#they’re so silly love to have something like this for distraction while they’re healing
yonglixx · 1 year
skz family prediction: it’s like five years into the future and they’ve killed off grandma innie and peepaw felix (they both tragically passed due to old age) and that’s why we now have goth cousin jeongina and babygirl lixie
haha that’s actually the most common prediction i’ve been reading so you might be right and i do remember I.n saying something similar in one of the 2 kids room episodes and if it ends up being true, i won’t complain bc while i loved grandpa lixie, im excited for daughter lix hehe also i love the hair on I.n and little purple highlights 💜💜💜
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they were so cute;;
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whosthere54 · 5 days
Prison duo playlist analysis day 6 - Treacherous Doctor by Wallows
I think this is a bit of a banger song ngl. Me when.
(I personally like the Live from Henson Studios version, but I’ve linked both here and both are good- I just think the Live one is easier to listen to for me personally <3)
I think I have two takes with both verses for Centross and Icarus. Both I think fit both of them, so take it-
Take 1:
Season 2 prison duo in my opinion.
The first part to “I’ll go ahead and give you youre eyes back now” as the last line.
Now- this being Icarus.
O em gee eye mention? Eye mention in song? Eye mention? Icarus Morningstar? /silly/lh/j
“Could I trust you with my thoughts, or would you use them all against me?”
See it’s so. Them in season 2.
There’s that layer of tension, that they absolutely do not trust him in this season. Yet- In the prison they’ll vent or use him almost in a similar way they did Haley. If I tell you this while you’re in a box you can’t leave when I do- type insecurity. They probably expect him to use their thoughts against them, but he doesn’t.
“Can you replace my eyes for yours? See what I really look like, I could help you criticize”
Sort of the same theme of Icarus is expecting him to hate them- or judge them back like they are to him in a way he just… isn’t. “I could help you criticize” they almost want him to. Want him to hate them, to be angry, to spit the same fire back at them because if he doesn’t that means he’s changed. Their so used to him spitting the same words, the same anger, the same fire back at them in their arguments from season 1 that when they remember that’s what their expecting even though they had talked to him previously. They want him to see what they do in themself because that means it’s real. That it’s physical and not something they’re saying to themself. That they’re not broken or something is wrong with them that this is something others are seeing too- but he doesn’t.
“Looking for a sense of relation. Where do people want me to be?”
That’s so coded in my opinion actually- Isn’t part of their whole arc in season 2 that their trying to fit into this place as people gain their memories back around them, as they grow more weary and more scared of them when they don’t have the memories back themself.
“Where do people want me to be?” Is just so coded. They don’t know themself so they go off of other people’s actions or words towards them to try and figure it out. They left when Rae yelled at them, when Athena was *scared* of them- they didn’t want to make them all scared or feel threatened by them just existing there- so they left.
“Losing sight again. I'll go ahead and give your eyes back now”
Them loosing sight of what they were doing, losing their purpose or motive. Maybe it’s them letting Centross out of the prison- “I’ll go ahead and give your eyes back now” seems like letting him out to me.
Now the next part! Starting with “You grow up, gone.” Ending with “Cause you wouldn’t understand”
“You grow up, gone. So what's the point of connecting to anyone? Is a relationship bought or is it won?”
I feel like it’s just Centross learning to- I don’t know better words than this- Exist normally? Learning how to mend his relationships with others, and learning how to love Fenris.
“Are the things I think are important simply just distractions from death?”
Mmm. I think it’s coded.
Going from his arc in the end to existing around people again, finding the things he loves. Beginning to heal.
“Lost my words again. It doesn't matter, 'Cause you wouldn't understand”
Again- healing and learning how to open up to people. Maybe him talking to Icarus again, like when he comes for potions or the episode Parallel Wound (my beloved- Chat I love that episode) where he comes for help with his skulk injury.
“Hey, treacherous doctor, do you know what's the matter with me?”
Then just… them learning how to help and interact with each-other again. Learning how to help when the other is struggling- going into season three to the episode Looping the Beginning where Icarus goes to help him- just learning how to tell. Do you know what’s the matter with me?
Soooo that’s the first take… I may do the second take tonight if I feel like it but I don’t have time to finish it at the moment and I want to post this now <3 I’ll just go through both- for funsies. Just not now lolol. If I do it it will just be a reblog of this post with the same tags and all that. Just. For funsies. But- my other take is Season 3 prison duo :]
The image chosen from my prison duo Pinterest board today is-
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I think it’s coded to both of them- Te and also he.
You are loved! Go take any meds if you need to and Go eat and drink water if you haven’t already today <3
Have a good rest of your day/night :]
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hermanunworthy · 10 months
Hi, there, Siren, hope you're doing well! If you're still taking dndads ship requests, how about maybe 35 for Cheerkicks/Oakli (not entirely sure on the name here, but. Link and Normal. You get it), please? Feeling in a silly rarepair mood today hehe 💚💚💚
Bullet Holes and Acne Scars (and Other Wounds to Heal)
35. kissing their bruises and scars
from the touch prompts list!
I WAITED A MONTH TO START ON THIS HELP 😭 trust me though ive been so excited about this one, oakicks makes me ill /pos (and also im glad i waited bc i got to use the latest episode as context for this scene!)
cw: violence (including gun violence), blood and injury
also on ao3!
Normal never would’ve taken Lincoln as a fighter, at first.
Ever since they were young, Lincoln has been timid, uptight, the type to go rigid if you get too close to him. Or maybe that’s just in Normal’s case. They’re working on it, though. He thinks. He hopes.
He never would've thought that the sweet kid he used to see kicking rocks in the corner or a soccer ball on a field would one day be kicking FBI agents and military soldiers on the battlefield. With the force of a beast.
Normal thinks he understands, now, why Lincoln’s dads tried to shelter their son so much.
But he also thinks he understands, as he’s too distracted looking at Lincoln to succeed at the spell he’s currently casting, the way he feels. He may not understand what it’s like to be unconditionally loved by his parents (something that arouses a deeply-rooted feeling of envy in him towards his friend, but that’s another thing he’s working on), but he understands what it’s like to feel pressured by his parents. And he thinks, in their own loving way, Lincoln’s dads have pressured him too much. And this is his release. His rebellion. Like a caged animal set free.
And Normal does believe he deserves this. However. It also concerns him greatly.
Because the paladin is moving so quickly, so aggressively, and the cleric is barely able to even keep an eye on him but it sounds like he's breathing heavily and at one point he thinks he catches a glimmer of something in his eye. And it all keeps distracting him from helping out in the battle himself.
Normal just narrowly avoids another incoming attack. Focus, Normal, fucking focus! He shakes his head, his heart pounding irregularly in his chest, trying to pay attention to anything other than Lincoln, Lincoln, is Lincoln okay—
“Norm!” Scary’s voice calls from a ways away, blasting a fireball directly into a man’s face. “Taylor could use your help!”
“No, I—!” Taylor immediately snaps back from where he stands off, holding a soldier back with their weapons clashed. “Uh, I mean… Yeah! Normie! We need you!”
Normal leaps straight into action, fueled by his friends’ words and ready to defend them, but realizes while he’s charging his spell just what’s going on. Something burns within him, something that has settled deep within his veins and has been repeatedly threatening to burst through these days. Do you really need my help, or do you just want to feel better about being such a dick to me lately?
His spell fizzles out in failure again, and he clutches his head and growls to himself. Lincoln, get out of my damn head!
“Norm— Augh!” Scary, in her distraction, takes a blunt melee attack to the head, knocking her down.
Taylor swivels around with a slash to his opponent to face Scary’s assailant. “What the hell?!” He jabs his sword toward the FBI agent. “Normal! What’s with the weaksauce spells?”
The blood is roaring in Normal’s ears so loudly that he can't even hear himself stuttering. He dizzily looks between Scary on the ground, Taylor standing off against the agent, and Lincoln, off in the distance, surrounded by soldiers. He's paralyzed. His lungs feel compressed tightly in his chest, and not even the strong emotion shooting through his blood is enough to awaken any magic.
Scary, thank the metaphorical heavens and not the godawful place they all visited earlier, manages to make it back onto her feet, but not without great effort. “You're—” She coughs. “You're good, Norm, you're good.”
The squeezing feeling in Normal’s chest somehow worsens. Stop it, don't say that. Why am I even here? I'm no help at all!
He stumbles backwards, and his back bumps into somebody. Before he can turn around to face them, a pair of burly arms are slung around his neck. Already short of breath, the cleric is easy to choke out, and his hands fly up to scratch at their sleeves. Panicking, he looks to Taylor, the closest nearby person, and cries out, “Help!”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Taylor drops what he’s doing and, like a true hero, blindly sprints over to slice the back of Normal’s attacker. The arms release him from the chokehold, and he falls to the ground, heaving for air.
But he isn't able to recover for long, because somebody is yanking him back up by his collar. He braces himself this time, but finds himself face-to-face with Taylor. His expression is twisted in anger, the way he looked at him the last time they argued.
“What the fuck was that, dude?! You can't even use a spell to help me, but you can use me to help you?” He shoves him, nearly toppling him back to the ground.
He… I used a Command on Taylor, didn't I? He didn't even realize. It was just instinct, of course he wouldn't just use his friend like that…
You only ever want to help yourself, a familiar voice scolds him in his head.
“Taylor, quit it, he’s already been…!” Scary is beginning to argue with him now, but Normal can't even pay attention to that anymore.
Lincoln is now fighting Agent Shmegan.
The man is trying to resist his attacks, shielding his body with his arms and trying to talk to him, but the paladin will not let up. “Kid, if you could just— You're making this harder than it needs to be, we just want—”
“I don't care what you want!” Lincoln roars, the first words Normal has heard him say during this entire fight. “I'm not going to listen to you anymore! I hate you adults! Fuck you!” He kicks him again, and again, and he's starting to lose his momentum with each swing but he refuses to give up. “Fuck you! Fuck you!”
Normal knows Lincoln has a history with this man, but he also can tell that this is not just about him and Taylor’s kidnapping.
“Li-Wilson— Please just get a hold of yourself and your friends—” Schmegan orders through grunts of pain. Normal knows Lincoln has been training hard to perfect his soccer kicks, so that can't feel good to take.
“Shut up! That’s Mr. Kicks to you!” The soccer player utilizes a swift kick to the crotch as emphasis.
While the FBI agent is finally doubled over in pain, unable to make any more demands, Lincoln’s body heaves with effort. He looks like he’s preparing another kick, but he’s cut short when a loud gunshot fires out, and he stumbles backwards.
“Link!” Normal shrieks, his body finally allowing him to move again, and he dives over to where his friend has fallen. As he gets close, it becomes apparent to him that Lincoln is crying, and he’s crying hard.
“Sir, let's get out of here.” Another agent, holding the gun used to shoot Lincoln, rushes over to Shmegan’s aid, helping him to lean on his shoulder and escort him back to their helicopter. “Freeman kept us from capturing the King, but we have him and his buddies as hostages for later. We need to retreat for now.”
Shmegan’s face contorts in pain and anger. “That better include Wilson. I have some words for that man about his son.”
The other agent chuckles wryly. “Oh, yes, sir. He’s been incapacitated since the fight began.” He looks down at where Lincoln sits, with no sense of remorse. “Seems we’re not the only ones disturbed by that kid’s violence.”
Normal is crouched by Lincoln’s side, trembling just as bad as he is. “Link, it’s Normal. Normal’s here.” God, that must be the least comforting thing he could hear right now. He must be the last person he wants to help him.
Normal’s hands are on Lincoln’s hands. Lincoln’s hands are on his knee. Lincoln’s blood is on his hands, on his knee, on his clothes, on the ground…
“Dad,” Lincoln sobs weakly. “Dad.”
All of Lincoln’s fight has left him. Now he’s just a scared, powerless little kid.
And so is Normal, now that he’s drained of magic. He can't cast any more spells. He used the last one to help himself. He can't heal his friend. And dear god, Lincoln’s still crying for his dad. But Grant has been captured. And so have the rest of their dads, it sounds.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!
He presses down harder on the wound, but he can't tell if it’s even helping to stop the bleeding, or if it’s just him trying to squeeze Lincoln’s hands to help himself calm down. God fucking damn it, I'm so selfish, even as my friend is sitting here with an actual bullet wound… Can’t do shit for him…
He dares to look back up at Lincoln’s face, and finds it even worse to look at than all the blood. His eyes are scrunched up, leaking a river of tears down his face, his lips quivering with each shaking breath. It reminds him of when he got to see this boy as a baby, and how he promised him that it was going to be alright. He has to make this alright again, if it’s the last thing he does.
With one hand still pressing against his knee, Normal uses the other one to carefully lean forward and stroke his cheek again, wiping away some of his tears.
Lincoln opens his eyes, and when they meet Normal’s it’s clear that they are bloodshot and unfocused. “D-Dad…” he still whimpers. “Help…”
It hurts, knowing that he doesn't want Normal, but he tries to put himself in his shoes. What would I want from my dad, if I were him?
He knows Grant wouldn't know any healing spells. But he does know that he was very tender and affectionate with his son. He seems like he’s very gentle in how he cares for him, like he feels like his own dad has the potential to be.
He knows what he wanted his dad to do for him when he got hurt when he was younger. Grant seems like the type to care unconditionally, though. So, unlike his own dad, he ignores the disturbing and gross nature of this situation, and with all the love (and lack of magic) in his heart, he presses his lips lovingly against Lincoln’s knee as if it was simply the scraped knee of a child.
Lincoln gasps at the feeling, and Normal instantly regrets it, feeling like an utter idiot, He has an literal hole in his knee, I can't just kiss it better, this must be hurting him so bad—
“Normal,” Lincoln chokes at last. He grabs one of his friend’s hands and squeezes it with enough strength to break him. “Normal.”
The cleric lets out a squeak from the strong grip, but watches as a golden light begins to slowly, slowly glow from underneath the paladin’s other hand, which is still on his knee. He’s casting Lay on Hands on himself. Oh, Normal didn't even think about the fact that Lincoln hasn't been using any magic, so he probably could've…
But no, Lincoln wasn't able to help himself before, was he? It wasn't until Normal kissed him that that something in his eyes cleared, like a fog being lifted. Did Normal actually help? Or is he just being selfish, just taking credit for something that had nothing to do with—
“Thank you, Normal,” Lincoln breathes. The words he’s been wanting to hear all this time. Normal’s heart squeezes at the sound.
“Did you…” Normal’s own voice feels thick in his throat, and he realized just then that he has tears dripping down his face as well. “Did you even realize what you were doing? How hard you were fighting?”
More tears begin to roll down Lincoln’s cheeks. “It… There was no pain… At first… Only anger…”
He squeezes his friend’s hand back, but it’s not nearly as strong. Not as strong as Lincoln, never. “I was so worried, it felt like losing you…”
Lincoln’s face crumples again, and Normal can hardly bear to look at it. “Normal…”
His eyes wander over Lincoln’s body, realizing that there are other spots of blood not just from the gunshot. All sorts of cuts and bruises, all of which look very painful, but Lincoln hasn't acknowledged any of them. That “zone” that he seems to get into, that rush of adrenaline, that thrill of violence, must be a very, very dangerous place for him to be in. He never wants to lose his friend to that darkness again.
So he shows him the light. He leans in close to each wound, trailing the gentlest of kisses over the dark spots on his legs and the nasty gashes on his arms, never once shying away from the blood or the hair or the sweat or the filth because it's all normal to him, and even though he knows it's selfish to give Lincoln what he wants for himself, he wants to love Lincoln like he’s perfectly new.
“Normal,” is all Lincoln can say now, through his continued crying. “Normal, Normal…” The way he’s whimpering his name, like a prayer upon his lips, only fuels him further, the way it feels to have replenished magic surging through his veins.
It isn't until he gets tugged away by his hair that he realizes he should probably stop. But Lincoln's hand doesn’t move from the back of his head, and when he looks up at him, Lincoln just stares back, his pupils wide. “Normal,” he whispers again.
Lincoln’s gaze is roaming over his face, and especially over the blood drying on his mouth. Normal can taste it, he realizes self-consciously.
“How can you still be so nice to me?” His eyes shine with a horrible, heart-wrenching guilt, a guilt that Normal can feel himself as he fights the overwhelming need to kiss the one little cut that he missed, the one he’s been avoiding, because he knows it would be too selfish of him.
The one on his lip.
“I'm… so sorry.” Lincoln’s fingers loosen in his hair, but Normal still leans his head into his hand before he can decide to let go entirely. “For how I've… I've been so…”
“It's okay, Link,” Normal murmurs, even though he doesn't know if it's true. It’s just hard to focus on the long-term pain this boy has caused him when said boy is caressing the back of his neck so delicately that it makes him melt.
“No. You're my friend. You're my husband.” The certainty with which he says it brings Normal a shiver. “I need to make it up to you.”
This time, Lincoln is the one leaning forward. Normal freezes up, his face flushing red as his husband’s lips land on his cheek.
But Normal doesn't understand. He doesn't need healing, he doesn't have any scars. Not on the outside, anyway.
Is he… kissing my tears away?
Another kiss. And another. Each touch of his lips to his face leaves him with a feeling of warmth and light. Lincoln even reaches with his bloody hands to brush the sweaty hair sticking to Normal’s skin out of the way, and begins to leave kisses on his forehead as well.
Oh. He’s kissing his acne scars.
More tears run down where Lincoln has kissed. Nobody has ever… He's always been told that he's gross, that his acne is a problem, something to be ashamed of. He has spent countless hours staring at himself in the mirror, popping pimples and picking at scabs (despite his sister’s warnings), wondering why he has to look like this and if anyone could ever love him like this. His parents would never do something like this for him.
But Lincoln is. Lincoln, the one he’s been trying to win over for years. Lincoln, the kid he always wanted to play with but wasn't allowed to. Lincoln, the friend who always seemed to shut him down no matter how hard he tried to love him. That same guy is here, sitting on the ground in literal Hell, a bullet in his knee and blood on his clothes, his fingers curling in his greasy hair and his lips kissing his pockmarked face.
“I'm sorry,” Lincoln whispers tearfully against his skin. “Thank you for… for being my friend. For being you.”
As he pulls back, Normal pushes forward, resting his forehead against Lincoln’s. “I love you,” he sighs, selfishly but honestly. He hopes it brings Lincoln as much catharsis as it does him.
Lincoln glances up from where his eyes sat downcast at the blood on the ground, to stare into his husband’s eyes. His hand on Normal’s neck drifts to his jaw. Eyes still glittering sadly, he offers a smile, but the stretching of his lips opens his cut and makes him wince away in pain.
Normal reaches forward with a careful hand, and catches Lincoln’s chin. He really hopes this isn't going too far, too fast, too bold, like he always seems to be going without realizing it. “Let me…?” He can't even finish the question, can't bear another rejection.
But Lincoln beats him to it, kisses him first, kisses him better. Cradles him with such love and care that you’d think he’s the one being nursed back to health.
And it is undoubtedly healing. Something Normal has needed for a long time. Something that tastes like blood and grime and filth, something that tastes so normal and familiar that it feels like coming home. Feels like being blessed by an angel visiting Hell.
After all, Normal always thought Lincoln was more of a lover than a fighter.
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borom1r · 4 months
AAAAAAAAAA @theshakespearetrash sent another ask meme/Fara questions THANK UUUUUUU i fell asleep answering these last night sjfjshdh so That’s why they’re getting posted now ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
1- How to soothe them
HMMM I think it depends on the person. I think for a veeeeeery long time Boromir was the only person Faramir would let touch him when he was upset/overstimulated (though that list has grown to include Éowyn, Éomer + Aragorn). If he’s fine with touch, that Is generally preferred. Hugs + having his hair pet > 10/10. If he’s NOT ok with touch, geeeenerally conversation/distraction (if he’s overstimulated from noise, silent companionship) — if he’s nonverbal, err towards reading aloud to him or just rambling. Pippin is especially good at rambling to get Faramir out of a funk
2- Favorite color
I think he does really like that deep blue that’s seen in a lot of Gondorian finery. reminds him of the night sky
5- Best date night
HMMMM dinner at home, I think. sth quiet and romantic, intimate. no pressure to Perform around other ppl, to mask— just him n his partner <33 im especially fond of the thought of him + Éomer curled up, Faramir playing w/ Éomer’s hair while he reads thru whatever text he’s working on translating at that moment.
6- Best friend
Boromir, Pippin, Aragorn. don’t ask him to pick between those three
8- Personal style
I think much like Boromir, when he’s not On The Job so to speak he leans towards rather plain clothes— or honestly even just staying in the base layers of his ranger garb. I find it really interesting that Fara is the only character who EXPLICITLY uses a gambeson as an undertunic. silly hc time but Bc He Is Autistic To Me, I suspect it is a sensory issues thing + he finds the snug padded sleeves comforting.
9- What they want in a SO
HMMMMMMMM someone who SEES him, and values him FOR him. I like pairing him up with Éomer obvs and I think Faramir would.. like I don’t think he’s clueless but I think Éomer is the first person who really made him feel desirable. like IN Minas Tirith there’s the weight of Denethor’s perceptions of him that just. haunt him. and then with the tower guard he’s Boromir’s Baby Brother but with the rangers he’s their captain + in a position of power over them. Not to mention the obvious general risk of “If Denethor finds out……” (ominous) (threatening) — and then Éomer visits the houses of healing to see Éowyn one day and finds Faramir instead and is. IMMEDIATELY head over heels. And there’s that freedom of Éomer having no fucking idea what Denethor said about him. He knew Boromir so if he heard anything it was Boromir pulling out the Gondorian equivalent of Wallet Photos + being like “have you seen Faramir? now you have :)”
+ ofc Fara’s walking on eggshells w any potential spouse bc again, that fear of them Perceiving Him As Denethor Did. the moment he slips and does sth that would Prove His Father Right is the moment his SO realizes how Awful he is + despises him. much as Aragorn might like to try, the hands of a king are not gonna magically heal 36-ish years of parental abuse + neglect skfhshhfjs — so when the moment inevitably comes where he DOES “slip” in front of Éomer, whatever shape that takes, and Éomer meets him with compassion and understanding… where it sinks in that Éomer loves him BECAUSE he is Faramir, not in spite of it (bc to Denethor, simply the act of “being Faramir” was an unforgivable character flaw).. I think thaaaaats huge
12- Something that always makes them cry
Silly: LOVE POEMS. that man is a SAP and good romantic poetry WILL get him tearing up.
Serious: IF Boromir is dead, certain reminders of his brother— or moreso the fact that Boromir does not live to see their home restored. that they will never share another summer afternoon in the gardens, that Faramir will never walk past the sparring ring to see his brother training new Guards, etc..
14- Preferred weather
RAIN!! Faramir is a rain guy in my heart. actually a water guy in general. a man who would generally prefer to be Wet at any given moment (ignore the innuendo there lmao pls just dunk him in a river or lake). the first time Éomer visits Henneth Annûn with him + it storms Faramir is 100% dragging Éomer outside to dance in the rain
15- First impression of this chara
I OVERLOOKED HIM AS A KID. TRAGIC. but tbf I was busy obsessing over Merry and Pippin when I read LotR for the first time skfhshhd
16- My thoughts on this chara now
I ADORE HIM SO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH (Aragorn Kinnie Voice: that’s my little brother!!!!!!!)
17- Best thing about them
he’s so tender!!!!!!! he’s such a gentle soul….. augh. also he’s SO gender to me. clasping his hands very gently and giving him a little kiss on the forehead bc it’s what he deserves.
18- Worst thing about them
19- Their happiest moment
that we see in canon? celebrating w Boromir in Osgiliath, before Denethor fucking Shows Up. Faramir in that scene has genuinely THEE cutest grin I’ve ever seen put to film he’s adorable. he’s adorable!!!!!!
in my head?? bc im partial to it + wrote a fic abt it already (lol), his wedding in Rohan <3333
20- Their worst moment
AGH. angst-wise, definitely the whole “that will depend on the manner of your return” bit. resigning himself to a violent, pointless death just for the mere glimmer of hope his father might look favorably at him. even if it is only at his corpse. you know.
but if it’s “worst moment” in the I Need To Have Strong Words With This Man sense, 100% the whole “taming” bit with Éowyn. rage-inducing tbqh
26- If they had one month to live
it’s spent with family (in Gondor, in Rohan, visiting Merry and Pippin in the Shire, etc). I don’t see there being many grandiose things he’d want to do— bc at the end of the day he knows it’s the mealtimes and quiet conversations and shared drinks he’s going to miss, and wish he’d had more of.
27- How they’re mischaracterised
HMMMMM idk that he is necessarily? or I’ve been lucky dodging fandom bullets + just haven’t SEEN him being mischaracterized. I WILL say, I will die on the hill defending movie!Faramir. I think it’s so much more effective to HAVE Faramir be tempted by the ring, both bc his temptation Mirrors Boromir’s, and it solidifies that it is not actually some failure specific and inherent to Boromir. ANY man, as good and pure as they might be, can fall to the accursed thing. not to mention they cut the weird biases against the Rohirrim which I am endlessly glad for el oh el
28- How to hurt them
Generally speaking, I think he’d find words more hurtful than actions. Like, at least he can find a way to justify/understand the reasoning behind an action (like was he hurt by Boromir leaving him behind to go to Rivendell. yes. does he understand WHY Boromir insisted? also yes.) + if you’re a person who puts a lot of weight in words it is a little harder to just let them go, you know? and again Denethor’s abuse was verbal/emotional and even on a good day the man was fully willing to belittle Faramir to his face in the MIDDLE of a crowd of ppl. It took Boromir leading him away to put an end to that at least In Front of Faramir, Denethor still drops the “I know his uses and they are few” line to BOROMIR’S face. so when you’ve grown up in that environment too, where yeah maybe your parent never raised a hand to you but they are CONSTANTLY wheedling away at you with words….. it’s Bad. and anything along the lines of what Denethor used to say of him, coming from someone he loves/trusts? that cuts right to the bone.
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kabie-whump · 5 months
Hell yeah I got excited (if you don't want to reply to all of them that's completely fine. I love ya)
For Onthyes - How is your oc about medical care? Do they avoid any form of healthcare that they can, do they seek it out over every little scrape? Do they treat their injuries/illness all by themselves?
For Ventis or Onthyes - Is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? Is there a reason for this? What are the exceptions?
For Ventis - If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
For Onthyes and Ventis - What five ingredients would you throw into a cauldron to make a potion based on your oc? How would you cook/mix them? What would the potion do?
For Onthyes and Ventis - How easily does your oc get attached to things? Does everything have a sentimental value to them, or do they see nothing as more valuable than its practical use? What about with people/animals?
For Ventis - Are there any habits your oc has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your oc try to stop themselves from doing it?
Thanks for all the questions this is exactly the distraction I need. Fuck organic chemistry am I right ladies?
(cw child abuse mention)
Onthyes is 1000% the kind of guy to like never go to the doctor cause he was raised in a toxic environment where needing medical attention makes you look weak. His mom learned healing magic for that very purpose, since he kept getting hurt while training with his father and then just not going to a doctor. His father’s a big fan of “just walk it off you’re fine” meanwhile Onthyes is actively bleeding out from a stab wound or something.
I think Ventis and Onthyes are both super touch starved, but they handle it differently. Ventis tries to avoid touching others too much and he’s shy about being touched, but it’s just out of fear that he’s gonna get too excited or something. He doesn’t wanna get caught grinning and blushing over a handshake. When Ventis gets really comfortable with someone he’ll start touching them a lot more but it takes him a long time to get to that point. Onthyes is super touch starved and he makes it everyone else’s problem. He’s pretty touchy, like he’ll give hugs or pat your shoulder or put his hand on your back if he needs to get behind you for some reason.
Ventis is like,,, a super expensive vintage designer sweater or something. Or a carved sodalite dragon’s skull. But for symbols I usually use clouds and lightning to represent him.
I answered this one for Ventis eariler so I'm just gonna do Onthyes (and @sapphicccici you can correct me if I'm wrong about anything at all Onthyes is technically your son not mine). Ingredients: lemongrass, fresh squeezed orange juice, your own blood, your lover's blood, campfire ash. Put it in a bowl under direct sunlight in the middle of summer and inhale the vapors to instantly disappoint your father.
Onthyes tries not to get attached to things and especially people out of fear of losing them. He has this silly little curse on his bloodline or whatever where he's destined to lose his first love and I'm sure it gave him some attachment issues. Even though he tries really hard not to form attachments he can't help but do it anyways. It's a hard question to answer for Ventis. His dragon blood gives him some serious hoarding instincts so he definitely likes to have Stuff even if he isn't using it. But I think after getting banished from his home he stopped hoarding objects so much and started hoarding love. He gets really attached to people and doesn't like to let them go even if they're not good to him. He does have that aloof 'black cat energy' as well, so he acts like his friends don't mean a lot to him but they really really do.
I've also already answered this for Ventis so I'm doing it for Onthyes- Onthyes's father used to hit him with 'surprise training sessions' aka he would just attack him with no warning or anything, so Onthyes is really obsessed with watching his back and sleeping with his sword and shield within reach. He's also picked up a lot of military-ish habits from his time in the guard, like waking up stupid early. Ventis is trying to teach him how to relax and sleep in every once in a while, but he's not super successful.
Thank you friend this was fun!
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ghoulangerlee · 7 months
handy link list of my writing (tumblr fic)
here's the tumblr fic to go with the AO3 post
untitled dewdrop/copia/cumulus rut fic E ruts/knotting/breeding/humiliation
Dew goes into rut during the tour; it backfires spectacularly
every breath, a second chance (one shot) gen Mountain/Phantom ; hurt/comfort healing fic
Phantom hums, somewhat nonsensically, reaches out with his other hand towards the edge of the bed, settles it palm upwards and wiggles his fingers in Mountain’s direction.   There’s a soft laugh, the shifting of the upholstered chair and then Mountain’s hand is in his, cradling it so gently. “I’m glad you’re doing okay,” he admits softly, brushing his thumb over the lines in Phantom’s palm, “Had me worried for a bit there, you were in so much pain.”
Cumulus smutty headcanons E
Cumulus/Swiss/Cirrus summoning headcanon Gen
untitled aetherrain smut E Aether/Rain ; non-human genitalia, rain is a shark ghoul
It’s…interesting, to see the different ways a water ghoul will manifest their appearance, because Aether has intimate knowledge of water ghoul anatomy and Rain’s is unlike anyone’s he’s ever seen.
untitled t4t rut fic E CopiaAether ; ruts/breeding/possessiveness
Aether doesn’t go into rut all too often; its just not something quintessence ghouls do usually—rut or heat, they’re not regular. Once or twice a year and sometimes, once or twice in a decade depending on the ghoul, on the circumstances.
untitled aetherrain M Aether/Rain ; biting a lot of biting and teeth, rain is a shark ghoul
Rain’s teeth are, arguably the most terrifying part of him—next to his eyes and the strange mimic voice he projects into Aether’s mind when he wants to be heard.
untitled swiss/aeon drabble in response to a post ; gen Swiss/Aeon ; first meetings and love at first sight
And well, that wasn’t really the problem, because, despite his nervousness, being the center of attention to thousands of people wasn’t the scary part of it all. It was meeting the pack.
untitled aetherrain first meeting drabble gen aetherrain ; first meeting, rain is a shark ghoul
A grin, sharp and predatory as he lifts his head, shrugging the blanket up higher onto his shoulders, a jumble of static flits through Aether’s mind for a moment, the touch of something soft and careful, asking for an invitation–and he lets it in, however foolish that may be.
silly ASMRtist!Dew drabble gen MountainDew ; Dew does ASMR
There’s a curling in his stomach and a prickle in his scalp as he listens, and then there’s another snap, another firm and somewhat exasperated command to look to the right now—and shit is this what people experience when they watch ASMR?
t4t copiaether smut E CopiaAether ; overstimulation
Prompt: “Do that again- Shit, just like that, right there.”
untitled SwissAlps M Swiss/Mountain ; smut
Prompt: “Interlocking your fingers above your head while making out passionately”
untitled raindrop E Rain/Dew ; biting and blood, predator rain
Prompt: spread your legs baby
untitled swissrora E Swiss/Aurora ; cunnilingus, masturbation
“Oh baby,” Aurora coos softly, her palms cupping Swiss’s flushed face, she’s standing above him, dragging the pad of her thumb gently across the apple of his cheek, “Are you in heat?”
mini two part copia/aether/dew homecoming drabble gen Copia/Aether/Dew ; homecoming
“They’re due back any moment now,” Sister Imperator says as she watches Aether clear the oak desk in Copia’s office, collecting and organizing various piles of paperwork as he goes. “Shouldn’t you be waiting for them?”
untitled Aeon/Swiss fic E Swiss/Aeon ; dinner distractions, magic use
Prompt: I wish you’d write a fic where someone gets a little distracted by someone else at dinner, but they have to keep it lowkey of course
kinktober day 7 E Swiss/Dew ; objectification, disinterest, cockwarming
Dew peers up at him over the edge of his phone, the light from the screen casting shadows across his face, “Gonna let the others see how you couldn’t wait to get something in you, huh?” He asks plainly—he doesn’t move, doesn’t put his hands on Swiss, just keeps them to himself, one with his phone the other one across the back of the couch.
untitled copiadew drabble gen Copia/Dew ; post tour discussions
Copia, as always, is sitting in a chair in front of a vanity mirror, a nicer one than some of the previous, carefully wiping his papal paint from his skin, “Last one,” he confirms after a long moment of silence, looking back at Dew through the mirror. “How does it feel?”
kinktober day 5 E Aurora/Swiss/Aeon ; double penetration and lingerie
Swiss has very specific needs and all of them can be satiated by being stuck between Aurora and Aeon.
kinktober day 3 E Copia/Dew ; blood and knife play
disconnected drabble about copia and small dick mountain E
untitled small dick mountain stuff E Cumulus/Mountain/Dew ; mean dew and nice cumulus
untitled big dick dew E (part 1) MountainDew ; Dew has a big dick and Mountain has a small dick
just the tip E (part 2) MountainDew ; big dick dew and small dick mountain once again
untitled copiadew smut E CopiaDew ; Copia humps Dew's leg while Dew is disinterested
untitled dom swiss fic M Swiss/Copia/Aeon ; Doms Swiss and Aeon, sub Copia
necropolis related drabble gen Copia/Ghouls ; Copia comes back right but Rain and Sunshine don't know how to cope
untitled swiss/aeon smut E Swiss/Aeon ; Swiss gets fucked and is a good boy
untitled swiss/aeon kiss prompt T Swiss/Aeon ; backstage kissing and some turbulent emotions
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part VIII
[ previous ]
Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x fem!reader wc: ~13.2k
Warnings: this one fucking hurts, pining, stupid decisions, miscommunications, explicit sexual content (it’s time for something we’ve been waiting for), yet another party, angst A/N: Read this, but before you murder me remember there’s one more after this. Also, this isn’t the big thing you’ve been waiting for, but I know it’s something a lot of people have wanted to see. Enjoy this ouchie. 
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Mike doesn’t feel human when he wakes up. He’s nearly positive he no longer is—body taken over by some creature of the bog with toxic breath. Jesus, what the fuck happened last night?
 Blinking hurts. Shifting his leg hurts. His chest is fucking killing him, feels like he bruised his god damn sternum, and when he moves to sit up in a bed that is not his, overwhelming nausea has Mike groaning and covering his mouth with one hand. 
 “He has risen,” a vaguely familiar baritone voice rings through the air, loud enough to make Mike wave his other hand in an attempt to mute it. Erwin chuckles, paying him no attention apparently as he speaks again, “Good timing, too. I just came to drop this off.”
 Mike tries to focus his bleary eyes on the nightstand where his friend sets down a bottle of water, a bigger bottle of Gatorade, and several liquid gel pills. 
 “Chill here for as long as you need. I’m just watching the pledges clean downstairs. Want me to bring the trash can over?” Erwin’s concern can’t entirely hide the amusement in his voice. It’s irritating, but also… Mike needs that trash can.
 “Yeah,” he croaks through his palm. “Thanks.”
 Erwin nods and grabs the little plastic bin, setting it down next to the bed. Mike considers just picking it up and sitting with it in his lap, but he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to stay upright for long enough.
 “I’ll be downstairs. If you need anything, you’ll just have to yell because your phone is definitely sitting in a bag of rice in the kitchen right now.”
 “What?” Mike frowns. How even…
 “It got wet,” Erwin states, like that clarifies anything. “Probably in the shower.”
 “Why was I—”
 “We can talk about it when you’re less…” Erwin gestures to Mike’s face with one finger and grimaces as he finishes, “Green. You didn’t do anything too terrible, though, so you can rest easy.”
 He leaves, and Mike chokes down the pills and a few gulps of water before gently laying back down. He has to retrace metaphorical footsteps to get to the last thing he remembers from the night before, and it’s body shots off some blonde clone. His order of events goes: hanging out with Rhi, talking with you and Erwin, Zeke showing up, catching Eren mid-roofie attempt and throwing him out, getting mad at Nile, and then just a lot of drinking. Too much. Of different kinds. That had been dumb. 
 He thinks he spent a little while in the bathroom. Erwin was there. And, Nile came and went. He thinks he may have heard your voice a few times but can’t be sure, and honestly, trying to recall anything from the period of time his brain was literally incapable of processing new memories is a pretty big waste of time.
 Mike spends most of the day in Erwin’s room. He drifts in and out of restless sleep, waking up to drink his water and Gatorade. At some point, one of the kids, Jean, knocks on the door and drops a bowl of soup off, mumbles, “Erwin told me to bring this up here.” Mike hasn’t spent a ton of time around the current pledge class, but Erwin must like Jean if he trusted the kid enough to give him his room code. 
 The soup settles his stomach enough to move around a little more. His headache ebbs into a dull throb, and the sharp ache in his chest fades into that of a bruise. By around five o'clock, Mike is finally able to amble downstairs, give everyone a tired wave, mumble his thanks to Erwin, then drive himself to his apartment. 
 He's still trying to piece together what happened the night before, but he just ends up more confused than before, so he decides to put it behind him and move on. Everyone deserves a wild night every once in a while. 
 Thanksgiving nears. Mike has already made plans to go home to his parents which means he has to turn down the Pike house Friendsgiving offer that Erwin extends to him. 
 He tells Mike that Nile and Hitch will be there, but Marie might show her face, "So, that will be interesting." 
 Some of the brothers who can't make it home will attend. Erwin is bringing Maddie who Mike hasn't heard about in several months, but he's pretty sure that's just to throw him off the scent of whatever Erwin has going on with you. You, who will also be in attendance because apparently your mom opted to go on a girls trip instead of face the family. Mike can't blame her. 
 He thinks maybe he should reach out to you, to ask about the night he blacked out because he has a feeling you can give him some details that others can't, but Erwin assures Mike that you were only in the bathroom with him for a short time. "Just long enough to see you rip your shirt which she seemed a little too happy about."
 Mike doesn't know what he'd say to you anyway. Even after learning that Zeke had blocked his number in your phone. He's still mad that you let the fucker get close enough to do that in the first place, that you had chosen him. It's a wound that just won't heal. Any time he sees you or hears your name, all Mike can think about is why he wasn't good enough. 
 So, he keeps distancing himself. It seems like the most appropriate thing he can do until he decides he'll be able to have a conversation with you without blowing up. 
 Mike's parents are happy to see him when he walks in the door. Scout jumps on him until he picks her up and holds her like the puppy she is not. He isn't surprised when his mom asks about you, if you and Mike sorted things out. The question hurts even if he was expecting it, seems like yesterday you were walking around the house like you'd always been a part of it. 
 Lying is the easiest path to take. He tells his parents that you had to go home for the break, that you couldn't split up your time between two families in just four days, and, of course, they buy it. 
 Thanksgiving day is nice enough. The family travels a couple cities over to Mike's aunt and uncle's house. It's much bigger, has room for the relatives that are able to make it. There are traditional Greek dishes as well as the usual turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. A few pictures here and there, entertaining his younger cousins—it's a good time. 
 Until Mike checks his various social media apps and sees the pictures from Friendsgiving.
 They're tame, nothing wildly inappropriate, but they still make Mike scowl as he thumbs through them. 
 One of Nile cutting into the turkey, of Reiner ripping into a drumstick, Connie hoarding all of the cranberry sauce while his best friend, a girl named Sasha, does the same with the deviled eggs. Gelgar looks to be crying with a dot of potato salad in his hair. Marie is indeed there, glaring in the background of a photo where Nile and Hitch are tapping beer bottles together with silly smiles. She looks much happier in the shot of her and Maddie sitting together, laughing over glasses of wine. 
 Mike's heart stutters when he gets to a photo of you aiming to toss food into Reiner's mouth, then of you and Erwin both holding beers in one hand and pointing matching finger guns with the other.
 Thick as fucking thieves. Two peas in a god damn pod. Mike wants to throw his phone out the window of his dad's suburban. 
 There are several more pictures that Mike doesn't bother to look at. He'd like to have a good time with his parents for the remainder of his break, and there's no way he'll be able to do that if he's pissed off. 
 So, he distracts himself. He goes on walks with Scout and plays with her for hours, watches old movies with his mom and dad, calls a couple relatives from overseas to catch up. But, those pictures are seared into the back of his mind, surfacing whenever he has down time. 
 He doesn't have any desire to go back to campus, not if he's gonna see you and Erwin together. His friend can deny it all he wants, but Mike knows something is going on between the two of you, and as he drives back to the college, he finally has the realization that… you might just be a shitty person. 
 Yeah, you have issues, but so does everyone. It doesn't excuse you from—from fucking toying with people, from using them as puppets whenever you need to. Mike wishes he'd never even tempted you to sleep with him that last time. It had felt too good and too right, but apparently you don't feel the same way. You went right back to Zeke once you'd gotten what you wanted, and Mike should have seen that coming. He should have been prepared for it. On some level he knew that's what you'd do, but that never stopped him from hoping that maybe… maybe it would have opened your eyes. 
 Plus, it ruined the entire Jurassic Park franchise for him, so that sucks. 
 He picks up where he left off both in his classes and in his social life. He stays away from PKA as much as he can but still attends meetings when necessary. The lacrosse season is coming to an end, so he tries to make the most of it. Rhi ends up in his bed again, both of them taking what they can from each other. Erwin jokes that he's gonna fall in love with her— "You know what happened the last time you tried to keep it casual," —and Mike nearly decks him in the face. 
 You don't try to talk to him, no texts or calls. When you see each other on campus, you don't spare him more than a sad glance as you pass him. 
 Mike is fine with it. He isn't about to be the one to make the move to talk things out. Honestly, he doesn't know if there's anything to talk out. You dated Zeke, and now you're dating Mike's best friend and trying to hide it. 
 He's mad at both of you, but it's easier to channel that blistering anger toward you rather than Erwin who he has to see on a regular basis. Besides, Erwin has always gotten around. Mike isn't especially surprised that he'd try his hand with you especially after what happened at the ranch house, but fuck, couldn't he have waited until after he and Mike graduated or something? Just disrespectful. That's what it is. 
 "Bro, I do not wanna go to another party," Mike's voice rises in frustration. "Consider me partied the fuck out, okay? I'm tired of 'em."
 "It's not even a party," Erwin tells him. "It's more like a gathering of… like-minded individuals."
 Mike snorts. "Yeah, okay." 
 "I'm not kidding! Like, twelve people at the most. All we're doing is hanging out at the ranch house."
 "Will there be drinking?" Mike questions, moving his head back and forth in a mocking way. 
 Erwin shrugs his shoulders where he sits. "Of course there'll be drinking, but you don't have to partake. I just want you there to chill. Come on, man."
 "Who's going?"
 The blond lists off some of the Friendsgiving group, but he doesn't get to finish because once Erwin utters your name, Mike cuts him off with a loud, "Nope!"
 "Duuuude," Erwin sounds like the frustrated one now, not that he has any right to be. 
 "Don't dude me! Why the fuck would you think I'd have any interest in watching you two giggle and cuddle n' shit."
 "Mike," Erwin groans, rubbing his forehead. "How many times do I have to tell you…"
 "You don't have to tell me anything. I already know what I need to know."
 Standing up, Erwin seems like he's at his wit's end when he barks, "You don't know shit! You're seeing what you want to see without asking either of us! She misses you, dude. I'm just the next best thing."
 "Nice to know your dick game isn't better than mine at least," Mike grumbles. 
 "Jesus Christ, you know what? I don't care. Come to the house, or don't come. Whatever."
 Erwin takes long strides to get to Mike's front door, obviously ready to get away from him. He slams it hard enough to make Mike flinch. 
 He doesn't care how annoyed Erwin is with him. It's partially his fault that Mike doesn't want to go to the gathering, and he should know that. He'll come to understand eventually, and that thought makes it easier for Mike to make his decision. He's not gonna go. He refuses. There's no way. He won't—
 Mike ends up going. 
 After powering through finals and visiting his parents for another few days. He has a mental debate the entire way to the ranch house, swearing to himself, going over the pros and cons. He comes close to turning around more than a few times, but after a couple hours, Mike finally pulls into the large circle drive right behind Levi's black Prius. 
 Erwin is extremely surprised to see him but keeps his mouth closed about it, just tells him, "Room upstairs on the far right is still open."
 Mike drops his stuff off then greets the others—Nile, Gelgar, Reiner, Jean, Marco, and Levi. 
 "Wasn't expecting to see you here," the last states, focused on burning the loose string of his hoodie with a lighter. "Erwin told me you guys had some bullshit argument."
 "Happens sometimes," Mike dismisses as he takes a place on the couch. 
 "I guess. This is why I don't have a lot of friends. Can't put up with stupid shit like that."
 "Oh, is that why?" Mike rolls his eyes. 
 Levi snickers, shaking his head. "Aw man, he was right. You are in a bad mood, aren't ya'? 
 "Man, fuck off."
 They sit in silence for a few minutes. Mike is bouncing his foot where it's thrown over his opposite leg—anxious or angry or some other negative emotion he needs to get rid of. 
 "Party's gonna be a fucking sausage fest," Levi mumbles. 
 Nile passes behind the couch just in time to hear and informs the smaller man, "Not entirely. Maddie, Marie, Hitch, and Mike's little heartbreaker should be getting here soon."
 Mike groans internally but speaks out loud, "This was a mistake. I can't fucking be here if you guys keep talking about her."
 "If you can't handle us talking about her, how're you gonna handle seeing her?" Levi scoffs. 
 Erwin has stocked the bar with craft beer and various wines. Mike considers going ahead and breaking a few bottles open, but he resists—doesn't want a repeat of the forgotten party. 
 They set up a horror video game upstairs and an animated adult series downstairs. Erwin wasn't lying about it being a more relaxed environment than usual, but that doesn't stop Mike's neck from prickling when you arrive with Hitch at around five. Maddie and Marie show up a couple hours later, and Mike can feel the tension that surrounds all four of you. Amusing as it can be, he really doesn't have the patience for cattiness tonight. 
 High quality Chinese food is provided courtesy of Erwin's father's credit card as well as dipped strawberries that Nile keeps feeding Hitch. It gets Marie very heated very quickly, and Maddie has to talk her down in another room. 
 It makes Mike wonder if you would ever let him feed you like that or if you would snort and bat his hand away. What the fuck do you think you're doing, Zacharias? That's couples shit.
 It makes him sigh and slouch on the couch, thankful you're upstairs watching Connie play the most recent Resident Evil. 
 He knows you're not a fan of horror, so the only reason you'd be up there is to avoid Mike. 
 Erwin is the first to open the wine. Maddie won't leave his side, stuck to him like a magnet. The fact that he has to get a drink only furthers Mike's theory that Erwin didn't invite her as a real date. 
 He spends a fair amount of time shooting the shit with Levi. It isn't necessarily the most enjoyable conversation considering Levi's constant smartass comments, but it's better than trudging up to the second floor. 
 Nile fucks Hitch in the bathroom for everyone to hear. Marie starts crying and runs to the porch. This gathering is about as insufferable as Mike assumed it would be. 
 Eventually, you journey downstairs. It was inevitable. You spare Mike a glance and sigh as you make your way to the kitchen to grab a beer—you don't even like beer, so why—
 "Hey, can you grab me one too?" Erwin calls out, and when you hand it to him, he gives you that hundred watt grin Mike knows brings girls to their knees, but while Maddie stares at him with that dreamy look in her eyes, you just snort and gently shove him. 
 "Don't fuckin' look at me like that, Smith."
 Ah, the last name card, the one that you pull to act like you're all aloof when really you're just reeling them in. 
 "Like what?" Erwin asks before taking a sip, still smiling around the rim of the bottle. 
 "You know what."
 Mike chooses then to go upstairs, knowing he steals your attention as he stomps like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 
 Why did he even come here? Was it just to give himself more reason to brood? Solidify that he's valid in being angry? 
 Connie is trembling as his character makes his way through a decrepit house. Jean laughs every few minutes, but he also startles at every jump scare, leaving Reiner to call both of them pussies as he bites into strawberry after strawberry, throwing the stems into a little bowl in his lap. Mike supposes the first years are entertaining enough. He can see why Erwin invited them here. 
 It's close to nine o'clock. Mike is bored out of his mind, can't help venturing back downstairs mostly because he's tired of watching the pledges swear and shout at the video game (including Reiner now) but also out of morbid curiosity. 
 Marie has returned and is sitting in the kitchen with Maddie, both of whom are glaring into the den where you, Erwin, Nile, and Hitch share the couch. Hitch may as well be in Nile's lap, but you're sitting on the back ridge, feet planted on the cushions as you hunch forward and nurse a beer. Your knee is against Erwin's arm, but that's the only point of contact. Still, whenever something funny is said on the TV show, he looks up at you, as if to check that you're laughing, taking it in. Mike can't blame him. You have one of the cutest laughs he's ever heard. 
 Levi and Gelgar are both on plush loveseats on opposite sides of the room, either scrolling or typing on their phones. 
 Again, Mike has to think about how laid back the party is—even if he's a mess. It's so different from the raucous scenes he's used to—blasting music and keg stands and dancing on tables. This would be infinitely preferable if it weren't for the open pit in Mike's stomach. 
 If he could just chill the fuck out, pay absolutely no attention to you and Erwin and the way his fingers slowly wrap around your ankle when you won't stop bouncing your leg. 
 Not together his ass. 
 When Mike gets a text from Rhi, he basically sighs in relief—the perfect opportunity to forget about you for a while. 
 He doesn't bother asking to make sure it's okay with the host, just messages back, what are you doing rn? and immediately asks her to come over, knowing she only lives about an hour away. 
 Naturally, she agrees. One of the only great things about Rhi is that she’s always, always down to fuck. Mike doesn’t know if it has something to do with his size or if she just has a high sex drive. Either way, he’s glad for it.. 
 He meets her on the porch after waiting for what feels like an eternity, just having to sit and watch you kick Erwin’s thigh whenever he says something dumb. He always retaliates by pulling on your little toes which makes you squeak and almost fall off the couch. It’s fucking maddening, makes Mike want to pull his hair out or throw something, just trash the fucking house because Erwin deserves it. 
 But, then Rhi arrives in all her Ugg boot glory, wearing the old, green hoodie that you had given back to Mike a few months ago.
 They walk in, Mike’s hands on her shoulders like he’s pushing her over the threshold. You look up, take the other girl in, then very quickly step off the couch and prance into the kitchen without saying a word.
 Erwin, however, makes up for your silence, wide eyed as he stares at Rhi and utters, “Fuck.”
* You didn’t want to be like Maddie and Marie, jogging to a private place to cry over a fucking boy, but god, you are definitely locked in the bathroom, hunched over the sink sobbing as quietly as you can. Your nose is running, and your eyes are burning, leaking god damn rivers
 It wouldn’t have been so bad if she was just in her normal winter sorority get-up. But the hoodie? The one you wore for months on end, the one Mike would sniff whenever he would lay his head on your stomach, mumbling something about, “Smells good. Might have to take it back.” He didn’t have to say it out loud, but you knew he always felt a little jolt of pride when you’d wear it, like you were advertising how close you were to him.
 So, to see another girl wearing it—to see Rhi wearing it—it fucking hurts. Your throat is sore from holding back those loud, pained cries. Your stomach is rolling like you ate something spoiled. Your fingers ache from digging into the fancy, granite sink. Everything hurts. 
 It makes you wonder if Mike felt like this when you first told him about Zeke, if he feels like this now that he thinks you’re with Erwin—stupid, stupid, stupid. You shouldn’t have waited so long to talk to him. You should have cleared things up right after the party. Now, it’s too late. 
 There’s a knock on the door that makes you sniff and wipe your nose, but you still tell whoever is on the other side (most likely Hitch or Erwin), “Go away.”
 “It’s me.” Erwin. "Let me in."
 "Literally what did I just say?" 
 "If you don't unlock the door, I'll kick it in. It's my house, so I won't get in trouble for it."
 "Oh my god," you grumble before turning the lock on the knob. "Spoiled fucking brat."
 Erwin steps in and closes the door then takes a good look at your puffy face and red eyes. Sighing, he leans against the wall. "For the record, I didn't invite her. Mike must have—"
 "That doesn't make me feel any better," you say, grabbing some toilet paper to blow your nose. "Actually, it makes me feel even worse."
 "I just wanted to make sure you knew."
 "What, d'you want brownie points or something?" You ask sarcastically, making sure the toilet lid is down before sitting on it, bracing your arms on your knees and looking up at Erwin to find him frowning. "Sorry. I'm being a bitch, I know."
 He waves it off. "It's understandable. I'm not very happy with him either. The perpetual shitty mood is driving me crazy."
 You don't know much about that other than it being entirely your fault, so you apologize, "Yeah, sorry about that."
 "If you guys would have just talked it out like adults—"
 "Well, we didn't, Erwin. And, it seems like it's not even an option any more, so…" you hold your hands out in a clueless fashion, like you're at a loss. "I don't know what you want me to do."
 Your voice is thick, straining against the lump in your throat. Vision going blurry again, you shove your palms against your eyes, repeating, no more crying, no more crying, no more crying. 
 "I'm sorry he's doing this to you," Erwin says quietly. 
 You sniffle, almost laugh when you reply, "Not really different from what I did to him. Like," you have to blow your nose again so it doesn't start running, toss the toilet paper into the waste basket next to you. "I don't know if he's trying to get back at me or legitimately moving on, but I can't exactly hold it against him."
 "Still," Erwin takes a couple steps toward you. "Pulling this kind of shit is fucked up. He had to have known it would hurt you on some level."
 "You don't have to, like, take my side or whatever," you state. "I know we're friends and all, but you don't have to coddle me like this."
 "I'm not trying to coddle you. I'm sympathizing. There's a difference."
 "Whatever it is, it's unnecessary," you mumble.
 "Yeah?" Another step closer so that he's right in front of you. "So, you weren't planning on crying in here for the rest of the night?" 
 "No," you're quick to deny, but your lips quirk upward when you correct, "I was gonna go up to my room and cry in there for the rest of the night."
 Erwin shakes his head then pulls you into a strange embrace, pressing your face to his stomach with one hand while the other settles between your shoulder blades.
 Your first instinct is to shove him away, but his shirt is soft and smells like detergent, and his stomach is firm and grounding against your cheek, and the knuckles rubbing up and down the top of your spine are warm and soothing. 
 So, you stay in the slightly awkward position, shutting your eyes and trying to relax, but all you can think about is Mike walking in with his hands on Rhi and the way she looked in his hoodie. Is she cuter than you? Does she smell better than you? Does she treat him better than you did? 
 Tears well up in your eyes once again, dampening Erwin's shirt as they slip over your waterline, and before you know it, you're clutching the material covering the small of his back and crying against him. 
 And, he lets you—just keeps stroking between your shoulders and shushing you with a quiet, "I know, I know. It'll be okay." 
 Erwin is cocky and bold, takes things a little too far sometimes, but, just as you thought last year after he stole that kiss, he is good. Even if he's broken too many hearts to count and completely disregarded people's feelings, he's a good guy. At the very least, he's good to you, and that's what you need at the moment. 
 "What time is it?" You speak into his shirt. 
 "About eleven thirty."
 You hum and turn so that your forehead is resting just above his hips. It could be a suggestive position, but—
 But nothing. 
 You blink a few times, weighing the situation, everything that unfolded tonight—everything that's unfolded over the past semester and… it would make sense. It's not like you've never thought about it before. You're worked up and need to unwind, need to clear your head, and besides, Mike already believes there's something between you and Erwin, so why not take advantage of that?
 Sucking on your bottom lip, you go through a list of pros and cons. The biggest downside is that Mike will be upset with you. He already is, though, so there’s isn’t much to lose on that front. The upside is that you'll be able to forget about him for a while and possibly get an orgasm out of it. 
 "Hey, Erwin…" You're not entirely sure how to bring it up, but it turns out you don't have to. 
 "Don't fucking ask," he huffs. Perceptive bastard. 
 You push away from his stomach and look up at him. "Okay, why, though?"
 His head is hanging back, gaze trained on the ceiling as he admits, "Because if you ask, I won't say no, and it'll only make things worse."
 Something about that gives you butterflies. That's a good sign, means you might be invested enough to finally let your mind wander from Mike. 
 "Mike already thinks we're fucking, though, so unless you don't actually want to fuck me, I don't see why we shouldn't."
 Erwin walks backward until he hits the cabinets. His full lips are pressed into a tight line, and his blue eyes look like a warning. Don't push me. 
 "Do you honestly think you won't walk away from that feeling guilty?" He questions. "We know we aren't sleeping together, that we aren't actually doing anything wrong even if Mike doesn't believe it. But, to actually go through with it?" Erwin lets out a little chuckle and crosses his arms over his chest. "I probably won't feel bad 'cause I'm kind of an asshole, but you? You will feel awful."
 "I already feel awful," you remind him as you stand. "I already feel guilty. If you think I could feel any fucking worse than I already do, you might be overestimating my—my—I don't know—emotional capacity?"
 Moving forward, you nudge Erwin out of the way to get to the sink, splashing cold water on your face to clean it of dried tears. You cup a hand under the faucet, then toss some water into your mouth, swishing, and spitting, and turning back around. 
 Erwin's gaze is dark and not at all subtle when he eyes you up and down. 
 "I might hurt you, you know," he states in a voice that's considerably deeper than before. 
 You raise your eyebrows, unconvinced. "You don't have to worry about me catching feelings, Smith. Relax."
 Mouth tugging up on one side, Erwin smirks in a way that makes you squirm where you stand. 
 "That's not what I meant."
 It takes you a moment to decipher what he's trying to say, but you breathe an, "Oh," when you realize, then another as it truly sinks in. "Oh."
 That's okay, you want to tell him. I want to be hurt tonight. You only want it if it will hurt. If you confess to that desire, though, Erwin might back out—a disappointment considering the way you're starting to get a little excited. 
 "If I can handle Mike, I can handle you," you say, fully aware that he'll take it as a challenge. If there's one thing you know about men, it's that they thrive off competition. 
 Erwin is no different as he slides in front of you, hands finding your hips and pulling them to his. He's already half hard in his khakis, and you stand on your tip-toes, brushing against him as you do, to tilt your head back and hover just under his mouth as you tease, "Don't tell me you haven't thought about it before."
 "You have no idea how often I've thought about it—how often I think about it."
 You nip at his bottom lip, enjoying the way he licks it afterward. "Have you been holding back since we started hanging out—just the two of us?" 
 His fingers dig into your back, just above the curve of your ass, and you already know there will be small bruises left behind. 
 "Do you want me to paint a picture?" He rumbles, and you nod, pressing a kiss to his throat. "Any time I have you in my room I think about fucking you. On the bed. Over my desk. Up against a wall…" A little gasp makes its way out of him as you bite down on the skin you've been sucking on, and Erwin ruts against you a couple times before continuing, voice a little more strangled than before. 
 "Thought about fucking you downstairs on the couch for the whole frat to see, all spread out, moaning like a porn star. I know what you sound like," he whispers, catching you off guard when he suddenly lifts you to set you on the counter. "I've heard the way you scream for Mike." 
 There's a pang in your chest at the mention of him, but it's gone just as quickly. 
 "And, you'd like it, wouldn't you? Being watched." Erwin trails his lips from your temple to your ear, making you shiver when he speaks into it, "You can pretend all you want, but I know you liked it when I walked in on you and him. You liked being on display."
 He isn't wrong. You replay that instance in your head a little more than you probably should. 
 Hearing the fact stated now, though, right to your face has your body heating, arousal flooding you and making warmth pool between your legs. 
 "You can admit it, it's okay. I've known for a while now."
 One of his hands moves to the inside of your thigh then further up, fingers dancing over your covered pussy. It's your turn to gasp. You clutch his shoulders and spread your legs despite knowing there's no way you'll be satisfied with this, not when thick denim is separating you from his touch. 
 "Don't get too cocky, Smith." You try to sound confident, but it's hard to when your breath keeps hitching. 
 "Why?" He grazes his teeth over the sensitive space below your ear, and it makes you twitch in his grasp. "I have every reason to be."
 He goes on to list every other place he's thought about fucking you—apparently just about every setting you've ever been in with him. Each and every Pike party, the locker room before or after a lacrosse game, his Mustang, Mike's Wrangler.
 "That's fucked up," you somehow manage. 
 Erwin shrugs his shoulders, mumbles, "Can't help it," then slots his lips against yours for the first time (or, the first consensual time). 
 You're reminded of Zeke, the way all you did was compare him, only now with Erwin, you have two men who flash through your mind. He's softer than Zeke but just as bold as he cradles your head and slips his tongue into your mouth—tastes sweeter than Mike (probably from the strawberries), but it's not necessarily a good thing. It isn't bad either. It's just Erwin… Different. 
 His hair doesn't brush your cheeks like Mike's does. He doesn't have glasses to dig into your skin. Clean shaven, no coarse hairs to tickle against you, and he's smack in the middle in terms of height. You have to crane your neck more than you did with Zeke but less than you had to with Mike. 
 It's all a little jarring, but you feel this was always sort of an inevitability, at least once you started spending time with Erwin one on one. You never would have let this happen if you had stayed with Mike—if you had actually taken the next step with him—but that's why you started hanging out with Erwin in the first place. 
 You never noticed the way your back and forth was flirty, mostly just you giving him shit about one thing or another, but apparently others read further into it. And, you've had as good a time as you can. The heartache has put a damper on things, kept Erwin mostly off your radar save for the days you woke up frustrated and desperate, but that's what your vibrator is for. 
 Apparently, while you were busy making sure things stayed friendly between the two of you, Erwin's mind was getting away from him. Every god damn time you hung out, he told you, whether it was at the house or out to lunch, walking with you to classes or out to your car. 
 He did make it a habit of touching you, you can admit, but none of it was inappropriate—a nudge to knock you off balance that would result in you hitting him, a prod in the ribs that would result in you squeaking and hitting him. Sticking a foot out to trip you that would result in you…
 Dude obviously likes to be slapped around. 
 There's also the hugs. Up in his room when you feel extra gloomy, he'd wrap his arms around you and sway back and forth. Sometimes he'd sit and pull you with him, turn on a movie and keep a tight hold around your shoulders. There were afternoons you'd walk into his room while he was studying and just pass out in his bed, up too late the night before from worrying and obsessing, in need of a nap before your evening lecture. He'd set an alarm for you, stay up for a while longer before allowing himself to take a break and crawl under the blankets beside to—
 Oh, god, you've been dating Erwin Smith. 
 You have to break away from him to laugh, lightly hitting your head against his chest so that he chuckles and asks, "What?" 
 "I—" You look back up at him, shaking your head to yourself. "I can't believe I didn't fucking see it."
 "See what?" 
 "You and me—"
 "You and I," he corrects, and you shove him. 
 "You and I have just been doing what Mike and I were doing."
 "Uh, excuse me," he holds a finger up. "We have not been having endless sex, thank you."
 "That's not—" You roll your eyes. "I'm saying we've been dating without actually dating. Like, I get why everyone thinks we're a thing."
 "Oh," Erwin nods, sucking his teeth for a second then adding, "Yeah, I was wondering when you would figure that out."
 "Fucker. Did you do it on purpose? Like, just to prove you could?" 
 He frowns, looking genuinely offended. "Christ, what kind of person do you think I am?" 
 "Not twenty minutes ago you confessed to being an asshole."
 His face softens when he snickers. "Okay, true. But, no. I'm not trying to manipulate Mike or you for that matter. You've been upset, and you've put up with a lot of shit over the last few months, and I just figured you could use a friend."
 Staring up at him, you notice the way his face is turning a little red, and you hold your tongue between your teeth as you smile knowingly. 
 "You caaare about meee."
 He scoffs and looks away
 "Heartbreaker Smith cares about a girl," you tease. "How embarrassing."
 "Laugh it up. You would've been miserable without me."
 "I mean, yeah, but still. What's it like having a platonic girlfriend?" 
 He tilts his head to the side then reaches forward to squeeze your thighs. "Is it really platonic if we're about to have sex?" 
 "Absolutely. Hundred percent."
 "You're not even a little worried that it'll become a regular thing and you'll fall in love?" The arrogance is both astounding and amusing. 
 Cocking your head, you take a deep breath, expression one of false sympathy as you pat his stomach. "I'm positive. Unfortunately, my heart belongs to another."
 Erwin clicks his tongue before moving forward and sliding his hands between the counter and your ass. "I'm a little hurt, honestly. I'm used to fucking a girl and having to hide out for a while afterward—always so clingy."
 You squint, can't tell if he's being serious or overdramatizing to annoy you. 
 "You know what? Nevermind. I don't even want your little playboy ass anymore—"
 Naturally, he turns the charm back on right then, getting too close to your face, blue eyes flicking to your lips before he breathes, "Don't lie," and presses a tiny peck to them. "The tough girl act is only believable for so long."
 "Wow, fuck you."
 "That's the idea," he smirks. 
 "Har fucking har. You're so funny."
 Erwin pulls you closer to the edge of the counter and grinds his hips against yours then prompts, "Your room or mine?" 
 "Mine," you reply. "I'd rather you have to do the walk of shame later."
 "Probably a good idea since you won't be able to once I'm finished with you."
 You actually laugh out loud. It would have worked on you a few minutes ago, but all the joking has you a little giggly at this point. 
 Fuck, he is going to make a great distraction. 
 "Okay, calm down. Don't make promises you can't keep."
 "Sounds like a challenge to me."
 "Men," you sigh. "So predictable."
 After minutes more of unnecessary banter, Erwin finally coaxes you out of the bathroom you've both spent far too much time in. Your face has cleared up, the urge to cry subsiding, though your heart still drops in your chest when you pass behind Mike and Rhi on the couch, green eyes tracking you as you walk up the stairs in front of Erwin. 
 This is not the right way to solve a problem, but it'll probably be fun for a while. It's already fun as Erwin kicks the door closed and walks you back to the bed. He isn't even touching you, just watching you with a hazy blue gaze. He isn't smiling, looks like a predator, and honestly, it's ridiculously attractive. 
 "Stop making that face."
 "What face?" 
 You run into the bed, wave your arms to keep your balance, but Erwin presses his fingertips to your chest and just barely pushes to knock you back. 
 "What face, hm?" 
 The hair on your arms and neck is standing on end, anticipation bubbling in your gut as you try to crawl higher on the mattress only for Erwin to grab you by the ankle and tug you back down. 
 Damn. He's good at this. 
 "Stay," he commands, straightening up to take his shirt off. 
 He's tan and toned, light blonde hair sprinkled over his chest and above the waistband of his pants. 
 You're reminded of the very first Pike party you went to, the first time you slept with Mike (and can't remember), walking downstairs the following morning to find Erwin in the kitchen wearing sweats and drinking his coffee and smirking at you like he could tell the future. 
 Maddening. He's maddening. 
 You rid yourself of your own top then shimmy out of your jeans. Erwin eyes you hungrily, causing your whole body to tingle. It simultaneously makes you want to cover yourself and spread yourself open for him. 
 "I have been waiting way too fucking long for this," Erwin mumbles, raking fingernails down your torso so that you take in a shuddering breath. 
 "It's been, like, a y-year and a half." Your back arches on its own volition, hips bucking as Erwin scratches over the bones before catching your thong and pulling it down. He kneels at the end of the bed, a familiar scene save for the head of shiny, golden hair.
 "A year and a half of having to look but not touch."
 "Poor little—" you gasp when he parts your folds with his thumbs, staring at your pussy then blowing a stream of air over it. 
 "Do you know how many times I've jacked off to the thought of you? How many times I've slept with other girls while imagining it was you?" 
 You want to make another smartass comment, tease him about being a pervert or in his feelings or something, but you can't find your voice as he licks a long, slow stripe up your slit. You stare at the ceiling, not even blinking as too many signals fire in your brain all at once. 
 Erwin is good with his mouth. Like, stupid good. He has a teasing rhythm, flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue until your muscles are coiled then moves to trace the ring of your entrance, taking his time as you turn from human to puddle. 
 He’s better at this than Zeke who would purposely graze his teeth over your sensitive little bud a little too hard on purpose, would suck on it until it hurt. He liked when you whimpered for him, liked leaving raised welts on your ribs and back from where he’d scratched. The intermixed pain and pleasure never failed to make you come, but the climb up to that precipice was usually precarious for lack of a better term.
 Then, there’s Mike (because of course there is). His mood usually determined how he would take you, hard and fast before a game or slow and lazy as you both relaxed in his room. One thing always stayed the same no matter his disposition, and it’s that he fucking worshiped your pussy—even said it on multiple occasions. He would eat you out like a starving man, lapping at your juices like it would quench his thirst. Some days he would overstimulate you to the point of tears, neverending licks lavished over your clit as he pumped thick fingers in and out of your cunt. Other days he would go down on you like it was a fucking hobby—turn on a movie, spread you out on the foot of his bed, and eat you out while only halfway paying attention to the TV. He could pull multiple orgasms from you that way, letting you come around a finger or two before returning to your pulsing clit. Fuck, you used to make such a mess. He’d spend minutes trying to lick you clean, but you always ended up in the shower afterward.
 You shouldn’t be thinking of that right now, though. You should be thinking about Erwin’s clever tongue and the fingertips just barely brushing over sensitive skin. You want them inside of you, want something to clamp down on, but no matter how much you pull his hair or utter a breathy, “Please,” he keeps the same pace, only moving on when he feels like it.
 He’s doing it on purpose, trying to break you before even getting to the point of fucking you, and if you’re being honest, it just might work. He’s gonna make you lose your god damn mind tonight. Exactly like you want to.
 “Fuck, how much p-practice have you had with th-this?”
 Erwin laughs, stilling your wriggling by curling his arms around your thighs. “Too much, probably.”
 You whine when he continues, but when he starts softly sucking on your clit, you’re surprised at how close you suddenly feel, your legs naturally trying to spread further but remaining immobilized in Erwin’s grip. The threat of not being able to move only intensifies the building sensation in your gut, and soon you’re gasping his name, eyes rolling as you try in vain to buck further into his face. 
 You feel more than hear Erwin groan, a deep vibration that pours over your clit and makes you twitch. He gives you a few more long licks, then pulls back and stands, exposing the way his mouth and chin are covered in a glossy sheen. 
 “Feel better yet?” He smirks.
 You wave a lazy hand, don’t want to fluff his ego too much, so you allow him to witness your borderline stoned state while still jeering, “I’ll feel better when I have your cock inside me.”
 Erwin laughs to himself, mutters, “Eager,” then takes his pants off. 
 Pushing yourself up on your elbows, you give his cock a cursory glance and stop. “Hold on,” then slide off the bed and to your knees. 
 If you’re gonna fuck Erwin Smith, you’re at least gonna appreciate it. 
 He inhales sharply as you place your hands on his thighs, eyes traveling over his length. It’s pretty, above average in size, smooth, with a flared tip that’s currently flushing a dark pink. 
 ���I really hate to admit this, but you could be, like, a dick model.”
 He chokes on some kind of snort, and you swear his entire chest turns red. “I—thank you?”
 “You’re welcome,” you tell him, promptly taking hold of his cock and guiding it into your mouth.
 “Oh, fuck, fuck—”
 His skin is soft against your tongue, warm as you take him deeper. His girth stretches your jaw, but you’re still pretty used to the feeling, had to get used to it with Mike because he’s a little bigger than—
 That’s not important. 
 Erwin breathes through his teeth as he places a hand on the top of your head, and when you look up at him through your eyelashes, he lets out a disbelieving little laugh. That confident fucking tease is nowhere to be found as you swipe your tongue over the tiny hole leaking pre then surge forward, almost pressing your nose to his pelvis as you run the muscle back and forth under the base of his cock.
 “Shit, let me—let me lean against the bed,” he says, pulling you off him and chuckling, “Gonna make my fucking knees buckle.”
 You turn where you’re kneeling, waiting for him to get better stabilized before resuming your efforts to ruin this annoying, charming frat boy who is always put together. You suck and slurp and trigger your gag reflex a couple times. Erwin’s fingers scratch against your scalp like he’s looking for purchase. He’s careful not to be too brutal as he pushes you down on his cock, raising his hips to meet your rhythm. His head is thrown back, thighs tensing under your hands as his chest rises and falls with short breaths. 
 You have to work up to it, but once you feel loose enough, you press forward and let Erwin slip further into your throat. His voice sounds like honey when he groans a low, “Hoooly fuck,” letting his head hang down as he attempts to stare at you with unfocused eyes. 
 “Okay, okay, okay,” he huffs. “Keep going and we won’t get to the main event.”
 You pull off of him with a lewd pop then raise to your feet. Your knees are a little sore, but it’s nothing some exercise won’t work out. 
 “Want me to wear a condom?”
 “I don’t care. I’m clean and on birth control,” you tell him. “What about you?”
 “Well, I’m clean, but I haven’t gotten my birth control prescription refilled in a wh—”
 You flick his chest, and Erwin laughs as he bats you away. 
 “Alright. Up on the bed with you then,” he motions to the mattress. “Lay on the edge.”
 You do as you're told, spreading your legs for Erwin to stand between, and you bite your lip when you feel him rub the head of his cock between your folds. You’re still wet with slick—probably dripped onto the carpet when you were giving him head—which makes the glide easier as he teases you. 
 “Ready?” He asks, wriggling thick eyebrows until you smile. He doesn’t wait for an actual answer before he starts pushing in, pressing your legs to your chest as he slowly seats himself in your cunt.
 You’re making that face—eyebrows moving toward your hairline as if you’re worried, jaw dropping open as air is pushed from your lungs. Erwin looks focused, licking his lips as he gazes down at the way your pussy stretches around him. 
 He thrusts in and out at a tortuous pace, apparently waiting for you to start trembling around him before he deems you ready to take more. Every one of his movements is measured, slowly pulling out only to push in all at once. The ridge of his cock drags over your g-spot, pressing firmly against it and making you claw at his shoulders. 
 He feels good, satisfying, but he’s not quite as good as Mike who used to hit all your spots without even thinking about it—somehow making you beg like a whore and sing like a little girl in Sunday school all at the same time. 
 Still, you don’t have to lie when Erwin quickens his pace and pants, “Feel good?” 
 “Fuck—yes, yes, Jesus Christ—”
 He’s pulling all manner of crude sounds from your pussy, wet and greedy as it sucks him back in with every rut of his hips. The angle is perfect—his height paired with the bed on stilts has him hitting your spot every time, and you feel the need to warn him, “If you keep—keep fucking me like this—god—m’gonna squirt.”
 “Fuck yes,” he praises, wetting a thumb in his mouth before bringing it down to massage your clit. He only speeds up as your voice rises, body confused like your muscles don’t know if they should be flexed or relaxed. 
 You feel that tell-tale burning, that urge that only gets stronger the more Erwin abuses your g-spot and presses against your clit.
 “Shit, shit, shit—”
 Erwin groans when fluid starts to trickle from you, pushes more and more out of you while quickly swiping two fingers over your clit. The sense of relief is mind-numbing. You can’t even be upset that your sheets are gonna be damp whenever you decide to sleep. 
 He doesn’t slow down, doesn’t lose his rhythm, just sticks his two wet fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean. 
 You see it now—the skill, the appeal, why the girls always come back to him. It makes sense. He’s devastatingly handsome, especially like this, all fucked out and flushed, hair out of place, lips red and swollen from biting them. 
 Yeah, Erwin is fucking hot.
 But, that doesn’t mean he’s your type. 
 Pulling out, he flips you onto your stomach, and you have to stand on your tip-toes as you lean over the bed. The burn in your calves disappears almost entirely when he slides into you from behind, pelvis pressing against your ass as he curls over you, cupping your tits and tweaking your hardened nipples as he gifts you with a series of shallow thrusts. It makes you whimper and teeter forward, unable to balance and squirm at the same time. Face suddenly buried in the mattress, your cries are muffled by the blankets. Erwin’s hands travel back to your hips, rocking you back and forth on his slick cock. He’s getting a little rougher, pressing into you as deeply as he can, and the fact that you’ll be sore from this tomorrow gives you a strange sense of satisfaction. 
 Only way to get over someone is to get on top of someone else, right? Or, underneath in your case. Being a little more in control wouldn’t be the worst thing, though, so…
 “Erwin, Erwin, fuck—Lemme ride you.”
 There is no hesitation. Erwin slips out of you and throws himself onto the bed, grinning crookedly as he watches you climb over him on unsteady limbs. His patience must have worn out some time ago, because he holds his cock with one hand, using the other to line you up with it, then guides you down his length. 
 You have to sit still for a second, or you would like to, but Erwin is still holding your hips, and he rocks you back and forth in his lap like he knows. He probably does. He’s probably fucked enough girls to notice exactly when their eyes pop open, when they shudder and break out in goosebumps because that pressure is hitting exactly where it needs to, and yeah, he knows. 
 Finding it in yourself to move again, you lean over Erwin, planting your hands on the pillows by his head, then start bouncing on his cock. He hisses in a dark, appreciative way, eyes and hands immediately drawn to your chest. He sits up enough to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, licking and pinching then doing the same to the other. 
 He’s so good—feels so good, knows just where to touch, the exact place to bite on your neck that makes you melt, but how—how does he know that? It’s like he has a sixth sense or—
 Or, he just paid attention to the bruises that Mike used to leave on the sides of your throat. That checks out. 
 Fuck, he used to mark you like he wanted everyone to see, especially that last night. It was almost animalistic, like he had been—marking his territory, Zeke’s voice plays in your head. It makes you frown, and you rid yourself of the thought only to replace it with the memory of Mike’s mouth on your skin, his calloused fingertips trailing down your torso, huge hands wrapping around your legs to pull you against him—
 You whine, glad it sounds like a sound of desperation rather than frustration. You just want to stop thinking about him. Just an hour—if you could go a single fucking hour—
 “Hey, look at me,” Erwin commands in a soft voice. 
 You open your eyes, still hovering over him, and expect him to say something, but instead he just reaches up to the back of your head and pulls you into a kiss. 
 He’s helping move you on top of him, forcing you to take his cock over and over, and like this, so close and breathing him in, you don’t even have the room to think about Mike. 
 Both of your bodies are damp with sweat, and Erwin’s hair is a mess, pushed from his flushed face. He bites down on your bottom lip and tugs, only letting go to ask, “Where do you want me?”
 “I don’t care,” you groan, legs and arms and pussy growing sore. You’re not surprised; you’ve been going at it for a while now. 
 Erwin licks your lower lip as if to soothe it after biting it, tells you, “Oh, don’t give me that option. You know where I’ll pick.”
 Smiling, you straighten up then move to fit your feet underneath you so you can bounce more freely. “You can come inside, dude. It feels good to me, too.”
 “I really don’t know how to respond to being called ‘dude’ when I’m balls deep in a girl.”
 You shrug, “Sorry not sorry,” then raise and drop yourself, feeling in charge for the first time tonight. 
 That feeling is short lived as Erwin goes right back to using you the way he wants. You think for about half a second that he’s finally, really losing himself, but the accuracy of his finger on your clit proves that is not the case. He’s clearly having a good time, but he isn’t at that feral stage that Mike falls into sometimes.
 Before you can dwell on it for too long, you hit your peak, moaning Erwin’s name, hips moving uncontrollably as you ride out your orgasm.
 He’s speaking, mumbling praise or pleas or curses, you aren’t so sure, but after about another minute of fucking into you relentlessly, Erwin comes, shooting line after line inside of you until he’s spent and twitching. 
 With your two previous partners, this is usually when you’d fall forward and cuddle, catch your breath and enjoy the feeling of being all plugged up.
 But, it’s Erwin, huffing and blinking up at the ceiling then finally stating, “That was a dumb idea.”
 It makes you laugh for some reason, probably because you agree. 
 The sex was great. There is a reason girls talk about him on campus, about his sexual prowess or whatever, and if you weren’t too busy suffocating in your little pit of heartbreak, thinking about your best friend nonstop, you wouldn’t mind fucking Erwin again. And, again and again.
 That’s not gonna happen, though. The heat of the moment is fading, every mental faculty returning to you, and despite the fact that you’re still seated on his cock, as you look down at him, you feel absolutely no spark.
 He’s ridiculously attractive, pretty fucking brilliant but with a dumb sense of humor, and you love him. You really do. He’s done a lot for you over the last semester, made it at least somewhat bearable, but… This shouldn’t have happened. 
 Hopefully, it quelled his curiosity, though.
 “I told you it would just make you feel shitty,” he mumbles, but he doesn’t look sad. Sympathetic more than anything, resigned that he’s probably going to have to pick up the pieces of another mess. 
 “Yeah,” you drawl. “You were right.” Your joints pop as you stand, towering over Erwin for once and leaking his fucking cum as you hop off the bed. 
 “It’s been known to happen from time to time,” he jokes absentmindedly, wiping a few drops of white off his stomach then reaching for the tissues on the nightstand. 
 You don’t feel awkward or out of place, but you have no idea what else to say. The only thing that comes to mind is, “I’m gonna take a shower,” as you walk toward the bathroom.
 Erwin moves on the bed, stretching a little before grabbing his pants and leaving you to your devices, but you pause before stepping onto the tile, turn back and pace over to him.
 “Hey,” you start, and Erwin glances up from the button of his khakis. “Thanks.”
 He rolls his eyes, a small smile playing at his lips, and once he’s all zipped and buttoned up, he pulls you into a hug. 
 “I would say any time, but we probably shouldn’t do this again.”
 “Yeah, probably not.”
 You breathe into the space under his collarbone, humming as he gently scratches you back, then break away. “Alright, actually gonna shower now.”
 Erwin nods, “You do that,” then slaps your ass as soon as you turn around. 
 You look at him over your shoulder with raised eyebrows, but he just winks and tells you, “I had to. Just once,” which is fair. 
 You run a hot shower, scrub the shit out of your skin, lather your hair with some fancy shampoo then rinse it off. Once you go through your full routine, you’re happy to change into pajamas and slip into the comfortable bed. You don’t even mind that the comforter is a little damp in various places.
* You don’t stir when the door opens and closes, but you do when the mattress dips. Shifting slightly, you assume it’s just Erwin, falling back into your usual routine by slipping under the covers with you.
 As soon as he lays behind you, though, you know it isn’t Erwin. You recognize that weight, that warmth, that smell, and you are very awake very quickly. 
 All he offers is a little, “Mm,” to confirm.
 You chew on the inside of your cheek, confused and clueless as to what you’re supposed to do. 
 “Are you drunk again?”
 “No. Little buzzed.”
 Why is he here, then? You want to ask—What is he doing? Why isn’t he with Rhi?
 You start to turn to face him but you're stopped when Mike sets a hand on your back. It's oddly firm, keeping you in place as he grunts, "No, don't."
 "Don't turn around." His voice is hushed and choppy, like he's gritting out every syllable. 
 "I have shit I wanna say to you, and I won't be able to if you're lookin' at me."
 You have no idea how to respond to that, don't know if this is going to be a positive one-sided conversation where Mike confesses deep feelings while actually sober, or if he'll just unload all the baggage you've given him. Either way, you wish you could see his face. Something about having him laying behind you, close enough to feel his body heat, has you feeling very uneasy. 
 But, you nod, "Okay," trying to put on a brave face that he refuses to look at. 
 For a while, he just breathes. You assume it’s because he’s gathering his thoughts or maybe working up the courage to say something, but the suspense is making you shiver under your blankets. You have that terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, the mix of anticipation and regret you get on the way up to the first drop of a rollercoaster. 
 “Why have you been lying to me?”
 And, there’s that drop. 
 You swallow. “I haven’t been.”
 “Mike, I haven’t been!” You try to turn again, but his large hand is still right in the middle of your back. 
 “Do you think I’m fucking stupid?” His fingers close around the material of your shirt. You feel it tighten at your chest, making it hard to breathe—harder to breathe. “How are you gonna tell me that right after sleeping with him?” 
 You open your mouth to argue, realize you can’t make a case for yourself, and when you snap your jaw shut again, the sound of your teeth clacking seems to echo in your head.
 Yesterday, you would have been able to talk to him about this and be honest when telling him you weren’t fucking his best friend. Now, though…
 God, that had been such a bad decision. Why hadn’t you just listened to Erwin? Why can’t you fucking listen to anyone?
 “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Mike mutters. His grip loosens, but you can still feel a light tug at your shirt, the movement of fingers, and you think he might be rubbing over the material he’s still holding. “Pretty sure all of us could hear you guys goin’ at it, so… Thanks for that.”
 You take a deep breath in, squeezing your eyes shut because it sinks in that this is not going to be nice conversation. This isn’t going to result in the two of you apologizing and making love confessions to each other. 
 “I… I’m sorry.”
 Now, you’re grateful for not being able to see his face. You wouldn’t be able to stand looking at him right now, not when you know his expression will be grim—probably angry. 
 “I can’t really do anything with sorry,” Mike sighs. His hand drops from your back, but you make no move to turn over. 
 Your heart is like a hummingbird’s, beating frantically in your chest as that ache rises inside of you again, making your throat constrict and your eyes burn. 
 “Why’d you invite Rhi tonight?” You ask, hoping your sniffle isn’t too noticeable.
 “Why does it matter?”
 You suppose it doesn’t, but you still want to know, “Is it to get back at me, or is it because you’re actually into her?”
 Mike scoffs. “Not that it’s any of your business, but do you think I’d be in your room at three in the fucking morning if I was into her?”
 It’s probably the closest he’ll get to admitting it, but it’s all you need to hear. He’s been going out of his way to hurt you. At least any pain you’ve caused him wasn’t intentional. Until tonight, that is, and even then, you didn’t fuck Erwin to hurt him; you did it to help yourself. 
 Pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you hold back tears and mumble a thick, “Just wanted to know.”
 “Want to make sure I’m still interested? That I’ll keep waiting for you to fucking realize—”
 “I have—” You turn over roughly, pinning Mike’s hand under your ribs as you glare at him, but he manages to put more distance between the two of you when he yanks his arm back and sits up.
 “I can’t do this anymore,” he tells you, and you think you hear his voice waver for a second.  
 The orange light pouring in from the bathroom is the only way you can tell his eyes are wide—worried—and it chills all the blood in your body.
 “Wh-what d’you mean?” 
 “I mean, I can’t fucking do this anymore,” he repeats a little louder, drawing it out like it’ll help you understand. “I cannot deal with you anymore. I can’t keep feeling this way, okay?”
 “No,” he stops you, acts like he has something else lined up but bites his tongue and sighs. He sits cross-legged on the bed now, hangs his head as he speaks calmly, “This semester has fucking sucked. I am angry all the time. I can’t focus in class, and I can’t play lacrosse without getting in trouble, and I can’t fuck anyone else without feeling bad—I can’t fucking do anything without thinking of you, and I’m—” he looks at the wall and shakes his head. “I’m exhausted.”
 “I am too,” you tell him, voice cracking as that lump in your throat grows and bubbles, pushing hot tears from your eyes that you quickly wipe away. “Mike, I am too, so can we just—”
 “No,” he cuts you off again. “Whatever it is you’re about to say—move on, pretend it didn’t happen, pick up where we left off, whatever… the answer is no.”
 He seems like he already has his mind made up, came into the room with a plan, and he isn’t gonna let you talk him out of it. 
 So, you stay as silent as you can, sniffing and swallowing and letting the comforter catch every teardrop. 
 “I have been… Right in front of you this whole time. I made myself completely available for a year—was at your beck and fucking call. I was—I mean—I was good to you, right?” He sounds incredulous, like he can barely believe he’s asking. 
 “Yeah,” you manage. “Yeah, you were.”
 “Then, why…? Zeke? And, now Erwin?”
 “Do you want me to try to explain, or do you just wanna rant for a while?”
 Mike glances at you, looks surprised that you’d give him the option. 
 “Honestly, I don’t really wanna hear it. You’ve more than proved your point.”
 Indignation swirls in your stomach alongside your nausea, and you press, “My point being?”
 “That I’m not good enough.”
 Oh, god. No, no, no. You could understand him being angry. You’re okay with him being angry, it’s fine. But, this—this feeling of inferiority? That is so much worse. It makes you sick. This is the last thing you’d ever want Mike to feel. It’s the last thing he should feel because it’s false. He has no reason—he’s too good and too kind and too warm. He’s like… He’s fucking sunshine. He can light up a room, and he doesn’t even know it.
 “Mike, n-no,” your voice breaks, making you sound like a wounded animal. “You are so, so good. You are more than enough, I promise.”
 He snorts in a self-deprecating manner. “Then, why—”
 “Because I’m not good enough. I fucked this up. This is my fault, and I can own that as long as you know that there is absolutely no—nothing wrong with you,” the last part comes out as a squeak as you try not to hyperventilate and cry the way your body is urging you to. Not yet. 
 Mike nods a few times. You can see his mouth moving from the side like he’s biting his lip or sucking his teeth until he agrees, “Yeah,” then adds a quiet, “Whatever you say, babe,” that makes you want to throw up.
 Mike scoots to the edge of the bed and stands. You assume he’s about to leave, let you be alone with your thoughts, so when he rounds the corner to get to your side, you sit up a little straighter. 
 Half of his face is illuminated, casting shadows under his eyes, highlighting the bruise on his neck that Rhi probably left, but your gaze is trained on his as he leans down to you. A finger hooks under your chin, and Mike tilts your face at an angle, kissing you so softly that it’s painful. 
 His lips are warm and familiar, everything you’ve been craving as they cover yours. There’s no tongue, no force, just light pressure as he inhales through his nose.
 You know what this is, what he’s doing, but you can’t prepare yourself because there’s still that tiny string of hope you’re grappling for. He just needs a break. You just need to give him space. That’s all—
 “I love you,” Mike murmurs. His voice is low and honest and slices you open. “I love you so fucking much it hurts, and I just—” He brushes a thumb over your lower lip as he pulls away, and it takes everything in you not to grab his hand and beg him to stay. “It’s like I hate you too.”
 You pull away to wipe your face with the blanket. There’s so much you want to say but have no idea how to articulate it, so all you can do is stare at Mike with wide, watery eyes. He… hates you. He hates you. 
 Straightening, Mike’s expression is suddenly nonchalant, like he just flipped a switch in his brain. “I’m not exactly the social butterfly I used to be, but I wanna have fun my last semester of undergrad—make up for the time I lost fucking brooding over you, so—”
 “I’ll stop going to the Pike house,” you tell him quietly. It’s easier to make the decision yourself rather than have to hear it from his mouth: Don’t come around anymore. I don’t want to see you. 
 “Cool. And, if you, like, see me on campus or anything—”
 You cough, maybe gag, you can’t really tell at this point because wow, this just keeps getting worse. 
 “I won’t bother you.”
 “Cool.” He bends to press another much more patronizing kiss to the crown of your head, then starts walking toward the door. “I’m just gonna try to move on, you know? Start fresh. And, you should do the same. Shouldn’t be too hard for you.” 
 You don’t watch him leave, just listen for the door to click shut behind him before you crawl out of bed, turn the lights on, and start packing your things. 
 You and Hitch drove together, but you have no doubt that she'll be able to get a ride with Nile, and with that thought, you’re out of the ranch house and on the road just as the first rays of the morning sun start shining over the horizon.
 It’s surprisingly easy for Mike to slip back into his old, obnoxious persona, and the remainder of the school year is spent partying, fucking, and cramming for tests he should have studied for weeks in advance.
 But, life is short, and he’s done beating himself up over stupid shit.
 Most of his PKA brothers are happy to have him “back”, and the pledges get the chance to see this of him, but there are times when Mike catches Erwin or Nile shaking their heads at him. He doesn’t mind much. They can both go fuck themselves for all he cares. 
 True to your word, you don’t show your face around the house. There were a few weeks after the holiday get-together where Erwin would disappear for a few hours at a time and come back either tired or angry, sometimes a combination of the two. 
 He attempted to bring you up in a conversation a total of one time, right in the middle of a party where Mike had been eyeing up a sorority girl. He brushed his friend off, easily telling Erwin, “Don’t fuckin’ talk to me about her,” through the crooked grin he was flashing at the little blond across the room. 
 Erwin didn’t bother after that, obviously deeming Mike a lost cause. 
 Mike knows better, though. He isn’t lost anymore. In fact, he’s found himself all over again.
 Every once in a while, he’ll catch a glimpse of you on campus, but whenever that happens, he just turns around and takes a different route to wherever he’s going. He doesn’t want to give you any reason to think you can talk to him—doesn’t want to give you the chance.
 He’s spent too much of his time hung up on you, too much time pining and hurting, and that hasn’t disappeared entirely. Mike can still clearly remember the way you looked at him the last night the two of you spoke, the way your tears twinkled in the dim light. He remembers how strangled you sounded while speaking, remembers the way your shoulders shook as you fought your emotions, remembers the way your lips trembled against his. 
 It wasn’t very satisfying. Mike left the ranch house the following morning sporting a few bruises on the outside thanks to Rhi as well as a few bruises on the inside thanks to you. 
 That entire night had been a clusterfuck—between Maddie and Marie storming off to cry then the little stunt he pulled by inviting Rhi, it had been much too dramatic for a gathering of that size. Mike experienced a wide variety of emotions that night, but the one that stands out the most is the searing rage that threatened to burn him from the inside, the red the clouded his vision as soon as he heard you moan Erwin’s name through the wall. 
 Mike had already been toying with the idea of severing all ties with you, but that’s what pushed him over the edge, watching you put on your little show when Rhi walked in only to turn around and have a grand fucking time with his best friend. 
 It needed to happen. Mike needed to free himself of you. It feels good. Mostly. There are still some days he comes close to giving in, just picking up his phone and calling you, but he resists, and he’s better for it. 
 He gets through his classes, does well on his finals after actually putting in the time to prepare for them, and by the time Mike graduates, he’s already been accepted to the graduate program of his choice and has an internship lined up. The tension between him and Erwin has faded for the most part, which is great since he’s going to grad school in the same area up north. Things look… promising—something he didn’t think possible without you by his side, something he didn’t want to be possible without you by his side. 
 But, now, here he is, unpacking his new apartment with the help of Scout who insists on sniffing absolutely everything. He’s halfway across the country from his parents, away from all he’s ever known, and Mike couldn’t be more thrilled about it. 
 He can go full days without sparing you a thought now, and he hopes—he prays—that one day he’ll think of you for the last time in his life. 
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[ next ]
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reverse-eddsworld · 3 years
Dealing with loss really is a pain to both the heart and just mentally. I'm sorry for your loss.. trust me I get that, thing is you can't ever really 'get over it' its gonna be there and it's gonna suck to deal with, but so long as you have good suport group like loving friends or family, and a stable process of letting it all put while trying to accept the events that have occurred, you will be fine. I talked to my friends and I she'd many.. many tears about all the things i wish I could have done or should have done, letting it out being honest to myself, and just.. remembering all the things I DID do with thej before their passing, made things easier. It's okay to let it out in your own way.. we all have our own process I wish you the best in your healing, but just know things will become better, and im sure your friend loved you guys as much as possible💙💙💙
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‘... Thank you for the kind words, but they’re best saved for someone else. I’ve been dealing with things like this for a long time, I have my way of coping. In time I’ll recover. Something like this would be best saved for Trott.’
‘Speaking of, I think it’s time I head home. He’s going to get lonely without me.’
“Hey, I know it’s a little odd but if you two need a distraction let me know. I’ll patch you into blog. It’s been nice to kinda focus on other silly things like answering questions.”
‘Thank you, Tord. I appreciate it.’
“Got all the bacon bagged up!”
‘Thank you, Patryck. You lot have a good day.’
“Seeya, Parker! Don’t be a stranger!”
[5/5, Parker has left]
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Harry Potter Masterlist 2
** indicates smut
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Harry Potter x reader
Self-Critical- After a raid goes wrong, Harry finds solace in your arms and the bath...
Better**- Your plans got rained out, but you don’t mind...
Better Than Treacle**- Better than treacle, now that’s saying something...
Safe Now- When he’s with you, he knows he’s safe...
Secrecy- It has to stay between you, it just does...
On The Line- Harry won’t risk your life...
Wrong Order- Harry doesn’t regret last night at all...
Caught- Sex in your parents’ house isn’t a good idea...
Just Be Yourself- Harry gets some relationship advice from his godfather...
Under The Stars- A warm summer night under the stars...
My Baby- Sometimes, Harry needs to hear how much you love him...
In Time- It doesn’t feel real yet, but it will, in time...
Just Another Teenager- Harry’s just another teenager...
Pretty Damn Cool- Harry teaches you to cast a Patronus...
Hermione Granger x reader
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Fred Weasley x reader
A Little Bit Of Fun**- Fred decided to have a little fun with you today...
Perfect**- There are so many words to describe your boyfriend...
Sweet- Complementary desserts and diamond rings...
George Weasley x reader
For Years- He’s waited for 2 years, he’ll love you for so many more...
Pay Attention- George can’t seem to pay attention at Order meetings...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Flying- You conquer your fear of flying...
Cat and Mouse- George thinks your costume is positively adorable...
Charlie Weasley x reader
Being Married To Charlie HCs
Charlie As A Dad HCs
Domestic Life w/ Charlie HCs
Dating Charlie HCs
Bill Weasley x reader
Being Married To Bill HCs
Smut HCs**
Yet**- You haven’t gone that far yet, but tonight, you will...
Oliver Wood x reader
Mo Leannan- Oliver’s training sessions run late...
The Alchemist- He’s not the best with words, but he’ll tell you how much he loves you every day...
Not A Beater- Oliver isn’t a beater, that’s for damn sure...
Not As Beautiful As You- Oliver takes you to a beautiful waterfall, but it’s not the most beautiful thing there...
Busy Week- You’ve both been so busy and you miss your boyfriend...
Victory**- You help Oliver celebrate after winning the Quidditch Cup...
Tom Riddle x reader
The Only Exception- Tom doesn’t care that you’re muggle born
The Dark Lord and His Dark Lady- While he sometimes doubts, you are his and he is yours...
Anniversary- Yours and Tom’s third anniversary...
Draco Malfoy x reader
A Different Side- Draco can let his walls down around you...
The Price Of Being A Malfoy- You’re everything his family isn’t...
Lucius Malfoy x reader
Real Love- Lucius truly loves you...
Regardless- Lucius doesn’t care what anyone else thinks...
No One Better- He thinks that after all he’s done, you deserve better...
Work Of Art- Your art is the most beautiful he’s ever seen...
Satisfied**- Lucius’ cock always leaves you satisfied...
Whenever You’re Ready- Lucius adores you in every single way, but he’ll wait until you’re ready...
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Lucius**
Heal Your Broken Heart- Your heart’s been broken, but Lucius wants to fix it...
Sex w/ Lucius HCs**
Day Off**- Lucius takes a day off, and spend it teasing you...
Never Felt Like This- Lucius has never felt like this about anyone...
All Yours- Lucius gets jealous, even though you’re all his...
Star- Lucius never realized how famous you are...
I Am Yours- You’re disheartened when you find out that Lucius has mistresses, but he is yours and yours alone...
SFW Alphabet
Watch Yourself**- When you’re feeling down, Lucius shows you just how perfect you are...
NSFW Alphabet** 
Lucius w/ a Virgin Reader HCs**
Lucius Comforting a Sad Reader HCs
Jealous/Possessive Lucius HCs
Ruined News- His actions ruined your good news, not that he’d care at this point...
Kissing HCs
Lunch Break**- You visit Lucius on his lunch break...
Oral HCs**
Pretty Girl**- You like it when Lucius tells you how well you’re doing...
All Of You**- You’re ready to give Lucius all of you...
So Good**- His teasings fell so good, but you need more...
Body Worship HCs**
Lucius As A Soft Dom HCs**
Collar- Picking out your first collar...
Rules**- You broke a rule...
Newt Scamander x reader
Second Niffler- Newt and Phil see your form for the first time...
Never Felt Happier- Newt has never been happier than he is right now...
Sham- Newt will remind as many times as he has to: you are not a sham...
Always Protect You- Newt won’t let anyone or anything hurt you...
Not Always Innocent- Newt always assumes they’re innocent...
A Few Drinks- After a few drinks, Newt has to remind you that you’re together...
Still Like You More- Newt is afraid to take you into the case...
A Fire Burning In My Heart- You feel exactly what the lyrics say...
Trying To Tell You- All week, you’ve tried to tell him...
Racing Hearts- You make his heart race, and he makes yours race...
His Shirt**- Newt can’t resist you, seeing you in his shirt...
That Time Of The Month-Newt takes care of you during your period...
Take Care Of My Baby**- When Newt wakes up hard, you take care of him...
Pretty Kitty- Animagi take on traits of their forms, but Newt doesn’t know about yours...
Lonely- Newt’s been working constantly on his book...
Lost Niffler- A lost niffler leads to a new relationship...
Jealous of the Niffler- He knows it’s silly, but he’s still jealous...
Cedric Diggory x reader
I Know I’m In Love- Cedric had an amazing afternoon...
Make A Move- He knows how you feel, but he’s waiting for you to make the first move...
Back To Her- He was so scared he wouldn’t come back to you...
A Bit Nervous- Cedric’s a bit nervous to ask you to the Yule Ball...
Spicing Things Up**- It might not have been a very productive conversation, but you’ve certainly spiced things up...
Life After- You both dream of a life after the war...
Broom Cupboard- The Head Boy and Girl caught snogging...
NSFW Alphabet**
SFW Alphabet
Here (TW: ABUSE MENTIONS)- Your brother shows up at Hogwarts...
The Golden Boy’s First**- Cedric’s first time...
Neville Longbottom x reader
December Afternoons- A picnic in the snow...
Spin The Bottle- Fred and George introduce a muggle party game...
Soul Marks and Nifflers- He was afraid he’d never find you...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
Staying In**- The two of you stay in today...
Lily Evans x reader
New Record**- You’ve never done 5 before...
Chilled- Quidditch in the cold...
Oral HCs**
Braids and Patroni- Lily braids your hair while you work on your homework...
Burnt**- You get a bit distracted while Lily’s baking...
Broken Hearts and Friendships- You won’t put her through that stress anymore...
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet**
James Potter x reader
Dating James HCs
Best/Worst Things About James HCs
Serious James HCs
Domestic Life w/ James HCs
Oral HCs**
Sirius Black x reader
The Man I Fell In Love With**- He’s changed, but he’s still the man you fell in love with...
Got It Bad- Though Gryffindor lost, Sirius is extraordinarily happy...
Home Safe- They both come home that night...
Her First Match- You wouldn’t miss this match for the world
Handsome- You see Sirius shirtless...
Distracted- Your thoughts are anywhere but the meeting...
Part 2: Puppy**- Sirius knows how to please you...
Oral HCs**
Want Him**- He wants you and you want him...
First Christmas After- His first Christmas as a free man...
Take Care Of You**- Sirius needs you to take care of him...
Jealous/Possessive HCs
Blankets- The heat’s out, but you don’t mind...
Sentenced- Halloween night in Godric’s Hollow...
Starlight- Sometimes, Sirius can’t believe he’s really home...
Padfoot’s Lament- Now he’s free, but you are gone...
A Nap, Interrupted**-  Sirius interrupts your nap, but you’re not upset...
My Idiot- Sirius thought it was a good idea to climb the Whomping Willow
Our House, Our Home- Your house doesn’t smell like home, which distresses your Omega...
Picking Out Your Baby’s Name w/ Sirius
Sirius Black Reacting To You Telling Him “I Don’t Date People Prettier Than Me”
Convince Me- He’ll spend the rest of his life convincing you he’s not a player if that’s what you want...
My Good Puppy**- Sirius’ behavior has earned him a reward...
All I Need- You don’t need dates or fancy dinners...
Seconds Away- Death was seconds away from both of you...
Face**- Sirius wants you to sit on his face...
1,095 Days- Three years, and this is how you’re repaid...
SFW Alphabet
A Hero’s Death- Sirius finds out what really happened to Regulus...
Return The Favor**- Sirius’ stamina is a bit low, but you don’t mind...
Can’t Hurt You Here- He doesn’t quite believe it yet, but nothing can hurt him here...
Different Scent- Sirius comes home, but your scent is different...
The Art of Distraction- Sirius is infinitely skilled in the art of distraction...
Hellscape- These raids are dangerous...
Brother’s Best Friend- Dating your brother’s best friend, what could go wrong?
Out In The Open- It’s all out in the open now...
Enjoy The View- You get a glimpse of your man fresh out of the shower...
Failed Exam- He’ll always be there to make you feel better...
Remus Lupin x reader 
Rough and Hard**- As it turns out, Remus isn’t always so tender...
Hurt (platonic)- When you’re hurt on a mission, Sirius jumps to a conclusion...
Vacation**- A week of relaxation...
Dating Remus HCs
Creatures Of The Night- You’ve known since you met...
Best/Worst Things About Remus HCs
Moony’s Needs**- Moony needs you...
Part 2: Pack- You’re part of his pack...
Domestic Life/ Kids w/ Remus HCs
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Remus
Confident, Lycanthropy Accepting Remus HCs
Dating Remus Since 4ht Year & Being Couple Goals HCs
Oral HCs**
The Rest Of Your Life- Graduation’s almost here...
Getting Eaten Out From Behind HCs**
Mornings w/ Kids HCs
Tomorrow Isn’t Promised**- Tomorrow isn’t promised, but right now, you can push those thoughts aside...
Spanking In The Dorms/Prefect’s Bathroom HCs**
Sex At Hogwarts HCs**
Recuperation-Like every month, you care for your lover after the full...
My Forever- You’re his forever, he knows that for certain...
Honeymoon HCs
The Marauders Coming To Visit Your New Baby HCs
Her Big Bad Wolf- The annual Gryffindor Halloween Party...
The Healer’s Day Off- Every month, you take time off to care for you love...
Scents- Your scent changed, and Moony isn’t quite sure why...
Grind**- Remus finds you when you don’t show up for dinner...
The Forest- A trip into the forest gone wrong...
Mine Alone**- He’ll let him watch, but you’re his and his alone...
Pink- It happened with no words...
Nicknames- Remus discovers your new favorite nickname...
Panda In The Forest- This bear definitely doesn’t belong here, but Moony knows who it is...
Vulnerable**-Sometimes, Remus can let himself be vulnerable...
Transformation- Remus is suspicious of how much time you’re spending with Sirius...
Everything To Me- Remus’ insecurities get to him, but you remind him that he is everything to you...
After The Battle- Remus comes to you after the battle...
Your Kiss- The first kiss of many...
Provide For You- You have more than enough money to provide for him...
NSFW Alphabet**
Beautiful Body- After someone comments on your body, Remus helps you feel better...
SFW Alphabet
Months- Remus has liked you for months, but he’s shy...
Professor Lupin’s “Assistant”**- An evening spent between Professor Lupin and his “assistant”...
What You Want To Call Me**- Remus isn’t what you want to call him...
More Pregnant**- Remus know he can’t get you more pregnant, but at the moment, he doesn’t care...
Safe and Loved- After the full moon, Remus needs to feel protected...
Perfect Evening- Your dress might be ruined, but your evening is not...
Dangerous- Even something as simple as going to the store is dangerous now...
His Alpha’s Arms- Remus is overjoyed to be back in his Alpha’s arms...
Battle Scars- His scars are marks of strength...
Interrupted- Yours and Remus’ make out is interrupted...
Trading Jabs- It’s all in good fun...
Quiet Down- The office isn’t warded...
Severus Snape x reader
The Two Of Us- It’s been so long since you’ve had time together...
First Place- He knew you could do it...
Full Marks**- You’ll do anything to raise your grade...
So In Love With You- The rest of your lives is ahead of you...
Lioness- Severus didn’t want to go to the party, but you still find a way to help him enjoy himself...
After Everything- He deserves more than you can give, but you’re his nonetheless...
One Little Thing- Arguments happen, but it still hurts...
It Was You- You’ll always defend him, even in the past...
Good Boy**- Severus is many things, but above all, he is yours in many ways...
Cheetah and Bat- Seeing your Animagus inspires Severus to give it another try...
The Perfect Day- Any day is a perfect day when he’s with you...
Be Still**- Severus needs to grade these exams, but you’re both wanting each other...
Nerves**- While you’re both nervous, you both want this...
Different- Even though you just met, you can tell he’s different...
Ink- Severus never took you for the type to have tattoos...
Years Of Yearning- Severus is able to live through a book, years of yearning being somewhat satisfied...
Mistletoe**- Christmas break is finally here...
I Can’t Lose You- The world is dangerous, and he can’t lose you...
Hard- Severus helps you to relax when the world becomes a bit too much...
The Perfect Day- You plan a day out for your lover...
Sweet Affections- Severus loved being in your arms...
The Mark- He has to tell you...
Not Your Fault- He blames himself...
Figure It Out- After Dumbledore fell...
Midnight Patrols-You can’t sleep when he’s not here..
Mistake- The messenger of the prophecy...
Better Off- If this is how you’ll act, he’s better off without you..
Part 2: His Fragile Heart- He was wrong, and he wants you back
Fantasize**- Severus sees your classtime fantasies...
Severus Getting Married To An American Reader So He Can Vote Against Tr*mp HCs
A Life Without You (TW: SUICIDE)- He can’t live without you...
Those Three Little Words- You love each other more than anything, but you seldom say those three little words...
Being Insecure About Small Breasts w/ Severus
Good Grades**- Good grades pay off...
Coming Clean- At your graduation, secrets are revealed
Sex w/ Severus HCs**
Dating Severus and Being A Professor HCs
Kissing HCs
Oral HCs**
Happy Birthday, My Love- The morning of his birthday...
Not All That Bad- Severus shows you that Slytherin isn’t all that bad...
Pick You-You watch The Bachelor with Severus...
Deep Inside**- Severus won’t let you come until he’s deep inside you...
After Everything- After everything he’s done, you still want to be his, forever...
Jealous/Possessive HCs
They Won’t Know**- Severus wants you, and he doesn’t care who sees...
Severus With A Virgin Reader HCs**
The Best Addiction- You’re addicted to him, as he is to you...
See Your Worth- When you’re feeling inadequate, Severus shows you how much he loves you...
Only You- A night spent with your love...
Few Weaknesses- You discover one of Severus’ few weaknesses...
Protective HCs
Hold On For Me- In that moment, it was the only option...
The Most Beautiful Sound- The students mock your accent, but Severus adores it...
Feel The Same- Severus doesn’t want to ruin your friendship...
Never Hurt You (TW: PAST ABUSE)- You know he’ll never hurt you...
Wake Up Call**- You enjoy waking Severus up, between his legs, that is...
Prima Donna- Severus helps you relax after weeks of rehearsals...
The Great White Way- Severus’s jealousy flares seeing you on stage with another man...
Where You Go, I Go (TW: SUICIDE)- You’ll follow wherever he goes...
Beautiful, Gorgeous, Perfect- Severus knows that you feel insecure sometimes, and he knows how to make you feel better...
What Better Wat To Wake Up?**- Severus wakes you up in a very pleasant way...
New Toys**- Severus brings home some new toys...
Only Yours**- Severus makes sure you know you’re his...
Like This**- Severus wants you just like this...
The Letter- You never planned to send it...
Giving and Receiving**- Tonight, you’re both giving and receiving...
Craving Affection-You’re craving Severus’ affection, and he’s more than happy to give it to you...
Obscenely Affectionate**- Valentine’s Day, an excuse to be obscenely affectionate, an excuse which Severus willingly takes...
Your Grace**- Severus teaches you the wonders of the marriage bed...
Hufflepuff At Heart- You may not be a witch, but Severus knows you’re a badger
Restless- You’re on a mission for the Order, and Severus is worried...
Severus Comforting A Sad Reader HCs
Nothing Like Him- Part of him can’t believe you want to have kids with him...
Beauty In Everything- You find beauty in everything, even in things others don’t find beautiful...
Domestic Life w/ Sev HCs
New Style- You braid Severus’ hair...
Not A Dream- Though it feels like a dream, you assure him it isn’t...
Shooting Stars- Everyone wishes on shooting stars, but you already have everything you want...
Smile- It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, Severus will do anything to see you smile...
You’re Mine**- When Severus’ assistant gets a little too friendly, you remind your husband who he belongs to...
An Amazing Father- Severus is afraid of fatherhood, but you know you’ll be alright...
Pretty Little Prefect**- The monthly prefect’s meeting...
Such A Good Job**- You’ve done such a good job pleasuring yourself, Severus wants you to finish it...
Bath Bombs- Severus puts his own touch on muggle bath bombs...
Captivity- His worst nightmare was coming true...
No More- It was just too much...
Nesting- Your heat’s a few days away...
Keep No Secrets- Severus knows he has to tell you, but he’s terrified...
Lots of Practice- Severus has never kissed anyone before...
Happy Anniversary- Your second wedding anniversary with Severus...
Keep You Safe-You know Severus will keep you safe, especially from other Alphas...
Need To See Him- You need to see him, to make sure he’s alright...
All Mine**- When Lucius gets a little too friendly, Severus reminds you that you’re all his...
Be On Top**- Severus wants you to be on top for the first time...
Missed You**- After nearly a week in London, you return home...
Perfectly Fine- Severus takes care of you after a prank gone wrong, and feelings are revealed...
A Galaxy Far, Far Away- You introduce Severus to Star Wars...
Need You Here- After a nightmare, you need your husband by your side...
Long Weekend**- While you don’t make it to most of your plans, you and Severus still enjoy yourselves...
A Little Risky**-You and Severus have some fun at the Order meeting...
Snowball Fight-A snowball fight with your husband...
Finally Home- Your fiance returns home after a month and a half...
Unbothered**- Severus’ isn’t bothered by your period, he still wants to taste you...
NSFW Alphabet**
SFW Alphabet
My Perfect, Beautiful Man**- You give Severus some much needed praise and attention...
Never Cheat On You- Severus thinks you’re cheating, but he couldn’t be farther from the truth...
Slow, Tender, and Sensual**- Your first time with Severus is everything you wanted: slow, tender, and sensual...
The Only Woman I’ll Ever Love- Severus didn’t listen to her, you’re the only women he’ll ever love...
My Princess- For your birthday, Severus treats you like the princess you are...
Spare A Dance For Me- You help Severus teach the Slytherins to dance...
Validation**- Severus craves validation, and you’re more than willing to give it...
Hands**- You watch Severus while he brews.  Well, you watch his hands...
Sweet Spot**- Severus’ sweet spot makes him feel so good...
Grateful- One year after the battle...
Your Heart Is A Treasure- Severus won’t treat you like they did...
The Matron’s Assistant- You return to Hogwarts, and find more than just work...
Make A Bad Day Better- You always make bad days better...
Always Yours- It doesn’t matter what anyone says or does, you’re always his...
Throne**- Severus makes you feel like a queen, especially in bed...
Discipline- You’ve always been light on discipline with your daughter...
Don’t Give A Damn- You don’t give a damn that Severus is younger than you, but he’s still insecure...
Precipice**- Severus decides to play a little game with you... 
Not A Prank- He’s convinced it’s a prank by the Marauders...
Caught- The twins catch you and Severus in an intimate moment...
Nocturnal Conversations- Severus converses with you while you sleep-talk...
The Right Time- It just felt like the right time to ask...
With You- He never thought you could be happy with him...
Eyes On Me**- You want him to look at you when he comes...
My Vow To You- His vow to you trumps all others...
Show You How**- Severus teaches you how to suck his cock...
Bare Face- Severus sees you for the first time without makeup...
Let It Out- After someone shouts at you, Severus makes you feel better...
Denied**- Severus is needy, but you’re busy...
Perfectly Valid- Severus loves you just as  you are...
The Bigger Man- He needs to be the bigger man with Lupin...
Every Inch**- Severus wants to kiss every inch of you...
Every Part- You love every part of him, even the parts he doesn’t...
Get Away- A vacation with your family...
Still New- Your relationship is still so new, you can’t help but be a little flustered...
Entirely Real- You can’t believe that this is really happening...
Cared For- After the full moon, you just need to be cared for...
Little Tease**- Your choice of attire gets Severus a little riled up...
Argument/Making Up HCs
Severus as a Soft Dom HCs**
Too Good**- He just couldn’t hold back...
His Turn- You’ve cared for him, now it’s his turn to care for you...
Twice the Fun**- Severus’ new potion gives twice the fun...
Tail-End**- It might be the tail-end of your heat, but you’re still needing him...
Overwhelmed (platonic)- When things feel overwhelming, help comes from an unlikely person...
My Misstress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun- When Severus is assigned midnight patrol, you can’t sleep...
Have You Right Here- Your Alpha always knows how to make you feel better...
Severus Snape x reader x Remus Lupin
Now**- After your lovers tease you, you need them now
Punishments and Pleasure**- While the evening began in a punishment, it ended with immense pleasure...
Filled**- A morning in the library..
Waited For You**- You’ve been gone for two days, but your lovers waited for you...
Forgot The Charm**- The three of you seemed to have forgotten the silencing charm...
Remus Lupin x reader x Sirius Black
He’s Home- He’s home, and he needs you...
Life w/ Kids HCs
Happy Birthday- Remus and Sirius treat you on your birthday...
Their Job- They’re your alphas, it’s their job to take care of you...
Help You Feel Good**- Your lovers show you how to use your new toy...
His Beautiful Loves**- Remus loves to watch, but he also loves to join in...
Cuddles- You join your lovers on the couch...
How Do You Want Us?**- Remus fucks you while you fuck Sirius...
SFW Alphabet
Noisy Little Thing**- You need to be quiet, lest the whole Order hear...
Broken Collar- It was an accident, but you’re still very upset about it...
Severus Snape x reader x Lucius Malfoy
Impersonations- It’s all in good fun...
More Than Desperate**- After your lovers tease you all day, you’re more than desperate for them...
Insatiable**- You can’t get enough...
Needy**- Your period makes you horny, and your men certainly aren’t complaining...
Good Beta**- Your Beta takes care of you until your Alpha comes home...
Tonight**- Tonight, they will have them, and they will have you...
Full**- Both your men fill you up...
Feeling Needy**- Severus is feeling needy today...
Snuggles- After a long day, the three of you want to be close...
Fuck Waiting**- They can’t wait anymore, you look too sexy...
Overworked- When school take its toll, your lovers are there...
James Potter x reader x Remus Lupin
Sensual**- Slow, sweet, and sensual...
New Heights**- James and Remus take your pleasure to new heights...
Being Married To, Honeymoon, Sex w/, Twins w/ Remus and James HCs
Wedding HCs
A Future With Them- You can’t wait for the future
Yourself**- They want you to make yourself come...
Good Together**- Remus thinks you two look so good together...
Scars**- You show Remus just how perfect he is...
What Their Home Is Like HCs
Remus and James As Parents HCs
Cedric Diggory x reader x Harry Potter
Dating Cedric and Harry HCs
Cedric Diggory x reader x Hermione Granger
Domestic Life HCs
Sex HCs**
James Potter x reader x Lily Evans
First Heat**- Your first heat...
Harry Potter x Severus Snape
Through It All- Harry has been there through it all...
Paradise- Harry takes his husband away for a week...
Good Boy**- Severus loves being Harry’s good boy...
Slipped His Mind**- Severus forgets something important...
Unwavering- Harry’s support and love for his husband is unwavering...
My Perfect Boy**- When Severus is feeling insecure, his Daddy helps him see...
Much Better**- After a bad day, Harry helps Severus feel better...
James Potter x Lily Evans
James and Lily As Friends HCs
Everyone Can See- Everyone can see they’re falling for each other...
Sirius Black x Lily Evans
Sirius x Lily HCs
Marauders x an Ilvermorny Transfer HCs
806 notes · View notes
zafirosreverie · 4 years
Can I request a Agatha x reader where there in west view and its the final battle (but let’s pretend there having it on the ground) and Agatha gets distracted by something and isn’t ready so human reader stands in front of Agatha and takes the blast so then Agatha goes full on witch and like almost kills Wanda and then goes a takes reader home and heals her. Happy ending please.
Sorry it took me so long dear! But here it is! Hope you like it <3
Harkness or Y/L/N? (Agatha x Fem!reader)
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Where the fuck were they?
One second you were having breakfast and the next one hell exploded in front of your face. Agatha and Wanda broke out of the floor and quickly disappeared in the sky. Red and purple magic wrapping them. You blinked and looked at the giant hole in your house. You could see your basement from there. Oh no. Agatha must have revealed herself to Wanda. 
Oh shit.
You ran out of the house, looking at the sky, but you couldn’t see any of them. This was bad, really bad. 
“Y/N!” you turned to see Tommy running to you. 
“Tommy! What happened?” 
“Mom and aunt Agnes are fighting! There are soldiers and dad is fighting another dad but white” he quickly said and you frowned
“What the-”
“Billy said to come for you” he said, taking your hand and not giving you time to process it all. 
A second later you were in the park. You gasped. People were running away, soldiers were entering Westview, Vision flew away with White Vision, Geraldine Monica had Billy against herself, protecting him, and Wanda and Agatha were in the middle of everything, throwing magic balls at each other. 
You ran to Monica, holding Tommy’s hand. She sighed in relief when she saw you. She thought something had happened to you for a moment. 
“What’s going on?” she asked 
“The hell i know?” you said and turned to look at the two witches. “They’re going to destroy everything if we don’t stop them”
“Why is aunt Agnes attacking mom?” Billy asked and you frowned.
“She’s not. Mom’s the one attacking her” Tommy said before you could answer. See? This is why he was your favorite.
“It doesn’t matter” you said “We need to stop them. Now” 
“How?!” Monica asked again. 
You looked around, trying to come up with a plan. You knew that you could calm Agatha, convince her to take this fight to another place, somewhere with no people around. 
“Ok, here’s the plan. Do you think you could stop the soldiers?” They nodded “Good, I’ll try to talk with Agatha, maybe i can make them stop at least for a moment. That should give you enough time to take everyone out of here”
They nodded again and ran to fight. You took a deep breath and turned to the witches. Agatha was powerful, but Wanda was furious. You didn’t know what the hell happened between them in the basement, but it wasn’t good. 
“At least they’re not flying” you thought. It would have been harder to stop them if they were.
One of Wanda’s power balls made a building fall and you gasped. There were people under it! They could die! But a purple smoke stopped the concrete pieces in midair, giving people time to run and escape unscathed. You smiled to yourself. At least your girlfriend wasn't completely evil after all (Not that it mattered, you'd follow her to the end of the world even if she was). 
But it seemed that the other witch didn’t care, using the distraction to attack Agatha.
It all happened too fast. You saw Wanda’s angry expression and the giant ball of red energy forming between her hands. Agatha wasn’t paying attention. You ran to her instinctively, yelling her name. 
You screamed in pain as the red ball mercilessly struck your body, sending a wave of electricity through your veins and raising your body temperature significantly.
In other words, you were burning alive from the inside out. And hell it was painful.
Wanda gasped as you fell unconscious on the floor. Where the hell did you come from?! But she wasn’t the only one staring at you in disbelief. Agatha not only heard you yelling her name, she also felt your pain when you took Wanda’s attack. 
“Y/N!” She ran to you, kneeled beside you and tried to wake you up “Please, love, don’t do this to me” she begged you. 
Wanda was still in shock. She didn't want to hurt you! You weren’t supposed to appear out of nowhere just to help Agatha of all people! She knew you were her girlfriend, but she assumed you would change your mind when you discovered Agatha’s real colors. Little she knew, you were a huge fan of that color palette.  
“Ags” you whispered and the witch sighed in relief, hugging you close to her chest. You felt her heart racing. 
“Why did you do it? You shouldn’t have done it. I could have lost you” she was almost crying.
“Because I love you, silly” you smiled. You were too weak, but you managed to caress her cheek “Aggs..”
“Yes, love?” She asked, confused at the smirk that was slowly appearing on your face.
“Unleash hell” you said before closing your eyes again. 
The witch gasped and you knew she thought you were unconscious again, but you weren’t. You waited until she let you on the floor carefully, and heard her steps getting away from you, to open your eyes again. 
Wanda took a step back when Agatha turned to her. Her eyes weren’t blue anymore, not even purple like the first time she used her magic in front of her. They were completely black. There was no trait of white in her eyes, as if she didn’t have eyeballs at all. And then there was the purple glow again, coming out from the darkness. 
“You shouldn’t have done that, little witch” Agatha interumped Wanda “You Really. Shouldn’t. Have.”
Before Wanda could do anything, a purple smoke swallowed her. It was strange, because she didn’t feel much power coming from it, but looking at Agatha’s lifeless eyes, she knew she was in trouble.
Vision, Monica, Billy and Tommy turned to the women when Wanda screamed of pain. Agatha was just standing there, your body lying on the floor behind her. Wanda was trying to attack her, but every time she threw a spell, it would hit the purple dome Agatha put around her and then hit her back with more strength. 
Monica took the twins away while Vision flew to the witches. She knew what was happening. 
Wanda was slowly killing herself.
You smirked. Damn your girl was hot. You felt bad for Wanda for crossing paths with an angry Agatha, but well, she tried to kill her, and that’s something you wouldn’t forgive. Nobody touches your witch.
When the younger witch fell to her knees, too tired and injured from her own spells, Agatha smirked. She felt Vision floating to them, but she didn’t even turn to him while she put a dome around him too. At least the android knew better and didn’t try to attack. He knew it would just come back to him.
“When your little wife wakes up” she said to Vision, but kept staring at Wanda “be sure she understands how lucky she is. Tell her how thankful she must be. Thankful that my precious Y/N has a bigger heart than any of us together and that she loves those children of yours. Because that, dear Vision, is the only reason i won’t kill her.” 
With that, she released the android. He just nodded and watched as Agatha made the dome around Wanda get smaller and smaller until the purple smoke was wrapped around her. She threw one last ball to Wanda’s head and the witch fell unconscious on her husband’s arms.
“If she ever places a single finger on my girlfriend, ever again, i’ll kill her without a second thought” she warned Vision, her eyes still black. The man nodded again and flew away with his wife. 
You smiled as Agatha approached you and took you in her arms. Her eyes slowly turned back to normal when she noticed you were awake. She couldn't believe you. You knew! You knew the power you had over her.
Three days after that, you were still in bed. Agatha had taken you back home, your real home, and quickly healed you. It didn’t take much time and almost all your physical wounds were gone. But your head was still hurting like hell. So, of course you would make a drama out of it. Currently, you both were lying in bed.
“I love you” you whispered and took Agatha’s hand “Please remember that”
The witch smiled and kissed your temple. “I love you too”.
“Please take care of our beloved son. He might be a bunny, but he can take over the world, Aggie. He can”
“I have no doubt of it, Y/N” she giggled and rolled her eyes.
“You know what’s my biggest regret?” you asked, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to you
“What?” she asked, trying so hard not to laugh.
“that my gravestone is going to say Y/N Y/L/N and that’s unfair” you pouted.
Agatha lost it and laughed. God, you were so cute. 
“That’s your name, love” she chuckled and kissed you softly. You smiled against her lips. 
“Yeah, but it shouldn’t be” you argued. 
“First of all, stop being so dramatic, you’re perfectly fine, you’re not going to die” she said “second, what in the world should your name be then?”
“Y/N Harkness” you answered without hesitation. 
That made her freeze and you laughed as her cheeks slowly turned pink 
“Or maybe yours should be Agatha Y/L/N, haven’t decided yet. It’s hard to take such big decisions on your deathbed”
“S-shut up” she mumbled and you laughed again, kissing her head. “Aren’t you supposed to be dead by now?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be grateful I'm not?” you said, loving her grumpy face “besides, I’m not leaving this world until i make sure my gravestone will say Y/N Harkness” 
“Your name won’t change until i make sure you’ll stay with me forever” she said, taking your head on her hands.
“Deal” you said, kissing her again. 
“Which one do you think he’ll like better? Señor Scratchy Harkness or Señor Scratchy Y/L/N?”
“Y/N, I love you, but it's 2 a.m, go to sleep, I’m begging you”
“Señor Scratchy Y/L/N is it then”
“The hell it is!”
263 notes · View notes
backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 10
Dabi x Reader, Bakugo x Reader
Words : 7142
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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“Hold her down! Fuck! How is she still this strong? How much did you give her?”
Your vision was black, and you couldn’t tell if that was because you were blindfolded or just too drugged up to open your eyes. You could hear shuffling as two? No three people moved around you. One was pinning your arms down while another played with the collar that was digging into your neck.
“Listen man, I don’t think we’re supposed to be in here. If they find out we played with their new toy they’ll be pissed!”
There was a new set of hands gently pushing your flimsy medical gown up, “You heard what they were saying right? They said she’s the best sex a man will ever have in their life. It’s like her quirk or something.” You wanted to cry out, but your tongue felt like lead in your mouth. Were you even able to speak? Were you gagged? You couldn’t even tell. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” The hand firmly pressed into your hip. “Now hold her down, and make sure she stays quiet.”
You woke with a rush. Your breath beyond labored as you tried to run from the memories that refused to stay hidden for long. A new set of hands circled around your waist. These hands were different though. These hands were rough and callused. These hands were patient. These hands were reassuring.
“You want to talk about it?”
You shook your head before turning into him and burying your face into his chest. “Just another bad memory.”
His fingers trailed through your hair as he repeatedly kissed the top of your head. “Sometimes I wish I could just hop into your head, like you did mine the other night. Then I could see their faces. And I never forget a face…”
You heard the unsaid threat in his words. He wanted to know your demons so he could hunt them down. He was like Bakugo in that way. They both needed to do something…anything to make them feel like they were helping. The only difference is at the end of the day Bakugo’s victims end up in prison and Dabi’s end up six feet under.
The pounding in your head only seemed to increase. The drums of regret beating behind your eyeballs. “God.. why did we drink so much yesterday?” You groaned and curled further into Dabi’s side.
His fingers rubbed at your temples. “I seem to remember it being your idea. And who am I to deny the drinking queen.”
You groaned as you remembered your antics. “I know you’re not exactly known for being a good influence… but you could have tried a little harder to at least get me to drink some water.”
Dabi vibrated with soft chuckles. “Consider your hangover penance for making me play that ridiculous game. Now get off of me and go take a shower. You smell like a bar.”
With a pouting look you sighed, “But I’m still sad.”
Dabi gave your ass a hard slap. “There is no rule that says you can’t be sad and in the shower. Get your ass in there and clean yourself up. You’ll feel better after your clean and fed. I promise.”
With a chorus of dramatic groans and muffled curses you pulled yourself off of him and slowly made your way to his bathroom. You stopped right before you crossed the threshold and turned to give him your poutiest look, “Are you really going to make me do it alone.”
A pillow flew through the air faster than you thought possible and hit you in the face. “You are more than capable of cleaning yourself. I have other things I need to take care of.”
You stuck your bottom lip out, “Just because I can doesn’t mean that I want to.”
Like a man possessed, Dabi slowly got out of bed. He moved so slow, as if he was a predator stalking his prey. You instinctively held your breath in anticipation as he inched closer and closer. His eyes like a dim fire, but focused on you all the same. He invaded your personal space, slamming his hand on the door behind you beside your head. He leaned down until his nose brushed yours and his lips hovered over yours.
You closed your eyes as he leaned closer but right before your lips connected, “I don’t remember asking what you wanted. You need to take a shower, and I need to handle some business. If you’re still this desperate later then I’ll be more than happy to fuck you.” He gripped your chin and bumped your nose with his. “It���s not that I don’t want to. But I don’t want you to fall into a habit of letting me have my way with you every time you have a bad memory. It’s not fair to either of us.” You felt a single tear streak down your cheek as you nodded. “If it’s just a distraction fine, but you need to learn how to confront and deal with this shit on your own. It’ll just be harder later if you don’t. Believe me.”
A few beats of silence passed before he reluctantly backed away from you. His fingers lingering before letting go of you completely. It wasn’t until he was exiting his room you had the nerve to speak up. “You’re not just a distraction.”
There was no telling if he actually heard you or not. If he did, he didn’t react or respond. Your admission caught you surprise, and you almost hoped he hadn’t. You thought about this weird new attachment you were feeling to Dabi lately while you took your shower. You wouldn’t go as far as to call this foreign new feeling love or anything crazy like that. But you were growing quite fond of his presence. You felt comfort in his warmth, and you appreciated the way his hands always knew just wear to touch to ease your anxiety. Sure, he was a certified asshole, but at least he kept you strong. He made sure you took care of yourself. He didn’t take your shit or your excuses. He got you walking, talking, and opening up within weeks.
You went through your routine slowly, taking your time under the hot water. You’d rather not think about the memory that surfaced last night. But Dabi was right. You needed to take time to work things out yourself. His comfort was more of a band aid, a temporary fix. You needed to at least try to heal on your own.
You had no idea when it happened. It seemed like it was pretty early in your captivity. Back when you still had a little fight in you. You didn’t actually remember what happened after that but you can only assume the worst. Your skin crawled at the thought. You hugged yourself as you let the water hit your back. You closed your eyes as you let your heart beat slowly even out. You refused to let this define you. You were more than your trauma. You thought about Dabi again. He had his own scars. Both literally and figuratively. He had to look in the mirror every day and see the evidence of his trauma every day. If he could do that then you could do this.
One look into the mirror showed that your hair was absurdly long. You would need to cut it soon. But for now, you could just braid it. You giggled as you finished, it was like you had a secret weapon. It gave you a childish idea.
Skipping out of the room you made your way to the kitchen where Dabi was currently on the phone. If hero training taught you anything, it was stealth.
Silent as a mouse you tiptoed up to his turned back.
“We’ll be fine. You’re more than welcome to come if you’re that worried, but I promise it’s not a big deal.” You paused right before you pounced on him, curiosity getting the best of you. “I’ll send you the location, as well as updates. Will that make you feel better?” You could hear a rough voice on the other end and you instinctively knew it was Katsuki. “She’s fine, calm down already. She’s behind me right now thinking she’s sneaky would you like to talk to her?” You leapt at him swinging your braid like a whip and hitting him in the chest.
You froze as Dabi’s gaze flipped to you in seconds. “You want to talk to him?”
You silently nodded as you excepted the phone from him. “Hi…”
A relieved sigh, “I was worried you’d still be mad at me.”
You suddenly wished he was physically here so you could reassure him. “It was silly for me to react that way. It’s obviously not your fault. It… it just sucks.”
“I know…”
So many words hovered on the tip of your tongue, but you just couldn’t make yourself say them. “I feel like we need to talk, but I don’t want it to be over the phone.”
Katsuki gave a nervous chuckle, “Well I guess you’re in luck.” The doorbell rang out and you almost dropped Dabi’s phone.
Dabi took his phone back from you before stomping off to open the front door. “I really didn’t think you’d take me seriously when I said you could come.”
Without breaking eye contact with you Katsuki entered the house, “Well you did offer, and I did come. So, quite bitching and deal with it.” He noticed your nervous posture and he softened, which was something you didn’t think he was capable of. “You want to hash it out here, or would you like to talk privately?”
You nodded your head towards the back door, “It’s a nice day. We can sit on the patio.”
Dabi was secretly grateful. You would get the chance to have an honest conversation with Bakugo while also staying where he could see you.
Katsuki followed you out to the garden. He notices how you refused to look at the pool but he didn’t comment on it. “So… are we gonna talk about it?”
You collapsed into your chair and sighed. “I think we need to.” You looked up and your eyes locked with his vermillion ones. “Look, I’m sorry for reacting the way I did. I just… It’s just not fair.” You huffed as you averted your eyes. “That sounds so fucking childish but it’s how I feel. You, Izuku, Shoto, you all got to achieve your dreams. You’re heroes. But the people who did this, who are still doing this to me… they’re technically heroes too.”
His hands squeezed yours, but he made no attempt to cut off your little rant. “They would never do this to you. No one would even believe them if they tried. The public love you guys and you’re damn good at your jobs… and yet there’s nothing you can do to help me…” You could feel his gaze on you and your cheeks reddened. “I just feel helpless and stupid. Stupid for believing so much in the system. Stupid for falling for all their little tricks. Stupid for not seeing the bigger picture. And at the end of the day I can’t even fight it because I did those things… well not all of it, but a good majority. All I can do is lay low and pray no one ever finds me. I’m fucking helpless.”
He grunted and his grip on your hand tightened. “It kills me. You say I’m a hero and I can’t even save you.” You finally looked at him again and all you saw in his eyes now was raw anger. “I’ve never been so confused… so helpless in my life. I don’t know who to trust. I don’t know who’s on what side. Was my whole life a lie? Do real heroes even truly exist? Or are we all just pawns in some fucking bigger game?” His voice began to break under his emotion. “I love you y/n. I’m in love with you. I have been for a very long time. Maybe even since we were kids. And I can’t sleep at night because out of everyone in the world you were the one I couldn’t save. I blame myself every day. I tell myself if I had just fucking manned up and told you how I felt sooner then maybe we would have had a chance… and maybe I would have noticed when shit started going sideways.”
There was a flash of vulnerability in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by anger once more. “Now you’re with him and it feels like I’ve completely lost you. Not that I’m complaining. If he’s what you need to heal then… whatever, I’ll just have to get over it. But I need you to know that I’ll always be there for you. No matter what. I don’t care who you’re with, who’s after you, I don’t care! You are and will always be my top priority.” You rubbed reassuring circles into his hand with your thumb. “You say it’s not fair and I get it. It’s not. It’s disgusting. You don’t deserve any of this. For the first time in my life it has me questioning what side I’m on.”
Your entire lives the only things Katsuki seemed to care about was becoming the number one hero and beating Izuku. So, to hear him say that he’s now questioning that broke your heart. “Katsuki, please don’t say that. Even if the hero system is fucked up. That’s doesn’t mean all heroes are too. You’re in it for the right reasons. I have no doubt that if all the hero agencies crumble today, tomorrow you’d be right back on those streets defending the people. You don’t need an official rank to be the number one.”
He let out a huge sigh and you could see the tension leave his shoulders. It was like a huge weight had lifted off of him. He gave you one of his trademark smirks, although it was a little softer than usual. “You always seem to know what to say when I’m falling apart.”
You ran a hand through his spiky blonde hair, “I’d like to think I am an expert Katsuki bomb defuser at this point.” He rolled his eyes, but you could see the slight pink blush dusting his cheeks. “I’ve spent most of my life finding ways to calm you down before you explode, and honestly I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.”
“Oh yeah? Even though half the time it ended in scrapped knees and pulled pigtails?”
“Sometimes it ended in shared ice cream and hand holding.” You giggled, “You used to hold my hand all the damn time when we were little. Dragging me from one place to the next, always so impatient.” You gave him a puzzled look, “But then one day you stopped out of nowhere and told me it was gross.”
“Tsk. You have my shitty mother to thank for that. When my quirk started developing, she told me to stop holding your hand because I might blow you up.” He gave you sly smile, “Technically she was right, but it still scared the shit out of me.”
You both talked and giggled for what felt like hours. The weight of the pervious day slowly floating away. You probably would have stayed that way for much longer if his phone hadn’t gone off interrupting the two of you.
He glared at his screen before grunting. “I’ve been here too long. I need to get going.” He stood from his comfortable spot next to you and stretched. He gave you a long look over from you head to your toes and back. “I promise I’ll try to not obsess over what you and staples do when I’m not around, if you promise to not do anything stupid.”
“You know I can’t promise that. Weren’t you the one who used to say stupid was my middle name?” He gave you an unamused look and crossed his arms over his chest in frustration. You cut him off before he could start on a lecture. “I promise to try to behave and stay out of trouble. There feel better?”
A drawn our sigh left his lips. If his expression was any indicator, your promise did absolutely nothing for his nerves. “I guess it’ll have to be good enough.” He leaned over and kissed the top of your head, “I’ll be back to check on you in a few days, alright?”
You nodded as he reluctantly made his way back towards the house. You watched him leave but decided to stay outside a little longer. It really was nice outside, and you wanted some more time to yourself before Dabi grilled you about your conversation with Katsuki.
Bakugo stomped back into the house and wasn’t surprised when he was quickly apprehended by the very man that plagued his thoughts. “Oi, whatever it is you want to say, say it quick. I got to get out of here before they notice I left.”
“I know the two of you have a lot of history… So…” He looked uncomfortable for a brief second. “She just looks happy when you visit… so uh… thanks.”
Bakugo had to blink back his surprise. He had been preparing himself for a fight. “Yeah well… you obviously aren’t doing a bad job either… she seems comfortable around you.”
The two men spent the next few moments awkwardly staring at each other before Bakugo cleared his throat. “Listen. I think it’s obvious I have feeling for her. She knows that now. But at the end of the day I just want her to be happy. Maybe if things had gone differently, we would have ended up together, and maybe one day we still will. But she’s gone through enough shit recently, and if… if you’re what she needs right now… Then I wont get in the way.”
Now it was Dabi’s turn to be surprised. Everything he knew about the great Dynamight was his unwavering need to be the best, to win, to conquer all opponents. So to him conceding really showed not only how much he had matured in recent years but also how serious he took his relationship with you.
“I’ll always be there for her. Like you said she likes it when I come to visit, so I’ll keep coming around.”
To this Dabi groaned, “Coming to visit is one thing, but hanging all over her and kissing her in front of me is another. Keep your sweaty hands to yourself.”
Bakugo barked out a laugh, “I kissed the top of her head calm down. Don’t tell me you’re not up for a little competition?” When Dabi’s only answer was to only narrow his eyes Bakugo smiled. “Just because I’m not going to throw a fit about the two of you… doing whatever it is you’re doing… doesn’t mean I’ve completely given up. If you ever mess up, and let’s be honest you probably will… I’m going to be there for her.”
“I’m actually counting on it.”
Bakugo gave him one last glance before nodding and making his way towards the exit.
Dabi joined you outside as the soft breeze kissed his always too warm skin. You kept your eyes closed as you heard his heavy feet approaching. “If you’re grumpy about Katsuki I don’t want to hear about it.”
His large form blocked the sun as he hovered over you. “What would I have to be grumpy about? He’s not the one you were begging to fuck you in the shower this morning.” His rough hands ran over your bare legs. “Put some real clothes on we have some errands to run.”
Your eyes snapped open. “Errands? Like we’re leaving the house? I’m going outside?”
“Well technically you go outside all the time, but yes, you will be leaving the property today. Stretch your legs, get some fresh air and all that good stuff. I don’t know if you noticed but we are really low on groceries and there’s only enough ice cream left for one of us and I don’t like you enough to share… So go change.”
You practically sprinted back to your room. You threw on the one dress you had that had come in one of your care packages from Izuku and Shoto. The only other clothes you had were either T-shirts, pajamas, or belonged to Dabi.
You knew you had a pair of shoes somewhere, but you couldn’t remember where you put them. You hadn’t exactly needed them until now. The longer you looked the more your nerves ate at you.
Were you ready to leave? You were safe here. Did you want to leave your little bubble?
You knew Dabi wouldn’t let anything happen to you, but it was still terrifying.
A soft knock broke you from your thoughts. “What’s taking so long?”
“Sorry, can’t find my shoes.”
To this he nodded, “Oh they’re in the garage.”
“How did they get there?”
He shrugged, “You threw them at me once, so I hid them.”
With a dramatic roll of your eyes you made your way over to him. “What you scared or something?”
His hands gripped your waist and pulled you to him, “Oh a shoe? No. Of you throwing said shoe at me? Of course. I would be stupid not to be afraid of you.”
You smiled proudly, “Damn right. And don’t you forget it.”
He gave your hips a squeeze, “I could get used to seeing you in a dress.” His hand snaked around to you lower back finding your long braid and grinned evilly as he grabbed it and wrapped it around his wrist effectively pulling you head back and baring your neck to him. “Oh and this braid is amazing.” His lips brushed over your bare shoulder, then your neck, your cheek, before finally giving you a quick peck on your lips.
You reached up on your tippy toes to ghost your lips over his. “Remember when I wanted to have sex this morning and your promised if I was still desperate later, you’d fuck me?” A fire lit in his eyes as he silently nodded. “You leaned even closer but still kept your lips from fully connecting with his. “Karma’s a bitch.”
“UGH!” His hands left you as he did what you could only assume was his version of pouting. “You fucking brat…Let’s go. The sooner we go, the sooner we can come back and lock ourselves in our room.”
Our room? It was the first time he had said that. You weren’t sure which room he was referring to, but either way, you kind of liked the way it sounded.
You held your hand out to him, “Oh come on now. Don’t be like that. You can hold my hand.”
He glared at you then your hand and then back to you. “No thanks. They probably are still covered in nitroglycerin from your little friend and I’d hate to accidentally look control of my quirk and blow us up.”
You balled up the hand you had offered to him and punched his shoulder, “Who’s the brat now?”
He led you to the garage in silence, noticing the way your shoulders tensed the closer you got. Right before you reached the door, he stopped you. “I know this is probably just as scary as it is exciting so just need you to remember a couple things, okay? One.” He placed his hands on your shoulders and looked you straight in the eye. “I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. I think we both know I’m not above cremating someone’s fingers off if they even so much as look at you the wrong way. Two. You are way stronger than you feel right now. You may have been through hell, but you came out stronger than you went in.”
His eyes suddenly got very serious. “And most importantly three. Despite number one and two, I need you to be careful and stay close to me. I can’t help you if I can’t get to you, and just because you can take care of yourself doesn’t mean you should have to. It’s just a quick run to a grocery store and back. No reason to get into any trouble.”
You nodded enthusiastically, your excitement starting to overpower your nerves. He looked you up and down and smirked. His fingers came up to pinch your nipple through your dress which had you immediately moaning and pressing closer to him. “I’ll tell you what…one thing we will not being buying today is a bra.” Your teeth pressed into your bottom lip as you held back a whine of pleasure. He gave your nipple one last tug before letting go and backing away. “I love the easy access.”
You took a steadying breath before following him into the garage. You opened the door to the familiar car. The last time you had been in this car, you had been mute, malnourished, and Dabi was digging into you with his knife. You stared at the passenger seat for a moment too long.
“I promise not to stab you again, now hurry up and get in.” You took another moment to appreciate how far you’ve come since the last time you were in this car.
The second your ass was in the seat, Dabi was buckling your seat belt and pulling a hat over your head. “Here put these on too.” He handed you a pair or sunglasses. “We’re going out in disguise.” He smirked, “Well you are, there’s really no way for me to hide this handsome mug.”
“I don’t know. you have white hair now. Match that with some glasses and a bag over your head, and I don’t think anyone would recognize you.”
He reached over you and pulled a pair of sunglasses and a medical mask out of his glove box. “Hmm fresh out of bags. Maybe we should pick some up for later.” He wagged his eyebrows at you.
The wind blew through the open windows as the music surrounded you. For a moment it was easy to close your eyes and pretend this was just a normal day. The past few years didn’t happen, and you were just headed to the store on your day off. You hummed along with the song and even dared to sing a few words.
Dabi suddenly found it hard to concentrate with you singing next to him. He could feel your hum vibrate in his bones. Your words filled his lungs with air while simultaneously making it harder to breath. He’d like to think this was part of your quirk. But something told him it was something else entirely.
Before he could stop himself, his hand found it’s way to your thigh. He had no other intention than just touching you. He just wanted to feel you, feel your skin on his. Your presence filled the car and his hands itched to connect with you in any way they could.
His thumb rubbed absentminded circles as he found himself being hypnotized by your existence. The spell only broken when he pulled into a parking spot. Now reality was crashing back in. He suddenly had the need to rush you back home and lock you away. This world was awful. It didn’t deserve you. “Sorry… Sometimes my singing does that. I didn’t realize I was doing it.” Your hand ran through his hair as if the friction would reboot his thoughts. You could see the confused desire in his eyes start to fade. “I can’t explain it, but just like how my voice can hypnotize, sometimes when I sing it amplifies whatever it is you want in the moment.” You shrugged, “It so rarely happens that I don’t really know what triggers it.”
With a final blink of his eyes his thoughts seemed to clear. The overwhelming desire ebbed but didn’t disappear completely. He was quick to grab your hand as soon as you had both exited the car. “Oh? And what happened to there being too much nitroglycerin on my hands?”
“Shut up.” He yanked your arm rather aggressively as he stormed off into the store.
You weren’t prepared for how ridiculous you would feel. You wish you could take a picture to send to the yourself a few years ago. Here you were with a white haired, former villain Dabi, who had a grocery basket in one hand and your hand in the other. Both of looking totally inconspicuous as the florescent lights reflected off of your sunglasses that he insisted needed to stay on. The borderline elevator music that played in over the speakers just daring you to giggle.
With half of your shopping done you came to the realization that you had been freaking out over nothing. It wasn’t like there was someone hiding behind every corner waiting to drag you back to the lab. Just because it seemed like the world was out to get you didn’t actually mean the world was out to get you.
You were starting to let your guard down just a little bit. You let go of Dabi’s hand for all of ten seconds, which apparently was enough for a lecture. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Your hand hovered over a box of cereal, “Uh… I’m sorry do you not like Lucky Charms? Are you more of a Cinnamon Toast Crunch kinda guy?”
He snagged a box off the shelf before grabbing your hand again. “For my sanity… please don’t let go of my hand.”
“Oh come on I was all of two feet away. What’s going to happen in two feet.”
He lowered his sunglasses so you could see how serious he was. “If we lived in a world where everyone was quirkless… not a lot. But here in this world, where people can do bat shit crazy things… Super speed, portals, explosions, flight, laser beams, do you need me to keep going.”
“Okay I get it. I’m sorry.”
His grip on your hand tightened as he pulled you down the next isle. He was making it really hard to act normal when he insisted on treating you like a child. You gave his hand a tug to get his attention. “Hey look at me.” He hesitated momentarily before turning to look at you and pulling you both to a stop. By the way he was looking at you he knew you were upset, but he looked like the last thing he wanted to do was talk about it. “I get that you’re on edge, but I’m not a child. You gave me this huge speech before we left the house, but now you’re the one freaking out.” You gave him a quick hug. “Out of respect for your paranoia, I promise to stay within arm’s reach. But remember I’m not helpless.”
His shoulders slumped, but he nodded anyways. “Yeah my bad. I think I just underestimated how uncomfortable I’d be.” His shoulder bumped yours. “But until we get back home…I’m going to keep being an overprotective asshole, and you have no choice but to deal with it.” He started his dragging you down isles again. “You may not be a child, but if you pull away from me again, I will literally find a collar and a leash and make you my pet for the day.”
“You’re joking right… right?” He had to be joking. There’s no way he’d follow through with that… right? Part of you knew he honestly would and he’d probably fucking love it.
“Why don’t you keep fucking around and find out?” He smirked which made it even harder to figure out if he was serious or not.
You decided you weren’t going to test him. Not today. Hopefully there would be more trips in your future, and maybe he’d ease up by then. Today he seemed stressed enough to actually snap and follow through with his threat.
He continued to hold the basket for you while he let you reach out and grab whatever you wanted. He wasn’t even really paying attention to the items you were putting in the basket, as his head remained on a swivel, looking for anything suspicious. If he had, he would have noticed it was predominantly junk food. That’s fine. You could stand to gain a few more pounds. He’d make sure to sneak some healthy stuff in there at some point.
You were making your way to check out when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.
“Dabi? Hey man is that you?” He instinctively placed you behind him as he turned to face his old colleague. “Holy shit it is you! I wasn’t sure because your hair it totally different, but those staples are a dead giveaway. What’s up man? Haven’t seen you in years! What have you been up to?”
You clung to the back of his shirt and you could feel the heat radiating off of him. “I’m doing my own thing now.” His voice was much lower than usual and it sent chills down your spine.
When the mystery man caught on that he wasn’t going to get any more out of him he pressed, “I heard there’s a couple of the guys who’ve been trying to get ahold of you recently. They need help with something. The money’s supposed to be pretty good.”
The man’s eyes shifted to try and get a look at you behind Dabi, but Dabi just shifted to shield you from view. “Not interested. I have enough money.” The man was starting to give him a weird look and it was pissing Dabi off. “Do you have a problem?”
“No, but obviously you do. What crawled up your ass and died? And who’s your new little friend?” He craned his neck to try get a peek at you. “As long as I’ve known you, I never knew you to be the domestic type. She the reason you’ve fallen off the grid?”
Dabi’s hand started to glow with flames. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll mind your fucking business.”
“Oh shit. She must be something special to get the big bad Dabi playing guard dog.” He lifted his hands up in surrender, “But don’t worry about it, man. I’ll get out of your hair.”
Dabi kept his eyes on him until he was out of sight and quickly turned back to the check-out line, “We need to hurry and get the hell out of here. That guy works for the League as a hitman. It’s possible we didn’t see him by accident.” He ushered you through the line and quickly paid for the few groceries you had and was practically sprinting towards the exit.
You made it back to the car and you let go of his hand to quickly make you way around to the passenger side. You had your hand on the door handle when your instincts started screaming. Your eyes cut to the store and then back to Dabi. “I think someone’s i-“
A hand slammed on top of your mouth as you were pulled backwards and in a whirl of wind and disorienting speed you ended up on the other end of the parking and moments later you saw blue fames spurting off in all directions where you had been standing earlier.
“What a temper that guy has.”
You looked up and saw the man from the store. His quirk must have been super speed and you knew you’d never hear the end of this from Dabi.
His hand gripped your chin, “What’s so special about you huh? What could you possibly have that would domesticate that beast of a man?” He pushed you to your knees in front of him.
Your panic was setting in. All the years of training, all the hard work you put in, and the only thing you could think of was running away. You bottom lip trembled. “I’m quirkless… I’m his… his pet.” You hoped you could find a way to stall for time. You had faith Dabi could handle whoever he was currently fighting and then he’d come for you. You just needed to make sure this guy didn’t run off with you again.
The man laughed loudly, “I have to admit I always thought he was a bit of a freak. But having a quirkless little play thing isn’t what I was expecting.” He turned your head to one side and then the other getting a good look at you. “You sure are fucking pretty though… I guess I can see the appeal. Maybe I’ll take you with me.”
Your fight or flight was kicking in, and you knew for a fact there was no outrunning this man. You activated your quirk and locked eyes with him. This was the first time you had used your quirk offensively in a long time. But it was like riding a bike. First you used your voice. “You don’t want to do that. No, you’re a good boy. You want to let me go.”
You watched as his eyes glassed over briefly before he shook his head. “What the fuck! Get out of my head! Quirkless my ass!” His hand left your chin and back handed you. Your head hit a cement parking divider. So maybe it wasn’t like riding a bike.
You needed to focus. No half assing this. Growing up you had learned that your quirk was like a battery. You could either go at full strength for a short period of time or lower strength for a longer period of time. You just needed to up the strength. “I SAID!”
He sprinted away before you could finish talking. You looked around frantically to see where he went but before you could find him he was sprinting by you and kicking you as he passed. His strategy was smart. You wouldn’t be able to get him if he kept moving. He continued his game of sprinting by you and kicking you or hitting you until you were a bloody mess on the ground. Where the fuck was Dabi?
You were pissed. You had had definitely been through worse. You spit out some blood from your split lip. “You hit like a fucking bitch!” You smeared blood and saliva all over your hands and waited. “Fucking fight me you pussy!”
You listened closely for the familiar sound of him approaching. Right before he got to you you rolled over and grabbed his leg as he attempted to kick you. You tackled him to the ground and shoved your hand in his face smearing your blood all over his face, forcing your blood and spit into his mouth.
He sputtered before shoving you off of him and spitting on you. “What the fuck? You’re fucking disgusting!” He tried to stand up to get away from you, but your quirk was starting to work on him. You blood was slowly paralyzing him. You watched as his eyes started to harden inn fear.
“Great keep those open for me.” You locked eyes with him again. “What did you want with Dabi?”
You watched his thoughts as he showed you instructions from Shigaraki. He was supposed to locate Dabi and ask him what his connection was to the people who worked for your hero agency. Apparently, word had gotten out that he had been hunting people and The League wanted to know why.
You heard footsteps rapidly approaching you. You swung around as fast as you throbbing head would let you. Relief flooded over your entire body when you saw it was Dabi. He skidded to a stop when he saw the state you were in. He looked between you and the now paralyzed man on the ground. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
The man managed a creepy chuckle. “She must be that siren hero everyone’s looking for huh?” You were impressed he could still talk at this point, but it was obvious the rest of his body was frozen. “They said she was dangerous…she didn’t feel that dangerous when my foot was connecting with her face.”
Dabi let out a feral growl and he stalked over to him hands out ready to burn him to ashes.
“Dabi NO!” You coughed as you grabbed your ribs. “Stop… he can’t move. We can just call Katsuki, he’ll come pick him up.”
Dabi turned to look at you, his eyes practically glowing. “No fucking way. He’s seen you, he knows too much.” The flames in his hands got hotter. “Just look at what he fucking did to you! He’s not leaving here alive. So either you let me burn him and scatter the evidence or you take this fucking knife I have in my pocket and kill him yourself. Either way this asshole dies now. I told him to mind his own fucking business… he signed his own death sentence.”
You stood up and squared off with him. “I said no… We don’t have to kill him. We can just turn him in!”
“YOU CANT BE THAT STUPID!” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair leaving black streak of soot in their wake in his white hair. “We turn him in, he gets arrested. The people who are looking for you… the ‘heroes’ will integrate him and find out your with me. Then it’ll only be a matter of time before we’re on the run.” He reached in his pocket and held out a knife to you, “He dies now. End of discussion. What’ll it be.”
You looked at the knife in his hand before crossing your arms over your chest and averting your eyes.
“That’s what I thought.”
You didn’t watch as he incinerated the man who was helpless to stop it, but you could smell the burning flesh and you could hear the brief scream of agony before it was gone.
Dabi waited until his hands had cooled down before he bent over and scooped you up. “It had to be done.” The car was still running with the driver door open from where he had driven over here and hopped out. He tucked you into the font seat and took a look into the back seat, “Fuck… the ice cream is melting.”
Your eyes bulged at him as he gunned it towards the main road, “You just murdered someone with no sympathy, but heaven forbid the ice cream melts!”
“Actually, I just murdered two people. And I would do it again without hesitation. I was looking forward to that ice cream!”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi so, i get easily get bruises, i can just wake up in the morning and BAM an New bruise. So how would the brother react to MC just having there legs All bruised up?? Oh and sorry for my bad english😅
Yeah, I know what that’s like. I always tend to wake up with bruises on my arms and legs. God knows how those got there. And don’t apologise for your English! It’s not a big deal at all and I’m happy you took the time to send me this request!
The Brothers with an MC who bruises easily:
-He would notice them before you do tbh
-Probably noticed them in the first few days of your stay in DevilDom, demon boy is very observant
-At first, he just assumed those came from you roughhousing with his brothers which happened a lot
-But once you two actuallly entered a relationship, he realised you were waking up with bruises that weren’t there the night before
-(not suggesting anything but maybe...?)
-He takes a moment to question himself like: Is this a human thing he’s too demon to understand? Is MC defective or something? No, no that’s silly but....how tf???
-At some point he just asks you and you just respond with : “It happens all the time.” And “I’m used to it. They don’t even bother me.”
-And he’s like alright because the bruises themselves don’t look too life threatening (then again he’s not a human doctor so how should he know?)
-Lucifer still worries like a mom every now and then but knows there’s nothing he can really do about it. Except forcing Solomon to use some of his mighty spells to heal you
-You won’t know this, but he changed the bedsheets and pillows so they would be softer than they were before because he has a sneaking suspicion you get those by hitting yourself in the middle of night or something
-Thoughtful boyfriend 101
-He...uh, he thought he inflicted those himself
-I mean, he has a habit of manhandling you every now and again, accidentally hitting you or just straight up dropping you when carrying you around
-And he started to feel really bad about it because his human was hurting because of him >:(
-He was just being really quiet around you in hopes of not accidentally hitting you with his wild gestures for a while
-And you were confused by his sudden change in behaviour which made you ask him what the problem was
-“Nah, I just wake up with those bruises. They kinda show up out of nowhere.”
-And he’s like “????????? Really??”
-And you’re like yea
-He’s still on high alert all the time because he still doesn’t get where the mystery injuries keep coming from
-There is a time where he legitimately thinks you got cursed by the witches
-He’ll get over it eventually but he still likes kissing your bruises because he thinks ‘it makes you feel better’
-Also, he’s shit at treating wounds so go to Lucifer if you need to be bandaged up
-I feel like he would also wake up with cuts and bruises all over him
-Serpent boy is already sleep deprived as it is, so when he does manage to fall asleep, I imagine he keeps moving about
-He may be a demon and while these ‘bruises’ don’t necessarily hurt, they’re still kinda inconvenient
-He didn’t realise it was a thing humans deal with too, so he was a bit taken aback when you told him you had the same problem
-“You basically sleep in a bath tub, how do you get those bruises??”
-“Uh...idk, I guess hitting the edge of it in the middle of night.”
-You were surprised he sleeps at all, let alone long enough for him to accidentally hit himself and form injuries
-He keeps insisting you look badass with bruises all over you
-“You give off main character vibes MC!”
-“Oh God.”
-“I mean, Oh Lord Diavolo.”
-Probably just concentrated on finding something to help you refrain from getting any more of these bruises
-And when I tell you he tries, he really tries
-He will get his hands on every human book about self care and any medical brochures from the human realm he can
-He will kidnap Solomon to help if necessary
-He is A-OK with stealing Belphie’s pillows to see if you’re more comfortable at night with those
-Has absolutely no problem bandaging you up if the bruises are that bad
-Overall, he takes after Lucifer with his mother bear instincts
-CEO of giving you every single lotion and cream he owns in hopes of making you feel better
-He is so sad that your beautiful skin gets ruined by those nasty bruises
-Ngl, if he woke up with one of those he would start screaming and crying
-Also, a lot of babying
-It’s like you broke your leg instead of just having a bruise or two, that’s how he acts
-Asmo is a sweetheart, in reality, so even if the bruises don’t bother you, he feels bad that he can’t do much about it
-He changes the bed sheets and pillows you two use regularly and insists you won’t get anymore bruises if you just cuddle him all night
-I doubt the truth behind that statement, but it’s worth a try
-He isn’t worried mostly
-He knows the difference between an injury that hurts and one that is just...there
-Beel does offer to carry you around if he notices you have a bunch of those bruises all over your legs
-He knows they’re not painful, but he loves carrying you around so it doesn’t matter 💞💞
-He doesn’t really get why you wake up with those things either
-Belphie’s been his brother for centuries and he never woke up cuts or anything
-If he feels it’s necessary, he would go to Satan for advice, only because he thinks he’s pretty good at the whole....treating a human
-He goes to Lucifer whenever he has the chance too, asking whether you can sleep in his room instead since you keep getting bruises in your own bed
-I say this a lot but he shares his food with you
-Everytime he sees a new bruise, he just gives you a portion of his meal
-He doesn’t care how much you end up taking as long as you’re happy and distracted from the fact that your legs look like they have been strangled
-Beel is baby and I love him
-That’s unacceptable
-That genuinely disturbs him
-He loves sleep
-He can’t imagine hurting himself like while sleeping
-To him, it’s like imagining your best friend stabbing you in the back when you least expect it
-He will not stand for this
-Belphie is the Avatar of Sloth he will do everything in his power to let you actually have a nice rest without worrying about bruises
-He will put a shit ton of spells on you just so you don’t move around while you are asleep
-He will order 500 new pillows, he doesn’t give two fucks
-He will threaten his bed if he has to
-He will enchant his whole room if he has to
-Like Satan, he has no limits
-Do not test him
-You will not wake up with those bruises anymore whether you like it or not
-Prepare to me affectionately attacked
So, I got this short one out. I have another big ask working on right now that is a sort of alternative ending of the last ask posted requested by someone but while I write that, I have a few smaller asks to complete. I hope you enjoyed this one!
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papa-nihilism · 3 years
OMG since youre taking requests, could you PLEASE do the putting a knife to your lover from the fluff list for bucky? maybe hes teaching his s/o or crush how to fight? could be cute!!
🔪🔪🔪 (affectionately) - Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Notes: HI!! I loved your request so much! Tbh I love to see Bucky and his knife skills and the idea of him teaching someone else is just *chef's kiss* I hope you like it! Feel free to always request stuff. <3 (also, your icon is amazing, oh god) Warnings: Knifes, personal defense, Bucky being a little shit. Gender Neutral!Reader.
"I feel a little silly using a plastic knife...," you mumbled, examining the small training knife that Bucky had handed you moments before. Although it didn't have an actual blade, but rather a flat plastic surface, the weight of the object was close to the real thing. Barnes, on the other hand, had in his hands one of the knives from his personal collection and a smile on his face, watching you carefully and with a certain pride in being able to show you one more of the many tricks he had learned for combat and that now, in civilian life, it had become one more of the many party tricks he knew - not that they stopped being good ways to defend yourself if necessary.
Seeing you create an interest in learning them, however, brought a certain pride to Bucky - and, also, a certain unease. Part of him worried that he wouldn't be around to defend you from harm. Honestly, the mere thought that you might be in danger at some point was enough to make him extremely angry. "They're just for practice. I still don't trust leaving you with a sharp knife in hand and not knowing how to wield it properly", he said carefully, not wanting to distrust your ability but still making mention of your slight skill at being clumsy.
Rolling your eyes, you muttered something about "I know how to use a knife, Barnes", eliciting a light chuckle from the other. "Besides, can't you heal yourself super fast?" you asked, raising the sleeves of your shirt as if preparing for a fight. The coffee table in the room had been moved to the corner since the little self-defense "play" of the two of you had started, leaving the carpet clear so you could practice without much trouble.
"I'm not worried about you hurting me," he said, emphasizing the "me" and, for a few seconds, you really wanted to take him down for his teasing, but it would be a lie to say that you hadn't already gotten used to Bucky's sarcastic humor and his constant attempts to get you off your back - in a way, you even enjoyed it, even if you weren't going to risk admitting it out loud and inflating the supersoldier's ego even more.
"Okay, let's go over that move I taught you earlier. First, I'm going to try to attack you from the left, then right, and mobilize your right wrist. The goal is to stop me from doing that, but in case I succeed... what do you have to do?" started Bucky, carefully going over what he would do in case you had any objections. Even though it had been your idea to learn, he made sure to confirm every move with you before doing so, making sure that you had no objections and if you consented to it. It was little things like that that made the two of you trust each other more and more.
"Drop the knife with the handle down and try to catch it in the air with my free hand," you murmured, searching the taller man's gaze for confirmation, and with Bucky's proud nod, you smiled back. "Ready?" he asked. "Ready," was your reply.
Bucky moved exactly as he had told you earlier and, dodging the taller's thrusts, he had to improvise and, using the height advantage between the two of you, he managed to immobilize your right wrist, pinning you against the wall. In one swift movement, you dropped the plastic knife to the ground while landing a hit on Bucky's hip - just enough to distract him, not hurt him, and catch the knife in the air, pushing the plastic "blade" against the taller man's torso.
Releasing his wrist, Bucky smiled proudly at your progress, leaving a fond kiss on your lips. "What a fast learner...," he murmured between kisses, drawing a giggle from you.
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thomaslightwood · 3 years
His armor || Kaz Brekker one shot
Greyro Kaz Brekker. This is all I have to say about this fic.
@readingwonders and I were talking about greyro/aro-spec Kaz so... 👀 We make up a lot of headcanons and this fic basically wrote itself
Words: 1550
Kaz took off his gloves, carefully, and put them on his desk. He started to wash his hands, frowning while thinking about the next step they should take in their plan.
Nothing in the room specifically moved, no sounds were made. But he still knew, as well as he knew his gloves, that Inej was in the room.
“You can take a break tonight, you know?” he said, without turning around. 
In the corner of his eyes he saw Inej. She sat on the edge of the window. 
“You too but here we are.”
Kaz suppressed his sigh and turned around.
“It's not like that and you know it.”
Inej arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
Kaz dried her hands and sat on the chair, immediately grabbing a stack of documents.
“By the way,” Inej said and stood up, approaching him. She was soundless. “I brought you what you asked for.”
She put a pure white ring in front of him, shining on the moonlight. Kaz stared at it without moving.
He scolded himself for asking Inej to bring him one. It was a momentous desire, impulse, that was harmless enough to ask Inej for it when she had time.
“Good,” he said, keeping his expression carefully blank. The ring was cold against his skin, a symbol that Kaz thought may mean something to him. Now he hated himself a little for giving so much thought for something meaningless to his goal.
He put it on the last drawer, not bothering to look at it. He couldn't look at Inej.
“What is this ring for, Kaz?” Inej asked. In the darkness in the room, exposed to the moonlight, she looked like a half shadow, healed by the light.
“A thread I decided I didn't need,” he said, staring at a document in his hands. He couldn't read a thing.
Inej was silent for a moment.
“I don't think so,” she said. 
Kaz didn't say anything. With the corner of his eye she saw her moving. She was leaving.
“Wait,” his voice sounded surprisingly steady.
He remembered what she said when he confessed he wanted her to stay. It was the closest thing he probably would ever say to a love confession and it wasn't even that. She said she will have him without armor or she will not have him at all.
There were these little moments, reckless perhaps, that dared to show up only in the dark. Moments when Kaz wanted to tear himself apart for her to have him, see him and see she was the only one who will ever see him like this. 
Was the ring part of his armor now? Along with the gloves and the cane? Was this the reason Inej didn't press him for answers? Was his armor so thick even the Wraith couldn't see through it? 
Sharp mind, a limp and a pair of gloves against the merciless Ketterdam. What else did he have outside his armor? All his demons, real and imaginative, waiting to eat him alive.
Sometimes armor is all you have. And sometimes you need to take it down. Even for a bit.
“Are you familiar with,” Kaz said slowly, “the term aromantic?”
Inej's gaze was fixed on him, pinning his heart into place. She tilted his head.
“Like asexual?”
“No,” Kaz shook his head. “Asexual is a person who experience little to none sexual attraction. Aromantic is someone who experiences little to none romantic attraction.”
She slowly nodded. “Make sense.”
“They both are spectrums,” Kaz continued. “They're like a mirror to each other but don't always go together. The symbol of asexuality is the black ring. The white ring… is for aromanticism.”
He saw in her eyes the moment she realized. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. She knew Kaz wasn't done.
“I am on the aromantic spectrum,” he said. His throat was a little dry and he was sweating. He took a deep and quick breath. “I suppose the term that fits me is greyromantic since in my life I have experienced romantic attraction extremely rarely and under certain circumstances.”
The label was as unnecessary as this conversation. Pointless beyond words. How could a simple word describe the complex gamma of his aromanticism? 
Inej nodded again, warm in her gaze.
“Thank you for telling me this,” she said softly. “I think it's wonderful.”
“Don't mention it,” Kaz said, looking at his documents again.
“Would it be okay if I ask something?”
After a second Kaz nodded. If it was anyone else Kaz probably would have kicked them out of the room. Hell, they wouldn't have this conversation at all. But for Inej it was always a yes.
“Will you wear the ring?”
The fingers of the hand that had held the ring trembled. He clenched it into a fist.
“I don't know.”
Inej smiled slightly. A soft sunbeam in the dark room. 
“I hope you do. Even if it's under the gloves.”
Kaz didn't hear her open the door or saw her leaving through the window, but he knew she was gone.
“Alright,” Kaz said. “Here is a copy of the list.” He headed it to Nina. “Inej and I will go inside the mansion, Jesper and Matthias are at the club and Nina and Wylan are the distraction. Questions?”
“What about the guards at the tower?” Wylan asked. “They can see the mansion very clearly even if Nina and I are dancing like monkeys with glitter.”
“What a cute monkey you would be,” Jesper grinned. Wylan went pink.
Matthias gave him a sympathetic look.
“They will be taken care of,” Kaz said. “This night only one will be on watch since the tower is locked. I will talk with him while Inej is breaking inside the mansion.”
Nina frowned.
“Why not me? Isn't that what I and Wylan are here for?”
Because Nina wouldn't be able to seduce him, Kaz thought. He wouldn’t leave his guard to fool with someone. And anything less wouldn’t distract a guard enough to make him look away from where we are.
“I have seen him before, in the club,” Kaz said. It was an accident but Kaz wouldn’t say it to them. He remembered the guard clearly. Coffee eyes and loud laugh. A black ring on his middle finger on his right hand. A white one on the other middle finger. Mirroring each other but different. That's why he knew he could distract him. He would talk with another aro. “And know with certainty he can’t be seduced.”
Jesper frowned. “How come?”
“He is aro ace,” Kaz said finally.
The room was silent for a moment. Then Jesper nodded.
“Yeah, fair enough. Are we sure though? He may have a wife or secret lover.”
“I’m sure,” Kaz just said. 
“How do you know that, demjin?” Matthias snorted. “You read his diary?”
“Leave it alone,” Inej said quietly, but no person in the room missed her words. Jesper shrugged. Wylan looked uneasy. Nina had a curious gaze.
“Because,” Kaz said, frustrated with himself. He could have handled this better. “I wear the same ring as him.” He took off his left glove. The white ring, almost silver on the light, was on his hand, warmed by Kaz’s skin. “And a white ring on the left middle finger means the person is on the aromantic spectrum.”
The crows blinked. Inej nodded at him with an encouraging smile. Wylan’s mouth was agape. Jesper tried to say something but the ringing of the bells interrupted him. They had to go. 
“Come on,” Kaz said, grabbing his cane. He stood up. “We have work to do.”
They stood up as well, everyone heading for the door. Only Wylan dared to look at him and Inej as he was leaving the room.
“You know,” Inej said. She was next to him. “They’re not shocked you’re aro-spec. They’re shocked because you told them.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Kaz said. He did think it. But it didn’t mean part of him didn’t care. 
Kaz put the stolen item on the safe, narrowing eyes at it. It wasn’t anything too expensive but it was pretty. 
Kaz closed the safe and turned to Wylan. He raised an eyebrow.
“Um, Inej explained some stuff to us,” Wylan said. “And I know you probably don’t really care but,” he shrugged. “Be ready Jesper to make silly puns about arrows. And for Nina to look everyone for white rings,” Wylan smiled. “Even Matthias was super cool about it. He doesn’t understand it but he’s cool.”
Something light fluttered in his chest. The foggy dread in his stomach eased. He was glad he didn’t have to deal with their questions and honestly - their reaction. 
But Wylan looked like he wanted to say something more.
“You are right,” Kaz finally said. “I don’t care.” 
He took his cane which was propped up on the wall.
“Uh-oh,” Wylan said. “I...” Kaz stared at him. Wylan nervously held the edge of his shirt. “I'm a-spec too,” he blurted.
Kaz could only blink. “What...”
“I mean,” he smiled sheepishly. “I’m figuring things out. I’m not sure where I fit yet. Just wanted you to know this.”
Then he turned and left before Kaz could react. His steps could be heard as he was walking, more and more quiet.
Just then, Kaz allowed himself one small smile.
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kantrips · 3 years
Alistair & Celia Headcanon Collection
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Some Amell x Alistair (largely fluff) headcanons! Includes some from Origins, Warden time at Amaranthine and the Inquisition-era. Some of these I have had since my first playthrough, but others I may have read elsewhere, loved and thusly absorbed so please let me know if I can link anyone!
The first time they meet at Ostagar, Celia thinks Alistair is the most fascinating person she has ever encountered because no one in the Circle had a particularly boisterous sense of humour. Alistair is oblivious to her heart eyes, and also holds back because he’s worried she won’t survive the Joining.
Even after the Joining, Alistair tries very hard not to ~feel feelings~ despite the clear signals Celia is hurling at him because he assumes she won’t like him once she gets to know him more/she will get bored of him/ she will leave like everyone else i.e. the boy is hecking damaged.
Celia laughs obnoxiously hard at all Alistair’s jokes because a) she finds them unexpected, and b) because, like a dork, she wants to prove she gets the punch line. Alistair is perplexed by her reactions at first, and cautiously wonders if she is mocking him. Once he realises she is genuinely amused, it bolsters his ego significantly. 
Celia has no concept of personal space and sits and walks very close to everyone. There wasn’t a lot of room at the Circle so she forgets she can spread out. Morrigan makes it clear she needs to back off (Celia doesn’t need telling twice) but Alistair is more relaxed and gets used to it quickly after the confusion of the first night when she blithely sets up her bedroll right next to his. Alistair assumes she is a bit scared of sleeping in the forest but really she is just accustomed to the need to cram as many apprentice bunks into a room as possible.
In a way, Alistair is also used to sharing small spaces (Chantry and Wardens) so it doesn’t bother him at all when Celia chooses to sit pressed against his side, walks so their arms bump together, or unconsciously brushes an eyelash from his cheek. He quickly grows to like her overfamiliarity (for some reason…).
Similarly, Alistair eats Celia’s leftover food if she can’t finish it or doesn’t like it, even before they’re a couple. She just offers one day and after that it becomes a given. The others side-eye them but they are happily oblivious.   
Celia gets in trouble from the rest of the party for getting distracted yelling encouragement and cheering Alistair during combat. In turn, Alistair gets in trouble for turning around mid-battle to thank her when she buffs or heals him. Morrigan advises that if they are both so determined to get killed, she is more than happy to assist with hastening the process.
Celia’s mabari, Trevor, is quickly accepting of Alistair and his proximity to Celia because he observes Alistair protecting Celia in battle and thusly deems him to be a ‘good dog’ and considers that they are equals in the pack.
Alistair and Celia vandalise each other’s wanted posters whenever they come across them. It gets competitive.
Celia doesn’t really want to be in charge of saving the world but has three things working in her favour: 1) she absolutely hates letting people down 2) has an intense need to finish what she starts 3) she is in possession of a bossy streak.
That said she spends the entire Blight screaming internally to an extent not even Alistair fully grasps.
They go to the Circle Tower first, because Celia thinks she will have the best chance of getting help from people she knows and is also ‘homesick’ in the sense that she is very glad to be free of the place, but stressed enough with everything going on to crave something familiar even if she resents it. The events there devastate her. Along with the loss of friends and mentors she has known since childhood, being trapped by herself in the fade particularly terrifies her as she has never truly been alone for so long before in her life. It reminds her of the Harowing which totally blindsided her. She is very teary, untalkative and introspective for some time afterwards, but both Trevor and Alistair have the correct instinct to stay close without trying to interact with her which she finds incredibly comforting.
Accustomed to making potions, Celia will not under any circumstances deviate from a recipe while cooking, whereas Alistair just chucks everything in to use up leftovers and see what happens. Alistair gets meals together super quickly whereas Celia takes forever. A little unfairly, Celia is perceived as the better cook because she produces very consistent meals, while Alistair’s experiments sometimes do work, and sometimes don’t, with people tending to focus on the disasters rather than the successes. Meanwhile Celia is rather: “should I add half a sprig of rosemary? No I mustn’t: it would be far too daring!” so everyone learns to tip their own seasonings into their bowl before even tasting her food.
When they’re travelling and walking for days on end, Alistair and Celia make up a lot of games in the vein of ‘I spy’ and ‘would you rather?’ They can occasionally persuade others to participate though no one enjoys them or gets quite as invested as Celia and Alistair (who are actual children).
A game stops abruptly one day when Celia guilelessly asks if Alistair would rather be Emperor of Orlais or King of Fereldan and he gets extremely defensive and answers, “Neither.” Having no context for this reaction (yet), Celia (a stickler for the rules) pushes him, insisting his answer isn’t allowed and that he’s cheating until Alistair gets grouchy, stomps off and refuses to play anything for days. 
Celia figures he must be overtired, but his unhappy reaction does come back to her later at the Landsmeet and contributes to her already firm resolve not to put him on the throne.
When bored, Alistair also periodically asks Celia to, “Do a trick!” with her magic and she usually obliges with something small and silly which Wynne always scolds them for (but they continue to do anyway).
Celia does not like Eamon one bit and makes it clear from their first meeting. Alistair actually gets a bit annoyed at her because she is polite to 99% of the other people they meet and he can’t understand what her problem is. Celia won’t say because she doesn’t want to drive Alistair away so she remains coldly civil towards Eamon and commences a long, looong process of nudging Alistair towards having the realisation himself that a) Eamon is manipulative, selfish and cruel and b) Alistair deserves better.
Celia wants to collect some of the books they find which is not practical given they are constantly travelling, but Alistair carries as many as he can in his pack and suffers in silence for it, ultimately finding it worth it for her enthusiastic gratitude.
Celia cuts Alistair’s hair and does a very respectable job after weeks of him complaining it’s flopping in his eyes (they used to cut each other’s hair in the Circle). Zevran pretends she did an awful job, gasping in horror at Alistair’s appearance, much to Celia’s ire. Alistair (internally weeping) tries to be brave until he can check his reflection in some plate mail and see it is fine.
Celia is very naïve about how the ‘real world’ works having been at the Circle since she was a child. This is especially evident in Denerim and Alistair has to explain how money works and grab her before she wanders down dicey looking alleyways.
Alistair nearly dissolves into a paroxysm of agony when he points out his favourite type of cheese at the Denerim Markets and (accustomed to the very limited range of bland foods provided at the Circle) Celia innocently asks, “There is more than one type of cheese?” Alistair makes it his mission to educate her. She doesn’t like most of what he feeds her but doesn’t say so to protect his feelings given he seems to take the matter so incredibly personally.
Leliana convinces Celia to sing one evening at the campfire. She’s breathy with a very limited range but manages okay, and Leliana plays and harmonises in support. Watching on with a goofy smile plastered over his face, Alistair comments to the surrounding companions about how talented she is and they’re like “…she’s really not mate.”
When they both wake up from a blightmare (or Celia has one and wakes Alistair with her flailing) they sneak about and eat anything they can find then sit up and have massive deep & meaningfuls (i.e. in the spirit of going for a long drive with a friend or being in the garden with someone outside a party and spilling your guts). Eventually they start blaming the depleted food stores on Leliana’s nug, Schmooples, much to Leliana’s displeasure.
Given Celia usually responds so well to his jokes, Alistair gets a bit peeved when Celia starts replying to some of his more severely self-deprecating humour with an unamused, “No you’re not,” or, “That’s not true.” He defensively argues it’s just a joke, but he does stop doing it so much as time goes on.
Celia is SO excited when Alistair gives her the rose. She never in her life thought she would be the recipient of a proper ~romantic gesture~…however she accidentally sits on the rose about five minutes after she gets it. Celia is devastated. There is a lot of panic and tears and she keeps one petal pressed in a book but has to unceremoniously ditch the rest in secret.
Celia doesn’t tell Alistair about this until years later and she’s terrified he’ll be hurt but he just laughs because he was so worried he was going to be the one to squash it and then she destroyed it basically the minute she got it. Alistair acknowledges it was an impractical gift given their situation. Celia gets mad and says it was a PERFECT gift and is annoyed at how funny he finds it given this has been a crushing, guilty secret hanging over her for years.
Following this, every time Alistair gives her any kind of gift, he can’t help but throw in a ‘Don’t sit on it!” and cracks himself up, especially when Celia gets grumpy about it and accuses him of spoiling the moment. It happens so often that when Alistair chooses a horse for her and plans to teach her to ride, Celia manages to cut him off with, “Yes, I know Alistair: I can sit on this one,” and steals his thunder.
Alistair periodically says Celia’s name just to check if she’ll answer, especially after a long period of quiet or to see if she’s awake à la screaming in the chantry because it’s so silent. When she responds he says, “Nothing” or “Never mind” but he finds it vaguely comforting just to hear her reply and it’s a habit he never loses, even when they have been together for years and he is much less isolated generally. Alistair doesn’t realise he’s doing it, and it never happens frequently enough for Celia to notice: she just assumes he has lost his train of thought.
They sometimes conspire to purposely fall to the back of the group while on the road so that they can hold hands. Everyone knows full well what they are doing, but Alistair and Celia think they are being incredibly ~sneaky~.
The first time they sleep together they laugh. A lot. Before, during and after.
Alistair snores loudly but only when he’s on his back. Celia is used to the noise of people sleeping around her at the Circle so it doesn’t bother her and she doesn’t want to disturb him because she knows he needs the rest.
When they are known to be sharing a tent however, their companions will slap on the walls of it and demand she kick him until he stops snoring. Celia will relent and gently prod and nudge Alistair until he rolls over with a bit of sleepy grumbling.
I think everyone has this headcanon to the point it is basically actual canon HOWEVER I am legally obligated to include it: Alistair is a professional body heat distributor and Celia drastically cuts down on the number of blankets she uses once they are sleeping together. If she stands in front of him on cold days, he understands the non-verbal signal and will automatically wrap her in his cloak.
Also might as well be canon: Alistair likes to be the little spoon. He doesn’t say, but Celia knows.
Decidedly not a fluff one (you can skip to Amaranthine to avoid) but the ritual with Morrigan fairly significantly messes Alistair up (both the act itself and his consideration of the repercussions i.e. Kieran). He’s jubilant and relieved at their victory over the Archdemon, but in the background struggles to process and there is some fallout once the victory celebrations lull and he has time to fully register what happened. Alistair grapples with a lot of guilt, disgust and confusion. He doesn’t know how to express it or where to direct his emotions so it mainly manifests as self-loathing. He wants to talk to Celia about it but can’t articulate his feelings which makes him feel worse.
Celia tries to comfort him, but he needs space on and off for a long while after and she gives him it. She feels a lot of guilt too, and never stops wondering how much it was actually his choice to do the ritual, worrying that she made him feel like he had to do it. Eventually they discuss it openly and honestly, which eases both of their minds somewhat, but it takes a long time to get to a point where they can talk on the subject. Meeting Kieran at Skyhold also helps Alistair down the line, though it’s obviously painful.
Amaranthine & Inquisition
Alistair keeps an eye out for people struggling, especially new recruits who are having trouble fitting in. He takes them under his wing and is very good at building people up and making sure everyone is included. He’ll just start enthusiastically greeting people like they are his best friend and squeezing himself onto the bench next to them at meals until everyone else follows suit.
For recruits that don’t respond well to his ‘mother hen’ type attention, Celia is good at assigning tasks that specifically highlight their strengths and builds their confidence/sense of purpose which also gains them the respect of their peers.
Alistair has been known to stand behind Celia while she is giving mundane orders/making speeches and pull faces or impersonate her, turning stony and impassive when she spins around accusingly because people are laughing.  
But if anyone else talks smack about her he gets very, “Sorry mate, just to clarify was that comment directed at my wife, your Commander, the hERO OF FERELDAN, VANQUISHER OF AN ARCHDEMON!? That’s lucky, I didn’t THINK IT LIKELY. Because that wouldn’t be WISE, would it now?” etc. with some loud, fake laughter and firm backslapping for the worst offenders.
The plan for them to part ways so that Celia can search for a cure goes very badly, especially because Celia (under a lot of stress and not coping™) eventually devolves into, “I’m in charge and I say so,” which is a big betrayal of their agreements both to stay together, and make decisions together on equal footing. She realises this and takes it back but Alistair is demoralised and gives in with a bit of petty, sarcastic reverence e.g. saluting and, “Whatever you say boss, don’t know why I dared to utter an opinion how foolish of me...” so they still part on slightly strained terms, even after later mutually apologising and trying to make the most of their time together before they go.
Both regret the argument during their separation and write horribly soppy letters to each other, but something still feels uncomfortably unresolved until they are together again. They pine. So much. It’s disgusting and cliched. There is considerable sighing and staring at the moon or deep into tankards, very much to the ire of those around them. Alistair can be particularly annoying: “This roll reminds me of my wife...she eats bread sometimes...”
After Celia sends the letter to the Inquisitor, she writes to Leliana directly along the lines of, “I know it was incredibly subtle but I wanted to check: did they get the message? That I will destroy them if Alistair gets hurt?” and Leliana replies in the vein of, “Hon, it wasn’t even remotely subtle ffs…”
When reunited, though ecstatic and nearly delirious with joy and relief, it takes a while to rebuild the trust they once had, especially for Alistair. There’s an unfamiliar awkwardness that flares up unexpectedly, but it doesn’t last and they’re both fully committed to each other and to staying together permanently this time.
Celia and Alistair have a conversation recapping everything that happened while they were apart in which Celia is all, “Poor Hawke. Honestly I’m shocked you didn’t do something obscenely idiotic like try and sacrifice yourself thank the Maker for that…” and Alistair is there, nervously sweating, looking for an exit, loosening his collar etc.
As they settle back into their old routines Alistair will occasionally blurt out things like, “I really like having breakfast with you,” and then berate himself internally for how trite that sounds but Celia replies on cue, “I love waking up next to you and the way you groan when you stretch your back out and the way you check your hair twice before you leave the room and the way you complain if I don’t eat my crusts and the way you still hold my hand when we’re walking...” and basically they’re just blissfully happy being comfortably domestic and even as they get older they are forever just teenagers in love.
The Wardens at Amaranthine acquire/receive a griffon egg and the hatchling imprints on Alistair and decides he is their mother. It can’t cope with separation, crying constantly if Alistair goes out of sight, and won’t let anyone else feed or handle it so Alistair carries them in a sling 24/7. He gets to give orders and run training sessions with the tiny griffon occasionally poking its head out just to glare at everyone.
Whenever the baby griffon squeaks, Alistair automatically replies, “Well said,” or “Excellent point, Ser Beaksly” with a totally straight face.
For the first few months, Celia gets nipped or scratched if she approaches Alistair unless he wraps the griffon up. It so badly wants to fight her. Celia is permitted to sleep in her own bed, as long as the griffon sleeps curled on Alistair’s chest and Celia doesn't try anything outrageous like touching her husband even fleetingly. It gets a little frustrating as the months drag on, but the image of Alistair with the sling over his armour, or with the griffon snuggling possessively around his neck staring daggers at everyone, is so entertaining that Celia can’t get truly annoyed about it. As the griffon gets older it does learn to tolerate other people and becomes more independent but remains very protective of Alistair and favours him above all others. Insert the ‘Ah yes. Me. My husband. And his thousand pound murder-bird-cat child’ meme here.
Modern AU Bonus Round
They share headphones while commuting.
They occasionally end up wearing sort of matching outfits, mostly unintentionally.
They consistently refer to their dog, Trevor, as their son to the point that people who aren’t familiar with them assume that they actually have a child.
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The Revived - Chapter 22: Preparations
This is chapter 22 of the Dream SMP multichapter fic @dramaticsnakes​ and I wrote together! I hope you’ll enjoy!
Read in order (on Tumblr)
Characters in this chapter: Wilbur, Ghostbur
Word count: 3,093
Cw: pain, brief loneliness, implied derealization
Fic summary: Wilbur was alive, and it was such a magnificent feeling, that made his mind spark with anticipation. It didn’t take long, however, for Wilbur to realize that this new breath of life, was not just his own. An echo-y voice hides in the back of his mind, and before he knows it, the transparent version of him he saw at the endless train station, is a lot more ingrained than he’d expected him to be.
And Wilbur really shouldn’t care. Because he’d be damned, if he spent the life he’d awaited for so long, babysitting a lost cause of a ghost, stuck in the very same limbo Wilbur spent so long in. It was an even exchange, and one Wilbur wasn’t going to mess with. Why exactly he ends up setting out to get the ghost out of his mind, in order to save the both of them, however, is beyond him. And perhaps Wilbur’s past isn’t as easy to leave behind, as he’d hoped it would be.
Wilbur was somewhat thankful that the early morning interaction had been disheveled enough, for Wilbur not to have been asked to leave. It was kind of funny really, that even though Wilbur had been caught trespassing where he shouldn’t, the young boy had been far too distracted to kick him out. Far too confused and awkward. It seemed to be a general trend whenever Ranboo was talking to him.
Though perhaps Wilbur couldn’t act as if he was above that awkwardness, as he hadn’t even gotten around to asking exactly what kind of party it was. He assumed however, for natural reasons, that if it was a party for a toddler, presents for said toddler would be involved. Regardless, Wilbur didn’t think giving a present to a child would be looked down upon in any case. If anything, it might repair what he previously damaged. Even if it was an infinitesimal amount, it could still help.
“Oh oh oh! What should we get him?” Ghostbur asked excitedly, “What does he like? Red, gold, nether things, books…” He chuckled as he jokingly added, “Us! We could wrap ourselves in a present.”
Wilbur chuckled despite himself. “We could,” he said with a smile, feeling a bit of exhaustion dragging at him, but finding it easier and easier to ignore. “Let’s see if there’s anything we can use in these chests.”
Wilbur rummaged through them for a while, only managing to find four gold ingots that could perhaps interest the child. He briskly crafted them into a pair of gold boots that he figured would suit Michael’s size. He narrated the action to Ghostbur as he did it.
“They’re like rubber boots!” Ghostbur had commented excitedly.
“Oh, I have an idea!” 
“Shoot,” a smile lingered in his voice as he grabbed a dark gray satchel nearby. It was light-weight and durable. Perfect for a gift or two. He carefully put the golden boots inside it as Ghostbur rambled on cheerfully.
“So, hear me out. I’ve got the best idea ever in the whole universe. We should make him a card! He can hold and look at it, and you can be nice in it too!”
Wilbur walked downstairs, grabbing some sugar cane from the farm as he quickly pressed it into paper. A quill sat nearby as he picked it up. “Alright, so a simple message…” Wilbur’s voice trailed off.
“Okay, how about, ‘Oh, Michael, you are the most amazing person to exist and I hope you continue existing forever.’”  
Wilbur looked into the air as if he was on The Office. “Or we could go with something more general.”
“I gotcha! We can do ‘You are the most amazing person to exist and you are so cool that I hope you continue existing forever.’”
“First of all, I thought I said more general, not less.”
“I did make it more general! I removed Michael’s name from it.”
Wilbur facepalmed gently so it wouldn’t hurt Ghostbur. “I meant for it to be less… emotional? I don’t think that’s the right word, but I want the card to be neutral.”
Ghostbur hummed in agreement. “Okay. We can say ‘I feel neutral about your existence, but I do agree that you chose to exist at this current time, and by the way, you are also very cool.’”
Wilbur sighed, “I’ll take over the writing.” He narrated the words on the paper, “Dear Michael, The world will be at your feet someday! But for now, it's just these gold boots.” A smile slipped on his face at the words replaying in his mind in company with Ghostbur’s noises of approval.
“Oh can we do a drawing at the bottom? Michael likes drawings.”
Wilbur nodded, “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
Ghostbur excitedly squealed, “Can we- oh my, I have so many good ideas.”
Wilbur chuckled, pleased to hear the ghost being his typical self again. “I can start with drawing Michael?”
Ghostbur clapped, “Yeah! And- and holding hands with him?”
“Sure, just give me one second.” He might have been a leader of a nation and a general for many soldiers, but Wilbur certainly was not an artist. He tried genuinely drawing a face, only for him to scratch it out and get a new paper out and transfer his original message onto it. Instead, he imitated Michael’s drawing style- stick figures. 
He drew playful lines across the bottom of the paper. He eventually formed a small stick person with little pig ears, a big smile, and black boots. He would have colored them, but he didn’t want to risk Michael eating the paper as he did just days ago. 
Next to Michael, he drew a slightly bigger person. Curly hair at the top and a rough trenchcoat around the body. He hesitantly finished the picture with a small smile on his own face. It felt a bit silly to draw like that. To be making a card for a child after everything, drawing handholding and smiles. Yet Ghostbur’s excitement was strangely infectious. It was sort of relieving in a sense, even if Wilbur wasn’t the type to fall for such bright positivity.
“Alright, the drawings are finished.” 
He was about to fold the paper into his pocket when Ghostbur called out, “Wait, did you put any stars on there?”
“What kind of drawing is it if there’s no stars?!”
Wilbur sighed quietly as he quickly scribbled some stars in the corners. “Alright, I’m putting it away now-”
“Wait! Did you sign it?”
Wilbur furrowed his brow, “I’m giving it to him. He knows it’s from me.”
Ghostbur pleaded, “But cards always look better if they’re signed. Just a quick, ‘Love, Wilbur and Ghostbur’ makes the card a thousand times better! No- a billion!”
Wilbur sighed as he remained frozen in place before the words settled in. His mind easily processed the ridiculous request, but not the fact that Ghostbur wanted to be signed on the card too. Wilbur should have probably assumed it, but the idea didn’t fully settle with him. “Alright.” The words were quiet as he quickly wrote down, ‘Sincerely, Uncle Wilbur’.
"Is there anything else I need to add?"
"Hmm, I don't think so."
Wilbur gently placed the card in the satchel as he quickly ran up to see the clock once more, but he slightly frowned to see the hour hand still lingering between the four and five. He brushed it off though. He could easily occupy himself anyway. His eyes glazed over the books on the table before he internally groaned at the thought of hitting the books once again. 
He walked over to the table, placing the satchel onto it, before grabbing one of the books before Ghostbur spoke, "Oh, we're reading again?" His voice sounded slightly dismayed.
Wilbur shook his head, "Nah, I'm just putting away some books." Ghostbur made a pleased sound  as Wilbur quietly pushed the leather-bound book back into its spot. 
He sighed quietly at the odd silence of the room. He focused on the ticking of the clock. It
was a nice sound to focus on. It was a constant reminder he was still alive. Even if he wasn't
the happiest in his position, he was alive. 
An alive man that was going to attend a toddler's party with a homemade card that had poorly drawn stickmen inside.
He exhaled sharply through his nose, as he finished putting some of the books away. Most of them held no useful information anyhow, and perhaps leaving them out would appear suspicious, should Tubbo return.
He wondered for a brief moment if Ranboo intended on telling Tubbo about Wilbur’s presence in the bunker. He imagined Tubbo insisting on having a talk as soon as Wilbur arrived. Prime, Wilbur despised talks. He just hoped the awkwardness of the interaction, and Ranboo’s apparent secrecy, was enough for Ranboo to leave it out.
Wilbur walked downstairs, finding that his leg had almost healed during his days in the bunker. He was going to harvest some watermelon, simply to pass the time. As he was about to do so, his eyes fell upon something dusty, peeking out of a chest he hadn’t bothered looking much at before. He knew what it was. He closed his eyes momentarily, to get a hold of his thoughts, before walking to the chest, and taking out a dusty mirror. 
He rubbed the shiny end of it with his sleeve. The mirror was still vaguely cloudy, but it still showed him nonetheless. Well- not exactly him, but rather his body. The man who stared back was nearly unrecognizable with gray bruises scattered along his face that easily complemented the bags under his eyes.
Complement was a rather strong word as all of his features seemed off-putting to him. His greasy hair hung close to his pale-ish skin. He squished his face with one of his hands, truly making sure that his reflection was his own. Of course, the mirror version moved along with him, but he strangely wished it didn’t. 
His mind drifted back to his encounter with Ranboo. Had they really intended on inviting Wilbur to the party in the first place? Or had that been done out of pity?
The only good thing about his reflection was that he couldn’t see the burns along his chin anymore. He touched it gently, finding the skin to be a little softer than before. 
He automatically put the mirror down as he headed towards the shower that laid in the bunker. He stopped two steps away as Ghostbur chimed in, “What time is it over there?”
“Oh… I don’t know.” He was pulled out of his thoughts quite easily as he stayed frozen in place.
Confusion laced Ghostbur’s voice, “You can’t check?”
Wilbur shut his eyes tightly for a moment before taking a sharp breath, “I could, but I have to ask you something.”
Wilbur despised the cheeriness in Ghostbur’s response. “Ask away!”
Images of Wilbur’s face flashed through his own mind as he hesitantly asked, “Alright, Ghostie, there’s not an easy way to bring this up.” Ghostbur hummed in acknowledgement, not wanting to interrupt Wilbur. Despite Wilbur not wanting to continue on, he forced the words out of him, “So- do you know what a shower is?”
“Yeah! It’s one of those plants on the ground with pretty petals.”
A dry chuckle left Wilbur, “No, that’s a flower.”
“Oh. Is it what Tubbo uses in baking?”
Wilbur sighed this time, “No, that’s wheat flour.” As Ghostbur was about to give another guess, Wilbur cut him off, “I’ll just tell you.”
Ghostbur sounded slightly dismayed at his refused answers, “Alright.”
“Alright. Alright,” the words were quiet in his mind as he forced himself back on track. “A shower is something people do to get clean. They use soap and… water to do this.”
“Aww, I was about to guess that too.”
“Right.” It was now or never. “I think I need to take a shower.”
Wilbur furrowed his brow, “You’re… okay with me taking a shower? You know it’s going to require water, right?”
Ghostbur’s breath hitched at the realization. “Ah. I thought you meant soap or water.”
Wilbur exhaled, the tension flowing through his body. “Yeah.”
“So why do you need to take one? I know people in general do it, but you can explain to him that water hurts me.”
Wilbur shook his head, “He can’t know about you.”
Child-like curiosity filled Ghostbur’s voice, but it was slightly dimmer than what it should have been, “Why?”
Wilbur pursed his lips. It was too risky to describe in words. With how little trust Tubbo had in Wilbur, it would most likely foil their plans of Ghostbur’s escape. The suspicion and worry in Tubbo’s eyes wouldn’t temporarily go away at a joke. There wouldn’t be a moment alone with his thoughts as everyone whispered about the mind of his. They wouldn’t say anything bad either, just harsh truths that hurt more than he’d like to imagine. The truths he thought he could escape by finishing his unfinished symphony. 
Wilbur’s failed nation transitioned to a mind that couldn’t go a day without the desperate need to talk to someone again. The need for someone to reassure him he was alive and he wasn’t imagining something in the train station again. He was quite imaginative in there. He made fantasy worlds with so many new people, but at the end of the day, he imagined Tommy by his side laughing or cooking breakfast with Tubbo again. 
On the rougher days, he would imagine Fundy there. Sometimes he talked about his problems to him, only to cry harder when he remembered his son wasn’t actually there. Or he would imagine Niki running a hand through his hair, telling him all the things he needed. He’d been without that real warm touch for thirteen years that holding himself made a shaky sob leave. It had been pathetic of him to imagine such things, but the silence got to you after a few years, after he had spent a long time growing bitter. No one could see him anyway, so maybe it hadn’t counted at all, as he thought about those potential blissful moments.
The moments he never got. Perhaps he was still at the train station after all, the slight buzz of the lights being the only noise he could hear. No one laughed with him when he came back. The most he got was a dry chuckle that he happened to witness. There was no one to hold or listen to him. Not a single person smiled at his return. He was alone in the train station he thought he escaped days ago.
Tears blurred his vision as he wrapped his arms around himself. He pushed his body against a wall as he slid down it. The gray wall that accompanied the gray floors and flickering fluorescent lights. The tunnel that didn’t stop seemed to stop his mind. It blocked him in every direction that led to happiness before his murmuring thoughts entered.
It took a moment to realize it wasn’t his thoughts, but rather an echoy version of them. “Wilbur? Is everything okay?”
Wilbur swallowed back a cry. “Yeah,” his voice shook for a moment as he tried to breathe normally. “Sorry I spaced out for a second.” There wasn’t a train station. He wasn’t back there. He was in the bunker. “What were you saying?”
Ghostbur quietly answered, “Nothing. Oh- earlier you said you wanted to take a shower?”
The words brought Wilbur back to a more tangible reality. “Right…” he said with a nod, pushing himself up from the ground, his posture wavering slightly. He swallowed something in his throat. “Are you… Are you okay with that?” he quickly added, “I’ll make it as brisk as I can I promise! It’ll mostly be to wash my hair, and to look and smell just a little more presentable.”
Ghostbur had very little reason to trust him. Wilbur was incredibly aware of that at this point, his promises losing all meaning at his forgetfulness, or plain dishonesty. “Of course. Just- Just don’t take too long please.”
“I won’t,” Wilbur said. “I promise,” he repeated, trying to add as much weight to the words as he could. Engrave them, so his mind wouldn’t drift away from it. To keep his mind from drifting away in general.
Gently he put his clothes aside, placing the familiar old trenchcoat and blouse in a little pile. He had associated the outfit with himself for so long, that looking at it apart from him, was almost surreal. Slowly, he walked into the shower. He put the temperature to be as cold as he could, unsure if there would even be hot water in a bunker like this. It would serve as a good reminder that he should make this quick. “I am going to turn it on now. It’ll… It’ll probably reach my entire body.” 
“Okay…” Ghostbur said. Wilbur caught himself missing the excitement from when they were making the card together. Frivolous. 
He placed his hand on the shower knob and turned it, careful not to let his hand too much under the water. It proved to be a rather needless endeavor though, as his face and body were immediately drenched in cold water. He immediately shivered from the feeling as he felt his movements become jittery and robotic. He heard hurried breaths from his mind, and whimpers of pain, though it was surprisingly silent this time around.
Wilbur let his hand through his hair, massaging his scalp. He grasped some soap next to the shower, and mixed some into his hair and on his body, quickly using the water to wash it off. His heart was beating fast, as he rushed to turn the knob once more, some soap still lingering on a few strands of hair. He bolted to the other side of the room, to dry all the remaining water off with a towel, almost as if the uncomfortably cold water was burning him too. The second he could no longer find a drop he let out a few breaths. “There we go. Done.”
Ghostbur took a moment before he replied, his own breathing calming down as well. “Okay… Okay, that’s good! T-thank you.”
Wilbur cringed slightly at the gratitude, not entirely certain what he was being thanked for. “Of course,” he said quietly, his breathing quite obvious and echo-y in the empty room. He suddenly realized that he missed the ticking of the clock. He shook his head, and put on his clothes again, unsure if the warmth they brought was comfort or something that settled heavier in his chest. He didn’t have time to dwell on it.
He walked out of the room, grabbing the satchel with Michael’s present in it. He glanced at the clock once more, finding that it was only around 5:30am. He stood in the middle of the bunker for a good minute, closing his eyes tightly, and holding on to the sound of the clock. When he opened his eyes once more, they settled on the potions he brewed over the past few days. There weren’t many, but they comforted him nonetheless. He absent-mindedly packed three strength potions into the satchel, perhaps planning on giving some to Tubbo and Ranboo as a gift. 
Then, with determined steps he started walking towards the exit. It felt as if a weight was slightly lifted as he walked out the bunker, though he had grown so used to the weight that he wasn’t sure if that was comforting to him or not. Once he found himself in Pogtopia, he decided to focus on the ground beneath his feet, rather than the buttons lining the walls.
When the sun reached Wilbur’s face, the rays seemed to make his vision less blurry in a sense. The darkness that was so welcoming before, and still called to him, was shoved away in favor of the sunrise.
He remembered right then, when he had declared the first sunrise he saw when he returned, his sunrise. A reminder of life, and opportunity. He stared at the bright sky for a little while. Gently, he placed the satchel on the ground, the glass bottles quietly clinging against each other, and sat down in the grass next to it. He breathed the air into his lungs, as his shoulders untensed. He watched the sunrise intently, as he waited for the party to approach.
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