#they're himbos your honor
What Rebecca (and probably Ted) said: Beat them
What the team heard: BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM
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"I just want to suck your dick peacefully, is that too much to ask?"
"Merlin! That's, that's inappropriate talk!"
"What? Like you don't do similiar when I'm trying to work but you're grabbing my arse, calling me your magical cock-sheath—mmpph!" – Court Sorcerer Merlin and King Arthur
[Arthur knew he should've kept Merlin gagged, plugged, and prettily tied up in their chambers so he could finally focus on not being distracted by his warlock temptress. Well, not for long, he'd replace the wooden plug with himself soon enough.]
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Merlin: [drunk lil bitch] Whoooooever puuuullssss thissss swordy out of thee, uh, out of thee fucking sssstone will claims the ssword aaaannnd rights tooooo my arrrsssse! [wink]
King Arthur: [outraged and protective] Oh no you don't! Get over here you troublesome minx!
Merlin: [trips] Nooooo—umph!
Arthur easily throws Merlin over his shoulder and glares menacingly at the crowd of nobles, knights, some princes too who were lining up to pull the magical sword(and win Merlin)
King Arthur: [in his kingly voice] He. Is. Mine. [patting Merlin's butt] This! Is. Mine!
Gwaine hollering from the crowd: Woohoooo!
Leon, who is also in the crowd: [face-palm] I should've stayed asleep.
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Julie: I really like this whole 'good guy, bad guy' thing you guys have going on.
Flynn: It's not an act, I'm just mean and Reggie isn't.
Julie, coming to that realisation: oh yeah you right my bad.
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twisting-echo · 1 year
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Not only do they both have the word "I'm" in the song title, but they also have the same energy, oops, I mean Kenergy~
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boxxedleaves · 2 days
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(i think the post is deleted so i screenshotted it)
This is some shit prune juice cookie would post and then play dumb when capsaicin and kouign-amann look at him weird
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
any date headcannons?
oooooh so open-ended I love it!
being an ~Athlete~ Nate is habitually a morning person and typically runs in the mornings. Dan can not understand this. Nate will pester Dan to come on runs with him every so often because it's good for Dan's mental health, but, god, at what cost?
Nate starts learning to cook under Dan's tutelage. there's the basics: eggs, pasta, grilled cheese, pancakes. the first time Nate manages to cook breakfast on his own he is so proud of himself. but there are a couple times when he sets off the smoke alarms.
Nate is such an easygoing down to earth guy, so he's not typically or outwardly materialistic, but every so often he will say something so rich-boy-unhinged, about food or wine or clothes or hair products and Dan takes psychic damage.
they do their own march madness brackets every year and they never win, but their bet is who loses first buys dinner and drinks next time they go out.
my favorite vocations of choice for Natie change with the wind: community outreach for a major league team, PT for a major league team, school teacher, pediatric nurse, social worker, but Dan is always a writer/house-husband/stay-at-home-dilf. he goes to grad school after college, and nate is his rock through it
(I think it was waldorfhistoria who told me that in the books Dan goes to a MFA program at U of Iowa? what if Nate followed him to the midwest? omg, what if nate follows him to Iowa and that's how he learns to be a grassroots organizer?!?! ohhhhh the potential...)
i already put this in my dilf!date fic, but Nate is the one who proposes. he plans this big romantic trip to the mountains, he gets use of his uncle's ski lodge, he books this grand romantic dinner but before they get to that night, Dan gets injured on the slopes, and Nate feels so bad about it that he just mopes the whole time bc he just wanted Dan to have a romantic, happy time and be able to walk and now he's like "i can't propose after i almost killed him!"
but Dan picks up on his bad mood and in typical Dan fashion teases until he pushes Nate over the edge and Nate goes and gets the ring and he's like "here!" and dan is just *shocked pikachu face*
but OF COURSE Dan says yes and their people are very excited and Blair says she'll be throwing them an engagement party but not until Dan's ugly walking cast is off
also when the cast is off Dan does his own proposal and gets down on his knee because Nate deserves it!
Nate's parents are Trash and aren't very supportive of date from the start but Nate goes through his mourning period and is pretty much at peace with cutting them out. If they don't want to be here then they don't deserve to be.
and all of Dan's parents (all three of em) bend over backwards to make Nate feel like he's in their family - which he like, basically already is.
the first time Alison sees him after he breaks up with Howard and Anne she tells Nate "I'm Mom. Don't you ever call me anything else."
their wedding is small. they go somewhere together every summer, a house on the beach, maybe Hamptons, maybe elsewhere, so after they get engaged they tell their people, "Okay, we're going on our vacation these days, we'll be getting married then, come if you want" (of course they want). so Jenny, Eric, Serena, Vanessa, Blair, Scott, Rufus, Lily, Alison, they all come. (Howard and Anne are not invited, but they are informed)
Eric officiates. Serena makes a toast that opens with "I take full credit for this relationship!"
Nate is not A Reader, but Dan firmly believes that there's a book niche for everybody, after some trial and error, they find that Nate's is FANTASY. Howl's Moving Castle becomes one of his favorites.
Before they have kids, when Dan goes on book tour, Nate will always come along for a week or two. He's very good at working a room, and shining a light on Dan is his favorite reason to do it.
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mistressemmedi · 2 years
What hanging out with Pierre Gasly does to a mf... Marc Marquez is now doing photo dumps on his socials asfdghfjfjdjf
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Screaming because these two are adorable and utter couples goals.
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Friendship ended with Seele x Bronya, Seele x Caelus is my new OTP
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! gn! reader
As my first request... I'm going to put voice claims as like a celebration!
Yan! Jock (Damon): Marshall Lee from Adventure Time (Donald Glover)
Yan! Sugar daddy (Rowan Silas): Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (Christian Bale)
Yan! Butler (Zero): Baizhu from Genshin Impact in JP (Yusa Koji)
Yan! Theater actor (Ignatius): Tamaki from Ouran Highschool Host Club (Vic Mignogna)
Yan! Dragon (Vincent): Lilac Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom (Behzad Dabu)
Yan! Artist (Arlen): Sal Fischer from Sally Face
((Just the voice claims, the charas involved are not really related to the Yans. BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CAN'T FIND A PERFECT FIT FOR ROWAN GRRRRRRRR also Zero being in Japanese... Well, I actually did a Beware the Villainess voice headcannons before, and I used Baizhu JP as Nine's voice. Since Zero's inspired by him, then... Yeah.))
TW: Blood, gore, violence against a dead body.
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He's a bit... Dumb.
That's what his friends would say when you ask about Damon.
He's dumb, yet sweet, kind, and insanely athletic.
People call him your typical himbo.
Rumors had it that he's completely a mama's boy, someone who doesn't know the difference between their, they're, and there, a man who has just one braincell that ticks around his head like the dvd logo bouncing around the screen and only get used on sports.
Ah yes, sports. The only thing he's extremely smart at.
Other than being street smart, he's body smart also. That's why he's being passed around by sports team in his University and also being gatekept by the clubs.
The baseball club needs a batter? On it. The basketball club had their ace sick? Don't worry, the mvp is here. The badminton team needs a pair for the doubles? Sure, just make sure to let him bring his own racket. Fencing club lacks one person for a complete sparring session? Uh, he hasn't tried fencing yet, but he will still master it immediately.
So because everything in his peanut brain gets squeezed onto sports, his academics isn't really the best...
Yet, his athlete scholarship made him stay afloat in the University. Plus he's the adorable kind of dumb, so everyone loved him.
If you try to tell him that he's a himbo, he would take it as an offense and would yell at you with the biggest pout and puppy dog eyes that he's not a himbo!
Oh, sweet summer child he is.
Everyone liked to watch this big, buff puppy play around with a smile on his face.
But not the Dean of his college. I mean, he's an athlete scholar, that's for sure, but he's still in Education! He needs to do better in his studies if he wants to be a teacher in the future!
And no! Damon cannot just cluelessly tilt his head to the side!
While Damon pouted, the dean called for you.
You're the candidate magna cum laude in your batch. Smart as you are, you buried your nose in books and notes as you studied to become a teacher, but lacked the confidence and charisma to be an effective one.
So the Dean thought this would be the perfect synergy. Damon's personality would rub on you, while your braincells will rub on his.
It was perfect.
And while you stood there with your eyes downcast, Damon's eyes widened as he stared at you.
It was love at first sight.
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"Damon for the last time, it's School Based Management! Not Shoe Base Management! How did you even twist it to that?"
"Hehe, sorry y/n..."
*You sighed and crossed out the number.*
"5/50. How did your score got lower than the last time?! And it's a repeat test too!"
Rowan pouted and fiddled with his fingers. His eyes downcast as he appeared vulnerable.
"I'm sorry y/n.... I will do my best next time..."
*You sighed once more, knowing you can't deny this man.*
"Alright alright. Let's just study again."
You and Damon are in the library now, studying for the upcoming retake that Damon needs to take. But despite being here in the library for two hours, he still hasn't improved at all!
You stood up and glanced around, trying to see more books to use for studying. One preferably understandable for ding dongs like him.
Maybe a children's picture book of CPE 102 was needed for this guy.
You were harsh yet also patient with Damon, something he really likes. If he had a tail right now, it would wag rapidly to the point he'll break a bone in it.
All his thoughts is filled with you and you. The back of his notebook is scribbled with your name and his encased in a heart, crude drawings of you and him holding hands, or a silly children's game where he does a compatibility test using both of your names.
Neverminded that the test always ends up at "enemies" or "strangers", no no no... He won't accept it.
So these tests had large scribble marks all over him as words filled with rage about how the tests are lies are inked there.
And while Damon swung his feet while scribbling your and his future children's (yes, plural) names, he suddenly wondered where you are.
He got off his seat and walked around until he found you.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
He felt shivers run down his spine.
There you where, smiling and bantering with an another man. Amicably talking to each other like you were the best of pals.
Damon recognized him from your class records (don't question why he knew your class records, he swears he's just doing research). Jupiter was his name, oddly enough. He's also a candidate magna cum laude and your study buddy. He's naturally gifted in academics and so does in his looks.
So when Damon saw how your eyes sparkled while talking to that guy...
He felt his façade crack.
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Jupiter ran quickly across the lit yet empty rugby field in his University. Everyone was out for the school day since it was already 10pm.
How did Jupiter end up running away frantically with his clothes sticking on his body due to sweat?
It would be because of a masked man chasing him, power walking towards him with a metal baseball bat in hand. Jupiter can't see his face, but knew he's absolutely huge.
Jupiter ran as quickly as he can, but his body can't keep up. His legs weakened and his knee started to hurt as he heaved quickly. His vision swimming as he tried to run across and away from the man.
He's academic for god's sake! Physical activities are his mortal enemy!
As he cursed his hatred away, Jupiter tripped on a rock and rolled forward. His knee also finally gave up and is now hurting a lot.
Jupiter tried to scream for help, but all he could do is bite his lip as he held his poor knee.
Not until the man got close and clubbed him on that knee, making Jupiter scream in agony.
That night, Jupiter's scream echoed throughout the empty rugby field and the sound of a hard object hitting a body. Then,
Then silence.
The masked man looked at the bloodied mess and chuckled. His small giggle turning into a full blown laughter as he tried to suppress it.
Damon grabbed a sharpie from his back pocket and scribbled on Jupiter's mangled body. His back, which is still somehow smooth, now contained your nickname and Damon's.
He's doing the compatibility test again.
"Soulmates! Oh my god!" Damon screamed in happiness. "Finally! Oh this is great! I shouldn't have doubted the test!"
Damon danced around Jupiter's body like he's not dead. Then, he kicked Jupiter's body. And kicked it. And kicked it. And kicked it more.
"Tch. You think you can smile at my soulmate like that? Think again buckaroo." Damon whispered, dropping his himbo jock persona.
This man had a sharp, intelligent look in his eyes. One that does not hold innocent curiosity, only a morbid bloodthirst.
This was the real Damon.
"Fuck. This dumb himbo persona is fucking me up. All I could do is put all my frustrations on sports." Damon spat out and kicked Jupiter's body towards his expensive truck. "I'm sick and tired of being labeled like that."
Then, he remembered your face. How he caught you staring at him with fondness as he acted dumb and cute.
He shivered.
"Maybe I'll continue to do this persona. Fuck. If only my parents would leave me be after that incident, then I won't have to do this."
Once Damon placed Jupiter's body on his truck, he started to clean the field with ease.
This wasn't his first kill after all.
He's always been twisted since he's a kid. But was forced to hide it due to his parents finding out he killed his cat with his own two hands with a smile on his face.
A trip to rehab, and he adopted this persona.
He slammed his truck close and drove away, humming and thanking that the University security cameras are broken.
He would kill more if necessary.
He's not afraid to dirty his hands. If ever, he loved it.
He looked at a picture of you and him in his dashboard. The picture was you smiling widely to the camera with a blushing Damon on the side, a test paper raised. It had full marks.
He kissed his finger and placed that finger on your lips.
"My soulmate~"
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mcyt-trios · 1 year
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The winner of this poll will go on to face Architechs (Grian, MumboJumbo, Iskall85)
Campfire Crew:
CAMPFIRE CREW THE ABSOLUTE GUYS OF ALL TIME. CAMPFIRE CREW THE PINNACLE OF ACCIDENTAL FORESHADOWING THE TOP TIER OF "IT'S NOT THAT DEEP BUT IT COULD BE" WATCH AS LOYALTY EATS THEM FROM THE INSIDE OUT IT WAS ALWAYS GOING TO END THIS WAY YOU SAY FINAL THREE AND YOU COME OUT WITH THE FINAL THREE. there is literally SO MUCH i could say about campfire crew and absolutely none of it would be enough. death games are prime material for interactions of all time and the campfire crew is absolutely knocking it out of the park. they lose their first lives planning around each other. they live in the same house (they live in different houses). they're scheming against each other. they're working with each other. they're two people who have FOUR KILLS EACH and one hapless innocent man. they're three people who swore a pact over a campfire and despite everything ended up holding to that pact. every time they play rock paper scissors, someone dies. the innocent, in death, turns them against each other, despite this not being how the game works. they reveal their roles to each other and it has this entire sense of inevitability -- of everyone having ALREADY KNOWN what was going to happen. it doesn't matter that two of them are going to kill everyone else on the server. you get that "innocent's" loyalty and you have him for life. paranoia is nothing next to a need for blood and connection. i have a normal amount of emotions over "i swear my loyalty / i offer my fealty / uhhhhhhhh same." do not @ me
They’re in love your honor. They’re three gay men in love. Two himbos and a scientist. They were roommates then they were lovers.
dam it, I don't have the words for them. they are just little guys with big hearts and lots of love to give and all of them are just a bit traumatized and bit to used to the concept of death and they all need hugs and get them surprisingly often despite everything happening around them, and I love them and would kill for them <3
Gay people. Honestly that's it. They all need hugs respectively (as does everyone in this smp) Rae is the child of the Goddess of the mind, and is also the vessel of said Goddess (and is 1 of 2 things keeping their end dimension together). Aax is a olm who was. Made a in a lab. And kills undead things whether they want to or not (he was made to), named himself after an axe. Caspain is just a guy. The most guy on this smp. They got a cute little house and a even more adorable dog named atlas, and back in season 2 their axolotal area was named the armory because most of the axolotals were named after weapons. (Season 3 its just a pond), they're very gay all the time and deserve the whole world.
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ecogirl2759 · 10 months
Kiyotaka & Mondo <3
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
This part of my 4コマ KINGS series is request-based. If you'd like to see two characters together, let me know and I'll find those pictures! There won't always be enough to fill the image cap, but there are definitely some for everyone!
Time for me to show you what these goobers are up to :D
(Longer post than last time lol)
This is my favorite picture now :)
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Lol they're either at each other's throats or besties, there is no in-between
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The before and after ft. Makoto's amazing reactions that I couldn't bring myself to crop out
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The power couple XD
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Bro :D
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Friendly competition!
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They literally share one brain cell
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Wonder how it broke hmmmmmm
(Mostly just including this one because LOOK AT TAKA OMFG--)
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It's so funny how Taka is almost always positioned in front of Mondo. To me that just screams that Taka's the extrovert in this relationship lol
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Mondo and Commander Ishimaru don't get along very well =w=;
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I'm sure everyone's seen this iconic image already
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Your honor, honestly shut the fuck up because you weren't even there
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Everyone loves to harp on how dumb Taka can be when Mondo's just as bad lol
He took one look at Taka's color pallet and immediately thought he was the mastermind
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what is this
no really what is happening here 0.0
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They're going back to their dorms now, goodnight everyone :D
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They're himbos, your honor
It's so obvious that I have favorites lol
I just think that their relationship (whether you ship them or just see them as friends) has so much comedic potential that everyone is sleeping on. Well, everyone except the fanfic writers lol
Let me know who you want to see next!
Next up: Sakura & Aoi!
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"Arthur, what if someone hears us?"
"Hush sweetheart, as long as we're quiet no one will know we're here."
"You know damn well I can't be quiet when you're inside me!"
"You're right. I guess I can allow it this time for people to hear your lovely moaning."
"Arthur!" – Consort Merlin and King Arthur
[This was a terrible idea but Merlin knew he couldn't stop Arthur when his King gets a stupid idea like fucking him in a random alcove in another kingdom whilst they're supposed to draw up a new treaty.]
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Geisha Merlin: Arthur! [Runs into his prince's arms]
Samurai Arthur: [hugging Merlin] I'm glad you're alive. [Moves back slightly to get a good look at his friend]...Merlin, you uh, I thought you'd be in armour?
Geisha Merlin: [blushing] Hana-san said this disguise would be better as our enemies will be expecting two foreign men not a geisha and her samurai.
Samurai Arthur: I see. You look lovely—er um nice. [Clears throat]
Hana stands in the background with her giggling ladies, a smug look on her face knowing that the hidden royal appreciated the way his manservant looked.
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radio-ronpa · 1 month
Disney I want songs for each V3 character, go!
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I got this a few days ago and I've been ruminating on it. I think I've finally settled on them? Plus notes on why I picked that song.
Here's the rules: Has to be from an official Disney Animated Classic (no Pixar, live action, or straight to vid sequels). Must occur within the run time of animation (no songs that only appear in the credits, ala True to Your Heart from Mulan). Only one song can be used from a particular film.
Let's fucking goooooo.
1. Angie Yonaga - Give a Little Whistle (Pinocchio)
Have you ever seen Jiminy Cricket and Atua in the same place? Think about it.
2. Gonta Gokuhara - The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book)
Optimistic, joyous, and appreciative of all of life's moments, even if they are very small.
3. Himiko Yumeno - The Next Right Thing (Frozen 2)
If there was a DRV3 stage musical, this would be the number she does at the end of Trial 3. It's literally perfect.
4. Kaede Akamatsu - Good Company (Oliver and Company)
The scene with this song in the movie is literally a piano lesson, and it's about being friends and having faith in that. How could I not?
5. Kaito Momota - Go the Distance (Hercules)
Oh, I want to be a hero because I feel like I don't belong anywhere and I want to be strong enough to give my friends good hugs? Herc and Kaito are both beautiful himbos.
6. Kiibo - Strangers Like Me (Tarzan)
I mean, Keebs is real Pinocchio sometimes, but I started crying imagining him to this song. He's so earnest and I love that for him.
7. Kirumi Tojo - Very Good Advice (Alice in Wonderland)
Classic, underappreciated, and sad as fuck.
8. Kokichi Ouma - The World's Greatest Criminal Mind (The Great Mouse Detective)
Look, this song is just fun and chaotic and delighted by its own mischief. There's so many ways you can go with Kokichi, but I had to pick this one for sheer giggles.
9. Korekiyo Shinguji - Never Smile at a Crocodile (Peter Pan)
10. Maki Harukawa - Reflection (Mulan)
It's cliche. It's also true.
11. Miu Iruma - The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh)
Kind of unhinged and still somehow endearing. Miu Iruma is bounchy flouncy fun fun fun fun fun.
12. Rantaro Amami - Thomas O'Malley Cat (The Aristocats)
The fucking swagger. The worldliness. The feet that can't stop moving. (Of course Rantaro is my favorite character. I adored that cat.)
13. Ryoma Hoshi - Not in Nottingham (Robin Hood)
For the love of god, somebody hug that man.
14. Shuichi Saihara - This Wish (Wish)
If The Next Right Thing is Trial 3 of the DRV3 Disney musical, This Wish is the end of Trial 6. This is Shuichi standing up and telling the villain that they're not going to give in to despair, honoring Kaede's wish with his own. Plus, it's a princess song. I gotta give the main protag the princess song.
15. Tenko Chabashira - Surface Pressure (Encanto)
Tenko doesn't have a complex about being strong and defending people, what gave you that idea?
16. Tsumugi Shirogane - Mad Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone)
Using your powers of shapeshifting to delight in causing despair and gloom? Can't relate.
This was a wild three hours of research and spreadsheets, and it was delightful fun to do.
Thanks, anon.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Grand Finale!
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Franky x Robin:
Do I really need to explain?
The old married couple who's healthy, Enies Lobby (and all their appearances) are their propaganda really.
It’s all about the maturity!
Their dynamic is perfect and their pasts are so similar. I love the chemistry between them as well as their introduction that helped build the connection and shared history they already have.
they are THE t4t bi4bi ship | franky telling robin "existing is not a crime" immediately puts this at number one for me | they are opposites (bright and loud + quiet and goth) but also they're both so eccentric and silly <3 | THEY WEAR MATCHING OUTFITS
Mom and dad Straw Hat
They are STILL the Mom and the Dad of the Straw Hats, this is the one thing I don't care what Oda says <3 Also their interactions in Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark are amazing.
In my eyes, they are married. Some of my favorite character interactions in the manga/anime and in official art.
Oda had Franky call Robin his wife at least once
Your honor they’re married
I'M GOING TO PUT LINKS IN MY EXAMPLES (Mod note: I linked to the whole post, the propaganda was going to get too long otherwise. But I will copy this line:...) They immediatly clicked in Enies Lobby, Franky saved Robin with both words and actions ("Your existence is not a sin!"), and then she grabbed his balls.
The duality of two kids who were just trying to chase their dream and having circumstances outside their control (the government) take everything they love away from them, but one choosing solitude and the other adopting every other person in a bad circumstance??? I love them. Plus they literally had couple moments from the first interaction.
The ultimate t4t couple idk what else you need theyre iconic
A wholesome ship of a woman who feels the need to be constantly on edge trying to relax and a man who is a 110% himself from the moment we see him. the joy of frobin is the causal domesticity, in many color spreads and especially post timeskip we can see them casually enjoying the others company.
Remember when Franky was in Chopper's body in Punk Hazard and every time he spoke Robin was like "Franky. Stop talking. Do not talk while you're in Chopper's body."
idk like. he's obsessed with her. she's his weird Goth gf and he's her himbo. they have matching outfits. I love them.
Look. It's Franky and Robin. Literally the only two characters that make sense to ship on the Sunny. Their arcs are inextricably intertwined (water7/enies lobby). Also LOOK AT THEM interacting, both during their arcs, but also thriller bark, or post time skip. I love them. Also robin crushed frankys balls.
funny big robot man & analytical smart research lady power couple... silly x smart... himbo x researcher... augh... so good
They are the ship for taxpaying adults your honor I LOVE them they’re literally freak4freak and they share such a fucking powerful arc together (Water 7).
that moment she let him sleep on her lap in punk hazard was sooo cute <3 -- The matching thigh highs and bottoms in film z can NOT be understated. -- Strawhat mom and dad -- Let's not forget the way robin convinced franky to join ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -- she also indirectly called his balls "treasure" so,,, -- the way their stories are so closely intertwined...they were both keys to destroy the world...the way they instantly connected over that...the soulmate-ism of it all...
they . them. girlboss and malewife. that's it.
She grabbed his balls. He totally liked it.
He's so silly and she loves it. She's so scary and he loves it. She grabbed his balls in public.
They will be endgame trust me. Franky doesn't treat any other girl like he treats Robin. There dynamic in Water 7 and Thriller Bark was and always will be one of the best in all of OP.
Propaganda for Nami x Vivi:
Yes, Nami has a new girlfriend on every island, but her heart belongs to Vivi. Vivi in turn refuses to marry, because her heart belongs with a pirate ❤
THEY’RE LESBIANS! IN LOVE! another point: my friends who are watching OP for the first time came to me and asked “so Nami and Vivi… they’re gay right?” So it’s pretty apparent to even newcomers
I just think they’re neat! And in love. Nami gave up money for Vivi that’s True Love
Anyone who saw them can just tell they’re gay. Like Nami gave up money for her
They're one of the rare lesbian ships in op, they care for each other so much !!
They were so gay that Luffy offered to share food to cheer Nami up when they were separated.
i dare you to read Baroque Works through Alabasta without shipping them. the way Vivi and Nami are so affectionate with each other, and Vivi putting saving her nation on hold to get Nami healthy again ???
Let’s go lesbians!!!!! Ok but actually, I think Nami saw a lot of herself in Vivi (ha) especially when Igaram “died” and then throughout their journey together Nami really encouraged her to open up to the crew. Nami showed Vivi it was ok to ask for help just like Luffy showed her.
Vivi was Nami's gay awakening and you cant change my mind. Nami was in love with Vivi and Vivi def had some kind of feeling for Nami. They were so close and they were more then just 'gal pals'
Lesbian Pirate Supremacy! they clearly care a lot about each other and considering when nami meets vivi she is probably one of the first close female friends she gets to have.
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