#things on this server i actively dislike as an event
swiftfootedachilles · 5 months
The people youre talking about were friends way before you showed up why are you making this such a big thing
i didn't even name anyone y'all don't even know what users i was referring to 💀 "before i showed up" some of the users didn't even join the fandom until long after i did so what are you talking about.... not that you would know that since i was purposefully vague and never named them ☠️☠️☠️
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scummy-writes · 7 days
These are things I do online, which does take time:
- Manage my own discord server: it's not active with hundreds of people, but it is something to keep an eye on daily and make sure folks continue to get along and have fun in the server (so this means making channels, events, general moderation and org).
- I run @ikemen-daily-questions: where I schedule... daily questions... we've hit a period where I am struggling to come up with many, while having a lot in 'the bank' tuned more for the holidays and colder weather. Its a blog i genuinely enjoy running since reading everyones responses is so fun, just coming up with new questions is a bit hard at times. They're usually queued in advance.
- @askgilbertvonobsidian: which bluntly is silly but it's fun trying to write gilbert often, I usually want to try and post a few times a week, but I waffle a lot on how gilbert should sound.
- letters-from-ikemen, and its discord server: it's a group of sweethearts and the requests have been going smoothly, where we sort out requests as they come in, try to remember to check in on said requests, while trying to make sure the server is also fun for folks so it doesnt feel like some odd 'job'.
- this blog: where I write in theory. It's never been pushed by anyone else but myself, but I like to try and see if I can manage a fanfic a month, because i do enjoy writing, but it's always a struggle. I try to queue up things as well as respond to comments/messages when I can, but they can get buried when I focus on the other stuff mentioned in this post.
IRL, I work 40 hrs a week with a boring 9-5 type of job, I have a dog eith some health issues, I got my own issues, while also trying to juggle talking to 20 or so people in various levels through the week.
All of this doesnt account for the time spent trying to write, trying to read/play the games, trying to relax, and so on.
I hope next time I neglect messages on accident, instead of someone worrying that I secretly dislike them, or wondering if I am snobbish or something, it's taken into account that most of the time, I am just Busy.
This is also why writing is even more slow to come out now, unfortunately. I am hoping next year I can manage my time a bit better so I don't end up trying to do so much but having too little stamina for it all.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
hey tweam, i know it's a bummer but it's time for a pinned announcement post due to the insane amount of hate messages i am receiving daily regarding natalie. if you're a normal, decent person, feel free to scroll past, disregard, and tumblr on…
since some of you non-tweam members like to thrust your ugliest inner musings anonymously into my ask box and seem to think that's okay, let me make one thing clear: i don't tolerate hate. and i won't tolerate unfair criticism and negativity towards natalie, because up to this point, not one of you have brought forth a legitimate critique. no, natalie posting evan on instagram, going with him to events, just publicly existing as a couple.. is NOT ''using him for fame''. that's called being his girlfriend, and those are all normal things for couples to do. you wanting evan to either not date at all, or do so in utter secrecy to protect your jealous heart is NOT a legitimate reason to dislike natalie. if she does something problematic, then yes, you have every right to voice your feelings and i would absolutely allow that (civil) conversation - until then, i suggest that you print your message out on the thickest, roughest card stock you can find at your local office depot, wipe your ass with it, and then throw it in the trash where it belongs as i won't be entertaining you.
i remember all too well the slippery slope with frances, and the way people justified terrible behavior towards that woman by pointing to perceived ''wrongs'' that apparently meant it was okay to bully her, not just on here, but on her own social media. was there some fair, due criticism somewhere underneath all of that? absolutely, but it was never truly about that. some ''fans'' simply want evan to date villainous women so that they can ''legitimately'' hate on them without being called a hater - and if the woman isn't an actual villain, they will create a narrative that paints her as one. that's why they have all this smoke for fran, haley lu, now natalie.. but it's crickets for emma, who is well-known for being awful. even gftwd, who would've told you frances was satan incarnate, defended emvan. why? because deep down, they like evan with emma because she's an overtly bad person and they could hate her freely if emvan got back together. oh, they'd change their tunes quick.. but they aren't together, so they focus elsewhere. yet fran, whose worst offense was being an internet troll and edgelord, had multiple hate blogs, discord servers, instagram accounts, etc. all dedicated to tearing her down and actively encouraging other people to join in. and that's exactly what some of you unstable weirdos are preparing to do to natalie, which i can't stop you from doing - hell, rosa already posted the address to a place natalie was staying and endangered her safety and potentially evan's. once you cross a certain line, good luck going back. some of you never learn.
we're all here because we are fans of evan, not fans of the women he dates. you are not obligated to like natalie and talk about her, not with me or anyone else. in fact, i encourage discussion that deviates from the relationship chat and my hope is that as evan and natalie settle into a long-term relationship, a sense of normalcy can begin to form where people do not feel so tense about something that really should not be our concern. it can be background noise. if he's happy, she's not causing problems, and they appear to have a healthy union.. what's there to hate? we're here to support the man, not tear him down. this is a major reason for the disdain i have for the tarot blog(s) currently running - your sole purpose for being on this app and engaging in fandom should not be to incessantly, repeatedly, multiple times a day be putting out undeserved negative commentary about evan, his relationship, and the woman he is dating. how would YOU feel if, completely unprompted by any controversy, someone decided they were going to make it their job to obsessively post negative things about YOUR relationship? hell, at least be fair! if any of you just need an outlet, idk, maybe start shit talking the woman evan dated for nearly a decade who has shown herself to be a literal demon instead lmfao at least she is deserving of your ire. i understand that this is a gossip and discussion blog, and by default, it can turn intrusive in nature. but it does not have to be negative in nature.
again.. can you imagine if you were just minding your own business, living life, dating someone.. and a stranger who has no reason to speak out against you decides to take offense to another person calling you gorgeous, to the point they have to log onto tumblr and anonymously message a blog to announce that they think it's ridiculous someone has called you attractive.. oh, and by the way, your current boyfriend's ex? now, SHE'S gorgeous! not you though, you're mid. yeah, i'm pretty sure you would realize real quick just how fucking uncouth that message was.
anyway, if this miserable behavior happens to be your jam, your IP address will be blocked from sending me messages and any that i do receive will be promptly deleted unless it's juicy enough that i will derive pleasure from roasting your ignorant ass.
to all the truly funny, kind-hearted, intelligent folks who frequent this blog and brighten my day with your messages and discussions.. love ya.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 11 months
Theorizing rambles!
Spoilers for the QSMP Emergency stream below, feel free to add and discuss especially if I missed something
Okay we need to talk about Codeflippa—described as a flawed code by the Resistance, who was there to guide BBH (neutral dreaded by major parties, of which I'll get into in another post), Max (infected by code after a Federation operation), and Pierre (experimented on by the Federation and is apparently a physical robot i guess???) to activate Protocol AB. Based on today's video, we can assume the Protocol is to send the islanders away to Egg Island, described as a protocol that'll make the islanders have fun games and challenges. She then sent Mariana into the void that led him to the Purgatory server
Then there's that shit with ElQ and Fred. Fred was the worker that led Tubbo (emerged from the ice, neutrally aligned afaik), Slime (code infected from being with Fl1ppa), and Roier (given relatively special treatment by the Federation) to the first instance of the Roulette Wheel surrounded by all the Eggs' accessories. q!Quackity then as we know kidnaps Fred. Man is still missing, and there's that ticket exchange with ElQ, leading to getting shot by Oscurucho yesterday. Based on Tubbo's interactions with Fred, I think the worker having ties to the third party is plausible—not sure what kind of ties, but I'm assuming he's disposable in the POV of the third party, or he would have been found already
Oscurucho knows of the Eye Observer, who stalked Toob, Charlie, and Roier when they went into the Maze. When Forever, island President, was sent into the Nether, he got toyed with by Oscurucho for a long period of time until he was asked to sow discord for the Purgatory event.
If we're assuming the Eye + Oscurucho (assuming the two ARE connected), I think they're the third party supposedly the Eggs ran away from. I think ElQ is the Federation infiltrator (had been hinting at this since the Election and suddenly his desperate attempts to be President make sense now—he was appealing to Federation standard not knowing it would ruin his reputation with the islanders; he needed to be President so he could facilitate the will of the Observer significantly with much less harm) and Fl1ppa is the Resistance infiltrator. ElQ has been playing the long game, and as we know Fl1ppa can do her own thing as far as Resistance members are concerned. This third party is either a branch of the grander Federation engaging in department infighting, a different resistance group, or something else entirely. I don't think we have enough info yet on its motives. All we can be sure about is that this third party inflitrated the protocol to skew it into Purgatory.
The roulette wheels and dice I feel have to be part of the original Federation Protocol. Otherwise, Bagi and Carre, whose entrances were marked by the roulette wheels, would have relevance rn, especially that Bagi's known lore mentions no third party + Carre hasn't logged in for a bit. These give the islanders the tickets that would have taken them to Egg Island. The special tickets may have relevance to the original Egg island but who knows tbh. The infiltration had to be very deep, very high up, or we and the islanders wouldn't be shown dialogues regarding access to official Federation records. We know the third party has also been making effort to reveal information the Feds worked hard to hide too. It appealed to the Islanders' general dislike of the Feds, clearly, or it would have been withholding information from the Islanders too and clearly making their already begrudging cooperation significantly more difficult. Strange to do that, for an entity who claims to hate the Islanders. WHAT ARE YOU UP TO? uewlwhfvroep
Like I said, feel free to add and discuss especially if I missed something
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neoninky · 10 months
Sebek for the bingo meme
Ziggy Ziiiiiggggs~ 🐊
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Alright, first things first-*rambling activated*
From Day 1 of getting my sights on the Twisted Wonderland art alone, Sebek was definitely one of my favorite characters designs. He just looked rad as hell with the green hair, them antique green-gold peepers, that bone structure. Mwah, chef kiss 🤌 then Hairdown!Sebby came into existence? Oh man. 10/10 💚
So I didn’t completely fill in the “mean fandom” square cuz I see/have seen a lot of polarized responses to Sebek in the fandom. People have either LOVED or HATED (or loved to hate lol) Sebek from what I’ve seen. I get it: at first glance he is very rude, loud, stubborn, obsessive, etc etc.
Lately, oh yes, he has gotten more popular across the board due to the Diasomnia chapter releasing on both servers, and his inclusion in side events, which makes sense. Croc boi has gotten more screen time so we get to know him better and see him interact with his dormmates and the other characters. Also shout out to @nuitthegoddess and @ryllen whose Sebek x OC/Yuu content endears me to the tsundere croc even more lol (aka “blorbo by proxy”)
But me personally? I haven’t disliked Sebek since the beginning. I thought he was kinda funny and silly in that he is so boisterous and hyper focused to a fault. Lately, though - from seeing his interactions with Silver and other characters in side events and the main story, he has grown on me tremendously. Some of my favorite cards that I have are Sebek cards (Camp Vargas!Sebek I’m looking at you, buddy)
so yeah, I’m a bit anxious about our crocodile boi because I’ve gotten attached and once you get past the loud angry Malleus obsessed nerd-jock, Sebek is actually a very kind, loyal person and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him but I do wanna know more about his background.
I would love for there to be a closer look into his upbringing as a fae halfling and how it’s affected his self image and other things psychologically/emotionally and such. That would be hella fascinating!
FREE SPACE: I am lil’ biased cuz I have had a deep love of reptiles from lizards, alligators and crocodiles to dinosaurs and dragos so that makes me very fond of Sebek too lol 💚
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qsmpconfessions · 1 year
Something deep in my gut dislikes the birds in a cage lore drop, aka the bird girls being former and maybe continuing to be lab rats of the federation.
Something about the lore seems... wrong. It feels like we seen a cut scene out of order or something. I just don't like this lore.
Also I seriously hope they are getting rid of the egg lore bit, not because I hate it. It's just the players and the mods are actively fucking over their sleep schedules and health and potentially the intended story, the egg part wasn't supposed to last as long as it did. My theory to as why:
The eggs WERE supposed to die in some specific event much earlier on but because they didn't discover that particular plot hook or whatever would trigger the event it got pushed off. Because of this, the eggs stuck around.
Because thanks to a leak we know there are eight sectors to this world. I'm guessing one is properly the heart of the federation but maybe one is dedicated to the other regular Minecraft realms as they seemingly aren't allowed to those dimensions proper aka the End and Nether without special access. But thing is we've spent nearly a SINGULAR YEAR on LAYER ONE ALONE. Technically it's over half a year now, but soon it'll march again. And the first year anniversary WILL be upon us and...
We wouldnt have gotten far in the story... at all. It's been half a year and we are stuck on the eggs.
Maybe my dislike of the experiment lab rat bird sisters is because of how it was added because they are realizing shit we need to move things along, there's no way we are spending 8-10 years in this server.
i personally think they went forwards w/ their scheduled lore plans, just with the eggs attached? Yeah, the elections were put off a bit but that was because of creators schedules not lining up well. and Quackity did say he wanted this to be a long-form SMP, but we can only guess how long it's supposed to go lol.
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Hi!! I know this is a big shipping thing and stuff but uhh i saw on the bigger results there was one of gem/fwhip and i know its like ship who you wants but those two are canonically siblings in empires season1, and yeah not in other smps but its still heavily headcanoned and liked as rosetwins throughout a lot of the community due to esmp1 of those two canonically being biological twins
i would not like the participate in this if gem/fwhip is influenced or brought up /nm /gen /lh!
Thank you for your input!
We will not be putting restrictions on which headcanons people can and cannot use or which canons they can and cannot abide by in their ships and creations. All sensitive content will be appropriately warned for, and we will take great care to make sure that partner pairs are both comfortable with their subject matter.
The event Discord server will be a creative space where everyone will be more than welcome to discuss and share their creations. For everyone's comfort and safety, there are designated role-locked spaces for people to discuss and share sensitive content. However, only content that actively involves sensitive topics will be restricted to these channels—e.g., we will not prevent all discussion of Bdubs/Etho in main channels simply because they were father and son in the Limited Life SMP.
To address your specific concern, we cannot guarantee one way or another if anyone will be creating content for or discussing Gem/Fwhip in the server. Writers have freedom to change their ship(s) until their drafts are due on September 2, so we will not have an official "roll call" of ships included in this event until that point.
If you are interested in joining as a writer, but you're worried about seeing a ship you dislike, you do not have to actively participate in the Discord server. If you are interested in joining as an artist, you do not have to join the Discord server until after all fic summaries are available, at which point you will be able to see all the ships included in this event. In either case, you must join the server, complete all check-ins, and communicate with any partner(s) you are paired with, but otherwise there is no requirement to socialize with the other participants or engage with their creations.
We hope this information will be useful to you in your decision about participating in this event.
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You've been a thorn in my side for a long, long, long time now CoAD. A few screenshots of some things said in jest won't be enough to bring me down. Your blog has done nothing in the past few months apart from cause a few weak willed members to flee like the rats they are. Even though you've been trying to get into Shewp's head, he is far more resilient than a cretin like you gives him credit for.
The PCU is a -legion- and members are loyal. For every person that has left, more people have joined. CoAD will be too cowardly to post this, but know that the PCU is still growing stronger despite the claims made here. I want you to know that -I- like many others will very much be going down with the ship if you ever did happen to succeed (which you will not). You will never drive us from this server and we won't bow down by choice.
It will only be a matter of time before we find out who you and your editors. We know you have agents within the PCU as well, both old and new - they are being hunted within renewed effort and will be discovered and blacklisted for abetting you. You have had nothing more than a few 'minor' victories CoAD - the war is on going and there is only room for one of us in the future of Argent Dawn.
Hold on, let us get the 'how to deal with an internet tough guy' textbook.
Firstly, how is losing five guilds in four months doing for you? We found it rather funny that even after Grim Gest, Cleft of Shadow and Ardent Pursuit merged with their opposite faction counterpart ( We thought neutral RP was bad! ) These guilds have continued to lose numbers rather than gain them.
More on the PCU census soon actually, keep an eye open sports fans.
The PCU is anything but legion and loyal. Considering a majority of our contributions come from members or ex members disaffected with what is happening. A failed vanity project with its founder now actively trying to pull people off WoW. Guild leaders and officers repeatedly shown to engage in threats of violence and being sex pests. "THREE HUNDRED MEMBERS STRONG" is now barely down to about 30 active members at any major PCU event, the size of a normal guild.
Twenty five failed guilds, of which twenty have gone dead since Perroy fell off the radar last year. Your guild leaders are insulating themselves or outright abandoning ship. Vitsaus nervously stops advertising his guild as PCU in trade chat, all of your elf guilds have imploded spectacularly. Talirei(Azure Dawn), Lunarglade(Eternal Sisterhood) have ran off to make pseudo-PCU guilds with their loyal followers (The Sunspear and House Bemoux respectively). Even the nominal leader of the PCU, Gruggosh has made an insurance guild on the Alliance as the Sword of Triumph.
We fully expect the likes of you (either Coalburnt or a Grim Gang stooge writing this) to go down with the ship in emulation of your primary inspiration. Der Untergang of the PCU is already inescapable at this point and the whole server knows, we're just watching and waiting for the last rants of the PCU 'Endsieg' to whimper out.
So please, do continue showing yourselves to be the biggest clown convention Argent Dawn has ever known, please do continue to bully and harass your own members for non-compliance and ideological impurity. Please do continue to try and fail miserably at identifying 'big bad CoAD' and showing how much we live rent free in your heads. You only show the rest of us what kind of sick and demented people exist inside the PCU, so obsessed with image and control and unable to fathom people enjoying their hobby in a way they dislike.
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minnesotadruids · 2 years
Do you use any other 🥝 rms of social media? Just wondering how long you have been on Tumblr and if this is your primary choice for social media, why? What does Tumblr give you that other places do not?
Short answer: For me, Tumblr seems to be the platform that is the least inconvenient. 
All social media sites seem to have some sort of baggage, particularly in the way each one handles its own policies for sure, but also in a number of different aspects as well. Facebook: Oakdale Grove has a Page [here] where I post photos and ritual event listings. Despite Facebook being a bustling megalopolis, my page doesn’t see that much traffic. In fact as of today it has 620 follows since 2012. I really dislike the feature of “invite John Doe to like your page,” it’s just smarmy. Facebook buries or removes all the best features to the point that I just post less and less so that I don’t have to deal with the hassle. I lost a lot of trust in Facebook in the 2014 News Feed Experiment, and I decreased my activity there in general thereafter. I also deleted the Facebook and Messenger apps from my phone because of feature creep and my custom settings getting reset with each update.
Instagram: I’ve never wanted an Instagram page. Pretty much all social media sites compress uploaded image files to take up less server space, but Instagram seems to downscale photos the most aggressively. Aside from that it’s really just not my thing. Every now and then I consider just signing up and getting started, but whenever I do, someone somewhere on the internet is griping about what they hate about Instagram, and it's always something different. It just reminds me of why I don't want to go near it.
Pinterest: Is Pinterest even a social media platform? It either needs to just go away or at least not be indexed by search engines. Do a search for "why I hate Pinterest" and the millions of search results are pretty much how I feel about the site. It’s basically imagery that lacks meaningful context.
Twitter: Microblogging is fun and effective for very short bits of information without being in your face (like TikTok). Among social media platforms, this is where I have my smallest following. Nevertheless, some people have found Oakdale Grove through this platform alone, so I keep using it.
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Google Plus: Well it’s dead and gone, but it never was a social media powerhouse. I had a Plus page on druidry but pretty much abandoned it in under a year.
YouTube: This was once quite a social media haven. It was never perfect, but YouTube has fallen from grace repeatedly. Until 2011 or so, you could add users as friends, messaging was also easier then, and you also once had the power to delete subscribers that you didn’t want, including dead accounts. These days you can only block users you don’t like, but they can still subscribe to you. There’s also the latest YouTube policy enforcement fiasco which demonstrates that they are permitting hate speech to continue. I have several videos partially edited, but have just no drive to complete them.
TikTok: OMG this is a plague upon us all! I have friends who try to send me TikTok videos. Half of the time the thumbnail does not match up with the video that actually starts playing. And for some reason TikTok seems universally loud. It's social media ADHD on meth. As far as I can tell there is no way to mute videos, and no playback control other than pause. If a video doesn't loop, it loads and plays the next one, and I just want to take some ibuprofen for it. I managed to block TikTok in my computer's web browser and deleted the app from my phone months ago, so I can live in peace until someone starts streaming it in public. To be honest, I was really looking forward to the failed TikTok ban a few years ago.
Overall, I really like the things you can do on the site. That said, Tumblr really shot themselves in the foot in December 2018. Tumblr had ample opportunity to purge just the porn bots, Nazis, and pedophiles, yet they haphazardly went after the whole NSFW community. A lot of regular Tumblr users left in protest after that, too. I’m still getting followed, liked, and reblogged by porn bots, and I have them to thank for reaching 1600 followers over the past few months. Bots aside, ultimately I feel that I do get a better response here than on other platforms.
As it pertains to Druidry, I created my blog on Tumblr in 2015 because of the lack of representation of druidry. The Witchblr community is huge here in my opinion, but there is far more gaming content in terms of the search tag Druid. The search results churn up almost exclusively role playing content such as D&D, World of Warcraft, and related fan art. That’s nice for the gaming community, but they have a disproportionate monopoly of content under the #Druid tag. Druidry and Druidism yield more relevant search results in terms of spirituality and paganism, but spiritual druidry is still not that well represented here. We are a fraction of a fraction.
Tumblr is also most popular among Millennials and Generation Z. The demographics of druidry are shifting, but I’ve heard (by hearsay) that most people tend to find druidry in their 40s or later, and that many of them didn’t even know it existed beforehand. As a mostly typical Millennial myself, and as someone who dove into druidry back at age 20, Tumblr seemed like a good place to set up a blog where I could help other young adults discover druidry, too. There have been plenty of times where older practitioners of druidry have said “I wish I would have found druidism sooner” or something to that effect. 
So that’s part of why I’m here, to help others gain in Awareness, and to help them discover something potentially meaningful while they’re still in their prime.
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snorfbin · 5 months
just a little eensy teensy rant about eso lately
im not looking for a discussion or anything like that, this is just a rant i couldnt stuff in the tags
eso is one of those games that i want to like but it feels like with each passing day i find theres more and more to dislike about it. sometimes i feel like im submitting a ticket every week bc theres something broken i come across. stuff environmental asset that were once entirely solid can now be clipped through which prevents people from getting loot the devs stashed ontop of it
lately theyve been celebrating the 10th anniversary jubilee, 10 whole years of eso, and of course they can even do that smoothly along with literally every other event theyve put on in 2024. it started out fine but shit soon hit the fan
they made an update to pts so players can test out the new dlc and some new pts features to test out higher level builds. things were going well until about an hour after the pts was brought back online when my server, pcna, was suddenly taken offline without any warnings. i had to hop over to the server to get some info which is where i learned that the pts update hadnt gone smoothly. zos somehow crossed the wires between pts and pcna where people could bring over their max level pts toons over to pcna and i heard people had billions in gold and trillions in loot. pts and pcna were taken down for this emergency bc it absolutely wouldve devastated the player economy to have that much money flowing around. speculation on how zos would handle this was grim on the forums, generally people were expecting a server rollback and all progress they had made that day would be erased. ill give zos credit, they didnt do a rollback but just locked the accounts of those who were affected by this pts exploit so the devs could dig through their inventory and xp histories to pick out the exploits; everyone else who didnt exploit the game would be fine to continue on playing when the servers came back online
pcna was taken down i wanna say around 7 am for me and was only brought back by around 11:30 pm so thats most of the day for the event gone. to my knowledge it took a couple days for pts to come back online. overall the issue didnt bother me beyond the time the server was down at that point. those with locked accounts would receive incredibly generous gifts from zos to make up for the inconvenience of being locked out during the event. theyd get...
-16k endeavours. they can use that to buy items from the gamble crates without spending any irl money. 16k is enough to buy like 400 of the bottom tier items or just 1 of the top shelf fancy as fuck items. thats about 10 months worth of constantly grinding for endeavours
-5 replica style pages released this year for the event. you can normally get these style pages through a handful of activities but the drop rates have become infamous for how abysmally low they are. ive heard of people running 700 dolmens now throughout the whole event and they have nothing to show for it. players whove been locked out get all 5 without putting in the work
-25 confetti scrolls to make the new jubilee horse mount. normally you get these by doing 1 daily quest to get a gold event reward box, you get 1 confetti scroll per box and the event was originally only meant to go on for 18 days, youd have to spend event tickets to buy more to complete the achievement to earn the horse
so locked out players get all 3 of these overwhelmingly generous gifts to make up for the time theyve spent locked out during the event. usually whenever zos actually feels bad about a blunder they just give us some ugly as fuck pity pet and move on with their shenanigans. theyre basically sucking the dicks of players here in my humble opinion. they even added on an additional 2 days to the event, instead of just 18 days worth of the event its not 20 days in total! hallelujah for that!
and then they decided to go back on the 2 additional days and essentially just make it 1 day for literally everyone on pcna. for the final day of the event, from 3 am to 7 am, pcna would be taken offline starting at 3 am when tickets are supposed to reset so that they can restore locked accounts. zos even stated that they expect the server to be offline for like 8 hours. just go fuck yourself if youre on pcna and were hoping to get the final 3 tickets and maybe some bonus rewards, those 2 extra days zos promised is effectively just 1 day and a broken promise
my gripe with the server being taken down is that it was scheduled for 3 am. thats when daily quests and tickets reset. if you werent already on and ready to get your tickets youre just fucked with no hope of getting your tickets, spending them, or earning any other rewards for the extra day zos promised you. they S E R I O U S L Y couldnt wait maybe another 10 mins so those dedicated to the event and to earning tickets could maybe actually have just a little bit more time to actually earn the final tickets and the last of the event rewards as well as buy event goodies from the impressario and indrik vendor merchants who are only around during events and tend to have items associated with specific events and seasons? they seriously needed to take the server down for the entirety of the final day of the event? players whove been locked out seriously cant wait just 10 extra minutes?
i consider myself to have be very lucky to be nocturnal for the past while. i was able to be online before the servers went down. i prepped some daily quests to turn in for my last rewards and was ready to earn my final tickets. i got the event boxes and my tickets. not many other players are awake at 3 in the fucking morning on a weekday and had absolutely no chance to earn their final event goodies! they were also p damn fast at taking the server down too. usually it takes like 3-5 mins but ive personally seen it take as many as 8 mins for the server to go offline. my clock read 3:01 by the time the server was pulled offline. thats unusually punctual for zos in my experience over the course of 3 years of playing eso. players who were locked out wouldnt even be able to get the rewards of the last day of the event either
im just fucking pissed that they promised us 2 extra days of the event and then unexpectedly backtracked in the worst way possible by giving everyone on pcna only the slimmest of chances to get the rewards of the final day. this round of maintenance has turned the forums into more than a bit of a warzone too with players fighting each other over whos fault it is when its so very clearly the fault of zos. it feels like the whole fucking dev team is made up entirely of clowns keyboard smashing their way through some very delicate spaghetti code so its just inevitable that like 50 bajillion things break with each and every update.
i dont fucking care if youre one of the players who got locked out or if youre also mad about missing the final day of the event. i just need to fucking vent about how god awfully stupid zos is at least this one time. the only reason why i even continue playing eso is bc its the only source for tes content nowadays bc tes6 is never coming out
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sleepywisteriah · 8 months
Hello hello! Welcome to my blog!
Here you’ll find a bunch of random FFXIV screenshots I personally love, and anything else that’s also FFXIV related (SFW only).
This is also a personal blog so expect the odd off topic post here and there (this one included). 😅
I play as a Miqo’te called Urrorah Star (Pronounced as aurora) over on the Aether Data Centre despite being British, I enjoy it more because it’s more active than the European servers. I do have other characters dotted around but I rarely ever use them.
(Just wanna add in that I do have a one year old and can be further delayed with some things but these specific delays are improving!)
I mainly play on PS4 so I can be a little slow with things, typing especially, so I do apologise for any delays.
About Urrorah
Urrorah has no memory of her past, all she remembers is waking up in hospital chambers early hours one morning, she noticed two figures in her chamber; a male and female miqo’te, both of which had claimed to her that they were her biological parents.
Once Urrorah had been sent home, this so callled ‘family’ of hers never treated her as such, she’s lost count of how many times they mistreated her. One night she decided enough was enough, packed her things and left, abandoning her village in hopes for a new start.
Upon arriving in Gridania she was welcomed by so many new people, she’d never experienced such kindness either. The scions had given her a place to call home. She had finally found her real family.
Urrorah was also lucky enough to find someone in particular who she holds very dear to her, but I t’s no secret that she’s completely smitten for one miqo’te in particular, Y’shtola. Ever since meeting each other, to the things Y’shtola’s done to protect their fellow scions, Urrorah will be in her debt for the rest of her life.
During the final events of ShadowBringers, Urrorah was injured during the fight with Emet Selch, resulting in her being left half blind due to all the light leaving her body, she had passed out not long after the whole ordeal.
Once she had awoken in her chamber, she was unable to see anything out of her right eye, not even the smallest traces of aether, even after countless healing magiks, for a fair while all she could feel was an excruciating burning sensation all around her right eye, it doesn’t bother her much nowadays but it’s still healing. Urrorah has since had trouble relaxing when strolling through the markets due to her half blindness.
Being around Y’shtola and G’raha
Joking around with the twins
Sharing her adventurous tale with the youth
Being around all the scions
Meeting new faces
Hot chocolate
Salmon (she’s likely to get super clingy if this is given to her often)
Head pats
Ear scritches
Any surprise interaction to do with her right side (unless you want her to toss you over her shoulder, it’s only acceptable if she’s aware of your presence)
spicy food (especially after that one curry at Radz-at-Han)
People grabbing her tail without permission
People yanking on her tail
So yeah, that about sums that up! I ain’t no writing expert but you get the general idea. 😂 I am also open to any constructive criticism just please BE GENTLE!
I’m also on the lookout for moots to play/discuss FFXIV with! 😊
My socials! All completely optional!
TikTok: SleepyBisquit
Instagram: SleepyBisquit
Twitch: Sleepy_Bisquit (I do not own a mic for my ps4, but I plan on getting one in the future.)
Discord: sleepybisquit
*Edits: Overhauled everything to make it less lengthy, also added her likes/dislikes.
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taviokapudding · 11 months
Who wants local Dallas, TX tea?
Btw when I give my tangent related thoughts and not summarizes/calls of action/recap of the local tea verbatim, I will go in italics and tiny font like this
A couple weeks ago unfortunately there was a shooting at the State Fair and obviously yes it's hurt attendance since. Well about 4 days ago the numbers of how much the state of TX sends tax payer money to Israel dropped- that lead to a rumor and quiet boycott by locals
Not wanting to attend a partially tax payer funded large event because
the money not being used to implement security measures to match the "no licenses necessary to carry for all" gun rule IS stupid dangerous and
more people are turning anti gun- pro regulation/ gun ban because even state events aren't safe as once promised and promoted
Well the tea is that both Trumpets and Joeys hard-core Trump/MAGA Republicans and Democrats/Biden stans btw are discussing not trusting the TX government more than usual because the funding for Isreal looks too similar to the yearly funding put aside for updating the grid.
Normally I would dismiss conspiracy theories and rumors like this but when both those camps start talking to each other and agreeing on disliking the same people, you better listen because they may be using their bundle of worms working the upstairs for once, bless their hearts.
Earlier this year our unkept and fungus filled big toe nail of a person Atorney General should've been impeached for a lot of strongly backed and evidence heavy reasons with the big one being misusing tax payer funds for personal spending. But despite the overwhelming evidence, the GOP majority TX gov voted the equivalent of *air quotes* "nah, we don't give a fuck" not guilty- indirectly admitting to the whole state that they all use tax payer funds for reasons none of us are told about. If Ken Paxton can get away with installing a kitchen counter top for his ex wife and paying his mistress turned girl friend to not snitch about stuff he's doing, what else could the TX gov be lying about and for how long have they been doing so when it comes to using tax payer dollars? It's concerningly convenient the funding for Isreal is almost the same as the grid funding knowing ERCOT has sent multiple power outage warnings and alerts for this past summer and the upcoming winter. Also this all happening when apparently the TX gov has extra funding from charging absurdly high property taxes last year - I wish a very "the tree won't miss next time" to Greg Abbott in particular and a very get fucked to the TX GOP who seemed a little too happy about it
Now as local, I understand if folks quietly boycott by not going to the Fair since openly boycotting Israel in public is actually illegal here, it's why I've been careful with my digital footprint in how I share info on tiktok or opt out for safety, both are valid; if the rumor is true, the TX GOP are going to regret arming the masses without gun license documentation. Across party lines everyone is still mad about the Winter Storm of 2021 that killed and disabled a lot of Texans that too this day the state actively underestimated to not alert the rest of the US or World- if tax payer money isn't used to keep tax payers safe, they're going to snap at the people who lied and not each other. And I won't blame Texans when the time comes because over $600 on property taxes this year when all we did is start installing a new fence (it's not even done btw) and nothing else is ridiculous when all I want is for the local library, food kitchen, and school district to get funded properly instead of war crimes at our southern border and overseas. A $100 jump every year for no reason was, bad but citing an unfinished fence this year as an improvement to an unchanged property since 2014 when we had to fix roof damage just makes my blood boil
So as the tea server I want to make one thing clear:
I strongly encourage and endorse everyone to support the local vendors who are at the State Fair this year- directly do so by using their online and physical locations that aren't at Fair Park. I cannot stress this enough, support the local businesses because this year is going to be a bad year. I beg of you don't let the state get a cut when you can regardless of the solidarity, anger, or fear. The City of Dallas & Texas in general will make enough with the upcoming football games at the cotton bowl- focus on supporting local when given the opportunity if you are planning to attend for said games.
And if you are/will be performing/vending at the State Fair of Texas this year (2023)
Because yeah, assume you will be getting the same if not lower than 2021 revenue- Texans got plenty of good reasons and rumors to not support the Fair. And we all know word gets around quickly- folks aren't gonna change their minds when they're fed up/in solidarity. And non Texan Americans & tourists will absolutely be on board with giving a silent middle finger to the TX government if given the opportunity.
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longprofessor · 2 years
Chaosd1 pangya private server
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#Chaosd1 pangya private server for free
#Chaosd1 pangya private server how to
#Chaosd1 pangya private server archive
#Chaosd1 pangya private server download
#Chaosd1 pangya private server archive
I have tried to match things up with those available in this archive with little success. The original repack for Season 4 points to another release thread which has the original server and client files. I'm working with Season 4 given that's what my original tutorial is intended. Is anyone able to help with this? I'm also pretty new to this whole concept, but I'm just looking to get it so I can play around by myself at least.Its been two months for HeatMan, but I'm hitting a similar road block.
#Chaosd1 pangya private server how to
It says: "Open P圜lient_" and "Extract the included folder - Pangya_PrivateClient - somewhere on your computer", but I don't see a "P圜lient 582.05" in your list, so I feel I'm at a dead end and not sure what I need or how to proceed from there. I've been following this guide: which seemed pretty self-explanatory, until I got to step " 5a. I, too, would hope to find an updated tutorial because I thought I was in the right direction, but can't get things running.
Some ProjectG's unpacked and without protections for private server and emulator testing (Thai 583 & 584, US 727 & 801 & 824)Īs someone who's trying to hopefully get my own personal server for my own personal use so I can play freely after Global died, your efforts are very much appreciated since practically everything I could find is a dead link. PangYa Chaos Private Server Season 4.9 2,397 views 2 Dislike Share Save Chaos Network PangYa Chaos is a part of Chaos Network.
Tutorial for unpacking and removing protections from ProjectG for private server.
#Chaosd1 pangya private server download
He wants you to download from his original website: Acrisio SuperSS Dev Season 6 Global Server (untested, modified from thai).Trailers and videos from different Pangya services.Pangya Season 1 Indonesia_212 and SEA_216Ĭlient Tools (stuff that you can use to read or modify stuff from the client):.There's rare stuff that may not be of interest for everyone, for example, a season 3 client (I miss Season 3, I'd be delighted in having a private server of this version), and there's other important stuff like copies of S1, S4, S7 servers and sources that were hard to find active links. As of recently, Global and Korean servers have been shutdown.īut a lot of people still love this game due to a lot of reasons, and this is what keeps the game alive.īecause of that, I've decided to gather a lot of things related to Pangya, and save it on a place that won't be lost easily. A lot of stuff is being lost because of less people are interested in the area. WTT AOC Closed Beta Acct with Uncapped level unlike upcoming Open beta which has cap.As of many people already noticed, there's a lot of dead links on this forum due to the unfortunate decadence of the Pangya community. The castles which obtain the bless of the gods will be get the. įrom the Myth times, all the gods have been guarding this continent, until today, the gods still bless the braves of this continent. As the Open Beta launches, the more Online Events will be open at the same time. Official website: The Legacy of Holy Castle The Best-Ever Middle Age Strategic Browser GameĪfter the successful CBT ,The Legacy of Holy Castle entered its wonderful Open Beta on June 5.
#Chaosd1 pangya private server for free
The Legacy of Holy Castle Open Goes into Open Beta Minecraft 1.13 shaders seus for free Minecraft 1.13 shaders seus install Version Control software allows multiple authors to collaborate, and track all the changes made, and who made what changes Linux Git Install 1. Install the client, then just login and play! All game-modes, courses and characters work!ĭownload the client from (currently uploading, will be ready within a few hours) 999,999 Cookies (Added manually 24 hours after requested on our forum) (Only during Open Beta) 999,999 Pang (resets once you buy an item) (Only during Open Beta) What features do we offer in this open beta test: PangYa is a cartoonish fantasy golf game (sounds more retarded than it is) where you play golf against and with various different characters. PangYa Chaos is ready for Open Beta Testing.Īlthough I think many people already know the game, here's for the players that do not.
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oooo ok:
🙂, 👼, 🧨, 💏, and also the question about staged finale, the emoji wasn't showing up for me.
Thanks for the ask!
🙂 - Should Dream get a redemption arc?
NO! :) I want to see that motherf'cker absolutely go to town on the big bad evil front. I'm talking the return of the S2 dominance and control, perhaps flavoured with some of the string-pulling puppet master of S1 - hiding in the walls, hiding in the walls. I really liked the Sam Prison streams because it brought that back: the lying, the manipulation, the brutality. I want that b'stard to stand at the top of the world and laugh, and then I want him to have his throne pulled out from under him, and I want to watch him fall and die surrounded by the people he once called friends. So yeah, I don't want a c!Dream redemption arc. I want him to be worse, and then I want him to be killed by Sapnap or Tubbo or Tommy. I don't think there's a satisfying ending to the DSMP where Dream is redeemed.
👼 - Should Friend/Shroud/Michael/Fran be off limits for greifing?
My answer here is going to be pretty similar to someone else's I've seen, but it is as follows: Friend no, Shroud, Michael and Fran yes. Friend has died so many times now it basically doesn't matter: Ghostbur's in limbo, so the main emotional crux is gone, and besides, Friend has infinite canon lives :') Shroud doesn't really matter lore-wise, nor do we know if cc!Tommy is attached to him (he seems to be, but he's perpetually semi-in-character on the DSMP), but we inniters here on tumblr have become so attached I will personally go to war for that spider. Michael, to quote Technoblade, is a BABY. Killing him would be so depressing. I liked the kidnapping plot because we got to see Tubbo go off but thank goodness he's home safe. And finally, Fran deserves pensioner's protection. She's been around so long, the server's oldest pet deserves to retire from this bs and chill.
🧨 - Who is most at fault for November 16th?
Okay, here we go. A lot of people share blame for the undue... everything that happened on Nov 16th. Wilbur, Schlatt, Philza, Bad and Antfrost, Eret (from previous events); I could go on about all of them for a while. But if I had to narrow it down, it would absolutely be Dream and Technoblade. I firmly believe the point of no return was crossed when Techno fired at Tubbo. In that moment, the peace shattered. Wilbur heard it from the button room, and I bet in his mind it was the last piece of confirmation he needed to be convinced the old, peaceful, wonderful L'Manberg was dead and buried. In fact, it was in the moments before Techno shot that Dream dropped in that there in fact was a traitor! Maybe, just maybe, someone would've worked out where Wilbur was if Techno hadn't started monologing...
But on the level above Techno, supreme sh't himself, Dream. He egged Techno into attacking on Nov 16th while Tubbo was making his speech. He pushed Wilbur down his dark path from the shadows and provided him with the TNT. He supported Schlatt after obtaining the revive book, let him die in the camarvan, then laughed when L'Manberg exploded. He orchestrated everyone's downfalls. Right before he died, Wilbur said "Manberg didn't win, Pogtopia didn't win. I won." Really, I think the winner in this war was Dream.
💏 - Is TNTduo /r?
YES. OH MY GOD. Okay, romantic? Maybe not (as the aromantic in the room, I'm contractually obligated to say that), but! They absolutely did it during Manberg/Pogtopia. Sorry Wilbur Soot. I refuse to believe there was not an affair, in which two stressed out, tired idiots with too much sexual tension ran into each other in the wrong place at the right time and decided, "f'ck it." Enhances the Las Nevadas viewing experience immensely. That's just how it is when you both know something about each other no one else in the room does.
🥸 - Did Staged Finale negatively impact Punz/Tommy's character arc?
Okay, you should have not have enabled me to talk about the Staged Finale thing, because I have had this rant simmering since November. I don't think it really negatively affects Tommy's arc - Punz and him didn't interact much during S3. However! My second biggest issue with it is that it means Punz's character doesn't really make any sense in hindsight. And my biggest issue with it is that it really messes with the theme of the season being attachment.
Firstly, Punz. Before Staged Finale, I quite liked Punz. A mercenary whom Dream was far too trusting of, originally keeping tabs on the L'Manbergians (who remembers the S P Y tweet from the eve of Doomsday?) who either receives a bigger payout from Tommy, or takes pity on the kid, and leads the greater population of the SMP to Dream's evil lair just in time to save them. I personally like the latter interpretation: it later lined up even better when, after Punz was told Tommy was killed in the prison, he said "But I saved him..." despite being very under the Egg's influence. And his Egg involvement was cool!
And then Staged Finale happened, and he was just... on Dream's side the whole time? What, he got monumentally distracted by the Egg? Dream didn't seem to trust him to get him out in the first place, considering how he left the blueprints specifically in a place Techno would recognise. And the bit that really annoys me is that Tommy death line. There's no need for that line. Punz is in with the Eggpire, and Puffy's already p'ssed at them. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. Why say it if you genuinely didn't care about the kid? And then, when Dream gets out, they're all buddy buddy again. It doesn't line up to me.
(I am not going to talk at length about how little sense Staged Finale makes overall because I need to eat at some point tonight, but just know I think it makes no sense. Why the hell would you intentionally get yourself trapped in a maximum security prison. Why would you want the whole server to see you about to kill someone they generally like. None of it makes a lick of sense and I like to ignore it at every opportunity.)
And finally, my theme rant. Themes in media and literature mean a lot to me. The theme of S2 is Attachment, and it's the easiest one to determine. The whole season is laced with it: the pursuit of the discs, the compasses representing Tommy and Tubbo's attachment to the other, the Butcher Army threatening Carl, New L'Manberg and Ghostbur and Friend and Doomsday, and the goddam hall of attachments in the finale. Dream even tells Tommy he's important because he brought countries and caring for items and pets and attachment to the server. Attachment is the key.
Tommy's interactions with this theme are always that it's worth it, even when it hurts. He has to keep pursuing the discs. He fights for L'Manberg because it's what he has left of Wilbur. Even after Dream's 'I cut all my attachments and it made me stronger' speech, he responds simply "How do you not hurt?", unable to imagine an existence where he doesn't care deeply. And in the end, attachment saves him. When Punz tells people what he told them, they go because they care about these two kids enough to come to their aid.
And Dream? He cuts all his attachments off, refusing to care about items, cutting off Sapnap and George as early as the start of S2 so they can never be used against him. And then Sapnap comes to put himself between Dream and the Clingy Duo when it matters. Because he cut all his attachments (except to Tommy), he has no one left to defend him, and so is thrown in the prison to rot for a year and be tortured until Techno breaks him out to repay the favour. Staged Finale throws a massive spanner in that because it undermines the simple message of the S2 finale: attachment saved Tommy and Tubbo, and cutting his brought down Dream. If Dream has Punz, his status as the lone wolf who thought he could control the server by being above it all is undercut by the fact it's all a ploy. This is the part that annoys me most about it, because the theme and resolution previously worked so well.
At the end of the day, I mostly choose to forget Staged Finale happened, and I will probably continue to ignore it unless they make something cool out of this weird twist. And it's not hard to please me with this kind of stuff, so we'll see. I may be a convert yet.
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a-dragons-journal · 2 years
Okay, this is apparently going to bother me until I say something about it, so, courtesy of recent events in the otherkin tag: if you are sending angry/harassing anons to someone because they’re KFF/support “kinning for fun,” you are the one in the wrong in that scenario. Stop it.
Y’all know I dislike the KFF phenomenon as much as anyone and y’all know I have long advocated for them to use a different damn word, but look: what is worse, using a word wrong, or actively going out of your way to harass and attack someone? I hope I don’t have to explain why it’s the latter.
Even looking at it from a purely pragmatic standpoint: what the hell are you hoping to accomplish, exactly? You are not going to change anyone’s mind by yelling at them and getting angry at them, and in fact you are likely just going to make them double down harder. If you can’t have that conversation politely and calmly, you shouldn’t be having it at all, because you are frankly doing more harm than good no matter which way you slice it. Just block people and move on if you’re that mad about it.
Even if you can have that conversation politely and calmly, pick your fuckin’ battles, all right? It is not always the time or the place to go crusading about it. Sometimes it is the time and place to make like Elsa and let it fucking go. (You may notice I do not always correct people using “kinning” language when I reply to their post or anon. This is why.) If you are getting so angry about this whole debate that you’re genuinely struggling to do that, go offline and go do something else for a while (whatever that might be) to remind yourself that in the grand scheme of things this really is not that big a deal. Yes, it sucks, yes, it is causing hurt and harm in this community in some places, but look, literally the only thing you have to do to get away from it is stop paying attention to it for a while. Find one or two good Discord servers where this isn’t a problem - they’re out there, I’m in a couple - and there’s your community connection without having to deal with it.
Calm the hell down and stop harassing people. If it seems like there’s space to have the conversation about it calmly, sure, go for it - use your conflict resolution skills, ask genuine questions, try to make it a two-way conversation and not an argument, and all that. If it doesn’t, or if the conversation starts escalating past what you’re comfortable de-escalating, just block them and leave.
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shittysawtraps · 3 years
ngl i have never seen a popular blog getting mods end well, so good luck mates!
I can't speak for the other mods, and if they want to talk more about this, they're obviously welcome to--but for me, this will be the last post I'll be answering about the topic of mods and mod drama.
I'm an adult who likes to do fun things on the internet, like mod a blog that's literally made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion (this one). I also like to run a fandom discord server and am planning to run a fanfiction/fanart big bang event. I also like to write fanfiction with my friends. I'm also an adult on the internet who actively avoids drama and dislikes engaging in it because it's irritating and mentally exhausting and my real-life career field is stressful enough as it is.
We have a discord server to talk through things like this, and I can say, with certainty, that I will not be engaging in or inflating drama, and neither will the other mods. The mods of this blog are relaxed, funny, and enjoy posting funny things on this blog. That's it. There's nothing else to it. I think it's a lot easier to avoid drama online than people make it out to be, and I'd like to believe that'll extend to this blog, too.
Thank you for the well wishes!
- Mod Sam
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