#they're only 10 cm tall
tinypinkmouse · 6 months
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"Laocoön and His Sons" (c.27 BCE-68 CE - attributed to Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydorus) / "Winged Victory of Samothrace" (c. 200-190 BCE)
LAOCOÖN AND HIS SONS: when i think of ancient greek marble sculpture i usually think of laocoon or artemis of ephesus (those aren't boobs they're beads! er that's offtopic) or the elgin marbles (let's not talk about those.). and of THOSE it's laocoon that fucks me up. look at them. they're in AGONY. that's MARBLE. and the snakes are amazing and the hair and ugh. and the unfairness of punishing both the sons for something they didn't do is also heartrending. learn to assign blame correctly!! (@kaerran)
WINGED VICTORY OF SAMOTHRACE: the drapery and wings feel like they are totally weightless. indomitable. (@universallygladiatornacho )
("Laocoön and His Sons" is a marble sculpture attributed to Agesander, Athenodoros, and Polydorus. It measures 208 cm × 163 cm × 112 cm (6 ft 10 in × 5 ft 4 in × 3 ft 8 in) and is located in the Vatican Museums.
"Winged Victory of Samothrace" or The Winged Nike is a sculpture made of parian marble. The sculpture is 5.57m (18.3 ft) tall, including the boat shaped base, and the statue only is 2.75m (9 ft). It was originally found in Samothrace, Greece, but is currently held in the Louvre in Paris.)
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 4 months
Fun fact: Hajime’s height in Japanese is 179 cm and in feet, 5’10.
Meaning that not only Mikan and Hajime would be the same height, but Hajime’s the tallest of the DR protagonists! Makoto (160 cm, aka 5’2), Komaru (163 cm, 5’4), Kaede (167 cm, 5’5) and Shuichi (171 cm, 5’7). RIP Makoto.
ok hold on hold on imma use this as an excuse to rant about cm to feet because when I started simping for Nagi and found out he was 180cm and everyone kept saying he's 5'11'' but when I converted it it came out to 5'9" I went down a rabbit hole of trying to get to the truth and found that EVERYONE IS LYING IT'S ALL A FUCKING LIE
I've used so many different converters online and it seems the most consistent number for 179 to feet is 5.87 which would translate either to 5'8"or 5'9" if you're feeling generous. ok ok but THEN you get converters like THIS:
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Oh oh but THEN if you apply this to Makoto's height of 160 you get THIS:
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WHICH YEAH MAKES SENSE SURE. I mean at least I can see how people would round up to 5'3" even though he's technically more closer to 5'2" since it's 5.24 but whatever I guess I GUESS
So then WHY does shit get weird with height around Hajime's and Nagito's??Well. I noticed something while trying to figure out Mikan's height since originally I had wanted to put her in CM since that seemed simplier but I couldn't gauge how much two more inches would be in CM thus I went back to the converters to convert once again from cm to feet (mistake).
Well interesting enough, when I put Mikan to 182 cm google converts it to 5.97feet:
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which should be about an inch more than Hajime who's at 5.87 yeah? Then it implies that every inch is roughly 3 cm which google confirms as well:
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ok ok the logic then would be that if I want Mikan to be TWO inches taller than Hajime then she'd need to be at least 185cm as 179cm+6cm = 185cm which should translate to around 5.8 feet + 2 inches = 5.10 feet
if you put 185cm into google you get:
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Here's the deal alright. Because 3cm is actually a bit more than an inch (1.18 inches), those extra inches start adding up and can add ALMOST an inch which is why we can get those sudden jumps. I acknowledge this and accept this as fact.
But I will NOT accept Hajime nor Nagito being 5'10" or 5'11" because really they're approx 5.872feet and 5.905feet and even if we're being kind and rounding up then really they'd be 5'9" and 5'10" on a good day. Though really Nagito should still be 5'9" because im sorry honey you juuuust made it to 5.9 and you're only 1cm taller than Hajime not 3cm not even 2cm. Hajime and Nagito have little to no height difference.
So thus, 5'10" Mikan would still, in fact, be taller than Hajime AND Nagito. Now, all that being said, what would Mikan's height be in cm? Well, for simplicity's sake we'll say she's 182.
TLDR: Converting metric that is based on the powers of 10s with the Imperial system based on the division of 3s, 12s, and whatever the fuck you feel like that day messes everything up and gives you wildly different perceptions of height and everyone is simultaneously correct but also wrong and Byakuya is 6 foot tall fuck you he's doesn't get to round up he has enough height already he needs to learn to share and be humbled. Thank you.
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izercharo · 28 days
OKAY! I'm remaking my earlier post about Human Heights in Splatoon!
ALRIGHT! So basically, I took photos of 2 doors in Alterna. And they're about the same height Which would be 2 Neo 3's tall!
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Now when compared to Callie, Neo is a few centimetres shorter than her! This leads me to my third point:
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We know Marina is 178cm and Pearl is 145cm. So I did some math by comparing the heights of their models in blender to their canon heights, and Callie should be about 155cm tall! Which makes Neo be around 150 cm tall! (4' 11")
[ Marina's model is 0.0531m tall in blender while Callie's is 0.0464m tall. ]
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Now when taking into account how tall the doors are in game, around double of Neo 3's height, then, they should be 300 cm (9' 10") tall! On average a door is around 2 metres (80 inches), which is 30 to 40 cm taller than the average human (1.7 metres / 5' 7" Male and 1.6 metres / ~ 5' 3' Female) If these doors in Alterna are also built with Humans in mind then they should also be 30-40cm taller than humans. And since we have established that both doors should be around 3m, we now subtract the 30-40 cm which give us: 2.70 - 2.60 metres ( 8' 9" - 8' 6") So the average human living in Alterna would be on average 2.7m (Male) and 2.6m (Female) tall! Man what did they eat?!
Now, we know that with advancements in medicine and an overall healthier population humans HAVE grown taller! But only around 10 cm when compared to last century. BUT the world of Splatoon is one of many centuries (possibly) in the future! After all the had 5 Great World Wars! They had the technology to build Alterna , they were the ones to build the Domes that the Octarians now reside in! Who's to say they don't have the medical knowledge to make themselves taller? They were basically living in a sci-fi world! For what reason did want they grow taller? I have ZERO idea. But apparently the ones in Alterna did have one.
So TLDR: Inklings are about OUR height, while the Humans in Alterna were GIANTS!!! (2.70-2.60 metres!)
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necros-writing-stuff · 9 months
ALRIGHT FOLKS, I hope y'all are ready for my fav seasonal treat.
I hope Eden would like it too
TODAY'S TREAT ISSS *drum roll*
It's a german, cookie-like treat whose name roughly translates to "corner nuts." I'll be using grams and mls because I don't know any other measurments.
For the topping
200 grams of butter
150 grams of sugar (I usually put less sugar, do as you like tbh)
15 grams of vanilla powder
4 tablespoons of water
400 grams of whatever nuts you like! Almond, hazel, walnuts, you name it. I personally really like almonds, sometimes mixed with hazel.
For the cookie base
300 grams of white flour
1 teaspoon of baking poweder
130 grams of sugar (again I usually use less)
2 eggs
15 grams of vanilla powder
130 grams of butter
extra ingredients
Dark chocolate (you'll need this one to garnish the topping)
Jam (traditionally you use apricot or orange marmelade, but you can use the jam you like most.)
Start with the mixed nuts topping, because it'll have to cool down before you can actually put it together.
For the topping:
- take yor nuts of choice and blend them. Cut them up enough to have a rough crumble. You want them to be crunchy, not creamy. But definetly not big chunks. A crumble consistency.
-in a pot, put in the butter, sugar and water, and melt them.
- add your crushed nuts and cook them for 5-10 minutes MAX. Just enough to combine it all and be a little sticky.
-let it cool down a little.
For the cookie base:
-in a bowl, put all the ingredients together, and start working them with your hands.
-You have to work it like a pie crust. If you don't have experience, here's sone tips:
-don't use electronic tools. Your hand's warmth will melt the butter and combine it better.
- at first, it'll feel dry and crumbly and you'll be tempted to put liquid in it. DON'T DO IT. trust the process. Believe in the slowly melting butter.
-keep working it until a solid dough forms. It has to be firm and the ingredients must be well combined.
-don't overmix it.
-Take a solid tray, put some baking paper on it. Slap the cookie base on it and start flattening it. Ideally you'd put it in a rectangular shape to cut the cookies better.
-The cookie height should be around 0.5 to 1 cm tall. Depends if you want a tall cookie or not, or if you simply prefer quantity over quality.
-Slap the jam of your choice on the cookie dough. Distribute it on the whole surface. Use more jam than you think you need: it'll help to stick the cookie and the nuts together.
-slap the nut topping directly on the jam. Don't care to keep the layers clean, smear the jam with the nuts if you have to. That shit has to stick together. Distribute the nuts evenly.
-shove the bad boy in an oven at 200 degrees Celcius for 20-25 minutes. Check the sweets, if you want the nuts to be a bit toasty you can put on a grill mode at the last minute. NO MORE THEN A COUPLE MINUTES. Otherwise the nuts might burn.
- let the bitch cool down to room temperature.
- once it's cold, cut it up into triangles. (That's the traditional shape, squares work too)
chocolate topping:
- take a large pot, fill it with water and put it on the heat to boil.
- take a smaller pot, put in enough chocolate to coat the cookies in, and submerge the small pot into tue warming water.
- this is a pretty safe way to melt chocolate without burning it. Just be careful to not splash yourself with the boiling water.
- once the chocolate is melted, take your cookie triangles and dip the corners into the chocolate. Then put them on a tray with baking paper and let the chocolate cool down.
-alternitavely, take a sac-a-poche, fill it with the chocolate and just pipe it on the crumbled nuts. A spoon works too.
Let the chocolate cool down and VOILÀ! NUSSECKEN!
They're not too difficult to make, the only bore is the waiting time for stuff to cool down. Hope y'all like this recipe! ;)
I want to feed it to Eden snsbnansn
What kinda sweets do you think Eden likes? I thought about the Nussecken because the nuts remind me the forest(?) somehow and it feels very homely to me. If you have headcanons, oh Maestro of Eden, please share >_<
1) thank you so much for the recipe, I'm gonna try it at some point and I'll let you know how badly I do at it lmfao.
2) I think you're right that Eden would like this a lot because we see them enjoying roasted chestnuts in game. Which makes me think they'd enjoy those chocolate bars with nuts in them.
Also, scones with fruit jam! Both made by PC! Black Berry jam piled on Eden's shelf in the seasons they grow, ingredients for scones on every shopping list.
Keep Eden away from anything resembling warheads or sherbert. If it's sour they'll die. Just nice and sweet things, but not artificial flavours.
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the-tenth-arcanum · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @emozionidinchiostro ages ago
1. Are you named after anyone? My dad wanted to give me his little sister's name as a middle name, and I did have it on some early pediatric reports when I was a baby, but it's not on any actual official document, so technically I do not have a middle name, even though my parents convinced me I did. I mentioned my unofficial middle name to some friends at school when I was around 12 or something, and it became my nickname forever. Everyone called me that. The friends I've kept in touch from back then still call me that. Even my mom has me saved under that name on her phone. But it's, like, only 3 people now. // tl;dr: kinda.
2. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember to be honest. This might come as a surprise to you guys but I'm not a big crier. I'm just sad and whiny.
3. Do you have kids? No and I don't want any.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't think so?
5. What sports do you play/have played? NONE, I suck at sports and have always hated playing them. I mean, I've tried a few but never for any significant amount of time.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Whether they're nice/friendly, I guess. If someone is kind to me I will fall in love with them. I love kind people.
7. What's your eye color? Dark brown. I-almost-can't-make-out-your-pupil kind of brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Neither? Happy endings if I have to choose, but I like drama. (I mean, comedy too, big fan. But sometimes you just want to watch a film that makes you think about the human condition and despair, you know?)
9. Any special talents? Misplacing things. Forgetting about events in the recent past. Petting cats.
10. Where were you born? Italy.
11. What are your hobbies? Not doing a lot these days to be honest :( Fannish activities (fanfic writing and the like). I'm in a funky pop-rock choir which I attend semi-regularly. I have attempted to learn Spanish at various points in my life and failed miserably, not always for reasons within my control (I enrolled on a Spanish course organised by the local library a while ago, and the teacher quit after my first term. He had been there for years. But I think the main issue is that after studying Russian for 5 years at uni, I look at Spanish and think, "surely it won't be that hard". And then I just... don't study it. I think I can learn it by osmosis or something, just by virtue of being Italian. Which doesn't fucking work).
12. Do you have pets? Not currently. I had a cat. I shall have one again some day.
13. How tall are you? About 168 cm.
14. Favorite subject in school? Italian Lit always, and in later years (high school) Latin and English Lit. At uni — I think English phonetics & phonology, weirdly enough; also pragmatics and anything related to sociolinguistics.
15. Dream job? Something to do with creative writing, in an ideal world. Or even "just writing", but not the kind that makes me want to kms (don't ask). Copywriter or radio scriptwriter both sound cool.
No pressure tagging: @nevergonnasaygoodbi @sapphicdragonlord @ayebydan @marki9 @yeetthedragon @valsansretovr @groundbreakingdot872 @vi-visected @crunchy-soup222 @fuckyeahsnackables
(ETA: sorry it's not 15 people and it's not even all mutuals, which I think was the point of the game, but *turns around and starts running away*)
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Hello! If you're still doing them, could I please get a Baldur's Gate 3 matchup? I'm bedridden right now from joint pain and need a pick-me-up, but if they're closed feel free to ignore this.
Gender: Genderfluid, but leans towards feminine
Pronouns: Any, but I tend to use she/her because it's honestly just more convenient
Sexuality: Any gender is fine. I might slightly prefer a man but if you think a girl would fit better don't let that stop you ☺️
Appearance: I am a 4’ 10” (147 cm) tall fem-aligned person with long wavy auburn hair, glasses and a fashion sense that varies widely from masc to fem. I'm almost never seen without my compression braces on because I have pretty terrible joint pain, so I've got compression socks, knee braces, shorts for hip pain, gloves for finger joint pain and am generally carrying quite a lot of medical equipment on me at all times lol. That being said, I try to work out when I can so I am getting pretty muscular and enjoy impressing people with my muscles because nobody really expects it.
Personality: I'm a very kind, friendly person but I still have a bit of fiery energy. I'm very passionate and will stand up and verbally smackdown anyone if I feel it's deserved, though generally I'm quite polite. I know tons of random trivia because I research and take notes obsessively. I have autism so the main way I communicate is by infodumping, and I can get easily thrown off in conversation when someone says something I don't expect. I love debating people respectfully, but I really do try to be very nice and as helpful as I possibly can be. I also kind of struggle to ask for help when I need it because I get embarrassed. Plus I am a very stubborn person in general. But most of all I'm very dedicated to self improvement and always strive to be a better version of myself.
Likes: Books and researching, Plants, Witchcraft and occultism, Mythology and religious studies, Linguistics, Exercising and working out and especially Science in general
Dislikes: My chronic illnesses, Heights, Being teased or made fun of (I make a point of not doing this to others either and even when debating I never go for personal jabs), People who are obviously misinformed but refuse to change, Rude and toxic people (If you're going to waste my time being a jerk you're not worth my time at all)
Extra Fun Fact: I currently work at a library and am hoping to become both a researcher and spirit medium
Race: Given my height, probably a halfling or dwarf of some kind
Class: Probably a Paladin or Cleric, maybe with a Wizard multiclass because I'm such a nerd lol
D&D Alignment: Neutral Good. I'm committed to doing good but not too strictly. Basically the “Yeah, but it would be funny” type of morality
Thanks so so much, I hope you have a fantastic day! Take care of yourself!
I hope this helps you feel better! I wish you nothing but a speedy healing process. You seem like a fantastic person. Thank you for letting me write to you!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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Wyll Ravengaurd
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Wyll is a gentleman with you, always seeking to get to know you and respect the newfound leader.
He was a lone wolf for so long that now, having a crew of friends and someone he holds near and dear is a fresh summer's breath for him.
He is afraid of Mizora, though. Not that she would hurt him; she wouldn't get anything out of that. He fears the restrictions, rules, and stipulations she would put on him if he sought you out.
Due to this, Wyll tried so hard to keep you at arm's length, only letting you know small fragments of him.
When Mizor made her debut, he felt better about his chances with you. He knew having someone as kind, understanding, and warm as you by his side was just what he needed.
Wyll courted you properly, asking if you would like to explore romance with him, go on small dates, and even take a dance lesson here and there.
No matter how badly he wanted to kiss you, though, he kept refraining until you asked him.
Once you two were past courting and officially together, he made it a point to get explicit permission from Mizora to tell you about Avernus and the Demons who inhabited the other planes.
He may have had to do a shady thing or two to earn this privilege, but it was worth seeing your eyes light up when sharing this limited knowledge.
When freed of the illithid, he would happily give up galivanting across the sword coast to settle down with you. He would only leave because Mizora asked him for assistance.
Wyll watched you flourish as a shopkeeper for books and magical resources, things only your humble shop could attain because of Wyll's Connections and adventures.
If you ever had a tough day or became bedridden, Wyll would drop everything to assist you. He would be your personal nurse. He'd even call Halsin or Shadowheart to help if he was worried about his lack of skill.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
It was a cold day in Faerun; snow had just coated the land and would soon fall again. You were seated in the foyer of your new home, watching the outdoors grow colder. You, however, were quite warm. A hand-knitted blanket was wrapped around you, and a warm fur pelt Mizora gifted you adorned your shoulders. Wyll was by the fire, tending to it. Today was tough for your body; everything was sore and hurting. Wyll did everything he could to help, even utilizing the books and notes Shadowheart and Halsin left for him.
As soon as the warmth was at its peak in the home, Wyll kissed you atop your head and made his way to the kitchen. He would prepare a meal for you two and ensure you had some sustenance. While still staring out at the beautiful white blanket of snow, the thought occurred to you that you were the fearless leader of the band that killed the neatherbrain. The illithid gave you an extraordinary gift of no more pain for the price of being turned. To think you almost took that risk but instead knew your humanity was far more a gift. Plus, you would have lost all the amazing friends you made.
Now, by your partner's side, you were even more confident in your choices because you wouldn't have him. Wyll returned some food and assisted you when you needed it. Once satisfied, you two decide some more rest would do you both well. Wyll had just returned a day or two ago from a grueling task from Mizora. Wyll gently picked you up and walked you back to your room. He knew just as well as you that you could take care of yourself, as you have done this time and time before, but his help was always so warm and appreciated. Once in bed, Wyll curled in behind you, holding you close. With one final kiss on your head, you both fell into a simple slumber. You might feel well enough to build a snowman when you wake.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Just after the freedom of the shadow fell, your group was looking over the security tower at the beginnings of Baldur's Gate. Taking camp before continuing on to your final destination.)
Y/N: Wyll, look at this someone left an enchanted Rapier!
Astarion: ooooh, and quite the liquor selection.
Shadowheart: Please share that with the rest of us.
Wyll: Why don't you all head to the fire and celebrate our accomplishments? Heard Gale cooked quite the feast.
(You walked up to Wyll and leaned your head on his shoulder)
Y/N: What do you think will come of us?
Wyll: Whatever you desire, my love, whatever you desire.
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hajihiko · 2 years
… may we hear about your dnd characters? 😳👉👈
*slams folder on table* I have my tablet again so HELL YEA
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^Vrey (tiefling warlock) angry angry woman who has never chilled a day in her life, she's a cult baby but she's getting over it. Her dad is literally Satan (I actually did not decide this) and her patron is her eldritch god uncle who hates her. But she found a family in a group of dead people so its okay! She also helped a war criminal (pictured) escape heaven and they're in looooooove. Her campaign was cancelled unfortunately so I dont know how her story ends...
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^Cairn (Necromancer Half-Giant) so much anxiety in that large body. He was buried alive for 10 years unfortunately and it turns out his mentor-uncle is actually his dad and lied about it and now he's a part of the most incompetent accidentally-competent team of heroes who all suck so you can imagine he has a lot going on. He's 7"7 or 235 cm tall!
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Ca (aaraocra ranger) is just a simple bird. Not much to say about them. They just like to hang out and they love their family a whole lot. Campaign cancelled but I'm sure they're a happy bird wherever they are.
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Dana (barbarian shifter) is my new baby! Can you tell where I sought design inspiration from? I haven't played them yet but I'm very excited for it. I'm gonna make them so stupid.
I also ran a 1shot in a shitty homebrewed system, it was ton of fun, here's those kids (it was a battle royale Only-One-Can-Live game and my players were perfect in it <3)
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I've made a bunch more but this is long enough I guess lol.
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15 people 15 questions
tagged in this meme a few weeks ago by @isaksbestpillow!! here we go
1. are you named after anyone?
My first name is the name of a specific figure from UK history! someone a lot of uk people have heard of, but it's unusual to actually have this as a name. I get some incredulity and some people who politely ask where i'm from. I have to say i'm not 100% sure what answer they're expecting.
My tumblr url is a B-52s song which seemed somehow relevant back in uhhh 2013 or whenever it was.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I thinkkkk possibly when i was doing my taxes back in january. These days I tend to cry from stress and anger and frustration but it's really bad for me because once I start I find it VERY hard to stop, it makes my emotions spiral, I get more and more upset, so I really have to squash it down. For me crying is not cathartic, it just ruins the day.
3. do you have kids?
No - BUT - I have a lot of much younger cousins - and I babysit them & help with childcare fairly often so I am quite used to kids. Fortunately my cousins think i'm super fun
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am extremely noncompetitive! I was terrible at team sports at school and also had terrible hand-eye coordination. I have been at times an OK swimmer and I played a lot of table tennis in my last couple of years of school with the other four or five people who'd been deemed too useless for netball etc. As an adult I do youtube yoga, I periodically do app-based running stuff like Zombies Run or Nike Run Club. Ideally I'd like to go every day on like a 5 mile walk in an interesting location with a reasonable amount of ascent and descent but in a city it's hard to orchestrate that. Also I put my little cousins on my shoulders and get them to direct me where to go so they can learn the difference between left and right
5. do you use sarcasm?
I think I actually don't! Maybe a little bit sometimes. I tend to me more uhhh. pedantic and literal. tend to deconstruct .
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh probably skin texture . or haircut . or I look at their clothes. i don't know . sounds creepy. sorry.
7. what’s your eye color??
I think if you average it out it's brownish / greenish . think filippo berio bottle . maybe a bit browner / greyer than that. I tried to take a picture but it only confused me. Also when you look close enough at someone's eyes you might get flecks of like eight different colours.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I do watch and enjoy scary movies and I have learned that I have a higher tolerance for them than some people BUT if I must pick between the two - I am team happy ending.
9. any talents ?
Little bit doublejointed! Can play a little bit of ukulele. Good memory. Good cook. Can make cocktails .
10. where were you born?
London, UK
11. what are your hobbies?
cooking, language learning, walking. Tumblr . opening new browser tabs . I'm getting some wine qualifications which is partly work related partly hobby.
12. do you have any pets?
no but my sister & her partner just got a dog and I do feel I am now an auntie
13. how tall are you?
167 cm I think? i think that's 5 ft 6? normal amount.
14. favourite subject in school?
probably languages ........... honestly I don't remember. unfortunately I had a thirst for knowledge and enjoyed most subjects.
15. dream job?
What I do now (print media production work, magazine production work) is pretty good for me
I'm going to do what @isaksbestpillow did and tag the last 15 people in my notes, that seems fun. no obligation obviously! @rociopath @fizzbuzzbananagram @magicmarker @autisticmisabel @starburger @the-omnishambles @itsmapes @youvegotaluckyface @misterhaderach @jestershark @lanninglurksnomore @sirquacklesdefoof @tracybaconnnn @321claratin @alien-ally
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latenightsundayblues · 8 months
TYSM @kryypt1c 4 tagging me to answer these questions im honored😭😭😭 really hope im doin this right n not embarrassing myself....
1. Are you named after anyone? Not an actual person, but my ma wanted to name me after a really famous shoe store here in my country. My dad wanted something more unique, and his solution was to switch out the 'a' at the end with an 'e'. So I guess it all started with feet in a way
2. When was the last time you cried? Rewatching the ending of Cinema Paradiso on Youtube yesterday. Like just the clipped ending literally nothing else. Its a REALLY GOOD MOVIE okay
3. Do you have kids? Reading this question made me shudder quite violently. Thankfully no
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I was such a little bitch as a kid I didn't want any activities that could get me hurt😭😭 only thing i ever did was ballet for a short while
5. Do you use sarcasm? I feel I'm above regular sarcasm in a way. I'm on some sort of infuriating post-ironic type of shit even I can't properly diagnose
6. What is the first thing you notice about someone? Prob their mood. I've always been sorta sensitive as to what people's first impressions of me are so I just zero in on whether or not the way they're looking at me means they like me or want to bash my head in with a slab of concrete
7. What is your eye color? Plain brown yawnnn
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Why can't we have both? Why not add a little bit more of Insidious or Nope to your life?
9. Any talents? Erm. Ughaghhh..... Ummm.... Drawign. ?
10. Where were you born? Brazil baybeee
11. Any hobbies? Do nice little walks around parks on sunny days count at all🥹
12. Do you have any pets? Nala my beautiful ungrateful little bitch of a cat
13. How tall are you? Honestly i dont even know😭 I don't keep track of that shit so I'd need to measure myself again, but last time I checked I think i was like 159 cm or smth
14. Favorite subject in school? English bc I've always been the best at it lmfao
15. What's your dream job? Those really boring ambiguous jobs middle class fathers in american movies have where they work with boxy computers inside grey little cubicles and hang out at the water cooler to make small talk during breaks. I want that for me
@goofalicousgooberface @hydehecticbastard so srry for calling u guys to every little game i get tagged in I'm not familiar with anyone else😭😭 no pressure
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dayeongi · 9 months
15 Questions for 15 People
I was tagged by @hesmiledlikeaweatherman (thank you!💖)
Are you named after anyone?
I was named after my father!! eugh!! But my middle name: my sister was a nightmare until my mother picked what she wanted, so that's my favorite name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This past weekend!! Stress >:((((
3. Do you have kids?
I don't!! I want to have them in the future! one or two. Preferably both at once so I'm only pregnant once lmao. In the meantime i'm doing therapy and researching parenting methods for whenever. I'm only 28 so I want to wait a little longer
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
When i was a kid I did tae kwon do, karate, ballet, and swimming but they always ended up taking me out. I can't do team sports because I taste blood and I'm so ruthless and intense it scares me a little. But I love swimming!!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
It's taken me a LONG time to understand sarcasm; even now I sometimes don't get it. I think I just take people at their word. Whenever I've used sarcasm I always do it with this very over-the-top lilt, because I want to make sure my words are coded as that and not as me meaning what I said....
It's exhausting honestly, but if i get it right, it's funny
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their voice! I don't really register people's faces until i'm more acquainted
7. What's your eye color?
I have very very very dark brown eyes! you can only see that they're brown if the sunlight hits them right (and blinds me lmao)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both!! i feel like they serve different purposes
9. Any talents?
Languages! Once I find the cheat code for how they work , they unravel. It's very exciting!
I've also been told I'm really good at crafting, and singing. (I've won a few contests) I also have a very good long-term memory, but i recall things in pictures.
The other thing i'm good at is problem-solving. Once i stop freaking out that is lmao. One time I got mugged in south korea, was left with no cash, lost, and not able to speak the language, cried a little then traced my steps till i found the nearest metro station, then went from there.
TL;DR - i'm very good at learning and adapting!
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
I collect pretty things like a crow. I like reading, doing art both digital and traditional, sewing, sculpting, home renovation, building, writing, singing, doing my make up, swimming, watching anime and movies, traveling, and hanging out with my pets
12. Do you have any pets?
Two cats and a dog!! Coco, a lynx point siamese (5 y old), Joy (4 y old), a siamese, Choco, my 14 y/o mixed breed dog.
Surprisingly I never ended up asking for them Pet distribution system at its finest.
13. How tall are you?
I'm 170 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
English Language has always been my favorite class! I was the most excited about my Sociolinguistics class in university but it was taught by a nasty tool so he ruined that. Also Korean language class. Language classes in general.
15. What is your dream job?
Right now? Being rich enough that I don't have to work so I can write. I'd love to be a successful published writer. Singer, and also fashion brand owner. Oh well. Trying to be realistic
Tagging but no pressure! @shipmistress9 @powerful-niya @shrimparmy @backgroundcharacterno5 @lalanaranj-a @nandosango @ruejanerue @keroppri @chaosnojutsu @rapa3llah @fictionalnormalcy and anyone else that would like to do it!
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saraminia · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @apothecarose 💞
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. Although my mom's called Riitta so it's kinda similar.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday when I looked at this picture.
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So basically I cried about Noah and how much I love him. Seems to be a nearly daily occurrence nowadays. 😔
3. Do you have kids?
I have two. My son is 17 and my daughter is 14. And they're the best kids in the whole world.
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(yes, I have their permission to post their pics freely and I'm a proud mama so why not)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Sadly I never played a sport. (I was never into sports or exercise when I was a kid. Really not until after my daughter was born. That's when I started HIIT training and I did it really intensely for several years. Up until my mental illness put a stop to the training. I hit rock bottom with depression and could hardly even get out of bed. I've been mentally in a very good place for a few years now, but sadly haven't managed to pick up training again.)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I mean.. yeah? Not intentionally, but I'm sure I do.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm extremely unobservant unfortunately. I can meet someone and after five minutes not remember anything about them, especially about their appearance. But I think a really radiant and/or warm smile is something that gets my attention.
7. What’s your eye color?
Greyish green.
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8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but happy endings are lovely.
9. Any talents?
Nope. None. lol
10. Where were you born?
In Finland. Same town where I'm currently living. I've been here and there and lived away from here for like fifteen years, thirteen of which in Sweden, but I returned home about eight years ago.
11. What are your hobbies?
No time for hobbies really. Gotta tumblr for several hours every day lmao. I mean, I write, but not very well. I take walks, often in nature. But mostly I just study and work.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have cats, two old ladies called Mimmi and Simba. They're both girls (despite the name) and both 11 years old. I've had them since they were six months old. They are from the same home, from two different litters, born five days apart. So different mothers, father(s) unknown, so they could be sisters. Either way they have always been together.
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13. How tall are you?
164 cm which is about 5'4"
14. Favorite subject in school?
Maths and English (as a second language)
15. Dream job?
I don't think I ever had one. I am studying health care and will be a public health nurse when I'm done, but I wouldn't call that a dream job. It's just a job. I gotta do something so that's what I chose so I at least know there's always going to be work for me. But tbqh if I won the lottery, I would never work again. I'm not sure I'd even finish my studies, since I already am a nurse, it's only the specializing studies I'm still doing.
Oh man, am I supposed to tag fifteen people? Ok I'll try @ramonaflow @flowertrigger @a-noble-dragon @jesuisici33 @carolrain @maryp50 @statueinthestone @goodiecornbread @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes @rainbowcoloredpalmtrees @jettestar @grapehyasynth @reasonandfaithinharmony @beaiola
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slytherinshua · 1 year
— bias tag game *ੈ✩‧₊˚
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
thank you @fairyhaos and @wheeboo for the tag baes <333
zanna's bias list:
wonsang (lucy)
joshua (svt)
taehyun (txt)
mk (onf)
gyehyeon (vrvr)
byungchan (victon)
yuto (onf)
changmin (tbz)
jongseob (p1h)
jungwon (enha)
1. between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
yuto i think!! even tho yuto is my second bias in onf, i think i still biased him before i got into vrvr. i remember biasing him after he put out this dance film!!
2. between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
joshua def :( i love byungchan butttttt im def more loyal to shua like??? subin and seungwoo are competing for that bias spot in victon a l l t h e t i m e but shua is just chilling there like i ADORE HIM SO MUCH ITS CRAZY
3. if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
god that's so hard.... AH I WANT TO PICK BOTH LIKE??? if i choose wonsang then we could def like have a little jam session, me on the piano and him on the bass, and it would be super fun and i literally love him sm hes my cutie?????? BUT taehyun is my ult bias like he will always be and i think i ultimately have to pick him.... watch us get into a debate tho 😭 (my toxic trait is thinking i could beat taehyun in a debate)
4. what is your favorite physical feature about 9?
sdkjksd i just biased him like i haven't been a jongseob bias for even 24 hours yet BUT HIS SMILE???? AND HIS LIL TOOTH OML HES SO KSHJFDKDJSFK HES SO KSHFIUY*(@#@&$R#UEFHJD I LOVE HIM SM WHY IS HE THE CUTEST THING EVER </3
5. what is your favorite part of 6's personality?
lmfao i can't say what i want to say 💀 um... i just like how bright he is and when he smiles its like he can light up the entire world w his dimples :(
6. if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
7. between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
def shua like tbh i don't think wonsang has anything in his closet besides sweatpants, t-shirts, and that one sweater that he wore like a bunch of times lmfao??? no but ive seen his closet and i feel like shua has more to work w (even tho im shit w fashion like id just steal a hoodie or smth that was oversized and that would be it)
8. what is a style that you want to see 3 try?
LONG HAIRRRRR omg but ive been saying this for a rly long time, ive seen edits of taehyun w long hair and HE WOULD LOOK GOOD. not like super long hair but like fluffy long hair (def no longer than beomgyu's mullet) i just think he'd look extra bf and soft </3
9. between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
lmao they're practically the same height but im closer to gyehyeon's height since hes abt 0.4 cm shorter than mk 💀 i'd stand tall next to either of them tho im only like 7 cm shorter than them 👹
10. between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
ugh tf you doing this for that's like such a hard decision honestly. like these two are the groups that i don't stan as much (p1h cause i haven't gotten into their discography that much yet and enha cause i just.... don't stan enha that much) probably enha??? but i have a feeling that ill like p1h's discography more than enha once i fully get into it. i don't rly listen to much of enha's discography on a daily basis (lmao if it was any other two ppl on this list then i would be picking easily) no cause im actually gonna say p1h cause of the songs i listened to this morning while eating breakfast (my p1h playlist was on shuffle) i loved every single one of them, and ive been listening to bff the entire day
omg that was so fun skdjsk one of the funnest tag games ive ever done tbh
tagging: @eternalgyu,, @tempobaekh,, @edensgardenn,, @evalevaeva,, @etherealyoungk,, @weird-bookworm,, @blue-jisungs,, @zzinyl,, @amxlia-stars,, @ylliris-hanniehae,, @icyminghao,, @hyeosi,, and @starsstuddedsky <3
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wednesdaytoo · 9 months
@coffinbutch tagged me for this! 15 questions + 15 friends! (coffinbutch you are so brave for doing all 15 tags. im gonna take the coward's way and ask any mutual to consider themself tagged if they want to do it!)
long under here
1. Are you named after anyone?
yea! im named after my abuela who died waaay before i was born
2. When was the last time you cried?
3 days ago
3. Do you have kids?
nope! i work with kids (teenaged) and they're fine, i enjoy them, but that's plenty of Kid for me -- i don't need to have my own in my home everyday. id love to be a lesbian uncle tho! which i already kno is Not gonna happen from either of my brothers, so my only chance is my wife's younger sister haha (we were just talking abt this yesterday lol)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
hahha i don't think i've ever played a sport like Officially, like outside of PE classes. i like badminton tho, and B and i are trying to learn how to play pickleball (we suck)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
i suppose on occasion i sarcast
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
hair & clothes? face? im a simple guy
7. What's your eye color?
the inner part of my irises are yellowish-brown and the outer edges are grey-blue. ppl dont usually notice it unless theyre quite up close tho. from a few feet away i think they look grey and that's what i'll usually mark for eye color, or blue if that's not an option
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i could go for either, but i think i lean slightly more toward scary movies, especially bc i love vampire movies so much. like when we watch a dracula movie and u have one of those "the monster is defeated! hooray!" endings, does that count as a happy ending movie?? we root for drac tho so it's a let down!
9. Any talents?
idk im pretty good at whistling !
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
movies, video games, insect/arachnid related things (catching, collecting, pinning, reading abt, etc), sewing/embroidery when the mood strikes me, reading (trying to get back into it at least!), listening to music/discovering new bands, sorting/cataloguing things
12. Do you have any pets?
3 cats (hopey, bullets, and cocoa) + a baby tarantula (avocado) <3
13. How tall are you?
5'6.5" or 168 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school my favs were probably trigonometry and ceramics
in college i'd say science (esp entomology, ecology, botany, and astronomy) and foreign languages (i took french, japanese, ASL, and spanish)
15. Dream job?
see one of the above hobbies and then pay me $100/hr to do it :-))
no but fr even tho my current job has its annoyances, it's usually so chill. some days i just text B from work like "here's a bracelet i made today" "made u a candle today" "it was slow and i mostly just read in the library" "i drew a cute poster." two weeks ago we came in for a couple hours to decorate little pouches with custom vinyl designs on our new cricut. the next day we went roller skating lmao. even the actual "work" is enjoyable (i help students w/ their schoolwork, mostly math, which is fun to me, or entering info into forms/spreadsheets, also kind of fun to me bc i can listen to music while i do it). buuut i dont make a lot of money. if they paid me $100/hr and gave me some benefits, i'd be set!
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cee-grice · 1 year
15 OC Questions Tag
got tagged by @writerfae, @rachaellawrites and @eccaiia, so I'm gonna do this for both leads instead of doing separate posts :v thanks for the tag!!
this is also just gonna be me answering the questions rather than doing it interview-style 'cause I absolutely cannot do that...
soft tagging @sam-glade, @tate-lin, @scribe-of-stories, @ethaeriea, @thesorcerersapprentice, @poetinprose, @jasmineinthenight and leaving it as an open tag!
Are you named after anyone?
Quil — Initially he was, yes, but when he picked his own name, Quilin, he took it from a proverb in the old version of his language. Not many know this, though, because he now thinks it's too dramatic and prefers to just be called Quil by those close to him lol
Endra — No, although a fun note about his name: it's such an old one that it's barely in use anymore and has historically been typically given to girls, so how his mother picked it is a bit of a mystery...
2. When was the last time you cried?
Quil — Uh. Uh. I think. Literally five minutes ago? He cries very rarely but he's going through something right now, so
Endra — Despite him being the one prone to crying, it's been a while... I don't know, two years maybe?? (that's gonna change soon though dw)
3. Do you have kids?
Neither do!
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Quil — Yes definitely, although only when he's around people he's comfortable with. Otherwise, he's very polite and nice :)
Endra — Also yes, but in a very playful manner :) Although it can still be taken negatively :( No one gets him
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Quil — Signs of their social status and/or culture, so clothing styles, how they hold themselves, their speaking mannerisms, etc. Just anything that gives away where they're from and what their standing in society is. He's never impolite, but he does adjust his behavior a bit accordingly
Endra — their emotionality? Like, what mood they seem to be in. Do they seem happy or upset or tired, helps him figure out how to best approach them (depending on what his end goals are...)
6. What's your eye colour?
Quil's is dark mint, and Endra's a very dark brown where you can barely tell where the pupil ends
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Quil — hm considering his favorite fiction genre is fairytales that often go in fucked ways... I'd say scary movies yeah, he'd be fascinated by them (if they existed lol)
Endra — also scary movies but in a different way! He just. enjoys being scared. it's a thing don't think too much about it
8. Any special talents?
Quil — ahm he's got an affinity for languages, if that counts? There are 8 major languages in the continent, some with many dialects, some having old versions, too, and there's only 1 he's not able to speak yet due to there literally being. extremely little resources on it. It's a very remote country and not much literature leaves it x)
Endra — he can climb trees very well. In general he's pretty agile and flexible. anyways
9. Where were you born?
Quil was born in Ethelen, Merridie, and Endra in some obscure village in Edkava. This tells you practically nothing but there you go
10. What are your hobbies?
Quil — Reading with a capital R. that's what he does the majority of his time lmao nerd. he prefers nonfiction but he won't say no to an interesting fiction novel, either. he also enjoys a bit of foraging and gardening :) as well as engaging in life-threatening medical practices :) anyways
Endra — he likes to play the piano! and draw! and he's recently got an interest in cooking! in general he's a pretty artistic guy :)
11. Have you any pets?
Quil — No :( He doesn't like animals that much :((
Endra — Yes :) a kitty named Zucchini :))
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Quil — if we're talking about his early years... does sleeping around count as sport
Endra — eh not really? Besides some outdoor games that count be counted as sport, at least. He's pretty impartial to sports tbh
13. How tall are you?
Quil is 169 cm (5'6 ft?? I think?), and Endra 180 cm (5'11 ft)
14. Favourite subject in school?
Quil — well, obviously he was most drawn to all subjects related to magic, but his favorite would probably be The Fundamentals of Magia, which delved more into the physicality of the element. Besides magic stuff, he also really liked Language and Literature :)
Endra — oh he hated school with a passion lol. He chronically engaged in truancy and held no love for anything that had to do with school. but if he had to choose what he tolerated the most... it'd probably be Music as it was what could actually understand? so yeah he might have kinda liked that one a little bit
15. Dream job?
Quil — a teacher :)) guy loves teaching with a passion. it's been his dream for a long while but y'know how life can go...
Endra — ahmmmm a housewife. honestly I don't think I'm kidding. god knows he could not be tied down to an Actual job, and he actually likes fussing around the house, cooking, cleaning, just making sure it's all homely and nice, and I think he would really like staying home to raise children, too. mayyyybe on the side he could do some freelance art or music stuff, but that's it lol
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jshepardtsoni · 2 years
Tanthamore height diff is lovely. Kit being the tiniest person in the whole group is even cuter. Ruby is only 158 cm tall. I know Erin once said they're similar height and blamed her shoes but she's 168. That's 10 cm more XD There are behind the scenes with Erin wearing only socks and Ruby in actual shoes and Ruby is still way smaller.
LOL, shoes are not to blame at all. The difference is clear.
Willow is the tiniest but I get what you mean :)
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