#this is a wip still btw!!! i will add on more later
darkbluekies · 5 months
Hello 🧐 saw that rude comment of an anon and... manners????💀 I really hope that was just a very poor worded comment and not meant like that!
Never get down with such comments! You're writing is legitimate perfect and perfection does take its time!
And MAY I ADD that you also didn't just left, but taking your time to interact with us daily and try to catch up asks and such!
youre are OBVIOUSLY very diligent and VERY patient ❤❤❤ PLUS the long ocean liner story??!!! HELLOOO???!
Yeah, I rest my case. One of the BEST and my most favourite hobby authors ngl! I am actually a very picky reader, rarely there are stories on the internet that keeps me interested and wanting for more 😍 And here are the crack stuff you asked for lol
Just a sneeze... Kry won't rest until darling literally does...
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I forgot Krys glasses in the last one 😪
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Darling stole the maid apron btw...
And this one was dedicated to one of your answers about a Hedwigs ask :3 where anon described how secretly scary Hedwig is bc you dont realise her intentions until its too late. And your answer's ending where you described darling being genuine and not having the urge to impress her like others made me think that a frugal!darling would be the most funniest partner for Hedwig lol. Someone who just doesnt want to spend money excessively despite its there... yeah have fun Hedwig! Mwah! :D
so yeah, that slap was personal too lmao, I dont trust a robot vaccum cleaner to be reliable XDD i am sorta a clean addict ^^
I have another one but that is wayyyyy too long and messy to finish it, in general these sketches are a hot mess (i apologize, I normally never post such unfinished wips but I hope you still had fun. Imma show you the other sketch per chat though :p)
Haha omg no these are fantastic what the hell? I laughed out loud in public and now people probably wonder what tf I'm doing😅 I love these so much. I'm not going to lie however, I thought it was Silas in the second comic before I read the explanation. Which means that I was totally fine with him wearing a maid apron. I do not know how to feel about that ...
Fun story, we own a robot vacuum that is ass, and one day it just ... disappeared? Literally grew legs and walked away. I looked for 30 minutes after that damn thing. IT HAD HIDDEN ITSELF UNDER MY MOTHERS FUCKING WARDROBE ... ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE APARTMENT?
I see that you've sent a private message so I'm going to take a peak right after this!!
I'm sure the anon used the wrong wording! But they're getting a story later on today so I hope that will satisfy them :) but thank you so much for your nice words, they warmed my heart🥹🫶🏻🩷
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purpdrawsthings · 2 months
What’s up with those static eyes? And what jobs do each of you do for the most part?
Also, to Mr. Puzzles, why have them work like this instead of as brainwashed actors?
WARNING : THIS IS NOT FINISHED! This is merely a wip I posted on accident. So some stuff may come off as weird.
My apologies ^^'
SMG4 : We uh...
SMG3 : We don't really know.
SMG4 : It just appeared right after we signed the contract I think?... Maybe it's a side effect? A mark? Who knows...
SMG4 : Now about that job part, I usually take lead in script writing cuz... I'm just the lead script writer. Other than that, my other main job is just being an actor. Other than those, I help 3 in taking care of the pets, I'm basically the mascot of the studio [ besides Mr. Puzzles ] and just an assistant.
SMG3 : looks off to him, still concerned on why tf he still has that many jobs Uuuuuuh, anyways, I help 4 with the scripts, I'm basically the person who mostly takes care of the pets, I'm also the cameraman and... Just an actor. But mostly the taking care of the pets thing and cameraman.
SMG4 : I think Meggy is a choreography teacher or something... Tari is a bug finder because of her abilities... Boopkins is is just a postman guy... Bob just guards the weapons room. Mario... Doesn't even do anything, besides acting.
SMG3 : Makes sense.
Mr. Puzzles : Why? Well... Why should I tell you folks that? Just because you all get to ask me questions doesn't mean you can sometimes pry into some secretive and personal stuff. So don't bother asking!
[ ok, time for context part!
Yeah so, everytime an ask gets answered, I'll leave a context part if necessary for those who don't understand or need more info.
So for the first one, the eyes were just some design choice at first but I decided to add some stuff about it. These static like eyes were some sign that "hey, these guys are owned =D". Maybe some sort of trademark, well, that's the thought I had to mind. Tho, other characters besides 4 and 3 have different ways of showing this. Tari from example, hides her left eye cuz it was dripping a lot and also, she just didn't really like showing it. Other than that, it was a coolio design choice.
For the second one, I'll just put it in some format here. Oh and btw, I'm not afraid to change these if necessary.
SMG4 : Puzzles assistant/Lead Script Writer/Main mascot/Part time-pet caretaker/actor
SMG3 : Assistant script writer/Lead pet caretaker/cameraman/actor
Meggy : Choreography teacher/law assistant [ incase of legal action ofc ]/Prop setup helper/actor
Tari : Bug finder/Assistant for visuals/actor
Boopkins : Prop setup helper/sender [ aka postman or something ]/Guard assistant/actor
Bob : Lead guard for the weapons room [ yes that exists lmao ]/Part time cameraman/Actor
Mario : Actor
Mario doesn't even get to do much considering with Puzzles giving him some freedom over his actions, he can do some random ass shit. Mario just spends his time in his room, memorizing scripts and probably just eating spaghetti so that he would calm down. [ this is subjected to change... ]
Puzzles just felt a lil lonely. Imagine you control everyone but all of them are just mindless and emotionless people? Yeah, that's gonna be boring sooner or later.
Fun fact : Puzzles actually has some empathy for them after a few months of working with them. But to maintain his image, he never told anyone about this. ]
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angelsdean · 4 months
hi!! i've spent the better part of my morning browsing through some of your tags, and i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy you posting about young dean / queer dean and how it makes me so genuinely happy to read your thoughts on the matter (that i generally completely agree with btw). dean being well aware of his sexuality from the start is one of the most important aspects of the show for me at the moment.
i don't want to write a whole poem in your inbox but i am having so many Thoughts! my personal interpretation is that dean had already pretty much come to terms with his sexuality pre stanford era, and was actively and deliberately seeking dudes in his late teens (esp when he was away from sam and john and maybe had a chance to feel more free and unrestrained). i completely understand why people look at him and think '🫵 repressed' (i did too) but to me its so much more interesting and compelling and it adds so much more to his character to imagine him growing into his queer identity so comfortably (i love to think that, despite eveything, there was a part of himself that he didn't completely hate or reject, does this make sense?). also as you said, being repressed is def not the only reason why a person might have to suppress/not be loud about their sexuality. we don't talk about this nearly enough!! i NEED to read headcanons and fics and metas and see art about young queer dean!
hi Mila! oh wow thank you so much 💖 young queer Dean is so important to me too!
I love Stanford Era so much because it's really this time where I see Dean being at his most free, but also most lonely. And I think he's trying to make connections, and trying new things, and really getting to be. And I also love the idea of teen Dean carving out these pockets for himself too, when John is away, or when Dean gets sent away :( :( :(
I think Dean started figuring out pretty early on that he was "different." I wrote this little fic a while back exploring some aspects of Dean's gender + sexuality throughout the years, I haven't revisited it in a while and I feel like some of my thoughts may have changed but it's still a really special fic to me.
Lately, I've also been working on another little fic set during the summer Dean is 14. He and Sam are staying at Bobby's and while the fic is centered around something else, there are small moments where we see Dean's budding awareness of his sexuality. (There's a cute boy at a produce stand and a hot lifeguard at the community pool and lots of magazine clippings of Harrison Ford and Patrick Swayze---he just wants to be like them, ok!) And it's like he's aware but he also can't really look at those feelings directly yet. (Also the art you made recently of young Dean "figuring it out" is so near and dear to my heart!!)
Then I have two Stanford Era time-travel WIPs (hiiii Cas!) And oh boy. This guy is SO GONE on Cas from the jump! And that's what I love so much about Stanford Era Dean (or well, my Stanford Era Dean), is that he's just in such a free point in his life, and so open to new experiences. He's not freaking out abt his immediate attraction and infatuation with Cas. In fact, where Older Dean (our Dean) is more...restrained, perhaps, in his feelings (not that he doesn't express them! i am team dean + his big feelings) but just that my personal interpretation re: the dean + his feelings for Cas timeline has him thinking / convincing himself that Cas doesn't feel the same way for him in the later seasons. So this Older Dean has kind of just, accepted that fact. And is trying not to wear his heart on his sleeve so much (and not really succeeding at all). But Stanford Era Dean? Oh no no no. He is a little shit stirrer and a smitten kitten and is both immediately clocking the situationship-and-mututal-feelings happening between Dean and Cas (it's so obvious to everyone on the outside looking in) AND he's actively flirting with Cas and just lighting up under any and all attention from him (because he's also so so lonely. and touch-starved. and craving affection).
Anyways, all this to say, I am always here to talk abt young queer Dean / Stanford Era Dean !!! I'd love to hear more of your headcanons too💞
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lixenn · 6 months
Since I’ve come out of my introverted gremlin cave and started to actually work regularly on my writing as well as posting my stuff on here, I’ve decided to structure my blog a bit. Mostly to prevent people from getting absolutely lost in this chaotic mess.  
I will try to keep this as updated as possible but there might be a bit of a delay between me posting new content and updating this, so please keep that in mind.
General info
My Ao3 account
#just rambling Lix' daily life in a nutshell #art nook art tag #science talk science ramblings #ask answered ask tag (<- might change in the future)
Ask box
If you have questions about any of my projects or just want to randomly scream at me about any topic that comes to mind, my inbox is open. Bother me anytime!
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
The KHR discord server is now online! It's a general server for the fandom. If you want to join just drop me a DM and I'll send you the invite link.
KHR writing prompts
Prompts are open, just drop them in my inbox and I'll see what the nonsense generator can fabricate!
Prompt rules/intro
Dan and Celeste
Dan and Vlasta
The Housekeeping AU
#the housekeeping AU #khr daniele costa #khr dave #khr valerie rebner #khr vlasta gast #khr marina costa #khr cilmi #khr yves
This is me playing around in the Varia sandbox, come and join me in my weird delusions!
Witness how the Head of Varia Housekeeping (my OC) is slowly but surely driven insane by crazy Assassin bullshit, meddling assistants (aka Dave), mountains of paperwork and Mafia politics.
(Btw the concept of my Varia Housekeeping was inspired by Umei_no_Mai whose worldbuilding is absolutely Godtier. I kneel before their greatness.)
Character profiles
Chief aka Daniele
Ottavio under edit
Valerie Rebner
The Varia Housekeeping survival guide (WIP currently updating on Ao3)
When you are the overworked and underappreciated head of Varia Housekeeping who is sick and tired of cleaning up your employees’ corpses and decide to write up an instruction manual for dealing with Varia's insanity.
Detective Dave is on the case (complete on Ao3 but might add something later on)
Dave has never been able to resist a good mystery, so when one of his informants was suddenly murdered under suspicious circumstances, what else is he supposed to do other than immediately stick his nose into other people's business? ("Can you for once in your life not poke the sleeping dragon with a stick?" "But Chief! A murder mystery! Delivered right to my front door!" "..." "Hey, we are you going? Chief? Chief! I still need you to sign these forms! Come back!" )
This is my crossover with Myell's Killer Whale AU, so if you aren't familiar with her 'verse this story might be a bit confusing, I recommend checking her stuff out first a then coming back to this one. (Shamelessly advertising my Buddy's story again hehehehe)
Unnamed Sequel (in planning stage)
Unlike the Varia survival guide, this work will hopefully have plot and a coherent story line. I’m still very much in the idea finding phase, so no clue when this is going to be published.
I now have a rough outline for the story, main plot plus romance side plot (I say side plot when the romance outline is much more detailed... *silently despairs*).
Current edited chapter count: 2/?
I will keep you updated on this project via completely unhinged ramblings, so… look forward to that (and yes, that is a threat!)
Dan and Dave's first meeting
Things Chief once said
The Couch™️
Tea time
Fanfic recs
I've decided to indulge myself and finally make a list some of my favourite KHR fanfics, feel free to check it out!
Fic recs
How Uzushio was saved by drunken seal shenanigans (WIP kinda on hold)
The story of how Uzumaki Ren – explosion specialist, seal master and everyone’s favourite mad scientist – saves his village from destruction, revolutionizes the medical field, adopts a puppy, and gives his Kage an aneurism. Not necessarily in that order.
Note: I’ve updated this recently and I still have stuff for it prewritten (but nothing post-worthy just yet), but since KHR has overtaken all my brain space, I’ll probably won’t work on this for a while. I’m still super attached to my mad scientist baby Ren, so there will be more content! … Just in the very far future 😅
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neptuniadoesstuff · 1 month
The Bois ig | MO: Astray TLB AU Cast #01
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(plz click on the ALT thing, it will give u some context on what is supposed to be on the pic)
Some nonsense I on paper bcs I was bored & also bcs I LOST THE ORIGINAL (Well I have it but that still ain't gonna make me happy)
Also I may have put the PNS (Plz no steal) & the date last bcs I FORGOT but I did not want to take another pic. (Bcs I'm a dingus & always will be). Also I know these guys are just the side mains of TLB BUT I just really wanted to draw Sirius. But considering I am kinda a moron I didn't really draw Elara & JeReMiAh FIRST. But I promise those 2 are coming later on.
Anyways we have: Trans Femboi (TLB!Sirius), Himbo Dilf (TLB!Harper), & TWINK (TLB!Aska)! (The names are jokes btw but kinda literally explains what these guys are now in this AU, their personalities however aren't changed but instead added on to BCS THE GAME DONT GIVE ME MORE DETAIL SO I JUST HAVE TO IMPROVISE IG?)
Btw lil thing I might add BUT, these are actually their post- transdimensional "kidnapping" appearances, so before the transdimensional kidnapping SOMEHOW CAUSED BY THE MACHINE WHICH TURNED ELARA INTO A TIME HOPPING GOD, they looked pretty similar to their Canon (pre-Elara deth) appearances but just with some added pizzazz bcs CANON = BORING (Design wise to me).
Btw here's a link to my Timeline Breaker Blog, it's kinda empty but you can check it out. It's kinda a ask blog. But for the most part it's a WiP that ill occasionally update. (Just dont go on asking if yur not familiar with MO: Astray or its lore at all) VVV)
Characters belongs to Rayark & Archpray. The designs in my AU, TLB (Timeline Breaker) were updated to fit how I would draw them but still sorta similar to the originals.
Art is mine.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
For the first time since 2020, I am feeling the urge to read InuKag fics again???
This all started in June when I FINALLY read the iconic "Freak Attraction" by our esteemed @artistefish (which is PHENOMENAL AND AMAZING BTW PLEASE GO READ IT), but then, just now, I saw that the Smut Queen herself, @keichanz had posted new smut...... 👀👀👀
Aaaaaand suddenly I went hunting for other smutty oneshots to add to my "Marked for Later" fics. For the first time in AGES. Like. Um. Holy shit????
[Ramblings about my "Inuyasha history post-2020" below cut. Tl;dr: I'm lowkey Shook that my love for Inuyasha and InuKag fics is finally, slowly coming back 🥹💕]
Here's the rundown: 2020 happened. I went into quarantine with my parents. I was determined to finally devour a BUNCH of Inuyasha fics I kept meaning to read, and at first I did with great gusto..... but..... as April 2020 crept along, my interest began to wane and depression seized a hold of me.
Then Yashahime was announced. The fandom imploded. I felt nothing. No interest, no worries, no intrigue. NOTHING. It would've scared me if I was capable of feeling it.
Oh eventually, I felt a mild amusement at all of the squabbling and ship wars and all that nonsense (and spawned a whole fucking series of memes as a result lmaooooo). But my love for the fandom/fics had more or less snuffed out. Which sucked for a number of reasons, not least of which were "shit, most of my WIPs are for this fandom fuckfuckfuckfuck" LMAO 🙃
Depressing shit aside, I dove back HARD into the Disney fanfic side of things, on top of other anime titles and old fandoms like Harry Potter. I moved on to other fandoms, partially due to feeling embittered at the Inuyasha fandom for already making my depression over my lack of interest EVEN WORSE with all the in-fighting over Yashahime (which btw, for the record, is NOT a particularly bad show. It's not a GOOD show, per se, I don't have any strong feelings for it either way, but it's NOT the Antichrist™ like fans were making it out to be, sheesh >.> It's just another mediocre sequel for a classic-but-not-particularly-amazing-original-series. Shocking, I know. Moving on)
The only thing keeping me sane about Inuyasha was watching it with my fiancé, from Nov. 2020-Sept. 2021. His delightful commentary breathed life into the series like you wouldn't BELIEVE lmao 🤣
Eventually.... I felt the desire to write again. But it was HARD. 😭
After Shameless was completed in April of 2020, I felt.... empty of Inuyasha fic writing. By a miracle, I managed to update my Big Three WIPs (An Unexpected Encounter -> June 2020; Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves -> July 2020 & Sept. 2022; and Shards of the Sea -> June 2021 & Sept. 2022), but the gaps between updates kept widening, and I only worked on them because they were already partially written/published. I even ended up archiving older ficlets into Tied Together and Bonds Across Time, but had to resist the urge to delete everything and start afresh SEVERAL times since 2021 (which, coincidentally, was around the time the fandom was tearing itself apart over Yashahime bullshit and by bullshit I mean innocuous junk people were losing their goddamn minds over ugh.... 😒)
The handful of other fics I punched out for other fandoms were small, and only posted briefly in the summers of 2020 and 2022.
The latter summer was thanks to my first InuKag written smut in 2 years: Sinful Symphonies.
So, yay! Finally getting a feel for writing again, both for Inuyasha and in general! But I still felt utterly detached from other Inuyasha fics, not because of the writers (are you KIDDING me, half of the reason it was hard to distance myself from the fandom was because of the AMAZING TALENT in this fandom ugggghhh 😭), but because of my personal, complicated feelings with the fandom and series as a whole.
But then I binge-watched the series by myself this May. And finally, decided to buckle down and read Freak Attraction, which I have been meaning to read LONG before 2020, and thus, it became my first Inuyasha bookmarked fic on AO3 in almost 3 years, and first "new" Inuyasha fave as whole since August 2021.
My last Inuyasha bookmarked fic on AO3 was on Nov. 1, 2020 (on ff.net, I read two small MirSan smut fics in August 2021, but these are outliers; I really could not bring myself to read more than those -.-).
My last InuKag bookmarked smut on AO3 was April 7, 2020.
My last REVIEWS I left for an Inuyasha fic (besides the aforementioned fics) were from June-August 2021 for a couple of updated faves (namely Keichanz's Iconic You Rescued Me, which was a ROLLERCOASTER OF FEELS, LEMME TELL YOU).
And now. NOW. AT LAST. THREE WHOLE YEARS after 2020 sucked the joy of Inuyasha fandom/fic from me.... I want to try again. I want to read more again.
Even if it's only a little bit, I would like to find joy here again. 🥺💕
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WIP Title Meme Tag
Thank you very much to @rbbess110 for tagging me to do this! I've never done this one before.
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the most intriguing title, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (this part is optional tho)
The thing is... all my writing files are all over the place lol. That being said, I have some good titles that hopefully you guys will like a lot! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys ask about my work.
Most of my file names are chapter titles.
Steph's Crew: The Misfit Manifesto
Exam Week
The End (of February Mocks)
Life with B
Nothing but the Truth
A Million Lives (and all of them suck)
Life Without B
Why I Could Never Be a Rebel
The Aftermath
Bret 2.0
Half Term
Ben's Leaving Party
It's Too Late to Apologise
Climbing Uphill (slowly but surely)
Figuring Life Out (it sucks, but it's necessary)
Times Are Changing
Moving On
Alice's Sitcom-esque Family
I Have a Crush on You
Where Are You, Ben?
How to Get Back on Track
Movie Night's with El
I Miss My Man
Is This What Love Is?
Anything Could Happen (almost)
Library Sessions
An Unexpected (and Unwanted) Visitor from the Past
Drunk, Lonely, Miserable Losers
We Don't Talk Much Anymore... and It Sucks
A Night to Remember
A Night I'll Probably Never Forget
Where's Steph?
Leaving on a Jet Plane
The Beginning (of our final exams)
Epilogue (Stephanie's letters to her friends)
There. That's all the chapters in order (at least, I hope it's in order... idk tho). Something about this story that's really fun is that each of these chapters is in the perspective of a different character! Originally, it was just in Steph's POV (it was supposed to be her journal). I'm still very much in the process of editing this one, so some of these could still change in future (some of these chapter titles are way too long imo).
Steph's Crew: Unreported Violent Crimes
This is the sequel to the first book! I've only started it a couple of months ago... so there aren't quite as many this time. It's not quite finished yet, but I'm definitely going to add more chapters to this later!
The News Report
So, Some Guy Died Last Night...
Pillow Talk
The History of Stephanie and Ben
To Take Matters into One's Own Hands
Visiting an Old Friend
Stephanie's Upbringing
I've Never Had a Best Friend
The Story of Em and Jack
This is a story that I'm posting on Wattpad! I've already posted chapter 1, but I've got all these other chapters in the works as well:
Flashback #1 (Elementary School)
Meeting Mom
Jen's Party
Flashback #2 (Freshman Year)
"You broke me."
Back to School
"I think I loved you."
The Best Friend Zone
Flashback #3 (The First Breakup)
Square One
Thinking about the Future
Be Good
"Let's NOT fight about this."
Fast-forward (College)
Another story that I'm planning to post on Wattpad is my Five Seconds Flat series... but I'm not going to post any of my file names/chapter names here, because it's literally based off of the Lizzy McAlpine album of the same name lol. All the chapters are titles from the album. Here's a link to it in case you want to see it, though (the album is awesome, btw. Hope you guys enjoy it!!):
(I'm posting this series here in September! So you guys will get to see this very soon... I'm super excited! There are 10 chapters this time - this story has an ensemble cast of characters, and each chapter has a new focus character. There isn't a single "main character" - though some characters appear more than others)
1: “Starting Point" (focus character = Zephyr)
2: “Meet Cute” (focus character = Eurydice)
3: "Just This Once…" (focus character = Caius)
4: "Junebug" (focus character = Juniper)
5: "New Friends" (focus character = Cassius)
6: "Don’t Be a B-word" (focus character = Avalon)
7: "Say it with Chest" (focus character = Isadora)
8: "Things Shouldn’t Be Like This" (focus character = Adara)
9: "Hey, Brother" (focus character = Xander)
10: "Shut Up, Marcy!" (focus character = Marcelline)
Imma tag these people to do this next: @fayeiswriting, @kirsten-is-writing, @e-s-willswriting, @jay-avian, @clairelsonao3, @sarahlizziewrites, @mjparkerwriting, @silverslipstream, @winterandwords, @exquisitecrow, @elizaellwrites, @writingalterras, @thecreakywriter, @sam-glade, @hollyannewrites, @ryns-ramblings, @autumnalwalker, @toribookworm22, @blind-the-winds, @falesiacats, @j-1173, @gummybugg, @jessicawestonauthor, @thelavenderwriter, @jay-avian, @mysticstarlightduck
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mothysasks · 4 months
Welcome to my ask blog!
WIP post, will add later, will probably organize better later too
(Spoilers btw)
Below is information and rules:
Rules (may add more later):
1: Please specify what AU you're referring to, and specify the character or characters you're talking about
2: Keep them SFW please
3: Please be respectful
4: I may not always draw something, it depends. It may come in character based chatting if in-character, or ooc talk. (side note: I don't do requests)
Info about AUs and OCs below
AU: Heart of the Storm
First off is the Heart of the Storm AU, which I am still adding designs and characters to (and yes, it finally has a name after all this time lol). This is the home to my versions of the cannon characters, and several OCs, all with side plots to explore! If you want to ask someone specific, be sure to use their name, or characteristics, I will put their names below (and soon some character appearance to distinguish them)
All cannon Slugcats
FP, LTTM, NSH and SRS (others are open, this is just what I usually focus on)
Scavenger Chief, pups and the tribe
Alternate Focus (OCs):
Slugcats: Valkyrie, Void Cursed, Pathfinder, Martial, Barbarian, Elder (this one is due for redesign)
Slugcat pups: Cheese, Kick, Scratchy, Lumi and Mori
Iterators: Withering Abyss, Horizon of Consciousness, IANLM/Endless Imagination, Blind Signal, Prayers in Solitude and Howling Tempest
Scavenger: Prince (possible others, but so far it's just him)
I'll include a post soon about the OCs themselves soon. Making images currently.
OCs (Iterators and purposed)
AU: Wrath God (temp name maybe)
An offshoot AU of Heart of the Storm, based around Artificer's strong desire to take revenge on the Scavenger tribe on Five Pebbles' structure. Though with some careful research from a long distance friend, she discovers a way to annihilate the tribe completely with the help and teachings of Saint.
Artificer, Saint, and the pups (unnamed currently)
Scavenger Chief, pups (also unnamed), possible other Scavengers, but unknown for now.
AU: Rising from the Tides
During the collapse of Looks to the Moon, her systems were damaged terribly and some even destroyed. Her memories of people, what she is, where she is, and what exactly happened to her is gone. Despite this, she has faint, jumbled memories of Five Pebbles, though she doesn't know who he is exactly, just that he looks faintly like her. Aside from that, all she knows is that he is the reason for her collapse. Making some other connections and assumptions with her faint memories, she leaves the structure, believing the person doesn't know that she's still alive, and thinking about ways to fight them off in case they find out she survived. She spends a lot of her time trying to learn to survive in the world. Soon she discovers that she is "sick", which is what she assumes to be a poison or venom that the person from her memories gave her. In learning this, she actively seeks him out after a while. Though she believes she's poisoned, it's actually her primary structure slowly declining. (She is also unaware that she is actually the structure itself, not the puppet.) As well as this, some others outside send out a few overseers to check on her. Without communication to her, her puppet being missing, and just going off of the destroyed parts of the superstructure, she is declared as completely shut down. No one knows that she is alive for some time.
Looks to the Moon, Five Pebbles, Seven Red Suns and No Significant Harassment
Others tba, this is a new AU, so I have no one specific yet.
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suddencolds · 10 months
🌈 and 💝 for the fic asks?
Btw I saw you posted more OC fic fairly recently and I wanted to say I love your characters! I haven’t been able to read them yet but your fics are some of my favorites on snzblr 💕
THANK YOU!! That's so kind of you to say!! I'm really happy you like them 😭❤️ I've had a lot of fun writing Y/V recently, which I feel grateful for, because before that I put writing aside for a long time 🥹
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I am an excruciatingly slow writer, just in general, over almost every fic. The other day I was doing a writing sprint and I wrote 9 words over the entirety of the 10 minute sprint 😭.
That said, something that took me unusually long was Fool Me Twice, Part 5. I actually rewrote it from scratch many many times (and I don't think this is like, "I worked really hard on this and I'm proud of how it turned out!" - it's more of, "I worked really hard on this to even get it to be moderately passable", haha). (I have more to add as to why I found it so difficult, but will add it in the tags)
Something that I'm happier with is Not Worth the Trouble, which remains one of the 3 fics from this blog that I've vanilla-ified and crossposted to ao3 :'). I wrote the last third of the fic very slowly, but it just took one long afternoon (and no further major + painstaking revisions). I've written no shortage of Kaeya + Diluc on here, but this is probably one of my favorite fics I've written of them!
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Not exactly a fic, but I was actually very surprised at the reception when I posted these unfinished fic snippets / WIPs awhile back (in August 2021). They're very short, so I wasn't expecting for them to leave much of an impression :') That said, I had a couple anons who came into my inbox with super, super kind feedback (which is still sitting in my inbox to this date - I'm terrible, I know, but on the super off chance that one of those anons is reading this, I have reread your kind feedback so many times 😭 Your comments still bring me happiness more than 2 years later! Thank you for encouraging me to finish those works!! I love you!)
[ Fic Writer Asks List ]
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stepswowdsen · 2 months
【KHR AU】 XanLena & Selena Rambles ❤️💜🍷🪷
Sen's KHR OCs
Nguyễn Selena (Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên)
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Lê Thiên Linh
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Selena Doodles (Quick redraws) 💜✨
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I resketched Selena's hair 💜
Oh and I also used the eyes from the Selena wearing Vietnamese traditional clothes, Việt Phục (áo tấc) drawing.
Both look nice but I think it fits my art style more
I resketched these quickly so it's not as refined but I'm still experimenting/trying to decide how I want Selena's hair to be drawn, whether I want to keep the curls in the back or not
I also wanna give Selena a TYL (Ten Years Later) design like the rest of the KHR cast has.
I feel like Selena's ponytail is pretty iconic to her design?
So I'd just add a bun on top of the ponytail in her TYL design (whenever I get the chance to design it in the future)
Also put the rest of my WIPs and rambles under the cut
Btw I've drawn Linh before but I need to redraw the sketch sometime
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I love gradient maps! They've really been spicing up my arts. I looove choosing colours. It's so fun to play around with them
(Excuse the old art of Selena I still need to redraw it)
Examples with my beloved Selena and my beloved KuroEne 😘💗🫶
Selena and her NB swag 💜
XanLena ❤️💜
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XanLena chibis and a quick Selena chibi I sketched recently
Trying to experiment… I think I should redraw the Xanxus and Selena chibis at some point
I'll keep the core features like the eyes and colours! I'll just fix up some stuff
Drawing chibis is actually harder than drawing normally for me 😭
I also drew another quick Selena chibi
Selena 💜🪷
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1: OG colours 2: Hue Shift + Gradient Map 3: Gradient Map
I prefer the 2nd one best because I love the purple + pink gradient, but the muted pink one (last one) is also cute.
These drawings are old btw
KuroEne 🖤💙
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Selena's Name 💜🪷
"Japan has a custom called 'ateji' which is to give foreign words kanji characters based on their sounds, and this tradition is used to create kanji names for people with non-Japanese names."
So for example, just based on what I know, when Viet names are translated to Japanese, they're either written in katakana, or, if they're Sino-Viet (use Chinese characters), then you can either make a JP reading of the name (if possible with the characters), or write the pronunciation of the name in furigana on top of the kanji.
I learned new things recently on how to translate Vietnamese names to Japanese too.
C: Oooh I see :D That's cool!
For example, the unorthodox/non-standard reading that I chose of Selena's Viet name, Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên (阮月雲蓮), is Gen Suzuha. It uses the same characters.
Because I wanted to give Selena a JP alias as well since she travels a lot. The multiple names are for ease when she travels
阮 - Ruǎn (CN), Nguyễn (VN), Gen (JP)
The most common Viet last name Nguyễn is translated as either Gen (阮) or Guen (グエン) in JP
In VN, Nguyễn is not pronounced with a hard English -g like that btw. It's hard to describe unless I make a video but in EN it's pronounced more like "Nwehen" or "Nghwin," said as 1 syllable
Sino Viet = Part of the Vietnamese vocabularly of Chinese origin
Furigana = Furigana are the characters on top of kanji that gives the pronunciation in Japanese.
At first I was conflicted whether to write Selena's name as セレナ (Serena) or せりな (Serina) in Japanese
Cuz I pronounce Selena's name as Seh-lee-nah. Though Seh-leh-nah (JP pronunciation) is fine too
Though these EN names are often romanized/transliterated like this in JP:
Selena: セレナ (Serena) Selina/Serina: せりな (Serina)
I went with the 1st one at first, but I ended up choosing the 2nd one cuz it matches closer to the pronunciation of Selena's name
Selena's Name (Continued) 🌙🪷
Selena's names:
English name: Nguyễn Selena (グエン・セリナ)
Vietnamese name: Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên (阮月雲蓮)
Japanese alias name: Gen Suzuha (阮月雲蓮)
The most common Vietnamese last name that about ~40% of Viet folks have, Nguyễn, is written as either グエン (Guen) or 阮 (Gen) in JP. It doesn't match the Viet pronunciation, but it's the closest we can get in JP.
I write my KHR OC, Selena's name as セレナ (Serena) in Japanese, to match the spelling of her name in English, but the pronunciation of the name Selena in English is like "Seh-lee-nah." That's how I pronounce it.
I pronounce XanLena's ship name as "Zan-lee-nah" personally.
Cuz I just checked the Wikipedia pages of famous people to see how Selena is written
I don't mind if others pronounce it as "Suh-lee-nah" or "Seh-leh-nah." That's why I was wondering if I wanted to write her name in katakana to match the spelling or the pronunciation...
Ideas for Selena's name spellings:
セレナ (Serena) → Selena
せりな (Serina) → Selina, Celina
セレーナ (Sereena) → Selena, Serena
セリーナ (Seriina) → Serina, Selina
So any of these spellings could work. English words have stressed syllables, but Japanese doesn't really have that and has pitch accent instead.
Cuz Selena's Viet name, Liên (蓮) means "lotus." In Japanese names, the character 蓮 for lotus is read as "Ren."
So one hand, this spelling ends up being closer to her Viet name. But the other spelling is closer to the way her name should be pronounced.
I've seen せりな (Serina) be used for "Selena" before, because the 2nd is usually used for the spellings, "Selina, Celina," so I went with the 1st one at first. But then eventually chose the 2nd one.
I'm still deciding on it though... Also you can go against the conventional spellings.
Misc Rambles
Me: Was checking the automated Google Translate of my fave ships for fun
リンぐだ (RinGuda) → LimGuda
(Google Translate: RinGuda)
イダ竜 (IdaTatsu) → IdaTatsu
(Google Translate: IdaRyu)
ザンレナ (ZanRena) → XanLena
(Google Translate: ZanRena)
ジュダアリ (JudaAri) → JudaAli
(Google Translate: JudaAli)
黒コノエネ (KuroKonoEne) → KuroKonoEne
(Google Translate: KuroKonoe)
These are actually pretty close but IdaTatsu turning into IdaRyu and KuroKonoEne turning into KuroKonoe 😭
S: Idate I didn’t know you were dating Tatsumiya’s genderbent version Ryuki
Me: Cuz I was just reminded of how Cinna said Google Translate would turn GokuTsuna into Tuna's prison 😭
Me: TUNA... 🐟
S: 🐟
Me: IdaTatsu yuri and yaoi would be based!
Kanji for 竜 (Dragon) in Tatsumiya's name can be read as Ryu or Tatsu depending on the reading
S: Oh my
Me: Oh and Google Translate turning my MMBN/EXE ships, BluesRock into BullRock, or EnNetsu (Enzan/Netto) into Flame Heat
S: I guess in this reading they took Ryu Ahahaha IdaTatsu Yuri 🤭😳
S: Just like how that refrigerator caught on fire
I'm curious to see more funny Google Translate versions of ship names
Kinda miss when ship names were like Flame heat or Ice heart but also maybe I’m kinda glad it’s just their names fused now
Me: WSDSHSS they have a cute charm to them but thank god the ship names that are just portmanteaus (two charas' names together) are not impossible to remember. From Cinna before:
C: I think it's insanely funny when Google TL translates GokuTsuna as "Tuna's prison" like yeah Tuna prison that's my ship!
Me: Reminds me of KuroKonoEne/KuroEne getting translated as Black Kono Energy sometimes
S: Man I love my ship, oh their name? Yeah it’s TUNA’S PRISON, hope that helps!
C: I have Tuna's prison for GokuTsuna and Homo bull for EnBlues 👍👍👍👍👍
S: Maybe we don’t need creative ship names we just need whatever Google translates
Me: It's so funny cuz KHR's EA/JP fandom mainly used numbers for ship names cuz the syllables in charas' names sound like numbers in JP or CN, depending on the reading
(Btw I'm just putting the context for any mutuals who aren't familiar with KHR)
Like they're easy to remember if you're learning the language
So the fandom puts these numbers or letters together for ship names
2 = Tsu
5 = Go
7 = Na
9 = Kyu
18 = Hibari
59 = Gokudera
27 = Tsuna
S: RIP to me cause I don’t know Japanese but Wowie
Me: Cinna was like "The numbers are impossible for me to remember I swear if I tried remembering them I'd one day be logging into my bank account with them" 😭😂
Google passwords? Nah just give me a password with the ship name in numbers in Japanese and I’ll be set for life
Me: For charas who don't have number representations (non JP names), they use letters
X = Xanxus (ザンザス, Zanzasu)
3 = San (Sounds the closest to "Zan" that we can get)
S: Ooooo
Oh I’ve just been pronouncing Xanxus as Zansus LMAO 💀
Me: I remember Cinna's reaction from back then 😭😂
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S: First Idate, now Xanxus, so who else will fall victim to my American pronunciation
Me: 😭😭😭
Me: Tbf Xanxus is probably a cool made up name made up by Amano
S: Oooo probably
Tho I didn’t assume so cause Ik there’s a lot of foreign names that sound made up but they aren’t
Me: All of the other Varia members are named after the 7 Deadly Sins, except Xanxus cuz his name is special 🤭💖🫶
S: Xanxus is a special little boy 🫶
Me: But yeah with the 7 Deadly Sins theme-ing of the Varia, that includes Belphegor (Bel)
S: Would Selena notice that his name is not a deadly sin and call him special for that
S: Ooooooo
Me: That'd be cute! I think she'd notice that his name is special and especially fitting for him 🤭
Xanxus was named for his flame as a kid, since he was born on 10/10, so he has two of the Roman numeral X's in his name, and so believed from birth that he'd become Vongola 10th boss
Xanxus manifested a really rare and special flame, the Flame of Wrath
S: He was born on 10/10 to be a 10/10
Me: Saur true!!! 💖
Me: Let me see if I can find the Varia being 7 Deadly Sins themed
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Source: (X)
S: “To join Varia you must speak a minimum of seven languages“ what are they doing with seven languages, Mr. Worldwides???
I imagine Selena knows 4 languages:
Vietnamese, English, Japanese, Italian
But then gets taught the rest cuz they seem ""lax"" on this rule
But I don't see it as the ultimate requirement or whatever.
So then Selena gets given a tutor to learn the rest
S: OHHH omg if they were strict on it fuckkk
Me: Vietnamese, English, Japanese, Italian
I just assume it's obviously not the most important requirement to become a Varia member tho cuz they wanted to hire a ~10 y/o kid Fran for his illusionist skills, because Fran is one of the best illusionists. And I doubt this kid knows 7???
So yeah they care more about the member being able to work well with them as an assassin.
AKA their skills, being proficient in killing people, ability to adapt with them in fights... Basically what really matters.
S: Selena my girl you gotta get the last of the 7 Dragon Balls of languages or something I actually don’t know how many are there
I would be sweating bullets if I were her and I didn’t know seven languages only to be met with a “Oh yeah dw about it you can learn the rest“
Me: So yeah Squalo probably gets her a tutor and tells her to learn the rest ASFFGFHJKLL
S: Who put the 7 language there as a rule anyways ‼️‼️ I’m kidding but omg 😭
S: She can always learn Spanish, if she already knows Italian it’s gonna be a breeze
Me: I just remember that this trivia has always existed since I was 12 but I could never find a source for it? Might come from some old JP magazine of KHR
I'm not very sure.
S: Oooooo
Me: OHHH so true!
S: Saur true!!! Amano goes into a magazine interview, “Oh yeah Varia members need to learn 7 languages to join“ doesn’t elaborate, never does
Me: Also in one of the KHR omake side stories, Lussuria tries asking Xanxus "if the rumours of Xanxus knowing 12 languages are true"
(.) 🧍
Me: And grumpy assassin leader Xanxus just doesn't answer. So typical! /pos /endearing
The Varia members, Xanxus especially, are definitely linguistically gifted.
S: By the time he’s old he’s gonna learn every language in the world
S: So true‼️‼️
S: It’s okay on the positive note he can always tell Selena he loves her in different languages
Or he’s more of a acts of service kinda guy
I could barely grasp 2
Me: He's definitely more of a Gifts and Acts of Service guy so he'll gift her gifts like flowers she loves ❤️
Like Xanxus probably has the servants wrap flowers for her and gift her her favourite ones. Lotus flowers, Wisteria, Peonies, etc.
S: Awwww so romantic 💖
Me: Oh the fact that Xanxus would learn Viet for Selena is very cute
Like he just learns it without telling her, and just surprises her when he suddenly starts speaking fluent Viet to her
Choosing the Spelling for Selena's Name
S: Oooooo I like Serina
Me: Yeahhh I like it too cuz it matches the pronunciation of her name. I've also seen some people use せりな (Serina) for Selena as well, it's just not as common as Selina and Celina
Though you can also go against conventional spellings in JP!
Like I read peoples’ rambles and one person brought up an example of a “Sarah” who hated the standard サラ (Sara) and instead uses セラ (Sera) so it’s not an issue
Me: Also ty Snow for your input and for chatting with me this morning, bestie!
S: Of course!! <3
Oomfie Osmosis
S: I'm just following your blorbo rambles through the oomfie osmosis but where does KHR take place? Is it in Japan?
C: It's mainly in Japan, but Italy is very plot relevant
Me: The main cast lives in Japan. So, the protag, Tsuna, and his Guardians (Vongola 10th Generation members).
But secondary characters like the Varia, live in Italy, and come to Japan when necessary/for work/for plot reasons. They also like to go to Japan on vacation
Also even for series that my friends are into where I don’t know the series, my friends' faves become my faves too by association, through the osmosis, and my comfort characters and skrunklies in law
Comfort character/skrunkly in law through the osmosis, to skrunkly of mine!
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appreciatingtokrev · 11 months
i don't remember much of the film but he had a very hard life so i can't imagine it ending on a happy note.
i think most mobile players are android but prob works better on iPhones but I've realised that I must have trapped myself with playing it on my phone forever because I saved everything with my Apple ID ;-; damn, which laptop was that and what is your current one now? I guess GI will have some limitations since it is a free game and have you tried updating the game/reinstalling it instead? I don't know much about PS5, only nintendo switch lol. which phone are you thinking of getting?
yikes, that's so bad ;-; i'm really sorry to heard that but hang in there, i hope the anxiety isn't too bad. ah but i feel like a study's buddy need a certain personality so you don't get sidetrack and start slacking off as a duo lol. i've heard it better to goes over past papers with others.
isn't switerzland more mountain based? that's true, your high school era is very long lol, well i've heard that dentists get paid lot more if they goes private but obv medicine/nursing is more rewarding/impactful. that sound complex but i was never a stem major lmao but def interesting. i think on my end, you can goes into lab testing if you study biomedical science.
i no longer listen to kpop at all so you're more of a devoted fan lol, but during my turn, i do remember plastic surgery was quite common, i don't know about now though.
i agreed that silver is appealing because it blends in with more colours, gold just naturally stand out but what do you think about rose gold?
oh nice! which characters had you tried to cosplay? what's the longest explanation video have you watched? also, have you seen anime house? edits are super fun but i know some apps watermark the edits unless you pay for a subscription.
it is shocking at how much wigs can cost a fortune. is it even real hair ? also, do you have uniqlo on your end? I do and every few months, the brand release a range of anime t-shirts, right now they are doing JJK where I brought one and I managed to get the last one for Chainsaw Man too!
ah that's true! i dk if we will have to switch to discord or something else though considering how long our messages are, i'm sure tumblr dm will crash with our essays lol.
still sounds interesting, i actually quite enjoy stuff with a sad/bad ending
oh,, i’m pretty sure you can add your email as additional log-in data for genshin somewhere? maybe on hoyolab? i’ll try to figure it out later & update you on it. there’s got to be a way bc two years ago i used to do piloting + traded some genshin accs and one of the ones i got had an apple ID AND an email address. phew, no clue what my old laptop is (i still have it.. i just. never use it lol) but my new one is actually a convertible, it’s a lenovo yoga... 4? or so. not entirely sure but something like that. i had to get it for school in summer 2021, but i quite like it. yeah, i’ve tried like everything TT. multiple times. except a clean reboot, but i don’t think i’ll do that,, currently still waiting it out and hoping adhkgdfjk. my little brother has a switch i get to use too :D tho there’s a bunch of games that only work on ps5 (or ps4 or sometimes xbox too) i’d like to play so. phones... well. my Ideal Phone does not exist bc it would be a samsung phone with a 4.7" diameter, and that.... simply does not exist. my phone rn is a samsung galaxy a3 2017 btw,, and i’m thinking of going with a samsung in either the a or s series with a diameter of 6.4" because those are the smallest ones you can find... i did think about maybe getting an iphone because they still make smaller phones (or an interely different brand) but then i realised that i have all my fic wips and a ton of other notes on google notes and i very much have to be able to access them still so.
ty, it’s managable TT my study bestie & i work together perfectly, luckily enough :D sometimes someone else joins us too but it still works nicely. they both have the motivation to keep going, and i can’t slack off if they don’t either.
i think a good half of switzerland is just the alps lol. yeah, but to be fair i’ve technically repeated before. usually it’d either be 3, 6, or rarely 7 years depending on which school you go to, but for me it’ll be 8 years now bc i switched 4 years in. still pretty long though if i think about it,, hm personally i’m hardly interested in medicine with live patients at all (that sounds horrible.... i’m just a very science guy TT) and the part that interests me about forensic pathology is the science aspect. so no clue about that stuff lol.
no clue what's going on in the kpop scene, i just listen to some songs asfjfhasj
i like rose gold! more than typical gold too. i'm just not really a fan of yellow gold.
i'm technically working on a low-cost dottore cosplay rn, and i'm also counting that low-cost kazutora cosplay i'm also still working on, so those two. haven't ever gotten to a finished cosplay sadly asfhfjask. i don't keep track of the yt videos i've watched but i'm pretty sure the longest ones i've seen should be in the 5 hour category,, you know those iceberg explanation videos? i had a phase where i'd watch a ton of them, the longer, the better, so those should be the longest ones i've seen. no, i haven't! just checked it out though, seems cool. edits and apps.... okay. i used to make gacha edits. back in 2019 to 2021. i don't think i've ever published one because i never finished any of my edits, but because of that i've had my fair share of experience with editing apps lol. all the ones i'd found always have a watermark on them, but tbh i don't really mind them on edits.
agreed. i think good wings are made from real hair, worse/cheaper ones just plastic. i've never heard of uniqlo,, i just checked google maps and the closest one is 250km away and out of country lol. so, uh no :( tho we've got an animanga store in the city i go to school at which has some merch!
maybe one day.. i'm hardly active on discord (i don't have any space for it on my phone lol who would've thought) and my phone keeps crashing anyway so... at the moment this works just fine xD though do tell me if you've got technical problems on your end, and we'll see what we can do
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astarriscus · 2 years
WEEUEHWHDHS okay i def gotta fix my masterlist/s and rules soon hehe
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onesmallcentury · 2 years
milo/sweetheart, cont.
Hello! I’m still here. Remember this? It continues!
Another wip I’m afraid, because this fic keeps growing and I don’t see an ending quite yet. Also, I’m working on another fic (spicy, perhaps) featuring milo/sweetheart that is actually almost done. So let’s look forward to that, yeah? (Speaking to myself, in hope that it motivates me).
This time we have some small moments with Milo and Sweetheart together, first at the hospital, and then later at home. Mostly dialogue, but enjoy!!
"One of the doctors said you were lucky to have a daemon there. Their healing got you stable enough to make it to the hospital."
"You must've been going crazy in here," they said, gently turning their hand in his grip to interlock their fingers, "I'm sorry for worrying you."
"Don't be. It's the fucker who shot you who should be sorry. If he wasn't already in DUMP's custody, I'd have his jugular in my jaws right about now. I know your job can get dangerous - so can mine. I'm just so happy you're alright. Well, I dunno about alright, but…"
"Not dead."
"Hush. Let's keep it that way." He grumbled, bringing their joined hands up and pressing a kiss to the back of their hand.
"All this magic in the world, and we're still stopped by bullets, huh?"
"Yeah, that's the rub, ain't it?" He laughs, half of a grin revealing one of his dimples. There's a moment, a breath of comfortable silence, that they get to just look at him.
His hair is a mess; it's grown out longer than he likes it, and it's dirty and tangled with how constantly he's been running his fingers through it. He's got one of his rumpled sleep shirts on, and the track jacket he'd thrown over it is covered in Aggro hairs. Add the dark circles under his eyes, and he very much looks the picture of someone who has been sitting in a hospital, fretting, without sleep.
And yet, even as ragged as he looks, Milo is handsome. Must be those damn cheekbones, or the curve of that sharp mouth. They reach up to brush some of the hair off his forehead, and he pushes his head against their hand, closing his eyes. A wolf-like gesture that fills them with a warmth they've only come to know with him.
"I've got you," he said softly,  and he began to carefully maneuver the back of their shirt up over their head. Getting it off was easy; it was putting the clean shirt on that proved the most painful endeavor. But Milo's hands were gentle, and he went slow - he'd hum low in his throat to acknowledge every hiss of pain, and when they were finally dressed, he looked down at them fondly.
"You know what this reminds me of?" he asked, the fingers of one hand kneading their forearm to help them relax again. His mate shook their head, smiling at the mirth they caught in his eyes.
"No, what?"
"You remember our first kiss?" he said it around a grin, like he couldn't help himself. Warmth bubbled in their chest with the memory. How could they ever forget something like that?
"You mean when I was trying to heal the gashes in your chest while you shamelessly flirted with me?"
"Hey, it worked, didn't it? You're the one who bent down to kiss my bloody lip without complaint, huh?"
"Hmm, maybe I felt sorry for you,"
"Oh yeah? Sorry enough to climb into my lap and run your hands all over my- ow! Hey!"
If you made it this far, thank you! Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. The last wip of this got lots of love, and although most of the time I am too shy to reply to comments I want everyone to know that I truly, deeply, appreciate every word. My name is Elle btw, and I hope to write so much more for you (and for me, of course)!! :)
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piinfeathers · 3 years
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On Christmas morning, Killian leads his wife to the docks for a very special surprise
So hey, here's a fun little experiment, I actually managed to write something before the year ended. Whenever I draw something I always like to think of a story behind each piece and capture a little moment from it, kinda like a snapshot. Usually as I draw I end up coming up with a story in my head from beginning to end but never actually write anything down. So on Christmas eve I plopped down and hammered this whole thing out on my phone notes app just to see if I could
In 2022 I really want to try writing more, and working on finishing the 1 million wips I have on my phone that I keep giving up on. Hopefully this cheesy little fluff fic based on my last captain swan Christmas doodle is a start
(none of this was beta'ed btw, and also written in one night on a couple glasses of wine so I apologize for spelling mistakes and overuse of commas ❤️)
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.3 k
Also I can't remember my Ao3 password for the life of me so uh...gimme a minute on that one
Where Love Light Gleams
“This way love.”
“Killian I know the way to the docks,” Emma called back with a breathless laugh as she tromped after husband through the drifts of snow.
In front on her Killian glanced over his shoulder and grinned, jerking his head towards the frozen marina where small boats bobbed stiffly against the crust of ice on the water. “Aye wife, but your present is just a ways past the Jolly, you’ll see.”
Emma rolled her eyes even as the corners of her lips turned up in a twin of her husband’s grin. “And remind me why this present couldn’t be delivered in the house? Where it’s warm?”
And where Henry was probably well into his third cup of cocoa while her mother and father took over the kitchen, insisting that her oven cooked the best turkey.
Killian frowned, pausing to let her catch up as he gazed back to the water. “Well, it’s a little…large.”
“Killian I swear, if you bought me a boat-"
“With your navigational skills? Sorry love, maybe not quite yet.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault all your sea charts are written in Greek. We still made it to Fiji didn’t we?”
He laughed, adjusting the ridiculous scarf she had given him that morning. She’d bought it on a whim, seeing it through a shop window like a fluorescent red beacon a week ago. It was just a silly little thing to add to the too many gifts she’d already bought him. She’d thought it would make him laugh, a pirate with an allergy to top buttons and turtle necks, wearing something so bright and fuzzy.
Instead he had opened the gift and lifted the heavy wool garment from its box with an almost reverent smile. He’d wrapped it around his neck and leaned over to kiss her, whispering his thanks against her lips.
He didn’t need it, not really, he never felt the cold. It was a joke between the two of them, he seemed to always run hot while she was permanently too cold. Just one of the many things that made them soulmates.
Still, he had worn the scarf nearly all morning, despite the fact it was almost two sizes too long and had to be looped twice around his neck to keep from dragging on the floor. Later, when he’d grabbed her hand and told her that his present for her was at the docks, he’d shrugged on his jacket and made sure the scarf was perfectly in place before hauling her out the door.
Though now, out in the elements it seemed to be in danger of blowing off completely as the wind kicked up and ruffled the ends of it, fluttering them in his face. Emma grinned as she reached out and wrapped it tighter around him. “My present…wouldn’t happen to be someplace warm would it?”
“Hmm…” Killian snagged her hand in his, rubbing her chilled knuckles with his thumb as he lifted her fingertips to his mouth and blew warm air across them. “That’s a matter of opinion I believe.”
He pulled her closer and she laughed, watching her breath turn to solid white as it hit the frigid air. “I better be getting a pony.”
They walked together, Emma tucked under Killian’s arm, greedily warming her hands against his side as they trudged through the banks of snow towards the lights of the boat house. He gave her arm a quick rub as he turned to look at her.
“Right, close your eyes.”
Emma muttered something under her breath but did as she was told, smiling when he took her hand and led her, step by slow step around the port. For just a second she squinted through one eye, trying to hunt for clues on her mystery present.
“I saw that Swan! No peeking.”
“I wasn’t peeking!” Much.
“Mmmhmm, thought I might have to use this.”
“Use what-?”
But her question was cut off when Killian looped something warm and woolen around her eyes. “Very thoughtful gift you got me Swan, already coming in handy.”
“This wasn’t quite what I had in mind when I bought it.”
“No? Long, strong piece of fabric like this? Your mind didn’t wander to…other activities we could enjoy with it? Mine certainly did.”
She could practically hear the smirk in his voice as she blindly groped out in front of her, smacking her hands against his chest and giving him a shove forward.
“Go! Go get me my present already,” she said with a laugh. “Dirty talk is reserved for indoors only, not while I’m freezing.”
“If you’re looking to be warmed up I could certainly-“
She cut him off with another shove. “Present. Now.”
“As you wish love,” he said with a smile in his voice.
With one last smacking kiss to her forehead, the only part of her face not wrapped in his scarf, he took off.
She hunched her shoulders as the wind kicked up, flicking the ends of her hair across her nose. In the distance she could hear his boots crunching through packed snow, along with something dragging softly along the ground that she couldn’t quite make out.
“Right!” she heard him call as his footsteps came closer and the scarf was slowly unwrapped from her eyes. “You can look now.”
Emma blinked, the pale half light of the early evening blurring her vision for just a second as she stared at her gift. It was her car, though when he had managed to sneak it out here she had no idea, but there it sat, snug in a snowbank, and completely covered in Christmas lights. On the front, a small wreath hung from the license plate, and on the back she could just see a massive red bow tied to the rear windshield wiper.
She turned to her husband, smiling with eyes wide as he handed her a takeout cup.
“Had to have hot cocoa of course. With cinnamon,” he said with a flourish.
It was still hot when he passed it to her, steam curling out from the hole in the lid.
“How…when did you…?”
“Last night, or technically this morning I suppose, after you fell asleep.”
She looked back at the car. The lights twinkled in the growing dark, the rainbow of colours glowing against the white snow.
“I love it,” she turned back to look at Killian, catching his warm smile as he stared at her. “Where did you even get the idea to do this?”
“Do you remember a few weeks ago? We were walking down Main Street, trying to find a store that sold those electronic video box games for Henry?”
“An X-box game, yeah I remember.” Henry had only reminded her which game he wanted about three hundred times or so.
“It was getting late,” he said with a smile, moving to wrap his arm around her. “It had just started to snow and all the Christmas lights were turning on. I swear you stopped to look at every single house, we could hardly go three feet before you were slowing down again just to take a look.”
She stared at his face, watched as his eyes went soft at the memory, the fine lines around his mouth curving up with his lips. He pulled her closer, tucking her head in the crook of his neck as he turned them back towards the car.
“I swear,” he murmured, low enough that Emma could feel the rumble of it against the arm she had curled around his chest. “I’ve never seen you look quite so enraptured. Except when you’re gazing at me of course.”
“Of course.”
He grinned, dropping a kiss to the crown of her head. “They make you happy, so I wanted to give you as many as I could find.”
She shut her eyes as she felt the world tilt off its axis for just a second. It really shouldn’t have surprised her by now, those small little things he noticed, the things about her he always remembered. The way he loved her with a heart so big she felt greedy at times knowing it was all hers. But still he found a way to knock her completely breathless.
“Thank you,” she whispered, turning her face into his neck and breathing him in. “It’s perfect.”
He took the cup from her hand before it could slide from her fingers, and moved to place it on the roof of the car, next to his own. She reached up to curl her fingers around his hook, feeling too warm inside to even notice the chill of the metal, as she tucked herself into him.
“I didn’t really…I didn’t really do Christmas much growing up,” she murmured against his chest. She felt him turn his head, press his lips to her hair, a silent sign that he was there, anchoring her. “Once or twice I was with a foster family around December, but I was so little then…I don’t really remember.”
She smiled, remembering a massive tree that towered over her little head and not much else. “The group homes couldn’t really afford gifts, and the toy drives never really came our way. Some years we got a tree and some turkey if we were lucky. But…we weren’t really lucky that often.”
She felt him shift slightly, reaching up to grab the scarf he had tossed over his shoulder and looping it round her neck.
“You looked cold,” he said with a smile at her questioning look.
She reach for the loose end, tossing it over his neck, looping them together. “You too.”
He grinned and she felt her heart do a silly little flip that she could never quite get a handle on, no matter how long they’d been married. It was ridiculous sometimes, how much she loved him. Tied to him, tucked and safe against his warmth, she continued.
“Christmas Eve was worse than Christmas some years. Knowing you were going to bed that night with nothing to wake up to. I used to just go out and walk for a bit, when everyone else went to bed. There were always lights,” she smiled, not at all embarrassed when she felt tears well up behind her eyes. “No matter where you were, you could always walk in any direction and see lights. I always thought they were so beautiful. And so simple. No one made you pay for lights, they were free. No one could take them away. They were just there to be enjoyed. So I did.”
She looked up, found his eyes staring at her, filled not with pity or sadness but just the simple understanding of a man who loved her like it was as natural for him as breathing. She pressed a kiss to his chin. “Thank you for my lights Killian.”
“Well love, there may be just a…few more that I forgot to mention.”
She frowned when he nudged her chin with his hook, turning her head to the ships moored in the bay as he fished something from his pocket. He reached out a small box with a red switch and flicked it up.
“What’re you up to-"
Emma’s breath caught in her throat as all at once the harbour was suddenly bathed in a brilliant, gleaming glow. Every boat, from the smallest dingy to the massive Jolly was strung up with hundreds of twinkling lights. She could see strings of multi coloured lights casting small, incandescent rainbows across the ice beside a larger boat strung up with softly glowing white orbs that shone and pulsed like stars. Across from them, a small speedboat was nearly capsized from string after string of red and green lights all blinking to the rhythm of what she was pretty sure was “Jingle bells.”
But it was the Jolly, sitting proudly in the center of the row of ships and boats, brighter than any of the others, that really took her breath away. He’d hung curtains of lights that stretched from the beams of mast down to the deck like massive sails that lit the entire ship and made the whole harbour glow like a beacon.
“Killian…” her voice was half gone, lost somewhere in her chest next to her heart that felt like it might burst. “How…this must’ve taken days.”
“Only a few hours or so. Henry helped. As did your parents. And the dwarves. And a few people from Granny’s who overheard us and invited themselves along.”
“So just a few people then huh?” she was crying, she knew she was, but she couldn’t stop even if she felt like it. “How did you convince the other captains to let you string up their boats?”
“I may have made a few phone calls. After a week or two and some, let’s call it gentle persuasion, I convinced them a gift for the saviour of Storybrooke was worth the short loan their ship’s rigging.”
She shook her head, staring at her husband in awe, as thousands of lights glowed on his face across the water. “You did all this…because you knew I liked Christmas lights?”
“I did all this because I wanted to give you something I knew would make you happy,” he angled his head down, pressing kisses across the curve of her cheek until he reached her ear. “Did it work?” he whispered.
“Yes.” He voice was as watery as her eyes, so she cleared her throat and tried again. “Yes it did. Thank you Killian.”
“Of course love.”
They both turned back to the bay, leaning against the little yellow bug as darkness fell in earnest along with the snow, gazing together at the lights, a scarf curled around the necks.
“Merry Christmas Killian.”
“Aye love. Merry Christmas.”
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starlightshore · 3 years
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Angel’s Lullaby update:
i wrote two devlogs this month.
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first: i cover the history of Angel’s Lullaby and the current progress.
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second: the plans I have for gameplay
TLDR; Angel’s Lullaby is a Open World Action/Turnbased RPG hybrid. You’ll have a small island to explore with 3 main areas and multiple side-quests. For the demo, I plan only having 1 area finished.
Game progress: eh, hard to put a good number on it. main characters and the main overworld are mostly finished, mapping + main area need planning. i’d say a bit less than 50% done with the demo.
below the read me i discuss game development that i’m not talking about on Gamejolt, but feel more comfortable talking here.
so been working with a friend on remaking (well, rather, i’m helping a little but it’s mostly just him,,, i’m not a skilled programmer but at least i’m keeping up with what he’s teaching me ^_^; so thanks to eternal shine, u rock!) the char_player object to work better for Angel’s. also, aside from the outfit code, this main stuff will be added as a pack for TML’s engine for better functionality. hooray! this includes:
adding arrays and macros to dialogue text
cut-scene system (almost done)
char_player state machine (has a couple issues for Angel’s specifically, which is discussed below.)
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(WIP) Gameplay wise, I’m going for a Zelda-Like over-world: you can walk, run and attack. Monsters will be on over-world, you can get an advantage if you strike first. You’ll also need your weapon to move around the terrain or solve puzzles. (potentially will add more to the move-set as you progress, but that’s later in the development to consider)
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i made a base-player object to fine tune the animation and add details like optional gloves + boots easier for me to add (gotta get into the headspace of using layers more in aesprite!) I’m unsure if I like the dust effect, but I think it helps the running look speedy and feel different to walking!
honestly all this development should of been done before but i was torn between using TML’s base project char object and remaking my own for ages. (plus, i spent the last few months unsure if i was moving to Unity or Godot) but hey, doing that now. i’ve been mainly working on story so its nice to actually start building the game again! the non-player stuff with naming + intro are already done of course, though will need to be remade as I’ve improved as an artist and with the new cut-scene system I can do this more efficiently.
my main plan is to get a prototype of the first 5 minutes of the game done within a week. ideally i’d like to make a fully-polished prototype within that week as well, but that’s idealistic at best... i’m shooting for 2 weeks, though that could easily become 3 weeks.
none of this will be available to play yet btw, after the prototype, i want to be able to get some feedback (heyo if u wanna be a play-tester hmu) then i’ll get to making it so you can get the first “area” mapped out.
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my idea is that the above will be playable in the demo. you’ll have a house (to farm and have chores) explore the local woods and mountain area for side quests and just for fun.
the one main area will be the start of the linear story. the final release you’ll have access to the whole island -within reason. The other 2 areas will be soft-locked until you progress the plot in the main area. while this limits the open-world aspect, i like the idea of holding back the choices until certain parts of the game are established first. then you can run around wild! The second and third main areas are your choice to which to do first -and the plot will play out differently depending on that.
There’s still the obvious No Mercy - Neutral - Pacifist choices in play here as well. I’m limiting the scope of this to have the last 2 areas be different, but the overall plot line stays some-what the same. (if i was being paid, that’d be a different story lmao) but still, all of this will add up and hopefully be exciting to experience.
I really want exploration and the feeling that you are living in this world to be the main get-away from the game. while the most important core of the story lies within The Knight and the Player Character, this is my second biggest goal for the game.
I hope you all enjoy Angel’s Lullaby and are as excited as I am to see it progress! thank you so much for all those who’ve been sticking by me and my stories throughout the years. i’m really hoping for a demo release in 2022.
if any mutuals are intrigued by this game’s potential... i’m up for talking story again once this prototype stuff is finished up with. atm i wanna concentrate on making the core game-play feel good and i’m not worried about the story. but once that’s finished, there’s a lot of story problems -that some have been solved by the open-world structure, but just as many glaring issues have arisen. it’s a pretty daunting story now haha.
while i got a few new team members, I’d like a few more people to talk to deeply over this project. It feels great to spit-ball ideas back and forth! but I also understand people are busy and I’ve already asked a lot from people with the rough draft peer-reviews lmao. i guess i’ll just put this here in the off chance something comes out of it.
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thosch3i · 3 years
Hi hi! So the lost tombs and chronology all super confuse me. So tlt2 ended on a cliffhanger that was not resolved by tlt3 which is ultimate note, but now there is another tlt3 that I am guessing is made by the same studio as tlt2 (but not UN) that actually follows tlt2? And it has the same WPZ as tlt2 (but sadly different WX, ZQL though I’m sure these guys are great). You seem to know what you’re talking about so I’m hoping you can help!
UN also ended on a cliff hanger so I’m wondering if they’ll get a sequel from their studio that comes before tomb of the sea.
ahhh hello anon! yes ahaha the dmbj dramas are certainly very confusing--because they keep switching the screenwriters/entire production team between dramas. huanrui did tlt1 (2015), tlt2 (2019), and the sequel to tlt2 (2021). they're also technically the production company for un (2020), but linghe did like all the directing/casting/writing so its significantly different in tone and quality from the other dramas huanrui produced. npss (dmbj author) did sha hai (2018) and tltr (2020), with sha hai being in collab with linghe, so you can see lots of parallels with un and shared cast. (gonna add that i dont know much about the m9 because that’s not what im personally interested in, so i’m only going by stories with wu xie & the iron triangle.)
unfortunately, the dramas pretty have no continuity as a result of all the weird shit and multiple studios doing different dramas and messy stuff going on behind the scenes. the author's production company currently has all the rights back for filming future dramas, which is......imo, a good thing for book fans who love the author but a 😬 thing for book fans who like the original story more than what the author is now doing with it. I'll uh avoid saying too much opinion stuff though so no more on that 😅
that aside! yes 云顶天宫 “explore with the note” part 2......is the direct sequel to tlt2 and done by the same studio. unfortunately the writers are different and im not sure how much of the production team is the same either. idk how much you know about the novels so brief summary here--for the chinese version, the main story has 9 parts split among 8 books (though the official eng tls have each part being a different book) with some important content being as follows:
official eng title “cavern of blood zombies” (first time wx goes into a tomb, first t3j meeting)
official eng title “angry sea, hidden sands” (xisha seabed tomb, introduce a-ning)
official eng title “bronze tree of death” (bronze tree in qinling, wx & lao yang solo adventure)
official eng title “palace of doom” (heavenly palace on the clouds, introduce bronze gate)
official eng title “deadly desert winds” (golmud, introduce hei xiazi, desert, rainforest, tamutuo)
official eng title “graveyard of a queen” (the rest of that arc, wu sanxing & xie lianhuan reveal, jade meteorite, amnesiac xiaoge and escape, sanshu vanishes for good--also i think the official eng tl covers a couple chapters of the beginning of the next part too)
阴山古楼 (searching for xiaoge’s memories in banai, miluotuo cave, i think introduction of wu erbai)
邛笼石影 (auction/hotel iron triangle fight, introduce xiao hua & xiuxiu, wx & xh on the mountains alone while pz & xg go with granny huo)
finale (rescue from zhang family mansion, changbai mountain goodbye, 10 years promise)
after the main story are the main sequels:
zang hai hua (tibetan sea flower; unfinished & abandoned) covers wu xie a few years after xiaoge has entered the gate, searching to understand xiaoge’s past
sha hai (tomb of the sea; unfinished & abandoned) covers wu xie’s plan to wipe out the wang family, after zhh
chongqi (reunion: the sound of the providence) covers wu xie’s lung disease and how he recovers from that, set after they pick up xiaoge again from the bronze gate. thunder city and everything.
灯海寻尸&万山极夜 (still updating on wechat) don’t worry about this one since it’s still a WIP lol
btw between sha hai and chongqi there’s also ten years later (a short story) that covers how wu xie and pangzi pick up xiaoge from the bronze gate and take him home
the dramas Do Not Connect To Each Other At All, which the exception of tlt2 & tlt2 pt2 somewhat, but they go in this order:
盗墓笔记 / the lost tomb 1 (2015): covers part 1 but with major OCs and filler, and includes the auction scene from part 8 for some reason, so introduces xiao hua early.
怒海潜沙&秦岭神树 / the lost tomb 2 (2019) technically “explore with the note”: covers parts 2 & 3 but with major OCs and filler, introduces xiao hua & xiuxiu (and hei xiazi briefly) early. last couple episodes also cover the beginning of part 4. not a direct sequel to tlt1 despite being done by the same studio.
云顶天宫 / heavenly palace on the clouds (2021) technically also “explore with the note”: covers part 4 with major OCs and filler (and the same changes carrying over from tlt2). some episodes are identical to the last couple episodes of tlt2. works as a direct sequel only if you ignore the last couple episodes of tlt2 that take place in the snowy mountains. (those episodes of tlt2 were filmed after this drama was filmed, and im still not sure why they dragged the wu xie and xiaoge from tlt2 back to changbai mountain to film those episodes.)
终极笔记 / ultimate note (2020): covers parts 5-8 with minor OCs and minimal filler, also introduces xiao hua & xiuxiu early. the only adaptation that resembles its source material most of the time.
沙海 / tomb of the sea (2018): covers the second sequel with major OCs and filler. includes some bits from zhh and the short story “three days of silence”.
重启之极海听雷 / the lost tomb reboot (2020): covers third sequel with major OCs and filler.
in addition there is the prequel series mystic nine (2016) and side movies for the dramas that the author produced. there is also a single standalone movie--time raiders (2016) that is....well it’s. very strange. it’s fully subbed on youtube if you’re interested?
the best way to watch the dramas is to assume each one is its own self-contained AU set along different points of the dmbj timeline because even the dramas the author himself worked on don’t have continuity LOL (and with the exception of ultimate note & sha hai most of the time, also assume most characters are pretty OOC from the novels).
i uh regret to inform you though, that ultimate note will not be getting a sequel unless the author magically decides to not care about making money anymore and sells the rights to film the finale to linghe or something ^^;;;; it’s....unfortunate bc un is the most highly-rated dmbj adaptation on douban by A Lot, but it’s an adaptation that the author had literally nothing to do with whatsoever.
more information on some of the side movies/stage plays/manhua/donghua here.
summaries of the main novel stories (currently through zhh) here.
edited mtl (some of which has apparently been looked over by native cn speakers) of the novels following where official eng tls end here. (there are many scattered extras as well.)
you can get the official eng tl books/ebooks on amazon or elsewhere(?), but if you have problems purchasing them or like you just dont wanna support amazon or something, dm me off anon. (also i dont want to be mean but frankly the official tls are kinda bad too ^^;;;)
a rough timeline (spoilers galore) for the dmbj novels here. (fair warning im not 100% sure how accurate all of this is--they put three days of silence as 1991 but looking at the info in zhh, it seems like it should have been before the 1950s...but it’s more than fine as a general overview.)
anyway i hope that was helpful in some way? dmbj is a Very Confusing thing to get into ahahaha, one of my twitter mutuals has made a few carrds if you think they might be helpful: book, dramas (slightly out of date bc it says heavenly palace hasn’t aired yet), ultimate note (got its own carrd by virtue of being the only adaptation aside from sha hai sometimes that most og book fans acknowledge lol ^^;;;)
also anon if anything wasn’t clear or if you had more questions feel free to ask again sorry ahahaha im kinda tired rn @.@ 
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