Especially in S1 I thought Armin and Annie had potential. I think Bertholdt's memories complicates the relationship, and the character assassination of Armin in S4 really sours the character and the ship for me. I also found the treatment of Annie strange. There's zero animosity in this group. The last time most of them encountered Annie she murdered dozens of people in really awful ways in front of them. She wrecked a city. Not even Connie seems to resent the Warriors at all, and while I found the pie-eating scene both funny and actually realistic (it's absurd, and due to the extremely complex emotions and experiences surrounding the scene, Connie's absurd reaction actually feels believable to me), I also think giving us JUST the pie scene isn't enough.
I also like Hitch and Annie. love this pic though
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I think those are pretty much my thoughts rn. I hope to get more asks about aot :-)
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deathbirby · 11 months
"Who is actually saying that Nemesis was justified in committing genocide? Not simply suggesting that Nabatean-run society may have been less than utopian or that Nemesis may have been more than a moustache twirling villain, but actually saying that his wholesale slaughter of a group of people was okay?"
One of the mods of the Edelgang, boldingthe important bits:
"There were two major assaults on the Nabateans during Nemesis's war- the massacre at Zanado, where Nemesis and co. slaughtered "civilian Nabateans" with the Sword of the Creator (which Nemesis's handlers had crafted by taking out the sleeping Sothis) to craft Heroes' Relics, and then going around and taking out all the Nabateans that were terrorising them, because that was something that only the Heroes' Relics had the power to do. The former is genocide, the latter is warfare only slightly less justified than Edelgard's, perhaps on par with a traditional Fire Emblem hero. "Perhaps Nemesis would've been more heroic had he gone for the actually evil Nabateans first, but this assumes that a) after overthrowing one, the other Nabateans don't group up and burn them all to a crisp, Sword of the Creator or otherwise, and b) that the civilian Nabateans at Zanado would've accepted losing their power after Nemesis was done, like Indech eventually came to do. The fact that Seteth, an otherwise reasonable if traditionalist man, still resents the loss suggests the decision for humans to govern themselves was a deeply unpopular one with the Nabateans.
In other words: "Perhaps Nemesis would've been more heroic had he gone after the actually evil Nabateans first" IF the assumption "that the civilian Nabateans at Zanado would've accepted losing their power after Nemesis was gone" was true, which was unlikely because "The fact that Seteth, an otherwise reasonable if traditionalist man, still resents the loss suggests the decision for humans to govern themselves was a deeply unpopular one with the Nabateans."
Meaning, since the assumption "that the civilian Nabateans at Zanado would've accepted losing their power after Nemesis was gone" was unlikely to be true, it wasn't "less heroic" of Nemesis to have not gone after the "actually evil Nabateans first" (aka, it wasn't less heroic of him to have committed the genocide first) according to a MODERATOR of the Edelgang server.
Glad to play translator for bow-wow, hope it helps them not regurgitate shitty rhetoric again (it won't)
Thank you for your sacrifice, anon! I will remember you as we drown in the waves of bad rhetoric 🫡
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pparkerized · 1 year
a new kind of enemy || tasm roleswap au
summary: after the tragic death of his uncle, peter isn't handling it so well. with his desire to exact revenge on the man who killed him growing stronger, until one day, he realizes just how he can give himself the power to fight back. but of course, there are consequences to his actions.
originally posted to ao3 in 2021 but later deleted when i thought about rewriting it, i was set on rewriting it but then stuff got in the way and i forgot. but reposting the full thing here for that one anon who asked and whoever else wants to read,, hope you like it!
word count: 2,716 words
[fic under the cut!!]
The lab was shrouded in complete darkness, but Peter didn't care. He was far past caring the moment he made his decision to come here. It would have been almost entirely impossible for someone like him, a teenager most of all, to be able to break into Oscorp like this — such a high security lab with guards sweeping the perimeter from every corner. 
But he'd quickly discovered how to get past them. After all, Gwen had told him all that he needed in order to get back inside. But not even she knew what he was about to do right now. His mind wandered back to the field trip when he and Gwen had wandered off and the blonde had shown him a few of Oscorp's secrets, Peter had been in awe at all of them. Then again what egghead wouldn't be?
For a moment Peter asked himself, what had brought him here? Why was he so willing to do this? But very quickly the answer had made itself clear in his mind. He lacked the strength and ability, the power to avenge his Uncle who had died just four months prior to this. Ben hadn't deserved his fate, he'd deserved to live a long and happy life — not have it cut short by some asshole with a gun… 
It was that day Peter had decided that people just weren't worth it. Good ones were rare to come across, but even then, how could you know how to trust them? The police were worthless, they hadn't done anything to help. And both himself and Aunt May were suffering because of it. 
So here Peter was, standing in the vaults of Oscorp, staring at the vial of serum on the desk. A more rational side of himself argued that this was a terrible idea. That he was going to destroy himself just so he could exact his revenge — but another part of his mind, the one that was burning with a desire for revenge was egging him on, telling him that it was a good idea, the perfect idea. And that it'd all be worth it once the man who had murdered his Uncle was taken to justice. Proper justice.
Once he'd gotten these powers and took them out for a little test drive, he'd set on finding the criminal and he'd make him pay. Aunt May believed that he was on a school trip for the next few days so he'd have plenty of time to search.
Peter wasn't stupid, unlike the rest of the employees at Oscorp. He knew that Spider-Man, New York's latest vigilante, had gotten his powers from the venom of a spider that had been part of an experiment here. He'd done plenty of research, in fact, he'd even taken a brief glance of the room when Gwen had been showing him through the different labs at Oscorp. Sure, the experiment had been shut down and the spiders all killed, but Peter knew that Oscorp would've kept at least some of the spider's venom somewhere. They'd most likely be hoping to use it for something. 
So if Peter could get this venom and use it on himself? He'd have the same powers as Spider-Man. And that was all he needed in order to avenge Uncle Ben. 
His eyes raked over the desk and he quickly set to work on finding the serum. It was here, he was sure of it, this was the only place it could be. Oscorp's deepest vaults. He snorted to himself, for high security there wasn't exactly much security going on to keep anyone out. 
There! His eyes flashed with determination as he found what he was looking for. A vial cased within some glass that was filled with green liquid. A note was attached to it, Peter's eyes narrowed as he read the messy writing.
He scoffed lightly and opened the case, taking what was inside in his hands and he gazed at it with wonder. So, this was it? This was what had granted Spider-Man his powers. 
Peter then proceeded to snatch a clean syringe off of the desk beside him, carefully pouring the liquid out into it.
He held it up, adjusting his glasses and he swallowed hard. This was it. It was now or never. If he was caught now… Then he'd be done for, and he'd have no opportunity like this one ever again. He'd never be able to do what he needed because like this, he was weak, frail — he wouldn't be able to do anything on his own this way.
Before he could dwell more on the thought, or even listen to the rational part of his mind screaming at him to stop, Peter jabbed the syringe into his arm. He watched as the green liquid disappeared into his bloodstream and pulled the syringe out of his skin once it was completely empty. 
There was a fluttering feeling in his chest for a moment and he shifted uncomfortably. His arm started aching where he'd put the syringe in and concern welled up inside him. Maybe this was just part of the process, a little pain, after all it was a foreign substance that his body had never dealt with before. Spider-Man had probably gone through the same thing.
Suddenly, a sharp pain sliced its way through his body and Peter let out a sharp cry, crumpling to the floor as his legs gave way from underneath him. His body trembled as his skin burned, he felt almost as if he were on fire, he knew that wasn't the case but in this moment he felt like it. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly as another scream tore through his throat, almost ripping his vocal cords apart as the fire in his body burned hotter and more violently. Every part of his body was in pain, and he desperately wanted it to stop.
His heart was racing and his breathing was coming out in ragged, uneven pants. He felt his ears burn even hotter, the tips especially — his teeth ached with such pain that Peter had to keep his jaw unlocked. He clawed at the ground, not expecting a harsh screeching sound to fill his ears as he did so, but he didn't have time to think about that. He curled in on himself as the burning continued to spread throughout his body, he couldn't see, he couldn't breathe, he could barely hear anything over his own pained shrieks.
After a couple of seconds of more intense pain, the pain decreased, enabling him to move out of the fetal position he was currently in. The burning subsided a little, allowing him to shakily push himself to his feet — but the pain wasn't entirely gone. With a shuddering breath Peter heaved himself up to lean against the desk, 
He stood there motionless for a few minutes, until there was nothing but a cold fire etching through his veins. As each minute passed, the pain started easing and he finally let himself shift in place, still gasping for breath as he hadn't been able to breath at all before.
He'd done it. He'd actually done it.
He glanced down where his hand was still gripping his shirt tightly and to his utmost surprise his skin had become a pale, sickly green color and his fingernails were unnaturally sharp. He furrowed his brow and turned in place, his trembling hand lifted up a large shard of glass that had lay broken on the desk.
And when he looked up at his reflection, he let out a surprised breathy chuckle. Of course. Things always came with a price. Peter ground his teeth together, his teeth which had also sharpened themselves to a point. He clenched his fists, not caring if his nails dug into his skin so much that they drew blood.
When Spider-Man had gotten his powers, he'd become a miraculous hero, a sight to see — but why, then he'd used the very same venom on himself, had it turned him into...
His skin, like what he had seen on his arm, was now vastly paler — with darker dark green veins visible through his skin, on his neck and cheek. His ears had also become pointy at the tips; he noted that it must have happened when the tip of his ears had burned significantly more painfully earlier. And what caught Peter's attention most were his eyes. 
His irises, which had been a light chocolate brown, were now a piercing green — the sclera had also changed, becoming what Peter saw was a mix of yellow and green. His glasses had fallen off when he'd collapsed to the floor, but Peter had barely noticed, he could see clearly without them now.
He dropped the shard with a sharp inhale. He could barely think straight, yet he had a million thoughts racing through his mind at that moment. What was he going to do like this? How could he go home to Aunt May looking like this? He'd give her a heart attack just by walking through the door! 
He started tugging at his hair as his thoughts spiraled on. What had he done to himself? Why did he turn into this? He didn't feel anymore powerful, he just felt… Strange. He was a monster he was— 
Peter stopped tugging violently at his hair as he let out an abrupt laugh that stopped him in his thoughts. 
Another laugh followed. And another. And another. After that he found himself shaking with uncontrollable laughter. And among the manic laughs, a choked sob escaped his lips as the reality of the situation hit him once again. His smile, which he didn't even notice he was doing at first, became mangled on his face until it appeared more like a grimace. 
He turned again, his body slumping as he did so, and then his gaze fell on something before him, something he hadn't even noticed when he'd first entered the room. He'd been too preoccupied with the venom that he'd completely looked past this. 
It was what appeared to be a black and green suit of armor. Attached to it was a glider coloured in the same fashion. He stumbled forward, almost drawn to it in a way and he looked in awe at what was now before him. Maybe… Maybe he could use this. If the venom had only cursed him with this new appearance rather than bless him with powers, perhaps he could use this to his advantage. 
He lifted a clawed finger and froze as a loud, shrieking alarm filled his ears and he seized up in panic. Shit. He glanced back towards the suit and narrowed his eyes, he didn't have time to think about it, he needed to get the hell out of here while he still could. Not caring if the glass pierced his skin, Peter punched right through the glass — he must've gotten some kind of strength because he never would've been able to do that before. Or maybe it was just the adrenaline rushing through him at that moment. 
As the blaring alarm continued on, Peter gazed at the armor once more, a more satisfied expression settled on his face. The edges of his lips curled upwards into a grin, and his green eyes were filled with a crazed gleam. 
He could work with this. Maybe he should take it for a little test drive… 
The suit was pretty fantastic to say the least. Though the armor was powerful and could deal with a lot of damage, it still felt light on his body and not as heavy as he thought it would've been. The glider had been tricky to figure out at first, but soon enough he was gliding above the skyscrapers in New York like it was nothing. If anything, it was rather a bit like skating, something Peter was very familiar with. All he needed to do was stay on the board and keep his balance, by leaning to the side to steer in each direction and to lean towards or back whenever he wanted to accelerate or go backwards. 
His body was still throbbing with pain, but it was barely noticeable now and it was becoming more numb with each passing second. His mind however was still a complete jumble of thoughts, no matter what he did he couldn't clear it out. 
However, there was one thought that he caught out of all of the rest.
Long blonde hair, with a star tattooed on his left wrist. 
A vivid flash of the person in his mind caused him to clench his teeth in his anger.
A bitter laugh escaped his lips, right, the entire reason why he'd done this to himself in the first place. 
Knowing that there'd be no luck finding his target tonight, Peter wondered if he was still even in Manhattan. But he wouldn't give up, not until justice was finally delivered. And then maybe he could deliver the good news to Aunt May. That the man who had ripped their family apart was dealt with, then again, she'd ask questions and Peter wasn't so sure she'd be able to comprehend what had happened to him. Which was why he'd taken all he needed to know about finding something to reverse the effects, including the last remnants of what had been left in the syringe containing the spider's venom. 
He'd been lucky to get out of there before security had arrived. No doubt now they'd be trying to figure out who took their high-tech suit and glider, and the venom along with it. Harry would probably have a lot to deal with, Peter felt a twinge of sympathy for his friend, he'd only just gotten back into town two months prior and already he'd have so much to do.
Especially since Norman had died, then again, Norman hadn't exactly been the best person. And he had a feeling that maybe this suit had been for him, after all, Peter knew that Norman had been desperately searching for a way to cure himself of the genetic disease that had slowly been eating him up from the inside for years. Peter was glad that Harry hadn't shown symptoms of it just yet. 
He came to a halt at the top of a building near the empire state and he cast his gaze over the city. 
He couldn't find the man who had murdered his Uncle alone. Not in a city as big as New York that was for sure. He needed help. Which was something he never thought he'd say. Spider-Man was an option, though the vigilante had only been on the streets for about two months so far and he didn't have such a good reputation with the police — Peter remembered Gwen telling him about her father's frequent rants about him — maybe he could be of some help. He needed to find him and fast. 
It seemed that with the transformation his lust for revenge had only increased. He'd become even more desperate to seek out the criminal and put an end to it all. And he would, oh he wouldn't stop until he found that man and made him wish that he'd never been born. Peter swore that he would do whatever it took to ensure he got his revenge, he would kill him— 
Usually, such a dark and intrusive thought such as that would have made him cringe in disgust and fear. But now with the venom having changed so much of him he barely felt anything towards these new tainted thoughts. Besides, this man was terrible, a murderer, he deserved it. Peter would not only avenge Ben but also make sure that his murderer would never kill another person again. Killing him was the only way to put a stop to this suffering that Peter was unable to endure anymore.
He'd need help though. He needed Spider-Man's help. His mouth then set into a thin line and his eyes gleamed as he looked down on the streets of Manhattan. 
He needed to get the attention of Spider-Man. And he knew just how to do it.
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aresmarked · 1 year
kanamafu anon again! thank you for the lovely response! here’s an imo trickier niigo question: what do you think of ena’s dad?
i often see fans blow his shittiness out of proportion, like making him a physical abuser to the whole family or acting like he’s always been unsupportive when the text itself says he was supportive of ena’s art when she was a little kid. i agree that he’s shitty, but part of me thinks that… his relationship with ena can be salvaged, somehow? i know other fans wont forgive him even if he and ena get closure, which is fine, but i dont really feel that way? i keep trying to ask myself what sets him apart from, say, mafuyu’s mom in my mind, when they both say harsh things to their kids in an attempt to “protect” them. it’s like my brain’s really clinging to that part about how he wasn’t always like this, unlike mafuyu’s mom who has always used guilt tripping to control mafuyu. but maybe that’s silly of me, dunno. part of me thinks he’s just an emotionally stunted old man who is piss poor at phrasing things and that he just has some serious growing to do to salvage this, but then again maybe he shouldntve been a parent before that point and he still sucks because, again, he at least had the sense to not say “this art is shit” to, like, a seven year old so maybe it IS his fault? i do consider myself a fan of his character so i ponder this a lot. given your insight about mafuyu’s mom, though, i was just curious as to what you thought!
...Hfhfhf, almost right out of the gate with the essay questions. Hm.
I'd break my thoughts up about him into a few main points, but TL;DR if I knew a parent like this I'd go out of the way to make sure the kid gets some positive feedback from me, but he's a character/parent i could see improving in time.
He's one of those guys who's good at his craft but terrible at teaching. (You see these sorts a decent amount, for better or worse). While he had valid points, the way he chose to 'advise' isn't great. if a parent said something like that around me about one of their kids i'd have a Hard time reining it in.
As remarked upon in the game itself, he didn't talk to Ena as his daughter, but more as another artist, and moreover, I'd say, an adult artist. A few additional words would've made a huge difference in how Ena walked away from that conversation. like 'right now'. or advice on, y'know. what to actually work on. see point one again.
The major difference between him and Mafumom is that he does consider Ena's wishes, not hindering her from going into the arts, and not inserting himself where he's very much not wanted. He does respect what Ena wants to do.
Doesn't stop him having done a wrong and needing to repair that, to move forward. People are full of faults and strengths and I appreciate PSekai actually writing people with those. parents with those. it makes us feel even more strongly for ena cause yeah, a parent's mistake hurts a Lot! It makes a better tale cause it's real!
That said, while I think it's possible for Ena and her dad to potentially mend their relationship, as you say, such a mending will take time to believable and acceptable I think, not just to readers but to Ena. She's got no real interest in mending their familial relationship right now. and a 'forgive your parents' plotline when said parent hasn't taken real steps to actually mend the familial relationship would just be. so tired. that grounds been trod a thousand times. 'You'll understand when you're older'. i hate those plots where the kid forgives their parents without the parents really doing anything to reflect on their actions. the fact it's still a bit of a revolution when a parent does admit they've done wrong speaks mountains.
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hi sex witch,
a couple of days ago I found a small lump on my inner labia. It was sore to the touch and felt kind of like a particularly large acne spot. I'm not sexually active and never have been, so it's probably not an STI. I am overdue for a cervical screening so I'm booking that asap and will ask about it then.
This message actually isn't about that, although I'd certainly welcome any advice you have to offer! But what I actually wanted to say was thank you, because when I found this lump I didn't panic. After years of reading your compassionate, calm and practical responses to hundreds of other anxious people, I was able to run through a list of potential causes in my head (I tend to wear reusable sanitary pads daily even when not menstruating as I experience a lot of discharge, and I'd just finished my period when I'd been wearing pads at night as well), reassure myself (statistically it's probably not cancer), and plan what to do (book that screening!). I've started changing into loose cotton underwear as soon as I get home from work and it already feels smaller and is no longer sore at all.
So thank you so, so much for what you do. When I started following you years ago (actually for batman content, iirc) I really knew very little about sexual health. I cannot imagine how terrified I would've been if this had happened whilst I was still so uneducated. You don't just help us with our specific problems, you also give us the tools and knowledge to handle our problems ourselves. It's incredible work and I really appreciate you <3
hi anon,
first off, I'd like to offer the most sincere thanks of my life for this. it's so wonderful to here, and did make me cry onto my bagel while I was sitting at my kitchen table. this is beautiful and affirming and I will never forget reading it.
now, onto that practical advice - it sounds like you've already done wonderfully identifying potential causes of your mystery lump! you've identified sources of irritation (which does, unfortunately, include pads; much as I love my own reusable pads, the chafing does get to be a bit Much by the last day of my period) as well as ways to relive it, and it's very promising that changing into looser, breathable underwear is offering relief.
all of that strongly indicates that it's a problem that will resolve itself with a little time and space to heal up - you're right again that cancer is spectacularly unlikely; we're more likely looking at something in the neighborhood of something as routine as ingrown hair or a pimple - but I'm glad this has served as a reminder to book that overdue screening. even if you're not sexually active, it's always a good idea to be proactive about preventative healthcare!
here's hoping your appointment is entirely unremarkable,
xoxo ur sex witch
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spade-riddles · 9 months
I believe that last ginger anon was just a warning for the stunt we got Christmas & the one we might get for NYE, to pay attention to the stuff people involved post or not post & things like that. To read between the lines & to not have a major breakdown like some gaylors do every time Taylor stunts when they thought she won't.
Personally I don't believe any major move will happen on NYE like I saw some people theorize or during next year while the Eras Tour is still on. So until then we'll have to be content with reading between the lines & following the clues like we normally do (or not, if following this ride brings negativity or frustration or you're just not having fun you should take a step back). Of course I'll be extremely happy to be proven wrong and to have something big happen sooner but to me it's unlikely to have it during Tour because if Taylor was that brave she would've done it already.
I agree that the Eras Tour is a temporary obstacle to something major happening. But I don't think your last sentence is fair (you may not have meant it like it like I interpreted it). She has a lot to think about, including many people that she supports, as well as fans in non-LGBTQ friendly countries.
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purplebass · 2 years
what do you think of the finale of daisy jones?
Hi anon! I've just finished watching and I have some thoughts... I really liked the first episodes but I thought that the last two were really slow and they changed things that imo worked fine the way they were in the book. The ending after we know what everyone did and we finally discover that the interviewer is Julia and she shows Daisy and Billy Camila's last message, made me cry. It was an emotional moment and that, at least, seemed very faithful to the book. And I liked that they showed us Daisy and Billy actually meeting because we're left to guess at the end of the book. This is an addition that I don't mind.
But, back to what I think didn't work out:
I think the moment where things started getting mmmh to me was post Daisy OD, which in the book I think happened in another place? And it's a wake-up call for Daisy. Don't get me wrong, I loved the moment on the show and how it was done.
Then the Chicago concert. I remember that in the book we see that after the concert it's Camila who takes care of Daisy and talks to her to make her understand that if she keeps sabotaging herself like this, she's not going to make it and moreover, she's going to take Billy down with her if she keeps this up and she then asks Daisy to leave. In spite of everything, Camila loved both Billy and Daisy and acknowledged their attraction but at the same time she was an eye-opener for both on why they couldn't be together. And it wasn't just because he was married to her. Billy and Daisy were toxic for each other and even if they clearly loved each other differently from how Camila&Billy loved each other, their story would end in tragedy and they realize it when they sing Honeycomb and cry (because that song is both about them and about C/B). They could "make a good thing bad". Because even Daisy and Billy are aware that if they give their relationship a chance, they're going to destroy each other. That's why them singing Honeycomb is even sadder but also beautifully poignant in that story. It's the moment where all the members of The Six hit rock bottom and face the truth and secrets come out and that's a life-changing moment for everyone.
And in the show they turned everything into a cliché! Damn. While I think they did Karen/Graham good and were faithful to the book, the whole triangle resolution was a mess. Camila confronted Billy and Daisy about the things she saw and heard, which is good because unlike most of the characters on the show, she's willing to communicate and talk about their issues. But that, added with the fact that they also implied several times that Camila herself betrayed Billy with Eddie (which doesn't happen in the books even though we know that Eddie likes Camila but she's never once unfaithful to Billy). And Billy even knows that and he's willing to forgive her, which is again, not something everyone would do, but only after Daisy rejects him and makes him understand that's the thing he has to do??? Like, come on. They turned the heartbreaking Honeycomb moment into a flat, seen-a-million times overused Hollywood flick movie moment with Billy running to stop Camila from leaving. When, like I said above, that moment was special and powerful because of something else. I know they wanted to make little changes so that it would work on screen, but it felt boring to me, plot-wise. They also added the moment with the fan offering Billy a drink and Billy relapsing later than it happened for emphasis.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still glad they made this show because it wasn't bad and I loved the chemistry between Riley and Sam. But if It were me, I would've stopped at 8 episodes and avoided most of the mess of filler moments that dragged the story and sitcom worthy writing they showed us in ep 9 and most of ep 10. But I really loved the last ten minutes of ep. 10, so there's that.
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I saw a quote floating around here (god i wish i had a link to it but i can’t remember where it’s from) but its basically from an interview with john i think from 1970 where hes being asked why paul lost interest in their business and apple and john replies something like that’s what i want to know and says he hopes paul hasn’t lost interest. anyway i was pretty struck by the because i thought john was done with the beatles by that time? tbh im kinda confused with the he said he said of the band break up. wondering if youve seen that quote and what you make of it? also do you think john was ready to break up the band in 1969/1970? not sure if you have already answered something like this so sorry if i missed it !
Hi anon! I know the quote and lucky for you, my tagging system has once again saved our skins B)
Here's the quote you're referring to.
Why do you think he has lost interest in Apple? JOHN: That’s what I want to ask him! We had a heavy scene last year as far as business was concerned and Paul got a bit fed-up with all the effort of business. I think that’s all it is. I hope so. February 1970
Understanding John's feelings re:Paul post-68 is generally very difficult, however: I personally don't think John was engaged in some 5D chess-game (at least not most of the time); I think he was often genuinely ambivalent, torn between wanting a clean slate and being afraid of the unknown replacing the comfortably familiar.
I think John desperately wanted his situation to change and didn't fully know how to do that without upending his entire life – I can believe he did genuinely want the band to end, or at least to drastically change the commitment and workflow the group had adopted, but I don't believe he was fully cognizant of all that would actually entail and I definitely don't believe he understood how this decision would impact Paul, who – unlike John, who really wanted to divorce his identity from the band (even if he might've had trouble actually achieving this) – saw his self-worth as inextricably linked to the band and his partnership with John. ("...the terrible disappointment of not being of any use to anyone anymore" as Paul would later describe his feelings immediately following John's breakup announcement.)
So I think there's two things at play here: 1) John was somewhat wagering that quitting the band was going to solve his problems and was aware that this was a risky bet, and 2) John did not remotely anticipate that Paul would interpret his "divorce announcement" as a flat-out rejection of him as a person.
There's also the possibility that John wanted Paul to reject his quitting and try to "win him back", which isn't implausible, though, as I've said, I believe that he was, from a purely creative perspective, more or less ready or curious to move on. (Perhaps, had Paul offered some overhaul of how they fundamentally functioned as a band, John would've reconsidered.)
A thing I find interesting about that quote is that, one thing John and Paul often cited as the thing that caused their fallout was that they let "business get between them" yet John didn't try to legally separate himself from Apple, the very business that had caused them a lot of legal and financial heartache. Not sure what I make of it myself, since obviously Allen Klein was a huge factor, money being a big reason John liked him and Paul disliked him.
Hope this helps, obviously this is a nuanced and difficult to parse topic.
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kinky-moth · 1 year
Someone else jumping on the iasip lawyer is validating ngl . yeah I’m like the first ask person— could I have a dom top reader and that lawyer? but kudos for the last person luring me out of my attracted to very Minnie side character shame
Anon you wouldn't believe how many lawyer simps there are, sorry for the late response
If powerful people being submissive is your thing I also suggest the tag '#pegging businessmen'
cw: (nsfw) some fucked up feelings and messy writing "Alternate timeline" from this, go read it if you haven't cause theres some nods to it in the end
"If he acts like that in court, he'll be found guilty no doubt they thought
"Sir." their hand reached firmly for his arm And surprisingly, they had his attention His eyes once again looking in theirs, lost, at their mercy, looking for guidance
"Just let me handle it. You'll be fine." they were certain of it. That's what he needed, guidance.
They weren't one to reassure people, they're a lawyer not a therapist fucks sake, but they gave it a try
And it worked Maybe too much"
They thought that's what must've happened when they saw the client's gaze switch: he still looked almost hypnotized by their voice but his need morphed into something less passive It was a glimpse, but they had seen it often: in the eyes of criminals before fucking themselves over, in good people when too long provoked, and in lovers when they gave in to passion
Thinking about it, those examples are pretty much the same
They could stay preoccupied in their own thoughts longer, but they knew better than to lower their guard now: innocuous as their client might have seemed, they knew that glimpse was dangerous. He lunged towards them, and they were far too close to dodge away; but before they could curse themselves for allowing his doe eyes to lure them in they felt lips push against theirs
Unlike the harsh hold, his lips felt careful, almost unsure, the kiss was lukewarm as if he had realized his actions and were trying to hold back The lawyer, on the other hand, was not known to be.. inhibited. Since he had made his intentions clear, there was no reason to deny both of their desires, right? They surely weren't gonna wait for the answer to that
Firm hands pushed at the back of the man's scalp, making his last bit of hesitance crumble as he was pulled back in, lips parted and welcoming the other's taste; it didn't take long to see just how bewitched they had got him, body moving on it's own to fulfill the twisted need that bound him They saw it all, how he struggled their clothes off, how the heat radiated from his chest, how his eyes were wild and distant, they wondered if he'd even hear them if they spoke to him They didn't bother trying as they took in the ravishing sight
His eyes looked down at the body underneath him, hot and hard for him to see; normally, it would've made him dizzy, being this close, this dominant with someone he didn't even know, showing every part of himself, his emotions, his actions, his weaknesses and his desires all down to his dripping cunt Normally, he'd have asked himself 'what will they think of me?', but not now; he didn't know why, he wasn't gonna question it, he wasn't gonna think at all, he did'nt want to. What he wanted to do is hold his mate down and sink on their cock.
His hold was surprisingly brash for someone who used to be so meek, they thought as his warmth spread down their cock, on top of me with the sunlight hitting his skin, he still looks angelic a smile spread across their lips before a moan was forced past them: their top clenching around them and rocking his hips as if he trying to wring him dry already
It's not gonna happen that easily, they tought as they looked back at their past lovers, but he leaned down
Damp hair dripped down his head "thank you" he groaned, his tone saccharine "I really wouldn't have done it without your help" The rooms filled with gasps as he talked, "won't you let me show you.. my utter gratitude?" despite the gold lighting on him, they could've sworn his eyes reflected a clear red "you looked so weary.. let me be the one to carry your burdens, just for now.."
Oh his words, they sounded familiar, in a way Their mind clouded, they hadn't realized just how close they had been all this time
"Please, let go now" he coaxed, hot liquid spilling from deep inside "just like that.."
Those words..
"I'm sorry, I don't think I've had enough" his body showed no intentions of lifting off of theirs "you just look.. so different like this"
They were.. just like theirs
"You make it.. hard to be good"
It was far too late
Maybe for a day, it would be fine to let someone else take the lead
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lightlycareless · 1 year
hi! i hope ure doing a little bit better. take all the time u need! here's an hc i have
THIS but satoru and hinata when they were 2nd years, they just did this for fun. since canonically satoru can do everything he puts his mind into, wouldn't be surprised if it was the same for hinata
UGH i can't help but think it's THEM
+ adding to the yt link post w virtuemoir, you might think it's unlikely since they didn't really love each other like genuinely genuinely, but still i like to believe the attraction was there
Heya anon!
Thank you so much for your lovely ask and checking in on me 🥺❤️I'm doing much better now, now that the small depressive episode is done and I'm back to writing :>
I apologize for taking a while to respond, but do not be fooled... this never left my mind (I also combined the two asks so they wouldn't be separate :>)—more so because the second season of jujutsu made me wonder just how involved Hinata would've been when everything went down!!
But going back to this video—yes!! I think Hinata and Satoru would've done, even with their differences, everything together at one point, and excel at it too.
Knowing how everything comes easy to him Hinata would've made it work, mostly because out of spite haha. She couldn't allow Satoru to be that good, she had to be in his level or near him (She wanted to save herself the incessant teasing from his part) while Satoru would come up with the craziest ideas to find a "weakness" for him to exploit/humiliate, only for him to be rightfully contested when she wouldn't relent.
However, the more they spent time together, the more they realized they genuinely liked being with one another, at one point Satoru offered to teach her whatever she needed—with Hinata willingly accepting to be his student.
I do feel they were attracted to one another, if not started to be attracted, during this time. I mean, they were teenagers, very hormonal, and have been in each other's life since forever 😂 it just started to happen, so... why not?
Hinata would be the first to find the other attractive, however, Satoru would be the first one to conclude that "maybe spending the rest of my life with her isn't as bad"
Of course these sentiments were nothing but a step they needed to take in order to know themselves and what they wanted in life, (like their first time together lol idk if writing it would be morbid but let's be real after all the shit I've done.... do I have any excuse? 😂) eventually coming to the realization that what they wanted the most out of the other was friendship—The reassurance that no matter what happened they would still be there for one another.
Presumably around the time where Satoru met Suguru. They just had a whole new level of chemistry, and Hinata was all in for it.
After Hinata called off the engagement I could totally see Satoru telling her something like:
"If we're still single at 30 we could marry each other and have some kids or something" to which she would only roll her eyes and dismiss as him being his usual silly self—at least outwardly, because Hinata wouldn't deny that the idea of settling down with someone she already knows is nice.
I mean, let's not forget how her dating endeavors had been going—she hates it lol. And I can't blame her, the dating scene is... oof. So why waste her time meeting people that just don't get her, seemingly don't have any ambitions, don't share her work ethics and whatnot, when she could could just rely on Satoru?
And if the pressure from the elders towards Satoru grows too "annoying" for him to keep ignoring, or who knows, maybe he finally decides he do wants to settle down, he could rely on her as well.
It sounds awful when put that way lol, but I think these things serve to show just how intertwined Satoru and Hinata were, something that only people who have known each other for a very long time, and learned to trust one another completely, could do.
Satoru cherishes Ren, Hinata, and Y/N a lot, and so do they. There's nothing they wouldn't do for one another, and that's something I intend to show deeper into the story :>
Once again, thank you so much for sending in this ask! Now I want to write in what Hinata's, Ren's and Y'N's reaction would've been to the whole thing that went down on season 2 😭 (who am I kidding, that's totally gonna happen)
If there's anything else you'd like to know about their relationship, or just share with me, my ask box is always open 🤭❤️
Thank you so much, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and see you around!!
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