#they're so fucking unhealthy I want eat them
xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Ah. "Animals rights" bullshit okay. Being animals that are not obligate herbivores and eating the flesh of other animals because of it is "oppressing" non-human animals. And they called out my comparing it to anti-choicers because "murder is different than death" okay well anti-choicers think abortion is murder. I don't happen to consider a human killing an animal for food murder any more than I consider an animal killing another animal for food murder, especially when as you pointed out yourself some people can't survive without meat.
Or is it a contract killing/hit on every animal You've ever eaten to survive? Are you just not a murderer because you paid not to get your hands dirty?
Like yeah it's fucking NATURAL. Humans aren't some wondrous ascended beings that don't crawl through the dirt. We fuck and fight and survive and yes, part of that survival for many is KILLING.
And it's good that you don't think people should be forced onto veganism because that would be as bad as the people who want to force all animals to eat synthetic meat and hunt via robots or whatever but my gods can you imagine telling someone who has been a vegetarian by choice for years for animal WELFARE purposes (not rights) who is vegan for disability reasons that they are "justifying the oppression of animals" and "killing animals for food is murder" when you literally can't go vegan for health reasons yourself? Okay murderer. Guess your life matters more than those oppressed animals.
Like sorry I'm going full "you're an asshole and I despise you and I'm genuinely sorry for myself that I thought we could be friends".
Like yeah the anti-choicer metaphor wasn't perfect. But it also got you to cut right to the heart of the matter. You are so divorced from humans as part of the ecosystem and food chain you genuinely believe we have some moral duty to not kill animals (but only animals, not plants or fungi, which are also living and have some measure of sentience) and to hold ourselves separate from the biosphere to the greatest extent possible.
That's just ecofascism 101. Are we gonna do the "any form of hunting or land management, even responsibly by indigenous stewards using traditional practices is bad" next? Or are we gonna avoid that one because you hopefully know better than THAT and simply think that removing humans from ONLY one part of the consumptive chain is ✨different✨?
For reference:
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Also where does "choosing to die" come in to this? I wasn't talking about euthanasia, I was talking about withdrawing the life support provided by a human body if the owner of that body stops consenting to providing it, therefore depriving a fetus dependent on that life support for survival of said survival. I'm pretty sure the fetus doesn't have a choice in the matter. (Whether or not it's "alive" doesn't have much to do with anything since it's been made pretty clear that medical autonomy in terms of mandated use of your body's parts or resources is unethical at ANY point. Even if you ARE killing it, we've determined that's the most ethical option.)
Also if we're going to make bullshit oppression claims why don't we talk about transspecies people who are obligate carnivores?
#literally I'm not a fucking legalist but no I don't believe murder in the sense of nonconsensual killing is always wrong#like self defense. hello.#like maybe my moral system is just built different but to call it oppression and make me out to be some kind of bigot?#come on. that's bullshit and you know it.#we're literally not talking about rights being taken away. also this is why animal welfare is such a better concept than animal rights#stop anthropomorphizing animals!! stop treating them like furry humans that can't speak!!#literally somehow both a veganism centrist and an 'animal rights' person at once#go yell at people for literally having a moral-spiritual belief system that encompasses eating animals as neutral somewhere else#oh and btw don't EVER fucking moralize any kind of food related consumption around me again that goes for everyone#meat is neutral. sugar is neutral. artificial sweeteners are neutral. preservatives are neutral. plants are neutral. fish are neutral. etc#some of these may be unhealthy for a given individual and their production under capitalism may be fucking harmful#but conceptually they are neutral and there are ways of making them physically so by changing the harmful systems#you can keep feeling bad about your oppression of poor animals or w/e. or maybe you don't feel bad idk#I happen to find that far more harmful than humans who want or need to eat meat - doing so - will ever be#thanks for the mask off moment where you decided it was actually okay to moralize food and survival#I'm so happy to say goodbye forever#(note: if you know who this is don't fucking harass them. I have them blocked and am being a bit nasty *bc* they can't see it)#(I don't want them to suffer. I just think they're a monumental asshole. gods know I'm one too.)#(let people be assholes 2k23 lol)
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iphisesque · 8 months
ive been craving pancakes SO bad lately but i have no intention of spending that much money on ingredients or time on cooking something that im going to eat alone and that's going to make me sick
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nichristi · 1 year
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
Going off that post about nutrition and science, I'd love to hear what you think of the 5:2 diet/The Fast 800 and its creator, Dr. Michael Mosley. For context: in order to get an NHS-funded breast reduction (it's a gender thing, but also just a general quality-of-life thing), I need to be a certain BMI, so I've been referred to a weight management clinic. The lady I've been seeing initially just put me on a low-carb diet (130g or less of carbs per day, with an aside from her about how bullshit Keto and BMI limits for treatment are), but now she's said that, if I wanted to speed up the weight loss, I should include the 5:2 diet: 5 days in a week where I eat "normally", and 2 fast days in which I restrict myself to 800kcals. I did a little looking into it myself, and found that 5:2 - which I HAD heard about before - is now being sold as part of "The Fast 800", with Dr. Mosley being the creator of it. I was shocked by that, because I was already a fan of Dr. Mosley's work (he has a podcast called "Just One Thing" that I really liked, and thought contained reasonable-sounding advice), and yet having a diet plan that he's clearly making money off of does immediately make me feel suspicious. I've borrowed his "The Fast 800" book from the library, both to find out more about the diet I've been put on and to see if it's at all backed by evidence, and he does cite a bunch of scientific studies which seem to back up his ideas, but I don't know how valid they are, and I don't just want to accept them at face-value (especially since he's a "we got fat completely wrong in the 80s, therefore we should eat a Mediterranean diet!" types). Obviously I'll go with what my weight management lady suggests, since she's obviously more qualified to talk about it than I am, but I am curious to know what you think, and whether I'm right to be distrustful of all of this.
I am, generally speaking, against any diet for rapid weight loss. They're not sustainable so people gain the weight back (often with more weight getting added on).
There have also recently been findings that suggest that BMI cutoffs for top surgery are detrimental to patients as patients in higher BMI categories are more likely to have minor complications like UTIs or to be readmitted, but are not likely to have major complications or be at risk of significant harm from having top surgery. I don't know if anybody will listen if you bring up that study, and I know that GCS is fraught in many places for many reasons.
I'm also just.
I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad! I'm so mad about this!
One of my best friends is a guy who was pressured into a pattern of disordered eating and unhealthy exercise in order to qualify for top surgery; since then he has not been able to eat in a healthy way and has struggled with alternating between exercising to the point of harm and other destructive behaviors that make him unhappy and unsafe. And he didn't need that. He didn't need any of that! He needed a very safe surgery that had perhaps a slightly higher risk of minor complications at his size and instead he got top surgery and an eating disorder! I hate it! I'm so fucking mad about it!
Also as near as I can tell Michael Mosley qualified as a psychiatrist in the 90s, spent very little time working as a psychiatrist, and then became a media personality. From what is visible on his website and every biography I've found for him he apparently doesn't have any background in nutrition beyond whatever is standard for someone in medical school (which is NOT MUCH).
Hey I just looked at his website and this is straight-up fucked up.
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Anybody recommending an 800 calorie a day diet for 2-12 weeks in a context that is not heavily medically supervised can fucking choke. That is *ridiculously* dangerous and the website says that this can improve insulin resistance but there are a shitload of studies about people on crash diets like this *developing* insulin resistance (oh hey like my friend who became prediabetic after his rapid significant weight loss).
Also in regard to the studies he cites on the website, the "two years later patients are still going strong in their diabetes improvements" it's really important to put shit like that in context
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at 5 years 13% of the original intervention group were in remission from their type two diabetes; the average weight loss experienced by the intervention group as a whole was 6.1kg compared to 4.6kg in the control group. That's 1.5kg lower for the people who went through a twelve week medically supervised very low calorie diet compared. That's an average difference of 3.3 pounds between "starvation diet" and "no diet" for the Americans in the audience.
Yours is the second comment I've seen that has been leery of the Mediterranean diet, btw, and the Mediterranean diet is fine. It's very achievable and not super gimmicky and is based on very reasonable reassessments of fat, not the hardcore "you are fine to eat 100g of fat a day" kind of attitude that you get from the keto crew. There isn't really one Mediterranean diet and it certainly isn't low carb (which the bits from Mosely's website seem to indicate it is).
So, no, honestly I don't think much of Mosely and I'm very sorry you're in this situation, that sucks and I hate that they're refusing you treatment until you undergo an exceptionally difficult and potentially harmful weight loss excursion.
I know you're probably stuck with that and it's bullshit and I think it fucking sucks and unfortunately the medical advice you're likely to get is "eat in a significantly disordered manner at least until it is time for surgery" and it blows. That just fucking sucks.
If you're looking for rapid weight loss that you don't plan to sustain (and you shouldn't plan to sustain it, it won't stay off) you may want to look into body building forums for how they discuss cuts. It's still disordered eating and it's still not healthy, but at least they're effective and can tell you what supplements will keep you from becoming malnourished while you prepare for surgery. This is a terrible idea. I don't actually want to give this advice to anyone but bodybuilders are the exact kind of people who know how far and how fast they can push weight loss while having an awareness that it isn't really good for them and it won't stay off.
I cannot overstate enough how much I hate the thought that people are being encouraged to rapidly starve themselves in order to prepare to recover from surgery. I am so sorry and I'm so mad and
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the-one-who-lambs · 9 months
uhh hello!! sorry if this is a tall order LOL but I wanna ask, do you have any narilamb fanfic recs? :D I already read yours and I really like bamsara’s and I’m waiting for epicaandk’s to update (that one is my fav ever <3) but idk what to read now lol
Tall order?? Naaaaah, I'm always happy to give recs. Oh boy, I'm gonna go in reverse chronological order.
If you've read all of my narilamb fics (have you seriously? I'm impressed, that's probably well over half the 150k+ I've written for this damn fandom. Also, to anyone seeing this from a reblog, my stuff is over at onethirdofimpossible!) then here we go!
You already mentioned it, but The Rehabilitation of Death is excellent so far! This one is by @bamsara who is new to the CotL fandom but apparently not new to fanfic writing; they have a really popular FNAF fic and I assume the well-deserved attention this fic's been getting is a byproduct of the popularity they've already gotten in other fandoms. :D Welcome, bamsara! Many of the fic writers in this fandom are friends with each other already, but we don't bite if you wanna say hi.
Feel No Evil and Language Barrier, both by @payasita. I always love how payasita portrays this duo (in both digital art and writing), with so much sass and repressed loneliness, knowing they're stuck together for eternity and making the best of it. (And maybe falling in love, depending on how dense Narinder keeps being.) What makes these come alive for me is how well thought out the setting is outside the Lamb and Narinder. The descriptions and weight of emotions really pop here.
LITERALLY ANYTHING written by pavi / @i-eat-deodorant. Depending on how spicy you want your fics to be he has even more here. Character analysis, diction, pacing, etc. are consistently 10/10. Top-quality banter between a sassy Lamb and tired old man Narinder. We constantly bounce ideas off each other and inspire each other a lot but I promise I'm not hyping him up just because he's my friend oh my god please just go bless your eyes.
It Was For You, O Death by blueberry-muffin-massacre (if they have a tumblr, let me know so I can tag!). An intriguing alternative ending to the final battle wherein the Lamb chooses a secret third option by refusing to give up the Red Crown and still observing Narinder as the God of Death. So many details are so well thought out and duality their relationship is nicely characterized-- both genuine care for each other and also quite unhealthy. A fine line treaded well!
Confessional by jusmove (again, lmk if they have a tumblr). Been a while since I've read it, but I love how the Lamb chips at Narinder's very carefully built emotional walls. Their personalities are very well fleshed out here, especially Narinder's cognitive dissonance at being able to process love.
Confession by @thewitchoftheweed. I didn't expect a part two to this one, but my god I was so thrilled when it did update. Narinder and Lamb with their unique and parallel loneliness and their fucked-up sense of everything. Their relationship is very rocky here, and I love how they navigate it: with tension and eventual, pained acceptance. Mind the rating.
Of Character Development and Being Dense by @calliecature. A short and sweet narilamb classic. They're both mutually pining and one of them is too emotionally repressed to realize it. Guess who.
Not An Offering, But a Gift by @checkplzjuliet. Small confession fic. I especially love how Narinder's descriptions twist the knife of his situation here, and how Lambert is a total foil for him! There are a lot of good things happening in such a short span, which is impressive.
Also, if you think you've read all my narilamb fics... I do have a secret one out there too. Just so you know.
Happy reading!
I'm already friends with many of the people here, but if any of the writers I've tagged have been kinda wanting to reach out for a while but feel a little anxious... Don't be. I've made my best friends in this fandom by literally just waiting for some of my readers to get over whatever assumption they have that I'm cool and say hi. Or being the more confident one first.
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It's kind of interesting how like. SUPER close we all just automatically assume Ingo and Emmet are. Not just as brothers, I just mean like they're full on Dependent on each other in a lot of our minds. Like, share the same house, the same job, the same bedroom, etc, I just see them as being SUPREMELY codependent on each other sometimes in my mind and it completely escapes me how unnatural that is.
I think it is just fitting, somehow. Like, Ingo is vocally expressive while Emmet is physically expressive, in the anime Emmet is in his element on the computers while Ingo is directing the workers, Ingo thinks of the future while Emmet thinks of the now, they're very different but SPECIFICALLY different in the ways that compliment each other. In a "I'll cover your weaknesses, you'll cover mine," kind of way. I just tend to think that those two almost operate like a singular machine, made with two parts, with a big fat Do Not Separate sign on it.
And I actually like it this way specifically because I like exploring just how far they fall apart the minute they're forcefully separated. The idea that they specifically built their entire lives with the idea that their brother will ALWAYS be right there by their side, in every single aspect, only to have that brutally ripped away. It's just interesting.
I like thinking about how they crumble due to that codependence. Ingo was the one with the license, but now Ingo isn't here to drive Emmet to the station. Ingo isn't here to cook breakfast, or to eat the second portion of food Emmet automatically makes for dinner. Ingo isn't standing beside Emmet to hand him the toothpaste when it's time to brush their teeth.
They're unknowingly, unhealthily codependent. And it's only unhealthy because they never stopped to consider what would happen to the other in the case of an emergency. They just assumed that the other person would always be there. For every decision, plan, and action.
I want to see Emmet falling apart because of the little things. Over the things that was supposed to be Ingo's job at home. Emmet has to water Ingo's plants, feed both of their Pokémon, make all meals in the house, do dishes every day, call a cab or friend to get to work before he can even get his license, which he needs to get now because he can't fucking drive, be more involved in directing the depot agents at the station, do both his and Ingo's paperwork, and a plethora of other things that are just piling up. It's too much. Emmet is going to crash.
Meanwhile, Ingo in Hisui keeps automatically handing things to empty air, somehow expecting it to be caught by an imaginary person. Ingo keeps forgetting to do certain chores because he keeps expecting someone else to do them, like his laundry, or making a grocery list, or harvesting the garden berries. Ingo forgets to make dinner for himself often. Ingo doesn't have his memory, but he's so used to living his life with another that he keeps failing at normal adult things because he never had to do it alone before.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
I know I'm terminally coffin-brained lately but hear me out it really bothers me that the perception of the Coffin of Andy & Leyley is ONLY "hehe incest cannibalism game" which is....not EXACTLY inaccurate but it certainly simplifies it ya know??? like I call it the incest cannibalism game too as a joke but I'm realizing there are a lot of people who think of it as like...a porn game? & btw I'm not AGAINST porny games or whatever I just think it's reductive & inaccurate to call Andy & Leyley that when in reality there is not even (so far) any textual sexual content beyond a demonic vision of a possible future. yes very obviously their relationship does have a sexual & romantic undertone, but it's compelling specifically because it's a complex story about siblings who have been genuinely fucked over by their parents & the world & they have developed a topically obsessive codependent relationship as a result.
like the initial conversation that the game's title is based on is Andrew casually half-jokingly talking about killing himself & it's just so..... narratively delicious. Ashley is not some horny one-dimensional slut who just wants to fuck her brother? Her reaction to Andrew talking about suicide is to joke that she'll race him to the balcony & he says back - semi sarcastically but we KNOW there's truth in his words, that he's clearly thought about this - that it would be too romantic, that they would be smashed together on the pavement, buried in the same coffin & like...the game proceeds from there with these two living in this intertwined fate, tangled together in ways neither of them can ever escape. it's romantic but it's also tragic & awful.
Andrew's love for Ashley will always be bitter & tinted with resentment because he was thrust with the responsibility of raising his little sister when he was only a child himself. he was made responsible for caring for Ashley with absolutely NO example of what caring for someone looked like & he was barely old enough to care for himself. Ashley never had anyone care for her in her entire life except Andrew & so she absolutely adores him to a dangerous & unhealthy degree.
like I hate it when people think Ashley is oh so abusive & manipulative or Andrew is so awful & selfish (she is manipulative & he is occasionally selfish) but like - as if there are not layers upon layers of WHY she treats Andrew the way she does & WHY he's so resentful. (as a side note I think debating who abuses who (aside from obviously the fact that they were both abused in different ways by their mother) or who's "worse" just...misses the whole ass point.)
and the cannibalism is initially about survival & the stakes are very apparent & built super well given the opening of the game spends a lot of time just demonstrating that they are literally starving to death to the point where Ashley is fainting & they're sharing a can of tomatoes out of the garbage joking that it's the best meal they've ever had. it is highly worth noting the way their actions escalate & get worse & worse with time as the game proceeds & you can see the way they're both getting more & more comfortable with violence & taboo. this game just would not compel me if it were just randomly "lol let's eat people!" get real
idk I just feel like people who don't know the game get the wrong idea about it when it's actually SO narratively rich okay bye
(this is not an anti Gravecest post either just to be clear, I fucking love the ship I just feel like it gets oversimplified often & also that Ashley especially is highly mischaracterized a lot, even in the game's marketing sometimes. at the core of the game are two deeply broken people who were fucked over bad & who are tied together in a way that neither of them can ever escape. it's love as horror & I loooove that about it)
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
hi lovely 🫶🏽
are you going to make a part 3 of the pregnancy fic? like maybe the boys making sure that you were okay 24/7 and they're always making sure you have with you any food that you crave?
overall just being really chaotic and caring uncles :,)
please don't have to feel pressured to do it 💓
hii !! thank you for this idea ^^ i wont lie, i was kinda struggling and im not sure if this is what you wanted, but at the same time i had so much fun writing this haha hopefully youll like it, please let me know if you enjoyed<3
part one | part two
feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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since you and minho told the boys about pregnancy, they haven't stopped talking about it on a daily basis. they called at least four times a day to ask if you were doing okay or if you needed anything. they even created a separate group chat to only talk about you and the baby, worrying over you 24/7. you appreciated their efforts, it was really cute when they pinged you at a random hour with a question "uncle no 5: @/mother🫡 have you eaten anything today????? we know you've been craving mcdonalds lately so we bought a few happy meals and we're on our way to your apartment !!! see you soon".
that's how you ended up in the current situation - on your couch, minho running some errands in the city, felix and jeongin on both your sides, and twelve happy meals in front of you. "how did this happen…?" you asked, dumbfounded. "i thought you said a few happy meals". you whispered the last part, trying to process all of it. "yeah, i mean, we didn't really know which combination you wanted so we chose, well, twelve," felix stated and jeongin added a quiet "ta-da", both of them smiling awkwardly. after a long moment of silence, you suddenly started sobbing, the hormones taking over. the boys looked at you, confused and scared at the same time - did they do something wrong? "yn, what's- what's going on? are you okay?" jeongin stuttered, not being sure whether to hug you or leave you alone. he made eye contact with felix, silently debating what to do and gesturing vividly over your crying figure. "no, it's just- i can't eat all of this and it makes me sad, because you bought it for me and-" you were starting to ramble and felix had to place his hands on your shoulders to ground you. you looked at him and started taking deep breaths with his help. after you stopped hyperventilating felix spoke softly. "yn, it's absolutely fine, we're not mad at all. just eat as much as you want and we'll take care of the leftovers." you nodded but the tears didn't stop. "i'm really sorry, i appreciate your efforts and i would love to eat all these happy meals but it's just too unhealthy for the baby and i don't want the food to harm it" you began again, the hormones making you feel guilty. "we get it, yn, it's totally okay, don't worry. and please stop crying, it breaks my heart," jeongin said and wiped your tears. you giggled at that a little, feeling a bit better. you took one happy meal and started eating fries. "is there anything else you were craving lately that's maybe healthier than mcdonalds?" felix asked suddenly and you took a moment to think about it. there was one thing, way better than fast food. "cherries, i was craving them for the past few days" you mumbled. "okay, cherries it is" felix stated and took his phone to send a message to the group chat.
"uncle no 5: guys
uncle no 5: you have a mission
uncle no 5: buy some cherries for @/mother🫡 and come to her and minho hyung's apartment
uncle no 5: also, we have around 11 happy meals to eat
uncle no 1: what the fuck do you mean by 11 happy meals ???
uncle no 5: come and find out ;) bUT DON'T FORGET THE CHERRIES"
after around an hour you heard banging at the door. you wanted to get up and open them, but jeongin was faster. you saw five men at your front door, each of them with a box full of freaking cherries. "hi yn! how are you feeling? are you okay? did- did you cry?" changbin bombarded you with tons of questions as soon as he placed his box on the coffee table in front of you. "i'm fine, don't worry, but- i thought you would bring maybe a kilogram of cherries and not five boxes…" you replied, looking at the fruit in you living room. "i mean, don't get me wrong, that's really thoughtful of you, but what i'm gonna do with all these cherries?" you muttered, getting up and examining the boxes. you noticed on the side of the box that one of those was eight kilograms, which meant… "where did you even get forty kilograms of cherries?" you exclaimed, astonished. you didn't know if you were happy because of the support or if you wanted to murder them for buying forty kilograms of cherries for one pregnant woman. they remained silent as they smiled awkwardly, caught off guard by your reaction. as you were standing in the middle of the apartment, you heard key jingling at the door and you saw minho enter the room a moment after. he stopped in his tracks as he noticed the chaos - twelve happy meals, five boxes full of cherries and seven men in his living room as well as his pregnant partner standing around the coffee table. "what the hell…?" he looked you in the eyes, dumbfounded. "anyone want to explain this to me?" minho continued, looking around the room and then taking a few careful steps in your direction. "yn was craving some food so we bought it for her…" jeongin started, unsure. minho examined the room once more and then he shifted his gaze at you. he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but then closed them and simply brushed it off with a wave of his hand. he made his way to the kitchen to take something to drink and in the meantime you gestured at the food and clapped your hands. "okay boys, let's eat!".
there you were, an hour later, munching on some cherries and all of the boys, including minho, sitting around you on the couch and the floor, finishing their happy meals. they placed all of the toys on a pile in the middle of the coffee table and suddenly hyunjin spoke. "hey, we can keep these for the baby. you know, when their older they can play with them, right?". minho jumped at his words, clearly not happy about his idea. "absolutely not, i'm not gonna let my daughter play with 12 plastic minions" he almost shouted and you gave him a warning look, but it was too late. "wait, what? you're having a daughter?" seungmin asked and shifted his shocked gaze to you. "um… surprise?" you revealed and saw the boys jump from joy, shouting and hugging each other. you peeked at minho, his face was almost as red as the cherries the boys brought and he was fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie. when he sensed your gaze at him, he mumbled a faint "i'm sorry". in response you pecked his lips and smiled widely at him. "it's okay baby, that was actually a smooth way to reveal the gender. unplanned, but certainly smooth," you smirked and minho chuckled at that. you took his hand and watched the chaos together, feeling blessed to have such amazing people in your life.
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a0random0gal · 7 months
"healthy" doesn't always mean good in fiction. Eremika's unhealthiness is what makes the ship compelling and interesting. It's built into the core of the story. Also your "healthiest ship" requires ignoring that he emotionally manipulated her into keeping her mouth shut about his genocide plan and threatened to have her memories erased. Historia never expressed any interest in him that way. Men and women can in fact just be friends.
Ohh boy, you're bold anon, I have to hand it to ya.
Yes healthy doesn't always mean good, in fact it can actually lead to some very boring ships, but that is still a perfectly good thing to look for in a pairing.
In contrast unhealthy can be interesting, but mostly leads to abusive relationships that get glorified by the fandom in spite of their toxic nature, and in this aspect Eremika is no exception. These two are just awful for one another.
He headbutts her, call her names, tells her he hates her (I know he didn't mean it, but it wrecked her emotionally so my point stands) put her in a situation that could have gotten her killed, never confided in her regarding his plans etc...
She was an overbearing mama who constantly treated him like an incompetent child that couldn't do anything on his own.
What's compelling in a relationship with this dynamic:
"Eren eat your veggies!"
"Eren put on a coat, or you're gonna catch a cold!"
"Eren don't run you're gonna trip!"
Oh and don't get me started on this
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She literally deluded herself for years into believing that everything he did was somehow tied back to her. Even Armin, Reiner and Berthold gave her the 🙄 look.
Also her entire character revolves around him and it makes her super boring and robotic. Even after he dies she spends her life worshipping his grave and dies with that gosh darned scarf on her neck. She only took it off once ( when she gave an ounce of development) before cruelly snatching it from the hands of a dying girl that was using it for comfort (something I'll never forgive her for).
She was originally meant to break away from him but alas, good writing died after 134.
Annd the story never revolved around them. Mikasa only became the protagonist in the last chapter out of fucking thin air and it looked soo forced. Lmao Hisu had more parallels with Ymir than Mikasa of all people.
The only time their relationship mattered was at the end of season 2, but after that we got nothing important.
Last thing on this dumpster fire of a ship... They're boring asf.
Like I know some unhealthy relationships that are toxic and all, but the characters have chemistry, and it can make up for the awful shit they can do to eachother. Eremika has no chemistry. I would rather watch paint dry than think about them romantically.
Regarding Erehisu... Have we read the same aot chapter? Or just the same conversation between Eren and Historia? Because I don't think so.
He emotionally manipulated her to keep her mouth shut
What? When did this ever happen? She chose to stay silent. Hell he didn't even need to tell her his plans, it was quite risky, since she could have snitched on him to the Mps and ruined everything.
He chose to confide in her cause he knew she wouldn't tell, cause she was the worst girl in the world who saved him, the girl who chose her selfishness over the world already, in that cave when she saved him, when she told him that she would always be his ally, that they were enemies of humanity.
She never wanted the future that she was destined to if she accepted the 50 year plan. She had accepted it for the greater good. Something selfless that only Christa could have done.
He knew that, and reminded her of who she really was. A selfish, normal girl like everyone else.
She was shocked by the genocide that awaited them if they followed Eren's plan but ultimately chose it over sacrificing herself and her future children. Totally in character, no manipulation involved lmao.
He threatened to erase her memories
Nope. She was upset so he offered to lighten her burden by erasing her memories if she wanted to. It was a proposal made out of empathy for her shock. No threats, where did you see em?
She was never interested in him
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Say what you want about her feelings for him, interpret them how you please, but you can't deny a connection from which feelings could blossom. This meme perfectly sums up my thoughts about this:
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Yes men and women can be friends, I just don't see it this way for Erehisu. Actually I could tell you the same thing for Eremika. Better as siblings lol.
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finniusastraeus · 5 months
Meanspo/ana tricks
Dont eat for pleasure. Eating because you like food is how you got so fucking fat. You want to call yourself 4nor3xic when you still want to eat that whole cake? that brownie? that pizza? how can you WANT that?
You're hungry? No you're bored drink water if you want a snack. mindless eating is the #1 habit that leads to weight gain. when you feel that impulse, replace it with drinking water or another 0kcal drink.
Appetite is disgusting imagine wanting to gain. You're not allowed to want food. Replace that urge with something unrelated. You want food? pick a specific coloring book and fill in a page everytime you want to. Or use the rubber band method.
Never eat alone, you're not allowed to WANT FOOD. If you eat alone you're literally giving up. you can only eat when you have to. if you're out say you got food when you you were out. but if you actually eat when no one's making you, you're trying to gain.
You only eat to make it look like you do. just because you have to eat doesnt mean it has to be a lot. lettuce only has 6kcals per cup. There are 2-3 kcals per grape. 8 kcals in a full cup of cucumbers. you can make it look like you're eating a giant mean and stay under 20 kcal EASILY.
It's not that hard. If you think it's hard to lose, you're not doing enough.
if you have to eat an unhealthy meal with your family take no more than 5 bites. chew them each 20 times and cut EVERYTHING on your plate into tiny peices. Push it around, hide it under other bits of food or if its dry put it in your pockets (i use that one religeously). put it in your pockets then in the garbage.
For the love of ana, dont eat nuts, juice, or cheese. Even if they're marketed as healthy they're SO HIGH KCAL
in one cup of cashews there are 800kcals. 830 for almonds. 111 in a cup of orange juice. 113 in a cup of apple juice. I'll make another post after this with a chart for kcals per serving of really low kcal foods and really high kcal foods.
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Can I request a Yandere billy and stu? Maybe with a darling that already likes (but isn’t dating) someone?
Of course I can!
𝒲𝑒'𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑔𝓊𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒶𝓈𝓈!
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Warnings: Death mentions, threatening, knife usage, obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, unhealthy mindset, unstable individuals, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!
Watching Randy practically drool over someone like (Y/N) felt so wrong and disgusting to Billy and Stu.
It felt even worse seeing that (Y/N) reciprocated these feelings but neither Randy or (Y/N) would admit their feelings for one another.
Billy and Stu hated this but it wasn't like there was anything they could do since they already had girlfriends.
Tatum and Sidney however, loved teasing both pining pair about each other, Tatum especially.
She'd make kissy faces at (Y/N) or start singing some stupid song kids sang about two people liking each other.
(Y/N) would always become flustered and embarrassed by this but Billy or Stu would tell Tatum to stop because she was making (Y/N) uncomfortable but it was actually because they didn't want Randy knowing that (Y/N) liked him back.
Randy's horrible attempts of flirting always made (Y/N) laugh, a sweet sound to all three boys ears but it turned sour to Billy and Stu when they remembered that Randy was the cause of it.
Soon they put the starting phase of their plan into action and killed Casey and Steve, which put everyone on edge, mainly it was meant to put Sidney on edge for the plan but both Billy and Stu wanted to change the plan to kill off Randy who had bee getting too close to (Y/N) recently.
Hell, during lunch (Y/N) asked Randy if they could stay at the video store with him then walk home together because they didn't want to be alone.
Which pissed of Billy and Stu but specifically Billy, since they could've asked the duo to walk them home but they choose stupid, stupid Randy.
So Billy and Stu decided to teach (Y/N) a lesson about liking people other than them.
That night
(Y/N) was flicking through tv channels looking for a good movie but the only thing on was stories about the two murders.
It made (Y/N) feel sick, so they turned off the tv.
As they got up to get themselves a small snack, the phone began ringing.
"Hello? Who's this?" (Y/N) carelessly answered.
"Do you like scary movies?" a deep voice asked for the other side of the line.
"Wow Randy. Way to give yourself away. But you already know this, I prefer action and romance movies." They answered.
"oh really now?" The other person spoke.
"That deep thingy you're doing with your voice is pretty hot Randy but I'm kind of hurt that you can't remember my favourite movie genres." (Y/N) admitted.
"What if I told you that this isn't Randy?" The other person questioned.
"Liar. You're so Randy. Stop trying to cover your tracks. But this prank call thingy you're trying is adorable. Is this another way for you to try to talk me more?" (Y/N) joked around.
"Like I said before, I'm not Randy " The other person repeated.
"Alright asshole. Then who the hell are you?" (Y/N) quizzed.
"Your future boyfriend" The other answered.
"Then you are Randy. Because Randy is the only person I like." (Y/N) replied with a dreamy sigh.
(Y/N) then realized that this definitely wasn't Randy and hung up.
The phone began ringing again but (Y/N) ignored it and went to bed, not wanting to deal with any prank callers.
With Billy and Stu
"Fuck! They're not picking up!" Billy swore.
"Then why don't we pay them a little visit?" Stu suggested with a malicious grin.
Billy smirked and they both slipped on their costumes before sneaking over to (Y/N)'s house.
They saw her peacefully sleeping and were almost tempted to leave her be but wanted to go through with the plan.
Billy entered the room and began stroking (Y/N) cheek with his knife before firmly placing it on their neck but not harshly enough to make them bleed.
Stu was outside taking pictures of the whole ordeal, thinking it would be fun to look at later.
Billy pinched (Y/N)’s cheek hard enough for them to wake up to a knife being held to their throat.
"Scream and you'll fucking die. Understood?" Billy threatened, using the voice changer.
"yes" (Y/N) quietly croaked out.
"I'm only gonna say this once. stay away from Randy Newman. Or that little bitch is gonna be next on the chopping block." He told his trembling victim.
"Okay" (Y/N) whispered as they heavily trembled.
Eventually they passed out from stress and panic, which made it easy for Billy's escape.
Days passed and (Y/N) distanced themselves from Randy.
Billy and Stu had never been so proud of themselves.
Maybe they didn't always have to kill people too close to (Y/N) because it seemed that a little threatening with a knife worked just fine.
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arson4kids · 6 months
♡ Ellie hc's ♡
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WARNINGS - SFW + NSFW. I'll keep the NSFW at the bottom just in case <3
WC - about 770
a/n - I don't really post shit like this on tumblr so sorry in advance lmao. Not 100% proof read so please excuse any typos.
♡ She's 100% the type to run up the stairs after turning the light off. She's convinced there's gonna be something down there. She'd look at you all like "Holy shit did you see that??" ♡ Unhealthy attachment to dinosaurs. She's bored? She's reading about dinosaurs. She has a final project due? She's making it about dinosaurs. Needs something to talk about? She's gonna start off a conversation with "Did you know that one dinosaur.." ♡ Super cuddly with you. She claims she can't sleep unless she has an arm around you or her head on your chest. ♡ Speaking of sleeping, she sleeps in ungodly sleeping positions. Like, these positions weren't known to man until she somehow discovered it. She's sleeping at an 90° angle with one leg over you and somehow she's fine in the morning?? ♡ Longest fucking playlist. This girl has 500+ songs in one playlist. While she denies it, she can sing half of them effortlessly because she's memorized the lyrics. "Can you sing this one??" "What? No, that's fucking weird." (of course she can.) ♡ Cat person. She likes dogs and all, but they're...too much for her. Cats match her energy. She can be drawing and playing guitar without having to worry about her pet tearing up her room. ♡ She spends hours learning songs on the guitar just because you brought up liking a song in passing to her. "The guitar in this song is so catchy. I can't get it out of my head." She'd just hum like she didn't really care, when in reality, she was already planning out where to find the tabs online and how long it'd take her to learn it. She'd surprise you with it weeks later and when you'd ask where she learnt it she'd just shrug. ♡ She sleeps in the most random places. If she's tired, she's gonna crash wherever she can. The couch. Your room. The hayloft in the barn. You name it, she's probably slept there at least once.
♡-> NSFW HC's <-♡ ♡ She loves your tits. She's always staring at them. Whenever you guys are out, she finds a way to sneak in a glance at them. ♡ She wants to be a dom, but sometimes she gets nervous and chokes. What if she's doing it wrong? What if she's hurting you? You have to give her a pep talk before she does anything. ♡ Loves eating you out. She does it like her life depends on it. She loves it so much to the point where she's begging you just to get a taste. ♡ Likes to take her time with you. Slow is the only way to go in her mind. If you protest or whine, she leaves and tells you to figure it out by yourself. "Ellie, that's not fucking fair. You can't just leave." "You've got two hands of your own. Figure it out." ♡ She's always smacking your ass. Out in public? She's finding a way to smack your ass at some point. And this isn't just a friendly thing either. This is the full goddamn wind up. ♡ She has a strap and it's 100% pink. I don't make the rules, sorry. ♡ If you've bent down to reach something, she's behind you holding your hips and fake fucking you. This girl has no shame. ♡ If she's mad at you, she's mocking your moans. She doesn't care how much it may upset or embarrass you. ♡ She loves to prove you wrong. "It won't fit." "Don't worry baby, I'll make it fit." ♡ She doesn't care where you two are. She'll fuck you in the back of her car if she has to. ♡ She won't admit it, but she loves the way you ride her strap. It makes her weak as hell watching you. ♡ Speaking of, as much as she loves it when you ride her, she never knows where to put her hands. On your ass? On your hips? Maybe your tits? Because of this she ends up awkwardly leaving them at her sides or clasping them in front of her like it's some sort of important meeting. ♡ AMAZING aftercare. This girl doesn't let you move a muscle. She's cleaning you up, getting you dressed, spooning you, anything to make you feel better and help you relax. "Are you tired? I can tuck ya in if you want." "I think six feet under is on if you want to watch some of it while you fall asleep." "Are you hungry? I'm an amazing chef y'know." "I've got popsicles in the fridge if you want one."
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ckret2 · 1 month
Ignoring the snacks and unhealthy food that Goldie usually has easier access to: Among real meals, what do his tastes lean towards? And what human alcoholic drinks are in his ranking?
Bill's favorite food is Maximum Quantity Of Flavor.
Not good flavor. His tastebuds are not programmed to register "good."
There's a reason humans think lots of things taste bad, and it's because when we are babies we'll stick anything in our mouths because we don't know better, so we had to evolve a "yuck gross" instinct to keep non-foods out of our mouths and good foods in our mouths. As they grow older, tiny humans keep getting handed iffy-tasting but safe food by bigger humans, and they can thus gradually develop a taste for things they originally found gross.
Bill? Is not a human baby. Bill has been watching the human race ever since the human race was intelligent enough to draw his face on things—so, about half a million years. Bill know what foods are and aren't edible for humans. Bill understands human nutrition better than humans do. Bill knew about the health consequences of mold spores and bacteria for hundreds of thousands of years before humans were bandying about nonsense like spontaneous generation and miasma theory.
If Bill sticks something unhealthy or inedible in his mouth, it's not because he's ignorant of the health consequences; it's because he knows damn well that he shouldn't eat it, but has decided he wants it in his mouth anyway for his own reason.
So the Axolotl didn't give his body the "yuck gross" instinct. He doesn't need it. He's an adult triangle and if he wants to stick a rotten hot dog in his mouth that's his own personal business.
As a consequence of that, he's not wired to appreciate goodness of flavor combinations, just quantity of flavor. So his personal measure of "good" flavor is the strength and variety of flavor.
So you could just. Give him the hottest pepper, plus frosting and sprinkles to dip it in, and he'd be fucking delighted. Mabel got him hooked on sprinkles.
You know that scene in ratatouille where the rat bites two foods at once and the flavors harmonize perfectly even though they're completely different and he has synesthesia fireworks over how beautiful these flavors are together? Bill's looking for the opposite of that. The goal with his food is to make the most powerfully clashy food combos imaginable, not "surprisingly complimentary" combos.
Remember the condiment soup abomination in chapter 11? He didn't do that out of ignorance; he very successfully created food that's good by his own standards: maximum quantity of flavor. What are condiments except highly concentrated liquid Flavor, meant to be poured on other foods to give them extra taste? Just pour in 5 or 6 condiments that are as different as possible, then throw in some additional protein or grain to add some of those nutrients human bodies need.
So, that's what he likes. Dishes with extremely strong flavors or extremely varied flavors. Ideally, both. So if you wanna treat him? Either go for cuisines that go heavy on the spices; or get some high end, extremely strong condiments and something nice to put them on. He CAN appreciate expensive fancy food (by virtue of the fact he knows that it's expensive & fancy), but it's gotta have that extra flavor.
In other words, he's that guy who talks about 1,000,000-Scoville hot sauces the way wine snobs talk about wines.
AND SPEAKING OF ALCOHOL (see that clever segue i did there)
In general, in a human body, his taste preferences are gonna be the same with drinks. STRONG flavors, CONTRASTING/CLASHING flavors. He'd drink booze so strong it tastes like paint thinner because it tastes like paint thinner. He'd drink straight absinthe for the licorice taste. He'd go for the absurdly sweet drinks, absurdly sour drinks, and drinks mixed with waaaay too much bitters. He could drink perfume and enjoy it.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Hazbin hotel stardew valley AU?
Charlie is probably the mayor and does the events/ birthdays
Alastors route definitely has it revealed he's killing newcomers to the valley and eats them hence why there is a limited number of people.
I have no idea if nifty would be one of the children or one of the various creatures XD
Would vaggies ex angel arc translate in her previously working for Joja mart??
-🧵🧶 oldie
Good evening dearest 🧵🧶 Oldie! It's a pleasure to have you in my inbox again! HAZBIN HOTEL STARDEW VALLEY AU DHSHDH THERE'S SO MORE POTENTIAL HERE, (mild Stardew valley spoilers ahead!) (I haven't played the new update yet so no idea if there's new lore)
Vaggie being from Joja mart is hilarious, because that implies that Adam could be Morris, Sera and Emily in a Joja mart uniform is SO CURSED I LOVE IT, Lute's the secretary that doesn't get paid enough but is very supportive of her Boss, I'm gonna come back to this.
Charlie would be such a good mayor! Far better then Lewis {I have beef with him, MARNIE DESERVES BETTER even if she's never home} she's a newly elected Mayor after the old one, uh went missing,
she actively wants to rebuild the community center, like she'll rally up the town folk to clean up the town, they clean up the beaches in a musical number, she wants more folks to move to their lovely little town, Vaggie was originally sent to Stardew Valley {Hazbin valley? What would pelican town be? Hazbin town? Hell town??} To begin the Joja mart propaganda but Charlie being the friendly sweetheart she was managed to accidentally seduce her and that was history, she went back to headquarters and she quit, blue wasn't her color anyways
OR Lute came to check up on her and literally tore the Joja mart jacket off of her like she did her wings, like
"you don't deserve to be part of Joja."
"Lute, Wait!-"
"Fuck! My jacket!"
Maybe she gets hit with a Joja cola can and that's how she loses her eye in this AU.
Husk is probably Gus, (Husk, Gus IT RHYMES IT'S FATE) and Shane, mixed together, The saloon sells beer and food, (I'm a huskerdust supporter so gonna play into that here) Angel and him run it together, there's a separate area that's more of the club vibe whilst the main bit of the saloon is the Bar, past the club there's a small casino.
Angel dust doesn't know how he went from being a big shot crime guy and unholy videos star in the city to hiding out in this small town, (he does, Molly and Niss are there too, they got moved for protection.) (I LOVE MOLLY SO MUCH, WE NEED TO SEE HER PLEA-)
He didn't like it much at first, but he got used to this little town and The old saloon owner, and well, after a couple'a years they got hitched!
Y'all know Kent? He's getting replaced with Cherri bomb because he sends bombs in the mail, I love the man and appreciate the bombs they help when I'm speedrunning the mines, Sir Pentious is Jodi and the Egg boys are their children, Sir Pentious also runs some type of hardware store or something to do with inventing.
Alastor lives on the cusp of town, not too far away like the wizard (Or in this case Zestial, because old people, Carmilla and her daughters live near by, they moved to get away from the big city but Carmilla makes the long commute to the city every other day, or maybe Lucifer is the wizard and Lilith the witch?? But I don't think they're divorced, maybe He's the governor of the valley,
Alastor runs something, no one exactly knows what, Husk made a deal with him in order to keep the Saloon after his original casino got taken away, and that's kept him afloat, he provides Alastor with free food and drink.
Niffty kinda showed up one day and works with him now, No one knows where she came from not even Alastor, she probably came from the Witch's swamp
They're drinkin' buddies, they still have that unhealthy dynamic, one has power over the other dynamic but less so, like souls aren't involved.
The Vee's are more in the city but Vox takes a trip evey other week to sit outside Alastor's house and plead.
He ends up drinking at Husk's but that's not important, Rosie manages the next town over and she visits Alastor often, Mimzy is a character that randomly appears and disappears at random, she probably gives you stuff if she likes you.
Building off the Alastor murking the new folks, I think He's picky on who he lets in, because that's HIS town, If one was to behave.... Foolish they're as good as dead, because they will be dead, but if one is a respectable fella then come on in!
If Adam takes the place of Morris he comes on in, Joja cola in hand, decked out in Joja merchandise, Vaggie failed so he was there now, Emily tags along because she wants to visit her cousin, Charlie.
Marriageable characters that I got so far are
Molly, Angel dust's twin, we don't know much about her but from the wiki she's very cheerful so I imagine she's in the middle of the wooing scale, not to hard but not too easy to woo, I feel like you can get up to five hearts with her quickly but after that it's harder, But once you give her a bouquet and interact with Angel afterwards you'll get a cut scene of him telling you Good luck, because he's not gonna do much threatening but his and Molly's brother will.
Arackniss, I imagine he's like Shane, very closed off, you are going to have to WORK for his guy to like you, slow burn.
Lute, Good luck, I repeat good luck, No one here is gonna be easy to woo, she's gonna be guarded off she is NOT going to end up like Vaggie, stuck here in a small town that barely anyone knows!
Adam, Why, WHY, I'm assuming your doing the Joja route because that's the only way, It's a surefire way to keep him from leaving the valley after you shut down Joja.
Emily, She's the easiest to woo out of everyone, be a sweetheart to her and she'll return the favor, she will not tolerate you insulting anyone though so be careful in your dialogue choices with her.
Alastor, he's the type that'll take forever to woo, like good luck your gonna need the wikipedia pulled up and everything, not to mention with the his route reveals his murdery ways you're gonna have to be okay with that, If not you'll be joining the choir of dead folks, maybe if he really likes you, you'll get off lightly with a visit to the witch and get your memories wiped.
You don't know if Alastor is a marriage candidate until LATER LATER ON, like it takes hearts with multiple folks (Like Rosie) cut scenes etc etc.
No one replaces Krobus in this AU, he is perfect.
Susan is George, No idea who Evelyn is (I LOVE EVELYN) But Susan is George, she technically doesn't live in pelican town (???) but she visits because she's buddies with Angel dust.
You can build hearts with her and she'll send you letters and give you stuff while insulting you.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Jane was pretty pissed off when her fat, useless, lazy brother Morgan begged her to let him move in with her.
Mom and Dad had thrown him out again for his useless attitude and he had nowhere else to go.
Jane had always been soft and she agreed he could stay, even though she knew it would really piss off her husband Jason.
Jason was the only earner in the home. He was a successful business man and Jane had always wanted to be a stay at home wife and had nagged him into agreeing.
Jane told Morgan he could take the spare room and as predicted Jason exploded when he found out. After all now he had to support three people on his salary.
"That fucking useless brother of yours better be gone in a week. He's a parasite... a drain on society. I want him GONE. It's bad enough that you just sit around here living off me - but I refuse to support him too."
But two weeks later and Morgan was still there. Jason was becoming increasingly bad tempered and Jane begged her brother to do something.
"At least... get a job. There are medical trials in the paper... they pay well. Please do something to get Jason off my back."
Morgan sighed and wearily agreed to sign up to a well paid medical trial. He signed up over the phone and a few days later a bottle of pink pills turned up at the house.
Morgan had to take one pill a day and record the effects. The trial was well paid and Jack was satisfied when Morgan paid off some of the food bills he'd been running up.
"I still want that loser gone," he muttered - "but at least whilst we are stuck with him, he's earning his keep at last."
The first change that Jane noticed about Morgan was the dramatic weight-loss. The pink pills seemed to have an immediate effect on his metabolism and within two days there was a noticeable difference.
Not only did weight start to slough off him, but he became more active. He began to rise earlier and even eat less. His body began to get slimmer and slimmer and a sudden interest in exercise only seemed to speed up the transformation.
The second thing she noticed was the effect on his health. Morgan's pale unhealthy skin began to take on a healthy glow and his acne cleared up. His lank, greasy hair seemed to thicken and become glossier. It grew at an astonishing rate and within a few days it had reached his shoulders. Blonde streaks now showed at the roots.
Surprisingly the three day old stubble he normally sported on his chin went completely. At first Jane thought he must be shaving it off - but after watching him for a few days - she realised it was just... gone.
Morgan was delighted with the changes... the pink pills were giving him a new lease of life and he was delighted when another bottle arrived and he was told to increase his dose to two pills a day.
His clothes barely fit him and so it was hard to tell under his baggy t-shirts and loose sweat pants - but there was something distrubing about his body shape.
The more Jane looked at her brother - the more she worried about the effect of the pills. His features seemed smoother, his skin silkier. His body hair seemed to have completely fallen out and there were curves to his hips and chest that she was sure didn't use to be there.
Her suspicions were confirmed one day when she came home to find Morgan in her gym clothes.
Jane's grey tracky bottoms fit his increased ass and wider hips perfectly and her gym top showed off his toned arms and abs. The plunging neckline of the top also revealed a growing well of cleavage.
Morgan's hair was now a dirty blonde colour half way down to his lower back and he seemed to have shrunk in height and mass. When Jane looked at him she saw a girl who looked a lot like her... only in some ways prettier.
"Morgan... those pills. You gotta stop taking them and you gotta get help. They're feminising you!"
Morgan shrugged, "Why would I do that? I've never felt better."
The door opened and Jason walked in. He did a double take as he saw Morgan.
"M... Morgan is that you? Holy shit, what the fuck have those pills done to you? How is this possible?"
Morgan giggled... he actually giggled and Jane suddenly noticed his voice was much lighter in pitch and tone. It sounded... feminine.
"I don't know but I'd say it's an improvement wouldn't you?"
Jane suddenly realised that Jason was looking at Morgan in a way he never had before. Approvingly. His hungry eyes were roaming up and down her brothers body. She felt a flood of jealousy and annoyance. Her brother had to go.
"Jason, he's still a useless freebooting loser. You were right. We should have kicked him out weeks ago. Pack your stuff Morgan."
"Wait!" cried Morgan in horror. "Please... I know I've been useless but thanks to these pills I'm changing. I can make everything up to you both."
"I'm not interested Morgan," Jane spat. "Jason and I want you out of this house!"
Morgan looked at Jason. His face took on a pleading expression. Soft pink lips twisted into a pout, big dark eyes fluttered enticingly. "IS that what you still want Jason?"
"No... wait... lets not be hasty," muttered Jason turning to look at Jane. "We can't just kick her out - not like this."
"Her?" asked Jane incredulously.
"Did I say that?" he scowled. "You know what I mean. Him I mean. We can't just throw him out... not like this."
They began to argue. Jane couldn't believe Jason had changed his mind. Morgan just stood looking at them, biting his lip like a naughty schoolgirl waiting to hear his fate.
"Fuck this... we'll make a decision later tonight," scowled Jason. "We need to calm down and think this over. I'm going to my office."
He turned and marched out and as Jane glared at Morgan and stormed up to her bedroom.
Jane cried in her room for a few minutes. She expected Jason to come apologise, but when he didn't she decided she would go speak to him in his office.
Walking down the landing, she heard voices and pausing she listened at the door.
"Thank you for supporting me Jason, I can't believe my own sister has turned on me. I need you to protect me," came Morgan's voice.
"I already have a wife to look after, why should I look after you too?" snarled Jason's voice.
"Because Jason - you pay for this house and everything in it, but you don't get anything in return from her. No wonder you feel so angry. Your freeloading wife brings her freeloading brother here. She never gives you any attention and she just takes advantage of you. A guy like you deserves more. I'll find a way to give it to you if you let me stay. What do you want from me?"
"I... I just want you to make yourself useful. Stop being such a useless layabout and find a purpose in life. Those pills have made you fit and hot, you should use that to your advantage."
"Yes..." smiled Morgan. "Whatever you want."
Peering in through the crack in the door - Jane watched her feminised brother sinking to his knees in front of Jason.
"Wh... what the fuck are you doing?" he stammered as Morgan reached out and unzipped his fly.
"Making myself useful..."
Jason groaned as his dick sprang out. Jane's heart was beating and she thought she was going to scream as she watched her brother begin to pump her husbands dick.
"Don't you like this? I'm finally using my new body to my advantage."
Jane watched as Morgan leant down to her husbands stiffening dick and without any hesitation slid it into his mouth.
"Mmmppphhhhhh, *glug*"
Jason groaned in pleasure and his manly hands slid onto Morgan's blonde head and began to pump his head up and down on his rock hard cock.
"Yessssss suck my cock you little fucking slut. Fucking take it."
Saliva oozed out of the corner of Morgan's mouth and there were tears in the corner his eyes as he gagged and choked on dick. Glugging and moaning, his head bobbed up and down as he took the cock like a pro.
Jason was in heaven. Jane had never seen her husband so turned on. When she had sucked Jason's cock - it was nothing like this. It lacked this primal sexual energy.
"That's it you little fucking slut - you're my bitch now," groaned Jason in delight. "Keep making yourself useful and you can stay as long as you like. Ahhhhh I'm gonna fucking cum, take it all you slut."
Morgan's eyes widened and Jason's balls throbbed as he gasped and began to unload into his brother-in-laws mouth.
"Fucckkkkk if only your sister could suck cock like that," grinned Jason. "You're already better than her at that."
Morgan giggled, cum still leaking from the corner of his mouth. He swallowed happily.
"I was born to be a girl. Let me stay and I'll become better than her at EVERYTHING. I promise Daddy."
Jason shivered in delight. "Yesssss make yourself into my slut and you can stay as long as you like."
"Mmmmh, let me wash those pink pills down with your cum. I want this so badly."
Seeing the rapture in their faces Jane didn't know what to do. She should have burst inside raging almost ten minutes ago, but for some reason she had just stood and watched.
Worse... her pussy was wet and there was something kind of hot about watching her brother replace her.
Was she... enjoying this?
She went back to her room and fingered herself to orgasm as she cried. This was fucked up.
Over the next week Morgan changed further. He had increased his dosage of the pink pills - but he also now embraced the transformation.
Jason stopped sleeping with Jane. Each night he would make some pathetic excuse so he and Morgan could be alone. Each night Jane would secretly watch as Morgan sucked Jason's cock and then she would get off to it.
One night as she watched, Morgan didn't sink to his knees as was usual. Instead he bent over the desk and flicked up his tiny skirt.
His tiny cock was caged in pink plastic and he spread his perfect tight asshole enticingly. In moments Jason was inside him, and the two of them moaned in joined pleasure as Morgan got fucked deep and hard.
Jason had truly made Morgan into his bitch.
Jane woke up one morning to hear banging next door in Morgan's room. She watched as he hauled out his old oversized clothes and replaced them with new female clothes.
She saw to her horror that Morgan had their credit card. Jason had obviously given it to her and he was now watching approvingly as his new slut filled her wardrobe with boots, miniskirts and crop tops.
The pills had almost finished their work now. Morgan's hair was now a bitchy blonde, his breasts were full and perfectly formed - every curve of his body was feminine perfection.
You would only have known he was a man because of the tiny micro-dick in those pretty panties.
And the fact that Morgan was a better woman and more attractive than Jane now just made her horny.
The couple had obviously realised she knew what was happening and once Jason knew that Jane wasn't going to object it was only a matter of time.
One morning at breakfast - Jason ordered Morgan to flip up his skirt. Moments later he was busy fucking the shit out of him whilst Jane watched helplessly.
"Your brother is finally of some use. He's my fuck-slut now," growled Jason as Morgan moaned and played with his tits as his Daddy fucked him in the ass.
"Mmmmmhhh too bad loser," giggled Morgan to Jane. "Your husband is mine now and I'm his obedient little whore."
The pink pills had turned her brother into a homewrecking bitch. Jane hated and worshipped her new sister in equal measure. She had discovered that nothing made her cum harder than watching her husband cheat on her.
It became natural to defer to Morgan. Her new sister began to become bossy and dominant in the home. Dressed in the most stylish outfits and looking like a Goddess - Morgan forced Jane to lick her boots and even eat Jason's cum out of her ass.
"Your useless lazy brother is gone," smirked Morgan as she played with her long blonde hair. "I'm your bitch of a sister now."
Jane was forced to watch as Jason moved Morgan into their master bedroom. Night after night she'd listen to them fuck next door - the pounding thuds and screams of ecstasy powering her own pleasure as she finger fucked her needy pussy.
She knew Jason would never fuck her again. She knew she was now a cuckquean and like some perverted bitch liked it. She knew she wasn't worthy to lick Morgan's boots.
Her sister had moved in - and there was no getting rid of her ever again...
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ninyard · 1 month
Kevin for the headcanon game!!
these have been in my inbox for a few days but I've been too busy with other stuff to sit down n write em so im sorry im only getting around to doing them now <33 also these are so stupid so take em with a pinch of salt but... yes
realistic headcanon: until he's rehabilitated from his injury, and able to use his left hand properly again, he refuses to handwrite things unless he absolutely has to. I think he has really nice handwriting with his left hand, but he got really self conscious of using his right hand because it looked like a toddlers handwriting. He got better at it the more he practiced, but it was still never as nice or legible as the writing he'd do with his left hand. If for any reason he had to write something down, he'd ask Andrew to do it or he'd type it out if he could
may not be realistic it is hilarious: he has a really weak stomach. like he even thinks about something gross and hes already gagging. he's particularly sensitive to smells tho. sometimes he'll wait to shower after games/practice just to make sure his teammates have showered before him because the smell of their BO after a particularly long and sweaty game makes him want to vomit. sometimes somebody will be cooking an Absolutely Normal and Seasoned Meal that he hasn't smelt/eaten before and he'll walk in with his hoodie over his nose like 'what the fuck is that smell' and they're all like ??? it's just fish ?????
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: kevin is not actually that much of a strict asshole when it comes to his diet. it LOOKS like he is, but he avoids sweets because he has awful self control and will binge on snacks until he gets sick if he starts. everyone thinks he's particular about his diet because of the ravens and yeah its true in a way but he was deprived of sweet things for so long that he has to keep himself away from them. we all know hes a bit of a disordered eating king and he's not unhealthy about it necessarily, but he has to keep himself away from snacks. because he WILL eat an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting if he lets himself. and then regret it terribly afterwards
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: he smokes cigarettes or vapes when hes drunk. im so sorry but he is simply the Type.
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