#they're the one who wrecks everything. 'you can't leave me if i leave first' and all that)
byanyan · 2 years
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ㅤon byan's past experiences with family & the foster care systemㅤ—ㅤas byan's modern verse has effectively become their main verse, at least for the time being, it seems about time to expand a bit on their backstory. in this case, on one of the main sources of their trauma, distrust, & inability to let themself get close to people: their unfortunate history with family.
ㅤbyan doesn't know their birth mother's name (aside from her surname, of course, which they share) and, frankly, they don't care to know. all they've ever known about her is that she put them up for adoption the moment they were born. they've never met her, never spoken to her, and haven't seen her since they were born; why should they want to know anything about someone who never wanted them in the first place?
ㅤthey were actually adopted quite quickly as a baby by a korean couple who were unable to have children of their own, and they were raised by these two for their first few years. however, when the couple was unexpectedly able to have a child of their own, byan fell to the backburner until the couple ultimately decided they couldn't handle two children. thus, byan ended up in a group home for children and was put into the foster care system. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthis would be the first major influence (of many) in the way byan has come to view families. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤbyan doesn't remember the names of these parents. having spent such significant developmental years with them, they only remember the two as "엄마 / mom" & "아빠 / dad" — a fact they've come to hate. it's painful, after all, to only be able to remember people who so easily abandoned you as mom & dad.
ㅤthe first family who fostered them after this, unfortunately, ended up just not being a good fit. byan was only with them for about six months.
ㅤanother couple with several other foster & adopted children took them in when they were about 4. never feeling like they got enough attention with so many siblings though, byan began to act out. eventually, they would become too much of a handful with all the other kids and would end up back in the system.
ㅤby the time they entered elementary school, byan only continued to act out. they were disruptive, caused all assortment of trouble in school and among other kids, which would have them in and out of many foster homes during this time. they were always deemed too difficult to be properly accepted into any family, and their behaviour would only continue to get worse because of it.
ㅤthe first time they ran away from a foster home, they were 8. it was their first experience in an abusive home; the father would regularly beat them for doing or wearing anything he deemed to be "for girls." byan would try everything from hiding what they were doing/wearing/etc. to fighting back. things only got worse with time and, eventually, they couldn't handle it any longer. for lack of any other option, they ran away from home. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤduring this time, they lived on the street, finding themself shelter wherever they could and relying on theft, lies, begging, and the occasional trash rummaging in order to feed themself. after spending a few nights in a homeless shelter several weeks later, they were brought to the attention of a child welfare agency and put back into a group home and, of course, back into the foster care system.
ㅤafter this experience, they would run away from many more homes, though not always because of any abuse. the reasons would vary and, while they were sometimes serious enough to warrant running away, most of the time they weren't. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthis is about the point where it really started to sink in just how unimportant and unwanted they were to the world around them. from here, byan would more or less stop trying to fit in with families who fostered them, deciding it to be pointless, as it wouldn't last.
ㅤat 14 they were kicked out of a home for the first time. byan introduced their foster brother to the world drugs, which was not something the parents were about to tolerate. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthey ended up on the street for a while again here, though they did sneak back into the family's home to collect as many of their own belongings as they could carry (as well as a couple hundred bucks from the spot they knew the parents stashed away spare cash). ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthis was not the last time byan would get into trouble with foster families over drugs, nor the last time they were removed from a home because of it. in some instances, things got violent and, in a few other cases, the families would even call the police on them.
ㅤby the time they're in their teen years, byan has a lengthy record racked up, from problems at school to problems caused with previous foster families, along with trouble with the law and less than positive psych evaluations. naturally, they've found fewer and fewer families willing to foster them over the years as the list of issues has grown and, when a family does take them in, it rarely lasts more than a couple months — often due to byan's own actions.
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some other, less specific tidbits:
ㅤthere have been more than just one family who wouldn't acknowledge or accept their gender identity (and sexuality, for that matter). several of these homes were very forceful in their insistence that byan is a boy and should look and act like it. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthat said, they have also had plenty of homes that were very accepting and supportive of them and their identity.
ㅤthey have had a few foster parents who have tried to give them an english name. much as byan hates the name yeong-hwan, they still prefer it to any of the bs these parents tried to stick them with. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤsimilarly to above though, they have also had families who have tried learning to speak korean and/or learning to cook korean meals in an effort to make them feel more at home.
ㅤbyan has had several physical altercations with foster families — most of the time with foster siblings, but they've gotten violent with a few of their foster parents as well. many of these they caused themself, but several instances have merely been them responding & simply defending themself.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
so... i might have gotten a little carried away...
my itsv and atsv bots masterlist
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miguel o'hara bots:
feral miggy that you caught
resting with your husband miggy
drunk miggy
sick miggy
oh you made him mad miggy
7 minutes in heaven with miggy
smitten with you miggy
arranged marriage miggy
jealous miggy (1)
sharing a bed with miggy
wanna have kids? miggy
jealous miggy (2)
you and miggy are prideful knuckleheads
divorcing miggy
working with miggy as your supervisor
being miggy's secretary
you're his daughter's teacher
miggy's scaring you
miggy's that single hot dad you keep seeing around
divorced miggy but still loves you
caught in a scandal (TYSM TO @miguelswifey04 FOR THE INSPO)
your best friend, father figure, and mentor
comforts you after breakup miggy
he wants to know who's been texting you
he's here to help you feel comfortable
visiting your husband at work
he's tired of teaching
after a long day, you're all miggy needs
waking up with miggy
you wish he could get off your ass (father figure miggy)
saving miggy from a ship wreck as an atlantean
miggy walking in on you dancing
royal guard miggy teaching you how to behave (royal!au)
being miggy's maid
posing with miggy
your college classmate is into you
he can see why his dog likes you so much
he owes you all his victories (rcd!miggy)
he can't remember being your husband
your dad's best friend is really... (dbf!miggy)
miles morales bots:
you and miles have an argument
grafitiing with miles
your first date with miles
miles is smitten with you
pavitr prabhakar bots:
giving pav a chance to prove his love to you
pav wants to get to know you better
a night out with pav
pav hates seeing you cry
hobie brown bots:
committing property damage with hobie
your boyfriend hobie
hobie's falling for you
hobie trusts you with his secret identity
hobie'll be your little secret
hobie admits it to you
hobie loves your bad ass
hobie's hands are just right
hobie loves his grumpy dear
gwen stacy bots:
gwen's falling for you
gwen's sorry she has to leave you
gwen comforts you
peter b parker bots:
peter b'll teach you everything he knows
your husband peter b
if she was human, she might just like you
spider noir bots:
cat dad noir
dance partner noir
noir's in love with you
husband noir
divorced noir
anniversary with noir
always saving you noir
wants your sweet attention noir
first kiss with noir
got himself webbed up noir
you're noir's muse
noir has a smoking problem
ben reilly bots:
you're ben's one and only
needy ben
wants your attention badly ben
your silly best friend
the spot:
the spot still loves you
I HAVE TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS HELP (i made a lot of these in one sitting pls, i hope they're any good :'>)
please tell me what you think, and enjoy !!
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(the skrunklies, they didn't fit.......)
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karotka · 25 days
I've been rewatching IWTV and what's clicked for me were Armand's motivations for betraying Louis. On first watch I thought it was such a confusing and irrational thing to do. Now, obviously it was capital B Bad etc., but we all know that, boring question. But was it a logical (≠justified) decision to pick the coven? I'm starting to think it kind of was 🤔
The café scene is so heartbreaking, makes me kick and scream at the screen, Armand on his way to end it all and Madeleine asks why Louis doesn't want him to know how much he loves him, and Louis confidently replies, “he knows.” Reader, did he know? I feel like part of the tragedy is that it didn't really matter at that point.
Press pause on the betrayal of it all and look at the facts from Armand's perspective:
Louis is suicidal. He has an expiry date, the coven vampires don't. Louis is suicidal, the coven is forever 😂😂 To quote Lestat, “There is one thing about being a vampire that I most fear above all else... And that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness, a void stretching out for decades at a time.” Armand asks Madeleine, “What will you do, in a few decades, when she throws herself into the fire?” and then finds Louis in a pool of blood, his wrist slashed. He voices this to Louis much later – when he has no right to demand anything from him, but the sentiment stays true – “You left me for death. Will I be on suicide watch for the next 1,000 years?”
Louis straight up murdered his previous lover. Now, we know it wasn't all that, but Armand didn't. Major red flag, anyone? “I killed him and he fucking had it coming.” And he DID, but that's beside the point, isn't it? Especially since we know Armand is just as capable of domestic abuse :') He knew that Louis wasn't the kind of person who would just take his shit forever. If you want somebody to trust you, don't let them know you took part in the murder of your ex, heartfelt advice from both of them.
Speaking of exes, Louis is SO not over Lestat. I mean, neither is Armand, they're such a train wreck of a relationship :D But yeah, Louis is not fully committed to Armand, denying publicly that they're companions, hallucinating his ex in the bedroom or while Armand is sharing his traumatic past and, most damning of all, refusing to join the coven.
From Armand's perspective, he's risking it all for Louis and Louis a) doesn't appreciate it at all, and b) refuses to do the bare minimum of getting along with his family. (If someone treated my daughter-sister the way Armand treated Claudia, I'd kill them with my bare hands, but Louis acts like he doesn't mind. Can you imagine me without the burden of her? :/) (and yeah, he could just leave his shitty cult, the same way they could have left each other during those 70 years. Shitty stability > loneliness, I guess.)
A minor point maybe, but the moment you know that Lestat is out there and wants revenge, that only adds to the expiry date part. Especially once Lestat is cooperating with the coven, because I imagine that while Armand is OP enough to fight the coven, all of them + Lestat might be a bit too much. Maybe Armand even hoped once Louis is out of the picture they could get back together? We don't really know what exactly was going on behind the scenes but Lestat's sheer existence is bad for loumand... It is what it is.
And Louis just... repeatedly ignores Armand's warnings. I mean, they both knew Armand was going to execute him that one time. They tried to make it work but Louis was living on borrowed time from that point. Add Armand's apparent MO of “everything I love must eventually burn down so I will take control of the situation by orchestrating the downfall myself” et voilà. He was given a choice and he chose.
And THEN he betrayed the coven for Louis at his most unwell. Iconic!
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fullstcp · 6 months
"Sour" by Olivia Rodrigo Sentence Starters
"I want it to be, like, messy."
"I think that I'll die before I drink."
"I'm so caught up in the news of who likes me and who hates you."
"They'd all be so disappointed."
"Cause who I am if not exploited?"
"Where's my fucking teenage dream?"
"If someone tells me one more time, 'Enjoy your youth', I'm gonna cry."
"I wish I'd done this before."
"I wish people liked me more."
"All I did was try my best, this the kind of thanks I get?"
"They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear."
"Ego crush is so severe."
"God, it's brutal out here."
"I feel like no one wants me."
"I hate the way I'm perceived."
"Lately, I'm a nervous wreck."
"I love people I don't like."
"Got a broken ego, broken heart."
"God, I don't even know where to start."
"I played dumb, but I always knew."
"I kept quiet so I could keep you."
"Ain't it funny how you ran to her/him/them the second that we called it quits?"
"You betrayed me, and I know that you'll never feel sorry."
"Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter."
"Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor."
"If you were true, there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly."
"Remember I brought her/him/them up and you told me I was paranoid?"
"I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you."
"How could I ever love someone else?"
"I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one."
"I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone."
"You said forever, now I drive alone past your street."
"All my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you."
"I kinda feel sorry for them, cause they'll never know you the way that I do."
"I can't drive past the places we used to go to."
"I still fucking love you, babe."
"You know I still love you, babe."
"You got me fucked up in the head."
"I hate that I give you power over that kinda stuff."
"It's always one step forward and three steps back."
"I'm the love of your life until I make you mad."
"Do you love me, want me, hate me?"
"Maybe in some masochistic way I kinda find it all exciting."
"Which lover will I get today?"
"Will you walk me to the door or send me home crying?"
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Maybe this is all your fault."
"When you gonna tell her/him/them that we did that, too?"
"That was our place, I found it first."
"I made the jokes you tell to her/him/them."
"When she's/he's/they're with you, do you get déjà vu?"
"Do you call her/him/them, and almost say my name?"
"I hate to think that I was just your type."
"Don't act like we didn't do that shit, too."
"Everything is all reused."
"Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily."
"Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?"
"I guess that you've been working on yourself."
"I bet that therapist I found for you, she really helped."
"You're doing great out there without me."
"God, I wish that I could do that."
"I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom."
"You're so unaffected, I really don't get it."
"I guess you're getting everything you want."
"It's like we never even happened."
"What the fuck is up with that?"
"It's like you never even met me."
"Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you?"
"Well, screw that, and screw you."
"You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do."
"Maybe I'm too emotional."
"Your apathy is like a wound in salt."
"Maybe you never cared at all."
"Tried so hard to be everything that you liked just for you to say you're not the compliment type."
"Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me."
"I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave."
"You found someone more exciting, the next second, you were gone."
"You left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong."
"You always say I'm never satisfied, but I don't think that's true."
"All I ever wanted was to be enough for you."
"You couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more."
"I'd say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that."
"I don't want your sympathy, I just want myself back."
"Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?"
"Don't tell me you're sorry, feel sorry for yourself."
"Someday, I'll be everything to somebody else."
"You always say I'm never satisfied, but that's not me, it's you."
"I don't think anything could ever be enough for you."
"Nothing's enough for you."
"We broke up a month ago."
"Your friends are mine, you know I know."
"You moved on, found someone new."
"I thought my heart was detached from all the sunlight of our past."
"Does she/he/they mean you forgot about me?"
"I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me."
"I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go."
"So find someone great, but don't find no one better."
"I hope you're happy, but don't be happier."
"An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean."
"I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room."
"Comparison is killing me slowly."
"I'm so sick of myself."
"I'd rather be anyone else."
"My jealousy started following me."
"I see everyone getting everything I want."
"I'm happy for them, but then again, I'm not."
"Their win is not my loss."
"I can't help getting caught up in it all."
"I wanna be you so bad and I don't even know you."
"All I see is what I should be."
"Know that I loved you so bad, I let you treat me like that."
"I was your willing accomplice, honey."
"The things I did just so I could call you mine."
"I hope I was your favorite crime."
"You used me as an alibi."
"I crossed my heart as you crossed the line."
"I defended you to all my friends."
"Every time a siren sounds, I wonder if you're around."
"You know that I'd do it all again."
"It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do."
"I was going down, but I was doing it with you."
"I say that I hate you with a smile on my face."
"Look what we became."
"I hope I was your favorite crime, cause, baby, you were mine."
"Somehow, we fell out of touch."
"Don't know if I'll see you again someday."
"If you're out there, I hope that you're okay."
"We don't talk much, but I just gotta say, I miss you and I hope that you're okay."
"Nothing's forever, nothing's as bad as it seems."
"I hope you know how proud I am you were created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred."
"I hope that you're happier today."
"I love you, and I hope that you're okay."
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shmaptainwrites · 6 months
Oooo how do you think Wilson would react if his partner was in Thirteen’s place during 5x09 Last Resort?
anon i gasped when i saw this, your brain is really working overtime PLS this idea is so good 🫢
for this, maybe similar to some of the other people caught up in the situation you have sort of cold or your immune system is just down which makes all the things that happen later more concerning because your body isn't at 100%
considering how the events unfold wilson doesn't know you're in there until he either gets that call from house or cuddy tells him. if it happens on the call, wilson is already scolding house for how he's handling the situation and you don't really want to say anything or to give any indication that you're there because you don't want to worry him and so you don't, but house being who he is manages to let it slip before hanging up and letting wilson ask any questions
you'd probably give him a bit of a look and ask if he really had to say you were caught up in this too, but there wasn't much chance to talk about it because you had to deal with the man who was waving a gun around at everyone
outside, wilson is a nervous wreck. he's cancelled any of his appointments for the rest of the day and goes to find cuddy to try and confirm what house said because no one is picking up the phone even though he's called back at least five times. the confirmation from cuddy is like a punch to the gut especially when he overhears some of the dilemmas over the phone resulting in you putting your health at risk to be able to get the others out safely house probably makes comment about how you and wilson are great for each other because you're both self sacrificing idiots
eventually the main guy from the swat team makes wilson leave because he's too invested with a loved one inside and so he goes to house's office with the diagnostic team knowing if anyone else would get information about the situation it would be them
they're all anxiously awaiting those phone calls they get to consult, hoping that everyone was okay and they could get closer to a diagnosis so the whole matter could be resolved. when the call finally comes through wilson can't help himself, he's the first to talk before house can even get a word out, asking if you're okay
you try to assure him you're fine, but he can hear it in your voice, you don't sound well, and he gets furious wondering what kind of drugs they've senselessly jabbed into you, but hearing the man threaten to do something worse is enough to quiet him and let house continue his diagnostic consultation
by the end of things, when the swat team bursts through the radiology room, after house, wilson is the first person pushing past the authorities to try and get to you and make sure you're okay. house is talking to you about how you weren't dead and that would be close to impossible if you'd taken the drug and you weakly shake your head and tell him that you didn't take it, tears streaming down your face because you didn't want to die
wilson is quick to step in after that, lifting your head and letting it rest in his lap while he assures you everything is going to be fine and they're going to get you into a room upstairs and get everything out of your system and all you can do is apologize to him over and over for putting him through that stress, conciously making those decisions to put yourself in harms way after a certain point in order to try and save the others, knowing how hard it was for him to move on after amber, it just fills you with guilt, but he can't bear to think of things ending any other way than how they did and so he focuses on the fact that you're going to be okay and you're here with him now
send me your sfw RSL character x reader thoughts
→ accepting asks for james wilson, cruise, and peter müller
→ i've seen up to 5x17 of house — NO SPOILERS PLEASE
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ominoose · 1 year
I personally think you should write a whole paragraph on Basil. I'd read it.
You don't have to ask me twice.
First off lets start off with the themes of the short film Lightninface.
The first thing we hear is "Just one week ago, even the word everything meant something else entirely", it's a film about change and evolving. We then see Basil, with a crisp shirt, slicked back hair smiling into the mirror as if laughing at something, he's practicing. Then the smile fades and he swallows sadly. He's crafting an outward persona, first indication he's someone that cares about outside appearances and he literally says "I thought I knew who I was, but I knew nothing" aka this man had a secure identity he cared about but that changed!
Then he's hit by lightning! And what's his first set of reactions? Go to a hospital, call 911, do any sort of medical care? No! It's cry about how he has a facial scar which is gonna impact how people view him and now directly clashes with his current standard of living and go crazy. How is he gonna attend board meetings and dinners with the parents and go out with his girlfriend now?! He can't, so obviously the only choice is scream, wreck the apartment, have a tantrum, take tons of pills, quit work, break up with the gf and leave the country.
The director portrays the entire breakdown as silly. With the music, the childlike tantrum, the noises, the antics, it's goofy. He breaks up with his girlfriend of three years that he's obsessed with, acknowledging she's cheated on him with a good friend but completely brushes that aside and clarifies that's not why they're breaking up! Basil's someone who doesn't care she's cheating because he's not only obsessed with her, but with the appearance she brings. With her he's a guy with a long term girlfriend! A hot one! And then he "has to dump" her because of his scar.
So we've established he's quite narcissistic, shallow, cares deeply about his outward appearance and how others perceive him and his life. Moving on, the whole monkey thing can be summarized as evolving, the theme presented at the start.
Modern man loses it all because of his scar and breaks down, so whats the solution? De-evolve, go back to the basics, go back to ape. Become what you are not, tear yourself down to the most basic concept and then build yourself back up as something new. As... well he doesn't name himself, but he lets us do that for him, and we call him Lightningface.
Also I gotta mention the tidbit scene with the records. He's playing the classical music, and that's been the soundtrack thus far. It's classy, posh, elegant. Then he pulls out this metal record thats not been listened to before, it's still in plastic, and when he plays it he's hesitant. Then he's loving it, thrashing around, metal head moment. Something that's not fitting with his previous image but he's tried it and embraced it.
The second phone call with his ex where he goes "I'm kinda freaking out... I'm fine, nevermind." He's manic, he's unsure of himself, of what to do and he has nothing at all to guide him, Basil can't rely on outward trends or influences to base himself on and is forced to craft a new version of himself from within.
"You will no longer find refuge in what you once were, but what you will become."
Does this go well? No!
If I was to summarize or conclude his personality it would be narcissistic, needy, manic, fanatical, defensive and curious. He's a people person, he is quickly engaged by new ideas, he's excitable, he's erratic and giddy and most importantly imaginative. And regardless of how that credits scene played out, he is still alive in my heart.
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breakfastteatime · 2 years
Cal is quiet after Zeffo. Or, more accurately, he's quiet after the abandoned Venator. Greez wishes more than anything that Cal and Cere weren't still at odds. They're talking, sure, but not as easily as before. Venator is Jedi stuff. It's Cere-and-Cal stuff, not Greez-and-Cal stuff.
Except Cal isn't talking to her the way he needs to and Greez doesn't need psychic abilities to know the kid's hurting. They're enroute to Dathomir, and Cal isn't eating or sleeping the way he needs to.
Greez cannot let it stand.
He takes a plate of cookies and a cup of blue milk to the engine room where Cal is at the workbench, headphones on, lightsaber currently undergoing one of its many tune-ups. The droid is watching with interest... At least Greez figured BD-1's interested. What does he know about droids? Whatever. He gets BD-1's attention, who in turn he pokes Cal. Cal turns, sliding his headphones down and leaving them around his neck. He blinks at Greez, eyes glazed and shadowed, looking for all the worlds like an overtired child.
Crushing an urge to order Cal to bed, Greez holds out the plate. "Cookie?"
Cal looks, shakes his head. "No, thanks."
Gonna be like that, is it? "You gotta eat, so it's cookies and milk, or that weird slimy stuff at the back of the fridge I keep meaning to clean out."
Cal appears to actually consider it. Greez throws a cookie at him. He catches it without blinking, takes a bite. "Thanks," he says listlessly. "It's really good."
"Jeez, kid, really feeling the love."
"Sorry. I like it, promise."
Greez decides to go for the kill. "Didn't find anything good on that wreck, huh?"
Cal slumps. "No."
Greez sits himself on Cal's bed, patting the space next to him. BD-1 gets the message quicker, hopping off the bench and racing over. He starts scanning the plate, announcing his findings in such bright whistle even Greez can't help smiling at the little droid's joy. Cal joins them and takes another cookie and the milk. He dunks the cookie and sips the milk. He's still not talking. 
Silence is not Greez’s gift. "I'm sorry," he says. "I saw a crashed ship and got stupid ideas about treasure in my head. I didn't even think what a Venator meant to you. That was selfish."
Cal doesn't talk until he's finished the milk. "It's okay." He wipes his mouth with a sleeve. "Neither did I." He straightened his back. "I'm okay." He puts on a crooked smile. "It's not the first wrecked Venator I've been aboard." Greez barely represses a shudder. It doesn't matter anyway. Cal looks at him, takes another cookie. "It's alright, really. It happened a long time ago, and it didn't happen to me." And then he laughs. “Not exactly like that, anyway.”
If he wants to convince Greez everything’s fine, Cal’s doing a terrible job. "Anyone ever tell you it’s normal to have a bad day?" Greez asks. “That you don’t have to pretend it’s okay when you feel like someone’s kicked you in the gut?”
"Sure, usually after a bunch of scrappers died, and I had to work triple shifts."
It's all Greez can do not to slap the kid upside the head. "Look, Cal, you don't need to tell me details. You don't have to pretend this isn't getting to you. There's no shame in saying it was really shit, and you wish you hadn't gone aboard."
Cal laughs for real at that. "It was shit, but I needed to go aboard. Had to work through a few things in my head."
"And I'll get back to you," he says, grabbing another cookie. He stands, thumping Greez in the shoulder. "Thanks, Greez." He moves back to the workbench, reaching for his headphones. "I appreciate it."
It isn't the outright win Greez had been looking for, but he'll take it. "I'll make soup for dinner." Something light. Something easily reheated if Cal initially refuses. "Two hours. And wash up before you come to the table. I don't want lightsaber grease on my table."
"You got it." And with that, Cal's headphones are back in place and he's back to work.
BD-1 bumps his head against Greez's leg, whistles cheerily, and hurries after Cal. Leaving the cookies on Cal's bed, Greez heads out.
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hebuiltfive · 1 year
The Waiting Room
Buddy and Ellie fall sick, leaving Gordon dealing with a very nervous Alan in the veterinarian waiting room.
Words: 1,237
Rating: Gen. Audiences.
Tags: Comfort, alan's having a bad night, Mentions of Anxiety
Notes: My cat had to go in for an operation today and I've been a nervous wreck, so I wrote out my feelings via Alan (sorry Al).
I'm in no way an expert of reptiles. Any and all information is garnered from a quick Google search, so if there are mistakes, that's why.
Read it below or on AO3 here.
He'd never seen the kid pace so much, and this was Alan be was talking about. Alan, the little ball of anxiety who was always animated with some kind of energy, nervous or otherwise. It was almost disconcerting to watch.
Gordon sighed. “Al. Come and sit." 
"Can't." His little brother replied, nails now being bitten between nervously chattering teeth. 
Thankfully they were the only ones currently in the waiting room. Having to fly over at one in the morning certainly had Virgil grumbling at the controls, but it did give them the privacy to panic in peace, at least. 
"You'll wear a hole in their linoleum if you don’t." Gordon patted the plastic seat beside him. "Sit." 
At first, he thought Alan hadn't been listening, too wrapped up in his thoughts to pay heed to what Gordon was saying, but eventually his brother ceased his anxious pacing and took the seat offered. 
His nails had been given a reprieve from being chewed too, much to Gordon's relief, instead replaced with a bouncing leg. Clearly that excess energy was still in need of shaking out. 
"They're going to be fine." Gordon reassured him, placing a comforting hand on Alan's shoulder. 
Alan didn't say anything, he just continued to stare at one specific stain on the floor. 
"These guys are the best in the country.” Gordon continued. “They’re in good hands." 
"This is all my fault." 
And there was the confession, incorrect as it may have been, that Gordon had been waiting for.  His little brother had it in his head that he must be to blame for Buddy and Ellie’s affliction.
G ently, Gordon shook his head. "No." 
"Yes! I should have been watching them more carefully. I should have taken notice. I mean, how do you not notice them turning yellow?” 
"Alan, you're with them whenever you can be. You never take your eyes off them when you're home." 
"That's not true." 
… Gordon paused because o kay, maybe that was a little exaggeration, but he wasn't going to play into that right there and then. "Allie, listen to me. It isn't your fault." 
"Yes, it is!" 
"You didn't make them sick." 
"Oh, my God! What if I did? What if I brought something home with me after a rescue? What if I infected them with something?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know!”
“Exactly, Al, because that’s probably not what happened. Living creatures get sick all the time, it's just a sucky part of living."
Alan's head dropped, his chin resting against his collarbone. "What if I've killed them because I wasn't diligent enough?" 
"They're not dead!” 
"Yeah, not yet. What if Virgil walks out of that room without them? What if they died on the table? What if the vet had to ‘put them down'? Gordo, I won’t be able to live with myself if i killed them." 
“Alan, dude! Slow down, alright? I am ninety nine percent sure you’ve not killed them."
“That’s not one hundred percent sure.”
“That’s because not everything in life is a guarantee.”
The Tracy family were no stranger to that line, and whilst it hurt Gordon to be so blunt and to the point, he knew Alan needed to hear it.
The fact that his brother had jumped to that conclusion so quickly, however, hadn’t escaped Gordon’s notice.
"Alan, look at me. Buddy and Ellie are going to be fine." 
Simply b ecause they had to be.
Whilst Alan had taken more of a liking to the dragons, they had been Gordon's gift from two of his heroes. At first, Gordon had been keen on sending the dragons to a sanctuary in Australia because reptiles were very much not his thing. Being chased through wild jungles with overgrown cousins had made cemented that fear he had of reptiles, but after seeing his little brother so enamoured by them his viewpoint over whether they should keep the dragons quickly changed.
After all, this was Alan who had been pestering Scott for years about getting a fluffy dog to cuddle and play with. Bearded dragons weren't exactly in the same ballpark, so if Alan wanted to keep them, Alan could keep them. Scott didn’t seem to have a problem with it, after all they took less space than a dog would have done, and Gordon didn’t have to worry about finding them new homes.
So, no. Whatever Alan believed to be the worst just wasn't going to be an possibility. They were International Rescue. They saved people all the time. Two little dragons should be no problem. 
The minutes passed and began to feel like hours, slowly ticking by. Alan shuffled on his seat to rest his head against Gordon's shoulder, and Gordon instinctively wrapped his arm around his little brother as both a comfort to Alan and to himself. 
Virgil finally reappeared after what felt like an eternity. He held the little carrier in one hand, closing the door to the examination room gently behind him. 
Alan jumped to his feet, that nervous bouncing remaining as he hopped from one foot to the other. Gordon stood to join him, his arm still draped over his little brother's shoulder. 
"Well?" Alan asked as Virgil approached them. He crouched a little to see into the cage, to make sure that his beloved dragons were still in there, breathing and alive. “What happened?”
"They're going to be fine." Virgil declared, giving Gordon a small nod when he met his eye.  
It didn't surprise the aquanaut that their older brother been worried about Alan too. The kid had been fit to bursting when he stormed Gordon's room not two hours before, almost in tears because something was wrong with Buddy and Ellie. He'd had to whole household worried. 
"What is it? Is it normal? Will they heal?"
"It's called Yellow Fungus. Yes, it is common. Yes, they will heal. We caught it fast enough so the veterinarian is confident that with the right course of treatment, Buddy and Ellie will be as good as new soon." 
"See, Al?" Gordon began, bumping his shoulder with his little brother's as Alan went to relieve Virgil of the carrier. "Told you they'll be okay." 
But Alan wasn't listening. He’d been given the all-clear and was now too busy whispering words of reassurance to the dragons as he slowly made his way to the exit.  
"I've got to just go pay for the appointment and treatment." Virgil said, placing said treatment bag into Gordon's hands. 
"The kid's going to do more damage to himself by walking into a wall if he doesn't look where he's going.” Gordon commented, his eyes following his little brother as he very nearly collided with one of the columns. “Alan! Eyes front!” 
His warning call was to no avail. He sighed. "Honestly, he's going to give himself an injury if he isn't careful. Think the vets treat gremlins too?" 
Beside him, Virgil chuckled. "He's relieved they’re okay, that’s all. Thanks for watching him, by the way. It was probably best he wasn't in there." 
"Eh, no problemo. Why else do you think I tagged along?" 
In the distance, there was a slight bump, followed by an ow as Alan had very gracefully collided with the doorframe rather than walking through the door. 
To his credit, Gordon resisted the urge to face-palm. "I got it. You go pay. We'll wait for you in Two." 
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youraveragerat · 7 months
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‼️‼️this is not my art y'all all credits go to the artist pls here's the og post from them I'm just using it as a reference to make a point ‼️‼️
Lowkey? Hate the light fury
Lowkey? Hate httyd homecoming
Lowkey? Hate httyd 3 and everything made after it
Need I say less?
Nah in all seriousness tho I hate how they just disregard hiccup and Toothless' bond in the 3rd movie and beyond.
TOOTHLESS TOOK ON AN ALPHA BEWILDERBEAST TO SAVE HICCUP?? THAT'S HOW MUCH THEY'VE BONDED. Their whole dynamic is that there are one together. But the second we see slim, smooth, glitter lady dragon we out ✌️
This is why I rlly didn't like the light fury. I rlly like the idea of a night fury subspecies. I really like the idea of those two species making a mixed species. They all had the right parts but they put them in the wrong places and it just... Doesn't work for me idk. Hiccup is this whiny guy who can't stand his best friend leaving, which is understandable but the way they portray him makes him look like Ralph from wreck it ralph breaks the Internet. Just an annoying character. And toothless is just horny for lady dragon. UR TELLING ME HE DID THE LIGHTNING THING WITH HICCUP ON HIM? HE DOESNT KNOW IF THAT WOULD KILL HICCUP?? He was just so desperate to save the babe. Like thank God hiccup didn't die?? In the second movie toothless risked his life for hiccup in a way no dragon had done before. In the third movie toothless RISKED Hiccup's life just to make some glitter babies
I just - idk it's weird to me I rlly don't like the hidden world
Yeah the animation is nice but even then they took the character designs and airbrushed them to look like they wash everyday. Need I remind to you THEY'RE VIKINGS?? THEYRE DIRTY. THEY'RE ROUGH. WHERE DID HICCUP'S FRECKLES GO?? WHY DOES ASTRIDS HAIR LOOK LIKE THE SILKY SMOOTH HAIR OF AN ANGEL? in the first movie they look rough and Viking like. Hiccup doesn't look like a Viking because he's a wimp and they portray that without beautifying him and making him pretty. In the 2nd movie they do this a little less but I can still tell that these people aren't models.
I could go on and on tbh but I'm not gonna contaminate my account with more httyd slander so hehe haha. I'll rant to people who wanna listen in Dms cause I CANNOT thug this one out 🙏
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fighterbound · 6 months
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NAME: jana
PRONOUNS : she/her but they/them is okay with me.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord is your best friend bc i don't access tumblr unless im at my pc ( some days i don't got energy for that). discord i got on my phone. i will say i am nervous when it comes to talking to others, so sometimes i either talk too much, talk too little, or take a while to reply back bc im thinking about what to say. know it's not you, it's me. i am an awkward turtle and totally not charming like naruto.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : this is a multimuse blog so there's several on here. mainly deal with nar.uto and b.nha beyond those two uhhh i have fe3h / diamond no ace / ff7r ( im getting to into it!)
BEST EXPERIENCE : seeing the results of continued interaction and plotting toward dynamics. feeling the general shift of my muses toward other muses and being like hey let's go bug them because they enjoy the company of that specific muse/blog. hitting that stride with someone else, where you both are on the same wavelength regarding your muses. sometimes it happens quickly, other times over the span of months and years of following one another. it's such a sweet moment seeing all the hard work of writing / plotting / interaction with someone and watching your muses growing together or reaching that sweet plot point you've been building up to. c:
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : lack of matching energy. if i plot with you and don't get anything back, that's one of the biggest dealbreakers. i will pull the weight for my muse(s) but i am not doing it for you. i like to think im pretty flexible in terms of letting it a slide in the beginning bc we're still figuring each other out and acting like awkward turtles but if i continue to feel that lack of energy then we're going our separate ways. i only have so many spoons to spend on here and i wanna make sure i enjoy them. also it frustrates me a lot when im asking questions, trying to get things going and just getting one word answers. i start thinking it's me and im doing something wrong. that never leads anywhere nice for mental health so, yep.
also lack of interaction. i have it in my rules if we don't interact generally within the first month then i will unfollow. again i let this slide sometimes bc life gets busy and we got all life to deal with. with that said, i generally try to reach out either by sending a DM or ask.
MUSE PREFERENCES: honestly i enjoy the softie characters and watching them grow into themselves and finding themselves. but uh i really only have one softie. the rest of them are assholes and sunshine assholes. so maybe my preference is assholes. idk. they just gotta call to me and i gotta feel for their story. yanno? or like their ship LOL
PLOTS OR MEMES : i generally prefer plotting, but not lot of it. i like to a get a general gist of direction then leaving everything else open-ended. bc really the muses sometimes don't follow the plan and i fully support following them into whatever problem their track wreck self is heading toward. i like memes, but sometimes i don't. and that's all me bc i want all the interactions to have some kind purpose, to keep building and developing our muses. but i know that's unreasonable expectation to have. plus memes are totally are great for exploring potential ideas, working out of the norm, and feeling each other out! so yess they're good but also sometimes i feel they don't go anywhere and im like did i waste time writing that? the answer is no, bc it's practice, it's a chance to explore. but can't help the way you feel at times.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : generally short replies, i like the quickness to them. however i do enjoy long ones when they start to dig into the muse and pick apart their thoughts.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : who knows. generally it's the weekend bc that's when i don't work. also when im reading. if i go time without reading a book of fanfic then my writing insp is going to suffer. sometimes i can pull out replies during the week but that is raaaare.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : little bit. the introverts you find on here are. the ambitious ones. the people pleasing ones. the ones struggling to find their place in the world and voice. little bits and pieces.
tagged: @fightaers & @dynmghts ( thank you for tagging me!) tagging: @vsagis / @sunsweets / @kiigan / @hatredcurse / @raisedcold / @soulsballad / @yookimi
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tanaleth · 2 years
Songs to ship by
Tagged by @pchberrytea to list 5 to 10 ship songs—thanks! I pass the tag to @lothrilzul, @allisondraste, @anonymouscosmos, @bluekaddis, and anyone else who's feeling the love.
I'm currently enjoying a belated dive into Ace Attorney and have dusted off the old AO3 account. My fic is a Mia/Diego origin story: fluffy, uncomplicated, drowning in dramatic irony. (Never have I felt guiltier using the "canon compliant" tag.)
So anyway, for this cute little ship fic, I picked a bunch of super depressing song lyrics as chapter titles. Like you do.
Wallow with me, fellow denizens of Miego hell.
1. Tall Tall Shadow
Fic context: Mia and Diego stagger out of the courthouse immediately after Turnabout Beginnings.
Title context:
Cover all your steps One day I know they will be tried No deception left And now even you might realize That there is no lie that you can live in Tear it apart, your own confession made in the dark ... You can't run away When you know that the tall, tall shadow Tall tall shadow is yours
2. I'll See You There
Fic context: Flirting! Flirting in the office!
Title context: oh
I'll bring you flowers when you're dead and gone Asleep in the pines in the valley of the mountain Next to you, I'll lay my bones when I've reached my prime Beside the brandy wine where I finally find my rest ... Oh lover, I'll see you there Waiting in the willows with your autumn hair
Oh lover, I'll see you there
3. Coffee Girl
Fic context: First date! (They go for coffee, obviously.)
Title context: hmm
It's hard to leave your bed The cool and hard summer sheets Hangover hangin' on by the fangs Walk to work on wild feet ... Hey there, coffee girl Beautiful and disaffected It was perfect 'til He came along and wrecked it
4. You've Got It All
This one is a bit of an outlier because I stole it from my friend's (much jazzier, beautifully curated, far superior) Godot playlist.
It's very horny! So is this chapter.
But you don't fold, you don't fade You got everything you need, especially me Sister, you've got it all ... You make the call to make my day In your message say my name Your talk is all the talk Sister, you've got it all
5. A Little Patch of Sun
Fic context: Oh, to be young and happy and in love—
Title context: [flips ahead in Mia's diary]
Saturdays are the greatest When you wake with someone And you read the morning papers In a little patch of sun ... And it's not much of a party When you're a girl on your own And Saturday turns to Sunday And you wake up alone ... I used to have someone
6. We're Gonna Live
Fic context: Gosh, this is getting serious. They're planning for the future! Aw.
Title context:
So bright The flames burned in our hearts That we found each other in the dark ... We're gonna live We're gonna live We're gonna live We're gonna live At last
...yeah, that one is definitely just me being a dick.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 9 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 36
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*Warning Adult Content*
My consciousness leaves my body the instant I take Kyle's hand.
I watch myself crumple to the floor, my physical form cast off like a discarded sock, hitting the boards of the stage with a muffled thump.
Rafael runs forward and drops to his knees at my side, shouting curses at his trigger-happy sister and checking for a pulse.
He's not really concerned about me, of course... only with whether or not I've expired before the appointed time and thrown a wrench in his well-laid but swiftly unraveling plans.
While the murderous siblings throw insults at each other, I turn my attention to Kyle.
He looks surprisingly good for a ghost.
His eyes are clear, no longer black voids but the watery blue-grey I remember them to be and his slightly crowded teeth are clean and white, as if he's just had them bleached.
He still wears the grey coveralls he died in but the grease stains are gone.
He smiles shyly.
"Hi, Mr. Martinez. I remember what happened to me. I remember everything."
My heart twists with pity and anger.
This poor kid.
"Kyle... I am so sorry."
"It's okay, Mr. Martinez. It doesn't hurt anymore. It's you who needs help, now."
I look back at my body where it lies, unmoving, in the ruined circle.
"Am I... dead?"
To my relief, Kyle shakes his head.
"No, Mr. Martinez. You're alive and we're going to keep you that way."
"They're wrong about him, Mr. Martinez. About the demon. He's not 'evil.' He just wants to go home."
Remembering the dark presence that I'd felt in the 'in-between,' I shudder.
"Are you sure about that? It didn't seem very friendly to me."
"Well, maybe not 'friendly,'" Kyle allows, still smiling easily as he shrugs.
"But not 'bad,' either. He's been stuck there a long time but he doesn't want to break into this world and hurt people. He wants to get back to his own and I told him you could help."
"Yeah," Kyle nods.
"He was real mad at first, when I told him who you are. See, my aunt tricked your aunt and your mom into that first ritual and that's what got the demon trapped in the first place. He was after your mom for a long time, 'cause he thought it was her fault and that she could set him free. But once I explained, he understood. Now he wants to make a deal."
"What kind of deal?"
"Let him possess your body... then once he's taken care of the Morellis, you return him to his home realm."
Confused, I look at Rafael, who's now busy arranging my body, spread-eagled, in the center of the ruined seal.
"I don't understand. I thought that's what Rafael and Rexi wanted to do, anyway. I thought that's why we're here."
Kyle shakes his head.
"They're liars, Mr. Martinez. Just like Aunt Lucille. They don't want to send the demon home. They want to capture it and use its power for their own ends."
"Capture it? How? And what is he doing?" I ask, as Rafael, having arranged my body to his liking, rocks back on his heels and begins to chant under his breath.
"He can't complete the ritual now. The seal is wrecked."
"He's improvising," says Kyle.
"Enough of the seal remains for him to summon the demon and trap it in your body. It won't be a permanent bond but it'll last long enough for them to get you away from here and make a new seal. Once they do that, the demon will be imprisoned within your physical form, forced to obey their commands."
"And me?"
Kyle shrugs.
"You'd be coming with me, I guess."
"Great. So the one thing that hasn't changed is that I die."
I shake my head, more confused than ever.
"I thought getting rid of demons, no matter what the cost, was the Morellis' whole deal."
"It is," Kyle says, his gaze growing unfocused, as if he's looking at something only he can see.
"Or, it was. But some within the family have a larger mission...Lucille and her grandkids, especially. They think people have drifted too far from the 'right path,' become too obsessed with the physical world and forgotten there's more. They think that by creating some paranormal chaos, they can get people back to the 'old ways.' You know... fearing God and burning witches and all that. You remember what they said about making sacrifices? That's one thing they didn't lie about. Lucille sacrificed her own son for it."
Wow... I knew they were zealots but this is next level zealotry.
"How do you know all this?"
Kyle shrugs.
"Ever since the demon helped me get unstuck and remember what happened to me, I just... know stuff."
A ghost being useful for once? Color me impressed.
I rub my brow.
"Okay but once they'd got me, why tell the lie?"
"I guess they thought you'd fight back harder if you knew there was more than your own life at stake," Kyle says.
"But they didn't lie about the demon needing to be in a physical form in order to be exorcized and sent home. If the Morelli's bind him, he'll be trapped and you'll die but if you let him possess you willingly, he'll have full control."
I take a breath.
Well, not having physical lungs.
I don't really take a breath but whatever.
My astral body does the astral equivalent and I nod.
"Okay. Not like I've got great options."
"The only problem is, the demon is pretty powerful and he thinks possessing you will probably kill you, anyway, especially since you're already hurt."
"Uh... right. So, how are you keeping me alive, again?"
"We're not," Kyle says, looking towards the top of the theater as a dog's bark echoes through the hall, drawing Rafi and Rexi's attention.
"He will. And then the demon will save you both. You and John."
A chill goes through me at the sound of his name.
"What do you mean, save John?"
"There isn't time," Kyle says.
"You need to decide. Give him permission to possess your body or see how things play out. But the demon says you'll die for sure if you don't accept his help and he'll still be trapped."
'Fuck me. What kind of a choice is that?'
"Fine," I say, watching as Rafael shouts at Rexi to kill whoever comes through the door.
"Fine... tell him he has my permission to possess me, on one condition... he tells me his name first."
A lot of what people think they know about demons is half truth or whole fabrication but one thing they get right is that names hold power.
If the demon tells me his, I'll have something to use against him if he goes back on his word.
Tilting his head to the side, Kyle appears to listen to something only he can hear.
"He says he will tell you but that you probably can't pronounce it, since most of the sounds don't have an equivalent in this dimension. He says the closest he can get is..." Kyle opens his mouth and releases a bizarre string of noises somewhere between discordant music, a jungle full of animals and a bunch of rocks tumbling down a hill.
It bears so little resemblance to human language that I couldn't reproduce it if my life or soul... depended on it.
Meanwhile, I'm out of time.
I can sense John's presence, warm and bright, as he enters the theater and approaches.
"Alright," I say, throwing caution to the wind.
"Do it."
Kyle smiles, his ghostly blue eyes seeming to peer straight through mine and nods.
Almost as soon as he does, my body twitches in a very unwholesome manner, as if someone attached electrodes to all my extremities and gave me a good shock.
Rafael is too distracted by whatever's happening at the other end of the theater to notice and a dreadful anticipation fills me like liquid dark chocolate filling a bowl as I watch myself climb awkwardly to my feet and roll my head from side to side, cracking my neck.
I look a lot scarier and more imposing than I ever do in the mirror.
This impression is further solidified when my possessed body turns and confronts Rafael, face to face.
At first he looks surprised but pleased, probably thinking the possession ritual has gone smoother than he imagined it would.
His expressions swiftly changes when, moving faster than humanly possible... 'I' grasp his throat, lift him off his feet and slam him onto his back.
Then, to make matters more surreal, my demon-controlled self sets a foot on his chest, takes hold of his head and tears it from his body, Predator style.
Blood splatters across the stage.
Shocked and sickened, I can only stare as the demon, wearing my face, turns to look at me and smiles.
Rexi screams.
She stands at the far end of the stage, horror etched on her face and fires two shots at the demon, who watches without concern as the bullets spark off an invisible shield.
Movement at the other end of the theater distracts them both and Rexi fires more shots, aiming wildly into the darkened hall.
Someone returns fire.
Rexi takes a bullet to the chest and drops.
My heart lifts with relief as John approaches, flanked by Becky and one of the Hunter siblings... Freya the bounty hunter, I think.
The demon seems glad to see him, too,and greets him with a slow, broad smile, speaking in a voice surprisingly like my own.
"Hello, John. We've been waiting for you."
As John approaches, eyes locked on the demon wearing my flesh and completely oblivious to my incorporeal presence... I can only hope I haven't made a horrible mistake. 
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justahopelessaromantic · 10 months
I can't breathe, please don't say you love me (A Poem)
Fandom: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair AU: Medieval/Fantasy AU Ships: One-sided Tojouma (Kokichi/Kirumi) Accompanying Playlist for this Fic on Spotify and Youtube Summary: Your king has always been one to clean up after himself. At least, he has since you've been here. Normally he'd do his best to pick up the pulsating appendage and lock it back away in his chest, wiping up as much oozing red as he could. He'd cite giving you more time to focus on him as his reason, and you'd fire back that perhaps he just wanted to make your job a bit easier that day, but the mischievous sparkle in his eyes would shut you up. For now. Still. Kokichi leaving his bleeding heart on the floor he knows you clean first is the same as him leaving a crude ghost drawing at Kaito's doorstep, regardless of any innocence he feigns. He wants you to find it. The only difference is he doesn't actually mean to scare you.
He’ll be here any minute now
He’s called for no royal invitation
You’ve made no plans
But he’s already on his way
You know it
The door will groan and gag against his greasy fingers
Slamming wood against rough stone walls
Echoing across the snarling maw of the winding hall
Eager to swallow you whole
The scratches etching away over the door’s refined paint job
(Mahiru's work, you believe)
A reminder of who owns the place
The floor blooming with bruises
Caving underneath the weight of a dirty dress shoe
Like clockwork
Scuffing pristine tile as he chases after you
(All that wide open room
Where will you hide?)
Brown smudging blinding white
Sweaty hands staining your gloves
Slimy fingers tangling in yours
Slobbering all over your tight-lipped mouth
Pooling into the tile grooves
He’ll make a mess of everything
Of you
So you clean!
You roll up your sleeves
The bright silk digging into your forearms
(A gift from him, of course)
Cutting the circulation
(You feel as if you could puke up the blood
You'd only leave more work for yourself)
And put yourself to use
You scrub away any sense of innuendo
Pray the sparkling floors distract his wandering eye
Toss the freshly chopped firewood
Scattered around in the game of tag he “demanded”
(See: pleaded for)
So he gags at the smoke
Sick as the heat
Seeping into your shielded shoulder
From his arm
Restrained by bandages you so lovingly wrapped
Yet so invitingly naked
Coiled around your shoulder
You know,
Like he’s slick
Like the lopsided crown and newly crafted red cloak could only bury the sly little jester boy hiding underneath
Only peaking out to trick and tease you
Like you don’t keep watch for those kind of things
Pick apart intentions like you pick at grimy china dishes
Till they're white enough to smash against wiped down walls
Chipping ethereal murals
(What fine work Angie and her god do)
In grief,
And frustration,
And loneliness
The sort of loneliness you handle with worn gloves 
 Shaky hands and emboldened care
In sickness and in health
The shatter clanging against gold tableware
Leaving glass shards you’ll never stop finding in odd places
(Reminders of what you’ve wrecked)
You polish glass windows
(Let a pretty thing walk by and catch his eye
See what happens)
And the tile
Permitting your boots to clack against it
(They say a glimpse at your reflection can talk you out of plans better than your closest friend
And you're too frightened to do it anyway)
Clear the table with patience and resolve
Straighten the chairs
Careful not to scratch through your hard work
You look filthy and disheveled in comparison
You hope it covers up all that beauty he finds in you 
Your palpable fear buried by the tight-lipped smile and droopy eyes
Underneath the blood, sweat, and tears
You've smeared all across your face
And when you still hear no clatter of doors
You will dust off the throne
(He will plop down
Bouncing on red velvet
Kicking his feet
And drag you down with him
Only tugging harder when you move to stand
You both will relish in the warmth of your meal and each other)
Set the table for two
(Checkered place mats
And no complicated utensil systems
Just how he likes it)
And pour poset ale
Older than you
And call for Ibuki
To let the favorites you share with him
Float in the background
And Ruraka
To bake “freaky little peasant horse bread”
(Such a way with words he has
Not a good one, mind you
Just a way)
 The ones he insists on sharing with you each morning
Until busy, achy feet finally land
Square against the doorframe
(To distract your nerves
Of course)
Rudely clean air waiting back at you
He’s requested so much of you since your arrival
(A tad ungrateful
Considering you only work for a roof under your head and a way to spend your time)
Ruling advice
Ring around the Rosie
Courtship assistance
Tic tac toe
Guidance exploring the town
Hide and seek
Kisses for good luck
(His words
Not yours)
Bedtime stories
You’ve served him without hesitation
(Whether out of duty or desire
You’re too petrified to know)
Each order verbally signed off with an “Of course, my lord”
He’d dramatically wave away
You will lay down your life for him in battle if he orders it
(He won't
Would scold you for even thinking it
It would only draw an unnecessary smile out of you)
Even rip out your balled hand from its tight grip on your gown
To offer it in marriage
If truly necessary
The demon child resting on his shoulder
Wines at him to take
And take
And take
All his growing soul thinks it needs
You have only the few constricting desires
Sewn into the borders of your heart
The lace so delicate
You find it easy to ignore the brush against your ribcage
As your
Late at night
Esteemed royalty nestled between your chest
The fireplace crackling louder than your careless whispers
Empty wine bottles
Sitting at his bedside
Watching you
In eager anticipation
Stray embers tickling the arms wrapped tightly around him
His nimble, calloused hands dig into your open skin
Blood trailing down your gown
(You offer to scrub it out of the carpet come morning
He says the carpet stain can be a reminder of your talks
And how could you sneak out of bed that early
Just to let him wake up alone,
You cruel mistress!)
He plays doctor
The white wine you’ve poured and he’s offered acts as middle age anesthesia
Filthy, jagged fingernails
(Bound to infect your willing immune system
With trickery and lies
You'll pocket
Just in case)
Gingerly drag each thread out of its meticulous stitching
Tickling and kneading the offending origin with each gentle tug
Weaving each mortifying need
Into a growing tapestry
Hung above his bedside
He tends to it every day
With a spot right next to him at the banquet table
Mandatory playtime breaks
Careless affectionate touches
(Unbecoming in his case
Unprofessional in yours)
A place in his bed
Chess he “totally let you win, anyway!”
Unwanted help in the kitchen
And with greeting guests
And cleaning
And organizing
And anything to silence the rude question he found neatly embroidered on your heart
Lovingly tracing over it with his thumb
Tearfully trying to kiss it better 
(You handle his scraped knees the same)
“What else can I do to help?”
How dare anything
Ask that of you?
He laments
One bratty night
Empty champagne glasses
Diligently washed and packed away
(Why leave his buzzing mind visual clutter?
Brutal peace negotiations have worn him out well enough)
After all you do for us!
He cries
He calls for you to tuck him in
(You suspect the “us” is mostly him
But his pride is a silly, wounded thing
The only thing you enjoy nurturing)
Today you’ve poured your everything into your presentation
All your concern and trust and care
All you know how to give
Into your hospitality
If there’s any magical force out there watching over you
(And with all the wild and overbearing magic this kingdom runs into
There might as well be)
You hope and pray it’s enough for his aching heart
It is
Just this once
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snow-licity · 1 year
The ways Ted Lasso has changed my life!!
Ted Lasso is the reason I started therapy again and decided to actually fix all the things I've suppressed and not wanted to fix!
This week there are two things that happened that made me go: if this happened even 6 months ago I would be a wreck and I wouldn't even be functioning right now!
The first thing was at work on Monday I had a long day and had to leave, we were screen printing and started late, so I had to leave in the middle of it, now I'm there to help out bc my friend owns the business and they're really busy rn so they need people, but the guy I was working with was told really late that we were screen printing so he was frustrated that he wasn't told till just before.
However, normally in my head I internalize and think people are mad at me all the time for everything, so I literally said to myself "he's not mad at me, he's annoyed that they were starting late and he wasn't informed and I've been there all day, and I'm helping out, they appreciate any time I can give them.
All of which are not things I would normally tell myself and a behavior I wouldn't normally stop in the middle of
The second thing that happened was today, I was in the drive thru line in starbucks (mind you the starbucks that MY MOM WORKS AT, while she was working, and where I'm FRIENDS WITH ALL THE EMPLOYEES) and there's this guy behind me, he honked and was waving his hand out of his window, I could hear him through my closed window and I'm thinking "he's crazy, idk who he's talking to" then he GETS OUT OF HIS CAR, a litteral shiver goes down my spine bc I don't know what he's gonna do and I'm in shock, he gets up to my window and yells at me to move forward bc the person behind him can't order, I moved forward AN INCH bc there wasn't that much space ahead of me. He walks back to his car.
I'm frozen by the way, then I start crying bc it's traumatizing and I'm trying to be fine so I don't meltdown before work, but I get to the window and just start sobbing, I tell my mom and one of my friends, they deal w it
Apparently he acted like nothing happened and was gaslighting my mom, but the lady behind him (who he was doing this for) said that it made her uncomfortable and she almost called the police, and she felt so bad that this happened. Like im not overreacting, even someone who didn't have to take the brunt was uncomfortable (that's very validating)
But later I calm myself down and I'm thinking about in terms of "what's going on in his life where he thought that was okay" and "he must be having a shitty day to act like that" and this is something that would've made me INCONSOLABLE for a very long time about 6 months ago, but I'm not, I think I'm more level headed about it looking back even several hours after it happened than most people probably would've
Anyway all this to say that Ted Lasso has helped me in so many ways that I'm really starting to see a difference in the ways I react to traumatic situations and when it comes to generally overthinking things!
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e21 king of the damned (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
LOL cas you can let go now
dear lord i'm tired after just the recap. angels, metatron/gadreel, abaddon, crowley and his addiction, hellhounds, etc etc
angel handcuffed, slow clompy walk, "is that him??" cas appears. i giggled, not gonna lie
CASTIEL That brings me to why you're here. We have a prisoner. It's an angel from Metatron's inner circle. I need to know what they're planning, but so far, he's revealed nothing. DEAN So, you're done with the rough stuff, and you want us to be your goons? CASTIEL Well, you've had success at these situations before. If you don't want to do it, I understand. DEAN Who says I don't want to do it?
blegh. you know how i feel about the torture stuff, especially in relation to dean. and cas calling them in specifically just to torture information out of this angel. for a just cause though, of course, that makes it okay :|
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truly enjoying sam's hair this season combined with very proportionately sized sideburns and now that we're finally less orange looking consistently. lookin good mister padalecki. dean looks like a slight wreck and like he's dissociating
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wow show and boys, solving a problem without torture???? i am impressed! (seriously thank you eugenie and brad)
so much smiling and getting to put on this manipulative little show for the dude, fun to watch
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cute cute (ignoring this whole abaddon bringing his son from the 1700s thing to force his hand is.... whatever this is)
GAVIN You sold your soul?! Sold it?! For an extra three inches of willy?!
did we know this? i feel like maybe but i can't remeber lol
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so i wonder how much was shaved, he has enough hair i think he could have an undercut there and still have more than enough. wonder if that's part of why i like it so much more. i know i've seen him with it up in a bun a couple times so i could go see when that was but that's waaaay too much effort
oh, dean and his slice and dice mark of cain flashback. again, fic gave me the impression the mark was going to be central to goings on but there's just so many subplots nothing really is central
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maybe they should just keep a couple pairs of nitrile gloves on hand so, for example, they don't have to raw dog rifling through a corpse. a very slimy corpse
okay so crowley used sam and dean's go word and dean isn't telling sam because? (because he's not making good decisions either) and being all shifty
CASTIEL Just as poor judgement undid you all those centuries ago, your mistaken trust in Metatron will bring you down again.
rich coming from you, cas 😂
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okay weird fake solid blue birds. twitter product placement?? LOL
CROWLEY Hello, Dean. Love the crazy bloodlust in your eyes.
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must be really smitten now. bye abaddon, you were moderately fun and very beautiful to look at
CROWLEY You owe me. Do I get no credit for warning you this was a trap? [SAM looks perplexed.] CROWLEY "Poughkeepsie" ring a bell? I sense drama.
his gleeful little laugh was cute
DEAN Well, I don't know what to tell you. Them's the rules. He goes back. SAM The lore all says the same thing -- you change any one thing in the past, the ripple effect impacts everything that follows. CROWLEY Please. No one bends the rules like you two bend the rules.
made me laugh, points being made!
CROWLEY I'll cheer the day when the last trace of humanity leaves me. Feelings.
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DEAN First time I touched that Blade...I knew. I knew that I wouldn't be stopped. I knew I would take down Abaddon and anything else if I had to. And it wasn't a hero thing. You know, it wasn't... It was just calm. I knew. And I had to go it alone, Sammy. SAM Oh. Of course. So it was just another time where you had to protect me. DEAN You could've gotten nabbed by Abaddon, and she could've bargained her way out. We couldn't afford to screw this up.
okay but dean how about you have that conversation beforehand instead. asking for permission/begging for forgiveness
also can't remember sam turning in his seat like that before in one of these feelings-laden chats, really means business. so... effusive in his concern and everything lately
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sam's soaking up all the empathy leaking out of dean
SAM Look...I'm glad it worked out, okay? I am. And I'm glad the Blade gives you strength or calm or whatever, but, Dean, I got to say... I'm starting to think the Blade is doing something else, too. DEAN Yeah? Like what? SAM I don't know. Like, something to you. Look... I'm thinking until we know for sure that we're gonna kill off Crowley, why don't we store the Blade somewhere distant? Lock it up somewhere safe? Okay? DEAN No.
well i'm glad we get to hear about the effects of the mark/blade combo finally. it's really been the backburner plotline. again i know what it leads to, but not how we get there
this episode made the angel politics about as tolerable/interesting as i think they can get, so woo for that (missing the days of cas popping in and getting irritated because he's in the middle of an offscreen war)
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
I heard Infinity by Jaymes Young the other day and Idk why but at the line "And we could wear the same crown ... We are the gods now" I've got Griffin and Valtor vibes and then a thought occurred to me. We know Valtor saw himself as THE wizard of the dimension and always wanted more power. I see him like that in the past too. I also have that headcanon that the circle consisted of several wizards and witches and it was regulated hierarchically, so Valtor was obviously somewhere in the top because he was the strongest member. And while Griffin was still an circle member she has also an high position.
Do you think Valtor ever compared himself and Griffin to gods in general? Because with his ego I can see him doing that with himself. But do you think he also sees Griffin as his "Queen" and wanted the people around them and who are under them to respect her like that? And what would happened to the people who don't ? (He knows she can handle herself but I can also see how he's doing what ge wants to)
First off, I had assigned Infinity to my The Heart Wants What It Was Promised by the Stars fanfic. I hate to link it here because both the writing and characterization are very outdated and I cringe when I remember it BUT I have to give context to what I'm talking about. I did also have an AU of that AU which I now think should have been the main story. Valtor gets executed, Griffin somewhat moves on to where she's happy enough with her husband and they have a child, then Valtor comes back and can't stand the fact that she's married to someone else and isn't completely disgusted by that fact. Worst of all, Codatorta knows Valtor is there and yet, he hasn't given him up to the authorities which would force Griffin to choose Valtor. So Valtor starts trying to convince her that Codatorta doesn't really love her (because he's not possessed by murderous jealousy like Valtor is) and to piss off Codatorta enough to break up their fragile bond so that Griffin can be only his again. Don't know where I would take that but I am liking it more and more. Brain, no! Brain, yes!
As for Valtor feeling like they're gods and she's his queen? Long Live the Queen. It's a fanfic I wrote 3 and a half years ago inspired by Halsey's Young God which is THE GxV coven-times song.
Also, I have more thoughts on how the Coven works. These are all about my rewrite and I was planning on keeping my mouth shut but since that's probably just going to end up as me doing bullet points of my ideas for each episode, I figured I might as well talk about them now.
In my headcanons the Ancestral Witches are incorporeal because otherwise they would have wrecked shit all over the universe, not just on Domino and not just that one time. Plus, they are pure evil and their purpose is to destroy the whole universe. For that they have to snuff out the Dragon Fire first, though. But they are incorporeal. So they are trying to acquire bodies and this is where their descendants come in. Anyone can become a descendant of the Ancestral Witches but I am not going to explain that now (I think I might have done it already somewhere but I have too many posts to know for sure). The Coven is formed by the descendants so that they can get everything done to help the Ancestral Witches get bodies. Plus, they can possess their descendants but they don't like to do that because it confines them to the power level of the people they're possessing aka it leaves them too weak (and the possessed person dies once they are done possessing the body).
The Coven is ineffective because there's a lot of competitiveness between different groups of descendants as they're all trying to prove themselves by being the ones to actually achieve the goals of making the Ancestral Witches corporeal and destroying the Dragon Fire. The Coven almost gets wiped out but because the Ancestral Witches can only be killed if their essence in the Whisperian Crystals is destroyed, new descendants keep appearing and the Coven reforms again. The Ancestral Witches create Valtor, though, with the idea that him being under their direct control makes him perfect to act as a leader of the Coven to avoid such uncoordinated disaster again.
Everyone in the Coven is kind of fawning over him or at least trying to impress him to further their own ambition and as much as Valtor likes being the center of attention, he really hates this situation because he knows that they only care about him as an extension of the Ancestral WItches. Plus, he thinks most of them incompetent and dislikes working with them (because like I said, anyone could become a descendant of the Ancestral WItches without consideration of power levels or abilities or anything else). But then he meets Griffin. Her particle manipulation magic is very rare and intriguing. He thinks it might have something to do with the Dragon Fire because it created everything and her magic is based on the similarity between all matter. It does not have anything to do with the Dragon Fire as magic is more self-actualization and Griffin has always considered change (of the system) her primary goal so she manifested that magic for herself.
Still, that makes her very impressive in a whole another way. And Valtor likes that she can keep up with him (but without surpassing him) even though she doesn't have as much experience as he does. Plus, she's a challenge in a way because she's not that impressed with him and is giving him the cold shoulder which just makes it that much more important to him to seduce her. And he knows she's with the Coven because of him. She's not a descendant of the Ancestral Witches and everyone was pissed off when Valtor brought her into the fold but she's been giving more than amazing results so the Ancestral Witches deemed her useful. From then on, Valtor makes it clear that anyone that dares look at her the wrong way is dead because all the other Coven members are expendable and Griffin is his.
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