#this is a long bich im so sorry
cumulo-stratus · 1 year
Communication Issues
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Plantonic!BAU team x french!reader
Description: reader is from France and lived there until he was 11/12 and then moved to america and his first language is french. He also has a little bit of an accent. Basically reader is new to the team and it is their first late night back home on the jet with him. And basically they learn that when hes tired he reverts back to his mother tongue.
CW: possible swearing, I can't think of anything else
A/N: I'm thinking of making a series about this, like just funny scenarios related to the reader being French, if y'all have any ideas let me know! Also reader is gonna be loosely based off me when im rly tired cus i get kinda giggly/floppy/goofy. ( also sry it's short)
French, translation
3rd person POV:
after a hard, and long case the team was very ready to go home. They had found a 9 yr old girl and rescued her from a man holding her in his basement to torture her. And even though it took the profilers almost 3 full days with almost no sleep to find her. To say they were tired was understatement. It was almost 2 am when they trudged onto the plane, all tired physically and emotionally. Y/N was the last on the plane and decided to take the couch to get some sleep. Just as he was sitting down Reid plopped down next to him. (Y/N and Reid liked to sit next to each other so they could read together)
“Désolé reid, je veux lire avec toi, mais je suis trop fatigué pour ça” (sorry reid, i wanna read with you but im too tired for that) you said to him, slightly slurring your words. “Huh?” Spencer looked up at you with a small crease between his eyebrows. The switch in language caught the rest the rest of the team off guard as well (evidently by the looks on their faces) you peered at them just as perplexed and asked “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?” (Whats wrong?).
“Dont worry guys I’ll talk to him” said spencer with a little giggle at his new friends antics. Morgan gave spencer a little knowing look and eyebrow wiggle at his conversation with Y/N, despite having no idea what they were saying. “Mon biche, tu parle français maintenant, pas anglais.” (Darling, you’re speaking french right now, not english) says spencers with a small smile. a look of understanding dawned your features and you said “je suis?! Oh c'est pas grave, Oh, tu n'as besoin que de me comprendre de toute façon.” (I am?! Thats okay, you’re the only one who needs to understand me anyways) you say with a wink ad a giggle. Spencers cheeks went red and emily gave him a questioning look. “Y/N, tu fais quoi?” (y/n, what are you doing?). you just gave him a mischievous look before putting your head on his shoulder and snuggling into him to fall asleep. The rest of the team got bored of making fun of the pair and began their own conversations or trying to sleep. But after a minute or two the team heard and hushed but strict “shhhhh!” coming from their resident genius. “You guys are so loud! hes asleep!” said spencer’s while he gestured vicariously to the sleeping figure drooped over his left side. “hush up pretty boy, your little boyfriend over theres out cold dont worry about it.” said derek with a teasing smile. spencers cheeks turned even more red than before if hat was even possible and started stuttering about the sleep man not being his boyfriend. “okay, okay, hes not your boyfriend,” said derek with his hands up in surrender after spencer kept spluttering on about y/n not being his boyfriend.
(small time skip)
As the plane landed people began packing up their things and getting ready to get off the plane. But y/n and Spencer had moved and when the team looked over they found the two agents passed out on top of each other and snoring lightly.
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Ok, I’m sorry but, what in the flying FUK!?!???!
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Godaiin my boy, you are the only friendly face I trust, actually no, it seems like they brainwashed you, Paku pls save us.
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Dude her entire family is dead I fuking can’t
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Their current uniforms remind me of the ones they used on that first chapter, with the adult versions of Izumo, Ryuuji, Koneko and Shima.
(Can't find the damn cover thing, gah)
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Like, I actually prefer Satan winning over that.
WHERE ARE YUKIO, IZUMO AND RYUUJI!?!??? How the fuck did Shima survive??? He was right there with them?? They must be alive Kato cannot simply kill off the entire cast of main characters like nO.
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Like, this is Angel- and Angel is alive cuz he got dragged out of the battlefield and has been fighting a temptaint since then??? fak cant remember. This is what happens when you take a long break and the manga gets a hiatus out of nowehere.
Shura, dear, is that you??? Pls tell us what's going on, where is Yukio, Ryuuji, Izumo and Koneko, Lewin??? Osceola?? Lucy, Liu?? WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!
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Anything but a time loop please, Mephisto, you had ONE JOB, ONE JOB SIR! TALK TO US!!! YOU CAN SEE US, EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!
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No, no, like, TELL US, don't just smile stupidly there please, goodness...
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Angel said that Satan is returning...
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Is Satan still the Demon King/God??? Is Rin now the Demon King or is he just a Demon King? He has black hair I-
Where the heck is Shiemi?!?!!?? And her mom?? I just-
I rlly was like: ok then, a war, fine, I will try not to think about all the psychological consecuences it can cause on the body and mind of a bunch of 16 year old kids, is fine...
and Kato was like: Nah bich, a time skip with hints to a time loop, everyone is gone, Shima is doing advertisements, Angel has a temptaint, Mephisto disappeared and Rin is now the Demon King.
Ma'am. Is barely 10am. I just-
That last page gave me the vibes that Rin came to rescue Paku ??? gsgsg pls Rin tell us you are a good guy, imean, this is Rin we are talking about but still. I'm confused.
Ok wait.
I think... somehow Lucifer is inside Angel's body, he's running over the True Cross, but that wouldn't explain the rampant demons ugh (Astaroth/Reiji, dears, where are you? I wanted to see you fight, ima start crying... )
but it would still explain the weird brainwashing we saw with Godaiin, *gasp* is all this part of Shiemi's creepy uncle's plan?! Ye, I don't think Lucifer is inside Angel's body but again, he didn't have a reserve body during the war, I just-
Ok idk.
I'm just stressed over the fate of everyone. Maybe they made a resistance or smt?? Imean, Satan is returning, for the second time in this manga, they have to reunite to fight him again no?? Gods, did Rin finally train and obtain complete mastery of all his powers??? Hell yissss!
Yukio, you better be managing the entire Resistance at this point please, with Lewin and Osceola as mentors. Ryuuji, Izumo please be safe, stick with Yukio, can't wait to see you two kicking demon a$$, please T.T.
SHIEMI MY QUEEN, WHERE ARE YOU DEAR!?!?!? ima start crying, i hope she's alright, gods.
This is a two year time skip, they are all fresh 18 year old adults, gods, they grow up so fast T.T, asghshss.
This chapter is a mess, so many things to discuss but dear goodness, I loved it!
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william-nylander · 10 months
i'm so sorry this is such a random question lol but i've been following you for a little and I know that you knit right? and I was wondering if you had any favourite yarn fibres or brands you like to use?
hi this is the best ask ever. i love knitting and i love yarn!!! over the last few years i've only bought yarn i really love & that is good quality - i spend so much time on the knitting that i really want to be conscious of what im choosing to use. i recommend reading Slow Knitting which really opened the door for me on yarn & knitting.
some of my favourite yarns:
tibetan cloud (myak) - i love this yarn. it's so soft and beautiful and comes in a great variety of colours. it's a bit on the pricey side, so i wait for sales & buy a ton. one skein goes a decently long way. i have knit 2 junko okamoto sweaters with this yarn & plan to make a third.
le gros silk and mohair (biches et buches) - this is a french company that has a wonderful range of yarn, including a really light lambswool. i love their silk/mohair. it's beautiful by itself - like in this shawl which i wear daily in the autumn/winter - or held together with a different yarn - i made some lovely mittens this way.
woolstok (blue sky fibers) - this is an aran or so yarn that is wonderful for projects. its soft but very sturdy - 100% highland wool - and comes in a bunch of really rustic-y colours. i made 2 versions of the Sheep Camp Sweater with this yarn and i loved working with it.
sandnes garn - they have a bunch of different yarns which are quite nice. they come in many many colours, so they're wonderful for bright designs. i've knit with their merino wool double sunday and it was quite nice. they're also easy to come by at a lot of yarn stores. i'm currently working on the Porcelain Sweater which uses wool from sandnes garn (and is a gorgeous knit so far).
i generally find patterns that really intrigue me or that i love and then work backwards from there. i really recommend Ravelry if you're not on it already. if i don't have access to a yarn that i'm interested in or that is needed for a pattern, they have a whole section about comparable yarns. you can also see what people used for their own projects for certain patterns (under the 'projects' tab), which helps me figure out what yarn to substitute with.
anyways i hope this was helpful! if you're in toronto, i can let you in on all my favourite knitting stores!
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baeshijima · 1 year
2.53am hey, it's me. bet you don't remember and miss me :/ it was me. i was the one who spam you with asks. im the one who is struggling over an exam like a pathetic loser. i think i messed up my history. maths tomorrow. ded again. but i don't feel really good. should i just skip tomorrow's exam and do it on another day? or shouldn't i? ffffffuuuuuu
anyway listen upp i have something to tell you. so there's this webtoon called eleceed right? there's this character named sucheon kang. i yk i disliked him before bcs he's mean. didn't hate him tho since he's kind of funny. and lately, ive been catching up on that series again and i noticed that he looks so much like scara like whattefuuuuuck. he got some crazy anger issue too. and since then i couldn't take my eyes off of him sadge (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ i would always search him on every panel of pages just incase he's in there and take screenshot of him and his grumpy face like a damn bich. lol im such a simp.
anyway sorry for the grammar mistake my brain is too lazy to function properly rn. ALSO GUESS WHO JUST GOT SCARA THE OTHER DAY AGHAHSGHAHAGAJSHAH
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PLS GET SOME SLEEP 😭 and yes dw i do remember u chuu !! personally i would still do the exam bc if i drag it out i get more stressed and would rather get it over and done with ;w;; manifesting for ur success rn tho but remember that exams and grades dont define who u are !! there will be plenty of opportunities regardless of what u get so try not to dwell on it too much ^^
OMG ELECEED IS ON MY TO READ LIST !! honestly its been sitting in my subscribed for so long.... but maybe i will finally pick it up bc of u 🐥 AND CONGRATS ON THE SCARA !!!
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dolliefrancais · 2 years
Learning about animal vocabulary in french with loona!
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hiii, as an orbit and a beginner French learner, I wanted to start learning more about the vocabulary of animals in French by using my knowledge of loona to help memorise, since in loonaverse lore each moon girl has a specially assigned animal. I hope that this post will help you if you’re also learning French or just wanted to learn something new! also for members like Yeojin and Jinsoul who have preffered different animals than their loonaverse equivalent, I will provide translations for both animals, so sorry if that offends anyone! ALSO i cannot vouch for accuracy of each vocabulary word provided, since I am not a native French speaker and I am going off of my personal knowledge and from resources from google, some words might not be 100% correct, or widely used in certain French speaking areas and dialects, so pls keep that in mind ~ anyways lets begin!!! ALSO JUSTICE FOR CHUU and support Chuu’s new single collab, ‘dear my winter’ and ccdi!
1. Heejin - Rabbit / Lapin 
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2. Hyunjin - Cat / Chat
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(also check out this article for more information about cats in French, i’ve used this website before and it’s amazing, and I’ve used a lot of the information from there to make Hyunjin’s page!)
3. Haseul - Dove / Colombe 
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(also I found like nothing about translations on doves in french online so the translations very well might be totally off oop-)
4 - Yeojin - Frog / La Grenouille  Bear / L’ours(e)
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5. Vivi - Deer /  cervidés
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(could you tell i was really confused lol 😭 I aw a lot of conflicting info so i checked out this old sketchy blog but the information seemed accurate! hopefully this isn’t super confusing lol but if you remember ‘cervidés’ and biche i believe that is all you would need to remember solely for deer, as im pretty sure ‘chevreuils’ and ‘chervettes’ are also the words for goats tho this is ony coming from my knowledge of the animal jam villager PLS)
6. Kim Lip - Owl / Chouette
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7. Jinsoul . - Betta Fish / Betta Poisson  Tiger / Tigre(sse)
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8. Choerry - bat / chauve souris 
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9. Yves - swan / Cygne 
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(the style changed bc my laptop died and I lost the template I had :/ atleast I stopped at oec so atleast theres some semblance of consistincy!)
10. Chuu - Penguins / Manchot (e)
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(also justice for Chuu, and boycott bbc and all future loona projects under them!)
11. Gowon - Butterfly / Papillon 
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12. Hyeju - Wolf / Loup / Louve
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I hope this post was fun / helpful and that you were able to learn something new today!!! this took me wayyy too long with the image editing and the research I conducted, so please reblog if you liked this post! merci beacoup pour à lire, bonne journée!! (pretty sure i butchered that LMAO pls)
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cydie · 17 days
he's literally doing the avoidance hangover thing where we had a great date on sunday, and monday he's getting distance
and he tries to blame it on "you on meds is too much energy and its annoying" but in reality hes actually probably feeling internally detached and numb from me bc of his attachment style
but like holy shit hes a dick about it? was i this much of a dick when i experienced this? bc i'm so sorry i was like that, that's so toxic and unhealthy
morning recap:::
wakes up fine
he asks if i wanna play games with him
we go play games
and he's been playing a bit before me im just tryna wake up and have breakfast
and i get in and hes like do u wanna tele to me and do the thing
and im like yea sure
so i tele to the settlement and hes like hurry up get in the car
im like ok ((sensing the slightest mood from him)) however i also respond like that when i want someone to hurry up and i dont mean anythjing by it
and then i go "oh a crate!!" and i get out of the car to get it
meanwhile he's like a km down the road and hes either not realised ive gotten out or hes just continuing to drive on purpose (who knows)
and im like hold on lol wait and he goes "oh" and drives back
and throughout the next period of time hes like getting tungsten and stuff and the treasure but very little comms
and im checking in like did u get the thing, do we need tungsten
and im just operating like norm but hes giving mad cold shoulder
and he leaves and teles home without telling me so im walking around like .... ok
and so i try to take charge cos maybe hes tired?? so im like ok well ill tele home and - oh ur already home
so i tele home and im tryna figure out my char build and im asking questions and hes explaining stuff which seems to perk him up a bit bc he likes doing the teach about things he knows
and im like tryna lighten the mood and stuff, and i go "oh! how do u say "wait a minute" in mandarin?" bc hes learning and this seems to be a positive thing so far
and hes like "idk"
im like "haha do u wanna try guess?"
hes like "no"
im like "ah its deng yi xia!"
and he doesnt respond
and im like "... do u wanna give it a go??"
hes like "no"
bich cmon wtf
so im like "did i do something wrong?"
hes like "you were taking too long to do things earlier"
i said "oh, what things do you mean?"
he said "when you were taking so long to teleport and when you got out of the car"
now these arent exactly reasonable things to get this twisted over but in his mind bc he has low tolerance and overvalidates his own emotions, he goes "its totally reasonable to feel and think and be this mad and idc how it affects anyone else around me"
i said "oh, i didn't know. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to take so long. that was a while ago, how come you're still mad about it now?"
he said "just residual probably"
and then the conversation just goes into a back and forth of me going "ok well can you meet me in the middle at least bc ur emotions arent my responsibility" and him going "sure ill meet you in the middle but idk how and also if u keep pushing so hard its not going to get better"
and like in my head im like bruh im not pushing anything im just making up the difference ur lacking in this convo bc you're not doing enough pushing
but im like "its just reassurance. i'm happy to meet what you need here, i'm asking you to also give me something"
he goes "i love you. go away" like
you need to realise you're being the problem rn
and i'm giving you all the compassion and understanding and you're throwing it back in my face
like why does u having a bad day mean u treat me like shit?? or like consider communicating that you're having a bad day, and telling me what you need from me ??
i didnt do anything wrong for you to treat me like this
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andrmvdas · 5 years
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rain on dark windowpanes, the heavy sweetness of red wine, ink-stained fingers. dark curls escaping from pins, cold coffee dregs and burnt out matches from a guilty cigarette. holy places long since abandoned, the simmering wildness of a bird caged, and the ancient ache for freedom. ┊ if  you’re  looking  for  ANDROMEDA  BLACK,  you’ll  probably  find  HER  in  the  SLYTHERIN  dorm  with  the  rest  of  the  SIXTH  years.  they’re  the  TWENTY  year  old  PUREBLOOD  who  looks  kind  of  like  KATIE  DOUGLAS.  they  seem  SELF-RELIANT,  INQUISITIVE,  ELOQUENT  to  me,  but  apparently  they’re  also  CONTRARY,  CYNICAL,  HAUGHTY.  maybe  that’s  why  their  patronus  is  A  RAVEN.
(  rain  on  dark  windowpanes,  the  heavy  sweetness  of  red  wine,  ink-stained  fingers,  greyish  purple  of  dawn,  cold  bones,  fastening  the  clasp  of  a  silver  necklace.  dark  curls  escaping  from  pins,  starched  white  shirts  under  wool  coats,  cold  coffee  dregs  and  burnt  out  matches  from  a  guilty  cigarette.  fog  over  the  scottish  moor,  the  soft  tick  of  a  grandfather  clock,  stars  peeking  through  an  overcast  sky,  the  stark  echo  of  a  single  violin.  the  pages  of  a  book  turning  in  a  library  past  midnight.  holy  places  long  since  abandoned,  the  simmering  wildness  of  a  bird  caged,  and  the  ancient  ache  for  freedom.  a  tempest  barely  contained  within  a  girl.  )
andromeda  &  her  mother  have  what  u  can  call  a  strained  relationship.  from  her  moment  of  birth,  druella  saw  everything  andromeda  did  as  an  act  of  rebellion,  whether  it  was  a  childish  question  asked  in  the  wrong  place  at  the  wrong  time,  or  getting  so  absorbed  in  a  book  she  forgot  to  come  down  for  dinner,  or  a  bit  of  accidental  wandless  magic  born  out  of  a  moment  of  frustration.  every  day  was  a  trial  against  andromeda,  with  her  parents  acting  as  the  judge,  jury  and  executioner,  &  over  and  over  again  she  was  found  GUILTY.
andromeda  never  meant  to  defy  her  mother,  at  first,  but  no  matter  how  hard  she  tried  to  please  druella,  nothing  she  ever  did  was  quite  good  enough.  there  was  always  some  fault,  whether  it  was  a  lock  of  hair  tumbling  free  from  its  pin,  a  corset  come  unlaced,  posture  ruined  from  hunching  over  a  book.  her  wrists  were  too  bony,  her  lips  were  too  thin,  her  skin  too  easily  flushed.
[  ABUSE  TW  ]   it  didn’t  escape  andromeda’s  notice  that  every  flaw  her  mother  criticized  was  one  druella  shared  as  well,  and  when  she  grew  older  she  realized  her  mother’s  dissatisfaction  with  andromeda  was  merely  a  product  of  her  own  dissatisfaction  with  herself.  but  that  didn’t  feed  her  the  nights  she  was  denied  dinner  for  her  ‘ misbehaviour ’.  it  didn’t  take  back  the  days  andromeda  went  unable  to  speak  thanks  to  a  punitive  silencio,  and  it  didn’t  grant  andromeda’s  wish  to  have  a  real  mother  who  loved  her.  [  END  TW  ]
did  druella  love  her  children  ? who  knows.  maybe  she  did,  in  her  own  twisted  way.  but   druella  was  first  and  foremost  a  business  woman,  and  her  main  trade  was  her  daughters.  andromeda  grew  up  listening  to  endless  warnings  that  her  mother  would  “ never  be  able  to  find  andromeda  a  husband  if  … ”  and  then  came  whichever  grievance  she’d  chosen  to  focus  on  that  day.
it  cannot  come  as  a  surprise  that  andromeda  learned  to  live  in  the  shadows,  away  from  her  mother’s  disapproving  glare;  that  she  learned  to  rely  on  herself  and  herself  only,  that  she  learned  to  watch  &  observe  &  test  the  waters,  to  think  before  acting.  (  of  course,  druella  did  not  approve  of  this  either,  and  informed  andromeda  that  no  man  would  want  a  girl  who  was  so  serious  all  the  time.  )
her  parents  often  dragged  her  and  her  sisters  to  various  pureblood  functions,  where  andromeda  stood  off  to  the  side  in  uncomfortably  starched  dresses,  disappearing  like  smoke  any  time  someone  looked  like  they  were  heading  over  to  strike  up  conversation.  she  would  explore  the  pureblood  manors,  all  silent  footsteps  &  watchful  eyes,  making  observations  on  how  the  wizarding  world’s  elite  lived  their  lives,  noting  separate  beds  in  the  master  bedrooms  &  half-empty  whiskey  bottles  in  the  washrooms.  it  seemed  like  everyone  was  only  looking  out  for  themselves  in  this  world,  trying  to  further  their  own  social  status  and  wealth.
at  home,  she  would  escape  to  the  roof  with  a  book,  whether  it  was  a  history  of  warlocks  or  the  kind  of  torrid  romance  novel  druella  pretended  she  didn’t  read,  dark  eyes  hardly  looking  up  as  the  sun  sank  lower  in  the  sky,  fingers  blackened  with  ink  by  the  time  she  closed  her  book  and  descended  into  the  house  to  face  her  mother’s  wrath  that  she  missed  her  piano  lessons.
is  it  strange  that  such  a  cynical  girl  could  have  such  a  yearning  for  beautiful  things  ?  or  would  that  merely  be  a  side  effect  of  cynicism,  to  long  for  something  to  thaw  a  hardened  heart  ?  andromeda  loved  beautiful  things,  perhaps  a  bit  too  much,  but  she  did  not  trust  them.  nothing  beautiful  was  made  to  last,  and  if  it  was,  it  wasn’t  truly  beautiful.  sunsets  faded  to  darkness,  books  ended,  lovers  grew  apart.  the  inherent  transience  of  beauty  made  andromeda  crave  it  all  the  more.  
hogwarts  was  a  breath  of  fresh  air  for  andromeda,  the  chance  to  experience  life  outside  her  parents’  regime.  to  her  inquisitive,  probing  nature,  an  ancient,  magical  castle  full  of  history  &  secrets  was  paradise,  let  alone  all  the  classes  it  housed.  and  the  people  —  andromeda  had  never  seen  so  many  people  in  her  lifetime.  hundreds  &  hundreds  of  students  filled  the  castle,  all  with  their  own  thoughts  and  lives  and  desires.  
an  introvert  by  nature,  she  didn’t  interact,  merely  observed.  she  made  best  friends  with  the  library  &  the  constellations,  sneaking  out  of  the  dorm  to  sit  with  her  legs  dangling  over  the  fifty-foot  drop  of  the  astronomy  tower,  eyes  finding  her  constellation,  andromeda,  and  wondering  if  her  fate  was  written  in  the  stars  too;  drunk  on  the  beauty  of  an  untamed  scottish  night.
the  unidentifiable  yearning  she’d  always  kept  tucked  inside  a  corner  of  her  heart  ballooned  until  she  could  hardly  stand  it.  it  was  a  yearning  to  be  something  more than  the  perfect  pureblood  wife  her mother  was  trying  to  groom  her  to  be,  a  thirst  to  prove  herself  in  some  way  she  didn’t  even  understand  yet,  and  it  was  this  ambition  &  drive  that  got  her  sorted  into  slytherin.
if  druella  &  cygnus  had  thought  andromeda  was  unmanageable  before  hogwarts ,  when  she  wasn’t  even  trying  to  be,  she  was  downright  wild  when  she  returned  for  winter  break  in  first  year.  now  that  she  knew  life  could  be  better  than  what  she  was  currently  living  at  home,  she  buzzed  with  a  restless  energy  that  alarmed  her  parents.  andromeda  may  have  been  troublesome  before,  but  this  was  bordering  on  dangerous.  druella  made  the  decision  that  andromeda  would  not  be  returning  to  hogwarts.  [  ABUSE  TW  ]  this  sparked  one  of  the  worst  fights  they’d  ever  had,  and  culminated  in  a  rare  but  unforgiving  physical  beating.  [  END  TW  ]  
eventually  druella  conceded,  and  andromeda  was  allowed  to  return,  but  she  was  much  more  cautious  now.  she  only  made  friends  who  her  parents  would  approve  of,  she  kept  her  nose  clean,  and  at  home,  she  played  the  part  of  the  dutiful  daughter.  there  were  still  small  rebellions,  though  —  long  curls  cut  short  with  a  silver  flash  of  the  kitchen  scissors;  a  nicked  pack  of  her  father’s  cigarettes  smoked  cross-legged  on  the  roof,  coughing  into  her  fist  so  nobody  would  hear.  as  she  got  older,  she  paired  the  cigarettes  &  book  with  red  wine ,  the  finest  she  dared  steal  without  risk  of  being  caught.  this  was  her  escape,  her  small  patch  of  beauty  in  an  ugly  world.
andromeda  keeps  to  herself  at  hogwarts  as  much  as  she  can.  the  only  people  she  spent  time  with  were  those  her  parents  approved  of,  and  she  didn’t  like  most  of  them.  she  threw  herself  into  her  schoolwork  instead,  easily  landing  herself  a  spot  among  the  top  students.  
but  she  loves  hogwarts,  loves  it  with  all  her  heart,  as  so  many  abused  children  do  –  it’s  a  safe  haven,  a  place  where  she  can  at  least  pretend  she’s  free.  she  loves  learning  everything  that  she  can  (  in  fact,  she  was  very  nearly  sorted  into  ravenclaw  ).  her  favourite  place  to  be  is  the  astronomy  tower,  and  she  still  escapes  there  whenever  she’s  feeling  a  bit  too  claustrophobic.
she  was  chosen  to  be  a  slytherin  prefect  for  her  year  and  although  she  thought  she  wouldn’t  like  it,  she’s  grown  to  enjoy  the  position.  not  for  the  power  it  gives  her  over  her  fellow  students,  but  for  the  escape  it  brings.  she  can  associate  with  people  she  would  normally  never  talk  to,  and  roam  the  castle  freely  past  curfew.  and  andromeda  isn’t  a  naturally  nurturing  person,  but  she’s  found  that  she  enjoys  talking  to  and  helping  the  younger  years.  she  sees  their  wonder  at  hogwarts  in  their  eyes,  the  same  wonder  that  she  felt,  and  has  grown  quite  protective  over  quite  a  few  of  them.
she’s technically in slug club, due to her prowess in potions and her illustrious family name, although she hardly ever goes – she does not like slughorn at all, nor most of the people he’s selected to be in his little club. other than that, however, andromeda doesn’t make a habit of joining clubs or teams or anything that would involve her being forced to interact with people.
those  who  don’t  know  andromeda  might  say  she’s  aloof,  proud,  detached,  all  flint  eyes  &  sharp  edges.  and  they  wouldn’t  be  wrong.  andromeda’s  habit  of  keeping  to  the  shadows  has  carried  on  into  her  hogwarts  years,  and  as  an  introvert,  her  solitary  nature  can  sometimes  come  off  as  downright  anti-social.  she’s  naturally  pensive,  and  her  pensive  face  just  so  happens  to  look  pissed  off.  
she  finds  it  hard  to  trust  people.  she’s  so  used  to  a  world  shaped  by  selfishness  that  she  rarely  meets  someone  she  doesn’t  suspect  of  having  ulterior  motives.  after  all ,  beautiful  people,  like  beautiful  things,  are  temporary.  everyone  turns  ugly  sooner  or  later;  everyone’s  claws  are  eventually  revealed.
andromeda  carries  an  unmistakable  air  of  wealth  that,  although  entirely  unintentional,  can  rub  people  the  wrong  way.  she  has  a  taste  for  the  finer  things  in  life  —  an  aged  wine,  a  silken  scarf  —  and  sees  no  reason  why  she  shouldn’t  enjoy  them.  she’s  well  read  &  well  bred,  and  has  a  vocabulary  and  accent  that  can  seem  pretentious  to  some.
do  not  confuse  eloquence  with  smoothness,  though  —  just  because  she  knows  more  four-syllable  words  than  most  doesn’t  mean  she  knows  how  to  use  them.  awkwardness  comes  off  as  aloofness  and  snobbery.  think  mr  fitzwilliam  darcy.  
but  those  who  do  know  andromeda,  those  precious,  precious  few,  know  of  her  vivacity,  her  independent  streak,  her  love  of  learning,  her  dry  humour,  the  dimples  that  appear  with  every  mischievous  smile.  they  know  the  fire  she’s  kept  hidden  in  her  heart  for  so  long,  and  the  proud,  apathetic  mask  she  slips  on  so  easily  whenever  she’s  hurting.
gender / sexuality:  cis  female / bisexual
birthday / zodiac:  jan  11 / capricorn
mbti:  intj
moral  alignment:  chaotic  neutral
temperament:  melancholic
patronus:  raven
amortentia:  dried  ink,  pine,  petrichor,  dark  chocolate
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nikkipettt · 6 years
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My girl Qingyan in her informal clothing~ Just wanted to give her some love :3
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biigbiby · 6 years
Hey so if you drew momojirou I’d die
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dont die but,, i love thse girls
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
hiii !! recently ran into your blog and i love ur posts sm. i have this silly little thing in my mind i was hoping you could maybe write it?
Spencer (thinking mostly season 2, mostly cuz i love his glasses look) and M!Reader have been dating for a while already, like a few months to a year, and Spencer still gets flustered by him. He still gets all nervous when reader is around him, and when he kisses him. Imagine reader giving Spencer a small kiss on the cheek or smth and he becomes a blushing mess, and reader teases him about it which just causes him to become more flustered over it.
you don't have to write that specifically, just anything with Spencer getting easily flustered by reader would be really cute ^^
Smart cookie
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request: yes/no
flustered!spencer reid x Tattooed!male!reader
Description: reader asks for readers help with a new tattoo he wants, and when reader calls Spencer a smart cookie Spencer gets flustered, and reader can't help himself
CW: possible swearing, needles (lemme know if theres anything else)
A/N: thanks for the support love <3 and ofc course ma biche! im actually in love with this idea of like cute little baby spencer being all flustered by reader. i think ill add some of my own stuff bc u did give artistic liberty but i hope you enjoy it!
Y/N L/N and Spencer reid have been dating for 9 months, 2 days, and 3 hours (and counting according to spencer), but he still had a tendency to get adorably flustered when Y/N would flirt with him, and especially if he called him smart cookie. Which y/n didnt quiet understand since he’d been calling his boyfriend smart cookie since practically day one of their relationship. But y/n found it adorably hilarious so it was okay.
one instance of this adorable awkwardness, was the day y/n decided to ask spencer for help with a new tattoo he wanted, something special for the two of them. Spencer had highly advised against it stating
“31% of men and 24% of women regret getting tattoos of someones name. And if even I plan on being with you for long time that may not happen angel.”
“ugh, your too sweet for me darling. But the world doesn’t deserve a hottie like you anyways” y/n replied with a wink as spencer blushed profusely
“and by the way, you cant change my mind on this spencer, im getting that tattoo. And you’ve seen how stubborn i can be, remember The Book Incident? ya thats what i thought” y/n smirked as spencer grimaced remembering the fateful incident earlier that year.
“okay my love, i wont object to you getting the tattoo, but it has to be something good, and i wanna help with it.” spencer finally relented.
this caught y/n of guard, as he had just been planning a heart with with their initials in the center. nothing special, but when y/n told spencer of this plan, he was incredulous.
“do you not know me y/n/n, thats to simple, and not romantic enough! and its something morgan would get.”
after Y/n was done laughing at the morgan comment and had regained his composure they continued their arguing over what the tattoo should be.
“its gonna be on my body!”
“the tattoo is about you and me!”
but after much bickering they came to a consensus that a simple latin phrase would be nice. Simple, yet elegant and romantic. Some for y/n, some for Spencer. now the hard part was deciding which latin phrase from spencers extensive encyclopedia of knowledge in his head.
After much discussion they decided on the phrase “Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur” spencer had translated for y/n when he asked what it meant but he already liked the sound of it without the meaning. But when spencer told him he liked it even more, he stated “we choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving.” And you were in love.
“thats it- thats the one!” y/n exclaimed with excitement. “thanks for the help smart cookie” you added with a smile and a wink. As always spencer flushed bright red when his boyfriend called him the pet name. As y/n studied his boyfriend in his flustered state, he couldnt help but notice how cute he was. His reddened cheeks and small smile as he looked away. Y/n couldnt help but get that enamored feeling of intense love and adoration that often came with staring candidly at his beautiful, beautiful boyfriend. In his thoughtful state he didnt even realize that spencer had noticed the intense gaze of his lover.
“why are you looking at me like that?” spencer questioned with a shy smile.
“cus your just too cute not too! and you deserve it” y/n responded with a sly smile. spencer once again flushed red at the flirtatious comments.
“what? Oh c'mere hot stuff I wanna give ya a kiss" y/n pulled his boyfriend into his lap and put his hands on either side of the man's face. "ugh! Your so cu-" The rest of the man's sentence was cut off by him kissing his boyfriend. Very aggressively Spencer would add, but he was to busy being kissed. Finally y/n let go of his lips and they both sucked in a large breath. But before Spencer could get word out y/n started peppering his face with kisses, using them to punctuate his words
"You. Are. A. Smart. Cookie."
If it was even possible Spencer's ears grew redder. "Thank you, y/n." Spencer responded with a small smile playing at his lips. "of course love" y/n said as he gave a bigger sweeter smile this time before leaning in for a more loving and passionate kiss. And as they kissed all that fun through y/ns mind, was Spencer.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger from outer space
Avengers x reader
a/n: this isn’t great but like im down for some avengers hc requests
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you weren’t exactly accepted on earth the moment you got there
but it wasn’t long before the avengers spotted you
“state your name and your business here” -tony
“wait, stark, just a moment! are you a [alien species]?” -thor
“...my name is y/n, i had nowhere else to go. and yes, i am [alien species]”
i mean, this would be much cooler if the avengers hadn’t already had a bad run-in with the chitauri army
but at least you weren’t trying to destroy any part of earth
“why don’t you come with us for a while? you might be safer in our custody” -cap
you were very uncomfortable with that, but you believed that whatever you were running from couldn’t get you if you stayed with “earth’s mightiest heroes”
and that you were...sort of
the bounty hunters that were on your trail, they didn’t know much about the avengers
so they were dumb enough to strike first
luckily, the avengers took a liking to you
“this is for messing with our new friend!” -tony as he straight up fries one of these goons
you seemed to fight well with them
it made them want to keep you around more than they wanted clint
“having fun, y/n?” -nat
“honestly, yes! i’ve never kicked ass in a group before!”
“i felt the same way on my first mission with these guys” -nat
“wait...is this a mission?”
“well, yeah? what’d you think it was, chess?” -nat
“what? what’s chess?”
oh, my god, this was like thor all over again, it was gonna be great
once the battle was over, they had a question to ask you
but before that...
“did any of you kill the leader?” -you
“which one was the leader?” -sam
“the one with...with the face” *puts clawed hand in front of face for effect*
“thanks, that was really specific” -sam
“you know, he’s got...” *puts fingers near face* “tentacles?”
“you couldn’t say that first?” -tony
“i didn’t know if they were called tentacles here”
okay, that was fair
at that moment the mf hopped out and you pushed clint out of the way so that he didn’t get shot. he said “ow” :( but u were too busy tackling a fellow alien
“you let the rest of those hunters know that they shouldn’t even think about coming after me, are we clear?”
“you’re sparing me?”
“don’t be too flattered, you’re nothing but a messenger to me” *shoots him in the arm*
okay that was a power move
as you kicked this bounty hunter back into his ship, the avengers crew reapproached
“got any plans now that you’ve taken care of your little ‘issue?’” -cap
“you know, i haven’t really thought that far ahead”
“well, if you’re up for it, the avengers would love to have you” -nat
you couldn’t have agreed faster lmaoo
the government didnt like you much
the human population actually wasn’t too fond of you either
but the avengers wouldn’t let anyone touch you
thor made it his own mission to show you all the new stuff that he had discovered on earth
“and these are pop tarts!!” -thor
im talking animals, snacks, music, and more
and dont even get me started on parties
no actually i will
“so, youre from space? list 3 species i’ve never heard of before” -random partygoer
“well, how would you know im not making them up if you’ve never heard them before?”
not much of a comeback for that
you’d only answer questions that weren’t stupid
like “how far away is your home planet?” or “did you have any friends or family?” or “what other planets have you been on?”
and you had a lot of questions too
“what is pizza and where can i get it?”
“you’ve never had pizza? oh, we have to change that” -tony
“what is it though?”
as you went on more missions, you got a better feel for how to work with teammates
especially when they had such different skillsets
“wanda, would you give me a boost?”
“with pleasure!” -wanda
“why didn’t you ask me? i could have flewn you!” -rhodey
“it just feels cooler when wanda launches me, but i’ll let you have your turn later”
“y/n, we should have coffee after this!” -thor
you always got excited when offered new things
*muttering* “what the fuck” -you
“hm. i wonder” -nat
thor brought you to asgard once
it was pretty. (pretty wild, that is)
“maybe you can take me to your planet one day!”
“i’m pretty sure i’m wanted on my home planet, but i’d love a challenge!”
okay maybe he was ur new bff
“so, y/n, how long is your species’ life span?” -bruce
“im not sure that our measurements of time are exactly translated, but i believe in your time it would be....900 years?”
“oh...may i ask how old you are now?”
“wouldn’t you like to know...”
“...n-no, thats okay”
honestly? sometimes your days were nothing but lazy, so you’d learn about human pop culture
“‘tatooine?’ odd, that’s a planet in my solar system. do you think this ‘george lucas’ is an alien?” -you, lying
*cue the entire fucking team going nuts bc they’re about to believe this conspiracy*
okay but like. you KNEW about thanos. you just never thought he’d be a problem all the way out here
so when the whole thanos situation came to earth you were just kinda like 👉👈 sorry guys, shoulda said smth earlier
“you know who thanos is?” -dr. strange
“...yes. i do. he’s big. really big. and purple. kind of looks like a raisin. oh, yeah, he’s crazy. obsessed with balance.”
“balance? what do you mean by that?” -tony
“like, he likes to kill half of each population for ‘balance,’ you know?”
anyways you went back to space
“so, anything else about thanos we should know?” -tony
“he has 2 adoptive daughters, they’re both badass, i know then personally, he’s from the planet ‘titan,’ last of his kind, aaaand he has an army”
“we have a—wait, no we don’t” -tony
“are there aliens that lay eggs in people? or is that just a stereotype?” -peter
“peter, is it? i heard that you’re taught that there are no stupid questions, but that was a very stupid question”
“...i don’t know if that was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’” -peter
tony asked if you could fly the ship. no.
eventually making your way to titan
which was surreal since it had just been so long since you’d left earth
gotg in the house
“where’s gamora?”//“who’s gamora?” “why’s gamora?”//“you know gamora?” “you know gamora?”//“do you work for thanos?”//“no, i’m here to kill thanos”//“so you’re here to kill gamora?”//“what? no! gamora doesn’t work for thanos anymore, it’s been like 4 years”//“holy shit”
and then thanos popped in and nebula too and she recognized you and it was kinda awk but were just gonna pretend it didn’t happen bc it gets worse <3
u, tony, and nebula got trapped in a ship for like 3 weeks but it was good for catching up
and u met captain marvel and honestly youve just met too many people in the past few weeks u were not vibing
“so, y/n, miss space at all?” -tony
“up until we went back to space, yeah. i’m not leaving this planet ever again”
“we need to find thanos” -bruce
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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an-annyeoing-writer · 3 years
omg ok so 😂 the most recent ones are all about skz, so first i dreamed about me and felix secretly dating in school and people were sus of us and talking so at some point he was like »i dont care« and i was like »omg felix« and then he took my hand and were like »we are dating biches 😭«, then next night i dreamed about sitting at home loaded with uni stuff and then minho comes in with a bag full of snacks pissed off and goes like »why are you ignoring me« and im like »what asdsfa« and then he goes like »you never have time for me you are always studying« and then i start crying and im like »omg im such a bad girlfriend you are an idol and always have time for me and i neglect you im so sorry minhoooo«, today i dreamed about felix again we were best friends and he baked me his brownies and was always randomly hugging me like even on the street and just always 😭 and some of my exo and nct dreams, once i dreamed we had a house party with everyone of nct and i was bffs with johnny, jaemin, and yangyang whereas johnny didnt answer my dms and was mad at me i still dont know why 😂 and then ten said he needs to talk to me so i we went out to another room where there was a piano and he played me a song and confessed his love to me and said i dont need to answer now because this is very serious and then yangyang got mad at me for leaving him alone in the living room and then baekhyun appears totally wasted and grabs my arm and tells me we are leaving and that i cant talk to nct because i belong to him to which i nodded and told him to go home 😂 i also had once a dream about chanyeol where we were best friends at school and we were always holding hands and once about seventeen and baekhyun where we were at an event and baekhyun was always tailing me so seventeen started to talk about us why he is always following me everywhere, and some older dream was about bts where jungkook kept winking at me and taehyung was dancing on the table in the background, and some other i still remember was that i met sehun in a bus asdsfalksj
Oh my god I’m so sorry it was long so i decided to “look at it later” and then I forgot OSADIJFSDOSA I’M SO SORRY
But hopefully you can re-read it now and maybe recall the fun things you dreamed about. I literally read my messages today talking about my dream two months ago, and it was a RIDE
I kinda snorted at the
»omg felix«
Plz read this whole part again I’m not sure if you realize how hilarious it sounded SKSKSKSKDJO
And then I literally lost my shit at 
baekhyun appears totally wasted
he comes to save the party osaijfasoifas
It must be so happy with dreams like this tho. Like yeah drama happens but everyone actually loves you and that’s such a good gift from your brain. Like kinda, same thing with fanfiction, like you get accepted by them despite the fact that irl they would have no reason to look at you- i mean i don’t mean you personally but just that’s kinda how i feel osdijfasod we just need the soft appreciation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
IT’S ALL SO CHAOTIC THO dreams do be giving you issues like “oh n o i’m dating 10 people at once how do i not make them hate me”
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victorscribbles · 4 years
Tagging 10 accounts (peeps) who i support and love and all those good vibes~
Okay so i have seen this appreciation post going around and sweethearts tagging me in them but im always to afraid that im annoying people with reblog chains so her we go ( with appropriate memes for everyone cause i suck at the art of the writing language )
First @madllamamomma
who i look up to so much and who i hope can feel my appreciation radiating over seas. Honestly after 22 years finally having the courage to create something for a fandom and being welcomed with open arms by the person whoes writing and art got me into interacting with the fandom. A blessing. I love you , i love rhemi, i love your writing i love your art your personality- thank you for being my friend 💗
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Okay now that im done being a simp for llamamom here are the beans i haven't had as much interaction with (because im social inept 👉😎👉) but who live in my heart rent free
My dude my bean. Honesty if i see muriel it just turns in "okay but where is the complimentary autum ?" I love your drawingstyle so much. You are such a fun person. Thank you for all your love and support and im ready to give it back 200%
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@mirablake-likes-cats / @artemis-flora
Also another sweetheart who has such a lovely apprentice. I had an idea for a short comic with her in my drafts. Thank you for all your love and support (and relatable memes u repost on your main. I feel)
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For all the support you give me. Im alway so happy when i see you like my stuff. I loved reading your fanfics and i love Hande ! Cant wait to see more of your stuff !!!
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Your art is amazing thank you for being so supportive and strong ! I saw you got a bit sad the other day but just seeing how many peeps were ready to cheer you up just shows how such an amazing person you are that deserves all the love you get. I hope the pregnancy goes smoothly.lots of love !
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For being such a kind soul. For randomly sending wholesome memes in chat. Makes me want to reach through the screen to hug u. They really make my day.I love your oc's and how detailed they are a smootch for everyone of them !!!!
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Bruh my adoration for u , h u m o n g o u s. You are such a fun person! And also one of my biggest supporters im always so happy to see u in my notifications. You are so supportive of everyone and tari is an absolute bean i love her
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Thank you so much for all your support ! Honestly i would love to interact with you more cause you seem like such a sweet person and your apprentice is absolutely gorgeous. Im giving smootches , respectfully uwu
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Thank you so much for being my first follower!! You are such a positive person and i adore your writing! I would love go get to know your apprentice katt better :3
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And lastly we have @move-im-vesuvian-thirsty
We have had no interaction whatsoever lmaooo but i just love ur posts with a passion you fuel my inner valdemar stan ily bich i never stop loving u biiiiich
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Okay sorry for the long post but if i have an opportunity to give y'all wholesome vibes i grab that chance with both hands and a foot
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asleepykid · 7 years
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sinkingwmyships · 4 years
im back at it again with
JJBA (VA) Purge AU (3)
yeeee this is the one abt the relationship scenarios ;)))
part 1 | part 2
i highly recommend checking out the previous parts first, if not this might be kinda hard to follow
between me and my 1.5 braincells we're trying really hard y'all so pls go easy on us show some support ;_;
(oh yea a heads-up no ships are decided yet so treat all these relationship scenarios as hcs (yea imma make AUs inside an AU lmfao))
tw: (1 mention of) homophobia, referenced past abuse, bullying (??)
1. fugio
the first scenario that popped into my head is that Fugo and Giorno go to the same university (for some reason Gio's parents can afford to send him there, idk he probably got financial aid or sth, and then after he killed them (😳 awkwardddd) he's probably using their life insurance in fear of it running out). and Fugo doesn't really care for Gio bc he's a rich boye and he has his quality™️ elite friend circle so why bother himself w a nobody. but in reality all of Fugo's friends are either only on a social level (u know those ppl who you're friends w but u won't necessarily have deep convos w them or choose to hang out w them n stuff), or they're fake and only hang out w him bc of his wealth & status, or bc their rich parents are friends. plus (im referring to the anime backstory here), after the scandal w that professor who sexually harassed him, many ppl secretly hate him and talk shit abt him behind his back due to homophobia.
but anyway, Fugo's plotting against all those biches :) so where does Giorno come in? Gio, being this innocent poor boy who doesn't have a home to go back to, lives on dorm. and let's just say Fugo does too bc he doesn't have the best relationship w his demanding parents, so he was overjoyed when he finally talked them into letting him move from home into the dorms instead. (side note he prolly doesn't Purge his parents bc he needs their money.) so Gio and Fugo know of each other, but not acquaintances or anything.
and then
one day when Fugo's either
running into trouble with some authority figure at school again
just minding his own business and planning his Purge targets
Gio walks in on him, and he's either like
"omg Fugo r u ok do u need help what happened"
"omg Fugo idk what happened between u and ur targets but Purging ain't good, pls reconsider"
and Fugo, having the short-ass fuse that he does (plus probably having his pride wounded and just general mistrust of the ppl around him spurring him on):
"stfu u know nothing about me, but now you've seen this i guess it wouldn't hurt to kill you too"
"stfu u know nothing about me, ur probably one of those happy asshats that have no need for Purges, reconsider?? haha the only thing i'll reconsider is if i'll add u to my kill list" (bc if Gio reports him or sth, Fugo & his fam can get into trouble, since his targets are probably rich and/or influential ppl, but it isn't Purge time yet, so it can be considered malicious intent and/or attempted murder i guess, and so anyone who has any beef w the Fugo fam can bring them down) (i know nothing abt law don't come for me)
and then Gio is like "fuck dis shit im out" and he skrts tf out of there, but sadly Fugo ain't lying 😔 the day of the Purge comes, and Giorno was just trying to barricade himself inside his dorm room when suddenly, Fugo pulls an FBI OPEN UP and breaks inside using all his high-tech weaponry n stuff (i'll share my hcs for chara design later!!). Gio is freaking out so he jumps out the window into the streets, even risking going outside during Purge just so he can get away, but oh 🅱️oy is Fugo stressed tonight. and he literally hunts Gio down and almost kills him
2. abbacchio & giorno:
Abbacchio is tasked w hunting down a certain rogue criminal, so he's la-di-da cruising thru Naples to get to Bucci's house, when suddenly this fucking kid comes running up to him with his hair and clothes all messed up and tears running down his face, and is like "pls help me sir i beg u i just need somewhere to hide pls i don't want to do this i don't want to die" and Abba's like "fuq??" but then he hears manic laughter and chainsaws revving and shit, and the kid sniveling all over his crisp™️ Purge suit looks like he can explode with fear at any moment (and plus Abba understands that nobody would ever run up to another person for help during Purge like this, unless it's really their last option), so he sighs, "fine. get behind me."
the kid drops to his knees and Abba can't help but think "aaahhhh fucking dead weight", but he said he'd help, so that's what he's gonna do. now ANOTHER kid rounds the corner but he barely looks sane, he seems almost possessed by something. *fighting ensues* but being a professional cop Abba knocks the kid out cold w a few swift moves, and when he drops to the ground that crazy expression finally leaves his face. he's already wasted too much time, so Abba turns to Kid 1 and is like "go back home brat and dont get into trouble again", but Kid 1 is still a trembling mess on the ground, and he says "i don't have any home to go back to."
subconscious Abba's like "well that's between you and god" but he knows he's basically this kid's god now (besides, there can't possibly be a god that would let things like Purges happen), so he's like, "fine. get in the car and DON'T get in my way" but THEN Kid 1 points to the passed-out demon child, "but we can't leave him here"
A: "he was gonna KILL you!!"
K1: "i know but he didn't mean it, he was just not thinking straight"
A: "Purges ain't where ppl think str8 kid, besides if he didn't really wanna Purge he wouldn't have geared himself up that well"
K1: “but he’s not a bad person. please, if we leave him out here in this state he’ll be killed for sure.”
at this point Abbacchio can't understand wtf Kid 1 is thinking, but for the first time in years he finds some of the humanity he was hoping to regain in Purge, so he's like "fine. haul him into the backseat. but you're sitting with him bc i got my shit in the front. and if he wakes up you're dealing w it this time. cool?"
Kid 1 nods, and surprisingly he has enough strength to shove Kid 2 into the backseat & get in after him. Abba is trying to decide what he wanna do w these kids, when his phone suddenly beeps, and in comes a new message from his superiors, "yo dawg u gotta hurry up and kill that Bucciarati guy, we'd better not catch u slacking" and he's like "yo Kid 1, can u fight?"
"uh, a bit. why?"
"well, that's what you're gonna do for me in return for my protection."
anywhooooo i imagine that later on, Fugo wakes up like "ugh wtf hello concussions????" and he sees Gio standing over him, and he snaps into defensive mode, sitting up and shoving Gio away and everything. but then he sees that Gio's hands are empty, save for maybe a bottle of water and a towel, and somehow Fugo's own wounds are all cleaned and bandaged, and he groans:
"dude, what the fuck are you doing? did i pass out? did you find help?"
G: "you got hit over the head pretty hard, don't move so suddenly."
F: "haha yea thanks i can feel that myself, anyway wtf were you doing?"
G: "uhhhhh... abbacchio patched you up but your face was really grimy so he told me to clean you up, and maybe give you some water?"
F: "no. i mean like what the fuck were you doing????? braincells hello?? kill me! i should be dead!!! is Purge over?? did the sirens go off before you can finish me?"
he suddenly notices how Gio just recoils and sits there with his eyes squeezed shut as Fugo shouts at him and flings his arms around. but he's seen how Gio defended himself against him, so he knows this guy can fight and is no stranger to Purges. this is the first mystery his 152 IQ has encountered in a long time, so Fugo reaches out to get Gio's attention, but then Gio jumps and slaps his hand away so hard Fugo feels his bruised brain jar. he pulls back immediately, holding his hands up, palms forward, finally kind of able to pierce together what's going on inside the blond's mind:
"sorry. wasn't gonna attack you. just... wasn't sure if you were listening to me, so i tried to get your attention."
"i was."
"okay. sorry." Fugo tries, but Gio is already standing up and leaving, glassy green eyes looking anywhere but at him. "wait! Gior— ugh??"
he almost faceplants the ground again. where's my stupid-ass helmet???? i need to be on balance mode stat. but then Fugo feels two arms helping him up, and he looks up to see Gio, frowning in distaste but still supporting him all the same. he feels bad for asking (as if he hasn't bothered this poor guy enough): "uh, so, what exactly happened while i was passed out?"
oh, honey...
a lot :)
ya know i might actually go w fugio after all :00 but if i do end up writing this, it will span over 12 hours / 1 Purge only, so even if there are ships they'll probably only be implied, instead of madly into each other by the end of everything :P
to be cont’d… 👀🔪 perhaps with other relationship hcs :0 or chara design?? who knows. suggestions?
feel free to drop any questions you have, or just scream to me in the cmts in general!! i’m happy to answer anything, from chara motives to backstory clarification, or anything else!! ik up to now these posts have just been walls of texts, so :’D thanks for reading thooooo 💖
part 4 | part 5
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goldtips · 5 years
like... idk if i like babylon or not honestly. i was really into it the first two eps when it was straight up mystery / investigation but....... magase’s entire characterization confuses me. she’s literally satan incarnate and we learn nothing about her except apparently shes a fucking sex devil ever since she popped out of the womb or some shit??? like. i literally cannot sense any type of complexity or motivation from her, i’m more confused than intrigued by all the cryptic dialogue / imagery that the shows trying to force 
also the whole suicide law debate was really dumb - you’d think that people wouldn’t be so easily swayed. like...im sorry just bc something was morally justified back in bce doesn’t mean you can just incorporate it into modern law/life and think that things will be 100% fine. the homosexuality argument is also not convincing bc homosexuality was condoned by the romans, so arguably we are returning to what was originally the norm??? also, slavery and pederasty were also condoned by the romans... and those two things are.... wrong on so many levels and have no chance of being accepted through our modern standards, must less be legalized, so...your point is what??? :))
second, how are you going to compare marijuana to suicide, marijuana has barely any fatal / long-lasting ill effects whilst suicide is literally DEATH OK. and where are the fucking statistics my man, you just pulled everything out your asshole huh? there are academic journals literally one (1) google search away that report of the increased problematic usage of marijuana after the legalization of it??? and thats still not counting the product thats still being circulated on the black market, like bro you really winged this one huh
third, the ??? economic implications would be fucking huge ok. think about it, if suicide was legalized and the drug was sold over the fucking counter how would it be controlled? what safeguards will there be? we dont know right? how will the system be refined then, trial and error? and in that span of time of that refinement, how many casualties will occur, or loopholes will be exploited, how many children or uninformed/mentally incapable persons will fall victim to weak/inadequate ass laws and/or that fucking pill due to misinformation or a poorly made decision? u know how much international backlash the govt will have if that happens? like? excuse me? no economic implications?????? UM your entire fucking system would collapse because of a lack of international or even local trust/support
ALSO how the fuck did the canadian govt get the senate / house of commons approval for the fucking bill, and why is the cia involved? they literally have no jurisdiction to investigate issues that aren’t directly related to matters of terrorism / american people,,,why are they here investigating magase :)))
also when the gamer presidents son asked him whether or not suicide is bad he literally said: oh well. i’m still deciding on it - heck, man, you dont fucking say that to a child??/ that is messed up? keep your fkd up thoughts to yourself gdi :)) and the whole rant about how the bible doesn’t disapprove of suicide? do you also want to consider how adulterers were stoned to death in the bible? how its sinful to wear mixed fabrics, ripped clothing or....eat ...small animals..? LIKE ARE YOU GOING TO SAY JUST BECAUSE the bible said that its sinful that you’re not going to ..buy clothes with nylon and cotton? or not eat escargot? i’m sorry but if you’re going to read the bible without any consideration for historical norms then go big or go home...bich.
this show just. makes people seem like fucking sheep - and makes the govt and literally every political candidate apart from the mayor look fucking inept and it irritates the shit out of me holy hell. you’d think there would be more public outcry but people are so passive and utterly miserable in the babylon verse that i guess suicide is fine to them?? lmao
ALSO the main characters keep fucking dying and the whole idea of a show turning into a tragedy really turns me off, like we’re just supposed to accept that ai magase is some indomitable force that can never be overpowered or resisted like. ok. that is so un-fucking-satifying ??? also the fact that she chopped up the assistant for no reason apart from shock value. what was her motive, even. i guess shes just fucking evil ha.
like. this show started good, and its not that i dislike the horror/psychological aspect to it but unless some drastic plot twist occurs to tie up the loose ends and provide some consistency/realism to save this burning wreck of an animu, i dont think its going anywhere but the bottom of the proverbial ocean of mediocre seasonal animes
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