#this forest is a labyrinth
deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Fantasy Hotel
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Pairings: Monster!HC characters x Reader (I don't know how many there will be.)
Series Summary: A new hotel just opened up in town with promises to fulfill all your monster fucking fantasies. You were a little gun shy at first, but you come around. Again and again.
Fic links, warnings, notes, etc, under the cut since these can change at any moment.
Warnings: As with all of my fiction, 18+, NO MINORS. We're talking monster fucking, p in v, p in a, possibly some DP, oral (m and f receiving), fingering, maybe a hint of CNC, light dom/sub dynamics, biting, blood sucking, exhibitionism, fantasy (as if not apparent from the title and subject matter
Word Count: 32K-ish
A/N: I don't even know if I should call this a series. Let's be honest at the outset: I've written one and half of another. I've an idea for a third. After that? Who knows?
Forest Fantasy - Werewolf!Walter x Reader
Labyrinth Fantasy - Minotaur!Sy x Reader
Gothic Fantasy - Vampire!August x Reader
Haunted Fantasy - Ghost!Mike x Reader
Medieval Fantasy - Witcher!Geralt x Reader
Back to Reality: A Final Fantasy - Werewolf!Walter x Reader
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A complex system of tiny walkways crossing each other. There's a good reason this is also known as the rock labyrinth.
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gremena · 8 months
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Pan's Labyrinth.
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my problem is that i wanna look at what fandoms post ab of shows i love and like, but at the same time i havent finished them or the mangas of new parts are out so i dont wanna look at spoilers and then I think like oh i can just look at the content of animes that ive finished or arent continuing BUT THE FANS R ALWAYS SO DEAD. DEAD. deader than fucking yukine from noragami.
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transgender-catboy · 7 months
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The enclosure
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 months
...Ciudadela y Villas/Citadel and Villas...
...¡Throne Labyrinth!...
⭐Capital Neutral/Neutral Capital:
"De hecho, la primera idea de los Primeros Gobernantes de los Hechiceros era colocar su hogar lejos de las espinas, pero al final decidieron colocar la Capital Neutral en medio de un campo de espinas que fueron quitando poco a poco, para crear un hogar y construir un nuevo Castillo, algunas casas nuevas... Aún se desconoce de dónde vinieron los Hechiceros, sólo que tomaron este Mundo para habitarlo.../In fact, the first idea of the First Rulers of the Sorcerers was to place their home away from the thorns, but in the end they decided to place the Neutral Capital in the middle of a field of thorns that they removed little by little, to create a home and build a new one Castle, some new houses... It is still unknown where the Sorcerers came from, only that they took this World to inhabit it...
La Capital Neutral es donde se construyó el Hermoso Castillo Blanco... La Ciudadela es hermosa, llena de casas enormes y hermosos escaparates, un lugar perfecto para caminar con pisos empedrados, hermosa fauna y flora... Rodeado de espinas por donde quieras vayas, donde vayas, hay canales de agua que salen desde arriba o desde debajo de la tierra... Una vista brillante... Donde siempre puedes salir y sentirte seguro, mientras los árboles te protegen del sol... Sólo ten cuidado con las espinas.../The Neutral Capital is where the Beautiful White Castle was built... The Citadel is beautiful, full of huge houses and beautiful shop windows, a perfect place to walk with paved floors, beautiful fauna and flora... Surrounded by thorns everywhere you want Wherever you go, there are water channels coming out from above or below the ground... A brilliant sight... Where you can always go out and feel safe, while the trees shade you from the sun... Just be careful the spines..."
"En medio de las montañas, y muros destruidos con runas escritas en cada viejo muro lleno de plantas, raíces y flores... Allí está el Pueblo de las Runas... Exactamente un lugar cubierto de piedras, pero un lugar donde el viento hace eco... Un lugar frío pero luminoso.../In the middle of the mountains, and destroyed walls with runes written on each old wall full of plants, roots and flowers... There is the Town of Runes... Exactly a place covered in stones, but a place where the wind makes eco... A cold but bright place...
Su creación y sus habitantes propiciaron la creación de la lengua y escritura del Reino... Este lugar está cubierto de musgo y muchos canales de agua, son fanáticos de la escritura y los libros, es común ver una biblioteca o librerías alrededor aquí... Lleno de faroles y acogedoras casas de madera, un hermoso lugar para cualquier amante de la lectura... Con caminos de tierra y puentes de madera, que hermoso lugar suena.../Its creation and its inhabitants led to the creation of the language and writing of the Kingdom... This place is covered with moss and many water channels, they are fans of writing and books, it is common to see a library or book stores around here... Full of lanterns and cozy wooden houses, a beautiful place for any reading lover... With dirt roads and wooden bridges, what a beautiful place it sounds..."
💮Jardines Blancos/White Gardens:
"Debajo de un enorme agujero en alguna parte, bajando con cuidado unas escaleras de mármol... Ahí están los Jardines Blancos, un lugar hermoso con casas hechas de piedras y madera, un lugar lleno de flores, los animales caminan por aquí normalmente... Se cuelan entre los arbustos o árboles llenos de flores... Una lluvia de pétalos cae cuando el viento sopla por los caminos empedrados.../Under a huge hole somewhere, carefully descending marble stairs... There are the White Gardens, a beautiful place with houses made of stones and wood, a place full of flowers, the animals walk around here normally... They sneak between bushes or trees full of flowers... A rain of petals falls when the wind blows along the cobbled paths...
Es normal que aquí vivan Hechiceros relacionados con la Naturaleza, aunque aquí hay muchas más Hadas y otros seres mágicos... Es un buen lugar para vender flores y pociones increíbles, de allí siempre salen los carros con flores en racimos, si te gusta visitar florerías o vivir en una casa de piedra o madera, despertarte y poder ir a los parques mientras los pétalos caen sobre tu rostro... Realmente es un lugar para ti.../It is normal that Sorcerers related to Nature live here, although there are many more Fairies and other magical beings here... It is a good place to sell flowers and incredible potions, the carts always leave from there with flowers by the bunch, if you like visiting flower shops or living in a stone or wooden house, waking up and being able to go to the parks while petals fall on your face... It really is a place for you..."
💎Villa Granate/Villa Garnet:
"Precisamente la Villa Granate está lleno de Minas de Oro y Diamantes, exactamente muchos tipos de minerales... El Pueblo está al lado de las minas, de sus suelos salen piedras de colores luminosos, de los faroles cuelgan pequeños cristales de colores... Mientras todo brilla con colores intensos alrededor del lugar… Un pueblo especializado en minas, armamento y joyería…/Exactly the Villa Garnet is full of Gold and Diamond Mines, exactly many types of minerals... The Town is next to the mines, luminous colored stones come out of its floors, small colored crystals hang from the lanterns. .. While everything shines in intense colors around the place... A town specialized in mines, weaponry and jewelry...
En sus fosos de tierra a veces se puede encontrar alguna joya perdida que se ha caído de una vía de carreta, sus casas son de ladrillo y cemento, el lugar está lleno de joyerías y tiendas de armas, un lugar que trabaja día y noche... El fuego en las chimeneas arde en reconocimiento, bailan y cantan... Un lugar maravilloso si siempre te ha gustado el ruido, el orgullo nace en el corazón de cada Hechicero aquí.../In its earthen pits you can sometimes find a lost gem that has fallen off a wagon track, its houses are made of bricks and cement, the place is full of jewelry stores and weapons stores, a place that works day and night... The fire in the fireplaces burns in recognition, they dance and sing... A wonderful place if you have always liked noise, pride is born in the hearts of every Sorcerer here..."
🌧️Rincón de las Nubes/Cloud Corner:
"¿Te gustan las lluvias que nunca terminan?, ¿Te fascina el viento frío y helado?... ¡Pues este podría ser tu lugar!... En algún lugar, en lo alto de una enorme montaña, se encuentra este pueblo... Lleno de lluvia incesante y viento frío, las gotas golpean el suelo empedrado y las bonitas casas de madera, mientras las nubes tapan el sol... Los faroles iluminan el lugar... Allí hay pequeñas cascadas y pequeña fauna naciendo, aunque el musgo es más común... Sigue siendo bonito.../Do you like the rains that never end? Are you fascinated by the cold and icy wind?... Well, this could be your place!... Somewhere, on top of a huge mountain, is this town... Full of incessant rain and cold wind, the drops hit the paved floor and the pretty wooden houses, while the clouds cover the sun... The lanterns illuminate the place... There are small waterfalls there and small fauna being born, although it is moss is more common... Still pretty...
De aquí surgió exactamente la primera moda, aunque no suene creíble... Muchos pensarían que sería un estilo lluvia, pero no... Aquí están las mejores costureras y modistas, vaya... Además de ser los Reyes de la gastronomía, mientras subes las escaleras para llegar al lugar o simplemente te teletransportas, te maravillarás con solo oler las maravillas y ver los escaparates, solo trae un paraguas y un suéter… Se recomienda…/This is exactly where the first fashion came from, although it doesn't sound credible... Many would think it would be a rain style, but no... Here are the best seamstresses and dressmakers, wow... In addition to being the Kings of gastronomy, While you climb the stairs to get to the place or just teleport, you will marvel at just smelling the wonders and seeing the shop windows, just bring an umbrella and a sweater... It is recommended..."
🧊Valles de Cristal/Crystal Valleys:
"La nieve está por todos lados, en cualquier rincón... En cualquier lugar, la temperatura es tan bajo cero en este lugar lleno de nieve y hielo, pisos resbaladizos y cabañas de madera con uno que otro carámbano colgando, la iluminación son hermosas antorchas que no se apagarían con el fuerte viento, mientras los copos de nieve caen con mucha existencia... Aún se escuchan las risas y algunas personas patinando sobre algún lago helado.../Snow is everywhere, in any corner... Anywhere, the temperature is so below zero in this place full of snow and ice, slippery floors and wooden cabins with one or another icicles hanging, the lighting is beautiful torches that would not go out with the strong wind, while snowflakes fall with a lot of existence... You can still hear the laughter and some people skating on some frozen lake...
Aunque es un lugar muy frío, muchos de los Paladines viven aquí sin motivo, no todos... Pero algunos incluso lo han llamado en ocasiones el rincón de los Paladines, lleno de frío constante... Pero lleno de risas, cosas calientes y buenas chimeneas... Un lugar perfecto para cualquier amante del frío, probablemente también de la adrenalina o la supervivencia.../Although it is a very cold place, many of the Paladins live here for no reason, not all... But some have even sometimes called it the Paladins' corner, full of constant cold... But full of laughter, things hot and good fireplaces... A perfect place for any lover of the cold, probably also adrenaline or survival..."
🎵 Bosque del Canto/Song Forest:
"¿Te gusta el Teatro? Probablemente el Bosque del Canto si... En ese pueblo la educación siempre fue importante, por eso hay museos y bellas artes por todos lados... Lo más importante, la actuación... El enorme teatro Se levanta entre todos los árboles alrededor, lleno de obras que vendrán y se harán... No te puedes perder estas maravillosas funciones.../Do you like the Theater? Probably the Song Forest if... In that town, education was always important, that's why there are museums and fine arts everywhere... The most important thing, the acting... The enormous theater It rises from all the trees around, full of works that will come and be done... You cannot miss these wonderful functions...
Solo mira sus faroles, calles empedradas por donde pasan carruajes, disfruta mirando los restaurantes, los hermosos parques iluminados y las casas de mampostería, puedes escuchar a la gente hablando por todas partes... Mientras el Bosque te protege, escuchando a los pajaritos cantar hermosas melodías, un lugar fantástico... ¿Vienes?.../Just look at its lanterns, paved streets where carriages pass, enjoy looking at the restaurants, the beautiful illuminated parks and the masonry houses, you can hear people talking everywhere... While the Forest protects you, listening to the little birds sing beautiful melodies, a fantastic place... Will you come?..."
🐟Abismo Coralino/Coral Abyss:
"Pasando los árboles y las grandes montañas, hay una hermosa playa, donde navegan barcos, donde abundan las palmeras y los cocos... Pero, no es sólo una playa, allí vive un pueblo... Chozas de bambú flotan en medio de toda el agua, alrededor de la playa también hay casas y muchos comercios para refrescarse con cualquier bebida, incluso comer algo de marisco.../Passing the trees and the great mountains, there is a beautiful beach, where boats sail, where palm trees and coconuts abound... But, it is not just a beach, a town lives there... Bamboo huts float in the middle of all the water, around the beach there are also houses and many shops to refresh yourself with any drink, even eat some seafood...
Aunque aquí el comercio de pescado es una fortuna, al igual que sus caminos de madera y hermosas antorchas de fuego, con música sin parar, bajo el agua también hay casas de mampostería con algas a su alrededor, los peces nadan y rodean el lugar y los caminos de arena tienen una que otra perla tirada por ahí, los corales tienen pequeñas lámparas colgando... Aún se oye el ruido de arriba y los barcos que pasan... Siempre puedes elegir si prefieres la superficie o el fondo del mar, wow... Aún el Sol golpea con entusiasmo.../Although the fish trade is a fortune here, as are its wooden roads and beautiful fire torches, with music played non-stop, under the water there are also masonry houses with algae around them, fish swim and surround the place and the sand paths have one or another pearl lying around, the corals have small lamps hanging... You can still hear the noise from above and the boats passing by... You can always choose if you prefer the surface or the bottom of the sea, wow... Still the Sun hits with enthusiasm..."
🏜️ Vientos Desérticos/Desert Winds:
"Lo único que se ve aquí es arena y mucha arena, algún que otro Captus y muchos Arbustos Rodantes... Es obvio, es un desierto... Hay casas de madera y chapa, amantes del Alcohol... Entonces las cantinas aquí están por todos lados, además de ver bebederos en algunos puestos de botas, sus caminos son de arena y la iluminación son velas que se colocan alrededor del lugar.../The only thing you can see here is sand and a lot of sand, one or another Captus and many Rolling Bushes... It's obvious, it's a desert... There are houses made of wood and sheet metal, lovers of Alcohol... So the cantinas here They are everywhere, in addition to seeing drinking fountains in some boot stalls, their paths are sandy and the lighting is candles that are placed around the place...
Las tormentas de arena son comunes, el sol brilla por todas partes, dejando la arena caliente día y noche... Llevar sombrero y chal, también se recomiendan botas... Aquí hay granjas y afuera mucha gente usa sombrero y monta a caballo; o solo se ven niños jugando con una herradura y buena puntería... Este lugar parece sacado de una película del oeste, aunque es un gran lugar si te gusta este tipo de clima con un sol abrasador.../Sand storms are common, the sun shines everywhere, leaving the sand hot day and night... Wear a hat and a shawl, boots are also recommended... There are farms here and many people outside are wearing hats riding horses; or you can only see children playing with a horseshoe and good aim... This place looks like it came out of a western movie, although it is a great place if you like this type of climate with a hot sun..."
☀️ Sagrada Luz/Holy Light:
"Las islas flotantes en el cielo siempre parecen sacadas de un cuento de hadas, pero no para el hogar de los Hechiceros... Este enorme pedazo de tierra y piedra flotante, exactamente flotando... Flota en el cielo, el agua cae de él y raíces cuelgan de los árboles... Parece un espectáculo de ensueño, rodeado de nubes, arriba hay un pueblo... Que mira desde su tierra flotante al Mundo de abajo... Para que no se mueva, hay cadenas atadas a él de arriba a abajo, manteniéndolo en su lugar... No olvidemos las brillantes escaleras de piedra flotante y una barandilla dorada, para subir al lugar.../Floating Islands in the sky always look like something out of a Fairy tale, but not for the home of Sorcerers... This huge piece of floating earth and stone, exactly floating... It floats in the sky, water falls from it and roots hang from trees... It seems like a dream spectacle, surrounded by clouds, above there is a town... That looks from its floating land at the World below... So that it does not move, there are chains attached to it from top to bottom, holding it in place... Let's not forget the sparkling stairs of floating stone and a golden railing, to climb to the place...
Hoy en día nadie necesita escaleras, pero se ven bonitas... Ya sabes, teletransportación u otros medios más rápidos, en fin... El Pueblo es una maravilla con sus caminos de tierra y puentes de piedra, sus casas son combinaciones, algunas son solo cabañas y otras realmente son de mampostería... Tienen muchos tipos de frutas que a veces comercializan, sus tiendas son extensas, siempre hay lugares donde puedes relajarte y puedes ver el paisaje, aunque ten cuidado de no caer.../Nowadays no one needs stairs, but they look pretty... You know, teleportation or other faster means, anyway... The Village is a wonder with its dirt roads and stone bridges, its houses are combinations, some are just cabins and others are really made of masonry... They have many types of fruits that they sometimes trade, their stores are extensive, there are always places where you can relax and you can see the landscape, although be careful not to fall..."
🕷️Criptas olvidadas/Forgotten Crypts:
"Criptas... Ya saben, el nombre que se le da a un lugar donde está enterrado un ser fallecido, exactamente en este Pueblo... Bueno, hay muchos comentarios, Los Hechiceros podrían ser casi inmortales... Casi, pero hay muchas cosas mágicas que pueden matarlos, por eso existen estos lugares... Nadie sabe por qué fueron creados... Pero este Pueblo existe y les encanta vivir entre los ya caídos... Para entrar, primero debes encontrar un extraño monumento con formas y una puerta, al entrar solo encontrarás escaleras… Bajando y bajando, encontrarás un pequeño pueblo subterráneo, lleno de cementerios…/Crypts... You know, the name given to a place where a deceased being is buried, exactly in this Town... Well, there are many comments, Sorcerers could be almost immortal... Almost, but there are many magical things that can kill them, so that's why these places exist... Nobody knows why they were created... But this Town exists and loves to live among the already fallen... To enter it, you must first find a strange monument with shapes and a door, upon entering you will only find stairs... Going down and down, you will find a small underground town, full of cemeteries...
Aunque los monumentos y las telarañas tienen mala pinta, el lugar es agradable, más o menos... Hay árboles algo secos alrededor del lugar, el agua que cae por canales es algo ruidosa, aun así sus suelos de mármol son agradables, sus casas son hogareñas de ladrillos... Su aire oscuro trae consigo el frío, pero nunca estás solo con gente rompiendo piedra para hacer una escultura o viéndolos hacer pequeñas cosas de porcelana... Es un lindo lugar, ¿no?.../Although the monuments and cobwebs look bad, the place is pleasant, more or less... There are somewhat dry trees around the place, the water that falls through canals is somewhat noisy, even so its marble floors are pleasant, its houses are homely bricks... Its dark air brings with it the cold, yet you are never alone with people breaking stone to make a sculpture or watching them make small porcelain things... It's a nice place, isn't it?..."
🍯Acantilado Azucarado/Sugar Cliff:
"Su nombre lo dice, acantilado... Este pueblo está exactamente al borde de un acantilado, muy loco... Pero tiene una vista increíble, al menos... El pueblo es hermoso, hay cabañas de madera por todas partes y muchas tiendas de Dulces... Hay demasiada caña de azúcar, creciendo por todas partes... Este lugar siempre se ha dedicado a crear azúcar, luego empezaron a crear dulces... Su especialidad siempre ha sido esa, algunos dulces se distribuyen por todo el mundo... Probablemente algún dulce más goloso acabe en el Castillo.../Its name says it, cliff... This town is exactly on the edge of a cliff, very crazy... But it has an incredible view, at least... The town is beautiful, there are wooden cabins everywhere and many candy stores... There is too much sugar cane, growing everywhere... This place has always been dedicated to creating sugar, then they started creating sweets... Their specialty has always been that, some sweets are distributed all over the world... Probably some more greedy sweets end up in the Castle...
Si te gusta oler dulce todo el tiempo, realmente no es mal lugar... Las risas nunca faltan, mientras los fabricantes trabajan, cortando caña o trayendo frutas o saborizante, siempre con prisa... Dispuestos a trabajar y crear sus magníficos dulces algunos solo decoran el empaque, es como una fábrica... Aunque no todos viven allí por eso, sino sólo porque les gusta el lugar... Mientras los faroles brillan y los niños juegan en el parque, lo normal de todos los días... Sólo una cosa más, no mires al acantilado.../If you like to smell sweet all the time, it's really not a bad place... Laughter is never lacking, while the manufacturers work, cutting cane or bringing fruit or flavoring, always in a hurry... Willing to work and create their magnificent sweets Some only decorate the packaging, it's like a factory... Although not everyone lives there for that reason, but only because they like the place... While the lanterns shine and the children play in the park, the normal thing of every day ...Just one more thing, don't look over the cliff..."
G: ¡Dime que son 12!, ¡porque conté 12 y originalmente son 12 igual que el Mundo Oscuro!... ¡Ahhhh!.../Tell me there are 12!, because I counted 12 and originally there are 12 just like the Mundo Oscuro!... Ahhhh!...
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whimsigothix · 2 years
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Sarah from Labyrinth inspired/ replica necklace
Instagram: @faeriesjewels
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sacralimplication · 9 months
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Clouds (No. 1167)
Grande Cache, AB
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dimalink · 1 month
Fractal of fallen leaves
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Pixel art for today based on videogame Elfaria II - The Quest of the Meld for game console Super Nintendo. Together with super 16 bit force of Super Nintendo you can go to a journey in a big number of adventures! Genre of role playing games has a new direction now with this console. A lots of games of this kind. And even more, after, years after, based on these games, it was appeared RPG Maker.
And this is my drawing based on the same theme. Story about upcoming autumn. Autumn - it is very beautiful time. Especially, in a first days of autumn. In a autumn forest-world there are monuments of autumn. And you need to activate them all. World-forest - it is like a labyrinth. And you are running and activating all these monuments. For example, as in a easy game - it will be 100 items. And more hard – labyrinth is bigger and more of monuments.
And little of story. Ballers are such red colored are here. And they can be a different colors. They are living here. And you together in a some adventure. So, there are two game phases. As it was in a Persona 3 for PlayStation 2. So, there are a standalone labyrinths. So, complete them you gain some training for characters and some result. And a storyline with are moving separately in another locations.
So, you need to active all monuments of autumn in a labyrinth – it is a standalone location-labyrinth. And locations with a story - they are another. Somekind  magical fantasy autumn story. About autumn leaves. And something orange-red. And it can be a forest, sand too, mountains can to be. And main visual theme – it is such orange autumn. A little darker and color of a sand.
As, I remember, in one of Final Fantasy. Maybe number 5. It were a crystals of a wind. Wind is stopped. All over the world. Ort maybe it was in a part 1 or 2. So it some memory from a videogame.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
TUMBLR: https://dimalink.tumblr.com/ BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ MASTODON: https://mastodon.social/@DimaLink
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lovevalley45 · 8 months
i know it shouldn’t be funny. but adaine not getting inheritance from her mom being dead bc technically she is alive, just literally trapped in the nightmare forest, is kinda funny
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phoenixiancrystallist · 8 months
Forspoken Photo Dump 215: Junoon; The Harvest Lands, Part 1
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abracadav-r · 2 months
today's vhaeraun thought: its cool his realm is in carceri (red prison) but not since he's like. actually a resident like talona. just using the jail for backstabbers and traitors as a defensive measure for his own realm that he either kills or mindwipes anyone who enters. but is he the backstabber, the traitor, when he was in the realmscape first and betrayed by his mother?
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meirimerens · 1 year
i expected [album] by [musician] to go way harder than that with the hype it got but i feel like it's actually less raw & ~feral~ than previous albums. most of the instrumental i feel are way more pop-y, polished and less adventurous than they have been and the themes, while conjuring beautiful and deep and important images and imagery, are neither particularly niche nor songwritten about in particularly innovative ways. i'm sure it hits for people (and i see it does!) but i feel like the hype around it comes from. well i think some of yous don't listen to a lot of variety. and that's oaky. peace and love on earth
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golden harp black label
why is everything a pattern
why can't I understand the mechanics of the cycle
why do I feel everything
and still learn new things about all of it
how do i exit your channel? I keep getting these transmissions
and I forget to check who they are from
and suddenly my mind tells me a story about you
and then I hear a song that echos
the feelings your name brings to me
I try so hard not to see your name
or say your name
it's difficult for some reason
even though you've been out of the star system
for a far cry of time
space and time and light in the past
am I looking at a constellation
or my mind's only projection
of what it was to see a soul
as bright and hopeful as mine
just as cleverly masked
in the open but somehow invisible
I know exactly what the sound
of your laugh inspires in me
wasn't it the worst thing
in the world for people
like us
to live in each other's
without the tarnish
of how reality changes you
weathers you
I'm grateful for everything
all of it
lump sum
I'm here and I'm going to make
the absolute best of it
I always do
you better show up
and come hold my hand
because it's spring
the world is renewing
you must catch the dew
before the shadows fall
he brings warmth in shadow
how could I not fall into
a new state of learning how to be
to imagine those eyes of his
on mine
on me
how could I not let myself
dream just a little
about this
just a little
maybe we'll end up in the forest
together and wild
labyrinth of fate delivering us
life has already been an adventure
if it ends here I'd be remarkedly pissed off
because I haven't got to the good part yet
so let's keep going
I'll sing my songs
you'll shake your head at me
like you are exasperated
but you love how I make you exasperated
you know I'm testing your patience
you love my patience
the moon is a crescent which means it's mysterious
everything would be more fun
with me around
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ossian-bard · 1 year
Anima Hominis Est Locus Perfidus
The human soul is a complex place,
Like a labyrinth shrouded in darkness and space.
It's a maze of shadows that we embrace,
Where light and darkness interlace.
The soul is like a garden, blooming with flowers and weeds,
Where love and hate are nurtured from the same seeds.
A place of beauty, but where pain often leads,
And where fragile hearts shatter like broken beads.
It's an ocean, deep and uncharted,
With raging tides and emotions that are unguarded.
A place of storms, where love first started,
And passion burns like a flame, bright and uncharted.
The soul is a forest, where secrets lie in wait,
Paths twist and turn, with no clear escape.
A place of wonder, but also where fears congregate,
And doubts collide with shadows in a reckless spate.
In the human soul, there's a world unknown,
Where deepest desires and fears are sown.
A place where the heart and mind are shown,
And the true self emerges, like a precious stone.
So tread with care in this treacherous place,
For the soul is a mystery, a cosmic space.
In its depths lies beauty and disgrace,
And the power to create love, to embrace.
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