#this game still has a freakin choke hold on me
misc-obeyme · 4 months
Imma cry out of joy Turned on my old phone cuz I remembered how long I played OM when it came out, for like a year until I changed my phone and somehow forgot about the game or was waiting for new chapters (it stopped at chapter 21 if you're wondering)
I have so many old cards Beel's arabian getup on my home screen Over 200 msgs 24 phone calls Yeah Imma cry Btw some of the old devilgrams are... Wild. When did you start playing the game btw? -🍄
Wow that's a lot of stuff to find!! I have heard about some of the old Devilgrams lol. I have a handful of the older ones, but yeah, they're unique. 200 messages is crazy though I can't imagine trying to read through them all! I probably still would but it'd take FOREVER.
I was late the Obey Me party. I didn't start playing until February 2022. I started this blog in July of that year, but didn't post any fic until December. I can remember the obsession slowly taking hold. I'd say around the time I started the blog, I was writing all kinds of OC and MC content. I really developed Ciaran's character during this time. It took a while 'cause I kept changing my mind about them and their siblings and such.
I may have been late, but I regret nothing!! LOL!
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
WWE Royal Rumble 2022 - Initial Reaction and Review
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So it's time for Sign Pointing Season again. The big event of throwing people out the ring as a show of superiority has reached our calendars again; returns anticipated, legends expected, but how was the show?
Spoilers Ahead, just to warn you
I very nearly skipped this...but I wish I had
All just promos and talking about the card, 0 matches. It kicks off nothing.
The only pluses were the guy with a Zubat on his sign and Sonya Deville, who this time has shown more fight when Booker T tries to talk over her - but it was kinda weird to see her praise every woman in the show and then heel it up just for Naomi.
Main Show
Note that I will be marking the people I expected to win in Bold (unless they didn't win the Rumbles because I can't list everyone)
Universal Championship Seth 'Freakin' Rollins def. Roman Reigns (c) [DQ via failure to break hold] Roman opens the night emerging alone in like a 3 minute entrance, Seth though was great. Coming out to the SHIELD entrance through the crowd and the Architect flak jacket, Pat even mentioned Mox, good shit...but it took 10 minutes into the PPV just to get 2 men in the ring.
The match starts to flesh out the strengths of both men; Seth is quick and wily, but Roman is powerful, Seth holds the upper hand though with a Sling Blade and two Suicide Dives, taunting Roman but springboarding into an uppercut and then a Drive-By. Roman looks to try a Superman Punch from the outside using the steps as leverage, but Rollins catches him and powerbombs him (Cole called it a Shield Bomb but it's not the Cerberus unless there's 3, he also called Mox 'Ambrose') into the announcer's table.
Seth rolls Roman back in the ring for a Frog Splash for 2, he goes for the Corkscrew Moonsault but Roman rolls away, but Seth rolls through, catching Roman with some strikes, a Buckle Bomb and then THE STOMP! 1, 2, No! It's not a quick opener this one.
Seth wills Roman to set up another Stomp but runs into a Lariat, after he catches his breath Roman just clubs at Seth, Powerbomb for 2 but Seth is reeling, Roman spits venom at Seth continuing to club at Rollins, Rollins gets a Triangle but Roman counters to another Powerbomb and then throws him into the Ring Post, then the Barricade, then the Steps (Simon Miller's gotta name a lot of foreign objects). Roman lands the Superman Punch! 1, 2, No!
Rollins rolls out the ring, but Roman follows, hitting the Spear outside the ring, he rolls Seth back in and motions the OOOOWAAAAH, but like their MITB PPV match, the Spear is countered into a Pedigree! 1, 2, No! Seth is now amping up with Burn It Down, but he misses, Roman tries to latch the Guillotine Choke but Seth powers out, Roman dodges the strike and hits another Spear, as he crawls to the pin Seth laughs in his face, extending his fist and laughing 'I'll always love you', more mind games. Roman pauses in frustration, but then locks in the Guillotine, Seth tries to power to the ropes, but fades just out of reach, the ref though is doing the 'raise hand drop' method, and as Rollins' hand falls it lands on the ropes for the break, but Roman's not relenting, he's still going and he passes the 5 count for the DQ.
After finally relenting to huge boos, Reigns grabs a chair, hitting him in the back Shield Betrayal style and then continuously, he leaves, but then grabs another chair and hammers again (terrible camera work though), leaving happily to a drone of boos.
The match was great, right up to the finish. DQ to start the night was a bad choice for me, I know what they were trying to do (and what Saudi show a potential rematch could beget) but this doesn't get the monkey off Roman's back, and this is Roman's first singles loss in a long long time. Both men did great but the booking for the end was very WWE Raw.
Women's Royal Rumble Ronda Rousey wins the Women's Royal Rumble [Last Eliminating Charlotte] The announcement got a huge pop, but again we put Sasha in first - rocking the Sailor Moon attire - which is getting a bit annoying let the woman have a shorter Rumble in the name of the Moon! Also I feel like this would've been a bigger pop if Sasha didn't return on Smackdown, and number 2 is Melina! Lady Splits looking good but took a lot of time to get rid of her coat, her splits got a pop though.
The bell ring and emotion gets Melina a bit, a bit of posing to start, Sasha catches Melina's kick and dumps her out the ring then doing a splits to taunt her...what a waste, Tamina comes next but Sasha baseball slides her, because she went under the rope she can hit a Meteora but can't lift Tamina over. Sasha regains momentum with a wheelbarrow bulldog and a couple of running knees to the corner, but she still can't lift Tamina in time. Number 4 is Kelly Kelly, a nice little pop as Sasha avoids being thrown over, Kelly hits a headscissors and a handspring elbow on Tamina but poses too long and gets blindsided by Tamina, Sasha returns on the attack for both women, but Kelly traps her in a Tarantula, a bad move though because Sasha escapes and kicks her to faceplant out the ring.
No. 5 is Aliyah, walking into Sasha, she escapes a lift but gets a Thesz Press on Sasha, as she celebrates though Tamina comes in and slaps her, Aliyah hits a solid kick but before she can try and lift Tamina Sasha attacks, Aliyah gets some decent escape spots but gets kicked in the chest by Sasha, No.6 is Liv Morgan. Liv charges to the ring, Dropkicks Aliyah and almost elminates Sasha with a kind of Sole Food move, only to be stopped by Tamina, she hits a Triangle Dropkick on Tamina then stomps Sasha and Aliyah in the corner. Sasha hits the 3 Amigas on Aliyah as No.7 comes in: Queen Zelina, dressed in almost samurai armour (later I see that it was a Madara Uchiha homage, I didn't get to see her uchiwa to complete the attire). Zelina saves Tamina from the faces, who returns the favour when Sasha tries to eliminate Zelina, Tamina gets her over the top rope but Sasha fights away, but Zelina pump kicks her out! What!? Zelina eliminating Sasha Banks!??? WTF WWE!
No.8 is Bianca to a pop, firing up on Liv and the Heels, Liv tries to throw her out but is counter-throwed to the apron, Bianca hits her with a handspring and splashes Zelina (Liv isn't eliminated yet, just knocked to the bottom of the apron). Tamina saves Zelina again as No.9 is Dana with Reggie, she attacks everyone one by one, Bianca tries to eliminate Aliyah in the corner, standing on the bottom rope but is almost caught by Liv as No.10 comes in: Michelle McCool. Mrs Undertaker attacks Tamina and kicks the aproned Dana out, but she's caught by Reggie and saved! She hits her perfect Styles Clash on Aliyah and catches the flying Dana with a boot before properly dumping her out.
No. 11 is Sonya, surprising I felt like Naomi would come out first, but she goes to the Commentary Table - noting that since her 'jacket's on' she's technically an official. So No. 12 comes out and it's Natalya, Liv attacks her though meaning she won't get a record shortest elimination. Bianca hoists her up, but Tamina attacks and hoists Bianca up, Bianca holds onto the ropes to try and fight but Natalya throws both over the rope...but only Tamina hits the floor, Bianca held on and kicks Natalya's follow-up away. No.13 is Cameron, Sonya is triggered by the mention of Cameron being Naomi's former tag partner and friend, jacket off and eliminating Cameron, just in time for No. 14: Naomi.
After checking on Cameron, the duo brawl a little, springboard kick by Naomi stuns Sonya to throw her on the apron, then a high kick eliminates her...bit wasteful again, Natalya tries to sneak eliminate but Naomi hits a rope-assisted stunner. No 15. Halfway through for Carmella, much to Zelina's relief (looking very wild haired), Carmella approaches the Announcer's Desk too and doesn't enter the ring, No. 16 is her Brutality, Rhea Ripley, but she doesn't enter the ring! Throwing Carmella in but running into a triple team of the women's tag champions and Natalya. The champions try to lift Rhea over, but Rhea counters and a double dropkick eliminates both women - reminder that one of these women eliminated SASHA BANKS.
No.17 is the SDW Champ, Charlotte slowly saunters to the ring, her music finishes before she enters the ring, boot to Rhea, then eliminates Aliyah. She tussles with Naomi and gets the upper hand, putting her on the apron and kicking her, but Naomi lands on her hands, prompting Sonya to yank her away for the heat spot. No.18 comes out with a microphone and it's IVORY! RIGHT TO CENSOR IVORY! She starts dressing down the division as a whole but is lifted up by Rhea, patted on the head, then pushed off...a light cameo at least. No. 19 is Brie Bella, who triggers YES! chants and goes for Natalya, neither eliminate each other as Bianca and Rhea try to dump Charlotte out, No. 20 is our Forbidden Door, billed as such and wearing the belt, the IMPACT Knockouts Champion (well they say IMPACT Women's Champion) comes in to a nice pop and high energy, but McCool attacks her before entering, the two tussle as McCool lands into a Mick Kick, then Rhea, then a Flapjack to Liv, McCool tries to powerbomb but Mickie ranas McCool out.
No. 21 is Alicia Fox, hopefully free from her own demons, attacking everyone with dropkicks and axe kicks, No. 22 is the Supervillain Nikki A.S.H., Rhea waits for her but Nikki came from behind, she gets Rhea to apron but not able to eliminate her, Nikki rolls out of the ring and allows Charlotte to blindside Rhea. No. 23 is Summer Rae, Thesz Press on Natalya then just a slap fight, a heel kick downs Natalya but Charlotte attacks her, ordering Natalya to eliminate her before failing to eliminate Natalya. No. 24 is Nikki Bella, Bianca attacks but Brie helps out, Alicia on the apron extends a fist for Team Bella, which they gesture before Nikki suckers punches her out. No. 25 is the return of Sarah Logan, just as Liv needed help against the Bellas, but it doesn't last, the twins eliminates Logan and then Liv (I knew they would sacrifice someone over to the Bellas...). No. 26 is Lita to a big pop, Lita attacks the Bellas, but then Mickie goes for the attack, Lita gets her on the apron but Mickie kicks her away, but just as she's re-entering Lita hits a low DDT to eliminate her...so much for the Forbidden Door, it was mainly just to make an Impact joke. Lita and Charlotte clash for the next number.
No. 27 is Mighty Molly! But she's blindsided by Nikki A.S.H., tearing her cape and then throwing her out the ring, another missed opportunity. No. 28 is Ronda Rousey, and all I can say is UGH, I know she got a pop but god she has not gotten better. She practically walked through her spots as the others oversell for her, she has both Nikkis aproned in the corner with headlocks, kicks away A.S.H. and faces Bella, Nikki pleads with Ronda but Brie charges in, Ronda sidesteps her but doesn't hit her sister...until she then sucker punches her sister to eliminate her. No. 29 is Shotzi, crossbody to Rhea and Bianca and a pump kick to Charlotte, she goes after Lita while Ronda quietly finishes Brie off. All Ronda's been doing is corner attacks, Rhea and then Bianca, No. 30 is Shayna, not spectacular but she cleans up before facing down Ronda, and being attacked by Charlotte.
Ronda tries to eliminate Natalya but Shotzi attacks, so Ronda throws over Shotzi, she returns to Natalya but sidesteps Bianca who clashes with Natalya, Natalya comes back to try and get back at Ronda but gets thrown over again (that's her 'World Record'). Lita hits Charlotte with a Twist of Fate, then a Rana on Rhea, she goes for the Moonsault but Rhea gets her to the apron and then Charlotte boots her away - first Trish, now Lita, couldn't Rhea have gotten the rub? - Rhea has Ronda in the electric chair, which she turns into a Tarantula Armbreaker, Charlotte tries to throw both over but just gets to apron, Rhea throws Ronda into the ring post but eats a Pump Kick by Charlotte, getting eliminated by essentially throwing Ronda out of the way. Bianca fails to throw Charlotte over in the final four, Ronda and Charlotte though are on the apron as Bianca and Shayna tussle, Bianca escapes the Kirufuda Clutch and sets up the KOD, but Charlotte again throws both over, down to two - and I couldn't care.
Because this is the fight Vince wanted, he just put it on the Royal Rumble, and it doesn't even last, they stare each other down but Ronda catches the Pump Kick and plops Charlotte out.
The crowd seem to pop but this wasn't for me, Ronda isn't going to Wrestlemania by virtue of talent, she's going because of her old news UFC career and her botch finish of the triple threat. Charlotte's role was mainly to heel up enough to make Ronda seem like a face - because she can't hack being booed - but it was essentially the same old shit with her, throwing every talent under the bus for Charlotte. I still can't believe Sasha was eliminated by Zelina, Liv also got unceremoniously eliminated, and the only story that got given enough time was the Bellas stuff; we had more mileage with Shotzi/Lita, Charlotte/Lita, Dana Brooke being 24/7 Champion, Mighty Molly/Nikki A.S.H., Melina's return, Mickie/McCool, Mickie/Lita, Liv and Sarah's reunion, and the Naomi/Sonya stuff. A final four of Bianca, Charlotte, Ronda and Shayna was a bit weak, the moment Ronda came in it was a foregone conclusion and I feel like they only didn't put her on 30 because they wanted to let her walk through some easy eliminations.
As for Ronda winning, she was an option I thought but I wanted to go with my heart and picked someone who didn't show: Asuka, she was cleared to compete so I dunno why we didn't add her. It surprises me we didn't have some people I had hoped to show: Kairi, Io, KLR, Dakota, Bayley, Xia Li, Cora Jade, lots of women missing out.
Raw Women's Championship Becky Lynch (c) def. Doudrop [Pinfall via Avalanche Manhandle Slam] Doudrop came out backed up with promos to try and sell her danger, the tartan attire was pretty neat showing her Scottish heritage. Becky though, working a hybridization of her pre-The Man Golden singlet and her Big Time Becks singlet, as well as the comically extra Goat-Jacket, pigtails were a bit odd though.
Doudrop starts by overpowering Becky's chain wrestling, Becky rolls out to compose herself, hitting some kicks on the apron but being thrown from the top turnbuckle. She dodges the corner charge and hits an elbow, but is headbutted down, Doudrop sets up the Banzai Splash but Becky again rolls out the ring. Becky tries to pull Doudrop out the ring but is kicked into the Barricade, she tries a flying shoulder tackle but Doudrop just rebounds and floors her with a shoulder block, she tries to trip Doudrop but she lands into a Senton, continuing the narrative that Doudrop is too powerful for her.
Becky rolls outside again, hiding behind the steel steps, but it's all a bait, as Doudrop cannonballs into the steel. Becky starts stomping at the grounded Doudrop, but Doudrop still has the strength; muscling through the chinlock and the Irish Whip, she lifts Becky up but she counters it into a Backpack Sleeper, Doudrop fades a little but jumps into the corner, she misses the tackle and hits the ring post, allowing Becky to floor Doudrop with a Shotgun Dropkick. Becky is now shouting at Doudrop, which prompts her to fire back up, Clotheslines, Powerslam and a Senton for 2.
Doudrop takes too much time though and Becky cinches the Dis-Arm-Her, Doudrop is powering out so Becky twists into an Armbreaker, stomping at Doudrop's face, but Doudrop lifts for the Liger bomb escape for 2. Corner splash and Cannonball is another 2. Doudrop tries the Vader Bomb but lands into Becky's knees, Becky goes up and it's a Molly Go Round! A nice surprising spot is only worth 2 because she can't hook the leg, Becky's beside herself and attacks Doudrop by the apron - not as dumb as Roman though she stops a little at 4 twice - she goes for a mid-rope knee but Doudrop dodges and hits some headbutts, she goes for a suplex but Becky hits a jawbreaker, Doudrop grabs the hair but Becky hits another jawbreaker, then a top rope hanging leg drop for 2. Becky tries for the Manhandle Slam but can't lift her, Doudrop hits the Big Ending but it's only good for 2, she looks like she's setting up another Vader Bomb but Becky gets up, Doudrop kicks her away at first but the second time Becky gets a Chop Block, she climbs the second rope and hits the Avalanche Manhandle Slam for 3.
It was a nice match, harmed a lot by the WRR before and the fact that Doudrop was never winning Ronda or Not, but Becky clearly wanted to make Doudrop look strong in this match even at her expense, and it's a believable finish. We got some good stuff out of this match but it probably needed more heat (we didn't know who the face was meant to be) and a better placement on the card.
WWE Championship Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP) def. Brock Lesnar (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) [Pinfall via Belt Attack] - TITLE CHANGE!!! I do have to add props to the promo package of this one, it really set up the paths both men had taken, it made it feel big that these two were fighting for the first time.
General entrances, but Heyman stole the mic to announce Lesnar, adding 'Bobby-Bashing Beast' and 'Mauler of the All Mighty' to the list to get the crowd hyped. Standing down we could clearly see that Brock has the mass, but when both men clash they can't break each other, on the second lock up Brock hits the German, but it's just some feelers as Brock enjoys himself, but Lashley returns the favour - much to Brock's approval also. Fourth lock-up is 2 Germans, Lashley's cut his lip but he doesn't return the lifts, he goes to striking but has to escape an F-5 and hits a Spear. Second Spear gets Brock out the ring as Lashley paces, he tries a third on the Barricade but Lesnar dodges it. Lesnar seeks to add extra damage with a Ring Post DVD, but Lashley escapes and pushes him into it, he misses the turnbuckle tackle and unable to keep his grip from the consecutive German Suplexes. Brock is looking a bit insulted at no. 3, after the Fifth he's back in his happy place, he sets up the F5 but Lashley gets the Hurt Lock in at the middle of the ring. Brock struggles but charges into the corner, but sandwiches the ref in the process.
With the ref staggered, Brock hits the F-5 but the Ref was hit in the swing, meaning he gets the visual pin, Roman comes in and Spears Brock! Staring Broadswords into Heyman as he intimidates Paul to give him the WWE Title, before smashing Lesnar with it. Paul begins to leave with Roman and Lashley pins Brock.
So. I'm glad about the winner, but again a crap finish. We all know what's happening but we were robbed of giving Lashley the same rub we gave Rollins, Drew and Reigns before, there wouldn't have been harm in giving Lashley the clean win. It was really short as well and dismisses the narrative that Lesnar wasn't taking Lashley seriously, that was a better hint to downfall than this.
Mixed Tag Match Edge & Beth Phoenix def. The Miz & Maryse [Pinfall by Edge on Miz via Glam Slam] This definitely got given a death slot, but surprising that we had 3 Title Matches before this, WWE should notice the problem here.
Miz and Mrs come out in red, Maryse's attire looking more like RPG armour, Edge and Beth in black and teal to the big pop. The bell rings and Beth is chasing Maryse around the ring, when in the ring Miz tries to pull her from Beth but she lets them fall on each other. Annoyed, Miz is tagged in, a bit of an exchange starts but Maryse distracts Edge with a bit of a hair pull to let Miz blindside the legend, beating on with stomps and Miz Kicks, Edge while mocking Beth. Edge almost fights back but runs into a Back to Neckbreaker combo, Maryse slaps Edge while prone on the ropes to prompt a reaction from Beth - who grabs a chair before being reprimanded by the ref - the distraction allows Edge to hit the Edgecution. Edge tries to tag Beth, kicking away the Miz, Maryse tries to yank him away but he still makes the tag, allowing Beth to rush at Maryse; spinning sidewalk slam is broken by Miz, who has to face down Beth and is tackled into the corner, but this provides distraction for Maryse to use the loaded purse, knocking Beth down for 2.
Maryse is lapping it up now, getting a single-arm trap Camel Clutch, but Beth rises to the Electric Chair, she tries the Glam Slam but Maryse hits her shins, leading to a double clothesline. The men tag in, the legend fires up but Maryse distracts Edge in the corner, Beth knocks Maryse away and then powerbombs the Miz from the corner, Edge hits the flying elbow but it's only good for 2. Maryse sneaks up on Beth and throws her into the steps while Edge hits a Flapjack, he prepares a Spear but Maryse stumbles him, he dodges the clothesline but charges into the turnbuckle and Maryse hits a Hurricanrana on him, DDT on Beth, Miz hits the Skull-Crushing Finale! 1, 2, No! That could have been it.
Miz and Mrs are in the ring, going to do a double Skull-Crushing Finale on Edge, but Beth is back to Spear Maryse, then a double Spear on the Miz. Then Glam Slams to both for simultaneous 3 counts (the men were the legal ones though).
A nice palette cleanser match tbf, I did worry about its card position but it was simply a gratuitous legend spotfest, Miz lies down a lot but he always puts on a good show. Hopefully the feud ends here though.
Men's Royal Rumble Brock Lesnar wins the Men's Royal Rumble [Last Eliminating Drew McIntyre] And now to our Main Event! Starting Phenomenally with AJ Styles, who poses in homage to Shawn Michaels, in hopes to emulate his No. 1 Rumble Victory. No. 2 is the now-recovered Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura, ready to try and roll it back to the NJPW days without the over-reliance of low blows like the last time WWE tried. Nakamura starts with kicks, AJ counters with a Dragon Crew but walks into a spin kick, lots of back and forth for No. 3: Vince's Pet Project Austin Theory, Theory baits AJ with a rolling dropkick, he goes for Nakamura but Styles tries a 2-for-1. No. 4 is Robert Roode (no Glorious theme though), Spinebusters to Nakamura and Theory before staring down a former TNA rival, they exchange blows, Styles almost has the Styles Clash but Roode escapes, he gets thrown to the apron and hit with a forearm to end Roode's night early, Theory attacks Styles but Nakamura hits him with a Reverse Suplex, he tries the Kinshasha but Theory counters with a Swinging Backbreaker.
No. 5 is Ridge Holland, Nakamura is aproned just as Ridge pounces Theory, but AJ uses an Enzugiri to knock off the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION...before Holland suplexes him. No. 6 is Montez Ford, he tries immediately to throw AJ out but fails, then Austin but Holland attacks him, Holland's power gets the better of Ford while No. 7 is the US Champion, Damian Priest. Priest also goes after AJ, then Theory, but both escape, No. 8 is Sami Zayn, but he attacks nobody, Ford comes at him instead and almost gets eliminated. No. 9 is Jackass' Johnny Knoxville, dressed like a crash test dummy and attacking Zayn, he points to the sign as AJ tells him to calm down, but Knoxville gives him a forearm, meaning that Knoxville is now the whipping boy: Styles' strike combo floors him, then Ford hits his beauteous Frog Splash. Pitied, Holland picks him up to put on the apron, before being knocked off by a Helluva Kick. Sami's celebration ends quickly by Styles throwing him over just before No. 10 is the second of the Street Profits: Angelo Dawkins.
No. 11 is Omos, who looks to have the Diesel run, bouncing off people, he throws Dawkins out, Ford goes up top but Omos invites it, catching him in a chokeslam position before running him out of the ring. Theory is knocked away before Styles challenges him, but is thrown into the bottom of the Ring post. No. 12 is Ricochet, who staggers Omos with a flying kick but is then dropped by the big man, Theory and Ricochet continue to be knocked away by Edward James Omos as No. 13 is Chad Gable. The Alpha Academy leader tries to bring together the non-Omos wrestlers with a 'plan', sending Priest to slaughter, as Omos eliminates the UNITED STATES CHAMPION with ease, Gable's plan to pull Omos over comes into play, No. 14 is Dominik Mysterio, who joins in on the plan, AJ is the final push though using a running Forearm to give the group enough force to push Omos over.
Truce over, everyone's fighting everyone for No. 15 Happy Corbin, big Chokeslam on Theory, then eliminating Ricochet by pushing away his Springboard. Lots of messy camera work before No. 16 Dolph Ziggler, 2nd most rumbles in WWE history, Dominik renews tensions with Corbin, but runs into a Deep Six and is eliminated - guess he's not throwing his dad over like the WHOLE NARRATIVE HAD BEEN BUILDING TO! Theory follows, he tried to Suplex AJ from the apron but he escaped and hit an Enzugiri, No. 17 is Shamu, who watches Ridge get eliminated by AJ and thus directing his focus on the Phenomenal One. Sheamus overpowers AJ, and then hits a backbreaker on Gable, he hits the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ but doesn't eliminate, No. 18 is Rick Boogz, manhandling Gable and putting him int the top turnbuckle, Gable tries an armbreaker but is powered back into the ring, Boogz eliminates Gable with a Military Press before flexing in a Rick Rude-esque confidence.
No. 19 is Madcap Moss, who supports Corbin against Sheamus, Boogz tries to Military Press Ziggler but can't dump him. Styles is on the apron against Moss, he sets up the Phenomenal Forearm but lands into Corbin's Chokeslam Backbreaker, before RIDGE HOLLAND eliminates AJ STYLES...who is on the crack?
No. 20 is Riddle, scootering down to the ring before attacking Moss, Corbin stops the attack but Moss is attacked by Boogz, but Boogz is put on the apron by Moss and tackled off by Corbin. No. 21 is the surprise return of Drew McIntyre, Corbin and Moss try to throw people into him, but McIntyre swiftly eliminates both, and then attack both with steel steps...we sacrificed AJ Styles for Moss remember. No. 22 is Kevin Owens, who brawls with McIntyre into the ring, Pop-Up Powerbomb to McIntyre, Cannonball to Ziggler, foot stomps to Riddle. No. 23 is Rey Mysterio, donning the white like his son, Headscissors to Owens, Springboard crossbody to Sheamus, Headscissors to Riddle but just barely survives the elimination, back to Owens but he counters a rana into a Stunner. Owens is being ping ponged between Sheamus and McIntyre as No. 24 Kofi Kingston emerges.
Kofi attacks Owens, he tries a springboard but is pushed off, landing roughly on the barricade for his escape spot, but the replay shows he did hit the floor so his rumble lasted seconds...No. 25 comes Otis, Spinning elbow to Ziggler then a suplex to Riddle, then a World's Strongest Slam to Drew. The spot is a bit messy until No. 26 arrives: Big E. Belly to Belly on Owens, then to Riddle, Splash to Owens, but then eats a Brogue Kick. Rey tries to attack Sheamus but lands into some gutbusters. No. 27 sees the return of Bad Bunny! A Flying Crossbody to Sheamus to start, he escapes the Stunner from Owens to hit a Headscissors, fistbumps Riddle but hits his Destroyer. Sheamus gives him his Smile Fishhook and tries to throw him over, but Bad Bunny drops the rope on the Brogue Kick to eliminate him! Ziggler now goes at Bad Bunny, but Rey saves the rapper, prompting Bad Bunny to trip Ziggler and let Rey hit the 619, with an assisted elimination for Bad Bunny. Rey and Bunny shake hands, but Bunny fails to throw Rey off and eats the Stunner.
No. 28 is Shane McMahon, again with the pop while I ugh, double ugh for the fact that Otis eliminates Rey off-screen, REY MYSTERIO! THE COVER FOR 2K22! OFF-SCREENED! We see it on replay as Shane egos himself in beating MMA Fighter Matt Riddle in Striking, Owens hits Shane with a Superkick but counter-throws Owens to eliminate him, he faces off Drew as No. 29 is Randy Orton for the hometown pop. RKO to Big E, eliminating him with Riddle, RKO to Otis and then Riddle jumps off of Otis to RKO Drew, Otis is thrown out by RKBro. But No. 30 is who we expected: Brock Lesnar.
Flattening RKBro and Shane, Lesnar eliminates Orton to boos, Bad Bunny eats and F5 and is eliminated, Riddle throws out Riddle, then Shane (albeit some struggle), leaving Drew and Brock alone. Both men brawl, F-5 set up but Drew headbutts out, Drew misses the Claymore and Brock F-5's Drew out the ring.
I suppose this is part of why Ronda wasn't No. 30, but it's hard to not see the brutal similarities the Men and Women's rumble had; unceremonious exits for Sasha and AJ, an expected MMA-winner who was a foregone conclusion, no real Forbidden Door competitors outside of Mickie James, no love for the champions, and dropped storylines that would've improved the narrative greatly. At the least this was a winner I could stomach, but still you can't hide the fact that Shane McMahon was a Final Four in the Rumble, a rumble that had no Balor, no Cesaro, and no NXT call ups, not even Gable Stevenson. Massive props to Bad Bunny though, he continues to amaze with how he takes wrestling like a Duck to Water.
So overall this was a pretty in-the-middle, we had some good stuff in there, but unfortunately we had some underwhelming stuff in there too, mainly a lingering product on WWE's poor booking and over-reliance on name value over talent. One does have to worry a lot about the Women's Division too, Charlotte didn't really look to set up an opponent to face at Mania, and the fact that we had to bring in so many legends and ex-members shines a light on the lack of depth and confidence WWE has in their division.
There is little surprise over where this is going either; Ronda will avenge herself with Becky and Brock will avenge himself over Roman, but there's nothing really new to offer up other than Lashley as WWE champion. With Saudibowl: Elimination Chamber up ahead, the Road to Wrestlemania starts, just a little Lukewarmly. MOTN for me was the opener, despite the crap finish, but the MVP of the show was Bad Bunny
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b-yeonder · 4 years
Hey are the requests open? If so, can you do a a-z nsfw for Lucifer? If they're not open then please ignore this. Anyways, I love your writing and I'm looking forward to more 😊😊😊
I’ve never done one of these before so I hope it’s okay. Also I struggle to take anything seriously so of course there’s gonna be some dumb shit in here. Anyway, hope you enjoy and thank you so much! 
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of murder
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Lucifer can be rough - he's known to be a sadist after all but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to look after you once he's had his way. Softens his voice, asks if you're okay, if there's anything you need. Will clean you up and praise you for how well you did. If it's him needing the aftercare, he's very quiet, playing over what just happened. Appreciates a drink and gentle caresses to bring him back down to earth
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think that Lucifer has quite a lot of insecurities - being told you're perfect all the time can make you dwell more on your flaws (or what you deem to be flaws.) But one thing he does like is his eyes. He knows he can make you lose yourself in his eyes with a single look. One look from across the room and he can have you begging for him within moments.On you he loves your hands. He doesn't let many people get close, let alone touch him, but your hands can ease his pains and make him feel loved. Massages, caresses, the way you hold his head against your chest at night, or the way you grip his cock so eagerly once he's riled you up. Also ties into a little somethin' I'll mention below in the D section eh ehhhh. (Oh and your mouth is a close second. (And not just because you called him baby boy once and had him malfunctioning for a whole hour.))
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Lucifer doesn't like the thought of cleaning up, so prefers to cum inside you - it's his main way of showing that you're his. But accidents happen and there have been times he's slipped out at the last minute and coated the skin of your stomach/back and for a moment he found himself admiring it - like a new way of marking you as his. Oh he also likes painting your tongue with his cum too because watching you swallow it makes his pride bl o s s o m.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Dirty to him anyway - he actually likes submitting to you. (Once you two are quite established.) Shock horror! But you're the only one he trusts to completely let loose with, and sometimes when you have this much pressure on you it's nice to let someone else take control. BE HONOURED. OH and the hand thing. He will fucking worship your digits. Kiss 'em, suck 'em, nuzzle 'em. OOF. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's been around for a long time, so it goes without saying he's had plenty of experience. He's well versed in the basics and is quick to pick up on every little thing you like to use against you (in the best way possible).
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Likes being able to see your face, to watch every little sound escape your lips, every little sign of pleasure. Feeds off of it. But is not averse to shoving you face first into the mattress and fucking you senseless until you can barely utter a word. So y'know depends on his mood really. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Serious. But dumb shit can happen during sex and even the Mighty First is not immune to this. Will laugh stuff off and get things quickly back on track by muttering naughty things in that delicious voice of his. If you insist on being jokey he'll insist on making it so you can't do anything but moan ;)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's a busy guy, but he makes sure to always be groomed. This does mean that things get on top of him and well...don't blame the overworked tired bean if he gets a little unruly down there sometimes, okay?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He's almost always quietly praising/encouraging you - in between the teasing of course. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He's a stressed mess, he needs to release his frustrations somehow. Does it less so since you came along, and honestly didn't masturbate too often before, but when he does it's a scene. He takes his time, making sure to work up to a glorious finish so that he can truly relax afterwards.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Probably has a Sir or Daddy kink. Kinda likes choking you as well. One time your hand slipped from his chest to his throat without you thinking and that's when he realised he kinda likes being choked too oii oiiii.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His freakin' giant glorious bed because he's old and has back pain. Also bending you over his desk after rather troublesome days works too.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You teasing him throughout the day. "MC you're eating that corn too sexually I'm going to have to teach you a lesson later." "Did you just call me mum? I don't care if it's an accident, I'm going to have to punish you later." "Did you just breathe? That's it, you asked for it." In all seriousness he rarely shows his want for you on the outside, but inside he'll be raring to ravage you. Depends on the day - one day you could have him popping a boner simply by rubbing your foot against his calf. The next, stripping naked and grinding on his face might not even make him blink. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
"Roleplay as Satan for me, Lucifer." You're probably dead before you even finish speaking those words, sorry I don't make the rules. (Oh wait I kinda do right now oops.)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers to give as he likes having the power over you to make you come completely undone. Can feel a little vulnerable receiving - maybe he got bitten by a devious ex lover, who knows, but once you get going and his confidence with you grows he likes nothing more than grabbing the back of your head and urging you to take more of him.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both. Fast and rough are his go-to, and when he does go slow, his thrusts are still usually on the harder side.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He loves taking his time with you, as he likes driving you crazy for him but if the mood calls for it he has no issues with bending you over his desk and taking you right then and there. Will probably take extra care of you next time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Damn straight he's down to experiment. Is curious to see how far both of you can go and what you're willing to do. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Only one round, his back hurts too much. I'm kidding, he can go a few rounds, and can last a long time. There have been a couple occasions he's cum rather fast - either when drunk, or it's been a while since the last time. Gets very embarrassed over it but knows it's natural and happens sometimes. (That’s not the norm though, he promises.)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He got a bit crazy when you came along. Anything you like the sound of, he has. Already had blindfolds and things to bind you with - rope, ribbons, string cheese, you name it. But now you're here he has a whole collection of toys to tease you with. Even has a favourite vibrator he loves to leave strapped to your thigh so you can't get away from it. Ah, good times.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Biiitch. BIiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. This monster is the biggest tease. "Hm...I'm not sure you deserve my cock today, MC. Now now, begging will get you nowhere." (It probably will eventually, just saying. ...Maybe.) He'll leave you on read for days but magically turn up just as you're about to pleasure yourself like "nuhuh bitch, not today."
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Fairly quiet - any sounds he does make are low in his throat, deep. Loses control closer to reaching his climax - gets breathier, speaks a little louder and noises are more frequent. Buuut once he did manage to wake up everyone in the house but that was because you'd been teasing him all day, you hadn’t slept together in like a week, and he'd been drinking and-- the list of excuses go on.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Was once convinced to try out women's underwear once after a conversation with Asmo and was pleasantly surprised by how nice his ass looked. Will never EVER tell anyone this though, not even you and shit I shouldn't even be writing this he's probably gonna-- Oh heyyy Lucifer, nothing to see here I was jus--*gurrKH*
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Decent length, decent thickness. Just enough to take a bit of work to fit in but not too much that it's uncomfortable, y'know?
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not very high, definitely not above average. Can definitely go without, but his mind might wander.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends how tired he is, and how much is on his mind. You'll probably be the one to fall asleep first most of the time, which is great because he's good at giving after-sex cuddles. Plus your steady breathing makes it easier for him to sleep as well so...win win?
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gwiiyeoweo · 5 years
What Regis believes to be Noctis speaking for his imaginary friend, turns out to not be so imaginary after all.
Pairing: Noctis & Ardyn, Noctis & Regis, Regis & Ardyn Rating: G
"Daddy, can my friend sleep over?" 
Noctis peeks out from under the cover, eyes threatening to resort to his infamous puppy dog look. The boy already has his fingers toying with the top edge of his blanket, like they're little paws instead of hands, and his lower lip is ready for that little soft quiver. Even under the dim glow of his carbuncle-shaped night light, Regis can easily see the wet glassy look of his baby boy’s blue eyes. 
Cor really needs to stop teaching his son these tricks. Horrible influence. 
"Hm," Regis starts, rubbing a hand at his beard. "They can stay as long as they want, so long as they pay the rent. A prince's room does not come cheap, after all."
Immediately Noctis turns that woeful look into a bright pearly smile, his shining eyes no longer threatening tears but radiating genuine joy. He also scoots to the far end of his bed to turn half his body upside down, torso hanging over the edge as he peers into the darkness beneath. 
"Dad says you can stay!" Noctis excitedly whispers to the dust and crumbs under his bed. Or maybe to a stuffed toy. He hefts himself back up and returns to position, wiggling into a comfortable spot smack dab in the middle of bed. 
Regis should make it illegal for any child to be that adorable; it makes him want to clutch his heart and keel over, and Insomnia really can’t afford to have their king die from such unfortunate circumstances at the moment. 
But then Noctis hits him with some fancy wording. "He said he accepts your conditions and will provide proper compensation."
Regis lifts his brows a little at that. Has Noctis secretly been hanging outside his office, or did his governess decide on an accelerated vocabulary curriculum? Regis isn't sure if he should be impressed or concerned. 
Well, kids do tend to say the darndest things anyway. But Noctis doesn’t give him anymore surprises after that, just the usual demand for a goodnight kiss before getting tucked into bed. And Regis can’t quite say no to any of that.
“Hey, dad.”
“My friend wants to know when he has to pay the rent. For staying in my room.”
Regis was putting away the last of Noctis’ toys into a chest when he looks up to see his boy clearing off the scraps of colored paper and crayons from the floor. With how brazen Niflheim’s become, the war just requires all the more attention and effort from the king; before long, he fears it may soon end up being days before he can even have a little short lunch with his own son. So now, whatever scant time he has, he pours it all upon Noctis, even if that means playing make-believe and acting along to a child’s nonsensical imagination and getting crayon shavings in his beard. 
It’s still adorable though. Especially how Noctis remembers the little “deal” they made with his imaginary friend. 
“Ah, let’s see…” Regis lifts his head up and stares at the ceiling, tapping a finger to his chin as he feigns deep thought trying to remember the week’s schedule. “I do believe I have a nine o’clock opening in my office. Would your friend like to drop off payment then?”
He’s only half serious, curious to see what form of payment Noctis will conjure up, if any. Another drawing to add to Regis’ precious collection, a snack or cookie baked up with the help of their many capable chefs, or maybe a shiny beetle found in their gardens. Hopefully nothing poisonous. Though Regis would accept it with all the same gratitude. 
“Umm, okay, I’ll tell him later,” Noctis answers back, eyes still drawn to his clean-up duty. 
Ah, probably “later” when Regis tucks him into bed. He wonders, briefly, what shape or form this friend comes in — probably Carbuncle-shaped, given his son’s affection for it.
“Hi, daddy!” Noctis swivels around, immediately dropping the soccer ball he’s been kicking against a tree and running up to his father. “Did you get the rent?”
Regis has his hands turning Noctis this way and that, searching for any and all signs of damage or wear or blood. His boy just giggles, thinking it’s a game of sorts with the way his father has him spinning around, but Regis is silently screaming inside with panic. 
“Ardyn said he left it on your desk.” Noctis says it with such a chip in his voice, that it’s almost comical.
When Regis had walked into his office this morning with his faithful cup of Joe — in a lumpy ceramic mug crafted by his dear son — it was with the innocent assumption of completing some paperwork and chatting with Clarus over a few pedantic details regarding a couple new bills. 
And not, say, approaching his desk to find a polished platter and cloche waiting for him. Regis had smiled into his mug at that, figuring it was the promised “rent” Noctis — rather, his imaginary friend, of course — mentioned. A little cake, or perhaps breakfast, he had thought.
Not the decapitated head of Iedolas Aldercapt, emperor of Niflheim who’s hellbent on conquering all of Lucis. 
Ex-emperor, now, actually. 
(The head had been surprisingly lacking the mess of blood, he’d later realize.)
But right now, he needs to make sure his son was safe. Granted, there had been no screams of panic or trails of blood, no emergency calls or messengers to rush secrets to him. Even Clarus or Cor, often the first and foremost to report anything awry to him, had been off doing whatever their regular Shield and Marshall duties entailed. Clarus would, of course, naturally gravitate toward Regis’s side once he discovered where his King actually went. And Cor would hunt him down to update him on the list of new Crownsguard recruits and who had actually passed the trials. 
As far as they both know, Regis is supposed to be finishing his cup of coffee in his office but! Strangely clean-cut head of Lucis’ enemy on his desk!
‘On my desk,’ Regis remembers, as he’s done patting down Noctis and the boy looks sick of his prodding now. It clicks, but he’s almost determined not to believe it. He gently places his hands on Noctis' shoulders, trying his best to not appear too grave as he looks into innocent eyes. ‘Where his friend’s rent is supposed to be.’
Well, shit.
“Noctis,” Regis barely manages without choking, “you said your… friend? Left his, ah, rent? On my desk. Do you know what it is?”
Noctis only shakes his head. “No, Ardyn just said it should help with all the fighting outside. He wouldn’t tell me.”
At least that’s something to feel relieved about. Despite knowing his son would have to one day take up the crown and all the world’s burdens surrounding it, he would like to shield his son from it all until he could no longer; a child at Noctis’ age had no business handling, let alone knowing about, a corpse’s head.
Regis sighs and lets his hands go slack, finally releasing Noctis to pinch at the bridge of his nose. There's a hundred and one questions swirling in his head, and each one just adds to the aching pressure in his skull. 
Regis whips his head up and around, eyes trailing after Noctis sprinting to some particularly shady trees where a tall man emerges. His boy wraps his arms around the stranger's waist, essentially latching onto him like a (freakin' adorable) leech, and the man humors him with a few gentle pats to the head. 
Regis almost mistakes him for a homeless man, mistaking his ornate clothing for rags. His attire is… Unique, to put it in kind terms. Still, odd fashion or not, Regis keeps his guard up, ready to strike at any moment should he feel any threat, magic thrumming just underneath his skin in anticipation. 
"Why, hullo there, Your Majesty." The fellow — Ardyn, according to Noctis — takes his hat off with a flourish and a deep bow at the waist, but the smirk he wears lacks the sincerity and reverence he pretends to hold. "Will my payment be sufficient for the month's rent?" 
Regis has so many questions he doesn't even know where to start. 
So naturally, the first thing that comes out of his mouth isn’t a question at all, though his tone could almost mistake it as one. “You’re not imaginary.”
Ardyn, with his ever-widening (and shit-eating) smile, knows. “I am very much real, Your Majesty.”
Noctis was sent off with hardly a fight, thanks to Ardyn’s bribery. 
“Alright, you little rascal, scamper off to your room now. I’ve left a shiny little present on your bed,” he had said. Noctis didn’t need to be told twice, dashing off and nearly running into a manservant. 
It earned Regis and Ardyn an hour to sit in the office, the silver platter hiding a lifeless head all that separated the two. And it’s a riveting hour: ninety percent of it being Ardyn fluttering his hands and speaking in a fanciful tongue about who he is, what he’s done, and what he will do; ten percent of it being Regis doubting all that he’s believed so far, including what his father and his father’s father has told him and what outlandish claims the Ardyn fellow spieled. 
Ardyn, as in Ardyn Lucis Caelum, by the way. Which only served to throw Regis into another absurd loop.
This great ancestor — the Scourge, Adagium, the Fellstar, whatever — reaches over the desk and helps himself to Regis’ cold mug of coffee, twisting his face into a grimace after a sip. “For a King, one would think he’d care for better beans.”
“One would think the King would not be sharing coffee with someone as you.”
“Ah, touché.” 
“You can’t truly entertain the idea that my trust is to be had so easily.”
“I don’t.” Ardyn shrugs his shoulders, the mug nearly sploshing cold coffee with how carelessly he holds it. “There’s really nothing, aside from myself, stopping you from trying to imprison me back in Angelgard. Or wondering if this is all some scheme of me attempting to worm my way into your good graces, to earn your faith only to trod upon it at the end, delivering darkness everlasting upon this good Star. And I really would prefer you to kindly not try to stick me back into that dusty old crypt.”
Regis only eyes him with suspicion, lips straightened into an unamused line. But despite Ardyn’s terrible personality and ill-timed humor, his gut tells him that Ardyn speaks at least some truth, that this dangerous embodiment of darkness and plague may very well prove to be an invaluable ally. Regis is loathe to admit it, but… he’s already trying to come up with some cover-up story to throw to the council on who Ardyn is and why some strangely-dressed fellow is suddenly leisurely strolling around the Citadel, inevitably with Noctis glued to his heels.
Ugh, that’s a strange image: Noctis clinging to his destined enemy like a curious puppy.  
But Ardyn continues his babbling, setting down Regis’ prized mug back on the desk so he has both hands free to do his dramatic gestures, flitting them in the air and making exaggerated motions. “You see, I’m a stubborn man of sorts. Very stubborn. When a god decrees I abide by his will, to make myself the world’s villain only to let myself die in the end, well — I must say, that sort of thing simply does not sound like a jolly good time. This is me, as the young ones like to say, sticking it to the man.”
Regis glances at the platter, the closed cloche hiding the ashen face of Aldercapt, when he shoots back a dry retort. "Or sticking it to the man's neck." 
"O-ho! So you do have a little humor. Glad to see some of Somnus' drab qualities were bred out." Ardyn claps his hands in joy before reaching his hand out, over the desk and above the platter. "I think we'll get along splendidly, dear nephew. "
Hm. Yeah. Ardyn is definitely not gonna call him nephew around these parts, or the best case scenario is a scandal regarding an ancestor’s infidelity. 
Regis eyes him warily, as if the hand could strike him as does a viper. "Upon your word, you will do no harm to my son or my kingdom. And you would wait upon Noctis' final days, when his hair grows white and his eyes weary, to take your last breath upon this world."
"Oh, must I have everything in writing for you? Shall I sign my name in blood while I'm at it? I'm sure there's some old magicks we can find to swear this oath on, if you're feeling so insistent." Ardyn gives a heavy eye roll. "Yes, Your Majesty, I do so swear. Besides, while I look forward to my day of rest, there is just much to do! Being locked up in a prison for so many centuries then becoming trapped in a perpetual winter steals so much of one's life pleasures. I really would like to visit that famous chocobo ranch Lucis speaks so fondly of. I once had a bird myself, a rare black beauty; and Niflheim, unfortunately, has no such feathery creatures."
Regis extends his hand, albeit just a tad begrudgingly, to shake on their agreement, but he hears a familiar pitter patter outside his door that only grows louder and heavier. 
Noctis bursts through the door, glimmering with a faint blue and smelling of magic; he must have warped his way to Regis' office, running in between each shot to save on stamina. 
The father in him wants to feel pride at how quickly his son has picked up their family tricks, but the other father in him zeroes in on the very large, very sharp thing in Noctis' hands. It's nearly as tall as the boy himself. 
It takes Regis a second too long to realize Noctis holds no ordinary sword. 
It's the Sword of the Mystic. The fucking Mystic. 
"Dad! Dad, look at the sword Ardyn got me!" Noctis nearly topples over trying to lug the thing around, barely avoiding chopping his little leg off. 
Sword who? Ardyn what? 
"How many does that make now?" Ardyn asks, looking as if everything is right as rain. He smiles — something like amusement, something like fondness — when Noctis screws his face up in concentration and a dim shimmer spreads from his hands to the entirety of the sword. 
And poof, the blade disappears in sparks of white and blue. 
"Uhhh. I have a bow, a shield, and a stick." Noctis counts them off on his hand, pulling one finger up for each weapon he lists.
"Scepter, little Noctis."
“Stop right there.” Regis butts in, standing from his seat and circling around the desk to Ardyn. It’s not much, but at least some of his anxiety disappeared when the sword did, the threat of his son slicing off a finger or a hand no longer an immediate threat. But he pauses to look at Noctis, breathing out a weary sigh, and shakes his head. “No, Noctis, not you. Not literally. You may move.”
Noctis unfreezes, who stood ramrod still with his arms in the air when Regis gave the order to ‘stop,’ and lets his hands fall back to his side. He looks ready to vibrate with excitement, no doubt ready to chuck out his newly-acquired sword and start swinging it around. And probably chase Gladiolus down with it, if his past week’s grumblings of “Gladio’s always picking on me!” and “One day I’m gonna beat him up!” are anything to go by. 
‘Oh Six, ’ Regis thinks, ‘how do I begin to explain this. ’
But before he thinks of a cover-up story, Regis has some very choice words to share with Ardyn, none of which are meant for little young ears. So he picks his old, forgotten mug of coffee and hands it off to Noctis, tasking him with a simple enough errand while he picks some bones with Ardyn. “Noctis dear, could you get your father a new warm cup of coffee?”
“Oh! Do bring me one too, little scamp,” Ardyn butts in, despite having complaints of the coffee earlier. 
Noctis totters off, kindly closing the door behind him before gunning it to the kitchens, and Regis hears the tell-tale stomping and the crackling chimes of their family magic.  
Regis hopes the chefs would do him the favor of distracting his son with some freshly baked cookies, because he’s going to crack open the book of scathing tongues and dip Ardyn in boiling words by the time that coffee is brewed.
It occurs to him after he tucks his son into bed, after Noctis asks if Ardyn can stay in his room again. 
“Please tell me that you have, in fact, not been living under my son’s bed this entire time.” Regis asks, though he almost doesn’t want to hear the answer to that. 
“Oh heavens no!” Ardyn looks aghast, splaying his hand across his chest like he’s been affronted. 
Regis wants to believe him, as the idea of a middle-aged man hiding underneath his boy’s bed makes for an uncomfortable image indeed. 
So of course, Ardyn has to ruin it when he opens his mouth again. “Not the entire time. Though your servants could put a little more care into tidying up his room; it is a bit dusty under there.”
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It’s Child’s Play
It’s Child’s Play
With the setup of the cameras and microphones all around the house, the investigation was underway.
Skyler was in the same room as the doll, sitting on the girl’s bed. 
Chase was situated in the living room, setting up for a ghost box session. Due to how focused the activity was, the team wasn’t as spread out as they usually were.
Lucian was situated in the parents’ room, sitting at the mother’s vanity, the light dimmed.
As Eiji watched it all, he kept his eyes specifically on the monitor to his left. On it, was a night vision camera, focused specifically on the doll itself. It was eerie to say the least, only watching it but it made sense.
The thermal imaging camera was nestled on a shelf by the doorway to Charlotte’s room, giving a readout of it and its inhabitants. 
An SLS camera was also set up, showing a rough field of vision. The SLS camera was to show anomalies as figures if they were in the room. One of the best ways to catch an apparition in the act.
We got all eyes on you, demon doll. 
Go ahead. 
Eiji leaned forward.
“Go ahead. Make my millennium.”
Skyler kept her focus on the doll, her EVP recorder in front of her as well as her pendulum.
“Well, looks like it’s just us, huh?” She asked. “Wanna tell me what your name is?”
Nothing. Not even a faint hint of movement from her pendulum.
“Alright…” She cleared her throat. “Yes or no, do you hate Charlotte?”
For a moment, all was quiet… until her pendulum moved back and forth.
Pendulums were meant to give yes or no questions specifically and had their own unique way of movement for each one.
For Skyler, yes was back and forth.
“Why do you hate Charlotte?”
In the nerve center, Eiji nearly jumped out of his seat when the room went down in temperature. There was a figure, a large one, standing in the imagery of the SLS camera.
After a few moments, Skyler picked up her recorder and played it back.
“Jealous. Living.”
“You’re jealous she’s alive?” She let it go for another moment before playing it back.
“Dumb brat.”
Skyler narrowed her eyes. She let the recorder go again.
At that moment, the doll's hand snapped up as the woman leaned back away from it.
“Skyler.” Eiji’s voice came through on her comm. “There’s a figure where the doll is supposed to be on the camera. Keep going.”
“R-Right.” She cleared her throat. “Alright, why possess a doll?”
The EVP recorder shook a bit before Skyler lifted it up off the bed.
A monstrous voice hissed.
“She opened the door.”
“What door?”
Skyler looked around, eyes narrowing. If Charlotte hadn’t been fully honest with them then they had a whole slew of issues now.
“What door did she open!?”
Something clattered behind her. She slowly turned as the cabinet beneath the shelf the thermal imaging camera was on flew open.
A single large piece of wood fell out. Even in the dimmed light, Skyler could make out the patterns.
Oh, you have to be kidding me.
“Oh, you have to be freakin kidding me.” Eiji muttered, a growl low in his throat.
There was no mistaking it. The wood… was a spirit board. 
Of course. Someone played with the board and opened a door then didn’t close it.
He was furious. His clients were supposed to be 100% honest about ALL of the happenings but this girl had not said anything about using a spirit board.
Yes, it’s a tool… but it’s a dangerous tool if in the wrong hands or in the hands of someone who is ignorant with it.
The doll on the camera to his left moved its hand up and down… waving.
Eiji grabbed his communicator.
“Alright, team, be aware we might have multiple entities! The spirit just mocked Skyler by showing that this gal opened up a portal. I repeat, there is a spirit board in the house.”
“Oh, you have to be KIDDING me!!!” Lucian groaned. “Are you freakin kidding me right now?”
“Welp, we’re in for a long night.” Chase sighed heavily. 
Eiji sat back down in his chair, lowering his head.
Of course… Of course when I accept a freaking haunted doll case it turns into something worse. 
He looked up at the SLS camera. Skyler was virtually surrounded by multiple entities around her that she couldn’t see.
“Sky… Sky you have to move. Now. Get out of there.”
She moved to respond… as the doll’s eyes rolled into the back of its head, showing only the whites of the glass eyes. 
Skyler’s hand moved to her throat as she gagged, gasping for air. 
“Luce! Charlotte’s room, now! Sky’s in trouble!”
Nerve center be darned. 
All three men rushed to the room. By the time they got there, Skyler was thrown back against the wall, trying to get any kind of air in. Her vision was dotted with black spots. She could barely see her team.
Eiji slammed a spell tag onto the doorway as the air rushed from the room. 
Skyler fell forward, inhaling as the force around her airway faded. She gagged, coughing as she tried to catch her breath.
“Easy, easy…” Lucian knelt by her, patting her back. “Deep breathes… Lemme get a look.”
“R-Right.” She tilted her head up, small bruises just like on Charlotte’s neck on her own.
“Dangit…” Lucian looked to Eiji. “Alright, Boss, what do we do? This wasn’t what we signed on for.”
Eiji looked down at the spirit board then up to the doll on the shelf.
“I…” He hated leaving clients without all the help they could get. But this… this was getting dangerous. It wasn’t like they hadn't been scratched or pushed before or even outright thrown.
Choking was entirely new. Not to mention, they were out numbered. 
“... We finish the game.” He finally said, with a frustrated sigh, picking up the board and finding the planchette after a moment. “I hate this.”
“Whoa, WHOA.” Chase clamped a hand on his arm, giving him a warning look. “I thought our policy said, no spirit boards, even if you know how to use them because it’s unpredictable.”
“The thing is, we use tools similar. We just know our limits, like with the pendulum. We’re finishing what this kid started.” He narrowed his eyes. “We’re not going to do more than that. Just make it clear we’re going to say “goodbye” and then we’re confiscating it too.”
Chase narrowed his eyes.
“You’re not comfortable with that.”
It wasn’t a question. 
Eiji flinched, lowering his head.
“The portal is gonna stay open no matter what we do if we just leave now. I’d rather cleanse the house AND close it.”
Chase let him go, letting out a sigh.
“Alright, you heard the boss.” He went over to Skyler and Lucian, helping Skyler to her feet. “You get the salt, I got Sky.”
Lucian nodded.
“Right… I’m making it clear now, I am one hundred percent against this.”
“I think we all are.” Skyler sighed, rubbing her neck.
Eiji looked towards the doll. 
This was still, all too familiar.
“Carmen!? Carmen what’s-Oh Divine! CARMEN!!!!”
In time, there was a thick circle of salt around the dining room table, the board set up on it. Four candles lit, representing the four corners around it.
The team had already gone through the house with sage burning or with sprays made of salt water that had been blessed by one of Eiji’s relatives.
It was time to close the portal.
The four sat down, all hesitantly taking hold of the planchette. 
“Divine, I don’t think I’ve done this since highschool.” Lucian hissed under his breath.
“Dude, we all did this once in highschool. Right, Eiji?”
Eiji gave him a look.
“Memoria Coven, do you think I was using ouija boards? My mom would’ve smacked me with her slippers.” 
“Good point.”
He nodded, taking a deep breath.
“We are here to finish what was started. To end what has begun.” He spoke, the planchette shaking wildly under their fingertips, moving across the board to the “NO” painted on the right side.
“Too bad, it’s time.” He growled. 
The piece moved again at such a pace that it broke free from their grip. It moved across the board over several letters, spelling out a message… a message that sent a chill through Eiji’s being. 
“Knows who’s face?” He asked, growling a little.
Eiji’s eyes widened in horror, leaning back in his seat.
“Leggo! Put me down! NAOMI, RUN!!!!” 
“Oh, don’t worry. I will, Son of Miyamoto.”
Don’t be afraid.
It can't’ get you now.
Eiji took control of the planchette, shuddering as a wave of energy washed over him, causing him to tremble.
This dark, foreboding energy… He knew it. He knew it very well.
“I’m not ten years old anymore.” He whispered. “I end this portal and I close it now! BE GONE!!!”
He forced the planchette over the goodbye symbol as a loud scream echoed through the house, the sound of glass shattering in Charlotte’s room.
Eiji panted, sitting back down, putting his head in his hands. 
Lucian stroked his back, giving him a concerned look.
“What the heck was that?”
The man didn’t look up, shaking his head wildly.
“Give… Give me a few minutes.”
What the heck? We… We sent that thing to the other side almost twenty years ago.
“Luce. Help me with this piece of trash.” Chase nodded to the board, a grim look in the man’s eyes.
Lucian sighed, getting up, grabbing it.
“We’re burning this. We can burn it now right?” 
“We can.” 
Skyler got up, heading to Charlotte’s room, not surprised to see the doll had basically exploded off of the shelf, pieces of fabric and porcelain all over the room, one glass eye in front of the doorway, looking up at her.
“Yeah, we’re definitely done here. Chase! Where’s the broom?”
Eiji tuned out his team for the most part, trying to process what had just happened.
That energy… he recognized that energy from long ago. 
Back when he was young.
Back when his closest friends were spirits.
Back when I had eyes like Ken’s.
He slammed his fist into the table, getting up.
“I’m packing up!” He called, starting to get the equipment from the nerve center. 
He didn't expect to have two things from his past drug up like this. Far from it.
From the case that led to a month long nightmare for himself and his wife… to something that happened long ago.
This is why I don’t do haunted objects. 
Lesson learned, never ever AGAIN.
Just… why now?
Eiji looked at the monitors with a heavy sigh.
I have a bad feeling this isn’t it.
… But I can worry about all this later though.
I just wanna go home.
He looked up as Chase gave him a worried look.
“You look exhausted. You want me to handle this?”
“Nah, I’m fine… Really.”
“Let me help you at least.” 
As they cleared the house of the investigation, no one mentioned the message on the board. They all knew the story. Eiji hadn’t bothered to hide it when they were teenagers and hadn’t tried to hide it when they were in college either and Lucian joined the team.
Right now, their concern was their friend and making sure he was alright.
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filmfanatic82 · 6 years
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AO3 Link (HERE)
Chapter 11: If I could do it all again…
“Trini!” Max's panic-stricken voice echoes throughout the sea of dense yellow fog, jolting Trini into consciousness. Her eyes dart wildly around looking for something -- anything -- remotely familiar. But there's nothing.
Nothing but yellow.
“Max?” Trini calls back. She spins around once… Twice… Three times. But still nothing. Not even a hint of a shadow.
How did she get here?
And where the hell is here, to begin with?
Trini fights against the ever-growing wave of anxiety ready to crash down upon her. She takes a deep, sobering breath and runs her hands over her ponytail.
Think, Gomez. Think…
“Trini? Where are you? I can't see you?”
“I’m here. Just stay put, kiddo. I’ll find you.”
Max’s voice lingers. It teases Trini, egging her anxiety on. She feels her heart rate speed up as her heart pounds against her ribcage like an out of control jackhammer.
“MAX!” Trini screams into the yellow abyss.
Only the deafening roar of silence calls back.
“Trini…” a strange voice answers causing a defined set of chills to run down the length of Trini’s spine. Unlike Max’s, this voice is nothing but menacing in nature. As if belonging to someone-- or something-- that has one intention in mind. “Are you ready to play?”
She needs to freakin’ run. And now.
But there’s nowhere to go…
“Show yourself!” Trini replies with all the confidence she can muster.
“And reveal who I am? Where’s the fun in that?”
“I’m not looking to play games. Tell me who you are or-“
“Or what?” The voice cuts her off, calling out Trini’s bluff. “Such fire to that voice. You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?”
“You have no fuckin’ idea,” Trini growls. Her hands naturally ball themselves into fists as she mentally prepares herself to battle.
“There’s no need for the anger, Trini.”
“How’d you know my name?” Trini questions as her eyes once again scan the all-encompassing yellow fog, desperate to pinpoint the source of the voice. But still nothing.
“Oh, that’s not all I know.”
“Like what?”
“All in due time, Yellow. All in due time.”
A sickening laugh erupts from the depths of the fog, causing Trini’s skin to crawl. A familiar sense of terror blossoms within the depths of her stomach. She dryly swallows and tries not to let her mind head down the rabbit hole of horrifying possibilities.
They aren’t prepared for what’s to come…
“Trini… Trini, please… C’mon you need to wake up!”
Another voice infiltrates Trini’s consciousness, warmer in tone but laced with a similar frantic quality that immediately causes her heart rate to pike. She gives a hard blink as her world comes into soft focus. Multicolor blobs flicker in front of Trini, angry with rapid movement. She can’t make heads or tails of anything. Everything is just too fuzzy.
“Trini!” The voice yells out this time punctuated with a harsh jerk of Trini’s shoulders, igniting her nerves like the fourth of the July.
Sweet Jesus.
Everything freakin’ hurts.
Trini slowly licks her lips and is instantly greeted by the familiar metallic taste of blood. She blinks again. The blobs morph into more identifiable shapes. Still fuzzy around the edges, but clear in appearance nonetheless. A sea of rain, smoke, and broken glass surrounds Trini on all sides, making it virtually impossible to determine up from down.
Trini blinks for a third time, bringing even further clarity to the last few fuzzy objects, including the frightened, ravened hair girl hovering in front of her. She instantly takes note of the peppering of gashes and cuts along the length of Kim’s body.
They’re bad but from what she can tell not life-threatening…  
At least there’s that.
“Kim?” Trini croaks, voice hoarse from the thick layer of smoke residing within her lungs.
Kim lets out a choked sob of relief and runs her hands through her messy, rain-soaked hair. “Thank god.”
“What happened?”
“Not sure. I think something smashes through the windshield and then--”
“Then I lost control,” Trini finishes Kim’s sentence as a tidal wave of memories come crashing down upon her. She attempts to straighten herself up, but can’t seem to move an inch. The mangled remains of the steering wheel, along with the seat belt, have managed to wrap themselves around Trini’s body like a starving boa constrictor, tightening its grasp with each and every breath she takes.
“Don’t move.” Kim contorts her body around the jungle of tangled metal and broken glass, positioning herself so that she’s all but straddling Trini.
“Kim…” Trini licks her lips again, getting a deeper taste of blood as she does.
She’s injured.
Cause that seems to be her ever fuckin’ curse.
Ever since…
“I said stop moving.”
“I’m not.”
“God, I forgot…” Kim says as she works to loosen the mangled pieces of seat belt from around Trini’s body.
“Just how stubborn you can be,” Kim responds without missing a beat. Her hands gently ghost over Trini’s skin, taking the utmost care not to further aggravate her ever presence injuries. “Try moving your arm now.”
Trini carefully attempts to wiggle her left arm as Kim pulls against a stray piece of the steering wheel that’s pinning it against the center console, but it’s no use. Even with her heightened strength and flexibility, she's stuck. “Nope.”
“Okay.” Kim pauses for a moment, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear and lets out a frustrated huff of air. She scans the cab of the truck, as the wheels in her head turn. “What if we--”
The distinct sound of flames igniting cut through the air, followed by the all too familiar warmth of a nearby fire.
“Shit,” Kim says as she whips her head around, looking for the source of the flames. There’s a sudden expression of fear that sweeps across her face instantly causing Trini’s stomach to flip flop with a familiar sense of anxiety.
“Shit… Shit… Shit…” Kim utters under her breath. She turns her attention back towards Trini and frantically starts tugging at the seat belt.
“Kim, you should--”
Kim lets out a guttural scream of raw energy as she pulls the mangled seat belt with every ounce of strength she can muster. There’s a small but noticeable pop, and suddenly the seat belt gives away. “Tell me to save myself.”
“You should.”
“Shut up.” Kim works quickly, clearing the stray pieces of metal and glass debris from around Trini as a vibrant orange hue continues to seep into their surroundings.
“Kim. Seriously. Get yourself outta here.”
“No,” Kim says through gritted teeth. Beads of sweat roll down from her temples as the temperature rapidly rises, growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. Trini frantically twists and turns her body, ignoring the lashes of pain that accompany each move she makes. The orange hue transforms into fiery red embers, screaming a final warning of what’s to come.
There’s no time.
Kimberly needs to get her ass out of there. Before…
In a sudden burst of fear-driven desperation, Trini plants her hands on Kim’s shoulders and gives a hard shove, sending the taller girl stumbling back onto the front dashboard.  “Go! You’ve got Max… And Richard… I’ve got no--”
“No!” Kim screams back, eyes brimming with tears. “I’m not losing you. Not again.”
Without another moment’s hesitation, Kim lunges forward, grabs hold of the front of Trini’s shirt, and kicks clear the remains of the broken windshield. She yanks Trini out of the driver’s seat with all of her might and then shoves them through the opening.
“FUCK!” Trini screams as every inch of her feels as if it's been doused in gasoline and lit on fire. Tears uncontrollably stream down her face as she tries to hold onto consciousness for dear life.
It’s too much.
All of it.
Just too much.
“Almost there… Just stay with me, T… I’ve got you… It’s gonna be--”
And then the sudden and abrupt comfort of blackness. It wraps itself around Trini, like a warm quilt. Offering temporary relief from the crippling pain. Deep down she knows that she needs to fight against it. That it’s serenity is just a poor illusion, masking the truth of what its presence really means.
“Mi vida…”
A faint and slightly raspy voice calls out, barely audible over the steady orchestra of gale force winds and pounds rain.
Did Kimberly just say mi vida?
To her?
Of all the things that Kimberly could’ve said to Trini, she had to pick that. The singular term of endearment that she had taught Kimberly all those years ago.
The name that Kimberly reserve for those moments… tender moments that Trini would tuck away in the recess of her memory for when she needed to be reminded that someone did indeed love her.
Trini pushes herself out of the comforts of blackness and straight back into the harsh light of day. She takes a long gasp of air as waves of pain once again roll back over her body. This time, though, it’s accompanied by a new sensation. Raw and angry. Radiating down from the base of her neck and wrapping around towards Trini collar bone.
Trini rolls over onto her back with a hiss of pain and lets out a thick, smoke ladened cough. “Kim?”
A sudden and distinct sensation of undiluted fear shoots through Trini’s very being, like a strangely familiar bolt of lighting.
She has a hunch who that fear belongs to…
No. Scratch that. She knows exactly who it is.
Trini has felt that fear countless times before. It always seemed to blindside her during the heat of a battle. Like a subconscious beacon for help that only she was meant to hear.
It’s Kimberly.
Trini pushes herself up into a sitting position, momentarily ignoring the stinging pelts of rain slashing against her skin, and scans her surroundings. There, only a mere few feet away from the flaming wreckage that once was Jason’s beloved truck, lies Kim. Still and almost lifeless in appearance.
And suddenly…
Trini can’t seem to catch her breath. Her eyes fixate on the image of Kim as her subconscious starts to rattle off an incoherent emotion driven prayer to whatever God happens to be listening.
“Kim!” Trini scrambles across the debris-littered asphalt toward Kim, willing her limbs to move despite the wave after wave of mind-numbing pain crashing down upon her. She quickly closes the space between them, reaching the raven-haired girl in record time and instantly goes into crisis autopilot mode.
Faint but steady.
Broken bones?
Nothing that’s visible.
“Princess…” Trini lets out a shaky breath of air and then gently pulls Kim’s body up into her lap. She ever so carefully traces her fingertips along the edge of Kim’s cheek along an invisible path that she's known by heart as she holds onto the fact that Kim’s alive. Then, using her free hand, Trini digs into her back pocket and pulls out her power coin. It’s a long shot, but desperate times call for desperate measures. She places her coin down on Kim’s chest, and instantly the yellow gem comes to life. It shimmers against the dull grays of the storm like a beacon, radiating a powerful aura as it does.
Trini simply watches it for a moment or two, rising and falling with each breath that Kim takes, then--
“You called me princess?” Kim’s eyes flutter open as a small smile crawls across her lips.
Trini lets out a harsh laugh of surprise. “It slipped.”
“Old habits--”
“Die hard,” Trini finishes Kim’s sentence with a matching smile. “I'm not the only one. You called me mi vida.”
“Does anything hurt?” Trini carefully helps Kim sit up, removing her power coin in the process and shoving it back into her jeans.
“Yeah. No. I’m fine. Just your run-of-the-mill cuts and bruises.”
“You sure?” Trini can't hide her skepticism as her eyes hone in on the array of angry charred gashes that adorn Kim's body like battle scars.
“100% sure.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah.” Kim motions towards the raw patch of flesh on the side of Trini’s neck, causing Trini to instinctively reach up and touch it. But before Trini’s fingers can make contact with the skin, a hand darts out, stopping her. “Don’t.”
“You’re kidding me, right? T, you’ve got like at least a second-degree burn, if not worse.”
“How’d you know? You a doctor or something?”
“No. I dropped that a long time ago. Just didn’t fit me, ya know? Actually, I’m a barber now,” Kim responds. She straightens up even further and wipes the rain away from her face. “Own my own shop and everything.”
“Wait. You own a barbershop?”
“Yeah.” Kim continues to check over her cuts as Trini stares at her in slight disbelief. “Don’t act all shocked. It makes sense if you think about it.”
“No. I just…” Trini trails off not sure exactly how to finish her thought. Instead, she lets the sounds of the storm dancing around them filling the silence.
Kimberly Ann Hart.
Truck drivin’... Portland livin’... Barbershop ownin’... Kimberly.
Her Kimberly.
But she isn’t. Not really. Not anymore.
She’s someone else.
Someone new.
Someone with a whole new life.
What else doesn’t she know about her?
What else--
“Hey,” Kim says, snapping Trini out of her rapid-fire thoughts. She reaches over and gently places her hand on Trini’s forearm, giving it the lightest of squeezes as she does. It’s an old trick. One that Trini all but forgot about. Buried away in the depth of her mental storage where all things Kimberly Hart tend to reside. It’s Kim’s subtle way of pulling Trini out of the rabbit hole of her own thoughts. “Ask me something.”
“Go on. Ask me something.”
“Are you crazy? Kim, look around. We just barely survived crashing and almost being blown to bits. And we’re in the middle of a freakin’ hurricane level storm.” Trini moves her arms around, punctuating her point. “This isn’t the best of times to talk.”
“It’s a perfect time.”
“Alocada,” Trini mutters under her breath with a firm shake of her head.
“Don’t think I don’t know what that means.” Kim reaches into her jeans pocket, pulls out her power coin, and hands it to Trini. “Here… Give me yours back.”
Trini studies the coin for a moment or two, watching the flecks of pink dance beneath the surface, just itching to come life once again, then pulls out her own coin and hands it over to Kim.
“Thanks,” Kim says taking the yellow coin into her own hand. “Zordon said we needed to strengthen the Ranger bond, so that’s what we’re gonna do. Besides, we’ve always healed faster with each other’s coins, remember?”
“Yeah,” Trini quietly responds, flipping the smooth pink coin over and over again in her hands. “I do.”
“So… Ask me something. Anything.”
“Okay.” Trini licks her lips and exhales a breath of air she didn’t realize she’s been holding onto. “How’d you wind up owning your own barbershop?”
“Starting with the easy ones, huh?” Kim replies with a hint of a playful smirk.
“No, I--”
“Hey. I’m just kidding with you.” Kim gives Trini a slight nudge with her shoulders causing a small but noticeable smile to slide across Trini’s face as well. “It’s a good question.”
Kim pauses for a second, running her hands through her now soaked hair, tucking it behind her ears as she does and matches Trini with a long exhale. “Well, I guess it all started when I got to Portland. I was somewhat desperate for work and happened to stumble across this barbershop with a help wanted sign in the window. Pete’s. I took a chance and went in. It wasn’t like it was my first choice or anything. But, at the time, I was almost six months pregnant and needed the cash. I think the owner Pete took pity on me or something and offered me the job right there on the spot… It wasn’t much at first. Just some odd jobs around the shop. But then one day, after I’d been working there for a month or two, this girl walked in. Kaylee. She couldn’t have been more than 16 at most. And I swear to god, she was like your clone. Right down to the braids and beanie. You know, those ones you used to wear in the side your hair when we first met.”
Trini’s hand subconsciously reaches up and traces the side of her head as the memory washes over her. “Yeah.”
“Anyway. Kaylee looked scared shitless just to even be in the shop. In fact, she almost up bolted when Pete asked her what she was doing there. But then somehow she worked up the courage to ask for a haircut and of course, Pete, being super old school refused. He loved using the excuse ‘I don’t know how to cut women's hair’ any chance he could get. Don’t get me wrong. He was a good guy and all. Just one of those types… I dunno what made me do what I did next, but the look on her face… It just… Like I couldn’t bear to let her down. So, I asked Pete if it would be okay if I cut her hair instead. And, to my surprise, he agreed.”
“What happened after that?”
Kim gives a shrug of her shoulders. “One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was doing it full-time… Pete passed away two years ago and left me the shop. Never in a million years did I think I’d be a barber for a living, but honestly, I kinda love it. There’s just something really rewarding about it. Like I can help give people the extra confidence boost to be who they really want to be, ya know?”
“Make sense,” Trini responds. “You were always good at that.”
“I was?”
A comfortable silence falls between the two of them, as Trini can’t help but sneak a glance at the raven-haired girl sitting next to her.
So many questions.
God, where the hell is she supposed to start?
She wants to know it all.
No. Scratch that. She NEEDS to.
“Ask me another,” Kim says, once again interrupting Trini’s stream of consciousness.
“Another? Shouldn’t you be asking me one?”
“I will… I figure, though, I owe you a few ones first.”
“Kim, I already told you. You don’t owe me--”
“Anything,” Kim replies with a hint of underlying sarcasm to her voice. “Nice try, T. But you and I both know that’s not the truth. So you can drop the act.”
“It’s not an--”
But before Trini can utter another word, Kim clamps her hand over Trini’s mouth. “Shhhh.”
Trini shoots Kim a look of confusion, but Kim’s too distracted to offer up any explanations. She removes her hand from Trini’s mouth and slowly rises to her feet, never once taking her eyes off of something in the distance.
“Kim?” Trini whispers, scrambling to her feet as well. Fear and anxiety start to gnaw again in the pit of her stomach. Something isn’t right.
They stand there side by side for a moment or two as the storm continues to rage around them, absolutely still, then--
“Someone’s watching us,” Kim quietly says.
“You sure?”
“100%.” Kim raises her eyebrows with the tiniest hint of a nod, motioning towards the spot she’s been fixated on for the last few seconds. “Over there. On the rooftop of that building… There’s someone there.”
Trini’s eyes scan the horizon, concentrating her full attention on the spot that Kim flagged. “I don’t--”
A hulking shadowy outline of someone-- or something-- suddenly pops into view. It’s only visible for a mere second, before disappearing back into the vast stormy nothingness, but nonetheless, it’s long enough. Kim’s right. There’s something there.
“You saw it?”
Trini nods with a harsh swallow. “Yeah. I did.”
“Looks like we’re gonna have to raincheck catching up after all.” Kim lets out a long sigh. She flips Trini her yellow power coin. “You good to go?”
Trini pockets her coin and then follows suit, tossing Kim back her own. “Always, Princess.”
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babethepig · 6 years
cradle me
Summary:  It's been a long time since Dan has felt this bad; not even when he lost his voice a year ago he felt so shit. His head is pounding from all the sneezing and his eyes hurt from looking at the computer for so long. The video is edited now, so at least he doesn't feel completely useless, but his body aches at just the thought of bending down to put the dirty laundry in the machine.
or Dan is a little sick.
Word count: 3k
Rating: G
For @lilacskylester
Hello Alexis! You asked for a fluffy sickfic and hopefully, I met your expectations. I really like how this turned out and I hope you do too. Have a very happy Holiday!
Thank you so much to my beta for being very nice and encouraging and helping me a lot with my bad punctuation. Hugs to you, @quercussp
(read on ao3)
The pain is sharp when he swallows, his nose is stuffed and it makes a horrible noise when he inhales.
Great. Being sick is just what he needs today.
Dan turns around on the bed, eyes closed still, he pats the space beside him and finds it empty. Phil is already up. Dan lets out a groan, maybe if he goes back to sleep he’ll wake up with no sore throat and a Phil by his side.
There’s a muffled noise coming from outside, Phil must have the telly on. He has already started his day and Dan should do the same, some mucus and pain can’t stop him. He groans some more and gets out of bed groggily; his legs hurt and he desperately needs to blow his nose.
He goes to the bathroom, but there are no tissues. They usually keep a box on the counter, but there isn’t any on sight. Dan clenches his teeth and resigns himself to blow his nose with toilet paper.
This is already an amazing day.
Phil is cooking and looking happy, a Bake Off rerun is playing on the lounge, he has a spatula in one hand and he is even wearing one of Dan’s shirts. Can he not right now? Dan is too grumpy for his cuteness.
“Good morning, you,” Phil says with a big smile, he is clearly in a good mood.
“Morning,” Dan croaks out.
Phil frowns immediately. “You sound funny. Are you sick, baby?” His demeanor changes completely as he steps closer to Dan, he looks worried now. Phil lifts his hand to Dan’s forehead, lets it slide to his cheek and then his shoulder.
“I’m fine,” Dan assures him, “just a stuffed nose, it’ll go away.”
He doesn’t look convinced at all. “Do you want some drugs? I’m sure we have something for…”
“I’m fine,” Dan cuts him off, “drugs can’t cure a cold.”
“I guess so, but if you take them you might feel a little better,” Phil argues back.
“They’ll make me sleepy, and you know I have things to do today.” Dan is supposed to edit a gaming video and clean around as Phil is out with Martyn checking merch stuff.
“I can stay and help you,” he offers. Dan doesn’t feel like having so much attention on himself right now, he can meet his responsibilities, it’s not like he is dying.
“No, you can’t cancel to your brother, again. And I’m fine, really,” he gives Phil a smile and hopes it’s convincing enough.
Phil still looks dubious as he nods and steps away from Dan. He sighs, defeated, and nods again, probably accepting that Dan is like this sometimes, an obstinate man.
“I got inspired and made some French Toast.”
Just like that, everything is okay again.
Not everything though. The pain on his throat only gets worse as the day passes. Phil is getting ready in the bedroom and Dan is trying to have some work done but his nose keeps running, the toilet paper is a little scratchy and now he is sneezing every five minutes. He still doesn’t want the drugs so he just puts up with it.
Phil gets into the room after a while, he is ready to leave. He looks at Dan contemplatively.
“Let me stay? Martyn will understand,” he tries again.
“Stop being such a dad. It’s just a cold,” Dan gives him a pointed look before turning back around.
“Your nose is very red. Why are you using toilet paper to blow it?”
Dan sighs. “There were no tissues on the bathroom.”
“I could have gone grab some at the store, you should have told me,” Phil reprimands him.
Dan turns completely on his chair so he is facing Phil when he speaks.
“You have more important things to do than watch me sneeze for hours.”
“Nothing’s more important than you,” Dan actually softens at Phil’s sincerity.
“I love you, but you worrying over me won’t help right now. I’ll call you if I feel too bad, what about that?”
“Fine,” Phil gives up, “but promise me you actually will.”
“I promise. Now let me finish my work, please.” Dan turns once again to the computer.
Phil walks to him and drops a kiss on top of Dan’s head before leaving, he feels a tiny bit better.
It's been a long time since Dan has felt this bad; not even when he lost his voice a year ago he felt so shit. His head is pounding from all the sneezing and his eyes hurt from looking at the computer for so long. The video is edited now, so at least he doesn't feel completely useless, but his body aches at just the thought of bending down to put the dirty laundry in the machine.
When Dan was younger, he used to spend a good chunk of the day by himself. Even when he was sick, his mum would let him have some pills and maybe even food if she had some time to spare, but she couldn't really exist around him, bending to every little need he had. So he learned to watch himself and just go on with his day, things like a cold weren't reason enough to stop him.
Phil thinks differently though, he likes to have someone looking after him and coddling him. Dan never minds to be that person, but it comes a little harder to accept the same treatment for himself.
Dan remembers how when he got sick in Manchester for the first time, he casually told Phil over the phone and he immediately demanded Dan’s presence in his apartment. Phil showered him in so much attention that it was almost overwhelming.
There are times when Dan feels more willing to let go of all his responsibilities and let Phil take care of him than others. This time, it seems like he needs to put a fight against his own body first.
That's why he stands up from his chair and goes to load the washing machine.
Phil is back quicker than Dan was expecting, he hears him opening the door and climbing up the stairs. Dan waits for Phil where he is lying on the couch, with his knees drawn to his chest because he is freezing, but also feels physically incapable of moving to get a blanket.
“Dan?” Suddenly, Phil is kneeling in front of Dan. When did he close his eyes?
Phil’s ever so gentle hand poses on his forehead for the second time today, it’s cold against his skin and Dan can’t decide if he wants to flinch away or ask Phil to hold it there a little longer.
“You’re burning, you know?” Phil sighs. Dan can’t tell if he is mad or just tired, “we made a deal before I left,” well, mad then.
“Don’t be cross,” Dan hears himself pleading.
“I’m not,” Phil says that, but Dan is a master of reading him, even when he feels this poorly, so he knows Phil is not very happy with him right now. “I should have stayed here with you,” Phil leans down and puts his lips against Dan’s forehead. “And you should have taken the stupid pills.” Phil’s lips tickle a little when he speaks, Dan can’t help it but smile.
He reaches up blindly and pats Phil’s head. “Sorry, babe.”
Phil pulls away from their weird embrace and looks at Dan directly in the eye. “You are gonna take them now, okay?”
“Will you forgive me if I do?” Dan pouts.
“I guess,” Phil says, sighing theatrically.
“If you don’t forgive me I’m never gonna get better.”
“Nice to know you are good enough to manipulate me,” Dan looks up at Phil and sticks his tongue out.
“You just want me to die so you can run away with Chris Hemsworth.”
“Oh no,” Phil deadpans, “you discovered our plan. I’m sorry Dan, this was good while it lasted but Chris Hemsworth will take his meds when I tell him to, so…” he shrugs and pats Dan’s head.
“You little shit,” Dan frowns halfheartedly, “Can you go get the damn pills and stop bugging me?”
Phil lets out a laugh and walks away. Seeing him makes Dan feel better. Now that his stubbornness is taking a toll on him he is ready to accept his boyfriend’s full attention.
“My head hurts,” he whines when Phil comes back.
“It’s probably for blowing your nose too much. Speaking of that, I bought you eucalyptus scented tissues at the drugstore.”
Dan puts a hand over his heart, “so you still love me after all?”
“Do I have any other option?”
“No, sorry. The options are love Dan or love Dan more.”
“Why are you so composed? You have a fever and a headache and a snotty nose.”
“I dunno,” Dan says, he feels like shit but not completely smashed. “I’m seeing a little blurry too.”
“It’s the freakin’ fever,” Phil sounds concerned again, “please take the ibuprofen, Dan.”
“Help me sit up?” Phil sets everything aside and reaches down to grip Dan’s shoulder.
Everything spins and he has to close his eyes for a second.
“Are you okay?” The couch sinks beside Dan and Phil’s hand is on his thigh immediately. “Yeah, I am,” Dan opens his eyes and smiles, he might look crazy because Phil gives him a weird look. “Pass me the pills?”
Phil retrieves them from the table and hands one to Dan wordlessly. He swallows the pill but not without difficulty. Phil rubs his back affectionately and waits for him to finish chugging down the water. Dan didn’t even realize he was this thirsty. A drivel of water traces a path down his chin, Phil cleans it with his hand.
“Don’t choke please.” Phil’s voice has gone small.
“If I do you would be a step closer to Chris.” Dan tries to lighten the mood.
“I’m worried, Dan. A fever is bad news, maybe we should go to the A&E?”
“I think I’m fine. Let the ibuprofen do its thing, also I should try to sleep for a while. I will be better when I wake up.”
Phil is still looking at him like he just lost his head. Dan just wants to sleep, hopefully, until tomorrow.
Dan stands up from the couch slowly, he could fucking faint if he does too fast and that would only make Phil more worried. His wobbly legs take him through the apartment, Phil following close. Dan feels drunk, he needs a blanket and a soft surface where to take a nap and maybe even some cuddles, Phil’s not going to deny him anything right now, or ever, really.
Dan pulls his pajama bottoms down on his way to bed and lays himself down gently. The sheets are cold and they give him a little of relief. Phil is standing in the middle of the room, looking at him carefully. Dan makes grabby hands at him.
“I feel like shit, can you lay with me for a while?”
Phil doesn’t move, he just crosses his arms, “you said you felt fine like three minutes ago.”
“No, I said I will feel fine tomorrow, now I feel like I was run over by a bus and I need kisses and cuddles and maybe a tissue.”
Phil sighs for the hundredth time on the hour and walks out of the bedroom. He comes back a moment later holding an unopened box of tissues and hands it to Dan.
“You can blow your own nose, I’m not in the mood for doing it for you.” He is frowning but there is a hint of amusement back on his voice so Dan feels free to continue the banter.
“That implies that there are days you would be willing to blow my nose for me,” he says as he opens the box, takes a tissue out and brings it to his nose. It is so soft compared to the toilet paper and the eucalyptus scent helps a little to open his nostrils.
“Yeah, the days I'm not mad.”
“You said you weren’t mad!” Dan looks at him as reproachfully as possible when he has a Kleenex attached to his face.
“Look, I just don’t want it to be the pneumonia incident all over again.”
“I don’t have pneumonia, please just come here and hug me,” he says as he throws the tissue on the bedside table.
Dan is starting to feel sleepy now that he is laying down on the bed, he is too tired for fighting and every time he talks it's like his skull is being punched. Phil is still not moving so he pouts on a last attempt to crush his resistance.
It works, Phil unbuckles his belt and pulls down his jeans. He throws a blanket over Dan before getting on the bed next to him. Phil’s snakes one arm around Dan’s waist, pulling him closer, Dan rests his head on his shoulder and closes his eyes.
“If the fever is not gone when you wake up, we are going to the hospital.”
“Fine, dad.”
Dan’s eyes open suddenly, he is completely disoriented and everything is dark. He gasps for air as his nose is stuffed to a suffocating extent. A wave of nausea washes over him and makes everything worse. He stands up as quickly as he can and goes to the bathroom.
Dan falls on his knees in front of the toilet. He coughs and gapes but nothing comes out of his mouth. His nose is running though and there is snot pouring downs his face, it’s disgusting. He spits and coughs and spits again. He doesn’t even hear Phil yanking the bathroom’s door open, his hand is on Dan’s back the second he is in. “Are you okay?” He asks, alarmed.
Dan tries to answer but it only sends him into another coughing fit, so he nods yes. He stays crouched over the toilet until his breathing normalizes, Phil’s hand never leaves his back.
“What the fuck happened?”
Dan’s voice is hoarse when he speaks, “almost choked on my own mucus while I was sleeping.”
“Fucking hell,” Phil’s voice is not harsh at all, he sounds worried and even a little scared. Dan knows where Phil mind has gone, him dying on his sleep or something along those lines, he is probably feeling guilty for leaving Dan alone.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it and help me stand up.”
Phil puts one hand under Dan’s arm and pulls him from the floor. They walk together to the sink, so Dan can wash his face. He feels like shit, but at least he doesn’t have a fever anymore.
“Can I lay on your lap for a while?”
Phil nods and they make their way to the bed, the only light in the room is coming from the bathroom’s open door, he sits with his back against the headboard. Dan lays on the bed next to Phil and then brings his head to Phil’s lap and his soft hands start caressing Dan’s hair.
After a couple of minutes, Phil breaks the silence, “what hurts?” he asks, his voice full of care and love.
“Throat, mainly.”
“What about this big head of yours?” Phil leans down and kisses Dan’s forehead.
“Only a little,” Dan looks up at Phil, there are shadows dancing on his face and a small smile adorning his lips.
“I missed you today,” any other day Dan would tease him for being cheesy, but today he just smiles. “Did you have anything for lunch?”
Dan shakes his head against Phil's leg, making him squirm a little when Dan’s hair brush his bare leg. “Wasn’t hungry.”
“You should have eaten something anyways. I saw you edited the whole video.”
“Right, I did that. How is it?”
“Good, you look hot.”
Dan burrows his head on Phil’s stomach, “shut up”, he mumbles. He lifts the sweater Phil is wearing and puts the fabric over his head, then he gives a little nibble to Phil’s tummy.
“I stress cooked you some chicken-less chicken soup,” Phil says casually.
“What does that mean?”
“It’s just veggies.”
Dan pulls his head out of Phil’s clothes, “why would you punish me like that?” He gives Phil a hurt look for good measure.
“Don’t be an ungrateful boy and go eat your soup.”
“Ain’t you gonna spoon feed it to me on bed? What kind of boyfriend are you?” Dan questions him dramatically.
Phil laughs, his tongue pops up between his teeth, Dan’s brain short circuits. He hides under Phil’s sweater again “I love you,” he kisses warm skin, Phil’s hand rubs his back.
“What time is it?” Dan asks after a while.
“Like eight maybe.”
“Ugh, you let me sleep for too long.”
“You needed it, just as much as you need to eat right now.”
“Ugh,” Dan repeats, “just because you already cooked the damn soup.”
“You want me to bring a bowl here for you?” “Nah,” he rubs his nose against Phil’s belly, “let’s go eat to the lounge.”
Phil’s veggie soup is great, but Dan can’t fight his nature so he whines about it till he reaches the bottom of his bowl. Phil just laughs and shakes his head, Dan feels so much better just from being here next to Phil, letting him show Dan how much he cares. It’s lovely.
Dan's feet rest on Phil’s lap, a random movie plays on the TV, Dan feels so much better at this moment he wishes he could freeze time or at least take a picture. Dan would never stop being amazed at how much Phil knows what he needs, when Dan is being stubborn he gives him the space to realize that there is nothing wrong with letting his guard down and just accepting that Phil only wants to help him and to see him alright again. And after all, Dan is a hopeless romantic and he can’t help himself but feel crazily in love with the man that’s sitting beside him, the man that cares for him deeply, that rushes around the city to get home to him sooner, the man that cooks him dinner and rubs his feet and loves him just as intensely as Dan loves him.
Dan leans to Phil and kisses his cheek, Phil turns to look at him on the eye making that squishy face he does because he is cute and he is not afraid of showing it, and Dan knows that Phil understands just how grateful he is for having him at his side.
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x17 Opinion
Game Night
This was the first new episode since “The Announcement” and I have to say I was putting off writing it. I usually post these the day after, but I procrastinated so it’s a bit late. So forgive my butt-hurt tardiness and let's have at it.
I enjoyed this episode, though it wasn't without some issues. I must say that I was pleased that it wasn't as Sam-lite as I thought it would be from the promo pics, trailer, and knowing Jared didn't work a lot that week, I will always want for more Sam in an episode, but all his parts were necessary and high quality in this one, so I'm not angry at all. 
We start the episode with Donatello making cookies, singing Raindrops are Fallin’ on my Head, which made me smile. It made me think of Butch Cassiday and The Sundance Kid and I love that movie, and if J2 ever want to play the leads in a remake, I would be willing to pay for it myself! 
Donny gets interrupted by the door, and we know this is a problem because its the first 5 minutes of SPN, let's be honest. As soon as I see the bad guy’s wedding ring, I think “Shit... here comes Nick”. I thought he was gonna kill him and I'm glad he didn't. I like Donny, he looks like my dad. 😊
Back at the Bunker, the fam is getting ready for “Winchester Game Night” and Dean is playing Mouse Trap, and having no luck getting it to work. I had that game as a kid too and was never able to get it to work either, but it was fun putting it together! I did think it was a little sad but fitting, that Dean would have played that game as a 4 yr old, but leave it to John and Mary to give Dean a game made for older kids, that never worked out the way it was supposed to and had too many small parts he could choke on. (the irony is not lost on me)
Mary and Jack are in the kitchen. I could literally almost smell the Jiffy Pop popcorn. A Saturday night staple at my house growing up (any of you out there ever taste that greasy salt left on the sides of the foil pan? Good stuff!) and Mary starts in with the questions for Jack. I got a kick out of him telling her its annoying, and her face after. It’s ok Mary, he’s fine, he’s just a teenager now. Something I guess she never got to experience from the adult side. 
Sam is out getting pizza, and all the times they’ve had pizza, I never really saw what Sam likes on his. Apparently both he and Dean like lots of pepperoni. Good choice boys! The joy is short-lived (of course) by Donatello’s call, and Dean and Mary go off to help. I loved Sam sitting there researching. I have always loved his look of interest and concentration during these times. Smart!Sam moment #1 he figures out the language is ancient Hebrew, #2 he has the moment of realization that he knows it’s from the Bible, and knows what chapter and verse. (demerits for the writers though for not knowing Peter is in the New Testament and is in Ancient Greek, not Hebrew, but kudos for Sam/Jared for at least knowing the book is located near the back of The Bible)
Mom and Dean in the car. Now we have the talk about how wrong she knows she’s been but how appreciative she is to have this time with him and Sam. Uhoh... sounds like lines typically given to a character who is soon to be killed off? Hmmm we’ll see. Soon they arrive at Donny’s to find Nick. He says he's poisoned Donny and to save him, they have to help him. He wants to talk. 
Back at the bunker, violent rage!Sam awaits!! GOD that gave me tingles in the best way! I loved Dean leading Nick down the hall in cuffs, in slow motion as if leading him to his execution, and Sam standing there with his chest puffed out like a friggin’ bulldozer, and the snarl and slam attack against the wall!! (hand me that towel, please??) Dean backs Sam off, lots of brother touching going on, but we need intel, we can't kill him yet. 
Now Sam is in self-loathing mode.... he thinks everything is his fault. So many people dying because of him. This is gonna be a big issue soon, I promise. Mom talks Sam off the self-deprecating ledge and tells him he gave Nick another chance because he’s a good man and that's why she’s so proud of him. Sam softens up into the sweetest “aww shucks ma” smile and I want to hug him💕 also, still lines are being spoken by mom that are synonymous with being killed off.
Now, I procrastinated talking about Cas and Anael because the whole thing was boring. I'm not a wife hater but at least make her necessary if you’re going to cast her. I was ok about her role as Sister Jo for Devil’s Bargain but she hasn't been necessary since. Cas wasn't even necessary in this episode. We knew he was hiding the fact that Jack killed the snake, and there are probably 1000 other ways they could have reminded us that the Samulet is still around and maybe they can use it, than for him to find a similar one in the thrift shop or whatever that place was. I dug Methuzula though, he was the oldest dude in the Bible. He wasn’t an angel, for any of you worried about him liking lasagna or why he couldn't just smite Cas... its because he's HUMAN just extremely old. 
On to more interesting things. 
Nick wants to talk to Jack. I was not pleased with Nick referring to Jack as his son. Im not 100% convinced that the writer (and all involved really) remembered that Jack isnt Nick’s son, but added that as a note of empathy Nick has for Lucifer, you’d THINK someone, particularly Jack would say “Im not your son” ?? but anyway, he gives intel to Jack and also gets his blood (dun dun dunnnn) 
Sam is again a smarty pants and knows the antidote for Thalium is Prussian Blue (makes note) and figures he can hack the live feed (brains are so sexy) I also love that Sam’s word is the go word. So many more decisions are made because Sam thinks its the best option than he's ever given for in the fandom. So Sam and Dean take Nick with them to find Donny. 
I really love the broments in this part. Dean tells Nick if he tries anything funny, Sam will shoot him. “And if anything happens to me....” “Sam will shoot me”  “To start!” says Sam... because if he hurts Dean, Sam isnt letting him off that easy. But in true SPN form, as soon as Sam and Dean are separated, shit goes south.
Mom calls Sam and lets him know Donny was shot up with Angel grace, as Jack figured out, Nick was playing them. Now the fight between Sam and Nick ensues! Nick tells Sam why he used Donatello, which was to bring Lucifer back, “You can't, he’s dead he’s in the Empty” Sam says but this show’s self-awareness gets me sometimes lol Nick’s like “Cmon Sam you know no one stays dead anymore” and Sam starts kicking his ass. 
Now, I have already seen a million of you whine and complain that Sam didn’t kill Nick. It’s almost as though some of you have never met Sam Winchester. Of course Sam could have killed Nick, and most of us wish he did, but Sam has stopped himself from killing humans before. He stopped himself with Jake in AHBL and also with Toni in 12x01. Unfortunately it always bites him in the ass. Could it be that Sam thinks if he can kill a human with his bare hands that he’s a monster? This isn’t bad writing folks, this is Sam’s character. 
Nick takes advantage of Sam’s hesitation and starts nailing him with a rock. Spewing crap about Sam being Lucifer’s Perfect vessel and such.... this can only mean that issue will be coming up soon! Sam gets in the car and starts laying on the horn for Dean, calling out to him... Dean hears Sam is in trouble, enough playing around here time to kill some demons. 
When he gets to Sam. he sees he’s badly injured. Sam can hardly hold on to consciousness, protective!dean kicks in! Apply preasure to the blled, call 911, call mom. Now check for brain damage and play a counting game with Sam This hurt my feels so much, it made it feel so much more serious than all the other head injuries he’s sustained. Dean and his caring big brother smile and light hearted speech so Sam doesnt panic just kills me in the best way!! Sam tries to count with him a little and breaks into “You always put me first... your whole life” and manages to muster a little smile. Dean knows Sam believes he’s checking out, and you see the fear all over Dean’s face as Sam fades away. (OMG these 2!! Every freakin time!!)
Meanwhile, Mary and Jack found Nick and he has summoned Lucifer and just about to take him in again (Lucifer looked pretty cool,,, gotta say) and Jack zaps Lucifer back into the rift (no not forever guys... cmon) and starts torturing Nick. Mary kinda flips out telling Jack to stop. He’s contorting his hand, burning him from the inside out... not simply killijng him. Mary is full on worried now. Jack stops and Nick is laying on the floor. Mary is in shock and tells Jack to go help Sam, He heals him and Dean cant even hide his relief as he turns away to catch his breath. 
Now Jack returns to Mary who is more than worried about how Jack was torturing Nick. We know the Winchesters dont mind killing, but draw the line at torture. However, Mary stupidly poked the bear. She could have just kept herself and Jack calm and talked to the boys later, but she poked and poked till Jack freaked out. Though I am wondering if Jack was also hearing Lucifer when he was shouting “Leave me alone!!” But in any regard, he looked at Mary and something happened. Fade to black. 
Aside from the Cas/Anael part, I really enjoyed this episode. A few issues yes, but it hit most of the marks needed for me to enjoy an episode. Ive already rewatched it twice and will again and again. 
On a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon, I give this a strong 7.5 without the Cas/Anael bit it would have been an easy 8.
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jae-ha · 6 years
“Don’t let me kill you just yet” (Analysis)
“Don’t let me kill you just yet.” 
Honestly, this analysis is for myself. I’m probably just shouting to the void with this post, but there were a few scenes in episode 5 that I’m trying to piece together in my mind and I feel that writing them out would be a nice way to organize them in my head. Of course, anyone is free to read them as well, and if you have any thoughts, I’d love nothing more than to analyze/theorize this series with you! Just no spoilers, please! ; v ; 
I’ve been dying over Satsuriku no Tenshi for the past couple of weeks. Everything about the series from the fascinating dynamic of a serial killer having to team up with an adolescent strategist, to the beautiful animation, to the subtle, blink-or-you’ll-miss-it changes in interactions between the characters as the episodes go by is what is making me obsess over this show. One of the best things, of course, is the development of Rachel and Zack’s relationship— particularly in episodes 4 and 5. 
Now, before you click away, I don’t mean this in a romantic sense. But I’m also not saying that it couldn’t possibly have romantic implication, depending on how Makoto Sanada (the creator) wanted it to go. Ultimately, I see the relationship between Zack and Rachel exactly as how Sanada said he wanted to portray it: as something deeper than romance. 
Because I want to experience the story in “real-time” without knowing how it ends/big spoilers, I’ve made the anime my primary source, so (for now) all analysis will be based on the anime alone. I’ve never read the manga and I’m only experiencing the game in bits and pieces (as the anime episodes come out, I watch Let’s Plays of the game to see what was cut or different from the anime adaptation). 
With every episode, the anime highlights a particular line of dialogue that appeared in said episode, even going as far as to make that the episode’s official title. Episode 5’s title, “Don’t let me kill you just yet” is the line and scene I wanted to analyze (if that wasn’t already obvious).
Now, let’s get down to the meat, shall we? 
Picking up from the scene after Zack injects himself with both syringes, he stumbles out into the hallway and begins having flashbacks, particularly of the slasher movie that was always playing at the orphanage with faint images of his younger self before he killed the orphanage owners. 
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I find it interesting to note that (and this may not be totally relevant), he comments “Quit flashing through my mind like that.” What I find interesting is that he holds those memories in contempt. The memories of his first murder leave a bad taste in his mouth— and this is coming from someone who revels in killing people and destroying things.
Rachel joins him, and that’s when Zack snaps. He chokes her and holds his scythe to her neck. That’s where some other importantly metaphorical imagery comes in: drops of red liquid. 
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Quite obviously, this seems to represent Zack’s sanity, Zack’s meager hold on his self-control, or something similar. This entire time, throughout the series, Zack has never had to hold back. He’s never had to restrain himself. When doors block his path, he kicks and hits them (or, if you like episode 5, he freakin’ headbutts them… which… I totally didn’t find hilarious or anything *coughs*) like a trapped animal. When Eddie makes Zack a gravestone, Zack’s immediate inclination is to destroy it— and all the others, too (why destroy the others? because he feels like it, of course). When the key card isn’t working, he keeps pushing until it breaks. When someone or something angers him, his response is to get rid of it quickly, loudly and painfully. He knows that brute strength/force works. He gives a middle finger to any possible consequences to his actions, and, quite honestly, never even considers the consequences to begin with! 
Zack doesn’t hold back at all except for when it comes to one thing: 
He always holds back for Rachel. 
Okay, I lied a bit in my previous paragraph when I said that Zack never holds himself back. There are actually a few times when he does: In Cathy’s electrocution room, Zack suggests destroying all the dolls when they can’t find the mechanism to escape the room, but Rachel tells him “Nothing warrants that.” Zack gets mad, but he still doesn’t destroy the dolls. 
When Eddie creates Rachel’s grave, Rachel asks Zack not to destroy it. Yes, Zack did end up destroying Rachel’s grave in the end (which is a conversation for another day), but the fact of the matter is, he wasn’t going to. While destroying all the other graves, he physically stops himself when he gets to hers. He holds back. He had no reason to. It wasn’t as if Rachel was going to scold or punish him somehow for destroying her grave. He had no reason not to destroy it, but he refrained from doing so because she told him to. 
During the dollhouse puzzle, he moves to destroy the dollhouse to escape the torment he’s receiving from past memories. Rachel simply calls out, “don’t!” and he stops immediately. Even during this traumatic time for him, he listens to Rachel. 
Zack has brute strength, speed, and power, but when Rachel tells him to do something, he does it. When Rachel tells him not to do something, he doesn’t. Part of me believes this may be a lingering effect from the orphanage. It was made clear that Zack despises being used (as a tool). But he states several times during the series that he isn’t very intellectually gifted: (i.e.: “I’m really dumb, so you’re going to help me get out of here,” / “…You know I’ll just end up getting stuck if I’m on my own.”) And during the dollhouse scene, although it’s hurting him, when Rachel tells him to give the bandaged doll the shovel, once he hears the voice of the orphanage proprietor overlap Rachel’s he becomes compliant. Just like he did as a child.
Zack isn’t very confident in his intelligence. He believes Rachel knows what’s best. Cathy made him realize that Rachel’s intellect completely trumps his strength/force when she mused “I wonder who the real tool is here.” If Rachel wanted to, she could lead him into a trap that would kill him (like just leaving him in the electric chair, for example) or just refuse to help him. He’s the one who wants to get out alive. He has more to lose than Rachel, considering she’s in a building where everything wants to kill her (which is what she wants anyway). 
Lingering back to episode 5’s final scene, Zack’s realized all of this, even in his insanity. Things haven’t changed from when he was a child— he can still be used as someone’s convenient tool and then be thrown away. Just like the proprietors who used him to bury bodies, Zack finds himself no further than he was back then. Thus, leading him to want to get rid of this problem. 
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He handled his problems back then with a knife, but this time, he can’t do that. His life is intwined with hers. If he wants to live, she has to live. 
And when Rachel talks to him, he realizes that there is something different between Rachel and the proprietors. 
Rachel gives him something he’s never been offered before:
With his hand around her neck, she essentially tells him that it’s fine if he wants to kill her. “But is it okay with you?” she asks. 
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And his mind clears. 
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Tools are made to be used. They don’t have a say in how they are used and once their usefulness fades, they’re thrown away. Rather than showing him that she can manipulate and use him, she gives Zack the right to choose. 
He can give into his inclinations and impulses as he always does and kill her right then. Or he can go against everything he’s been clinging to (brute force), the only thing he knows that works, and choose for himself to show restraint. Rachel’s not the one controlling his actions. She’s not telling him, “you should do this,” or “stop doing that” (or in her own words, “I won’t give you orders right now. I won’t ask any favors.”) She’s telling him that he has the ability to think for himself and choose what he wants. 
Thus, we get to the scene of the hour where he tells her: “I’m begging you, don’t let me kill you just yet.”
I think during this exchange, Zack realizes that Rachel has become something more than a way for him to escape the building. He realizes that Rachel has become his restraint and through her presence, she gives him the ability to be more than who he thinks he is. 
I think this scene signifies Zack developing a deeper trust in Rachel than before. Rachel’s words to him prove that although she may be the one pulling the strings, he feels that he can trust her with them. He gets to make the decision of who “uses” him, and he feels that Rachel is the one who will do it justly. 
At least… that’s my interpretation. This post is super messy, but this is the best way I can piece together what happened, the reasons behind it, and how it all fits together. I’m still a touch confused when it comes to practically all of the dialogue concerning the syringe scene and even some of the dialogue in this scene (particularly the whole, “You get what I mean don’t you…?” part of it.) But, yeah, I’m dying for stimulating conversation/theorizing about this show. :U Let me know what you think! I’ll be over here dying for the next 3 days until episode 6 can run me over like a tractor on a dirt road. 
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bookenders · 6 years
11/11/11 Tag Game! Round... 4?
THANK YOU @quilloftheclouds! These are such fun questions! 
I have two of these in my drafts, so here comes a lot of info about yours truly. All the fun stuff is under the cut!
Bilbo Taggins: @floralandrogyny @leave-her-a-tome @penzag @cvrmillas @writingthatstory @dulcedewriteblr @bethkerring @writer-by-the-window @thewritingsofart @monstrouswrites @moonbeam-muse
(If you wanna do it and you’re not tagged, DO IT. If you see my questions and want to answer them, DO IT. 💜) 
(And I’m gonna tag @quilloftheclouds as my 12th because I want to know how they answer some of these weird questions. 😊)
MY QUESTIONS: (I’ve done so many of these, now I actually have to get creative...)
What would your WIP be called if it were a breakfast cereal? What does it taste like?
If your OCs were to be sponsored by any sort of product or item, what would it be? 
How do you take an idea from a concept to a story? What about an idea makes it story-worthy for you?
What’s the name of your OCs’ band? What kind of music do they play? Who plays what? Who’s the manager? What venues do they play? Are they any good?
What would your WIP look like as a romantic comedy (with the same characters, of course)? 
What about your writing are you most proud of?
What, in your opinion, is the coolest thing about your WIP?
What excites you about writing? 
Characters with brown hair gain the ability to pull chocolate bars out of their pockets at will. How does this change your WIP?
How do you like to end your stories? 
What’s your favorite word? What’s your least favorite word? 
1. Put yourself in your wip(s). Are you dead? Why or why not?
If I were in H2H, I’d probably be some sort of magical archivist. Not dead, hopefully. The world isn’t exactly “dangerous,” since it’s our world plus a little bit of pseudo-regulated magic that isn’t super duper potent yet. 
If I were in All Out Painted Colors, though? Deffo dead. If I had to cliff dive to stay in the tribe, I would just accept defeat and be exiled and die in a field somewhere. 
2. What is your favourite kind of scene to write?
Emotional scenes in the dark. I have at least one in every story. It’s a little ridiculous, but I love the implications and symbolism of someone not being able to see someone else and saying what they’ve been avoiding, or one character seeing another do something (in low lighting, of course) and dealing with the revelation that brings, however delayed. I love scenes where one character does a thing and someone else notices but they don’t say anything because they care about them. I can twist that one so many different ways, it’s so fun.
3. What genre is your favourite to write in?
I am a literary fiction dweeb at heart. Although I do enjoy writing some light fantasy every once in a while, I will always default to lit fic. It’s what I learned in school and it fits with the themes I tend to write about. And it’s less work world building. 😉
4. What genre do you want to/wish you could write in?
Freakin’ sci-fi. I’ve tried and it is NOT easy. Those writers are skilled. 
Also romance, because that stuff apparently makes bank.
5. Which of your ocs outfits would you consider wearing yourself?
Anything Gemma wears, because most of it is already in my own wardrobe. I like being cozy, I say, wearing a loose t-shirt, a soft old cardigan, and fuzzy socks. 
6. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to your ocs (out of context if spoilers)?
Any of my OCs? Well. I can be pretty vicious. [This is gonna get a little gory and morbid, so CW I suppose.]
I did a lot of really messed up stuff to my boys in my war story. One had a PTSD episode while in the middle of a firefight and shot an enemy soldier in the head while wrestling with him on the ground, but imagined the whole thing as chasing down a deer he shot back home and had to put out of its misery. Another guy was choking out an enemy soldier, hands wrapped around his throat, eyes bulging, and he saw his little sisters face in his hands. Took a best friend from my favorite dude because the story called for it and I still feel bad about that, but it worked too well for it to be anyone else. 
Less gory, I had one woman lose all faith in her religion and her father when he refused to get rid of the DNR on her mom, which might have saved her life, or at least given her a few more years, because of his own twisted faith. Killed a character with his favorite food one time. I tend to take the things they love and hold dear and twist them until they have to abandon them because they start hurting instead of helping. I’m evil. 
7. What’s the nicest thing you’ve done to your ocs?
Given them the happy endings they deserve. 
8. Does your writing style have any characteristic traits? What are they?
It do. I’ve been told my voice is very distinct, even when it changes. I do this thing with flashbacks that’s pretty unique, too, I guess. I call them “seamless flashback transitions,” but I don’t like calling them flashbacks because they’re kinda not, it’s more like a character remembers something in-scene and then it naturally flows into the past. I love doing that. 
9. What are three things you think you’re good at in writing? (NO SKIPPING OF THIS QUESTION ALLOWED)
I’m very good at saying a lot with few words
Character voices and making realistic people
Bookending! (hehehe) Things at the end reference things at the beginning and make them full of feelings and bring the story to a nice close. I’m really good at taking details that meant very little and infusing them with feels. Kind of like delayed decoding, but with feelings. 
10. Do you listen to music/white noise while writing? What kind?
Most of the time, yeah, I listen to music. I either play a single song on repeat until I can drown it out so it acts like white noise to me, or I put the story playlist on repeat until I want to throw it out the window. The songs gotta have the same feel as the story, though. It’s all for the #aesthetic.
11. Come up with joke titles for your wips. What are they?
You’re asking me for jokes? JOKES??
My time has come.
Heart to Heart, or:
Growing Closer  (p l a n t s)
Love Potion No.10
Thorny for Mystery
Calamitous Encounters of a Magical Kind  (Close Encounters of the Third Kind, bit of a stretch)
Double, Double Toil and Trouble; Blushes Burn and Beakers Bubble
All Our Painted Colors, or:
 Hear to Stay (which was the very punny working title that my teacher said did NOT fit, which, yeah) 
Weaponizing Finger Paints / War Paint and Finger Guns
Color Me Yours (there’s a pottery painting place near where I used to live called Color Me Mine. Regional puns!)
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Eradicate My Trust in Our Community
When Old Ladies Go Bad
So the Story Goes, or:
Satan: The Original Pan (triplicate pun, yay!)
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree
East of Eden and a Left at the Fork (cuz Satan huehuehue)
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pinesposts · 6 years
Vote for Mabel!
hello! thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on my first fic. it really really means a lot.
this one is quite a bit longer, and is also NSFW, so beware of that if it that’s not  your thang. i hope you enjoy, and as always, feedback is appreciated :) (also, excuse any minor grammatical errors. i’m pretty sure i caught most of them but they tend to slip through the cracks haha)
welcome to Vote for Mabel!
“Hi, my name is Mabel Pines, and I want to be your next student-body president.”
“That’s great, Mabes. Though it might be worth your while to try it on somebody who isn’t, you know, your brother.”
Mabel blows him a big fat raspberry. Okay, so maybe she’s been a little nervous to campaign to the people at school. So what? No matter how bubbly and friendly you are, this is a whole different ballpark. She needs to show everyone how great of a president she’d be in just a few short words, and dangit, that’s hard stuff!
“Ugh. I know.” She sighs, falling back onto her bed. Dipper follows suit, lying down next to her across her rainbow comforter. “I’m sure it’ll be easier once I get started, but right now my nerves are having a party in my stomach and they forgot to invite me.”
He snorts, rolling over to face her. “You’ll win them all over, you know it.”
“Well, duh.” She giggles. A comfortable silence washes over them as Mabel stares up at the ceiling, mentally going over her speech for the billionth time. As she nears the part about her idea for Pet Day, her eyes wander over to look at Dipper. He has been such a big help for this whole thing, hasn’t he? Despite his protests, he was never too busy to come and listen to her speech or suggest that maybe her posters don’t really need to be covered from top to bottom in glitter glue.
Too bad he’s not running for a position, she muses. They balance each other out perfectly. Whenever Dipper gets too focused on doing everything according to the book, she’s the one who helps him look at the creative side. And he’s the one who helps ground Mabel when she gets a little too crazy. Still, he never makes her feel weird for it. Though he’d never admit it, she secretly knows as well as he does that Dipper loves all her crazy weirdness. She loves his too, when cares to show it.
“So, what’s next on the agenda for President Pines?” Dipper asks. “World domination?”
“We’re getting there,” giggles Mabel, “but for now all the candidates have a meeting tomorrow. Just about speeches and stuff, you know the drill. No campaign managers, allowed, sorry.”
“Campaign manager, eh?” Dipper quips. “Got a nice ring to it.”
“I’m glad you approve. I mean, you’ve done a ton for this campaign. Though I still resent your stance on the glitter.”
“Please. You’ll be thanking me when the student body isn’t choking up sparkles during your speech.”
“Pffft. As if glitter could ever be used for evil.” Mabel scoffs, propping herself up onto her elbows.
“Ahem?” teases Dipper. “Don’t you recall a certain April Fools, circa three years ago? I was scrubbing glitter out of my hair for weeks afterwards.”
“Those were rhinestones, my dear bro. A completely different beast.”
“Ah, right. My apologies.” He smirks, pushing himself off of the bed. “Well, if there are no more election duties, calculus homework calls.”
“Aw, boo.” Mabel protests. She reaches out to grab his wrist, pulling him back onto the bed. Her angle is a little wonky, though, and she accidentally pulls down towards her. Giggling, she watches Dipper’s slender frame move closer and closer as he falls. Despite his best effort to stop himself, they land in a heap with Dipper pressed up a little too close to her face. She keeps laughing, hoping to dissuade any weird tension that might come from the slightly awkward position. She expects him to get up any second now and laugh it off. But instead of pulling back, he lingers there for a moment, awkwardly holding himself up above her.
Then, as quick as his weird freezing happened, it quickly unpauses and he’s standing up on his feet again. He gulps, his face unnaturally red even for him. “Uh, like I said. Calculus.” Before she can spit out a second protest, he’s gone from the room. Mabel giggles. She may be the weird one, but Dipper can sure be strange sometimes.
Mabel gets to the meeting just in time, sliding into a seat next to a particularly cute blonde-haired boy. She had gotten into a nasty game of tug-of-war with the vending machine but luckily had came out victorious. Now, settling into her seat with her fruit snacks in hand, she gazes around the room. There are a couple people here she recognizes from various classes but the rest are completely unknown to her. She gives a tiny wave at Lizzie from Art just as the teacher supervisor strides in.
“Hello, everyone!” greets the cheery red-haired teacher. “I’m Ms. Blais. It’s great to see so many candidates this year! That means the pressure’s on, though!”
Mabel smiles. She’s pretty sure that this Blais lady teaches science, which is why they’ve never met, but she seems cool enough.
“Have you had Blais before?” A voice whispers from beside her. Mabel shakes her head in the voice’s direction, realizing it’s none other than Cute Blonde Boy. “That sucks. She’s a riot. Mind you, her class is brutal, but she’s so cool it makes up for it.”
“If I ever lose my mind and decide to take a chemistry course, I’ll make sure she’s the unfortunate soul that gets to teach me.” Mabel giggles.
“Maybe I’m jumping the gun a bit, but I wouldn’t call it unfortunate to have you around.” The boy replies, his cheeks turning pink ever-so-slightly.
“D’awww.” Mabel replies, unable to contain her smile. “I’m Mabel.”
“Felix.” He replies, running a hand through those pretty yellow locks. “So, what are you-”
“Felix!” Ms. Blais cries out, shooting an overly-animated disapproving glare his way. “There’ll be plenty of time to chat up the girls after the meeting, ‘kay?”
Felix smirks back at her. “Sure thing, Ms. B.” The petite teacher clicks her tongue disapprovingly, but that doesn’t mask the smile stretching across her face. She continues making her way around the room, passing out identical white forms to every student.
“Now, I’ll keep this short. We’ve got speeches coming up at the end of the week, which means you all need to submit your final drafts by Wednesday. Not that I don’t trust you all to keep your speeches G-rated, but I don’t trust any of you. The next day will be speeches right after lunch, and then everyone will return to their classes to vote. We’ll announce the results Friday! Any questions?” Ms. Blais finishes her short speech, glancing around the room a couple times for raised hands. Upon finding none, she smiles and places the remaining forms into the crook of her arm. “Well, then. See you on the ice, kids.”
Felix and Mabel continue to chat as they exit the meeting. She finds out that he’s a total science nerd (but like, an adorkable one), he’s in three of Dipper’s classes, and he has a pet snake. How awesome is that! She also learns that he’s directly competing against her for president, but hey! Who doesn’t like some friendly competition now and again? Mabel leaves her lunch hour behind feeling totally smitten, and knows she has to tell Dipper as soon as freakin’ possible.
“Do you know a guy named Felix Ross?” she asks later on their car drive home. Dipper absentmindedly turns onto their street, his face contorted in thought.
“I think so. Kinda tall, blonde guy?” Dipper asks, and is promptly replied to with a nod. “Yeah, he’s in my Calculus class, I think. And maybe Physics? Not sure.” He pauses. “Why do you ask?”
“I met him at the campaign meeting during lunch. Gosh, and to think I could’ve gone my whole life without meeting a dreamboat like him. Running for prez sure has its perks, eh?” Mabel giggles. She notices Dipper’s grip grows slightly tighter on the steering wheel as he pulls into their driveway.
“I mean, he seems like kind of an ass to me.” Dipper says. And with that, he exits the car. Mabel huffs in her seat. Dip sure can be a party pooper sometimes.
Mabel spends the next day and a half falling head over heels for Felix. As soon as she gets home from school that day, she cracks open her phone and sent Felix a jokey message she hopes will make him laugh. Success is reached in the form of a laughing emoji reply, followed by him asking about her day went. He was so nice to her, but never in a way that felt forced or phony. It was just him being a genuinely nice guy. And she felt so comfortable talking to him! The only other guy she felt like that with was Dipper.
Who, speaking of which, has grown even more sure that Felix is a “total ass”. But how does he know? It’s not like he’s ever talked to the guy. As far as Mabel is concerned, Felix is as perfect as they come. And heck if she was going to pass that up!
Which is why she might have gotten a teensy-weensy bit carried away the following day after school, when Felix asks her to help him “Mabel-ify” his posters. It’s not her fault the guy doesn’t know which end of a glue gun is up! As far as Mabel’s concerned, this is a crafting emergency that desperately begs for her attention.
Still, she winces when she sees Dipper’s name come up on her phone. Shoot! She forgot to cancel.
“Hey, Dip. Listen…”
“Hey, where are you?” Dipper asks. He sounds concern, like he’s worried something must’ve happened to her. Aww. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine…” she trails off, dreading having to tell Dipper the truth. “Listen, I’m kinda sorta at Felix’s house right now. Do you think you could pick up the extra poster copies without me? Please?”
She hears Dipper sigh on the other end of the line. “What are you even doing at his house, Mabel?” he asks, his voice small and meek.
“I’m helping him with his posters is all. They are in desperate need of some Mabel TLC.”
That gets a half-hearted chuckle out of him, but she can tell he’s upset. Ugh, she feels so bad! Why does her dumb brain always get so caught up in the moment with boys? Now her brother is upset. But before she can apologize further, his voice stirs on the other end of the line.
“I’ll go get the posters, okay? Just…don’t stay out too late or anything.”
Mabel giggles. “Okay, Mom.” She quips, coaxing yet another chuckle out of him. Operation Dipper-Cheer Up has done the best possible job considering the circumstances. “I’ll be home nice and early so we can practice my speech, ‘mkay?”
“Sure, Mabes.” She hears him say, before giving her a quick goodbye and hanging up the phone. Aw, crud. Now she feels terrible. Still, she’d be lying if she said those feelings didn’t go away a little when Felix re-enters the room with two cans of pop for them.
“Dr. Pepper for you, Diet Coke for me.” Felix recites, passing her the can of soda. “Who was that on the phone?”
“Just Dipper.” She says, smiling up at him. “Now, let’s see those posters.”
It’s just after eight thirty when Mabel finally gets home, which is admittedly a bit later than she had intended to leave. Whatever, she got carried away! Plus, those posters seriously needed some work. She makes her way up to Dipper’s room, knocking lightly on the door.
“Come in.” His voice echoes through the door. She turns the handle, meekly walking into his room. He’s lying on the bed, idly drumming his fingers across the cover of a torn-up mystery book that his eyes have neglected in favour of wistfully gazing at the ceiling.
“Hey.” She says, giving her brother her best I’m really super sorry smile.
He gives her a weak smile in return. “Hey.”
“I’m sorry about running off. I just got kind of carried away, and Felix is soooo cute Dipper, seriously like I almost start drooling when I look at him for too long, it’s really…”
“Yeah, I get it, Mabel.” Dipper says harshly. He instantly looks regretful, and lets out a sigh as he runs his hand through his messy brown hair. “Sorry, I know you like him. It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
Mabel knows that look. She knows it means that Dipper is holding something in, because she’s always the one that can see past it. Because she is the one that he lets everything out to. It’s a look that, when she’s on the receiving end, makes her heart break.
“Dip, come on. I know it’s not okay.” She says, plopping herself down at the foot of his bed. His legs curl into his chest and he tries very very hard not to look at her. Why is he being like this? Dipper has always been one to hold in his emotions to everyone else, but when it comes to his sister, he always lets them out.
“No, it is. You’re-you’re just…You’re having fun. And I’m glad that, uh, Felix is a cool guy after all.” He says, picking at his faded Legend of Zelda t-shirt.
Mabel frowns, thinking hard. She knows she majorly screwed up and all that, but would that really make Dipper this mopey? Something must be way seriously wrong. Ugh, she’s never been good with this sort of thing.
“Okay, just…” She hears herself say. “If you want to talk, y’know my door’s always open!” She ends this by shooting him finger guns, giving him her goofiest Mabel smile. Luckily, this gets a chuckle out of him.
“Okay, Dr. Mabel.” He says, picking up his book and burying himself back into it.
She sighs. That look is still there behind his eyes, but she doesn’t know if there’s anything she can do about it but wait.
The next day, Mabel spends extra-long at the mirror getting ready. This is for two reasons. One, because today’s Speech Day! And while of course she's going to wow them with all her fantastic ideas, it can’t hurt to be looking spiffy too. Reason number two is that she’s going out for lunch with rival candidate and all around cute dude Felix Ross right before the speeches.
Their lunch goes perfectly. Duh, why wouldn’t it? Felix is a total gentleman. He holds the door for her, makes her laugh like a gazillion times, and even pays for her meal at the end. She idly thinks over their date as they walk back to school, her arm in his. No matter what happens with the election, Mabel’s sure glad that she met Felix. This state of bliss doesn’t last long, unfortunately. Her current Felix mental fantasy is pierced by her twin’s voice calling her name. Ugh. Right now, Dipper? Really?
“Mabel?” He calls again, now standing in front of her and Felix.
Felix clears his throat, probably feeling more than a tad awkward. She may have let it slip to him that her brother isn’t the hugest Felix fan. “I’ll see you out there, okay, Mabel?” He says, giving her hand a squeeze. She smiles at him as he walks off, though that smile quickly fades to a look of annoyance that gets flashed Dipper’s direction.
“Seriously, Dip? I was kind of in the middle of something!” Mabel accuses, exasperated.
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I stopped you.” Dipper replies, his face redder than usual.
“Listen, Mabel, you can do whatever you want, but I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to be hanging out with your opponent right before the election, y’know?” He shrugs, idly picking at the fuzz on his forest green sweater.
Say what? Who does Dipper think he is? He can’t just barge into the middle of her Felix fantasy, interrupt their date and then yell at her for having a little fun. She won’t stand for it.
“What the heck?” She says, raising her voice despite the other people still standing around in the halls. “This is a high school election! This doesn’t mean anything! “My opponent”? Seriously, we aren’t running for Congress, you know. This is supposed to be for fun.”
“Yeah, I know, it’s just…” He says, his voice tinged with regret. “Listen, I’m your campaign manager, right? It’s just my advice, is all. I don’t trust that guy.”
“You don’t trust anyone, Dipper! And by the way, “campaign manager”, I only gave you that title because you were being nice and helping me out. Not because you were bossing me around. I’m not a little kid, Dipper, I can handle myself.”
“I’m trying to help, Mabel!” Dipper says, his voice raising to match hers. Not a good move.
“Well, quit it!” She yells, backing away from him. “I don’t need any help from you!” She can’t stand to look at him anymore; she’s practically seeing red. Where the heck is this all coming from, anyway?
Mabel feels a single tear trickle down her cheek. Oh boy, here come the waterworks. She ducks into the girl’s bathroom, quickly locking herself into a stall so she can let the tears fly. Why did he have to do this right now? Now she’s going to be all shaken up and sad for her speech! She’s supposed to be all fun and happy; that’s how she was planning to win the student body over. God, everything is so messed up now.
She curls her knees into her chest, pressing her back into the wall of the stall. Tears dance across the scrapes on her legs as she presses her palms into her eyeballs. C’mon, Mabel girl, pull yourself together.
What the heck is she going to do?
Mabel makes her way up to podium, still desperately trying to scrub the mascara off of her tear-stained cheeks. God, she must look like a total mess. Eventually she finds herself positioned above the microphone and opens her mouth, praying that her voice won’t be as shaky as the rest of her.
“H-hello, everyone!” Mabel starts off. Lovely. Her shaky voice decided to make an appearance after all. “I, uh, am so excited to be running for your president. And, I, um…” Her eyes scan the room desperately for Dipper. Why can’t she remember what she’s supposed to say next? Where  is he even sitting? He didn't leave, right?
“I want to be your next president because I’m super organized, for one thing. I’ve, uh, been part of tons of clubs over the years too! Like, ah…” She had her whole speech memorized less than an hour ago. Then she had to go have a stupid fight with her brother and now she can’t remember anything! Finally, Mabel spots Dipper in the crowd. Despite their argument, it still hurts her heart to see that his face is just as red and splotchy as hers. He looks just as scared as she feels.
Eventually Mabel makes her way through the speech, stumbling over her words and just generally making a total fool of herself. She can’t believe this. All the campaigning in the world can’t save her now. Her posters, the ones she spent days making, might as well not even be up there on the walls. She totally effed everything up.
She finishes her speech on the verge of tears, and is met with a half-hearted applause from the audience. Pushing her way through the couple of people waiting to go on next, Felix included, Mabel finds herself inside an empty classroom. Immediately, she slumps down in a nearby chair and breaks down crying. She’s so mad at herself right now she could scream.
The classroom door gently creaks open as a lanky figure approaches Mabel. She instantly knows who it is, even though she doesn’t really want to face him right now. She feels Dipper’s arms wrap around her, silently rubbing circles on her back. Despite how angry she was at him, all she wants to do now is let herself melt into his warm, comforting frame. She lets her tear-stained face rest on his shoulder and wonders what in the heck to say to him.
“Dipper, I-”
“Listen, Mabel-”
They both speak at once, cutting each other off. The twins let out soft giggles, both secretly glad to have alleviated a fraction of the tension in the room. Mabel motions for Dipper to continue, infinitely grateful that he’s not making her take control of this scary conversation.
“I’m sorry, Mabel. I’m sorry I was such an asshole earlier, honestly, I had no right to say those things about Felix, or any of this. I know you like him and I just— I feel awful. This is all my fault and I never, ever, want to hurt you, okay? And you can hang out with whoever you want, obviously, I just missed you is all. But I know I didn't handle it right, like, at all, and I’m really sorry. God, I’m so sorry, Mabes.”
Mabel can’t help it, she starts to sob. She isn’t upset with Dipper anymore, at least not nearly as much as she was before. Now she’s just upset with herself for letting everyone down, most of all her brother.
“I just feel like I let you down.” She says in a small voice, avoiding all eye contact. “You worked so hard helping me, and I just blew it.”
Dipper grabs her chin, tilting it up gently to look at him. “Hey. That’s crazy talk. I’m so proud of all the work that you’ve done, okay? Seriously. I’ve been looking up at those crazy cool posters on the wall all week and every time all I can think is how lucky I am to be your brother.”
“Of course. Mabel, you’re the coolest, funniest, most amazing girl I know. I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t.”
Mabel smiles, finally meeting his eyes. But when she does, she notices something there that’s never existed in his eyes before. There’s this intensely passionate look lingering on his features, like he’s looking at her as if he can’t believe she’s really there. She’s been on the receiving end of similar looks from boys a handful of times before, but nothing this intense and definitely nothing like this from her brother.
Behind all that is something else. It’s almost hidden, but Mabel knows him better than anyone and picks up on it. Behind the adoration is fear, she realizes. He’s deeply afraid. She gulps, watching him gaze at her in a way he hasn’t ever looked at her before. A look of admiration, of passion, of fear of what it all must mean.
A montage plays in Mabel’s head of the past few days and she realizes something earth-shattering. This isn’t the first time Dipper’s looked at her like this; not by a long shot. He’s been looking at her like this for a while now. But there’s always been some distraction; the campaign, an upcoming test, a new cute boy. Right now, though, it’s just the two Pines twins, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. And for the first time, she’s finally noticing just how Dipper looks at her. It’s anything but platonic.
She watches him get closer and closer to her face. This can’t be real. Dipper Pines, her brother, is inching his way towards her lips. There’s no way he’s really doing this, right? He’s just… he’s just… Her mind goes blank.
He’s kissing her.
It’s extremely soft; so gentle that if she wasn’t holding her breath and remaining as still as a statue she might not even have noticed it. She can’t bring herself to push him off of her; she’s in shock. Dipper takes this as a green light, and continues to gently press kisses upon her lips. His thumb caresses her cheek, in a way that (gulp) might have actually made her shudder a little.
So this is really happening, then. Her brother, her best friend for life is kissing her. Why isn’t she pushing him away? Why is she kind of sort of maybe—
“What the fuck.” A deep male voice whispers from behind them. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no.
The twins instantly break apart. All the colour has drained from Dipper’s face. He’s terrified. Still, he inches his way in front of Mabel to shield her from the person in front of them.
“Felix, let’s not make any rash decisions, okay?” Dipper speaks, his voice quivering and breaking in ways she hasn’t heard since middle school. Mabel, meanwhile, can’t even manage to look up at Felix’s face. She’s frozen in place.
She hears Felix slam the door, presumably running off to go tell everyone what he saw. Mabel sinks to her knees, her face once again buried in her hands as she sobs. This time, though, she isn’t sobbing for some stupid presidential campaign. She’s crying for her, and her brother, and oh god, she’s going to have to move schools, and her parents will find out, and they’ll separate her and Dipper, even though neither of them know what they’re doing. They’re just stupid kids, for God’s sake. They’re just kids.
“Mabel.” Dipper finally breaks the silence, his voice shaking ever so slightly.
“I-I don’t want to talk to you right now.” She heaves through tears.
“I’ll make this right, Mabel, okay? I’ll fix everything. You don’t need to worry. Just pretend this never happened. Please.” The pleading in his voice is so desperate it makes her heart break. But she can’t seem to move from her position. She can’t go comfort him right now. She can’t do anything but cry.
By the time she looks up, he’s gone.
Mabel wants to scream. Instead, she settles for roughly throwing her phone down against her mattress. She’s called Felix a grand total of six times, and every single time she’s gone straight through to voicemail.
Truthfully, she doesn’t even really know what she’d say to him if he picked up. Beg him to take her back? Definitely not. They’re way beyond that. Probably just plead with him not to think she’s a freak, to keep quiet about what he saw. To yell, to apologize. Maybe she’d just cry. Who knows?
Usually she’d ask Dipper for guidance about these kinds of situations. She’d curl up next to him under his covers and have a good cry. Then, once she was all cried out, she’d watch as he sat down at his desk and sketched out a thirty-something part plan to fix everything.
This time, though, there’s no long-winded plan to guide her. In fact, Mabel hasn’t even seen Dipper since that super awful moment in the empty classroom. When she had finally gotten home, she gave his bedroom door a soft knock that was met with no answer. She knew he was in there; she could hear him softly crying. The sound felt close, as if he was right on the other side of the door. She slumped down against his doorframe, her chest heaving as she silently cried into her knees.
Now, she’s lying down on her bed, still heaving the same tears but desperately trying to think of absolutely anything else.
How on Earth are they going to fix this?
The next day is almost as tough, though at least the tears have died down. Dipper had left extremely early in the morning, leaving her to sullenly pick at her breakfast for fifteen minutes until her mom told her to just leave it.
Dipper left her the car, but she’s never liked driving. She spends the entire lonely walk to school chewing on the inside of cheek as she tries to resist the urge to cry. How can she face everyone at school, when they probably know the whole sucky thing? How can she possibly face Felix? Her mind has long forgotten the fact that today is Election Day. Now, she’s just trying to survive. To Mabel’s surprise, no one mentions the incident to her all day. In fact, everyone treats her as normally as ever. It’s as if Felix kept the secret to himself. Mabel is completely baffled.
When the results are announced in last period, it’s no surprise to Mabel that she lost to Felix. Frankly, he deserves it a lot more than her. She’s a freak, a stupid, brother-kissing freak. All she cares about now is fixing things. Luckily, she manages to catch a glimpse of Felix right as he’s exiting the school. She speeds up instantly, racing through the halls to catch up with him.
“Felix!” Mabel cries, making everyone in the halls turn to look at her. Oops. “I need to talk to you.”
Felix gives her a blank look. Silently, he follows her around the corner and into an empty classroom. Without a word he sits down on top of one of the desks and crosses his arms. Okay, Mabel girl. This is what counts.
“Felix, I don’t really know how much you saw yesterday, or anything, honestly I’m not even sure what it was that you saw, but…” She trails off. Blargh, she’s no good at this. God, she wants Dipper here. He’d be able to reason with Felix. Even more, he’d be able to put his arms around her and pull her close. He’d be able to make her feel okay again.
“It’s okay, Mabel. I’m not going to tell anyone about what I saw, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Say whaaaa?
“You’re not?” She asks tentatively.
“I’m not that much of a dick.” Felix says, his eyes very pointedly avoiding her. “Besides, your, uh, your brother came to talk to me last night. He showed up at my door and begged me not to tell anyone. I’m not saying I’m not weirded out by what I saw, but, well, he assured me it wasn’t what it looked like. Even if it was, that’s your business to deal with.”
Mabel can’t help it. She runs at Felix, enveloping him in a bear hug. Thank God. He really was a good guy all along, huh? Dipper must realize that now too. Felix gives her back a couple of awkward pats before clearing his throat. Oh, right. Despite everything he’s said, he’s probably not exactly thrilled about being around her.
“That being said, I don’t really think we should be spending anymore time together.” Felix continues, drumming his fingers along the side of the desk. “You clearly have some stuff to work out and I don’t really think you need the added confusion.”
“You’re right, you’re so totally right.” Mabel says, breaking away from their hug. Still, she can’t help but conceal the smile on her face. She’s so freaking relieved, it doesn’t bother her that Felix is ending their barely-a-relationship. There are plenty of blonde-haired dreamboats out there, after all.
“Right, so, uh… I’m gonna go.” Felix says, using his arms to push himself back off the desk. He gives her a slightly awkward smile before quickly ushering himself out of the room. Mabel wants to cry again, but for an entirely different reason. This time it’s out of relief, and most of all, gratefulness.
Thank God for Dipper Pines.
Mabel skips her way back home, a drastic change from the somber way she had trudged to school this morning. Now, she feels light as a feather. She and her brother are going to be okay. She just knows it.
In fact, it surprises her just how happy she feels. Even if Felix isn’t going to let their little secret slip, she should still be upset by the fact that her brother freaking kissed her. That’s wrong, right? Any normal person would think so.
But for some reason, Mabel doesn’t. It caught her off guard, alright. But after she had gotten over the initial shock that it was indeed her brother kissing her, she had been able to focus on the actual kiss. And okay, fine! It wasn’t horrible! In fact, it was kind of nice. She had never, ever, been kissed like that before. No one had ever made her feel so cared for, so safe. No one had ever made her shudder like that either.
What’s even more is that no kiss had ever felt so right to her. Having Dipper there, gently cupping her cheek and leading her through a minefield of emotions in one kiss felt strangely perfect to her. As if it was meant to be that way all along.
That’s not as big of a surprise, though. Everything with Dipper always felt so natural to her. He always made her feel like she could be herself with him, even (especially) at her weirdest. She knew that Dipper felt the same way too. Heck, she was the only person he was ever truly comfortable around. It made her feel good, knowing that she was the one person he trusted in that way.
Why Dipper has such a problem with being himself, she’ll never understand. Frankly, he’s the best person she’s ever known. From his weird-mystery solving antics to his torn-up collection of mystery books to the super cute way he looks at her when he’s just woken up—
Oh, fiddlesticks.
It hits her like a dang truck.
She loves him.
She really, truly is head over heels for her brother. Her best friend for life.
Mabel can’t believe it took her this long to see it. She’s always known on some level that they were different than your average siblings. She’s heard countless people tell her how nice it is that they’re so close, but even then, she knew it was something more. And in a way, the platonic love is still there. They tease each other relentlessly, and get into stupid arguments, and god knows how competitive they both get over Saturday morning video game marathons. But there’s always been that longing, that insatiable urging inside of her that they’ve got to be more than just “close”.
Dipper just seemed to realize it first, is all. That’s no surprise, though. He’s the one who loves mysteries. He thrives off of them, it seems. While Mabel is always content with stopping to smell the roses, Dipper constantly needs to know exactly what’s going on. She wonders how long he’s known for.
Her feet stop at the front door of her house. Oh. She’s home. Well, it’s now or never. Mabel slowly makes her way up to her brother’s door. She’s made the trip up these stairs thousands of times, and yet now it feels completely new. In a way, she’s a completely new Mabel.
Before she knows it, though, her knuckles are rapping against his door.
“Mabel?” A shaky voice calls out through the door.
“That’s my name.” Mabel replies softly. There’s no answer, so she gingerly reaches over to the doorknob and opens the way in. The sight she’s met with makes her heart break. Dipper is sitting on his bed, eyes puffy and red. His knees are tucked into his chest and he is quite deliberately avoiding eye contact with her.
“Dipper?” She whispers. Without looking up at her, his hand reaches up and gives her a gentle wave. Welp. This might be harder than she thought. Truthfully, Mabel had sort of pictured that she’d just run up here and fall into his arms and they’d figure everything out later. Turns out, this might require a tiny bit more tact.
After a long silence, Dipper finally looks up at her. “I know what you’re going to say, okay.”
Mabel almost giggles, but realizes he probably wouldn’t take that too well. “I really don’t think you do.”
Dipper looks confused for a second, but then shakes his head sternly. “I do, so just-just listen, okay? I know I’ve made things weird for you, and god, I know I totally fucked up. I should’ve never, y’know, kissed you, especially where anyone could’ve easily walked in. Sometimes I just don’t think, like, at all. I should’ve been thinking that day because I’m the one who’s supposed to protect us. But for whatever reason, I wasn’t. Still, you don’t have to worry. I fixed it all. I talked to Felix and he promised not to tell anyone. Honestly, Mabel, he really does seem like a good guy. I was prepared to threaten him or to pay him off but he just promised not to tell right away. I’m sorry I was such an ass about him.”
“Hold on, I’m not done.” He says, clearly working himself up over this. Mabel crosses over to put her hands on his shoulders but he quickly scoots away. “Sorry, just… Well, I think you know why. Anyway, I’m really sorry about the whole kiss situation and I’ve already started working on it. I’m gonna work out all these fucked up feelings for you, I’ll even see a therapist if I have to. I promise, Mabel, whatever it takes. I’ll fix everything I’ll stop— whatever this is.”
With that, Dipper gets up and runs a hand through his hair, beginning to walk towards his bedroom door.
“Wait.” Mabel’s voice calls out. Is that her voice? She can barely recall. “You don’t, uh… I don’t want you to stop.”
Dipper stops in his tracks, turning around slowly to look at her. His eyes are staring at her more intensely than they ever have before, searching every line and shape of her face for some sort of sign. She watches him, turning words over in his head as he tries to figure out what to say back. She knows him best, after all. She knows exactly what’s going on in his head.
So she takes a deep breath in, closing her eyes as she sits waiting on Dipper’s bed. She can’t be the one to walk over, to close the gap, to put her lips on his. But she can sure make it easier on him.
Sure enough, the next thing she feels are Dipper’s chapped lips softly placing themselves in line with hers. He kisses her ever-so-softly, the warmth of his cheeks emanating off of him. Hesitancy lingers in his motions, but he doesn’t find that reason enough to stop. Slowly but surely, just as he had done after her speech, Mabel finds herself being kissed by her very own brother.
And she’s kissing him back.
The rational parts of her whispers to stop, that this is wrong. And yet something deep inside her never wants this to end. For whatever reason, that part deep down is the part that wins, and her hands float up to press softly against his chest. Dipper immediately reaches his hands up to her shoulders, and then her hair, and then the nape of her neck. His hands continue to run up and down her, as if they were dead set on touching every inch of her skin.
Their kiss quickly transitions into something more than the gentle, soft kiss that had originated this whole dang thing. No, this kiss was deep and passionate and god, throws Mabel for such a loop that she can barely even think straight. She clings onto Dipper, the only thing she’s sure of right now.
Oh, and look, now his tongue is —yup, Dipper’s tongue is definitely entering the equation. Wowzers. He is kissing her like his life depends on it, like if he doesn’t get it all done now there might never be another shot. Will there be? Could there be? Her thoughts are having quite the temper tantrum in her brain right now at this whole situation.
Dipper holds her closer than he ever has before, gently lying her down onto his bed. Their warm bodies line up almost perfectly (he’s got a good two inches on her) as he continues to kiss the freaking heck out of her. Her racing thoughts are quickly banished by Dipper’s lips placing soft open-mouth kisses along her jaw, and then along her neck. Jeepers, this feels like nothing she’s ever felt before and oh my gosh did she just moan?
Dipper evidently heard it too, looking up at her with that damn sheepish grin. Her insides start going wild, butterflies flapping in every direction. She knows she’s an oddball sometimes but that is most definitely not how you’re supposed to feel when you’re looking at your brother. Then again, you’re definitely not supposed to be in love with your brother either, but here they are.
Mabel registers that Dipper’s lips are hovering just over the space in between her breasts. That sheepish grin is asking her a deliberate question. Without thinking, she reaches down to the hem of her shirt and it quickly loses itself in the mound of dirty clothes lying on Dipper’s floor. It’s then she remembers that, oh right, she’s not actually wearing a bra. Oh well. Dipper looks her over like she’s nothing he’s ever seen before, like she’s a real life goddess lying there for him. It makes her tummy do another triple backflip because she’s had boys look every which way at her but never like that.
Finally, Dipper seems to remember where he is and presses a kiss in between her breasts. His hand floats up to softly cup her right breast, running a gentle thumb over her nipple. It instantly makes her shudder, but oh boy is it a good kind of shudder. His other hand quickly drifts up too, and his awe-driven fondling of her breasts makes her weaker and weaker. It makes realizes very quickly that she wants all the Dipper she can get.
Her hands tug on the bottom of his shirt, silently pleading with him to throw it away too. Luckily, he gets the message and before she knows it he’s practically ripped his shirt away. And yes, she’s seen him shirtless at the community pool and whatever but he’s never looked quite like this. Quite this…aw god, she’s gonna say it. Quite this hot.
Their bare chests press against one another as Dipper pulls her into another deeply passionate kiss. And she feels something hard push up against her leg. Is that…? To test out her theory, she holds him as close as she can and delicately rocks her hips up into his.
Yup, Dipper has definitely got a case of the sister-boners. But truthfully, she isn’t all that upset about it. Actually….
Maybe it’s out of curiosity, or maybe it’s out of pure lust, or maybe it just feels right in the moment. She doesn’t know. What she does know is she can feel her hand making its way down to Dipper’s bulge and gently grazes her fingers over it. Now it’s Dipper’s turn to let out a moan, and he buries his face in the crook of her neck. She decides she likes this very much, and continues to rub him through his pants. Now he’s the one clinging to her, cursing under his breath and shaking ever-so-slightly. It makes her feel good how easily she can work him up like this, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want more.
So she allows herself to unbutton those pesky jeans for him, and feels Dipper quickly kicking them off the rest of the way. That’s more like it.
Dipper reaches around to cup Mabel’s butt, using that to pull himself back onto her. It riles her up beyond belief and without thinking she rocks herself ever-so-slightly into him again. And it feels insanely good, so she does it once more. Dipper lets out another curse under his breath before slowly rolling his hips back into hers.
And oh boy, does he hit the nail right on its friggin’ head.
Mabel squeaks, clinging to him as he continues to grind against her in a place that makes her legs turn to putty. She eagerly presses herself into him, but that’s all the work she can really do at this point. She’s overwhelmed in the best possible way and all she can think of is how she’s going to get her own pesky pants off.
Not wanting this to end, she reaches down and wiggles out of her sweatpants as fast as she possibly can. And while she’s there, she might as well get rid of the other pesky clothing down there, right? Soon, she’s lying completely naked on Dipper’s bed. She’s not quite sure how she got there, but she wants to be there; she needs to be there. She needs him.
That awe-filled, holy shit holy shit type of look returns to Dipper’s face as he takes in her naked body. She sees him lick his lips ever so slightly and dang she’s really freaking wet. His fingers trace their way down her ribcage all the way to her lower stomach, and then they halt delicately.
“Can I…?” He asks, drumming his fingers against her lower stomach. She nods frantically, eternally thankful that he just seems to know exactly what she needs.
His fingers maneuver their way through her slick folds, placing just the right amount of pressure against her. She’s always been rather sensitive down there, so it’s lucky that her bro has decided to be gentle. Her insides continue to flip-flop as he continues to rub her, making her want to squirm and thrash about because holy shit how is he so good at this? Dipper’s always been a man of his research, and clearly he’s researched a lot more than Gravity Falls anomalies.
She can’t stop herself anymore and starts to moan, trying as hard as she can to keep quiet so as to not wake up her parents. Still, it’s hard to think about your pesky ol’ parents two doors down when your brother has three fingers pressed up against your lady bits and is making you pant and squeak in ways you never thought you could.
Suddenly, he withdraws and reaches down to his underwear, quickly tugging himself out of it. Instantly her eyes go to his, ahem, junk. Mabel’s never actually seen a real-live penis up close before, so she takes her sweet time studying it. The head, the way it curves ever-so-slightly to the right, the curly wisps of black hair peeking out from underneath. He smiles shyly at her, his face growing even redder than before.
“So, are we… Are you okay with doing this?” Dipper asks, looking down at her. His face is creased with worry and hesitation.
“Heck yeah I am, Dippingsauce.” Mabel giggles, reaching up to graze her fingers along his inner thighs. He shivers ever-so-slightly at her touch. Yup, she could definitely get used to that.
He gulps, quickly sitting himself back down onto the bed. What’s going on? Is he having second thoughts? Oh boy, did she push it too far? She kind of does that sometimes… These thoughts circle around in Mabel’s brain, making her more and more nervous. That is, until she bothers to look at what Dipper’s actually doing.
Dipper Pines is currently hunched over, frantically trying to rip open a condom wrapper.
That’s when it really sets in for Mabel. They’re really going to do this, aren’t they? Less than an hour ago Mabel had been completely (well, not completely) unaware of her feelings for her brother and now here they are, about to go just about as far as two people can go together. She should be scared, right? At least a little worried?
But, well, she isn’t. Sure, the butterflies are still flapping around down there as strong as ever. But scared? Never. Not with Dipper by her side. He would never do anything, ever, to hurt her. In fact, she’s glad that she’s doing it with him and not some random clown from school. Dipper’s a guy she knows, a guy that she trusts. No matter what happens from here on out, she knows he’ll have her best interest at heart. The thought makes her smile.
Dipper finally looks back up at her, seeming to have come out victorious in his battle against the condom wrapper. He quickly rolls the condom on, looking almost upset to have paused their, uh, previous activities. Still, he is soon back and ready for action. He climbs on top of Mabel, looking at her so fondly that it makes her stomach do another round of backflips.
He’s nervous. She can read it in his face. To calm his nerves, she leans up ever so slightly and kisses him. Their lips connecting seem to spring him back to life as his hands instantly begin exploring her body once again. This time, they don’t hesitate in the slightest. Her whole body is free reign to him now. Suddenly, she feels him prop himself up on his hands, his body looming over her. Mabel looks up into his deep brown eyes, giving him a silent, yearning nod.
Dipper lines himself up at her entrance. And ever so slowly, he coaxes his way inside her. She’s way too wet for it to be painful, but it’s definitely a new sensation. She feels every inch of him pressing against her walls and oh god she feels so full. She watches his face contort and twitch ever-so-slightly as he rests himself inside her.
Once she’s gotten used to the sensation, Mabel gently rocks herself against him. Clearly, he’s not expecting that, as she hears a sharp moan emit from his mouth followed by a mumbled curse. She surprises herself too, letting out a quiet whine. Dipper picks up on it though, and gently begins swaying his hips. Holy jeepers, this is all so new and unreal and yet it feels so freaking good and right doing this with him. She can tell that Dipper feels it too, from the way that he’s cursing under his breath and letting out tiny moans into the crook of her neck.
And oh god, she can feel every single inch of him, twitching ever so slightly every once in a while as he keeps his steady rhythm. She looks up at him fondly, shooting him a shy smile that he returns with one of his own. Suddenly Dipper’s forehead is pressed up against hers and he’s locking lips with her once again, covering her frame with his own.
His hands start to wander along Mabel’s body, delicately grazing along her smooth stomach. But frankly, she’s growing a little impatient. Unable to wait any longer, Mabel grabs his right hand and places it atop her breast. Dipper certainly takes the bait, beginning fondling her in a way that’s certainly a little more, uh, rough. And hoo boy, does that work for her. His fingers catch along her nipples, giving them a tiny squeeze that sends shivers down her spine. She needs more.
“Faster, Dipper. Please.” Mabel whispers, trying not to sound too needy. Dipper looks like his eyes are going to bulge out of his head, causing Mabel to stifle a giggle. He certainly listens, though, and soon Mabel has a hand clamped over her mouth, trying desperately to suppress her moans.
Dipper begins planting kisses along her jaw, tickling her cheek slightly with his hint of peach fuzz. His path continues down her neck, placing wet, open mouth kisses all the way down to her collarbone. This, combined with Dipper’s never-faltering rhythm, make Mabel’s toes curl under and her hips buck up into him. It’s all so deliciously overwhelming and…
An idea strikes. She gently takes Dipper’s hand, placing it inches above her labia. He looks at her confused for just a second and then instantly gets to work. She keeps her hand atop his for a couple moments, guiding his fingers in circles around her clit that make her almost afraid she’ll scream. Once he’s making her good and squirmy, she lies back, eyes clamped shut and clinging to Dipper’s back for dear life.
Mabel feels lucky her brother is such a quick learner. He soon begins rocking three fingers across her, placing pressure all around her clit (but never directly on, she’s still sensitive!) and follows each tiny moan, each whine and gasp so he knows exactly what gets her going. Soon she’s panting even harder than before, coming completely undone for him. She reaches up to her breasts, squeezing and tweaking them in a way that Dipper can’t seem to take his eyes off of.
She can feel Dipper’s rhythm faltering ever so slightly, hinting to her that he’s probably closer than he cares to admit. Luckily, her back is arching and her hips keep involuntarily bucking up against his, so she knows she’s rather close too. One hand remains tightly wound around Dipper’s back, while the other slams into the mattress to grab a fistful of Dipper’s dark blue sheets.
“Dip, I-I…” She starts, barely able to string together a sentence at this point. He nods, instantly knowing what she means.
Mabel feels her orgasm wash over her, reaching from her curled toes to her flushed cheeks as she moans into Dipper’s shoulder as quietly as she can. No boy has ever made her feel this way, made her feel so unbelievably squirmy and heated as she feels right now. And he never lets up, keeps rubbing her as she begins to tense up and her thighs squeeze even tighter around him. She hopes she’s not hurting him but at this point she’s finding it hard not to give into her every impulse. Her breathing, while still ragged, begins to slow as she comes down from her high.
She looks up at Dipper’s face, watching her in awe as he clamps a hand over his own mouth. He’s not far behind her, slamming himself into her in quick, deep strokes. He buries his face into the crook of her neck once again, his cheeks warming her. She can feel little whinnies and moans being echoed into her skin as he finishes, his strokes beginning to progressively slow until he stops completely. For a moment he just lies atop her, desperately trying to catch his breath.
Eventually, he looks up at her.
Now Mabel has gotten plenty of smiles from her brother. “Happy Birthday I love you” smiles, “Oops I accidentally ate your last cookie” smiles, even sarcastic “oh aren’t you funny” smiles. Such is the nature of their relationship, after all. They are a smiley duo. But the smile she gets right then from him is unlike any she’s ever gotten before. It’s swimming with desire and with contentment, but most of all with adoration. It’s a smile she hopes she’ll get to see plenty more of.
Soon, Mabel is lying under Dipper’s comforter in his baggy old Mathletes t-shirt, his arms wrapped snugly around her. She can feel his rhythmic breathing on her shoulder, and her heart flutters happily.
Oh, boy, is there gonna be a big long talk between them tomorrow. Probably some tears shed, at least on her part. She’s no stranger to getting emotional, but Dipper has been known to grow a little teary-eyed when the time is right.
If this is going to be a regular thing, there’ll be even more to work out. They won’t be able to walk down the halls holding hands like a regular couple, and they’ll have to figure out a way to maneuver around her parents. Heck, they’ve already started that trend; Dipper has an alarm set for early in the morning so she can safely retreat back to her own room.
But no matter what happens, they’ll always have each other. That much, at least, she knows to be true.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 2X09 - Queen of Hearts
Ooh! After how great that last episode was, I’ve got my HEART set on this review!
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And you can experience what I’ve got to say right under the cut!
Press Release Cora and Hook face off with Mary Margaret and Emma in a race to secure the compass, which will point its holder to the portal into Storybrooke. But back on the other side, Regina and Mr. Gold, desperate to keep Cora out, put a plan into action that would kill anyone entering the portal - placing Mary Margaret’s and Emma’s lives in danger as well. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land that was, Captain Hook travels to Wonderland and meets up with a vengeful Queen of Hearts. General Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness Past I don’t really feel like there’s a lot to say about this segment. Apart from re-establishing personality traits of both Killian and Cora, this segment serves only the purpose of giving exposition for why Killian and Cora weren’t cursed and how they started working together. While it’s really well done exposition and it’s great to see Killian and Cora bounce off one another, exposition doesn’t leave a lot to discuss and what I do have to say is in other segments. Storybrooke The segment provides the ultimate test of Regina’s character thus far in the series: Rumple offers Regina a path of temptation and she has to choose whether or not to take it. This was fantastically done because not only has it been well built, but the conflict itself resonates with Regina’s character so well. Her biggest fears and dreams are pit against her, escalating the impact of the choice and making part of the fallout (Where she loses having Henry to herself) come off as effectively tragic and giving the resolution all the more bittersweet. Enchanted Forest I actually forgot that Emma had a story of her own in this episode as she deals with what being the Savior actually means. And I loved the direction they took with it. Emma’s intimidated by the prospect, as Emma would be, but she also is willing to accept the responsibility and that fear is channeled into the question of how much control she has over her destiny and what is to come of it now that her initial purpose (As far as she knows) is fulfilled. That’s a really good question to ask, and what makes this conflict so good is how Emma continues to give it her all, and it’s a combination of her history as the savior as well as her sacrifice for Snow that makes her heart unrippable and proving herself to be something unique: Magic. And her conversation with Rumple sums all of this up in a way that enforces Emma’s value and gives hints as to where her character will go next like a neat bow on top of a package. All Encompassing “Love is weakness.” There’s a contrast here between Emma and Cora. When the line was stated to Cora, it was from Regina who (As far as she knew) sacrificed her mother’s life for herself (For as justified as it was). As it’s being said to Emma, Emma sacrificed herself for her mother, and that selflessness between the later mother/daughter duo, partnered with her lineage, is what allows Emma to reject the notion for “love is strength.” Insights - Stream of Consciousness -Given his backstory, how much you want to bet that that “slave” comment from Faceless Guard 1 took Killian from competent fighter to competent fighter with a vengeance? XD -I just noticed, but Belle has a roomy as fuck cell. I mean look at that thing! My bedroom is smaller than this! Put a desk and a mini fridge in here, give me some WiFi, and make my bed not suck and I’d live here. -”A friend.” Not yet, Killian, but give it a few more seasons. -Killian can be the freakin’ best liar. Look a how well he delivers that fib to Belle! Like, if I wasn’t aware of what he was doing, I’d believe him. -”Do I look like I’m playing a game of chess?” Once again, not yet, Killian, but give it a few more seasons. -”Until.” I like how Rumple’s subtly comments on the change in Regina’s outlook on life, a subtle show of her redemption. -Emma’s reaction to Snow’s news about being told beforehand that she was going to be the Savior was so sad! Look at how shake up she is and just compare that to how she was when August told her as much in “The Stranger.” She now realizes that like it or not, this is her life and she needs to be the beacon for everyone. As someone who recently felt that pressure for all of two days, I can’t imagine how it must feel like to have to live with that mindset. -I know I’m supposed to be freaking out about Emma’s name being written so many times, but all I can think is “damn, Rumple has pretty penmanship.” -The Regal Believer development is just beautiful here. It blossomed so well from the last episode and now Henry’s showing more overt pride in Regina’s progress. It makes the fact that Regina’s lying to him so sad. -”No one mourn her [The dead fairy].” Rumple, dude, why would you say that? She was a nice fairy! Get your fairy vendetta out of your ass! -I feel like Regina has waaaaaay too much faith in Killian. Like, there are WAY too many holes in this plan, ranging fro Cora’s sheer power to the fact that someone can sneak through while Killian’s getting the job done. -So here’s my question: Why did Cora end up sticking with the Wonderland crazy aesthetic of masks and whatnot? I feel like that’s just not her style. -Look at Killian’s reaction when he discovers that the organ is missing! He can HEARTLY believe his eyes! XD -Yay! Aurora’s heart looks normal again! A touch too pale, but normal! -”Actually, no.” While I do like how the legitimacy of this line is retroactively made better later on in this episode, I feel like as it stood at the second it was said, it was rather weak. I love Killian, but up until this point, for as much as he’s talked about honor, we haven’t been shown it as much. While yes, in “Tallahassee” iself, Killian didn’t lie to Emma, that act was done more passively. What I want (And again, get later on in this episode) is a more active show of that honor, for not only did it poorly affect the present events of “Tallahassee,” but this scene in its entirety too, including the hurt that’s supposed to be behind Killian’s speech about the bean. -I love Emma and Snow’s discussion about Emma’s role as the savior. The way that it builds is fantastic and the tragedy of the circumstances that Emma brings up (That she doesn’t know of her work as the savior was finished when the curse was complete or not) as well as Jennifer Morrison’s acting is just fantastic. It sells her unsureness and frustration concerning the fact that her saviorhood was created not from who she was as a person, but as a product of her lineage and a prophecy. -Cora sure CORRODED that dirt away! XD -”Honor? For the pirate that snuck into my palace and attempted to assassinate me?” She’s got a point there, Killian. -Okay, so I want to give a rebuttal, if you will to what is considered a plot hole. In the flashback to “Dark Waters,” the events are implied to happen between the casting of the first curse and when Killian pretends to be a blacksmith. The plot hole that’s brought up is that that’s not possible because Cora froze them for the curse. My point of contention for this plot hole theory is that people in the shattered Enchanted forest are shown to be awake. Mulan notes that Killian’s been in their town for a month and that the town needed time to be constructed. Therefore, I pose that the time spell broke when Emma arrived and Cora’s words were more in reference to her interest in traveling between the realms and that it would come to pass after the curse was broken because that’s when Regina would have lost everything. -I really wish they’d still call Mary Margaret “Snow” when she came home. It’s so annoying to write her long ass name. -Snow is the ultimate archer! Like, what the fuck?! She’s so freakin’ good! Who can shoot a freakin’ compass like that?! -”Normally, I’d prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back…” I know this line gets a tough break (And I have something to say about Killian’s more...unavoidably shitty thing down below), but I genuinely don’t think this line means what many antis say it is. The line is about sex and as it comes right after Killian saves a woman’s heart and gives it back to someone who will ensure Aurora’s autonomy, the framing of that line as crossing a line just doesn’t add up to me. While these are my thoughts on the line, I just want to make it clear that I understand sensitivity, and if something like this line hit close to home for a situation for you, I neither could nor would ever want to tell you you’re wrong. Killian’s manner of speaking in Season 2 was definitely problematic and I’m glad that the writers decided to stop going so close to the edge of discomfort going forward. -”With my life on the line.” I don’t think this line was only talking about his own mortality. As we’ve seen (And will see in just a couple of episodes), Killian cares fuck all about his mortality. His “life?” His revenge. It’s so pathetic to see that that’s what Killian’s measuring his life as and it makes his redemption at the end of the season much more meaningful. -I love the actiony nature of the climax. -Rumple, was probably not a great idea to knock out Belle’s bestie like that. -Something to point out, when Regina’s holding Henry back, she’s physically holding him back, either consciously or subconsciously holding herself back from using magic like she promised (Also, Rumple is the one who has used magic throughout this set of present events. -*Totally choking up at the Snow Swan Believer hug* -”Just remember never to bet against you in the future.” Emma, make sure you do that because if not, he will forget HARD! -Rumple and Emma’s conversation towards the end of the episode sells Emma’s dilemma over her nature as the savior. Rumple says it best: He made the curse, but he didn’t make her. He took advantage of the person she was, the person she built for herself to accomplish what he wanted, but she as a person was the one who came through and accomplished things. -”Dinner at Granny’s? On me.” Ruby, did you steal Gold’s wallet or something after the assumed verbal thrashing you gave him following you waking up? Because otherwise, that’s gonna cost a ton! There are at least twelve people in this room and those dwarves eat a LOT! -The lighting for Hook’s ship is AMAZING, darkened by the clouds and fog, but unmistakably The Jolly Roger. Arcs - How are These Storylines Progressing? The Journey Home (May as well combine the Emma and Snow/Storybrooke stuff since they’re one and the same) - And here we come to the close of this arc. Overall, this story was so well done. It accomplished the task of opening and closing so many stories and arcs, all the while involving almost the entire main and supporting of the series. Additionally, it went on for as long as it needed, never feeling too long or short. Most every episode was satisfying and contributed to the solving of this duo-realm conundrum. Rumple’s Redemption - Rumple, of course, took a bit of a step back here, but I like it. Not only is he early in his redemption, but Cora’s a threat the likes of which he hasn’t been threatened to face since he started his attempts to better himself. It’s also given an added bout of weight due to the circumstances that Regina laid out in the last episode (Cora could hurt Belle) and that he brings up in this episode (The entire town as a whole is in danger). Regina’s Redemption - I misspoke last episode by calling it the culmination of Regina’s redemption arc in this partial season, because in hindsight, it’s more of a two-parter. While we got payoff the last time in regards to the improvement in hers and Henry’s relationship, this is the challenge portion. It’s one thing to work towards repairing relations with your son who you unashamedly love, but to help not only those who you hate, but to also risk a powerful and abusive enemy crossing your path in the process is something else entirely, and that was such an important distinction to make and present. Killian’s Redemption - *sighs* So I can’t help but feel like the missteps I pointed out in my “Tallahassee” review really did this particular arc dirty. Like, I feel like had the interactions between Emma and Kiilian been a little bit stronger in terms of setting up a dynamic where trust was being built but cut down just as it was on the precipice of really coming out, the moments here where Killian shows such vitriol over being betrayed would have been so much more powerful and to see them not work because of that is just so frustrating. HOWEVER, I feel I should say, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing good to be said about Killian’s redemption here, because a VERY good decision was made that for my money, essentially revitalized Killian’s arc. I am so glad that it was Killian who caught Aurora’s heart. As I said before, that’s the kind of show of honor that reinforces that there is goodness in Killian and that said goodness can be worth growing. It helps to solidify Killian’s ability to be sympathetic in a half season that characterized his more villainous attributes well, but needed a touch more balancing when it came to the more heroic ones. This one action showed Killian as both the pirate with the snarky one liners as well as a man who can be saved, and that was imperative to see before we went back to Storybrooke. Favorite Dynamic Rumple and Regina - Rumple is one half of the fork in the road for Regina’s conflict throughout the episode, but what I really appreciate is that it’s not just left at that. Look at the following line: ”You won’t be able to be a better anything if Cora comes through.” Rumple knows Regina so well, acting as the devil on her shoulder, but also a guardian at the same time. He knows not only what Cora can do to him and the town, but Regina too, just on a personal level. While he doesn’t say this outright, choosing to focus on the more overt danger that Cora poses, the way that Robert Carlyle delivers that line and the history that Rumple and Regina have together convinces me that it’s true. In this episode, Rumple’s motivations are selfish, but not entirely, and I found that so nuanced that I couldn’t let it go unappreciated. Writer Adam and Eddy were in charge here, and of course they are: The run the ends of every major arc! And I think that’s what they do best. If and when they communicate correctly and are paying attention to what the other writers are doing, they’re good at providing finales that come full circle from where they started. This is very much one of those cases. I feel like Adam and Eddy were really paying attention to what their writers were going for and wrote this episode accordingly. Also, I genuinely like their writing. What they put into this episode works, with natural dialogue and a good use of story elements all around. In this episode especially, we get so many from Rumple’s stolen wand to the scroll in the jail cell to Jefferson’s hat and even the well! Darker Aspects (TW: Mentions of assault and abuse) Watching Killian smack Belle is incredibly uncomfortable to watch. I get that we needed a way to see Killian turn on Belle after she showed herself to be useless and magic’s not really his thing, but maybe he could’ve stolen some sleep powder. It would be more in character given that he’s a pirate and wouldn’t push a character who was designed with redeemability and sympathy in mind to a place that’s so screwed up. And I get that villains have done worse. Hell, this isn’t even Killian’s worst deed (Not by far), but modern sensibilities are what they are for a reason and something so personal as hitting a woman in such a real way simply strikes a lot harder of a note than a murder which for most audiences has a level of distance (Especially given the more fantastical methods of death in this show such as being gut by swords and having one’s heart ripped out and crushed), and this was the case when the episode aired too. Do I personally go on to like Killian after this? Yes, I think that’s pretty obvious from everything to my icon to my reblogs to the fact that I’m both participating in and creating a project partially dedicated to the guy, but just as with Regina and Graham, it’s a dark spot on a record that I refuse to forget, even as I move on from it. “I’m sorry, Mother. Without you, I’d never have become the person that I am now.” Given how abusive Cora was to Regina and how that abuse framed Regina’s mindset for such a long time, that line is so messed up, though better written for the fact that it was correctly framed for the complicated relationship that Cora and Regina have. Rating 9/10. What a fun episode! So much of the personalities of our mains come out as we close out the first major arc of the season! The entire episode was filled with great character moments and an earnest feeling of closure. It’s intense, heartwarming, romantic, and just a fun ride. I took points off for the uncomfortable moment as stated above in my “Darker Aspects” segment because that was honestly just disgusting to be portrayed in such a callous way and because of the disproportionate early payoff to the setup of the Emma and Killian dynamic. Flip My Ship - Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness” Hooked Queen - Regina’s hook pull was just sexy as hell. Going against someone as flirtatious as Killian with such an intimacy-inflicting maneuver just works so well! Captain Swan - Don’t think I don’t notice how the camera doesn’t point to Killian as Cora mentions how in 28 years, there will be a savior. Also, as this is a CS-centric segment in the scene with the infamous sword fight, I feel like I should weigh in on the immortal question: Did Killian throw the fight? My answer: Nah. There was this great post made a while ago and I don’t remember who wrote it, but they analyzed Killian’s sword fighting and concluded that he was trying to win, but not harm Emma in the process. Anyway, if you remember that post, please send it my way so I can link it! Finally, I found it to be such a good writing choice to have Emma be the one who heard why Killian saved Aurora’s heart because it was a good show of how he is someone redeemable. Swan Queen - Two things. First, Emma’s “thank you” is so amazingly sincere. It’s quiet, but energized, amazed and yet calmed. Second, the good-natured quips about Cora provides a very genuine moment of bonding for the two women for the first time really. Snowing - We get a great parallel here for the TLK that wakes Charming up. Not only is the dialogue given again, but the dwarves are there too and even the sheets are white just like in Snow’s coffin. It’s one of my favorite parallels of theirs, up there with some of the moments in “Snow Falls.” That’s because while there are these repeated elements, there are changes to make this a new scene and give it a different level of weight. It’s the first time we’ve seen a TLK in Storybrooke since the curse broke and new characters with new motivations are there for the ride. ()()()()()()()()() Season 2 has been utterly amazing thus far! Score wise, it’s doing better than Season 1, and even the disappointments have been relative improvements over the last Season’s. This is an especially great surprise because I had little recollection of Season 2 before I started this rewatch and I’m so happy that it’s been as good as it’s been and I hope that it stays this good going into the next arc!
Thank you all for reading and to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales! Putting this project together has really boosted my appreciation for the sophomore season of OUAT and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love the extra boost my channel has gotten since this has started and the people I’ve met by doing this!
Season 2 Tally (86/220) Writer Tally for Season 2: Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis: (29/60) Jane Espenson (17/50) Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg (20/50) David Goodman (10/30) Robert Hull (10/30) Christine Boylan (7/30) Kalinda Vazquez (10/30) Daniel Thomsen (10/20)
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discreetammos · 3 years
The Benelli SuperNova® is an innovatively designed pump-action shotgun made from the most advanced materials. The SuperNova is an ultra-reliable, nearly indestructible pump shotgun that’s ideal for hunting most game animals in North America. The SuperNova comes with Benelli’s ComforTech® recoil reduction system that tames recoil from magnum loads considerably and reduces muzzle rise for fast follow up shots. A shim kit enables adjustment of drop and cast; integrated sling attachments allow the shotgun to be carried with a sling. Benelli constructs the SuperNova with corrosion-proof polymer over-molded on a skeleton framework to form single-piece receiver and buttstock for unsurpassed strength and weather resistance. Exterior metal parts have a non-glare, anti-corrosive finish. The polymer forearm pushes a rotary-head bolt back with dual-action bars. Aggressive ribbing on a contour-tapered forearm provides a secure hold while cycling the action under any circumstance. A magazine disconnect button on the bottom of the forearm allows user to quickly unload the chamber without releasing another round from the magazine, to quickly load another round via the ejection port in the event that a different shooting situation suddenly presents itself. The premium steel barrel features a ventilated stepped rib with a mid bead and red-bar front sight. The SuperNova utilizes a magazine cap that doubles as a tool for pushing out the single pin that holds the trigger assembly in place; the shotgun can be fieldstripped down to basic components in less than a minute. The Benelli 12 gauge SuperNova Pump-Action Shotgun handles all 2-3/4″, 3″ and 3-1/2″ ammunition. The 3 included screw-in choke tubes (F, M, IC) enhance the SuperNova’s versatility for hunting a variety of game over a wide range of habitats. Manufacturer model #: 20100.
ComforTech recoil reduction system stock
1-piece receiver and buttstock
Magazine disconnect button
Stepped vent rib barrel
Rotating bolt head
Dual-action bars
Simple fieldstripping
3-1/2″ chamber
Review: Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
By FRED TOAST FROM gunsdiscreetsupplies.com
The first time I held a pump-action shotgun, I hated it. I had decided to take up hunting and I knew exactly nothing about shotguns. When the time came to make my purchase, I walked up and down the gun counter at my local hook-n-bullet store pointing at guns I wanted to try, shouldering them and assessing comfort and fit as if I were shopping for shoes. It wasn’t an entirely silly exercise – I later learned that precise gun fit could lead to greater accuracy and consistency. But my knee-jerk rejection to the pump, it turns out, was unreasonable . . .
I just didn’t like the play in the fore-end – I wanted the gun to feel solid when I picked it up. So I dropped $1,000 on an autoloader, and that was that.
After a few years of duck hunting, I learned that some autoloaders (read: my Beretta 391 20 gauge and a 3901 in 12) have difficult-to-reach parts that tend to rust if exposed to heavy rain, leading to tragic failures to chamber a round properly just when the most perfect greenhead glides over your decoys 20 yards out. Not that I’m bitter or anything. Given that hunting in the rain is pretty much routine for me (did I mention I hunt ducks?), the simplicity of a pump started to look pretty good. That’s how I ended up taking the Benelli SuperNova for a test drive this year.
I had two key questions: 1) Could I love a pump – specifically, this pump – after having hunted with nothing but autoloaders, and 2) was the SuperNova a man gun or was it female-friendly? The answers, it turned out, would surprise me.
First Impressions
Where to begin? The manual! Yeah, I teach, and RTFM (Read The Freakin’ Manual) is Rule No. 1 on my syllabus. I hadn’t so much as touched a pump since that first shopping trip, so I wasn’t about to try to put this gun together — let alone shoot it — without reading the manual. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
The assembly instructions were clear and simple: Unscrew the magazine cap, slide the barrel onto the receiver, screw the magazine cap back on. That took all of about 12 seconds.
Now, time to hold this baby.
The first thing I noticed about the gun is that it’s huge. Though I’m female, I’m tall enough (5′ 8″) that most guns for adults (read: men) fit me just fine. When I shouldered the SuperNova it felt pretty close to what I’m used to. But at eight pounds it was heavy and with a 28” barrel it was going to be the longest gun in my safe. And dropping down to a shorter barrel would eliminate at most 2/10ths of a pound.
Next, loading the gun. This seemed pretty simple, but then I got to the part of the manual that said the mag can hold three 3½” shells or four 2¾” shells, which would be illegal for hunting. “To comply with federal and or local laws and regulations … the shell capacity of the magazine should be reduced with the appropriate magazine limiting device,” the manual warned.
Now, if you’re an experienced gun owner, you already know that the gun came with a magazine plug. But as someone who does a lot of volunteer work bringing new people into hunting, I’ve got to say it would’ve been nice for the manual include that fact – I could just see the noobs I’ve worked with wondering whether they were going to have to order a special part to stay legal. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Range Time
The next step was a trip to the shooting range. Skeet rules be damned, I just hunkered down at Station 1 and fired a few shots. The unfamiliar fit I’d noticed in my living room melted away quickly and I started hitting clays. Hard. So far, so good!
Time to fire two shots in a row, forcing me to do something my regular shotgun had always done for me: eject the spent shell, and chamber another round. I’m not gonna lie – it was awkward as hell, and I had some hellaciously slow second shots. But I was getting the hang of the additional step, and I was hitting clays. Not all of them, but enough.
After a few boxes of shells I decided it was time to give it a rest and wait for the next result of my test: Would my shoulder be sore? I’d scarcely noticed any recoil, but I hadn’t been shooting in nearly a month, and after putting that many shells through my autoloader under the same conditions, I could expect to have a sore shoulder the next day.
But I didn’t. I was blown away.
Recoil is a HUGE issue for women getting into hunting and shooting – probably their biggest fear, and the most important factor they take into consideration when buying a shotgun. I’d always assumed that a pump would stick me with a lot more recoil because the gun wasn’t channeling inertia or gas into cycling shells. But with the SuperNova, I was wrong.
I was also pretty excited that I had an affordable gun I could recommend to new shooters who are worried about recoil. Of course, it’s a trade-off: To enjoy this benefit, they have to feel comfortable lugging around an 8-pound gun.
After several more trips to the range, I was in love with the new shotty, all ready to shove my autoloader back into the darkest recesses of my safe. It was comfortable, it was easy to use, I was hitting clays, and hot damn, I loved the chk-chk sound of the pump.
Stripping and Cleaning
Disassembly and cleaning has been a real sore spot for me. My boyfriend shoots an over-and-under and I’ve always shot an autoloader, so cleaning our guns after a particularly vigorous or soggy hunt has been, well, irritating. He’d be done in a minute, but if I wanted to make sure all the little moving parts in my gun were clean, dry and powdered, it’d take me a good 30 minutes. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Basic disassembly for cleaning the barrel was easy enough – just the reverse of putting the gun together right out of the box. But what if I hurled this thing like a javelin into swamp mud and needed to break it down and clean it more thoroughly?
Back to the manual, where I found a cool feature of this gun: no tools required! The magazine tube cap has a little peg that you can use to push out the pins holding in the trigger group. Then you can use the inside edge of the cap to pull the pins completely out of the receiver.
Well, that’s how it’s supposed to work, anyway. The front pin came out just fine this way; the rear pin needed a little push with a drift and a light tap with a hammer. But still, I loved the fact that I could at least — in theory — break this gun down with nothing but a little cap.
What I also loved was how incredibly clean the bolt and trigger group were compared with my autoloader’s comparable parts. Breaking it down had been purely academic – I sure as hell didn’t need to clean those parts. Swoon!
There was just one more test I needed to do: hunt the dove opener. I went into the hunt with some trepidation, wondering how many doves I’d miss because I’d forget to cycle rounds after each shot. That turned out to be the least of my problems for two reasons: the first was that it was just a crappy hunt – there were hardly any doves flying where we ended up hunting. But that ho-humdom revealed something I never would’ve noticed about the gun at the range: the SuperNova was made for someone with bigger hands than mine. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
At the range, it’s always bang, bang, bang, but in the field, whether I’m walking in search of pheasants or parked in a marsh hoping ducks will come to me, my default position is to have my trigger finger resting on the safety. The SuperNova’s safety is perfect for that because it’s located at the front of the trigger guard, so all you have to do is depress the button and slide your index finger back to the trigger in one smooth motion, same as with my autoloader.
But as I sat there waiting … and waiting … and waiting for the doves to come, I realized my hand was straining. For my hand to be comfortable on the grip – i.e., where it should be when I’m pulling the trigger – it was too far back to reach the safety.
That may seem minor, but for me it was a deal-breaker. About as uncomfortable as wearing a pair of shoes one size too small. The autoloader I’d been shooting – two, actually, because I started with a 20 gauge and switched to a 12 – had a grip that fit my hand better, and that matters to me. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Does this mean the grip would be too big for all women? Not necessarily. I told a friend who hunts with me occasionally about the problem, and though she’s shorter than I am, her hands are larger. The grip works fine for her. In fact, she’s totally sold on the SuperNova. But it does reinforce the need for gun buyers to put a firearm to a thorough, real-world test before laying down their cash.
I found myself disappointed. I loved this gun. It was simple, affordable and a good working gun. Even more important, the SuperNova came with plenty of room to adjust fit, which is hugely important for women because our dimensions are so different from most men’s.
The safety can be reversed for left-handed shooting, which is great for women, because many of us are cross-dominant – generally right-handed, left-eye dominant. I can adjust drop and cast with a shim kit. I can install one of three gel recoil pads to adjust length of pull. And I can install one of three combs to raise my eye – good for target shooting and even better for me because I have high cheekbones. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
So this is how I find myself in the odd position of saying that while this gun didn’t really work for me, I can recommend it for anyone who values function and simplicity. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going back to my persnickety autoloader.
SPECIFICATIONS: Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Gauge: 12, takes 2¾”, 3” and 3½” shells Sights: Red Bar Barrel Length: 28” (also available in 24” and 26”) Overall Length: 49.5” Weight: 8 lbs. (It loses 1/10th of a pound for every two inches shorter you go on the barrel)
RATINGS (out of five stars):
Style: * * * It’s camo on plastic – what do you want? This gun is about function; if you want style, go get yourself a spendy side-by-side. (And if you believe, as I do, that a black gun kills ducks just as well as a camo gun, save yourself some money and get the black synthetic version.)
Ergonomics: * * * * With the exception of the distance from the grip to the safety, which was a touch too long for my fingers, this gun was VERY comfortable to shoot. At 8 pounds, it’s heavy, but that weight is part of the reason I could shoot the hell out of this thing without a hint of shoulder soreness.
Reliability: * * * * * I put nearly a case of shells through it and had zero problems.
Customizable: * * * * * Safety and cast can be switched for left-handed shooters and there are shim kits that allow you to make further adjustments to drop and cast. Optional ComforTech Gel Comb Inserts can further raise the comb, and optional ComforTech Gel Recoil Pads can be swapped for 13 7/8”, 14 3/8” and 14 ¾” length of pull. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Overall Rating: * * * * While it wasn’t the perfect gun for me, it may well be for you if you’re comfortable with the dimensions and weight. A tad on the big side for me, even though I’m 5’8” and can generally shoot guns right off the shelf without problems. Still, the SuperNova is a great gun.
Benelli  SuperNova Review | What You Should Know
By THOMAS MIX FROM gunsdiscreetsupplies.com
When it comes to firearms, every hunter or shooter has their own preferences. What one person admires about a gun, another person may hate. This is particularly true in the world of shotguns where pump-action shotguns and over-unders can be surprisingly polarizing in shotgun reviews. But we think there is one gun that could really entice the interest of just about anyone. This shotgun can be used for either hunting purposes or for self-defense and law enforcement, making it a very adaptable firearm. This Benelli® SuperNova review should give you some insight into this gun and why it is such a great option for many different people.
Benelli® SuperNova Review: Features
The Benelli® SuperNova is a versatile 12-gauge shotgun that can be used for multiple purposes. It is lightweight at under 8 pounds, and yet it is very strong. This is accomplished due to its construction of a steel skeletal frame that is over-molded with a high-tech polymer material. The spacious trigger guards allow easy access even with gloved hands when the conditions are too cold to go without. It comes with a shim kit so you can adjust the drop and cast of the stock easily at home. It features a unique ComforTech® recoil reduction system to cut the Benelli® SuperNova recoil by 52% over a similar pump-action shotgun. It also has a shell-stop button located on the ridge-checkered forend that allows you to unload a round from the chamber without releasing the shells from the magazine tube. All in all, this firearm has several features that make it a slam dunk if you’re looking for a multi-purpose shotgun. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Benelli® SuperNova Review: Benefits
There are plenty of benefits to shooting this shotgun. First, you can carry it around fairly easily since it is so lightweight. That makes a big difference over a full day if you’re carrying it through the woods after grouse or through a field chasing rooster pheasants. Being able to shoot your shotgun with gloves on in cold weather is huge. Most shotgun trigger guards are much too narrow to allow you to quickly fit your trigger finger through, which can limit your usage in colder conditions. Being able to adjust the stock length of pull via the shim kit is often overlooked by most people. But making sure your shotgun stock fits you uniquely will help improve your shooting accuracy and consistency over time. A proper-fitting stock will easily glide to your shoulder instead of making you fumble around with it. The ComforTech® recoil reduction system definitely makes a big difference on your shoulder over the course of a morning when you’re shooting at fast-moving teal. Having ridge-style checkering along the forend allows you to easily grip it no matter the weather conditions or texture of your gloves. Obviously, being able to cycle another shell into the chamber is important so you can quickly follow up on shots. With a barrel length of 26 inches and a finish in Realtree® APG, it is a great option for swinging on waterfowl. But this specific model is chambered for 3-1/2” magnum shells, which is also perfect for turkey hunting. Finally, the Benelli® SuperNova price is also easier on the wallet than you might think. At $599.99, it really is a steal for a premium shotgun. Benelli SuperNova Shotgun
Benelli® SuperNova Review: Best Uses
While the Benelli SuperNova does come in three distinct stock configurations from the manufacturer – Benelli® SuperNova ComforTech®, ComforTech® with Steady Grip™ (i.e., Benelli® SuperNova pistol grip), and collapsible stock for law enforcement – this particular model is only available in the ComforTech® option. Combined with the Benelli® SuperNova camo finish, this model is perfect for waterfowl or turkey hunting, but would work great for deer (given the right slug ammunition), dove, pheasant, or really any small game animal you can think of. It is built to last through tough weather conditions really anywhere in the country. Additionally, the high quality design (as detailed throughout this Benelli® SuperNova review) will make it easier on your body to shoot it all day in comfort. As such, it is hands down a great and reliable shotgun for sporting clays and hunting alike and deserves a spot in your gun cabinet if you’re in the market for one.
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askguyslikeus · 7 years
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((thank you to guest writer @hurricanesunny !!!))
Michael backspaces on the seventh text he’s typed out since getting here twenty minutes ago. That, of course, doesn’t include the panicked phone call in the parking lot that he ended on the second ring or the three blurry Snaps of the sidewalk that he deleted, but who’s really counting?
See, Michael doesn’t want to text Jeremy. That’s important to understand here. He had already made a pretty big deal out of being cool with the whole thing  when they had both received their orientation packets a while back. So Jeremy and Jake ended up having theirs together last week. Michael, on the the other hand, got stuck in the M-Z group by himself. No biggie. This is life just helping a bro out. He can totally handle it.
Give it up for Michael’s big, fat mouth. It’s okay, though! It totally is, because Michael has a plan. He’s already circled the classes he wants. The paperwork in his lap is a little wrinkled from him gripping it too tightly, but it’s completely filled out. The inevitable pow-wow with his guidance counselor is gonna be smooth sailing. Michael’s also memorized the campus map so he doesn’t have to ask anyone for directions if he gets lost on the tour, but he also downloaded the PDF on his phone and stuck an extra copy from the help desk in his back pocket just in case. During the drive up here, he only listened to the slowest of jams. A mix, specifically, that Jeremy had awkwardly handed him last night in hopes that it would maybe make up for his absence. When Michael got here, he immediately took the corner seat, back row. Hood up, headphones on, music off. Classic stoner diversion. All day he’ll just tail behind, make no eye contact, and get into the classes he’s been banking on since his early acceptance.
But then Michael looks up from the day’s itinerary to see that his plan’s about to be dragged out back, shot twice, then set on fire just for good measure.
“Dude, this freakin’ blows.”
Someone, a girl Michael’s never seen before, flops down next to him. She drops her knapsack, worn and littered with keychains, on the floor and gives it one swift kick under her chair. Her eyes briefly leave Michael’s to look up and blow a strand of hair out of her face. He continues to stare as she starts rummaging through her sweater pockets. With an entire conference room of empty seats to choose from, this girl decides to go ahead and take the one right next to him.
Life’s definitely not on his side today.
Michael flinches as a plastic baggy is shoved in his face. He blinks, trying to focus on it. The girl shakes the bag a little, causing the colorful contents inside to dance.
“Gummy bear?”
As if to demonstrate, she rips one in half between her teeth. Her eye contact doesn’t waver, which makes Michael vaguely feel like he’s the gummy bear in this particular situation. He swallows hard, reluctantly pushing his headphones down around his neck. Not like he was listening to anything anyway. The girl tilts her head. C’mon, Mell. Use your big boy words.
“My, uh, mom told me not to take candy from strangers,” he eventually chokes out. Smooth. The girl snorts. Whatever panic Michael just puked up on the floor must’ve been buried beneath what sounds like a pretty chill comeback. Still, he wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to cut her losses now and move on. It’s what people do, and it’s only going to get uglier from here. But right on societal cue, the girl shoots her other hand out to remedy the situation.
“PJ. You?”
Michael considers himself a pretty observant guy, at least when he’s able to hit the brakes on his runaway thoughts long enough to put the talent to good use. So whenever he starts to get a little too freaked by situations like this, he tries to identify things about the other person that remind him of his friends. It helps thinking of them anyway, like he’s not actually braving the social storm alone, but it also reminds him that not every interaction is necessarily unknown territory.
Take this girl, for example.
As Michael glances from her hand to her face, she wiggles her fingers and snorts again. It’s loud. Unapologetic. Her scrunched up nose, freckles and all, screams Christine. And Christine isn’t scary, right?
“Michael,” he answers slowly, wiping his palm on the front of his jeans before giving her hand one short shake. Her hand is small in his, but her grip is deadly. He’s almost afraid she won’t let go. “What's it stand for?”
“Whuzzat?” She’s already shoving another handful of gummy bears into her mouth, seemingly forgetting her earlier offer. It’s cool, though. Michael doesn’t think he could keep anything down right now.
“PJ. Like… are those your initials or something? First and last?” Michael makes a face. “Shit, no, you would’ve been in the other group then.“ His high school teachers were totally right. His 3.96 GPA is doing him wonders in the real world. “So… it’s your first two?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” PJ hums. She lifts the bag over her head and tilts it to catch the last few bears in her mouth. “Maybe I did miss last week. Maybe it’s my middle initial. Mayhaps,” she wiggles her eyebrows, “I don’t have a last name at all.”
“So you’re named PJ. Just… PJ.”
“Alright, alright.” PJ waves her hand dismissively as she crumples the bag up and shoves it in her pocket. “If you ever get pissed at me, feel free to go full parental and use my full name.”
“Okay? What is it?” PJ can barely keep a straight face.
As Michael holds back a groan, PJ’s got a shit-eating grin that’s missing a gap in the teeth and a few more expletives coming out of it. Rich would totally get a kick out of this girl. Michael almost works himself up to testing her banter game, because this girl is definitely fucking with him at this point, but the opportunity quickly passes and he clams right back up.
“Oh!” PJ gasps, perking up. She leans in super close. “I like your patches.” She starts to trace the careful stitching around each one. First the flag of the Philippines, then all the way down his shoulder to the trans pride flag. “Did you sew them on yourself?” After no response, she looks up and frowns.
Green eyes study his face for a moment, analyzing. Michael’s warm under the collar and he can feel himself freezing up, but he remembers to think. He’s seen the same colors in Chloe’s eyes a hundred times, watching him amongst the chatter before sending a quick ‘You okay?’ text from under the lunch table. This girl must make the same sort of conclusion, because she silently scoots herself out of Michael’s personal bubble and God he can breathe again.
“Yeah, yeah, um.” Words, Michael. “I learned when I was a kid. Mom.” Michael points to the heart on his chest. “This is the first one I did. The stitching’s a little wonky so you can probably tell.” He points to the one near his right pocket. “This was a gift from a teacher in middle school. Got Philippines and Ecuador a little bit after.” Michael finally points to the last two. “Got these back when I, uh, came out.”
PJ lights up.
“Holy fuck, you should totally join Trans Alliance with me.” Michael almost laughs. He doesn’t do clubs. He would say that he only really does Jeremy nowadays, but fuck if that isn’t true either. Oh, God, did he really just think that? He did, he really did.
“Clubs aren’t… really my thing.”
“Oh, c’mon,” she whines. “I don’t want to go by myself and you seem like a pretty chill dude.”
“Being chill isn’t really my thing either,” Michael mumbles, all cryptic and shit. PJ raises one eyebrow and Michael prays to every deity under the sun that he doesn’t have to explain that today. PJ opens her mouth, presumably to push him further, but Michael beats her to the chase.
“Did you know that baby koalas can’t eat eucalyptus leaves yet?” he blurts out. “So, um,” because the stupid words have already come out of your mouth, great job Mell, “they eat a special kind of their mother’s poop called ‘pap’ so they can learn to digest them.”
Jesus fuck, out of all the useless junk in his head he went with that?
“Shit, dude, really?” PJ asks, unfazed. She then laughs to herself. “Heh. Shit.”
“Uh, yeah, I, uh, watch a lot of documentaries in my free time. I like learning weird shit like that,
,” Michael offers weakly, scratching the back of his neck. A terrible segue, but a successful one. He’s a little afraid to look up, because he’s seen enough faces turn sour when he reveals just how completely uncool he is (and it’s fine, because Michael likes himself enough to make up for it but boy does it still sting a little every time,) but when he finally meets PJ’s eyes they’re burning bright like a wildfire.
“That’s so cool. What else are you into?”
“Oh, y’know… stuff.”
“Liiike?” She gently punches his arm. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t wanna know.”
“Well, I’m kinda into music, I guess.” He glances down at the papers in his lap. “I was thinking of Theory and Comp as my major, but I dunno. It might be dumb.”
“Oh shit, Liberal arts re-pruh-seeent,” PJ grins, pointing two thumbs to her chest. “Gotchu a Fine Arts girl right here.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “A pretty Fine Girl too, if I do say so myself.” Michael can’t help but chuckle. He feels the tension in his shoulders start to melt away as he pushes up his sleeves. An unsteady hand works its way through his hair.
“I’ve read about the program here, God, probably a dozen times now online and it sounds rad as hell. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble declaring, but I’m trying not to worry about it. It’d be nice to finally get some formal guidance. I’ve been coasting on YouTube videos and underfunded music classes for years.” PJ nods along, encouraging him to continue, but her eyes flick down to the inside of his left arm and she freezes in place. A finger jabs Michael’s tattoo. PJ looks at him.
“Video games.”
“Video games,” Michael repeats. “...Do you play?” PJ stares at him a moment before slowly pulling away. Her fingers curl into her sweater sleeves. Michael feels a familiar twinge in his chest as he sees PJ almost shrink into herself, looking anywhere but at him.
“I guess you could call me a fake gamer girl.”
“Fake?” There’s a bad taste in Michael’s mouth as he says it.
“I, uh, own the viddy games. I love the viddy games. I am… not good at the viddy games.” PJ laughs nervously. Jake’s always been great at laughing at himself too, but anyone who listens closely can tell that he’s had more practice learning to laugh at things that have hurt him. Michael hears that same pain in PJ’s voice. “Plus I’ve only really played, like, Minecraft and Mario Party, so… I wouldn’t call myself a real fan or anything.”
“Are you kidding? Mario Party’s the shit. And I spent most of sixth grade locked in my basement trying to recreate Middle Earth in Minecraft. Only a damn fool and a liar would shake their head at anyone who digs that game.”
“Fuck yeah. I consider myself an expert at most things. You name it, I’ve played it. Atari 2600, N64, Dreamcast, the busted claw machine in the arcade back home,” Michael says, counting on his fingers. “So if I say that you’re a certified fan of video games, you gotta take my word for it.”
“Wow, ya nerd,” PJ mumbles, but her smile is back. “You better go easy on me.”
Michael laughs. “Not a chance.”
“So that means you’ll play with me sometime?” PJ suddenly asks. Her tone is innocent, but it reminds Michael of Brooke’s sugar sweet smiles and clever words that always rope you in.
“Uh--” Michael is interrupted by a few notes of Space Invaders playing from his pocket. He gestures apologetically as he fishes his phone out and checks his notifications.
From that gross heere kid 💕: Hey, I just wanted to check that you got to campus alright. It blows that we didn’t get to go together.
Michael quickly turns his phone on silent as another message pops up. From that gross heere kid 💕: We’re still hanging tonight, though, right? There’s gonna be Doritos galore and a packed bowl for ya when you finally get your ass back in town. From that gross heere kid 💕: When exactly is that going to be again? From that gross heere kid 💕: Anyway! Have fun, talk to strangers, make me proud. See you soon, buddy. “Who’s that?” Michael nearly jumps out of his skin. PJ’s leaning over in her chair, trying to take a peek at the screen again. “I saw heart emojis.” “It’s my friend. Uh, Jeremy.” Michael holds the phone to his chest, much to her dismay. “Jeremy,” PJ repeats, trying the name out on her tongue. There’s something about the way she says it that makes Michael wonder if he’s that obvious. “Yeah. He’s asking me how things are going.”
“And how are they going?”
“Good. I think.”
“You gonna tell him that?”
“Maybe. Once I know for sure. I usually put things off when it comes to him.” “Oo, there’s a story there. I’m intrigued.” “Easy there, Jen,” Michael quickly says, gently pushing her back. PJ falls back into her chair, squinting as he shoves his phone back into his pocket.
“Wha? Who’s Jen?”
“Huh? Oh, fuck, I mea--” Michael’s cut off by the orientation coordinator at the front of the room. Clipboard in hand, she calls for everyone to group into pairs for the campus tour. Michael blinks. How long had they been talking? When he had arrived, he had definitely been the only one in the room. Now, at least a few dozen other freshmen are pushing past each other, loud and way too excited for a Monday morning. One by one, potential partners are picked off.
Understanding the urgency of the situation, Michael then turns to PJ, because this is the longest conversation he’s had with someone outside of the squad that wasn’t the 7/11 attendant back home. And him and Darlene are acquaintances at best.
“Uh, duh.” PJ rolls her eyes. She hops out of her seat, scooping up her knapsack by the Beanie Baby keychain and flinging it over her back. “So, who’s Jen? Is she pretty, too?”
“Just one of my other friends.” Michael stands up, carefully sliding his papers into his own backpack before slinging it over one shoulder. “You kinda remind me of all of them. My friends, I mean.”
“Oh. Well you can tell me all about ‘em at Trans Alliance, right?” She looks over her shoulder to make sure Michael is still following her. He is. “Maybe I can give you the scoop on some original Peej content too.”
Michael bites his bottom lip, thinks about it, then decides that maybe he should just roll with things every once in a while. See what happens. “Yeah, uh, yeah. I can. That’d be cool.”
“Great.” PJ grins. She falls a step behind. “Now, let’s go check out the cafeteria food. You think anything’s growing in there?”
“Oh, definitely. I’ve seen enough D-List movies in my time to know there’s a horror movie in there just waiting for us to star in.”
PJ suddenly pushes Michael forward. Such strength for a tiny girl. “Well, c’mon, then! It’s your time to shine!”
Michael laughs, digging his heels into the floor. PJ huffs behind him.
Okay, maybe life’s got his back after all.
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
ok idk if its a little too early for a Halloween themed headcanon but maybe,,,,? MJ dresses up as Spiderman for Halloween (to mock him) Peter not ok™
HALLOWEEN SPIDEYCHELLE. high school group costumes are fun, right?? cool. that’s what we get here.
peter isn’t sure how he’s suddenly a senior. like, it seems like yesterday he was a gangly freshman getting pushed and pulled through the halls like a ragdoll to his next class.
but its official. he’s finishing high school. and senior year peter is way different than freshman year peter.
for starters, he has friends that are more than Ned. he’s got Abe and Cindy and Sally and, sometimes, even Flash. and his best friend circle has expanded, too. instead of Peter and Ned its now Peter, Ned AND MJ.
plus he’s a superhero. which, like, as a freshman wasn’t even conceivable. but he is. he’s THE spider-man. no matter what Falcon and Bucky say. spider-MAN. not spider-BOY. man.
and life is good.
so good that he knows he’s got that entitled, cool senior air about him. and cool seniors do halloween hard. meaning group themes.
they all put it to a vote and Ned is in for Star Wars. MJ vetoes it when Flash leers at her and suggests she be the slave Leia of the group. which peter feels REALLY ashamed of himself for being disappointed about. because, well, just the THOUGHT of MJ in that costume is doing something to his teen boy brain.
Sally wants to do Harry Potter. its generic. they could just be their houses. and its still a theme. but Cindy doesn’t want to be mistaken as Cho Chang because she’s asian. and Ned is having an existential crisis about his house and so he can’t commit to Potter.
then, MJ smirks at Peter across the lunch table and says, “how about the Avengers?” Peter’s face pales and Ned, beside him, chokes on his lunch. no one notices their reactions but he KNOWS MJ doesn’t care. that reaction was all for her. and peter wants to veto it. but the whole group seems hella excited.
Cindy is dying to be Black Widow, Sally wants to be Scarlet Witch, Abe is all for Black Panther, Flash wants to be Thor. even Ned is about this group costume. he shyly admits he wants to be the Hulk. and peter knows its because Doctor Banner is the only guy upstate that ever takes the time to talk to Ned. there is a bit of hero worship there.
but Peter is so anti-Avengers for Halloween he can’t stand it. because if anyone upstate gets a hold of these pictures that’s instant humiliation for the next seven years. literally. which is why he assumes MJ suggests it. because only Ned and MJ know about Spider-man things.
everyone turns to Peter and he shrugs lamely, “I could be Iron-Man?” and MJ snorts, “no way, boy scout. you’re all Cap.” and PETER IS OFFENDED BECAUSE EXCUSE YOU MISS JONES, “I-I am not.” Abe laughs into his hand, “yea, you are, Peter.” Peter blushes, “fine. what are YOU gonna be MJ?” she shrugs, “I dunno..probably Iron-Man.”
and god damn it, he hates her sometimes.
only sometimes. most days her smile gets his insides all fucked up. which should probably be evaluated at some point. but he’s knee deep in denial about his feelings for her. so he’s gonna NOT look too closely at that.
and just before the end of the lunch he remembers, “HEY. why didn’t anyone pick spider-man??” Sally tosses her trash, “because he’s not a real Avenger.”
and y i k e s, that stings. because he is a real Avenger. he fought in the Infinity Stone Wars. HE IS. hmph.
after lunch, MJ seems to sense how upset he is, because she kisses his cheek and tells him to, “get over it grump gus.” and wow that kiss works. which is something he doesn’t wanna deal with atm. MJ. and feelings. nuh uh.
the homecoming game comes and goes and peter and his friends decide to go as a group and senior year feels like its in full swing. so he basically forgets about halloween. because he’s got a shit ton of avenging to do (because he’s a real avengrer. hmph.) and homework is also a thing. so is applying to college. why are college apps, so long?
tony likes to hype peter up, tell him that he’s gonna get in MIT, he’s a straight up genius. but prototype dads are supposed to say nice stuff like that.
and then, somehow, its october 29th and peter is SHOOK. because how the hell did it become halloween so fast? he doesn’t have a costume, he doesn’t have anything together. and halloween is on friday and all of his friends are going dressed up to school and he’s gonna be the one guy that lets them all down.
so, he knows its cheating, but he makes a phone call. Steve answers after three rings. his voice is bright, “Peter, hey kid, how can I help ya?” peter swallows, “hey, uh, steve…..i’m gonna…..look, this is….embarrassing….but can I, uh, borrow one of your uniforms?” he tosses all pride out of the window at that question. steve chuckles, “sure. can I ask why?” peter mumbles, “Halloween.” there is a beat of silence before Steve says, “you’re being me?” Peter nods before he realizes Steve can’t see him, “yea…is that…is that okay?” Steve’s voice is raked with emotion, “yep. i’ll have Sam drop it off. he’s gonna be in Manhattan tomorrow.” “NO!” Peter yelps. the LAST thing he needs is the Falcon reading him to filth over whatever he’s gonna make fun of peter about this time. Sam loves to just give it to peter whenever he can. and its embarrassing. he’s easily embarrassed. he takes a deep breath, trying not to be rude and amends his outburst, “no, that’s, uh, that’s fine.”
real talk? its not fine. when Peter opens his door on the 30th and Sam is standing there with a box and a shit eating grin…Peter almost closes the door. but Sam stops it with a foot in the door. “got your dress up order here, parker.” “okay,” peter rolls his eyes, “get it all out now.” Sam smirks and shakes his head, “nah…..i’m gonna wait. you get all twitchy when you don’t know what’s coming.” “i do not,” peter’s voice breaks. “sure you do,” he smiles and shoves the box in peter’s hands. “see ya.”
and peter is thankful it was short. but then it hits him. it is almost worse. now that he doesn’t know when Sam is gonna tease him about it. so much worse.
but he sucks it up and tries on Steve’s suit.
it’s a little baggy in certain areas. and he has to roll the pants up because he’s short, but it’ll work. he just needs a shield. which he fashions out of some scrap medal he had after a mission. its uneven, barely a circle, but he paints it and it’ll work. again, he’s doing the best he can. and there is a sort of thrill knowing this is one of steve’s ACTUAL suits. which, uh, who else on his friend group can say that?
the next morning, he gets dressed, sweeps his hair off to one side, and goes to school. when he arrives all of his friends look about as put together as he does. it’s a SOLID effort. they’re not the real avengers (well, sort of….peter excluded) but for halloween they look rad.
Ned painted his face green and is wearing some tattered old shorts and a ripped shirt and green sneakers. Flash is wearing a velvet red cape and peter doesn’t want to address the amount of bling on his person, nope. cindy is a kickass black widow even if her costume looks like a recycled catwoman suit. Sally’s scarlet witch is borderline cosplay level impressive. he makes a note to show it to wanda. and Abe’s costume is a piecemeal costume like Ned’s. the whole group will make for some fun pictures.
“holy shit…MJ!” Cindy says looking just behind peter. and he realizes he didn’t see MJ. he turns around and his heart freakin’ stops.
she’s spider-man.
no. not only is she spider-man….she’s wearing his old suit. before he upgraded to the iron-spider, his first high-tech suit. the one he keeps in a locked box in his closet. and….it forms to her body like he knows his suit always does. tight and snug for optimal flexibility.
his first thought is…how the hell did she get his suit out of the case? his second is…..holy hell. what a look.
his jaw must be hanging open. actually open. because Flash snorts and comments, “like something you see, parker?” he blindly throws an arm behind him to nudge Flash. he misses and hits Abe. “sorry, man.”
MJ puts her hands on her hips, which, oh man, he’s going to have a heart attack. teenage boys should not be able to see girls they find attractive in spandex suits. nope.
then she smirks at him because she’s not wearing his mask. he supposes if she wore a high tech mask people would ask some questions. the actual suit part of his suit looks innocuous enough. could be store bought. high quality, but store bought. and so her curly hair tumbles out over her shoulders.
and he has a crazy thought. if he reached forward and touched the spider in the center of his suit, it would fall away from her and pool at her knees.
he shakes his head and, thankfully, the bell rings. so their friend group starts to part. peter catches up to MJ and whispers under his breath, “where’d you get that?” “the password shouldn’t be your birthday, loser.” he groans, “what about iron-man?” “why would I spend money on halloween? I had access to an avenger’s suit.” “my suit.” “details.”
he steps in front of her so she’ll stop walking. and he STARES into her eyes. because he won’t look down. no sir. “i want that back, MJ.” she blows a curl out of her eyes and whispers, “you’re gonna have to take it off, then.”
and his eyes BLOW WIDE. he’s broken. his systems are down. he needs IT. the peter parker is absolutely broken. she laughs and walks away while he reboots.
he tries not to stare at her legs all day. and fails. and, uh, holy crap. her legs are so long. and her ass is also great. does that make him not feminist if he thinks so?? he’s not sure. but it is a great ass.
after school, they gather outside of midtown and get some poor freshman to take their group picture. MJ slides in next to peter and throws an arm around him. while everyone gets situated, she whispers in his ear, “does cap know you have that suit, Parker?” he turns his head and she’s so close their noses accidentally brush. he sputters. “uh, yea.” she rolls her eyes and turns her head back to the camera.
they take, like, a hundred pictures. because Flash wants them to take glamour shots, action shots, he also needs his best side represented. it’s a whole mess.
and in the last shot, MJ turns Peter’s face toward hers and kisses him full on the mouth. when the camera snaps….his eyes are HUGE.
but he doesn’t stop kissing her. like, the picture may be done but he sure as hell isn’t. he turns more squarely into her mouth and sweeps her up off of her feet to kiss her better. in front of all of their friends. outside of the high school. in broad daylight.
she laughs against his lips and wraps her legs around his waist.
when all of their friends realize what’s happening. they immediately start groaning. like WTF GUYS?!?
Ned squees. but he’s excited. he’s been waiting for this.
when MJ is contented to be done kissing, she climbs down and wipes the back of her mouth. “really?” she laughs, “the suit is what did it?”
he blushes beat red. “I like it.” and he knows she can tell that he means he likes her in his clothes. but that’s just between them.
the next year at halloween, with her at Harvard and him at MIT, they go out partying in Cambridge as Han Solo and Leia. not slave leia tho. well, ahem, not slave leia in public. what happens later in her dorm room isn’t anybody’s business, frankly.
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Sweet Spells
"Marvin unwittingly unleashes his rabbit in the Septiceye House, and with it, a spell that leaves the residents reeling." A fluffy, sappy Love Potion AU fic that I wrote with zero sleep under my belt.
Alright dorks, this one is a doozy. 
Written as a thank-you for @freckled-words who spoiled us recently with a fic called Lovely Mess, this story features magic, mayhem, and a couple of Jacksepticeye’s egos. I’m still getting my feet wet when it comes to writing for this fandom, so feedback is welcome! Regardless, I hope you all enjoy! 
Links: AO3
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Marvin had noticed Bunny acting strangely disobedient the past few days; refusing to cooperate during tricks, chewing the bars of her cage at night, hiding from him around the house. He was getting fed up, so naturally, he decided a little attitude adjustment was in order.
After finding her sulking behind the couch, Marvin took her back to his room and set her back in her cage. She watched him grumpily as he began flipping through his spellbook, skimming the pages before coming to a lengthy passage about correcting behaviour. Wincing at the numerous chapters, he chose the first spell he saw at random. What could go wrong?
Taking out his magic wand, he cleared his throat and pointed at Bunny, reading the unfamiliar incantation in a measured voice.
Pink smoke filled the room with a bang, smelling of sweet, burnt sugar. Marvin choked on the strange cloud before it dissipated, revealing Bunny’s empty cage… and a door left ajar.
The Magician gulped.
It wasn’t unusual for you to be woken up by the sounds of some new calamity. Shouting, running footsteps, even oddly-coloured green flames licking underneath your bedroom door; you’d seen it all and then some.
But today, you just weren’t in the mood.
Sniffling miserably under the mountains of blankets on your bed, you cursed your cold. With your nose plugged and head pounding, you were already having a decidedly crappy morning when a loud boom sounded in Marvin’s room upstairs.
You groaned into your pillow, sluggishly rolling out of bed. Opening the door, you arched a brow at a trail of bright pink mist floating through the hallways. Hesitantly, you lowered a hand to touch it. When nothing seemed to happen, you guessed it was safe enough and headed to grab an Advil before interrogating Marvin.
The mist was in the bathroom too, floating around your feet in small clouds. You had half a mind to wonder about it, but then a fluffy streak shot out at you from behind the shower curtain. You yelped, instinctively grabbing it before recognizing the trembling form as Marvin’s rabbit, its fur sparkling with an unnatural pink sheen.
So Marvin’s practicing some new trick, you thought dryly. Poor thing…
You maneuvered the bunny to cradle it against your chest. After taking something for your headache, you hummed soothingly to the shaking creature as you headed downstairs to the kitchen.
There you found Chase, sprawled across the living room couch, snoring loudly with the television blaring. You grinned at his squished face; no doubt he’d crashed after staying up too late during one his gaming sessions.
You put Bunny down on the loveseat and waded through more pink fog to turn off the TV. Then you heard rustling, and when you turned back around, Chase was sitting up, groggily rubbing his eyes with a major case of bedhead. His hat must’ve fallen off while he was sleeping.
He stifled a yawn, and you chuckled. “Morning sleepyhead.”
Chase blinked, looking at you hazily. “…Hey, (Y/N)…”
You rolled your eyes. “What were you playing this time; Mario Kart or Overwatch?”
“…Mario Kart. I’m stuck on Rainbow Road.”
You laughed at how out of it he sounded, moving to pull open the curtains. “Fair enough. Maybe I can help later? I’m a bit rusty, but two heads are better than one!”
There was no response, and suddenly a weight slammed into your back. You gasped as arms encircled you, a warm body pressed flush against yours. 
The man behind you sighed, resting his chin on the top of your head. “Do that again…”
“Uh… do what?”
“Laugh. I freakin’ love hearing your laugh, man…”
Confused, you turned around in the Ego’s embrace to stare at him. “You’re more tired than I thought. Maybe you should go lie back down for a bit.”
Chase pouted. “Noooo, I’m fine. I just wanna hear you laugh, that’s all!”
He smiled innocently, then his fingers moved to your sides.
Your eyes widened. “Chase, no, don’t-!”
A giggle burst from your lips as Chase prodded your stomach through your pajama top, tickling you without mercy. You laughed yourself breathless, squirming in his grip until he finally relented.
You panted, annoyed and flustered. “What... the heck… was that for?”
The hyper-Ego just grinned, looking extremely pleased with himself as he bounced on the balls of his feet. “You’re really cute, lookin’ all red like that!”
You gaped, mind reeling. “Ok, seriously, what’s going on? Are you and Marvin pulling another weird prank?”
Suddenly his smiled vanished, and he loosened his hold on you. You took advantage of the opportunity, slipping out of his grasp as he stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans, frowning.
“Why are ya thinkin’ about Marvin, huh? What about me?”
Your eyes bugged. “Nope, that’s it. Something’s wrong with you.”
Grabbing Chase’s wrist, you headed upstairs, the Ego trailing behind you. He seemed contented again now that you were holding his hand.
“Where are we going?” he asked excitedly, and you shook your head exasperatedly.
“To see Schneeplestein. I think you caught my cold and it’s messing with your brain.”
Chase whined, tugging on your hand childishly. “I said I was fiiiiine. I don’t want you to be hanging around that weirdo Doctor!”
You turned your head at his words with a scoff. “You’re possessive when you’re sick.”
Chase just blinked, staring at you unabashedly as you both climbed the stairs to knock on the Doctor’s bedroom door, passing through more of those pink clouds.
You knew it was still early, so you were a little surprised when Schneep actually answered, flinging the door open in a rush.
He was already dressed in his lab coat and hat for some reason, with his stethoscope hanging around his neck and his surgeon’s mask covering his mouth.
“Vhat, vhat iz it?” the German snapped irritably.
“Sorry Schneep, hope we aren’t bothering you,” you apologized quickly. 
The man blinked, almost as if he hadn’t realized you were there. “Ah, it iz you (Y/N)..." 
You frowned, taking in his disheveled appearance. “Is... everything ok?”
Schneeplestein shook his head, rubbing the bridge of his nose above his glasses. “Nein, it is fine. I… I vas just running some tests.”
“‘Tests’? What happened?”
The Doctor irritably yanked off his hat and mask, shoving them in his coat pocket. “I do not know, though I fear something iz not quite right vith me.”
Your features coloured with sympathy and you let go of Chase, ignoring his whines. “It looks like there might be a bug going around. Anything I can do?”
The usually stoic Ego opened his mouth, then closed it, cheeks tinting red. “Zat is… very kind of you. Please, come in.” He stepped back into his room and you dragged Chase inside.
Schneep was already in full swing; a heart monitor beeped steadily, his eye-chart pulled out, and his computer was churning out statistics at a blinding speed. It looked like he’d been running a full-diagnostic on himself.
You bit your lip. “Chase, can you wait over there for just a second?”
Chase nodded, eagerly moving to sit in Schneep’s desk chair. “Totally! But you won’t take too long with him, right?” He cocked his head to the side like a puppy, and you resisted the urge to ‘aww’.
“We’ll work as fast as we can, right Doc?” You grinned over your shoulder to see the German man skimming over a long print out. At your words, his grip on the paper tightened.
“Yes… of course ve vill.”
Satisfied, Chase beamed. You left him to lean over the Doctor’s shoulder and peer at the sheet in his hands. “Is that your heart rate?” you asked, and Schneep jumped at your nearness.
“Uh, yes it iz. However, I have noted it to be irregularly fast.”
You hummed in agreement. “We should figure out when you first started feeling sick, and what other symptoms you’ve developed. Then we can compare them to Chase, and see whether or not you’ve both got the same thing.”
Schneeplestein nodded distractedly, turning away from his computer. “Vell, I vas fine this morning vhen I first voke up, but soon after, I began experiencing shortness of breath.” You nodded, and he continued. “My thoughts vere muddled, and I struggled to focus.”
That definitely sounded like Chase.
“Any coughing, or sneezing? Maybe a headache?” you questioned.
He shook his head, running his hands through his hair agitatedly. “Nein, nothing like zhat.”
“Hmm…” More on impulse than anything else, you lifted a hand to his forehead. “Well, you definitely feel flushed, and you do look a little red.” You peeked over at Chase, thinking for a moment, when suddenly you found yourself being whirled around and backed against the computer desk.
Schneep’s gaze was piercing, the hand you’d had against his forehead now held tight to his chest.
You squeaked as a gloved hand came up to cup your chin, keeping your eyes locked on his. “Schneep, w-what are you-”
“Vhy do you make me feel this vay?” The question was abrupt, whispered in a low, hoarse voice. “My heart drums vhen you are in my thoughts… in my sights. Vhen you valked in with him,” he spat, seemingly disgusted by even mentioning Chase, “Vhy did I have the urge to pull you close to me?”
You swallowed, free hand gripping the edge of the desk. “Schneep, wait, you’re not thinking clearly! You-you’re being affected by whatever Chase has!”
Schneep blinked, and he let go of your wrist to tuck a piece of your hair back. “You are alvays so kind… Assisting me vith my vork… Vorrying about us… Your brilliance is matched only by your beauty, liebling…”
His tone was sincere, almost reverent, and your breath stuttered to a stop as he leaned in closer, closer, closer…
A thunk, and Schneep recoiled slightly, growling, “Can’t you tell vhen you’re not vanted, boy?”
He addressed whom you could only assume to be Chase, and you saw out of the corner of your eye the other Ego was standing behind the two of you wielding a… tissue box?
“Back off man! You’re freaking them out!”
You nearly sagged with relief. Thank you, Chase!
“And they’re with me, so don’t bother trying anything lame.”
Never mind.
Slowly, Schneep pulled away. “You truly zhink you are a more deserving man zhan myself?”
Chase scoffed, already shouting something back, but you weren’t paying attention anymore.
You had no idea what was going on this morning, but the one thing you did know was that you needed to figure it out.
With Schneep and Chase distracted by… whatever it was they were yelling about, you quickly snuck past them, quietly pulling the door shut behind you. Then you were rushing down the hallway, back towards the direction of your room.
Just as you turned the corner, you collided with a firm chest. You groaned, headache spiking before looking up, and your stomach sank. Anti was glaring down at you with an unreadable expression.
“Uhh, hi Anti…”
A sneer from the man now towering over you. “Going somewhere?”
“Oh, you know, just back to my room…” You smiled meekly before slipping past him. Or tried to, anyway. His hand slammed against the wall beside your head, effectively pinning you in place.
You sucked in a breath, and Anti leered at you. “What’s your hurry?”
A tremor shuddered through you. Normally you were on decent terms with the demon, but you weren’t an idiot; you were well aware of his power.
“A-Anti? Are you ok?”
The demon growled, his smirk vanishing. “Don’t fuck with me!” His voice rose and fell in pitch as his form began to glitch spastically. His eyes scanned your face, a swirling vortex of blues, greens and inky black. "͉̩̭̜͍ͅWh̦͓̲a̰̻t͇ d̲̱̣̥ḭ̣̗̘d̤̻̝̳̦͍̺ ̦̮̤y̥̗̼͖̭o̦̤͉̺̦̱u̘̞̹͖̫͓ ͎̘͖͇d̲̮̖̘͕o͕̦̩?̭͙"̩̲ he hissed, rage marring his features. "̯̠͚̭͕̗͍T̪͚e̠̖l̳̤͔l̰͚̱̮̦ ̩̞m͓e̮̬̳͉͎!̟̬"
You paled. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Anti laughed, cold and high-pitched. “Don’t play games with me! I’ve watched you scurry around the house with that idiot and ‘ze good Doctor’,” he mocked, grinning widely. “You’ve got them wrapped around your fingers…”
His breath was hot on your neck, lips trailing over your ear. “And now… you’ve done something to me… “ A hum against your skin, and another giggle. “You smell different today… so sweet.”
You froze, having no idea what to do. You couldn’t possibly overpower him, and there was no way you could slip out of his vice-like grip. You clenched your hands, trying to think on the fly, when suddenly a red handkerchief appeared over Anti’s eyes.
“What the fuck?!”
“(Y/N), THIS WAY!”
The demon snarled furiously, reaching up to claw at the makeshift blindfold. It held tight, and you took the opening, dashing down the hall to the only open door - Marvin’s room.
The door swung shut as soon as you made it in, and you leaned against the frame, sinking to your knees as you gasped for breath.
“Are you hurt?” Marvin’s soft, concerned voice made you look up. The Magician was anxiously wringing his hands, peering down at you from behind his usual cat mask.
You nodded briefly. “No… no, I’m ok.”
Marvin sighed, a relieved smile on his face. “Good, I-I’m glad!”
The temporary moment of peace was forgotten as you stood up, rounding on him.
“What did you do Marvin?!” you accused, “Between the explosion from this morning, that weird mist everywhere, and your rabbit's new dye job, I know you had something to do with it!”
You paced back and forth, rambling off the top of your head despite the growing pressure behind your eyes until Marvin finally clapped his hands onto your shoulders with a guilty look.
“Alright, so I guess you could say I played a part, but really, it’s not all my fault!” 
He hurried to the corner of his room and unlocked his rabbit cage. He presented Bunny, who was still as pink as she’d been earlier.
“She hasn’t listened to me for over a week now, and I was at my wits end! So, I thought maybe-”
“Maybe a little magic would fix it?” you deadpanned, and Marvin flushed under his mask.
“I’m sorry... I really didn’t mean for any of this to happen to you.” He toyed with the hem of his cape, and your scowl faltered. 
Ugh, it was nearly impossible to stay mad at him!
With a defeated sigh, you took Bunny from Marvin’s arms, scratching her behind the ears. “Ok, Bunny training aside, we really need to undo the effects of your spell and fast. Any ideas?”
Marvin instantly perked up. “Actually, yeah!” He led you to his desk, where a dusty book sat opened to a marked page. “This is the spell I cast originally, and obviously, it didn’t quite work.”
“Heh, yeah… Well, turns out it’s actually a spell used for intensifying emotion! I’m not too sure how it works, but it mentions something along the lines of ‘clouding one’s mind using the senses.’” Marvin’s brow furrowed. “The air did smell really sweet after I performed the incantation…”
You shrugged as best you could with Bunny in your arms. “I’ll have to take your word for it; my nose is so stuffed up I can’t smell a thing.”
Marvin gaped. “So that’s why you weren’t affected!! With your cold dampening your sinuses, you were immune!”
“Good for me. Now, the cure?”
“Oh, well, there isn’t a clearly marked reversal incantation, but since that’s the case, I’m thinking all I’ve gotta do is read the spell backwards!”
You bit your cheek, hesitant. “You really think that’s gonna work?”
He shrugged. “It’s kinda all we’ve got to go on here.”
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and an overlap of voices.
“Babe? You in there?”
“Marvin, open up! We know (Y/N) is vith you!”
“͓̯̰̮͈̤͕̽ͬͯͥ̽̓C̮̝͓͗ò̭͕̩͈͉̪̓̽ͪ̈́m̖͊͗͆̽ė͇͖̓ͦͤ ̺͈͍ͮͦȯ̘̻̿̆̈n̠̳̋͋̾͌ͪ̄͒ ͕̙o̲̮ͫ̇ͯṵ̄̀̿͗̍t̝̃̎͗̈́̀͋!͍͉͓͚̤̱̳̈ͬͥ̿̇ͬ̚ ̠͐ͤͥNͧ̎̌ͯ̓̎ͫo͐ͥw̫͚̩͙̹͇ͥ́h̔ͦ̃̃͑̆é̗ͩͩ͌̚r̮̘̯̹̉e̪͈͍̞͈̹̜̎ͦ͂̏̄ ͔̙̫̏͌͋ͨ̃ͫ̈́t̠̥̂ͬͬ̈́ͭo̙̹̩ͨ̃͋ͪ͋̑͛ ̤̅ͮ̌̓̒̌h͓͈͛̑i̻d͓̳̗̎̂͒̌e̳͉̟̹ͦͮ n̪͕͇͍̮̅ͨo̓ͯͧw̞̦̥̗̾ͯ͐͂ͭ̇!̜̝͕͍͑̄͗̂”̮̬͌
Your eyes widened and Marvin quickly waved his hands, sending his card table flying across the room to barricade the door.
“Looks like we’re short on time!” Marvin laughed nervously, and you dropped Bunny on the bed, grabbing the book and shoving it in his face.
He took the book from your hands and started reading, working slowly so as to avoid any mistakes this time around. The banging on the door grew louder, and you gripped Marvin’s arm.
“Hurry Marvin, hurry!!” The Magician nodded frantically, before pausing and lifting his gaze to stare at you.
“What?!” you hissed, and a dreamy smile stretched across his face.
“Your eyes are so beautiful…”
Great. Just perfect.
The book was slipping from his grip, and you realized grimly that you were going to have to take matters into your own hands.
Easily yanking the book away from Marvin - who was now openly gawking at you with a sappy, love-struck expression on his face - you read through the foreign text as fast as you could, the pounding outside growing thunderous.
Then, as the last syllable passed your lips, a wave of light rippled outwards from the tome in your hands. The banging suddenly stopped; the house was quiet. The sound of your laboured breathing echoed in the silence.
You turned and saw Marvin out cold on the floor, sleeping soundly. You checked his pulse for good measure, finding it to be strong.
With an exhausted sigh, you collapsed beside him, the book falling to the floor with a thud. You heard snoring coming from outside the door, and the mental image of Anti, Schneep, and Chase falling into one big dogpile had you snickering.
Bunny hopped down from the bed to nuzzle into your side, soaking in your warmth. You smiled, stroking her back.
“You caused a lot of trouble today, you know.” 
The rabbit twitched its nose, and you giggled. “Alright, I’ll talk to Marvin about changing your treats back once he gets up.”
Bunny seemed satisfied with that and nodded off to sleep. You stared up at the ceiling, trying to wrap your head around everything that had just happened, when the sound of fluttering paper had you turning your head.
The pages of the tome flipped wildly in a nonexistent wind before falling still around the middle of the book. Curious, you scooted over, careful not to disturb Bunny or Marvin, and read the top passage:
“Love has the ability to cloud one’s mind, dulling the senses. By casting this enlightenment magic, harboured feelings shall be brought to light. Love becomes obsession; indifference becomes hatred. Feelings are not to be meddled with carelessly; as one who practices magic, you should take care to remember this.”
You blinked at the hand-scrawled words on the yellowing paper before falling back, lying spread-eagled on the floor.
The Egos… loved you?
Your heart pounded in your chest, the weight of this realization striking you fast. 
What were you supposed to do now? Did you ask them? Did you wait to see what they remembered? And more importantly… what did you feel for them?
Marvin’s slight whistling snore distracted you. He looked so at ease beneath his mask, and suddenly, you weren’t worried. Your heart would decide where it belonged.
It might take some time, but you would figure it out. You didn’t need a book to tell you that.
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