isdalinarhot · 7 months
Thinking about when Dalinar told Navani he straight up did not remember Evi and Navani’s immediate first assumption was oh he has that one thing that that one guy from The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat had where he drank so damn much that he got both anterograde and retrograde amnesia for the rest of forever. Which is such a wild assumption when you live on a planet that has magic
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
What makes a chicken more or less difficult to raise?
The same reason a golden retriever is less difficult to raise then a husky. Some animal breeds just have different care requirements.
For example Leghorns are a VERY easy chicken breed to raise.
Leghorns are a fast feathering breed, that means chicks are able to thermoregulate and get off heat faster then other breeds.
They do not really need any special chick starter or supplements to raise them. Leghorns are not really prone to any health issues when they are young.
When leghorns are adults they are nonbroody and very productive so they lay lots of eggs that are easy to collect and hatch.
Leghorns are a bit skittish by nature which means they tend to be great at avoiding predators and surviving predator attacks.
Leghorns also have some of the best feed conversion, this means they need to eat less to produce more then other chickens, so feeding them isnt to expensive.
All of the above would make a leghorn quite easy to raise and even breed. They do have some health issues that typically happen to them later in life but they are one of the most popular egg laying chickens for a reason.
Silkies are more so an intermediate breed. I dislike that they are considered beginner friendly for many reasons.
Silkies need to be on a good diet with good thiamine levels as they are prone to deficiency which can lead to a host of problems but most commonly wry neck that ends up very hard to reverse and treat.
Since silkies are fibromelanistic that means their immune system sucks for the first few months. In terms of building their immune system they will always be behind nonfibro birds of the same age due to the mechanics of fibromelanism. This makes them very vurnerable to cocciodosis outbreaks that wluld even bother your other birds when they are young.
Silkies have the hookless/silked gene this means they cannot thermoregulate as well as a normal feathered birds. That means they are more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. The chicks will sometimes need heat longer due to that as well.
Due to their crest and sometimes beard some silkies become essentially blinded by their feathers making them vurnerable to flock bullying, predation, and starvation. Yep starvation and malnutrition is a COMMON problem with silkies because they cannot see. This means adults can still be prone to wry neck and other issues caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Their fluffy appearance can hide issues very well. If their owner is not picking them up often its very easy to miss things like malnutrition and mites.
Due to all of the above Silkies would be a harder breed to raise then leghorns in my example.
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kylejsugarman · 9 months
those whump blogs that just sort of post pictures or gifs of characters in pain or hurting from various pieces of media without context should not be allowed to post “el camino” without any context because like. u don’t understand. u don’t understand. u don’t understand. U DONT UNDERSTAND U DONT UNDERSTAND U DONT UNDERSTAND
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soniez · 1 month
The Evolution of Thyroid medicines From Early Treatments to Modern Solutions
The thyroid gland plays a vital role in regulating the body’s metabolism, growth, and development.  When the thyroid malfunctions—whether through overactivity (hyperthyroidism) or underactivity (hypothyroidism)—the entire body can feel its effects.  Over the years, thyroid conditions have become more widely recognized, leading to the evolution of effective medications that help manage these disorders.  The development of thyroid medicines has come a long way, transitioning from early rudimentary treatments to modern pharmaceutical innovations that offer patients a higher quality of life.
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In this blog, we will explore the history and evolution of thyroid drugs, highlighting how thyroid medicines manufacturers in India and thyroid medicines exporters play a critical role in this process.  Additionally, we will discuss the increasing global demand for thyroid drugs, especially in regions like the Philippines, where thyroid medicines suppliers are crucial in ensuring access to life-saving medications.
The Early Days of Thyroid Treatments
Before modern thyroid drugs were developed, ancient civilizations used various natural remedies to manage symptoms of thyroid disorders.  Historical texts from Egypt, Greece, and China mention goiter, a visible swelling of the thyroid gland, which was often linked to iodine deficiency.  In these ancient times, treatments were rudimentary and primarily focused on addressing visible symptoms like goiter.
In the 19th century, scientific advancements began to shape the course of medical treatments.  One of the first breakthroughs in thyroid treatment came in 1891 when George Murray successfully treated hypothyroidism with thyroid extract derived from sheep.  This was the first instance of hormone replacement therapy and marked the beginning of the pharmaceutical management of thyroid disorders.
The Discovery of Iodine and Its Role in Thyroid Health
In the early 20th century, scientists discovered the importance of iodine in thyroid health.  Iodine is a key component in the production of thyroid hormones—T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine).  It was found that iodine deficiency was one of the main causes of goiter and hypothyroidism.  This discovery led to the development of iodized salt as a preventive measure against iodine deficiency, significantly reducing the incidence of goiter worldwide.
However, while iodized salt helped prevent thyroid disorders caused by iodine deficiency, it did not address all thyroid conditions.  This led to the continued development of thyroid hormone replacement medicines for those with other forms of thyroid dysfunction.
The Emergence of Synthetic Thyroid medicines
In the mid-20th century, researchers made significant strides in developing synthetic thyroid hormones.  The introduction of synthetic levothyroxine (T4) in the 1950s revolutionized the treatment of hypothyroidism.  Levothyroxine, which is identical to the naturally occurring hormone produced by the thyroid gland, replaced the crude thyroid extracts used in earlier treatments.  Its standardized dosage and predictable absorption made it the gold standard for treating hypothyroidism.
Levothyroxine remains one of the most prescribed thyroid drugs globally, helping millions of patients manage their condition effectively.  Today, it is produced by leading thyroid medicines manufacturers in India and other countries, ensuring consistent quality and supply to meet global demand.
In addition to levothyroxine, synthetic T3 drugs, such as liothyronine, were developed to treat hypothyroidism.  While T3 medicines are less commonly prescribed than T4 medicines, they offer an alternative for patients who do not respond well to T4 therapy.
The Modern Approach to Thyroid Treatment
With the advancement of medical research and technology, the approach to thyroid treatment has become more sophisticated.  The focus is now on personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to the individual’s specific thyroid hormone levels, symptoms, and overall health.
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy remains the cornerstone of treatment for hypothyroidism, but doctors now have a better understanding of the nuances in dosing and management.  For example, some patients benefit from a combination of T4 and T3 therapies, while others may require adjustments based on factors like age, weight, and the presence of other medical conditions.
The rise of thyroid medicines manufacturers in India has been instrumental in meeting the growing demand for thyroid medications.  Indian manufacturers are known for producing high-quality, cost-effective thyroid drugs, making these treatments accessible to patients worldwide.  In particular, Indian pharmaceutical companies have made significant contributions as thyroid medicines exporters, ensuring that countries with limited pharmaceutical production capabilities have access to life-saving medications.
Global Demand for Thyroid Drugs
Thyroid disorders are common worldwide, affecting millions of people.  Hypothyroidism, in particular, is a widespread condition that requires ongoing treatment with thyroid hormone replacement drugs.  As awareness of thyroid health increases, so does the demand for effective medications.
India has emerged as a key player in the global pharmaceutical market, with many thyroid drugs manufacturers in India producing a wide range of thyroid medications.  These manufacturers are able to meet both domestic and international demand by adhering to strict quality control measures and complying with global regulatory standards.
Indian companies are also recognized as leading thyroid drugs exporters, supplying medications to countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America.  For example, in the Philippines, thyroid disorders are a significant public health issue.  Thyroid medicines suppliers in the Philippines rely on Indian manufacturers to provide a consistent supply of high-quality thyroid medications to meet the needs of their population.
The Role of Thyroid Drugs Suppliers in the Philippines
In countries like the Philippines, access to reliable thyroid medications is crucial for managing the high prevalence of thyroid disorders.  The Philippines faces unique challenges in terms of healthcare access, particularly in rural areas where medical resources may be limited.  As a result, thyroid medicines suppliers in the Philippines play an essential role in ensuring that patients have access to the medications they need.
By partnering with Indian thyroid drugs exporters, suppliers in the Philippines can provide patients with affordable and effective thyroid treatments.  This collaboration helps address the healthcare needs of a growing population and ensures that patients receive timely and consistent care.
The Future of Thyroid Drugs
As research into thyroid disorders continues to evolve, so too does the development of new and improved thyroid drugs.  Scientists are exploring new ways to optimize hormone replacement therapy, including the development of long-acting thyroid drugs that could reduce the need for daily dosing.  Additionally, advancements in biotechnology may lead to the creation of more personalized treatments based on genetic and molecular profiling.
Another area of focus is improving the delivery of thyroid drugs.  While oral tablets are the standard form of treatment today, researchers are investigating alternative delivery methods, such as transdermal patches and injectable formulations, which may offer more convenient options for patients.
As the pharmaceutical industry continues to innovate, thyroid medicines manufacturers in India are expected to remain at the forefront of these developments, producing the next generation of thyroid treatments.  With a strong presence as both manufacturers and exporters, Indian companies will continue to play a critical role in meeting the global demand for thyroid drugs.
The evolution of thyroid medicines from early treatments to modern solutions is a testament to the advancements in medical science and pharmaceutical manufacturing.  Today, patients with thyroid disorders have access to safe, effective, and affordable treatments that allow them to lead healthy, normal lives.
India’s pharmaceutical industry, particularly thyroid medicines manufacturers and thyroid medicines exporters, has played a key role in ensuring that thyroid medications are available to patients worldwide.  In regions like the Philippines, thyroid medicines suppliers are essential in meeting the needs of those affected by thyroid disorders, helping them access the treatments they require.
As we look to the future, continued innovation and collaboration within the pharmaceutical industry will further enhance the quality and accessibility of thyroid medicines, ensuring that patients everywhere receive the best possible care.
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merlions · 4 months
Every time I start self invalidating and being like psh I don't REALLY have even minor synesthesia, everyone thinks letters and words and numbers are colors, I offhandedly say some shit to someone like "urgh don't you think it's so god damn hard to remember info about vitamins? Like they have letters AND numbers AND names, it's just way too many colors to be able to connect meaning to them, you know, the normal way one usually memorizes info." and they treat me like an insane person. Like oh I guess that's Not Very Relatable lol
It's just nice to have a change from people treating me like an insane person and a hypochondriac for saying I have mild synesthesia. A nice little variety to add enrichment to the being treated like a silly child. Caught between the rock hard devil and the deep sea place or whatever
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werewolf-femboy-maid · 5 months
*13 meltdowns later*
hello guys im back
the picture below is from this blog
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I would eat these so fast
I would run like ive never run in my life
I would marry both of these if they were people
I want 2,000 of each of these I want to savor them I want to devour them
everything in my soul is begging for the smell of these... oh my god and everything else in the blog looks like it smells really fucjgin goodddddd
there are very specific old smells I cant remember what exactly what some of the smells but my favorites are the smell of that kiddie pool rubber, my Korean grandma's detergent, and cigarets at the beach and the airport and the cities
I guess im a very smell person with my biggish nose
Sad creature hours
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ok guys I gotta find a remote job stay safe I love yall
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brunchbitch · 1 year
learning about different types of dementia/cognitive impairment in my serious illness, death, and dying class and one of them is wernicke-korsakoff syndrome lmao. it is still WILD to me that i could have caused permanent brain damage from my ed. thank fucking god they caught it when it was still wernicke's encephalopathy.
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mcatmemoranda · 11 months
Wernicke encephalopathy — Wernicke encephalopathy is due to diencephalic and mesencephalic dysfunction of central gray structures surrounding the third and fourth ventricles secondary to thiamine deficiency. Occurring both in alcoholics and nonalcoholic subjects, it probably is an underrecognized cause of encephalopathy in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients who are fasting, receiving parenteral nutrition, recovering from gastrointestinal surgery, being fed after a period of starvation, undergoing hemodialysis, or suffering from advanced cancer are particularly susceptible to this disorder [39]. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy".)
Wernicke encephalopathy is characterized by a triad of confusion, ataxia, and ophthalmoplegia. The full triad is rarely present, and variations from the classical description occur commonly. Ocular signs are the hallmark of the disease, including horizontal nystagmus, bilateral abducens palsy, complete ophthalmoplegia, and pupillary abnormalities [39]. Apathy, impaired awareness, disorientation, mental sluggishness, and restlessness characterize the encephalopathy. In extreme cases, coma may be the presenting feature [39]. An agitated form that overlaps with alcohol withdrawal syndrome has been described [7]. Ataxia results from vestibular and cerebellar dysfunction, and hypothermia and hypotension may occur due to hypothalamic dysregulation [39].
Prompt treatment with intravenous thiamine can reverse Wernicke encephalopathy. The ocular abnormalities are the first manifestation to respond to therapy. The ataxia and the encephalopathy may take days to weeks to resolve, and there may be permanent memory and cognitive impairment [39]. All debilitated patients at risk for Wernicke encephalopathy should receive adequate thiamine supplementation. (See "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Treatment' and "Wernicke encephalopathy", section on 'Prevention'.)
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scolek · 1 year
someone: "you shouldnt be putting chemicals you cant even pronounce into your body!!"
the one guy whos really good at pronouncing things:
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mejomonster · 2 years
Happy health news. Mostly rambling tho
AWWW YEAH. So the thiamine (100 mg TTFD), my herbal meds from acupuncturist, physical therapy stretches at home, and just general accupuncture and physical therapy, are working!
Knocking on wood but you know***
I havent needed miralax in a week, I'm experimenting with now lowering amitiza dose since I've been going 4 times a day it seems like I can risk lowering it now without super-risking not going for a week (and the vomiting that comes with it).
Notes for myself:
physical therapy stretches specifically help gi tract rumble and feel hunger, so I should try those when I get nausea or no appetite as they're a quick way to help those symptoms. I should also try to do them daily as they may be helping gi tract function better again. DO THIS when nausea or no hunger!!!
Herbal meds seem to be doing something. Just in that since I've started them I haven't needed miralax thank fuck. They're not hurting anything at least so I'll finish the bottles.
I'm currently doing 1 B complex vitamin (so it's got 200 mg B5 since that helps gi function too), and 1 100 mg B1 thiamine TTFD form capsule. I could significantly push up this dose, either up to 3 a day (which seemed to help some others with gi issues), 5 a day (again helped some with gi issues) or all the way up to 1600 mg (the high dose thiamine recommendation). I think I'll keep it where it is for now since that'll make the bottle last longer. But if I can't use bathroom, I could consider upping this dose as an initial attempt to feel better. Then amitiza, then miralax. That would probably be the gentlest order of trying to fix it. I am still going to take motegrity nonstop as I think the primary issue IS motility so I don't want to slow down motility and make things worse.
The nutritionist gave me a supplement with butryate and glutamine. If I add anything I may add that next, a gi protocol with thiamine mentioned those help gi tract heal. I know in the fall/winter I was given those and they did help significantly with lowering pain, increasing my food tolerance of solids. I figure I either got benefit then and I'm good now, or maybe I could use some more. But since I've already got a new supplement with them I may add them back in.
Nutritionist also gave me 2 digestive enzyme supplements she think will help my tolerance with foods causing intense bloating pain constipation that I'm not actually allergic to, like cabbage broccoli beans kimchi etc. But I can do that later and see if it helps later on.
Right now the first variable I want to keep messing with is thiamine, because it's so far only had small good effect or larger positive effect. It's water soluable, it's easy to take.
I'm low key hoping maybe my recovery will be less than 6-8 months (which is the estimate my acupuncturist gave and the similar case to mine seemed to need 5-8 months based on their timeline) just because I can do a few more things and have done more prior work in recovery besides just taking my gi meds to keep me able to eat. Also for me physical therapy seems to be somewhat helpful, which is something the case study like me did not do.
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healthylifeweb · 4 days
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buy-otc · 14 days
The Benefits of Thiamine Supplementation and How to Incorporate It Into Your Diet
Thiamine, a water-soluble vitamin B1, is vital for energy metabolism and for keeping the neurological, cardiovascular, and digestive systems in good condition. Although thiamine is naturally present in a wide variety of foods, certain people may benefit from supplements because of their lifestyle choices or health issues. This blog post discusses the advantages of taking thiamine supplements and explains how to include this critical component in your diet.
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The Advantages of Thiamine
Increase Energy: Thiamine is an essential component in turning carbs into energy. Ensuring your body has enough thiamine allows it to use glucose for energy more effectively, which increases energy and decreases weariness.
Nervous System Health: Thiamine helps to maintain healthy nerve function. Sufficient amounts of thiamine encourage healthy nerves, enhance motor function, and lower the chance of diseases like peripheral neuropathy, which can result in tingling and numbness in the extremities.
Cognitive Function: Thiamine improves mental function by promoting memory and focus. It is best for people with neurological disorders or those susceptible to mental deterioration, like the elderly.
Heart Health: Vitamin B1 or Thiamine ensures appropriate muscular contraction and aids in maintaining good circulation, both of which improve heart function. Cardiovascular issues, including an enlarged heart, an irregular heartbeat, and heart failure, can result from thiamine deficiencies.
Aids in Digestion: Thiamine promotes the breakdown of food and the generation of stomach acid, both of which are important for digestive health. Sufficient amounts of thiamine can enhance the digestive system's effectiveness and stave off ailments like dyspepsia and low appetite.
Prevents Deficiency in At-Risk Individuals: People who are on restrictive diets, have malabsorption diseases or are people living with chronic alcoholism people living with alcohol use disorder are among the groups most at risk for thiamine deficiency. Supplementing with thiamine can help avert the significant effects of a deficiency, like Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and beriberi.
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Tips for Including Thiamine in Your Diet
Eat Whole Grains: Whole grains are a great source of thiamine. Examples include brown rice, oats, and whole wheat. Switching from refined to whole grains can boost your consumption of thiamine and benefit your general health.
Consume Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes: Sunflower, flax, and lentil seeds are rich in thiamine and a good source of energy. Adding these to salads, snacks, or main courses is a simple way to increase your thiamine consumption.
Select for Fortified Foods: Thiamine is added to many bread, pasta, and cereal products, making them a quick and easy way to get the vitamin. Verify the product labels to be sure you're purchasing reinforced goods.
Think About Supplements: You may need to take a thiamine supplement if your diet is deficient or your medical condition increases your risk of thiamine deficiency. Several kinds of thiamine supplements are on the market, including tablets, capsules, and injections.
Cooking Techniques to Consider: Since thiamine is water—and heat-sensitive, it can be lost during cooking. Instead of boiling your meal, try steaming or softly sautéing it to retain the thiamine instead of boiling it. Steer clear of overcooking thiamine-rich meals.
Taking thiamine supplements has several health benefits, including increased energy and support for the heart, brain, and digestive system. Consuming thiamine-rich meals is essential for overall health and fitness, regardless of the possibility of a shortage. Thiamine occurs naturally in whole grains, lean meats, legumes, and fortified meals. Supplements may be beneficial for those who seek additional assistance.
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imdrawing2blanks · 16 days
day one of “can I cram an entire tattoo portfolio in 20 days“ bc ive been effectively been procrastinating for over five monthsb
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mimyclub-blogs · 2 months
Most Common Vitamin Deficiencies in Alcoholics.
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various vitamin deficiencies due to its impact on the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. Here are some common deficiencies associated with alcohol consumption: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: Chronic alcohol use can interfere with the absorption of thiamine, leading to a deficiency. Thiamine deficiency can result in neurological problems…
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vitamin-b-family · 3 months
NOW Vitamin B1 thiamine 100mg, 100 Tablets Supports Energy Production Healthy Nerve Tissue
Amazon Sales Link: https://amzn.to/4brrGpb
Vitamin B-1, also known as thiamin, is a member of the B-vitamin family that is naturally found in cereal grains, beans, nuts, eggs, and meats. Thiamin is involved in numerous body functions, including nervous system and muscle functioning, the flow of electrolytes in and out of nerve and muscle cells, carbohydrate metabolism, and the production of hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for proper digestion.
thiamine #Vitamin #B1
thiamine, Vitamin B1, Supports Energy Production, Healthy Nerve Tissue, numerous body functions, nervous system, muscle functioning, the flow of electrolytes in and out of nerve and muscle cells, carbohydrate metabolism, the production of hydrochloric acid, proper digestion,
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