#this got way longer than I intended
asimplearchivist · 9 months
do you ever think about the fact that Grovyle was possibly and most likely in denial about the fact that he had already permanently lost the hero?
(putting the rest under a read more because I snowballed)
because even though in the future he tells Dusknoir that his partner is still in the past out there somewhere and that they would still go after the time gears and even though it’s most definitely a bluff (that gets immediately debunked by Dusknoir revealing that the hero was right there the whole time) he still had to realize that he hadn’t come across any traces of the hero.
because he wouldn’t have had any idea that amnesia would have come into play after they got separated and he would’ve been looking for and waiting to bump into the hero while traveling to gather each time gear and I can only imagine him hoping that he’d find the place already frozen and empty to indicate that the hero had at least already passed through and been there already even if he hadn’t seen them and couldn’t find them but did he realize that by the time he got to Crystal Cave’s time gear that the hero had just disappeared seemingly off the face of the earth and did he start to lose hope that he’d ever see them again and was he simply refusing to believe the possibility that he might have lost them without ever knowing where they went or what happened to them?
and then he gets his ass beat by this random Exploration Team and then Dusknoir who he’d thought he’d managed to avoid so far shows up and then he gets captured and then he almost gets killed multiple times and then he has to help this random ass team out of the future back to their time and not really thinking about it too deeply because he’s got more important things on his mind because he’s got to get back to the past and get the time gears and prevent the planet’s paralysis
and he’s so distracted and caught up in his mission like it’s the only thing he has left holding him together to the point that he’s competent oblivious to Celebi and then everything goes even more to shit and they’re cornered and blocked off from the Passage of Time and Primal Dialga shows up and Grovyle’s faltering wavering resolve finally cracks and shatters and his last potentially dying hope is that his partner is still out there somewhere because that’s all he has left to hold on to and he boasts on their behalf believing with his whole heart that they couldn’t fail
and then all of a sudden Dusknoir of all Pokemon pipes up and elects to inform him at that exact inoppurtune moment that Grovyle’s long lost partner had been right there under his nose the entire time and that Dusknoir had turned them against him and that Grovyle had grievously wounded them completely ignorant to the fact that they no longer knew him no longer recognized him and now has a partner whom their Dimensional Scream works so much better with
and then all of a sudden he has hope again but it’s so small and fragile because how in the hell are you all supposed to get out of this and your new partner comes up with a plan even Grovyle couldn’t in the heat and intensity of the moment after he’s so drained from running and running and running all by himself being accused of being a criminal being chased and hunted and attacked because he’s running out of time
and then by some miracle you three make it back in one piece and then you’re there you’re alive but you’ve lost everything you once had all your knowledge and memories and willpower to accomplish your suicide mission and even though it hurts indescribably to realize that things will most likely never be the same never be like it used to be and never again would you even look at or speak to him the same way he still has you
and now he’s determined never to let you go again you’ll have him until the life is pried from his body and he’s just so so so relieved that he can hardly stand it because now he can afford to admit to himself that he had been terrified that he’d lost you and had already started to grieve you before your time but then he has to leave you with your new better trusted partner to make sure Dusknoir couldn’t stop your plans
and even though he’s telling you “though the parting hurts” meaning you’ll have to make the decision to sacrifice yourself for the greater good at the expense of leaving your new partner all alone he also means “this wasn’t how this was supposed to go I was supposed to be there with you I didn’t want to be alone I never ever thought I’d lose you so but we’ll lose so much more if I don’t do this if we don’t do this and I’m sorry that it all had to end like this”
and then he goes through everything else fighting until his last breath trying to help you as much as he can even though he’s deceived and almost dies the closest he’s ever been and he cannot fathom the stakes at which everything rides in the balance but then the winds start to blow and the ice starts to drip and the sun starts to rise and he’s done it you’ve done it everything isn’t lost and at the very least he’s not alone while he fades into nothingness
but as he’s brought inexplicably back from the brink by ‘a higher power’ and his first thought is that same hope flooding back that he’d get to see you again that you’re still alive that you’ve both survived despite the improbable odds set against you and the hope you summon in him is so palpable you inspire it in every single person around you and you hold so much power without even realizing it and how could he ever forget you when you mean so much to him?
do you ever think about that? no? because I do. every waking second of every damn day this wood gecko haunts my thoughts.
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johnathan-pastry · 6 months
Did the gang ever make it to uni ??? NO
Will they ever????? NAH
Would most them go to college if they could? LOL NO
Anyways here's my highly unrealistic hc of what these fuckers would major in :3
Darry: i wanna say carpentery but i genuinely feel like he hates his job and if he had the chance to go to college he would pick something like business that has a high money outturn, he's also ba da psshhhh on the football team, he's.. he's there to play football
Sodapop: switched his major like 3 times, ended up on sociology, wants to work in human services
Ponyboy: Literature 🧍🧍
Two-Bit: graphic design 💯💯🔥 he was NOT prepared for the work load of studio classes but enjoys the college life
Steve: Engineering, he was soo excited to get to work with the expensive technology the Uni funds and labs
Dally💀: zoology, argue with a wall
Johnny: computer science and game dev (bcs thats my majors𓆏)
Tim: studio art but he would never tell anyone, its canon in the show he learned how to draw in jail and i am grasping onto this concept, his favorite medium is charcoal
Curly: music, he focus's on punk, he plays electric guitar and before he had the money for that he would use free or cheap audio software
Angela: biomedical engineering, she's always had an interest in medicine and skincare. She also shows up to her STEM classes in the most amazing and cvnty outfits known to mankind, outta spite
EXTRA: johnny and PB would be designing an indie game, Pony writes, storyboard, designs characters, and johnny codes it 🙏
Then Pony BEGS curly to help with music for it cause boys do not wanna get copy written
And well ponys good at writing but cant draw, so tim gets pulled into this debacle and he's bitching and moaning the whole time but secretly enjoys working on it
Then two bit gets wrapped into this for over all design and marketing and ends up using the work into for like 3 class projects
And in then end its this mess of fucking NERDS who do not look like they belong together working on this
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daisiesforkate · 7 months
I think the most important skill/quality you need to have to be successful in society is…Storytelling
Being a good storyteller. Seriously. Being able to tell a good, captivating story is the make-or-break skill in creating strong relationships in society in my opinion.
Storytellers are our mentors, guardians, parents, teachers. Our most famous celebrities are storytellers: actors, singers, artists.
Almost every greeting is a prompt, an invitation, for you to tell a story.
“How was your weekend?” Boom. Story.
“How was your day?” Story.
"I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?” Story.
The first words we say to each other when we meet are rooted in storytelling. And it makes sense; it’s in our nature, our blood, and our history. It’s how we, as humans, taught lessons to our children, seated around a fire, listening to elders tell stories and not caring what was true and what wasn’t; or maybe truth wasn’t what mattered in those moments.
Stories were how we measured history, recanted wars- both great wins and devastating losses. It’s how we remembered our fallen brethren. It’s how we learned not to fall the same way.
Stories are how we explained the world. Our creation myths, the spirits in the trees and wind- stories of how those spirits came to be there and who they were before. We had stories to explain why the sun rose every morning, why it rained for days and days, why wolves howled and birds chirped.
We had stories for why we fall in love and what happens when we die.
Stories are how we protect each other. Women would tell stories of men in the village and it was how they knew who lied, who cheated, who beat their wife, who to avoid after sunset or when they were drunk. Stories made women powerful. It wasn’t just gossip, it was accountability. It was reputation. Stories were how we kept our daughters and sisters safe, how we influenced politics, how we crafted the morals of the next generation from the time they were in diapers. Women had no land, no money, no jobs, no vote; but through stories we clawed our way into society from the bottom up and gave ourselves as much influence over our communities as we could. We put fear into people’s hearts every time we whispered in each other’s ear.
Stories are how we kill each other. A frantic phone call to 911 with a rushed story of a black kid in a gray hoodie playing with something in his pocket. An accusation by a wife told to her husband of a 14 year old black child violating her in the grocery store. A lie about a jewish underbelly rearing up to wage war on the modern way of life. That’s not to say that these things happened BECAUSE of stories, there are many complex factors that contribute to any event. However, stories do play a big role in the mentalities of people who commit these atrocities and our reception to them. Especially when only one side of the story is/can be told, and especially when that side is passed through big news outlets and corporations before it gets to us. Stories have been used to propagandize and justify every conspiracy theory and outcome thereof. A story passed between two people over dinner can incite events that permanently shape the world; for better or for worse. Stories of boogeymen far outlast those who tell them.
Stories are how we connect. Stories of our pets over covid interfering with our work-from-home setup that helped us realize that even if we didn’t share language we did share something. Stories of my trip to London in summer of 2016, and a realization that the new girl on the frisbee team was there at the same time and “hey look at these pictures, we must have been 50 feet from each other.” Stories of our family, our parents when they were young, and realizing that maybe you got your propensity for hair dye from your teenage mother who dyed it orange in the 70s and pissed off her dad. Or maybe your typing speed is from your typewriter-wizard grandmother who gave up being a secretary to raise 7 kids.
Being a good storyteller isn’t just a measure of how entertaining or extroverted you can be because to say stories are just entertainment is a discredit to the versatility and impact of our words. Being a good storyteller means knowing the power you hold to change lives for better and worse. Being a good storyteller means knowing when to choose your words wisely, and when to be outspoken. Being a good storyteller means keeping part of each person you’ve met with you, maybe even remembering part of their life that they themselves have forgotten. Being a good storyteller means protecting those around you, passing on lessons, handing out knowledge. Being a good storyteller means tucking your kids in at night with a fairytale and a kiss on the forehead so that they can sleep without nightmares. Being a good storyteller means being able to distract your best friend from the terrible day they had and maybe even get them to laugh a little. Being a good storyteller means cherishing the relationships you make, being responsible with your words, and finding a story in everyone’s life to tell, including your own.
I’ve used some pretty extreme examples in here to get my point across, and it probably sounds preachy, but it’s an opinion I’ve held for a while. I try to take any opportunity I can to tell stories and further the skill, including being a better listener when other people are telling their stories.
Why Storyteller isn’t a job in today’s world I don’t know. It’s a failure of ours that the craft of storytelling is not as respected as it should be and HAS BEEN throughout history. The most important method by which we shape our children’s values is largely only distributed by multi-billion dollar companies pushing multi-million dollar movies, shows, and content. The methods by which we tell stories have been co-opted by capitalism and the demand for a profit. I think social media is bringing storytelling back, and small, independent creators and studios. Shows like Bluey gaining traction show that people still crave these earnest stories like those that used to be told thousands of years ago around the fire. They give me hope that my child (if I decide to have one) won’t derive their morals from a YouTube ad or AI generated content that only mimics the ancient tradition. I think many people don’t even consider storytelling to be a skill that one could have/not have. But it is. And it should be honed and crafted like anything else. Good storytellers are my favorite people. They are the people who I, and many others, gravitate towards. The ones who seem like they hold so much experience and make me excited to grow older.
Being a good storyteller is the most important skill to have to create strong, long-lasting relationships, and perhaps a stronger, longer-lasting society, too.
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cambius · 9 months
@recitedemise cont. from here.
she asked because it seemed like he might want to ⸻ the cambion can sense it in the cool evening air , even now. his desire hangs heavy in the atmosphere , prickling her flesh with goosebumps as it begins to consume her own senses. and it isn’t just gale’s desire , she is reluctant to admit to even herself that she wants him to kiss her. and not so she might lure him into bed to lay claim to his soul as she has fantasized doing so many times before. this time , she only desires him. his yearning , his delicious wanting , is blindingly intoxicating. saccharine sweet , thick like honey on her tongue. but even that , the high his desire offers , the high that the demon craves ⸻ it pales in comparison to the man himself , somehow. yes , somehow gale , of all people , has wormed his way into the black void within her chest where her heart should be.
and though it didn’t happen out of the blue , though it’s been a slow - burning fuse ﹕ all of these desires seemed to sneak up on nepharia , quick and suddenly. he is the last person she expected to care about , and it’s not an easy thing to reconcile with , either. she believed him to be this weak , pathetic man for so long , stinking of desperation. she didn’t want to believe she was anything like him. but it’s been a long while now , of spending platonic evenings with gale of waterdeep , wallowing in self - pity together and analyzing their own hubris that have left them ultimately feeling so very alone.
nepharia is more like gale than she cares to admit , but even now she realizes that he is much better than her. and that is an even more difficult thing for her to reconcile with. one might argue that nepharia has been getting on well with the others , way better than when they started out , at least. she has found herself caring for each and every one of them , she can tell in the way she leaps into action when one of them is in danger , and in the way that she feels like her life is safe amongst them. she has never felt that before. but she can’t help but think that she doesn’t deserve it.
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and gale is making it very clear what he wants. crystal clear. and though his physical desire is strong , potent enough to cloud her better judgement , she still wills herself to focus on his words. he wants her. and not just for the evening. and he is trusting her with his eternal soul. to have him , to hold him , feels like a gift not meant for her. as though it’s far too precious for her bloodstained claws to be allowed to hold. why does he want her ? what does he see within her that she can’t ? but she can’t ask. he doesn’t sanction the time for her insecure questions , before claiming what he so desires. and it sets nepharia’s insides ablaze with her own wants. her own desperate yearning. her longing to be seen by someone , to be heard , to be loved. they are manifesting here and now within gale’s kiss , within his touch. clawed fingers finds themselves gripping at purple robes , gently trying to tug the wizard closer against her. and when the contact is broken , too soon , she almost finds her lips chasing the feeling.
for a moment , the cambion wonders if it is her own vulnerability she is feeling , as gale pulls away to look back at her with a gaze that makes her feel a way that is indescribable. she only hopes her expression isn’t as dumbstruck as she feels , as she stares back at him with plump lips slightly agape , eager to taste the wine on his tongue. she is practically salivating at the mouth at the notion , as her pulse thumps erratically within her chest. it has been so long since a man has made her feel this alive , with nothing more than a chaste kiss and a look.
and the words , are like nothing she’s ever heard before. and gale offers them , knowing what she is. knowing what she has done , and knowing what she is capable of doing. he’s offering more than he even knows. he is offering her hope , where there has been none before. not ever. and she looks back at him , with a gaze softer than anything that has ever graced her expression , ❛ what if i told you that i wanted nothing more than for you to be mine ? would you believe me if i told you that i wanted to be yours , too ? ❜ both genuine questions. does he believe her ? can he trust her , though she is a devil ? can he love her , though she is born of darkness and malevolence ?
a hand releases his robes to find the side of his face , a soft palm and fingers gently smoothing over the coarseness of his cheek , ❛ you’ve fucking ruined me , gale dekarios , ❜ a breath of a laugh escapes her against his face , though it is more humorless , as desperate eyes seek a soothing ailment in the wizard’s gaze , hoping to ease her troubled mind , ❛ but i welcome the destruction , because i feel like you’ve brought me back to life. ❜
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vessuna · 8 months
@visioncursed said :
' no matter the struggles or hardships you faced, you strived to do the right thing, you refused to hurt anyone. '
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          he's learnt a lot over the few months he was presumed to be dead :  most of them aren't good things ,  but a lot nontheless .  he learnt what being a jujutsu sorcerer is really like ,  how emotionally taxing it can be  /  that he can't save everyone ,  innocent people will get hurt or die and sometimes ,  there's nothing he can do .
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          " but i did hurt people ...  the transfigured humans ,  with nanamin .  ieiri told me they were already dead and i shouldn't blame myself ,  but i still ...  it feels bad . "   they were people once ,  turned into something monstrous  /  killing them was the right thing to do ,  if any part of them was still aware ,  then ...  they'd just be suffering .  to kill them was the merciful thing to do .  yet it still hangs so heavy on yuuji's soul ...  he feels it deeply ,  he's never felt anything like it .
          " and i couldn't save someone right in front of me .  i couldn't save my friend - "  yuuji's voice breaks ,  but he still tries to keep himself together .  he'd only spent time with him once ,  but they had things in common ,  they clicked so well :  yuuji still considered him a friend .  junpei's death is still so clear in his memory  /  how he was so horrifically transformed ,  how he clung to him ,  begged for his help .  he remembers begging for sukuna's help ,  only to be refused ,  cruelly laughed at in turn .
         yuuji doesn't know when he started crying .  he crumbles so quickly ,  head in his hands as he aims to hide his tears from someone he looks up to .  he'd told megumi he was fine  /  he'd told himself he was fine ...  he's trying so hard to accept things as they come and just keep his head up high ,  no matter what ,  but keeping it all to himself isn't doing him any good .  " sorry  —   i'm fine !  really . "
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darklighthedgehog · 2 years
Will you tell me more about your 2nd Chance AU? I'd love to know more about the baskstories and lore of the characters, especially how Shade and Eclipse first came to co-own the establishment!
Same with the Cursed AU, it seems very interesting! Is Sun always a chicken?
Wasn't expecting anyone to ask about my AUs.
Here's a quick rundown of what the AUs are for those that don't know; there will be a read more that goes into a lot more detail for both.
2nd Chance AU -
An establishment that takes in Animatronics from all over for any reason (ex: were to be decommissioned, place burnt down, suffered neglect, needs vacation etc.) Co-Owned by Shade and Eclipse (animatronic). Sunrise and Moonfall are two of the first residents there; both from different locations.
Cursed AU -
Y/N becomes the owner of a farm that burnt down many years ago. The nearby town believes the place to be cursed for their Forest Guardians have since 'abandoned' them once the farm burnt down. Y/n thinks nothing of it but after a few weeks being there, wonders who keeps moving their Scarecrow around the fields while being followed by a Rooster.
Really Long Explanations ahead - You've been warned.
2nd Chance AU -
Early into the creation of the first Pizzaplex, Shade had been tasked with creating an animatronic that could change its appearance quickly as a promotional stunt. This had led to the creation of Eclipse. Eclipse had been one of the first animatronics made for the plex. He had been a great help in building it and keeping everyone's spirits up. If you asked the staff everyone thought of him as a good friend while Shade saw him as her family due to having spent so long creating him. A few weeks before opening he vanishes without a trace causing panic to erupt. Staff are panicking that their friend is missing all while management is panicking because their promotional gimmick is gone. With opening day approaching and no appearance changing animatronic, management forced Shade to create another one to replace Eclipse. Shade, upset at loosing someone she considered family, ended up reusing Eclipse's design with slight changes. The Switch would happen with light and be fitted with 2 ai instead of one. They placed the Jester animatronic in the theater so when Foxy needed a break, the kids could go down from Kid's Cove to the Theater for a show. Management saw the Jesters' success and decided to mass create more dual ai bots to send to other establishments. Shade ended up transferring to an establishment that had no jesters due to their resemblance to Eclipse being a constant reminder of her loss. About a year or 2 later, news of multiple Pizzaplexes seeing animatronics losing their mind spread while other places were burning down without reason. Shade had taken it upon herself to help repair any animatronic that was damaged/losing its mind. This led to her being giving a building by the company to house the animatronics sent her way (later building becomes a proper establishment she runs). During her repairs, she noticed the animatronics all had some variant of a virus and tries to remove it. After many failed attempts and injuries, she ends up uploading an old security code she had into one as a last-ditch effort. The code seemed to have worked and isolated the virus long enough for her to remove it. News of her success, establishments start sending her animatronics daily to get the code uploaded and the virus removed since management/higher ups didn't want to risk something going wrong. While this is happening, management are getting closer and closer to catching the one behind the virus/fires. Some animatronics sent to her became permanent members of her building due to their establishments being destroyed from the mysterious fires.
Her first permanent stay was a sun animatronic named Sunrise whose wiring was fried to the point of deletion of their moon counterpart Moonrise. Along with the fried wiring, their clothes became stuck in shades of green. Despite offers to fix it, Sunrise wanted to keep it as a reminder of how their counterpart tried to save them from the fire despite having lost his mind to a virus weeks prior to the fire. Her second permanent stay was a moon animatronic named Moonfall who sustained heavy damage to the back of his faceplate, damaging most of the components leading to the loss of his sun, Sunfall. Similar to Sunrise, color switching is also stuck but in shades of Purple and refuses to get it fixed. As time passed and more permanent stays appearing, the building becomes its own establish at both the request of the animatronics and as a way to keep funds going for new parts. Buildings that burnt down sent them anything they managed to salvage ranging from simple toys to arcade machines, including one that was designed specifically for Eclipse. Shade ends up putting the "Eclipsed Attraction" machine in the back due the memories it spawned along with a poster that came with it warning to not turn the machine on that she only quickly glanced at. Weeks later and news of the virus/fire starter being caught spread, letting things start to calm down. That is until Sunrise runs from the back claiming a machine is starting to act strange. By the time Shade, Sunrise and anyone that followed get to the back, all they see is the machine "Eclipsed Attraction" knocked over with the side panel thrown off. A few feet away, holding onto the wall for support is an animatronic holding their head as though suffering a migraine. Eclipse
From this point it basically becomes an AU filled with people dealing with trauma, fluff, and silly interactions between characters ranging from canon to ocs (not just mine).
The Arcade Machine "Eclipsed Attraction" was a beta version of a recharge station specifically made to be part of Eclipse's performances that ended up never getting used. (the machine had gone missing around the same time he did)
Cursed AU -
This au is more spread out since its more random things I'm trying to stitch together
au can be platonic or romantic
For a majority of this AU, Sun and Moon are stuck in their cursed forms; rooster/scarecrow
(Y/N has a mark on their hand that they remember getting when they visited the farm when they were little)
A farm burnt down long ago by mysterious means finally gets a new owner who wishes to see the place that once thrived with life restored. Y/N is able to buy the farm at a cheap price due to people not wanting to set foot anywhere near the farm due to all the rumors that surround the place. Y/N is unaware of these rumors. As Y/N slowly restores the farm, they notice that a Scarecrow seemed to appear over night near the fields. Right beside the Scarecrow is a small Sebright Rooster in a basket sleeping. Y/N takes note to go into town later that day to get chicken feed. Weeks pass and the Rooster won't stop following Y/N for a moment, even following them into their small home if they aren't careful. The Scarecrow continues to appear in different parts of the farm each day. Y/N thinks its kids from the nearby town moving them.
How they finally meet/their first interaction is still up in the air.
I'm debating on having them get caught where Moon is telling Sun to be quiet one night where Sun is screaming the Rooster yell at 1 in the morning causing Y/N to investigate or having Moon live up to some rumors and attack Y/n on their way back to the house on a rainy night but stops mid attack seeing the mark on their hand. The last interaction would cause Y/N to think the storm and rumors are finally getting to them caulking it up to a hallucination
Depending on the first meeting, interactions/introductions would vary but eventually the Grumpy Scarecrow will smile softly and help around the farm more while the Sunny Rooster brings new friends (spirits) to the farm to meet Y/N.
Moon before curse was a Forest Guardian who was strongest during a Winter Solstice. (Fall/Winter his Seasons)
Protector of wildlife and townsfolk
Leave offers at shrine for Safe Hunting and Safe Passage
Sun before curse was a Forest Guardian who was strongest during a Summer Solstice. (Spring/Summer their Seasons)
Guiding light for lost travelers and lost souls
Leave offerings at shrine for Fruitful Harvest and Safe Foraging
Both -
Vengeful beings if provoked/disrespectful to the land/wildlife
(Forest Guardian designs are pending)
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bylerschmyler · 2 years
Vecna - The Warlock
I'm currrently diving a little bit into D&D because me and some friends are currently preparing for our first campaign. So while I was browsing through the classes on https://www.dndbeyond.com/ I noticed some intersting connections to some characters from Stranger Things.
Obviously I am not an expert in D&D nor its lore and I firmly believe their were others before me who found those parallels. Everything I present to you in this post I found simply by going through the class and spell descriptions and doing some background info checks here and there.
I will try to explain other characters and their probably not so obvious undertones from time but I wanna start with Vecna. Why? Well I browsed the Warlock Class description today and was pretty suprised how much of it I saw represented by our behated S4 villain.
Vecna never gets called a warlock in the show. This simply due to the fact, that warlocks weren't introduced before 2004. So Dustin and Eddie calling him a dark wizard or spellcaster still resembles the warlock trope.
Just for the start here is the general description dndbeyond give us on warlocks:
Warlock Class Details
With a pseudodragon curled on his shoulder, a young elf in golden robes smiles warmly, weaving a magical charm into his honeyed words and bending the palace sentinel to his will.
As flames spring to life in her hands, a wizened human whispers the secret name of her demonic patron, infusing her spell with fiendish magic.
Shifting his gaze between a battered tome and the odd alignment of the stars overhead, a wild-eyed tiefling chants the mystic ritual that will open a doorway to a distant world.
Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles, demons, devils, hags, and alien entities of the Far Realm, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power.
The Pseudodragon: It's funny how the first thing mentioned here is the pseudodragon because their desciriptions reminded me of demobats.
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Keen senses relate to how Vecna uses them as spies (S4E7 - the bat on the lamp when the teen drive to Eddie's trailer). Limited Telepathy basically a reference to the hive mind. That they have a biting attack and potentitally posinous sting attack (Steves rabies) makes it even funnier.
Odd alignment of the stars: Stranger Things has so many references of stars. In S4 specificially there are the stars on Jason's and Patrick's jackets. S3 Will had robes with stars during the campaign and the show literally starts with the star filled sky in S1.
open a doorway to a distant world.: Do we really have to talk about that? I mean the not marked reference about chanting a mythic ritual is even more fitting. Vecna used ritualistic sacrifices to open the gates in S4.
seekers of the knowledge: Vecna describes himself as adventurer when he taunts El before he trie to kill Max. He also searched for ways to open the gates and found his answer in El. Thats why he stole her powers (The bite in S3). He also seeks for knowledge to tourment his victims. Going through their memories to reveal their bigest secrets.
alien entities of the Far Realm: Demogorgons and Mind Flayer we see in his flashbacks.
warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power: Also ties to the adventurer thing Vecna mentioned himself. The whole consuming the other numbers to grow stronger himself is also bound to this description.
Sworn and Beholden
A warlock is defined by a pact with an otherworldly being. Sometimes the relationship between warlock and patron is like that of a cleric and a deity, though the beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are not gods. A warlock might lead a cult dedicated to a demon prince, an archdevil, or an utterly alien entity—beings not typically served by clerics. More often, though, the arrangement is similar to that between a master and an apprentice. The warlock learns and grows in power, at the cost of occasional services performed on the patron’s behalf.
The magic bestowed on a warlock ranges from minor but lasting alterations to the warlock’s being (such as the ability to see in darkness or to read any language) to access to powerful spells. Unlike bookish wizards, warlocks supplement their magic with some facility at hand-to-hand combat. They are comfortable in light armor and know how to use simple weapons.
Pact: I don't want to start a discussion about who is the big bad. Imo it's clearly Vecna. But I still think that Vecna has made a pact to the Upside down itself. I don't if he just controls it by I think he draws some power of it and that's why he gets hooked up to the vines.
Cult: The mention of a cult is so S4 vibes. But a cult specifically dedicated to an alien entity was exactly what happened with the flayed in S3.
Alterations: His creepy claw hand and his kind of blinded eyes as well as the ability to communicate/command the UD creatures.
Spells: Also a reference to how the Vines in the UD give him the power to target and kill the teens in S4.
Delvers into Secrets
Warlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge and power, which compels them into their pacts and shapes their lives. This thirst drives warlocks into their pacts and shapes their later careers as well.
Stories of warlocks binding themselves to fiends are widely known. But many warlocks serve patrons that are not fiendish. Sometimes a traveler in the wilds comes to a strangely beautiful tower, meets its fey lord or lady, and stumbles into a pact without being fully aware of it. And sometimes, while poring over tomes of forbidden lore, a brilliant but crazed student’s mind is opened to realities beyond the material world and to the alien beings that dwell in the outer void.
Once a pact is made, a warlock’s thirst for knowledge and power can’t be slaked with mere study and research. No one makes a pact with such a mighty patron if he or she doesn’t intend to use the power thus gained. Rather, the vast majority of warlocks spend their days in active pursuit of their goals, which typically means some kind of adventuring. Furthermore, the demands of their patrons drive warlocks toward adventure.
Secrets: Seeking other people secrets to use it against them.
Drive: Vecna want his very own world how he sees fit and that's why wants to become more powerfull. He also sees himself superior to other humans.
Forbidden: He consumes people. That's why Brenner controled him through the soteria chip.
Alien: Yet again something you can connect to the Upside Down.
Goals: Ties in to Drive. Also supported by his own explanation how he waited for a door to open ("I just needed someone to open the door")
Adventuring: I repeat myself here. He sees himself as an adventurer.
Now that we have a good overview about what a warlock is in general let's take a look into what he can do.
So one of his first perks is this:
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Armor of Shadows and the use of Mage Amor. This could he relate in how Vecna was able to survive Nancy's shots and the burning.
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He basically uses Ascendant Step everytime he gets hooked up to Vines.
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Basically the way he is able to hold up the mirror.
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Exchange Monsters with scared teens and we have the final stage of his curse.
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This is how he is able to sense El when she is searching for Billy in the void. And if Will has powers, this is how he found out he had them.
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Another possible explanation to his survival.
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Gaze of two Minds is the reason he is not able to block Nancy, Steve and Robin when they enter the attic.
Lifedrinker sound to me like the curse. They take damage through the symtoms.
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This what he does with Max's mom.
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This is partly why he looks like he looks (not human anymore).
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Maybe that is why the demogorgon in S1 just sometimes (diss)appears.
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So if we look at Max having music from a DnD angle that would mean music is giving you an huge advantage. She basically saves herself with a Wisdom save.
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Screaming Hive Mind.
There are a lot more spells that a tied to a warlock. Many of which are basically how he attacks. But this post is long enough anyway so I won't dive down that rabbit hole too.
To the end here just another funny connection to Stranger Things:
The Fiend
You have made a pact with a fiend from the lower planes of existence, a being whose aims are evil, even if you strive against those aims. Such beings desire the corruption or destruction of all things, ultimately including you. Fiends powerful enough to forge a pact include demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Fraz’Urb-luu, and Baphomet; archdevils such as Asmodeus, Dispater, Mephistopheles, and Belial; pit fiends and balors that are especially mighty; and ultroloths and other lords of the yugoloths.
AND (Screaming Will in S2)
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That should be it for now. If you have thought about this or ideas how other warlock stuff is connected to Vecna please share! I do want to know everything there is.
Next up will be Mike.
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jabbers-wild-world · 2 years
@lilmcttens | because why not?!
He’d taken his chance the moment he’d had it, slipping in and shutting the door behind him, locking it. He’d learned before when he’d stayed with Gus a little while that it was usually the smarter choice to have the door locked and avoid anyone walking in on him. He’d kept that habit too now that they were all stuck in the Human Realm, all under the Nocedas’ roof. Especially since the one time he forgot to lock it, Willow had walked in on him as he was undressing.
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So he wasn’t eager to repeat the experience. Even more so now that he and Gus were very much outnumbered by the girls. Hunter took a moment to fiddle with the knob on the bathtub, sliding a glove off to check the temperature and flinching back a bit. Yikes! Still too cold! A bit more fiddling with the knobs, and.. there! Now it was starting to heat up. Sliding off his other glove, he set it aside with the other one, near where Flapjack sat perched on the back of the toilet.. and then- wait. Double check the door, make sure he remembered to lock it. Good, it was locked tight. Then he started stripping down, folding each article of clothing neatly on the toilet so as not to just make a mess tossing it all on the floor.
“What? We’re living here as guests, Flapjack. We can’t be rude to Ms. Noceda and leave messes everywhere.” He passed the mirror above the sink, and Hunter paused. Staring at his reflection a moment or two. His red-pink eyes, the dark circles, the notch in his ear, but.. most of all his gaze traveled across the many, many scars littering his body. Deep, jagged lines torn into him, the remnants of knife wounds or a scar or two from being temporarily impaled, a few burn scars here and there.. and while he certainly had the muscle mass and fit physique of a boy who had trained practically all his life as a soldier, he was still small for his age and considerably underweight. It wasn’t for Camila’s lack of trying, of course, but.. it had been years of malnutrition, and they’d only been in the Human Realm a few weeks so far.
So.. he still had a long road ahead before he was at a healthy weight, and.. honestly healthy in general. Finally tearing his gaze away from his wretched body, he continued his business of stripping down to nothing, to which Flapjack politely averted his gaze just to ensure his boy wasn’t feeling too self-conscious today. Once Hunter was as bare as could be, he checked the water temperature again, and then switched from the tub faucet to the shower head and stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain closed as he let the hot water drum against his battered body.
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He gave a sigh, finally letting go of the tension he’d held so long in his muscles. The heat and the steam enveloped him and he shut his eyes, allowing himself to revel in the warmth. It was a moment to himself, really. A moment he could just.. be with his thoughts, where he could relax and finally let his guard down for even just a little while. That, and the pressure from the shower head was almost akin to a massage along his tired, sore body. Beating down against the aching, anxiety-riddled muscles of his back and shoulders, and trickling down his skin and over the pulverized, pock-marked, war torn battlefield that his scars created across his flesh.
In some places, it seemed whole chunks had been torn out of him, leaving deep craters in his back, and scars from years of being flogged and beaten drew deep valleys and trenches.. But he could forget about all that as his tired body was soothed by the hot water and the sensations from the shower head pressure. Soon his head went under the water too, his hair quickly drenched and water ran down his face, briefly lingering upon the scar across his cheek, and trickling along his ears to drip momentarily into the notch in the left one. Hunter simply stood for a little while under the waterfall of the shower, letting himself just be for a bit. Just.. letting himself forget for now about all his worries, his stresses, his defensiveness and protectiveness over the others. He let his mind just drift, just bask in the comfort the shower offered him.. before he finally, after what seemed like an eternity of being intoxicated by his own relaxation, he grabbed the soap and began washing himself.
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
all i want
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pairing: andy barber x curvy!reader
words: 1.7k
warnings: 18+ only. cockwarming. little tiny bit of teasing. liiiittle bit of a daddy kink.
notes: shockingly enough, this was meant to be a drabble. it very much is not. enjoy!
inspired by this txt post, this is one of seven characters i’m writing this prompt of sorts for. thank you in advance for reading and as always, reblogs and comments and welcome and so appreciated.
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It’s all perfectly innocent to start the night, really it is. Your yearly tradition of watching Miracle on 34th Street after trimming the tree is one that neither of you would want to skip out on. And so far this season, between the trial that has had Andy so stressed and your long shifts at the hospital, there has been quite a bit you’ve ended up skipping.
You paid to have the Christmas lights strung up instead of decorating yourselves, the Christmas tree this year came from the grocery store parking lot Andy passed on his way home yesterday instead of the tree farm you always went to to chop down your own, and your annual Christmas Eve party is a no go this year, too. You’re both too busy, too stressed, too tired.
Andy sits on the couch, getting the movie ready to play, while you’re in the kitchen. You slide the bowl of cookie dough you whipped up into the fridge to chill for an hour or two before baking right as the kettle begins to whistle.
You walk back over to the stove, moving it off the burner before carefully pouring the boiling water into the waiting mugs of coco powder.
“Andy, do you want marshmallows?” you call, knowing your voice will carry into the next room. You stir the powder as you wait for his response, plopping a few mini marshmallows into your mug before your face scrunches up a bit. You turn, ready to peek into the living room to repeat yourself, and jump a bit as you’re met with Andy leaning in the doorway.
His arms are crossed over his chest and you are momentarily distracted by how big his arms look in his sweater. You know it’s soft and you can’t wait to cuddle into him and finally have a chance to relax while you watch the movie.
Your eyes flit to his and then you finally see the look of incredulity on his handsome, bearded face. You’re about to ask him what’s wrong, but he speaks before you can.
“Did you just call me Andy?” he asked, sounding disgusted and a little distraught.
You gape a moment, thinking back to what it was you said, and almost immediately realize that you indeed did. You flounder for only a second before shaking your head, “No,” you lie, “I dont think so.”
“Yes,” he states, pushing off the doorframe and starting toward you, “you did.”
You back up, bumping into the counter behind you as he stalks closer. You fight your smile as a thrill runs through you when he cages you in, his arms either side of you as he stands right before you. He leaves almost no space between you and you can see in his eyes what you’re sure he can see in yours.
Longing, desire, and maybe just a hint of desperation…
It’s been two weeks since you have had anything close to alone time together. Your shifts have been all over the place and you’re either heading to work as Andy is coming home, or leaving just as he gets up to start getting ready for his day. Even your weekends have been taken over. Andy has been working nonstop, but you both promised each other that this weekend would be just for you two. No work, no parties, no distractions. The closest thing to intimate you’ve gotten in two weeks has been your parting kisses. You’ve only shared the bed a few days this past week and you’ve both been so exhausted that the furthest you’ve gotten has been cuddling.
So right here and now, that look in his eyes, you know you’re both thinking about the same thing.
“I’m sorry,” you offer in your attempt to appease him.
“You’re sorry …,” he prompts, waiting for you to address him.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” you press against him, a smile playing on your lips. “Babe…honey…love,” you continue with the pet names, your fingers dancing across his sweater clad chest before you lean in real close, your lips against his ear before you whisper breathily, “Daddy.”
The sharp breath he takes at the title has you biting your lip to stop the smirk threatening to break out.
You let a hand come up, squeezing the back of his neck gently before your fingers find his hair, almost playing with it as you massage his neck a bit. Andy drops his head as his eyes close under your touch, pressing you back against the counter as he leans into you. He lets out a heavy sigh as your other hand comes up to cup his cheek.
“You’re so tense,” you say, leaning in to kiss him softly. He returns the kiss, his arms coming closer and wrapping around you, pulling you flush to him.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmurs against your lips, your noses brushing.
“I’ve missed you, too,” you kiss him gently once more before letting him go, turning back around to the mugs of coco waiting for you.
Andy doesn’t let you go, just watches as you finish making the cups.
You lean your head back, “marshmallows?” you ask again, earning a smile and a nod from him.
The still warm mugs of hot chocolate are on the coffee table before you as you snuggle into Andy.
That tingle you got earlier in the kitchen still hasn’t gone away as you hug Andy, his arm holding you to him in turn.
You don’t want to force anything. You’re both tired, that’s obvious, but god, you miss him. All of him.
You don’t even really want to have sex right now, you just want to be closer. You need him closer.
His eyes are open but you can see the exhaustion in the slightest squint of his eyes as he watches the screen. You lean up, pressing your lips delicately against his exposed throat, once, twice, three times as you work your way up.
“Mmm,” he breathes deeply, holding back a moan under your attention. “Baby,” he warns.
“I know,” you say, a hand rising to stroke his hair as you sit up and move into his lap. “I know, I’m tired, too. We don’t have to do anything,” you let your head rest against his, your noses brushing once more, “I just… I just want to feel you,” you speak so quietly but he can hear the plea in your voice and it squeezes his chest. And he can’t lie and say that the desperation he hears isn’t turning him on a bit, either.
If you want to feel him, he’ll make sure you feel him.
Your hands are lightly in his hair, holding his head as you lean in to kiss him. One kiss, you breathe into him as you pause against each others lips, then another, and another, before your tongue licks into his mouth. He sucks on you lightly before his tongue takes over, his effortless dominance always winning out.
You can feel him growing beneath you and you feel yourself growing slicker in turn.
You pull away from his kiss reluctantly to stand and rid yourself of your pajama pants, while he drags his sweats down. His cock is hard and you inhale sharply at the sight. It’s only been two weeks but you’d almost forgotten just how big he really is.
You hold his shoulder, his hands coming to your chubby waist as you come back to your spot on his lap. You’re on your knees, straddling him as you position yourself above him. One of his hands comes to his cock, the other sliding down your curves as he grips your hip.
He moves his dick up and down your pussy, playing with your wetness as your eyes shut in delight at the feeling, your hands squeezing his shoulders.
He gets himself wet with your slick before he lines the head of his cock up to your entrance. His hand on your hip urges you down, and you slowly sink onto his thick length. You moan in unison as you take him in, a “fuck” leaving Andy’s lips when the first inch of him was finally inside of you.
His hand is holding you, his thumb rubbing the soft, blemished skin of your hip as he urges you to take more of him with his sweet praises.
“You take me so well, baby. Just a little bit more, I know you can do it. Doing so good, sweetheart. Always so fucking good,” he full on moans the last few words as you sit fully on his strong lap with a whimper. He’s seated completely inside of you as you bury your head in his neck.
You feel his lips as he kisses your head, his hand rubbing your back soothingly while the other lightly kneads your thick thigh.
You sigh heavily, relaxing into him as you rest your head against his chest, your velvety walls squeezing his cock of their own volition every so often, earning moans from both of you as he keeps you full of him, the movie still playing as you try to focus on that instead.
But you’re so tired, and so content in Andy’s hold, the pleasure and closeness enough to lull you asleep, you do just that. The cookies can wait until tomorrow.
Andy is smiling to himself as he holds you, he hasn’t been this relaxed since before the start of his current trial. Because with you this close, he’s calm and more than content. This is what he’s been needing. You.
He tenses just a little when your walls squeeze him again, a soft moan slipping past your lips. He moans quietly in turn, still holding you tight.
A moment passes and he has to laugh at the soft snore that leaves you next. He doesn’t want to leave your warmth just yet, he wants to feel you - it’s been too long. So he’ll finish the movie and then he’ll bring you to bed. You’ll cuddle and sleep in each other’s embrace, and all the while he’ll be sure to keep you full of him.
And when you wake up in the middle of the night with his cock still inside of you, your wetness leaking out from around his thick length, he won’t mind one bit about getting woken up by you fucking yourself stupid on his cock. He’s all yours, whenever you want him. And he still owes you for your teasing in the kitchen. He’ll make sure to show you exactly just how much Daddy has missed you.
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murdockcastleslut · 3 months
Can I request a Benedict fic based on enchanted by Taylor swift?!
omg this is so fun! this is kinda be what should be around season 4! i know they have a masquerade party i don't anything about the plot of the plot so this is just my imagination! hope you like it! | info about request here!
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violet bridgerton has out down herself with her enchanted forest masquerade ball, a theme requested by her youngest hyacinth.
florals, woodwork, and vines covered the bridgerton home. guests entered in florals and pastels their faces covered with masks.
this ball was so full you couldn't turn around without the possibility of bumping into another person.
you were having fun dancing and conversing with guests whom also decided to join in on the festivities.
though dude to the number of people attending and the fact that although lovely your gown was very tight. you move through the home hoping to find a place to catch you breath.
you stumbled up on the empty drawing room and a man admiring the paintings among them.
"oh im sorry to interrupt." you say noticing him.
he turns to face you. his light blue eyes shine bright contrasted against his dark blue mask.
"no, no, not all. just admiring my families paintings. i never quite noticed how detailed they were." he smiles towards you.
your eyes widen as you realized who you were talking to, benedict brigderton.
"are you alright?" he asks concern.
you snap put of it and shyly nod.
"oh yes, i am sorry. i just needed a second from the party, although lovely it is quiet hot with the amount of people attending tonight. your mama must be quiet proud." you smiled.
"oh yes she is," he nodded. "please have a seat if you need."
"oh thank you."
"do you like art?"
"i do. i paint. my papa was kind enough to allow to have lessons and teach me about different artist. do you paint?"
"i dabble, though i think i might be better at sketching."
"do you have favorite thing to sketch?"
"people, whist their unaware preferably, there is something about people when then don't think anyone is paying attention them."
you smiled at his answer. he was quiet interesting, there was something about him you couldn't explain that pulled you in.
the two of you chatted about whatever came your minds and it felt like no time had passed at all.
the sound of clock stricking the next hour is what drew you out of you trance. you realized you had been talking for almost fort-five minutes. you quickly stood.
"i am so sorry, i hadn't relized so much time had passed. my mama must be looking for me. i do hope to see you again." you nervously rushed.
he stood up and smiled. he took your hand and laid a kiss on your covered knuckles.
"i was enchanted to meet you. i hope to see you again as well." he smiles looking at you with those blue eyes.
that night, the two of you laid in you respective bedrooms counting down the moments til you could see one another again.
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amphibianaday · 8 months
how long have you been aware of Atul from spirit farer?
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day 1532 this is obviously just an excuse to draw him again (referenced straight from an ingame screenshot) i've been passivley aware of him for a while. i'm pretty sure someone requested him and i intended to draw him and just forgot actively aware - about a week, since i started playing the game myself :)
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plusultraetc · 3 months
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I ended up having way too many unfinished fics to choose from for Shinsou's birthday, none of which were ao3-ready, so have this extra long snippet of my beloved ice cream shop au that I've spent way too much time on for a fic that might never actually get posted 😭
(the context here is that Shinsou & Kaminari are trying to get erasermic together, but Kaminari didn't know he was trying to set his teacher up with the music store guy bc he's only heard about him from Shinsou)
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tesseractingrey · 3 months
I was watching some old bbc radio 1 clips and hearing their old introduction for the radio show, them describing it as putting the audience in charge, and thinking about answering fan questions for the basis of pinof, thinking about interactive introverts and giving the people what they want. For so long, their content has been SO connected to us, to interacting with us, answering our questions, giving us some element of control.
If you ask us why we watch Dan and Phil, we’d probably say for their dynamic, because we enjoy them as people and think they’re entertaining and enjoy how they interact together. But if you ask what kind of content Dan and Phil have made, it’s mainly stuff where they are trying to centers fans, not themselves. And sure, they have made lots of story time videos in their individual content, but I’m talking joint content: they’ve made an effort to make it about us, for years. Even when they started the gaming channel, then, they were trying to center the games, the competition of it all, not their dynamic.
Given everything that’s happened, it makes sense that they wanted to hold onto their privacy, and not make their relationship the center of the content. They weren’t comfortable being out, or comfortable fully inviting us to scrutinize their dynamic. So giving the audience “control,” deflecting the attention away from “we want to do this” and “we want you to know this” to “you want us to do this” and “you want to know this” as a defense mechanism. Yet they still maintained actual control, selecting which audience questions and suggestions to include, while making fans feel valued and involved.
And this isn’t a bad thing! They are fully entitled to their privacy, and this emphasis on interaction with us is a large part of why I think they built such a strong and wonderful community. And they clearly actually do like us and are glad to have us, so there’s also some element of gratitude and wanting to give back in wanting us to be included in the content.
But that’s changing, now. What Dan and Phil text each other, spill or kill, the mukbangs, this is all parts of themselves and their dynamic that they are freely choosing to share with us, to make the topic of the video. Their gaming videos are not about playing popular games, it’s just random bullshit or niche games that just give them a chance to yap, intentionally centering their dynamic in the content. And sure, there’s them looking at phan twitter, but there’s also them just sitting and watching tik toks and recording it so we can see too. We talk about feeling like a third wheel so much recently, because they are so comfortable and themselves on camera and so much less focused on directing the content towards us, and more focused on just having fun Together.
They came back to the gaming channel not to make us happy, but because it made THEM happy, because Dan genuinely wanted to again. Comparing how they talk about the content they were making in 2018 to now in the last mukbang, there’s now no feeling of owing us something, of wanting to give us what we want to make us happy. Dan said he can’t wait for Phil to Get to see us all in person, not just that they know we want to see them. They are doing this for themselves, they’ve repeatedly said that they’re shocked at the response to the gaming channel coming back: they didn’t make this choice for us.
They are now explicitly in control of their content, it’s not about us. And yet they’re Choosing to center their dynamic and be themselves, show us more of themselves than ever before. After everything, I just think it’s really special that they feel comfortable doing that, and I’m so glad that we get to see them be so happy and doing things for their own good.
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orangekittyenergy · 4 months
hi! is it too late to do an ask for the kiss roulette?? if not could you please do rolan with 14? a kiss to the stomach. 👀
Oooooooh 😏 It's never too late my friend!! 🫦 (Kiss asks here)
A Kiss to the Stomach - Rolan x reader (early relationship)
(im in an angsty mood so it came out a little tender)
The first thing you hear is the rustling of pages. The soft scrape of paper on paper. Your newly awake ears immediately feel overwhelmed by it; it sounds like someone is shuffling reams of paper right at your cheek. Before you can get too annoyed, your other senses start to return. You sense bright light just beyond your eyelids. You can smell a soft delicate scent. Flowers? Your mind feels fuzzy. Are you outside?
Your body slowly catches up and you feel plush sheets beneath you. A soft bed is cradling your body. You find yourself blissfully wondering where you are for a moment before the sudden rush of memories and pain comes washing back. A heated battle. A crash down into the water.
Your body jolts back to reality with a lurch and you find yourself trying to move. Your body refuses to comply. Instead, you let out a small groan and feel your eyelids flutter.
"Good morning." A voice approaches swiftly, getting louder as it joins you at your side. You swallow thickly, your tongue heavy. You feel dizzy, confused. Everything is muddled.
"Where...where is everyone?" You mumble through parched lips. Flashes of your companions fill your mind as your brain races to catch up.
"Shhh..this is the first night you've slept all the way through. You might feel a little off from the sleep tonic." You feel a hand gently stroke your hair. Rolan. It was Rolan's voice.
Your eyes snap open and meet his, gazing down at you. A sudden flood of memories fills your brain. The battle in the sky. The parting of ways on the docks. Your first stop had been to come here; to see him. A few fitful nights filled with nightmares later and he had finally convinced you to try a sleep potion.
"Gods." You groan and force one heavy arm up to run a hand across your face. "Why did I let you convince me to try that?"
He smirks at you and lets out a huff of air.
"Well, you needed sleep. Dont cry. You'll be up and feeling much better in no time." He replies, a teasing lilt to his voice.
You turn your head to face him, begrudgingly having to admit to yourself that you are already feeling better and more alert by the second. But, you wouldn't admit that to him.
"Have you ever tried one? Ugh, I feel like I drank a whole barrel of wine last night." You give another groan. He fights away a smile and pushes his lips out in mock concern.
"I guess there's no helping you then. Here I thought I was housing the hero of Baldurs Gate, not a whimpering child."
You chuckle softly and attempt to sit up to be met with a rush of pain in your abdomen. You wince and pull down the covers a touch and raise your nightshirt to find your stomach still covered in bruises. You frown at the sight.
"Ah yes, potions and spells can only do so much. Your body still needs mending. You need r e s t." He says, enunciating each letter as if to prove his point that he was correct about the potion. Your eyes snap back up to his with a heated look.
"I can't just sit around here and let you wait on me." A slight blush crosses your cheek and a slight slip of a bruised ego at the idea of lazing around in bed all day and being tended to. Rolan smiles softly back at you; knowing all too well himself just how bad an ego can be bruised.
"You can and you will. I insist. Despite what others may think, I can be a very good caretaker." His smile fades slightly and his eyes dart away for a moment. "I won't let anything else happen to you." He adds quietly.
After a moment's hesitation, he leans down and plants a careful kiss on the tender skin of your stomach. He lingers there a moment, his breath hot on your skin, avoiding your gaze as he often does when confessing something emotional.
"Let me take care of you. Please?" He breathes out on your stomach.
You squeeze your lips together, the sudden moment of intimacy replacing all feelings of pain. You suddenly feel like you could hop out of bed right then, ready for battle again. Instead, you reach up and gently tuck a few strands of hair behind his ear letting your fingers linger there a moment.
"Fine. Tend to me. I won't argue." You let your body ease back into the bed, resolve gone and pushing away any lingering hints of your ego. Rolan gives one more soft kiss and leans up, pulling your shirt back down for you.
"There. Was that so hard?" He raises an eyebrow at you with a smirk on the corner of his lips, his teasing tone back. "I'll go fetch you breakfast."
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designernishiki · 1 year
it’s kinda funny to me how that dumb scene in kiwami 1 of majima getting shot and left for dead in the harbor was basically just added as a half-assed way to explain majima not being around for a bit of the plot, but they accidentally(?) just made it seem like start of a chain reaction where majima ended up feeling slighted and heartbroken after being abandoned like that and then lashed out about it via smashing a big truck into the building kiryu was in. and yeah that isn’t inherently a romantic thing as-is but then they go and add the part where majima grabs a hostess and performatively hits on her as in-kiryu’s-face as possible, she says she’s already in love with someone, and majima lets her go immediately, no questions asked, making a big fucking point of it just to say see THAT kiryu? I appreciate when people are HONEST about their FEELINGS. people who won’t just BACKSTAB someone who CARES about them to save themselves. is that so crazy kiryu?? huh??? anyway make it up to me get down here and fight me right fucking now
#I think on another level he was sorta saying like ‘hey kiryu. you’re making it extremely clear that you don’t trust me and my intentions#and I’ve been trying to show you- over and over again- that I’d do just about anything for you and your safety#but I can’t just let my mask fall off in front of everyone- I need to keep up the unpredictable morally grey wildcard act for both my sake#AND yours. because disguising my helping you as crazy random violent outbursts and weird stalker behavior#is the only way I CAN help you. do you think it would go over well with shimano or literally anyone else if I was outright helping you out#of the kindness of my heart and fondness for you? stop being so fucking dense and look past the crazy wacky nonsense for a second and#maybe you’ll realize that all I do at the end of the day- really- is help you and put my own life and reputation on the line for you.#I am an honest guy when it comes to my real values and when I told you I wouldn’t let anyone kill you unelss it was myself- I meant it.#I’ve taken a knife and a bullet for you now. can you REALLY not see through the act yet? am I REALLY that unpredictable when you think about#it?’#that was a longer explanation than i intended but. it was difficult to put into words#I basically feel like it could be read as him implying kiryu shouldn’t backstab the people who put themselves on the line to help him#and/or pointing out that he’s never actually done kiryu dirty and has stuck to his word protecting him in the ways he can#trying to say yeah all this is a crazy act and all but when it comes down to it you Can trust me#it really makes sense when you think about it that he’d have to help kiryu/show affection towards kiryu in unpredictable convoluted ways#at that point in time because. I mean. there’s a reason he was the only person who showed up to welcome kiryu when he got out of prison#and that’s because A) he sticks to his word and his loyalty to people he cares about and B) no one else had the balls or the batshit insane#mask to wear to ward off anyone asking real questions like majima did. because ANYONE associating themselves with the supposed#patriarch-killer was a HUGE NO-NO at the time. someone important showing up for kiryu and welcoming him back outright could’ve caused#all-out warfare probably. except majima. because majima was dedicated and smart enough to use his widely-feared wildcard persona#(that everyone tended to view as incapable of having any Real agenda to worry about) to his And kiryu’s advantage#does that make sense??? I feel like it makes a lot of sense if you get it to click in your head#kazumaji#majima#kiryu#yakuza#kiwami 1#yk1#rambling
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Any chance you're working on a mini meta about the color of their clothes (from the most recent videos) too? 🤞♥️ It will be awesome if you do it 🥹
Hey Nonnie - and all the other Nonnie’s who’ve been asking about the ‘matching costumes’ as well!
I hadn’t been planning on doing a mini meta as it’s really hard to write them this early in the season when we have pretty much zero context (it’s always easier when we’ve seen at least an episode so we have the beginnings of things to go on as costumes are meant to work within scenes and arcs and not in isolation!) but I do have a few thoughts and as you asked so nicely, I will say a few things about what we have so far!
Firstly I would like to point out to all those shouting about Buck and Eddie matching - whilst that is technically true for the brown costumes, it is not true for the other non uniform costumes we’ve seen them in. The other thing about the matching is that we don’t actually have any context for those costumes at all - they may not be shooting the same scene, just using the same rest area between takes on two different sets within the same stage - which is common. If they are for the same scene I will happily write about the meaning of them both being in brown and what that means, but for right now I’m not going there!
Ok now onto the brown of it all!!
Brown my beloved colour - a seemingly uninteresting colour, it actually has a lot to say. We have Buck in this rich chocolaty brown and Eddie in this lighter brown with a pinkish undergone to it!
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Brown in the most general of terms is a colour of resilience, strength and dependability and can be seen as a warm colour. It plays into the concept of ‘down to earth’ and simplicity. But it does also have some negative traits as well - loneliness, isolation and devoid of life.
Now with where we left Buck and Eddie at the end of season 7, both aspects of the colour come into play. The richness of Bucks shirt is generally one that leans into being a warm colour, one that is a symbol of strength and dependability - which if it is worn in a scene with Eddie it would make total sense and build off of the way we saw him standing just behind Eddie and putting a hand on his shoulder - being there for Eddie - showing support and strength, resilience and dependability! Its dark warm colour is a play on rich fertile earth - the kind that is good for plants to grow in. Which feels, to me at least, an accurate place for Buck to be in right now - he is ready for growth and at the same time able to support and be a source of strength.
Eddie’s, much lighter shade is much more in the washed out less fertile, more desert like. It’s a funny shade of brown to be honest - it does play into loneliness and isolation, it fits in with Eddie’s army theming as it’s very much in that camouflage army fatigue colour wheelhouse, whilst the pinkish undertones play into that theme from last season - the pink of naïveté - which I’m not going to lie, I am kind of delighted to see lurking there! All in all right now, to me it feels like it’s likely to be playing into that sense of isolation Eddie is experiencing that Ryan spoke about - an internalised isolation born out of blowing up your life - and combined with that army colouring plays very much into Eddie’s story arc - especially with the Shannon of it all and that sense of both of them being isolated from each other that we’ve seen played out as a running theme between them - especially when Eddie was in Afghanistan- it’s something to do with Eddie now truly being isolated from his past - that need to reckon with his demons and Shannon’s ghost and finally lay them to rest. Eddie was incredibly naïve toward the end of last season in thinking he could recreate what he had with Shannon with Kim - that pink undertone in this brown is the echo of that!
All in all I think them both having brown is an interesting choice thst has plenty of potential and plenty of possible meanings.
I’ve not thought in huge detail about what colour the show might play with as a running theme this season like the pink of last season or the light blue of season 6, but brown would be an interesting shout. Especially because we got this bts;
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And bee sting allergic reaction guy is in brown - one much closer to Bucks brown shirt than Eddies and it’s making my brain buzz (pun very much intended 🐝😂)with excitement over the potential of brown - but I’m going to wait for more information - probably going to wait until at least after 8x01 - before I really go to town on how brown might fit with various arcs for all the characters for season 8!
I hope this sated your appetite for costume and colour theory things relating to Buck and Eddie for season 8!
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