#they’re tagged on the individual polls
john-bracket · 2 years
Behold the Jacket
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Polls will start on Saturday, March 25th, starting with the left side of the bracket, then taking a day break, and running the right side of the bracket on Monday, March 27th!
Match-ups will also be listed below the cut:
1L: John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) (54) vs Wee John Feeney (Our Flag Means Death) (1)
2L: John McClane (Die Hard) (4) vs John Crichton (Farscape) (4)
3L: John Winchester (Supernatural) (7) vs John Hart (Torchwood) (2)
4L: John Henry (Folk tale) (2) vs John Seward (8)
5L: John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) (16) vs Don John (Much Ado About Nothing) (2)
6L: John Granby (Temeraire) (4) vs Little John (Robin Hood) (6)
7L: John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis) (6) vs John Stewart (DC) (4)
8L: “Trapper” John McIntyre (M*A*S*H*) (1) vs John MacNamara (Hatchetfield) (20)
1R: John Egbert (Homestuck) (24) vs Prince John (Robin Hood) (1)
2R: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (Song) (4) vs John Peters, you know, the farmer? (Welcome to Night Vale) (5)
3R: Long John Silver (Treasure Island) (6) vs John Reese (Person of Interest) (4)
4R: John (The Vampire Dies In No Time) (2) vs John Constantine (DC) (15)
5R: John Hunger (The Adventure Zone: Balance) (8) vs John Smith (Doctor Who) (2)
6R: John Doe (unORDINARY) (3) vs John Wick (John Wick) (6)
7R: John Bender (The Breakfast Club) (5) vs John Ward (FAITH: The Unholy Trilogy) (4)
8R: John Hammond (Jurassic Park) (1) vs John Doe (Malevolent) (35)
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ranger-crisis · 5 months
Reblog for larger sample size if you’d like.
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transmascissues · 2 months
I bet the transfem tag doesn’t have half as much transmasc porn deliberately tagged wrong as the transmasc tag has transfem porn
For every transmasc post I see there’s two porn accounts to block
Just pisses me off. I want to see posts about transmascs!!!
while i think you are probably right about the fact that there isn’t going to be as much transmasc porn in the transfem tag (though i can’t say i’m 100% certain, it’s not like i’ve ever scrolled through both tags and actually counted) and i do find the amount of porn in our tags frustrating, i want to talk a bit about the way this issue is being framed.
the thing you have to remember about porn bots is that you can’t think of them as real people. the whole point of them is to make money by pushing those links into popular tags so as many people see them as possible. they want people to click the link, so they show it to as many people as they can. so when you see these posts, you have to keep in mind that there’s not an individual person sitting behind a screen making specific decisions about whose tags to fuck over or what kind of porn to advertise, those decisions are most likely made based on some sort of algorithm designed to make as much money as possible.
so let’s think about it critically — why might we be seeing so much transfem porn in transmasc tags?
well, a lot of these bots are probably using our tag because tumblr has a lot of transmascs who use those tags. the trans communities on different sites are going to have different demographics, and if you’ve ever seen a poll going around with different choices for transmascs and transfems, you’ve seen just how dramatic the difference in numbers on here can be. these bots are targeting our tags because there are a lot of us here and we tend to be very active which means the bots have a better chance of getting clicks, not because an actual person decided they wanted to fuck over our tags specifically.
and why does the porn tend to be transfem porn? i can’t say for sure, but i’ll tell you my theories. first of all, i’m guessing these bots are using trans porn because tumblr has a lot of very active trans tags, and they probably take that into account — they assume that people in trans tags are more likely to want trans porn. the tag matches the link’s key words in that way, so that’s what their formula for getting clicks thinks we want to see. and i’m guessing it’s transfem porn specifically because there’s just more of that — transfem porn is much easier to find than transmasc porn, and it’s also probably seen as a better bet for these bots because being more popular means more people will want to click it. and that doesn’t stem from people preferring transfems over transmascs or anything like that, it stems from the rampant fetishization of transfems. these accounts aren’t actual transfem sex workers choosing to put their content in the transmasc tags, they’re bots doing what they think is going to make money. they don’t care how transfems feel about it being used and they don’t care how transmascs feel about seeing it instead of what we were actually looking for.
so while i absolutely share your frustration with our tags being overrun with porn, i don’t like how the issue has been framed by a lot of people as a transmasc vs transfem issue. i get how on the surface, it seems like our tags are having more of a problem with it and that must be for a reason, but the reason doesn’t actually have anything to do with our identities — it has everything to do with what bots think is the best way to get us to click their links.
this problem has nothing to do with transmasc vs transfem, and everything to do with the fact that tumblr won’t take care of its bot problem. if you want to get mad at someone for the fact that you can’t see the content you’re looking for without wading through countless porn bots, that’s where your anger should be going: toward the site that hasn’t done anything about it.
i wanted to lay this all out because while you didn’t explicitly blame transfems for this issue in your ask (you more so just said they don’t have to deal with it to the degree we do), i’ve seen posts with a similar tone that do imply that transfems are somehow behind this issue, and that honestly frustrates me more than the issue itself. blaming transfems for this isn’t fair to them — this is a bot issue, not an issue with real people on the site — and it also doesn’t do us any favors because it makes people less likely to take us seriously when we talk about things that are actually specifically targeting our community spaces.
and even though you didn’t take that explicit blaming stance in your ask, i think this issue being brought up as a “transmasc issue” at all reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of exactly why it happens the way it does. so i want this to serve as a reminder that when we have a conversation about something in our community, we have to think critically about the way we’re framing that conversation and make sure we have a good understanding of the root of the problem at hand.
because this really isn’t an issue that should be framed as transmasc vs transfem. i’m sure it’s not any less frustrating for transfems to see porn that fetishizes their bodies plastered all over the site than it is for us to have to dig through that porn to find the content we’re looking for. and it’s not really an issue that has anything to do with the fact that the tags are for transmascs at all. you say someone is deliberately mistagging into our tags, but it’s deliberate on a level that has nothing to do with the individual tags being used.
if we want to have conversations about the ways transmascs are uniquely mistreated, that comes with a responsibility to make sure the things we talk about are actually examples of a unique form of mistreatment and not symptoms of a totally different issue. we have to be careful not to pick the wrong battles, especially if doing so could artificially pit us against transfems who haven’t actually done anything wrong.
i worry that the struggles we’ve had in making our voices heard within our community have made some of us start to see our transfem sisters and siblings as the enemy by default, so i want to strongly caution everyone contributing to these conversations to think deeply about how you’re framing what you’re saying and if it’s actually appropriate before suggesting that any particular issue is a matter of transmascs vs transfems. there are definitely situations where the root of the issue is lateral aggression or intracommunity conflict, but this isn’t one of them and the fact that so many people have interpreted it that way really doesn’t reflect well on us.
i’m just as annoyed by the porn bots in our tags as the next guy, but this isn’t the way to go about having that conversation.
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Unknown Final Episodes: A Pact?
Thanks all who voted in the poll about your plans for viewing the final episodes! Interestingly, we’re kinda split between people who intend to watch as soon as the eps are accessible and those who want to finish up weekly. We’re a small active community, and the shared discussions after each episode have really enhanced the watch experience. I’d hate to lose that in the final stretch, especially if the tag is full of spoilers and some of us end up having to filter.
So I am proposing a pact: how about we still keep to posting about the episodes on the weekly schedule, regardless of when we each individually watch them? If we did that, we’d finish up like this:
April 20: Ep 10
April 27: Ep 11
May 4: Ep 12
I will personally probably go ahead and watch the eps once they’re available, but I’ll happily commit to still posting weekly about one ep at a time. I want to keep talking about this show for another month! And for folks who just can’t hold it in, maybe we can use a specific tag like [#unknown the series spoilers] so folks sticking to the weekly watch can filter that but not miss the discussion on the current episode.
What do folks think? Very open to other suggestions!
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since people have been commenting in the tags on the poll for The Silmarillion to the effect that they’re “skewing the results”, I wanted to elaborate on my feelings on the “methodology” (as it were) of this blog.
in particular, taking this comment by sesamenom as a starting point:
the reblogs (even the early ones) do indicate the post reached multiple medium-to-large silm blogs, plus the original post is tagged w silmarillion. so this probably is less of a survey of general silm readership and more of an indicator that 32% (47% now) of this post's audience is the greater silm fandom.
this is obviously one of the core “problems” of running polls like this through the medium of tumblr: it will be impossible to get “accurate” / “scientific” results, because who sees the post is entirely determined by (1) who follows the specific blog (a self-selecting audience) and (2) who reblogs it and into which communities / networks. in this case (and others), it is clear from the notes that the post is circulating heavily within Tolkien fan networks on tumblr, and this is, indeed, likely to be “skewing” the results relative to the general population (whatever we take that to mean in this context).
this blog and @haveyoureadthisscifibook are not intended to find information about a general population. rather, I’m interested specifically in the much narrower group of people who are habitual fantasy and/or science fiction readers. my goal is not to determine “what percentage of people have read The Lord of the Rings”, but “what percentage of fantasy readers have read The Lord of the Rings”.
for these purposes, the self-selecting nature of tumblr is actually an advantage! I can safely assume that anyone who’s choosing to follow a specialized poll blog for fantasy books identifies as a fantasy reader at least to some extent, and if they reblog a post they’re doing so because they anticipate that the book in question is or could (or should) be of interest to their followers — in other words, they do so because they expect their followers to also be fantasy readers, or at least fantasy-adjacent.
given that the poll for The Silmarillion appears to be circulating in specifically Tolkien-oriented fan networks here, it’s probably still true that the result is going to be disproportionate, but the disproportion relative to the target larger group of fantasy readers is also likely much less dramatic or significant than the disproportion relative to any general population. we’ve certainly had some amusingly misleading results in the past (notably (to me): a random recent Warhammer 40k novel getting >25% yes on the sci-fi blog; In the Hands of the Goddess getting only 40% yes vs. the rest of Song of the Lioness hovering around the 50% mark), but since I’m interested first and foremost in averages, a few individual disproportions will even out in the long run.
so. reblog away!
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- Have a rare pair so rare they never interact in canon? Or even exist in the same canon?
- Is literally only known by a small circle of friends and is completely incomprehensible to the average onlooker?
- CANNOT interact in canon! We are talking the obscurest of obscure. I need to have to hunt these character down and edit them into a photo in order for them to be valid. If I google their names together and can easily find official pictures of them hanging out it’s invalid(exceptions can be made depending on circumstances)
- CAN be from different source material. Literally anything goes!! Anime character and Spongebob? OKAY!!! Two characters from the same show who’ve never interacted?? YES!! I’m looking for ships you need to explain the development of. There needs to be a lore.
- CANNOT have a mass following. Once again, I’m looking for ships that can only be comprehended by a group of friends with insider knowledge. So things like BBC Sherlock’s mormor, despite being a ship wjere one of the characters technically doesn’t exist, doesn’t count on account of being immensely popular and having several hundreds of fics made for them. WE’RE TALKING WEIRD. RANDOM. OBSCURE. There’s gotta be like 5 fics of them MAXIMUM(exceptions can be made if they’re all by the same one or two very dedicated ppl)
- ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE JUDGED BY DEDICATION NOT NUMBERS!!! I want you FIGHTING for your LIFE to justify why your blorbos are not only weird but extremely valid to ship. I want to see essays with the same passion and effort youd put into your English paper worth 50% of your grade.
- NO REAL LIFE PEOPLE. streamers count.
- I have full control of who gets in or not. Once again, we are going by dedication, not numbers. Please don’t be upset if your blorbos do not make it in. I f things go well, I’ll probably do this again, so you’ll likely have more chances to see them submitted.
- I DO NOT HAVE ENCYCLOPEDIC KNOWLEDGE OF EVERY MEDIA EVER. while i will go out of my way to do background checks of any character I don’t recognize, I’m not very smart. If a ship gets in that’s in some way notably problematic, I assure you I did not know!! Please just DM me about it if it happens!!!
- I don’t want to see any trash talking towards other opponents. This is a for fun poll! Please have fun. Discover new weird ships to have. Form weird ship polycules with the opponents and kiss or smth. If I see any vile behavior in the polls you will be blocked.
- unfortunately I am a human bound by feelings and bias. This was originally just going to be a ‘weird a3 ships’ thing before I decided to branch out since I doubt I’d get many submissions sticking to one fandom. If you see a lot of a3! Specific ships thats because I have a lot of friends who are all individually buckwild about certain weird ships.
(Should a date be needed I will specify later down the line. I will give more than enough time with a heads up for when I close submissions, so you do not have to worry about being too late to submit your blorbos.)
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djarins-cyare · 6 months
WIP Wednesday!
✨Featuring: a taste of smut and a poll✨
Tagged by @beskarandblasters today (thanks Kel!) and @burntheedges literally like 4 weeks ago but I’ve been working 80-hour weeks and am really behind with interactions (so thanks Kate and sorry this is late!) 💙
They’re slightly different templates, so I’ll use the one with more detail and a poll because that’s always fun…
STEP ONE: post snippets of the fics you’re working on (can be a summary if there’s no snippet) STEP TWO: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on
There’s some NSFW content, so under the cut if you please…
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As usual, I’ve given you far more than is strictly necessary, but you can’t shut me up, so here you go…
1. From To See A Thousand Things (guns n’ angst – the winner of my last WIP poll):
“What was that word you just said? Did you call me something rude?” “Kaan’goran. It means ‘weaponsmith’ in Mando’a. I don’t know your name and that’s what you are.” Oh. He says it matter-of-factly, but you’re strangely disappointed somehow. Maybe it’s time you introduced yourself to the man you’ve been anonymously fucking for over a year. This is a night of firsts, after all. “Well, you can call me—” “Don’t,” he insists, surprising you. Your face instantly falls, wondering why the hell that’s the arbitrary line he’s drawing in the sand tonight. But he sees your dejection and sighs, offering an explanation. “In my culture, names aren’t used flippantly. They’re titles, and they’re used as such: a full name to denote one’s clan when necessary, but otherwise rarely spoken. Those individuals who have a job of high standing are referred to by their professional titles – jobs that provide for the whole tribe rather than just their individual clan. To a Mandalorian, a weaponsmith is a noble profession. You forge the implements we defend ourselves with.” Okay, that’s… weirdly sweet. Oh… no. Oh hell no. Fuck off warm fuzzy feeling that’s rising in your belly. This will not do! You furrow your brow, confused and slightly annoyed about… well, basically everything, from his intentions to your emotions. Time to clarify. “You’re... complimenting me?” “I’m… respecting you,” he counters carefully. You can’t help the small snort of amusement that makes its way unbidden through your nose at that. This is definitely a night of firsts.
2. From an unnamed lengthy oneshot (starts a little angsty but builds to fluff and a helmet reveal):
“Din?” you try. His helmet jerks slightly at his name, but he doesn’t look. You deserve more, so you demand more. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.” He shifts uncomfortably and shakes his helmet a little. Was that a response? A refusal to talk? Try being more direct. “Hey. That’s not fair. You don’t get to touch me like that and then pull away without saying why.” “That’s the problem,” he responds, voice like steel. “I know it’s not fair. I shouldn’t have touched you like that.” There’s something bitter in his tone, and it poisons the air between you. But you still don’t understand, and the ache in your chest festers higher. “I wasn’t complaining,” you try. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted you to do that?” For some reason, your hesitancy about crossing this line with him has vanished. You think he erased it when he groped your ass just now. “Yes, I know,” he snaps loudly, suddenly sounding angrier than you’ve ever heard him. “Do you know why it can’t happen?” You shake your head, too surprised at his sudden fierceness to respond verbally. Actually, you have some idea (a lot of ideas), but you’d rather hear his explanation. But you don’t get an explanation. You get a dismissal. “Then you don’t know me very well at all.” And with those acidic, modulated words, he turns his back on you and marches into the canyon.
3. From Final Sanctuary (interestingly, this was the second-lowest rated in my last WIP poll, so I’m giving you a whole little smutty section to see if that’s still the case):
He takes several bites before he remembers she wants his opinion, and he swallows and resets the helmet, glancing up at her. She’s watching him, chewing slowly with what he can only describe as a smug smile on her lips. “Good, huh?” she prompts, punctuating her question with another bite. He’s about to respond when her bite causes a bit of the white dip to ooze out of the bread and smear across the corner of her mouth. Dank farrik, his brain instantly leaps into motion and flashes a full and detailed sexual fantasy before his eyes in a matter of milliseconds. …his hard cock between her warm lips, pressing deeper into her mouth as she moans and sucks his length… She clearly feels the rogue smear of dip, but with both hands clutching the bread, she utilises her tongue to recapture it, a wanton pink delight darting out of the corner of her mouth and Din swells in his pants. …she licks and flutters around his cockhead, massaging the sensitive spot underneath and undulating it along the bottom as she sinks lower again… But the viscous white liquid has dripped farther than her tongue can reach, leaving a smear a little way down from the corner of her mouth, and he intently focuses on it. …the perfect confluence of pressure and suction brings him right to the edge of ecstasy, and he orgasms hard, filling her mouth with so much cum that it leaks and spills down her chin… Before he’s even aware he’s doing it, Din is reaching for her. He sees his hand extend across the crate between them, but he can’t stop it. She’s hunched low to reach the food, and the crate is small, so he doesn’t have to learn far, and although her eyes widen in surprise, she doesn’t flinch or pull away. His thumb only hesitates for a second before wiping up the dip, but it hovers there for longer afterwards, coated in white and unsure how to proceed. …she swallows his cum, and he wipes up what spilled out, pressing his thumb into her mouth so she doesn’t miss a drop, and her tongue eagerly licks it up… Just as he makes the rational decision to withdraw his hand, she turns her head, aligning her lips with his thumb, and a rush shoots through him… but he’s already in motion, retreating back to his side of the crate. It’s too late. Would she have done it? Licked his thumb? Dank farrik, he’s so hard over the possibility. Thankfully, he’s pretty sure that between his loose pants and the cross-legged position he’s in, nothing’s on display, plus he’s sitting close to the crate anyhow. Neither of them has spoken yet, although he’s not sure if his voice works right now. Still, he has to answer her question about the meal, so he rasps out the only word that comes to mind. “Delicious.”
I have several others, but these are the fullest, although they’re incomplete and unedited.
Feel free to send me an ask or leave a comment if you want to discuss these any further!
A few NP tags: @ceapa-mica @penvisions @papurgaatika @for-a-longlongtime @draculasfavoritewife @whxtedreams @alltheotps
I'll just get comfy and wait for the poll results...
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
As promised, Ghost!WWX this week since it tied for second in the poll! I was going to go back and link the other posts individually but here's the tag for it, I'm pretty sure the three bits in there are all I've posted for it. In case you forgot and/or you don't want to read through the other snippets, WWX is a ghost haunting Cloud Recesses (specifically LWJ) about a year post-cql-canon (so he's been wandering alone) and once they all realize what's going on LWJ is handles it soooooo well. This new bit directly follows the previous snippet from Ch. 2, enjoy! (Next week's post will be the third place winner in the poll, something from 'Technically A Cutsleeve?' 😌)
“Jingyi, please escort the rest of the disciples inside. Reports on the hunt are due in the morning.”
“Yes Hanguang-Jun,” Lan Jingyi hurries to agree, the junior disciples behind him and Sizhui bowing the same before they troop past him and up the stairs. They’re too well-disciplined to whisper or look back at their seniors over their shoulders, but Lan Wangji is fairly sure that the whispers about his son will begin again soon, if only amongst those who remember the first time they’d made their rounds through the Sect.
“Hanguang-Jun,” Sizhui says, stricken. “It really is Wei-qianbei –”
“I know,” Lan Wangji says, because his son has never once been a liar. No matter how much his entire being wants to scream that he’s wrong, that it’s a mistake, that it’s impossible for Sizhui alone to see Wei Ying standing beside him, he knows that his son does not lie.
Which means that Wei Ying’s spirit is here, and his body is not.
Which means that if he is not already dead, then he is likely in grave danger.
“What is he saying?” he asks, and his naturally level voice is the only reason he can ask it without breaking.
“He’s..he’s been here for a few days —” Lan Wangji swallows hard around a knot in his throat “— and that he’s definitely a spirit, but he doesn’t know how. He also says that the wards around Cloud Recesses only allow him to cross sporadically, he’s experimented very briefly with it this morning. And — Wei-qianbei, slow down please –”
Lan Wangji allows himself two slow breaths to make his very temporary peace with the agony coursing through him. His composure will not last forever, but it must last at least a few more minutes.
“We will discuss it further at home. Sizhui, will you go with Wei Ying first to the library and retrieve anything that will be useful?”
“You know the library well, as does Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji manages, though he doesn’t have many words left before his composure slips too far. Already he can tell Sizhui can see that he’s unwell, but his son is too good, too filial to acknowledge it out loud. “I will meet you in the Jingshi in a shichen, I have business to attend to before we may begin researching what has happened.”
Sizhui looks at him far too keenly for a moment before his attention abruptly shifts to Lan Wangji’s left again and he grimaces. “Wei-qianbei, we don’t know for sure that you’re –“
“There are many ways to separate the spirit from the body,” Lan Wangji hurries to cut in despite how rude and uncharacteristic it is of him, because if Sizhui says the words ‘Wei-qianbei’ and ‘dead’ in the same sentence he doesn’t know what he may do. “I will see you in a shichen.”
Without another word, Lan Wangji turns and sweeps back up the path into Cloud Recesses on numb legs, muscle memory the only thing keeping him upright and able to walk through his home as if nothing is wrong. He dimly registers the sound of Sizhui talking quietly to Wei Ying, under his breath so as to not be spotted talking to what looks like empty air, and he’s relieved when they split off from the same path as him to head for the library pavilion, leaving him free to return to the Jingshi in silence.
He makes it three steps beyond the threshold before he collapses into a graceless heap on the floor.
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
-• Rules + Other Information •-
DNI if: homophobic/transphobic, racist, ableist, a minor, a genuinely problematic person
-• Transformers Masterlist •-
-• 2nd Transformers Masterlist •-
-• The Legend of Zelda Masterlist •-
-• Call of Duty Masterlist •-
-• Kink(tober/cember) 2023 •-
-• Pick-a-Fic Masterlist •-
Pick-a-Fic events will take place on the first to second day of every month except for January, April, September, October and December.
-• Q&A will always be open! •-
All Requests Opened -> June 1st
Oneshots- closed
Headcanons- closed
Nsfw Alphabets- closed
Matchups- closed
Love Letters - closed
Doodles- closed
Call of Duty fandom requests are open- please ignore the space above if you'd like to request that! I will try to write for every character and not just my favorites I swear. (major brain rot wuh oh)
Want an answer? Just ask, this is a judgment free zone. Don’t worry about if your question is stupid.
Interact with me! I love it when followers or mutuals ask me something unrelated about writing or about opinions.
-• Rules for Writing Requests Below •-
Matchup Rules -> send the continuity and faction or fandom you want to be matched up with and some basic information about yourself (hobbies, favorite foods, smarts, bad habits, pet peeves, ect). You'll get some headcanons in return.
Love Letter Rules
Doodle Rules
Absolute No’s -> r^pe/noncon (dubcon is fine), beastiality, ped0philia, incest, crossovers, character x oc, female readers (all readers will use they/them or he/him wether afab or not), pregnancy/breeding (you can ask for it but it’s an iffy subject), religious topics, Q+/minority discrimination
I’ll say this one again: I Do Not Write For Female, Fem or Femme Readers at all. Your request will be deleted if it mentions a female reader. Afab readers are fine, female presenting and/or identifying readers make me uncomfortable to write and read.
Unless I know you personally, I will not be writing neutral readers anymore. Anonymously submitted requests will be male readers whether described as or not.
(The rule above is going to be enforced once I open and get new requests.)
Fandoms I write for -> Transformers (TFP, TFA, RB, RBA, RID15, G1, Cyberverse, MTMTE [Issues #1-#27], ROTB, War for Cybertron, ROTF, All AUs), Undertale (All AUs), BOTW/TOTK, Hasbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Supernatural, The Dragon Prince, Breaking Bad, JJBA, Inside Job, Nimona, The Barbie Movie, Call of Duty
4 characters maximum per headcanon request.
I’d love to write for -> (TFA) Sentinel, Ratchet, rarepairs, angst, coregasm, degradation, stepping, sounding, (CoD) Soap, König, Ghost, Graves
Please include the fandom/continuity and themes/kinks you want in your request! If it’s just an ask with characters in it it’ll probably be discarded.
I may tend to write the requests that are not anonymous instead of the anonymous requests or doing the requests in order. The best bet to have your request finished first is to not be on anonymous.
-• Info ‘bout Me •-
I am transgender (female to male) and autistic. @gay4ratchet is my other SFW and TFA/RBA themed side blog. I’m fluent in English, I am currently learning German and need lots more practice. I have a lovely girlfriend (EEE @cyberrose2001 LOVE U POOKIE<3) and am quite happy with my cards in life, so to speak.
-• Tags •-
#valveplug -> where the nasties are.
#micro talks -> random thoughts, anons talking or asking questions, rambles or opinions on ideas.
#reblog wednesdays -> art or the occasional fic I reblog on wednesdays (CDT time).
#pick a fic -> where all of the Pick-A-Fic polls and fics are.
#micro matchups -> where all of the matchups are. they’re very personalized to individual people/not meant for every reader.
#love letter -> all of the love letters.
#nsfw alphabet -> all of the nsfw alphabets.
#micro’s kinktober -> where you’ll find all of the kinktober (and the kinkcember extension)event posts and fics.
#micro doodles -> where you'll find all of my art
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sapphic-story · 8 months
What's Lee working on in 2024?? A Mini Guide:
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I have a better job with slightly less hours so hopefully it is time for creative things again yippee!! Text under cut
Slide 1:
Liho (comic)
Themes: definitions of love, social expectations, relationships dynamics, idealization
Welcome to the loveliest campus in the world, protected by the ever adored Cupid Heart!
Ifeolewa is a sophomore college student that has been chosen to become a magical girl and defend the sanctity of love around her school!
…unfortunately, Ife has a 5th grader’s understanding of love at best and doesn’t quite understand the complexities of modern relationships and romances.
Now, Ife juggles school, fighting villains, “fixing relationships”, and trying to win the heart of her crush, Liho (her best friend’s incredibly recent ex-girlfriend).
Slide 2:
Slips of the Stars (comic)
Themes: loneliness, abandonment, free will vs fate, individual perspective
Kaasey “Slips” Marion is a aimless, bored, burnt out college student who doesn’t know where they’re going in life. 
They’re also convinced that every person around them is literally in a story, meticulously recording the story details in her notebook. They believe they are a background character in these stories, probably for comic relief.
Also, every day the world ends and then she wakes up at the beginning of the day again. 
That one’s new.
Slips has to step out of the shadows and work with her main characters to figure out what’s happening, why, who’s causing it, and how to help this story finally have its happy ending before time runs out.
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Hospital Food (achronological ergodic novel-y thing..?)
Themes: Mental health and chronic illness, identity, multigenerational relationships, life and what could lie beyond it (if anything)
Sickly new employee Ward devoted her time and energy to her new job at an inpatient care facility for individuals with deadly parasites eating them alive. Ward and her team fought day and night to save patient lives from the very same parasites that threatened Ward’s life more and more every second.
Now, Ward, her coworkers, and their clients are nowhere to be found. The facility they worked and stayed at no longer exists. 
What happened? Where did they go? Is anyone left alive? All that’s left are the forgotten files, notes, and memos collecting dust in abandoned desks and drawers, waiting to be discovered.
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Other odds and ends 
I share story custody with some friends on some things about spies, zombie apocalypse, urban fantasy mysteries, and more magical girls
You might see me posting about an experiment I did polling college students about loneliness and their relationship to technology
Additionally might also just generally see things for my class/work 
There’s also a lot of story ideas and tropes that I really like (see next slide) so you’ll see a lot of very specific tags regarding those concepts 
I like playing with different mediums like art, writing, music, video games, and many more!
All the art in this is my own :) save for the jojo reference
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About the Author
Hi I’m Lee sapphic-story
I’m a 22 year old Black American lesbian
I use they/them pronouns
I’m a master’s student in educational psychology and work in a community college system to enhance student services 
I have a lot of specific interests including…
Time loops
All things urban fantasy
Perceptions of love
Familial relationships
(Former) christianity 
Atypical relationship dynamics
The physical/emotional/ psychological effects of being a “hero”
Story structures
Self aware characters
And way more I have so many tags 
Stay tuned for further story updates
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springfallendeer · 2 years
Clinging to the Pleasure (Sun x F!Reader)
Takes place in the Subnautica AU! This is what won the last poll I had for what sort of smut I should write.
Features oral, overstimulation, hand in anus, excessive cum, and other fun stuffs.
@pulsarsatellite because you so sweetly requested that I tag you in Subnautica stuff.
Large, clawed hands wrap around your legs as you attempt to climb back into your shelter. You lock your fingers around the thin metal rails that were used to allow for easy entry, preventing your body from being dragged back into the water. The small, underwater pod jolts and rocks from the sheer force of being seized. A soft curse rolls past your lips as you lazily kick your legs in the water.
This isn’t an entirely new scenario for you. The alien creature that has taken hold of you is not an enemy. Nor are they a threat. At least not to you. Quite the opposite.
The creature currently clinging to your legs is quite friendly. Generally speaking, they’re also quite helpful. They’ve been helpful since day one.
You don’t know why, but they took a liking to you as soon as they encountered you.
The strange alien merman began to follow you around and pine for your attention almost immediately. They studied your every action and began to mirror your behavior. Your alliance began quickly as a result.
Though communication has been difficult due to language barriers, their intelligence shines through. They have been an essential ally when it comes to finding food, fighting off predators, and collecting supplies.
Their presence also fends off the loneliness that comes with being isolated on an alien world. Which is both a blessing and a curse.
They’re a very social creature. Since having arrived here, you’ve learned a lot about their race through observation. Generally they travel in large groups.
Not this one. You’ve only ever seen this one socializing with one other individual of their kind. A blue one with a white patch on their face. One of the variants that prefers to linger in deep water.
You call that one Moon, because the white patch on his face resembles a crescent moon.
The one currently grabbing you is nicknamed Sun as a result. Named for their bright, sunny colors and playful personality. A little ball of sunshine.
A ball of sunshine that gets very, very lonely whenever Moon has to leave.
The blue one prefers to hunt alone. They swim off to some dark space to collect food. Sometimes they’re gone for half a day.
Sun has taken to using you for company whenever Moon leaves. Which has led to him developing a bit of an annoying habit.
That habit being trying to drag you back out of your shelter whenever you make a move to climb into it.
That’s why you didn’t initially panic when you felt his hands wrap around your legs. This highly intelligent, orca sized, alien predator isn’t trying to hurt you. They’re just lonely and in a clingy mood.
For as large as they are, they’re surprisingly gentle. Surprisingly aware of their own strength. So you know you’re not in danger when the tug on your legs.
Not so much when you feel their mouth testing the limits of your suit.
You jolt, rightly so, when you first feel it. The pressure of their mouth wrapping around a chunk of your leg.
Not to bite you. Not yet at least. You feel them use their teeth to hook the fabric of your wet suit and tug.
The only thing preventing you from kicking is the knowledge that their teeth could very easily puncture your flesh. So you fall still in their grip as you feel them nibbling at you.
Despite it being obvious that they aren’t trying to hurt you, you’re terrified. You’re terrified because this powerful creature with jaws that can break through bone is nipping at your legs.
They’ve got their arms around you to prevent you from escaping their curious mouthing.
The medical sensors in your suit sound off an alert in response to your spike in heart rate. Then a low oxygen warning hits you a short while after.
Without realizing it, you were holding your breath. You let out that shaky breath as you feel their mouth move to your inner thigh. You have no idea what they’re trying to do.
You have no idea why they’re doing this. All you can do is keep a firm grip on the railing and hope that the movements of their mouth aren’t the warning signs of malicious intent.
They’re not biting. Its more like they’re feeling you out with their teeth. There is a difference, but a very slight one.
You feel your legs spread as Sun moves his head between them.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you feel his mouth against your groan. You can’t help the startled jolt that rolls through you in response.
His teeth very lightly press into the fabric covering your genitals. You try to steady your breathing, but your breath hitches again at the next unexpected sensation. You felt a peculiar pressure against your crotch. The wet suit might prevent the bulk of the contact, but you know exactly what it was. That was his tongue.
A confused gasp escapes you as you feel it again. Then again. And again. You realize that he’s stroking your genital region with his tongue.
Any suspicion that this might be purely innocent behavior sank to the bottom of the sea when you felt his tongue start to press down. He was pressing his tongue against you in a way that implied that he was looking for something.
A hole, to be specific.
Your face flushes and you bite your lip, unable to prevent the natural reaction of your body. Heat pools between your legs as the realization sinks in.
The faint stimulation of his tongue rubbing against your clothed vulva does well enough at triggering a subdued arousal.
He’s being so gentle with you. The constant back and forth movements of his tongue sent pleasant tingles running through you. It doesn’t take long for you to become aware of the wetness pooling against the cloth.
A repressed moan escapes you as he gradually begins to apply more force with his tongue.
You can feel it. He feels out where the hole he’s looking for is and he focuses the tip of his tongue on that spot.
Its as if he’s trying to break through the confines of your wet suit using only his tongue.
His persistence only adds to your growing arousal. But the lack of direct stimulation only adds to your frustration. Until now, you hadn’t been aware of how pent up you were. You had been so focused on survival that you had failed to take the time to relieve this biological urge.
Before long, you can’t help but want him to tear a hole in your wet suit.
The need for an orgasm is there and he’ll drive you mad if all he does is grind against you through the cloth. Without meaning too, you begin to rock your hips against his tongue. In doing so you unwittingly tell him that you want more. You give him permission to touch you directly, if only by absently riding on his tongue.
He pulls his mouth away briefly, coaxing a disappointed whine from your lips. But he proceeds to tear at the fabric of your wet suit using surgical precision. His teeth hook into the cloth on your inner thigh. With one swift motion, he tears the fabric away, exposing your vulva to the lukewarm water in the process. He does this without doing so much as nicking your skin with his teeth. An impressive feat, all things considered.
You tremble at the feel of the water hitting your heated skin. You tremble more as his tongue returns to finally meets your flesh. His tongue is a bit rough, but in a pleasant way. Covered in large, soft papillae that create extra friction against your skin as he laps at you.
With the cloth gone, his tongue is finally free to invade your vulva. So it does just that. You gasp as his tongue slides inside of you.
This is when you realize how long his tongue actually is. You feel him press the tip of it against your cervix as he laps at your insides. He stimulates your clitoris with every movement of the long, wet muscle.
In and out. Twisting and grinding. He’s mindful not to accidentally graze you with his teeth as your body settles against his mouth.
He uses a combination of his lips and tongue to create a faint suction, which only adds to your stimulation. It doesn’t take him long to work you to an orgasm. But the taste of your orgasm is either lost to the sea, or it only invigorates his desire to lap at you. Because he doesn’t stop moving his tongue.
This results in a series of pathetic whines escaping you as the stimulation begins to feel more intense. The pleasure from your recent orgasm has only made you more sensitive. Tears well in your eyes and roll down your cheeks as the lines between agony and euphoria become hopelessly blurred. You aren’t sure if you want him to stop or if you’re desperate for him to continue.
All you can do is rock your hips desperately against his mouth as he coaxes you to another orgasm.
Your voice cracks from the pitch of your whine. Your body trembles and you nearly lose your grip on the railing. You shamelessly rock against his tongue as he still refuses to give you a break.
Heavens, he is relentless in his drive to lap at you. The soft papillae on his tongue continuously grind against your clitoris, which has grown engorged from the mixture of arousal and abuse.
Those same papillae stimulate your vaginal cavern as he continuously thrusts his tongue in and out of your trembling body.
With you so overstimulated and sensitive, it takes next to nothing for him to make you orgasm again. This time you can’t even make a noise as you attempt to moan.
You’re panting. Practically sobbing from the unrelenting pleasure as you climax against his still unrelenting tongue.
You can’t. It’s too much. Your grip on the railing relaxes as you nearly faint from the continuous assault of pleasure. In an instant your body is submerged entirely in the water.
Luckily, Sun understands that you cannot breathe underwater without your helmet on. He quickly removes his tongue and shifts beneath you so that he can use his tail to support you. He wraps his arms around the outside of your shelter. With one swift movement, he pushes you back up into your shelter.
He does this all so quickly that you’re pushed back into the air bubble before you can accidentally swallow water.
Still, you’re left gasping for air as you kneel on his body. With the stimulation finally gone, you’re left trembling. The sea water masks the tears rolling down your cheeks as you cough faintly from the sting in your throat.
It takes you a minute or so to come back down from your high. Sun remains beneath you, supporting your exhausted frame with his tail as you recover from his relentless assault on your vulva.
You only realize that you’re actually sitting on his pelvis when you become aware of his arousal brushing up against your back. Your already flushed cheeks somehow burn hotter as you take notice of his erection. You shift so that you can turn to face his impressive masculinity.
Given that he has to keep hold of your shelter to keep your weight from shoving him back down into the water, you don’t suspect that he’s intentionally offering you an invitation. But given your lingering arousal and his obvious interest, you can’t help but take this display as an invitation. He’ll pull away from you if he doesn’t want to be touched.
Tentatively you wrap your hand around him. He jolts in response, rattling your shelter in the process. But he doesn’t pull away. You take that as permission to continue.
As such, you begin to work your hand.
He’s a bit thick, but not so thick that you can’t wrap your fingers around him. He’s just incredibly long. As in a few feet long.
You wind up having to wrap your other hand around him in order to better stimulate his length. Its incredibly slick. Your hands glide across him without issue. You hear him making all manner of sweet noises in the water as you massage his pretty pink prick.
You aren’t all that surprised when he begins to wrap his willy around your arm. You would expect such an impressive phallus to be prehensile.
With him gripping you with the upper half of his masculinity, you move your hands lower to stimulate him. Based upon the sounds he’s making, he enjoys it.
You stroke him with one hand while teasing his cloaca with the other. Your fingers tease the meaty flesh around his opening, coaxing the lips further apart so that you can better see what you have to work with.
You can’t help but stare at his anatomy as you work your hands against him. The rosy hue of his flesh is so pretty. A soft smile tugs at your lips as you find his anus.
Seeing as he insisted on overstimulating you, you can’t help but want to return the favor. You start with a finger to test the waters. He releases a loud trill in response as he ruts against your shelter with his tail. You take that as a sign of approval and slip in another finger. Again he trills.
You focus your hands around the flesh nearest his cloaca, allowing him to stimulate the rest of his shaft himself as he coils it around your arm.
You slowly work your hand into his anus. With his larger size, you aren’t really worried about hurting him. The hole should stretch just fine. But you are putting your hand in a delicate part of his anatomy, so you make sure not to rush.
Sun effectively sings his pleasure to you as you caress him, inside and out. His muscles clench lightly around you as he approaches orgasm. He squeezes your hand with his arse and he constricts your arm with his phallus as he reaches his peak.
He makes a mess of your body with just a single orgasm. A literal gallon of ejaculate spurts all over you, if not more. And it takes him a long time for him to empty himself of his seed. You find yourself continuing to stimulate him with your fingers as he rides out his two minute orgasm.
Hot and thick and messy. His ejaculate forms a puddle of white beneath your body as it spills out of him in strong, drawn out spurts. By the time he’s done, your literally left kneeling in a puddle of his spunk.
You pull your hand out of him once his muscles relax. You’re all wet and sticky from reaching inside of him.
Despite his recent ejaculation, he doesn’t let go of your arm. He resumes squeezing you with his phallus, letting out desperate little clicks as he starts to rut against your shelter.
You bite your lip as you wrap your head around the context of his behavior. He’s not satisfied with just the feel of your hands. He wants to mate with you. Though his length makes you a bit nervous, there’s no denying that you’re curious. After having felt the pleasure of his tongue, and after having seen his impressive output, you can’t help but want to test the limits of your anatomy.
Carefully, you lean back. You rest your head against the edge of the entrance, lifting and spreading your legs as you try to get comfortable on top of him.
With him wrapped around your arm, its a bit difficult to coax him into you. But as you guide the head of his masculinity to your slick, well prepped vulva, he gets the hint. He quickly uncoils himself from around your arm and settles the tip of his shaft in the palm of your hand to let you guide him.
He follows the warmth of your skin as you usher him between your legs. You take a deep breath as he finally nudges against your vulva.
He shoves himself inside without a second thought, coaxing a strangled gasp out of you. It didn’t hurt, thankfully. But the speed at which he forced himself into you definitely knocked the air out of your lungs.
You have to use your hand to prevent him from trying to shove more of his length into your body than you could handle. As bold as you are, you understand specific limitations of your body. Less than half of his length can actually be ushered inside of you.
Not that he seems to mind. Once he gets a feel of how deep he’s able to go, he doesn’t try to force himself in past those limits.
So you lie back and let him rut against you.
Your shelter rocks ever so slightly as he clenches his pelvis muscles to thrust his phallus in and out of your waiting vulva. Thanks to his slick shape, he slides in and out without issue, allowing you to just relax as the pleasure courses through your body.
You let go of his shaft once you realize that he isn’t trying to test the durability of your insides. You bring that hand to your pelvis, where you begin to lazily thumb your clitoris in time with his thrusts.
He stretches you out so nicely. He slides himself inside of you in smooth, quick motions. But he never uses enough force to risk harming you.
You let your voice get away from you as you listen to his voice in turn. He sings his song of pleasure in a series of trills and clicks. You moan, encouraging him to work both of you to completion with words he doesn’t understand.
This is a stark contrast to the relentless pleasure that he had subjected you to through the use of his tongue. He’s slow and steady with you now, allowing the bliss to wash over you like waves upon the sand. You control the extra spikes of pleasure with every flick of your fingers against your clitoris. Mating with him is passionate and pleasant.
The only thing you foolishly failed to take into account was his well established output as he climaxes inside of you. He continues to thrust even as he floods your body with his seed.
You maintain steady stimulation of your clitoris as your abdomen bulges faintly from the volume of his climax. As the pressure builds inside of you, you watch his seed spray out of you in short streams with every movement of his shaft.
For the next two minutes, you mindlessly endure his orgasm. For the next two minutes, its as if you two nothing but orgasm. The tension in your abdomen, the pleasure of his thrusts, and the movements of your fingers all work in unison to trap you at the peak of pleasure.
Tears resume rolling down your face as you willingly subject yourself to this overstimulation. All the while you pant and moan his name as he makes an absolute mess of your body.
He reluctantly slides himself out of you once his orgasm ends. Though he obviously wants to continue, he also needs to rest.
His half erect masculinity flops and sags against your thigh as he too catches his breath. The remainder of his trapped seed pours out of you onto his abdomen. You watch your stomach return to its usual shape as the excess fluid is forced out by your clenching muscles.
Thoroughly exhausted, you remain on top of him. He continues to cling to the outside of your shelter, releasing a series of pleased trills as he comes down from his high.
You don’t know what came over him to make him come onto you so strongly, but whatever it was, you hope it happens again soon.
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2-dsimp · 6 months
Where is the option all in your poll? 😖 I need them alllll, I’m greedy give me the Yandere harem. 😭😭
Anyway all options are good options, so it’s actually really hard to choose from. It’s much harder too because you’re such an excellent writer.
You should do a Yandere Reader that wants to put their fave writer under lock and key. That’s how I sometimes feel about writers, in particular fanfic writers who literally make all your fantasies come true through their beautiful writing.
Sorry this got more venty than expected. You’re great writer and I love your work! 😊
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You got me cheesing right now omg thank you so much for even staying on my blog for the ride o(≧v≦)o💞
And I’m loving the idea of a yandere reader x you the writer they’re obsessed with. (Though correct me if I got that wrong and switched it up 👀) I’ll definitely tag you when I come out with it!
Also if you’d like you can go ahead and name them the only catch is that their name gotta start with one of these letters.
(Reason being that I’m keeping track of all my yandere bois by using one letter from the alphabet for each of them individually. And these are the letters that I’ve not used yet! If anyone’s wondering (>^ω^<)
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qlala · 11 months
the notes on that poll about tagging the individual branches of poly ships are truly a case study in people not understanding polyamory, even setting the tagging part aside
like… polyamory isn’t “puppy pile of lovers who all share one hivemind relationship,” the literal definition is:
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multiple romantic relationships, plural. not one (1) singular romantic relationship that is made up of more than two people
like, even if A, B, and C are all dating each other (not the default in real polyamory, but often what people think of first in fandom), they very much still have individual relationships with each other (A and B, B and C, A and C), because it’s impossible for them not to. relationships are always individualized. people have individual relationships with each of their friends, even if their friends are also friends with each other, right?
and poly partners aren’t interchangeable, any more than they would be if someone dated each one of them monogamously at different times—A, B, and C are all their own individual people, and each one of their partners is dating them for different reasons, and each partner has a different relationship with them than they have with anyone else
C has different reasons for being in relationships with A and with B. C loves different things about each of them, they may do different things with A than they do with B, and that doesn’t change even if A and B are also doing each other. A has different reasons for dating C than B does, and A also has different reasons for dating C than for dating B
also, there’s no guarantee that just because everyone is dating and/or sleeping with each other, they’re ever doing it at the same time—for example, there might not be a type of sex that all three of them want to engage in with each other (like if A is always a dom with B, but always a sub with C)
even non-sexual dates can be like that. you know that puzzle where you have to get a chicken, fox, and grain across the river without anyone eating each other? trying finding one restaurant that three people with different tastes, dietary restrictions, and/or sensory issues are all going to enjoy
a less glib example: A is closeted and only feels safe going on dates in public with different-gender partners, like B. same-gender partner C doesn’t mind staying at home for dates with A, because C likes both at-home and public dates, and B takes C out on the town whenever C wants. that arrangement works out great for B, because B hates staying at home for dates, and now they never have to do that. so, everyone’s happy with the set-up—even though it means there’s no situation where all three of them are on a date together at once
and i’m not just saying this to be pedantic; it matters when it comes to writing poly ships. the story is going to fall flat if the writer doesn’t understand that a “poly ship” isn’t one relationship, but several, and all of those relationships are acting on the characters and the story at the same time
honestly, i think this is something a lot of people understand inherently and then implement without even thinking about it (A thinks B’s jokes during sex are funny, C rolls their eyes at both of them) but it really can only improve a story if the author is consciously incorporating those different, individual relationships when they sit down to write poly fic
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group G Round 1: #G8 vs #G1
#G8: A tutor tries to teach eccentric princes for the throne
Heine Wittgenstein is tasked to tutor four princes for them to be able to take the throne of the Kingdom of Glanzreich. What he doesn’t expect is that the princes (named Licht, Leonhardt, Bruno and Kai) each come with very different personalities, which doesn’t present an easy task for the short royal teacher. Up for the challenge, he relies on his wits and knowledge to try and individually tutor each of the brothers so they have a chance to inherit the throne.
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#G1: Golf made interesting by the power of anime antics and yuri
Underground golfer Eve meets Japanese professional golf prodigy Aoi, and they’re both instantly captivated by the other’s way of golfing. Motivated to play a match against Aoi, Eve begins her journey to the world of professional golf, but first she needs to make her way out of the clutches of the mafia!
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#G8: The Royal Tutor (Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine)
This is just such a feel good anime, and it teaches important life lessons through the daily struggles each of them princes go through. The princes each go through some kind of development, be it overcoming a weakness or feeling more sympathy for the common people. And despite it being much lighter in tone, it doesn’t shy away from sometimes delving into more serious topics, since of course one of them is supposed to run the country one day. They all have exaggerated personalities, and despite being seen as too posh or selfish at first, it develops so well.
And let’s not forget the glossy art style that’s just eye-candy or the comedy, which is a primary genre of the series. Just the way Heine structures his lesson, starting with more traditional methods and then delving more into each of their passions, makes me want to have him as a teacher. Despite being strict sometimes, tho.
Overall, it doesn’t present many new ideas, but it just makes you feel nice and warm inside, and maybe you can learn a lesson or two, even if you are not royalty.
Trigger Warnings: None.
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#G1: Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Birdie Wing is one of the most absurd, hilarious, and entertaining anime that I’ve ever seen!! Mafia that solves infighting by betting on highly illegal golf matches, golf eugenics, a high school golf tournament feeling like a more high-stakes event than the ACTUAL GODDAMN MAFIA… It’s incredibly campy in the best way possible, and the creators embrace the wild premise of the show with open arms. It’s masterful in suspension of disbelief, as by the end of the series I was nodding my head, thinking that truly, everything is possible with the power of golf. The series also has heavy yuri overtones, which, while not quite pulling through in the end, are definitely a big part of the appeal, and Aoi is my favorite lesbian daughter <3
Trigger Warnings: Guns, Child Abuse. Mother is manipulative to her daughter, and she is used as a tool. Father arranges an unwanted marriage for his daughter.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Takeru, shall we!
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 135 (approx. 110 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 92 votes, the secondary poll got 43 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 3% (approx. 3 votes) and 7% (approx. 3 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did specify preferences outside of the selection of characters that were part of the main polls and will be discussed in the results.
Ship Analysis
1st place: With one of the biggest leads among all polls analyzed so far, Hikari (53%) has won Takeru’s poll(s) with 59 votes overall, barely facing any competition whatsoever. And that should not be surprising by any means, as Takeru and Hikari are continuously framed together throughout basically all iterations of Digimon Adventure in a way that may or may not be interpreted as them being “kindred souls”. They’re mirrored as holders of two of the most important Crests and partners of angel Digimon, fueling the development and arcs of their brothers respectively. Not only are they sharing all of these similarities, being two of the youngest members of the team, growing through the seasons; but they are generally seen spending time, being next to each other on good, mutually protective and caring terms, which are among the reasons that make them one of the most popular Digimon ships world wide.
2nd place: With a huge gap to the 1st place, Daisuke (18%) comes in second. His popularity here may be explained by the idea that he’s supposed to be a foil to Takeru in a similar way Taichi is to Yamato - even though their dynamic as so called “rivals” does not play out in the same way at all. Despite the occasional bickering, it’s portrayed to be more lighthearted, especially on Takeru’s behalf, who likes to tease Daisuke, making for a mutually challenging, yet very playful dynamic. 
3rd place: The 3rd spot hasn’t been secure for long periods of the voting time and may as well have turned out as a tie between four different parties, namely Iori, Meiko, Catherine - and Taichi (6%), who eventually won this race by merely one vote. Taichi being here may not be surprising, as Takeru is shown to be looking up to him quite a lot, while Taichi displays a protective yet encouraging attitude towards him as well. Additionally, looking at the other winners of Takeru’s poll - people might have a preference to pair him up with Yagamis and/or goggleheads.
Honorary mentions: As mentioned above, several choices were up against each other for third place, as Iori, Meiko and Catherine were all coming in with 5% - with Iori being Takeru’s Jogress partner, Meiko being a character he’s being mirrored with in terms of the loss of his partner (while also flirting with her a lot) and Catherine being played as a 1-episode-only-love-interest. Other hororary mentions here are Sora (2%) and Ken (2%).
“The 1 vote squad”: This spot is reserved for Miyako, Koushiro and Mimi (1% each). 
“0 votes go to…”: Jou and Menoa are the only characters that received 0 votes.
Annotations: Yamato was automatically excluded as a choice up front. Yamakeru does not seem to be a wide-spread choice in English speaking fandoms, even if a look at Japanese centric spaces may suggest that it’s fairly popular there.
What did the other polls say?
Takeru won Hikari’s (44%) and Iori’s poll (22%) and came in second in Daisuke’s (11%), thus mirroring his own to at least a certain degree.  
For almost every other character, he was a very niche choice, namely Meiko (4%), Ken (3%), Taichi (2%), Mimi (2%), Sora (1%) and Koushiro (1%).
He received 0 votes in the polls for Miyako and Jou, thus having nobody vote for Joukeru as a viable option at all.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
The overall impression for Takeru is that, while he has a bigger variety in votes than other characters (indicated by the number of characters competing for third place), the majority of voters still appears to be pretty set on who they ship him with. And they also seem to be quite passionate about that in general, as Takeru was the character who received the third most votes overall (after Taichi and Ken). This becomes obvious in particular when it comes to Hikari in particular and is, as mentioned above, not surprising at all, as they have been going strong in fandom ever since the conception of Digimon Adventure and them being set-up as mirrors to each other after the Vamdemon arc. Some may see it as fate, others may see it as them actually breaking through these kinds of stereotypes, which makes it very appealing.
As for the other viable choices, one should not overlook that Takeru had been among the youngest characters in Adventure and was thus not really likely to be shipped with older characters (Jou in particular). The parallel he shares with Daisuke in opposition to how Taichi’s and Yamato’s bond is portrayed makes their popularity understandable, especially since they’re closer in age. The only exceptions here are Taichi and Iori, with both sharing age differences with him in both directions, but still display significant bonds throughout the anime to make people prefer them.
Interestingly enough, the options outside of the main cast have also been comparably popular - this can be seen not only due to Catherine and Meiko receiving as many votes as they did (6 respectively).
Aside from characters who have already been among the main choices (Hikari, Daisuke and Iori in particular), the comment section/tags also revealed that there is a niche preference to ship Takeru with (certain humanoid) Digimon as well (namely Angemon, Vamdemon and Piemon). Among all polls, this was one of the few that actually addressed that preference in the first place, which is to be expected in a series that primarily focuses on the relationship between humans and said monsters. Usually, the option is reserved for OC ships, for when people prefer to not ship a character at all or when they’re preferred to be asexual (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!). Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls.
Other Analysis Posts 
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
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Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
Hi! I’m a relatively new follower and I just started going through your posts. I just wanted to say that I love your takes on Tolkien’s work. They sum everything up really nicely and you seem to really try to take both sides into consideration. I love the academic but down to earth feel of your writing, and I always learn something new whenever I read! I don’t know if you’re accepting requests, but I saw your amazing “Feanorian Counternarratives,” and I was wondering if you have any ideas about Caranthir? If you are not accepting requests, are too busy with your polls, or simply don’t feel like answering, I completely understand. I just wanted you to know that I really like your work! Have a nice day ❤️ - @arinele
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! That’s very kind! 💕 I’ve loved seeing your tags!
I do have some thoughts on Caranthir, though, fair warning, they’re not especially complimentary. They’re pretty headcanon-heavy, since we only get tidbits on him.
Character Thoughts - Caranthir
From what we see of Caranthir, the thing that stands out to me most is his disdainful behaviour towards anyone who isn’t (entirely) Noldor. It comes out in practically every instance we see of him in The Silmarillion. I wouldn’t guess that this is unique to Caranthir among the Fëanoreans (we get similar cultural chauvinism from Fëanor in his “in huts on the beaches you would be dwelling still” line to Olwë, and all the sons of Fëanor are described as “haughty and fell”), but he seems to have a more than usual lack of tact about it; he’s described as “the harshest and most quick to anger” among the sons of Fëanor
First there’s his words to Angrod (“Let not the sons of Finarfin run hither and thither with their tales to this Dark Elf in his caves!…let them not so swiftly forget that their father is a lord of the Noldor, though their mother be of other kin”….wow, on top of everything else, way to remind them that you murdered their mother’s people). It’s telling that this is in no way a small incident - it’s the moment that prompts Maedhros moving the Fëanoreans to East Beleriand, and the memory and resentment of it is what prompts Angrod to spill the beans to Thingol about the Kinslaying. Caranthir can do a lot of damage with a few words!
His lack of tact towards the dwarves doesn’t have similar impact - because of pragmatism on both sides and also, I expect, because, though the dwarves are proud, they aren’t especially vain, and being insulted for their looks bothers them a lot less than many other things would.
His interactions with Haleth and the Haladin are interesting. At first his people “pay little heed to them,” which is a marked contrast not only to Finrod’s instant befriending of the Edain, but to Fingolfin’s rapid endeavours to build relations and an alliance. After he rescues the Haladin from the Orcs he “sees, over late, what valour there was in the Edain”, and invites them to live further north in his land. The Haladin are currently in the southern woods of Thargelion. Now, this can be taken either of two ways. Option one, he’s inviting them to live closer to the main settlement of his people, near Lake Helevorn, for more effective mutual defence. Option two, he’s inviting them to live closer to the front lines because he’s seen that they’re good warriors and he wants them between Angband and the bulk of his people. I tend to lean towards the latter; Haleth’s choices certainly indicate she mistrusts him.
And if we do go with the latter, it creates some very interesting headcanons for me in the latter part of the story, where we see less of Caranthir individually. If Caranthir is (“over late”) seeing the military value of the Edain and trying to recruit them, and he failed, then he could be expected to particularly resent that the Haladin end up settling next to Thingol (who doesn’t even like them!) and agreeing to protect his borders, and resent Finrod for negotiating it. This would give him a reason to largely have fellow-feeling with Celegorm and Curufin after the events of Leithian, and accept whatever account they gave of their dealings with Nargothrond and Doriath and their grievances.
Even more, this also adds extra, painful irony to the Nirnaeth, when Caranthir again attempts to make an alliance with Men and it goes terribly wrong. It does stand out that the men who ally with Caranthir turn traitor while those who ally with Maedhros stay loyal - Caranthir has a record of alienating people whether he’s trying to or not, he lacks tact, and it’s not hard to see him saying some things that suggest that the Easterlings are being recruited as cannon fodder. It is, at any rate, my headcanon that Caranthir’s personality has a not-inconsiderable role in why it is the Easterlings aligned with him who change sides. And I like the way it bookends the first real appearance of Caranthir as an individual character, when his words throw a rock into both intra-Noldor and Noldor-Sindar relations.
The combination of bitterness in general around Uldor’s betrayal, bitterness about Doriath due to the aforementioned, and combined bitterness about Doriathrin non-participation in the Nirnaeth, all in addition to the matter of the Silmaril, would give him plenty of reason to be favourable towards the Second Kinslaying.
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