#this applies mainly to cartoons and video games
bloodsbane · 2 years
anyways my toxic trait is that i get mad at people who don't have the same level of media literacy as me
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dreamtydraw · 1 month
do u have any advice for someone starting to draw?
Hmmmm I have a bunch of advices the thing is they worked one me and might not work on everyone but let me share things that helped me in my art journey.
It’s a long post with advices and resources so i hope it can be helpful.
On advices :
Accept the fact that not every art you'll make will be good. Unless you're a full on professional with years of experiences you'll always need to learn things and so, often you'll find flaws in your art. That where it's important to remember to have fun , art shouldn't stress you into making flawless products.
Doodle often. Again you don't have to daily make detailed artworks but doodling will help you progress and helps with creative process.
Find an art format you like. Just like you can't ask a guitarist to play piano, every art mediums are different with their rules. I would advise you to experiment until you find something you're the most comfortable with ( ex i like markers, color pencils and digital art but I despise oil painting )
The quality of your material does matter. It doesn't matter on how well you draw but it does matter in helping you work better so sometimes it's worth saving up for better materials ( do research on what seems the best for you ). This apply for digital tools too ! I only like one app and it's ibis paint...
Copy. Now this doesn't mean blindly trace or steal but find artists or artworks you like and try to find WHAT you like in it and then try to copy it on your own. This goes for anything you want to reference visually, find what you like in it and copy that, if you just copy the reference you don't do much more than being a printer.
Flip your canvas or use a light tablet to turn your sketch. This help you notices anatomy errors more visibly so you can correct them before starting the clean up.
Don't sleep on cartoon. A lot of people say "learn realism before finding your style" and I'd say that not for everyone. If you want to get professionally into art or works on your anatomy then yes you should learn realism because it's the fundamental of anatomy but that not an obligation. One thing you can learn from tho regardless of what you try to do is cartoons. Cartoons are exaggerations of posing, expressions and designs and learning some cartoons rules might help you understand a bit better some notions ( mainly shapes languages and expressions )
Find something that motivates you to draw. Draw for fandoms, draw your oc, draw for yourself but having something that makes you want to draw is important. It's very important that you don't base your motivation on other people's opinion of your art.
Get inspired by other medias. Search about symbolism in other art form, get inspired by movies, books, videos games, people, objects, design etc… Humans are good at making creative stuff, it feed the spirit.
Now on ressources ( That i use or have used )
My personal pinterest board for visual reference
Scan of morpho, a good morphology book
Scan of morpho, about fat and muscles
Post with resources about fat
Tips about character design
Links to Kasey golden Chanels for cartoon inspiration and material review
Post about shapes designs
Hope this can be of help !!
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Got some more questions
1: what made you name Jake’s hero name skybird?
2: how come Chris superhero name is Nightwing phantom instead of something else like super wing or maybe dark wing? Feels like a mouthful to me lol
3: what’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to them? Either together or separate.
4: what horror movies have they tried to watch?
5: just like the supersons in canon (and maybe in some ppls fanons) have they ever do some slight teasing with each other? For example: calling each other dork, nerd, buttmunch, hit like a girl, etc…
6: what’s one cartoon/movie that they watch religiously? My headcanon for Chris that it’s SpongeBob.
Well my friend @gothicghost2000 , do I have some answers alright lol
1. Well what happened was that originally I gave Jake the code name of Bluebird since his main outfit was the Discowing colors on a Robin like suit. Only thing was, after some research, I rediscovered the character of Harper Row who went by Bluebird. Hence why I went with Skybird since I felt like it was different enough moniker name from Bluebird.
2. Well the idea was essentially to split the Nightwing mantle between Chris and Dick akin to how back at the marvelous competition, the X Men and Avengers gave a tendency for different teams that operate under a similar banner to bear a subtitle in order to help distinguish them. For example, the mainline X team can be X Men Gold while either a team of newly graduated members or even a time displaced version of the original team can be X Men Blue. Or there’s the main Avengers helmed by Captain America, Iron Man and Thor while another team lead by Hawkeye at San Francisco can be the aptly named West Coast Avengers.
So when differentiating Dick and Chris with the Nightwing mantle, since the former is more well known of the two (it’s a sad fact but true), I had to give Chris a way to let audiences know he too is a Nightwing albeit of a different sort than the one they’re most used to. I would’ve tried with a color based coding for them but I don’t know if Nightwing Orange would be as appealing sounding of a name since unlike Gold or Blue, it doesn’t sound a truly stand out color. So then I applied the fact Chris was born in the Phantom Zone and that his more distinctive powers are shadow based to the name process, hence Nightwing Phantom. Plus calling him simply Phantom by itself would be ripping off a golden age hero called the Phantom. So yeah…lol
3. For Chris, it would be the time Conner washed the laundry but he accidentally shrink Chris’ clothes so much but that morning he had to rush for school. The only thing that’ll fit him in the meantime was Lois’ wedding dress. You can imagine how red his face was when walking into class in said dress.
Meanwhile, there that one time Jake attempted singing a traditional Tamaranean folk song for a talent show. His louder wailing voice combined with the speakers needless to say certainly got not just tons of broken windows but a ribbon for sixth place
4. Mainly they stick to classic Universal Mosnters and if they feel especially brave, J-Horror movies starring Onryo, especially the Ringu and Grudge films. Though the first Ttime they tried watching Ringu, they were very very nervous around unlabeled video tapes
5. Chris and Jake probably do so especially at an earlier time when their little team was still barely coming together but far more lighthearted and less harsh in comparison to that other team. It’s more common for them to call each other teasing names during video game play throughs than out in their superhero jobs
6. For Jake, it’ll be both Powerpuff Girls Classic and of course Voltron Legendary Defender. For the latter case though, he completely ignores all the shipping that goes on in the fandom and just focuses on the show itself
Now as for the both of them being of them, two shows stand out being their go to ones: Avatar: The Last Airbender and Steven Universe
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plantdonutwrites · 2 years
once more with the oc asks, this time for min-ji: 4, 10, 11, 14, 39, and 60
and another! i miss being able to answer these things! 🎹🪴🐰
04. where do they see themselves in five years? ten?
after her accident and a few other select life events, min-ji has developed a complicated relationship with thinking about the future. however, her tentative plans remain more or less the same: she wants to be able to go to school for music (crosses fingers for julliard). she would also like to be a professional, or at least freelance musician, who not only releases her own albums but perhaps makes soundtracks for all sorts of media, such as video games, cartoons, and movies, preferably for indie creators and studios. she’s very into the idea of collaborating with other artists, musical or otherwise. she wants an enriching, passionate life with other creatives, where she’s built up and where she can build up others.
10. what do they fantasize about?
i’ve already semi-answered this question in a way, but to add on to it: she wants to be able to live comfortably and have her own space. she has a very close knit, and at times borderline overbearing family, and it would be nice for her to get her own apartment, or maybe even just a studio she can escape to every once in a while. min-ji would love to have a space where she can establish her own rules and boundaries that are not dictated by others or her living situation. she also wonders about being able to help support her family financially someday, especially her parents and grandmother; she wants to be able to take care of them when they’re older and not have them worry about it.
11. who’s the most important person in their life?
there are many important people in min-ji’s life, but the one with the deepest and most long lasting impression would definitely be her grandmother, soon-hee. she began teaching min-ji how to play the piano when she was about five years old, and not only did that stick, but min-ji branched out and became further invested in music. over a decade later, min-ji continues to play the piano and writes her own music, and even plays the guitar as well. a good chunk of her family is musically and artistically inclined, and that’s all thanks to nana.
14. what’s their favorite book genre, if they enjoy reading at all?
min-ji loves to read! she enjoys memoirs, as well as fantasy that isn't too dense, magical realism, and mythology retellings. she also likes to delve into sci-fi on occasion, mainly in the sub-genres of cyberpunk, dystopia, and space travel. she is usually pretty open about reading other genres as well, but she avoids thrillers and horror like the plague.
39. what’s one skill they wish they had?
there are many times when min-ji wishes she was more athletic and skilled in martial arts, namely after she meets our four favorite boys and sees what they can accomplish with such a skill set. it’s something she improves on over time with master splinter’s help, but she mostly does it to keep in shape and to have a bit more advantage in situations that call for self defense, not to mention it helps her feel like she has some control and power in her life. she doesn’t have the time or the energy to fully commit to significantly improving these skills, and she’s usually at peace with that, but every once in a while she wishes she could be able to do even a quarter of what the guys can do.
60. what are some of their simple pleasures?
the adrenaline rush she gets when performing her music. the certain texture and softness of a rabbit’s fur. her grandmother’s cooking. birdsong, especially that of blue jays. having a hot cup of matcha every morning. the smell of hyacinths. the weight of newly checked out library books in her arms. reading about and applying flower language. listening to music from a turntable. being present in friend or family gatherings, but not an active participant in them. being able to read and write outside with a snack. playing a song she wrote in full for the first time. having her hair and makeup done for her. riding her bike in a scenic location. taking her contacts out after a long day. growing plants and flowers from seeds. ‘death by chocolate’ sort of cakes. companionable silence.
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spinningbuster98 · 2 years
Honest opinion on every Sonic adaptation you know :)
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog:Admittedly I've never flully watched (same goes for the other 90's shows). Not too interesting, has jack shit to do with the games, but I guess it's fairly entertaining
Sonic Satam: Again, never watched it but like a lot of people have said it's basically your typical 90's environmental cartoon with a dash of Sonic kinda sorta. I don't even want to critisize it too much for not being very Sonic-y since....honestly have you seen the kinds of cartoon video game adaptations that were coming out at those times? Captain N? Ruby Spears Megaman? Faithfulness to the source material just wasn't a thing back then so I don't wanna be too harsh on Satam for this. I also refuse to critisize it for the effects it's had on the fandom in the long run (y'know Archie, people wanting the Freedom Fighters in the games etc) mainly because I personally believe it's unfair to judge a product by the effect it's had years later, especially if it's due to the actions of later developers and or fans. By this logic then SA1 should be demonized as an absolute travesty, because without it many of the issues that would plague the games in the 2000's would not have existed and 06 especially would not have been a thing.
Sonic Underground: I know next to nothing about it except the premise is so stupid I kinda love it and the theme song....I actually kinda like it!
Sonic OVA: I understand why people love it, especially in comparison to the american adaptations...but personally it's almost as guilty as them for their lack of faithfulness (Knuckles being "Sonic's best friend"? Sonic being a bit of a dick to Tails? Whatever the fuck Eggman has for Sarah?), in fact I kinda hold it against the OVA a bit more, since it was made by Japanese developers, so the usual excuse of the american manuals being extremely simplified therefore not giving american writers enough material to work with (which I never even bought fully, because look at the differences between game and satam Eggman even at a glance c'mon) couldn't apply here. It does have my favourite version of Metal though, and the animation is great from what I remember.
Sonic X: I have some fond memories as it technically was my introduction to the series, but looking back it sorta introduced a good chunk of characterization issues that would plague the 2000's, mainly Amy. I don't even have much to say about Chris honestly.
Archie Sonic: Never read it fully but man was it a hilarious mess from all that I've seen. Though I gotta admit I really liked the character of Nicole and how the series evolved her past her Satam origins. If there's one character I kinda miss after Archie's cancellation that's her.
IDW: I don't read it since it's never grabbed my attention. I guess I agree with most of the criticisms thrown at it, though I don't necessarily have an issue with it basically being Archie 2.0 since it's pretty obvious that a big chunk of its reader base used to be from Archie. I mean think about it: if Sega were to can Sonic as a game series but then someone were to make a spiritual successor that is 100% identical to it (more so than the likes of Freedom Planet) except for names and characters we'd all jump ship and see it's being almost identical to its predecessor as a positive. IDW is basically aimed at former Archie fans and that's okay, though that doesn't exempt it from criticism. Other than that I don't have a whole lot to say, I find it to be pretty small potatoes when it comes to bad game adaptations.
Sonic Boom: Very random and unnecessary adaptation, never been too big on the redesigns and even the show's whole comedy shtick never gelled. Honestly from what little I remember Amy was kind of insufferable and Sticks wasn't much better. I do like some of the memes that have spawned from it (mainly the Knuckles approves meme).
Sonic Movie: Ehh... I wasn't big on the whole "Sonic gets isekaie'd" into our world premise since day 1 and that hasn't changed for me. My main issue is that Sonic....is not really Sonic to me. To me what makes Sonic as a character stand out is his carefree, adventurous attitude, his purity mixed with a bit of cockiness and occasional aggressiveness, and his independence. Movie Sonic has very little of these qualities, especially the last, as the whole "Snic is a little kid who wants a family" shtick just isn't Sonic to me. To me that's your typical kid character dressed in a Sonic suit. Even Pontaff Sonic, for as jokey as he was, still held those key qualities for me. And I just don't like Knuckles' whole "super honorable warrior" thing he's got going, can't even explain why, it just rubs me the wrong way I guess.
The humans are boring. Yeah yeah Tom and Maddie are this and that and they're better than other human char-listen: wanna know what's my problem with some human characters in the series? Human characters are inherently "normal", and "normal" is not what you wanna be in a series that's about anthropomorphic animals going on fun adventures. Eggman works because he's a character who was created to fit into this series. Guys like the president in SA2 or the Gun Commander were not. Unless they're background characters, or secondary, you wanna give your human characters some form of whimsy or quirky personality, or hell make them more action/adventure oriented, like an Indiana Jones type of character, otherwise all the screentime they have is gonna feel like a huge waste of space to me as I'll just want to go back to the fun animal characters.
Speaking of Eggman, while Carrey turns out a great performance since....he's Jim Carrey, I can't help but feel even his Eggman's a bit lacking. Yeah he' goofy and funny and all that, but a good part of what I like about game Eggman is how much of a manchild he is, and not just with his design and overall attitude: when things stop going his way he loses his shit, throws tantrums, stomps his feet. It's both a source of entertainment...but it's also what makes him dangerous because due to his childish personality he may just decide to launch a nuke at a city...with HIMSELF still in it just because he's that much of a sore loser! I don't get these vibes from jimbotnik, to me he seems a bit too calm and collected, and that, in turn, makes him less entertaining than he could be.
Maybe I should give the movies proper watches? Because i admit I haven't watched them fully, just tons of clips on YT, enough to cover the most important bits, so maybe I'm being unfair...but honestly even the humor of some of those scenes is just not up my alley, yeah Colors' humor is also very hit and miss and in many ways not appropriate to the series, but at least in that case I still have a game to enjoy that's separated from the humor.
Call my cynical but I'm convinced that, in a few years, people will start looking at these movies in a not so positive light, because once the hype about it being "the best game movie adaptations ever" dies down people will start analyzing them further....and I have this feeling they won't hold up.
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Post 4 - Children’s future parasocial relationships with media characters: the age of intelligent characters
This is an academic article from the Journal of Children and Media and written by multiple authors, published in 2016.
This article discusses how media characters are present around children all the time, through the use of digital media such as movies, television, video games as well as physical media like the products of the characters such as toys, clothing etc.
This leads to the parasocial relationships that children form with media characters. Although this article is mainly focused on children’s parasocial relationships we can apply these ideas generally to how people get attached to characters.
Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships that people have with characters in the media.
They also mention how these parasocial relationships can have a positive effect on children’s learning and using these media characters, especially in educational television shows to teach children. This can be useful in education.
The article then starts to discuss more in depth about parasocial relationships and attachment (see diagram).
There are three factors; attachment, character personification and social realism (Bond & Calvert, 2014).
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It is important to note that this article discusses children’s parasocial relationships in relation to creating an intelligent character or intelligent agent design. I decided to pick out the concepts that related to media in a broader sense.
Attachment – it is important that the children have feelings of safety and comfort, this relies strongly on visual cues.
An example of The Polar Express, a film released in 2004 which a lot of children had a negative reaction to the characters because of their unusual and strange appearance (Noë, 2012, as cited in Brunick et al., 2016)
Children tend to like characters that are cartoon-like instead of the realistic human features.
Character personification – “Children need to feel that a character is person-like in order for a parasocial relationship to form” (Bond & Calvert, 2014a, as cited in Brunick et al., 2016). Trust is also an important part of character personification. The characters also need to be human-like and have similar needs and wants to that of an actual person.
Social realism – this concept discussed how children connect and learn better from media when they can connect it to real life experiences.
This was a useful source and explained concepts in a way that was understandable. I will apply the articles ideas to my research in future.
Brunick, K. L., Putnam, M. M., McGarry, L., Richards, M. N., & Calvert, S. L. (2016). Children’s future parasocial relationships with media characters: the age of intelligent characters. Journal of Children and Media, 10(2), 181–190. https://doi.org/10.1080/17482798.2015.1127839
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Lappel Du Vide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8nkQLzg
by Anonymous
“This world was made as a sort of social experiment for the people put into it, in order to see how exactly they would interact and what they would do. At least, that’s what we’re told”
Mainly in the POV of Dipper Pines- the story would follow the main group of 30 suddenly put into this strange new place (maybe world?) as they have to decide whether they want to escape, stay, make friends, or solve the mysteries of what’s happening outside.
Words: 999, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel), The Amazing World of Gumball, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Warriors - Erin Hunter, Deltarune (Video Game), Steven Universe (Cartoon), Dangan Ronpa Series, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, ENA - Joel G (Web Series), Camp Camp (Web Series), OMORI (Video Game), ONE - Cheesy Hfj (Web Series), The Nightly Manor (Web Series), The Owl House (Cartoon), Amphibia (Cartoon), Gravity Falls, Centaurworld (Cartoon 2021), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Murder Drones (Web Series), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), Welcome Home - Clown Illustration
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dipper Pines, Leafy (Battle For Dream Island), Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Shirogane Tsumugi, Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Marcy Wu, Will Byers, Basil (OMORI), Frostpaw (Warriors - A Starless Clan), Sunny (OMORI), Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Airy (ONE - Cheesy Hfj), Rob (The Amazing World of Gumball), Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Susie (Deltarune), Ralsei (Deltarune), Spinel (Steven Universe), Rider (Centaurworld), Toriel (Undertale), Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), ENA (ENA), X (Battle For Dream Island), Uzi Doorman, Max (Camp Camp), Yellow Guy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared), Catra (She-Ra), Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Sketchpad (The Nightly Manor), Taco (Inanimate Insanity)
Additional Tags: How Do I Tag, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Multiple Crossovers, Mystery, Tags May Change, POV Dipper Pines, Occasional PoV changes, My First Work in This Fandom, And just in general lmao, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Sort Of, Alternate Universe, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Is Gay, No important it’s just a fact
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8nkQLzg
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theresearchblog · 2 years
Animation, VFX & Game Market Giants Spending Is Going To Boom | Tencent, Activision Blizzard, Microsoft, Sony
Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on Global Animation, VFX & Game Market Insights, to 2027 with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the study, you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market-associated stakeholders. The growth of the Animation, VFX & Game market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Major players profiled in the study are:
Walt Disney Animation Studios (United States), Microsoft (United States), Sony (Japan), Warner Bros. (United States), Tencent (China), Activision Blizzard (United States), Nintendo (Japan), Netease (China), NBCUniversal (United States), Framestore (United States) and TOEI ANIMATION (Japan)
Get Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/75249-global-animation-vfx-game-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Scope of the Report of Animation, VFX & Game
The display of static images to create the illusion of motion is known as animation. Animation refers to the stimulation provided by a series of images. It is the process of designing, drawing, preparing layouts, and preparing sequences for use in gaming products. Visual effects (VFX) is a process that combines digital and traditional art to create something that is not a character or an object. It has the ability to produce both explosive and enthralling experiences. It is used to keep users engaged and involved in movies and video games. Because of the increased adoption of visual technology, there is a growing demand for animation, VFX, and games. Demand for visual technology services is expected to be driven by a preference for realistic images, films, and games. The consumer gaming experience has given rise to 3D gaming with the help of 3D animation technology, which is expected to increase service demand. This is expected to enable and generate profitable opportunities during the forecast period.
AT&Ts WarnerMedia unit and Discovery have completed their merger, the companies said in April 2022. In May last year, the companies set out to merge and become a standalone media business, with AT&T aiming to focus more on its wireless ambitions and Discovery looking to beef up its content library. Warner Bros Discoverys portfolio includes Discovery Channel, Warner Bros. Entertainment, CNN, HBO, Cartoon Network; streaming services Discovery+ and HBO Max; and franchises like Batman and Harry Potter.
In April 2022 Indian Government Centre constituted an Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comics (AVGC) Promotion Task Force to recommend ways to realize and build domestic capacity for serving the countrys domestic market and the global demand. The task force will be headed by the Information & Broadcasting Secretary
UK Screen Alliance continues to monitor the ongoing effectiveness and competitiveness of the UK tax reliefs applied to post and VFX, as other territories increase their own incentives. Productions can claim 25% tax relief on their UK spending via the FTR, HETR, ATR, or CTR incentives. However, the relief is capped once production has spent 80% of its budget in the UK. Any UK spending beyond 80% receives 0% relief. Often this impacts the VFX spending in the UK, a part of the production process which is easily transferred to another territory, where further tax incentives can be claimed.
The Global Animation, VFX & Game Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (2D Animation, 3D Animation, Stop Motion, Motion Capture, CGI), Application (Anime, Film, Video, Games)
Market Opportunities:
Integration of Advance Graphic Technology and Disruption of Smartphone Industry Will be Generating Many Opportunities for Gaming and Movie Leading to a Need for Better Animation, VFX & Games.
Market Drivers:
Increasing Adoption of Video Streaming Services Has Been Driving the Market Growth.
Market Trend:
Increase in Popularity of High Integrated CGI and VFX Movies and Series.
What can be explored with the Animation, VFX & Game Market Study?
Gain Market Understanding
Identify Growth Opportunities
Analyze and Measure the Global Animation, VFX & Game Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals
Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Animation, VFX & Game
Understand the Competitive Scenarios
Track Right Markets
Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Animation, VFX & Game Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/75249-global-animation-vfx-game-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Animation, VFX & Game Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Animation, VFX & Game market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Animation, VFX & Game Market.
Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Animation, VFX & Game
Chapter 4: Presenting the Animation, VFX & Game Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Animation, VFX & Game market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Animation, VFX & Game Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=75249#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)
AMA Research & Media LLP
Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ
New Jersey USA 08837
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athomeenergylife · 2 years
Sonic 2 style sonic mugen old version
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MvC Tails | MvC Amy | MvC Espio | MvC Blaze | MvC Dark Sonic Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Espio | Shadow | E-123 Omega | Metal Sonic | Mephiles | Scourge | Silver Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Espio | Mighty | Shadow | Rouge | Metal Sonic | Super Fang Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Big | Espio | STF/EX Espio | Charmy | Mighty | Ray | Shadow | Rouge | Blaze | Chaosįang | Nack/EX Fang | Bean | Bark | Sally | Bunnie | Rotor | Manic | Sonia | Scourge | Ashura/Glitch Sonic Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Cream | Rouge | Blaze | Silver | Tikal | Chaos | Shade | Cosmo - Artur's UpdateĮ-101 Beta | Super Sonic | Super Tails | Super Knuckles | Super Shadow Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Shadow | Metal Sonic | Classic/Young Sonic | Cosmo | Perci | MvC Sonic | SvK SonicĭarkLuigi's Edits of Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and Metal Sonic Available Here Tails | Knuckles | Cream | Espio | Charmy | Vector | Mighty | Ray | Classic Ray | Modern Ray Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai.If this thread's title or the logo above wasn't any indication, it contains content from SEGA's Sonic the Hedgehog series.Īlso, I won't be accepting fan characters, fan characters have their own thread here. I mainly want to stick with things from the games, cartoons, and comics, though some exceptions may apply (Examples: Time Flux Sonic, Ashura/Glitch Sonic).
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Pocket Monsters Best Wishes: Season 2 - Episode N Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo: Yōkoso Tsugumi Ryō eĪbiru's father (ep 4), Director B (ep 11), Employee (ep 6), Policeman (ep 8), White haired person (ep 9) He also welcomes guests for free talk, live streaming of new releases and enthusiast games, and membership-only streaming.įilmography Television animation Yearīotrovski, Hanada (eps 21-22), Moretti, Vasilinov (ep 24)įriend A (ep 2), Kazushi Iwai, Male student A (ep 1) As a double personality with Mafia Kajita, he uploads videos of various genres such as unboxing, gaming, and valuable possession showcasing. In April 2020, Nakamura launched "Washagana TV" on YouTube with manga artist, Bukubu Ōkawa, as a composition writer. In 2016, he was awarded the Voice Actor of the Year in the Person Category of the 3rd Yahoo! Search Awards. In 2008, he won the 18th Best Male Voice Actor Award in Nonko and Nobita's Anime Scramble. In the same year, he starred as Tomoya Okazaki in the TV anime Clannad. In 2006, he won the role of Rufus in the game Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, and the following year in 2007, he won the role of Takaya Abe in Big Windup!. In 2001, he made his voice acting debut in the OVA D+VINE, and in the same year, he made his first regular TV anime role as Griffion and Ligeron in Dennō Bōkenki Webdiver. After moving on from Yoyogi Animation Academy, he worked at Production Tokyo Drama House, Toritori Office, and Sigma Seven, and is currently a member of INTENTION. While enrolled, he played the role of a waiter in the drama CD Taishō Roman Zakkichō starring Takehito Koyasu. At that time, he wanted to be a movie dubbing artist, so he entered Yoyogi Animation Academy and started living in the dormitory. He is also the famous dubbing roles for Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well for Liam Hemsworth in Hunger Games film series.Īfter graduating from high school, Nakamura moved to Tokyo to become a voice actor. On video games, he voiced Hazama and Yūki Terumi in BlazBlue, Sakon Shima in Sengoku Basara 4, Ryoma in Fire Emblem, Cid Raines in Final Fantasy XIII, Flamebringer in Arknights, and Fei Long in Street Fighter IV. Stone, Hawks in My Hero Academia, and Shigure Sohma in Fruits Basket (2019). He has a wealth of experience in narration, but has also been active in animation and dubbing in many productions, such as Gray Fullbuster in Fairy Tail, Mumen Rider in One Punch Man, Gai Tsutsugami in Guilty Crown, Tatsuya Shiba in The Irregular at Magic High School, Karamatsu in Osomatsu-san, Graham Aker in Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Alto Saotome in Macross Frontier, Tomoya Okazaki in Clannad, Kyōsuke Kōsaka in Oreimo, Yoshiki Kishinuma in Corpse Party, Hotaro Oreki in Hyouka, Bruno Bucciarati in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Tetsurō Kuroo in Haikyuu!!, Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen, Tsukasa Shishio in Dr. He is characterized by his calm and clear voice, and mainly plays roles ranging from teenage boys to men in their 30s. He is affiliated with the agency INTENTION as of October 1, 2020. Yuichi Nakamura ( 中村 悠一, Nakamura Yūichi, born February 20, 1980) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and YouTuber.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations as Koji Kashin.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind as Bruno Bucciarati.
The Irregular at Magic High School as Tatsuya Shiba.
Shinmai Maou no Testament as Basara Tōjō.
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carouselkiddo · 2 years
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to my blog!
If you're new here, hiya! I'm Maddie, an age regressor + dreamer. This is the spot where I can express myself in tiny space, and talk about it without feeling embarassed! I will be posting + mostly reblogging educational n fun content about agere/agedre, stuff that makes me happy in tiny space, and other related sfw content.
About me:
🌈big age is 20 yrs old, little age is 4-9!
☁️pronouns r she/her!!
🌈am new to age regression!
☁️diagnosed ADHD, anxiety, n depression
🌈i love love love primary colors n rainbows!!
☁️my fav cartoons are Spongebob, My Little Pony, Paw Patrol, Blues Clues, Miraculous Ladybug, Sonic X, Phineas and Ferb, Monster High
🌈fav movies are Mulan, The Polar Express, Frozen, Turning Red, The Little Mermaid, Zootopia, Barbie Princess and the Pauper
☁️fave games r minecraft, animal crossing new horizons, poptropica, club penguin, Wizard 101, Pixie Hollow
🌈i watch lots of youtube!! mainly markiplier and jackcepticeye, they are my comfort youtubers :D
☁️while in tiny space, i love to draw, color, play pretend n cuddle wif my stuffy friends, play n snuggle wif my doggie, play with toys, play video games, play outside, watch cartoons n movies, eat snacks, take naps, n babble about stuff i like!!
🌈my fav foods are burgers n pizza!
☁️my fav animals are dogs, dragons n dinosaurs
{Hi hi! Heres a quick trigger warning as my DNI list is right around the corner! Just a heads up for the mentions of uncomfy terms.}
Ok, friends, this here DNI (do not interact) list is super important!
🚩K1NK, P0RN, NSFW, G0R3, SH, SU1C1DE, ED, th1nspo, 18+ only blogs or anything that is otherwise unsafe for a child.
🚩Minors In K1NK + supporters , P3D0S + supporters.
🚩ddlg, cgl, abdl, ageplay or any variations of such.
🚩any form of bigotry or discrimination (anti-lgbt, lgbt+ exclusionists, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogender, anti-mogai, anti-cglre, anti-agere, albeists, racists, etc. You get the picture.) Anyone who breaks this DNI will be blocked on sight. Thank you c:
I'm always lookin for age regressor friends, n my dms are open to mutuals :D please remember to read my DNI before interacting!! (Following, commenting, reblogging, liking, dming)
Thank you so much for reading dis!
I hope you have a great day!
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noys-boise · 3 years
*brain is dead but let's do an introduction*
Uh well hi there, person who's currently reading this
Firstly go read my pronouns page: https://en.pronouns.page/@FelixFlame
Great now you know more personal details about me than you probably should!
Anyways my interests and hyperfixations:
-broadway musicals (mostly Falsettos/the Marvin trilogy and Into the woods at the moment)
-some movie musicals (The prom, Tick tick boom, 2021 West side story)
-Monkey Island video games
-Archie comics and that one cartoon series based on it, but not riverdale
-modern cartoons (The owl house, Kipo, She-ra 2018, Atla, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Hilda)
- cats (as in the animal not the weird musical)
I'm currently in a relationship with the wonderful @forest-the-tree but I also have a very solid list of celebrity crushes you do not wish to hear about but definitely will. Mainly Andrew Rannells. Bless that guy.
Dni if any of these apply to you: homophobic, transphobic/terf, misogynistic, racist, antisemite, ableist,islamophobe, biphobic or any kind of lgbt+ exclusionist. If any of these apply and you still interact I will immediately block and possibly report you.
-I am a minor. If I go to your profile and the first thing I see is porn, you're getting blocked. It doesn't matter if you're a person or a bot. I may seem horny on main but not that type of horny.
-if I do anything bad or problematic shoot me a dm or an ask even if on anon. I won't bite but please don't yell at me, you can tell me your thoughts in a nice way without calling me six different swear words including slurs and not turning caps lock off even for a second.
-I am a firm believer of only judging people for things they should be judged for. By this I mean even if someone is a horrible person don't ever call them slurs, don't body shame them and if don't judge them for choices that are NOT harmful. Doing so not only takes attention away from the real reason they're horrible but also makes people who are similar in something harmless feel bad. I know I phrased this weirdly so if you don't understand anything I said here you can ask.
-I am autistic and possibly have anxiety, adhd and imposter syndrome. I'm only diagnosed with autism but I self diagnose as the rest. Also I am very emotionally attached to my comforts and hyperfixations so don't say mean stuff about them unprompted because I would like to once again bring up the fact that I'm allowed to block anyone who makes me uncomfortable.
-I have an awful attention span, please don't expect me to update fanfiction or draw fanart consistently and often, I barely make it out alive in school. That being said, here's my ao3:
And finally some cool people you should follow:
@forest-the-tree @gayitalianfish @quillsink @vive-la-revolution @mina-thb-with-no-caps @imgaybut @remithelitteralrat @queenbottomless @stressedsnake
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pororoparksg · 3 years
Why Kids Love Pororo Theme Parks For Indoor Games?
Generally, parents prefer taking their kids to outdoor playgrounds because kids can enjoy most games for free. Indeed, playing outdoor games is beneficial for kids. But, your kids can play endless games in indoor playgrounds for better physical and mental growth. Amazingly, there are different indoor playgrounds in Singapore where your child can play all desired games with his friends. For instance, Pororo theme playgrounds with Pororo Characters are the key preference for the kids, especially when they admire the Pororo animated series a lot.
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Here’s why you should bring your kids to indoor playgrounds or parks with Pororo theme characters.
·        Thematic Characters
One of the best things about visiting parks with Pororo characters is that your kids can enjoy the Pororo theme experience to its fullest. They can see their favorite characters in a similar playground. Kids can play and take selfies with these Pororo characters as well.
Precisely, your child can spend quality time with his friend. Conversely, outdoor playgrounds never introduce such cartoon characters to attract kids. So, it becomes tedious for the kids to play outdoor games without any fun activity.
·        Fun Activities
Do you know what the most appealing and entertaining thing about Pororo theme parks is?
Their ‘Pororo Train Rides’ are fun and real enjoyment for the adventurous kids.
With each turn, kids can see full-size models of endearing characters from their favorite Pororo animated series.
Trust us; kids can ride the train for hours without getting bored and tired. Also, such fun activities are secure for the kids because playground management takes all the preventive actions for the better security of a kid.
·        Holistic Learning
Surely, playing indoor games burn kids' excess calories and makes them feel energetic. Also, these games are pretty advantageous to improve the learning skills of a kid.
Usually, the majority of Pororo parks introduce live performance shows for the kids. Kids enjoy dances and storytelling experiences, and this thing can't be learned in any outdoor playground.
The audience participation segments keep your kids involved and engaged throughout the show. Interestingly, the introduction of seasonal workshops for the kids augments their crafts and art skills.
·        Comfortable Environment
Nowadays, kids find it easy to stay at home and play video games on mobile phones for hours. But, parents need to bring their kids to indoor playgrounds for fun activities.
The cozy and comfortable environment makes a kid feel relaxed and contended. Your kids can eat their favorite food while sitting in a comfortable air-conditioned playground.
·        No Sun-Burn
No denial, sun rays are essential for a healthy mind and body. But direct exposure to the sun for several hours isn't good, especially for a kid. If you and your kid avoid applying sunblock, then UV rays can damage your skin.
That's why; taking your kids to the indoor playground (with a Pororo theme) in extreme weather is safe for their skin.
Bottom Line
The discussion mentioned above has made it evident that indoor playgrounds are safe for kids, mainly when they have thematic cartoon characters in the playground.
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monkey-network · 4 years
Good Stuff Ultimate: 1st Quarter
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2020 has certainly left us already crawling for next year, but I say we shouldn’t leave all the good things behind. Time for a lightning roundup, no holds barred! 3. 2.. 1…
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
I couldn’t help but describe this as “Baby’s First Fantasy Adventure” like The Dragon Prince. It looks good, colorful, imaginative enough, but nothing about the story or characters pushed me to watch past episode 3 because I’ve no doubt seen stuff like this before but more interesting. It’s a good watch no doubt, but hardly groundbreaking to me. (Grade: C+)
The Owl House
Now this was more my speed. I definitely enjoyed the various designs of monsters and average Boiling Isle citizens far more. Eda immediately became my favorite witch character. While it reminded me a little too much of Gravity Falls, I was honestly hooked for more than just it’s otherwise eye opening demonic aesthetics. (Grade: B+)
Now THIS is a post apocalyptic series I’ve been waiting for in a while. Q really put together a world worth checking out, seeing its nooks and crannies, while giving us characters worth exploring with at every angle. She especially does a great job manga-wise where the black and white makes the edgy details pop in a meaningful way. The anime itself is just as good. Brought down by some wonky action scenes and movements, but the blend of 2D and 3D worked better than the Beastars anime. (Grade: A)
Keep Your Hands Off the Eizouken!
Talked about it plenty of times before, but this is that series that just speaks for itself, manga and anime. Smooth pacing, no contrived drama bullshit, hardly leaves any loose ends, easily accessible for anyone. It's the DMC5 of anime, meaning it is the most 'anime' anime I've seen thus far. (Grade: A++) 
Surprisingly not a wack family sitcom. The characters are what really sell the comedy, except for Duncan himself who’s not terrible but isn’t great as the star of the show, especially compared to his mom; and it’s weird cuz they share the same VA. Plus it’s actually well animated and stylized compared to the average Family Guy knockoff. It’s worth a check out in my book. (Grade: B)
Thundercats Roar
Oh wow, a nostalgia cartoon reboot that everyone will argue over but at the end of the day, is about as average as it gets. While I can appreciate the animation when it gets dynamic during its action scenes, I came out every episode remembering nothing and moving on. If I wanted a half hour centered around safe memes or forgettable punchlines, I would’ve subscribed to Jimmy Kimmel or ankle-beez by now. (Grade: C)
Harley Quinn series
This was a left fielder for me; the trailer gave a far different impression than expected. I can definitely appreciate how they treated not only Harley’s character, her relationship with Joker vs Ivy, but the rouge gallery of DC villains and heroes. What other DC product got me to love King Shark as much as this? Plus, Harley x Ivy are the OTP, but I appreciate them giving Kite Man some respect. (Grade: A-)
Birds of Prey
I didn’t mind the movie, but it lacked that dry punch that Harley’s series gave me. It was kinda the reason why I’ve seen people say Harley was becoming DC’s Deadpool type. even when Harley was a good star of the film. Didn’t help that Black Canary and Huntress were the only other characters I liked, and I don’t wanna get into the implicating homophobia. I want to say Sionis was great, but he doesn’t work when you have both the villain and protagonist be unhinged. All in all, I’ll give it the same score I gave Deadpool 1. (Grade: C+)
Dolittle (2020)
The movie’s climax was a long dragon fart and I wanted to die. (Grade: D)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
A live action video game movie about an animated character. Let me put it like this: references and fanservice is not substance, taking place in the human populace does not help the escapism, reminding me that Olive Garden sucks ass is not funny, and only being half animated is cock and ball torture. If I don’t care for realism in my video games, this DOESN’T help. It has a couple good moments, but this is mostly unimaginative, by the book, and not worth going back to. Works as a Flash movie, I guess.  (Grade: C-)
Sonic Rebuilt
Sincerely the chad Sonic film of this year. Even when it’s a reanimated version of the 90s film, the creativity every artist applies for their respective scene brings better life to the original film like with Shrek Retold. Yeah, there’s live action segments in it, but it’s part of the gag not a crux of the film’s visuals. It isn’t fully original since they use the original’s voice work and music, but everyone involved gave a genuinely good spin on the pretty overlooked feature. Plus it has a Sonic that gets shit done and has the better voice. (Grade: A-)
Ishuzoku Reviewers
Kono anime wa igaito shinsendesu. Bōru o korogashi tsudzukeru hōhō o shitte imashita. Sore wa yoi owarai de, kesshite mumide wa arimasendeshita. Itsumo mitakatta ano etchina shirīzudeshita. (Grade: A-)
Meggy’s Destiny
The plot has its low points, but this is still an entertaining short film. The characters were what kept the ball rolling and the ending was that coup de gras on the main character’s overall story arc. (Grade: B+)
Trolls World Tour
This film works better than the first to me mainly because we can focus on Trolls and their musical world rather than the Bergens who didn’t offer much. The plot is simple, but it being a multi-genre musical kept me hooked. The finale especially was that cherry on top of this bouncy film. Also Poppy is still the best. (Grade: B+)
Glitch Techs
It stands to say Men in Black meets Captain N and Pixels works well as a premise for a show, and this certainly delivered by actually being ANIMATED. I’m sorry, but can corporations soon understand that premises and ideas that work better with animation stop trying to make it live action? Also, it brought Fanboy and Chum Chum back from the dead, and that is a worthwhile achievement. (Grade: A)
Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons
They’re honestly the same game from what I got to play. AC was a little more stressful than Doom, especially with managing my stalks, but they were both nonetheless an all around great time so they get the same score. (Grade: A)
Steven Universe Future
Had some shit episodes, had some delightfully fun episodes, and had a half shit/half delightful finale. Pretty on par for Steven Universe but I say it’s elevated above most of the original series with the grown Steven himself. Much as I wish his character was dealt with better, I was still invested in his story nonetheless even when the fixed perspective honestly fucked over most else in this series. It’s far better than season 5, not as good as seasons 1 & 2. So yeah, I liked it and I’m gonna miss this show. (Grade: B-)
The ending doesn’t make up for a pretty middle of the road film. If I wanted a film about familiar bonding in a goofy fantasy world, I could’ve just watched A Goofy Movie. The world feels creative enough, but it’s like Pixar has been losing their touch or mostly peaked when it comes to imaginative premises. I’m hoping Soul can bounce ‘em back cuz while this isn’t the worst, certainly didn’t feel like their best. (Grade: C+)
Well that’s all for the first quarter of 2020. Quite above average all around, certainly some worthwhile things to keep your busy while this pandemic is upon us, except Dolittle. Were there any that I missed? Probably. Let’s see where the 2nd quarter provides as we carry on into the Spring months. 
Stay safe out there, and see you in June.
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hopewelivetoshout · 4 years
tag meme
i was tagged by @itsme-imhere thanks for this :))
rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag five people you’d like to get to know better.  
i’m over 5’5” (I’m 5′7″, close to 5′8″ - this sistem is so confusing) // i wear glasses or contacts (i should but i haven’t done the exams yet)  // i have blonde hair //  i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing (actually it deppends on my mood, I enjoy both but lately I’ve been a fan of more tight clothing - and less too, is so freaking hot in this freaking country) // i have one or more piercings   // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes  // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces (four years of pain, three years of freedom)  // i sunburn easily  // i have freckles  // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup  // i don’t often smile (I’m more serious when needed, in public, when I’m concentrated, but if I have a good relashionship wuth you I’ll be a less serious goof) // i am pleased with how i look (uhh, it deppends) // i prefer nike to adidas  // i wear baseball hats backwards (my hair is curly - I’m black with native and a bit of european descendence -, I usually use black power - i don’t know is the term is right, but that’s how we say it in Brasil, so no)
hobbies & talents
i play a sport (like, any sport, i love sports, and i should go back into playing soccer)  // i can play an instrument (accustic guitar) // i am artistic (art in general, photography, literature, music) // i know more than one language (brazilian portuguese is my first language, english can be considered my second, I can understand a lot of spanish and italian, and I'm into french and latim latetly)  // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition (school competitons, a medal on Muay Thai and i’ve graduated multiple times in Capoeira)  // i can cook or bake without a recipe (not a lot of foods, but enough) // i know how to swim  // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows (yes, but my main focus is the story telling, so it’ll depend on it) // i can execute a perfect somersault (thanks to, mainly, Muay Thai) // i enjoy singing (wich does not mean that i can sing well) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year (well, I’m nearly finishing the third book out of seven - it is Sherlock Holmes) // i enjoy spending time with friends (surprisingly, specially to me, i do have friends, and a lot of them live in a different state so we’ve been playing and sending love to each other on a weekly basis) // i travel during school or work breaks  // i can do a handstand (I’ve been out of physical practice but yes)
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year (...my entire life) // i have a crush (... I don’t think so) // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (we’re not friends anymore :/) // my parents are together  // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted  // my crush has confessed to me (happened once, but I did not know how to react and was confused, so I’ve rejected him) // i have had a long-distance relationship  // i am an only child  // i give advice to my friends (pretty neat and awesome advice if you ask me) // i have made an online friend (oh, multiple idiots that i love) // i met up with someone i have met online (I will)
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell  // i have watched the sunrise  // i enjoy rainy days  // i have slept under the stars  // i meditate outside (I can’t stay long without being out, in touch with nature, it balances me) // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach (I never have been in one) // i know what snow tastes like (I live in a tropical country and never left my state, so, saddly, no) // i listen to music to fall asleep (rarelly) // i enjoy thunderstorms (I don’t enjoy them that much, it is kinda scary, but beatiful to watch) // i enjoy cloud watching (I wish that I could do so more frequently, but I live in a place without big, open spaces) // i have attended a bonfire (once, for Festa Junina, aka São João, the BEST date, the absolute best party ever) // i pay close attention to colors (I’ve never thought about it) // i find mystery in the ocean (I’ll only get close to large bodys of water when I finally learn how to swim) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (I prefer winter)
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (not a freaking chance) // i am the mom friend (yep, that’s me, the only one with a rational brain that can tell stupid shit will finish in bad situations and overcare) // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies (nem sei o que é) // i am involved in extracurricular activities (if the activities I propose to myself count, then yes, I quite enjoy learning new things and developing projects alone) // i enjoy mexican food (I have never had mexican food before) // i can drive a stick-shift (I haven’t started to studie to get my license yet, but I believe so) // i believe in true love (I think I do, yes, at least) // i make up scenarios to fall asleep (oh please, I make up scenarios in any situation, I’m an anxious overthinker that porbably has adhd) // i sing in the shower (I can’t  shower without music, even if I’m not listening to the song, I’ll sing one that reflects my feelings or that is in my head) // i wish i lived in a video game (nah, I’m good here) // i have a canopy above my bed (not yet, but I plan doing) // i am multiracial  (I guess I can say so, I’m not very educated on racial descendence and bellonging matters) // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs (I only had a dog, that died when I was very young, maybe before my five years of life :/ I really want to adopt one now) // i have a cat (I’ve had like, at least seven cats at this point. In the moment I have one black cat, pretty petty, his name is Fumaça - it’s a refference t an old cartoon that my godmother used to watch as a kid)
tagging @its-really-all-about-perspective @bettylove @gayzor-el-primary
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gaming-rabbot · 6 years
Salmon Run and Presentation
A (not so) brief dissertation on narrative framing in video games, featuring Splatoon 2
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With the holidays in full swing, I took advantage of a deal one day when I went into town, and finally got my hands on Splatoon 2. Having loved the prior game as much as I did, waiting this long to get the sequel felt almost wrong. But like many another fellow meandering corpus of conscious flesh, I am made neither of time nor money.
Finally diving in, I figured I might take this excuse to remember that I write game reviews, sometimes. You know, when the tide is high, the moon blue, and the writer slightly less depressed. I ended up scrapping my first couple drafts, however. You see, a funny thing was happening; I kept veering back into talking about Salmon Run, the new optional game mode the sequel introduces.
Also I might look at the Octo Expansion later, on its own. After I get around to it…
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Look, the base game already has a lot of content to explore, and as previously stated, I am sadly corporeal, and not strung together with the metaphysical concept of time itself.
My overall thoughts, however, proved brief, so I’ll try to keep this short.
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(Mild spoilers coming along.)
Gameplay wise, I think the story mode is much improved upon by handing you different weapons for certain levels which were specifically built with them in mind. Whereas the prior game left you stuck with a variant of the starter splattershot all the way through. This keeps things interesting, pushes me outside of my comfort zone, and it’s a good way to make sure players will come from a well-informed place when deciding what weapon they want for multiplayer; which, let’s face it, is the real meat of these games and where most players are going to log the most time.
I also love the way bosses are introduced with the heavy drums and rhythmic chants and the dramatic light show. It endows the moment with a fantastic sense of gravitas, and manages to hype me up every time. Then the boss will have an aspect of their design which feels a bit silly or some how rather off, keeping the overall tone heavily grounded in the toony aesthetics the series already established for itself.
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Narratively, I felt rather okay about the story aspect of Story Mode. The collectible pages in the levels still have a certain amount of world building, though this time it seems more skewed toward explaining what pop culture looks like in this world, such as, an allusion to this world’s equivalent to Instagram.
Cynical as it is…
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That’s definitely still interesting in its own right, though perhaps it’s less of a revelatory gut-punch as slowly piecing it together that the game takes place in the post-apocalypse of Earth itself, and the inklings copied ancient human culture.
We still got some backstory for this game’s idol duo, though. And that, I appreciate. It means Pearl and Marina still feel like a part of this world, rather than seeming obligatory for the sake of familiarity, given the first game had an idol duo as well.
Meanwhile, perhaps it is a bit obvious that Marie’s cousin, Callie, has gone rogue, and that she is the mysterious entity cracking into the radio transmissions between her and Agent 4. If I recall correctly, that was a working theory that came about with the first trailer or two. That, or she had died.
As soon as Marie says aloud she wonders where Callie has gone, I knew right away. And that’s just in the introduction.
That said, on some level, after stomaching through certain other games and such that actively lie or withhold information to force an arbitrary plot twist for plot twist sake, it feels almost nice to go back to a narrative that actually bothers to foreshadow these things. Plus, having gotten already invested in Callie as a character from the first game, I still felt motivated to see the story through to find out why she went rogue. And, loving the Squid Sisters already, there was a hope in me that she could be redeemed, or at least understood. In terms of building off the prior game’s story, Splatoon 2 is moderately decent.
Also, I mean, c’mon. The big narrative drive might be a tad predictable, but hey, this game is for kids. It’s fine.
That, I think, is something I love the most about Splatoon. Despite feeling like you’re playing in a Saturday morning cartoon, and being aimed primarily at children, it doesn’t shy away from fairly heavy subjects. Such as the aforementioned fact that the humans are all long dead and you’re basically playing paintball in the ruins of their consumerist culture.
Which brings me to what fascinates me so much about Splatoon 2: the way in which Salmon Run is framed.
You see, on the surface, Salmon Run appears to be your typical horde mode; a cooperative team (typically comprised of randoms) fights off gaggles of foes as they take turns approaching their base in waves. Pretty standard for online shooters these days, as was modernly popularized by Gears of War 2, and Halo ODST.
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I say “modernly,” as the notion of fighting enemies as they approach in waves is not exactly a new concept for mechanical goals within video games. Rather, the term itself, as applied to multiplayer shooters, “horde mode,” became a point of game discussion when Gears of War 2 introduced the new game mode by that same name back in… 2008?
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No, no that can’t be right. I played Gears 2 back in high school (I had worse taste back then, okay?). Which, from my perspective, was basically yesterday. That game being ten years old would mean I myself am old now, and that just can’t be. I’m hip. I’m young.
I am, to stay on theme here, fresh.
But okay, existential crises and game talk terms aside, the writing team behind Splatoon 2 probably decided to absolutely flex when it came to the narrative surrounding Salmon Run. It is one of the most gleaming examples of the nontraditional things you can do with writing in video games, to really elevate the experience.
Let me explain.
You see, narrative in video games typically falls into one of two categories: either the story sits comfortably inside of the game, utilizing it like a vehicle to arrive at the destination that is its audience’s waiting eyes and ears. Or the narrative, on some level, exists rather nebulously, primarily to provide something resembling context for why the pixels look the way they do, and why the goals are what they are.
Not to say this is a binary state of existence for game writing; narrative will of course always provide context for characters, should there be any. It’s primarily older, or retro games that give you a pamphlet or brief intro with little in the way of worrying over character motivation, and the deeper philosophical implications of the plot, etc (though not for lack of trying). These would be your classic Mario Bros. and what have you, where the actual game part of the video game is nearly all there is to explore in the overall experience.
Then you have games like Hotline Miami that purposely sets up shop right in the middle to make a meta commentary about the state of game narrative, using the ideological endpoint of violent 80’s era action and revenge-fantasy genre film as inspiration and the starting point to draw comparison between the two. It’s bizarre, and I could drone on about this topic.
But I digress.
Despite falling into that latter category, that is to say having mainly just an introduction to the narrative context so you can get on with playing the game, Salmon Run is a stellar example of how you can make every bit of that context count (even if it does require the added context of the rest of the game, sort of, which I’ll explain, trust me).
First, a (very) brief explanation of how the game itself works, for the maybe three of you who haven’t played it yet.
A team of up to four inklings (and/or octolings) have a small island out in open waters. Salmonid enemies storm the beaches from various angles in waves. Each wave also comes with (at least) one of eight unique boss variants, who all drop three golden eggs upon defeat. Players are tasked with gathering a number of said golden eggs each round, for three rounds, after which their failure or success in doing so shows slow or fast progress towards in-game rewards.
And it’s all an allegory for the poor treatment of labor/workers, utilizing the fishing industry as both an example and a thematically appropriate analogue. Yes, I’m serious.
First, Salmon Run is not available through the main doors like the other multiplayer modes. Rather, it is off to the side, down a dingy looking alley. And when you’re shown its location, either because you finally entered the Inkopolis plaza for the first time, or because the mode has entered rotation again, Marina very expressly describes it as a job.
A job you should only do if you are absolutely, desperately hard strapped for cash. You know, the sort of job you turn to if, for one reason or another, you can’t find a better one.
An aside: technically, playing Salmon Run does not automatically net you in-game currency, with which to buy things, as regular multiplayer modes do. Rather, your “pay” is a gauge you fill by playing, which comes with reward drops at certain thresholds; some randomized gacha style capsules, and one specific piece of gear which gets advertised, to incentivize playing.
The capsules themselves drop actual paychecks in the form of aforementioned currency, or meal tickets to get temporary buffs that help you progress in the multiplayer faster via one way or another. Which, hey, you know, that helps you earn more money also. Working to get “paid,” so you can get things you want, though, still works perfectly for the metaphor it creates.
When I first saw it open up for rotation, I found out you had to be at least a level four to participate. Pretty par for the course, considering it’s the same deal with the gear shops. But, again, it’s all in the presentation; Mr. Grizz does not simply say something akin to the usual “you must be this tall to ride.” He says he cannot hire inexperienced inklings such as yourself, because it’s a legal liability.
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After returning with three extra levels, I was handed off to basic, on-the-job training. Which is only offered after Mr. Grizz (not ever physically present, mind you, but communicating with you via radio), the head of Grizzco, uses fairly typical hard sell rhetoric when it comes to dangerous, or otherwise undesirable work: calls you kid, talks about shaping the future and making the world a better place, refers to new hires as “fresh young talent,” says you’ll be “a part of something bigger than yourself.” You know, the usual balancing act of flattery, with just the right amount of belittlement.
Whoa, hang on, sorry; just had a bad case of deja vu from when the recruiter that worked with the ROTC back in high school tried to get me to enlist… several times… Guess he saw the hippie glasses and long hair and figured I'd be a gratifying challenge.
The fisher imagery really kicks in when you play. Which, I figure a dev team working out of Japan might have a pretty decent frame of reference for that. A boat whisks you out to sea with your team, and everyone’s given a matching uniform involving a bright orange jumper, and rubber boots and gloves. If you've ever seen the viral video of the fisherman up to his waist in water telling you not to give up, you have a rough idea. Oh, and don't forget your official Grizzco trademark hats.
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It’s on the job itself where a lot of what I'm talking about comes up the most; that is to say, despite buttering you up initially, Mr. Grizz shows his true colors pretty quickly. While playing, he seems to only be concerned with egg collecting, even when his employees are actively hurting. This is established and compounded by his dialogue prior to the intermediate training level, in which informs you about the various boss fish.
Before you can do anything remotely risky, even boss salmonid training, Mr. Grizz tells you he has to go over this 338 page workplace health and safety manual with you. But, oops, the new hire boat sounds the horn as you flip to page 1, so he sends you off unprepared. “Let’s just say you’ve read it,” he tells you, insisting that learning by doing is best.
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This flagrant disregard employee safety, in the name of met quotas; the fact we never see Mr. Grizz face to face, making him this vague presence that presides over you, evaluating your stressed performance with condescension; that we are not simply given the rewards as we pass thresholds to earn them, having to instead speak with another, unknown npc for our pay… It all drives toward the point so well.
The icing on the cake for me is when a match ends. You, the player, are not asked if you’d like to go back into matchmaking for another fun round of playtime. Rather, you are asked if you would like to “work another shift.”
The pieces all fit so well together. I shouldn’t be surprised that, once a theme is chosen, Splatoon can stick to it like my hand to rubber cement that one time. It has already proven it can do that much for sure. But it’s just so… funny? It’s bitterly, cynically hilarious.
Bless the individual(s) who sat in front of their keyboard, staring at the early script drafts, and asked aloud if they were really about to turn Mr. Grizz into a projection of all the worst aspects of the awful bosses they’ve had to deal with in life. The answer to that question being “yes” has led to some of my favorite writing in a video game.
All of these thoughts, as they started forming in my skull, really began to bubble when I noticed Salmon Run shifts become available during my first Splatfest.
Splatfest is, to try and put it in realistic terms, basically a huge, celebratory sporting event. Participation nets you a free commemorative t-shirt and access to a pumping concert featuring some of the hottest artists currently gracing the Inkopolis charts.
The idea, the notion, that a hip young inkling (or octoling) might miss out on one of the biggest parties of the year because they need money more than they need fun? It’s downright depressing.
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It got me thinking. I looked at my fellow egg collectors. In-universe, we were a bunch of teen-to-young-adult aged denizens missing out on all the fun because we desperately needed the cash. We became stressed together, overworked together, yelled at by our boss together. But in those sweetest victories, where we’d far surpassed our quota? We celebrated together.
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Spam-crouching, and mashing the taunt, something changed. I felt a greater sense of comradery with these squids and octos than I did in nearly any other coop game. And it’s all thanks to the rhetorical framing of the game mode.
It accomplishes so many things. It’s world building which wholistically immerses you in the setting. But mainly, its dedication to highly specific word choice does exactly what I mentioned earlier: it elevates the experience to one I could really sit down and think about, rather than use to while away the hours, then move on to something else. So many games make horde modes that feel inconsequential like that; it’s just for fun.
There’s nothing wrong with fun being the only mission statement for a game, or an optional mode of play. But this is exactly what I mean when I say this is the nontraditional writing games can do so much more with. And Splatoon 2 saw that opportunity, and took it. And what a fantastic example of bittersweet, cold reality, in this, a bright, colorful game meant mainly for children…
Happy Holidays, everyone!
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