#this is a looooooooong answer
taintandviolent · 28 days
You sold your soul for more followers.
if I had had the opportunity to sell my soul it wouldn’t be for followers, anon. I’ve got much bigger aspirations than having a lot of followers on ye ol’ tumblr dot com
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sarah-yyy · 2 years
every single december, just when i’m feeling at my most burnt out and am like 95% sure i want to quit law in general, the bonus committee comes and reminds me why i really really really should not
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sir-subpar · 3 months
why have you been so quiet in the past 5 days?
also hope you had a happy 4th
I've been at work.
My job keeps me pretty busy. I work at a hotel and often spend my shifts alone. So I do a lot by myself. Reservations, appliance set up, post-stay charges, room inventory, key card issueing (although that's pretty easy, in my opinion), giving out complimentary laundry/soap/silverware, discounts, cashiering for the snack bar, etc.
And, very excitingly, I have been working with a local art gallery where I will soon sell my art.
I make scratch boards of people's pets. Example:
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And on top of those things, I have been working on a collaboration with a very close friend of mine. We are writing an original story together. Is a story has two main protagonist, he is writing from the perspective of one of them, I am writing the other.
I have made concept portraits of some of the characters from our story:
Suddenly Psychic
So I have been pretty busy!
But I am doing well. I left a job that was treating me very poorly and now work at the hotel. Where so far I am much happier. After years of struggling to work with galleries I found one that is embracing my niche passion for Scratch boards. And I am working on a fun story with my best friend.
I had been fighting a rough depressive episode for a while, especially after the loss of our dog Buddy, making the choice to put him down was not an easy one. But it was the right one to end his suffering.
And I tend to have a bit of a depressive episode around the 4th pretty much every year.
As well as a bunch of questionings of my choice in career. A part of me is unsure if I want to pursue a future in psychology, but I'm so close to getting my associates degree. So at least I'll get that because I've spent years for it.
I worked on the 4th of July, but I'm not really a fan of 4th of July anyway, so I actually did it willingly. My manager asked me if I would work that day and I was very happy to accept it.
I don't like fireworks.
All in all, I had some tough decisions to make, still do.
But at the same time, so many things in my life are starting to come together now. I have a chance to really make a career as an artist. If this really works, I might not even have to continue College. I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket however, so I'm still going to classes in the fall. Just in case.
I had become a Psychology major because I wasn't seeing success in my art career. I figured I could just do art on the side and still be happy. But finally, I have a chance. A chance I thought was lost to me.
A chance with a gallery owner that really Believes In Me.
I'm kind of scared. The overwhelming positivity from this Gallery owner does make me uncertain about whether or not I can live up to his expectations of me. Even so, I have to try, I want to try.
I spent a huge part of my life, my upbringing, with very little hope for my future.
But I'm starting to see it. My hope. My chances.
My Future.
It will take years I'm certain. Currently I still live with my mother because I can't afford to move out or find an apartment.
But I feel hopeful. Even... Happy.
Sorry I haven't been on here as much, I do appreciate you all checking in on me after my radio silence. But I'm doing well as of now.
My "father", who wasn't good to me or my family, isn't in my life anymore. I got to spend time with my brother. I am working on a passion project with my best friend. I'm working a job I feel more respected at and pays more than my old one (about $12/hr). I am seeing my art be enjoyed both online and in person.
I even started HRT! Been on T for a little over a year now!
I'm just... Starting to find happiness.
It wasn't easy, still isn't, and it won't be easy going forward, but I feel like it is all worth it.
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the-feral-one · 1 year
Does wo-chien know about the other legendaries outside of paldea, like the ultra beasts or ho-oh?
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W: "I will try my best to give opinions on them."
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W: "I just hope that they forgive me if I say that I don't know about them..!"
Starting at gen 1 and ending at gen 9, under the read more -
Mewtwo - "I have heard about this one. The cloned creature that was created in a laboratory on an island in the...Kanto region...I think. One wonders about what happened after it was released. What did it do? What were its thoughts about its creators, and about being a clone? What powers does it possess? This does pique my curiosity to no end. I wonder if and when I can get to meet one. I just hope that, if I do, it doesn't see me as a threat..."
Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos - "...to be honest, these ones scare me, mostly due to them being massive powerful birds. One of them being an Ice-type and one of them being Fire doesn't really help either... I am curious about finding out what they do as powerful forces of nature, though. I'll find a way to look into that as soon as I can go back to the academy library."
Suicune, Entei, Raikou - "I'll go through these one by one. The Fire-type is another one that scares me. Then again, I can say that about most Fire-types that I come across. The Electric one..." (increasing judgmental glare) "...I have no comment about..." (glare subsides) "...and the Water one..." (he looks at the picture, then quietly turns it face down) "...I don't want to talk about it..."
Lugia, Ho-Oh - "The first one is...an enigma... At first, I didn't know how it was able to stay airborne, but after I saw that I was a Psychic-type, I began to understand it more. This one is also said to be the 'master of the elemental birds' too...which I hope is mentioned in any books that I find about them. The giant phoenix...is yet another powerful being that scares me. If I find one, I'm keeping my distance..."
Regirock/ice/steel - (he casts his intense glare on the nearest 'UN UN UN' meme, which stops when he sighs) "They're known as the elemental golems of the Hoenn region, which requires some specific Pokemon, alongside some knowledge of...Braille? ...in order to encounter them? If I see them, I have the feeling that the Rock-type would be afraid, the Ice-type would see me as a threat, and the Steel-type wouldn't have much of a reaction."
Groudon, Kyogre - "The Hoenn region's gigantic personifications of land and sea. They are also known to get into fights whenever they meet too...which I think would be heavily in the Water-type's favor every time. I hope that, if they decide to stride upon the surface of Paldea, that they don't decide to do that. Both would have me to answer to if they do..."
Rayquaza - "There is...very little that I can say about this one that doesn't equate to 'giant scary flying dragon'... ...because that's what it is in my eye. It is...also something that, I imagine, would instantly see me as a threat and try to strike me, which I really don't want to think about...!"
Deoxys - "I...don't know about this one, but I hope that the academy library has info on it, though. I can say that about every one of these powerful creatures. Reading about them is going to be better then getting to encounter them."
Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie - "These are known as the 'Lake Guardians' of the Sinnoh region. These are also among the first that I read about too. They were created by...the sky llama...and represent three different emotions. I would like to get to know them first-hand, but, at the same time, I don't want them to be afraid of me..."
Heatran - "This one scares me. Quite a lot. Apparently, there's very little information about this creature, aside from that it lives in volcanoes and is very protective over a rock...? I hope to never get to encounter one, as I don't think I'll last very long if I do..."
Regigigas - "I have also read about this one. The gigantic being that towed continents with ropes...according to what I've read. It is also the leader of the Hoenn golems too..?" (he puts a vine to where his chin would be if he had one) "...I really need to get more books from the academy library... ...I hope they don't mind if I end up taking out most of them... ...these beings are so very interesting...!"
Palkia, Dialga - "The main duo of legends from Sinnoh. One controls space, and the other controls time. The history teacher sometimes covers this sort of thing in her lessons, and I do manage to listen in when she does. I must tell Ms Raifort that her lessons make me love learning about these god-like entities!"
Cresselia, Darkrai - "From what I have found out, these two entities represent dreams and nightmares. I...don't think I'll encounter them over here, in Paldea, but if I do get to go to their home region, I'll try to do so. They're quite intriguing, to say the least."
Arceus - "..." (he looks away, eye closed) "No comment."
Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Keldeo - "I have heard of this quartet, mostly from academy students that have traveled to here from Unova. They call them 'The Swords of Justice'...which makes me both very curious and quite intimidated. If they ever saw me, I wonder what their reactions would be? The more I think about it, the more anxious I get... ...I'm going to stop thinking about them now..."
Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus - "This trio scares me. Some of the Unova-native students have told me that they're their region's equivalent to the Ruins...which mainly makes me want to find out how that came to be. It looks like I'll be spending a lot longer in the library, then!" (he shows a very happy expression) "I do love it in there~!"
Enamorus - "Spectre and Sulfur told me about this one. It scares me a tiny bit more than the other three, mostly due to it being a powerful Fairy-type. This is...yet another entity that I'm hoping to read about rather then encounter first-hand..."
Reshiram, Zekrom - "These, from what I've heard, are Unova's main legendaries, and they were also part of a much larger combined entity. Fusion is a topic that I haven't caught up on quite yet, though. I need to look into it more. I am more scared of the first one than the latter...mostly due to it being a big scary Fire-type dragon... ...these are going to be easier to read about than taking chances with an encounter..."
Kyurem - "This...is the one that the first two were fused with to create the combined entity...I think? I haven't read much about this one, nor have I caught any information from the Unova students recently, so my thoughts about it are minuscule at the moment..."
Genesect - "Metal bug..." (he shakes his head) "Mm-mm! I don't like it! Moving on!"
Xerneas, Yveltal - "Some of the Kalosian students have told me about these two. They represent life and death, and, even though one is another powerful Fairy-type, I think that, if I met it, we could learn to be on good terms. The latter...the big bird...I have yet to make up my mind on whether or not I would want to meet it. Both are interesting entities, nonetheless."
Zygarde - "This one... ...I'm not sure if I understand it well enough to form opinions on it... I have read about it, even if the academy library doesn't have that many books on it...and, apparently, it can come apart and become green cells, which can come together and make...a dog...then a snake...then a...I don't know what to call the biggest form that it can take... ...this one confuses me, that's for sure..."
Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala - "This is the first that I've heard about a legendary evolution. The academy has had some new arrivals from Alola recently, which I have been asking about what their home region is like. I want to visit. I sound very nice! ...back on track - this evolutionary line is...confusing. Hopefully I get to see it in action one day. I shall dedicate some time to writing it down if I do."
Necrozma - "This... ...I have seen. It happened one day while I was trying to mend my shrine door. The humans and Pokemon were seen running for any sort of cover, and after I felt the ground start heating up, I dashed inside my shrine and kept myself pressed as much I could against the back wall as the searing-hot light crept across the floor. When the light receded, I went outside and saw that the region was burning. The first thing I did was put on my assistance gear and rush to Mesagoza to help those that needed it." (he goes quiet for a few seconds) "I...hope that an event like that never happens again."
Tapu Koko, Lele, Bulu, Fini - "Alolan students frequently tell me about this quartet of interesting entities. They guard over the islands of that region, and they're compared to me and the other Ruins. If I can, I'll ask if there's a way to see them. I would like to do so...but only after they get to know that I'm not a threat..."
Ultra Beasts - "Unique beings from other worlds that come to this one through wormholes... ...at least that's what one of the teachers tells me... From what I can tell, they're quite frightening in their own ways, but, at the same time, they're intriguing to no end. I must find more information on these creatures. I wonder if the academy has a computer room I could spend some time in..."
Zacian, Zamazenta - "I have heard about these two from Chester. He talks about them a lot whenever asked, which is fitting, since he's from the same region that they're from. Chester has described them to me, and, from what he has said, the one that carries the sword is more frightening than the one that carries the shield. I don't want to meet them, though... ...I wouldn't last very long if I did..."
Eternatus - "I...don't understand this one... Once again, I got information about this entity from Chester, and he has said about it being a skeletal dragon that has been the cause of something called 'The Darkest Day' in Galar...and that it has a connection to something called 'dynamaxing'...? To be honest, I'm more interested in finding out about what that does than the legendary itself. I must ask more questions to Chester about that. I also wonder if I have enough room on my tablets for all of the things that he'll say to me..."
Spectrier, Glastrier - "From what I can make out, these two are steeds of an ancient Galarian king...? I have had some horrible run-ins with royalty, so I don't talk about that subject often, but I am curious about these two steeds and the one that rode them."
Calyrex - "Chester has told me that this was the ancient Galarian king, and that he brought bountiful harvests to the more colder parts of the region. I am unsure if this is a Pokemon or a person, though... ...I hope that the library has more information on him. I also hope that he wasn't as bad as the tyrant that once ruled Paldea...!"
Mythicals - "I know very little about these entities. Some have said that they're god-like, while others have described them as 'adorable'. I do want to find out more, but I'm unsure about where to look. I have asked at the academy library, but they don't have that many books on them. I hope that I do get to find out more about them, as they're among the ones that have piqued my curiosity the most."
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rhapsoddity · 3 months
OK this is a very important question…
can spectrum hypnotize color blind people?
Cuz that would be really funny if one of the heroes with color blind, and he went to go hypnotize them and just flat out didn’t work lol.
Already answered this but it's been a looooooooong while
Being colourblind may help resist a little, but not significantly! The only ppl truly safe fromr spectrum are ppl with power negation powers, and blind ppl
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corpsebasil · 1 year
there's so personal about sir nikolai :')
Sir Nikolai Rapunzel AU where he starts off all nobility/duty (or seeking redemption?? Reward?? Pre-knighting Nikolai promised knighthood if he returns with the princess?) but you become friends over time only for the trappings of knight/princess to lock in once the adventure is over
this one’s gonna be LOOOOOOOOONG my friend
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You’d been kidnapped almost a year ago by some no-good noble that wouldn’t take refusal for an answer. He hasn’t touched you, thank god, but he was delusional enough to think that locking you in a tower would win you over. Stockholm Syndrome? Really???
But you were treated fairly well inside your captivity. You had a gorgeous view, paints, dozens of books, fine clothing, and almost daily new foods and treats were brought to you by an unseen servant that simply left it inside of your room.
There was a door, you knew, in your room that led to the hall. To the stairs that you could escape out of. But you’d become too lazy to try and open it anymore. That shit was impenetrable, and you had a feeling the door at the end of the stairs would be equally so.
Knights had come and gone trying to free you, trying to bring themselves glory. Some even, some men, were not yet knights but had been told they’d be knighted if they managed to bring you back home.
And oh god, they failed miserably every time.
Today, though.
Today you’re minding you’re own business when you hear a male voice call out to you from below. You give the window a bombastic side eye and ignore him, returning to your book. But he tries again, the dumb fucker.
“Your Highness!” He calls and you frown. “Princess!”
“Saints save me.” You grumble and stand, moving to the window. When you look down you see a blond man—handsome enough, more so than the others—and he’s got on a rather nice suit of armor. You almost snort—so he’s a peacock, then. “You can go now! I didn’t order any packages!”
“I’m here to save you!” He calls back and this time you do snort, smirking as you prop a hand on your chin and peer down at him.
“By all means, Sir.” You tell him, and he shakes his head.
“Just Nikolai! I’m not a knight, yet.”
“Oh?” You purr. “Yet? How presumptuous of you. And I’m sure you think saving me will grant this wish?”
“I know it will!” He grins and even here you can see the cocky smile on his face. “Sorry you had to wait for me so long, Your Highness.”
You scoff and move away from the window, absently hearing some shuffling occurring down below. Uncharacteristically annoyed you move to your basket of rolls on the dining table and pick one up before moving back to the window. Aiming, looking at his bent head as he examines the wall of your tower, you lob the roll down at him. It smacks him on the head and he jumps, earning a loud, almost witchy cackle from you.
“Alright.” He says, picking up the roll and tossing it up an inch or two in the air before catching it. “I see how it is.”
“Goodbye!” You call down sweetly, then go back inside, ready for your book.
Then you freeze.
Your body goes utterly still when you hear a sharp pinging noise hit the tower, then another, then another, the sounds getting closer every time. You’re still staring at the ground in mute surprise when you hear his grunt of exertion and then he’s in the tower, hauling himself over the window.
“Right, well.” He says, and you’re slightly surprised he doesn’t sound very out of breath. Your eyes slide very slowly to his and he gives you a casual smile. In his hands are two arrows. Arrows. He scaled the wall with—
“Are you mad?” You ask and he raises a blond brow. You move towards him and are not even sure why but you examine him fully with your eyes, as if looking for some kind of clue. He’s even more attractive in person and towers several inches over you. “You scaled a fifty foot tower in a full suit of armor with arrows?”
He pauses for a moment.
“Are you impressed?”
“Oh my god.” You exclaim and he has the audacity to laugh. Then you back up when he moves forward. “Ohhhh no. I’m not going anywhere with a crazy person. You’re raving mad. At least one of the men that tried and failed brought some rope to—HEY—!”
“Who says I didn’t bring rope?” He asks but you’re hearing him behind you and from above. Because this lunatic just threw you over one shoulder like a sack of potato’s.
“No no no, hey! Put me down! I’m not going anywhere with—wait I’m scared of heights don’t—”
“Don’t worry, princess.”
About five minutes later after much thrashing and screeching like a cat, he somehow managed to tie a rope to the windowsill, you still over his shoulder, and climb back down the tower. After your feet are on stable ground you wobble a bit, eyes wide and your mind stunned. He rolls his shoulders back and stretches, letting out an obnoxious yawn.
“Well.” He says. Casually. “I think thanks are in order.”
Your eyes slide so slowly to his you wonder if you’re going to start twitching. Then you lunge.
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hannahhook7744 · 9 months
19 " Whatever's wrong with this family goes back a long ways " For The Badun Detective agency au ... Featuring Lampwick if you can squeeze him in !
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Trigger warnings: Child death, dysfunctional families, murder, swearing, poor sleeping habits, etc.
“Uhh. What is wrong with this family?!” Jace growled in frustration, plopping down onto his sleeping bag in Carlos’ treehouse—where he and his cousin had been living since they were seven.
Harry just shrugged from his hammock, not looking up from the laptop he’d bribed Hunter de Vil into fixing. “I dunno. I suppose it depends on which family you’re talking about. The de vils or ours?”
The bigger boy gave him an unamused look. “ I mean ours.”
“Well, how was I supposed to know that? You could have been referring to either.”
“Stop being a smartass.”
“I would but I don’t think that that’s possible for me.”
Jace paused. Before groaning “You’re probably right about that. But that still doesn't answer my question.”
“Well, one thing’s for sure. Whatever’s wrong with this family goes back a looooooooong ways.” Harry replied, still not looking at him. 
“What makes you say that?”
Now it was time for Harry to give him an unamused look. “The fact that both our fathers’ see nothing wrong with the fact that Cruella has murdered every sibling and mother figure either of us have ever had, along with several other people and animals. Oh and the fact that two of our ancestors—Harlow and Jacob Badun—were good ol’ Judge Dimsdale de Vil’s lackeys before they were killed during the witch trials.”
“What. the. Fuck—”
“Oh and the fact that our grandmother—Jezebel Badun, ‘nee Rossi— huh, Rossi, isn’t that, that Lampwick guy’s last name, we should look into—”
“Harry, focus. What’d our grandma that I didn’t even know we had do?”
“Oh. She murdered her husband.”
“Again, I must ask, what the fuck—”
“Oh and apparently her husband’s brother’s cousin’s son was an axe murderer—”
Jace quickly jumped to his feet and took the laptop from  Harry.
“Okay, that’s enough family tree researching for tonight and preferably forever.”
“But it was interesting—”
“No. It was horrifying and I, for one, do not want to hear anymore!”
“Not even about the time a pair of twin brothers married a pair of twin sisters and both had quintuplets who went on to murder each other as children in the 1700s?”
Jace grimaced. “ I especially do not want to know about that!”
“What about our great great twin aunts who were ladies of the night?”
Harry, one again, just shrugged—causing Jace to narrow his eyes. 
“Harry. When was the last time you slept for more than an hour?”
“Uh…. I don’t think you want me to answer that.”
“Go to bed.”
“Why would I do that when I can tell you all about our wonderfully odd ancestors—like Joldwin, servant of, King Iōánnēs de Vil, who—”
“Okay, okay. I’ll go to bed. Jeez, you’re no fun!”
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thesandsofelsweyr · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
TY for tagging me @zeroducks-2 😘 Passing to torch along to @blahwesome, @baesonjason, @niphredil-14, @scaryscarecrows, @mrsd-writes, @igotanidea, @artzysyam, @thejasonandsladeagenda (no pressure ofc!)
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How many works do you have on AO3? 11 on SandsOfElsweyr, 2 on my other top secret account 👀
What’s your total A03 word count? 47,475
What fandoms do you write for? I've written fic for Dragon Age and Skyrim, but my only published fics are in the Jason Peter Todd fandom 😉
What are your top five fics by kudos? (Only including my SandsOfElsweyr fics)
✧ The Sus Boy Next Door (ao3) 229 Kudos ✧
After coming back from a terrible blind date your asshole neighbor is the last person you want to see right now. He doesn’t have his signature scowl for you tonight, however. Tonight he seems terrified.
✧ Hollowed Out (ao3) 194 Kudos ✧
When Jason saw that photo of Batman and his new Robin, the thin cord of hope holding him together had snapped and he had broken into a million pieces. No one was coming for him. Not one single person on the planet cared whether he lived or died, or how much he suffered, or how loud he screamed. No one except the Clown. He was Joker’s now, and he would say or do anything to get a reprieve from the torment and the pain, even if it meant letting himself be reduced to something less than human.
✧ Remember Jason Todd? (ao3) 114 Kudos ✧
Joker reminisces to Batman about one of the happiest years of his life: the year he spent breaking Jason Todd.
✧ The Wrong Cell (ao3) 96 Kudos ✧
When Harley comes to fetch Batman’s annoying little sidekick from his cell in Arkham Asylum she finds someone unexpected in his place.
✧ His (ao3) 82 Kudos ✧
Jason has been beaten half to death with a crowbar, shredded by barbed wire, strung up for so long his shoulders ripped from their sockets, shocked, starved, branded… It's only a wooden paddle, it can’t hurt more than any of the Clown’s other toys… right?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I get behind sometimes but I try to reply to every comment I get. If you take the time to leave me a comment, I'll take the time to give you a reply! Fun fact: I love replying with reaction gifs, hehehe
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? lol. Almost every fic I write has an angsty ending 😂 I suppose Hollowed Out (ao3) is the angstiest so far.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Touch (ao3) or Cocoon (ao3)
Do you get hate on your fic? I'm sure I do but I've thankfully never seen it!
Do you write smut? Yes. Badly 😂 But I'm learning! Practice makes perfect~
Do you write crossovers? Personally not a fan of crossovers 🙃
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic? Nope
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? Probably SanSan (ASoIaF). Then there's Shakarian (Mass Effect), Surana x Alistair (Dragon Age), and AK Jay x my OC 💕 Also can't forget AK JokerJay and Thramsay (ASoIaF), muwahaha 😈
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't want to answer this and jinx myself!
What’s your writing strengths? Putting men through the ringer.
What’s your writing weaknesses? Overcoming my perfectionism 😪
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I have to phone a friend!
First fandom you wrote for? Probably Mario? I've been writing for a looooooooong ass time, heh.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Hollowed Out (ao3) ❤️❤️❤️
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asyouleft · 9 months
Thank you @ctrsara for the tag! I'm pretty sure I've done this one before but why not! \o/
How many works do you have on AO3?
96! But I have a lot of stuff on LJ that I never moved over to A03 and I recently discovered I put up a few fics on FF.net that I never moved over either, haha.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
In my fanfic career, I have written: Marvel Comics, X-Men, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Torchwood, Stargate Atlantis, Marvel (Irondad), Heartstopper and a few misc ones in other fandoms.
I recently found a Boy Meets World fic I wrote like 15 years ago, so that's fun. Have no memory of writing it!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Five Time Faculty Members Had to Call Peter's Emergency Contact + One Time He Shows Up Anyway
Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited
The Hero of Our Own Story
There Is Always One Last Light To Turn Out
For We Are Bound by Symmetry
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, all of them! It's usually just a thank you <3 but I will talk to people if they talk back.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm, I think it's If You Find That You Feel Lost, I'll Be Your Ticket Back.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lol, I mean, all of them end pretty hopeful, yeah? That's the best I can do.
Do you get hate on fics?
On a few of them, yeah. People can think what they want, I know sometimes I walk a thin line when it comes to the "happy" bits or I sometimes make characters a little more unlikeable (I mean I consider it more realistic) but I sometimes get push back on it. Usually it's when I'm doing Irondad and they are like aren't father/son within seconds of seeing each other, lol. Opps, sorry I like realism in my superhero fics!
On Edge of Your Name, some people found Charlie unrealistic but I didn't think so at all.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Slash mostly but I've done het and femslash in the past.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really! Maybe one day I'll consider it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A looooooooong time ago, someone poached a SGA fic I wrote and posted in, get this, in an LJ community I posted it in originally, lol.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
YES! Oh my god I was so excited, two fics of mine are in RUSSIAN. HOW COOL?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Me and @royalhearthuff did a chapter in their, Through The Years Narlie fic and me and @brbrbeatrice are hovering around a Narlie colab right now too. <333333
I'm also open to collabs!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Ugh, so hard to answer this because I have so, so many OTPs, lol. I mean McShep is always at the top of my heart, but Narlie since it's fucking canon and oh yeah Ineffable Husbands will never not make my 12 year old heart beat faster.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hm, there are a few. I've got an Irondad that's a Tony presumed dead that I'd like to get finished but it's so hard to keep Tony Stark presumed dead and not escape wherever he's at.
I've got a Charlie at uni fic that I really want to eventually finish but I lose steam on it everytime I try!
What are your writing strengths?
I think I can do dialogue pretty well at this point, I think I've mastered the flow of it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything else? Ha.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't, lmao. I mean, I have but it's only small things that I can google.
First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was honestly something like Rainbow Brite or X-Men comics, to be honest. I also may have written self insert Power Ranger fics and Inspector Gadget lol oh and Captain Planet.
Don't judge me lol I was writing fic before I really understood what I was writing. I just liked adding myself into adventures with my favorite characters!
Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I dunno, it's so hard to pick sometimes. I really love my SGA Disaster It Strikes On a Daily Bases, for Irondad it's always Just An Intern and I think I'm obsessed with my Narlie, And You Know For Me It's Always You.
And I tag whomever wants to do this because tagging people gives me anxiety.
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waterlogged-detective · 10 months
🌈🌳for darcy, 📚🎨 for doe & 🛏🌌 for boots >:3c
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
He does actually! I’d say 2.5 because he can read/write/speak English and French but he can only read and sooooort of write Latin. Just because he had to do it for medical texts. French he learned specifically to annoy people, which is more of a motivator for him to learn things in general. Honestly if you can convince him it would piss people off he’d learn violin. He’a that committed to the bit.
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Barring the fact that he’s technically already dead, I think so? He’d hate it the whole time and only do bare minimum to get through it. His general health might be a problem though, he’s not very strong or fast, but on the other hand I’ve decided he keeps a bottle of alcohol in his wooden leg (yes. Because of pirates of the Caribbean. Shush) so maybe he can get wasted enough to not care.
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
Answered this one in another ask! Short version: he will not comply.
🎨 This was a question about artistic hobbies I think but I forgot to copy it and I’m on my phone. I doubt anyone will read this far down to call me out on it.
I’ve mentioned before but Doe actually really likes writing romantic poetry. The looooooooong story kind. Like….book length. They’re all very sweet with happy ending endings for everyone!!! Sometimes he forces Darcy to read them because he’s so proud of them! Whether they’re good or not, however, is entirely up to the reader.
🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
Boots sleeps either in Doe’s helmet or on top of his chest at night. He also likes to nap right in front of Darcy’s basement door so that he trips over him.
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
He meets the Vake and the Vake is mean to him and doesn’t want to be friends :C.
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Hii Liz, how was your day?
Do you like to read a lot? I've been reading this book called Rage Becomes Her and I find it super interesting! (and it opens my eyes more for certain topics) I thought I would share :)
If you do like to read what's your favorite book?
Greetings...(idk it sounds better in my first language I think),
Your Dutch nonny
Hi Dutch!! Sorry it's taken me so long to answer this 😅
Anyway, I used to be a VORACIOUS reader, but kind of stopped as I got older and life got in the way. I'm trying to pick it back up again, but the pressure to write (my own doing) usually outweighs my want to read, especially given what's popular these days. I've had looooooooong conversations about how hard it is to find something actually good to read with the rise of Booktok, and not just stuff that's following a formula because it's what's popular or because it has smut. Smut does not a good story make, ya know?
I haven't heard of that book! What's it about??
I have some of my favorites listed on my About Me page (I need to link it on my actual navigation and not just on my mobile bio lol), but here's a list for you!
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Night Road by A.M. Jenkins
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
Earth Abides by George R. Stewart
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice (Also Mayfair Witches)
The May Bird Trilogy by Jodi Lynn Anderson
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
This is in no way, shape, or form a cohesive list, so let me know if you want more recommendations!
Also, my day was great! Went and saw Twisters with friends, and then we went and had sushi before ghost hunting!!
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marystulips · 11 months
Yes, yes, you anwsered my question, thank you!😊 Yes, I got the Sentinel's naming reference, it's not a bad one, I just had different idea, but I really like the designe (the "frog like evil team" just got a new member 😄)
Oh, wait.... So "Mayura" alternative is NOT the one they reffered to as The Superior? 🤯 (And you don't have a "Superrior" than,right?)
Also, if it's an alternative adventure, could you share your version/headcannon what happened there? (If it will be relevant, than just say SPOILER, but I'm gladly readinng even looooooooong stories of that😉)
Sorry, but nitpicky question; Why doesn't Nath-Alti take Hesperia's Miraculous when it's literally in her clutch....?
Also, congratulation on the comics again, because the two new designes are fabulous and the pannels are coreographed great, like this one, it's truely amazing, I can't wait to see more designes and read more story!😁
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Also, I know it's kinda a spoiler, but could you please tell just only Alternative Mayura's name, so I can reffere to her as such? (If not, thats oke too 😇)
Yay I'm glad!
And yess!😊 Nathalie is NOT the "Supreme", and indeed, in this world there is no "Supreme" -- note Plagg had no lock on his mouth.
I might as well drop the name here: she's called Panoptes (because she tries to oversee everything🦚)
Gabriel was referring to her here:
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About the alternative adventure: some of it is spoiler, yes👀
Now we know that Toxinelle and Griffe Noire went first, and with the goal of taking Papillon's miraculous -- all Panoptes' plan. Hesperia followed them and with the help of Ladybug and Chat Noir he sent T&CN back to their own universe.
You'll see the main points of the adventure during the following chapters😌 But after I'm done with the first arch and the flashbacks, I'm happy to answer any more remaining questions💕
VERY good question about Nathalie, not nitpicky at all!❤️ She has her reason (which is a spoiler of course😂), but I can answer with a question. Is it really the butterfly miraculous that she wants?👀 We do know she did want one -- but what for?
Thank you so much for the generous compliments!❤️ I'm particularly happy you found the composition of this page pleasing, I wondered a lot if it would work out, and I'm very happy to hear it did🥰
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Saw your recent answer to an anon and felt a need to respond, I think some people need distractions when going through shit, I know I do.
Maybe that's why Colby kept working when going through the cancer stuff . I know that's not the case for everyone though, some people need breaks when going through shit and some people need distractions, I don't think there's a right way to face that stuff tbh so I try not to judge how people choose to deal with their trauma or hospital stuff cos no 2 people are the same.
I will say I think they need a biiiiiiig, looooooooong holiday now though. I think they have headed back to Las Vegas now though, so hopefully they focus on getting the work done for October and then can go on a big holiday tour for like an extended break.
like i said in the previous ask, i get why he chose the path he did - for a number of reasons. snc have never been the type to not be busy or to know how to have a work/life balance. so when life tries to take over, they still power thru with the work part. and i get having a distraction as well. the only problem is, you can't just outright ignore what is happening to you. sure, in the moment you can, but when things grow quiet and you're alone with your thoughts, you won't be able to survive it. and it's just gonna eat you alive. there is no one right way to process traumatic shit. but ignoring is not gonna solve your issues, is all i'm trying to say.
and yes, i hope they both take the longest break ever, truly. i don't want to see them all of november tbh. hell, throw in december too. i want to be begging for them to come back by the time they are ready to.
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ggukkiereads · 2 years
Hey !
So I read this Jimin one-shot or drabble(idk) looooooooong time ago in which he writes random entries in his diary/journal and when OC asks him about this he answers that it's very predictable to keep it organised according to the date and time it was written ???? Like he thinks it's very boring if he already knows what happens in the next entry??? Also they had problems/argument at some point so it's kinda angsty but not too much ????
This is so vague I know 😭😭 but do you(or anybody) happen to know this story??
Pairing - Jimin x OC (established relationship)
Genre - angst fluff idk 😩
🌷 Hmmm sounds like this fic I did a reaction to, a few weeks ago or maybe it was months ago. Could you let us know if it's the one? If not, hmm perhaps other details you remember would help.
Edit: It is Oneirophrenia by @bratkook. Thank you mochi13 for confirming =) 
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vvh0adie · 2 years
The math is mathing, in other words, i agree.
It’s why i don’t watch the corn and rather read the corn. Other thing is, i don’t think anyone has found the right formula to get that perfect…answer. Honestly, we’ll be waiting a while, methinks.
A looooooooong while.
but for real, i don't know when cuz most of genz is still young and going to college or don't have the directing skills needed to pull something like that off.
but there's also been a resurge in purity culture from genz which i'm a part of, so it may take longer bcuz some ppl are starting to think corn is gross or unnecessary.
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reapersynth · 2 years
Tysm for the ask <3 I'm running out of ocs that are developed enough to talk about (which is part of why it's taking me so long to answer these) so I'll go ahead and talk about my special little meow meow
Send me a !! and I'll introduce you to an OC!
Here comes: Alexei "riley" Strauss
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(I need to draw them again soon bc all of my art for them is so old)
Age: 31 Identity: they/she + demi Birthsign: Sagittarius MBTI: ENTP Occupation: Medic/Scientist Class/spec: Infiltrator
The amount of Riley lore I have could be produced as its own novel, so the condensed version of it is that they're basically a very advanced AI created with reaper tech, which the Illusive Man then acquired and put to work on the Normandy as a spy pretending to be a doctor, but it backfires bc of Shepard's influence. They actually used to be a human doctor from Elysium (Alexei) before getting AI-ified but it's a looooooooong story.
They're very methodical and strategic but also very charming and polite (like it's super rare for them to use profanity or address someone informally). Kinda into doing fucked up lab experiments and has a disregard for ethics (shep spends a lot of time lecturing them on the difference between Right and Wrong lmao) but as they adapt to being a part of a human crew and understanding them more, they start to Get It and become Less Morally Ambiguous™️.
They are also my shep's canon romance <3
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