#this is Dean's story
mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Dean at the beginning of the episode and the end had different hairstyles and clothes, and seemed to be acting different.
Dean was very cagey about the truth. If this was another universe in the mulitverse, why not at least admit his name was Dean? He didn’t have to give his last name.
Lata was the one who suggested the multiverse theory. All Dean said was that he was ‘between worlds’. Didn’t mean it was another Earth. That he was dead and not of this world. He could have been of that world, when he was alive. But he’s neither alive or dead. He hasn’t been born and he’s also been dead.
Chuck is supposed to be powerless. How could Chuck have activated something like the akrida? He lost but not in a way that would have meant anything. His power wasn’t destroyed, it was transferred over. And if he did activate it, why zero in on Lebanon, KS in the 70s. This seemed way to focused on Dean then anything else.
Dean’s still meddling. He gave Mary the Colt and told her to use it on a ‘yellow-eyed demon’. I doubt that’s what Jack intended for him to do with it. And, in fact since Chuck is no longer at the wheel, why would Azazel even know about Mary unless she’s put between his crosshairs like Dean is doing? I don’t think that’s what Dean is intending but he’s only thinking about how to ‘improve’ this timeline.
His timeline.
There’s more to this story, clearly. More things Dean isn’t telling us nor the Scoobies. More things that were left unsaid and absent.
It’ll all come full circle in due time.
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castiels-undercoat · 2 months
Everytime I rewatch supernatural it reminds me that we really werent crazy about destiel. They were just THAT gay bro
Like wydm "When Castiel first layed a hand on you in hell he was lost!"
Wdym "i want you, cursed or not"
What else could "the last person who looked at me like that i got laid *wink*" even insinuate
Alls im saying is that if they didnt want us to think these two were gay they shouldnt have been saying shit like "i left but you didnt stop me"
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dooanuh · 1 month
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eons-old angelic being receives carabiner from local dyke (not clickbait)
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supernatural-case · 6 months
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cas loved him here
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cas loved him here
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cas loved him here
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cas loved him here
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cas loved him here
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cas loved him.
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drulalovescas · 5 months
when you realize cas never got a chance to see dean mourn him. to see what his death did to dean. how it broke him completely. SHATTERED. he never saw dean's utter despair. anger. complete hopelessness. he only ever saw dean's joy when he came back. and so cas figured that his death simply didn't affect dean all that much. that dean could be happy with Cas gone. that Dean could go on. Move on. cas never understood that this joy, this hope, this smile on dean's face after he came back was ONLY BECAUSE HE CAME BACK. CAME BACK TO DEAN.
Cas was the REASON.
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angel-fruitcake · 5 days
there will never be another accidental love story as insane or profound as destiel i fear
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Imo the best ending to Supernatural would have been to just stop with them alive on a random hunt or them finding jobs and living the life they just wanted or whatever.
And then the story just fucking STOP, because Chuck is not here anymore, so they are no longer part of a story they are finally free. And we could still write and read fanfic about how they live after they won.
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sunflowernovak · 3 months
and here are the gays
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souporwholock · 1 month
[Sam, Dean and Cas are staying in some house temporarily while on a hunt]
Cas: There's a female woman at the door
Dean: (at Sam) Wh- why is he saying that? (Turns to Cas) Why are you saying that?
Cas looks at Dean blankly and motions to the door.
Sam looks at his watch as the doorbell rings.
Sam: Ooooh wait, that's probably for me.
Dean: (confusion)
Sam opens the door and accepts a package from a mail woman.
Dean and Cas look at each other
Dean: Wait... When we get deliveries, you're... You're thinking it's called the MALE-MAN!?
Dean doubles over, laughing
Castiel looks extremely confused
Cas: that's what you said the other day, though, I know I heard you right? Male man???
Sam: (sets down with his package, pointing at it and smiling) Mail, m a i l.
Dean is positively howling in the background.
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wincestendgame · 19 days
okay man calm down
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completelymindfucked · 2 months
instead of a 4 year age gap, it’s 10. Deans 19, living life hooking up with girls, the works. Then Sammy’s 9 and he has nobody besides Dean, the kids still whip smart reading psychology books and such. So when Dean is too busy with Amanda from 3 trailers down in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Wyoming, Sam goes into the kitchen to get some food. Deans up in a instant at the sound of shattering glass of course, running into the kitchen to find his little brother all guilty looking and teary eyed.
Sams babbling and pleading “I’m sorry de I was hungry I didn’t want to bother you” there’s a shattered jar of pickles at his feet and Dean feels like the scum of the damn earth cause how dare he makeout with girls instead of feeding Sam? He kicks Amanda out “sorry babe, brother stuff rain check?” And gets to work on making grilled cheese with the last of their loaf of bread while Sams all smiles sitting on the counter soaking up his big brothers attention, Dean doesn’t have to know Sam smashed the jar on purpose.
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bongosinferno · 5 months
A devastating and confusing thing about the Fallout setting, when you explore the pre-war aspects, is what the creators think about pre-war America. In the first games we only get hints of the pre-war world, but they seem to be some sort of wild fascist nation invading Canada. In Fallout 1, the first thing we're introduced to of the pre-war society is seeing a soldier shoot civilians and laughing.
Now, for the first 2 games and New Vegas we don't really know much. What we know is that there's a fascist military group known as the enclave who were a sort of US deep state even before the war, and that the government teamed up with corporate interests to preform vaguely MKULTRA-ish experiments with the Vaults. Basically, the government was an extreme version of the 50s American jingoism and McCarthyism.
This is well and dandy, I guess issues come up more when we get to the later games, especially 4, where it seems like none of this extreme plotting and societal civil unrest which would exist is seen. The society as presented in 4 also seems quite progressive, gay people are featured in the opening, and none of the baggage of say, civil rights not existing are included. Now on a baseline, I don't want settings to be more conservative, homophobic and sexist etc., but it becomes a very confusing setting when it's displayed both as this jingoist extreme thing with fascist tendencies aswell as a progressive place where everyone is seemingly equal. If you're focusing on the 50s as your setting, and American nationalism in the 50s, then you can't have McCarthyism spoofs and anti-communism as a societal paranoia norm while also general equality is the norm without misunderstanding why McCarthyism and nationalist jingoism is bad. A massive harm done in anti-communist paranoia is how it degrades and vilifies any progressive movements (women's rights, civil rights, homosexuality) as being morally un-American and therefore connected to communism. To ignore this just makes any critique of MacCarthyism and jingoism weird!
Basically, pre-war America in Fallout 4 becomes this both sides thing where America is both pure and equal and white fences in every instance that we see as the player (the intro), while also supposedly being this dystopic MacCarthyist hellscape that's broadcasting gladly about their war crimes in Canada, and wants to root out communism. I guess the only fix for this issue without getting into the fine print like they had to do is just not to focus too much on the pre-war world.
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perfica · 14 days
Here’s what I’m going to do:
• sell my soul to a demon
• cast myself into the pits of Hell
• stop my heart to negotiate with Death
• convince a faith healer to sacrifice other people
• overdose and offer myself to the boss reaper
• save you from becoming a demon
• persuade the boss reaper to kill and resurrect both of us
• threaten to annihilate the Trickster
• stop my heart (again) to talk to negotiate with new Death
• abandon my girlfriend(s) multiple times
• name my only child after you
Here’s what I’m NOT going to do:
• live without you (unless you make me)
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littlebeelife · 12 days
Happy 19th anniversary, Supernatural
You are dearly missed,
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my dear, dear world of a show
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redroses07 · 2 months
when the show/movie has a cast that’s so fine you don’t know who to read a fic about 😞
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flamingwz · 12 days
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I’ve been laughing for half an hour lmaoooooo God I LOVE season 8
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