#this goes to my other 2 mutuals who play the game <3
bedsyandco · 10 months
joe burrow x hughes!sister part 2
summary: blurb where yn hughes goes home to Michigan and brothers who want answers.
note: WARNING this sucks! I always feel like sequels of things are worse than the first part, but I tried my best for ya! <3 it's more centered around the siblings than Joe. He's not in this, lol.
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You stand on the front porch of the lake house, with your suitcase, and give yourself a moment to breathe. You would much rather go to your parents' house, have a nice meal, take a nap. But if Jack texted one more time, you were gonna lose your mind. You thought doing this as soon as possible would be better.
As you enter the house, you walk towards the living room where all three of your brothers were sitting, all of their eyes trained on the TV screen, where they were playing a video game.
"Hello," you say, and only one pair of eyes meet yours.
"Hey," Jack says, unbothered, still focused on the screen.
"It's me...your sister" you say slowly
"Yeah, hold on one sec," Jack says, and you scoff, and Luke stands up to hug you.
"This is why you're my favorite," you say loud enough for the other two to hear.
"You're not allowed to have favorites," Quinn says
"Yes, I can. Mom's not allowed to have favorites, although we all know that if she did, it would also be Luke," you say, and Luke smiles sheepishly.
"Doesn't feel good being ignored, does it?" Jack asks, referring to his 100 texts going unanswered.
"I wasn't ignoring you, I was simply delaying my response," you say and Quinn smiles. That was such a you thing to say.
After hugging both Quinn and Jack, you take a seat on another couch and look anywhere, but their gazes.
"You guys really need to learn how to use sunscreen," you say, glancing over their red faces.
"Don't change the subject," Quinn says, using his older brother voice and you wince.
"What do you wanna know?" you ask
"Was it Joe in your post?" Jack asks
"Yes, it was Joe." You answer
"Are you guys dating?" Quinn asks
"Yes, we are dating."
"How long?" Luke asks
"About 8 months, we only recently made it official," you say
"8 months!!?" Jack yells, you wince.
"It was casual for like 6 of those months," you defend.
"How did you guys even meet?" Quinn asks
"A mutual friends party, we hooked up. A few weeks later, we ran into each other again, hooked up again, exchanged numbers, one thing led to another..." You trail off, and your brothers faces range from disgust, shock, and a little bit of intrigue.
"When were you guys in Michigan together?" Jack asks, and you wince again.
"Remember when I asked if I could bring a few friends to the lake house a couple of weeks ago?" You ask, and Jack's eyes bulge.
"That was him? You brought Joe here?," he asks and looks around the room as if he sees it differently now.
"Can you calm down? It's not Jesus, Jack, it's just Joe" you say
"Way too many J's in there," Luke says offhandedly.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Jack asks, a little hurt obvious in his tone and you actually feel bad.
"Because it wasn't serious, I wasn't sure if it was gonna last. Besides, Joe and I enjoyed being in our little bubble for a few months. I never meant to hurt you guys, I'm sorry. Could I have told you in a better way than posting about it on Instagram?yeah, probably, but I honestly didn't know how to tell you I had a boyfriend, never mind that it was Joe Burrow." You say
"Oh my God, you're dating Joe Burrow," Jack says as if it just sunk in.
"Do mom and dad know?" Luke asks
"Yeah, I told mom the first time it happened." You say and Jack's head snaps in your direction.
"Mom's known for 8 months?!" Jack asks, and Quinn just claps him on the back, hoping to calm him down.
"Are you happy?" Quinn asks, and you smile.
"The happiest I've ever been," you reply
"Then I'm happy for you," Quinn says, standing up to hug you.
"Yeah, me too. Doesn't matter if it's Joe Burrow or regular Joe on the street, as long he treats you well." Luke says and wraps you in another hug.
Jack stands up and also pulls you into a hug.
"So uh, when can we meet him?" Jack asks against your head and you laugh.
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nomazee · 1 year
pry your way in
sebastian (sdv) x gn reader
word count: 4.7k (oh my god)
content: mutual pining, ROMANTIC TENSION, aggressive pining on the reader’s part, do they kiss or do they not, social anxiety (can u TELL), embarrassing situations, comedy (maybe) (hopefully) (maybe you’ll get a little giggle out of this and swing your feet around), so much build up, the slowest burn you could possibly get in under 5k words
notes: oh HEY guys so i went crazy again and i don’t think i’ve ever written so much in one sitting. this is insane. look at what this game has done to me. 
part 1 part 2 (you are here) part 3
All you need to do is drop off these stupid eggs in Gus’s fridge. That’s it. In and out and then you can go home and pretend that you did not stare at Sebastian for almost an entire straight minute in the doorway of the saloon. 
He’s too busy playing pool, you think, and from the brief (many) glances you’ve taken at them, it looks like he’s pretty close to beating Sam. Your heart goes out to the blonde. One day, for sure, he’ll be able to get more than three balls in an entire game against Sebastian. 
The fridge door is open now. No one notices you except for Emily, who gives you a kind nod and a smile. You don’t know if you should be upset by the fact that no one really talks to you whenever you go to the saloon unless you talk first, or if you should be incredibly relieved. It’s leaning to the latter, because you don’t think you could handle being looked at right now especially by Sebastian because good god the jellyfish thing was so embarrassing and you really hope he’s forgotten about it because oh my god you actually almost puked all over his shoes and what is wrong with you and—
“Farmer!” Oh god. It’s a woman’s voice. It’s Abigail, and despite the fuzz in your mind you can tell by the timbre of her voice and the fact that the shout came from over by the pool table. You managed to get two eggs in the container in the fridge before being ousted. Good job. You hope Gus’ extreme ginormous 24-egg omelet is worth all of this. 
If you tried really hard, you could have played it off as if you didn't hear her at all. But then she’s walking over to you and you hear her footsteps and they’re light, friendly. Unfortunately, that does nothing to stop you from freezing up and feeling every individual cell in your body go taut.
Maybe she’s going to kill you, or something, because maybe you did actually puke all over Sebastian’s sneakers nights before this and your mind just blocked it out. Oh god. Well, this town was nice while it lasted. You hope they’ll bury you in a nice spot out of courtesy. 
Turning to face Abigail, you manage to give her a shaky sort of grin and wave. “Oh. Hey. I didn't know you were here.” You are such a liar. And a bad one, probably. 
“Yeah! Me and Sam and Sebastian.” You nod at that. A pause, and then, “Hey, are you busy tonight? We were wondering if you wanted to join us. We’re playing pool, but— um, it’s mainly just those two playing. They’ve got a rivalry going on.” 
She looks back at them and watches, amused, and you do the same for a moment. Sam is in the middle of making some big joke-y scene, throwing his head back and groaning and swatting at Sebastian while the other man just barely ducks away from his attacks. They’re laughing, and elbowing each other and you look away before either of them notice that you’re watching with the intensity of a wild deer. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Thank you. I don’t want to come if not everyone wants me to join.” 
“Everyone does,” Abigail tells you, and she’s really telling you. With purpose. There is something in her eyes. Something imploring and meaningful and her lips are quirking up in some pretty and teasing smile, and you’re wondering what’s so different about the way Pelican Town people are raised to make them carry so much weight in their eyes. So much weight that it makes you dizzy. And nauseous. And now maybe you’ll puke on Abigail’s shoes, instead.
“Okay.” It comes out as a whisper from your shaky mouth. She only smiles brighter at you. You register that you’re still behind Gus’s counter and there are drinks being shaken and poured just steps behind you. “Okay, I’ll be over in a second.” 
Great, she tells you, and then she’s turning around and walking away with a little jump and you might throw up because why did you agree to this? You did not plan on talking to people this evening. Not at all. And you’re wishing so hard that you had just dropped these eggs off in the morning. This is the type of stuff that happens when you don't just drop eggs off in the morning. Just your luck. 
You shake your head, as if maybe it’ll rattle your senses into being ready to spectate a pool game and talk with people for at least half an hour. And Sebastian. You don’t think you could handle the intensity of just sitting next to him. You might throw up again. All over the pool cues and the fuzzy cloth of the pool table. And maybe Sam’s shoes. Everyone’s shoes are getting thrown up on this week. 
Eventually, you make the walk out from the counter and consider just leaving through the door and telling Abigail later on that you just felt sick and needed to go home. It wouldn’t be a lie. You are a person of half-truths, most definitely. 
But you don’t, because you like Abigail and you want her to like you too. By the look of everything she’s done for you, you’re fairly certain that she does like you, or at least more-than-tolerates you, and you would like to keep it that way instead of burning down all of your Stardew Valley relationships in a slow, painful fire. (And okay, yes, maybe it’s a benefit that she’s friends with Sebastian. So what.) 
You blink. You’re in front of the three of them. Abigail and Sam are smiling at you and Sebastian is giving you a look. What is it with the people in this valley and their looks?! You have yet to be able to decode any of them. This is rough. So rough. You’re falling back into the uncomfortable feeling of otherness. Of just-barely-not-fitting. Like squeezing between a desk and a wall. Every other day you are walking through just fine, and the other days you are squeezing between this town and the people and everything you have yet to learn. 
You might puke. You’re not making it out of this saloon alive. 
“Hey, farmer!” Sam greets you, and your chest is struck with endearment over how everyone calls you farmer. Maybe it’s just because they forgot your name, but you can’t seem to mind it at all. “Are you joining us?” 
“Oh, just for a bit,” you tell him. You can’t help the smile that takes over your face, warmed and sheepish. “And then I should go. But I’m a big fan of watching you guys argue over pool. Really, it’s very captivating.” 
Abigail chortles, taking pleasure in the playful sarcasm you’ve adapted to. When Sam and Sebastian both follow suit in their own little laughs, your defensive habits slip away the slightest bit. And you can’t seem to find it in you to hold onto them. 
“Less of an argument and more of a…” Sebastian pauses with a teasing glance at his friend. Your heart stops for no reason other than you being stupid and in love, and it only chokes you up when he directs his stupid stupid pretty eyes right at you. “More of Sam being a sore loser. It’s an easy win on my part, really.” 
A snicker escapes you, undignified in how easily you let it out and how it threatens to reverberate against the walls of the game room. You’re holding onto yourself for dear life, trying to ground yourself in some attempt to maybe keep some of your dignity before it’s worn away through the course of the evening. 
But Sebastian has this prideful simper on his face and it’s like he’s happy to make you laugh. Maybe it’s the loving delusions running through your head. But you let yourself dream, just for a minute. 
Stupid boy. The urge to kiss him is slowly hurtling its way through your entire system, and it’s starting with your respiratory tract judging by the way you can’t seem to catch a breath. Stupid. Boy. 
“You can sit down, you know,” and he nods his head to the pair of chairs behind him. “Stay a while.” His eyes are filled with a stupid teasing glimmer and you might pull him aside just to kiss that expression right off his face. 
You won’t. Obviously. Because look at what happened last time you let your inhibitions run free. (Absolutely. Nothing.) 
Maybe I will, you want to say, stay a while. Maybe I’ll stay forever. 
You take a seat, and Sebastian is still leaning against the table with his pool cue in hand. He is looking at you, hesitant, with his mouth slightly open like he wants to say something. Before he can, Abigail interrupts. 
“Wait, let me take over for you!” She says, rushing forward to steal the cue from him. “I want to play! You guys, like, totally monopolize the table every time we’re here.” Abigail’s eyes flit to Sebastian, then to you, and she continues, “Next time, let’s just play the two of us. You and me, farmer.” 
There’s another big, stupid smile stretching your face taut and you hope none of them notice your cracked, drying lips. They’re peeling open from how much you’re grinning tonight and how much you’re not moisturizing them. “Of course.” 
Sebastian is left with nothing in his hands once Abigail turns to aim her cue and hit the white ball (poorly) in an attempt to keep up Sebastian’s winning streak. With her and Sam occupied, you are left with the black haired man standing aimless in front of you. Again. And his eyes are trailing you, with purpose and a goal to speak. Again. 
You throw his words back at him with, “Well, sit down. Stay a while.” And he does. And your stupid mind is wondering if maybe him following you so easily means something. Stupid stupid. 
“How’s, um. Your stomach,” he asks, stunted pauses littering his voice as he tries his best to look at you. You don’t know what he’s talking about, and it must show on your face because he’s clarifying, “From the ceremony last week. I haven't seen you since then so I figured you must’ve been sick.” 
Sebastian is prying. Not in his words, but in the way he’s looking at you. Really, really looking, and this feels like a repeat of last week and you are reliving a million and one things that you would rather never relive again. 
Your palms are suddenly cold and you’re avoiding his gaze, body stiff with guilt. You’d been avoiding him for a week and you honestly hadn’t even noticed. It was like a subconscious response to humiliating yourself in front of the pretty boy that you’ve liked for weeks now. You hope he doesn’t blame you for that, somehow. 
“Right. Um, I was fine. I’m fine now, I mean. I turned out fine. Sorry for all of that,” your feet are shuffling against the ground and you drag patterns into your pants to comfort yourself. “It was kind of embarrassing. To have you walk me home and then suddenly get sick. I really am sorry for that.” 
“Don’t even worry about it.” There’s a sureness in his voice. When you find the courage in your lungs to turn and look at him, you’re met with a furrowed brow and steady eyes. It’s overwhelming you with ten different feelings, many of which are yelling at you to KISS HIS STUPID FACE. “Seriously. It wasn’t embarrassing, either. Things happen. I’m just glad you’re okay, now.” 
Sebastian ends it with another one of his chest-aching, brain-melting, palm-sweating smiles and he’s doing that stupid thing with the corners of his mouth. He probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it, and that’s what frustrates you the most. Maybe you should tell him, but he would take it the wrong way and stop doing it and you wouldn’t survive without seeing that stupid smile. As much as it makes you want to tear your hair out if you look at it for too long. 
You give him a firm nod. The rest of the night is easy conversation. You have one drink. Really, you make sure of it, because you haven’t gotten intoxicated in months and you really don’t want to see what drunk-you does in Stardew Valley in front of the sweet townspeople and the stupid pretty man in front of you. Said stupid-pretty-man follows suit, only having a pale ale and indulging in shirley temples for the rest of the night. (You punch yourself for finding it endearing that he likes such a sweet drink. Urgh.) 
It feels like a parallel universe of the Moonlight Jellies celebration of last week. One where you are a much less awkward person (but, really, there’s just barely a difference between now and before), and where you offer to walk him home instead of the other way around. Your stupid infatuated heart skips a stupid beat when you ask him if you can walk him back, but it quells when he gives you an easy smile and agrees. You pointedly ignore the voice in your head telling you that he sounds almost enthusiastic.
Sam and Abigail wish you goodnight, and they’re both beaming at you in a silly way that makes you follow suit. Giggles bubble in your chest and you don’t even know why. You think they must just have those kinds of personalities, and you really couldn't be more happy to seep into it. 
You don’t hold Sebastian’s hand on the way back. Not at all. In fact, you don’t even feel the urge to. You totally, totally don’t look at his hand swaying between you and fight the instinct to grab it and trace your fingers across his palm lines and the dips of his knuckles and all the scars he’s collected in his youth. You. Do not. Feel that way at all. 
It’s easy conversation, yet again. It’s almost impressive how, even with how easily you seem to do the most mortifying, awkward things in front of Sebastian, you still slip into moments with him where you can talk like you’ve known each other forever. God. Something about this town. You can’t tell if you want to catch the next operable bus out of here or stay here forever. You feel that way often, actually. 
Before you know it, you’ve cut through the city and ended up in the mountains and in front of his house. The lights are off. It must be super late, then, if everyone’s dead asleep like that. 
Crickets chirp and buzz in the air. You and Sebastian stop walking in the middle of the large dirt patch that takes up his front yard. Now, you’re looking at each other, and he’s giving you his awkward stupid gorgeous downward grin. You hope that you’re giving him something at least half as pretty, with the way you feel your lips stretch and crack again. You really need to get lip balm from Pierre’s. 
“It’s so late,” you mutter, because you don’t know what else to say and your heart is melting and slipping right out of your chest and onto the soil. “I guess I should go home.” 
You hope—cross-your-fingers-say-a-prayer type of hope—that he hears the hesitancy in your voice. That he realizes you don’t want to leave. That he sees the fondness in your eyes and how you’re trying to soften every defense mechanism you’ve ever learned in order to pry into him, now. And you hope. Cross your fingers and say a prayer. That he wants that, too. 
He hums a thoughtful, quiet sort of hum. Sebastian doesn’t move towards the door, or bid you a goodnight, or nod along and tell you he’ll see you another day. He waits. He is looking at you and prying you open and trying to gauge your reaction. To what, you don’t know, but there’s a static feeling in your head that tells you to wait and find out. 
“Right,” he says finally. His voice and his mouth curl carefully around the word, and it’s there again—the pauses, the hesitancy. You see your habits in him and you are aching with the need to find out what he means. What this all means. And you’re feeling stupid, and so you wait, too. 
“I think I feel bad leaving you to walk home,” Sebastian tells you. He’s speaking slowly, but not in a degrading way. It feels more like he wants the words to float to you and sink into the pores of your skin. And they do. They do, and it’s embarrassing, because now you’re sweating and hoping (again) that it doesn’t show on your face or your hands or the twisting of your fingers. “This is really far from the farm, you know.” 
“I think I would know,” you respond, teasing and lighthearted and acting like there isn’t a saturated yearning weighing down your body right now. “I can manage. I’ve been in the mines, you know. Seen all the monsters down there and everything.” 
He lets out a stupid breathy laugh and shakes his head. You hate how he acts so nonchalant, like it’s not obvious that you’re fighting the instinct to pick him up and shake him around like a bobblehead until his skull pops right off his neck. “Right, because there’s totally monsters down there.” 
“There are! You can come with me one day. I’ll prove it to you.” And it’s risky, to entertain that kind of thing, the concept of you two spending time together alone, where no one can see. Sebastian takes that as a challenge, apparently, because the diffident tilt of his lips turns smug and he’s saying,
“Then maybe you’ll sleep over one day.” 
Stttttupid boy. He’s stupid. The stupidest man you’ve ever met because now you’re really, really holding onto every last shred of your self-control. The thought of you in his house, with you both sleeping in the same twenty-foot-radius of space is making you heat up more than the valley’s summer sun. A frog croaks in a nearby bush. Nausea pools in your intestines. 
And you’re a terrible person, really, because even though you’re sweating and lightheaded from the heat you’re entertaining the thought of you both sleeping in the same bed. And it’s ridiculous. Really. You’re both adults who are perfectly capable of sleeping in the same bed without it meaning anything. Any particle of logic that enters your brain is vaporized by the heat of it. Your stomach is twisting and you swallow around the lump in your throat. 
He’s watching you. Still watching. Waiting for something to happen. The look he’s giving you is bordering on defensive, as if he’s anticipating a rejection. Stupid man. By now, he should realize you’re not prone to giving him rejections, of all people. 
“Maybe I will.” By some grace of whatever higher power is listening, you choke out the last puddles of your strength into a hopefully-confident tone of voice and the last words you have left in you for the night. It’s not a rejection. You hope he understands that. And he does. Oh, he has to understand what you mean by now, because he’s biting his lips and still. Looking at you. And waiting. All he does is wait. And you glance down and see his hands twitching at his sides. And you are going to do something. Something.
Oh, god. You’re thinking, Oh, okay, this is what this is, and he’s doing his stupid smile and the corners of his lips tuck in and you’re staring at them again. Really, really staring at them. You hope he notices. Your fingers are twitching now, too, almost aching with the need to hold something—to hold him and his twitching hands and spin them around in yours like a fingertrap. You want to get stuck and woven together, just for a moment. An aching, hurting, burning, devastating moment. 
It’s all you want. It’s all you’ve wanted for weeks now. And there’s a heat in your chest and your fingers and your head. Fingers twitching, eyes unblinking, and hands sweating; you wait. Wait for him to come closer. For him to do. Something. Soon. 
It’s an impossible task for you. You are not one for initiative. Never have been, not since you left your stupid office job and took up your place on this stupid farm and fell in love with this stupid man. Initiative is a daunting, horrifying, overwhelming concept, and all of your ambition has been drained from you ever since you planted your first parsnip in the ground. 
But but but. And this is how it always goes with you and Sebastian. But but but. There’s something about tonight. Something about tonight and the last week and the week before and the seasons before this that have carved this open wound into the middle of your diaphragm. Without even knowing it, Sebastian has clawed his way between your lungs and made an uneasy home in your heart. It’s disgusting, and maybe you’ll cough up all this adoration right on the doormat of his family’s house. 
How long has it been? How long have you both been standing here like idiots and waiting and breathing and staring? How long? You are asking yourself too many stupid questions. Initiative. You think of it again—and now your hands are on Sebastian’s shoulders and you don’t have half the mind to wonder when you stepped closer. 
You are not slow in your movements. Not at all. You are urgent and desperate and aching, but you give just enough time for him to pull away. In the back of your head, you wish that he’ll pull back and leave you empty and cold. But there is a warmth seeping through the cloth of his hoodie and tonight, you are stupid. 
You’re staring for just a moment before you close your eyes and surge forward slow enough for him to stop you, but fast enough that he won’t get the chance to look at your embarrassing, longing, yearning face before you kiss him. 
Because that’s it. You’re kissing him. You’re kissing him, with your hands gripping his shoulders with bruising strength, and with your feet planted into the ground to stop yourself from either floating or flinging yourself into the lake. You’re kissing him. And he’s not pulling away. And his hands reach to touch your elbows gently. For a moment, you think he’ll shove you down and run away, but his fingers are tapping along your arms, leaving a buzz in your bones and your head and your heart. 
You. Are kissing him. You are. You fucking. Did it. Joy floods your buzzing body and you hope he can’t hear how loud your skull is vibrating, how intensely your chest is rattling. Or how heavy your hands have become on his shoulders and how much you’re pushing back against him to get further, to pull him into you and you into him and pour in everything you’ve ever felt straight to his lungs. You’re kissing him. 
And he’s warm. So warm. Unexpectedly so, and you feel your entire body heat up in innocent adoration and you want his fingers to curl around your forearms and ground you. His hands shift, and for a minute you think he might pull away, but now he’s dragging his fingers in small paths up your arm, above your elbow and brushing your shoulders. Ggggggggod. God. You’re gonna scream into his mouth and slap him. Stupid man. 
In reality it lasts for a second, but the rush of feelings and thoughts and screams and cries that overwhelms your body makes it feel like it’s an hour. (At least ten minutes, maybe.) You wonder how he feels. You wonder if he’s trying to pour everything into you through this, too; or if maybe, he’s a normal fucking human being who is just kissing you to kiss you without all the grandeur and flourish and waxing poetic. Unbothered, you realize you won’t mind regardless of which it is. 
Your eyes are closed, and you hope his still are, too, because if he opens them and sees you you might throw up all over him. For the fortieth time this week. 
“Sebas— oh!” 
And. There’s a voice and a distressed exclamation. It’s Robin. Holy shit. It is his mother. 
The man you just spent an hour kissing (read: five seconds max) takes a moment to realize what just happened. You, on the other hand, have a ridiculous supercomputer in your head and you have long since figured out what just happened. You cannot believe this. This is embarrassing. A trip back to Zuzu City is well deserved now. 
“I’m— so sorry. Oh goodness.” Robin is being way too polite. You’d thought for sure she would’ve yelled at you and banned you from coming to the mountains ever again. You already kissed goodbye to both Sebastian (literally) and your mining career. And half your fishing career.
Sebastian’s face is flooded in color. It’s soaked in red and radiating heat that you can feel even with the ten-foot distance you had placed between yourselves. He’s not looking at you or his mother, eyes instead fixed on the patch of torn up dirt behind you. 
Finally, you process that Robin is the one apologizing to you, which is ridiculous and you wish she would’ve just pushed you into the river and screamed at you instead. You wish these people would’ve been a lot meaner to you already, and then maybe you would have never worked up the gall to kiss the man you’re stupidly in love with and cause this whole ordeal. 
“I’m so sorry,” and you’re the one saying it this time. You turn to look at Robin fully and resist the urge to fall to your knees and beg for her forgiveness. Tonight, you committed a mortal sin—giving her son a big fat heart-stopping kiss on the mouth right in front of their house—and you can only be forgiven by death, and death alone. 
There’s a confused look in her eyes, almost worried, and you think you might be actually shaking enough to launch yourself into the stratosphere like a space cannon. Instead, you channel the energy into completely turning yourself around and running away from the both of them. 
Disastrous. This night has been disastrous. You would’ve rather actually puked on everyone’s shoes instead of going through whatever the hell that was. You’re never going to catch a break in this stupid town with these stupid people and stupid Sebastian and his too-sweet-for-her-own-good mom. 
When you get home, you’re panting in exhaustion from sprinting across the valley, and your nerves and head are still buzzing and your lips are still warm from Sebastian’s being completely and willingly planted on them for about ten whole seconds. Your brain is too fried and melted to even consider the implications of everything you both just did, but you can’t seem to care. 
You’re embarrassed. Wholly and utterly humiliated, and for a moment you cross your fingers and pray to whoever will listen that you won’t be a topic of discussion during Robin and Sebastian’s family dinner with everyone else. 
You take a moment to catch your breath (an impossible thing) and finally collapse into your bed. You’re staring at your ceiling for what feels like hours, but you have a very poor sense of time and don’t trust that judgment at all. Everything settles in your head like mud shaken in a jar of water. And you smile. Dear god. Despite it all, you’re smiling and giddy and laughing to yourself, riding a high of schoolgirl-type-infatuation and post-kiss-adrenaline the weird, cruel excitement of the night. 
You kissed him. You kissed Sebastian. You. Fucking. Did it. 
The rest can be worried about tomorrow. Or maybe the day after that. Maybe even never, because you are absolutely going to avoid everyone and move in with the wizard instead, living in isolation for the rest of your life. But for now. You swing your feet and giggle like a twelve-year-old and replay the kiss in your head. Over and over. Like a sleep aid. You fucking did it.
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xianyoon · 1 month
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
the spring hostess' appreciation list . . .
i have so many people >< i'll divide them into categories !!! i definitely cannot tag everyone because there's so many people to tag but i'll do my best !!! if you weren't here, i apologise but please know that i love u 2 :3
[ ♡ ] the zookies :
@chichikoi @starglitterz @kazumist @vennnnn-diagram @opalthea my gworls :( yall have been here since like . . . spiderweb . . . and yall are still here TT i love u guys so so so so much please never forget that .... even if i stop writing one day i'll be on this hellsite for u guys :( i love talking with u guys about anything and everything like ...... the people with the best humour?? in our random Hater arcs ????? plot points and all the stupid pinned messages omfg dicky wicky and the rizz msg i will be in TEARS if i read thru caligirls again
[ ♡ ] dumbifiyingkari :
@ryuryuryuyurboat @dumbificat !!!! YOU TWO !!! i have so much love for the both of you huehueue you two are awesome at what you do and i'm so so so blessed to be able to work on nereidsrealm with the you guys :") it's been so fun planning and executing and to many more years !!! of this !!! <3 ( and dumbi's awesome emotes HANDSHAKA and yuka's ... jokes ..............trails off ) i can't wait to see what we'll do for the network EHHEHEHE please never forget that i love the both of u :( you two mean sm more to me than u'll ever know, and every day im grateful n honoured to be friends with you :")
[ ♡ ] teyval mod team :
@.opalthea @.kazumist @.chichikoi @.starglitterz @.dumbificat @.ryuryuryuyurboat @wonuyun !!!!!!!!!! you guys are the best mod team i could have ever asked for :"") you've all worked so very hard and i think a well deserved break is due <3 thank you for helping me, always :")) so much shit goes down always and so many event ideas and cases to work on but you seven always take it in stride and i could never be prouder ! who am i to have the bestest teyval mods ever
[ ♡ ] nereids :
to my nereids !!! there's too many to tag but u guys are awesomeeee. thank u for being here , i love u all !!! so very much !!!!!!! it's been such a short amount of time but i love u all immensely :–) to more months and years of being together and uplifting each other <3 i cant wait to see u all play in events LOLOLOL its been so lovely seeing you guys boost each other and just hang out like . . . this rly is a community , and i love seeing all of u in it ! im grateful you're here. thank you for being here
[ ♡ ] to those who healed my relationship with selfshipping :
@tetzoro @tetsuskei @mydiluc @alexisomnias @thexianzhoujade
@floraldresvi @soleillunne @catcze @sleepyqinfei @gojipink
@kentopedia @kentoangel @zhongrin @lunargrapejuice @elatedfool
@chaldeanu @the-guardian-kitsune
this one is really long, so please bear with me >< thank you for making selfshipping so enjoyable for me !!!!! it's been a very up&down journey for me with selfshipping but seeing you all have so much fun and love for your f/os . . . thank u for being who u are :") u all are such amazing people and i could never be happier that im mutuals with u guys hueheuheue ,,,, i love love love love seeing all your selfships on dash – you all are so incredible adorable together :") to kuromy and kujax and grayluc and kavexis and avenlexi and baivi and alyzuha and kokocatte and wriorae and gojax and samury and hiroma and zhongrin and diluna and renkai and verimanu and hangliu ><
[ ♡ ] astronetwrk members + mod team :
too many to tag but please know that i love you and i appreciate your presence so much !!!!!!! you guys are absolutely amazing and i love being in a space like this with you guys :") will never forget all the EBGs and mafia games and the ooc channel ( looking at you @heiayen ) you guys are absolutely amazing !!!!!! i love u all so so so much – those who are still in and those who have came and went ! you have a very very very special place in my heart, thank you for being you
[ ♡ ] nereidsrealm voice channel inhabitants :
@scribetry @.chichikoi @lychniis @.starglitterz @.opalthea @.vennnnn-diagram
YAYYY our (almost) daily voice calls !!!!!! i love hanging out with you guys, yall are sm fun :") <3 from skribble io to watching andy fix my genshin account and watching streams and complaining about the littlest things and discussing fanfic and koi screaming at tofu and the funniest jokes like . . you guys rly made my month :") yall are awesome and i love u !!!! so !!!! much !!!!!!! ur absolutely amazing i hope yall know that
[ ♡ ] newest mutuals :
@beloved-brynn @moineauz @mideas @astolary @anantaru
@seelestia @snowzbun @mewnbuns @danijaci
newest mutuals !!! :")) it's been such a short amount of time but you guys are so so fun ??? i love watching you guys on dash – even if we don't interact super often, you have a special place in mai heart ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ you guys create such awesome stuff too like ??!?!? thank you for being you always!!!! you're amazing & i love love love u guys :"" i hope i get to know u all better soon hehehee ( please feel free to drop by when i do mutual ask games / mootboards !!!! )
[ ♡ ] the ones who fill my dash with things they love :
@kkomaism @i-probably-sleep-too-much @chandeliermichel @haismie @alexithykia
@chaldeanuu @kaiserkisser @.kentoangel @.tetzoro @rinneverse
you all are the main people i see on dash all the time hehe – thank u for sharing what you love with everyone :") seeing you guys passionate about what u love and enjoy is so heartwarming and i hope u never stop !!!! one of these days im going to get into a new media because of u all and u'll see me join the alien stage / jjk / orv / ikemen / poetryblr / hsr / bsd side of tumblr HAHAHAHJ
[ ♡ ] special mentions :
@silkjade : i love love love talking w u :( your sense of aesthetic is just . chefs kiss ! &&& ure one of the people whom i look up to the most on this Godforsaken site LOLLL & im so glad i can talk 2 u ab anything n everything n . . . you know . . . tehe :""-) you have such a calm & ethereal vibe to you its like im talking to a forest nymph ure doing so well and im so proud of you always always always !!!!! with everything that went on LMAO my girl's a fighter ilysssssssm ure the best
@arsonistbf : URGHHHHH my boopkie :( its a little bit insane how fast we clicked like . . . i genuinely don't think i've vibed so fast with another person save for like . . . 2 people ? ???? ur so so fun to talk to and i feel like we match each other's energies so well ?????? ( and thank u for saving my genshin account .. . -> went from ar45 to ar50 ) i can literally talk to u about everything love u my pookie smookie cookie waffle chocolate pie ice cream custard cake hashtag emo rockstar 12892891891898 tattoos and piercings
@iceunhie : SPECIAL MENTION FOR THE PERSON WHO WRITES SO . HEAD IN HANDS . you are such a wonderful person to be around mhie and i rly rly rly rly hope u know that. you are so special in so many ways and you are so GODDAMN TALENTED at what you do TT thank you for proofreading & also thank u for always sending me stuff that reminds you of me / things you think i'd like :") it means so much more to me than u'll ever know heuuheuee ily so so so so much
@yvnaology : SPECIAL MENTION FOR MY SPECIAL GIRL !!!!!!! yona !!!!! please never forget that you are so so so wonderful and amazing :") you go through a shitton of stuff . . . life has not been very kind but you take it in stride and always kick ass back. i have so much fun with u in astro ( pls stop cancelling me for karma it was ONCE !!!!!!! ) and in teyval and just in our dms in general – you are such a sweetheart and im always glad to know you :") thank u for being here and for being you !!!!!! ilysm
@meidnightrain : even tho u've archived , i love u so :" u're such a sweet soul and i love interacting with u !!!! if u ever see this , please know that u mean so so so so much to me and u will forever be my small tiny little child heuhuehue i love u so !!!!! meisha !!!!!!!! i hope you're doing well in ur studies too hehehee please never forget your strong will and your steadiness . u are such an amazing person . i love you always and forever
@nyoomiin : IEYN !!!! im so sorry that i always take 5 years to respond to ur dms TT my God my discord dms are so broken that i get notifs for messages u sent a WEEK ago . but anyways . u have been here for so very long !!!! like incredibly long !!!! and it's a little bit insane ! but u've been thru so much and u're entering such a busy period of ur life and i can never be prouder of u :") you are such a sweet spitfire and i love interacting with u – pls never change :"–) i love you always and im thinking of u ( even when i take forever to reply )
@ryuryuryuyurboat : for my girl who im literally IRLS with atp ... meeting u once / twice a week ( altho that has steadily decreased i am so sorry. ) i love u so much . ur literally my twin ( same LN same bbt order same mala ingredients everything ???? hello ???? ) i love you so so so much to hell and back like . i genuinely cannot believe that i met such an amazing person on a HELLSITE like .......what even . we've gone thru sm tgt ( :clown: ) and im glad we've still stuck around after all these months :") forever grateful to know u and to be ur co-owner of two communities. i love u always
61 notes · View notes
stereax · 8 months
Waivers: The Basics
Having noticed that many of my mutuals, as well as hockeyblr at large, are unsure of what exactly the NHL's waiver system means and how it works, I've endeavored to write up a little bit of a primer on waivers to make it easier to understand. Meet me under the cut to learn more!
What are waivers?
Put most simply, waivers are a process that occurs when a team says to a player, "We don't want you in the NHL anymore, we're sending you to the AHL". Because of the CBA's (Collective Bargaining Agreement) Article 13, before they can do this, they have to put the player on the waiver wire, which is essentially a 24-hour-long period where any other team that wants that player to play for them in the NHL can claim them. The purpose of the waiver wire is to ensure that teams don't unfairly stash NHL-caliber players in the AHL, thereby paying them lesser salaries (this is the most important part - AHL salaries are generally about a tenth of NHL salaries) and not allowing them to play NHL games. Players that may not be getting a fair shot on one team can move to another, where they can be used more effectively - for instance, Eeli Tolvanen was waived by Nashville, picked up by Seattle, and now plays a key role on Seattle's third line. In fact, he scored Seattle's first-ever goal in the playoffs!
What happens once a player is put on the waiver wire?
If another team claims the player, they are claimed on waivers and are transferred to the other team. Notably, the other team must have the appropriate cap and roster space necessary to claim the player. An example here is Kasperi Kapanen, who was placed on waivers by Pittsburgh and was claimed by St Louis. His cap hit of $3.2m may have been prohibitive for other teams who could have wanted to claim him.
If multiple teams try to claim the player, the player goes to the team that submitted a claim which is the worst in the standings - if it's before November 1st of a new season year, it goes to the team that finished worst in the standings the year before, but if it's after November 1st, it goes to the team that is currently worst in the standings. Take Lassi Thomson, who was placed on waivers by Ottawa and claimed by Anaheim. If, for example, Toronto also submitted a claim, they would not have been awarded Thomson, as Anaheim has the worse standing.
If no other team claims the player, they clear waivers. When they do so, they can be reassigned to the NHL team's affiliate AHL team. Notably, not everyone who clears waivers is immediately reassigned - a player who clears waivers can stay with the NHL team instead (for example, if another player just got injured). They can be sent down to the AHL at a later time - they do not have to go through the waivers process again if they have played less than 10 NHL games (cumulative) or been on the roster for less than 30 days (cumulative) from the last time they cleared waivers. This can be used to a savvy GM's advantage to avoid putting players on the waiver wire.
Why is everyone getting waived right now?
At the beginning of the preseason, every player with an NHL contract, whether it be one-way (NHL only) or two-way (NHL and AHL), is invited to that team's training camp. This places them on the NHL preseason roster for that team. As training camp goes on and players get cut, they then must pass through waivers to go to the AHL. Unless, of course, they're waiver exempt.
What is waiver exemption and why is it important?
So you might already have noticed an issue with the waiver system - it's terrible for younger players. If solely the waiver rules we've discussed above existed, every player being sent to the AHL would have to go through waivers. This would include prospects who are signed to an NHL ELC (entry-level contract) but didn't make the cut for the season. Obviously, this is bad for teams - imagine drafting players who you know will be good for you in 2 or 3 years and then losing them all to the waiver wire. This is why waiver exemption exists.
Waiver exemption, to keep it simple, is a protection that certain players have that means they do not have to go through the waivers process to be reassigned to the AHL. The specific details of waiver exemption are a little complicated - let's take a look at the table to make it make more sense.
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This table is either/or and is defined by the age when their NHL ELC was signed. A skater who signed their ELC as an 18-year-old is waiver exempt for either 5 years or 160 games played (including playoff games) at the NHL level. A skater who signed at 21 is exempt for either 3 years or 80 NHL games. Goalies have different requirements than skaters because they generally take longer to develop and don't play as many games.
There is a fairly common misconception that all players on their ELCs are automatically waiver exempt. This is false. The second a player hits the amount of games played for their age, they are immediately no longer waiver exempt. Usually, this doesn't occur until after the ELC is over, as most ELC players deal with injuries and healthy scratches, as well as not generally being given the reins to play on the NHL roster for the entire season. One notable example that disproves the "ELC means waiver exempt" conception is Dawson Mercer from New Jersey. Mercer signed his ELC as a 19-year-old in December of 2020. He has played all 82 games in the past 2 seasons (2021-22 & 2022-23) plus 12 playoff games for a total of 176 NHL games played. Under the games requirements, he is now no longer exempt from waivers, despite having one whole year left on his ELC.
For the 25+ category, upon playing a single NHL game, the player is waiver exempt for that entire season and that entire season only. Andrei Kuzmenko from Vancouver is a good example of that - last season, he signed his one-year ELC with Vancouver as a 27-year-old and could have been sent to the AHL at any time without going through waivers. (He was not, needless to say.)
There is one very important exception to the table: if an 18- or 19-year-old player plays 11 or more games with an NHL team in a single season, their waiver exemption is automatically cropped. For that season, and the next two, the player is waiver exempt, but after that, they are no longer exempt. This extends to the next three if the player in question is a goalie and not a skater. (To make it easier to understand, it's as if they jumped into the 20-year-old category.) However, 18- and 19-year-old prospects generally only play 9 games maximum at the NHL level in order to allow for the entry-level slide, allowing the contract to "slide" forward a year, letting teams keep the player on the ELC for an extra year and thus save money.
Are there any other ways a player can play in the AHL without going through waivers or being waiver exempt?
Yes, actually! There are two main exceptions - they're for conditioning loans.
First, what is a conditioning loan? A conditioning loan is a short-term reassignment to the AHL. There are two types of conditioning loans: the standard conditioning loan and the LTIR conditioning loan.
A standard conditioning loan, specified under the CBA 13.8, occurs when a player agrees to head down to the AHL for a few games to "wipe off the dust" on their game, so to speak. They're often used by players who have ended up as perennial healthy scratches on their NHL teams, so that they're able to jump in if there's an injury or other issue. Standard conditioning loans can last up to 14 days. One example of a standard conditioning loan is Shane Wright, who was sent to the AHL by Seattle very early in the season for conditioning, partially to bypass the requirement that the NHL has with the major junior CHL that would have required him to go back to the CHL were he officially reassigned from Seattle. Another is Nathan Beaulieu, who was sent to the AHL by Anaheim in January for a four-game stint.
An LTIR conditioning loan, specified under the CBA 13.9, occurs when a player coming off of LTIR agrees to head down to the AHL for a few games to "wipe off the dust" on their game, so to speak. These loans can only last 6 days or 3 games, whichever comes later, and the idea is to be able to figure out whether a player is able to return to form or requires more time to heal properly. For example, Travis Dermott was sent to the AHL by Vancouver in December to evaluate whether he was back to form after a concussion sustained in the preseason. He played one game in the AHL, then drew back into Vancouver's lineup for eleven games before going back on IR for the rest of the season due to the concussion repercussions. Notably, a team can only use one LTIR conditioning loan for each time a player is on LTIR.
What is emergency recall and why does it make a player waiver exempt?
Emergency recall occurs when a player on a team's NHL lineup is injured and the team can no longer ice a full squad because of it. (As a reminder, each team must carry 12 forwards, 6 defensemen, and 2 goalies. Usually, teams keep an extra forward and defenseman around as a healthy scratch in case of injuries, but some teams are pressed against the cap and cannot carry extra players.) In this case, they can call an AHL player (or multiple, at times) up on an "emergency" basis to fill in during the time that the NHL player is out. Once the NHL player is healthy again, the AHL player can either be transferred to a regular recall or gets sent down to their AHL team again. One example here is Akira Schmid, who was bouncing back and forth between Utica and New Jersey on emergency recalls every few weeks because Mackenzie Blackwood, one of New Jersey's two goaltenders, was constantly getting hurt.
It makes sense, then, why emergency recall would grant a player temporary waiver exemption status - it would be awful to have to recall a player from the AHL, have them in the NHL for a little bit, and then have to send them through waivers and get claimed when your roster player is healthy. However, if an emergency recall player plays in at least 10 NHL games, he loses his waiver exempt status under emergency recall (other forms of waiver exemption still apply).
What are unconditional waivers?
Unconditional waivers are different from regular waivers in what they do. Passing through unconditional waivers does not send you to the AHL. Instead, they are used by teams that want to buy out or terminate players' contracts, completely giving up their rights to the players. Players placed on unconditional waivers are almost never claimed because of this - only two players have ever been claimed off unconditional waivers.
Okay, hold on - what's the difference between a buyout and a termination?
A termination occurs when a player's contract is terminated. The player severs all ties to a team and does not continue to be paid by the team. The team does not incur any cap penalties from termination. There are two main types of termination.
The first type of termination is mutually-agreed-upon termination. In the case of Filip Zadina, who was recently terminated by Detroit, he made it clear that he would refuse to report to the AHL after being sent down on regular waivers. The team and Zadina then proceeded to terminate the contract so that Zadina would be free to negotiate a contract with another NHL team instead of playing for Detroit's AHL team, and so that Detroit would not incur any cap penalties from buying out Zadina. Another example is Lukas Sedlak, whose contract was terminated by Philadelphia when he made it clear to the team that he wanted to return to Europe to play. Philadelphia put Sedlak on unconditional waivers, terminated the contract, and Sedlak soon returned to his native Czechia to play for Pardubice.
The other, rarer type of termination is for material breach. Material breach termination is exemplified by Alex Galchenyuk, whose contract was terminated by Arizona after they became aware of the intoxicated driving incident involving Galchenyuk. Essentially, material breach is used when players are acting illegally, either against the law of the United States/Canada, or against the terms of their contract. The reason these terminations are so rare is twofold: Not only are hockey players generally going to try to avoid breaking the law, when they do, the player's association is usually going to investigate and file appeals and the like to try to secure their players the highest possible settlement despite the termination (and set a precedent so other teams are not encouraged to terminate contracts for material breach).
On the other hand, a buyout occurs when a player is released by a team, but the player continues to be paid by the team as per their contract. The team incurs cap penalties from buyouts - 1/3 of the contract value if the player is younger than 26 at the time of the buy-out, 2/3 of the value if the player is 26 or order. This penalty is spread across double the years left on the contract.
An aside - this is also where the idea of a "buyout-proof" contract comes in. A buyout-proof contract contains most of the salary being paid in the form of signing bonuses, which are paid in full even if the contract is bought out. (These contracts are also considered "lockout-proof", as, again, the signing bonus must be paid even if there is a lockout and no hockey is being played.) As an example of this, take a look at Auston Matthews's extension:
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If the Leafs try to buy this contract out, they'd have to pay Matthews the entirety of the signing bonuses as well as 2/3 of the base salary, making the cap savings incredibly marginal and just not worth it to buy out. Thus, it's buyout-proof.
Is that everything I need to know about waivers?
I think so! If you have any other questions, please drop me a line in my inbox or via DMs - I'll be happy to explain more to you! :D
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
for the 500 follower special, idia + 75?
I love how all of my gamer knowledge reappeared as I was writing this lol.
Prompt: 75. I’m an insomniac who calls my best friend at 3am except I misdial on my landline and I tell you all about my nightmare before letting you talk and now I’m mortified but you don’t hang up (I changed it a bit)
Note: Modern au. Fainaru Fantajī XV is Final Fantasy 15 but in Japanese. I was gonna use FFXVI but idk how the story goes and I might just watch it on Youtube lol. I DO know the story for FFXV and I love it so much
Word Count: 959
Warnings: not beta read and possible OOC characters
500 Follower Event
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Idia's day typically goes as follows: 1. Wake up, 2. Collect his dailies, 3. Stream in his room for hours (while snacking during it). 4. Use the bathroom. 5. Eat sweets, 6. Stream again. 7. Stream. What's sleep anyway?
Idia sighed after setting his headphones down. He just finished playing the latest Fainaru Fantajī XV game since its release. His body ached from the long sitting position, but it was all worth it for him. The story was good, and the gameplay was phenomenal! Idia needed to tell someone about it!
Usually, he would rant about it to Ortho. Still, his little brother was currently out of town because he was starring in a movie with the Vil Schoenheit. Idia was proud of his brother and wanted to keep his much-needed rest. 
Idia grabbed his phone and sorted through his list of friends.
Azul? No, he would only talk about board games. 
Riddle? No, they both had a mutual dislike for one another. 
Cater? HECK NO! NO NORMIES! (Idia made a mental note to delete his number later. How his contact information got on his phone was a mystery.)
Lilia? Idia's eyes widen. Yes! Lilia was perfect! They both share a love of games and often play co-op together. Surely he would be awake at, Idia glanced at the time, 3 am! Idia quickly typed his number, too excited to click on Lilia's number, and brought the phone to his ear. 
"Hello?" A clearly feminine voice replied, but Idia had already started his passionate ranting.
"Lilia! Did you get to play the newest Fainaru Fantajī XV game?"
"Who is-"
"I love the open world concept, and did you see the Regalia? That car screams luxury, and it has to be my dream car. I need to get one ASAP. That would show those lame normies I deal with, ugh."
"Lilia" laughed but continued trying to speak, "That's nice, but-"
"And the chemistry between the main characters! Luna was pretty, I guess? Lowkey women still scar me after the whole Eliza incident." Idia shivered at the memory of his "self-proclaimed" (and crazy) girlfriend (it was one-sided, and Idia didn't consider her his girlfriend anyway) in high school. Never again. "But the bond between Noctis and the other guys was top-notch! It made the gameplay even better!" Idia sighed and leaned back in his chair. "If only Noctis survived to the end, ya know? I guess the developers loved angst. The song choice at the end was the cherry on top. I actually shed a tear."
"Uhh, that's very interesting, but who is this?" "Lilia," asked, and Idia frowned. Now that he was partially done with his rant, he noticed the strange pitch in his friend's voice.
"Lilia, it's me, Idia. You know? The super cool guy who you spend playing League with. Are you sick? Your voice sounds off."
"I don't know a Lilia. My name is Yuu, and no, I am not sick. I am very healthy." Yuu's voice replied, and Idia froze. OH NO, NO, NO
He could imagine the stranger frowning and thinking he was some creep. "Yes?"
"Eep!" Idia squealed and immediately pressed the big red "end call" button. He threw his phone at his bed, jumped face down on his bed, and groaned loudly. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! You just embarrassed yourself in front of a stranger! In front of a girl!" Idia was ready to bury himself in a hole.
Idia's phone rang just as he made the decision to do it. He groaned at the annoying ringtone, picked it up, and brought the phone to his ear without checking the caller ID. 
A female voice laughed. "You hung up on me, Idia."
"Ah!" Idia screamed. He looked at his phone and raised his finger to hang up the call.
"Wait! Don't hang up!" Yuu exclaimed, causing Idia to freeze. He slowly brought his phone back to listen. The girl sighed after a minute passed. "Look, before you hang up again, I wanted to say that I love that game too."
Idia blinked, and his mouth opened in shock. "Y-you do?" he managed to say and wanted to facepalm.
Yuu laughed. "I'm not far into the game, though. I got distracted by fishing and playing with chocobos."
Idia felt himself relax, and he laughed with Yuu. "They are adorable. I liked racing them."
"Me too! Hey, Idia, can I ask you something?"
"Uhh, sure…What is it?"
Yuu sighed, and Idia could hear some shuffling on her end. She was probably adjusting herself to get comfortable. "Can you tell me more about the game? I need some help getting through it and would like some advice."
Idia felt a smirk grace his face. "Of course, you would need my help. I'll help you beat all the bosses with 0 deaths. You're good to talk for tonight?"
Yuu chuckled. "Yeah, I don't have anything planned. Oh great, Idia. Give me your wisdom." 
Idia ended up not sleeping that night but made a new friend instead. 
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"I heard the Child of Man made a new friend." Malleus looked up from his Gao Gao Drakon-kun to speak to his father.
Lilia paused his game and turned to Malleus. "Oh? Did she say who?"
Malleus nodded. "It's actually your friend Idia. The one you often play games with." He said and gestured to the monitor that currently had Fainaru Fantajī XV. 
Lilia smiled, feeling happy for his friend. "What a coincidence. It is a small world, after all."
Malleus nodded and smiled, thinking about Yuu's happy rant that morning after staying up to talk to Idia before passing out from exhaustion. He was also delighted for her that she had met him. "Indeed it is."
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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moyokeansimblr · 6 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Well I was patiently waiting to be tagged but it's not happened yet and @isimchi "tagged" anyone who hasn't so that means me 😁
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I mean, I have to say drowning. I have many a memory of my childhood best friend and I batch creating like 100 sims with the sole purpose to drown and make haunted lots... Surely we all did that though, right?
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
These days I'm maxis match, and in particular my cc is 90-95% 4t2 stuff. Sometimes I miss non-clay hairs but not enough that I'd wanna switch back. I'm actually extremely happy with my game aesthetic at the moment. I see the appeal of alpha and I am alpha in sims 3 but I don't think I could go back to it in sims 2 anymore.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Not directly... occasionally I've dragged needs up so a sim will exercise longer when they want/need a body skill because when it's not fall the body skill takes FOREVER to gain. So then they'll end up exercising so long that they get fit where they might not otherwise have. That's as close as I'd get to cheating their weight though.
Do you move objects?
I mean, yes. I both move objects and moveobjects. 😉 (although I've had the cheat alias "mon/mof" (yes, one f) for ages I don't even remember the proper way to type the cheat.
Favorite Mod?
Hmm that's tough. Some staples I couldn't live without are sim blender, ACR, monique's hacked computers, all the no regen mods, the auto saver, gussy up, and for some reason smonaff's period mod is the mod I've had in my game longer than anything else I have now. Been using that since the 2000s. Is it necessary? Probably not. Is it annoying? Yes but periods are annoying irl too. Would I miss it if I didn't have it in my game? Greatly.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
My parents bought the sims 1 on release when I was 3, and then at some point shortly thereafter I ended up entirely hijacking my mom's computer. But while they did buy every pack on release as well, the earliest pack that I still have solid memories of playing is Vacation. Is that all it was called? I think non-US versions had a cooler name like On Holiday or something.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Ya know... I've never really thought about it until now but both. Sometimes I say LIVE and sometimes LIV. I don't know what goes on in my brain to decide which one I'm gonna say at any given point but I know for fact I say both.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I've had many favorite sims over the years, most long lost into the void. But one sim I think about a lot is one of my old ts3 sims Levi Engle. He was one of my first truly evil sims and really one of my last proper edgy sims as well and I've not had anyone quite like him since. This was like 2016 I think? I'm still waiting to have a sim like him again, in either 3 or 2. "Made" is not quite accurate, he was born. But he's one of my own, not a premade.
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Have you made a simself?
Oh have I.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Red. Specifically since I prefer 4t2 clay hairs in EA's colors these days the red that's swatch 9. This one.
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Favorite EA hair?
Hmmm... In ts2
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And in ts3
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Favorite life stage?
Young Adult, in all versions of the game. University is my favorite EP across the board.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay. Every so often I feel build-y, and I have made entire custom worlds in ts3 and hoods in ts2 where I've build everything myself but mostly I prefer to just use other people's or the game's builds and just enjoy playing.
Are you a CC creator?
I sometimes feel kind of weird using the word "creator" since all I do is convert stuff but yes. I share cc.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I don't know? I have some mutuals that I go like 😁 whenever I see in my notifs or messages from. But I don't really exactly talk to anybody.
Do you have any sims merch?
I've got a blanket with plumbbobs on it and my brother's girlfriend got me a sheet of ts4 stickers I've not used yet. Otherwise, do all the old discs and prima guides count? My discs are the most important things I own.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Not really. I have a youtube channel that's a hodgepodge for both my eurovision ranking videos and the occasional sims thing. But I'm not a sims youtuber at all.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Oh boy, it has a lot. When I was a kid I destroyed pleasantview with fairy and mermaid cc from "UserDeb" on the Exchange and SapphireSims2 I think it was called? Mad emo cc and like households where it'd be two families living together so the teen girl and teen boy could secretly meet together in the dead of night in the bathroom. Back then lots of one-off totally unrelated families in an otherwise empty custom hood that I'd play for the duration of a random idea I had then drop. Then in the 2010s I had a long stint of this like making 8 YA girls and 8 YA boys and pairing them up and then graduate and marry and kid and then create 8 more YAs in CAS and repeat and that got like 15 generations once. I did that kind of not really playing but more just like breeding for years. Whereas whenever I'd stop playing 2 and play 3 instead I would "properly play" and have long ass legacies. I never touched the premade sims until I tried to play Pleasantview in 2020. I did have a few failed megahoods then. Now I am wants-based and I prefer to have as little control as possible over my sims. I could say a lot more here but I'm tired.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Talk about a hard question! For times sake I'm going to say @deedee-sims because when I deleted my 48+ GB folder of alpha CC to start anew maxis match-y the first new CC I had was everything of DeeDee's.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
ts2 University. I just love it.
I don't know who has and hasn't done this since I feel like I'm late as I never got the tag. But since I really wanted to do it, I'm sure someone else who hasn't been tagged wants to too. So if you've not done it, go for it!!
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mumms-the-word · 9 days
Could I see 2 and 3 of your wedding prompt? Of either or both of the general or specific moments.💕❤️🎉💐
I don't have the time to write out full scenes this week alas but I can give you some headcanons/glimpses!
2 & 3 from the details list:
Gale proposed to Dani, obviously! I've dabbled with the idea that maybe they had a different proposal than the one shown in the game, but I find that it works really well for them. I like the idea of them waking up the next morning after saving the city, and he says those lines, "I understand your purpose lies here, but I fear if I return to Waterdeep alone, my heart would remain here with you. And so, if you're at all amenable to the idea, I thought I could, perhaps, stay. There might even be room for two Dekarioses in Baldur's Gate?"
I love that it's a little informal, that he doesn't have a ring to give her, that all he's asking is that maybe there could be the two of them, two Dekarioses, a new clan of Dekarioses there in Baldur's Gate. Dani doesn't need all the bells and whistles, she just wants family all around her. So a sweet, informal proposal in the middle of an Elfsong Tavern room, well, it suits her just fine.
Bachelor/Bachelorette parties?
Dani absolutely has a hen do/bachelorette because her foster sister, Liara, positively insists. But it's less of a hen do and more like a party for Dani, her mom, and her Merry Rovers to celebrate together before she officially gets married, so it's not girls-only or anything. Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Astarion, and even Jahiera join for parts of it, and Dani desperately wishes Karlach and Wyll could be there, but otherwise it's a fun night of drinking, games, stories, and music for Dani and her bard family.
Gale gets a somewhat less chaotic stag do, which he probably prefers. If Wyll were around, Gale would have had a much wilder time (you know Wyll would be dragging Gale out for a traditional pub crawl like any former bachelor's best friend would do), but since he's not he simply goes out for some drinks, planning on a relatively quiet night...until Shadowheart and Astarion find him and drag him over to join the Merry Rovers and Dani, officially turning their separate stag/hen dos into a mutual "celebrating our last days that we're not married" kind of event. Fun for all!
2 & 3 from the specific moments list:
Getting Ready
Gale gets ready with the help of Morena, Tara, and running commentary from Astarion (who does deign to fix an errant thread on his coat but is otherwise just there sit, chat, and judge). It's relatively uneventful, aside from some teary-eyed moments from Morena and some gentle nagging from Tara about how he should have shaved his beard for his special day. Dani sends over a white embroidered sash for him to wear around his waist, an important addition to his outfit that comes back into play later in the ceremony/reception.
Dani gets ready with her mother, her best friend/adopted sister Liara, and Shadowheart. She really wishes Karlach could have been there, but Karlach is in Avernus. Lae'zel is traveling in from somewhere on the Sword Coast, so she arrives later. There's a special moment as Dani is getting ready where Liara brings in the other Merry Rovers, who each give Dani a sash for her to wear with her dress (a bardic custom I came up with for them). Gale also sends over a little gift, one gold hoop earring for her to wear (he's wearing the other one, replacing the Mystra earring). The little box with the earring also contains a sweet poem and a little note saying he can't wait to see her.
The First Look
I really ought to write this scene because it's exactly the kind of romantic fluff that I'm a sucker for. Maybe I'll do it later!
But for now, Gale and Dani have their first look at each other before their ceremony. They get married in a park so it's a little hard to avoid each other entirely while going from some park-side building to the actual place where everything is set up. So Morena and Maeva (Dani's mother) arrange for them to see each other privately in a little corner of the gardens, just before everyone sets off to go start the ceremony.
Gale tears up immediately, of course, and Dani teases him about it, even though she's also getting a little emotional. She helps keep him smiling by talking about how hot he looks in his wedding outfit and how she can't wait until she gets to take all of it off tonight, you know, the usual flirting. And then after a second, after they're both dry-eyed and calm, she looks up at him and asks, "There's still time to change your mind, you know."
His response is a loving smile and a gentle touch on her cheek. "I'm not going to change my mind. Even if I could go back in time and make entirely new decisions, I'd do everything exactly the same so that I can be here, getting to marry you."
(He'd say it more elegantly than that but you get it)
And Dani would smile, at first touched and emotional by his words, and then her smile would turn teasing again. "Sure, but there's still time to cut our losses and elope, too. We could grab Withers and run."
He just laughs and says, "Not a chance. My mother would kill me."
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twistedtummies2 · 10 months
Top 5 More Marvin the Martian Appearances
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In my previous list, I ranked all five of the classic Golden Age Looney Tunes cartoons featuring my favorite Looney Tunes character, Marvin the Martian. Of course, while those five theatrical shorts were the only appearances Marvin had during the Golden Age, they were not the end of the adorable (yet incredibly dangerous) little gremlin from another world. It’s hard to say when and how Marvin’s popularity took off, but the fact remains that, despite sparse appearances during that great period, Marvin became a favorite character for creators and fans of the Looney Tunes alike. They kept bringing him back, over and over again, using him in all sorts of different ways. His popularity only seems to have grown over the years, with numerous appearances in films, TV shows, video games, and so on. I thought it would be fun, having ranked all of his classic appearances, to count down some of my personal favorites that have come about since then. To keep things even, I’m once again limiting this to just five appearances (although I will note a few Honorable Mentions, besides), so let’s see if any of you recognize them! Let’s waste no more time. Get ready to launch in 3…2…1! These are My Top 5 Favorite Marvin the Martian Appearances since the Golden Age!
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5. Marvin the Martian in the 3rd Dimension.
This fifteen minute short film was made as a 4-D attraction at Six Flags Great America, along with a few other theme parks around the world. It was notable for being the first CGI animated film produced in stereoscopic 3D. The short is essentially a reimagining of the classic cartoon “Duck Dodgers in the 24th ½ Century,” with references to some of Marvin’s other cartoons included. The plot sees Daffy Duck as a struggling actor, playing Duck Dodgers; in this world, Dodgers is the hero of a series of space adventure films. Marvin, who has been observing Earth, mistakes a rehearsal tape for an actual declaration of war against Mars, and thus sends K-9 to kidnap Daffy, planning to make him watch as he destroys Earth for their perceived hubris and aggression. The short is essentially one giant space-themed comedy of errors, as not only does Marvin misunderstand the situation, but so does Daffy, who believes all this is an offer for a new movie. It’s an interesting bit of Looney history, and really seems to mark the point in time where Marvin was officially being recognized as a major cartoon star in his own right: although Daffy is the true protagonist, it’s Marvin who gets the headline in the title.
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4. The Man From M.A.R.S.
This was an episode of the cartoon series “Taz-Mania,” which featured Taz the Tasmanian Devil as the main character, going on a series of cartoon adventures. By far my favorite episode of the show was this one. Not just because of Marvin, but because…(thinks)...okay, yeah, actually, it IS just because of Marvin. But there’s a little more to why that is than you might think! Much like the previous pick, the plot is the result of a series of misunderstandings: Taz - who has been spooked by a radio play about an alien invasion (a parody of Orson Welles’ adaptation of “War of the Worlds”) - gets scared when Marvin comes to his homeland. Thinking the Martian plans to do him and his home harm, the Tasmanian Devil decides to fight back in the only way he knows how: wrecking and eating everything in sight, in the hopes it will drive the extraterrestrial away. However, Marvin hasn’t come to Earth planning to conquer it, but instead just to spend a humble vacation camping in the wilderness. He takes the aggressive antics of Taz as an outright declaration of war (again, sound familiar?) and thus decides to use a special bomb to destroy the planet. Unfortunately, Marvin’s plan works too well, as he gets stranded on Earth with no way to get off the planet before the bomb goes off. With their lives mutually on the line, Marvin and Taz must put aside their differences and work together to deactivate the explosive and save the Earth. I absolutely LOVE the pairing of Marvin the Martian and Taz: it’s the character among the Looney Tunes who seemingly has the most self-control, up against the Looney Toon who has the LEAST self-control. Taz is a wild, dumb brute who thinks with his stomach more than his head; Marvin is an egotistical intellectual who somehow manages to overthink everything while also missing important details. It’s also interesting to see the two together as they share similar histories: both were characters created fairly late in the game for the Looney Tunes cast, and each only appeared five times during the Golden Age. Yet, somehow, both rose in popularity and are now considered two of the most iconic and beloved Looney Tunes characters of all time. My only gripe with this cartoon is Marvin’s voice; in all his other appearances on this Top 5, Marvin is voiced by the late Joe Alaskey, who does a pitch-perfect impersonation of Mel Blanc’s original vocals. In “Taz-Mania!” however, Marvin is played by Rob Paulsen, whose impression is…not necessarily BAD, but definitely sounds like an IMPRESSION of Marvin, not Marvin himself, if that makes any sense. It’s not enough to cause any real trouble, though…unlike Taz and Marvin themselves, who ALWAYS seem to cause trouble wherever they go, but that’s another story.
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3. Bah, Humduck! A Looney Tunes Christmas.
It’s sort of ironic that “Bah, Humduck!” is in my Top 3, because I’m actually not ESPECIALLY fond of this direct-to-video reimagining of “A Christmas Carol.” As a huge fan of both the Looney Tunes and the Dickens classic, I feel like a lot of this holiday special misses the mark for BOTH sides of the spectrum. It’s not terrible, mind you, but it’s not brilliant, either; it’s on the lower end of “meh.” HOWEVER…one thing I absolutely, positively, unconditionally ADORE about this special is Marvin’s role in the story. The plot focuses on Daffy Duck as our Scrooge surrogate; he’s the owner of a major shopping center, and works his cartoon employees to the bone. Marvin is one of these employees, and longs to go back home to Mars to spend Christmas with his family. (“I long to hang garland on the Laser Annihilator Cannon!” he says with sinister relish…I freaking LOVE that line.) You’d think they’d play that up for laughs, and, yeah, there’s definitely some chuckle-worthy things…but surprisingly, the special treats Marvin’s wish to go home seriously and sincerely. There’s this beautiful scene where he’s looking through a telescope at the night sky: it’s late, it’s snowing hard, and he knows he can’t go back. Then he sees a shooting star; his face lights up happily, and he clasps his hands together as if to make a wish…and sheds a few quiet tears. Daffy dismisses this as “cheap holiday sentiment,” but honestly, that scene - told entirely through visuals, with not a spot of dialogue - might be one of my favorite Marvin moments of all time, and my favorite scene in the whole film. This Christmas Carol reinterpretation may have gotten a lot of things wrong…but in making Marvin the Martian arguably the most heartfelt part of the entire story, I think it’s safe to say they got a few things right.
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2. Looney Tunes: Back in Action.
In contrast to the previous pick, which may be Marvin’s single sweetest appearance (unless you count “Baby Looney Tunes,” which…I do not), this movie is probably one of Marvin’s most despicable since the Golden Age. I’m not sure how people feel about “Looney Tunes: Back in Action” as a whole - whether folks generally love it, hate it, or just acknowledge it exists and move on - but I personally think it’s…okay. I’d rather watch this than “Space Jam,” if nothing else, I’ll tell you that much. (Sorry, “Space Jam” fans: I don’t hate the movie, but in a contest between the two, I think this one does the toons more justice.) The film is a parody of the James Bond franchise, with Bugs & Daffy helping a pair of human protagonists (played by Brendan Fraser and Jenna Elfman) try to save the world from the evil machinations of The ACME Chairman (played by Steve Martin) and his many secret operatives, all of whom are classic Looney Tunes villains. Marvin is one of the most prominent villains in the movie; he first appears as a captive in Area 52 - a secret military base devoted to studying alien life. On orders from the Chairman, Marvin breaks himself and the other aliens out to attack the four. They manage to escape Marvin, but the Martian returns in the climax. There, Bugs and Daffy (as Duck Dodgers) battle the evil alien in space to stop him from finishing the Chariman’s mad plan to turn all of the Earth’s population into monkeys. It was cool to see Marvin play such a big role in a feature film, as a major antagonist, and the references to various famous sci-fi properties found in his scenes (such as Doctor Who and Star Wars) are a lot of fun. It was also cool to see him face BOTH of his nemeses from the cartoons, rather than just one or the other. Again, I don’t know what kind of reputation this movie has, but if there’s one thing I will always defend, it’s the film’s use of Marvin the Martian.
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1. Duck Dodgers.
This early 2000s animated series, another reimagining of “Duck Dodgers in the 24th ½ Century,” is something of a cult classic. It’s largely forgotten by a lot of people nowadays, and, looking back on it, it wasn’t perfect: some episodes, character reinventions, and general jokes worked…others did not. With that said, I don’t think I’m alone in the opinion that, for any flaws this show had…it was, without a shadow of a doubt, Marvin’s magnum opus as a character. While he has had guest appearances and occasional spotlight or supporting roles in other films and TV projects, this series marks the only time to date where Marvin was truly a main character. As a result, the show was able to give him more attention than any other appearance of the cartoon Martian before or since. Marvin (known in the show as Commander X-2, in reference to “The Hasty Hare”) was the main antagonist, usually acting as the villain trying to stop Dodgers and Cadet (Daffy and Porky Pig) on their many adventures. However, while Marvin was still the disintegration-happy, Earth-hating alien from the cartoons, the show was able to play with more facets of his personality and his relationships with characters. We got some cartoons focused on him and K-9, saw his devotion to his Queen (who was also his love interest), and the relationships he had with his arch-enemies was a lot of fun to see unfold in all of its ridiculousness. For as much as Marvin and Dodgers try to destroy one another, you quickly realize each sort of depends on this mutual feud, like with a lot of great nemesis relationships. Meanwhile, the Martian and the Cadet seem to get along surprisingly well; anytime Marvin and the protagonists team up, it’s usually Cadet who convinces him. On that note, for as often as Marvin was the villain, it was just as often that he would help the good guys, or even show a heroic side of his own accord. He was essentially an anti-villain: not necessarily EVIL, so much as just an obstacle in the hero’s path. And considering Dodgers was hardly a flawless hero, often just as terrible as Marvin (if not worse), it was easy to sympathize with the Martian Commander. It’s this series, just as much as his original cartoons or anything else, that cemented my love for this little rapscallion…and for that reason, if nothing else, “Duck Dodgers” deserves the title of My Favorite Marvin the Martian Appearance since the Golden Age. “Isn’t it delightful?”
Looney Tunes Cartoons.
The Looney Tunes Show.
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time.
Looney Tunes: Rabbit’s Run.
Duck Dodgers Jr. (from Tiny Toon Adventures).
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jasonsmirrorball · 8 months
Ooooooh now you’ve got me thinking about guitarist!jason. At an interview and the reporter asks you a stupidly sexist question so he jumps to your defence. He tells you later that you shouldn’t have to put up with that shit. He can’t quite look you in the eye when you kiss him on the cheek in thanks. When you leave the venue after a show, he always makes sure to put himself between you and the crowd of fans. On a night when the fans are particularly wild, he uses his leather jacket to shield you from the camera flashes. On stage, the two of you are unstoppable. It’s like tunnel vision, where it’s only you, and Jason, and the music (much to the chagrin of your band mates). Locking eyes across the stage, a clip goes viral of you and Jason barely separated by the microphone, harmonizing as he picks at the guitar strings.
I have soooo many thoughts now
- 🍂
i ended up rambling so much nonnie u opened the floodgates for real i am sorry
guitarist!jason makes me feel so insane because on stage he plays into every single bit. you're leaning into his space singing and he's smirking, doesn't take his eyes off you, lets you trail your fingers across his shoulder and neck. he catches the kiss you blow him across the stage at the beginning of every show and presses it to his neck. also this is what i was thinking of because just something about these photos....i was i was a singer flirting with my guitarist
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and then he's so level headed otherwise??? he gives me very much so shy about his feelings but hides it so well you just think he's super comfortable in your relationship.
he's always at your side or back in public if you guys are out together like, you're at a bar and he'll be pressed to your back to fend off any touchy hands and keep an eye out but he does it so nonchalantly you're just like. yeah that's my bandmate. he's just protective of us :) meanwhile he's daggering any guy that comes within a ten foot radius of you and always has a hand on your waist.
nonnie i just. him using his jacket to shield the both of you. i'm going to pass away.
he also strikes me as the type of guy where if you get somewhere and there aren't enough seats he's just tugging you to sit on his lap. the both of you are your managers' worst headaches because everyone swears you both are dating but no you're both just so comfortable around each other. you sit there with an arm around his shoulder and whispering to each other snickering and the band doesn't bat an eyelid because they're so used to your bullshit now.
wait i need to consult my pinterest for the vibes
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^ from left to right, set before you guys get together:
1) at a sports game or concert 2) a photo taken at one of the music awards 3) gossiping at a party
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^ from left to right, when you guys get together:
1) you guys get caught kissing in a car by the paps because of course you do 2) photo taken by one of your mutual friends/bandmates at a get together 3) hard launching your relationship on your socials
i feel like guitarist!jason and lead singer!reader so have one of those messy relationships where it's very hard and fast and they end up breaking up at one point where it's so awkward for everyone in the band because you both can't even look each other in the eye and your stage presence feels so stilted BUT because they are the world's best bandmates and have an ongoing fight about who gets to be your future kids' godparents they stage an intervention and you guys end up back together and world peace is restored !!! they are promptly very sick of you both because you walk out of the meeting room disheveled and holding hands but it's their fault so they can't say anything.
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writeblrgarden · 2 months
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Meet Etlu, who got second place in our grow a plant event in november! Etlu goes by she/they, and you can find them at @etlu-yume. She has been writing for about 20 years, primarily fantasy or urban fantasy, and lately has been dipping their toes into slice-of-life.
Tell us something interesting about yourself!
"Interesting" is a tricky thing because it's so subjective! Like some people would say being able to speak/read/write another language is interesting, and others would just expect it, right? I guess in some ways I could be considered a quadruple threat - in addition to writing, I also am an artist, study languages, and played and performed with music groups on local and international stages.
Tell us about the WIP you'd like to talk about today.
Fangs with Benefits (not what I did for NaNo - but that's self indulgent and stays between me and the dust on my hard drive). Fangs with Benefits follows the story of a set of siblings, Sherry and Gael. After the pair are banned from donating blood, they are forced to move to the big smoke in order to chase medical treatment for a family illness. After a chance meeting, the pair discover the secret supernatural underground of their new home. Full of supernatural creatures, Sherry decides that there's a solution to their frustration with red tape at the hospital; Vampires. After all. It would be of mutual benefit to both parties. And so chaos ensues.
Describe your writing process. Do you like to plan everything or are you more spontaneous?
I'm a bit all over the place. I tend to do best when I have a game plan, something to refer back to (more often than not somehow it takes scenic routes between written points; go figure). However sometimes, particularly when later scenes will not leave me alone, I will just go ahead and write them out in a separate document. Once they're out of my head and down on paper, it usually becomes much easier to go back to where I had left off and keep going. That said, it's a work in progress and always changing. What worked last year may not work for me this year, and so on and so forth. I'm just hoping I can try and establish a better year-round writing habit in 2024 <3
What have you found to be the most challenging and/or rewarding about writing?
If you'd asked me this question prior to last November, I would have struggled. Maybe I would've said "a blank page/new chapter" is the most challenging thing (and, really, it still is). But. I think the most rewarding thing about writing comes in two parts; 1.) One is when you're writing for others or an audience. I can't really speak too much on this, since I've been super shy with my work and haven't posted much if any online for general consumption. But to the few people I do share with, seeing their reactions to the story progressing, screaming about characters or events. I know there's been times where those reactions have been the difference between opening up the document and writing a few more words that day, or giving it a miss. 2.) Two is when you're writing for yourself, using your writing to help process things that have happened or that you're struggling with. It may not make things 100% better, it may not change the situation at all. But somehow there's also a weird healing power to it, too.
Below the read more is more of our conversation with Etlu
What inspires you to write?
This is a hard question! I'm actually trying to work this out myself. I started to fall out of love with writing a while ago, and I'm still looking for my way back. I'm sure I'll get there, I just don't know how long it will take, or what form it will take. But I'll get there. <3
Share some advice for other writers.
Hmm. One of the classics is "you can edit a bad page, but you can't edit a blank one", which is very true. But I'm not sure that's the kind of advice I'd want to give other writers - or myself for that matter. Bad days happen - be kind to yourself. If you're working towards a goal, keep believing in yourself. Don't give up. You can achieve amazing things! (Said from 2018's cloud of cough medicine zombie fog and pulling like 30K out of nowhere in the last 2 days of November.) Also it sounds weird but don't start from a fresh document. Even if you're finishing a chapter off, just start the next one. I'm super bad at taking this advice myself, but it's easier to re-read a few lines and make tweaks before moving forwards than it is to sit there face to face with a blank page at the start of a session.
What do consider your writing strength?
I'm probably best at workshopping or bouncing ideas, and then never writing them. Does that count? haha. On a serious note I think perhaps my strengths with writing is my structural pacing. (Not plot pacing. I've already picked up some rushed chapters in the last 3 months)
What has been the nicest compliment you've received or what has been the toughest criticism you've received?
Actually today I had a message from a friend, just a simple spotify link to a song. They followed it up with comments that they had been ruminating about events of the last couple of chapters when it started playing, and it made everything hurt even more. It's been a week since they read it - to hear that my silly little story is something that they're still thinking about this long after reading it, that combined with music it brings out more emotion. It's the little things like that, that remind me what it's all about.
What do you love the most about writing?
I'm still trying to work this out. But it falls somewhere between research, the friendly banter with other writers while everyone procrastinates, and the way that your words and the way you write will be so very different to the next writer, that everyone has their own style.
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amemenojaku · 9 months
for the character ask prompt! what about Keiki?
General opinion/How much I care about them: She's a very solid character and surely part of the reason why WBaWC feels like one of the most-liked recent games! When the full version came out a lot of my friends and mutuals who were past touhou fans but had lost their interest came back thanks to that game specifically, so in my brain she's linked to that moment of shared happiness. I like how she's very much a classic god in terms of personality while being easier to reach than the others thanks to her role to the human spirits. I feel like she'd be easy to talk with, as long as you don't forget she's still a god of course, and I really like characters who act as a bridge of sort between others. She's also definitely unhinged under all that and it's fun to imagine situations where the politeness just goes out of the window.
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup again) My favorite Keiki ship is with Okina..... It's pretty high up there in my fav touhou pairings overall too lol. They're both loners and I tend to really enjoy romantic pairings where two people get to feel a bit less lonely together. I just think they'd get along really well! and I like their shared connection to art in general. The two of them crafting something special together is a nice image... It's also funny to imagine Keiki playing along Okina's boasting about her status and her powers as a secret god etc when Keiki is a god herself. She's Keiki's poor little meow meow!!! Oh and I also quite like Keiki/Mayumi too. I wish the fanon interpretation of them as parent/child would die down already... it's a bit sad that they didn't take off on the english speaking side as well as they did in the jp community even though literally everyone asks for more knight/princess wlw ships. It's Right There
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Gotta admit I haven't thought about her sphere of relationships much beyond the ones that also work as romances, but I love the implication that she's Eika's younger sibling if you follow the mythos. Keiki would probably be quite protective of Eika despite being the little sister... And with the recent addition of Hisami I'm really excited to see more fanworks with the characters based on the Nihonshoki/Kojiki (this better not monkeypaw on me). They need to have tea and chat about the old times!!!
The NOTP: It's Yachie/Keiki, sorry guys but I'm a yachisaki believer.....
My biggest headcanon about them: I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned that one in the past but the beast-shaped aura in her portrait looks like a familiar to me! Maybe some kind of fire spirit to help her crafting :)
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I'd like to read a good fic/comic where she interacts with the other beast leaders seriously... I'm so sad she didn't get proper dialogue with Saki or Yuuma despite them being as much of a threat as Yachie. As for something I would like to make myself... A visual retelling of some of Koda Rohan's works (especially Furyubutsu) but with Keiki as the protag is an idea I've had for 2-3 years but if I ever get to it, it'll probably just be little doodles :-)
Something that makes me think of them: Koda Rohan's work again lol (delusional)
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bunnakit · 6 months
bunn and husband face reveal bc im feeling sappy
i love that this man just spent 3 hours watching bls with me, after listening to me talk about my silly bls for like an hour and a half.
like, he's 6'4" (193cm) and built like a brick shithouse but he loves listening to me talk about my fanfics and my writing, will watch my silly shows with me, LOVES playing co-op games with me, takes care of me when my disease gets bad, stuck with me after my diagnosis when we hadn't even dated for a year, and has stuck with me for my entire gender journey and has supported my desire to start HRT next year.
he's my best friend in the whole world and i love him so fucking much (even when we drive each other crazy)
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(god this picture from a concert is 5 years old how the fuck is that possible)
i know a lot of younger people follow me and ive seen quite a few people like "when is it my turn" or "how do i find someone like that" and like my only advice is stop looking. honest to god.
my husband and i met 8 years ago, i'd just gone through a sad break up that was mutual just bc of distance and other factors. a barely-acquaintance asked me to come over and hang out and i said sure why the fuck not. she invited over her friend and tried to set us up and that night he barely said 2 words to me.
eventually, we found common ground and once we got started we could not shut the fuck up. we found out we played similar games and liked similar shows. he invited me to breakfast the next morning, took me home, and then played monster hunter with me for hours while we were on the phone together. once we officially began dating (like a week later) we were fucking inseparable. we just love being in each other's company because we're best friends. we tease each other and give each other SO MUCH sass and attitude but that's who we are and i always tell him "i couldn't have designed you more perfectly in a computer."
i miss him when he goes to work and every single night on his way home from work he calls me the MINUTE he gets into his car and talks to me on the phone until he gets home. we used to play a stupid game where he would tell me when he was at the corner down the street and he'd flash his headlights at me as i looked out the window. i can't wait to see what the next 8 years has in store for us.
you'll find your person, it may not be as fast as you want but i'll give the same advice my parents always gave me - don't ever settle for less than a best friend. your partner HAS to be a best friend. (my parents have been married 25 years and are still fucking insane for each other.)
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good-boy-ren · 5 months
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carrd ✦ sfw selfship✦ main blog ✦ art blog
◆ ro ‣ 30↑ ‣ they / them ‣ biro ace ◆ chronically-ill artist, 07th expansion enthusiast, alice hnkna kinnie, Weird Little Guy enjoyer, and oushirou’s spouse! ◆ this is my nsft selfship blog. i'll focus mainly on my beloved personal chewtoy and golden retriever boyfriend oc 💕ren 💕 and his AU counterparts!! 🦦💖🐐 i also have many vn and otome game f/os -- vns are my special interest! feel free to chat with me about them ^^ ◆ i block liberally. curate your online experience, peace and love on planet earth. ◆ kinks / preference list, tags, f/o list, and DNI/BYF below. (i interact from @nocturne-of-illusions -- updated 18 may 2024)
credits: 1 / 2 / 3
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──⌈ kinks & preferences ⌋──
💚 LOVE 💚 soft dom, hands, gloves, light bondage, orgasm control, edging, collars, toys, praise, body worship, breeding (NO pregnancy), voice, scent, panty sniffing, oral, light possessiveness, monsters, excessive cum, (purposeful) aphrodisiac, outercourse, cumming in pants, premature ejaculation 🔶 SQUICK 🔶 heavy bondage, degradation, injuries (causing OR receiving), blood (except for nosebleeds), breath play, flagellation, watersports, scat, anal, rimming, emeto 🛑 ABSOLUTE NO-GOES, DNI 🛑 raceplay, ageplay / ddlg / cgl / sexual agere, noncon / dubcon / etc, incest, pedophilia, lolisho, misgendering / detrans ⚠️ CURRENT BLACKLIST SQUICK TAGS ⚠️ "#bondage -"
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◆ lmk if you need anything added to the blacklist tag list! also, if you like things on my squick list, feel free to follow -- these aren't moral stances, they're simply not my thing! if you like things in the no-go list, though... leave.
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────⌈ tags ⌋────
📌 [ my posts. ] ; 💭 [ my thoughts. ] 🎨 [ 046 art. ] ; ⚙️️ [ 046 wips. ] ✏️️ [ my scenarios. ] ; 💤 [ 046 dreams. ] ✨ [ oc lore. ] ; ⭐ [ canon lore. ]
⎯⎯⎯⎯ [ ♡ ]⎯⎯⎯⎯
[ official. ] ; [ imagines. ] ; [ affirmations. ] ; [ aesthetic. ] [ fashion. ] ; [ memes. ] ; [ misc. ] [ music. ] ; [ videos. ] ; [ voice. ] ; [ img. ] [ suggestive. ] ; [ nsft. ] ; [ nsft ds. ]
⎯⎯⎯⎯ [ ♡ ]⎯⎯⎯⎯
[ asks. ] ; [ ask games. ] ; [ tag games. ] [ prompts. ] ; [ need to draw. ] ; [ resources. ] [ other ppls ships. ] ; [ irl. ] ; [ favs. ]
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───⌈ top romantic ⌋───
🍄 [ lying on the blade of an emotion. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc) [ doc!ren ] 🧃 [ who is in control. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc, villain au) [ v!ren ] 🦦 [ can’t escape it. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc, retail au) [ r!ren ] 🐸 [ look ahead. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc, pkmn au) [ poke!ren ]
──⌈ primary romantic ⌋──
📷 [ phantom hearts. ] - ♫     ¬ shirogane oushirou (starry☆sky) 🦎 [ chasing starlight. ] - ♫      ¬ gray ringmarc (hnkna) ☣️ [ good in red. ] - ♫      ¬ mars (oc)
──⌈ secondary romantic ⌋──
🏹 [ purple eyes. ] - ♫      ¬ raven (tales of vesperia) 💣 [ lost in your charm. ] - ♫      ¬ sirius (starry☆sky, polestar au)
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──⌈ self insert & misc ⌋──
🐐 [ been up all night. ] - ♫      ¬ ro (self-insert) 🦔 [ used to be easy. ] - ♫      ¬ ro (self-insert, pokemon au) [ ❤️ ]      ¬ all romantic f/os
──⌈ dormant romantic ⌋──
🐝 [ step on bug. ] - ♫      ¬ utsuro (jooubachi)      ¬ no longer actively tagging 🤖 [ city of ghosts. ] - ♫      ¬ nika (oc)      ¬ no longer actively tagging
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───⌈ do not interact ⌋───
◆ NO minors, period. also, this is not an rp blog; do not solicit me for nsft DMs. ◆ i'm a staunch lgbtqia+ inclusionist, including mspec lesbians and xenogenders. neither zionism nor antisemitism welcome. villains are fun, but violently bigoted or fascist f/os will get you blocked. ◆ i dislike the fetishization of CSA, incest, abuse, assault, etc. difficult subjects should exist in fiction, but i don't enjoy them being sensationalized or sexualized. i'm also against real person fiction. if a blog includes these things, i will block and move on.
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──⌈ before you follow ⌋──
◆ DO NOT selfship with my ocs, and please be clear that any comments aren't flirty (unless we're mutuals; i trust y'all to be "flirty (platonic)"💖). ◆ i'm cool with sharing canon characters, but i'll respect if you aren't. if i gain the same f/o and you don't share, we can block each others' tags, or you can tell me we need to unfollow each other (i'll understand). if non-sharing friends share the same f/o, it's their responsibility to block each other, not mine to choose between them. ◆ i tag general triggers as "#trigger -", as well as "#pokemon -" and "#umineko -" / "#umineko spoilers -". if you need me to tag anything else, let me know!
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───⌈ for your info ⌋───
◆ i observe reblog / ask game courtesy and request it in return! i don't do chain reblogs / mail, though, but i still appreciate the thought!! 💗 ◆ chronic illness makes me slow to reply to and reblog things. i'm not ignoring you; i just need time to put my thoughts together. i also don't follow-back often bc i've hit my personal limit. feel free to send asks or replies, though! and i LOVE reading any f/o tags people leave on reblogs!! 💖
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raayllum · 1 year
like i’m used to having unpopular fandom opinions (which, in most fandoms, has boiled down to either 1. actually liking the canon content or 2. seeing the fault lines years ahead of time and then being disappointed but not surprised when shit goes off the rails), it does not bother me.
but it does baffle me how butt hurt i’ve seen people get over CHET. calling me and others who enjoy the theory dumb, or that it’s a theory for “gimmicky hacks” and would ruin the show if it happened (end quote), or that it’s completely misconstruing canon or built entirely off theme (as though tdp isn’t deeply thematic, anyway) or that my track record of predictions is terrible (it isn’t; i’d say it’s surprisingly good overall but like with any amount of theorizing, there’s definitely plenty of misses too and just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks). 
and i’m not going to counter any of that by saying it’s 100% - or even 20% likely - to be canon because as i’ve also said many, many times, it might not be. maybe the key isn’t even something aaravos wants. maybe callum still does something under possessive coercion. maybe none of it comes back in s5 and it’s saved for book 6: stars, instead. maybe the key is only on rayla’s shoulder in 4x02 to emphasize stella’s connection to the star primal. maybe rayla and aaravos’ foil relationship doesn’t go further than setting them up as callum’s two, mutually exclusive paths. maybe CHET does happen but it’s not about freeing aaravos, thus knocking it down a peg thematically with the “freeing” motif.
and it’s not as though CHET doesn’t let callum figure out and even use the cube. he’ll have to put the pieces together (literally), it could have more than one purpose, and there could be an arc of reclaiming it (making it actually his key, as opposed to aaravos’, which would really fit with themes of ownership and well, reclamation and progress). maybe callum’s curiosity / paranoid pursuit of magic is what leads to rayla being in aaravos’ clutches in the first place, if you really want to reaffirm those 1x04 parallels; maybe both his best friend and his brother are in harm’s way. 
but it’s like. even if the pieces don’t fall this way, CHET is 1) still the only theory i’ve seen, 2.5+ years in, that actually answers the questions of what the key is, how it may be used, and how it may operate in Callum’s arc other than giving him some kind of magical power up, 2) accurately tailored itself to the game motif that s4 made more overt, and more than that, a game that Callum is destined to lose, 3) accurately tailored itself ahead of time to the light and dark motif in Callum and Rayla’s arcs, and 4) all the set up like
“I smashed your primal stone.” “Accidents happen.” “On purpose.” “I’m sure you had a good reason.” “I did, I really did!” (2x02) / “But Rayla, the whole world is like a giant primal stone.” (2x09) / “Guess it wouldn’t be the first time I accidentally on purpose destroyed a rare magical artefact.” (4x02) 
This is the game room. Cube should be in there. / You wait here for a minute, couple minutes. However long it takes, I’ll go find a key. / [Insert Rayla being shown as a toy] / It’s a toy, probably a piece from a children’s game. I hope it was worth it to you, putting everyone else’s lives in danger. (1x04) / It’s a glow toy (1x05) / [Becomes a literal glow in 4x04] / “He said it was a key, but a key to what?” “You practicing magic, or are you losing to Bait at a game of rolly-cubes?” (2x07) / [Callum with the cube as a literal game piece] / Already tainted by darkness, and destined to play right into my hands. (4x04) / They aren’t games. They’re tests. (TDP shorts) / But violence tests us. In a twisted way, it converts us to its cause. (4x03) / Those who fail tests of love are simple animals. (2x09)
The way the 1x04 inversion (Rayla gets taken, boys rescue her, she finds the cube / Rayla gets taken, boys rescue her, Callum gives up the cube) is even more on track with Kim’Dael being in S5 and presumably the reason elves are seen as bloodthirsty in the first place. 
Callum’s bio in Tales of Xadia, a text that also mentions Leola, the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea (both now featured in S5) and the Flowers of Elarion (one of the only mentions of Elarion in the entire material, including “a fair exchange of beloved for beloved”) literally stating that he “value[s] those close to him more than anyone or anything” and that he’s “beholden to his inner circle, not some silly kingdom” 
Callum facing a “his loved ones or the world” conflict being one of the most common dilemmas that heroes face like, ever (Luke Skywalker, Aang, the Matrix, just to name a few), even disregarding the fact that TDP loves a good trolley problem ( “We kill one monster to save a hundred thousand people” “You keep calling it a monster” / “You let him live and you killed us all” / “You have two choices: you all die or just the evil, wretched human dies” / “I had to. I couldn’t let him hurt you”). 
The fact that exchange is intrinsic to the series, down to the transactional root of dark magic and the kids working to bring Zym home to his mother, hopefully, in exchange for peace, and is also the conceptual catalyst for Arc 2 with Claudia working to free Aaravos in exchange for him permanently reviving Viren. 
That it is increasingly unlikely that Callum will be able to avoid playing into Aaravos’ hands eventually and the key (and the game) being directly linked to that, and absolutely none of this is even touching on Callum’s parallels to Viren or that it’s been heavily hinted in interviews that Aaravos, an elven mage, was in love with a human and his main incentive for being evil is that he Lost them
Like I don’t know if Callum is going to run away to try and avoid hurting the people he loves in S5; he might try, and if he does I think it would be a one episode plot line because then he and Rayla would be having the same behavioural issues and the same corresponding arc, which could really be work or be too cluttered for what the reason wants to do. I don’t know if Callum will be forced to join team bad guy under possession or some other coercion by the end of S5. 
I lean towards no for both of those things, simply because for the first I feel like Callum will have enough of his own differentiated plot line going on, and for the second, while that would provide Callum potential (if not under possession) conversations with Aaravos, I feel like Callum’s major focus in S6-S7 will have to be connecting to other arcanum and possibly helping other people do the same. Those would be trickier to maintain if he’s separated from the main group (who then has to devote time to getting him back) as well as I feel like him and Aaravos’ thematic face off is stronger if Aaravos does underestimate Callum, and doesn’t think he’s legitimately special, and is then proven wrong because, well... “Your arrogance is so predictable.”
But again, I’m not saying that they couldn’t happen. Not saying there’s no base for it now or that one couldn’t be introduced by any means; TDP is very good at balancing reliable set up and pay off and also providing plenty of surprise curveballs along the way. Unless it is something that the show has made exceedingly obvious, like its portrayal of dark magic (which you can disagree with how its portrayed by all means, but you still gotta be cognizant of how the show has always presented it even if you disagree with the why) I think it’s perhaps not arrogant, but mean spirited to decide that you definitively know what is or what’s not going to happen and what theories are valid or even ‘okay’ for fans to enjoy. 
And if my theory is so Obviously wrong, why always take time to discredit it? Why talk about it at all? Because you personally dislike me, or because other people talk about it and you resent that it’s popular? Trust me, I get having fanon theories that drive you up a wall, especially when they’re prevalent, but those are ones that 1) have multiple canon scenes and whole-ass plot lines literally contradicting the popular fanon headcanon (hi the “nobody helps Katara with chores except Zuko” HC that was disproven 2 seasons before he joined the gaang) or 2) are the equivalent to me positing that Callum should die and that Ellis will obviously come back and be our primary mage character, for Some Reason.
And if it’s not that, I think you can cool your jets, just a bit. Cause I would be amazed and delighted to be wrong because that just means the show is going in a fun, expected direction, but I know there are people whose tiny little heads would explode with anger or embarrassment if I’m right, and ‘shockingly enough’ I don’t actually root for other people to be mad or upset over what happens in fanon or canon. There’s enough bullshit out there without that, thank you very much
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anamoon63 · 1 year
Sims Get To Know Me
Thank you @simsdastra and @nocturnalazure for the tag 🤗❤️
What’s your favorite Sims death?
None. My gameplay rule number 1: nobody dies. Ever.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
I'm not quite sure if I understand what Maxis Match and Alpha mean, I just download the CC that is to my taste and anything that goes with my sims style.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Yes, I have a mod that makes the sims keep their shape, because most of them are part of my stories and need to stay in their character. Though just like real life people, my sims come in all shapes and sizes.
Do you move objects?
A lot, especially when I'm taking pictures for my stories.
Favorite Mod?
For Sims 3, all the Nraas mods, as well as any mod to get rid of the silly faces the sims make when they're idle. I wish there was something that actually cancelled the autonomy, but I haven't seen anything like that so far. For Sims 4, Basemental and Wonderful (not Wicked) Whims are a must. Good Lighting Mods are essential too, for both S3 and S4.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
For The Sims it must've been Hot Date; for Sims 2 it was University; for Sims 3, I think it was High End Loft Stuff, and for Sims 4, it was Get to Work.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLive (like 'hey, we're going live' now'. Like when I yell "Action!" and start taking pictures for my story posts.
Who's your favorite sim that you've made?
I don't really have a favorite as I love them all. Plus, i have very few sims made by me since most of them were born in game. Now If I had to choose a favorite sim that I made from scratch, it would be a tie between Winston Casanova, Karen Valentine, Felix Ferdinand and (naturally) Robin Crane. Sorry, I can't decide myself, like I said, I love them all! 😄
Have you made a simself?
No, but I used to have a Sims 2 simself, it wasn't made by me, but by someone from the forum I was on in those days (circa 2004).
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
For The Sims 3 any color, for The Sims 4 I use black hair a lot.
Favorite EA hair?
All Banged up (Sims 3 Store), cause for a long time it was the official hair of my sim Tony Langerak (Tony Langerak's World Adventures). I also like some of the hair in the Supernatural EP, with the appropriate retextures, of course.
Favorite life stage?
I have no favorite; I play with all of them. But at the moment I'm playing more with young adults and adults.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay, mostly because I'm not good at building. I've never built anything in The Sims 3, and The Sims 4's build mode gets on my nerves, so I don't touch it. In The Sims 2 I used to build and upload my houses and community lots like bars and dorms. Those were the days!
Are you a CC creator?
I started creating cc when I was playing The Sims 2, recolors mostly. I was just starting out when The Sims 3 was released, and no one was interested in my content anymore. I would make CC for the Sims 3 but so much time passed that I forgot how to use Photoshop and all the tricks I had learned to paste textures, etc. I would like to relearn to create something in The Sims 4, but now I don't have as much time as I used to, and I prefer to use the little time I have to take pics and advance my stories.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
A squad unfortunately no, but I have my mutuals. I hope someday we can form a club, or a chat, or something where I can communicate more with them. Again, if only I have the time...
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
No. I would have liked to have a Let's Play back in the day, I would have had fun and I would have probably amused other simmers, but now I don't know if I would dare, I'm too self-conscious and a bit too old for that.
How has your "Sims style" changed throughout your years of playing?
I started playing privately and "writing" my stories only in my head, then I started taking photos and sharing my stories, that's how I got started as a storyteller. My stories were quite popular on the forum I was on, with way many more views than I have now. Later, with Sims 3 times I created my Blogger and for a while I just uploaded my sims, shared sims memories and made tutorials. Then along came Tumblr and, from creating sims and helping others with their games, I became a storyteller again. (Calling myself a "writer" would be too much, as English is not my native language). I would really like to write and share more polished and structured stories, but I don't have the time and/or privacy nowadays to create the kind of stories I have in mind. In short, I no longer have time to write the intricate stories with lots of different characters and lots of drama that I used to write back in the Sims 2 days. nowadays my "sim style" has been reduced to sharing gameplay and the occasional story post. (If you can call that a style).
What's your origin id?
AnaMoon63 Like my Tumblr url, but with capital initials. ;)
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Wow, that's a tough one. There are so many! You can check My Favorites Sites list on my old blog home page here. It sure doesn't mention all the wonderful creators that have been added to my sim universe since I wrote that list. And some of the cc creators from The Sims 4 are missing. I promise to update it soon on my new blog!
How long have you had Simblr?
My first Tumblr post I made on August 8, 2013, almost ten years ago!
How do you edit your pictures?
I find Reshade or whatever-other-shade too invasive and complicated, so I use a photo editor called Photoscape X Pro to (try to) enhance my pics a little, though I don't know a thing about editing, so I wouldn't call what I do "editing", lol.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
For The Sims 3, would be World Adventures and Into the Future (in that order) I also love University, Island Paradise, Late Night and Seasons. For The Sims 4, mm, I don't know, probably Snowy Scape. For the Sims 2 it is hard to decide, I love them all, especially University and Open for Business. And for The Sims it was Making Magic.
Like I said, English is not my native language so my apologies if some paragraphs were confusing.
I'm tagging all my mutuals and everybody who reads this! 😊
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lobstermatriarch · 2 months
Tagged by @anosrepasi, thank you for thinking of me!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 16, though I orphaned two so 18 I guess
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 395,394 (jeez when did that happen)
3) What fandoms do you write for? Mostly games, and at this point just BG3. In the past I've written for Homestuck, Fallout 4, Mass Effect Andromeda, and the Witcher. I've got some unpublished stuff for Final Fantasy and The Locked Tomb which may or may not ever see the light of day too
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - Playing House
2 - The Kids Aren't Alright
3 - Goodnight, My Dear
4 - Commonwealth Mercurial
5 - Flower Bright
5) Do you respond to comments? Depends! If it's an active WIP I always do, but I've gotten lax on responding to new comments some of my older fics. It's not that I don't appreciate them, thinking of responses just stresses me out so I tend to focus on what I'm still working on
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Goodnight, My Dear by a landslide
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hm. As much angst and horror as I write most of my fics end up pretty happy
8) Do you get hate on fics? Not really, I'm hardly a bnf so I don't tend to get that kind of attention. I had a few assholes in the Homestuck days but that was it
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Here and there but usually as part of a larger whole. I've never felt like it was my strength so I leave it to the people who do it well
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nah
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I know of
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? I did back in the Homestuck days, but it's been a long time
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? ....I don't understand the question
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've got a Locked Tomb prequel that I'd been writing for Cytherea/Loveday, and as much as I like the concept I doubt it'll ever get finished
16) What are your writing strengths? tonal whiplash and sucker punches
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Smut, tragically :(
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Ohhh it's a struggle. I'm impressed by people who pull it off but unless I'm fluent (and I'm barely conversational in any language except English) I don't feel comfortable with it and will usually find a way to write around it
19) First fandom you wrote for? I remember writing and printing out a FFX fic that I gave to my friends in sixth grade if that counts
20) Favorite fic you’ve written? Uhhhhh recency bias might be coming into play here but I'm having a great time writing Come Down. The Durge fandom has been great, it's not a huge fic but my readers/beta reader have been super kind and leaving these great, thoughtful comments on every chapter. I guess it just goes to show that you really do need to write for yourself and a group of, like, ten other sickos to have fun
In terms of actual writing though? Heartlines.
I don't have many writing mutuals who are active on here anymore, but @antimonyantigone and @hiboudeluxe if you'd like to do it I'd love to see your answers! Anyone and everyone else who wants to, I’d like to see your answers too :]
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