#this ask game is closed!
suguwu · 1 year
gojo + baby pink? (he’s very babygirl coded)
reader wears a kimono, gojo is taller than reader. this is also incredibly late.
"stop touching," you hiss, batting gojo's hands away from your obi. "i just got it in place!"
he ignores you, hooking a long finger into the delicate fabric, starting to pull it loose. "i like this on you," he says.
"i don't care," you huff, pushing his hands away again so you can tighten it again. "stop messing it up."
you glance at yourself in the mirror, taking in the way the obi sits, the baby pink of it soft against the cream swirls of your kimono. you smooth your hands over it, chasing away a few wrinkles.
gojo rests his chin on the top of your head. "it's crooked."
"no it isn't!"
he grins, starlight bright. "you sure?"
"satoru. i will kick you out."
"you'd miss me."
"i really, really wouldn't."
he leans more of his weight on you, ignoring your little squawk of protest. "you're so mean to me."
"you like it."
"that's true! it's still crooked, by the way."
"because you keep messing with it!"
he lifts his blindfold off of one eye, a comet tail sear of blue. he eyes you in the mirror as he toys with the edge of your obi again, his long fingers careful against the silk. "i'm trying to help, y'know."
"you aren't."
he laughs.
"you're right," he says, starting to undo the obi's knot. this time, you don't bother to try and stop him; you know the look in his eye. "i'm not."
your obi falls to the ground.
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faeriekit · 10 months
#attempted murder for the ask game! 🌱
"...So I'm dead now," Danny ends his story, face in his hands.
"You were dead before this," Sam points out. She takes a bite out of her perfectly carved celery sticks.
"I know, but now I'm dead dead," Danny groans, earning a pat on the back from Tucker. "Like. Dash pushed me off a bridge. And sure, it was an accident, but come on! There's no way I could survive that if I wasn't...me! I can't, like, reappear after that! I should have been a goner!"
"I mean, it was probably an accident," Tucker adds encouragingly, continuing the patting. It's well meant but not helpful in the slightest. Danny groans.
"Congrats on faking your death by accident," Sam says through her celery. She offers Danny a celery stick in commiseration. He eats it, but it tastes like nothing. "Have any big plans?"
"I dunno. Die?"
"You did that already," Tucker and Sam point out.
Danny puts his face in his hands. "I... Did he even report me? Did he even report that he probably killed me? Like...to anyone?"
Tucker pulls out his newest PDA, Pollyanna. A few taps of the stylus. Some scrolling "...Nah, dude. No news, no cops. Legally, you're still alive."
And they sit there, in Sam's room, in silence, wondering how one of their classmates managed to mostly get away with murder.
"...Think he'll cry if you show up to school tomorrow like nothing happened?" Sam mutters, more out of spite than anything.
Everyone looks at each other.
"...Ten bucks," Tucker says.
"No bet. I do the scary eyes and he probably pisses his pants," Danny snorts.
"It's a deal," Sam decides. "All in on making Dash have a mental breakdown?"
Hands go in. One, two, three— Danny and Tucker whoop as their three hands go up, the two high-fiving as Sam holds in her cackle.
"Jazz is going to kill us," Danny snickers, almost guilty.
"After Dash killed you? Please. If anything, Jazz might fetch the Jack O' Nine Tails and kill him first."
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clanborn · 9 months
song number 10 :)
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I left my soul exposed
To frail hands who hold
My fate up in the air
And through their fingers fall
The meaning of it all
Down to the floor it goes
Is There Anybody Here? - The Dear Hunter
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amerricanartwork · 2 months
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Oh my, is that really what I think it is...?
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It is!! Another little creature has arrived! And it's so fluffy too! Though that isn't gonna do much in this hot weather!
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Here, have some food, little guy. And come inside! I'm sure the others would love to have you!
That's right guys, Rain Wool is back in business!! Now that I'm getting back into the swing of needle-felting and FINALLY have lots more core wool to make all sorts of projects with, it's only right that I keep on going with this project, especially since, after Saint, I'm only one away from being done with the slugcats! I apologize for waiting so long to continue on with this project, but going forward I hope to start felting more of these guys more frequently.
In the meantime, however, I'm happy to finally share this fluffy little green bean!
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It probably isn't very visible in these images, but on the cheeks, arms, and tail I intentionally left the wool less felted in for a softer, fluffier appearance. Since I have barely any of the straight wool roving felters normally use for long hair, this is my general go-to method for fluffy creatures.
I still think he looks adorable though, and I'm so excited to be close to finishing the slugcats!
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Well, I hope you enjoy this new Rain Wool content! Hopefully there will be more to come soon!
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time-slink · 2 months
Your honor I'm obsessed with your etho design and the CLOTHING?? Just thought I'd let you know. Eating him
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why thank you…! he’s my muse fr
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
Happy Birthday! Do you have more zagreus interacting with other gods? Thanks so much
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Chaos had not initially intended to help the young Zagreus as much as they had, it's simply that he's so compelling and distracting that each interaction leaves them wondering about the next.
Zagreus can shape Darkness. It's a skill Chaos passed on to their daughter but as far as they know, neither of their grandsons have inherited it.
But Zagreus, born of life death, resuscitated by Nyx's Darkness, can use it in a way that is out of reach of every other member of the underworld, including its king.
They've been tucked away between the folds of the universe for a long time, nothing quite interesting enough to keep their attention now that the flow and management of the underworld has fallen to Hades. But Zagreus is bright and interesting and doing something that no one thought could be done, almost entirely on accident and in ignorance. It reminds Chaos of what they had once achieved so long ago.
"Hi Grand," Zagreus says cheerfully, popping out from a portal he'd made himself and a fishing pole slung over his shoulder. He switches between calling them Grandmother and Grandfather but often settles just for Grand. They don't mind, and perhaps even find it slightly endearing, although they'll never admit it. They've never spoken to Hypnos or Thanatos. "Have some time to fish?"
"I suppose," they say, content to watch as Zagreus flicks his line into the rivers of eternity.
They've started creating new fish for him to catch. They wonder how long it will take him to catch on and start creating creatures of his own.
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beescake · 8 months
are you secretly the CEO of solkat
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solkat r the ceos of me. actually
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phantomandknight · 1 month
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day 2 of hoping theyll put more masked people in the paralympics ceremonies i saw these memes and i immediately thought i needed to draw them with it!!! i also put a pic of them that i found from before the closing ceremony bc i dont think anyone posted it on here yet <<<333 (more asks to come tomorrow. might start making multi-drawing/panel answers to asks as well depending on circumstance) actually- i think i have lore for them now. should i make a proper comic???
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thatdeadaquarius · 8 months
I have a random idea for some sagau crack loosely based on my dynamic with my friend so Im giving it to you because I have been enjoying your sagau language stuff :D
Imagine there are two readers that are two different people. Like, not as in clones they are just two separate people that are rlly good friends on earth. They both really like genshin and play the game, and they both have self aware teyvat citizens. Reader 1 is a whale. They invest a l o t of money on the game, have all the characters, and all the characters have five star weapons. They are like the usual sagau reader you see. They have used up so much money on getting all of the characters, and I mean A L L of them, best weapons, constellations and put a lot of care into it. The place where they really get to show off is their knowledge and love for the lore, and are really invested into it and read all of the artifact descriptions and books. They know about primordial one, the four shining shades, random useless facts about items and often rant to reader 2 about their theories. Their quest bar is always empty because they did them to check out the lore of the game, and are always searching for more lore. They basically play everyday and are always reacting and talking to the characters out loud, unaware that they can hear them.
Meanwhile, Reader 2 is a f2p who is only interested in the archon quest lore and the lore of their fav characters. Because they are f2p, their options are limited so there is some blatant favoritism. They choose their fav character to save up for, and then pull for them. After they get the character they want, they will no longer pull and save up from there. Because of this, they only have like 5 five stars and only have zero five star weapon. Their favourite character is their main(*cough* wanderer *cough*), and unlike reader 1 who uses all of their characters regularly, reader 2 sticks to this character for most of their gameplay unless they need to use someone else. However, reader 2 takes almost an entire month to finish building a character, because they go overboard with the artifact stats. You would expect to normally have a 50 180 crit ratio, but reader 2’s dps characters always, and I mean ALWAYS have 50 200 crit ratio or more. Like, their main (it doesnt have to be wanderer but Im putting him here anyways) has 70 and 200 crit ratio, is crowned, full 4 pc best in slot, and is even crowned and faruzan only needs like 200 er but reader 2 gave them 300. (Im totally not putting this here because this is what I did/j) Reader 2 is also the type to never speak while gaming, so the first time they spoke everyone turned it into a national holiday to be celebrated. They also play a lot less than player 1. Player 1 plays everyday while player 2 plays for a month straight and then takes a long break to wait for the content to pile up.
So these two gremlin besties are always speaking with each other, and are always on coop. Whenever player 1 needs help making team comps or building characters, they just ask player 2 for help. And whenever player 2 needs help understanding the lore of the game, they ask player 1. But all I can think abt is the first time they cooped. Imagine player 1 was using childe and then when the coop starts, both childe and wanderer are very confused as to wtf is going on. Like, childe is confused because he sensed a strange aura coming form them like whenever someone gets controlled by reader 1, and wanderer is confused because reader 2 seemed so excited that they were talking, but its just childe? Reader 2 always skips childe’s banners.
Thats it lol, hope this wasnt too long.
Not long at all! Or more like, I like long asks so feel free to share! :D
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Said friends in genshin like: ^^^
this kinda inspires me/reminds me of @mists-reading-nook soldier/poet/king post, you should check xe stuff!! Gave me brainrot to this day tbh, like im imaging how that “3rd King style of worship” would look like even now lmao ive been down bad 😭
Sun: 2 Readers! (as desc. above), (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: wanderer/childe, mentions of others i forgot to focus on any one character or nation :/
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing language, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
dual symbolism everywhere, obv you both thought “for the twins” but it just kept getting out of hand the more the game updated over the months lol
like shrines/temples/churches showing up more often in new countries/areas and always identifying the same 2 gods
obv the for-the-lore player picked up on it first, and by the time the trickle-down effect happened, where characters/NPCs were outright talking about these gods, the 2nd was asking the lore knower to explain lol
the 2 gods kept getting referred to by a few names, like “The Soldier and the Scholar” or “The Sage and the Warrior” or “The Keeper and the Pursuer” etc.
after awhile of comparing both of your games, you realize that some vision users/gods tend to use the soldier/warrior/pursuer titles more often when talking about one of you, and the other gets the sage/scholar/keeper more often
u both get excited, maybe its bc you chose diff travelers or some other reason, but when u try and post abt it or otherwise ask other players u get a lot of negatives/”hasnt happened for me”s??
u both just think the games glitched or some dev is playing a prank on you two maybe,
it gets weirder when u both realize the lore player be over here getting random gifts from all the characters in the mail all the time
and just as grinding players like “ :’( my favs don't like me?? but they have the best artifacts and maxed friendship levels..”
they get flooded with multiple gifts from their main characters, most of which benefit the grind tbh lmao (like a bunch of cheaper materials or crystals to level up artifacts/weapons or to ascend that character = no more slaughtering every samurai on sight for their handguards or collected a fuckton of those blue layered mushrooms for wanderer)
god u were both grateful to this glitch ngl, it saved a lot of dumb misc tasks and was just a nice touch
no but the amount of confusion inside the game from when u first started playing together, like each of ur games began with stuff abt 1 god, then as u co-oped moved onto 2 gods (like said at the beginning)
the lore player is blabbing away like you do, which begins to be heard by the other player’s game world
like it starts as whispers in battle, then all the time, then a quiet convo in the background all the time, until they can just hear u out of earshot esp word for word when they focus!! at first the vision-users/gods got all excited bc their god was speaking!! finally!!! until I'm sure they heard narration that didn't fit/it was there sometimes even when their god’s presence wasn't?/voice sounded “off” to them/didnt fit their god…??
ok ik u were joking abt the national holiday,,, but I’m not. 😈
Player 1, playing as Childe, steals a singular (1) sweet flower from Player 2, who has Wanderer out:
P2: “I seriously hate you. Listen to what I’m saying, I can’t stand you.”
(Wanderer panicking that its abt him- Childe freezing bc he managed to piss off a god that feels as powerful as his own- the PROPHECY LMAO- )
P1: “… you miss me.”
(everyone else: 💥vine boom sound 💥😦😨😰???)
P2: “I hate you.”
P1: “You miss me and you love me, why must we fight??”
(everyone else: 💥vine boom again💥🤨🫠??…)
P2: “I hate you-”
P1: “-we gotta good thing going on, you and I, why must we tussle??”
(everyone else: 💥yet another vine boom💥 💀💀)
(the absolute deep anxiety/pure confusion as the two harbingers heads just ping pong back and forth towards the voices lmao)
u two scare the shit out of any characters u do this with lol
they do get used to it as u talk, and the characters even manage to interact (thru hacking magical shenanigans and discord)
to send thank you gifts to player 1 for getting player 2 to talk more lol
along with sending copies of any lore books that player 2 has gotten that player 1 hasn't!
and it becomes common/tradition to exchange gifts like this to thank or appreciate the other god, like player 1 characters sending thank you gift copies of rare materials or ascension stuff that player 1 had that player 2 didn't (esp making sure to send during resinless hours lmao)
overall, 10/10, whats better than 1 god that plays one way? 2 gods that compensate for each other and now u have 2x the worshippers
(i wonder how meeting alternate versions of themselves would go, bc id like to headcanon that each of ur behavior towards them/ur unique influence has changed them a bit comparing, like they arent carbon copies anymore, not like they used to be…)
hey sorry for slowing down guys!!
i just feel bad its taken me forever to get to these asks, so i wanted to take what time i could lately and charge thru them so i could spam post lol
I've also been working on fics! so that's delayed things by a lot, bc fics take longer to “respond to” than short asks or replies
my poor bsd fic
Anyway thank you so much for sending this in!!! I'm so sorry i took forever to get to it, and i hope u enjoyed response/my brain shitting this out lol
have a good weekend!! :D
Safe Travels Anon!!
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(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
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ask-the-pioneer · 2 months
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"Yes, I am now heading towards Five Pebbles, the local iterator. I find it funny how I was born and spent my first cycles in the shadow of his superstructure, while being completely oblivious to the existence of this demi-god. And now that I came back here... it feels even more uncanny."
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"Though, I really... I really wish Hunter did not abandon me like that. I thought we were meant to go on that mission together? I'm not blind, I know something is wrong with him. We used to go on expeditions in the past, but now that he has a very important payload to deliver and could use some help, he suddenly doesn't need it? I don't understand... I'm more than capable in combat, we make a good team, I thought he was happy with my company?"
"We separated earlier at Farm Arrays. Hunter kept insisting he has to do it alone, despite my pleading. Instead, I was told to head straight to Five Pebbles. I thought we had to visit there anyway? Iterators often use slugcats as messengers, I've learned..."
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"Sigh... I feel a little lost all on my own. I miss Hunter already. I hope that, despite everything, he's okay and we will return to NSH soon. But first, I need to pay the local iterator a visit. I'm hoping for some guidance in regards to... ahem... rot, yeah. I heard they've been affected by the disease, too. Maybe they've got an idea on how to manage it? It doesn't hurt to try. Maybe I'll hang around this area for a while to collect as many pearls as possible, then have Five Pebbles read them to me? One of those has to have some kind of instruction on how to treat rot, it has to... I refuse to believe that the disease which plagued iterators for countless cycles is untreatable."
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"Uh... the Red One?"
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coatl-cuddles · 28 days
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This is my Skysona Rose, she's a little dumb but she got the spirit
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suguwu · 1 year
Bee! how about Diluc and a rose pink? 💕
for you darling gray? always. this is so late i'm so sorry
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the sun is rising.
it bleeds through the window in rosy pinks and soft, barely-there oranges, like a dusting of petals caught in the sky. it's warm in the bedroom. you drowse, half-caught at the shores of sleep, and come awake only when you hear the faint sound of running water.
the bed dips under diluc's weight not long after and you turn around to face him.
"you're late," you say, cupping his cheek and making him look at you when he won't meet your eyes. "you can't keep doing this, diluc."
in the dawn light, his carmine eyes almost glow, shining like rubies, like embers still smoldering in the hearth. despite the exhaustion lining him like a cloak, his jaw is set into a hard line.
"i'm fine," he says.
you press closer, the scent of his soap tickling your nose. just under the warm cedar of it, there's a metallic tinge, just a hint of blood. almost too faint to recognize, but you know it well these days.
"you're not," you say against his jawline, tasting the salt of his skin. he noses at you gently, breathes you in.
"go back to sleep," he says. "it's early."
"i'm aware."
he sighs at your tone. "there was trouble," he tells you. "i had to stay until it was done."
you nip at him. "there's always trouble. it's dawn, diluc. you haven't slept."
"i could be sleeping now."
you nip him again, harder this time. he makes a small, soft noise that's almost wounded, but there's heat woven into the edges of it. he shifts against you.
you turn enough to brush your lips against the corner of his, to taste the warmth of him. it's a ghost of a thing. he hums but doesn't chase you.
"i worry," you tell him.
he goes still, tension coiling through him. "i know."
"i wish—"
"i won't stop."
"i know," you say, because you do. you're not sure that diluc knows who he is without mondstadt, who he would be without protecting her. you're not sure he wants to know.
you kiss him again, harder this time, pouring yourself into it. his hand comes up to cup your neck as he answers in kind, pressing into the kiss as if it's all he has left.
you pull back and his lips are kiss-swollen, the soft pink of them deepening into a flushed rose. "just come home before dawn," you tell him. "you need rest."
diluc eyes you for a moment before he leans in and gives you a brief kiss before settling back into the pillow. he winds a thick arm around your waist and tugs you closer.
"alright," he says. "now go to sleep."
"alright," you echo, pressing closer still.
as you drift back to sleep, lulled by the slow, sure tide of diluc's breathing, you hear him speak again, soft and low. it's too quiet to make out in your sleepy haze, but you don't need to hear it.
you already know.
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faeriekit · 10 months
How about Accidental Baby Acquisition for the askgame :D
This is where y'all discover that TimKon clone baby rules my entire life actually.
Well. Wait; Kon's face scrunches up. He shouldn't be using 'it'. It's a baby. It's going to become a person one day. So it's a...
(Kon checks discreetly.)
It's a he. For now, anyway. Maybe the baby will make a different decision when he's older.
...Kon pales.
Oh god. When the baby's older. He's already thinking about this baby as a foregone conclusion, and not, like, back end of Tim's weird one-stop cloning shop Tim's depression had built while Kon was dead.
Still. The baby's so small in his arms. When he yawns, little toothless mouth wide and gummy and his little pink tongue showing, Kon feels like every one of his internal organs is being crushed simultaneously.
It's just. The baby is so stinking cute. He has little dark fuzz for hair, and a little baby nose, and soft little hands with nails that aren't even real yet, but still flex and grab when they want something Kon can get them. His little toes are to die for. He's got a round little belly that's maybe a little too thin by human standards, but Kon can fix that. Some time and some formula's got to help speed that along real quick.
There's no question about it— really, there never was, because even with a backlog of desperate emails sent to a dead half-alien superhero clone that documented Tim's spiral into despair-induced mania, Kon had jumped out of bed and flown off as soon as he'd realized the sender was Tim's Bat secure random-generated-gibberish email.
Sure, he'd hoped to see a living, thriving Tim on the other end, and not a test tube baby floating in a tub of its own recycled growth medium, but hey. Tim's weird. It's Kon's job to be adaptable when his assigned Bat goes off the rails.
"I bet Ma's gonna love you," Kon whispers into the baby's cheek, and takes a moment to wipe more of the medium from the infant with the edge of his shirt.
The baby sneezes in agreement, and that's good enough for Kon.
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clanborn · 2 months
1. Personal interpretation: Sparkpelt
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love a girl who is orange
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gentrychild · 9 months
If you are still accepting stuff for the au headcanon game, how about an au where izuku’s quirk is that he can imitate the quirks of those he admires strongly enough
1 - Hello to the AU where Izuku has the quirks of every pro hero he ever sees, because his hero fanboyism is just that strong.
2 - Interestingly enough, it's not widely known that he can mimic the quirks of people he strongly admires.
3 - Izuku isn't bullied, since his quirk is incredible, but there are tensions with Katsuki who absolutely hates when Izuku is using Explosion.
4 - A lot of people are annoyed at Izuku's very quirk. In a world where quirks define you so much, someone stealing your things just leave people a very bad taste in their mouths. There is also the idea of "Okay, if Midoriya can't use my quirk, does that mean my quirk is worthless?"
5 - Toga and Izuku are foils to each other and more philosophical conversations between them.
+ 1 - Izuku loses the ability to use Endeavor's quirk after Shouto talks to him during the Sport Festival.
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msfcatlover · 13 days
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Commissioned the amazing @magua-vida to draw my original Princesses, The Dancer & The Dream! I'm absolutely delighted with how they came out, they both look so pretty and bursting with personality!
For anyone who doesn't want to click through, you get the Dancer if you unlock the Princess's cuff & die of a heart attack, making her flighty but concerned, fussing over your health & safety. The Dream is Dancer's unique Chapter 3, who you get if you fall asleep in the cabin with Dancer fussing over you, and is smotheringly protective to the point of aggression & possessiveness while acting manipulatively sweet & fragile.
She just wants to take care of you... even (or especially) if it means chaining you up to keep you safe.
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