#they’re such a chaotic duo T-T
skzkiyoon · 5 months
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🎸 yayyy! x LET’S FUCKING GO!
🎸 replies immediately x replies in a million years
🎸 secretly chaotic x openly chaotic
🎸 medium height x tall height
honestly these two match all four of these dynamics. chan does little happy fists and kiyoon will punch the air in excitement (almost as if she would kill someone).
chan replies immediately no matter how serious a message is, and kiyoon takes forever to respond due to being asleep all the time.
chan is known to be the most responsible out of everyone before and after kiyoon joined, but he’s secretly very very chaotic and can be as much as the other members are. kiyoon is openly chaotic no matter what happens, she’s just glad her leader is responsible.
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🎸 a smart dumbass x a barely smart dumbass
🎸 dresses nicely x sweatpants and t-shirt
🎸 laughs when they laugh x laughs at everything
🎸 medium height x tall height
lee know is both smart and dumb, but mostly smart. kiyoon is just.. dumb. but she’s also smart sometimes. she’s just no 50/50 like minho.
kiyoon loves her t-shirts, tank tops, and sweatpants. she feels most comfortable with them. lee know is literally stylish even at home and she questions that more often than not at all.
kiyoon laughs at LITERALLY everything. she’s mean but she’s sweet. she WILL laugh at one of the members if they so much as walk into the room funny. lee know will start laughing only because she’s laughing because he thinks her laugh is funny and cute.
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🎸 remembers everything x forgets everything
🎸 bothering the sleepy one x the sleepy one
🎸 kendrick lamar lover x bad bunny lover
🎸 medium height x tall height
changbin is just one of those people who has quite a good memory when it comes to a lot of things, while kiyoon forgets everything in the span of 5 minutes.
changbin is just ONE of the people that bothers kiyoon on a daily basis when she’s trying to sleep. like leave the girl aloneeee she wants to rest in PEACE.
kiyoon keeps her spanish culture with her. even though she’s an idol who puts out songs in languages other than her native one, she still listens to some good old bad bunny. changbin likes his kendrick lamar, you can find him listening to it before working on tracks.
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🎸 sleepy x sleepy
🎸drama king x angry queen
🎸 short message x long paragraph
🎸 tall height x taller height
sleepy duo part 1. definitely the two you find sleeping on the couch. not much of a sleepy duo as han but definitely places as number 2. they wake up with their hair a total mess and everything.
drama king and his favorite angry queen. they’re both technically drama queens but like kiyoon can just handle more than him LOL. whenever hyunjin gets to be too dramatic it irritates her. he gets a scolding on the spot.
i definitely see hyunjin was someone to get his messages out through short texts, where as kiyoon will say what she has to say in one singular message, no matter how big it may be. it’s just one of her pet peeves.
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🎸 silly x silly
🎸 achiever x over achiever
🎸sleepyhead x sleepyhead
🎸 medium height x tall height
definitely so silly when they’re together. if they’re doing lives together it’s always fun because they’re either in the dance room or in another room to stream. always pulling off funny stunts or making the wildest jokes ever.
han definitely gets his goal and achieves everything he needs to in certain amount of time and he’s always proud of it. kiyoon is a hard over achiever. even if she gets something done she feels she needs to keep going until it is perfect. during recording sessions, 3racha (most han) are the only ones allowed to listen to her because they know how hard she works and she won’t let anyone else listen to her. works herself to the brim until they got it breaks because she’s pushing herself.
sleepy duo part 2. now THESE 2 are actually the sleepy duo. they’re found in the most random spots just napping. it could be in the middle of a earth quake and han will just sleep it away, where as kiyoon will wake up as soon as the place she’s sleeping slightly shakes.
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🎸 sunshine x sunshine protector
🎸 emotional x secretly emotional
🎸 silly x even more silly
🎸 medium height x tall height
we all know felix is a little ball of sunshine and makes everyone smile, kiyoon has a very big intent to murder if someone were to taint her ball of sunshine (who is probably secretly a living tease).
felix can be emotional when it comes to certain things and definitely expresses how he feels with certain topics often, kiyoon is secretly emotion and doesn’t know how to get all of her emotions out in one go.
kiyoon and felix can be seen as the goofiest members. they’re always making the most random faces for bubble users and posting out of pocket pictures together on their instagrams. on camera, the first thing every stay try to look for is a moment where kiyoon and felix make everyone laugh.
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🎸 “absolutely not” x “hear me out”
🎸 loveable asshole x loveable asshole
🎸 head in the clouds x steerer of direction
🎸 medium height x tall height
one of our savage’s way to pick on kiyoon is not listening. “just hear me out on this minnie.” “I absolutely— will not listen.” she wants to fight him every time he does that.
they are both loveable assholes, seungmin is just savage #1 and kiyoon is savage #2. never a dull moment. they’re always picking on people but obviously they’re still loved by many.
yk that face seungmin makes on live sometimes when he’s just staring at the camera with nothing on his mind? yeah times like those is when kiyoon attempts to bring him back to reality and be like “what was the last thing I said?”
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🎸 regular humor x dark humor
🎸 “i’m gonna fight you” x “okay bet”
🎸 “you don’t like anyone” x “i don’t like them”
🎸 medium height x tall height
jeongin has somewhat of a regular humor for the normal things people joke about.. while kiyoon does not. stays CANT know that though, it’d would either get too chaotic and some people might even become offended. try living with kiyoon’s family, you get used to it.
stays always think these two are always at each others throats. like as soon as they pull up for a skz code filming its immediately time to box. one look from jeongin and kiyoon’s already got him in a headlock. “HE WAS LOOKING AT ME FUNNY.”
kiyoon seriously doesn’t like most people till she gets to know them (besides stays she loves all stays equally) and jeongin being one of those people she goes shopping with knows this more than anyone. she’s a really judgy person so if she sees someone with a weird hairstyle she’ll frown and sigh in disgust. jeongin just keeps up with what she’s talking about. “*sigh*” “let me guess… it’s either the lady with the weird stiches on her head or the guy with mustard stains on his shirt.”
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gorogues · 1 year
Fictober 2023
Prompt number #16 Fanfiction Fandom: Flash Rogues Rating: T – Teen and up Warnings: Description of Double Down's powers (it involves his skin).
Day Sixteen: “Do you know a way out of here?”
Roy Bivolo takes a deep breath, willing himself to be invisible.  It won’t work, of course, but it’s all he can do for himself without his prisma-goggles.  He feels at a distinct disadvantage as a regular person in a prison wing full of metahumans, and sometimes wonders if the warden puts him there just to humiliate him.
None of that is important right now, however, in the midst of a chaotic prison break.  His focus is on survival and escape, of finding a route out without getting attacked by somebody else.
The odds generally aren’t great.
He creeps his way past a huge inmate brawling with some guards, a guy he doesn’t recognize.  It’s a welcome distraction to hide an unobtrusive man seeking not to be seen, and he’s buoyed by his success thus far.
But it doesn’t last, because someone grabs his shoulder and spins him around.
Roy almost screams, but manages to maintain his dignity at such a pivotal moment.  And he’s half-relieved and half-terrified to see that the newcomer is Double Down, the criminal who pulls his own skin off and throws it at people.
“Hey!  I know you!” Jeremy exclaims, much louder than he should.  “You’re Rainbow Rider, and you shoot rainbows out your ass or somethin’.  You’re an okay dude.”
“Rainbow Raider,” Roy snaps, though he truly doesn’t want to make an enemy of this guy.  “And thanks.”
“Do you know a way out of here?” Jeremy asks, but Roy shakes his head regretfully.
“I’m still looking.  Maybe if we search together?”  At least Jeremy has powers, horrible as they are.
“Aces!  We’ll definitely succeed together!” Jeremy enthuses with a little too much excitement.  He tries to get a high-five, but Roy really doesn’t want to touch his skin.
“I’ve been in this prison a few times, so I’m pretty sure we need to go in that general direction…it’s just the specific details that are fuzzy,” Roy says.  “We’ll probably figure it out as we go.”
“See, we’re making progress and becoming the best of friends,” Jeremy declares confidently, and Roy gives him a strange look.  He’s always known that Double Down is odd from the few details he’s heard about him, but this is a whole other level of unexpectedness.
The duo continues through a dark corridor, punctuated by pulsing strobe lights which give everything an eerie cast.  Occasionally they see another inmate sneaking out on his own, and sometimes they must take cover from armed guards hurrying in search of escapees.  But the area looks familiar to Roy, and he’s certain they’re heading in the right direction.
Everything’s going well, until a stern voice shouts “Halt!” and they freeze.  Both raise their hands and slowly turn around to look at the guards who’ve stopped them, and one officer suddenly widens his eyes when he sees who they are.
“Oh crap -– activate the Raider protocols!” he tells the others quickly, but the order seemingly comes too late.  In moments, all the guards lower their weapons and relax their posture, and some are even smiling at the prisoners.
“Um…” Roy says in confusion, glancing at Jeremy, and realizes that his comrade has the same dopey smile.  “What’s going on?  What are the ‘Raider protocols’?”
“It’s the procedure to protect us from your powers, sir,” one guard says with the same goofy grin that Roy is beginning to find unnerving.
Roy blinks.  “But I don’t have any powers, at least not without my goggles.”
“That’s incorrect, sir.  Would you like us to escort you out of here?”
Roy blinks a few more times in extreme surprise.  “Uh, sure..?”
“That’d be fantastic!” Jeremy chirps, and Roy desperately wants to be as far away from this situation as possible.  He quickens his pace down the hall, with Jeremy happily trailing behind and the guards forming a protective posse around them.  When asked, the guards tell him that they’re going in the right direction, and he’s actually beginning to believe them.
Finally, the group reaches one of the prison kitchens, and a guard leads them through some once-secure corridors to a delivery entrance.
“You can leave through here, sir.”
“Well, thank you,” Roy says, unsure of what’s appropriate in these circumstances, and the man beams delightedly at him.
“I live to serve, sir!”
Roy cringes, and beckons to Jeremy.  “It’s time to get out of here, and we should hurry because I think these guys might not be very friendly once I’m away from them.”
With that, the two inmates escape to freedom as fast as they can, putting as much distance between them and the prison as possible.  When they can run no further, Roy turns to Jeremy with a slight smile.
“It was nice knowing you, but I think we should go our separate ways now.  Good luck staying out of jail!”
“You too!  We’re BFFs now!” Jeremy replies in a chipper tone, and Roy grimaces.  He’s hoping to leave all the weirdness behind him, but is starting to wonder if this will be his life now.  On the plus side, it seems like he isn’t powerless after all, which gives him some confidence for future stints in prison.
Roy turns in the direction of home, humming softly to himself as he walks through the woods.  All in all, things turned out much better than expected, and at least Jeremy kept his skin on.
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sebscore · 1 year
this popped up on my fyp and it reminded me of gzd and marco (it’s canon that that’s her engineers name is right 😭) and i feel like this is like when she got her first podium or tbh just snytime she gets a podium cuz even tho they bully each other like a proper sibling duo, he is always going to be her proud older brother 😭
-🐢 anon
OMG 😭😭 they’re very bono and lewis coded, altho a bit more chaotic and gen z coded lol 😭🫶🏻
marco is around the same age as lewis and seb so he’s def more of a uncle/dad figure than an older brother, but they def have a family dynamic with one another!! 🥹🩵
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wjehfshs · 1 year
I forgot to take my meds so I’m gonna do some silly short imagines/scenarios with COD and DBH characters x reader
Warnings??: swearing. Cringe and uncreative :3, but I’m having fun so… reader being chaotic and silly
Mentions of smoking/cigars at one point and blood at one point but not too bad
A really fucked up looking cake made by reader and Connor
Somewhat Connor x reader
Price being basically the dad of everyone
Hank and Connor being the best father son duo
Hank kinda being a father figure overall
Hank also creating an abomination
OOC Connor??? Sorta??? Idk if headcanons about Deviant Connor count as OOC we don’t really see much of Deviant Connors personality.
COD imagines
Reader: who’s got their hands on their favourite food and they’re devouring it (may or may not be inspired by me at dinner earlier today)
Everyone else: looking on in fear and awe, their food basically untouched as reader is basically oblivious to the world
Soap: “Jesus fuckin Christ lad/lass, could ya slow down?! It’s givin’ me a stomach ache just looking at ya”
Reader: who stops dead in their tracks, food stuffed in their mouth as they are mid chew, fork with more food on it held up in midair as if they are about to take another bite. And they start slowly chewing again as they slowly descend back into their episode of shovelling food down their throat
Soap: “that’s fuckin it, bloody hell im eatin in my room” as he picks up his plate and walks off
Reader: walking back inside with a plastic tub that seems to be wet and heavy.
Price: “what have you done this time.”
Reader: “noooothing” they smile a little to themselves as they try to conceal their laughter
Price: “let me look in the tub. Now.”
Reader: backing off not wanting to make him angry.
Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Rudy, Alejandro, and Graves: All siting peacefully in the main area.
Price: in the background “Why the fuck did you bring a fucking baby Shark inside?!”
Ghost: covered in glitter, absolutely pissed beyond belief “would you like to tell me why there was a bucket of glitter sat on top of my door?!”
Reader: “well that’s actually a funny story you see…” starts booking it in the opposite direction
Ghost: chasing after them at full speed, still covered in glitter, leaving a glitter trail behind him.
Everyone: very confused as to why there is a glitter trail eventually leading to a locked door with a glitter covered Ghost banging on it with reader crying/laughing behind it out of both fear and it being the funniest shit they have seen all day
COD headcanons
I like to imagine Gaz really likes Beyoncé so if he’s ever put on cleaning duty he will wait until everyone’s asleep and he’ll listen to Beyoncé with his headphones on while cleaning, he’s definitely been caught a couple times by Price or Graves or something. He never lived it down but it still didn’t stop his love for Beyoncé.
Soap really loves olives, like, REALLY loves them so much so to the point where every time they get a supply of Olives they have to lock them away so Soap doesn’t take them too his room and eat them all in one sitting (side note: I hate olives, I really fucking hate olives)
Ghost likes hello kitty because it reminds him of the softer things in life (which he doesn’t really get to see much I can imagine) so back at home he has a bunch of hello kitty stuff such as plushies all placed neatly on his bed along with some other stuff like bed sheets, but he refuses to take any of it with him on missions even if he can keep it in his room in the Barracks because he’s just so scared that if the Barracks get attacked his plushies will either get dirty/bloody or straight up “injured” and he just loves them too much to let that happen, just quietly he thinks if that where to ever happen his entire world would fucking crumble in front of him (self inserting myself a bit bc I love my plushies this much too and I love hello kitty)
Price although he smokes cigars he knows how it can make Gaz worry (worried son moment frfr) so he’s trying to stop so he’s taken up chewing a shit load of gum. He will sneak in an occasional cigar if he gets too stressed out on a mission. He just needs that relief for a second but he swears he’ll stop next time (he doesn’t).
Soap likes to collect bath toys, ever since he got his nickname “Soap” he’s taken a liking to collecting bath toys (specifically rubber ducky’s) whenever he’s back at home.
Graves is a full blown homosexual but he’s too scared to admit it so he denies it every time.
DBH imagines
Hank: getting home after reader and Connor (deviant Connor, sorry I really only write deviant Connor bc he holds a special place in my heart and any kind of Connor hurts me) get a day off “Hey im homeeee…”
Reader: covered in flour and butter
Connor: the ends of his fingers are charred black a bit from the oven and he has icing bits in his hair
Reader and Connor collectively: “We made you a cake! :D”
The cake in question:
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Hank: literal fucking tears in his eyes out of pure terror and stress. “…Thanks guys, I’m not. I’m not hungry right now but I’ll eat it later” as he slowly shuffles to his room with a shell shocked look on his face.
Connor and Reader: Looking at each other with the stupidest and biggest smile on their faces.
(This is inspired by a tik tok audio)
Connor: who’s deviant but is still used to being a machine so he analyses every single little thing. He walks up to reader. “You’re hair smells different today, did you use a different shampoo?”
Reader: slowly turning around with a scared smile on their face. “That’s actually really… creepy”
Connor: (in his head) “creepy? Am I. Creepy?” But on the outside he looks like he’s on the verge of tears
Reader: who sees his expression and immediately hugs him just to assure him they’re not mad just giving him a heads up that it’s kinda weird, they still love him tho (either platonically or romantically)
Hank: in the kitchen making something
Connor: “Hey Hank, what are you making?” As he makes the mistake, the traumatic life changing mistake of looking in the pot
Hank: who’s boiling fucking raw chicken with nothing but hot water. “Chicken.” He says bluntly as he cleans up and puts the chicken on the plate and eats it while it’s completely unseasoned and practically raw
Connor: from the sheer shock of the encounter he goes into overload and he’s getting warning systems all over telling him sometimes wrong
Reader: who has to sit Connor down as they try not to gag from Hanks creation he dares to call a “meal”
DBH headcanons
Neither Hank nor Connor can cook for shit so 90% of the time it’s either microwaveable food or take out for Hank.
Since Connor turned Deviant he developed social anxiety but when he’s around people such as Hank or reader he’s so silly, he gets so stupid and funny it’s so cute to see him like that (I want to squeeze him and put him in my pocket then have him surgically inserted into my heart permanently I love him so much)
Connors autistic
Hanks Bi
Connors Pansexual
Connor and Hank so father son activities such as play catch outside and walk Sumo (with reader ofc)
Hank had his house renovated to have an extra room put in for Connor (and if you also want to live there an extra room for you but if your romantically in a relationship with Connor you would probably just have a bed put in Connors room and Connor, although he doesn’t need sleep, he’ll go into sleeping mode with you on the bed as you two cuddle)
Connor saved up enough money to buy a phone so once he got it all set up the camera roll is just filled with pictures of Sumo, other dogs he saw in public while out, him and Hank taking selfies, Hank who once got drunk and stole his phone and took pictures of himself, you and Connor selfies, (if you two are romantically together, sometimes just pictures of you, many, many pictures of you) and, you, Hank, Sumo and him all in a photo together. Maybe a couple of photos with his other friends too such as Markus etc etc but it’s mainly those.
Connor love’s physical touch, platonically, romantically, all of it. Every day he gives Hank a good morning hug, and a good night hug (best son ever fr) and every time he sees you he squeezes you into a tight hug and won’t let go for a good minute (if you two are in love he’ll also pepper your entire face with kisses for that entire minute finishing off with a smooch on the lips)
Ok that’s all for now, I love Connor fr he’s my favourite I would die for him.
I know this was super cringe but I had sm fun doing this.
Ok it’s like 2AM I should go to bed
Bye bye!
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Double Trouble fankid: Charlatan’s little sibling, Masquerade!
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Ohhoho, did you think Charlatan was my ONLY DT kid OC? Think again!
Like Char’s intro, this will be a long post, so all the info on Masquerade is under the cut!
Masquerade, or Quera (pronounced like “Kera”) for short joins the family when Char is 13. Unlike Char, Quera isn’t adopted. I headcanon that DT can reproduce asexually (some lizards can), and that’s how Quera happened. DT was terrified when they first laid the egg. Would it survive? What would they do if it didn’t? How would Char react? Since they weren’t even sure if it’d hatch, they told no one about the egg. They stored it somewhere safe and warm, trying not to get their hopes up in case the baby didn’t make it.
They did eventually tell Char so that he’d have time to mentally prepare. They were worried he’d get jealous, as he always was a little clingy, but Char actually seemed excited about the prospect of a little sibling and vowed to take care of them. They finally told the others when Quera did hatch. Baby Quera was a handful for DT and Char. They took after their moddy more than Char in the troublemaking department, and their favorite thing to do was biting Char (much to his dismay). However, there was one big difference between DT and Quera—despite how much DT loved the sound of their own voice, Quera rarely spoke at all. She just didn’t seem to like speaking very much and preferred to communicate non-verbally when she could. They found it odd at first, but learned how to understand her gestures and didn’t force her to talk when she didn’t want to. With the lack of speaking, her sensitivity to sounds and touch, and her stims, it became apparent early on that she was autistic, but that wasn’t a problem for their family. DT and Char did their part to understand Quera’s needs and how to keep them happy. As Quera got older, they developed a habit of picking on kids twice their size and starting fights with anyone who irritated them. Char did his best to discourage this and teach Quera to communicate her feelings better.
When they found out Quera merely had an interest in fighting, they channeled that with video games at first (which she LOVED), and then training and competitive fighting when she got a little older.
Char and Quera became very close, and Char does his all to take care of her and be there for her. He protects them when need be and helps DT with parenting duties. When Quera acts up, though, Char is quick to yell, “Moddy! Come get your child!” XD
Quera discovered they were agender when they were about 8. As they put it, “Pronouns are just words. They don’t define me. Call me whatever you want.” DT primarily uses they/them, and Char often uses they and she interchangeably.
As an adult, Quera forms a gang in the Crimson Waste and keeps it secret from everyone except DT, Catra, and Finn. Char eventually discovers it as well, and though he doesn’t condone crime (he’s become a hero at this point in time), he won’t snitch on family, and he even acts as her bodyguard every now and then. Besides, Quera doesn’t carry out violent crimes, only theft. She only fights when she needs to, and that’s usually when they encounter rival gangs.
While running their secret crime ring, Quera meets their girlfriend and makes her their right-hand-woman. They’re very much a chaotic crime lesbian duo, and DT loves that for them.
Quera’s weapon of choice is a metal staff that can retract to be travel-sized and has both the ability to cast spells (Quera knows sorcery) and the ability to destroy magic sigils (wouldn’t want to get trapped like their moddy did in season 4). Quera is also known for her strong punches. They’re a lot stronger than they look, though they are still a bit buff under that leather jacket. Though, adult Char looks stronger and scarier than she does, so if they’re in the same room, people mistakenly believe Char is the one they have to worry about. Quera enjoys the element of surprise, though.
Quera can shapeshift just as well as DT can, and Char never really gets to that level. Quera can also act, and they find it easier to talk when pretending to be someone else, but they don’t quite end up doing the same espionage game DT does and never become as good an actor as them. She does prove to have a lovely singing voice, but refuses to sing for anyone other than her loved ones.
Thank you for reading all that! As alway, if you want to know more about my OCs, feel free to ask! Or if you want to see more drawings or fanfics starring them!
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alwayzraven · 8 months
AyBer are literally proving to everyone why they are a better couple!
They had just two together this episode and one scene consisted of Aybike drilling some sense in to Berk’s stupid head as to why he’s being stupid!
Communication has always been the key to their relationship and they always will understand each other!
Which is why in the other scene, they’re confused about a goddamn T-shirt fight!
But as Aybike has pointed out Berk will always be romantic, she absolutely loves it when he does it!
She makes a big noise because she doesn’t want no-one doing that for her but as soon as Berk brings flowers and teddy bears her heart melts!
Aybike will hate it if somebody else does it but if it’s Berk, she will gladly accept!
I think she hates it when done publicly, which is why Berk always does his grand gesture of romance in private because he wants to show her how much he loves her!
He just wants to shout out to everyone in public how much he loves Aybike Eren, that’s all! ❤️
I love our chaotic duo! ❤️
that scene where they talk about the shirt fight was so short but I loved it ❤️ I missed their playful banter 😭❤️
The scene where Aybike told Berk to talk to his mom and not to upset her was so heartbreaking because she remembered her mom 🥺 Berk understood that and that's why he called his mom as soon as he was done with class.
Both Ayber scenes were perfect ❤️
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random-lil-illing · 2 years
I bring forth more ROTTMNT headcannons
- Raph: She/He, prefers fem terms, transfem Bigender (AMAB)
- Donnie: They/It/She/He, prefers fem terms, but doesn’t mind neutral and masc terms, Demi-Girl (AMAB)
- Leo: He/They/It/Xe, masc terms, transmasc Boy (AFAB)
- Mikey: Depends, but if you don’t know then They/Them and neutral terms, genderfluid (AMAB)
- April: She/They/Ve, fem terms, demi-girl (AMAB)
- SHELLDON: Xe/They/He/Fae, any terms, unlabeled (technically AMAB)
- Cass: Any terms and pronouns, agender (AFAB)
- Casey Jr: He/Him, sometimes They/Them, masc terms, questioning, (AMAB)
 The turtles all have somewhat velociraptor legs, bc when Draxum mutated them he slightly mutated them with other animals, one of them being a velociraptor-like creature
 They have longer snouts than in the show, and also sharper teeth. The order of sharpest teeth to least sharpest teeth is: Donnie, Raph, Leo and Mikey
 Also very powerful jaws, from most to least powerful its: Raph, Donnie, Leo and Mikey
 They have 4 eye modes:
-Black pupils + iris = only when going out/topside or on missions
-Slits = when feral or when very, very angry
-Normal eye colours = default setting eyes basically
-All white = when badass, trying to intimidate others or mind melding
 Their hands are built somewhat human, except they have claws, green skin and slightly webbed three fingers. The only exception to this is Raph, whose hands are only slightly human
 They all have tails, Raph’s is the longest (3-4 feet) and Mikey’s is the shortest
 Raph is 7’5-8’5, Donnie is 6’4, Leo is 6’2 and Mikey is 5’9-5’11
 In the movie, Raph is 16-17, Donnie and Leo are 15-16, and Mikey’s 14-15
 Raph has a snaggle-tooth, Donnie has a tooth-gap in the middle, Leo has braces and Mikey has a tooth-gap in the side
 They can all make turtle sounds, as well as sounds from the other animals they were mutated with (raptor, for example), hence why they can speak (bc they were mutated with a human)
-which is why they can hiss, growl, churr, click, etc.
-Raph’s growl is very deep (think T-Rex) mixed with a hiss (think deep snake)
-Donnie’s growl (?) is a growl (think tiger) mixed with a hiss (think cobra) fading into rumbly clicking
-Leo’s growl (?) is like Donnie’s but instead it fades into a clicky screech
-Mikey’s growl (?) is clicking sounds with a hiss (think cat) mixed with a growl (think dog) in the background
 They have a feral state, where they’re basically only driven by instincts and think like, well, animals. This feral state can last very long, up to two years if dealt with alone, and about a year if dealt with while with family, however the turtles all have a trigger that pulls them out of the feral state near immediately, which almost always works. The feral state is usually triggered by a very sudden traumatic event (like a car crash) or a loved one being in immediate danger. Donnie and Leo are the ones most likely to have their feral state triggered, and it’s usually April, Mikey or Raph who pull them out of it
 Donnie and Leo are twins, with Leo being the official younger twin. Their duo name is the disaster twins/villain duo because 1. They’re the most chaotic and 2. If it weren’t for Splinter, Raph and Mikey, they would’ve definitely been villains already
 S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N is 12-13, he was originally made as an A.I on Donnie’s computer when Donnie was 13, which means S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N was 10 at the time. He’s Donnie’s official son and everyone’s nephew/grandson
 S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N Has two bodies (?) – his drone body and the body he has when protecting Karai, which he is in often because he likes wearing clothes/being like the rest of his family. He also has wheels (think GoGo’s suit from Big Hero 6) installed on the ‘human’ body, as well as switch blades on his forearms
 All the turtles are very flexible, Donnie being the most (contortion level flexible), Mikey and Leo being more or less tied with Mikey slightly more flexible, and Raph being the least. He can still do basic gymnastics, but his large size and shell don’t allow for much more
 They’re all theater/drama kids, yes that includes April, but out of them all Donnie and Leo are the most theatric and dramatic, respectively
 They use everyone’s BUT their own catchphrases as vocal stims, e.g. Leo most commonly uses Donnie’s catchphrases like ‘FIBONACCI!’ as a vocal stim, but Leo doesn’t use his own catchphrases as vocal stims. Donnie and the others do though!
 Leo and Raph have dyslexia, Mikey, Leo and Raph have ADHD, Mikey has a lisp, Leo has a slight stutter, Donnie and Leo both have bad eyesight (they wear contacts nowadays), Raph has anxiety, Donnie’s hard of hearing, and all of them are on the autism spectrum
 Leo has trouble with learning sticking to him, but when it does he gets super excited
 Leo and Mikey both get super hyperfixated on things that usually has little to no content, available or not
 Raph wears his mask tails in a bow
- Raph: unlabeled, but likes women
- Donnie: biromantic asexual
- Leo: homosexual (likes men)
- Mikey: panromantic greysexual
- April: lesbian
- Cass: omnisexual demiromantic
- Casey Jr: aromantic asexual (aroace)
 Leo and Donnie made hoodies when they were 10, that were 4-5 sizes too big on them at the time, and then they took patches out of their respective hoodies and sewed those patches on the others hoodie. They still have them
- Raphael: Raph, Raphi, Rashida, Phael, Ela, Red, Pink, Ree/Ree-Ree, Punch, Angel
- Donatello: Donnie, Don, Donald, Danni, Tello, Don-Tron, Dee, Itsy, Purple, Vee/Vee-Vee, Tech, Violet, Fibonacci, Othello Von Ryan/Othello/Von Ry
- Leonardo: Leo, Leon, Nardo, Lee, Neon-Leon/Neon, Bitsy, Blue, Star, Bee/Bee-Bee/Blee, Teal, Cyan
- Mikey: Mikey, Mike, Michael, Angelo, Angie, Micah, Orange, Art, Oree/Oree-Ree, Tangerine, Dr Delicate Touch, Dr Feelings, Dr Positive, Doctor
- April: Apes, Crepes, Nilly, Green, Commander, Rill, Gee/Gee-Gee, Bats, Flame
- S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N: Shelly, Shell, Don 2.0, Lynn, Shyll, Lysh, Purple 2, Lonnie, Circuit, Booyah/Booyakasha, Racer, Magenta
- Cassandra: Casey, Cass, Jones, CJ, Foot Recruit, Andra, Hock
- Casey Jr: Casey, CJ, Case, Junior, Jones, Jay, Andy, Andry, Future Boy, Key
 Splinter wasn’t a very good dad in the beginning, but he tried. He’s also getting much better now, he’s very supportive (or tries to be) of his children
 April, Sunita and Cassandra are all dating
 In the movie, Casey Jr, Sunita, Cass and April are all 18-19, meaning Casey Jr has a sibling/friend bond with everyone, apart from the parental age figures
 Donnie and Leo both crave approval/praise (especially from a parental age adult), but for different things, same reason. Donnie wants it for academic things, just wants praise/approval in general
- Raph and Mikey also crave it, just less desperately than Donnie and Leo since they got it more than them as children due to being youngest and oldest
 Donnie sometimes violently shakes things when he gets excited. Leo loves being violently shaken. I think you can see where I’m heading with this
 Leo’s gotten really good with his portals, although they were better at the beginning of the movie/end of season 2 than they were post-movie
 While Donnie usually uses his wooden bo staff, he still always has his tech-bo with him just in case
 S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N occasionally joins the turtles on patrol
 S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N was also given a mouth and a ‘food eaten is turned into immediate energy’ function by Donnie
 Leo and Donnie’s favourite sleeping position is Donnie flat on his front, shell up with Leo on his front, on top of Donnie’s bare shell
 You know the velociraptor sounds from the Jurassic World/Park movies? Yeah the turtles can make those
 Which leads me to my next point: Casey Jr’s biological mom is Cassandra and his biological dad is Raph (sperm donor situation), which means he’s part whatever the turtles are, meaning he can make most of the sounds they can and has some of their instincts. He isn’t animal enough to have a feral state, though.
 They usually talk to Karai through meditation, however she can still sometimes visit them in spirit form (which they can see and interact with)
 The poor children are traumatized please give them a break and happiness they deserve it they need it so bad
 Leo and Donnie are each other’s go-to comfort people
 Raph’s doesn’t have a favourite sibling (it’s Mikey), Donnie’s fav is Leo, Leo’s fav is Donnie, and Mikey’s fav is Raph. April’s fav is Donnie, Cass' fav is Raph, and Jr’s fav is Leo/Mikey. Splinter’s favourite is Mikey and his least favourite is Leo
 Leo and Donnie are New York cryptids/legends/folklore characters, they’re called the ‘Chaos Raptors’ or the ‘Turtle Raptors/Men’. Raph was mad they got caught, but they came to a compromise that as long as no one else entered the spotlight Leo and Donnie were in, they could continue being cryptids. Mikey was kinda sad he wasn’t a cryptid, but he got over it pretty quick when his artwork/grafitti started getting love and attention. They have their own subreddit, twitter hashtag, tumblr tag, youtube videos, etc. This is inspired by the ao3 fic ‘Write Me Well, My Love, Write Me Weird’ by Under_the_red_beenie
 Leo and Donnie are both very picky eaters. Donnie mostly due to sensory issues, and Leo mainly because of his species
 Leo sometimes uses a curling iron on his mask tails and everyone else gets super jealous lmao
 Leo lost an arm during the Kraang invasion, so now he wears a prosthetic. His shell also get super cracked so Donnie made him a battle shell (he also made him the prosthetic arm)
 Raph wears an eyepatch since his eye got infected during the movie and so he’s blind in it now
 Donnie also sustained injuries to his shell when he got ripped out of the Kraang ship control panel and his shell is extremely sensitive, he also dissociates a lot
 Mikey got nerve damage in his arms post-movie, but he’s been getting therapy for it, as well as wearing compression gloves, which helps with muscle spasm/twitching/trembling
 The turtles have met April’s mom (who’s totally fine with them btw), but they haven’t met April’s dad
 Leo loves getting complimented on his looks (especially when he gets called pretty/handsome), but he loves getting complimented on his personality/skills/smarts even more
 Mikey’s the assigned chef at home, but all of the siblings can cook (somewhat). However, Donnie is the best baker out of all of them (apart from Mikey, they’re more or less tied)
 Leo’s really good at styling hair/doing make up, so April goes to him for help with her hair sometimes
 All the turtles love wearing dresses, especially Mikey and Raph.
 All the turtles have some form of heterochromia (its one of the only hetero things about them)
 Leo and Donnie still don’t like Draxum that much, despite him practically being their second dad. Leo doesn’t like him because of the roof incident and the Shredder, and Donnie doesn’t like him because of the Shredder and because Leo doesn’t like him.
 When Leo was a kid, he was scared of heights and the dark. As he got older, the fears sorta just, went away. However, after getting dropped off of a roof and being stuck in the prison dimension for a bit, those fears returned to him.
- This is why his room walls are now painted with neon colours (Mikey’s doing) with black-lights (Donnie’s doing). He still runs across roofs with his siblings, but he has to have someone by his side. He also doesn’t like jumping off of roofs despite having the safety net of his portals
 Donnie’s sensory issues got worse (like a lot) after the control panel thing in the movie.
 All the turtles developed an aversion towards tentacles/a very specific shade of pink. They also get a bit wary around Draxum’s vines due to the tentacle-y nature of them
 The turtles employed Draxum’s help to create a separate prison dimension for the ‘Kraang Key’ that only all of them together can get into since they were unable to destroy it
 The Mad Dogz are actually pretty friendly with Hypno and Warren, considering they only occasionally rob a bank or two. They even got invited to the two’s wedding
 Everybody in April’s university/college thinks that the turtles are just weird cosplayers whenever they come and visit her. The student’s there have actually gotten pretty used to seeing Donnie there and occasionally say hi to him, but leave him alone for the most part, partly because they couldn’t care less and partly because of April’s request to leave him be. They always greet the others with a high thrive (three/five) or a fist bump since they don’t mind it. Donnie and Leo always have to wear slight disguises though because of the whole ‘New York Cryptids’ thing
 Leo writes stories occasionally. They’re actually really good, but the spelling is atrocious due to the dyslexia, so he always has Donnie check over the stories for spelling errors.
 They have a buddy system, so when running errands they always have someone else with them. Most commonly it’s either Donnie and Leo, Donnie and Mikey, or Leo and Raph
 Leo has a lot of trouble expressing his feelings or ideas verbally, so he usually keeps them to itself. This leads to a lot of misunderstandings between the team and Leo getting frustrated/annoyed with everyone, but nobody knows why, and Leo doesn’t know how to express it into words, which leads to MORE misunderstandings, and eventually Dr Feelings has to be pulled out-
 Leo and Mikey always fall asleep best during car rides with music in the background, Raph falls asleep best in nest-like spaces, and Donnie falls asleep best with something heavy on his shell (like a weighted blanket, or Leo)
 The turtles are all omnivorous, but Donnie and Raph prefer meat, Mikey doesn’t prefer anything, and Leo prefers non-meat food
 Raph, Donnie and Leo are all cannibalistic species, so they have to eat turtle soup/any dish with turtle in it at least once a month so they don’t eat each other/Mikey
 Leo is naturally very competitive and turns things like gift giving into a competition (e.g. if someone gives him something he’s going to make it his mission to give them something better), and his siblings/friends usually let him have it. One time though, Donnie tried one-upping Leo’s attempt at one-upping their gift by giving Leo real diamonds, so Leo one-upped them by getting Donnie some uranium. Donnie never tried one-upping Leo with gift giving again
 The turtles all paint their claws
 Donnie’s goggles are attached to his hearing aids
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kozukenkitten · 1 year
Howdy, I'd like a matchup for the arcana if you're doing those :)
I’m Callie, a pansexual 5’5 Cis female with dirty blonde hair, freckles, and blue green eyes. I’m an INFP-T, gemini, and Hufflepuff. I have Aspberger’s syndrome and adhd which causes me to be somewhat socially awkward even though I like attention and act confident. I’m easily distracted and tend to start projects I easily lose motivation for. I also hyperfixate on a different topic every week (especially entomology, mythology, and zoology) and all I want to do is analyze everything about said topic, this past week was moths. I absolutely adore animals and bugs (especially the creepy crawlies) and I have a tendency to hoard pets, everything from dogs and cats to snakes and tarantulas. Also might be getting a wildlife rehabbing permit soon, fingers crossed. I practice suomenusko which combines Finnish tradition and culture with pagan beliefs. My patron god is Loki and I’m hoping to start working with Hecate soon. My hobbies include writing, drawing, crocheting, and electric guitar. When I become overstimulated, I stim, and I have two types of stimming: happy stimming which includes flapping my hands and running around and angry stimming which includes biting my hands and pulling my hair out. I’m a bit chaotic and impulsive and I love making people laugh. I have a very odd sense of humor which is utterly destroyed by modern day memes (I couldn’t stop laughing over a bass boosted picture of a toothbrush once). I also procrastinate. Like a lot. And occasionally I have depressive episodes where I lose motivation to do literally anything. My clothing style consists of a mixture between traditional Celtic and cottagecore; I like dresses and braids. I am not afraid to call anybody out on their bullshit, which gets me in trouble sometimes lol. A witch! It all started when I began collecting crystals :). I can be loud and excitable but I usually only show this side of me to people I know won’t judge me for it. My love language is definitely physical touch and gifts. I love making stuff for people and I’m touch starved lol. I’m definitely a hoarder, I’ve got so much stuff, blame it on my goblin tendencies. I love collecting stuff from nature such as bones, feathers, rocks, bugs, and plants. I’m also a bit of a forager, chicken of the woods is my favorite mushroom! I… don’t particularly enjoy children. They just have no boundaries :/. I probably will never be able to fully deal with children because of my disorders, but I have four nephews and being a cool aunt is enough for me. Besides, my animals are basically my kids anyways, I absolutely dote on them and they’re my pride and joy.
Hello lovely! I'm so sorry I'm just now getting to this! Life has been wild, and I just opened tumblr up for the first time in AGES. T.T
My first immediate instinct is to say I'd match you with Julian! I can picture you two together, earning a reputation as an insanely charismatic gremlin duo. You and he would get along so well, and I can see him keeping up with your boundless thoughts very well, and vice versa. You both tend to shy away at first from others, but when given the time to blossom and come out of your shell (if you'll pardon the mixed plant and animal metaphors, lol), you'll find so many mutual interests that you won't know where to start!
If you don't think this man's gonna be right there with you, foraging mushrooms and collecting interesting rocks, feathers, bones, etc. you're wrong. And I think he's relatively ambivalent about whether he wants kids, like, he's open to it, but absolutely doesn't need them, and to some extent, genuinely believes it'd be better if he never had any at all, so he wouldn't be bothered if he never had any. He would 100% adore doting on your nieces and nephews, though, and would be the best proud uncle!
This man's like a crow, and he will court you like one: he will bring you all of the shinies, and surprise you by leaving little trinkets and rocks, crystals, feathers, all sorts of goodies, around the house for you to discover. He will also happily listen to you talk about your hyperfixations for hours, especially if you're willing to return the favor.
0 notes
sxftkxssxs · 3 years
catching you snuggling with their familiar
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this happens all the time so he’s kinda used to it
faust just kinda, steals you away sometimes
what he’s not used to is coming home to see you with Faust squeezed around you
his first reaction is realizing that t h i s is why Faust was missing all day
secondly, he playfully scolds you saying that she’s starting to steal his spot
don’t leave him out! he’ll be quite upset if someone starts favoring his gorgeous snake
if you really want to make him question your life choices, cuddling with a bird is the way to do it
julian really doesn’t like not being cuddled because you’re too busy cuddling a b i r d 
however if you want to cuddle both of them it’s chaotic, they’re both yelling at the other
it goes a little something like, “CAWW” “YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU LITT-” “CAWWW”
Yeah malak basically called him a female dog
please dear god just let Malak go away so they don’t do this
it’s actually rather surprising and pleasant
Chandra is good at sharing and Nadia doesn’t mind as long as chandra stays on your side
they both actually fell asleep with you at one point and you kinda fell in love with chandra after that
they do have moments tho-
nadia wants you to herself sometimes, and chandra needs a little push to get the message
no nadia literally pushed her into a bush and closed the window-
these two are very good, keep them, but don’t give chandra too much attention, she might get too into it
as much as it happens he can’t help but see that inanna is indeed spoiled by the two of you
the fur all over the bed that inanna makes you and her share proves that
sometimes she does get into your shirt to mess with you as well as muriel
muriel will cuddle the both of you if inanna would stop wiggling
it’s so sweet, and very warm, never light a fire or cuddle both of them in the summer
in the winter it’s like the best heat warmer,
inanna is always sneaking a way into bed, so either let her in the bed at night or wake up to a fluffy mess on your face
pepi is the best out of all of these
she’s small and won’t make you as hot as inanna nor the double trouble group
and portia just coos at how soft and sweet the two of you look
she joins if you’d let her, pepi loves a cuddle pile
just don’t let it get sassy up in there
oh dear the double trouble duo
you both are getting trampled by these massive babies
we all know our boy Melchior loves you the most
but mercedes will drag Lucio to see you two and he just kinda, drags her to cuddle with you
the dogs love it but it does get a little warm after a while..
too bad you can’t move, the dogs would never let you. better accept your fate
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thefanciestborrower · 2 years
My bestie, one of my favorite vore writers, write/draw the star trek vore. Who knows, you might spark the whole fandom to life of vore
Also, any Star Trek Voyager vore headacanons? 👀
Haha maybe! Who knows! I am a simple man and my goal is to find fandoms that lack that good ol’ vore content and make it myself lol. With the encouragement and prompts from you lovely followers of course 
And because you asked so nicely (and I’m a bit obsessed with the characters) here’s a few brief little voyager headcannons 
First off, T/uvok and N/eelix are the exact definition of exasperated pred and hyperactive clingy prey I’m sorry I don’t make the rules they just are 
The Doctor is literally a portable medical hologram so....doc having someone swallow a little hologram emitter pill so he can project inside them all tiny to find the trouble? Yes please 
Give. Me. Nervous. Prettyboy. Pred. Tom. Paris. Please.
Paris and Kim vibe together as somehow both the most chaotic and chill pred prey duo you’ll ever meet. Lotsa playful drama and foodplay because they’re both just like that
Janeway would eat someone just to get them out of the way if they were being a pain literally no questions asked and you know what I’d be okay with that 
Also I love B’Elanna but I guarantee she bites so do what you will with that information 
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bonsai62 · 3 years
I just realized something... I was talking to this person one time on a post before and as I was typing that’s when i realized something:
This is for my fellow Nobamaki & Itafushi shippers! If you guys don’t ship it then it’s okay! This is just like a small analysis in my eyes and the way I read things! I can be wrong or just love reaching on a shit ton of things but this is all for fun and I love sharing with you guys!
Let’s get started! Also, this contains spoilers!
Do you guys realize that Nobamaki/Itafushi actually parallel to each other? Let me explain in shitty English and basic grammar and vocabulary lol:
As I watch and read Jujutsu Kaisen I see a lot of parallels between characters; Gojo with Megumi or Yuji, Getou with Megumi and Yuji or Nobara and Maki... but what I want to parallel between characters is:
Yuji & Maki
1. Raw strength:
Both are hella fucking strong and for people who don’t have cursed techniques, they know how to kick fucking ass. What made me realize that both of them are the same is honestly during the baseball game. I like how we were able to see Maki and Yuji making a home run... okay well Momo fucked up Maki’s groove! Haha! But during the Tokyo vs Kyoto event, Maki and Yuji go ham on their enemy.
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Yes, Maki used weapons but still, we can’t deny she got good speed and strength that is similar to Yuji’s. That’s why I wish I can see them both doing a bad ass duo fight together.
I have a small headcanon that Yuji actually enjoys training with Maki the most because I feel like he can understand someone who shares similarity in natural raw strength and speed. And Maki feels the same way and it’s a good excuse to bully Yuji as a joke. I would honestly love to see that! Lol!
2. Their story:
Yuji and Maki honestly have it bad. Yuji loosing his only family member (his abuelo) and becoming Sukuna’s vessel which leads him to a future execution. For Maki is the fact that her family treated her like garbage and having to leave her sister behind and eventually her sister dying.
Both Maki and Yuji share that same pain when it comes to loosing someone. We saw Yuji with Junpei and in the Shibuya Arc with Nanamin and Noabra. Again, Maki the same with Mai.
I think what made me even realize it MORE on how alike and how they parallel with each other are these images right here and how they worded their final saying:
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In the Shibuya Arc, Yuji lost it. He lost it with Nanamin and Nobara (but luckily for Todo, he was able to pick his feet back up).
If I was Yuji, I would’ve reacted the same way because imagine having the idea you want to save people no matter what but people keeps dying around you or by you? It’s tiring and I would’ve had a mental breakdown too.
After kicking Mahito’s ass, Yuji says there is no reason anymore. For me, when Maki’s arc came it really reminded me of this:
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When Mai died and was killed by her own dad. Her dad took away someone who was precious to Maki no matter how much they didn’t get along. Maki really wanted to create the Zenin clan just for Mai to be safe and free.
Again, same with Maki, I would’ve killed the whole clan too because of how in general the Zenin clan is and how they treat people.
3. Having a “curse”:
Nanamin to Yuji: “You’ve got it from here”
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Mai to Maki: “destroy everything”
I don’t necessarily mean a curse curse but it’s more like final words that someone important to them said before dying.
For Yuji, he won’t die because Nanamin believes that Yuji can move forward and save the world.
As for Maki, Mai tells her to destroy everything in order for things to change (I might be wrong). It’s for the Zenin clan to start fresh. That is another way I kinda Interpreted (again, I can be wrong). Maki still isn’t done with destroying things plus she is going to move forward just like Yuji. 
I have a thing that if the higher ups find out about Maki, she would be on the verge of being executed as well. So imagine both Maki and Yuji together being executed.
Now on to the next pair!
Megumi & Nobara
Again, this is just me analyzing. But if you ship Itafushi and Nobamaki, you can actually see another pair that parallels to each other but so far I haven’t seen anyone compare them yet, or it’s just me lol!
1. No rivalries:
I think what I love about these ships so damn much is that there is NO RIVALRIES. Even if you don’t ship them you have to admit it is amazing seeing a m/m or f/f getting along without being damn rivals. I’m glad Gege decided not to do that especially towards the women because it does get so tiring that two women don’t like each other for no damn reason or fighting over the main guy or other main guy. At least when Nobara didn’t like Mai or Momo, she had a reason for not liking them.
And don’t get me started with Megumi and Yuji. I was so happy to finally see two boys be friends instead of the usual, boring rivalries. I’m a be honest with you, I was pretty shocked that Gege was able to make Megumi and Yuji be so close and trust each other as friends. It’s a breath of fresh air for the two ships like omg I was happy not seeing the basic shonen bullshit with the f/f and m/m relationship.
2. Hyping up their pairs:
What I mean by hyping them up, I’m talking about the potential that Maki and Yuji has that Nobara and Megumi sees from them. Nobara since the start acknowledge that Maki is strong and vice versa with Megumi with Yuji. What made me see that Nobara knows that Maki is just amazing and strong was during the baseball when Maki was able to hit almost a home run. Nobara just knew that Maki would be able to make that home run but again Momo ruined her moment! Lol!
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As for Megumi, we see while the Tokyo students came up with a strategy to win against the Kyoto students, we see him saying that Yuji can actually beat all their asses without curse energy or energy(one of those). Megumi reassures to people that Yuji can take care of himself and is very useful. Another time Megumi reassured that Yuji is strong is when he was in his bed healing from Hanami’s attacks and when they fought tiger against that one dude (forgot his name)
3. Thinking about them/defending them:
Now… this is really what made me think why Nobara and Megumi parallel with each other
It’s becasue I feel like they’re the ones who are more attached and over protective with Yuji and Maki than how Maki and Yuji are with them.
Now, I’m not saying it’s vice verse with Maki and Yuji. But I’m talking about how Nobara and Megumi expresses it. Let me explain:
While reading and watching JJK, we see how Nobara is with Maki compared to anyone else. And no, I’m not saying that Nobara isn’t overprotective with Megumi or Yuji but just the way she is towards Maki. I would honest love to see how these girls got along and how they became close!
Ever since Maki and Nobara had that deep conversation about why Maki choose to be a sorcerer, that is when I actually started shipping them because of how much respect Nobara has towards Maki and it continues to develop more and more with the two of them. We saw how Nobara got super defensive when she fought against Mai (First time) and started dissing Mai. The second time was with Momo, when she was straight up talking shit about Maki.
I love how when Nobara was talking about Maki and Yuji when fighting against Momo. However, I felt a different vibe towards it as well. What I mean by that is that I got more of a “big sister vibe” toward Yuji and a “I love and respect Maki”
But again, I feel like Nobara had some sort of feeling and attachment toward Maki ever since that fight with Momo and more than anyone else too. However, that is just me though! You do t have to agree with my reaching!
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For Megumi and Yuji… First of all… Megumi would not hesitate to pull a trigger if anyone is trying to harm Yuji. What made me see that was against Kamo and the Kyoto students. I swear that day Megumi was literally about to commit murder.
Yeah, Nobara got pissed but she went easy on them, but Megumi didn’t. Oh no, he was about to commit a felony. He wanted all the smoke. He wanted that curse. I swear I even felt how pissed he was. I just feel like every time and separates, shit goes down the wrong way and everything goes wrong.
For me, shipping Megumi and Yuji is a whole ass different post but I won’t do that lmao same with Nobamaki because I can write a whole ass essay why I love how compatibly/perfect for each other lol
But guess what… during the Kyoto and Tokyo event, same shit happened with Megumi like Nobara: Megumi was thinking of Tsumiki and Yuji. And again, I felt like it was still different when Megumi was thinking of Tsumiki and Yuji. I find it crazy how Nobara and Megumi were thinking about two people during that event:
Nobara: Maki & Yuji Megumi: Yuji & Tsumiki
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This is my personal favorite image of Nobara and Megumi. *wink wink* it’s basically the same image on who is important to to them.
Again, for Nobara and Yuji’s relationship, I just love the way it is. She gives me “big sister” energy towards Yuji and vice verse. Yuji and Nobara are those chaotic siblings that are the hyper ones while Megumi and Maki are the chill ones that can actually keep them down. There has been one occasion where both Megumi and Maki calms Yuji and Nobara down because of how they were acting and I’m not gonna lie it’s kinda cute lmao:
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4. Not leaving them:
During the Shibuya Arc, Maki and Nobara separates but at one panel, Nanamin was telling Nobara and Nitta that he was going to join the Zenins. Nobara quickly picked her head up and suggested that she wanted to join him in order for her to be with Maki (this is a stretch but hey Iike being dramatic) however, Nanamin quickly declines her and tells her that it’s too dangerous. I think she was disappointed that she couldn’t go, but hey, Nanamin is a gentleman and he knows when a child is gonna end up getting hurt. I thought it was cute that she was super worried about Maki and just doesn’t care and wanting to join her.
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Now, up the recent chapters, Megumi really shows us that he doesn’t want Yuji leaving him or he wants to stay by his side. Those few chapters really made my heart feel some type of way because it just the way Megumi is for Yuji and I can honestly feel how much he cares for him. As I mentioned above, I feel like everything goes to shit when those two aren’t together and I hope that they develop more and more. There has been two more occasions where Fushi doesn’t want Yuji to be left behind; one during when they were in prison and the second during the fight against Hanamin. The eyes that Fushiguro gives Yuji is full of trauma and careness.
In conclusion, I can’t wait for Nobamaki and Itafushi to develop more and more in future chapters. Again, you guys don’t have to agree with me on this. This is just for fun and sharing is fun too! If I’m overreaching then I’m sorry I just can’t help it :(!!
I hope you guys enjoyed my lil analysis! I’m sorry for the bad writing, I’m not very good at translating my feelings as I’m typing because my brain goes all over the place lol! But please, feel free to comment or give me an ask! I’ll be happy to elaborate more for you guys!
Stay safe y’all! And good night or morning!
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whumptimebaby · 2 years
You Know What’s UP (It’s Us)
| No Warnings Apply | 3/3 | Hurt/Comfort | 04/15/2022 (MM/DD/YYYY)
“Robaire, ever the stressed leader, always makes sure his boys are okay. It's an instinct at this point. He's been there for them for tour after tour, fight after fight, disaster after disaster. A giant red panda showing up to wreak havoc at their concert is just another thing to add to the checklist.”
Links: AO3 | Full Fic Below Cut
Robaire was almost certain he was never having kids. Collectively, the four other members of 4*Town were enough stress for him to be sprouting grey hairs. Touring was worse, especially when they were split between two, two bed hotel rooms. He’d been hoping Toronto would be different, a breath of fresh air, maybe a mellowing agent would calm the chaotic “T line.” 
But as usual, nothing was going to come easy for him.
Don’t get him wrong, he loved the boys more than he’d ever admit to them. They all intuitively understood that, some time ago they’d become essential to each other. Robaire wouldn’t trade them for the world, even if it meant he was never going to have a moment to himself for the rest of his life. 
Except he stood in the door of the green room, the place the group was supposed to be waiting for the three hours in between the soundcheck and the actual concert. Robaire had taken a quick stop by the dressing room to grab his phone. 
Instead of returning to the group sitting soundly on the couch, the room was empty, save for Aaron Z. He was idly typing on his phone.
“Hey,” he said, not bothering to look up.
“T and Tae raided the snacks and left. Jesse wandered off somewhere.”
Robaire wasn’t sure what he’d expected. The lot of them were toddlers. They had to be. It was the only explanation.
“And you didn’t stop them?”
Aaron Z. huffed, shoving his phone in his pocket. “I would’ve had to barricade the door to keep them in.”
“Or put on a movie.” “You raise a fair point, do you think the staff brought any dvds?”
“Ask ‘em.”
Robaire took a breath, and turned.
“Good luck,” Aaron Z. called, humour in tone.
“If I’m not back before you, pick something. No musicals though, Taeyoung is gonna fry his voice, and nothing scary.”
“Yeah, yeah, go.”
  “I can totally make that.” Frankly, it would be surprising if Taeyoung and Aaron T. weren’t making a ruckus. Separated, the duo were tolerable to the average person, but like a strange chemical reaction, leaving them alone together was bound to end terribly. 
The pair was backstage, mingling amongst the various props and stage pieces (things they were explicitly told not to touch). A staff member, bless her soul, was attempting (failing) to stop Aaron T. from climbing a stack of wooden boxes. 
“Yeah,” Taeyoung looked unsure, but sounded confident, “yeah, you can make that! Just make sure you get a running start.”
Aaron T. appeared at the top, laying on his stomach to peer down at Taeyoung. “There isn’t room for—”
Robaire bit back an amused smile as Aaron spotted him.
“What?” Taeyoung turned, freezing when Robaire waved. “Oh.”
“T, for the love of God, please get down.”
“Okay, but,” he stood up, pointing at a similar stack of boxes a few feet away. “Hear me out.”
“Hear him out.”
“It’s not that far of a jump.”
Taeyoung puffed his cheeks, putting on a huge show of being cute. “It’s a very reasonable distance.”
Robaire crossed his arms. “Do you know who you’re dealing with?”
Aaron called down, “A super cool guy who’s in a super cool group that does super cool dancing and super cool stunts?”
“The guy who’s fans make clumsy compilations of him. The guy who just got clearance to dance again after the last time a jump looked ‘reasonable.’”
“Awe, you’re watching compilations of me, am I your favourite?”
“Robaire,” he mocked.
“We’re putting on a movie in the green room.”
Taeyoung’s head snapped in his direction, “What movie?”
“Aaron Z. is picking it.”
“T,” he drew it out, “they’re putting on a movie in the green room.” “I’m intrigued.”
“Come down.”
Aaron T. glanced around. A shit-eating grin formed on his face. 
Robaire warned, “Aaron.”
He threw himself over the edge. The bastard gave him no time to think. 
Robaire, Taeyoung, and the poor staff member all moved fast. Aaron T. landed somewhere in their frantic mess of arms, wheezing through his laughter. 
Grey hairs. Robaire was going to have a full head of them before the end of the night. 
“Jesus T, give the man a break.”
Aaron Z, his newly decided favourite person, strolled in, helping his name twin to his feet. 
“Tell me you didn’t pick a bad movie.”
“The manager is trying to hook the dvd player up to the green room tv as we speak, if you come you can help me pick.”
“On my way, kiss kiss, love you.”
“Whatever, come on.”
The Aaron’s disappeared around the corner, arm’s slung over each other's shoulders.
“Taeyoung?” “Hm?”
“Are you going with them?”
Taeyoung glanced from Robaire to the stack of boxes. “Where is Jesse?”
He gave him a hearty shove, “Go help them pick a movie.”
“Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, just being Jesse.”
Taeyoung frowned, his fingers interlocking. “Do you want help looking for him?”
“I think I have an idea of where he is, but if I need help I’ll come get you.”
“Now go, they’re gonna pick something horrible.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay.”
Robaire waved him off, watching as he too disappeared around the corner. Then, he turned on his heels, making his way to the wings.
Sure enough, Jesse was on the stage. His feet pounded hard, accompanied only by the sound of his heavy breathing. He had earbuds in, courtesy of the mp3 players they’d been gifted at the start of the tour. A great gift really, it was the only reason he got any sleep on the tour bus. 
“You’re gonna exhaust yourself.”
Jesse stumbled, pulling out one of his earbuds. “Robaire.”
“Just gonna run the setlist one more time.”
He made his way to the front of the stage, sitting to face Jesse. “You were great at soundcheck, you’ve gotta rest before the show.”
“I don’t want to lose it.”
“You’re not going to.”
“I could.”
Robaire sighed, resting his head in his hands. “You’re more likely to mess up if you overwork yourself.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Come take a break. We’re putting on a movie in the green room.”
“I don’t—”
“We went through the setlist as a group at soundcheck. If you go through it again, you’ll have done today's concert three times in one day. That’s not good for you.”
“I don’t like your logic.”
He smiled, “Dislike it all you want, you know I’m right.”
A natural silence fell between the two of them as Jesse walked to sit next to him. Robaire turned, facing the empty stadium.
“Is it nerves?”
“I just get itchy if I’m not doing something productive.”
“Rest is productive in its own right.”
“If there’s no risk of burnout, it doesn't feel right.”
“I see.”
 Jesse hummed. “How does it feel to play your hometown?”
“Good,” Robaire admitted, “being back is cool. I feel like I’m speaking my own language.”
His laugh was soft, “You’ve started talking like a Canadian again.”
“Old habits die hard.”
“I never understood why management tried to make you sound more American.”
In reality, it had something to do with marketing. The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt. It was objectifying in its own way, the way he’d been manufactured into something more palatable for the America-centric music industry. 
But he just chuckled, enjoying the way Jesse’s company was easy. 
“Aaron T. jumped off the prop boxes.”
Jesse turned, eyes wide. “No.”
“Is he okay?”
“Uninjured and laughing.”
“The little shit.”
“It’s a pre-concert miracle.”
“We’re not blessed with those often.”
Robaire smiled, “It’s about time.”
Jesse sighed, staring back out at the empty seats. “Today feels different.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know, I just really feel like I need to practice.”
“Is there a part that’s making you uneasy?”
“No, I just, it feels like something is gonna happen, and I’m not gonna know what to do.”
Robaire shifted. “What do you mean?”
“Like a rowdy pit or something.”
“Then let's practise that.”
Robaire hopped off the stage, slipping past the barricade. He put on his best fanboy eyes and turned back to face Jesse. 
“Marry me Jesse,” he pitched his voice high, reaching toward him over the bars, “step on me.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Oh no!” He feigned getting pulled back, “Oh Jesse, love of my life, the Aaron Z. fans are pushing me around.”
Jesse got to his feet, pretending to hold a mic up to his mouth. “I know you want to get close, but your safety is the most important thing. Please be mindful of everyone in the audience.”
“See? You’ve got this.” He rolled his eyes. “I just saved you, some thanks would be appreciated.”
“Thank you Jesse, you’re my hero.”
He offered Robaire a hand back onstage. 
“You’ve always been good at handling things that come up, and even if you weren’t, you’ve got four other people who are very capable of stepping up. It’s not all on you.”
“Someone’s gotta take a load off you.”
“Sometimes I think you take more on than I do.”
“Keeps me sharp.”
Jesse adjusted his shirt. “Maybe a break wouldn’t be so bad.” “If we hurry, they might still be arguing over snacks.” “I’d kill for some skittles.”
“They’re a hot commodity in this group.”
“What do you mean ‘unhand the skittles?’ I will not unhand the skittles, I fought hard and good for these.”
Robaire yanked the packet away from Aaron T., emptying the contents into a bowl. “You can share.”
“I think that’s very fair.” Jesse fished a purple one out of the bowl. “It was a bold move, staking your claims before I got here.”
“To be fair, you being in the green room alone is a rare enough occurrence, I didn’t think you’d show up to have any.”
“I don’t know if I’m going to stay for the whole movie.”
Taeyoung frowned. “Why not?”
“Practice.” He sighed dramatically, draping himself over Jesse’s lap. Robaire tossed a water bottle at the pair, which Taeyoung caught. He handed it to Jesse. 
Aaron Z. chimed in, “Gotta keep him on a leash or something, like tie him down.”
Taeyoung perked up, meeting Aaron T.’s eyes. Almost in unison, a mischievous smile grew on both of their faces. Robaire bit back a smile when Jesse shot him a distressed look. 
“Hold him down Tae!”
“On it!”
Taeyoung adjusted, attacking Jesse’s sides with malicious tickling fingers. He keeled over, thrashing in an attempt to get the youngest off of him.
“Ha!” Aaron T. held up a fistful of ties. Where he’d got them from was beyond Robaire, but regardless, he charged, using one to bind Jesse’s legs together. He kicked, trying to shoo Aaron T. away. 
“Get his arms.” Taeyoung relented his tickling, opting to instead hold Jesse’s arms together. Two layers of ties later, and Jesse was contained.
“Z, you are a genius.”
Aaron Z., who’d watched the whole thing go down with furrowed brows, turned away. “I don’t want any credit for this.”
Taeyoung giggled, “You love us.”
“Starting to think about going solo.”
“No,” Aaron T. whined, dragging out the O. “Who else is gonna sleep at the end of my bed?”
“That was once.”
“Bullshit,” Jesse said.
“Once a week,” Taeyoung corrected.
  Robaire added, “Minimum.”
Aaron T. giggled. “Like a dog.”
“Get a dog then.” “Dogs can’t teach me the choreo.”
Aaron Z. crossed his arms, “Pay attention to the instructor then.”
T clutched his chest, “I thought you liked our alone time. Guess I’ll find a new husband.”
Taeyoung threw a fist in his direction, “I thought I was your husband.”
“It’s a sister wives situation.”
Robaire grabbed the remote from the coffee table, shoving his way past Taeyoung’s legs to make room for himself on the couch. He started the movie, sending the name twins into a frantic scramble to get seated. He sighed, leaning back into the soft cushion. 
Toddlers, the lot of them.
The 11 O’Clock Number
One thing most fans got wrong about Robaire was that he truly loves performing. For whatever reason, there seemed to be a common rumour that he was in it for the singing, the money, the exposure, the artistry, anything other than the whole, central reason he wanted to be in a boy band. 
He loved performing. He loved feeding off the energy of people who were having the time of their life. He adored the way it made him feel. 
Of course, part of the reason it was so fun was having his bandmates with him. It was on stage that he found the most to love about them. Robaire thought it was innately beautiful, the way Aaron Z. would close his eyes to bathe in the cheering, or the way Taeyoung inevitably cries every time he makes a speech about how much 4*Town means to him. He cherished how alive they all are in those moments. He even found he’d started to find comfort in the stench of sweat that bathed the dressing room once they were done. 
So Robaire was absolutely buzzing as he waited in his prop cage. Not only was he about to do his favourite part of the job, he was getting to do it at home. It was going to be hard to hold back the dramatics, he thought. The manager insisted that it was okay to talk about what playing in Toronto meant to him, but he had to save it for the ending mentions. Taeyoung was not going to be the only crier tonight. 
His in-ear piece counted. “Lights down in the house, set rising in eight, seven, six…”
Robaire couldn’t see the other members, but he could feel their excitement. It was just as palpable as his own. 
“Three, two, one. Rising.”
As rehearsed, he kept his head down, counter-balancing on his heels to keep himself from falling as the platform rose. It locked into place, and he could faintly hear the screaming of the crowd. It was muffled by his earpiece, but that didn’t bother him too much. He’d take it out for the mentions. 
“T in three, two…”
The screaming increased in volume. Aaron T. fans were always a rowdy bunch. 
“Z in three, two…”
Another loud bout of cheering. Robaire resisted the urge to look up. They’d done this intro more times than he could count, but doing it now felt like the first time all over again. 
“Taeyoung in three, two…”
Taeyoung had a lot (a lot) of fans. Robaire could always tell when he’d done something particularly cute because they would squeal. Not scream. Squeal. He’d never heard anything like it.
“Jesse in three, two…”
Someone very close to the stage screamed very, very loudly. So loudly that he could pick them out from the myriad of other screams. 
“Robaire in three—”
He breathed in, fighting to keep his smile charismatic.
He breathed out.
“One. Cue!”
“Toronto!” He called out, finally getting a look at the stadium.
It was full. The pit, the seats, the entire stadium was full of people. They cheered, they screamed, and in that moment, they were his. This was his city, these were his people. He swallowed the overwhelming love that threatened to take him out right then and there. 
“Who knows what’s up?” He let himself get into it, relishing the way the audience seemed to collectively freak out as they realised what song it was. 
The cage burst away from him with a puff of air. 
U Know What’s Up was always one of Robaire’s favourites to perform. He simply loved the song. 
The group made it through to the end of the call and response. He wished he could hear the fans more clearly, but he just had to get through this number, then two more, and they’d be in the first mentions. 
“Chorus in six—” His ear piece announced as he sang. 
“Give me one, two, three, four!”
The spin to reveal the wings was one of the most satisfying parts to perform. It was a new addition to this tour, and had been a hit in the Toledo performance.
Toronto was no different. As his harness pulled him up, the cheering hit another high point. The lights made it difficult to see, but as he got closer he could see the faces of the fans more clearly. He made a point to put one of his token “look at me, I’m attractive” faces. The pit was becoming a bit rowdy, but from what he could see there wasn’t a whole lot of shoving. He reached a hand out.
The ground was shaking. At least, it felt like it, which would have made sense if he was on the ground. It was a voice, he thought. He couldn’t hear properly. Maybe a speaker had exploded?
But then he saw the eyes. Red, furious, giant eyes, scanning the crowd like a predator. He reached for his in-ear piece. It tore at his ear when he pulled it out. 
He couldn’t look away. The eyes were huge, all encompassing even. He heard someone calling for help. It might have been him. 
The creature tore a chunk of the stadium away, saying something in the same, booming voice. There was too much bass, it drowned out the words being spoken. 
It stepped inside, the warm stage lights making the creature's red fur look violent like a flame. He reached behind him, fiddling with the harness. He needed out. This creature was going to kill him. He needed to get down so he could run. He needed to get down so he could help his boys, and they could all run.
Oh god, his boys. 
He was going to call out to them, get their attention, make a proper plan, do literally anything, but the creature bent, picking up someone from the audience.
Robaire felt like he was going to be sick. 
It roared more words, still too bassy for him to understand. The creature turned, its steps causing the stadium floor to crack. For just a moment, those eyes were on him.
They held eye contact. 
And then the creature reached above him, tearing a piece of their set from the top of the stage. 
Robaire was weightless. His heart jammed into his throat as he fell. When the harness caught him again, it pressed hard into his chest. 
He could hear clearly now. Aaron T. was screaming, words leaving his mouth at such a fast pace that it would be a wasted effort to try and decipher any of it. Robaire managed to catch his eye for a moment. He put on the most reassuring look he could manage. Now that the support beam that held their wires had shifted, they were a lot closer to the ground.
Not that Robaire had been thinking clearly enough to let the distance stop him before.
He couldn’t get Taeyoung’s attention, no matter how loudly he called to him. The youngest member had curled into a ball, arms wrapped tightly around his legs. 
They were alive though. 
No. Of course they were alive. He scolded himself for thinking any other outcome was possible. 
He turned to his other side. Jesse was barely out of arm's reach. He was crying, nearly hysterically, as he fiddled his harness.
“Jesse.” Robaire tried to sound firm, but his voice wavered.
Jesse froze, his eyes alert and frantic as they found Robaire’s. 
“You’re okay.”
Hesitantly, Jesse nodded. He wiped away a fresh onset of tears, only for them to be immediately replaced. 
Behind Jesse, Aaron Z. dropped.
It was so sudden that Robaire didn’t have time to prepare a reaction. His yelp was organic, not his finest show of leadership. 
But Aaron Z. landed well, rolling out of it like the dancer he was. 
“Jesus Z,” Robaire called down to him, “Some warning would be nice.”
“Sorry.” He got to his feet. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
He definitely wasn’t, but that was a later issue. For now, they really, really needed to get down. 
“I’m coming down too,” Robaire decided, “we can catch.”
“Be careful, the stage is uneven.”
It wasn’t that far of a drop. It wasn’t that far of a drop. He reached for the harness. It wasn’t that far of a drop. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out how to unclip the harness from the wire. It wasn’t that far of a drop. He needed to take the whole thing off. 
His hands made their way to the front of the harness. It was still digging into his chest, pinching at the skin near his ribs. With one hand firmly grasping the thickest part of the strap he could find, he unclipped the front. 
The strap slipped from his hand as gravity yanked him towards the stage. Hitting the ground lit a fire to the underside of his knees. They burned as he absorbed the impact of the fall. Aaron Z. had an arm around him almost instantly, holding him steady as his left knee gave out. 
“I’ve got you,” he muttered. It sent a rush of relief down his spine.
There might have been a giant red satan bear pounding its way around the stadium, but he sure as hell wasn’t dealing with it alone. 
“Let’s get them down.” Robaire warily tested his leg, finding its strength was returning quickly.
“Are you sure?” 
“We can deal with injuries once everyone is down.”
Aaron Z. huffed, but abandoned the topic regardless. “Jesse?”
“Huh?” The eldest had settled a little bit. The tears hadn’t stopped, but he’d resorted to hanging limply. 
“Take the harness off. We’ll catch you.”
He looked around. “What?”
“We’re going to catch you.”
Aaron Z.’s mouth drew into a flat line. “With our hands?”
“Sorry, sorry.”
“You’re good,” Robaire encouraged, “take it off, we’ll get you.”
He got positioned underneath Jesse. Aaron Z. stood across from him, arms out and ready. The stage lights lit the sweat on his forehead, and Robaire made a note that he really needed to check in on him later. 
Jesse dropped after a couple of seconds, landing safely between them. Robaire pulled him into a quick hug, patting his shoulder twice as Aaron Z. beckoned him to rescue Taeyoung. 
“Watch for us?” Robaire asked. Jesse nodded, his attention already stolen by the creature. 
“Tae, Tae can you hear me?” Z yelled. 
His voice was muffled. “Go away.” 
“Taeyoung, we’re here to get you down.”
He peeked out from his ball, before ducking his head back into his knees. 
“It’s not far, and we’re right here to catch you.” Robaire tried. Taeyoung didn’t move.
Aaron T., who was watching the whole thing, reached over. His fingers barely grazed Taeyoung, but the youngest looked up anyway.
“C’mon bud, I’ll be right after you.” His smile was sweet, more reminiscent of the Aaron T. that Robaire got when they were alone together. “You’ve got this.”
Taeyoung slowly released his knees from his chest. “How do I get out of this?”
Aaron Z. instructed, “Undo the clip at the front.”
“Okay, cool okay, um, are you ready?”
Robaire shook his arms out, before nodding. “Ready.”
Taeyoung landed bridal style in the bridge of their arms. Aaron Z. gave his hair a reassuring fluff, before directing him to stand near Jesse. He clung to him, which Jesse reciprocated by reaching an arm around his waist.
“Hey Robbie.” Robaire could swear he saw Aaron T.’s smile falter for a second. “Catch.”
That little—
They were already close, so it wasn’t much of a scramble this time, but a feeling of panic shot through him much more violently than before. It was only once Aaron T. was safely on the ground that he could breathe properly. He bit back a retort about how dangerous it had been. It was no more dangerous than Robaire jumping down without help.
Now that he was on the ground, Robaire could see that he was shaking. 
“My knights in shining armour.”
“Save it,” Z adjusted the collar of his name twin’s shirt, “Check in with yourself.”
A new voice startled Robaire. It was young, slightly shaky, vibrating with something that could either be fear or admiration. Maybe both. 
“Excuse me?” It was a girl, clad with 4*Town themed face paint and a green flannel. She flushed when Robaire nodded her forward.
“Sorry,” she continued, “I really don’t mean to bother you, but my friend needs help. Her mom, the red panda, they’re not singing loud enough and—”
“Hey, hey.” Jesse appeared beside him, Taeyoung still attached to him. “Slow down, it’s okay. What’s going on?”
“I don’t,” she paused. “I don’t really know one hundred percent, but that giant red panda is my friend's mom, and to turn her back into a person there needs to be singing, and right now it’s not enough.”
Robaire blinked. That was… it would’ve been completely unbelievable if a giant red panda hadn’t invaded their concert. 
But one had, and the girl, bless her heart, was too genuine for her to believe anything else. Regardless of if it was true, she definitely believed they needed to sing.
It was a good thing that was their job.
Aaron T. broke the silence, heaving forward with a bout of laughter. The girl stepped back, one of her friends bracing her. 
“I’m sorry,” he wheezed, “It’s just, this is not how I expected today to go.”
“Can we have a moment?” Robaire asked.
“Of course, I really am sorry to bother you.”
He smiled, “Don’t worry about it.”
She led her friends away, gaining new confidence as they huddled. A fondness grew in his chest. She would do well in a leadership position. 
Robaire turned back to his group. “What are you all thinking?”
Taeyoung spoke up first, “That I want to go home and shower.”
“Helpful.” Aaron Z. teased. 
“So we should help, right?” 
Robaire glanced back at the red panda. “It’s going to be a long night regardless, but if you’re all comfortable with it, we could try singing.”
Aaron T. took one last wheezing breath, “It would make for a good story.”
“Why not.”
“Let’s do it then, I’m gonna run and find the soundboard. Keep your mics on.”
“Be careful,” Aaron Z. said.
“Scope somewhere out for us, and T?”
He stood straighter. “Hm?”
“You scared the crap out of that girl, go do something charming.”
He saluted. “On it. Hey flannel!”
She turned as Aaron T. jogged over. Robaire watched for a moment as he introduced himself, the girl’s face going completely red. 
He smiled to himself, before setting into a jog of his own. 
The soundboard was backstage, untouched by the debris that cluttered the house. A member of the sound staff had been hiding beneath it. She wasn’t hurt, and was very receptive to his request of “Can you turn our mics back on? And then get out of the stadium and somewhere safe.”
But before she’d gotten a chance to leave, the backdrop of the stage split with a force so large it could’ve been an earthquake. He grabbed the staff member's arm, yanking her back under the soundboard as the ground shook. Sizable chunks of concrete landed around them. None of them came close to their soundboard shelter, but as each one landed, brutal thoughts blew past him, clouding his vision.
The panda had fallen, it had fallen and hit the backdrop, and that meant it had fallen onto the stage, the stage they’d been performing on, the stage he’d left his boys on. 
When dust settled, he ventured out, hopping a couple times to dispel some of his overwhelming anxiety. 
And he ran. He was vaguely aware that he was leaving the staff member to fend for herself, but the thought was so far back in his head that he couldn’t act on it. He had to find them. 
He rounded the corner, bolting out of the wings and back onto the stage. 
There they were. He counted them. One, two, three, four. All there, all alive. All definitely not okay.
He started to run again. 
“Dude.” Jesse’s arms were around him as soon as he was within arm’s reach. “I thought—”
“You’re okay?”
“Me? You’re the one who was backstage.”
“I wasn’t sure you’d made it off.”
Jesse squeezed tighter. “I’m okay. We’re all okay.”
He breathed him in, pressing the tips of his fingers lightly into his back. He was warm, he was alive. If he told himself a few more times, the panic would leave. 
When the hug dissipated, he found his bandmates were silent. He scanned them all over. 
“What’s the plan?”
Aaron T. glanced around, before breaking in a small smile. “Miriam said we have to, I’m not shitting you, sing from the heart.”
Robaire made a note to make sure he spoke to him before he passed out. Smiley Aaron T. was normal, but he’d known him long enough to recognize when it was a response to stress. 
“Miriam is the girl by the way. The girl with the flannel.”
“I figured.”
“So we just,” Aaron Z, said, “sing?”
“From the heart.” Taeyoung poked his side. Aaron Z. rolled his eyes. 
“Let’s get on with it.” Robaire let his boys lead him to the spot they’d decided on. 
He stepped onto the pile, adjusting his mic so it hung by his mouth. He started to sing. 
As soon as the first note was sung, light erupted in front of him. He bathed in it. When he closed his eyes, he could pretend he was performing under normal circumstances. It wasn’t hard to sing from the deepest part of him. His in-ear piece was out, and he could hear his boys singing next to him. He was in his city. He cherished how alive they all were in that moment.
The rest could wait. He was by no means done making sure every aspect of them was okay. He had loose ends to tie, promises he made to himself. Only when all that was said and done could he sink into his own experiences and settle into the horrific comprehension he was teetering on the edge of. 
Curtain Closing
The hotel situation was always the first thing the group decided on when arriving at a tour or filming location. Management liked to save money where they could, so most often, the five members were split between two rooms, each with two double beds. 
On their first tour, they’d drawn rocks to determine who slept where. Red rocks for the two member room, blue for the three member one. Two of the blue rocks had a dot on them. The members who pulled those rocks would share a bed. Back when they weren’t as close, that was the only way a decision could get made. They were all much shyer, and definitely more indecisive. 
For this tour (and their second tour too), their manager just handed out the room keys to whichever members were standing closest to him. The other members tossed their things into a random room and only actually discussed who was sleeping where once they were actually going to sleep. Sometimes, they didn’t bother, and just passed out on whatever comfortable surface was closest. After the Toledo concert, Robaire got up in the middle of the night to grab a glass of water, and tripped over Aaron T., who’d settled for sleeping across the length of the hall that led to the room's bathroom. 
Then there was the matter of Aaron Z., who despite claiming that he enjoyed sleeping in his own bed, nearly always ended up sleeping curled up at the end of somebody else's, usually Aaron T.’s. For a while, they stopped giving him the other room’s spare key, because he would get up in the middle of the night and migrate to the other room, at times leaving a bed completely empty. Aaron Z. had claimed that he would always find a way in. On their last tour, Robaire had woken up to him climbing onto his balcony. They were on the third floor.
Needless to say, they never denied him his spare key again. 
They had unspoken rules too. Taeyoung and Aaron T. were not to share a room alone under any circumstances. On their first tour, they’d drawn the red rocks and by the end of the night they’d been kicked out of the hotel. 
Maybe unspoken wasn’t the right word. Robaire had been explicitly told to not let them share a room alone again. It had been years though, so he wasn’t sure if that still applied. It probably did, if anything the duo got worse with age. 
For this leg of the tour, Robaire was sharing a room with Jesse and Taeyoung. Had the days earlier events not occurred, he would have been confident he could sleep soundly in that arrangement.
It was those events that kept him from getting back to the hotel with the rest of the group. Management had asked the group to attend an emergency meeting regarding the tour, the Toronto concert, and how things were going to proceed. Robaire, after discussing with the other members, made the executive decision to attend the meeting on behalf of the group so the boys could get a head start on rest. 
The meeting had been inconclusive, but for the time being the plan was to proceed as normal. The Kitchner concert was in a week, and the venue was about an hour and a half out of Toronto. The day after the Toronto concert was already scheduled as a day off, so there was no question of if they were allowed to sleep in. If there was going to be a delay, it would be because of staff members quitting after the incident. He didn’t blame them. It wouldn’t be until the next morning that each respective team leader would find out how much of their staff showed up to continue the tour. 
Around fifteen staff members had been mildly injured during the concert. They were all expected to make full recoveries. From what they’d heard from the venue, there were very few injuries amongst the audience. 
The meeting also involved media prep. Their hotel had been leaked before the Toronto concert, but now that something had happened reporters were camping outside. The Toronto police department sent officers to station in front of the doors, and others for crowd control. The paparazzi and news outlets would only grow by the morning. Robaire was advised to keep outings to a minimum, and have staff members retrieve things for them whenever possible. Their manager instructed them to stay in their rooms and avoid the amenities in the hotel until they could get clearance to use them after closing hours. 
If they were to get asked questions, they were supposed to deflect until they spoke to lawyers, the police department, and the family who was behind the thing. It was going to be a long process, something of this scale had never happened at one of their concerts before, probably not any concert before.
His head was buzzing with the overload of information, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary. Robaire frequently sat in on management meetings, regardless of if he was needed or not. He liked being in the loop.
But now he was standing in front of the double Aaron room, waiting for one of them to let him in. 
“You’re back,” Aaron Z. commented when he opened the door. He’d changed into gym shorts and a sweatshirt, clearly ready for bed. “How was the meeting?”
“Exhausting,” he admitted, leaning against the doorway with a sigh to exaggerate his point. 
Aaron Z. cracked a smile. “Go get some sleep.”
“Where’s T?”
“He went down to the gym.”
Robaire didn’t have to say anything, something must have changed on his face.
“I’ll call him and tell him to come up,” Aaron Z. assured, “go sleep.”
“You’re the best.”
“So I hear.”
Robaire had never been so relieved to be back in a hotel room in his life. Steam poured out from the bottom of the bathroom door, definitely Taeyoung, he was horrible for their water bill back in their apartment. Another unwritten rule of theirs, not super applicable to the hotel unless it was late at night, was that Taeyoung showers last. 
One of the beds was a mess, the blankets were almost nest-like. He did not envy the people who were assigned to cleaning their rooms. The TV was on, but the sound was down so low that it might as well not have been. A cooking competition was on. Robaire turned it off. 
The sliding door to the balcony was ajar. It was a small balcony, barely large enough for all five of them to stand comfortably. The edge was lined with a metal fence that came up to just above his hips. 
Jesse was sitting on the balcony, his back against the wall and knees in his chest. Robaire sat next to him.
Without looking away from whatever far off place he was staring at, Jesse spoke. “What are the chances we get a song out of this?”
“I would say it’s likely, but it’d be hard to take a song about getting your concert invaded by a giant red panda seriously, so maybe not.”
He scoffed.
“What’s on your mind?”
Jesse’s eyes flicked over to him, before wandering back out to the same, far out look. “How was the meeting?”
Robaire fought back a twinge of worry. “Management is scrambling, but we still have tomorrow off. Gonna get the group together and go over everything sometime tomorrow.”
“Are you okay?”
Robaire nodded. “Are you?”
He rested his chin on his knees. “Mhm.”
“If you’re gonna lie, at least put some more effort in.”
“Who says I’m lying?”
“You’re kidding.” Robaire mimicked his posture, pulling his knees into his chest and resting his chin on them. “Mhm.”
He smiled, it was small, but a smile nonetheless. “You’re not funny.”
“I think I’m hilarious.”
“I know you do.”
He stretched his legs out again, wrapping an arm around Jesse. He leaned into him, resting his head on Robaire’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to talk about it,” Robaire said, “as long as you let me know when you’re not okay so I can watch out for you, and as long as you know you can always come to me.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Jesse sighed a shaky sigh, shutting his eyes. 
Robaire took the moment to, once again, reassure himself that they were all safe. That feeling, the sense that he’d come so close to losing everything, was still boiling. He knew it was going to cause a breakdown. He wouldn’t try to hide it. It was important to show the other members that he was also experiencing… whatever you were supposed to call the messy array of emotions that threatened to sweep him off his feet with every step. If he held himself to an unreasonable standard, they would too, more than they already were. 
He held Jesse just a little tighter. 
Somebody knocked on the door. Robaire and Jesse turned in unison.
“It’s Aaron, open the door.”
“I’ve got it,” Robaire patted him on the back. Jesse followed him off the balcony, stationing himself on the bed that was still made.
When he opened the door, he was met with an unimpressed Aaron Z., and a shaking wet mop in place of Aaron T. 
“What happened?”
Aaron T. fought back a giggle, earning an elbow jab from his name twin. “The pool was closed.”
Aaron Z. ushered him into the room. “T decided to break into the pool.”
“It was cold.”
“I can see that.”
“Why was it so cold?”
Robaire gave him a look, “How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know, you’re Canadian, maybe Canadian pools are colder than American pools.”
“I’ve never heard of that. They probably just turned the heat off.”
“Why would they do that?”
“I don’t know,” Robaire fought to keep his tone the right balance between teasing and stern, “maybe because it was closed?”
Aaron Z. joined Jesse on the bed, “Go on. Tell him about what you did at the pool.”
“I went down the slide.”
“In sweats.”
Well. That was… not entirely unexpected. 
“You didn’t think to bring a swimsuit to the pool you were planning on breaking into?” Jesse leaned back, an amused glint in his expression.
Aaron T. grinned, “I didn’t plan it, I just saw the pool and went in.”
“It was unlocked?”
“Somebody didn’t do their job.”
Robaire shook his head, “So you, just to make sure I have this right, snuck into the pool after it closed, went down the slide in sweats, and then?”
“Z called, but I missed it because I couldn’t get out of the pool fast enough, and then like five minutes later I see him strolling on by, so I called him over.”
“I had to help him out of the pool mind you.”
“It was cold!”
Aaron Z. glared at him as though he was foul. “Test the water first next time.” 
He clutched his chest, falling in a mock heart attack. “You heartless creature.”
“I should have let you drown.”
“You can’t live without me.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The door to the bathroom opened, and Taeyoung popped his head out. “I thought I heard—”
He stopped when he caught sight of the four of them, and disappeared back into the bathroom. He returned with a towel, tossing it to Aaron T.
“Go stand in the shower until you stop dripping,” Taeyoung pulled him toward the bathroom, pushing him in with a light shove, “I’m gonna run and grab you something dry.”
“Did you know that you’re the love of my life?”
“Save it loverboy,” he laughed, “I’m still considering filing for divorce.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Should’ve thought about that before calling Z your husband.”
Aaron Z. chimed in, “We should cut him out Tae, we can get married instead.”
“You are so right.”
Aaron T.’s wet t-shirt came flying out of the bathroom, knocking Taeyoung into the side table. He tossed it back with a pitch that could only come from someone who’d play a decent amount of baseball. Robaire would have to ask him about that sometime.
Taeyoung gave those not in the bathroom an innocent shrug, before slipping out with the key Aaron Z. left on the table. 
“Brutal!” Aaron T. called out after him.
“You’re worse,” Jesse said, “I’ve watched Robaire gain at least five new wrinkles since your pool escapade.”
“Lies! Robaire’s skin care routine is perfect, he couldn’t get wrinkles if he tried.”
Robaire broke into a smile, and set to work flattening the nest back into something that resembled normal bedding. Taeyoung reappeared, folded clothes in hand. He set them inside the bathroom and shut the door. 
“So T is wet, why?”
“He went swimming,” Aaron Z. said. 
“Great, yeah, should’ve guessed.”
Aaron T. came back into the main part of the hotel room, towelling down his still dripping hair. When he was done, he let the towel rest on his shoulders, taking a seat on the currently empty bed. Taeyoung climbed on behind him, laying on his stomach with his feet against the headboard.
There it was again. Even though they were all together, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still wrong. The hotel room felt like it was zooming out around him, he got smaller and smaller. He watched them talk to each other, the sound muffled as they laughed. He was laughing too, he could feel it, but it was second to the pounding, viscous claws that dug into his shoulders and skull. This wasn’t supposed to happen yet. Aaron T. was still smiling, and Aaron Z. hadn’t opened up, and Taeyoung was… he seemed okay but Robaire wasn’t convinced. He had things to do, his emotions were supposed to be last. They could exist, so long as they were on his schedule. 
He blinked, and everyone was staring at him.
Aaron Z. tilted his head slightly, “I asked if you were okay.”
He wasn’t, but it wasn’t time yet.
“Are you?”
He still had things to do.
But he couldn’t lie to them. He was a bad liar. They would know he was hiding something, and then they would stop telling him things, and right then he really needed them to tell him things.
“Oh Robaire,” Taeyoung rolled off the bed, scurried over to him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him over. He sat on the edge as Taeyoung retook his position. “Talk about it.”
“Can we wait?” 
“You want to wait?”
Robaire nodded, suddenly feeling like a kid again. “I just need to make sure you’re all okay.”
“First,” he added. “Then I can, yeah.”
Understanding dawned in Jesse’s posture, but instead of aiding in his mission to avoid being the focus of the well-being discussion, he asked, “Why?”
“Why do you need to know that we’re okay? We’re right here.”
Robaire had to clench his jaw to keep it from dropping. “Pardon?”
“We clearly all made it out okay, so what’s the big deal?”
The shithead absolutely knew what he was doing, and to Robaire’s dismay, it was working.
“You know that’s not right.”
“Then tell me how it’s not.”
“You could have died.” 
Jesse leaned forward, fire in his features. “We’re all right here.”
“I thought you died.” There it was, against his will, exposed for the members to see before he was entirely ready.
But of course there was a part of him that had wanted to reach out. There always was. It was that part of him that kept speaking.
“When the panda fell, I thought you died, and I guess I just haven’t been able to shake it.”
Jesse relaxed, satisfied. That bitch. 
“And now that we’re away from it all, I just, it still feels wrong, and dangerous, and like something bad could happen if I don’t, I don’t know, keep track of everything? Where everyone’s at, you know? I don’t know, I’m rambling, and it’s not making sense, but I just can’t stop worrying, and—”
Aaron T. fell backwards, leaning over Taeyoung to grab onto his waist and pull him further onto the bed. They ended up in a heap, limbs twisted between limbs. A set of arms wrapped around his chest. 
“What do you need from us?” Aaron Z. asked. 
“Honesty,” Robaire said, “Just be honest.”
“It’s hard not to be with you,” Taeyoung prodded at his side, “you’re easy to talk to.”
“I second that.” Aaron T., the hug culprit, gave him a hearty squeeze.
“If that were the case.” He tilted his head back to make eye contact. “You’d tell me why you actually broke into the pool.”
He looked away. “You cruel, cruel man.”
“Go on.”
He was silent for a second. 
“I may have lied about the door being unlocked.” 
Robaire nodded expectantly. Aaron T., upon realising he was actually going to have to tell the whole story, sighed.
“I was going to the gym, but I got stuck in the elevator with a fan, and she was asking a whole bunch of questions, and by the time she got to her floor I just wanted to get somewhere dark and quiet.”
He chuckled to himself. “And the pool had its lights off, so I went through the janitor's entrance, because I guess they assumed nobody would think to use that door, or maybe the janitor wasn’t done for the night? I don’t know, but I got to the pool, and it was pretty nice. Dark and quiet.
“But thoughts are thoughts, and brains are brains, you know? So of course as soon as nothing was happening everything was happening. Like, everything everything, it was like I finally understood what had happened. I was not enjoying that, and I saw the slide, so I went down.”
He took a deep breath. “I just wanted to feel like I was floating, I don’t know.”
Aaron T. pursed his lips, glancing between everyone. “This is really awkward, can someone else have a turn?”
“There’s more,” Aaron Z. said, “tell them what you told me.”
“I can’t swim.”
“Oh god,” Jesse said.
“And the slide goes into the deep end which, in case you didn’t know, is deep, and I definitely wasn’t prepared for sweatpants to feel so heavy in the water, I thought swimming was supposed to be a fun, floaty activity.
“But anyways, I was under the water, not doing a very good job of not drowning, and I barely make it to the surface before I hear my phone ring. It’s my personal cell, so I knew there was like, a total of six people it could be, and I couldn’t answer because I’m an idiot, but god I wanted to pick up so bad. If I’d left it closer to the edge, I could’ve gotten whoever called to come get me out of the pool, you know?
“And then it stopped ringing, and I completely, wholeheartedly thought I was a goner, no more Aaron T., famous boy band member found dead in hotel swimming pool, cause of death? Swimming in sweatpants, but Z, the absolute beautiful man that he is, sauntered on by.”
“I do not saunter,” he scowled.
“Sure, whatever, did I mention that I unlocked the door when I got in, because I did. So I called him over, and he was like ‘why are you in the pool?’ and I was like ‘I can’t swim,” so he pulled me over with the net they use to clean bugs out of the pool.”
“It’s an outdoor pool?” Robaire sat up, sending Taeyoung and Aaron T. sprawling outward as they adjusted to a more comfortable position. “No wonder the water was cold, it’s Canada.”
Aaron T. pointed at him. “I told you!”
When the expectant stares returned, he dropped the excitement. “From there the story is the same. Back up the elevator and now I’m here. I feel considerably better though, no more bleh.”
“None?” Taeyoung prompted.
“Some,” he admitted, “but being able to joke and be with you guys is enough for me, the rest just needs time.”
Robaire smiled just a little bit. “No more impulsive decisions then, not when you’re alone. You have a phone, you can call us.”
“My knights in shining armour.” He fanned himself, “just say you want to be included in my wonderful ideas, you don’t have to be so stern about it.”
“It’s just so you don’t get hurt.”
“I second that,” Taeyoung raised his hand, “As annoying as it is to get questions about 4*Town having five members, it would be worse to only have four.”
“Ew, ew, don’t touch me with the sappy stuff.”
“As if,” Aaron Z. scoffed, “you’re the biggest sap we’ve got.”
“Taeyoung cries the most.”
Jesse chuckled, “You should hear your drunk voicemails.”
“Those don’t count, it doesn’t count if there’s alcohol involved.”
“I’m just so glad to be in the band,” Taeyoung imitated, “You guys are the best thing to happen to me, I love you all so much.”
“I have no memory of ever saying that.”
His trademark sinister grin sprouted. “I have the voicemail saved.”
Aaron T. leapt at Taeyoung as he reached for his phone, sending the duo into a giggling fit as they fought to keep each other occupied long enough to get a solid hold on it.
Robaire shuffled back, taking care to make sure he wasn’t in either of the boys kick-span. He met Aaron Z.’s eyes.
“You?” He mouthed.
He gripped his bicep, and mouthed back. “Sore.”
Robaire nodded toward the bathroom.
“Tomorrow,” he mouthed back.
Robaire accepted that he wasn’t going to get more from Aaron Z. that night. He knew him, the mental impact wouldn’t settle in until he took care of himself physically. He made a note to call their fitness and nutrition coach in the morning. Management would handle getting them into counselling, maybe even therapy, but they wouldn’t think to check in on their physical health outside of the quick check the medical staff had done before they left the stadium. That was something he could do.
The T line settled, Jesse having intervened and confiscated the phone. Somehow, they’d ended up under the covers, heads innocently resting on the shitty hotel pillows. 
“Taeyoung?” Robaire asked.
“How are you doing?”
“I feel normal,” he shrugged, “but that will probably change when I wake up tomorrow.”
“Alright,” he breathed out, “okay.”
“You,” Aaron Z. pointed at him, “need to sleep.”
Robaire flopped down, joining the T line under the covers. “You going back to your room, or—”
“Snoring!” Aaron T. announced, “I am snoring because I am asleep and therefore I cannot move.”
Jesse tackled Aaron Z. from the side, pulling the covers back and tucking him in. “Oh no, it looks like Z is sleeping too. I guess we’re all sleeping here tonight.”
Robaire rolled his eyes, but couldn’t keep himself from smiling. 
This was only the start. There were going to be press conferences, court cases, statements, so much to do on the legal side alone. Recovery would not be easy. He had a feeling that this would change them in a way that couldn’t be reversed. Somewhere fundamentally, they were different from the group they were yesterday. Only time would tell exactly how that would manifest. 
If there was one thing he knew for sure, it was that the days of their bond being exclusively intuitive were over. He was going to love them, and he was going to make sure they knew it. For Robaire wouldn’t trade them for the world, even if it meant he was never going to have a moment to himself for the rest of his life. 
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Rating The Hollow Ships Because I’m Bored
*Clears throat* First of all I should mention these are just my opinions, straight up. Hell, I don’t even hate any of the ships I’m about to talk about, so I’m not making this to diss anyone. I’m more interested in seeing people reblog their own ratings for each ship I’m going to talk about. It’d make for an interesting discussion. Trying to keep this fandom alive SOMEHOW y’know?
Anyways let’s begin:
Kai x Adam/Kaidam:
Right here we got a classic. I honestly don’t really have a lot to say here; they have enough sauce (shipping material) in the canon for me to assess the vibes, and I like those vibes.
They’d be really cute together; they’re one of the softer couples.
Overall: 7.5/10
Adam x Reeve/Reedam:
Friends to enemies to friends to lovers? I can dig this! They have a lot going for them considering what was set up in season 2, and if season 3 had become a thing, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Reedam had become canon.
Not my favorite ship, but it's pretty cool.
Overall: 7/10
Reeve x Kai/Reekai:
OK HEAR ME OUT! Think about Kai slowly distancing himself from the gang now that Reeve is friends with Mira and Adam again. Imagine Kai internalizing what Adam told him in that castle, about there being an opening, and that he was "available," basically hinting that Kai was originally Reeve's replacement for the game, and nothing more (at first at least). Imagine Kai thinking Adam and Mira don't need him anymore. NOW imagine Reeve gets all soft for Kai, learns about their pity party and just showers them with tones of affection and tells them their amazing? Imagine Reeve getting protective of Kai. Imagine Reeve getting ANGRY at what Adam implied in that castle and forcing him to apologize to Kai. Imagine Reeve being more reserved in public, but showing more of his true self to Kai. Just...They'd be so cute! Probably chaotic too but so cute!
I'm litetlly foaminghg in my mouthe. GOOD STUFF RIGHT HERE THIS SOME GOOD GOOD STUFF! OTP. Best thing I ever thought of. I shipped them as a joke at first and I don’t regret it in the slightest!
Overall: 10/10
Reeve x Adam x Kai/Reekaidam:
Boys, Gals, and nonbinary pals, I present to you: The Big Gay™. Seriously, this is the best of both worlds. You get Kai being doted on, Adam being sweet to his boyfriends, AND Reeve being a tsundere with a heart of gold.
One of the greatest things to have been conceived.
Overall: 9.5/10
Skeet x Mira/Skira:
Yes, amazing. Beautiful. I’m surprised they aren’t canonically sweethearts and haven’t given each other promise rings. So much subtext man, so much.
I'm literally crying right now. They’re so precious
Overall: 9/10
Mira x Vanessa/Vanira:
I honestly don't know how to feel about this one. I feel like people only ship this because back in season 1 Mira and Vanessa were the only wamen and therefore the only possible lesbian couple despite the fact that they don't really got a lot of sauce going on in both seasons. Can’t say I blame you guys though.
Can't really determine the vibes but if I think about it really hard, yeah, it could be cute!
Overall: 5/10
Kai x Vanessa/Kainessa:
Makes me...pretty uncomfortable to be honest? Like the first season? Nah! Kai deserves better. After the second season? Um sir I'm sorry but they are literally each others emotional support siblings and have sleepovers where they braid each others hair and trash-talk their friends. As a BROTP? Heck yeah! As an actually relationship? Only under specific circumstances. I don’t know, maybe because it was so unnaturally forced in both seasons.
I'm sorry but I personally it’s not really my thing. No shade to those who do though, I can see how it appeals to other people.
Overall: 3.5/10
Nisha x Iris/Irsha:
Now this is what you call an adorable lesbian couple. These two would defend each other to hell. They’re basically the “We are going to beat you to death” duo. Iris possibly being nonbinary makes it even better.
angry girl and soft baby can have my wallet and my heart.
Overall: 7/10
Iris x Tyler/Tyris:
This ship is basically two soft babies blushing like tomatoes over unprotected handholding™. Probably cuddle on the couch while watching anime and infodump about their favorite shows onto each other.
The purest ship in The Hollow to ever exist, period. I love it.
Overall: 7.5/10
Tyler x Nisha/Tysha:
The Girlboss and the Malewife duo. Nothing else needs to be said, this alone makes the ship great. Tyler loves his feisty girlfriend very much and Nisha gives her boyfriend plenty of attention in their freetime.
Adorable. I dig it.
Overall: 7/10
May or may not update this post as I consider more possible pairings for this show. I hope this has entertained some of y’all!
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worminstuff · 4 years
tbott headcanons by me
the author
no one in particular asked for this, but
headcanons for tbott sleepy bois
tbott techno
4 words
Nerd with pink hair.
Techno is quite the bookworm, thanks to y/n constantly buying/finding him new books and feeding his minor addiction over the years. He was a  fiend for knowledge.
And he so happens to have pink hair.
Techno is about 6’2 ish maybe a bit less, which is tall for his age. He’s about 16 ish.
Something that hasn’t been vital but I think about a lot while writing, he has a nose ring. A septum to be precise, a little gold ring. He got it for his 14th birthday, and y/n even went with him for it. He often fiddles with it when he’s nervous.
He often wears jeans and t shirts, if it’s colder he’ll grab a hoodie. He likes button ups, and he really likes cardigans and so does Wilbur! His glasses are simple black rectangle fames, and they’re only for reading because he normally wears contacts. Even tho he hates them.
Techno would never admit it vocally, but he’s a huge cuddle bug. Especially when he hasn’t seen y/n for a while, or he happens to catch her in a low time. Middle of the night, a sleep over in the tree house, he would 100% “unintentionally” try to pull y/n close.
He also tries to catch tommy at a time when he’s sleepy, so he can try to hug his little brother. He often finds tommy incredibly annoying, since he’s a tad to chaotic for techno, but when tommys cuddly techno is all for it.
Techno does this sorta stalker ish thing when y/n or mentions something they really like, he researches them. He gets as knowledgeable on those topics as he can. He wants to always be able to have a conversation with y/n about something she likes, it makes pulling smiles out of her even easier.
tbott wilbur
He may seem like a sad boy a whole lot rn, (I’m so sorry) but he’s a happy boy usually! He’s a constant smile that roams the house.
Wilbur is about 6’4 ish, and he’s 18. He owns about 10 pairs of black skinny jeans and he owns copious amounts of sweaters. He’s very style oriented most of the time, but it’s not out of ordinary to catch him in some basketball shorts or pj pants and a t shirt.
Wilbur was a protective brother, growing up he payed close attention to how people treated techno, since he was a bit..antisocial. But wilbur was sure he wouldn’t have that problem with Tommy. For obvious reasons.
Wilbur and tommys relationship (is my favorite asdfghj) is pretty awesome. Tommy in his most chaotic forms, matches the levels of wilburs energy. Mans likes his coffee. They’re a scary duo. But an entertaining one.
Wilburs love language is very vocal, tho he’ll always go for a hug, he very much thinks words mean more than actions themselves. Hence putting his feelings into lyrics often.
He’s written many songs about y/n. She’s never heard any of them. Wilbur used to walk with techno and y/n each morning, and he loved to hear her babble on and on about whatever thing she found exciting thay particular day.
Wilbur had a bad habit of convincing himself out of talking to her, which was why they never had much of a friendship growing up. He was really glad when they started to talk though, he looked forward to it often. He always had a soft spot for the way she always listens so intently, making sure she won’t forget anything he tells her. Especially if they’re talking interests.
Tbott tommy
I’m gonna paint you a picture for this one, a small picture.
It was a hot day in august and the crew had just gotten back from a beach day, and tommy was irritated. They had learned, very fast, tommy did not like the beach.
As soon as they were in through the door, and Phil let Tommy on his own feet. Tommy was reaching for his bag that Phil was holding. Confused, Phil handed him the bag. Immediately, tommy unzipped the bag and grabbed the bottom of it flipping it upside down.
A wave of sand hit the wood floors.
Phil, techno, and Wilbur stood dumbstruck.
When had he managed to get his bag full of sand? Why had he put sand in his bag? Where were the things that were supposed to be in his bag?
The answers to these questions, as tommy said,: when he did. Cause he wanted to. Sand.
“D-do ya not like the sand tommy?” Techno asked. Still throughly confused. Tommy looked up at his older brother and pointed to the car.
Phil’s eyes widened. Wilbur was the first out to the car, opening the door to the back seat tommys car seat was placed, and low and behold, there was a crab sitting on his car seat.
He got the sand, for his crab.
Tommy also only listens to y/n while mid temper tantrum’s, which was something Phil wished they hadn’t learned only months prior.
Tbott Phil
He’s a soft dad, he’s very caring and not harsh.
He cares less about discipline and more about the lessons he wants to teach his kids that they can learn from, rather than punishing.
The only kid he’s grounded was wilbur, which seems like it would be obvious because Tommy is like 4 and techno is..techno.
Phil learned early on that y/ns parents were rather unpresent. He started keeping extra things around the house like a toothbrush, a hair brush, girl shampoo. Because he wanted her to have everything she needed when she needed to be there, or chose to be.
He even tried to buy her clothes for the house, they didn’t fit but she appreciated it so much.
Phil enjoys days where the boys go off to school and it’s just him and tommy. Though he loves his older boys, watching tommy grow up is incredibly entertaining. His mind works so strangely and Phil finds it so amazing.
Phil was one of y/ns emergency contacts per her parents request. So when y/n got in trouble, he was often the one to find out first. Or when she got hurt or sick. She was like a daughter to him. He even often joked she was his favorite child.
Tommy didn’t like this joke.
When Phil first became a dad, he wasn’t a good cook. But over the years he’s mastered his craft and was quite the chef.
I hope this is something you guys enjoy! It’s just a little more insight to how I see the sleepy bois in this au in particular! And hopefully this may help with blurb requests!
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goldenpixel · 3 years
The scene with Wilbur in Quackity’s latest lore stream made me Think some Thoughts, and I wanted to get all of my SBI family headcanons together in one place, so here’s this post
First thing, this is their age order:
Philza -> Techno/Wilbur -> Tubbo -> Ranboo -> Tommy
- Techno and Wilbur were born on the same day, so most of the family refers to them as “the twins” but they are not blood related
- Philza did not know how old Techno was when they were ruling the Antarctic Empire, he thought that Techno was around 21 when he was actually around 14-16
- this is a fact that haunts Phil to this day, because he committed a massive amount of war crimes with an actual child, and also for reasons that will soon become very clear
Philza and Techno
- they’re married
- they got married with them each thinking that the other was close to their own age (Phil thought Techno was in his early 20’s, Techno thought Phil was in his late teens)
- for more on their marriage, check out this post
- despite Techno and Wilbur being the same age, Techno is mentally much older due to his past and his general status as the Blood God
- Phil did most of the work raising the older kids, but Techno did his fair share, and you can definitely see his influence when you look at the kid’s behaviors
- both of them are immortal
- Techno is a new immortal, the Blood God has only just come into existence, but he isn't leaving anytime soon
- Philza is an old immortal, he was there when the world was born, and he'll be there when it dies
- Wilbur and Philza are the only blood relatives in the whole family
- as much as he loves him, Wilbur has always been a bit bitter towards Techno, because when they were teenagers, Techno was off ruling and adventuring and having fun with Phil during the AE, and Wil was left home with a young Tommy to look after
- Wilbur’s hair is naturally blond, just like Phil and Tommy’s
- no one knows who Wilbur’s mom is (unfortunately mpreg is the norm on this server, so Phil carried him, and he’s got some ideas on who Wil’s mom is, but he honestly doesn’t care enough to look into it)
- Wilbur has wings
- they’re much smaller than Phil’s, he can barely fly with them, but they’re the same color and shape as Phil’s
- because of how fragile his wings are, Wilbur should not technically be able to fly, but he literally sheer force of will-ed it and threw himself off the roof of their house so many times that he can glide when he jumps from high places, and if it’s a really high place, he can get in a few good flaps of his wings to get him some extra distance
- Phil doesn’t learn that Wilbur can semi-fly/glide until one day they’re off adventuring together and Wil is being dramatic and theatrical and walking backwards while he talks, and he falls off a cliff
- Tommy has been with them since he was a few days old
- because of his light features, most people assume that he is Phil’s son by blood, and he just didn’t inherit the wings
- (at ages 10 and 16, Tommy and Wilbur did the blood-brothers handshake where they cut their palms and then shook hands, so if you ask them, they’re blood brothers through and through)
- Techno taught Tommy how to sew
- Tommy is a young god, but he hasn’t grown into most of his powers yet
- Tommy is a god of death, the future Death himself, Kristen is his mother
- (this is how Phil comes into possession of him. Phil, being the Angel of Death, was really the only reasonable choice when it came to Death herself finding someone to raise her son)
- Tommy has light features, even though Mumza has dark features, because she purposefully made him out of the light, she wanted him to be good and kind, so she created him from the literal light that you see when you're dying
- because he was born from the actual moment of death, despite Tommy's eyes being blue, they hold the void itself in them
- if you look too closely into Tommy's eyes, it can be easy to lose yourself and fall right in
- sometimes Mumza comes to visit, these are very bittersweet moments for Tommy
- he loves his mom, and he loves seeing her and seeing Phil happy to see her, and she usually takes him along on her next trip, ever so slowly teaching him how to be Death, but he also hates that that is his future
- he doesn't want to be the next Death, he doesn't want to outlive all of his friends and his brother, he just wants to be normal
- because of this, Tommy represses pretty much all of his godly powers, trying to seem as normal as possible, the one he represses the most is his automatic healing, when he gets hurt, he wants to stay hurt
- he represses everything so well that its years before Tubbo finds out that his best friend is a god
- Techno raised Ranboo more than Phil did
- (because of this, he’s the only kid who actually views Techno as his father. Despite him literally being their stepdad, the others see Techno as more of a brother or an uncle)
- Techno found Ranboo when he was around 12 years old on the edge of a warped forest in the nether (if you want some more nether-boys hc’s, check out this post)
- at that age, Ranboo hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet due to malnutrition, so he was much smaller than the average human 12 year old, and everyone thought he was around 8-10 (because of his memory issues, Ranboo thought the same thing until Tommy kept pestering him about when his birthday was and he remembered the year)
- Ranboo is brought into the family when he’s 12, Tommy is 11, and Wilbur and Techno are 17
- as I said before, Techno may have been 17 when he took in Ranboo, but he was definitely a father to this anxious amnesiac preteen
- because of his height, Ranboo is constantly slouching to fit through doorways, inside houses, and to make himself appear smaller, so he grows to need a cane
Tubbo (and Dream)
- street cat
- they fed him once and he just kept coming back
- sometimes he’ll disappear for a few weeks, but he always turns up eventually
- boy’s got some family issues, some real bad family issues
- his dad is Schlatt, who left him and big brother Dream to fend for themselves when he and Dream were 6 and 11
- luckily Dream has an excellent sense of direction and memory, and got them to Aunt Puffy’s current port before she pushed off on her next adventure (but not before getting briefly separated and making some friends)
- (the few weeks they spend separated are when Tubbo first gets found by Wilbur and Tommy and forcibly adopted by Phil, and Bad lures Dream home with food and he meets Sapnap)
- both boys have ram features - floppy ears, horns, etc., Dream also inherited their Aunt Puffy's rainbow hair (he dyes it blonde semi-regularly. It's dyed when he meets sbi, and Wilbur and Techno have the exact same reaction to it when they finally see his natural hair: relentless teasing. Like father like son amiright?)
- Tubbo and Dream are half brothers (same dad, different moms), Tubbo is 1/2 ram and 1/2 human, Dream is 1/2 human, 1/4 ram, and 1/4 what he and Sapnap think is demon (basically Dream had a human-ram hybrid dad, and a human-demon(?) hybrid mom)
- when Tubbo introduces Dream to his new brother-in-law, Dream feels a bit of a kindred spirit, but he quickly brushes it off
- Dream spends most of his time either with Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap, or on the sea with Puffy, so Tubbo mostly fends for himself
- Tubbo is more than happy to fend for himself, he actually prefers it most of the time. He doesn't like people fussing over him and sheltering him, so whenever his mood switches and he decides that he does, actually, want some family time, he just appears on sbi’s front porch
- Tubbo first meets Ranboo when he comes to visit after a few months away. No one told him that Tommy was with Mumza for the weekend, so when he arrived at 3am, 2 days before he told Phil he’d be there, he just let himself in and threw himself on top of the sleeping figure in Tommy’s bed, only to be met with a startled enderman screech that woke the whole house
- (Ranboo was in Tommy’s bed because he might not be a part of the official Clingy Duo, but the boy is as clingy as they come. He regularly sleeps in his family’s beds, both when they’re home and when they’re away, because his sense of smell is heightened as an enderman and he needs to be surrounded in their scent when he misses them or when he’s feeling sad (especially because these are the only scents he knows, he doesn’t remember any of the scents from before Techno found him))
Big brothers being friends
- one day, after Tubbo’s near-constant raving about how great the Minecraft family is, Dream agrees to visit with him
- this visit happens to fall during the AE, so the only ones home are Wilbur and Tommy
- Dream and Wilbur take one look at each other and their similar situations in raising their chaotic, problem-child little brothers, and never let go
- the four of them live together for a good 5-6 months before Dream gets a letter and he and Tubbo need to leave
- after this visit, Dream and Wilbur stay in contact, and they visit each other even without their brothers around to drag them along
- I know I said that Wilbur makes fun of Dream for dying his hair, but that’s only in public
- in private, Wilbur confesses to Dream that he also dyes his hair, that his hair is naturally blond and he dyes it darker. After this, Dream and Wilbur start dying their hair together, it becomes something scheduled that they both look forward to immensely each month
- the next time Dream and Tubbo visit together, Wilbur is off with a water spirit who stole his heart (I refuse to write about fish Sally, fight me), and Phil is showing Ranboo some cool builds in his current hardcore world, so it's Techno and Tommy who welcome them in
- Techno starts out pretty hesitant of Dream, but Dream almost instantly is like
- "I'm gonna annoy the blood god into being my best friend"
- and whatever Dream sets his mind to, he achieves
- so the visit sort of ends with Dream and Techno making Tommy and Tubbo promise not to burn the house down, and leaving them home alone to go off to cause some chaos together
Father/son relationships
- As I said earlier, Phil primarily raised Wilbur and Tommy, and Techno primarily raised Ranboo, with Tubbo coming in and out like a feral cat
- to Wilbur and Tommy, Techno is more of a cool uncle who brings them valuable trinkets from his adventures, and they want to be like him one day
- Ranboo and Phil’s relationship is almost exactly the same as Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship with Techno
- when Techno brought Ranboo home, Phil pretty much decided that he had his hands full enough with raising his two chaotic boys, and he declared that it was finders-keepers, Techno found Ranboo, so he gets to raise him
- after L’Manburg, Ghostbur and Phil learn sign language, because the explosion blew out Phil’s hearing in his left ear, and Ghostbur’s so soft-spoken that it’s sometimes really difficult for him to hear his son speaking
For more random hc’s I have about these characters and the characters of the smp in general, check out this post
Some quick tags for people who commented on my post asking who wants this post, thanks for the support guys :’) @anotherweirdohere @haveadayasgreatasyou @jupiterjordan
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Persona x Soul Eater AU
Spoilers for Personas 3-5 (and their remakes FES, Golden, and Royal), PQ1 (Shadow of the Labyrinth), and the P4: Arena series below, as well as the Soul Eater and Soul Eater: Not! anime (and potentially manga? it’s been a while, so I forget)!
Cast (We = Weapon, M = Meister, H = Human, Wi = Witch, O = Other):
Minato Arisato - M | Aigis - Multiform-We | Ryoji Mochizuki - We
Minako Arisato - M | Yukari Takeba - We | Ryoji Mochizuki - We | Aigis - Multiform-We
Junpei Iori - M | Chidori Yoshino - We (presently)
Akihiko Sanada - M or We? | Shinjiro Aragaki We or M?
Mitsuru Kirijo - We (Meisterless and badass; probably a rapier?)
Ken Amada - M | Koromaru - We (a non-human Weapon)
Fuuka Yamagishi - Wi (??? animal)
Investigation Team:
Yu Narukami - M | Teddie - We (potentially a non-human Weapon)
Yosuke Hanamura - M | Labrys - Multiform-We
Chie Satonaka - We or M? | Yukiko Amagi M or We?
Kanji Tatsumi - M? | Naoto Shirogane - We?
Rise Kujikawa - Wi (??? animal)
Phantom Thieves:
Ren Amamiya - M | Morgana - We
Ryuji Sakamoto - M or We? | Yuuki Mishima We or M?
Yusuke Kitagawa - M | Ann Takamaki - We (a whip)
Makoto Nijima - We or M? | Haru Okumura - M or We?
Goro Akechi - M | Robin Hood - We (a bow) | Loki - We (a greatsword)
Kasumi Yoshizawa - M | Sumire Yoshizawa - We (a ribbon wand)
Futaba Sakura - Wi (??? animal)
Daisuke Nagase - We or M? | Kou Ichijo - M or We?
Rei - H
Zen - We, H, or maybe O?
Takuto Maruki - H
Sho - M | Minazuki - We (separate entities in this; Minazuki's a katana)
Shuji Ikutsuki - H
Takaya Sakaki - M | Jin Shirato - We | Chidori Yoshino - We (formerly)
Marie/Izanami-no-Mikoto - Wi (??? animal)
More Notes:
The 'Wild Cards' in this just have really good partnership/Resonance abilities with everyone in their groups, so they can work with any of the Weapons in their groups (and even outside of them a lot of times... looking at Ren and Loki for an example. xP) uncannily naturally.
The Navis in this are all Witches, but good-natured ones, and use their magic to support their respective groups/help make the world a better place. For example, Futaba would probably be able to 'hack' souls somehow with her magic, and also her reclusiveness in this would be at least in part due to being terrified of people finding out her true nature as a Witch. I'm not sure how welcomed/persecuted/the general climate of Witches are/is in this AU yet though.
The Arisato twins and Ryoji are all children of Death in this, with Ryoji being the older sibling and the twins being twins. Death is still Death like he is in SE-OG in this AU, more or less.
Ryoji and Aigis tend to float between Minato and Minako as their secondary partners, though Aigis tends to stick more to Minato as his primary partner and much less often swaps to Minako, while Ryoji shifts between his two siblings more frequently. Yukari swaps about as much as the rest of SEES's Weapons do among their Wild Cards, which is more or less situationally or for fun. Despite this, Aigis and Ryoji still don't get along particularly well with one another, only putting up with each other for their Meisters' sakes.
Strega did exist in this, though I'm not sure yet what their aim was, or the fate of its members. At the very least, they were some kind of rogue antagonist group, and Takaya used to be the Meister of both Jin and Chidori. Chidori ends up defecting to DWMA though, or whatever organization Junpei is a part of.
Aigis, maybe Ryoji?, Mitsuru, Labrys, and Minazuki are all Weapons that can fight without Meisters. Loki and/or Robin Hood might also be among them? I'm undecided.
Originally, I was considering having the cast have their Personas as their Weapon-partners, and just have them have personalities based off of their Shadow-selves' but more aligned with their accepted-selves, but I decided against it in the end. Akechi gets to be the exception, because he's Akechi.
Speaking of Akechi-- Robin and Loki are very powerful Weapons in this AU. Loki's 'chaos magic' would become an incredibly chaotic/maddening soul-wavelength that most others wouldn't be able to handle contact with on its own, as well as perhaps some Madness magic or abilities of some kind? Robin's soul meanwhile would be much calmer and help to counteract/cover-up Loki's from those who can sense souls, as well as perhaps provide some tactical abilities; I'm undecided on that for now. I'm not sure who's side Akechi would be on in this AU yet, like if he was being manipulated by a Shido-like person or not, and for what reason if so.
As for Robin and Loki's personalities and appearances in this... Well, the latter would be somewhat similar to their Persona forms probably, including some of the less-human traits given OG-SE characters (*stares intensely at Excalibur*), and the former would also be somewhat based off of those, as well as sort of how Akechi acts in relation to both of his 'masks'? So Robin tends to be calmer and more polite, though he still possesses a small amount of vengeful desire or bloodlust, whilst Loki is a lot more chaotic, hot-blooded, and very vengeful/aggressive. Both share a tendency towards showiness however, and sometimes get in small competitions with one another to up the other to impress their Meister or be the better Weapon among themselves (since they both might think already that they're superior to other Weapons in general? Unsure).
Also speaking of manipulated and abused children, Sho and Minazuki, alongside Ikutsuki, more or less replace Crona, Ragnarok, and Medusa in this. Not fully 1-for-1 however. Ikutsuki is very much a human, albeit a Mad or power-hungry one (still kinda looking to create a Kishin or otherwise bring about some kind of catastrophic destruction), and Minazuki is a separate Weapon, as opposed to how Ragnarok is Crona's Black Blood. Minazuki and Sho might be twins however, just with one a human/Meister and the other a Weapon. They look almost identical physically in this AU, even down to haircuts, but Minazuki lacks the iconic X-ish shaped face scarring that Sho possesses (and overall the two have a different patterning of scars across their bodies), and Sho's irises appear to be more gray while Minazuki's appear to be more blue. Weapon-form-wise, Minazuki looks like Sho's OG katanas, just in different colors and as a singular blade rather than a pair.
Ikutsuki is still forcing Sho and Minazuki to become stronger in similar methods to Medusa in some ways however, such as going out and obtaining/consuming great amounts of human (and maybe even Witch) souls.
Sho's a little less messed-up than Crona is, due to Minazuki being supportive of and dedicated to him as opposed to bullying him into submission like Ragnarok does to Crona. That being said however, I don't yet know why Minazuki hasn't yet defected from Ikutsuki. P: Other than that, Minazuki is kind of like Sho's impulse control and logical reasoning at times, due to being able to control when he transforms into his Weapon form and thus deny Sho access to his weaponry in times where he's being reckless or unreasonable. Soul-wavelengths-wise, too, Minazuki's soul just in general helps to keep Sho's soul/wavelength more stable probably?
Also in terms of replacing SE cast and plots; The IT replaces Maka et al for the sake of the main story most likely, with SEES being their upperclassmen or alumni and the PT being their underclassmen, if they even attend DWMA at this point anyways.
Lotsa dead people in OG are alive in this AU; Minato, Minako, and Ryoji, Shinjiro, Kasumi, etc.
Speaking of Kasumi; she fights kind of like Sumire does in Royal, that being making use of their gymnastics and priorly-athletic builds. Both sisters are gymnists in this still.
Alternatively, Sho and Minazuki's situations almost ended up reversed, leaving a highly impulsive/aggressive Weapon-Sho and a Meister-Minazuki who would have the kinda backwards idealology of trying to protect his Weapon partner in times where it would be best left to the Weapon to defend their Meister, but also really good at getting Sho to focus when wielding him as a weapon/in resonance (and can in general reign him in to some degree while others can't), making them an exceedingly deadly duo. I kind of prefer Minazuki as the Weapon however, as fun as the reverse could be, as it gives Ikutsuki a bit more leverage over Sho's situation I think? Also in that vein, it would make a lot of sense, given OG, for Minazuki to be more like a Black Blood entity like Ragnarok; however, I like Minazuki being able to have his own body in this, so that can be left for another AU perhaps. xP
Ikutsuki would infiltrate/be trusted by the DWMA in this AU at first, like Medusa was, but eventually get outed for his true intentions most likely. He might be a teacher or other kind of faculty rather than a nurse however?
Maruki meanwhile gets to play the role of school nurse in this. He's not a few screws loose like his Royal counterpart is though, he's just a humble nurse. However, he does still have his interest in researching dangerous subjects, though I haven't yet decided if that would be magic, Witches, Madness, Kishins, or what. It could potentially put him in knowing-contact with the Navis, if they aren't already known to be Witches by the DWMA anyways.
I'm not yet sure on what to do with Adachi or Nyx yet. Nyx might be some kind of Madness-related catastrophe, power, or individual perhaps however?
Rei and Zen are probably just civilians in this. Zen just happens to be really devoted to protecting/looking after(?) Rei still. xD
I'm undecided on if Marie should be amnesiac about her Witchhood or if she should be more like Izanami-no-Mikoto from OG in this.
Yusuke is still obsessed with artistry and beauty in this, so you can imagine what he's like as a Meister. He is still capable as a fighter and dependable when needed... more or less, but is also still easily distracted by, and places higher priority on, such things.
Ryuji kinda gets the short end of the stick because I didn't particularly know who to pair him with or what really to do with him at the moment. Mishima's a big tentative as his partner as a result of that, though I think it could prove to be an interesting relationship potentially.
I'm hoping to add more SL/Confidant and secondary/tertiary/background cast peeps eventually into various roles, but I'd need to do more refreshing/research on them first. I also haven't decided on if I should include Metis in this or not.
If the SE info is inaccurate, it's because I haven't seen the anime or read-up on it in like years. I might do clarifying/fact-checking research some day, but for now, nah. xP
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