#they're just so (clenches fist) ANGSTY
safyresky · 2 years
Back again with 36 for blinter!!! GIVE ME THE ANGST! They've both been through so much and my innate need to harm the blorbos is IMMENSE. I wish to cry.
36: Who’s better at dealing with emotional trauma?
OU, good question! Here's a summary for you!
Blaise: I'll just keep all my feelings right here inside me, and then one day I'll die :D
Winter: oh dear. this is a lot of emotion. oh my. oh dear. I have once more frozen myself over. oh dear. this is very sad. EVERYTHING is very sad and nothing else (freezes in place)
They're both BAD at it BUT. They have each other and that makes it a lot better! Probably a lot of their early dates were trauma bonding/helping one another heal from it. I mean, they melted each other's hearts and that's a new fact that comes out of nowhere and stabs me weekly! :D
I think. hmm. GOD this is such a good question, and they're so LOADED. I think Winter probably handles it better, hardened hearts aside! She knows that support systems are important, she's had an amazing one all her life (Mother Nature, and the other seasons, and then Blaise!) and she knows reaching out is important, so she tries to reach out to Blaise a lot to check in with him and it's. You know. It's an uphill climb, especially because when she does get him to open up, he usually, 9/10 times, realizes OH NO! MY WIFE PROBABLY FEELS SOME KINDA WAY ABOUT THIS TOO! And checks in with her! I am realizing now that he has gotten a LOT of traits from my own fiance! Richard is never going to let me live this down! Ah!
Early Blinter dates, both pre- and post- succession war, probably had a lot of Blaise talking about what growing up with his family was like and Winter being like "Oh Blaise dear, that's really not normal :\" And Blaise being like "WAIT, IT'S NOT?!?!?!"
Then Winter most certainly has a lot of abandonment issues that she can't quite remember the root cause of, it was so long ago (but oh she will. and when she does, and comes face to face with birth mom, after birth mom tears Winter's family apart, she unleashes emotional stabbing HELL and saves the day through hard truths!). Blaise makes sure she knows he is ALWAYS going to be there for her no matter what, and he would burn the entire world for her if he needed too. Winter would too. She may not have fire power but she would find a way
Post-Day of Darkness, had both Winter and Blaise been around with each other in the weeks that followed, Winter wouldn't have frozen for the third time, 100%. She and Blaise would have talked everything out, laid it all out, nursed Jacqueline back to health together, and nobody would've had any hardened heart situations.
Unfortunately, Winter got immediately hit with a sprite sleep after staunching Jacqueline's wounds and initially dressing them, sleeping for a WEEK. And Blaise was trying very hard to take care of both her and Jacquie during that week, so he bottled things up and was far too preoccupied to even have the time to even think about encasing his own lil heart in stone!
and when Winter woke up, she managed to fight the storm off, and she immediately ran to the Springs to make sure Jacqueline was okay, and once they knew she'd be fine, Blaise got to work thawing a whole ass entire continent, and kept going and going and going and going until HE got hit with the World Record Sprite Sleep and so the two didn't have time to talk or process until like, a year or so later and by then it was Too Late. Winter was frozen and Blaise had bottled everything up and made many distractions for himself and poor Jacqueline was just very, very, very confused ):
Enjoy the angst!! :)
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bon2bonn · 6 months
May I request a Charles and/or Max soulmate au imagine/fic based on the song “IDK You Yet” by Alexander 23? Like it starts out angsty then fluffy at the end? Pretty plz 🫶
IDK You Yet
I love this song ❤️
Charles leclerc X female!reader X Max Verstappen
Words count : 4.9k
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Music bounced around the crowded club , people danced around to the loud beats in a joyous haze , most are drunk off their minds and the rest are getting there . lights flashing on the dance floor which is full to the brim , everyone danced and celebrated to their hearts content, all but Charles and Max, both tucked away in a booth by the corner trying to block away the world around them .
The night started off on a good note, or at least it felt like that for Daniel who managed to convince them to go out 'he basically dragged them out' , as everyone was ready to kick them out of their own home at this point , not for the lack of trying but both of them made it impossible to deal with, untill Danny stepped in , or more like accurately barged in to snap them out of the depressing hole they dug themselves into . the first round of drinks helped a bit but as the night went on the tight feeling on their chests kept them alert , and it progressively got worse to the point they had to sit back to calm their racing hearts down .
They couldn't help how they felt , or when they felt it , that's how their soul bond works , it's an inate component of their souls, they can feel the other's emotions and their share their moods to some extent, like a two way road (in Charles and Max's case it's three) with no stop signs or filters to tone it down , specially when the emotions are strong enough every end will get their share of theses emotions and the closer they are the stronger it hits .
Everyone have them , but it varies from one bond to the other , in some rare cases they could be up to more than six sharing the same bond . And in other cases , although it's very rare some face the unfortunate fate of not having any bond due to losing the said soulmate/s before developing the connection or , being born without a soul bond to begin with.
every bond is almost the same in it's essence , the pull that alert the other of their soulmate is almost permanent, increasing with how close they are like a steady humming in the heart and mind , until it finally turn into contentment the moment they finally find eachother and fulfil the bond , and that nagging feeling kept the two on the edge of their seats the whole weekend, both feeling drained and anxious and mostly irritated by not being able to do anything about it .
They knew their bond wasn't complete, the marks that they share , indicating a third part of their whole , another person that they're yet to find , yet to know , a missing piece that it's place is filled with that empty void that their bond been missing since they met , but at least they had eachother to confined in .
She sat at one of the tables with her friends who were busy chatting and catching up , having her appetite ruined before they even got there made her pick at her plate trying to ignore the nagging words that 'Leia' one of her 'friends' who kept subtly and obviously throwing at her whenever she get the chance to gush about her newfound soulmate ,and the fact that 'Y/N' didn't find hers yet made her feel over the moon to find her soulmate first and made Sure to rub it on everyone else's face just cause she thought she can " my soulmate this ..... " And " my soulmate that .......".
And while everyone was fed up with her shitty attitude and stuck up words they chose to ignore her , fearing to be targeted instead , so they let their friend 'bonnie' who won't hesitate to shut her down whenever she got brave enough to pick on 'Y/N' , again , reminding her in a cold tone " keep talking Shit Leia , you know how that's gonna end for you " and that would humble her back into her place with her mouth shut and fists clenched .
The others tried to lighten up the mood gushing about the trip , the food and the places they went , all seven friends agreed on a relaxing 4 days , no work , no disturbance just them having the time of their lives , ending their getaway with a quite , relaxing and very lavish dinner in Monte Carlo as a little treat before they say goodbye and head their way back home , But obviously 'leia' wasn't done , she was far from done , taking the opportunity of bonnie excusing herself from the table taking a phone call from her soulmate/soon to be husband who was also happened to be in Monaco , both agreed that they needed the break before they lose their minds over flowers arrangements and venues reservation, and to stay for a couple of weeks before jumping back to the preparations.
She encouraged him to go out and have some fun with his friends, but now he's stuck with two miserable soulmates , and a drunk lando who kept asking the DJ for drinks thinking he was the bartender , and a slightly tipsy Carlos who's somewhere on the dance floor having the time of his life , leaving him the only sober , sane , and pretty much done for the Night .
Now usually 'leia' won't risk running her mouth, but tonight she didn't hesitate , finding courage before turning arrogantly with a smug smile on her face as she pinned her sight on her target as she addressed the rest of the table with an overly sweet tone " so! , how's life been with your soulmates guys?" Giving yn a pointed look before she gasped innocently feigning guilt" oh , I'm so sorry babe! I didn't mean any offence!, with your situation and all " giving her a pitiful look while waving her hand dismissively, which caused the others to look away uncomfortably before they try to dismiss the awkward pause , Madison spoke first " life been quite busy so it's almost the same with that and you know......" But Y/N cuts her off while looking at Leia " Leianne, can I know why you're so keen on spoiling every outing ? " Leia had the audacity to raise an eyebrow, challenging her to say more but deep down she was shocked with the sudden confidence " honey, I don't know what you're saying but if anyone is spoiling our outings the whole time, is you , and might I add your depressive aura " looking around the table as everyone else looked down at the jab , but she didn't stop there as she harshly called out " it's not anyone's fault but yours that you're too fucking up to not have a soulmate, so why do we have to walk on eggshells around you to not spoil our day ? " Everyone was now looking at Leia like she finally lost her mind , the people sitting around were giving her judging looks and even some of the staff serving around stopped and stare .
Yn wasn't fazed as she asked " you had the same situation untill weeks ago , yet I don't see any of us treating you any less than proper human should ,but you don't seem to find any problem in treating me specifically like shit , and I'm honestly tired of your backhanded remarks and petty comments about everything and anything I do " , Leia rolled her eyes and leaned back into her chair " well if you're such a crybaby who can't take a joke , and count on others to defend you all the time , you could just leave, no one is dying for you to stay anyway , they all feel the same way but are just too nice to tell you the truth , even your little bonbon is over your sabby act " , a laugh came from behind making her swallow her tongue in regret , everyone else looked behind Leia where bonnie stood with her hands on her hips and face in a unreadable expression , an older gentleman stood behind her with his hands clapped behind his back and a deep frown upon his face , and moments later a couple of security stood behind him .
Bonnie kept her stance and tilted her head aside grinning wide with a menacing look in her eyes " her little bonbon is tired of what exactly ? " Leia stammered and looked around in desperation for anyone to stand on her side but none of them did , making bonnie do the same and look at their friends who avoided her eyes in shame before turning back to Leia " oh so now you're talking on my behalf, it always amaze me how low you could get with your pity but this is whole new low even for you " then pointed at the rest of the table " if I'm being honest they're not any better than you , being a bully and not standing up to one when you can are almost the same , I really wished I could say I expected better than this from you guys but I know I couldn't with you stuck up so far up her bullying ass " she then turned to her best friend and smiled gently " ready to head out Hun ?" Making the other grin back and took her bag and coat and stood up " more than I'll ever be " looking around the table one last time " this will be the last time I'm talking to or contacting any of you , I really hoped this trip would be different, but I guess not everything can be mended, have a lovely evening and I wish you all safe journey back home " bonnie did the same and slung her jacket over her shoulder and picked up one of the wine glasses " same here , and consider yourselves uninvited to my wedding and everything else, Cheers, bitches! " Raising the glass up before gulping all of it in one go , then turned to the standing man and gave him an apologetic smile after shaking his hand " I must apologize for such behaviour Nicola " he shook his head and turned to her friend bowing his head in apology " it's us who should be apologizing for not stepping in faster to stop such act in our facility , we do not tolerate such behaviour nor language towards any of our clients, and I will personally see to this , I apologize once again Miss L/N , and would hope to see you in our humble facility once again " she gave him a gentle smile in return, taking his hand in hers and assured him " don't worry Nicola, I'll always come back no matter what, and no need to apologize for anything, it was about time to deal with this matter and I'm the one who should be apologizing for things going a bit out of hand , please send our greetings to Ella , it's been a long time since we last saw her and we'll try to stop by soon " he squeezed her hand in appreciation and nods at them , stepping aside to let them head their way , telling bonnie with a smile " and tell that husband of yours he owes me a rematch " she laughed at the fiery look in his eyes " I'm sure he'll show up any day now , and let me remind you he did beat you twice last time to no wins " , he rolled his eyes in dismissal " ah , that's what he keeps saying , I'll make him pay next time don't worry, this old man still got some skills and luck in him " both girls giggled at his claim , waving at him then linked their arms and made their way out with wide grins upon their faces , as much as it hurts to let people go, they felt relieved with such heavy burden off their chests.
Nicola's smile dropped when he turned back to the remaining seated girls on the table, starting with Leia who refused to let their words break her act , and called out for her and everyone around to hear " Miss , I'll have to ask you to leave this facility at once , along with your friends, please" gesturing for them to head out politely, but Leia didn't seem to like his tone or being the one in the wrong, so she asked while feigning innocence after glaring at her friends marking them sit back down after collecting their belongings and asked " we're not going anywhere, for we did nothing to deserve that , so may I ask why you asking me this ? " He gave a thoughtful humm aware of such behaviour, having dealt with tons of the same specimen and was capable of detecting such attitude and how to deal with it .
He took a seat on the other side across from her and crossed one leg over the other and talked calmly " in this establishment we do not tolerate such behaviour towards any of our clients , specially not regarding their private lives or being treated in such way as you did earlier, and upon the concerns of my attending staff , along with our dear guests tonight I see fit that you and your friends here must be removed with a request of not coming back here or to any of of our other establishments with a notice to be prohibited, so once again I'm asking you to please leave " , she felt her face heat up for being called out so publicly and be humiliated for Y/N's sake out of everything, and called with a raised voice full of anger " where is your manager!? , I need to speak to a supervisor who can put a stop to this shit show ! You can't just kick me out because of her ! , she's nothing but a whining bitch who can't live with no attention around her! " He smiled at her outburst and pointed his hand towards his chest making her look in confusion , but it turned into more embarrassment when he answered " I am the manager, and owner of this place and every other establishment you'll be banned from in the future, and after such foul words I'm only giving you exactly three minutes to make your way out or these gentlemen right here will help you out " the three guards stepped up and uncrossed their arms , ready to step in when ordered, the other girls apologized quietly and hurried out with not even a glance her way , leaving her gaping like a fish out of water felling ashamed and beyond humiliated for being left out alone , he called out again " let this be you wake up call to look back at all your past actions , you may feel empowered when looking down on others , but eventually that'll lead you to a deadened , and sooner than later you'll find yourself alone with no one to turn to , you've just lost two incredible friends, if not more if I could say so about the others , but you're still young, make today be a lesson for your future " he then stood , adjusted his suit and left her sobbing whilst trying to collect herself and belongings to leave , walking out with her head down as everyone looked at her with glares and judging eyes , whispering as she passed them and quickly moved to the exit .
The two girls made their way down the busy streets passing by restaurants ,bars, and nightclubs along the way , stopping to get some food after their dinner plans went down the drain and ate as they kept walking around aimlessly, but that walk was cut short when Bonnie's phone started blaring out , she huffed trying to get it out of her bag and almost drop it while doing so with her hands trying to balance her burger in one and a large milkshake in the other , so her friend took it upon herself to get it out for her and balance it on her ear as she spoke after taking a big sip from her shake " Danny, my love , babe , someone better be dying for you to cut off my date with the most delicious meal I've ever had ! " Making her best friend giggle and make a disgusted face when he shouted down the phone " I thought I was the most delicious meal you've ever had!? " She shrugged and made a " meh! " sound making him gasp in betrayal " that's been a lie !? , what else you've been lying to me about !? , you know what ! I want a divorce! " She rolled her eyes " you have to marry me first to ask for a divorce dump ass, and FYI , I'll be taking more than half of your money and runaway and marry my true love N/N " said girl greeted " hi Dan! " He greeted back with a smile in his voice " N/N ! Hi ! My worthy rival ! I missed you ! " , " I missed you too Dan, how's your Vacation going? " He groaned and answered miserably " I should've gone with you guys instead , spa days and shopping sounds great, instead I'm stuck with these losers and they're ruining my fun and I'm about to ditch their drunk asses , so can you two please, pretty please, with a cherry on top help me get them home ? " Bonnie scoffed at the phone and took another loud sip and asked " what in it for us ? " He sighed and tried to gain their sympathy " you're taking advantage of this poor tired and miserable guy ? , even in this time of need ....... " , Both girls cuts him off " yes " , he winced dramatically " so cruel " to which Y/N asked " he's insulting us ? " Bonnie nods " seems so " making his add quickly " me!? , I wouldn't dare ! , but please help me before I lose what I have left of my sanity! " Shouting at someone in the back " Lando ! Get your ass back here you little shit! " Then plead again at the phone " please" .
The girls took pity on him and agreed to help but not before making sure he knew he'll compensate them for cutting their night out short .
About 8 minutes later they found their way to club parking lot , and two minutes later Daniel appeared with a passed out lando on his back and Carlos leaning against him to avoid running through a wall , again . He gave a relieved sigh at the sight of them waiting outside , greeting them warmly after dumping Lando on the back of his car and helping Carlos to the passenger door, snapping his head back at the entrance where he left the other two waiting in a drunken mess , mumbling about their missing part and other things he couldn't catch on as he dragged them out " come on you two, Bonnie and N/N are waiting out , you don't want her to come get you herself do you now ? " Max mumbles" bonbon is here ? " Making Danny nod at him " yeah she is and she's about to burst in and drag you out so move it " that got them to cooperate a bit and finally let him lead them out to the barking lot towards his car " why the hell did we park so far away ? " but none of them heard him as he got shoved aside after they stopped in their tracks when they saw her standing there .
She was leaning against the car , talking to bonnie who was standing across from her leaning against lando's car , both grinning wide while looking at lando who had his head out the window and was blabbing on about something making them laugh at it before he waved at them , receiving waves back before he laid back down on the seat . The quiet humming of their bond got louder than ever , making their hearts beat stronger and their breathing harder, Charles grabbed Max's arm tightly mouth parting and closing in attempt to get anything out , his soulmate nods in understanding whispering out one thing they both knew " it's her " .
On the other side she was breathing heavily, hand over her heart and leaned forward at the sudden shock her eyes willing up with tears and she couldn't help the sob she let out , bonnie called out when she saw her about to double over " N/N , hey , what's wrong babe ? Y/N !? " Lowering her down and fell on her knees beside her in distress, attempting to calm her friend and herself but didn't know how , she wasn't aware of the hurried steps coming their way or the two frantic drivers followed by a very confused Daniel behind them , they paused once again just few steps separating them from their soulmate, they took them quietly in fear of startling her even more than she already is , and when they finally reached her they fell into their knees on each side not knowing what to do as her sobbing got louder , making them act on instinct and held her in tight embrace , the three shared tears of joy , they're finally whole and they couldn't put it into words so they kept holding eachother and bask in the feeling.
Bonnie looked up when Dan who had a wide grin upon reaching them helped her to her feet , snapping her out of the shock of what she just witnessed and turned wordlessly to wrap her arms around him tightly, letting few tears fall as she looked back at them with joy filling her voice " she found them " Daniel held her close with an arm around her shoulders while the other around her waist his voice carried the same joy for the three " she did , and they're finally whole " .
The drive back was a blur for everyone, specially for the three soulmates who couldn't leave eachother's side , the three were piled in the back of Danny's car with bonnie driving them to hers and Danny's place for it being the closest , and Danny on the other hand drove lando's car back to his place , calling Max on the way to let him know he's dropping them in a bit .
Bonnie looked at the backseat through the rearview mirror and couldn't help her smile at their huddled forms , their eyes and noses all red from how hard they cried .
Earlier and she was in a very good mood to tease any of them now , she'll leave it for later, for the moment she was contemplating on how to wake them up without feeling too much guilt for disturbing their peace , finding no other way she sighed and turned to the back and called out softly " N/N , Max, Charlie, wake up " when they didn't stir she reached and smacked the two boys , making them flinch at the hard smack but kept their arms around their still sleeping soulmate, glaring at her but leaned back when they found her already glaring back at them with her pointing menacingly " hurt her in anyway and they won't even find your remains " they nod after a moment of heavy silence watching in shock as her face turned into a wide giddy grin clapping her hands like an exited kid and cheered quietly " and congratulations for finding your soulmate " they could only nod in confusion , having a whiplash at how quick her mood changed from the murderous aura turning all giddy and joyful .
They flinched again as she reached out again but relaxed when she gently patted her best friend's knee while calling out " N/N , babe wake up , come on Hun lets get you up to bed " making the said girl stir before blinking in confusion, unaware of both guys frown at her friends words but bit their tongues as she glared at them to move before getting out and walk up to the front door .
She rubbed her irritated eyes with a suppressed yawn, trying to wake her mind off the most comfortable nap she ever had in her entire life , mind and soul in deep contentment and her body was too relaxed to even move so she leaned it back into where it was moments ago , snuggling deeper into the warmth but frowned as she felt a beat right underneath her head , taking a second to realise that it was an actual beating heart and not her hazy mind imagining it . She then felt the arms wrapped around her in a secure yet comfortable hold , shielding her and keeping her warm at the same time , realising that it wasn't a dream, she didn't imagine finding her soulmates, it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her after a long draining day where she imagine how it'd feel to finally fill that empty void inside her fill .
Then she felt eyes on her , not in a creepy stare but just watching, and after a moment of collecting the remaining courage she had in her she perked her eyes open, coming face to face with one of her soulmates, her soulmates, she liked the sound of that , but his gentle smile snapped her back to reality as he spoke to her " hi " his voice filled her ears and she shyly greeted back then lifted her head and turned to who she was leaning on and was met with another breathtaking smile, they just found eachother and they're already making it hard for her to not swoon on the spot , but it didn't last as tears clouded her sight and breathing becomes way harder than ever , like a crushing weight sitting over her chest preventing her from taking a breath of air .
Both were quick to notice the signs of an upcoming attack, having dealt with them plenty of times it came naturally to them to notice the telltales of them and knew full well how to deal with them , Charles took her hands and squeezed gently yet firmly, turning her attention to him as he spoke in a hushed voice " breathe with me Mon amour, hold it in , one two and out ..... Good , now another one....... and out , just like that " when she finally calmed down he wiped her tears away and took her hands again placing feather like kisses on the back of each before speaking again " we got you Mon chérie, me and Max won't go anywhere" .
Max nod and tightened his hold on her in comfort knowing how overwhelming it must be for her to go through this all at once and twice the shock " you can take as much time as you need to, we'll be here for you , and we won't go anywhere , we'll walk through this together , you won't have to bear it alone " she nods and shut her eyes tightly, trying to ground her raising mind as the whole day events flashed through , finding the light in the dark hole of her mind as their hold help plenty , bringing her back as a whole instead of the shell she turned into with how tough her days turned with time .
She nods to herself and then turned to them , giving each a wide grin and spoke softly " together" they returned her smile with relieved ones and nods in assurance then got out , Charles first who held his hand out for her to help her out , then Max who kept his hand on her to steady her wobbly steps , smiling down on her when she leaned on his side once she found her balance , using her intertwined hand with Charles to bring him closer , then wrapped her arm around him as the three made their way up the stairs , sharing a feeling of pure bless .
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loveandleases · 3 months
This is all your fault! How would the ROs react to the MC sleeping with Chris after all they put them through? Crushing stage.
I will take the blame! Just gonna break our sweet babe's hearts over here. We getting angsty~ (Below the cut, because it's about 2k words.)
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❤️ Cam - Why? After all that, why? What hold does Chris have on you? Do you still love them, do you miss them, did you just need someone? I thought things were finally fucking working with us. What does Chris give you that I can't?
The first thing Cam notices is how numb he feels, but that's not all there is. He feels like he's close to boiling over like he's about to lose it. Lose you, all over again. He wants to think it was a slip-up, an old habit or it was done to get closure. He can't bear the thought it's more, he can't, fuck that he won't. You two have been closer lately, in a different way, a way he's always hoped for.
"Please, just tell me why? That's all I'm askin'." his breath hitched between words. He tried to steady himself, but his words came out in a shaky whisper, lips trembling.
"I didn't," you try to collect your thoughts, try not to look at the redness of his eyes, the rising of his chest, the clenching of his fist. You try to swallow around the lump in your throat. "we were drinking. Then we were arguing, and then it just, it just happened." Cam squats down in front of you, his hand reaches for your own. His grip tightens around your hand, fingers entwining firmly with yours in a way that felt both protective and unyielding. His thumb tracing small circles on the back of your hand, a subtle yet possessive gesture. His eyes lock onto your own, a mix of intensity and determination in his gaze.
The idea of the MC and Chris together tore at him, a visceral pain that made his stomach churn. "After everything?" he asked, his voice cracked, the raw vulnerability breaking through his anger.
His gaze bore into yours, a desperate plea hidden beneath the hurt. "You can't still want them," he says it more to himself than to you. "Please, please for fucks sake don't let this mean you want Chris." he's shaking. It takes everything in you not to grab him to comfort him, as you reach out he steps back, a mixture of pain in his eyes, pain and something else. "You're mine." he whispers, not breaking eye contact. "Not Chris's."
He searches your face, Cam has always claimed you in some way. His family, his best friend, is that what he means now? "Tell me it didn't mean anything," he whispers his voice barely audible. "Tell me you don't want them, because I can't stand the thought of losing you to Chris again. I can't."
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💙 G - "Say it again." their voice is cold, as soon as you told them you slept with Chris you could see their wall go back up. So stoic, so detached, as if what has happened between the two of you over the past few months hadn't begun to thaw them out. Remind them of what you two had shared.
You begin again, meeting their hard gaze. "I said-" Before you're able to finish G turns and begins to walk out, but they stop. They stop, and they turn and they study you. Your face, your body, the way your breathing picked up.
"Where are they?" if you hadn't known G previously, you never would have noticed the change in their voice. The slightest change, that tells you they're angry. They're pissed, and they're going to do something about it. "Who?" "Chris." "At my...their.. their apartment. G what are you doing?"
They don their coat, and before exiting they turn to look at you over their shoulder. "Wait here for me, I'm settling this one way or another." They don't wait for an answer, because they know after everything that's happened, you'll wait. Just like they did.
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💚 Kara - "What? No. No way, Chris wouldn't-"
"I wanted to tell you, I thought. Fuck, I don't know what I thought, but you needed to know."
She's pacing, curling a piece of hair around her finger, and mumbling to herself. "But Chris, why? It doesn't make sense alright, why after everything?"
"It just, I don't know alright. We were talking and I don't know, okay? It's like I felt all these emotions and I was angry and I just I don't know. In some fucked up way I wanted to do it to get back at Jade."
"Is that it? That's all there is, you don't still care about-"
Before she can finish you're shaking your head. You're quick to make that apparent to her. You were angry, you wanted to hurt them to hurt Jade, not Kara. That was never the intention.
"I need to talk to them. I don't, why would Chris do this? To Cam, yeah they would do this. But, to me?"
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💛 M - They haven't said anything since you told them you had slept with Chris. You could feel their nervousness, with how they bounce their knee and tap their fingers along their thigh. "M-" "Thank you, for telling me. But, I-I don't understand why it happened. So.." They turn then, their eyes looking you over taking you in as you sit on the edge of their couch. "You fucked."
It catches you off guard, not because you haven't heard M swear before, but because they struggle talking about sex when they're writing it. "Wha-"
"Shit, fuc- I..sorry. I didn't mean to say it out loud." They mumble, voice shaky not meaning to let their thoughts slip out. At least not in front of you. "M it's not that sim-" "I'm not sure I want to know. I don't...want to think of the two of you, bodies hot and writhing and lips in places and-" M stands, hands pulling on the bottom of their sweater pulling it as they pace back and forth in front of the couch. "with them though? With them? I know it can happen, I mean I've written something like that happening," M looks you over, their brows furrowed. They speak in a rapid-fire rush, words tumbling over each other.
M's eyes dart around nervously, and they fidget with their hands, pulling at a piece of thread at the bottom of their sweater.
There is heat in their gaze, is it anger? Is it more? "I thought if you were going to fuck someone it would be m-" M slaps their hand over their mouth, stopping their pacing. They shake their head, as your eyes meet. Who, who would it be? M pulls their sweater up to cover the bottom of their face, the growing blush creeping up their neck to their cheeks. In a high-pitched voice, they yell "Excuse me!" before rushing into the bathroom. Groaning loudly "Fucking shit balls, damn it. Get it together."
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💜 Isaac - You think for a second Isaac is going to say something, with the way their mouth opens. But, they say nothing instead running a hand along the back of their neck. "Well, I'm happy for you. I mean it's not like you're interested in anyone right? Not like we're serious or anything." They say it so effortlessly, or at least it sounds it. But really, it takes everything in them to say it. They don't want to get close, this just helps them not. Knowing you were with Chris, they have no right to care because they haven't made a move, not really. Yet it hurts, it fucking hurts and they don't want to admit it. No, must be the hours they've worked, they need sleep, they need time. To sulk, to be jealous, wait no..no. That's the last thing Isaac needs. "I..wouldn't say that." Isaac snaps around to look at you, "So you do care about Chris, after everything?" "No, no it was, I don't know closure in a way. We were arguing and Chris kissed me. That was their favorite way to end old arguments. It helped in a way, because a part of me would always wonder if leaving them was the right choice. Now I know." In a way, Isaac respects that. Because they never got that kind of closure, like a wound that never heals, always festering deep inside. "So..was it?" The question leaves their mouth before they can stop it, because damn it if they don't want to know. Was this thing the two of you have been trying to start worth it? Was it what you wanted? Do you finally know, that you want someone, someone standing right in front of you?
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🖤 Ardent - He laughed, but there was no joy in the sound. It was a hollow, bitter laugh. His lips twisted into a grimace as he tried to mask his feelings.
"Why are you laughing?" "Because that's just how it goes isn't it? You and me, this twisted little game we got going on. I knew something was off because I know for a fucking fact I didn't put this on you." His large hand yanks the collar of your shirt over, the purplish mark still very much visible. You go to slap his hand away, embarrassed. You wanted to tell him, to be honest. Not because you wanted Chris, you drank you drank so much and Chris was there and you wanted to hurt them, hurt Jade. So you slept with Chris. Worst fucking decision ever. Ardent grabs your wrist, his eyes staring at the mark, at the reminder of what happened. You watch his tongue dart out to lick his lips, as he leans his head forward. "What the fuck are you doing!?" You step back, but he follows. Still holding your wrist, his other hand clinging to your hip. Your cheeks are red with your embarrassment. "Don't move." His voice is stern, as he shifts closer to you, pressing his body against you, turning your head to bare your neck to him. "Is this some weird ass kink of yours or something? Stop looking at it!" You press your hands against his chest but it only makes him growl. Sending a shiver down your spine, but not out of fear, much worse than that. Something you should probably talk to a therapist about. "If this is what you do to get my attention, then congratulations you have it. Every last fucking ounce. "I was drunk damn it. Not like I judge who the hell comes out of your apartment." "No one's come out since this shit started, and you know it. Only one other person comes in here that isn't me." His breath is warm on your neck, and it excites you. Sleeping with Chris wasn't meant to make Ardent want you more, but some fucking how, it did just that. You feel his warm tongue dart against the hickey, and it almost causes you to moan but you stifle it, the sound getting lost in your throat. You hear him snicker, as his teeth bite in just enough. A little bit of pain, with a little bit of pleasure, as he begins to suck. Marking over Chris's hickey. He lets go his lips making a loud pop as he pulls away. "Now, where is this shit stain?" "Wha-who?" You arch your brow and Ardent stares at you, not needing to say Chris's name. "Why, what are you going to do, punch them?" He smirks at you, pulling your hand away from the mark on your neck, his teeth marks marring your skin. "That's the first thing."
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Like a lamb led to slaughter (my heart held in your hands)
carry me slowly, my sunlight (these colours, they fade for you only) - series masterlist here
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pairing: damian wayne x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.7k
genre: fluff? angst? kinda hurt/comfort?
warnings: this is the enemies part of the enemies to lovers so they're kinda mean and hateful, reader pulls a knife on damian at the beginning but it's pretty chill, also angsty ending in this but future parts where they're together and in love are already up and in my masterlist <3
a/n: enjoy xoxo
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Damian pauses, holding his breath as the knife that's been suddenly pressed against his throat gets pressed a little harder. The wind blows the sand around his feet gently and he listens, straining for a hint as to who his attacker is.
"Damian Al Ghul, caught by surprise… you're getting slow," your voice makes him relax - much to his annoyance, his jaw clenching as he exhales slowly. You pull the knife away from him, ignoring the small trickle of blood that runs down his neck as you stand in front of him. 
"You shouldn't be here," he snaps harshly.
"Neither should you," you quip back.
"This is my -"
"For now," you interrupt, your grin wicked. "This war of ours isn't over yet, Al Ghul. I wouldn't claim the winning prize for yourself just yet - not when you're the one who's been caught off guard." Damian's fists clench, his eyes hard as he stares at you through the darkness of night, the stars dripping pinpricks of light onto the two of you.
"This is League territory. You are outcast. You're not welcome here, and neither are any of the others who follow you," he says viciously. You smile.
"So sure I won't beat you still," you say, a mocking edge in your voice that makes him huff. "So sure it'll be you leading the League one day, and not me."
Damian doesn't bite back, though. He opens his mouth to, but then seems to think better of it, opting instead to step away from you and plant himself on the sandy ground while the clouds part, the moon shining through. You think you hear him muttering, "why don't you just kill me and get it over with, then?"
You blink at his behaviour, following him cautiously and standing in front of him, blocking the light of the moon and shrouding him in darkness where he's sitting, knees pulled up to his chest.
"What's wrong with you?" You ask, toeing at his side with your shoe, jostling him slightly. He just clenches his fists tighter.
"You're blocking out the sky," he says bitterly. "And you stabbed me." You arch a brow.
"You're stargazing now? How novel. And I didn't stab you - don't be dramatic. It was just a little cut… you've given me worse," you point out.
"You deserve worse," he snaps. You straighten back and away from him, moving to let the light of the moon shine down on him as you sit next to him.
"You know I'd never kill you on a night like this," you say, a softness in your voice that makes you both queasy. You feel the weight of the knife in its sheath against your leg and press your hand to it. You could try to kill him - you probably should. God knows there are enough people waiting for you to.
"Not enough of an audience?" Damian says dryly. You kick a pile of sand near your foot.
"Why didn't you fight back? You could just as easily try to kill me tonight. But you wouldn't because we've been at this far too long to let it end in private… just the two of us." The end of your sentence is murmured, your eyes trained on his face while he stares up at the night sky. It takes him longer than you'd like for him to tear his gaze away from the full moon and look back at you, the light shining on one half of his face while the other now sits in shadow. You imagine you look much the same, half bathed in light, half shrouded. 
"What do you think will happen?" His question finally cuts through the silence. "When one of us finally kills the other." You pull your hand away from your knife like it's burned you. 
"When I kill you?" You say haughtily. "The League will be mine."
"And when I kill you?" Damian snaps back. You seem to mull over your answer for a moment too long, Damian huffing and turning back up to the sky.
"Then you win," you say quietly. "And you're rid of me." Something in your heart twinges at that and you grit your teeth.
"What would I do?" He says it so softly you're sure you wouldn't hear him if you hadn't spent so many years learning him. You fix him with a hard look, but he keeps his eyes pointedly on the stars and not at you. "What would I do without you?"
"What would I do without you?" Your response is so wavering and hushed that you think he must have missed it. It must have simply been caught in the wind and carried away to somewhere where the two of you could be anything other than what you are now. The way Damian turns to look at you, eyes wide and vulnerable and hurting, tells you he heard you just fine. 
"I don't want to kill you," he says it like kindness is a crime.
"You have to," you respond, like a lamb led to slaughter. "It's what we're made for, you and me. To be each other's end - each other's undoing. Only one of us is making it out of this alive." There's a weight in your words that goes unsaid. A part of me will die with you. Neither one of us will make it out of this and stay whole. A part of me belongs to you.
Damian stands suddenly, sand flying at where you sit as he shoots to his feet. You brush it off of you with a sigh and crane your neck to look up at him where he's standing tall, fists clenched and shoulders back, his feet planted firmly and holding him steady. You assume there's a determination in his eyes that you're intimately familiar with to go with his stance. He's blocked out the moon with his figure, leaving the two of you in shadow with a blinding halo around his silhouette, but you don't need to see his face to know what look he's wearing - you haven't needed to for a long time.
"There's a way around this, I'm sure," he says. You sigh and a breeze floats by, ruffling through him and into you. Your nose burns when you pick up the faintest whiff of his scent and you wonder, just for a moment, if he can detect the same from you… if he knows you the way you know him.
"You don't want that," you say flatly.
"Don't tell me what I want," he snaps back, voice hard. "You don't get to decide how this ends." You shoot up at his words, standing chest to chest with him, so close that you bump into each other.
"I decide just as much as you do." Your voice mimics the steel in his own. "This is about us, not you, and… and," whatever you were saying dies out as you look at Damian, his eyes staring back at you intensely. You hadn't really realized, in your anger and haste, how close to him you'd shoved yourself, but you can feel his breath on your skin and see the flecks of colour in his deep brown eyes.
"And… what?" He prompts, scowl still on his face. He seems to take no notice of the way his nose brushes against yours. That is, until your eyes flick down to his lips for a split second too long.
He lurches away from you, stepping back to create distance and holding a hand out in surrender, as if the close proximity to you just then had been more threatening than all the times you'd pointed a sword to his chest. The way your heart thumps behind your ribs and your breath catches, you're inclined to agree.
"I'm going to fix this," he says breathlessly.
"Fix what? There's nothing to fix, Damian." His name burns your tongue, like it's an intimacy you shouldn't indulge in. "There's nothing to fix. This is the way it's supposed to go."
"I won't kill you," he's all but yelling at you now. "And I won't let you kill me." You make the mistake of closing your eyes, hanging your head slightly and sighing as you prepare yourself for another fight. It's a moment of weakness that you would never allow in front of any enemy other than him - a moment of vulnerability that could cost you your life. But you hear it, ever so slightly, the whisper of him moving with a stealth that only the two of you know. By the time you open your eyes, he's gone.
You realize, in the days following the incident, that you'd never gone so long without seeing Damian before. At first, you were shoved against each other by your respective sides in never-ending fights to see who would triumph. Then, as time passed and the two of you grew, your skills matched and fights ending in draws over and over, you started seeking each other out on your own. To know your enemy, you'd always told yourself. You're sure he'd always tried to convince himself of the same. 
But now? Now days have gone by without a whisper, without a flickering shadow or a hushed breath. Eventually, you go looking, silent and hidden and so desperately hopeful. But that's when you hear it - the rumours.
Damian Al Ghul is gone - gone to live with his father and train with him. He'll be back, you promise yourself. He'll come back to me. 
But he doesn't. Time passes and he remains gone, the rumours spreading.
Damian Al Ghul has found a home beyond this war, beyond you. You're sure that only makes you so nauseous because now you'll never get the chance to kill him.
Damian Al Ghul has no interest in fighting a war that isn't his anymore, you hear. Damian Al Ghul has no need for a vicious prophecy or a never-ending rivalry.  Damian Al Ghul has found a home, apparently, and it's somewhere far… far away from you.
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ivelle-serenity · 3 months
Skateboard 9
Wind breaker
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fem bodied reader | smut | action | pwp | jayjo/fml | vinny/fml | wooin/fml | joker/fml | hyuk/fml | owen/fml | enemies to lovers | angsty | the other woman (?) | reverse harem | fluff | SLOW BURN! | all characters featured are 18+
author's note: thank you for supporting my story! i will try my best to update early.
✧˖° — windbreaker men
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
✧˖° — this is a story not one shot.
"They're not using me! They're just asking for my help," I protested.
"And you agreed?" Wooin's tone was almost mocking, laden with insult, making my chest feel even heavier. Why do I feel like I'm being cornered?
"The famous Demitra Roberts, agreeing to be a replacement for an old friend—or should I say an old enemy?" Wooin's face darkened as he spoke. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. I glared at him.
"Who would imagine you'd agree to replace the woman who was your enemy for so long?" he added, this time laughing.
"Shut the fuck up." I stepped closer to him. "You don't know what you're talking about. Don't act like you know me, so shut your mouth!" my eyes flaring with anger.
"But I do... We all do!" he said with a laugh that shocked me even more. My heart sank at his words.
I looked down and clenched my fists. He knows something—no, they all do. Why am I still surprised? They must have done a background check on me. They might even know my other secrets. It's disheartening to think about. Wooin approached and held my face, forcing me to look up at him. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, and a familiar pain in my heart. Why am I feeling this again?
"They don't see you as their friend, Demitra," Joker said firmly. I couldn't look at him because Wooin was right in front of me. His eyes were full of amusement, as if my tears were something fascinating.
"For them, you're just a shadow of Shelly. They don't need you. Jay is just fooling you while he waits for his pathetic girlfriend," Hyuk said with disgust.
Why do they have to mention Jay? What else do they know?
"S-So what? I don't even like him, so why would it matter--"
"Yes, you should not," Joker said, as if warning me.
"But don't you hate being compared to her?" Wooin said with a grin. Horror plastered on my face. The tears I had been holding back started to flow.
Please, stop it already. I can't hear it anymore.
"How dare they use you? You're a legend, like us. You're a fucking Princess." He shouldn't use my underground title like that. I've been trying so hard to forget the title given to me back when I was greedy for money. It was all supposed to be in the past. I should be leaving it behind, but what are they doing? They keep bringing it up!
"They don't deserve you. A princess like you should be respected," he said seriously, squeezing my cheeks harder.
"Maybe she just wants to be treated like trash," Hyuk's insult stung, making me feel even worse. I saw a strange look in Wooin's eyes.
"Hyuk," he warned his friend, but Hyuk just shrugged.
My tears flowed freely, making Wooin pause. He immediately let go of me. My whole body trembled from the tension. I nearly collapsed, but Joker caught me for the second time, holding me by the waist. He gave Joker a significant look before I felt Joker's fingers wrap around my neck from behind.
Wooin smiled at the sight he saw. Joker made me face Wooin by wrapping his fingers around my neck and waist. I clenched my fist as Wooin approached me and wiped my cheeks.
"You're mine, do you understand?" he whispered as he looked at me. I could feel the possessiveness in his tone. "You belong to us. We have the right to tell you to stay away from those jerks, especially Jay. They're all losers." he said softly.
Joker's grip tightened but not enough to make me lose my breath. "Can't you see how much we want you, Demitra? Can't you see how much we adore you?" he whispered in my ear. "No? Does Hajun's cock doesn't ring a bell?" After Wooin's words, I felt a strange sensation pressing against me from behind. It didn't take long to realize that it was Joker's erection, rubbing against my body.
Realization dawned on me - they all wanted me. It was a truth that I couldn't ignore. The heat between my thighs grew as the possessiveness in Wooin's words sunk in.
"And you know, I wouldn't mind sharing him," Wooin said, a smirk playing on his lips.
Confusion clouded my mind as I tried to comprehend his words.
Before I could react, Wooin leaned in and kissed Joker beside me.  I watched as he inserted his tongue into Joker's mouth and played with it. I blushed at the sight. This only intensified the heat spreading through my body.
I couldn't quite catch Joker's reaction as Wooin released his grip on him. But what I did see was Wooin licking his lips seductively, shooting Joker a teasing look. And then, I heard Joker mutter a curse under his breath, a clear sign that things were heating up between them.
"Don't be jealous, princess. He could be yours too. But first, you have to be mine," Wooin stated, his thumb grazing my lips.
Stunned, I felt Wooin's lips on mine, his kiss filled with passion and possessiveness. I closed my eyes, feeling a rush of emotions as Joker's kisses trailed along my neck. Lost in the moment, I gave in to the intensity of their desires, unable to resist the pull they had on me. They made me feel special and important in a way I had never experienced before.
Joker bit a sensitive spot on my neck, causing me to let out a moan. Wooin's tongue swirled with mine as his hands roamed all over my body. I gasped when I felt him cupping my breast. The way he touched me let me know he was experienced in this. I could feel how wet I was getting, and Wooin seemed to notice as he paused his actions while Joker continued to give me small kisses on the back of my neck.
"Join us," he insisted again. "Join us and we'll fuck you until you forget everything else." his voice was deep and filled with danger.
I looked at Hyuk, who was just standing there watching us with a stern look. Was he in on this too?
"He wants you just like we do. He's just making sure you'll agree to our conditions." Wooin chuckled.
I shook my head. "No," I said firmly, giving him a sharp look. "I don't want to join your group. And don't make me one of your whores, Wooin." I said definitively.
His expression turned blank. After I spoke, even Joker paused but remained silent. I watched as Wooin clenched his jaw in disbelief and anger.
"Yeah?" he retorted sarcastically. "Then you leave me with no choice. You're going to stay here until tomorrow. You will not fucking race with them."
My eyes widened in shock. He can't do that!
"You can't confine me here."
"The hell I can't."
My eyes burned with anger. I had never felt this furious in my entire life. How dare he do this to me? Okay, I know it's my fault for lying to them about joining Hummingbird, but they don't need to interfere with my decisions. I have my own life.
I watched Wooin move away from me and drink his wine in one gulp. He exchanged a look with Hyuk before leaving the room. I was about to follow him when Joker tightened his grip on my waist.
"Stop, you’re just making it worse," Joker murmured.
"Worse? Isn't locking me up here bad enough?" I snapped at him, trying to pry his hands off my waist.
"Why do you want to be with them so badly?" Hyuk said sarcastically, walking closer to me.
"It's not like that. I promised I would help them—"
"Stupid," he shook his head. "You’re so stupid. Wooin just explained everything earlier, but you didn’t listen. You know what? We don’t even need you here. You’ll just be useless with that brain of yours. You’re nothing but a toy to fuck with."
My face flushed with anger and humiliation. I slapped him. Joker quickly stepped between us. I felt the heat from my eyes, tears threatening to fall again. I couldn't believe Wooin said Hyuk liked me when he was treating me like this. I didn’t say anything and let Joker handle him.
Just by looking at them, I could tell they were arguing. Even though part of me wanted Joker to put Hyuk in his place, I didn’t want it to turn into a physical fight.
“You’ve crossed the line. Do it again, and you’ll have to deal with me,” I heard Joker warn him.
“Who do you think you’re scaring, Joker?”
"I'm not scaring you, I'm warning you.” Joker roughly grabbed Hyuk by the collar, and I immediately grabbed Joker's arm. I didn’t want to see them hurt each other! I knew all too well how Joker fought. He’s a boxer, for heaven's sake.
Their attention shifted to me. Hyuk just scoffed before pushing Joker away. I watched Hyuk leave, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. I looked at Joker, who was still staring at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the sofa. I wiped my cheek, not wanting to show him how much his friend's words had affected me. It hit me that Joker was the only one who had been kind to me, unlike the other members of his crew. I had made Wooin angry, and now Hyuk too. Were they really that mad at the Hummingbird that they took it out on me too?
“Your friends are assholes,” I muttered.
He didn’t respond.
“I know Wooin is just playing with me. There’s no way you all wanted me like he said. Do you even see how they treat me?” I almost laughed as I grabbed the bottle of expensive liquor from the table. “Maybe this is all part of your plan with Sangho, huh? Maybe you want me close just to hand me over to him.”
I was about to take a swig from the bottle when he snatched it away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said coldly.
“Liar,” I shot back.
He set the bottle down on the table and took off his denim jacket, looking overheated.
“We want you, and we’re not lying about that.” His words seemed to etch themselves into my mind.
“You just want to fuck me,” I said quickly, making him stop. He lifted his gaze, then let it travel down my body. I was still wearing my uniform—nothing revealing, just my P.E. outfit.
“Not just me,” he replied, turning away after he said it. My lips parted in shock.
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partycatty · 8 months
anon dm requested: "The request would be: Relationship hcs with Liu Kang? Can be just fluff, but if you wanna add nsfw *wink wink*. I think after so many years of celibacy his rizz would be lower than sea level, but I'd love to read your take on it!"
liu kang > love again
what it's like dating the god of thunder and fire - and the keeper of time
warnings: pretty angsty ngl, can't write for this lover boy without profound sadness, mentions of sex
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• promising your love to an immortal god was a huge responsibility - you were uncertain if you promised your forever, or his forever. two vastly different connotations to the word.
• it took a lot of time and effort to get him to see you like that. liu kang made a vow to his existence to never fall in love again, after losing everything. no mortal would be able to stand by his side for as long as he'd like, for one life was merely a grain of sand in his beach of a lifetime.
• but once he's in, he's in all the way - or so, he tries to be. as silly as it may sound, the man is charming but rusty. he has that natural tendency to draw people in with his words and spirit, but when it comes to real flirting you've got him with rusty cogs in his head.
• he warms up to you little by little, his casual praises lacing with compliments to your physique or mental strength, something he admires in a mortal. but then, you'd cloud his mind with your enchanting form while he is tucked away in his personal quarters, meditating. like a frosted screen blocking his vision, your presence started to eat away at him.
• liu kang tried hard to push it away - he can't do it again. love. he can't love again, when he knows just how quickly it can be taken away. he recalls the life being sucked from him by his revenant counterpart, being by thunder god raiden's side after his mortal death, clinging hopelessly onto a backwards moving kitana.
• and yet, when he'd watch you beam with pride after learning a new combo, or hold eye contact for just a moment longer than the other chosen ones, liu kang would force himself to break his usually solid eye contact. you just broke something in him - the side that he thought died when he lost everything he knew.
• even after fighting the urge to confess any sort of attraction, liu kang feels viscerally angry seeing anyone else show interest in you. his fists clench and his tattoos flicker a frustratingly blinding shade as he silently cooks himself in the distance. he partially hates himself for being so jealous, and partially because he know he could just stop being jealous by having you all to himself, something he couldn't bring himself to do.
• so much gentle encouragement gives him the strength to say you're his, and it rolls off of his tongue far too easily. why hadn't he tried it sooner? you were so perfect, and he felt like he couldn't pat himself on the back for it. he created you, but never expected your true colors to shine so vividly.
• most nights are spent comforting your new godly boyfriend. your hands tangle themselves in his hair as you massage his scalp thoroughly. he's very still as he absorbs every touch you give him. he may not need to sleep, but he'd lay there for hours if it meant he was your pillow.
• just as you savor calling him your lord, he savors calling you his. "my love, my dear, my beloved, my flower," any romantic nickname is game if it opens with a "my." once he starts getting comfortable enough to use them, it's never ending.
• sex with him is always tender and passionate, where he is entirely focused on your pleasure rather than his own. he has no need for such release anymore, but he can't deny your warmth encapsulating him as a sign of your devotion to him. you also make a great stress relief toy!
• liu kang remains professional in front of the others, but his glowing eyes are so strikingly obvious, especially when they're transfixed on you. when he is speaking of behalf of earthrealm to the outworld royalty, his hand falls on the small of your back as he speaks, as if to say "i am a god, but she is my equal."
• demands respect for you. isn't usually the type to cause a scene but will actively call anyone out that disrespects your feelings. will call you his lady in public, just as he is your lord. in his effortlessly neutral tone, he'll squeeze his fingers into your side as he suppresses his godly anger.
• you don't carry the burden of the knowledge he possesses with every waking moment, he can't even begin to explain it to you. he withholds plenty of information, calling it a "spoiler" or "surprise." the timeline is his to know, and yours to find out. he doesn't want to give you the same burden of truth.
• the only truth liu kang wants you to hold onto is that he chose you in this timeline. did he choose you in others? no, but what matters is that he sees you this time around.
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sugawhaaa · 4 months
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Dead city::chapter 1
✩°。⋆⸜₊˚⊹Opened wound
Warnings:: being chained (?) Yeosang gets mad really quickly and yells a lot
Genre:: angst, slow burn,
Synopsis::when on a trip to an abandoned city to take photos you come across a strange man tied in mountains of chains. After conversing with him you become empathic and want to help this man.
A/N::this is my first time writing smth kind of angsty, not like a love story. Yeosang is just a random man and your just a random girl/person (it's never said the gender but it's implied a few times that it's a woman)
Story note!! This is a mixture of the halateez lore and my own ideas. It's not really a lovers type of thing yet it's just an imaginative story :3
An abandoned and decaying wasteland of a city surrounded you. The only thing you could see for miles was a gray sky and desolate buildings. You held your camera up, snapping photos of these abandoned buildings and old materials around. You then stumbled upon a hat, a fedora. It was in rather good condition in comparison to the dead city. You take a photo of it and squat down to get the perfect shot of it. You stand up and look at the clear image on your camera.
You continue to walk through the city as you look through the images on your camera before stumbling upon a strange building. There was a clear pathway to walk up to it so you decided to follow it. As you walk along the path you look around the city. Abandoned houses with the curtains still blowing in the wind, broken glass from the window. What appeared to be a gas station with wires hanging in the window, the white walls stained with dirt.
You finally got to the entryway of the strange building and after looking at it for a while you realized it was an old stadium. You climbed up the steps cautiously as you held your camera that was around your neck. Once you entered the stadium there was a blank area in the center, a large oval shape with thousands of seats surrounding it. You turned on your camera again and snapped a few shots. As you did so you couldn't help but sense someone's presence. You look around the abandoned stadium before turning back to your exploration.
As you climbed up the rows of seats you heard a strange sound. The sound of metal being dragged on the ground. You turn to look all around you but the sound stops. You tread carefully over to where you heard the sound. The sounds started again and you concluded that it was the sound of someone dragging chains on the ground. You turn one of the corners to see a man.
He was dressed in dark blacks and browns. His clothes ripped and his hair was damp. Your jaw drops in shock and horror as you see the chains wrapped around his body. On each of his hands was a thick metal clasp with thousands of chains on each clamp. He had two massive chains wrapped around either side of his chest creating an X shape. His ankles didn't have nearly as many chains, about three on each ankle.
You look up from the chains to his eyes. They're full of cold rage. He looks like a beast that's about to pounce at any moment. You don't know what to say to him. You'd never seen anyone in a situation like this before.
"C-Can I…" you try to come up with something to say but he just continues to analyze you in disgust. His eyes then land on the badge on your chest. He steps back and grits his teeth, his fists clenched. "I'm not here to hurt you," you warn him, extending a hand out to him before stopping. He steps back again and gets into a defensive position. He grunts in response, hearing your words but not trusting them. "I'm just a photographer," you explain as you hold up your camera with one hand. His eyes dart over to the camera then back to your face.
He continues to judge you, whether to think of you as prey or predator. "Do you have a name?" You ask before setting your camera down. The man turns his head confused as he glares at you.
"Yeosang," he states in one clean tone. He then slowly sits down, landing in a puddle of water from the constant rain in the gloomy city. Your expression softens as you squat down to his level.
"Yeosang," you repeat, trying the name on your own tongue. "How long have you been here, Yeosang?" You ask as you keep a good distance from him.
"Months…maybe years," he explains with hesitation in his voice. It seemed like he hadn't talked to someone in a while. It was like he had to think of how to make the words come out of his mouth. Your face contorts in confusion.
"If you've lived for so long all chained up you must be receiving help of sorts," you think to yourself and Yeosang doesn't speak. "Someone has to be giving you food and water or something," you look up at him, awaiting his response. He turns his head with a grunt.
"I hate…them," he says with weakened eyes. You move closer to him to comfort him but he just jumps back, kicking up his knee to his chest as he sits on the cold concrete.
"Sorry," you sigh before looking up at him again. "Who are they?" You ask genuinely and he takes a deep breath.
"Government," he replies with anger. "Government is all I know," he says with a slight shake to his voice. He seems to be frustrated with the amount of words he can say. He needs to tell you more but he can't. He hisses under his breath and grabs a fist full of his chains.
"That's okay, that's a good start," you reply, nodding your head. "Do you know why you're here?" You ask another question. He seems triggered by the question. It seemed you were poking at a mental scar that hadn't fully healed yet. He just grunted and turned away from your gaze.
"Hala," he replies coldly. Your eyes widen at his words. Hearts awaken, live alive. It was the quota of an underground organization that strived to overthrow the government.
You look at him surprised and his shell instantly hardens again. "Go away," he growls as he sees the hesitation in your eyes. "If you don't like Hala, leave," he hisses. "I don't want your help!" He stands back up again and you jump back in fear. He looks down at your expression, your eyes shaking and your body low to the ground, crying for help. Yeosang instantly softens again. You reminded him of his younger self, in a similar position, crying to the ground. His breaths increase and he turns away from you. His chains rattled as he moved.
You sit there, trying to process everything. You grab your camera and make sure it's unharmed.
"Were you part of Hala?" You ask softly as you hold the camera to your chest. You watch Yeosangs back rise and fall as he takes a deep breath.
"I am a part of Hala," he corrects you. He didn't want to think of Hala as something of the past. They were still living, he would find his members, they'd win in the end.
"Right," you nod your head and keep a safe distance from him. You watch as he sighs, his body relaxing. "Are you hurt?" You ask, nothing red marks on his bare arms and back.
"No," he responds quickly and you sigh. You know he's lying but you can't just hold him down as you inspect his wounds.
"Do you want to be…free?" You ask. It seemed like a pretty obvious question. Of course he wanted to be free. He was chained up for so long he forgot how to speak and interact with humans. But deep down you know he's thinking something else as well.
"I…" he pauses before turning back to look at you, sitting in front of you again as the two of you talk. "I want to get out of these," he holds up his chains. "I want to see my family again," he explains, referring to Halateez. "But, I don't know where to begin. If I get out, where do I go?" He looks down at the concrete beneath the two of you.
You nod as you listen to him. He definitely needed to vent a lot. He hadn't seen a human in potentially years and the mental toll this whole situation would've taken on him. He has been chained up, forced to watch the city of life in the distance while starved and alone."What would I eat? Who would I talk to? When you asked if I wanted to be free, you were talking about my chains. I don't want to just be free of these, I want to be free of this world. I want to escape," he explains with a determined look. You nod, understanding his predicament.
"I have only one more question," you look up at him with sympathy. He node gently, telling you to continue. "What did you do to get caught? How did it all happen?" You ask. You know you're pushing boundaries a little but you really wanted and frankly needed to know. He turns to look away from you again.
"It's complicated. Hala had enough of the government and started a serious rebellious act. We hacked into the government's programs, ambushed them, broke thousands to millions of laws and it started working. People started second-guessing the government and we were heading in the right direction. One kid escaped from one of the schools that the government-owned but once they found out he had left because of our influence, they went crazy," he begins to tell his story, your eyes watching him as he explains it. "Groups of officials were on our case before capturing us one by one. The first time one of the members of Hala was captured we promised him we'd come back for him," Yeosang then sighed looking up at the sky. "But he still waits for us," Yeosang then clenches his jaw and looks in the distance to the city. "He's so close. Right there. Tied up in cords in a lab but he's alive," Yeosangs eyes fill with rage and determination.
You have to sit and think for a moment, processing his story. "I know you don't understand but I need him. I need to fulfill my promise," Yeosang stood up, his back turned to you. You watch as he stares often in the distant city of life. You sigh. You want to free him but he was a criminal and you were a goody two-shoes who always followed commands without question but lately, you've been second-guessing the government and its system.
"I want to free you…I really do but I don't even know where to start and…I could die if I set you free and then go back to the city," you explain sincerely. He sighs as you stand to your feet again. "But I'll be back tomorrow. I need to know more," you explain as you walk to stand in front of him. "I'll be back," you smile and he huffs, turning his head.
"It makes no difference to me," he turns back to hide in the shadows. He sits in his pile of chains as he watches you walk off. You become one with the fog as you run back to your house. Once you're out of his view he yells and hits the bleachers next to him. He was so close to escape but so far.
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sp4ceboo · 11 months
Cyar'ika: Din Djarin x Reader
A/N: wrote this when i was younger but i still kinda like it so excuse the cheese (i know the text dividers are off centre ok dont come for me)
Warnings: blood, injuries, fever, angsty, i think there's swearing, massive cheesiness at the end and tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: <2500
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You've known Mando - Din, since you two were children, playing at the ankles of the other, older, Mandalorians. You two grew up together, trained with each other, told each other your names at hardly a blink of an eye, swore yourselves to the Creed on the same day. After that, you two did go your separate ways, him joining the Guild as a bounty hunter, you deciding to do the same job, except you didn't work for the Guild. Because of this, you two didn't see each other often, but that's fine because you made time for each other. Din's probably the only person you trust. And him, well, he definitely trusts you. If he didn't, you two wouldn't be friends. You're the only person he goes out of his way to meet up with for company, and nothing else.
So hopefully he won't mind that you just managed to break into his ship so you could get somewhere where the beskar won't be ripped off your body by people taking advantage of your current state. Or that despite both your hands pressed into the wound, you're bleeding all over the floor from the wound that you recieved after being a little bit too lazy on a hunt. Or that smear of gore left behind you when you dragged yourself up the cargo ramp. Or the fact that you could very well steal the child from where he's sleeping peacefully in the cot to your right.
You know he'll see the scuff marks and prints in the dust around his ship, so you aren't surprised when he climbs up the ramp with his blaster raised and ready.
'Hands up,' he says in that cool, measured voice that you love, despite the crackle of static that masks it almost fully. Your heart aches, because it reminds you that you'll never see him with his helmet off, unless he... No, he'd never. To Din, you're a friend. Nothing else.
'I - I don't think I can put my hands up,' you gasp out. 'Unless you want my guts on your floor.' 'Stars, Y/N,' he mutters, and you grin weakly under your helmet, which turns to a grimace as he scoops you up, careful not to jar your gloved hands where they're pressed against your side. 'G - guess I should h - have listened to you when we were y - ounger and you t - told me I had to be more careful,' you grit out.
'Shut up,' he mutters, setting you down carefully on his cot and moving lightning fast from crate to crate, rummaging through them, cursing under his breath, the closest to panic you've ever seen. Eventually, he growls a long string of Outer Rim expletives since all he has is a needle and thread. Your eyes droop, and somehow he must know, because he practically slaps you across the helmet, the jolt making your eyes snap back open, a whimper falling from your lips, your hands weakening as they press into your wound, keeping the blood in.
'Stay awake,' he pleads. 'I'm sorry, I don't have any - any bacta. I've got to stitch you up before I leave to get any. I'm going to have to t - take this off, okay?'
'Don't - don't let me die, Din,' you pant, and you could swear you hear a choked sob as he yanks his gloves off; his warm, steady hands start ripping away your breastplate, then your undershirt, and you can't help but notice the way his calluses scrape against the scar marred skin of your stomach. You focus on the feel of it, jaw clenched, trying to blot out the pain.
'Oh Maker,' he gulps, surveying your wound, and you don't dare look, just fix your eyes on his visor, right where you know his eyes are. He threads the needle, cursing his clumsiness, and suddenly 
Blinding pain. Throbbing through your stomach, bright shafts of agony, and you swallow your scream, hands fisting in Din's sheets. You hear yourself gasping his name, but he doesn't, won't stop, apologizing again and again as he sews you back up, and dimly, your voice begs him to distract you, and then there's that soft baritone, masked by the vocoder, yet still there, still human, and you fall silent, focusing on his voice, anything but the pain, and he's whispering things you hear but don't understand, his voice engulfing you - and then it stops. The pain reduces, and the muscles you unknowingly tensed relax.
'What?' You slur. 'I'm finished. Go to sleep, cyar'ika.'
Your brain registers the last word more than the others. Sweetheart, in Mando'a. He just - Din just called you... The rest of your brain deciphers the former part of his sentence, and your eyelids slam shut.
────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────
You wake up shivering. Din's crouched by the cot, one hand on the skin of your neck since he can't exactly touch your forehead. You giggle deliriously at the thought of taking off your helmet in front of him, and he cocks his head.
'Y/N?' He asks softly, and you become aware that the shirt on you is far too big and definitely smells like him. Underneath is some gauze over your stitches, and you can tell that he's already applied the bacta. 'This your shirt?' You slur, even though it's pretty obvious. Din turns his helmet away, and you feel his gaze move off you. 'I got the bacta too late,' he says, voice heavy with worry. 'You've got a fever.'
'Cold,' you mumble, and suddenly, he looks so warm, so inviting, and some weird part of your memory remembers Din's basically a furnace. You wrap your fingers around his wrist, yanking him towards you. No way he's caught by surprise, Din doesn't do surprised, so he must let you drag him closer so you can bury your face into the fabric of his cape, feeling the heat of his body radiating through the cloth. Happily, you sigh, one hand crawling over his shoulder to start undoing his breastplate.
'Y/N,' he chokes out as you chuck it over his shoulder and meld yourself into his chest, absorbing his warmth. 'Why are you calling me my name now? You called me cyar'ika before,' you whine, not really aware that you're speaking out loud. He freezes, then his hand cups the back of your neck and  pulls you close, stroking your hair. 'Go to sleep,' he soothes, but his voice shakes a little. 'But - ' 'I'll - I'll explain to you later,' he mutters, and touches his forehead to yours. 'Keldabe kiss,' you mumble, and he nods. 'Yeah. Sleep now.' He pauses. 'Cyar'ika.'
────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────
You stand under the shower head in the 'fresher, wishing the hot water pummeling your skin could wash away all your worries.
You didn't actually believe it was possible to avoid Din on a ship as small as the Razor Crest until... well, until you proved yourself wrong by doing exactly that. And Din was probably doing the same, so whenever you two do pass by each other, there's a thick silence that is only punctuated by the child's coos - probably of confusion, since the two bucket headed humans which he's always seen together are now doing all they can to stay away from each other.
To be honest, you're running out of excuses to escape to a room where Din isn't. You're almost healed now, fever broken a day ago, wound near gone, thanks to the bacta Din left out for you since he's definitely not going to smear it on while you two are acting like the other doesn't exist. The wound still hurts a bit, and you know it's going to be hard to take out the stitches without help, but you'll risk pretty much anything to avoid having to talk out your whiny clinginess during the fever with Din.
You know it's going to happen eventually; one of you is going to break and blurt something out, and you're determined not to be the first, because you have no idea what the outcome will be. And because you're scared - scared that if you stop acting like nothing happened, Din will reveal that he doesn't like you like you like him and the friendship, the trust that you two had built, will all crumble to nothing but memories.
So you stay silent. And you linger in the rooms where Din is not as much as possible. Reaching to the side, you switch off the water, as usual, so Din gets some hot water too, but unlike normally, you sit down in the shower with your back to the tiles, letting the steam warm you until it gets too cold to procrastinate any longer and you're forced to dry yourself off and throw on some clothes. Just before you leave, you lift up your shirt and look at the stitches - the stitches Din made - and look at them. If they stay in any longer, they're likely to get infected. You know that you can't reach them at a good angle, and you risk injuring yourself if you take them out by yourself, but it's not like you can do anything else. Dropping the shirt hem, you slip on your helmet and unlock the 'fresher door and walk slap bang into Din.
'Sorry,' you both mutter at the same time. You move to edge around him, but he doesn't budge, or refuses to budge, so you have to stand there, in front of him, waiting for him. 'Your stitches need to be removed soon,' he says. 'Yeah,' you nod. It's torture, standing there, so close together yet so far apart. 'I should take them out.'
You press your lips together, needing to get past, to run from him. Suddenly, you burst out in a frustrated barrage of words. 'Stars, are you just going to stand there all day? What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do, Mando?' He takes a step back. You haven't called him Mando in private since you told each other your names, years ago. 'Y/N?' 'Why haven't you kicked me out of your ship yet?' You snap, knowing you've gone too far but not able to help it. 'It's obvious you don't want to look at me let alone get my stitches out so why don't you just chuck me out through the hatch and let me go be miserable somewhere else?' 'I wouldn't - I don't - ' 'Yeah, sure,' you say bitterly. 'Of course you'll get my stitches out, of course you wouldn't chuck me out the hatch, of course I'm someone you want here, of course you... of course you love me like I love you.' Your voice cracks, and if he was still before during your rant, now he's frozen. A sob threatens to break from your lips, because he's not moving, he doesn't care, of course he doesn't, and you don't want to cry in front of him, so you turn away, grab the 'fresher door handle -
A hand closes around your wrist. 'Stop.'
But you don't want to see it. You don't want to see the pitying black stare of his visor, don't want him to try and break it to you gently that he doesn't want you, so you snatch your hand back and slam the door behind you, lock it. Your helmet falls with a clang to the 'fresher floor, and you swipe at the tears blurring your vision, huddling into yourself. A lump forms in your throat, and you attempt to swallow it down, holding in your sobs because you know Din will hear them, and somehow, still, you don't want him to. You know it will hurt him. And none of this is his fault, you don't want to put this on him. Surely, this is your fault. Your fault for falling for a man who doesn't love you back.
────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────
You don't know how much later, but you're still on the 'fresher floor, helmet off, everything unchanged but for the door; unlocked. Unlocked, because you still cling onto a small hope that he'll want you, that he'll open the door and scoop you up and... Your heart pangs, and you swipe at another tear that falls. The silence seems to swallow your sniffles which feel so pitful, so weak, and you stare balefully at the shower head, wishing that it was still you and Din, friends, and nothing more.
There's a knock on the door, and that voice sounds, forcing you to hide your face in your hands to smother another choked sob as it speaks. 'Y/N... Y/N, put on your helmet.' You don't think, you just obey his voice because you've got no life left in you, no fight. The door eases open, and he stands there. 'I - I'm not good at talking,' he starts. 'But I want you to... I... it hurts me to see you like this.' You stare at him, silent, unresponsive, hopeless now. 'Just... get to the point.' 'Y/N...' His voice cracks. 'I love you too.' He falls to his knees in front of you as you don't move so much as an inch, your tears starting again. He grabs your hand in his, and with his other, he hooks his fingers under his helmet and lifts -
Your eyes slam shut. 'No.' You gasp. 'No, Din. The - the Creed.' 'I don't care,' he growls. 'Look at me. Look at me.' You shake your head. 'Stop. Please.' 'I love you, Y/N,' he says softly. 'I love you, cyar'ika.'
Your body goes rigid, and of their own accord, your eyes open for a split second before you squeeze them shut again, but his face is engraved in your memory. Soft looking, brown curls, gentle eyes which belong wholly to Din, lips which...
He gathers you in his arms. 'I know you saw,' he whispers. 'Marry me, cyar'ika.' Your tongue speaks for you before your brain can catch up. 'Yes, Din, anything.' He kisses the beskar cheek of your helmet, and you drink in his features, those beautiful eyes, as he speaks. 'I'm sorry I didn't...' You shake your head cutting him off. 'Seriously?' You say, voice still wobbling. 'You just black mailed me. If I didn't marry you, you'd have been forced to kill me.' His laugh without the vocoder makes you melt. 'I guess I was hoping you'd say yes.'
You yank your helmet off, and his eyes have barely settled on your face before you hook an arm around his neck and pull him towards you, locking your mouth onto his. He kisses you back with the desperation of a man who needs you like he needs air, his lips soft as he tangles his hands into your hair. You pull away, glancing back at your helmet which has rolled over to rest against his.
'My cyar'ika,' he murmurs, cupping your face in his callused hands, and you turn your gaze back to him.
'My riduur.'
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I've got an angsty little prompt for you:
22. “Would you feel more comfortable talking about it if I turned around?”
With Ari
Because I know he would give a nice bear hug to forget all your worries after 😌
oh I love some good angst! Thank you for sending in an ask
Your bodyguard - Biker!Ari Levinson x Reader
A/N: I should really make a masterlist for Biker Ari now but I can't think of a name! But they're all in my main masterlist so check them out there!
Summary: Ari helps you open up after coming across someone from your past
Word Count: ? your guess is as good as mine! but its short!
Warnings: Angst! Mention of past abusive relationship! Mention of Emotional and Psychological Abuse! Happy Ending! Barely Edited!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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Ari wasn’t sure what drove him to drive out to your small town so early in the day. Maybe it was the good weather that just made him want to get on his bike and ride. Or maybe it was the universe making sure he arrived at your bar at the right time.
Because when he pulled up into the empty parking lot he instantly spotted you talking to another man outside. Ari kicked the kickrest down as he looked over, noticing how your shoulders were slightly hunched and your arms crossed protectively over your body as you spoke to the stranger. The stranger on the other hand was talking animatedly, clearly interrupting and talking over you.
As Ari climbed off his bike the stranger looked over his shoulder at him. The man looked between you and Ari a couple times before turning his attention back to you, hissing something as he pointed at your harshly before turning to walk to his car. 
Ari saw you let out a shaky breath looking down at the floor before turning and walking towards the bar. He wanted to follow after you but first he waited for the stranger to leave, sending him a hard glare as he drove past.
Once he was satisfied that the stranger was gone he made his way inside the bar finding you wiping down the tables and putting out beermats ready for when the bar opened.
“Was that guy bothering you?” Ari asked walking over to you.
“No, I’m fine” you mutter not looking up from the task in hand.
“Who was he?” He questioned.
“My ex” you state as you turn and walk away to a different table.
“What did he want?” Ari asks as he moves to follow you.
“Nothing important” you say shaking your head, still refusing to look at him. 
“Sweetheart you’re clearly shaken up so it wasn’t nothing” Ari presses.
“Ari-“ you start your eyes screwing shut, fists clenching as you bit your lower lip to stop it from wobbling.
“You know you can tell me anything right?” Ari says softly, reaching out to put his hand on your shoulder.
You open your eyes, first glancing at his hand on your shoulder before looking up at him. Your eyes meeting his for a second before dipping.
“I want to…” you admit quietly “but it’s just… i find it….” You mutter shaking your head as you struggle to find the words.
“Would you feel more comfortable talking about it if I turned around?” Ari offers gently. You look back up at him and give him the smallest of nods “okay” he says softly before turning around so his back was to you.
It was silent for a few moments before he heard you take a deep and shaky breath. You then told the story about your ex, about how he started off sweet and caring but slowly became unrecognisable. Ari listened you recount the many ways he emotionally and psychologically abused you, how he tore you down into a shell of a person. You told him that you hated how long it took you to realise it because it made it that much harder to leave.
When you were done Ari waited a couple of moments before turning back around. Mostly because he needed to get his anger under control. He was seconds away from storming out of the bar and hunting down your ex. But when he did turn around and saw you now stood with your back to him, shoulder hunched as you hugged yourself. 
Instantly all of his anger melted away and he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you in a massive bear hug “I’m so sorry you had to go through that” he said softly “and I’m so proud of you for getting out” he added pressing a kiss to the top of your head when you chocked out a sob “hey its okay, its okay I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again” he promises.
You turn in his arms, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your head in his chest “Thank you Ari” you whispered.
“It’s nothing,” he says softly, pressing another kiss to the top of your head. Swearing to himself that if he ever saw your ex, he would show him what a real man looked like.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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can i get an ajax request where they get into a fight (u can make it about whatever), and ajax gets mad at reader so they’ve gotta make it up to him somehow. loll like an angsty start with a fluff ending
Pairings: Ajax Petropolus x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: fight, angst.
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white knuckles, clenched jaw, killer headache's.
your eyes are on fire and they're burning from the tears. you've been crying for what feels like years.
it was so stupid and purely out of his jealousy.
"is there something wrong with you that you can't see it?" Ajax yelled at you, his hands throwing up in the air as he paced around the room, his nose flared as he took sharp, quick breaths.
"there is absolutely nobody else! is there something wrong with you that you don't trust me?" you shouted at him, your hands in your lap as they shook in fear and anger
you had been focused on studying and working your shift at the café in town 'too much' and not paying attention to him, making him think there was someone else you were seeing that was in town.
so that's what brought him to your dorm, at 11 at night
"how am I supposed to trust you when I don't see you, you have made no time for me, I'm your last priority and I'm sick of it! I've had enough!"
"school is more important than us! Ajax you can't look me in the eyes and tell me we'll last forever because we don't know that as much as we might want it to, people change, feelings change, we don't know what will happen and I don't want to put you first in case we don't last" you stated, sobbing as you stood up to keep your shaky ground
"well clearly your feelings have changed already, and it's obvious that I'm not even on the list of priorities anymore, hell buying teddy bears are before me," he shrugged, pointing to the pile of stuffed teddy's in the corner of your room
"they haven't changed! I still care for you so much! you are on the list, I promise!" you argued, going in to hug him but he pushed you away
"you're full of shit! I haven't seen you in weeks! and you can't even say you love me anymore!" he sighed heavily, his hand in a tight fist as he looked at you
he wasn't a guy to get mad that easily, but if he didn't get enough attention from the one he so desperately loves, he grows irritated and makes up scenarios in his head to justify your actions until he can't no more
"I can, I say it all the time! look, you've had a shit day and you saying this because your tired, just go have some sleep and we will talk tomorrow, after all, it's Saturday" you nodded your head, trying to get him to understand
"I have had a shit month, do you not realize I haven't been able to sleep without you next to me? if I go back to my bed, all I'm gonna do is lay there in self pity, wandering what I did for you to leave me" he teared up as he paused
"trying to remember what it's like to hug you and actually talk to you"
it was silent for a moment, you stood there, hugging yourself as you cried violently with him there, standing there in front of you but his eyes anywhere but on you
"you have work tomorrow" he stated, knowing you won't talk to each other for a long time after this
"I think this might be it for us"
"you don't mean that" you sobbed, stepping towards him desperately, but he only walked around you, towards the door
"no, I do! I mean every bit of it! I'm sick of not knowing how you are o- or what's going on in your life! I'm tired of walking into the Weathervane and seeing Tyler all over you! I've had enough" he yelled, grabbing the door handle and walking out of your room, shutting the door loudly behind him.
you stood there, your head pounding as you stared at the door, waiting for it to open to reveal you beloved boyfriend again, but with a smile planted on his face and we went to hug you.'
but he was never there again. the door never opened.
you backed up into your bed and flopped on the mattress as you cried, staring at the ceiling that seemed more blank then usual.
you never wanted it to end like this. you never wanted it to end full stop. all you wanted was some time to yourself to fully commit to Ajax and time to study.
you cried all night, wondering if that was really it, if that was actually the end of you and Ajax.
you didn't sleep that night, wondering if Ajax wasn't either.
he wasn't. technically.
when Ajax got to his dorm, he went straight to the bathroom with tears in his eyes, he looked at himself in the mirror.
he was a mess, he reached up to his beanie and wished his power was permanent as he pulled it off, his body turning to stone just as a tear fell from his eye, the salty drop of water rolling down his stoned cheek, leaving a dark grey streak against the light grey stone of his face.
he knew he wouldn't get any sleep and he was exhausted, so at least he was unconscious.
you walked towards the door, knocking on it softly.
you awaited for the arrival of Ajax after knocking again
you had called Tyler before your shift and told him you felt too sick to come into work.
"Ajax?" you called out through the door, you didn't fully expect him to answer, but you did think he would at least tell you to go away
you felt the doorknob and twisted it slowly, the door opening as you quietly pushed it.
you peaked your head in, looking around the one bed dorm, seeing it empty.
you stepped in, holding your tote bag close to you
"Ajax?" you called out again, looking around further, seeing no one. you looked over at his bathroom, seeing it cracked open. you cautiously strolled over to the door and opened it after hearing no noise coming from it.
you walked in, seeing Ajax fixing his beanie, the mirror covered
"what are you doing here?" he asked, looking at the bag clutched to your side.
you reached in the bag and pulled out one of his zip up hoodies, handing it to him
he nodded his head, understanding what was going on
"already giving my stuff back, thanks" he said disappointedly
"doesn't smell like you anymore" you stated, shaking your head at his statement
"I'm really sorry I haven't made time for you, I love you, I really do. I-I'll try harder, I'll spend every second with you if even a part of you still wants me, I can't lose you, Ajax." you sobbed, walking closer to him
you pulled out something from your bag and gave it to him
"even if it was my fault I missed you. I couldn't help but buy these. I have...too much of them, every time I get paid, I go to the store and buy as many as I can with the money." you smiled softly as he held the stuffed snake
he looked at you and stepped closer, pulling you towards him. holding you in a month awaited embrace
"I love you, so much, I don't know what you want me to do to show you that, I'll quit at the weathervane if you want, but I do need to study" you whispered in his chest, humming at the warmth
"I don't see how we can't just study together, even if it's just for a minute a day I'll be happy, just as long as I see you" he shook his head
"ok, not a single minute, make it 10" he chuckled quietly
"you don't have to quit, but just stop spending all your money on these, just have one of these" he pulled of one of his rings that slithered around his fingers, dropping it in your hand
"I love you" he muttered
you looked at him and smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
he grabbed your face and redirected you to meet his own lips
"I missed you"
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bedforddanes75 · 1 month
wips!!! talk to meeeeeeee about them <3333
tbh it was just the one and im gonna rant because I Have Been Prompted x
for whatever mentally ill reason its gatty so apologies but basically its dlid era, and about 20k words of george being In Love and In Denial but hes silly leave him alone:( in those 20k its just RIDICULOUS tho. it is soundtracked to literally anything angsty BUT... also songs and instrumentals by adrianne lenker because that's where i got the title from LMFAO. i also made a pinterest board of it and thats mostly what i wanted to bring up because its so like omg the vibes are so AAA. anyway have...a snippet. so. hoe this is scary how do u do this OKAY dude omg im stressed ALSO Maybe consider this nsfw idk he starts talking shit about matty wanking So um. whatever ALSO sorry tw for homophobic slurs :<
They're fine, stood alone, until someone walks past and shoves Matty with his shoulder, mumbles something about 'What a fag', then looks at him, sniggering. Matty looks down at his hands, fiddling awkwardly.
George glares at the boy, then grabs his shoulder, yanking at him so they're face-to-face.
“Something to say about your boyfriend? Boyfriend who looks like a girl?”
George gives him a hard look, clenching his jaw, balling his fists.
“He’s not my boyfriend. But yeah, I do, actually. Don’t you fucking call him that.”
“Oh, makes sense that you’d say that. Cos you're one too, aren't you? Fucking queer,” he spits, attempting (and failing) to square up, having to tilt his head back an embarrassing amount just to look George in the eye.
The next thing George knows is someone's on the floor in front of him with a bloody nose and his knuckles are pink.
“George, what the fuck!” Ross shouts, suddenly appearing from some door or other.
He can't reply, just stares at the boy on the ground, accepting as people cheer for more and Adam and Ross pull him away.
He's a little unsure of what happens for the next while, all he knows is he doesn't enjoy it, sitting, walking, explaining what happened over and over again, because all he can think of is the look on Matty's face after he spoke. The way he'd looked so hopeless, pulling his hat down further. All he knew in that moment was that he never wanted to see it again.
His mother questions him about what happened as she drives him home, in shock about the fact her (usually quite docile) son had just punched someone. And he tells the truth. He tells her about how sad Matty had looked, how he just wanted to hug him, but something just made him want to hurt the kid.
She believes him, of course, knowing the lengths they’d go for each other, but decides to stay quiet about the fact George got himself almost punched just for the sake of his friend, and what that might mean, especially with their conversation the night prior.
Once they get home, George hides in his room, sitting on his bed and staring at his hands. He can't believe he actually punched someone, the only acts of violence he'd ever shown otherwise were to his friends, playful, nothing genuinely harmful. The sight of that kid on the floor, nose all red and bloodied, made him feel uneasy, knowing he could do that. He knew he was intimidating to most people, with a resting face that looked almost empty, and a stature of six foot something, but he didn’t think he had it in him to give another reason to be scared.
He just can't stop thinking about how happy Matty had seemed before, his smile, those crooked teeth that he loves oh so much, his stupid giggles. The fact he's thinking about his best friend's smile and blushing to himself doesn't fail to make him even more uncomfortable.
George puts his head in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut tightly behind his palms, and lets his shoulders dip down. His mind races with thoughts of Matty, and he feels sick. The thoughts don't stop at just his smile either, and he finds himself thinking about Matty's bare body, thinking about his skinny torso and bony arms, thinking about Matty touching himself, wondering what he would do, what he thought about, who he thought about, whether he'd fuck up into his fist.
He whines, distressed, feeling like a kicked dog, unsure of what to do.
The worst part about it, though, is the fact he's now fully aware of the fact he's getting hard. Over Matty, his best friend, who is also a boy. He wants to cry, he's not gay, so why is he thinking about Matty like that? Especially since Matty is very much a man.
um. anyway. bragging is cool guys show me every wip you have Immediately... also if this sucks then suck my dick and prove it
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not-poignant · 8 months
Hi, Pia.....Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks if you want to answer...
Hi anon!
So... they change and tbh I'm going to forget a ton of characters I love and then scream in my head later like 'oh no but THAT character and THAT character and THAT character' but I'll do my best!
Kiriyama Rei from March Comes in Like a Lion - Probably my favourite character possibly of all time. Introverted, kind of ace-coded right up until the end of the manga when it changes (and since the anime never ended he stays ace-coded throughout that lmao), very human, extremely depressed, and I just think he's a very good depiction of like...what it's like to live with extremely repressive depression and post-trauma while not necessarily knowing you have those things.
Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs - He's a brilliant intellect genius with too much ability to know so much about the world that he kind of ends up suicidal all the time due to his upbringing / some of the things he's done and also what he's experienced. I just enjoy him. (Notable runner up here is Nakahara Chuuya but dslkajf)
Felix Harrowgate from the Doctrine of Labyrinths trilogy - Angsty, PTSD, waspish, 'I'm going to hurt you because I was hurt and then hate myself and do very self-destructive things about it but keep that part a secret so I just look like a constant dickhead,' brilliant, very good at magic. Love this dude. Would walk hundreds of miles for this dude, like the song. Would definitely write a long-ass fanfic about him.
Daeshik from Love So Pure - I love this guy SO much. He's a side-story / secondary pairing in the manhwa but I LOVE him because he's so against type. He's dorky but not in a very cute way, he's overbearing, he's SO neurodivergent coded it's painful and sometimes hilarious, he's determined and ambitious, he's not 'hot' in any typical kind of twink way, and I know he's split the fandom between 'god he's so annoying' and 'Daeshik is the BEST.' The whole webtoon is fucking amazing anyway, but Daeshik has my whole heart in his journey from 'dorky annoying overbearing friend' to 'oh I just realised I'm gay and now everything is Pride Pride Pride and I'm definitely crying next to a dildo I bought that was too big for me.'
Presenting Daeshik:
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You'll never guess what he's sitting on sdlkjfas (he fails abjectly and then cries about it in a way that's kind of hilarious honestly).
Dana Scully from The X-Files - I didn't know it at the time, but this was very much my bisexual awakening. I mean I'm pretty heavily ace now, but I'm mostly not into cishet dudes, and I had pictures of Scully up on my wall like how did I not fucking know. Anyway, scientist, smart, 'so done with your shit' and just wry and witty and *clenches fist* so short and tiny and powerful. I love her. (And Gillian Anderson).
Loki from the MCU - Not necessarily every iteration, but I do love how Tom Hiddleston plays him, and I appreciate the queerer representation. Adore this guy. Look at him, what an absolute dickhead of a god. 10/10 would read him in hurt/comfort fics and PWPs again.
Hyunsoo Seo and Youngchan Baek from Perfect Buddy / XXX Buddy - Possibly my favourite manhwa of all time and I really hope that stays true because it's not finished yet. Idk how to describe these characters because they're both very complex as you get to know them better, but basically 'angry wet cat man with past trauma that he hides exceptionally well vs. Gwyn-dimensioned blond puppy dog who is just pretending to be a puppy dog because he knows exactly how threatening he is and is willing to be to protect the people he loves.'
Murderbot in the Murderbot novella series - I think all of us - or most of us - find Murderbot incredibly relatable and that's refreshing as fuck in any novel series tbh. (ART as runner-up though, love that fucker).
Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler - Honestly there were a lot of kind of 'extremely powerful but kind of shitty fuckboys' I wanted to put in this category including Gojou Satoru from JJK, Reigen from MP100, and even Louis from Beastars, but Sebastian's gonna win out because I still don't know if he's going to eat Ciel at the end of that series and I very much love not knowing because he's such a devious fuckhead. Love that not-actually-a-man.
Yuurakutei Yakumo (Kikuhiku) from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - I just... *flails* Almost no one has seen this anime series and it kind of kills me because firstly the books were written by someone practiced in writing BL and even though this isn't BL you can still tell the vibes are there. Secondly, one of the most ace-coded characters ever. Gender-fuckery abounds, which is fun. Thirdly just, honestly, more folks should watch this?
There were a lot of characters I know I missed but I'm pretty satisfied with this list.
I've just given myself a bunch of stuff to rewatch and reread because of this anon! :D
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willowser · 2 years
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okay but. easily nerd bakugou could be so angsty. because he really doesn't think you see him like that !! why would you !!
okay, yes. he's had you in his room and shown you all his hand-painted warhammer miniatures and you kissed him stupid after that and you both may have gotten a little handsy in the historical non-fiction section of the library and that's why the arm of his glasses is bent, just a little out of whack.
"it ain't like that." is what he tells mina, begrudgingly, when she won't stop asking.
"well," she drawls, eyebrows raised as she leans in too close, as if she could squish the answer she wants out of him. "what is it like then?"
and bakugou just shrugs, digging his fingers into his eyes under his lenses. it's hard to know what you even want out of this, why you're doing any of it with him. doesn't make much sense, 'cause you could have anyone on campus you wanted and for some reason you're toying with him, of all people.
"it's—" he shrugs again, pressing his thumbs into the ends of his pencil until the tension threatens to snap it. "nothin', i guess."
and that is so not the right thing to say.
you find him on the second floor of the library, looking through different lectures on physics for his thermodynamics presentation that's coming up, and he does see you first. between the shelves, standing at the end of the aisle with your arms crossed—but the conversation with mina has been heavy on his mind lately; where is this going, anyway?
it's surprising, and bothersome, to think nowhere is the answer. so he pretends he doesn't see you, because he's not ready to face this.
but you are.
he peeks around a shelf, just enough to show off his eyes, and—you're fucking pissed. and it doesn't help that you look so cute in your summery shirt and the way you've done your hair today and—
"nothing?" you're not being quiet, at all. whole library is watching already. "this is nothing to you?"
and bakugou doesn't really like having his shit aired out, so he fully comes out to face you, walking forward so you'll maybe lower your voice, but you're only stepping back, further and further from him.
"you're such an ass."
"what?" now his face goes red, temper flaring at the challenge in your tone—though as much as he wants to let you have it, too, it's you. and he doesn't want that. not really.
you, who has snuck into his classes just to watch his presentations and has sat idly by until he was done studying, patient as ever. you, who asked to learn how to build a model x-wing and wants to borrow his worn out copy of the last wish, simply because it's his. who wants to be invited to his next dnd game at the apartment and doesn't seem to mind—just watching, even—when he schools denki's ass in battlefield 3, match after match after match.
you, who is obviously hurt and frustrated and fucking pissed. you, with your bitten lips and watery eyes and clenched fists.
"you think you're so much better than everyone else," your words bite, even if they're weak. "but you're just like every guy ever. you and shindo can trade fucking stories, i'm sure."
ouch. "hey, how the fuck was i s'pposed to know this meant—fucking anything?"
"oh, i don't know, maybe when i was topless in your room! maybe that should have been some indication that this was serious!"
and he really, really hates having his shit aired out like this; the flush on his cheeks spreads to his chest, has him shifting uncomfortably under his sweater—both at the memory and your broadcast of it all.
there's really—nothing he wants to say, because he doesn't want to do this here. so he doesn't. just shrugs, pushing his frames back up his nose when they start to slip.
all you give him is one bitter laugh, a cold nod before you're tossing something onto a nearby table: a figure from his room, a piece from his set of battle sisters that you thought was cute. "kiss my ass, bakugou."
and then you're gone. and then it really is nothing.
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alpineshift · 3 months
Oooh Nico/Jack bullet fic prompt: 29. “Don’t lie to me. I was there.”  Make it angsty maybe? PLEASE
Thanks! 💕
🫡 on it boss
29. “Don’t lie to me. I was there.” 
The silence inside the dark tower room is stifling.
Nico's standing by the window at the back of the room, hands tucked into his pockets. Jack knows he's hiding his clenched fists. He lounges against the corner of that enormous desk, feigning nonchalance. His gut churns.
"Are you just gonna stand there and brood all evening, or did you call me here for a reason?"
Nico turns, and his face is cold as marble. Oh, Jack has pissed him off. That was the goal, but, fuck, it's still scary to see Nico Hischier's wrath fixed on him.
"You're too smart to play dumb, Jack. You know what this is about. Explain to me what I saw at the national theatre that night, and tell me why I had to find out through the grapevine that you're talking business with the New York factions."
Hook. Line. "I talked to a lot of people that night. It's a social, Hischier, you're supposed to mingle. I don't know who you think I was chatting with, but--"
"Don't lie to me. I was there." Jack's jaw clacks shut, and he watches Nico walk slowly around the desk, stopping an arm's length away. Jack's heart hammers in his chest. What would he do? "Maybe it's my fault for never stating it outright, but the implications of us together meant your loyalty to the Jersey faction. Is that not the case?"
Us together. What a loaded sentence. Jack pretends to check his nails, all while keeping an eye out on Nico beside him, just in case he decides to swing. "You know, NY did just scoop up all that sweet, unchartered territory in the Eastern Conference. It would be silly of me to not show an interest, no? They're the kings of the jungle right now."
Sinker. It's the right words to say to push Nico's buttons. The sting of losing out on everything east of their boundary line is still fresh, and if he wants to incite Nico's hatred, Jack's gotta push him to his limits.
That being said, the words work a little too well.
"Get out," Nico says, so softly, so cruelly, it feels like falling asleep on top of a nail-stuffed goose-feather pillow. Jack's heart falls into the pits of his stomach, then drops out and rolls across the floor into the dark. "Get out, Hughes, and don't you ever darken my fucking doorstep again. If you do, you won't leave a second time."
Jack doesn't need to be told twice.
His boys are waiting a block away like he'd told them to, slouching against the car outside in spite of the drizzly, misty rain. They snap to attention when Jack appears around the corner. "Get in. We're leaving tonight."
"What, that's it?" Cole sputters. "What the fuck happened upstairs? I was expecting you to come down with blood all over you or something. And if not that, you breaking and spilling your guts to him."
Jack scowls and throws himself in the driver's seat. "My plan worked, like I said it would."
"He brought it?" Trevor asks, skeptical.
"He brought some version of it," Jack shrugs, through what feels like a mouthful of glass. "He's mad enough at me right now that he's not going to question us leaving, so let's go. We're burning daylight, and we have a rat to smoke out with our neighbours across the river."
"I don't get it," Cole mutters as they drive off, so quietly Jack almost misses it. "Guy's basically in love with you and he's just letting you go like this? He's either bluffing or you're too good at acting, Jacky."
Trevor gives him a sharp side-eye, but Jack ignores him.
He won't think about that. Not right now. Not when he's got to do this for Nico.
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asukaskerian · 1 year
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
🌀 this is the suburban ot4 summary that reads like a stupid book blurb but it's all i have atm :
Ichigo and Orihime were high school sweethearts and now they're a respectable young married couple with a suburban house and a child. They are sweet and loving and supportive and there is nothing missing in their life. Nope! Nothing.
Nelliel and Grimmjow sure as hell aren't married, and never mind being respectable in any way, but they managed to breed somehow so they're gonna have to deal with that. As soon as they manage to deal with being jobless and evicted.
Surely that pair of naive normies they had a pretty bad run-in with as teenagers are not going to be of any help, though... Wait... Huh. 
🌧️ same fic!
Before they know it, it's the weekend. Nelliel and Grimmjow haven't been kicked out yet.
It's coming, she knows better than to think it's not, but so far nobody has brought it up again. 
"Because Princess is scared of confrontation and Hubby's coddling her," Grimmjow mutters. Nelliel scowls, but can't really refute that. She doesn't know them enough, for one thing.
"Or maybe they're just nice," she tries anyway, on principle.
He arches his eyebrow, and doesn't say 'isn't that what I just said?', but she hears it anyway. 
But he doesn't say it. 
Her shoulders slump; the fight goes out of her. "We can't count on that lasting," she mumbles, but really, she has no better idea than to keep being friendly and a good guest. It makes her feel less guilty, but only so much. 
"Who the fuck is counting on it?" Grimmjow shoots back, and sits at the other end of the futon, his back three-quarters turned away and just as slumped. 
He's about to go out and look for a job once again. Nelliel went out yesterday and the day before that to look into administrative solutions, financial aids, social services, but today's a Saturday. None of that will be open, and anyway they're missing so much damn paperwork; it'll take months at best to sort out. 
So far their best option is to play model guests and pray. 
"Worst thing is I like them," she can't help admitting. They're so damn sweet. It'd be easier if she had to put it on, if she didn't have to care that they're going to run out of pity at some point.
She's expecting a snappy retort, or an eyeroll, or a "I really don't", but Grimmjow doesn't say anything, just stands up all at once and goes looking for a fresher shirt. Her chest squeezes with -- something unpleasant, frustrated and off-balance, like she's being ignored. Abandoned. 
"I know that."
His voice is so rough, it sounds like it should hurt his throat.
"I'm fucking trying, alright? Ain't gonna ruin this for you."
He's not looking at her, just digging into his suitcase with every muscle tight, twitchy movements like a leashed beast.
She has no idea how to sort that out. She just -- why does he keep missing the point, why does he make it sound like he's martyring himself, god, she fucking hates it. She stands, too, fists clenched. Watches his shoulders tense, watches him fail to turn to face her.
She works on her breathing. She's better than this; than always sniping. She wants to be, she knows she is, can be, it's so pleasant and, and normal to hang out with Orihime, like she was never a half-gaijin orphan dragged straight down to the underbelly of society, clinging as hard as she could to what should be. Like they're just two office ladies giggling over the coffee machine, two neighbors with matching little houses trading hair care tips and career advice. 
She wants to be calm, and fair, and happy.
Grimmjow pisses her off so much some days and the worst thing is, she knows it's a habit she has fallen into, taking things he says just a shade worse than he meant them because sometimes he does mean even worse than that. He's a foul-mouthed bastard who revels in stalking around scaring the normies, who takes people's disapproval as a reason to make them disapprove more, so she always expects it of him.
Now he exists like an animal in a trap, all desperate energy with nowhere to go and despair creeping in, and she did it; she trapped him.
"If it's going to be ruined," she says eventually, after several answers have come to her mind and been released, "then it was going to be ruined anyway. It's still a reprieve. You won't..." 
'You won't be the cause of it,' she almost says, but they both know she can't say that and mean it, so she swallows it back. 
"If I were alone it might last a few more days, but that's the same end result." She shrugs.
He's trying. She should... 
She feels kind of like shit that a part of her is surprised at how hard he's trying. She knows him well enough, she hoped enough, but another part is used to their old rhythms. There's something savagely free and so noble inside him that she wants to tear out of the defensiveness and the cynicism it's buried under. So they get together like a car crash; there are tender moments in the dark, little slices of terribly aching vulnerability, and then it builds up; she pushes him too much, too far out of his comfort zone and they break up. 
The break-up sex is always amazing. Then she's angry at herself for a while. Tells herself it's the last time she takes him back. Tells herself she was nosy and judgmental; no wonder he bailed. Tells herself next time she'll be more understanding, more patient. Tells herself he's not interested in getting over his shit and she shouldn't date projects. 
Tell herself it'll just be a hookup. 
And then he's wild and fun; neither of them ever says sorry, but they don't leave the party when the other one shows up, and then the next party they fuck, and then the next fuck they spend the night. Breaking up like a pressure valve before it gets too much, unsalvageable; not a real ending.
But they're not breaking up now. 
She wants to build him up, drag him back and away from the looming implosion; she doesn't know how. 
"... I'm going."
She wants to tell him good luck but that's going to sound doubtful, like he needs it. She wants to say she knows he can do it, he's smart and has plenty of skills; he'll hear it like a lie, or like a binding expectation. She wants...
She wants a hug.
She dredges up a smile into her voice, watching him walk through the door. "I'll massage your feet when you come back, yeah?"
He pauses in the corridor, glances over his shoulder, gives a faint, unexpected chuckle. "Oh, I'm gonna hold you to that."
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strandnreyes · 10 months
Heyy if you're still taking questions for the ao3 wrapped then 12, 27, 29 and 30 please ❤️
12. How many WIP's do you have in your docs for next year?
answered here!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Usually nothing in particular, just whatever background noise is happening at the place I'm in. I sometimes make playlists for my fics, usually AUs, but I tend to listen to those when I'm thinking about ideas, not actually writing
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
I wrote a lot of words this year, so I can't say for certain, but here are some that come to mind.
sappy - from you and me, forevermore
 “You love my annoying habit of socks that don’t make it in the hamper or never remembering to add something to the grocery list when I finish it? And how sometimes I overreact or get worked up over little things?” “Yes.” “Carlos—” Carlos’ hand is on his cheek, unwilling to let him look away. “Because my life was so lonely and quiet and, and hollow before I met you,” he says, as if TK didn’t already know. As if he didn’t courageously say it in front of everyone they know today. “So everything about you that is real and full of character and makes this place a home is the best thing I could’ve asked for.”
funny - from meet you after dark
“Baby, teeth,” he hisses quietly, frantically looking around to make sure no one’s paying attention to them. Carlos frowns way too adorably for the situation. “Huh?” TK watches as he runs his tongue over them, his eyes instantly widening. His head ducks as he mumbles through his mostly closed lips, “Oh. How do I—” “Just,” TK gestures at his mouth, “put ‘em back.” “I don’t know how,” he says desperately. “Oh my god,” TK mutters, stepping closer. He can’t exactly do it for Carlos, but still he reaches for his mouth, poking one of the sharp fangs. “You need to relax your jaw.” “I’m trying,” he mumbles around TK’s finger before swatting him away. “TK, get your hands out of my mouth. We’re in public.” “Oh, and showing your fangs is a better option?” TK huffs, retracting his hand. Carlos’ own hand comes up to cover his mouth as he moves his jaw around. “They won’t go back up. Why are they out?” “You’re focusing too much.” “Well, how do I focus less?” TK hears a throat clearing behind him and he scrambles away as if he’s been burnt.
angsty - from no rules in breakable heaven
“Maybe I find it humiliating for the head chef at L’Etoile to be the one to point out your pattern to me. I’m supposed to look professional to these people and now they see me as your… boy toy of the year.” “Excuse me?” Carlos whips around, rising to his feet as well so they're standing on opposite sides of the bed in a stalemate. “Is that what this is? I’m just another one on your list? You get your fill with whoever comes through that house?” “We never said we were anything more than that.” “I thought I at least meant something to you, TK,” he admits, wishing that the first time doing so was in any other context. “I thought I did, too,” TK says with an unwilling acceptance, nodding once as his tongue points at the corner of his mouth. “That was before I knew you were so humiliated to be seen with me.”
smutty - from your first string
“Baby,” TK cries out, his hand fumbling to hold onto Carlos, but he’s too far away and his arm falls back down to the wooden surface. As if Carlos’ mouth weren’t enough, his fingers brush across TK’s ass with a featherlight touch before they press his own release back into TK. “Fuck, Carlos. You—” A broken moan escapes his throat as Carlos presses up against his prostate, rubbing back and forth over that spot as TK writhes on his back. He searches for something to clench his fist around as his hips arch farther off the table and his shoulders press down. His arm shoots out to the side to grip the edge of the table and it sends something scattering to the floor. TK can’t think of what it could possibly be. He can’t even think of his name, his mind only capable of Carlos, Carlos, Carlos.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
answered here!
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