#this is about loves labours lost btw
Liking a good musical is all well and good, but liking a BAD musical? Ohoho. I'm in hell.
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bonewyvern · 5 months
luke thompson, the man that you are, serving the cunt-ry🫡
but unlike my twt post this doesn’t have a typo😭
electricmoose and i saw the second showing of LLL (friday, april 12) and OMGGGG the best show ever like 10/10 recommend. it was so upbeat and lively and all around felt like time was flying by. i also did not know ANYTHING about the play/original story shakespeare wrote, but the way it’s set out, i walked away completely understanding what happened. i also really really REALLY loved luke in it, like he characterized berowne so well. and even in the scenes where he wasn’t talking but in it, he still carried himself with energy that made me turn my attention to him or maybe i’m just down bad but whatever. also was NOT expecting him to come out from the sides of the theater, and we sat in the stalls next to the aisle, so to start the show and he strides on in was a pleasant surprise☺️
and after the show, we RAN🏃🏻💨to the stage door bc we were like “what are the odds he comes out. and if the odds are high (which we felt they were) we could potentially see him. and if not, at least we tried.” and so we were nervous if there was going to be a crowd, so we very quickly sped walked to the stage door, and there were already the barricades up (those pole and rope thingies) and we were like 🤔. we waited around for about 10 minutes, and then BAM we glimpsed him through the windows that led from inside to out. and we were told a couple minutes beforehand he isn’t allowed to take selfies can could only sign RSC merch (so HIGHLY recommend getting the £6 program so he can sign it!!). and he started with the first person in line, then moved to on to me and electricmoose bc we were second and third. and i held out my program cover up bc i’m used to the broadway playbills being signed on the cover. but he took it and was like “do you want me to sign under my name?” and i was like “oh sure! i’m so sorry, i don’t know where you are😭 (IT WAS DIM AND I WAS FREAKING OUT)”. and i don’t know what happened but he ended up flipping to his page with his headshot and bio, and the first thing out of my mouth was “really nice picture!” and he smiled and was like, “oh really? thanks! my mum hates it” and i laughed while he signed the program. HE WAS SOOOO SWEET like going into it we were nervous he was going to be sign-and-go kinda type, but he totally defied our expectations and really took the time to chat at least 30 seconds per person.
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pic rundowns
1. signing the first person’s program
2. after he signed ours, he moved on but realized he had a sharpie he could’ve used and so ran back to get it and i caught him mid-run😭
3. moved onto the signing other ppl’s programs
4. electricmoose’s REALLY shaky hands
6. signed program in front of the theater
1. HE ATE PAPER???!!!!!! low key still thinking about it to this day bc like his mouth was full, but by the end of the scene, he was talking like normal
2. I WANT IT THAT WAY WAS HILARIOUSSSSSS. like the curtain was down and i didn’t know what i was expecting, but all of them in knight gear (??) SINGING?! that was NOT on my bingo card😭 listening, i heard a high harmony and low key i like to believe that was luke’s doing
3. when he started unbottoning his shirt i was like “OH, we’re doing this??” AND THEN HE UNDID AND TOOK OFF HIS PANTS TOO AND I WAS LIKE “WHATS GOING ONNNNNNN”
4. him climbing the tree to eavesdrop and basically that entire scene had me DYINGGGGGGGG
5. the women SLAYED and i absolutely love all of them😌
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aemondsladywife · 2 years
His Lady Wife : Alternative Ending I
aemond x reader
an alternative ending to 'His Lady Wife' where y/n survives and aemond suffers the consequences of his actions.
a/n: its 3am in the uk rn and i've made you guys wait too long! i am extremely sorry this took so long to write!! i won't even lie, its not the best, i really struggled w these alternative endings, feedback and comments are appreciated as always, my inboxes are always open for requests!! also if you want to be on my permanent aemond taglist, please comment! btw there are more alt endings on its way!
genre: angst
after hours and hours of intense labour, you finally gave birth to a premature baby girl. you were exhausted, but seeing your precious baby girl gave you all the strength you needed in the world. as you cradled your tiny, precious baby girl, your 'husband' came in, with guilt etched all over his face.
"my wife I-"
his eyes fell to his tiny baby girl. his eyes began to water as he spoke,
"is that my daughter?"
you looked at him with cold eyes, your blood was boiling as you placed a protective arm around the daughter you had just birthed.
"no she is no mans daughter. she is mine. only mine. no fucking guards and definetely not yours. she has your white hair and violet eyes but it was not you who carried her 8 months in a chamber fit for a criminal. it wasn't you who had to endure severe pains for the past 8 moons. it wasn't you who pushed and pushed for 9 hours straight. that was all me. you left her mother to die and now you expect to be her father? if you want a baby so bad carry on fucking that whore of yours, you're nearly there!"
aemond looked at his wife with wide eyes. he didn't know what to say or where to begin. her anger was justified. he was about to step closer and speak to his wife when he was interrupted by a maester.
"my prince, may I speak to you in private."
aemond nodded to the maester, with tears of guilt and pain in his eyes as he walked out of the room with him.
"my prince. the princesses labours were... horrific, to put it mildly. as she was not given any support during her tulmtuous pregnancy, her labors were worse than we had ever seen, it is a miracle that she and the babe are alive. it was a whole moon early, she lost litres of blood, the baby was upside down and had to be physically twisted and even now, both mother and wife are severly unwell. please do not take offence my prince... but it is best you give the princess and the babe their space. any further stress could even cause a heart attack."
aemond felt sick to his stomach as he realised what he had put his wife and daughter through, all because he let his self doubt and insecurities get the better of him.
he nods and complies to the maesters words. what else could he do other than wait? he caused enough damage as it is.
weeks go by and aemond can't even catch a glimpse of either his wife or daughter. his heart is overtaken by remorse and longing. he knew this was all his fault, but he desperately wanted to see his baby and his wife who he treated so terribly.
aemond took a deep breath before knocking on the door of his estranged wife's chambers, he has flowers and a dragon plushie in his hands.
you open the door, with your daughter in your arms, not expecting to see aemond at the door.
aemond has a sorrowful, sad smile on his face.
"my wife, i know my actions are much beyond forgiveness, i will live the rest of my life in regret for my disgusting actions... but please, give me a chance to redeem myself. i will do anything and everything my love. i have not even held my own daughter. please. i beg you, my lady. let me hold my little girl."
aemond begged you with tears in his eyes. he was desperate. he looked at his tiny daughter in your arms and yearned to hold her. all he wanted was to be a good father and husband.
"i remember feeling this desperate too..."
your words give him a slight bit of hope. he hopes that you pity him enough to give him a chance.
"i felt this desperate when i begged of you to let me go to my fathers and recieve treatment for my pregnancy complications. and what did you do. refuse. and what did i have to do? suffer in silence. now you will do the same."
aemond's entire being became filled with guilt and resentment towards himself, he would do anything for a moment with his wife and daughter.
"please my wife. please. i have not been able to eat or sleep knowing the pain i caused you and our daughter."
you looked back at him with no sympathy and chuckled when you spoke.
"i remember that feeling all too well. i felt the same when you restricted me to a chamber with mouldy walls and food that wouldn't feed a child let alone a woman carrying a child herself"
you were shutting the door on him when he stopped it. he was so desperate, he was begging you with tears in his eyes.
"please. my lady. my lady wife i know my apologies are worthless but at least give this to my sweet girl."
he holds out the little stuffed dragon toy, praying to the gods you would accept it.
"we do not accept gifts from strangers. especially ones who once had ill intentions for us."
with that, you shut the door and left aemond in a state of great despair. in one swoop, he lost his wife and only child. his dreams of being a father had been crushed by his own hand.
taglist: @fultimefangirl @hc-geralt-23 @whatsonthemirror @69cocktimusprime @immyowndefender @burntoutpetals @uselessbutinteresting @bibli0thecary @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @bellameshipper @graykageyama @krispold @malfoytargaryen @imnotyourbcbe @poisonedsultana @caramelcandescence @azaleapotterblack @oh-thats-cute
*tags w a line through didn't work!
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butchhamlet · 1 month
Since you read the entire Shakespeare canon according to your bio (assuming that's what "canon completed" mean), I'm curious to see your tier list ranking of the Shakespeare plays. Here's this tier list template I found btw; https://tiermaker.com/create/shakespeare-677439 If you already did a tier list, can you link to that post when answering this ask please?
i have done it twice before at various times! but my opinions have changed again so i made another one. all opinions mine and no judgment to those who enjoy or dislike each play etc etc etc
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happy to provide my reasoning behind any of these, but in short:
s tier = i will straight-up call this one of the best things ever written (hamlet, king lear)
favorites = not quite as good as the above two but my beloveds (JC, R&J, macbeth, 1H4, twelfth night)
jail box = this is placed between favorites and great for a reason but we're not talking about it (a&c)
great = not my personal favorites but fairly objectively really good (the tempest, othello, richard iii, much ado, midsummer)
good = doesn't quite match up to the "great" tier for various reasons, but i like em (AYLI, richard ii, henry v, coriolanus)
underrated = we should talk about these more (king john, 3H6, troilus & cressida, titus andronicus)
not my thing but i respect its merits (measure for measure, merchant, winter's tale, 2H4)
eh / forgot it exists (pericles, timon, cymbeline, all's well, 2H6, merry wives)
criminally boring (love's labour's lost, henry viii, 1H6)
ten thousand demons = this one used to be "criminally boring AND misogynist" because i can forgive misogyny in a play from the 1600s but i can't forgive boring me. but i renamed it because comedy of errors isn't quite on the misogyny level of the other two but unfortunately i despise it because i hate farces and i hate fun
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hazerun3 · 10 months
btw for the last ask I may have a fic wip thats very similar
also pre apples swapdream
Heavy rain had always been calming to Nightmare.
He'd never admit it aloud since he knew Dream had an aversion to it, it was cute how the elders' confidence would waver at the sound of thunder. Protecting Nightmare was important to him and the younger would always play along even as it was clear Dream was trying to comfort himself with his words more than Nightmare.
The twins didn’t have a way to shield themselves from the elements the way the villagers did, there was a limit to what even their Mother was capable of protecting them from. Numbness was already seeping its way through Nightmares bones as he waited, it filled him with a sense of calm even as he felt his bones rattle uncontrollably. Time seemed to pass both faster and slower. It was a shame he couldn't read in this weather, but he didn’t mind too much. Nightmare had long since finished all the books Dream gifted him twice over, the flow of books had slowly trickled away once the villagers realised it all immediately made its way to Nightmare. It was fine though, Nightmare had more than enough to keep himself entertained and he had taken to committing his favourites to memory.
He hummed a nonsensical tune to himself, barely hearing his own melody over the deafening pattering of the rain and occasional roll of thunder. Not that he cared too much, lost in his own world as he replayed his favourite stories over and over. Lightning added to the scenes as it illuminated the darkening sky. Tales of nobles in castles too grand for them to imagine and flowery verses in awe of natural beauty, odes to great dragons and love and fantastical birds of pure fire…
Where was Dream anyway? It had been quite a while since the rain got so heavy that all the villagers retreated back under the cover of their homes. Was Dream working on the far side of the village again? That would explain why the earlier group didn't have a lookout. Nightmare touched the side of his face again, he was too numb to tell how bad the bruising was. If he was lucky it wouldn't be visible when Dream returned. If Dream returned tonight that is.
Pain blossomed from somewhere in Nightmares chest, making itself known even from under the blanket of numbness that enveloped him. Dream hated storms and lighting terrified him, one of his friends could have offered him to stay at their house. He could have taken the offer. Nightmare wished he could say he wanted him to. It would be nice to be shielded from the rain for the night with a fireplace to keep him warm. Dream worked so hard to help the village with the firewood it only made sense that he'd take the chance to enjoy the fruits of his labour.
Leaving Nightmare alone.
But that was fine. Dream wouldn't even have to worry about Nightmare’s safety. No one else was outside in this weather after all and Mother would still be there, unmovable and eternal.
Nightmare dropped his head to rest it on his arms where they hugged the top of his knees. He couldn't tell if his tremors were from the cold or if he'd started crying again.
At some point the wind shifted directions, hitting part of his side. The blanket of numbness had enveloped him again so he didn't bother moving. Dream would be upset by it, but Nightmare had already given up on the idea that he would be back before the rain ended so it didn't matter. He just wished to sleep and hopefully wake up with his brother back by his side to make the next day bearable.
dw guys swad shows up next paragraph to make it better
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christinapotter09 · 2 years
first and last reaction to episode 10 and daemyra because HBO simply loves to butcher characters
first of all, thanks for the leak and ruining the weekend
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I refuse to accept that this was the final episode, if this indeed is the final cut of it.... the cutting of the scenes was funny, just so many things shoved up before our eyes and so many ooc interactions and things happening like... chill out you can make it 1hr+.... why stumble upon it?
to the characters, Daemon Targaryen is a piece of shit, we all know that, he’s been angry and cruel and plain awful in many cases, lets be honest BUT he had one redeeming quality, his love for Rhaenyra Targaryen, he has been through some serious shit like exiling himself to Pentos to try and get over her and when he came back he realised there was no way around his heart’s desire, he stood for his niece/wife and struck down anyone who dared insult her. Married her in the tradition of his house just like he had asked to do that decade ago. 
I do not accept that the same man would be calling Laena “My brave girl” during her torturous labour but when it comes to Rhaenyra starting being in pain he would remain without even a reflex towards her, when she’d be screaming his name, he’d continue to mumble around with lords and generals to a point where a knight would ask him if he should talk with the maester.... and while she’d been birthing on the floor he would finally go and check on her later on.... or that he would leave her alone to wrap their baby dragon on her own while still bleeding and he’d go to the beach (no matter the cut scene from there too which we got in the trailer but not in the episode)
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he crowned her congratulations and then he decided to choke her while he wasn’t even understanding the magnitude of what Rhae was saying and how it worked? he’s short tempered, not stupid, he’s going singing valyrian lullabies to Vermithor, he would stay and listen to something important involving Aegon the Conqueror.... she’s shocked and whimpering and he still held on, even tightened his hand around her neck before shaking and freeing her....? and why? because he’s sad/stressed/angry/frustrated? No, the Daemon who was cupping her belly two episodes ago, leading the family to King’s Landing because “What choice do I have?” and he wanted to give her all the choices.... he would never lay a finger against Rhaenyra hours after her horrendous ordeal with Visenya (btw Visenya who? we didn’t even get the name of the poor babe) especially after having lost Laena the way he did. 
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the biggest thing is that this is not Daemon’s fault but the showrunners/writers’ 
I AM DONE with inconsistent writing and portrayal, I’m certainly done with character assassination, they cut down his scenes with his daughters and now they cut at least 4 scenes showing him and Rhaenyra interacting after what happened to them. 
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a massive blow to this shitshow was the change of Aemond’s crime. turning it into an accident is the biggest shit decision they could make. Aemond loses agency (just like Rhaenyra herself because yes I guess you don’t want her locco Dany 2.0 but that doesn’t mean she has to be a frozen person who simply takes the blows and values the song of Ice and Fire less than the fucking page from that book Alicent sent with the fucker she has for father) so it was Vhagar who didn’t listen to Aemond? BECAUSE ARAX GOT SCARED AND PROVOKED HER WITH FIRE? 
Blood and Cheese will taste completely different and I don’t care what is happening with AemondxHaelena about it, Luke deserved better, so did Aemond’s storyline, the battle at the Riverlands will be completely different, the battle above God’s eye too..... I wonder if Sunfire will also kill Rhaenyra by accident, not listening to poor little Aegon who tried to save his sweet sister? UUUUGH
for the love of the Gods, let the fucking characters have their agency, their crimes and black moments without loading only Daemon with all the evils of the world just because you can’t deal with a plotline from start to finish and above all even if you want to fuck the characters WRITE IT BETTER AND GIVE IT TIME
THIS IS GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8 ALL OVER, we accepted the time skips, we accepted the dark battle of the dawn like shit, we accepted stupid Alicent fully knowing what would happen to Harwin, Rhae and her kids if she got her way proving them bastards to Viserys and then she played shocked when Otto had been planning to kill Rhaenyra the moment Viserys was dead.... We accepted the way you want to tell the story but HBO, this is the same audience with GoT but not with the same patience
Daemyra was beautiful but I don’t know how it can survive after tonight, frankly, why would it?
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fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me
thank you, HBO for fucking up with this so I can keep my spine straight before SNOW and the shit that is gonna hit that fan, I say this wholeheartedly, you better not involve my darling Sophie/Sansa into that because you clearly don’t deserve the people’s good graces and our love for the universe, GRRM has straight up abandoned the books and you can’t possibly deliver a fucking justified result from the source material
I am done with canon once again
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rebelcaptain4life · 2 years
The Rookie 4x01
Sooo many thoughts and even more tears. So imma just go through everything here I guess
Grey dealing with what happened 😭 grieving Jackson, but also needing to get Angela back. Grappling with sending in the rest of his team and potentially getting them killed, too, or waiting until they're sure the area is clear but waisting precious time
Jackson 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
Can't believe they all just had to watch their friend get killed like that 😔
"I lost a kid who's like a son to me" GREY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
"to show that we're not in America but in a third world country, we're gonna apply a beige filter to make everything look dusty" 🤡
I know Alyssa's just acting but I wonder what effect, if any, pretending to be in these stressful situations has on her real baby lol
Lucy is so smart, I won't stop saying it. She figured out why Lopez would be taken and still alive
"Sir, we'll come up with a plan, it's not all on you" 😭😭😔😭😔 Grey has so much weight on his shoulders, he's the leader, he has to figure out what to do on top of his grief and worry. Nice moment of Tim telling him he's not alone
Bro seriously why did Nolan just ditch Lucy. I know it was for the Chenford but like they're supposed to be so close??? Also "you shouldn't be alone right now" again love the Chenford but what about Tamara??? Poor girl is also gonna be alone in that empty house
Ah so this is how Elijah came into the fold
*ehhem* AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED come on I'm sure you can both fit
That hug uhhh 👀👀👀 coming from S5, if the writers weren't setting up Chenford before (ie in the end of s3) they definitely were now
My personal speculation for what would've happened if Tim didn't get the phone call is a lot more angst and hurt/comfort. Like they whole point of her being there is to not be alone, but she's alone on that couch. I just picture Lucy going to Tim and breaking down sobbing. Tim holds her as long as she needs, until she falls asleep 🥲
LAPD doesn't have an air force but could Wesley borrow a private jet or something...?
I know it's not a great moment to acknowledge Nolan finished his training but I think it added some levity to a really dark episode, and also gave the team some much needed positivity
Noooo Lucy freaking out that maybe Gray was shot too cuz he wasn't answering 😭😭😭😭 NOT GREY GIVING HER THE SIDE EYE FOR IT poor girl just lost her bff to this guy 😭😭😭
Jackson's room😭😭😭😭😭
Didn't think Wesley had all this in him ngl 👏
Angela taking down a bad guy while in labour, so badass
"How do you feel about running" "IM IN LABOUR" can't Tim just carry her or something???
Angela looking around at her found family 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and the missing place where Jackson should've been 😭😭😭
Angela talking to Jackson 😭😭😭😭
Again coming from S5, I know the baby's name is Jackson but hearing it said in this episode, when it was the first time, is so special 😭😭😭
Btw when did Angela and Wesley officially get married?
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thelost-in-time · 9 months
I don't write anymore though bc I lost motivation and I'm busy trying to get my average back up to a 95% for gold honor roll 🤓☝️
Understandable honestly. But also that also strengthens the point too? Like you have to focus on grades (which is a good thing ahe I hope you manage to get your average up to where you want it 🫶), and that's like one of the things that happen irl?
But also, I think sometimes school does also kill the creative juices 😭
Btw I've got a mini rant in the tiny text, so just a heads up, might delete the mini rant when I'm calm again.
Like for me personally was last year when I had work and stuff and I still had people in my inboxes like "When's this coming out? When's that coming out?" And I'm pretty sure I had in my rules that I do in fact have a life and cannot write stories all the time. And that just demotivated me so much because there was such a rush and high demand for fics and not enough reblogs and other interactions. Like even with my blog, people only came to my inbox to ask about fics and not interact with me as a person, which got really frustrating and kinda in a way invalidating because een though I was going through stuff, it felt like all people cared about were the fics. I'm not saying I expect people to come to me and ask if I'm okay and blah blah blah, but it would have been nice to have interactions since it felt like I was just a free labour writing machine to everyone. I didn't want to beg for interactions, but that's what I ended up doing, only to stay stuck in the empty void because readers want their content for a simple like and not sharing it. And another thing is that I wanted to do something nice and make people happy through my fics, but not lose my sanity doing so. I used to love writing, but after all this it just pushed me so far away from writing that what used to be my biggest comfort feels like a heavy burden on me.
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Hey, could I request a part two of ‘make sure you’re treated right’ (of which was great btw 😁), based after the war when Sybil returns with Tom to have their baby at Downtown after trouble in Ireland. Perhaps after the war reader worked as a nurse full time at the village hospital (seeing as Sybil left with Tom, reader was no longer needed as her lady’s maid, though the two kept in contact as they were good friends) and is sent for when Sybil goes into labour, she helps with the birth and is there when Sybil’s health takes a turn for the worst.
In the end reader seeks comfort from her brother, having lost her best friend and feeling as though she had nothing keeping her at Downton. Perhaps she doesn’t want to leave because she doesn’t want to leave Thomas alone, though he encourages her to leave and make a life for herself, perhaps find work as a nurse elsewhere where she will feel more useful (maybe she thinks she has outgrown the hospital in the village and wants to put her talents to good use — maybe she also feels as if she failed Sybil by not being able to save her friend and cannot bare to live/work there any longer).
Do n’t worry if not! Love your work! Xx
Hiya unfortunately I can’t write this, I know it’s part of the show but I’m just not comfortable writing a death like Sybil’s or writing about birth
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19 Days Chapter 369 Recap
Ok here it is. Better late than never. Sorry for my mediocre English. No native speaker here. 
Sooo this chapter was epic and I’m sure it will lead to some huge development for Tianshan! I’ve read it like 20 times already and I’m always discovering new little things. Every panel is important and has a meaning. Well since I have all these thoughts in my mind why not share them with all of you. So let's go. (Starting with trivia but getting to the good stuff later)
Ok I know its petty but… (whyever is this bothering me?!?) 
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Everyone who has been near such a huge fire before knows this…but you can’t stand that near to a fire (especially if a fire accelerant was used). It’s hot as hell believe me. And really nobody else noticed a fire?! No fire department on duty tonight? It probably was burning for quit a while. Also…
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Please please PLEASE Mo get a medical check up! Biting someone is dangerous. You can get a lot of bad shit from something like that. Who knows what diseases SL has.
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I think the reason Mo is so hellbent on recovering his school bag from the beginning is the earrings. Not his school books or his bag. Not his phone. No. The earrings HT gifted him. The earrings Mo demanded from TH. That’s the reason we as the readers where shown that the earrings were in his bag. But that also means Mo consciously carried them around. He was aware. Facing the possibility of losing all his possessions the only thing he wants to save are these earrings and it's the only thing he really does save in the end. I’d also like to point out that SL apparently doesn’t get that at all. Not so much alike now, are you?
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Mo is furious. I love how he at long last stands up for himself. Don’t get me wrong. Violence is not the right way in reality. It's not cool. Violent means will never be justified by anything. But this is fiction. And Mo needed to liberate himself from SL, he needed to stand up for himself, to not obey and bow down to SL. Until now Mo always fled, he avoided and dodged SL and his problems. But here he faced them head on bearing the consequences with his head held high.
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Why were we shown this blow so explicitly?! That’s kinda scary. A concussion maybe? Hopefully it was just meant to emphasize their fight. Also I want to scream! Such cowards! Three against one. SL and his gang have no redeeming qualities!
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This is such an important scene. That’s what it’s all about. Mo and SL are alike, Mo and HT are not. SL has told HT the same thing some chapters ago. Mo and HT live in different worlds. HT is well liked. He is a model student, he is popular with his peers, the relationship to his family is complicated at best and broken at worst. Money is no issue for him. He has no idea what things are worth, what labour is worth. That’s no doubt the reason why he asked bosslady how much Mo earned. Because he has no idea about these kind of things. And it was obviously quite a harsh reality check. Mo is different in every way. That’s a reality. Mo knows that. HT knows that too. But here’s the thing, it’s not important at all. Because all that will never change what they mean to each other despite their differences. And I have a feeling that even those two mules are starting to get that.
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The aftermath. God, Mo let someone (preferably HT) help you please? What did that psychopath SL do to you?? Mo’s cleaning the earrings. One of them is obviously broken. The pin is disjointed. Who knows if they can be repaired. Mo saved them anyway. He reached into the fire (that surely hurt like hell) to secure them. He looks like shit, covered in blood and mud and still he’s cleaning the earrings first. It’s so sad and tragic but the fish is probably dead in the bag (FYI: I don’t know how it happened but a lot of people think that the fish is missing after the fight. That’s wrong. It’s still present in the original art. You can check on OX weibo)
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It breaks my heart. I’m convinced this is the turning point in their relationship. This is their moment of truth. What will happen? How will they move forward from here on out? HT couldn’t protect what he wanted to keep safe the most. Mo feels lost, hopeless and like a failure? What happens next will determine their future path together.
It’s so painful how much this reminds me of that scene. (Btw another big turning point of the story)
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My (most likely totally wrong) predictions for the next chapter:
We will see it pretty soon. This weekend (please!).
HT will lose his cool. I expect raging anger or tears or both.
Mo will try to calm HT down by touching him (on his arm or face).
They will kiss and live happily ever after.
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jayvikbrainrot · 3 years
I have no clue if you like other peoples au ideas, but I’ve had an arcane/Jayvik au for the longest time. This is a long message btw.
Basically, Piltover gives Zaun their independance years earlier, like before the Vander/Silco betrayal, but also basically stops Zaunites from coming into Piltover. This changes a few things. For example, Vander and Silco no longer fight each other, the kids never get to Jayces apartment, and Viktor never goes to the academy. Because of this, and Viktor’s character, he kind of lives with Singed or in the library until he’s 14, where he encounters the kids, maybe helps them with an injury (he knows from reading or his own injuries) and gets adopted into the last drop. He becomes the sort of mechanic/doctor of the main area in Zaun, and because it’s impossible for me to do angst, he can make augmentations, although they are lesser quality. He gets 4 younger siblings and two dads who show him how to interact with the barons and be better at politics/public speaking.
Meanwhile, in Piltover, they basically lost all they labour and, when one of them finds Jayce’s experiments, skip over the whole ‘illegal’ part because, for the city of progress, they aren’t really progressing, but Jayce can’t figure out this one problem with Hextech. In an effort, they print pages of the calculations in newspapers and ask anyone who can understand them to come forward to the counsel. No one in Piltover can, but once it leaks to Zaun, Vander and co realise that, yeah, the super smart guy who’s basically been giving them healthcare and also revolutionised the industrial industry could probably do it. Just the first meeting being Jayce and the council seeing this small, scrawny Zaunite completely fix their problem while subtly insulting them, Jayce immediately wants him on the project, refuses any other appointments, that’s it for him. Also, more Zaunite Viktor, (possibly tattooed? Fashion?) is my jam.
Ahhhh yeah!!! Oh I love this, yes please send me things lol!
Yes I honestly love the AU's that have Viktor mentoring Powder which feels like would fit right in here. Heck even Vi could teach him some self defensive moves.
If we're really talking about Viktor making improvements, I feel like I read somewhere that Viktor started out making air filters for Zaun factories? Not sure how canon that is but I like that idea, it's possible that without Piltover, Viktor, Vander, and Silco go through and make sweeping changes to how these factories operate and Silco starts renegotiating contracts. Which could get Piltover's attention. I mean could you imagine some sort of gala where titans of industry are invited. Vander has his hellion kids in tow for getting free food, and Silco and Viktor walk in, Silco sees Jayce across the room, whispers something to Viktor behind his hand and they both laugh.
And Jayce watches all this and just Kill Bill Sirens. XDDD
Also yes Viktor TATTOOS I would go feral!
(Also I never reallllly talk about this because this is a Jayvik blog, but I would love to see Viktor and Silco interact. I really think he would foster Viktor's talents and teach him how to take charge of a room. Like I can't imagine in canon Silco's eye doesn't have some degree of blindness or light sensitivity, but like the way he wields himself makes you feel that he no weaknesses. Just a hyper confident Viktor would be a force to be reckoned with.)
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losthelove · 3 years
WIP Challenge
Thanks for tagging me @de-sire-blog​ - since I’ve got nothing better to do with my time there you go, babes ♥️
WIP Challenge 😁❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤😁🤩🤩 Rules: tell us the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them. Then tag five other writers.
I just want to preface this by saying that I’ve got about 10 WIPs (yes, I am that much of a mess) but I’ll only list the ones I’ll actually see myself finishing one day ✌🏼
“About trains, babies, and handsome strangers”: Remus travels home from two stressful weeks at his parent’s home and Sirius has to come home early from his vacation because Lily’s in labour. They are the only two people in their train compartment and when the train gets stuck due to bad weather they end up keeping each other awake through the night (and fall in love, obviously). - Idk, something about me romanticising long train rides maybe? But I also kinda love it because it’s love on first sight shit and they’ve got a *really* cute bonding moment when Harry’s born. (It’s actually planned as more of a one shot but I’ve got too many ideas for this already so we’ll see)
“Farm story” - this story has no title yet but a summary actually: Remus has no time. Remus has no time for anything but the farm he inherited when both of his parents died five years ago. He has no time to do the groceries, he has no time to go out with friends, he has no time to sleep in in the mornings. Worst of all, he has no time for Sirius Black, the over-ambitious accountant who‘s supposed to help him with the finances of the farm, who‘s the most gorgeous man Remus has ever seen, whose eyes are so distracting Remus gets lost in them. But Remus has no time. No time to fall in love. - Something about the idea of Remus owning a farm and lots of animals and being all soft just does things to me! Also, Sirius is enamoured from minute one and Remus is completely oblivious to it.
"The beginning of summer": Meet-cute in a museum, Remus is a teacher and Sirius is a museum attendant. They both do ridiculously stupid things to see each other again while both claiming that they "don't actually believe in love". - Needless to say they're both huge liars :))) Probably the most "poetic" story I have planned because *lots* of talking about flowers and the meaning of life (that's why I never actually write anything for this story, welp)
"Parenty story" - no title but a summary (again :D): When Remus meets Sirius for the first time he’s sure that falling in love again might just be easier than he thought it would be. The only problem: Sirius is Teddy’s teacher and there is no way Remus can date his child’s teacher, except, Teddy doesn’t really agree. - Okay, this is the story that I probably enjoy the most writing on because it involves a lot of humour and many, many fatherly thought's from Remus's side (Dora's dead btw but Remus is not sad about it (anymore), lol), I love the father-child-relationship in this one (something about the childhood I wish I would've had, whaaaat? :)))) It includes a lot of pining because Remus himself is his biggest obstacle, as always :D (Oh, also #gayauntmarlene because she is my biggest inspiration 💅🏼)
"The seven-year itch" - okay, this is my baby actually and that's why I almost never write anything for it because I don't want to fuck it up (although I basically have the whole story mapped out) and here's what it's about (very roughly) because I'm shit at describing this particular one: Basically, Sirius and Remus fell hopelessely in love in boarding school. Through *circumstances* they haven't seen each other again after graduating and meet again 7 years later when Remus and Dora want to have their wedding in Sirius's hotel. Needless to say they're both still absolutely in love with each other. - The Drama and The Feels in this one, unmatched! I mean, Sirius has to plan the literal wedding of the love of his life, which is mean, I know, but, again, the FEELS!! This Fic is soulmate shit and one day I will actually finish it and it will (hopefully) be great :D Also, it's slightly self-indulgent because I love weddings just that much and there's a lot of wedding-planning involved 🔥
"Midnight tea" - okay, haha, last one, this one's a TextingFic and honestly it was a rather dumb idea of mine that turned into this bigger (although not very deep) thing, yeah, it's the story I'm writing on whenever I can't form a coherent thought (or when I'm too lazy writing all the descriptive stuff because I *love* writing dialogue) and here's the summary: Remus has a boyfriend. Sirius says he's straight. James is a big himbo. Lily doesn't like him. Marlene likes women, especially Dorcas. Peter is being Peter. What could possibly go wrong? - This Fic is such a mess because I have so many random ideas for it.
Anyway, that's it! None of those stories are originial and they all have the same theme which is #boysbeingsoft, also, fun fact: Lily has healthy amounts of main character moments in *all* of those Fics because I love her just that much💅🏼
I don't know 5 other writers actually, so, everyone reading this, consider yourself tagged :D
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paynnincorporated · 3 years
All this musing about how much Word needed Zulay and the Dragon Eyes post exile for both company and villainy is making her death in canon even more tragic istg. These were their evil plans for the world. Her passing probably really fucked up Word from really being able to carry out his dragon human war plans until a little later.
Anyway, some extra headcanons on Word + my ideas on reworking his character no one asked for but will get anyway:
His clawed hand is a prosthetic, after his hand got blasted to bits from Zulay’s accident. (This is canon btw) Someone else had the headcanon that he also lost his hearing due to the blast, resulting in the crown being some fancy hearing aid.
Since the show’s not suuuper clear on wtf Word’s actual motive is for a DH war, I’m going to chalk it up as purely an innocent accident. Made a comic for this, but retconning that haha.
Zulay’s accident traumatised Word into being paranoid about untested/experimental gear. Funnily enough, Paynn Inc gear undergoes the most rigorous safety tests out of the Big 3 companies (Saurcom, Leviacorp, Reptilico), and is one of the most reliable and safe on the streets. In Changelings, Moordryd stealing his gear probably led to a looooooooot of offscreen panic and rebuke.
Some more angst is that he doesn’t deal with grime/mess on himself very well (Having your wife and her dragon’s remains blasted onto you will do that). Also that he doesn’t take medium/raw meat very well, the bloody taste reminds him a little too much about the accident.
Let’s not make him cartoonishly terrible to Moordryd, even downright physically abusive. My characterisation of Word is that he cares and tries to be a better parent. Moordryd is his only son and reminder of Zulay. Dude wanted a kid, and they were going to have this empire to themselves until tragedy struck. Turn him into the sort of evil parent that would ravage the world for his family. Does that mean he’s a good parent? Not necessarily haha. He’s still a grouch, and the two of them still yell at each other, but he makes the effort to care and show affection in his own way.
Word’s a research buff. Cue post-cult Word digging into reading and researching just to understand and fit into society better. It doesn’t work very well, and Zulay finds him to be an endearing dork. This is also the case for literally any aspect of his life lmao. Probably poured through a lot of books on pregnancy, child care and so forth when Zulay was pregnant with Moordryd. (I’ve joked about him hooking those labour simulation devices onto himself to experiment haha!) Probably attempted XYZ ways to bond with Moordryd after reading about “How to communicate and build healthy relationships with your children” and then failing many many times XD.
Post-cult Word was barely scraping by on the streets with Abandonn, the dragon he grew up with from the dragon priesthood. Dirt poor and maybe a little feral from being ditched with nothing by his supposed family, his scramble to win races is powered by his early, scrappy versions of gear.
This ultimately attracts the attention of Zulay (leader of the Dragon Eye crew) and he gets pulled under her wing. Cue some very cute shenanigans of Zulay showing him the ropes around not just surviving, but thriving, in Down City. This is a very good time for them both, with the Dragon Eyes becoming stronger under Zulay’s leadership and Word’s tech. Zulay and some of the Dragon Eyes quickly become Word’s friends (Abyll). With their backing, he sets off starting Paynn Inc.
I initially thought Word and Zulay would be more rivals to lovers but it’s honestly business partners to friends to lovers. Word didn’t really have anyone besides his dragon until Zulay, she means very much to him. Meanwhile, Zulay was probably charmed by his “innocence”, ingenuity and ambition. Who knew people with dubious morals would fit so well together?
Unfortunately, post-Zulay’s death, the leadership vacuum in the Dragon Eyes and Word’s inability to lead causes their numbers to dwindle. The crew’s initial strength diminishes great. It’s why Moordryd’s current crew is so small, it never could quite recover to its heyday when Word was at its helm. Word is secretly proud his son has his ragtag group of friends as his crew, it’s very much what Zulay had going on with the Dragon Eyes in the past.
His own past with the priests colours his want to be a better parent-ish for Moordryd. Ie. Moordryd would never not be provided for materially (Unlike Connor pft). He does forget his son’s existence at times though, when throwing himself into work/schemes. Ooft.  True abandonment is the furthest from his mind, however. (Think Wraith Booster but Word forgetting his son has white repel gear and what do you mean he’s crawled out of the safety dome-) The affection/emotional side of things is also a huge struggle.
I’m not sure about his and Zulay’s motivations for a dragon human war, but I’ll take a stab at it. Quite a bit of Word’s want for a DHW is due to the Dragon Priest’s influence. Growing up learning that war was coming what with the direction of how humanity was treating dragons, he probably thought instigating that conflict and then offering aid like some benevolent ruler would likely stop it and secure some semblance of “true” peace. Maybe the priests had him and connor grow up with abused dragons. Abandonn as Word’s main companion and the knowledge that he was mistreated made Word develop some general misanthropy. Ofc, getting together with Zulay and co who are also morally dubious, their plans leaned more towards selfish goals of power and control than peace. They do love dragons, but the ends justify the means and wraith gear is a necessary evil. *shrugs*
Maybe I shouldn’t think too deeply into these characters so much haha.
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chadgamer · 4 years
hi! im an aspiring webcomic maker and i was wondering if you had any tips? (one thing i gotta ask is abt making your own website: did you code it yourself or is that a template?). thanks in advance! devils territory rocks btw, i love ur character design
thank you!! 💚 it really means a lot to hear that people like the stuff we’re making
i’ve been really lucky to get to work with my girlfriend making this because she had years of experience drawing + writing the webcomic bad bad things before we started, so a lot of this stuff i learned from her
heres the big tips that i’ve got (mostly relevant to narrative comics cuz that’s the vast majority of what i make):
1. don’t feel like you have to plan absolutely everything out before you start. have a solid roadmap so you don’t get lost in the weeds and have a clear plan of your major plot points/character arcs/ending, but a big part of the fun of publishing a comic serially is being able to keep things spontaneous and interesting, especially for yourself. you have the freedom to take things in new directions whenever you want to, so you should embrace that and go with the flow!
2. once you’ve started publishing your comic, read it! i know a lot of authors/artists/filmmakers like to just put art out there and never revisit it, but i think it’s essential to get the audience’s perspective of your work so you can get a better idea of your best approach moving forward. art is one thing in your head and a whole other thing when you’ve actually made it, so it’s possible that characters, relationships, environments, plot points, etc may not be on the page what you imagine them as in your head. it’s a great way to see what you’re doing right and what you may need to improve on next time
3. don’t worry about making it perfect. webcomics are a time sensitive thing if you want to actually get through them to the end in your lifetime, so you’re going to have to let go of extreme perfectionism and learn to love the little flaws and errors inherent to the process. there’s a lot of earnest charm and emotional honesty that you can lose by overworking art and turning it into a flat pruned product with all the bumps smoothed out, and honestly you just don’t have time for too much polish. you’re better off in every way by learning to say “yknow what? good enough”
4. dive in and start making comics right now! there’s no amount of research and theorizing and analyzing other comics that can give you the skill that actually making comics teaches you. even if your big webcomic idea isn’t quite developed enough for you to start it, try making other smaller comics first so you can learn the ropes. you gotta get a feel for the visual storytelling and word/image dynamics essential to comics, and you can only do that through practise
in terms of websites, i’ve been all across the board with that one. originally the comic was on a smackjeeves website before they decided to no longer allow people to create custom comic pages, so we moved to our own wordpress website which i struggled with somewhat because the comic plugins available were not very user friendly. we’ve since moved to using a customized template on comic fury and i really have to recommend their platform, its got basically every tool i’ve needed or wanted so far and it’s clearly a labour of love for the people running it who are also super nice and friendly if you ever have any questions or issues. they’ve got basic templates that are easy to edit, but you can also fuck with the html as much as you want.
that’s all i’ve got for now, i hope any of this was helpful! i am by no means an expert but I’ve learned so much making devils territory and i’m very happy to share it. feel free to ignore any of this if it doesn’t vibe with you for whatever reason, because this is just what’s worked for me. good luck with your comic, and also make sure to send me a link when you start publishing it!
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nyangibun · 5 years
Do you think you could compile a list of the top worst things Dany has done? I agree that she’s the worst, but I haven’t seen a post of all her wrongdoings together. If not that’s fine, but I think a list of all her crimes and atrocities she has committed would be really handy. Thanks! xxx (BTW I LOVE YOUR BLOG)
Aww thank you sooo much!!!
Wow, omg that’s a big task but you said top worst so I’ll just list a few. 
1. Yunkai
I’m not going to touch on the visual squickiness of these scenes but know that framing a white woman being heralded around on the backs of brown people and them calling her their ‘mother’ is disgusting. Anyway, Dani may have freed the slaves at Yunkai but she left them soon after. This just demonstrates her lack of foresight. It is understandable that she’s young. All of the characters in this story have made mistakes due to naivety but even so, most acknowledge these mistakes and grow from them. With Dani, she doesn’t care and doesn’t accept that leaving Yunkai was a bad idea. It’s great to free the slaves and I commend her on that, but when you topple a slave-based economy and leave them without protection, the city will fall. Those who were slaves will starve and suffer, and in this case, be recaptured by the Wise Mastersas soon as Dani is gone. 
Although Dani burns and destroys the Wise Masters’ ships and declares Yunkai free again, she still leaves for Westeros. These cities cannot survive without a proper governmental body in place. Without one established, they return back to what they were because it is all they’ve ever known. One of Dani’s biggest failures as a leader is her inability to understand her people and how to better provide for them. 
2. Astapor
Similar to Yunkai, Dani frees the slaves and kills all of the masters without a fair trial. Once again, we’re given a glimpse to Dani’s “her justice or die” way of thinking. This becomes monumentally clear when the former slave, Fennesz, comes to her and explains that he had actually lived a good life as a teacher with his master. When Dani came, he was left homeless and starving with no income. I’m not saying Dani shouldn’t have freed the slaves but it’s not as simple as letting them go. She says she provided a barracks to food and shelter the freed slaves but Fennesz explains that if he goes there, he is unsafe. She has no foresight as to how to govern these people. Dani should have freed the slaves but she should also have learned about the culture and held a fair trial. Not all of the Masters were evil. Hizdahr zo Loraq’s father, for instance, sought to abolish slavery and yet he was murdered when Dani declared her justice on Astapor. I think the most telling was the ‘mhysa is a master’ graffiti. She removed the rule of the Masters and in its place, placed herself as the Master. Though she may be infinitely more just than most of the Masters, Dani is also not faultless and yet she believes her justice is the only way. 
Admittedly, in Astapor, Dani actually does attempt to rule. She stays there for some time, listens to complaints and even allows Fennesz to return to a labour contract with his former Master, and she reopens the fighting pit. She is learning but she is impatient. Astapor was not part of her plan. In the end, Dani’s goal has always been the Iron Throne and she leaves Astapor just like she did Yunkai. Although she leaves Daario in charge, that doesn’t really spell good tidings for the future. He has even less experience in ruling as Dani. But for her, Astapor is the past and she has outgrown it. 
3. Dani burns the Tarly’s
As Yunkai and Astapor have proven, Dani’s answer to those who refuse to comply with her is to burn them. It didn’t seem to matter as much over there because those who refused compliance were evil men (though as I have said above, that is debatable with the situation in Astapor, and a society where one ruler decides who lives or dies is not a just society no matter who is sitting on the throne). Over the course of the seasons, we have watched many different armies take prisoners and killing their prisoners off the battlegrounds is seen as a crime even by Westerosi standards. The only time an execution occurs is when someone has directly disobeyed orders given to them. Ned executing one of the Night’s Watch at the very start of the season for abandoning his post. Jon executes Janos Slynt for disobeying a direct order. Jon hangs the people who murdered him. Basically, these people already under the command of the former and their insubordination are the reason for their deaths. Prisoners of war have no such loyalty and obligation to follow the commands of their captors; therefore, them not obeying is not warranting of execution by Westerosi law. They are prisoners. Whether they’re treated well or poorly is a different matter but basically, you can’t kill them simply for being your prisoner, especially if they are noblemen from a prominent house. 
Like always, Dani has no respect for the lands she conquers and burns both the Tarly’s for refusing to bend the knee (mind you, just like Aegon the Conqueror, her ancestor). Not only is this seen in Westerosi eyes as extremely cruel, but she also does it by fire, which is even worse. Jon shoots Mance in the heart to end his suffering when he is burned at the pyre by Stannis. Being burnt alive as a death sentence is extremely cruel. 
I’d also like to point out that Stannis burns Mance because he refused to bend the knee and have the Wildlings follow suit This is seen as also extremely unjust by Jon.
4. Dani burns the food supply from the Reach
This is just plain dumb. The pyromaniacal glint in her eyes as she does it is just proof of severe lack of foresight. Dani really couldn’t have been so dumb as to not know that Winter was coming. Tyrion must’ve told her so and Jon too by that point. Food is scarce in an already war-torn Westeros and yet she burnt all the food. 
5. Dani ordering the Wight Hunt/trusting Cersei
The Wight Hunt was a complete waste of time. I don’t know if this can solely be blamed on Dani because I blame the writing for this. She lost her damn dragon because of this, and for what? She thought she could reason/trust Cersei so they could pause their war for the Iron Throne? This didn’t need to happen if Dani just forgot about that damned throne and did what was right for the people. If she was truly a just queen, she would choose the people she claims to want to rule over it. Still, I blame the writing for this. 
6. Dani’s entire conduct at Winterfell
Threatening Sansa. Suggesting her dragons will eat anything they want. Being arrogant and obnoxious in the face of the Northern houses. Trying to sentence Jaime for the crime of killing her father to stop his murderous rampage on the people of Westeros in front of said people of Westeros who some can still remember being affected by Aerys the Mad King. Literally, everything so far has been just so unbelievably shortsighted. She needs these people to support her going forward but she has done nothing to gain their approval. 
Anyway, these are all the reasons I can think off the top of my head. There are a lot more little things but I kept it to the main stuff. I also don’t know how accurate I am about the timeline of events because all of the past seasons sort of have blurred together. 
In any case, I tried lol 
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
Hakuoki Hana no Shou Yamazaki After Story Translation
My attempt at translating the 「薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章」ステラワース早期予約特典 ブロマイド  山崎烝 - Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus Yamazaki Susumu short story from Chinese to English. 
Finally got around to finishing this... and honestly, after Saito, I like Yamazaki the most (for me, hijikata is 3rd for the feels trip, kazama is 4th for the lore and angst while harada is 5th). He’s just so adorable.... and I think his route is very sweet. Also I love how Shimada is when watching Yamazaki and Chizuru lol. 
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^pic is me wanting to post this for no real reason aside from it being cute.
Anyway here’s my last post of the month so if you can, support me on ko-fi here plz~ https://ko-fi.com/V7V2W0HO also check out my “stuff i’m looking for list” if you own any cds since i am missing audio for a number of dramas i have Chinese translations for....
oh, and happy labour day weekend (well, to those that it applies to). Still really busy rn btw....
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Stellaworth Early Reservation Bonus Yamazaki Susumu After Story
Translation by KumoriYami
Yamazaki Susumu who had served as a member of the Shinsengumi's Watch/been a member of the Watch as part of the Shinsengumi for a long period of time, had been a doctor at the Yukimura clinic for half a year. And during one night——
Yamazaki, who was left alone in the clinic, heard/sensed a door open behind him.
Looking back, standing there was his beloved wife —— Yukimura Chizuru.
"Do you want to take a break? Last night you were also reading late....
Her large eyes were full of anxiety. She looked very worried about Yamazaki.
Although he was very grateful for her taking care of him...
"Now isn't the time to sleep, I still need to remember the basics of LanXue/Western studies as quickly as possible, and I won't feel sleep at night.
[I left the term Lan Xue "蘭學” here since I'm not entirely sure of my interpretation of the phrase and put in "Western studies" since I recall that term from the game... which kinda seems to fit? Anyway, according to Wikipedia that was put through google translate, Lan Xue "refers to the Japanese Edo period by the Dutch incoming general term for Japanese academic, cultural, technological, academic literally Netherlands, the idea could be interpreted as the Western academic (referred to as oceanography ). Lanxue is a kind of learning developed by the Japanese through exchanges with the people of the island. Lanxue allowed the Japanese to understand Western technology and medicine during the period of the Edo Shogunate policy (1641-1853)." This was taken directly from from https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/蘭學.]
Yamazaki knows well that the books/studies he needs for the future will not be about Chinese medicine and acupuncture, but rather Western medicine based on LanXue/Western studies.
That said, it's not easy to understand the literature/words of a foreign country, so it is necessary to decrease [the time spent] resting to learn/study.
Chizuru, she should understand his way of thinking——.
"Please rest today."
Her admonishing tone in her speech left Yamazaki at a loss/ perplexed Yamazaki..
".....What’s going on? You wouldn't normally say that, would you?"
Her expression sank for a bit. Finally, she spoke....
"I think Susumu-san is as if he were back in the past, and I can't help but feel uneasy."
"In the past... like that?"
"Yes. Not only do you stay awake at night and give me the feeling that you were always fighting for the Shinsengumi... [it] felt that [you] were eager to die."
Hearing such an accusation without warning, Yamazaki could not say a second sentence.
However ——.
(Since I was watching my Chizuru all the time, there shouldn't be anything wrong/things should be okay) [says 我的千鶴 which is my Chizuru]
Looking back at his actions in the past months, Yamazaki deeply reflected on himself/his actions.
“Sorry, I worried you. However I'm definitely not in a hurry to die...."
His words stopped half-way. Chizuru (then) urged/pressed him [to continue] as she tilted her head.
What he said afterwards was really embarrassing, but if he didn't speak, he wouldn't be able to eliminate/dispel her worries/concerns.
"Do you remember the other day when Ibuki's wife brought their child over to play?"
"Yes, I remember it well. That child is very like his mother, truly cute/adorable."
"Seeing that child, I though: I can't allow these children to die before they grow up."
Although not all Western culture was good, he believed that Western medicine at least could help many people suffering from diseases.
Chizuru's eyes were full of admiration.
Then, she squinted her eyes and smiled.
"I think it's a very good idea. I also want to help my husband Susumu-san."
"Ye, yes...."
She spoke so bluntly, Yamazaki couldn't help but be confused and realized he could not remain calm.
When he heard this sentence (alt: these words) from Chizuru's lips [says mouth but I think it sounds better this way], he thought - it's truly wonderful that I chose her (alt: this might say - it's truly wonderful that she chose him) [this part of the sentence lacks pronouns... so it can be technically can be interpreted 2 ways].  
"But today please rest. It's not easy to get used to getting up in the morning and sleeping at night.... and lack of sleep can cause a misdiagnosis.
In actuality, he wanted to read more tonight....
“I know, today I will listen to you.  After all, when it comes to Western medicine, you are (my) senpai/predecessor.”
Yamazaki said that as he looked [alt: gestured, though i’m not entirely sure here] over the books.
"No, how can I be your senpai/predecessor...! I have nothing to teach Susumu-san."
"Don't be so humble. I was helped a lot by you when studying/learning Western studies.”
It's the truth, but to Chizuru, it was a very embarrassing compliment.
When he cleaned up his disk, Yamazaki thought of something.
“Speaking of which/by the way, we were just talking about Ibuki's child...”
"Yes. He is a very lovely child."
"Ah, yes.... ah. But, uh...."
Yamazaki was unable to truthfully speak about what he wanted to talk about, thus he hesitated.
Confused by his appearance, Chizuru blinked and asked.
"What's wrong? Is there something that you're worried/concerned about?"
"No, it's not...."
If spoken, would she misunderstand? This doubt kept Yamazaki quiet.
"If you want to say something, please speak. I want to know what you are thinking."
Having been urged by her, Yamazaki made up his mind to speak his thoughts.
"That.... I want/think (that) we should really consider it....."
"Consider, yes —— "
Because there wasn't an immediate indication of understanding what it meant, Chizuru looked/seemed lost for a while, then....
When she understood what Yamazaki wanted to say, her face was flushed. . “Oh, no! I don't mean to force you! Because it's an important time, and it's not too late to think about it before the clinic is developed.....!”
As he explained  in a panic, Chizuru spoke up.
".......I will think about it."
Her ears were red. After that, she stood up and left the study.
Only Yamazaki was left in the room.
(She said 【will consider】 does that mean....)
She is willing? Or does that mean she doesn't agree?
After that, no matter how he asked again, he did not get a clear response causing Yamazaki to spend countless nights in anguish. [:3 fufufu lol]
cyar all next month... still busy rn.... only 3 (harada, souji, heisuke) of these short stories are left from what I have been able to find... 
anyvey, i had to go and bawl my eyes out (not really, but i mean it figuratively, lol) since I finally got around to watching the Shitan Kazama-hen musical.... As a result of that, I’m now super motivated to work on my song transpositions from the original one.... as my motivation for doing arrangements was more than  dead once i lost my work since timing is seriously my bane when working on any music stuff... so hopefully i’ll be able to finish something within the next month.
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