#this blog is perhaps the most open i have ever been (and will probably ever be) open about transness
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I've been pushing myself to be more open about being trans and the positive and negative of it, not to prove that I am a person, but to show other trans people that they aren't alone. I owe my life, I think, to the trans people who have done this - gone into the nitty-gritty - and if I could do that even at a fraction of the effect, then my job is done. I don't exist to prove I am a human person and neither do you - you are already enough of a person.
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ithaquasbbg · 5 months
I’m back :3
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Frederick Kreiburg | Composer general relationship headcanons
Tw: Brief mentions of mental illness but that’s it.
Extra: I love this guy so much I wish he was a little more popular among the fandom :,))
|🩷| Starting off generally- Frederick seems like the type to be hard to get to know. He doesn’t have large amounts of trust for the people around him, and seems to prefer to be on his own. You’d need to put in effort in order to be in a relationship with him.
|🩷| He’s somewhere between pretty and handsome, though probably leaning a little more towards the feminine side.
|🩷| Frederick is insecure when it comes to his looks, often worrying that you’d only be interested in his looks instead of him as a person. You can compliment his appearance, but he might start getting anxious if that’s the only thing you pull attention to.
|🩷| Sure, he’s been in relationships and flings with many people before, he does have a reputation for wooing people. However, he’s never truly been loved by another person. Because of this, he probably is inexperienced in terms of real romantic acts.
|🩷| On top of his, his childhood doesn’t seem like it was very loving, and he may close up when met with physical affection or kisses for a while. When it happens, he often stares dumbfounded for a while. (It’s cute, but a little sad at the same time)
|🩷| He’s very fond of gift giving, though that’s largely because it’s what he’s used to. At the beginning of a relationship he’d likely believe it to be transactional like his past ones and in turn treats it that way.
|🩷| Though as he gets more comfortable his gifts slowly become less monetary in terms of value, and he’d instead compose and play songs for you as his gifts.
|🩷| When it comes to receiving, he’d likely take time to understand why you’re doing things for him, but he’d be very happy with words of affirmation or acts of service. Remind him that he’s valuable to you because he’s himself, not because he gives you things.
|🩷| In all honesty he strikes me as being potentially on the autism spectrum (self projecting a little) and he may not handle touch well due to sensory problems, but occasionally even he’ll find himself longing to hold onto another person.
|🩷| Frederick is not a fan of PDA, and would rather not be touched in public. This is in part due to him being rather touch adverse, but also because he was raised to be very prim and proper, and likely didn’t receive public affection as a child.
|🩷| That being said, on days where he’s willing to touch you and you’re both in private he probably is quite reserved about it. Making excuses to make contact with you such as “you have a hair in your face”.
|🩷| Occasionally he’ll hug you from behind and bury his head into your shoulder or hair depending on the height difference between you two. Hes on the taller side (I’d guess around 5’11- 6’1) and would probably resort to the latter.
|🩷| In terms of big spoon and little spoon… he’s not a spoon. Frederick is a knife.
|🩷| In all seriousness he’s simply not the most cuddly person ever, but will cuddle occasionally. Because of how touch adverse he tends to be you usually let him initiate it, and he typically ends up as the big spoon.
|🩷| He can make a really good little spoon too, especially if he’s the more submissive PERSONALITY (not freaky… this is a holy x reader blog for now!!) in a relationship. Though even then you’d likely need to pull him into that position after he’s fallen asleep, he’d be too embarrassed to be awake in that position.
|🩷| He strikes me as a closeted bisexual, perhaps pansexual. I wouldn’t see him being entirely opposed to polyamorous relationships, but I think he’d likely feel much more secure in a monogamous relationship.
|🩷| He’s a good kisser when he’s open to kissing, probably one of the things he’s the most experienced with in terms of relationships.
|🩷| On top of that he can be quite charming, he knows how to use his words to woo a person through past experiences. Though even then, don’t expect anything too bold from him.
|🩷| Frederick is decisive and can be quite stubborn, he likes to be the one making choices and can come off a little bratty in these situations. But truth be told, he simply wants to know that you respect his thought process and opinions. Please let him make choices from time to time, it really makes him feel more appreciated.
|🩷| He’s an easy person to fluster if you know what buttons to press. Public intimacy is a good shortcut to flustering him some days (going back to this topic. Whoops.) Frederick is pale, and there’s no way to hide the blush on his cheeks.
|🩷| His favorite nicknames for you are probably quite tame if he even uses them. The only one I could really see him using is the occasional “dear”
|🩷| Though you may catch him calling you “his angel” from time to time.
|🩷| Frederick strikes me as somebody who you would call things like “darling” and he’d enjoy it. You could call him “sweetheart” but he’d likely just be confused on why anyone would consider him of all people sweet.
|🩷| Due to his mental health struggles he’s probably somebody who needs a partner willing to put in lots of energy, but he’d totally give 110% back in return.
|🩷| Frederick can function on his own especially after being disowned. This comes out when you’re sick the most, he’ll make you food or drinks and stay by your side as much as he’s able to.
|🩷| His hair would likely be quite nice to play with, and with enough convincing he would probably allow you to fidget with it while he does other things. It’s the least overstimulating type of touch for him, and he’d appreciate your contact even if it’s only through that. :)
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venelona-turtle-den · 5 months
Ghost Future Leonardo FAQ
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(...I'll get a better header picture later. Maybe.)
(Get your own Desktop Old Turtle Man here)
Since I keep getting repeated questions, I've decided to make a FAQ where I can put all explanations to and link to it 👉👉
❓How do I keep Leo on top of my screen applications?
If you want him to stay on top of your windows, right click him, then go to Options - Preferences, then the Ghost(2) tab in the big menu that pops up. Check "Always Show Foreground" and that should do it.
❓Is there any screenshots on how I can install Leo?
Check out this post, it describes how to install Leo, screenshots included
❓Does Leo work on Chromebook, IOS, newer Android, etc? Will he ever?
No. I can't personally make him work on other platforms - unless the developers of the software (called SSP) will make SSP work on those platforms, Leo won't be able to work there.
❓How do I talk to Leo? How do I ask him a question? How do I pet him?
After installing Leo, if you want to interact with him just double click him - anywhere but his face. Right click on him calls more generic options menu.
To pet him, stroke the top of his head with your mouse, no clicking. If you want to know more general area, look at this gif here.
❓Download link for Leonardo doesn't seem to be working, what should I do?
Since the download link in my post leads to the website I made on neocities, sometimes website doesn't work, but you should be able to install Leo straight from the Google Drive here. You can see instructions linked in the second question of this post.
❓My data doesn't save - every time I open Leo, the introduction plays again, what should I do?
Most of the time it means that the files have been installed incorrectly, and folders are not where they should be.
Here's the files you should have in your 'ghost' folder (the location of which will most probably be your 'downloads' folder), and files you should have there
For the first 'ghost' folder, unless you installed desktop ghosts before you will only have 'Future Leonardo' and 'emily4' folders
Inside the 'shell' folder you should have 3 folders - 'Taileo', 'Neon Leon' and 'Chin Stripes', and they all contain lots of pngs and a couple of txt files
Don't worry about 'profile' folder, I believe it just saves the data of ghosts's coordinates on your screen in case you move them around
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It might be a problem with a save file - just make sure you don't move 'aya5_variable.cfg' from the 'master' folder, because that's an actual file that contains all the save data.
❓Will you ever make more TMNT ghosts? Other brothers?
No. I have enough stuff I still wish to implement to Leo, and even if I made any other turtle, the overall experience wouldn't be much different. But don't let your dreams be dreams, you can always try and make your beloved turtle live on your desktop yourself! English Desktop Ghost devs community is so lovely, they're always happy to help both new and seasoned devs 💖✨
❓I still have a question!
You're always welcome to send me a question. I might take time responding (perhaps a lot of time...), but if you send it straight to DMs I usually reply within a day. So, DM this blog or @venelona for urgent questions 💌
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heart-wit-strength · 3 months
Speaking of Marcy’s approach to Amphibias politics, she’s probably the most competent person in the newtopian government(fixing the sewer system, rescuing civilians, supporting farmers, and is down for societal reforms)
Ah the only shitty politics I'll ever talk about on this blog ✨racist newts✨
Speaking of newt politics...
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Idk it's just...vague what Marcy exactly thinks of the system itself I just feel like I can't make a direct call on this, it's so left out open ended in the journal too. Plus all with how she values farmers as underappreciated backbones of society
I agree Marcy is the only competent person with a braincell in this government. I doubt how much she involves in them at all though. Surely theme song takeover shows she even writes royal verdicts while Andrias snoozes and all that
In tc her response to the toad rebellion is to 'redesign the political system' and make sure 'this kind of uprising never happens again.' Her first instinct is the approach she took for Wartwood, changing the political system overnight like fixing sewers, part of me wonders Marcy even has a clue why the rebellion happened to begin with. She doesn't know Andrias purposefully made things this way, she knows what Andrias lets her see. She has faith she talk him out of changing things.
Yet somehow there's still the ranger oath that tells her a newt's life should matter above the rest—
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Should've been her first red flag if I were honest. She knows casteism exist she doesn't understand the problems of it bc the newts don't make it out to be. Let's admit, she's 13 freaking years old. The journal also shows she was actively being kept away from learning truths.
Toad to Redemption is one episode that talks about the oppression on toads by Newtopian authorities, and my biggest focus here that Marcy is still in Wartwood while this happens. Coincidentally, she's purposefully made busy in an outhouse with Frobo for this very episode. This is one of the weirdest things to me bc it's like the show itself is trying to keep her in the dark and short-sighted. Keep her from having reasons to question her faith in Andrias.
She has been limited to the ruling class view in this new world. And that makes sense because it was one of the things that could perhaps bring her to disagree with the King, had she seen the other side of the story.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
I have things to say
I’ve been thinking for some time now to put this out, but now seems to be a most appropriate time if ever.
Blogging on Tumblr is not a profession, it’s a hobby.
Blogging is about wanting to share your passion with others and enjoying the little community that is built around that shared passion.
No money to be made here folks, well not by me nor any of the blogs I follow or am in touch with.
It’s time consuming and can most definitely be emotionally challenging.
I, for one, when I joined Tumblr late 2020, was unaware of the little community I would discover here.  We gather here in this little space we have created, each to themselves, but also through interaction, together, and created this little bubble where we can share our thought and feelings and respect and support each other.
We don’t do this for money, nor fame, nor even appreciation.
But, and I can only speak for myself here, I am no spokesperson for anyone else, I do expect civility and respect and even kindness at the very least.  Even when disagreeing. 
Words are powerful things.
How you put those words to action is also so important.
You may not think you are disrespecting another or saying something hurtful. Perhaps, because you are saying it from your heart, or because you think that if you aren’t using derogative words, you think what you are saying isn’t hurting, disrespecting or even making another person feel uncomfortable or intimidated.
I don’t expect people to mince words.  But I do expect them to be thoughtful of others as they would others be thoughtful of them.
Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
I most definitely understand that when you have passionate feelings about an issue you can get carried away.  I most definitely have at times.  But, I try my best.  And if I am out of line and it’s brought to my attention, I will take responsibility for my actions.  I am not infallible.  I am human.
We are all human.
Owning up to your mistakes is key.  Being able to admit you are in the wrong is key.  Being willing to listen to other’s opinions is key.  Sometimes, who knows, you might even be convinced.  I was.
We cannot grow as human beings and be better people, if we are not open to listen and hear other opinions than our own. 
I’ve said this in the past, I came from a more conservative background.  My life beliefs now as an adult have changed immensely from what they were even in my 20s.  And they are still changing, I can tell you that!  But, if I wasn’t open to hearing others, weighing their words, without being dismissive, I would have never become the person that I am today. 
I am sharing this with you, probably unnecessarily, because I feel that the world would be a much better place, this space of ours will be a much better place, if only we could be open to listening to others without dismissing them.  This, I will say once again, being within the limits of respect and civility towards each other, and towards the people we are actually writing about.
You all know JK and JM are my faves, no secret there.
What is it that young intelligent man had to say about what people should have?
Three words that are really not that hard to follow.
And in order to be clear and not too vague: 
Hating, calling names, disrespect as a whole (these are thing I’ve seen happen and will not accept: mocking one’s gender, looks, weight, colour of skin, religion, ethnicity etc.) and aggressive behavior/writing is unacceptable.
Criticism, calling out perceived bad or problematic behavior is, on the other hand, acceptable.  
**Just a thought:  If the person you want to call out is within this community, try reaching out to them via DM’s before you post it in public.  At times this could be perceived as shaming them and the road from there is definitely downhill.  DM’s are a great space to speak openly, privately, without being held to public judgement.  Once again, it’s about putting yourself in their shoes.**
This is where the respectful discussion comes into place.  Because there will be those who feel differently than yourself, and that’s fine, that’s ok.  We need to know how to listen, think it over and sometimes accept the other’s opinion or sometimes not, but at the very least weigh it through and not dismiss them, nor their arguments off hand.   
I am far from perfect and I know that I at times have sinned.  If someone out there is reading these lines and thinking they were wronged by me, I do apologize.  Could have been a bad day, could have been a bad mood, could have been too many annoying anons, could have been just me being an idiot.  Like I said, I am far from perfect.  Human, just like JK and JM and Tae and Hobi and Suga and RM and Jin are.  HUMAN (psst… you see where I’m going there right?  I’ll leave the math up to you this time).
Yah – it doesn’t mean you haters that show up in my blog once in a while.  You deserved every word of it.
I know I’m babbling here, but I guess I need to get all of this off my chest.
So, where was I?
Ah, yes, our community. 
Like I said, it’s built on our little individual personal spaces.  This is supposed to be a place where we find a form of joy or contentment, because otherwise, why did we start it all? 
And as such, we each have the right to curate our space, build it to our own liking, share what we feel the need to share. 
If we want anons on and have the time and patience to answer the onslaught of asks that land in our inbox then great (I can tell you that having my anons on for less than 24 hours leaves me with hundreds of asks in my inbox, including some very nasty shit, as people love to hide behind the screen of anonymity). If we feel that it’s just too much for us and we would rather spend the little spare time that we have doing our blogging on creating content, then so be it. 
If we decide to follow blogs we think might be interesting to us or unfollow blogs we feel bring us no pleasure or even cause us displeasure, so be it.  I can tell you that I too unfollow blogs, I am sure each and every one of us does. 
Personal space, personal decision.
Going to a blogger and calling them out for writing a post about a and not b, well dah, it’s their blog.  You feel you need something to be written about b, go write it yourself in your own space. 
Calling out a blogger for something they wrote, if you feel is problematic, not in their DMs, but publicly, is A-OK, as long as you are ready for a clap back as to why they or others feel that it is ok and are ready to have that discussion about why maybe, you yourself are wrong.  Saying what you think or believe in is grand, but you need to accept the fact that others may think/feel differently than you and will tell you so.  Be ready to have a respectful discussion.   
Your blog, your beliefs.  100%. 
Be respectful towards others beliefs too.  Agree to disagree but don’t belittle them or call them names.  I can tell you that nothing boils my blood (well almost nothing) more the loose use of the term delulu among ourselves.  This is a term that is used widely to describe each and every one of us Jikook supporters, because we are considered out of our minds to believe that JM and JK may be queer and in a romantic relationship with each other.  So turning this on another Jikook blogger is just not right in my opinion.  It absolutely infuriates me as to how easily it’s thrown at others here, within our Jikook community. 
I’m not sure that I’ve said everything I wanted to.  You know, I’m not getting any younger, have been writing so much that by now I think I might have forgotten some points I wanted to make.  But what can you do?  C’est la vie.
I will end by saying that I, for one, consider myself as a JM/JK (Jikook is so much easier to type out) supporter.  I believe these two, beautiful both in and out, young men are a long-term couple.  I am not a shipper and do not hold shares in the shipping company.  If one day they turn around and tell us “hey fuckers, fooled you, it was all fanservice and we ain’t no couple”, or if it turns out that they are no longer together (because let’s be real here for a second, that first scenario is never happening), then so be it.  All I want is for them to be happy (not that I don’t want the others to be happy, but I have a very special place in my heart for those two. Maybe because JK reminds me of myself, maybe because they remind me of my daughters, idk the psychological reasons for it, it just is what it is).
I also love ALL of the other members.  Be it not the same level as JM and JK (like I said, special place in heart), nor same way as each other.  Each and every one of them is different, special in their own way and I love them for it, differently and specially. 
All 7 are loved.  None are beyond reproach. 
Loving someone, in my books, is also being able to call them out when you think they are misbehaving or doing wrong.
I did/do that with my daughters and I will continue to do that here.   And that includes you guys too.
And one more thing:
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Thank you for being here.
Thank you for reading my content.
Thank you for reaching this far and reading this long winded post.
Thank you for all the love and appreciation you give me.
Love y’all.
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bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
Hello, do you think that Unohana being the first Kenpachi was a retcone or not? And what would you have done different with her story?
Thank you for allow me to ask you.
Thank you for this question! I feel like “retcon” has gained a negative connotation, where a retcon becomes a critique to levy against something. But the fact of an audience or the author (or both) assuming something to be true, only to find that it is not, isn't automatically a bad thing.
Do I think, in-universe, Unohana’s co-workers were aware of Unohana Yachiru?
Most of them, no. Everyone’s too busy and too young and the institutional memory is too poor and they respect her too much for it to come up. Though I think everyone has always been well aware that Unohana could kill them all if she wanted to. It’s the “had she ever wanted to” part they probably hadn’t really considered, or felt need to. They probably largely still haven’t, because so much was/is going on and they have so much to do and process. I’m sure Isane would appreciate some friends, though.
Do I think we, as the audience, had to reassess how we knew Unohana?
I mean, I suppose, but I don’t think it feels, like, egregiously out of step to me. It didn't take me out of the narrative. And I say this as a writer who inflicts that feeling on myself all the time (unfortunately for me). We know how long Unohana’s been around (Kyouraku makes mention of this in TBTP), and we know what Soul Society is like, and we’ve seen her ice out rowdy 11th members in her hallways. If someone pitched me “nice lady is secretly bloodthirsty af” as a premise, I can’t say it would immediately appeal to me. Who doesn’t have a bloodthirsty past in this genre, lol yawn.
But I enjoy Unohana’s story in its particularity very much. I don’t think it negates how we knew her before, or tarnishes it, or cheapens it, or renders it false. We have a woman who is/was both/an; someone who has enjoyed the sword; someone who learned healing arts in order to prolong her fights; but ALSO as someone who has nurtured generations of healers, and saved the lives of countless; brings her A-game to these dumb captain’s meetings, and built the entire 4th as we know it. You don’t do any of that if you don’t believe in it for real. Not well.
Do I think Kubo knew about Unohana Yachiru when he started Bleach?
I don’t know, but I hope not! I hope he had no clue, for years and years! I hope he had a retcon moment, because I cannot imagine anything more soul-depleting than working for years and years and years on a story you already knew everything about.
I believe that writing should be an act of discovery, a means of processing and knowledge-creation in itself. And I think that is beautiful about sprawling serialized works is that you get to see the creative endeavor—not laid bare, I suppose, but in a state of dishabille. You get to see the ideas grow and evolve and sometimes totally about-face. You can see the misses and the “actually we’re gonna drop that storyline” and the “lol we should have dropped this, but now we can’t” and the elegant saves. There’s an element of live theatre to it, except perhaps with more of a puzzle to it, too. Because the creation isn’t fully live; there’s a time-delay; there’s space to look at what has been written and ferret out where one might go from there. Like ferrets, sometimes the solutions are elegant, and sometimes they are simply bold. I love both possibilities.
If there’s one thing this blog believes in to its very core, it’s in the premise of “yes and.” Whether reading canon or creating in fandom, we believe in going on the journey and figuring out what we can make of it, or what we can make with it. On this blog, we've talked about sprawling serial canons as being full of invitations, and I think that's true for Kubo, too. Design your world with plenty of open doors, or closed ones, or doors defined loosely, to pick and choose and experiment with or abandon later on.
I’m not saying we like everything Bleach has to offer, LOL. We do not. Or that we think Kubo as a creator is beyond reproach. Generally, I don’t really care to linger too much on what Kubo does or thinks. But I do hope he’s enjoying himself. Time is precious and we all deserve to enjoy ourselves more than what this world offers on its own
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roobylavender · 10 months
im fairly new to batcomics so forgive me for this dumb ask/being uninformed, but do you ever have like. doubt in your reading for bruce as a character, or feel bleak about it (?) im aware you dont really like the reading of him as an abuser, but from what ive seen he most often does emotional neglect/distance and parentification of a child, which /are still/ abuse, and this happens very consistently. from what i can tell there is more evidence of him being a bad parent than otherwise. people often say hes incapable of having a child without messing them up beyond repair, and from what ive seen that rings true😭 i also know you said u dont like alot of his modern portrays, but these types of abuse also occur in older comics as well from what i can tell. i myself often have doubt (perhaps this is because i havent read everything yet and im still informing myself on his character)-that maybe this /is/ just his character, bc of HOW consistent the pattern is. idk if im really asking a specific question. im more so wondering what your thoughts are, like on parentificafion of his kids and emotional neglect/distance, would this be different if DC portrayed him more empathetically/based on your reading, and/or is he just fundamentally unable to parent someone without abusing them like some ppl say. i understand i may have just opened a whole can of worms lol but im so curious
you are totally fine! canon is quite overwhelming in both volume and scope, and conversations about bruce being an abuser definitely dominate at present (not wrongfully btw), so i don't blame people for ascribing to them early on. i will say at least from what i have read (and i will admit here that my pre-bronze age reading is not nearly as consistent as my post-bronze age reading so i have kept less track of specific writers and runs there) that i think the aspects that largely define present interpretations of bruce as an abuser tend to take from canon post-crisis onward. so that's probably why in a sense it looks like bruce has "always" been an abuser, bc realistically speaking if you're a new dc reader it makes most sense to start with the aftermath of the crisis and go from there. most conversations about "canon" tend to be about post-crisis canon (ie what has taken place on new earth/prime earth) and usually when you're looking up batman reading lists they will start with year one rather than with anything in pre-crisis. the crisis was nearly forty years ago after all! it covers a lot of territory and unless you're a really dedicated comic reader with a lot of time on your hands i don't think most people have the time or energy to go further back (to no fault of their own obv)
all that being said. pre-crisis canon is obv not monolithic in nature and there are definitely blogs out there who have dedicated themselves to compiling individual issues or moments they would personally interpret as evocative of abusive behaviors on bruce's behalf. i don't think that's inherently wrong to do per se and to each their own reading but my primary divide with that practice is that it's often performed within a vacuum. to me the most important thing when it comes to being a comics reader (or any kind of reader really) is taking into account real life context and genre conventions. how do the politics or culture of the time shape the way a given narrative is written and with what tone it's written? all of that is crucial to incorporate into an analysis. i'm going to use a pretty famous example of why. world's finest comics #153 (1965) is the origin of a pretty famous panel you may be familiar with:
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on its face this looks pretty bad (and it'll actually factor into when i discuss parentification later) but contextually this issue imagined an alternate reality wherein superman was responsible for the death of bruce's parents and subsequently became the face of bruce's relentless revenge and pursuit of criminal activity. obv that's not a bruce who actually exists in reality and this was merely written for the sake of exaggeration and entertainment but it can also give rise to some interesting questions about what the writer here was specifically trying to satirize and why. primarily it's obv trying to poke some fun at the idea of bruce's crusade to begin with (which i am sure most people would agree was quite cartoonish in the early decades of dc despite the more layered portrayal and analysis it was afforded in later decades). but what's also pertinent here is the sort of "natural" exaggeration of bruce's dynamic with dick. in even as far back as the original bob kane comics, bruce and dick had a dynamic where dick was comedically portrayed as the more morally responsible one of the two. it wasn't much reason for concern back then bc the stakes weren't nearly as high and dick's tendency to question some of bruce's decisions (eg his tendency to always let selina go or to allow some villains to die horrifically) was almost always played off with a laugh. but the foundation was still there and you can recognize it in these panels despite that foundation obv being taken to an extreme. all of which is to say: the portrayal of bruce as an abuser largely depends on what a writer is willing to exaggerate, and why, and how. this issue was obv a one-off with no relevance to actual canon but it was nonetheless a peek into what that dynamic between bruce and dick could look like given a writer willing to pursue a darker tone and to explore the potential extremes of what was on its face merely a gag
the novelty of cape comics is that they are a place to explore anything and everything. extremes are possible bc no writer/artist and no editorial staff are ever on a book forever. what creatives want to explore with what they're given can hugely vary esp if a particular editorial staff is liberal enough to allow that exploration. and i think it's fair to say that a lot of writers are interested by the idea of that what if the above issue explored. not out of malice per se but certainly out of a growing curiosity as to how far disbelief with respect to the internal reality of cape comics can actually be suspended. the big question for batman in the 80s was whether having a kid sidekick constituted child abuse. this was primarily explored via the starlin run that ended in a death in the family. and obv following that we got the triple whammie of year three, a lonely place of dying, and knightfall. these arcs to me were what really cemented the foray into parentification in batman comics. the fledgling idea of it had always existed in a sense. dick was the more morally upright character of the two known for chiding some of bruce's decisions. he was the leader of the original teen titans, who historically demanded more respect and support of their mentors (i do not think it all inconsequential that dick and roy were developed so closely). and increasingly as we moved from the bronze age into the modern age we saw a dick who simultaneously desired to be independent of bruce and to be recognized by him. so the components to take that fledgling idea to its natural extreme were all there. editorial merely had to create the right circumstances to mesh those components together, and those circumstances were the buildup to and execution of the death of jason todd
i really do not think it can be underestimated in any sense what an enormous impact that event has had on the entire bat mythos at large. beyond utterly shattering the readers' suspension of disbelief wrt sidekicks' place in cape comics what a death in the family did was create an unavoidable void. this was not an event that could merely be skimmed over and moved on from. the aftermath and the consequences had to be dissected to their fullest extent otherwise batman editorial risked falling into the exact same problem the crisis was written to avoid: circular and aimless continuity. everything had to have concrete, forward moving direction and the consequences had to matter long term for there to be meaningful character development. so when you created the circumstances for a child dying bc batman had him gallivanting around as a masked vigilante, he had to retreat into his shell and utterly fall apart from the guilt of it all while everyone else fought like hell to keep him standing. it was pretty riveting and compelling. knightfall is probably one of my favorite arcs ever despite how utterly boring it is bc the introspection into bruce and his breakdown following jason's death was superb. but the circumstances it created for everyone else in bruce's vicinity to act like his emotional crutch while he took the next decade to recover obv had significant long-lasting consequences. dick had to be relegated to acting as the go-to family man rather than ever again pursuing his own dreams as he had in the 80s and early 90s. when jason came back he had to deal with all of bruce's grief and guilt being projected onto him while his own concerns went unheard. tim had to spend his teenage years deluding himself into believing he was the only one who could hold gotham together while bruce was falling apart. cass had to expend an enormous effort trying to prove herself to bruce bc all of the built up circumstances from the last decade drove him to insane paranoia about having sidekicks at all. and damian had to deal with whatever bruce had become by the time all of that was over
all of this to say: do i think bruce was always meant to become an abuser? not really. but did editorial avail themselves of and relentlessly pursue narrative circumstances that allowed that path to be realistically taken? absolutely. it's ultimately a debate of whether or not you agree they should have taken that direction long term. and i know it may look like i would probably be a hard no on that but personally i find myself more in the middle between these two imaginary camps. bc i'm not unsatisfied with what knightfall explored. i found it hugely interesting to explore the natural conclusion of bruce taking all burdens upon his shoulders and making himself highly vulnerable to collapse bc he refused to open up to anyone out of a fear of burdening them in turn. but knightfall was also followed by contagion and legacy and no man's land and murderer and fugitive. it was bruce taking one hit after another until he was utterly ripped to the core and had to start over from scratch and ig that's what i fundamentally disagree with. i don't think they needed to have gone any further than where knightfall took him and to me the end of knightfall should have signaled that bruce was ready to turn a new leaf where he could healthily balance his emotional commitments without letting them be guided by fear. publishing comics takes a long time so i think people often forget that despite there being a decade worth of comics between the events i immediately listed above what actually transpired in real time in the pages was two years or less. if we want to go all of the way back to a death in the family and account for that as well it becomes four years. four years isn't at all a long time nor is it unsalvageable. but by the time knightfall was over i truly think editorial was so obsessed with its own ideas on exploring bruce's collapse that it failed to see little else in the way of that. everything became about how people responded to him rather than about how bruce responded to the world. ironically by being the main character of his books he became the maker of his own demise. bc everything and everyone had to relate to him and his problems first before they could ever have any of their own. that is why keeping him in a perpetual state of emotional collapse has been so profitable. it is the easiest way to tell a story without ever having to make an effort on anyone else in it
note: one clarification i forgot to make earlier is that everything i wrote above is specifically with respect to bruce’s emotional abuse. i personally think there is zero justification for bruce’s physical abuse and that it can’t actually be extrapolated from anything about him as a character at the core, so whenever writers resort to it in the pages i dismiss it completely
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downbad4yoongi · 1 year
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For @bangtanwritershq June Big 3 Event:
pairing: Namjoon x Jimin
WC: 2571
au/genre: mutual pining, fluff, smut,
rating: MA
Tags/Inclusions: fountains, praise, outdoor sex
My big 3: sun (Capricorn) - member(s): minimoni, moon (aries) - where/how you (or they) met: dinner in Rome, rising (Gemini) - cliche trope: mutual pining
Thank you to @colormepurplex2, @moonleeai, and @heathfritillary-blog for betaing for me. Thank you @hisunshiine for the banner! <3
“I didn’t know you became telepathic?” 
Jimin jolts upright from his slouched position against the bar, his booted foot thudding hard on the tile as he straightens up.
He glances confused over his shoulder at his uncle, “What?”
“You’re staring at that boy. I figured you were reading his mind to take his order.”
Heat flushes up his neck and cheeks, “I–I was not staring!”
His uncle shoots him a withering look, “Boy, you were staring so hard I’m surprised he couldn’t feel it.”
Jimin huffs, snatching his server pad off the counter. He spins on his heel and heads out onto the restaurant floor. For the past few summers, Jimin has been spending time in Rome, enjoying time off school and working at his Uncle Kyubok’s trattoria.  He enjoys the more straightforward, slower time of Rome in the summer. However, this summer has been delightful, a feast for his eyes, ever since a tall Korean man stumbled into the eatery.
There are very few Koreans roaming around Rome. So, this one has caught Jimin’s attention. If his nationality wasn't enough, he would have surely noticed him due to his height. The customer is tall but not tall enough to be intimidating. His size pairs well with his demeanor. The stranger is pensive; Jimin has startled him from his deep thought several times this summer as he has enjoyed various delicacies. 
Even now, the man sits forward with his chin propped on a giant fist, deep in contemplation. Jimin approaches from behind, enjoying the broad spread of his shoulders under the stretch of the man’s thin cotton t-shirt paired with dark denim shorts and open-toed sandals. 
Damn, his legs go on for days. Jimin admires them the most when he wears shorts, exposing his thick thighs. 
Jimin gives a little shake of his head, snapping out of his ogling. He braces himself as he approaches the table, sure that this will be another incident of him accidentally startling the man. He steps into the customer’s line of sight with a bright smile pasted on. “Would you like another coffee? Perhaps some dessert?”
Like clockwork, the man’s shoulders jerk roughly, the movement is enough to jolt the small table he is sitting at. As much as Jimin tries, he cannot stifle the giggle that manages to escape him.
The man’s deep, dark eyes snap to him as his cheeks flush a light red. “What? What’s so funny?”
Jimin purses his lips, swallowing the remaining laughter before answering, “I’m sorry but you are. I don’t mean to be rude, but this is probably the fifth time this has happened over the past few weeks.”
The man huffs, “Well, maybe make more noise as you approach, and this wouldn’t happen.”
Jimin’s brow flies into his hair, “You’re in a trattoria. You should expect servers to approach you pretty regularly. It’s kind of part of the deal.”
The stranger flounders, failing to come up with a good retort. “Yeah. Um, I guess you are right.”
“What’s your deal anyway?”
The man’s brow furrows, unsure if he should take offense, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, why are you always lost in thought? You’ve been coming here for weeks and constantly staring off into the abyss.”
“Oh,” the man’s cheeks flush an even deeper red, “I am just still processing the art I finished viewing at one of the local museums.”
“Are you an art critic or something?”
“Or something,” he muses, “I’m an Art History student studying abroad. I’ve been visiting different museums to soak in the culture.”
Jimin hums under his breath, “I’m not even surprised. That totally fits your overall vibe.”
“I have a vibe?”
“Oh, definitely.” Jimin exudes confidence as he utters the statement with finality.
“Are you going to share what that vibe is?”
Jimins lips quirk up on the edges, “Sure, why not? Can I get a name first, though?”
“Well, Namjoon, your vibe is definitely an old soul philosopher. Quite Descartes-like.” Jimin taps his notepad against his palm. “You constantly give off ‘I’m contemplating the meaning of life’ vibes.”
“Well, um–”
Namjoon tips his head toward him. “Well, Jimin, I want to be offended, but I can’t disagree for some reason. I do tend to contemplate a lot the meanings behind things, words, movements…” He trails off, waffling his hand in the air as he sits back. Namjoon’s thoughts scatter as the most captivating giggle tinkles through the air. Warmth spreads through his chest as Jimin covers his mouth with his pad, the server’s eyes morphing into crescents. Namjoon swipes his tongue across his lip, “What? What’s so funny?”
Jimin shrugs a shoulder and shakes his head. “Nothing at all. You seem very intelligent. Wish I could stay and talk more, but as you can see—” he motions to the eatery around him, “I’m rather busy.”.
“Oh, yeah.” Namjoon picks up the hint, “Right. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you,” he glances down at his menu before pointing at something randomly to order, “I’ll have this.”
Jimin quickly jots it down and, with a slight bow, takes his leave. 
Despite the numerous places Namjoon had planned to check out during his time in Rome, he finds himself returning to the same local trattoria around the same time each day. All in hopes of interacting with the handsome server who has managed to draw him out of his shell. These interactions have quickly become a highlight of his experience, and he finds himself greedy for more. And now he has a name,  Jimin. 
Namjoon walks into the trattoria, unusually busy at this time of day, and snags a table just as a couple vacates. It hasn’t been bussed yet, but he doesn’t mind. He quickly gathers the dishes into a small pile to one side and waits to see Jimin again.
It’s not long before Jimin pushes out of the swinging kitchen door, his arms laden with food. He watches Jimin’s eyes sweep the space pausing on him when he notices the new guest. Jimin’s smile causes Namjoon’s lips to raise upward in greeting.
It takes a bit of time, but Jimin is finally able to make his way over to Namjoon’s table, which has since been cleared of the dirty dishes, and a fresh carafe of water has been delivered.
“Wow! So sorry about that. We got this sudden rush, and of course, today two of our staff are out,” Jimin gushes as he stands over Namjoon, who for once wasn’t startled at his approach.
Namjoon waves his hand, brushing the other man’s words off. “It’s alright. The wait wasn’t too bad.”
“Yes, it was, but I appreciate the lie.”
Namjoon laughs, the laughter growing as Jimiin mirrors his joy with his own giggle. Jimin grips the back of the chair across from Namjoon, but another guest catches his eye and waves him over. Jimin can’t hold back the sigh that escapes him. 
Before Jimin can apologize again, Namjoon interjects, “It’s alright. I’ll just have my usual. Go and help the other customer, he seems very insistent.”
With a grateful smile, Jimin heads off to see what the man needs. Unfortunately for both of them, Jimin is kept occupied for the remainder of Namjoon’s meal time, and before they know it, Namjoon is getting ready to leave. 
Jimin turns the corner and sees Namjoon standing, pulling bills from his wallet to leave on the table for his meal. Namjoon looks up just in time to see Jimin’s face fall as he rushes over.
“You’re leaving already?”
The taller man nods, “Yeah. I have a couple of tours I scheduled, and I need to head out.”
“We barely got to talk today,” Jimin pouts.
“Well, actually…” Namjoon trails off, ducking his head before taking a deep breath and pushing on, “Would you want to meet up outside of your uncle’s trattoria? Maybe enjoy a meal together?”
Jimin’s brows fly into his hairline, “Like a date?”
Namjoon blushes as he rocks on his heels, “Yeah, like a date.”
Jimin’s grin is blinding, “Definitely.”
Jimin walks along the cobbled pathway to the ristorante, where he told Namjoon to meet him. It’s one his close friend became obsessed with when he visited last summer; the restaurant specializes in fresh pasta and seafood dishes, which is a place Jimin is excited to share with Namjoon.
The heels of Jimin’s boots slow to a stop as they near the entrance when he sees Namjoon loitering nearby. He runs this lip through his teeth as he smooths his hands down the front of his dark green shirt tucked into a crisp pair of black jeans. 
Jimin is feeling confident in the style options he chose for tonight. His self-assurance was buoyed by the color tones he chose that perfectly complemented his chestnut locks and gold-toned jewelry. He admires that Namjoon picked similar options that highlight his best features.
Namjoon is leaning against a light pole out front of the ristorante, and he’s dressed in a park of dark denim pants with brown boots and a casual beige blazer over a crisp, white shirt. Jimin can’t help biting his lower lip as he takes in the wide width of the man in front of him; the blazer is doing everything in its power to get him on his knees and beg Namjoon for mercy. 
Unfortunately, Jimin’s heel snags a loose stone alerting Namjoon to his admirer’s presence, cutting his ogling session short. 
Namjoon’s face lights up when he sees Jimin. Jimin notices the tall man’s gaze rake over him from head to toe and back again. He can’t suppress the confidence boost blooming within at the involuntary sound of appreciation that echoes from the cavern of Namjoon’s broad chest.
“Hi, sorry I’m late.” Jimin initiates closing the distance between them, leaving only a hair's breadth of separation between their chests.
Namjoon shakes his head emphatically, “Late? You’re not late at all. I was anxiously early.” The pink tinge of his cheeks expands to envelope his neck as he ducks his head.
“How could I not be? I’m meeting the man I’ve been secretly admiring for weeks for dinner, and finally, it's without the distraction of other diners.”
Now, it’s Jimin’s turn to duck his head in embarrassment. “I’m not even sure how to real– I don’t know how to respond to that adequately, but just know the feeling is mutual.”
Namjoon’s plump lips spread into an ear-splitting grin, “I’ll take it!” He jerks his head toward the lit entrance, “Want to head inside?”
Jimin bobs his head bashfully and allows himself to be pulled along once Namjoon gathers his smaller digits in his much larger grasp.
With dedicated time to focus on each other, dinner flies by in a flurry of porcelain plates ladened with delicious food and glasses of wine. As the bill is being settled, Jimin suggests a walk through the surrounding area. Namjoon eagerly agrees, scooping Jimin's hand snuggly into his as they head back into the crisp night air.
Settling alongside each other, they enjoy the other's presence and the gentle noise of the evening. Jimin knocks his head against the taller man's shoulder, "Did you know Rome is home to over 2,000 Fountains? "
"Oddly enough, I did," Namjoon answers sheepishly.
Jimin giggles, "Oh yes, how could I forget you're the man with an encyclopedia of useless knowledge for a brain."
Namjoon balks, his cheeks tinging a deep pink. He's quick to regain his wits, though. "Hey, it was this encyclopedic brain that drew you in."
"Touché." Jimin leans into Namjoon, his other hand grabbing the man's thick bicep. "There's an adorable alcove near here with one of my favorite fountains. Want to check it out?"
"Lead the way, my kind sir." Namjoon grins proudly when that earns a peal of giggles from Jimin.
Gripping Namjoon's hand tighter, Jimin guides the pair down a few more winding streets. Moments later, they can hear the tinkling water before the alcove, set aside away from foot traffic, comes into sight. Namjoon is immediately able to understand why this is Jimin's favorite.
The fountain itself is moderate in size and relatively simple in design. The area surrounding the pool of water steals Namjoon's breath. A serene garden is spread out around them, lush greenery and delicate flowers are abundant. The pleasant slice of peace is surrounded by a ring of trees that creates the perfect halo to highlight the bright full moon above.
"Voíla!" Jimin announces. 
"Wow! This is indescribably beautiful, Jimin." Namjoon circles around the fountain and looks closely at some nearby plants. He glances up, and his breath is stolen once again by the gorgeous man before him.
The light of the moon perfectly highlights the graces of Jimin's visage. Namjoon can’t help but be drawn back to the side of the man he’s been adoring for several weeks. Standing this close, Namjoon can only barely hold back a weak moan by biting his lip. He wants every moment of this ingrained into his memory forever.
Namjoon may not have been as silent as he had hoped, as Jimin startles when he finally notices how close the other man has returned to stand beside him. He jerks back in surprise, and Namjoon’s firm grip flashes out to grasp his upper arm and prevents him from stumbling any further,
A breathy, “Thanks,” leaves Jimins lips right before Namjoon’s own plush lips crash against his. They cling to each other as lips parts, tongues tangle, and breaths exchange places. Jimin can feel nothing and everything all at once; he feels ecstatic and floating in the aether while simultaneously feeling the individual grip of every finger as he clutches Namjoon’s broad shoulders. 
Shadow and light intertwine as their own limbs find similar paths to weave them tighter together. Sanity and space fail to intervene as they claw at each other, fingers unfastening pants and tugging turgid cocks free of their confines. 
Desperate pants of air fill the space between them as they cede control to each other in a fraught plea to be closer. Agonized moans are torn from throats as Namjoon’s giant fist encircles both of them, providing them with needed relief.
Jimin tears his lips from the other man’s, his head falling to Namjoon’s shoulder with a sob as short, firm jerks of his cock send him further spiraling into delirium. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck…” Jimin whimpers with each catch of his glans against that of his lover’s. “More, fuck more!” Jimin begs feverishly.
Namjoon grunts, snapping his hips to increase the friction as his grip tightens around their lengths. His lips mouth Jimin’s ear as his free hand manipulates the diminutive man’s heavy sac, applying just the right amount of pressure. 
Breaths pass before Jimin tosses his head back and cries out into the open air, “Yesssss!” His hips jerk as he comes fast and hard, spilling across Namjoon’s pumping fist.
“That’s it, baby, yes, come for me,” Namjoon encourages, his movements speeding up as he chases his own completion, which comes within moments of Jimin’s and joins the stickiness already coating his hand.
They collapse against each other, panting. Thrills of pleasure randomly spike through them as they come down from their mutual high.
It’s Jimin who finally breaks the quiet with a soft laugh, “Imagine what could have happened if we had gotten out of our own way sooner?”
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amphiptere-art · 8 months
I've been thinking about if dying fire ever tried to escape. Or perhaps was taken from Blue Moon.
RBB doesn't have a portal in the ball pit. Most people just teleporting in through there since it is a rip. So either someone would have to hold a portal open long enough for dying fire to escape or for them to just be taken.
I know Lord's brother AU would probably just return him. But there are other worlds where they might try and take him in. Remorseful Lord eclipse AU of course being the first one I think of. Especially since it Blue Moon has a father figure in their to take him from them. And there's also a chance one of blues universes could also do so. Although more in a thievery aspect.
Plus there's a lot of dimensions Blue Moon's friends with. The eclipse Brothers, the universe with old lunar. Plus one's that aren't friends with them. Such as beast maker or lost Lord.
I don't know it's something I had on my mind.
@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @sigery @digimonlover09 @artoutoftheblue
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
✨If you get this, someone thinks you are awesome!✨
✨Send this anon to 10 blogs that make you happy when you see them on your dash ✨
Hi anon, anon, anon, anon, anon, and anon. I hope you'll forgive me that I'm just gonna answer this once - but with a li'l twist!
I love that people took time out of their lives to tell me they think I'm awesome; I think they're all awesome, too! Now instead of answering this six times and then sending this on to 10 people anonymously... I'm gonna call out the people I was gonna send this to publicly! With a little bonus...
It has to be @geralts-yenn! I couldn't call myself her rodent bestie if I didn't have this number 1 spot reserved for her. Now, first this bitch wonderful person writes me Ray of Sunshine, a modern-day Melot AU wet dream filled with bikers and beaches and sex, but she also hit us with anahita - a Napoleon smutfic so hot you'll be sweating like a whore in church before you're even through the first paragraph. Go read that. You're welcome.
Next, we've got my co-Dutchie @keanureevesisbae, who is busy with her own projects instead of fanfics nowadays. Still: Go read endeavors and thank me later. Or, if you're into a little RPF and want to live life vicariously through sugarbaby Becky there's also sugar sugar, which is very nice as well... (I just want a man to come take me shopping, okay?)
@deandoesthingstome is an amazing writer, I am often jealous of her way with words, and she is one of the kindest people I know on here. Go read Holiday Angel. It has everything. A luxurious mansion to mentally vacay in for a bit, gentle!Dom!August, forbidden fruit romance. It's a long one, but so, so worth it... Another good one? Why, of course! Hall Pass. Just read it. She also deserves a shoutout to being one of the most supportive readers in this entire fandom
They haven't been on here long, but my tumblrverse would already be so incomplete without @ellethespaceunicorn! Not only did they write Treat Me Like A Slut, which has August just the way we like him; dominant and deep inside you, they also found it necessary to write Make That Kitty Purr. And I agree. It was necessary. Nevermind that my babyboy Mikey gets hurt, I'll forgive Elle for that because this shit was so fucking good.
Next up we've got @peyton-warren, who only recently returned from a little Tumblr hiatus, and I thus haven't spoken that much just yet, but the drabble Arresting and Arrested should be enough to get you to take a look at the rest of her masterlist.
Go check out @mayloma, creator of Behind The Curtain, which has a lovely August and some anal action - which means I'm always game! She's also very sweet. I know I haven't read much of her stuff, but if I ever get my act together and get reading again, Yenn assured me there's some Sy to check out here.
It's no secret I don't particularly like my Sy's in the military, which makes it all the more impressive that @sillyrabbit81 wrote one that I did fall head over heels in love with! He's in Even if you don't mean it, and if you haven't read that, go do it now. And I do mean that. Then, perhaps my all-time favorite fic so far has to be The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood. Maybe I should elaborate on that, probably, but instead I'm just gonna say: Bikers. Proceed with caution, because when that next chapter hits, you're gonna have to pause Criminal Minds. I'm also going to leave the link to Prying here, because it's so fucking dirty it melts my brain a little every time I re-read it.
Now, we all love seeing @angryschnauzer on our dashes, keeping things horny on main and yeeting the occasional fic into the dark void that is this hellsite. For instance Cuddles and Snuggles, an unholy combination of Mike and Charles - something that had never even crossed my mind - and a guest appearance from sugardaddy August. Mad perfection. Now my next rec for her may be a little odd, because she makes it very clear that it's a crack fic; Full Mast. I'm a sucker for everything pirate - and so is reader... just check out Part 2...
@poledancingdinos amazed me with You've got me hooked, which has stripping and sex work and Sy, who is great. I think I read this entire (or almost entire?) series in a single night while I was in bed. Couldn't stop... She's also responsible for Soundtrack of Debauchery, which I still haven't finished, because my ADHD has been a bitch, but I started it, and it was very good!!!
And last but not least: @littlefreya. I'm fairly sure there are still things on her massive masterlist I haven't read, and a lot of which I read in my pre- and early fandom tumblr days, and haven't reblogged (for which I apologize, by the way). The sheer vastness of her masterlist makes it a bit tricky to pick, but let's go for some delightful dark fics; The Devil's Tongue and Destroyer of Angels
SO: The challenge. If you're on this list (or if you're not on this list, this is an open invitation to everyone!) rec some fics! Write an essay, like this one, or don't. Toss a few names and some titles in a list and be done with it, that's fine. Recommend one, or ten, or twenty authors. Hell; Recommend yourself! Recommend your favorite artist, link some art! Spread the love!
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ofgentleresolve · 8 months
ferre's thoughts!
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hi everyone! so sorry to have been absent ( or at least very sporadic ) here and across all my other blogs- i promise i never stopped thinking about my muses and all of the wonderful dynamics i have with everyone!! recently though, i guess i've been feeling a bit...meh about this blog?? so i'm just going to ramble for a hot second in these bullet points to air out my thoughts and hopefully i can get to some kind of conclusion here....feel free to throw your own opinions in here if you want to!!
this is my fault, but uh, i think i accidentally isolated myself on this blog?? like, these days most of my activity rp-related has been in discord, but i would like...to reach to ppl again if they are still interested....that being said, i know i say i love plotting with other muns, but i also know that truthfully, it takes me a while to open up and it probably doesn't help that i can take like weeks to get back to ppl ic wise....i dont want to get into the details but i'll just say that this summer was kinda...not great ( don't worry nothing bad happened, i'm just going thru a rough patch....) so that's been killing my writing mojo for a while ://
this also relates to the first point, but i realize plotting really does make a difference to me about whether or not i'm excited for a thread so i'll probably make a note about that when i rewrite & condense my rules....
ever since i moved patrick to his own blog, i've noticed that annie ( and since i gave him a connection to her ) and ga ram seem to be the most active on there...tbh there are some muses on my main muse roster that truthfully, haven't been used in months due to the lack of plots/active dynamics- i don't want to get rid of them bc nostalgia and i do intend to write them on occasion, but....if they aren't garnering as much interest then i might just have to switch around my rosters a bit....
this blog isn't nearly as much of a slice-of-life blog as it used to be....if anything, i feel like it might be better to call it a crime & slice-of-life multimuse considering that the muse who seems to come out the most often now is annie....as such i was wondering if....perhaps changing the aesthetics of this blog might help with getting into the mood for writing on here again?? if anything patrick and calum's blogs seem to embody this blog's current core themes more ^^'
this might also mean changing the username for this blog....although i will say, i am quite attached to this url as it's been my brand for YEARS... but on the other hand perhaps a url with a bit more...grit to it could help ( that and if it is change then better to accept than resist...right?? )
also saw lena on my dash ( WHICH WAS A SIGN OF A GOOD DAY FOR ME 🥺🥺🥺 ) and i lowkey?? wanna follow in their footsteps aka be more lax and free-flowing on here...so i might drop the formatting ( sans the small text ) bc that does, i will admit, take up more time to post responses than anything else :'D
okay if you read all of this, thanks for listening, i promise everything will be fine on my end <3 i really really just miss writing on here and being part of dashboard shennagans so....hope to see?? you all soon in the meanwhile, will try to get to some memes & maybe do the bingo boards for some of my muses here <3
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violetvelourr · 3 months
A bit about TikTok, a bit about sanctions... this and that :D
A small exception as I normally use this blog to post Kakashi stuff, but… since this whole situation affects my Kakashi mania…
It was quite a surprise to find out that TikTok’s parent company was actually Chinese...
I have to admit that I don’t have a full insight on how TikTok operates, but, see, since the beginning of the sad events in Ukraine TikTok had actually imposed probably the most harsh restrictions on the Russian audience among the social media platforms: Russia had been basically cut off from the rest of TikTok and TikTok content was sort of split into two parts.
Here’s how it works: if I open TikTok with no preparations, I only see content made by Russian creators around before-March-2022. And of course, I cannot post any new content.
In order to access the proper TikTok, I, as a user of iPhone who cannot hack the app itself (Android users are more lucky I guess), have to not only use VPN, but actually must also have a foreign SIM-card turned on (and as I can use two SIM-cards I have to turn off the Russian one). Again, no other social media platform had restricted our access this much.
The only other resource I know that perhaps can compete in how much they don’t want Russians around is eBay: I am unable to change the shipping address and use my account to order, even to deliver to the USA. I’ve used all my IT intelligence (it’s not that great but definitely higher than that of an average Internet user) and was only ever able to order to Kazakhstan (but even so – only as a guest – all my new accounts were promptly banned, regardless of VPN, proxy/anonymisers, etc.) which had an interesting effect and lead to a wild story of how I later retrieved my parcels from Kazakhstan 🤣
But yeah, with eBay, at least I understand. With TikTok… I think they are influenced more than they admit because damn even with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr I can just use VPN and do what I please (even though I constantly worry that they would do something to my account – but nope. I just can’t monetize, but I don’t care about that much and I think I could potentially solve this issue if I wanted to)…
And I wouldn’t wonder about it if it wasn’t for two things:
For example, AliExpress, a huge Chinese shopping platform, never banned Russia and operates just like it did before February 2022. They generally don’t have the policy to strangle Russia as far as I understand because it took them a couple of weeks to restore payment with our cards (which are banned everywhere else in the world – I have a bank account in Kazakhstan for my foreign operations which is mildly inconvenient).
And second, which annoys me quite a bit, is that TikTok, by doing what they did, had harmed not only the spoiled Russian brats that no longer had a place to wiggle their butts in (seriously I saw those videos of those teens literally bawling about it 🤦‍♀️). But I don’t know if they realize it or not, TikTok was quite a valuable platform for fund-raising. Charity, animal shelters, surgeries, expensive medical treatment, you name it! And that was all cut off. This is what really hurt. I’d like to hope that they readjusted… but I really don’t think that even in light of everything that was fair to those whose lives relied a lot on TikTok. Alas… Politics matter above all… Whoever cared about the poor and disabled?..
So yeah, it was indeed surprising to find out about the parent company.
Anyhow, if TikTok gets banned in the USA, ask me, I’ll teach you how to bypass it 🤣🤣🤣
Welcome to our world!..
I would definitely laugh if TikTok opens up to Russia out of spite, haha… But something tells me… they’ll just surrender – too much at stake.
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creative-kny-fics · 11 months
Hi there! Since your blog didn't say whether you're a minor or not, I hope this isn't inappropriate since I'm a minor!
Anyways, may I request something? That is, if requests are open ofc!
I have been absolutely obsessed with lee!Obanai lately. Hell, I even went as far as roleplaying with AI bots because my obsession is starting to get out of hand 😭
Aaanyways, I had this cute little idea of Lee!Obanai and Ler!Kaburamaru!
So so, Kaburamaru loves tickling his owner to cheer him up, right? Well, when Kaburamaru tries once again to cheer Obanai up, Obanai has decided he's had enough. Without thinking he instinctively tickled the snake back. But realizing that Kaburamaru isn't even a tad ticklish, Obanai realizes the mistake he's made, too. And the fate he has bestowed upon himself. Kaburamaru knows what he was trying to do. And his white snake friend won't hold back now.
If requests aren't open, then I deeply apologize!
Ohhh don't worry! Your idea is great, it's that literally when someone tickles you your first reaction is revenge-. So it would make sense for Obanai to do the same! And of course, don't worry (I'm also obsessed with him ajhslagsksyssk)
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Ler: Kaburamaru
Lee: Iguro Obanai
'Where did that snake go?', Iguro searched all over his estate, he couldn't find Kaburamaru. Sometimes they played hide and seek, but Iguro had already given up.
'Ok Kaburamaru, you win. I'm already tired and bored', there was no response, he waited for about 2 minutes but his snake did not appear. Sigh.
'Kaburamaru, I already told you that you won. Get out once and for all', again there was no answer, Iguro then sat on the floor, waiting for his friend to come back soon
'Kaburamaru...Aren't you going to show up? Hey? Kaburamaru, is that you?', a noise caught his attention, it was probably him trying to scare him. 'Come here Kaburamaru', nothing, there was no response.
'Kaburama- MHM!!', a tingling in the back of his neck alerted him, Kaburamaru was there. 'Kaburamaru, I know what you're planning to do and I don't like it', meh, he won't understand you Iguro, he's just a snake and he just slides And well,
Kaburamaru continued to wave his tail behind his owner's neck.
'Kaburamaru! No! Mmmm!', perhaps Obanai's neck was not so sensitive, but enough to make him smile at least a little.
'Enough!', he took Kaburamaru and what did he do? What anyone would do after being tickled, return the favor.
Only after a few seconds did Iguro realize what an idiot he looked trying to tickle his snake.
'What the hell am I doing?! Agh! How pathetic! You planned this, didn't you?!', Iguro, don't yell at Kaburamaru, it doesn't suit you
Iguro placed his snake close to him, trying to stay calm in the face of that situation, which for Iguro, was the most idiotic thing that ever occurred to him.
'How come I thought that?! I mean, you're not even ticklish! No, but it's worse than a snake tickling me! Has no sense! It doesn't have- MMMMM!!! No! Kaburamaru! Sorry! Please no!'
I told you what was wrong with you, while you were throwing your tantrum, Kaburamaru slipped into your uniform and as I type he is getting closer to his target
'Kaburamaru! I'm sorry! You-! MHMHMHMH!!', Iguro, just do it, it's not like it's the first time Kaburamaru has heard you laugh. 'I-I refuse!', well, Kaburamaru has no choice.
'GAAAH! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!! KABURAMARU!! PLEASE!!', he brought both hands to his stomach as he kicked into the air, and yep, Iguro throws a tantrum when tickled.
'STAHAHAHAP!! SOHOHORRY!! SORRY!!!', there are many things you will have to apologize to Kaburamaru for, first you finished the game, then you tried to tickle him and yelled at him. If Kaburamaru spoke, I'm sure you'd be doomed
'KABUHUHURAMAHAHAHARU!! PLEHEHEASE!! YOHOHOU KNOHOHOW HOW BAHAHAD IS IT!! NOHOHOHO!! MEHEHERCY!! ALHDLAHSKSJSLSJAKSJ!!', oh, poor thing, he can't talk anymore, I think Iguro is too ticklish for his own good
For almost 3 minutes, Iguro was unable to utter a coherent word. Only pure laughter came out of his mouth and some prayers to his pet, imploring him to stop
'*gasp* STA-STAHAHA-STAHAP!! *hip* KAHAHABU!! *snort* NOT MOHOHORE!! *squeak* I GIHIHIVE!!', well I guess he's had enough, sorry Kaburamaru, but if you want to continue tickling your owner, you'll have to stop and give him a rest
Anyway, Kaburamaru stopped and Iguro fell to the floor almost fainted, I guess the bandages didn't help him breathe at all.
'Dahahamn snahahake... WAHAHAHIT!! NO AGHAHAIN!! SOHOHORRYHYHY!!', you better stop threatening and badmouthing Kaburamaru, he's still in your uniform
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pierrai · 4 months
Hello!! I love your blog so much, ahhhh... If you wouldn't mind, could you possibly write a scenario for a Yandere Jun who's guiltily obsessed with someone?
Thank you so much! I hope you will enjoy! ^^
Character(s): Jun Word Count: 1062 Scenario: Yandere Jun guiltily obsessed with his s/o. Warnings: Unhealthy relationship dynamic.
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Though Jun seems like the type to have a lot of experience with relationships, actually loving someone is new to him. He's well-aware of the vague unresolved trauma he has and since he's never been brave enough to delve into it, he's always decided that staying away from any deep relationship is the better option for him. One night stands are fine, but anything past a surface level hook-up is something he'll put an end to quickly.
Unfortunately for him, that wasn't so easy when it came to you.
Your relationship started out slow. Perhaps that was why his feeling had snuck up on him like they did. Before he could even realise he was heading down a dangerous road, he was already halfway down it.
You were an extremely troubled person when he first found you, and as he always did in scenarios like this, he offered out a helping hand. At first, this was fine. Jun was your pillar of support and probably the only reason you managed to get by in the Underground. An outcast, exiled noble cast down into the festering pit of crime that was the Underground would be torn apart like scraps of meat by a pack of wolves. If not for Jun protecting you and vouching for you, you would've ended up dead or worse.
You were grateful for his intervention, he knew this. Though you had what most people would call a 'difficult' personality, the fact that you were slowly opening up to him and relying on him when things became too much made him feel happy. It was rewarding. He was, as always, happy to help someone out. It fulfilled that uncomfortable longing inside of him that he always did his best to ignore was there.
You were someone who needed help, and he was someone who could help you. Jun liked feeling needed, he liked knowing that he was doing good in the world, especially to someone like you who surely wouldn't survive on your own. If he left... what would happen to you? It would be better if he he stayed by your side, even if you were slowly coming into your own, who knew when you might fall back down into that pit of despair? He didn't want that. You probably didn't want that either, so beside you is where he'll stay. He knew what was best for you.
He didn't properly classify his feelings as 'love' until you started meeting other people. It was when he felt suddenly jealous of losing his importance to you that he light-heartedly thought 'Oh, I've gotten myself in trouble here, haven't I?' Beneath that was a swirling mass of fear and uncertainty that made him feel sick.
Eventually he went from watching over you and encouraging you to form connections with other people to taking up all of your time himself. You didn't talk to anyone else if he wasn't also there. He told himself he was just watching over you, helping you out until you felt brave enough to make friends on your own, but when you told him about plans you made or people you'd met, he'd don his well-meaning expression of concern and say that he should perhaps accompany you. You never know what people's intentions could be. Some still had their reservations about you, they could be lying to you just to hurt you. Jun didn't want that to happen, so you'll let him tag along, right? He'll help you.
The ever-trusting, always-willing-to-give-a-chance Jun being so doubtful of people. Perhaps you should've read the warning signs while they were there.
Jun became a constant in your life, something he was happy about and more than a little bit guilty towards. Your friends were his friends. Your problems were his problems. It was fine for him to ask how your day was, but when he wanted to know every detail, every interaction, every person you talked to, it became too much. Jun knew this. He knew, but he couldn't stop.
If you were ever concerned or scared or sad, he needed to know why. If he couldn't know, how could he help you? What if giving you time to open up simply wasn't enough? You needed to tell him now. He could help. Didn't you trust him?
The thoughts in his mind were much more erratic than what he showed on the surface, and he felt horrible about it. Why did he have such awful thoughts? Why did he want to monopolise you like this? As much as he tried to convince himself that he was simply concerned for your well-being, he was self-aware enough to know that wasn't it.
He was a good person, wasn't he? He wanted to be a good person. Helping other people and solving their problems was something he had to do. It was the life he told himself he'd lead. He'd be reliable and worthy of trust, not the small, weak coward he used to be as a child, crying at every small problem he encountered.
But with you that motivation changed from wanting to be a good person to simply acting like one so he could keep you near him. If he pretended like he really was just concerned about you and that was all, maybe you wouldn't leave him.
His realisation of this only came to him properly when you awkwardly told him he was smothering you. He didn't know what face he must've been making when you said so, but he knew it must've been pathetic enough as you immediately frowned at him with guilt, and that guilty look was all he needed.
You didn't trust him, did you? Smothering you... Ah, no, no... He's just looking out for you. Didn't you appreciate that? Was he really being too much? He's still so afraid you'll get hurt. He cares about you a lot so... so, isn't it okay for him to check in on you every so often? It made him feel better to know you were okay, and he really, really doesn't want you to get hurt, you know? Has he really done something so awful?
By the time he was done, you looked so much more guilty you apologised to him instead, and Jun felt sick with satisfaction.
He's too obsessed with you, and he knows it full well.
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lorillee · 8 months
prev anon here, apparently the numbering system views differently on your blog theme. anyway salt asks 13 19 and 22
13) Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
bobby fulbright is my best friend forever i love him so much if you disagree im sorry for your taste. see i know the default reaction is to hate him for betraying us or whatever but like i cant even be mad at him because im just eternally angry at the writers. because the plot twist SUCKS and makes NO SENSE and has NOT A BIT OF BUILDUP and its not like. sigh. whatever. we’ve talked about this
19) What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
well this ones easy. the entire fanon perception of the von karma-edgeworth family soap opera is like quite possibly my biggest pet peeve simply because its so horrendously prevalent. because naturally we need edgeworth 1) to be the most abused child ever in the history of existence so that phoenix can be his glorified babysitter as such is the nature of this particular brand of shlock “angst” or perhaps even you might call it “whump” and 2) to have absolutely no blame in any of the things he did as a prosecutor up until turnabout goodbyes because, well, yeah maybe he sent a whole bunch of people to prison or even to their deaths unjustly by obscuring important testimony and leading witnesses and so on and so forth, but, like, that was totally all manfred’s fault! yes miles edgeworth is a grown adult who has been making his own decisions for a good while now, but, like, if you think about it hes not actually responsible for anything he did. because manfred! and like, after turnabout goodbyes, edgeworth just totttalllyyy hates manfred and has no complicated feelings on this at all and he- huh? what about franziska? oh right i forgot about her. um well she also probably hates manfred with 0 complicating feelings i guess. i didnt really think about it but since shes basically just a glorified extension of edgeworth except a GirlBoss they probably have the same opinions. what? did i look at edgeworth’s office and see the suit manfred gave him plastered up on the wall? uhhh no. wonder why thats there. did i play investigations? ummmmmm uhhhh well there was that one line from manfred where he called miles worthless so like clearly this is evidence he personally physically beats his kids on the regular! no im not going to look at any of the rest of his behavior throughout the case and think about how this might reflect on his relationship with miles- oh right and franziska too. i forgot about her again. LOLZ ! did i play investigations 2 with my eyes open? nope 👍
ok sorry for the extended sequence of passive aggressive sarcastic strawmanning. but anyways by taking out all of the (CANONICALLY PRESENT!!!!) nuance to this situation you make everybody involved infinitely less interesting and altogether have a 1) blatantly uncanon and 2) incredibly bland story. naturally this is exactly what kind of thing the fanon enjoyers like but im still going to be a hater about it. alright whats next Ummmm
22) Popular character you hate?
hates a strong word i think. the only character i really hate is shelly because hes embarrassing and sahwit because out of EVERYBODY we couldve seen again in investigations 2. we got SAWHIT. AND WE COULDVE GOTTEN LANA ?????? WHOS ACTUALLY THEMATICALLY RELEVANT TO HALF THE STUFF GOING ON HERE????? WE COULDVE DONE SOMETHING WITH THAT ??????? OR GOD FORBID HAVE A BACKGROUND CAMEO OF SOME OF OUR PAST CONVICTS A LA EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID WITH THE DELITES????????? BUT NO ! NO ! WE GOT FRANK SAWHIT!!!!!!!!! I HATE THIS MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!! ok anyways ummmmmmmm i dunno im very fond of the whole aa cast! except for them
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mst3kproject · 2 years
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Future Force
I'm so glad Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II had David Carradine in it.  It opens up such a spectrum of terrible 80s and 90s movies for inclusion in my blog.  This one also features Robert Tessier (Thor in Starcrash) and was produced by David Winters, of Space Mutiny fame.  There is gonna be so much hair in this movie.
It's the Dystopian Future, and Justice as we know it has ceased to exist. The police have been disbanded and replaced by bounty hunters working for COPS – Civilian-Operated Policing Services.  One of these hunters is John Tucker, whose secret weapon is a robo-gauntlet that shoots lasers as well as giving the wearer super-strength.  He is the first to capture news anchor Marion Simms, who has an especially large bounty on her head after an accusation of treason, but competition is fierce and he's soon on the run with her as every hunter in the state tries to take his prize.  Obviously, he's gonna end up kissing her and helping her overthrow the evil CEO of COPS... I mean, this is a movie, after all.
There are a great many things in this movie that Jonah and the bots would have had an absolute field day with.  There's the curious fact that the director likes to introduce characters, both men and women, by showing us their feet.  There's the dude who is definitely leaning out of the helicopter that is in the air, and not sitting in a different one that's still on the ground with a black curtain behind it.  There's the desperate car chase set to a feel-good love ballad.  The way every punch produces the exact same sound effect.  That all the bounty hunters wear jean jackets and look like a shitty metal band, or perhaps a more denim-y version of the cyborgs from Future War.
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The thing I suspect they'd focus on most, however, is the fact that none of the men in this movie look like they have ever worn deodorant in their lives, even the ones who are supposed to be rich and privileged.  I can smell them through my computer screen and the ones who don't just smell like Unwashed Dude smell like the gallons of cologne they would have to wear to cover it up.  The least smelly-looking guy in this movie is literally the basement-dwelling nerd.
What's mostly wrong with Future Force, however, is the absolutely egregious writing.  Yet again we seem to have a film made by people who knew what an action movie is supposed to consist of, but not why those parts are present or what they mean.  Important things are not established.  Things that are established are not paid off.  And the film has nothing to say about the tropes it employs, it merely parades them across the screen one at a time and then forgets about them – like the Budweiser truck that interrupts the 'Drive into the Sunset' finale with an abrupt product placement.
Much like The Vindicator, which I watched a while back, Future Force is attempting to cash in on 1987's Robocop. Unlike The Vindicator, it doesn't understand any of that movie's themes.  Robocop was about police brutality and society's obsession with depicting it in film.  Murphy eventually rejects this role as a mindless killing machine and finds ways around his programming to do the right thing – only for the sequels to totally discard that character development so they could make more gory sci-fi action movies.  The Vindicator wasn't interested in the police violence thing, but Future Force is.  Its entire premise is that law enforcement had become so corrupt that it had to be disbanded.
Did this produce a safer society?  Probably not, since we still have a lot of armed assholes wandering around shooting anybody accused of a crime, the only difference being that they're wearing denim instead of police uniforms.  The system is infinitely exploitable, too, as illustrated by the CEO of COPS, an entirely nondescript 80s villain named Adams, putting out a hit on Simms when she announces her intention to expose his own crimes.  Simms' news broadcast promises to examine the effect the new system has had on society and the problems with it, but of course we never see the subsequent episodes because she has to go on the run.  When she meets Tucker, she calls him an 'animal' and complains about the constant violence on the streets.
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But none of this ever goes anywhere.  We later learn that Adams' anger with Simms is actually completely misdirected.  He's literally killing the messenger, because Simms isn't the one who was investigating him.  She's just the anchorwoman, who sits in front of the camera and reads the script she's given, and hadn't even watched the video tape Adams so desperately wants back.  This could lead into something where Tucker and Simms have to find the people who are actually in the know and enlist their help, but it doesn't.  Instead, the whole thing is thrown away.  It was never anything more than an excuse for the movie to happen.  Adams never even finds out that Simms isn't his real enemy.
The opening narration and the news broadcast both try to make the point that the new system isn't justice.  We see criminals and people who have been labelled criminals summarily executed without any evidence of due process.  A couple of people mention things like judges, but we never see one, and they seem mostly irrelevant.  This makes us expect that we will see a restoration of justice.  At the beginning of the movie we saw Adams murder the previous CEO of COPS in order to take his place... presumably it's something related to that on the video tape, but as I said, we never find out.  In a movie about justice, we therefore ought to see Adams' crimes exposed and him found guilty by a judge, the very person he sought to bypass.
That's not what happens, though.  Instead, Tucker has his pet hacker tell the main COPS computer that there's a bounty out on Adams, and the other hunters gun him down.  This is supposed to be ironic, as it's Adams' own methods turned against him, and I guess it is, but it certainly doesn't feel like a victory of good over evil.  It's just violence begetting more violence again, and there's not even a hint of anybody intending to overhaul the system so that justice can actually be done and people can feel safer.  It ends the movie, but not in a remotely satisfying way.
The other instance of just plain terrible writing here is the fact that Tucker and Simms are saved by a deus ex machina not once, but twice. The first time is when a woman named Roxanne, who also works for COPS, appears out of nowhere to shoot a guy who was about to kill them.  She tells Tucker she did it because she has a crush on him and lets him go... and then another dude pops out of nowhere to kill her, so that this incident really has no plot consequences.  Roxanne could have been a new ally, a double-agent, or a complication to the romantic subplot, but no, she's just a lazy way to move the characters on to the next chase scene.
This is the one where they're fired on by the man who is totally looking down on them from a real helicopter... and he nearly gets them, but then a man with a grudge against Adams materializes at the side of the roaf, pulls a rocket launcher out of his ass, and blows up the helicopter! This, too, goes nowhere.  We've only seen this dude once before, and we will never see him again.  How did he even know any of this was going on?  We have no idea.
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The only time Future Force really pays something off in a satisfying manner is the robo-gauntlet.  For the most part this device is criminally under-used.  Tucker keeps it in the boot of his car, so he can't get at it during the chase scenes when it would have been very useful. Early in the movie, however, the nerdy guy places the gun on the mantelpiece by telling Tucker he really ought to try using the robo-gauntlet's remote control sometime.  I therefore spent three quarters of the run time eagerly awaiting the reveal and hoping the gauntlet would fly despite the movie having apparently spent what should have been the effects budget on strippers.
And as it turned out, the film-makers were at least slightly smarter than I thought they were, because it does fly!  Not only that, but it beats the shit out of one of Adams' lackeys in a scene that is almost (though not quite) funny enough to make the rest of the movie worth it.  Honestly, every appearance of the gauntlet is fairly amusing, as its abilities do not even try to look like they obey the laws of physics, but the remote control scene is far and away the most entertaining thing in the whole film.
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Sadly, it's not quite enough to redeem the rest of Future Force. The movie set out to be a lazy cash-in and never makes any attempt to rise above that.  The result is so miserably bad it's almost unwatchable, which of course means it would have made for some stellar MST3K.
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