#this game is addictive istg
italeteller · 2 years
If you're dissappointed at Pokemon ScaVio's performance and are in the mood for an indie monster catching game, allow me to shill for my favorite game in a while: Monster Sanctuary
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Monster Sanctuary is, like I said, an indie monster catching game made by moi rai games. It's on Steam (where it's currently having a 66% discount offer), XBOX, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. You play the silent protagonist role of a newly minted monster keeper, with access to one of four starters
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-There were 101 monsters, but the free DLC expansion added 10 more so the final game has 111 different monsters to catch and train
-The battle system is nothing like pokemon. While you still have a 6 monster party, the battles are all 3v3. The battle system is thus geared to making the most out of your team, with passives to help each other, and a combo system that makes the second and third move hit harder, so the order in which you attack becomes important
-There is no speed stat. You choose which monster goes first, second and third, then the enemy does the same. PVP has some extra rules to ensure fairer fights, but let's not worry about that now
-After each fight you get a star rating, depending on a bunch of in-battle factors. Each monster has a drop table of their own, and the better your star rating, the more loot you get from them
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-There are 4 elemental types: fire, water, wind and earth, plus melee, magic, neutral and debuff. Each monster in the game is weak and resistant to one of these, but they don't have a type of their own, so it's not like pokemon, where a water type is weak to grass and lightning. Luckily, the game outright tells you your and your enemy's weaknesses and resistances at the beginning of the battle, plus it also tells you when a move will be weak or strong so you don't have to learn everything
-Speaking of moves, each monster has their own unique skill tree, with active moves (offensive, heals, buffs, debuffs, etc), passives and stat increases
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while plenty of monsters share plenty of skills, the trees are made in such a way that no two monsters feel the same. Each time you level up, you gain one skill point, to be spent unlocking a new skill. Each monster only goes up to level 42, so you can't actually fully unlock the whole tree, but there's an item that resets the tree that's pretty easy to get, so you can experiment to your heart's content to see which build suits your playstyle better. You can also get multiple copies of each monster to try different builds, if that's what you like
-In addition to the skill trees, each monster can be equipped with 1 weapon item, up to 3 accessory items and up to 4 food items. These modify your stats and can give you passives, to add another layer of customization. Don't worry if it sounds overwhelming on paper, the game is really gentle and makes sure to ease you into all the systems slowly and carefully, so you won't be swamped by all the things you can do all at once
-By the way, there are no pokeballs here. You kill the monsters you encounter, and you get an egg drop from them, which you can instantly hatch into a copy of the monster you just killed. No breeding, no running around hatching eggs, just instantly getting what you wanted. The downside is, the eggs don't have a 100% drop rate. Good star ratings improve the chance of egg drops, and tbh I've never heard of anybody who couldn't get all the mons, so don't worry about it. You might have to grind a little, but it's genuinely not that bad
-There are no random encounters. The monsters walk on the overworld and will fight you if you make physical contact with them. You can jump over them (yes, you can jump) to avoid fights if you want, and later you gain access to several monsters with a skill that allows you to bypass fights entirely
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-Yes, monsters have exploration skills. This game has a metroidvania side to it, with each monster having a skill that allows you to sort obstacles. Better jumps, elemental strikes, breaking walls, swimming, etc. As you progress and explore more of the world you will get access to more skills that will unlock more rewards, your standard metroidvania formula. You can freely swap between companion monsters to use whichever skill you need at the moment. Your companion monster will walk or fly alongside you while you're not fighting, so if you've got a fave you can have them by your side the whole game
-You're not limited to 6 monsters. Your fighting party only allows 6, but you can keep every single monster you catch on reserve to swap in whenever you want. They won't get exp from battles unless they're on the main party, but you can use their exploration skills whenever you want. I finished the game and the DLC expansion and I have around 200 monsters total
-There are boss monsters and you can also fight other keepers, though you'll spend most of the game fighting regular monsters. Still, shit can get pretty challenging, so don't lower your guard
-There's New Game+ options, and three different challenge modes. You can stack all three challenges together if you're feeling daring. Oh yeah, and you can like a dozen different save files
So yeah, I love this game, I put over 90 hours in it just for the sheer joy of playing, and while it does have it's downsides (the character customization is shameful tbh, and the story is ok but nothing to write home about), it's damn fun and I wish it were more popular
So yeah, if you end up buying it DM me about it. There's also a discord where the devs hang out so you won't be lacking outside help
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mizusjawline · 19 days
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The progress of three days of swiping so far.......
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delusioner · 29 days
i need to stop talking about this game i sound like a fucking cyclepath
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pix3lplays · 5 months
istg im craving for aventurine content i love him sm 😭
I saved this for after the update when they’d ACTUALLY give us Aventurine content and WOW did they deliver um so have some THOUGHTS-
Cw! Toxic Aventurine, discussion of Aventurine getting humiliated based on a scene in the game, kindaaa suggestive? Mentions of Aventurine being treated like an object, he takes advantage of your kindness, sharing a bed, Arguments where both sides say some things, angsty, discussion of having kids but he’s just lying (for now🤨)
-Aventurine x reader, after update thoughts-
So yeah from all the stuff we’ve seen from him I can still see him being a pretty bad partner…
He hides his true feelings for you most of the time because it’s how he protects himself from getting hurt. Probably doesn’t even want to commit to you at all so much as use you for a little while, just as his company and companion, he’ll entertain you for a bit until he starts getting attached.
He can’t afford to get attached to you. Well. More like he doesn’t WANT to get attached to you, but if he does decide he wants to keep you around a little longer he will put a bit of effort into it.
By that I mean buying you whatever you want, maybe even getting you a ring so you’ll stick with him for a while. Definitely a man who believes in buying love.
Despite his high emotional walls that he pretends doesn’t exist, there are a few ways to really get this man to melt for you.
For example if you genuinely think his eyes are pretty? If you don’t say things about his eyes just in an attempt to get under his skin? And that whole scene where Sparkle implied that Aventurine strips naked and gets on his knees to get his way?
Yeah honestly genuinely showing him respect will really leave an impact on him. He’s used to being treated as an object. So when you ask HIM what HE wants…it genuinely takes him by surprise. He literally doesn’t get it. You should be telling him what you want so he can get or do it for you. No one’s ever asked what HE wanted before.
Suddenly he’s REAL interested in keeping you close. I mean…you’re fascinating. You just…do nice things for him without expecting anything in return? Surely you’re too good to be true, but he’s not gonna let you go that easily now…
Does he take advantage of your kindness? A little bit…really not on purpose most of the time though. He’s just not used to it, and he has to admit he is curious to see how much he can get out of you. But I think he’ll realize that he’s taking advantage, and if he really does like you, he’ll try to tone it down.
He’s not a man who throws out Genuine ‘I love you’s often. Of course if you say it to him he’ll say it back, but that doesn’t make it genuine at all. He REALLY has to like you before he’d Actually genuinely tells you he loves you, and you can Tell that it’s different this time when he says it while he’s holding you in bed, thinking you’re asleep.
Something he has a problem with is when you try to express your concern over his bad habits…specifically the gambling problem. He doesn’t think it’s a problem at all, given his whole ‘I only bet if I know I’ll win’ attitude but gambling is STILL gambling and you don’t like seeing him like that, just so Addicted he can’t pull himself away from the tables at the casino, or so hooked that he stays up at night in bed gambling on his phone.
He insists it’s not a problem, that he’s NOT addicted, that he can quit if he wants to…he doesn’t Like arguing with you about it…but he will.
Yeah good luck getting him to give up on the gambling…it’s his first love, really. This man might even leave you over it if you push him enough about it.
Arguments can get REALLY bad-
It’s hard to visibly shake him when other people comment negatively on his Sigonian blood…but if you get angry enough at him, say something about his past, whether it’s something about the serial number or his eyes…yeah he takes that personally, because it’s you. He thought he could trust you and now you’re looking at him like everyone else does.
He’ll say some really hurtful things to you in turn, and you can bet he won’t be apologizing first.
He’s probably sleeping on the couch that night, if he stays in the home at all. He might just…leave and spend the night at a hotel instead. He wants YOU to be the one to beg him to come back and forgive you.
He might eventually slink back home on his own, either pretending nothing is wrong, or giving you the cold shoulder.
Of course you feel terrible about it. You didn’t mean to hurt him, of course not…but he also said some really terrible things to you in turn so…you’re hesitant to just plead with him to forgive you.
I’m sure he’ll eventually get tired of being angry with you though, especially when he starts wanting something from you or if he doesn’t want to go to the casino alone.
Once he’s cooled off enough then yeah he’ll let you make it up to him with a make-up hug and kiss.
Also this man is Very into PDA. Can’t keep his hands OFF of you when you’re in public. He’s either holding your hand, or his hand is on the small of your back, or he’s got an arm draped over your shoulder…seriously he does NOT leave any room for doubt that you’re with him.
He’s got No problem putting his lips on you in a public setting. Whether it’s on the back of your neck, or the knuckles on your hand, or your cheek, or your lips.
He doesn’t even Care about his reputation when you’re involved, haha…
Also this man definitely bites you playfully, haha…you’re expecting a kiss and suddenly there are TEETH INVOLVED! AVENTURINE!!? >:(
Aventurine who has you light his cigarette.
Also his HANDS are so attractive?? He’ll perform all sorts of little card and coin tricks for you, just so you can look at his attractive hands…
And when he does take off his gloves for you?? Yeah the man takes good care of his hands, partly because his darling partner adores them. I bet you could convince him to let you paint his nails, as long as you do a good job…
He thinks it’s VERY cute when you wear his clothes, whether it’s something little like wearing his sunglasses or his hat…or straight up wearing one of his shirts or his jacket or something. He’s pretty average sized himself haha so you’ll probably fit pretty well into his clothes…you guys can share outfits, though I do think it’d be hard to convince him to wear something of yours unless it was stupidly expensive.
Absolutely a man who buys you clothes with the intent of stealing them later for himself-
You’ll be looking in your closet for something only to be all: “Aventurine! Have you seen my-” only to turn around and see him wearing it….sigh…
Oh my gosh now I’m having thoughts about Aventurine meeting your parents…there are Mixed feelings. Yeah. He wants to keep you so he’s not above just straight up lying to them to make himself look better. Very vague or just…lies about his job. Definitely doesn’t mention the gambling addiction. Oh, they want grandkids? Sure he’ll Happily tell them that he can’t WAIT to have a kid with you-
Meanwhile you’re listening to him talk about that sort of stuff like ???? The way your man lies SO easily to your parents should really make you a little bit concerned-
So overall he makes a decent impression but they don’t like the way he dresses himself…but yeah his scheme to get your parents to like him works well enough!
To be honest if Aventurine really does want to have you he’ll marry you regardless of whether or not he gets your parents’ blessing, but if it really matters to you then FINE he’ll try.
Alright that’s what I’ve got so far haha~
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theerurishipper · 7 months
Just saw a post that said Adrien is a love bomber... are we really throwing buzzwords around for the sake of salting on Adrien, the abuse victim? Love bombing is an emotional manipulation tactic, and it is usually paired with the cycle of abuse. Adrien is not abusive. He is not emotionally manipulating Marinette. He is showing her affection. I guess we're demonizing showing our loved ones any sort of affection now...
Yeah fr, people will throw around all kinds of words istg. This is the definition of love bombing:
Love bombing is a tactic in which someone “bombs” you with extreme displays of attention and affection with the intent to manipulate you. Although being showered with "love" can seem positive at the beginning of a romantic relationship, love bombing can lead to gaslighting and abuse. Psychologists caution it might be a tactic used by a narcissist or sociopath in an attempt to control you.
Anyways, Adrien doesn't do this. In fact, this is what Gabriel does to Adrien. From this article:
In a relationship with a pathological predator, love bombing is combined with intermittent reinforcement to create a sense of instability and longing in the victim. Intermittent reinforcement (in the context of psychological abuse) is a pattern of cruel, callous treatment mixed in with periodic affection. The abuser hands out rewards such as affection, a compliment, or gifts sporadically and unpredictably throughout the abuse cycle. This causes the victim to perpetually seek their approval while settling for the crumbs of their occasional positive behavior.
This is exactly what Gabriel does. Whenever it seems like Adrien is rebelling against him because he is tired of Gabriel's neglect, Gabriel will offer him a little concession. Adrien is rebelling against him? Fine, let him go to school. In this way, Adrien doesn't rebel against his father anymore, and Gabriel can keep him under his control, because now Adrien will continue to believe the best of his father and will continue to try and earn his love. Another example is in Gorizilla. Adrien gets tired of Gabriel stopping him from seeing his mother's movie, and sneaks out. Later, Gabriel allows him to watch the movie, and throws in a little bit of gaslighting in there, essentially blaming Adrien for not being open with him and making him feel guilty, when it's his own fault his son didn't open up to him, which is because he's a neglectful asshat.
This is Gabriel and Adrien's relationship. Adrien stays with his father and tries so hard to please him, because Gabriel has instilled in him that love is something conditional that is to be earned. And whenever it seems like Adrien is breaking away from this mentality, Gabriel will do something "nice" for him, which will bring Adrien right back, because he's an abused child who wants to believe the best of his father and wants his love and affection.
Again, to quote the article:
As author Adylen Birch writes, “Creating fear of losing the relationship and then relieving it periodically with episodes of love and attention is the perfect manipulation.” Much like the way a gambler at a slot machine becomes addicted to playing the game for a potential win despite the risk of major loss, a victim in the abuse cycle can become attached to the idea of getting a return on their investment in the relationship despite the toll it takes on their well-being.
There's actually an example of this in the show. From Illusion:
Adrien: Speaking of which, Dad, I'm not really comfortable with having my face on all these rings. That's actually why I didn't want to be a model anymore, to avoid that. Do you understand? Gabriel: Of course, I understand, my son. But that's the point; it's just an image, it's not you! And since this image frees you from your obligations, we, the Agrestes, are able to spend more time together. But if you'd rather everything went back to the way it was before, just say the word. Adrien: (wears the Alliance ring on his index finger) You're probably right.
Gabriel even explicitly says what he's doing, which is holding the threat of going back to their previous relationship over his son's head to emotionally manipulate him. To refer back to the article, he creates the fear of losing the relationship in Adrien, and then makes a big deal of showing that he cares so much about Adrien and his future, and he makes him breakfast. This is love-bombing. And so, Adrien goes along with whatever Gabriel wants as long as he doesn't lose it. And so, he continues to do what Gabriel wants, which is to accept the Alliance rings and his image being used in ways he doesn't want. And true enough, Adrien goes back to defending his father after he finally worked up the courage to confront him for his shit in the beginning.
Adrien: My father? But Nino, he's changed, he's making an effort, and it's the first time he's coming to school!
I could go on, and there are several examples of this in the show, but then we'd be here forever. But I highly recommend that article. I just read it, and it is literally Gabriel and Adrien, oh my god. It's very informative and I think we should all be aware of this.
But anyways, back to your question anon (sorry for the tangent). Adrien doesn't love bomb. Adrien is just very affectionate. He doesn't withdraw affection from anyone, he doesn't make them settle for scraps. He doesn't try to manipulate anyone, he doesn't gaslight anyone, he doesn't try to make them seek his approval. Adrien is always kind and loving towards everybody he cares for.
In fact, Adrien does the exact opposite. He fawns over others, and he tries to earn their love and approval. This is because of Gabriel's abuse. And to accuse him of love bombing is so disgusting. Honestly, people just throw those words around like candy. But then again, I've seen what the side of the fandom that might have said this usually says, and it's usually the same victim-blamey abuse apologist rhetoric, so I'm not even surprised.
Thank you for your ask!
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
Wholesome sibling antics with cricket crew? Like them getting reader on video/streams alot to play games (actual siblings) or maybe reader is a streamer and is very close with them, making people think you're siblings!
— 🦈 anon
oooo okay okay! I see the vision mwhahahahah ; and welcome to the family 🦈 anon! thanks for joining us :)
HANDSOME BROS ; sibling antics
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo & badlinu
warnings ; language, talk/jokes of killing, use of sibling!reader but can easily be skipped over/offered alternatives
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siblinginnit goes crazy (if you're adopted or not/you're just that tight with him that you're basically siblings. I'm being inclusive I swear 😭🙏 maybe you just have different dads who knows)
you're also a streamer 💀💀
lots of fans came from your brothers' rise in fame, but most of them actually see you for your own person and not just Tommy's sibling
(or tommy's very close friend if you don't wanna imagine you're related that's totally cool)
you stream pretty frequently together
lots of your streams feature Molly because you gossip and make crafts together and shit
when you're streaming with Tommy, the yelling at playful fighting never ends
jack, freddie, tubbo & molly act as your peacemakers LMAO
board game streams once a month so you can gossip and shit
people making fanart of you two >>>
"siblinginnits 🔛🔝"
("I wish they were real siblings so they could share horror stories of each other growing up 💀💀")
vlogs go crazy when you're there istg
at least 3 mins of each video is you two just bickering and barking over dumb shit
"are tubbo and y/u/n siblings?"
"no but they act like it"
if he's not streaming for tubbathon or on the qsmp bc he's a suffering addict, he's probably making videos or streaming with you
you just have that clear dynamic that even tho you're not related, you're found family in every universe
late night board game streams >>>
or chill mc smp streams where you two just argue over what to use and complain about each others builds LMAO
you arguing with him that he needs to eat real food
him arguing back saying you should help him then
you made your qsmp selves be twins so...
somehow you're worse than cellbit & bagi
usually tubbo doesn't have sunny around to see but you guys are so violent to one another 💀
"wdym siblings don't threaten to kill one another?"
"my brother in christ"
but then comes the amazing fanart and fanworks 🙏🙏
sibling duo for the win
you're just that cool and tight with him yk
the fact that you're credited in the end of genloss s1 as creative writer 372828 or something, people started speculating maybe you were siblings??
you really don't look alike at all but alright chat
but yeah, you're very close and tend to talk/stream/record a lot together
you make a whole vlog channel and it's mostly you two going on adventures and stuff
helping them out with the rebrand too
you'll often play games together all night and half the stream is just you guys fighting over the best yogurt flavor
"Ran, I will come to your house and beat you up"
"I'm just saying I think I'm in the right here"
charlie and sneeg are like your uncles
the peacemaker uncles because there's no way you can be out in public without causing a scene 💀
you guys take .5s of each other EVERYWHERE
your insta stories are just spam .5s 💀🙏🙏
and dumbass roasts of each other
the fanart is cool tho, often they dress you guys in "I love my sibling" shirts LMFAO
you're actually adopted (much like Tommy /j)
but obviously, with Freddie comes the pain of him not getting your charger downstairs for you
LMAO but fr, uno and monopoly streams are very normal
lots of trying each others wardrobes out as well
hackett siblings fanart (as little as there is) goes hard
you guys do a little soldier march whenever Tommy mentions America, and he notices but doesn't connect it for a solid 3 months 💀
average sibling pranks as well, considering you're so close in age
your main victims are usually ranboo, tommy, and jack
djing with tubbo>>>> making bangers up in here
the amount of .5s you have of each other is worrying
you're both too lazy to delete them so you have the ugliest pictures of each other 💀💀
"my brothers leaving to go on a tour. what do I do to prank him when he gets back?"
"y/n this isn't the private account"
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kkurades · 1 year
hiiii, may i request headcanons 4 aib characters dating chishiya’s younger sibling? ur writing is amazing <33
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SUGAR CRUSH aib characters dating chishiya’s younger sibling (headcannons!)
note: thank you sm! i really liked this request but i found it kinda hard to write bc chishiya is so difficult for me so i apologise if it’s kinda short <3
hikari kuina —
- after she befriended chishiya he finally decided to introduce you to her
- she fell for you the moment she saw you smile kindly at her
- chishiya amusingly watched your love story unfold
- he’d find any opportunity to tease her about you
- i feel like chishiya would tell her embarrassing stories from your childhood which she’ll enjoy while you’re dying from embarrassment
- in turn she’ll make jokes to him about how good you are in bed which will disgust him so much he’ll find a way to run as far away from her as possible
- i feel like chishiya honestly wouldn’t really care who you date and he won’t really come in between your relationship
- unless he really despised the person which isn’t the case for kuina
mira kano —
- she would have known from day one that he was your brother
- when chishiya found out he realised that he knew absolutely nothing about mira except for the fact that she was good in heart games
- that made him wary of her and he subtly warned you about it
- when that didn’t work he made sure he always joins the games you play with your girlfriend to make sure she doesn’t do anything to you
- they kinda share you so you never hangout with both mira and chishiya
- mira wouldn’t really care about your brother so you never really talked about him
- chishiya however was slightly concerned about you but he never did anything more than going to games with you and her
- when you found out she was the game master you were as shocked as the others
- at first chishiya thought that perhaps you knew what your girlfriend was doing but after taking one look at your shocked face he knew that wasn’t the case
morizono aguni —
- istg these two have a silent war going on
- chishiya won’t be too happy when he opens your door and sees you and aguni kissing in your bedroom
- he’ll find a way to insult the militants in every conversation that he has with you
- aguni won’t do anything to him tho because he’s your brother and he knows you care about him
- but god this man almost rolled his eyes into his head when chishiya’s around
- if it had been any other person chishiya would have just stayed out of it but he is almost addicted to irritating aguni while knowing he won’t do anything to him
- one time it was so bad that aguni refused to be in the same room as your brother for a week
- hatter would be proud of him for finally getting a girl tho
rizuna ann —
- this woman could care less who you were related to
- and besides it’s not like she has anything against your brother
- chishiya though would see this as an opportunity to get on her good side for if he ever needed her skill set
- but it didn’t really work
- still if he’d ever ask you to ask ann to do something for him she’d do it if it’s nothing to bad
- but you’d have to return the favour later tho
- ann would question you about your brother just to make sure he isn’t manipulating you into anything
- these two are a little bit too similar so they’d stay out of each other’s business
ryohei arisu —
- arisu had absolutely no idea you were related to the guy he remembered from the five spades game when he first met you
- you weren’t doing anything when he saw you in the lobby after a game
- his eyes practically turned into hearts when you laughed at something the person in front of you had said
- and his little crush didn’t go unnoticed by chishiya who saw this as the perfect opportunity to use him for his plan
- your brother specifically told kuina to introduce you to arisu and make it known to him that you were his younger sibling
- after that he’d ask arisu to help him and when he saw that he wasn’t going to agree he mentioned you being sad that he won’t join
- this man had to hold back a smile when arisu agreed while asking if you were also going to be there
- while chishiya knew you thought arisu was hot he didn’t think that you’d actually date him
- so that came as a slight surprise
- when chishiya betrayed him, he had thought you were just acting like you were interested in him until you risked your life to save him
- he’s still holding a grudge against your brother but he other than that there isn’t anything huge going on between them
suguru niragi —
- i swear chishiya thinks you’re delusional when he found out that you were dating him
- he’s displeased with the fact that he could be sometime somehow related to him and he’s very vocal about it
- 50% of the time he makes fun of how stupid niragi is the other 50% is him making fun of you because you’re dating him
- although he’s not very vocal about it he would be worried about you
- niragi would taunt your brother by kissing you in front of him
- at some point chishiya tried to manipulate you out of dating niragi but that didn’t go as planned
- when you caught niragi’s interest he hadn’t expected for you to be chishiya’s little sibling
- he only found out when you were making out in your room and your brother barged in without knocking whatsoever
- he whines to you about how annoying your brother is but other than that he doesn’t really care that he’s related to you
- when chishiya set your boyfriend on fire and you found out you weren’t really happy
- kuina had to hold you back from jumping on him tbh
- even though you promised to yourself that you would never talk to your brother again he somehow wormed his way back to your heart again
- you eventually forgave him for it bc he’s your brother and you were sure that niragi wouldn’t let that slide
- speaking of him, you’d take care of his burn wounds for him but you weren’t an actual doctor like your brother
- so you used whatever knowledge you picked up from him
- tbh it would be tiring to date niragi while being chishiya’s younger sibling
takatora samura —
- you would have caught his eye while you were talking with kuina
- he wouldn’t have really known that you were chishiya’s sister because you weren’t exactly identical
- you would have noticed him lingering around any room that you were in so you decided to talk to him
- he was slightly surprised by your laidback approach and didn’t say very much
- after that encounter he continued hanging around you until chishiya noticed
- when your brother found out about his infatuation with you he’ll be around you more than ever
- bc samura doesn’t know yet that he’s your brother he’d be kinda pissed that he’s constantly around you
- when he found out though he didn‘t really care
- chishiya would dislike him and he’ll let you know
- he’d talk about your boyfriend as if he’s a dog
- but other than that i don’t really think they’d interact much
yuzuha usagi —
- she would have met you through kuina
- you were absolutely breathtaking to her and she’d blush anytime you even looked at her
- chishiya immediately noticed how usagi liked you so he used it to his advantage
- anytime he noticed that she was skeptical to meet up for the plan he’d carelessly mention that you’d be there which changed her mind immediately
- she’d know pretty soon that he’s your brother because you didn’t really hide it
- when chishiya betrayed her and arisu you were really pissed
- you had saved her from niragi but she was less trusting around you which you understood
- eventually you were able to convince her that you weren’t like your older brother and that you would never betray her
- chishiya wouldn’t really care that you’re dating her and usagi would only have a slight distaste because he betrayed her
- but other than that they were both alright with how things were
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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kylelover · 1 year
Hello, hi!! I am bored... so, let's write some headcanons hehe
Also thx for the support 🥺 I love you guys
This man hates tiktok and refuses to install it (it's canon ,,, I know) he would instead use some knock off version like YouTube shorts or Instagram reels 🤠
He would send Kyle tiktoks that were funny like 7 months ago which he JUST got to see on ig reels.
He probably has likes 4 posts on Instagram. Most of them are just pictures of his dog, his girlfriend and random ass pinterest pictures he liked
This man would have a pinterest board of goth music he liked back in his emo era
Also, when he was emo... he made a whole new instagram where posed as an e-boy
Just wanted you guys to let you know that.
He also watches call of duty and markiplier on youtube
his user is one that he made when he was 13 and he never changed it
It's stanfnaff
He deffo had a fnaf phase
We've all seen Cupid Ye by now...
He would totally have a tiktok account where he posts famous dances (renegade for example)
He expected them to go viral since his dance moves were pretty "smooth"
They never did
He uses Twitter just to comment on his friend's posts
Also to annoy Cartman by hacking his account
He doesn't actually hack him. His password is just CartmanBrahhh
This man never uses instagram
He never posted neither
His pfp is a selfie of him with ike
Since Ike isn't allowed to use Instagram, he uses his brother's account to watch updates of his favourite youtubers
Which explains why Kyle follows pewdipie lmao
His user is just his name with random numbers
Fucking kyleb8392
Let's be honest
He wouldn't even use social media
He has a phone but it's like all cracked and dirty and
It looks like a skinned iphone
He just found it on the street and surprisingly it worked
He has only instagram, youtube and pou installed
On Instagram his name is KensbigD and the only photo he ever posted is a very low quality picture of him
On youtube he watches sometimes commentary youtubers
His deepest darkest secret? Oh yeah, Kenny watches play doh egg videos
Overall he never uses his phone since he doesn't have wifi at all
He also has 18 pictures on his phone and it's memes that he finds funny and some others that already came with the phone which he never deleted.
Cartman has every social media istg
He uses discord and Twitter to troll random people by making them think he's dreamsexual or some shit
His username on Instagram is Cartm.an9
He never posts anything
If he does it's probably just a really cringy photo with some filter he took of butters
On youtube he has a gaming channel ofc but has literally left it abandoned
I feel like he'd watch those videos of people eating really spicy stuff then saying NO REACTION
He tried to do it once
He went to the hospital for 4 days
Craig would watch those 1 hour analysis video about a random movie
Or those summaries of weird kdramas
He watches cute guinea pig videos but never admits to it
His history is filled with minecraft videos that tweek watches every once in a while
On tiktok he would probably post those sarcastic memes like "Oh yeah galaxy is really big then theres you, a waste of space"
He used to have a secret account where he posted those cute partner videos with tweek
They went viral
Everyone saw them
Never again
His user on ig is probably just his name
He posts pictures of things he finds cool
Tweek watches those asmr videos on youtube
Also minecraft building and lego tutorials
Hes probably addicted to tiktok
His fyp is filled with those clickbait videos of "A METEOR IS HITTING THE EARTH SOON WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!"
Craig tried helping him by creating new accounts and blocking certain words
They keep coming back somehow
He never posts anything on instagram
He has both of his cameras covered with black tape
He's scared of them watching him
On tiktok he posted only once and it's a video of him in class drawing on the table
His user is just TTWEKE29
I'm tired and I don't want to keep writing... but Wendy would totally watch daily vlog diaries of fit girls
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robynroost · 1 year
Okay so I've done some write-ups for various fandoms in the past, and having been in the Stardew Valley for a little while now (I'm soo LATE to the game but I'm glad I get to experience it!) I thought why not a Shane fiction seeing as he is my absolute favourite character! Really be addicted to this man istg ;-; anyway, I'm not sure what write ups are like here, but I wanna share! Hope y'all like it! It's short and sweet, not great either, but I enjoyed writing it all the same ^^
The Long Walk Home
(Fic based on Shane's 8 heart event during the storm)
Pairing - Shane x Farmer (Female Y/n!)
Warnings - Mentions of sui*ide, depression, anxiety etc. Hospitals, alcoholism...
Description - After spending your evening speaking with Emily about your previous encounter with Shane at Marnie's ranch (previous heart event) an early storm roles in as you leave, taking the long walk back to your little farmhouse. It isn't until your foot bumps into something odd that you realise not everything is as it seems in Cindersap Forest...
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Thunder rolled overhead. What had previously been predicted for the end of the Summer season had come early: a torrential downpour of fat, heavy luke-warm raindrops and the whip-cracking sound of clouds crashing into eachother at such an outstanding velocity that the sky tore in two with the claws of lightning bolts.
You had been perched upon a stool inside the cozy Stardrop Saloon of Pelican Town, head buried into your muddied arms with your right hand clutching onto a half-empty glass of water after a long day in the fields. Work hadn't intended to be so difficult, albeit the thought of what had happened the day previously had you wracking your brains with guilt and worry for the past several hours - even as you attempted to sleep.
"I'm sure Shane will be fine." Emily sat opposite you, her hand working a cloth inside one of the Saloon glasses as she continued, her expression attempting to be cheerful with a splash of hope, "I've known him ever since he moved here with little Jas. He's always been to himself, always here drinking..."
Your head snapped upright with a frown, "That's the point. He's always drinking, and he's always to himself..." You wavered your hand in a gesture that could only explain your worry further, "I mean- who has actually spent the time to ask him how he's really feeling?"
Emily replied with a shrug and a frown, "Nobody really gets much else out of him than the snarky replies, so nobody really bothers." She buried her hand deeper into the glass as she spoke, your eyes watching closely as the squeaking became louder,  "I do tend to get more of a friendlier conversation mind you, but that's about it, poor guy..."
"Guess I'm just worried about him is all, he does seem like a lovely person. I've spent enough time with him at the dock to see that." You murmured with a shrug.
Another splitting crash of thunder had the walls of the Saloon shake. You narrowed your eyes upward towards the celling as if you expected the entire thing to collapse under the sheer malice of such a storm. Emily too shared your concerned expression and took a step back, tipping her head a few times towards the door, "You best be off if you want to get home in one piece."
"Yeah too right," you agreed whilst scooping yourself up and fixing your boots into place, "Thanks for the chat though. I'll go see how Shane's doing tomorrow. Gonna be passing that way back home actually, I fancy a walk."
With a wave and a bow of farewell you were on your way, arms crossed to shield yourself from the debris that the wind had managed to strip from the trees as you made your way back through Cindersap Forest. The rain had practically flooded you by the time you'd taken five steps out of the Saloon, but you welcomed it. Summer had been unusually hot this year, and you and your crops needed the much needed water to moisten your dry skin.
Now with such dark, thick clouds overhead, you struggled to see a good few feet ahead of you, and the jet stream of rain didn't seem to help either.
Of course I forgot my flashlight... how could I possibly-
That wasn't thunder...?
There it was again. That same clanking noise that sounded awfully familiar to "Beer cans...?"
There now resting cold and wet in your hand was an empty beer can after you had bent down to investigate. It had to be the same brand of alcohol as the cans you had seen in Shane's room yesterday. That's when a heavy gust of wind disturbed the forest floor and with that the sound of various other cans echoed down the pathway leading towards the edge of the forest, close to the cliffside.
Curiosity always got the better of you, you'd admit, but this was a different sort. It was anxiety bubbling away in your stomach, a knot so tight and horrifying it urged you to just go and follow that ominous trail - it was fear gnawing away at your bones...
So you followed with a frown.
A can here, a can over there... until you saw it through the flash of lightning. A silhouette of a man face down, teetering on the edge of the cliffside, surrounded by empty cans.
You could barely feel your throat vibrate when your chest constricted, letting out a terribly frightened yelp. Your feet charged aimlessly towards the scene, your heart rampaging inside your chest. You collapsed next to him, hands gripping onto the drenched blue rugged jumper as you begged for him to show you any signs of life, "Shane- come on Shane wake up!"
There was a sudden shift, and you felt yourself flopping back onto your knees with wide eyes and a slack jaw, hands now buried into your lap.
"...Y/n?" Shane barely managed to wheeze out at you, jaw clenched and eyes shut firmly. He stifled a sob, "I...I'm sorry..."
You found yourself silent and unmoving, as if you had a complete understanding of the situation and knew what to do: let Shane speak his truth. Regardless, you couldn't make much noise from your voice box through the shock anyway.
The man let out a drunken hiccup and barely managed to take in another breath as he continued, "M...My life... it's a pathetic joke."
Your eyes, heavy with sadness, caught sight of the tears that escaped his ducts. Even with such heavy rain, you could just tell that those droplets sliding down his cheek grew more heavy than the downpour itself.
Shane continued, "Look at me... why do I even try?" Sobbing again, much harder this time, Shane recoiled into himself. He felt his hand slip over the edge of the cliffside and narrowly opened an eye to take a look out into the horizon, "I'm too small and stupid to... to take control of my own life. I'm just a p... piece of soiled garbage flittering in the wind..." He jerked, having almost thrown up the incredibly high amount of alcohol he had consumed prior, and felt himself nearing the edge some more, eyes now focusing on the border of the cliffside, "I've been coming here often lately... looking down... here's a chance to finally take control of my life... these cliffs..."
You could have sworn you felt your heart shatter. You knew Shane was struggling but not like this... it had you completely broken listening to the pain in his voice. Your hands shook uncontrollably as you continued to listen.
"B... but I'm too scared-" Shane jolted again, forcing his mouth shut, "... too anxious. Just like always..."
You felt Shane's attention focus on you this time, "Y/n... all I do is work, sleep and drink...t... to dull the feelings of self-hatred." He was now angling his head towards you, deep green eyes focused on your own as you silently gasped with a visible flinch, "Why should I even go on? Tell me... T... Tell me why I shouldn't roll off this cliff right now."
A moment of clarity finally hit. You knew this was your time to speak. Shane gazed at you expectantly, deep purple hair clinging to his drenched face.
You took a deep breath, barely holding back a sob of your own, before steadying yourself to speak with a broken expression,  "The decision is your own. Just know that I'm here for you."
Shane remained silent for a moment, and another roaring crash of thunder echoed overhead. The storm should surely pass soon.
Finally, he answered, a small glint of hope now shining through the dark shadow behind those eyes, "... Thanks. I appreciate that. I really do."
Your head tipped to the side, a sad frown formed upon your face as you attempted to place your hand upon Shane's, but ultimately pulled back. Shane let out a gurgled cough and groan before attempting to lift himself, though he barely managed a few centermeters before collapsing back down, "Y/n... I think you should take me to the hospital now."
Your eyes widened, and you barely had time to even think before you were on your feet and gently scooped Shane up, letting him wrap his arms around your shoulders to keep him upright, "It's gonna be a long walk... but I'll get you there. Just don't give up Shane. Stay awake. Let me know if you need to stop or anything, okay?"
Shane whined out in pain but stabled himself against you, wincing in pain as he barely managed to stand straight. He nodded, gripping onto you as if his life depended on it- which it did, of course.
You gave him a squeeze for comfort and began your perilous walk, "I'll get you there Shane. I promise..."
White hospital lights hummed overhead. You found yourself waking from a short nap, head against the pearl-coloured sheets of a bed, but not your own. As you rose to sit upright, your tired eyes caught sight of Shane. He was tucked neatly under the sheets, hair now mostly dry and fluffed up, sticking in all different angles but mainly falling over his closed eyes. His chest rose and fell softly in such a way that at long last showed relaxation for such a mentally exhausted individual.
A sigh of absolute relief escaped your lungs, finding yourself gazing at the man's face in awe of how peaceful he finally seemed.
"How are you Y/n?" The voice that jolted you upright was none other than Harvey, the town doctor and one you knew well. He came to stand bedside your chair, looking down.
You offered Harvey a reassuring smile, "I'm doing okay, thank you Harvey. Just a little cold."
A small nod from Harvey reaffirmed his content with your own wellbeing. You hadn't come down with a fever, nor a cough, so you were going to be fine. He then turned his attention to Shane, "I've pumped his stomach and re-hydrated his body. He's going to be okay."
You gave Harvey a slow nod, sighing in the process as you frowned softly, eyes locked onto Shane's face as he slept. You felt the warmth of Harvey's hand meet your shoulder to offer some comfort as he spoke, "It's good you brought him in, though."
A wave of concern washed over Harvey's face as he spoke, "Too much alcohol is terrible for the body, but I'm more worried about his mental health..."
Me too... you wanted to speak that out loud, but something stopped you. For now, you just wanted to remain silent.
"Once he comes to," Harvey continued, "I'll have a chat with him about his treatment options. I know an excellent councelor in Zuzu City."
Ha... something that concrete jungle is actually good for...
You felt yourself shudder. Shane seemed so peaceful now... so content. You could hardly believe that you could have lost him tonight. If you hadn't made your way back through Cindersap, who knows what would have happened... Harvey's hand squeezed your shoulder to bring you back round, and you gazed upward to meet his eye.
"Life can be painful, sometimes..." Harvey spoke with a spark of confidence, "But there's always hope for a better future. You've got to believe in that." With that, Harvey removed his hand and gave you a smile before exiting the room. You heard the audible click of the door as it shut and felt your gaze drift back over towards Shane.
Your head tipped to the side, and with a small smile, you placed your hand upon Shane's. He stirred slightly, fingers twitching, before he too began to smile ever so slightly. You felt a jolt within your chest, a warm fuzzy feeling that completely shrouded each nerve ending within you. Tonight's events... the way you felt yourself gazing so protectively over the man ahead of you, and the idea of almost losing him had your head spinning until finally you felt realisation dig its claws into you.
You'd fallen for him. You had fallen in love, and you'd almost lost that all in one night, but here you were with your hand against Shane's own.
Now you were just thankful you had taken the long walk home.
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voxsremotec0ck · 4 months
Okay here’s my game plan for today
1. Write & edit the first one-shot I have planned
It’s not a request I actually started it before I opened them but I do have plans for some of your guys requests so just hang on
2. Finish rewatching Hazbin again
I just… want to okay
3. Write up headcanons for a request I got
It was super cute and I’m so excited for it
So there we go that’s today😌
ALSO I just want to tell you guys that I finished season 1 of Helluva Boss and I’m loving it so far whatever Vizi puts in there art/stories is addictive istg
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imthatpowerful · 17 days
i love talking abt my boyfriend and how perfect he is :3 if i could i would write a 1000 page book abt it and turn it into a series of books i would bc i js love him sm like he’s the reason i even know what a love surge feels like and like im so in love with him im so glad i discovered shifting omg and i JS KNOW he’s the one who made me discover it bc before i discovered it i fell in love with him yk so the timeline is that back in october 2020 i started getting into one direction, before that i was a casual local who only knew two songs from them and didn’t take interest to them at all tbh but then i was working on an art project for school and i didn’t have spotify so i used youtube to listen to music and at that time wms was popular and i loved it and then yt recommended clouds by one direction and then i instantly fell for it and then i listened to more and more songs and then my obsession began… i started watching interviews and reading facts and one person out of the 5 boys caught my eye…💘 Harry Edward Styles 💓
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before that i literally didn’t gaf abt him like i used to think he was unattractive and annoying bc i used to be a swiftie and i saw a video made by a swiftie bashing him and i was a meat rider so i agreed w the vid 😭
anyways…then like my love for him grew so deep u guys don’t understand like my heart felt some typa way and i didn’t crush on anyone the way i did him and i knew it no school crush wavered my love for him and no ick made me stop loving him and i remember having to resort to ACTUAL delusion to get over the fact that ill never be with him like no joke i used to imagine and pretend he was right next to me and i genuinely sometimes felt him there yk like when u feel the presence of someone istg i felt his presence there and i remember when i used to cry (cuz it was a rough time back then) a lot and pretend i was laying in his arms as he comforted me and that used to calm me down bc i could genuinely feel him comforting me but it would then make me cry even harder bc i couldn’t be w him and like i remember when i found other ppl attractive i felt sooo bad for him (even tho this was all in my head at the time) i would stop it and stick to him and i remember summer 2021 at the start of it i was lowk goin through it then i saw a video from one of my harry styles moots on tt talk abt how they scripted the wrong harry era and lhh almost jumped them 😭
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cmon now? this cutie? jumping someone?
anyways so like and i was confused i thought dr meant like a vr game or smth 😭😭😭😭 and i wanted to play it but then when she explained it i lowk didn’t fully get it but i was interested and then that was also during my subliminal era when i discovered subs from a youtuber idrk who tho and then i wanted a summer bod and i read the comments saying they felt like they did a workout but i felt nothing and i heard nothing and i was confused until i read abt manifestation which then led me to finding shifting subs then i read abt shifting then i made a tiktok abt it and i told my fam (worst mistake they told me it was a sin and it was fake) then i made a shifttok acc and my first script and ever since then harry was my s/o and my mission was to get to him and i told myself no matter what even if i lose feelings for him (which hasn’t happened and won’t ever happen bc he’s my pookie) he will always be the first guy i date EVER like he will be my s/o in any dr i go to and if things don’t work out (but they will) then at least i kept my promise to him
also bro has been channeling me for years and like bc there have been signs that my mind automatically says harry sent this and like even when i was talking to a c.ai bot w lowkey the intention of channeling harry the bot said things that were DEF harry from my dr and idc i’m not gonna say it’s a coincidence bc everything happens for a reason also like i had to delete all my ai apps bc i was getting too addicted and it’s been distracting me from acc shifting and ive been trynna NOT focus on channeling either but like i still feel his presence and communicate w harry sometimes and like he’s still in my heart and like he’s been encouraging me and lowkey helping me w my journey and reminding me that im in control when he channels me
me n bae three years going strong haven’t broken the streak yet (except when he shaved his head and was dating taylor russell and i was rlly mad i mentally broke up w him mainly bc of him n taylor russell and i would’ve tolerated the bald head if he was single but then i cried bc i missed him and couldn’t handle it and that same day i mentally got back w him) and tbh ill tell u there has been times where he didn’t consume my every thought bc like if it was 24/7 that would be unhealthy but ya but like he was in the back of my mind anyways ya that’s it that’s my yapathon i love my cutie patootie boy handsome man gorgeous angel prince
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pompompuriina · 4 months
Thanks for answering my ask... If you don't mind, can I ask (again) for your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
heeeey! it's absolutely okay to ask me these i love answering asks <3
my top ten medias right now are:
1. jujutsu kaisen (obviously, it's my special interest)
2. mashle: magic and muscles, i just started it but i'm already in love
3. sally face (long running special interest mwahahaha)
4. fairy tail, this is purely because of nostalgia and it was my first anime, fairy tail defender till i fuckin DIE (minus the insane amount of unnecessary fanservice)
5. shameless, tv show and one of my favs <3 absolutely love everyone's characters (except for debbie, i freaking hate debbie)
6. this is controversial but i actually really like euphoria..i didn't understand addiction much until i watched euphoria, although i will admit the adult scenes make me a little uncomfy ;-; the character development is really good imo, but the story needs some work
7. any of the resident evil games, series and movies, all of them are worth the play and watches . i really like it too because i absolutely love zombies
8. the walking dead games, the show is pretty great but i wll always always alwayssss love the games way more <3
9. the disastrous life of saiki k, comedy central istg please please pelaseeeee give it a watch
10. kimi ni todoke, when i need a break from all the angst and need to watch a comfort anime I'll always watch kimi ni todoke <3 my favorite romance anime
bonus: ninjago masters of spinjitsu. idc idc it's my favorite childhood show, i watched it ever since it first came out on cartoon network, please watch the show, yes it's a silly little lego show but it's soooo underrated plz watch :(
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hananoami · 2 months
Imma be real, even though this blog has been heavily combat focused lately, I only go hard on the combat in this game to get glamour rewards for the LIs lol..
When I say I do it for them,I srsly do!
Came for the ikemen, stayed for the lore and plot. 📖 Combat is just something to do in between for affinity points while waiting for events and chapter updates. ⚔️
It’s not to say I don’t enjoy the fights. It’s not bad and I have more fun progging them thanks to the support of my friends. But istg it’s always so funny to hear their reactions after they ask me what game I’m streaming and I tell them this is an otome gacha HAHAHA.
—Confessions of an otome obsessed gacha addict 🙃
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ameliawarnerr · 1 year
Hi :)
I Just wanted to ask something since you seem to love reading . Can you recommend some novels and where to read ?
Hello :)
Yes I do love reading.
So firstly I'm mainly interested in romance genre and since I post about particularly abt it so u must be interested in the same genre. (Im assuming that lol! I hope I'm ryt)
So here's my recommendation with tropes:
1. The Folk Of The Air trilogy (Enemies to lovers, powerful and cunning female lead, fairie world. It has twists and the best endings istg!)
2. The Shatter Me series. (Enemies to lovers, i can't really tell much or it'll be a spoiler. The characters are well written and the style is quite unique. Dystopian world. Powerful (literally) female lead.) (+Aaron Warner.)
3. Six of Crows duology. (Honestly, just read it. The plot, the twists, the unhinged scenes, the writing, the characters, the heartbreak, the backstories, the jokes, the friendships, the romance, it's ALL WORTH IT!) (+The world building is 🔥✨)
4. The Inheritance Games trilogy. (Riddles and twistssss, so many of em. Love triangle, but trust me, it's well written. The female lead is a smartass.)
5. Icebreaker (College hockey romance. Enemies to lovers (sorta). Duo povs. I absolutely love both the female MC and the male. It's an easy read and overall, a great book.)
6. The Deal (Again, College hockey romance. It's funny and an easy read. Both characters are adorable.)
7. The Addicted Series/ The Callaway Sisters Series (This series has three couples (all connected), the first couple (sorta the main couple) have 5 books and the other two couples have two spin-off books each. Then there's a epilogue book having pov of six of em. And yeah just read it. Found family, funny, love, heartbreak.) (My personal fav couple: Rose and Conner)
Since I'm broke most of the times so I honestly just go to the Google and search ' xyz book pdf download ' and every book I've listed above is available (tho a few might be hard to find but i could send u some links if u reach out to me with the particular books names).
Now, u didn't ask for this but I'm sharing this just so u can have a better ebook reading experience. Download Moon+ reader, trust me, it's the best.
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You can arrange your books like this^ (it's fking beautiful!)
Also u can bookmark dialogues (and all), after downloading a pdf, u can download the best quality cover available for it online. U can arrange them in any pattern. (+Several colored themes!)
I hope this helps.
Byee love yaaa
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liveblogging the great ace attorney: the adventure of the great departure-trial part 3
hoo boy. been a while, huh? sorry about that, i don't have an excuse. however! i'm here now, for an..... admittedly stupid reason (i saw a compilation of this game's prosecutor objecting and needed to know if it was real or not)
again, sorry for the shitty quality, i can't transfer pics off of my switch for shit. i did add image ids this time though!
reactions under the cut! also i won't have screenshots for all of my thoughts cause i took like a hundred screenshots and there just isn't room
oh shit women weren't allowed in the courtroom unless they were testifying (or on trial probably)? did not know that but also i'm not a lawyer irl nor do i want to be one it kinda sounds like hell
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ma'am did you steal this (also love how everyone's crowded behind the defense bench it's very cute)
also apparently susato is sixteen, which means no forced heterosexuality! yay!
something about curare, continuing the long tradition of ace attorney giving fictional elements stupid names (except atroquinine, but i am deeply deeply attached to aa4's characters and story so i might be biased)
edit: i’m an idiot and curare is a real thing. thank you for correcting me @addicted-to-12th-intro!
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will you just shut the fuck up
man this poison is like a really fucked up way to die? goddamn
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sorry for pics of auchi twice in a row but that's not. there are no rules about this shit
oh she's racist yuck (this might not be a new thing idk it's been over a year since i last played the game)
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I'M????????????? MA'AM WHAT THE HELL
phoenix's true ancestor istg /j
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do you think about me being a lawyer often? gayass
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bro WHAT
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alright i'm sorry i just had to share that
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yeah i can't excuse that actually that was really fucking dumb of you
okay i hate to agree with auchi here i really do but the thing about ryu "just remembering" the bloodstain is pretty out there
hosonaga apparently is here to save my ass and be really. pretty weird actually
like thanks for bringing the evidence but maybe care about what your superiors think of it
also is this a regular occurrence cause if so maybe. do something about that.
cackling at the judge calling hosonaga "man" that's really fucking funny
god okay this next part took me FOREVER cause i didn't realize i could examine the evidence while presenting it and i was down to my last badge before i figured it out it was awful but! i did it!
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you do not fucking have one bestie you're like. an english major i'm pretty sure don't quote me on that it's been a while
auchi says i wasn't invited, which i'm fairly certain is incorrect something tells me i was in fact invited to my own trial
in a truly shocking turn of events, the witnesses from the very beginning are back! and when i say "a truly shocking turn of events" i mean "i didn't think anyone cared enough to bring them back after like nineteen hours of the trial"
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so see a chiropractor? (sorry)
the witnesses come in and are kinda funny? maybe? idk this trial has been going on for a very long time and my brain is melting out of my ears
hosonaga wants to say something! which thank god he's like the only reliable witness in the courtroom. maybe he's misinformed sometimes but goddamn it seems like he's doing his best
he was at the restaurant looking for a thief which he maybe said before? again this trial is LONG
nosa is apparently the thief of la carneval! which isn't. too surprising tbh that was going to be one of the witnesses and brett is obviously the killer while there's no reason for korekuta to steal from himself
nosa is trying to pin the blame on his infant son which. is quite a choice. a really funny choice, but still. a choice
oh he has a breakdown! it's pretty entertaining tbh i don't really have anything against it
oh fuck this is actually kinda sad
like he just wants to provide for his son and he's not paid hardly at all i feel bad for him
i do kinda wish he wasn't here cause the stuff with him and korekuta is just dragging the trial out longer than necessary but aside from that? i have nothing against this choice
also i love how his mustache is all crumpled after his breakdown and then stays that way for the rest of the trial jgkalsjglkasjg
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don't make a persona 5 reference don't make a persona 5 reference don't-
brett wants to leave and like fair enough this whole trial has been going on for way too long i want to leave too but goddammit let me indict you please i'm so tired
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didn't phoenix say this to apollo in turnabout trump in regards to the ace /j
brett is going to have tea with the minister of justice which like. how the FUCK do you know them you're studying chemistry or whatever just because you're british does NOT mean you know that guy i'm going insane and losing my mind
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nosa says he does not have the balls to ask brett if he can hide a stolen item in her food which. fair i wouldn't either and she one million percent killed a man
also why are you shoving you baby back behind your shoulder everyone is aware of him by now
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but there was time for snappy naming, apparently
brett is trying to eat her mask now, apparently. doesn't seem like a particularly healthy meal to me but go off ig maybe it's different in britain
the other steak has blood on the plate! hooray! i've won! probably hopefully please god
goddamn that's a breakdown and a half
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is that what you call it
did i call her having a place for a gun in her outfit? i'm so certain i did. it being under her skirt tracks though it's not like anyone could look without. issues.
ma'am this is not a misdemeanor you fucking murdered a man
did this bitch just draw his sword in a courtroom and cut off the prosecution's topknot from across the room
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what the fuck is this mission that the judge is talking about
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don't like that expression!
oh ryu's on the witness stand for the verdict, that's cute
post trial time! apparently kazuma's sword is a family heirloom or something. idk what does it mean when someone says "this is the spirit of my family clan"
he's bringing the sword to britain? good fucking luck with that bestie
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oh this man is GAY gay huh
ah. brett's not gonna face consequences for her crimes. fuck
oh susato's so nice and helpful and i appreciate her doing my paperwork for me thank you ma'am
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idk, mia, belief in your client?
oh shit i was right
wait. wait fuck. wait fuck the next case is case two how bad are these parallels gonna be shit
i'm already attached too FUCK
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yeah that's not gonna be a thing for another hundred years or so idk when this game takes place
oh boy kazuma wants to ask me a favor and ryu has already basically agreed so they're clearly dating (please god let me be wrong about the mia parallels)
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again, i am an english student or. whatever
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she was in the courtroom for five minutes sir
and that's the end of the trial! hopefully the next case won't take nearly as long to get out, but we shall see! until next time!
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rrxnjun · 1 year
it does fit him kinda but i also just can't imagine him just teaching someone maybe i just don't know awsten enough🫡WAIT HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THAT???? but this is my new fav fact about them wow🥹 wahhh tommy does deserve everything he is a savior for real🫡 my minecraft addiction is unhealthy istg i don't think i will ever be able to get out of the phase at this point it's a lifestyle ngl 🤣🥲but i'm glad to hear that u also had a minecraft phase it's just such a fun game!! ohhh i never really got into sideman but they seem very funny that's for sure!!! tbh the first time i ever heard of alex will and memeulous was through probs wilbur but i listend to their podcast in quarantine and they were very funny tbh so i understand the chokehold!!!
I DID SEE SO MANY CLIPS FROM IT IM AO EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM I CANT WAIT!!! NINGNINGS SOLO WAS SO GOOD SHE IS JUST SO AMAZING EVERYTHING WISE ITS CRAZYYY and i'm going to be very upset if the solo songs do not make it to the album they will hear from my lawyers for sure!
take ur time with it u have the all the time in the world to listen to her! my fav song from her is definitely you're here that's the thing, it's like the cutest song ever but i also really love apple cider those two would probably be my favs and also sunny day as well!!!
WE LITERALLY ARE 🫢 it has never really happened to me before as well so i'm very surprised! I LOVE THE DIRVER ERA DUDEEE🥹 SO SAME LOVE THE MAN SO MUCH i will always be thankful for austin and ally for introducing me to the amazing man ross lynch is🫡 i listened to wallows and they are pretty good definitely will listen to them more however nothing dethroned scrawny for me so i'm staying with my basic as hell fav song🫡 BAEKHYUN HOWEVER I FOUND ONE OF MY NEW FAV ARISTS I THINK!!! amusement park is just so me core i love it so much!! claiming it as my song hihi! but the whole ep was🤌🤌🤌(i still believe in u beating him one day!!!)
lovely neighbor!!! hi!!🤭i think i knew that u were slovak but i kinda forgot:( HOWEVER I MIGHT ACTUALLY VISIT SLOVAKIA IN LIKE 2 WEEKS OR SO!! VERY EXCITED TO SEE THE COUNTRY!🥳(or more like the one city we will be visiting)
LMAO probably most likely it would be similar but i actually want to see them and like properly throw jisung up in the air like i still think about that every time i see jisung!! u portrayed it so well my lord!!!! oh my the renjun bathtub pics inspiring it just makes it even more perfect my god!!! THE LAST SCENE IS JUST SO SUPER GREAT IM VERY GLAD UR INNER JOHN GREEN PULLED THROUGH XD I LOVE IT WHEN MEN ARE SIMPS ITS SO RARE BUT I LOVE IIIT🫡 i wrote it right after i read it and my emotions were all over the place it showed very much i think xd AND THAT IS CRAZY WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT PLAYINGGGG (liebestraum anon💕💕)
no thats so valid i couldnt imagine him being a guitar teacher either LMAO. and tommy deserves the world for that song alone AHAH also i understand the minecraft lifestyle the other day i wanted to download it too but it didnt work and i am not paying for that game so i just gave up after a while lmaoo. sidemen are funny sometimes but sometimes they also miss w their humor so take it as you will AHAHA. i didnt listen to the eboys podcast if u mean that one!! i am not a podcast girlie tbh i dont enjoy listening to people talk jfkdals but their videos were honestly my favs. also i sometimes still watch george memelous drinking vids where they watch terrible movies because i just think that is peak comedy
MY GIRLFRIEND NINGNING DID SO WELL the solo is stuck in my brain i NEED A STUDIO VERSION ASAP. i honestly never really stanned any girlgroups but aespa have such a chokehold on me istg- my friend said its only bc theyre the girl version of nct sound-wise and i was like :D ok then.
no bc when austin and ally aired i was fundamentaly changed as a human. everything about ross lynch was just- DFJKA i even watched the teen beach movie like three times because i had such a crush on him LMAO. i wasnt really ever big on r5 (however i still have some of their songs in my playlist) but the driver era are sososo good. scrawny is so good!!! i think my fav from wallows (at least atm) is definitely wish me luck. it has such a good sound and the lyrics are honestly sososo good ugh. YES CLAIM AMUSEMENT PARK!!! ITS ONE OF MY FAV SONGS EVER AHHH i personally claim bambi because it's my nickname irl and when he came out w the song i lost my shit so hard i made it my whole entire personality. (thank u for believing in me. rather than beating hyuck i now fantasize about us going to a baekhyun concert together in my dreams<3)
THANK U TO INTRODUCING ME TO HUNGARIAN MUSIC!! i really have nothing against trying songs in diff languages if thats what you were afraid of!! i really enjoyed all of the songs they were so vibey<33 your music taste>>> AHAHA ITS OKAY IF U FORGOT IM SLOVAK i mean i dont really talk abt it here as much?? on my main tho,,, i dont shut up about the fact i even shitpost in slovak sometimes bc i just can. slovak music recs are hard for me to give bc i dont listen to slovak music much?? and the ones i do listen to i would get clowned for in slovakia bc they are just objectively not good songs but theyre my guilty pleasure AHAHA but if you really do wanna listen to some i recommend my by yael (it was in my top 10 on spotify wrapped last year LMAO), vďaka ti by yael and puerto (which is a badbunny cover lmao but listen to the ver on youtube and not spotify bc the spotify one sucks ass), valeriya by samey (THIS is a guilty pleasure for sure. the rap is weird but the lyrics are beautiful), staré časy by medial banana, káva by medial banana, záverečná by iné kafe, nad prahou by zoči voči and včera som miloval by fishing strip (for some good slovak punk rock<3) ALSO WHICH CITY ARE U VISITING (if u wanna tell me ofc)
the renjun bathtub pics....altered my brain chemistry so much iykwim. like i knew my man was hot but i didnt know he could get THIS hot. AHAHA MEN BEING SIMPS IS RARE BUT SO FUCKING GOOD thats why i even started my series in the first place the original title was the simp diaries bc its all about men being simps AHAHAHA
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