#this came to me while I watched an Etho video
nerdyquestier · 6 months
Oscellot feels like it’s the plural, so I suggest oscellittle as the true name of the singular jungle cat in minecraft
* ocelot, but point still stands, ocelittle feels cute for singular bc one cat can’t be enough to be called a lot
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andromedasummer · 1 year
Good morning, today im going to pirate 5-7 videogames made by small indie game devs who are heavily dependent on sales 😚✌️
in WHAT world is the sims 4 or fucking crusader kings 3 an INDIE GAME
#either you are bitching at me for pirating paradox's mainline games which have around $800-1000 dollars worth of dlc#or think pirating indie games is a good thing to do#i already BOUGHT AND OWN all of stellaris and over half its dlc and all paradoxes published indie games (surviving the apocalypse/empire of#sin when it came out etc) when humblebundle/epic games/another service i cant remember the name of right now#had them on sale/they were free on epic#paradox interactive published games yes#but they have 9 development studios under their belt (including paradox development)#which make their core games (europa/crusader kings/hearts of iron/victoria) which are fully fledged triple a games that sell for like $80#on release and $40-$50 off#they have hundreds of dollars of dlc which makes experiencing the full game literally impossible for anyone who isnt#a youtuber or incredibly wealthy. like its not happening.#anyway literally my ethos is pirate from ea and pirate from paradox dev studio but dont pirate indie games#i didnt realize surviving the apocalypse was an indie dev i thought it was coreline and when i did i got it#on sale through the site i mentioned. its not a game launcher i cant remember it but i got jalopy from it a few years back#also sidenote i completely forgot i own empire of sin. like that game has not been in my mind since i watched a youtube video#of it back in 2020 when it dropped and thought it was cool and bought it#i also own cities and stellaris and an egregious amount of dlc for it please dont look at my steam account i spent money very wildly#as a teenager when they came out#i havent played skyline in a while and none of the stellaris dlc has been worth buying for a few years now unfortunately#i do plan on buying pillars of eternity when i can and the new vampire masquerade game when it comes out cos i fucking love isometric games#and vtm both video game and rpg#anyway this is now me rambling about video games my core ethos stands#buy from indie devs but pirate from EA and Paradox Dev#because they practise some of the most disgusting marketing practises in the video game industry and i despise#that its becoming the norm. a game should be able to be fully experienced for less than $100. to paywall it so severely with dlc#is money hungry bullfuckery
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notsogoodangel · 7 months
Traffic Series: Who is the best player?
I was watching this video by Eddache in which he investigated who won the Wacky Races, in which he made a point to differentiate who won the most first places AND who is consistently the best player (such as who always came in second place), and I wanted to do the same.
This was very easy because, luckily, the Traffic SMP wiki (which I usually don't like to use) did give me the order of elimination for each season, so I didn't have to go through the last 2 to 3 episodes of every season just to do it. It was just a time saver.
Some disclaimers:
THIS IS NOT ABOUT KILLS, IS ABOUT POSITIONS ON WHO DIES FIRST. Kills require skill, but that is not as necessary as just surviving. Is a survival game after all. Plus there are plenty of graphs that show who has killed the most in a certain season across all seasons.
Originally I wanted to use the Nascar/F1/Mario Kart scoring system since it made the most sense, and is technically what inspired this investigation. The problem is that it doesn't give points after 10th-12th place, which wouldn't work for a game with 14-17 players.
Instead, what I did for the scoring system is that I put the number they placed (ex. Jimmy came in 14th), divided by the number of players in the season, and then divided those numbers by the number of seasons they have played. The reason why is because, for example, Mumbo placed 16th in a season but only played for 2 seasons, his number will be bigger than Jimmy, who has come in last every season and is, objectively, a worse player.
This is still not a perfect system because some players only have played once or twice, so I don't have enough data to truly reflect their average. Although the players who only played once or twice (Mumbo, Lizzie, and Gem), are about where you believe them to be.
Lastly, despite Double Life having pairs dying at the same time, I did give them individual scores. The reason is because there IS a real winner in that season, so I just used the positions they used in the wiki. I don't know why they gave them those positions, but I just used them for simplicity.
There are some ties, but what I did in those cases: I just chose who was on top based on another table I did, but didn't end up using because of the previous Mumbo-Jimmy problem. So, I will just use it as a tied break and fun facts!
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Here's the results in order:
Scott Smajor
Martyn Inthelittlewood
Joel SmallishBeans
Lizzie LDShadowLady
Mumbo Jumbo
Jimmy Solidarity
To be completely honest, I was surprised that Pearl is one of the best players. She is usually someone that people, players, and fans, don't tend to pay much attention to in this aspect. Like, THIS GIRL HAS NEVER BEING IN A PLACE LOWER THAN 4TH.
We know that Scott (3rd) is usually one of the last to survive and is almost a good luck charm for whoever he is allied with, or the players calling Martyn (4th) a survivalist and constantly considered a threat, and both know how to play the game VERY well, but people don't do that with Pearl.
What I was most interested was that middle section because we all knew that Jimmy, Lizzie, Mumbo, and Skizz are the worst players in the entire series. Everyone is very much aware of it, including themselves.
Who could have guessed that Grian is, statistically, a worse player than Scar. Grian and Scar have won once each, but Scar is consistently in 9th place aside from 3rd and Secret, while Grian is all over the place. He sometimes is on 4th, and sometimes he is 10th. Which is the same with Impulse, who he is tied with score-wise.
Fun fact: Etho and Joel, and BigB and Cleo, were tied in the other table that I didn't end up using, and that is reflected here in which all of them are VERY close to each other score-wise. So, if Etho is washed out/bad at PvP, Joel is, and BigB and Cleo are worse about it and shouldn't say anything about it.
Bdubs, Ren, and Tango are so interesting to me, because what do you mean Bdubs is better than half of the server???? How is Tango so bad he is under that big dip (He is 14th with 0.74, and Cleo the 13th is 0.56)!?! HOW DID I FORGET REN WAS 2ND PLACE IN LAST LIFE?!?!?! IS THAT REALLY MY WET PATHETIC DOG OF HERMITCRAFT SEASON 10?!?!
Also, here's the table with every place of every player and how many players were in any given season, for easier understanding:
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PS: The winners of every season are the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th best players. It might help their overall average, but not fully because Impulse has the same score as Grian(6th), and has never won a game. As I mentioned, Pearl has never been a placed lower than 4th, and aside from Martyn and Scott hitting 10th and 11th, are always in the top half.
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mysticofspades · 2 months
Top 10 Moments in the Life Series
Okay, so like, a month ago or something, Jimmy asked his viewers to compile together a list of their top ten moments from the life series, and I put together my potential list right then and there when the video came out. Then I forgot about it for the entirety of a month and now here we are. (ADHD sucks sometimes TT). Since he’s already put out his reaction vid, I didn’t feel like putting together an entire video but still wanted to ramble some so~
10. Desert Duo on a Camel Together in a Red Desert
Frankly, this made the list exclusively because of biases. The significance of these two men wandering around a RED DESERT – red as in; covered in blood – on the back of some rideable minecraft animal is probably lost on any new viewer. Not to mention the Cactus Monopoly scene, with Scar giving Grian the monopoly over it while saying; “I know how you love monopolies.” That entire interaction pretty much ruined me. I haven’t not thought about it in weeks. I need help.
9. The AH-HA Bit
I don’t know if I need to say anything more about this. If the previous was iconic for its dramatics, this is iconic for the opposite. It’s just a bunch of men having fun together, laughing and making stupid little puns about a made up British tradition. The fact that Impulse, a very american american, was somehow bound up in this group made it ten times funnier. No notes, this bit speaks for itself. Insert funny AH-HA pun here.
8. Etho’s Fishing Rod Kill on Scar
Already one of my favorite seasons for a variety of reasons, Last Life didn’t need this scene to make it my all time favorite season or anything. But damn, am I glad it happened. The precision and calculations on Etho’s part is just– damn! That entire situation, no matter how it played out, Etho would be on the winning side. Like, it was either Scar dies and Etho gets a boogie kill or just not. Even if Etho didn’t get his kill there, Bdubs woulda still gotten a life and Etho could still kill anyone else. Either way, Bdubs would’ve gotten his life and Etho would’ve gotten his buddy back. It’s all just beautifully and meticulously planned out that I can’t help but plop into this spot.
(Yes, I recognise that it might not have been planned to that extent on Etho’s part, or IRL Etho’s part, at least. I am choosing to believe that ch!Etho totally did weigh out all his options and came to the conclusion that this was the best course of action and was confident he could get the kill and even knew that Scar would have the Enchanter on him. He just comes off as that type of character to me, is all.)
7. Scott’s Sacrifice for Pearl in DL
You cannot tell me that this is not one of the most iconic moments of the life series, ever. Scott standing over that pile of TNT, lighter in hand while Pearl, bathed in red and a bloody ax clenched tightly in her fists, watches, wide-eyed and hysteric, trying to desperately ask what’s going on or to understand or to just do something, unable to in the end as Scott takes his own life crowning her victor over the bloodbath that she had never thought would end like this.
And that fucking line?! “Tilly death do us part?!” What the hell, Scott?!
In conclusion, your honor, Tilly is still alive somewhere in the DL world and someone should rescue her.
6. Grain’s Stalactite kill on BigB / Ren
Alright, this is pure luck and I am so fucking here for it. It’s simply beautiful. The unplanned accuracy of a man on a bloodlust ending up only getting a kill on his chosen soulmate is poetic as shit (shit that just so happens to be really poetic, that is).
It’s kinda like the reverse or inverse of the Etho fishing rod kill. Grian’s pure luck and also not is what makes this scene so fucking memorable.
Not to mention both Grian and Scar’s reactions. Grian was over the moon, screaming and celebrating and being ecstatic until he realizes just what he’s done. And his little “except when I got married,” is all pure chaos and we live for that here.
Then there’s Scar, ever the opportunist, immediately starts looting the corpses. Silently. He picks up anything he deems valuable (which could mean useless lint and string, but whatever) and tries to bealine it out of there the second he’s done. I love Scar, honestly.
5. Scar’s SL Win!
This specific season holds a special place in my heart for being the only season I watched and stayed tuned in for the entirety of its run. So when Scar, the one I’ve been rooting for since 3L, happens to win, you can imagine my excitement.
It was so out of left field, too. Like, in the final battle, I knew for a fact something was going to take out Scott and Pearl, them being winners already and this spoken rule of no double winners and all. But between Scar and Gem? I’m sorry, Scar, but I definitely didn’t see it coming. Gem was on a mad one, killing or getting someone else to kill more than half the server and already being stacked on kills. It just fits, ya know?
Like, Martyn, Grain and Pearl all were crazy about killing their entire season, even on green they were kinda unhinged, ya know? (couch couch Scarlet Pearl cough cough). And it's not like Scott didn’t have a body count.
To be fair though, it’s not like Scar didn’t get any kills either, it was just more…. Discrete? Unintentional. His kill on Bdubs and his accidental shot on Gem were both not of his own volition.
The idea that what it took for Scar to win was to completely give up on making friends is poetic as shit.
First season, he had an ally, a friend, a comrade, one whom he betrayed then gave his life for.
Next season, he tried and tried and tried again to make friends, almost as if chasing that same high he got with his first partner, but never managing to make any meaningful connections, and ended up shot in the back.
Then, he’s reunited with his partner of old and they get off to a good start, being the last greens and all. But as if with all things, it came down as Scar, accidentally, took their first two lives and his soulmate took the other.
Afterwards, he returns to his family, hoping to find peace and connections there. He finds it with his mother and brother and, sort of, with his estranged father. He leads a Scar-typical season of blowing things up (attempting to, at least), stabbing people in the back and swindling (only a little). It all comes to a head as his once-soulmate, once-partner-in-crime stabs him in the back, literally.
Finally, we have this season. Scar starts out looking for friends, he very much does. But the universe itself has other ideas. Bad task after bad task, Scar is left almost entirely isolated from the rest of the server. The backstabber of a soulmate offers him a home but he cannot take it (as per rules he made up about his task). Then, somehow, somewhere, he sees those words, “She’s dead, Scar, you won.”
It’s all just beautiful honestly.
4. “It was just a prank, Scar!”
The beginning of it all. This little prank led to so much that it deserves to be in the top5 of every list out there, in my opinion anyway. Like, Grian randomly happening across a creeper out in broad daylight then proceeding to choose to lead it all the way into a group of distracted people in the name of a prank which leads into a season-long, dramatic, all-defying alliance of which leads to a climactic battle surrounded by the disheveled and war torn lands they once ruled over together (we’ll get to this in a minute, don’t worry), chants of the ghosts of the lives they ended to get to where they are, screaming in their ears to fight and to kill and having to brutally take the last life of the person he’d once vowed his own to Al because of what? A prank?! Seriously?!– is that not the best shit you’ve heard all day? Or all week? Hell, maybe your entire fucking life???
I sure think so.
3. Liz’s Final Death in SL
I realize that this is my only Tim related moment on the list and it was Tim who had asked for the list in the first place, but whatever. There are plenty of cool ass (and miserably funny) Tim moments out there (ones I might plop into the honorary mentions bit) but this is honestly my favorite and the one I think makes the cut compared to the others on here.
Anyhow. Onto Liz taking Tim’s place as first out.
I watched Liz’s POV late, can’t remember if it was because she uploaded late or someone else uploaded and I forgot to get back to it afterward– I dunno. I saw hers late and thus already knew she was going to die first, so, unfortunately, I didn’t get to live it through her eyes first, quite sad I know. Point is, I fucking. Nearly. Cried.
Like, not only was Liz’s whole arc in the season quite sad already, with the whole, “I wish everyone were here,” and her attempt at cheering herself up ending up so horribly, I knew beforehand that something awful was going to have to happen to sum up all her season-long misery. Dying in the midst of an attack, her only proper attack really, with an ender-pearl sitting untouched in her hotbar, was not the way I thought that would happen.
And something I didn't expect even more?? Her dying first??? Yeah, no, it was definitely not on my SL Bingo Card, that’s for sure. It was just so out of nowhere and yet, it also wasn’t? How do I explain? Like, Liz’s whole season was going from one misfortune to another, bad decision to another and it just kept piling on, until, well– you know.
Tim’s seasons are usually like that, no? Bad decisions followed by the universe itself hating on him followed by pure bad luck. Pretty much any Timmy Life Series season honestly.
I don’t think I’m doing this scene– this event justice. Timmy went out first every season for 4 seasons in a row. then Lizzie waltzes on in for the second time, suffers a bunch in her episodes, tries to kill Scott (a well-known no-no if you want to live) and then dies. First.
Beautiful and iconic; that’s LDShadowLady for you.
(I realize I should probably talk about Tim some more, given that this is the only Jim-related moment on here, but eh. This segment is too long already. I’ll talk about some other Jim moments later.)
2. Scar’s Water Bucket Clutch
This moment proved to me that putting Grian and Scar together in a life series makes a seriously underrated but totally fairly rated duo. Like, in one season they managed to keep a whole ass, proper, monopoly going for at least, like, 2(?) whole sessions, Grain managed that stalactite kill I talked about already and then Scar does this shit??
I just– there’s a reason these guys got so fucking close to winning and never teamed up, volentairily, ever again. Had they teamed up again, and wanted to actively work together and actually win this shit, they totally could. There is a fucking reason both of them are individually winners now and I’m so shitting here for it.
Onto more specific things; Scar is a mad man and I love him for it. He saw Etho burning a couple of pandas (I apologize; a couple of jellies) and was just, “screw you Giran, those pandas need me,” and he went.
Grian’s reaction going from severely panicked to immeasurable pride is just beautiful (lots of things are beautiful, shut up).
When I tell you I replayed this shit non-stop until all the dopamine this scene could provide my ADHDed brain could be sucked up dry until it was drier than the driest of dry prunes you’ve ever seen on a hot ass summer afternoon, I mean it with every ounce of my being.
With that said; second place it shall be forevermore~
1. Cactus Ring
I mentioned this earlier and I don’t think anyone is necessarily surprised judging by all my other picks thus far, yeah?
Everyone’s heard of the beginning of the end. Well this feels a lot like the opposite of that. The end of the beginning, ya know? Third life’s the beginning, where everything began, where everything and everyone got established (well mostly everyone) and it’s where everything started. The cactus ring, to me, marks the end of the beginning. As if to say, “the beginning is over. We all know what we’re doing from now on, the trials are over and the bloodlusts and betrayals have already begun, let them continue (forevermore~).”
It’s a red mark (of blood) in the sand from where they began to where they’ll continue to go. It's the end of an era, the beginning of another, the continuation of a story left unfinished. It’s everything and nothing and I’m making no sense–
My point in all this is that this moment is iconic and deserves top 2, at minimum, on any and all lists of this kind. I accept none otherwise (not really :P).
…I feel like I spoilt myself a little my gushing about these guys earlier and now I don’t really have all that much to say–
Honorary Mentions!
1 - Tim’s final LimL death.
What the hell, dude? Talk all that crap to what? Trip off your own fucking Bad Boys Bread Brige™? Timmy, Timmy, Timmy.
Joel and Grain’s, and even Pearl’s, reactions were awesome btw!
2 - Grain and Scar’s Sing-Along!
It’s a desert duo moment, I don’t know what you want from me.
3 - Tim Killing Liz in SL
If I’m not mistaken, this is, like, Tim’s only kill that season and it being completely accidental and the fact that he feels horrible for it makes this moment comedy gold.
4 - Grain’s Triple Kill in 3L
This set the stage for many, many kills to come, and the excessive use of TNT minecarts can also be pinned back here, which is awesome of course.
5 - Etho’s Washed Up?!
This was originally on the list but because of (Scar-related) changes, it no longer is. It's awesome though so I put it down here. I fucking love this shit, dude. Cleo and Budubs’ back and forth and Etho just like, “I knew it guys, I really am washed up,” is just great.
6 - Mumbo’s Death in the Nether in SL
Mumbo is awesome and kinda not all there sometimes. This just so happens to be a moment of the latter, is all. Love him.
7 - Joel and Liz’s Romance in SL
I love these two interacting just casually. They’re super sweet and I just– I love seeing couples just doing normal things, like playing a game they both like together and just having fun, ya know? Whether that be with a little flirting or not, it’s fun to watch.
Alternatively; the Joel and Liz are trying to flirt in LL with Scar awkwardly there in the background.
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
#Riddle watches Traffic
Doing my best liveblog of Jimmy at the moment. He's my first POV for Session 6 Secret Life and I pulled up his name without looking at anyone else's video titles. Some thoughts:
Something has happened that is very similar to something I have drafted in a future Dog's Life chapter I wrote before Secret Life even began. I am rubbing my forehead... if this ends the way I suspect it will end then I will just have to stare at a wall I suppose... sweet goodness.
Jimmy and Martyn really did not expand their single bed situation this entire time, huh? I kept waiting for them to but what am I supposed to do with this.
Joel: I want a cool nickname. Call me "The Florist."
Jimmy, who just agreed to attack his own flower husband and tell them that the florist sends their regards: ...
Holy cow he's 14 minutes into a 44 minute video and he has like 4 different tasks he's trying to do simultaneously because people keep rushing up and telling him they need a deadly favor. It's good to be Red.
Lizzie (about Scar avoiding her trap): He came around the other way! He just smacked me in the butt.
Jimmy, about his dog-shaped house: Red tongue, representing the Red Dogs. Tongues are that color, so you know what I'm saying.
Etho: ??? You like to lick things?
/Puts my head in my hands
Jimmy, inviting Etho into his and Martyn's house: You can sleep in our one bed. There's two of us. We share. You might have to squeeze in as well.
Thanks, Jimmy.
sldfj Etho asking if one of them sleeps at the end of the bed like a dog. I recently wrote a scene of Impulse doing exactly that on Etho's bed.
It's way too funny to me that when people were roleplaying soulmates on Double Life, they [at least Bdubs and Impulse, Joel and Etho] made an active effort to include two beds in their bases, side by side, even though that serves no functional purpose. Even in Limited Life, the Bad Boys made 3 beds for some reason and put them next to each other. Now when they're not roleplaying, all that is out the window. You share a bed and you'll like it.
Love Etho throwing 17 pieces of steak on the ground and asking "Do dogs like steak?" and Jimmy just grabbing all of it while looking at the ground. That's also the same thing he and Tango did when Joel threw them potatoes or whatever back in Double Life and they claimed to be eating off the floor.
skldjfsldj Jimmy and Scott
Jimmy, screeching and tearing across the grass with his enchanted iron sword: The florist sends his regards!!! He sends them!
Scott, riding away on a horse, tripping over himself in laughter: Can you return them?? Does it come with a receipt?
Martyn: I'm on my 5th red task
Jimmy, still on his 1st: ...
Red Mumbo in Last Life: /desperate for friends, constantly trying to explode people and leave without elaborating
Red Mumbo in Secret Life when Martyn and Jimmy approach: Just because I'm Red doesn't mean I'm joining your stupid gang
Jimmy: Stupid gang? Have you seen your mustache, mate?
Mumbo, running forward: Hey hey hey!
Martyn: ???? Ooh, yeah, that was kind of harsh.
Love how Scott brought up the flower husbands comment, actually. Same brain, even though it was Joel's suggestion.
slkdjfs Scott invited Jimmy to his own preemptive funeral and his expression is sending me.
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They buried rotten flesh in the coffin... that's amazing.
sdlkjf They invited Grian to attend the funeral and he shows up, looks at Jimmy, and says "I checked the tab list, like... Did I miss something?"
Jimmy, with unreasonable venom in his voice: You're not supposed to attend funerals if you're still alive.
They buried him alive in dirt above his own coffin... This is my first POV for Session 6 and all I can say right now is... whoever is the reason that Jimmy's episode is titled "The curse has been broken" has the opportunity to do the funniest thing right now.
Jimmy had such a difficult task... replacing water with blue glass and convincing someone to jump on it, from a specific location? Which has a ton of water? Geez, that's rough. He is struggling.
I am astounded at the amount of confidence Jimmy had to run up the stairs to the Gem and the Scotts base and charge in, mere minutes after Gem showed him the "doorbell," and while he's in the midst of telling Pearl that he hopes they haven't rigged TNT up to it. Jeepers, dude.
slkdjflsdjf everyone is freaking out over an explosion. No death message came up in chat, but after a minute, Joel starts frantically typing and screaming "Lizzie? LIZZIE?????" and I have a feeling...
Of course Jimmy wouldn't know what the death sound sounds like and assumes someone's trying to explode stuff near him.
Watching this chat with no context is amazing because it's Jimmy cheering that he's not out first for the 5th season in a row, it's Grian wailing LIZZIE IM SORRY and Joel shrieking HEY THATS MY WIFE. Amazing.
slkdjfsd Jimmy that was so close... Jimmy, if you had died because you hit your own glass trap at the bottom of the lake while doing a celebration dive for not being out first, that would have been the funniest thing.
Jimmy, snatching up his red task and reading in monotone: Punch another player into lava. It cannot be lava you've placed. Fantastic. Great.
[It can be lava he's placed]
Jimmy, to Martyn as he dumps his lava: Have you got another or not?
Martyn: No? I'm not made of lava- what? Come on. You're sounding hella ungrateful right now.
slkdjf Jimmy on Martyn betrayal!! Martyn is furious, Jimmy's literally roleplaying that he's a pathetic puppy with a broken leg, Martyn's ready to swing like "Hey, you won't be the first out, this is fine-"
Betrayal drama at the Big Dogs on the hill...
Geez, the swivel from that to the immediate, simultaneous warden and wither is nuts.
HE'S DOWN! HE'S DEAD, THE CANARY IS DEAD! Still out the first episode of perma-deaths, even if not the first out.
Jimmy Session 6 POV complete!
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: I may have activated my own trap card
Spoilers for a movie that's two months old and also out on home release.
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So, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr (Spider-India), and Hobie (Spider-Punk) all seem to have modern left-wing politics, though Gwen's got edited out. Hobie's introduction specifically says he hates "fascists", which carries over from the original comics.
By the time Hobie came around, I assumed he was just another poser, cooler than the hero rival character, expressing generic leftie politics, and his punk ethos wasn't sincere.
Which is exactly what the writers wanted me to think.
Not only is Hobie perfectly sincere about being anti-authoritarian, but he's been helping Miles since before they even met. He's been blatantly stealing junk from the Spider Society to build his own universe-jumping watch, and disguising it as petty vandalism.
He even tries to talk Miles out of trying to join the Spider-Society before the reveal that Miles himself is an anomaly, and the SS (geddit?) tries to detain Miles.
When Hobie says he's against authoritarianism, he really means it.
Speaking of the left-wing politics, Miles has a "#BLM" pin on his bag. It's very visible while he sits next to his dad.
Who's a cop.
(TANGENT: A few years ago, someone drew a stupid, very bad comic where Spider-Man (Peter Parker) was a) black, b) hated cops, and c) assaulted and subdued riot cops when they asked him for help.
That the comic didn't even show the riot cops were wrong. We were just supposed to assume they deserve to be left to the mercy of an angry mob.
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Also, in this comic, Uncle Ben was killed by a cop, not a random thug who Spidey could've stopped but chose not to. Which makes me wonder how that would shake out.
It's kind of weird for someone to look at a character who's about personal responsibility to an unhealthy degree, and use him to express their collectivist anti-cop terrorism fantasies. That, or they didn't think through their fantasies.)
During Spider-India's opening, Miles says "I love Chai Tea!" And Pavitr goes on a rant about how "Chai" means "tea". Later on, The Spot says he's been on a "journey of self-discovery", and Pavitr basically says he's racist.
Which is a tad ironic, because Spot is literally white. And also because Pavitr is the one making the racist assumptions.
And I personally go to a church - in England - that has a lot of non-white non-British people. Mostly Africans. And me, of course. I wonder if any Asians ever went on a journey of self discovery to South London.
And I don't just mean as a cab driver.
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"Wait, SYABM, didn't you move to the UK for self-discovery?"
W-well, yes, partially.
Aside: I made the mistake of watching a Youtube video with the Chai Tea joke, and then I looked at the comments.
One guy said "tfw when Twitter users write a movie". An idiot (with much more upvotes) said "bro out here wanting blatant racism in movies".
...When the whole point of the joke is that the racism is not blatant.
It's only "blatant" if you're insufferably Twitterized. There are loads of redundant phrasings in English, like "ATM machine", and words often shift when they're adopted from other languages.
Also, "I dislike this joke" is not the same as "I want racism in this movie", when the "racism" in the movie is only there so it could be mocked.
One of the issues with putting real world movements in worlds that are drastically different - it's one of the main selling points of the franchise - is that it may seem odd that those movements exist in very similar form to the IRL version.
For example, Miles supports BLM in both his video game, and this. Which makes me think "did Trayvon Martin get shot in Florida? How about Mike Brown? Wouldn't the existence of supervillains throw things into a new perspective?"
Did I mention the giant George Floyd-style "REST IN POWER" mural to Miles' dead uncle? I cringed at that in the Wakanda Forever trailer, and I rolled my eyes at it here.
Floyd wasn't a saintly martyr, he was an unlucky violent thug.
Also, Aaron was a supervillain killed by another bad guy who nearly destroyed the city, not a cop.
Also, this is at a party to celebrate how Miles' dad is about to be promoted. Assuming Floyd died and the 2020 protests/riots also happened in Miles' universe, then it seems a tad tasteless to have a mural inspired by an anti-cop movement overlooking it, even if the party is not full of cops.
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Spider-India lives in "Mumbattan".
The people who settled the Manhattan area were originally Indian. But the other type of Indian. The Indians we're not supposed to call Indians anymore.
The name "Manhattan" is even Native American.
The first permanent settlement was Dutch. Then the English got it. I guess the English could've shipped Indians to the other side of the world and eventually ceded the area to them, or maybe in this world India was a world-conquering superpower and Mumbattan is the result of...importing Native Americans?
Which would make Pavitr's complaint that "the British stole all of our stuff and put it in their museums" seem a tad hypocritical.
Of course, since I wrote all that, someone reminded me that Pavitr explicitly says the joint is in India.
"SYABM," you say, "you're overthinking this."
Yes, I am. Because the filmmakers didn't think it through. If you want to use ha-ha-funny to make a serious point, you invite examination of that point.
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Miles (as Spidey) now works with his dad, though he disguises his voice. At one point, Miles tells his father that men bottle up mental health issues.
This is true (and ironic, considering Miles is hiding who he is from Jeff), but it's not the first time I've seen some progressive work try to address men's issues in an very awkward way. At least here, it's played for comedy.
Also, seems a tad hypocritical coming from a guy who wears a "#BLM" pin in the presence of his cop father.
Also, if you work the timeline, that would mean Miles was about 7 or 6 when BLM started. Which means he's gone most of his life knowing nothing else.
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There was a controversy over a "protect trans kids" trans flag in Gwen's room, which was apparently edited out.
IMO, it seems a tad strange for a girl who feels estranged from everyone in her world to join a social movement, but what do I know? Maybe it was there before then.
Some people came to the extremely logical conclusion that Gwen herself is trans. Even though she's distinctly physically feminine and possibly too young for puberty blockers depending on Earth 65′s laws.
Like the "oh great, it's Liv" shippers, people are reaching really hard to see what they want to see.
Some people have said that Gwen's issues with her dad and herself seem awfully similar to the issues LGBTQIA2S+ kids go through.
Gee, it's not like, y'know, feeling estranged from one's family is a common theme in fiction about teenagers and superhero, and the whole "superpowers = minority" thing has been done to death for most of the past century.
Perhaps most notably - and clumsily - in X-Men.
I'm not saying this wasn't the intended subtext. I'm saying if it was, it would just be really, really cliche.
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There's this recurring theme of people telling miles "how [his] story is supposed to go".
When he's at a meeting with his parents and his guidance counselor, the lady says his story of being a black-Latino son of an immigrant would sound great in the college application letters. His mom is a tad miffed, given that they're a) solidly middle class, and b) as a Puerto Rican, she considers herself American.
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Miguel (Spider-Man 2099) doesn't want Miles in the multiversal council of Spiders, because Miles was bitten by the radioactive spider from a different universe. Which is why his local Spider-Man died, and the spider's home dimension has no Spider-Man.
Also, Miguel is fixated on "canon events". The idea that there are certain things, especially tragedies, that have to happen to Spiders, or their entire universe falls apart.
And he knows this, because he tried to take over for a version of him that got shot dead by a thug. Tried to raise his daughter.
And he watched as the universe collapsed in front of him.
So he's projecting his own guilt onto Miles, a tad.
According to TVtropes and other sources, this was actually about the people who didn't accept Miles as a replacement Spidey, possibly out of racism.
Yeah, that's real hard-hitting topical meta-commentary about a character who debuted 12 years ago. 8 years when the first movie came out.
I'd also like to point out that despite stereotypes of comic book fans, certain minority successors to banner superheros have been fairly well-received. Like Jaime Reyes, or Cassandra Cain.
(Note: I wrote that before the Blue Beetle movie came out. And flopped.)
And, of course, loads of people like Miles specifically because he's a minority Spidey, which is also racist, just from the other direction. In fact, a lot of his fans seem to forget the "Latino" part of "Afro-Latino". From what little I've seen of Miles early comics, they did actually put strong emphasis on his race.
I also suspect the filmmakers may be misinterpreting the usual successor knee-jerk reactions
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as racism. If you're using an established brand name for your new hero, you're creating some expectations.
Also, you know the most popular meme about regular Spidey that I see? That Marvel's writers just keep making him suffer and don't want him to actually develop. Which would kinda make Marvel closer to Team Miguel than Team Miles.
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Miles also gripes that Miguel is letting "some algorithm" tell him what to do. While I agree with the sentiment, I'd like to point out that, again, Miles supports BLM.
A movement popularized by an algorithm.
A movement made up of narratives and assumptions.
A movement which has never proven a single incident was because of racism.
During the big chase scene, we see a Spider girl in a wheelchair, aka Sun-Spider. She's from the comics. Same initiative that gave us "Web-Weaver".
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Who is, of course, an extremely effete gay fashion designer Spidey. I kinda like his outfit, though the Spider-eyes with eyelashes is a little too far.
And Sun-Spider seems exactly like a character a stereotypical 90s executive and focus group would come up with. Down to the backward baseball cap.
(Turns out she's Dayn Broder's actual Spider-Sona.)
Also, while I was looking up that one black and white Spider who said "nowhere to run" (Metro-Spider, played by record producer Metro Boomin [/sic]), I found out that Aunt May's full name is "Maybelle", not just "May". TIL.
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There's a bit of a double standard with this version of Spider-Woman, who's black and pregnant. -People in the movie - including Peter B - regularly point out how Peter B endangering his infant daughter Mayday by taking her along with him. But for some reason, nobody says a word about Jessica, who's an active-duty stunt-biking superhero.
Even regular motorbiking can be dangerous for pregnant women.
In fact, the movie portrays this as heroic and impressive. When Gwen sees  Jess is preggos, she asks if Jess can adopt her.
Not to mention the whole "afro and hoop earrings" thing, which seem like a bad idea for a type of hero who often gets into melee combat, even with Spider-Sense.
Yes, I'm aware that female heroes, including the Spider-Ladies, often have exposed hair. It's a genre convention. Incidentally, it was nice to see Batwoman wore a detachable decoy wig in the comics. Some bad guy tries to grab it in a fight? It comes right off.
Also, Jess doesn't have much actual character.
Being pregnant is not a character trait. In fact, her only real traits are basically "cool but stern sassy mentor", to contrast with Peter B. -Incidentally, someone on TVtropes pointed out the double standard. And when I saw the page again, a page-camper had deleted it, with no explanation.
Guess they couldn't stand someone pointing out the flaws of their waifu.
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(One) Spider-UK in this movie is Muslim. I know she's Muslim because she wears a Spider-themed headdress. Note that regular Marvel 616 has a muslim lady Spider-UK, but her name is Zarina Zahari and she doesn't wear a hijabi.
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(Also, she could be mistaken for Ms. Marvel.)
ms marvel.jpg
You might be thinking "wait, isn't a headdress impractical in a melee fight? Doesn't it give your enemy something to grab?" Yes, it is.
But so are Jess's earrings, afro, and being pregnant, so clearly there's a lot of artistic license going on.
Maybe it's partially tearaway, like Batman's cape.
I gotta wonder about the religious rules of wearing a head covering over a mask that *already* covers your entire head. Did she go see her imam and go "Okay, I have a really weird question..."
Come to think, Spidey is usually slim, but a lot of lady Spideys in this movie seemed to have wide hips. Including muscular ladies. Kris Anka's concept art goes really hard on wide hips. I don't know why. Stronger, faster character reads during the big chase?
I guess Spiders could be expected to have strong legs.
I liked the movie overall, though the progressive bits made me roll my eyes a little. I...want to see the third one, with reservations.
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liauditore · 1 year
For the ship bingo, perhaps ethubs or boatboys?
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sorry it took so long to get to this i got so excited someone asked me to talk abt ethubs i went into a coma 😭😭
um uhh umerm ethubs yeah etho and bdubs and last life and mindcrack UHCs and eyah yknow um yeah
you know that one post that's like "inside my head is a five page essay with footnotes and when i speak it's just ouhghh blorbo he is so shaped". that's me with ethubs. not even kidding ethubs is the ship that made me finally "get" shipping in general, mcyt or not. i. words. i care them.
and uh there's. not rlly anything i can say i think that my ethubs moots haven't already said? They've been friends forever, they play off eachother super well, "he loves me", they're both so obsessed and in need of eachother but at the same time would rather eat raw, unpicked cactus than admit that, etc etc they're so unwell
im just gonna skip on over to the song lyrics bit cus i. they make my brain short circuit i cant even sentences.
The scarlet summer is gone and peaceful gray is draping the city Alone, I reach out for you to hold me tight, shivering Always the days spent with you warmed my heart and kept me from freezing Although I knew they were gone forever But in my pain, to me you came like the warmest breeze "On nights so cold I know you need some company."
Though only in lonely and freezing times, we held each other close to keep from feeling hopeless nothings And now again I can see summer fast approaching like a storm that there's no stopping Repeating in a cycle Like our mistakes
My love for you is endless, just like the deepest sea And like the ocean blue your complications speak to me I've come to understand you, your parts and inner workings My sun only in winter Only when I need you or else you won't need me
Leave you in Summer, Yet You're In My Fluffthoughts (Ashe translyrics) (sidenote this might be one of my favourite music videos of all time)
Falling so deeply while clinging to love But even so, I feel my heart and it’s floating up above Your true face, such a passionate one, shows your beauty, coming in a flood True, all of our short-lived youth will someday come to end Ah, even so, in my view, it starts right now, yet again
And every day, I found I prayed for you to be always full of happiness that remains Ah, just like this, please wait right by my side, please stay
Tablet (Will Stetson / sayriris translyrics) (after watching LL the first thing i did was make a MV to this song with LL Bdubs and it was still the most insane thing ive ever done fuelled by pure gargoyle inspiration juice)
I wouldn't say they're ~~Divorced~~ quite yet cus Idk if they were ever really married as much as just plain endlessly obsessed with eachother, which they still are. But they definitely broke up lmao
but yeah uh their chemistry is great. bdubs said it best. they've been thru the trenches together.
Boat Boys
Thankfully much less thoughts about these two or else this post would get way too long lmao. I like them but I'm not too insane about them I guess? Etho's very awkward near people he isn't used to which was fun to watch but made their interactions kind of limited for a lot of DL I feel.
Joel's obsession with Etho is hilarious and seeing Bdubs get jealous of his #1 ethogirl status getting challenged is great fun. He's definitely gone through a bit of an arc from "I KILLED ETHO! I KILLED ETHO!!" in Last Life to "Eefo D:< You're making me nervous, eefo D:<" in Double Life to whatever the cow divorce situation was in Limlife. It seems like Etho's otherworldly status has been nerfed in his head and he's much less intimidated by him, while still admiring him in that 'childhood hero' sorta way.
I think because of that I've always seen them a little bit as more of a mentor/prodigy relationship than anything else? Specifically one that Etho is not even aware he's in. Eitherway, I don't really ship them in the romantic sense 🤷‍♂️ etho's just way too aloof and joel's got too much fangirl energy for it to be anything intimate lol
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blizzardmagic · 5 months
Bliz Writes Fanfiction??
This is my new thingy! It’s called Hollow Tree and is based on a dream I had. If you know me in real life and intend to play DnD with me, please do not read (I’m gonna turn it into a campaign)
The actual story is below!
"Welcome, everyone!" Tango shouted to the gathering crowd of hermits, "I need three people to come up here for the first group!" Soon after he finished this sentence, Tango realized his mistake. A wave of bodies surged towards the stage in front of his newest creation, somehow headed by Scar, who was being pushed forward in his wheelchair at a not even remotely Scar-safe pace by Grian. They were both whooping with laughter, occasionally interrupted by an alarmed squeal from Scar. 
As soon as the pair reached the stage, Tango called for everyone to freeze. Gem took one last step forward, placing her foot onto the platform. While Tango was inclined to disqualify her for moving after his shout, he decided to allow it. He needed a group of three anyway. 
"Alright, It looks like we have Grian, Scar, and Gem!" he announced. Grain and Scar exchanged a quick high five, and Gem skipped the rest of the way up the ramp as the rest of the hermits grumbled lightheartedly at their failure. "I recommend that the rest of you just head home, these runs are going to take much longer than Decked Out runs, and actually require me, Etho, and Joel to be online the whole time. There are areas where you can watch the groups' runs, but please don't watch any of our videos or streams during the runs so you don't get an unfair advantage. Now for you three..." Tango trailed off ominously, then laughed and jumped off the back of the stage down a hole. 
Scar immediately wheeled himself over the edge. Gem and Grian looked at each other, shrugged, and followed. They hit the bottom with a splash, and waded out of the pool which broke their fall. Scar was already waiting when they got out and shook themselves off. The group stood in a huge cavern, made to look as if it was outdoors, with a dense ceiling of layered blue glass. In front of them stood a huge custom tree, probably 15 meters in diameter, stretching high above them. Spore blossoms hung from the great tree, their shining green spores drifting down to the mossy ground, dotted with small bushes and wildflowers. The great tree was composed primarily of oak and spruce wood and stretched so high that Tango had overlapped the cloudy ceiling with the canopy. A dirt path stretched to the foot of the tree, where a pair spruce double doors stood, inlaid in the bark. 
The three friends looked around in amazement, taking in their surroundings. A note of pride rang in Scar's voice as he complimented the big tree; amazement echoed in Grian's as he walked slowly up the path, admiring Tango's landscaping and the smaller custom trees. Gem ran out into the woods, pulling out her sword and dancing around in excitement. Grian was the first to find the sign by the path which indicated that they needed to leave all of their stuff there. Three double chests were hidden underneath simple benches for each of them. Grian called the others over, and they deposited their stuff in the boxes. Gem gingerly set her sword down. After wandering for a little while, Scar approached the doors to the tree. 
"Wait, don't go in without us!" Grian yelled as Scar began to push the doors open. He and Gem ran to catch up, and the group stepped through together. 
They emerged onto a landing on a dimly lit terracotta ramp, going up into the tree with a slight curve to it. The only light came from soul torches, spaced just barely close enough to each other that mobs won't spawn. Under each torch, a niche was dug into the wall. Each one housed a small statue (clearly Cleo offered some help with this part). The statues each held a miniature wind instrument. 
Something made a creaking noise in front of the group, and a small light ignited at a statue's base. It hopped down from its niche and stepped slowly up the ramp,  music sounding from it as it climbed. A shadow was climbing after it, moving jerkily. When the first figure reached the top, the second figure turned and melted into the wall. As soon as it disappeared, pistons began to move in the floor behind us. A wall of what must have been concrete powder was slowly falling, and behind it stood a terrifying monster, somewhat resembling the shadow. It looked like it was entirely made of terracotta, and it blended into the walls around it. Behind it was what looked like impenetrable darkness. It looked almost human, but a grotesque grin was painted across its face and its legs were disproportionately large and something about it seemed mechanical. 
"Oh no," breathed Scar, and he began to wheel himself up the ramp as fast as he could. The others followed, Grian giving Scar a boost to get him going faster. They scrambled up the ramp, but the creature behind them was gaining.
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ghostlee · 4 months
I just wanted to share this year old Grian video that I came across again. The hide-and-seek part of among us reminds me of like. Some huge tickle fight type of game with similar rules and I just thought that was wholesome. (Obviously though replacing the CCs with their characters)
I JUST WATCHED IT AND THAT IS SO CUTE OMG!! Ofc I’m gonna hyperfocus on Etho in this since he’s my comfort creator.
Imagining impulse like pinning Etho into a corner and tickling the hecc out of him while Etho is trying to hold it together since he doesn’t wanna lose while all the ghost crew mates are watching like “come on Etho you got it!’
Etho falling/melting to the ground while impulse keeps scribbling his fingers all over the man’s tummy while he’s laughing bright and cheerfully as he covers his face with his hands and just sorta doesn’t fight back.
Impulse going “tickle tickle tickle Ethooo! You know you wanna give in and tap out!” While Etho is shaking below him with laughter.
Impulse then takes in a big breath and pushes up Ethos shirt and blows a big raspberry right over his belly button as Etho screams and throws his head back in complete hysterical laughter.
He just starts banging his fist on the ground yelling “YOU WIN YOU WIN” and Impulse gets off of him and smiles before holding out his hand for Etho to press the forfeit button and turning into a ghost himself.
All the others as ghosts then come over to him like “you did so good!! But wow you’re ticklish!” As they all hug him and stuff.
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rararazaquato · 10 months
Tell us more about le cartoon version of Raincode you have please.
Like of other characters appearing and more dynamics, including episodes.
oh BABY you're in for a treat!!!
i have a whole google doc planned out for this thing, despite me having no animation experience gjgkhkh... this is gonna be the Public Lore Dump Post btw, and spoilers for all of rain code will be under the cut.
so the concept for this whole thing came about while watching the animations of youtuber OkayScreamingNow. super cool animation btw, their "psycho teddy" animation moderately blew up but i'm a huge fan of their "everybody likes you" video.
between watching those, a ton of aimkid videos, wince media's meat bun song, and nicktendo's mighty b review, i started feeling really nostalgic for mid-late 2000s animation, the stuff i grew up on. growing up creepie, yin yang yo, kenny the shark, all these were shows i adored as a kid. so, combined with my current rain code fixation, this little au came to be!
the general conceit of this au is that "Master Detective Archives" is a 2008 animated children's program that lasted for 20 episodes and is majority lost media. only a couple episodes exist in the bowels of shitty piracy sites, and even then those sites keep getting taken down. the more screenshots and concept art i make, the more is "revealed" about the show.
one of the things that interests me the most about children's media is how people worked around the censors. a lot of people are familiar with the story of the ren and stimpy adult party cartoon. for those who aren't familiar, when john "god's mistake" kricfalusi created an adult oriented reboot of ren and stimpy, the show was dogshit. with the new ability to rely on the crutch of whatever grossout sexual humor it wanted, it became a massive stain on john k's career (he has had other horrific stains both before and after apc, but i need to stress, no one liked apc).
for a more positive example, i love pretty much all of jhonen vasquez's work, but i find the humor and even some of the horror of invader zim to be more interesting than the same stuff in jthm, because iz was working under far stricter standards and practices.
what i'm trying to get at is that i enjoy the challenge of seeing how i can take concepts and make them more kid-friendly while still keeping the intrigue and interest the concepts originally had. i worked at a summer camp in 2022, and the driving force behind this little project was "keeping rain code camp-appropriate, but also keeping it interesting".
this ethos will hopefully explain some of the Big Changes i made to the story and characters. i do want to stress that i do not think i am improving on the original work. i think rain code is a story that, inherently, works better as an m-rated, gritty, cyberpunk-y murder mystery. i've just always been uniquely fascinated by this particular genre shift.
so, first major change: nocturnal detective agency has turned into nocturnal detective academy. this is a place where young minds, particularly those with supernatural powers, go to hone their craft. or at least... it was. now it's run exclusively by three people: headmaster Zange Eraser, school nurse and therapist Melami Goldmine, and teacher (and everything else) Yakou Furio.
i grew up with a book series called school of fear, which was about a small group of kids with severe phobias being sent to help conquer their fears at a highly rated school. however, it was actually just a kooky old lady and her massive mansion, and while she helped the kids get over their fears, she did it in unorthodox and occasionally darkly humorous ways. i remember a scene in the books where she put the claustrophobe and the kid afraid of death in a coffin for a few hours, and while that is absolutely NOT how exposure therapy works, the idea of a school that's just a few adults running a lowkey scam out of their house has always tickled my funny bone.
so the nda is a school, teaching detective skills and the like. of course, because yakou is my beautiful failwife, he mostly just sends his students out into the city of Kanai Ward to do their own investigative work and report back with what they've learned... as long as they don't get in trouble with Hecksmile or his goons, at least!
yeah, the other big change is that the peacekeepers are more like team rocket than corrupt cops. while i agree that the police suck, and a lot of older cartoons seem to share that sentiment (even some newer ones like gravity falls), having all the villains be evil, corrupt cops seems like a recipe to get s&p on your ass. so now, the cops just don't do anything, and Hecksmile and his goons just wreak havoc whenever they feel like it.
(i've already explained the hecksmile bit in a previous post, but i dont think any of the other names would need changing. maybe if this was the 90s, desuhiko and fubuki would get their names changed to something more eurocentric, but this isn't the 90s and that stuff was cringe even back then.)
there are only seven students at the academy, and i've de-aged these characters to be more relatable to the target audience: our main character yuma, halara, desuhiko, fubuki, vivia, pucci, and aphex. i'll detail them a bit here, because yakou, zange, and melami can all stay pretty similar (actually, melami doesn't randomly feel up strangers to get their clothing measurements anymore, but that's a pretty minor change).
yuma is still our main character, acting as the straight man and audience surrogate. the whole "number one" twist isn't really a thing with how this whole plot is set up, so his awkward and generally "scrunkly" attitude from the game is his natural state here. though none of the ages of the characters are specified, he's often called out as the youngest detective, probably in his preteens or early teenagehood. his coalescence is used for a lot of teamwork-based solutions to problems, but he isn't that great at actual mystery-solving.
this is where shinigami comes in! in the first episode, after some hijinks, yuma accidentally summons a death god. fortunately, he summons a teenage death god. she can only appear in her cool human form in her summoner's dreams, she can't interact with anyone in the physical world except her summoner, and she doesn't even have her reaper's license yet! regardless, she likes having a friend, so she helps yuma see things from different perspectives. i figured death spirits wouldn't be off the table, exactly (i mean, look at billy and mandy), but i think there's a certain humor in a death god not being able to do any soul reaping. i like to think she talks about it like her driver's license. "ugh, i'm not allowed to reap any souls until i'm 16 thousand years old! i'm only 14 thousand!!!" because of her teenagerdom, her human form is going to be far less sexualized. also because i think her canon outfit is a little ugly.
halara doesn't change much from canon. very mysterious and intimidating. no one knows their gender because everyone's too afraid to ask (and to find out, you'd have to pay them about $100 in cash). they still love cats but have an allergy to them, they still don't trust people, etc.
desuhiko changes a lot from canon. he's less actively creepy and more of a wannabe romantic. he has a tendency to fall for grown women, although he has absolutely no chance with any of them. this is played for laughs.
fubuki is another character who doesn't change much from canon. obscenely rich and super out of touch with everything around her. has occasional bursts of intelligence for comedy.
vivia is still everyone's favorite emo sadboy, writing poetry in the fireplace. his passive suicidal ideation, though interesting to explore in media made for adults, is very dangerous to put in a children's show, so we're nixing that. instead, he's just real sleepy and goth. he's also the least interested in doing actual detective work, so when he and yuma are investigating together, it gives yuma a chance to take the lead.
pucci doesn't change much from canon, but admittedly, we don't know too much about her. she's sensitive to noise, very thoughtful and introspective, but very awkward around people being nice to her.
and aphex. what to say about aphex. i don't like aphex for a number of reasons (anyone who played with jpn audio can back me up on this one), but the idea of someone who is initially violent and cruel becoming your (still somewhat violent and cruel) ally is a fun character trope to me. my go-to example is buford from phineas and ferb, and i think that's the role aphex would play. initially a threat, but eventually becomes softer and more well-developed. well, if the show got more seasons.
and that's our main cast! i could talk about kurumi, makoto, and martina, as i have a lot of cool ideas for them, but i have been writing this for like an hour and i think i need to chill ahaha... ty for the ask!!!
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charkie-ee · 5 months
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“We’re on a quest for Pizza. I- *zooms in* PIZZA.”
once again, spoilers if you haven’t watched 3rd life smp!!
. Scar and Skizz are the only yellows on the server as of the start of episode 2
. Grian and Scar’s plan for getting valuables in the series was to steel other peoples items, and then put them in Pizza’s chest to sell back to them.
. The first visitors of Monopoly Mountain (aka Sandland in this episode) are Tango and Martyn!
. Scar gives out his first reputation points to Cleo for their enchanted chestplate! (oh god here we go)
. ‘Grian, get the bucket’ is a very common thing you’ll hear Scar say in this episode. This is the lava bucket Grian uses to threaten visitors of the sand biome, though he is not very successful.
. Scott does not respect the torches that layout Sandland, and steals some sand. Grian does a terrible job of preventing this.
. Scar gives reputation points to Tango for his enchanted leggings! (terrible mistake on his part)
. Grian, “get the bucket”s Joel, which is not very effective.
. Scar gives reputation points to Joel for his diamond sword! Grian is not happy about this.
. Grian tries to convince Etho not to give Scar his shoes, but is unsuccessful.
. Scar gives 10 reputation points to Etho for his enchanted boots! (that are deducted later)
. The magic act Soli-beans-major-littlewood-FANTASTICO! comes to show Grian and Scar a magic trick! (etho is also there) Unfortunately, this magic trick is making a dark oak tree appear! (from the forest mentioned in the last note) Goodbye to that monopoly.
This utter loss gives us, in my opinion, one of the best clips in the entire series;
(NEVERMIND TUMBLR ONLY LETS ME ADD ONE VIDEO PER POST WTF. anyway its the one where the ‘magic’ group leaves and Scar says ‘i’m going to murder them’)
. BigB visits! And I’m going to say something now, because not enough people realize this. Grian always has a different tone with BigB throughout these series. He’s much more soft with him, and does everything to benefit him until they turn red. Take a took at this clip below:
this clip is kind of self explanatory? in a way. for instance Grian talks about desperately needing food, and a few second later, gives BigB a portion of his porkchops despite not knowing if BigB’s has enough food. Keep this in mind when watching Double Life. specifically when Grian tries to ditch Scar to hang out with BigB. They’ve always had that kind of bond since the start of the series.
people who haven’t watched double life, you can scroll past that :-D (i guess its too late now but. ahem. moving on)
. BigB gives Grian the idea to put pressure plates all around their base to scare off unwanted visitors.
. Scar finally calls the Sandland base ‘Monopoly Mountain’ (he said it! he said the thing!)
. BigB drops a diamond for Scar, and before he can try to barter with him anymore, BigB flees with the help of Grian’s cobwebs to slow Scar down.
. BigB gets 50 reputation points for a diamond!
. Grian crashes, and Bdubs dies while he’s logged out
. Grian timelapses building the Desert Tower on Monopoly Mountain! (in the process he also accidentally builds his face on the base lmao)
Also one quick thing— apparently Pizza was presumed dead by other players earlier in the episode. Grian does not film or explain this at all, except at the very end where he says Skizz informed them that Pizza was alive. (theres something about this llama and not getting enough screen time smh. i don’t know where it came from and i don’t know how it died, but its there)
did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres information I missed!!
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
thank you for reading and have an excellent day!
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liloinkoink · 1 year
open apology to everyone who has ever asked me a question about bigb and jimmy in lamplight bc i just don’t know. i am Only here to write treebark and it absolutely shows
i’ve watched one bigb video ever and it was a last life ep back while ll was running, bc the only povs i was watching were grian cleo and etho and i wanted to see bigb’s e4. tho his life series pov is high on my list, i’ve just not gotten around to watching a new pov of any season since limited life came out
conversely, the only time i’ve ever watched a jimmy life series pov was the day after technoblade died to try and make myself less sad, so i remember very little of it. as such basically all the content i’ve Really seen for jimmy is his phasmo streams w grian and this was bc i think grian suffering thru phasmo is hysterical so i was Really only watching grian
that’s literally all i’ve got. as such i don’t actually know how to confidently answer about either of them. one day i’ll hit the point of lamplight where they become relevant again and i’ll have to go study their life series povs and actually learn things about their personalities (beyond what i’ve learned thru my friend worm’s infodumps about jimmy—thank you worm you’re carrying me thru lamplight for real) but today is not yet that day.
when that day hits i’ll probs try to go back and successfully answer some of the questions i’ve been asked abt them tho. like how every time a strawhat joins the crew oda fills in on the trivia he’d been asked abt the other members of their favorite flower and stuff
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burntheskyandtime · 10 months
Run boy run (they're trying to catch you)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast), Hermitcraft SMP, 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Joel | Smallishbeans & Martyn | InTheLittleWood, Joel | SmallishBeans/Lizzie | LDShadowLady (Video Blogging RPF), Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Characters: Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Joel | SmallishBeans, Lizzie | LDShadowLady (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Statement Fic (The Magnus Archives), Original Statement (The Magnus Archives), Canon-Typical Violence, The Hunt Fear Entity (The Magnus Archives), Alternate Universe - The Magnus Archives Fusion, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mild Gore, Hunt Avatar Martyn, Hurt Joel | SmallishBeans Series: Part 1 of Statements of the Player and Above Summary:
Statement of Martyn Littlewood, regarding a party at a friend's house. Original statement transcribed 24th April, 20XX, audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
or Martyn likes to Hunt and Joel might just be his next victim
or Magnus Archive and Mcyt crossover
Words: 1,346
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51830293
Statement of Martyn Littlewood, regarding a party at a friend's house. Original statement transcribed 24th April, 20XX, audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement begins.
I know that sounds terrible, but I hope Joel never remembers what happened that night. Afterall it wasn't just someone that chased him through the woods.
It... I am not really sure how to start this. Honestly I don't even believe you guys can do anything about this but I guess I start by telling you about the whole day. 
My friends and I were meeting at Scott's house like three weeks ago. It's a small cottage in the middle of the woods. At least one hour away from the next city or village and the forest always appears so much bigger than it actually is. But it's nice! 
I was there in the morning already. I didn't have anything else to do that day and wanted to help Scott prepare. There were going to be a lot of people, so there was a lot of food, drinks and other stuff to do.
That weird feeling already started when I entered the front garten. I got goosebumps because, and this might just sound crazy I know, there was something, no, someone watching me. I couldn't get it out of my head. It was like it was waiting for a grand show. 
I must have been frozen standing there for a while as Scott was calling for me when I focused again. Apparently I was unfocused the whole day. That feeling never went away. 
Nothing special occurred for the next few hours. Just everybody arriving. Everything was normal, well until Lizzie and Joel came.
Joel and Lizzie had gotten married some years ago and have been dating a long while before, so coming together shouldn't be so... frustrating. I couldn't tell why I was feeling that way at the time, so I tried to ignore it. 
The party went fine. They all had fun, drank and played some games. We were all familiar with each other since we all met in college or through other friends.
At the end everyone was drunk and because Scott lived so far into the woods no one really wanted or was sober enough to drive home, so everyone decided for a sleepover. Scott, Timmy, Tango and Impulse slept in Scotts bedroom. Grian, Pearl, Scar and BigB slept in a guestroom while Etho, Cleo, Bdubs, Skizz and Gem had chosen to rest outside in a big Tent that Scar brought. Joel and Lizzie took the sofa and I was on the floor in a sleeping bag that I took with me.
It was well into the night when I woke up. Maybe 2 or 3 am. Somehow I knew that it was Joel who woke me up and that he was outside. I didn't even bother to change out of my pajamas before my feeling was confirmed. There was a yellow post-it note on the door that led to the garden. 'Couldn't sleep. Gonna go for a short walk -Joel' or something along those lines was written on the note. 
I barely remember leaving. Next thing I know I am deep in the woods. This might sound weird... I could smell where Joel was... Hear his footsteps, his breathing, his heartbeat. It was loud and obvious. I just watched him for a while. He kept turning his head around to see if there was something and he was right. 
I was watching him. 
A deep growling made him freeze. He spotted me. His pupils were wide, his breathing irregular. He was scared. Then he ran...
It was like a gunshot at a race. The start of a competition. Joel ran as fast as he could but it wasn't enough. I leaped and pinned him to the rough ground. And there I noticed. I didn't have hands anymore. Instead there were hairy claws. They cut and bruised Joel's arm as he whimpered. The growling began again as I let go of him and let him run. There was chanting, a crowd of voices in my head praising and cheering for me. I could just disappoint them. And so the hunt continued. 
We ran deeper and deeper until there was almost no Moonshine to be seen. Sometimes I let Joel catch his breath or let him think he was safe before starting all over again. Running, hiding, catching, releasing until till we reached that cliff. I saw the panic in his eyes as I cut of any escape routes. I sprinted to push my whole body against him and throw him of the edge. I thought this was the end. I successfully hunted my prey. 
Then I heard the water splash. There waa water at the bottom of the cliff and Joel had fallen right into it. 
He survived. 
I could've continued but I knew that if I did Joel would die. The voices as well as my mind already felt satisfied so there was no reason for me to finish. And so I left.
I went back to the cottage. I was calm, like I knew I wouldn't be caught for coming inside with blood on my clothes. A quick look at the clock told me that we were only thirty minutes outside. But it was more like ten hours. Yet I didn't question it. 
Changing my clothes, burning the bloody ones far away and getting the smell of me was surprisingly easy. I'm not sure how I didn't wake anyone up. It didn't take long until I was in my sleeping bag again, like nothing had ever happened.
The next day Joel ran into the house in a panic. He woke up everyone. He told us about what had occurred and I felt a strange wave of pride at his fear. But I couldn't just confess to being the cause of Joel Trauma, however I thought I could tell jokes and try to lighten the moon, which worked somewhat. Lizzie, Grian and Etho drove him to the hospital to take care of the wounds. They told us to stay at the house together just in case. We all left at about lunchtime.
Joel has been paranoid ever since which is, as bad as this sounds, kinda good for me. His fear keeps my urge to hunt at bay. Of course it can't fully get rid of it but some chases here and there fulfill that enough. 
Honestly I don't feel bad for this, which I should, I know, but it keeps the voices quiet.
I wouldn't worry about that, afterall the Hound of Hell is coming. There will be no bark, only Bite.
Statement end."
The tape recorder stared at Jon after he finished the statement. The silence is broken by gentle knocking on the office door. 
"Come in."
The door is softly opened and reveals Martin with a cup in his hands.
"I hope I'm not disrupting you in the middle of a statement."
"I just finished the statement. You did not interrupt." 
While Martin puts down the tea on Jons desk, Jon flashes him a quick thank you before staring at the tape recorder again.
"Martin, try to find out everything you can find on a Martyn Littlewood and bring it to me."
"Littlewood? Yeah, I can do that." 
Martyn is about to leave the room yet he abruptly stops.
"Say... is that one of the tapes that was hidden away?"
Jon doesn't answer. Of course Martin had to realize that. For some reason there were many tapes that were hidden in a loose floorboard on the way to Elias's office. Gertrude couldn't have left them as the recent one was only a week old and the others were taken a hundred years ago. Elias on the other hand seemed smug when Jon had found them.
Who put them there didn't matter, at least not yet. What matters is why they were hidden. 
Jon exhaled loudly. He shouldn't focus on his questions.
He had statements to record.
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guster-animations · 1 year
Tell me more about etho slab guster 🧍
oh if it isn’t this new person who i have absolutely no connections to
(for the 6 other people reading, he’s on my splatoon team and i made them read the fic and told them to maybe send an ask even though they don’t know homestuck :P)
etho is kind of a funny guy in this fic because he was basically not even in it until the last week of writing. there’s the small section of chapter 4 where he’s accompanying skizz and has like 2 lines. but at some point while writing i realized “OH SHIT FUCK FUCK ETHO BARELY EVER SHOWS UP” but i figured out a way to give him a moment in the last chapter and everything”s fine. and the lack of uh, relevance he has to most of the plot is reflected with his classpect!
etho is the heir of void which is. sort of a classpect used in canon homestuck as equius’s title, and generally means “one who becomes (surrounded by) nothingness”. for equius it meant that he quickly faded from having any relevance or screen time in the narrative, and it means the same for etho here.
i’d like to think this is in part because he really does disappear from all discussion or events at some point in 3rd life, but honestly it might be a bit biased from my perspective? i didn’t watch any renchanting POVs when 3rd life initially came out, so from what i saw back then it didn’t look like etho was there at all lol
his land has a bit more of a story to it, though. my beta .khads suggested it being some sort of dark oak forest pretty early on, when i had barely figured out anyone’s land names. i decided on “trees” as the first noun. and you know how long i stayed undecided on the other noun? Over A Month.
at the halfway point, my lovely artist @anachronistic-cat was assigned to me and i sent them detailed descriptions of each player’s land for drawing inspiration. etho’s said something like “land of trees and ???? (i have no fucking idea what to do)”. cat suggested that the second word could be “nothing”, and i took this and ran with it- made it into a forest with no grass or animals, which basically isn’t even a forest. in chapter 9, etho describes the lack of basically anything there as being unnerving and out-of-place.
so i figured out how to make it cool after all!
my apologies to all the ethogirls out there. i have much to learn and many videos to watch. i promise most of the others are more interesting than this
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inkofamethyst · 11 months
October 21, 2023
Finished Young Justice :) While the budget for S4 was clearly reduced (based on the animation and number of still image scenes), I did enjoy it. Again, no truly jaw-dropping twists, no breath-holding episodes (that one in s2 with all the people on Manta's ship?? crazyyyy), but the storyline convergence was enjoyable. A true shame that there are still so many loose ends. If we're lucky enough to get a s5, I would really hope they close them all. I don't mind having an antagonist through-line with the Light, but the whole ethos of the superhero genre (at least, post-9/11) is that good overcomes evil, justice overcomes oppression. I think it would be interesting if there was a strained team-up between the Light and the League to take down Apokalypse (or however you spell his name). Alas, that's wishful thinking, seeing as s5 is probably not happening (though, perhaps not entirely out of the cards, seeing as a s3 came after idk maybe five years of nothing).
Since I still had hair to braid, I started watching Scavenger's Reign because I'm a sucker for some scifi, and it's pretty good. I guess I know what I'll be tuning into on Fridays after class (or maybe before class hehe). In the meantime I started Justice League: Unlimited (I know I said I'd go back to Midsommer but ehhhh) and the style is strangely nostalgic, even though I'd never watched it before. J'onn's voice isn't as hot as it was in YJ though :(
(side note: I remember one of the pre-Endgame meme "predictions" was that Ant-Man would beat Thanos by shrinking, entering the antagonist's rear, then growing to full size, and while I still giggle at the thought, an alternative as demonstrated in JLU would be Ant-Man squeezing an artery to give Thanos a heart attack. Not as funny, but perhaps even more creative (and, again, far less convoluted than time-travelling). It does open up the door of Ant-Man being a biological weapon though, and, based on my recollection which could be leaky, bio-based weapons tend not to be used by heroes as much compared to strength-based tactics. The examples that come to mind are often discouraged in-universe (Rogue's powers, Katara's blood-bending, Percy Jackson's blood-bending (iirc)...). I.. I wonder why? A curious question about the morals we promote in fiction.)
The CR C3 animated intro is fantastic. I am really loving the current exploration into Ashton's background and think that he was portrayed in such a cool way!! Imogen and Laudna's scenes were also very very cool. And I love their voices all singing together!!!
I recently watched Nicole Rudolph's video on her fantasy photo retreat and aaaaaa maybe the fall has me in an imaginative mood because I would really love to do something like that too one day. Dress up like a fairy or a pirate and prance around across some rocks or in the woods with a bunch of similarly dressed people and get some lovely photos out of it. I think what I need is to go to a renn faire haha.
Today I'm thankful that I had a good lunch with one of my puzzle-friend's friends from college :) Would definitely love to hang out with her again. (also the noodle place we got lunch at was really yummy!! soooo many noodle places around here)
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
#Riddle Watches Traffic - Secret Life Session 4 POVs - This post contains Joel, Grian, Etho, Martyn, and Scar commentary
Joel POV (My first POV for this session):
Joel, the ex-Shrek, running around dropping lines from "All Star" in conversation is everything I could have wanted.
Joel: If you were a color, what color would you be? Pearl: Red.
Can't argue with that.
Lizzie: You like my path? Joel: I do. Is it going to link up with mine? Lizzie: We've got connecting paths now. Joel: I didn't realize we were that close. Lizzie: To touch paths. Joel: I know we're married, but come on... It's getting a bit crazy now.
slkdjf Joel really does not want to be touchy-feely with anyone this season huh?
Okay I switched to Grian's POV because Joel came up to the rest of the Mounders and they were all giggling and telling him to go talk to Grian, so swapping my liveblog over:
Grian POV
?? Grian's task was to bait a yellow into believing his task was singing everything he says, that feels kinda unfair to the yellows because it doesn't give them a way to call him on it, does it? slkdjf
That is really funny he needs to get someone to call him out in order to succeed, though.
Grian's really good at like, recapping and/or giving context (like pulling up his screen to walk the audience through exactly who the Yellows on the server are). Thanks G.
sldkfjs Scar singing back to Grian... They are soulmates, your honor.
Cleo, trying not to bust up laughing: How long do you have to sing for? Grian, singing: I don't have to sing! It's a choice~!
Grian chasing people and singing while they run sdlkfjsd... Mumbo like "Please stop following me! I don't want to deal with your singing anymore!"
sldkfjsd can we make a reaction clip out of Grian sadly singing, "I am mortally wounded~"
Grian is SO GOOD at this baiting game, though. Despite needing to get a yellow to guess his task, he takes off running as soon as Joel shows up, then when Joel starts talking to him he clams up. Master of manipulation; what a deLIGHT!
sldkfjs the hilarity of Joel smugly calling Grian out and then Grian takes out his book, sighs loudly, and trots off to the Secret Keeper... and hits success instead of fail. omg.
Joel immediately adding "My world's on fire; how 'bout yours?"
Grian: "You are all terrible friends and that's what I needed <3"
lskdjfsdk Scar being like "Wait, that was your task? I thought we were just being musical." Your honor, they are soulmates.
Does... does Etho have my "reference previous seasons / fake moment from previous series" task suggestion?
Switching back to Joel:
slkdfjsldkjfksdl in Joel's POV, there's a bit of lag so when Joel confronts Grian, Grian suddenly bolts across the bridge at light speed and it's hilarious.
Switching to Etho because dying of curiosity:
Etho making cute benches outside his shack.
Cleo: Oh, there there... I was going to pat you, but then I realized... Etho: Pat me with a sword? Clean slice through the head?
sdklfjsdfj househusband Etho strikes again?? Cleo accidentally whacks him with a sword and he immediately spins around like "I'm sorry- I'll do the dishes, I'll do whatever you want! No more, no more!" Love that for him.
Love how Etho said "Aha" after looking at his task even though he hadn't even received that suggestion yet.
You nerds really gonna be like "Etho and I aren't romantic" and "We're besties" and then put a single bed inside your house, huh? What am I supposed to do with that.
?????? Martyn giving Etho the assignment of gaslighting someone into believing a fake moment from the previous series? Does Martyn have my suggested task or did we just same brain on that one? lol.
[More liveblogging under the cut <3 #Long post]
Switching over to Martyn POV because curious:
skdlfj wow Martyn's video is super loud after coming from Etho's. Just gonna turn my sound down there.
??? Martyn does not have my suggestion so I guess he and I just had the same brain wave. Alas. Here were some suggestions I put in Tango's Session 3 comments, for anyone curious:
Reference events from past Life series at least 4 times in conversation with other players (Ex: "This reminds me of that one boogeyman kill in Last Life; remember when X happened?") - [Some ideas that come to mind are that it would be funny to pester players who missed seasons by lightheartedly teasing them about events they weren't around for]
Alternatively: Convince at least 2 players that a falsified event happened in Secret Life or a past Life series [Ex: "Haven't you seen the fanart of this? I'll send it to you later." / "Remember, we were all there? Oh, you didn't play in that series; I guess you wouldn't know."]
?? They took the world border out of the Nether. Untapped escape routes in Hell.
I appreciate "mayor" Scar chasing the Big Dogs away and telling them he was going to send them to the pound.
(Loud sigh). Scar upset with Martyn for peeing on (dumping water on) his base. Martyn is running amok. Unrestrained.
slkdjf Martyn admitting he had read a lot of tasks in the past week and was thinking he'd probably end up taking someone else's idea. Y'know what, good enough for me. Whether we same brained or he read that, I'm satisfied. Also Etho saying "Martyn, you should write tasks because that's a great idea." I'll take it, slkdfj.
Watched a few minutes more of Martyn, he's talking with Joel and I have nothing to say atm, switching back to Joel:
Joel so sad when his cows get loose.
I appreciate how Martyn allowed Etho to buy his silence but then he runs to Joel and starts dropping hints.
slkdjfs Joel nailed his lyrics, good for him.
Joel working on his farms before pressing the success button is mildly stressing me out. (Oh, he was waiting for safe day).
sldkfj Etho giving Joel a chance to take a guess at him and Joel phrasing his words specifically as "Was your goal to bait a yellow into guessing you're saying 'Aha?'"
I always admire Joel's commitment to getting the right colored resources, especially wood. He takes so much pride in his builds even in the deathgame.
One of my other task suggestions was to break game rules for part of the session and I used the example of wearing a helmet. If Scar has that task, that will be quite funny. He's being super sus about that helmet and even talking like "I can take it off! I'll take it off right now" which would line up with my 50% of the session suggestion. I'll have to check on him next.
Gem's Yellow life heterochromia.
lskdjfslkjdf Boat Boys, my beloved...
Etho, parking a boat and making eye contact: Joel. Get in. Joel: The fandom's gonna go crazy, Etho. We can't do this. Etho: We're reliving the past, Joel, right now. Remember the good old days, just me and you? Joel: I do. The Relation ship. Etho: Riding the boats? Etho: ... Back when you cared about me.
skdjf I had to pause to start writing that and it really does just keep going, huh?
Joel: I still care, Etho. It's just... Etho: You still care? We hardly see each other anymore. Joel: I know, I know, but that's because I'm with the Mounders now. Etho: Well, this is where the relationship ends.
What is in Etho's Secret Life water; he is SO clingy and mushy with Joel every episode.
Joel calling Scar out for breaking the rules... is this my task, I am so curious.
Kind of surreal watching this play out. Definitely picking up the vibe that the players screened tasks together before putting them in and so they've got "rule breaker" as a possible option in their minds and that's why they're so quick to jump in and call Scar out on that TODAY despite the fact that he was also breaking rules in previous episodes. Very curious.
Martyn's calling a meeting, seems like a good time to pop over and check on Scar's task. Episode title is him calling himself a server villain so it might not be my task, but that's very funny anyway. Let's see.
Alas... It is not my "Break the rules for 50% of the episode" task suggestion, but the task he does have is really clever (Do the opposite of what people tell you to do).
Gonna bounce back to Joel and finish his episode and return to Scar later, but that will be a fun watch <3 Still getting the vibe that they screened my task ideas and maybe we will see it another day. We shall see.
I like the mental image of Scott looking up, covered in mud and dirt, as the Task Force comes barreling over the hill like "We caught you mud-handed!!"
Also enjoy the mental image of Joel catching Gem at the bottom of his water slide.
Joel @ Gem about The End: How come they went? I wouldn't go. Gem: idk, bunch of improv nerds. They just kept saying 'Yes.'
Yeah that tracks.
Gem: I just saved you a heart. I don't think I have to give you one.
I love how Joel is always like "Everybody likes me because I'm really popular." Like that's his actual dialogue. He's so fun to write and it's always funny to remember that he really is just Like That.
Congrats to Joel for finishing a nice fence around his base, lighting it up, and chopping down the trees to prevent skeleton spawning! He's doing pretty well this season.
MARTYN FIRST RED... He fell out of the world. what an idiot /affectionate.
Jimmy too... Jimmy. Jimmy, my man who has been out first four seasons in a row... is also on red life now... Jimmy, you are playing a DANGEROUS game.
Done with Joel's POV, switching to Grian's (after leaving a nice comment and a like on his video ofc <3)
Grian: The reds work slightly differently, but I'll explain that when we get our first red. Me: ... ah.
It's fun to see how careful and skilled Grian is. He's been a very high-heart green name for several episodes and it gives me 3rd Life vibes again.
That said, he lost a bunch in the caves... but I get why, gotta do the mining. Oh geez, zombie kid with a sword hits hard. Ouch.
Loving his dramatic music, though. It was interesting a few months ago when I went back and started binging some early Hermitcraft episodes, because you never appreciate the skill these guys have with subtle music until you compare them to their older videos which feel more awkward and empty. gg.
Holy GEEZ, Grian's dropping hearts like mad. Also watching him panic as his hunger meter drops because he's out of food is super funny. Yeah, that'll kill you.
Grian Session 4 would be a good early watch with that kind of tension... Also I love him limping into his base and devouring berry after berry.
Scar unable to take off his helmet because everyone keeps going "?? Take off your helmet!" and he can't.
The hilarity of:
Grian: Can I use your enchantment table? Scar: YES! ... Wait........ Grian: /turns around Scar: Noooo... Grian: /cracks up
Scar indicating he's okay with Grian using the table by using a sarcastic sing-songy voice to tell him it would be a bad idea to use it skldfj
Scar following Grian's instructions but doing so with a delay while Grian stands there confused sdlkfj
Grian: Scar said I could use it! How else would I know you had it? Cleo: ?? Why would Scar be in charge of our enchanter? Grian: ??? He said it was his??
Etho telling Grian to give his heart to Cleo slkdjf. Etho just really wants to be affectionate to someone.
Grian: What do I have to do to be friends? I hate living in that egg.
lskdjf obsessed with the besties roommates getting a third wheel roommate who brings them golden carrots.
Etho: You've been burning down your bases every episode. One rule: If you move into ours, you're not allowed to burn it down.
<3 Builder roommate!!
slkdfjsk they outsourced the bed shrine to Grian.
Etho: Cleo, you're really going to get along with Grian. He likes burning things too.
Obsessed with Grian asking why Etho waterlogged his chests and when Etho explains it's to prevent TNT damage, Grian just pauses and goes "I have made the right choice." sldkfj. Grian and Etho and Cleo team up! Very exciting; what will they do?
Grian asking Scar if he's okay and Scar saying "I'm neutral." skldjf. Scar is so good at this.
Loving Grian going to visit BigB for his obligatory "let's find out what weird stuff he's doing" commitment (and dragging Scar after him).
slkdjfskldj wheezing:
Grian: Why is Tango hanging around? Mumbo: ??? That's a bit rude? Someone partaking in a conversation and you're like "Why are you here?"
Watching Martyn eyeballing The End advancements in the chat while I know he's this close to dying from jumping in The End is stressing me out.
Mumbo: Grian, let's play a game. You stop. Grian: /stops Mumbo: /takes off running
And there go Martyn and Jimmy...
?? How interesting that red lives can't immediately PVP other players, but that's hilarious that they're supposed to have a never-ending chain of harmful tasks to complete. POV, you get possessed by a bunch of spirits who don't want to release your body. Time to add that to my Secret Life 'fic collection...
Grian's POV is done, going to leave him his like and comment, quickly wrap up these recaps, and sign off for the night.
Etho time:
Coming back in to Martyn's gaslighting suggestion... picking up what Etho does from here. sldkfj that really is my task he suggested, but Etho interpreted it differently. Fun to watch though. Also hilarious that Etho started claiming he came up with the Aha bit. sldkfj. Everyone in this series is nuts.
Shout out to Bdubs: "I want to be Yellow just for the barks."
slkdfj love Jimmy pointing out that in Last Life everyone was cracking up over Aha jokes but now everyone is just sighing at Etho.
Etho possessed by dead Southlander ghost :(
I like Etho asking if Grian wants a bread bridge because it really does sound like he's just bringing up "dead memes."
wheezing at Bdubs like "Wow, someone made the whole world in this short of a time?" and Scott jumps in like "Only a Bad Boy could do that." slkdfjlsdjf
Martyn: I meant something else but :'D (GG)
slkdfjsdljfskl screaming at BigB like "I forgot I was supposed to report to the Heart Foundation."
Etho: I'm a horse girl too. Cleo: I mean, that's what I call Bdubs.
lskdjfsldkjf Impulse jumpscare. Haven't seen him show up in any of my POVs yet. Will probably circle back to him later this weekend.
That wraps up Etho's POV, switching over... I have been watching Minecraft for like 3 hours straight.
Bdubs in Etho's comments launching a "formal complaint" against Etho sldkjfs. That's friendship.
Speedwatching Martyn and then Scar and then we rest.
Picking up 15 minutes into Martyn's episode:
Joel, about his wife: Oh, Lizzie. I forgot her. Not like she's an important part of my life or anything. Martyn: Old news, old news. Separation of work and life.
I do find it funny that Etho was bouncing around like "Joel, want to take a shot at me?"
The "Scar never stood trial" screen is cracking me up.
Again, RIP Scar unable to take off his helmet because everyone kept telling him too slkdjf.
I love Martyn and Pearl going back and forth like "You just told me to give my base a big butt and then walked off."
Martyn: I'm waiting to hand in my task in case I lose hearts so I can recover. Curse of knowledge: ...
<3 Pretty Heart Foundation cherry blossom heart and cool globe in the background.
sldkjf Impulse urging everyone to gift Skizz hearts. The guilt. They are BFFs, your honor.
Martyn's dramatic music while Scar takes off running slkdjf.
Big brain move by Martyn for swiping Mumbo's horse while sussing out his task.
Welp, this is as far as I got before someone came in and pulled me from my computer, which of course restarted in my absence and closed all my many incognito tabs with my videos :') Ugh. Thank goodness for auto-saved drafts though or I would have lost this after 3 hours of watching.
Posting now and if I have anything more to say about Martyn or Scar, I'll do so in another post!
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