#thinks you should be friends with people with different political view
apollos-olives · 8 months
hey! if you don't mind me asking(feel free to ignore this ask) what do actual palestinians think of hamas? I'm not asking to sow any discord or to "catch" you out, I'm asking purely out of curiosity. from where I'm from, people generally view hamas and the houthis positively (and by people i mean the vast Muslim majority of pro-palestine supporters) but i have seen than some Palestinians don't hold them in such a high regard. similarly some people supported the IRA whereas other irish people strongly were against them - so I'm wondering if this is a similar situation? again if this ask is uncomfortable for you to answer , don't feel obligated to
this ask is uncomfortable but i'll still answer because i think it's important.
we as palestinians are sick of getting asked about this. it's asked as though every palestinian somehow has the same opinion on hamas and that each singular palestinian can speak for the rest of the population, which is obviously not true. i don't know every palestinians' opinion on hamas and i cannot list every opinion out there because not all of us agree on one single thing. each palestinian has their own opinion on hamas and honestly, it doesn't matter. we are tired of this question. we don't care about hamas anymore. this shit isn't about hamas at this point. 30000+ palestinians are dead and people are STILL talking about hamas as if that's actually important and rather than protesting for a ceasefire or fighting for a free palestine.
my opinion on hamas is different than my friends' opinions on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than my parents' opinion on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than my palestinian mutuals' opinion on hamas. my opinion on hamas is different than a lot of other palestinians who are involved. palestinians who keep getting asked this are tired. we are so tired. i appreciate that you are asking in good faith, but we don't want to talk about hamas anymore. we want to have a free palestine. we want our children to stop dying. we want to return to our land.
my personal opinion is that i don't really care about them. i don't care for their policies or their political goals. i only support them because they are one of the largest and efficient groups who are trying to liberate palestine. many palestinians share this same opinion. they do not support hamas as a whole, but they still appreciate that hamas is trying to fight for a liberated palestine. we support their efforts for the fight against the occupation, but past that we do not care or do not support them outside of that. what they do as a political group isn't something that i'm interested in, because i'd much rather be focused on freeing and rebuilding palestine.
some palestinians hate hamas. my parents dislike them, but they won't criticize them for trying to fight against the occupation, because they know that hamas is one of the most powerful groups of resistance in palestine, and will not go against their efforts to try to help palestine. some palestinians love hamas. some palestinians don't care about hamas. every palestinian is different, but in the end it doesn't matter. hamas is fighting for the same goal as the rest of us. a free palestine.
@el-shab-hussein has a post on his own opinion on hamas that i think is worth the read.
in the end, it doesn't matter about what our opinions on hamas are. because hamas only exists because of israel. if israel didn't exist, hamas wouldn't exist. hamas is a large group working for the resistance and hamas isn't the reason of palestinians' suffering. israel is.
@fairuzfan says: "I know this was sent in good faith but it doesn't really matter what Palestinians opinions on hamas are because even before hamas existed 750,000 Palestinians were exiled and killed."
we suffered before hamas existed and we will continue to suffer as long as israel is in power. so again, it doesn't matter what palestinians' - or really anyone's - opinion is on hamas. what we should be focusing on is fighting for a ceasefire, fighting for a free palestine, and fighting for a free world.
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xclowniex · 1 month
Something which a lot of antizionists don't get, is that at least a sizable chunk of you are participating in fascism targeted at jews.
Dehumanizing people whose political opinion is different than yours, regardless of if you view the opinion as abhorrent, is a key aspect of fascism. And it also leads to another key aspect of fascism which is thinking its okay to wish death upon those whose political opinion you disagree with.
This is happening at an alarming rate to jews, zionist and antizionist, and even non zionists. Jews who aren't zionists still get the accusation of being a zionist thrown at them and all the fascism that comes being being a zionist, when they aren't even a zionist. And ofc zionist jews get people being fascists towards us too.
There are so many political opinions which disgust me, but I still view the person who has that opinion as human. Dehumanizing people is never good, even if they are a terrible person, they are still a person.
And this is not to say that you have to be friends with people who's political opinion you disagree with. I'm not. You can and should surround yourself with people who respect you and that you like. Not dehumanizing a person doesn't equal being friends or liking them.
People also need to realize that by unfairly targeting jews with fascism is fucked up. A) because fascism bad but also because B) we've seen this story before and how it plays out. It never ends well for us. And ofc we are going to be on high alert FOR GOOD REASON.
I do not care if me being a peaceful two state solution zionist turns people off from the message of this post, as I know there will be people whose dash this comes upon who will let it make them ingore the message in this post. In fact, I hope it reaches people who do have a guy reaction to it, so they can evaluate how they are viewing me, and if they truly view me as a human.
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slyvieselkie · 5 months
Your Eyes - Sakusa Kiyoomi
Check out my masterlist for more!
Warning: slightly suggestive at the end
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Sakusa is insecure about not being a good boyfriend, expressive or affectionate.
Kiyoomi Sakusa is not prince charming, one could say he was the complete opposite. He was honest and blunt about how he felt, the things he disliked. Sakusa hated germs and crowds, he avoided people as much as possible. The only he had going for him was his looks and volleyball, which didn't compensate for much.
That's why Sakusa realised he spent all of his luck on dating you. The 'everyone's friend' girl, the personification of bubbly, and cuteness all in one bundle. The world let out a gasp when you two revealed your relationship, why and how did this happen? Don't ask him, everything happened in a blink of an eye and now he has the sunshine next to him everyday.
And it's not he treats you differently. You two don't really touch, the most that happens is a hug in private. View this incident here.
Evidence #1 - At School
It's been a week since he's started dating you and Sakusa's getting tired of the stares. Yes, he understands that you two shouldn't be together-get over it!
"Ha ha, everyone's a little restless about the news eh?", Motoya laugh trying to lift the spirits up but its not working.
He lets out a sigh behind the mask, maybe he should just break up with you? It seems like a shitty thing to do, but this is getting a little ridiculous.
"Sakun~! Good morning~!", confused he turns around and sees you lunging for him.
You've clearly just woken up from the way there are strands sticking out at the back. There's also a grain of rice stuck to the corner of your mouth, like always. And the way you're running tells him that you forgot some books today, most likely History.
Instincts take over and he slides to the left, you blink in confusion as the ground suddenly zooms towards you. Motoya jaws drop as you face plant and lie flat on the ground, others also gather around and some make a side-glance at Sakusa. However, he doesn't do a single thing. You giggle and wave everyone off, turning to the boy with beam. Everyone frowns as the two of you walk off.
Verdict: should've helped you up but didn't
He doesn't really talk much, you mainly chat his ear off, and when he does its always a diss.
Evidence #2 - Shopping with your sister
On a rare day where Sakusa agrees to go out with you, the two of you follows your older sister to go shopping since she has all of the membership cards. While she's a little weirded by him, the kid is nothing like how you describe him, she's willing to give him a chance.
At first he's polite, he thanks you for buying him a cool shirt and her for the discount. After that is where everything falls apart. She and him wait outside the dressing room for you to come out in the dress she chose.
"I'm out, how do I look?"
You look cute in the sundress with daisy prints, she grins but Sakusa goes, "You look a little chubby, and you also look ten."
Her jaws drop while you laugh, "Are you serious?! No!", and run back inside to change.
Your older sister is fuming because not only did he insult you, he insulted her eye for fashion! Unforgivable!
That's why when Sakusa leaves the table at the cafe to go to the bathroom, she's letting out everything and seething.
"That bastard, who does he think he is?! Only I get to make fun of you, call you chubby, and ten! What is he?! He's been your little boyfriend for two months and now he thinks he gets that right?!"
You soothe her by feeding her pieces of cake, "Come on, Sakun wasn't that rude and he was right", "Hey, whose side are you on right now?! What's gonna happen when you bring him home to meet our parents?! Our ancestors will roll in their graves!"
"Hey hey you're thinking a little too far!", you sigh, "He's only like that in front of people, otherwise Sakun's pretty sweet", she snorts, "So he only humiliates you in public?"
Sakusa hides behind the corner for a bit longer until she's fully calmed down. He peeks out from behind the corner and watches as you play with your earlobe, tired of trying to play civil.
He also doesn't wear the shirt just yet, it's still in his closet in the shopping bag and folded neatly.
Verdict: should've just said you looked cute
You two also rarely hang outside of school, he says you see each other everyday and he has volleyball so its not possible.
Evidence #3 - training camp (made up for plot sake)
He's been at the volleyball training camp since Monday, and only today on Wednesday has Sakusa decided to contact you. You don't call him because he most likely won't pick up or will just tell you to call back at another time.
While everyone's getting ready for sleep, Sakusa sneaks away and face-times you.
"Sakun!", you pick up after one ring and he stares down at your giddy smile, "...Hey."
You're belly-down on the bed and the mirror on the side shows your legs kicking back and forth. The volleyball player notices your hair is a little damp and small droplets drips down onto the fluffy robe you're wearing. He doesn't get to say much after that, its predominantly you telling him about what happened at school. It becomes white noise and he only tunes back in when you've trailed off.
The boy lets out a sigh, "What's wrong with you", he can see your legs have stopped as you pout and murmur, "Well, I just miss you a lot."
The ridiculousness makes him snort, "Idiot, its been two days", your whining zooming closer on the screen, ""That's sooo long though, don't you miss me~?"
Nothing is aggravating him but he shoots back, "Not at all, you're annoying as hell", you gasp and wail from the other side, "Sakun, you're so mean~!"
Sakusa entertains you for a little longer before he's hanging up.
After a tired sigh, he turns around and scowls because literally the whole camp is there watching him like a soap opera, "You fu-", "Wow you're a complete jerk", Washio shuts him down.
Everyone claps in agreement and he clicks his tongue, "Mind your own business", then Oikawa grins like the Cheshire cat, "My my, I wonder if you'll be saying that when she has a new guy~", his partner elbows him, "Shut up Shittykawa, no need to state the obvious."
He's getting pissed off now.
Then the blonde twin from Inarizaki doubles down, "I have to say, she sounds adorable and I'm sure she's pretty as well. Why don't you share her number so one of us can actually take care of her~!", the two idiots from Karasuno join in, "Here here, that's no way to treat any girl you bastard!", "Well said Nishinoya, gimme her contacts bastard!"
He rolls his eyes before focusing on that creepy captain from Nekoma smiling at him, "Captain, I have his phone!", the lankly Russian shouts running away from him.
Sakusa growls as marches over while they find your contact photo, the bikini pic you sent to him ages ago. He snatches it back while they go wild, these motherfuckers are gonna turn him into a killer.
"Damn buddy, why are you being like this?!", Sakusa hears all sorts of complaints behind him as he returns to his room.
Verdict: should've said he missed you too
No one really likes you dating him, they think he's a toxic person. And maybe he is, there's always someone calling him 'rude' or a 'jerk'. Sometimes, Sakusa wonders why you two are dating at all. What was it that you saw in him that random day you asked him out? It's completely taken over his mind, he can't focus on volleyball or school.
His frustration grows and grows as no solution appears, what the hell do people want him to do? What the hell do you want from him? What the hell does he want to do?
Making your way down to the front seats of the stadium, you suddenly hear your name being called. Curious you turn back and see a friend from primary school. Excitedly, the two of you run to each other and have an emotional hug comparable to the ones in the movie.
"Yeah! I'm here to support Inarizaki! You're here for Itachiyama!", you giggle and point to Sakusa, "Yeah, that's my man right there~"
She gasps excitedly at the boy's looks, "Oh my gosh, girl you caught a huge fish!", the two of you go wild and everyone else glances over uncomfortably.
As the game starts, the two of you are drawn into the intensity. Sakusa is sweating profusely as he battles against Inarizaki, eyes completely focused on the ball like a hawk. And you're sitting there silently amazed...and getting slightly hot because he's so fucking hot. He was cute and handsome before, but holy shit you caught the biggest fish there was.
Finally the game ends with Itachiyama winning and you cackling making fun of your friend, "How's it feel loser?!", "Ugh this shame! You watch next time, your boytoy is going down!", "Hey leave him out of this!"
You gasp and look down at the court to see Sakusa staring at you, immediately you were jumping up and down waving wildly, "Sakun!"
He blinks for a moment before walking off with his team, "Uhhh what was that all about?", your friend asks confused but you're too busy giggling, "He's so cute!"
As the two of you make your way out of the stadium, your friend brings it up again and you tense up feeling it start again. If it was anything else, you would've just given up at that point. But! It was your Sakun so you will defend him forever.
Finally free from the locker room talk, Sakusa tries to find you. He spots you quite quickly, you're facing a row of plants with a girl from Inarizaki. As the boy approaches, he can see your body shift uncomfortably and frown.
"I said we're perfectly fine", "Come on, what kind of boyfriend does that? I know you're letting him get away with being mean and rude because he's your first, but you can do so much better!"
The volleyball player froze. He watches as she suggests a few of her friends, pulling her phone to show pictures of friendly and charming guys that would suit you so much better. And nothing hurts more than the way you scan them silently, as if you're actually considering it.
Before he knows it, Sakusa is calling out to you. As the friend panics and runs away, you beam and bounce towards him like nothing happened. He stares at the distance you keep, how your hands to reach out half way but pull back after. Even as you two walk home and your talking like usual, he sees the other couples holding hands and linking arms. It makes Sakusa uncomfortable and a tight feeling grows inside him. Even now he doesn't want to hold your hand, doesn't want to scoot closer to you.
"Sakun?", oh somehow he's already at your house.
The right thing to do would be to say his farewells and go home, but he can't. You stand at the entrance and smile softly with a strange look in your eyes. His heart isn't working anymore, it knows you want to break up with him. And for the first time in your relationship, Sakusa feels horror and dread.
The boy also realises what everyone and he wants from himself, for Kiyoomi Sakusa to be normal. Why couldn't he have learnt from his verdicts, why can't he just be like everybody else? You must want the same and now that he couldn't accomplish that, you've given up.
"Sakusa", you've even stopped using the nickname, "Come here."
You pull him inside the house by his bag straps, there's no strength but he follows to get the last bits of affection he can get from you. In the living room, the two of you sit with a little distance in between. This must be your last test, his last chance. He just has to do something, hug you, kiss you, something like that? His eyes stare down at the emptiness as if it'll close up if he does.
"Sakusa", his eyes trail up to your soft smile, "I love you, and I know you love me too."
There's a lump in his throat, how do you know? No one else does, not even Sakusa himself knows.
"Can I touch you?", it takes him a few seconds to stutter a nod.
With a whisper you reach out, "Your eyes", he instinctively closes them and allows you to graze his eyelids, "They're the windows to your soul", feel his eyelashes, "And they're always following me", the skin below his eyes, "Staring at me like I'm the most precious thing."
It comes as a revelation to Sakusa, you were completely right. Even before you approached him with your confession, his eyes has always been following you from afar. Staring at the back of your head in class, trailing your flowing hair in the hallway, observing the way you spoke, smile, laughed. And then meeting your sparkling eyes on that 'random day' when everything started.
You're in his lap now, cupping his cheeks and pressing your lips against his eyes, "I hate that they've made you forget the way you look at me. Your gaze is so different from all of them. I don't have to make you laugh, have to comfort you, help you in anyway, and yet you still look I'm the prize you don't deserve."
His mask finally comes off and you coo at his deep flush, "Oh Sakun, you're the prettiest boy with the prettiest eyes and the prettiest heart", kissing his jawline.
The change in the atmosphere makes him hide away against your neck, but you still imagine to fluster him by playing with his rosy ears.
You murmur against his hair, "Never feel pressured to step out of your boundaries. It's you and I in relationship. As long as we're happy, you don't need to worry about them."
He looks up at you again like you've descended from the skies and you coo against his lips, "Just keep looking at me, don't let those eyes stray anywhere else."
Sakusa should feel embarrassed at the way he whines for you, but your kisses makes his mind go blank. And he wonders if everyone else gets as hot and dazed he's getting now. Your prettiest boy allows your voice to fill every crevice in his ears and your hands to explore him like no other. All the while meeting your hungry eyes.
You'll never forgive the people that made Sakusa forget he wears his heart on his sleeve. Because his love travels from his eyes to his action.
From sneaking the History book you 'forgot' in your bag, to the first pair of earrings he gifted you that looked way better, to the daily photos from that training camp he started sending after that phone call. Sakusa has always shown you that he loved you, so what if the normal people couldn't understand?
But you do have to thank them, because it was this progression that allowed you to become the centre of Sakusa's everything. His eyes, his heart, his thoughts. You smile feeling the boy dig his face into your chest, your fingers fall to his back where you trace every ripple and ridge that slightly twitch with your movements.
"H-Hey, that tickles", he stutters and you giggle hugging him tightly, "Sorry pretty boy~"
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Hi Lovelies, I hoped you carnivores enjoyed pretty boy Sakusa!
One of my favourite troupes is 'scary misunderstood' guy that turns into 'shy cuddly bear' after meeting the perfect partner! *chef's kiss*
See ya (˶ > ₃ < ˶)♡
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jade-jini · 11 months
imagine dom nerd won x popular sub reader 😩
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(I love my wony baby so much Ahhh also I’m sorry I took forever 😞) Smut!
Nerdy wony who might not be that talkative but is not exactly shy you know what I mean? Everybody would believe she’s a sub because look at her she’s so cute and polite but when you guys are in bed?? She shows you who’s in control and who owns you.
(And when I say dom nerd wony is cute but at the same time has a resting bitch face then what? It makes sense.)
To me wonyoung knows how to make you shy, it’s just she decides not to do it aaall the time. But when she does she has your face red and the words caught in your throat it’s so funny. Whenever people see you interacting and see how the popular y/n gets easily flustered by this nerd’s flirting and teasing they’re like??? Stick to your role ??
Wony who loves both rewarding you:
“Cmon baby, if you make me come with just your pretty mouth I’ll make sure you have a good grade in the next test” she said while passing her fingers through your hair, but let’s be honest, her pussy in your mouth was enough reward. Knowing that she meant what she said tho, that was just extra motivation.
And also punishing you:
“We studied so hard and for what, y/n?” She said while she has you bent on her lap, hand print already on your ass.
“I’m sorry mommy…”
Wonyoung spanked you a few more times, each one leaving a painfully delicious sensation. She didn’t stop until your moans became sobs, and she would’ve felt bad (not really) if it wasn’t ‘cause of how your pussy was basically dripping. Your slick making it look so shiny, the taller girl almost drooling at the view. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? I’m gonna have to find a different punishment for you, I think I already turned you into a cute little pain slut.”
So a little throwback; the classic popular kid needed tutoring and the nerd who gets assigned to help you by the teacher. Wonyoung is not really fond of popular kids so she wasn’t excited about the idea, specially since she knew you and your friends could be idiots sometimes. However, she could see in your eyes that you really needed help when she looked over the professor’s shoulder, and he didn’t give her a lot of options anyway when talking about it. So she simply accepted. You two quickly agreed on going to your place after class, and you left right away to meet with your friends, leaving her confused ‘cause why at your place though? When the library was a more than good space to study but whatever, she got sht to do so she didn’t think much about it for the rest of the day.
The thing is before the whole conversation, you and your friends already thought it would be fun to tease her once she’s at your place for the “private lessons”. The plan was to see how flustered you could make her, what was her limit. She’s kinda quiet so you thought she was shy. But oh you were so wrong my bro. Wony’s quiet and serious but shy and submissive? Nu-uh. And you were gonna learn it soon since your dumb ass was also planning that, if she didn’t back off on it, you could also end up having a lot of fun with the cute nerd in your own bed. You kept that to yourself tho, daydreaming about it for the rest of the day.
And as expected by me ‘cause I’m the author but not by y/n, everytime you tried to flirt with her, she’d answer so nonchalantly. Like you were starting to wonder if you simply sucked at flirting ‘cause why couldn’t you make her blush or stutter just once??
On the other hand tho, it seemed so easy for wony to cause this reaction on you lmao
“I just think it’s weird that a pretty girl like you is single ‘cause If I was your partner I’d be jealous knowing you’re going to another g—”
“Aww you think I’m pretty huh?” She teased with that little smirk she had that she didn’t allow to reach her eyes just to seem like she couldn’t care less about it.
“I-I mean…” ugh! Wtf? You were nervous? Since when YOU get nervous? Who did she think she was to make THE y/l y/n stutter? It should be you making HER nervous! You were tired of this game already. “What I meant is that—”
“Eyes on your book, y/n.”
“But I’m—”
“Quiet, y/n.” She basically ordered in such an authoritarian tone.
“Yes ma’am.” You answered, unable to disobey her.
What you didn’t know is that through the whole day Wonyoung has been studying your behavior, from the way you’d get nervous easily to the way you’d obey her every word. She’d merely hint she was thirsty and you were already bringing her water or juice or anything you could find. She said she was cold and you gave her your jacket (which did make her heart flutter but she kept it cool). It was a nice change from the way you and your friends (mostly your friends tho you weren’t that bad:c ) would normally treat other smart, shy kids around school. Now it was her who wanted to see what were your limits. Plus, you were having a little bit of an attitude whenever you got frustrated with a question. And she doesn’t know who told you you could act like that, just because she’s technically your teacher right now and has to have patience doesn’t mean she’s gonna be no punching bag.
“Jang.” You call her, clearing your throat and doing your best to sound confident and firm “Jang I’m talking to you, I don’t understand this question.”
“On your knees.” Wonyoung said, in that nonchalant tone that turned you on you hated.
“What?” You asked, completely confused.
“On. Your. Knees.”
“How is that gonna help me with the que—” bro you stupid fr.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Wonyoung did NOT like having to repeat herself at all, and it was obvious in her eyes even when she had that mean smile in her face. So your body didn’t listen to anything but her order, like her voice was a switch that activates something in you. How could you not listen to her when it felt like that was the only reason you were brought to this earth?
“Good girl. You look so pretty down there.” She praised and you can’t remember the last time you felt this eager for more praising. And you definitely can’t recall wanting it in this position, on your knees in front of her chair. “You’d look even better if that mouth of yours that you can’t seem to keep quiet was busy in something more important than complaining.”
“Hey! I don’t talk that m- Hmm!” And without any warning she just grabbed your hair and pushed your face against her bare cunt. When did she even take her panties off?! Or did she go to school without them at all under her skirt? Jeez.
“There there, hmmm~” she quietly moaned while slowly moving your head to pleasure herself. You were not gonna lie, it was so hot how she was basically using you like that.
“You go to class with no panties? That’s such a slutty behavior you k—” you wanted to tease but she was gonna have none of it, and there she had you shutting you up with her pussy once again.
“Shut the fuck up and put that mouth to a good use. Be good and I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” She threatened, but it sounded so good so was it really a threat?
“Just like that, baby. Keep that pretty mouth right there ‘till I come in it...Hmm fuck y/n~” you heard her from the position you were in, and the beautiful sounds she was making just motivated you to keep going and to do as good as it was humanly possible. You tried grabbing her thighs to have her more steady but she slapped your hands away.
“Ah Ah! Hands behind your back. You wanna touch? You ask first.” She ordered while grabbing your neck and making you look up. Gosh being ordered like this turned you on so much, you obeyed immediately.
“Can I please touch you, mommy?” You asked in such a sweet tone but Wait. What did you just call her?
Fuck… Wonyoung thought, she wanted to hear you calling her that again and again. “Yes, yes you can baby. And you better call me that again when you’re coming for me do you hear me?” She said with the grip on your neck feeling slightly tighter, letting you know you had only one choice. You nodded eagerly, which made her giggle ‘cause you looked cute fr.
With ease, she stood you up and guided you to your couch, pushing you so you’d lie on your stomach. Wasting no time, wony undressed you entirely, the moment your ass was exposed she left a few spanks on it, making you squeak in surprise. This girl got you so wet so fast, your body has never reacted this way with any of your previous sexual partners. But Wonyoung just knows how to touch you. The way her hands travel over your skin. The way her mouth tastes you, making you moan her name and the title that escaped your lips earlier, asking her for more. Asking her to ruin you.
“You’re so needy. One would assume such a popular pretty girl gets fucked everyday if she wants to huh?” You heard, followed by a spank that got a loud high pitch noise from the back of your throat, making her laugh at your reaction and giving you another one “your pussy looks so pretty, exposed like this for me.” She said before bringing two fingers inside it, while her mouth was busy torturing your clit. You were a whining mess, it felt so good and god you were feeling it everywhere. The pleasure taking over you. Wony’s fingers reaching as deep as she could, and so fast turning your brain into nothing. She got you drooling over your own shirt that was resting under your head “m-mommy…Hmm gonna come… p-please~” you left in a moan, barely understandable.
“Ask properly, and I’ll let you. You sound like an idiot right now. Speak properly, baby.” The taller girl said, and it took a lot from you to able to recollect your thoughts, ‘cause they were all just so full of her.
“Please.. please mommy- fuck ~ please let me come..” you begged while sobbing, it all felt too good, and you were so close that the mere idea of not being allowed to come had you tearing up a little bit. But Wony wasn’t gonna be that cruel.
“Good girl.” She whispered right next to your ear and you had to bite your lip to contain a cry from escaping you. She started fucking you faster, focusing more on stimulating your clit. Her other hand kneading and caressing your ass. You let yourself go and came in her mouth, moaning so loud and sobbing, not being able to say any word, just pure sounds of pleasure. The same ones she did (tho hers were lower) as she tasted your orgasm in her tongue and felt you tighten around her fingers.
“That was.. so good wony..” you said out of breath, trying to look back to her, but she made you lie down again, surprising you.
“Was? What do you mean ‘was’?” You heard before feeling her teasing your cunt with her fingers again. Oh.
The next morning on your way to class, your legs were still feeling sore so when your friends saw you they clearly noticed the way you were complaining while walking, as if you spent the night working out.
“Jeez y/n, what happened to you?” One of your friends asked. Before you could answer, Wonyoung who was going down the stairs next to you stopped right next to you and gave you a warning with her eyes that made you feel a shiver going down your spine. You gulped and could only answer your friends with “I.. fell?” To which she gave you a little smirk.
“See you after class for our second lesson?” She said, not asking but just letting you know she already decided your plans and gosh she’s so hot dhhdkdfj- sorry. You could just nod before seeing her walking away to her advanced class. Your friends looked at you with shocked faces ‘cause Wtf was all that? But you ignore them and go to your class as well.
Eventually your grades did get better tho, the perks of giving a dom nerd good pussy.
Conclusion: it’s always the quiet nerds lol.
(Also if you like nerd wony go read this one that @pupyuj wrote ‘cause I love it <3)
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catiuskaa · 9 months
silly little promises.
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SUMMARY: unspoken promises to stay away from your brother’s best friend might work for some, but not when kim seungmin is said man.
WC: 3.1k
CW: mentions of smoking weed, shotgunning, mentions of (fake)enemies to lovers?, slight pain kink?, use of “puppy, darling, beautiful, master”, fingering (f rec.), protected piv sex, (slight meanie?) hard!dom!seungmin, + artistic liberties regarding use of cursive because yes, and I think that’s all, folks!
PAIRING! smoker!seungmin x reader
Kisses in New Year meant nothing.
You wouldn’t have said this a month ago. Not in a chance, considering you and your loving boyfriend were stepping together into 2024.
Or. Well. You were going to.
Because when you turned around to face your boyfriend in midnight, he wasn’t there. You thought he was in his apartment, resting with a cold.
Oh, no.
He was a couple people behind you.
With someone else.
“Well, if it isn’t the queen of the party.” A low voice greeted cheekily.
You shoulders tensed up slowly.
“You shouldn’t smoke, you know.” You snickered, smiling politely at the silhouette that was leaning against the fence in the terrace.
That sentence you said was as empty as words could be.
Years after years, as someone who wasn’t really close to their family, the only moment you saw each of your close relatives was in events, like weddings and funerals. Or, in this case, New Years. Yet, for some reason, Kim Seungmin could —and would— always tag along.
Always next to your brother, Felix and him were attached to the hip. And, despite the fact that you had known him ever since you had memory, you needed that sentence, because it would secure a reaction in him.
He would roll his eyes. Like how he had done just now.
And usually, he would do that and go fetch your brother, dropping the ciggarette in the terrace of his shared appartment, stepping on it, staining the stone just slightly each time.
“Well, my grandmother got to live a hundred years.”
Huh? Your eyebrows shot up, almost innocently.
You fidgeted with your rings, hands gripping the fence in the terrace. As a seven-store building, you thought maybe you could focus on the small-looking mundane views.
Maybe like that, he’d go.
But he wasn’t leaving. He dared to get closer, in fact. And that shouldn’t be happening. You bit your lip. You needed to remember the one promise you had intended to keep.
Then your breath hitched, not only because his slender fingers brushed against your cheek, but because you remembered who you had promised that to. To that cheater ex-boyfriend of yours. And, cigarette in between his lips, pink and soft to the eye, Seungmin tucked a stray hair behind your ear, and you grasped the fence with force, your knuckles white.
“I can’t trust a man like that.” Your ex had said long ago, struggling to justify himself as to why you shouldn’t get too close to Seungmin. “He looks at you… differently.”
“You know how she did that? How she got to live up to a hundred?” The man in question asked in a low voice, tempting you to go forward, to break the unspoken promise of you not going close to each other.
“Smoking?” You muttered humourlessly, licking your lips, staring at his.
Seungmin snorted. “Oh, no, puppy.” Your entire body shivered. Blinking, slowly, not daring to believe what was happening before your eyes.
But it was real. And you knew it because Seungmin suddenly grasped your cheeks with one hand.
“Minding her own damn business.” He smirked, blowing the smoke on your face.
You started coughing, and hesitated as if to push him away and leave, slam the door close and celebrate New Year somewhere else instead of a party filled with friends of others.
“But I think,” he smiled slyly, bringing you back from your thoughts as he licked the small piercing in his lip. “I think you should try it.”
Your eyes widened at his words, your mind wandering away. Would the piercing be cold? How would it feel on his lips?
How would it feel against yours?
“S-smoking?” You let out in a huff, feeling heat creep up your body. He nodded.
“But…” doubt tinted his tone, his hand not leaving your chin, the grip uncomfortable at first but now relaxing against your skin.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so difficult to break that old promise.
Not when Kim Seungmin was related. And not when what you had promised meant not getting… acquainted with him.
After all, he had to make you regret it, right?
“Problem is… I only have this one.” He stated, waving the lit cigarette in his hand. “Unless… you don’t mind sharing.”
He had to make you regret that, for once, you had chosen that sad excuse of a man over him.
Your mind started to turn fuzzy, feeling Seungmin’s lean figure slowly cage you against the fence, his free hand sneakily heading to your waist, stroking down ever-so-slowly to your hip.
Biting your lip, you forced yourself to stop looking at his face, and threatened to burn marks on the necklace that creeped from between the top buttons of his black shirt.
Your cheeks heated up again.
“So, what’s it gonna be, huh?” He scoffed funnily, voice tinted with mockery. “Can a goody-two-shoes like you handle—“
But he stopped talking, because you took the cigarette from his hand and inhaled, siren eyes locked on his, who widened at the sight of you, eyebrows shot up, his features masking contentment.
He liked where this was going. He liked that you had broken the promise. He liked it when he heard that you had slapped your ex in front of everyone in the crowd. He liked how, right then and there, you grasped his face, your nails pressing crescent moons on his cheeks. Painful, but oh, so good.
And then, his breath tasted familiar. In the midst of the smoke you were passing to him, the mix of flavours crossing one mouth to another, exhaling and inhaling.
You backed off after, but he let out a soft grunt.
“Let me do that right.” Seungmin gulped messily, eyes red.
As if shotgunning hadn’t been enough, his right hand cradled your face, his left pushing himself tightly against you. His fingers traced the contour of your jaw, your breaths synchronized.
“Do it.” You panted, the effects of the certainly-not-tobacco substance reeling in your body, taking them in, making you light-headed. “Please, Seungmin, I—”
Your lips met in a fiery embrace, a collision of longing and intensity. It didn’t start with a tender exploration, but rather a fervent exchange of passion. Time seemed to stand still as both of you lost in the intoxicating rhythm of the kiss, all teeth and tongues.
“Just shut up.” He whispered against your lips. “God, just— fuck.”
Heated sighs escaped between kisses, and every touch sent shivers down your spine as Seungmin’s hands roamed freely over your body, gropping and touching to his heart’s content. His cold hands passed underneath your shirt and you whimpered.
“Ah! S-shit, Seungmin!” You shivered against him, trying to quiet your gasps.
He smirked, his other hand grabbing your cheeks and his thumb stroking your red, swollen and so fucking kissable lips.
“Wait, puppy.” He took the cigarette from your hand, took a draw and threw it to the ground, stepping on it lazily.
The smoke came out of his mouth slowly. “Now, I want you to listen closely.” He started. Your lack of response triggered a tug to your bra, and he slapped it back without hesitation, only a mean smile on his features. You whined, nuzziling your face on his neck, and he licked his lips, enjoying himself.
“Are you listening?” Seungmin snickered.
“Y-yes!” You muttered on his neck.
His cold hand trailed soothing patterns on your back, making you squirm on his grasp. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by his antics.
“Yes, what?”
Slowly you stepped back to look at him, his eyes dark with lust and red due to the weed.
You smiled inocently. “Yes, sir?”
He blushed, but slowly shook his head.
“It’s master for you, puppy.” He kissed you again, unable to resist it for longer. “Let’s get the hell out of this place.”
You accept his outstreched hand without hesitation, a contact that made you crave whatever he was thinking at that moment.
Your heels were not at all helpful to take you upstairs, but Seungmin’s kind heart was there to smile at you as his hands took place in the curve of your waist to help you get up safetly. The silk of your dress felt soft under his slender fingers, your body warm to the touch. Every step you took made your hair swish in front of him and the strong scent of your shampoo invaded him completely, wanting to sink his face in and fall asleep.
It was the first time you were able to get a propper look of Seungmin’s room in his shared apartment with your brother. You had seen the door left ajar before, but never dared to cross, keeping your promise in mind.
“I don’t mind if you snoop, you know.” He chuckled next to your ear.
A sudden burst of attitude came right through you when you smirked, turning around to face him, your hands around his neck, playing with his hair.
Fuck that promise.
“I don’t need to snoop. I can always come back for that.”
Seungmin couldn’t help but smirk, moving and pushing you against the door, locking it behind you. He pressed his hands against it, on either side of your head, and leaned down slightly, towering you even with your heels on.
You couldn’t help but gulp, and Seungmin was tempted to press his mouth against your neck just to tease you after feeling your pulse hammering against his lips.
He was not going to kiss you.
Seungmin decided that, against his first intentions, watching you fight yourself was the hottest thing he had the pleasure to view that whole night, your cheeks in a deep shade of red, thighs squeezed together.
He didn’t really need to start anything. Only if you chose to, you would kiss him. And, even if you didn’t, you’d surely come back for more anyways.
Few people could resist Seungmin, and you were certainly not part of that group.
Your breathing deepened when he leaned forward, letting his mouth linger near the shell of your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
“You never hated me like you pretended, did you, darling?” He was mocking you, and he so knew it. “Keep in mind— I still can make you call me master. Your silly little promises won’t make me stay too far, puppy.”
He was trying to make you beg for it, for him, for anything, anything that Seungmin could do for you to make you feel better, as he kept making the heat that run through your body take control.
But Seungmin needed to get his revenge.
After all, he had been pinning over you for ages now. It was only fair you had to ask for it nicely, right?
“Is this a joke?”
The muttered question grazed past your lips, and it look like it surprised you just as much as it surprised him.
“I don’t joke about consent, dear.” Seungmin’s serious tone mades concentrating a much more difficult task. Not when his messy hair looked so good, and certainly not with those cute flushed cheeks of his.
For a lack of an answer —at this point it wasn’t about if it was better, because the man had almost rendered you speechless— you bit your lip, now soft doe eyes staring at him from below.
“You know what will happen.” His voice was soft and enticing, tempting you to go forward. “You just have to kiss me, hmm?” He snickered, his hum vibrating all through your body.
Seungmin smirked, pressing his body slightly closer, slotting his leg in between yours, setting his thigh just right.
Just a bit more.
“Say that you want it,” he whispered. “Master can fuck you so good once you do it, yeah? Don’t you want that, puppy?”
The sudden tug at the collar of his shirt and the force that you pulled him towards you with almost made Seungmin lose his mind, his thoughts soaked in a puddle of arousal, much like the one you were feeling that kept growing inside you.
Your lips crashed together, giving in to a craving that had been building up for what seemed likeforever. It wasn't just a kiss; it was like a dam breaking, releasing a flood of emotions that had been held back for too damn long.
The urgency was wild, like you couldn't get enough of each other. Seungmin’s mouth moved hungrily, as if trying to make up for all the times he'd missed out on this.
Your hands traveled to the rim of his shirt, but he whined, separating his lips off you. “N-no, wait.” He gasped, running out of air and not giving any fucks about it.
You had ruined him for good.
“Bed. Now.” He panted at you, your eyes as blown out as his. “You’re gonna be the death of me, puppy.”
Seungmin licked the piercing on his lip, as he took off his shirt and sat on the edge of the bed, manspreading. His breath hitched and he buckled his hips unconciously when you sat on his lap, rolling your hips teasingly.
He tutted at you. With a mean smile, he grabbed you by your waist and softly pushed you against the soft fabric of his bed covers. Standing on his knees, he unbuckled his belt, and you happily oogled at his toned body. He wasn’t shredded, but there was no need when all you wanted to do was mark him up in kisses regardless.
You didn’t realize he had taken all his clothes off, left with his boxer briefs, only noticed it after he let his body slot in between your legs, his forearms at the sides of your face so his weight wouldn’t crush you completely.
He chuckled, your hands touring up his lean chest, reaching the nape of his neck.
“So demanding.” His characteristic teasing tone was back, but completely different at the same time. “Say, if I snuck my hand under that beautiful dress of yours,” he mentioned temptingly, enticingly grinding his hips against yours, “how wet would I find you, puppy?”
So fucking wet. So much, in fact, that you didn’t dare to say. Disgustingly so. You let out a trembling sigh, yearning for the man before you to inch even closer, to eat the space between both of you and make it dissapear.
In a swift motion, Seungmin took your dress off and discarded it, not bothering if it would be easy to find later on. In fact, he thought as his stare ate you alive, that he wouldn’t mind if you never found it again.
He rocked against your centre, just once, ripping a pained whimper out of you.
“Tell master what you want, puppy.” His jaw hardened, reeling in the bubbling emotions that ran through him. “Tell me what’s okay for me to do.”
Seungmin’s thumb grazed the skin of your breast, eliciting a deep moan out of you.
“That’s it, puppy. So good— so good for me.” He gulped, filled with lust and craving.
He took your nipple between his slender fingers and pulled softly.
You let out an unrestrained whimper. Loud. Almost obnouxiously so, and quickly brought your hand over your mouth, cheeks reddening in embarrassment and arousal. Seungmin chuckled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to your blushing cheek.
“Keep making those pretty sounds for me. Let everyone hear. Let them hear how good your master makes you feel.”
Seungmin’s hold on your hip tightened, making you aware of his hand there, his other hand continuing further down a similar path, finally reaching your wet folds, pressing just for an instant and then gliding down slowly.
Your lips parted as a moan came out. You couldn’t remember feeling so turned on by someone— ever.
He let out a pleased grunt, his hand leaving your core as his eyes locked with yours just so you’d see how he licked your arousal from his fingers, humming with a smirk.
“All of this for me?” He mocked in a deep voice, much deeper than any instance you had ever heard him.
Unable to form any coherent thoughts in your head aside from the chant that numbed your head—Seungmin, more, Seungmin, mine, Seungmin, master,— he didn’t lose anymore time, his fingers sliding inside of you in a swift motion, making you moan at the blissful sensation of finally being somewhat full, also making you realize that only his fingers wouldn’t be enough for the night.
“Hear that, puppy? Those sticky sweet sounds… that’s all you.” Seungmin kept thrusting inside, adding a second finger and bringing a warm sensation that started unravelling itself, as if it was going to crack you wide open. “All drenched for me, fuck.”
After what could’ve been a few minutes, only hearing your own moans and whines, backed my Seungmin’s pleased pants and the sound of your arousal as he scissored you open, he took his hand away from you.
“Open up.” It wasn’t a question, and it made you whine against his fingers when he shoved them in your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself. “So fucking delicious, my little puppy.”
So primal, so basic, so hot.
He slid down his underwear just enough so his length sprang free.
“Would love to feel those lips of yours around my cock, but we’ll leave that for the next time.”
He planted a lingering kiss on your lips and a second one on your forehead as he fetched a condom and skillfully rolled it down his length.
He stared at you, going back to his place between your thighs.
“Words, puppy.” He demanded.
You almost choked in your spit.
“F-fuck, S-seungmin, I—“ you moaned as he went crazy, claming your breasts, neck, collarbone, marking you with hard-to-cover-up hickeys. You were his, and it was now as real as it could get, his fingers and tongue outlining your body, memorizing every nook and cranny.
He panted. “Don’t stop talking.”
“S-shit. Yes. Yes, fuck, please. S-seungmin.” You bit your lip, squirming in your place. “I-inside.”
He snickered against your skin.
“Say that like you mean it.”
His hips rocked against your core, pushing his length between your legs, the tip sliding down with every sway of his body until reaching my entrance.
“M-master.” You could’ve sworn you would cry. “Please.”
With a kiss below your ear, Seungmin finally pressed into you, slowly, and it made you moan loudly, the feeling of his cock sliding inside of you in a deep thrust, filling you completely.
“We’re in for a long night, puppy.” Seungmin whined, almost moaning, and it was delicious. “F-fuck…”
He kissed you fiercily, his lips making your body burn underneath him.
“Now, keep moaning how good your master makes you feel.”
~Kats, who wanted to post this before going crazy with overdue homework and future exams! (HELP!)
Almost forgot! Tagging @dumplingsjinson bc their (outstanding, gorgeous) prompts helped me out, so quick, go check them out! hehe<3
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seduzist · 10 months
that love, the crazy kind.
guinevere beck x fem! reader
cw: mentions of sexual harassment, stalking, obsession, murder, blood, smut (just a little), reader is kinda joe in this??? idk but they’re both crazy
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beck was just different, different from anything you knew, she was the type of person that enchanted since the first time you saw her, looking for some book at the store you worked at. and since this day, you couldn’t stop thinking about her, stalking her anywhere, watch carefully every step she made.
didn’t take more than 10minutes for you to find out she liked girls, it was all over her social media, likes and shares here and there, it was like she was looking almost desperately for a girlfriend. and it has to be you, you were the one.
and of course, after some months of preparation, you showed beck that undeniable truth, she fall for you easily and just like you thought she was the perfect girlfriend. she was understanding and gentle, she was funny, sexy, lovingly, respectful, smart, and all of the things you’ve ever dreamed of.
everything was just how it should be. guinevere beck was just perfect.
until, that night.
one of her terrible friends invited you both to a stupid bar with stupid people and a stupid guy couldn’t stop looking at you. at first, she maintained her calm and silence, she wasn’t the jealous type, not at all.
she didn’t even lose it when he tried to hit you, asking you if he could buy a drink and giving a little drunk smirk that made she wants to take it off his face.
but when you denied the offer politely, telling him you weren’t interested, he tried to touch you, not your arm, or your hand, he tried to grab you by the waist and give you a kiss. of course you pushed him and told him to “get the fuck off”. he did.
beck was so perfect after this, she driven you home, told you to shower, helped you sleep with a nice mug of tea. she made you feel safe and sound like always, but that wasn’t enough, she had to actually keep you safe.
when you slept, she thought about the whole plan, she could stay with you all night, or she could go back to that stupid bar and make that idiot pay for trying to mess with was hers, and the second option looked way better.
so she got back, it was late at night, she waited in the totally empty and dark parking lot. the establishment wasn’t exactly the type that have cams on it, and by this angle she had the perfect view of who enters or leaves.
two hours passed, but beck was still wide awake, then she saw him, staggering pathetically, so drunk that at every step he didn’t fall could be considered a record.
she gets out of the car, approaching him, faking a smile.
“hi!” she said, getting his attention. “want to see something?”
when beck got back home, her clothes were drained in semi dry blood and she still had shiverings all over her, she did everything right? she got rid of the murder weapon, she disappeared the body, she made sure to drive back home in the way where there’s no cameras.
when beck took her dirty clothes off and went to a good and long shower, she made sure to take a good look at your sleeping figure, to remind her why she did all of this, it was worth it.
but if she truly trusted you and knew about your past, maybe if she had told you about what she did, you would have the opportunity to tell beck that a corpse floats on water after a few days of death, and that amounts of blood can’t go away in laundry, it must be burned.
when she did wake you up, through, it wasn’t to talk, it wasn’t even purposefully, she was just making noises and shaking the bed, when you looked at your side, you saw her, all naked with a pillow between her thighs.
“beck?” you called and she immediately stopped.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up, baby.” her voice sounded genuinely sorry, but deep inside you knew she wanted you to wake up.
“it’s okay, keep going.” you whispered back, already sitting on the edge of the bed taking off your pajamas.
you couldn’t take your eyes off of her, her perfect body looked so good while pleasuring herself, you felt eager to touch her, but still undressed yourself slowly as she looked at you, like the sight alone made her even hornier.
when you finished, you get on top of her, taking the pillow off of her hands and kissing her instead, it’s like both of you were starving for each other, you didn’t know what made beck so eager but she certainly was.
you passed one leg through her waist, putting both of your centers together, it felt so good and warm, you couldn’t help but moan against her lips, starting in slow movements against her.
but when you looked down at her, you saw it, a little stain of dry blood just above her chest, you stopped immediately.
“what’s this?” you touched her skin, showing her exactly where it was the stain, she stuttered a few times but after some minutes she told you about everything. she thought you would be mad, or scared, she thought you would leave her, but you didn’t.
that night, you both made love more ferociously and lovingly than ever, for hours until your bodies couldn’t move anymore, that was the night when you and beck recognized you were equal, that isn’t a reason to hide each other’s feelings or personalities. that was the night where you felt like you belonged with someone, for the very first time.
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bumblesimagines · 6 months
Kate Bishop
i didn't think you came to this place anymore!
is that your new girlfriend?
will you give me another chance?
i didn't think you came to this place anymore!
is that your new girlfriend?
will you give me another chance?
If you've booped me, just know I've booped back through my main blog!
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, Gender Neutral!Reader
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Despite midnight ticking closer, the city below remained bustling with life. Honking cars driving down the road, groups of people shuffling down the sidewalk, customers heading in and out of different shops as if it were a casual afternoon. You watched everyone head up and down the sidewalks from your spot on the ledge, the people below so far and small they almost appeared like ants bustling around. You enjoyed the view, and especially enjoyed having a little spot where nobody could distur-
"(Y/N)? Oh, wow, hey!"
You turned and peered over your shoulder as Kate Bishop of all people emerged from the darkness. She smiled widely, albeit nervously, before raising her hand to do a small, awkward wave. She quickly dropped her hand back to her side and muttered under her breath, a light pink dusting falling over her cheeks. You rolled your lips into your mouth and inhaled deeply through your nose, scratching your temple and giving her a forced polite smile.
"Hey, Kate." You greeted, swinging your legs over the stone railing and hopping down from the ledge. 
"I didn't think you came to this place anymore! I thought that... after you, uh... dumped me you'd stop coming by." Kate winced, slipping her fists into the pockets of her coat and dropping her eyes down onto the dust-covered floor. "It's... It's been a while, huh? You look good."
"I come by sometimes... mainly when you have classes."
"You remember my schedule?" Kate's head snapped up, her brows lifting in surprise. "I don't even think my mom knows it."
"Yeah, well... I memorized it back when we were still dating." You murmured, hearing your phone ding in your pocket and fishing it out. Tapping on the screen twice, it lit up and revealed a message from a friend asking about your whereabouts. You answered them quickly and stuffed the phone back in your pocket.
"Is that your new girlfriend?" Kate abruptly asked, her ears turning a deeper shade of red. "I- It's- It's none of my business. Forget I even asked. I don't know why I asked. I'm- Well- I do know but-"
"I'm not dating anyone, Kate." You interrupted her before she could go into one of her long rambles. She blinked, her mouth clamping shut and ponytail swishing around when she nodded. You glanced toward the staircase leading down to the lower levels and began taking slow steps toward it.
"Uhm-" Kate lifted her arm, hand outstretched to stop you. She cleared her throat, another nervous smile appearing on her face. She brought her hands together and began fiddling with her fingers, lips moving as she tried finding the right words to say before she simply blurted it out. "I know you said that we should go our separate ways and that it'd be better like this but I-I don't want that. I... I still really like you and I know you've never gotten along with my mom but I still think we can make it work. So, will you give me another chance?"
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 3)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Smut in later parts, Age-Gap, Infidelity
Words: 2,567
Note: The fic is spoiler free and fantasy. Thank you for @forgottenpeakywriter for this amazing collage. 
Previous Parts: 1; 2
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Later that day, you finally made your way home which, to you, did not feel much like home at all. You had a room with beautiful views, overlooking the park across from central station. It was magnificent and, yet, you felt somewhat out of place inside this rather large property.
Since commencing your studies at Berkley, you were staying with family friends who, just like your mother and father, entertained strong communist believes.
The Chevaliers were well known party members and, whilst you never joined the party yourself, you retained your associations for the sake of mutual benefit.
Haakon Chevalier was an English professor at Berkley and it was through him that you have heard about the scholarship in the physics department at the university which, in the end, he aided you to obtain.
You thus owed him a great deal and, even though you were at odds with communism yourself, you did not mind presenting yourself at the events him and his wife invited you to.
With your father in charge of the party branch in the south and running for Senate, having you there meant a great deal to them and you were certain that, with the right amount of alcohol, you could get through the night effortless. But, apparently not tonight.
Tonight, was going to be different and, just as you got yourself ready for the event which was hosted by a friend of Haakon, you thought about it again. You thought about how your professor’s fingertips felt on you, raising goosebumps on your bare skin.
It was a feeling quite unfamiliar to you and you thought that, if he would have known that you had never been touched by a man before, he would have apologised to you for this somewhat inappropriate gesture.
An apology though was not what you were after. To the contrary. You wanted something completely different to this man taking pity on you. You wanted him to desire you for who you were, which was something that, to most men was off-putting.
Your mother always called you condescending. According to her, you were too fixated on the sciences and not interested enough in what mattered the most. To her, you were wasting your youth on problems that could not and should not be solved by human kind and this, itself, was a frustrating revelation to you.
Did you miss out on being loved where everyone else around you was focused on exactly that? Romantic relations, marriage and children?
You quickly realised that none of this interested you and not once, in your twenty-two years on this planet, have you felt intellectually challenged by a man. Not until now at least, which is when you met J Robert Oppenheimer who, out of all people on this earth, had to be your professor.
With him in mind, you looked at yourself in the mirror and reached up and clapped your hand over the place he touched, fizzling out the tingling that was beginning to rise there again by just thinking of him.
“Don’t be ridiculous” you then said to your image in the mirror, trying to snap out of your thoughts. Not only was he your superior, but he was also a married man who had a child and was at least fifteen years older than you.
It was pointless, so to speak and you really had to focus on your studies rather than on your professor.
Eventually, the evening came around and you caught a ride with Haakon and his wife Barbara to a property nearby. The drive was no more than twenty minutes and, when you arrived in front of the largest mansion you had ever seen, you could not help but laugh.
“Now that is the definition of communism” you said sarcastically, seeing the irony in the fact that communism was all about equality and, yet, whomever lived here probably had enough money to end poverty all together.
“Be nice and polite. We are hoping to receive some funding for our campaign” Barbara said and you reassured her that, of course, you would be on your best behaviour.
As such, you greeted the owners of the house with a smile and were introduced to them as a future senator’s daughter which was a term that sent uncomfortable shivers down your spine. You hated being reduced to being someone else’s child as, in your mind, you were a person with value of your own.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, sir” you said nonetheless before stepping inside and taking a look around.
The mansion contained a vast collection of artwork and antiques all of which you took an interest in even though you failed to see the value in these items. To you, they were worthless and impractical, but yet quite pretty to look at. Then, when you were finished looking around and assessing your surroundings, you engaged into some meaningless conversations about the cause with a man named Frank as well as woman named Jaen Tatlock.
Jean, herself, appeared to be rather intelligent. She studied both, psychology and philosophy but, yet, you couldn’t feather her ideas and ideologies. It did not resonate with you and you failed to see the distinction between communism and oppression when she spoke. Her approach was too radical and you thought about just how much your parents, in particular, would have enjoyed her company. You, on the other hand, did not and excused yourself rather quickly.
You then moved on and wandered through the dining room, scanning the large table in the middle of it for something to eat as, suddenly, you spotted another familiar face.
“Damn” you cursed as you saw him, standing there, talking to a man who you did not know and doing so in the most profound way.
There was something about him and, what really caught your eye was his body language. He was so sure of himself as he with angled toward the corner of the table, propping himself up on the palm of his hand.
You were practically hyperventilating at this point, trying desperately to keep your cool, but you could feel the heat rising to your chest. He gave you a quick look before standing up straight and excusing himself from the conversation with the stranger.
Then, he approached you and your face contorted as his eyes met yours.
“I did not take you to be a communist, Dr Oppenheimer. I am surprised” you said almost instantly when your professor greeted you silently and, just as you said these words, you could feel a challenge in his eyes. You screwed up again and Dr Oppenheimer was, quite obviously, surprised by your directness.
“I am not a party member, Miss Y/LN” he then assured you almost bluntly before lightening himself a cigarette and offering you one as well.
“That wasn’t my question Dr Oppenheimer” you pointed out before taking a cigarette from him which, out of politeness, he lit for you.
“You did not ask me a question Miss Y/LN. You simply made an assertion” he then pointed out before taking the liberty to ask you a question of his own and, thus, turning the tables on you. “Are you a communist?” he asked somewhat playfully and, by now, you were stuck wondering what the point of this interaction was.
“No, Dr Oppenheimer. I am an opportunist” you informed him in an attempt to catch him off guard and your words seemed to have had the desired effect as now he was keen to engage in some further conversation with you.
“Right. So may I ask, what opportunity has presented itself to you tonight, Miss Y/LN? Anything yet?” Dr Oppenheimer then asked as he was surveying your reactions to his question.
“No, nothing yet, I am afraid” you laughed, causing the professor to laugh as well before speaking up again.
“Then, perhaps I can change that” he said before reaching for your hand somewhat unexpectedly and, immediately, you felt that sensational tingling again.
“Come, I will show you something” Dr Oppenheimer then said and you quickly put out your cigarette and followed him through the empty hallway at the back of the house which, in your naivety, you believed to lead to an empty bedroom perhaps.
“I think that, perhaps, us leaving together like this, may be a little inappropriate?” you thus pointed out while following him nonetheless, which is when you reached a pair of stairs, leading to the very top of the mansion.
“Not if there is a scientific reason involved” he answered you almost sharply and his statement well and truly confused you until, eventually, Dr Oppenheimer pulled you out on to the balcony and you spotted what appeared to be a rather large commercial telescope.
“You submitted your thesis proposal to the board earlier today and, when I saw what it was about, I became intrigued”  he explained and you were rather delighted to know that he had looked at your proposal even though he did not have to.
“I submitted the same proposal to the physics department at Harvard, but I was denied due to the lack of tutors in the theoretical department” you pointed out nonetheless, causing Dr Oppenheimer to chuckle lightly.
“Harvard has a theoretical physics department? That’s news to me” he said sarcastically, smiling, which was something that made you nervous. His smile was mesmerising and he certainly appeared at ease around you.
“No, which is exactly why my proposal got rejected and I applied to Berkley” you admitted to him but he already knew all this, given his contacts at Harvard.
“You really want to dedicate five years or more to researching dark matter?” he then asked you nonetheless while leading you closer towards the large telescope which you knew must have cost the owner of this mansion much more than a car.
“Yes” you stammered nervously, hoping that he would push for your research proposal to be accepted. He was a member of the board and could surely convince them to give you funding, you thought.
“Good” Dr Oppenheimer said sharply again while looking at you with his deep blue eyes.
“Why is that good?” you asked as you watched him scanning your face for cues. He tried to read you and your reactions.
“Because I already suggested to the board to accept your research proposal and provide you with all necessary resources” Dr Oppenheimer explained which, to you, came as a relief.
“And what did they say?” you wanted to know as your excitement took over your sense of nervousness.
“They said yes, provided that you work under my supervision” Dr Oppenheimer pointed out and, before you even had time to react, he pulled you closer.
“Now come. I need to show you something” he said while gesturing for you to step in front of the telescope, which was something that confused you.
“With respect, Dr Oppenheimer, you cannot see dark matter through this telescope” you chuckled, but he already knew that and acknowledged your concerns.
“You are right. You can’t. But you can see other matters. You tell me what you can see through the telescope because, in order for your research to be successful, you need to address more than just mere possibilities. The average person cannot comprehend what they cannot see…” Dr Oppenheimer explained before telling you that, in order for your research to become known, you would need to connect what is visible to what is not and explain the reasons behind the things that cannot be seen and why you believe that they do, in fact, exist.
“I suppose that makes sense” you told him nervously before, finally, stepping all the way in front of the telescope while Dr Oppenheimer positioned himself behind you.
“Ironically, I never used one of those before” you then told him after having only spent some time at the planetarium which, of course, is far more advanced than this.
“Here, let me show you” Dr Oppenheimer said as he drifted closer while putting one hand on the telescope and the other onto your back. He then adjusted the tilt and showed you how to move the device around while brushing your back with his hand.
You could feel the warmth of it through the thin fabric of your blouse and you felt like you were on the verge of flames.
“What can you see?” he then asked while you breathed out heavily. You could not remember a time where anyone has touched you in such a minuscule way, causing arousal inside of you, and answering his question had become rather difficult.
You tried to explain something of relevance nonetheless, but his nonchalant nature was well and truly driving you crazy.
“Watch closely and tell me what you can see” he then said again, wanting something more from you than the absurd little answer you had already given him and when you began to stammer out something else, you could feel his warm hand again, this time at the crook of your neck, moving aside your hair and causing you to turn around.
“I can see the stars, made of atoms, in different strengths, depending on their age” you began to say, feeling the goosebumps on your skin and struggling to catch your breath after your small, yet intimate moment.
“And what else?” Dr Oppenheimer then asked, now facing you and running his thumb gently over your cheek.
“Uhm…” you stammered nervously as he was not just working on you physically, but also mentally. He was challenging you and this created passion and urgency.
“Did you loose your train of thought again?” he then asked almost sarcastically as your eyes met his, making you suddenly aware of how infatuated you must have looked right then. Your lips were apart and your chest was obviously pulling large breaths. Your resolve was completely gone but you still managed to keep your eyes on him as he drew closer towards you, cupping your face, until suddenly, there was another voice in the background. It was one that was familiar to him and he startled.
“Robert? What are you doing here?” an attractive looking woman asked before giving you both a stern look.
“Kitty, this Y/N Y/LN, one of my students. We were just discussing her thesis on dark matter” Dr Oppenheimer explained rather quickly, making an excuse for being here with you on your own without even bothering to actually answer her question.
“Out here? Really?” the woman asked and the look on her face gave it all away. She did not believe a word he was saying.
“Yes” Dr Oppenheimer said nonetheless and, after moment of silence, the woman introduced herself to you.
“Hi, I am Katherine. Katherine Oppenheimer. I am his wife and perhaps, next time, any questions you may have for my husband could be brought to his attention at university, don’t you think?” she suggested and, even though she spoke to you in such a belittling manner, you nodded nervously.
“Of course. It is nice to meet you Katherine” you said, but she corrected you.
“It is Mrs Oppenheimer. Don’t call me by my first name” she pointed out, causing you to bite your tongue.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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suusoh · 1 month
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mwehehehehehhhhhheheheh... ok .... so my submission would be...
“Oh, to be eaten alive by you?” Johan chuckles quite loudly. a genuine, sardonically genuine chuckle. “What a pleasant way to die.”
(This one was surprisingly softer than I expected lol. Hope you enjoy riribells! Thank you for sending the dialogue prompt!!)
(tw: cannibalism mention ofc lol, slight yandere? catholic joke at the end, other than that, nothing else surprisingly)
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Of course.
Of course, those are the exact things that he would say tonight. Though you really should have known better, than to watch some show with him where cannibalism is the central point of the plot. This one's on you honestly.
"Can—" you take a deep breathe before you continue, "can we please just have one, one, peaceful movie night?"
Johan's sitting beside you on your sofa as both of you stay in for your annual friendly movie night, he's seated one space away from you, a small pillow acting as a barrier between you two. He always maintains that polite way of sitting when he comes over, like how one would sit when being a first time guest in a different home.
The only thing being that this is not in fact, his first time spending time with you here at your place. Numerous hang outs already happening within your humble abode, so maybe it's just your friend's general knack for good posture and deportment.
"Is there something wrong with what I've told you?"
He replies with a slight tilt to his head. You can't tell if it's from feigned or genuine confusion.
Your mouth just silently hangs open in a little 'o' shape. Thinking for a few seconds how you should even respond to that.
"Oh I don't know; the part where we're talking about cannibalism, the part where it's me specifically eating you, or the part where you find it a 'pleasant way to die' as you put it so nicely"
A small smile tugs on his lips.
He always smiles at you when seeing you react. Not in a way that's condescending (sometimes), but out of almost... genuine enjoyment. It didn't matter which approach you took.
Sarcastic or honest, nervous or nonchalant, bantering or silence. it was all the same to him: a front row view to you.
"I'm simply in topic. Are you telling me it's not normal, for people to discuss their thoughts and what they would do in the character's situation, while watching a show or movie?"
He's got you there you gotta admit. But still.
"Are we not even going to dissect your confession?"
"By all means." He nods.
His slight intrigue and the subtle excitement in his posture doesn't go unnoticed by you. You'll brush it off for now, another instance added to your growing personal collection of brushing off Johan's behaviour whenever he's acting kinda odd.
"...Actually, nevermind. I don't know where to begin with this. I'm just gonna not... talk... or think about it anymore."
You huff and lean back on the sofa again. His comment is out of pocket, sure, but you'll just let it go for now. Not really something worth making a big deal over. It's just another case of Johan being, well, Johan. And as he said, it's just harmless talk about what they're watching right now.
He watches you slump. He wants keep up this conversation, but he'll let you have your peace for now.
"Oh, alright then. Should I resume the show? We were— "
"— oh waaaaait wait wait wait a moment... did you say alive?"
You shoot up again. Eyes wide and brows furrowing. You know you look so cartoonishly shocked at him. You don't care. You are shocked. Why hide it?
"Hm, alive, yes. That's what I told you. Do you find this an issue?"
"You are alive in this theoretical cannibalism scenario with me. You are watching it unfold. You are breathing, you are conscious, you are awake, you are whatever else word similar with all those!"
Johan doesn't even move from his position. Still sitting and looking at you all politely. He is amused though.
"Should I not watch it all unfold? I'm sure it would be a pleasant sight..." his eyes look down and to the side as he revisits on some past thoughts. You see what almost looks like affection reflecting inside of it and you don't know how to feel about that. His eyes then return to you, holding his soft gaze with yours.
"I wouldn't mind. I'll even guide you through it."
"you'll... guide... me... through-"
you give up. You're done.
Exasperated groan leaving you as slump and deflate into the sofa . Mind too tired to fully talk about this right now. You grab the pillows near you and stack it around your head to aid in muffling out whatever word Johan says next.
You swear at this point, anything he says just gets progressively worse and worse. Baffling you more than cluing you in.
You enjoy the peace and darkness of your little soundproof world. There's bit of shifting on the sofa, then one by one, the pillows slowly move their way out of your face. He removes the last one, revealing you to the sight of Johan looking over you curiously.
"You know..." he puts the last pillow gently under the base of your head, "... all I'm saying is, just like the characters in the show, if there were truly no presence of food at all, absolutely nothing, and you were starving to the point of dying..."
He lightly pats your head.
"I think it would be a waste to not use my flesh for sustenance. There's nothing bad about it in the situation. Did you know that the people in the Andes mountain plane crash made a pact to their friends, that in the event one of them dies, they want their body to be consumed, in order for the others to keep on living?"
He smiles softly at that and something fills your chest with a slight warmth upon hearing his intentions. His explanation on the matter does make it seem a bit more pragmatic in a survival situation, not to mention it oddly has a sense of camaraderie to it.
"Well that's... very thoughtful of you then." You quirk a brow at him. Playful laugh almost bubbling out of your lips.
"Mhm. The reason I say 'alive'... well, I doubt you'd be able to do it without me instructing you. You'd be a blubbering crying mess while making all the wrong cuts, and I'd have bled out for nothing." He flicks your forehead.
"Am I wrong?" he follows up by soothingly rubbing the spot where he flicked you.
"If just the mere thought of eating someone who willingly gives up their flesh for you to consume gets you this worried already... I wonder how you'll even be able to fare when you have to do the real thing."
You roll your eyes at him and swat his hand away.
"You're expecting me to act like that's the easiest thing on earth: eating the blood and body of a person you hold dear to you. I can't be normal about that, Johan!"
Johan can feel his finger twitch slightly. He stills himself impassive. How you effortlessly called him a person "dear" to you. Said with so little thought, and yet so undeniably genuine.
He thinks the notion odd, and nearly baseless. He's even sure at one point in his life he'd think you naive for that. But then again, he doesn't blame you. He does present himself as a friend to you... in fact, it's all he's ever been doing with you so far. Surprisingly. Also he did quite literally confess to letting you consume his flesh for your own benefit.
Not that he won't be getting his own benefits in that scenario.
With each bite you'll take, he gets to see parts of himself sustaining you, filling you, going inside of you and eventually being absorbed.
You'll swallow him, and he'd be so deeply ingrained by you at that point that you can't deny that he would be the blood running in your veins, he would be the branches in your lungs making you breathe, the ghost of him living within you, squeezing and squeezing your heart each second to pump it, as he lets you live another day.
He is inside of you;
mentally and physically.
Of course, the sight of you in tears and covered in his blood is just another adorably lovely cherry on top, but he won't tell you that. Saving all those intimate details for himself, preferably when he's alone.
...eating the blood and body of a person you hold dear. I can't be normal about that, Johan!
He chuckles softly. Patting your head again.
"Well, you obviously haven't seen Catholics. If they can do it, so can you."
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laundryandtaxes · 3 months
I've been realizing recently how far removed my political beliefs seem to be from almost everyone else. Do you ever struggle with this?
I do not ever expect for people to treat me like I am not a political extremist, because I am. I genuinely hold the conviction that political extremism is inherently valuable not just as a means of stretching the Overton window but as a way of putting on the table and introducing into the cultural zeitgeist different ways that we can approach the same old human problems, and expanding our understandings of what is possible, good, bad, etc. Political extremism of various varieties has been responsible for the majority of major human political inventions over the course of human history, and is likely to continue to be in a species with an inherent interest in the unusual. While I have no deep, stirring good ole boy love of the founding fathers, the fact of the matter is that, at the time of the US's founding, the beliefs that one should not be taxed if not given a voice in government and that the people should literally hold the right to overthrow oppressive governments by means of violence were extremist views, and they were extremist views that people literally killed other people to embody. So I couldn't care less if someone who votes blue no matter who and deeply loves this country thinks it's bad that I hold political views they find extreme- argue with your founding fathers that you theoretically so admire about it.
I got the sense, when you sent this, that you might have meant about gender stuff specifically, and to that I would say that in addition to my simply not being bothered by having my views considered extreme, I also think that given the existence of manufactured agreement, manufactured consent, the popularization of ostracizing and demeaning people for having different political views than oneself, the antidote to all of that is honesty. If we can be honest with each other, we can disagree- I'm fine with disagreement and anyone who holds marginally radical politics should be as well, because they will face disagreement literally everywhere. Being at odds with individuals around me is not itself an issue- feeling too frightened to speak my mind, worrying that a friend will ostracize for saying the wrong thing and encourage others to, those are problems. I'm not sure if this will help but I hope it soothes your worries some.
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gatheringbones · 11 months
[“When I first came out as a lesbian in 1971, identity politics were so pervasive that this modality didn’t even have a name; it was simply the sea in which every queer sank or swam. One of the key assumptions of identity politics is that we can reveal in one grand social drama of coming out the absolute inner core of truth that makes up one’s “real self.” Coming out is seen as a process like peeling away the layers of an onion or the petals of an artichoke. Identity politics also assumes that your political allies will have to be people who share your identity because nobody else could understand your oppression or really be committed to fighting it; that people who share some aspects of your sexuality but not others are either afraid to come out or traitors to the cause; that it’s not possible for someone to change the way they label themselves without being dishonest or cowardly.
Now I see queer politics quite differently. I know from personal experience that I can’t trust somebody just because their sexual preferences or their gender identity resembles my own. I know we can make allies who are indignant about injustice even if it does not impinge directly upon their own lives. I see coming out as a lifelong process that proceeds as I become ready to understand and accept aspects of myself which bear lessons I need to learn at different points in my life. Each new coming out does not recreate me as a whole new person; I think some people view it this way, but this is crazy-making and too compartmentalized for me. It’s more like being able to see each and every spoke of the wheel that makes up my being, or like opening up and furnishing another new room of my soul.
I wonder what coming out would be like if we were not forced into these defensive positions of tribal loyalty and us-them thinking. What if we could say to a friend who was embarking on a new coming out, “I love you, and so I must also love this new aspect of yourself. Because I care about you I want to know more about it. Let’s both learn from this.” Instead, what usually happens is a great deal of indignation, betrayal, and rejection. I think this is because a person who is coming out threatens the identities of former acquaintances, partners, and coworkers. If someone else’s identity can be fluid or change radically, it threatens the boundaries around our own sense of self. And if someone can flout group norms enough to apply for membership in another group, we often feel so devalued that we hurry to excommunicate that person. This speaks to our own discomfort with the group rules. The message is: I have put up with this crap for the sake of group membership, and if you won’t continue to do the same thing, you have to be punished.
We seem to have forgotten that the coming-out process is brought into being by stigma. Without sexual oppression, coming out would be an entirely different process. In its present form, coming out is reactive. While it is brave and good to say “No” to the Judeo-Christian “Thou Shalt Nots,” we have allowed our imaginations to be drawn and quartered by puritans. I believe that most of the divisions between human sexual preferences and gender identities are artificial. We will never know how diverse or complex our needs in these realms might be until we are free of the threat of the thrown rock, prison cell, lost job, name-calling, shunning, and forced psychiatric “treatment.”
I do not think human beings were meant to live in hostile, fragmented enemy camps, forever divided by suspicion and prejudice. If coming out has not taught us enough compassion to see past these divisions, and at least catch a vague glimpse of a more unified world, what is the use of coming out at all? I have told this story, not to say that anybody else should follow me or imitate me, but to encourage everyone to keep an open mind and an open heart when change occurs. The person who needs tolerance and compassion during a major transformation may be your best friend, your lover, or your very self. Bright blessings to you on the difficult and amazing path of life.”]
patrick califa, from layers of the onion, spokes of the wheel, from a woman like that: lesbian and bisexual writers tell their coming out stories, 2000
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ganondoodle · 3 months
this isnt a call out for anyone; i keep getting asked why i even post my opinions on the internet if i dont want to argue whenever i mention how tired i am of people trying to argue with me or proof me wrong
and i just ... for one its bc there are people that have told me they like hearing my opinions bc it makes them feel less alone, its validating to hear that i am not alone and i make them feel less alone (this is a big reason)
then theres the thing .. do you feel good never saying your opinion on anything and just keeping everything to yourself? be it big or small, i tried to do that for years, just trying to crawl deeper and deeper into a hole bc clearly i am the problem and should be able to deal with everything on my own, never say anything, i could be annoying, i could be a burden, and it nearly killed me; i have very few friends and i already spam them enough to feel constantly guilty
and if i did that on some private account ... what use is that, thats the same thing as not saying anything, whats the use of saying anything when no one listens, even to select few, whats the point if others cant find it, there might be people i dont know at all that would find solace in hearing my stupid ramblings about games
its true i lack self control and just tend to talk about stuff when i feel the need of talking, but is that really so bad?
correct me if im wrong but i was never of the impression that posting something on the internet automatically means wanting to debate and argue unless you specifically say or initiate it on someone elses post? like thats why i pretty much always make my own post to complain and dont go on other peoples posts of opposing views, id view the latter as an invitation to argue moreso than the former
when i post some stupid opinion (im talking about harmless personal video game opinions mind you) on my own account who am i bothering, if people agree thats great! if they dont they can just move on- i know people love to discuss and share different opinions but the the ones i most often encounter are ones where its a basically trying to start a fight over whos more right (like theres always one correct opinion to have) or just telling me i am not allowed to feel like i feel-
im aware i cant expect everyone to be able to see a differeing opinion and move on without saying anything, but when i say something, unless its specifically a question, i just do it to vent, to let my thoughts out so they dont slowly gnaw at me, maybe find validation in others also thinking like that (i know i cant also expect everyone to think that way .. i just see it as a form of politeness? sorta?); in all honesty, i dont do it to get told opposing opinions (i know thats maybe a little ... idk, selfish i guess?) bc i usually have seen or heard those already and am saying mine bc i havent seen it before or very very little- what i think is often very much not the majority so the need to say something gets greater the more i see somethign i dont agree with, like an urge to balance it? a call to see if i am alone or not? and much less so to argue or debate over something like that, im tired and exhausted at all times, and have often trouble even getting myself to draw, i dont enjoy fights of any kind, and especialyl so when its about something so completely ignorable like a game opinion i only said bc i wanted it out of my head and bc i have seen that the majority seems to be of a different one
like a sticky note on a wall, not an invitation to a political meeting?
maybe this is something i need to work on and get better at, i havent found a way that lets me get rid of my thoughts in a way that doesnt leave me feeling guilty (like spamming my friends) or to gnaw at me (not saying anything, or somewhere no ones gonna hear it)
i know im incapable of shutting up ever (though at least i got a better control over my emotions by now) and i risk accidentally seeming like im inviting people to a fight but i dont know what else to do
maybe its something i horribly missunderstood about the internet, but its my only outlet for that, i dont have anyone IRL to talk to about my interests, maybe its a flaw that needs work, maybe its just a flaw, i dont know :/
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
i came across your blog a few days ago and all i could think of is deerlike/fawnlike darling 😭 someone who’s sensitive and shy, a bit vulnerable !! would go so well with any of the dazais omg
YOURE SO RIGHT imma delve into a few different variations :)
Deludedly obsessed Dazai would view your deer-like traits as something inherently weak. It’s something that makes you sensitive and ill-equipped for the cruel world he grew up in. Since he’s well versed in the cruelties of life, Dazai can make sure you stay safe, right? He takes it up as his job to look after you and keep you safe, remaining close at all times when he can be. If you work in the agency alongside him, he makes sure to pull you onto missions that he’s already leading or will pawn off whatever he’s working on to join yours. He works at the agency, sure, but his job is to look after you. If you find him scary, that's merely because of how many people must have been able to wrong you in the past! It's not like it's hard to, in fact, he could easily— no.
That's why he needs to protect you, to keep you away from people like himself. Oda would want him to help out the poor and defenseless, right? Even if you can't accept that yet, you'll understand in a matter of time. Or you won't, and Dazai will have to take more... drastic measures.
Dazai who knows his obsession for you is wrong will start out thinking similar things — how easy you would be to manipulate (he hates that that’s his first thought), how much he should make sure to keep you safeguarded and out of harm’s way — but try to put a stop to it. If you work in an office job or something similar, he’ll be sure to remind himself that you’ve made it this far, and it’s not like you’ll be stumbling into trouble any time soon. To keep his mind from unraveling and his obsession and anxieties from worsening, he’ll follow you home after work under the blanketed night sky, reminding himself the whole time that you’re safe. And if anyone tries to harm you? …
He’d have such an urge to just keep you at his home, safe and away from the cruel outside, but he knows that’s wrong; Dazai knows how sad you’d be and while you’d have no way to fight back, he’d feel so guilty watching you break down in front of him. Looking after you is all he wants to do, including emotionally. But maybe feeling a little sad at the beginning is better than someone hurting you…
As much as he tries to fight it, Dazai knows you’d be better off staying by him all the time.
Manipulative and harsh Dazai who gets some sick joy out of your timid demeanor. He’ll want to crush your spirit, prove that your invulnerability is nothing more than a weakness he intends to exploit. You work in some sort of cozy shop mainly by yourself (ie coffeehouse, flower shop, something cutesy) and it almost makes him sick - how can someone be so sweet and innocent? He wants that for himself and you make it far too easy to obtain. A few kind words and polite smiles and he knows he’s become your favorite customer, even if he never buys anything. He brings you a coffee one day out of the goodness of his heart and Dazai swears he sees hearts in your eyes. He builds up a rapport so quickly and smoothly you don’t notice the red flags (how he always seems to know your schedule, favorite coffee..) and dismiss your co-worker’s worries. There’s no way he could be so rude and flippant with them, it’s not in his nature!
And when you get fired after some anonymous customer continuously claimed you were horribly rude to them, Dazai was there to console you. You find yourself at his place much more often, spending time solely with him as your friends begin to ghost you. As thanks to the man who kept you afloat during all of this, you’d stay and help around Dazai’s apartment, cleaning up and bringing him food… and when he mentioned how lonely it gets, well, what kind of friend would you be if you didn’t stay the night? And the next one. And the next…
Once you’ve all but entirely been kidnapped moved in, Dazai reminds himself that the world out there is cruel. So, if you miss being outside so much, then he’ll gladly bring the harsh world to you.
Possessive loser Dazai who doesn’t want your vulnerability and (as he views it) “pureness” tainted by someone else, but is happy just watching you stumble from afar. He swoops in during your date with a friend, dragging you out claiming that they were planning on hurting you! He just wants to keep you safe, don’t you understand that? And you do. You so pliantly nod as you thank him, letting out a sigh of relief that Dazai saved you yet again. How do you keep picking these horrible people?
One night, last minute, you went out with a few friends, and Dazai found out the next day. He spent all day avoiding you, angry beyond belief that you could be so stupid! Don’t you know they’re all the same?! He’s just trying to keep you safe! You’re so sensitive, so malleable; the last thing he wants is for some assholes to make you do something you don’t want to (never mind you saying you had fun). You apologize profusely, because of course you do: Dazai is your best friend.
Port Mafia Dazai whose only basis for relationships comes from Mori and his ability. He knows it’s wrong, right? But when he sees you, so shy and easy to scare, his mind is made up: You are too good for the Mafia. He takes you back to his small shipping container and decides he’d be the one to take care of you, like Mori does with Elise. His paychecks begin to go towards frilly outfits and soft pajamas for his darling, expensive cakes he wants to see you try and the same kind of crayons he saw Elise forcing the Boss to buy a few days ago. You’re well pampered and still so shy and polite, which is why Dazai is so aggravated when you finally ask to feel the sun on your skin once more. He’s sacrificed so much to keep you happy and spoiled, but you still ask for more?…
…He buys you a big house away from Yokohama’s port with big glass walls for you to enjoy the sun.
I imagine a more work-oriented or apathetic Port Mafia Dazai would be the only rendition that doesn’t treat you like a frail doll. Your vulnerable and shy side is cute, sure, but that can be a skill. He’d send you on missions to lure and attack like Kyouka or undercover, as no one expects such a shy person to be apart of the feared organization. He would spend his time training and mentoring you like Akutagawa, but he wouldn’t be nearly as harsh. You don’t have the ability and skills Akutagawa does, but you still should know basic self defense. Who knows? Maybe one day he’ll wrap you up in bandages and train you to follow in his footsteps.
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this time it's forever
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─── max talks, he loves to talk. especially about her.
pairing: max verstappen x her warnings: this is sad; mentions of loss & death
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“how do you know her?”
max turns his head in the direction of the voice. he doesn’t recognize the old lady who sits beside him, but he smiles politely anyways. he shuffles over a little bit to give her room to set her purse down. 
“she’s my best friend, and my first love.” he smiles fondly as he turns towards the front of the room, staring at the smile he had fallen for all those years ago. “how about you?”
“extended family, she’s my grand-niece. it’s nice that you came.”
“how could i not?” he chuckles softly, looking down at his lap. his hands slide down his thighs, down to the tops of his knees, an anxious tick he never quite got over. the little old lady hums softly beside him, shifting left to right in his seat trying to get a view of the front of the room. 
“i’m pretty sure i see some seats towards the front of the room,” max offers, craning his neck to look over the rows of people ahead of him. 
“nonsense, the seat i have his perfectly fine. i also don’t want to leave you, son. i don’t think this is something you should be alone for.”
max is grateful, the corners of lips twitching upwards and his cheeks indenting ever so lightly. little old lady introduces herself as nana, and nothing else. she offers him a peppermint from her purse, but he declines shyly. 
“so, tell me about her.”
he can’t help the thoughtful smile that graces his lips as he remembers her and the moments he was given to love her. he tells nana about meeting her. she was alone in the back corner of the restaurant, dipping bread in oil and vinegar. he spotted her from the other end of the room, also on a date that wasn’t doing all too well either. she sat for a whole hour, nursing bottomless bread and a martini, before he finally got up and walked over to her. his date was in the bathroom— had been in the bathroom for a while at that point. if he had to guess, she probably left after she realized he had been looking past her the entire time. 
he talks about the conversation over another basket of bread, another hour of small talk turned big. he tells nana about how he asked for her number and her refusal to give it. meet me here next friday at 7, maybe then i’ll give you my number, she said. 
so he showed up that following friday at 6:45. he sat on the bench outside and waited for her to walk by. and the rest is history.
he tells nana that her favorite color is a deep red, but also a light peach. she likes morning runs, and always has two glasses of water right after she’s done. she hates asparagus, but max managed to convince her to try it once. she loves traveling— her favorite place to go to is st. moritz. she loves the snow, she loves being in the cold. 
he talks about how great she is, how selfless she’s always been. he says that he fell for her and the way she listened. she always listened, even if max had been talking for hours (which he has), she listens like it’s only been a minute. she is compassionate, caring, and she loves with every fiber of herself.
he tells nana that she’s one of the greatest people he’s ever met.
“well… what went wrong?”
max leans back into the chair, shrugging his shoulders. “what always goes wrong. we grew apart, wanted different things. it was never anything bad, and even when we ended things we remained friends.” 
nana smiles at him, leans over and pats his leg. “you’re a good boy.”
he’s never really been known to be— good that is. always in the wrong, always never enough. max is the furthest thing from a good boy. but the way nana said it made him believe it was true. he smiles at the older woman, before turning back to the front of the room. he sees your smile again, it breaks his heart a little.
“he’s cute, do you know him?” 
max follows her finger, finding charles standing at the front of the room right next to her. he wears the same suit that he is, black over a white button up. the knot of his tie is done up tightly, neat and pressed. max is sure he learned that from her. 
“yeah, that’s charles. we work together, had some great battles too. he’s a good guy.”
charles is everything max isn’t. a charmer, always enough. charles is a good guy. 
“i actually was the one to introduce them,” max continues. 
max talks, he loves to talk. he tells nana that they had met when she visited him in monaco. she pulled him out of bed for a morning run and they ran into charles when he was on his way in. they’d always been friendly after that, charles always smiling and saying hello. there wasn’t any overlap, max reassures. they started dating two years after she and max called it quits. she called him one night, it had been a while since he’d heard from her besides routine holiday and birthday greetings. 
she told him everything. about how they had reconnected out of the blue, and how he called her every night to say sweet dreams. her voice was excited when she spoke of charles, she sounded happy. she told him that she didn’t want things to be weird, but that she felt that he should know. and though max said it was okay, he wasn’t sure then. 
he said it was okay because she was honest, that she had the decency to give him a warning rather than letting him find out through some post online. he said it was okay because it’s charles, he’s a good guy— and it’s her, she deserved to be happy. 
he wasn’t sure till he saw her in monaco again, sporting that bright scarlett red in support of her new boyfriend. he saw the way her eyes lit up, the smile gracing her painted lips when he speaks. not even on their best days did max ever see her look up at him like that. it stung, another shot at his ego. 
there was a little bit of resentment for charles, max admits. he would compare himself to the monegasque, pick apart his character in his head. they aren’t all that different. both driven, both competitive, both good at what they do. but he was just better at loving you.
“but it didn’t sting all the time.” max tries to round up his story, “i got over it eventually, i moved on.”
“no animosty between you and him?”
max shakes his head, “no no, nothing like that. how could i be mad? he’s a good guy. plus, i like them together. he made her happy. and i like seeing her happy, it suits her.”
“you still love her, don’t you?” nana’s smile is sad, almost pitiful, as she watches the way max stares up at her. 
he doesn’t hestitate to nod, “yeah, i think i always will. she’s my first love, and there really is no getting over something as great as that.” 
“how did you hear?”
the nostalgic smile falls from his face. “charles called. didn’t think too much of it, we talk sometimes, try to get dinner with some of the other people we work with. but then he said it… to be honest i still haven’t really processed it.”
“it takes time dear.”
“how much time?”
nana shrugs, her small hand coming up to pat his shoulder. “i wish i knew son, i wish i knew.” 
he nods, trying to ignore the way hopelessness picks at his heart. “i uh… i’m gonna go say hi.”
she shoos him off, and max stands. he feels out of place, like he doesn’t belong. nobody spares him a second look as he walk to the front of the room. he wonders if everyone was reminiscing the same way he just was, thinking of all the greatest moments spent with her.
charles opens and extends his arms towards max when he spots him getting closer. they hug each other tightly, firm pats on the back. and when they pull away, they reflect the other: bloodshot eyes and sad smiles.
“i’m so sorry for your loss mate.” max mumbles. 
charles sniffles, running a tissue under his nose, “glad you could make it, she would’ve been happy to see you came.”
max turns towards her smile, immortalized in a frame forever. his eyes burn with tears, but he doesn’t try to stop them this time. he lets them fall onto his cheeks, for the first time since finding out, he allows himself to grieve. he grieves for all the good times and bad, he grieves for what was and what could’ve been. he grieves you for the second time in his life, this time forever.
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note: i know i have reqs & wips waiting for me. but i needed to get this out of my system. the itch has been scratched.
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apas-95 · 7 months
can you elaborate on "left errors are those which erroneously declare positive, revolutionary elements to be enemies; in contrast with rightist errors, which erroneously declare enemies to be positive and revolutionary."
The question of suppressing counterrevolutionaries is one of a struggle between us and the enemy, a contradiction between us and the enemy. Among the people, some see this question in a somewhat different light. Two kinds of persons hold views different from ours. Those with a Rightist way of thinking make no distinction between the enemy and us and take the enemy for our own people. They regard as friends the very persons whom the broad masses regard as enemies. Those with a "Left" way of thinking magnify contradictions between ourselves and the enemy to such an extent that they take certain contradictions among the people for contradictions with the enemy and regard as counter-revolutionary persons who are actually not counter-revolutionaries. Both these views are wrong. Neither can lead to the correct handling of the question of suppressing counter-revolutionaries or to a correct assessment of this work.
-. On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People, Mao Zedong
There's a lot of confluence between the issues of right- and "left"-errors, the issues of tailism and adventurism, of revisionism and dogmatism, and a number of other issues which manifest in similar ways. Here, "left" is in quotations because, being an incorrect view, and leading to incorrect action, it is ultimately reactionary. The most simple and classic example of this type of error would be that of someone who, in the context of a tactical alliance or united front against a common enemy, exaggerates the grievances between members of the united front.
In practice, you will most often see this type of error with a person who declares a given socialist state, organisation, etc, to be backwards, authoritarian, degenerate, or something of the like, because it does not conform to certain ideals. Take the common case against a socialist state: the state does not follow some given principle, because the actual material conditions mean that it would not be the correct tactic. In response, it is declared 'not real socialism' for failing to follow the given principle (dogmatism), it is said that the state should follow the principle regardless of the actual level of political and economic development (adventurism), and is declared an enemy of the people ("left"-error).
The right-error is much more simple, and generally regards to the type of 'small business owners are actually really good and we should support them' style rhetoric, or in 'communists should ally with the MAGA mileu to promise white workers better wages' sales pitches.
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hairmetal666 · 2 years
Steddie paranormal investigator modern day au
I watched Buzzfeed Unsolved and this happened. Sorry?
Eddie's got his phone up, focused on Steve as he drives. "We should hunt ghosts, Stevie."
"What?" Steve says. He's being safe and concentrating on the traffic in front of him, not on Eddie's latest TikTok antics.
"Paranormal Investigation! It would be fun."
"Absolutely not."
"We're doing it."
"Eddie. No."
"Steeeeeeve, c'mon! It's like you've trained your whole life for this."
Steve looks at the camera then, hazel eyes serious. "Yes, and I've retired from active duty."
Eddie pouts until Steve rolls his eyes.
👻 Investigation 1 👻
Steve has one hand in his jacket pocket, the other holding his phone at it records his surroundings. "Hey, ghosts. Feel like talking?"
"Really? That's all, Harrington? You promised you'd act like you care."
"This is me caring! What else do you want, Munson?"
"Care with enthusiasm."
"Please enlighten me on how to do that." Steve keeps his voice even and deadpan, giving his head a pigeon-like tilt.
Eddie bounds forward, a bright and real smile lighting his face. "Hey, ghosts!! I'm Eddie. This is my best friend, Steve. We're here because we wanted to talk to you. Maybe you can start by introducing yourselves?"
Steve glares. "How is that different from what I did."
"How--Steve you--oh my god. You didn't even introduce yourself!"
"To the ghosts?"
"I thought you were raised to be polite."
"Yeah, to people, dude."
"Ghosts are people!"
Steve snickers, eyes glistening, and Eddie slaps at his bicep.
"Don't hit me," Steve says. He knocks Eddie away with his hip.
"Well, don't nudge me." He elbows Steve in the ribs.
There's just a flash of blinding smile from Steve before he launches himself at Eddie, full blown slap fight erupting between them. They giggle and shriek, and then Steve pins Eddie's hands together. They're breathless, panting and flushed, hair mussed.
"Is this respectful to the ghosts, Munson?"
"You started it," Eddie sicks his lower lip out. Steve tosses his head back and laughs, misses how Eddie's eyes linger, drink him in.
👻 Investigation 7 👻
Steve walks into frame, holding his phone as he records. "Hey, hi. My name's Steve, and this is my buddy, Eddie. We're here to chat, if you feel like it."
"Yeah, we just want to learn about you. See what you're doing. Did you die here?"
"Is that respectful?" Steve hisses.
"Shut-up," Eddie hisses back. They momentarily get distracted shoving one another.
"If you're around, let us know," Steve says. "There's this rocking chair here, could you maybe move it for us?"
"Yeah, and hey," Eddie fiddles with the flashlight in his hands. "I'm gonna set this flashlight right here on the ground, and if you can't move the chair, why not turn this flashlight off for us, okay?"
He leans down to put the light on the floor, his phone camera capturing a few seconds of Steve watching him, a little smile on his face. A beat passes and Eddie's movements slip Steve out of frame. There's a shrieking scream and Steve shouts, "EDDIE?" followed by the skittering clank of things being dropped onto the concrete floor.
The view changes to a static shot, from a camera set up behind them. It shows Eddie bend down, setting the flashlight in front of him, before he screams. He leaps--fully leaving the ground--into Steve's arms. Steve catches him easily, dropping his phone, so he can brace Eddie against his chest in a bridal carry. Eddie's arms wrap around Steve's neck, his face buried against the other man's collar.
Steve laughs. "You okay, Eds?"
Eddie responds, but it's not picked up by the mics. It makes Steve laugh harder. "There was a rat, huh? I think I can take a rat."
"Don't make fun of me," Eddie grumbles. He peels his head off Steve's shoulder and the camera just catches the corner of his flushed face and his bashful grin.
"I would never," Steve shakes his head. "You good to get down now?"
Their gazes meet for a few long seconds. "Definitely," but Eddie's voice shakes.
Steve puts his friend on his feet, but takes a second to push some of Eddie's hair behind his ear. "You okay?'
"Yeah, yeah, it was nothing."
"You sure?"
Eddie scowls. "I knew it!"
"Knew what?"
"You're making fun of me!"
"I am not!"
They miss the chair rocking on its own behind them.
👻 Investigation 15 👻
Steve digs through a backpack before spreading a sleeping bag over the scratched wood floors. Eddie films on his phone.
"Okay, Stevie, this is the first investigation where we're staying over night. How you feeling?"
"Fine," he responds. He doesn't look away from his task.
"Fine? We're staying overnight, where there are ghosts, and you're fine!?"
"Well, sure, Eds. I've faced worse than ghosts before."
"How are you not freaking out right now?"
Steve turns to the camera, a tiny smile on his face. "Because I'm not freaked out?"
"Ugh!" Eddie flails his hands which makes the image shift and blur. "It's like you don't even believe in this shit."
"You know that I do." Steve takes a few steps forward, reaching out to grab Eddie's elbow. "It's just that. They're ghosts, you know? They can't hurt us. Not really. And you know I'll protect you."
The angle changes to a static shot from behind Steve, giving full view of the soft and adoring way Eddie watches the other man.
👻 Investigation 15 ~ 2:03-3:45am 👻
The camera shows Steve and Eddie in their respective sleeping bags, both snoring. A time lapse captures the way they shift and shuffle in their sleep, until they're curled against each other on the floor.
It also captures the distant sound of an unintelligible voice and something clank in another room. Eddie flails, twisting and turning.
"Steve?" He says. "Steve!" He pushes out of the sleeping bag. "What the fuck was that?"
Steve sits up, his hair standing on end around his head. "Eds? What's wrong?"
"You didn't hear that?" Eddie's eyes are wide and panicked.
"No. What was it?"
"I heard like, voices or some shit. Maybe something falling over?"
Steve squirms out of his sleeping bag, grabbing a flashlight and starting recording on his phone.
"What are you doing?" Eddie grabs Steve's forearm.
"Aren't you--"
Steve cups Eddies cheek. "No, babe, I'm not scared. Let's go look, yeah?"
Steve walks out of frame, and Eddie stands frozen, until he slowly lifts a hand to trace where Steve touched against face. "Babe?" he whispers
👻 Investigation 22 👻
"Well, we're staying the night again." Steve says. "How'd you feel about the last time, Eds?"
"At least we're investigating a hotel and get a bed. Last time was terrible," Eddie frowns. "You were so calm."
"So, it wasn't terrible because we spent the night on the floor in a haunted place, but because I wasn't scared?"
"Pretty much."
"Shouldn't it be a good thing that I'm brave and strong and protective?"
Eddie gags. "Gross, man."
"What? Look at these muscles--I could take a ghost out." Steve flexes.
"You're not allowed to fistfight the ghosts, we've talked about this."
"Aw, c'mon, you don't think I can take a ghost?"
"Absolutely not, Stevie. You've never won a single fight."
Steve's mouth drops. "Excuse me. I've won at least one of them"
"Not a great track record."
"This is cruel. You're being cruel to me. After I've saved you from rats and from ghosts and from--"
"Yeah, yeah, my hero. C'mon, let's get moving."
Eddie's being sarcastic, but Steve's face still flushes a bright pink.
👻 Investigation 22 ~ 1:45-2:17am 👻
They fall asleep with the EVP still between them. Like before, the distance between their bodies closes as time passes until Steve is tucked close around Eddie, his arm draped over Eddie's waist.
It's sweet, peaceful until Steve starts to twitch. The mics pick up unintelligible murmuring until it becomes something close to short yelps and bitten off screams. Steve whimpers a long, heartbreaking sound and his body starts to shake, his hands grasping at his own face.
Eddie snuffles, is quiet for a second, before he realizes something is wrong. He twists to Steve, grabbing his shoulders. "Stevie, baby, oh my god, what's wrong. Steve!"
The other man wakes with a heaving gasp, flailing and shouting Eddie's name.
"I'm here. I'm right here." Eddie rests his hands against Steve's face, but pulls back, looking at his hands with wide eyes. "Why are you bloody, sweetheart?"
"What?" Steve reaches up, gingerly touching his cheeks. "What the fuck," Steve hisses. "What the fuck."
A flashlight flicks on, illuminating the long but shallow scratches across Steve's left cheek. "Jesus, baby. What happened?"
"I--" Steve is trembling hard enough his voice shakes. "I thought I was dreaming? I heard this voice and then this shape walked towards me from the bathroom." Steve points. "He--it reached for me, and I knew I shouldn't let him touch me, so I fought, but--" He's shaking too hard to continue.
"It's okay," Eddie 's voice is soft. "It's alright, sweetheart. It's over, yeah? I won't let anything bad happen to you, promise."
"I thought--Eddie, I thought--"
"I know, I know, sweetheart. It wasn't, though. We're okay."
"I'm scared, Eds," is barely heard through the mic.
"It's okay. I got you, yeah? I'll always have you."
Eddie starts singing something, soft soft, so only the melody catches, still too faint to make out. He holds Steve tight, cards fingers through his hair until the shaking stops.
"Not so brave now, huh?" Steve asks, giving a little wet chuckle.
"Baby, you are the bravest person I know. This doesn't change that. Not for an instant."
"Liar." Steve presses his face harder against Eddie's neck.
"To you? Never."
They sit in silence a little longer before Steve moves. Eddie caresses the man's face, lets his thumbs graze over his cheekbones. He knows affection is spilling out of him, overflowing, swallowing everything, but there's nothing Eddie can do about it anymore.
"Eddie?" Steve asks.
They close the lingering distance between them on some unspoken mutual agreement, lips slotting together like they'd been doing this for years and hadn't condemned themselves to a lifetime of quiet yearning.
Steve brushes his tongue against Eddie's mouth, and Eddie lets him in, their tongues meeting in a wet tangle. They kiss and kiss and kiss, lost to the moment, cameras and ghosts and the world forgotten for each other.
They part, staying close enough to share air. "Hey, Eds?"
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"I have a huge crush on you."
Eddie's nose wrinkles before he erupts in a sweet laugh. "Well, thank god for that. I'm fucking gone on you, baby."
"Yeah?" Steve whispers now.
"You're sort of everything, Steve Harrington."
"Fuck," Steve buries his face into Eddie's neck. "Is now the time to say that I think you're it for me? Cause--"
He doesn't get the rest of the words out, the force of Eddie's kiss sending his mind to outer space.
When they pull apart again, Steve quietly says, "thank you, ghosts," and Eddie giggles.
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