#this doesn't count as a weird ask bc it's just very sweet
this-is-krikkit · 8 months
So… Fanfiction Writer Bingo. Do you still use/ever read your old stuff on Fanfiction.net? Did you prefer this platform to Tumblr/AO3 or do you find writinf and publishing is better on these?
Love you 💜
to answer your first question, dear titans in paths, no i fucking don't!! i did check it out again when i did that bingo thing (cringe intensifies) and the last time i posted on there was 6 fucking years ago 😱🤯 full disclosure, i get the urge to delete my account every once in a while, basically anytime i'm reminded of ff.net's existence, but i try not to give in. it's a part of who i was, yk? besides, opening my inbox on there just reminded me of the absolute pleasure it was to get my first ever feedback on my writing so.... yeah. i'm never rereading any of that shit though, i used to be even worse at writing than i am now BIG YIKES
as for the platform itself, the interface was terrible (still is) and imo counter-intuitive to use, so i don't miss that. also the option to read comments (aka reviews on there) directly from your profile would only appear, in RED ITALIC LETTERS DIRECTLY NEXT TO YOUR FIC'S TITLE, if someone left you a review. so in whatever interval of time before someone did, it would be glaringly absent, which always felt like a stab to my lil sensitive writer's heart (i was a teenager, gimme a break 😳). oh, and the search system is subpar, minus one million over ten, never would recommend even to my worst enemy, run for your life and give up trying to find whatever you were after on there shudders
i did love, however, that replies to comments were private and therefore couldn't count as another comment!! which is something i loathe on AO3, because it fucks up the stats and forces me to reply publicly, which i'm not a fan of. plus, it would open a direct, private line of communication between writer/reader, and that was a great way to meet like-minded people, to make friends, to elaborate future fics together, to discuss headcanons... there was a real sense of a writing community, i feel, that might be lacking a little on ao3 (which is why i link all my ao3 fics to here, though it's still not the same).
ao3 is definitely more modern and practical, but sometimes i miss the good ol' ff days. and i don't actually like posting my fics on tumblr, but i feel like i have to so they get what little visibility they can get x)
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velvetydream · 8 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Hells greatest Demon ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : You've had quite a rough day, so Alastor tries his best to cheer you up with some food and a broadcast.
Pairing : Alastor x Reader
Word count : 1305
Genre : Sweet Fluff
Warnings ➵ Hinting of cannibalism (Alastor)
a/n : Very self-indulged bcs Alastor is my comfort chara rn and I'm currently having a rather hard time.. Also I'm very very new to Hazbin Hotel, so I'm so sorry if smth doesn't match up or seems out of character! Decided to write this simply for comfort!♡
┌───────────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
It was another hellish day, like always work was keeping you on your toes, Charlie had yet another plan and of course activity everyone at the hotel had to join in. Niffty was keeping you busy more than any other day, it was slowly getting to you. On top of that, your ex had to show up at your workplace today.
So with all this happening, you decided to get a bit of peace with a tea in the kitchen, but your mind was running a race, ending in simply resting your head on the kitchen table and closing your eyes for a second, trying to tune out Angels and Husks banter at the bar.
"Greetings my dear!" A cheerful, yet accompanied by a radio static sound, voice sounded behind you, you wanted to groan but swallowed it down again. It's not like you despised Alastor, quite the opposite, he was rather lovely and nice to you, shocking. But he sometimes loves to play into someone's despair and you're no exception. "Oh darling, you look rather doomed, haha, why don't you smile, you know you're never fully dressed without one!" Alastor walked past you, shrugging off his coat and laying it onto the back of one of the chairs, his sleeves being pushed up by his hands now. "I'm not really in the mood for smiling right now.." He took a quick glance at you, which you didn't notice of course, before he turned around again to the stove. His staff was now leaning against the kitchen cupboard, soft jazz music was now playing, which was calming you down a bit more.
"Mind sharing your thoughts darling? You look rather lost in them." It was weird for Alastor to care for others problems, yet he asked you, still his back turned to you, your eyes open yet again, following his movements. Getting ready to cook, probably his favorite, Jambalaya. "It's just been a really hard day, Niffty almost got me killed, my boss just dumped a week's extra load onto me which I shall finish in three days, and then on top of this all my stupid fucker of an ex decided to show up at my work." At the last words, just slightly, barely noticeable, the red-haired demon tensed up a bit. "That does seem like a rough day my dear, how about I make you some nice new tea and when I finish cooking you'll get the first plate." Turning to you now, his signature smile was planted on his face, you doubt you ever saw him without one, it can be unsettling at times, but mostly it was fine. Alastor grabbed your teacup, and set up a cattle with fresh water, as he scooped some tea into your cup, all the while starting to prepare to cook. It was calming, he was calming. Despite hearing the others all around the hotel, the jazz music, and the soft sounds of Alastor cooking, you could swear you also heard him hum softly to the music but you didn't dare mention it to him, were drowning everything out.
A hot steaming cup was swiftly set in front of you, the tea a different one now than you had before, but it still gave of a soothing and calming smell. With a thank you, you took a sip of the porcelain cup.
It was quiet in the kitchen for the time being, only the soft music and Alastors cooking, you two were merely enjoying the presence of the other, it was calming your mind and you finally felt your shoulders relaxing. Soon a plate was placed in front of you, it was Jambalaya, which you already ate countless times since staying at the hotel, Alastor loved to make it often. He himself now sitting down beside you at the table with a plate of his own, coat still on the chair, sleeves still pushed to his elbows.
"Thanks!" Thanking him for the plate, you immediately dig in, the taste was amazing like always, Alastor truly is a master at cooking. Soon the others joined in the kitchen, the kitchen was now booming with voices and laughter, but this time it didn't bother you, it was nice to eat all together. Laughing at some joke Angel just made, before talking with Charlie about some idea how to get new guests for the hotel. All the while the eyes of a certain demon were on you.
After the good meal, everyone together started cleaning their dishes, Nifty almost threw her fork at an insect on the floor, but Husker took the fork away before she could accidentally harm someone. In the end, it was just you and Alastor left, as you put away all the clean plates now, Alastor putting his coat back on, as he took his microphone staff.
"So how are you feeling dear? Better now?" Jumping a little bit at how close his voice suddenly was, turning your head just slightly, noticing how Alastor was now standing behind you and leaning over your shoulder. "Y-Yes! Thanks a lot again!" Stepping away from him, he simply watched you with his usual smile. "Splendid! How about you join me for my broadcast?" Eyes going wide now at his offer, he never allowed anyone to join him when he goes on air, hell, if someone were to disturb him they shall never be seen again. So to say you were stunned was an understatement.
"I would love to but.. are you sure?" You often listened to his broadcast when you had time, or sometimes put it on when you go to sleep, but to listen to him live? That would be amazing. "Well of course my dear, if I wasn't sure I wouldn't have offered! Well then! Let's get going!" A big smile was now stretched on his face, as he was leaving the kitchen in tow with you.
Arriving at his radio tower, which you never saw from the inside before, so you're actually a bit hyped to join him. Holding the door open for you like the gentleman he is, you enter and immediately start looking around. Walking over to the big windows, you could see the city below, from up here it looked so small, it was amazing. "Well my dear, do take a seat wherever you like, we're soon going on air." Looking back at Alastor with a smile now as you nod, taking a seat on the couch on the wall. Overall the room wasn't that big, his room, which you saw before a few times, was definitely bigger than this. Leaning against the wall a bit, you wait for Alastor to start his broadcast.
"Salutation hell, good to be back on the air today..." You were listening closely, he was playing some soft music in the background while talking. Slowly the exhaustion from today was creeping on you more with every minute that passed. And before you knew it, your consciousness slipped away intdreamlandnd.
Alastor kept the broadcast going, ending it after a good one or two hours, looking over at you, his dear darling. A smile wide on his face, as he puts everything he used away to his original place. Slow steps were made over to you, as he was shrugging his coat off and laying it over your body carefully. "Sleep well darling, hope you liked my broadcast." A strand was pushed behind your ear, that fell in front of your face.
Turning to the door now, the soft smile he wore for you, slowly turned into a sinister smile. "Now to that ex of yours.." Leaving the room, he closes the door behind him, and let's just say, he had a nice midnight snack this time and your ex to your surprise never showed up at your workplace again.
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junkissed · 9 months
member | jun x reader genre | fluff, sooo much fluff, est. relationship, suggestive at one part so 18+ mndi word count | 0.9k words synopsis | jun's way of loving you is gentle. warnings | descriptions of female anatomy (only at the nsfw part and it's not very detailed), brief mentions of sex, this is soooo gross and domestic and sweet and that in itself is a warning notes | this is a super informal drabble & more of my weird romantic sappy prose bc i literally cannot be normal about him ever. i hope this makes somebody cry or like throw their phone against a wall in agony or something bc that is how jun makes me feel! pls feel free to scroll past if poetry-style stuff isn't your thing. or not. idk you're the reader i just write whatever the hell i want and right now i want to give jun a big fat sloppy smooch on his gorgeous forehead
jun loves gently. he loves by making sure your coffee or tea is ready every morning before you wake up. he loves by organizing your shoes at the door so you don't trip on them when you walk by. he loves by holding the sharp edge of a table when you walk by so it doesn't hurt you.
his kind of love is when he runs his hands along your body, along every part of you and making sure not a single inch goes without feeling how much he adores you. his love will always be there, cradling you against his chest and letting you hold him as tightly as you need. his love is clingy, because he wants to make sure you know he loves you every single second of every single day.
he loves gently by kissing your forehead while you sleep, kissing your cheeks when he makes you flush with his flirting, kissing your neck while he makes love to you, kissing your back while he's showering together with you, kissing each one of your fingers when you hold his hand, kissing the tip of your nose because he loves the way it always makes you giggle. he loves by kissing you every time like it's the first time, like he's finally won the honor of being called yours and he gets to celebrate it with a kiss to your lips.
he loves intimately, with kisses all over your boobs, holding them in his hands and pushing his lips against your soft skin and grinning with a lust that temporarily conceals his overwhelming love for you, but never overshadows it. he loves with kisses between your legs, ones that make you shiver and arch with pleasure and push his head away in desperate attempts to make it stop, though you want nothing more than for him to keep going. the same lips he uses to kiss your forehead and your cheeks and your neck and everywhere else; the same gentle, messy lips he uses to eat you out with whenever he begs you to sit on his face.
he loves gently in the way he likes to hold your hands during sex, the way he likes positions that face each other so he can look into your eyes and see how much love is contained inside them while he's inside you. he loves by switching positions without you having to ask, because he can tell you're getting tired in this position but he can tell that you're trying to hold on for him; he doesn't want you to. he wants everything to always be comfortable for you, satisfying for you, pleasurable for you, perfect for you. everything he does is always for you.
even when he's loving you roughly, you can always tell he loves you gently. a harsh slap to your ass, always with a warm palm caressing your stinging skin. a hand wrapped around your throat, always with fingers that never tighten past the point of discomfort. a grip on your hips so tight that it brings tears to your eyes, always with a careful hand to wipe at your cheeks. a vulgar name called out meant to degrade, always with a soft voice whispering in your ear how beautiful and perfect you are.
his gentle love is always nearby, even when it's not the focus. sometimes it lingers in the background, waiting quietly for the chance to wrap its arms around you and keep you safe when you need it. like a warm blanket on a cold night, or a cool fan on a hot night, always making everything just right, no matter the conditions. jun's love is like a warm bowl of soup when you're sick, never fully realizing how much you need it until you do, a spoonful cooled off to the perfect temperature so you don't burn your tongue, hand-fed by gentle hands that want to see you well again.
his love can be rambunctious, when he gets so excited he can't physically contain all his happiness and it pours out into the atmosphere around him. but even then, his love is still gentle, wrapping you up in his excitement right along with him.
his love can be childlike, innocent in the way he holds your hand and drags you along to show you something he found. his love is gentle in the way he stops to meow at every cat he sees, like they're long lost friends he hasn't seen in years and he's telling them that they need to catch up sometime over coffee and catnip.
his love is there in every big, toothy smile, every scrunch of his nose, and every fit of hysterical giggles.
his love is soft like the cover of an old book, worn thin from being used so much by loving pairs of hands. his love is like a book passed down throughout the decades, one that you were always told to handle delicately— you have to love him gently, too.
he loves you until the word love itself is worn out, lost its meaning from being repeated hundreds of thousands of millions of times, and even then it's still not enough to express everything he feels. he loves you in every language, in the ones he understands and the ones he doesn't, because even an infinite amount of words couldn't come close to describing his love. but, if you had to choose only one, you'd start with this:
his love is gentle.
i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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collidescopeeyes · 5 months
Random Relationship Headcanons: Pyke
- Whittles in his free time. Always has a piece of wood and a carving knife on him, his pockets always have sawdust shavings in them. Likes working with bone too, but that's less portable. Forgot about it for a while after he died, but he tries to keep it up after the Deep loosens it's hold on him, it helps keep him occupied. Works more with bone after though; knives are somehow just a bit sharper in his hands. He always gives you the nicest ones, but he's very particular about which ones turned out good enough
- Pre-Deep, wakes up at the crack of dawn. Can be convinced to come back to bed for exactly as long as it takes you to fall asleep again. Post-Deep doesn't need to sleep, but still sticks around as long as it takes you to fall sleep before slipping away.
- Likes salty and spicy flavours, but is also used to eating whatever's convenient for sustenence. He has a few dishes he learned from his mom that he can make really well, but that's from years of practice: he needs to be given Very Specific Instructions for anything else or he's hopeless. Makes a god tier chili but it's so hot you WILL cry and he WILL laugh at you
- Post-Deep, he still needs to eat, but left to his own devices he just eats raw fish like some kind of extremely budget sashimi chef. He came back with sharper teeth, and he can't exactly get sick anymore.
- Speaking of post-Deep changes, doesn't need to breathe, and doesn't have a heartbeat anymore. He can see in the dark and in water incredibly well, but he's actually a bit blind during the day.
- His sense of smell is fucked from years of exposure to chemicals and offal on the slaughter docks, hence why he likes food with strong flavours; aromatics are wasted on him. VERY strict with personal hygiene bc of that, he knows he can't tell if he smells like blood and death and he doesn't want to gross you out. Steals your soap though, if he notices he smells like lavender he doesn't care.
- Forgets to act like a human being sometimes. Pre-Deep that was just peak bachelor behavior like eating a tomato like it's an apple cuz it's food and it's fast. Post-Deep he's just Weird, like stands in one spot looming and not blinking not breathing for an hour weird. Tries not to do it in front of you, but you're the only person he cares about not freaking out.
- Always smells like the sea, has calloused hands but is always very gentle with you (unless in some very specific situations where you don't want him to be wink wonk). His tattoos go up his arms and down his back. Feels kind of uncomfortable when he's out and around other people without his bandana up, he's just so used to it.
- His mother was Buhru serpent caller and his father a Freljordian who joined up with with the Noxian Navy during one of their northern campaigns. Father died young, mother when he was 18. Pretty much been on his own since then, never really had anyone especially important to him in that time and is used to taking care of himself. Pretty much never treats himself to nice things so the task has to fall to you. Consequentially, has zero immunity to you doing nice things for him just because; pack him a lunch with a sweet note and he’s Gone that's It, Pyke.exe has Stopped Responding
- Resting murder face that gets worse when he's embarrassed. His levels of flustered are directly proportionate to how much he looks like he's about to stab someone. His ears get red though, it's cute.
- Punctual and has an excellent memory, if you ask him to do something he'll do it no questions asked. If you tell him to meet you in a random alleyway at 10:05am with a grocery list of 16 things, he's there on the dot and to the letter.
- Fantastic whistler, great singing voice, you'll literally never catch him doing it. If you're sick or something he might be persuaded to hum you a lullaby.
- Thinks actions count more than words, and that being reliable and showing up is way more important than any grand gesture. If you're having a bad day he'll bring you coffee or a snack you like, chores are done so there's nothing for you to worry about when you get home, anything he can do to make your day less stressful. Doesn't mention it either, it's just natural to him, like obviously he's gonna do whatever he can to help. Likewise, it doesn't take much to keep him happy, just as long as he knows he can rely on you.
- Appreciates physical closeness but doesn't usually initiate it. Not really used to recognizing when he wants something, just kinda goes from mysteriously being unhappy to internally having a little :) thought bubble above his head when you sit down next to him (still looks pissed tho but that's just his face don't worry about it). Doesn't need to talk or anything, just likes being close to you.
- Great listener, you might worry he's not paying attention because he tends not to say much, but he'll remember every word. Will happily listen to you talk about literally anything that interests you, if it's important to you it's important to him.
- If there's a problem you need to work out just tell him. He'll notice if something is up but he trusts you'll come to him when you're ready to talk. Great at listening and trying to understand where you're coming from but isn't great at recognizing or articulating his own feelings, so he needs time to think about how to respond. Please be patient with him, he's trying his best.
- Not really jealous or possessive but has a natural ‘don’t fuck with me’ aura that means no one even thinks of getting too friendly with you, even before he became the Blood Harbor Ripper. Ngl, he enjoys it, means he gets to monopolize you–anyone who knows you well know he's harmless (to them).
- Post-Deep, gets more protective and…not really clingy but he Hovers. You're the most important thing in the world to him, you're his reprieve from the voices and the only good thing he has left in a world that's fucked him over and he's shit scared of losing you. Even when he can't actively be beside you, he still prefers to keep tabs on you from the shadows when he can. The Ripper thing gets in the way less than you'd think; no one really lives to say what he looks like and what does get passed on is very exaggerated, and freaky glowing eyes are more common than you'd think in Runeterra--plus, the Ripper's not just gonna be walking around, psh. He hates crowds now though and worries he won't be able to control his reactions, so if you're running errands at a market or something don't expect company. Gets antsy if he hasn't seen you in a while, so don't be surprised if he's disproportionately relieved to see you.
- Post-Deep, has a much harder time relaxing, his memory is a lot hazier, and he gets confused when things don't line up with what he has in his head. The voices are distracting and he's not always sure what's real and what's not. The Deep fucked him up and he's still sort of figuring how to deal with it–its pretty unclear how much of what's going on with him is actual literal magic and how much is a man with severe PTSD struggling to make sense of his new reality
- Anyway I finished playing the Ruined King game and my epilogue hc is the part in that where Illaoi offers to help break his curse and he goes to teach the Buhru about sea monsters. His list becomes his list, not about what the Deep wants but about protecting people who can't protect themselves. He finds connection with an estranged heritage and purpose in helping protect Bilgewater, either through helping the serpent callers or through putting fear into Bilgewaters scummiest.
NSFW (under cut)
- His job keeps him away from you for long stretches of time and by God is he gonna make up for that
- High libido but is used to managing that on his own, jerking off twice a day just was just kinda part of his daily routine; if you're in the mood he much much prefers coming to you instead
- Definitely a dom, likes being a bit rough with you. Gets immense satisfaction out of making a mess out of you, hand in your hair whispering filthy things in your ear while pounding you within an inch of your life. Loves hearing you beg and whimper. Act up if you want a spanking, you're not getting out of here without cumming at LEAST three times anyway
- Loves it when you're loud, it's his personal goal to extract as many noises from you as he can and he doesn't give a fuck who hears. Dirty talk aside, he's not very vocal himself, but God does he sound good when you do get a moan out of him
- Can and will manhandle you. Holds your wrists in one hand or pulls your head back with a firm grasp on your hair, holds your throat so he can feel your pulse pounding, flips you over or pushes you down so he can fuck you better. If you're getting home and he's in a mood you're getting picked up and fucked against the front door, neighbors who?? He wrestles sea monsters for a living, you basically weigh nothing to him, and he loves how cute and pliant you get when he's fucking your brains out ❤️
- Big fan of oral, giving and receiving. Eats pussy like he doesn't need to breath, he thinks you taste great and he loves making you squirm--be warned, this will work him up and you will be getting railed after, how many times you already came on his tongue is really irrelevant. Likewise, he thinks you're so pretty on your knees struggling to fit his cock in your mouth, and he makes sure he tells you that and what a good job you're doing ❤️
- He has thick fingers and by God does he know how to use them, can reduce you to a puddle with one hand up your skirt. If you're feeling bold enough to tease him in public you will inevitably find yourself in some dark corner with one leg hiked up to his hip while he makes you see stars. There are a lot of areas where he's a patient man, and this is not one of them--you fuck around you WILL be finding out.
- If you wear lingerie it's not coming out intact, sorry. Something about it just makes him want to wreck you, prettier the better. That being said, he can't decide whether you look better with his cum dripping out of you or off of you--help him decide, will you?
- Will happily let you take charge, he likes seeing you chasing your own pleasure. If you want to do any kind of edge play on him though he will need to be physically restrained, and he will get so growly about it. At his most desperate he doesn't even sound human anymore.
- Occasionally, just wants something slow and intimate, you in his lap with your arms around his neck, just taking the time to enjoy each other. He's a softy at heart, he doesn't know how to ask for it but sometimes he just craves a bit of romance.
- After, cleans you up and holds you until you fall asleep, occasionally presses a kiss to your hair. Actually gets super sulky if you don't have time to cuddle properly. He's not great with words, so it's an important way for him to show how deeply he cares about you.
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campbyler · 9 months
i theoretically have so many deranged and wonderful things to say about 9.1 but i will try to be Concise and Normal:
1. i have synesthesia and ohhh boy did my weird little brain go nuts over another thea wiseatom chapter. picture the strawberry and cheese scene in ratatouille except instead of strawberry and cheese it’s the most delectable and exquisite ice cream.
2. knowing (and remembering !!) the Little Things about someone has got to be one of the best ways of expressing love to exist. i was physically giggling and kicking my feet over how sweet and thoughtful they are with each other.
3. i feel like i’m right there in the trenches with will my goodness. every little fluctuation of mike’s behavior or the vibe/emotions between them had my pacing the floor and tearing my hair out. i know we’ve established that neither of them are the most reliable of narrators but when it comes to will’s internal monologue, perception of events, etc. oh boy do i fall for it.
there are so many aspects of their relationship to tackle in this universe and i’m sure this goes without saying but the emotional “world-building” seems just as vast as the physical/geographical. this is an absolute behemoth of a fic and i don’t just mean because of its word count. will never not be grateful for the work that all of you have put in for this and for sharing it with us.
that was neither Concise nor was it Normal but i hope the rest of this year and the start of the next treats you well, can’t wait for 9.2 :)
ohhh i will also try to be so concise and normal and respond on each point even though this ask made me feel anything but Concise and Normal:
i am printing out this point and taping it to my wall. that is possibly theee biggest compliment i have ever received (i have never seen ratatouille all the way through -- i fell asleep watching it for the first time a few weeks ago bc i was so eepy and sleepy, but this made me inspired to finish the rest)
that's so real and also true. it's funny, because when i originally wrote the dialogue out, i forgot to include that bit about the callback to follow the sparks -- and then suni watched me write it in and was giggling and twirling her hair at the reference to her fic lol. but i agree that it is SOOOOO. SOOOOOOOOOOO. yeag .
i'm so glad that will being very analytical of mike's every move came across well because i was worried his behavior would read erratic and unrealistic. sending you and will both well wishes of getting out of the trenches soon <3
also printing out this last part and framing it even because THANK YOOOOOU SOOOO MUCHHHHHH. i think we are finally in the part of the fic where it really feels like everything is paying off, and i am beyond ecstatic that we are not the only ones who feel that way. thank you for your almost concise and normal comment!! feel free to make them unhinged in the future!! hope you had a happy holidays and that chapter 9.2 doesn't disappoint 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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gregoftom · 1 year
i don't really know how to explain myself properly but i feel like some people are really concerned about Getting A Good Grade In Succession to the point where they've adopted a very cynical view of tg's relationship because being too earnest about them is ~not the point of the show~ or w/e. which is funny because every other relationship in the show is allowed to be nuanced but not theirs i guess? so you have people going "oh their relationship was only ever about them using each other from the start" when that's demonstrably not true and like. i have really mixed feelings about this season so far and i feel like anything could happen with them by virtue of weird writing choices and i hope with all my heart this doesn't end up being the case but even if the finale tries to diminish the depth of their relationship i don't understand the point of Us acting like there was never anything deeper there? but anyway, all this too say that i agree w/ you that the way people are very cynical and dismissive abt tg specifically has rubbed me the wrong way and thank u for your service ❤️
hiii sweet anon!
A GOOD GRADE IN SUCCESSION ASHAKJSA god honestly, i hear you.
i'm getting real tired of this "point of the show" shit bc it's like. just because tg isn't "the point", isn't a main focal plot [which it is, or at least is part of it], isn't integral to character development [which it is too; without tom greg would not be where he is now which is at a point where he actually could be seriously considered as a fucking CEO, without greg tom wouldn't have learned any self respect or self worth/we would never have been able to see him express himself beyond servitude towards shiv], it doesn't mean it can't be explored and considered as a serious part of the show?
media is created for us to enjoy. yes it's there to interpret and discuss but it doesn't always have to be that way? literally you can watch the show just for tomgreg and that is A OKAY. why? because you don't have to justify why you like something! surprise! and yeah i've noticed that too - other relationships get to be seen as nuanced, but not tg i guess. idk why, seeing as its dynamic is something to be studied under a microscope and fun to not only shippers but normies too lmao. clearly there is something more interesting to it than just, oh it's mutual corporate climbing.
exactly! there's even more contexts provided by the scripts, THE SACRED TEXTS lol that provide us with more knowledge and insight into the feelings of these characters, that show us that their relationship goes beyond using each other. there is an element of that of course, but that's not all they are. why reduce them to that when so very clearly on paper we are affirmed of what we thought we could read textually on the screen? it just baffles me.
i'm hoping too anon, like A Lot. from the looks of the trailer i have a. i have a little bit of hope. even if say, tom has to choose between greg and shiv, if he chooses shiv and has visible trouble with it, like it takes him time, it plagues him, it takes effort, it feels like a real decision affecting his life, like. that counts for something you know? that would, to me, not diminish his relationship with greg. obviously it would be heartbreaking after how loyal greg has been to tom, but the very fact that it would be difficult to tom would mean that greg is important to him in some fashion, and the show would be at least acknowledging it by doing that. like, it's that easy. i ain't asking for much. i know what i'd like, but what i would be satisfied/settle with, well i think the bar is reasonable, you know?
i'm glad you understand me! i mean, who knows maybe some of it is people trying to go on the defensive like, "it's the hope that kills you" so they are trying not to have any by lessening it, saying oh there was nothing there, there was no romance, nothing positive, it was all for mutual professional gain and that's it. but like, personally that doesn't work for me. i think you should at least acknowledge its importance otherwise we're regressing right back to the oh it's a mlm ship? never mind then. i'm not about that, i guess.
thanks for the message buddy god speed <3
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the-geek-librarian · 9 months
12, 15 and 25 for Vanica, Dante and Zenon :D
12. What's a Headcanon you have for this character?
Dante: He can't cook for SHIT. like as much as I love him (which is more then I will ever openly admit) bro can't make a sandwich or boil and egg so Vanica runs him out the kitchen with a wooden spoon. Also he can't drink. Homie is a lightweight and he hates that so much
Zenon: He really likes dancing! Though no one (except Allen) knows about it. Not even Vani and Dante. Plus he has a REALLY big sweet tooth, if their is a box of sweets in his field of vision he will leave nothing for the rest the siblings (this annoys Dante beyond belief )
Vanica: She is (somehow) a really great cook! She kicked Lucius out of cooking duty a month after she learned the basics. Dante has made the "Haha, your a woman and you cook" joke only once in his whole life because Vanica put rat poison in his food and uhhh it wasn't a nice experience. And she can sing too! Most of the time she acts like she can't just to annoy ppl
15. What's your favorite ship with this character? ( Doesn't matter if it's canon or not)
Dante: OHHHHHH BOYYYY UHHH. Sweet rat man, I love you (regrettably) but your ass is so fucking bitchless. The closest thing he has to a relationship is the fact that he is fuckbuddys with Lucifero, I won't count Yami x Dante as a ship bc it's literally just rat man being a weird ass mother fucker and getting his ass beat which is funny as shit. However I will say he is pansexual and he will get into a relationship with literally anything and anyone.
Zenon: There is only one correct answer. Allen x Zenon for LIFE. Because come on BC fandom that man is not attached to Wemon in any way, only thing he feels for them is fear bc of Vanica and his Mom. But moving on they are soulmate-coded and I will die on that, Golden retriever bf and Black cat bf
Vanica: Listen, all of Vanica ships are fucking soulmate coded ok??? (I'm dilulu shut UP) and I love them with my heart (except Vanica x Acier, not soulmate-coded but annoying cat x Tired mother of 4). I have three I would die for bc I am insane. 1) Vanica x Megicula and Vanica x Lolopechka really they give off SUCH old married couple energy I wanna DIE. 2) Vanica x Lolo x Gajah, it's the "We can fix her" mentality AND THEY SECSIDED THE MOTHER FUCKERS. They are very funny and funky but not everyone's cup of tea but it's ok.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Dante: My first impression was "OHHHH, he looks cool! (I also like the beard shot me) wonder what he can do" and now it's "Cring ass motherfucker pls stop being weird for the love of god (affectionately, I'm afraid), can you not have beef with an 18 year old?". Can you tell that I like him but wanna throw him of a clif?
Zenon: First impression "Emo boy, with a sad backstory incoming" I didn't care about bonehead at the start, I thought he had BANING magic but beyond that meh. And now "UHHH BABY BOY LIL WET CAT MAN BONE ASS IDIOT. can someone get this mans husband pls?" now I put him in my pocket and take him as far for house Zogratis as I can
Vanica: First impression "WEEEEEEE WEMON, IF HOT WHY EVIL???" I was uhh it was love at first sight honestly, same with Lolopechka so now I call them BOTH baby girls. Now "Oh baby- I would feel bad for what I put you through BUT I DONT SUFFER, then I wack her with the angst stick in almost all my Aus" really can you get more baby girl then Vanica? ( yes you can but SHUT up) she is both insane and has her mental health hanging on a thread, she really needs some tits to lean on and a tea to drink.
Thank you for the asks Cr!!
Asks for this are always open for any fandom I'm in!!
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ihopethisendswell · 4 months
This is gonna be so left field y'all, I just needed to rant about this stupid book hgvhvgvgvcg
Months ago I got a random book from BG's ( very big supermarket essentially), not knowing it was the second book in a series. I decide to read it anyway, bc I already spent money on it. Only now I'm like. Actively chipping away at the book, and like. I already knew I wouldn't be sold on a romance between two characters missing a shit ton of context, but so far I just. Don't care. Hgvhvgvgvcg. Truthfully I care more about the fem protag bc I think she's interesting, and I do feel for her, but her love interest is. Alright. I guess. I don't particularly like this guy. The main conflict in between the two so far is that the main love interest hides a big ass secret that is directly tied to the mc, and this is focusing on the after math of that. The MC is, rightfully, upset and doesn't trust the guy. The mli,to his credit, wants to make it up to her, earn her trust back, and pursue a relationship. In his eyes, they are the end game. And honestly, that's all fine and dandy if he would actually fucking tell her the truth. Something about asking the questions she wants. And like??? Bro????? Just tell her?????? She's asking you to be honest with her, you both know that you love each other, so why?????? Still hide????? It's so weird bc he genuinely says some sweet stuff and is considerate towards her but also! Just! Doesn't seem to take her distrust seriously. Or maybe he does, but he's shit at showing it, god damn.
Like. I fully get that I am missing a whole nooks worth of content here. I fucking get it. And!! I'm not even half way done with this thing. I'm only now getting invested bc I actually am having fun with this thing. Maybe down the line my opinion will change but. Just. The romance is not appealing to me right now lol. Actually I just think it's not appealing when the main love interest is there. Cause when the mc was talking to her friend about it, or anyone, it's more entertaining.
Like no amount of saying your devotion and wanting to make things work is gonna matter if you don't actually. Say anything, ya know? And I get there's like. A shit ton of reasons why, right? The stakes are high and the mc needs to learn how to mentally protect herself, but also her life has been uprooted, everything she knew was a lie, the least she can count on is her boy toy that she genuinely loves to be honest with her. Which. I guess you can say he is, but not in the way that she wants.
I dunno man. Maybe I don't Get It, but it's not clicking with me.
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Let's freaking go bois YEEEEEEE
♥️👙Á👠🍒👅☂️☜☞∀ for my beloved Lara and Sage and/or Reaper and Sens or Fury and Plague idk dealer's choice <3
For you my Beloved Bestie, I shall do all 3!
Death & Her Mercy (Rouen "Reaper" BlakexNéon “Sens” Ngoma Mutombo ||Rainbow Six Siege)
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive?
My gal is most sensitive along her bikini area, inner thighs, neck (more toward her collarbone) and hip dips. Anyone who wants to be handsy and touches her there will def get a reaction (fun fact: her thighs are very ticklish, which Sens would probably find out very quickly).
For Sens, I think they're the type to be sensitive on the neck and their ears. Reaper finds this out when she actually tries to whisper in Sens' ear about something normal and she startles them.
👙-Favorite outfit in the bedroom?
Reaper isn't actually into dressing up for specific occasions, but she would try; this being said, she tries to stay between keeping it "simple" and adding a lil bit more Spice when she's feeling bold. So she'll probably wear some nice lingerie (not the complex strappy stuff but different stuff) under either a nightie, a mesh dress, or a regular oversized shirt. She does own Nice nightgowns that she originally wears for herself when she's feeling Fancy, but ofc she gets even to show them off to Sens.
Idk if this counts as an "outfit", though Reaper does like to see Sens in those tanks they wear (example in the vector glare siege story). That and something like unbuttoned beach shirts (example like the Hawaiian vacation shirts), or anything that Sens can wear loosely.
Á : Is your muse loud in bed?
While I think they are on the same level when it comes to making noise, Reaper takes the cake as the loudest; when they first start having sex, Reaper tries desperately to Be Quiet and always ends up failing miserably since she moans and curses and gasps more than Sens does. Sens can make their fair share of noise too, but they save it for my gal's ears, and I think Sens is more heavy breathing, gasping, and some moaning in comparison.
👠-Do they watch pornography? If so, what kind?
Reaper doesn't watch porn bc she personally doesn't care for it and knows 99.9% of porn is meant for guys anyway. Sens actually just doesn't strike me as someone who would be into it either, maybe they would do it, with Reaper's permission or ask if they could watch something together, for new spicy ideas?
🍒-When and how did they lose their virginity, if they have?
Reaper would have no shame in revealing that she, in her late twenties, is still a virgin. She never really had the opportunity to have sex when she was younger, nor was she interested in doing so due to sex being something really personal for her.
Again, I'm not sure if Sens would have done the tango. They're very sweet and sociable, not that that has to mean they've had sex nor that they've had a romantic relationship. Honestly idk, I think if they did, maybe in their early-mid twenties? Comfort sex or a friends-with-benefits thing?
👅-Would they rather give or receive oral sex?
Reaper loves to receive, so she offers to give so much in exchange.
Sens feels like a giver, so I think there's some balance here.
☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually?
Sooooo Reaper actually takes a lil minute before hits climax (it sounds weird to give an amount of time, but so I'm not vague about this, I'm taking 30 minutes minmum, even if she's initially in The Mood unless that's not a long time idk).
I think it depends for Sens, if they're in The Mood I think they climax pretty quickly (10-15 minutes), otherwise they don't take too long nor too soon.
☜ : Does your muse like to top?/☞ : Does your muse like to bottom?
Reaper is a Bottom, like she can try to top but it'll look just too cute.
Me thinks Sens could be a pro at switching.
∀ : Your muse’s favorite position?
Reaper: missionary, lotus, from behind (preferably standing and/or against a wall, also pinned), missionary with legs over the shoulders
Sens: cowgirl, spooning but facing each other, facing each other against the wall/on a counter, standing missionary
A Game of Cat & Mouse (Lorelei "Plague" CapuletxLuna "Fury" Pajeot ||Rainbow Six Siege)
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive?
Fury's most sensitive spots are her inner thighs and behind her knees, and her navel and lower stomach.
Plague's spots are their shoulder blades, sides and lower back, and their scalp.
👙-Favorite outfit in the bedroom?
Fury's motto is "comfort is sexy" (jk), so wearing baggy clothes, pajamas, etc. actually gets her going (especially when it makes it easier for her to reach the Spots), and she is not afraid to admit she's a sucker for the fancy military uniforms in the bedroom.
Plague isn't really into the whole outfit thing, so they go with whatever Luna likes.
Á : Is your muse loud in bed?
Luna is not loud in bed; she's a heavy breather, soft moaner, and sometimes even giggles (that's just her).
Plague is not loud either actually. They curse, groan, and (thought they fruitlessly try not to) even whimper, but none of it gets past the room.
👠-Do they watch pornography? If so, what kind?
Luna does occasionally, strictly lesbian and/or masturbation, she'll offer Plague to watch it with her if they feel up to it.
Plague doesn't watch porn. They discovered it when they were younger and it was Not The Right time, of course that was awhile ago and they know Luna doesn't watch "extreme" stuff so it's fine.
🍒-When and how did they lose their virginity, if they have?
Luna masturbated when she was younger, which I'm not sure if that counts (some ppl says it does, I wouldn't so I'll count this as a fun fact). Otherwise, she has no experience before Plague.
Plague is not experienced in anything at all. They grew up in a very straight-laced family and when they got their freedom, sex was not one of the things on their mind.
👅-Would they rather give or receive oral sex?
Both Fury and Plague are givers, really. Between the two though, Luna leans more toward giving or receiving.
☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually?
Luna usually climaxes first. It doesn't take her very long at all.
Plague definitely takes longer, especially when they have sex with Fury for the first time, and they become more comfortable over time.
☜ : Does your muse like to top?/☞ : Does your muse like to bottom?
Fury is the top, literally every time (which she has no complaints about), and Plague is the bottom.
∀ : Your muse’s favorite position?
Fury: really anything that doesn't require flexibility (bc my pilot is NOT flexible)
Plague: spooning, missionary, lotus, reverse cowgirl, etc (anything where they can be close to Fury)
Falling Into Your Spells (Lara Darling-JóźwiakxSage O'Malley ||Fandomless)
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive?
Lara's sensitive spots are her inner wrists/forearms, hips, the small of her back & lower back, and her mouth.
Sage's are his neck (especially the nape), shoulders/shoulder blades, and stomach/lower stomach.
👙-Favorite outfit in the bedroom?
These two are the kind that have certain clothes that the other gets really turned on by, which they do take advantage of (they do try and wear clothing that pair well together, so it's not random or mismatched).
Á : Is your muse loud in bed?
They are both loud ones, except Lara's the one who's embarrassed about it. She lets out the high-pitched squeals and cries and can curse and ramble but Sage is the most talkative of the two.
👠-Do they watch pornography? If so, what kind?
Once in a blue moon they might watch a video or two to get things going. It's not really their thing.
🍒-When and how did they lose their virginity, if they have?
Lara experienced oral sex once and that was it. Otherwise, they both have no experience.
👅-Would they rather give or receive oral sex?
Lara really is both a giver and receiver, while Sage is a giver.
☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually?
They both take awhile (20-30 minutes), though Lara usually finishes first.
☜ : Does your muse like to top?/ ☞ : Does your muse like to bottom?
Sage is a switch that prefers to top, and Lara is a bottom.
∀ : Your muse’s favorite position?
Lara: spooning, doggy style, doggy style with bottom up, cowgirl/reverse cowgirl, sitting (this one sounds weird ik)
Sage: missionary (modified), spooning (modified), reverse sitting, spooning, doggy style standing
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viola-ophelia · 2 years
I posted 2,337 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#idk why some people can't get it into their heads that writing a redemption arc for a character doesn't mean that the author condones murder
My Top Posts in 2022:
i feel extremely seen in pepa madrigal from encanto...... like. i too am a temperamental girl with anxiety who’s not as sweet and gentle as most disney women bc i have this reputation within my family for being difficult and dramatic which i lowkey resent but don’t know if i can ever really change bc it is kinda true lol but hey at least i’m genuine and i’m doing my best... idk, i know she’s a random side character in a kid’s movie but damn 
78 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
in defense of cutler beckett
it’s kind of a tradition of mine to periodically write “in defense of” essays for unpopular characters (see “in defense of celegorm” and “in defense of bunny corcoran” lol), and idk what it says about me that i frequently feel the urge to advocate in favor of characters that are deemed unlikable/ unredeemable/ unworthy of attention by their respective fandoms, but i’m rolling with it lol. anyway, today, i want to focus on lord cutler beckett from pirates of the caribbean, because the general consensus about him on tumblr these days is… pretty abysmal lol, but i think he deserves a closer look. beckett seems to be the vast majority of people’s least favorite character, and not in an ironic way like some of the characters in POTC are treated online, like oh haha yeah barbossa was kinda annoying for going all ghost zombie mode on everyone but also we love him, weird eclectic uncle vibes, woo!.... no, everyone just straight-up hates beckett. and look: i get it, i really do. beckett is a much “realer” villain than davy jones or barbossa or salazar or any of the other POTC baddies, and that makes him much easier to hate. he’s not a giant octopus or a cursed skeleton or a slimy ghost guy with mystical powers, he’s literally just some guy– and he’s an asshole of a guy, because he’s basically just a random capitalist who wants all our favorite characters swinging from the gallows because they’re getting in the way of his trading schemes. and, if you count the price of freedom as canon, he’s also a slave trader, which is pretty unambiguously terrible. but despite all that, i actually like beckett. in fact, he’s one of my favorite characters in POTC: although it’s important to note that when i say that, i’m in no way saying that i condone his actions or that i think he’s morally good. as i see it, it’s totally valid to enjoy villainous characters while also acknowledging that they’re evil/problematic/whatever and that their actions are not morally acceptable in the real world. but the realm of POTC– where people (including the “good guys,” might i add!) are murdering and backstabbing each other left and right, any and all historical accuracy has to be taken with several grains of salt, and occult magic and sea goddesses and evil fish-men casually exist– is pretty far from “the real world” if you ask me lol. but anyway, let’s get into it then, shall we! (adding a read-more bc this is LONG oop)
beckett gets a really bad rap in the POTC fandom not just because he’s a ‘problematic’ character, but because on the surface, he comes across as a very one-dimensional, and therefore boring, villain. there are certainly other not-so-morally-pure characters in POTC that don’t seem to get the same treatment beckett does… no one really seems to talk about how pintel and ragetti threatened to r*pe elizabeth in the curse of the black pearl, for example. but pintel and ragetti are goofy comedic relief fan faves, and they’re also on the “good side” (aka the side of the pirates), so they have some redeeming qualities. in contrast, beckett is unique in POTC– a franchise famous for morally complex characters– for his seeming complete lack of redemptive nuance. he’s easy to understand as a villain because he’s just one of those villains who’s bad just ‘cause he can be. and he sucks! he’s ruthless, he’s power-hungry and materialistic, he plots against the pirates simply because they’re an inconvenience to him, and he represents the unjust authority which jack sparrow and the “good guys” stand against. the law permits beckett to freely exploit people in the name of the east india company, but does not allow jack and his companions even a chance of survival if they’re caught: and he knows how unfair this is, and doesn’t care. but here’s the thing: at its core, POTC is a pirate story told by pirates. of course we’re going to root for jack, will, elizabeth, and the gang over characters like beckett and norrington… because the pirates are the ones in control of the narrative. if we want, we can choose to believe them when they show us how much beckett sucks (and to be fair, they’re largely right lol), but it’s sort of boring, i feel, to just readily absorb the story that’s made most prominently visible to us and not bother to examine other perspectives. 
so let’s talk about beckett’s motives. maybe he really is power-hungry and exploitative because he just is, and that’s all there is to him… but again, that’s what the pirates think, but it’s worth considering other possibilities too. what is beckett’s backstory, then– what, if anything, prompted him to go on his pirate-killing spree? well, in the movies, he doesn’t have one. he kinda just shows up one day and crashes will and elizabeth’s wedding as an obnoxious power flex, and from that point on, he’s just, like, there and he hates the pirates REALLY bad and wants to kill them all through any means possible, seemingly just because he can. the price of freedom, though, does give beckett a backstory. i’m not going to summarize the entire thing here, but in it, he and jack once worked together for the east india co. before eventually having a big mutual betrayal where jack wasn’t a fan of the fact that beckett was transporting some slaves, so he freed them all, which fucked beckett’s career over so beckett branded him as a pirate and then went on to become the asshole we see in the movies. but to be honest, this doesn’t really compel me all that much. it’s certainly an important moment for jack, but it explains away beckett’s motives the same vague way the movies do, aka by going “well, he’s just evil because he is/always was.”  
what was really going on with beckett to force him through such a transformation had to have been much more than jack fucking up his job one time. the price of freedom tells us that he was a sickly kid not expected to live past childhood and that he was lowkey abused by his family, so i think a desire to prove his own worth was definitely part of it. but i don’t think beckett became evil (or doomed, for that matter) when he branded jack as a pirate. there’s a point in the book (if i’m remembering correctly) where young beckett gets captured by pirates and his dad refuses to pay the bail to have him released. it doesn’t explain how he eventually managed to escape, but i can only imagine that the experience left him with some internal damage… a fear of losing control, most likely, and of being out of his element. that’s kind of a lot for a teenager to take in… not only that his family doesn’t want him and he’s gonna have to fend for himself for the rest of his life, but that the world is cruel and unforgiving to vulnerable people, and the only way for him to survive is to seize all of the power and control he can and never let it go… because, if he doesn’t become the biggest fish, then a bigger fish is going to come along and that’ll be the end of him. beckett never manages to get rid of this fear of instability and vulnerability, which– especially after jack’s betrayal– manifests itself in a hatred of and desire to dominate (perhaps an attempt to conquer or mask a secret, intense fear of?) pirates and the occult. and of course, this eventually becomes his downfall, as he freezes the second he makes a mistake in at world’s end and is so unable to move beyond the loss of the upper hand that he literally just dies. beckett’s death is exactly what he deserves, but it’s also a remarkably devastating moment granted to a character who, up until this point, we’ve been guided to unreservedly hate and root against. in the grand scheme, it represents the fall of the old order, but for beckett himself, it’s his worst nightmare coming true– it’s the loss of control he’s been fighting this whole time and not realized was sneaking up on him till it was literally staring him in the face… and that’s tragic, and we’re meant to think so! we see his fatal flaw laid bare in a way that we would normally only expect the narrative to do so for its heroes, and it’s an incredible and shocking moment, being forced to briefly see things from the other side. 
it’s hard for me to hate beckett as i watch him dying, and honestly it’s hard for me to hate him in general, because tbh i do resonate with him in some ways. obviously, his actions as a character are awful (and in particular, there’s no avoiding or diminishing the unequivocal evilness of the slave trading thing), and that’s what makes him a villain. but at the root of it all, i kinda just see a guy who’s sought to prove himself for so long that now he’s at the helm of this incredibly powerful and dangerous position that he cannot lose because he’s nothing without what he’s worked for, but even as he’s surrounded himself with people he can use as tools he has no one he can truly trust, so he projects this cold and calculating persona at all times because he has to, because it’s how he maintains control and he has to maintain control because without control he knows he’s already lost, but as tightly wound as he must be, he somehow manages not to break his composure even at the very end and goes down with his fucking ship in a moment that’s weirdly heroic… like. you don’t have to like beckett, but i do think he deserves respect. in a fandom full of wacky, fun, exciting characters, i know it’s not exactly intuitive to focus on the one decidedly un-supernatural, un-thrilling character… but in a story told by, about (and arguably for) pirates, beckett maybe rebels the most of all, by refusing, right down to his last moments, to succumb to a narrative that was never for him in the first place. and i think there’s something to be said about a character who-- villainous or not-- sticks by his principles till the end even as the very world around him bends to different rules, who doesn’t run from the law when it no longer benefits him but who acknowledges that he’s lost and owns it. 
83 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
i made a quiz that’ll tell you which of jane austen’s seven heroines you are - enjoy! 
255 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
things i wish i could tell every young person on the internet (alternate title: an open letter to myself at 18)
- identity labels are an option, not a requirement, and they aren’t the only thing that define you.
- you’re also always allowed to change your mind about them, and you should never feel anything but proud of yourself for doing so.
- it’ll only do you harm to view your trauma(s) and mental illness(es) like immutable personality traits. you deserve to accept that things will get better. 
- if you’re cishet, that’s okay! you don’t “have” to be queer to prove you’re not a bad or boring person.
- fiction does not equal reality, and fandom is a hobby, not a venue for activism.  “problematic” fanfiction has literally no effect on society, so don’t ever feel bad about enjoying what makes you happy! 
- try, above all else, to be kind to yourself. you deserve it. 
319 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i’m not just a “villain apologist.” oh no no... when i say i like a villainous character, i not only mean that i fully support all of their evil actions and believe them to be totally justified and tremendously sexy, but also that i partake in the same evil actions irl and thoroughly enjoy it. “but you can’t like that character, they murdered someone!” yes, and? i murder at least one person a week for fun, what’s your point
369 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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love-strike · 2 years
for the ask game!! i’m curious about your answers for tbz and atz BUT also svt if u want to do just one or all of those <3 (ask games are so fun to me, i love getting to know everyone more)
omg tysm anna!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💗 I had so much fun answering these, you're so sweet!! <333
for tbz:
✦ my first bias: YOUNGHOON!!! my beloved
✦ my current bias(es): younghoon and haknyeon!! im also constantly bias wrecked by eric though ngl
✦ my album and/or era ranking: im infinitely bad at ranking things SO I'll just give my faves lol - my fave album of theirs is definitely reveal, but special mention for the bloom bloom album 💗💗💗 also I know sweet doesn't count as a comeback but thats their best concept. period
✦ how i got into them: I actually got into them via younghoon.. I watched a drama he was on called love revolution and I fell in luv with him... from there I discovered their music!
✦ which member would be my best friend: I wanna say kevin bc he's so friendly but I also think jacob, just bc me and jacob have extremely similar personalities!!
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): I definitely associate the color red with them~~
for ateez:
✦ my first bias: yunho. I definitely have a type
✦ my current bias(es): yunho and yeosang!! yeosang snuck in there recently lol
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): my fave album of theirs is zero fever part 2!! that album just has all the types of music I really enjoy
✦ how i got into them: I was a very casual listener of them before but my friend @mimikookie helped me get into them more!! she's basically my ateez expert lol
✦ which member would be my best friend: I definitely think wooyoung... we have similar sense of humor hehe
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): pirates!! that's a very basic answer but it's true.. I see a pirate ship I think ateez 🤭
for svt: //be prepared to read a lot lol I LIKE TO RAMBLE//
✦ my first bias: junhui my beloved. he's still my love but i became obsessed with him when i became a carat ;-;
✦ my current bias(es): seungkwan, jun, hoshi 💗. seungkwan snuck his way to the top very quickly and surprisingly tbh. for hoshi it was so gradual but I love him so much
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): this is so hard to answer for svt... sorry if I'm all over the place with this but!! I think an ode, attaca, and teen, age are all perfect albums. they hold a special place in my heart! aside from that, mansae and thanks are my absolute fave songs of theirs lol
✦ how i got into them: it's a weird story... my first exposure to them was seeing the thanks mv and I fell deeply in love with it but never followed thru on becoming a carat!! it wasn't until recently that I took the deep dive with my friend and we've been carats ever since then 🥹
✦ which member would be my best friend: I wanna say all of them so bad. pls. but I'll resist the urge... honestly I'm gonna say jun!! I've noticed we have similar personalities and quirks hehe
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): I associate... a lot of stuff with them now lol honestly I associate the year 2022 with them now? since that's when I became carat 🥹💗
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs Part 2.
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Summary: Part 2 is here! While in part 1 it was mostly adoption and how he'd behave with you as a roommate, part two is him ✨ realizing things ✨ followed by how he'd be in a romantic relationship.
Word Count: 2k words [ oops, I did it again ]
Notes: So I said it'll be out in a few days but three [3] people asked me for part 2 and I'm a sucker soooooooo!! I could've just written a long ass fic but whatever, I thought I'd make it shorter in headcanons... hah lol right. Enjoy!
Part 1 here!
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× he's a wild wolf so he's very active; like you need to understand he needs to go outside if not he'd get impatient, more aggressive, snappy, so once you took him on an easy hiking trail near your house and he loved it so once or twice a month you both go together to different places [ he demands it ]
× it's hard to keep up with him bc he's literally genetically engineered to be better than any very fit human being but he slows down for you
× morning runs at 5 a.m. bc he's insane
× is also a grandpa
× watched all documentaries on any streaming platform you could provide to him, also loves reading
× as months pass and you start to have your routine in order, word comes to you that an acquaintance is looking for a security guard at his mechanical shop two streets away from your house
× you casually mentioned it to Bakugou because he was starting to act anxious whenever you'd leave the house, so you assumed he was extra bored
× seriously, the house was spotlessly cleaned, he cooked amazingly and was occupied with your old laptop and going around the city to explore, but you guessed he wanted more independence?
× little did you know you were right but so wrong lol
× so Bakugou stared at you intensely and asked "Where?"
× it was as easy as telling him the location, him nodding and you thought he'd consider it; you didn't put any pressure on him because he already did so much to help around anyway
× well guess what bitch, next day he comes up to you saying you gotta co-sign his contract [cuz fuck society] meaning he got the job
× he was perfect for it because tall, intimidating, muscular wolf guy? who'd even mess with him? do they have a death wish?
× well, even before this he started to be... soft
× but once you really did show him you support whatever he wants to do, you give him his freedom and liberty of choice, he just reaaally changes, man
× he gets touchy, like his hands stay one second longer on your skin, he uses any excuse to have them on you, even his eyes follow you everywhere
× like c'mon, it's obvious but you didn't wanna put too much thought into it because we're respectful here
× not like you had a big fat crush on him and slowly started to realize it too
× sike bitch he knows
× you think his super-hearing didn't catch the way your heartbeat spikes up every single time he touches you? *please*
× i think he knows before you know
× meanwhile he is working to discover his feelings too
× so your relationship slowly turns into a couple's like relationship but without anything official and of course no kissing or such [ sadly ]
× would get jealous easily
× basically because nothing is talked between you two and deep down is insecure
× why the hell do you smell like other people? was it just a hug or something else? hell, why would you even hug people when he's right there??? just ask and don't touch some extras????
× another thing he does is getting very close to you while you talk to somebody else; scoffs and glares at them too
× ok so!! gifts! he really appreciates any gift you give him but scolds you if you do because you genuinely don't need to do that
× of course he just scolds you and calls you an idiot so I do hope you already learned his language
× it basically means that you shouldn't have done it, he's really grateful but seriously you shouldn't have
× like that one time you saved up money to get him a good computer and he forgot how to speak for like an hour
× the softest thank you ever afterwards
× still sounded rough but he was shocked as fuck
× one thing that remained in your brain were his friends, as sometimes he'd mention them
× so you took it upon yourself to find them, of course with his permission
× gets genuinely overwhelmed and plays it off saying he wouldn't mind knowing where those idiots ended but you didn't miss the way his voice trembled
× for you to find them you needed names and any information he could provide so that's when he, after a long silence and a mesmerized look on his face, started really talking about his life
× which was fucked; won't get much into detail but he was indeed in a fighting ring, people came and bet on whoever was stronger, he even had to fight his friends, everything was filled with abuse and their conditions were subhuman...
× just overall awful
× you couldn't help but hug him tight, feeling him shake in your arms
× with a hesitant voice he asked if you really did think there was a chance to find them
× just couldn't believe how amazing he felt in your arms
× or how your determination that night made his heart clench and took a big weight off his shoulders
× anywho;;;; after his first paycheck he takes you out on cute dates
× never calls them that, just demands you dress up [helps you out cuz boy got style] and takes you to a nice coffee shop or something
× AND on your fifth not date cuz you're not official but there's this weird tension between you date he finally kinda s n a p s
× you honestly didn't expect the waiter to flirt with you, he came out as very pushy and even if you were a lil uncomfortable you smiled and brushed it off
× when the waiter suggested giving you his number the sandy blond hybrid growled
× which i shit you not made the whole coffee shop freeze
× and you froze too
× but neither of you could say anything because the oblivious fuck kept talking
× basically joking about how you should keep your pet in a leash, to which you got up, threw some money on the table, grabbed Bakugou by the hand and leave before he'd rip someone's head off
× it only took you to touch Bakugou's arm to calm him down as he followed behind you wordlessly
× so you stood outside, angry, deep red eyes on your figure
× and silence
× his hand still in yours
× it was warm and amazing and you felt angry but your heart was beating loudly; angry at the waiter that you wanted to go full Karen on and get fired but excited because that growl shook you to the core, as if you could tell it was territorial and it was because of that pig flirting with you and did Bakugou Katsuki just lace his fingers with you?!
× "Oi." he interrupted your thoughts
× he turned your frame towards him and pulled you [kinda harshly] into him
× you'd make a comment about it but brain empty, just Bakugou Katsuki blushing
× "You're mine, you get it?"
× skdjflglykshs
× it sounded like he asked but it was a demand so oops you're his now ok bye
× like I said, boy isn't dumb so he lowkey knew you felt something too
× legit from there on he's just soft as fuck
× has a hard time opening up but visibly tries for you
× still continues to be a pain in the ass, Bakugou Style, but with a loving teasing attitude behind it
× his eyes give him away all the time
× they shine whenever you're in his field of view so congrats because, and this is the best part:
× oh yeah, he's yours, no takebacks
× he isn't one to half-ass the relationship; you're his now and he'll do anything for you
× big time touch starved it hurts
× because he is shy
× so whenever you introduce him to hand holding and cuddles, he can't get enough
× not big on PDA [ and not recommended since human-hybrid relationships are kiiiinda frowned upon but it's getting better ]
× although at home it's another deal
× seriously cuddle him; he's big into the protector vibe so he's a big spoon almost exclusively unless it's to sleep on top of you
× speaking of! accept that even if your relationship isn't that intimate, he'd still hint about sleeping together in the same bed
× so you better catch on when he does because he'll just click his tongue and call you needy
× while dragging you to bed
× sleeps holding you, his nose in your hair or in the crook of your neck
× unless it's summer then stay on your side 💅
× you know those kisses that just scream "I can't get enough of you"? that's his whole kissing vibe in a sentence
× hell, even the gentlest kiss gives that vibe away and it'll 100% leave you breathless
× doesn't have experience but is a very fast learner
× pays very close attention to your body language
× really into biting your skin enough to leave marks
× wear his hoodies
× no, I'm fucking serious, wear them now
× his chest puffs and he turns into a blushing mess when you do it the first times because his scent is on you
× scenting is a big thing for him so of course he's gonna love it
× 10x more territorial because now he has a mate to protect
× jealous but trusts you
× still very jealous though
× let's all pretend he is definitely not scenting you before you go out because it's in his nature and it is embarrassing
× the first time he tells you he loves you it's when he's feeling vulnerable
× the search for his friends is still on-going, he feels less than adequate as a providing mate, is pissed at the world for treating him like an inferior animal when they created him, everything is piled on his shoulders and whenever than happens he closes off
× you notice immediately
× will not tell you at first
× it's only when you go to bed and he turns his back to you when you really know it's bad
× even if you fought before, he'd angrily snuggle you at night-time
× now it's so different
× hug him, whisper sweet nothings in his ear, pull a blanket all over you both and big spoon him, he'd start shaking and talking in no time
× will hide his tears from you but you'd know
× "You're the best fucking thing that happened to me, [Y/N]... I—... Shit... I love you so much."
× neither of you slept that night
× excuse you? drink some water and pray to jesus;;; you talked about feelings, ok? communication is key in a relationship, puh-lease
× [ i have this whole nsfw hcs post already cookin in my brain so maybe I'll make it happen cuz y'all know he has a mating season and all that comes with it 👀 ]
× back to being children of jesus here
× thanks the moon, the heavens and all the gods for putting you in his life; boy didn't believe in destiny but deep down he thinks you were meant to be
× you still better wash the dishes or you'll get your ass kicked.
× you did find some of his friends, little by little, and even if he acted nonchalant, like k das cool, it was obvious he was extremely happy
× so they did get adopted too
× you got in contact with them on social media and they were all very excited about meeting
× so it was a chaotic meeting with a dog hybrid called Kirishima and a mouse like vibrat yellow guy called Kaminari
× they all were looking for Bakugou too since they were very worried about where he ended
× Kirishima shed manly tears when seeing Bakugou
× as they instantly welcomed you in their small group, they informed you both that the majority of the squad was adopted and they're in contact, while they're still actively looking for the others
× cue to the softest expression you've seen on Bakugou in public followed by "That's good"
× silence
× shock and silence
× Kaminari turning to you and whispering "You did this" with a hand on his heart, lips trembling as he wiped an imaginary tear
× insert instantly snappy Bakugou
× when everyone laughed and continued to make plans to meet up with the others, he just looked at you conversing with them, soft expression again on his features and his chest warming
× "Oh! Look, he's doing it again! Quick, take a pictur—"
× "SHINE!"
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tottymatsuno · 3 years
Sugar Cookie (Todomatsu x Reader)
Author: Roro (halfeviltotty)
Fandom: Osomatsu-san
Pairing: Todomatsu x reader
Category: romance
Rating: m
Summary: Todomatsu hits the jackpot with his new sugarbabie
Word count: idk its less than 2k
Warnings: uhh sex work ig? i mean its canon totty tries to pay girls for their time.
Commentary: was just thinking about this fact and decided to write this bc i literally havent posted anything for my babygirl in SO long!
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He hasn't kissed you yet let alone fucked you which is strange. All he does is take you out on shopping dates, talks to you sweetly, and stands a respectful distance away. Too respectfully in your opinion.
And worst of all if he can help it he doesn't even make physical contact with you at all as if he's going out of his way to avoid touching you. In fact all your... What do you call him if he's not asking for sugar? Can you even still call him a sugardaddy? He's certainly not your boyfriend even though he definitely should be.
You've heard about Matsuno Todomatsu before through the grapevine. Apparently he often tried to take on multiple girls at once, had no consistency in the transactional exchange, was infrequent with the actual dates, and had really shitty brothers. Soo a lot of the girls dropped him because despite all of these things apparently he's a needy texter and wants open availability but gives very little incentive to provide it.
Outside of that your college friends seemed ecstatic to link you up with him, all praising Todomatsu as a good start into the sugar lifestyle or whatever. That when you became confident there's other men with much deeper pockets. You did a brief background check on him using the internet and aside from his pretty famous origins as a sextuplet there isn't really anything weird about him.
A date is quickly scheduled once he reached out to you. You thought the way he texts is cute and the way he asked to see a picture of you was even sweeter. You were already too into Todomatsu from the jump.
When you first met Todomatsu you're not sure if he even knows what kind of girls he's been talking to. There's an air of innocence surrounding him during the date that at first you thought was a complete act.
Initially you thought he's well aware of the situation at hand because of the introduction Todomatsu exchanged with you, "Sorry I'm a little short on money today but I promise you'll still have lots of fun with me!" Todomatsu spent all of his money buying your gift which was a small rose gold chain necklace.
You wondered if he knew the significance of a gold chain in your culture when Todomatsu asked if he could put the necklace on you.
But after spending some time with Todomatsu you understood that his behavior was simply naive. There were moments where you felt like he was emulating you because Todomatsu did not know how to navigate them himself.
Like he was learning how to interact with other people through you. As rare as these moments were on your first date if you bowed to someone as a greeting in the corner of your eyes you'd see Todomatsu panic and then bow too. If you shook someone's hand Todomatsu would wait and copy your handshake exactly.
You thought this was strange that Todomatsu would be hesitant like this, after all this is the culture he was born into. After observing him more you've come to the conclusion Todomatsu had some sort of anxiety for situations outside of his control. He seemed very practiced with familiar things and a fish out of water when Todomatsu wasn't acquainted.
Sometimes Todomatsu was so comfortable with a situation and like an easy wind would breeze through the interaction with a graceful confidence. This usually involved the actual date aspect of the outing. Todomatsu held doors open, made sure you walked on the sidewalk while he was closer to the street, if you liked something he'd offer to buy it, paid for your meal and said sweet thing after sweet thing. Flirting seemed to be the easiest for Todomatsu.
Maybe Todomatsu thought that's proper courting? Both of his biceps held up your many bags of fairly inexpensive goods and you wondered why he said he had no money that day. You felt guilty thinking about the USD total of your first date even though Todomatsu insisted with a giddy smile. Each time he pulled out his wallet the more visibly gooey he got. "That's cute." You said looking at a pair of pink earbuds and next thing you knew Todomatsu was taking them to the register with a completely sugar cookie sweet smile.
Todomatsu must've thought he was being a proper gentleman.
You decided to ask him about it after drinking a smoothie together. The two of you were leaning against a bridge in the park and with the good mood you knew it was the time to ask him. The setting sun made Todomatsu look so warm and approachable as the peach and pinks halo around him. Todomatsu's hand rested on the wood of the bridge so closely to your own that you could reach for it at anytime.
But you wanted Todomatsu to cross the distance first, you wanted him to inch closer and to touch your body. Todomatsu's the one with the power in this dynamic and you want him to use it. For the first time since your friends talked you into sugaring you felt excited at the idea.
"Hey, Totty... You know our friends who set us up were hoping for a more fiscal and physical relationship when they were with you, right?" You asked carefully and then sipped more of your smoothie.
You didn't know him well enough to guess if he'd react with confusion or would be offended. "Yeah, I know but I don't mind." Todomatsu said simply enough, "I'm pretty broke so I can't afford something like that but when I can I like spending money on cute girls like you." His smile was breathtaking.
"I'll see you again, right?" You couldn't look him in the eyes when you had to cover up when you started to giggle waay too hard. You ended up nodding happily.
Now you've been with Todomatsu as his pseudo-sugar for six months and you wanna scream because you really really fucking like him and he hasn't even kissed you! Not even once when the mood has been so right! You stopped asking for gifts but as sure as the sunrise every time you see Todomatsu he insists on taking you shopping... So now you just request cheap little trinkets and throw yourself at him literally every chance you get.
Like today you've got another date with Todomatsu and either you're gonna get him to nut in you or you're gonna break up with Todomatsu and become celibate. You take a nice shower extra early on the morning and prep for the day. Every article of clothing you pick out for this date is meant to appeal to Todomatsu both romantically and sensually. It's been nearly half a year since you met your sugar free boyfriend so you've got an idea of what Todomatsu likes.
Carefully coordinated to be both pure and sexy with splashes of baby pink you know this will get Todomatsu's attention. A long crop top hints at your midriff but it's low cut enough to see your cleavage. You don't bother putting on pants but instead pick out your cutest pink boy shorts because Todomatsu seeing your legs and thighs is integral to your seduction plot. Finally you have on knee high socks.
You text Todomatsu to come pick you up from your apartment which is step one. You light a few candles, straighten up so your apartment is extra neat, make sure all the windows are closed and try to set the mood by putting on music. After that you laze around for a while and mentally review your current progress.
Now that you've gotten Todomatsu to regularly hold your hand when you walk Todomatsu's improvement makes you smile and. Your hand is often kissed when Todomatsu completely pulls you aside but it seems like kissing you on the lips is impossible at this point.
Another good thing is Todomatsu doesn't sit an insane amount of distance from you anymore but instead sits on the same side as you in any restaurant or cafe. You've taken to spoon-feeding Todomatsu as well and he's begun hugging you before and after the date.
You get a reply saying Todomatsu is coming up the stairs and you rush to your door. Your heart palpitates when you open the door and peek out to see Todomatsu rounding the corner to your outside hall.
The second Todomatsu sees you he breaks into an adorable giggle and jogs over. "Hi cutie, aren't we eager today?" When Todomatsu reaches your door he tilts his head for just a moment because you're still mostly obscured by the door frame.
"Hii I guess so!" You push the frame open to reveal your state of undress and invite Todomatsu in. "I'm not ready yet so why don't you come in for a bit?"
You kinda expected Todomatsu to play it cool but when you follow his darting eyes it's clear that he's directing his lustful gaze upon your body. Todomatsu glances at you but then looks behind his shoulders and then left to right as if he were expecting someone to arrive.
First Todomatsu starts with your smile then his eyes trail down to your neck but quickly jump down to your low cut crop where Todomatsu then stares directly at your chest for the longest time. His face gets hotter by the second while Todomatsu subtly holds the gift bag he brought over his crotch.
Todomatsu looks both ways again before returning to take in the sight of your body.
After Todomatsu's feast for his eyes he blinks and his jaw drops when he sees your navel. The finally Todomatsu looks up and down your legs and thighs before he stares openly at your panties.
"You're going to kill me..." Is all Todomatsu manages to whisper out. "You're really going to kill me." You decide that yes you will as you beckon Todomatsu into your home with one curling finger.
"I want you to come inside, Todomatsu." You smile when you see Todomatsu gulp. "Would you let me?" Todomatsu asks moonstruck and completely red.
"I want to come as many times as you'd let me." Todomatsu looks around again before taking a few steps forward.
"Over and over...Inside again and again." He mumbles reaching out for your door frame. "And you'd let me?" This is escalating quicker than you thought. What if Todomatsu just fucks you on the living room floor?
"You would let me, wouldn't you? You're not teasing right now, are you?" What a cute question to ask you think while Todomatsu looms over you with increasingly frustrated little whines. You back more into your home while pulling Todomatsu by his tie.
"You're not lying to me, right? That I can? That you want me to?" You nod along.
"Why would I ever dream of lying to you?" Todomatsu glances over his shoulder one more time before closing the door behind him. You smile and press him against the frame and lock the deadbolt.
Before you even lean up to kiss Todomatsu he starts digging in his pockets to pull out a wad of crinkled bills and offers the money plus the gift bag. "T-this should be enough at least for both kissing and a hand job, right?" You blink and then remember Todomatsu must be confused.
Todomatsu has such a cute smile when he's flustered. The way his lips warble, his pupils dilated to hell and back, the way right now he's licking his moisturized lips and how Todomatsu is staring at you like he's found his personal deity in you.
"Put your money can up I don't want it." You sigh and look away, "All I want is you."
Todomatsu snorts from his nose and when you look up at his expression you've never seen him happier in the past six months, "You can have me then! I'll be your boyfriend, your prince or whatever, as long as you want me I'm completely yours. Everything I have to offer please take it all!" With that Todomatsu kisses you.
In your bedroom you take everything Todomatsu has, and you take him again and again as your bed creaks. Each moan that is uttered from Todomatsu's lips belongs to you. Each kiss is yours, his body and is heart are all for you.
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jangofctts · 4 years
(sorry for the format i think but this is loNG WTF IS WRONG W ME ITS INCOHERENT I'M LOCKIN MYSELF UP OFF TO HORNY JAIL I GO) deadass when you nd the boys are days away from being back on coruscant and on shore leave for a minute bc the general got some weird jedi shit to deal with is when u become peak Brat™ like it is so bad even the resident brat fuse can't keep up, the whole squad is screaming, and no one can stop u (yet) like you love teasing the boys but this is next level annoying like lets say max asks u to do something to help him get ready to fuck off for leave and ur just like no💕 i will cause problems on purpose))) he isn't happy and keeps asking while doing other work, realizes he's getting nowhere, and starts w the vague threats “you won’t like what happens if u keep this up” or “you really don't want to do this right now" but u finally do a few things to help before u leave to annoy void bc that man doesn't deal w enough shenanigans apparently...
u help void for a bit but get bored when void is just doing inventory and requisitions asking you how much of this or that nd you start saying "not enough" or "a fuckton" and while he appreciates the honesty it's not helpful but you ask "can't a droid do inventory? they know how to count?" getting a snarky reply of "yeah unlike you" obviously fed up but u continue to annoy him maybe cause mischief w the boys if they're there? maybe get handsy? threaten stupidity? who knows but anything u do is gonna get an exasperated sigh and "i'm gonna tell max about this shit" but what is he gonna do? punish u? [narrator: he, in fact does just that] so this goes on for a while but at some point when you are like 10 hrs out from coruscant max herds u to his quarters but lo and behold it's not bc he needs someone to fix his datapad but bc ur in for the punishment of ur life lol this man must have been planning this since ur first bratty act bc he has a bunch of stuff laid out just for u))) seeing this, u turn on the sad puppy eyes/pouty face and the "but i can be a good girl for u" or "i'm sorry i was just antsy to get back let me make it up to you" but nothing is gonna work now especially when he puts u over his knee.
he's pulling ur pants down over ur ass, revealing ur going commando today and u give him the "whats wrong maxy?" over ur shoulder just before he starts ur punishment isn't he sweet? he only spanks you a few times bc ur real punishment is SO MUCH worse and u realize this when he ties ur hands together over ur head and ties ur ankles together too hmmmmm this was more than u bargained for and u keep pleading with max when he takes his armor and blacks off but he keeps saying "u did this to yourself baby" and that he "can't help now" because "u didn't listen earlier like a good girl" but once he gets situated on the bed u know ur in for it. he grabbed some lube from his drawer and slicked himself up while telling u that "u won't be enjoying this part but i think i will" as he takes a hold of ur legs and lining himself up with not ur entrance but between ur thighs right above ur clit bc surprise! this ass and thigh man is gonna go to town fucking ur thighs while just grazing ur clit every few strokes absolutely working u up but no where near enough to get u off just like he planned. max really does love a good thigh fucking and so do u but he's usually playing with ur clit teasing u until he hits home and fills u up right - this time none of that is happening. u keep whining which just eggs him on more to bully u with "good girls deserve my thick cock but u decided to be a brat hm?" and "brats don't get to cum last time i checked" until he loses his rhythm and shutters as he cums all over ur stomach. he slowly gets out between ur thighs and runs his hands through the mess but ur still whiny so he shushes u with cum slick fingers before he gets up to grab his comlink just leaving the rest to get sticky (so rude)
he calls up void nd hear him say "my hip is acting up could u come look at it later?" with "did ur dumb ass do something again? give me a bit i'll head over" in reply with no idea what is waiting for him when he comes through the door. u have no idea how long it'll b until void comes so u keep trying to plead ur case to max telling him ur "sorry for being annoying and bratty i learned my lesson can i cum now?" but getting a surprising "lets see what void thinks" in return. its at least half an hour until void opens the door to see u tied to max's bed and him hovering over u just taunting and playing with u as he sees fit but honestly at this point nothing can really truly shock void now but this peaked his interest. max tries to explain saying "she was being a br-" "a brat i know i didn't think it would end up like this but" void starts as he takes off his remaining armor and ur begging for SOMETHING since max was so mean not even going near ur pussy (again rude) but thankfully void isn't a sadist (today) and starts teasing u by running his fingers through ur folds, playing with ur clit, and starts opening u up for him.
once he gets u good and wet he starts slowly rocking into u while u keep begging for him to give u permission to cum but he says that "brats don't get to cum they just get used))))" and ur thinkin ur definitely not gonna be cumming anytime soon but this mf just goes straight to pound town w the week/month/whatever he's had and the bratting u've done lol and u start clenching trying to get a rise out of him or get him to say something, ANYTHING but void won't give u the satisfaction of hearing his usual dirty talk, no, this is his version of punishment just letting u hear and feel him fuck u faster as he approaches his orgasm not caring about yours (yet) just feeling u tighten around him until he can't handle it and cums deep inside u just staying there for a minute catching his breath and u think void is done but oh lord no he is very much not lol he unties ur ankles and goes straight for ur pussy eating u out and cleaning up the mess he made inside and out, rutting into the sheets and making u squirm like nothing else maybe max wanders back over to you too and helps him out idk i was just having thots (since everyone is whore knee for wrecker rn i remember sending a wrecker ask a million years ago i can send it again if u want also i have a short fuse thing for u so))))) love being a whore)
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ok bye im gonna be checking myself into the fuckin hospital THIS IS PURE GOLD IM
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eitelle · 4 years
Hey darling! Congrats on you follower count. I am sending this via Submit a post, since the asks have a word limit. I would like to request a Haikyuu boys matchup, if it doesn't trouble you too much. I am a 5'4 girl. I'm a Gemini, I am pretty smart, observing, caring and adptable person. I don't really like grand gestures of affection, but I don't hate them, it depends on my mood. I was made fun for pretty much 50% of my school life, so I am great at comforting someone. I use joking as a coping mechanism, but I come of as salty sometimes.I am also VERY VERY sarcastic. I can go without affection for as long as needed, but I'll also feel neglected after a while, I dunno if that makes sense. I love reading, watching horror movies and playing Sims 4. I could spend hours in a book, without noticing any of my surroundings. But as much as I love being inside, I also adore long walks in the park. I am both a cat and a dog person. I am a pretty happy person, being the youner sister of my firend group. But I also have days when I just need someone to be there for me, cause I cry whenever I feel insecure. Speaking of insecurities, I hate my body. Not only am I short, but I am also pretty chubby. I have big thighs, fluffy arms and belly. I was bullied by my own friends, so my reaction of hiding is only natural. I have three younger brothers, so I know how to handle a hyperactive person. Also my dream is to settle down with a dog and a kitten, 3 or 4 kids maybe. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Don't overwork yourself, stay safe, drink a glass of water and eat something. Have a great day!
ok everyone for this ask i made it pretty fluffy but sorta angst to fluff for the imagine. so pls pls pls if u struggle with the topics of hating urself, bullying, or panic attacks and they trigger you, do not read this. thank you :)
hi lovely!! im sorry but u just SCREAM gemini. in the best way possible bc i actually love geminis and im sorry ab what happened during ur time at school but i would like to say that ur body is beautiful, your bodily needs like eating and water are so u dont mf die so go eat and drink some water. ily and please take care of urself :( im ab to beat up those boolies ☺️🔪
ok so i match you up with: matsukawa (mattsun) issei best boy 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
alr so some headcanons:
in response to that the little shit would no joke just call u short stack
he has also tried to call u hot stuff.
it didnt work out
i hc him to give the best bear hugs so when ur crying hes there to give u the biggest hug ever 😩👍
mf is the best hypeman omg like you just breathjng hed be like “BABE WOAH OMG H ALMOST KNOCKED ME ON MY FEET BC OF UR BEAUTY”
u guys are that pinterest couple
yall hype up each others insecurities but u call him caterpillar to tease him ab his brows HELP SJSJSH
hes normally frowning but when hes w u hes always smiling
you actualky get a pep talk from mad dog and hanamaki ab treating him well???
def a lot of pda
for a gift he buys u those books youve been eying (send an ask if u want book recs i have soo many)
i also hc him to like more plus sized people like u and istg this mf will say and i quote “i like my women how i like my marshmallows. sweet, short, fluffy, and cute.” cute,,, but weird
a huge cuddler
youve got ur hands full oml
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THIS MANS I- 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
ok so imagine:
its been a long day and all you wanted was to go home with your boyfriend, matsukawa issei.
“mattsun-,” you call out as soon as you get home, ur voice breaking as your feelings from the day start to pile up on you. you feel a heavy weight on your chest not even feeling the hot tears streaming down your face. you barely register issei hugging you, you just feel slight body heat and suddenly you cant see anything. this makes u feel suffocated and you realize hes touchibg you. as u shove him away he shifts to wrapping his arm around you while rubbing your shoulder whispering encouragments to let everything out. a while later you calmed down and woke up in your boyfriends arm by the crook of his neck.
“issei?” you ask poking at him to wake him up. as he groggily yawns and looks at you with hooded eyes you quickly scramble off him thinking youve crushed him.
“hey whered u go. im cold now come back here,” he says while pulling you back. as you mutter halfhearted protests and tell him that youre too big, or ur gonna crush him. he simply laughs and tells you hes strong and ur nothing compared to him.
the next morning u wake up to breakfast in bed with your amazing bf telling you everything he loves about you. from your height, to your eyes, to your thighs, your stomach, and even your thighs by lunch everything about last night is gone from your mind.
i hope you liked it even tho its kinda angsty :/
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now texts ‼️🥰👍
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YUH I HOPE YOU LIKED @thatsarcasticgemini :)
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umiwomitai · 3 years
sorry i didn’t sent an ask in the last two days but i was pretty busy 😅😅
i still want to learn french, i just guess that i will have to learn it by myself. and thank you! will definitely ask for help!
bro i don’t know. like the 8th is national holiday and this dumbass will have lesson??? from 8 to 10am???? like dude???? you really think i’m going to wake up at 8 to follow your lesson? during an holiday??? lol no
exactly!! i think it’s normal. like if you pick your favorite artist i bet that there’s at least one song that’s not really you vibe, and i think that is such a normal thing, but soo many people keep forgetting it 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
same for me! if i know that i won’t like a food, i won’t even try it lol. and ew meat with prune sauce… i’m— ew
yooo you don’t like sweet potatoes???? i love them???? i mean i only ate them twice, when i was abroad, but i remember liking them so much, but they don’t have them here so i never eat them :((
i never tried avocado, but i see everyone eating it now bc it became a trend food and idk if i really wanna try it.
for me… a food that i regretted eating is tomato. i really can’t stand it. i like tomato sauce, but the tomato ew no. i really don’t like it haha. also sauces like ketchup and mayo or bbq sauce, in my opinion they taste so bad and i still don’t understand how people can like them???? i remember trying them bc everyone around me like them, but i was soo disgusted.
for ending up liking, idk i guess coffe. can you count coffe as a food? let’s pretend we do, and i basically never drank coffee in my entire life even if everyone around me liked it/was addicted to it, then i guess last year? i drank an espresso and i really liked it!! now it’s something that i always have after lunch or as a break in the morning
what about your favorite food?
good luck w it!! learning a wholeass language by yourself is far from easy x')) lmaooo what. is he even allowed to put a class on a national holiday?? doesn't have things to do too like. leave students alone dude u_u
it's actually so rare for me to like all the song in a one album, i can count those albums on one hand XD so the whole concept of "you have to love everything your faves produce" is so foreign to me. u_u like sorry you all have no taste but i do XD
it's the texture 😭 and i mean. they do taste sweet and that's disturbing. but really every time i see a meal w sweet potatoes i'm like :(( bc. potatoes are the best thing in the entire world. why don't i like the sweet ones? 😭 tbh avocado has a weird texture too, but it's very tasty. definitely worth trying imo :')
noooo tomatoes ;o; tomatoes fresh from the garden w just a bit of salt is just. something else. ok ok i get it about ketchup tho u_u mayo i only eat it if it's homemade, the pre-made one tastes so weird to me. oooh coffee. tbh italian espressos are usually really strong XD so i get not really being tempted by it at first.
hm favourite. i love everything w chicken tbh! tho i'm trying to become vegetarian so XD i love apple desserts! which is funny bc i don't exactly love apples themselves that much, but like. apple pies? apple cake ? apple sauce ? every single thing that has apples in it u_u also love croissants! but good luck trying to find dairy-free ones here x)) you said you love food, so what are yours??
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