#they're switch ( Top and bottom. bottom and Top)
dullgecko · 2 days
i think that riz often just sits in his wardrobe when he gets stressed/overstimulated because he likes small spaces
he has some fairy lights and like one of those dim reading lamps and comfy blankets and pillows and he just sits under the clothes, and often fabian will come and sit and talk to him through the door with his back against it. he knows not to open the door unless riz says because one time he did and it was too bright for riz and he freaked out and scratched him then pulled it closed
Rizs rogue exams aren't anything like the assessments his other friends do for their specialised classes. Hells, his rogue /classes/ aren't like their classes. All their school work is dolled out via cyphers and hidden clues and dead drops of information packets that need to be checked for traps before they're opened.
Given that their normal everyday classwork is that intense their exams are on an entire different level. Riz had spent an entire week "studying" for his exams, on top of the more mundane subjects they also taught at Aguefort, and had only /just/ managed to put the clues together to find out WHERE his rogue exams were taking place before he had to race off to the exam location.
He'd ended up having to ditch his friends that night, everyone else getting together for post-exam celebrations and icecream, in order to book it across town to the stadium. The goal of the exam was searching through the crowd at a massive concert to find their correct contact among a sea of fakes, get the information they needed, and get out without being spotted.
The rogue had already been exhausted before he got there but had to push himself hard to complete his mission. He did it, of course, dodging the fakes among the blaring music and flashing lights and sending a photo of his exam sheet to the proper email inbox before heading home. It was too much for him though, the bus ride home nearly sending him into a meltdown before he even got back to his apartment.
He'd never been super good with concerts, hell he didn't go to any other than Fig and Gorgugs, but at least his friends were smart enough not to use rapidly strobe-ing lighting effects in their shows. Without his light filtering glasses he might not have been able to push through long enough to finish his exam and get home. The rogue collapsing face down on his couch the instant he got home and covering his head with a pillow.
It didn't help that there were several other Aguefort students in the building either, Rizs sensitive hearing able to pick up on the loud music two floors down from their post exam celebrations that was clearly audible due to the shitty soundproofing.
It was at that point that Riz gave up, dragging himself to his room and shucking his vest and button up so he was left with just his soft undershirt. Lights getting flicked off in his room as he clambered into the small space in the bottom corner of his closet and slammed the door behind him. The blankets and clothes he'd stuffed inside doing a good job of blocking out the extra noise as he tried to decompress.
He stayed hunkered down there for a while, how long he wasn't sure but evidently long enough that his friends were sure he was done with his exam. Crystal buzzing with notifications from the group chat as they tried to see how he went.
He didn't answer with words, just sending through a series of photos he'd taken of the concert before turning the camera on himself and switching to video call mode. The closet was dark though so all they could see was his glowing eyes as his crystal screen reflected off them. His own screen getting dimmed as far down as it could go without turning off as his friends accepted the call.
Initially it was a mosaic of five different faces and camera angles of a booth in Basrars, then there was a little scuffling before it was trimmed down to just Figs. The archdevil propping her phone up in the booth where Riz would usually sit.
"Dude hi! You all finished with your rogue stuff?" Fig beamed, getting squished a bit by Kristen and Gorgug as they both tried to squeeze into the camera frame with her.
"Cool. You passed?"
"Yeah. It was a close thing though."
"But you still aced it right?"
"Yeah." Riz reached behind himself to click on the dim light he kept in the cupboard, propping his phone up on his briefcase which he'd dragged into the closet with him so he could sit up and be properly in the camera view. He was sure he looked haggard after the week of assessments and he couldn't muster the energy to lift his ears out of their tired droop.
"I'm not going to come out tonight sorry. I don't think I could... deal..."
"Oof. One of those nights huh?" Fig made a sympathetic expression at the camera when Riz nodded and rubbed his hands over his face.
Honestly they were lucky he was even verbal at this point but he thought they at least deserved an apology. They'd been gushing about their plans for tonight all week and Basrars had only been the first stop.
"We don't have to go out tonight if you're not feeling it. We can reschedule." Fig picked up the phone and held it so she was the only person in view. Shushing her other team-mates as they tried to pipe in to the conversation.
"Don't... don't cancel on my account it's fine. Just take photos and stuff." Riz sighed, leaning back against the wall and bringing his legs up so he could hug his knees. "I'll feel bad if you cancel."
"Okay. Let us know when you're feeling up to hanging out okay? Got the WHOLE weekend to fill." She blew the camera a kiss, Riz sure she'd just tried to give him bardic over the call, before disconnecting.
The goblin sighed, slapping the light switch to put himself back into comfortable darkness again. Eventually, when he got bored of sitting and doing nothing, he pulled his arcubus out of his bag and started disassembling it to clean and do maintenance. Not even bothering to turn the light back on since he could still see just fine with his dark vision.
He was halfway through cleaning some of the internal components when he heard his front door being unlocked. The sound of several pairs of feet entering his apartment before one broke away and entered his room. Two soft knocks on the closet door announcing their presence properly before they all left, the front door getting shut and locked behind them.
Riz cocked his head to the side and listened for a few minutes after they left, opening the closet door to see what all the fuss had been about. The goblin smiling when he spotted a milkshake in a takeaway cup left just outside his hiding spot, grabbing it and dragging it inside before shutting the door again.
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n30draws · 1 year
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top Fizz agenda 😔✊
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
Sanuso incorrect quotes!!
(some are slightly suggestive)
Sanji: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this... Usopp: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card? Sanji: Oh damn-
Sanji: Just be careful, Usopp! Usopp: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Sanji! Usopp: It's everything around me that's careless.
Usopp: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Sanji: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to make breakfast. Usopp: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Usopp: I fell— Sanji: From heaven? Usopp: No, I literally fell— Sanji: In love with me the moment you saw me? Usopp: MY ARM IS BROKEN! Sanji: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Usopp: Okay, but if you're not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend? Sanji: Dude- It's satire! Usopp: THAT'S NOT WHAT SATIRE MEANS!
Usopp: We both look very handsome tonight. Sanji: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you." Usopp: I couldn't take that chance.
Usopp: Hey, wanna take a shower with me? Sanji: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shoot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Usopp: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you? Sanji: …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out on bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Sanji: Is something burning? Usopp, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Sanji: Usopp, the toaster is literally on fire.
*Usopp comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Sanji’s bedroom.* Sanji: Mon trésor, are you.. coming to bed? Usopp: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend. Usopp: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep* Sanji: ...
Sanji: The stars are so beautiful... Usopp: They're just giant balls of gas. Sanji: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Usopp: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Sanji: Oh...
Sanji: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration* Usopp: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table? Sanji: I— Sanji: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Sanji: When we started dating, you know what Usopp often said to me? Nami: Please stop flirting with other people?
Usopp: So, what’s Sanji's type? Nami: Brown eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humor, turtle lover. Usopp: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends. Nami: Did I mention oblivious? Usopp: Yeah, why? Nami: Okay, just making sure.
Zoro: Hey, what’s up? Usopp: The sky. Zoro: No, I meant like, what are you doing? Usopp: Oh, Sanji. Sanji: *highfives Usopp* Nice one, mon amour.
Robin: Wow, you and Usopp are home early from the movies. What happened? Sanji: We got kicked out because Usopp wouldn't stop yelling diving scores as people jumped off the titanic. Usopp: That last guy had a solid 8, I'm telling you!
Nami: I like your top, Sanji! Usopp: I have a name, you know. Sanji: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
Nami: Who do we know that has handcuffs? Usopp: Well Sanji and I- Sanji: *elbows Usopp* Usopp: ...wouldn't know.
Sanji: sapnu puaS. Nami: What?? Usopp: What language is that. Sanji: Turn your phone 180 degrees <3 *Sanji was removed from the groupchat*
Usopp: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things. Sanji, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too. Chopper: Wow, Usopp was late too! What a coincidence!
Usopp: Where are you going? Sanji: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Usopp: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Zoro and Nami, knowing full well that Usopp got Sanji an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Sanji, holding a rock: Usopp just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock". Nami: If you don't marry him, I will.
Zoro: So, are you two dating now? Sanji & Usopp: Yes. Zoro: Why? Sanji: I happen to find Usopp very appealing. Zoro: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Usopp.
Usopp: *yawns* Sanji: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Usopp: Then you must be exhuasted. Nami: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely and have their girlfriends very far away.
Usopp: Come on, Nami. Nobody actually believes that Sanji is in love with me. Nami, to The Crew: Raise your hand if you think that Sanji is helplessly in love with Usopp. *Everyone raises their hand* Usopp: Sanji, put your hand down.
Usopp: Sanji annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what they have planned for our special day tomorrow. Nami: There is nothing special about tomorrow. Usopp: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
Usopp: This food is too hot... I can't eat it. Sanji: You’re very hot, and I still eat you. Everyone at the table: *silence* Nami: YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING! Zoro: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
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purplink8 · 2 months
Top/Bottom discourse is HILARIOUS to me because I literally do not care lol. I'm always like: both? both? both is good. (read: they're switches)
THAT being said, Light Yagami is a pillow princess, sorry, I don't make the rules.
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sympatheticrecovery · 11 months
anyways stop saying mauga topped baptiste or worrying about his h***, my man baptiste is vers and you know mauga was the freakiest nastiest w.a.p power bottom
(also since he's part of this wild ass throuple lifeweaver is vers but fem top leaning thank you❤️)
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dykeomania · 2 years
dina straps ellie the fuck down argue with the goddamn wall
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loveryss · 2 years
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I was inspired to show off Safiya’s new outfits after seeing @pixelshary’s lookbook ☀️
outfit 2: top (high school) | pants | shoes (outdoor retreat) | bracelets (werewolves) outfit 1: dress (werewolves) | leggings (bg) | shoes (eco living) outfit 3: top | pants | shoes | necklace (werewolves) outfit 4: dress (paranormal) | shoes | hat
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starrynightarchive · 5 months
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this girl is shipping her coworkers and writing hardcore smut fics in her head. i am genuinely speechless
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wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
Regulus would Pavlov James, end of question. I think James would do it back, but just a slip of Reg's collar exposing his shoulder, or craning his neck to the side to expose his neck? Jams is already at his beck and call, flipping his switch.
James would probably be certain phrases and holding Reg's chin. Reg being Pavloved into either melting or pushing full brat, depending on his mood.
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sassysnowperson · 2 years
I finished A Court of Fae and Flowers and (chefkiss) wonderful experience!
What's sticking with me, what my Gremlin Brain is still happily chewing on, is BINX and Andhera. Like…it's Ace Love like I haven't seen. 
It's not Oh I Can't Actually Have Sex, and it's not Yes I Love You Despite This or even I Am Also Ace. Those reps range from vaguely insulting but at least it's something to lovely and tear inducing but this…this is not at all that.
It's them looking at each other and deciding - you are HOME with me it's I will help you get FREE it's you have my FEALTY it's you CAN'T DIE your enemies are my enemies and your friends are mine and I want to show you new things and I will comfort every fear for as long as you live it's I will hold up a mirror and reflect your strength and your beauty and they're both all of it!!!! It's king and lionheart but they're both kings and they're both knights and the loyalty flows both ways! 
It's this overwhelming, whole hearted devotion, and sex is just…not particularly important to the whole thing. It's the ace rep I didn't even know I was looking for, but here it is - there are so many threads that tie us and we're tangling up more all the time, and why would we spend time focusing the story on lack of sex, when there is ALL THIS RICHNESS AND LIFE TO EXPLORE!
It's very good for me.
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Let. Logan. Fuck. Men.
Let. Logan. Get. Fucked. BY. Men!!!!!!!
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catrawoods · 2 years
When Rick ( My Oc ) was in Sing 2
Rick, Punches Jimmy crystal: That's For Running away Form The Love Of My Life!
Jimmy: who- who the?!
Marcus: He's talking about me. i am the love of your life?
Rick: I don't know why i'm still angry at ya!
Jimmy: wait a second, you guys are- * gets punched again*
Rick: And That's For Trying To Get Rid Of My Step Son And His Friends!!
Jimmy: Step Son?
Johnny: He's talking about me. UwU
Buster moon: uh... okay...
( Based On “I’m the love of your life?!” - Disney Pixar’s Coco )
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eye-cri · 6 months
Zeuma call that zoo wee mama
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niya-writesshit · 3 months
call me so i can see?
patrick x fem!reader x art (on the phone)
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TW: smut MDNI - oral (f receiving), p in v, masturbation, one bit where he slaps her- patrick is kinda a perv idk, mentions of vomit, swearing
word count: 1637
¡! ❞ a/n: au where they all go to stanford and tashi doesn't exist ig (love her js could not incorporate her!)
"show me what you're wearing, baby," art mumbled. you picked the camera up from where it was resting on your vanity and switched the view to show him your little pink skirt and grey tank top through the mirror.
"and then i think i'll wear these white panties," you hummed, flipping up your skirt to show him the lacy white underwear, turning round to show him the back. "d'you like?"
art looked almost pained on the other end, eyes dark and jaw slightly slack. "you look gorgeous," he grunted. "why does patrick get the white ones?"
you sighed and placed the phone back on the desk as you finished curling your hair. "they're his favorite."
"they're my favorite too," art whined, brows contorting in a way meant to make you feel bad for him.
"liar," you huffed. "you like the blue set," you said, shooting him a glare through the screen.
"i like all of them," art complained, raising his arm so it was balanced behind his head while he watched you get ready. "can't you guys just wait until i get home?"
you finished the last ringlet of hair, examining yourself in the mirror. "you want me to go 2 more weeks without any sex?"
"well, i don't want patrick to have you all to himself."
"you get me all to yourself all the time, don't be selfish."
"will you at least call me? i wanna see."
your lips curled into a smile at art's blatant voyeurism. "sure," you smiled. "okay, baby, i got to go. love you!"
art responded with a kiss through the air, puckering his lips and planting them on the camera, leaving the view blurry and slobbery.
"gross," you giggled, hanging up on him and heading out your dorm.
patrick was incredibly horny. in fact, he had jerked off 3 times today, once to a picture of you and another the second he saw you walk into his crowded dorm room, palming himself through his pants in desperation.
he knew that the only reason you were at this grimy college party was to fuck him - causing his dick to rise even higher as he realised your tiny little skirt and perfectly curled hair was just for him. and with art out of town, it meant he got your pretty pussy all to himself. you locked eyes with him across the room, smirking at the firm position his hand had on his crotch. you tilted your head to the door after scrunching your nose at the pool of vomit that had already been released onto the floor. patrick nodded with a crooked smile, pushing himself off the bed and making his way to the door.
patrick's eyes practically crossed with need as he watched you bend over a little to grab a beer, flashing your lacy panties - his favorite set. his breath hitched in his throat, he maneuvered his way through the sweaty throng of college students towards you.
"hey, sexy," he murmured, hand immediately gravitating towards your ass as he led you towards the door. "i like your underwear. great choice."
"all for you."
patrick internally groaned at your low, purring tone, lips latching onto your neck the second you were out in the hallway of the dorms. he led you to a familiar dorm- art's.
you let patrick slip off your skirt, watching his eyes turn pure black as he surveys your bottoms hungrily. you fumbled with his belt buckle as he ripped off your shirt, lips locking with his sloppily. your panties stayed on even when patrick's fully erect cock came springing out of his boxers. patrick's mouth travelled down your torso, nipping and sucking at your tits before moving down to your thighs.
"wait," you panted. patrick looked up at you with furrowed brows. "i told art i'd call him."
"call him later," patrick huffed, going back to attacking your thighs, marking the soft flesh with love bites.
"no, i told him i'd call him now."
patrick groaned loudly and pushed himself off the bed, searching through your discarded clothes for your phone. "here," he growled as he tossed it you. as you fumbled with the screen, tapping on art's name, patrick pulled your panties off and latched his mouth onto your cunt with fervor.
art picked up immediately, and you angled the camera so he could see patrick in between your legs, sucking and tugging on your clit, eliciting loud moans from you.
"fuck," art said lowly. patrick looked up at the phone with a deathly glare. you got the hint, moving the phone away from your face and balancing it on the side table near your head so you could see art and he could - very clearly - see the two of you.
patrick could see your face now too, and he took immense satisfaction in the way your mouth hung open and your eyes fluttered as he pleasured your pretty little pussy with his tongue. you shuddered under his mouth, reaching out to tug at his hair. his hips rutted against the bed in an attempt to ignore his own erection, because he won't even think about fucking you until you've cum on his tongue.
art watched through the phone, eyes low and burning with jealousy as he watched his favorite boy eat out his favorite girl. he clenched his jaw while he slowly pumped at his dick, saving his orgasm for when the real action started.
patrick began to suck and lick and swirl faster when he felt your legs clench around his head. "shitttt, patrick," you moaned almost pornographically, whiny and loud. "please, please, please, please," you whined, fingers tangled in his hair and head thrown back against the headboard.
you didn't even have to voice that you were finishing, because patrick knew - from the way your thighs shuddered and your cunt began to tighten around his tongue. art knew too - as he watched your eyes begin to cross and moans became louder and louder. once patrick's chin was slick with your release, tip of his nose shiny, he lined his throbbing cock up with your entrance.
you were still completely fucked-out, eyes fluttering open and closed while you panted heavily. as patrick spat on his hand and ran it painstakingly slow down his length, you glanced up at the phone, taking in art's dick, which was out in all its glory. his tip was glossy with pre-cum and he was still slowly jerking himself off. he gave you a crooked grin as he watched your eyes travel towards him. "focus on patrick, baby. he's got you all to himself today."
you nodded compliantly, shifting your gaze to the massive cock that was brushing your entry. "need it real bad, pat," you whined, rutting your hips so you could feel the tip on you.
"you're gonna get it, baby. be patient," he looked up at the phone, making eye contact with art and shaking his head. "look at our girl, art. being so needy."
art hummed in agreement as patrick reached out for a condom, making a visible (and slow) display of the way he stretched it over his cock. he teased your cunt with a finger, pushing back your folds and smiling as he examined the slick hole. "turn around," patrick commanded, watching you with low eyes as you turned onto your belly, sticking your ass up into the air and looking back at him expectantly.
"pleaseeee," you whimpered.
patrick couldn't resist, and he grabbed you by the hips to line himself up just right. with one fluid movement, he snapped his hips against your ass and plunged his cock inside you, making you moan loudly. his thrusts were deep and frantic as slapping sounds filled the air, making art practically salivate.
he felt as if he was watching porn - the way you cried out so erotically, and the intense motions of patrick's hips. your ass stuck up in the air perfectly rounded, and he was pissed at the fact he didn't have the view patrick did, positioned behind you. his hands began to quicken on his dick at the sight of your breasts bouncing up and down against the mattress as patrick relentlessly pounded into you.
as if hearing his thoughts, patrick reached out to grab the phone, flipping the camera so he could see your beautiful cunt, all filled up with patrick. art's breathing quickened, moaning loud enough for you to hear. you snapped your head back, flashing him a large smile and sticking your tongue out. maybe you were a pornstar in another life or something, because holy shit. art and patrick both groaned at the sight and patrick's pace inside you began to quicken.
unable to hold it in any longer, he placed art back on the side table and thrust into you even more passionately than before, hard enough that you could feel it in your fucking stomach. art was moaning too, right along with you and patrick, furiously stroking at his dick. all three of you seemed to come at once - you squirting all over patrick's cock, art shooting ropes of cum all over his hands and the phone, and patrick (unfortunately contained within the condom) releasing inside you with a loud keening sound.
"that was very hot, you two," art praised, panting.
"thanks," patrick replied, still buried inside you. "it's gonna have to happen again, 'cause there is no way i'm going another two weeks without this."
¡! ❞ © niya-writesshit 2024
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chatsukimi · 5 months
ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ᴛʀɪᴄᴋꜱ
featuring: touchstarved!gojo, slight enemies to lovers. synopsis: gojo satoru can't understand why he keeps wanting to spar with you... until one time, you two get a little too close. masterlist
sparring with satoru is a pain above all else. yaga has been assigning you to hand to hand combat with satoru for weeks now- a suspiciously long amount of time without switching partners.
you kick, dodge a punch, and stare up at his shameless smile. each time you come close to landing a hit, he turns on infinity, then poof! your opportunity rushes out the window.
"no techniques allowed." you grit your teeth.
"oops." he holds his hands up in a faux surrender. "sorry, forgot."
he certainly did not forget.
this time, he charges at your torso, his annoyingly long arm closing distance on your shoulder at breakneck speed. you feel the limb dislocate. you wince. using his upper hand, gojo grabs your arms and pins you to the gymnasium floor. the air is knocked out of your lungs.
he's panting, his blue eyes clambering over you, under him. like always, he's too close to you- so close you see your own figure in the reflection of his watery irises. you could lift your hand up an inch to brush the sweat from his forehead. always. way too close.
his fingers trail across your elbow up towards your collarbone- whoosh.
infinity on again. he lets out a long exhale, scrunching his eyes shut as though pained.
that's when gojo thinks he's safe.
only, he's not really.
instead of giving up, you close your hand around the infinity and pull the whole thing, gojo and his infinity, towards you. your legs drag around his hips.
his eyes widen.
your hand pushes his chest then in the brisk manoeuvre, you're on top of him.
you think you see his soul poke its head out his mouth, tipped ajar in shock.
you don't know why you do what you do next. in some depraved performance, your fingers close in on his windpipe. you don't squeeze; the imagery is enough to satisfy. snowy white eyelashes fluttering to meet your gaze, the groan echoing out from his throat, the tight strain in his chest as he breathes shallowly, letting you way too close.
"they're watching," he murmurs.
shoko and geto. fear washes over you, and you're about to let go-
his own hand closes around your wrist.
he's staring at you darkly, goading you to move.
"they're watching," he says again, his hands suddenly at your waist pulling you closer. his tongue flicks over his bottom lip.
you're almost laying on his chest, face to face with your own deadly consumption.
"how long have you been beating me up just to get this close?" you tease.
truly innocently desperately confused, satoru has the gall to tighten his grip, hoisting himself up until he's sitting to lean over you again- if only slightly.
"we're just sparring, aren't we?" and he's telling himself this as his nose bumps against yours. and he's lying to himself that the way he's exploring your body is an act of aggression, not an act of compulsion. "you've been playing dirty tricks on me, but i can do it better."
dirty tricks? you think you see the thought passing through his concentrated face.
unfair, unfair, unfair-
how dare you provoke him let down his infinity? who do you think you are? how could you break him down through just one touch, leave him barrelling towards you for more?
unfair, unfair, unfair-
his hand rests by your jaw, stroking up your cheek, taking his precious time.
because sparring with you is the only time satoru gets to touch you.
he forces all his common sense out of his brain as he whispers, frustration coursing through his tone, "you're weak. your form is full of openings." and he's almost kissing you-
"time out, time out." shoko's voice cuts through the haze.
you feel you two being dragged apart by shoko and geto. the latter frowns at the white haired menace who's temporarily lost his obnoxious pride, silent.
the moment is awkward for everyone except for him.
gojo cocks his head to the side, looking at geto. "we were just fighting?"
geto sighs. just fighting?
you shiver as gojo's expressionless stare sticks onto you. curious.
the fight is over already...
but then why does he want to kiss you still?
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eelnoise · 6 months
random sex headcanons! (nsfw)
had some thoughts during my workout today, so i figured i'd write them out as a break from the endless wips in my docs. :) zoro, sanji, usopp(!), and law x afab reader tagging: @bby-deerling @kaizokuniichan @throwmethroughawindow (hello soppers)
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Prefers a position where he can see your face.
He wants to watch you squirm under his touch, wants to see your expression twisting with ecstasy each time his cock slides against your walls.
Big on touch. His hands will glide along your body, squeezing at any flesh he can get his fingers around, but has a slight preference for grabbing your thighs - not only because he's a thigh guy, but because they're your thighs. Also helps him manhandle you into deeper positions.
Has two modes - rough and nasty, or gentle and loving. The first is more of a stress-reliever, or for a quickie in the training room before a meal, but its raw and real and even between his forceful strokes he's praising you, telling you how good you are, how good you feel, that you take him so well, or that you're made for his cock and his alone.
But if he's in his feels about you, he prefers it slow and steady. Missionary, lotus, cowgirl, whatever it is, Zoro finds great joy in watching you enjoy yourself. He'll hold your cheek in his palm and if you nuzzle into his touch you may be rewarded with a long, passionate series of kisses and words of love between each one. He tells you that you make him happy, that you're perfect and beautiful, how he's so lucky that you put up with him, and how much he loves you.
Also a big face watcher, just the sight of you moaning and mewling for him is enough to make the coil of delirium unravel. 
Takes a while for him to stop finishing so quickly (he loves you!), but he gets that iron will eventually - and will use it to make you into a panting, tired, sweaty mess. 
Super switchy. Sanji will always lovingly top you, but loves being the bottom. Ride him, peg him, and gently tease him all you want - just treat him like the sweet prince that he is and be affectionate. Show him that you love him, take it into your own hands and watch him melt into you. 
Really likes seeing you dressed up, just to dress you down later. Kisses your neck and coos in your ear about how lovely you look while he unzips your dress before sliding it down your shoulders and into a heap of fabric on the floor. Undresses you with a fire in his veins, taking his time to caress every inch of flesh available to him, kissing down your body while taking off each piece of remaining clothing that lies his way. 
A pussy eating king. Sanji knows taste, and will bury his nose as deep into you as he can, licking and slurping up your juices like it's his last meal. He kisses it often, usually murmuring something in his native tongue against your folds and making you shiver from the timbre of his voice. 
The sweet boy is so shy. Takes him a few tries before he can even look you in the eye (he’ll cum too quick :( !) during. So at first he takes you mostly from behind. 
His hands love digging into the plush of your ass, though. Gets really hypnotized by the way it bounces back onto his cock and tends to lose himself in the moment and - wanting to see it move faster - absent-mindedly picks up the pace to slam into you with harder and harder strokes. 
Once he opens up a bit, you find that he's really fun in bed. He makes love to you like you're the last thing he'll ever touch, but will switch it up on the fly and rail you until tears of overstimulation peck at your tear ducts. Folds you around as he wishes, trying every angle, every position that he can wiggle the both of you into - and every time you're happy to let him experiment. 
Call him Captain Usopp mid-sex and its over for you. Something emerges from him that makes him go feral. Grabs your hair or your arms and fucks you faster and harder than he can realize himself. Very dominant this way too - demands you say it again, or to keep calling him by the name. Assaults your neck and back with kisses and bites, hungrier than ever to mark you up as Captain Usopp's girl.
Always makes sure to show his feelings for you through touch and praise, but always says “I love you!” right as he cums. 
Usually has no preference on positions. Law will fuck you in any way you want. Though is apt to end up telling you how he wants to take you regardless, urging you onto your hands and knees, pressing you against a wall, or bending you over his desk. 
Great with his fingers. Coaxes several orgasms from you before even considering putting his cock in you. Long, lithe digits scissor in and out of your entrance, spurring you magnificently over the edge over and over again. Loves to shove his fingers into your mouth afterward, and can barely keep his focus when you clean your slick from them. 
Absolutely gets pussy drunk. His cock twitches wildly in response to your walls clenching around him, making his head spin with want and desire. Leans back to watch himself disappear deep inside of you again and again, mesmerized by the way your pussy grips him and how wet and warm and tight you are. 
Plays into your sensitivities. If you have sensitive nipples or breasts, his mouth is on them, sucking and licking and nibbling in ways that have you crying out for more. Sensitive clit? Law is rubbing it in slow, agonizingly sweet circles as he thrusts into you, bringing you just to the edge of reality but not over it just yet. 
Very weak for affection, especially during intimacy. Hold his hand and hear him whine before grabbing you tighter and fucking you harder, but kiss him and watch his brain fray into blissful petals of pure devotion. Has been known to stop all together to just lock his lips to yours for a while. 
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