#this got a lot longer than i thought it would
benevolentbones · 2 days
coffee | spencer reid x reader
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warnings: ??mild flirting, spencer checking you out?? gender neutral
word count: 0.7ish
summary: you meet spencer for the first time while he gets his morning coffee.
!!this is my first time writing for this fandom,, and first time writing in over a year so i may be rusty!!
it was a known fact that spencer reid was practically fuelled by coffee, and this morning was no exception. spencer had been up all night reading case files and finishing off his paperwork from the last case, which usually didn’t take the man too long, but his mind had been elsewhere for the last few days.
it had come to his attention, when the team returned from their last case, that the bau had hired a new receptionist. and usually he wasn’t too fussed about newcomers that weren’t directly associated with his team, but something about you was different.
he first noticed you standing in the kitchenette of the bullpen, with penelope. the blonde woman had you engrossed in one of her rambles about one of the fantasy games she often played in her downtime.
you stood beside her, a blue mug that read ‘worlds best dad’ glued in your grasp as you listened intently. you nodded along to everything garcia was saying, wisps of your neat hair falling out of place, which you quickly tucked behind your ears.
spencer noticed you wore a dark button up, which you had rolled up to your elbows. along with a nice fitting pair of dress pants, his hazel eyes lingering on the curve of your hips a little longer than intended.
he blinked himself out of his trance, ambling over to the coffee maker which conveniently was right beside you.
“-and when you level up, you get the ability to enchant your armour, and y’know your girl had to get some-“ garcia continued to rant as spencer picked up a cup and turned the machine on.
“hey reid have you met our newest member?” penelope beamed, turning to face the brunette who began to pour the worlds worst filter coffee into his cup.
his hazel eyes darted up from what he was doing and met yours. you had turned now fully to face him, garcia standing to your left.
“hi” you smiled sweetly at him, brushing your thumbs over the ceramic of your cup.
spencer felt his face flush warm for a second, the man spluttered out a ‘nice to meet you’ before turning his attention back to his coffee.
penelope hummed, knowing that was probably the best introduction he was going to get.
“well i’ve got to get back- lots of hacking to do.” garcia shot you a smile and darted off in the direction of her office.
you couldn’t help but stare as you watched the man begin to pour a mountain of sugar into his cup, every time you thought he would stop he tilted the container more, to further dump the sweet substance into his beverage.
before you could even think, words had slipped past your lips. “do you want some coffee with your sugar, dr.reid?”
you immediately pursed your lips shut, afraid that maybe joking around was too forward after having only met the man a minute prior.
you noticed a small smile grace his features as he stopped pouring the sugar, reaching for a spoon to stir it together.
“actually it’s not uncommon for people to take their coffee this way, around 65% of the US add sugar and/or cream to their coffee.” he mumbled out, taking a sip and making eye contact with you.
“y’know what, i won’t argue with that.” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink.
spencer eyed your form, his cheeks growing warm.
“let me guess…you take yours black?” he mused, noting little details about how you crossed your legs when you stood or how you chewed on your lower lip after saying something.
you trailed your gaze along his suit clad form, his striped shirt was fully buttoned with a black tie to compliment it. he wore a dark grey pair of chinos, standing with one hand in the left pocket as he took another sip from his cup, his focus never leaving you, hazel eyes studying you through thick rimmed glasses.
“you guessed right dr.reid, i’m already sweet enough.” you gave him a small smile before walking back to your desk.
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aturtletotz · 3 days
Update ☀️ 🌙 ⭐️
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I thought it was important to share an update on how things are going in regards to my Game Show AU, Sight on the Prize, and my Tumblr (posts, artwork, etc) .
There are good news and bad news.
Good news ⬇️
Format change: Instead of SotP being a written story that’s published on AO3, I have decided to make it into a comic instead! Many of my ideas are better portrayed visually than in words, and I realized this while writing the first chapter.
Ideas: I’ve got many! So… many bullet points… Too many. There are so many things I want to reveal about this story, but I have to hold back for the sake of making the reveal worthwhile.
Artwork: I will keep on posting any artwork relating to my AU, as well as possible gifts for fellow artists. These may be less frequent for now, but I’ll try to keep posting!
Spotify: Well, would you look at that! I’ve had a growing playlist with any songs I view fitting for SotP. It currently pretty short, but it has any song I see that could relate to the game show brothers, the story’s plot, etc, in case you are interested in checking it out. If the link does not work, reach out to me and the problem will be fixed.
Bad news ⬇️
Busy: I’m currently struggling on maintaining a balance between this, social life, work, and so forth. For instance, I was originally planning on making a reveal video/post, featuring an animated SotP Sun (and a voice actor speaking as him) to announce how SotP will become a comic. I do not have many opportunities to put a lot of my time into this project.
A wait: A comic seems to be an easier route for me to take for this story. However, its a more time-consuming one, resulting to longer periods of time waiting for comic pages. Drawing characters and backgrounds, with lineart coloring and shading, while also having a story to tell will take some time.
Burnout: I’m hoping I do not exhaust myself with the responsibility, which is why I will take my time on this story. Right now, it’s been a while since I've made any new accomplishments with SotP. I’m taking a small break on the main project to focus on other responsibilities in the meantime.
I will still be around, especially on the daycarefriendpickup weekend magmas!
⭐️Thank you to those who took the time to read this update ⭐️🫶
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moongoopy · 23 hours
The Fingernail Issue
c: gojo wasn't told of toji having a sibling leading him to wonder what kind of brother toji fushiguro was
c/w: Reader is adopted here, modern au, fluff, Toji's family are not a bunch of assholes, Reader is Toji's adoptive sibling, platonic and crack and humour ig
a/n: thought about this while making potato chips
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"You have a sibling!? Why haven't you told us?"
"There was no need."
Toji slurped his noodles, ignoring the groan that he got from Gojo Satoru. Being in the same club with Gojo Satoru and a few other extras proved to be quite fun. He thought joining the basketball club with egocentric people would be infuriating but in this little group he managed to make friends suprisingly. He let Sukuna take his shrimp while he shrugs, right now; Gojo was quite adamant on getting to know his kid sibling that was in the same school as him, just two grades lower than him.
Geto slips in a joke if he wanted to court them or something since the white haired male next to him who was currently miming a camera with his two hands. Just the thought of another Fushiguro gave him the heebie jeebies, he was already offputting with how crass his personality was, his sibling would probably be the same. He gagged to Geto's comment, his hand on his chin when he thought about it.
"Unless, your sibling isn't a carbon copy of you and is way more better than you.."
Sukuna waved his hand to deny that sentence with a smirk and it received a nudge from Toji, they had this whispering thing they had going on to keep secrets away from Gojo and they giggle like two middle schoolers finding out about a dirty secret.
"Oh so you've met them, Ryoumen?" Nanami sipped his coffee, he had his notebook infront of him, consistently taking notes since he'd miss a day of school and its already biting him in the ass. The pink haired male shrugged, copying the same move as his friend that made Gojo click his tongue to.
"If you don't like them, why are you even curious?"
Gojo defended himself, "Its not that I dont like them, I barely met them. Its just that.."
Without noticing he painted an image of you even before seeing you in the flesh so maybe you weren't that bad. Gojo just cant imagine Toji having a sibling, would he be a doting brother? A strict one? Geto had stated stuff about dating and he barely batted an eye so it looked like to Gojo that Toji didnt really care about you but the next words that Toji said irked him.
"You look like you have a lot on your mind, Gojo. Mind sharing?"
Toji finished his noodles but thought of leaving some of the soup at the bottom, thats where all the seasonings sink to. Knocking his chopsticks into the bowl, he leaned forward to hear what Gojo had say. Gojo was the type to walk past the obvious and it was funny. Seeing THE Gojo Satoru struggle was entertaining.
"Nah, I'm good, I'll just see them myself." He bit on his lollipop, crunching up the last bits down his throat.
"Good luck finding them then," The black haired man got up from his seat with his tray and Gojo gasped. He hasn't even finished asking questions but knowing him, he loved avoiding questions like some personal torture he lets people go through.
"I'm bringing my mom to the clinic so I gotta run," Toji gruffly said, grabbing his jacket and he was so fast to slip away.
"Hey! Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse again? Me and Suguru legit saw Mrs. Fushiguro doing laps the other day!"
"Even did some cardio too.." Geto chuckled, remembering how Toji's mom proudly confessed how she had done a lot of stuff in one day. It made him smile while Gojo was sulking like a poodle beside him. Sukuna cleared his throat from eating and cleaned his plates up. He glanced at Gojo mischeviously.
"Well.. if you want to know one thing.." Sukuna dragged the silence a little longer before chuckling. "They're a bit of the same."
Sukuna too walks away, waving slyly to meet up for practise soon and Gojo scoffed. That sleazy bastard thought that information on you was new.
"That was sooo lame."
Toji had his hands on the wheel, listening to his mother talk about what should they have for dinner. In between talking about your favourites and if his dad was gonna come home, she recalled the days where you first came home.
Mama Fushiguro liked recalling this a lot and when many people were bored by this tale by now, Toji showed interest. He didn't admit though when he finally had a kid sibling in his house, he was actually pretty elated. The house was quiet on its own with himself but with you, it was like he had a friend.
When you are adopted, his peace wasn't disrupted at all but it was like yours was. You were in a completely new environment but not unfamiliar. You had been fostered before but he didn't pry into your past, there was no need to he thinks. It was normal for you to be distant even if his parents try to pry you out your shell like a cat with its nails stuck on the walls. You claw back to your comfort and wasn't all that talkative.
He didn't force you to talk or advise you on anything because it was clear you could handle yourself, you just like to keep to yourself more than his parents. But knowing this doesn't make the bond between you and him all the more stumped. He did attempted to eventhough his mother would nag about how it was barely anything; calling you down for dinner wasn't talking and hell, task dividing either!
Going to the same college didn't made you two any closer. He thought asking you about school was corny and didn't bother, he didn't really think much of it. By the tired look in your face, it was more than enough to know what you've been through but he was sure you stayed out of trouble because he made sure of that.
He took his usual route back to the car but realise you were a bit late. You weren't usually tardy, he was and even so you would still wait for him out of courtesy. He spun back around and thought of fetching you in an instant. Maybe now was the time he would open his mouth and talk to you.
There was a bit of a ruckus in one of the classrooms. If he didn't had sharp ears then he would've walked right past but that was one of the subject classes you attend and peeped in.
It was horrid.
He saw a bunch of hooligans messing up your notebooks and scraping it against the ground with their shoes. He recognized some of them as they squat at your level and taunt you.
It was some people in his fan club or whatever and he heard bits of how someone this puny couldn't be his sibling. You were clutching onto a bag and it wasn't just your bag that you were concerned of, the laptop that his parents gave were in it and the bag slides clean off and you were only protecting the laptop with your life. You didn't mind your keychains being ripped off and tossed about but amongst the stomping, the laptop was clutched tightly in your arms.
His shout boomed across the room, shocking even you. You looked up to see your brother and he looked about ready to rip into the bullies with his bare hands. The group turned pale when they saw that their idol had caught them in the act of tormenting his little sibling and bit their tongue as their knees wobble.
The details of the lecture/threat of Toji wasn't heard as your ears buzz with fear. His touch made you snap back to reality, his rough hands helping you up gently and you wobble in your place.
"Holy shit.." You exclaimed in a huff to which he looked at you in an instant.
"You're really fucking loud when you're mad."
Silence settled to which the both of you laughed at in few seconds. This was the first time you didn't feel akward and commented so honestly. He patted your back and pick up your stuff, though soiled; atleast you were only shaken but unharmed.
The walk back to the car came naturally albeit a bit of limping in your step, you had twisted your ankle while running to catch the laptop before the others did and it sparked hellfire in Toji. His main priority now is atleast offering a crumb of comfort and heard out your reasoning for portecting a device rather than your skull.
"We could always buy you a new laptop,"
"I like the one now."
"Its not worth it breaking your skull in to protect it though."
To be honest, it wasn't about liking it. Just the big smiles on your adoptive parents' faces when they urged you to open the gift they bought you, it made your eyes all teary.
You weren't adopted before but you had to go through mean foster parents that had too much on their hands and that led to negliance to your needs. That led to several arguments and got you sent to the adoption center and it broke you, just the thought of connecting with another family made you numb.
But this family was so gentle with you. Even when you showed that there was no need for such kindness yet it wasn't that they coaxed you out of your shell but that they were so tender through their actions.
Toji notices the tears and scratches the back of his neck, he didn't read this in the big brother dummy book to know what to do if his little sibling cries. You had a distant look in your eyes before you realised you had reached the car with him.
Thankfully, both parents didn't notice the missing schoolbag or the agitated state that you're in. They were all smiles and Mamaguro was powdering on her face so it meant a family outing tonight.
You couldn't help but panic when you try to think of an explanation of your missing bag but Toji butted in on his parents conversations.
"Hey, Y/N wanted some ice cream before dinner, is that okay?"
Toji blurted out all of a sudden and you so badly wanted to deny it but he dug a deeper hole for you when the two agreed so quickly. They were excited that you finally requested something in a while and the car swerved to the nearest convenience store. Your brother adjusted himself in his seat, taking out his earphones and leaned a bit closer so the two infront won't hear.
"No worries, there's a store that sells bags beside the convenience store."
You huffed out a breath, your mouth feeling so dry and nodded to his words. He was a life saver.
Toji remembered how jittery you were when he suddenly made up some shit about you wanting ice cream that he couldn't help but chuckle outloud. The light from your eyes almost dimmed when you thought he would snitch on you. He parked close to the clinic, turning his back to grab an umbrella incase it rained. His mom pouted to his sudden chuckle and sighed.
"What are you laughing for? You're not ditching practise, yknow? You're going after you send me off at the clinic."
"Huh?" His mom showed a text conversation between her and Geto and scoffed. The lengths that man bun would go to have him show up at practise. That damn milf hunter-
"Hands up if your name is Y/N Fushiguro!!!" The class erupted in some noise upon seeing the popular duo stand near the doors of their class. When you heard your name being called, you reluctantly raised your hand; recognising who these two were.
The duo's faces fell for a moment, choking. Oh, you were adopted? Not in an offensive way obviously but Gojo might've heaved a sigh of relief. Atleast you weren't a splitting reflection of your brother, that would give him nightmares! Geto on the other hand realised why Toji would hide such a fact, an element of suprise if you will. He thought the two of them wouldn't find you out in an instant, did Toji thought so low of them? You raised a brow, wondering what they wanted.
They watched you walk out the classroom and Gojo adjusted his glasses. The graphic t-shirt and the style you had was a sublte influence from your brother.
"Well, well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"
You had the exact relaxed expression like your brother except you slowly turn weirded out, why were they ogling you like this?
You took time to observe them head to toe subtly while Gojo yapped about the tale of how Toji didn't reveal that he had a younger sibling, they were lean and muscular and they had this obvious good cop bad cop duo energy. The white haired man sounded visibly upset that you were kept as a secret from the rest, was this some kind of facade to get to know you better? You shifted to one foot to another, stopping the music playing in your earpods and cleared your throat.
"Do you want to get with my brother or something orrr...?" Gojo didn't get to the point so you went straight in but due to their reactions, you might've miscalculated. Tilting your head, you pointed at Geto's painted nails and the earrings he had.
"And you.. are you two like gay or something?" You put your hands in defense, talking quickly before they get the wrong idea, "Hey, I don't discriminate. I just barely had any fans of my brother be male sooo..."
For once in their lives, Gojo was speechless and Geto had his eyes wide open like crazy.
One thing was for sure, anyting that was the apart of the Fushiguro family was a complete nightmare.
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d34dlysinner · 2 days
Hellllllllllllo! I'm your friendly neighborhood enthusiastic enthusiasm enthusiast, and I'd like to make a request. The kings on a sugar rush or very hyper/caffeinated. I need this.
(Honestly don't know how to start writing this, just because I think that them being hyper would probably cause way more chaos in hell than they already have)
Satan seemed very hyper one day in Hell, no one knew how since he's pretty tolerant to a lot of things he eats or gets in contact with. But that day his usually sad and resting or happy and upbeat self seemed very energetic. He ditched his motorcycle and just went around on foot. He had a smile on his face most times of that day. When he kicked someone, like he usually does, they flee way further than intented. And when you were resting in a café, having tea with Sitri he'd barge in through the wall without a care to take you away and spend some more time with him.
Mammon being hyper would result in him being heard everywhere. He could be running around and the demons in the golden castle would hear loud "THUMP" noises the entire day. It definitely made Bimet mad for a while since he couldn't focus counting his gold coins for that day. So Bimet went to check it out, with the intention of scolding the person who made that ruckus. When he saw that it was his king he changed his goal to make his king tired so he can count in peace later. Valefor and Eligos would be called in to help him. In the end it all ends up with them all being knocked out because the day was too hectic.
Beel being hyper wasn't any different from how he usually acts. Most probably won't see, but Bael did notice slight changes like him not sitting at all that entire day. He also seemed to be able to run for hours on end without even panting. And at times his speech gets very fast unlike his usually relaxed voice. Bael who's tired from doing his kings work became way more tired after having conversations with his king.
Bael: ... What did you eat Beel?
Beel: Huh? Cake!
Bael: -_-... What was in that cake?
Beel: just some *insert a list of weird ingredients*
Bael: you know what... I don't want to know. I need to do the work you never finish.
Beel would also go all the way to Gehenna to take you away.
Leviathan being hyper was a weird occasion. Weird enough for Hades to call it a curse.The king was constantly annoyed, but that in combination with a lot of energy. Foras could have a question to ask his king and his king would sigh and dismiss him saying that he'd do it himself. Leviathan would do that with any question he got that day. Eventually the demons of Hades were all worried that their king was doing too much. They'd either try to help in secret or they wouldn't ask anymore questions that day in fear of giving him more work.
Foras was too distraught that he couldn't help. He even thought of weird scenarios that could've caused the state his king was in.
Barbatos would notice that Leviathan's usually elegant handwriting was shaky and almost unreadable.
Glasyalabolas would notice the longer rows of demons being hanged, including a little blonde haired demon that would try to escape and yell that he'll take Leviathans essence.
Lucifer being hyper was a special occasion for the demons in Paradise Lost. It doesn't look like he's hyper, but he's definitely speaking way more than he normally does. It was like someone answered the demons calls and just put a speaking curse on Lucifer.
This nice curse eventually became a worry for the demons since they think that something was wrong with Lucifers health. Eventually it turned to fear since there's power behind Lucifers words. And a single command could probably start chaos in Paradise Lost.
Buer: what could've caused this?
Marbas: maybe we should do some tests?
Morax: Tests are unnecessary. We just need to make sure that he doesn't make any commands.
(As an extra: just some hc for the 2 unreleased demon kings)
Belphegor being hyper just means that he's tiring to deal with (said Gusion) at the same time it was refreshing to see the king do all things on his own. But it'll turn into the king confining himself in his room for a longer duration.
Asmodeus being hyper meant that Dantalian had no chance getting to heaven to get beat up since his king would stop him before he even thought of him. This would piss Dantalian off enough to go to Gehenna himself and get you to distract the king.
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phantomarine · 3 days
Since Cheth wears souls like clothing, you can interpret which one he favors wearing at a given moment as reflecting his mood, be it gender or aesthetic or whatever, like how people decide what to wear. That adds a lot of depth to his shenanigans? Like how when Phaedra touches upon the prophecy FCheth shows up, you immediately get the sense that oh, that one’s special. He favors both “twins” but it’s like she’s a more personal aspect of Cheth that isn’t always shown to others… much like Cheth is a god that’s usually assumed to be male, so maybe our Bonefish sometimes feels a bit forced to show up as that more in front of mortals (Or Cheth feels less vulnerable that way?). Jeff is also interesting, as a largely sexless appearance that is less tied to humanity and closer to the original Bonefish, almost toy-like when playing with kids yet intimidating when angered. Gender is mostly a human thing and it’s like Cheth just threw it out the window there. How did Cheth feel that day, to pick that to primarily hang out as? If I had to guess, given the context of Fracture Day and the Mantacrew making zero progress, Cheth might have felt sad, frustrated and alienated until meeting Pavel, less human, more old and tired creature. Then when Phaedra reconnects with her own humanity and friends, the human ghosts show up again like Cheth’s hope and connection to humanity is back on track… Additionally, Cheth as a “friendly monster” for Pavel vs a “horrifying dragon” for Irving parallels how a child might find queer people odd but not inherently frightening, while adults will recognize strange/“difficult to understand” as danger (not to mention the super religious ones thinking queerness is the work of the devil). Yes the queer angle is so much fun I rambled way longer than I thought I would sorry
I got nothing to add. Good thoughts!
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yoinkschief · 24 hours
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Man I got this done a lot faster than I thought I would Imma be honest, especially since these were all new art styles for me,,, but hey if this isn't something awesome to argue for my portfolio I dunno what is lol
Matt, Tom's and the Official one will be longer to make, simply because I'm struggling with their reference sheets currently - more specifically I'm working on Matt's right now but oh dear lord he's been the one I struggle with forever in Eddsworld so he's gonna take a damn minute,,,
I'm also gonna be gone some days next week and then the week after that is MY BIRTHDAY !!! And I have an art piece I'm working on for that so who knows when I'll actually get the refs and the covers will actually be done
In the meantime my writing has slowed a bit, been in a slump - I'm cool chill and fine I'm just beginning to think my seasonal depression is not so seasonal whoops what can ya do
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seenoversundown · 21 hours
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Six
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: It's still Sad hours folks, Mentions of Grief, Mild Anxiety, Some Self Deprecation / Negative Self Talk, AND THEN some Fluff, Cute Banter, Dry Humor, and the biggest warning of all: Pirate Facts (don't forget who we're talking to here)
Word Count : 3.5k
Summary : Charlotte is still processing the prior day's events and struggling to deal with her grief coupled with the fact she let a "stranger" see her upset. Unfortunately, things have to get worse before they get better, but she is well on her way to better.
Author's Note: HEHE ANOTHER ONE. Okay really though, I know we've been having sad chapters and I want you to get to good stuff so I figured since this is the last sad chapter for a bit AND she's a little shorter than the next handful, I may as well let you have her early. We start off a bit rough, but it only gets better as you read! PROMISE.
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Honest - Joseph "There's always two thoughts, One after the other, I'm alone, No, you're not."
I’ve been sitting in bed since I got home last night, recounting everything. A full-blown meltdown, Charlotte? You really couldn’t choke it back for a little longer? I have never been good at letting people in. I tend to keep everybody at arms’ reach, which is why I now have… basically, no friends.  
I don’t know how I got here; that’s a lie. I am too intense. I work too much. I care too much about my work. I could stand to relax a little more. Okay, let’s not talk ourselves into a spiral now; it’s too early in the morning. 
It’s 7 a.m., and I’ve barely slept. I force myself out of bed. I just need coffee. Stretching as I walk into my kitchen, I set up my coffee pot and lean against the counter, rubbing my eyes to rid the sleep left on them. He was so sweet about it, too. He didn’t even hesitate. Taking a deep breath , I shake my head as if that would get rid of the thoughts. 
I pour some coffee into my favorite mug, take the first sip, and feel the warmth go through my body. ‘Oh, Honey’ rings in my head. Does he just give everybody pet names?  Finding myself on my couch, my laptop sitting next to me, taunting me with the option to work. I know I should take the day off with how little sleep I got, but I would also rather stay busy. 
I could just check my emails. 
Maybe I’ll just work for a few hours.  
It couldn’t hurt to just clock in. 
I’m pushing open my laptop, frustrated because I know I’ve lost the battle with myself again. I immediately pull up my emails, seeing a handful from the last few days that I haven’t answered. 
It’s a lot of easy work, which is good because, well, I shouldn’t be working right now. I spend a while replying to everything in my inbox, including an email to my boss. I sip my coffee between emails, trying to stay focused on work but finding my mind wandering. 
I would have been fine if he didn’t acknowledge that I looked sad. I could have gotten through that situation so much better. Why did he have to notice? I pause my thoughts, realizing how insensitive they seem. You’re grieving, Charlotte. Jesus Christ, give yourself some grace. You’re GOING to be sad. He was just good at handling that. I still can’t wrap my head around how quickly he reacted. Most men I’ve met probably wouldn’t have even realized something was wrong, let alone make sure I could privately have a moment. 
My throat starts to tighten again, and my chest feels heavy; I wish I could tell her about this. She would have been so shocked to hear that I let someone help me. My eyes start to get blurry. Oh, not again. I sit there, letting the tears fall down my face. 
“Fuck,” I mutter to my empty apartment. 
I rub my eyes, probably harder than I should, before making a second cup of coffee. Breathing shakily as I pour, text him. No. You need a friend, Charlotte. I don’t even know him, aside from his business. He said to let him know if you need anything, and you do kind of need something right now. I do not, I’m fine. Then why are you still crying? 
Sitting on my couch, I grab my phone and pull up his messages. Just text him. 
I struggle to type anything out for a moment, wiping my face a few times before finally settling on something simple. 
Charlotte: hi goodmorning 
I lock my screen quickly, setting my phone next to me, face down. Why did I do that? It’ll be fine. Just let him respond.  
Back to work, I open an email from my boss; 
‘Charlotte,  Why are you working today? I thought you took the day off? Regardless, how did everything go in Portland? Did you get the paperwork handled with Caravel Tavern? I’m hoping for your sake that the owner was pleasant and just filled it out for you.  It’s an unfortunate situation that you had to go there, but much appreciated that you were able to stop by and get that taken care of.’ 
My boss and I have been working together for a while, so I’d like to think that he isn’t being disingenuous with that email, but the fact he knows the ultimate reason I went to Portland and only seemingly touched on the work part is making my stomach hurt. Does everybody think that I’m emotionless? I went there to mourn my friend, and he was worried about how my work went. I feel the tears pricking at my eyes again. This time, I don’t fight them. Setting my laptop to the side, I take a few sips of coffee, wiping my eyes in between. 
My phone vibrates beneath my leg. Is it.. Grabbing it nervously, I flip it over, letting the screen turn on. There, his name sits on my lock screen. 
Jacob: Well goodmorning, how are you feeling? 
Not great. My stomach turns reading the question over and over. Why does he care? 
Charlotte: I’ve been better, honestly. How are you?
Why did you say that? He literally saw me cry yesterday. I think he’d be more shocked if I said I was feeling great.  
Jacob: oh i’m sorry, can I do anything to help? 
No. Just tell him you need a friend, especially right now. We have worked together, I can’t do that. I’m above him, technically. Charlotte, chill out. You’re not co-workers. You can be friends with him. 
Charlotte: I don’t know. I’m just having a rough morning  and I didn’t know who else to text. 
You don’t have anybody you would text anyway. This happens when you don’t keep in touch with your friends. 
Jacob: Do you want to talk about whats wrong or I can just try to distract you?
He’s so.. Don’t tell him. 
Charlotte: I think a distraction is needed 
I’m immediately curious how he’s going to be distracting through text. He’s distracting enough in person. Charlotte. I’m sorry, but it’s no secret. 
Jacob: In that case, how much do you know about the golden age of piracy? 
Charlotte: lol I do actually know a little bit, but go on. 
Jacob: Do you?? Well then, my personal favorites are Anne Bonny and Blackbeard is an obvious choice but.. I dont even care haha hes great. 
A smile crept onto my face when I read his reply. Why is it so wholesome that one of his favorites is a woman pirate? He’s probably just saying it.
Charlotte: You like Anne Bonny?
It’s marked as read immediately, and the typing bubbles pop up almost instantly.
Jacob: She was incredible! And she never was found?? That’s insane. You have to respect it. 
Charlotte: She really was incredible. I know a little about Blackbeard but, you can tell me about him.
Charlotte: If you want obviously, you don’t have to. 
Phone in hand, I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on before facing the mirror. My eyes are puffy, and my hair is everywhere. God, Charlotte, get it together, girl. I set my phone on the counter, leaning in to look at myself closer. Seeing how dark my under eyes are and how irritated my waterline is from rubbing at them. I look down at the counter, feeling the tears coming back. Softly shutting my eyes to force the tears out. 
“For the love of god,” I whisper to myself. 
Undressing myself and stepping into the shower, I stand with my face in the water. Feeling the warmth surrounding me, it feels safe. Once the water has completely soaked my hair, I sit on the tub floor, holding my knees close to me, letting the hot water beat against my back. You’re allowed to be sad, Charlotte. Tears freely fall down my face. I hate this. 
Carefully squeezing the water out of my hair and clipping it out of my way, I pull on a comfortable sweatshirt and leggings. I quickly rub some moisturizer into my face, grab my phone, and head back to the couch. I sink back into my spot, pull my throw blanket back over me, and slouch down into the corner. 
I pull my phone out and see a handful of texts from Jacob sitting there. 
Jacob: Welllll.. Supposedly his actual name was Edward Teach .. or Thatch.. Nobody really has confirmation because Pirates didn’t always use their real surnames to not spoil the family name. 
Jacob: He obviously was the owner of Queen Anne’s Revenge, but it was originally a French Slave ship named La Concorde that he managed to capture. 
Jacob: When he died, they beheaded him and put his head on a STAKE at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay!
Jacob: Are you okay? Is this annoying?
Why do I want to cry? Well, nobody else is checking on you.  
Charlotte: No, you’re not annoying me. I showered, I should have let you know. I’m sorry. 
Rubbing my eyes until I see TV static and taking long breaths seem to be the only thing calming me down. Nobody taught me how to handle waves of grief. My stomach turns at the thought. 
Jacob: dont be sorry, its okay. 
Charlotte: Are you actually working right now.. by any chance? 
What are you doing? I don’t want to be alone right now. 
Letting out a deep breath, trying to unclench my jaw, it’s hard to relax.
Jacob: I don’t have to be. 
My hands tremble as I click on his name and promptly click on the ‘call’ button. Please pick up. 
“Hey,” he says quietly, “what’s going on?” 
“Hi,” I whisper. My throat immediately gets tight, and my lips shake.” Um,” I say, taking another long breath. 
“Oh,” he whispers, “hang on.” I can hear the music from the bar slowly fade before the click of the door shut. 
“Are you okay?” 
“No,” I whimper softly, “I can’t stop crying, and I’m nauseous, and I just don’t want to feel alone.” 
Oh, that was a lot. 
“Hey, hey, slow down,” his voice is calm. “I’ll stay on the phone with you; just take a little breath for me, okay?”
In through your nose, out through the mouth. 
“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on if you don’t want to, but I hate that you’re so upset,” his voice getting a bit softer. 
“I don’t think I can say it out loud yet,” I confess, “It’s just- I’m sorry, it’s too much, and I-”
My breathing picks up again, and I can feel my heart pounding. This was a good idea, wasn’t it? 
“Honey, it’s okay,” he says, there’s that name again. “You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to. We can talk about anything else.” 
Breathe Charlotte. Closing my eyes, more tears fall, but my breathing slows. 
“What have you done today?” he asks.
“Um, I took a shower and answered some emails,” my voice still struggling to stabilize.
“You were working?” 
“I thought it would help distract me, but it sort of made everything worse,” I said, sounding defeated. 
His soft laugh is almost enough to make me smile, “Have you eaten today?” he continues the light interrogation. 
“No, I’ve only had coffee,” I tell him. 
“Why don’t you make yourself something to eat?” His tone is still very calm; he really is good at this, “Maybe sleep a little if you can.”
He’s right. I probably should eat something, at least.
“I definitely feel like I could use a nap,” I let out a sad giggle, wiping my eyes for the millionth time. 
“Do you want me to stay on the phone with you for a little bit?” 
My chest feels weird when he asks that. 
“If you don’t mind..” my voice was small, not wanting to be a pain. 
“I don’t mind one bit.” 
I stroll into my kitchen, open the cabinets, and stare into them. 
“What should I eat?” I question out loud.
“Food is probably your best bet,” he answers dryly, and I swear I can hear the smirk on his face. 
“Incredibly helpful, thank you.” 
His giggle rings through my ears, and I can feel the tug on the corners of my mouth. His laugh is cute. Reaching into the cabinet and pulling out my bag of pretzel crisps. 
“What’s the verdict?”
“Just some pretzels,” I mumble, knowing it’s not much. But I’m also not starving. 
“Lunch of Olympians, Charlotte.” 
This time, it’s my laugh radiating through the phone. Oh. I bring my hand up to cover my mouth once I realize it. 
“That might be the first time I’ve done anything other than cry today.” 
“Happy to help, m’lady.” 
I giggle at the mild English accent that snuck out, “I think if you learn much more, you’re gonna become a pirate.” 
“That isn’t a threat to me like you probably think it is,” he says. 
“Have to start calling you Captain Jake Sparrow,” 
He clears his throat before letting out a weak “Yeah,��� followed by an uncomfortable laugh. 
“Um, so,” he starts, “what’s something that you enjoy too much? Since you’re so graciously laughing about mine.” 
Working. You like other things, Charlotte. But working is the most satisfying. Baking.. Reading.. Hello? 
“I read a lot,” I blurt out, realizing I was in my head, “and I like to bake.”  My hand covers my face as I tell him because I definitely sounded like I just pulled it out of my ass. 
“Oh! I read a fair bit myself; what are you reading?” 
Fuck. Yeah, go ahead and tell him what you read. 
I scan the book on my coffee table; it’s just another contemporary romance novel. I like to alternate more non-fiction things with some romance because I’m not a robot. I have a soft spot for sweet stories. Something about effortlessly falling in love or watching two characters pine over each other for a good majority of the book before allowing themselves to act on it. 
“Uhhh…” I stammer over myself. “I don’t know if you’d know it.”  I can feel the heat rise into my cheeks as he breathes through the phone, waiting for me to elaborate. Slumping down into the corner of the couch.
“What genre?”
“It’s uh.. a contemporary romance..” I whisper quickly. Look, there’s nothing wrong with romance novels, but with how I have learned to present myself while I’m working, it feels a bit silly to admit. 
“Ooohhhhh,” he taunts. “Are you secretly a little hopeless romantic, Red?”
“I am just a girl, Jacob. You asked the question.” I giggle at the nickname and the fact he’s calling me out so quickly. Scooting myself down further, so I’m practically lying down.
“Alright, alright, fair enough,” he laughs, “I read a lot of historical things, as you can imagine. So, consider me boring.” 
“You are far from boring,” I tell him, not meaning to have it come off like it probably did.
“I think my brothers would beg to differ,” he sighs.
“I’m almost positive that’s just a sibling thing that they’re required to do,” I readjust my arm underneath my pillow, switching my phone to speaker and setting it next to me, “But also, maybe I just don’t think pirates are boring. Who’s to say?”
“Hey Jake, can I bother you?” I hear faintly in the background, “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Hang on for a second?” he asks quietly. 
“I’ll be here.” 
I close my eyes, just listening to the random sounds that pick up from his phone. God, I’m so tired. A yawn sneaks up on me, releasing a deep breath, and I can feel my body relax even more. I can feel my breathing change a bit, and my head feels heavier as I lie here. 
“Hi, I’m sorry,” he says. A small “oop” falling from my lips involuntarily. 
“Did I scare you?” he whispers this time.
“A little,” I mumble, my eyes still sewn shut, “I think I fell asleep.”
“Get some rest,” I swear I can hear the smile on his face, “we can talk later.” 
All I manage is an ‘mhm’ before I feel myself drifting back into my slumber. 
 My phone vibrates against my face, jolting me from my nap. Holy shit. Swiping away the unknown caller, tucking my arms back into my blanket, and closing my eyes. I don’t want to be awake yet. Deciding to lay there for a few more minutes before becoming a human again. 
Finally, I caved and opened my phone. Jacob’s messages were still pulled up, but I noticed new ones sitting at the bottom. 
Jacob: i hope you feel a little better when you wake up. It was really nice getting to talk to you. I mostly talk to my brothers at this point so it was refreshing
Jacob: not the you being sad part, just the rest of it obviously 
I audibly laugh at the second text. He’s so uncomfortable. 
I scroll through our messages for a moment with a small smile.  You’ve been grinning at these messages… Well, he is charming. I mean, he basically talked you down until you were relaxed enough to sleep. I can still hear his voice in my head, ‘Take a breath for me.’ The way he looked at me as he wiped the tears from my face, I don’t know what happened at that moment. I hear Cass in my head, “Stop thinking yourself out of happiness.” 
I set my phone down, quickly sat up, and grabbed my laptop from my coffee table. I opened it, pulled up my emails again, and scrolled for the email from my boss. Hitting reply, I quickly start typing;
‘Good evening,  Actually,- I may need to work remotely. After spending a few days checking in, it seems like some assistance may be required-’
Actually what? My hands are typing faster than I can coherently think, but it’s not entirely a lie; he does seem like he needs a little bit of help getting things in order, and with having to train Melody and get her certified, he’s going to be juggling a lot of things. 
‘I believe that Mr. Kiszka-’
 I giggle to myself, fully able to hear him from the first day I walked in saying, ‘Mr. Kiszka is my father.’ 
 ‘-has the capabilities to succeed, but he is still fairly new at this and is just trying to get caught up. He also has a new hire that he will be getting certified, and I will be assisting him with that process to ensure everything goes smoothly.’
Charlotte, you’re still emotional. Maybe you should just hold off on sending this. What do you mean by ‘you will be assisting him’? He’s fine! The words are flowing out from my fingertips, and I’m choosing to ignore the voices in my head this time. Okay, wow.
‘That said, I’ll be located within 30 minutes of Portland. If there are any other businesses you’d like me to check on while I’m there, please let me know. Have a great weekend,  Charlotte Rhodes’
I hit send with no second thought. 
Okay, so that was a dumb choice. You were much more assertive than you usually are, and that isn’t going to fair well. You weren’t that bad, but not giving an option for working remotely was definitely a choice. 
Shutting my laptop abruptly and setting it back on the coffee table, my heart is racing. Never done that before. Typically, I’m not someone who acts on emotions, but for some reason, today is different.
Charlotte: I knew what you meant, lol. I feel much more educated on pirates now. 
Jacob:  oh i have so much more i could tell you 
Charlotte: Well, I’m done working so.. I have time. 
Staring at our texts, I don’t know what I’m doing. My hands timidly scroll up, rereading our conversation. Why do I feel nervous? Noting that he’s been nothing but nice and helpful, my phone gently vibrates and automatically scrolls to the bottom as he replies. 
Jacob: be careful what you wish for dear
Charlotte: I’m already on board, it’s too late. 
I sink into the couch again, wondering if this is a mistake. I did kind of make an irrational decision.. Mmm… feels silly now, doesn’t it? But immediately remembering that, I promised my best friend that I would live a little. ‘It’s just a job, babe,’ plays in my head, and she’s right. It is just a job, and I’m still going to do my job, but  from Portland. Where we can talk to this nice boy, who seems like he’s just happy to have someone to talk to. But you also need to not lose your job for a-
Jacob: I hope you already have your sea legs then
Jacob: there were a million pirates in that era so we have a lot to go over
The nerves are nowhere to be seen, swallowed by my quiet laughter as I read his texts. I can only imagine how excited he probably is to talk to someone about this who isn’t going to groan or fake sleep during it. I will gladly take any distraction I can get tonight. The nice voice in my brain is just telling me, maybe we could be friends. 
Chapter Five
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | FDOG Playlist
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@gvfsstardust @myleftsock @mindastreamofcolours @dont-go-home-without-me @literal-dead-leaf
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I've has this one on the back of my mind for a while now, and I'm so happy I finally got the chance to request! Maid reader who sneaks notes when prepping Baldwin's meals. In them, she expresses how she admires him from afar and how she wishes she was a woman of a higher class in order to be with him. She also lets him know that, regardless of his illness, she finds him to be charming and attractive no matter how much he hides every inch of his body. I was thinking that maybe Baldwin would sneak into the kitchens and catch her red-handed only for her to become extremely shy and apologize profusely. Thank you, and sorry if it's too long or overcomplicated. I tend to rant 😅
♧ Let Me Be Your's - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you very much for your request. I love it a lot! I hope it's what you had in mind 😊. No need to apologize, it is an amazing request! As always this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Y/n walked down the corridor that lead to the king's chambers, slowly as not to spill anything on the tray she carried.
It was early morning and while the other royals dined together, Baldwin had requested each of his meals to be brought to his chambers every day for the last few months. Y/n assumed that this was due to the disease that disfigured his face and him not wishing for anybody to see him in the state he was in. 
She had been a maid at the castle for several years now and in her time there, she had watched how as the king's disease progressed. As it did, he became increasingly reclusive.
She wondered if he ever got lonely sitting in his chambers in all of his free time. Occasionally, it crossed her mind to pay him a visit, just to check on him but thought against it. He was the king, and she was a maid. Not even a head maid, but a junior maid.
Despite this, she had felt deep compassion for him for years now. She wanted nothing more than to leave her lower class position to even have a chance at being his wife.
This thought had tormented her for months. She simply could not take it any longer, he had to know just how deeply she felt for him. Even if it was a risk to her position in the castle, this could not go on any longer. 
As y/n arrived outside Baldwin’s chambers, she felt her heartbeat speed up slightly.
Perhaps she was making a mistake in doing this. She knocked on the door softly and awaited permission to enter.
When a slightly strained and groggy voice called for her to enter, she hesitated for but a moment. The note tucked under his tea cup stared at her. She thought about removing it and forgetting the whole ordeal, but she simply could not allow this torment to go on any longer.
Y/n pushed open the door, entering slowly. She straightened herself to a more respectful posture before lowering herself into a shallow curtsey. “Good Morning your majesty” she said confidently, ridding her voice of any possible nervousness.
The king sat on the edge of his bed, white sleeping robes hung loosely around his attractive body. Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat at the sight of the faint outline of his toned body.
“Good Morning madam” he greeted cheerfully through the iron mask.
She placed the tray on his bedside table, “enjoy your meal my lord” she said with a small smile before turning to leave quickly, closing the door behind her.
Baldwin smiled, he always enjoyed seeing that particular maid. She was very kind to him, even though he did not even know her name. He wished he did though.
The young king stood, picking up the tray and sitting down at his desk with it. Just as he removed his mask, he noticed a small piece of parchment tucked underneath the tea cup.
He tilted his head to the side, curiosity taking over him. He took the parchment in his gloved hands, unfolding it slowly. It was a letter. As he read, his heart began to swell in his chest.
To my dearest King,
I know we have never been acquainted with more than brief interaction but I simply can not keep these feelings to myself any longer.
I have admired you from afar since I began work at the castle.
You are a brilliant ruler as well as a charming and kind soul.
Regardless of the illness that plagues your body, you are very beautiful and immensely attractive.
No matter how much you hide yourself, you are the most perfect man I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.
I will write to you in another note next meal as I am running out of time to complete this one. 
Signed, your most avid admirer.
The king was as curious as he was flattered. This had to have been the young maid that delivered him the meal.
If this was the case, he had to see her at once. But he was not quite sure if it was in fact her. Perhaps somebody else had slipped it onto his tray while she was not looking.
He greatly hoped that it was her, he liked her a lot despite not knowing her all that well.
Baldwin pondered a solution as he ate. By the end of the meal, he had come up with a plan. He would wait until lunch when the maids and chefs would be busy preparing the food, then he would enter the kitchen without being seen to catch who it was who wrote the first note as they were in the process of writing the second one.
As the day wore on, Baldwin could not take his mind off the note. Not even once.
A few times he caught himself zoning out during an important meeting, just lost in thought about the beautiful maid and her note.
When the hour came, the king told the royal officials that he would be dining in his chambers as usual and left them to do so. Instead of this, he took a turn down the corridor that led straight to the kitchens.
It would be difficult to enter unnoticed, but he had to do this. Moving slowly, he pushed the doors open just enough to slip through. Dodging the gaze of others, he finally caught sight of the lovely maid.
She was standing in an area that was more secluded from the other  busy looking servants and chefs, so the king used this to his advantage.
She looked as beautiful as ever. Baldwin tucked himself behind a large box to observe her work. He felt a bit silly doing this, sneaking around his own palace. But it was as exciting as it was slightly embarrassing.
It seemed he had entered at just the right time as she was plating food onto the tray. After everything was positioned, the maid turned around to check behind her, ensuring nobody saw what she was about to do. Then she reached into her apron pocket and removed a small piece of parchment and pencil.
Leaning on the bench, she thought for a moment before beginning to write something. Baldwin’s heart fluttered in his chest. It was her. He was beyond happy at the discovery.
Despite being a powerful king, women never really showed interest in him. He knew it was because of his illness, but now it was different. She was different.
The king stepped out from his hiding place, approaching her slowly so as not to startle her. Reaching out a gloved hand, he tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to jump and turn around.
Her startled look turned to one of embarrassment as she realized her situation. “M-my lord! What are you doing here? Oh no, I should never have done anything, I am so sorry-” she stammered.
“It's alright, it's alright madame, there is no need to worry. I received your note this morning and I was truly flattered” he said gently, his beautiful blue eyes sinking into hers.
As y/n observed him, suddenly so close to her, she remembered exactly why she fell for him in the first place. He was so perfect. Blush rose to her cheeks as the embarrassment and shock melted away to bashful nervousness.
“Thank you sir” she said, voice barely above a whisper. 
“What is your name my lady?” Baldwin asked, taking her hand in his.
“Y/n your highness” a small smile crossing her face. Her hand was in his. This was a dream come true.
“Well y/n, how would you like to join me in my chambers for lunch?” he asked, smiling behind the iron mask as her eyes widened at the request.
“Yes, it would be my honor” she accepted eagerly. She could not believe this was happening, but it was. And it was even better than she could have possibly imagined.
The two shared the lunch that y/n had prepared on the balcony that afternoon, talking about everything there was to speak of. Baldwin even removed his mask.
Even though his cheeks and nose were covered with bandages, y/n felt honored to see a part of himself that he tried so desperately to keep hidden from the world.
This activity became regular as their relationship grew from simple acquaintances into something beautiful.
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Bridgerton Season 3 Is Completely Out - Here's My Thoughts (Not Spoiler Free!)
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I never expected myself to become a sucker for Bridgerton yet here we are. It started after promotion for Season 3 began earlier this year. They began to drop the snippets, specifically the infamous "your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue" scene. So, as soon as these scenes dropped, I felt some appeal. However, Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton really PULLED me into the trap. The PR and their genuine friendship brought me so much comfort and idealization. I still feel like an imposter in this fandom as I haven't watched the show from beginning to end. I'm hesitant to start it. I've already found myself being emotionally attached to these characters and their actors. It's formed a hyperfixation so that's a great new addition to my shelf of many fixations. But with that comes, a lot of dread to start a series in fear of me disliking their characters in previous seasons or feeling no appeal to other characters. I don't want to be that person.
Yet I still watched Season 3. I may not know every character and have a basic rundown of what's happened in previous seasons but I've enjoyed what I've seen. The first part of Season 3 focused on establishing the friends-to-lovers phenomenon between Colin and Penelope. Some aspects felt rushed but to me, it was pretty well done. However, when it comes to covering a book, there should definitely be more aspects of the book included. Many things were excluded, some for completely valid reasonings and others that didn't make sense. As many of the dearest gentle readers watched the second half of the season, many have echoed the same disappointment. Where was his declaration of love from the books? Why was there more anger than happy scenes? Why did they seem to skip many events from the book adaption?
Before we delve into this deeper, if you haven't read the original book (Romancing Mister Bridgerton: Penelope & Colin's Story by Julia Quinn), this is what we as a fandom are referring to:
“I love you,” he said, his voice low and fervent. “I love you with everything I am, everything I've been, and everything I hope to be.” “I love you with my past, and I love you for my future.” He bent forward and kissed her, once, softly, on the lips.
In many ways, we technically got something similar to this towards the end of Episode 8 but most longtime readers and watchers were looking forward to this moment. Not only that but the almost reversed sequence of events. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, this is a live-action adaption of the novelization. The novelization will forever reign superior.
Stlll, Luke and Nicola brought these characters to life with their blood, sweat, and tears. You can see through their art how serious and important these characters are to them. I think it's fair to say that I cannot wait to see them in future seasons, even though, they will no longer be the leads. I think that's another reason I dreaded the end of this season. I've enjoyed all the press, interviews, photoshoots, and friends made along the way.
To finish this off, I would like to applaud Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton. Not only did they provide us with happiness and joy but they showed their close friendship, highlighting their immense respect for each other. You don't see things like this in this business often. Of course, they played into some aspects of the PR but their friendship was never PR despite sites like DeuxMoi wanting to claim.
And with that dearest gentle readers, this is where we part. Not literally but this season has been an amazing journey for us all. I can't wait to see what the future has in store. I hope and pray that Nicola and Luke remain friends through all hate and rumors, as well. This won't be the last you hear of my Bridgerton ranting and rambling as I hope to actually start from beginning to end. I hope you all enjoyed this season as much as I have, even with some of the hurdles with the second half.
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aishangotome · 2 days
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 11
Chapter 10 Premium Story
In the end, after getting soaked in the shower, we stood before a different kind of mess – our clothes.
Alfons: "Don't you hate the thought of putting these back on?"
Persuaded by his words, we spent the night in that room, naked.
By morning, new clothes had been delivered, somehow arranged overnight.
While dodging Alfons' mischievous hands that tried to play another prank, I got dressed, and we returned to the castle.
Alfons: So, how was it?
Kate: Huh?
Alfons: Did I look like I was having fun while indulging in pleasure with you?
Kate: ......What!?
The direct question made my face flush instantly.
All I could recall were his sighs, his lips, the feeling of our skin rubbing together......
Kate: I-I couldn't tell.
Alfons: That's a shame. Then we'll have to do a lot more naughty things.
Kate: What......!
Alfons: Well then......I'm going to sleep now. I won't wake up until tonight, so feel free to do as you please, my exclusive Fairytale Keeper.
Alfons: You must be sleep-deprived too. Why don't you get some rest?
As always, Alfons left me abruptly.
(...Alfons' goodbyes are always so one-sided.)
I felt like I wouldn't be surprised if he disappeared like a phantom tomorrow.
That's how much Alfons seems unconnected to anything.
Not to his partying friends, not to Crown – and certainly not to me, whom he just met.
(...I feel like I shouldn't dwell on Alfons' "truth" any longer.)
It would only lead to pain.
That certain premonition suppressed the sweet ache that had sprouted in the depths of my chest.
(Just like Alfons said – "It's a relationship that won't last even a month.")
(If I let my heart be captured too...)
Kate: ......It will only hurt.
The words I coughed out to convince myself made my chest tighten more than I expected.
Pretending not to notice my wounded heart, I quickened my pace.
(It's okay. I... I don't like Alfons.)
Roger: ...Didn't you say you were going to bed?
Roger entered just as Alfons finished his first glass in one gulp.
Alfons: ...Eavesdropping on other people's conversations, as always, what an unpleasant ability.
Roger: I just happened to overhear it while passing by. I didn't use my ability to listen in.
Alfons, still frowning in displeasure, glanced at Roger's hand.
Alfons: Beer in the afternoon? A doctor neglecting his health is deplorable.
Roger: I was up all night. It's better than you drinking gin in the afternoon.
Roger lightly shook his beer mug and poured it down his throat.
After a satisfied gulp, he looked at Alfons again.
Roger: ...So, how is it? You like Kate, don't you?
Alfons: Of course.
Alfons: A straight, pure robin who has fallen into a den of evil and has never done anything wrong...
Alfons: Such an interesting toy is hard to come by.
Roger: ...Really?
At the suggestive tone, Alfons narrowed his eyes sharply.
Alfons: ...What?
Roger: It doesn't look like you're just interested in that kind of formal amusement anymore.
Roger: Don't you just simply like her?
Alfons: Is that a medical opinion? Unfortunately, you're wrong.
Alfons: I don't have the capacity to love.
Roger: Is that so? She seems to like you.
Alfons: Haha! Of course she does.
Alfons: This relationship is just a one-month entertainment.
Alfons: Even without love, it's bound to be fun.
Roger: ...Then don't let her get too serious.
Roger: Perhaps this is the fine line where you can look back and say, "That was a bad form of entertainment."
Alfons: ...Ha.
It was probably the most parched sigh he had ever let out.
Alfons: Since when did you become such a good person?
The day after returning with Alfons, there was a meeting to share the progress of our mission.
It seems they had been investigating the commonalities between the workhouse manager who led the gang of thugs and the orphanage manager where the bodies were first found. The name of a certain gentleman's club came up.
Kate: A gentleman's club... It's a members-only social club where only those recognized among the upper class can join, right?
William: Yes. It has accommodations, restaurants, bars, libraries... all of which are exclusive to members.
William: Important figures from various fields gather there to test each other and build connections.
Victor: It's highly likely that one of those clubs is directing the massacre of the poor happening in the East End right now.
London, with its burgeoning population, has a stark divide between rich and poor.
Hunger leads to conflict, and conflict leads to tragic events.
Having caught a glimpse of the darkness of this city that makes headlines, some people brandish eugenic ideas, claiming that "the poor are born criminals."
(But... no one deserves to be killed just for living.)
People in the slums, fleeing in terror as knives are indiscriminately wielded.
People clinging to the illusion of Alfons.
The images that surfaced in my mind tightened my chest.
(If they are indiscriminately killing innocent people like that... and think of it as "purification"...)
(...That's cruel arrogance.)
**flashback to dining room**
Alfons: There are children in this world who die without anyone knowing.
Alfons: And there are people who think of it as nothing more than clearing away bothersome garbage that has piled up on the street corner.
**end of flashback**
(...Alfons has known about the existence of such people long before this incident occurred.)
(Has he lived in a place where he could feel it firsthand?)
I was afraid to face the cruel incident happening in the East End.
(But now I want to face it properly...)
That feeling welled up in my chest.
Victor: To catch the mastermind, we need to infiltrate the 'Purification' club... but it's not easy to get in there.
Victor: Most gentlemen's clubs are exclusive, and they'll be even more vigilant since they have something to hide.
William: ...So, Alfons, we'd like to ask you to infiltrate.
Alfons: Leave it to me. I'm good at deceiving people and infiltrating.
Despite the dangerous mission of venturing into enemy territory, Alfons accepted with a nonchalant smile.
(If it's Alfons' mission... then I too–)
(As his exclusive "Fairytale Keeper," I have to see it through to the end this time and record it.)
Alfons: Oh... by the way, what about Kate?
William: If she's your "exclusive Fairytale Keeper," you'll have no choice but to take her along.
Kate: ...Yes.
For a moment, the atrocities I had witnessed at the "Purification" club flashed through my mind, and fear almost crept up from my feet, but I scolded my weak self and raised my face.
Kate: Um, how do we get into the gentleman's club? Women aren't allowed, are they...?
William: With Alfons' ability,
William: It's easy to make them believe that non-members are members, or that women are men.
Kate: ! I see...
Alfons: You don't have to push yourself, Kate.
The voice came from right behind my ear.
Even without turning around, I could sense Alfons' presence beside me, his lips close as he chuckled.
Alfons: If you're scared, you can just kill time at a nearby cafe and we'll match our stories later.
I don't want to run away
I have a responsibility
I want to help
Kate: This time, I don't want to run away. I'll be careful not to cause any more trouble, so please...
Kate: Let me go with you.
Alfons: It seems you are prepared to face death.
William: Haha, you've become quite a brave robin, haven't you?
Kate: Alfons, I'm counting on you.
Alfons: ...Goodness, you're really something else, aren't you?
His troubled, exasperated, yet gentle smile made my heart leap–
(I don't like him, I don't like him.)
I chanted like a mantra, pushing away the sweet emotions that welled up inside me.
Alfons: It can't be helped, then. I'll take you with me.
Alfons: It'll be fun, infiltrating enemy territory with just the two of us.
Alfons: I'm already excited to see what kind of trouble we'll get into.
And then, on a moonless night--.
(...We really got in easily.)
At the reception, Alfons used his ability, and we sneaked into the Purification Club's members-only hotel as members ourselves.
Elbert and Roger were waiting outside in case anything happened inside.
Kate: Let's go, Alfons.
As I stepped forward with determination, I felt a light tap on my shoulder...
Alfons: You look good in menswear, Kate.
Kate: !
He whispered in my ear teasingly.
Kate: Wh-What are you doing...?
I was wearing a pantsuit with a heavy overcoat to hide my figure.
I had also tied my long hair, which couldn't be completely hidden by the hat, and tucked it into my coat.
If anyone who wasn't under his ability realized I was a woman, the plan would be ruined.
(If I scream or anything, they might realize I'm a woman!)
Alfons: Hehe... you were so tense, I thought I'd loosen you up.
Kate: That's too dangerous!
It seems the word "tension" doesn't exist in his dictionary.
Kate: You do understand why we're here, right?
Alfons: Yes. To confirm that this club is behind the series of incidents. It would be best if we could identify the ringleader as well.
Alfons: If we can get evidence of them giving specific instructions for the incidents, we can mobilize the police.
Alfons: If we don't have that kind of evidence, we'll have to give up on the orthodox extermination, and...
Alfons: ...The Crown will have to carry out a bloody judgment, I suppose.
Kate: If you understand, then good!
I couldn't argue when he explained the plan so smoothly.
Seeing me like that, he narrowed his eyes in amusement and straightened his posture.
Alfons: Well then, let's get started--
Alfons: Shall we have a drink?
Kate: What? We're on a mission!
When I hurriedly stopped him as he headed towards the bar lounge, he turned around with a smile.
Alfons: Shh... it's for the mission, of course.
Alfons: Whether it's a slum like a garbage dump or a tidy social circle, humans have common habits.
Kate: Habits...?
Alfons: Yes. People get loose-lipped when they drink.
Chapter 12
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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the thing is. why bring Rose back for this finale. she didn't particularly do much other than standing around and looking pretty. I assume there'll be more of her for the second part. I stand by my original assertion from the star beast that it doesn't make sense that she can just 'give up' the alien DNA she was born with. my point back then was that it would be fun if she could regenerate, and ended up becoming the timeless child herself, thus making the Doctor's entire existence a very fun paradox AND also canonizing the 'half human, on my mother's side' line from the 8th doctor's movie (my beloved) (because Donna was only half human whether she knew it or not).
all the susan-baiting is really getting to me. I want our weird little granddaughter back. they canonized the fact that the Doctor doesn't actually know who her parents were. and I REMEMBER. that Susan's original gallifreyan name was Rose. well, their language's equivalent of it. that's how Rose Tyler got her name, it was meant to be a cute little easter egg, the first classic companion and the first new who companion sharing a name. so walk with me. the weird girl daughter of Donna Noble, who grew up on earth but never fit in there, who has the Doctor's DNA woven into her being, and access to a yardis, and can in this scenario regenerate...coming across a younger version of the her father/uncle, introducing herself as Rose (which translates to gallifreyan, I really don't feel like looking up the spelling rn I'm sorry it started with an A), the doctor can recognize her- as family, he thinks, not knowing its a spark of him, their shared mind. she knows about how risky spoiling the future would be, she doesn't know if he has siblings and he looks older than she's ever seen him, so she says she's his granddaughter instead of his niece. daughter. him. she's part time lord. she lives longer than her human family. the Doctor is all she has left and she wants to be with him even if it isn't a him that knows her yet. she's heard the phrase 'timey wimey' before, and she's a smart and careful girl. she finds she doesn't fit in on gallifrey any more than she ever fit in on earth. the Doctor knows exactly what that feels like. they travel. when her human friend renames her Susan, she likes it a lot. feels like when she changed her name the first time. freeing, empowering, becoming. feels like the new name fits her new life better. Rose has a long dead family but Susan has her grandfather. the part of her that is her mother and father, though, still craves human connection. the love and fascination with humanity that she inherited from the Doctor is still there. she tells him all about humans and he takes her to visit them more and more to humor her. she ends up fostering his love for earth that will one day define him AND lead to her creation. she accidentally coins the name tardis the same way the doctor will accidentally invent a banana daiquiri a few centuries too early. he just thinks she's creative and silly. a very dear child. odd and bizarre to her classmates at school, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was the first time around. sometimes she even goes to see a younger Wilf. he's somehow exactly how she remembers him as an old man. she's so grateful they're in the 60's though, because if she ever has to look into the eyes of a Donna Noble who didn't know her, she thinks she may actually die. but the Doctor- he IS enough. he is still part of her, part of her mother, even if he doesn't realize it. she can't help but worry over his health, even knowing he lives long past this, because she got so used to helping his older self in his retirement. she knows him better than he knows himself. she'd do anything for him, and she knows he'd do anything for her.
she just never thought leaving her was something he'd do, though.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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YES! GOOD! I’m going to just going to analyze the whole dinner scene, because it’s one of my favorite parts of the movie. 
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Mario and Luigi walk in, and immediately the whole room lights up to greet them. Despite everything that follows, one thing is clear: The Mario Brothers are happy to see their family, and the family is happy to see them. 
The whole family confirms that they watched their commercial. Everyone except their mom insists the commercial was a bad idea, but the fact that they all watched it speaks to the fact that there is no indifference regarding Mario and Luigi’s dream. They’re eager to see where this endeavor leads, even if they think it’s going to end in failure. 
The moment Mario and Luigi sit down at the table, their uncles begin laying into them like it’s open season on financially struggling plumbers. Just full blown, no-holds-barred roast mode on their nephews.
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Mario is on the defensive, but he doesn’t get angry, he’s just trying to argue his side. Clearly this is typical behavior for Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur. They’re loud, overly honest, and obnoxiously confident in their opinions. Uncle Arthur, thankfully, has his wife to keep him in check. Uncle Tony, however, who is seated next to poor Luigi, is an absolute menace.
Luigi ignores all the teasing. He is only interested in getting food, but this is not an easy task. Tony’s verbal arguments are all directed at Mario, but Luigi is the one who gets prodded and shoved around, and that makes getting dinner next to impossible.
Luigi attempts to serve himself salad, attempts to ask for a roll, attempts to eat the mushrooms being put on his plate, and at every turn he’s either pushed away or talked over. He is clearly very soft spoken compared to the other men in his family, and never quite had the strength to stand up for himself... after all, everyone means well, they just lack self awareness. It isn’t worth the fight. 
Thankfully, Luigi’s mom comes to the rescue, and puts a bowl of soup in front of her boy. She’s the queen of the caretaker role, making sure all the loose ends are tied up and that everybody eats.
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But on the flip side, it’s interesting to note that once the uncles start tearing into Mario, Mario’s Dad serves him up a plate of food. He may have just been serving the person next to him because that was the polite thing to do, but I have a theory...
I think that this wasn’t the first night that Mario and his uncles went at each other. I think Mario’s Dad read the room, and figured that if Mario was going to spend dinner playing defense, he should at least remember to eat while doing so.
It also speaks volumes that Mario’s Dad doesn’t voice his disapproval until Mario asks for his opinion. Before then he avoids the subject and lets everyone else do the talking, but so long as he’s being questioned directly, he can’t help but be honest.
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“I think... you’re nuts. You don’t quit a steady job for some crazy dream.” This sounds like a voice of experience. Mario’s Dad has the figure of someone who has worked physical labor for a good portion of his life (look the size of those arms). He may have had dreams of his own when he was younger, but he had a wife and kids to worry about, and family took priority. 
Speaking of family taking priority: “... and the worst part? You’re bringing your brother down with you.” That settles it. The conversation has gone from a casual roast session to dead serious. The entire room falls quiet as Mario puts down his fork and storms off. 
“What’d I say?” Everybody at the table (except the niece, she’s long since checked out) gives Mario’s Dad different versions of the look™. Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur have the same “Jesus Christ bro, you didn’t have to go there” expression, and Luigi just looks hurt on Mario’s behalf. His Dad, however, is just confused.  
He didn’t get the gravity of what he said. His relationship with his own brothers– loudmouthed schmucks who call their own shots – is completely alien to what Luigi and Mario have. He probably knows Mario is protective of Luigi, but he doesn’t realize the depth of responsibility Mario feels for him. Anyone can see that Luigi is loyal to his brother, but Mario alone knows how loyal he is, and the implication that he’s betraying that loyalty is intensely painful. 
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I doubt Uncle Arthur and Uncle Tony truly relate to Mario and Luigi’s relationship either, but they’ve probably teased Mario enough to understand one thing: bringing Luigi into it is a line you do not cross.
There is a lot of love in the Mario family.
Uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur are definitely the most insufferable of the bunch, but there is no malice in their teasing. While they are brash and overbearing, it’s all in good fun, and they get visibly uncomfortable when things go too far and someone actually ends up hurt. 
Luigi seems to take after his mother; kind, nonconfrontational, and happily invested in a supporting role. While his Mom cares for and assists the family, Luigi cares for and assists his brother, both emotionally and in his business ventures.
Mario, in the meantime, takes after his Dad, who appears to be the oldest of the three brothers. He doesn’t always think before speaking, but he isn’t constantly running his mouth like Arthur or Tony, and acts with the gravity of someone who bears a lot of responsibility. He doesn’t quite “get” his sons, but he knows enough to see that Luigi follows his brother everywhere, and Mario does not always think before jumping into things. Despite what Mario may believe, his Dad doesn’t see him as a “joke” so much as he sees him as an impulsive young man who doesn’t grasp the consequences of his actions. But Mario does understand the consequences of his actions, he just dreams big, and... thanks to Luigi... actually has the support he needs to pursue those dreams. 
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mythrilpencil · 11 months
The Traveler
Nori arrives at the New Serenne Stable after a long day’s worth of traveling, hoping to rest for the night. But then another traveler arrives at the Stable, haggard and in need of medical attention. He’s…rather odd for a traveler. Stubborn, too.
or from Link’s perspective: After a trip to the Depths goes south, Link blindly warps out to the first Stable he selects. Only to find himself at the mercy of a persistent medic. He’s not sure what to make of the sudden attention. He’s fine, he swears.
(This got long—fic under the cut) (AO3 link)
Nori sighed as she planted herself on her bed for the night. Finally off her feet after a long day’s worth of travel. Her travels so far had brought her clear to the New Serenne Stable this time—if the weather in Hebra wasn’t as bad as it was, she would have been clear to Tabantha Bridge by now. But she had to turn back before the abnormal winter up there froze all her supplies.
Not that the weather here was much better at the moment—it had started pouring as she neared those peculiar, shimmering lines not far from the stable, and it didn’t look like it was going to stop any time soon. Especially when it started to thunder.
Supplies—she’d better check her supplies. With a grunt that earned her a brief glance from Sprinn, who was flipping through his ledger, Nori scooted her heavy backpack from where she’d all but dropped it earlier over near her feet. Then she riffled through her supplies, double-checking that the more fragile herbs and containers of ointment didn’t get too wet from the rain. Nothing got too wet; that was good.
“Exciting weather we’re having, isn’t it?” Sprinn joked from behind the counter. The Stable’s Inn was sparse tonight, so Nori was really the only one he could be talking to. The other employees were busy, and the two men by the central pillar were too occupied with their own banter.
Nori gave a small laugh as she finished getting her supplies back in order. “Yeah, great to look at. If you’re inside, that is.”
Sprinn chuckled and nodded as he flipped a few pages back in his ledger and stepped back to peer outside. “Yeah. It’s a pity, though; if it wasn’t for this bad weather, I’m sure we’d be seeing a lot more—”
Lightning struck near the Stable, and as if summoned by it, a new traveler appeared at the corner of the entryway. Soaked to the bone and leaning against the doorframe like it was his only support.
The new traveler looked haggard. He wore a peculiar sort of tunic that would have been a bright green if it was dry, but it only went over one shoulder. His pants and boots looked thick enough for the weather to the north but looked too soaked right now to be anything more than a burden. And his blond hair was loose and hung—plastered—all around his head. His shoulders visibly rose and fell with each breath. Where in the world had he just been?
Sprinn startled when the traveler appeared, but he quickly regained enough of composure to welcome, “H-hey there! Welcome to the New Serenne Stable. Thanks for coming in such bad—”
The traveler barely seemed to hear Sprinn. The only sign he wasn’t completely ignoring him was a small, weary lift of a hand like a partial wave as he stepped up the pair of steps into the Stable proper, puddles forming at his feet.
He stepped just far enough into the Stable to be sheltered from the rain, and just enough for his right arm to be visible from around the pillar he still leaned partially against. It looked strange—from Nori’s angle, she couldn’t tell if it was covered in discolored scars or in some sort of half-sleeve that clung to his skin because it was so wet.
Nori was about to look away, expecting the traveler to round the counter and pay for a bed for the night.
But then he fainted.
“Oh my—!” Nori’s medical instincts took over and she dashed to the traveler’s side. She wasn’t fast enough to keep him from hitting the ground, but she still took his right arm—which must have been covered in scars, it was so rough—to gently help him up as he came around. 
He was quite young, Nori realized. No older than 23 or so. But the dozens of scars that stretched across his face and shoulder, plus the oddly green and patterned one that stretched down his arm, made him look like he’d seen much more than a young man should. He roused with a long groan shortly after hitting the ground, then slowly started to prop himself up. Nori continued to try and help him up, but when he realized she was holding his arm, he pulled away and staggered to his feet on his own. She let him, but hovered by his side in case he wobbled. Which he did. And when he did, Nori caught glimpses of gashes between his scars, and within those gashes clung a faint red mist that Nori recognized all too well.
Sprinn was magnetized to the counter. “Wh—Link, is that you? Are you alright?” he fretted.
Link. That name sounded like one Nori should have heard of, but she ignored that thought for now. First things first.
Link started to grunt, “I’m fine; just—”
But Nori cut him off. “Friend, you’re wounded all over and covered in gloom,” she asserted, “I don’t think that counts as ‘fine.’”
Link’s eyebrows knit as if trying to frown, mustering a flicker of stubbornness in his blue eyes that faded back to exhaustion, and he managed to straighten his posture for a moment before wobbling again, using the edge of the counter as support this time. “I-I’ll be fine in a bit,” he argued, “Just need to—”
“You just need to sit down, I agree,” Nori finished with an assertive nod. She took him lightly by the elbow again when he tried to stand without support, but this time she didn’t let him pull away as fast. Instead she gently yet firmly guided him towards the other empty bed.
Link tried to stall as they pass Sprinn’s counter, objecting, “W-wait, I can’t pay—”
“I’ll pay for the bed, don’t worry about that,” Nori said, not even sparing Sprinn or the other stunned guests a glance as she looked Link over. He was far paler than she was, his skin a scar-marbled alabaster in stark contrast to her mountain-toughened tan. Only a faint feverish flush gave any color to his face. Not good.
“Now sit on the edge of the bed,” she instructed, pointing Link to the bed while she turned back to her own.
Link was obedient enough, sitting promptly on the edge of the mattress as directed, although his expression looked like one of a bewildered puppy through his visible fatigue. Nori felt his eyes watching her as she opened her bag again, fishing through it quickly for the supplies she always defaulted to in cases like Link’s. Herbal poultice for the gashes…hearty elixir…some bandages…
Supplies in hand, Nori walked over to sit on the edge of the bed on Link’s exposed side. He watched her with furrowed brows, sidling a few inches away from her, but he said nothing as she got to work. The worst of his exposed gashes were on his back. They looked fresh, not yet infected by anything more than lingering wisps of gloom.
“Now where in the world were you to get all these?” Nori huffed as she dabbed the blood enough to apply her poultices. 
Link winced a bit when she dabbed the deeper gashes with her cotton swabs, but he gave little other signs of pain. It still took him several moments before he muttered, “…The Depths?” Nori couldn’t quite tell if he expected her to know that already or not.
Nori shoot her head with a click of her tongue. “What is it with Hyruleans and the Depths nowadays…?” When Link shot her another frown, she elaborated, “I’m a doctor for my hometown. Now, I’m not specifically an expert in gloom sickness, but I tended lots of miasma-born illnesses back home. So when I heard people here were having troubles with something similar…”
Link gave a small grunt that might have been an intrigued “Huh,” but it quickly vaporized into a hiss when Nori started to bandage up the worst of the gashes on his shoulders. 
“Sorry about that,” Nori apologized as she set the rest of her bandages aside. Then she studied his face a bit closer as she interrogated, “Now tell me: have you been having a hard time breathing since being in the Depths?”
Nori already knew Link’s probable answer to that, even before she asked it. His breathing had been audible since she urged him to the bed, with a hoarse edge to it reflected in his soft voice. Link tried sitting up straight when Nori asked her question, but that only made him wince and slouch back on himself, his breathing even more audible. At length he admitted, “…Maybe a bit.”
“Mm-hm,” Nori nodded, bringing the hearty elixir she’d prepared over and popping the cork. “And you’re clearly fatigued. And…” she put the back of her hand lightly to his forehead—ignoring the squished frown Link shot her hand—then concluded, “You’re horribly feverish. How long has that lasted?”
Link just shrugged and batted her hand away with his normal hand. He didn’t tend to use his other hand, Nori was starting to notice. Instead he kept it mostly in his lap, running the pad of his thumb along the nails of his fingers and feeling his palm with his fingers as if something was off about his hand, even to him. Odd. But irrelevant to the current issue.
Nori studied him with tightly pursed lips. He was clearly not too observant about his own condition. 
“Drink this,” she instructed, handing him the open hearty elixir. 
Link blinked at it for a second before he tried to object, “I-I have my own—”
“Ah—doctor’s orders.”
He just shot her a look. Finally, though, he took the elixir—with his scarred hand this time—and downed the small bottle in one swig. Then made a face at the bottle before handing it back.
Nori kept an eye on the gashes she hadn’t bandaged after Link downed the elixir. The lighted of the gashes sealed and disappeared into mere thin abrasions. Meanwhile the worst of the gashes she hadn’t bandaged sealed thanks to the elixir…but still looked horribly raw. That elixir was one of her extra-strength ones. Normally even gashes like that would have sealed and almost completely healed.
The gloom must have been interfering with it.
Nori made a disappointed noise at that fact, then felt Link’s forehead again. Still just as feverish as before. “Have you…had any issues with unusual weakness since your, ah, trip to the Depths?” she pried. If his gloom sickness was mild, maybe another elixir would help. But…
Instead of a clear nod or shake of his head, or even a noncommittal shrug, Link’s head just…sunk a bit deeper into his shoulders. His frown deepened and he avoided looking at her directly. He looked off to the side first, then down at his scarred hands. There was a peculiar weight behind his downcast eyes.
What happened to him down there…?
The sympathetic side of Nori wanted to stop asking him questions else she hit a tender subject. But she still had to evaluate his symptoms, so she continued, “…How about nausea? Any issues with that?”
This time Link shook his head subtly. He inhaled a bit sharper than normal, but then muttered, “Not right now.”
“Right now, huh?” Nori echoed, mostly to herself. She stood up from the bed and walked over to her backpack to grab a small bag of powder from the front pocket. But as soon as she found the bag and was starting to close the pocket, she heard Link’s bed rustle.
“Ah—!” she scolded, whipping back around and catching Link in the middle of pushing himself up from the bed, “I didn’t say you could get up!”
Link’s brows pinched. His gaze was fixed outside until Nori hurried back over to gently push him down by his good shoulder, then he glanced at her, then back outside as he resisted her push and objected, “I—I still need to go find her—”
“You’re not finding anyone in your condition, friend,” Nori insisted. “Sit.”
Again Link all but fell back onto the bed like a puppy; this time like one refused a treat, given the twist in his expression. Now he just watched her vigilantly.
Nori kept most of her peripheral attention on him, even as she walked over to the main counter long enough to put a red rupee in front of Sprinn to cover Link’s stay for the night.
While the employees and the two other guests had already returned to their own business, Sprinn had been watching Nori work with Link the whole time. And as she set the rupee down in front of his ledger, he spotted the small bag in her other hand and noted, “I would say you could use the pot out front if you wanted to make some tea, but…” with a half-hearted laugh and a nod at the still-pouring rain.
Nori spared a glance outside, gauging the weather out of habit, but then shook her head with a grin. “It’s alright. I have a solution for emergencies,” she assured him, shaking the tiny bag in her hand.
Still Link watched Nori as she returned to her backpack to retrieve her water-skin and a cup from her spare cooking supplies. She could feel his eyes burning the back of her neck as she filled the cup and mixed a bit of the powder in. Part of her wondered if he ever stopped to blink while he stared. But once she was satisfied with her quick mix, she returned to Link with the cup. “Drink this if you have any nausea during the night, ok?” she said, setting the cup down next to the head of the bed. 
Link grunted his acknowledgment, even as he leaned over to investigate the cup. The movement left a faint wisp of lingering gloom drifting off the remaining half-healed gashes on his back. Nori frowned as the maroon mist disappeared into the air, then mused, “I wish I could do more for you, friend, but all I can do is help with any symptoms you’re dealing with. I haven’t seen any illness as stubborn as this gloom sickness.”
Link glanced up at her with a quirked eyebrow, studying her face as if deciding how much to pry. Despite his visible fatigue and fevered flush, his eyes were still bright with curiosity. Made him look even younger.
So Nori found herself continuing on as she gathered her leftover supplies from the bed, “I…have heard rumors from other travelers that there are herbs that are supposed to cure gloom, though.”
“Sundelions?” Link offered.
Nori tilted her head in half a shrug. “Something like that, yeah. Some say they’ve just started popping up here and there, like they’ve fallen from the sky with those weird rocks. I haven’t seen any of these miracle herbs myself, though, so…”
“Huh.” Link pursed his lips slightly, and his eyes flicked about with thought. Then he suddenly reached behind his back with his scarred arm and pulled out…a stone slab? It had two grips, one on each end, and they glowed with the same light that traced those peculiar towers Nori had passed a few times on her travels. A peculiar lens of sorts stuck out the back while the front that Link now stared at was flat. And the middle of that face was recessed…and also glowed? It showed a map when Link first pulled it out, like a blueprint. But then he dragged a finger across the map, and it somehow shifted to show a grid of images.
Nori’s mind whirled for a moment as she tried to make sense of whatever device Link was holding, but then she caught a glance of his face. He was squinting at the device, blinking rapidly like he was trying to block sleep. Then he coughed into a fist, clearly trying and failing to stifle it.
Nori’s medic instincts put her curiosity about the device on hold, and she chided, “Alright, friend. You need to rest. Put…whatever that thing is…away and lay down. Doctor’s orders.”
Link squinted a look up at her like he wanted to object her instructions yet again, but then he glanced outside as thunder rumbled overhead. Then he sighed, face flattening, as he conceded and put the device back to its hold behind the small of his back.
Once Nori was confident Link was preparing to lay down, wringing his still-dripping hair out over the edge of the bed, Nori walked back over to Sprinn and hummed privately, “I wouldn’t worry too much about waking him any earlier than late morning.”
Sprinn nodded, glancing back over at Link while flipping a page in his ledger. A small smirk tugged at his lips, but Nori didn’t care to ask what it was about. 
Instead she headed back to her bed, put the last of her supplies away, and finally got herself settled back onto her bed. Link was doing likewise, tugging the blanket over himself with a grunt. Finally.
Link was gone when Nori woke up.
She sat up with a start when she registered the next bed was empty. The bedsheet were already tucked back into place, and only the faintest hint of dampness clung to the wood where Link had sat. 
“He left just before sunrise,” Sprinn said.
Nori blinked over at him as he got himself settled behind his counter for the day. The sun was only barely starting to shine upon the grass outside, glittering off the morning dew and the odd, shimmering lines across the hill beyond the Stable. 
“He did?” Nori frowned, scooting out of bed herself. Link had left nothing behind; not even a wrinkle in the bedsheets. The cup next to the bed was empty.
Sprinn nodded to himself as he opened his ledger for the day. “Yup. He didn’t want to wake you, but…”
Nori walked over to the counter, leaning lightly against it as she peered outside for any sign of that young man. Nothing. “Did he…look like he was doing a bit better, at least?”
“As far as I can tell,” Sprinn confirmed with a hum, “Not that I’m any sort of medic.”
Nori pursed her lips. “Well…as long as he didn’t look like he was going to faint again, then…”
“I don’t think Link would let something like that stop him again, anyways.” Sprinn spared a glance outside at the dawning light himself, then chuckled as he tapped his quill against his inkwell, “I will say, though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone wrangle the legendary swordsman into sitting down like that.”
“Legendary swordsman?” Nori echoed. Why did that sound familiar? 
“Haven’t you heard?” Sprinn asked, quirking a brief look up at her from his work. “Link’s a legend. He and Princess Zelda destroyed Ganon.”
Link? That short, disheveled young man? A legend?
Nori blinked when she registered the last name Sprinn mentioned. “Wait, Ganon? You mean that…monster that cursed Hyrule a few years back?” She’d heard stories from travelers and refugees back home. But never anything concrete. Then the stories had suddenly stopped.
Sprinn nodded with tight lips. “‘Curse’ is pretty accurate. But thanks to him and the Princess, things were staring to go back to normal. I will say, though, it’s weird to see him on his own like that,” he added, setting his quill down and looking outside again. Now that the sun had thoroughly risen by now, hints of reflective silhouettes shone through the sky; ghosts of the floating islands everyone has been talking about.
Nori squinted out at a rock plummeting from one of the islands off in the distance. As it disappeared behind the hills she wondered, “Were they…close or something?”
“Like two peas in a pod, those two,” Sprinn smiled, pressing the sides of his index fingers together like two sticks glued together. But then his smile faded as he mused, “Last I heard, they both disappeared during the Upheaval. But if he’s here, then…” He scoffed to himself, shaking his head and returning to his work while muttering, “I really should keep up with the newspapers more, shouldn’t I.”
Nori frowned curiously at Sprinn, then kept an eye outside at the gently waving grass she grabbed her backpack from her bed. Once she made sure she had everything—including the empty cup—she started to pass Sprinn’s counter.
But he hailed her with a lift of his hand and said, “Oh, before you go—Link told me to give these to you.”
“Huh?” Nori stopped next to the Pony Points ledger, leaning lightly against the counter to peek at what Sprinn reached for behind the counter. It was a small bundle of flowers. 
The stems were a deep orange in color, fading to a sunny yellow with only the barest hints of green near the tips of the long, broad leaves. Half the flowers in the bundle were still buds—black buds, with glimpses of gold peeking between the petals—while the flowers in full bloom displayed the gold for all the world to see. It was like the flowers were trying to copy the warm glow of a torch, or even the sun at dawn. Even the stamens seemed to glitter, as if catching the sunlight from outside despite no direct light reaching them. 
Nori stared at the flowers as Sprinn set them next to the Pony Points ledger. And they shimmered as if watching her back. “What…what are these?” she eventually asked.
Sprinn shrugged. “He called them ‘sundelions’ or something; said they might help with your medicine for others.”
“These are sundelions?” Nori murmured as she gently picked the flowers up. They seemed to carry an inherent, illusory warmth, soothing her hands. 
“I think he said something about the petals being the most effective part?” Sprinn added, tilting his head, “He was in quite the hurry, so I couldn’t make everything out. Oh—but he did say to tell you to stop by Lookout Landing sometime. Seems there’s people there who know more about that gloom sickness there. Or know who to talk to about it.”
“I was planning on heading that direction, anyways,” Nori hummed, still studying the flowers.
Sprinn nodded, then bade, “Well, safe travels, then! Good luck with your medicines.”
Nori absently nodded her own farewell as her feet took their path onwards. The sundelions in her hand seemed to perk in direct sunlight, the stamens twitching towards the sun. Fascinating.
Where had Link even gotten them? They must have been picked recently—there wasn’t even any signs of the leaves’ tips drying out. 
They certainly weren’t like anything Nori had ever seen back in the mountains. Or like any plant she’d ever seen in the world. They looked like something straight out of a vision. 
Perhaps that wasn’t too far off. Nori caught a glint of coppery-gold from a rock plummeting from a sky island to the east. 
Perhaps they came from the sky after all.
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Lost Boys Saki pretty much raised himself and Yoshi after their adoptive mother died. He was about 10 when Atsuko passed away, but Yoshi was still only 5.
Yuuta was no help - he'd never been a particularly warm or loving man, and even though he did consider them both his real sons, whatever parts of him were capable of love and gentleness died with her. He expected absolute perfection from them, nevermind they were children mourning the loss of a parent.
(Something about this is... familiar to Saki, but he doesn't know what. He feels like he's in a repeat of something. A dead mother, a crying baby brother, their father unable to help, Saki with the weight of the world on his shoulders.)
And he couldn't stand any reminders of her. Which was bad enough on its own: they couldn't even mention their own mother anymore, couldn't contact her family, couldn't ask for stories about her or look at pictures. It was like she'd been completely erased. But Yoshi took after her - Saki's baby brother did not understand why the father suddenly hated him.
(Saki thinks Yuuta always hated them.)
So when Saki was 10 years old, without even really realising what he was doing, he decided to raise himself and Yoshi. If Yuuta wouldn't be the father they deserved, Saki would.
(Sometimes, he feels as though someone else is very proud of him. Sad, but proud. Saki thinks it must be Atsuko. He's not wrong, but Oroku Keiji and Miyoko are beside her.)
He thinks, at first, that maybe when the loss isn't so fresh, Yuuta will take back the mantle of father.
He doesn't, and if anything things just continue to get worse. Saki's formerly distant, but loving father, turns into a monster and it's all he can do to shield Yoshi.
(Yoshi tries to protect him too. Saki's worst memory was Yuuta punishing him for something, Saki doesn't know what, only that it didn't merit the beating he got, and a 9 year old Yoshi looking their father in the eye and smashing a vase.)
Then one day, they're told father is remarrying. The woman is... fine. A daughter of a family friend and Saki can't tell if she's here to strengthen the clan as their way of life continues to erode, or if Yuuta has finally decided he wants an heir that's his own flesh and blood.
Mashimi is born when Saki is 12 and Yoshi 7.
Saki does not bond with Mashimi. If Yuuta doesn't want to be his father anymore, then that boy is not Saki's little brother. Yoshi tried, but from the beginning Mashimi can tell that both boys are on the bottom of their father's priority list and acts accordingly.
So Saki raises his little brother, bidding his time until he can leave and take Yoshi with him.
(Son. His baby brother is practically his son.)
When Saki is 27, he meets Tang Shen. He thinks he might be in love with her, but he can't be sure. Maybe it's just that she's the first person in a long while to treat him and his brother with basic decency. They're not even dating, he's content with friendship, especially when he sees how she and Yoshi talk to each other.
His feelings for Shen are a question mark, but Yoshi's are crystal clear.
Saki smiles and steps aside. He makes sure Yoshi doesn't know - if Yoshi did, he'd push away his own feelings and encourage Saki. But Saki doesn't want that: he wants his brother to be happy.
(He tells himself this if for the best anyway. She wants children, whilst Saki never wants to have to raise another child. He's been there, done that.)
Mashimi is different though. That boy has been given the world on a silver platter, he's never had to work for anything he desired, and yet he still wants more. Especially when it's something he can't have.
Yoshi, because even now he still hopes for a good relationship with their (father's) family, had introduced Shen to them.
Shen is not an object. She's a person. But when has that ever mattered to Mashimi.
Saki does not feel an ounce of guilt when he kills Mashimi. Not when Shen is bleeding out on the floor, and the left side of Yoshi's face is cut to peices.
The full force of the Hamato Clan wanting them dead is a bit of a problem though.
Shen survives (somehow). And the three flee Japan with Miwa. They go to New York - Shen had always wanted to visit America, and she and Yoshi had been very seriously considering moving. Saki thinks having an ocean between them and Yuuta is a good idea.
They take on new names and try to build a new life. Yoshi getting mutated and brining home four turtle toddlers doesn't throw that much of a spanner in the works.
("Only you Yoshi, only you." Saki says to his giant rat of a brother, desperatly hoping they have whiskey in the cabinet.
"What is that supposed to mean!?" Yoshi demands whilst trying to stop Michaelangelo eating a nunchuck.)
The Foot Clan finds them at some point, and their true origins are revealed. They are the sons of Oroku Keiji and his wife Miyoko, both warriors in their own right. Saki takes on the mantle of the Shredder, vowing to wipe out the Hamatos - he has to, to protect his family.
And if he has to kill Yuuta to do that, then that's fine. His father (kidnapper, murderer) has it coming
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bottombaron · 7 months
whenever i think abt writing Nandor and i get going thru a series of sequences of him behaving like a well-adjusted, caring, adult i have to stop myself, backspace several mental paragraphs and remember that he's basically a semi-captive lion being observed in a nature documentary and he functions on 92% Id
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#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#nandor#nandor the relentless#neat fanfic trick: if you're nandor is behaving ooc like a normal well adjusted empathetic human being just ask yourself#“what would a lion do in this exact scenario?”#and whatever the absurdity it's probably closer to the truth than not#anyways i have a lot to say abt the amorality of the vampires and how they simply don't function with the same human ethical thought#but that doesnt mean they dont care and love and have social behaviors of their own that shouldnt be judged less than#and will express those emotions in ways that might feel foreign to most humans#...is what i say to myself to keep from crying as i delete 3 pages of nandor talking out his feelings 😭😭😭#(also brief note: when i say he functions on Id its not that he lacks intelligence or the capacity to use it along with his ego/super ego)#(as seen in the s5 finale)#(but rather he's an apex predator so his whole being is funneled into traits for hunting. not other things we think show intelligence)#(in the mordern non hunting/gathering world)#(which is partially why he's so disconnected from the world and struggles to find purpose in an environment that no longer values him)#(truthfully nandor is human but simply the definition of humanity has changed rapidly from what it valued centuries before)#(and leaves nandor lost)#(except for guillermo. his one connection to humanity and what anchors him to the modern world 🥲)#(...looks like i got lost in the tags again...)
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lionbearfox · 1 year
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good luck to everyone pulling and may all nahida and nilou wanters be nahida and nilou havers!
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