#thire is guard baby
clonemando · 4 months
For the kiss roulette: Fox & Thire and 8. A platonic kiss if you'd like?
Thank you for the request!
Fox had several theories for why Thire was the way he was. The first was the fact he was three centimeters shorter than the average trooper and the fact he was tiny filled him with rage that boiled over into him being a little punk all the time.
Maybe it was his time spent around the little green jedi leader that had changed him. Fox knew Gree had decided to plop bright red bacon strips on his head after transferring so clearly the troll had some sort of mind numbing effects on people. Thire might have been saved from the full brunt of it but enough might have lingered as chaos in his soul.
Or maybe they messed up the amount of bastard they put into the fluid of his growth tank and he had just been this way since he was a tubie. The force knew the Kaminoans had miscalculated on that ratio with the Alphas and no one was brave enough to even mention the Nulls out loud in case the force saw fit to take that as a summons.
The point was, Thire was a scrappy thing that didn't know when to shut up or sit down and that meant that Fox was gonna have to step in.
"You're my favorite but don't tell Thorn or he'll cry. But just because you're my favorite doesn't mean you can headbutt a Marine just for talking shit. You're a commander now." Fox said pressing a kiss to Thire's forehead playfully, like he was a troublesome puppy he was fond of.
Thire scowled and shoved him away grumpily. "Then tell Bacara he needs to get his shit together and leash his men. I won't stand around while they talk shit to my shinies. I'll kick their asses and if he won't fix it I'll kick his ass too!" He growled.
Fox laughed. "You think you'll kick his ass but he's nearly as good as me. He'll beat the living force out of you then I'll have to kick his ass for hurting my favorite little brother." He pointed out and Thire just shrugged then winced at how that pulled on a bruise.
"Either was Bacara's getting his ass kicked so why would I care?" He said and Fox sighed ruffling his hair.
"How about neither of us kick his ass and instead I make tooka eyes at Cody that the guard is getting bullied and then we sit back and watch Cody kick everyone's asses?" He offered as an alternative and Thire grinned.
"Acceptable plan. I guess that's why you're Marshal huh?" He teased and Fox winked.
"Being the baby of the batch has its perks. You still have to learn them since you're the baby here." He said and before Thire could argue Thorn came busting through the door to fuss over their littlest commander too.
Fox just grinned knowing another headbutting was imminent. He really didn't know why Thire was the way he was, but he was definitely his favorite.
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st4r-t3ars · 3 months
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Fox Kits - a contraband corrie card game
(shh don’t tell the commanders)
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varpusvaras · 7 months
Thire: So, uh, you are okay with me and Riyo being a thing? Despite her being a Senator?
Fox: Of course I am, it would be a bit hypocritical for me to not be okay with it. And Senator Chuchi seems like a nice and smart young lady. I have nothing against her
Thire: Alright, thank you, Sir
Fox: Honestly, I am just glad that none of you have brought in a Jedi. I honestly don't think I can handle any more of that
Stone: ....*glances at Thorn behind Fox's back*
Thorn: *sweating profusely under his bucket*
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wantonlywindswept · 5 months
adopted baby Guard Din idea that I am never going to write
because it would involve logistics and quiet moments and idle life which I am very down for reading but cannot for the LIFE of me actually sit down and write
So the war ends, Palps is outed as a Sith and an asshole and dies somehow, and the Senate eventually decides that the clones do count as people and thus are allowed to leave the GAR if they want. Give the bureaucrats another few years and they might even give out backpay and citizenship, so long as you stay in the service--wait what do you mean the entire Guard is resigning. What do you mean they've already left orbit?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE NOW MILLIONS OF FILES ON THE HOLONET ABOUT THE SENATE'S SHADY DEALINGS???
Guard, collectively: lol cya suckers
Fox is of course one of the last ones out, and since this was all planned on the down low, everyone's been split into groups so they can take commercial flights, since they're not about to be accused of stealing ships. (They also leave their weapons and their armor behind, in a giant macabre pile in the middle of Corrie HQ. Even their helmets, their faces, they discard: it's time for a rebirth.)
He and Thorn and a few other Corries have a stopover on some tiny station, waiting a week for a delayed transport to arrive, and in the meantime they're approached by some locals who just fled the planet below. Separatist remnants attacked their homes, forcing them to leave everything and everyone behind; can the big strong clones do anything about it?
The Big Strong Clones: Oh shit we finally get to kick some Seppie ass? Sign us the FUCK up.
The eager group does not include Fox, who could not care less about the Separatists and would very much like to finally catch up on his sleep. Unfortunately that means that the group that goes down to the planet is Unsupervised.
(Thorn does not count as supervision. Thorn, bereft of Senate oversight, has finally allowed his Inner Chaos Gremlin to fully emerge. Thorn needs more supervision than the shinies.)
Thorn, three days later, waking Fox from half-hearted sleep by dropping an entire natborn child on him: Hey boss, look what we found! None of the refugees claimed him, so we called dibs. Can we keep him? Fox, staring at the child: ...
Din, staring back: ...
Fox: ...no..?
Din: *sad but understanding big brown eyes*
Fox: Nevermind this is my child now.
Din has gone from two parents to one parent and hundreds of overprotective brothers.
Eventually his group makes it to their destination, Din in tow. I am uncertain of what the destination is but it is a planet that is as far away from Coruscant that the Corries could find. I am tempted for Tatooine not because I like Tatooine (I share Anakin's loathing of sand and deserts) but because Luke's description of Tatooine in ANH was 'if there's a bright center to the universe, this is the planet the furthest from'. 
Corries, hearing that: Fuck it sounds perfect. 
Anyway they make it to Tatooine, there is probably purchasing of some shitty land/buildings that nobody wants out in the wastes bc crime, scum, villainy, etc, but it's not like they have problems taking care of anything that tries to mess with them. 
Where did they get the funds?
Shh don't ask about it.
Stone takes up moisture farming. Thire takes up farming-farming. Thorn shoots gleefully at anything that shows up unannounced within a ten-mile radius. Literally everybody dotes on Din. There are a surprising amount of peaceful days.
Eventually some dumb shiny goes: Hey don't kids need friends? Shouldn't we set up some playdates for him or something?
The shiny is not called dumb for asking the question, but they are called dumb for thinking that the question would only ever be taken rhetorically. Fox disappears for two weeks and then comes back with a black eye and a yowling hissing Boba tucked under one arm, looking stupidly pleased with himself.
(Boba is also pleased to be back with people he knows will keep him safe. Boba will not admit to this under threat of death or dismemberment. Boba is a SERIOUS SCARY ADULT BOUNTY HUNTER.)
Boba also decides he will be Mortal Enemies with Din, which after about ten minutes of meeting him morphs into If Anyone Hurts Din I Will Kill Everyone In This Room And Then Myself because all clones be the same, really.
Din has gained another brother/bestie. (Or potential future boyfriend, whichever floats your boat.)
Somehow they still end up overthrowing the Hutts.
Officially the GAR knew and knows nothing about the Guard leaving Coruscant as soon as the metaphorical paint was dry on their sentient status.
Unofficially Fox's batch harangues him every single day for photos of his new kid(s). They eventually show up unannounced, demanding time with their nephew. (They are shot at by Thorn.)
Din gains five new uncles.
The batch proudly show pics and holos to their battalions. Din gains millions of new uncles.
Fox finally gets a full night's sleep.
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yoitsjay · 22 days
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Misery baby
pairings: Fox x Fem! reader
Summary: Fox hates you, despises you, and you hate him equally as much... so why can't he keep his hands off of you?
Warnings: bits of angst, smut. unprotected p in v, mentions of rough sex, soft smut, fox being a simp kinda
Word count: 2,668
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“Will you just shut the fuck up? Kriffing hell!” Fox exclaimed from his office, or from the door to his office as he stared you and his brother’s down through the visor in his helmet, your conversation with Thire had been ended abruptly by Fox yelling at you, but instead of silently walking away. You scoffed, and got ready for yet another shouting match with the marshall commander.
However before you could speak up, your assistant was quick to run up to you, urgently tapping your shoulder. “Senator, perhaps it's not the best time to get angry? You have a speech for the senate in an hour that you should be preparing for.” The smaller woman interrupted, and you narrowed your eyes slightly before you sighed and nodded your head.
You were a senator of one of the outer rim planets, and also happened to be the daughter of none other than Chancellor Palpatine himself. Of course you had no idea who he really was, that he was even a sith, but regardless he despised you because you opposed every ideal he stood for, or wanted to enact, standing with senators Amidala, Organa, Chuchi and Mothma.
He even tried to get you killed, but the planet you were raised on, just happened to be inhabited by stray mandalorian clans that had helped raise you and with that aid, you became very skilled. So eventually after maybe… ten attempts on your life, Palpatine gave up on trying to kill you. Though during that time you had grown quite close with the coruscant guard, who had helped to protect you after the third attempt.
You never stopped visiting them even after the attempts ended, though your bickering with the Marshall Commander started at the very beginning… now there's more than just the vocal fights…
You can’t even count the amount of times he's ruined your cunt on two hands.
It's a secret affair you and Fox both share, his brothers have no idea, and nor does anyone else on your senate group or handmaidens because you and Fox have a schedule of sorts. You even purchased a sole apartment for both you and Fox, and used a fake name and fake accounts that you know wouldn't trace back to you.
Every couple of weeks to every month, you’d have ten hours to yourself, and so would Fox, and you ‘coincidentally’ scheduled them at the same time.
He'd be at your apartment first, and you’d walk in the door a few minutes later. And then he took what he wanted, on the counter, couch, floor, wall. Anywhere in that tiny apartment, he’d ravage you, get out all that hate, and anger, and you’d take it, you’d enjoy it, because that was also your chance to get all your hate for him out of your body. You’d fight for dominance, sometimes you’d win, most of the time you would lose.
But you haven’t met with Fox for over three months, as you had been off-world, back on your home planet to deal with urgent matters, and now that brought you back to Coruscant so you could speak and request aid from the senate. But you had stopped to visit your Corrie friends, since you had missed them, minus Fox.
You narrowed your eyes to the man, he hadn’t even stepped out of his office once since you arrived about an hour ago, didn’t even bat an eye, though to be fair you didn’t either, and were too absorbed with Thire and Hound to care.
You sighed and dismissed your assistant, glaring at Fox once more before you walked out of the Corrie guard’s offices, heading to your chambers, only to be roughly pushed to the side. You were about to shout at whoever it was, ready to tousle, but as you turned you paused. Fox was in front of you, all armored up like he always was.
Then his hand was wrapped around your throat, and the next thing you knew, he had you on your knees in a nearby empty office with his codpiece off and his cock down your throat.
You had safeword’s, you had established them when this fling began. He had asked for the word, but you said nothing so he continued. Now he had his hand clasped around the back of your head, fingers tangled in your hair as he fucked your throat, watching as your spit and his fresh release dribble down your chin and neck and down his cock.
Fox groaned softly as he pulled out, taking his length in his hands as he nudged the tip against your cheek and chin, and smacked your face a few times. ”Fucking Minx, shouldn’t have left me here, almost went insane without your pretty fucking lips and that tight pussy.” He growled out, and you opened your lips, sucking the top of his cock into your mouth again before pulling off and standing up, watching as he shuddered at your action, you spit out his cum into the nearest trash can and wiped your face with a nearby rag before tossing that too.
“Yeah well, I had someone else to satisfy me while I was home.” you mused, and it was partially true, though you exaggerated for the sake of getting under Fox’s skin. And it worked with the way he growled, removing his helmet as he walked over to you, reaching out to push you to the desk, however you were quick to duck under his arm, shifting behind him before giving him a swift kick in the ass.
“This can wait until after my speech.” You growled, fixing your hair before walking towards the door, leaving without a second word.
And Fox was pissed off, though when wasn’t he pissed off at you… though this was for a more specific reason.
The fact that he had actually missed you.
He hated you, or he was supposed to anyway, thats why he fucked you until you couldn’t walk or see straight… he could never love someone like you, a privileged, pretty little nat born with the chancellor as a father…
And then he saw the news broadcast from your planet, he saw you, and your people being recorded, and he saw how your people suffered, and starved. And there you were, giving up every ounce of food and money from the senator’s treasury and kitchens, giving away any gifts you received to people who needed them more.
To Fox, you were just a dumb little slut. But that’s what he saw in the bedroom… he never actually saw you… until now…
So he went to the senate meeting. And he watched from the sidelines of the open doors that lead out to your lift, and he watched as you not only swayed the senate with desperation, but also hard physical evidence that had been copied tenfold, in case copies went missing or were destroyed.
He saw you beg for something that would benefit your people, and not yourself…
After your speech, your lift rose up to the designated exit, and your eyes widened as you saw Fox waiting there, and the energy he was radiating was almost… sad.
“Can we talk?” he asked. You raised an eyebrow. “Just talk?” You replied, a hint of hesitation in your tone. Fox nodded his head, so you sighed. “The apartment?” you asked, and again he nodded.
“See you tonight then.” you replied, and Fox watched as you and your personal guards walked off.
He arrived at your apartment later than he wanted too, but he was held back by the chancellor, and paperwork. When he got to the apartment he almost believed that you weren’t there, that you had given up waiting…
And then he heard the shower running.
Fox removed his armor, setting it in a neat pile by the kitchen counter, and then he made his way over to the bathroom, slowly opening the door as he looked over at the shower which was steamed up, but despite that he could see your silhouette behind the glass.
“Fox?” you called out, and he replied with a hum. “Yeah… Can I join you?” he asked, and you hummed in agreement. Fox stepped into the room and he shut the door behind him, removing the rest of his clothes until he was nude. Sliding open the shower door, stepping in front of you.
You stared up at him for a moment, then closed your eyes as you dipped your head under the water, and started washing your hair, switching places with Fox once your hair was wet though to be lathered with shampoo.
You and Fox showered silently until you were both clean, and eventually you sat on the bed within the open concept apartment, and Fox soon sat in front of you, wearing the bottom half of his blacks.
“You wanted to talk, right?” You asked him, and the man nodded. It was rare when you really got to see his body, when you had your little outings, he always kept the armor on, helmet included.
“I’m sorry.” He breathed out, and you furrowed your eyebrows. “What for?” you asked, and Fox pursed his lips before speaking again. “For… hating you, and judging you… I saw the broadcast from your planet- the way you- you helped your people… I assumed you were stuck up, a bratty senator who just wanted sex for fun… I hated you, I really did… i just- i didn’t realize you were so-” Fox cut himself off, not knowing what words he really wanted to say.
“That I was so kind? Caring? Loving?” you asked, your tone now amused as you stared at the clone, who nodded in response. “Yes.” he sighed, looking down at his hands, which were fidgeting slightly with the black pants he wore.
“I forgive you.” you replied, your words catching him off guard, followed by your soft touch on his arm.
“I never hated you.” You spoke softly, gently cupping his face with your hand. “To be honest, I really liked you, Fox, since the moment I met you… I bickered with you, engaged with you because I figured that was as close as I could get.” You chuckled, watching his eyes get wider and wider as you confessed to him.
Then you snorted at the dumbfounded look on his face. “I love you, Commander… always have.” You started, then stood up so you were in front of him. Fox’s eyes followed you, and his shoulders sagged as his hands found purchase on your hips, feeling the warmth of your skin against his bare hands.
“You don’t have to say it back, Fox, I understand you might not feel the same as I do.” You stated, and Fox nodded. You were right, he didn’t love you, but that didn’t stop him from feeling that way in a few months, or weeks… he liked you, he had… feelings… feelings he never had before.
“I want you.” Fox whispered, leaning into you as he pressed his face against your torso, breathing in your fresh scent, tilting his head up slightly so he could look into your eyes as he started placing gentle kisses against your skin. You shivered underneath his touch, and you slid your hands through his hair, which had silver streaks in it.
“You can have me Fox… anywhere.” you whispered, then tilted his head upward as you leaned in, your lips ghosting him as you hesitated. “Is this oka-”
His lips were in yours within seconds, soft and seemingly untouched. You leaned into the man, letting out the soft sighs which he swallowed, and instantly wanted to hear more off.
Fox slid his arms around the backs of your thighs and he lifted you up into his arms, standing while his lips were still attached to yours, only parting as he placed you down on the bed, and rested your head against the pillows.
He wanted to be gentle, slow. He was going to take his time and make you feel good, relaxed, because he knew it’s what you deserved, rather than the rough abusive and selfish sex he gave you prior…
To think he was so eager to bend you over that desk earlier, and ruin you again like he had countless times… and now here he was, treating you like a princess with how gentle he was bestowing upon you.
And you were eating out of the palm of his hand, letting out strings of soft moans or whines as he devoured you for the first time, as he made you cum on his fingers until your thighs were shaking and the mattress was soaked with your juices.
He went slow with you, for hours, pleasing you and only you until finally he gave you what you were begging for.
And he slid inside of you, and he made love to you, as cheesy as it was, it was true.
You and Fox kept eye contact with each other as he held one of your thighs in his hand, your other leg wrapped around his waist as he slowly rocked his hips into yours. But you didn’t need more than that, and you came again, with Fox following close behind, for the umpteenth time that night, which was more than you had ever cum before.
And he knew that.
And he hated it.
“I'm so sorry.” He sobbed against your shoulder as he continued to rut into you, chasing one more orgasm from you, and from himself, feeling the way he gripped your body against his.
“It’s okay.” You whispered, letting out a soft cry as your last orgasm for the night was building up again. “Please please please Fox- I need to cum.” You whined out, your whines silenced by his lips as he slid in and out of you, albeit a bit more reckless and desperate. “Cum for me.”: He whispered against your lips, his finger finding your clit, rubbing it in slow circles, hearing the way you squealed as your back arched upwards, and your eyes rolled back as you squirted around him. And that feeling made him cum, and he released inside of you.
Slowly Fox pulled out, and he rolled onto the bed beside you, pulling you back into his arms within seconds as he stared up at the ceiling, feeling you run your fingers through his hair. He shivered, and melted against you.
“Thank you.” He whispered after a few moments, opening his eyes to look down into yours. You smiled, and kissed him once more.
“Your welcome, Fox.” You whispered, getting comfortable in his arms.
Eventually you and Fox got cleaned up again, but rather than him leaving, he climbed into bed with you again, and he held you firmly in his grip, his face pressed between the soft mounds of flesh on your chest, rubbing patterns into your wait with his fingers, once again you played with his hair, and soon, you and Fox both drifted off to sleep…
“Do you, Fox, take Y/n Palpatine to be your wife?” The officiant, who just so happened to be commander Cody, asked Fox, who was dressed up in a suit, staring at you with such adoration in his eyes. “I do.” he breathed out, squeezing your hands in his.
Cody turned to you, and smiled. “And do you-”
“Yes I do- just marry us already!” You exclaimed, hearing the laughs of Cody and Fox’s clone brothers, the 501st, bad batch, and all your important friends laugh at your words… And with Cody’s final words, Fox slid your wedding band over your ring finger, and you did the same, and then he kissed you.
That day was the day where clones began to truly live, and love. The war ended, your father was killed by your own hands, and you were elected as Chancellor, with Fox at your side, as your husband.
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Fox tag:
Tcw tag:
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clone OC time!! use this picrew and give as many or as few details as you wish <33 (disclaimer: this picrew is not mine!! It was created by @briikase and all rights belong to them.)
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CT-1407, dubbed “Stork” by his fellow medics, earned his name when, on his first deployment, he had to help a heavily pregnant trandoshan woman give birth on the outskirts of an active battlefield. He completed several campaigns with the 104th battalion as a field medic, serving under Commander Wolffe and General Plo Koon before a stray commando droid relieved him of his right leg. His need for a prosthetic ended up in his transfer to the Coruscant Guard, where he became CMO. The gray on his pauldrons symbolize his attachment to his former battalion, the “wings” of his namesake. He is fiercely protective of his vode, hates politicians on principle, only knows how to crochet granny squares, and loves holding babies (he thinks the irony is hilarious). His favorite brother is Thire and his favorite natborn food is tacos.
I don’t have any clone wars mutuals so I’m just gonna tag the mutuals I interact with the most. Sorry if I tag you and you have no idea what I’m yapping about. Conversely, if you happen upon this post and love the clone wars, feel free to interact or send me a message or an ask! I’d love to be mutuals :))
@good-oldfashioned-lover @re-is-back-in-black @amaan-danish @daydream-of-a-wallflower @her-midas-touch @annotated-catastrophe @my-castles-crumbling and anyone else who wants to <33
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Coruscant is Space Hell pt 4
Summary: Fox and Kanna have a conversation with Cody, Wolffe, and Bly after their actions nearly got Kanna killed. Thire, Dusk, and 80 do paperwork and then go to back-up Stone.
Pairing: Commander Fox x Original Female OC (Kanna Rae)
Word Count: 2243
Warnings: Supernatural stuff
Tagging: @tazmbc1 @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: It took me forever to get this one out, since it's kind of filler stuff before the next big thing happens. Which I only half have an idea for, lol.
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“Why aren’t they waking up?” 80 asked as he looked from the slumbering Commanders and then over to Checkmate, the Head Medic of the Corries.
“Why aren’t they-” Checkmate blinked at 80 and then pinched the bridge of his nose, “You do realize that it’s not normal for people to get used to having a hand shoved in their central nervous system, right?”
“Stone’s fine!”
“Stone is invulnerable. He doesn’t get hurt.” Checkmate reminded with a sigh, “And before you begin, all of the vod’e in the guard are a little more hardy than the vod’e out on the front lines. Surely you know that?”
“Er…well, yeah. Obviously.”
“You forgot.”
“No! Well, maybe.” 80 admitted, “they’re going to be alright? Fox is going to be incandescent if they die before he’s able to wring their necks.”
Checkmate rolled his eyes, “The Commander is not going to kill his batchmates.”
“You didn’t see how angry he was-”
“Because Kanna is going to be fine. I had her patched up in under 15 minutes.” Checkmate continued as if 80 hadn’t spoken, “So Fox will not be killing his batchmates because if he does then those responsibilities fall on his shoulders.”
“...That’s true.” 80 paused, “So they’re going to be alright?”
“Get out of my medbay!”
“Getting!” 80 called as he hurried out of the medbay and into the hall, where he immediately bumped into Thire.
Thire flashed a smile full of razor sharp teeth, “So, how are the commanders?”
“Sleeping.” 80 replied primly.
“Yeah? You overdid it, didn’t you?”
80 scowled, “It’s not my fault that they’re fragile!”
Thire barks out a sharp laugh, “I’ll pay you money to hear you say that to the commanders.”
“I don’t have a death wish, Commander.” 80 replied drily, “Anyway, is there something you need?”
“Yup,” Thire grinned at him, “Paperwork. The bane of all hard working Vod’e.”
“Oh, come on!”
“Nope. We do the paperwork, so Fox can make it Jedi and vod’e palatable. That’s the rule, and you’re on paperwork duty with me and Dusk.”
“I hate paperwork duty! Why can’t Stone do it!”
“He has another case he’s investigating. Do you want his job?”
“...honestly, I kind of want to sleep.” 80 admitted.
“Same, vod. Same. We’ll do the paperwork, and then we can sleep. How’s that sound?”
“Great, come on.”
80 rolled his eyes, but chased after his Commander, “Checkmate says that Kanna’s fine.”
“Of course she is. We do have the best medic in the entire GAR.” Thire grabbed 80’s arm and propelled him forward, “Keep up, baby brother.”
“Not everyone can be as fast as you, Commander.” 80 snarked.
“Then run. I want to get this paperwork over with so I can go and get drunk.” Thire said bluntly, “If we finish fast enough, you can come too.”
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“I’m fine.”
“You have five holes in your shoulder, cyare. Forgive me if I’m not convinced,” Fox replied grimly, his red eyes locked on the bandages wrapped around Kanna’s shoulder.
Kanna sighed and rolled her shoulder, a silent gasp of pain slipping from her lips as it pulled painfully. 
She wasn’t quiet enough, as Fox was on his feet and kneeling in front of her before she even recognized that he was moving. “Do you need to go back to the infirmary?” He asked, his fingers ghosting, feather light, against the bandages.
“I’m fine. I just need to rest. Really.”
“My brothers almost got you killed.” Fox mumbled as he pulled Kanna’s forehead down to meet his.
“Not intentionally,” Kanna soothed as she lifted her good arm and pressed her hand against his cheek, “It was an accident.”
His scowl deepened. 
“It’s not their fault, Fox. You cannot blame them.”
“Sure I can. I told them to stay away. To stay off the lower level until later. They could have gotten you killed. They could have gotten all of you killed.”
“But they didn’t.”
Kanna sighed and shifted on the couch, before she leaned in and pressed light kisses just under his eyes, “You’re tired, Fox. You need to rest.”
“I am tired. But I have so much stuff to do.” He leaned into her touch and a small smile crossed his lips as he felt her lips on his skin.
“Maybe just a short nap?” Kanna offered.
Fox opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off when the intercom on his desk rang. He reluctantly released Kanna and walked over to his desk to answer the call, “This is Fox.”
“Commander,” Checkmate’s voice was mild, “Commanders Cody, Wolffe, and Bly are awake and heading your way.”
“Thanks Checkmate,” Fox replied before he closed the connection.
“What are you going to tell them?” Kanna asked.
“The truth.” Fox replied tiredly. “Will you stay?”
“Of course. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” 
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“Fox owes us some answers,” Wolffe grumbled as he stalked through the halls of the Corrie Barracks. In spite of his ire, none of the Corries seemed all that intimidated by him. 
In fact, some of them even looked amused.
“I’m sure Fox will explain if we ask the right questions.” Bly said easily as he followed behind his older brother.
“Yeah. Let’s start with ‘how the fuck did one of your LTs stick his arm through my body?’ and then we can follow up with, ‘what the actual fuck was that thing?’ for good measure.” Cody said as he moved out of the way to let a group of vod’e pass.
“Have there always been so many Corries?” Bly asked, momentarily distracted as they turned a corner and walked past the Corrie Mess Hall, which was filled with men.
“Well, it is the largest battalion,” Cody replied as he eyed a man who’s armor looked to be missing several pieces. He shook his head and hurried back down the hall, walking the twisting hallways until he stopped in front of Fox’s office door.
Wolffe knocked twice and then pushed the door open. “Fox!”
“Wolffe,” Fox didn’t bother to look up from his datapad, “It took you three hours to wake up from 80’s jolt.”
“Yeah, we have questions about that,” Cody interjected.
Fox finally looked up, “I bet.”
“All things considered, they’re handling this pretty well.” Kanna noted as she buried herself in Fox’s couch and pulled a blanket up high around her neck. “I mean, 80 freaked out the first time-”
“Shush you.” Fox chided, though there’s an amused smile on his lips, and this his gaze drifted to his brothers, “I should rip you a new one, or make you spar with Stone for the extra work you gave me, but I’m not because Kanna is an amazing person and she argued on your behalf. Say ‘thank you Kanna’ because I was this close,” He pressed his fingers together, “To just doing it anyway.”
“No he wasn’t.” Kanna chirped, “He’s upset because you scared him.”
“And I’m about to send you back to the infirmary,” Fox said in turn as he pinned Kanna with a severe look, which she blithely ignored. “Ask your questions.”
“First. What the actual fuck, Fox?” Cody blurted.
Kanna muffled her laughter with a cough, and Fox leaned back in his chair, “Can you be more specific, vod?”
“Yes, actually, I can.” Cody snapped, “Your LT put his hand through my chest. And that creature was unlike anything I’ve seen on Coruscant-”
“You don’t spend any time on Coruscant or you would have-” Fox muttered.
“And since when do you have red eyes!?” Wolffe interrupted.
Fox sighed, and looked at Kanna, “Are you sure that we can’t just wipe their memories?”
“Do you wanna bother Master Nu just for a mind wiping session? Because I’m not gonna do it.”
Fox sighed, “No. She’s busy. Fine.” He pushed his hand through his hair, and then got to his feet and crossed the room to settle on the couch next to Kanna, who immediately tucked herself against his side. “Make yourselves comfortable, this is going to be a long story.”
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Dusk groaned as he sank into his seat at his desk. 
“Are we done yet?” 80 asked, from where his head is laid on his desk, “Can we go get drunk now?”
“No drinking,” Thire chided.
80 released a heartbroken, and totally faked, sob, “You promised me alcohol!”
“I know. But we have to roll out.” Thire said apologetically, “Stone sent a message calling for backup and we’re the only ones available.”
80 sighed and slowly pushed to his feet.
“What’s he hunting?” Dusk asked with a frown, “It’s not like Stone to need backup. He normally is the backup.”
“No idea,” Thire replied with a frown as he glanced down at the message on his comm again, “All it says is backup needed. I know he was hunting something big.” Thire clapped his hands, “Come on, vod’e! Let’s go! Up and at ‘em! On your feet!”
Dusk groaned and slowly pushed to his feet, “Commander, I’d like to request a transfer to literally anywhere else-”
“Denied.” Thire replied cheerfully, “Let’s move it vod’e!”
“Shouldn’t we tell the Commander?” 80 asked tiredly, “I mean…the other Commander.” He added as he glanced at Thire.
“I sent Fox a message. And he and Kanna are still playing host to the other commanders.”
“They’re awake? Er…I mean…yay! They’re awake!” He said sheepishly.
Dusk choked out a laugh, and shook his head, “Where are we headed, Commander.”
“The Works.”
“You might as well just drop us in the sewers while you’re at it,” 80 grumbled as he jerked his helmet on and strapped his blade to his thigh, “It’d be cleaner.”
“You’re being dramatic. The Works are perfectly…clean.” Thire sniffs.
“Sure. Aside from all of the droids, and rotting bodies.” Dusk added, “Oh, and the actual demons that scrabble up the walls like some kind of deranged spiders. Those are my favorite.”
“That only happened once.” Thire grumbled.
“And I still have nightmares about it.” Dusk countered.
“Oh, the spider demons. Those are easy to deal with though. I struggle with the shadow people. They’re the worst-” 80 added, only to stop mid-sentence when Thire whacked him over the helmet, “What’s that for?”
“We don’t talk about the Shadow People. It’s rude.” Thire chided just before he pulled his helmet on, “Alright. Is this everyone?”
“Yeah. Everyone else was smart and decided to do their paperwork later.” Dusk replied. “Lucky them.”
“Great.” Thire said as he ignored his younger brother’s complaint, “Everyone in the speeder. I’m driving.”
One fifteen minute drive later, the three Guardsmen clamber out of the speeder and step into the lift that will bring them down to the Works. Stone met them at the lift, for some reason, his helmet is missing and his armor looks cracked in some places.
“Stone,” Thire walked over to him, “Where are the rest of your men.”
“We’re making a barricade just down there,” He said, sounding deeply exhausted, “Luckily I didn’t lose anyone today, but-” Stone shook his head.
“What are you hunting anyway?” Dusk asked as he followed the two commanders through the narrow passage, “Commander Thire wasn’t able to tell us.”
Stone sighed, “Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve never seen anything like this, and it’s not in any book that Master Nu gave us. I’d ask Kanna to take a look, but she’s injured.”
“Yeah. Fox isn’t letting her out of his sight,” Thire confirmed, “Have you seen the thing you’re hunting?”
“Yeah. It looks like a man, only…” Stone shook his head, “You know how some of our vod’e say that standing too close to us makes them uneasy? It’s like that, only far worse.”
“So Master Nu was right,” 80 said, “It is getting worse.”
“She said that there was a change happening to Coruscant,” Dusk clarified, “Which, once of the symptoms is stuff like this getting worse.” He glanced to the side, where a younger vod flicks a rock at a spider demon with the same results as he would have had with a blaster.
“At this point, it’s six one way, half a dozen the other.” Stone admitted as he folded his arms over his chest, “We need to hold the line here, but someone needs to go in to figure out what we’re dealing with. Ideally I’d go in with Thire, but-”
“But it’s not feasible right now.” Thire agreed with a nod, “So we will go and investigate, and then come back as soon as we learn something. Weapons hot, vod’e.”
Thire took the lead, stepping through the pale blue barrier first, followed closely by 80 and with Dusk taking up the rear.
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Sitting in Fox’s office, several kilometers away, Kanna sat up right from where she was cuddled against Fox. The blanket hiding her bandages from the men in the room fell around her waist, and then to her feet, as she stumbled towards the window.
She shook her head, her lips parted, “I have to go.” She whispered, taking a step back towards the door. “I have to go now.”
“Kanna?” Fox stood, but she had already tugged her robe on and was out the door.
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At the exact same time, Jedi Master Jocasta Nu abandoned a council meeting. She was seen running down the halls of the temple as fast as she could.
The last thing she said to the council before she left was, “I have to go. I have to go now.”
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stardustloki · 7 months
When you already have 536 kids, what's one more?
“Where would I be without your wisdom?” Bail asked.
“Still wondering where to hide the chancellor’s body,” Breha answered, before standing abruptly, leaving him wheezing in the dressing room, absentmindedly wondering if his wife was trying to kill him too.
The Chancellor is dead (but Bail had nothing to do with that, he swears!) and the Organas have found themselves the proud parents of Commander Fox and 535 other members of the former coruscant guard. What could go wrong?
Read it on ao3 here.
Or below the cut...
Bail Organa smoothed down his cloak and turned to his wife as she put the finishing touches to her outfit, pressing her hairpins into place.
He opened his mouth to speak, before catching her eye in the mirror.
“If you’re going to ask me if I’m going to be alright one more time ,” she warned.
He sighed, before bending down and pressing a tender kiss to her temple.
“Bail,” she said softly. “Like I told you, I’m fine. I’m not about to have a breakdown over meeting Padme's two newborns.” She took his hand and rubbed her thumb along his knuckles, smiling ruefully. “I have always wanted a baby of my own, like I know you have, but I’m not 32 anymore, I’ve accepted my infertility, I’ve accepted that the stringent adoption laws are there for a reason, that I can’t just decide to bypass them because I’m Queen. Besides,” her voice took on a more teasing tone, “I have five sons just out there, and many more scattered across the galaxy. When would I have time for a baby?”
Bail found himself smiling softly, heart filled with relief and affection, and he drew his wife’s hand to his lips, kissing it gently.
“Where would I be without your wisdom?” he asked.
“Still wondering where to hide the chancellor’s body,” she answered, before standing abruptly, leaving Bail wheezing in the dressing room, absentmindedly wondering if his wife was trying to kill him.
Once he’d managed to get his breathing under control, he followed her out into the corridor, where he found her admiring how smart Fox, Thire, Tree, Jare and Infra looked in their freshly polished armour.
“But ma’a- Mom ,” Thire was complaining, though the exasperation in his tone was surely for effect. “We always keep our armour in good condition!”
“Am I not allowed to compliment….”
Fox, the only one to acknowledge his entrance, rolled his eyes at him and grinned, his smile scrunching up the scar across his cheek, almost hiding it from view. Then he graced Bail with the most terrible salute he could imagine from a man literally bred to join the army. “Reporting for baby-meeting duty, sir!”
Bail found himself grinning fondly back, thinking about how far his once uptight and anxious kid had come, and pulled him into a hug, resting their foreheads together in a way that Fox had told him was traditional in mandalorian culture, and was now traditional amongst the clones too. His son melted into the hug willingly, something that never failed to fill him with joy and relief, considering that not so long ago, the only people who could touch Fox without him having to suppress a flinch were his fellow corries, and sometimes he hadn’t even been able to manage it then.
“Excited?” he asked once they’d parted.
Fox nodded, his over-long curls (definitely not regulation) bobbing as he did so. “Rex says Naboo’s beautiful, and I’m looking forward to seeing him, and the tubies.”
Bail wondered if he should remind him that most people at the naming ceremony gathering would be referring to the twins as ‘newborn babies’. He decided against it.
Fox was right, Naboo was particularly gorgeous this time of year, and as they walked through the fields from where their ship had been directed to land, towards the lake house where the event was due to be held, Bail couldn’t help but feel calm and content. The smell of the colourful spring flowers filled his nostrils, the sound of hundreds of busy insects reminded him of the here-and-now.
As they walked, Tree told them all excitedly about the different plants that he could see around them, almost too fast to understand, monologue flicking from topic to topic as he spotted something new. Bail could have cried with happiness for him. Tree, one of the younger members of the guard, had named himself with the dream of seeing the vast array of plant-life the galaxy had to offer. Instead, he had been stationed on the durasteel jungle known as Coruscant. Now, thankfully, he had a job in the horticultural gardens of the alderaanian palace, as well as being invited on training missions with the Agri-Corps. He was glad that his kid was now able to experience many moments like this, and could show off the knowledge that he’d gained.
Under the sunlight, his sons’ armour gleamed, and Bail couldn’t help but admire how smart they looked - how right his wife had been to compliment them. They looked impeccable in the Phase 3 design, merging the best parts of mandalorian and clone armour, decorated with intricate personalised designs the corries would never have dared used in the days of the former republic. 
Despite the range of colours used in their designs, you could almost always tell who had served in the coruscant guard by their armour - although they’d taken some time to become comfortable with the idea of being visibly individual, nowadays their armour was usually the most artistic and unusual, strewn with patterns and symbols from different cultures, especially (Bail was somewhat-selfishly pleased to see) those inspired by Alderaanian art and tradition.
As they walked up the steps to the entrance he looked down towards the lake to see a young man and woman gleefully jumping around, shrieking with an infectious joy and splashing each other with water. At the edge of the lake sat a man in a hoverchair, smiling as he conversed with C-3P0.
Sabé greeted them at the entrance, kissing Bail and Breha on both cheeks, before offering her arm to each of the clones and gripping each of theirs tightly. After they made their way inside, Fox and the others made a beeline for Rex, stood in the corner next to a beaming Ahsoka, already watched by an attentive group of the 212th.
“So,” Bail could just about hear him saying over the chatter of the other guests. “You may think you can hold a tubie like this-” Ahsoka passed him a plastoid toy doll and Rex proceeded to hold it upside down by its ankle, before moving on into several other positions that would definitely cause permanent damage to a newborn. “It is not a small cadet!” Bail could now hear Rex quite clearly. “It does not want to be wrestled or thrown onto soft surfaces! It is a tubie near the start of its growth cycle. You handle it as you would handle a frag grenade, and you always, always , support its neck, like this.” He then settled the doll into his arms in a way that showed Bail that Rex had spent quite a lot of time helping with the newborns. “What do you always support?”
“Its neck, sir!” the clones chorused.
“It’s good to see you here,” said a voice from behind him, and Bail turned away from the demonstration to find Anakin Skywalker behind him, cradling a sleeping newborn, wrapped in a soft blanket.
The baby was tiny, perfect in a way that Bail knew he would never find the words to describe, and all at once he found himself hit with a strange sort of loss. Oh. Maybe he should have been worrying about himself, not Breha.
“You too,” Bail managed to reply in a normal tone of voice, still continuing to look down at the newborn.
“You can hold her, if you’d like,” he was told, and with far more confidence than a new father should have had in Bail’s opinion, he suddenly found the baby placed into his arms, as if for some reason Anakin knew without a doubt that Bail wouldn’t drop her. Bail did not share the same faith, but stared down at the precious bundle, shaking slightly as the baby seemed to curl inwards, towards his chest.
“She can sense she’s safe with you,” Anakin said seriously.
“Excuse me?”
He glanced up towards the retired Jedi, and was surprised to see a nervous expression upon his face. “I’ve been having visions.”
“Right,” Bail said. That didn’t sound good. He’d heard from Padme about how Anakin would have nightmares about bad things to come.
“I saw the future, in another universe, one where I- where Padme-” he cut himself off, and Bail couldn’t help but feel for him as he watched him try to fight back grief. “In the universe where Palpatine won,” and Anakin spat the name, betrayal still clearly hot on his tongue. “The universe in which you didn’t kill him-”
“That has never been proven,” Bail interrupted.
“Sure,” Anakin replied, completely ignoring him. “In that universe, you and Breha took in our daughter, and you raised her as your own. You loved her, and there was never any doubt that you were her parents.”
He didn’t know what to say - what in the galaxy were you meant to say to something like this? - and instead opted to continue staring blankly at Anakin’s intent expression.
“So Padme and I have talked, and we’ve agreed that you and Breha can be co-parents if you’d like.”
Bail found himself choking on thin air as he looked frantically between Anakin and the baby cradled in his arms. Surely, Anakin couldn’t be in his right mind? And yet, there was something that whispered to him that this idea was the right one, the strangest feeling of deja-vu.
“You can feel that’s what the force wants for her, can’t you?” 
Despite himself, Bail found himself nodding. “Her name’s Leia,” he said, and then wondered why he’d said it, wincing at appearing so presumptuous.
“Yeah it is,” Anakin agreed, sounding thrilled. “Leia, after the mighty Krayt dragon. I’m glad you can sense it too. Only, maybe don’t go telling people until after the naming ceremony, it’s meant to bring bad luck.”
Once again, he found himself nodding in a numb agreement as he stared down at the sleeping girl. “Leia,” he whispered. It meant 'beloved' in Alderaanian, and he couldn’t help but think that it fit her perfectly.
“Why are you okay with this?” Bail asked, frowning back up at Anakin. Of course, he’d matured a lot recently, especially after the chancellor had disappeared in mysterious circumstances, and had the revelation that he was going to be a father, but he’d always felt that the young man had a selfish streak - how could he bear to share such a gift?
Anakin was quiet for a few moments. “I guess it’s just growing up on Tatooine,” he shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. “Families are rarely traditional, or even blood relatives. They’re who you choose. Maybe, there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to share her, but, the Force is telling me this is the right decision, and I can’t help thinking how incredible it is that she’s going to be loved and cared for by so many people. Force, Rex has said almost the entire 501st want to be the children’s uncles. And, I just think, how lucky are they? How many people get a family like this?”
They stood there, silently, for a few moments, as the noise of the gathering continued around them, and Bail allowed himself to process what Anakin had said, to believe it was true.
He was just wondering about how they’d explain this to Breha, to everyone else, hell if this set up even had a chance of working, when abruptly, a horrible thought hit him.
“What happened to her brother?” he hardly dared ask the question, but knew he needed to. Why had they only had Leia, and not both of the children?
“He grew up with Beru and Owen on Tatooine,” Anakin replied, and Bail found himself sighing in relief. “They always referred to themselves as his aunt and uncle in my visions, and they’ve let us know they feel a little young to be parents, so they’re just gonna be his aunt and uncle again, and we’re gonna make sure he gets to visit them as much as possible.” He paused, before adding, “After we’ve defeated the Hutts, of course.”
“Of course,” Bail echoed.
“Well, I can’t let you be the only one in the family to decimate a political body!”
He rolled his eyes, but didn’t bother protesting his innocence again. He supposed it only really mattered that no one had ever found enough evidence to prosecute him, and that the proof of the chancellor manipulating both sides had been too irrefutable for most people to want someone to face trial for his suspected murder.
Explaining the idea to Breha went less smoothly, as the Force seemed to think it had done enough interfering for the day, but Padme had been speaking to her while Anakin had spoken to Bail, and gradually her bewilderment seemed to lesson, and her confidence grew, until she hesitantly agreed to the co-parenting idea, and (after Padme had asked them both), to be another Aunt and Uncle to Luke. Bail watched in hope and relief as she smiled down at baby Leia in her arms.
Next, they needed to speak to their current kids, and so Breha beckoned Fox over to join them, figuring that he was probably the best one to start with.
“She’s my sister?” Fox asked cautiously, after he’d understood the situation (and after Bail and Breha had both made it very, very clear that neither he nor his brothers were going to be replaced).
“If you’d like her to be,” Padme said.
Bail watched him stare in awe at the bundle in his arms, held very carefully and according to Rex’s earlier advice. Fox brought his head down very slowly to brush Leia’s in a gentle keldabe, before he looked up, tears forming at the edges of his eyes.
“Yes please,” he whispered.
The naming ceremony was beautiful, a mixture of Nabooian, Tatooinian and (as Bail would never have expected a mere hour earlier) Alderaanian and Clone customs.
Before it had begun, Padme and Anakin explained their decision to involve Bail and Breha in the upbringing of their daughter (and, by extension, their son). The announcement had still felt strange to Bail’s ears, and those attending were understandably perplexed. The situation, perhaps, was saved by Mace Windu, who yelled that it was the Will of the Force (and then had to swiftly leave due to a shatterpoint migraine - whatever one of those was).
Anakin and his family from Tatooine (Owen’s and Beru’s hair still damp from the lake) led the Tatooinian blessings, in a language that Bail was surprised to find himself unfamiliar with. He did learn, however, when Anakin translated the final part into basic, that Leia’s brother’s name was Luke, and he was named for the hope that he brought. Then, a Nabooian priest, with Padme and her family, as well as the surprising addition of JarJar (who was not allowed to hold neither Luke nor Leia), began the second part. The next part was improvised by Bail, Breha, Fox, Thire, Tree, Jare and Infra, as they hastily pulled together something based on Alderanian and Corrie customs.
Later, Bail would remember feeling overjoyed but confused, and slightly embarrassed (though everyone who’d watched would assure him that it was beautiful).
After the ceremony was over, Obi Wan Kenobi stood, staring accusingly at Anakin and Padme. “Now,” he said. “Given that you didn’t bother to invite any of us to the wedding, I don’t suppose you would mind renewing your vows?”
All in all, it was a very good day.
That evening, as sunset turned to dusk, and Luke and Leia were safely bundled up in a portable cradle, everyone gathered around the lake, chatting and laughing.
“What happens now?” Fox asked from his place on the sand beside him.
“We live,” Bail told him.
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Chapter Eighteen: All in One Night:
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: PTSD, cheating, past trauma (let me know if I missed any!)
She felt silly entering the facility, asking for Fox, and only bringing the one Commander a gift. If she wasn’t so frazzled by Cosmos suggesting that she brings the head Commander of the Coruscant Guard his favorite caf, she would’ve brought them all some sort of gift too.
She was mentally making notes, listing off all of pastries she could bring the boys in red when Thire touched her arm.
It spooked her enough that she jumped.
Thire seemed a little spooked too, “my apologies, General Trix.”
“No,” she forced a giggle out, “I’m just… a little zoned out.”
Thire nodded, “well, this is his office. I told him he has a visitor, so he’ll be out as soon as he finishes his report with the Chancellor. Might be a little while though.”
“Okay,” Juliette held the caf close to her chest.
“Do you need anything?” Thire asked.
“I’m okay,” she smiled. “Don’t worry about me.”
Thire nodded, then walked off.
“So, what’s she here for?”
She could hear their voices floating down the halls, around the corners, in different corridors. All the troops whispering about her.
“Here to talk to Fox.”
“I don’t know.”
“She looks flushed.”
“Maybe she likes him.”
“I heard something happened last night at that Senator gala.”
“I was there. I saw Fox rush her outside.”
“She was crying.”
“No she wasn’t.”
“She looked it.”
“Stop gossiping about her. It’s not nice.”
“I hope she’s okay.”
I should’ve brought them all something. They wouldn’t be talking about me like this if I did.
Fox’s door opened, and he came out almost strutting, as if he was putting on a show of his authority. When his helmeted gaze fell on her, the act didn’t drop.
“General Trix,” Fox stood at attention. “What can I do for you?”
This was stupid. He’s obviously busy and I’m interrupting his tight schedule.
She held out the cup, “just wanted to thank you for yesterday. I greatly appreciated your help last night at the gala. If it weren’t for you, the night might’ve been more embarrassing for me.”
Fox’s shoulders dropped, and he cautiously took the cup, “I… you’re welcome, General.”
Juliette nodded, then ducked her head as she passed by him.
“You can stay.”
She paused.
“I’m just doing paperwork,” he gestured to his office, “and… I like your company.”
She considered for a moment, then glanced past him at the troops silently watching them. They had their data pads in hand, lingering as they did a bad job at eavesdropping.
Fox turned around, and barked, “get back to work!”
They scattered, bumping into each muttering about places to be and things to do.
Fox turned back to her, “ignore them. We don’t get many visitors here.”
Juliette fiddled with her necklace, “I don’t want to intrude, Commander.”
Fox sighed, then said, “well, I won’t push then. Thank you for this, and if you ever want to visit, you’re always welcome.”
“Thank you,” she quickly turned on her heel, and hurried along.
Her face felt like it was on fire. She couldn’t believe she said no to him. She wanted to spend more time with him, and she said no. She wanted to kick herself for saying it that fast.
She exited the facility, running to Cosmos.
“I gave him the caf. He asked me to stay, but everyone was staring at us.”
Cosmos sighed, but a smile graced his face, “baby steps.”
Juliette took Cosmos by the arm, “can we just go? I feel stupid.”
“For bringing the Commander a caf?” Cosmos asked, “that’s nothing to fret about.”
“Want to go get a late dinner?” Juliette changed the subject, “I’m a little bit-“
Her comm began to go off, and she knew.
“It’s him.”
“Pick it up, Starlight.”
“What if he’s about to scold me?”
“I doubt he would.”
“But he might!”
“Juliette,” Cosmos squeezed her arms, “pick up the call.”
She took a deep breath, then opened the channel, “hello?”
“You got my caf order right,” Fox said softly, “I also don’t remember if I said thank you.”
“No worries, it was nothing,” Juliette paced, “sorry, I didn’t stay.”
“It’s okay,” he sounded like he was walking, “I understand.”
“Maybe next time I just bring all the boys a little treat so they don’t feel like I’m favoring their boss,” she giggled.
“Maybe,” his voice echoed, “or I could just go to you. I’m way ahead in my paperwork, so I have the night off.”
“Right now?” Juliette glanced at Cosmos, “I mean… I wouldn’t mind seeing you outside of work.”
Cosmos smiled, giving her two thumbs up.
“Would you like to meet up?” His voice echoed more, like he was outside just behind her.
She turned, and felt her face flush when he hung up his comm, approaching her in the uncrowded street.
“I think I’m going to go,” Cosmos grinned, “make good choices, don’t do anything illegal, don’t hurt my best friend or I’ll kill you. All the important send offs.”
He hurried off before Juliette could change her mind, or stop him from ditching her.
Fox chuckled, “I hope you know I would never hurt you. Not just because Cosmos probably would murder me.”
“I believe you,” she smiled up at him.
“I guess I should ask the right question now,” Fox took off his helmet.
He looked more handsome up close. Logically, she knew it was the same face as her troops—as all the clone troopers—but she also knew he was more than just a carbon copy. Like everyone of them, Fox was irreplaceable. No one could take his spot or be him.
His awkward jokes, his graying hairs, his tired face. He was different than all her troops, and it could’ve been part of her allure.
He smiled, and she felt normal for the first time in weeks.
“Would you like to go out on a date with me?”
“Why do we always have to go here on leave?”
“Because it’s the Republic’s capital.”
“Capital shampapital. I want to go somewhere else for a retreat.”
Even over the loud music, Digger could hear his squad loud and clear. Specifically, Zombie’s slurred whining for a better vacation and Calico’s very sharp observations.
He sipped his drink, looking over the crowd of civilians plaguing 79’s tonight. He was just dumped and fresh on the dating scene again, and looking for a rebound to help him forget his ex girlfriend.
“Vod,” Mutt nudged him, “why do you always have to chase after these civvies? Can’t you just be with us tonight?”
“I’m not the one chasing them,” Digger stated, “these folks come here looking for us. They’re parading themselves here, putting themselves on display in hopes one of us wants them.”
“Some are here just to hang out,” Hound defended them, “it’s not necessarily attraction, Sarge.”
“You sure you’re not just naive?” Calico teased, “remember that friend of yours who offered you some oral satisfaction out back?“
Hound’s eyes went wide like saucers, bringing his glass up to his lips as his skin warmed to a shade of scarlet. “I said some. Not all are like that.”
Calico laughed, shoving Hound’s shoulder, “you’re too innocent, little brother.”
Digger smiled, and went back to searching the crowd. As he traced the rim of his glass, his gaze fell to a back booth, and he locked eyes on a Chiss woman in a tight black dress.
His finger froze on the glass, and his body felt like ice and his chest ached from his heart stopping.
She smiled a charming smile, and it was like venom. A cold chill ran down his spine as she ripped his heart out of his chest again.
He was stuck, unable to look away as she gripped the shirt of the tipsy Navy officer she had been working her twisted charm on, and kissed him.
It was beyond cruel.
“Digger.” Calico gripped his arm, “let’s get out of here. Now!”
Mutt and Hound ushered him out, trying to block his view of his first love.
Her red eyes still remained on him, and her smudged, painted lips curled.
She always did find pleasure in how innocent he once was. She still found it amusing that she could still hurt him like she did when he caught her on the rooftop months ago with one of his brothers from the 104th.
“Why is she still allowed here?” Calico hissed.
“I hate her.” Mutt growled, “after what she did to you, she has a lot of nerve!”
Zombie growled, “dirty cheater.”
“Sarge,” Hound touched Digger’s shoulder, “you okay?”
Digger put on his best smile, “yeah, I’m fine. That ended, what? Five months ago? That’s ten months in clone years, so it’s been practically a year. I’m over her.”
“Digger,” Calico kicked the ground, “it’s just… she really messed you up. Maybe we just don’t come back to 79’s?”
“Then where would we go?” Digger’s anger returned growing hot. “No where else gives us free stuff. No one else throws a fit when you say ‘bill it to the Republic’ or kicks us out because we’re clones! No one gives a damn about us!”
They looked at the ground guiltily.
“Sorry,” Hound muttered.
Digger ran his hands over his faces, “no, I’m sorry. It’s not any of our faults.”
They still stood there, gazes down and the same hurt expression.
“Honestly,” Digger opened his arms, “can I get a group hug?”
“Ew.” Calico rolled his eyes.
Hound practically threw himself at Digger, followed by Mutt’s open arms.
Zombie swept Calico by the arm, dragging him in before he could fight his way out of the group hug.
Calico grumbled, “you all know I’m not a hugger.”
“Yet here you are,” Digger placed an arm around his pouty second-in-command.
Calico begrudgingly pat his back, “lucky you.”
Juliette squeezed Fox’s bicep, shaking his arm unable to hide her excitement.
“You can actually see the stars up here!”
“I know,” Fox chuckled, “Thorn and I come here all the time. Best place to do paperwork and vent about our struggles.”
Juliette went to edge, smiling up at the sky.
Every night she was on Coruscant, the lights polluted the sky. The only sparkle in the sky was a speeder zooming by, or the reflection of illuminated signs on glass windows.
Fox came up beside her, leaning on the edge with her.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Juliette gushed, reaching out like she’d catch a falling star.
“Yes,” Fox said softly.
She turned to him, blushing when she realized his gaze had been only on her. She placed her hand back down on the edge, brushing her pinky against his.
Fox smiled, sliding his hand over top her’s, lacing his fingers within her’s.
“It’s almost like you’ve done this before,” she smiled downward.
“I admit I’ve been on a date or two,” Fox chuckled, “but you’re the first one I brought up here.”
“You really know how to make a girl feel special,” Juliette returned her gaze to his face. “Although, I don’t understand why you asked me on a date.”
Fox reached his other hand over, gently brushing her cheek, “I like you. I want to get to know you better, and maybe if this goes well, take you out on a second date.”
She smiled, but it started to fall.
Did Fang and I do it wrong? We just jumped into boyfriend and girlfriend. Were we suppose to date? Did we ever actually go on a date?
“Hey,” Fox lifted his chin, “did I say something wrong? Where did you just go?”
Juliette felt tears running down her cheeks, “I’m sorry. I just… I don’t want to upset you by telling you my problems. And I have so many problems you probably shouldn’t get invol—“
“Juliette,” Fox lightly dabbed her cheek with his thumb, “it’s okay. I know the war can mess a lot of people up, and things have happened to you even before you joined it. I’m staying here. If you want to tell me, I’ll listen.”
Juliette lowered her head, “you might get upset.”
“Why?” Fox asked.
“Because my boyfriend died and one part of me is happy to be here, holding your hand, laughing again, being able to smile,” tears fell down to her boots. “Another part of me feels I don’t deserve to move on.”
Fox lifted her chin, “if my brother loved you as much as you love him, he’d want you to be happy and continue living. No clone wants to be forgotten, but we don’t want the ones we leave behind to be miserable.”
Juliette felt her lip trembled, “h-how’d you know he’s a…”
“Who else could it have be?” Fox softly smiled, “you’re surrounded by us in almost every waking moment.”
Juliette broke into tears, and Fox brought her close to his chest.
“It’s okay,” Fox stroked her hair, “you can cry all you need. Then, we’ll talk.”
Digger walked arm-in-arm with his squad, laughing and singing songs as they strolled down the streets of Coruscant.
They got a few laughs and stares, but it didn’t matter. As long as he had his silly ARF brothers, he was smiling.
“Oh!” Zombie suddenly gasped, “I know what will make you happy, Digger!”
“I’m already happy,” Digger laughed, “I got the whole Tunnel squad with me.”
“Ice cream.” Zombie stated.
Mutt grinned, “ice cream.”
Hound lit up, “ice cream!”
Digger groaned, “oh jeez.”
“What do you say, Sarge?” Calico nudged him, “ice cream?“
Digger sighed, looking at his four brothers egging him to say yes with their pleasing eyes and huge smiles.
They could easily break him, and he would happily bend over backwards for the four of them.
“Ice cream. Let’s go to Guppy’s.”
Usually, when it came to talking and venting, Juliette only felt comfortable being completely open if it was with Cosmos or maybe Boomerang.
Yet, when Fox sat down with her held against his chest, everything came rushing out. Losing her mom, being bullied, losing her dad, her friends no longer knowing what to say and not inviting her out, the Jedi who died on Vixnix, going to Coruscant, meeting the 952nd, and being made a General.
He patiently listened, reminding her to breathe and comforting her when the crying took over.
“This has got to be the worst date ever,” she wiped her eyes, “I’m so sorry I-“
“Again,” Fox repeated, “this doesn’t bother me.”
Juliette took a deep breath, resting her cheek on his armored chest. When she closed her eyes—blocking out all background noises—she could hear Fox’s heart beating against her ear.
Fox didn’t say another word, he just held her and played with her hair waiting.
“You know…” Juliette whispered, “I lost a lot of men, and I still remember their names. Every single name is still etched into my brain, but Fang’s death was the one that broke me. I get nightmares and panics attacks now because when he died, it finally sank in that no matter how many promises are made and big speeches are given, they all mean nothing. My friends that I love will die and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Cosmos, Hardwire, Boomerang, Mirage, Tracks, Coyote, even Cooper… they can’t really promise me they won’t leave me behind the same way everyone else has.”
He was quiet, and then Fox wrapped his arms around her tight like he was shielding her from the whole galaxy.
“I think,” Fox said softly, “they’re not necessarily promising to return because you want them to. They’re fighting and coming back to you because they want to. You make them want to live. You give them reason to believe in something. You’re a good General and a good friend.”
Juliette cuddled into him.
“Maybe,” Fox looked up to the sky, “you’re their hope. Maybe they’re afraid of losing that bright, shining piece of light in you, and they’ll do anything to keep it glowing; even if it means telling a fib or two.”
Juliette turned, leaning back against him, “in your expert opinion, how do I fix this?”
Fox placed his arm around her, “never let the pollution of war hide your glow. Keep fighting. Those who fall, their death is not weighing on you, they’re holding you up and helping you rise up.”
Juliette took his hand, “Fox?”
“Yes?” He squeezed her hand.
“I’m glad I said yes to this date.”
Fox softly chuckled, “I’m glad you did, too.”
The door of the shop dinged, with only the two people inside. Two teenage girls—a Twi-lek sweeping and a Togruta cleaning the glass counter—lifted their heads to see the whole group come in, but still said.
“Hi, Mutt!”
Digger couldn’t suppress his smile.
The two of them knew all five of their names, but they always greeted Mutt first individually.
“Hi,” Mutt smiled, “how’s your schoolwork going?”
“I’m acing all my classes,” said the Twi-lek.
“Excellent, Ginny,” Mutt gave her a fist bump. “What about you, Rosie?”
Rosie pouted, leaning on the counter, “math is hard.”
“I’m good at math if you need some help,” Hound offered.
Digger went up to the counter, reading over the specials even though he knew he was going to order mint chocolate chip, like he always does.
Ginny came up behind the counter, going to the sink to wash her hands as she began the usual welcoming spiel.
She then wiped her hands, “let me guess, mint with hot fudge for Digger, plain vanilla for Calico, and whatever’s new for Zombie.”
“You know us too well,” Zombie grinned.
“Is Guppy here?” Digger asked as he took the heavy pouch from his hip.
“He’s doing paperwork in the back,” Ginny started with his, “you can go back there. He’ll be happy to see you.”
She passed him his little cup, and he set the credits on the counter top. The exact amount, despite his twenty percent employee discount.
“Throw the change in the tip jar.”
“So,” Juliette finally spoke after their quiet walk back. “I had fun. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Fox slipped on his helmet, “I had fun too.”
Juliette held onto his hand a little longer, feeling the warmth of his palm against her’s. She wanted to savor it a little longer, before the night was over.
She longed to hang onto this normalcy a little longer.
“Juliette,” Fox said softly, “when you’re back on Coruscant, would you like to go on a second date?”
She felt a smile spread on her face, as he placed the forehead his helmet to her skin, gently bumping her.
“We’ll sit together, tell stories again,” he listed off, “maybe this time, I’ll tell you all my problems and cry in your arms.”
Juliette reached her other hand out, gently brushing under his helmet. Her fingers traced his stubbled chin underneath the red and white bucket, making him chuckle.
“I’ll be back soon,” she closed her eyes, “until then.”
“Until then,” he stepped back, letting their hands drift apart.
Then they turned, and he went back to work, and she went off smiling to herself floating on cloud nine.
She wandered down a street, recapping the night in her mind as she remembered Fox’s hand in her’s. The way he held her and let her cry on his chest, and just provided her with needed comfort.
Hearing someone outside the 952nd assure her she wasn’t broken made her feel better, and she couldn’t wait to see him again.
Her thoughts were interrupted, as a Gotal gripped her arm.
She whipped her head around, “excuse you!”
“Make this nice and easy missy,” he croaked, holding a blaster at her, “hand over your credits-“
“That’s literally a toy,” Juliette scoffed, “let go of me!”
A fist collided with his face.
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redrobinhoods · 2 years
seconds and years | the calm
AO3 Link | 1,800 words (approx) | Prologue, Chapter 15, Chapter 18
Chapter Summary: Riyo, Fox, Wolffe, Thire, and Ilven prepare for the assault on Chiron as Twenty-Two meets with an imperial officer.
“How much bacta can we legally purchase?”
Riyo raised her brows at Wolffe.
“We might need it.”
Riyo glanced out the window of the small pharmacy at their ship sitting on the landing platform, space stretching out behind it, before turning back to Wolffe. “It’s your call.”
“I’ll get six packs. With the ones we have left on the ship, we should be able to treat a few injuries if necessary.”
Riyo looked down into their basket of bandages. “This feels surreal.”
“This feels normal.” Wolffe said as he dumped the bacta in. “This is less than what our medics carried during the war.”
“There were a lot more men in the fight then.”
Wolffe chuckled. “That’s fair.”
“We set?” Ilven asked as he rejoined them.
“Almost.” Riyo answered. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
Ilven practically grinned. “I did.”
“So, you really picked Seeley?” Fox asked as he poured himself and Thire a glass of whiskey. “Of all the men on Coruscant!”
Thire chuckled and took a sip of his drink. “I know. It wasn’t planned. I saved his life, we started growing closer, sparring together. Next thing I know he’s confessing his feelings for me in my office and I found that I wasn’t opposed to the idea of being with him. Everything escalated quickly from there.”
“You’re happy?” Fox studied Thire’s expression closely as he spoke.
“Yes. He makes me feel safe. I don’t remember much about my execution, but I do remember feeling safe, even then, knowing he was beside me.”
“I understand. When I was shot, Riyo was with me. She held me. If I had to die traumatically, selfish as it is, I’d want her to be there again. I want her to be the last thing I see in my life.”
Thire met Fox’s gaze before turning his eyes down to the glass before him. “This life isn’t for them.”
“But they chose it.” Fox reached over to clasp Thire’s hand. “And we’re all in far too deep now.”
“Being on the Emperor’s most-wanted list will do that, I suppose.” Thire said with a small smile.
Now it was Fox’s turn to laugh. “Yes, it seems that way.” Then his face fell into a serious look. “What did you do that he would do all of this to you?”
Thire bit his lip, swirling his drink in his hand. “I know his dirty little secret. He ordered your assassination. I suspect you figured it out as well, he put the mole in the Senate. He was part of some larger conspiracy. But I don’t think either of us figured out which side he was playing, the Republic or the Separatists.”
“Whichever side, he won.”
“Yes, he did.”
“So why not outright kill you, like me?”
“Dunno. I think Vader may have played a part. I’m a good clone, I’m easy to manipulate. Vader has dirt on me, I have dirt on him. It seems to be a reoccurring pattern with the officers he chose for his personal guard. I’d like to know what dirt Vader has on Twenty-Two, he trusts him completely.”
“Who was Twenty-Two?”
“I don’t think that matters anymore. I know that he worked with Vader often during the war and that he killed his Jedi. We never talked about our legions or names from before.”
“Are all your PT numbers formed from the middle two digits of your CT number?”
Thire frowned. “Fox, don’t go down that road.”
“He was my classmate.”
“Was, Fox. Even with the ineffectiveness of reconditioning, you are no longer yourself when you become a purge trooper. The role of the purge troopers is to hunt Force sensitives, not Jedi, Force sensitives.”
“By Force sensitives, you mean children.”
“And babies.” Thire threw back his cup to finish his drink before reaching for the bottle to pour another. “Bly cracked. Galle stayed. I knew them. I recognized Bly and he used Galle’s name when it was just officers.”
“What happened to Bly?”
“I don’t know the details. There were reports of a Force sensitive Felucian. He and Galle were sent. Only Galle came back. He’s the First Sister’s right hand now. They also knew each other, back during the war. Vader seems to like preserving old relations when possible.” He took a sip of the new drink. “It’s nice for them, actually. Makes it feel like very little changed. I know he’s happy.”
“Is Twenty-Two happy?”
“No being who works directly under Vader is happy.” Thire laughed suddenly. “I don’t know if you ever noticed, but he brings the mood down.”
Fox couldn’t help but laugh with his brother. “Oh the old dark and brooding doesn’t bring you joy?”
“For some reason it doesn’t.”
“We are all so fucked in the head.”
“Comes with the territory.”
When Twenty-Two arrived on Chiron he was ushered quickly to a conference room where a lone stormtrooper commander stood.
“You came.”
“I serve the Empire.” Twenty-Two responded as he took a seat, kicking his feet up onto the table. “And I was in the area. I understand that this facility is not operating to its standards.”
The commander remained standing. “That is my understanding as well from my arrival yesterday. The natives are restless and attacks have increased since the defection of the previous heads of security.”
“I am aware of the defection.” More than the commander knew. “Do you suspect more?”
“No, sir. But my analysis from yesterday has indicated several faults in our security due to recent poor oversight. I fear a local rebellion may take advantage of these weaknesses.”
“What role do I and my men play?”
“The base commander believes that a purge trooper presence will deter these attacks while we repair the faults.”
Twenty-Two tilted his helmet. “Does your commander understand the role that I serve in the Empire?”
“He understands your reputation, sir. He also believes that your men’s training in lightsaber combat will be required. The Chironians have acquired IG-100 electrostaffs.”
“You’re outgunned.” Twenty-Two stated.
“I fought in the Grand Army of the Republic, as did you. You know what those weapons are capable of and you know that the caliber of the natborn stormtroopers isn’t up to par.”
“That’s a lofty assumption.”
“Am I incorrect?”
“Not at all.” Twenty-Two stood. “My men were dispatched from Mustafar yesterday. They will arrive in five days. We will provide local support and put out operations to identify Jedi in this region until the Emperor deems our presence to be no longer necessary. The Empire will provide.”
The commander crossed the room to shake Twenty-Two’s hand. “Praise the Emperor. We welcome your presence, Commander.”
“Call me Twenty-Two, Commander Jek.”
“Have you ever handled a blaster?”
“A rifle, but nothing this small.”
“Okay.” Wolffe nodded as he thought. “It’s a bit different, but, I’ll show you the basics.”
Ilven took a seat by Thire as he watched Wolffe and Riyo. “I have a gift for you.”
Ilven pressed the pill bottle into Thire’s hands. “I went through your FITREP, found what they were giving you. There’s more under our bunk.”
Thire looked at Ilven, speechless, before embracing him. “Thank you.”
“Gotta maintain operational readiness.”
They broke apart as Thire jumped when the stun dart hit the edge of the target Wolffe had set up on the fridge.
“She’s a natural!” Wolffe proclaimed.
Fox walked in a few seconds later with a grin on his face. “Farmgirl.”
“Waterboy.” She shot back.
“Let’s work on multitasking while shooting next.” Fox leaned up against the doorframe. “We need a name for the ship.”
“Oh gods.” Thire groaned.
Fox pointed a finger at him. “Don’t bring that attitude, this is a really important discussion.”
Wolffe adjusted Riyo’s form. “The Wolf.”
“Absolutely not.”
“The Scrap Heap.” Thire suggested.
“That’s rude.”
“Don’t bully my ship, Thire! Ilven?”
“The Ship I. Then you adjust it if you get another ship.” He took in Fox’s look of disappointment. “That’s all I’ve got.”
Riyo pursed her lips as she fired again, hitting the outer ring of the target. “How about The Misfit?”
Wolffe nodded and looked to Fox. “It’s insulting, but correct.”
Fox looked to Thire and Ilven, who nodded their approval. “The Misfit it is then.”
“Bacta production?” Twenty-Two continued down the list before him.
“Up to standard.”
“Stim production?
Twenty-Two took in Commander Jek’s body language as he spoke next. “YMC-delta production?”
“Standard, but production is decreasing as requested by Lord Vader.”
“We are to produce a stockpile then cease production until it is deemed necessary again.”
The purge trooper production was slowing down.
“Very well.” Twenty-Two set down the datapad. “You are aware of the importance of this facility, are you not, Commander?”
“Sir, every facility in the Empire is important to maintain control and expansion of the Empire.”
“A stock answer but correct.” Twenty-Two took in the empty room around him. This was the same room he had met Wolffe and Commander Seeley in. “What was your prior station, Commander?”
“Saleucami. I headed an investigation into chain code fraud in the system.”
“Your background is security then?”
“More of the enforcement aspect but I’ve picked up a few things along the way.” He paused before speaking cautiously. “If the records are correct, a purge trooper commander accessed our systems last month using a technique developed by the Coruscant Guard. Is he able to aid in our investigation?”
“He’s dead.”
Commander Jek’s posture deflated. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Twenty-Two let the silence fill the room before pressing the matter. “If I were you, I’d stay away from any previous associations with the Coruscant Guard. As you understand, their reputation was tainted by the previous commander of the guard. It does not bode well to the Empire.”
Commander Jek raised his hand to cradle his forehead as he took in Twenty-Two’s words. “I understand, sir.”
The five beings sat around the kitchen table, looking at the hologram displayed before them.
“Riyo, Thire, Ilven; you guys take the security room. Ilven and Riyo, watch the displays, make sure we’re not detected by patrols. Thire, you copy everything you can about YMC-delta from the system.”
“Can I delete things too?
“Go crazy. Fox and I will break into the production center and take as many vials of YMC-delta as we can. We don’t know how many doses we’ll need, and we don’t know if we’ll meet more brothers in the future who may want it.”
Fox nodded in agreement with Wolffe. “We’re really doing this.”
“Look,” Wolffe pointed a finger at Fox. “After all of this, I want a niece. Unless Riyo says no, I respect her opinion.”
Riyo smiled. “Thank you, Wolffe.”
“We’re all clear?” Wolffe looked around as everyone nodded. “Good. Get some sleep, minimal snoring tonight. Tomorrow, we’re going to have some fun.”
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clonemando · 4 months
A Kiss a Day in May
Day 18- Cuddling with Kisses
The Coruscant Guard
Each day this month I have a 100 word drabble featuring a different clone with a kiss prompt. Not all are romantic and they include all sorts of pairings and relationships. Feel free to offer pairing/ character suggestions for future days.
The Coruscanti Guard was a terrible posting no matter where you ended up. Thorn's Helldivers had to deal with the rank underworld and criminals. If you were part of Thire's Party Boys then you were stuck on Senate Duty and treated like a glorifed droid for the upperclass. Even the First Crimson under Fox had to serve Palpatine's every whim.
But it came with one perk- once a week Hound would bring massif puppies around for cuddle parties. Everyone was lavished in stinky puppy kisses and got to hold the young soft shelled babies to help socialize them to people.
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st4r-t3ars · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Buff Thire
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panther-os · 2 years
I've been super tired lately but I did get a moment to update the coruwolf guard adventures character masterlist with the two newest OCs - Gloom, a baby CC who will be replacing Thorn, and Arrowhead, a shiny who is kind bc he knows first hand that the world isn't. Arrowhead has been adopted by and will be replacing Hound and his massif is Fletch.
We're almost at the point all the canon characters will be retired. Oak, Mask, Flower, and Golden will also shortly be "moving out" bc I just don't have space for them anymore. :/
The boys still have roughly two weeks before Thire (the oldest) starts rolling death saves every rollover. I haven't decided if I'm going to continue this or not after they've all aged out of the pack, but we'll see.
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catawampuscorner · 3 years
your baby clones in onesies give me LIFE! I was wondering if you're open to it, would you do the coruscant guard commanders as them?? (Fox, Thorn, Thire, Stone, possibly Hound?)
Absolutely! I've got a few things in the pipeline atm so it might take a few weeks, but I love the Corrie Commanders and am very excited to give them the animal onesie treatment 😊
That said - I know what animals I want to give Fox, Thorn, and Hound, but if anyone has suggestions for Thire or Stone, please let me know!
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maulusque · 4 years
Your Foxtine posts are a GIFT, and specifically for how utterly insane it would be for everyone who is not Fox. The clones finding out via the divorce exploding in space twitter and having to follow the proceedings via space cosmo. And then space vogue finds out that the unholy union of the Chancellor's emercency powers, the Foxtine wedding and Fox's prenup, the clones are now legal citizens of the republic, that's a thing that is happening. Conflicting emotions for everyclone. Hilarity for us.
Fox gets a whole pile of bridesmaid-zillas, except for the divorce, instead of the wedding. Wolffe gets super invested in what outfits Fox wears to court and gets insanely nit-picky about whether the colors go together or not. Which is hard because his cybernetic eye doesn’t process color like regular human eyes do.
Bly is low-key devastated that Fox’s marriage didn’t work out and shows up drunk at his office one night and cries on Fox’s shoulder, telling him that he deserves to find love and that Palpatine doesn’t deserve him. Fox kinda wants to tell him that he is literally 0% emotionally invested in his own marriage and that his heart, if it exists, is most certainly not broken, but he doesn’t want to make it awkward so he just lets Bly do his thing.
Cody decides to throw Fox a bachelor party since the asshole got married IN SECRET
the event lasted a week, fourteen people went missing, one of Coruscant’s moons was fractured, and General Kenobi had to commission a new flagship. All in all, a pretty solid party. Cody remembers almost none of it.
After that Cody follows the proceedings avidly and has a 24/7 holonet news feed running on his HUD. He loves sharing the juicy headlines but he REFUSES to let Fox tell him anything because he doesn’t want “spoilers”
Rex offered to assassinate the Chancellor, and when Fox refused, insisted that Fox also sue for child support because “I’m the batch baby and I need supporting”
Thorn almost threw Wolffe out of a window over Wolffe’s choice of scarf for Fox to wear for a daytime talkshow interview
Thire has taken to calling around to every catering service on Coruscant and seeing how many he can talk into delivering free food to the Chancellor’s soon-to-be ex-husband’s workplace (the Guard has never eaten better)
Stone, as Fox’s second-in-command and “best clone” (Stone was not actually at the wedding, but he won’t let that stop him) starts giving interviews as well, and has made it a personal goal to never say a single true thing on camera. He is the source of at least 80% of the insane rumors surrounding Fox and the Chancellor circulating the holonet. 
Such rumors include:
-Commander Fox’s dick is bigger than Palpatine’s and that’s why they’re getting divorced
-Palpatine was actually already married to Mace Windu, and when Fox found out he cried
-Fox is actually richer than Palpatine
-Palpatine is actually broke and is fighting the divorce so hard because he doesn’t want his massive amount of debt to be made public
-Fox is actually the original Jango Fett, and he married Palpatine for “obvious reasons” (Stone refuses to elaborate on this)
-Fox has red hair
-Fox has blond hair
-Fox has no hair
-Palpatine has 5 dick piercings 
-Clone Marriage is illegal, but Clone Divorce is not
-Commander Fox was actually already married to Mace Windu, and when Palpatine found out he invaded Umbara
-Commander Fox once saved Palpatine’s life from an assassin by catching the blaster bolt with his bare hands, which is “just a thing we clones can do”
-Fox has photos of the chancellor in lingerie (unfortunately, this one is, in fact, true, but Stone doesn’t know that)
Stone maybe also develops a huge crush on Fox’s divorce lawyer, who is brilliant, sharp, has a moral compass defined entirely by who’s paying him, and great hair.
Tup makes baby eyes at Fox and mumbles about how he can’t afford shampoo and Fox immediately goes “and i’m SUEING the bastard for child support”
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
Hello again! I am here to continue my CG & TG AU!
Okay, so I refuse to accept that Dogma is probably dead so here goes.
Dogma was not decommissioned, but instead reconditioned and sent to the Coruscant Guard who immediately saw him and went ‘my child’ (probably). Fox and Thire read his file and why he was reconditioned and immature tells him since the CG refuse to keep secrets from each other.
Of course this spreads throughout the Coruscant Guard quickly. But they don’t expect it to spread to the Temple Guards as well. Thus grows the resentment of the GAR slightly more (with the 501st being on thin ice for what they did to Dogma). The urge to drown Anakin in a sand pit also suddenly appears.
Fox absolutely adores Dogma for following regulations and actually doing the paperwork he gets assigned. Dogma is the only one Fox will share his caf and stims with, I take no criticisms.
Conclusion? Dogma is 100% the baby of the Coruscant Guard and the Temple Guard.
Ooooooo, I like it.
Dogma is reconditioned, but it didn’t go correctly, which is why he remembers some of who he is but also why his hands shake when he holds a blaster or tries to train or fight, so he sticks to desk work. Becomes Fox’s secretary. His memories are broken and disjointed, but paperwork is simple and repetitive and just makes sense to him.
Of course, Dogma is hardly the only reconditioned clone to end up with the Corries, though its very rare they're sent to reconditioning from the field rather than having been reconditioned before deployment, and the numbers of vode who get transferred 'for their own good and safety' after a horrible campaign or injury is huge. After all, everyone thinks Coruscant is a cake walk.
Like with all the clones who come to them following something awful, Dogma is spared the harsher patrols, brought into the community they have and he quickly adapts to the CG way of life. They help him relax and shake the conditioning/reconditioning, help him reform his own personality after their attempts to strip it away. Help him with the nightmares from 'before', the gaping gaps in his memories, the terror of ever breaking a rule or stepping a toe out of line.
He gets comfortable, with his vode helping him though it all. Especially Hounds projects.
However, his first meeting with the TG goes a little differently to the typical one, because Dogma doesn't deal so well with Jedi. He may not really remember what happened with General Krell, but his subconscious remembers being betrayed, remembers the horrors of Umbara, his vode's deaths. It takes time for him to trust them, especially when every instinct he has is to mistrust them, even though he can't remember why. Not to mention he knows Skywalker was his Jedi before that, and the Corries don't seem to like him much.
The Temple Guard understand, they respect Dogma and give him his space, wait for him to get comfortable, make the first moves. They hate the idea that anyone who isn't their enemy feels unsafe in their home, or in their presence, and their fury over the practices on Kamino grow. Shaak Ti is sent several reports over the years about reconditioning, and clones coming to them having been through it. She's lost count of the number of meetings she's had with the Kaminoans about reconditioning and decommissioning, and they swear it's been stopped. No matter how deeply she digs she can't find proof it's happening, and she can't stop it.
Far more clones are reconditioned or filed for decommissioning, but the TG only find out about a few of them (thanks Palps). Those few are the ones they meet, like Dogma. Of course most Jedi never send their clones for reconditioning or decommissioning, it shouldn't have happened to Dogma, and the issue is mostly localised to Coruscant. But the few the Temple Guard do know about, they care for fiercely. They believe it should never have happened and that the Jedi should have been able to do more to stop it (even though they're already doing everything they can) so once Dogma is comfortable with them, they spoil him.
Thanks for sharing your HC, it's a fun idea. :-)
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