#this has one of my favorite lyrics
Me next?
Rest of My Life - Nickel Creek
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 months
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from chapter 10 of Famous Last Words in May Death Never Stop You by the amazing @slexenskee
I've wanted to draw this scene ever since I read it lmao. Fun fact I was eating lunch at the time and I was laughing so hard I had to leave the room since someone was watching tv. Good times, good times.
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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THE ROARING TWENTIES (1929) | Written + Directed by Taylor Swift *ALL-TALKING PICTURE* Flapper Clara falls in love. With a Princeton sophomore. Every night they spend together feels like a dream. All the social occasions, the scent of wine she tasted on his lips, dance floor reflecting broken mirrorball lights, tossing pennies in the pool, sneaking in campus, night walks around the Nassau Hall, joking about school dorms, long dinner that seems never end and sophisticated conversations. His innocence and passion. Her wide-eyed gazes. Breathes that felt too close in the dark. Finally, one day, the kid went down on his knees and pulled that damned rock out of his pocket. Will Clara say "yes"?
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tomaturtles · 1 month
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IT'S KAWOSHIN DAY!!! As well as the last day of Kawoshin Week :') It's been such a blast, gonna miss it when it's over
Kawoshin Week Day 7: Cuddling/domestic fluff! + Sleepover and Spinoffs (again)! Based on the Campus Apocalypse sleepover chapter ☺️
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emrrys · 2 years
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It's midnight's late reminder of The loss of her, the one I love My will to quickly end it all Sat front row in my need to fall Into the ocean, end it all...
click for better viewing 🌊
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nguyenfinity · 3 months
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Switch is back after their Valentine's event for White Day to bring you Magic for your special someone(s)! Show your friends and fans a little appreciation in return, whether you're sailing for a Romancing Cruise or just for lifting their spirits A little bit UP!!
art-only below the cut!
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gokubrain · 3 months
Did u know that besides "like a ballad of love" there's another official song that's blatantly about vegeta's feelings for goku? It's called "memories - an evening (or night) without him" and it's even more romantic and beautiful than the other imo. I've listened to it a lot <3. Song: youtu*be/mQkChCzRbYo?feature=shared / Lyrics: dragonball*fandom*com/wiki/Memor%C4%ABzu_%E2%80%93Yatsu_no_Inai_Yoru%E2%80%93 (I really hope they give us another vegeta->goku song just to complete the trinity hehe)
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i was not aware of this oh my godddd......... do you people really expect me to believe vegeta is in love with a woman when theyre out here writing songs from his pov like this lmfao helpppfgjhg i'm losing it rn
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Fanciful Landscape - Thomas Doughty // Upper Hudson, Catskill Mountains - Thomas Doughty // Spring Landscape - Thomas Doughty // Landscape with Stream and Mountains - Thomas Doughty// Romantic Landscape with a Temple - Thomas Doughty // In the Catskills - Thomas Doughty // Long Live - Taylor Swift
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fearofalling · 2 years
do u ever get the paralyzing fear that your favorite my chemical romance song might not even be released yet
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laniemae · 1 month
Could John start hurting himself in trial 3?
So I’ve got a lot of theories for trial 3 and stuff but this is the one I want to talk about first since it was the one that stuck out to me most yet I haven’t seen people talking about the possibility
I actually wrote about this theory quite a while ago which I’ll just link to but I definitely do think it’s very likely but hasn’t been discussed much.
For a brief summary of the post I made it’s a theory on how John may have self harming desires but doesn’t physically hurt himself as he’s afraid of hurting Mikoto. Basically it’s how the reason why Mikoto’s clothes are so tattered is because John has been ripping them apart in another way to harm himself but not physically hurt Mikoto. Heck, there’s very clearly bite marks on the clothes so I highly doubt it was from the fight with Kotoko. And as well as just ripping his clothing it probably explained the breakdowns John is said to have at night especially in that one minigram where Es heard on it and there was a lot of crashing sounds and stuff breaking, even ripping sounds which definitely matches with what I was saying. So John does all of this in a method to self harm as a stress reliever but not physically harm Mikoto.
So here’s the trial 3 theory. As of recently Mikoto has stopped denying John’s existence as everything he’s seen in heard it’s just too much for him to deny anymore. And instead of that he’s began to hate John so much and blame him for every bad thing that’s happened, even going as far to blame him for what happened to Mahiru even though it was very clearly Kotoko’s fault. And with John, he loves Mikoto. Dedicates his entire existence to him and despite all the constant trauma and suffering he’s endured the only thing that keeps him going is the possibility that Mikoto will love him and praise him for saving him.
“Hey now, I saved you, right? So why in the hell are you crying?
Cling to me, hoist me up as your "savior", stand up and sing out your gratitude, that'd be good.”
Judging by these lyrics, it seems John is somewhat aware that Mikoto is denying his help but still wants to believe it. Even Neoplasm he says how Mikoto’s entrusting him with his heart, which can either be he doesn’t fully know about the hatred or is denying it. But what I’m really worried about is how much Mikoto loathes John in trial 3 and what he could do.
As I said earlier John dedicates his existence to Mikoto and I couldn’t explain how John may feel after he would realise his hatred for Mikoto  aside from his entire existence being denied. I already discussed this in another theory but for John to so deeply love Mikoto and dedicates everything to protecting him and only holding on with the possibility of approval and being told he did a good job, only to be met with unimaginable hatred from the person who he idealises as someone who could never hate anyone must be devastating on so many levels for John and… you can tell where I’m getting at here.
So what would happen next? Could perhaps John feel so betrayed by Mikoto that he could go to actually physically hurting himself out of conflicting feelings around Mikoto? Loving him like that but feeling so betrayed and hurt that he just tries not to care about Mikoto any more and harms himself out of both previously established coping mechanisms and spite?
It’s hard to tell here, as John is one of those characters who it’s very hard to predict what would happen next so who knows what he might do. I just believe this may be the most likely based off things that have been implied and established.
And just to address a potential elephant in the room is I highly doubt John would disappear in trial 3. That’s not how it works, and just because Mikoto may not be Guilty any more doesn’t mean he would be relieved from all stress so John definitely would still have his purpose. And I think it’s most likely why John claimed that he would disappear was that he believed Es hated him and wanted him gone, so he claimed that he would disappear if Mikoto were to be voted Innocent as a way to sway Es to that verdict. And there are lines such as “I’ll play dead even if I’m alive right?” And “can’t get rid of me now” that definitely imply that he will stay or perhaps pretend to go dormant which perhaps would be interesting as we’ve seen him masking as Mikoto in the minigrams before so it would be interesting if he does that in trial 3 perhaps. And side note even though this is kinda cheating theory wise but it would be stupid to remove John from the story like that so uhhh.
#milgram#mikoto kayano#John kayano#john milgram#tw sh#tw self destruction#I just wanna say I’m sorry for bringing up such a dark subject matter like this in a theory sense#It’s just when writing about the darker themes in milgram I always get scared I’ll offend someone by how I talk about it so sorry#But trial 3 is certainly gonna be crazy#This theory is one I’ve had for a while and thus easier to write but I’ve got a lot planned#Like it definitely seems like how in trial 2 kotoko was the main antagonist/one causing conflict and it definitely seems#That in trial 3 amane will fufill that role#Which I mean I am uhh really exited about that because Amane’s my favorite and I love character who fuck up everything#But from everything we’ve seen the whole thing with fuuta and Shidou she’s going to be the one starting the whole chain of events#And there’s definitely a lot of theories on people who could suffer or be injured because of everything#Definitely Haruka but that would be from himself#But from the amane thing potentially Shidou if she or fuuta attacks him#Maybe mahiru if Shidou can’t treat her if she’s injured which could be really bad I’m actually very worried for her#And fuuta if he goes too far deep into the ideology and actually takes off his eyepatch but that’s kinda hard to predict#And as I said it’s definitely likely that mikoto would be hurt but at the hands of “himself” rather#And with kotoko I have absolutely no clue how she would react to the guilty verdict but that unpredictably makes it more exiting#I’ll have to talk about kotoko and the others in a separate theory because it’s so complicated but aughahhan hiatus brain no#And kinda off topic with the mood that I’ve kinda set with this post#But looking and analysing the lyrics of meme and double for this post#I found it pretty funny how John is actually really affectionate when referring to mikoto#Like of course the “snuggle together and say good night” lyric which is funny because how that does not fit John normally but does make sen#And in double he uses words such as basically “welcoming home” mikoto and in those freeze frames whispers of good morning#Which one again is really funny as edgy boy misanthrope John has said almost uwu fanfiction stuff canonically#But it totally makes sense to his character which makes it all the more funnier but kinda fucked up as from what I’ve said in the post#Why am I talking about something funny like this? Maybe I’m just too worried about talking about dark subject matters I’m sorry
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velvetjune · 2 months
the chapter songs in Alan Wake 2,, flawless
#they deserve more love and discussion#saying this while also not knowing what to say other than they’re so fucking good#alan wake 2#i think it’s partially because poets of the fall’s tracks are iconic so of course they’re in the spotlight (as deserved)#but also the CHAPTER SONGS. them being made for a given chatacter(s) with the help of Sam lakes poetry#the changes with ‘this road’ by Poe with every Alan chapter. becoming more distorted and revealing lyrics and the spiral#the scratch song being 1) hilarious and 2) similar to Zane’s poetry in the aw1 arg#the emotion in superhero when saga feels lost at the story making it so Logan was gone#the lines of her feeling like a ghost in this story forming around her.. how she feels guilty and absent for both what the story’s doing#and being away from Logan because of her job. ashdhhhhjhh my heart#AND. follow you into the dark HAS to be alice. which kills me because at for at I thought of Alan#but no. Alice jumped in the dark place after him. it’s so !!!!!!!!!!!#the rabbit hole line. Alice spiraling deeper and deeper into a dream—into wonderland#the Lost at Sea one is also good. intrigues me. the Bowie and Lynch references are blatantly aw2 Zane#but it’s so similar to diver Zane and the ‘originals’ death. being lost in the dark place with illusions of escape#and losing any sense of identity. whether he’s real at all or the monster of this sea or just a lost soul.#the soft and calm vocals / instrumental really makes the whole thing#NEED to stop typing more tags because this is a Lot. however.#‘no one left to love’ is also a phenomenal song and one of my favorites from the album. GORGEOUS vocals and how it all flows together.#such a powerful and beautiful way to end a chapter#anyway that’s all I had to say :)#god. I’ve started to watch a few playthroughs of the game and 90% of people have skipped the chapter songs and every time im#that’s fair but my brain and soul might implode if I don’t see anyone else talking about how good these songs are
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shakingparadigm · 4 months
ALNST headcanons: Animals
Mizi loves friendly, cute and peaceful animals, and will happily interact with any animals she thinks she can handle. She is however easily intimidated by larger and scarier looking ones. She loves observing animals that move in fascinating ways, like her favorite jellyfish! She loves aquatic animals because of their free movement underwater and the fact that they remind her of her parents.
Sua is not as fond of animals, but she appreciates dainty and well-behaved animals with quick wits such as cats, birds, rabbits, and certains types of dog. She prefers animals that don't interfere with her studious and introverted nature, but doesn't mind if they have a bit of a playful side to keep her happy while Mizi is away. Her favorite animal would be little songbirds.
Till's bleeding heart will immediately sympathize with any poor animal (he is embarrassed of this fact). He resonates most with animals that are less favored, hurt and in poor condition, or deemed "ugly", like animals with defects or scars. He'd honestly favor any scrappy animal that's been down on its luck but has a fighting spirit, like a stray dog or cat. He's also fond of animals who display raw instinct and aggression. (PS AT THE TIME OF ME WRITING THIS ALNST JUST DROPPED AN ART OF TILL IN A SHARK ONESIE. SHARK TILL!!!)
Ivan is neutral towards animals. On certain occasions he's had to pose with trained and perfectly groomed animals for photoshoots, and he finds that he prefers any animal who behaves well and does as they're told. Deep inside he empathizes with the poor street animals outside, he remembers all too well what it was like to live alongside them in the slums. Aside from domestic animals, he'd enjoy observing more unique and dangerous specimen from afar, like certain big cats. (I PREDICTED TIGER ONESIE IVAN)
Luka is allergic to most animals (cats, dogs, certain birds, fur and feathers) and feels nothing for them whatsoever. He only cares that whatever animal is gifted to him will conform to his behavior and personal style. Sometimes he'll even put the animal through a lot of strange situations just to observe how they'd react. I think he'd have an animal that isn't reliant on emotional bonds or constant attention, like a snake or fascinating insects.
Hyuna loves animals!!! She takes care of the horde of dogs that live outside the rebellion base. She especially loves animals that have a certain level of spunk and energy! But her most favorite animal would be birds, as she loves the sense of freedom she gets when she watches them fly, leaving the world below them far behind. She's against "owning" any animals, but many follow her around and adore her, so she still has plenty of them by her side.
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dreamaze · 9 days
ONEWE ⟡ '천체 (COSMOS)' TongTong Culture performance excerpt (tr.)
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a-very-zilly-gooze · 1 month
ok but folie à deux is such an underrated album. makes me want to beat up men and wear over-the-top winged eyeliner and leather jackets and skinny jeans and drive entirely too fast down desolate roads late at night. genuinely my favorite fall out boy album, 10/10.
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 months
when it comes to ~forty year old songs about women having babies out of wedlock sung by male artists who show up in my spotify top 5 every year, oh no not i by stan rogers always makes me scramble for the skip button and think about how good spare parts by bruce springsteen is
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atlas-atsus · 9 months
War is Over (not quite)
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