#this is a very funny day at least for me idk about y'all
maxmayfieldirl · 2 years
Me thinks the anons in confessional blogs need to learn how to have more fun in fandom
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invisiblequeen · 7 days
Didn't even know this existed until one of my faves posted...
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@pamsimmerstories : I've been obsessed with their landgraab gen 2 story since i stumbled upon it a couple of months ago. I'm constantly checking for updates and the one day I don't is when they upload a whole handful of posts! But I've been with them since this one couple I won't name was in teenager mode, and now that couple has three darn kids and one of them is already in child mode. I'm not ready to see time move on! I'm not ready to see their parents meet the grim reaper! I've gotten too attached!
@samssims : Yes, my contestant for the Mildred BC didn't stay long, but I love the concept of a Challenge like this for an elder sim who used to be a star back in the day looking for love after two divorces. I'm eager to see who wins!
@lindyloosims : Let's just say I'm lovestruck over luka, his personality, his rosy cheeks, his quirks and his interactions with the contestants here to win his heart. Lindyloo is great with the dialogue and narration--it keeps me engaged as hell. Also her simself is the host of the BC and I just love that detail!
@saruin : One of the first cc creators I found when i discovered cc at all. Her creativity knows no bounds, and the presets she's created have helped expand my own creativity when it comes to making sims. More often than not you'll find at least one thing of hers in any post I make. Hell, she made a set of teeth with color swatches for the TONGUE. How can I not "stan?"
@cinamun : Things Fall Apart, but not my commitment to this woman's story. I wasn't there when it first started all those years ago, but dammit, i'm here now (since dira's graduation arc) and i'm not going anywhere. From the dialogue, to the characters, to the style of shots themselves, she literally has me in a chokehold. And she's the one who was wheezing and screaming over Kendrick performing Not Like Us fifty times on Juneteenth! If that doesn't cement her as an icon IDK what does! (ironic that hers was the first tumblr faves post I saw that led to my own lol)
@cawthorntales : You all know I live for BC challenges. This man right here never, ever, EVER stops delivering on those. EVER. He always has an established storyline for the character he provides us to make a sim for, as well as a funny dialogue between said sim and the "cameraman" to start it off. I need for more people to know who he is so we can get MORE contestant for his challenges so I can witness MORE of my sims in his gameplay!!!
@akitasimblr : Found her during the Dreadful BC Challenge and haven't looked back since. She is VERY serious about this gameplay BC Challenge business. She gives you CLIPS formatted as live streams with "chat" on the side reacting to what they see. She has a leaderboard with a system to rank all contestants on friendship and romance and etc. And she's currently doing a crossover of the bachelor and SURVIVOR! go check it out!
@novapark : This one right here is a COZY Bachelor Challenge gameplay. Their shots are so deliciously saturated and warmly lit that it makes me wanna get a cup of tea and a snuggie to watch it. I like the style of a narrator popping in to watch all the ways Izan (the bachelor) wins and fails with his contestants (sims are so weird when it comes to their mood switch-ups i swear). And yours truly has a sim in there, too, so that's an added benefit for me, but just off the way they shot this challenge I'd still be checking it out regardless!
@jayveesim : You. YOUUUUUUUUUU. You have ruined me. You have ensared me. You have cost me my former life before I knew of your gameplay. You and that DAMNED BLAKE PARSONS! You've snatched my wig. You've dragged me across the floor by my eyelashes. You've scorched my edges! I have rarely been so fired up and passionate about a pixel baby the way I have been about YOURS and their DECISIONS! I won't even try to explain it to y'all, you gotta go check it out yourselves, and then we can scream about it together in this evil genius's comment section! LMFAO
This is a great chance for us all to big up fellow simblrs, so I hope to see more of these posts!
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av1xtg · 8 months
It's so funny to me that it's so obvious when I get a new hyperfixation because everything everywhere for example tis blog suddenly turns to what ever hyperfixation I have. . .
NOW I WANNA TALK ABOUT HUSK AND MY HEADCANONS FOR HIM BECAUSE THAT SILLY GRUMPY OLD-MAN CAT IS TAKING OVER MY BRAIN (contains a bit of huskerdust and bad grammar because english is not my first language but I have no respect for it so /j)
So I fully headcanon that husk has the most un organised and dirty room for some reason, like he never even bothered decorating it.
He hates baths and oils and stuff like that because it's really hard to take off from his wings and fur.
He refused to wash his hands with water and he cleaned his hands like cats do before eating food or serving drinks so charlie forced him to at least use wet wipes (idk how to write tht but hope you understand it)
He loves old fashioned love songs, usually mumbles some lyrics he still remebers while working and the others like to hear his singing.
The fluffies fluff ever, he doesn't really use any products (only dry shampoo from time to time) AND STILL HIS FUR IS EXTREMLY FLUFFY.
He got extremly bad body dismorfia when he arrived at hell.
The others tease him alot whenever he does any cat sounds.
Instead of a glass of water on his nightstand he had a bottle of whiskey or any other alcohol.
If he's in the mood (and charlie asks nicely + a day off) he might do some magic tricks to entretain the other guests.
Whenever he speaks spanish he always calls evryone pendejo (as a mexican that is also my favorite curse word I gotta add that). Like him and vaggie are fighting and she desn't know he speaks apanish so she starts insuting him in spanish and he goes "CALLATE LA PINCHE BOCA PENDEJA TUERTA" (traduction: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING ONE EYED WOMAN) and she shuts up because she didn't expect that. (Now they speak in spanish together sometimes)
One time Sr. Pentious gave him catnipp because angeldust dared him to and husk went WILD. Like everyone was laughing nd half th hotel was filled with cat scratchs while husk followed Sr.Pentious who was escaping with the catnip in hand from him kind of wild.
He wants hugs and he won't admitt it.
Used to be a bit to proud as an overlord which is also half the reason why he lost to alastor.
Fucker cries a lot and won't admitt it because he already stablished to everyone that "I don' give a shit about anything and fuck y'all" and now he just can't.
He falls asleep a lot during work because he is drunk.
He owns a phone but uses it like a grandma, he puts on the glasses to read and everything
He once had a very bad night and got EXTREMELY DRUNK and ended up doing a karaoke with charlie and Sr Pentious.
Alastor would ocationaly take him to the Overlords meetings as his "body guard" and he would get extrembly embarrased because everyone recognised him and he knew they all thought of him as a failure for being an Overord who lost his own soul to Alastor and was now forced to obey him.
Thanks to loser,baby I think Husk may be a pet names man (affectionatelly both romantic and just with friends)
Husk reminds me a bit of "No surprises" by radiohead (i don't really know how to explain it but yeah)
I think his relationship with angel (romantically speaking) would be really gentle like, cuddles, hugs, little kisses, cause he wants to show that romantic relationships don't always need to have sex included (angel appretiates that)
I feel like they told each other their felling for the other but bth came to the conclution that maybe they are not in the best mental state to get into a relationship at the moment so they asked charlie and vaggie to help a bit.
I have more but this is getting a bit long so I'll make a part two!!!!!!!
(Have some photos of the silly 70 yr old grumpy cat-man)
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Chapter 8
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
CW: a whole lot of fluff, intense feelings, angst, self doubt, slight reference to depressive symptoms, crystal appears for the first time (she's reader's best and only actual friend), playful teasing between friends, crystal is a sweetheart, some funny/feel good parts, protective neteyam, neteyam flirting with reader, heated make out session, sharing the same bed trope (idk if it counts lol), cuddling, sexual tension, kissing, mentions of being turned on, moaning, love confessions, neteyam licking reader's neck, neteyam using his fangs to tease reader in a sexual way, reader still feels a bit weird about her deep love for neteyam, bad words, melancholic vibes, reader is gradually letting go of her fears and diving deep into her relationship with neteyam. Lemme know if I forgot anything
Hi, my babies! I hope y'all like this chapter. I only had the inspo to finish it today ahaha comments are always VERY appreciated by this author! 💕 I love all my readers. You guys give me a reason to go on and not give up on my dreams (I think some of you already know I dream of becoming a pro writer one day) even when everything is dark around me.
Slightly proofread.
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Chapter 7
They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange
But I don't have to fucking tell them anything
And I'm gonna write it all down, and I'm gonna sing it on stage
But I don't have to fucking tell you anything
That's the beauty of a secret
You know you're supposed to keep it
Strange Love (Halsey)
Yesterday had been a mess of a day. But it also ended up being one of the best days you had in such a long time. You finally had the courage to tell Neteyam about how you truly felt about him.
Today you were gonna see Neteyam at night again. You two had come to a conclusion that he would spend some time with you in your room during the eclipse. The fact that the both of you would be alone in your room for hours, when you would be wearing only a nightgown (you just were not a pajamas kind of girl) made you feel nervous in a good way. The butterflies in your stomach were flying round and round and they would not leave you alone. It felt good, though. That kind of euphoria made you forget the many things in life that would make your heart hurt way too often.
You were cooking in the lab kitchen and singing to yourself, in a low tone, excited, thinking about seeing Neteyam's beautiful big blue face again, his bioluminescent freckles adorning his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin… He was so perfect. At least to you. You did not care if the other humans found his appearance weird.
Crystal was there in the kitchen with you, her back hunched as she cleaned the floor using a high tech machine that resembled a mixture of a broom and a vacuum cleaner and had green and blue lights that shone in irregular patterns throughout its handle. She noticed how happy you looked and smiled.
"What's up with you, (y/n)? You've been so down lately and now you're singing while preparing food?" She teased you in a friendly way, laughing slightly.
Crystal was such a sweet girl. She was so calm and nice to everyone, even when treated badly. You admired that quality in her.
She was a beautiful asian girl with straight raven black hair and pale skin that contrasted with her hair, making her look angelic to you. Her smile was also so kind. It was her smile that made you trust her and befriend her the first time you both spoke.
You laughed shyly while looking at her "It's nothing, Crys." That was the nickname you gave her "I'm just a bit happy today. You should be happy for me instead of teasing me!" You were now not shy but mischievous "You're the one who's always telling me to see the good in life, despite the darkness. That's what I'm trying to do." You looked back at the meat you were seasoning and thought that Neteyam was the light in the middle of darkness for you at the moment
Crystal approached you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek "Whatever you say, little bat. I just wanna see you happy. That's truly all I want." She would always call you "little bat" because she told you that you have kind of a gothic vibe, since you're not really that into socializing and prefer your own company most times and you don't really smile at strangers. According to Crystal, that made you mysterious. You thought that was a bit cheesy but again, not your words. Crystal was the one claiming that. You laughed internally.
"I know, my Crys. And I love you so much for that. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."
"See?! You're all sappy! Something good happened! This is not just you deciding to be positive all of a sudden. If something happened, you better tell me, you hear me?!" She teased but you knew she also really wanted to know 
Sometimes you hated how she could see right through you because you didn't always want to tell her all that was in your mind, even though you loved her so much and she was your best friend. Like now, for example. You couldn't tell her about Neteyam. That was something that, at least for now, would have to be kept a secret. You could only hope Derek would be decent enough to keep his word and not tell anyone about what had happened when Neteyam saw you and him kissing.
Even though it was cold, you kept your window unlocked and slightly open that night once again - a small gap, as always - just so Neteyam could come inside your room through it.
When you saw him approaching your window, his dark blue skin looking almost magical in the dark of the eclipse, his big size now exciting you instead of scaring you, your heart started beating so fast, it was just like it was in a running competition.
You practically jumped from your bed to the floor and walked as fast as your nervous legs would let you towards the window. Neteyam smiled at you so widely. Damn, were his fangs sexy… He barely got there and you were already getting turned on.
"Neteyam!" His name came out of your mouth in such a happy tone
"Hi, hi'ì emyu. You look so pretty tonight. I missed your pretty face."
Your heart started beating faster even if it seemed like that wasn't even possible to begin with.
"You're making me blush. Stop!" You laughed nervously as you opened the window for him "Come in." You wanted to call him "baby" or something cute like that but he made you so nervous with his confident but kind and warm personality that you still couldn't manage to do that.
Once he was inside your room, he knelt down in front of you - so your size difference wouldn't be so ridiculously big -, cupped your face with both his big blue hands and kissed your lips quickly. It wasn't a long kiss but it was enough to make your legs feel weak.
"It's late, oeyä tawtute. You have to rest. You should lay on your bed while we talk. I can lay by your side. But only if you feel comfortable with that." He looked you in your eyes, trying to let you know that now he would always try his hardest to respect your boundaries
You thought that the way he was taking care of you was so lovely. It made your heart melt, honestly. And the thought of Neteyam laying next to you in your bed, your bodies so close to each other since the bed would be incredibly small to his na'vi body, made you say "yes" immediately, without thinking twice. You wanted him that close to you so bad. You had missed him all day.
Neteyam was beyond happy with your answer. You walked towards your bed and Neteyam walked right behind you. Soon enough, the both of you were sharing your bed.
"Neteyam…" Your voice echoed in the cold air of your room but Neteyam's warmth was keeping you cozy, his body pressed against yours as you both cuddled in your bed that looked ridiculously small when Neteyam was laying on it, all curled up to be able to fit there with you.
"What, yawntu?" He looked at you with eyes so tender, they made your heart feel warm and you felt truly loved after such a long time not even knowing how that felt like
"I'm sorry I didn't say it back when you said it… but… I love you too. I love you so much. I don't even know how I can feel so deeply for you if I met you not that long ago. It's been what? 4 days?" You looked concerned 
Neteyam touched your face, making you feel the heat of his big hand all over your skin
"Stop thinking too much. Just let it be. Just feel what you feel for me and don't try to reason about it. What matters is what we feel for each other. What matters is that your heart beats fast for me and so does my heart for you." 
Even though Neteyam had just reassured you, seeming to be calm and unbothered, your words did surprise him. When he first told you, in his people's language, that he loved you, you did not say it back. He tried to think it was just you still being overwhelmed with the odd situation that being in a relationship with a na'vi was to you - he knew that the fact that you two were from different species still weirded you out a bit - but he couldn't help but feel insecure. Now that you had finally declared your love for him, he felt like he could finally breathe and that horrible fear of losing you started to slowly go away.
You breathed deep and nodded. You knew he was right. You were a chronic overthinker.
Neteyam gently brought his lips to yours and gave you a kiss full of care and love. He pressed his plump, soft lips against yours and you kissed him back. You both kept your lips together for a few seconds and slowly parted, looking inside each other's eyes. There was trust there. There was something special between you both, a bond, an energy, something that you never found anywhere else before. Nobody made you feel what Neteyam did.
"I wanna tell you something."
"Please do" Neteyam started to run his slender four fingers through your hair
"I was so afraid you weren't gonna come back for me after that night when I screamed at you." Your heart hurt as you admitted that to him, but you tried not to let it show
"Do you really think I would let you go that easily? (Y/n), listen to me. I know, I just know, right here," Neteyam tapped on his chest, right where his heart was "that I will love you forever. Even if I did everything in my power to get you to be mine and I still failed, I'd still love you until the day I die. So, no, I wasn't gonna give up on you just like that. I'm the Mighty Warrior, remember?" You laughed at the silly name Neteyam calls himself as he smiled at you and chuckled "I'd fight for you until the end, hi'ì tawtute." (small human) "That's a war I'm not willing to lose. No way."
"But I treated you so badly…" You furrowed your eyebrows, gazing at him with sadness and guilt in your face
"I know… but to be fair, like you said, you're not used to my na'vi behavior. I came on too strong. I'm sorry. It's just what you do to me. It's all your fault! You're too beautiful!" His expression quickly changed from ashamed - when he was apologizing - to playful, as he got closer to the end of the sentence and he smiled at you, winning back another smile from you.
His smile was one of the purest things you had ever seen. Perhaps the purest one. So precious.
"Can I ask you something?" You spoke
"Anything, yawntutsyìp." 
"Why do you say I'm "more na'vi than human"?" I know you already explained what you mean a little bit back when we first met but… I'm gonna need more than that." You looked at him chuckling softly, wondering, as your eyes showed him how much you wanted to know the answer
"I think it should be obvious to you as much as it is obvious to me." Neteyam smirked, playfully 
"Why so?" You smiled, confused 
"I wish you could see yourself from the outside, like I can see you. I wish you could see how miserable you look living your human life, cooking and washing dishes inside that kitchen. But, when you're in your Avatar… you smile so widely, you exude childhood wonder, your happiness is so, so contagious… It's like you feel truly alive like that, like you feel free and at home. It's so beautiful to watch. That's why I used to always watch you." He smiled looking down, bashful
Some time had passed and it was now getting only a few hours away from the end of the eclipse. You knew Neteyam had to go back to his tribe soon enough. But you didn't want him to go. You wanted him to stay forever by your side, not being parted from you for a single second, as clingy as that sounded. And the best part is: you were almost sure he felt the same way. Okay, if you were to only listen to the rational voices in your brain and not to the voices telling you that you were unlovable, you knew Neteyam felt the same way. You could just feel it in the air when he was around you.
And at that moment, he was showing you how much he needed you in a way that was making you feel things you hadn't felt in so long.
Neteyam was licking the sensitive skin of your neck, making you let your head to the side, leaving more space for him to keep on doing that, as you closed your eyes and moaned, almost too loud, at the way his large tongue lapped on your neck, tasting the skin and massaging it gently. Saying that felt like Paradise would be an understatement. You had no fucking words to even start to explain what he made you feel.
"Oeyä tawtute… my yawne…" he cooed on your ear, kissing the earlobe and using his sharp teeth to nible on it a little bit "You're mine now. All mine, my muntxate." (female mate) 
Neteyam wrapped his tail around your right leg. That felt possessive but in a good way. It made you feel safe. Like belonging to him was not gonna be such a scary, anxious experience at all to you. He seemed to already know you. Neteyam held you just the way you liked it and you wanted him to keep his big arms wrapped around you for eternity. He felt just like an overused, old t-shirt that was already so used to your body that it felt extremely comfy and relaxing on your skin, making you wish you could go everywhere wearing that t-shirt. So familiar and safe.
Even if your brain still tried to tell you it was totally insane to feel like that about a guy - a na'vi - you had just met, you didn't give a damn anymore. Your sick brain already made you suffer a lot in so many areas of your life. You wouldn't let that fucking pink squishy organ ruin your relationship with Neteyam. Not anymore.
"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?
The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art"
Juliet Capulet - Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
Interesting Stuff From Yesterday's LAES Episode:
DISCLAIMER: I go insane under the cut. There is swearing. You have been warned.
Okay first of all, where are they???? Obviously in a dream, which Lunar says "doesn't feel normal", which is already weird, but they're in a location Lunar's never been in before. Probably not important I'm just curious, like, is it just some random place conjured up by Lunar's subconscious or does Res have him in a specific location for a reason???
Res works for Cetus apparently.
Lunar sees Res for the first time and goes "You don't have a face" and Res goes "Oh, I can assure you, I do." I'm sorry???????????
This is off topic, but these episodes stress me the fuck out. Like, the writing isn't always the best and I've seen people leave the fandom over some of the decisions the writers make. Now, I don't really care about how bad the writing is I'm gonna watch it anyways, but I genuinely get stressed out over the lore, it is an issue. I worry about it on a day to day basis, I think I'm starting to get WAY too attached to these characters.
Res looks so much like Nebula, I mentioned it in a separate post but like seriously, it's not even funny how similar they look. They could be twins, at least in my eyes idk if y'all see it too. Also, I love Nebula and I would NEVER accuse her of such heinous crimes, but the astrals have basically stripped her of her rights and are making her work constantly with almost no breaks and no pay, and from what we've seen Taurus specifically treats her pretty awful, and Res did mention hating Taurus and Leo, so... I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Res and Nebula were the same person.
Res has met Castor and Pollux at some point and thinks that they're "entertaining" so I don't know what the fuck that means but I'm scared-
The order to begin the infection has been given :)
We're all fucked :)))))))
Res didn't want Lunar there??? Lunar says "I shouldn't be here," and Res goes "You shouldn't be, this was a very private meeting," so Lunar can just get dragged into antimatter shenanigans with no say in the matter randomly????? Res didn't even intend for this to happen???????
The fact that Res doesn't care about Lunar knowing is scary. Res doesn't try to hurt Lunar or kill him or get him not to tell anyone, they just don't care. Which is worrying, because Lunar could tell the astrals, and the fact that Res doesn't care about that means that they're already far enough into this plan that the astrals knowing about it will hardly be a setback.
I was thinking, maybe Res stands for Residual or Residue. Because, they said they're made out of dark star power, but they AREN'T a witherstorm, so maybe they're residual leftover dark star power.
THEIR VOICE EVEN SOUNDS LIKE A CORRUPTED NEBULA, am I going crazy here??? Their voices even sound similar, except Nebula's is much smoother obviously, but they both speak the same way, y'know? AM I INSANE??? Like, their voices are different but the way they talk and their enunciation of certain words is the EXACT SAME.
Res being Nebula could explain their inside knowledge about the astrals. I mean, obviously they could just figure stuff out on their own or through Cetus, I'm assuming dark star power entities can probably spy on people pretty well, but it would explain why they already know Lunar and that Taurus is coming to Earth, I'm just saying...
OKAY OKAY OKAY okaay okaoaksyaa SO. Res talks about getting rid of one of the astrals for good, which is interesting. Gemini said that astrals can die, but they usually come back because they're stars and stars will just supernova and reform. But Res says they could get rid of one of the astrals for good and how Cetus would love having one less to deal with. They also say one of the astrals is already out of commission??? Unless I missed something, this is the first time that's been mentioned. I wonder who it is. Probably not Libra since she's a leader, not Gemini since they've been around recently, not Taurus because he's showing up soon, probably not Aries since they're the one who helped Gemini get into Lunar's dreams, SO WHO?!
Res, (with that incredibly sexy voice of theirs~), says that they "Need Lunar" and that he's the "Perfect Catalyst". Which is interesting because like two minutes ago they described themself as a catalyst??? I wonder what they need Lunar for, maybe to get more inside knowledge about the astrals for them?
It is getting more and more difficult for me not to talk about how hot Res is the longer this post gets, they said Lunar was "Ample for corruption~" JESUS RES, JUST KILL PEOPLE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HOT ABOUT IT, JUST KILL PEOPLE AND FUCK OFF!
WHY ARE THEY BEING SO SEDUCTIVE???? "What I'm going to do to you when I get my hands on you, I'm going to do so many horrid things..." I'M SORRY? EXCUSE ME BITCH??????
How do you turn positive star power into negative star power? Gemini said that when star power is harnessed, negative star power is the result. Lunar does not harness star power, he is basically an astral now which means he's MADE of it. Him using it won't produce any negative star power, which means Res has a way to convert pure, unharnessed star power into negative star power. Interesting. If I didn't have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to my hyperfixations, maybe I could tell you have that would work with stars and dark matter in real life, but I forgot so sorry :D
How many negative star power entities are there??? Res says Lunar will "become one of us". So far there are at least 2, Res and Cetus, but there HAS to be more than that. C'mon. There has to be. The astrals are also interesting, how many of them are there? Obviously there's the main 12, based on the zodiac constellations, but are there more based on other constellations? Are the "Astrals" just what the main 12 are called and any others are considered lesser than them? And then for the dark matter ones, are there 12 to act as dark zodiacs? Or are the less, or worse, are there MORE?
I wonder if Gemini made Taurus and Leo sound more scary as a way to get Lunar to behave himself. All they said was "Taurus and Leo destroy planets", but according to Res, they really don't. They only put planets out of their misery once they've been infected and already basically destroyed.
I wonder if Res did anything to Lunar while he was asleep? They say "you need to wake up" and then Lunar falls asleep in the dream only to wake up in real life, but I wonder if they could've done something to him in that time that he doesn't realize?
It's kinda interesting that Lunar's first thought was to go to Monty rather than Gemini or Moon or waiting for Taurus to show up. I actually have kinda a sweet reason why, more of a headcanon than a theory though. Whenever i have nightmares, my brain kinda goes back in time for a little while, and instead of calling someone I actually trust like one of my friends or my partner, my first thought is to go to my mom. Now, i don't talk to my mom anymore because she sucks, but I really liked her as a kid and when I have bad dreams I forget about all the people i have in my life now and wanna go back to her. And Monty and Lunar used to be so close, obviously Monty knows a lot about negative star power so they're a logical option of who to get help from, but i also think it would be really sweet if Lunar goes through the same thing and that's why they want to go to Monty first, because they're almost like a parental figure to him.
ANYWAYS, that's enough rambling and simping and theorizing and trauma-dumping and going fucking insane for today, if you read this far you have a VERY good attention span. I would not read a post this long, you are a better person than me.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman Groupchat (good timeline, which means everyone is alive)
Warning: dog funeral, car accident, suggestive (barely), swearing
Desc: Mikey doesn't have good time management skills (i am so terrible at descriptions, my bad)
Sano Gc
Emma: Michael
Emma: where are you?? :(
Shinichiro: Mikey you were suppose to be here an hour ago
Izana: why would you trust him to drive a car by himself
Izana: he's probably sleeping
Mikey: no i'll be there in like 5 minutes
Shinichrio: where are you??
Mikey: i can't see any street signs anywhere
Mikey: this is so stressful
Mikey: uh i just passed a bus stop that has a stop sign with a yellow dick painted on so
Shinichiro: that's 20 minutes away
Mikey: whoops
Emma: we're starting without you
Mikey: why wouldn't you guys just let me get get here with my bike this would have solved so many problems
Shinichiro: cause Pah said we shouldn't. give Pochi some respect :/
Shinichiro: dude :/
Everyone Gc
Izana: words from Mikey just btw
Baji: the fucking disrespect
Baji: i'm shaking rn
Mitsuya: dude
Mitsuya: first of all we've been waiting for you for like an hour
Mitsuya: and now this
Mitsuya: and it doesn't matter
Mitsuya: more than Pochi, it's about Pah who is our friend who is also in mouring
Mitsuya: be a little more sensitive
Mikey: but i was sleepy :(
Mitsuya: 😐
Takemitchy: Mikey-kun i offered to pick you up tho
Draken: why didn't you
Takemitchy: he said it was too early
Draken: ...😐
Hina: but it was like 11am
Takemitchy: he said he was still sleeping
Baji: you trust people for years and this is what you get
Baji: you're sick dude
Mikey: IT'S A DOG😭😭😭😭
Takeomi: pay some damn respect
Mikey: 🤨
Mikey: i know y'all didn't invite Takeomi
Mikey: i give it 30 minutes until the paparazzi he "didn't call" get to the funeral
Senju: bro acts like he's the famous one💀
Pah: Mikey i'm very disappointed in you, we're starting the service
Mikey: dude give me 5 minutes
Mikey: ...
Mikey: ...nvm
Shinichiro: what now??
Pah: bitchass
Mikey: bad news
Mikey: i've been hit by another car
Mikey: i'm fine tho
Izana: pity
Emma: ok let's just start guys this is getting ridiculous
Chifuyu: can you not handle when attention isn't on you for one day????
Baji: you aren't dead are you
Baji: if you were a real mf you would have flied out the window and died
Kazutora: *flew
Baji: i don't have it
Kazutora: have what?
Baji: the flew
Kazutora: huh
Kazutora: what are you talking about
Baji: i'm not sick
Kazutora: ...
Kazutora: k☺
Takemitchy: guys can you be more sensitive
Takemitchy: Kakucho's parents literally died like that
Chifuyu: of what
Takemitchy: a car accident
Baji: real mf's🔥💯
Chifuyu: Baji-san
Kakucho: i wasn't really thinking about it until you said that Mitchy but that's fine
Takemitchy: 😟
Mitsuya: nah the service is starting
Draken: wait an hour
Mikey: where?? the wreckage??
Draken: idk the police station or smth
Emma: wait at the bus stop 😚
Mikey: i hope Ken-chin doesn't fertilize you for at least 5 more years
Draken: Sano istg
Emma: that's not funny🙁
Mikey: of course it's not funny, i'm cursing you
Pah: when you die, which will be very soon
Pah: i will make sure to take 10 heavy, fat shits before even thinking about coming on time
Pah: better yet, i won't come at all
Pah: i'll just continue taking heavy, fat shits while you're small, 5'3, decomposed body is buried, never to be seen again
Mitsuya: what the fuck Pah
Mitsuya: you could have said literally anything else
Draken: uh
Baji: that's the spirit ❗
Baji: some real shit
Kazutora: man what's wrong with you
Pah: i thought we were all on the same page
Mikey: ☹️
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cookinguptales · 1 year
just saw someone online talking about don hertzfeldt's "rejected" like it was just some "lol so random" youtube video from the early 2000s and like... yeah, it was funny! and I'm sure the randomness and memeability were a lot of what made it go viral. but I'm sad that it's been remembered that way.
like, that short film was about creativity and capitalism and how imagination is stifled and destroyed when it's forced into the box of "marketability", leading to mental anguish on the part of the artist. it's a message that's only become more and more poignant over the years as all art has slowly been reduced to "content" on the internet, particularly youtube, and I still rewatch it regularly.
yes, the fake ads in it were silly and random and violent and weird, but that's because he was purposefully trying to create the least marketable art possible. it has sex and violence and grotesque imagery all wrapped up in a cutesy art style, and it's the exact opposite of the glossy animation you get in marketing. moreover, the point was that the animations became more and more disjointed and "random" and awful as they were forced to exist in a corporate vacuum devoid of any real meaning. that's why the very world they were living in fell apart in the end.
the whole thing! was a very blatant commentary on the damage that commercialization does to art!
and, in a bout of tragic but entirely predictable irony, the art style that he used for "rejected" was immediately stolen, made more palatable for mass consumption, and used for pop tart commercials. it's not so much the death of the author as it is greedy companies shanking the author and then looting their corpse, y'know? it's completely cleaving any marketability from the shambling corpse of their art and leaving the rest for the buzzards.
it's also odd that they listed the short as being something you'd only know about if you hang out on the weird part of the internet because like... y'all know that short was nominated for an oscar, right? that seems about as mainstream as recognition for animated shorts can get. I have literally gone to showings of don hertzfeldt films at major film festivals. he's well known in the animation field.
idk man! I don't have anything against the lol random style of humor from the early days of youtube (I miss it, actually) but to just boil a painfully earnest short film about the devaluing of any creativity that is not palatable to the mass market and the way that artists' souls are slowly killed as they create art solely for corporate interests down to the gifs and memes that emerged from it has me like
man, media literacy really is getting bad these days.
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Heyy!! How are you?<3
I just found your blog and I'm so happy I did! So I decided to leave a request for some hc's of the main 4 eddsworld boys finding out the reader is a stoner? Like they'll just get into the house and see the reader faded af and just being extra chill abt everything??
If you don't do multiple character hc's, then the same premise but only for Tord. Thank you lovely :))
Hiya !! I'm doing swell ! Hope ya are to :) !!
And awesome HC idea totally gonna write it out
Hope ya enjoy it ! (And sorry for the wait i've been busy busy !!)
The eddsworld boys with a stoner reader
(gender neutral reader)
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- So Tord is DEF a stoner, you can't tell me other wise. So when he casually arrives home one day a lil earlier than the others and finds reader faded as hell he just fucking laughs.
- He def gets high with reader, he has a collection of funny lil bongs including a anime girl one he spent a shit ton of money on.
- Reader got munchies? He's got ya, he's got his own lil munchie stash in his room.
- Readers first time getting high? He'll call you stupid but help you through it, make sure you don't freak tf out
- You and him probably sit on the couch looking like idiots laughing at the dumbest shit (probably a dumb commercial Tord keeps rewinding back over and over)
- I don't see Edd as a stoner but he's okay with the 'lifestyle', though when he came back after a cola run and found Reader staring at the ceiling snickering here and there he's very concerned
- " Did Tord give you something from his stash? TORD !! "
- When he figures out YOU are ALSO a stoner he's like " oh "
- He's kinda curious about what it's like sometimes, especially since he's been casually watching you/Tord getting high randomly and looking like y'all are having the time of your lives.
- Careful if you actually let him get high with you, He's gonna freak tf out and get some bad munchies
- If he never gets high with you though he just kinda keeps an eye on you to make sure you're okay
- He's not a stoner, doesn't even know what a stoner is. So when he comes home and smells something 'bad' in the air he thinks it's a damn fire
- Idk why he thought it was a fire he just did, he sees smoke coming under your door and grabs a bucket and before you even know it he's thrown water in your room...on you.
- He killed your vibe
- He does apologize though at least
- He used to be a stoner, he kinda stopped after he got into Smirnoff and didn't wanna be juggling both y'know?
- When he comes home and sees you on the couch he just holds in a lil laugh and goes " i know that face, someones tripping balls"
- He MAKES you give him a hit on the blunt/bong/whatever (or an edible if you prefer edibles)
- He's a pro at this shit so he's chilling, and hopefully you are too. But a few mins in he'll get up and grab some snacks for you two.
- He isn't a very giggly high when y'all two are high but he's more 'idiotic', he'll find random photos and think they're the funniest shit known to man kind. He's also very hungry and thirsty when he gets high
- Tord is NOT allowed during y'alls high time
- He takes big breaks when getting high, so if you're a stoner that does it daily or day after day he's not gonna smoke with ya every day. He smokes like maybe once or twice a week? It really depends
- He judges you, but when he sees how chill you are when high he decides to take a hit. He gets mad when he doesn't get high from one hit
- Excuse him he's a lil dumb, you tell him it takes more than one hit and he just grumbles before taking another hit
- Once he's high with you he just sits there, you probably gotta check on him to make sure he's okay
- After that time he gets high with you whenever he can, dude probably needs it tbh
- He doesn't really understand but he's cool with it ! :D
- Mark prefers to not be around whenever you get high, it's not that he hates you being a stoner he just isn't into smoking and all that. He does warn you about the bad stuff with smoking though womp womp
- Dude doesn't care, he probably finds you high in the barracks at the red army base. He probably sits with you and smokes his own cigarettes just chilling with you
- " everybody needs a break every now and then, just don't be high while your work yeah ? "
- If you ask for anything to help get you down from your high so you can work he'll usually help (if he's in a good mood)
- Judging
- He doesn't like that you're high during work, doesn't like the smell and doesn't like how you act while high
- gets a lil annoyed if he has to help you walk around or anything
- def never getting high with you, but he's def had a contact buzz before
Yippe ! Hope you enjoyed sorry if it seemed rushed at all
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
Both your OCs occupy space in my mind lol I love both Harry and Elias. Would you mind giving some more rambles please and thank you? About either one. I just love learning more about them.
VJEKBKDKF TYSM, I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THEM :D it makes me very happy to know that people enjoy my ramblings and art of my lil fellas :3 (also, all you sweet anons are gonna be the death of me with your mysterious identities!)
(SUB NOTE: if anyone ever has any ideas at all or art requests or something for either of my sillies PLEASE don't hesitate to bring them up I would literally love hearing any suggestion or answering any question ever)
Anyways!!! I've actually been waiting to drop a bunch of stuff on these fellas that I've been talking about with some folks on Discord (which y'all can also ask for if you wanna talk to me on there I LOVE TALKING TO YOU GUYS), so thank you for granting me the perfect opportunity >:3 so, without further ado, I shall begin:
First of all, i just wanted to drop my height HCs bc,,,, why not lmao
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I can't exactly visualize heights very well in my mind so these may be a wee bit too tall, idk, but yeah! I think giving Hyde an extra half inch would be funny bc you KNOW that mf would just round up lmao. Elias is a bit taller than Hyde, which Hyde kinda hates sometimes, itty bitty fella.
Anyways!! Harry is first up for rambling bc I have less for him rn lmao. I don't remember if ive mentioned it much before on here, but I know I included it in the fic i did for him, and that's his Scottish accent :3 we as a fandom don't write Jekyll's accent enough so I like projecting it onto injured Hyde and now Harry 😌 MORE SCOTTISH JEKYLL PLEASE-
Harry didn't really have to worry about keeping face in the mindscape (except for when around Mind Lanyon, who would pester tf out of him over it) so he fell back to at LEAST having an accent. He partially fell back on it because 1, it made him feel a wee more comfortable, and 2, because of how often he revisited memories from university (specifically during his and Lanyon relationship ofc), so he's used to hearing himself speaking with at least a drawl.
But yeah, that accent kinda sticks with him when he gains control and he has quite a hard time shaking it, which makes for some fun interactions, like when Lanyon's trying to break down his office door :3333
I believe I've mentioned this, but Harry is very very sensitive to most physical sensations (touch, pain, etc.) and has some light and sound sensitivities for a decent bit after gaining control. Because of how long he spent in the mindscape with numbed senses, It really messed with him to suddenly have control again. Eventually he starts getting used to it again, but for the first few days he's practically on the edge of a mental breakdown at every moment. He's also super jumpy from it (and from the ungodly paranoia he got from the mindscape lmao) and is quite firmly "no touch" for about a week (except for when he initiates stuff with Lanyon). Once he gets used to it tho his touch starved ass is a lot more affectionate and such.
One last thing for him! He's also far more sensitive to hunger and thirst sensations/pain, so he tends to take far better care of their body while in control. It took him a short while to get used to eating and drinking again, but he's more than happy to do it, not realizing how much he had missed it. Plus, he's seen how horrible Jekyll and Hyde would take care of themselves, so he certainly doesn't want their neglect to be his downfall. He's also a bit more sensitive to being tired, but can't sleep very well (especially without Lanyon) because of paranoia and nightmares.
OKAY, NOW, onto Elias!! Most all this stuff is from a discord convo that I didn't feel like rewording, so... Sorry if the formatings weird 💀 (questions are indented and italicized, as well as abbreviated)
OKAY SO, For how Henry (or whoever) convinces Elias to switch back:
Elias usually throws some sort of fit when he's initially order to switch back (except for the very rare instances where he's actively wanting to switch back, like when everyone's busy and he starts getting lonely anyways), though most the time he'll simmer down when Henry starts sorta begging or when either Henry or Lanyon (or very occasionally Hyde) lowkey bribe him. Usually Henry (or Hyde) will bribe him with physical touch/affection (hugs, cuddling, kisses, stuff like that), or bonding time, like going out and doing things together and such (or just doing stuff together at the society, like watching Henry do science or doing paperwork 💀). (Also, sometimes Jekyll will just get somewhat impatient and start asking more desperately and the guilt kinda gets to Elias, Henry usually feels bad about it tho) otherwise, Lanyon will bribe him (quite grudgingly, might I add) with more time out, going to the park with Elias in shadow form and talking, or letting him get a gift for Jekyll or Hyde. But yeah, Elias is lowkey like a little affectionate, overactive puppy :3
[...] I misread "letting him get a gift for Jekyll or Hyde" as "letting him get a gift FROM Jekyll or Hyde" and swore for a moment that sometimes Jekyll/Hyde sent gifts to Elias but Lanyon stole them [... ]
LANYON WOULD TOTALLY STEAL ELIAS'S STUFF TO USE AS BARGAINING LEVERAGE 💀 but yes, bribery is the go to, this guy does NOT like being locked away, so when he does it's either out of guilt or he's getting something out of it, hehe
[...] Imagine that since Lanyon is probably taller than elias, he just hides some lf his stuff on higher places so that he cannot reach them, I feel like Elias would annoy the hell out of him so that he stops doing it though (Lanyon puts them back where they where, and when Elias isn't there, he just hides them again) also, I just imagined Jekyll like guilt tripping or manipulating him so that he drinks the potion
Oh he absolutely would, Lanyon would have a whole "confiscated" shelf for it too, and Elias would definitely whine about it with sooo much persistence. AND JFKGKKF YEAH JEKYLL WOULD 😭😭 both out of selfishness and not, since he still hasn't tested how the formula behaves when an alter ego is out for prolonged amounts of time, and sometimes he just wants Robert back.
Jekyll likes Elias, he just has more of a preference for Lanyon. Jekylls probably also got a bit less patience for Elias's whining after dealing with Hyde's for so long lmao, he always feels kinda bad about being mean or anything to Elias tho, since it's kinda his fault that Lanyon split.
Would Lanyon ever like bother Elias with the fact that Jekyll likes him better?? Like maybe, at one point he just gets too tired of him wanting to hang out with Jekyll and says to him that Jekyll just deals with him out of pity, and like Elias then just feeling kinda bad about it and wondering if Jekyll actually likes him??
If Lanyon's feeling especially spiteful and annoyed, probably, but also Elias worries about that enough on his own and bothers Lanyon with all his self deprecating thoughts anyways 💀
How does Hyde feel about Elias?
He's generally guilt free about the whole "splitting Lanyon" thing and /gen likes Elias way more than he likes Lanyon lmao. He still gets that sorta bitter anger and resentment when he looks at Lanyon, but he doesn't get that with Elias. Hyde kinda thinks that Elias is all the best parts of Lanyon (Except for Elias's emotional sensitivity sometimes, but Hyde deals. He feels surprisingly bad when he upsets Elias..) But yeah, Elias is most of the reason why Hyde is complacent enough to actually kinda lay low after messing up Blackfog and stuff, so Jekyll certainly likes Elias for keeping Hyde somewhat in check lmao
And that's everything I have for this!!! Thank you so much for the ask :D
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lethimsoak · 1 month
some niche bengals ships for you for the ship it ask meme!
the '23 rookies
jermaine/brenden (half a bengals ship at least 🙃)
thank you carmen!!! my answer under the cut <3
・the '23 rookies
andrei iosivas, chase brown and charlie jones. my fav trio. they give off high school friends vibes and im so here for it. idk if i 'ship' them in a traditional sense because they're more of a crack ship to me. but i like their dynamic so i guess that counts!
1. What made you ship it?
the fact that they were rookies in 2023 and were WRs and a RB (so they work together a lot on offense) also their behaviors online lmfao
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're very gen z (esp andrei) and the way they interact with each other is so fun to watch on and off the field! also because this is a trio the dynamic between each duo is different and i like the contrast. like this video and if you really wanna go deep check out their gf's instagram
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not unpopular but charlie growing closer with mike gesicki (they went out together in chicago i think) prob will have some effect on their dynamic i fear
update: or so i thought until charlie posted on his intagram and chase was spamming comments 😭 so unserious
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i've always been saying we need love for defense and the bengals delivered with their golden DT/LB ship. the bengals support them as a ship and it's so funny because they don't even have to do anything for these two to mention each other tbh. i really like the bengals LB room (because they're one of the few guys that the bengals were able to develop from the start 💀) and i love how they're a big part of the team. bj's influence on defense has been big too since the guys seem to love teasing him like. they really love him like that. i feel like them as a duo make the team better overall and that might be because of how much trust they have in each other and others can sense that.
1. What made you ship it?
when i found out they were roommates back in college! like y'all need to watch this video. it's crazy that they've known each other for over a decade now 🥺 im a sucker for reunited college buddies (as you can tell lol) and im so so so happy that they're together again <3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
the way there's always some new stuff coming from them lol like you know how we're raving about joe's new hair and how bj made him get a buzzcut and all that but bj went bald last year because he wanted the bengals to resign germaine so badly (he was VERy passionate about it on twitter). or when they went on a zoo date with vonn as their third wheel. this interview. this year's media day. bj mic'd up. i feel like the bengals media team actually does something when it comes to these two and as much as i hate the team im grateful.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not really an opinion but germaine needs to shave his beard off when bj gets extended because that's what true love is <3
my new favesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them so much even though i have no idea how they met (im guessing at either a rookie premiere event or through their mutual friends) jermaine pls stop being weird about pookie i beg
1. What made you ship it?
jermaine's ig post 💀 i was all in on jermaine (no pun intended) when he got drafted but then i started Looking 👀 third slide of that post made me feel things esp about his space themed tattoos on his tummy (and those horny two letter tattoos above his knees?????? yeah) but then BAM there's brenden rice. the GOAT son. and then they started being weird about each other on social media and that is how i got roped into whatever they got going on.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
given their lack of proximity we don't really know how they interact irl (yet) and their interaction has strictly been an online thing so there's a lot of room to speculate and ponder about their friendship (or something more 😋). what does jermaine like so much about brenden????????? did something happen when they worked out together. do they watch dragon ball together. do they listen to k suave together. there's a lot to think about and i can't wait to learn more about them (and the bengals vs chargers on week 11 @ LA ofc)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
everything is an unpopular opinion when the ship is obscure so i'd say that if they were on the same team (whether on bama or usc) they wouldn't have been close
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sakuracoloring · 2 months
Cami's Commentary! #9 - Movie Rants + Jumpscare
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! Sorry for not being very active these last few days :( I'm gonna be moving and so I have to pack my bags n say goodbye to my friends, yk? So that's been taking up a lot of my time. Anyways, it's time to hear me ranting >:)
Dirty Dancing: I watched this movie yesterday and WTF????? IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! Like, it gives so much Sessão da Tarde energy and I love it sm (probably because it airs all the time on Sessão da Tarde lol)! Also, to y'all who aren't familiar with it, Sessão da Tarde (Afternoon Session) is a television program on TV Globo, probably the biggest and most popular TV network in Brazil, in which movies (mainly older movies) are shown from Monday to Friday during the afternoons :) If I had to describe it using 3 movies, I'd definitely say Dirty Dancing, Clueless AND White Chicks. (They really love White Chicks lol) That's the kind of movies they show (at least last time I checked lol)
To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar: After some time that my friend recommended it to me, I finally watched it and it was very fun :D I really loved the story and the characters, and honestly Noxeema was so real (though Idk if she's my favourite. Like, this is the kind of media where I really can't pick a favourite character lol) <3 If you haven't watched it yet, I definitely recommend!!
My Bodyguard: I finished watching it like an hour ago and wow! Definitely better than I expected. Also, something that I found really funny was how similar Clifford was to Luigi (from As Aventuras de Poliana, a brazilian telenovela based on the Pollyanna book series). Like, their blue eyes, the curly hair in THAT shade of brown, their overall body types as well. Even the personality lol, though Clifford was Luigi with less social anxiety. Also (unrelated to my little comparison) Matt Dillon looked so fruity in this movie, especially with that hair lol
Despicable Me 4: I watched it yesterday as a little goodbye hangout with my friends and as I expected, it's one of those movies that probably should've never happened and is just a way of milking the brand. Like, it was pure dogshit, but honestly so dogshit that it became funny at times (also did anyone else notice the BTS symbol on Poppy's phone case?). The only scene I actually liked though was the ending scene with Gru and the weird cockroach-fetish-having villain singing Everybody Wants to Rule The World (Tears for Fears) while previous villains danced along. It was very wholesome :3
Also, tell me they don't look alike:
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This is Nicolas Germano btw (brazilian singer) Every scene this cockroach fetish villain was in, my brain just went ''wtf he looks like someone'' but I just couldn't put my finger on it lol
Anyways, jumpscare time 😍😍😍😍:
So, I just opened up tumblr and the first thing that showed up to me was a post with a screenshot of an article talking about Matt Dillon apparently fucking girls in his trailer during the filming of The Outsiders n stuff, and so I went to the comments to not only find the source but to also see what other people had to say. And so I found the OP's comment talking about how they couldn't seem to get the link but they did share the website's name, and so I decided to search it up. No biggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I searched it up, but I had gotten the order of the letters wrong so a bunch of websites on pension started showing up, and that made me realise ''something's not right'' and so I searched it up again, correctly. But then it just showed me this private all-girls school in Maryland(???) and so I was like ''huh?'', which made me search up the website name + matt dillon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No biggie. But as I click on the first website that appeared, BOOM! Two porn ads. (Idk if that website focused on porn or if these just were ads) For like 5 seconds, I was in shock. ''How tf did I get here???'' is still a question I ask myself, and so I clicked off, very confused. Idk if that's the actual website OP found it on and these are just ads, but my eyes aren't very happy after this experience 😍
Thanks for your attention :3 It means a lot to me
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number 9...number 9...👁️👁️ (If u got this reference ily)
See you next time! ☆
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celestemona · 3 months
Hey girlie😼🔥
it's me the CREATIVE ANON previous and I came to talk about some more headcannon for y'all, let's get start
•Furina always stop by to visit Neuvillette and naturally she meets Eveline, at first Eveline was very shy but after a while she started to open up more and because of Furina she created the habit of dancing, you can always see her dancing to some menusites but always hidden.
•While Kaveh have the desert foxes, Zahra has the Tighnari's children as her professional followers, like Just imagine Zahra showing up to visit a friend(maybe Cyno's family, idk?) and you only see two big black ears or the color of the reader's hair on her side hidden and in silent(Possible I think it must be Tighnari's DAUGHTER) or Kaveh seeing several mini foxes following her and Tighnari's children being the first in the fox line(Possibly it has happened several times at first Zahra was scared but then she realized that she didn't need to worry)
•Probably all the wives meet somewhere (let's say Sumeru's because there are basically a whole quartet there) and they always gossip about anything to do with their lives or even about their neighbors(they're like Mean Girls, but mothers and hidden and also never try to disturb them if they were very focused on a conversation with each other, Kaveh already tried to do that and it was a traumatic experience /j)
• Kiyomi Possible went to visit Fontaine when she got older and meets Chiori, who started training her to be a great designer when she grows up(The reason was because of one of her designs high heels inspired by Neuvillette's clothes, then caught Chiori's attention)
•There was a mother's day where Kimi tried to cook a cake for her mother, but she took the Raiden's cuisine in cook and almost burned down their house by accident /hj😊(But thank Archons, Mama Reader was home and helped her daughter cook afterwards)
I like the CREATIVE ANON name hahahah 💗
I think is pretty funny how some of you guys are giving me hints to include and start to write for Tighnari asap lmao But I agree! It'd be very cute to see Tigh's children taking an interest in Zaza.
Another important thing here: Though I don't intend to write for these kids as adults for now, I like to see some of you getting some hints about their future already. Like our Kiyomi here.
However, I won't speak about it more than that. I'll let your imagination work on it ;)
And I loveeee this hc about genshin mamas! They'd be an exclusive group just like Hexenzirkel, yk? Instead talking about magic and conspiration, they'd be venting about their daily lives as wives, mothers and how hard are their works. We love to see a group of hot mamas gossiping while enjoying of a cup of tea.
Kaveh reminds of my uncle here. He prefers to stay with the girls instead his male friends. It's quite understandable tho hahah
Thank you for sharing once again your headcanons, Creative anon 🥰🩷 I loved each of them!!
I'll only disagree about Kimi's cuisine skills. Our girl take it from her parents who, at least, can cook a very decent meal hahahaha
Have a good day, darling. Expect to see u soon ;)
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ttrwritesshit · 7 months
A Very very belated secret Santa gift for @flori-doodles that's been sitting in my notes app for far to long. This secret Santa is (was??) brought to you by @song-tam 👏
Merry halfway through February!
Anyways, Keefe and Fitz smool story under the cut.
The're dating. It's a bit gay. Idk what else to tell y'all
(Idk how to label stories and stuff, so nothing more here)
And sorry about the the hearts, they keep moving and changing size and idk. I can't bear the thought of getting rid of them tho.
Keefe and Fitz were close friends, VERY close friends. That was all. There was no other attraction between the two. At least that's what everyone else thought. 
Because what would people say, if they were more? The elven world was outraged by people with twins or triplets, what would they say about two boys dating? 
So, it stayed a secret.
"Will you be coming over after school today?" Asked Fitz, his brown hair and abnormal teal eyes sparkling in the light glinting off the glass side of the level three wing. 
The two sit in an empty corridor, enjoying the little time they have alone together. 
Keefe, squashed up next to Fitz, leans over until his head is touching the others shoulder. Sighing softly, he closes his eyes "I wish I could, but father has some important dinner and I have to be there apparently."
"I'm sure we can come up with something. My dad could ask him if you could stay, maybe even for a sleepover" he says, a glint of determination in his eyes. 
"Fitz, it's alright. I can deal with one evening of stuffy nobles" Keefe replies warily, glancing up at the boy above him. 
"Well, I'm not letting you spend more time in that house than is strictly necessary. I'm gonna ask my dad to ask yours about a sleepover" determination growing, he grabs his imparter from his bag, but is stopped by Keefe’s hand. 
"I don't need you to save me from everything, Fitz " Keefe mumbles. 
Both of them fall silent. 
Keefe and Fitz knew each other well, and they were always said to be 'like brothers'. Which is a lovely compliment, yet they still cringed at the word 'Brothers'. Because no one could know they were more. 
If they could tell the world, they would. But the elven world is disgusted by bad matches, what would it say about two boys dating? 
so, it stayed a secret. 
Before heading home, Fitz approaches Keefe, with the same offer as before. 
"Are you sure you don't want to come over? I'm sure my parents would be fine with it" he asks, growing slightly desperate. 
"Fitz" Keefe says, gently grabbing Fitz’s hand "I would love to, you know that. But I can't. Not tonight" 
"But-" Fitz is cut short by a single finger on his lips, making the 'shhh' sign on his mouth. 
"Not today, okay?" Keefe says, with a slight grin, as Fitz's eyes develop a haze of confusion. 
"What's this meeting about anyways?" Fitz says, once Keefe finally removes his finger. 
"I'm not really sure.” Keefe admits “It's probably just some semi-legal paperwork my dad's doing again," he says, his voice slightly softening.
Fitz fell quite again. 
And he stayed quiet on the walk back. 
Keefe and Fitz were so close. In fact, the Vackers might even consider Keefe their son. But never for the reason the boys wished. 
Maybe they wished it could be 'son in law' instead one day. 
And maybe one day it would be, but the elven world was uncomfortable around the talentless, what would they say about two boys dating? 
so, it stayed a secret. 
That afternoon, over Pathfinder Fitz had finally convinced Keefe. 
"I don't wanna be caught up in anything too illegal, you know?" Keefe joked, but it was all to real of a possibility to be funny. 
Keefe and Fitz were close, never one without the other. They just balanced each other out so perfectly. 
It's funny no one suspected anything, but who would've thought two boys could be more than friends. Because the elven world was distraught around the very thought of humans what would they say about two boys dating? 
So, it stayed a secret
Fitz rushes up the Stairs at a Superhuman. speed, almost running smack bang into a slightly visible Della. 
'Sorry!" he across yells, still sprinting across the house.
A few minutes later, he reaches his destination, out of breath. Still panting, he enters his bedroom, levitating things out of his way as he goes. 
His room was a mess, and that needed to be changed right away.
Because Keefe was coming over.
It wasn't like he hadn't been over before, there'd been endless days of base quest and mallowmelt.  But this time things were different. Because Keefe was staying the night.
The very thought of sleepover with him made Fitz heart do silly little flips. 
He didn't have time to think about that, when there were only 2 hours until Keefe arrived, and his room looked like it'd been hit with bomb. (As his mum would say) 
Keefe’s heart seemed to be attempting to gymnastics as he tried to keep his blushing under control.
clothes and a random assortment of items are spread across his room as he attempts to pack a bag. 
the thing is, he'd never been to a sleepover, especially not with someone so- perfect.
He’s so under prepared. 
He looks at the clock hanging over his bed.
He only had an hour left to turn to the explosion in his room into a a neatly packed bag AND find something to wear. 
And on top of all that, he needed to do his hair.
Keefe and Fitz were close, to close to be just friends. Whispers of them being something else flitted through foxfire, and it wasn't met with outrage or disgust or discomfort. 
It was met with hope.
The elven world was disapproving of anything less than perfect, but what was imperfect about love? 
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sandwichboiscum · 1 year
Alright listen up peoples
I am hopped up on two energy drinks and I have like no caffeine tolerance and I'm in marching band so here's some head canons about how the TF2 mercs might go about being in a marching band + the instrument they would play. Also, keep in mind this is only my first year in marching band so take this crap with a huge grain of salt
Scout: Snare drum. Literally one of his taunts is just him pulling out a bucket of chicken and drumming on it. He would play the music quite well, but I feel like he would suck at marching, especially the slower songs because he's just used to going super fast.
Soldier: Trumpet, you know why. I think he would be at least decent at marching (literally what do soldiers do) but he would struggle with directional changes because I struggle with directional changes and it's funny to project.
Pyro: Bass drum because he can't really play a woodwind or brass instrument for obvious reasons. He has NO clue what tf s going on because he sees everyone else as little floating babies so it's hard to march. Also, like come on, it's Pyro.
Demo: Clarinet because I said so. Also he'd just be too drunk to march most of the time, but when he's sober he'd be really good at it.
Heavy: He seems like a flute kinda guy because it's funny to think of the biggest man in TF2 playing one of the smallest instruments in marching band. But if we're being serious, bass drum because it's the only one he wouldn't completely crush. He'd probably be ok at marching, but he'd also probably struggle with directional changes, especially going backwards.
Engie: Trumpet. Idk why, but it just feels like he'd do trumpet. He'd probably be amazing at forwards marching but the second he had to do hip shifts and backwards marching he'd quit.
Medic: He seems like a saxophone. (Help my brain hurts) He'd also probably be very good at marching because it's very repetitive a lot of the time and he seems like a person who likes repetitive motions like marching (or in some cases stabbing someone because he got hit in the head by a trombone. No, I'm not saying this because it happened. Not the stabbing part I mean).
Sniper: Also saxophone. Obviously. He'd be ok at marching, but he'd also be very focused on everything he's doing right he forgets to check what he's doing wrong and then develops bad habits like stepping off with the wrong foot.
Spy: Flute, idk why but it just makes sense. He'd probably be pretty good at marching, but he would hate it especially it he has to march in someplace that's really dusty because even if he's wearing a marching uniform and not his regular suit he'd still be really picky about making sure that it doesn't get dirty, so he'd always find some way to sit out whenever he's marching in a parade or something.
(Notice I didn't put trombones as a head canon for any of them. That's because the trombones suck. Jk, I love y'all but I have been hit in the head with a slide one too many times.)
Just wanna also say, when I say hip shifts, I mean feet face either the left or right of the audience but the chest is still facing the audience. I hate them, they are uncomfy (especially going backwards) and make me want to die and this year my halftime performance is like nothing but hip shifts.
Thank you for reading my caffeine fueled post and have a lovely day. If you don't have a good day I will force you to have a good damn day
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graciousdragon · 6 months
ok so i was listening to this song like a week ago and i saw this animation clear as day in my mind and i knew i had to try and storyboard it out while i was thinking of it. i wanna do the full song at some point because it is So Very Them-coded but i do not have the time rn and will not for a while (i barely had the time to make this) so for now i just made sure i got the really complicated part out of the way. figured i'd post it because. why not lol
anyway. this is for my Darkest Desire AU story!! it's called Glitching Fates!! i am so normal about it and i have been for years now. it is. so far removed from the source material but i do not care it is very special to me :]
as a sort of summary for what's going on here, the night guard and Will used to be really good friends but they both ended up getting busy with their own lives so they couldn't interact as much, and then the whole Glitchtrap possession thing happens which reunites them but also drives a wedge between them since Will is blindly following Glitchtrap while the night guard is trying to find a way to stop Glitchtrap.
i am so not fucking normal about these characters you all have no idea. oh my god. they have permanent residence in my mind rn. i need people to ask me about them or else I Will Become Violent (/j)
hope y'all liked this, or at least i hope y'all found my passive-agressive notes to myself funny lol. under the cut i typed up all the handwritten ones in case y'all want to read them but can't make out my handwriting
a fuckin uh.. pillar or somethin idk
ooh cool scene transition
how do i convey that he's walking onto a train
dismissive wave
hair is longer to indicate passage of time
pretend this shot doesn't look like total dogshit ok?
hey how did my anatomy manage to get That Much Fucking Worse this far in
there is Something wrong here. i just cannot tell What
that is. so much better what the fuck
ok that's all thank you for looking at my post :]
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tea-earl-grey · 11 days
Square One "live"blog
as always, spoilers under the cut
gonna be real with y'all, i think the reason i took a few days off between Weapon of Choice and this is that Square One is... not my favorite episode. sorry i know that used to be an unpopular opinion (idk how it's regarded now) but frankly the misogyny & treatment of sex workers in this episode just kinda gives me the ick. i know that it's purposefully done but i don't think it's done well and i'm also just. deeply not interested in those sorts of stories in Doctor Who. so this will probably be a shorter post than most.
"since the catastrophic events on Archetryx, the temporal axis powers have been wary of attending a further summit" – yay continuity! and also no shit, an entire fucking galaxy was destroyed and at least one of the temporal powers was temporarily conquered by the Daleks.
the fact that Narvin actually bought the fact that Romana would send him to represent Gallifrey at an important conference is a little funny. Narvin simply cannot stop getting duped at every turn in early Gallifrey. (also the fact that presumably Romana only sent him because she considered him entirely expendable if something were to go wrong as she suspected).
but also the fact that Narvin was willing to go to this conference and negotiate on Romana's behalf says volumes about his character that even right now when he's completely ideologically opposed to everything she stands for, he will still do his duty because Romana is Gallifrey whether he likes it or not. which. yummy foreshadowing for the rest of the series.
Leela constantly pointing out Romana's own feelings is so important to me. yes! point out that she's tired! point out that she's not taking care of herself!
i will say i do love political conferences as a setting for media because you can get some interesting political worldbuilding done and also it gives me strong nostalgia from my time in the Model UN trenches
Hossak is an interesting character to me because she's pretty much the only Time Lord character we meet who a) voluntarily spent considerable time off of Gallifrey and b) is more politically liberal than Romana (at least when it comes to foreign policy). like... who is she? what are her goals?? what role would a Gallifreyan diplomat have before Gallifrey actually had official diplomatic ties??
"you will blend in beautifully just as you are" weird thing to say before you send your bodyguard to pose as a sex worker but okay Romana
"suppose we do find something wrong, what do we do then?" you would have thought that... i don't know... that might have been part of the briefing Romana gave Leela?? it seems like kind of an important part. i am fully willing to believe that Romana simply didn't think that far ahead though. she loves schemes and hates actually tying them together
the concept of the Monan Host being an ouroboros of temporal intervention is a fascinating idea for a society and as always, i wish we got more depth into the Temporal Powers.
ugh all the scenes with Flinkstab make me so uncomfortable.
goddddd Hossak is compelling as a character who might be politically liberal and might desire peace and for Time Lords to mix & mingle with aliens in diplomatic capacities but it's such a good reveal that she's exactly as vile & xenophobic as every other Time Lord when it comes to real aliens, not just diplomats. she's okay with Leela existing on the sidelines as a symbol for "the new Gallifrey" but as soon as she interacts with her as a real person, she's immediately dismissed and treated horribly. just as all of the alien dancers/sex workers are treated horribly by Hossak because they're not "the right kind" of alien for her limited liberalness. again, i don't think this episode handles the topics it introduces well but the concepts are very good and it isn't the usual xenophobia angle that's explored later in the show.
i remember the first time i listened to this so well because as soon as the first time shift happened, i just assumed it was some error in ripping the tracks off of the CD. (the fact that it was only a few years ago where the only way to (legally) listen to s1-3 was through CD is wild btw. i can tell times have changed because i remember being so annoyed that i had to pay extra for CDs & shipping for some of the audios instead of direct downloads and now i regret not getting the CD releases for the rest of the series when i had the chance. maybe i'll start with WR2 when it comes out next year)
omg! our first Narvin stuttering moment of the series!
Romana complaining about her TARDIS being boring and by the book moments before it starts to explode is a great representation of the season honestly
i love how quickly both Romana & Leela fall into mystery solving mode
the "how many times?!" "three!" scene is definitely a play on the infamous Horns of Nimon scene right?
mm and Hossak being so focused on the concept & appearance of peace and diplomacy in order for her to be some white knight champion of idealism rather than actually wanting to help or having compassion for others is such a familiar brand of liberal in our world.
also i know the reason there's some swearing in this episode and not the rest of the series is just because BF hadn't quite hit the right vibes they were aiming for (plus swearing and nsfw stuff in the older audios was more common in general) but from an in-universe perspective it really just makes Hossak the one Time Lord who will call people sluts and bitches. (this is also why this episode feels so odd to me in comparison to the rest of the show.)
every conversation that Romana & Leela have at the end of each episode means soooo much to me.
"you can't trick people into peace." "you do." "well that's different." "because you are the President?" CALL HER THE FUCK OUT LEELA.
the way Romana is just so fucking disrespectful to Leela and her point of view in season 1 is so tasty to me.
andddddd we're done. i feel like i actually enjoyed that more than most other re-listens i've done. still one of my least favorite episodes of the series but i do love the spotlight it gives Leela and some of the background political developments are quite nice.
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