#they’re average at the other sciences though
harveylikestoart · 2 years
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*makes a dndads oc because its cool* in my motw au, they made a love “potion” on valentines day and caused chaos :)
Uhm, ya idk he just thinks alchemy is chemistry even though it makes their grades worse. They wanna be a mad scientist fr
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femsolid · 1 year
TW: Trans activists
For more than a decade now, trans activists have been harassing those who belong to a feminist philosphy we call radical feminism or the women’s liberation movement.
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Radical feminists, like most feminists, believe that men use sex to oppress women. Meaning they oppress women through sexual exploitation and by perpetuating sexist discrimination towards those who belong to the female sex. They were the first to research and expose violence against women as endemic and traumatizing, and to create shelters for rape and domestic violence victims. Those shelters are now being vandalized and defunded by trans activists.
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Because radical feminists don’t believe in gender identities, gendered souls, gender roles or any form of innate personality based on sexist stereotypes, they have been receiving rape and death threats on a daily basis. The acronym “terf” was soon invented and is now used to describe any person who doesn’t support the trans movement, even if they’re not feminists, just as long as they're women, though lesbians and feminists tend to be the primary targets.
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As a whole, the trans movement claims that its biggest enemy and threat, its most pressing matter, its most dangerous opponent is the women’s liberation movement or what they call “radfems” or “terfs”. This is where their energy and anger is directed, typically in the form of sexist and sexual harassment, intimidation techniques, violence, censorship and social isolation. So let’s talk about that.
From the book Hate Crimes in Cyberspace:
Cyber harassment involves threats of violence, privacy invasions, reputation-harming lies, calls for strangers to physically harm victims, and technological attacks.
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Victims’ in-boxes are inundated with threatening e-mails. Their employers receive anonymous e-mails accusing them of misdeeds. Even if some abuse is taken down from a site, it quickly reappears on others. Victims’ sites are forced offline with distributed-denial-of-service attacks.
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While some attackers confine abuse to networked technologies, others use all available tools to harass victims, including real-space contact. Offline harassment or stalking often includes abusive phone calls, vandalism, threatening mail, and physical assault.
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The Internet extends the life of destructive posts. Harassing letters are eventually thrown away, and memories fade in time. The web, however, can make it impossible to forget about malicious posts. And posts that go viral attract hundreds of thousands of readers.
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Online harassment can quickly become a team sport, with posters trying to outdo each other. Posters compete to be the most offensive, the most abusive. An accurate name for such online groups is cyber mobs. The term captures both the destructive potential of online groups and the shaming dynamic at the heart of the abuse.
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Cyber harassment disproportionately impacts women. The U.S. National Violence Against Women Survey reports that 60 percent of cyber stalking victims are women, and the National Center for Victims of Crimes estimates that the rate is 70 percent. Of the 3,393 individuals reporting cyber harass-ment to WHOA from 2000 to 2011, 72.5 percent were female. The most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that 74 percent of individuals who were stalked on or offline were female, and 26 percent were male.
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Researchers found that users with female names received on average one hundred “malicious private messages,” which the study defined as “sexually explicit or threatening language,” for every four received by male users.
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According to the study, “Male human users specifically targeted female users.” By contrast, men are more often attacked for their ideas and actions. John Scalzi, a science fiction author and popular blogger, has found online invective typically situational. When he writes something that annoys people, they tell him so. People do not make a “hobby” out of attacking his appearance and existence as they do female bloggers.
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The nature of the attacks similarly attests to bigotry’s presence. Hate expresses something uniquely damaging. It labels members of a group as inhuman “others” who do not possess equal worth. It says that group members are inferior and damaged. Bigotry conveys the message that group members are objects that can be destroyed because they have no shared humanity to consider.
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Cyber harassment exploits these features by exposing victims’ sexuality in humiliating ways. Victims are equated with their sexual organs, often described as diseased.
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Once cyber harassment victims are sexually exposed, posters penetrate them virtually with messages that say “I will fuck your ass to death you filthy fucking whore, your only worth on this planet is as a warm hole to stick my cock in.” 
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Rape threats profoundly impact women: over 86 percent of rape victims are female. Virtual elimination may follow the imagined penetration: “First I’ll rape you, then I’ll kill you.”
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One woman who faced online abuse noted, “Someone who writes ‘You’re just a cunt’ is not trying to convince me of anything but my own worthlessness.” Despite the gravity of their predicaments, cyber harassment victims are often told that nothing can or should be done about online abuse. Journalists, bloggers, lay observers, and law enforcement officials urge them to ignore it. Victims are called “whiny baby girl[s]” who are overreacting to “a few text messages.” Often victims are blamed for the abuse. They are scolded for sharing their nude images with loved ones or for blogging about controversial topics. They are told that they could have avoided the abuse had they been more careful.
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A related message sent to victims is that the benefits of online opportunities are available only to those who are willing to face the Internet’s risks. They are advised not to expect anything different if they want to make a name for themselves online. The choice is theirs: they can toughen up or go offline.
The Internet is governed by society’s rules. Life online bleeds into life offline and vice versa. The notion that more aggression should be tolerated in cyberspace than in real space presumes that virtual spaces are cordoned off from physical ones.
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Most victims do not report cyber harassment to the police because they assume that nothing will be done about it. Sadly, they are right. Law enforcement frequently fails to act on victims’ complaints even though criminal law would punish some of the behavior. Victims are told to turn off their computers because “boys will be boys.” Online harassment victims are told that nothing can be done; they are advised to ignore rape and death threats. During the summer of 2013, high-profile women were subjected to a torrent of online threats. The feminist activist Caroline Criado Perez received hundreds of graphic rape threats via Twitter after her successful campaign to feature more female images on British banknotes.
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Members of Parliament and female writers who publicly supported Criado-Perez faced the same, including bomb threats. One tweet featured a picture of a masked man holding a knife with the message, “I’m gonna be the first thing u see when u wake up.”
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Because the Internet serves as people’s workspaces, professional networks, résumés, social clubs, and zones of public conversation, it deserves the same protection as offline speech. No more, no less.
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Without doubt, the free speech interests at stake are weighty. Free expression is crucial to our ability to govern ourselves, to express our thoughts, and to discover truths. For that reason, government cannot censor ideas because society finds them offensive. Truthful speech must not be banned just because it makes people uncomfortable.
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But credible threats, certain defamatory falsehoods, social security numbers, and nude images posted without consent contribute little to discourse essential for citizens to govern themselves and discover truths. Their net effect is the silencing of victims. Victims could blog, post videos, and engage on social networks without fear of destructive cyber harassment. They could raise money using networked tools unencumbered by rape threats, reputation-harming lies, and distributed- denial- of- service attacks. They could take advantage of all of the expressive opportunities available online. Protecting against online harassment would secure the necessary preconditions for victims’ free expression.
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With the help of law and the voluntary efforts of Internet intermediaries, parents, and teachers, we might someday achieve a free and equal Internet. We need to take action before cyber harassment becomes a normal feature of online interactions. A hostile online environment is neither inevitable nor desirable. We should not squander this chance to combat discriminatory online abuse; it is early enough in our use of networked tools to introduce equality of opportunity as a baseline norm of interaction.
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ramshacklerumble · 1 month
Gonna go with Subject and Hobby both for your Slim Gang (since they're new) and Gia (even tho I remember them being a potion/horticulture wiz)
Subject: What is your twst OC’s best subject? Worst? Do they study with another whom excels at the same subject? Do they ask anyone for help with the subject they are bad at?
slim v - he excels at animal languages since it’s been a skill he’s been honing since prior coming to nrc. he’s fluent at bovine, rattlesnake and can have passing conversations with most raptors. he’s pretty proud at how quickly he can pick up animal linguistics, so he doesn’t go out of his way to study with someone else. his worst, i would have to say is magic analysis— he just doesn’t really care about figuring out the nitty-gritty of how something works so long as it works. he’s not terrible at it, but he’s prone to missing details and the like. d’s are barely passing but they are, in fact, still passing.
jett bison - physical education. this dude is MASSIVE and has a scary running time despite it, it becomes pretty well-known that vargas views him as his star student. he doesn’t exactly STUDY so much as he trains, so he often finds himself in playful competition with jack howl (and nearly everyone else in savanaclaw, really.) worst subject would be alchemy, but not possibly for the reason you think. jett is often taken as a simple muscle head, but he’s actually fairly average student all around. his problem arises when you get a guy his size in a small lab with small intricate lab equipment.
ken, ben and len wylie - music! these guys can JAM! they’re all skilled in multiple kinds of instruments and though they’re unable to read notes, they’re able to play in sync not just with each other, but with others. their worst subject,,,just about anything else. they float by animal linguistics due to their upbringing beside slim and they do alright in flight, practical magic is something complicated, since on their own the brothers are below-average at best, however when working together they’re frighteningly competent. but anything regarding putting magical pen to paper is their kryptonite— which is unfortunate since they’re all sorted into heartslabyul…
gia yugo - as you’ve mentioned, gia EXCELS at potionology and alchemy. it’s so similar to chemistry, which was already something they had something of an interest in prior coming to nrc and gia just does well regarding things that require hands-on activity. they do often look for others in the same wheelhouse, such as trey clover (and is why they eventually come to join the science club). their worst subject…barring any class requiring innate magical ability, would prob be astrology. they don’t get it. they don’t care to get it. it’s tedious statistics and they find it oh so useless.
Hobby: What are your twst OC’s hobbies? Who among the cast will they possibly ask to join in their pastime?
slim v - he’s actually very into comics. it’s not something he overtly advertises, but he’s a collector. the wylie brothers are allowed to borrow to read, but they’d better make DAMN sure they don’t stain or crease those pages. and put them back in the sleeves. and wear gloves. don’t even breathe while reading them.
jett bison - he follows pro-spelldrive pretty closely as he does one day want to get in the league. it’s one of the fastest ways to really get him talking. he’s huge on holding watch parties for championships and such.
ken, ben and len wylie - there’s a reason why music is their best class and are in the light music club (which since the yancy boys attend nrc the year after the events of the game, would be headed by kalim). they even play live at the yancy on fridays!
gia yugo - …gardening. yeah, let’s call it that.
more asks? here.
tag list:
@cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @jovieinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans @kimikitti
@felix-cant-ski @nightwingshero @water-writings @beneathsakurashade (dm to be added)
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script-a-world · 2 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I have no idea if any religious texts explain this or not but when I have a world that has reincarnation in it, how does it explain increases in population and where all the new people come from if they aren't a reincarnation of a previous dead person? Obviously any religion never explains everything and clearly so many things are contradictive, but it might be a bit more important in my story when there is a lot of science that explains things. In my story, reincarnations are also a science and one important invention they have is a high-tech machine that can probe someone's mind/soul that can identify many of someone's previous lives. I'm not sure how to go about though with explanations. Obviously it will need a lot of handwaving. Now, this only happens with humans. I understand that real life religion people reincarnate as animals and so many other realms of existence but this is not true of my world. A part of my story focuses on researching to find the earliest known reincarnation.
Tex: How do they define a soul? How is this defined in relation to consciousness? If there’s the belief that there can only be one soul per body, does this inform their cultural norms on reproduction? Do certain people and their families have a higher priority on who’s allowed to reproduce, because of this? How restrictive would this be, and who and how actually enforce these rules?
Both religion and science are means of communicating to a culture on a mass scale, and because of that there will be inconsistencies in how this information is conveyed and the ability for the average lay person to understand what this information is, and its finer nuances.
Because of this, simply replacing one mode of communication about How The World Works ™ is not going to magically increase literacy on a subject, nor make anyone more likely to adhere to something. It’s the reason why religion leverages indoctrination tactics as a core part of its message - obtaining loyal followers requires a lot of work, and a risk/reward ratio to ensure compliance to a particular ideology. Filing off the identifying words and replacing them with different ones does not change the underlying perception of a “new” message.
Science, historically, has been just as politically-aligned as religion, because both have been deeply connected to money. How your world will define a soul, and consciousness, and how it ranks who gets to have what, will inevitably follow the papertrail that is money - it’s up to you how much of an economy to include, and what concepts like equality and egalitarianism look like in your world.
Licorice: This sounds to me like a question the scientists in your world would be busy exploring. In fact, from a narrative perspective, I think it would be more interesting if this were an aspect of reincarnation that they themselves did not understand yet. They could have many different theories floating around, different schools of thought endorsed by rival academic cliques. 
In our world it is often the case that scientists devise practical applications for natural phenomena that they don’t yet fully understand. They’re not sure why it works yet, but they know that it does. So it would be perfectly possible for your scientists to have plenty of unanswered questions about reincarnation, while at the same time inventing a machine that can read people’s past lives. 
For example, does reincarnation in their world operate like a parking garage, where no new cars can enter until a space becomes available? No new babies can be born until a body dies and frees up a soul? If this were the case, how would human beings deal with it? Would people remain pregnant for months or even years, waiting for a newly-liberated soul to enter the foetus so it can become a person and be born? Or would it not be possible to get pregnant at all unless a soul was available? In that case, might people who were desperate to have a child go out and murder randos? Would older members of the community be encouraged to hurry up and recycle their souls? 
Or maybe we can go the Philip Pullman route and argue that souls are made of Dust - space dust, star dust, magic dust, what have you - free-floating in the universe, which can be attracted to your earth by a variety of means. 
Or maybe they have actual gods in this world who simply create more souls as required. 
It would also be interesting to know what social distinctions - classes, if you will - might be created based on one’s soul level. For example, do souls that have undergone a certain number of reincarnations enjoy higher social status? More rights? Or maybe more responsibilities?
Another possibility is that souls can split, like amoebas, if they cultivate enough mana or whatever. Perhaps society is structured around ways of encouraging people to do this?
And finally, in your world, is there any end to the cycle of reincarnation? And is this something to be desired, or avoided?
I think you have a really neat idea there with a huge amount of potential. 
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 months
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"Hey... Tomorrow, you're going to die."
Minazuki Satsuki, 16 years old. By all accounts your average 2nd year high schooler, apart from being a social misfit always declaring her classmates' impending deaths.
They've nicknamed her Usotsuki (Liar).
But her eyes alone are special. What she sees with them are...
The grand return of Ryoko-sensei, author of Shi ni Aruki!
A horror-suspense manga fighting backwards against fate.
--For every death(question), there must be a reason(solution)--
happy femslash february, this one’s going to be a weird one—it’s not a romance, but it is constant high stakes Heated Drama among female characters. right now it’s on its 9th volume, and it looks like the series is about to hit its last few arcs.
each arc is essentially the investigation of a future corpse in order find out time of death, cause of death, and other clues that can help prevent the death. there’s allergic reactions, science accidents, electrocution, premeditated murder, a beheading… it’s a very dangerous school…
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satsuki does this while being ostracized by the majority of her classmates because she has a reputation for telling people they’re going to die. there’s some pretty intense bullying and multiple impressively rancid high school gals. and abuse. it’s a pretty heavy series. but you see, the reason I have this as femslash february rec post—despite it not being a romance—is because:
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it really is Like This throughout btw, though komachi also has… well…
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This Stuff going on. anyway, it’s vaguely under the yuri umbrella in the same way teppu is (though liar satsuki hasn’t had two female characters symbolically depicted as getting married in the mma arena) (yet). this would be good for folks who like high stakes high tension action/mystery/supernatural stuff and also gay undertones
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grawlix-ness · 2 months
The Big Sleet and Dingo Headcanon Post V2!
Bear in mind this is largely a collection of subconscious Notes app ramblings I’ve patched together so I may have made a few grammatical boo-boos or repeated myself here and there. It’s almost 4AM, I’m sure I’ve missed things. I’ll continue to add and edit this post should more ideas come to mind. Questions encouraged!
Cw: light implications of child neglect, mentions of drinking and mutant body horror
🔫 Sleet 🔪
Sleet was raised in the gutter. He knows a fair bit more than the average Lower Mobotropolis street urchin because his mom was an aristocrat until she was slandered by her peers and booted from high society. She taught him the essentials, and he learned everything else from scavenging library books. Presently, his education has all but fallen through the cracks. He tries to avoid reading most of the time. What will Dingo think if he learns he’s not the uber-genius he makes himself out to be? Why does he care what Dingo thinks? When such thoughts arise, they are pushed away and buried.
He has cybernetic implants to aid with frequent aches and muscle strain. In the winter, he struggles due to a lower cold threshold, the result of a fur and skin condition. Dingo knits sweaters for him. They’re oversized and kind of a mess. On particularly glacial nights, Sleet isn't averse to sharing warmth, willing to cuddle up and be the little spoon, so long as Dingo promises not to tell anyone. 
He had no friends growing up and was often picked on. His ailments and interest in science made him an easy target. Some of his peers disliked him on the very principle of him having an ex-aristocrat mother. This made him prickly and distant. While others played kickball or tag, he was tinkering with junkyard machinery or eavesdropping around spacer hangouts, dreaming of someday getting off planet and flying to a world that’d understand him. 
He’s quite good with a needle and thread and tailors his and Dingo’s ball outfits himself. Sleet gets his sewing skills from his mother. She was the personal outfitter and trusted right hand of an important noblewoman. As a pup, he adored listening to his mother’s stories of galas and masquerades. During such fleeting moments of peace, she’d also make costumes for him. He still heavily enjoys fashion, having a closet dedicated to fancy capes. 
Sometime in his tumultuous childhood, Sleet discovered there was an Honor Guard. He admired their outfits and swordsmanship. Most of all he wanted to join so he and his mother could live in the warmth and safety of a castle. He even fashioned a costume out of his mother’s fabric scraps, complete with a sword made from a rusted metal pipe. She was quick to dash those dreams and didn’t take kindly to him borrowing her things, especially not for such a “ridiculous” project. During lonesome, existential nights he wonders how differently things could have turned out if he had become a member of the guard after all. 
When his mother was absent or too volatile to be around, Sleet found company in local mechanics.  He learned how to swindle and cheat with the best of them. One shop owner actually took him under her wing, viewing his perceived weaknesses as strengths. 
Sleet first developed the transmogrifier as a kid. He used it not only to defend himself against the local rabble rousers and humiliate them. It wasn’t a complete success, only partially transforming targets, giving them wings or eyestalks and other unwieldy appendages. Transformations were temporary. No less horrifying however. 
He calls himself a jack of all trades. This title is dubious. Thanks to an enriching education from the school of hard knocks, he does have an approximate knowledge regarding a variety of things, though it’s usually limited to topics relating to self-preservation and chicanery. 
Animals don’t like Sleet and aren’t afraid to let him know. It’s become a standing joke. Dingo teases him for it, despite the fact that, because of his stature, toothy countenance, and tendency to squeeze or pet too hard, he isn’t the best with animals either. 
Sleet is a skilled marksman. He prefers distance, specializing in both handguns and long guns. If the weight class is right and the odds are in his favor, he can hold his own in close quarters using an array of hidden fighting knives and some rudimentary martial arts. Sleet simply won’t hear that his cape is a hindrance, even when this has been proven multiple times. All that being said, Sleet is more of a fleer than a fighter. He is an unabashed coward, not opposed to unning away screaming with his tail between his legs. 
While preferring motorcycles, he’s not half bad at riding animal mounts, thanks to the teachings of cowboy bounty hunter and old flame Fleabyte. It is serendipitous that he’s acquired this ability, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to stay on as well after zapping Dingo into a beast of burden. The poor brute has heard a lifetime’s worth of ass jokes from his rider. 
He enjoys strategizing and has free time stored away solely for scheming purposes. These lovingly-crafted plans generally go awry due to Dingo’s haphazard, devil-may-care nature and forgetfulness. That’s not to say Sleet would do better in the bounty hunting business on his own. He has the upper body strength of a wet noodle and a predilection for monologues and theatrics. He needs someone to shake him out of these ego trances.
Sleet uses his hands often when talking. Lots of flourishes and waves, tapping his chin as he feigns uncertainty, balling his fists and involuntarily shaking them when incensed. Little itchy, twitchy movements. Dingo finds it most endearing. 
Though tech-savvy and clever, his anger and pride sometimes get the best of him, leading him to make less than wise decisions, such as forcing machines past their breaking points or abandoning plans the moment his buttons are pushed. 
Sleet is not good at maintaining his hygiene, hence the hedgehogs’ odor-themed jabs. He'll polish and shine his armor until it glistens, yet giving the suit an interior deep clean is far from his mind. He's become so dependent on the power high and protection the suit gives him that he rarely takes it off. Dingo found this strange and a little concerning at first, but Sleet has convinced him that a good bounty hunter is always prepared in case of ambush. The thick polluted air of Robotropolis doesn't do any favors for his mangy fur coat either. So if anyone's a flea hotel, it's Sleet, though you’d be hard-pressed to find any fleas that’d give his scrawny hide the time of day.
Underneath that armor, he wears a black one-piece bodysuit  made of a silky, breathable material, more resilient than it appears. Sleet is skin and bones. It’s why he prefers working with a partner. He went through—or rather left for dead—dozens of other partners before finding a suitable match. Dingo’s hardy. Sturdy. Loyal. Revoltingly sweet. He’s an intriguing oddity to him. Dingo could easily kill him and yet he doesn’t. For a time Sleet wondered if he was just too dim to ever consider betrayal. 
He’s not big on displays of affection or people entering his personal bubble. However, when traversing through big crowds, he always presses close to Dingo, sometimes even reaches for his hand. 
Considers himself sophisticated. He’ll generally greet with a low bow and flourish, allies and enemies alike. Has neat freak tendencies, despite the fact he’s a hot mess himself.  In short, rules for thee, but not for me. There’s often a mental tug of war between his debonair self and the mouth-frothing sewer rat that lies deeper beneath. 
Sleet has a bad habit of late night tinkering.  He isn’t actively trying to be a night owl, time gets away from him. If Dingo doesn’t carry him off to bed beforehand, he ends up hunched over and asleep at his study. It does no favors for his already poor posture and eye bags. 
His reputation precedes him. When he freelanced, many bounty hunters steered clear of him because he was a noted cheat that backstabbed his partners. Despite these unsavory exploits, he manages to reel in even the most disconcerting of clients via ingratiation, boasting a nigh supernatural silver tongue. Those who’ve been tricked by him before cite his wordsmithing as being almost hypnotic. 
He tries his damndest not to acknowledge Dingo’s gaga eyes and honey glow cheeks. More times than one would deem platonic, he’s gotten distracted by Dingo’s chest. Though, to his credit, it’s hard not to when your co-pilot’s almost always shirtless and idly flexing his muscles. Even harder when you’re pinned beneath his chest—Dingo could make tripping over his feet a professional sport. 
💪 Dingo 🧬
Dingo has a sizable extended family, a horde of siblings and cousins back home. His destructive tendencies came as no shock to his aunts who raised him, since the family business used to be organized crime. The syndicate disintegrated long before Dingo was born, other groups like the Toad Warriors and Bear Pack Bikers quickly outcompeting them. 
Has no memory of his mother or father and holds no ill-will towards them. He has plenty of wild theories about their disappearance though. Everything from being lost at sea to being flattened by an asteroid. Whatever it was, he’s convinced it must have been legendary.
Of his litter he is the eldest brother. Barring fur color, none of his family look quite like him. His spots and flopped ear are noted recessive traits. His more dramatic features are the result of an understudied mutant gene. Nobody’s sure where in the family tree it came from. So far as Sleet can glean, it’s one in a billion, a title Dingo wears proudly. He isn’t interested in making connections with any long lost relatives, fearing there could be someone out there better than him at all things mutant. 
Dingo grew up in the outback of Trailius, quite some distance away from the hustle and bustle of Mobotropolis. He was a rambunctious, often rude and aggressive child. A typical schoolyard bully. Sometimes he would lament over his appearance and wish other kids invited him to play, but those moments were short-lived. Fortunately for his peers he could be easily tricked or bribed with sweets. 
Whereas Sleet took up inventing and sewing, Dingo loved throwing his weight around and exploring the great outdoors, wrestling every beast he came across and scaring vacationing campers late at night by pretending to be a Mobian-eating monster. 
In pursuit on foot, Dingo is bad at maneuvering sharp turns. His topheaviness and clumsy feet have cost a number of hunts. 
He has a sweet tooth. One thing he appreciates about the aristocracy is their love of extravagant desserts. 
He is very naïve and trusting. It was worse when Sleet wasn’t in the picture to talk him out of things. A country boy in the big city, Dingo was scammed out of a lot of his Mobium when he first arrived in Lower Mobotropolis. The shell game was just too alluring. 
Dingo is not so oblivious that he can’t rebuke Sleet’s gratuitous blaming. He can be sassy. Those who’ve had the displeasure of working with them can attest that, when tensions are high, they have the propensity to bicker like an old married couple. 
For someone who was raised in Trailius, he is unusually afraid of spiders and other crawly arachnids. He doesn’t enjoy turning into insects either, finding the overall sensation, in his words, icky. 
Transformation is typically painless. He tends to be sore after taking on the more abstract forms. If the strain is really bad, he will go to Sleet and ask to be massaged. Sleet used to refuse, but he has since humored him, asserting that he’s only doing it to check for signs of molecular decay. 
Dingo can morph without the assistance of the transmogrifier, though the process is slower. It depends on how distant taxonomically-speaking the chosen form is from his mammalian base. These transformations are not too pleasant visually or audially, so the remote is preferred.
Dingo’s mutant abilities have some drawbacks. Because of his rapid healing, his body will try to stop him from getting tipsy and keep him on his A-game.  He has to drink by the barrel to feel even the slightest buzz. Additionally, being stuck in one form for too long can leave him achy and disoriented, and if he changes too frequently his molecules buckle and unravel. It’s not a pretty sight. Sleet even theorizes that if he’s in a form for over two hours, he will get stuck that way. They have had close calls before, where after finally being turned back from a Mobini, some behavioral traits of the animal lingered.
Before meeting Sleet, Dingo could only morph if he remained focused, and those transformations were generally simple, such as limb multiplication or extension. The transmogrifier effectively glues his molecules together, meaning he doesn’t have to exert his concentration anymore. Colors are still somewhat of a challenge, tinted with his default orange. Nevertheless, he fools the untrained eye. When tasked with disguising as another Mobian, Sleet coaches him and will always supply him with a hidden microphone. 
After an especially big transformation, Dingo becomes so drowsy he can hardly stand. All that molecular stretching and rearranging, it’s draining. When he wakes, he is insatiably hungry. Which is saying a lot because Dingo already packs food away like it’s nothing due to his bulking regime. 
His accelerated metabolism often manifests in odd cravings, such as tuna and peanut butter sandwiches or pickle and pineapple ice cream sundaes. Sleet wishes he’d partake in his experimental cuisine somewhere else. Preferably out of the Red Whiptail’s cockpit—he gets crumbs everywhere. Despite being an extreme omnivore, Dingo cannot handle spicy food.
When he’s not making unusual combinations, and in turn making Sleet’s stomach churn, Dingo’s a decent chef. Messy, but decent. He’s the more culinarily adept of the two and makes dinner when time allows. 
He likes scrapbooking. Dingo has more stationary and cute pens than he knows what to do with. Unfortunately he’s heavy-handed, so many of his supplies are worn with love. He keeps mementos of every successful hunt. Little knick knacks and trinkets, maybe the occasional tooth from a beaten adversary.
Not necessarily a couch potato, though does spend most of his downtime lounging in front of the TV. He enjoys playing video games, although he’s not very good at them on account of his itchy trigger finger skipping past tutorial levels.  As long as he can shoot or smash things or toss chubby penguins off cliffs, he’s happy. He watches mainly big loud action movies, corny rom-coms, and slapstick cartoons. Sleet believes his screen time will rot the little left of his brain, though he has shown some interest in the historical Delmontian dramas Dingo skips past while channel surfing.
Has been known to boast quite the sailor mouth. It doesn’t happen often, the most foul only invoked for particularly painful offenses like stubbing a toe. Sleet doesn’t know what half the Trailian swears mean and at this point he’s afraid to ask.
Dingo does not like shirts. He especially hates the tuxedos and dresses Sleet makes him wear whenever there’s a bounty on an aristocrat. He tries to keep his grumbling to a minimum because dressing up makes Sleet happy. In casual settings, if more than his shorts is outright necessary, he’ll wear a quippy graphic tank top.
When they go out of town, Dingo always hits up a tourist trap or two, no matter how blatantly overpriced or mind-numbing. He’s a big fan of carnivals and amusement parks. Dingo’s demolished many strength tester games and would most assuredly be banned if he wasn't one of Robotnik's hirelings.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, true, but he is definitely the more emotionally aware of the duo. When it comes to personal matters, he’s a good listener.
He has a twinge of separation anxiety. It’s not super debilitating, he just gets restless if Sleet is away for long. He can be possessive. This proves a problem whenever Sleet goes Casanova Mode to retrieve information from targets. It’s worth noting Sleet has moments of jealousy too when Dingo manages to hit it off with others, though he’d never admit it.
The hedgehog triplets are aware of Dingo’s crush on Sleet. To catch him off guard, they’ll sometimes slyly allude to it, much to a flustered Dingo’s chagrin.
Finds Sleet’s voice very soothing. It’s so soft and muted. He could listen to it all day. Often he does since, while certainly less exuberant than Dingo, Sleet can be a chatterbox when it comes to aristocratic gossip and comparing blaster models.
Despite being certifiably canine, Dingo makes all manner of noises. He snorts and huffs like a bull when upset and can unleash fearsome, leonine roars. When happy, he rumbles. 
Excitable. Liable to break the nearest object in vicinity from pure exuberation. 
Dingo can’t see well without his glasses. Despite the swanky look, they are in fact prescription. If they’re misplaced or knocked off by a meddlesome hedgehog, his clumsiness is increased tenfold. He is gentle when handling them. 
Dingo wears a bracer on his right leg. In a comedy of errors, he injured his leg as a pup while playing with a slingshot. For reasons unknown, his healing factor neglected to kick in. His knee aches at times. Dingo mostly wears it because he finds it cool and fashionable. 
His fighting knowledge is limited to the concept of hitting, hitting hard, and hitting dirty. He has no formal training, relying on instinct and what he’s seen on television to best enemies. His moves are sloppy and unrefined, but no less formidable. As a mutant shapeshifter, he’s also granted a number of potential forms. Even without Sleet’s transmogrifier, his elasticity allows him to grow in size and turn his arms into whipping tentacles or his hands into mallets. He could finish fights before they even start with this power, however Dingo prefers to milk his battles for all their worth. Some Freedom Fighters have reported seeing him actually play with the battered and unconscious like they’re dolls. 
He is actually well-kempt all things considered. Dingo enjoys bubble baths and singing—or caterwauling, as Sleet calls it—in the shower. His fur coat is soft and surprisingly dense, especially in the winter when it grows out. He sheds and has to brush himself fairly often. If he’s in a good mood, Sleet will help. The mastiff-like skin folds around his neck also have to be cleaned regularly. His mane is naturally bristly, akin to that of a wild boar. It softens somewhat after a good shampoo.
Dingo makes the first moves. He is usually the one who initiates. Trouble is, if it doesn’t involve flexing his guns or pulling a smoldering expression, Dingo’s bad at flirting. His word choice is . . . unique. Lummox that he is, his compliments come across more like threats. Turns out Sleet does not in fact appreciate being called small, fragile, and edible among other things. He’s since tried to alleviate this by writing down pick-up lines on his hand. 
Dingo’s definitely the more doggish of the two. He wags his tail, something seen as uncouth in aristocratic social circles and immature in most other places. He’s wounded himself on occasions by wagging so hard. Dingo also barks when he gets too excited or surprised and, due to his muzzle structure, is predisposed to drooling. If Dingo is proving particularly stubborn about going into a death trap or being used as bait, Sleet can convince him with a scritch between the ears. 
Additional Information
Their partnership was bumpy at first. Their differing personalities clashed and sometimes led to physical altercations. Nothing too dramatic of course, they are still cartoon animals after all. Dingo pulled his punches. Sleet might have been a nag, but he didn’t want to see him hurt.
Sleet and Dingo are both bisexual. Dingo has a slight preference towards men and masc folks. Sleet is trans. He performed his top surgery himself. Despite the quality of the tools he had at the time, his scars have healed remarkably well.
The two are very competitive. Before being hired by Robotnik, on particularly uneventful nights they played board games. They’re both cheaters so they went around in circles for hours. Lots of yelling, finger pointing, and eventually falling into a heap on the floor because they stayed awake all night trying to psyche each other out.
When they manage to squeeze any free time out of their schedule, they enjoy going to arcades and stealing prizes from kids. They also like to take potshots at the irradiated wildlife on the outskirts of Robotropolis and do prank calls—the Robotnik Intelligence Agency being a favorite victim.
Dingo believes that Sleet’s love language is mockery. That might not be too far from the truth. Sleet genuinely doesn’t know how to express himself. He doesn’t altogether know if he wants to. Sleet’s trained himself to think the worst of everyone so he’s not disappointed or hurt in the long run. In truth, Sleet appreciates acts of service. Dingo’s love language is considerably more simple, as things regarding Dingo so often are. Dingo’s huggy, nuzzly, altogether physically affectionate.
Sleet snores terribly. It’s not so much the volume as it is the whistling his nose makes. He’ll never admit to it, and gets flustered whenever Dingo tells him. Fortunately the walls of Robotnik’s fortress are thicker than those of their previous abodes, giving Dingo the chance to rest easy.
Dingo doesn’t understand mirrors. Sleet, egotist that he is, rather likes mirrors. He hasn’t owned any since the incident. It’d be a hassle to clean up glass and find a replacement everytime Dingo popped his head into Sleet’s quarters. Sleet has explained how reflections work to him several times before, yet it never seems to stick.
In his default state, Dingo has a strongman build. Sleet is a beanpole. Without his boots and shoulderpads, he’s slightly shorter than Dingo.
As far as affairs of the heart go, their relationship is unspoken. Dingo’s doing all he can, Sleet pretends he doesn’t see it, as on principle he believes love is for fools. There may or may not have been some wild nights where he had too much wine and slurred a few things suggesting otherwise however. He’s softening up to the idea, even if he doesn’t know it yet. In essence, he’s perpetually stuck in a “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” loop, because he’s a shitty little tsundere.
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sixpennydame · 1 year
I BEG OF YOU. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. Never Have I Ever is too good please make it an ongoing series, oh gosh I fell in love again. 😩
Hi Anon! This is for you..
Never Have I Ever, Part 2
Part 1
Levi x fem!reader
C/W: Canonverse, Levi being awkward about love, hangovers, mentions of alcohol / drunkenness, fluff
Levi was hungover, no doubt about it.
He never really drank much, but he figured with his above-average physical strength, he’d be able to quickly get over a hangover.
He was wrong.
Riding back to Headquarters after that night was agony; every noise felt like a cacophony in his head, and the bright sun hurt his eyes. His head was pounding like a drum.
Looking at him, though, you’d never suspect it. He still had that same, slightly pissed-off look on his face, so when you rode up to him, you expected him to just be his normal self.
But you and he knew things weren’t normal between the two of you anymore. You’d done something, but both of you were still trying to put those pieces of the night together.
You remember going to the bathroom, and when you came out, Levi was there in the hallway. Before you could ask him what he was doing there, he’d grabbed your arm and pulled you into him, his lips immediately meeting yours. The rest is hazy, but you can slightly remember you kissing down his neck to his collarbone, where you…
Oh my god, you thought to yourself, you’d left a huge kiss mark on him. You remember smiling into his neck as he took in a sharp breath in reaction to the sensation, his hands on your buttocks.
This morning, you notice he’s wearing his cravat a little tighter than he normally does, but his face is unreadable. Is he angry at you? Annoyed? He was the one that started kissing you, but maybe he doesn’t even remember doing that. You decide to take a chance and start talking.
“Fun night last night, huh?” you say with a small laugh.
“Yeah, it was…fun,” is his only reply and he doesn’t even look at you.
You try again. “But I’m afraid I drank too much during that game and I can barely remember anything after that,” he looks over at you when you say that. “How about you?”
“Nope. Nothing.” His answer is curt.
There’s no way he didn’t notice the kiss mark you left on his skin. Does he hate you for it now? “Listen, Levi, I -”
“I need to go talk with Hange for a minute. We’ll talk later,” he cuts you off as he rides ahead, leaving you toward the back of the group.
When Levi makes it to Hange, they’re humming a song. “How can you even be humming right now? I saw you down almost a whole bottle of gin.”
“Easy,” they smirk, “I drink a concoction of ginger, charcoal, and turmeric before I know I’m going to drink alcohol and it keeps me from getting a hangover.” They push their glasses up. “You see the mineral compound in charcoal works with the ginger to..”
Levi rolls his eyes. “I don’t need to know the science, Four-Eyes.”
“Ok, ok, but maybe you need to know how to treat someone after you make out with them…or whatever you two did,” Hange says, a little loudly for Levi’s comfort.
“Shh..shh..” Levi looks around to see if anyone was listening, “I don’t need everyone knowing my business.”
Hange laughs. “Levi…it’s no secret to anyone at that bar that you and Reader have got the hots for each other.” Hange looks at Levi, but the look on his face tells them he has no idea what they’re talking about. “I mean, you both were gone for a while, then you went over to a table in a corner by yourselves, and then you both left the bar together.”
“We…did?” Levi can’t believe he doesn’t remember any of this. In fact, he wouldn’t believe it if not for the mark on his neck. He feels so stupid. What if he overstepped his boundaries with you last night? How does he apologize for something he can’t even remember?
Hange and Levi both hear you laugh as you ride by with a few comrades. Your eyes linger on Levi for a moment, then they look away to focus again on the group. Levi’s eyes, however, stay on you for a few second longer.
Hange smiles. “You should talk to her. Tell her how you feel.”
“I…can’t,” Levi sighs, “I’ve never really done this before.” His voice gets even lower, “And what if she doesn’t even like me? Maybe it was just the alcohol.”
“Oh I doubt that very much.” Hange laughs. “Besides, you’ve liked each other for a while, but were both too stubborn to admit it. You know what they say… In wine, there is truth..”
When you all arrived back to headquarters, Levi stables his horse and goes straight to his quarters. Maybe Hange was right - maybe the alcohol tore down enough of his defenses for you to see how much he cared for you. How much he wanted you. And you must want him too, right? He takes off his cravat and pulls down his shirt to look at the purple mark. He presses on it, hoping in some way that the slight pain might jog some memories.
But he does remember touching you, pressing his body against you. Shit, if he could only remember more..
He paces the room, conflicted about what to do. “Fuck it,” he finally says to himself. He needs to talk to you. Clear the air once and for all.
When he opens his door, you’re standing there, hand up in a fist as if you were about to knock.
“Hey…” you say awkwardly, “can we talk?”
“Yeah, sure. I was just coming to look for you.” His heart is beating fast as he opens his door wider to invite you in.
“I drank a lot last night, as you know,” you confess, “and I think…some things might have happened between us. Things I can’t exactly remember.” You blush.
“I’ll admit, I can’t remember either.” Levi runs his hands through hair, clearly embarrassed. “And if I crossed any lines last night, I sincerely apologize.”
You walk over to him. “No, no. That’s the thing: I…wanted to be with you last night.” You’re face is getting hot; you can’t believe you’re finally saying it out loud.
He moves closer to you, his own cheeks turning flush. “I wanted it too. I want…” he runs his thumb across your plump lips, “…you.”
He can’t resist anymore - he has to kiss you. His lips hover over yours and then he stops. “Is this ok?”
“It’s more than ok,” you reply as you grab his shirt and pull him closer to you. His lips are so soft when they move against yours. As you both come up for breath, you start kissing his jaw, then down his neck, and that’s when you see the bruise you left.
You smile. “I hate that I can’t remember what we did last night.”
He takes your chin to lift up your head, then he starts kissing down your neck, sucking in almost the same place you’d left your mark. “Well then, let’s work on making some new memories.”
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Shopkeeper: Yrjo Spenkrank, The Unfettered Flunkey
“I’ve had many call me odd, in my years, monstrous if they were feeling cruel. But I’ve lived long enough to know that being ordinary makes you predictable, and predictability gets you killed.”
Appearing on lonely roads, shaded alleys, and ruined corridors with only the creaking of wheels and the rattle of vials to herald his approach, wandering alchemist Yrjo steps from the darkness to provide the party with unorthodox solutions to their heroic problems.
Shunned in his small village due to a malformation at birth, Yrjo’s curiosity at his circumstance led him to the study of anatomy and the healer’s arts, eventually piecing together enough knowledge to reach adulthood as a competent bonesetter. In a different time, with more accepting people, Yrjo would have made a great doctor, apothecary, or surgeon, but Isolated as he was in an ignorant land, Yrjo was forced to follow his calling elsewhere....
Serving for decades as the assistant to mad scientists, necromancers, and a succession of other villains doomed to be devoured by their own hubris, Yrjo developed a talent for outliving his employers: Slipping out the back door of their lair just as the experiment went wrong with sack full of research notes and valuable reagents. Building quite a collection of forbidden knowledge over his career, Yrjo now wanders from settlement to settlement, plying the physician's trade until he a new dark scheme worth suborning
Adventure Hooks:
While he’s well stocked with all manner of potion and tinctures available for modest fees, Yrjo’s true utility to the party comes in his knowledge, identifying evil entities or curses, and performing all the careful doctoring that regular healing is unable to provide. The alchemist is even able to perform resurrections on the cheap, provided the departed’s friends don’t mind doing some light grave robbing and bringing them back as a patchwork cadaver fuelled by necro-electrical energy. 
It’s a trade secret that most villains know eachother, often working with the same suppliers and contracting out to a shared pool of potential minions. As a freelancer, Yrjo is often overlooked by the greater class of evildoer, meaning he’s more than happy to gossip and give the party directions regardless of whether they’re looking for leads, bounties, or introductions.
Yrjo is getting on in years, and though he’s loathe to admit it, his old bones and his bad shoulder are having trouble hauling his cart with him. Socially awkward and hesitant to settle down given his poor history with average people, a party that makes use of the old alchemist’s services might find him showing up more and more on their adventures, shadowing them but unable to work up the courage to ask to tag along as their camp doctor.
Before the party head off on an adventure where the old man cannot follow, consider having him speak of his long-neglected wish to attend an institution of higher learning, which will obviously have your party scrambling to have their mad-science grandpa enrolled as soon as possible so he can fulfill his dreams of being a real doctor. Alternatively, should the party come into position of a manor/keep, Yrjo will be happy to stay behind and set up a lab, keeping them well stocked in potions and other alchemic utilities. 
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"anon I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you think that the average person likes dinosaurs in the same way they like gravity." Why? I didn't imply any of that. People can be curious and learn more, as much as they learn with someone on internet talking about owls (many people in big cities will never see an owl, try to pet one, go to a owl cafe??? These are even illegal where a live, a country with 100.000.000+ inhabitants. Nevermind).
"but most kids don’t care how accurate their toys are, they just want to roleplay them forming a death cult with blood sacrifices because that’s just what children want to do." you cleary underestimate how children are complex but I'll pass
"It would go something like “why doesn’t this one have feathers” “oh scientists didn’t know they had those at first” “oh ok” and for most kids that’s the end of it." Really do you have some background on education at all (even practical)? These simple realizations are really important.
"You’re acting like there’s a huge movement of people proclaiming that dinosaurs didn’t have feathers or something, which isn’t the case." Where did I imply that? I just "wow it would be nicer for kids to have MORE info, isn't it?", and you used a lot od words to say "that's not relevant" (and if it is your opinion, don't cover it).
Also, sorry I work with something irrelevant (irony) as education (including child education) and I try to bring nice themes to engage the groups. I feel very sorry for writers and illustrators for their irrelevance (irony) too. Although, urgengy for urgency, I'm surprised you didn't mention the world hunger this time, or used us from the so called "Third World" as props again.
A large portion of my job is child education actually lol. Working at a wildlife outreach center for years will do that. You’re projecting a lot of weird opinions onto me, who hurt you? When have you seen me refer to “third world” countries that way? When have you seen me bring up “world hunger” or say “children are starving in Africa” exactly?
I’m glad owl cafes are illegal in your country. They’re illegal in mine too. Wish they were illegal everywhere. Owls don’t want to be petted and owl cafes are animal abuse. If you want to know why, feel free to search the term on my blog.
Here’s the thing about dinosaurs and fictional media with dinosaurs though: a child can learn accurate information about dinosaurs without every single toy having to be anatomically accurate based on current science. I was reading dinosaur encyclopedias by the time I was six because I loved dinosaurs and wanted to see pictures of dinosaurs and what their names were and what they ate and what have you. I think that educational material such as encyclopedias should be up to date! That is important! People at any age can learn from accessible educational material about dinosaurs.
But if a child plays with a plastic toy that’s not scientifically accurate, that’s not a detriment to their education. A child who is curious should be lead to books for more information on the subject, not more plastic toys. Toys can be educational and raise questions certainly, but not every toy has to be part of their curriculum. Sometimes children just want toys to pretend to eat other toys with. You can teach children about dinosaurs if that interests them even if fictional depictions of dinosaurs are different from the real animals. Imagination and fiction are also a healthy space for children to explore.
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dujour13 · 7 months
2, 22, 35 and I for Sia?
Thanks Seren 💕💕 I love the first one especially
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Easy as water running downhill. Laughter is his natural state. I feel like it’s an azata power to defuse tension and soothe trauma with laughter, and he has one of those contagious laughs that you hear over the crowd in a bar and you can’t help at least smiling. Woljif cracks him up constantly with his stories and quips. Aivu makes him laugh, Seelah makes him laugh, even Regill makes him laugh. In fact it was suspicious that Early Sunset didn’t make him laugh much, at least until later.
He even laughs in the face of danger sometimes, which I think actually helps lead the Free Crusade to victory. Demons have no clue how to deal with him.
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Inward. If someone he’s sweet on is looking elsewhere, Siavash takes it as a fault of his own. If he thinks he still has a chance, he’ll turn up the charm.
He’s not possessive because he respects people’s freedom and wouldn’t want to hold anyone back from what makes them happy. Even if it makes him sad.
On the other hand if he sees someone he cares about flirting with others in a way that seems insincere—like they’re doing it to get attention, or doing it to toy with people, or because that’s the only kind of affection they know—he would see it as a symptom that something’s wrong and maybe intervene in his own way. Try to gently convince them there’s a better way (him).
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Oh he is just as excited as you are. He’ll get Woljif chattering about investment scams and just sit there dreamy-eyed not understanding 90% of it but totally on board. Same with Nenio. Oh gods that reminds me. He did everything she asked of him “for science” just to humor her and to see where it was all headed. Very very supportive.
I. Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
The azata mythic path is so essential to who he is that I can’t really imagine moving him into another universe. In fact in my canon he’s dead in a ditch outside Kenabres in every timeline except the one where he becomes KC.
(I wrote a Commander as Companion for him once but it fell flat for me. He kind of needs to have an unlikely leadership role and mystical magical powers to be himself. Probably because part of his character concept is what an average guy he is until the whole Crusade thing happens.)
I do have other “universes” or timelines within Pathfinder where I imagine his story took a different turn though…
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nonsensicalsoliloquy · 6 months
Ooh, please tell me more about Alien Kylo and Broodmare Hux!
(from WIP FOLDER game)
Hello, my dear, thanks for the ask!! I’m both appreciative and not surprised by your interest in my ‘Kylux AU—Alien Kylo and Broodmare Hux’ XD
This WIP is actually where my response to this last sentence tag game came from!
First off, and most importantly, this is a filthy, ridiculous, purely self-indulgent PWP idea, and being both me and the fact I’ve let it sit in my head for well over a year, AND like 95% of that is STILL IN MY HEAD, it took on some attempts at sense and a touch of ‘plot’. Which is why ‘bullshitting alien medical science’ became much more of a thing than just because ‘this is reeeaaalllyy straining realistic credulity’ smut.
To be, uh, short:
General Hux and a group of his men were ‘captured’ after leaving a small, secluded FO base when they accidentally entered a corner of restricted space and, for the infraction, are to become a new batch of soon to be breeding hosts for a powerful and intelligent species who need compatible beings to both bear their young, as well as assist in heat cycles where the eggs they lay are not to be fertilized but need a partner to lay them in. (Alien) Kylo is (and comes from a family line) high up in the wealthy and influential ranks, so he’s one often offered first pick of partners when new batches (in his city) are ready. He doesn’t always take them up on it, but this time he does, as he’d had his eyes on Hux since they arrived.
Thus Hux’s new life takes on a second layer. Not just an alien species’ broodmare, but that of a seemingly high-ranking member of their elite.
Aaaaand…yeah. That was pretty much the initial PWP oneshot idea. The plot growth part developed more of Kylo’s background (just a tad) as well as his interest in Hux; some of the observations, experiences, and a bit of past for Hux; the ‘medical bullshit’ background for the hows and whys this is/can happen; as well as a future beyond that evident smut-a-palooza.
To be.. a little longer:
So, Alien Kylo here is not related at all to his canonverse background. There is still the Force, though it’s not touched on much, and his family line, etc. does still exist in a sense, but if you had to apply it in some form of vague parallel with ‘canon’, it’s a little more along the lines of Naboo/Kylo Amidala au stuff.
I haven’t figured out a name for his species nor their planet yet, but they’re an old, huge, well-developed, and wealthy planet with big influence in both above and below board trades. i.e. they work with respectable people in the Core and people like the First Order. One of several reasons for this is because they’re a prominent source of and power in medical research and development fields – not only for themselves, but numerous other species. This being because, a millennia(?) or so ago, their race was facing growing infertility issues, ones that could threaten to drive them to extinction.
In Kylo’s species, both males and females are capable of impregnating and being impregnated. They also are a species that lay eggs in their partner’s’ wombs (during heat periods with no intention to fertilize, as well as when wanting to do so). While working toward figuring out the reasons for the fertility decline, plus obviously helping their own, they simultaneously searched to find compatible species to serve as surrogate wombs.
One of the few compatible species are human males.
As for the appearance of Kylo’s species, they’re Dragon-like, though still not fully ‘developed’ yet in my head. Larger than your average human for sure, but typically not so much so that it’s outlandish. Kylo, of course, is larger than his usual, in both height and breadth. Their species is humanoid in form and relatively so in features; with things like a set of horns, longer tongues and sharper teeth, retractable claws and areas with scales and a change in skin color/tone/toughness, and sometimes eyes with black sclera. Also, of course, their (male) dicks are usually on the huge side and ridged (in all the 'right' ways XD) and they don’t really have testicles so much as a smaller sac/pouch in that general area that expands somewhat with eggs when in heat and preparing to lay them in a partner.
OH, on a filthy side note to the filthy filth: all ‘breeding partners’ are arranged in rooms where the walls are lined by, essentially, fancy glory holes. For all the crew to stick their asses out of for these alien VIPs (at first) to make use of. Yuuup… There will be SOME TAGS on this thing when it’s done.
Soooo… yeah. That was a lot of ‘teaser’ for what’s supposed to be a ridiculously self-indulgent, stupidly filthy PWP. Honestly, I got way too into those hows and whys with regard to the alien biology nonsense. Probably a bunch of stuff that won’t even end up in the fic whenever I get around to actually finishing it (or just writing more than a few freaking paragraphs :'C ).
Thank you again! :D
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thespookybean14 · 25 days
Hi y’all!! Because people have been sharing their alien series OCs recently, I decided to share mine!!
I will say I don’t have a whole lot developed for her, at least in terms of a storyline, but I can tell you a lot about her anyway (as well as provide some art and a couple moodboards)!
To begin, her name is Calypso Warner and Calypso goes by she/her pronouns. She’s twenty-nine-thirty years old, and the pilot on the USCSS Daedalus. She’s 5’7” in height, goes by “Cal” only around close friends and family, and is a lesbian. Calypso personality wise is very patient yet practical. She can be polite, although a bit reserved when someone first meets her—it seems almost like she’s “detached”, even though she’s not. She begins a relationship with another crew member on the Daedalus named Sidney, who’s an engineer. (Sidney belongs to my friend Quill!)
Sidney is a bit of a loner in general. She’s very nomadic, going from ship to ship constantly when working. It’s hard for her to make attachments because they’re just brief romantic escapades. She can also be very blunt and carefree, besides her transient nature. Despite this, she fell for Calypso anyway. She never expected their bond to really be that strong, but she knew after surviving this mission with Calypso that she only wanted to be with her. Calypso was perfectly okay with that. She also had feelings for Sidney as well.
It’s 2132-2133. The crew is just like your average cargo crew, they’re not really out there to research anything, just carry cargo. that is, until they get a signal from a nearby ship on a different planet. The other ship is requesting assistance from someone who is supposedly injured (according to their science officer) and trying to find a way home. Calypso, of course, is a bit reluctant on the idea, it doesn’t feel practical—but she decides (after being peer pressured by the science officer 👀) maybe it is a good idea to help or at least try to do something. Unfortunately, what that crew doesn’t know, is that the place is infested with Xenomorphs. Now, they have to try and find a way out to survive. (This storyline could change)
Here’s some moodboards and art I’ve done!
1. Calypso moodboard
2. Calypso and Sidney moodboard
3. Calypso reference (by me!)
4. Sidney and Calypso art
5. Art reference
6. Picrew of them by Quill (credit to @elena-illustration , picrew will be linked)
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misscammiedawn · 9 months
Would you like to share any opinions on RUSH? You get extra points if they’re hot takes.
Penny? I love you! Thank you for unleashing my thoughts!
VERY WELL! Let us begin!
I'm gonna list them in random order
- Time Stand Still is best music video and anyone who disagrees is being a grinch!
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- Our favorite album is Roll the Bones and our favorite Live CD is A Show of Hands! I think Rush in Rio and Permanent Waves are the *best* though!
- They should just release the Different Stages live recording. It's pretty much out there as extra features on the other DVDs!
- The Clockwork Angels book and graphic novel are pretty average but are worth it for making Seven Cities of Gold not suck. The worst song is the best chapter of the novel
- I would buy a Blu-Ray that is just the backing videos for the live videos and I hate that the only backing vid that exists in full form is By-Tor from Rush in Rio (as an Easter Egg)
- Emotion Detector is the most underrated Rush song and I would have preferred Tom Sawyer or YYZ not get played in one of the tours to accommodate it in a concert! Only 44 songs have never been played live before and of them the only one that I think deserved to be played more is Vapor Trail because it is the ONLY title song of an album never played live (after Presto was pulled out for Time Machine)
- It is pronounced Why-Why-Zed. It is spelt Vapor Trails. The American spelling of Vapor is essential to the song's message
- Analog Kid is Alex's best song, Ghost of a Chance and Between The Wheels are second and third-- though live versions of Working Man are up there
- Geddy's solo at the end of Leave That Thing Alone (Time Machine Tour) is the exact peak of Rush, that was their highest point as a band!
- SARS Fest concert kinda sucked? Spirit of Radio with Paint It Black intro was amazing but the equipment was shot and they gave Alex a hot microphone. They also cut off the "encore" which just sucked. I am also a little salty that Rush were an opening band for the Stones *in Canada*.
- Tom Sawyer is overrated and they're not even Peart lyrics. Limelight and YYZ off of the same album are better.
- Neil's Ayn Rand period is a valid part of Rush history and provides so much extra context to The Garden. The same pen that wrote "begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more" ended his life with "the measure of a life is a measure of love and respect, the way you live and the gifts that you give, in the fullness of time it's the only return you can expect" - a man with a storied life as Neil with as much tragedy as he endured ended with him completely giving and loving in his heart when 35-40 years prior he wrote empathetically that "you don't get something for nothing"
- La Villa Strangiato is in my opinion not just the best instrumental but it is in contention for best Rush song period. I would never give it that title because it lacks Peart's lyrics and I find that people who say that have an irrational dislike of Geddy's voice... but it's still a valid take. Natural Science would get my all around best song badge. But best and favorite are not the same in my world and even still I mean *technically proficient* mixed with lyrics. I'll change my mind, likely. But that's my feeling right now.
- Geddy didn't get vocal training until before My Favorite Headache (2000) and Neil didn't get jazz drumming instruction until Burning For Buddy (1994). Both artists were just fine as they were but they perfected their arts and I prefer late era Rush because of that. The band never stopped evolving.
- I would have liked to have heard one of the solo album songs live (I Am The Spirit, Promise or My Favorite Headache) or have Bob and Doug do Take Off for a charity event like the South Park or Hawkings concerts last year. I *still* want that. Neil wasn't involved in the solo albums. It could still happen.
- I want a Jukebox Musical of Rush music so that The Body Electric isn't the only piece of fiction scored to Rush.
- Alex Lifeson could have been a comedian. He's one of the funniest humans on the planet.
- Peaceable Kingdom is better for having been the only song where lyrics were written after the music. Vapor Trail has amazing lyrics in general but I feel the limitation had positive impact and I wish Neil and the band did this practice more than once.
- Rush's improvised and last minute songs when they are running out of studio time are the best. Malignant Narcissism was the result of the album director seeing Geddy warming up with a vintage fretless bass and said "put that on the album" so they composed around the improvised riff, Force Ten was literally a last minute addition to Hold Your Fire. La Villa is said to have been recorded in a single take (I do not believe that legend as it wasn't in any of the biographies I have read). Rush just work best with limitations. They're a bunch of goofs and giving them a time limit makes them go into a Saitama style serious mode.
I could write tons more. But I'll call it there.
I like Rush.
A lot.
More than you think I do.
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
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Alright, let’s do this over again. My name is Satori Luong, and for the past six years, I’ve apparently been my Earth’s one and only Spider Hunter.
Look idk what anyone expected but a spider-sona / spider OC was bound to happen. Will a full sheet be put out eventually? maybe. God knows. I don't. more details and taglist below the cut
I think it's funny that no matter what it seems that nearly every Spider instantly jumps on the "lets go spandex suit and be a hero" and most are all some sort of genius in terms of science since they create their own web-launchers and suits for the most part (hell, Migs is out here creating safe interdimensional travel).
But what if there was a spider who just? didn't.
What if there was a Spider who didn't realize they were "Spider-Man" and who chose to simply adapt and adjust and not be a hero in the traditional sense— and partially because they didn't have the whole spider pack.
This is Satori Luong aka “Kumo” or “Spider Hunter” the Spider of Earth 1425639, an Earth that they state is “Half organized crime half unorganized crime” where they’re more of a vigilante rather than a hero. They’re half Japanese and half Vietnamese-American, and as of ATSV, they still attend a local college to finish out their degree while keeping the streets clear of troublemakers in their own way.
In comparison to the others, they often refer to themselves as the "Rather Average Intelligence Spiderperson” as opposed to the various “amazing” Spidermen. They state that it's not derogatory in their opinion, considering that, unlike all the other Spidermen, it seems as if they could not produce webbing organically or create any tech to enhance their powers. They consider themselves rather unremarkable in that case, as they cannot stick to walls either, leaving them with improved physicality. However, like Miguel O’Hera, their teeth seem to have retractable fangs, and their "Spider-Sense" seems to be very different. Instead of the almost precognition that many Spiders have, Satori is hyper-observant of their surroundings.
This matches well with their primary fighting style.
Where Satori lacks the mechanical and scientific genius that the other Spiders seem to possess and because of their Spider-Sense developing in a way that they are incredibly observant and aware of everything around them, it is safe to say that Satori is more or less a combinational protégé, able to mimic combat forms within a few hours to days of close observation.
This, in combination with their in-depth knowledge of spiders, makes them a formidable enemy and powerful ally, due to the fact that no matter how they fight, they will always fall back to actual combat and hunting techniques of actual spiders.
Satori carries around a number of weapons, primarily knives. While these knives change out regularly, they always keep the blade on their leg. Nicknamed “Kumokiba” this knife is their substitute solution for webbing. While they didn’t create it, instead it was given to them as a gift from an underground Arms Dealer who they accidentally saved, Kumokiba is a unique blade. The blade can be shot much like a grappling hook and imbed into a wall, though Satori doesn’t use it for climbing often, as they say they can scale most buildings on foot anyways.
Instead, they use Kumokiba as an extension of themselves. Much like spiders, Satori uses the wire that their blade has in order to sense the world around them along with setting traps and attacking. Later on, Satori was able to obtain wires of a similar make to the one that Kumokiba had and thus has been using wires and their blades in order to keep the streets of their city clear of trouble.
Aside from Kumokiba, their other knives are varied in size and purpose, though they state jokingly that they’re just like fangs.
Satori also apparently struggles with newer technology, not understanding the holographic and nano tech that is used often among the Spiders. This is often the leading cause for a number of frustrating moments between them and other Spiders in Miguel’s group. More often than not, when all the spiders are assembled, another has to go and get them due to them being unable to figure out how the gateways work. Similarly, when working with other Spiders, they rely on them for aid when it comes to traversing a location via web slinging or upwards mobility on sheer surfaces they are unable to free run on.
That said, Satori is extremely fast and nimble due to the fact that they have been only able to pursue enemies on foot most of the time and are extremely proficient in parkour as well, having been known as a local parkour runner before even getting bit at the beginning of their High School years.
They are the only spider without an actual "spider suit", though their jacket has a symbol emblazoned on the back.
I have some other sketches and line work but I'm working on the big sheet.
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@jedifisto​ @spaceydragons​ @purgetrooperfox​@spacerocksarethebestrocks @insanelytomato @babygirljoelmiller @certified-anakinfucker @d3epfriedangels @gen-has-green-vibes @thecodyagenda @babygirl-leon-kennedy @txtalnyx @jawajawas
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strangermask · 10 months
People of the rottmnt fandom
As a person who is a “Casey Jr is a dumpster baby” believer, I present to you: Casey Jr’s bio family! (In the good timeline)
Starting off with the parents: Anastasia Quill and Neville Quill.
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I hc Casey Jr as biracial as you can see in the above photo. His mother, Anastasia, was a former foot clan member. She parted ways with the clan after she met her future husband, Neville. Their meet was before the kraang summoning (I feel it important to clarify that), but she does keep contact with one of the old foot recruits. Neville, on the other hand, is just a normal guy with an average life. He wants to live life as a science teacher and spend it with his wife and kids.
Speaking of kids, introducing them now! And, surprise surprise, Casey Jr isn’t an only child
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The first and eldest child is Genesis. And with his name meaning “origin”, it fits the eldest well. He was born on April 25th, 2025. Ever since he was young, he’s been a calm and collected kind of guy. Very nice, very polite, and he just radiates that big brother energy (at least according to his younger siblings). The only time he breaks into panic is when his siblings either get into trouble or almost end up hurt. They give him a heart attack at least thrice a week.
The second child is Angel, the oldest twin. She was born on December 16th, 2028. Out of everyone in the family, she is the most energized and extroverted. Her name means “messenger” and that definitely fits her. If someone needs to send a message, she is on it. Party invitations? Done. School is going to do a fundraiser? Already making the posters. And being pretty well known and fun to talk to, she is basically the town doll.
The third child is Xander, the youngest twin. He, along with Angel, was born December 16th, 2028. He is quite the opposite of his sister. He is more shy and reserved, not really putting himself out there. He has a bit more trouble socializing then his family, but he tries his best. They’re probably the only people he sticks close to. That, however, doesn’t mean he isn’t an absolute menace to his siblings. Although… there’s something familiar about that kid.
And finally, the youngest child Thanos. His name means “immortal”, and it’s the shorten name of the Greek God of death: Thanatos. He wishes that was his name though considering how many times he’s teased about sharing a name with a giant fricking purple villain. Anyways, he was born on February 7th, 2036. He brought quite the surprise with his red hair. Turned out both sides of the family had the genetic hidden. As the youngest, he gets inspired by his older siblings and tries to mimic them. This has led him to be the spunky and charming child that he is. He still can be a little gremlin when he wants to be.
This sweet little family live a peaceful life in Oregon. Anastasia and Neville moved there for both job opportunities and take a small break from the New York life. Maybe one day they’ll go back to the city.
Down below is a lil extra bonus. For now, I thinks about it
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Ooooooooooh, that’s why Xander seemed familiar… he is Casey Jr. Unfortunately, he didn’t know that. He thinks it was just a weird dream he had, but that dream is affecting his life. He doesn’t know why or what’s going on, but it has to do with the ghost he constantly sees. And fun fact, Xander’s name means: Defender of humankind. Very fitting for the boy whose mission was once to find the key and stop the kraang.
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xxlilith · 2 years
One Piece Characters As Students (Part 1)
Hellooooo, I’m back with more headcanons 🤭 This part contains ASL :D
Note: My school uses a 0 - 100 grading system, so that’s what I’ll be using 
Monkey D. Luffy
Eats during class (obviously)
Got scolded by science teachers multiple times for bringing food into the lab
Offers his food to teachers when they get mad at him 😭 (it’s ineffective lol)
One time he asked the biology teacher if they can eat the pig heart after the dissection 
Complains very loudly about assessments (if he remembers them)
Never does homework because he doesn’t remember there is homework
Interrupts the teacher with random questions 
Will offer students who sit beside him food if they’re on good terms
Lunch is his favourite subject
Joined the cooking club but does no cooking
Is their professional taste tester 🫶
Would be failing all his classes if not for the other Strawhats
Biology: 63
Chopper helps Luffy as much as he can to make sure Luffy at least passes
History: 60
Robin tutors Luffy in history whenever she can
Math: Failing
This man can not do math
The teacher pities him so much and seeing him makes her want to cry
Physical Ed.: 92
I mean, self explanatory 
Only got docked for the health unit because he didn’t understand anything
I swear every teacher loves this man
If he forgets homework, he will get away with it because teachers love him
Sometimes he’s very reckless but teachers turn a blind eye to it
Very friendly and approachable 
Quite popular
Well liked, has probably been confessed to but he rejected them
Naturally excels at his courses
I don’t really know what Dungeons and Dragons is, but I feel like he joined that club 😭
Is the sibling that attends Luffy’s parent teacher interviews (sometimes Ace will tag along)
Part of the student council or some kind of student voice group
I can’t see him having bad grades, so probably a straight A student with everything over 85 at least
Physical Ed. is obviously his best grade as well
Score: 100
Portgas D. Ace
If the school has a uniform, always wears it “wrong” (untucked shirt, loose tie, etc.)
50/50 chance he is late to morning classes
Falls asleep in class (though not entirely his fault)
One of the popular kids, friendly but almost in an aggressive way
I can see a lot of people crushing on him, but I highly doubt that he’s actually had any dating experience 😭
Tutors Luffy in math but is basically failing himself
Probably the captain of some sports team or something
Would cheat on tests if he was really desperate
Never got caught though, except for that one time in math-
Very into shoes, I don’t know, he seems like the type
Would show off his shoes to friends
He’s an average student, so scoring between the 70s and 80s?
Physical Ed.: 97
Got docked a little because of the health unit where they had to present the male and female body
Annoyed that Sabo did better than him
Math: Low 60s
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